Ugly Biography 30

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »    Chapter 30     :     Sending Fish          

After the crowd left, Chou-Gu licked up the good things and went to sleep with the younger brothers. Today, I was busy in the middle of the night, and the two children were scared, and she did not dare to let them sleep.
The family of the big river who came home did not fall asleep.
Dahe was determined to educate his sons. Not only did they beat the night after returning, but they were not allowed to eat the next day. And said   :   "If you don't want to go through this house, you will go with your mother, and you will not enter the village afterwards. It is not my family."
The children were frightened, and Wang-Aunt was frightened. Not only did they have a fight, but they were still hungry for two days. After the grandeur of the river’s family was fully opened, the mother and son were scared and they said Don't dare. Moreover, they started to go door-to-door in the village and sent them to the Chou-Gu home. The people in the village are staring at it. One month later, Wang-Aunt and her few sons have been given up.
Since then, I have never dared to make a bad in the village, and I dare not be lazy to work. Later, they had a good home, but this was followed, and when it was mentioned, it was later said that Chou-Gu was defeated. Otherwise, Wang-Aunt and a few sons, if they continue, the village also has a headache.
The final result of this incident is that Chou-Gu got about 30 pounds of food, and also eliminated the chance of being bullied and stolen by others. For her, I am very satisfied with this result. As for Wang-Aunt and her sons, she believes that a month's punishment will always make them happy. As for not getting better, it is not something she should care about. After all, she can't even care about her own family.
However, the next morning, Chou-Gu watched her home ruining more than half of the vegetable garden, her heart was bleeding. No such dishes, although this month's dishes have come. But what should I do in the future, and her family has to supply Ning-Er home to eat. She is also prepared to get more chili sauce and pickles. All of a sudden all the soup.
Fortunately, she still has a few old pumpkins and big winter melons in her yard. It is a preserved dish. And some time ago, she had already made a small jar of chili sauce, cucumber, sour bean, and dried beans. Otherwise, the dishes that are delivered every day are only enough for the day to eat, and there is no pickle at all. The days without vegetables can be sad.
After breakfast, Chou-Gu took the Minger to clean up the vegetable garden and cleaned up the destroyed vine stems. The last remaining fish were five peppers, three eggplants, beans and loofah. There are also two. The onions and leeks are still relatively well preserved, and the rest are all finished. Just like this, barely let them have a bit of food to eat a few days later. It is also a comfort.
"That's it." Minger said with a sad face. It is obviously a garden dish, it is empty now, only a little bit left.
"Chou-Gu, Minger." The ‘Call of Ning-Er came from the door.
"We are in the vegetable garden," Chou-Gu replied.
"What's the matter?" Ning-Er was surprised to see Chou-Gu digging a lot of vines that could still be fruitful. The garden was empty and very puzzled.
"Oh, don't mention it. Last night, someone came to give us all the food gardens. It's useless." Chou-Gu said irritably.
"They are so good, even if they steal the dishes of the family, they will all be harmed." Minger wiped the tears and said.
"Chou-Gu, you have to clean up the two fish first, let's help you dig the garden," Ning-Er said.
"Okay, thank you." Chou-Gu is also unpretentious. There is a pillar of this strong workforce, and she and her children are not digging. Digging the ground can be a heavy physical activity.
Seeing the fish in the raft at the door, Chou-Gu was shocked and said, "Where is this big fish coming from?" At least four or five pounds, it is still fresh, not dead. Throughout.
"Isn't it raining the first two days? The fish in the river behind my house are all floating up. We have fished a few, and we have sent two of them to your home when you can't finish it," Ning-Er said.
Behind his house, there is also a small river ditch. Usually, the water is not big and the fish is small. But the weather was very hot for a while, then it rained heavily, the water in the river ditch rose up, and I didn't know where to come from some big fish, and they all floated up.
The pillar is a stupid and bold, but the eye is strong, and he will still have water, but he can not afford to fish. They have already marinated several fish in their homes. When they went out, there were still a few fish masters waiting to be dealt with. Of course, he also let the Master go to the village to send fish to several families.
Chou-Gu was very happy to get two big fish, and quickly went to deal with it. She left the fish oil and the intestines and the internal organs, and carefully cleaned it.
Ning-Er looked at her handling the fish and asked her about her garden. Seeing that she left these things, the incomprehensible question   :   "What are these left to do?"
"Eat, these white ones are all oils. They are refined in the pot and can be eaten as oil. And the fish intestines are also very good," Chou-Gu said.
"This way, our family has lost all of this." Ning-Er regretted.
However, when they came out, when they went out, there were two big fish left. The Master didn’t have time to handle it. He couldn’t take care of the other ones. He quickly took the post and went home. You can’t let the Master throw these things away. . His family is also lacking in oil and water.
"Don't go busy, take two melons and pumpkins to go." Chou-Gu said, and put some of the smashed, and not grown eggplants, cucumber green peppers, etc. that were collected today. He loaded some.
"You haven't eaten at home, what do you give us?" Ning-Er refused.
"I don't want them to give us food for a month? After a month, other dishes are about to grow up. Oh, yes, if you can get big fish, go to your village and change ten pounds." Jinhua red pepper, take it over and help me to make a sauce. When I was preparing to dipping sauce, I prepared a jar for you. Now we are not enough," Chou-Gu said.
"That. I will go back with the pillars and wait until tomorrow to come back to your house to dig the garden. Don't do it yourself." Ning-Er confessed, hurried home with the dishes and the pillars.
In the moment when Chou-Gu cleaned up the fish, the pillars had been dug out. Chou-Gu first planted some vegetable seeds on this land, and it didn't matter whether it was right or not in the season. Anyway, in modern times, many vegetables were not planted in greenhouses for two seasons, such as eggplant, pepper, cucumber and cucumber. Yes, there are early and late. I had eaten in the early four or five months, and I still had to eat it in late October. The family members are called autumn eggplant or something.
Therefore, she planted two rows of peppers, one row of eggplant, and ten cucumber seeds. If these can be the result, there will be fresh vegetables in the fall, and there is no way to stop.
Two big fish, Chou-Gu, smashed the fish head, the fish tail and the fish bones, and kept them for today. All the other good fish are cut into small pieces and marinated, and slowly eaten.
After the fish's internal organs were cleaned, the water was drained, and a little bit of oil was put in the pot. Then the fish intestines and fish oil were put into the small fire and slowly squatting. The fish was fat and the oil and water were quite adequate. A small pot of oil came out, but the fish oil was awkward and not as good as lard.
After the pure oil, there are still a lot of intestines and other things left in the pot, and there are still a lot of oil. Chou-Gu throws the fish head fish tail into the pot, fried on both sides, and then added a few and a half. The red pepper that is not red, a spicy scent comes out, and the original fishy smell is expelled. Then, she grabbed a handful of capers from the jar, washed it, shred it, threw it into the pot, added a scoop of water, and started cooking. When she was cooked, she added some eggplant, cucumber, and finally added a large amount of onion, and she got a pot and stewed a small bowl.
This pot of fish is fragrant and fresh, making Ming and the younger brother drool. Chou-Gu left a little while to eat at night, and the rest of the big half of the pot came out.
Chou-Gu, because of the thief, their mother also gave a force. When eating, they specially assigned a fish head and a few fish chops to their mothers, and put those fish intestines, etc. The inside is carefully picked out. She thought that the woman should not eat these internal organs. Ning-Er does not know that it can be eaten, and large families must not eat.
Sure enough, her mother saw the dish that was given to her, and she did not show a disgusted expression. Sometimes, she really can't look at her eyes, and the expression will be very obvious. But now this is the case at home, and it is good to have something to eat. So even if she doesn't like it very much, she can only endure it. Otherwise you have to go hungry.
The three brothers and sisters sat together and started eating with half a bowl of fish soup. Chou-Gu picks the tender meat of the fisheye to the younger brother. The younger brother is still young. He is not very likely to eat fish himself. He dare not give him a stinging place.
"It's still a big fish." Minger said while eating.
This big fish, full of oil and water, Chou-Gu cooking itself is good, although the lack of spices, but the taste is really good. A few people burst into the wind, and all the dishes on the table were eaten up, and each one ate a round belly.
"That is, the most important thing is that the big fish is full of water." Chou-Gu said that she also ate well this meal, and was very satisfied, and the home had more than half of the bowl of oil to make it.
Cooking is not oily, and telling the truth is really hard to die. If she is not afraid of starvation, she will not eat. Although the fish oil has a heavier taste, there are spices such as peppers and onions, which can still solve this problem. And she doesn't eat oil for a long time, she will feel unbearable.

Always busy until the evening, Chou-Gu and Minger still managed to dig out, mainly for a variety of dishes. You can eat fresh vegetables one day in the morning. This time she planted some green cabbage seeds and some radish seeds. She remembers that radish seedlings can also be eaten, especially the seedlings of this small carrot, which tastes very good. Even if the time is not right, you can't grow radish, only long seedlings can eat.
The next day, Ning-Er and the pillars came back, but it was only at noon, and it was really like Chou-Gu said that I had a red pepper. About twenty pounds are heavy.
"You see so much, can't you? Not enough, I will go to the village to change some more tomorrow." Ning-Er asked.
"Almost, you can still get the fish, can you find a fish nest?" Chou-Gu asked in surprise.
"I don't know if I can't get it. If I get it, I will change it. Otherwise, just change something else." Ning-Er.
He is also embarrassed that his family is fishing and eating alone, because these fish are obviously foreign. He has told the people in the village today that people from a village have gathered in the small river ditch behind their home to fish. Who knows if you can get it tomorrow.
"It doesn't have to be replaced with peppers. If possible, you'd better find someone to change one or two hens to lay eggs. You can also add some eggs to eat." Chou-Gu reminded him.
Ning-Er nodded. He didn't come over during this time, mainly because the pillars and grandsons were carrying Ma Tiantian to work. At home, he is helping to cook and do logistics. He cooked for the first time, but the taste was better than the pillars. Master did not allow him to do this work, and this time it is not good to object. Moreover, he and the two pillars went out to work in the early days, and they were really tired. They didn't have the physical strength to worry about these hearts.
"Do you have a family to go out to work?" Chou-Gu asked as he peppered.
"Go. I also made some food back." Ning-Er said that there was a clear happiness in the tone, and obviously the harvest was good.
During this time, Master took the pillars and horses to finish the work in the village, and went to the outer village to find a big family to work for a few days. He lived directly in other people homes. After five days, he came back. Of course, He was quite rich, and he was loaded with a large bag of food. He also got a liter of soybeans, which he said was specially for their family.
The main family is generous, and this is also because they count three yuan in total. Moreover, the pillars are extremely powerful, and it is not a problem for the horse to smash four or five hundred kilograms. With their grandsons working, the main family took the food back two days in advance.
Just in time to collect all the food before the heavy rain, otherwise, some food will not be returned. The main house is in a good mood, and the wages given are generous. And also said to the Master, "You will come back to work next year, I will give you the price today."
"That's good, let's come back next year." Master smiled and agreed.
With this long-term job, after a few days, there will be a month's ration, which is much higher than the income in the village. In the first year, the people in the village did it, and the Master still gave everyone some cheap. The people in Ningjia Village are the same as those in Jiangwu Village, and some people just want to take advantage of it. If the Master doesn't care, he will not give half less.
However, most people still calculate the normal price. After all, the Master said, only two half-work. Not counting three jobs. In fact, it is normal for them to count three jobs with their horses.
Besides, the Master has dealt with many officials in the capital, and naturally there are still some wrists. It is not a problem to deal with some farmers who have no knowledge.
"That's good. I also made some food back during this time." Chou-Gu thought of the food he earned, and his mood improved.
Ning-Er and Chou-Gu are talking about gossip while cleaning the peppers.
“Why did they ruin your garden?” Ning-Er asked.
Yesterday I only mentioned a few words, but I didn’t have time to ask. He saw that the Cour-Gu home garden was so bad that it was very painful. And he is also afraid that others will not only want to do this bad thing, but also more to harm Chou-Gu.
Chou-Gu sighed helplessly and said   :   "If you say it, you hate it. If you don't have a home, you don't want someone else home."
"What is the final treatment? It is difficult for you to let them bully." Ning-Er asked, he had to know the detailed process before he could give advice to Chou-Gu.
Chou-Gu carefully said it again and finally said   :   "Don't worry, there are people in the village who stare at their homes for a month. I don't believe they can't be twisted."
The rest of the sentence, she did not say anything, even if it is not twisted, I also achieved the goal. She did this not to eat a month's worth of food. In fact, at this time, I can find some wild vegetables to eat, plus some pickles at home, and it is no problem to deal with it for a month. She mainly wants to let the whole village be taught. Don't look at Wang-Aunt mother and son to go to other people homes every day to discuss food, others will teach them a few words. In fact, the people in the village, at least this month will not forget what happened in their home, is her real purpose.
Some people have said that it is a good habit to develop in twenty days. For a month, let them ask for food in the village every day, say good things, be educated by others, and have to be beaten and forced to work. She believes that it will be effective.
Chou-Gu is just to make their family not bullied. As long as others don't bully, she will be a good old man. She believes that after this out, those in the village who are guilty of deception should measure their abilities. Like the idiot of Wang-Aunt, it is still bad outside, so good to deal with, most afraid of the kind of person who specializes in making bad in the dark. In doing so, she can be beaten by Wang-Aunt.
Ning-Er listened to it one by one, admire and laughed and said   :   "It is indeed a good way. At least the whole village knows her bad heart, and there will be something in the future. Others will naturally go to her head." ""
"She, such a person, does not give her a bite to eat, does not know the fear and convergence. This time took his family 30 pounds of food, but also let her almost be taken off, but also have a month to discuss dishes She should remember the lesson." Chou-Gu answered.
Thirty pounds of grain really makes Wang-Aunt feel bad. Their family is poor, it is not bad to be able to mix half a full meal. These 30 pounds of food can also eat at least one month. They are hungry for a month if they have less than a month's worth of food. Hungry, for the poor, is the best way to punish.
Chou-Gu is actually the most despised person like Wang-Aunt, including her man. In fact, the whole village is poor, and there is a good day. But there are hands and feet, but also young and strong, how can other people have mixed food and clothing, their family can not? Every day I think about taking advantage of the Dongjia family and going to the West to get something. It seems that I am a poor person and I am really annoying.
The so-called emergency does not save the poor, you have difficulties to reach out to help you, is in line with human morality. But you can't because you are poor, you can't see other people lives better, and one mind is going to harm others. To deal with such a stupid and evil person, it is to be more embarrassed than her, let her eat enough pain at one time, can not turn over.
Ning-Er nodded in agreement and said, "In a village, I don’t see my head and look down. Especially we are at a disadvantage. You look at whether you can conquer their children. Only a few years old, maybe Can you teach me too?"
Chou-Gu thought about it and felt it worked. The seven-year-old child who spoke was actually incompetent, so he went out in public. It can be seen that his heart is still not bad, and there is still a rescue. If the child can be taught, the Chou-Gu family also has a helper in the village. Now, except for Jiang Madam, who is still talking to her family, other people, to be honest, attitudes make Chou-Gu a little chilling.
The so-called death of a man is like a lamp, Wu Hunter used to be good to everyone, he is gone, people will slowly forget his good. Moreover, their family is a foreigner, and they have stayed here for a total of ten years. They have not really integrated into the village. Everyone will still reject them unconsciously, and they will not fully accept them from their hearts.
"Well, I will find a way. Anyway, he wants to come to our house to deliver food every day. There is a chance." Chou-Gu accepted the proposal of Ning-Er.

Chou-Gu and Ning-Er spoke, and the work on her hand was not put down at all. She was washing the peppers and preparing to give Ning-Er a chili sauce.
"You taught me how to pick up chili sauce. I learned it. I won't bother you next year." Ning-Er said that he looks like a good student and must study with Chou-Gu and want to do it himself. He is also embarrassed to always let Chou-Gu help him.
"Hands will be very hot, you should be careful, touch the hand of the pepper, don't touch your eyes, it will hurt." Chou-Gu quickly reminded him.
Ning-Er nodded and studied very seriously. In fact, the work of simmering chili sauce must not be complicated, so it is easy to learn. However, the pepper is washed and drained, the stalk is removed, and then smashed, mixed with spices such as salt and garlic, and sealed in the altar. If you have good home conditions, you can add some cooked sesame and other things.
If you want the sauce to taste better and save for a longer period of time, you can also simmer the sauce for a few days, dry the water, and then mix the sesame oil. The sauce treated in this way is more delicious and delicious.
A scorpion of chili, the sauce is the Ning-Er family to eat enough, Chou-Gu is thinking about changing some peppers in the village to return to their own home dipping sauce. Just give all the good chili sauce to Ning-Er and let him take it home.
Ning-Er is afraid that her family doesn't have to eat. If she is willing, she must give it to her half. Chou-Gu had to take a small jar and bring the big jar to Ning-Er and said, "My family still has some, this little jar is enough to eat. You don't see you have a big jar. In fact, after a few days of drying, there is not much."
Ning-Er, I just said, "If it weren't for you, I still didn't have it at all. Your kitchen garden was completely destroyed. What should I do if I don't eat enough?"
"Not a big deal, I have planted some vegetables. After a month, I have eaten new seedlings. I have planted some chili cucumbers and eggplants. I don't know if they can still bloom in the late autumn?" Chou-Gu said.
"Now, if I can still bear fruit, can I not follow it?" Ning-Er's eyes lit up and asked anxiously.
Chou-Gu nodded, but she forgot about it. The Ning-Er family had a little bit of the seeds she had given last time, and she had some vegetables to eat. Usually, the villagers occasionally gave it to the village. , and the food that Chou-Gu gave him. In fact, his family has always lacked food. So, he has been thinking about how to add some food to the family?
"It is ok, so, after my vegetable seedlings grow out, I will dig a few trees for you to plant, and you can have fresh vegetables at the end of autumn like my family."
"Great. Hey, is this Sorghum  in your family fast?" Ning-Er asked.
"Almost, these days are ok." Chou-Gu answered.
"Then I will help you with the pillars. You two are too small to finish," Ning-Er said. This kind of heavy physical activity, Chou-Gu can do it again, but also a child's body, I want to be alone with the little helper of Minger, doing all the work, he can't imagine.
"Thank you. Come and work for my family, just have lunch at my house." Chou-Gu does not deny, because it is really difficult to count on their sisters and brothers, and then, she and Ning-Er has a good relationship, she is still worthy of this person. She is not going to look for Jiang Madam to help them.
Half acre of stilts, with Ning-Er and pillars to help, and directly at the door of the house, do not need to run around, it is quite fast. But in three days, it was completely packed. The high masts that were not used were all dug out and put on one side to basking. After two days, they could be collected and burned. The fields without crops can be slowly collected.
At first, Chou-Gu was afraid that he would not do these crops, but perhaps it was during this time that he had seen how others had done it, or maybe because the original body would have been, and she was led by her. The half-acre Sorghum  was extremely smoothly finished. And she found that she is now a very skilled crop. With this in mind, Chou-Gu is more confident in planting Sorghum  next year.
Otherwise, she still has to ask Jiang Madam, how to sow, when to plant?
When chopping the high mast, Chou-Gu followed the TV program she saw in her memory. She chose some good, strong rods and left a pile. Waiting to see if they will grow up again and grow up. Because it was the first experiment, she did not stay a lot, only about forty.
"What are you doing?" Ning-Er asked curiously.
"Keep it possible to send new sprouts and grow new leaves." Chou-Gu answered.
"It's for the donkey," Ning-Er asked.
Chou-Gu nodded in his words, because she could not guarantee the success of this test, and dare not say anything now. But these Sorghum  piles left behind, there will certainly be some, can grow new leaves, Dangdang grass, still no problem.
After collecting the Sorghum , Chou-Gu chose some big and full, and stayed behind as seeds. But she is not at ease that this seed will not be formed, or is she going to ask Jiang Madam to help her support her eyes.
"Chou-Gu, sell some seeds to me. I bought two acres of thin land, and I will plant Sorghum  next year," Ning-Er said.
"Yes, I will let the old crops take the initiative and help me see the seeds. If people think that my family is a good seed, give it to you. If not, you will go to someone else to sell it." Chou-Gu After that, I went to cook. Let the Ning-Er column rest for a while.
Chou-Gu food is naturally more delicious than the Ning-Er family, and because he and the pillars are eating at home, Chou-Gu dishes are especially careful. The seven-year-old boy of Wu family is called a kitten. He didn’t even take a serious name. He sent food every day, quite regular, and the dishes were very fresh and good, Chou-Gu said that he was very satisfied.
In order to entertain Ning-Er and the pillars, Chou-Gu tried to make the dishes more delicious and oily. Fortunately, there are half bowls of fish oil left in front. Otherwise, she still doesn't know what to cook. In addition to some, she also took out the only bit of bacon in the jar and stewed it. The salted fish was much more eaten.
Therefore, for a meal, there are several dishes on the table in their home. In addition to fresh vegetables, there are not only meat but also fish. Sometimes, vegetables are not enough, she will get some wild vegetables to eat. At this time, there are purslane and wild han, all very tender, just pick them up and get two big plates.
“Why are you so rich?” Ning-Er is very embarrassed to say.
"Hey, isn't this all the things at home? I haven't gone out to sell. Besides the fish, the meat is still getting with you. These two are wild vegetables, and the ground is everywhere." Chou-Gu laughs Road.
“Is this wild vegetable a lot?” Ning-Er asked, his family is always not enough to eat, and when he hears it everywhere, he is heartbroken.
"After dinner, I will take you outside to recognize, you can also eat some things," Chou-Gu said.
Usually, in Ningjia, Ning-Er and the pillars are very simple to eat. When I see so many dishes, the pillars are happy and laughing, staring at the bowl, I can't wait to drool.
"Pillar, eat more, thanks to your help, you can really do it." The ugly girl smiled and added some meaty dishes to the pillar bowl. The pillar is the biggest labor force, and it is a semi-fool. Chou-Gu usually takes care of him.
The pillars smirked, carrying the bowl of the sea, eating a dish of meat stewed with a big mouth, and the face was full of happiness, obviously very happy.
"Oh, it’s all useless to me, even with the pillars and his grandfather followed me." Ning-Er said sadly.
"Don't say these words. Eat fast, you have two acres of land, and then hunt, the days will be better. You taste the fish I made, and your home." Chou-Gu comforted him I also gave Ning-Er a piece of fish. Her homemade salted fish tastes very good.
Ning-Er tasted the mouth and said, "It's still more delicious. Our family can barely eat."
Master put too much salt, fearing that the fish is bad, you know that you put more salt, but the salt is too much, and it is too salty to eat. And the salted fish pieces are also too dry, really not very good. The salted fish pieces of Chou-Gu, the fish are still very fresh, not too salty, and the taste and taste are higher than the Master's.
“Is it too much salt and too dry?” Chou-Gu asked. Because I didn't plan to stay for a long time, these fish pieces, Chou-Gu, only dried up in the sun, they were sealed in the jar.
"Yes, that is." Ning-Er nodded again and again.
"The next time there is a big fish, how can I teach you how to get it?" Chou-Gu said with a smile.
Pickled salted fish and bacon, in fact, do not need any cooking, but some people just do not eat well, and some people just make it delicious, this is really no way. The same thing is only salt, some people have no other taste, and even some smell. And the well-made people, the salty fish and bacon made out, after cooking, the taste is extraordinarily fragrant, especially delicious.
"Okay. Next time I must find you to study." Ning-Er is serious, he thinks that it is time to do it yourself, because Master cooking is really bad, and the good fish is going to give He made a few hard salt blocks, it was a waste.
"Now the work at home is finished. Let's take a few days off. Let's go back to the mountain and get some prey back?" Chou-Gu said. In order to thank the pillars and the help of Ning-Er, Chou-Gu took out the meat and fish pieces from the house and ate it, and the rest of the day could only return to the boiled salted vegetables in front of it. She was fed up with the days when there was no oil and water, so I wanted to get Ning-Er and the pillars into the mountains early, get some pheasant wild rabbits back, and add some oil and water to solve the problem.
"Okay. We will come back in three days." Ning-Er counted the next day in his heart and said. The meat of his family had already been eaten up, and the rice dumplings that Chou-Gu said were left, and it was not yet time to eat.
If it wasn’t for Chou-Gu, it was said that the rice noodles were stored for a long time and the taste would be better. Otherwise, they would have taken it out. Although there are still some fish pieces, after eating the fish pieces Chou-Gu, he simply does not want to eat the fish pieces of the pillars. If he knew that Chou-Gu was so delicious, he had to take the fish all over and let Chou-Gu help it, otherwise he would like to ask Chou-Gu how to get it.
"Okay, I can rest well in three days." Chou-Gu stretched out and said, hit a few yawns and laughed.
She has been exhausted in these days. Although she has Ning-Er and the pillars to help, she actually did a lot of work, because Ning-Er, this body, how much work may have been done, but it is helping everyone. Hit your hands. Moreover, Chou-Gu also let him take a break for a while, afraid to get tired of him. Although the pillar is strong, he is willing to work, but he must have someone on the side to direct him how to do it, so Ning-Er is mostly just commanding the pillar.
"Otherwise, it will take two days to rest. You are still young and can't be too tired." Ning-Er looked at her tired face and said with concern.
"Well, I know. This doesn't mean to take a few days off, just four days, add another day." Chou-Gu sighed and said.
Of course, she knows that she is too young, too tired, and will have a great impact on her future body, and even affect her physical development. But if you don't do it, you can't do it. If you don't do it, you can't eat it. Now she only knows that the rice jar is full of food, so she always feels hungry tomorrow.
"Okay, let's come back in four days."
On the way to Ning-Er and Pillar  back, Chou-Gu pointed to two kinds of wild vegetables and told Ning-Er, "On these two dishes, it is just right to eat at this time. When it is fried, don't over-fire, use Hot boiled water, mix with garlic, salt and oil.
"There are a lot of things, there are a lot of people in our family, and no one is eating," Ning-Er said.
"That is because at this time, many people have food at home, wild vegetables are just ate when they have no vegetables. Really speaking, it is still more delicious in their own home." Chou-Gu laughed.
Wild vegetables are delicious, and it is not good to eat every day. And to do these wild vegetables, you need to have a good seasoning, or you can cook directly, add some salt, can be difficult to eat, especially the purslane itself is sour, many people simply do not like to eat. She also thought a lot of ways to make two delicious wild vegetables to add some dishes to the dinner table. Otherwise, the dishes sent by the kittens will be enough for their family to eat. There are more people who have a large amount of rice, not to get two dishes, how to eat enough.
She felt that she was embarrassed not to pay Ning-Er and the pillars. Of course, this meal should be taken care of. The food at home is not enough, it is the wild vegetables, she has to get two to add.

On the day of rest at home, Chou-Gu was not idle, she had to take out all the food collected these days and dry it for storage. This is their ration in the second half of the year, and one can't be wasted.
The three brothers are busy with the sun, and there are plenty of sunbathing, squatting and other things in the yard. They all ate the food in the yard, and they dared not sneak in the gate. They were afraid that they would see that their food was not bad and they were bad.
"Sister, sister, we have a lot of food in our house." Minger excitedly swayed around the sun.
The younger brother is also helping to work, listening to the words of the brother, happy to say   :   "A lot, a lot."
When there is a lot of food at home, it means that they don't have to worry about being hungry. Chou-Gu looks at the two brothers' happy look and feels good.
The rewards she recovered from these days, and the food she bought in the past, plus the half-acre Sorghum , are all here, really not too small, there are two hundred pounds. The rations in the second half of this year are basically guaranteed.
The problem she was worried about to starve in the winter can finally be put down. But the rations next spring, I don’t know where? Anyway, she is not afraid that she will starve to death in winter, and she is very relieved. Her priority is to get some more money back and buy food next spring. Otherwise, in the winter, it is basically impossible to go hunting.
The three brothers were laughing happily, and Jiang Madam’s cry came from the door   :   “Chou-Gu, have you prepared some incense paper money?”
"Yes, I have prepared a little." Chou-Gu answered and took the younger brother out of the yard.
"That's good. This is almost seven and a half. You have to give something to you to burn something. You can make two dishes and tribute. It is also a filial piety for your children." Jiang Madam is going to have a ghost festival. Things have been confessed, Chou-Gu listened very seriously.
Chou-Gu is not quite sure what to do on this day? If it wasn’t for Jiang Madam, she would be ready to burn the last candlestick money she bought. However, Jiang Madam said that the degree is actually very simple.
Because the local poor, the daily life of every household is not so good, everyone life is so difficult, where will be big to do these things. But it is also burning some incense paper money. So Jiang Madam saw that Chou-Gu had bought so few things and said nothing.
Business Linda, the people of Jiang-King, the family of the squarish Those who pay attention to the point, those with better conditions, will fold some gold and silver ingots, and then tribute a few good dishes. People with poor conditions, but just burned some paper money and finished.
Chou-Gu, according to the instructions of Jiang Madam, made a few dishes on the second day, and turned out the little shochu left by Wu hunter before, with Ming and the younger at the door, bought the last time. Paper money and other things placed on the hay, and then lit the incense sticks, and tribute to the dishes and wine, read a few words in the mouth to give money to the father, if you drink something, then pour the wine, even if it is finished.
For this matter, she did not feel much, but it was that Minger still shed tears. He is of course much deeper than the current Chou-Gu to the Wu Orchestra.
Ning-Er home, this day Master and the pillars did not go out to work, it is special for a good deal. Their home is very lively, burning a lot of folded gold and silver ingots, incense, paper money and other things, it is to let the relatives have a lively festival. During this time, the pillars of the grandson and the grandson went out to work, and Ning-Er was folding these things at home every day to prepare some items for use.
This is also a little thing that he can do for his relatives. His relatives were extremely rudimentary. At that time, they were unconditionally going to do the affair and no money, so that the pillars and grandsons buried their loved ones. We. At that time, he was half dead and unable to live, and he was unable to do these things. He even went to worship them. Therefore, his heart is very guilty.
"'Grandfather, the Grandmother, Father, Niang. The child is not filial, and there is no ability to bury you. It is these things that can only be managed by the silver left by the ancestors. You can rest assured that your son will one day avenge you." "Ning-Er is burning, while meditating in my heart. The determination of the heart to revenge over the sadness, he did not have tears at all, but the pillars of the grandfather crying can not be homemade.
"Old Master, Master. Now the days are not very good, the tribute is too simple, you must protect 2nd-Young Master. You know under the spring, you must let the wicked thief not die." Master touched tears Three bowls of vegetables came out, put them up, and poured a few glasses of water, and they also had words in their mouths.
This night, Ning-Er and Master both turned to the side and couldn't sleep. Only the pillars are ignorant and fearless, and Master is watching the pillars. Then think about the days at hand, and the more you think, the more sad you are. Ning-Er is a typical 1st Young Master. He is worried about what happened in the future. Although Ning-Er seems to be the master of the game at the moment, the days are barely able to pass.
But in his eyes, Ning-Er is only a child who can read books. Before Ning-Er basically did not care, he concentrated on reading. And now the Ning family, basically no wealth, on two acres of thin fields, raising them three people, it is very difficult.
The main worry of the Master is that he is old enough, and the pillar is a fool, and he needs people to take care of him. Ning-Er was seriously ill because of his family, and his body is also very bad. Both of these people need his care. If he is not there one day, he will worry that Ning-Er and the pillars will not survive. In this way, he didn't even dare to die. He only hoped that he could live for a long time. Looking at the two children, he could stand on his own feet to close his eyes. Otherwise, he would not dare to close his eyes.
Ning-Er Although he didn't know the mind of the Master, he was in a bad mood. When he couldn't sleep, he got up and sat by the window to watch the moon. The oil lamp at home is not willing to point. He just wants to read the book for a while, and there is no way. When they left Capital City, Master also brought him a few books. Although Ning-Er can't take the exam in the future, it is also a thought to read the book.
The Master thought so, and he took the books to him with a bag. No matter what the book is, he just knows a few words, and at that time he was in a hurry, and he refused to pick it up. He took a few bags and took them.
Young Master has so many books, he feels that it is a pity to leave it all. At that time, no one in the Ning family copied his behavior. Anyway, the Ning family could not have anything to swear, and even the property is nothing. With a few books, everyone will close their eyes. Master saw that the soldiers were like this, boldly, and smashed a few pieces of old robes. Although these clothes were old, they were enough for Ning-Er to wear, otherwise he would give money to Ning-Er. Have thick new clothes.
Master's behavior, all the people who checked in Ningjia did not care. After all, everyone knows that Ningjia is completely innocent. There are even many people who sympathize with their home. Otherwise, no one will take the money to the Master, let him bury the body of the Ning family. Ning's master is not too small, a few mouthfuls, but not three or five Silver Taels can do it. However, everyone dare not blatantly help Ning-Er, can only sneak, do not dare to give more, are broken loose money, secretly thrown to the Master.
The Master did not dare to make a white matter for the Ning family, but asked the people to pull their bodies to a barren hill on the edge of the funeral gang outside the city. One person had a thin coffin and buried it.
When Master thinks about these things, he feels sad. He is a family member of Ning's family. His father is a native of Ningjia. Ning's family is not rich and the position is not high. There are not many people who use it, but it is good for the next person. His father was a wandering orphan who was half-dead. He was treated by the Ning family and he stayed in Ningjia. Later the master gave him a wife and he had a son. It’s just that the couple haven’t lived for a long time, leaving a master of a few years old, Master is growing up with Ning-Er’s 'Grandfather.
Therefore, his feelings for Ning's family are very deep. Then I went to the pillars of the generation. Originally, the pillars were good seedlings. Now it has become like this. If there is no Ningjia, the pillars may also be sick. Master sometimes swears at God, why is this the Ning family, Ning family is the home of good deeds, it deserves to be well reported, but now it has fallen into the end of the house. The whole Ning family will have Ning-Er, which is a single seedling that can't live.
The more Master wants to be more and more sad, he just wants to take the knife to pick up the bad guy who has harmed the Ning family.
The moon in July and a half, although not comparable to the Mid-Autumn Festival, is still clear as water, bright moonlight is scattered on the table in front of the window. In the silent night, Ning-Er lifts the pen and writes a moonlight. Feelings of emotion, opened the door with a light hand.
The night wind was cool outside. He stood alone in the moonlight to cherish his loved ones. I don't know when a cloud came over, covering the Qing hui of the land, and then the wind, although it was only the weather in July, he blew him. Hey. Then there was heavy rain. He didn't dare to stay outside and quickly went back to sleep.
Even so, the next day Ning-Er was still a little uncomfortable, and kept sneezing with his nose. Master was so anxious that he would immediately take him to the town to seek medical treatment, but there was heavy rain outside, and it was obvious that he could not take him out. This rain could only worsen his condition.
"No, it was a little cold last night, go and cook me a bowl of ginger soup." Ning-Er was weak.
Master quickly found a few pieces of dried ginger and cooked him with ginger soup. This is still brought from Jingli, and there is only one small bag left, and the brown sugar is left less. It is enough for Ning-Er to drink a bowl today.
Ning-Er drank the ginger soup, and the Master took a hot soup Pozi in his arms. He slept and felt a sweat. People were a lot easier. Master was relieved that he could not get up, that is, changing clothes was changed in the quilt. Just open the window with a slit and change the room.
After two days of rain, I couldn’t go out at all, and I only had to rest at home.
"This kind of weather, I am afraid I have to wait two more days to get into the mountains." Chou-Gu saw the date agreed with Ning-Er, he did not come, and waited for two days, he still did not come. Chou-Gu also thought that Ning-Er was afraid that after the heavy rain, the road to the mountain was not easy to go, but he did not come, but he did not expect him to be sick.

Ning-Er rested at home for seven days, and the body recovered. I quickly went to the pillar to go out, but the Master refused to let him go, thinking that he still had to rest for a few days.
"I had an appointment with Chou-Gu. I had to go hunting in four days. If she didn't go, she was waiting for an emergency, and there was no oily dish at home." Ning-Er looked at it again. The master who wants to stop him said.
Master can't help but have to say, "Be careful, you can't be hurt. Otherwise, I will follow you."
Because he also knows that the family is poor, do not go hunting and change some meat to eat, Ning-Er this body is also rare to raise. It’s really because the family is too poor, and the food is short of oil and salt. Don’t say that Ning-Er is licking meat, that is, his Laotou is smashed.
"You dug in the vegetable garden, Chou-Gu said that he would start cooking." Ning-Er gave the Master a task and took Pillar  out of the door.
The mountain road that has been raining is not very good. Although it has been sunny for four days, almost no one has gone this road. There are still waters on the road from time to time. The rain washed the wild grass and the wild trees, and the horse walked all the way, still carrying the fresh grass all the way. Ning-Er wants to wait until the side of the mountain. Some time is for the horse to graze. Where can I let it go slowly? I quickly let the pillar pull the rope and jog.
When they both went to the Chou-Gu home, Chou-Gu and Minger had already waited for their necks to grow.
"Wait, I am sorry, I was a little cold a few days ago and I took a rest at home for two days," Ning-Er said.
"Oh, are you in good health?" Chou-Gu asked with some concern.
Ning-Er nodded, indicating that he was all right, but his face was a little pale. It may be because he was sick for a few days, and his mouth was not good. He was actually thinner, and he had to cough twice from time to time.
"You are too bad in this body, you still have to take good care of it. Usually more moving, the food is not good, but also eat two. Morning and evening have to pay attention to add clothes." Chou-Gu looked at him like this, I couldn't help but say two more words.
The face that Ning-Er told her was red, and nodded again and again, indicating that she would not dare to get sick again in the future. His illness was indeed because he had been outside for a long time, he was cold, and he was born with a bad mood. Therefore, he does not regret it, he knows that he can no longer afford to die. He is now a broken body, even if it is a little sick, it is enough to make him uncomfortable, and there is no extra silver at home to see him.
In the few days when he was ill, Master got his hair white, and almost broke his heart, for fear that he would not be able to get sick as before. Fortunately, during this time, his body did raise a little, and he also knew that he had opened up himself, and it did not cause much impact.
The four men still set off on horses and donkeys.
On a hillside, Chou-Gu found several clusters of very good Houttuynia, which is a good thing. It is the dish that she made, she doesn't like to eat, but soaking in water is good for the human body. In particular, she heard Ning-Er from time to time to cough one or two times, apparently the sequelae of a cold, immediately reminded her of the hout.
One year, she coughed like this. After two days of needles, she was not good. The doctor asked her to go directly to the market to buy some fish and grass to boil water, or to bring the fish and grass directly to eat. However, the fresh houttuynia, she really can't eat, the taste is too embarrassing, it is difficult to swallow.
Later, someone told her that there is no such taste in dry goods. Therefore, she went to the Chinese medicine store and bought the dried food directly to soak in the water. As a result, there was no smell in the water. Later, she developed a scorpion uncomfortable. After eating more things on the fire, she drank some dried fish and grass to drink when she coughed. This kind of tea is very effective for the wind-heat type cold, the inflammation of the tonsils, or the coughing of the body.
"Wait, I dug the fish and weeded." Chou-Gu quickly stopped and hurried to dig the fish and weeds. The time she spent here was not short. This is the first time she found out that Houttuynia.
“What is the use of Houttuynia? Is it wild vegetable?” Ning-Er asked.
"You can eat, you can also be medicinal." Chou-Gu answered.
Minger and Ning-Er heard this and quickly came over to help dig. After a while, a few people dug a scorpion.
"Okay, OK, come back later." Chou-Gu stopped his hand, today is not specifically to dig fish and grass, can not spend all the time on it.
"How do you want to eat this? Directly speculate?" Ning-Er asked again.
"These young leaves can be eaten directly with cold salad. These white roots are boiled and boiled with chili sauce and mixed. You can eat it with the whole boiled water. It has a good effect on sore throat and cough." Chou-gu A.
Ning-Er looked at her curiously and said, "I didn't expect you to understand the pharmacology. So, can I eat?"
"It was what my Father said. In the past, I will get some back from Father. When we are not comfortable, we will cook water for us to drink. After drying, it is enough to drink tea directly. However, you can't eat more." -Gu waved his hand and found him a reason for not being able to prove it. She certainly can't explain her own little village, how can she understand this knowledge.
"I have a sore throat and cough, what should I eat?" Ning-Er asked.
"If you can eat fresh, just cook it as a dish, if you can't eat it, you can drink it and drink it." Chou-Gu.
Ning-Er asked inexplicably   :   "What do you mean?"
"This thing, fresh, has a heavy smell and is very unpalatable. I can't eat it. But after soaking in water, there is no bad smell," Chou-Gu said.
"When you make a dish, is it hard to eat?" Ning-Er looked at the scorpion's houting grass with some fear. If Chou-Gu said that he couldn't eat it, he believed that no one could eat it. . Chou-Gu cooking skills are already very good to him. Under her operation, I can't eat it. How difficult it is to eat. If he is allowed to eat, he will definitely not swallow it.
"I don't like this dish anyway, but my father is eating it." Chou-Gu is a serious nonsense.
Because some people in some places really like this dish, she thought it was a problem of cooking after she first tasted it. But later, in a famous restaurant, someone named this famous wild vegetable, but she did not swallow it at that time, the white and tender grass roots looked very delicious, but the mouth was very spicy, so no matter Wherever she goes, she dare not try this dish again.
"Oh. So someone loves to eat this dish." Ning-Er let go of his heart, and if so, he might be able to eat it.
"Well, you take it back, drink it directly, or mix it with vegetables. If you can't eat it, just dry it. This weather is almost the same for two days. After drying it, take it and soak it, just like tea. Drinking may have a curative effect on your cough.” Chou-Gu told him three ways to eat and let him bring it back to try.
A few people spoke, and soon they arrived on the side of the trap that they got the wild boar. At that time, they ran in a panic. I didn't expect to come back for a while, but the trap was full of grass. Sure enough, there is a place where mud can grow grass, and the grass grows so lush. It can be seen that the soil here is actually quite fat.
"It seems that we have to clean up this trap again," Ning-Er said.
Chou-Gu nodded and let him go hunting with the pillars. She and Minger cleaned up the trap here.
"You are careful, afraid of snakes and poisonous insects." Ning-Er confessed.
Chou-Gu nodded and said, "I know, you can rest assured."
She didn't dare to let Minger go down. She slowly walked down into the pit and waved the sickle to start mowing. The cut grass was thrown to the pit and used to feed the horse and the donkey. After she cleared out an open space, she let Minger come down to help. The two were busy cutting the grass, and there was a burst of movement in the distant forest. She knew that this was Ning-Er and the pillars were hunting.
"Sister, how many pheasants can you get?" Minger is excited to look forward to.
"Five? Six, and get a scorpion wild egg." Chou-Gu smiled.
"The six will be fine," Ming said.
“In fact, the more the better,” Chou-Gu said. She wants to get a dozen of eight, just enough for everyone to eat, not enough, some have to sell it out, in exchange for more things. The two warmly looked forward to the pillars and Ning-Er could get a few more pheasants.
"If they can get eight pheasants, they eat one at home, and we eat one more at our house. Can we still have a few to sell out?" Chou-Gu Shunkou asked about Ming's Counting is coming.
The problem she said is actually very simple, but it is a subtraction of ten or less. In modern times, children aged five or six can basically answer it. But Minger is very struggling, and it is simply not understood.
Chou-Gu discovered that in this era, the calculation may not be popular. And those simple additions and subtractions are basically not at the age of Ming.
"You count." Chou-Gu said that he smashed eight small stones on the ground and let Minger come over and count.
Ming did not know when he learned the numbers. From one to eight, he could count them. Chou-Gu breathed a sigh of relief and thought he had to teach him to count from the beginning.
"You know that this is eight small stones. I take one, and you take one more. How many more are there?" Chou-Gu asked. And I took the two stones to myself and Minger.
Minger counted a few times and said with certainty   :   "There are still six left."
"Right." Chou-Gu said, adding two more pieces, turning the pile of stones into ten, and then calculating the addition and subtraction of ten or less with Minger.
The two sisters unknowingly counted for a long time, until Ning-Er and the pillars ran over cheerfully, and stopped.
“What are you doing?” Ning-Er asked with great interest.
"My sister is teaching me to count." Minger said, very active demonstration, ten lost three equals seven results.
Ning-Er was very surprised to see Chou-Gu and said   :   "Yes, good." Chou-Gu is just a 10-year-old village aunt, certainly not in the school, but actually counts, which makes He was very surprised, because he himself was just beginning to contact the mathematics course. After all, there is no calculation in the imperial examinations, and there are very few scholars in the Academy libraries.
However, the high-ranking scholars who know the mathematics are all well-known, so after the scholars reach a certain level, they will learn some mathematics knowledge to enrich their knowledge.
"The algorithm of ten or less is very simple." Chou-Gu smiled, but he said that he would say no more than ten, that is, hundreds, thousands, 10 thousand, plus, minus, multiply and divide, for her, Very simple arithmetic.
"The ten numbers are really simple, but Mingle learns very quickly. It seems that your younger brother is very talented in mathematics." Ning-Er is very interested.
"Have you been to school?" Chou-Gu asked.
"Well, I am a County-Graduate. I have been studying for several years. I haven't learned much in mathematics," Ning-Er replied.
"Hey, you are still a County-Graduate, then you should be very good at learning." Chou-Gu exclaimed. Throughout the novel's blessing, Chou-Gu knows that the 13-year-old County-Graduate can be called a genius.
"Well, what's the use? I can't participate in the imperial examination again. My identity has been in this life for a lifetime, and it has stopped at the County-Graduate step." Ning-Er lost.
He thought that he had been studying hard for so long, and the whole family pinned his hopes on him. He hoped that Ning had another scholar, but now he has no qualifications to participate in the imperial examination, and he is still in a good mood.
"Why? You learn so well." Chou-Gu asked, and then he responded after asking, and he did not ask for this sentence. It really poked the pain of Ning-Er.
She was embarrassed to look at Ning-Er and said, "Sorry, I shouldn't ask that." Which one wouldn't be difficult, she knows that Ning-Er is also very difficult to live.
Unexpectedly, Ning-Er only took a moment to say, "My family has been implicated in murder, and the emperor has given me a temper, but my career has been broken."
I don't know what it is for. Facing Chou-Gu, he actually said these things naturally. Although he still feels painful, he can already face these things.
"In fact, you should think that it is good to keep your life. I think that your relatives must hope that you can live well. The so-called "green mountains" are not afraid of burning wood, your days will slowly get better. "Chou-Gu has hollowed out his mind, and he has said two words to comfort him. He hates that he has mentioned the sad things of others, and he only wants to put his question in front of him back to his stomach."
Ning-Er nodded and said, "You are right. I must live well. I will leave me alone in Ningjia. I have to live my loved ones for him."
"That is, everything wants to open, crying is also a day, laughing is also a day, we must face life with a smile, let yourself live happily."
Chou-Gu gave Ning-Er a chicken soup, I hope he can live well. With Ning-Er, the days of their homes will be much better. When I heard that Ning-Er was a County-Graduate, Chou-Gu immediately thought that Minger and his younger brother had a master. Therefore, she must find a way to make Ning-Er live happily and live for a long time.
In this era, only scholars are noble, and only reading can change the fate of their family. She doesn't want to struggle in this life to get a full stomach, always worried about hungry. This kind of difficult life is really sad for her.
She doesn't have any high goals. She just hopes that the family will live a little more comfortable and drink and wear. But now, they are still struggling on the street. Moreover, she understands that the situation that there is no permanent production and no labor in the family has to last for a short time, at least three to five years later.
In the past three or five years, if one of Minger and his younger brother is a student of reading, she will do her best to cultivate. She hopes that one day, they will be able to make a difference. The status of their family can rise to a higher level and will not be able to resist after being bullied.
Chou-Gu has been thinking about how to let Ming and younger brothers go to school. Because the family is too poor, it is impossible to take out the money and let them go to the school. And Jiang Wu Village is also good, other villages such as Ningjia Village nearby, there is no private school, let alone the school.
If the children in these villages have the conditions and want to go to school, they will get the town. In addition to the repairs, the children must also stay and eat in the school. They must also buy some necessities such as ink and ink. These sums of things add up, but they are not a small expense. Therefore, several villages in the vicinity did not have a scholar.
Chou-Gu couldn't find a really learned person to educate Ming and his younger brothers. They had to ask their mothers to teach the two younger brothers to recognize the words, accept some basic knowledge, and slowly make plans.
Now that I know that there is an existing County-Graduate in front of me, Chou-Gu can only wait for Ning-Er to start teaching two younger brothers to study.
"Chou-Gu, you can really talk, you have to say that you have not read the book, I don't believe it." Ning-Er half-truth asked.
Chou-Gu sneaked a bit, but on the surface it pretended to be very natural   :   "I read a little book and got some words. It was taught by my Father, Niang. You probably know that my family is moving from the field. I have lived in Jiangwu Village for ten years. I, Father, Niang are all literate people, but how do they come to live in this place, I don't know."
Ning-Er heard that her father, Niang, who is literate, is even more curious about the identity and origin of the Wu Hunter couple. However, Wu Hunter is no longer there, and his wife is basically not dealing with outsiders. It is impossible to figure out these things. Moreover, even Chou-Gu himself does not know, presumably also like him, there is no pain in the mouth.
Thinking this way, Ning-Er has more and more people feel about Chou-Gu.
"Maybe you, Father, Niang is also forced to live in this place," Ning-Er said.
"Well, um. I am already gone, my mother is a person who does everything, she will not talk to us. I will teach them to learn words, but her knowledge is limited. Just know a few words," Chou-Gu said.
She is still embarrassed to ask Ning-Er to teach Ming and her younger brother. After all, she is too poor to get Ning-Er, even if Ning-Er will not accept the perfection, she also Sorry to let Ning-Er work, because everyone relationship is not good enough for this position. Besides, Ning-Er is not in good health and is not expected to be taught. Fortunately, Minger and younger brothers are not old enough to be able to afford it. However, some words can still be said first.
Sure enough, Ning-Er also understood her words, and some embarrassed said   :   "I am afraid I can't teach them anything now. I am not very good at the end, and we have to be busy with life. The important thing is, I don't know if I can teach them?"
“Why?” Chou-Gu asked in surprise. She thought that as long as Ning-Er was willing, she would be able to teach two younger brothers to study.
"My family is guilty of something, and it is hanged in front of the emperor. The emperor's will, you said that this County-Graduate, what use? Maybe the emperor remembered it someday, and someone came to cut me. If I teach them to Minger, they are not going to be influenced by me." Ning-Er explained with a smile.
"No. The emperor is not letting you go? The so-called Jinkou Yuyan, how can the emperor go out of his way." Chou-Gu said in a hurry.
Ning-Er indulged for a moment and smiled   :   "You are reasonable in saying this, the emperor should not deliberately come to trouble me. But, I don't know.
My County-Graduate identity will not be guaranteed next year. I don't know if I will allow me to go to the old exam and keep the status of this County-Graduate? ”
Right now, County-Graduate is his biggest reliance. It is also his last layer of protection. If the status of County-Graduate is absent, the people in Ningjia Village will only be farther away from him and treat him as a scourge. In that way, before he is integrated into Ningjia Village, it will become a nail in everyone eyes. Their family is stupid and weak, not only being bullied.
Chou-Gu carefully searched for the concept of the old exam in his mind, and finally found some impressions, knowing that County-Graduate is to be tested, and there are grades. However, at the age of Ning-Er, since I can take the County-Graduate, I must be very knowledgeable. If I take the age test, he will definitely pass. I am afraid that someone will deliberately embarrass him, give him an inferiority, and remove his County-Graduate fame.
Looking at Chou-Gu anxious look, Ning-Er was settled down and said, "Forget it, don't want it. It's a blessing or a disaster. You see, we have a good harvest today."


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