Sister Credit 60

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       The attendees left one after another, Zhou-Zhen holding the tea lightly, without moving.
       The Shui Zi generation who left late was full of doubts when looking at her, but these people were glared by the third uncle and the fifth uncle, and suddenly emerged.
       Obviously people will know that she will stay and there is definitely something to discuss. The third uncle and the fifth uncle are not dissatisfied. The capable person is much more labor. The patriarch Tai-Ye has always been the pillar of the clan. The second time I saw it, it was understandable that they would discuss it again.
       Things are done in secret, and words are let down. They stayed here, and they were very mixed, not very nice. Sometimes people need to be self-aware, and they don't have to know everything.
       After waiting for someone to leave, Zhou Hai only said, "We invite Ahua back."
       Zhou Hua is Qilang's book boy. When such a big thing happened, he couldn't see Zhou-Chen, so his servant was very important. He had to ask him for the situation.
       "So fast" Zhou-Zhen is quite satisfied with this efficiency, and also very satisfied that there is no omission on the side of the house.
       It was no coincidence that Zhou Hua aunt who lived in the next county was sick these two days. He went to see it. He didn't follow Zhou-Chen for the past two days.
       "We met Ahua on the way back, so we saved some time."
       Soon, Zhou Hua was brought up. He also just knew that Shaoye was in jail at this time, and he was in a state of anxiety.
       "Is Qilang in private with the Shen daughter's Di Daughter Shen Junyu?" This is the source and something that Zhou Hai has been mindful of.
       Zhou Hua face was dumbfounded, and I didn't know if it had been confessed by Zhou-Chen before.
       Zhou-Zhen said aside, "It's this time, in order to be able to rescue 7-brother smoothly, say what you know and make it easier for the elders to judge. Don't try to hide some hidden feelings and let the elders misjudge Oh no."
       Zhou Hua glanced at Zhou Hai before he said, "7-Shaoye is good at ink, Big-Lao-ye hopes that 7-Shaoye will study well, and he will be admitted to the junior Academy in the future. 7-Shaoye wastes too much energy on ink. "
       Zhou Hai face was stern, which is indeed what he always thought.
       "The piece of medicinal ink residue that was handed over to the clan for research was 7-Shaoye inadvertently scoured it at the end of last year. If he got the treasure, he went to the ink-making workshop in person and wanted to make it out by himself. In this case, he often ran to Mojifang during that time. During that time, 7-Shaoye was out of focus on his homework, and his ranking in the county dropped a lot. He was soon discovered by Big-Lao-ye. Now, Big-Lao-ye trained 7-Shaoye. "
       Zhou Hai was black, apparently thinking of these things.
       "and then"
       "It was a coincidence that when Shen-Miss came to look for 7-Shaoye, 7-Shaoye was in a bad mood, and the whole person was very sad. With her concern and inquiries, she couldn't help but told her medicine Fangzi things. "
       Well, the source has been found. Zhou-Zhen glanced at Zhou Hai.
       Zhou Hai opened his mouth wide, he did not expect that there was anything in him, that is to say, his son was hit by him because he didn’t pay attention to the medicinal formula, and he thought that the medicinal ink was not valued by his family. Then she was picked up by Shen's daughter
       Zhou-Zhen sighed, 7-brother was still too young, and a few words of concern made him unable to bear his heart. The Shen family's research on medicinal inks has only started since then, and has been conducted in secret.
       "Doesn't that silly boy see that the Shen family girl doesn't like him?" Zhou Hai was unwilling to be so stupid that his son didn't see that the other party didn't like him.
       Zhou-Zhen was not entangled here, no matter whether Shen Junyu had acted on the scene or really brought true feelings to Zhou-Chen, the moment she chose to stand up and put Zhou-Chen into the jail, there was already a coffin between the two. Gading concluded.
       "You 7-Shaoye, is there anything unusual these days?" Zhou-Zhen asked casually, the Shen family did not do it early or late, and chose to move Zhou-Chen at this time, in addition to wanting to get four sentences, Is there some other reason
       Zhou Hua said, "When it comes to anomalies, there are."
       "What anomalies"
       "It was Hong-Big-Aunt shortly after his burial. One evening, it seemed like 6-Miss. You came to the house, and after that, 7-Shaoye sighed."
       After Zheng-shi burial, she came to the house a limited number of times. Suddenly Zhou-Zhen's heart moved, and then quickly counted the time in his heart, "You mean August 12th and 3rd"
       "Yes, at that time, when 6-Miss, you came to the house, 7-Shaoye thought you were looking for him, and hurried to the main hall."
       "That's right."
       At that time, wasn't she just getting back her aunt Zhou-Lan, who returned thirty-two thousand, and wanted to take half of it to donate to the clan in the name of her Father, she also pointed out that the Shen family medicine was in In terms of compatibility, a proposal was made for the joint purchase of the joint dwelling house and her grandfather's family to buy the rhino horn preparation pit Shen-shi once.
       Does it mean that he heard what they said at the time and think back to the original situation, it should be inseparable.
       The latter abnormality should be that he had realized that it was inappropriate to disclose Yao Mo and that piece of remnant to Shen Junyu.
       I probably figured out the inside story. Zhou-Zhen really couldn't say who was wrong in the right.
       Zhou Hai waved his hand and let Zhou Hua go down.
       Zhou Hai was also immersed in the news just disclosed by Zhou Hua. The chief Patriarch Tai-Ye spoke. "We have received news that the Shen family has noticed that someone is eating rhino horns continuously. It is likely that the other party has already guessed. The force that eats rhino horns is us. And Shen-shi has made high-quality medicinal inks by adding rhino horns to medicinal inks, which have been sent to the ink officers for review. "
       Zhou-Zhen answered, “It shouldn't be long before Shen-shi can find out how many rhino horns they can't buy even if they go to other places.”
       The patriarch Tai-Ye sighed, "Everything is going according to our previous plan." This time, I hope to successfully rescue Zhou-Chen, and then slaughter Shen-shi.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded slowly.
       Zhou-Zhen and the patriarch Tai-Ye knew from the beginning that they could not compromise in the face of Shen-shi persecution, because it also involved a large number of rhino horns, and they retreated step by step. Then they struggled before It was a waste to publish this bureau.
       Zhou-Zhen is more confident than the dwelling house. It may be tried in October. Shen-shi is like a grasshopper after the autumn, and it won’t be long. But before that, she needs to wait for a more precise news.
       That compartment Zhou-Yinger left from the dwelling, and the whole person was still stunned.
       Today’s incident has a great impact on her. She found that Zhou-Zhen has gradually gained the approval of the patriarch Tai-Ye and several ancestors without knowing her. Although she didn’t say it, she had Eyes have ears and can see and feel.
       She didn't understand how Zhou-Zhen became like this. The other side arrogance and her domineering fight with her were a few months ago.
       Zhou-Yinger was a little at a loss, she always felt that this should not be the case. But she couldn't tell what kind of situation it should be.
       And at this moment, she learned about Chen-Yi another identity, the Jing family's bloodline, from the dark line she had laid down before.
       For a moment, her eyes glowed.
       Thinking of the news heard in the sect's room today, she sorted it out, watching the sorted out inside story, she bit her lip. She didn't want to do this. She just didn't want her six cousins to be too dazzling. If she was too good, her mother would be sad. She wouldn't say much, she just told the other party that adding rhino horn to the original medicated ink residue would make the medicinal ink quality better and more perfect.
       Unlike the solemn atmosphere that pervades Zhoujiafang, some of the principals in the house of the Shen family are in a good mood.
       "Zhou-shi is afraid it's messed up now."
       "Can it be chaotic? Zhou-Chen, they can’t see it. Except for the crime of stealing secrets, there is no way to know what happened, and his eyes are obscured. Zhou-shi principals except Zhou Yifu, the chief of Tai-Ye is not too capable. In the face of this disaster, I don't know how to mess up. "
       "And the letter, the timing is just right. Zhou-Zhen, no matter how powerful, is just a yellow-haired Yatou. Faced with the persecution of many ethnic groups, his heart is very hateful."
       When they were almost there, Shen Lu said, "Well, things haven't come out yet, let's not be too optimistic."
       Although Shen Lu said so, the smile in his eyes couldn't stop leaking.
       They seem to have seen the main members of the Zhou-shi clan mess up.
       "Brother, do you think they will compromise?" Shen Heng asked to know that Wang-Academy scholars were waiting for Zhou-shi to obediently send the four sentences.
       "I don't know if compromise is in the range of five or five."
       Shen Heng asked again, "They compromised, let's stop."
       Shen Lu glanced at him, "You think too much. I'd rather they compromise first, and the last two sentences of Siwei were crossed. We will play with Zhou-shi slowly later, presumably Wang-Neither the bachelor nor the He family will care. "
       Shen Heng is really curious whether Zhou-shi will compromise at this moment.
       Shen Lu stood up. "I'll meet He Si in a while. Our Shen family has given Lao-Da the power this time. We should take advantage of it. We can't help but take it."
       "The patriarch worked hard."
       Different from the proud performance in the clan, facing the string of strings, Shen Lu is a look of worry.
       "Finally, we have come this far, Jun Yu reputation"
       He Xian was in a good mood. He was very satisfied with Shen-shi performance. "The Chief Shen is assured that this matter is done. Our He family will not treat the allies. I see the Qianli cream you sent me two days ago. The ink is very good. Hui Mo has not responded to making medicated ink. This medicated ink, you Shen-shi is the first one. I greeted the ink officer and me, and Qianli cream medicated ink became a tribute. Just around the corner. "
       "As for Junyu Miss, you can rest assured that once the matter is over, I will immediately ask my cousin to propose a relative, and I will not be wronged and let her suffer from reputation."
       After getting the guarantee, Shen Lu was very satisfied. "That's really good. I haven't treated her badly, otherwise my conscience is uneasy."
       A series of good news made Shen Li feel good. Although at night, Zhou-shi didn't send the four sentences, so that the servants at the guest house broke a set of porcelain dishes, which did not affect his good mood.
       At this time, Shen Ji came in a hurry, and it was difficult to hide anxiety among the eyebrows.
       "What's upset"
       "Our people found a message, and the pharmacy shopkeeper who made a good deal with our Shen family said that within the next year, all the drug stores in the Lujiang land boundary would not have rhino horns flowing in. Let's save the goods in our hands. Use it. "They just learned that the medicinal cream Qianli Shuang is expected to become a tribute ink, and they are going to do a fight soon, and suddenly find that they can't buy rhino horns anywhere.
       Shen Lu stunned, "There is no Lujiang and its surroundings, then Zhouzhou cannot always eat Luzhou goods directly."
       "Quzhou is out of stock."
       "What about other places, the country is so big, he-Zhou-shi doesn't have the goods that can resist the whole country." Actually, Shen Lu was surprised to hear that Zhou-shi could eat the goods of Luzhou.
       Shen Lu opened her mouth and closed the country, but in fact, a large Chinese medicinal material trading market like Luzhou was only four or five. When she stopped at the source, naturally, no rhino horns flowed into small places.
       "Out of stock"
       At this time, Shen Lu played "Zhou-shi played so big" and realized that Zhou-shi played a big game.
       Zhou-shi should have joined forces with the Li family, it should be more than that, they should have used a lot of relationships.
       And silver, they used at least hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels, this time really a big deal.
       "Zhou-shi is crazy"
       Zhou Juxin said, Zhou-shi is not crazy, they are doing this, it is their Shen-shi.
       At this time, Shen Heng also arrived with Shen Chunlin. "Brother, don't you know, I asked an acquaintance. When I heard that they bought rhino horn, they bought it at a premium of 20%."
       In fact, the principals of the Shen family did not know. The news received by the Shen family said that they bought the rhino horn at a premium of 20% to Zhou-shi, which was actually false and was the seller's external statement. Because of the relationship of Li-shi, they bought rhino horn and other medicinal materials in large quantities, which cost less than the original plan.
       "Matriarch, this is really important. Zhou-shi holds the amount of rhino horns in his hand for a whole year. I don’t think there will be a lot of rhino horns flowing into major pharmacies until the rhino horns are harvested again in October next year. Patriarch, if our Qianli cream medicinal ink is really selected as the tribute ink, then the amount of rhino horns we will use must be large. Some fish that miss the net are not enough. In the end, we still cannot bypass Zhou-shi. " Shen Ju voice is difficult to hide anxiety, Zhou-shi trick is really powerful, and it came to her Shen-shi neck completely.
       "Who gave Zhou-shi such an idea" poison is really poisonous.
       "Zhou-shi must know that rhino horns are very important to us. Hiss, we were pitted by Zhou-Chen." Before Shen Lu remembered, he also boasted that Zhou-Chen was nice, and now he felt a little pain in his face.
       He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it. In this round, Zhou-shi went one step at a time and looked at three steps, step by step before their Shen-shi.
       "Brother, Zhou-Chen doesn't have that brain yet." Shen Heng didn't think so.
       Shen Lu is now completely conspiracy theory, "If it wasn't for him concealing some medicinal ink remedies, how can Zhou-shi know how to add rhino horn to medicinal ink remedies to improve the quality of medicinal inks"
       At this time, Shen Chunlin, who came in later and waited for the report, suddenly interrupted, "The patriarch, medicinal ink, is also a kind of medicine. Zhou-Zhen can come up with so many complete prescriptions, or we guess she has a pharmacopoeia Or, there is someone who is proficient in pharmacology behind her. If it is the latter, then your doubts have been answered. If it is the former, will there be a complete medicinal formula in her pharmacopoeia? "
       "Not impossible." Shen Lu glanced at Shen Chunlin with approval, "The young man's brain is turning fast."
       The scene suddenly fell into silence.
       Shen Heng once again found Zhou-shi difficult to deal with.
       After a while, Shen Lucai said, "No matter what it is, we don't have to be afraid. We haven't lost yet, don't forget that Zhou-Chen is still in prison, and our follow-up plan is also very thorough. Zhou-shi wants to pass the rhino horn It is still far away to control us. At most, when we persecute Zhou-shi, we add the condition of rhino horns. Zhou-shi does so much that it is just cheap for us. "
       Everyone nodded silently. Once the game between the two sides began, they could only go down. As for the results, they were suddenly not as confident as they were before-Shen-shi would win.
       Soon, Zhou-Chen was put in jail for theft charges, and all the major forces in Lujiang received news.
       Realizing that things were not small, Gu-shi patriarch Gu Changsheng personally came to Shengshi to meet with patriarch Sheng Jing.
       Gu Changsheng said, "Shen-shi move is so ruthless that it almost forces Zhou-shi to have to fight back. Lujiang will be very calm and stormy."
       Sheng Jing hated authentically, "This Shen-shi is combative, I hope Zhou-shi can survive this level."
       It's about getting more help, less help, or hurting others. They couldn't help but stand on the side of Zhou-shi in private. Because they know that when Shen-shi fights over Zhou-shi, it is inevitable that they will not be their next target. So they really don't want Zhou-shi to be in trouble.
       Of course, some people clap their hands and thank them, waiting for Shen-shi to knock Zhou-shi down, ready to pounce on some of the benefits.
       All in all, Zhou-Chen, Zhou-shi, Fang-Di-son's imprisonment is like a signal that the forces in Lujiang can't help but cast their eyes on the Shen and Zhou families.
       Shen Jia Ke Yuan, He Xian accompanied Wang-Shuo to wait until midnight, and Zhou-shi never heard the news.
       He Xian said, "It's midnight, and it seems that Zhou-shi is not planning to bow his head."
       Wang-Shuo face was as dark as the bottom of the pot at this time, and his heart was furious. "It's really hard."
       "Yeah, they don't see the coffin and they don't cry." He Xian echoed.
       Wang-Shuo coldly said, "Send a message to Shen Lu, and say come according to his plan."
       The original plan of Shenlu was to hold Zhou-Zhen into jail together. He was worried that it would be counterproductive. He also hoped that when they saw Zhou-Chen in jail, they would present the last two sentences in a familiar way.
       But apparently, they lived up to their kindness.
       In the middle of the night, Shen Lu received a rumor from Wang, a Academy scholar, at the guest house.
       For Wang-Academy scholar scolding Zhou-shi, he did not know how to lift him up, Shen Lu shook his head and let the manservant of the message tell Wang-Master, “Wang-Academy Scholar is the most wise, but give Zhou-shi more Some pressures are also good, and they only think about compromise when they fight. "He can imagine that Wang, a Academy scholar, is desperate.
       Zhou-Yinger's letter was intercepted, and in a short time it came to Zhou-Zhen.
       "Well, this is a letter to Xu-si." Zhou-Zhen turned it over and looked at it, looking at it as a very ordinary greeting letter, without any overstepping.
       Zhou-Zhen pondered for a moment, then took the stationery close to the lampstand, carefully roasted it on the fire, and the two or three lines hidden in the dark appeared.
       She smiled, and it was true, Zhou-Yinger had a lot of tricks.
       The three lines appearing on the letter, she could read them at a glance. Zhou-Yinger told Xu-si in a letter that rhino horn can improve the quality of medicinal ink.
       Zhou-Yinger didn't know, Shen-shi had already noticed the role of rhino horn in medicinal ink, and her letter was totally superfluous.
       But Zhou-Zhen couldn't believe she would do this, because in the eyes of unsuspecting people, rhino horn can improve the quality of medicinal ink, which is where Zhou-shi has the advantage. But Zhou-Yinger changed her hand and revealed this. Does she not know that Zhou-shi is in the midst of deep waters? There is no such thing as a big picture, not quite like what a heroine would do.
       Zhou-Zhen doesn't know what kind of psychology she has, this is completely detrimental to others. What can she get out of it
       The letter Zhou-Zhen buckled directly.
       People tend to be convinced of what they find, but not to be told by others.
       Shen Lu is a suspicious person. According to the plan, the degree of rhino horn exposure is just right, and Shen-shi will be proud of his discovery. But it was too late, not to mention that the letter was first passed to Xu-si and then relayed by him.
       Zhou-Yinger died, and Zhou-Zhen wouldn't take it for her. She stood up, "Go and go to the dwelling."
       On the other side of the ancestral house, Zhou Hai worked hard for a day, but just after he rested, he was called out by the butler.
       When he changed his dress, he learned that Zhou-Zhen had come to Starry Night and quickly speeded up his movements. He knew that Zhou-Zhen was generally the kind of person who could not climb into the Three Treasure Halls. Big things happen.
       The housekeeper whispered, "LaoTai-Ye, are you going to ask"
       Zhou Hai paused, "Don't bother him first, I'll see what happened."
       Zhou Hai quickly came to the lobby, "What happened?"
       Zhou-Zhen passed the letter, "This is a letter I intercepted. It was sent by my seven cousin Zhou-Yinger not long after leaving the family house today."
       Hearing that, Zhou Hai was so nervous that he reached out to pick up the letter, but after a while, he looked at Zhou-Zhen in doubt. He looked at it, it was a very ordinary greeting letter, and he didn't even have the slightest affection for his children, and found nothing wrong.
       Zhou-Zhen signaled that he would give the letter back to her, and she slightly roasted the letter on the oil lamp next to it, "Hai Dabo, look"
       Seeing the three lines that appeared after being roasted on the fire, Zhou Hai was frightened and angry, "Why did she do such a thing Zhou-shi did she treat her badly?"
       Zhou-shi is going through a hard time, is she going to fall?
       Zhou-Zhen said, “Hai Dabo, don’t be angry, what she said in the letter was actually already known by Shen-shi, and successfully entered the game, even if the news went out. Of course, this letter is best It’s better not to spread it out. Shen Lu is suspicious of this nature, and Zhou-Yinger’s move may cause adverse effects. ”
       "Regardless of whether she did this or whether she caused substantial loss to Zhou-shi, she did not do this right." Zhou Hai thought about Zhou-Yinger's letter, which would arouse the vigilance of the law, and he gave his teeth. itch.
       "I wanted to detain the letter, but I was worried that it would be noticed in their mutual communication, so I think it's up to you to decide." Zhou-Zhen dumped the pot Go out.
       "You're doing it right." Zhou Hai eyes were cold and cold. At this crucial moment, the situation was chaotic enough, and there was no one who could put up with a cold arrow behind his back.
       "What shall we do now?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       Zhou Hai proposed, "LaoTai-Ye is old, please go to your third and fifth uncles."
       "fair enough."
       It is now in the autumn of Shen-shi, and the two Lao-ye can't sleep, so it doesn't take long for people to come.
       After listening to the whole story described by Zhou Hai, the two old men were silent first.
       Uncle San is hard to hide his disappointment. Zhou-Yinger is very talented in making ink. He has even recently considered her to join medicated ink. But she really did not have a big picture when she did this.
       In fact, in the eyes of their elders, she can be regarded as a talent for casting, otherwise the clan discussion during the day will not allow her to observe the whole process. However, she did not expect that she would do such a thing.
       "Go get her here, you have to figure out why she doing this."
       As soon as the letter was sent out, it wasn't long before Zhou-Yinger regretted it, and she urged Yuying, a personal maid, to chase the letter back.
       While waiting for the result, Zhou-Yinger was pacing back and forth in the Guanying Pavilion. She should not be impulsive to do it. She was constantly regretful and anxious.
       People tend to come whenever they are afraid. She did not expect that she did not wait for Yu Jie to return. Instead, she waited for Pozi from Zongfang.
       Seeing them, Zhou-Yinger's face turned white.
       "7-Miss, please go with us to the box house."
       She forced herself to smile, "Is something happening at this time?"
       When Zhou-Yinger was discovered, she immediately found it impossible. How could she write a secret letter in such a secret way? Don't scare yourself. She kept telling herself in her heart.
       "Don't ask so much, just walk with us."
       "What's the matter?" Xi-shi hurried to seeing the battle and hearing the words again, his feet softened suddenly.
       When Pozi in the house entered the 4th House door, somebody quickly reported the news to Xi-shi, and she came quickly.
       "7-Miss, please, please." The servant made the request.
       "I follow you," Xi-shi blurted out.
       "This" Pozi looked at each other, the master asked them to invite Zhou-Yinger, but did not say to bring the head mother of the 4th House chief also.
       Zhou-Zhen calmed down and said immediately, "Mama, let me go in and change clothes before going to the dwelling."
       "No need to worry, 7-Miss, that's fine, don't let Big-Lao-ye wait for a long time."
       "Why not even change clothes?" Xi-shi Lengheng.
       "Long Big-Madam is so angry, we are also ordered to act."
       "Just change your clothes, and it won't take long." Zhou-Yinger said softly.
       "Just go in and change it, I'll see who dares to stop it." Xi-shi looked angry.
       "If Rong Big-Madam doesn't have to be like this, please ask Yong Nuo to follow 7-Miss and come in to serve."
       Zhou-Yinger understands that they are not keeping her out of their sight.
       This is naturally explained by Zhou-Zhen.
       "Mother, forget it, don't change it, let's go." Zhou-Yinger's heart was a little heavy, but Yu Ying was not there, otherwise she could look at it with a glance, and take advantage of this time Dispose of the stuff inside the house.
       Zhiruo Moruo, although her daughter didn't say anything, Xi-shi still felt that her daughter was wrong. She was thinking in her heart that her daughter had really been in trouble this time.
       The mother and daughter went to the house with the servant.
       As soon as he entered the living room, Xi-shi saw Zhou-Zhen sitting next to him, and he felt that her daughter was invited to the family room must have something to do with her, and she couldn't help staring at her.
       Regardless of these eyebrows, Zhou Hai took the letter to Zhou-Yinger, "This letter is yours."
       When he saw the letter, Zhou-Yinger was agitated, but his face was calm because of psychological preparation.
       Zhou-Yinger would like to say no, but since this letter has arrived here, they can certainly find out whether the letter is hers or not. If the lies were pierced, she felt guilty. Moreover, it is not important whether this letter is hers, but whether the hidden content has been found.
       She took the letter and looked at it with a surprised expression on her face. "Isn't this letter I returned to Xu gongzi. How did I get here?" Then she turned around and asked Zhou-Zhen, "Six cousins, it was you who cut it off. My letter "
       "My sister, how did you develop a bad problem with truncated letters?" Xi-shi disapproved.
       Zhou Hai quickly said, "Where did the letter come from? You don't need to worry about it. You just have to make sure that this letter is yours."
       Zhou-Yinger nodded, "It's mine."
       "Let's talk, why do you do this?"
       "What" Zhou-Yinger was confused, but in fact it was already in a ball, how did it happen when it was discovered?
       "Don't pretend to be stupid," Zhou Hai said impatiently. "Do you have to let me tell the contents of the secret letter? You don't even care about your mother."
       "Wait, secret letter, what secret letter, how can I not understand?" Zhou-Yinger looked confused.
       "You have a very clever means of writing secret letters. But Tianyou Zhou-shi, your means are still seen through. Frankness, leniency, resistance to strictness. You should not hold your luck anymore." Zhou Hai stared grimly Looking at her.
       Then he nodded at Zhou-Zhen, and she wanted to talk hard, and he let her understand.
       Zhou-Zhen roasted the stationery on the fire again. After a while, the hidden secret letter appeared.
       "Look at it." Zhou Hai thought it was almost there.
       "How could this be?" Zhou-Yinger was unbelievable first, and then looked sadly at Zhou-Zhen, "Six cousins, why do you do this, can you just tolerate me?"
       Xi-shi quickly responded, "Yeah, my sister, auntie always knew you didn't like Yinger, but you can't do this kind of dirty frame."
       Acting well, Zhou-Zhen praised their mother and daughter.
       Neither the third uncle nor the fifth uncle spoke.
       Zhou Hai only felt the pain in his head. With her present ability, the ten Zhou-Yinger bundles were not her opponents. Moreover, sister-zi has a lot of things to worry about, and her eyes are wide. If Zhou-Yinger doesn't provoke her, she may not remember her for a while.
       Zhou-Zhen chuckled, "You have a good ability to beat down a rake. It's easy to prove whether this letter was written by you. There must be more than one letter like this, there must be a lot in her Guanling Pavilion. Let someone copy her boudoir study, and so on. "
       Zhou-Yinger heard the words, his face was white, and looking at Zhou-Zhen was full of fear.
       "Zhou-Zhen you dare" Xi-shi drank, "Young patriarch, searched Miss's boudoir for no reason, and passed it on to Yinger. Would you like to be a human and let outsiders treat us as Zhou-shi?"
       Xi-shi opinion is not important.
       Zhou Hai and the two uncles looked at each other and reached an agreement, and decided to search her boudoir study as Zhou-Zhen said. This is the easiest and fastest way. Their time is precious, but not so much. Wasted on her.
       Having made a decision, they immediately ordered, "Go to the boudoir and study of 4th House Guanying Pavilion, 7-Miss, and find that all the letters have been moved over."
       "You" Xi-shi wanted to go back to 4th House, but was stopped.
       They go fast and come back fast.
       When she returned, the headed servant woman held a delicate wooden box in her arms. There were two Maids holding a Maid behind them. Zhou-Zhen looked closely and found that Maid was Yuying.
       Yunfei mingled with it and whispered in her ear.
       The servant woman replied, "Major, when we arrived at the Guanying Pavilion, we just saw this Maid holding these letters and preparing to burn. Fortunately, we were one step early, otherwise we would be ruined."
       After hearing that, Zhou-Yinger was almost dizzy, and it was almost, God bless her.
       Such a coincidence Zhou-Zhen raised an eyebrow.
       Zhou-Zhen said, “Pick out the letter from Xu-si and give it a try.” Late at night, she was a little sleepy and didn't want to hang with them.
       Zhou-Yinger looked at her indefinitely.
       Zhou-Zhen doesn't care, just look at it, and there will be no less meat.
       The servants operated quickly, and within a short period of time they picked out a dozen letters.
       Some are ordinary letters, and some are letter to letter. One of the more interesting was that Xu-si informed Chen-Yinger of Chen-Yi identity by letter.
       Looking at these, Zhou-Zhen shook his head. She couldn't figure out, there are some confidential letters. Unless you have to leave them, don’t you usually read them and burn them? Stay and enjoy myself occasionally. Self-intoxicated. Zhou-Yinger thinks that even if these letters are lost, it doesn’t matter. No one would know that this was a letter CITIC. Sure enough, he is still young.
       Just like the original Yan X gate, they are all self-proclaimed smart people.
       The result came out, Zhou Hai was disappointed, "Zhou-Yinger, what else can you say?"
       Zhou-Yinger looked up and looked at Zhou-Zhen, "Six cousins, speaking, the method of this letter is still learned by both of us. Mei-mei did not expect you to use it to frame me. "
       "Stop it, you've got it all, you still don't want to give it back to me. If this is really a very common letter, what do you ask your personal maid to chase back?"
       The last sentence that Zhou-Zhen threw out made her speechless.
       "I" Zhou-Yinger wanted to speak.
       But Zhou-Zhen was robbed of it. She really didn't want to go around with her. "It's all here. I believe the elders present have already made their own judgments. If not, we can compare the handwriting."
       Zhou-Yinger stared at her openly, without seemingly afraid of the proposal.
       "Identify both left and right hands. Some talented people can write with both hands, and they can write good words with both hands." Zhou-Zhen said, and nodded arbitrarily.
       Zhou-Yinger looked at her in horror, looking like a ghost.
       Zhou-Zhen's heart, hey, he wants to fight with her a little bit.
       "Go and invite Lao-Anren, please." Ye Sanbo spoke.
       In fact, Zhou Rongzai would be the most appropriate to invite him. He wasn't here, so he could only invite Maiden Lao-Anren.
       "Yes." Tonight, they were three in and three out of 4th House.
       At this time, her Grandmother might have fallen asleep, but Zhou-Zhen didn't speak with interest. Hai Dabo, San Bogong, and Wu Shugong have all been tossed because of their 4th House, and she hasn't slept now. She should be awakened by Grandmother.
       In the late autumn night, He Lao-Anren's whole body was anxious. Her two granddaughters, one involved in the deliberate disclosure of clan secrets, and the other revealed the other. If the story spreads, the face of the head of the 4th House will be lost.
       She was annoyed by Zhou-Yinger's mischief, and was not satisfied with Zhou-Zhen's affliction to the house.
       "Zhou-Yinger, why are you doing this, Zhou-shi, where are you sorry?" Zhou Hai still grumbled about this.
       "Zhou-shi is not sorry to me." Zhou-Yinger whispered.
       "Then why did you do this kind of thing?" Zhou Hai was annoyed.
       Zhou-Yinger knelt there, embarrassed.
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Is it because of me" Yu Liang plot
       "You are not dissatisfied with Zhou-shi, otherwise the secret message will not only disclose that point, you just don't want to see me shine in the clan."
       Zhou-Yinger looked up in surprise at her.
       You guessed it.
       Zhou Hai and others also saw her expression and suddenly became angry.
       "You are here for this reason"
       If you can't do it yourself, you won't be able to say that you are jealous.
       The talented person works harder, the outstanding person stands out, and the family gives more opportunities and resources. This is a condition that a Big-shi family must have to develop.
       Zhou-Zhen understands her psychology a little, or the reason for wearing books. In the midst of it, Zhou-Yinger feels this way. Zhou-shi must be under her leadership, and others will force it. But if that person was Zhou-Zhen, she would be uncomfortable.
       She had a smooth life in the previous life. No matter what she wanted, she could get it with a little planning.
       But in this life, thinking about her rebirth to now, many trajectories have changed. Then Zhou-Yinger was at a loss as to what to do. Later generations have an ability or potential called adversity quotient. Obviously, Zhou-Yinger's tolerance and ability to face adversity and frustration are not good.
       Xi-shi was also surprised by this answer. In her opinion, her daughter Yinger was more than a hundred times stronger than Zhou-Zhen. How could she be jealous of her?
       Then came the distress. She felt that in the corner she couldn't see, her daughter didn't know how much grievance Zhou-Zhen had secretly swallowed, otherwise she wouldn't do what she did today.
       "The chief patriarch, three uncles and five uncles, Yinger is still young and ignorant. It was about being coaxed by the surname Xu. Please be merciful and forgive her this time." Xi-shi begged with tears in his eyes.
       She turned her head and begged Zhou-Zhen. "Sister, Damu, please help me, Mei-mei, please."
       Zhou-Zhen said, "State-owned law, family rules, I believe the elders in the clan will deal with them impartially."
       Zhou-Zhen sees it very clearly. The treatment of Zhou-Yinger will not fight or kill, and may finally help her cover it, after all, it is related to the reputation of Miss, who has not appeared in the clan. What's wrong with this result?
       "No, sister, you Mei-mei she" Xi-shi said anxiously.
       Zhou-Zhen interrupted her, "Damu, sometimes wrong is wrong, don't think about evading punishment by begging." We can't expect all of us to be unconditional again and again when we make mistakes. Forgiving us, sometimes accepting punishment frankly, is also a way to maturity.
       As soon as He Lao-Anren arrived, Zhou Hai told her the cause and effect, and then she punished her.
       "Just enter the shrine."
       "How long is it off?"
       "A month." Zhou Hai estimates, and can free up his hands to deal with this matter a month later, "we will discuss it again in a month."
       Zhou-Zhen is not too surprised with such a punishment method. People must be placed under their eyes. Watch first, don't let her pass the message on, and afterwards, wait until everything is done.
       In the early morning of the next day, Shen Lu came outside Fuyu to meet with Master Huo, and He Xian followed him.
       In the backyard of the government hall, Huo Wenzheng and his family had breakfast together. They frowned when they heard that, but put down their chopsticks without saying anything.
       Thanks to the fact that they had almost eaten, Marchioness hurriedly ordered his men to remove the leftovers.
       After Huo Wenzhong and his son rinsed their mouths, they moved to the study.
       Huo Donglai took the lead to say, "The two men came here early this morning to be an uninvited guest, for fear that Zhou-shi response did not satisfy them."
       Huo Wenzhong said, "See you now, and see where they come from."
       Huo Donglai chuckled, "My son feels that the purpose of their trip is to want to continue to pressure Zhou-shi."
       Sure enough, as soon as the two came to the study and met, they directly explained their intentions and asked Huo Wenzhong to order Zhou-Zhen.
       Their statement is that Zhou-Chen stole Shen-shi medicinal formula and medicine Wang-Gu Pharmacopoeia, and they suspected that Zhou-Chen used medicinal formula in Zhou-shi Mofangfang, The pharmacopoeia gave Zhou-Zhen. Because the several flavored medicines sold by her name in Yaozhuang are very similar to the records in the Pharmacopoeia, Zhou-Zhen, as the owner of Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory and Yaozhuang, is a winner. Zhou-Chen and her are both associates, of course, they can't just catch one, and then the other can only seal up Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory and Yaozhuang.
       Huo Wenzhong asked, "He 4-gongzi thinks so too"
       The chord nodded slowly.
       Shen Lu quickly said, "This is also the meaning of the medicine Wang-Elder Gu Cen."
       He Xian, and the medicine Wang-Gu, Shen family, you all decided, then grab it.
       "Order" Huo Wenzhong ordered lightly.
       The requirements were met, and He Xian and Shen Lu didn't bother much, and soon left.
       After they left, Huo Dong came to suggest him Father, "Father, otherwise you still call the disease."
       Huo Wenzhong looked up, "Why is this?"
       "You should also know that this is the time for the station team."
       "You are trying to avoid the fate of He Shen for my father and me. You are so optimistic about Zhou-shi. This time, He Shen and the two are totally prepared. Now the situation is very good for He Shen."
       "Intuition tells me that Yuan-Suming's freshness to Zhou-Zhen has not passed, and she shouldn't give up on her."
       "The Yuan family is powerful in Capital City, but the He family is not bad."
       Huo Dong came and asked, "Father, then you can see who wins and who wins in this game."
       Huo Wenzhong thought about it and replied, "At present, He Shen has a bigger win."
       "Then you have to help He Shen," Huo Donglai asked him again.
       Huo Wenzhong groaned, although he felt that He Shen had a big win, but helping them was like icing on the cake, with little benefit.
       Huo Donglai asked again, "Then you are willing to help Zhou-shi"
       Huo Wenzhong secretly murmured that the possibility of losing a bet is too great, unwilling. Do you really want to call it ill?
       Huo Donglai pointed out, "If you are the chief judge, you don’t help Zhou-shi, nor the He family, you have offended the He family." In the absence of the Yuan family, maintaining neutrality is an offense to the He family. .
       "Avoid at least no effort." It can also imply that the Yuan family is good. If they can't help, they won't offend the He family.
       "Okay, listen to you." Huo Wenzhong is not a person who can't listen to opinions. Besides, he also gives advice to his elder son, whom he values, and he has a reasonable analysis. He has no reason to deny it.
       Zhoujia Square
       Early in the morning, the genius was so bright that Zhou-Zhen had already packed up and went to the house.
       Zhou Hai was in trouble and couldn't sleep well. Coupled with the fact that people were getting older, they also got up early. It was no surprise to see Zhou-Zhen coming early in the morning.
       It was Qian-shi who met her, but didn't look good.
       Zhou Hai was embarrassed. "Don't care about her, she a fool."
       Zhou-Zhen shook her head. After three generations, she has been involved for a long time. Although there are many people living around her, or she will meet many people, and will form various relationships, but some are completely useless, then these People anger and grief have nothing to do with her, and she will not fluctuate for their emotions. The rest is divided into two kinds which are useful and which she likes and appreciates, and the other which is useful but she does not like it. The former she is happy to associate, and the latter she will treat reasonably.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "Hai Dabo, time is short, let's just talk about it."
       As soon as they entered the lobby and sits down, the patriarch Tai-Ye also came. When they saw them, they stopped. "You said you, I'm sitting beside you, don't worry about me."
       "Hai Dabo, what are the lawyers looking for?" Zhou-Zhen is currently most concerned about this.
       The current review process is quite mature. The plaintiff was tried first, then the defendant, and then the witnesses were questioned. After the trial trial Daren was promoted to the court, the plaintiff first knelt on the plaintiff's stone on the left side of the public case, and made the case and the facts clear according to the request of the judge. The defendant is then detained. The defendant's position is on the defendant's stone on the right of the case. The judge will interrogate the defendant based on the plaintiff's complaint. If the accused does not agree, ask the witness.
       Considering that the literacy rate is not high, you can hire a lawyer to help them speak up. The profession of lawsuit has a long history, but its reputation is mixed.
       The Shen family hired Fang Qiong, the most famous litigator in Lujiang for Shen Junyu, and asked her to stand up and testify that Zhou-Chen would be wronged. Shen family was reluctant to let her pass by
       Zhou Hai smiled bitterly. "We found a few well-known litigants, but when the other party heard that the plaintiff litigant was Fang Qiong, they shook their heads and waved their hands."
       In fact, the current situation is not only because the plaintiff's litigator is Fang Qiong, but also partly because the plaintiff is Shen-shi house, and Fang Qiong is the line that Xu-si Xu gongzi helped to pull, more I heard that gongzi, a member of the Hejiabang family in Capital City, is visiting Shenjiazhuang. These exposed and looming relationships, smart, how dare to accept Zhou-shi commission.
       "But we still found a litigant. Although he is not as famous as Fang Qiong, he has a good reputation. I heard that these years he often wrote free adjectives for the poor.
       This is the tall one in the short.
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Who is this man, who dares to fight against Fang Qiong who has won hundreds of battles?"
       Zhou Hai replied, "This person's name is Wu Zhen."
       Zhou-Zhen secretly, Wu Zhen Zhou-Zhen thought hard, but did not think of who it is, she was an unknown person, unlike Fang Qiong, she still has a little impression.
       "I want to see him in person."
       Zhou Hai bowed his head, he had the same meaning, he had to see it first to be at ease.
       "Wait a minute. Last night I told them to pick up people early in the morning, and I'll be back soon."
       At this time, Zhou Hai also said, "Unfortunately, this time is too urgent, otherwise it would be better for you to return to work as an ad litemist from Lake Sixth."
       In the impression of Zhou-Zhen, Zhou Hu is indeed a quick-thinking person who can't interfere with debate.
       "Yeah, I'm going to the Courtyard tomorrow. It's too late."
       During this period, Zhou-Zhen glanced at the patriarch Tai-Ye, and he sits on the edge of his head as if he was dozing off.
       Then they discussed something.
       "Can't," Zhou Hai voice was startled.
       "Wait, wait for the yamen to open the door, wait for the yamen to go to work." Zhou-Zhen estimated the distance between Fuya and Zhoujiafang. If she did not make a mistake, they would come to the door to take people.
       "If things really happen as expected, the rest will depend on you."
       Zhou Hai nodded, a heavy heart.
       At this moment came a boy from a clever tribe, "Hai Laozi, we have brought in a judge."
       Zhou Hai said, "Hurry him in."
       It didn't take long for me to walk into a man in his 30s in grey clothes, needless to say, it was Wu Zhen they had mentioned just now.
       Wu Zhen's first impression of Zhou-Zhen was not very good. The narrow forehead had no meat on either side of the temples, the narrow between the eyebrows, the end of the brows like a broom, and small eyes, but the light was exposed. Nose, mouth and chin will not be said. In this way, Zhou-Zhen can roughly guess that Wu Zhen is a man with a narrow-minded mind and no perseverance.
       Zhou-Zhen did not speak, leaving Zhou Hai to chill with him.
       "Master Wu, thank you very much for taking up our request without fear of power. This is where our time comes. We can now talk about your thoughts on this lawsuit."
       Wu Zhen slowly and logically said, "Well, I know that you are all denying the plaintiff's accusation against Zhou-Chen. The other party has accused you of Zhou-shi newly developed formula for medicinal ink. It was originally stolen by Zhou-Chen, and several drugs developed by Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory were also derived from the stolen pharmacopoeia of the drug Wang-Gu. Do you have any evidence to overturn these complaints? "
       Zhou Hai straightened up and said, "Although I didn't see my son, I believe he is not like that. And the medicine and ink formula of our ink factory was my son Zhou-Chen at the Book of Four Seas at the end of last year. Unexpectedly, when buying ancient books, several finished medicines developed by the Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory were concocted by her sister-zi. Shen-shi complaint is completely stigmatizing. "
       Zhou-Zhen drank tea without talking.
       In Zhou Hai words, Wu Zhen was startled, looked at Zhou-Zhen, and then Shen said, "Is there any other evidence?"
       Zhou Hai shook his head awkwardly. "Master Wu, I know this case is difficult, please take more care of you."
       Wu Zhen snorted coldly, then angrily and authentically, "You don't even want to tell the truth, it seems that you don't want to win and don't help him get rid of the crime."
       Zhou Hai hurriedly said, "Where is the statement made by Master Wu Li, what we have just said is true."
       "I see that I am deliberately entertaining me without mentioning the medicine prescription." Wu Zhen pointed to Zhou-Zhen. "Take her, for example, when you are less than fifteen years old, how do you make others believe that the medicines are all She figured it out herself, and she never learned medical science before. "
       Zhou Hai quickly said, "My sister-zi learned it. When I went to her maternal grandfather's house a few years ago, I studied for a while."
       "After only studying for a period of time, who can learn the greatness of medical doctors? If you are not willing to tell the truth, then you will not be accompanied." When talking, his eyes kept falling on Zhou-Zhen, squinting she was.
       Zhou-Zhen put down the tea cup in his hand, "You really don't have the ability to win this lawsuit, you." Let's go. The next two words were interrupted before they could be said.
       When she denied her ability in such a straightforward manner, Wu Zhen jumped angrily, "You don’t tell the truth, and you don’t give evidence. This allows me to win. I have taken great risks to help you. That's how you guys treat me "
       "There is only so much evidence at present, and this is exactly why we need you. We need you to use the evidence and information at hand, use logic, and combine the law to get the defendant you defend offense and get rid of the suspect What's more, find out the loopholes in the other party's speech and pull the cocoon against the generals. "
       "But you, as our arbitrator, do not seem to fully believe that Zhou-Chen is innocent or believe that the several proprietary medicines produced by my Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory have nothing to do with the Shen family's Pharmacopoeia. There is no way to reach an agreement. Such a judge must lose. Zhou-Zhen does not want to use it. Besides, she has another layer of doubt.
       Wu Zhen dismissed her words, "I want to believe it, but in the case that you can't find more evidence, the former medicine and the prescription of the formula are ambiguous, and the latter is almost inevitable, while the latter, those few medicines, A non-medical success cannot be achieved. Do you think it would be logical for you to develop a Miss under 15 years of age? "
       "And the sentence you said earlier is almost deified to the lawyer. No one can do what you say in such harsh conditions."
       "You can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't. Things in this world are far more exciting and colorful than your barren and shallow cognition." Zhou-Zhen said seriously.
       "But I guess you can't understand and imagine. In this case, everyone will not delay each other, please please."
       "What, you have to drive me away" Wu Zhen couldn't believe it, even raising the tone of rhetorical octave. It is one thing for him to threaten to go, and another to be kicked away
       Zhou Hai opened his mouth aside, but saw that Lao-ye shook his head slowly at him.
       Wu Zhen gasped, and none of the three people in the hall spoke again.
       "You will regret it. You have found so many lawyers. Only I dare to take it. You quit me, and no one will take your lawsuit again."
       "You don't need to worry about these, walk slowly, don't send them"
       After being sent Wu Zhen out, Zhou Hai sighed in sigh.
       "Hai Dabo, just a rubbish, you are a pity"
       Zhou Hai laughed, "I also saw that he was incompetent, but indeed, as he said, no litigator dared to accept our commission from Zhou-shi."
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it and said, "If you believe me, I have a choice here."
       "At this time, believe it or not, don't you know who will choose you?"
       "Now I don't know whether he is still in Lujiang or not. I need to go out. For insurance reasons, you have to find another litigator."
       This can only be the case, but sister Ye said Zhou Hai went out for a while, "but you didn't say"
       Zhou-Zhen laughs, Hai Dabo is also worried that the battle will not catch one
       "Let them find it."
       She then said again, "Yes, that Wu Zhen just now, let people follow him."
       "You doubt him"
       "Yes, I suspect he was in collusion with Shen-shi." When he was talking just now, he kept asking for new evidence, and her instinct was not right.
       "Well, he does have a problem." Tai-Ye, the patriarch who has not spoken, said at this moment.
       Zhou Hai looked for a moment, "I'll tell you to go down." After that, he stomped at the table, "Shen-shi is really heartbroken"
       Not long after Zhou-Zhen went out in a carriage, a team of soldiers arrived at Zhoujiafang. After no one was found in the 4th House and the Zongfang, they asked Zhou-Zhen chased after leaving the carriage. .
       At this time, it was already dawning, and people started coming and going on the street.
       There was a group of people who went straight to their destination, but when they arrived, they were dumbfounded, "Well, how was Sanqin Yaozhuang seized by the government?"
       They rushed to buy medicine from a distance early in the morning. It was easy to think that they had already seen the seal on the gate of Yaozhuang.
       The kind neighbor next to him leaned out to explain to them, "It is said that the owner of Sanqin Yaozhuang was involved in a case, so it was temporarily seized."
       The comer asked with concern, "Is the Dong family okay?"
       "It's all right, but the drugstore can't be opened." The neighbour shook his lips. "Dare you dare to use her medicine?"
       This remark seemed to have opened their conversation box, "Dare, why don't you dare not know how to use this medicine with the black plum wormworm pills I bought back yesterday? The child pulled out a stomach bug today. The child's appetite this morning It also got better. I ate a large bowl of many-grain porridge early in the morning. This was never a thing. I was thinking about coming today and buying some other medicine and going back in case it’s okay. He The home Wumei drive insect pill is so useful, other medicines are also good medicine. "
       The neighbor rolled his eyes and made good sense, but I was speechless.
       "It's a pity that it was closed by the government. I hope Guan-Lao-ye can find out the truth as soon as possible and let the drug store reopen." The comer said, shaking his head and leaving with sigh.
       There are more than one of these people, one after another. Someone keeps coming up, wanting to buy some more medicines. After seeing the drug store seized, he shakes his head and walks away to himself.
       But most people hope that the drugstore will be fine.
       Sanqin Yaozhuang's medicine is really good. Unlike a pot of medicinal herbs that make a bowl or two of bitter medicinal juice, they all hope that Yaozhuang can make more of these medicines for various diseases.
       This scene was seen in the search of Zhou-Zhen's martial arts, and they all heard the conversation. They looked at each other and did not speak strangely.
       Then some people couldn't hold back in the battle. "In fact, my cousin came to buy Wumei Quworm Pill yesterday."
       "Well, my family also bought it, but I bought compound honeysuckle granules. The child's throat was uncomfortable and he refused to drink the bitter medicinal juice."
       "Head, 俺 大 zhi-zi reads a lot of wasteful eyes, I heard that the soothing eye mask of Sanqin Yaozhuang is good, Sao didn't buy him anything"
       "I bought it," Chen Putou said leisurely.
       The soldiers sighed in unison, "What are you talking about?"
       Chen Putou said a word of relief, "Go this way, and someone saw her carriage going east. Don't think about it, we are light words, we can only follow the instructions above. Zhou Dongjiaji people have their own days. In the end, it will definitely be good. "
       The name she was looking for was Ma Dongmei, a somewhat feminine name.
       This name impressed her so much. It is said that the man was named Ma and was born in winter. On the day he was born, his father had just disappeared.
       She will know this person, and Ji Dongmei and Chen-Yi became close friends.
       Chen-Yi, to be honest, although he was born in the He family, when he was a peasant parent, he had some unsophisticated character in his character. The reason why Ma Dongmei was able to enter his eyes was regarded by him as the best friend, because of one thing, Ma Dongmei was angered and red.
       Ma Dongmei originally resided in Lujiang. This year's trial will obtain the Imperial-Graduate fame. After arriving in Capital City next year or later this year, he will rent a distant relative home. The daughter of the distant relative agrees with him and waits for him to get married regardless of whether he is in the middle or not. .
       Unfortunately, there are unpredictable circumstances. One day he went out and found that his distant relatives were killed when he returned. The murderer was unknown, and he himself was framed as the murderer by the escorts who came.
       This kind of change happened, so he naturally couldn't participate in the Spring Festival again.
       In order to prove innocence, to find the murderer for the distant relatives. Ma Dongmei really did exactly what Zhou-Zhen said to Wu Zhen before. He used the evidence and information at hand, applied logic, and combined with the law, to rid himself of the crime and get rid of the identity of the suspect. Then pull the silk and remove the cocoons to find out the true murderer to comfort the distant relatives in the spirit of heaven.
       In fact, he became a litigant and also had a family history. His father was a very famous litigator in Wudi. It was just that his mother always hoped that he could get a reputation and be outstanding, and did not approve of him as a lawyer. What happened later can also be regarded as insidious.
       Ma Dongmei missed Chunyao because of the murder of her distant relatives, and she became famous because of Chen-Yi introduction. Later, she was naturally used by the Hejia family and became the whole family of the Hejia family. The backbone.
       He was familiar with the annals of scripture, and he was a conspirator with deep knowledge of language and arts. He was like a weapon. Whenever the He family encountered a court attack, it was when he showed his skills. It can be said that he made great contributions to the standing of the He family.
       Zhou-Zhen calculated the time, he will be in Capital City next year, and he should now return to Lujiang. She remembered hearing from Chen-Yi that his mother had died of an illness before he went to Capital City, and he didn’t know he was still there
       She vaguely remembers Tongmen Lane where he lives on East Street
       Zhou-Zhen's carriage arrived at Tongmen Lane, and people asked Ma Dongmei all the way. It didn't take long for her carriage to turn into an alley in the direction told by the guide, and she heard a crowd of people not far away, and it seemed that something had happened.
       "Miss, I heard the words Ma Dongmei vaguely." Yunfei said back.
       "Go up and see."
       The carriage stopped in front of a gated courtyard.
       "My little brother, I have advised you before, telling you not to believe that lunatic, he is a lunatic, and he will be cured if he is cured, but it’s too much to cure, but you can’t cure it too much. But you don’t believe it. That's all right, your mother was hurt by him to get more air and less air, creating evil. "
       "Hurry up and send someone to call for a doctor."
       "I've already been there, it's just this early morning, I'm afraid many medical museums haven't opened yet."
       Zhou-Zhen got out of the carriage and found a lot of people standing in the courtyard with the door open. One of them was squatting on a low stool, holding his head in both hands.
       Under the root of another wall, a thin middle-aged man full of Hu Zhazi looked at the prescription in his hand and murmured, "How can this be impossible? I have considered all the medicines."
       Zhou-Zhen entered and the host didn't pay much attention.
       Anyway, my neighbor Big-Aunt met her, and quickly asked, "Miss, you come in and do a good job."
       "This is Ma Dongmei house"
       "Exactly, what are you looking for?"
       Zhou-Zhen did not answer directly, but asked, "Is there a patient at home?"
       Neighbor Big-Aunt sighed, "Exactly, Ma-Sao has been ill since returning from visiting relatives in the south, and hasn't taken it seriously at first, but the disease is getting worse, but now it is one I'm sick. "
       "Does the little girl know something different, so it's convenient to go in and see?" It turned out that Ma Dongmei mother had not died and was seriously ill.
       "This" neighbor Big-Aunt hesitated.
       "You Will Divide the Art" Ma Dongmei, who had been holding her head indifferently, suddenly raised her head.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded slightly, "Yes, a little more familiar."
       Ma Dongmei hasn't spoken yet, and the plaintiff's neighbour uncle, who counts Luo Dongmei, said again, "Little brother, you believe what you don't want others to say. Look at her like a little baby girl, who looks like a medical person."
       Ma Dongmei didn't care at all and said to Zhou-Zhen, "Trouble you go in and show my mother."
       "Rest assured, I'm not here to entertain you, and I'm not so free. I really know how to heal, my name is Zhou-Zhen." After that, she stepped into the widow's room.
       Everyone talked
       "Zhou-Zhen is a familiar name."
       "Yes, I also feel familiar, as if I heard it somewhere."
       "I remember, isn't that the owner of Sanqin Yaozhuang"
       "Is she sure? She heard that Sanqin Yaozhuang's medicine is very useful. Unfortunately, the medicine was seized by the government. Just now my family member wanted to go to Yaozhuang and buy some medicine at home to prevent the need."
       Yunfei, who stayed outside, said at this time, "We Miss, you can change your name or you can't change your name. It's from Zhoujia shi Zhou-shi 4th House Zhou-Zhen Yes."
       With this definitive answer, the argument is even louder.
       "If she does, medical treatment is right. I heard that in addition to Sanqin Yaozhuang, there is also Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory. We have praised the finished medicines that she guided the workers to develop."
       "This way, Ma-Aunt is not saved"
       "This is not necessarily, that is the disease that even the old doctor returning to Chuntang shook his head."
       In the discussion, Zhou-Zhen had seen the patient, she sits down and gave her a pulse, and then looked at the eye, tongue, and skin.
       In fact, she is good at medicine and not good at seeing a doctor. This is self-confidence and not self-esteem, because her theory is good, but she lacks practical clinical experience, especially the pulse, which is not as accurate as the old Chinese medicine of her mentor's generation. She needed four consultations, and after careful consideration, she could confirm the diagnosis.
       As soon as she stopped, Ma Dongmei next to him quickly asked, "Zhou 6-Miss, how is my mother?"
       Zhou-Zhen said, "I can probably determine the symptoms of the disease. Someone should have shown her before and used the medicine. Are there any prescriptions and medicines?"
       Ma Dongmei froze, "Why this?"
       Zhou-Zhen explained, "Because she has used the medicine before, I have to see if the prescription prescribed has cured her."
       The thin middle-aged man who had treated Widow Ma also came in and touched it. He listened to it, heard the words, and muttered, "Will you, baby, speak?"
       But he also knew that this was the normal process, so he quickly passed the prescription in his hand.
       å’¦ Zhou-Zhen couldn't help but raise his eyes when he touched the prescription. He looked at the middle-aged man named Zhang in surprise.
       When she entered the door just now, she heard so many people critiques of his medical skills, and thought he was a quack doctor, but didn't want his prescription to be the same, she only needed to add or subtract one or two medicines as appropriate. But if this is the case, this prescription is usable, and Widow Ma will not have the symptoms, and the force is too strong, so that it can't be held back and hurts the gas.
       After they took out the medicine for Widow Ma, Zhou-Zhen checked it, and even tasted it, and finally found the clue.
       Zhou-Zhen asked Ma Dongmei to take the pen, supplemented the two medicines, and marked the forsythia in the original prescription as the old one. And attach the usage.
       After taking over the formula, Ma Dongmei made a mistake for a while, "Zhou 6-Miss, are you sure that this formula is correct?" This is clearly based on the formula prescribed by Zhang Hengbin.
       "Yes, go and grab the medicine. By the way, Laoqiao may only be available in Li-shi medicinal materials. Go straight there."
       Last time, she talked with Li Hong, the head of the Li-shi medicinal herbs branch in Lujiang Branch, about the differences between authentic medicinal herbs and medicinal herbs before and after the frost, so that they could be stored separately.
       "Can I see the newly opened recipe?" Zhang Hengbin asked, rubbing his hands.
       Zhou-Zhen said to him, "Let them take the medicine, I'll tell you what it is."
       Before that, Zhou-Zhen asked Ma Dongmei to take a small bowl, scrape a small amount of mud from the wall, and hand it to Yunfei to let her boil it with water.
       "Zhou 6-Miss, this is" Ma Dongmei was a little unknown.
       Everyone saw her movements, felt strange, and all came over.
       Zhou-Zhen returned to the patient's room.
       "The spleen is mastered and centered, and it is in the middle of the five elements. Its brilliance is on the lips, it is worried about its ambitions, its saliva is its spleen, and its spleen is empty." After a while, a water stain appeared on her handkerchief. This was no longer saliva, but saliva.
       Zhou-Zhen looked at the horse Big-Aunt, "Your mother is short of gas, and her spleen and stomach are very weak. The medicine may not be prepared all at once. Now use this bowl of mud mixed with water to supplement the shape and benefit. The soil in the middle coke can replenish the vitality and suspend her sacrifice. By the way, hasn't your mother just returned from her mother's home in the south? Have you brought any soil back to your hometown? And put it in the pot. "
       "You mean, my mother still has incompetence."
       "Well, there should be such a symptom."
       The neighbours outside listened to Zhou-Zhen's words, and they felt incredible, but they felt very reasonable.
       Zhang Hengbin listened with bright eyes, followed Zhou-Zhen step by step.
       When Ma Dongmei took the soil that Horse Big-Aunt brought back from her hometown, Zhou-Zhen put it in the pot with the scrape just scraped, and told Yunfei to boil the water and call her again.
       Zhou-Zhen glanced at Zhang Hengbin. "Come in."
       "Brother Ma, you come in too."
       From Zhang Hengbin to Zhou-Zhen, Ma small yard was lively all morning. Now it’s enough to watch the excitement, plus Zhou-Zhen also said that Widow Ma illness can't be cured at once, so the neighbors in the yard scattered 7 or 8 points.
       "Doctor Zhang" Zhou-Zhen called tentatively.
       Zhang Hengbin nodded wildly, proving she was not wrong.
       "Presumably you also know that Big-Aunt's illness is not a general fever." Zhou-Zhen's voice was muted.
       Zhang Hengbin nodded again and again.
       "She is an epidemic when the temperature is wet, the evil is in the air, and the disease is both hot and humid." In the words of future generations, it is acute gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, and jaundice-type infectious hepatitis.
       Zhang Hengbin and Ma Dongmei both widened their eyes.
       Zhang Hengbin showed it to Widow Ma, and she knew it.
       Ma Dongmei is not an ignorant person. When the old doctor of Huichuntang came to see him, he told him his doubts, and he also knew vaguely that his mother's illness was bad. So when the neighbors came to see him, he never let them in, but said that he was afraid of getting sick.
       After Yunfei boiled the water, he stepped outside the door, and Zhou-Zhen went to take it himself, without letting her in.
       He instructed Ma Dongmei to feed his mother water, and Zhou-Zhen also dealt with some health issues, such as the use of vinegar and wormwood to stain the room, and lime around the house.
       The patient's feces should be cleared and buried. As long as infectious diseases are properly sanitary, the possibility of infection can be minimized.
       Ma Dongmei was convinced by her medical skills and naturally there was no disobedience.
       After they calmed down, Zhou-Zhen asked Zhang Hengbin, “Are you taking medicine mainly to attack evils?” From the criticisms that many people have given to him just now, Zhou-Zhen has learned that he always treats people Use the attack method.
       Zhang Hengbin nodded.
       In the later generations, Chinese medicine was divided into eight universities  :   typhoid school, cold school, Yishui school, tonic school, offensive school, and warm disease school.
       The attacking evil school emphasizes that the evil is born from evil, and the attacking evil is already sick. It advocates that the treatment should be based on exorcism, raising three methods of vomiting, emphasizing offensive methods, and opposing warm use of tonic methods. Zhang Hengbin is a sign of some offensive schools.
       Zhou-Zhen pointed him out because of his cherishment of talents. "The general direction of your prescription is correct, but the dose needs to take into account the age of the patient. The elderly are debilitating. As the saying goes, all diseases are caused by the spleen and stomach It's also bad. Therefore, when we attack evil, it is best to attack and supplement, or we must take care of the patient's spleen and stomach.
       "Forsythia is very easy to hurt the stomach. And you are using Qingqiao, the medicine is strong, you should reduce it according to your situation. Otherwise, according to your prescription, horse Big-Aunt will get cold stomach even if the medicine improves. And her appetite is not good. If she can’t eat anything, if she can’t get the righteousness, it will accelerate the deterioration of her condition. It’s different if she uses Laoqiao, which is ripe in early October and turns yellow and the shell cracks. Harvested at the time of the operation, it has been frost-killed, which greatly weakens its violent nature, so as to avoid excessive injury and "stomach qi" while cleaning up the poison. "
       "This is one point. I looked at those medicines. Among them, Huoxiang is an authentic medicinal material. The medicinal properties are already strong. The amount of your medicine makes the official medicine suspected to be the master, and it leads to the imbalance of the princes and ministers."
       After all, I still don't know enough about medicine.
       Zhang Hengbin asked, "What do you mean, I need to reduce the amount of Ayaka, and I will either reduce the amount or replace it with the old one, and it is best to use the old one."
       "So it is."
       Zhou-Zhen said with a smile, “In fact, you can taste these medicines yourself, and you can distinguish the subtle farewells over time. And Lao-Furen is a southerner, and the reason is relatively loose. For example, when the wind is cold, Medications should also be used with less medicinal drugs such as nepeta and windproof, and less use of ephedra and osmanthus, etc., which are more isothermal and antihypertensive. "
       In fact, Zhou-Zhen is talking about the three factors that need to be considered when treating traditional Chinese medicine. It is common knowledge of medication in later generations, but here, for the first time, Zhang Hengbin was instructed.
       Zhang Hengbin nodded while listening, so anxious to put everything she said into her head. Medical pharmacology, the fact that she is in medical pharmacy is admirable.
       Ma Dongmei looked at her in surprise, even if he didn't understand medicine and pharmacology, he knew how rare Zhou-Zhen was.
       It’s not a joke if you don’t pass it lightly. He read books and felt the deepest of these words.
       In the face of strangers, she can give and give, and she must be a person with rich inner knowledge.
       Zhou-Zhen is so young, he is already a master.
       The three of them didn't talk anymore. Zhang Hengbin tried hard to remember what Zhou-Zhen had just said. Zhou-Zhen felt that speaking so much today would be enough for him to digest for a while, while Ma Dongmei thoughtfully did not bother to appear.
       At this moment, the tuk-tuk knocked outside the door.
       "Will the people who bought the medicine come back."
       Zhou-Zhen opened the door and just saw a group of military servicemen in formal clothes standing in a row waiting outside.
       Yunfei and the driver were stopped.
       Yunfei shook his head with tears in his eyes, "6-Miss,"
       "Zhou 6-Miss, please walk with us to knock on the door." Chen Putou said.
       It's finally here. Zhou-Zhen smiled, "Can you wait a moment and let me say a few words?"
       Chen Pu head made an inviting gesture. Just now they were outside and they all heard her pointing to Zhang Hengbin. They just felt deep in their hearts.
       Zhou-Zhen turned his head and said to Ma Dongmei, “Don’t worry about your mother’s illness. After the medicine is returned, follow the prescription of the herbal medicine, or the divine spirit, and I’ll write the usage. , You can take it. In other respects, I also explained clearly just now, just do it. Rest assured, your mother's disease is all right, it will be cured. "
       "I remember all of this, don't you have anything else?" Ma Dongmei looked at her with gaze.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled helplessly, “Yes, in fact, I came to see you today, on behalf of the Zhou-shi family, asking you to be a litigator”
       "Okay, I should get down."
       Well Zhou-Zhen laughed. "Then I thank you, and I ask you."
       In front of the cell door, Chen Fentou just held Zhou-Zhen coming.
       The eyes of the guard's jail brightened, and he greeted, "Chen Choutou, you just need to hand me over."
       Chen catching his head without saying a word, as soon as he reached out, the people below handed him a black cloth cover.
       Zhou-Zhen is still unknown.
       Chen Choutou said to her, "Zhou 6-Miss, offended."
       Then her eyes went dark, and alas, what was this?
       He snorted softly, "I'll let her take her in." After all, Zhou-Zhen was blindfolded, and he found a servant who served the food and sent her in.
       The people above have already confessed, Zhou-Zhen and Zhou-Chen, the two of them must be separated, not let them see each other. So Zhou-Zhen was put in with his head covered.
       Zhou-Zhen felt that she had walked down the steps first, and then walked a long way. All the breath was moist and moldy, and there was a commotion from the prisoners on both sides because she saw her detained.
       She was banned from visiting Zhou-shi before, but now she was put into prison with her head covered. The Shen family was afraid of her. 7-brother knew she was also coming in. Zhou-Zhen was guessing Shen-shi intention.
       Immediately after that, the hood on her head was taken away, and she also saw the whole picture of the cell where she was being held. This was a cell at the end, with a bed in the corner, with straw and a bed piled on it. The quilt comes in color.
       Zhou-Zhen swept them all aside, sorted out a corner, and sits up.
       Fortunately, she wore a thick dress when she went out in the morning. Yunfei also gave her a cape, and she could barely cope at night without covering the quilt.
       After sitting for a while, Zhou-Zhen sighed softly, forcing herself to empty her head, no longer thinking about it, she really did her best in this game, and left the rest to them.
       Xu Fu
       Xu-si and Fang Qiong are having breakfast. Last night, Xu Fu had a small banquet. Fang Qiong was at Xu Fu.
       Xu-si has received the news that Zhou-Zhen was taken to Tian prison, and Zhou-shi abandoned Wu Zhen and chose another person as the ad litem.
       They were eating, and a concierge manservant came to report, "Shaoye, Wu Zhen is asking for a job outside."
       "At this time" Xu-si looked up at the sky, and then his face changed, "Did he return from Zhoujiafang, went straight to Xu house and came to the brainless waste, and sent him away"
       After eating, Fang Qiong asked Xu-si, "Zhou-shi abandoned Wu Zhen and chose a little-known boy Lang as a litigator."
       Upon hearing this, Xu-si was furious again. "Yes, Wu Zhen is just a waste with less than enough success and even Zhou-shi who is in a difficult position cannot see him."
       With a smile on his face, Fang Qiong shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry, no matter who they ask, it won't change the result."
       Upon hearing this, Xu-si burst into an eyebrow and smiled. "That is, in this Lujiang boundary, no one is your Fang Qiong's opponent."
       Yunfei went back with red eyes. It didn't take long for Zhou-Zhen to be arrested in the jail after Zhou-Chen, which spread throughout Zhoujiafang.
       Huichuntang directly released a carrier pigeon.
       4th House, Xi-shi resentfully said, "She also has today." Thinking that she kept begging her last night, she was unmoved, and in turn taught her things, and she was extremely relieved. Compared to her entering the prison, her daughter only entered the ancestral hall, and her reputation is really nothing compared to Zhou-Zhen.
       In Xuan Beitang, He Lao-Anren, who heard the news, immediately lost her appetite. One of her better things than Xi-shi is that she can see that her sister-zi is highly valued by her family, and what she said is also very important in the clan. With weight, the family will try their best to save her and Zhou-Chen. She instructed people to invite Zhou-Xian back to the capital city of Anqing, so that such a big thing happened. He, the father, was still visiting friends outside without knowing what to do. After that, she went to the Buddhist temple herself.
       On the side of the dwelling house, the patriarch Tai-Ye and some of the men in charge are here.
       After receiving the news that Zhou-Zhen went in, they followed Wu Zhenren back and said that after he returned home, he changed clothes and went out sneakily. They followed him and kept watching him enter. Xufu 丞 Xufu.
       Patriarch Tai-Ye said ruthlessly, "Everything is expected by my sister-zi, so let's act accordingly."
       Zhou Hai said, "Yes, then I will send someone to invite Shen Li."
       "While in the jail, it's time to do something, at least make them less guilty in the jail. Outside the jailer's jail, their family can try to contact, not save money."
       Orders were issued.
       In this gap, Ma Dongmei came to Zhoujiafang and came straight to the house.
       Zhou Hai, they also got Zhou-Zhen's rumor, and learned that this was the lawyer she had invited for them.
       So they talked for a while on the merits. Zhou Hai found that Ma Dongmei was quick-minded and often grasped the key of the matter.
       He has no problems with Wu Zhen. From the beginning, he has completely stood in their perspective of Zhou-shi to think about problems and coping strategies. He has no doubts and no doubts, actively thinks of ways, and can find new ones based on existing conditions Breakthrough. Although some coping rhetoric can hardly escape the intriguing and sophistry of the litigant, it is really outstanding.
       In the words of my sister-zi, this is what a qualified litigant should have. Really better than Wu.
       Even Zhou Hai can see that this boy is not in the pool. He doesn't know where his sister-zi came from. Or talent is always close to talents.
       Even LaoTai-Ye nodded at him. Zhou Hai knew that it was LaoTai-Ye who approved Ma Dongmei and let him tell him more about him.
       In that chamber, Shen Lu also saw the kid sent by Zhou Hai.
       Shen Lu was not surprised by this, it can be said that he had been waiting for a long time.
       The boy Zhou-shi who sent away the letter, Shen Lu said with a smile to Shen Heng, "Zhou-shi finally bowed his head."
       Shen Heng also smiled. "It doesn't look like Zhou-shi knee is so hard."
       Zhou Hai got a reply very quickly. It was okay to meet, but the place had to be decided by the Shen family.
       Zhou Hai spirit was a bit frustrated. Before he wanted to move his hands while they were talking, he invited an important person in the door to come, and then he guided Shen Lu through the words to tell the truth, and all the problems were solved.
       But Jieer was not very optimistic about his plan, saying that Shen Lu was well-planned and would not make such low-level mistakes.
       Moreover, Sister Ji also said that she wanted Shen Lu to be more willing to face him than Clan Tai-Ye.
       It seems to be the case.
       "Go, meet him for a while," said Patriarch Tai-Ye.
       Zhou Hai nodded solemnly. Next, he had a tough battle to fight. Everything has been laid, and the Shen family has already entered the game. He is going to reap the benefits that Zhou-shi deserves.
       Zhou Hai led people to the place designated by Shen Lu.
       But Yajian left only four of them, Shen Lu, Shen Heng, Zhou Zhou and Zhou Yuan.
       "Let's just open the door and say, what are you going to do to let Zhou-Chen and Zhou-Zhen go?" At this point, Zhou Hai entered the role.
       Shen Lu was so idiomatic, "We said it a long time ago, our request is very simple, hand over the last two sentences of the four sentence. But this is the previous condition, you know what to pay to put pressure on you cost"
       Zhou Hai ‘Laughs’ , it’s as if he asked them Shen-shi to catch up with them to calculate Zhou-shi, are you not going to calculate this calculation all the time?
       "Don't talk so much nonsense, say your terms"
       "The condition is to add another one on the basis of the original condition. You rhino horns in the two coffers of Zhou Li, I Shen-shi want it"
       "How do you know?" Zhou Hai was startled, almost exclaimed, and then seemed to perceive that she had leaked, and swallowed the words behind.
       Ha ha, Shen Lu eyebrows are hard to be complacent.
       "Do you want to ask me how did you know that Zhou-shi and the Li family joined forces to eat the new rhino horns this year? Do you think that you are so secretive?"
       After a while, Zhou Hai asked with a stunned voice, "If what you just said is meaningless, then avoid talking. I will leave and we will see the true chapter below."
       "Zhou Hai, Zhou Hai, don't worry, am I the kind of person?" Shen Lu shook her head, but her face was sternly, "two hundred Silver Taels a pound"
       "Impossible. You are in danger. Do you know how much silver we spent when buying these batches of rhino horns, you can cut off one third of your price in one breath?" So annoyed that he couldn't speak anymore.
       Shen Luxin said that of course he knew that these rhino horns were purchased at a premium of 20% over the normal market price.
       "Two hundred and twenty-two pounds, not much more. You ask Zhou-Chen and Zhou-Zhen, shouldn't you pay a little price?"
       As soon as Shen Lu said this, Zhou Haiteng stood up, "Shen Lu, you are really shameless. What is the truth of this matter, you and I know it. You Shen-shi thief ‘calling and catching the thief, aren't you afraid of encountering retribution?"
       As a retribution, Zhou Hai, as a tribe chief, looked at him with such innocence and compassion.
       Zhou Yuan was also very angry, but he remembered that his responsibility was to take good care of Zhou Hai. Watching Zhou Hai breathing in anger, he quickly held him down and poured him a glass of water.
       Zhou Hai drank water, others looked better.
       "Shen Lu, this price, we will lose a lot, we can't afford it" Zhou Hai growled.
       "Don't worry, my conditions are here anyway, otherwise you go back and discuss with your LaoTai-Ye"
       Of course, this matter must be discussed. He could not be the master. Zhou Hai was full of anxiety.
       After Zhou Hai left, Shen Hengyu said hesitantly, "Brother, Zhou-shi and Li-shi, they have eaten the amount of rhino horns in the country for a year. Even if we win it at 222, we still have to To make good use of a large amount of money, I even need to mortgage some industries in order to borrow so much money from the bank. "The thought of Shen Heng was a little trembling when he thought of using so much silver.
       "I'm afraid that He Si has already received a letter of approval. Our Qianli cream medicinal ink has been presented by the ink officer. As long as our medicinal ink Qianli cream becomes a tribute, then we Shen-shi is not a source of wealth." Shen Lu calmly and authentically.
       Shen Heng was puzzled. "Brother, if this is the case, we can wait for Gong Mo affairs to be determined and then requisition Zhou-shi rhino horns for free."
       This strategy is not non-toxic, it is a way to completely make Zhou-shi lose his blood.
       Shen Lu glanced at him, "Do you think I haven't thought about it? According to our investigation, this batch of rhino horns cost a total of more than 500 thousand Silver Taels, and Zhou-shi house has invested up to 200 thousand, that is to say The Li family invested at least 300 thousand Silver Taels to come in. But you don’t know, the current property of the Li family is something in Noble pocket. If it weren’t for this, we would have swallowed it, but now, Li -shi property can't be touched. "One touch is to bring trouble to Shen-shi.
       After listening to the explanation, Shen Heng was stunned.
       It was a long time before he resentfully said, "It's fucking fucking fucking"
       Isn't it fucking wrong to calculate that the Li family’s power has now become the Li family’s umbrella?
       When the two sides met again, Zhou Hai directly exposed the bottom line. "The rhino horn can only sell you a thousand pounds. This is already more than half the amount. It is no longer possible because we buy so many rhino horns and we will use them ourselves. And the price It can’t be as you said before, at least two hundred and fifty-two pounds. If it doesn’t work, treat me like never. ”
       The attitude is also very tough, just the one that works or the one that pulls down.
       My sister-zi said that in the face of Shen Lu requirements, they should not be hard or too soft. The requirements he mentioned only met the requirements of the seven or eight.
       When saying this, we can see that Zhou Hai heart is bleeding.
       The normal price of a rhino horn is two hundred and fifty two pounds. This batch of rhino horns because of their relationship with Li-shi, in fact, the price per catty is only 222, a premium of 20%, to 320, this price is ready to set Shen-shi.
       Isn't his heart dripping blood to make a lot of money? Originally, according to their plan, Shen-shi begged them to sell at least, and then they were forced to sell for 321 pounds.
       It is sister-zi who has always stressed the need to show weakness to the enemy and reduce their alertness.
       Shen Heng was taken aback, "Dare you talk about the conditions and not save Zhou-Zhen and Zhou-Chen?"
       Zhou Haihe, the weak must be slaughtered by others, and the conditions cannot be discussed.
       Shen Lu said unhurriedly, "Well, we can talk about the conditions."
       He said so in his mouth, in fact, he had basically the conditions that Zhou Hai said. In his opinion, Zhou-shi response was normal. If according to the conditions he mentioned, a thousand pounds of rhino horns would cost at least eighty-two thousand. Now that we have compromised, the Li family will have to lose at least fifty-two thousand. Fifty-two thousand, considering that the Li family is now in deep trouble, it is already a great sacrifice.
       Zhou Haimu said with a face, "We still have a request. If the deal is completed, we can release the sister-zi because all the silver lost by the rhino horn is borne by the Li family. They only need to release the sister-zi. "
       "It's not impossible to release Zhou-Zhen, but you still have to sell to us Shen-shi a thousand pounds of rhino horns." Shen Lu once again uttered a shock.
       Zhou Haihuo stood up and glared at him, "Dream you Shen-shi is too much, a thousand pounds of rhino horns, sold for two hundred and fifty-two pounds, we have to lose fifty-two thousand, you just let a mouth, let We lost 100 thousand. Anyway, let’s just go and see. We Zhou-shi may not lose. ”
       It was only his words, in Shen Heng's opinion, that he was nothing but a foreigner.
       Zhou Hai blew himself up and said, "That’s the condition. If you don’t agree, I will leave immediately. I will have two children in a big deal. This is the entire property of Zhou-shi, not my family's house, our family's house. It's just escrow. "
       Shen Lu estimated that the conditions added by him may have really touched Zhou Yifu old guy to confess Zhou Hai bottom line. So he decided to come up with a backup plan, which was his previous plan,
       "The remaining one thousand pounds, I Shen-shi is willing to eat for two hundred and eighty two pounds"
       "Big Brother" Shen Heng couldn't help but ‘Called. In this way, the Shen-shi before and after them had to spend 500 thousand yuan on the rhino horn, which was too risky.
       Shen Lu glanced at him and motioned him to stop talking.
       Rhino horn is a valuable medicinal material. Even if they can't use up their ink, they can't lose money. His brother only saw Zhou-shi, and he also saw other opponents, other ink-making families in Huizhou. They took over the rhino horns of Zhou-shi, which is equivalent to controlling the amount of rhino horns for one year. There is initiative and dominance on medicinal ink.
       Zhou Hai didn't speak.
       "You lost only 22 thousand in your house, and you won't refuse it," Shen Lu asked slowly.
       Zhou Hai face turned black. "There are only nine hundred pounds without a thousand pounds."
       "That's nine hundred pounds."
       Zhou Hai was silent for a long time and asked, "We have fulfilled the conditions you mentioned, and you will really let go sister and Qilang"
       "You only promised one condition, so we can only release Zhou-Zhen. When did you give the last two sentences of the four-line sentence with both hands, and when did we release Zhou-Chen."
       Shen Lu felt that Zhou-shi would definitely say it again. He also learned from He Xian that Zhou-Zhen might have given the last two sentences of the four sentences to Zhu Liang and sold him a Daren love. He can understand Zhou-shi persistence at the moment.
       Zhou Hai gritted his teeth, "I promise you"
       "Let's go, hand in money and hand in hand." Shen Lu decided to make a quick decision and save them from remorse.
       "When can I release my sister-zi," Zhou Hai asked.
       "Within three days."
       "Can you hurry up?"
       In the next transaction, Zhou Hai was black-faced.
       Shen Lu is in a good mood. In this batch of rhino horns, they Shen-shi earned at least Zhou-shi-720 thousand.
       Zhou Hai watched with painful faces as they moved the rhino horns, and were thinking about it. They made a lot of money this time, and only made a total of 842 thousand. Blood loss.
       At this time, there was a kid over Shen-shi, "Matriarch, let us pay attention to the movement of Taishoufu. We noticed that since the afternoon, doctors have been hurried in and out, and people have reported that Huo Daren suddenly died. Disease. "
       Shen Heng was startled. "If this is the case, wouldn't he have no way to rise tomorrow?"
       Shen Lu smirked, "Huo Wenzhong really wanted a moth."
       The boy who reported the letter said tensely, "2-Master, Chief Zhou Shao has been looking at us, he came over."
       Zhou Hai asked very directly, "What are you talking about, I just seemed to hear Huo Daren's disease or something?"
       Shen Lu ‘called, "Nothing, is the transfer over? Are those gold and silver numbers correct?"
       "That's right."
       Zhou Hai obeyed Zhou-Zhen's jingle, and resolutely wanted to use gold and silver for delivery, not accepting silver tickets. No, 500 thousand silver and gold accounted for 32 thousand, and the remaining 200 thousand silver and a fraction of two thousand, Shen Heng relied on the goodness of the gold and wiped it out.
       Zhou Hai still looked at them with skeptical eyes.
       "Then the settlement came to a successful conclusion."
       "Master Shen, how long can we meet people" Zhou Hai asked again.
       "Go back and wait."
       It didn't take long for a box of rhino horns to be yarded on the carriage.
       Brother Shen Lu led the carriage away.
       "Brother, you are still decisive, otherwise Zhou-shi knows that Huo Wenzhong claims to be ill, and there is a recurrence of the ascension. This rhino horn may not be so successful." Worry about rhino horn.
       "Brother, I always feel that Zhou-shi is not so honest, they must still harbor rhino horns."
       Shen Heng was right, Zhou-shi had about six hundred pounds of rhino horns in the warehouse.
       "There are not many, nothing can be hindered." It can be bad.
       Zhou Hai faintly heard Shen Heng far away saying that Tianshen Shen’s family or something, his face was gloomy, but his heart was smirking, God did you please Shen-shi or me Zhou-shi?
       Thirty-two thousand gold and two hundred twenty-two silver were piled up in the hall of the house.
       The first battle was successful, and the four or five people present showed a long-lost smile.
       "Ahai performed well this time," patriarch Tai-Ye praised.
       Zhou Hai was black-faced. He felt that he was acting like a reckless husband. Is he like this in the eyes of Shen Lu?
       The patriarch Tai-Ye said, “Li-shi has said long ago that their silver, whether it is exchanged for goods or silver, is temporarily placed in our Zhou-shi. Ahai and Ah Yuan personally put these gold and silver in the back room. But to distinguish the one belonging to Jieer and the Li family, understand? "
       Zhou Hai and Zhou Yuan nodded.
       "Don't cover this news, try to spread it to Wang-shuo and hexian's ears." They also let Shen-shi taste the taste of alienation. Anyway, once it doesn't work, plant a seed, It will bloom early.
       "The Patriarch Tai-Ye rest assured that it must arrive."


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