Sister Credit 70

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       Although Huo Donglai is in Shiliting, he has always been concerned about Zhou-Zhen's situation, so there is a continuous wave of reports from the door to the Courtyard.
       Another round of messenger arrived, and the relatives stepped forward to listen, and after that they looked weird.
       Huo Dong came to wonder, "What's wrong? Is the situation in the public hall critical?"
       The cronies hurriedly told the news. The situation on the Yamen side was very critical, but it was not Zhou-shi that was critical, but ... Xu Zhongyan and Shen-shi were afraid to play off this time.
       Huo Dong was dull after listening. Knowing that Zhou-shi could fight so well, he let him Father avoid what he did. Huo Donglai regretted it for a moment.
       "Chief Zhou Shao, you said that Zhou-shi medicinal ink has hemostatic function, can you try it?" Asked with anticipation. He had a vague idea in his mind.
       "of course can."
       The change of attitude in any way made Shen-shi feel bad feelings from top to bottom, Shen Heng was the worst. If Qianli Shuang can't choose Gong Mo, what about the rhino horns that Shen-shi bought from Zhou-shi for it?
       I remembered that before he planned to wait for Shen-shi Qian Lishuang to become Gong Mo, he requisitioned the rhino horns monopolized by Zhou-shi Li-shi for free.
       Now the situation is reversed. If Zhou-shi medicinal ink is selected as the tribute ink, if Zhou-shi proposed to others such as rhino horns for refining pharmaceutical inks, would the batch of rhino horns in their hands be requisitioned?
       They are jealous of the Noble of Li-shi, but Zhou-shi does not have to be jealous of others.
       When thinking of this, Shen Heng was completely cold.
       The batch of rhino horns cost a full 500 thousand Silver Taels, which is equivalent to a quarter of the total value of their entire Shen-shi industry.
       Wait, what if Zhou-shi medicinal ink had been developed long ago, but just kept hidden?
       If this is the case, it means that the rhino horns were Zhou-shi plot against Shen-shi, which is terrible.
       The use of medicinal ink is very similar. Taking advantage of the gap in verifying the hemostatic effect of Zhou-shi medicinal ink, how can you ask curiously, "How do you make medicinal ink as strong as possible? I see Shen-shi thousand miles The frost is very loose ... "
       Zhou Hai looked at Zhou-Zhen, and after seeing her nodding, she knew that she could say it.
       Zhou Hai laughed, "He-Daren, if you really want to know, let me talk to you?" In fact, those knowledgeable sisters have told them, but he heard something in the clouds I am afraid that what I say is incomplete or wrong.
       He Tuchao looked at Zhou-Zhen, and she was not frightened, and she said immediately, "He-Daren should know that Yao Mo originated from the Three Kingdoms period. Later, due to war and other reasons, the data was severely lost. There is not much relevant information left. Our Zhou-shi research on medicinal inks really originated from the medicinal ink formulas that I acquired at the end of 7-brother Zhou-Chen at the end of last year. Fangzi has made a lot of improvements. Even so, this medicine is still not perfect, so it will not be named. This was already mentioned when we did not name it. "
       He nodded continuously, begging him to say down.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "Speaking of which, all of us are still too shallow on medicinal ink research. Medicinal ink is not to say that adding valuable Chinese medicines to it can become medicinal ink, or melt according to the formula of the medicinal product. Into the ink is the medicated ink. In fact, the slight influence of the environment of the ink into the medicinal materials must be considered. How to say, although this is also medicated ink. In many eyes, the fusion is not so good, it is like two pieces. Items are not meant to be piled together and mixed together, it is just a fusion of the surface. Shen-shi medicinal ink and ink are loose, for this reason. "
       "If there is a medium between medicine and ink, the two items can be perfectly fitted and fused together. It is best if you have me and you among me."
       Zhou-Zhen tried to interpret the obscure knowledge points involved in easy to understand words.
       Is there such a saying? But it makes sense to listen. Everyone said.
       "Zhou 6-Miss, you mean, did your Zhou-shi medicinal ink use the medium in your mouth?" He Tu grabbed the point at once.
       "Yes, our Zhou-shi medicinal ink is as strong as defense, which is the use of a medium. In terms of ink-making, there are many experts in the field, I will talk about it from the pharmacy." Zhou-Zhen He cleared his throat and cleared his throat. "The compatibility of the medicament pays attention to the monarch and the minister, and the monarch medicine is mainly for the medicine. It should not be used as a medium  :   the minister medicine assists the monarch medicine or for the concurrent disease  :   the adjuvant medicine also has the incompatibility of the monarch and minister medicine. Substitute effect  :   make the medicine be a medicament for reconciliation  :   the medicine and the medicine are the most suitable for the medium. And the ink needs to use glue, so the most perfect medium for the manufacture of medicinal ink is antler gum. Antler is a medicinal material. It is needed for making ink, so antler glue can perfectly blend medicine with ink. "
       "What is antlers?" He asked quickly.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled, not squeaking.
       Antler gum is a rubber block made from the horns of sika deer or red deer. The other name is white gum or deer gum, which is recorded in this book. They have not heard of Tai-Ye, the chief patriarch. Wang-Valley!
       This chaotic parallel space-time does not know the background set by the broken author.
       How did I realize that I had asked someone secret.
       "Do you mean that your Zhou-shi medicinal ink is as strong as defense because of the addition of antlers?"
       "If you tell this secret, you won't be afraid of others knowing it. Then you go to grind antler gum to make a new medicinal ink, and form a competitive relationship with you Zhou-shi?" This is where the surprise comes, Such a secret, ordinary families can't wait to hide it?
       Zhou-Zhen laughed, "Don't be afraid, it's not spring for a single show, but spring for flowers. Besides, a good ink is not easy to obtain. And if you are interested in studying ink, you need to use antlers, you can Look for us, Zhou-shi, and guarantee a fair price. "
       Nowhere is this silent, and this is the direct publicity? But he also admired Brother Zhou-shi open mind.
       Zhou-Zhen said these were well thought out.
       Medicine ink their Zhou-shi is already in a leading position at this time. In three or two years, no one can shake their Zhou-shi status on medicine ink. At least this year, if medicinal ink is used as tribute ink, they must have their place in Zhou-shi!
       But the cake needs to be bigger, and the market needs to be nurtured. All these need the participation of the ink-making family, and some general guidance content should be shared.
       Moreover, if there are a lot of ink-making families to buy antlers, it is not a bad thing for Zhou-shi to communicate with Zhou-shi.
       Zhou-Zhen's remarks really made some of the ink-making families who are here to listen today deliberately move.
       "Zhou 6-Miss, what you mean in your clan?" How did Zhou Hai ask.
       In addition to Zhou Nod, what else can he do, "Yes!"
       He nodded nowhere, and at this moment he had an unprecedented impression of the Zhou-shi clan. Not only did they just speak nicely, they did beautifully.
       After this, He Xian was surprised by Zhou-Zhen's profound knowledge in the medical path of Modao, and then surprised by her openness.
       He Xian stared deeply at Zhou-Zhen.
       Shen Lu stared deadly at Zhou-Zhen.
       Since Zhou-shi medicinal ink gradually became real, he began to doubt that Zhou-shi had either a talent for ink-making or a complete ancient prescription for pharmaceutical ink.
       It seems that it is the former, and this genius is not someone else, it is Zhou-Zhen! And he also found a fact that he had been reluctant to believe was Zhou-Zhen was proficient in medical pharmacology. She can make those kinds of medicines, and not just rely on ready-made recipes. In this respect, she may be better than Shen Chunlin.
       Discovering this, Shen Lu was shocked and angry. God really loves Zhou-shi, Zhou-Zhen, you must die!
       When Shen Lu returned to the gods, Zhou-shi Yaomo and Qianli cream tested the hemostatic effect at the same time, and the results have come out. He just heard the sound of laughter, "Master Zhou, Shi Yaoshi stops bleeding The effect is immediate! "
       Zhou Hai modestly said, "He-Daren has passed the prize."
       No one asked the result.
       Shen-shi there is a rare silence there.
       But Zhou-Zhen can't let them escape. This is the fruit of their entire Zhou-shi efforts, which they deserve to enjoy.
       "Dare to ask He-Daren, how good is Zhou-shi medicinal ink compared to Shen-shi Qianli cream?"
       There is nothing to embarrassed about. He just took this trip to the face of He and Shen-shi, but it did not mean that he stood firmly on the ship of the Shen family.
       "Everyone present was a witness to this test. The aroma of the two medicinal inks can be said to vary from person to person, and radish and cabbage have their own love, but for their efficacy, Zhou-shi medicinal inks do throw away thousands of creams. One street wins too many. So I announced that Zhou-shi medicinal ink is better than Shen's Qianli Shuang. "
       "Xu Daren, is it time to make a verdict?" Zhou-Zhen looked directly at Xu Zhongyan.
       The people on Zhou-shi were very deflated, and everyone looked at Xu Zhongyan with a burning look.
       Zhou-Chen smiled, he didn't expect the tribe to be so powerful, really. The united minds turned the situation around.
       For a while, Xu Zhongyan had a hard time, and he couldn't help looking at Wang-Shuo and He Xian.
       Wang-The fists under Shuo sleeve are about to be crushed. Xu Zhongyan, what do you mean by looking at it? Still expecting him to end the waste of the Shen family?
       After this battle, He Xian can see that Shen-shi is in trouble. But he watched his nose, his nose and his heart, and did nothing. It is one thing to use power in the back, but in the scene, the cover is very important.
       Just then, an old but full-bodied voice sounded behind his back, "I don't care what you have agreed on, and here I am, I just want to recover the Pharmacopoeia."
       The crowd turned around and looked behind them, only to see Shen Chunlin help an old man with Tong Yan and white hair come in.
       Zhou-Zhen noticed his fingers all at once, and judging from the tan accumulated between his fingers, this is a long-term immersed doctor. She suddenly remembered that this old man should be the elder of the medicine Wang-Gu? It was because of his presence that the case changed from child play to solemnity. He didn't show up, and he almost forgot.
       "Shen Lu, what do you mean?" Zhou Hai asked him.
       Shen Lu didn't answer, but the children of the Shen family next to him answered, "Your Zhou-shi medicinal ink is better, which doesn't mean anything."
       "But you chief Shen said just now." Zhou Hai smirked.
       Shen Lu finally said, "We Shen-shi is not as good as anyone, I admit it. Zhou-Chen I am willing to lose and be willing to admit that he was defiled. I can also tell Zhou Chen and Zhou-Zhen apologize. But you and Yao Wang-Gu, I can’t control it. "
       In these words, he was aggrieved with words, and he didn't know that he was forced!
       Zhou Hai laughed loudly, "Your brother Shen-shi ability to do things with his own face, we Zhou-shi willing to worship the wind."
       Zhou Hai words ended, and for a while, Zhou-shi brother looked at the Shen-shi clan with contempt.
       The Shen-shi people faces are embarrassed, but they can only bear it.
       Tuk Tuk Tuk-
       Huo Dong came to sit up straight and listened. After a while, he couldn't help asking his relatives, "What's the sound, do you hear me?"
       The cronies also listened for a while, and then said, "Big-gongzi, I heard it, it seems to be the sound of horseshoes, and it sounds like a lot of horses are running."
       Huo Donglai blinked his eyes and stood up.
       "Here comes Big-gongzi, here it comes!" In the distance, his subordinates running to the whistle ran towards him while whispering.
       Huo Dong came out of the pavilion immediately and ran to Guandao.
       On the official road, a team of flags and horses from far to near, a large holy word on the bright yellow flag, waving in the wind.
       The people in front of the team seemed to see Huo Dong coming, the horse speed gradually descended and approached, and both sides could see the other side face clearly.
       Huo Dong came to welcome him, "Yuan gongzi, are you here? I'll wait to meet you here."
       Headed by Yuan-Suming, he turned over and dismissed, "I came from purpose, where is Zhou-Zhen?"
       "At the moment she is being tried at the Fuyu Hall!"
       "Let's go!"
       Above the government hall, everyone eyes fell on Shen Chunlin and the old man next to him.
       "Zhou-Zhen, don't forget that you are also involved in a murder case." The old man said, "You hand over the pharmacopoeia. After handing over, I will not embarrass you, but I can also ask the emperor to avoid, You are guilty of death. "
       "You are?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       Oh, save her from death? It’s a good idea to empty the gloves to the white wolf. The dead man was accused of her by Shen-shi, but now wants her to pardon the so-called Pharmacopoeia in their mouth? How could he be so sure that she would die?
       Shen Chunlin said, "This is my Shifu, the elder of Wang-gu, who is called Elder Han."
       Elder Han said, "Debts and repayment of money kill people, and that person died because of taking the Azonomiya Bezoar Pill you developed. You cannot escape this responsibility."
       Zhou-Zhen, "I don't have what you call the Pharmacopoeia."
       Shen Chunlin said anxiously, "The pharmacopoeia was hard to find for me. I wanted to wait for the free time to send me the medicine Wang-Gu to my master. But I didn't want to put it in my cousin for a while, but Zhou Stolen by Chen. "
       "As you said, your so-called Pharmacopoeia has not been seen for more than half a year. I haven't seen you, Shen-shi, and you have been so calm." Zhou-Zhen sarcastically.
       Elder Han said again, "Is the prescription of Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill from the Pharmacopoeia? The Anzo Gong You developed is dead, and the Pharmacopoeia is undoubtedly mingzhu-dark cast in your hands. Such a masterpiece should be taken It’s only for the benefit of the common people, not for your profit. "
       Zhou-Zhen's mind is indifferent, in her hands is mingzhu-secretly cast, you have to give him the right thing? Another person like Zhou-Yinger, think that the things and people in this world can't be done by others except themselves?
       She asked, "Your medicine, Wang-you don't charge for medicine if you show it to someone for treatment?"
       "What you want to collect is just a small amount." Shen Chunlin emphasized the latter.
       Zhou-Zhen doesn't care about him, "Well, that's all right? Why, it is profitable for others to collect medicine money, but you are justified in collecting money?"
       Shen Chunlin froze.
       Zhou-Zhen simply ignored them, but looked around, "At this point, the right and wrong in this case, I believe most of the people present can see it. There has never been anything I 7-brother Zhou Chen Stealing medicinal prescription and pharmacopoeia from Shen Junyu, instead, Shen Junyu coaxed medicinal prescription from me 7-brother, Shen-shi also called and arrested the thief, and in turn slandered me 7-brother. "
       "At this moment-" Zhou-Zhen arched his hands, "Please Xu Daren to rule!"
       All Zhou-shi brothers said in unison, "Please Xu Daren to rule!"
       Perhaps it was shocked by Brother Zhou-shi, the people around couldn't help but join in, ‘calling at Xu Zhongyan, "Please Xu Daren to rule!"
       Everyone else was staring at the scene in dumbfounding.
       "Bold! Zhou-Zhen, do you dare to persecute the public hall?" Xu Zhongyan was shocked and angry.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "Xu Daren, the truth of the matter is already very clear. It is really unnecessary for the two to be entangled in something that is not necessary. The other party can't provide more evidence to prove that the so-called" Pharmacopoeia "is They took Wang-gu and stole it from me 7-brother, and in the end the Pharmacopoeia was in my hands. "
       "The other party is Yao Wang, the elder of the medicine, wouldn't he wrong you ?!" Xu Zhongyan almost blurted out.
       Zhou-Zhen smirked, “It wasn’t about evidence here, it was about status and status. The reason you would rather listen to him is that his skin is covered by the layer of medicine Wang-Elder Gu.”
       Elder Han said, "Zhou-Zhen, I won't be wronged for you for no reason. My apprentice said, he got the pharmacopoeia and he got it. And you, a person who didn't even have a teacher, suddenly made medicine, not relying on it. What else could be the reason for the pharmacopoeia? Is it true that the Wizards of the Sky can't master themselves? "
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "Yes, the Sky Wizards have no mastery."
       Ah! Elder Han smirked.
       "Don't believe it!" Zhou-Zhen walked towards Wang-Shuo Hexuan, "Wang-Daren, don't you want to know the last two sentences of the" four for sentences "?"
       Wang-Shuo was short of breath, and he felt that Zhou-Zhen's interrogation was like the sound of natural sound, “Yes, I really want to know what the next two sentences are.”
       "Do you think that in this world, apart from Qian Xing, can someone perfectly accept the last two sentences of" Building a Heart for Heaven and Earth, Building a Life for the People "?" Zhou-Zhen asked again.
       Wang-Shuo Yi said forcefully, "No, it must be him. Anyone who picks it up has flaws."
       Zhou-Zhen turned around and asked him, "What about Fu Yan-Old Lady?"
       Silence, the name of Zhou Zituo, the audience was silent.
       This is what made him evaluate his teacher seat. For a while, Wang-shuo felt his throat dry, and he seemed to hear himself slowly spitting out a few words, "He can't."
       "Then, if I can perfectly follow the last two sentences, can I prove that I am Qianxing herself?" She didn't want to use the name anymore, but she had no plans to keep up with the change.
       Wang-Shuo eyes widened, "Are you a thousand lines ?!"
       All eyes widened.
       Shen Lu was even more shocked. No wonder, no matter how they checked, there was no way to find clues about Qianxing. It turned out that he, like Shen Heng, had committed a dark problem under the lamp. Zhou-Zhen, what kind of evil is this!
       "Hahaha, are you saying that?" He never believed. "I don't know what Qian Xun didn't want to appear in front of the public. Although she only wrote a prodigy, this literary accomplishment is by no means yours. What Yatou can have. And, "Four sentences", where is your ten-year-old Huang Mao Yatou, where can you find out! "Cangtian, bless him Shen-shi once, he only hopes Zhou-Zhen is not Qianxing He is willing to die for ten years!
       " ‘Laughs’ , I said that without the pharmacopoeia, I can develop these medicines, such as Bezoar Pill, Compound Honeysuckle Granules, and Wumei Pills, by talent, you have to question  : 
       I said I was Qianxing, and you have to question it. What else can you believe? Zhou-Zhen asked coldly.
       Everyone  :   The point is that you are too incredible.
       Wang-asked hurriedly, "You say you are a thousand lines, what are the last two sentences of the" four for sentences "?"
       Shen Lu felt that Wang-shuo was crazy, and all such lies were believed.
       He Xian just looked at her suspiciously. After today, he has a certain understanding of Zhou-Zhen, knowing that she is not a lover of words, but is it possible?
       Wang-Shuocai doesn't care what they think. Now he only needs the last two sentences of “Four Sentences”. Whoever gives them to him will believe them.
       "'Four sentences’can tell you, but one thing I need to emphasize is that the creator of’four sentences’is Zhang Zai, not Qianxing." Zhou-Zhen thinks this way, can he be worthy of the great Confucian Zhang Zai Lost, or her conscience will hurt.
       "Okay, I remember, please say."
       "You listen well. This is the original saying, why do scholars read? Set your heart for the heavens and earth, for the living people, for the continuity of learning, and for the peace of all ages!"
       Everyone present may have seen a child prodigy and knew the first two sentences, but none of them was the first time to hear the full version of the "four sentences".
       It's no exaggeration to say that to the readers, the expression of the "four sentences" is really like a thunder blasting in their ears, making their scalp numb.
       The illiterate people heard it, and they felt that these four sentences were very cushioned. Many people even muttered the words, prepared to learn to remember them, and then went back to teach them to their children and grandchildren.
       "Yes, yes, the last two sentences of the four sentence should be like this." Wang-read it over and over again obsessively.
       Almost everyone is intoxicated at this moment.
       Shen Lu looked at this scene with jealousy. Why, why wasn't the person who spoke these words his brother Shen-shi?
       "She said,’Four sentences-Are made by Zhang Zai, not Qian Xing, why are you so excited?" Shen-shi clan said with sourness.
       Someone next to him yelled, "She Qianxing is also very powerful, so many people like the prodigy book, isn't she great?"
       "Even if she is Qianxing, what can it prove?"
       "Well said, what can I prove if I am Qianxing?" Zhou-Zhen continued, "Qianxing's identity is enough to prove that I am talented? Have a clever head?"
       Man Tian Shen Buddha, forgive her arrogance, cough.
       Everyone was silent, this really cannot be denied.
       Even though they didn't know why she pushed the four-way sentence to Zhang Zai, the protagonist of the prodigy, but who can deny that Zhang Zai created it?
       Especially Wang—Master, who has been in school since the age of three, has been familiar with the annals of history. Among his peers, he regarded Zhu Liang as his only opponent. But he boasted that in another ten years, he would probably be unable to say that.
       Wang-Shuo took a deep breath and said to Zhou-Zhen, “Zhou 6-Miss, I believe you are Qianxing.”
       Wang-Shuo doesn't care about the truth. Since Zhou-Zhen says she is Qianxing, then he will be her.
       Wang-shut down, "Zhou 6-Miss, I owe you a favor, and you are welcome to ask me at any time."
       What he said was very pleasing. Zhou-Zhen was unmoved in his heart. All of this can be said to be caused by him.
       Of course, without Wang-shuo, their dispute between Zhou and Shen will sooner or later erupt. But maybe with time, she slowly laid out and grasped a little bigger, so that she would not rush into the battle so eagerly, and even always worried, she was worried that she would lose the game by accident.
       Wang-shuo words are equivalent to confirming Zhou-Zhen's words that Tianzhuang Wizards have no mastery of their own skills, and dumped the medicine Wang-Gu Hao slap in the face.
       "Elder Han, after what you just said, you should believe that there are really people who can't master their own skills?" Zhou-Zhen faced Han Yu directly.
       Han Yu Tieqing faced.
       "What I want to say is that there is nothing strange in the world. Don't judge others with your shallow eyes. What you can't do doesn't mean that others can't.
       "Your medicine Wang-Gu, don't see a good thing, just want to take it for yourself. Don't say that the medical pharmacology that I have inherited is probably not from your medicine Wang-Gu, even if it is really your loss What about that Pharmacopoeia? Have I ever used it to harm people? If the medicine Wang-is a person who cherishes self-esteem, there will not be your existence, nor will there be a medicine Wang-Gu. The medicine pharmacist exists between heaven and earth and is not unique to one country, one country and one country, and the medicine Wang-Gu cannot. Finally, I ask you, do you believe that your apprentice will not lie? "
       Wang-Shuo Yiyi, carefully taste the words of Zhou-Zhen, there seems to be something in my heart.
       He Xian only felt that the medicine Wang-Gu face was crackling.
       He Xian looked at her deeply, Shen-shi was right to persecute her, but she was wrong because she always thought that she was a small vegetable snake, who knew she was a big python after she forced her to show her true body.
       After being humiliated by Zhou-Zhen, Elder Han would be skeptical, "Chunlin, have you ever found the Pharmacopoeia!"
       Shen Chunlin bit his teeth tightly, determined that he had found the pharmacopoeia.
       Looking at this scene, Zhou-Zhen was completely unmoved. Shen Chunlin deceived him in this matter, but did Elder Han really feel nothing?
       "He Xian, I'm leaving, can't you go?" Wang-He got the last two sentences of the four sentences. He couldn't sit still. He just wanted to hurry back to Capital City at this moment.
       As for Shen-shi, he didn't even talk about it. Regarding the last two sentences of’Four Wei Sentences', under the circumstances just now, Zhou-Zhen could not say anything at all, but she finally said it. There is nothing Shen-shi in it, and he will not put credit on Shen-shi. He is still the original point of view, and it is not difficult to set the last two sentences of the "four-way sentence" from Zhou-Zhen's mouth. It must be that Shen-shi and Zhou-shi are too difficult to deal with. Maybe he has been delaying in Lujiang all the time because of Shen-shi. So he didn't feel that his behavior was like the ruthless scumbag behavior.
       He Xian hadn't answered yet. Shen Lu heard the words and looked over, "He 4-gongzi?"
       He Xian lowered his eyes and nodded, "Let's go." He said from the beginning that he came for the "four for the sentence". These days, he has also helped the Shen family a lot, and doesn't feel that he is shi owes something. In this game, Shen-shi layout has done a good job in all aspects, and Nai-He Zhou-shi has a high move.
       "Zhou 6-Miss,, what I just said has been valid." After Wang-shuo said this, he went to the door.
       Zhou-Zhen's gaze fell on the back of the two leaving. Yes, everything was just intentional just now. She knew that Wang-when he got the "four sentences", he would leave immediately.
       After they left, once Shen-shi allies were removed, she could better pack up Shen-shi. In addition, Master Zeng's trial questions printed with the mirror water Teacher are ready for sale. If Wang, Shuo Hexian, and others have stayed in Lujiang for a long time, they may be vigilant when seeing the selection of the test questions, and then they will do bad things. In order to prevent them, it is better for the two to leave Lujiang.
       Shen Lu face was as dead as a horror. In this game, their Shen family chess fell short and they lost. No, they haven't lost yet. As long as Zhou-Zhen is removed in the next case, it is worth the loss of Shen-shi.
       Regarding the theft of the Pharmacopoeia, in the end, Shen Junyu paled and came out and carried the pot, saying that when the Pharmacopoeia was in her hands, she had long been lost. She was too scared, so she threw the pot to Zhou-Chen.
       Now, the truth is clear.
       But Shen Junyu reputation was almost destroyed.
       Lujiang Shuangshu, Shen Junyu was abolished, and Zhou-Yinger is now being held at the Zhou-shi ancestral hall.
       Out of the courthouse, the two sorted out and left for Lujiang Yard.
       Halfway, he seemed to see a familiar figure, and He Xian stepped forward. He did not expect that Yuan-Suming would come for Zhou-Zhen Jingcheng.
       He figured it out. From Zhou-Zhen to the accident, to the news, and to Lujiang, Yuan-Suming took only five or six days, which is really fast.
       Han Yu hesitated a bit and came over to Zhou-Zhen. "This is because I have misunderstood you because of my partial listening and partial faith. I'm really sorry."
       "I accept your apology."
       Elder Han wanted to stop talking. In fact, he wanted to ask Zhou-Zhen, but apparently some of his previous actions offended people.
       Zhou-Zhen ended his sentence, ignoring his restless expression.
       In the end, he had no choice but to walk away.
       "Xu Daren, can you make a judgment now?" Zhou-Zhen asked this question persistently.
       The situation has reached this point, and the truth has become clear. His role is only a human figure book, but because of his official identity, she asked him to say the conclusion of the coffin cover, and to officially acknowledge that she was wronged in the entire case. 7-brother Zhou-Chen.
       Zhou-Zhen's forced questioning made Xu Zhongyan again the focus of everyone attention. He looked at Shen Lu, but Shen Lu eyes and nose and heart were obviously no good idea.
       After Wang-Shuo and He Xian left, Xu Zhongyan also felt bad, but he and Shen-shi were too deeply involved, and each had a handle on each other ...
       He sighed, since it was impossible to abandon it, he could only defend the enemy together.
       "My official announced—" He paused, "Shen-shi Shen Junyu sued Zhou-shi Zhou-Chen for stealing Shen-shi Qianli cream medicinal formula and the Pharmacopoeia case, which belonged to the frame, Zhou Chen acquitted! In addition, Zhou-Zhen who was implicated in it was guilty of accomplices! "
       Brother Zhou-shi all looked at this scene with a solemn expression, and when Xu Zhongyan's last word fell, they ‘Called carnivally.
       Xu Zhongyan paused and continued, "The plaintiff, Shen Junyu, despised the law of the current dynasty, and accused him of false accusation against others, and came against him! Come, detain the plaintiff, Shen Junyu, and execute it today.
       As the verdict in Xu Zhongyan's hand landed, two gangsters came out next to him and pushed her back.
       "Father?" Shen Junyu was scared in her heart, and looked at her with tears in her eyes.
       Shen Lu couldn't bear to look at her daughter and turned her head away.
       On the contrary, Shen Heng couldn't help but move forward, "Jun Yu-"
       There are good and good reports, and evil and bad reports.
       Almost all eyes looking at Zhou-Zhen bring emotions, or admiration, such as Brother Zhou-shi, such as people who are watching, or disgust, such as Shen-shi people.
       Bao! In this round, Zhou-shi reversed and won beautiful.
       Zhou Hai Zhou Yuan and others who know the inside story are both grateful and proud. They deeply realized that without Zhou-Zhen, they could not match Shen-shi. This game must be lost, and it can be said that this game turned the world on her own.
       "Qilang, did you hear that? The government finally sentenced you to an injustice!" Zhou Hai couldn't help but hold his son's hand.
       "Father, I heard it." The charge of framed on his body finally eluted. Zhou-Chen only felt up and down, never brisk.
       "Let's go home now!"
       "Yes, go home, patriarch Tai-Ye. They are all waiting for us at home."
       People of Zhou-shi clan embrace Zhou-Chen and Zhou-Zhen, and they want to go out.
       "Slow! Zhou-Chen can go, Zhou-Zhen can't, you forgot that she was carrying a murder case on her body, and the official did not forget it!" Xu Zhongyan's cold voice sounded in everyone ears.
       Shen Lu smiled coldly, his heart was numb, and now he showed an extraordinary coldness.
       The Zhou-shi clan was shocked.
       "Come here, put Zhou-Zhen in prison and retry tomorrow!" Xu Zhongyan ordered indifferently.
       As soon as Xu Zhongda said this, Zhou-shi people felt as if they were all choked.
       "Hai Laozi, what should I do?" A young man from Zhou-shi whispered.
       Everyone looked at Zhou Hai, as if there was a fire in his body. It seemed that when Zhou Hai ordered, they would swarm up. The Zhou-shi people are now united as never before.
       "I'm okay, let's go back first." Zhou-Zhen. In fact, she was not as relaxed as she was. With her knowledge of Shen Lu, she knew she would be dangerous tonight. However, there is no way to avoid it.
       Is it alright? Shen Lu smirked. He going to do it tonight and give her a’guilty suicide'!
       He can now understand, for someone like Zhou-Zhen, he will not be given any chance to choke her.
       "Xu Daren, you have to look it up carefully, don't injustice good people."
       "Yeah, Sanqin Yaozhuang's medicine is very good. I don't want to use it in the future."
       The common people could not help but pleading for Zhou-Zhen on their own initiative.
       These people have forgotten that Xu Daren they asked to help Shen-shi just now is not forgotten, mainly because they thought that Shen Junyu case of Zhou-shi sibling stealing was over. Now, it is already another case. He should not be so targeted at Zhou-shi.
       Xu Zhongyan pumped at the corners of his mouth, not wanting to bother these farts.
       Snapped! "Don't talk nonsense, put people down!"
       The two martial members came forward and took Zhou-Zhen.
       "Slow!" A nice male whispered from the outside.
       Xu Zhongyan sits on the court hall and saw the coming person at a glance. At the moment, Shen Lu was the most sensitive time. Both of them found the coming person at the same time.
       Yuan-Suming? !! Shen Lu Shen Heng almost jumped.
       Everyone couldn't help but look back, seeing such pomps and battles, could not help but hold their breath.
       Unlike everyone facing the court, Zhou-Zhen was held in captivity, facing the door. When the familiar voice sounded, she looked up subconsciously, just to see Yuan-Suming wearing a formal robe, walking towards her against the light. He was followed by a number of local officials, and a group of mighty guards behind him.
       The eyes of the two ran into each other instantly.
       Yuan-Suming will be coming from Capital City. To be honest, Zhou-Zhen is still very surprised. It has only been five days since her imprisonment and trial today. She thought that even if he wanted to come, it would be too late.
       Yuan-Suming walked in. When she first saw her, she quickly looked at her from top to bottom. Seeing her was really okay, he let go of his whole heart.
       In spite of this, he heard Huo Donglai briefly talk about the process of being promoted today and learned that she was not wronged. Not only were they not wronged, but Zhou-shi also pushed Shen-shi back and forth, and even she finally set the final victory. But without seeing her, he was still unsteady in his heart.
       Especially after hearing her performance in the court, he was deeply worried for her. Others only saw her mighty power to kill the Quartet, and he had seen the crisis behind her. He was very fortunate that he had arrived today, otherwise I would probably have made a poke.
       "Yuan gongzi, why hinder the official's handling of the case?" Xu Zhongyan sits on the main seat, holding back the fear in his heart and asking. With so many officials, he can even see one or two familiar officials.
       Yuan-Suming stood in the hall, greeted Xu Zhongyan from a distance, smiled, and then took out a roll of bright yellow imperial edict from the cuff of the robe, held the imperial edict to the height of his forehead to show respect, and raised his voice. "There is a sacred imperative, all officials and all people see that the imperative is coming, kneel and listen to the imperative!"
       Seeing the decree, Xu Zhongyan's face turned green.
       Xu Zhongyan and Chief Bo Weiguan and other people stepped down from their seats and knelt down, while the others knelt on the spot and said long live, "Long live my lord, live long live ——"
       In the blink of an eye, there was a dark piece of kneeling on the hall, and everyone only saw the back of his head.
       After everyone knelt down, Yuan-Suming opened the imperial edict and recited aloud  :   “Carried from heaven, the emperor called  :   There are Lujiang Zhou-Zhen, young and intelligent, pharmacologically superior, I heard that he was accidentally involved because of Bezoar Pill He was sentenced to life in jail. He was very heartbroken and pity his talents. He ordered Yuan-Suming to pass on the order and made Ruan Xun the commissioner to visit the Lujiang River and personally handle the case. Don't handle the case with justice and rigorous! That's it! "
       Yuan-Suming accepted the decree, and said, "Ling, pass on the mouth, during the trial, allow Zhou-Zhen not to go to jail and listen to the summons at home."
       Bezoar Pill saved Empress Dowager, and Zhou should be rewarded. But she was already involved in the murder case at that time, so she only passed on this decree, to save her life first, as for the others, I can only say it later, of course, it is not good to reward her.
       "My sister is saved, my sister is fine now."
       "Some have saved some, Zhou Dong's family will be fine this time."
       After listening to the will, the Zhou-shi people and the people clapped their hands in praise.
       Zhou-Zhen stared at Yuan-Suming. He must have tried very little to ask for this decree?
       Yuan-Suming naturally noticed her gaze, and after turning her mind, after faintly guessing her thoughts, he could not help but hold the imperial hand.
       The inclination of this intention is already obvious. Many people present are able to hear it.
       They don't understand why, they just feel that Yuan-Suming has the best eyes and hands.
       For Xu Zhongyan, Shen Lu, and others, what felt in their hearts at the moment was a sense of weakness. The opening was started by them, and it was a good start, but at this stage, things were completely beyond their control.
       Especially for Shen Lu, the feeling of powerless fall was more serious, and things were moving in an uncontrollable direction of deterioration, and he couldn't stop it. The feeling of out of control and panic made him panic.
       Shen Lu stared at Yuan-Suming and Zhou-Zhen. It was really affectionate. He even couldn't help glaring at Zhou Hai. Why, you Zhou-shi was so powerful, why didn't you show it at first! But want to pretend to look like a soft and persimmon? !! You said that Zhou-shi was so stingy, wasn't it good for them to replace bullying with Shen-shi?
       Shen Lu was so angry that he ignored Xu Zhongda stupidity again.
       Xu Zhongda stared at the imperial edict in the hands of Yuan-Suming, "Yuan Daren, can he present the edict to the official." He made this request because he was still unwilling.
       Ruan Dai looked at it in surprise, "Dare to question the imperative, Xu Zhongyan, you are the first!"
       Xu Zhongyan smiled weakly, "Yuan Daren and Zhou-Zhen have a close personal relationship ..."
       Yuan-Suming snorted, and before speaking, Lu Ming, who was next to Anqing Mansion, scolded, "Xu Zhongyan, you are bold! How dare you question Yuan Daren's imperative! You don’t believe Yuan Daren, do you mean us? Are these superiors displayed? "If the decree is false, would they follow him?
       Yuan-Suming said, "If Xu Daren suspects that the imperial edict is false, you can go to Capital City and go to the emperor to sue me."
       Where does Xu Zhongda dare? The request to read the decree naturally goes away.
       Nguyen Chan said, "Since the official just arrived in Lujiang, the details of the case have not yet been understood, the case will be reopened tomorrow!" This was the first decision made by Ma Xu Zhongyan after Ruan Yuduan sits in the public hall.
       Many people were disappointed when they heard that they would go to trial tomorrow.
       "Tomorrow will be on time tomorrow!" After the time was announced, Ruan Xuan patted the gavel and announced his withdrawal from the hall. "Withdraw from the hall!"
       The common people left one after another, and they felt quite overwhelmed. They talked about what happened in the public hall today, because it was so wonderful.
       This time, Zhou-Chen and Zhou-Zhen left, and finally no one stopped them.
       Out of the gate, Yuan-Suming's mission was completed, and Ruan Hui and Lu Ming had to prepare for tomorrow's ascension, so their team split into two.
       Zhou Hai was polite and invited Yuan-Suming as a guest at Zhoujiafang.
       Unexpectedly, he promised to come down and called him a surprise, but he glanced at Zhou-Zhen and said nothing funnyly.
       Back at Zhoujiafang, Zhou Hai personally sent Ma Dongmei away.
       "Thanks for your help today." Zhou Hai said to Ma Dongmei, and he was really grateful to Ma Dongmei. If it were not for him, the average litigator would be hard for enemy Qiong, and it would be bad for Zhou-shi. It's hard to say.
       "The patriarch Zhou Shao has passed the prize, and I haven't helped anything in this matter." Ma Dongmei said embarrassedly.
       In the second half, the Zhou-shi family and Zhou-Zhen almost controlled the field, and he couldn't get in touch at all. Not only him, Fang Qiong is the same. Thinking about this, he didn't seem to be so useless? It was that the friendly forces were too strong and saved him the strength of Lao-Da, which made him useless.
       "Well, you are too humble, little pony, you all have credit, everyone has credit. By the way, is your mother better?"
       "much better……"
       In the other compartment, Yuan-Suming sent Zhou-Zhen back. Along the way, the two felt quite speechless.
       At this time, one of his subordinates reported the incident.
       Zhou-Zhen stepped back consciously, Yuan-Suming reluctantly glanced at her, and then listened attentively to the reports from her subordinates.
       Zhou-Zhen just thought he walked a little strangely, and she scanned it in confusion.
       Ayu appeared right next to her in time, "6-Miss, do you think Gongzi is walking in the wrong posture?"
       "Do you know what happened?" Was it hurt? It wasn't obvious, but she was more careful.
       "Gongzi-5 days in a row, almost all of them are spent immediately." Take the imperial edict from the capital to the royal paddock of Chengde, look for Ruanyu from Chengde to Taiyuan, and then turn to Lujiang in Anqing. Even a thick-skinned man cannot bear it, let alone gongzi.
       Four or five days on the right? Isn't the inside of the thighs all scratched? Zhou-Zhen glanced at his waist and legs subconsciously again. No wonder walking was a little weird.
       She then noticed that Xu was the reason for running around for four or five days. In fact, his current appearance is really a dusty servant. If you look closely, you can see that his small hair in the hairline is knotted.
       Pushing people and themselves, Zhou-Zhen suddenly realized that he spent four or five days in jail, not washing for a long time, and had a smell on his body. Also, she could feel her face shiny.
       Fortunately at this moment, she is not a big oily skin. Otherwise, in the past five days, she just wiped her face with a bit of water and wiped her face, becoming a large oil field.
       Yuan-Suming was very sensitive to her sight, and just as his subordinates had finished reporting, he came towards her.
       Zhou-Zhen really wanted to reach out and touch her face. Before, she didn't pay attention to it. Now she noticed that she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.
       He approached, Zhou-Zhen noticed that his face was covered with fine dust, especially the dark spot next to his right nose was sticking to his head like a mole, and there was a little bit of hair on his left hairpin Shredded paper.
       What they see at this moment is the most embarrassing side of each other so far?
       Now the two of them fall on the back of the pig like old wives.
       Yuan-Suming felt her eyes fall on his face without any doubt, "What's wrong?"
       Zhou-Zhen wanted to hand him the handkerchief and let him wipe it himself, but thought that her handkerchief had been in use for the past few days and was a little dirty. She paused and said to him, "You have a black spot on your right nose that you don't know."
       Hearing that, he reached out his hand, and the black spot on his nose appeared on his index finger, "Well, it does, I don't know when it will stick."
       "That one-"
       "There is also a little bit of white glue stuck in the horn hair on your left."
       He stretched out his hand and held it up, but the white shredded paper went deeper and deeper.
       "Let me help you." Zhou-Zhen blurted out.
       Yuan-Suming paused in his left hand and said good.
       After Zhou-Zhen said that, he realized that it was a Dagan dynasty. It seemed that this move was too close.
       But he was already squatting with her in the front half, and at this time, Ayu pulled Zhou Yuan to stand far away, and didn't seem to notice their condition here.
       She pretended to pull out his thick curly hair with her left hand casually, and then stretched out her right hand to take out the little shreds of paper from his hair, then pulled back slightly, "OK!"
       In order to avoid suspicion, Zhou Hai arranged for Zhou Yuan to follow, and they could not be left alone.
       At this point from Zhou Yuan's point of view, they felt that they were standing too close. He quickly broke away from Ayu entanglement, and then took three steps and made two steps forward. "Yuan Daren, you have worked hard all the way, and our patriarch asked you to come to us The clan is temporarily washed. "
       Yuan-Suming already stood up when Zhou Yuanfei rushed over. Zhou Yuan's remarks ended, he could not help looking at Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen really can't stand his dirty look at this moment. "Then I'll go back and wash it first."
       Zhoujiafang on this day was not peaceful, and even ethnology was rarely on vacation.
       Everything was due to Xu Zhongyan's trial of the Zhou-Chen theft case. Although the patriarch Tai-Ye didn't go to the government hall to watch Shengsheng, there was a young guy in the family who was responsible for transmitting the news back and forth.
       There are many ethnic groups in the dwelling house, and the emotions of all people fluctuate with each news that comes back.
       When the first news came, said that at the beginning of the ascension, the litigator Ma Dongmei and Fang Qiong, whom Zhou-shi had invited, came to a tie with them, and they were relieved immediately.
       They all heard about Fang Qiong's name. A little-known litigator was notorious for his reputation, and not only outsiders, including them, had no hope.
       But the news came that Ma Dongmei did not lose to Fang Qiong. Of course, she did not win, but everyone was satisfied. After all, did she have a good start?
       When the second news came, their hearts were all together.
       Zhou-Chen, Zongfang Xiao Gongzi, faced with the progressive advancement of Shen-shi, he was not stigmatized for Zhou-shi, and would rather not be innocent by death.
       Fortunately, he was stabbed by a martial arts officer. The others were okay, but a hole was broken in his forehead and a lot of blood was shed.
       Later, when they heard that Zhou-shi medicinal ink defeated Shen-shi Qianli Shuang, and received praise from the ink officer He-Daren, they were all surprised. It turned out that they Zhou-shi was in medicine Is the development of ink so great?
       And Zhou-Zhen, her performance in the second half of the ascension not only stunning the people above the hall, but also deeply shocked them, those who waited for the news.
       She is like a wise helmsman, not afraid of power, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and sailing the Zhou-shi ship directly to the key and weak point of the dilemma, leading straight forward.
       In the final theft, they Zhou-shi won.
       This ups and downs of the plot is a big show. But after listening, everyone eyes were wet, and winning was not easy.
       Immediately afterwards, they were born with a strong sense of clan belonging and pride.
       At this moment, they are proud that they were born in Zhou-shi.
       Xi-shi also sent someone to the Zongfang to hear the news, and then passed it back to her to listen to her, but her emotions were ups and downs contrary to the clan.
       The smile on Xi-shi face gradually disappeared. When he heard that Zhou-Zhen was still in jail because of his involvement in life lawsuit, his smile bloomed for a while. When the news of the Capital City city Yuanjia Yuan 7-gongzi came to save Zhou-Zhen with the imperial edict, she smiled completely, and finally she smashed a set of tea cups.
       "It's really heavenless! How did Zhou-Zhen get released?" The mood was ups and downs, and Xi-shi couldn't help but shed two tears in the end.
       Just then, a slender young man appeared at the door and asked, "Mother?"
       Maid, who was waiting in the room, said in surprise, "Big-Fu-ren, it's 2-Shaoye is back!"
       Xi-shi quickly turned his head, "Send it?"
       Maid suggested, "Big-Fu-ren, you talk to 2-Shaoye and walk away. I'll let you clean here."
       Xi-shi nodded haphazardly, the mother and son came to Dongjijian.
       Zhou JiXiao asked, "What's wrong?"
       "Send it, Mei-mei, you have been imprisoned in the ancestral shrine ..."
       Under Xi-shi narrative, Zhou Ji learned what happened at home in recent days, and knew that his mother and Mei-mei had suffered a lot of grievances during this time, and that he knew that Mei-mei Zhou-Yinger actually Because Zhou-Zhen of the small 2nd House was ordered into the house by Tai-Ye of the house.
       The specific reason is unknown, Xi-shi only knows that the charge given by the clan is to ignore the clan's interests and leak clan secrets.
       Having said these things, Xi-shi mood calmed down. After all, she was glad to see her son return. Then she couldn't help but put her mind on her son. "By the way, don't you send a notice when you come back, so that I can welcome you."
       Zhou Ji smiled, "My son came back with my second uncle, so I didn't alarm Grandmother and’Mother."
       "Your second uncle Zhou-Xian?" Xi-shi was in a bad mood when he mentioned Xiao 2nd House.
       "Well, my son met the second uncle in Anqing. The second uncle saw the man Grandmother had sent to find him and said that six cousins had an accident, and we rushed back nonstop."
       "That's a scourge. It's a thousand years old and can't die." Xi-shi couldn't help but talk about Zhou-Zhen. "How can you say that she lucky, if you have Mei-mei, Half of her luck was not found in writing a letter, and she was finally locked in the cold ancestral hall. "
       "Mother, don't think about it. Come and see the gifts that Father and Big Brother asked me to bring back to you and Mei-mei." Zhou Ji paused and said, "I'll go to the ancestral room later to fight for the patriarch Tai-Ye releases Mei-mei. "
       Xi-shi nodded, "You do your best. I'll get you hot water and food ..."
       Zhou Jixin warmed up, "Mother, let those people do the work."
       "Then I have to stare, so that those people do not care about doing things carelessly."
       Lujiang Wharf
       Before sailing, He Xian finally knew what Yuan-Suming had come to Lujiang to do, and held the decree to protect Zhou-Zhen.
       From a belated family book, he also learned the origin of this imperial decree. Several Prince and Elder Princess fought, and finally the aunt named Yuan-Suming picked up the bargain and got it with an Angong Bezoar Pill. Salvation. That's what this decree is.
       Unfortunately, this family letter came too late. If it was earlier ... but never mind, they have got what they want. He is indispensable to get rid of Zhou-shi, and now it is only Shen-shi who is in trouble.
       However, he turned to think that the decree was too coincident. Could it be a bureau set by Yuan-Suming?
       I have to say that your enemy is the one who knows you best.
       Then He Xian shook her head. It is impossible. If it is really a game, there are too many places that need to be linked together.
       First of all, the indispensable item in this game is Bezoar Pill. Bezoar Pill, who saved Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, was supposed to be Zhou-Zhen to Yuan-Suming, and then passed to his aunt. According to his speculative thinking, wouldn't it be Yuan-Suming, they had predicted all this when they were in Lujiang?
       Impossible, they are not immortals, how can they anticipate the next thing, and when Yuan-Suming left Lujiang at that time, the trouble of Zhou-shi was not revealed.
       Thinking so, he dispelled the doubt in his mind. In the end, it all comes down to Zhou-Zhen's good fortune.
       He finally glanced at the letter and ordered, "Send this news to Shen-shi, so they don't think the He family is too ruthless."
       Shen-shi house
       He Xianchuan's letter quickly arrived in Shen Lu hands. After reading it, he said nothing for a long time.
       "Brother, give those rhino horns." Shen Heng couldn't help it.
       Shen Lu nodded silently, although he was not very optimistic about the expectations of selling rhino horns.
       "You can make preparations, but don't insult yourself until the Zhou-Zhen case is over."
       There are not many forces that can eat rhino horns in large quantities, but they are certainly not stupid. There are no airtight walls in the world. How did their rhino horns come from? Gu-shi Shengshi and other big families are probably clear. Now Zhou-shi is flourishing, and they can’t even avoid Shen-shi. In addition, the batch of rhino horns were obtained in such a way, and they will definitely not get the dirt.
       He groaned for a moment, and asked, "What do you think of the next thing?"
       His elder brother asked for a plan? Shen Heng was startled and looked at him intently. His elder brother always gave him the image of a strong man, but now looking under the candlelight, he looked a lot older.
       Shen Heng suddenly felt indifferent, and fighting Zhou-shi was really exhausting.
       "You were right before, fighting Zhou-shi, it’s really harder and harder." Shen Lu smiled bitterly. "Big brother regrets I didn't listen to you, but now I haven’t turned my bow back and it’s harder. The scalp went down. "
       "Brother doesn't have to be too pessimistic." Shen Heng gritted his teeth. "It's a big deal. I'm going to lose this batch of rhino horns. We Shen-shi is thick and can afford it."
       Shen Lu shook his head. "I didn't get there. If tomorrow's case meets our expectations, it won't be a loss."
       "Brother, until now, it's better to be quiet than to move. Let's just watch it change, right?" Shen Heng suggested.
       Shen Lu slowly shook his head and asked him, "Do you think Ruan Qincha could solve the case?"
       "Shouldn't it?" Shen Heng hesitated.
       "You see, you are not as confident as before, right? I understand now, Zhou-Zhen's ability to learn is unknown, and the way is weird, often weird The land turned danger. Did you know that I was going to remove her in jail tonight, and the imperial decree arrived just as soon as the thought moved, the emperor's mouth was like my mind ... "
       Shen Heng opened his mouth in surprise. "What do you want, brother?"
       Shen Lu watched Shen Heng silently, "I intend to destroy the huge corpse."
       Shen Heng was startled. "Brother is so pessimistic?" He is totally optimistic that this game can trap Zhou-Zhen.
       He asked again, "Is it necessary?" They still have a big win, and doing so is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to sanction Zhou-Zhen through this life lawsuit.
       "Yes, it must be so. This does not mean that we have given up sanctioning Zhou-Zhen through this life lawsuit. We can disguise as Zhou-shi people ..."
       Talking about Shen Lu stood up.
       "As I said just now, Zhou-Zhen cannot be treated as ordinary people. I thought about it and couldn't give her a little chance. Bezoar Pill of Zhou-Zhen saved Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. The case was found to have nothing to do with her in the end, and the medicine must have great fortune. Only by destroying the corpse, without the dead body, they will always solve the mystery of the great death. To Zhou-Zhen to For Anzo Bezoar Pill, it will always be a stain, a stain that accompanies a lifetime. "
       After speaking, Shen Lu sighed, "Even so, I am worried that this decision will be late."
       Shen Lu voice was hard to hide.
       late? Shen Heng stunned.
       "Arrange your manpower. If you have a chance, ruin it. If you don't find it, forget it, and then come back." Then tomorrow's case, let it be!
       Xu Fu
       Before night, Xu Zhongyan was drunk.
       Looking at him like this, Xu-si was uncomfortable.
       He didn't mean anything else at first, just trying to step Zhou-Zhen into the bottom of the mud, he just couldn't see her proud. But why Zhou-shi was so hard-hearted that such a situation could be broken by them.
       Yesterday, the Xu family originally watched as they boarded the big ship of the He family. Today, Hexian Wang-Shuo pulled away, but his Father had to worry about the way out of the Xu family. It's just a day difference.
       "My son, our Xu family may be planting this time." Xu Zhongyan said nonsense drunkly.
       No, Xu-si shook his head. He also has a friend Chen-Yi. The He family would not care about Chen-Yi! As long as He Jiaken stretched out their Xu family, this was nothing.
       By the way, there will be an upcoming conference test. Xu-si swears that he must work hard to get a good ranking this time and fight for the top spot. Then he went to Capital City with Chen-Yi and climbed the big tree of the He family. In this case, the Huo family will have some scruples. After his title is on the gold list and the official is awarded, he will be able to bless the Xu family.
       Zhou-shi 4th House
       Zhou-Zhen returned to 4th House the first time she went to Xuan Beitang to meet her Grandmother and report a peace.
       Looking at this granddaughter, He Lao-Anren's heart is mixed. I also spent a day in the family room today, and she never realized for a moment that her granddaughter was really different. They 4th House flew out of a little phoenix.
       He Lao-Ann accepted her greetings, "I know you still have something to do, so I won't leave you much, go back and freshen up."
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "I'll come to see you when that's over."
       Today Lao-Er Zhou-Xian and second grandson Zhou Ji are back. She wanted to have a family dinner together, but thought of her granddaughter carrying a life lawsuit on her back. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Hey, there are more children and grandchildren.
       Today Yunfei and Yunsi have also been staying in the Zongfang today to hear the news, so the pavilion has prepared hot water for food early, and Zhou-Zhen can use it as soon as they return.
       After changing the water twice, Zhou-Zhen felt that he was cleaned. When she came out of the atrial chamber, and Maid helped to dangle her hair, Zhou Xian's voice came from outside the door.
       "Sister, sister, you are back! Sister?"
       Zhou-Zhen opened the door, and she had changed into clean clothes at this time, and her hair was half-dried shawl.
       "You're leaving class so soon?"
       "Today, the ethnology did not start. We all heard the news in the family room. Sister, I have heard that you are too good ..."
       At this time, Maid came to report, "Miss, the meal is ready."
       "Come, eat with me." Zhou-Zhen greeted him.
       Zhou Xian felt his stomach and felt really hungry, so he followed his sister honestly.
       At this meal, Zhou Xian couldn't help but want to talk, but the tutor made it impossible to eat, so he could only watch his sister while eating.
       After having finished eating, he suddenly remembered something, "Sister, I just met the second cousin in the yard."
       Second cousin, Zhou Ji? Zhou-Zhen counted the time, he should be back to participate in the test. Her two cousins, in the words of future generations, are a sister-zi and an extremely short-serving person. About Zhou-Yinger, he will definitely count on her. Nothing, the soldiers came to block, the water came to cover. The urgent matter is the matter of murder, and the rest will be ignored for the time being.
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Yes, isn't Father coming back?"
       Zhou Xian answered honestly, "Father went to the house."
       "I'm going to the house, too, will you go back and study?"
       Zhou Xian nodded well. "Ok."
       Yuan-Suming's hair dripped from the tail and came from the guest house to the main hall.
       At that time, the patriarchs Tai-Ye and Zhou Hai were all there, and Zhou-Xian was asking them about related issues involving his daughter.
       The patriarch Tai-Ye motioned for him to be calm and impatient, and said together when they got together.
       At first glance, I saw the words Pian Pianjia gongzi appearing in the heads of Yuan-Suming and Zhou-Xian.
       And Yuan-Suming has not recognized the middle-aged man in front of him as his future father-zi.
       Yuan-Suming is here. How can I introduce them to Zhou Hai?
       "Well, let me introduce you to each other." Zhou Hai sighed, and it was his job to be there for four months, no matter how difficult, he had to do it.
       "Ayan, this is Yuan gongzi from the Yuan family in Capital City." Zhou Hai first introduced Yuan-Suming, and then Zhou-Xian. "Yuan gongzi, this is our head of Zhou-shi 4th House Xiao 2nd House Xian Zhou 2-Master. "
       Zhou-shi 4th House Leader of 2nd House? Yuan-Suming paused, "Zhou 2-Master, fortunately, I'll be in my house seven, and my father is Lao-Da at home."
       The words behind him made Zhou-Xian somewhat inexplicable, but he might as well say, "Yuan gongzi is lucky to be lucky, the little girl's business is thanks to you."
       Zhou Hai coughed. He understood it, but when he looked at his cousin's unclear face, he knew that he didn't understand it. Let's let his cousin hold it first.
       As soon as I was here, Zhou Ji came over.
       When he arrived, Zhou Hai went to entertain himself and took the person to the side hall.
       Zhou Ji noticed at one glance that in the main hall, his second uncle was inside, and there was an eye-gongzi, entertained by their patriarch Tai-Ye. And he was brought to the side hall by Hai Dabo? So the smile on his face faded.
       When he arrived at the side hall, Zhou Ji first greeted him, and eventually he could not help mentioning Zhou-Yinger who was held in the ancestral temple.
       Zhou Hai didn't conceal Zhou-Yinger's mistakes about Zhou Ji. At such sensitive moments, it was too unforgivable to ignore the clan's interests and leak clan secrets.
       Zhou Ji listened silently, and he had already known about it from his mother.
       In his opinion, the biggest mistake he made in Mei-mei was to keep those letters, otherwise it would be possible to push the matter to Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen is not wrong. If it hadn't been for keeping her eye on Mei-mei, how could there be such a coincidence that the letter just sent would be intercepted?
       Seeing Zhou Ji seem to disagree with this, in subsequent conversations, the words of his father, Zhou Rong, who was the official in central Capital City, kept mentioning his love and thoughts and worries for his daughter, and even revealed the idea of taking her to Capital City after the trial.
       Zhou Hai knew what he meant, and at the same time was annoyed that he used Zhou Rong to overpower the royal family. Yes, Zhou Rong, a too often-used Capital City official, also has a heavy weight in their Zhou-shi clan, but the interests of the clan are above all else! Until Zhou-Yinger is not completely harmless to Zhou-shi, she will not be released.
       Zhou Hai advised him to prepare for the exam with ease, don't think about the others.
       Zongfang's attitude was beyond the expectations of Zhou Ji. He planned to seek it out, but now he wanted to be more authentic. "Can I see her?"
       In fact, Zhou Hai was not willing to let him see him. At this time, he really didn't want to have extravagant branches, but he had to give him some face and his Zhou Zhou Rong.
       "So, I'll let you lead you there." Then, Zhou Hai called someone and instructed him to take Zhou to the ancestral hall and let them see each other. Someone is watching anyway, and if they are not allowed to get along with each other alone, nothing should happen.
       Zhou Ji knew what he meant, but he was not very happy, but he could only compromise.
       When he went out, he happened to meet Zhou-Zhen.
       At the first glance at the interview, he looked her up and down, "I haven't seen it for a while, the six cousins have really changed a lot, and both brothers can hardly recognize them."
       Zhou-Zhen smiled, "You second cousin, haven't you come back for a long time?"
       Zhou Ji shook his head, "It's not an illusion. Look, your little 2nd House is not a regular customer here now." He said something.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "I'd like to come to the house less often. Every time I come back, something bad happens."
       Zhou Ji encounters also revealed that Zhou-Zhen is not the same as before, "Six cousins, don't you ask me where is this going?"
       Looking at his seemingly non-smiling eyes, Zhou-Zhen guessed a little, "Is the second cousin going to the ancestral hall?"
       Zhou Ji clapped, "Six cousins are really smart, my family Yinger is really not as good as you." So she is not wrong to plant your hands.
       "Look at her stupidly getting herself into the ancestral shrine can't come out, and six cousins can break free if you get into the jail. You can't compare it."
       Zhou-Zhen sighs, second cousin, is it really hostile?
       She hasn't spoken yet, a lazy voice sounded after Zhou Ji, but the content was very sharp, "Zhou-Yinger was asked by the imperial ancestral temple. Since she dares to take the shot, she must bear the consequences. Don’t think Her mother is all over the world, and no one else is obliged to let her make mistakes everywhere. "
       As soon as Zhou-Zhen raised his eyes, he saw him leaning on the pillar, his face full of ridicule.
       Zhou Ji turned around, "Who are you, what does it matter to you, our brother and sister?"
       "Only state officials set fire, and people are not allowed to light." After saying this, Yuan-Suming was too lazy to talk to him, "Not yet in? For such people, you shouldn't waste time."
       Zhou-Zhen  :   Well, she was wrong.
       Zhou Ji  :   Wait, what does that mean? ?
       Zhou-Zhen couldn't help laughing, "Second cousin, in response to what you said just now, he meant that you have intervened in the matter between Zhou-Yinger and me, and he interjected. What do you think? Big?"
       As if pleased by her explanation, Yuan-Suming said rarely, "In your opinion, can only she Zhou-Yinger count others’shots and hurt others? Others have been beaten on the left side and must be sent again. Only on the upper right face? If you resist, it will be indomitable in your eyes? Oh, you have such a good idea, but you are not the emperor.
       Wait, what does the last sentence mean? !! Zhou Ji suddenly found out why the other party was so incomprehensible.
       Yuan-Suming looked at him with compassion. "You can't think of it, you can't settle the outside. I advise you to teach you Mei-mei kindness. Entice!"
       Zhou-Zhen said, “The second cousin, the decision to put the seven cousins into the ancestral hall was made by the patriarch Tai-Ye. Since you have so many grievances, why not go to them and argue for it, but I'm in trouble? That's why he scolded you for provoking eggs. "As for the emperor's sentence, which is a bit taboo, he won't repeat it.
       Zhou Jitie Qing face.
       Zhou-Zhen glanced at his ugly face, and decided to say the last sentence, "The second cousin, maybe the seventh cousin is with you, and there is no need for punishment for mistakes, but the outside world rules are not like this. You don’t have That ability made her ignore all the rules, so teach her what is right and wrong, not blindly guard. "
       After speaking, she crossed him and walked towards the hall.
       Zhou Jitieqing, who stayed alone, stood there with a face and growled in his heart. He finally understood all the words of the surname Yuan!
       The two entered the hall one after the other, and Zhou-Xian looked suspiciously, looking back and forth between her daughter and Yuan-Suming.
       What Zhou sent just now, they heard some vaguely in the hall.
       Zhou Haigang got up, Yuan Gongzi from the capital city went out immediately, and his daughter didn't refute it, so he broke away.
       The look of the calf made him feel wrong. Also, why is the daughter so clear about what he said? Are they born smart, or do they understand each other?
       Wait, the surname is Yuan? Zhou-Xian suddenly remembered something. In fact, although he had never seen Yuan-Suming, he had heard of him. Last month, the Lu family accidentally offended him, and the selection of Gongcha was cancelled. Lu Yan asked the middleman to talk about the item and found his daughter here. His daughter led the landing and walked through the door once. At that time, he gave his daughter a face. After that, Lu Shi problem was solved. At that time, he knew that his daughter knew a gongzi named Yuan, and the two also called him a bit of friendship. Isn't that gongzi whose name is Yuan?
       Zhou-Xian thinks it is very likely. If so, the situation is a bit subtle. Lu Yan's case can be said to give his daughter this friend's face  :   the decree of the decree can also be said that he coincidentally led the errand, but in the scene just now, we can't say that he did not like to coincidentally like Zhou Ji this Right?
       However, he could be called Noble, his daughter.
       Entering the hall, Zhou-Zhen only realized that her Father was also there.
       Look at Yuan-Suming, who has sits down skillfully, and half of the tea, have the two met? For a moment, Zhen felt strangely in his heart.
       Forget it, this doesn't matter. "Patriarch Tai-Ye, Hai Dabo, 7-brother, are you okay?"
       Zhou Hai said, "He has stopped bleeding from the wound. I have asked the doctor to see it. It doesn't matter, but I will feel dizzy, nauseous and vomiting in these two days ..."
       Zhou-Zhen knew that this was a symptom of brain oscillation, and there was no other way but to slowly raise it.
       "And the mouth on his forehead is a bit big, and he will probably have scars in the future." Speaking of this, Zhou Hai couldn't hide his worry. He had scars, and I didn't know how much scars would be left. Will it affect the observation and affect Official career?
       After hearing the following sentence, Zhou-Zhen was moved, “It’s only about ten days away from the trial. Is 7-brother still participating?”
       Zhou Hai groaned. He couldn't say the words of not participating this time, so he was unwilling. And if you don’t participate this time, you have to wait three years.
       "In my opinion, 7-brother is currently in this state, or don't participate?"
       The October test was destined to be a bloody storm, and she didn't want 7-brother to get involved. Not only her 7-brother, if she can, she feels that their children Zhou-shi should not participate. But after this case is over, she thinks about how to proceed.
       The patriarch Tai-Ye said, "My sister-zi makes sense, you as a Lao Tzu, persuade him, don't let him carry such a lot of pressure." For an old man like him, at any time Fate is the most important, fame and fortune are second. At the same time, he was also very clear that if the elders didn't say it, even if he didn't allow his body and his resistance to the imperial examinations, his brother would take the test.
       Thinking of his son's current state, Zhou Hai nodded helplessly.
       Noticed that Yuan-Suming drank tea with his eyebrows lowered, and the patriarch Tai-Ye said, "Stop that, see if your third uncle and five uncle are here?"
       "It should be coming soon." Zhou Haidao.
       Are the other 6th House elders coming over? Zhou-Zhen looked at Yuan-Suming, it was a whisper, but why was he still here?
       Next is the Zhou-shi family to discuss the case. It is not that he is afraid of what he knows, but that he is an alien who is here. It is really an awkward identity. She would rather wait for the discussion to be completed and disclose everything to him than to accept the speculations or conscientious examination by the elders in the clan,
       She looked at him frequently, how could Yuan-Suming not notice it. After a moment's thinking, she knew what she was worried about.
       He always couldn’t resist her asking, even without her saying what he asked for, only those eyes, Yinger looked at him like water, the anxiety and helplessness could make his heart soften instantly, could not help but She has everything she wants.
       He always couldn't bear her embarrassment, so he stood up with a sullen face, "You guys, since you have something to discuss, I won't bother, and go back to the Courtyard first."
       The patriarch Tai-Ye nodded, "If Yuan gongzi has any needs, please don't hesitate to order his servants." For the man, the sister-zi took it easy, and he thought it was OK to follow the man.
       At the gate, Yuan-Suming couldn't help but say, “If there is anything I can help, you can ask the guest to ask me.” He stood there without turning back.
       Although he straightened his back, Zhou Hai could see his strong support.
       Zhou Hai couldn't bear it when he saw it, and Qianli came to help, and was treated like this ...
       But let's blame it, you can't blame sister-zi, the name is not upright, or else it's all right.
       Walking on the way back to the Courtyard, Ayu followed, looking at Gongzi back, shaking his head constantly, without a name, it was really pathetic.


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