Sister Credit 90

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       A man like him should not marry a wife, and deserve to hit a bachelor all his life, what harms other girls!
       After calming down a group of cow, ghost, and snake gods, Zhou-Zhen asked Zhou Lanlan, "This is the man you are seeking to die for and live to marry? This is the home where you didn't listen to your mother's advice to marry in one heart? , Do you regret it? "
       Zhou-Zhen needs a clear attitude from her before she can decide whether she will continue to control it.
       Zhou-Zhen's questioning fell on Zhou Lanlan like a whip, which made her uncomfortable and forced her to face it.
       Listening to the ears of everyone in Chenjiazhuang was also very harsh, and his face was hot.
       Chen Mingxian was very uncomfortable.
       "I—" Looking at the concerned eyes of my dear Mei-mei, Zhou Lanlan remembered the years she had lived after she married, and finally stopped pretending and broke down and cried, "I regret it, really, I regret it. "
       In fact, she had long regretted it, but she had chosen the road herself, and she felt that she had to go on her knees. Whenever she is aggrieved, she always insists on telling herself not to regret it. But today, she finally spoke her heart.
       At the words of Zhou Lanlan, Chen Mingxian turned pale.
       Zhou-Zhen exhaled, "It doesn't matter if you regret it. You can go a different way if you regret it. No one has stipulated that we have to go to the end."
       "Do you still cry?" Chen Old Lady whispered. She couldn't see her Erxi as if she had been wronged.
       Zhou-Zhen ignored the others, but reached out to her elder sister, "Don't cry, come on, tell me what happened?"
       Lan Lan still said nothing, Chen Old Lady on the side couldn't help it, "Your elder sister steals someone!"
       Zhou Lanlan raised his head sharply and anxiously defended, "Really, you believe me, I don't."
       Zhou-Zhen used her eyes to signal her to be calm and restless, looking at Chen Old Lady's eyes like a knife, "You said she stole someone, who stole it?"
       "Chen Taihong, our grandson in the village!"
       Zhou-Zhen smirked, "I really think that you guys in Chenjiazhuang are all dragons and phoenixes? Don't take a pee and look at yourself." What is so stinky and daring to plant loot on her older sister!
       Zhou-Zhen's words made Chenjiazhuang's people very unconvinced, so they replied  : 
       "If your sister doesn't like it, it's like this. A Hong is not bad compared to Mingxian."
       "This is what we saw with your own eyes. Your sister asked Ahong to go to the grove near the village ... Ahong was embarrassed, and Li-Zheng Fu-ren saw that something was wrong. When I asked, I knew it was your sister's shameless thinking about asking Ahong Meet in the small trees. "
       "Yes, this is what we saw with our own eyes!"
       "You don't believe and can't obliterate the fact that your sister is a woman with watery poppies!"
       Zhou Lanlan ‘called excitedly at them, "You bullshit!" It is nothing to be wronged by herself, and she hates that she has been pointed out by her pro-Meimei.
       "No bullshit, you know in your heart, you have a reason to ask a man to run a small tree in the evening!"
       "That is, I dare not let my maiden family come to Chenjiazhuang to show their prestige!"
       Zhou-Zhen listened blankly, grinding his teeth secretly, "Did you say enough?"
       Zhou-Zhen's move just shocked the people in Chenjiazhuang. When she saw her talk, the women with broken mouths didn't dare to speak.
       "You tell me, did you do it?" Zhou-Zhen asked Zhou Lanlan warmly.
       "I didn't! It was your Shi-nu. She was ill. I invited Lang Zhong from the town a few days ago to prescribe soup and took a few pairs. Not only did I not see it, but it looked worse. I went to Chen Taihong to actually ask him to go The town asked me to come back for a good man. "
       "Is the child's Father and family dead? Need a girl out?"
       Zhou-Zhen interrupts her, don't think about it, she can already guess what will happen next.
       "They don't want to toss, only to say that Qian Langzhong was already the best Langzhong in town." Tears came out of Zhou Lanlan.
       "Where your Maid?"
       "She, she has to take care of Niuniu, and she afraid she can't explain clearly ..."
       "Your Maid, I want to sell, you have no opinion?" Zhou-Zhen asked her.
       Zhou Lanlan shook her head, no matter how stupid she knew she was doing it this time.
       Zhou Lanlan continued, "When I got there, I just felt very hot and confused. When I woke up, there were several Big-Aunts standing there. They pulled me and said that I was out of order and said I seduce Chen Taihong, and the whole person choked him ... Let's do it. Really, believe me, I'm not the kind of shameless woman. "
       Zhou-Zhen didn't stop her from saying anyway, she always wanted the parties to restore the scene at that time. No one in Chenjiazhuang could say anything.
       This is obviously a good game. Zhou-Zhen handed her a clean slip, "Okay, I believe in you. Go to Xian Er and leave the rest to me."
       Zhou-Zhen gave Zhou Lanlan care to Zhou Xian.
       "Sister, I believe you too." Zhou Xian whispered.
       "Yes, Niuniu, and Niuniu, really, save Niuniu!" After Zhou Lanlan's mood calmed down, she thought of her sick daughter, anxious and worried.
       At the suggestion of Zhou-Zhen, Ayu and Yunfei led someone into the house with Zhou Lanlan to carry the child out.
       "Really, Niuniu, she worse. I'll take her to the county doctor to see a doctor!" Zhou Lanlan panicked.
       Hold me and see.
       Zhou Lanlan hesitated, "Zhen you-" OK?
       She admits that Mei-mei has seen her change so much that she can support her for a long time, but this medical technique does not mean that it will be possible, right?
       But no one listened to her, Zhou-Zhen talked off, they held the child forward and showed her.
       "Sister, please rest assured, second sister, she has a good medical skills, especially the hand medicine, many doctors can't keep up with her." Zhou Xian whispered to comfort her sister.
       Zhou Yan, who had been silent for a while, thought about this, took the conversation, and comforted Zhou Lanlan, "Yeah, lobby girl, you don't know. During this time, the second sister opened a pharmaceutical factory and a drug store, named San Qin ... "
       Zhou Yan didn't speak loudly, and the people beside him listened with nothing to their ears.
       When I heard of Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory and Sanqin Pharmaceutical Village, I always felt familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.
       When the Big-Lao-ye people scratched their heads and whispered their heads, they thought of the mother-zi behind them, and everyone said they were shocked when they told their men. Unexpectedly, this Chen Old Lady has been buried Erxi mother Mei-mei so powerful.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't care about her surroundings, she was totally focused on the Shi-nu in front of her. As soon as she touched her veins, her brows frowned. On the surface, she was flushed, sweaty, and her mouth murmured unconsciously to drink water, looking like she was in a stove.
       Generally speaking, doctors will only treat it as a symptom caused by common wind-heat and cold, and need to treat the cold of the sun, and use the cold medicine to release the heat in the body.
       But if you look closely, the little girl has pale lips, her limbs involuntarily shrinks into a ball, and even approaches, she can hear the sound of her teeth fighting, which is obviously extremely cold.
       In popular terms, the chick is suffering from the yin and geyang true winter holiday fever, and the coldness in her body is extremely strong, trapped inside, forcing the yang to float on the surface, causing a patient with fever Appearance.
       There is a principle for doctors to treat diseases  :   heat treatment of Yin disease and cold treatment of Yang disease. But Xiao Niuniu disease is extremely cold in the body, and then the cold medicine will only aggravate the disease. In severe cases, the consequences of death can be caused.
       As the saying goes, solitary yin is not long, solitary yang is not born. Once dead, chicks are in danger.
       Zhou Lanlan said that she was getting worse, but it was Chen's family and Chen Mingxian who were not fathers. Here, Zhou-Zhen's dissatisfaction with the Chen family deepened another 20%.
       "Sister, is there any medicine left before Lang?" Zhou-Zhen asked, and she needs to corroborate her diagnosis.
       Zhou Lanlan quickly said, "Yes, yes." Later, she did not dare to give Niuniu the medicine, but she left a lot.
       "Let me see."
       After the medicine was brought, Zhou-Zhen looked at it, and as she expected, the other person prescribed the forsythia, such as forsythia mint and mulberry leaves.
       Zhou-Zhen did not conceal the little girl’s condition, and even bluntly that the little girl’s condition was cured by the doctor.
       Zhou Lanlan was afraid for a while.
       The Chen family, such as Chen Mingshan, were uncomfortable.
       Chen Old Lady even mumbled, "Who knows what she said is true or false."
       Fortunately, considering that the weather is extremely cold and people are prone to wind chills, Zhou-Zhen prepared a lot of herbs for use. It is not necessary to go to town Shangxian County to catch medicines, and the medicines she carries are all well-prepared good medicinal herbs.
       His life was off, and Zhou-Zhen immediately grabbed a couple of remedies for salvation and ordered Yunsi to fry them.
       When Zhou-Zhen was busy, even if the people in Chenjiazhuang were dissatisfied, they were waiting patiently under the direction of Chen Lizheng.
       After she controlled the field, they did not let them down. This scene after scene was very enjoyable.
       Only Chen Lizheng sank straight. When the hearts are scattered, the team is not good enough.
       After waiting for Chen Xiao ‘Nu to drink the medicine, Zhou-Zhen was already getting better when she was diagnosed again.
       She stared at her Zhou Lanlan, nodding her head. "Sister, rest assured, little girl is not in danger."
       Zhou Lanlan got the words right, relieved, and hug her daughter directly next to Zhou Xian behind her. It seems that only in this way can she get enough sense of security.
       Seeing this scene, the people present were of different minds. Especially from Zhou Yan and Zhou Xian who just learned about Zhou-Zhen who was very skilled in medicine, at this time I saw Chen Xiao ‘Nu and slept peacefully before I believed their words.
       Everyone saw what happened when Chen Xiao ‘Nu hugged out. They don't understand medicine, but they will see it. That kind of situation is inappropriate at first glance. In addition, Chen Mingxian's family is not short of money. The doctor who had been invited before was the best doctor in town medicine, and also used the best medicine. But what happened, Chen Xiao ‘Nu life was on the line. Unexpectedly, the little Miss in front of me, a dose of medicine, the patient's condition improved. What a great skill the other party can cure Qian Langzhong's bad disease.
       Is there any good fruit to face with such a person? A few of those present were worried.
       "It's so long, shouldn't it be your sister's business?" Chen Old Lady said impatiently.
       Zhou-Zhen took a sip of the warm water that Yuan-Suming delivered at the right time, raised her eyes and scanned her, "What are you anxious for?"
       "How's it?" Zhou-Zhen whispered to Yuan-Suming.
       Yuan-Suming handed in a kraft paper bag.
       She took it open, and then quickly read the content at a glance.
       After Zhou-Zhen and his party entered Chenjiazhuang and found out that something had happened, the Yuan-Suming people immediately inquired about the news. They always wanted to know what it was like inside.
       They directly clarified their identities at Chenjiazhuang, and then took the attitude of inquiring about the news. Don't send too many people to them. Zhou-Zhen let people write down one by one, and there will be a good report in the future.
       Soon they figured out what was going on.
       It turned out that Luo-shi, the daughter of the county grandmother in Changyi County, saw Chen Mingshan, and then the faint trustee delivered a message to Chen Old Lady. Matron moved his heart and only recently Chen Old Lady changed. Bengalli rubbed her elder sister and this one in front of her.
       There is also interesting news that the woman looks like she is pregnant with two or three months.
       Her brother-zi face is still very good, otherwise Luo-shi won't fall in love with him after accidentally meeting him once.
       Just because he blindly tempers his temper, will he obey his mother's words to himself and then like to be a little bit more resistant to Father in the future?
       Zhou-Zhen received the leather bag. "Look where is Jiang Xianling?"
       Yuan-Suming's men are very effective, and the news collected is fast and complete. Not only did Chen Jiashe intentions be ascertained, but also the distribution of power in Yi County.
       Jiang County Magistrate is the new Changyi County Magistrate. He has just been in office for half a year.
       The Gang-shi clan forces in Luo County together formed an invisible confrontation with Jiang County Ling. In Changyi County, the words of Jiang Xian Ling may not be effective in Luo County.
       Zhou-Zhen felt that Jiang Xianling would be happy to help them in a matter of sight.
       Hearing that Chen Lili heart was beating, but his face was gloomy and authentic, "This is the thing in our Chenjiazhuang village, so don't bother the county magistrate Daren?"
       Zhou-Zhen squinted his eyelids, "I asked him to give a testimony. Otherwise, there is no parent official, I'm afraid that I and other weak outsiders will be bullied by you land snakes, and there is no fair talk."
       Chen Li was overwhelmed by her shameless words. They Chenjiazhuang are not a fake, but they are not weak outsiders, but Jianglong! Just a moment ago, they also pressed Jianglong, a land snake!
       "No! This matter can be resolved by our Chenshi clan."
       "Chen Lizheng, this matter has already involved human life, but it is not up to you, the Chenshi clan. Let me remind you that there is a national law in addition to the family clan law!"
       Chen Lizheng directly threatened her, "Little Miss, I advise you to be a man and don't be too crazy, don't forget that your sister will live in Chenjiazhuang in the future."
       Zhou-Zhen smirk, Chen Jiazhuang, who is rare?
       "I might as well tell you, I plan to let my sister and Chen Mingshan get away!"
       "You-" Everyone in Chenjiazhuang was startled.
       Zhou Lanlan hugged the child without saying a word, but her attitude had represented acquiescence, acquiesce to what Mei-mei proposed and leaving, and acquiescence to her to be the master of her.
       "Well said! There is a national law in addition to the family clan law!"
       Outside the crowd, a blessing of praise drew everyone back.
       When I saw the people, Chen Lizheng's face was ugly. Zhou-shi, these little rabbits, didn't understand the rules so much, they really invited Jiang Xianling. He felt his authority was severely challenged!
       Jiang Xianling not only came by himself, but also brought Luo Xianyu. After learning the identity of Zhou-Zhen and others, he planned to cooperate with them to kill the chicken tamarin.
       Zhou-Zhen and Yuan-Suming stepped forward to greet him, and asked others to help, some face-saving projects to be in place.
       "Jiang-Daren, please take this trip."
       "No trouble, no trouble, troubleshoot for the common people, this is what I should do as a parent officer."
       Jiang Xianling was flattered. He knew Zhou-Zhen and Yuan-Suming. Just Zhou-Zhen. The key is Yuan-Suming. The officials below the fourth grade in Capital City are not good at going to him.
       After Jiang Xianling sits down, he still sighed, "If everyone pays attention to national law like Zhou 6-Miss, and maintains the orthodoxy of national law, there will be fewer innocent people in this world."
       Zhou-Zhen knew that Jiang Xianling was lamenting that his work was difficult to begin.
       Luo Xianzhen and Chen Lizheng also knew that the words of Meixian Ling were told to them.
       "Chen Mingxian, you can write and leave the book." Zhou-Zhen calls his name, he is not worthy!
       Chen Old Lady jumped up, "Want to leave the book? Dreaming! I can give you a break!"
       Zhou-Zhen didn't bother her, she was divorced from Lishu, but the old goddess never decided.
       Chen Lizheng's eyes were deep, "It's good to make a marriage with two surnames. How can it be so indifferent to live together? It's up to you to be a female junior? I'm going to Zhoujiafang to ask my family ..."
       Zhou-Zhen smirked, "You just acted intently to kill people. At this point, do you think I will leave my sister here and let you trample?" Is he stupid or she stupid? Chen Lizheng should have expected this result.
       Zhou Yan intervened in time, "Chen Lizheng, you don't have to go to Zhoujiafang, she can completely decide this matter."
       Chen Lizheng asked, "Who are you?"
       "I am their brother in the same room lobby, and also Zhou-shi 4th House Zhou Rong's Eldest-son week feast." Zhou Yan continued, "In our Zhou-shi family, my second uncle Zhou-Xian, which is Zhou Lanlan. Her dear Father, she didn’t help her when she spoke. She the master, and the patriarch’s chief won’t beak. ”
       Zhou Yan's words fell, everyone looked at Zhou-Zhen, thinking to herself, did not expect that she looked at the younger, did the Zhou-shi clan have such a large right to speak?
       Some people believe, some people don't, some people are doubtful.
       Jiang Xianling pretended to be astonished, "Ru Mei had fought Shen-shi in the Lujiang Mansion at the beginning, and assisted the Zhou-shi tribe to wash off the charges of their children's theft, and the accuser Shen-shi Zong Fang Di Daughter sent into the prison Zhou 6-Miss,? "
       The credit for his six cousins is indeed worthy of others-Admiration and praise. Zhou Yan sighed in her heart, nodding her head, "It's her."
       While they were talking about her past, Zhou-Zhen felt weird.
       Jiang Xianling looked to Zhou-Zhen, "It turned out to be Zhou 6-Miss, which was disrespectful."
       "Jiang-Daren has won."
       Jiang Xianling sighed at Zhou Yan again, "In this case, you Zhou-shi can stand up, and she has at least half of the credit."
       He went through the case carefully. At the beginning, it was Zhou-Zhen who won Zhou-shi the opportunity to compare with Shen-shi, and also after she won the medicine-Zhou-shi , Preserved the fruits of victory, using words to force the presiding officer to deal with the accusers.
       The crowd listened to the conversation between the two of them. They didn't understand it, but they felt very powerful. If you are bold, go to ask the person brought by Jiang Xianling,
       Those who can be brought out by the Jiang County Decree at this time must be human. They made up the story for the villagers right now. In the end, they were still very confused. The master had a clever idea and talked about Zhou 6-Miss, then his opponent Shen-shi on the court.
       The Shen-shi tribe was demoted to the southwest by the emperor's decree for participating in the fraud case of the imperial examination. The emperor's list was posted to various places. They naturally have a list in Changyi County. It is a recent incident, and everyone still remembers it. At this moment, Jiang Xianling's people reminded them all of a sudden.
       After understanding these relationships, the villagers of the Chenjiazhuang village heard it all. Is this Zhou-shi little Miss so powerful?
       They suddenly remembered that Chen Mingshan’s person was indeed married to Jianghe Zhou-shi.
       Luo Xianzhang was laughing, but in fact she was very angry. His news network is a lot worse than Jiang Xianling with a background background. I don't know that Zhou Lanlan's background is so hard. He always thought that it was just a daughter of an ordinary shi family. Now he knows that he is stepping on the iron plate .
       After hearing this, Chen Li was shaking his lips, and his heart growled again, didn't he say that they had no father, no mother, and they were isolated and helpless? Why can't Zhou Lanlan's little aunt take such a big idea?
       He didn't know that there was something different today.
       After the argument gradually subsided, Zhou-Zhen urged again, "Chen Mingxian, what are you hesitating about? Writing and leaving the book, you and my sister are happy apart from each other, and their marriage will be irrelevant in the future!"
       "Really, can't you write?" Chen Mingshan didn't want to leave, he wanted to live a good life.
       Now his wife has a family member to support her. His mother should no longer toss his wife or think about breaking them up. He didn't understand why the little aunt wanted to break them up?
       Zhou-Zhen finds him ridiculous, "Chen Mingshan, you all want my sister's life, do you think there is still room for turning back?"
       Chen Mingxian shook his head. "I didn't. I didn't want her life."
       His shamelessness, Zhou-Zhen was angry, "when she was forced by so many villagers and stuffed into a pig cage, what were you doing? You didn't do anything! If I come two minutes later, will it be left to Mine is just the body of my sister? When you do nothing and let someone else kill your wife, you have lost her! Now you have no right to refuse to leave! "
       Among the crowd, Luo County Chen Chao made a vague gesture, and Chen Lizheng motioned to Chen Old Lady again.
       Chen Old Lady jumped out and promised for her son, "Your elder sister, you can take it back. Our Chen family gives a divorce, but Chen Xiao ‘Nu is the blood of our Chen family, you can't take it away."
       Zhou-Zhen saw at a glance what she was thinking about. They played such a game. One was to stop the crowd, and the other was to occupy her dowry. Her elder sister got married, and her mother felt that time was running out, and her dowry was adequate. The entire dowry set up 40 thousand to 50 thousand Silver Taels. I just hope that her elder sister will be better at her husband's house after getting married. And now, at this time, the Chen family still remembers her sister's dowry? Sure enough they are insatiable!
       "Master Chen was so ill before. You Chen family didn't care about it. Now it's rushing. I'll tell you that I will not only take my elder sister away, but also take her child and her dowry. Take it away! "
       Chen Old Lady ‘Called, Zhou-Zhen said what she was most afraid of, she held out her index finger and held Zhou-Zhen, "You-you dream!"
       Then, she ‘called loudly, "Li Zheng, you have to decide for our family, this bully is bullied."
       Others also talked about  : 
       "He Li, He Li, how can he take away the blood of the man's family?"
       "Yeah, that doesn't make sense."
       "Like the Chen family, is it reasonable to be a mother to take her daughter?"
       Zhou-Zhen made it clear that Chen Xiao ‘Nu would be taken away, and Jiang Xianling was also very difficult.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "Jiang-Daren, everyone saw it just now. My Shi-zi girl was so sick in the house. None of the Chen family was taking care of him. Even Yanyan's medicine was pushed back and forth. Go and let the little Chen stay at the Chen's house. I worry that she will die early before she grows up. "
       Zhou Lanlan tightened her daughter, Mei-mei has been helping her, she can no longer let her face Chen Jiazhuang alone.
       "Chen Mingshan, you are also ‘Nu ‘Nu father. If you are really good for ‘Nu ‘Nu, if you still have a little conscience, take ‘Nu ‘Nu away!"
       Looking at his wife and daughter, Chen Mingxian embarrassed for a while.
       Knowing that she was a mother, Chen Old Lady knew that when he saw him, he knew his heart was soft, and said, "Chen Mingshan, you dare to promise her, your mother will be killed here!"
       For a time, Chen Mingshan fell into a battle between heaven and man.
       Chen Old Lady is very fine now. After the woman and the departure, she will take away the dowry. Then let Chen Lanlan take her daughter. What else can their old Chen family leave?
       "Write and leave the book first." Zhou-Zhen didn't stalemate on Chen Xiao ‘Nu problem, and she had a way to let Chen Old Lady and others relax.
       Zhou Lanlan himself asked for peace, and several siblings, such as Zhou-Zhen Zhou Yan, were present, and Jiang Xianling was standing by. No one could stop it.
       Even though Chen Mingshan was unwilling, he had no choice but to write and leave the book.
       Zhou Lanlan got a sigh of relief from getting and leaving the book.
       "Check your dowry!"
       "Wait, she stole and deserve to be dipped in a pig cage. What qualifications do she have to get back the dowry, and this dowry should be left to my granddaughter!" Chen Old Lady racked her brains to find such a reason to buckle the dowry.
       When talking, Chen Old Lady also greeted people to stop and stop Zhou-shi from moving.
       "Leave it to my Shi-nu? I'm afraid it's for you?" Zhou Xian politely poked at her.
       Zhou-Zhen patted his shoulder, what's the truth?
       It was the righteousness that the separated woman took away her private property.
       Wait for Zhou-Zhen to look at Chen Lizheng and find out that he actually moved something, and then smirked, "Chen Lizheng, do you really want to investigate this matter? We Zhou-shi does not cause trouble, but we are not afraid of it. We just You don't want to be entangled with bad things, do you really think we are scared? "
       In the end, it was nothing more than finding out that they had done the game, proving that her elder sister was blind and let the people in the Chen family be scolded by everyone. Moreover, she also wanted Chen Old Lady to keep fighting power to entangle Luo-shi. !! How nice the dog is to bite the dog.
       Jiang Xianling said in a timely manner, "Zhou 6-Miss, rest assured, if you really want to check, my official must do his best to find out the truth."
       Chen Lizheng, according to his previous thoughts, a scholar was seduced to be nothing more than romantic affairs, which did not hurt his reputation. But Zhou-Zhen said that he had to be cautious if he wanted to check. He knows his own affairs, and he is not clean all these years. If you check him down, who knows what will happen. At that time, Li Zheng's hat was beaten. What else could he do?
       Chen Lizheng stopped and motioned to Chen Old Lady and others not to stop.
       Chen Lizheng stopped, and the villagers hurried back aside. These folks have their own abacus in mind. Without the dowry of Zhou Lanlan, they could not reach their wallet. But if they help stop Zhou-shi brothers and sisters from doing so, they will be beaten if they get angry.
       Immediately after, a dowry was lifted out of the coffers of the Chen family and placed in the large yard, full of dangs.
       Everyone in Chenjiazhuang watched with envy. When Zhou Lanlan was married ten years ago, the red makeup was married to the Chen family. Then he sighed, only five years later, he had reached the point where he wanted to leave. At that time, the big house with blue tiles was still built after Zhou Lanlan got married. Thinking about this, they couldn't help pouting. The old Chen's family has not sucked the blood of the new daughter-zi over the years.
       Looking at these bulky large pieces, Zhou-Zhen's eyes did not know the meaning, "Sister, it's only five years since your mother's dowry was set up by you, is that so?
       Zhou Lanlan was silent.
       This made Chen Old Lady jump up and jumped three feet high. "How much do you think there is so much left, isn't it enough?"
       The rest of the Chen family were somewhat uncomfortable.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "It's not up to you to leave more or less. Take the dowry list and pair them."
       Chen Old Lady continued to whisper, "Yes, yes! The dowry list is long gone!"
       Zhou-Zhen looked at Zhou Lanlan. Zhou Lanlan hugged her daughter and whispered, "The dowry list disappeared when I was married for the third year."
       Chen Old Lady glanced proudly at Zhou-Zhen.
       "The dowry list is in triplicate and you are all gone, right? I have it here!" Zhou-Zhen reached out and Zhou Xian immediately took out the dowry list that had been in his arms.
       Everyone was speechless, and they didn't expect her to bring the dowry list on her body.
       Yuan-Suming also looked at her. Did she come here?
       Especially the subordinates of Yuan-Suming, ‘Calling wildly in their hearts, 6-Miss, aren't you going to visit relatives? Why did you bring your eldest sister's dowry list with you? But they like this! They love it!
       After the dowry list Jiang Xianling and others looked, they confirmed that it was true.
       The next step is to count the dowry.
       After counting, when Zhoujia reported that Zhou Lanlan's dowry was half gone, everyone faces were wonderful.
       Especially the villagers of Chenjiazhuang couldn't believe that the old Chen family swallowed so much dowry of Zhou Lanlan! No wonder, no wonder, the maiden houses of the old Chen family's family members have built big blue brick houses in recent years, rich in oil.
       "Sister, are these all flowers?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       Zhou Lanlan shook her head. "Most of me didn't remember it, so I disappeared. It's better that Chen—Big-Aunt and Chen Mingshan took it and sold it to supplement their homes."
       Chen Old Lady said in shame and anger, "This is her willingness to subsidize, and there are so many dowries left. Besides, does she have to eat and drink for so many years?"
       Zhou-Zhen slowly and logically said, "You Chenjiazhuang, a family of ten, chew 20 to 30 Silver Taels for a year, right? You said it was used for my older sister's food and drink. You tell me, five It took more than 30 thousand yuan a year. Do you give her sea seafood or dragon liver and phoenix? Do you look at her face, like someone who eats mountain seafood? "
       Mother Chen's face was hard to look at, and the rest of her face was not good. Zhou-Zhen didn't even point to their noses to say that they were living on the blood of Erxi / 2-Sao / brother.
       Zhou-Zhen also said, "My sister is here. She has a few Silver Taels in her hands. Presumably, you Chen family are very clear. Where are those silver flowers? I must ask someone to inquire, and I will be able to inquire. come out."
       Everyone thought that if they did this, they could really find out that the houses built by the old Chen's daughters’families could not be hidden from the farm shops they bought.
       Chen Lizheng asked her, "What do you want?"
       "I don't want anything, but my Zhou-shi silver will never be cheaper. Those who want to kill my sister's life. In the past five years, I think my sister spent 12 thousand dollars. In this broken place, Of course she can’t spend that much, and I will help the poor with the extra ones! The rest of you will make up for me according to the dowry list! ”
       "Impossible!" Chen Old Lady yelled, eating the meat in her mouth and letting her spit it out, it was as uncomfortable as she thought.
       Chen Mingxian's Mei-mei also interjected, "This is what she is willing to give us, so how can I go back?"
       Zhou-Zhen's lips lifted slightly, "Erotic dowry is occupied, presumably Chen Lizheng doesn't want Chen Jiazhuang's reputation on his back?"
       Chen Lizheng's hand was clenched.
       This Miss has a really good mouth, a hard backstage, and a parent official Jiang Xianling who stands behind him. He hits 7 inches. After the reputation spread, how can Miss still dare to marry Chenjiazhuang?
       "Do not leave, do not leave, we do not leave," Chen Old Lady spilled when the situation was not right, "the share book was just countless!"
       Zhou Lanlan hugged her daughter, and Li Shu was placed in her chest pocket.
       Chen Lizheng finally said weakly, "Come together, as much as you can." If it is not enough, the house and property are sold, anyway, it is a windfall from others.
       If Chen Old Lady cried and complained, Chen Lizheng didn't let up. Annoyed with entanglement, he simply gave two options, either obediently filling in the dowry, or getting out of Chenjiazhuang without obedience.
       Chen Old Lady was silent. These days, they live in a community of people. If they move away from Chenjiazhuang, where can they go? With a lot of silver money is the fat in the eyes of the robber! What's more, they built such a nice house and lived comfortably. How could they leave?
       The old Chen family wanted to be soft with Zhou Lanlan, but she stayed in the encirclement of Sister Zhou-shi, and they were not easy to pass by.
       In desperation, their daughters and sisters rushed back to their parents and asked them Father, the Niang brothers who had repaid their silver money in recent years.
       What's the matter, Zhou-Zhen doesn't care, she just looks at the results.
       Half a day later, there were only more than 6 thousand in front of Zhou-Zhen.
       Among them, the old Chen family sold the Tianchan shop and got three thousand two hundred. Every one of the old Chen family's savings also contributed, more than one thousand two, and the rest were added by the two Erxi of the old Chen family. In other words, the two Erxi only got back less than one thousand two from their maid's house.
       Chen Old Lady glanced at them fiercely.
       Everyone was stunned and did not expect that everyone in the old Chen family took advantage of the Mingshang family and evacuated most of their dowry. Especially Chen Old Lady, in turn, ‘called and killed Zhou Lanlan Erxi. You know, today, she is the most fierce, and it looks like she will not let her die of 2-Erxi.
       "I only raised more than six thousand two?" Zhou-Zhen raised an eyebrow, and she had anticipated this situation.
       Chen Mingshan rubbed his hands and said, "Everyone tried their best, but some of them were spent."
       Zhou-Zhen smirked, "Is it? I don't think you are doing your best! Just like the house in front of you, even if you connect the large yard in front of you, you can sell it for one or two thousand and two. And, Wang shi One hundred and twenty acres of land are still hanging under your mother’s name. Before my elder sister got married, your Wang-the family didn’t even have twenty acres of land. And Liu-shi, your family has been secretly in these two years. Are the two shops in town still in your hands? Are you trying your best? "
       In Jiang Xianling's help, it is not too easy to check their bottom. Buying land, buying land, and buying shops all have to go to the government and wedge. This check is accurate.
       Zhou-Zhen's move of property upset the people present, and they believed that the old Chen family secretly invaded their dowry worth 20 thousand to 30 thousand Silver Taels.
       Chen Old Lady stared coldly at Big-Erxi and 3-Erxi. She just knew that these two goods were slippery. I did not expect that they would dare to steal so much silver and go back to make up their mother's house!
       Chen Lizheng has a headache, and there is really no way to work with these idiots.
       Zhou-Zhen lazily deals with the eyebrow lawsuit between them and directly ultimates, "I don't care how you make money, those industries are not sold or not, and I have nothing to do with it. As long as the results, you will make up my sister's dowry the result of."
       Chen Lizheng ‘called to Chen Old Lady, "Have you heard? Don't raise money yet?"
       "Where can we get the money, we have this house left, and we sold it without a shelter from the wind ..." Chen Old Lady wept with tears and tears.
       When the last house was left, Chen Old Lady didn't promise to sell her life or death, and she said that whoever dared to sell the house hit her directly.
       Wang-shi and Liu-shi did not move. They were very clear that they could not ask about those things. Even if the parents broke off with them, it was impossible for them to take them away. They pushed their men to intercede with Chen Mingshan.
       "Lan Lan, look?" Chen Mingxian walked over with a puzzled look.
       Zhou Lanlan looked at him, "I can talk to Mei-mei about the remaining silver, but let me take it away with your daughter."
       Zhou-Zhen knows that they are non-violent and non-cooperative, and it is difficult to squeeze oil and water, and if they are forced to continue, they will clenched their teeth and hold the group, simply let her elder sister decide.
       Originally, her purpose was to make her older sister go smoothly and leave, and take away Chen Xiao chen by the way.
       Money has never been an issue for them.
       In this step, she has wiped out the floating wealth of these families, from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality, and then let them bite the dog.
       Zhou Lanlan looked at Chen Mingshan, "You let me take her away, and I would like to marry her for life and raise her chicks."
       Everyone was moved by it.
       "No!" Chen Old Lady jumped up, and Chen Xiao ‘Nu is now her chip under Zhou Lanlan's control. She definitely won't let her take the child away. With Zhou Lanlan, their old Chen family will be rich and rich.
       Zhou-Zhen's eyes narrowed, "Two ways, either you immediately make up all the dowry, and I leave with my elder sister. Or, according to my elder sister, give us the little girl Chen, and your Chen family writes down the broken family Book, the rest of the silver is not for you to make up! "Her sister is an ancient version of the story of the Phoenix Man, blamed her elder sister for being blind, these silver should be a lesson for her.
       Wang-shi and Liu-shi are naturally willing to choose the second one, not that they do not see the benefits of choosing the first one, but before they can get the benefits, they must first spit out the meat they had eaten in the stomach. This is uncomfortable.
       Under the pressure of his wife, Chen Mingxian's elder brother and his third brother looked at each other and agreed, "We choose the second one."
       "You!" Chen Old Lady suddenly looked at the two sons.
       Her eldest son advised her, "Mother, don't talk about it. The second brother and 2-Sao and Li, it's better for the younger girl to follow her mother, and the second brother can also say goodbye if she marries later."
       The third son also advised, "Yeah, mother, we can't live without this house."
       Chen Old Lady hates it, she hates her chest so much that they are going to do it.
       Zhou-Zhen's mouth turned up, "There nothing to say, Chen Mingxian, write your name on this broken family book. And you, you must press your handprint!"
       When Chen Mingshan signs, everything is over.
       At the order of Zhou-Zhen, the Qingyang Dart team pushed in the door, packed up Zhou Lanlan's dowry, and planned to arrange for some people to escort back to Lujiang.
       The Chenjiazhuang people discovered that so many people were still ambush outside, and they also saw the potential of Zhou-shi.
       When Qingyang Dart Bureau packed up the dowry, Yuan-Suming had already guarded Zhou-Zhen and Jiang Xianling said goodbye, and then left Chenjiazhuang one step ahead.
       When Zhou Lanlan was holding her daughter on the carriage, Chen Mingshan stepped forward and took a few steps, while Zhou Lanlan lowered the carriage curtain in front of him.
       Without much effort, Zhou-Zhen's people even withdrew their dowry and removed them completely.
       "Now and Li write so refreshingly, don't regret it in the future." The villagers of Chenjiazhuang said as they went out.
       Regardless of the future, just saying that Chen Mingshan would regret it now. He didn't understand why the couple would come to this point. Now that his wife is gone and his daughter is gone, he is left alone.
       Unsurprisingly Zhou-Zhen expects that, afterwards, the old Chen's family lost a lot of time after Zhou Lanlan's continuous subsidies. Wang-shi and Liu-shi can’t eat this bitter, noisy, their mother’s day is much better than the husband’s side, and from time to time, people outside the village point out, the hearts of the two daughter-zis gradually It's gone. They left Chen Da and Chen San He respectively, and then took their private house and the thirty acres of paddy fields they had married with them to marry another.
       Chen Old Lady has fought, but Wang-shi and Liu-shi are not vegetarian, and they have convened the young and old Chen family to fight a few battles.
       The three sons of Lao Chen's family have left and the family has dispersed.
       Chen Old Lady is tossing one by one because of these things, the whole person is very aging, her hair is completely white, and she has long lost her spirited look.
       The three sons are gone and have to marry again. But because their family had previously sucked too much blood on Zhou Lanlan, good people didn’t want to marry their daughters to their three brothers. Later, Lao-Da Lao-San hurriedly talked about a daughter-zi, but Chen Mingshan kept beating Singles die to death.
       But these are the last words.
       Zhou-Yinger and Zhou Ji did not expect Zhou-Zhen. They went to visit the lobby sister. When they returned, they not only brought people back, but also told them that the lobby sister had left and left?
       They asked the elder brother that they knew that so many things happened during their time in Chenjiazhuang. Zhou-Zhen even broke up the sisters and sisters in the lobby and then picked them up.
       Zhou-Yinger flashes a different color on the face. Will the sister in the lobby return to Zhoujiafang after leaving? They rarely go to Zhoujiafang with their aunt to stay long. I don’t know how Zhou-Zhen arranged her sister?
       Zhou-Zhen, regardless of the many thoughts of these people, told people to settle her elder sister, and she went out with Yuan-Suming. They would be separated early in the morning, so be careful.
       In Huai-An Town, at the beginning of Huadeng, the two of them slowly walked along Qingshi Street.
       Yuan-Suming compared his eyebrows, "Don't you tell me that the eyebrow-pressed son-zi didn't like her mother-zi? How did you agree with someone like Chen Hao to marry your older sister?"
       Zhou-Zhen sighed, "Can there be any more reason, her eldest sister is going to marry her alive." How can a parent have a child?
       Then Zhou-Zhen talked about the past of her elder sister and Chen Mingshan.
       "When Chen Mingshan's’Grandfather was still alive, I saw that he was quite talented in reading. I thought about the rich style of Lujiang, and then sent him to his aunt Lu house to study with his cousins. Then I was Father It is a typical literati, with the literati innocence in his bones, seeing whether a person is rich or poor, only on the talent. He is very close to Chen Mingxian's uncle. "
       "My elder sister came to know Chen Mingshan when I was looking for Father. Chen Mingshan was very good to my sister from the beginning. He chewed 300 yuan of silver a month, and he could squeeze out 200 yuan. I used it for my sister. And I was always considerate to my sister, so I could line up early to buy an Osmanthus, which my sister likes to eat ... Finally, my sister was moved and felt that this man could entrust him for life. "
       Yuan-Suming listened with a face on his face.
       Zhou-Zhen wondered, "Why didn't you touch it?"
       Moving? Why moved? Yuan-Suming thought about it and asked her, "Are you moved?" Then there was a slight nervousness in my heart.
       Zhou-Zhen shook her head, "Not moved."
       Yuan-Suming said, "It's right not to be touched. When a man has nothing, he is considerate to women everywhere, and that doesn't necessarily mean that he really likes this woman, because at that time, he was never good except for being good to women There are more things that can move women, and time and energy are the most essential for men at that time. "
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it, that was the case at the time.
       After he said that, he turned around, "But if a high-weight man is still willing to consider you for you, even if you want to deny his hypocrisy, power is already his greatest advantage, and he is willing to take this Putting down the advantages and spending your time and energy on that is sincerity. "
       Yuan-Suming said, looking at her brightly.
       Zhou-Zhen understood from his eyes, that's what I meant, and couldn't help smiling.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, she also disagreed with a statement from later generations  :   a woman wants to marry that kind of man, he has ten dollars in his pocket and is willing to give you eight or nine yuan. There are many Miss who are brainwashed by this saying, almost all women think that such a man is a good man.
       But they never thought that there is a kind of man who can only share affliction and misfortune.
       Silly Miss, when a man is poor, ten yuan is willing to pay you eight yuan and nine yuan. That's because your own value is more than those eight or nine. Why are men unwilling to make steady business? Because even if a man puts those ten dollars in his pocket, he will not get rich. For him, is a woman worth more than these eight or nine dollars?
       When you wait for a man to have a million, let him try to divide you into eight or nine million? Ten million times, one hundred million times? Is the other person willing to give you eight or nine million?
       Of course, there is another situation that says another. That is, his pocket is cleaner than his face, he can’t even get a dollar, he has no money, but he is willing to feed you with his blood to keep you alive, and he has no complaints. This is another kind worthy of entrustment. the man.
       "So I said that the angle your sister touched was quite clear." Yuan-Suming nodded, look, it's not that he can't be moved because of something wrong, but that her older sister hasn't inherited half of her cleverness, and can't see people eyes. .
       In fact, it wasn't the strange angle her sister moved, but that they were too sober.
       "Forget it, don't mention her. I have something to give you." Yuan-Suming doesn't want to mention irrelevant people. If Zhou Lanlan was her sister, he wouldn't even talk about it.
       "What?" Then, Zhou-Zhen was stuffed with a stack of thick paper, and as soon as the material was used, she realized that it was a silver ticket.
       "Why do you give me money?" She glanced at it.
       "New Year's money, I was not in Lujiang when the New Year, I will give you New Year's money in advance."
       It's given, it's twelve thousand! He prepared the silver ticket he knew.
       Ayu, who was behind, smiled with satisfaction, and Chen Mingxian spent six months with 6-Miss on his sister, which cost two hundred words. He couldn’t take the money for this money.
       With a silver ticket, Zhou-Zhen came back to me. Is this already prepared? She glanced at Yuan-Suming, who was indifferent after giving the silver ticket, and then glanced at Ayu and others who were not far behind. She suddenly took his hand and ran forward. "Follow me!"
       Yuan-Suming froze, but quickly reacted, holding her hand and running forward side by side.
       The two masters ran away without a word, and Ayu and others snapped up and caught up subconsciously.
       Zhou-Zhen pulled him around and turned into a corner, then quickly said, "Look down!"
       Yuan-Suming bowed his head subconsciously, Zhou-Zhen held his neck around him, and the whole man went up.
       Yuan-Suming's pupils are slightly widened, only to feel that there is a soft print on the lips, and a nasal sound flows into the female body fragrance.
       Before he could react, Zhou-Zhen evacuated.
       "Gongzi, 6-Miss,, what happened?" Ayu hurriedly caught up with his breath.
       Yuan-Suming stared at her lips sternly, Zhou-Zhen gave him a fierce glance, before he looked away regretfully.
       Facing Ayu question, he waved his sleeves, "Nothing."
       Ayu mumbled, nothing happened. Suddenly running so fast?
       Under the sleeve, Yuan-Suming held Zhou-Zhen's hand tightly, and his chest was full of emotions. At this moment, regardless of what Zhou-Zhen wanted, he really wanted to give her everything.
       At this point Zhou-Zhen's excitement had calmed down a bit. She had done it impulsively just now, and she had kissed him. Now she looked more nervous and excited than her, and she couldn't help it.
       She scratched his palm mischievously, and instantly he gripped tighter.
       When Zhou-ZhenYuan-Suming returned to the inn, her eyes narrowed.
       Zhou Lanlan met Yuan-Suming and didn't dare face him.
       Until they were separated, she paused for a while and asked Zhou-Zhen, "Who is the man who been by your side?"
       Speaking of Yuan-Suming, Zhou-Zhen smiled, "He, no accident, it should be your future brother-zi."
       "I heard that he is gongzi from the Capital City Da Shi family?"
       Seeing her tangled face, Zhou-Zhen knew she was worried about her loss.
       Her elder sister always felt that Qi was uncommon and that Shi Gongzi had many problems. At that time, she chose Chen Mingshan for this reason. But what happened?
       She despised the bad smell of the people in her circle, and chose someone outside the circle, thinking that it could be avoided, wouldn't there be any shortcomings for men who don't know other circles? The future of your partner is always about people. In fact, the familiar circles, who have mastered the rules, are more likely to make themselves happy.
       Zhou-Zhen said to her, "Don't worry about me."
       "Also, you have a better vision than elder sister." Zhou Lanlan probably thought about her own experience, a little sad.
       "How about Niuniu? Is it better?" Zhou-Zhen changed the subject, everyone ideas are different, and she didn't intend to impose her ideas on others.
       Mentioning her daughter, sure enough, Zhou Lanlan's attention was immediately diverted.
       "She was fed her medicine again just now. She is much better now, and she woke up and said a few words."
       "It's cold, keep warm, don't let her get cold again."
       Zhou Lanlan noticed her exhaustion and tenderly tendered her resignation.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded and didn't leave much. "Come to Japan, let's talk to our sisters when they're empty."
       Zhou Lanlan walked out of her Mei-mei guest room and remembered that when she went to her brother Zhou Xian's room just now, he found that he was holding Ben Chunqiu to look at her. She sighed softly and everyone changed a lot.
       The next morning, the two teams will be separated, Yuan-Suming, they will go north, Zhou-Zhen, they will go south.
       The atmosphere was a bit low. After having had breakfast, Zhou-Zhen gave her comfortable carriage to her elder sister in view of her elder sister and sick Chen.
       Yuan-Suming knew that and asked Ayu to bring his carriage to her for use, and his daughter-zi felt distressed. Afraid she wouldn't accept it, she also told her that they had to hurry and he would ride faster.
       When the carriage came over, Zhou Lanlan was very uncomfortable, and mentioned again, "Really, otherwise I'll go in another carriage." She took the Mei-mei carriage and was embarrassed.
       "That carriage allows you to sit and you sit. The other carriages are not as warm as it is. You don't have to think about yourself and Niuniu. Moreover, it is his intention that he sends the carriage over. It has nothing to do with you. "
       Yuan-Suming nodded and echoed Zhou-Zhen's words, his elder aunt really was too surprised.
       Yuan-Suming told her, "When you get to Jiangyin, write to me and expedited for six hundred miles."
       The 800-mile urgency is used to pass the message to the court, and the 600-mile mile is actually used by the government. It can also be used by individuals, but the cost is too high and scary.
       Zhou-Zhen couldn't help but make a joke again, "Five hundred miles, it's expensive."
       Yuan-Suming heard it, drew it into her arms, and it was a stack of silver tickets, "Send me a letter, don't want to spend money."
       Zhou-Zhen's face was black. What did he learn when he didn't agree with the money? Zhou-Zhen pushed him back, "I have money, don't forget that you gave back $ 12 thousand for your New Year's money yesterday."
       Yuan-Suming realized that she really didn't want to, and then emphasized again to send him a letter. After she promised, she collected the silver ticket again.
       When talking, his eyes fell on her lips from time to time.
       Zhou-Zhen glared at him for a while, not allowing him to mess around.
       Yuan-Suming looked at the busy people around and sighed.
       "Gongzi, come here, I want you to get an idea here!" Ayu voice came far away.
       Zhou-Zhen pushed him. "Ayu seems to be looking for you. Go and see."
       As soon as Yuan-Suming left, Zhou Lanlan approached him, and the whole person seemed very anxious. He grabbed Zhou-Zhen's hand and asked, "Did Yuan gongzi just beg you a silver ticket?"
       Ok? "Sister did you see?"
       Zhou Lanlan said a little helplessly, "I didn't see it accidentally, I didn't stare at you intentionally, I was just worried about you. You may not know how I liked your ex-brother-zi."
       Zhou-Zhen understands it, is she afraid that she will follow her old path and repeat the same mistakes?
       Zhou-Zhen didn't want her to misunderstand Yuan-Suming. Most importantly, she felt that she should learn something, so she said, "Sister, he just gave me a silver ticket, but I confiscated it."
       Zhou Lanlan just breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhou-Zhen's came, "but I received the New Year's money he gave last night, 10 thousand Silver Taels."
       Zhou Lanlan felt that he was half breathed and stopped. When she returned to God, Zhou-Zhen had gone out, and only a remnant came. "Sister, rest assured, I know what I am doing, and I know what kind of person and family I choose. I will be happy. "
       Even though there is so much perseverance, it is time to separate.
       Yuan-Suming insisted on sending Zhou-Zhen and their party first.
       He rode on the horse, especially the heroic upright.
       Zhou-Zhen stepped on the carriage, and finally glanced at him before pulling the curtain into the compartment.
       The first wagon driver threw his whip, and raised his voice, "Go!"
       Yuan-Suming sits on the horse, and they are leaving now. Someone who had the Qingyang darts guarded them to go to Jiangyin, he was at ease.
       After their team disappeared into view, Yuan-Suming looked back, "We also set off!"
       As soon as Yuan-Suming was riding, the men and horses he brought immediately slammed to catch up.
       The carriage ran fast, and Zhou-Yinger was stunned in his heart, and he was extremely annoyed. What's wrong with this? I walked like a cow in front of me, but now I hurried away as if I had lost half my life.
       Yuan City of Capital City
       Yuan Lao-ye closed the letter, "Qi Lang is already on his way back to Capital City, and he will be able to return in a few days."
       Yuan Xuekun heard this and said, "Is this kid finally willing to return to Capital City?"
       "Otherwise, Miss, go to Jiangyin to visit Mu-Grandfather. Is it possible that he will chase after him?"
       Yuan Xuekun hesitated, and daring to return to Capital City has also become his helpless choice?
       Yuan Lao-ye asked with concern, "How are you going to propose the marriage? Qilang is about to go to Lujiang to propose marriage."
       Yuan Xuekun waved his hand. "It's almost ready. After he comes back to see it, he can start immediately."
       "Where is the official media? Who is it?"
       "Please ..."
       I learned that Yuan-Suming returned to Capital City, and the next day, Pei Hua went to the door.
       Yuan-Suming just delivered the package that Zhou-Zhen had entrusted to him.
       I learned that this parcel was given by Zhou Xiuxiu to Zhou Dang. Pei Hua face was a little bad. "Isn't the Zhou-Yinger family going to Capital City? Why did the parcel come to you?"
       This can not help Pei Hua not think much. Zheng-Aunt originally entrusted the three men, he-Zhou-Zhen and Zhou-Yinger. It stands to reason that the Zhou-Yinger family went to Capital City, and this package should be entrusted to Zhou-Yinger.
       Yuan-Suming drank two glasses of water. "At that time, Zhou-Yinger was too diligent. Zhen happened to meet Zhou Xiuxiu and went to the 4th House to find someone, and he helped me get a job."
       Pei Hua heard that his mind had changed, and no one knew what he was thinking. In short, his face was not very good-looking.
       Yuan-Suming didn't care, and drank hot tea by himself. In order to rush back to Capital City these past few days, the wind meals have gone to sleep, and really have suffered a lot.
       When he looked back, his eyes fell on the parcel, and he felt better. Zheng-Aunt had a better vision than him, and Zhou-Zhen was more affectionate than Zhou-Yinger.
       Thinking of Yuan-Suming's words just now, Pei Hua showed a gossip face, "You and Zhou-Zhen?"
       "Well, the government is ready to go to Lujiang to propose a marriage." When talking about this, Yuan-Suming smiled.
       "Congratulations, then wait to drink your two weddings next year." Pei Hua sincerely blessed them, he really did not expect that the two would finally come together.
       Yuan-Suming gave his head a slight nod.
       "Teacher, when he was promoted to Crown Prince Prince, he told me Zhou-Zhen is his Noble. One of you is his proud disciple, the other is his Noble. If you two are married, he must be very happy."
       Looking at him, Pei Hua turned his head and said, "It's almost time to get married, shouldn't you also consider raising a family?"
       Yuan-Suming rubs the cup in his hand and makes no noise.
       Ayu couldn't help but bring salt to his gongzi. Don't look at his gongzi. Although he was just hanging off his job, things were not shared among the family. It is proper to support the family.
       Moreover, Bae Gongzi, the younger will tell you that Gongzi will give 6-Miss when he comes back, will he be lucky? Gongzi is quietly working on raising a family.
       "I don't want to worry about this, waiting for you to become a pro, Zhou-Zhen is going out to socialize. Those girls like to compare and watch the dishes. You think if she is wronged because of this Are you upset? When you have a child, it’s time to fight Father. You don’t want to wait for a child dwarf? So don’t keep your idle duties. ”
       Ayu knows that Pei Gongzi said so much that he wanted to change his position to Gongzi to help him in the chapel.
       Fighting the King Fighting Father ... "I will consider what you said." He had his own plan, but now there is an additional Zhou-Zhen. He needs to add her to his subsequent life plan, and even they.
       Mentioning Zhou-Zhen, Yuan-Suming couldn't help but think of her far away, and didn't know where she was. Did she get to Jiangyin?
       Pei Hua knew that there was something that was too late, so he stopped talking, and when he accidentally landed on the cup under his hand, he dismissed the authentic, "Is this water glass a bit too old-fashioned? It looks like a girl.
       Yuan-Suming gave her a hand. "... This is what she gave me."
       "Zhou-Zhen gave it to you?"
       Yuan-Suming bowed his head.
       Ayu looks up, 6-Miss, she doesn't, 6-Miss, she doesn't know, 6-Miss, she ...
       Zhou-Zhen didn't know he had been given a drinking glass. All I knew was that on the second day of separation, I couldn't find my own water glass, so I had to ask Yunfei to get another spare one for her.
       Zhou-Zhen, remembered by Yuan-Suming, they just arrived at Jiangyin at this time, waiting in line to enter the city.
       They are still standing in line, and someone from Li Fu has come here. Coming from the old acquaintances, Jiang Qing, Luo Cheng and others were sent to Huang Jiang, the second manager of Lujiang in the past few months.
       "You two are Miss, Shaoye, you are here. I received your letter to Jiangyin, LaoTai-Ye Matron is looking forward to you, and I look forward to your coming. Especially these days, two It is estimated that you are almost here, and every day you send people to the city gate to pay attention. "
       "Is the two old people okay?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       Huang Wen smiled back and said, "Okay, okay. Especially when you hear that you are coming, these days, the spirit is looking stronger than in previous years."
       While talking, they gradually moved forward, with the help of the Li family, and they quickly completed the formalities for entering the city.
       Zhou-Zhen the news of their arrival in Jiangyin, the manservant who had been arrogant had reported back to Li Fu.
       When Zhou-Zhen came to Li Fu, they were led directly to Songheyuan, the courtyard where LaoTai-Ye Matron lives.
       She Mu-Grandfather Mu-Grandmother raised two sons and two daughters in total, her mother is the third child, and there is an aunt below. The two Mu-Uncles opened their branches and branches after they got married. Dasao gave birth to two sons and two daughters, and 2 gave birth to two sons and one daughter.
       At Songheyuan, Zhou-Zhen found that almost everyone was there except her auntie and Eryi.
       When my loved ones meet, I have a sweet smell.
       Seeing Zhou Lanlan bringing her daughter, the young and old could not ask why, after all, at first they only received the letter saying that Zhou-Zhen and Zhou Xian came.
       Zhou-Zhen winked at Zhou Xian. In the minds of the elders of the older generation, all the men who settled down the door were male, and they were more than willing to show their faces.
       Zhou Xian obediently stepped forward, starting from when they planned to visit their sister in Huaiyu Town, and said that his second sister Lizhu had asked her sister to leave with him and then counted the farce.
       Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Xian spoke, the two elders listened with a smile.
       But the more I listened, the more I became stunned, and the more I listened, the more angry I was. Finally, LaoTai-Ye couldn't help but pat the table. "This Chen family is too unruly!"
       Women's dowry is generally used by women occasionally after they marry someone. It is more reserved for their children. No one can rely on the dowry of their wives to support them.
       Big-Mu-Niang also nodded. "It's right, the Chen family can't stand on the table too much, or they can leave, or they will be dragged to death."
       2-Mu-Niang echoed, "This is the way to do it, and stay in that Chen's house, or you will lose your life."
       She Mu-Grandmother was holding Zhou Lanlan, and she was afraid for a while, "Thanks to Zhen going to see you this time, otherwise, the white-haired person will give the black-haired person, how can you let us live?"
       Zhou Lanlan cried and nodded, "Thanks to the truth, she not only saved me, but also Niuniu."
       "Save Niuniu?" How can I save it? Everyone is curious.
       "Well, ‘Nu ‘Nu was sick before, and was cured by the previous doctor, and her condition got worse in the future, and she got more air and less air. Zhen cured her."
       Zhou-Zhen opened a pharmaceutical factory and a drug store, and was told by Li Hong, the head of Li-shi Lujiang Branch, that they knew it, but now they suddenly heard she was pregnant with high-tech medicine. It's unbelievable to listen to heavenly books.
       Zhou Xian emphasized with a look of earnestness, "It's true, my second sister's medicine is better."
       "I have a young-lady girl who said that the medicines sold by Sanqin Yaozhuang are all very good." The little cousin said quietly.
       Zhou-Zhen laughed, "This time I brought a lot of proprietary medicines. I'll send them to Songhe Courtyard for a while and let the second older give you a point."
       "Thank cousin."
       Hearing Zhou Lanlan and Zhou Xian both said that Zhou-Zhen is a good medicine, Big-Mu-Niang was very tempted and suggested, "Mother, you always say that when the sky is cold, you feel cold all over, so why not let Zhen Let me show you? "
       Matron looked at Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen bowed his head, "I'll try then."
       Zhou-Zhen gave her the pulse, and pressed her joints all over again. After checking, she sits down.
       "How's it?" Everyone in the Li family wondered what she would say.
       "Mu-Grandmother. It was cold when I was young, and I didn't drive it out at the time, so I would suffer so much when I was young."
       "Yes, you Mu-Grandmother followed Lao-tou when I was young. I went north and south to do business, regardless of the cold and heat, only to lay such a family business ..." When talking about this, LaoTai-Ye eyes were moist Moist.
       Matron laughed at him, "What are you talking about? Children are crying at such a young age. Children are going to make jokes."
       "Can't heal?" Big-Mu-Niang asked with concern.
       "Can cure," Zhou-Zhen said with certainty.
       The winter disease and the summer disease, the old cold disease in her body, in fact, when the three volt days cure, the effect is the best. But now there is nothing to do, and the troubles have to be cured. You can't let Matron suffer another winter's crime. Wait until the next year.
       "But what kind of medicinal materials are used? I have people prepare them." Their Li family is engaged in medicinal materials. As long as they are not too rare, they should not be available.
       Zhou-Zhen stop, "The medicinal material is not difficult to find. The common medicinal materials such as dried aconite and ginger wormwood are used. It is a bit troublesome to cure. Then I pick up a pair of Chinese medicine and boil it every night After cooking, let Mu-Grandmother soak her feet first, and when she sweats a little, I will give her acupuncture to draw out the cold in her body. "
       What Zhou-Zhen didn't say is that she came with a Chinese medicine kit for them. Stick it on the soles of your feet every night when you sleep, and throw it away in the morning. This Chinese medicine pack can lead the body's dirty garbage out and let it loosen up.
       LaoTai-Ye waved, "I'm not afraid, I'll stare at Mu-Grandmother to soak my feet, and then give her a needle when you're done."
       "Thank you, sister." Matron patted Zhou-Zhen's hand.
       "Not troublesome."
       Big-Mu-Niang moved in her heart and glanced at her eldest son. She pressed down the beating heart and told herself not to be in a hurry, to see it first.
       "Cousin Zhen, where did you learn medicine and pharmacy?" Her second cousin Li Zhi asked curiously.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled bitterly in her heart, and had to continue to use the set she had edited before. "... When I learned from him, I was confused and half-knowledgeable at that time. At this time, I was like It opened up the second pulse of Rendu and fully integrated the medical knowledge he taught before. "
       "I can't think of Zhuangzi surnamed Zhang's medical skill so good." Big-Mu-Niang was annoyed, if she was more careful, let the doctor give her eldest son to see how good the disease is.
       Seeing her Big-Mu-Niang so regretted, Zhou-Zhen quickly shifted the topic, “Don’t surround me, Mu-Grandfather Mu-Grandmother, now it’s great for Xian Geer to study, ethnology The master has praised him several times. "
       When Mu-Grandfather heard her, her eyes brightened, "Really? No lie?"
       Matron glared at him, "They're all good kids, where would they lie? Besides, what good is it to lie to you a bad Lao-tou?"
       She Mu-Grandfather said to Zhou Xian solemnly, pretending to be serious, "Your sister says you can read books, don't you deny it?"
       Zhou Xian shook his head, "Don't deny it." Should he be able to read now?
       "Okay, if you don't deny it, then I will test you."
       "That line, come on, go to the study and bring my 4th House-5 scripture!"
       Matron quickly stopped, "Just take two books, so many exams, do you want to tired my good grandson?"
       "Okay, then bring the Analects and Chunqiu!"
       Then enter the test time for the old and the young.
       LaoTai-Ye After getting the book, take a paragraph from the book to test Zhou Xian's interpretation, recitation, and contextual recitation. The content of the examination is easy to enter. Zhou Xian had already dealt with it in the front, and gradually reached the stage of embarrassment at the difficult part later.
       That's enough, it's enough to surprise her Mu-Grandfather and happy.
       Zhou-Zhen took the opportunity to say, “Mu-Grandfather, you don’t know. Actually, Xianer didn’t read before, because his previous Master’s teaching method had problems. Later, Father Father resigned that master, Xianer. I have been studying with the clan master, and went back to school. "
       LaoTai-Ye, "His former master, but what was his last name?"
       "It's him!"
       LaoTai-Ye wondered, "He doesn't teach well?"
       "It's very bad. He only reads textbooks according to this book, and then asks the students to recite them. If they don't recite them, they will punish the students, or they will beat their palms with a ruler, or they will endorse the kneeling. He taught for a few years. After learning, and letting him teach, Brother Xian will be abolished. "Zhou-Zhen degraded Master Zeng as worthless.
       LaoTai-Ye was so angry with his beard and stared, "There is such a wicked villain! Lose me every year-" It also made a lot of respect for him!
       Speaking of which, he shut his mouth in resentment.
       He didn't say, Zhou-Zhen could also guess what the unfinished words were.
       "But he has been deprived of his fame because of his involvement in the fraud of the imperial examinations and was assigned to the southwest. He never thought of harming the students in this life."
       Hearing this result, LaoTai-Ye was satisfied, "Evil has evil rewards, so good, good."
       Zhou-Zhen pretends to say mysteriously, "Mu-Grandfather Mu-Grandmother, you two don't know. Elder Brother has a strength that is unknown to outsiders."
       Oh? Everyone looked curiously, "What's the strength?"
       "Actually, Brother Xian has a good memory when he reads books. He can remember and recite some short articles. He reads about two times for long articles, and only reads 7 or 8 points."
       LaoTai-Ye eyes widened and asked eagerly, "Is this true?"
       Zhou Xian nodded ashamedly, his second sister said that making the two happy is his filial piety.
       "Mu-Grandfather, you can test me."
       Zhou Xian offered to take the test, and the old man believed 7 or 8 points.
       She had discussed this with Brother Xian, not to say that she wanted to show publicity. If she expects that the Li family will be in trouble, then she needs to give them hope and strength. Maybe Zhou Xian hasn't been able to become the heart-strengthening agent of the Li family, but at least a little hope isn't it?
       "Okay, get me another book. Don't go for four books and five books. Get a book that's a bit more remote." LaoTai-Ye eager to know the truth.
       Of course, this test did not disappoint.
       The junior members of the Li family exclaimed, "This cousin behaves like Zhang Zai, the protagonist in the prodigy."
       Zhou Xian smiled embarrassedly.
       LaoTai-Ye was simply overjoyed, "Okay! Old Pozi, hurry up and bring me on the lacquered gold box on the bedside. I want to reward Brother Xuan, uh, and sister, save Lanlan and Niuniu. , It should be rewarded. "
       The junior members of the Li family were laughing, who didn't know that the silver ticket was in his lacquered box.
       When Zhou-Zhen was plugged with a silver ticket, he became speechless. This scene of plugging a silver ticket was inexplicably familiar. Did the big guys like to do such things?
       Big-Mu-Niang 2-Mu-Niang watched with a smile, his children couldn’t read the books, and their parents always lamented and sighed. I used to look forward to the night, and hope to give the old The Li family gave a Wenquxing, but helpless, the younger generations followed their elder ancestors, and business was a good hand, but they were not the seeds of reading.
       When Zhou Xian was born, he also looked forward to it. When Zhou Xian and ten years old did not show much talent for reading, LaoTai-Ye died.
       Today, Zhou Xian's performance is undoubtedly a dead end for LaoTai-Ye.
       She likes this Shi-zi, and their arrival brought laughter and hope to the Li family.
       After a period of excitement, the Li family forgive them for the pain of long journeys and urged them to rest.
       Matron pulled them and said, "This time you come, live longer."
       Big-Mu-Niang 2-Mu-Niang are all kind people. At the moment, he echoed, "You Mu-Grandmother said that the rooms are cleaned, and you can rest in peace."
       I didn't expect the granddaughter to come, but she had already ordered someone to pack up another yard, so there is no need to say it.


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