Back 60s 325

       "Your 3-Sao has been very refreshing in recent years." Lin Qing-He smiled.
       "Ms. Big Aunt when I came, I baked a pancake for me to eat on the road early in the morning." Zhou-Kai said again.
       "Well, your Big-Aunt mother is good for you little ones." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       There is nothing else next to it, so let the eldest son start reading books and make up the lesson. As for Zhou-6-Nini, then the right should have passed.
       "Our family affairs have to listen to me later." Lin Qing-He whispered to Zhou Qingbai at night.
       Zhou Qingbai laughed, didn't she listen to her things all the time?
       "The performance was good this time. If you stopped me from sending 6-Nini back, then our family wouldn't want to have An's birthday." Lin Qing-He hummed.
       "What's the reward?" Zhou Qingbai looked at her.
       Lin Qing-He knew this by seeing him, and coughed: "Don't mess up, you have to get up early tomorrow."
       Even if he had to get up early, Zhou Qingbai would still be messed up, and it would be finished after two random messes, and then it was generous to say that she will be the one who will be at home in the future.
       "Smelly man, will toss people." Lin Qing-He gave him a squeamish light hammer, then hugged her family waist of Qingbai, smelling his breath and went to sleep.
       She tempered her to be clear, it can be said that it is a kind of relatively strong woman, and the idle man cannot bear her character.
       But from beginning to end, this man is tolerant of her and loves her.
       So Lin Qing-He also loves this man, very much.
       Zhou Qingbai is also content to hold Erxi to sleep, as for the things around him, that can't interfere with him.
       Here, as long as Father Mother's healthy wife and children are safe, the rest will not be bad.
       Because nothing else needs him to worry more.
       Although Zhou-6-Nini appeared on a stable day, Lin Qing-He was quickly suppressed by thunder.
       Even the wind and waves did not set off.
       As soon as the day turned, it was May.
       Now in this season, Lin Qing-He has begun to produce the design of summer clothes.
       Women's clothing is also fashionable.
       Zhou Qingbai found a very good factory and could cooperate for a long time, and the factory was still managed by a young man.
       "Wealthy locals in the Beijing city have left their families to go it alone." Lin Qing-He asked, Zhou Qingbai said.
       "It seems to be an ambitious rich second generation." Lin Qing-He said.
       The speed of shipment of this rich second generation is extremely fast, and the quality of clothes is also excellent.
       Lin Qing-He asked Zhou Qingbai to order more than 500 sets of summer clothes, a total of five styles and model colors, the number is not small, but the young boss even made it for her in just seven days.
       He also said that if there is such an order, he will be contacted and the quality is guaranteed.
       Lin Qing-He will continue to work with the other party for the time being.
       However, the heart of opening a small workshop has not been shaken. If you open a workshop by yourself, no one can shake it in the future.
       And these are all customized in batches, go out a lot of hit shirts, although this time there is no hit shirt at all, the same is no big deal.
       Can't you wear it if you can wear it?
       However, Lin Qing-He has another plan in mind, she wants to make some more expensive clothes.
       It's just the design drawing, but there are three sets of each kind of clothes, but the profit of each set is much more expensive.
       These ready-to-wear garments cost seven or eight yuan, but for that kind of clothing, Lin Qing-He intends to mark them with fifteen dollars.
       But let's talk about these after the sewing machine is bought back.
       But I have to say that there is a private owner's clothing factory helping to make clothes, but Lin Qing-He clothing store will not be out of stock anymore.
       In more than a month, Lao-Er Zhou-Xuan is about to take the college entrance examination, so from now on, Lin Qing-He has begun to pay attention to Zhou-Xuan's homework tutoring.
       Zhou-Xuan's grades are top five in their school.
       The first grade has also been contested, and also ranked in the top five of the grade, but overall, they are hovering up and down in this term.
       Because it is a key high school, there are really a lot of learning tyrants, even if Lin Qing-He has a small stove for supplementary classes, but others are also worthy of the name.
       And for a while, Zhou-Xuan did not eat less good food.
       Zhou Qingbai listened to Ma Big Aunt saying that pig brain supplements the brain, and went to the boss of the pork shop to bring two pig brains every day.
       Pig brain stewed Angelica, intending to give them Mother four, but Lin Qing-He can't stand the taste.
       It's the Zhou-Kai Zhou-Guilai brothers, and they are very happy to eat. Zhou-Xuan, who originally had the main taste like Lin Qing-He, who is a mother, can't stand the taste.
       But I was forced to eat half a bowl every day.
       In addition to pig brains, I gave a chicken for the other three days, and some of them were stewed with pork trotters and peanuts.
       "Follow 2-brother your college entrance exam meal, how can I have the illusion of eating confinement meal?" Zhou-Guilai said.
       "Poof." Zhou-Kai squirted the tea just after drinking it.
       "Big-Brother!" Zhou-Guilai was stunned.
       "Don't blame me, you blame yourself." Zhou-Kai waved his hand.
       "My dress is new!" Zhou-Guilai was annoyed.
       He is a bit smelly, especially now that he thinks that he has grown up, he can lift his sister, and don't dress too coquettishly every day. The clothes on his body were bought by Lin Qing-He.
       "I don't need to buy clothes next time, you ask Mom to buy you my share." Zhou-Kai just said.
       "Mom won't buy me more!" Zhou-Guilai said.
       Zhou-Kai doesn't care about him, to care about his second brother's homework, Zhou-Xuan said: "I have a day off today, Big-Brother, do you want to play basketball?"
       "Mom agree?" Zhou-Kai looked at their mom.
       Lin Qing-He is chatting with Ma Big Aunt at the moment, and he heard the words: "What are you doing?"
       "Lao-Er said he was going to play basketball and wanted to take a day off today." Zhou-Kai just said.
       "The combination of work and rest is good, let's sweat." Lin Qing-He agrees: "If you want to eat supper, remember to say in advance, and bring some dumplings back to you when you return."
       "If you want, please bring us a copy." Zhou-Kai finished talking, and Zhou-Xuan rode a bicycle to school to play basketball.
       Zhou-Guilai went to the clothing store to find Huzi and they went.
       Ma Big Aunt couldn't help but boast: "These three sons and daughters are really envious."
       Lin Qing-He laughed: "When I was a kid, I was tossed a lot. At that time, their dad was out there as a soldier. I was completely busy myself, and I was muddy if I didn't see you for a while."
       "It's fine now." Ma Big Aunt said with a smile.
       "By Ma Big Aunt, when will your Lao-Er come back?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "I'll be back next month, with him Erxi and the children, all back." Ma Big Aunt talked about his second son with a broad smile.
       Ma Big Aunt's eldest son is in Xinjiang. The family can't come back. The second son went to the countryside. The first batch of educated youths went to the countryside. Now they are naturally no small, and they settled down in the countryside. Too.
       But unlike other people, I can’t wait to come back. Although I thought about it, I wanted to bring my wife and children back together.
       So until now I have not been able to successfully return to the city, after all, it is not a small drag.
       Of course, this is also because of conscience.
       For example, the little girl in the home of their team leader Zhou Jiatun had helped her man steal a letter of introduction and asked him to go back.
       The educated youth was silent after he left.
       The little girl of the captain has been waiting with her children until now, and she has always been blamed by Sao.
       Although it is not easy to comment on other people affairs, it is also Miss, which is really stupid.
       Because at that time she had heard about it, Zhou-3-Sao whispered to her quietly, saying that the captain's family was not willing to let her daughter marry this educated youth.
       Originally it looks like a weak chicken. Although it is Bai Jun, it is useless in the countryside.
       But Miss, was lost because her Father Mother didn’t agree. It seemed that she had asked the educated youth to give it to herself first, because the innocent body asked Ren Bai to go, so even if she was not satisfied, the captain in the end could only Married a girl to someone else.
       Nowadays, it also means a bit of self-eating.
       So to say, Miss, the family is looking for objects, and the opinions of the family members are very important, because they have no experience at all, and they are not as open as the later generations. If this is not possible, the next one.
       There is even a saying that it is better to say goodbye to the next one.
       And even if it is a posterity, then you must let Father Mother elders give you a reference. As long as it is not the kind of pit child, it is generally not wrong. After all, it is a person who came here.
       It's a long story.
       Besides, the second son of Ma Big Aunt, he never thought of abandoning his wife and children to go back to the city alone, otherwise it would be easy to return to the city in his own words. Too.
       In order to get him back to the city, Ma Laozi job gave him nothing to say, but he also found a relationship with the Ma Laozi unit over the Ma Big Aunt and spent a lot of money. Only then can the account be moved back.
       Lin Qing-He was able to move all the household registrations before. This is because the school is thirsty for thirsty, and the family composition is good, and even a few children can expect in the future. Help me so relentlessly.
       But it is always coming back.
       "It's hard to be Big Aunt you too. We will mention thirty dollars for the salary in the future." Lin Qing-He said so.
       Ma Big Aunt quickly said: "Where does this make it?"
       "It's okay, there is Big Aunt. You can help me in this shop. I am also relieved." Lin Qing-He said, and then lowered his voice in a low voice: "I used to find Xu Big Aunt to make clothes there At that time, I heard an ear, the old Zhang family next door called Zhang Meihe, divorced! "
       That's right, last year, Zhang Meihe, who played Zhou Qingbai idea, got married last year and divorced this year.
       Lin Qing-He is very busy now, either in school or in the clothing store, or else on the dumpling shop side, the family is going back to sleep and wash clothes.
       She met Zhang Meihe two days ago. She hadn't taken it seriously. She thought she would come back and go to a relative. Who knows that she met her two days in a row.
       When she took the design drawing to Xu Big-Aunt, she raised her mouth. After all, Xu Big-Aunt was very informed.
       Then I heard Xu Big Aunt say that Zhang Meihe was back after divorce.
       I don't know the reason, but the divorce is back.
       This is not a face, if there is Ma Big Aunt in the shop, Lin Qing-He guesses that she may come over with a thick skin.
       So raising the salary certainly means to help Ma Big Aunt, after all, her son's family will come back with a lot of burden, and Ma Laozi has no work there.
       Another thing is to let Ma Big Aunt stare at it. Ma Big Aunt is an enthusiastic person, but he will never be allowed to mess up like Zhang Meihe.
       "You don't need to say that I will stare at you, don't need to pay me for processing." Ma Big Aunt said.
       "Big Aunt, please don't be polite to me." Lin Qing-He smiled.
       Ma Big Aunt didn't say anything, and then said: "I'll go back tonight, just ask me, this marriage is all over, so easy to divorce?"
       There are a lot of cats here and there.
       But because she is working now, she is too busy to chat with those old sisters like before, so her news is not slower than Lin Qing-He, and she does not know about Zhang Meihe divorce.
       After returning from work in the evening, Ma Big Aunt had dinner and asked her other old sisters to understand this matter.
       Then I knew the truth. Rao was Ma Big Aunt. It was all a spur of the face: "It's so shameless!"
       "Isn't it shameless, although the man is a widower, but a pair of children is good, and she can't be born in such a family. It's almost like picking up, and even stealing people." This Cui Big Aunt is famous for being well-informed on the side of the Tongzi Building. It's not wrong to come to her the first time you don't know anything.
       This is not, really knows the inside story.
       Then Lin Qing-He also knew that the reason why Zhang Meihe would divorce this time was because he was restless after getting married and got in touch with a man next to the husband's family.
       It is said that he also went outside and opened the room, which was hit by a man's wife.
       So the matter broke out.
       In addition, after Zhang Meihe married in the past, he didn't treat the man's children and daughters as his own, but he did not bother with them.
       In addition, the man is also self-respecting, and he just divorced the marriage.
       Zhang Meihe was compensated for her dowry or whatever, because she was arrested for stealing, and Zhang Meihe did not dare to continue to demand compensation.
       This is back, Lin Qing-He only met Zhang Meihe two days in a row.
       "It's really everyone." Lin Qing-He said with emotion, there can still be a woman like Zhang Meihe in this world.
       At home in the evening, Lin Qing-He told Zhou Qingbai about it.
       Zhou Qingbai brows were all frowned. This man has always been a more forgiving temperer, but after listening to Zhang Meihe work, his eyes were disgusted by three points.
       Lin Qing-He was very satisfied after seeing it, and rewarded him with a kiss: "If you are worried, let her remember, and you can't see her die!"
       The thief wanted to remember that she could not control it, but her man wanted to guard herself.
       Zhou Qingbai looked helpless.
       "Did she still haunt you?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "No." Zhou Qingbai shook her head honestly and bumped into Zhang Meihe once. She just looked at him with the soft eyes that didn't shed tears.
       But Zhou Qingbai didn't even have a superfluous look.
       It's impossible to say that Zhang Meihe didn't care about Zhou Qingbai.
       A man like Zhou Qingbai who goes out is the type that mature women will like, tall and masculine, very manly.
       The attraction for mature women is not small.
       Some people who eat dumplings in the dumpling shop in the past can't help but peep at him.
       And because he was rejected by Lin Qing-He, he grew a lot of meat last year. He started to exercise again this year. Occasionally let his elder son come over to take over, he will go to the Beijing University basketball court to play basketball.
       Good figure.
       Lin Qing-He all put it down.
       Not to mention that? Especially Zhang Meihe, who married an individual and stole the man next door, turned around and found that her favorite was Zhou Qingbai.
       But Luo Hua intentionally flowed mercilessly, and from the beginning to the end Zhou Qingbai didn't even give her extra eyes.
       Zhang Erxi, can't see what her virtue is, and said: "I said Sister Big-Aunt, you don't want to look at other people anymore, people like that can still be regarded as unsuccessful?"
       In March this year, Zhang Erxi gave birth to the elder grandfather of the old Zhang family.
       "Why don't you look down on it, don't you see how proud the surname is Lin? Which man would like such a woman." Zhang Meihe said.
       She has met Lin Qing-He more than once, but what is Lin Qing-He temper, and the birds don't bring her to her, after all, they are all torn, and what face should they keep?
       And would she leave a face for a woman who dared to remember her man? It doesn't exist.
       "I don't like Master Lin, do you want to like you?" Zhang Erxi said politely.
       "What's wrong with me?" Zhang Meihe thought he was still very good.
       The man she married was originally very good, at least to her satisfaction, but the job change, you can only go home for two or three days a month, isn't it a widow?
       So one night last year, the two children fell asleep, and the man next door came to pick up the water.
       Then she took the person back to the house, and everything came naturally.
       But for the sake of insurance, he didn't dare to stay at home all the time, but who had thought of going out to the guest house outside, even his wife could be seen.
       When I came out, I met them while holding hands, and then his wife asked the waiter if he was a regular visitor?
       Really don't say that when you go very often, the waiter nods, saying that you have to go three or four times a week.
       This time it exploded.
       Her ex-husband couldn't stand it.
       Because he changed his class and came back a very limited number of times a month, Erxi, who he married back, used less than the neighbor next door. Is there any reason?
       In the past, he beat his neighbor hard and then divorced.
       Zhang Erxi These things are known, and there is a lot of irony and sarcasm about Zhang Meihe. This time I heard that she still feels so good about herself. If you really have that ability, then you don’t have to eat at home. "
       Finally, the younger sister Zhang Meilian was taken out, and the Big-Aunt was back.
       Zhang Erxi thought it was a terrible day.
       Her men came back a month, but less than Zhang Meihe ex-husband, and came back two days a month.
       So Zhang Erxi did not marry until this year and gave birth to a grandson. Zhang Old Lady said nothing.
       "Did I give five dollars for living expenses?" Zhang Meihe said.
       "What's enough for five dollars?" Zhang Erxi said politely.
       When Zhang Old Lady came back to buy food from outside, Zhang Erxi whispered to her son: "These will be left to Xiaobao in the future. Big-Aunt is like living at home. "
       "That's nowhere to live." Zhang Old Lady said.
       Zhang Erxi said that his face sank, and then took her son Xiaobao back to her family that afternoon.
       This was very bad for Zhang Old Lady. The grandson was her life. She couldn't think about it for a while. She could not help being taken back to her family.
       So he began to scold Zhang Meihe for losing money.
       Zhang Meihe finally moved out crying and rented a small room in the community.
       Zhang Erxi just came back with his son's face covered in red light, looking at the moisturized eyebrows, and didn't know what benefit he got when he returned to his mother's house.
       Lin Qing-He is also inevitably a little concerned because it is next door and such a superb character.
       So I heard from Ma Big Aunt that I moved out to live alone.
       "It's good to move out. I haven't always met the Ying Ying." Ma Big Aunt said.
       I don't know whether it was because Lin Qing-He had peeled it in the dumpling shop last time, and the face was completely lost, or because there was a powerful Ma Big Aunt in the dumpling shop. In short, Zhang Meihe did not It's obtrusive here.
       Lin Qing-He was too lazy to control her.
       In June, Zhou-Xuan ushered in his college entrance examination.
       Lin Qing-He didn't go to the exam because he still had classes, Zhou-Kai was the Big-Brother.
       After the college entrance examination, Zhou-Xuan is equivalent to a holiday. Zhou Qingbai has no burden to evoke. From 3:30 to 4:30 every day, Zhou Qingbai has to go to school to play basketball.
       Zhou-Xuan is busy in the shop.
       Zhou-Xuan, who is fifteen years old this year, is almost 1.8 meters tall, which is not inferior to when Big-Brother withdrew his height.
       It's worth mentioning that Lao-Da Zhou-Kai had developed too fast before, and since this year he hasn't grown much, staying at a height of 1.87 meters.
       Of course, this is also an old man, and because he is also handsome and handsome, and his family conditions are excellent, a group of aunts in the community have not beat him.
       Lin Qing-He didn't ask how his second son was doing the exam, but since he has finished the exam, then it's time to work, and the candidates’preferential treatment is gone.
       On a day when a family was watching TV at home and blowing fans to eat ice cream, Zhou-Xuan sipped the ice cream with a lot of emotion: "I am a brick now, where do I need to move."
       "This is an opportunity for you to express." Lin Qing-He replied.
       "Mom, do you want me to come back to bring Grandpa and Dad to them?" Zhou-Xuan said, "I also brought Yangyang and 5-Nini by the way."
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai original plan was to wait for them to go to the south to be a lord in the summer vacation, wait until they are busy, and then bring them over.
       And Su Dalin must have told the factory to resign, so Lin Qing-He said: "If you want to go back and see, you can bring Yangyang and 5-Nini, and also Bring some salutes to your grandma, as for your grandma, they will come in advance if they want to come early. If the house is rented, if they don't want to come early, then I will go back to pick up with your dad. "

       Chapter 328 | Horse Egg 

       The next day Zhou-Xuan went back by car by himself.
       On the day he returned, Ma Big Aunt's son Ma Chengmin returned with his Erxi Huang Xiaoliu and a four-year-old son.
       The couple Ma Laozi and Ma Big Aunt were so happy.
       Lin Qing-He also gave Ma Big Aunt a special holiday for a day and let Zhou-Kai go to the dumpling shop to help.
       After returning from work, Lin Qing-He brought a packet of toffee to visit.
       After all, it is also a neighbor, and it has a good relationship with Ma Laozi Ma Big Aunt. You should always come and visit.
       Ma Big Aunt Ma Chengmin is a gentleman. Although he has gone to the countryside for more than ten years, he has turned the old small meat into old bacon, but I have to say that his temperament is still there, and he is an elegant young man.
       Erxi Huang Xiaoliu looked a little weak, and he knew that he was very honest. As for children, it was very clever.
       At the age of four, it will be dark and fall away, obviously there is not much going out in the country.
       In the past, when Zhou-Kai was a child, he was like this.
       "It's okay if people come over, and bring sugar if you need it." Ma Big Aunt said after introducing the two parties.
       "For nephew, a packet of toffee is not worth it." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "I Father, Niang lives here, thanks to the help of Teacher Lin." Ma Chengmin told Lin Qing-He.
       Lin Qing-He smiled: "When it comes to taking care, then Ma Laozi and Ma Big Aunt help us, but we won't talk about that anymore. There will be more when we look after each other in the future."
       Ma Chengmin nodded with a smile.
       As for his Erxi Huang Xiaoliu, he was still a little scared of life. He just sits and smiled, and the rest didn't talk.
       Lin Qing-He met someone and said a few words, so it didn't bother me much.
       "Master Lin and Boss Zhou are really good, and they have always helped our old two. The three children are also tall and good children. If the little eggs can grow into Xiaokai and their brothers, then I You and your dad can all smile to meet the fathers. "Ma Big Aunt said so.
       "Mom, don't say that, you're still young." Ma Chengmin said.
       "I'm tired after a long journey. Go to the bathhouse with your dad and take a rest. You should go to work with your dad tomorrow." Ma Big Aunt said.
       Ma Laozi took his son and grandson to the bathhouse, and Ma Big Aunt took Erxi, Huang Xiaoliu, to the bathhouse.
       After washing, Ma Big Aunt took Huang Xiaoliu to the dumpling shop and said, "This is where Mom went to work. If you have anything to do at home, come here and find me. Here is It’s best to admit that it’s the road that turns straight to the left, which is the dumpling shop. "
       "Huh." Huang Xiaoliu squeaked his mouth, and also had an accent made by the region, probably he also noticed it, so his face was blushing.
       Ma Big Aunt took her back without paying much attention, and soon Ma Laozi and her son and grandson were home.
       After dinner, they let the family go back to the room to rest.
       Early the next morning, Ma Laozi took Ma Chengmin in the past and handed it over. He still had to point out his son for a few days before he could completely let go.
       As for Ma Big Aunt, I'm going to work in the dumpling shop. Yesterday, because his son Erxi brought his grandson back, Lin Qing-He took a day off. Naturally, he is coming to work today.
       And because his son is back, Ma Big Aunt is also very motivated.
       When I went back in the afternoon, I saw that the little grandson was a little chuckle.
       "What's wrong with this?" Ma Big Aunt asked busy.
       "Milk, I want to go out and play, my mother won't let it." Ma Xiaodan said in Mandarin.
       Don’t look at just four years old, but you can speak hometown and Mandarin, these are his father taught him.
       His mother followed suit, but as soon as he learned it, his mother couldn't.
       "Damn!" Huang Xiaoliu pursed her lips and understood her son's complaint.
       Ma Xiao egg grunted and lowered her head.
       Ma Big Aunt looked at Erxi and said, "Such a kid is like that. Wherever he can stay at home, if he wants to play, let him go downstairs to play. You can just watch it on the side."
       She naturally knew that Erxi had just arrived when she first arrived, and she was not used to it. No matter sooner or later, she had to get used to it. After all, her hukou has changed.
       "I'm afraid the eggs will be bullied." Huang Xiaoliu said with a sip.
       "Among the children, where can bullying and bullying go, so, I will take him to the dumpling shop later." Ma Big Aunt said.
       As soon as Ma Xiao egg's eyes lit up, Huang Xiaoliu was a little worried: "Can the boss agree?"
       "I can agree." Ma Big Aunt knows Zhou Qingbai and Lin Qing-He temperament, so he said to his grandson: "I went to the dumpling shop, but I can't be mischievous, don't you know? Otherwise I won't bring it you go."
       "I know, I'm not naughty or messy." Ma Xiaodan said immediately.
       I have been suffocating at home for a day. I grew up swaying in the countryside since childhood. How can I bear it?
       So at four o'clock in the afternoon, he came over to dumplings with his milk.
       Zhou Qingbai saw it, and gave him a few dumplings, let it cool and let him eat.
       "Don't use it, he just can't stay at home. I went back and didn't see it at all. Then I brought it over. I didn't have to give him dumplings. I would have dinner later." Ma Big Aunt said quickly.
       "A few dumplings are nothing." Zhou Qingbai didn't care.
       Ma Xiao egg smiled at this Dabo, and saw that his milk did not continue to object, so he picked up the bowl and ate the delicious dumplings.
       After eating, he was also good. He played with three glass beads beside his milk. He brought them from the country. His dad bought them for him before. He cherishes it.
       Zhou-Guilai saw it when he came over from class, and suddenly he was happy, saying, "You can't aim correctly, you have to do this."
       He gave a demonstration, and then he was hit. He changed Ma Xiaoeg's admiring look. After all, it was so far, he was hit in the shot, too powerful!
       "Sorry, in my village, I used to play the most accurate glass beads." Zhou-Guilai said, and then said to Ma Big Aunt: "Ma Madam, this is your grandson? What's your name? "
       "Yeah, the nickname is Ma Xiaoegang and the nickname is Ma Yulin." Ma Big Aunt said with a smile.
       "When I grow up, I'm sure to get better." Zhou-Guilai said.
       Ma Big Aunt smiled more joyfully: "It's just a skinny kid who can't stay at home for a day, so I brought it out."
       "It must be unsustainable. If there is anything good at home, you should go out and play. People who have been at home for a long time will be stupid." Zhou-Guilai talked about the wide wheel, and then asked Ma Xiaodan: "Little you Are you hungry? Do you want to eat dumplings? "
       "Eat and eaten." Ma Big Aunt repeatedly said.
       "I can have another one," Ma Xiaoeg said.
       "You can have two more for you." Zhou-Guilai was happy. He came over and gave himself a bowl of dumplings. In the afternoon, he played a class of football in physical education class. Take a spoon to give Ma Xiao egg one: "After you finish eating, scoop you."

       Chapter 329 | Results 

       Ma Xiaoeg was so happy that she would come over and eat after receiving the glass beads.
       Zhou-Guilai saw the little dirty hand of Ma Xiaoeg and said, "Go wash your hands first, and eat worms if you don't wash your hands and eat."
       Ma Xiao egg really has grown as roundworms, and it took out the medicine before it was hit, and immediately he was obedient to wash his hands, and then came to eat dumplings with this Big-Brother brother.
       Ma Big Aunt looked old and happy and said, "This is your brother. Call him brother in the future."
       "Brother?" Ma Xiaodong looked at Zhou-Guilai.
       Zhou-Guilai grinned: "Yes, I'm your brother. I can come home and watch TV in the evening, just call my brother."
       "Brother, is the TV beautiful?" Ma Xiaodan asked.
       "Good-looking, old-fashioned, you'll know when you come home at night." Zhou-Guilai nodded.
       Ma Big Aunt smiled and went to wash the dishes, leaving them to eat and chat over there.
       Lin Qing-He came to dinner with his eldest son, but the old king didn't come.
       When the time came, Ma Big Aunt took Ma Xiaodan back. Ma Xiaodong was caught by Zhou-Guilai, who was so curious about the TV set, he didn’t forget to say, "Brother, hurry up. Go back. "
       "No problem." Zhou-Guilai waved his hand.
       When Ma Xiaogu left, Zhou-Guilai replayed the old tune and said to his mother: "Mom, if you gave me a younger brother, Sao, you should be so big now."
       "You don't know Chai Migui, you know how many of your brothers are not good to serve?" Lin Qing-He didn't have a good air.
       "Where it will be difficult to serve, we are all raised in stocking." Zhou-Guilai said.
       "Stocking is really very stocking. I have to make clothes every year, as well as milk powder, malted milk, toffee, when I grow up, I have to buy football, order fresh milk, eat eggs every day, eat meat every three minutes, and all kinds of School supplies ... "Lin Qing-He counted them the same.
       Huzi, who had closed the clothing store for dinner, and Xu Shengmei were stunned.
       As for Zhou-2-Nini, that is known.
       The days of her 4-Aunt have never been said. For the days of Zhou-Kai and their cousins, not only the old Zhou family and their cousins but also the children of the whole village are envious.
       Her 4-Aunt basically belongs to the type of being a mother.
       But Huzi and Xu Shengmei don't know, even if this is the case, what their little -Sao said is rare.
       Lin Qing-He settled a sum of money and said: "Don't say our village, our area, the children in the city are not as good as your brother."
       Zhou-Guilai twitched his lips and said, "Our family was so rich then?"
       "Our family was considered to be a swollen face to be a fat man. At that time, your grandfather hadn't counted our family. The whole family went to your father's land. How much is a work point? If not, then your father had hundreds of dollars in retirement fees. , It’s a problem to feed your brother. I dare to ask me to regenerate. You are a bastard and don’t know how to distress your parents. ”Lin Qing-He said.
       "I'm distressed, why don't I feel distressed, when I grow up, all these jobs will let me come, you and my dad will go on a trip around the world, you want to go where to play, if you are short of money, you don't have to use mom. I transfer it to your account every month. "Zhou-Guilai said immediately.
       "It's almost the same." Lin Qing-He listened to Shu Xin, and then let him go without saying anything.
       "You had a good life as a kid, but it was so nice." Huzi said enviously.
       Not to mention him, Xu Shengmei was even more envious.
       "It's all a thing of the past." Zhou-Kai laughed.
       But he knew that when his brother was a child, it was really impossible to say, and there was not much comparable to them.
       After dinner for the whole family, Zhou Qingbai said: "Look at the shop." It was only eight o'clock at this time, and he was going to see a movie with Erxi.
       Dumpling shops usually close at around half past eight, not so late.
       Lin Qing-He was in a good mood and went to the movie with Zhou Qingbai.
       "My parents must go to the movies again, it's too petty and sentimental." Zhou-Guilai said with emotion.
       Really, he had never seen his parents like this. Their brothers are so big, but their relationship is still so good, and they will go out to watch movies every three to five, without giving them the opportunity to disturb.
       It would be so enjoyable.
       "You go back, I can see it myself." Zhou-Kai just waved his hand.
       Zhou-Guilai and Huzi and Xu Shengmei went home to watch the movie, Zhou-2-Nini stayed and helped.
       "Sister 2-Nini, are you hot at night?" Zhou-Kai asked.
       "It's not hot, it's cool to have a fan," Zhou-2-Nini said.
       There is also a fan here at the dumpling shop, which is used in the dumpling shop during the day and on the second floor for them at night.
       These days have passed, but I really have nothing to say.
       Zhou-2-Nini washed all the tableware and chopsticks, then went to take a book to read.
       Although she had read the third grade, she knew only a few words. 4-Aunt gave her more time to read books, and asked if she didn't know the words.
       She has been reading books since coming over this year, and now it is difficult to see unrecognized words on the books. Although there are still, there are few.
       Zhou-Kai is also reading his own book, waiting for half past eight, and the last two are eating dumplings, and Zhou-Kai closes the store.
       Bring Zhou-2-Nini home to watch TV, and then send her back to Dumpling Shop with Xu Shengmei later.
       Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai came back after watching the movie.
       When the two passed by a small alley in the community, they sent Zhang Meihe a man out, and the man patted Zhang Meihe on the ass before leaving.
       Zhang Meihe also saw their husband and wife, especially Zhou Qingbai, his face froze.
       Lin Qing-He walked away with Zhou Qingbai eyes squinted, as if not seeing her, Zhang Meihe pursed her lips, and then turned back.
       "I thought it was a lesson." Lin Qing-He couldn't hold back and said to Zhou Qingbai.
       Feelings are out of my own, so that she can easily pick up guests.
       Zhou Qingbai didn't speak. What else did people say?
       But because he was hit in the face tonight, it was completely gone. When Zhang Meihe met Lin Qing-He in the future, they all walked around.
       It was when she met Zhou Qingbai alone, that Chuchu charming appearance seemed to be forced to do nothing to do that line.
       But her body was sold, but her heart was pure.
       This blink of an eye passed half a month later.
       Zhou-Xuan's results came out at the end of June, and the Peking University he missed was no problem.
       When the score came out, this kid didn't come back in his hometown, or Lin Qing-He called and said Zhou-Xuan.
       The volunteer form asked him to fill it in with Big-Brother, and he would only read Peking University on the left and right, and nothing else. The volunteer form was easy.
       At the same time, Lao-Da Zhou-Kai also ushered in his college graduation ceremony.


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