Sister Credit 75

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       In the hall of the family room, everyone is discussing the case.
       Because this matter is about Zhou-Zhen, and she is most likely to know who the problem is, this discussion is mainly based on her speech.
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Did we sell Bezoar Pill, An Gong sold back?"
       After the news that Anzo Bezoar Pill ate the dead, Luo Cheng and Jiang Qing went to each of the houses and returned An Huang from each of them.
       After the news of the dead came out, An Huang in the hands of each family was like a hot potato. They came to the house to negotiate friendly. It was not that difficult to collect all the An Huang.
       "They are all recovered."
       Zhou Zhan, who is responsible for collecting relevant information about the case, said, "According to the information we have collected, the deceased's surname is Mo, known as Mo Da. He is a man of about fifty. His daughter was lucky enough to buy one on the day of the drugstore opening. Anzo Bezoar Pill, which can be found in records at the time. "
       "Mada was fainted by a stroke when he was 47 or eighteen years old. After he woke up, he fell awkwardly and had a poor speech. The torso of his legs and feet was not affected much. After her daughter was lucky enough to buy An Huang, she gave him respect. It was said that he took it after eating and then spit foam in the mouth. The neighbor next door testified. He tested the body. Also said to have died of poisoning. "
       Zhou-Zhen frowned slightly, "At this age, his daughter should have gotten married. So lucky to buy An Huang, but want to take it back to her maid's house for her Father, wouldn't there have been any opinions from the husband's family? If there were opinions How did his daughter settle down? "This information may seem irrelevant, but sometimes it may not provide them with another possibility.
       "And what is the relationship between Mo Da and his family? Harmony?"
       He knows this, Zhou Zhan replied, "Mo Da is a big man. When he was young, he was irritable and often hit his wife. Later, after a stroke fell, his family jumped."
       Zhou-Zhen thought for a while and asked, "Isn't Mo Da very competitive?"
       Zhou Zhan looked at Zhou-Zhen in surprise.
       "What are you looking at sister-zi, answer?" Zhou Hai urged.
       "Yes, listen to the neighbors, Mo Da was very good from a young age."
       "Do you often drink medicine after a stroke? Depending on the conditions of their home, do you drink more medicine?"
       Zhou Zhan was even more surprised, "Yes." According to the information he found, Mo Da spent a lot of money in seeking medical advice over the years, and his family is even worse than before.
       Zhou-Zhen probably frowned.
       Before his big stroke, he who often beat his wife would like to be a strong and victorious person. Because of his strong personality, he still lives on the bottom, and there are too many unsatisfactory things, so he can only vent on his wife.
       Such people must be very mindful of the minor sequelae of the stroke, and then they will certainly find ways to cure their symptoms. This person will most likely find some recipes to eat. At the current level of medical care, I'm afraid it will get worse. The folk remedies are almost word-of-mouth, and they don't dare to compliment on compatibility. Sometimes they miss one or two medicines and can kill individuals.
       It's a drug that is poisonous. Taking a few prescriptions from somewhere for a long time will cause great damage to the liver and kidneys, and the temper will become even more irritable.
       And people with liver and kidney dysfunction cannot eat Azonomiya Bezoar Pill. But even if you eat it by mistake, the amount of one grain does not make people die immediately. She is sure of this. However, some people have proved that he ate a grain of Anzo Bezoar Pill after a meal and then died. This is a cause of confusion.
       However, some speculations have to be reconfirmed.
       Zhou-Zhen said his thoughts and said, "Tomorrow, I want to ask Ruan Daren to open a coffin for autopsy."
       That's right, Mo Da has been buried, and was buried the next day after the pestle was examined.
       It has been buried for several days, and I don't know if I can find a clue.
       The clan looked at each other. Although there is a saying that "this-" coffin and post-mortem examination, but since ancient times, people have paid attention to the ground, and the family of the deceased will not disturb the deceased any more.
       "This request is not a big problem, Ruan Daren will agree." Zhou-Zhen is still very sure about this. If Xu Zhongyan was still the presiding judge, they wouldn't even think about it.
       After finalizing the general plan, the people in the hall talked openly  : 
       "Patriarch Tai-Ye, you say, is the coincidence of Mo murder?"
       "I can't see it, although there is no evidence pointing to Shen-shi, but that day, we picked up sister-zi from the jail the moment before, and the immense murder case happened, and then Shen Lu led someone to hold sister-zi Grabbed it in again. He was too confident to grab it. "
       This makes sense.
       "If Shen-shi really did it, how did they do it?"
       "Is it possible that he died with poison, and then blame him on Bezoar Pill?"
       "No, Mo Da invited his neighbor to dinner that day. The neighbor was okay, but he himself died of poisoning after eating Anzo Bezoar Pill."
       "Is it possible that Mo daughter's medicine has been repackaged?"
       Zhou-Zhen was listening, suddenly a flash of light flashed, Tiao Bao, Shen-shi, An Huang ... The answer to fake medicine was almost out of the question, but is it possible?
       She suddenly remembered that she had given her 7-brother an Anhuang, which he gave to Shen Junyu.
       Before Shen Junyu said that the old man in the family was angry and fainted, it should be an excuse, the purpose was to let her 7-brother cheat an Anhuang from her. After they cheated, what would they do with it? Relocating, if she substitutes them, she will be unable to help analyze its composition, compatibility ... and finally forge. Is the cottage an instinct of the Chinese people? Keke, assuming this is true, Shen-shi should be the boy named Shen Chunlin who is fluent in medicine?
       They just developed a counterfeit medicine based on a pill from An 7 Huang who had previously cheated from her 7-brother. Should the amount of the pill be enough?
       How similar are their counterfeit medicines to real ones?
       These speculations require them to verify.
       Just as everyone was brainstorming, Ayu came over.
       "Chief Zhou, how are you discussing?"
       "It's a bit fraught, what's wrong, is there something wrong with Yuan gongzi?"
       "I gongzi invite you to a good show in the western suburbs."
       "At this time? To the western suburbs?" They looked out, not paying attention, the sky was completely dark. And where is the western suburbs? The most famous in the western suburbs is the tomb site there ...
       Ayu nodded surely.
       "Can you talk about something?" The patriarch Tai-Ye asked.
       "Our gongzi is like a god, and a group of thieves have been arrested in the tombs of the western suburbs."
       Destroyed corpses? Patriarch Tai-Ye frowned. "Who body?"
       "It's huge," Ayu said after a pause, "and we have sent someone to inform Ruan Daren of them."
       Zhou-shi everyone looked at each other, what is going on?
       "Chief Tai-Ye, I have to go and see for myself." Zhou-Zhen said first.
       Zhou-Xian is a bit worried, but he now knows that her daughter is not an ordinary person, and that this matter is closely related to her, and blocking is not good. "Let me go."
       "I'll take a trip too," Wushu said justicely.
       Finally, the patriarch Tai-Ye ordered, "Ahai, pick twenty or thirty young adults and escort you to the western suburbs for a look."
       Zhou-Zhen When they went out, Yuan-Suming was already waiting. The dark night wind was strong and he was wearing a cloak.
       Hearing the sound of footsteps, he glanced back at him, and fell on her little face illuminated by the fire, a face calmly, without any emotion.
       Ayu hurried forward, "6-Miss, please get in the carriage."
       Zhou-Zhen paused, walked over, and set foot on the carriage.
       When Ayu said that, Zhou Hai looked at Zhou Yuan.
       Zhou Yuan immediately followed the carriage, and Yuan-Suming didn't say anything about it.
       Zhou-Xian kept watching. It seemed like he understood something at this time, the heart of an old father. It was not a taste, but he also knew it was not the time to say this.
       For the Zhou-shi family, the elderly and frail people all got on the carriage. The young and strong rode the horse and held the torch in the front. Several carriages went in the middle, and the back was covered by Yuan-Suming. .
       Yuan-Suming's carriage started with four people in the carriage, each with a corner.
       After the carriage was running smoothly, Zhou-Zhen couldn't help asking, “Who did it, Shen Lu?”
       She guessed that Yuan-Suming was not surprised, "Yes."
       When Zhou Yuan next heard this answer, she was full of doubts.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't understand something. So far, the situation in Mo Da case has been very unfavorable to them, and the opponent's win is still very large. She didn't understand why Shen's law would make people take more effort to destroy Mo corpse. Could his corpse really see any clues?
       Yuan-Suming chuckled, "Shen Lu is cautious. To be honest, he is afraid, he is afraid of you."
       Afraid of her? impossible. Zhou-Zhen believes that she is not much more than Shen Lu old scheme.
       "He doesn't understand you. A series of recent events has been enough to make him understand that the variables in you are very large and there are a lot of uncertainties. So he doesn't want to take risks." The old Shifu was beaten to death, and that was her.
       why? What is the purpose of Shen law to make people dead? Zhou-Zhen forced herself to think. Although Yuan-Suming had already suggested that it was because Shen Lu was afraid of her, she felt that her brain was moving slowly.
       Yuan-Suming looked at her dull, noticed the fatigue in her eyebrows, and thought that she hadn't taken a rest today, whether it was her brain or body. Suddenly he felt a slight tear in his heart, with a slight pain.
       "Imagine if we didn't catch the corpse ..."
       Zhou-Zhen's face changed. If Yuan-Suming didn't expect the enemy tonight, then Shen-shi would definitely try to rely on them Zhou-shi.
       Because they Zhou-shi have this motivation!
       But who knows, in fact, they are the ones who are least willing to have problems with their huge bodies.
       Just now she had been pondering the reason for doing this, she never thought about it.
       Zhou-Zhen couldn't help pinching her eyebrows, she really had a little over-heading today.
       "According to normal development, if I fail to find sufficient evidence to prove that Mortal's death has nothing to do with An Huang, I may be sentenced to death. But under the current circumstances, even if Mortal was destroyed, I would not necessarily be sentenced to death. Sentenced to death, isn't it? "Shen Lu settled on the premise of not being able to take her life, and then tried to achieve another goal?
       Yuan-Suming looked at her firmly and said, "Yes, of course I don't allow this to happen."
       His gaze made her look away.
       "The old dog warrior is frightened, but he is not sure that the case will trap you, so let the case stop here. Do you know? The emperor originally planned to list Bezoar Pill as a tributary medicine. The dead body is destroyed, and without the dead body, you will never solve the mystery of death. For you to Bezoar Pill, it will always be a stain, and a lifetime stain. "
       Wen Yan, Zhou-Zhen's heart sank. Yes, the corpse of Mo was destroyed, and Bezoar Pill of Angong could never escape the suspicion that the medicine had died. Unless she can find another way to prove that Mo death has nothing to do with Bezoar Pill, An Gong, but it's so difficult, not to mention the dead body, the persuasive power is always a little worse. This is the same reason that yellow mud falls into the pants.
       Yuan-Suming finally said, "But don't worry, I won't let this happen."
       His assurance really made Zhou-Zhen feel at ease.
       "How did you guess he would do this?" Zhou-Zhen asked curiously. Shen Lu operation was too rude, she didn't really see it.
       "You can't guess his mind, because you don't know anyone like Shen Lu.
       Shen Lu, this man, has one disadvantage, greed.
       From his case of framed Zhou-Chen's stealing medicine Mofangzi, it can be seen that his main purpose is to get the last two sentences of the "four sentences" through you. But look at his game, you want not only the last two sentences of the four sentences, but also the so-called pharmacopoeia in your hands, so Zhou-Chen added a pharmacopoeia to the charge of theft  :   I found you in the middle of Zhou -shi Li-shi co-starved the amount of rhino horns for a year, and became greedy  :   Finally, in the public hall, in order to correct the name of Shen-shi medicine and ink, and to become famous, it was only The test of medicinal ink. Everything, according to his plan, went at his pace. And in the end, he messed up. "
       "If he is not so greedy, he will join Wang-Shuo family, and at the beginning will directly provoke the students in your clan to take part in the trial to force your patriarch and let him come to you. I am afraid that Zhou-shi is another downturn now. Depressed sight. "
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it for a while, indeed, because the people minds are always very complicated, involving their own vital interests, I am afraid it is difficult to treat them rationally, and it is easy to be incited to use.
       Should she be grateful that Shen-shi had always threatened the family house? And there is a rational patriarch Tai-Ye in the house. No, she should also be grateful that Shen Lu had committed greedy problems.
       "He also has an advantage and caution. At that time, Shen-shi had joined forces with He Wang-shuo, and you Zhou-shi did not show up. When Shen-shi went well, he became greedy. But When he lost in succession, and added fear of Zhou-shi and you, he became cautious. So there was this out tonight. "
       Zhou-Zhen was astounded. Yuan-Suming was well-versed in human nature and thoroughly analyzed the psychology of Shen Lu.
       "you are great!"
       The corners of his mouth couldn't help tilting her eyes as she stared brightly at him.
       In fact, Yuan-Suming and her are two different ways of thinking. She is accustomed to the details and to deal with problems in a cowardly manner. On the other hand, he is focused on the overall situation and is familiar with human nature. He can see through the weaknesses and key points of the bureau at a glance, and handle the problems cleanly.
       It's really terrific, not to mention Zhou-Zhen's excitement, but to say Zhou Yuan next to him is also shocked. Where are all these monsters? Yuan gongzi is in his early twenties, right? Twenty years later, no, another ten years, how amazing should he be.
       "Shen Lu is a tough person," Zhou-Zhen sighed. Shen Lu has a high adversity. It's no wonder that he can lead Shen-shi to overpower the Six Clan to become the first of the seven major families of Lujiang in the last life.
       "Your Zhou-shi is also good. You have shown weakness in the previous confrontation with him, otherwise he won't plant such a big fight."
       Zhou Yuan  :   Is it really good for the two of you to praise each other like this? Yuan gongzi, do you know the person you praise is sitting opposite you? A series of plans to deal with Shen-shi, especially to show weakness to the enemy, was brought up by sister-zi.
       Moreover, being surrounded by two smart people makes him an ordinary person feel suffocated.
       Ayu looked at him sympathetically, and he had already tasted it. Anyway, stay with him gongzi and 6-Miss, and try to reduce your presence as much as possible.
       When he reached the tomb in the western suburbs, Zhou Yuanzhang went down the carriage.
       As if he noticed that his face wasn't right, Zhou Hai cast a questioning look at him.
       Zhou Yuan wiped his face. Can he say that he was shown by the big guy on the carriage just now? No, so he can only shake his head to signal that he is fine. But, alas, how can this person be so different from one another.
       Zhou-Zhen did not pay attention to the eyebrow lawsuit between the two, at this time her full attention was on this tomb in the western suburbs.
       When they arrived, Ruan Yue and they led someone one step earlier. She also saw Huo Wenzhong, who had always been ill.
       Huo Wenzhong smiled when she saw Yuan and Suming coming over. He listened to his son, could he be happy if he was right? How about crying like Xu and his father? Also, Yuan-Suming is able to invite Zhou-Zhen in order to save Zhou-Zhen, which is really amazing. He has a happy relationship with the terrible Yuan Jiapan.
       At this time, forty or fifty people held torches and illuminated the scene like daylight.
       The autumn wind blowing at the foot of the mountain was blowing, Zhou-Zhen unconsciously tightened his cloak.
       At the foot of the mountain in the western suburbs, Mo Da was buried at the newly buried grave bag. At this moment, the new coffin was lifted out, the plates were scattered, and a weird smell mixed with scorching was emitted. When I looked closer, the body was burned beyond recognition and could not be formed.
       "What's going on?" Ruan Yue had to ask some questions.
       Yuan-Suming's staff stepped forward and said, "... We came too late to save the huge corpse. But the group of people were under our control."
       Zhou-Zhen looked at Yuan-Suming, as if knowing what she was wondering about, he gave her a slightly restless look.
       Zhou Yuan also felt weird. Yuan gongzi on the carriage just now could have anticipated the idea of Shen Lu beforehand. Why didn't his subordinates stop the other party from burning the body?
       Ruan Yu asked, "What about those people?"
       "They're all tied up. Will Daren meet?"
       "Bring it up."
       After a while, a group of five or six people were brought up with their upper limbs bound.
       After seeing the culprit, Ruan Yu naturally wanted a trial. "Who are you, why did you burn down the corpse?"
       The second group saw so many people appearing that their legs were soft. They didn't recognize the sacred Nguyen Xuan who asked them, but they knew Huo Wenzhong next to him. To know that Huo Daren was the eunuch of Lujiang, even the eunuch could only stand next to him.
       So they fell to their knees directly, crying with a snot and tears, "Daren, let's kill, we just want to steal something. I didn't expect that there was no valuable funeral in it for a long time, so the brother sent I have burned the corpses severely and vented my anger. I knew it would cause such a big trouble, and some of our brothers would definitely not do it. Ask Daren to be kind and let us go. "
       This was an excuse they had thought of in the morning.
       Yuan-Suming smirked, it sounded a lot like that.
       "You need to make excuses and not look better. This one is buried by the poor people. You also expect how many funeral burials you want to steal. You should also steal the one. If you see it, it is Fu The ancestors of the Noble family.
       That's true.
       The people present were not clear about the winding roads inside the second-class corpse burner, and they were inevitably confused by their excuses, anyway, not so quickly.
       "To be honest, whoever asked you to burn the corpse."
       The headed Chen Liuzi said, "I said, I said, indeed, someone paid for us to burn a huge corpse." He didn't dare to stand firm anymore, so many people knew at first sight that they were in big trouble. Besides, the person behind the scene has nothing to do with him, why should he carry it for him?
       Yuan-Suming continued to ask, "Who is it, do you recognize it?"
       Chen Liuzi shook her head.
       Yuan-Suming smirked again, "Dare to buy and sell without knowing anything, and deserve to be a dead ghost."
       "Actually, that person should be Zhou-shi person." Chen Liuzi said rudely.
       Zhou Hai heard the words, his eyelids jumped fiercely, "What are you talking about? How could it be us from Zhou-shi!"
       Chen Liuzi said unconvincedly, "Don't deny it, but I secretly followed the man and saw with his own eyes that the carriage he was driving into Zhoujiafang."
       The officials present couldn't help but look at Zhou-shi. Of course they could see that Chen Liuzi vowed not to look like she was lying. And Zhou-shi has a motive for committing a crime. Yuan-Suming won't get his own people this time, right?
       Zhou Haihu wondered, was it really the people from Zhoujiafang who did it?
       Zhou-Zhen said in a timely manner, "Uncle Hai don't believe what he said, it's just an obstacle for the people who hire them."
       "Don't worry, everyone." After speaking, Yuan-Suming clapped his hands, and his subordinates led away.
       It didn't take long to bring a person.
       The man's hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was stuffed with a ball of cloth. He saw so many people, his face horrified.
       Yuan-Suming said, "Chen Liuzi, open your eyes and see who this person is!"
       "He, he-" Chen Liuzi was frightened with familiar faces and familiar costumes.
       "Do you recognize this person?"
       "Recognize, he the one who gave us money to burn the body."
       "This person is Zhou-shi?"
       "No!" All the Zhou-shi clan who was present denied it in unison.
       This man is so familiar. Zhou Hai may not be as good as Shen Lu in handling tribal affairs, but he is not bad in identifying people. But it took him two turns to recognize him.
       "You are Shen Hengshen Lao-Er's brother-zi, is your surname Jin right?"
       At Shen-shi house, it's not peaceful at night.
       A group of people walked in and hurriedly to report the news, "Patriarch, before you let our people pay attention to the movement of Ruan Qin's messenger. Our people just saw that he led a large number of people out of the city. Because it was late at night, the other party was sitting The carriage was escorted out by a guard, and it was easy to be caught up, so our people did not dare to keep up. "
       Shen Lu heard the words, and her eyebrows tightened instantly. Where is Ruan Rong? Tomorrow will be heard in the Zhou-Zhen case. If it is not for ten important things, he should not go out, and if it is so fanatical, it should not be a private matter and leave the city for business. As a commissioner, there was only one official business in Lujiang, which was related to Zhou-Zhen's case.
       It's about Zhou-Zhen, out of town ...
       Suddenly he breathed a little, "Hurry up and invite you 2-Master."
       Shen Heng was invited soon.
       "Who did you let that happen?" Shen Lu whispered.
       "Jin Yi was asked to do it, and you also know that if our Shen-shi person came out at this time, it would not be good. He can handle it with confidence, and is very old-fashioned."
       He knew this Lao-Er's brother-zi, and he did it as he said.
       But Shen Lu also couldn't tell what was the inexplicable anxiety in her heart. "People went to his house to see if someone was at home."
       Not long after, the people sent by Shen Heng returned and brought back the bad news  :   Jin Yi, did not return.
       Shen Lu suddenly felt a headache. "The worst case happened."
       "Brother, you mean, Jin Yi was arrested?"
       "This is what happened with Jiang Qing."
       "Brother, our brothers wait together. It won't be long before there is news. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought."
       Listening to his brother's words of comfort, Shen Lu sighed, and then someone sent in a pot of strong tea.
       In the western suburbs, they have confirmed the identity of Jin Yi.
       Seeing this, Zhou-Zhen stretched his eyes. What she was most worried about was this. If she didn't catch the people behind the scenes, it would be easy for Zhou-shi to be burned. Didn't that almost come true just now?
       Moreover, Zhou-Zhen looked at the unrecognizable corpse thoughtfully, she even vaguely guessed why Yuan-Suming would let Chen Luzi and others burn the corpse beyond recognition, and then arrested people in one fell swoop, he was worried They Zhou-shi couldn't find enough evidence to acquit her?
       The thoughts in her heart just turned around, and when she recovered, she listened to Yuan-Suming saying to Ruan Ye,
       "Nguyen Daren, this case is very clear ... This matter must have been directed by Shen-shi, why did they do this, are they not afraid that you will find anything on them when you try this case Shen shi unfavorable evidence. I seriously suspect that Mo death is related to Shen-shi. Zhou-Zhen was actually framed by their Shen-shi. "
       Zhou Hai and Zhou-Xian looked at Yuan-Suming with a very gaze, yes, they were so skeptical, but it was not good to say it with such care. But Yuan-Suming helped them speak out, and having a good teammate is worrying.
       Yuan-Suming continued, "Otherwise why are they Shen-shi so anxious to destroy the corpse? You see, it's about Zhou-shi Sun, Zhou-shi is still listening to the announcement honestly, they Shen-Shi is afraid that it’s not a dog jumping over the wall? Or, some of Shen-shi has a deep hatred with Mo Da. Yes, it must be like this. It must be that killing Mo Da is difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart, so he gave birth to his ashes Thoughts. Ruan Daren, Xiaguan thought that no matter from which perspective, Shen-shi could hardly escape suspicion of murder! "
       Zhou Hai listened with glowing eyes, alas, the dirty water was so stable that it was poured pot after pot, and Shen-shi had to get wet.
       Jin Yi shook her head while listening, God, let him continue, Shen-shi can completely replace Zhou-Zhen and become the real murderer.
       "Yuan Daren makes sense and does not rule out this possibility."
       Nguyen Xuan is helpless, Yuan-Suming is very firm in maintaining Zhou-Zhen. According to Yuan-Suming, the Shen family was involved. This case was brought to trial in the end, and it is really hard to tell who the offense was.
       After all, such an imperial edict is inherently biased, and besides, his suspicion is impossible, so just walk for a while.
       When things go, I hide my strength and name. After leading the case to the direction he wanted, Yuan-Suming retreated behind Ruan Yue and said nothing more.
       Anyway, this basin of dirty water must be picked up by Shen Lu.
       He could guess the intent of Shen Lu, but deliberately led in another direction. Even if Shen Lu is here, I'm afraid it's hard to argue. Did he dare to say what he meant to make Mo body burned? Those who said they were afraid of investigating the case would find clues on Mo Da and Zhou-Zhen innocence? If he dares to say so, then the question comes, how does he know that Mo Da will have clues to prove Zhou-Zhen's innocence? So want to smooth it out? He knew so clearly, wasn't it related to Mo death?
       Hum, Shen Lu wants to burn the big corpse and let the case come to an abrupt end, so that Zhou-Zhen will never have a chance to clean up the stain because he lacks sufficient persuasive power?
       Then he just gave in to him, let him destroy the huge corpse, and then caught the people who committed the crime, pulled Shen-shi in, and let him taste it. Inexplicable taste! The best thing is to help Zhou-Zhen to memorize the whole crime and return her innocence!
       Zhou-Zhen was standing aside, smiling. Look at him and fight for her! Watch him cripple and rectify the situation.
       This was the first time she felt so relaxed after encountering problems since her rebirth, as if she could give him everything to attract strange hatred, and she would be in charge of being a quiet beauty.
       In the middle of the night, Shen Lu received news that Ruan Yue went out, and it turned out that something happened in the western suburbs, and Mo body was dug out and burned. But the group who burned the body was caught by Yuan-Suming. Not only that, but Jin Yi, the person behind the scenes, was caught.
       This idiot!
       He clearly stated that when they acted, he could hear the reasons for everything, and he couldn't do anything about it. The huge corpse can be burned if it can be burned. Now, Mo Da body was burned, but they were arrested!
       In his plan, either he can do nothing or he can do it. He had never considered such a situation that he could not stand now. He even thought that the success rate that had disappeared after successfully burning Mo corpse was as high as 90%, because he never expected him to do so.
       Shen Lu is qualified to be conceited, because Zhou-shi is really unaware of it, and even Ruan Yue didn't think of that level. But these people do not include Yuan-Suming.
       Shen Lu always felt that there was something wrong. He repeatedly read the letter to send the message two or three times, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom.
       The letter stated that Jin Yi was arrested when he came out of Zhoujiafang in a carriage.
       Yuan-Suming intentionally caught someone!
       He could catch Jin Yi, and he could catch them when Chen Liuzi burned their corpses, but he didn't. After the corpses were burned beyond recognition, he would arrest them again. What was he trying to do? !!
       Moreover, judging from Yuan-Suming's various behaviors in capturing people, his thoughts seemed to be known to him!
       Pacing irritably in the den, he forced himself to calm down.
       From the moment his idea was anticipated by Yuan-Suming, they were destined to be involved in Shen-shi. So why did he catch someone at that timing?
       Suddenly, thinking of a possibility, he couldn't help but take a breath, and looked at Shen Heng in surprise. "We may be in big trouble."
       Shen Heng's heart followed, "Brother, what's the matter?"
       Shen Lu finally called the individual and ordered the matter to continue. Then he smiled bitterly, "We are afraid to let Zhou-Zhen escape this time." If he didn't do that, Shen Heng might be involved in their Shen family. It's a pity that the bureau that you set up must be solved by yourself.
       Shen Heng said nothing.
       "Yuan-Suming, this evil!" Shen Lu raised these three words, somewhat biting her teeth.
       Shen Hengshen thought that Yuan-Suming was indeed a demon evil, and the demon evil didn't stop at him. He had to add a Zhou-Zhen.
       Early the next morning, Ruan Daren rose to court as scheduled.
       Affected by the previous case, there are particularly many people watching today.
       The Zhou-shi tribe and Shen-shi tribe each occupy one place, and both sides are cold and ignore each other.
       The onlookers saw that so many Shen-shi people came this time, and they were a little bit shy. There are a lot of Zhou-shi people, they can understand, after all, Zhou-Zhen is the defendant. But this matter has nothing to do with Shen-shi? Even if there are so many people watching a good show, it doesn't take so many people to look at them, and it looks like their faces are not like gloating, they look more solemn than Zhou-shi.
       After being promoted, they finally knew the reason. It turned out that Shen-shi was involved in this murder case.
       The litigants on both sides have not changed. Zhou-shi side is still Ma Dongmei, but Mo Da side turns out to be Fang Qiong, which is enough to be surprising. The Mo family can not invite Fang Qiong. But Shen-shi was involved, and Fang Qiong was asked to restore some disadvantages or create some advantages.
       Among the people Ruan Ye brought this time were experienced pestles and veterans of torture. After returning from Xijiao last night, everyone was very late, but it was not without gain. If this is not the case, he will pry out of Jin Yi mouth and the person behind him will be Shen Heng.
       Snapped! Nguyen Xuan asked Shen Heng under the gavel, "Shen Heng, why do you want people to burn Mo Da body? What resentment between you and Mo Da, you can't wait to frustrate him after his death."
       "I have no resentment against him." Shen Heng said, "As for the burning of the corpse of Mo Da? The reason is very simple. I did this to vent my anger. I Zhi-nu was put into prison by Zhou-shi people. I Knowing that Ruan Daren took over this case, Zhou-shi people will certainly not let go of any possibility of escaping their crimes, and they will definitely ask for an open coffin for autopsy. I just want to add a block to them. "
       Ma Dongmei asked him, "According to the logic in your words, the burning of Mo body is a bet for Zhou-shi. Then you are pretty sure that Mo body has evidence in favor of Zhou-Zhen, so you are thinking about destroy Dead body? "
       Shen Heng stunned, "I'm not sure."
       Ma Dongmei pressed hard, "I'm not sure you would take such a big risk?"
       "Burning Morda corpse, by the way, to bring trouble to Zhou-shi, I just want the Mo family to hate Zhou-Zhen even more!" The reason is that he and his elder brother discussed last night.
       "You lied, the Mo family had hated Zhou-Zhen enough, and even accused her of drumming and indicting her for imprisonment. You took the big risk to burn the Mo in order to make the Mo family hate Zhou-Zhen even more. The corpse? It's really a way of adding extravagance to the snake. So your statement is not credible. "Ma Dongmei pointed out the illogicality in his behavior.
       Shen Heng did not speak, but looked at Fang Qiong.
       Fang Qiong suddenly stretched out his right hand and kept scratching his neck, and his neck became red soon.
       "Dare to ask Ruan Daren, what am I just doing?" Fang Qiong asked Ruan Ye.
       Everyone is a bit unclear. So, what is Fang Qiong doing?
       "Ruan Daren, can you answer my question?" Fang Qiong continued to ask.
       Ruan Yue said, "You just tickling?"
       "That's right. I was tickling just now. Why am I tickling?"
       "Because you itch?"
       "Wrong, I don't itch."
       "Then you don't do it all that much?" Someone blurted out.
       "Yes, that's all I have to do. As an ordinary person, I have the leisure and energy. Why can't I do this more? Shen 2-Master is the same. He has the money and someone who wants to burn the corpse. How can there be so many eyes? "
       The whole scene was silent, and everyone was dumbfounded by his strange logic.
       Shen Lu and Shen Heng smiled slightly, Fang Qiong is indeed the leading litigant, this logic of eloquence, wonderful!
       Suddenly, a voice sounded, "The foundation of the law is the common law. The common law model of rule of law recognizes the objectivity of the rules, that is, the unwritten practices, habits, right and wrong, and black and white of most people. Basically, a behavioral meaning is this. "
       Everyone found that the person who refuted Fang Qiong turned out to be Zhou-Zhen.
       Yuan-Suming looked at her with a smile.
       Shen Lu Shen Heng's smile was completely frozen.
       Zhou-Zhen went on to say, “For example, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I drink water, my skin is scratched, and it’s scratched. When the cup is out of water, it’s a common behavior, but it’s not for no reason. You also have to stand up and pretend to drink water, unless accompanied by a purpose. Just as you just said, "Itchy but not tickling" is to prove that Shen Heng's actions are not many. "The last sentence was said by the other side.
       Yes, yes, that's what they are. Countless people nodded in agreement with her.
       Zhou-Zhen dismissed Fang Qiong's sophistry, and Fang Qiong's face was very bad.
       Ruan Yue was able to continue the trial, and he asked again, "Shen Heng, let's say, why did you burn the body?"
       "Ruan Daren, I already said the reason." After saying this, he didn't say a word. He really realized that he was wrong.
       "Your reason is untenable. There is obviously concealment in your situation. According to the basic logic, either you have a deep hatred with Muda, or you want to conceal the truth or important evidence by burning the corpse. Because Muda died of poisoning, the middle It also involves Zhou-Zhen. In view of your grievances between Shen-shi and Zhou-shi, the official has to doubt the following two points  :   The first point is that the great death is related to you, even what you did, Then blame Zhou-Zhen, so you know that after the official wants to open the coffin for autopsy, you are afraid of being exposed, so you burn the corpse to destroy the evidence. Second, there must be any clues on the corpse that can turn the case, you are afraid Let Zhou-Zhen escape the day of birth, so burn the body. "
       Everyone said, yes, this is the logical thinking of the public.
       Seeing this, Zhou-Zhen suddenly thought that Yuan-Suming said that the more difficult Shen Lu was, the more cautious he was. In fact, he was still greedy when he tried to burn the body.
       "Injustice Ruan Daren!" Shen Heng smiled bitterly, "I was wrong to have a huge body burned, but you can't spill the dirty water of this large basin on my head, right?"
       Shen Lu looked aside. At this moment, his head drooped slightly, and he lost, and then his mouth hardened.
       Mo wife Yang Shi suddenly raised her head and said, "Daren, the woman has something to say!"
       Yang-shi suddenly spoke, letting everyone eyes fall on her.
       Zhou-Zhen's eyes also fell on her, and she has been crying since she was raised. Even when Ruan Daren suspected that Shen Heng was the murderer who killed him, she was still crying. There was no major reaction at this moment. What do you want to say when you ask to speak?
       Ruan Daren asked her, "What do you have to say."
       "My husband actually died of eating rat poison by accident. It has nothing to do with Bezoar Pill of Anomiya, -cries." Woo. After that, she covered her face and cried.
       Wow-this is the truth?
       Everyone was astounded by this turning in God.
       Zhou-Zhen was surprised and looked at the woman next to her, raising an eyebrow. Looking at Brother Shen Lu again, the expressions on both faces were too fake.
       Yuan-Suming smiled with interest, interesting.
       At this moment, a large pair of children slowly approached Yang-shi and comforted her, as if it was not unexpected.
       "Ruan Daren, I just said that the great death has nothing to do with me." Shen Heng said helplessly.
       After being shocked by the truth for a little while, Zhou Hai quickly realized that Yang-shi words acknowledged that Mo death had nothing to do with Bezoar Pill of Angong.
       Ruan Yue signaled him to be quiet, and then asked, "Yang-shi, what do you say your husband died of eating rat poison by mistake?"
       "Back to Ruan Daren, this is the case. The day the mistress fired a small dish of crushed peanuts, mixed the rat's medicine, and prepared to throw it into the corner to cure the cockroaches and mice. No one knew me at that time, and the mistress went out. Because I was in a hurry, I didn't have time to explain that the rat has been mixed with peanut medicine ... "
       "Then why did you ridiculous death on Bezoar Pill?"
       "The mistresses were too scared at the time, and the mistresses didn't want to." Said, Yang-shi knelt down and bowed his head toward Zhou-Zhen, "Zhou Dong's family, I'm sorry, it's hurting you."
       "Then why are you willing to tell the truth now?"
       "The woman's conscience is uneasy. Since the incident, the woman hasn't slept in a sense of security." Then, she cries-weeping again.
       Very good, it sounds reasonable and reasonable.
       Shen Heng asked, "Nguyen Daren, since Mo Da cause of death has been found, can I go now? As for the burning of the body, I am willing to discuss compensation with the Mo family."
       The final result of this case  :   Zhou-Zhen is okay, and Shen Heng is okay. The matter of compensation with the Mo family is also a private matter, and no official intervention is required. As for Yang-shi, who accidentally died of her husband in traditional Chinese medicine, because Mo has long lost Father, Niang, and Mo son is now the head of the family, he has decided not to investigate his mother's father's death due to his negligence. The younger brothers pleaded with Ruan Daren for Sao.
       As the saying goes, the people do not sue the officials, but the matter is so big that they have to be sentenced. In the end, Yang-shi was sentenced to three years in prison. This is the result of the intercourse of his children and uncle.
       The case has also been concluded.
       Only Ruan Yue felt like he was punching on cotton, and he was very uncomfortable.
       After Nguyen Xuan announced his retirement, people went out one after another and talked about it again. The end of the matter was really unexpected.
       "Gongzi, I always feel that death is not that simple." Ayu said.
       Yuan-Suming didn't speak, of course it wasn't that simple, but what about it? As long as Zhou-Zhen is fine, the rest is not important.
       At this moment, the brother Shen Lu happened to pass by Yuan-Suming.
       Shen Lu stopped and praised, "Yuan gongzi is really young and thoughtful."
       Yuan-Suming also laughed, "The Chief Shen didn't hesitate to give up, and the survival of the tail can also be decided immediately, and his courage is really admirable."
       "If Yuan gongzi is tired of living in Zhoujiafang, you are always welcome to come to our Shenjiazhuang as a guest." What a good young man, how do you fancy Zhou-shi girl, in fact, they also have a lot of good Miss-Shen-shi , Yeah. Shen Lu sighed.
       As soon as Zhou Hai came out, she heard Shen Lu digging at the corner of their Zhou-shi corner. Now she is polite and honest, "Chairman Shen, it's really thanks to you that you are able to retreat with your sister."
       The game set by Shen-shi is just like a pool. At that time, only one Zhou-Zhen was installed, and then a Shen Heng was installed. The water was completely discharged. Shen Heng was saved, and Zhou-Zhen naturally retreated.
       Both sides knew the meaning of this sentence, but Shen Lu would not admit it, just nodded towards Yuan-Suming, and led Shen-shi person away.
       Shen Lu took Shen-shi person away, and Zhou Hai ignored him.
       Zhou-Zhen retreats from his body. The Zhou-shi people are crazy. Recently, Zhou-shi really showed his face twice. Everyone hugged her back to Zhoujiafang.
       This scene fell into Zhou Ji eyes. At this moment, he did not clearly realize the cohesion of his six cousins in the clan.
       The turning point in this case was truly unexpected.
       Due to Zhou-Zhen's outstanding performance in the Zhou-Chen theft case, all major forces in Lujiang are paying attention to this time in the case of An Gong's Bezoar Pill poisoning. After the results came out, the chiefs of these patriarchs would inevitably comment one or two.
       "Shen Lu was forced to the extreme, so he had to release Zhou-Zhen himself."
       "Shen-shi really stepped on the floor this time! The loss was heavy."
       "Unfortunately, Zhou-Zhen turned out to be a daughter."
       "It's a pity to be a daughter, but it's a pity that a famous flower has a master. Unfortunately, after that, we should feel more fortunate. Otherwise, the Zhou-shi family has been operating in her hands for twenty or thirty years, I am afraid it will be another scene Now. "
       "Such an excellent Miss, why didn't she enroll in my Shengshi? If she is our Shengshi, I will try to disagree and make her the next patriarch."
       "Actually, your family is also good."
       "we'll see."
       The death of Mo Da finally proved to have nothing to do with Zhou-Zhen, so the day after the case was closed, the pharmaceutical factory and drugstore reopened.
       Yaozhuang is still alive and well in the city.
       Anzo Bezoar Pill still adopts the purchase restriction mode, three capsules per day, and uses the lottery model. The name of the customer who purchased the drug at the drugstore the previous day will be written into a note and placed in the box. Each customer has Opportunities are selected, and those selected will be eligible for the purchase of Bezoar Pill. And this time Zhou-Zhen also gave An Huang an instruction manual, each medicine has it, and the medication taboo is written on it. More and more formalized.
       Many of them came to inquire about Zhou-shi medicinal ink. At the time, Zhou-shi medicinal ink table was too dazzling. What a good thing to use as medicine and ink. The guests would like to buy one or two in a shelving room, or take it with them when they go out for emergency.
       Gu-shi Shengshi, Peishi, Lushi and other five ethnic groups of management also appeared in Zhoujiafang, they still came for Anhuang. Because of their previous cooperation, Zhou-Zhen gave two extra quotas to each family. These people got two more Anhuangs and grinned, they all said Zhou-Zhen would be human.
       They didn't ask medicated ink, not because they didn't want to buy it, but they knew that Zhou-shi medicated ink was about to become a tribute ink, and they didn't want to use it until Shanggong was finished.
       Zhou-shi gradually calmed down here, these days Shen-shi was not idle.
       Shen Heng secretly saw a lot of ink-making families or medicinal materials dealers. Of course, Shen-shi also went around with the ink officer. When meeting these people, as soon as Shen Heng showed the intention to shoot the batch of rhino horns, the opponent's head shook a wave drum. Some people even said angrily that he Shen-shi was wicked, that the rhino horns were not coming right, and it was obvious that the destination was fixed. Sooner or later, they had to return to Zhou-shi. Of course, how to answer the question is still open to question. Who dares to get involved at this time? Shen Heng asked them to take a shot, this is not obviously trying to pit people.
       In addition to these people, there are people who kindly mention that they need to be tied to solve the bell, and persuade them to show weakness to Zhou-shi.
       They understand it. But Zhou-shi deadly side, he always played Tai Chi with a kind attitude toward them. They all voluntarily conceded, and even said that they only need to spend 400 thousand Silver Taels to pull the rhino horns back. You should know that during this period, Shen-shi did not use many rhino horns, which is equivalent to the original return. This one in and one out, Shen-shi loss is 100 thousand Silver Taels. It’s all made such a big step, but Zhou-shi just doesn't talk too much!
       Shen Heng estimated, Zhou-shi would like to use the hand of the ink officer to requisition these rhino horns for free? Swallow these two hundred fifty thousand alone? The bad thing is that even if Zhou-shi really does this, outsiders will feel that Shen-shi deserves it. The thought of this caused him a headache.
       Shen Lu could only persuade him. At this moment, I was artificially stabbed with a knife, and I was fish. They had no choice but to wait for another shoe to land.
       The ink officer talked about Zhou-shi, saying that the Ministry of Rites was very optimistic about their new medicine-Zhou-shi, and wanted to list it as a tribute ink, and then went to the tribute batch every year, he came to ask specifically Ask them if they have any difficulties.
       Will Zhou-shi medicinal ink become tribute ink? This is good, Zhou Hai quickly expressed his gratitude to the way, and thanked the court for his appreciation of Zhou-shi.
       Speaking of difficulties, of course, did they originally prepare a batch of rhino horns? Those rhino horns were prepared for the manufacture of medicinal ink. Now that the rhino horns are gone, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. I am afraid that it is impossible to pay a tribute to medicinal ink. Zhou Haishen apologized for this.
       He knew this for a long time, and he interviewed Zhou-shi in an attitude to help them solve the problem. There were some reasons for his initiative and some reasons he had to do so.
       The main reason is that Zhou-shi medicinal ink performed too well this time, and she beat Shen-shi.
       Before Shen-shi Qianli Shuang had been selected for the game, the medicinal ink became a tribute. As the medicinal ink officer, he selected the medicinal ink and naturally chose the medicinal ink with the best quality as the medicinal ink. Now everyone in Lujiang knows that Qian Lishuang is not as good as Zhou-shi medicinal ink. Naturally, he can't put good ink and choose no defective products, right?
       As a result of the current situation, Shen-shi has a lot of responsibilities, and they have to cooperate unconditionally this time. Otherwise he won't spare them!
       Shen-shi is going to be backstabbed this time.
       "I heard that before you Zhou-shi had stocked two thousand pounds of rhino horns, was it just for making medicinal ink? Then Shen Luqiang bought it?" He Tu asked.
       Zhou Hai nodded.
       "That way, my official will invite Shen Li to talk about the medicine and ink?" How do I still want to resolve this matter gently.
       "He-Daren also knows that Zhou-shi is completely an eventful event in the second half of the year, not only because the batch of rhino horns was bought by Shen-shi at a low price, but also because of the loss of rhino horn. It took a lot of money to perfect the medicine and ink to the current state. We Shen-shi did not have the financial resources to buy back the rhino horns. "Speaking at the back, Zhou Hai smiled bitterly.
       "How much is it?"
       "It took more than two hundred twenty two."
       The way was silent for a while, "That's more than 200 thousand? Can you discuss it, you give 200 thousand, and I'll let Shen-shi return half of the rhino horn to you." So they Zhou shi is not a disadvantage.
       "He-Daren, we originally purchased 321 kilos of rhino horns. Even so, we are also losing money. Moreover, we really don’t have so many rhino horns, otherwise they will not work."
       "Why?" Qi Tu wondered.
       "He-Daren didn’t know. There are two types of Bezoar Pill, one of which is buffalo horn and rhino horn. But the latter is better than the former. It is given to Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. It's An Huang, which uses rhino horns. "
       "Does An Huang actually need rhino horns?" He Tu thought at this time that Shen-shi had a big bleeding this time. He knew, however, that An Huang could also be listed as a tributary medicine.
       Zhou Hai nodded helplessly.
       After thinking about it, He Tu asked Zhou Hai directly, "Are you planning to let the court order the requisition of Shen-shi rhino horns for free?"
       Zhou Hai seemed startled, "He-Daren, we have no such idea at all!"
       "It’s best, if you Zhou-shi asks, it is not impossible. At present, it seems that you Zhou-shi Zhanxi, but I feel my conscience and tell you that it is best not to do this. The reputation of going out is not good, and it is a bad impression. My official thinks that a little punishment is fine. "
       Zhou Hai didn't say a word, in fact, sister-zi also meant that ...
       "In this way, you take out 200 thousand Silver Taels, and I ask Shen-shi to return the batch of rhino horns. Then you can make ink with peace of mind and complete the tribute share."
       Zhou Hai was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth, "Okay, just look at your face, He-Daren. I'll go and raise some silver and come up with 200 thousand."
       Shen-shi here soon knew what Zhou-shi meant.
       "Zhou-shi said that because rhino horn is not a medicine, they can only invest in silver to continue to develop and improve their medicinal inks. After Zhou-shi medicinal inks are developed, they have been invested in Zhou-shi. Twenty thousand and two thousand finally, and finally got good results. And, Anomiya Bezoar Pill will use rhino horns ... "
       Need to use rhino horns at Anzo Bezoar Pill? Shen Lu heart trembled, and suddenly a bad feeling was raised.
       "He-Daren means, this silver will be counted on our Shen-shi head."
       Shen Lu only felt a sap on his head.
       "Bang! Zhou-shi spent more than 200 thousand to perfect their medicinal inks? Lie to the ghost!" Shen Heng jumped angrily, "Brother, Zhou-shi is too cruel! They swallow with a mouth Let's lose 300 thousand! Would you like to grind Zhou-shi again? "
       Shen Lu stopped, "Where to say this, there is basically no room for change. I just want to start a little, at least not for free, and there are 200 thousand back. Let's pay for a lesson.
       Under the intervention of the two sides, the two sides reached an agreement. Zhou-shi returned 200 thousand to Shen-shi, and Shen-shi returned the batch of rhino horn originals.
       On the day of the transaction between the two parties, Shen-shi inexplicably brought a lot of young juniors, even some of them dressed as scholars, as if not afraid to lose face in front of the juniors.
       Shen Lu Zai He and Zhou-shi and others approached him to completely converge his front edge, which was very humble.
       Zhou-Zhen raised an eyebrow, which one did Shen Lu play? As soon as she thought about it, she thought of the hometown exam a few days later. Is this what he wanted to do to defeat the soldiers? Let him go!
       Under the testimony of whereabouts, Zhou-Zhen took the rhino horns returned and checked them, and after confirming that there was no problem, she nodded toward Zhou Hai.
       They were so cautious, Shen Heng snorted.
       These rhino horns went out and came back again. Shen-shi used part of it, not much. But this one came in, Zhou-shi made 300 thousand. What a huge sum! Not to mention that this is the fatty meat bitten from Shen-shi.
       Zhou Hai couldn't help but grin, he even had the urge to put on dozens of tables.
       After the completion of the delivery, He told them Zhou-shi to develop the medicated ink well, and don't let down the court's support.
       As soon as this matter was resolved, there was a steady stream of people visiting the house. There are people who buy antlers, and people who buy rhino horns. Who makes these two things available only at Zhoujiafang?
       Before Shen-shi secretly looked for them, they didn't dare to buy them. At this time, the rhino horns clarified the ownership and they dared. There is also antler gum, which Zhou-Zhen said in the public hall at the beginning, and those who need it can go to Zhoujiafang to buy it. Now Zhou-shi Shen-shi took the lead in eating crabs, and their families also wanted to study medicinal inks, but they had to come home and exchange more.
       After the case ended, Zhou-Zhen slept heavily for two days.
       Waking up and not going out, I lived in the hall, and the whole man was lazily sitting on the hall, listening to the Maid talking about the recent bustle.
       It is said that five or six days before the township test, a selection of Xinxiang test questions in the name of Doctor Jingshui Teacher-3 was hot.
       The title was said to have been sold out, and Haohan's bookstore was printed twice before it was able to cope with it.
       Zhou-Zhen made a person quietly buy a copy. Looking at the selection of the hometown exam that was sent to Master Zeng's “inadvertently” before her, she felt that everything was settled.
       Zhou Xian came here every evening after class, and consciously asked his sister to check his schoolwork. He was very good.
       She didn't go out, and someone who was a guest in the family room was depressed.
       Suddenly, he went to the dock to pick up someone back.
       Send a letter to Zhou-Zhen, she took a nap, and finally came out of the nest house of the pavilion.
       Seeing Zhu Liang again, Zhou-Zhen felt that he had changed, and the whole body's demeanor felt like the sea, tolerant and omnipotent.
       "I heard about you after coming down the mountain, and then immediately set off to rush back to Lujiang. I didn't expect to be one step late. But you are all right."
       Zhu Liang didn't blame her for publishing the last two sentences of the four sentences. Faced with the pressure of Wang-Shuo, He-Jia, Shen-shi-3, and still in a desperate situation, she can last for so long without saying, which is greatly beyond his expectation.
       He spent a month on Wujieshan and got too much.
       Even if Wang-shuo got all four sentences of the "four for sentences", it didn't hinder him.
       Of course, he doesn't need to be the same thing, but it's another thing that she did what she wanted, and he couldn't help it.
       When Zhu Liang left, he did not ask her to keep these four sentences secret. He could imagine the pressure that Zhou-Zhen would face.
       Shifu leads into the door and practices in person. She never thought about holding the "four for a sentence" in the hands of several people. She doesn't sell the second owner, just what she said to the patriarch Tai-Ye, everything is for all her planning services.
       Zhou-Zhen felt that he was grateful for this, and he deserved it. He also gave him a big gift. Now he waits for the time bomb to explode.
       The days go by unhurriedly, and those rough seas will gradually calm down over time.
       Shen Lu has always emphasized, "This time, the past is over. Don't just immerse yourself in the past, we need to look forward."
       "Brother, there is good news from the vast bookstore, saying that the selection of Xinxiang test questions in the name of Doctor Jingshui Teacher-3 is very popular and has robbed many customers back." Shen Hengdao said.
       This is a rare piece of good news in recent times.
       For such a long time, the morale of Shen-shi side has been very low because of successive losses. Although the news did not stir any waves in his mind, he still pretended to be a very happy person and encouraged morale. " OK! This is really good news. From the shopkeeper to the second child at the bookstore, this month pays more than half a month. "
       "Look, we Shen-shi will get better slowly. By the way, it's been a few days since I left the hometown. How about the status of the boys this year?"
       "Well, all said that this time we must work hard to do a good job to win honor for the clan leader."
       As the saying goes, the soldiers will win. In Shen-shi, all the students in the reference were struggling with their hearts, waiting for the township test to come.
       Near the township test, Zhou-Zhen went to Tongmen Lane. One was to see how Ma Dongmei mother's condition had improved, and the other was to persuade Ma Dongmei not to take the township test. Ma Dongmei asked the reason, and she said it was inconvenient.
       Zhou-Zhen did what he should do. As for Thaksin and unbelief, it depends on how he weighed himself. When she came out of the Ma family, if she felt something, someone seemed to be staring at her. When she looked at it, she found no one.
       She lowered her eyelashes, concealing the thoughtfulness in her eyes.
       One day, Zhou-Zhen came to the Zongfang with sorrow, and didn't go in long, but when she left, her sadness disappeared.
       This scene happened to be met by Zhou Ji, and his eyes were thoughtful.
       In the 27th year of Kang Jing's township test, about twelve County-Graduate officials referenced by Zhou-shi, arranged by Zhou-shi to drive to the examination room in Anqing, and arranged accommodation and food. Everyone arrived in Anqing one day in advance.
       This year, the candidates of the Zhou-shi family were particularly unsatisfactory. Before the test began, there were people who accidentally contracted the wind at night, had something wrong, diarrhea, and their feet could not walk .... It's serious. I looked for the doctor and said that I was afraid that I couldn't survive the first day of the exam.
       In short, only two people entered the examination room steadily in the end, Zhou Ji and a companion who played well with his family.
       With the door of the examination room closed, ten Zhou-shi teenagers who could not enter the examination room accidentally cried.
       Ten young men were sick or their feet were too weak to enter the examination room. They were red eyes or wiping tears. This scene was sad and sad. I missed this time and have to wait another three years. Who knows what will happen in three years?
       Of course, some people are gloating, especially when they recognize that they belong to the family of Jianghe Zhou-shi and those who do not deal with Zhou-shi, and they all pass this as a joke back to Lujiang.
       Zhou Shu was led by the book boy to help him down from the carriage. Gong buckets were put on the carriage. They kept venting. If they didn't put one or two Gong buckets nearby, they might be out.
       He glanced at the closed examination room door, his hands and feet were still weak, and he laughed at himself. Even if he is willing, the examiner is not willing.
       "Let's clear up our emotions, this time we're on track, go back and report to Patriarch Tai-Ye them."
       "Brother, do you think it is possible that this is related to Ah Chi?" A younger hesitant asked.
       Zhou Yan's face was calm, "Go back and talk."
       At this time, the Zhoujia Fang was calm, and they didn't know that their examinees had encountered so much trouble this year.
       On the day of the completion of the completion of the rhino horns of the Zhou and Shen ethnic groups on that day, the news of their selection of Zhou-shi Yao Mo on the next day was announced.
       Zhou-shi Mozhifang expanded the recruitment of many workers, these people were selected from the tribe. Only those with good craftsmanship can be selected to work in the Gongmo Group. Those with ordinary craftsmanship can only be on the periphery. Even so, Zhoujiafang has a vibrant and vibrant side. The old guy talked and laughed while working, and was in the middle of the township test. It is inevitable that he will look forward to how many people can take the Imperial-Graduate after the exam.
       But Zhou Yan's early return broke the peace.
       "Not good, my brother they are back!"
       As soon as Zhou Yong's carriage drove into Zhoujiafang, someone stumbled into the house report.
       Zhou Hai was anxious when he heard the news. "Come back at this time? What happened? Who sent him back?" Zhou Yan's solid foundation is one of the hopes that Zhou-shi is most likely to pass the exam this year.
       Humanely, "Not only my brother, almost all returned."
       "What ?!" Zhou Haiteng stood up. He felt a little dizzy. Twelve candidates referred to the exam, and ten returned. What happened!
       Seeing him like this, the patriarch Tai-Ye shook his head secretly, still not stable enough.
       As he spoke, the ten candidates from their clan, headed by Zhou Zheng, entered the hall with the help of their descendants.
       The voice of the subordinates was not small, Zhou-Chen came out of the house quickly after hearing it. Although he did not participate in this year's township test, he saw that so many companions in the clan came back down unexpectedly, and his heart sank. He also found a chair in the lobby and sits down.
       "What's wrong with this?"
       This one is miserable.
       I have met the elders of the clan, and even some of them have met the father. The father and grandfather have also come to the Zongfang, and they can't help but red eyes.
       "Someone talked about what happened."
       Zhou Zheng calmed down and said, "The patriarch Tai-Ye, Hai Taibo, the third uncle, the fifth uncle, this is the thing ..."
       After Zhou Zheng's remarks, they finally knew what was going on.
       The more Zhou Hai listens, the heavier his heart becomes. Zhou-shi is expected to lose face this year. Twelve candidates originally had a reference, and the probability of three or four candidates in the test was still very high. Now, there are only two people left. In other words, this year the Zhou-shi family will most likely not be able to produce a few Imperial-Graduate Lao-ye, even the jinshi!
       If Zhou Zhi didn't pass the Imperial-Graduate, then the fun would be a hit. Imagine that after the release of the list, all the ethnic groups put their running seats to celebrate how much Imperial-Graduate they have achieved in this year's examination, and they Zhou-shi quietly. The thought of Zhou Hai twitched at the thought. As far as Management is concerned, others only look at the results, and they will not care about why you can't get an Imperial-Graduate for any reason.
       Looking at the dejected juniors, the third uncle took the table to make a ping-pong sound, "This matter must be checked!"
       "Will it be Shen-shi?"
       "Tai-Ye, do you know what they sent?" After all, twelve candidates, ten of them won, and two didn't.
       Everyone didn't say anything.
       "Don't guess wildly."
       When they have said enough, the patriarch Tai-Ye said, "This is the end of the matter, don't think too much about it." He paused and said, "We will definitely check this out."
       After hearing the words, candidates such as Zhou Yi were still a bit lost, even if they found out what happened, after all, they missed the township test this year.
       People who think this way now, after a while, are very grateful that they missed the township test. But that's the end.
       Patriarch Tai-Ye named, "Ahai, I'll leave it to you."
       Zhou Hai stopped talking and finally said stubbornly, "Father, can you invite my sister-zi?"
       "What did you ask her to do?"
       "She alive," stronger than him.
       Before he finished, Tai-Ye, the patriarch, glared at him. "Are you the patriarch or she is the patriarch? Pointing at her and asking you why?"
       Well, Zhou Hai bowed his head, and he has really relied too much on her lately.
       After the patriarch Tai-Ye left, Zhou Hai discussed with the uncle in the clan, and he felt that it must be the inner ghost.
       After the patriarch Tai-Ye left, San Bogong and Wushugong both looked at each other and saw the doubts in the other's eyes. Then they thought about each other in their hearts, but it was unknown what they had figured out. Anyway, they both agreed to leave the matter of investigating the truth to Zhou Hai with full authority. Zhou Hai thought that there was an inner ghost, so he went according to his thinking. He decided to detain the servants who accompanied Zhou Yi to take the examinations in Anqing House in these days, just as he said.
       With the return of Zhou Yi and others, candidates of the Zhou-shi clan have also passed to the ears of various clanes due to wind cold and abdominal diarrhea.
       Shen-shi Zongfang, after listening to this joke, Shen Heng deliberately put down the work at hand to share the news with his elder brother, together cheerfully.
       "You said that Zhou-shi candidates are back?" Shen Lu asked.
       "Similarly, the two entered the examination room. I didn't expect them to have Zhou-shi today? I guess it's been too embarrassing for them Zhou-shi recently, and they should have been careful."
       Shen Heng only felt that seeing Zhou-shi was unlucky, and the bad breath in his chest was finally relaxed.
       Shen Lu did not speak, and he would not easily draw conclusions about the Zhou-shi family. The other side is a little bit quiet. First of all, he must first confirm the authenticity and whether there are any traps. In the words of later generations, Zhou-shi insidious and deceitful things are almost giving him a psychological shadow. But in this matter, I can't figure out what's wrong with it.
       "Brother, there will be a good show when the list is released. I hope Zitong will fight with each other and make a big difference for us Shen-shi."
       Not to mention Zhoujiafang, candidates at the Anqing Examination Hall got the papers. When they swept the papers for the first time, many people widened their eyes and had shortness of breath. Some of this question is familiar. He did it!
       Township test for three days, you can also submit papers in advance.
       These October days have begun to get cold. Candidates are still wearing single-layer clothes and are not very warm. Many candidates are struggling in the test room.
       Most of the candidates in Lujiang have completed the question, and even checked it several times. They no longer want to change the answer, but they have not submitted it because no one has taken the lead.
       In the end, Pei Sheng decided to hand in the papers in advance, and the carbon that could be brought in had already been burned out. He really didn't want to be frozen here anymore.
       So Pei Sheng waved a small flag, and soon there was a military service to maintain the order of the examination room. When he learned that he was going to hand in the papers, he looked at him in surprise first, and then helped him by his name.
       After handing in the papers, Pei Sheng walked out of the examination room with a swing in the examination basket.
       The examiner looked at him like this, and nodded secretly, it seemed that the candidate was doing well.
       With the first one, there will be the second one, one after another. Quite a few people submit their papers in advance.
       These people are all candidates of Lujiang.
       The examiner's eyebrows twisted slightly. What happened to the candidates this time? He looked at the papers. It was not easy. How could there be so many people submitting papers in advance? And each of them is calm, not like they can't answer.
       After leaving the examination room, Pei Sheng couldn't hide his excitement. He took the carriage to pick up people and waited for the candidates from the same race to come up, and urged the family to go.
       Seeing everyone laughing and talking, the book boy boldly asked, "Gongzi is in a good mood, is he doing well in the exam?"
       Pei Sheng smiled clingingly. "It was a good test."
       Pei Shi other candidates from the same race also talked one after another  : 
       "All our candidates in Lujiang should be doing well. My name is near the door. After Brother Sheng, I saw that many candidates in Lujiang had submitted their papers in advance."
       "Yes, Jingshui Teacher 仨 The title was chosen so well this time, Brother Sheng, you don't know, when I saw the policy topic, I was so taken aback that I couldn't return to my mind for a long time."
       "It's not just you? Everyone is almost there."
       "Thanks to Jingshui Teacher's selection of test questions published in Lujiang, this is really the blessing of our students in Lujiang."
       Zhou-Zhen was standing in front of the window, looking at the bare tree branch Yatou outside the window, thinking about the news that just came back, smiling a little, everything was finally settled
       After taking the exam, candidates from Pei Shi returned to Lujiang with a smile and laughed, and Shen-shi did not hesitate to let them go.
       Shen Hengmei walked in with a smile and said, "Brother, Zitong, they are back. Someone who talked and laughed said that this test should be stable."
       Shen Lu heard an open smile.
       Shen Heng continued, "Not only Zitong, our candidates for Shen-shi said that there was no problem in this test."
       Shen Lu wondered, "How can I be so sure? Zitong is waiting, and I am not surprised after the exam. I remember that before the exam, they were extremely stunned, so I was not so sure."
       Speaking of this, Shen Heng was happy, "In fact, this time, thanks to Jingshui Teacher, they have chosen the second printed test question."
       Hearing that Shen Lu had a sudden heart, he quickly asked, "What's going on?"
       "This township test, more than half of the content of the test was from that test question. Brother, if this is really what Zitong said, we are afraid that Shen-shi will have 13 Imperial-Graduate at one time." Shen Heng was so excited when he thought about it, "When we do, Zhou-shi-brother, why is your face so white ?!"
       Shen Lu took a deep breath, "Go to the vast bookstore and bring me that mirror water Teacher! If you don't want to come, tie me too!"
       "Brother?" He found his brother's hand shaking.
       "The disaster is coming, hurry up!" Shen Lu urged, and he was almost stomped.
       On Zhou-shi side, Zhou Haixia made a fierce investigation for two days, only to discover that the culprit was the chef Shi Xu, who had chosen to take care of the dietary life of these candidates. When found on her head, Xu Shi confessed to all guilts and asked her why, she also said.
       It is a bit ridiculous, because it is because I remember that his mother-zi had ridiculed her man, so I took this opportunity to put a lot of croton flour in the dinner and breakfast of the Zhou-shi candidates.
       To be honest, in the face of this ridiculous truth, everyone is somewhat incompetent, especially the ten candidates.
       The patriarch Tai-Ye came out and comforted them a few words, and at the end, he said meaningfully, "Sei Wong loses his horse.
       However, this is really not the biggest blow to them. The biggest blow is that after the exam, the candidates came back to talk about the topic of the hometown exam.
       When they learned that this year's hometown test and the second volume of the test questions produced by Jingshui Teacher 仨 had similar overlaps as high as 50%, Zhou Ye was collapsed. This autumn test, they have the advantage of Lujiang, and that's it Make them miss.
       Shen Lu used the means to learn from Jingshui Teacher and Master Zeng that the second choice of test questions was accidentally picked by Master Zeng, and he collapsed at the time.
       It's a trick! Moreover, the opponent has already laid down this game early, and he will die Shen-shi!
       Facing a misty old Master Zeng, Shen Lu didn't want to say anything, and waved his hand to let them go. idiot! Dare to pick up anything and dare to use it, pig brain, kill them Shen-shi!
       Shen Heng was stupid again, seeing that his elder brother was so anxious and worried, and now realized that the matter was serious.
       "On Zhou-shi, ten candidates could not enter the examination room because of vomiting. What kind of statement did Zhou-shi Zongfang give?" Shen Lu needs to confirm again.
       Shen Heng replied lowly, "The chef who said she was taking care of the examinee diet lived upset because of the hatred of Zhou Hai mother-zi for her man's anger, so she went down for dinner and breakfast for the Zhou-shi candidates. A lot of croton flour. "
       "What about the cook?"
       "Have a meal and be sold far away."
       "A family?"
       "What a trick!" After finishing the sentence, Shen Lu sits there for a long time without talking.
       "Brother, what's the matter? What difficulties did Shen-shi encounter? You can tell us, let's find a way together."
       "Can't do it, we can't do anything." Only waited for the knife to fall.
       He said, it’s not so coincident. Going to take a township test, Zhou-shi candidates fell by 90%, and the students missed this year's township test ...
       Zhou-shi, Zhou-shi, served, he served. What are those confrontations ahead? It's ruthless to draw a salary at the bottom of the pot.


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