Sister Credit 65

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       By the time they settled all the gold and silver, it was noon.
       The housekeeper came to the ‘Official , "Tai-Ye, Lao-ye, the brother of 4th House has been waiting outside ..."
       The patriarch Tai-Ye said to Zhou Hai, "Maybe I want to ask my sister-zi about it. Go and see him and calm down."
       When Zhou Hai saw Zhou Xian, he ate a small amount of dim sum for hospitality, and constantly drank tea to fill his hunger.
       "Xiangge have a meal?"
       Zhou Xian smiled embarrassedly, "Hai Dabo, haven't eaten yet." He heard that his sister had an accident in the ethnology, and ran to the sect's house, already waiting for half an hour.
       "Then accompany Hai Dabo for a bit?" Zhou Hai asked the steward Zhang Luo to cook.
       "This is not busy, Hai Dabo. I wonder if my sister will be all right?"
       "It will be fine in the end, but you may have to suffer a bit. Don't say anything about it."
       "I know." Zhou Xian nodded, he knew the importance. In fact, his sister and he had said vaguely that bad things would happen in the near future, so he should not worry too much.
       "Hai Dabo, this is for you." He took a stack of silver tickets from his arms.
       "What's this? Silver ticket?" This is about seven or eight thousand? My sister-zi and brother-zi are really rich. Previously, my sister-zi took out 50 thousand to 60 thousand Silver Taels. Brother Xian was only eleven years old, and he could arbitrarily control seven or eight thousand Silver Taels.
       "Hai Dabo, I know it's up to you to save my sister. I can't do much, but I can do my best."
       "Get the silver ticket back soon." With a child's money, he doesn't have that face, OK? Zhou Hai face was unsightly, but she was very relieved.
       "Hai Dabo, please don't rush away. These silvers are given to me by my sister on most days, and then I carry them down. These silver tickets are useless with me. If I can help you a little bit, it is better than staying with me There is much more meaning in it. "Zhou Xian hurriedly explained that Qian really didn't look at him.
       Zhou Hai looked at him with peace of mind unless he gave money. He didn't say much, but greeted him for a meal.
       After eating, Zhou Xian left the silver ticket. Zhou Hai put them away and planned to wait until Zhou-Zhen came out before handing them over to her. To be honest, only now Zongfang has made a fortune on Shen-shi, and there is no shortage of money, and no one can use his child's money.
       Taishoufu backyard
       He Xian smirked again and again, Huo Wenzhong gave them this set? Old fox.
       There was a worry on his face, "When will Huo Daren's illness be better?"
       Huo Donglai is also full of anxiety. "This is not correct. The doctor said that it might be just three or five days, or it might be ten days and a half months."
       "That is to say, the fastest words will take three to five days?" He Xian verified.
       "This is the best situation expected. The situation of my father is really not to be tired. It is really unfortunate to delay the matter of 4-gongzi." Huo Dong apologized.
       He Xian nodded, "I understand, then let Huo Daren take a break and don't have to worry about official business." Fortunately, he was prepared.
       In the Shenjiake Courtyard, Wang-shuo first learned that Huo Wenzhong had a sudden emergency, and he was afraid that he would not be able to attend the class tomorrow. Then he heard that Shen-shi pulled back two thousand pounds of rhino horns from Zhoujiafang. After so much, Shen-shi just patronized for his own good! "
       Can't he be annoyed? Since Zhou-shi attitude has softened, why not help him to get the last two sentences of the "four as a sentence" before talking about it? They Shen family is too selfish and only care about themselves.
       "Wang-Daren, don't be so angry, first drink tea to lower the fire." He Xian then explained slowly, "I heard the chief Shen explained that this was really not the fault in Shen-shi. It was entirely Zhou-shi Never refuse to surrender the last two sentences of the "four sentences."
       Let's lie to the ghost, Wang-Sure, believe it. For Zhou-shi, the last two sentences are more important than losing more than 70 thousand Silver Taels directly?
       Wang-Shuo was very dissatisfied, but now he still relies on Shen-shi and He shi to help him, he can only temporarily suppress the anger.
       "Don't worry about Wang-Daren. The Shen family has a decent job, just like rice is eaten bite by bite. If Zhou-shi cuts too much meat at once, they probably won't do it." He Xian roughly understood the law of Shen The method is to cut the meat a little bit, and slowly drag Zhou-shi into the quagmire. The method is indeed fine.
       Yuan Family, Shaoguang Pavilion, Capital City
       When Ayu came in with the freshly brewed tea, he saw that he was playing the string of bells by the window again.
       He couldn't help defaming in his heart  :   what's the use of just looking at the bells, he has to write to people. Ayu felt really tired.
       At this moment, Alai came in with a carrier pigeon in his hand. "Seven, there is a letter from Lujiang."
       "Hurry up." Yuan-Suming knew at the ear that something had happened to Lujiang. To be precise, it was Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhang Tsangzi knows him very well, and he has a clear sense of priorities. If it is not something that is important and he cannot handle, he generally will not cause trouble here, and he will be accountable. Since he had released the carrier pigeons, it must have been Zhou-Zhen.
       Yuan-Suming opened the creed, and saw eight words written on it, "Saturday is difficult, the disaster of prison".
       Although there are only eight words, Yuan-Suming can see from it that the crisis is hidden and the situation is critical.
       Although he didn't write about the imprisonment for the incident, he could guess that the Shen family and Wang-He and others had taken action.
       Ayu saw his gongzi eyebrows twisted together, and he knew it was 6-Miss.
       Yuan-Suming pacing in the study, sometimes froze and frown.
       To save her, it’s hard to say, it’s easy to say, he only knows that someone must be able to save her, no matter what crime they give her!
       If he breaks the game according to this idea, he doesn't need to know what happened in Lujiang at all. He just jumped out of this framework to save her. Otherwise, Lujiang and Capital City are thousands of miles apart, and it is too late for him to make a detailed plan to break the situation when he knows what happened.
       She will definitely suffer a lot in prison. If she and Zhou-shi are not able to break the game, they will most likely suffer torture ...
       When he thought of it, he felt like he was suffering from the fire. He couldn't hesitate anymore. It was too late, just waiting to collect her corpse. Maybe it would make her miserable and let the people talk for years. His eyes grew firm.
       Fortunately, when he returned, she had two Azonomiya Bezoar Pills in the earthenware she gave him, and he gave one of them to his aunt easily, and he specifically explained that she would take it with her wherever she went. This time it was he who saved her, and it was she who was helping herself.
       Lujiang Prison
       The sky gradually brightened, and one day passed. Zhou-Zhen stood up and moved hands and feet. She was wrapped in a cloak last night and barely confused. She felt very stiff at the moment.
       "I'm eating!" A small lock next to the prison door was opened, and then a rice bowl filled with prisoners’food was pushed in from the outside.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't move, she hasn't eaten since she came in the jail yesterday.
       Probably give her a power, not only did the food sent yesterday have a smell, but even the original food could not be distinguished. Of course Zhou-Zhen did not eat. Only when the water looked clean, she drank a little to moisturize her mouth only when she felt very thirsty.
       Big-Aunt delivering the food knocked abnormally at the rice bowl.
       Ok? Zhou-Zhen Fu Zhi soul, she walked over, touched along the edge of the basin, and uncovered the lingering residue on the upper layer, and found that the lower layer had a clean steamed bun.
       Zhou-Zhen took it out, and in the middle of it, there was a small note in it, with three words written on it  :   Shun, August Fourth.
       Zhou-Zhen raised her eyebrows and everything went well, earning 842 thousand? Should be the rhino horn? Sure enough, as she had expected.
       I can eat clean buns the next day, and it seems that she and Dabo have penetrated well. And things went well, earning Shen-shi-84 thousand, which is not bad.
       After eating, she had been waiting for Madam. Huo to rise to the Courtyard, but she did not wait until she felt that it was another change.
       Yuanfu of Capital City
       In Yuan Lao-ye courtyard, the abnormal atmosphere was very condensed, and even the manservant Maid was ordered not to move around.
       As soon as Yuan-Suming came to his’Grandfather's study, he heard his order from Father Yuan Xuekun, "Sin son, please kneel down for me!"
       As soon as his heart moved, he knelt down.
       In the study, there were only three people, he’Grandfather, he Father and him.
       His Father is probably very angry, and began to count around him, "Qilang, you can do it. Your people are in Capital City, and you can stir up the royal paddock far away in Chengde. It is a strategy, and it is a thousand miles away. Besides, it's admirable! "
       That happened? Yuan-Suming bowed his head and murmured.
       Yuan Xuekun can't wait to kick him, but his father looked at him aside, and he didn't dare, "Are you still pretending to be stupid? Do you want me to be a little clearer as Father?"
       "I said, you cited 3-Prince to poke the scandal of Ning-Elder Princess, so angry that Empress Dowager fainted  :   and took advantage of 2-Prince favored concubine, and transferred Tai-yi to She went to the doctor's office, so that the royal paddock was empty and there was no Tai-yi. At the time, even Tai-yi who had seen Empress Dowager could not be found. Fortunately, your aunt had an Angong Bezoar Pill. Woke up."
       "Now 2-Prince and 3-Prince hit the dog's brain in order to shirk their responsibilities, and Ning-Elder Princess also hated 2-Prince. Now the three parties can be called a big fight. It's a big round. You Qiyuan Shao is amazing. "
       Yuan-Suming still didn't speak.
       "Speak, don't pretend to be dumb for me! You are too brave! If it wasn't for your brother's early discovery, wipe your tail for you, you'll just wait for Jin Wuwei to come in." His son is so crazy, in the royal family Some people say use it, use it, and don't look at imperial power at all. When Yuan Xuekun knew about it, he was really furious.
       Yuan-Suming pursed his lips, and vibrating Ning-Elder Princess's interpersonal relationship sooner or later, he just let it explode in advance and take advantage of it. What's wrong?
       "I want to know, you have done so much, what is it for?" Yuan Lao-ye, who has not spoken, spoke. He was not as furious as his eldest son. He was just curious about the purpose of this grandson cloth. Is it for the royal family? They Yuan family, that is not necessary.
       "For one person." Yuan-Suming didn't hide.
       At this time, the study door was knocked in an orderly manner, and three long and two short knocks were made. Yuan Xuekun opened the door and entered him Lao-ye and his close friends, who whispered respectively.
       Ayu was guilty, but he couldn't handle the pressing questions of LaoTai-Ye and Big-Lao-ye.
       "You just-" After listening to the words of his close friends, Yuan Xuekun couldn't stop training.
       But he was stopped by Lao-ye, "OK, stop blaming him."
       "Should you go to Lujiang next?" Yuan Lao-ye asked him.
       Yuan-Suming nodded.
       Yuan Lao-ye waved, "Then go."
       After Yuan-Suming left, Yuan Xuekun couldn't help but, "Father, you are too fond of Qilang."
       "Who hasn't been young and wayward? When you were young, you were confused. I said you didn't?"
       "But, this time and every other time. The He family waited on the sidelines, and he was so daring ..."
       "Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, how can you wrong the child and make him act intimidated?" According to Yuan Lao-ye, his eldest son was too rigid. Enemies sometimes don't fight you properly. Shichiro is very good. Even though this hand is bold, it is undeniable that he plays beautifully.
       Yuan Xuekun's belly is defamatory. Is your grandson acting timid? If so, he would almost not know the word wincing.
       Another day passed, Zhou-Zhen forgot it, this is the third day she lived in.
       Fortunately, the weather is cool now, otherwise she would have to clean it off in three days without grooming.
       Today's meal is still a white bun, she can eat five or six cents for each meal.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't know that her treatment was really better than Zhou-Chen. On Zhou-Chen side, because he is an important prisoner to be strictly guarded by Xu Fuyu, no matter how they attack Zhou Zhou, no one dares to do anything.
       For three days, Huo Wenzhong has not been promoted. But she already knew what was going on with a note put in a daily bun. Huo Wenzhong had an acute illness the day she was brought in, saying that she was not promoted.
       Zhou-Zhen probably guessed that this was Huo Wenzhong's intention. Should he avoid the sharpness of He Shen and two?
       Under such circumstances, he avoided the case, which was considered to be a shame to the He family. Why? Is it because of Yuan-Suming? In short, it should not be because of Gu Ji power. You must know that the children of Zhou-shi are official, and the highest one is only Sipin Guan, which is equal to him.
       He can't say that he is worried about the forces on Zhou-shi. If so, then the forces on Shen-shi are not worse than Zhou-shi. What should I say?
       Excluding this reason, among the factors related to Zhou-shi, and can compete with the two of He Shen, only the Yuan family in Capital City. Huo Wenzhong is so bullish on the Yuan family?
       Yuan-Suming, Zhou-Zhen whispered these three words gently. I didn't expect that even though he was no longer in Lujiang, Yu Yin could protect her.
       Zhou-Zhen Not long after eating, Shen Lu appeared.
       She wasn't surprised, because she calculated it, and the people of the Shen family should have appeared.
       Shen-shi joined the He family to put Zhou-Chen and her in jail. The main purpose is not to cure their’sin', but to get what they want. Therefore, Shen-shi small actions also It will be very much. It can be regarded as a vivid and concrete manifestation of Kung Fu outside the poem.
       Looking at the nibbling she did not touch, and only half a bowl of clear water left, people looked and reduced a bit, Shen Lu said, "Big-Zhi-nu, why are you suffering?"
       "The cat cries the mouse. Isn't that the crime you want to see?" Zhou-Zhen snorted very rudely, expressing the resentment of a little Miss just right.
       Shen Lu really didn't mind, "That's because the bones of your surname Zhou are too hard. When you had a good discussion with you in the past, you just didn't like it, so we had to make this decision."
       Zhou-Zhen ‘Laughs’ , is it their fault to surname Zhou? Is he right?
       Shen Lu said with a kind face, "Now, you just need to say the specific identity of Qianxing, or hand over the last two sentences of the" four sentences ". You will be fine, and you can leave from here. Here. "
       Zhou-Zhen said for a moment, helplessly with a little annoyed, "Why are you so annoying, I said that I can't do anything about it, but you don't believe it, can you force it?
       Shen Lu was not angry, and she continued to persuade her, "This place is not suitable for you like a delicate and tender Miss, stay at home, why are you so hard-spoken? Isn't it that you have failed your Mu-Grandfather their sacrifice for nothing?"
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "What happened to my Mu-Grandfather?"
       "The Li family and Zhou Yifu, for their sake and Zhou-Chen, sold all the rhino horns they ate this year to the Shen family, and voluntarily made a loss of nearly 80 thousand Silver Taels. They really hurt you children, they should do what they have done I'll leave you here. I repeat, you just need to say the specific identity of the thousand lines, or you can hand out the last two sentences of the "four as a sentence", you can go out from here, they are waiting outside You return. "
       Zhou-Zhen is like hearing the news for the first time, the whole person is extremely distressed, "But I really don’t know where the thousand lines are, and I don’t know what the last two sentences of the" four-way sentence "are. You didn’t force me use."
       Shen Lu eyes were cold, and she finally stopped being kind. He didn't expect that at this step, she was so hard-spoken.
       "Don't be stingy. On the 22nd of last month, you visited Juxian Pavilion, and Zhu Liang also appeared there that day."
       They suspected that day, they had met, and most likely, Zhou-Zhen threaded the needle through it and introduced Qianliang to Zhu Liang. They do not know who Qianxing is, but her relationship with Qianxing is by no means as simple as she said.
       Zhou-Zhen's brains turned quickly, Shen Lu was quite amazing. If you find out this, you can associate so much, and it is also very powerful. She has no idea, "What does this mean? I went to gather that day What happened to the Yenkan? And who is Zhu Liang? "
       Shen Lu eyes were cold. "Don't pretend to be stupid, don't toast or toss. This is your last chance to go out here, don't cherish it."
       Why can't I install it? Huh, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, and it's not just that you are acting alone.
       Zhou-Zhen stared directly at him without fear of death. "What toast and penalizer, isn't it your decision?"
       In the last two sentences of’Four Sentences', it is impossible for her to say it now, not only because one thing is not good for selling two things  :   there is another reason is that she is dragging Wang-Shuo in Lujiang!
       She calculated the time, as long as it lasted a few days, it was enough. I hope Master Zeng will give her a little more effort so as not to let her down.
       If she told him now, wouldn't she be guilty of nothing for a few days in prison? In addition, he was asked to take the battle results to He Xian and Wang-Shuo and invited me to the merit.
       Probably she saw that she was resolute, Shen Lu didn't say anything, and made a face out of her head.
       At the same time, in another cell, a nice female voice sounded  :   "... Shiro, you draw it, and bear both charges, don't involve your cousin. Otherwise, your next six cousins will also He was arrested in the jail. Think about it, a Miss, who was in the jail and said it later would definitely be a hindrance to his reputation. "
       Zhou-Chen doesn't know yet Zhou-Zhen has been locked in.
       He lifted his head swayingly, and made a ugly smile, "I bear it, you are so kind to let her go?"
       At this moment, how can he still have the chic appearance of Zhou-shi Zong Fang-Di-son? Her hair was loose and knotted, her face was dirty, her clothes were dirty, and she even smelled weird. Because he hasn’t eaten and eaten very much, he has lost his flesh and his cheekbones are more prominent than before.
       Shen Junyu looked at such a miserable Zhou-Chen, and there was nothing in the heart. "Actually, we do so much, but I don't want you Zhou-shi to study that medicine and ink formula again. Qilang, I know you blame me, in fact I also I hate myself. But I have my own problems, I can’t do it. You are so smart, even without that medicine and ink formula, you can still lead Zhou-shi to study other medicine and ink. But we Shen shi is different, we in the Shen-shi family do not have you as a talented person in ink-making, please forgive me. "
       Zhou-Chen grinned and laughed twice.
       Shen Junyu bit her lip. "Whether you believe it or not, I feel guilty, so I asked for Father. You don’t know in prison. Huo Wenzhong had an acute illness the other day and has been sick recently. There is no way to deal with it. There is no way to get up for business. The medicine and ink formula we studied has made great progress and has become ink, we named it Qianlishuang. Now it has entered the selection of Gongmo in the Ministry of Li. So Only Father I promised me that I wouldn't make this incident bigger. However, this matter must have a result. In other words, these two charges must be taken by someone. "
       "You probably also know that you can't escape the crime of stealing the Chinese medicine prescription. You know very well that your cousin's pharmaceutical skills are not correct. As the saying goes, debts don't overwhelm you. In this case, why not Take some, in exchange for the peace of your cousin Zhou-Zhen. Or do you want her to eat the pain of this prison together? "
       Yeah, there is no teacher, isn't it just that the way is wrong? Sister Yun once said that when she first learned medicine, she was taught by a barefoot travel doctor at the Li family in Jiangyin.
       He really wanted to believe that she was talented in the medical field, but who could guarantee that the barefoot travel doctor who taught her had nothing to do with the medicine Wang-Gu? Doesn't her medicine come from the pharmacopoeia?
       For a while, Zhou-Chen was so upset, "Hey sister ..."
       "We are only going to explain one result at a time. If you bear these two charges, Zhou-Zhen will not be implicated by you. So draw a picture and bear the responsibility you should bear like a man." Shen Junyu handed over a pen.
       Zhou-Chen reached out his hand tremblingly, and it took him a while before he took the pen from her.
       There was a smile in Shen Junyu eyes.
       Zhou-Chen holds the pen for a long time, leaving the ink on the pen to drop to the ground, thinking of sister-zi ...
       At this moment he suddenly remembered what Zhou-Zhen said when he discussed with him Azunomiya Bezoar Pill and soothing blindfold  :   "7-brother, I want to open a drugstore, and I also want to open a pharmaceutical factory. I think if we work hard Well, while pharmaceuticals can make me or us stand up, can we also take care of those poor people? "
       This sentence shocked his heart.
       What did Shen Junyu say just now? Let him bear two crimes, one of which was for his sister-zi? Oh, he was so excited. Does it mean that at that moment in his heart, sister-zi was such a person? Her pharmacy is not the right way, is it in the category of theft? That's why he needs to take care of her.
       His painting was a confession for her in her heart. But why did he confess the unnecessary sin for her?
       Hahahaha, for a while, Zhou-Chen smiled to the sky, and even tears fell down the corners of his eyes.
       Shen Junyu was inexplicably uneasy, "Shichiro? Are you all right? You just need to write down your name and press the fingerprint."
       Zhou-Chen stopped laughing, he raised his shameless face, and said softly, "You don’t have to say it, my brother Zhou-shi never did anything to steal a chicken, I don’t, sister Neither. "
       "What steals medicine Mofangzi, who steals who knows you. I believe that Huo Daren is a good official and will definitely return me innocent. Moreover, I believe you and today These must have other purposes. Therefore, I will not draw this bet. "
       In a word, he did not believe that she said these for his sake, and she said that the purpose must be for greater benefit.
       Zhou-Chen's remarks were soft, but astonished, Shen Junyu was shocked.
       "You-" Shen Junyu did not expect that she would fall short when she succeeded.
       Zhou-Chen When he threw the pen, he sits against the wall and ignored Shen Junyu.
       "Jun Yu, come out."
       Hearing Shen Lu voice, Zhou-Chen opened his eyes and looked at their father and daughter quietly.
       Shen Lu also stared at him sternly, okay, good, brother Zhou-shi, it was all hard bones. Then he has to take a look. Facing the life and death barrier, their bones are still not as hard!
       Later, after Zhou-Chen went out, he told the story.
       He Father said that, fortunately, he didn't have a brain blow at the time, and drew the picture, otherwise, it was really the sister-zi who was dragged into the water. Because Shen-shi move was uneasy at all, and made him think about it, if he pleaded guilty to stealing both Chinese medicinal formula and pharmacopoeia, where did the pharmacopoeia go?
       Shen-shi can only follow this line, saying that he gave the pharmacopoeia to her sister, and that sister will be indifferent by then.
       Moreover, Shen Junyu does not seem to be a person who can say those words. Those words are aimed at his psychology, pushing forward step by step, letting him collapse and letting him escape. Those who are not proficient in speech cannot speak. All in all, that time was really dangerous.
       After analyzing this step by step, Zhou-Chen was scared after listening. He was detained for a few days at that time. He couldn't eat well or sleep well. At that time, he would think back in the prison for so many years. He just felt that he had failed very badly, and his heart was full of thoughts of distaste and sacrifice. At that time, he thought that the mistake was committed by him. If it was not for him, Shen Lu and others would not have had the opportunity to count Zhou-shi, then he would bear all the crimes. His sacrifice has a little value, he thinks it is worth it. It was almost that the Shen-shi family succeeded.
       As soon as Shen Lu and her daughter came out of jail, she was about to board a car and return home, but was stopped by Zhou Hai.
       "The surname is Shen. It's the third day today. When will you release your sister-zi? Don't forget this is what you promised, but don't talk nonsense!"
       Shen Lugang just went to see Zhou-Zhen and Zhou-Chen. They both avoided each other and were in a bad mood. When they met Zhou Hai, they were even more angry from the heart. They only felt that all of them were named Zhou. It's better to die.
       "You speak! Don't think it's okay to just say nothing!"
       Shen Lu endured the breath that reached her heart. The thumb and forefinger under the sleeves were constantly rubbing, almost a few words gritted out, "Tomorrow! Come and pick up people."
       So refreshing? Zhou Haihu looked at him suspiciously, "Can't he now?"
       Shen Lu smirked, "Zhou Hai, don't you think this jail was opened by our Shen family, right?" Then, he led his daughter through him, and didn't bother to care about this silly bird.
       Zhou Hai muttered in a low voice, "It's as easy to see your father and daughter in and out of the jail as coming home, doesn't it just mean that?"
       This sentence just happened to be heard by Shen Lu. He almost did not spit out a blood, and the surname Zhou should die!
       After Shen Lu father and daughter left the carriage, the day of pretending to be foolish and foolish was over. Zhou Hai looked at the gate of the prison, but was quickly noticed by the prisoner. In the end, I can only endure the worry and leave worriedly.
       The next morning, two jailers came in early. After they patted the chain of the cell to attract Zhou-Zhen's attention, he said to her, "Get up, and follow us!"
       "Where is this going?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       "Don't talk nonsense, just follow along."
       After they got out of the gate, the two jailers said to her, "You can go."
       Zhou-Zhen hesitated, can she go out now?
       Just when she was in a bun, the carriage curtain next to it was opened, and she jumped down alone, "Sister, here!"
       Hai Dabo? Uncle Zhou Yuan?
       "I didn't expect Shen Lu nagging to be very trustworthy, and said that he would be picked up if he came today." Zhou Hai was very happy.
       "Shen Li let it?" Zhou-Zhen asked.
       "Yeah, I was here yesterday to stop him and let him keep his promise."
       "Anytime around?"
       "Yes, just about that time."
       After hearing what they said, Zhou-Zhen had a haze in his heart for no reason, not as optimistic as them.
       After hearing her concerns, the elders of the two Haizi generations calmed down.
       In the end, Zhou Hai said, "Take care of him so much, soldiers will come to block, water will cover the ground. Sister, come on, let's go home first!"
       The news that Zhou-Zhen was released came back to Zhoujiafang like a gust of wind.
       By the time Zhou-Zhen's carriage returned, the gate of 4th House was already full of people. Her Grandmother, Zhou Xian, Luo Cheng, and some other people came.
       A brazier has been placed at the entrance of the main gate, and half a barrel of grapefruit water is in it.
       "Sister, hurry up, cross the brazier." Zhou Xian hurriedly smiled across.
       After Zhou-Zhen crossed the brazier, Yunfei washed her hands with grapefruit water to remove mold.
       Her Grandmother nodded and said, "Just come out."
       "Jiqilang ..." Before Zhou Hai last word appeared, he saw his eyes looking straight behind her.
       Perceived something wrong, Zhou-Zhen turned suddenly.
       Behind her, the gangsters headed by Chen Choutou stood in a row.
       This accident raised Zhou Hai voice by eight degrees. "Why are you here again?"
       "Zhou 6-Miss, please trouble us to go back with us." Chen Futou said.
       Chen Choutou explained in a high voice, "Because he died on West Street, the family of the deceased said that his mother would go so abruptly because she had taken Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill. The other party went to the government to beat the drums and injustice ... ... "
       Dirty framed, this is the consensus of all Zhou-shi at this moment.
       This is Shen Lu handwriting. It's no wonder that he let people go so easily. He had dug a trap to wait here.
       Zhou-Zhen raised her eyebrows, Shen-shi played with her?
       "Sister?" Zhou Xian's hand stretched out and gripped Zhou-Zhen tightly, he called uneasily. He didn't understand why his sister had just come out and had to go in again? Still because of his life, he was so worried.
       Zhou-Zhen took his shoulders, "Don't worry, it will be fine."
       At this moment, Brother Shen Lu appeared at an oblique angle.
       Zhou Hai was dying. Shen-shi was playing with them. Although he was mentally prepared early on, it was not so easy, but when he was playing with it, he was mad. When he saw Shen Lu, Eyes spit fire, "Shen Lu, you can't believe it!"
       Shen Lupi smiled and said without a smile, "I couldn't believe what I said. I promised to let the person go, but didn't say I would arrest her again."
       Zhou-Zhen looked at him blankly, and Shen Lu behavior properly explained why I can let you go, and I can turn my head and let you go on a double journey. Such arrogance as much as possible will be the guilt of Shen-shi in the future. Almost, it's September 17th.
       "Hai Dabo, don't be angry, rest assured, it will be okay. It's just going into the jail again, I believe it won't be long for us." Zhou-Zhen said this, and then looked around at the crowd, looking towards Luo Cheng and Jiang Qing.
       Jiang Qing nodded gently.
       Luo Cheng vaguely gestured to her, is it? Zhou-Zhen was happy, but no clue appeared on his face. Master Zeng finally let Haohan Bookstore print it out? Don't even try to run one of them.
       "Let's go, don't delay everyone time." Shen Lu ordered.
       Zhou-Zhen finally glanced at the family members and smiled at them comfortably before turning around.
       At this moment, the Zhou-shi clan watched Zhou-Zhen being taken away again, all of them were struggling with energy, and those who looked at Shen-shi had angry flames in their eyes. This feud is endless!
       At this time, a young man from the clan rushed back and said, "A notice was posted at the gate of the government house .... During Huo Wenzhong and Huo Shou illness, all cases in Lujiang were moved to Xu Zhongyan for handling, and he was tried in full. Attached is Futai Daren's handcuff. "
       Zhou Hai finally glanced at the pedestrian Zhou-Zhen who was walking away, "Let's go, go back to the house."
       Back at the gate of the prison again, Zhou-Zhen felt like she was going out for a walk, but unfortunately she didn't have time to change this clothes, she could smell it.
       "Zhou-Zhen-" Shen Lu called her.
       As soon as she looked up, she noticed that the people had dispersed, and at this time Shen Lu and her remained. Zhou-Zhen raised her eyebrows to the point where Shen Lu wouldn't think she would compromise?
       "It's time to review you tomorrow. Last chance, do you really want it?"
       To be reviewed tomorrow? She believes that the presiding judge must not be Huo Wenzhong, that is to say, they have finally obtained the qualification for trial?
       This moment finally came. Zhou-Zhen Zhi can see that Huo Wenzhong was deliberately calling himself sick, Shen Lu Hexian and others can naturally, they will not just sit and wait. Sure enough, there is nothing difficult in the world, I'm afraid of those who care.
       "Master Shen, no matter how many times you ask me, I will always be the answer."
       "Come on. Put her in!" Shen Lu waved his hand, and two jailers came immediately.
       Snapped! Wang-Shuo shook the table with one hand. He was really angry to the extreme. "Shen Lu, what do you want to do?"
       "Do you dare to kill Zhou-Zhen, the last two sentences of my’Four Sentences-Are not settled, believe it or not, I will let you Shen-shi give you a big blood ?!"
       Shen Lu stood there, humble and aloof, "Wang-Daren didn't know. Even so, Zhou-Zhen wouldn't let it go. Zhou-shi Those people are hard bones. They have to be pushed to desperation. It is possible to get what we want. "
       "I can warn you, if you play off, you can't afford my loss!"
       "Wang-Daren, rest assured, you can't take it off."
       He Xian didn't say much at the side, but she patted Shen Lu shoulders at the end. He and the two races are really a life and death feud.
       Over there
       This time they didn't make mysterious things any more, and they held Zhou-Zhen and went deep into the cell. Unexpectedly, she went in all the way, causing a commotion.
       "Wow, come in a female prisoner!"
       "What's weird about a female prisoner?"
       "No, it looks like this is a noble lady."
       "real or fake?"
       On both sides of the jail, because of curiosity, the prisoners were stuck in the cells on both sides of the road, and some even tried to reach out to Zhou-Zhen.
       Hearing the word noble girl, Zhou-Chen Xiao ran, who was not interested in anything since he entered the prison, was shocked. He quickly came to the outermost side of the cell, and saw that the noble girl in the prison's mouth was indeed Zhou When he was Zhen, he was unbelievable first, and then he was ashamed.
       "Really, they caught you in?"
       Hearing a familiar voice, Zhou-Zhen glanced over quickly, seeing that Zhou-Chen really, and then he couldn't help but give him a blank look, how strange? The other party was originally Xiangzhuang Wujian, intended for Peigong.
       She turned her head and ‘called at him, "I was caught in a few days ago."
       For a while, Zhou-Chen's face was ugly.
       Watching her detained and walking inside, Zhou-Chen asked loudly, "What's the charge they have made for you?"
       "The first charge was to accompany you, and to hide the pharmacopoeia you stole. The drugstore was closed, and the pharmaceutical factory was closed. Now I am charged with the development of Bezoar Pill. kill."
       Shit! Zhou-Chen punched the wall fiercely, it was his sister-zi!
       Zhou-Zhen didn't hide. When she was first brought in, she covered her head, indicating that Shen-shi must be thinking about something. In addition, people who had previously prohibited them from Zhou-shi from visiting her 7-brother, what the Shen family had to avoid, I was afraid that she 7-brother knew she was coming in, too.
       Now look at her 7-brother's performance as she guessed.
       Zhou-Zhen can guess why Shen-shi did this. Shen-shi framed her 7-brother on two counts, which may not be able to withstand scrutiny. I'm afraid that Shen Shen knows this.
       If she is Shen Lu, she will definitely take advantage of the inequality of information, and take her 7-brother as a breakthrough, and try her best to get what he wants, or more favorable evidence, from him before going to the Courtyard.
       Now I'm holding her in jail again, but I am not doing the previous one. The reason is that the anger plus the poor figure is one of the reasons, and the second is that I am not pleased with her 7-brother.
       Thinking of this, Zhou-Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and her 7-brother didn't let them work out.
       Immediately, she frowned again, for her new charge, someone died of taking Azonomiya Bezoar Pill? Anhuang is not a poison. Even people with indigestion, that is, liver and kidney failure, will not be fatal all at once. What was the cause of the deceased's death. She had never seen the body, and the autopsy statement made by the official pestle has not come out yet? The cause of death is inconclusive.
       She didn’t sell much Bezoar Pill, and in order to prevent some situations, in fact, she labeled each one of the Bezoar Pills, with corresponding numbers, and the buyers of the medicines she sold were There is relevant identity information.
       Just check it, and you can probably know who has a problem with Bezoar Pill.
       There weren’t many Bezoar Pills who went out of her house. Her grandmother gave two, and Yuan-Suming gave two. They were as far away as Jiangyin and one as far away as Capital City. The relationship with the case of Lujiang Not big. And they are not the ones who lack money, and most of them should be at home.
       Before the pharmacy opened, the six major families, Gu-shi and Sheng shi, except Shen-shi, all bought medicines in large quantities from Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory. At that time, each family evened three capsules of Anhuang to them  :   then Zhou -shi-7 rooms, she also sent two capsules to each head of the family  :   the drugstore sold only three capsules on the day of opening  :   and gave her 7-brother one capsule  :   To save Mo Lao-Anren took one  :   With this information, it is easy to find out who has the problem with An Huang.
       Zhou-Zhen forces herself to sleep because she knows that she will have a tough battle tomorrow.
       Moreover, she has been pretending to be grandson long enough, and now everything is almost a foregone conclusion.
       She will be promoted tomorrow, and she doesn't have to show weakness anymore.

       Chapter 68  :   Rise to court    

       September 18 is destined to be an extraordinary day.
       Early in the morning, people gathered in front of the gate of the palace.
       The first people to reach the battlefield were Zhou-shi and Shen-shi. The people who watched the crowd saw more and more people gathered at this battle.
       "Ascension has been ascended."
       "Well, isn't it that Huo Daren couldn't get up in the arms?"
       "Today, Xu Zhongyan Xu Daren, Huo Daren is still sick."
       "Ah? Xu Daren is not qualified yet?"
       "Yesterday, the official document was posted outside the house, don't you know? The official Taijiese Daren arrived yesterday, and ordered Xu Daren to take over the official affairs of the prison case until Huo Daren recovered."
       Before going up to the court, Zhou-Zhen and Zhou-Chen, they were finally allowed to meet their litigants for half an hour.
       Ma Dongmei hastened time and asked them a few key questions. Then told them that Xu Zhongyan planned to try Zhou-Chen's theft first, and then try the murder case caused by Bezoar Pill.
       This arrangement is thought-provoking.
       Without the first trial, she had a murder case on her body, and it would be difficult to gain sympathy.
       If Shen-shi wins, the public will only feel that they deserve it  :   if they Zhou-shi prevail, it is estimated that the public will be upset.
       Such an arrangement is hardly a bad intention. Just such an arrangement has won more than a half. Shen-shi trilateral forces united, and it really shouldn't be underestimated.
       But these thoughts turned around in her mind, Zhou-Zhen didn't say it. Their morale is low, and to say it again, it is just to build up the spirit of others and destroy their prestige.
       In the solemn public hall, the plaque "Dark Mirror High Hanging" was hung upright in the trial of Daren, and Xu Zhongyan was sitting on the public hall.
       Snapped! Xu Zhongyan stunned the gavel, "Sheng Tang!"
       The two squadron officials ‘called "Mighty."
       Everyone knelt down and worshiped Daren.
       Xu Zhongyan held a bowed hand with his hands to the north. He said, "Recently, Huo Daren was embracing his body and unable to handle official duties. In view of this, Fu Taizhu Daren deliberately handed him down and ordered me to handle some urgent official duties. Until Huo Daren recovered. Today, I went to court, and my official dealt with a case of theft that was supposed to be tried a few days ago. Come here! Pass the plaintiff and bring the prisoner! "
       Xu Zhongyan patted the gavel, straightened his back, and asked in full anger, "Who is the plaintiff?"
       "Shen Junyu, a girl from Lujiang."
       "Student Zhou-Chen, Lujiang person."
       "Footmen Zhou-Zhen, Lujiang people."
       "Daren, below Joan, ad litem, has full authority to represent the plaintiff in grievances."
       "At Xia Ma Dongmei, the ad litemist has full authority to clean up the grievances of the two defendants."
       Five of them announced their names in turn.
       The gavel in Xu Zhongyan's hand was another shot, "quasi!"
       Zhou-Zhen noticed that there was a place for He Xian above the hall, and he saw him sitting in a chair on the sidelines.
       Alas, next to him is Wang-Shuo? Didn't expect Wang-Shuo is here too? He is willing to show his face, but that's great.
       In fact, He Xian urged him not to show up, but Wang-shuo waited so much that he was too anxious. He must judge on the spot whether he might get what he wanted. So he came.
       And he did not expect that this appearance would make him speechless in the future.
       Immediately after they announced their names, the people on the sidelines began to discuss  : 
       "Ma Dongmei, who is it?"
       "I heard that Zhou-shi approached Wu Zhenwu, and I don’t know why. Finally, Zhou-shi bid for Ma Dongmei, an unknown lawyer."
       "Master Wu Li is very good. He is a good person for the people."
       "What else can be said, it must be that Wu Lishi discovered something in Zhou-shi case, so he refused to sue for them."
       "Quiet! Any complaint from the plaintiff, come quickly."
       Fang Qiong stood up at this moment, "Back Daren, this is how ..."
       Under Fang Qiong's remarks, a beautiful story slowly unfolded to the public. Shen Junyu and Zhou-Chen, the young girls who loved each other, ignored the family's grievances, and realized that they had a good heart. The grievances between the surnames pleaded her to recognize Zhou-Chen, but Zhou-Chen eventually failed her, and stole from her very important medicinal formula and a book for her. Brother Shen Chunlin deposited the pharmacopoeia with her.
       For a while, the people on the sidelines were sympathetic to Shen Junyu.
       "Shen-Miss, I don't know anyone."
       "Zhou-Qilang is so hateful, but it's ugly, it's just cheating money!"
       "Well, these two brothers and sisters are also extinct. One is deceiving money and the other is dying."
       "A snake and a mouse are nothing good."
       "I think Sanqin Yaozhuang's medicine is very good. Is there any other reason for the dead? It has nothing to do with Zhou Dong's family?" Someone whispered.
       But soon he was pointed at his nose and scolded, "It's not your father Father who is the dead, so you stand and talk without back pain."
       "Silent! Defendant, what do you say?" Xu Zhongyan asked.
       "A bunch of nonsense, the facts are exactly the opposite of what Fang Qiong said. Fang Qiong, as a lawyer, do you still remember the phrase’exaggerated and ridiculed, there is no sitting back?'" Ma Dongmei asked him.
       Fang Qiong glanced at him scornfully, "If you have evidence, take the evidence. I have been a litigant for so many years and I know better than you. Instead, my predecessor must persuade you to start in this field. Conscience does something for people. People are doing heaven and watching, and they have done more with conscience, and this road is not long. "
       The Zhou-shi brothers who were watching all looked at Fang Qiong with anger.
       Snapped! Xu Zhongyan said, "Master Li, when there is evidence, say evidence, don't engage in topics that are not related to the case!"
       "Okay, Daren." The two of you just talked to me. Fang Qiong was okay, but he was reprimanded. Ma Dongmei was not angry. He said, "What I want to say is that the medicine, the medicine and the medicine, the medicine and the medicine. Zhou-Chen At the end of last year, I accidentally obtained this when buying ancient books in Sihai Bookstore. This thing cannot be known to outsiders. After he got the prescription, he went to the Sihai Bookstore several times and bought a lot of books. , Be regarded as the owner of giving back to the bookstores.
       "Zhou-Chen, after getting the medicine and ink formula, if he got the treasure, he wanted to make it out by himself. Therefore, he spent too much energy on it, causing the county's schoolwork to decline sharply. After he knew it, he would He gave a training meal, and even ordered him not to go to the Mofangfang. At that time, under the care of Shen Junyu, Zhou-Chen couldn't help but tell out the medicine and the prescription. This is Shen-shi I was able to get the medicine formula and beat the ground. The decline in academic performance occurred in December of last year. You can go to the county education and education at that time to verify it. My words are over, please Daren. "
       Unlike Fang Qiong's incitement to love, Ma Dongmei confirmed the authenticity of what he said from details such as specific time and place, which is the carefulness of Ma Dongmei.
       Fang Qiong ironically, "You are so funny to say that, is he a three-year-old child, do not know the importance of medicated ink? This medicated ink formula has grown up, it is related to the rise and fall of the family, he is also born Zhou-shi Zongfang, is your vision so narrow? "
       Hearing this, Zhou Hai, who was standing aside, felt extremely guilty. This series of events was not so much caused by his son, but rather the fuse was on him. It is him who can't see the value of medicinal ink, and he is the one with narrow eyes.
       Ma Dongmei said, "Of course he is not as smart as your client. Otherwise, she wouldn't be stunned by her words, which would be a curse today."
       Now it is fair to say what is right, and the wife is right, both sides hold their own words.
       What's going on inside, in fact, the parties really know. In addition, these two things, such as medicinal formula and pharmacopoeia, are not real objects. It is difficult to handle the thief and get dirty.
       So Ma Dongmei and Fang Qiong can basically only fight.
       But Ma Dongmei ability is the highest, and he is not lost to him. It is a surprise to the people on Zhou-shi side.
       Even Fang Qiong himself was surprised that Ma Dongmei, a new-born donkey lawyer, could do so many tricks in his hands.
       Xu Zhongyan asked, "Zhou-Chen, you were arrested for theft. Do you have any evidence to prove that you did not steal the Shen family's medicinal formula and pharmacopoeia?"
       Zhou-Zhen frowned, and Xu Zhongyan's bias was too obvious.
       No matter what the case is, it is generally not who claims to give evidence, but now they are accused, and Shen-shi should give evidence. If you let them come up with evidence to prove that they did not steal, put the cart before the horse? In this case, she can also accuse Xu Zhongyan of stealing, and then you have to come up with evidence to prove that you did not steal, busy you!
       She glanced at Ma Dongmei.
       Although the two have not cooperated much, they have a rare tacit understanding.
       As soon as Xu Zhongyan's words came to an end, Ma Dongmei said, "Daren is wrong! You should ask Shen Junyu to bring more evidence to prove that Zhou-Chen did steal the Shen family's medicinal formula and pharmacopoeia."
       Ma Dongmei relentlessly pointed out that his business was unskilled. He had already learned through Zhoujia that this man and the Shen-shi were in the same place, so he was not afraid to offend him.
       The people around them widened their eyes, and they found out that the new litigator, Zhou-shi, had dared to speak to the judge Daren. Although the chief trial Daren is temporary, they are also using the trial power of this case. Are they not afraid?
       In the eyes of Xu Zhongyan, there was a trace of unhappiness. "The situation is very bad for the defendant based on the information provided by the two sides. Zhou-Chen, Zhou-Zhen, what do you two say?"
       Zhou-Chen took the lead in saying, "I don't confess the two charges Shen Junyu charged me."
       "What about the evidence?"
       "I have no more evidence to prove it, but I am willing to die with dying will!" After that, the other person has slammed into the pillar next to him with a force.
       Zhou Hai rushed directly into the court.
       Zhou-Zhen looked at her outstretched palm without holding anything.
       In the court hall, He Xian, Wang-Shuo, Xu Zhongyan and others stood up involuntarily, "Stop him!"
       "Ah-" the people onlookers exclaimed.
       Chen Futou was closest to Zhou-Chen at that time, and reached out to pull him, but in the end he only ripped his sleeve.
       At this point, after Zhou-Chen hit his forehead on the pillar, the man fell back straight.
       Chen catches the first three steps and makes two steps. He catches up.
       Zhou-Chen's forehead was torn, and blood ran down the wound.
       "Shichiro Shichiro, are you okay, don't scare Father!"
       Can't even die? Zhou-Chen opened his eyes and smiled bitterly, "Father, I'm fine, but I'm dizzy."
       Zhou Hai beckoned the tribe to come up with a hemostatic medicine and gave him a lot of pain to stop the bleeding.
       Zhou-Zhen stepped forward slowly, "Chen Choutou, thank you just now."
       Fortunately, he just pulled a sleeve and took off part of the force, otherwise she 7-brother would not only smash her head and bleed, but her brain would crack.
       Chen catches his head.
       Soon after being promoted to Courtyard, such a fierce scene happened. Everyone was stunned. After returning to God, they couldn't help talking about it.
       "This case, isn't Zhou-Qilang the one who was wronged?"
       "It looks like it is, if there isn't Chen Chentou to pull that, I'm afraid it will kill him on the spot."
       "If that's the case, it's pathetic. Shen-shi ‘called and caught the thief. Just now the situation is still falling, and it's no wonder Zhou-Qilang is thinking of innocence with a death certificate."
       At this time, the public only felt that Zhou-Chen must have suffered a great grievance. From the point of view of ordinary people, it is really impossible to choose a path to death with clear intentions. For a time, most people were indifferent.
       Zhou-Zhen watched this scene quietly, and she 7-brother was a mishap to eliminate the people prejudice against them.
       But to be honest, Zhou-Zhen doesn't agree with this approach. Without life, everything is gone.
       She didn't expect Zhou-Chen, after going through this difficult situation, would die. It doesn't matter if a man is a little wronged. She 7-brother's ability to resist stress is too low.
       Shen Junyu bit her lip.
       Wang-Shuo and He Xian both sits down and sits back.
       Fang Qiong frowned, he looked at Shen Lu.
       Shen Luchao nodded gently to Shen Junyu.
       Shen Junyu stepped forward and ‘called at Zhou-Chen surrounded by her relatives, "Zhou-Chen, don't you act anymore, do you want to force me to death?"
       "I didn't expect you to be such a person. Not only did you live up to my affection, but you also stole the medicinal formula and pharmacopoeia, and now you have to pour out a pot of sewage! To death, you are so dead! It’s also true, don’t you want to show everyone sympathy for this show? If you are really a man, you dare to be brave and confess your crimes, and I will give you a higher look. ”Then, her Tears came out, why, why couldn't she fulfill her? !!
       There was another uproar among the people, and Shen Junyu remarks amounted to a reputation. I couldn't understand, they thought that they had finally seen the truth, but now they were confused.
       The Zhou-shi clan was almost furious when they heard this. Shen Lu father and daughter were really shameless, and they did everything to achieve their goals.
       Zhou-Zhen walked in front of Shen Junyu, blocking her eyes looking at Zhou-Chen, and staring at her, "I don't need you to look high, I 7-brother really looked at you at first, but I was blind. I believe that without you, you will be safe and smooth in the future! "
       With that said, she turned to Zhou-Chen.
       The tribe gave her a way, Zhou-Zhen came to Zhou-Chen and crouched forward, "7-brother, why did you do this?"
       Zhou-Chen smiled weakly at her, her eyes darkened.
       "Is it because of guilt? Because you have been stigmatized for such a crime and feel that you have affected me and the people, so are you guilty?" Zhou-Zhen asked him.
       Zhou-Chen hesitated and nodded.
       "7-brother, have you ever thought that if you did this, wouldn't it make your loved ones jealous of your enemies?"
       Zhou Hai also hurriedly said, "Yes, my sister is right, you are doing this to the heart of our parents and loved ones."
       "7-brother, if you still feel guilty, then you promise me a request."
       "You said."
       "You listen, I only have one request for you! That is, no matter what the final outcome of the case will be, you will have to live, even if you suffer the grievances, and even if the dog is still breathing afterwards , Promise me! "Zhou-Zhen stared at him word by word.
       "Okay, I promise you."
       The conversation between the two brothers and sisters made the people with low tears cry, one by one, and many eyes were moist.
       Looking at this scene, Wang-Shuo, He Xian, Shen Lu, Xu Zhongyan and others all noticed that the situation has changed.
       Snapped! Xu Zhongyan stunned the hall with a beat, interrupting this sensational scene, "Continue to rise to the hall! Idle people wait, leave the public hall!"
       Zhou Hai and other Zhou-shi people stood up one by one and went outside.
       Zhou-Chen leaned on the pillar, staying the same.
       Zhou-Zhen patted him on the shoulder. "7-brother, look at it. Who didn't like one or two scum when you were young. When you get old, look back, she is not shit."
       When she heard her words, the people listened again, and laughed out loud.
       Only Shen Junyu, who was standing aside, turned pale.
       Shen Lu looked at this scene expressionlessly.
       Zhou-shi invited litigant was able to draw a tie with Fang Qiong, which he did not expect. In his expected situation, even if Fang Qiong was able to quibble Zhou-shi litigants, Fang Qiong did his best and failed to achieve his expected result. And Zhou-Chen's collision, and Zhou-Zhen's reconciliation, almost flattened all the advantages they had before Shen-shi was promoted.
       However, he is accustomed to staying behind, just to prevent emergencies. Fortunately, he is well prepared ...
       Thinking about this, he looked at Xu Zhongyan.
       Xu Zhongyan patted, "Even if you handle the case with evidence, even if you are determined by death, I can't judge you to win. Now, can you both have more evidence to prove their respective claims?"
       "I have a way to prove Shen-shi and Zhou-shi, who is the original owner of Yao Mofang and who is a thief." Shen Lu said.
       Xu Zhongyan asked, "What method?"
       Shen Ludao said, "We sued Zhou-Chen for theft, and they in turn told us that they were false, saying that we Shen-shi are the thieves! It is a joke, and I will now use a method to prove that we made from Shen-shi The medicinal ink is better than their Zhou-shi. Our Shen-shi medicinal ink can completely crush his entire Zhou-shi. We, a family who has mastered the high-tech medicinal ink method, will need to steal you. A medicinal formula? "
       "What do you mean?" Xu Zhongyan asked.
       Shen Lu straightforwardly said, "It's easy to prove who the thief is. The two Zhou Shen, who can make better medicine and ink than the other, isn't the truth clear?"
       Hearing that, Zhou Yuan in the crowd widened his eyes.
       "Now, I don't know if you dare to compare with Zhoujia?" Shen Lu glanced at the Zhou-shi people. "If you dare not compare, then there is nothing, just confess your sins."
       The people are buzzing again  : 
       "This method is good."
       "The Shen people make sense."
       "There is no simpler way than this. The Chief Shen should have come out earlier."
       Shen-shi acts well enough. But Zhou-Zhen saw through Shen Lu purpose at a glance.
       They Shen-shi stole the medicinal formula, and now Shen Lu still needs to correct the name of their medicinal formula, and then step on them Zhou-shi to make their new medicinal name famous!
       What a double stroke! Fortunately, in order to abolish their tribute, she buried her back. Did she reveal the rhino horn to Shen-shi in vain? Originally, she was going to use it later to give Shen-shi Gong Mo a fatal blow, but now she has to use it in advance. But the effect is still the same, I hope Shen Lu will not go crazy when he sees the results.
       Xu Zhong said, "This is also a way, Zhou Hai, do you agree or disagree? Or plead guilty?"
       "Zhou-shi agreed with Chief Shen's proposal," Zhou Hai said again, "but what if the medicine made by Zhou-shi is better than the Shen family?"
       Shen Lu answered directly, "It proves that the previous medicinal prescription was not stolen by Zhou-Chen." But is it possible?
       Zhou Haidao, "More than that, you also have to admit that you Shen-shi stole the medicinal formula and acknowledged the fact that Zhou-Chen stole the stolen! And you Shen Lu also openly to Zhou on behalf of the Shen-shi family -Chen and Zhou-Zhen apologize. "
       "What if you lose?" Shen Luhan asked.
       "If we lose." Zhou Hai gritted his teeth fiercely. "We will admit that Yao Mofang was stolen by Zhou-Chen!"
       "And the pharmacopoeia," Shen Lu emphasized.
       Zhou Hai nodded. "And the pharmacopoeia."
       "Okay, then we high-five!" Shen Lu raised his right hand.
       Zhou Hai confronted him.
       Snapped! Oath.
       Shen Lu asked, "It takes three hours for us to make one medicine. How long does it take you Zhou-shi?"
       Zhou Haidao, "then limited to three hours."
       "Well, after three hours, let's compete and let the truth of the day come to light." Shen Lu continued, "For the sake of fairness, we can't all use our own ink workshop."
       "Yes." Zhou Hai nodded.
       At this moment, Gu Shaoyan, who was watching, was also Gu-shi chief, and said, "Shen and Chief Shao, you also know that my Gu family's ink-making workshop is nearby. If you don't want to abandon, you can be there Make ink. "
       Shen Lu and Zhou Hai looked at each other and agreed.
       Snapped! Xu Zhongyan slammed the gavel, "In this case, it is limited to three hours. At this time is the end of the hour, and Shen Shi sees the facts of the case at the beginning."
       Shen Lu commanded, "Immediately draw the best ink maker and ink maker from the Hui people, and let Shen Che sit down in person and make the best medicated ink."
       From now on, Qianli Shuang can not only wash away the stain of theft, but also become famous in Lujiang.
       On Zhou-shi side, they also started to act.
       Xu Zhongyan raised the case to handle the case, countless people went to watch, and Huo house was left out of the gate.
       Just over half an hour after the Courtyard was raised, Huo Dong came to lead a team of men and horses, headed north, stopped at Shiliting, and arranged for a man to post a whistle on the official road not far from the main city of Anqing. He himself made the artificial pot rack wood to start making tea.
       The waiting time was very boring. Huo Donglai cronies couldn't help talking about gossip.
       "Today, Xu Zhongyan was promoted. Many people went to watch it. I don't know this time Shen-shi Zhou-shi fighting between the two races, who can win?"
       Huo Donglai poured himself a cup of tea, "In your opinion, which group has a better chance of winning?"
       A dear person said, "Xu Zhongyan's nagging and Shen Lu have a very good personal relationship, and they will definitely favor Shen-shi side, so depending on the small, Shen-shi wins more, Zhou-shi wins less."
       Huo Dong hummed quietly and made no guesses about him.
       A close friend checked the words and immediately said, "In fact, the small hope for Zhou-shi to win, and let Xu Zhongyan fight, otherwise, Xu-si is going crazy to heaven these days."
       Xu Shi words pleased him, and Huo Donglai finally uttered a word of accuracy.
       "Don't bother him, Xu-si is a fool, and Xu family can't wait long."
       Xu-si is a stupid person who has definitely seen Yuan-Suming. He has no sense of peace and security. He also encouraged him to work with Father and Zhou-shi on open fire. Who out of luck?
       My dear friend boldly asked Huo Donglai, "Big-gongzi, who are we waiting for?"
       "Wait for someone who kicked the Xu family down."
       Fuxian Hall
       Huh! After drumming three times, Gengfu reported the time  :   "It's time!"
       There is one more hour left.
       In these three hours, people related to the case, such as Zhou-Zhen, Fang Qiong, etc., have not left the court.
       The onlookers of the people did move around, but some did not. Some of the men sits directly on the floor, and they looked like they would be lively.
       Huh! "Shenzhen is here!".
       Everyone couldn't help but look out of the gate, the most advanced one was Shen law. I saw him in front, Shen Bing holding a plate in the back, and the plate was covered with black silk cloth. Under the black silk cloth, it must be their new medicine ink.
       Zhou Hai followed closely behind, Zhou Yuan held the plate, the same plate, the same black silk cloth.
       Xu Zhongyan asked in the hall, "Shen Lu, Zhou Hai, are these new medicines on your plate?"
       The two answered inadvertently  : 
       "Yes, our Shen-shi medicine is called Qianlishuang." Today must be the day when Qianlishuang became famous.
       "Yes, this is our Zhou-shi medicinal ink. Because it is not perfect enough, we will not name it for now."
       "That way, let's check the ink!" Xu Zhongyan looked at the ink officer, "He-Daren, please-"
       Wherever this ink officer is, he has the responsibility of selecting good ink for the court, and it is not wrong to say that there is He Xian and Wang-there is no reason, naturally there is no reason why he could not invite him.
       "Who the prior?" He asked.
       "We Shen-shi come first!" Shen Lu grabbed first.
       Zhou Hai doesn't care about the order, so he won't rob him.
       Both sides of the black silk cloth were uncovered, and both of the medicinal inks were exposed to the eyes of everyone.
       Shen-shi Qianli cream is grayish white with loose ink. And Zhou-shi medicinal ink is dark golden, and the whole shape seems to be more solid.
       From the appearance point of view, Zhou-shi is more flattering, in the words of Zhou-Zhen, it just looks a bit more upscale.
       At first glance at Zhou-shi medicinal ink, Shen Lu heart was smeared with a hint of haze for no reason.
       Shen Lu quickly said, "Come, go to the water without roots."
       Zhou Hai tilted his eyes, thinking that Shen Lu was a mystery.
       As soon as the medicine was studied, the fragrance overflowed.
       "What smell, so fragrant?"
       The scent of the scent was smelled by everyone who was close.
       "This incense seems to make people sober."
       "Yes, I was drowsy just now. When I smelled the scent, I immediately woke up."
       "If this ink is used in the test ..."
       For a moment, everyone looked eagerly towards Qian Lishuang.
       Wang-Shuo and He Xian also came forward.
       He Xian could clearly feel that Shen-shi Qianli Shuang seemed to be leaner again.
       Hearing the praise of the crowd, Shen Lu couldn't hide his contentment.
       They have improved the original medicinal formula, not only adding rhino horns, but also adding precious medicinal materials such as borneol and eight beans.
       The addition of these precious herbs makes the developed ink not only very fragrant, light and moist, delicate texture, very comfortable when writing, but also fragrant and refreshing.
       After the praises were over, Shen Lu said with a smile, "It's more than that."
       Then he glanced at Shen Chen.
       Shen Ji nodded, bent over and pulled out a dagger from the boots, and then made a stroke on each of the left and right arms in the crowd's exclamation, and blood oozed out.
       Shen Lu poured the ink in the ring on the wound on his right hand with a pen. Gradually, the blood coagulated, and the wound on the left hand was still bleeding.
       "The practical effect of using Mohan with hot water will be better, but in this way, these two wounds will stop bleeding at the same time. So I just just wanted to let everyone see the hemostatic effect of Qianli cream before using external application. "
       In this situation, everyone hurried  : 
       "Good ink, good ink, a thousand miles of cream!"
       "Medicinal ink, medicinal ink, both ink and medicine!"
       "Master Shen, when did you sell medicinal ink called Qian Lishuang? I have to buy ten flaws!"
       "Wait, there are rumors that Qian Lishuang will become a tribute."
       This is really like a carnival, everyone is crazy about Qian Lishuang, only Zhou-shi people are unmoved.
       They are so uncomfortable.
       So some people said, "Yes, Zhou-shi medicinal ink has not been tested."
       "You must lose, what is the test?"
       The mood is good, he can see that Qian Lishuang is more perfect than before. He sent it to the tribute list, and he will definitely get the praise from above. This Shen-shi is really good.
       "Do you Zhou-shi still need to check the ink?" He Tu asked.
       Zhou Hai replied, "It's going to be tested, please, He-Daren."
       Zhou Yuan poured a bowl of clear water from the jar.
       "Shen-shi uses the rootless water to study the ink. What kind of water do you use for Zhou-shi?" He Tu asked casually.
       "Mountain spring water." Zhou Yuan explained, "Our medicinal properties are relatively condensed and condensed, and we need to activate it with the agility of mountain spring water. Just like Shen-shi, the aroma of Qianli Frost is too jumping, and it needs sinking without root rain. It's a similar story to condense. "
       Nodded anyway, then began to study ink. After a while, he snorted, and the people around him didn't respond, but he clearly smelled a clear fragrance permeating his nose.
       "Do you smell anything?"
       Everyone shook their heads, and only a few people near him said they smelled a good smell.
       Nodded anyway, someone also smelled it was not his illusion. He discovered that the aroma of Zhou-shi medicinal ink was very different from the fragrance of Qianli cream.
       If Shen-shi Qianli cream has a scent like smoke, the wind will flutter when it blows. Then Zhou-shi medicinal ink fragrance is like a fog ribbon, inextricably linked to the wind, it will hide but not disperse, reflecting a condensed character.
       He took a deep breath, feeling that the aroma was inhaled from the mouth and nose, and then divided into two strands, one strand went up to the brain, and one strand went down to the lungs.
       Shutan! There are only these two words in any way.
       He is very sure that Shen-shi medicinal ink is as refreshing as Qianli Cream.
       Not only him, but the person who said that he smelled the aroma just now has the same speculation in his heart.
       How to lift the pen and write the next character as you write, feeling that this ink is smooth with a little resistance.
       After the writing, he stared for a long time.
       The people next to him have begun to applaud, "Good word!"
       He wrote a thin gold body. He usually uses ink and needs good control so that the characters do not become bloated. Just a few miles ago, slightly better. Now it's better to use Zhou-shi medicinal ink. He didn't expect Zhou-shi ink to fit his typeface so well.
       Zhou-Zhen glanced at it and knew that both of their inks were related to the condensation system.
       After writing a word, He Tu had a fondness for Zhou-shi medicine ink.
       The texture of this ink is fine without losing a thousand miles of cream, even better, and lasts forever. The ink color is not so black, it seems like its dark golden appearance, the color is like dark golden?
       "He-Daren, what's wrong?" Xu Zhongyan had to ask questions.
       How do I turn my head and ask Zhou Hai, "Does your medicinal ink have any other effect? If your Zhou-shi medicinal ink has only refreshing effects, you cannot win."
       "He-Daren wait a moment." After saying this, Zhou Hai searched through the crowd and found two of them at once.
       The most obvious feature of these two people is that a woman has a disease in her eyes, and the white part of the eyes, such as grain-like redness and swelling, can be seen  :   in the other man, the neck is swollen.
       Shen Lu was uneasy. He wanted to stop, but was unable to stop it.
       Zhou Hai said to the two, "I Zhou-shi this medicine can cure the illness of the two of you. Would you like to try it?"
       The two have recently been tortured by the illness and feel unbearable at this time. At this time, Chief Zhou-shi said to treat them, and under the testimony of so many Daren, how could they not want to. Anyway, if they are not cured, they will not suffer. So they both nodded.
       Zhou-Zhen took the ink that had been studied just now, and the woman raised her head slightly. She approached the woman and dropped a drop of ink into her eyes.
       "Ah ..." the woman ‘Called.
       "What happened?"
       "Hurry up, there must be something wrong with this medicine, please come to the doctor!"
       "No, no, I'm so comfortable. My eyes haven't been sick since I got the disease," the woman said embarrassedly.
       "You close your eyes first, and I'll let you open it for a while, then you open it again." Zhou-Zhen.
       The woman kept nodding.
       Zhou-Zhen handed the ink to Zhou Yuan. "In fact, the usage of this medicine is the same as that of Shen-shi. In order to treat it better, apply it internally and externally."
       The uncle man nodded and couldn't wait to be authentic, "Trouble you."
       Zhou Yuan applied ink to his backs, and gave him a drink with water.
       "How long can I see the effect?" He asked.
       "It takes a quarter of an hour."
       "Wait a minute then."
       "Shen-shi Qianli Shuang doesn't take that long at all." Someone muttered in a low voice.
       The people here Zhou-shi didn't speak.
       Half a quarter of an hour later, in the lobby, someone brought two pots of water, the woman washed her eyes, and the man washed away the medicine ink and ink around his back.
       Everyone stared at them.
       At this point the woman's eyes were clearly not red and swollen.
       She blinked and said joyfully, "I'm fine, my eyes don't hurt and I feel bad."
       The man's puppets on his neck have mostly disappeared. For comparison, Zhou Yuan intentionally left a puppet while applying ink to these puppets. A comparison at this moment is really too obvious.
       Everyone was speechless.
       "No, that's impossible!"
       Shen Lu only felt vertigo in his head, and he didn't say anything else, didn't he see it? As soon as Zhou-shi medicinal ink came out, it was better than Qianli Shuang everywhere, and they almost cut off the possibility that Shen-shi Qian Lishuang could become Gong Mo.
       Shen Ji supported him. "Patriarch, don't be discouraged, it's not the end."
       "Yes, it's not the end." Shen Lu said this with his teeth. Zhou-shi, really can not be underestimated! He only gave them a little chance and almost let them defeat.
       The man wept with joy, "Zhou-Miss, patriarch Zhou Shao, can I cure you with your medicinal ink? I beg you, sell me the remaining medicinal ink! I want to cure me That's ill. "
       As I said, I will kneel and scratch my head.
       Zhou Haidao, "This medicinal ink cannot be sold to you, but you can go to Zhoujiafang every day, and I will let people continue to give you medicine until your rickets are cured."
       "Thank you, thank you so much."
       Anyway, at this time, it was also difficult. The aroma can be said that each has its own advantages, and different people have different views. But the medicinal effect of this medicated ink, Zhou-shi medicated ink seems to be better.
       In fact, his heart is biased towards Zhou-shi medicinal ink. Whether it is the shape, the ink fragrance, and its efficacy, it is too suitable for tribute ink.
       Seems to know the way the current mentality is the same, someone suggested in time  : 
       "The two medicinal inks, one can stop bleeding, and the other can cure redness, swelling, and rickets. How can this be the difference?"
       "Yeah, the effect is different, it's hard to judge."
       "What if our Zhou-shi medicinal ink can also stop bleeding?" Zhou Hai said with a smile.
       "Impossible!" Shen Lu ‘called almost dysfunctionally.
       If Zhou-shi medicinal ink can also stop bleeding, then their Qianli cream has no advantage! Gong Mo is bound to fail. In addition, he also used 500 thousand Silver Taels a few days ago to force Zhou-shi to give up the rhino horns. Isn't it a joke?


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