Sister Credit 80

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       Shen-shi house
       "Brother, what happened? Brother, I'm stupid, I can't guess. But you show me this, it feels like a couch." Looking at his brother, Shen Heng felt like he was going crazy.
       Isn't it a couch? Shen Luqiang cheered up, "We Shen-shi is about to have a big disaster."
       "This disaster has something to do with Jingshui Teacher's test?" His brother expressed it in a series, even though he didn't know where the Shen-shi disaster came from, but he could see something.
       "Yes, the similarity between the selected test question and the hometown test question is too high, and some people will doubt about fraud in the course."
       Shen Heng followed his elder brother's words and thought, and then his face became more and more ugly. "But this test question was selected by Jingshui Teacher and the old Master Zeng. It is irrelevant to us Shen-shi! We can do it Let them cook for themselves. "
       "They can't run away. But don't forget, how did they get their first test question for the Academy exam." Shen Lu reminded.
       Shen Heng's breath was suffocating. Indeed, they did use some methods to testify against the examiner Huo Wenzhong at the beginning. These were nothing before, but now they are deadly.
       Shen Lu patted him on the shoulder, "We Shen-shi can't ignore this."
       "No brother, can we just watch what happened? Is there no way?" Shen Henghong asked with an eye.
       Shen Lu smiled bitterly, "No."
       What can I do? So many people have watched the Jingshui Teacher's question. Can they destroy the test questions from the root? No. As we all know, Haohan's bookstore is from Shen-shi, can it be left alone? also can not. So they can only wait for it to explode.
       "Brother, you just asked a lot of questions about Zhou-shi. Do you suspect that the choice of the test question is related to Zhou-shi?" Shen Heng remembered this suddenly.
       "If my worries come true, this time the township test, the Lujiang side of Anqing will definitely be the hardest hit area by students from all over the world. Under this premise, do you think it is an accident for Zhou-shi candidates this year to miss the township test by accident Shen Lu asked him softly.
       "Brother, you think too much. Even though I really want to agree with you, I'm not angry with Zhou-shi luck, but according to your thinking, the choice of the question is from Zhou-shi, I don't Believe that they did not have the ability to steal such confidential information from Fu Yan-Old Lady. "They really have that ability. How dare they Shen-shi count them.
       "Moreover, if Zhou-shi really knows what, and consciously does not mix and engage, how can there be two fish that miss the net?" Shen Heng refers to the two people who sent Zhou to the examination room, "Brother, maybe Zhou shi is really just coincidence and luck. "
       Why didn't Shen Lu know this, but he intuitively set the game to Zhou-shi. But forget it, "This is not important anymore. Plan for the worst. Prepare for something early."
       Zhou-shi Zongfang Guest House
       Ayu went to the front yard to get things back, and saw a little Maid walking towards the study with a pot of hot water, and quickly signaled to the other to give him the water.
       When he entered the study, he gongzi was facing away from the bell he was hanging on the side of the window.
       Ayu shook his head, another day without seeing 6-Miss.
       Ayu pointed at the number, since he went to Zhou-shi house, in fact, the two of them didn't see each other every day. It was already good to see the same one in three or two days, pity.
       "Shen-shi is finished." Yuan-Suming turned back and threw such a bomb.
       Ayu shook his hand, "gongzi, are you saying that the Shen family is going to finish this time?" There is no sign at all, but forget it, it is rarely unfulfilled if he spit out of his gongzi mouth.
       Yuan-Suming nodded softly, "Not only, Wang-shuo is over." It is not important whether Shen-shi is innocent, and a Shen family is not enough to explain to the candidates in the world ...
       This Shen-shi is also unlucky. I have fought with the Zhou-shi family several times before, not only did not take advantage, but also lost 300 thousand blood. Is it going to be uprooted again?
       But who did it? As soon as Ayu thought about it, she met Gongzi gaze and smiled, and quickly stopped. Regardless of who did it, anyway, Shen-shi fell, 6-Miss, happy, he gongzi was happy, as for the twists and turns inside, it doesn't matter.
       Yuan-Suming looked away and looked at the bell in the palm of his face softly.
       This game is too delicate, really a smart little guy, but his heart is still too soft, showing some flaws. He thought anxiously.
       After the exam, Zhou Ji returned home and rested fiercely for two days.
       After he got up and washed up, his mother came over and asked the kitchen to make a good table and then greeted him for dinner.
       His mother was not hungry, so she didn't move the chopsticks, but filled him with soup next to it.
       "My son, do you say you did a good job this time?"
       "Well, without accident, an Imperial-Graduate can't run."
       "It's great. Zhou-shi had to enter the examination room with Zhou Zhen this year. If Zhou Zhen fails the exam, then the scenery of the Dai people will fall on you. It was because a cook could not go to the examination room. Fortunately, my son didn’t have a good appetite that day and didn’t eat that meal.
       Zhou Ji paused and didn't speak. When he accidentally broke Zhou-Zhen's conversation with Ma Dongmei that day, he kept a heart and pulled Zhou Zhen together, but he did not think of it.
       When he saw the papers, he was surprised by so many familiar questions, and then he was overjoyed. After the great joy, there was doubt. Ma Dongmei helped her so much. Zhou Ji couldn't understand why Zhou-Zhen would persuade him not to participate in this year's township test.
       Then he was in a torment. For these days, even though he didn't like Zhou-Zhen, he also knew that she was not a targetless person. I always felt that after she advised Ma Dongmei not to participate in the township test, it was too coincidental that the brothers of the same family could not enter the examination room for some reason.
       But looking at the paper, he felt that the opportunity was rare and made him deliberately take the test. He couldn't bear to be willing.
       Now that I have finished the exam, I'm always excited, and I still have a little anxiety in my heart.
       "Oh, my hometown exam is over. Should I go over to discuss with the sect's house and pick you up from Mei-mei?" Xi-shi kept thinking about Zhou-Zhen, even though she knew she was only looking at the shrine at present. Clearing it a bit was enough to make her feel bad.
       "Mei-mei must pick it up, but mother, I think it's better to go to the house after waiting for the list? If I can really pass the Imperial-Graduate, they dare not despise us."
       Xi-shi thought of the last time his son found Zongfang but returned without success, so he nodded and agreed with his proposal. She sighed softly, "If you have successfully passed the Imperial-Graduate test, we will go to Capital City together after picking up your Mei-mei."
       "Yeah." Zhou Jishou, when he returned, had no plans to bring his mother and Mei-mei into Capital City, but now he can't bear to leave them to be tortured.
       Anqing Province
       "Is on the list!"
       On the edge of the house, there was a red list, and countless people pushed towards the bottom of the red list.
       "Hit, hit, 1st Shaoye!"
       "We're Shaoye!"
       "Go back and report to Lao-ye and Fu-ren!"
       Some people are desperately crowded in, some people are desperately crowded out, and after half a hour of such excitement, the Red List is still the Red List, but there are not so many people below.
       Someone with good things stared at it, and then said in surprise, "There are a lot of candidates on the list this time."
       When he called like this, someone came to stare at the Red List to help confirm, "His, this time the candidates in Lujiang are great, so many people are on the list?" Du Zu grave could not be smoked?
       "Isn't it expected? Candidates in Lujiang have heard that they are doing very well."
       "They also had a bad luck. I heard that about ten days before the township test, they had a lot of similarities in the choice of test questions printed in the bookstore and in the township test. You can think about how much cheap they are. "
       The eyes of people with ears beside them were all green, and they almost roared to the sky, and they hated not being born in Lujiang, so that they could get a touch of light.
       "I heard that this year's township test was led by Yan-Old Lady Fu. Yan-Old Lady Fu knows what Jingshui Teacher is, and is his question so accurate?" Someone doubted.
       "Is it possible that this is a leak question, then what kind of mirror water Teacher's reputation is not obvious, why did you hit so many questions this year?"
       Everyone waited to block the mouth of this reckless guy. Is this speculation when they thought about it? Guessing is speculation, but no one dares to say it.
       The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive. These words were regarded as life-saving straw by those who fell off the list. They found a reason for their fall. The original drop was not because they were not well-educated, but someone cheated in this exam.
       No wonder they have such an idea. It's just that the results of this year's candidates from Lujiang are so dazzling. Looking at the list on the list, some people don’t have much ink in their stomachs, and the level of half a bucket of water is not as good as their own. But now they are on the list with a test question that is accurate, which makes them not uncomfortable?
       If you remove these people, are they likely to be on the list?
       With such thoughts, one of them counted one, and the words spread quickly.
       From the day of the announcement, there were more horses and horses traveling between Anqing and Lujiang County, and Lujiang began to make good news.
       Shen-shi The good news  :   Thirteen people take the exam, and twelve are among the candidates.
       Gu-shi Good news  :   Gu-shi has 10 candidates and 7 of them.
       On this day, the gongs and drums of Lujiang celebrated high school.
       On Zhou-shi side, as Xi-shi expected, there was only one person to choose from, and that was her son Zhou Ji.
       When she received the good news, she wept with joy and felt that life was about to end.
       Zhou Ji sent away the team of the Annunciation, and inquired about the situation among the various ethnic groups. His mood was not as ecstatic as outsiders expected, and he was always pressed with a trace of unsure.
       Anqing Province
       Candidates who failed this time gathered together quickly. Before long, they ‘called the slogan  :   "Unreasonable law, fraud in the field! If you ask a serious fraud, please return me."
       "All of the candidates in Lujiang did not rely on their true level. They relied on a test question to choose easily. It was too unfair!"
       "Yes, yes, we have worked so hard for so many years, why did we lose the test when they passed the exam?"
       "We have to get justice for ourselves! This exam can't count!"
       "Come on, let's go to Daren and comment!"
       "Come on, please ask the government for a statement!"
       At present, Lujiang is still peaceful.
       The next day after receiving the good news, Zhou Ji was invited out.
       "A mail, can you take a moment to talk to us?"
       Zhou Ji looked at Zhou Yan, thinking that he had finally arrived. He was so calmed up that he nodded.
       Zhou Yan brought Zhou Ji to a cousin's house, where he also sits with nine ethnic brothers who had no reference because of the accident.
       "Aji, did you know that there was a problem with our food that day?" Zhou Yan asked bluntly.
       Zhou Ji said, "That's because I know someone is going to tamper with-"
       "Wait a minute, you know that someone cares about you, and you just care about yourself, without reminding you?" Someone interrupted him with anxiety.
       Zhou Ji smiled bitterly, "Because I'm not sure, I can only be careful and careful myself. And even if I said it, you won't believe it."
       "Not to mention whether we believe it or not, should you remind me?" All they wanted was his attitude.
       Zhou Zhisaid, "This is not my thoughts."
       Zhou Yan asked again, "What do you know?"
       "I know who the hands are."
       "who is it?"
       "My six cousins Zhou-Zhen!"
       "Impossible!" Several individuals said in unison.
       Everyone did not believe what Zhou sent.
       "You believe me, I heard her and Ma Dongmei conversation with myself, and she let her family avoid the village test as much as possible."
       "Did he take the test?"
       "Go, but was delayed because of an accident on the road, missed the township test. Do you believe me?"
       "This doesn't mean anything."
       "Yes, because it's good for her?"
       Zhou Yan and others looked heavy.
       Zhou Yan said that they didn't believe Zhou-Zhen was behind the scenes that let them miss the hometown test this time. Not to mention, he also knows that because of Zhou-Yinger, Zhou Ji and Zhou-Zhen have deep suspicions.
       "Do you dare to confront us in the house?"
       "What's wrong?" Looking at the young Langs who came to him, Zhou Hai had a headache.
       Zhou Zheng came forward to explain his intentions. Hearing that this involved Zhou-Zhen, Zhou Hai was also the first to believe. Instead, asked Zhou Ji, "Why don't you remind me? Or that sentence, all brothers in the tribe, move your mouth to remind you something, how can you not do it?"
       Zhou Jixin was distressed. "I didn't want to frighten the snake."
       Zhou Haiqi, "Then you just watch them enter the examination room?"
       Zhou Ji avoids the heavy and said lightly, "Hai Dabo, would you please ask my six cousins to ask?"
       Zhou Hai waved his hand, "No need to ask, nothing is possible."
       Zhou Hai interrupted him, "You said that sister-zi did this, what is the plan?"
       Zhou Jiyusai, the ghost knows what she plans!
       Zhou Hai asked again, "You said she made people take medicine, but you saw it with your own eyes?"
       Zhou Ji urgently said, "This is not the case, but she asked Ma Dongmei not to participate in this year's autumn festival, and then her elder brother hit them ... Didn't Hai Laozi feel too suspicious?"
       Zhou Hai took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He first asked Zhou Yan a few, "Do you believe him?"
       Zhou Zheng They shook their heads and blundered.
       Their attitude made Zhou Hai a little satisfied, so he looked at Zhou Ji, "Aji, let me tell you, the people who took medicine in Grandma food have been found out, and now they have sold to the poor. Place. If you are okay, don’t think about climbing up sister-zi, it’s hard for the family to calm down, don’t you fight any more?
       Zhou Ji was so upset that he didn't expect Zhou-Zhen, a cousin, to have such a good impression on the people. He was telling the truth, why didn’t they believe it without being clever.
       At this moment, the concierge manservant rushed in, "Lao-ye is not good, it's noisy, it's noisy!"
       Zhou Hai frowned, and this was what was happening again, "What's the trouble? What's going on?"
       "Lao-ye, hasn't Anqing government released the list? Many candidates who failed this time have lost their souls, and somehow came to the candidates in Lujiang. They broke the government office in Anqing and accused them of being unfair. , Lujiang's fraud is serious ... "
       Alas, it's a big deal! Zhou Hai sits back on the chair with a butt and was lost.
       Everyone was surprised when they heard the news. "Is the news true?"
       The subordinate nodded his head no matter how true it was.
       Zhou Ye and they all looked at Zhou Ji, and they had a hunch. It may not be a blessing to take Imperial-Graduate in this test, not even a reference.
       Zhou Ji face was also hard to look at, and the trace of pressure in his heart was not sure that it finally became true.

       Chapter 81  :   Two in one    

       The news of the fraud in the section made the whole scene quiet.
       Zhou Hai waited for a while before returning to God. He remembered that Zhou Ji had been emphasizing that the person behind Zhou Ye who was unable to participate in the village test was the sister-zi. None of them believed it. Because it is not good for her to do so, and she has no grudges with those present, why do you do such detrimental things to yourself?
       He has tasted it now, let's get it done, maybe Zhou Ji suspicion is true.
       Think about Lao-ye attitude since the nap brothers returned after they came back. This kind of thing has been very angry for a long time, but this time, Lao-ye after he found out the real murderer of the chef, he Never paid attention to it again. Even Zhou Zhizhong's good news came, he did not see much joy. At first, Zhou Hai thought it was Lao-ye. When he saw the good news and thought that Zhou Zhen was uncomfortable in his heart, he didn't have much joy. It seems that it is open to question.
       Not only Zhou Hai, Zhou Min, but two or three of them had a little bit of enlightenment, but they all remembered in their hearts and said nothing.
       Zhou Ji gritted her teeth, Zhou-Zhen, she must be intentional!
       He became a capital for a long time, and his knowledge was broader than Zhou Yue.
       When they heard the news and didn't understand the pros and cons, he knew that the impact of the incident on him would not be small, and that the impact was negative.
       It's him who cares and shouldn't be greedy. Knowing that Zhou-Zhen, such a sly person, reminded Ma Dongmei to try to avoid this year's township test. He just rushed in stupidly. Seeing that the township test paper and Jingshui Teacher's test questions had such a high coincidence rate, they were still not alert enough. He should abandon the test decisively or deliberately, because he was greedy.
       "Hai Dabo, what shall we do?" Zhou Ji asked with a blank face.
       Zhou Hai also had a headache when he saw him like this, "You go back first, don't think wildly, this matter must be discussed by the tribe."
       "Hai Dabo, you must save me ..."
       "It's not that serious, don't scare yourself." Zhou Hai was sure, no matter how serious the fraud in this department was, Zhou sent his temper to be worry-free.
       He was worried about his future! You can see them, and Zhou Ji feels that it is difficult to tell. He said so much, he just wanted to feel at ease, and he wanted a guarantee from the dwelling that he would do his best to help him anyway, but obviously he couldn't.
       Zhou Ji walked out in a loss.
       Zhou Yan, none of them moved their butt.
       What is joy extremely sad, this is it.
       What is Sai Weng losing his horse, this is it.
       What is the blessing of blessings and the reliance of blessings of blessings, this is it.
       Before today, all of them were sad. The saddest point is of course that after the release of the list, I saw that there were so many people in the Lujiang test, and many of them were their classmates. Contrary to my own bad luck, when I saw other people fresh clothes and angry horses, they took advantage of fame and fortune, and the sadness in my heart was mentioned.
       Now the situation has turned around, it's a taste, not to mention. I didn't want to be happy, but I was relieved.
       "Hai Dabo, I think the fraud of this imperial examination is too strange. Whether it is Jingshui Teacher or Shen-shi, why don't they just use it for them when they buy the question? Why do they want to print it?" Can't figure it out.
       "Your suspicion makes sense, but Dabo doesn't know how it happened." Zhou Hai spread his hand. What he knew was that Shen-shi was over.
       "Also, the existence of that set of test questions is the clear evidence. What can be explained besides fraud?"
       "Couldn't it be Jingshui Teacher?" Someone muttered softly.
       "Oh, Yan-Old Lady, Fu has presided over a lot of imperial examinations. Wang-If Jing Shui had that skill, why is he still just an old Imperial-Graduate?"
       "Hai Dabo, you said, this time the imperial examination fraud broke out, what would happen to them like Ah Chi?"
       Zhou Hai pondered for a moment, this time the Lujiang Keju fraud case, Shen-shi bears the brunt of it. As for those who have made a good move, I am afraid that they will not fall well. It is conservatively estimated that at least the name of the Imperial-Graduate is not to be considered. Now they are worried that the court will order to deprive them of the qualifications for imperial examination.
       Hearing the consequences were so serious, Zhou Yan and each other looked at each other, and they probably should have really been blessed by misfortune.
       Before Zhou Hai sent them away, he also told them not to pass on the nonsense that Zhou sent at the beginning.
       They nodded obediently.
       Compared to the congratulations of Zhou Yan, Zhou Ji was full of haze and despair.
       He couldn't find a way out! He thought about entering Capital City immediately, but he also knew that even if he rushed back to Capital City to ask him for Father. His Father's official position is too low, and I'm afraid there is nothing to say about this.
       He thought about it, the whole Zhoujia Square could borrow, only the Yuan family! Isn't Yuan-Suming living in a dwelling? If he is willing to help him, at least it will ensure that he will not be disqualified from the Imperial Examination.
       But would the fangfang speak to Yuan-Suming for him? Zhou Ji feels that the possibility is very slim. After all, how much affection does one mouth have for the other person to answer?
       Zhou Ji was anxious, and he regretted it. If he had reminded Zhou Yi that they would be fine, let them be careful, avoid the diet mixed with croton, so that they do not get sick, and then enter the examination room together. Then there will be more of the Imperial-Graduate family in the Zhoujia Fang test. If more than half of the twelve of them are selected, it will be better. At this moment, more people will take risks with him. Fish them.
       For them, the dormitory side will definitely speak with Yuan-Suming. Lu Jiang's "Imperial-Graduate", who is implicated in him, is afraid that there is not enough people to speak to the innocent candidates in the court. If the Yuan family is willing to help, the punishment from the court will be the lightest.
       Yuan-Suming Yuan-Suming said that his six cousins had a great friendship with him, and said that he came to Lujiang for this purpose ...
       Zhou Ji gritted his teeth and walked towards Xuan Beitang.
       Xuan Bay Tang
       Zhou-Zhen came with her Grandmother's maid.
       "Grandmother, you call me?"
       "Sit down." He-Lao-Furen pointed to the pier in front of her and asked her to sit.
       After Zhou-Zhen sits down, the two pulled home. In these days, Zhou-Zhen often came and walked around when she was free, and even directed the kitchen to make a warm medicated diet suitable for winter season. Her Grandmother used it consciously, and she didn’t have cold hands and feet. The relationship between the two parties is closer.
       "... Your second cousin is also unlucky, but managed to make such a move. But Grandmother knows that you are clever and not a normal Miss, so I want to ask you if there is anything you can do to solve it?"
       He Lao-Anren didn't, as Zhou Ji said, let her directly ask Zhou-Zhen if she could ask Yuan-Suming for help. Yuan-Suming is interested in her granddaughter, and she has heard about it a bit. But He Lao-Anren also knows that Yuan-Suming and her granddaughter are obviously they have climbed. If you really want them to succeed, this mouth is still not open.
       Zhou-Zhen lowered his eyes with the action of drinking tea, took a sip of tea, and handed the tea to Yunsi standing next to him.
       "Grandmother, I have heard about it. In fact, you don't need to worry. Our Zhoujiafang only has two cousins and an Imperial-Graduate this year, but Gu-shi, Sheng shi and other major family forces are not There are young talents involved in so many ethnic groups. They will certainly not stand idly by. Everyone has the same goals and will definitely sit down to discuss. Let us first see what kind of regulations they can come up with?
       In this way, He Lao-Anren was persuaded in a few words.
       An anecdote in Lujiang, Anqing Prefecture, was found to be a fraud case. A test named "Guishui Teacher" was similar to the 50% in the examination paper. The referees in Lujiang had a 70% success rate.
       The news was like a thunder on the ground, blasting everyone heads.
       The news continued to spread and the response was alarming.
       Countless candidates from all over the country made trouble in the government and sought justice.
       Capital City, Wang-fu
       In two days, the emperor will select Crown Prince for Crown Prince, and he and Zhu Liang will both go to court to give lectures.
       He knew that Zhu Liang had rushed back from the field.
       This time, he has 80% certainty to win, so he has always maintained a high spirit of fighting.
       Even on the return trip, He Xian told him not to care, and said that Zhu Liang got the "four sentence" earlier than him and had more time to enlighten.
       Wang-Shuo laughed at that time, and didn't think that getting the "Four sentences" would have an advantage. Whether he had the advantage or not would depend on one perception, and it didn't matter much about the time when the "Four sentences" was in hand.
       "Lao-ye, the carriage is ready." The child reported.
       Wang-Shuo heads first, takes the whole crown, and goes out.
       These days, he is quite a bit of a spirited look when he was admitted to the exam. But this good mood lasted for less than a quarter of an hour.
       Yan government sent a request to ask him to temporarily change his schedule. Even though he was wondering, he should answer, still wondering why on the way. But the man sent by Yan's government had a tight mouth and only knew that he had gone.
       Yes, I knew it, but he went, only to feel a thunder thunder on his head.
       "... This is the case. Candidates who have fallen from the test have been in trouble. At the worst, bloodshed has occurred. If the court does not give an explanation, I am afraid there will be trouble. Wang-Daren, this time I'm afraid only you can afford it. "
       The name of the speaker, Zhang Zhe, is a very capable member of their Yan-shi faction, and is highly regarded by Master Yan-Old Lady.
       But Wang-Shuo listened and felt wrong. The imperfections of the Imperial Examination made him bear? How to bear? Wang-Shuoxian was very panicked, "No, teacher, what is the relationship between fraud in this subject and me?"
       Zhang Zhe said, "This fraud in the imperial examination took place in Lujiang, and the test of the Jingshui Teacher was selected as evidence. Now everyone is questioning that we leaked the test, but we checked it and found nothing suspicious. Everywhere. "
       Yan-Old Lady Fu hosted the question, each of them will be responsible for a part. But they also watched the selection of the Jingshui Teacher's test question. The same content as the hometown test paper does not only correspond to the part in which one person is responsible, but everyone covers it. That is to say, if the problem is leaked, almost all the people who proposed it participate. Or yes, Yan-Old Lady Fu Xi. Both the former and the latter have done great damage to their faction.
       Such a similar selection of test questions, of course, they doubted the ghost. But they checked, and they blew inside and out a few times, but they found nothing, and saw a ghost.
       "The teacher's seat can't be in trouble, do you understand?" Zhang Cover looked at him and emphasized.
       Wang-stunned and didn't speak.
       The rest nodded and echoed, yes, nothing could happen to the teacher. But this matter, you need a bit of weight to carry the pot, otherwise you will not be able to stop the long mouths of the world's students. Wang-a big portion, enough.
       "But why is it me?" Wang-Shuo asked in pain.
       "Because you've been to Lujiang."
       Wang-Shuo has been to Lujiang, and this can't be denied. On that day Xu Zhongyan was promoted to the court to hear the Zhou-Chen theft case. He appeared in the court hall, and the people who watched on that day saw it with his own eyes.
       "And your time in Lujiang is also very sensitive. The second set of exam questions for Jingshui Teacher was published on September 17. You left Lujiang on September 18. During your stay in Lujiang, In the past with the patriarch Shen-shi and other people, the opponent has every reason to suspect that it is your problem. "
       Zhang Zhe pointed out why it was his reason. Every word he said was like adding a rope to tie him up and keep him from moving.
       Wang-Shuo looked to Fu Yan—Old Lady, “Master, you know I can’t.” Moreover, during the question of the teacher, he set off early to Lujiang.
       "I believe in you." Yan-Old Lady, who had not spoken, nodded. Yan-Old Lady Fu also knew that this time he presided over the question, Wang-Shuo set off for Lujiang early and returned late, and knew little about the test questions.
       Zhang Zhe was not reconciled, saying, "The night before you went to Lujiang, you came to Yan's house, which was caught by the other party."
       Colleagues from the same faction put it so clearly, just to let him die and not to make unnecessary struggles.
       Alas, Wang-Shuo Yi sits down on the chair, “Shen-shi hurt me!”
       Wang-Shuowa crying, he really hates the people of the Shen-shi clan at this moment, and feels that this group of people is against him!
       His future, he is about to become the young master of Crown Prince, now this disaster is coming, no more, nothing. Not only that, but his career is also ruined.
       Speaking of this, Yan-Old Lady Fu is also very unfortunate. He has talked with Wang-Shuo and feels that this time he competes with Zhu Liang and chooses Crown Prince Master Fu with a probability of more than 50%. This is already very good. Before going to Lujiang, he did not even have the possibility of 40%. Unfortunately, he had no chance to prove it.
       "Wang-Daren, in fact, we all believe it. But after saying so much, you should also know that we believe it is useless."
       Having said that, if it wasn't for Zhang Zhe who knew Wang-Shuo could not get the full set of papers this time, he would almost have suspected it was his problem. If this is a round, this round is too delicate. If not, then Wang-shuo luck is really too bad.
       "We couldn’t find out where the test question was leaked from, and who leaked it, but it has become a fact and it is still a rumor, and we have to confess it. Now we can only abandon the car to protect the handsome Do you understand? "
       "I understand." Wang-Shuo said innocently. No one is more reasonable than his appearance.
       Yan-Old Lady asked, “I heard that your zhi-zi is thirteen?”
       Wang-Shuo nodded.
       Yan-Old Lady Fu sighed and patted his shoulder, "Let him study hard, we will not forget the sacrifice you made today."
       Wang-Shuo nodded, "I know, can I make a request?"
       Yan-Old Lady Fu paused and said, "You say it."
       "I want to be buried with me, Jianghe Shen-shi, the culprit!"
       "Shen-shi cannot escape."
       "And the newly-launched Imperial-Graduate Lao-ye of Lujiang in this rural test!" Wang-Shuow was full of malice towards Lujiang at this moment.
       Don't think about it, Wang-Shuo knew that those people would be desperate to save themselves, but why? Why was he implicated and knocked off the dust and cut off the career path, and they still wanted to get away? You should be buried with him!
       Yan-Old Lady Fu nodded and agreed to his request.
       Affected by the imperial examination fraud everywhere, Lu Jiang was the place where the incident happened, and the atmosphere was the most dignified.
       No way, the last moment was the freshly released Imperial-Graduate Lao-ye, the next moment, this title became troublesome. No one thought about it.
       Only Zhoujiafang is quite calm.
       Those people used to laugh at Zhou-shi for bad luck, but now who doesn't envy his family?
       On the day of the patriarchs of Gu Sheng, the chiefs of the patriarchs of all ethnic groups and forces gathered together to discuss what happened next. After all, the candidates who were listed on the list in Lujiang were completely affected by the fraud of the department. Everyone was among them, and no one wanted to be alone.
       Every house has arrived, and Zhou Hai has been invited, except for Shen-shi.
       The source of the fraud in the field is in the vast bookstore of Shen-shi, and the relationship between Shen-shi and Jingshui Teacher can not be ignored. Shen-shi is the culprit and bears the brunt of it. Now no one wants to get in touch with his family.
       Shen-shi, who was excluded from this meeting, is also aware.
       Shen Heng said fiercely that they were to be dragged into the water and stopped by Shen Lu, so as not to make him angry. The worst consequence of this imperial examination fraud is that it is only a clan exile and will not lead to the clan. The Lujiang clans have a large number of officials in the officialdom. If they provoke them, on the way to exile and in the place of exile, they will be enough for Shen-shi to use the stirrer alone.
       The meeting over there is going to be held, and Zhou Hai seat is quite high.
       As soon as he sits down, he was arrested and asked, "Brother Hai, what happened to you Zhou-shi this time is a coincidence. Did you get any noise?"
       Zhou Hai insisted, "This is a complete coincidence! If I really hear any news, why don't I let everyone miss the exam? I also asked Zhou to take the Imperial-Graduate exam, so do this restlessly?"
       This is also the case. If you really hear any wind, you can completely avoid it. What's the point of leaving a tail outside?
       After I figured out that Zhou-shi, so many people missed the exam is all luck, and someone sighed, "Brother Zhou, I really envy your luck."
       This time, only one of Zhou-shi, who passed the Imperial-Graduate exam, suffered the least impact. So you see, they all came from the head, and Zhou-shi came from the patriarch Zhou Hai, not the patriarch Zhou Yifu.
       But you can’t be anxious about them yet, because Zhou-shi can't be anxious at all, waiting for them to wait for them. They don’t fish, Zhou-shi don’t need to worry, they will lose a book seed in a big deal. Compared with them, Zhou-shi can afford it.
       Zhou Hai shook his head and said, "Fortunately, fortunately, Zhoujia Fang also jumped for Zhou Ye missing chicken chicken. After the list was released, they were even more uncomfortable. You haven’t seen it, just for a little while, all of them are lost. With a little ten pounds of meat, I can see that one is distressed. "Fortunately, they all came through and endured it.
       Zhou Hai, adhering to the principle of listening more and speaking less, didn't say much.
       However, their tribe invited Zhou-shi to come, but it was not for their carefreeness.
       No, Gu Changsheng said, "Hai Shi-zi, we know that Zhou-shi and Jingyuan Yuanjia Yuan 7-gongzi have a great friendship, can you ask him to help him for our innocence and be implicated in these tests? Candidate speak justice? "
       "Gu-Dabo, your request is too embarrassing. Yuan gongzi is just staying at Zhoujia Fang, the friendship is not as deep as you said, we really can't open this mouth." Zhou Hai was in a dilemma, He was really embarrassed. The people inside knew to some extent why Yuan-Suming stayed at Zhoujiafang, but it wasn't the case for outsiders to open their mouths.
       "Everyone is an old force in the territory of Lujiang. Although there are occasional battles, they are also small-scale. When outside, those who are officials still pay attention to a watch and mutual assistance. Starting from the overall situation, this batch of tests can be called If you are a young talent, you will probably see a fault if you fold it all in this delusional disaster. "By the time of your generation Zhou Zhou, there may be a situation in which it is difficult to survive alone.
       "And even a big family like ours, it is not easy to train a group of young people who can learn Imperial-Graduate. If you can help, all of us here will accept your Zhou-shi affection." Gu Changsheng The analysis is reasonable, trying to convince Zhou Hai to help.
       Many people nodded in line with Gu Changsheng's words. They were admitted to Imperial-Graduate this time. They are the reading seeds in the clan, and the excellent ones. There are some individuals here, the level is so high that even without the mirror water Teacher's choice of test questions, this year can still pass the test.
       If it's all folded, it's a loss for any company.
       In fact, which family did not have a few officials, the difference was whether it was a Capital City official or a local official. There were only different officials and departments. It’s not easy for my family to be involved.
       Those candidates who fail the list are staring. Who knows if they will bite like crazy dogs after they speak.
       If the Yuan family speaks differently, first of all, he has nothing to do with the case, and the official position is also sufficient. After he spoke, everyone would help drum up the drums, and they should be able to pass this level.
       What they are most afraid of now is that if no one supports them, the emperor will just dispose them at will.
       "I'm not talking about it. Otherwise, you can come up with a charter. I'll introduce it for both of you. If you can't talk about it, it's all up to you and how?" Zhou Hai didn't want to take matters into account. Feelings, even if he listens, some kindness will be remembered within the moment, but times will change, and who will remember it in the future? What's more, should Yuan Yuan help so much, shouldn't he show some sincerity?
       Zhou Hai slipped this trick.
       The others looked at each other and nodded in agreement with the proposal.
       Zhou Hai took a chance and informed Yuan-Suming that the heads of the Lujiang forces headed by Gu Sheng and the two clans wanted to see him. When he came, he came to ask his opinions specially, to see if he would like to see them, if not, he would help him directly.
       Yuan-Suming is indifferent to seeing each other, but he also knows that if he is willing to see, there will be certain benefits to the Zhou-shi family, at least they must also accept the Zhou-shi referral.
       See you then. This is what he said. Because Yuan-Suming is also clear, if he refuses to see, Zhou-shi refuses, they will certainly not give up, and will continue to find someone to deliver a message to him. So don't have to be so troublesome,
       With the right words, Zhou Hai didn't stay much.
       The self-rescue operation was co-chaired by Gu Sheng and the two. When they learned from Zhou Hai that Yuan-Suming was willing to meet, they started to negotiate the compensation for asking him for help.
       After some discussion, some people felt that the remuneration was heavy. These people were mainly led by Lu Pei and could not help but show their clues on their faces.
       Gu Chang glanced at them with a sense of business. This Shen-shi saw that the building was about to fall. This Lu Shi had previously looked at Shen-shi, and immediately fled to Pei Shi after he fled.
       The two Lu Pei were immediately beaten by Gu Sheng and told them that Yuan gongzi only promised to see each other, but didn't promise to help. There is only one chance, and they must show their greatest sincerity, and don't be offensive. And don't hurry and delay this time! If they don't want to, they can act alone and pursue other careers.
       Lu Yan was certainly unwilling. It was his idea to ask Yuan-Suming to intercede on his behalf. Their qualifications for the selection of the tribute tea before the Lu family had been suppressed, and it was only through Zhou-Zhen that they could intercede. He knew that through Zhou-shi to ask Yuan-Suming for help, there is a great possibility to solve their troubles. In this case, there is nothing to say, only Gu Changsheng can say what it is!
       Under the joint promotion of Gu Sheng and the two, they soon met Yuan-Suming.
       This matter must be based on the opinions of so many people. Originally, Yuan-Suming thought that it would take several days to see him, and then the other party talked a little bit while talking, and the conversation broke down. He could just wave his sleeves. Leave.
       Yuan-Suming seeing their efficiency knows that there is no procrastination at all, maybe he can look forward to it?
       After the meeting, the two sides talked, and Gu Changsheng and others were saying that Yuan-Suming was listening. He didn't say much.
       At the end, Yuan-Suming glanced at their thank-you gift and confiscated it, but promised to try it.
       Their request was indispensable. For their Yuan family, it was just a matter of raising hands, and the risks to be taken were not great.
       This matter will not drag on for a long time, this matter involves Yan Zhengyang (Yu-Old Lady Fu), they will certainly cut the knife quickly, not let the matter ferment.
       Since Yan Zhengyang had such a plan, he would only compromise some disputable disputes, not tangle with them, and only want to make a conclusion as soon as possible, and then let the matter slowly calm down.
       With his words, everyone led by Gu Sheng was relieved.
       Yuan-Suming verbally agreed to help, and the people on Pei Lu were overjoyed.
       Gu Shuang didn't want to talk to these fools who didn't have enough money. Why did Yuan-Suming help you? I really think I have a big face! Thank you for this. If people don’t want to give up, they should be thankful, and they want to be iron gongzi?
       He intends to give equal benefits to Zhou-shi, especially the industries related to Zhou-Zhen, which should be focused on and benefited.
       Ask for help, and with a good beginning, they should be more interested here. Hello everyone, I am so happy to cooperate, not to engage in so many moths. After this incident, it is better to leave a doorway, and I may have to ask someone to come forward.
       Brother Zhou Zhouban is back. Not long after he entered the door, Zhou-Zhen received the news. Because her brother in the lobby was 1st-House Eldest-son and her character was fair, she didn't plan to do anything, but planned to watch it change.
       As soon as the civil service malpractice case started, Zhou Yan and his father discussed it before leaving for Lujiang.
       After he returned, like Zhou Ji, the first thing he faced was his mother's cry. At this time, he knew that so many things happened at home during this time.
       At that time, Zhou Ji felt that his mother's condition was somewhat wrong. After listening to his mother's cry, he roughly understood that the small big house suppressed the small 2nd House for too long, so that the small 2nd House improved after making his mother wait. The heart is angry.
       This made Zhou Yan feel worried.
       In addition, the situation of Zhou Ji was not the same as he thought. He did not expect that this year's hometown test, Zhou-shi would be such a situation.
       Zhou Ji insisted that he was the ghost of his six cousins.
       Zhou Yan only felt exhausted. Who can blame? Blame him for being too selfish, only thinking about himself, no matter whether others live or die, so that now there is no one to carry it together.
       His younger brother admits that the six cousins are treacherous and cunning. He clearly heard such secrets, and saw that the test questions were similar to those of Wang-Jingshui, and his vigilance was defeated by greed. Also, why not remind other ethnic people who are going to take the township test?
       What Zhou Ji could say, he didn't want to deal with Zhou Yan's set to deal with his brother.
       Seeing him like this, what else does Zhou Yan not understand? I am afraid he wanted to gather all his glory, and then talked to the house side about the conditions to release him Mei-mei Zhou-Yinger.
       Temperance alone, also protect short, I did not think it was a problem before, now that something is wrong, I know that the problem is big.
       Facing the turmoil of imperial examinations, fortunately, the various forces in Lujiang did not sit still, but actively operated. His brother Zhou Ji could borrow a convenience. This luck was not bad.
       When he saw Zhou-Zhen, he performed well in all aspects, and apologized to Zhou-Zhen for his mother, Sao.
       He has met the six cousins, and he also has a general understanding of her actions these days. It really made him rub his eyes. Is this the cousin with a strange and arrogant character before him? It's different, it's really different.
       There is also Zhou Xian, this time he came back and took a look.
       Little 2nd House is really about to get up.
       On the contrary, their small and big room has an imbalanced mentality that really can't let them stay together.
       His mother's mentality was difficult to change for a while. Instead of keeping them in Lujiang and constantly fighting with the small 2nd House, it might be better to isolate them.
       So Zhou Yan decided that as soon as this happened, he would take his mother Sao to Capital City.
       As Yuan-Suming expected, the case progressed quickly, and the case was finalized within a few days. In this case of fraud in the Lujiang Imperial Examination, Wang—Master Wang—the bachelor of the exam has been fired from office and will never be hired. They are sentenced to Wang—a family exiled to the southwest. The Shen-shi clan was dismissed from office, regardless of age, gender, or gender. The Imperial-Graduate in this test has been eliminated, and the next three sessions of scientific examinations are not allowed to participate in order to show punishment. Within the territory of Lujiang, the local officials were poorly governed and improperly educated. The prince of Lujiang was punished for three years, and the rest were punished for one year.
       When this decree came out, the whole country was silent. Candidates who fell off the list were satisfied and finally no longer frantic. As time goes by, this matter will gradually calm down.
       The heads of the various major powers in Lujiang are very fortunate. They are fortunate that they have not dragged. Fortunately, Gu Sheng and others have acted fiercely. They are able to hold back those who are dragging their feet. Otherwise, if you come and go, we will peel the skin a few times and the daylily will be cold. As for the results of the next three sessions of which they could not leave the scientific examination, they felt that it was already very good.
       Don't think about the name of the test in the exam, you can't keep it. They can all predict that if no one helps to intercede, what is waiting for them will be the result of being eligible for imperial examinations, and the more serious consequence will be exile with Shen-shi. Now it is only three years that the imperial examinations could not be carried out, and the qualifications were restored after ten years. This is very good. Moreover, the juniors in this test are not very young.
       Haven't heard of’Thirty Old Ming Scriptures, Fifty Jinshis'?
       As for the result of the Shen-shi clan exile in the southwest, it can be said that they obtained the majority of their fortune. At the moment of the Shen-shi tribe life and death, Shen Lu didn't get confused, scattered most of his money, and finally chose Southwest as a place of exile. He did not take the initiative to disperse the money, and he would eventually be copied, so he kept enough industry money on his account, and all the rest was spent.
       Shen Lu worked hard to pave the way for the survival of the Shen-shi clan. Zhou-Zhen knew that. Yuan-Suming asked her in private if he wanted to give him a broken house to meet the night rain, Zhou-Zhen shook his head. It wasn't her softheartedness, but the struggle with Shen-shi so far.
       Facing such a big disaster, Shen Lu didn't give up, and he didn't scramble to bite. He wasn't blinded by hatred and went to the ‘Official like a crazy dog. Instead, he is actively running, asking for nothing but survival.
       Would you like to hurt him and kill the Shen-shi clan? She didn't have that much suffocation and didn't plan to force the dog to jump through the wall.
       They were previously hostile and did not need to develop into a deadly hatred mode.
       Before Shen-shi confronted Zhou-shi, not because of hatred, but because of benefits, she believed that Shen Lu would not die of the Zhou-shi family in the future.
       Of course, she also believes that if he is allowed to find an opportunity in the future, he will still attack Zhou-shi. There is an advance, that is, they Shen-shi must survive in the southwest.
       "Miss, the big families in Lujiang didn't know what was going on. They sent us money like crazy." The sale was so good, Luo Cheng and Jiang Qing were so anxious that they came back and asked her.
       When Shen-shi fell, Lujiang's forces followed their meal.
       Zhou-Zhen certainly knew why they were giving them Zhou-shi to give her money. Not only for them, but also for the dwelling, it was done by the imperial edict.
       There is business inside the clan. Zhou-shi Ink Workshop developed the medicinal ink and tribute ink, which requires the use of pine smoke ink and a century-old pine wood for fume extraction. Zhou-shi storage is not enough, and the pine forest under its jurisdiction also went to see it. Even if it is cut back, there is still a large part of the gap. Zhou-shi is already thinking of ways to buy from other channels.
       At this time Gu-shi came to the house and traded a batch, which was about 30% lower than the market price. They said that at the market price, the people over Gu-shi were unwilling. If they really came at that price, they would not sell it. After Zhou Hai learned about it, people made it happen. Those who knew it should not be relieved by those headed by Gu Sheng.
       "In this case, you take care of it. Some are mutually beneficial, and some are pushed away."
       Zhen asked Yunfei to start packing. She had planned to wait for Zhoujia incident to come to an end before going to her grandfather's house in Jiangyin.
       Now that the situation has entered a relatively stable period, there will not be too many waves in the short term, so she came up with a distant door.
       Departure now, returning years ago, just right.
       Yuan-Suming didn't hesitate to finish the matter, and heard that Zhou-Zhen planned to leave for Lujiang in the near future.
       As far as he is concerned, he is not afraid of thunder.
       Ayu can feel that his gongzi steps have become heavier. He and A Shi are walking behind, and they look at each other.
       A Shi sent a letter to 6-Miss before, and Ayu saw that he was smart, so he left him and beat him.
       Ah Shi felt that their gongzi was pitiful. He looked at Ayu and gestured with his eyes. This time they were afraid that they would be angry.
       Ayu shook his head with a face on his face. It's been so long since he knew it? He gongzi can't get angry for a long time. When he sees 6-Miss, he can coax himself.
       Ah Shi eyes widened. Isn't this angry?
       Ayu spread his hands, and he was helpless, who told him gongzi was willing.
       The two walked silently behind.
       Ah Shi thought, from Capital City to Lujiang, do they still have to chase from Lujiang to Jiangyin? Does he gongzi lose face? Will never chase it!
       Ayu is also secretly secreting, for so long, he hasn't given him a name, 6-Miss, it's too much.
       Shen-shi was copied, the Shen-shi people were exiled, and the officers and men expelled them from the city.
       People across Lujiang County ran to see it. The people in Lujiang did not like the Shen-shi people who brought disaster to them. They watched the Shen-shi people being escorted by officers and soldiers, all applauded.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't go to see, and beating the water dog was not attractive to her. It's better to plan your life with that effort.
       Zhou-Zhen, who went out to inspect the industry under her name, was intercepted. When she saw someone, she proposed to walk to the nearby Lugu Lake.
       The two walked side by side along the lake, and Maid manservant fell behind them, draped far away.
       "I heard that you are leaving for Jiangyin recently?" Yuan-Suming asked from the ground, calmly.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "Well, I had this plan before, but things were one by one before, and I didn't find time. Now that everything is on track, it's time to visit Jiangyin. You know, My Mu-Grandfather is too old, and it is unrealistic to expect him to see us, it is better to visit him while I have time. "
       Yes, he knows.
       Yuan-Suming didn't stop, and Zhou-Zhen was pondering his mind. He didn't notice that he stopped. When he realized it, he had already gone out seven or eight steps.
       Zhou-Zhen turned his head, he opened her eyes and looked at her, and his expression was almost written without saying,’You go to Jiangyin, what about me?’.
       She blinked, hiding the flashing smile in her eyes.
       "Zhou-Zhen, you should be able to feel my thoughts, wouldn't you plan to give me a response?" Yuan-Suming asked with a stern expression, and there was a hint of grievances that others couldn't detect.
       Zhou-Zhen squinted at his face and suggested, "So let's have a frank talk?"
       Yuan-Suming bowed his head.
       "These days you live in the Zhou-shi sect, it's no different from declaring sovereignty, and letting the other people back away from it. Have I ever been angry with you?" Zhou-Zhen asked him, mainly anti-passengers.
       Yuan-Suming froze a bit.
       In recent days, Zhoujiafang has held two or three weddings. The two marrying daughters were fine. The one who married the daughter-zi had a running mat, and it was a lively event.
       Zhou-Zhen went and was treated as a guest. After these things, the tribe eyes were particularly different.
       There is also a rumor that I don’t know where she came from, saying that she Zhou-Zhen won the blue eyes of the patriarch Tai-Ye and the elders of the various tribes. If she was not her daughter, Zhou Hai successor patriarch would be her. Yet.
       Zhou-Zhen couldn't help laughing and crying. In addition, the family who came to drink the wine met her in person, her eyes were bright, and she knew that she was no one, and she thought about giving her a match. But turning around and relatives said that after both sides whispered so much, the idea of getting married was usually gone, but looking at Zhou-Zhen was full of regret.
       Zhou-Zhen isn't stupid. What's going on inside is Yemen's heart clear.
       Zhou-Zhen has always known that she doesn't like aggressive and temperamental people. Such people pursue her and make her alert and subconsciously want to escape.
       She especially didn't like the kind of person who broke the bottom line when in love, such as the man kneeling when the woman broke up. When she saw this, her hair grew up.
       In the afterlife, she had a Academy roommate and met this kind of man. Her boyfriend is just a junior high school diploma with a mixed life. Coinciding with her roommate trough, her boyfriend was very concerned about her coldness and warmth, and then they were together. The two had a lot of inappropriate places, but the man said he was willing to make changes for her, and even took a little one hundred thousand from his parents to open the store.
       However, Zhou-Zhen is not optimistic about them. As the saying goes, Jiang Shan is easy to change his nature. The man who has been here for more than 20 years has come this way. Sure enough, he worked hard for some time without success, and the man germinated again. He worked for three days and fished for two days. The store eventually failed to run and the money was lost. Her roommate probably thought the two were really inappropriate, so she broke up.
       At that time, Zhou-Zhen was planning to accompany her to their rental room to pick up her clothes and was rejected. Her roommate went alone, and later they got together, and they married shortly after.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't go when they got married, only the trustee took the red envelope. Within a year, the two divorced, half a year after her roommate gave birth.
       Later Zhou-Zhen only knew that her roommate was blocked by her boyfriend when she went back to pack her luggage, and she knelt down and begged her. She reconciled with a soft heart. Sadly, the man was derailed shortly after receiving the certificate, when her roommate was pregnant for three or four months. From pregnancy to childbirth, her man did not receive a penny, nor did they care about their mother and daughter.
       So Zhou-Zhen is afraid of those who break the bottom line when they fall in love. This kind of person treats you unconditionally when he is good, and is especially ruthless when turning his face.
       Yuan-Suming No, he has his own self-esteem and bottom line.
       When she realized his mind last time, she refused him euphemistically and let him go immediately. But when he was on the dock, he couldn't help but think about treating her well, making her funny and inexplicably sad.
       Later, when she was killed, he went to great lengths to ask for the imperial edict, came to Lujiang in person to make a clearance for her, and then went to great lengths to wash her charges. Without him, they would have had to go through a lot of trouble to return her innocence. There are many things secretly and secretly, as long as it is good for her, he does it.
       After euphemistically rejecting him last time, he may not know what to do to get her to accept his heart and make her and him good. I just think it's good to her so that she won't be bothered by those troubles.
       Sincerely, in good faith, he put his hands in front of her unreservedly, clearly and plainly. She hasn't responded to him, and sometimes she can feel that he is sulking, but she can't feel the slightest anger when he is with her.
       She also knew that she had neglected him recently because she was thinking about the possibility of the two being together.
       And he is still trying to create a chance for the two to meet. Zhou-Zhen counted the number of meetings between the two in his heart, and silently affirmed the fruits of his labor in his heart. Without her help, they could only see him often if they worked hard.
       If Ayu knows what she thinks, she will definitely ask her, 6-Miss, are you sure?
       Zhou-Zhen wanted to go, she thought Yuan gongzi would not turn over old accounts like her roommate husband, in fact Yuan gongzi would. So much so that after marriage, Zhou-Zhen often pays for his previous cold performance, but that's what happened later.
       Now she asked herself, Yuan-Suming his actions, his mind, she could see clearly, but did not feel the urge to irritate and eager to escape, she thought, she planted. But since she planted it, he must plant it a little deeper than her.
       "Then what do you mean?" Yuan-Suming questioned with a hint of unconsciousness.
       She knew he was declaring sovereignty, but she said she was not angry ... what would that mean? Realizing a possibility, his heart throbbed violently.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled, but didn’t answer directly, but said, “I seriously considered the possibility of us being together. I always felt that being in your Yuan family is famous in Capital City. It will definitely involve some fights. .You play too high-end. "
       Zhou-Zhen acknowledged her fear. She was afraid of being tired and afraid she couldn't handle it.
       Yuan-Suming looked at her helplessly, do you think you are playing low-end? From the beginning you designed your Nurse daughter ... to the last time Shen-shi fell, the level is not low.
       Yuan-Suming is frustrated, he can guess her idea, but he thinks she wants to be left. He even felt that there was something wrong with her perception of herself?
       The tiger should be with the tiger. What kind of domestic cat is it? Zhou-Zhen not only failed to recognize the fact that she was a tiger, but also wanted to marry a domestic cat, which made Yuan-Suming somewhat incomprehensible. I'm really married to a domestic cat, and she will be very tired with her family.
       The ordinary Yuan family did not dare to mess with them and were very worry-free. Yuan-Suming picks what she can say and talks to her, which probably means that. She didn't recognize that, it didn't matter, he could slowly talk to her.
       Ayu nodded beside him, this time he stood by his gongzi, 6-Miss, this thought was going to kill.
       Zhou-Zhen listened, she was not surprised by the things she did, but she couldn't hide his law. When he analyzed it, after thinking about it, the two thought similarly.
       Zhou-Zhen laughed and explained, "This is what I thought before."
       "What about now?" Yuan-Suming looked down at her.
       "I think your home is fine now." Zhou-Zhen said lightly.
       "By the way, why didn't you force me?" Zhou-Zhen asked what he thought after she euphemistically rejected him last time.
       She heard that everyone children are good at eagles. Didn't he think about using it on her? He is good at manipulating people hearts. He was such a proud man again. When she refused him, Zhou-Zhen thought about what he would do next. She really didn't expect that he didn't give up, and what he took afterwards was to maintain her heartwarming actions to impress her.
       "If I force you, will you compromise?" Yuan-Suming looked at her momentarily.
       "No." Zhou-Zhen replied without hesitation.
       "Honestly, I thought about the idea of forcing you, and I was denied it. I know that even if you push you to despair, you won't compromise."
       Zhou-Zhen nodded secretly, and he was right.
       What Yuan-Suming didn't say is that forcing her, his heart will hurt.
       "In that case, we will never be possible."
       "But haven't you thought about it? Even if you don't force me to use your skills, I won't necessarily accept you." Zhou-Zhen pointed out another possibility cruelly.
       Hearing this, Yuan-Suming just felt bitter.
       "Even so, I have nothing to say, and I don't regret it, because I can't see you suffering. I did it to make myself feel better."
       Zhou-Zhen smiled slightly.
       Yuan-Suming's mouth moved and sighed, "You just can't let you down on me."
       Still, she never wanted to refuse what she wanted. She wanted to know what she was thinking, so let her know. There will be no one except her.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, the favored ones were fearless.
       At this point the two stood face to face, no more than one arm away.
       She slowly stretched out her right hand, reached between the two of them, looked up at him, and raised a smile at the corner of her mouth. "Yuan gongzi, please advise me for the rest of your life."
       Yuan-Suming first froze. After the brain analyzed what Zhou-Zhen meant, his eyes lit up instantly. Even though he didn't quite understand what kind of ritual was in front of him, he still held out his right hand, tentatively held her fingertips, and moved his mouth, "Zhou-Miss, in this life, I wish to have no departure."
       At last his hand was held back by her.
       In recent days, she has seriously considered the possibility of combining the two.
       In Dagan Wang-Chao, she must marry in this world. The difference lies in what kind of people you marry and what kind of family. It is difficult or difficult to run a marriage and family, depending on how she chooses. Her hesitation and refusal before just wanted to make her future marriage easier and easier. But it just proved that that choice was bad for her.
       But this time, she felt that she had made the right choice. Just being in love with each other, or getting his heart, is enough to reduce the difficulty of married life by half. There is a simple mode of life. Why choose a hell mode?
       Hold it! Hold it! He gongzi held 6-Miss and stretched out his hand!
       Ayu looks at the front with his eyes bright, isn't it a dream? He gongzi really guarded the moon this time? He squeezed his hand vigorously, alas, why didn't it hurt? He lowered his head in doubt.
       A Shi looked at him, "Brother Yu, you are pinching my hand." Of course you will not feel the pain, it is him who hurts!
       Ayu dropped it casually, "That's right, no wonder it feels so bad."
       Ah Shi  :   ...! He has been pinched and even suspected of abandoning him. Is he so miserable?
       Lugu Lake is an open natural lake with small boats on the lake. When the cold wind blows, a shimmering sparkle, even from time to time you can see fish jumping out of the water, the silver-white fish body reflects in the sunlight, it is eye-catching.
       The two held hands and stood by the sheep side by side to admire the lake view. Yuan-Suming watched with interest.
       Her hands, he had observed, were not like the fleshy flesh like others said, and there was a blessed hand on the back of the hand. Her hands are like green bamboo shoots, straight and slender, and look very skinny. After holding it, it feels like holding warm jade, and it is warm like gel.
       Yuan-Suming is wearing a navy blue collar collar and a long coat  :   Zhou-Zhen wears a crescent-white wide-sleeve skirt and a cloak of crimson red and white fox fur on the outside  :   from behind It was almost impossible to see that the two hands were tightly held together.
       Yuan-Suming didn't want to let go after holding it, Zhou-Zhen also let him.
       When he is naughty, he will scratch his palms, and after attracting the man's attention, he will pretend to be innocent, causing him to feel helpless and unconsciously spoiled.
       "When are you going to Jiangyin? How long are you planning to stay there?" Yuan-Suming asked her.
       "Depart for three days later, and stay there for about half a month, then rush back to the New Year."
       Is this so? "Then I brought someone home to propose a marriage?" Asked this, and Yuan-Suming quietly held her breath for her answer.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled and nodded, "OK."
       She promised! Hearing the answer, Yuan-Suming felt ripples in his heart lake, and his mouth rose unconsciously.
       "It's snowing soon, isn't it?" Yuan-Suming frowned, rainy and snowy weather.
       "Well, so this time we will not go by water, but by land." Zhou-Zhen said her intentions.
       Yuan-Suming cleared his throat and said, "I have been out this time long enough. It's time to return to Capital City."
       Zhou-Zhen looked at him with a tilted head, so what?
       Yuan-Suming said solemnly, "I will also return to Capital City in three days."
       Well, you look so handsome what you say.
       "Then let's go together?" Zhou-Zhen suggested.
       Yuan-Suming bowed his head, "I just drop you off." He figured that starting from Lujiang, they could walk together for a while and then separate.
       Ayu  :   ... one goes north and one goes southeast. Is this also called Shunlu? He almost doesn't know Shunlu!
       Sneeze! Zhou-Zhen sneezed.
       Yuan-Suming looked over, let go of the hands they had been holding, and closed the cloak for her. He squeezed the thickness of the cloak secretly, and then raised his brows again. He thought about remembering to send her some good fur when he proposed his marriage, so that she could make some warm fur cloaks.
       He finally glanced at the lake view, reluctantly, "Let's go back?"
       "Okay!" Zhou-Zhen also felt that the wind on the lake was too strong. It looked like the snow was about to snow. The first snow in Lujiang was.
       Yuan-Suming also comforted her, "When you come to Japan, there are also some fascinating lakes near the capital. The scenery is very good. If you want to see the lake view in the future, I will accompany you."
       Zhou-Zhen laughed, "I'll trouble Yuan Gongzi after that."
       That Yuan Gongzi was originally the name of a person with insufficient friendship. When other people called out, they brought some personal emotions in them, either rusty or respectful or awesome. And she called the Yuan gongzi, but she smelled a bit of laughter, and the end of the voice rose slightly, like a feather, scratching his heart, and burst into numbness.
       Yuan-Suming's eyes darkened, and when she looked at her again, she had already turned around and motioned for the servant men to come forward.
       The Shen-shi family was sent away, and the sect's house finally made room to deal with Zhou-Yinger. Before that, they also wanted to ask Zhou-Zhen what he thought. So people invited her to the house.
       "This is a 550 thousand Silver Taels ticket, you hold it." Zhou Hai pushed over a box filled with silver tickets, "of which 450 thousand to the Li family, 100 thousand to you, the batch of rhino horns Just give us Zhou-shi. "
       When the rhino horn was purchased earlier, the three companies invested in it. She took 60 thousand yuan, her grandparents’house gave 300 thousand yuan, and the ancestral house took out about 200 thousand yuan. The total amount of pit Shen-shi accounted for 300 thousand. Zong Fang gave two-thirds of the profit to her and her grandparents’house.
       Zhou-Zhen pushed his share back, "Chief Tai-Ye, you forgot that the rhino horn needs to be used at the Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory too. I won’t take the money. You can use rhino horn for it. Me. "
       "That line, look back and let someone hand over it." The patriarch Tai-Ye didn't say much, and signaled Zhou Hai to accept the 100 thousand Silver Taels.
       "When did you leave for Jiangyin?" Zhou Hai asked, knowing that she was going to Jiangyin's Li family, so they rushed to divide those profits in front.
       "After two days."
       Zhou Hai wondered, "Yuan gongzi resigned to us and left two days later, you guys-"
       "Well, he went back to Capital City. I went to Jiangyin and we went together."
       Zhou Hai mosquito-scented eyes, he could understand each of these words, but when combined, they did not understand. One to the north and one to the southeast, what kind of causality can go together?
       The patriarch Tai-Ye asked with a smile, "You two are settled?"
       Zhou Hai froze, what did this mean?
       "Yes, I just can't come." It was settled for a day.
       The patriarch Tai-Ye asked with interest, "Did Yuan Gongzi say when he came to propose marriage?"
       "Before the end of the year."
       Before the end of the year, "That's coming soon," said the patriarch Tai-Ye, "to Jiangyin, say hello to Mu-Grandfather on your behalf, thanks to his help this time."
       "Patriarch Tai-Ye rest assured, I will bring it."
       After they had finished speaking, Zhou Haicai said, "Yes, your cousin has been banned for a long time. What should be done with her should have a result. Please come here to ask if you have any thoughts on this?"
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it, Zhou-Yinger was no longer worried.
       Regarding Zhou-Yinger's punishment, the clan should consider Zhou-shi reputation, as well as her Dabo Zhou Rong side, plus she did not cause any substantial harm and loss, and now she also deliberately asked her meaning ... … Zhou-Zhen estimates that the patriarch Tai-Ye would not drive her out of the tribe.
       For this result, Zhou-Zhen was not dissatisfied. If you have enough strength, you won't care about the life and death of the ants.
       In addition, Zhou Yan knew that she could speak well in the clan, and he deliberately pulled up He Lao-Anren and talked to her about Zhou-Yinger.
       Zhou Yan apologized for what she did. In addition, Zhou Yan also stated his plans, and when Zhou-Yinger came out of the ancestral hall, they would take them to Capital City, and no similar thing would happen again. This means that Xi-shi and Zhou-Yinger will no longer be allowed to stay in Lujiang to hinder her eyes, hoping that she can raise her expensive hands and let her pass this time.
       Her Grandmother also persuaded her that, anyway, it was blood and flesh. Zhou-Yinger did something wrong, but hope she can give her a chance to correct it.
       The treatment of the clan is expected to meet the wishes of her Grandmother and Zhou Yan.
       My mind turned a bit, Zhou-Zhen didn't show any clues, only said, "I don't have any other ideas, everything depends on my elders."
       The patriarch Tai-Ye was very satisfied with her statement, not arrogant and impatient, and did not swell because of the great achievements in recent days, so he took the initiative to inform her of the preliminary negotiated decision in the family.
       Reading Zhou-Yinger is a first offense this time. Considering the reputation of the Zhou-shi family, after all, she passed on the family secret act regardless of the clan's interests. Such a disregard of the overall situation is really unpleasant, right Zhou-shi The woman's marriage is hindered. Considering that her father Zhou Rong has done several things for the clan in recent years, he will not punish him in the face of it. However, she will inform her of Dabo Zhou Rong's mistakes, and let Zhou Rong teach her to see if she can bring her back to the right path. If she can't, marry her, and if she repeats it, she will be expelled from the clan. The most important point is that after discussions on the side of the house, Zhou Rong decided to exclude the house from Zhou-shi.
       The last point makes Zhou-Zhen look sideways.
       Zhou Hai smiled awkwardly and explained to her that in fact, there are such a pair of mothers and daughters in the 4th House. They are also afraid that after Zhou Rong is absorbed into the core circle, what secrets Zhou Rong accidentally revealed, this pair of mother and daughter did not know Why did you make a mistake, and turned around to leak it out? What will be lost is the interests of their family? So simply put an end to it from the source.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't know if she should sympathize with her Dabo.
       Shen-shi fell, and all the forces in Lujiang ate round and round.
       Among them, Zhou-shi got involved and asked Yuan-Suming to intercede for the innocent candidates in Lujiang to intercede. He did the business but he refused the compensation raised by the crowd. Under the leadership of Gu Sheng and the two, each The forces consciously fed back to Zhou-shi.
       After the Zhou-shi clan battle, within a few months, the assets of the entire clan have doubled, and it is currently estimated that it can reach three million. Today, the strength of the Zhou-shi family is still very exciting and focused.
       Those who can enter the core decision-making circle of the clan, especially for officials, or those who have made outstanding contributions to a certain house, will lean towards the resources of the clan. The benefits, of course, are great, after all, the family also needs to cultivate the pillars that can shelter the entire family from wind and rain.
       Now that she is excluded from the core circle of the Zhou-shi family, it must be a loss.
       She had a hunch that her career in Dabo would be more difficult than in her last life.
       After discussing the decision, Zhou-Yinger was released soon.
       During Zhou-Yinger's forbidden foot temple, all news was blocked from her. After she came out, she learned that so much had happened during this time.
       When the tribe mentioned Zhou-Zhen, the seniors inadvertently expressed their admiration. The adoration was in the eyes of the younger. She suddenly became the leader of the young generation of Zhou-shi. Zhou-Yinger was very distressed. But she also knew that she should not act lightly, so she was numb and faced everything.
       When her elder brother Zhou Yan picked her up, she had already advised her to let her rest in peace. It is also said that Zhou-Zhen's rise has become a reality. She stayed in Lujiang and was under the halo of her everywhere. He could not bear it. So he is working to bring them all to Capital City.
       For her elder brother's proposal, Zhou-Yinger nodded in a hurry, and then she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, leaving Lujiang, and staying there, she would really suffocate.


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