Wangfu Chongqie 90

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 90   :    I didn't expect your little sister-in-law to be the kind of the king. No wonder the king looks at you.

Yao-Niang is calling people, naturally they have not seen this scene.
Fortunately, Xiao bao chubby arms are short. This flower is light and slips down the cheeks. Jin-Wang with his eyes closed thinks that Yao-Niang’s sleeves have passed.
Fu Cheng has been guarding the door, and intends to adapt to it. It turns out that Jiang is still old and spicy. When he heard the voice inside, he suddenly came in.
At first he thought that Jin-Wang was really a thing, but when he saw it, he found that his eyelids had moved. What else did he not understand? !
At this time, the slave who is faithful to the Lord has come forward.
"My Highness, how do you screw yourself up?!"
Fu Cheng’s crying, and the red silk that followed him almost did not scare to the feet, and finally came over, but did not dare to stand next to him.
Yao-Niang is also a bit worried, but the reaction is not over.
“Madam is gentle and considerate, and she is not going to be awkward with you. You don’t have to worry that Madam will be mad and hurt the little master in your stomach. My Highness, the old slave knows you. It’s a cold-hearted person, Madam must know it, she won’t blame you, after all, you don’t know about it...”
Fu Cheng cried a nose and a tear, and used his sleeves to wipe his tears from time to time. People who didn't know thought Jin-Wang was wrong.
"Fu Nay, you are..."
“Madam!” Fu Cheng suddenly turned around and pulled the sleeves of Yao-Niang with tears: “If you are dissatisfied with your heart, come to the old nubi . Although the old nubi are older, they are old nubi . It’s a slave, not afraid of suffering, but not tired. But he is the god of Jinju, but if the day is collapsed, what can the people of Jinju do?...
Yao-Niang is a little helpless: "Fu Nay, you said, Yao-Niang can't understand."
"Ah!" Fu Cheng was surprised and even forgot to cry. He looked up and went to her: "Don't you tell me that you were the one who accidentally strengthened you, actually you are your own?"
Ok, this will directly shock Yao-Niang.
She stayed with the whole person. Besides watching Fucheng, she didn't know what to do.
Or Fu Cheng snorted and only woke her up.
Fu Cheng rushed to the edge of the bed and pulled up Jin-Wang's sleeve and cried: "His Royal Highness, how can you be so embarrassed! You are suffocated in the past two days, obviously not sick, but you have even vomited a few blood." You still have a good year, how can you be able to withstand it... That was not what you were willing to do in the past. It’s not that the villain is jealous of your power, secretly doing things, and secretly buying the unfaithfulness. Dihuang Renlong will take medicine for you..."
He ‘Called, and he slammed the interests of the year and told them about it. How did he find out that Yao-Niang was the one who spoke out that year. This story is really amazing, the peaks and turns, ups and downs, not only Yao-Niang heard, and even the red silk scared.
According to this, the Young Master is not a Young Master. It should be the small gongzi of the palace. !
Everyone eyes were suddenly placed on Xiao bao body.
There is a feeling that there is no such thing as the Ming Family Xiao bao Young Master and His Royal Highness. How could it be discovered before? !
Even Yao-Niang couldn't help but look at his son's eyes.
These eyes looked at Xiao bao and wanted to stand up and wake up the group.
This old turtle is worthy of the old turtle, notoriously slick.
In the past, Xiao bao was very familiar with Fucheng. First, Jinan was busy with government affairs. He had no time to visit him, so he was generally Fucheng. Secondly, Xiao bao has witnessed too many people stories in his life.
The reason why Fucheng can be the number one heart of Jin-Wang is not fake. And the reason why a slave can make a head in front of the master, there must be something he has to do.
For example, this Fu Cheng, Jin-Wang is born cold, does not love words, and is also an iron-blood wrist. But many times, there are certain drawbacks to the ignorance. After all, the following people can't let the people below guess the minds of the above people. After that, they don't have to do anything. Just guess and guess.
At this time, Fu Cheng’s role came out. He could always come out with just the right thing, or wake up, perfect embedding how a good slave is responsible.
Jin-Wang is not willing to do it, he is doing it, Jin-Wang is not willing to say, he is going to say. And this person also has a very thick shell, that is, the skin is extremely thick, and it is said that the knife and gun are not in, and the water does not enter.
Therefore, Xiao bao is not surprised.
The person who came out to make up the knife was actually Fucheng.
At the same time, Xiao bao also shocked Yao-Niang's experience. In the past two years, he did not know how he was born. He niang must have suffered countless sufferings for him. No wonder he Fu Huang will try his best and want to win his forgiveness. I am afraid that this matter cannot be accepted by any one.
Yao-Niang really can't accept it, and for a time, the heart is full of miscellaneous.
Thinking of this Fu Cheng is to lie to himself, there is such a coincidence in the world. Take a look at Fu Cheng, and then look at the Jin-Wang that fell on the bed.
There is a feeling that this is true.
"Madam, you must forgive your Highness. After you know it, you will be shocked.
The blood flow will go straight up, and you will spit out a few bloods. You will suffer from it, and you will face you..."
"Thousands of mistakes are really not the fault of Your Highness. If you know the truth of the matter, then you will let you suffer so much..."
Yao-Niang really doesn't know what to say, I don't want to cry, I don't want to laugh, I feel too ridiculous, I can't figure it out, I can only stand there. For a long time, she slowly vomited: "I still ask Liu Liang doctor to show him."
When she finished, she left, and she wanted to be alone.
Liu Liang was soon invited.
After giving Jin-Wang a pulse, I said a lot of words that others could not understand, and came to two conclusions.
Jin-Wang is in a bad situation now, needs to be ill, and it is not suitable to move. So Jin-Wang was left in the Rongxi Courtyard to get sick.
After Liu Liang’s doctor left, the next people quit like a flood, leaving only him and Jin-Wang in the room.
No, there is one person, Xiao bao is still there.
A few times, the red silk wants to take Xiao bao away, and it is because of the Jin-Wang lying outside, but he can only let him.
Jin-Wang opened his eyes and looked at Fu Cheng.
Fu Cheng was busy getting together to sit up.
Jin-Wang This is a miserable thing.
The dress is loaded, and most of it is that he is strong.
"You are good."
Fu Cheng Xiao smiled and smiled after the smile: "I don't know if Madam can think of it."
When he spoke, he found that someone was watching himself, and he looked up and saw a small person sitting there.
Fu Cheng looked at it in detail, looking up and down, the more I saw it, the more I like it.
Hey, this is the little master after their palace. How did you not find that the little master has grown so cute, so white and fat, so cute, there is no baby in the world that can compare with his little master.
Fu Cheng’s old face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and the floating dust was inserted into the back of the waist, reaching out: “Little master, hug the old slave.”
Upon hearing this, Xiao Bao body was stiff and Jin-Wang’s body was also stiff.
He actually forgot Xiao bao!
Jin-Wang slowly turned around and looked at the little treasure sitting on the side of the bed.
In fact, I have already decided to accept him, even if I look at her face, but I still don’t like this child in my heart. Now I have changed my eyes to look at it. Jin-Wang suddenly has a feeling that I can't say it.
Like a sly, like a self-defeating, like a faceless face, this kind of emotion is turned into a sour, something has come up and filled his eyes.
Jin-Wang closed his eyes and waited for the calm to recover. He said: "I didn't expect your little shi-zi to be a kind of benwang. No wonder benwang sees you pleasing to the eye."
 Xiao bao slammed two times and spewed out transparent saliva. Unfortunately, the people were far away and fell in midair.
Fu Cheng smiled and saw his teeth disappear: "The little master is smart, and spit is spit out."
 Xiao bao really wants to spit into a face, how can this spit can spit out a unique style. He ducked Fu Cheng's hand and climbed inside. Climbing to the bed, he got up with one arm and went to the bamboo basket with the gadgets on it.
The bamboo basket was overturned, and there was a lot of stuff falling out of it. Xiao bao sat down again and picked up the things and picked it up.
Rattles, small Trojans, small cloth balls, nine-rings, small boxes of rattan, and so on, and some bits and pieces, smashed the past with Jin-Wang and Fucheng, like a rain.
After the smashing, in the eyes of Jin-Wang and Fu Cheng, Xiao Bao first ‘Called and cried.
The crying sounded through the house, and soon the jade came over.
In a hurry, he said: "Madam said, let the little Young Master hug."
Not waiting for Jin-Wang to speak, Xiao bao climbed over and extended a small fat hand to Yu Xi.
So Xiao bao was taken away by the jade.
"Hey!" Fu Cheng's face was sour, "The little master is really clever, this is not waiting for the old slave!"
He didn't dare to say that he didn't want to see Jin-Wang, but Jin-Wang's face didn't look good.
Yao-Niang makes people pick up the West Warm Pavilion.
This warmth is rarely used on most days, and it is much more used in winter.
The interior is beautifully decorated without losing the luxury atmosphere.
The window is smashed, and there are small yellow and pear-shaped carved tables in the plaque. Each seat is set up on the left and right.
The backrest, the pillow and the cushion are all made of rouge red glitter satin embroidered money.
There are four huanghuali Taishi chairs and flowers on the wall.
There are various kinds of antiques on the Babao Pavilion, as well as incense burners, strips, Guifei couches and so on.
Yao-Niang people have removed all the things on the big raft, covered with lake blue and blue clouds, and the sakura-colored satin strips are piled on the maiden, which is alive.
Yao-Niang intends to live in the warm house first. See Xiao bao was hugged, and there was no tears on the pink and tender face. I suddenly understood that my son was arrogant with the man. It was not without before.
You can be sincere and fearful, and then you are grateful, but now it has become a kind of taste.
Since the small treasure into the Jin-Wang House, Yao-Niang all kinds of hearts do not have to say clearly, told her today, she does not need to feel inferior, his son is not a fence, all this is what he deserves.
And she is doing two life milk niang into Jin Wang Fu, heart Qing ming Jin Wang is how to be a small County Owner's value, Hu Ceefei is because of how small County Owner airs, even Wangfei has to take a break from her life. She hasn't had much trouble in Hu  Ceefei in her life.
Now all of them are fake!
But what about fake? Exist, it is there!
Yao-Niang feels that she can't think about it anymore. She will be jealous of resentment, she will lose her normal heart, and she will become no longer like herself. She put Xiao bao on the donkey, and she went up to play with her son.
Ordinary things are in the house, Xiao bao wants to play with nothing, Yao-Niang refers to the red silk to get.
So Jin-Wang and the loyal Fu Cheng, who was injured, saw Yatou around Yao-Niang, and came over to get something, and then came over and got something, and gradually the house belonged to Yao-Niang.
There are fewer and fewer things, except for the usual fragrance of her body, which is still filled with the breath of Jin-Wang.
He sighed heavily and slammed his eyes.

Chapter 91   :    Jin Wang wants to eat rice

Jin-Wang stayed at the Rongxi Courtyard.
With his arrival, Rongxi Courtyard has many people and things.
There is a clear distinction between the main house, Jin-Wang in the east and Yao-Niang in the west. Well water does not make river water.
Of course, this refers to the masters, who play very hot between the next.
In particular, the small eunuchs of Zhaohuitang, one by one, can be sweet, and the elder sister-sister is short, and the people are diligent. Something is not necessary to do some red-handed work.
They will help.
The jade, which has always been less laughing, has been teased several times.
Does she like to listen to people-sister?
The dark eleven, which was unpredictable, finally couldn’t help it. When she returned to the house, she appeared quietly in front of her eyes.
"Yu Yu sister..." He ‘Called in the period of Ai Ai, and his eyes looked forward to it.
In the mouth of Yu Yu, she also eats the sugar-fried chestnuts of Xiao Shunzi filial piety. This sound of 'Jade-Sister' immediately ejected the chestnuts in her mouth and sprayed a dark eleven face.
Fortunately, the dark eleven years old with a headscarf and covered face, or how might not be embarrassed.
Yu Xi also realized that she was out of order, but before she could say anything, the dark eleven disappeared and disappeared.
Only the jade was left alone on the veranda, blowing the cold wind, holding a packet of sugar-fried chestnuts in his hand.
Yao-Niang stayed in the West Warm House all day, under the same roof, there was something moving inside that would be inevitable.
In the two days, Liu Liang’s doctor came to Wuyi, and Fucheng’s in and out of it was a sigh.
She looked down and sat in front of herself, staring at her little treasure with her eyes wide open.
"He is your Father after all. If there is something wrong, no one can afford it. Niang Once a widow, it doesn't matter if it is once again, but you can't let you lose Father." Yao-Niang sounds small, Looks serious.
If there is nothing wrong with Xiao bao, in fact, my heart has already turned over countless eyes.
I knew that she couldn't hold on, and she knew that the man's traitor would surely succeed!
 Xiao bao doesn't know what he is mad at, but he always feels that if he is so, he is sorry for his two years of niang.
After all, he is a milk baby who can't talk and can't walk. What decisions Darens make, he can't stop it. So, what is she willing to do, anyway...
He just wants to scatter.
When can you scatter, you can't play with his life.
In fact, Yao-Niang is not talking to Xiao bao, she is telling herself to convince herself. Obviously, on the past two days, Yao-Niang was not the first time to think about it. She quickly called the red silk and handed her the treasure.
"I won't go, you said to Fu Cheng, everything is the big picture."
The overall situation is that Xiao bao must give a blood to Jin-Wang.
Liu Liang doctor wanted to give Xiao bao a drink that can be drowsy, but Xiao bao just doesn't drink, but he can only do so directly.
It must be said that human nature is relatively market-oriented.
Just like Fu Cheng, the previous Little Owner was not bloodshed. It was probably from Hu  Ceefei, which was mainly from a patriarchal attitude. Before witnessing this scene, he was screwing his eyebrows at most. This time he yelled and felt like the knife was cut in his hand.
 Xiao bao was sitting in the arms of the jade, and the thumb on the foot of Yatou was cut with a mouth, and a drop of bright red blood dripped into the bowl that was held by Fu Cheng.
In fact, cutting the wrist or the finger is the best, but unfortunately Xiao bao is now the year of the month, and he is afraid that he will be jealous, so he chooses the foot that is not easy for him to touch.
It’s just that this place is slow to bleed, especially when the child is small, and I don’t dare to cut too much wounds. So the blessings can only be watched as the blood drops down, and the mouth ‘Calls: “Liu Laotou, it’s not enough. Not your child, don't you feel bad?"
Liu Liang was so angry that he had to blow his beard and blink his eyes. He just ignored him and knew that he would never end.
The child, Father, also looked at him, and his face turned pale and black, and he didn't know what he was thinking. If you are familiar with the Jin-Wang temper, you will probably know that the Crown Prince has had a headache recently.
Seeing it almost, Liu Liang said: "I have done it." As he said, he took the bowl and cooked the blood into a porcelain bottle.
Then he hurriedly walked away with the porcelain bottle.
Fu Cheng gave Xiao bao a wound, and the script of the baby was small.
The little thumb was only as big as the Daren's little finger.
He was clumsy and didn't pack for a long time. Xiao bao feels that he has been heavy on his own, probably because it has become smaller, his mentality has become smaller, and his tolerance has been reduced.
He didn't know the hot and cold in his life, and he was tied up with a knife. He didn't feel much pain. But now I can't do it. At first it was numb. When it was finished, it hurts. When he was so upset, he used another little foot, Yatou, to go to Fu Cheng's face.
Fu Cheng's face was distorted, and he was still persevering to bandage him.
Jin-Wang came over and pulled him away. Fu Cheng got up and said: "His Royal Highness!"
Jin-Wang got down and Fu Cheng could only give him the white cloth and porcelain bottle in his hand.
 Xiao bao stared at him and thought about whether he would use his ankle to cover his face.
Unfortunately, Jin-Wang has already wrapped up for him before he has finished thinking about it.
Unexpectedly fast.
Fu Cheng took Xiao bao out of the room and said in his mouth: "Liu Laotou is running really fast, dead Laotou!"
 Xiao Shunzi is on the sidelines: "Shunzi will say straight, dry Father, you have to come..."
If the words have not been said, Fu Cheng will squirt his face. "What do you do when your boy is broken?"
In fact, you are only a slap in the face, this small straight did not dare to say.
The two together took Xiao bao to the West Warm Pavilion and handed it to Yao-Niang. Yao-Niang silently picked up Xiao bao and touched the white cloth wrapped on his little feet.
Fu Cheng whispered: "His Royal Highness can be distressed, and personally wrap the wounds on the little master. It is the cold face, and can't say good words, suffer losses." After that, he sighed and left, leaving Yao -Niang holding Xiao bao for a long time.
On the day of taking the medicine, Mu-Mama and the dark ones came, and naturally, Liu Liang was indispensable.
In fact, there is absolutely no need to be so serious. This medicine has to be served for half a month. Maybe it was the last time, and this time everyone is particularly concerned.
After eating for five days, one pill a day, Liu Liang doctor will come to the pulse every day, saying that the situation of Jin-Wang is slowly decreasing, and Jin-Wang has not attacked again. In the end, the poison has not been completely cleaned, and it is necessary to continue taking the medicine.
Xikang Pavilion has a lunch.
It’s also strange. Since I went through the previous experience, Yao-Niang suddenly became infertile. If you eat anything, you can make a few happy red silks. Pozi in the small kitchen will change the pattern to Yao-Niang. It will be especially good for her.
Unlike Yao-Niang, Jin-Wang is bogey.
Liu Liang doctor said that during the medication, it is better to drink more porridge, so as not to be unfit, and not conducive to medicinal properties.
So Yao-Niang and Xiao bao were on the big plaque of Xiwenge. When they were laughing and laughing, Jin-Wang chilled his face and ate the bowl with porridge.
With his ears up and listening to the movement there, the face of Jin-Wang is getting colder.
He raised his hand and threw the bowl of half a bowl of porridge on the side of the small one and stayed.
Fu Cheng came over to wear shoes for him. "His Royal Highness, where do you want to go?" In order to meet his own state of illness, Jin-Wang did not go anywhere in the past few days.
Jin-Wang did not care about him. He took the shoes and went to the West Warm Court.
When it arrived, Yao-Niang was using lunch, and a red bowl was holding a bowl to feed Xiao bao.
 Xiao bao now has four millet teeth, two of which are underneath, and too hard things can't be eaten, but some soft rice rotten can be eaten.
The softly simmered lamb is cooked. Pozi first breaks the fiber inside with a knife back, then cuts it into small pieces, puts a little salt, and seasons with the broth. After a quarter of an hour, put the carrots in the pan, wait until the soup in the pot is almost dry, and you can load it.
There is also a little bit of oil and fried cabbage leaves, which is rare in the winter.
There are very few fresh vegetables on the market that can be seen at this time. This dish is sent from Wangfu Bezhuang, also known as Hole goods.
There is a meal with rice and vegetables, and a small bowl of rice bran rice for Xiao Baozhen. It was very soft, and it was poured with broth and carrot soup. It was served with two dishes, and Xiao bao could eat a large bowl.
Every time Xiao bao eats, there are a few Yatou on the side.
When I entered the main room from Xiao bao, it became the new favorite of several Yatou. When I was eaten, someone had to feed it. Someone still had a water cup and a clean parch for easy access.
The red silk smiles, they are all idle, but whoever asks such a small person, how to look how cute, but also learn to look like a serious Daren. It was snowing outside this winter, and Yatou had no place to play.
The dragon was burning in the main room, playing with the little master, and the work was done, and the face was exposed in front of the master. Why not do it.
Jin-Wang heard in the east, is the laughter of several Yatou teasing Xiao bao.
Yao-Niang smiled and looked at her son for a while and was wiped by a small face.
The face was full of irritability but had to be tolerant. On the side of the jade, she gave her a piece of fried chicken, and she caught it when she pinched it. It is.
I still watched my son's face eating happily. I used to eat with Jin-Wang, and the more I eat, the less appetizing.
What she was trying to say, she looked up at Jin-Wang standing on the edge of the door.
Jin-Wang has a green shirt, long hair is not combed, but tied into a bundle behind his head, lining his temperament.
Jin-Wang was thin, and she gradually lost weight earlier, but it was not obvious. This repeated tossing twice, it is obvious that his cheeks are somewhat sunken.
Yao-Niang immediately put away a smile, and several of the Yatou on the side were flustered to stop the laughter, and they sang.
Fu Cheng next to the hand, and immediately went down.
Seeing Jin-Wang didn't talk, Fu Cheng sighed and smiled. "Madam is eating?"
Yao-Niang nodded.
"His temple is still useless." This sentence is said to be exported. It is natural to say it later. "This snowy road slips, and Liu Liang doctor makes the temple under the taboo. This porridge is drunk, and the old nubi are thinner." No, I know that you are having a meal here, just..."
The words are said to be like this, Yao-Niang can only tell the jade to go to the vice tableware.
Jin-Wang took off his shoes and sat down on the opposite side of Yao-Niang.
There are seven or eight dishes on the table, and the chicken, duck and fish are all on the table.
They are all made with the taste of Yao-Niang.
The cost of blessing is to serve Jin-Wang. He didn’t let it go.
Yao-Niang also bowed his head and the atmosphere in the house dropped to freezing point.
It’s also that Xiao bao is still eating with carelessness. Fu has become too arrogant. He has nothing to look for and Yu Yu said: “Can the little master eat this? Can he eat more children? The meat is gone. Hey, it’s so delicious!”
Yu Xi honestly replied: "You can eat. This is why the milk niang does not let the food, but Madam said yes.
The little master eats incense, and can eat a big bowl."
"Donton eats so much?"
Yu Xi thought for a moment and said: "Early meal, porridge, a small bowl of porridge, two steamed buns, buns, shrimp dumplings, and a boiled egg, with some green vegetables, is a meal. Lunch is almost like this The food will change every day, and the dinner and breakfast are about the same. Three meals a day, and then eat some fruit that matches the spleen and stomach."
"Don't drink milk?" Fu Cheng was like a chat, and he took the jade. She stopped the action of feeding Xiao bao, saying: "Since you have eaten a meal, you have less milk. If you grow up, you don't say it, and you grow taller.
The nubi can see how long they can walk on their own..."
Aside, Jin-Wang looked serious, but the gums in his hand had a little bit of food.
Obviously listening.
Fu Cheng naturally asked more about Xiao Bao.
Yao-Niang sat aside and had a subtle mood. She naturally saw that Jin-Wang was listening.
The atmosphere is mysterious but harmonious, but there is no disharmony in the heart.
 Xiao bao looked up, and there were still a few rice grains on his chubby face. He stretched his hand and pulled the jade, and looked at Fucheng.
Seeing this, Fu Cheng laughed: "This is a delay in the small master to eat, eat fast and eat fast, Lao Fu does not ask."
Counting your knowledge, Xiao bao bites a piece of lamb and grinds it with millet teeth.
Red Butterfly came in. "Madam, there is a family named Yao who comes to you and says that you are a sister-in-law."
Yao-Niang's gums were lost, and my heart was shocked and happy.
I am happy to see sister, the shock is that Yan-Jie came to the trouble, although she did not hear how to deal with it afterwards, but Jin-Wang means that the end is not too good.
She has hidden grievances in her heart, but she simply does not know, but now Yao family is looking for a door, how should she explain? She is not afraid of Yao family, just sister
I couldn't help but look at Jin-Wang. Jin-Wang was very beautiful in my heart. On the face, she patted her hand in a timely and sullen manner: "What is panic, there is Benwang."
Suddenly, she did not panic in her heart.

Chapter 92   :    She was afraid that her sister was confused, and she was arrogant and arrogant. It was a mistake when she mistaken the child.

After three days of snow, the two days finally cleared.
The hustle and bustle of the sun shines on the snow on both sides of the roof, treetops and roads. Instead of feeling warm, it feels cold.
The snow is not cold, the snow is cold, and this old saying has existed since ancient times.
This kind of day, Yao costs do not want to go out, but he niang has to make trouble to find Yan-Jie, he does not worry that he niang alone out of the door and still go this long way, can only follow.
Hui niang also knows the disappearance of Yan-Jie before, and even came to Mei-mei Yao-Niang.
Before Li-shi had been boring, he said that he did not know when Yao Chengdu said. After Yan-Jie disappeared, she did not dare to look around for it. Only a family could secretly find it.
The strength was not in vain, and people still could not find it. Before the date agreed with the man’s family, Yao Cheng went home and retired the family.
For this reason, Yao Jia also lost five Silver Taels, don't mention more anger.
Yao Cheng was busy with the trick, Hui niang doing housework and bringing two children, and the two gradually forgot about it. But Li Shi, when niang is like nothing, Hui niang also secretly and privately said to Yao Cheng, you niang must know where your sister is, maybe it is sent to the aunt.
Yao Cheng had a cousin in the country. When Yao Cheng was still there, the two went very close, and even now they are moving around the holidays. Before Li-shi often threatened Yan-Jie and said that she would send her to the country, so Hui niang would think so.
But she never expected Yan-Jie to go to Jin-Wang to find Yao-Niang.
In fact, Li-shi was somewhat restless in the past few days, so Hui niang is unknown. On these two days, she finally couldn't help it. She told Yao Cheng that she had missed her mouth and said that she dreamed that Yan-Jie was on the street, had no food, no place to live, and was bullied.
Seeing that Li Shi, who leaked his mouth, simply did not cover up, and asked to see Yan-Jie in Jin-Wang. In fact, she doesn't want to go, Hui niang also wants to go, she is clear Mei-mei temper, Yan-Jie that Yatou thief bad thief, Yao Yao is not her opponent.
Then there is such a long journey.
Can not let the two women's homes on the road, Yao Cheng can only accompany, the Darens are gone, and the two children can not fall. In this way, the five family members of the Yao family sat in the car and rushed to the road in Jin-Wang.
This is the first time Li-shi has seen such a grand mansion. What is the master's mansion? It is nothing compared to Jin-Wang.
She didn't know that the house couldn't be built at the same time. This step is even a copper nail on the door.
There are standard standards.
The ordinary people of ordinary daring are dare to surpass, and they are the end of the beheading. So don't say what the Master is, the whole Dagan Family except the Imperial Palace, there are probably few homes comparable to the Qinwang House.
Yao Cheng saw the world in the end, coped with the soldiers patrolling the street, and stopped the car at the East Gate.
When I got the gatekeeper, I drove to the back door.
Li-shi sat in the car and complained that the rule of the palace was too big. Which door was not entered, the main entrance was not allowed to enter, and the side door was not allowed to enter, so people had to be thrown to the back door.
Yao Cheng was afraid of the old niang. When he arrived at the palace, he made a mess, and he said that he had the rules and the rules.
The main entrance of the palace is estimated to be even the king's family, and few people can enter, not to mention their flat-headed people.
Going to the back door, because the weather is cold, the door is closed.
When Yao Chenglian knocked on dozens of times, the door opened from the inside, standing inside a Pozi wearing a dark green coat, and impatiently staring at them with their eyes: "Is there something?"
Yao Cheng accompanied his smiling face and was about to talk. Li-shi on the side was on.
"I am looking for Yan-Jie, I am her niang."
As the saying goes, the 7th-Grade officer in front of the prime minister, the Pozi of the Wangfu gate is also exceptionally different from people. Pozi and Pozi had to be divided up before. This watcher Pozi saw that Li-shi knew that she was a country girl. Don't look at the clothes and look good. Just look at her yellow teeth and know.
"There is no one in our house called Yan-Jie. I found the wrong place." She said that she was going to close the door, but Li-shi pushed the door to prevent her from closing.
"How could it not be, then I Yan-Jie people?" Li-shi had a few days of nightmare, because this dream was uneasy, and now I heard that my daughter is not in the palace, and suddenly anxious.
"How do I know where your daughter is! Go and go, don't stand here and block the way. If you don't leave, I can call people."
Li-shi wanted and this Pozi noisy, but was stopped by Yao into, his goalkeeping Pozi Said: "Big Aunt, we find a man named Su Yao Niang who, when she was in the palace to the small County Owner Milk niang."
Pozi face suddenly became suspicious and asked: "What are you Su-Madam?"
"We are her sister."
"Then wait, I will go in and pass a word." Pozi glanced at them again, and then closed the door and went inside.
Li-shi looked at the door and closed it in front of himself. He was trying to swear something, and suddenly remembered the words of Pozi.
"Madam? Can you say that Su Yao-Niang is really developed? Wangye actually gave her a Madam? Hey, I really didn't see it. This Yatou actually had such blessings. Since she made a slap to Wangye, I Yan Jie is definitely in the palace, she should not let me Yan-Jie as a small Yatou, when I can't spare her."
Hui niang has been sitting in the car and looking at the two children, and she ignored her when she heard this. Her heart was very anxious, and Li-shi and her mother and daughter had two ideas, and no more clear than her.
Yan-Jie has harmed Yaoyao. How can Yaoyao stay with her in the palace? It is not necessary to say that Yan-Jie took the handle threat.
The biggest handle of Yaoyao is that he did not marry at the time, but was tainted by the body to give birth to Xiao bao.
The same is not the end of the body, can be married and tainted, but also gave birth to a child, can not be equal to it.
Hui niang Just think of Mei-mei being bitterly stunned by Yan-Jie, and there is a burst of anger in her heart. She is even more afraid that Yan-Jie is stupid and bad. She said that thing, when is Yaoyao? To see people.
At this time, the door opened from the inside, and came out with a few faces of Pozi, and at the same time, several family partners broke the threshold.
"Please go in with the nubi and wait, Su-Madam knows that the two are coming, very happy."
The car went all the way, and after a long walk, it stopped.
The Yao family got out of the car and walked along the way to Pozi, and there was another hole in the sky. I saw that all the places were carved and painted, and gold paintings were carried out. Everything was extremely luxurious, and Li Shi, who had been used to the eyelids, was amazed and stunned, and the people of Wangfu were all looking at her.
Yao Cheng was angry and awkward. He wanted to reprimand and felt that it was not a place. He could only force the anger and repeatedly give Li-shi a wink.
But Li-shi can't look at him now, her eyes are not enough.
When I arrived at the guest house, when the three sat down, some people offered tea.
A small Yatou walked in and said: "Madam is now inconvenient and not easy to go out. I asked Madam Yao and the 2nd young Masters to meet."
A few more Yatou helped Bao Yong Geer and Ming Geer, and surrounded by Hui niang-shi wants to follow the past, but was stopped by people, saying that Madam is preparing for a feast, please wait for Old Madam.
The people of this palace are very polite, full of faces, and Li-shi can't do the shrew. In addition, Yao Cheng glanced at her with a warning, and she sat down.
"What is it, isn't it a Madam? It's not gold!" Li-shi was mad.
Yao Cheng said nothing, he looked at the left and right no one, only to suppress the scorpion: "Niang, can you control your mouth, now Yao-Niang is not the same, you have to kill his son You are willing!"
"How can I harm you? She does not respect the elders. I still don't want to say a few words!"
"The last time Yao-Niang left the house, the county grandfather was rushing to make a head-catching, inexplicable bubble soup. Now come to this palace, knowing that we all came, but only met Hui niang and Two children, avoiding us, can't you see anything?!"
Li-shi said nothing, half a sigh: "She is such a big skill, Wangye listens to her like this?!"
Yao Cheng did not say anything.
Li-shi said again: "She is so big-Niang is such a big skill, my Yan-Jie is definitely better than her." She said, she looked at Yao Cheng: "You, you still have to enjoy your Mei in the future." Mei blessing."
Yao Cheng was so angry that she was speechless.
Hui niang and the two children took the warm car and went all the way to the Rongxi Courtyard.
When I first entered the yard, I saw Yao-Niang standing under the front porch of the main entrance. Yao-Niang wanted to go down the steps, but was dragged by the red silk on the side.
" Madam, don't panic."
Yao-Niang only slowed down, and at this time Hui niang also got off the car.
"Yao Yao." Hui niang's eyes swept back and forth on Mei-mei, and his heart finally settled down.
The two walked together and Hong Geer and Ming Geer let Yatou hold behind. Going to the West Warm Pavilion, at this time the West Warm Pavilion has been cleaned up and restored to the cleanliness of the past.
Jin-Wang has left, and Xiao bao is still sitting on the big raft.
When Hui niang walked in, he saw Xiao bao, his eyes lit up and he came up.
"Small treasure is so big, do you want Mu-aunt?"
 Xiao Bao squinted at Hui niang, inexplicably has a sense of closeness, just like he did to Yao-Niang, the kind of closeness is inexplicable.
Maybe he had eaten Mu-aunt's milk for half a year when he was a child?
 Xiao bao is also known from the mouth of Yao-Niang. Thinking of this, his little face was reddish, and in the eyes of Hui niang, Xiao bao thought of her.
Let’s take a look at the fat face, Hui nang how to see how Xiao bao likes it.
 Sisters sit down and talk, Yatou have tea. Yao-Niang asked Hui niang and learned that she had not used lunch yet and was busy preparing for it.
The things in the small kitchen are all ready-made, so the meal was quickly brought up. On the round table under the armpit, Yao-Niang used some of it with Hui niang, just before she had not eaten.
With the meal, Yao-Niang let everyone go down. Hong Geer Ming Geer and Xiao Bao were also taken to the West Chamber by the next person, and they talked to Hui niang on the big gong.
Hui niang looked around and sighed: "See you, this day, my sister is relieved."
"Right, this time Li-shi and you brother-in-law is looking for Yan-Jie. Yan-Jie, but have come to look for you, she is not in the palace?" Hui niang is so asking, because she came After the Rongxi Courtyard, I have never seen Yan-Jie.
Yao-Niang remembered what Jin-Wang had said before, and said: "How could Yan-Jie be in the palace, she did not come to me."
When I heard this, Hui niang finally breathed a sigh of relief. "If you don't come, you will be afraid. You are afraid that you will be bullied by her."
After she left Yao-Niang, the things that happened at the Yao family were repeated, and Yao-Niang was very embarrassed.
 Sister can't talk to her without anything, she is going to lie to her.
But my Highness is right. If you let the sister know that Yan-Jie is gone, how do you face it? Brother and Li? Always boring in my heart, I will become a heart disease after a long time. It is better to let her know nothing.
The Jin-Wang House has died and has not seen anyone.
The Yao family may be a Yan-Jie who is lost, or has gone elsewhere.
This is still the first time that Yao-Niang has lied to Hui niang. It is particularly difficult to adapt. Fortunately, Hui niang does not doubt her, or the designation cannot be hidden.
After talking about Yan-Jie, Hui niang said something to Yao-Niang, which is exactly the same as last life.
Yao-Niang listened, but my heart was sorrowful and sour, but fortunately this life will never be the same again.
"When Wangye is waiting for you, you will serve him with care. You can see that Wangye is valued by you. Otherwise, you will not take Xiao bao with you, and let you stay with you. Not many men can do it.
These, not to mention that he is a Wangye, you have to know what you are. You are distressed by Xiao bao that child, sister knows, but you also need to know that Wangye is waiting for you, and then you can help Wangye to have one. But thousands. Remember to be close to you, don't reverse the order, it's not good for you, not good for Xiao bao child."
Hui niang said this when he came, and he saw it after he came. In any case, Xiao bao is also a child brought by Yao-Niang, but here is like a small master in the house. She was afraid that Mei-mei was confused, arrogant and arrogant, and it was a mistake that she mistaken the child.
Hear-Sister said this, Yao-Niang was ashamed but sour.
In fact, he is good to her, she is also clear in her heart. Without knowing that Xiao bao was born, she gave in and out again for her.
He is born noble, and his heart is proud, just like sister said, few men can do this, let alone him. And that matter is in the bottom of the matter, in fact, it must not be his fault...
It is her konjac.
Yao-Niang caught a lot of emotions, and some ‘called: "-Sister, I have not told you something, Xiao bao is the son of His Royal Highness."

Chapter 93   :    He is not only a chop, but no one is buried, and he is ruined by his own bones.

Yao-Niang thought that according to the sister's temper, she must be furious and uneasy.
Hui niang was indeed shocked, but the first reaction was not the other, but the slap in the face of Yao-Niang.
The man outside the door was lifted, but he did not know why, and stopped.
"You Yatou, how if you say what you said, you didn't listen to it! Xiao bao is not born, but you can't be arrogant and arrogant! He is different from your brother-in-law. You-sister is a catcher, even if I want to be small, but he can't keep up with his house. But he is Wangye, what kind of woman hasn't seen it, now I love you, I like you, and I will come back to the newcomer in the same day. If you still don't know this, Sixth, how can it be good..."
Hui niang is dying. Her Mei-mei is simple in mind, and her life is full of twists and turns, so she always feels worried when she thinks.
"-Sister,-Sister, you misunderstood, I am not... oh, Xiao bao is the son of His Royal Highness, the one who smeared my body at the beginning, is His Royal Highness!"
The room was very quiet, and the two sisters looked at each other.
For a long time, Hui niang said: "You said that the one that stained you was Jin-Wang? Is that the day I was killed by my brain, and the big bad guy who died?"
The man outside the door was awkward. He was not only a chop, but no one was buried, and he was ruined by his own bones. How many times in the past, how many slaps are now in his face. He was dizzy, and he was so sad that he lost his soul...
Yao-Niang looked at her sister and nodded. "It is him."
Hui niang laughed dryly, caught again, frowned, and looked at Mei-mei: "Is it really?"
Yao-Niang nodded.
Hui niang brushed up and stood up: "I have to ask, how can he do a Wangye, how can it do this..."
Yao-Niang was busy pulling her and blushing: "In fact, he is not intentional. He was poisoned."
After that, Hui niang heard a story about the legendary novel in the mouth of Mei-mei. Anyway, she grew so big that she had never heard of this coincidence.
"So what about the Rauch Hu  Ceefei and the Little County Owner?"
“Hu  Ceefei is dead, as for the small County Owner—” Yao-Niang paused. “I didn’t ask.”
"Why don't you ask, don't tell me that I have to raise the wild species.
The surname Hu takes up your position. This wild species occupies the position of my family Xiao bao.
The surname Hu is waiting for Maid Pozi in the palace. When you have a baby, there are a lot of people around. You are hiding in a small house with a big palm, and you don’t dare to ask for a casual wife, but you are afraid of dystocia. Her daughter is four or five milk niang, a lot of Maid, you are in the month. I still have to wait for Xiao bao to eat and drink Lazar. I can’t sleep for one night and one night. Others have to wait a few laps for a month, but you are thin and not personal...”
When I mentioned this, not only did niang say more and more sad, but Yao-Niang couldn't help but blink.
The man outside the door still has the same expression, but the big palm under the sleeve is tightly squeezed into a fist.
Yao-Niang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and pulled a bit of indignation. Sister, whispered: "-Sister, I don't have... I, I am angry with him these days."
“Impressed? What kind of gas is there?” Immediately Hui niang understood and glared at Mei-mei. Its mad, its not normal to be angry.
She said that she was very dry, and she took two sips from the side of the tea. She grew a sigh of relief and said: "But you have to know what is right, but you can’t pass it. Don’t give up the man’s patience, you know the fun. It is."
Yao-Niang came to the interest and asked in front of the sister-in-law: "Is it like sister to deal with brother-in-law?"
Hui niang smiled. "You-sister is a good person. It is gentle and compassionate to me. Indeed, his family is not good. His niang and his sister are not fuel-efficient lights. He has some minor problems. But he Good to me, Hong Geer Ming Geer's diaper he did not wash less, the night child is changing the diaper, he is up and doing it. When I was sitting at the moon, Li-shi couldn't point, Yan-Jie didn't need to Said, all pointing at him. Just by this, I remember his good life. And he listens to me, and is willing to listen to me, this is enough. After all, there is nothing in this world, there are all perfect men, the days are their own from."
Yao-Niang still doesn't know what this little problem means. It's just a couple fun, and when he listens, he nods his head.
She suddenly remembered that she still had one thing to forget Sister said, busy: "Yes-sister, I forgot to tell you, I am pregnant."
"I haven't been pregnant, how long?" This time, Hui niang can be a surprise.
"It took only three months."
"It’s delicious to eat, sleep well, he doesn’t bother you?”
A series of questions were asked, and Yao-Niang answered them one by one. After that, the two sisters said something for a while. Seeing Yao-Niang was exhausted, and Hui niang proposed to leave. Yao-Niang stayed with her for a few more days, and she did not refuse. Today she is in a hurry. She always has to figure out that Mei-mei is good enough to leave with peace of mind.
Hui niang took the warm car back to the guest house, and Hong Geer and Ming Geer fell asleep, letting Yatou into the bedroom. Li-shi and Yao Chengwei came up, and Li-shi Zhang asked: "What about my Yan-Jie?"
"I asked Yaoyao, Yan-Jie didn't come to her."
Li-shi blasted on the spot. "How could it not come? That Yanto told me to come to the palace before leaving."
Hui niang is patient: "But Yan-Jie is really not in the palace now, and no one has seen her. Let me say, Yan-Jie Hulai, niang, you will let her come, she is a lonely way of the Gunian family. Who knows if something bad is going to happen on the road."
"How is it possible! At the beginning, Yan-Jie was hired by a car, and the car was still the old niang to find her..."
Hui niang sneered, Li-shi finally realized that he said that he had missed his mouth.
"I asked you when I was with Cheng Ji. You didn't say that you bite your teeth. Cheng Ji was looking for Yan-Jie, and privately asked people everywhere. People who don't trust are still afraid to take care of them. Hong Geer, turned around a few rounds around Linyun County, and you know all the niang, watching us go around, even before coming here, you still bite and say that Yan-Jie is talking to you before. One sentence, co-author..."
Hui niang said that he couldn’t go on. He looked at Yao Cheng and turned and went inside.
Li-shi still wants to catch up, and suddenly he was pulled from behind.
"Niang, you are enough! You will make another trouble, I will send you to the aunt of the country hall!"
Li-shi was frightened by his son's anger, like a chicken caught in his neck, and suddenly he didn't say anything.
When she was young, she was not a fuel-efficient lamp and was often threatened by her own men. I didn't expect to be old, and my son threatened him.
Li-shi felt that the sky was falling, and he wanted to sit down on the ground, but he could look down at the place where it was not the bluestone of her house.
This is how she reacted. This is the palace. She looked up and squatted and stood on the side of the statue of Maid, and returned to the room with anger.
After Hui niang left, Yao-Niang sat there and wondered what he was thinking.
Someone came in and she came to her before she reacted.
"His Royal Highness." In the house, she and his two, Yao-Niang is inexplicably nervous.
Jin-Wang sat down on the edge of the squatting. "What did you say to your sister?"
Yao-Niang nodded.
Seeing her head down, there are many words in my heart that I want to say, Jin-Wang couldn’t talk about it for a while.
"Leave her to stay in the house for a few more days, Benwang sees you in the day is also lonely, let her spend more time with you."
This kind of words Jin-Wang never said before, Yao-Niang looked up in a strange way, seeing his face stretched a little tight, only to understand the meaning.
Then she was a little embarrassed, bowed her head and clicked.
"Oh, then you rest." Jin-Wang stood up.
Yao-Niang nodded again.
Seeing her does not leave herself, Jin-Wang can only go.
The snow flutters outside, and the Rongxi Courtyard is a dragon that is burning like a spring.
 Sisters are sitting on the big raft, with a table of huanghuali in the middle, with needlework, piecemeal fabric, tea pot and fruit plate.
Yao-Niang is holding a piece of cut cloth in his hand and is making clothes for the child in his stomach. This kind of small clothes worn inside is simple to do, and you can do a few things in one day. However, a few of the jade are always looking at her, not letting her move the needlework, she can do it while playing in her hands, and she can make one every day.
"She has a small Yatou waiting in the past few days, and Shanzhen has a taste of seafood, but she hasn't produced anything. Besides, there is something and you my brother-in-law looks at her, don't worry." Hui niang said, he also took it. A small piece of clothes was sewn.
"That's good, there is Wangfei Ceefei in this house, and I am afraid that she will make a joke and make a joke."
Hui niang will come to Mei-mei every day for a few days, and naturally know that Jin-Wang also lives in the Rongxi Courtyard. However, she has never seen anyone, listening to Yao-Niang saying that Jin-Wang is lying in bed.
"You just are hanging out of the house, the sister said before, but it is just right." Hui niang glanced at Mei-mei.
Yao-Niang stopped the action in his hand and hesitated: "I didn't hang him, I just don't know what to say to him. Besides, it is obviously not right. Is it still for me to find him?" ”
"I said it anyway, you have a good number in your heart."
Hui niang still wants to say something, suddenly a buzzing sound in the yard, faintly listening to what seems to be Li Shi voice.
Hui niang immediately dropped the needlework in his hand and squatted out. Yao-Niang is also busy thinking about it. Red Butterfly hastily rushed to wear shoes for her and helped her to go outside.
Waiting for Yao-Niang to go out, I saw Li Shi nose is not a nose face, not a face, what is being said with Hui niang, Hui niang seems to be a little angry. When Li-shi saw her, his eyes lit up and rushed over. His mouth ‘called’su Yao-Niang, you came exactly', and Hui niang didn't pull her.
But before they even came to the front, they were drunk: "Bold, let go!"
The person who spoke was a small eunuch named Xiao Zhuozi.
The eunuch's voice was sharp, especially when it was raised, and it was sharp enough to pierce the eardrum. Li-shi immediately stopped.
"Speak and talk, crashing Madam, you can afford it!"
"I, I, I don't tell you!" Li Shi face rose purple, his eyes glaring at Yao-Niang, "Su Yao-Niang, you talked to the old niang, I Yan-Jie? You I sneaked Suhui-niang and said that I didn't see my Yan-Jie. Why did Yatou in your house say that I have been to Yan-Jie, but I have been harmed by you!"
Yao-Niang groaned and wanted to say something.
There was a voice behind him: "Who told you that your daughter has been here?"
It is Jin-Wang.
Jin-Wang long hair bundle behind the head, wearing a black lapels fox fur, black faintly radiating a cold fluffy fur collar, lined with his face like a crown jade, but his face is cold, a kind of fierce The momentum is coming to the face.
When I saw Jin-Wang, the yard suddenly fell.
Only Yao-Niang left, and still standing Li-shi and Hui niang, Hui niang is thinking about whether or not to kneel, but was stopped by Fu Cheng.
"Madam Yao doesn't have to worry about it, after all, it is her relatives."
The meaning of this is much more. It is reasonable to say that a Concubine-sister, who is not worthy of being called a relative by Wangye, can be said to have achieved this.
Fu Cheng represents this Jin-Wang, which means the meaning of Jin-Wang.
The people around Yao-Niang and the people at Zhaohuitang understand what is going on, but others don't understand. In these few days, Jin-Wang moved to Rongxi Courtyard to live. This is a dazzling one, but the owner is willing, no one can say anything, only when Jin-Wang spoils Su-Madam, who makes people I am now pregnant and pregnant.
But this sentence is said today, but the meaning is somewhat unusual.
This is obviously to regard Su-Madam as the equivalent of Wangfei, and the relatives of the Su-Madam family have become relatives of His Royal Highness.
No matter how people think about it, Jin-Wang’s cold eyes are still on Li Shi.
Li-shi has seen such a terrible person. For her, the county magistrate of Linyun County is the biggest person in her eyes.
The first time she saw Jin-Wang, it was Jin-Wang who took the initiative to come to the door. It didn't look unusual. It was that people were a little better, and the people under them were a little more.
Even if he is a bigger person than the county magistrate, he will not take her anyway, she is the Poo of Su Yao-Niang sister. But Li-shi didn't even think about it. She disliked Yao-Niang and smashed the momentum of others. What is this behavior?
Li-shi thinks about it at this moment. She is afraid except for fear. However, this kind of person also has his own little wisdom. She sat down on the ground and did not go to see Jin-Wang. She only ‘called to Yao-Niang: "Su Yao-Niang, you still my Yan Jie, you raised a wild..."
The sound stopped abruptly, but Li-shi didn't know how to suddenly faint.
Jin-Wang's ink-like eyebrows are tight. "Send her back and ask who is chewing on her tongue in front of her. If you can't control your tongue, don't worry about it."
Immediately, a group of people came up, and Li-shi was lifted away.
Hui niang looked at Mei-mei with a worried look. In the end, Li-shi was her Popo, and she couldn't care, so she hurriedly followed.
Yao-Niang is not in the house, standing still in place, Jin-Wang took her into the house.
Fu Cheng and a few Yatou went down, and Yao-Niang was annoyed to look at Jin-Wang: "I blame you!"
At this time, Jin-Wang had the coldness of the past, and the sharp edges and corners of the face were softened. He pulled Yao-Niang into his arms: "Well, blame me."
I will compensate you more in the future.

Chapter 94   :    Mother will call, why not  ‘Call.

The Rongxi Courtyard made such a big noise and naturally spread throughout the government.
In the courtyard, Jin-Wangfei heard the letter and smiled and said: "There are people who are unlucky, why not long-term memory!"
It is true that some people do not have long-term memory, but it is not Xu Ceefei, nor Liu Ceefei, but a small Shiqie that was last seen with the two.
Jin-Wang went to check and found the person with almost no effort.
The key person is also stupid, and does not hide his heart. Say Yao-Niang is now pregnant, still occupying Jin-Wang, eating meat himself, and even soup is not for people to drink.
No one has seen this Shiqie since this day, and I don’t know where people got it.
And Li Shi situation is not good, she was scared by the means of Jin-Wang.
The Maid who accidentally said that she had leaked her mouth in front of her was pulled out of her face in front of her face. Li-shi was scared to pee on the spot, and she was hot at night and bedridden.
Lying down for a few days, it’s hard to wake up, and it’s going to go home.
In these few days, Li-shi was not very sick. Hui niang always looked at him and finally found her free time to see Yao-Niang.
Looking at sister, Yao-Niang was a little cramped, and Hui niang sat down opposite her: "Talk about what happened."
Then Yao-Niang said that Yan-Jie took a man to filthy her, and Hui niang was suffocated and directly smashed. As for Yan-Jie end, there is no need to ask. From the means of Jin-Wang, it can be seen that this is not a good person, and it will not be good to end.
Hui niang did not say this again, just patted Yao-Niang's hand: "Since he still knows to protect you, my sister is relieved, I and you my brother-in-law is going to leave."
Yao-Niang is anxious, "How come so urgent!"
"The days when we lived in the Wangfu are not too short. You-sister-in-law’s chores can’t be delayed. Besides, she still doesn’t know when her illness can be raised. If she goes home, she will be able to raise her.” She naturally refers to Li Shi. .
See Hui niang insist, Yao-Niang said: "That-sister, I will not leave you?"
"Don't stay, wait until I have time, then come to Hong Geer and Ming Geer to see you."
"Then you must remember, Xiao bao likes Hong Geer and Ming Geer."
At this time, Xiao bao, who was pro-niang casually, was very depressed.
When Ming Geer was naughty, the house was full of chaos, and Chuner was so tired that he was exhausted behind him. Not only worried that he fell, but also that he was naughty overturned things. Hong Geer and Xiao Bao are almost the same size, but Hong Geer is a lazy one. Xiao Bao has already gone down and let him walk for a few laps. He doesn't look at it at all, sitting on the couch and not moving.
 Xiao bao is actually lazy. After two activities, he is unwilling to move and returns to the couch.
In the past, he could sit quietly for a while, and now there is a new Geer next to him, which makes him unable to sit.
Hong Geer was very curious about Xiao Bao, and he leaned over him, touching his little foot, Yatou, and licking his clothes. Xiao bao pulled him a few times and he still kept on.
Yao-Niang and Hui niang walked into the West Chamber and saw this picture.
Hui niang smiled and said to Mei-mei: "Hey, Hong Geer still likes Xiao bao younger brother. He hasn't seen it for a few months, but he still hasn't forgotten."
Yes, Hong Geer used to provoke Xiao Bao.
It’s just that Xiao bao doesn’t know, and he hasn’t returned yet.
It’s not too early, and Yao-Niang didn’t leave much for niang. From Jincheng to Linyun County, it’s just a day away, so the Yao family will have a big morning tomorrow.
On the next day, Yao-Niang personally sent away the Hui niang family.
Different from the time of arrival, the Yao family went back together with four or five carriages. In addition to Li-shi sitting alone, Hui niang and Yao Cheng and two children sat together, and the other cars were loaded with things.
There are Yao-Niang to the sister-in-law and two nephews, as well as the Cheng-Tang sent by Cheng-Wang. It is Cheng Yi, but it is for the sake of good listening. In fact, it is something to eat and wear.
It was just that Jin-Wang was exceptionally generous, and those things were lifted up, and Yao-Niang couldn't help but ‘Call.
At the same time, my heart is also happy, which shows that Jin-Wang is looking at the family, and is giving her a long face.
The car ‘Called, Hui niang looked at Yao Cheng: "I thought you couldn't bear to go."
Yao Cheng smiled and said: "Where do you want to go."
Hui niang snorted and didn't speak.
Yao Cheng knew that she still remembered the previous incident. He explained it to her. It was a moment of fainting. Say again
"I want to know now, how big is the size of the bowl of rice. If I am niang like this, I can really go up, I guess she can also mess up with me. In fact, this is also good, so go back, the county grandfather must Ascend me to catch the head, I will be content when I catch a head."
The man showed weakness, and Hui niang did not take care of the temper. She whispered: "The family has no power and no power. Yaoyao seems to be favored now, but it is also difficult. Oh, can you not give her trouble? She is in trouble."
Yao Cheng nodded. "I know."
As for Yan-Jie, the two men ignored each other.
Although Yan-Jie has never been to Jin-Wang in the face, some people have specially bought Maid for the sake of adding confusion to Yao-Niang. Actually, from the perspective of Jin-Wang, I am afraid that Yan-Jie has really been to Jin-Wang and has done something to make Jin-Wang angry, so Jin-Wang personally disposed of it. Her.
This matter is also related to Yao-Niang's original affairs. Although Niang came back and did not tell Yao Cheng, it was just that Xiao bao was the son of Jin-Wang. Unlike Li Shi, Yao Cheng is not stupid, and he will piece together a truth.
This relationship with the Jin-Wang House is a disaster if it is not handled well. In particular, there were two things that happened to him by Mei-mei and his niang. This is the real reason why Yao has to be decisive.
Yao-Niang came back from the outside and just entered the West Warm Pavilion.
The Red Butterfly came up and whispered: "Madam, Your Highness makes people pick up your things."
Packing up the past? where?
Nature is the east side bedroom.
Yao-Niang blushed and nodded.
So I waited for a while, Xiao bao came, and suddenly I found her niang moved.
Yao-Niang is busy leading a few Maid to pack things and drive Jin-Wang and Xiao bao out.
Hongfei took Xiao bao to the West Warm Pavilion, Jin-Wang squatted and followed the past.
On the big’servant, there was a squatting table at the corner, filled with Xiao bao gadgets and various foods.
These foods are made for the taste of Xiao bao, and they are all small cakes. Small and exquisite, one is as small as a small treasure fist, just enough for him to eat in his hand.
In the past, Yao-Niang didn't have time to play with him. He could play on the raft for a long time. He climbed and stood for a stop. When he was hungry, he took a piece of cake and ate it. But now, Xiao bao doesn’t know what to do, sitting. It’s very dull.
Jin-Wang knows that Xiao bao will speak now. He has heard that he has called several niang, not only called niang, but also called red. Xiao bao is called red, and a few red ones will run over. Red nature refers to a few red silk. It will also be called Spring and Autumn. This is called the two Maid around him. As for what Mama is, it can be on the top.
It is not called Father.
Jin-Wang sent people down and looked at the little shi-zi.
It’s his little shi-zi. How do you look like him? Why didn’t you see it before? !
" Xiao bao, called Father." Jin-Wang has not said this kind of thing, it can't be adapted. It's clear that no one, only a small person, he still has a few points on his face.
 Xiao bao was too lazy to care for him, climbed up and moved his ass, giving him a spine.
"Nang will call, why not call Father." Jin-Wang came together again.
 Xiao bao turned over and sat down, giving him a backbone.
"You are too stupid."
 Xiao bao glanced at him, climbed up and climbed to the table.
Although he can now help people to walk a few steps, but they can not go, so the main activities are still used to climb. Xiao bao, who is on the ground, feels like a cat scorpion.
There is no way. He is more flexible now.
He did not bother to come to the table, took the table and stood up, looked at the dishes above, and selected a red bean roll, and took it in his hand. Standing and can not eat, can only sit, so he sat down on the squat and ate.
Jin-Wang is very embarrassed. He wants to be intimate with his son, but his son does not kiss him.
However, he can also speak and do it himself. He also knows how Maid and Yao-Niang and Xiao bao are in a relationship with each other and went to Xiao bao.
He cleared his throat: "What is Xiao bao eating, and eating something for Father?"
 Xiao bao subconsciously looked up to see Jin-Wang, such a 'Fu Huang' he has not seen. Xiao bao mood was a bit subtle. When he thought about it, he stuffed his hand into it.
The red bean mud gold silk roll was eaten with only one bite, and it was crumpled and covered with some saliva.
 Xiao bao stuffed the mouth of Jin-Wang.
Jin-Wang subconsciously opened his mouth and realized what he had done when things were in his mouth.
It should be very disgusting to be disgusted, but he did not feel this way. Jin-Wang was in a subtle mood, and he naturally ate it, licking his long legs and taking a hand and handing it to Xiao bao.
 Xiao bao stuffed him again.
A very strange feeling slowly overflowed into the heart, and Yao-Niang was so eager to feed her with Xiao Bao every time, Jin-Wang saw it several times. Now his son will feed him.
His son...
When Yao-Niang came in, he saw such a picture.
This kind of picture made her look a little hot. Xiao bao first discovered Yao-Niang, and he was busy pushing the golden silk roll to Jin-Wang and called the niang.
Jin-Wang still stuffed things in his mouth, turned around, very embarrassing, very embarrassing. He cleared his throat and ate something with no expression. He said: "This little pastry tastes good."
Yao-Niang nodded. "It's good, it's a small kitchen..."
This is how it passed.
It was night, and the two long-lost people finally slept on a couch.
Obviously, they should be very familiar with each other, but because they have experienced the previous incident, they always feel that they are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable from the previous generation, Yao-Niang went to the bath first, and when she returned, Jin-Wang also went.
The dragon was burning in the house, and the warmth was warm. When Jin-Wang came out, he wore a robes and dripped water on his hair.
The material of the robe is very thin, and the firm texture is displayed between the movements, with a masculine temperament that belongs to men.
Yao-Niang was inexplicably a little thirsty, hurriedly combed her hair and tied it down, then she lowered her head and stayed on the bed. During this time, Jin-Wang sat on the Guifei couch and let Fu Cheng hold the wet hair with a scorpion.
He waved his hand and everyone went down. Before going down, the lights in the room were extinguished, leaving only a corner of the corner.
Jin-Wang came to the couch and lay down, he was outside, Yao-Niang was inside.
Yao-Niang was first laid flat, and then placed on the side, and finally turned back to Jin-Wang.
The tip of the nose sniffs a familiar aroma, a touch of his usual taste. Yao-Niang feels a little empty, and a trace of heat is inexplicably climbing.
This is the feeling she often has for a while, and every night when it is quiet, it will emerge from the deepest part of the body. Just as usual, she easily ignored it, and today, because he is lying around him, there is no way to ignore it.
She rolled over and twisted her leg by this action.
The friction of the cloth made her sigh a sigh, and immediately a sense of shame rose.
Yao-Niang curled up and went inside again. She was really as unsatisfied as he said.
Will he laugh at her, and it is clear that there are children in the stomach.
Feeling that the position behind him fell down, he seemed to rely on it, some cold and mixed with the hot atmosphere. She had a scorn on her head, not awkward, not a sneer, a simple nasal sound, and Yao-Niang burned her cheek.
Something got into her robes, she shrank, and subconsciously resisted: "No..."
"Nothing, Liu Liangyi said, it will work after three months..."
Yao-Niang thinks subconsciously, can you say that the three big sheets of Xuan paper have changed content?
But then she didn't have the time to think about it. Her apron was smashed open, and a cool moment of intrusion instantly turned into a hot hot.
The plump milk on the right side was caught by her, and her heart was nervous, and the tingling sensation that accompanied her made her sigh.
She wants to push him, but the action has aggravated her strength and made a fuss.
And immediately followed, there was a big palm into her waist, slowly down, with a current, directly hit her muddy place that had already flooded.
Jin-Wang chuckled, clearly that the voice was small, but it was clearly drilled into her ear.
This time, Yao-Niang couldn't stand the shame anymore, and he would push away and pull him back.
Jin-Wang came over and bit her ear, her voice was low and ‘mute: "In fact, Benwang thought about it."
Do you think, I think, it seems to be even?
Yao-Niang shook his head in an unbearable manner, and the hip joint was held up by a very hot and hot thing, and it was swayed by thin silk trousers.
The following plucking has not stopped, the slender fingers are sliding on it, occasionally kneading, and the other finger is plunging into the mouth of the creek, and it is poked again and again.
Like a dyke, a small sip of water rushed out and wet his palm.
"It's really wet..."
Yao-Niang slightly frowns, and the ostrich also buryes his face half on the satin, which seems to ease the shame in his heart.
Breathing but completely betrayed her, she thought about it, I thought, there is something to fill in...
Sure enough, something is coming.
The hot, hard and hard pushes along the hip joints. Yao-Niang has softened into a pool of water, and the stream passes one by one, swallowing giants from the rear.
Jin-Wang tried to restrain the urge to rush in, suppressing the respite. It was hot and wet inside, and the layers of tender meat were tightly wrapped and slowly squirming, like there were countless small mouths sucking him, so that he could not wait to tell the past.
This will damage his majesty.
But Yao-Niang was completely restrained at the moment, and the thing was long and thick, filling her full, without a trace of surplus.
The huge giant has reached the deepest point, and the strong sense of fulfillment makes her horrified, let her meet, even have a kind of greed, want more...
"His Royal Highness..." She finally couldn't help but cry out.
The voice whispered, the sound was small and small, and the tail sound was long and hooked, like a cat's paw in the heart.
Ok? Jin-Wang, sigh.
Yao-Niang was trembled all over, and she talked unconsciously in her mouth, but it made people unable to hear what she was saying.
Jin-Wang was so close that she seemed to be ‘Calling.
This word completely made him lose his senses, slammed into it, and there was a faint sound of water.
"All to you, you are this lascivious little Dareneress."
What is shame? At this point, Yao-Niang has no idea at all. She even took the initiative to push her hips back and unconsciously set the hot giant.
Such Yao-Niang, Jin-Wang has never seen it. He lost his heart, lost his soul, took her thighs up, raised his waist, and opened the big and closed from her back.
I wanted to change my posture, but I suddenly remembered that there was a small scorpion in her stomach, which could only be restrained.
Looking at him from the perspective of this, I saw a sharp depression from the hip to the waist. With his movements, the soft buttocks were shaken, and the dripping giants brought out a lot of lascivious water.
The scorpion smashed the scorpion.
And she, a comfortable mouth whispered, said that Jin-Wang usually can not force the words.
Jin-Wang, where I can withstand this, the blue ribs on the forehead and the neck jumped one by one. This beautiful view made him red-eyed, squatting in two places, and retiring a little. In and out in shallow places.
This is not satisfied, and can only bite her jade neck, and the big palm squats on the tip of the milk, and the two white rabbits are transformed into shapes.
Going to the fat buttocks, until you become a crimson, you are not willing to let go.
Yao-Niang's consciousness is vague, only feeling that he is in the clouds, but also seems to fall from the clouds, sinking and floating, breathless.
The place that was swayed by the shackles rose and numb, as if it had to pee out, the layers of sour and beautiful were piled up, and the margins of the explosion were on the verge of bursting out.
She unconsciously held her back and couldn't help but straighten her toes, like a fish that lacked water.
Not the first time, Jin-Wang certainly knows she is coming soon. Busy speeds up the pace and brings her to the cloud.
"Small Dareneress, when you are born, Benwang is going to wear you!"

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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