LJNFH 25-29

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 The next day, Han Jin wore a brand new clothes and appeared in front of everyone.
        Probably because I was used to the boss to wear black, and suddenly I saw the boss changed a different color of clothes, and everyone felt that they were not used to it.
        However, Hu 3rd ’s heart was awakened and laughed and joked: “Into the brother, where is the clothes made, it looks very good, telling you where to do it, let’s go next time.”
        There are some bachelors living in this house. Usually, no one cares for them for clothes. The shoes and clothes worn by ordinary people are bought in ready-to-wear shops. Therefore, Hu 3rd asked this question, no one was suspicious, that is, Han Jin heard the meaning of ridicule in this sentence.
        Everyone followed Hu 3rd ’s words and went to see Han Jin again, only to find that his clothes were really good. These men don't know one big character, they don't have any knowledge, let them describe it, and they can't describe it. They think that the boss wears this clothes, and the whole person's temperament is different.
        The clothes are short brown, which is different from the general short brown.
        The whole is silver-gray, made of fine cotton cloth, and the cuffs and trousers are tightened. The embroidered lines of the same color but deeper in the clothes, cuffs and trousers are embroidered with dark lines. With wide-width belts and booties of the same color, Han Jin’s whole person looks extraordinarily beautiful.
        When the 2nd Brother and sisters of Lu family discussed how to send clothes, they paid a little brains. Let Lu Jao-yue think that it is best to send straight to the right, the general buddies of wealthy people are wearing this way. However, Lu Guangzhi felt that it was not good. He did things in the gambling house. See also Han Jin is always a short brown, so he negotiated to do a short brown.
        The fabric of the clothes was bought with the money earned by Lu Guangzhi. It was not a good fabric, but it also cost nearly one or two silver. In order not to lose the decent, Lu Jao-yue spent a lot of thought on it.
        Judging from the reaction of the people, Lu Jao-yue thoughts on the above fees did not waste effort.
        "Yeah, boss, tell us."
        "Boss, your clothes are pretty good. It's not like doing it outside. It's like a Eldest Miss."
        Han Jin licked the cloaked horn, but the face was not obvious, but his heart was extremely happy.
        Seeing everyone ridiculing themselves, he raised his eyebrows: "What? Don't do things today? Don't hurry to do things."
        Can be mixed in the gambling, all of them are human fine, especially for Han Jin's nature, they also know very well. Seeing this, what else does not understand, they all laughed and sneaked away, while walking and talking about which Miss made such a dress for the boss.
        Hu 3rd did not go, he stayed.
        "Into the brother, you asked me to inquire about it. Daxi village and Lihualing have been looking for someone to inquire about it. No one has heard of the Lujia two-room Miss."
        Hearing this, Han Jin raised his eyebrows.
        No one heard that? Could it be said that Lu Guangzhi kid is a mouthful of mouth? But he couldn't open his sister's marriage letter, which means that it must be a bit tricky.
        Hu 3rd followed Han Jin for some years, and he could count as his confidant. Otherwise, Han Jin would not give him this inquiries. He naturally understood what Han Jin was thinking.
        "If not, let's take a look at the mouth of Lu Guangzhi kid?"
        Han Jin looked at him.
        Hu 3rd smiled, "Go into the brother, this matter will be handed over to me. You can rest assured, let us work hard, you must let you go to the scorpion early."
        Han Jin smiled and didn't stop him.
        I work in a place like a gambling house, saying that I am busy and busy, and that I am idle when I am idle.
        The gambling house is not closed. It is open all night, but seriously, the business of gambling is still the best in the evening. Of course, there are business during the day, but there are no people at night.
        Lu Guangzhi is limited to the family. He can only work in the gambling workshop during the day. The business during the day is usually concentrated in the afternoon, so it is quite idle in the morning.
        Seeing that Xu Cong’s eyes were black, Lu Guangzhi could not help but ask: “Have you stayed up all night last night?”
        Xu Cong yawned and nodded.
        To do their work, in fact, the working time is very easy, after getting mixed, come early, late, no one will stare at you. In the same way, if you keep it for a while, no one will say anything.
        Certainly someone will say that you will not pay more for your work in the gambling workshop. However, those who have been here for a long time know that they are very few people who will look at the wages, and they all rely on rewards to eat. Since it is related to the appreciation of money, this is related to luck and vision. Occasionally encounter one or two seemingly bold gamblers, if he gambles all night, naturally someone will stay on the side of the night. If you are lucky, you will be rewarded with a lot of rewards. If the gambler loses his weight, it will be normal to get nothing.
        "How?" Lu Guangzhi asked curiously.
        Xu Cong took a sip and said: "Don't mention it, it was a bad luck, and almost didn't lose the trousers." So he naturally didn't get the money, even the man lost his money and he was rewarded. It’s bad luck!
        "I went back first, and I was sleepy." With his hands on his waist, Xu Cong limped away.
        Looking at the other side miserable, Lu Guangzhi heart is pity and sigh.
        Every time he sees someone getting a big reward, he is also envious, but he can only work in the daytime, but this envy is useless. Later, when I saw more, he did not envy it, but he was more vigilant about himself. He must not fall into the way of some people. It doesn't matter if you lose money for the sake of rewarding money, you are afraid that you have no bones.
        Standing there and sighing for a while, Lu Guangzhi walked inside.
        He went in and made a turn, only a few tables in the first floor hall are still betting, all of them are gambling, and they don’t lose sight of it. Lu Guangzhi felt that it was boring, and he found a place to sit down at the gate.
        "3rd Brother, Lu Guangzhi, the kid and the bed bug Li quarreled. It seems that the two of them are going to fight. Do we want to see it?" The Miss squatted and did not move, and he rushed to talk to Hu 3rd .
        In exchange for other people, they are naturally not so kind, and the group of people who are often mixed will often quarrel for a little money, or grab one or two guests, and even fight a few. But who called Lu Guangzhi, the kid was brought in by the boss, and he also specifically told him to stare at it more. The Miss didn’t dare to ignore it. Not only did he let his shi-zi squat, but he stared at himself.
        Hu 3rd ’s eyes flashed and said: “Go, let’s see.”
        Bug Li, as the name suggests, is a person who is annoying in the Guangji gambling house. Lu Guangzhi came to see him and was not familiar with him. He only heard that this person is not very good, but he has not seen it. In particular, I met the bed bug on most days. This person was very polite to him, and there was no contradiction between the two.
        There is no business in today gambling house. When people are idle, they are naturally looking for something to do. Bug Li swayed in the gambling robes, and no one spoke to him. When the new kid was sitting there in a daze, he walked over and talked.
        When the two sit together and say something or not, it is also a time to pass.
        At first, the two talked very well, and Lu Guangzhi still thought that this person was not as ugly as other people said. I don’t know how long it’s been, and Bug Li original form is revealed. He squints and talks with Lu Guangzhi about whether his family has any sisters or not. He introduces him and allows him to find a ‘Madam and a warm bed.
        When I mention this, I have to talk about the appearance of the bed bug Li. This life is also a tall man, but unfortunately gives the impression that there is no bones, sitting without sitting, standing without standing, but also always like to squint at the neck and look at people. In particular, it may be that the bachelor has been playing for a long time. It is very good on most days. The clothes can be worn for a month without change. The leader of the clothes is always oily.
        Luguang Zhi does not really like to talk to this person, why would he endured, but because he had just arrived, do not want to casually offend people. In addition, although the bed bugs are buried, they are also an old man in their group. Lu Guangzhi also wants to learn some experience from him.
        Who would have thought that this person would suddenly change his face, and he squinted and asked him to tell his sister to be a daughter-like and warm the bed, which poked Lu Guangzhi nerves.
        Lu Guangzhi took care of his sister when he was young. He usually did not fight outside for his sister. Lu Jao-yue is well-rounded. Everyone in Daxi Village knows that Lu Jao-yue rarely goes out. There are very few people who can reach her outside. If she can't reach her sister, she naturally wants to work hard on her younger brother.
        The country folks like to play some jokes. Lu Jao-yue, as the most beautiful Miss in Daxi Village (Village Flower → _→), naturally did not become a talker in other populations. If Lu Guangzhi didn't hear it, he would let him hear someone who was joking with his sister. Even if the other person was an Daren, he would not spare the other person.
        When the face is not won, he will be black and handy in the back of the land. The group of kids who are almost the same age as the village are better with him. They have not helped him to go to the Yin people in the past few years.
        Lu Guangzhi immediately sullenly sullen and stood up.
        Bug Li laughed very rotten: "Hey? Is it annoying?"
        Lu Guangzhi knew where this was, and did not want to ask Hanjin for trouble. He was too lazy to argue with him. He turned his head and left, but he was caught by the bedbug Li.
        "Hey, is it really annoying? If you say that you can't afford to see your kid, a little muddy leg in the country, even if you have a sister and sister, it is just a small village, and it is not a good thing to tell her." Li hippie smiles, but what he can say is very pleasing.
        Lu Guangzhi waved his hand and sneered: "Thank you for seeing the mud legs of our country. My sister has already said that my brother-like is a child, and the future show is talented. As for you, you don’t pour urine. Look in the mirror!"
        He did not know that Lu Jao-yue and Du Lian’s marriage had changed, so he still regarded Du Lian as his future brother-like. Du Lian is a Master, and he is also a scholar. He naturally compares the faceless rogue to the noisy.
        "Hey, your boy is a man..."
        "Bug Li, what are you doing in the morning!" Hu 3rd walked out from inside with a maiden.
        The bed bug Li piled up and smiled, and the waist collapsed: "Sanye is early, this is not a problem, let this kid play."
        Hu 3rd Xiao yelled: "You are bullying another family, and you are just coming. I said, how can you not change this stinking problem? Be careful to get rid of people who should not be provoked."
        What is it called a person who should not be provoked?
        Bug Li will soon come to my heart and I will have heard that this kid is hard-working. It is the person brought in by Han Da. He wanted to inquire about the truth. He knew that he slipped his mouth for a while and annoyed the other party. Hu 3rd is the most powerful person around Han’s boss. When he is fine, he will not care about the nosy of these people. Now that he has come out, is that this is true?
        Han Bo is not the character he can provoke. He is the one who is the only one to attack him. The bedbug Li can see the gambling party more than once. How was the boss of Han’s boss squandered and thrown away? .
        When I think of it, he looks like a mourning test. He asks: "Sanye, I didn't provoke him, but when I saw this kid, I wanted to ask if there were any unmarried sisters at home. Tell me one. You know. I am still playing bachelor at this age, and my family mother is worried about it every day!"
        Hu 3rd smiled and kicked him: "As you do, I want people to tell you the sisters at home, and let me roll quickly. Don't be blind here."
        The bed bug Li Xiao yan snorted and rolled.
        Therefore, it can be mixed in this gambling house, all of them are capable people. At least the body of Bug Li can be able to stretch, which is beyond the reach of many people.
        Looking at the figure disappearing from the bed bug, Hu 3rd smiled and turned his head: "Is it okay? This goods are not so uninteresting, and I don't know which ribs are drawn today."
        Seeing that Hu 3rd had solved his work from the middle, Lu Guangzhi naturally did not have a face that was not unreasonable. During this time in the gambling house, he has been taught how to hide his emotions. Especially this kind of rogue, it is really boring to care about him. And he also knows why this bed bug Li has changed his face so quickly, naturally not because of him.
        Since it is not because of him, why is he not qualified?
        "Three uncle, I am fine, thank you for helping me out."
        Lu Guangzhi and Hu 3rd also knew each other. At the beginning, Han Jin brought him, and the first person to bring him to see him was Hu 3rd . Because Han Jin is very busy this time, he rarely stays at the gambling house, so that Hu 3rd can take more care of Lu Guangzhi. He also said to Lu Guangzhi that if something happens, he can come to Hu 3rd .
        Hu Sanyi didn't care: "How much is it, I still need to thank you. I have been busy with this for a while, let me help you look after you, especially if I am a friend with you, so don't be so polite."
        Hu 3rd and Sao Yan are also familiar with this. Lu Guangzhi does not know this, but he wants to enter the uncle, since he is a friend of Xiao yan, so Hu 3rd and Sao Sao cognition is normal.
        When I think about it, I can't help but feel that my relationship with the other party is close to me, and my complexion has eased. It is rare to reveal the color that a teenager should have.
        "In any case, thank you for your uncle."
        Hu Sanhaha laughed a few times, and suddenly seemed to ask at random: "I just heard you say that your sister has already decided to kiss, how can I not see you in this matter? Which one is it? When is it a family? When will we be? You have to go have a drink."
        Lu Guangzhi did not have a fortification, and he did not hide it: "It is the son of my aunt's sister, surnamed Du. As for when I became a relative, this did not listen to my mother."
        Hu Sanxin suddenly sinks, and his heart smiles again and again. Finally, his boss has a fancy Miss, and he knows that the Miss has decided to kiss.
        After Lu Guili got a letter from her mother's mouth, she fell into inexplicable excitement.
        During this time, she has been embarrassed, and she rarely climbed up and went to the dressing table. She turned over the wooden comb that had not been used for a long time, and combed herself with a small song in her mouth.
        Cui mood has not been good for a while, seeing her daughter, can not help but reveal a few smiles.
        "Sit for a while, don't be tired."
        Lu Guili did not return, and said: "Mother, I know, you are going to be busy with you."
        Cui smiled and shook his head out.
        Lu Guili combed herself and looked at the mirror and looked at it. She always felt something worse. I picked up a sturdy head flower and put it on my head, but I still felt that something was missing. Suddenly, she reacted and reached for a wooden box placed on the dressing table.
        It is a box of rouge.
        This rouge has been on the dressing table of Lu Guili for a long time, and it was taken by Cui from the Lu Ming-shan goods pick. Lu Guili rarely sees the sun on most days, and her face is not good. Cui heartache is about her daughter. She picks up a few boxes of rouge for her daughter and wants to add some blood to her face.
        Unfortunately, Lu Guili rarely uses it. She does not go out on most days. I don’t know what happened today, but suddenly I have a mood to dress myself.
        Lu Guili opened the rouge, sticking out her index finger, and the pink rouge lined her white fingers, which was extraordinarily gorgeous. She just hesitated a little and wiped it on her lips.
        After wiping it, she licked her lower lip slightly and looked at the mirror. She felt very good.
        I laughed unconsciously.
        The door behind him was pushed open. Lu Guili thought it was her mother, and she smiled and turned her head: "Mother, do you look good?"
        A face full of smiles, a pair of strange eyes.
        "Apricot, are you here?" Lu Guili smiled even sweeter. "Let me help me see, how is this color?"
        Lu Jao-'s apricot looks at each other's lips, Lu Guili eyebrows are light, and the red lips are more beautiful.
        She couldn't help but glance at the rouge box on the table.
        She is familiar with this rouge box, black lacquered wooden box, large palm, round, and a blooming peony on the lid, occupying the entire area of ​​the lid. When opened, the inside is a blush paste, which is crimson, pink, and cherry red. Each color is so beautiful.
        She sold this rouge on her pick.
        Lu Jao-xing also wants such a box of rouge, but her mother never cares about her. She only cares about how much money she earned when she goes out to sell goods today. The only extra thoughts are placed on Lu Lang. She had stolen her mother's rouge and tried it. She liked it very much. Later, she couldn't help it. She secretly took a box from her pick.
        Because of this box of rouge, she smashed two fights. Not only did her mother beat her, but she also played. She said that this rouge is very expensive and requires fifty words. So she thought that she wouldn't be found when she took the rouge. In fact, this rouge has a number of boxes in his heart.
        But Lu Guili has it, there is more than one box.
        Because they have a good mother.
        Seeing Lu Jao-xing not answering, Lu Guili is inevitably somewhat disappointing: "Is it not good? Then I try to change this color?"
        As he said, he pulled out a box from the box, and Lu Jao-xing’s eyes were all red. She stepped forward two steps, holding the other hand, "Small aunt, very nice, no need to change."
        Lu Guili believes, so she smiles even more brilliantly. "Xinger, Xiao gu hasn't thank you yet, thank you for giving me such a good idea. Dujia has already agreed to let me pass the door." She said Shyly bowed his head.
        Lu Jao-Xinga glimpse.
        is it?
        Du Lian wants to marry her, what about such a sickness?
        The idea is that he is out of his own, but Lu Jao-xing is not happy at all. She just wants to use Xiao gu to stir up Lu Jao-yue marriage. She never thought that Du family would promise to marry her.
        Why did Du Lian promise to marry her? why?
        "Apricot, what's wrong with you? How do you see you weird?"
        Lu Jao-xing returned to the world and glanced at the other side: "Nothing, it feels a little tired."
        Lu Guili said with concern: "Then you will go back to the house to sleep later, will you be at home for a while? If not, will you sleep in my house?"
        Lu Jao-xing shook her head. "I go back to my house to sleep."
        When passing through the hall, I heard that Cui was talking to Old Lu Han: "...we want to prepare a dowry for the 2nd Miss..."
        She lowered her head and walked out quickly, her hands under her sleeves squatting tightly.
        At dusk, smoke was raised on the roofs of various households in Daxi Village.
        Lu Jia, people who have been busy for a day are back.
        Dinner is usually used in the house, but it is extremely dull. After that, the atmosphere of the Lu family has become very stiff.
        After dinner, Hu daughter-like Sao Hu collection desk.
        Old Lu Han looked at the sons in a complicated way and said: "You will come to the room later, I have something to say to you."
        Lu Ming-chuan nodded no objection. Lu Ming-shan glanced at him curiously. Lu Ming-hai was almost exhausted at this moment, but he nodded subconsciously and did not speak.
        A group of people dispersed and went back to the house to wash and bathe. The weather is too hot, a move is a sweat, not to mention a day of work, now everyone idea is to take a bath, cool and cool.
        When everyone gathered in the room again, the sky was already dark. Two oil lamps were placed in the hall of the house, and they were placed on the cupboard. When they were placed on the table, they were not dim.
        Old Lu Han sat in the first place, still holding a dry cigarette bag, and the other hand rubbing the tobacco rod. Sitting on the side of Cui, the face is a rare touch of joy, but there is a hint of anxiety.
        "In fact, there is nothing else to do today, just want to tell you, the 2nd Miss is going to marry."
        This news is too hot. For a time, except for Hu, and Old Lu Han, Cui and Lu Jao-xing who knew the inside story, everyone could not react.
        Lu Ming-shan took the lead in breaking the silence and stunned: "Is the younger sister married? Hey, you shouldn’t lie to us."

 Some people were surprised at the place.
        Who does not know that the Lu Jiasan Brother have a close relative who is sick all the year round, and are the old ladies of Old Lu Han and Cui, and the entire Daxi village knows.
        Who will come to pick up this medicine jar? It was not a ‘Madam who entered the door, but married an ancestor.
        Therefore, Lu Ming-shan may be the creditor of Old Lu Han's previous life. Every time he speaks, he can quickly poke his heart and lungs.
        The emotion that Old Lu Han had finally brewed was broken, and the face of the gully was faint and trembled.
        "The 3rd child, close your mouth without speaking, you are a lot of age, as for lie to you?!"
        Lu Ming-shan retracted his head, but his eyes were still full of curiosity. In fact, other people are almost the same idea.
        "Well, what is Sao Gu talking about?" This time it was the turn of Qiao break.
        Old Lu Han did not care about her. He didn't really like this daughter-like. In particular, in the past two years, Qiao always took advantage of the 3rd year, and Old Lu Han was even more disliked with her. He coughed twice and cleared his throat. He said: "The oldest and the 2nd child, you also know the body of the 2nd Miss. If someone can come to the door to raise a family, it will be a pity for the 2nd Miss. I think about the 2nd Miss. If you don't use it, you can't let the other person suffer. After all, after the 2nd Miss married, she couldn't do any work. She could only raise a good health, so I thought..."
        At this time, Qiao voice again, the voice is sharp.
        "Hey, you shouldn't want us to give her money too!" Qiao was also a lot of fools, and when he saw something wrong, he subconsciously went to a bad place to think. Others did not speak, but the same meaning in the eyes.
        It’s the meaning of not listening to others, because listening to Lu voice.
        "I will say it first. We can have no money in the three rooms. If you want to force me again, I will take Liuro to me!" Qiao continued.
        Lu Ming-shan’s face was stunned with a face, his eyes aimed at Old Lu Han, but his mouth was against Qiao words: “Women, you must not be stupid!”
        Old Lu Han was directly suffocated and fell down. He coughed hard and pointed at the hands of the two men trembled.
        "Give me a stop, give me a stop, you yell, I don't want your silver." Old Lu Han seems to be a little mad, and it would have been a bit difficult to say, this time there is no such feeling, he speaks Very fast and authentic: "I am going to marry the land of the family to Ertou for a few acres, which is the right to spend her money in the future."
        This is another thunder, other people are not talking, seems to be thinking about something, Qiao Shi opened: "A few acres of land? You are a big landlord, your son is too poor to be a pants." If you open your mouth, you will marry a few acres of land! Is she Lu Guili not a big Lady?!"
        In the last sentence, she stated at the west with a scorpion, and did not know if Lu Guili had heard it inside.
        Old Lu Han couldn't see her like this. The old eyes glared at her, and her face shook and slammed the table. "This place is the land of Laozi. I will give it to whom, I will give it to anyone!"
        What Qiao wants to say, but was pulled by Lu Ming-shan, Lu Ming-shan also refused to take care of others. In the face of everyone, he was stunned by Qiao, and he was afraid that the stupid woman had broken the big thing.
        Qiao is not a stupid nature, and immediately reacted.
        A few acres of land is indeed quite a lot, but compared with Lu Guili bottomless hole, it is nothing. Can send this medicine jar out, what a few acres of land can be counted!
        Qiao understands the meaning, almost did not give a thumbs up to Old Lu Han.
        The old man finally wanted to understand. He knew that he would send the god out quickly. If he had such an idea, how could they make a trip to the three rooms in recent years. At the same time, I feel a little distressed. I think if I can send Xiao guzi out, I don’t have to accompany the marriage.
        However, Qiao also knows that this is a delusion. It is rare for the in-laws to hurt their daughters. It is estimated that the old couple is also thinking after deliberation.
        Lu Ming-shan smiled and said: "Where, who is the future brother-like, who is the little Miss?"
        Old Lu Han’s face shook, slightly hesitating: “It’s Du family, Du Jia later Du Lian.”
        "Du Lian? Isn't that the son of a big sister's sister? Isn't this the wrong person, so I told the little Miss to his family? Then I called his brother-like, or a child. I remember that Du Lian is a childlike child, why did you take a fancy to the younger sister?" Lu Ming-shan looked disbelieving.
        When Old Lu Han was forced to squat, he was poked again by his son, and suddenly he was angry.
        "You shut up, no one told you to talk. Also, why can't he see the 2nd Miss..."
        On the other side, everyone in the 2nd room was shocked, including Lu Jao-yue.
        At the same time, Hu eyes flashed over the big room, did not dare to look at the man's doubtful face, but did not dare to look over the 2nd room.
        At this moment, a sharp voice rang.
        "Hu, you have to give me an account of this!"
        The person who spoke is Mee.
        At this time, she was full of anger, her face was red, and her eyes were unbelievable.
        Old Lu Han was interrupted again. This is not the first time today. He is also annoyed. He suddenly said: "Mei, how do you talk to you?"
        Mei ignoring her, regardless of the ground, wanted to rush to Hu, but was pulled by Lu Ming-hai.
        "Hu, this is what you are not giving me today, we will not finish!"
        Mei is too angry. She is tired and tired to work outside. She wants to neither grieve her son nor grievance her daughter, but she does not expect to encounter such a thing. She didn't have time to think about the clues. The full heart was full of anger, and Lu Ming-hai took herself. When she got angry, she went up and scratched him.
        "Lu Ming-hai, you said that you told your older brother, this is what you said to your older brother? You come to tell me, how did my family family, Lu Guili? When the aunt grabbed his shi-nu Parents, this is the skill of your Lu family?"
        Resentment Hu words are too ugly because the truth is. She almost smashed the entire Lu family, but no one dared to refute. It’s really what Mie said, it’s shocking.
        How did it become the aunt’s affair with her shi-nu? Could it be said that Lu Jao-yue and Du Lian had a kiss before?
        Lu Ming-hai was also full of doubts at this moment. He did have to say things to his eldest brother. The older brother should also accept the good things, but he has never returned to him. He thought that there was no reply, it was good news, and this time was too busy, and he forgot about it. Suddenly this happened, and even Lu Ming-hai was paralyzed. He couldn’t help but look at Lu Ming-chuan.
        Lu Ming-chuan hurriedly explained: "I told him about this thing." Turned back to see Hu, and replied: "What the hell is going on, you talk about it!"
        Everyone is looking at Hu.
        Her face was as stiff as a paste, and she knew in her head how she should react at this time, but she couldn't do it.
        After a long break, or a two-time period, Hu reaction came over and revealed a crying face.
        "He is a 2nd, you must not blame me, this thing is that I can't help you, and I can't help Jao- Yue." Her face was full of sorrow, and she said that she would wipe her tears. I told this to me. I went to the Du family the next day and said what you meant to my sister. I thought about her and thought about it. I thought it was because we were a poor family and wanted to abandon her family. Her family made a kiss and said something on the spot. I explained it all, she didn't listen, and the two of them later clashed for a few words. I turned around and turned back, and when I came back, I found myself doing something wrong. No matter how annoying, or because of the marriage of the month, I should not use it..."
        Hearing this, Lu Jao-yue was puzzled, but Qiao was grinning. And Mei face is still not good-looking, and it is no longer like swallowing people like before. Lu Ming-hai whispered in her ear, "I said that the big man is not that kind of person, you should not be so excited."
        Lu Ming-chuan's face was not so good, and it was alleviated at this time.
        In the end, everyone is still very curious, how this is the case.
        Hu continued: "After I came back, the more I wanted to regret it, the more I couldn’t sneak my face and say it again. I thought I would wait a few days, and it was a lightening thing. Then I said it again. It’s always a good thing, after all, two The children also know how to get used to it.” When she said this, she looked at Cui eyes and said: “Who ever thought, my mother suddenly came to me and said that Guili had a good relationship...”
        "...Nanny said that the little Miss is not good at playing a small body. She never asked her anything, so she asked her about it. Guili is a Eldest Miss. If I say something, I will almost She was as big as her own child. She was just ill, and this time it was a temptation to be tempted. In desperation, I promised for the time being, I thought that Du family would not agree, It also made her die of this heart... I think I was wrong, I think I was wrong..."
        Hu squinted and cried in sorrow, and could no longer continue to speak. But everyone knows the result. Du Jia agreed to the relatives of the Lu family, but not Lu Jao-yue, but Lu Guili.
        Perhaps Du Wei is really annoyed, maybe it is really wrong, in short, now the two families have already agreed, just wait for both men and women to hire under the Geng post.
        "What about the family Jao-yue?" asked May.
        No one answered her, Lu Jao-yue walked over with fear and worried, and called: "Mother-"
        She really wanted to say to her mother that she had no relationship. She had to marry Du Lian, she said earlier. There are so many elders in the room, but they can't talk too much. They can only look at her mother with a slightly anxious look, and hope that she can understand what she means.
        Hu crying still hovered in the room.
        Mei face was pale, and she looked at the other people in the room, and looked at her eyes and sat down on the top of the old man who had never spoken. Suddenly, her body swayed and her eyes fainted as soon as her eyes turned.
        The scene suddenly became chaotic.
        When Mei eyes opened her eyes, she saw her daughter sitting in front of her.
        She took Lu Jao-yue hand and burst into tears: “Moon, I’m sorry for you, all of them are misunderstood by you, all of them are not capable, they can’t get the silver from the two acres...”
        At this time, this very strong woman thought she had delayed her daughter. If she had not hesitated between her son and her daughter, why should her daughter experience this?
        Lu Ming-hai half hugged her, but also a look of frustration, but did not know how to comfort his ‘Madam’.
        Lu Jao-yue quickly appeased: "Mother, my daughter does not want to marry Du family. I told you earlier, you don't have to worry about me, my daughter is fine."
        "How could it be okay? You don't have to comfort us. Du family is so good, if you don't have your mother, you can't do it."
        Lu Jao-yue didn’t know what to say at this moment. Is it that she is too honest and too stupid? I don’t mention anything else. It’s just that the aunt did not explain why Du Jiazheng was negotiating with her and suddenly changed her sister. This is a loophole. Ordinary people, who will not pay attention to it, first with the shu-daughter to discuss relatives, if the marriage is not successful, then change the woman's little aunt?
        Why did they not understand it, but instead of following the wishes of the aunt, they actually blamed themselves.
        In fact, Lu Jao-yue also knows that she is worried about chaos.
        Husband, the chief culprit, made her hate.
        If Lu Jao-yue had only been guilty of Hu affair, this incident made her really smug on the surface. In fact, the things that were done in the back were very disgusting. It’s not that she hates her marriage. She didn’t want to marry Du Lian, but she deliberately deceived her parents and took the enthusiasm of her mother’s trust.
        Lu Jao-yue did not want her to go to Hu, and said, “Hey, mother, don’t be fooled by my aunt, it’s not that simple.”
        When Mei cries, he heard, “Every month, what do you mean?”
        Although Lu Ming-hai was somewhat dissatisfied with his daughter, he said that he did not reveal the color of condemnation.
        "You think about it, Du Jiaxian is negotiating with me, even if it is because of the two acres of land, the marriage is not done. Which one would be so careless, and replaced with the other aunt's aunt? And today grandfather said, give If Xiao gu is dowry a few acres of land, if there is no such thing as before, it will be considered. If you combine the two acres of land before, you will not feel strange?"
        It is not so much that her grandfather is distressed by her daughter and wants to marry her. Lu Jao-yue believes that Du Jia dowry is more important than her own, so she will temporarily change the object.
        Of course, her aunt must have done something in it.
        Maybe Lu Jao-yue still can't understand the mystery behind these things. At this time, it is the realization of the heart. I am afraid that the big aunt who is always generous and makes people pick up the mistakes is also annoyed that Xiao gu dragged the family, but could not face up. When I came out, I will use the means to let Du family decide to marry her.
        Once she was married to Du family, she was no longer the burden of Lu family. She did not know why Du widow promised to marry her sister. Is it really a fancy to her little Miss? Of course, this is also possible, but Lu Jao-yue always feels that Du Widow is not a person who will make a loss-making business. A few acres of land and a hole that will never be filled with dissatisfaction, a little clearer, will not do this kind of thing, just do not know There is still a mystery that she does not know.
        I didn't think that before, I heard my daughter say this, and Mei and Lu Ming-hai also reacted.
        "Is there a big aunt who doesn't say the details of the change of relatives, but a word? If she can't pour her face, she doesn't want to bow down with Du Jiazi, but how can she become a little Miss, can she bow her head? -Lao told her about her sister, why didn't she tell her about the family and Du family? If she said, how can she hurt her aunt, and she would not do the aunt's murder. "After all, this is going to be said, but the scandal.
        "In fact, the big aunt is not as good as the surface." Lu Jao-yue said the complex complex.
        In fact, her mood is quite complicated at this time. For the time being, regardless of her aunt, at least her behavior has completely solved a big problem for her. She no longer has to worry that she wants to marry her to Du. Although Lu Jao-yue knew that he had decided to let Du family wait for a year, he could not be married with Du family. After all, there are still hidden dangers. Who knows if Du will suddenly pull out and agree. This is once and for all, even if Xiao gu and Dulian can't do things, she will not marry her to Du.
        But if it really makes Xiao gu go to marry, she knows what kind of wolf cave is Du family? Listening to what her milk said, Xiao gu himself had a fancy to Du Lian, and Lu Jao-yue didn’t know whether to stop this thing.
        Mei body was completely stunned, and Lu Ming-hai was complicated.
        "I am looking for her, this is to play with us as a monkey!"
        Aside, a sound like a thunderbolt sounded.
        It is Lu Guangzhi.
        He moved too fast, the voice had not fallen, and the man rushed out.
        Lu Ming-hai was subconsciously trying to stop him, but I didn’t know why. At this time, Lu Guangzhi voice was heard outside the door.
        "What are you doing here?"
        The people in the room were wondering, and they saw Lu Guangzhi pulling a person in, and it was Lu Jao-xing.
        "You actually eavesdropped on us!"
        Lu Jao- apris retracted her neck, her face was timid, and she earned her own hand. Unfortunately, Lu Guangzhi was too strong and she could not afford to break.
        "Say, you eavesdrop on what we are talking about!" Lu Guangzhi asked. The elder sister’s marriage was robbed, or was Xiao gu robbing. He was burning at this moment, and suddenly met Lu Jao-xing’s eavesdropping on his own speech. Naturally, it was a bad word.
        "I, I didn't..."
        "I still said no, you got caught by me!"
        Lu Ming-hai sighed and wanted to persuade his son not to be a shu-daughter. Lu Jao-xing couldn’t help but say, "I was originally looking for a cousin to talk..." She stated and suddenly slammed her feet. "I just want to tell my cousin that the little aunt has long known that she and Du Lian are in love with each other." She paused and hesitated: "I told her, I also accidentally heard Erbo." And the 2nd aunt said this, I did not expect her to be like this..."
        When she finished, she cried with a wow.
        Lu Jao-xing’s words were too shocking. Unconsciously, Lu Guangzhi let go of his hand, and Lu Jao-xing ran away with a smog, leaving several people in the house to face each other.
        Lu Jao-yue simply did not know what to say. She was still hesitant to stop Xiao gu from jumping into the wolf cave. After listening to Lu Jao-xing’s words, she completely dismissed this kind of mind. It’s not that she cares about Du Lian, but that her little aunt is really disgusting.
        And Lu Jao-xing, she does not think that the other party is saying that she missed her mouth. I am afraid that she has already discovered the mind of Xiao gu, so she will specifically tell her in front of her that she wants to be with Du Lian. I want to stir up my marriage. Sao Gu, who listened to her words, moved the idea of ​​intercepting it.
        I have to say that Lu Jao-yue is in the truth, and her conjectures and facts are not far from being overlooked.
        Why is this happening? Is this human nature?
        Lu Jao-yue mood is very complicated. She always thought that her family is the most reassuring person in the world. It can make people rely on trust without any scruples. Many things that have happened since reborn have broken her recognition. Knowing that she understood the so-called human nature is complicated.
        It is like she was married to Du Lian in her last life. After she had her sister-like, she had a vague guess. I am afraid that her marriage in the last life is also the result of the calculation of the aunt.
        For what, it goes without saying.
        Mei sneer on the sly, looking at Lu Ming-hai sneer.
        "This is my big sister. This is my good little Miss. This is a good little Miss who has worked hard and hard to fill her home."
        Mei smile was too ridiculous, the voice was too cold, and Lu Ming-hai was speechless.
        Suddenly, he snorted with a painful -Ah and the man rushed out.
        "Let him go! Let's be a fool for too long."
        Mei look at the roof, and I don’t know who to say.
        Going to the house, since everyone has dispersed, the room has fallen into a dead silence.
        Not only is the hall house here, but there is nothing angry in the west. The lights, faintly lit, are like two dead graves.
        "The old man..." Cui hesitated.
        "Don't say it." Old Lu Han was tired.
        At this time, Lu Ming-hai suddenly rushed in and broke the rigid picture.
        He did not say hello to Old Lu Han and Cui, and people went directly to the west.
        Cui reaction was over, and he hurriedly rushed down. Just two steps away, he heard a painful snoring inside.
        "Gui Li, I am your brother, the month is your shi-nu, are you doing this to us? You know that Jao-yue is negotiating with Du Lian, why do you go to ask the mother to let you tell you to Du family?! ”
        "The 2nd child -"
        Cui and Old Lu Han were shocked, but before they experienced it, what happened again was not enough to surprise them. They only worry that the 2nd child is too excited and will hurt the bad daughter.
        The two rushed to the west.
        "...you are not good when you are born. At that time, everyone in the family was on your heart, including your 2nd sister. Do you know why the moon is born early, because when the mother gave birth to you, there was no milk. At that time, when I was busy with farming, my shi-zi was alone at home. She had a big belly and took care of herself. She also took care of you who were still in the middle of it. You were so hungry and crying, in order to give you a bowl of rice, you two I was in a hurry and fell down..."
        "...the month was only eight months in the mother's womb, and she was born. She said that she was not alive. At that time, we thought she couldn't live..."
        Lu Guili on the squatting, panic straight to the corner.
        "2nd brother, I don't know, I was still young at that time..."
        When Cui and Old Lu Han rushed in, they saw such a scene and could not help but utterly swear: "The 2nd child -"
        Lu Ming-hai turned a deaf ear: "... Because of premature birth, your shi-zi is not milk, the moon is so small, I haven’t slapped, I am so hungry every day. Because you, because you are not good, your family money is tight. You went to spend, there is a good thing at home, and they are all close to you. The moon can't even drink the bowl of rice. You brother, I am a big man, I can't live my daughter, I want my ‘Madam to hold it. The dowry is for the daughter to eat..."

 A big man, crying all over his face is tears. This is the tears of grievances and resentment.
        What happened in this world? What happened!
        Lu Ming-hai really doesn't understand. He went to filial piety and loved his younger siblings. He was always upright and not blamed. If I say the only thing I am sorry, I am my ‘Madam and a few children.
        But what can he do? That is his sister, who is the younger sister who plays the big picture. Can he see her go to death? My mother has always regarded her sister as her heart. Can he see her mother to die?
        Therefore, only the daughter-like and children who have been wronged.
        Lu Ming-hai did not understand that his ‘Madam and children had suffered too many grievances, so he worked hard and earned money, desperately trying to marry his daughter to his son. He thought about it and must compensate them well. In the end, it was the son’s marriage that was repeatedly pushed back. The daughter’s affair was robbed, and the person who robbed his daughter’s affair was his sister.
        His sister is returning him like this!
        "...you brother, I am worthy of you, I am worthy of you! But you are so to your brother..." Lu Ming-hai glared at his chest.
        Lu Guili was scared to cry.
        Cui crying and crying out: "The 2nd child, don't say it, don't say it, all blame the mother, all the things I do, all I do! If the mother did not give birth to your sister, the family would not Will be like this..."
        These days, although Cui is not talking in his mouth, his heart has been heavy. She couldn't watch her daughter go to death, but she always felt that she had dragged down the whole family, especially the things that happened before. The family made such a mistake, which made Cui have a sense of guilt.
        This sense of guilt has afflicted her for more than a decade.
        But if there is nothing in this world, who would want to get things going to develop like this? At that time, she was suddenly pregnant with her face. Although her face was blank, her heart was still very happy.
        In the country house, many sons and grandchildren are blessings.
        But who would have thought that this 'blessing would be like this, she actually gave birth to a 'harmfulness'. All along, Cui is very contradictory. While she can't help but feel bad about her daughter, she always feels that this daughter is the debt of the entire Lu family, the debt she owed in her life.
        And this debt, but let her son grandson go back!
        A rush of footsteps sounded, and the people in the big room and three rooms heard the movement and ran over. Lu Ming-chuan had not entered the door yet, and he was asking what was going on, but no one answered him.
        There was a dead silence in the house, only Cui sobbing and muttering.
        Standing at the end of Lu Jao-xing, looking at Lu Guili, who was shrinking in the corner of her face, she finally showed a smile.
        Daddy, Lu Ming-hai hoarse voice sounded.
        "Hey, let's divide our two houses."
        The old smoky bag in the hands of Old Lu Han fell to the ground.
        Han Jin sat on the rut.
        The whip in his hand changed from the left hand to the right hand and from the right hand to the left hand.
        It stands to reason that Lu Guangzhi should have come at this time, but he has not seen anyone yet.
        Han Jin thinks about his own thoughts.
        After getting a letter from Hu 3rd , Han Jin let people inquire about it. The result of the inquiries was that Du Lian was a person who was not picky. He is very good at learning, and he is gentle and courteous. In the school of Yuntian Town, he is also deeply appreciated by his fancy and classmates. If the only thing is a little bad, it is that his mother is not a good person.
        But his mother is not him, can not be said as a mistake.
        Such a person really deserves her, even if Han Jin’s heart is sour, he has to admit it.
        Han Jin suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart, and felt that the whole person was dying. This time he was full of motivation, but he completely lost the feeling after knowing that she had already kissed people.
        After two days of decadence, everyone around me did not understand what happened to Han Jin, and there were some numbers in Hu 3rd ’s heart.
        On the 3rd day, Hu 3rd really couldn't stand it anymore. He pushed Han Jin's door and said: "If you really like it, you can grab it. Anyway, we are a group of people!"
        There is so much use in the mantle that you want to get.
        The words were very rough, but they were not rough. Han Jin suddenly woke up, and Hu 3rd said that he would not need to pick up Lu Guangzhi today, and people would go out. These two days, Han Jin entered the room, and Hu 3rd helped to transport Lu Guangzhi.
        Han Jin waited for a while, but he still did not see Lu Guangzhi. Just as he was preparing to enter the village to ask for personal questions, he saw Lu Guangzhi figure running far away.
        "Into the uncle -"
        Han Jin did not ask much, made a gesture to let him get on the bus, but Lu Guangzhi said, "Hey, I can't take a vacation today. I have something wrong at home. I can't leave now." "Big brother is not at home, and her mother is not in the right mood. The older sister is a woman. Lu Guangzhi feels that she should stay at home at this time."
        "What? What happened to your family?" Han Jin asked.
        "It’s my sister..." Lu Guangzhi only said one sentence and stopped. He also said that he slipped his mouth for a while, but this kind of thing can't be said to outsiders. If you pass it out, it will hurt the reputation of the big sister.
        Han Jinqi raised his eyebrows: "What happened to your sister?" It seems to understand Lu Guangzhi scruples. He pretended to be in the right direction: "Before you go out, let me take care of his family. You should know that you are very concerned about your sister." If your sister really has something wrong, you better not to marry me. I can help you."
        The words are said to be like this, and Lu Guangzhi also believes in the character of Han Jin, and said: "There is nothing, that is, my sister's family has made some scorpions."
        Han Jin’s flash of light: “What scorpion?”
        Lu Guangzhi said: "You are not an outsider, so I told you, don't say it."
        Han Jin nodded.
        Lu Guangzhi said something about it. In general, Lu Jiayue family was stirred up by people. The people who stirred up the yellows were their younger sisters. Because of this, the family was very troubled.
        Han Jin wanted to laugh very much. He tried hard to restrain the curvature of his lips. He said: "This is indeed a shun to avoid people. It is a scandal when you pass it out. You can rest assured that I will not go out. Your brother is not at home, You really can't leave home at this time. You don't have to worry about it at the gambling house. Stay at home for a few days. When things are done, go to work."
        "Thank you, ah, enter the uncle."
        Han Jin rushed to leave the car, and Lu Guangzhi turned and went home.
        Throughout the morning, the Lu family was silent.
        It seems that everyone has forgotten that there are still a lot of work to do in the house. The door to the house has been closed tightly. The east wing is also the door of the west wing. Qiao door is closed for a while. The movement outside.
        "This is not even eating rice." Qiao whispered.
        In the morning, Lu Ming-shan ate a few cakes, so he was not hungry at the moment. He leaned on the raft, and from time to time he showed his indulgent color. "You said, are we still separated? I don't think the 2nd brother is joking. If you want to separate, this is a good opportunity."
        "Division, no matter how!" must be divided!" Qiao Shidao.
        Lu Ming-shan still hesitated: "This little Miss is about to leave the house soon. It seems that it is useless to divide the family." They were separated from each other in the three rooms. It was suspected that Lu Guili had dragged down the family.
        Qiao came to the front and sat down, whispered: "You are stupid, you didn't think about the clues of this whole thing? And don't say that the big house is a fool, why do you say Du is willing to marry you?" Sister? I said that everything else is fake. It must be that you promised the other party. I will not say a few acres of land that I promised to be married to Xiao gu. You don’t know the body of Xiao gu? It’s got medicine, good. Born and raised, Du Jia will watch his own money thrown into the water? Especially Du Jiaben is not rich. Then the problem comes, who is the money, you will look at your daughter Dead?"
        "You didn't say that last night." Lu Ming-shan glanced at his ‘Madam’.
        Qiao slaps a slap. "I didn't respond at that time? You are determined to send Xiao gu out, but who knows if he will be soft in the future, and there is no precedent. Your mother is crying, you are jealous. It’s soft.”
        "Then what do you mean is that we still have to be separated and divided with the 2nd brother?"
        Qiao nodded firmly.
        At this time, the courtyard door was pushed open and several male voices were heard.
        "Hey, how is nobody at home?"
        "Hey, mother, grand, milk, are you at home?"
        It was Lu Guangyi, Lu Guangren, and Lu Guangli Brother. They came back from work outside.
        Lu strong labor is superfluous, so the following small generals will go out to work when they are farming, and they want to make more money for their families. This time, Lu Brother followed a muddy team and went to other towns to build houses. It was nearly two months.
        When Qiao heard the voice, he came out and said, "All at home." He also beckoned to Lu Guangyi alone. Lu Guangyi came up with doubts and came over, "Three sighs."
        "Yi Xiao zi is back, you are in the house with your mother." She made a slap in the face and smiled at the 'story'.
        Lu Guangyi was puzzled and nodded. "That is the first time I went back to the house."
        Qiao smiled and watched him go back. He turned his head and squinted to see Hu coming out.
        "This is a big day, and both sons are back."
        Hu glanced at her and didn't speak.
        Lu Guangyi had not yet reached the front of the 2nd house, and he saw the 2nd brother ran to him.
        "Big brother!"
        Lu Guangzhi voice is faintly whispered. He is so smart and intelligent. He is just a child of the thirteenth. There are so many things happening in his family. Although his face is pretending to be nothing, his heart has long been unable to survive. Fortunately, there was a Hanjin in the middle, and he took him to the gambling house, which opened up a new road for him and temporarily shifted his attention.
        It was just that something happened yesterday. My mother kept lying on the squat and didn’t say anything. After returning from the house, the whole person sat in the corner and didn’t know what to think. The two of them were deadlocked for a night, until the early morning of the 2nd day, and they did not see any improvement. Not only Lu Jao-yue was in a hurry, but Lu Guangzhi also.
        At this time, I saw that this is not smart, the mouth will not say, but the steady, honest and reliable big brother, Lu Guangzhi is like finding the backbone.
        "Oh, my 2nd brother?"
        Lu Guangzhi clenched his mouth tightly and shook his head desperately. When the emotions were slightly calmer, he took the big brother to find a secluded place and said what happened at home recently.
        "How is your sister doing now?" Lu Guangyi suddenly asked.
        Lu Guangzhi responded. It is reasonable to say that the whole thing was hurt. The big sister was right. He ignored her because the big sister did not show any abnormality.
        He stated angrily: "I forgot my older sister."
        Lu broadly patted his hand, "Go back to the house first."
        When the two returned to the house, Lu Guangzhi stated at the door: "Hey, mother, big sister, who are you looking back?"
        Goro rushed out like a small cannonball and slammed into the arms of Lu Guangyi.
        "Big brother, big brother!"
        Lu Guangyi touched his head and touched him with a paper bag from his arms before he was placed on the ground.
        In the room, Mei heard the movement, and quickly picked up her hair and got up and down.
        "The boss is back, but I have used lunch, and my mother is cooking here." Mei also discovered this. I didn't know when it was noon.
        "Mother, I am not hungry." Lu Guangyi smiled and looked awkward, took a pack of money from his arms and placed it on the table. "Mother, this is my work for this job."
        Mei hand rubbed the money bag, and the money bag was heavy. It is reasonable to say that she should be happy, but she is not happy, but she is red-eyed.
        Lu Guangyi laughed and didn't care: "Mother, it's okay, I have listened to the 2nd brother. I went to talk to Honorable Noble, and I have trouble with her family. She won't blame."
        Not to mention okay, one said that Mei tears slammed down.
        "You are a stupid child, even if you don't blame it, your mother will blame."
        This noble is the Madam of Lu Guangyi who has not passed the door. The reason why the two can be detained, if seriously, is also a fate.
        Yanjia is a person from Xiao xi Village. Xiao xi Village is adjacent to Daxi Village and shares the same water source, 'Xihe'. But one is on the upper stream and the other is on the lower reaches. When Lu Guilai came to Daxi Village to walk relatives, he accidentally slipped his foot into the water and was rescued by Lu Guangyi.
        At that time, Yan Honorable Noble was fifteen years old. It was when he said that he was a pro, and this thing happened. Naturally, he couldn’t say it. Lu Guangyi was also a responsible person. After discussing with his parents, he decided to enter the door.
        It stands to reason that this is a happy event, and it is indeed a joy. Lu Guangren is not bad, Lu Jia is also a good family, Mei and Lu Ming-hai are more reasonable people. Although 贵娥 is not beautiful, but it is also a beautiful woman, and is a good hand at home and outside, and can afford the long room of the 2nd room.
        It was originally a matter of yin and yang, and it turned out to be a happy event. The two parents inquired about each other in private, and they were very satisfied with each other. Then they decided to go to the door and negotiate.
        The two rooms are both honest and honest. They are not saved because they are saved by their own sons. They will have this marriage and depreciate the woman. What are the rules of the nearby Shili Baxiang daughters, they follow the rules. In fact, the country folks do not have most of the rules, there are fewer gifts, and there are some gifts, and then it is good to give some money to make a gift.
        According to the practice of Daxi Village and Xiao xi Village, this dowry is divided into several grades. The family is almost a little, and it can be done by two or two. It is also better to give a five-two-two. Lu Jia is a well-received person in Daxi Village. The dowry is naturally not limited. The two dowry books agreed at the time were nine-nine-nine.
        At that time, there was some money in the 2nd room. Mei plan was planned. The bride price was about 12 yuan, and then I added some things to my son’s house. Together with the wedding, almost twenty-two is enough. Suddenly Lu Guili was seriously ill.
        At that time, the two rooms and two private rooms were almost emptied, and the original wedding period could not be held as scheduled. There is no way for Mei to go to the door to apologize to the family, and to complain about the suffering. Although the family members were dissatisfied, they did not say anything, and changed the marriage period of the two children to next year.
        In fact, the old couple of the family are also the people with the temperament of the temper. It was only when the sinister water was rescued. At that time, it was seen by many people, and there was nothing in the air. Although Lu attitude will surely pass the door, the face will be full, but there will always be those who have broken heart, and say something cool in the back.
        In order to calm down the rumors, the family did not talk about two small marriages. Whoever thought that Lu family suddenly had an accident, and when the marriage was not completed, the outsiders couldn’t easily stop the rumors and spread again. The words are very difficult to listen to, so the pressure of the old couple is very high, including the , too, she did not even dare to go out.
        However, Gui Guizhen is not an unreasonable person, nor does he blame Lu Jia and Lu Guangyi. But she does not blame, does not mean that Lu Guangyi will have no idea in mind, so in the past year, Lu Guangyi has gone out to work to make money once he has become empty. Because the money had been delayed by his parents, so he did not have to pay the public for the time being. He wanted to get enough money to get through the door.
        This time Lu Guangyi went out, he calculated in his heart, waiting for him to work back this time, almost should be able to make up enough money. I know that he came back with great enthusiasm, and the family actually went wrong.
        It’s just that Lu Guangyi was too discouraged, and her mother had broken her heart because of his affairs, and her sister had encountered such a thing. In his heart, the mother and sister need more comfort, but they are not important. So he seems to carelessly say comfort, but no one believes, including Lu Jao-yue.
        "Big brother!"
        Lu Jao-yue looked at her eldest brother.
        At this time, the eldest brother was not the one who was crushed by the burden of life. He was resentful and was dragged down by himself. It was obviously only in his twenties, but he was like a big brother in his thirties. Now he is tall, strong, strong, healthy, and his face is slightly childish, but it gives people a very reliable feeling, like a big tree that can shelter from the wind.
        Lu Jao-yue saw a hot eye.
        "Big Brother!" Lu Jao-yue stated again and couldn't help but rush into the arms of Lu Guangyi.
        It is a big brother, a big brother who is alive!
        When I remembered the snowstorm that year, Du family had moved to the county to live in order to get cheap. When he had no money at home, he broke the grain. When the big brother knew the news, he set up the car to give her food. I know that the snow is slippery, and even the car has fallen down the cliff, and the eldest brother has lost a bone without a bone. The whole family was heartbroken, and the mother cried her eyes quickly. She hated her and took her two scorpions to the door. She was the star of the house and let her lose her life.
        At that time, she stood at the door, so that the big sister was so stunned, and the heart was like a thousand. That is her big brother, who was holding her in her hand from a young age, and she didn’t have a high table to let her younger brother ride on his shoulders.
        She is more distressed than anyone else. It is her, she killed her eldest brother.
        And now she sees a living big brother again -
        If the last life is dying, Lu Jao-yue is resentful. She resents her own stupidity, resentment of Du Jia mother and son, wolf and dog lungs, resentment, and not open her eyes, so that good people do not live long, the scourge for thousands of years. She can be revived, but she is grateful. She is grateful to give her another chance to come back.
        In this world, she will never let her older brother fall into that situation again, never again!
        "Moon, what's wrong with you?"
        May be feeling the abnormality of Lu Jao-yue look, Lu Guangyi asked with some concerns.
        He thought that the sister was hurt, if not, why? Lu Guangyi this person has always been an open-minded temper, and at this time it is inevitable that there is some resentment on the side of the room. Before he went out this time, he still thought about making money to add a dowry to his sister. This is not a dowry.
        "Nothing, Big Brother, I'm fine." Lu Jao-yue also realized that she was not right, and quickly wiped her tears and said: "I haven't seen my eldest brother for a long time, and some want to panic."
        Unfortunately, no one in the room thought she was fine. I can think of it all. A good family member has been robbed, and this person who robbed her is a relative. Even if Lu Jao-yue is a big-hearted person, the disgusting heart is disgusting enough.
        Lu Guangyi sighed in his heart, and touched his sister's hair in a soothing manner. Lu Ming-hai face was dignified and with a trace of grief. As for Lu Guangzhi, he has not waited to see the side of the house, and this time he will hate the other side.
        Mei face was cold, his lips were sarcasm, and he angered Lu Ming-hai: "This is your good sister!"
        Lu Ming-hai did not speak, but Lu Jao-yue quickly persuaded: "Mother, this thing you can't blame on the head of the bedroom-servant, what is the mind over there, I don't know. And the daughter said that she didn't want to marry Du. This is not a joke, it is serious."
        Although Mei did not speak, but his face was written unbelief.
        Lu Jao-yue reluctantly said: "Mother, can the daughter still lie to you? The daughter does not want to marry now, and the daughter can't bear you and the younger brother and the younger brother."
        On the side of Lu Guangzhi intervention: "Mother, this thing is out, but it is still fine. We also see that the aunt and the Du family are not pure-minded. Maybe the Du family is a wolf cave, since they can For a few acres of land, I decided to marry a younger sister. I can see that it is not a good person."
        I have to say that Lu Guangzhi is in the truth. Mei Shi listened to his words and also showed contemplation. For a long time, she sighed, not sure: "Maybe."
        "Not maybe, it is certain. Mother, don't believe you see, after Xiao gu married, there is still trouble."
        Inexplicable, Mei suffocation spit out, and some of them were eager to say: “But it’s gone, it’s not about us. Anyway, we have to be separated.”
        "Dividing a family?" Lu Guangzhi did not have time to talk to Lu Guangyi, so he did not know.
        Mei nodded. "You said to your grandmother last night, let him divide our two rooms."
        Lu Guangyi did not have any objections and nodded.
        Mei Shi said: "It's you, boss, sister-like, sorry for you, the family silver took more than half to treat you with Xiao ku, I am afraid that you have to push back later. But you can rest assured that at the end of this year, Even if the mother sells iron, it will make you kiss."
        Lu Guangyi said: "Mother, I am not in a hurry."
        Lu Guangzhi was trying to say something. Suddenly he saw a big sister who gave him a wink and swallowed it when he reached his mouth.
        Lu Jao-yue said: "Big Brother, you can rest assured that we will be able to save enough money when we get there."
        Lu Guangyi laughed and touched her head: "Well, my brother is fine."
        Lu Jao-yue, who was treated as a child, was somewhat inexplicably stunned. However, she could not say anything for a while and could only bear it.
        At this time, Lu Ming-hai suddenly said: "After the separation, the home field should be able to be divided into some, when it is time to sell two acres of land, the boss's money is enough."
        The reason why he said yesterday that he was separated is that it is one thing to be hurt. It is also because he has made up his mind. Even if he sells the land, he cannot delay his son.
        Mei Shi said: "He said, this field can't be sold."
        Lu Ming-hai waved his hand: "Before, there was no home to sell. After the separation, Tian is our own. If you want to sell, you can sell it. The marriage of the boss is a big event. If you have Tian, ​​you will have money in the future. ”
        Even if there is silver, you may not be able to buy such a good field. It is necessary to know that these fields of Lu family have been painstakingly cultivated by the Lu family over the years. This kind of thing in the field, don't look at it is a dead thing, in fact, it also needs to be carefully treated. Who knows the whole Daxi Village? The land of Lu family is a good field. It is a fertile field that can pick up the oil.
        How good it is to sell such a good field.
        Everyone understands this truth. It’s just that no one has a voice. They understand that Lu Ming-hai wants to make up for his son, and after all, he has not yet reached the point of selling the field.
        Lu Guangzhi doubts in her heart prevented her from saying that she could make money. Lu Jao-yue thought that her embroidery was almost done well, and she didn’t know how much money she could sell. Mei thoughts and more work, these are temporary. Not to mention.
        Mei rolled up his sleeves and walked outside: "Well, let's not say this, mother first goes to cook for you."
        What about it, the rice is also to be eaten.

 Lu Guangzhi pulled Lu Jao-yue to a no-man's place by using Mei space to cook.
        "Sister, why didn't you let me say that I made some money?"
        Lu Jao-yue had a slight lower lip and said: "You are not afraid of beating, you will go and say."
        Lu Guangzhi face was stiff, and he was only impulsive and wanted to tell the rest of the family about it. It was also reacted at this time. If it was known to his mother, he would work in the same place as the gambling house, and the beatings would be light.
        "If the silver is not taken out, how can the big brother become a relative?"
        This is also a difficult problem. Lu Guangzhi knows the situation at home. According to the current situation, if he does not come up with the silver that he is embarrassed, the family really has to sell the land to make up enough money for the big brother.
        Lu Jao-yue didn't want to tell her brother that she still wanted to sell the embroidered work, see how much money she could get, and plan the matter again. If she can, she does not want to see the 2nd brother beaten, and she has other ideas.
        "In any case, you don't say it for a while, you don't have a family yet. Can you guarantee that you won't have enough money at home, and then your grandmother will cry, and you will dispel the idea of ​​separation?" She hit the blood.
        Lu Guangzhi really can't guarantee that it is not that he does not believe in his heart, but that his grandmother can do too much. Another elder's name was on the head, and when it was time, he really said that he would not change his mind. Just like the day when he gave up money to Xiao gu, he was so determined at the beginning, who had thought that the milk would kneel down and ask for it.
        "That sister said, I am working in the gambling house, when do you tell my aunt brother?"
        "After waiting for the separation, find a chance to talk about it."
        Last night, Lu Jao-yue thought for a whole night. Perhaps the tragedy of his family had indeed had his own reasons, but more was dragged down by the family. It stands to reason that this should not be said, but if it wasn't for Xiao gu and -Lao in her life, her older brother's marriage would not be delayed, and the family would not have no money for the 2nd brother-like, let him marry a woman like that. come back. There is also a mother, when the big brother went, the mother-like will get rid of it so quickly, heart-breaking is a cause, but more is caused by overwork.
        The two are really too hard, especially her embarrassment, almost a moment of idle rotation. People, he is not a cow, even a cow, so doing it, you have to be tired.
        So Lu Jao-yue made up his mind last night. This family must be divided. Only after separation, can we avoid the origin of all tragedies.
        Lu Guangzhi nodded. "Yes, sister, I listen to you."
        On the way back to the county, Han Jin was very happy.
        Although it is a bit unreasonable, he really wants to thank Lu Lugui for solving a big problem for himself. Even if Han Jin is not willing, he has to admit that he has no chance of winning compared with that of Du Lian.
        On identity, people are a scholar, or a child, and he is just a hooligan. Although he does not think so, he is like this in the eyes of outsiders. On the age, the sixteenth year of the family, is still a small bud, but he is twenty, and in the eyes of outsiders is nothing but a ‘Madam’, only with the kiln sister mixed old bachelor. On the appearance, people are called Swen Junxiu, and they themselves -
        Han Jin thinks about how the thugs in his class describe him? Boss is really arrogant and domineering, the boss fights like a tiger down the mountain...
        Keke, Hanjin is when this is to praise himself, but his heart is also clear in the eyes of ordinary Miss, or scholars of the type of scholars are more popular. Like the kiln sisters on Fengyuan Street, they will go to the poor students who are so good, but when they face the team of his men, they always think about how much money they can get on them.
        This is the gap, Han Jin has to admit the gap.
        The only thing that can be compared is that the scholar can't pick up his hand and can't mention it, and he can still be a person who has the strength to pull up the power of this kind of hand without a bond. One hand can pinch two.
        He admits that if she can reach her, she will be better for her, but as long as she has eyes, she knows how to choose.
        Fortunately, Lu Guili came out in the middle, which solved him a big trouble.
        All the way back to the house with a pleasant mood, people with eyes can see the good mood of Han Jin.
        Thinking about the gloomy face of the boss for the past two days, it suddenly cleared up again today. Everyone felt more nervous. I couldn’t help but wonder if Chen’s family in Taoyuan Town had been owed money to the bank and gave the boss an urgent need.
        However, Hu 3rd ’s heart is counted, no one is on the side, and jokingly said: “Is things solved?”
        Han Jin nodded: "Resolved." No effort.
        "What about Chen's family?"
        "Look for someone to tie Chen Er first."
        Paying back debts and paying back is justified. I was so happy when I was gambling. When I was still in the silver, I knew the ink. What did I do early?
        "If Chen still drags the money, don't give it?"
        Hu 3rd has never seen a person like Chen’s master who is so timid, preferring to watch his son being beaten, and not wanting to pay him back. These are the thugs who help the casinos to collect debts. They also pay attention to the regulations. First, they come to the door to say good things. It is natural to pay back the money. If you want to rely on it, then you have to move it.
        Give loose bones first, if it is not yet, naturally there is still a back hand waiting. As for the post-hands, it depends on the identity of the other party and the family contingency. Like Chen Jia in Taoyuan Town, it is also a rich family. Naturally, it is impossible to make a forced sale of a house to sell land and move people. It is also necessary to pay attention to a means.
        "Then take the loan on the door."
        Han Jin is very experienced in dealing with such people. In the past few days, he also always thought about the things in the Lu family, and he would not drag the Chen family to do it. Since Lu Jia has already solved it, he can naturally free up his hand to deal with it.
        After all, he still waited for the money to earn the Madam’s money.
        For a couple of days, there was no movement on the other side of the house. It seems that the separation of the two houses mentioned in that day was not in the heart.
        A few people in the 2nd room were quite happy. Seeing this, I can’t help but be silent. Lu Ming-hai couldn't sit still and went to the house to find Old Lu Han.
        "2nd 2nd, are you sure you think about it?"
        Lu Ming-hai nodded. "Hey, I think about it, you will give us a 2nd room."
        Old Lu Han quieted a bit, and some hardships said: "In fact, you don't have to be like this, your sister will soon be out. If she is not, she will be fine at home, let's family..."
        Lu Ming-hai interrupted his words, his voice was full of inexplicable repression: "Hey, you don't have to say, give me a separation."
        "2nd 2nd, why are you?"
        "Well, you are like this. You can rest assured that my son used to respect you and your mother. How to honor it in the future, but it is to eat in a pot and separate the days."
        Seeing what Old Lu Han still wants to say, he said: "Since everyone is not comfortable, why bother to get together, you hurt your daughter, I also feel bad about my daughter, I have not done it in the month, I have encountered Such a thing, this is simply an innocent disaster! Fortunately, when I first discussed with Du family, others did not know. If I was known, I might not know how others laughed at my shi-nu."
        Old Lu Han couldn’t help but say: "Is it not for outsiders to know, let’s be our family..."
        Lu Ming-hai jerked his head up and looked straight at his embarrassment. Old Lu Han was in a panic, but he felt that he was not wrong. Originally, people outside did not know.
        It seems that I understand what I mean in my eyes. Lu Ming-hai is somewhat sad and somewhat sarcasm: "Hey, you still don't understand. This is not something that outsiders know, but the whole thing, you and the mother can have a slight concern. Month? After all, it’s your daughter Lu Guili, isn’t it? Even if things are irreparable, shouldn’t you as an elder to think about what you are doing? No, you have nothing to do, even comfort words. None, as if there is nothing wrong with people, it seems that I naturally feel that I should have eaten this -mute loss in the month, and of course I think we should let her Lu Guili! But, why?"
        Yes, why?
        He is the brother of his sister, because he is a brother, but what his daughter did wrong, even let her own aunt. Obviously, I have been wronged by all means. I can’t say that I can’t make trouble, but my grandparents not only blame their daughters, but feel that others are all right.
        Lu Ming-hai really dared not think that if his daughter was not so understanding, but not sensible. How should this situation end? The character of the daughter-like understands that the reason why he will not make trouble is that he is afraid of breaking the daughter’s reputation. If the month is not ruthless, the Madam will only stand on the side of her daughter. Not to mention the Mei family, their father-like and the big brother-like, how painful the month is, you don't have to elaborate.
        But the daughter is considerate and sensible, and does not mean that Lu Ming-hai can be seen as innocent. The more sensible the daughter is, the more he is ashamed and self-satisfied. He doesn't care, but he can't let his daughter eat a -mute loss.
        Old Lu Han was somewhat flustered: "The boss of the boss is not saying it. It is Du family who is not willing to be a pro with the moon."
        "Do you believe this? You still don't want to poke some things. The son is still saying that, how to honor you and your mother before, how to honor it in the future."
        Old Lu Han fell into a long silence.
        After a long time -
        "Since you have decided, give it to you!"
        Lu Ming-hai was trying to say something, Lu Ming-shan was pushed in by Qiao.
        "Hey, brother, you are all there." Lu Ming-shan tried to make himself laugh as if nothing had happened.
        Qiao picked him up in the back, and when he jumped, he immediately said, "Hey, since you have separated the 2nd Brother, give me points."
        "The 3rd child!" Old Lu Han shocked.
        It seems to be picked up, and then the words will be exported. Lu Ming-shan went on and said: "Hey, you know, I don't think it's not a day or two. You will give me a share."
        Old Lu Han still wants to say something, he was interrupted: "Hey, I know what you want to say, I understand the truth, we are not too small, we can't always follow the mother, the village is like us, almost All are divided, you will give me points."
        Old Lu Han moved to anger and looked at Qiao: "Qiao, is this your idea?"
        He knows his son too well. Maybe he wants to split up before, but now he doesn't think so, so it must be Qiao.
        Qiao smile on his face is extraordinarily wise.
        "Hey, what do you say, how big is the idea of ​​the 3rd brother, can I be jealous?!" Suddenly, she said again: "But if the 3rd brother wants to go out alone, he will make him the old man, you It’s not always that he is lazy and doesn’t work. This time he will make him well. After he sees him, he still dares to be lazy! Children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Fu, can you still manage him forever?”
        At this point, the role played by Qiao has completely changed. It seems that Lu Ming-shan’s daughter-like is not his enemy. It’s just what she said, no one doesn’t understand what it means. In short, Qiao wants to split up, even if he smashes his man.
        In fact, she is not slandered, but also has the meaning to say to others. As for the meaning of this, probably only Old Lu Han can understand.
        Old Lu Han obviously understood it, so he was not very angry. I don't know if I was discouraged, or how, I actually agreed to give the three rooms a separation, and let everyone go and call the boss Lu Ming-chuan. Since it is necessary to separate, the big house must be present.
        In these few days, Lu Ming-chuan’s mood was very low.
        The recent outbreak of the family at this time has really made him dizzy.
        Especially Hu, Lu Ming-chuan understands that he should not maliciously speculate on his ‘Madam’, but he can't help but think so. The whole process of this matter, he is too clear, so he did not know whether the 2nd Brother had a willingness to come over, anyway, he knew the marriage of the month, I am afraid what Hu really did in it.
        In the end, Lu Ming-chuan did not dare to think about it, but could not help but understand.
        He always thought that Hu was a general, and he was even faintly proud. He was the eldest son, and Hu long-term squad did not have to pick it. Even the 2nd-year-old daughter-like, Mei Shi, is also a reasonable person, but he always thinks she is better than her own daughter-like.
        Only now he began to hesitate, Hu is really as good as he imagined? Then why did she try her best to get involved in the marriage of the month?
        Yes, I have to work hard.
        Lu Ming-chuan may be honest, but not stupid. It is obviously a month. He suddenly changed to a younger sister. He did not believe that his ‘Madam did not do anything in it.
        It’s just that he can’t open his mouth to blame. What qualifications does he have to blame? To put it bluntly, in fact, his heart is also faintly disliked with the sister, disliked with endless efforts, disliked...
        It was only then that Lu Ming-chuan discovered that he was not as good as he had imagined, and he was also selfish.
        Lu Ming-chuan, who is immersed in questioning and self-loathing, has a low visibility in the eyes.
        As a person on the pillow, Hu was soon aware of the man's anomaly.
        She is a little embarrassed, afraid that men will question, and she keeps telling herself that she is doing right, it is not wrong, she also has children and grandchildren, she has to plan for them, in fact, she and Qiao ideas are similar But she is not as stupid as Qiao.
        She also did a lot of things. She felt that the current situation was exchanged by her alone, so what qualification does Qiao have to refer to Mulberry ridicule that he does not take the lead? She is not in the first place, but the way she does things is different.
        Now that the situation is very good, Lu Guili is about to marry Du, and Lu has since got rid of this trouble. Hu feels that Lu family should be grateful to him. Who made them get rid of this trouble? It is her, she is Hu Guihua, so they have to be grateful to themselves!
        As for the 2nd house to be separated, Hu feels that he no longer has to worry about the separation of the 2nd house, so I want to divide it.
        That is the case, when Lu Ming-shan yelled at them to discuss the separation of things, Hu was surprised. She was surprised that it was not the 2nd house to be separated, but the three rooms.
        She thought that the character of three rooms and two couples would depend on the death of the family. I had thought that the three rooms would have to be separated. There are no differences between the two rooms and the three rooms. The rest of the room is no different from the family. The left and the old couple are going to follow the big house.
        Hu thinks that the three rooms are stupid, and sent Lu Guili. The Lu family is no longer dragged. The in-laws are not lazy people. How many things can be done for the family. Isn't it a fool to be separated at this time?
        Hu, who thinks that others are stupid people, do not want to divide it, this is not her opening, it is their own points.
        Therefore, when Old Lu Han spoke about the separation of the family, Lu Ming-chuan also made a statement to persuade the two younger Brother, and as a very well-known Daxu Hu, even rare did not say anything.
        The separation is very smooth, Lu said that it is a good family, in fact, there is nothing to divide at home.
        There are a total of seventeen acres in the home, except for the five acres of land that I intend to marry Lu Guili. Four copies were made, each room was divided into three acres, and the old two left three acres. Because the two were with the big house, it was equal to the land.
        Then there are the livestock, farm tools and food at home, one set of farm tools, and the grain is the ration for each family who can eat the food. The cows gave the big house. After all, the old couple still followed the big house, but when the 2nd room and the three rooms were to be used, they could also be used. Then there are three pigs raised at home. One family, for the time being, because there is only one pigsty, they are still raised together. Waiting for next year, it’s time for each family to raise a family, or to raise it together, and then say it.
        The rest is chickens raised at home, and one of the three families will be able to build a chicken coop next to their houses. As for the house, the houses that each of them now live in are also owned by each family.
        In general, Old Lu Han is still a fairly fair old man, except when he is facing his daughter, some are unclear. Because of this, everyone feelings about him are very complicated.
        Since then, Lu Jia has been separated.
        On the afternoon of the separation, Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangyi and his son went to the village to prepare some houses to borrow some soil embryos.
        These soil embryos are all made by themselves, and they are used to dry the walls of the house. The 2nd room is waiting to be used, so I will find someone to borrow, and then I will give it to others. After all, the 2nd room uses the soil embryo but wants to build a stove. This is a simple job. When other people houses are covered, their soil embryos can also be played out, so people with soil embryos are willing to lend them, especially Lu Ming-hai and his son have a good reputation in the village, and everyone is willing to deal with the father and son.
        Lu Guangyi will be a craftsman, and it is hard to beat him in a stove. Taking him as the mainstay, Lu Ming-hai and Lu Guangzhi gave him a hand, but it was just a day when the stove was built up. Then it is to add a roof to the stove. The wall of the earthen embryo is naturally topped with straw. The straw is never lacking in the countryside. The father and the son have smashed some straw ropes and bundled the straws into a row and a row. On the roof.
        From the outside, it is very simple, but it is enough to make a stove. This kind of earthen house is simple to cover, that is, every other year and a half, the straw on the top will be replaced, and the wall should be remembered. Otherwise, if the blisters are long, the wall will collapse.
        After the stove was covered, the two-room family was very happy. Lu Ming-hai smiled and said: "The first thing I will use it, wait for the money, and then build a brick stove."
        When I mentioned the house, I couldn’t help but think of the house where I lived.
        The house of the 2nd room was started when Lu Ming-hai became a relative. When he was on the house, he was separated by half a mu of vegetable land. There are three rooms in total, the middle is the house, the room of Mei and Lu Ming-hai, the east is Lu Guangzhi and Goro, and the west is Lu Jao-yue. Lu Guangyi also lived in the east. Later, because he was about to become a relative, he gave him two rooms next to him.
        However, it is a soil embryo room, not a big tile house.
        Lu house was excellent in Daxi Village that year. Even now it’s decent, clear blue water and large tile houses. This is why Lu Jia can be a good person in Daxi Village. After all, the house is the face, this row of large tile houses, look at the style.
        It’s a pity that Lu family is just a face-to-face light. There is Lu Guili medicine jar, and more money can be spent. Therefore, after Lu generalization of the family, the family could not afford to build a house for him. In desperation, the two rooms and two couples can only give the son two adobe houses. And promised to wait for the money, and give him a change of tile.
        Lu Guangyi did not care, but the two rooms and two people felt embarrassed.
        Therefore, when Lu Ming-hai said this sentence, everyone was silent for a moment, followed by Mei sigh, and Lu Ming-hai glanced at his eldest son.
        Generally, only Goro was still unaware of it. He smiled and asked: "Then we will cook in our own kitchen after cooking? Later, my brother and I will try to cut wood back." It seems that I also realized I said that the chopping wood was exaggerated. He was a bit shy: "I can't cut wood, but I can help collect firewood."
        Seeing him like this, everyone laughed and the dull atmosphere was swept away.
        Lu Jao-yue eyes flashed and I looked at my eldest brother and did not speak.
        After the stove is covered, it is the stove.
        This is also difficult to understand Lu Guangyi, he did it alone. It is only the stove of the new base that can not be used temporarily, so the 2nd room cooking is still in the stove in front.
        The three rooms also had to be built with a stove, so after the two-bedroom stove was covered, Qiao went to the door.
        Lu Guangyi did not say anything, he promised it, but he couldn’t do it alone, and someone had to fight. Lu Ming-shan was willing to help, but he also called Lu Ming-hai to help.
        Mei heart was a little uncomfortable. When the 2nd room was built with a stove, the three-bedroom person did not come to help.
        "You are three and three people are too fine." Mei told Lu Jao-yue.
        The so-called 'fine is the dialect of Daxi Village. It means that people are very smart, they will calculate and never lose.
        Lu Jao-yue smiled and said: "Mother, in fact, this person is not bad." Is the character is not good.
        Some people don't believe in Mei. Although this time, the performance of Qiao is really unexpected, but Mei still doesn't like Qiao.
        In the evening, Qiao came over with a pot of vegetables.
        "Today, I can get tired of my 2nd brother and righteous boy. I would like to ask you to go to the three rooms to eat. You can think about it. We have just separated from home. We are sitting together and happy. I thought about it, so I will send some dishes."
        The dish is a large piece of meat that has been cooked in a pot. The sauce is red and the oil is nourished. When you look at the oil, it is quite enough. And I didn't put any of them at all. They were all well separated. We sat together and enjoyed it. It was a bad idea to go to the house, so we will send some dishes. ”
        The dish is a large piece of meat that has been cooked in a pot. The sauce is red and the oil is nourished. When you look at the oil, it is quite enough. And I didn’t put a bit of it, it’s all good pork belly.
        Something surprised by Mei, Qiao is never a generous person, or Mei will not say that the three-room couple are all monkeys, and they are all in a character.
        She wants to refuse it. I thought that Qiao would push the boat back to the water. I know that Qiao was actually moving, and when things were put down, people left.
        Some of Mei people couldn’t see the person of Qiao, but Lu Guangzhi dialed it: “Three days ago, the aunt gave the aunt a sinful misfortune. Since the family is divided, the three rooms must not be so unique. Uncle brother, naturally, we have to give us aside."
        The so-called offense is terrible, that is, when Lu Guili made up the money, the Qiao guns were all installed, but Hu was not in the first place. Qiao bad guys, did not have any effect, but also forced to make money, naturally dissatisfied, so in the yard, in the yard, refers to the singer of Hu.
        Hu Shisu is from the decent, and naturally will not be noisy with Qiao, but it is obvious that Hu is a hate on Qiao, and the two met, and there was not even a perfunctory smile.
        Pozi. suddenly understood, and after understanding it, I felt a little complicated in my heart.

 After Qiao sent the food to the 2nd room, he returned to the three rooms.
        In the three houses, Lu Ming-shan was sitting at the small mouth of the table with a glass of wine, a plate of meat on the table, and two vegetables. There was a small square table underneath, sitting on the Lu Jao-xing sisters and Lu Lang, and Lu Jao-xing was holding him to eat him.
        On the small square table, a dish was also cooked. After Qiao came in, he glanced at the plate and said, "Don't eat meat, you are eating, and Lu Lang is a long body."
        Lu Ming-shan is impatient: "Oh, it is not a plate of meat, what happened to the children. Now I am separated, what I want to buy later."
        Qiao whispered: "Then don't want money."
        Lu Ming-shan gave her a slant: "Is the thing sent to the 2nd brother? I said that I don't have to be so polite. My 2nd brother and I, who is with whom, still need such a polite."
        Qiao glanced at him and sat down to the squat: "I am too lazy to care about you. It is different now. We are separated. It is the days of each family. Don't forget when the 2nd room started the stove, I Let you go for help, you haven't gone. It's a turn, let's make someone else work for you? Even if the 2nd brother doesn't say anything, can the two sisters and a few children feel comfortable? You can't do it today. It is also tied with two straws, the other ones are the 2nd brother and the righteous son, and you are still a bad man, so I am so funny!"
        "I have done it, I am too lazy to argue with you, say something right, you sent it to the 2nd room, do you want to send some to the mother?"
        Qiao is even more unhappy, said: "What to send, no! Even if it is sent, it is also a few people in the big room, I am not cheap Hu!"
        Lu Ming-shan was drunk and poured a shochu, and said: "Hey, mother!"
        In the upper house, the big house and the Old Lu Han are also eating.
        Sao Hu whispered: “I just watched Sanchao send a pot of meat dishes to the 2nd room.”
        Hu face was awkward and said: “If you lack your meat at home, you will go to the three rooms to eat.” Hu stay is gentle and gracious, that is, to treat her own shi-nu and her own daughter-like. The little Hu is exceptionally welcoming.
        Sao Hu saw his mother-like and glanced at Old Lu Han’s old two eyes: “I’m not calling for the grandmother’s milk, I know that I’m going to give it to the 2nd room. I don’t know how to give it to my grandmother’s milk. This is the filial piety. of."
        This time Hu did not speak, it is not himself who is like a person.
        Old Lu Han chewed the rice in his mouth, and his heart was not a taste.
        Since the fire is going to be fired alone, the guy in the kitchen should do it.
        When Pozi. calculated what he wanted to buy, he prepared to take his daughter to the town.
        Because there are so many things to buy, Mei wanted to use the ox cart at home, but unfortunately she would not drive, the eldest son is busy in the field today, and the man does not want to delay the tofu business, he can only give up.
        Early in the morning, Mei Shi went to Yuntian Town with Lu Jao-yue.
        When I arrived in the town, when I was too late, Mei didn't want to delay the time, and took her daughter to the market.
        I went to the blacksmith shop and bought two large iron pans and a kitchen knife. When I saved the money, Mei heart hurts badly. But everything that is stained with iron is not cheap. These three things go to Mei whole one or two silver.
        The two silvers were earned by Mei work for so many days. You can’t buy this thing, why not buy it? The big heads are spent, and the rest of the nature is not distressed. Mee took her daughter to buy the steamer and some stoves and the oil, salt and vinegar.
        The two women naturally can't take so many things. After Mei paid the money, he deposited the things in the store, prepared to wait for something to buy, and hired a cow car to help him back.
        It’s hard to buy things together. Mei daughter took her daughter to hire a car. When she was talking to the owner of the cart, a carriage suddenly stopped in front of them.
        "Big sister, is this what it is doing?"
        Sitting in the car, a man wearing a silver-gray short brown body is Han Jin.
        Han Jin was familiar with Mee and said hello. At first, Mei did not react. After the reaction, she hesitated a little: "I want to hire a car..."
        "What to do with the hired car, I have a ready-made here, the big sister, where are you going, I will send you."
        Don't look at Han Jin's serious talk with Hu, but in fact, his eyes intentionally or unintentionally always wander around Lu Jao-yue. Lu Jao-yue is also secretly watching Han Jin, she is not looking at this person, but looking at clothes.
        When I first made clothes for Han Jin, the size was estimated by Lu Jao-yue. Lu Jao-yue had such a skill. It might be because she had done more clothes. She could see what size she was using her eyes. However, after all, it was a gift. She was somewhat embarrassed. Although Lu Guangzhi told her that she was fit, she still had to read it before she was relieved.
        At this point, it seems that it is very fit.
        But when I saw the sturdy texture of the clothes underneath, Lu Jao-yue was somewhat unconfident, would she be a little smaller, how could it look like it was a little tight? It seems that she seems to think that adding a point is too fat and a point is too thin, then it can only be said that the other person's physique is too strong.
        Seeing each other's eyes and looking at it here, Lu Jao-yue realized that her behavior was a bit out of the way, and she couldn't help but look a little red.
        Over there, Hu listened to Han Jin and said, subconsciously refused: "It still doesn't have to be so troublesome..."
        "How can it be trouble? You are Zhuang Yi big sister. Zhuang Yi is now out. I can see if you need to help."
        "The 3rd child is going out? What did he do? When did he go out?" Mei asked quickly.
        Lu Jao-yue also looked up in amazement.
        Han Jin was surprised: "Don't you know?" Then he explained: "Zhuang Yi is not trying to do business. He is going out for business."
        He knows the inside story, but he only says such a sentence.
        "Big sister, my car is ready-made, running faster than the oxcart, or use me." Han Jin said again.
        This time, Mei refused to refuse. The owner of the oxcart was afraid to speak. He was only relying on the family cattle to eat, but he could not afford to have such a golden object as a carriage.
        Han Jinxin was satisfied with the underground car, put down the bench, but the surface is a light and light cloud.
        When he got on the bus, Mei told him the place, and he rushed to the car with a whip.
        I took the iron pan and took the steamer and the mother and daughter of Mei mother, and they all bought it. Mei and Han Jin are not familiar with each other. The impression of him is only a friend of his younger brother. A person who wants to respect the distance. At this time, although he is not good at face, he is eager to be tempted and can not help but change him.
        "It’s really bothering you, but thanks to you, or we have to worry about how to move."
        Han Jinxi smiled indifferently. "You are polite, not outsiders."
        Because there was a lot of things in the car, there was only one person left, Mei Shi let his daughter sit in the car, and he was sitting on the other side of the rut.
        Han Jin rushed out of Yuntian Town, and Mei remembered his brother's business, and he chatted with Han Jin.
        After a chat, Mei knows what Mei Zhuangyi is doing.
        Originally, Mei Zhuangyi said that the business is to sell goods. This is not just a matter of going back and forth in several counties and towns nearby. Mei Zhuangyi plans to do it big. He plans to ship some goods from the south to sell it. The climate in the south is better than that in the north. Light grain can be more than a season in the north, not to mention the silk crepe and the gadgets that are not in the north.
        Mei Zhuangyi is also a long time outside, and this information is known from a friend's mouth. He has never been to the South. His impression of the South is that his mother is a southerner, but what the South is like, but his mother does not mention it.
        Because he remembered doing business, Mei Zhuangyi also asked his mother to inquire about some folk customs in the south. Lu son did not ask for anything else, just people livelihood, but he also said something to his son.
        When I heard this, Mei Zhuangyi was even more at ease.
        So he said his thoughts with Han Jin, and Han Jin also promised to join. This is not the case. After the two men discussed it, Mei Zhuangyi decided to go out and see for himself because of his cautious attitude. After all, his mother came to the North for decades, and who knows what it is like.
        After listening to Mei, he couldn't help but feel worried. Going out, different, just one own safety, it is enough for people to worry about. At the same time, I heard that Han Jin and his younger brother are planning to do business in partnership. It is inevitable that he will be more friendly.
        In addition, Hanjin intends to please, and when he arrives at Daxi Village, Mei has already treated Han Jin as his own brother.
        When I noticed this, Han Jin could not help but feel a little bit troubled. In this way, he and she are really wrong, but in addition to this method, he really can't think of any good way to be close to her.
        Han Jin thinks far. If he wants to marry Lu Jao-yue, he must first have her sister-like, but his reputation is too bad, so it is necessary to do this.
        The carriage drove into Daxi Village, because the carriage was a rare item, attracting many people.
        At the entrance of Lujia, Mei advanced door was ready to find someone to move things. Lu Jao-yue came down from the carriage and looked at Han Jin’s eyes and hesitated: "Into the uncle -"
        Han Jin went to see her side, his eyes burning and shining.
        Lu Jao-yue was burned by this hot eyes, and it was a little flustered. I didn’t know where to go if I wanted to say it.
        Seeing this, Han Jin realized that he was not right. He quickly converges and whispers: "Is there something?"
        Lu Jao-yue wants to say something, and sees Mei coming out from inside.
        "Into the Brother, you have to help, we are not at home, the eldest son went to the ground, the 2nd child of the 2nd child does not know where to play, and there is no man at home to help carry things."
        Lu Jao-yue and Han Jin had a look, where Lu Guangzhi went, and only the two of them knew. Seeing that the work at home was busy, Lu Guangzhi went back to work at the gambling house. The argument for the family was naturally played with the two dogs. He was not old enough, and the family didn't expect him to do anything, so he played by him.
        This morning, Han Jin came to pick him up. It was also from Lu Guangzhi mouth. Han Jin knew that today two mothers and daughters of Mei family had to go to the town, so they would have this encounter.
        The future mother-like asked her to work. Han Jin was omnipotent. Only happy, he jumped out of the car and picked up a big iron pot in one hand. He went with Me.
        When passing by the West Chamber, Qiao came out and curiously asked: "Two sisters, who is this?"
        Mei did not explain much. He only said that he was a friend of his brother and helped him to send things back.
        Everything is done, naturally, I can't immediately smash the other side, and Mei is hesitant to ask the other party to leave a bowl of water. Although at this time she has taken the other party as her own brother, after all, men and women are different, and the men in the family are not there. She and her daughter are both scrupulous.
        Han Jin seems to see her hesitation, and did not stay too much, he said: "Big sister, I still have things, I will go first."
        "Into the Brother, stay and drink the bowl of water and go. If you are tired for a long time, there is no bowl of water to drink."
        "No, I am still rushing to have something." After a pause, he said again: "Big sister, don't worry about Zhuang Yi. He is not a person this time. He is going with a friend. If there is there. I have come back to tell you a letter."
        Mei can’t help but see Hanjin’s more cordiality. He nodded again and again: “Well, this time you have something, I will not leave you, I will come to the house next time.”
        When he left, Han Jin looked at Lu Jao-yue. Although he regretted that he could not get along with her alone, today progress is enough for him to be happy.
        If you are too worried, Han Jin still understands this truth.
        Lu Jao-yue is somewhat worried.
        As soon as she thought, Sao Sao was planning to sell goods.
        People who have never traveled far away will never understand what it is like to go out. Lu Jao-yue has not been to the South. The farthest place she went to is the capital, but some experiences in her life are enough to let her know the danger of walking outside.
        I remember that when Du Lian went to the township test, he met the thief on the way to Dongchang. At that time, Lu Jao-yue did not follow the same, but was in the middle of the news with Du Widow. I don’t know what to expect from Du Lian’s move, but he met the thief on the road. The silver that was robbed of his body was not counted, and he was injured. So he missed the autumn .
        After eating that one long, the wisdom, since then, Du Lian went out to take the test, and then dare not go alone on the road, but together with many of the classmates, and the partnership to collect money to go to the darts to ask people to escort all the way.
        Lu Jao-yue can almost foresee why the last generation of Xiao yan will end up like that. Needless to say, it will be with a lot of money or goods on the road, attracting the guilty coveted, and was robbed on the road.
        She originally listened to Hanjin as a partner of Xiao yan, and was prepared to ask him to inquire about some specific matters of the business. Unfortunately, he did not find the opportunity and could only give up.
        After Han Jin’s departure, Mei plan is to wash the guys who bought it today, or to cook at night.
        Mei Shi went to the water, Lu Jao-yue found the loofah to wash the pot, and the mother and daughter brushed the two big iron pots in front of the 2nd house.
        Seeing her daughter seem to have something to worry about, Mei asked: "What are you thinking about?"
        Lu Jao-yue returned to God, naturally there is no truth, a little hesitant, said: "Mother, I want to change the house with my brother."
        Mei glimpse, stopped the action in his hand.
        "How come suddenly?" Mei soon understood his daughter's meaning, and his eyes were a bit complicated: "Your brother has a house, what room do you change with him?"
        Lu Jao-yue sighed, said: "Mother, big brother, he is letting us be Brother and sisters, but there are big Brother who let the young couple live in the adobe house, let's live in the big tile house. The daughter thought, her daughter is not old. Small, sooner or later, I will go out. When the time comes, the room will be vacated. Since it will be tempered sooner or later, it is better to move out now. Our family has already delayed people for a year. Daxie is a Mingli person, so no strange I think that I can think of what the situation is in the Xiao xi Village. We have no conditions. Since we have this condition, we have to make our face lighter."
        How could Mei might not understand this truth, but she could not bear to grieve her daughter. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed the best for Lu Jao-yue to give it to the Tengwuzi. If Lu Guangzhi and Goro go out, it will become a future ‘Madam of Lu Guangyi. If this is not yet a pro, then put two The little uncle squeezed outside.
        Of course, letting Lu Jao-yue house squatting will also be a slap in the face, and it’s hard to hear that there is no run on the little uncle. After all, Lu Jao-yue is a daughter, and she will always marry and marry the daughter’s water. Although I don't want to admit it, the world in front of us really wants to treat some women.
        "Don't change it, your big brother won't change it with you. After you enter the door, I will tell you that if you have money, you will be given a big tile house." Between the daughter-like and her daughter, Mei I still chose my daughter.
        Lu Jao-yue was very touched, but she was touched by one thing. How to think about it is another matter.
        For the first time, Lu Jao-yue spoke in a firm tone in front of her mother: "Mother, my daughter has decided to change with her older brother. You should not worry about this matter. I will go and talk to my eldest brother."
        Lu Jao-yue approach is to first lay himself up and some small things he used, move to the room where Lu Guangyi lives now, and move Lu Guang’s cover to her house.
        At the same time, Xiao xi Village.
        Since the fight between Lu Guangyi and Yu Guizhen, the two will always take time to see the side. Both parents know that they are all close, and they have not stopped. After all, the children themselves are clear about themselves and will not do anything extraordinary.
        Before Lu Guangyi went out to work for the last time, he met with Yu Honorable Noble and told him that she would be able to pass her door when she finished her work. When I came back this time, although there was something in the family, Lu Guangyi couldn’t avoid it, so he finished his family business and took time to come to Xiao xi Village.
        In fact, Lu Ming-hai talked with his son in private, that is, if it is not enough money at the time, he will sell the two acres of land in his home. Although Lu Guangyi was unwilling, he did not refuse. As he said, Tian is dead, but people are alive. You can’t drag on here, and it’s not like dragging it. Lu Ming-hai and his father are both characters who would rather be bitter and not willing to be accused.
        Lu Guangyi can only accept it silently, and he has made up his mind. When he enters the door, he will try his best to make money, and then he will buy it back.
        If you don't mention this, Lu Guangyi said that the family has already saved enough money and will give the two parents a chance to do things in a while.
        Of course, he also mentioned the fact that the family has been separated. As for the specifics, there is no detailed explanation. After all, some things are known to the family, and it is hard to say in front of the outsiders.
        Qi Honorable Noble finally settled down. It may be the reason of last year's incident. The more she is nearing the wedding, the more nervous she is, and she is always afraid of sudden changes. After he settled down, the string that was tight in his heart could not help but loosen. Yan Guizhen looked at Lu Guangyi sitting beside him, and his delicate face could not help but faint.
        At the end of the summer, the Liang is almost close to maturing, and the sky is full of endless red Liang. The wind blew and the rustling of the rustling sands.
        Here is the highland of the family. There are always too many inconveniences for unmarried men and women to meet privately. When they are seen, they may say something whispering, so the two talents chose such a secret place.
        It is also very secretive here. You are walking in your own home, and it will not cause suspicions from others. If someone passes by, Lu Guangyi can't see the figure in a high-pitched place, so it is not unreasonable to say that Gaochundi is a perfect place for the men and women in the country.
        Lu Guangsu had a thick face, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit restrained. It may be because of the venue, or it may be that the obstacle between the two suddenly disappeared. He felt a sense of relaxation, and the faint scent seemed to smell a touch of fragrance.
        He couldn't help but heartbeat quickly, squatting, and found something out of his arms.
        "Gui, this is what I bought when I went out to work. It is worth nothing. You take it."
        He hurriedly stuffed things into his hands.
        It is a bitch.
        Jujube wood carving, the scorpion head carved a few jasmine, although not worth the money, but it looks very elegant.
        Lu Guangyi did not dare to go to see her: "Like it, after, after, after, etc., we will become pro, I will make money and buy it for you."
        At this time, there was no sound and no sound. Although the two men were separated by nearly half a meter, they still felt that the two were close together and very close.
        There was a sizzling sound from afar, and the scorpion was suddenly awakened and hurriedly stood up.
        "That, I should go home."
        Lu Guangyi nodded and said: "I will send you."
        The two walked along a tall Liang, one in front and one in the back.
        Walking in front of you, suddenly stopped, turned his head, and hesitated.
        "What's wrong?" Lu Guangyi asked.
        think of what she said to herself, her hand stunned: "I have something to say to you."
        "You said."
        She bit her lip and thought about it in her heart. It was hard to say: "This is the case. I remember you said that your house has given us a new house. Is it a soil embryo?"
        Lu Guangyi sighed and said: "It may be wronged, but you can rest assured, my mother said, and when we have money at home, we will change the tile house."
        nodded, and lowered his head, it seems that there is nothing to say.
        Lu Guangyi inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.
        "I remember that you live in a big tile house."
        The two walked a few more steps forward, and suddenly they looked like they were casual.
        Lu Guangyi stopped and hesitated to look at each other and said: "Gui, you have to say anything if you have something to say."
        Yan Honorable Noble stopped and turned around, and the delicate face was full of dilemmas and hard to tell.
        "Ye Ji, don't blame me, this is the case. You also know that my family lost a big face in the village because of my previous affairs. There are always people in the village who make irresponsible remarks, even the relatives at home are private. I didn’t talk about me... I can’t figure it out, everyone not all relatives, why is it so ugly to talk...” 贵娥 seems to think of something, and he cried when he said.
        Lu Guangyi mood was a bit complicated. He thought about the things happening in his family and touched him. He advised: “What they say is their business. Don’t worry about it.”
        Yan Guizhen rubbed his tears and nodded. "I think so too, but my mother is always crying." She paused and said: There are relatives in the family who go to your home to make a bed, I just want to..."
        Lu Guangyi looked at her and did not speak.
        Yan Honorable Noble suddenly closed his eyes and said his intentions. "I remember you said that you have three tile houses in your house. Just wonder if you can go back and talk to your sister, change the room with her..."
        Seemingly aware of Lu unwillingness in her heart, she hurriedly explained: “I don’t want to grab a house with your sister, but you think about it, your family live in a tile house, but our new house is a soil, to When the person who made the bed went, what should I think about us..."
        She lowered her head and said that she was full of flustered. "You can rest assured that when we finish the marriage, let us change it with her..."

Continue ....

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