Ugly Biography 90

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »     Chapter 90     :     Training          

       Along the way, the four people were in a good mood, and they sang the song that the king told me to come to the mountain. The songs are flying, and they are far away. The two black people who are far behind them are listening to such lyrics. They laugh and fall to the ground, but they can only hold back and grin. They are going to endure neuropathy.
       The tall man whispered, "This group of children, the word sing is so interesting." He also sang a few words after he finished. The song was very simple, and the lyrics were easy to remember. After a while, he learned a few words.
       The little man couldn't bear to look straight and said   :   "Come on, stop, they sing very funny, you don't want to sing." That is to say, he himself sang a few words involuntarily.
       The tall man laughed and couldn’t help but smiled   :   "No, it’s a child. How can we compare with them?"
       "You still have self-knowledge, but this group of children is really interesting," said the little man.
       The two whispered a comment on the former Ning-Er and Chou-Gu people, and unwittingly followed the village.
       "Okay, we can't follow any more. Knowing that they are people near here is what they are." The tall man stopped and said.
       The little man nodded. The two found a place nearby and had to wait until after dark to leave. They could not let the villagers find themselves and cause unnecessary trouble.
       These things, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er completely do not know. They were in a good mood, got a huge amount of ten Silver Taels, and had meat and brought back the firewood. They also got some prey, which was full of loads. Tomorrow, you can go to the town to sell the pheasant wild rabbits, and then buy some food and salt back to be basically worry-free.
       Before leaving the house, Chou-Gu watched Ming and the younger brother follow her group and suddenly felt that this was not the case. The two younger brothers depended too much on her, and when they grew up, they would be in trouble if they were still so. She hopes that the two younger brothers will be decisive and independent. In the future, they will be able to support their own homes. People who are too weak and have no main force, she does not like it.
       Therefore, Chou-Gu did not go by himself, saying   :   "Minger, you took the pheasant and went out to find Ning-Er and the pillar together on the market town. I am not going."
       She decided to exercise her mind from now on. Later, as she became older, she could no longer follow Ning-Er every day and ran to the town, fearing to make people gossip. It doesn't matter if you go hunting in the mountains. After all, no one knows. No one knows their activities in the mountains.
       In addition, she has more work now, she decided to raise seedlings and melons earlier.
       "Sister, I am going alone?" Minger asked in disbelief. He has not left the Chou-Gu himself to act.
       "Yeah, you will go to the intersection and wait for Ning-Er and the pillars to follow them." Chou-Gu said very understatement, as if this matter had already been done. Ming's age is not big, but it is not too small to say that it is small. In the village, a child as big as Minger does not usually live.
       "But, I didn't..." Minger was a little scared. He wanted to say that he didn't go out alone, but Chou-Gu didn't wait for him to finish, he said, "Are you afraid? One person dare not go?" Not too far?"
       Her radical approach really worked, and Minger immediately said   :   "Which one is afraid of me. I just haven't been there."
       "Now isn't you going to go? Go ahead. It's not too late, lest they wait for you to wait." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "But..." Minger still wants to say something, Chou-Gu interrupted him and said, "Come on. Let's bring something like this, what are you afraid of? And Ning-Er and the pillar." Anything to ask Ning-Er will do."
       Minger was almost rushed by her. Out of the village, Minger also calmed down, but there was a sense of novelty. After all, it was the first time I went out, and the excitement in my heart slowly offset the fear. After not taking a long time, I met Ning-Er and the pillars.
       "Your sister is not coming today?" Ning-Er saw only one of him, and asked with some surprise. Yesterday Chou-Gu did not say that today is not here.
       "Well, she said that there is a lot of work to do, and she has to prepare for raising vegetables." Minger answered. When he saw Ning-Er and the pillar, he was relieved. The original trace of fear was immediately dissipated.
       Ning-Er listened to his explanation and thought about Chou-Gu for a moment. This is to train her children so that Minger can become the master of the family earlier. After all, she is a girl, and many things are not convenient.
       "Let's go. Did she tell me what to buy back?" Ning-Er asked again. He also thought that Chou-Gu would give him some words, after all, Minger was the first to go out alone, and they were also the first time this year.
       "She said that it would be fine to ask you anything." Minger replied honestly.
       Ning-Er took a moment, and suddenly there was a strange feeling in his heart. He couldn’t say anything about it. This feeling has not happened before. But it’s sour and satisfying, it’s just that the heart is numb.
       The three people rode the animals and did not walk fast. The mountain road was rugged and slippery, and the animals did not dare to let go of their hooves.
       When they get to the market town, it is not too late.
       Ning-Er took eight pheasants and two wild rabbits, and went straight to the pharmacy with the pillars and Minger.
       The Ningdong family of the drug shop looked at the pheasant and smiled   :   "You are really catching up early, you can't wait to make them fat." He wanted five pheasants. Because this time the pheasant is really not fat and has less meat.
       Ning-Er is embarrassed to say   :   "No way, one winter, the food of our two families has been eaten up early, and if we don't change some money, we have to go hungry. This chicken is not as fat as usual, the price is also It's a bit cheaper."
       Song Dongjia listened to his explanation. On the contrary, he was embarrassed. He said with concern   :   "Is it difficult in winter?"
       "Yeah. We are pointing to these pheasant wild rabbits to live, and in the winter we can't go into the mountains, but we can't just squat. But I haven't been hungry too much." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Chou-Gu didn't come again? She is very busy?" Song Dong asked again.
       "It's very busy. I want to broadcast it in the spring. She has a lot of work. She has a labor force at home and can only dry slowly." Ning-Er sighed and said. He plans to go to the Chou-Gu home tomorrow, and the two pillars help Chou-Gu to dig some physical work.
       Song Dongjia is even more embarrassed. After giving Ning-Er a pulse, he smiled   :   "The conditioning is good, but in the winter, I have to continue to take medicine for a few more months. This time is not needed. ”
       The smile on Ning-Er’s face disappeared immediately, and I was not willing to say   :   “I’m not alright?”
       "You want to be good, how can it be so easy. After this winter adjustment, it is just to make your body look stronger, and the roots inside can be slowly adjusted," said Song Dongjia seriously.
       In fact, if Ning-Er has silver, you can use some precious herbs at will, and at most three months, he will be sure to make Ning-Er a good Qi-Qi. Ning-Er's body is not as strong as it is now. In fact, the inside is still very thin. It is not easy to adjust it completely. And it is also beneficial to adjust it slowly, that is, it can make the body absorb the medicine slowly, which is more beneficial to Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er thought for a long time, only smiled and said   :   "How long do I have to nurse for a long time? Or, I can't raise it."
       Song Dong’s face showed a thin anger and said, “How do you have so many things, who said that you can’t raise your body? But it’s harder, and you don’t have money, I’m not good at it. what."
       Ning-Er, I was relieved and asked   :   "How long does it take to eat, how many years?"
       "I have to eat three winter medicines." Song Dongjia answered.
       "That's good." Ning-Er nodded, and finally put down the big stone. It is also cost-effective to eat three winter medicines to cure the body. And he can still start saving money and save the winter money.
       "You don't think too much. You are here to eat and just take a break and let go, let go of your mind, don't worry about this worry. Little age, there are so many troubles." Song DongjiA-He took a few words.
       Ning-Er nodded and nodded, and went to the tavern with the remaining pheasants and wild rabbits.
       The owner of the tavern was very happy to see them. Several people greeted him with a hustle and bustle. The tavern had all the remaining pheasants and wild rabbits, and said, "I haven’t eaten these wild flavors for a long time. I will be all this time. It is too thin."
       "Yes, this time is cheaper. Thank you for your care." Ning-Er quickly said.
       I sold three hundred dollars for the pheasant and the wild rabbit. Ning-Er went directly to buy 40 kilograms of grain. At this time, the grain was obviously more expensive than the autumn harvest. The price rose, and the five yuan was a pound. The rest of the money went to buy six pounds of salt, leaving only ten dollars, and then directly bought five ‘maidens. Three people were eaten by one person. The remaining two, Ning-Er brought Ming to take home to Chou-Gu and they ate.
       Because they didn't delay the time in the market town, they went home a little earlier.
       Seeing that Minger came home with some food, the people in the village were very envious. More people stopped him and asked Dong to ask the West. Minger did not answer, and hurried home.
       "Hey, it’s still a good thing for them. You can change the food back when you enter the mountain." Twenty kilograms of grain plus three pounds of salt, loaded with most of the scorpions, is enough to envy and hungry people.
       Some people also said   :   "There is nothing to say, people are also earning hard-earned money, this time let you into the mountains, do you dare to go?"
       "That is, at this time, the snow in the mountains has not been finished, and it is cold and dead. And just after the spring, the beasts in the mountains have come out to find food. If you do not work well, you have to lose your life."
       "That's still something to say." The kitten, Father, sneered, making the faces of the people red and gray.
       The kitten family can be said to be the only household in the village who has lived better than in previous years. Their family’s income last year was more than twice that of Chou-Gu. Not only did they save money, but they also bought fifty pounds of food and added a new clothes to their families. Therefore, the winter in their home is good, and the family has no shortage of clothes and food.
       The most important thing is that they also took a lot of food and distributed it to the people in the village who lacked food. They even took ten pounds of food and helped the two poorest families. It turned out to be in the village. . Therefore, he is especially grateful to Chou-Gu. Now Dahe uncle walked up, his waist was straight, and he dared to speak in the village.

       Chapter 91     :     Rare          

       Although the chill, stay at home Chou-gu but with a younger brother to work in the garden, she was looking through the first, the early intention to educating vegetable shoots out, hoping to catch the early money selling point, and I too eat a Grab fresh goods. If she doesn't eat some fresh vegetables, she feels that she can't stand it.
       Because the weather is still cold, can not be planted directly in the ground, she simply dig a few soil back, smashed a few unwanted containers to the soil, sprinkle the seeds, and put them directly into the house to keep warm. I hope that these seeds will sprout soon. I have been busy for a day and have not done much to live. The land is still very hard, and the work of digging the ground is very laborious.
       After Ming returned, Chou-Gu asked him carefully about his actions today.
       Minger confessed to where the prey sold the money, and then bought something. The numbers are clearly remembered and unambiguous.
       Chou-Gu heard nodding and nodding, she knew that there would be no mistake in sending out Ming. Moreover, Ning-Er is also a safe person. This younger brother has to work out slowly.
       “What else is there?” After listening to this, Chou-Gu asked again.
       "Song Dongjia said that he still has to eat a few winter medicines." Minger thought about it and remembered a big thing.
       "His body looks a lot better. What Song Dongjia said, you can make it clear." Chou-Gu worried.
       Minger shook his head, only remembering that there was such a thing. He did not know the specifics.
       "They will come tomorrow to help you grow vegetables." Minger said.
       Chou-Gu did not ask, and it would be clear to ask Ning-Er directly tomorrow.
       "Going out a lot of money, there is no one left." Chou-Gu took the two ‘maidens brought back by Ming, and suddenly felt that the money was really unconstrained, ten deposits of Silver Taels also Not a problem.
       "Yeah." Ming nodded. He looked at the money Ning-Er spent, and Ning-Er made it clear to everyone that he remembered more clearly.
       The younger brother stared at the Bun and swallowed his mouth. Chou-Gu was funny and sad. I knew that I should let Minger take ten dollars and buy five hoes. Not to let Pillar  eat only one, and one did not bring back to eat.
       Looking at the younger brother's appearance, Chou-Gu directly smashed the Bun into two halves, baked it on the fire of the stove, baked it, and gave it to the younger half, and let Minger take half of it to their mother. Their family has not eaten ‘maidens for some time. The younger brother took a half-headed Bun and couldn’t take it hot. Not much longer, half a Bun will fall.
       The rest of the Bun, Chou-Gu was prepared to be eaten tomorrow morning, see the younger brother obviously did not eat well, simply baked in half as before, gave half to the younger brother, the remaining half she divided The two halves and Minger were eaten separately.
       After the younger brother finished the half-headed Bun, he was finally satisfied. Chou-Gu asked   :   "Is it full?"
       He shook his head again and again and said   :   "Not enough." He said that he was quite awkward, indicating Chou-Gu, it really did not protrude.
       Chou-Gu smiled and touched his stomach. He smiled and said   :   "You have a bottomless belly, a skull, and you are not full."
       "You can eat another one." The younger brother said seriously.
       "The girl is gone, you go to play, I cook and eat again." Chou-Gu smiled and drove him away.
       When I bought the food back today, she didn't have to save it. She simply cooked a dry meal and grabbed a sour cabbage from the jar. She cut a large piece of bacon and stewed a large pot of sauerkraut. The meal was full and the family had a full meal.
       Early the next morning, Ning-Er and the pillars came over.
       "So early. Have you had breakfast yet?" Chou-Gu asked in surprise.
       "Having eaten, come early to help you, isn't it going to turn over the ground?" Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu nodded and asked   :   "How do you want to take a few years of medicine?"
       Ning-Er smiled and said   :   "Song Dongjia said that I have to raise my health. I have to take medicine every winter, at least for three years. But he also said that my body has become better. Don't worry too much. ”
       "This is good, eat it again in the winter." Chou-Gu This is the only way to let go. Then she took Ning-Er and the pillars to the hill not far away, ready to dig a few baskets of mud back.
       "What do you want to do?" Ning-Er asked.
       "Cultivate the vegetables. I think this mud is more fat than in my vegetable garden." Chou-Gu smiled. She only dug a basket yesterday and still exhausted her. I hope that today I have pillars and Ning-Er help, I can dig more.
       The pillars only work, pointing to where to hit where, Chou-Gu gave him a block, let him dig the mud, and told Ning-Er to put the mud in the mud before putting the dug out of the mud into the basket. Clean. Ning-Er nodded and said that he understood.
       She and Minger chose another piece next to it.
       Ning-Er saw her digging very hard and said   :   "It's better to change places."
       “The land is still very hard, and the soil in this place is also thin, so it is rare to find such a fat soil,” Chou-Gu said.
       The land she chose was still leaning against the water, where the weeds were rich, and there were too many places in other places, where there was soil and fat.
       "Oh." Ning-Er nodded and did not understand, nodded, followed her busy, the grass in the mud was white and tender, he picked up a few, curiously asked   :   "Can this grass root eat?"
       Chou-Gu stopped for a moment, staring at the grass roots and glanced at it, but suddenly smiled   :   "I can eat and eat, this is a thatch root, but also a Chinese herbal medicine."
       “Can you sell money?” Ning-Er’s eyes lit up and asked urgently.
       "Can sell, but it is estimated that it can't sell a few dollars. And it has to be dried," Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er licked a few, took it in the water and washed it. He put it in his mouth and chewed it. He said, "It's a bit sweet, it can be eaten, but it's not very tasty."
       Pillar  saw Ning-Er eating, and I also washed a few of them. I put them all in my mouth and chewed them. After chewing a few times, I vomited and said, "Not good." But it is chewing on the sweetness of the grass roots, and the rest is slag, and it can only be spit out.
       After digging for two hours, I was so tired that I couldn’t do it. Only then did the two picks come back, and the grass roots were four or five pounds. All washed and sun-baked in the courtyard of Chou-Gu.
       Ning-Er also gave up this way of making money and said   :   "Digging this is too tiring, if you don't have money, you won't do it."
       Then everyone put the mud in a few small containers, and then sprinkled the vegetables in different categories.
       “Why are you so troublesome?” Ning-Er asked.
       "The weather is too cold. It may not be long to plant directly in the vegetable garden. This is to let them sprout and grow out soon. When the weather is warm, they can be transplanted in the vegetable garden." Chou- Gu explained.
       Ning-Er thought for a while, then suddenly realized   :   "This is like a warm shed."
       "Right, I put these in the house. The temperature in the house burned higher than the outside, just like the warm shed." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er followed her to finish the work, planted the dishes, and rested.
       Chou-Gu added   :   "I planted a lot. When the seedlings grow out, you can take some back and plant them."
       "Okay, thank you. Right, we will go into the mountains the day after tomorrow. We have to go back and play some wood," Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu nodded, not only to fight firewood, but also to get more pheasant wild rabbits. Since it is good to sell, I must be eager to grab a hand and save some money. Don't say anything else, buy more food at home and be safe. Waiting for the autumn harvest, there is still a long time. Now that food has risen in price, I am afraid that I will have to raise prices after a while.
       "Today I went to eat at my house and went back. I got some delicious food for you to taste." Chou-Gu Shen Shen ran into the vegetable garden and opened the yellow of his winter. Uncovering the thick grass, then opening the black cloth, and finally uncovering the basket, the leeks inside turned yellow, and obviously a lot longer than the side leeks, and the chopsticks were long.
       It can be seen that the thick grass surround also plays a role in keeping warm, and they grow at a faster rate than the side amaranth. Although it is so beautiful than the modern yellow, it is also fresh and tender, and it is very attractive.
       She cut directly two big yellows back.
       Ning-Er stared at the things in her hand, and after distinguishing for a while, she couldn't recognize what it was, but he knew that it was definitely the same fresh vegetables, it was so tempting.
       "Don't you know?" Chou-Gu smiled.
       "What is it, is it delicious? It looks delicious and tender." Ning-Er asked quickly.
       Chou-Gu took two of them and said, "You smell it carefully."
       Ning-Er smelled it and looked at it carefully, only to hesitate to say   :   "It seems like a bit of amaranth."
       "Right, it is amaranth." Chou-Gu laughed. She knew that Ning-Er's nose was very sensitive.
       “It’s really a leek, why is it not green, but it’s tender yellow?” Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "Hey, this is a secret. Today I am going to cook this for you, I am going to get this thing to sell." Chou-Gu sold a pass, sneered.
       "Okay, okay." Ning-Er is so excited that she can't wait to eat this leek.
       "This is called 韭黄, it is more tender than leeks, and there is no taste of leeks." Chou-Gu said.
       "Yu Huang, the name is very good." Ning-Er read it twice, and felt that the name was very relevant and easy to remember.
       Chou-Gu smiled and went to cook.
       It was already dinner, and everyone had a day of physical work. She cooked the rice and then stewed a large pot of bacon and sauerkraut as I did last night, but today the amount of bacon and sauerkraut has doubled. Then the main event is to stir up the yellow, and there are exactly four eggs in the house that are not willing to eat. She got a yellow scrambled egg.
       The smell of scrambled eggs instantly makes the whole house fragrant.
       The pillars continued to slap and slobber, and even Ning-Er couldn't help but sneak out.
       "Open the meal." Chou-Gu yelled, everyone all came to the stove. Their family has always been eating at the small table in the kitchen. Even if there are more Ning-Er and pillars, the kitchen is actually not small, not crowded.
       There were three dishes on the table, a large bowl of bacon stewed with sauerkraut, a large piece of meat floating on the noodle soup, and the pillars were laughing and the eyes were smashed. Another large plate of sautéed yellow eggs, plus a pepper sauce radish strip.
       Chou-Gu divided some of the three dishes and put them in a small bowl. They also had a bowl of rice and let Minger send them to their mother.
       Then, she gave Ning-Er and the pillars a bowl of stewed sauerkraut and said, "Come on."
       Ning-Er took the pickled soup and smiled   :   "I am welcome, you can sit down and eat together."
       Chou-Gu nodded, and gave herself and the younger brother three different bowls. Everyone sat around the table and drunk. Inside the bowl of the pillar, the meat is extraordinarily large. He chewed the slice of meat with satisfaction, and sipped the sauerkraut soup and ‘called   :   "Good seven."
       "Yes, my sister's stewed sauerkraut is delicious." Minger said proudly.
       "You stewed sauerkraut, better than my stew, how do you get it?" Ning-Er while eating and cooking. The pickled bacon is exactly the same, but the taste of the stew is so far worse.
       Chou-Gu smiled and told him how he cooked the dish. Ning-Er nodded as he listened and wrote down one by one. He felt that he would try this dish at home tomorrow.
       After eating a bowl of sauerkraut soup, all the people had a meal and began to taste the scrambled eggs.
       "How? Is it delicious?" Chou-Gu asked after Ning-Er had eaten two fried eggs. She also tried the taste of herself and felt that it was more fragrant than the modern fried yellow egg. The modern yellow is too tender, and I feel that there is a smell of water in my mouth. The aroma of leeks is gone.
       “It’s very tender, very fragrant. It’s really delicious, and it’s really lighter than the taste of leeks. For those who don’t like leeks, I’m afraid I like yellow. Ning-Er commented.
       "Well. I think so. In fact, the leek can not only scramble eggs, but also fry meat. If you put some sesame oil, you can also eat it in cold salad. It is very delicious." Chou-Gu said. For her own, the favorite is scrambled eggs.
       "Now there are no fresh vegetables, and the yellow is definitely good to sell. Do you get more?" Ning-Er asked.
       "Not much, I am afraid that it will be five or six pounds." Chou-Gu regretted.
       She also took the attitude of trying and got some. I didn't expect it to be successful once, and she could get more next time.
       As long as this technology does not leak out, the yellow can be sold in one year, and it can be sold in the month and month. However, it is also a problem for her family's vegetable garden to be protected from others. Especially when everyone knows that she is selling the yellow, there will be someone who will make an idea. So this business, she can't do it for a long time.
       Therefore, she immediately took Ning-Er to the vegetable garden and pointed to the yellow husks covered by the haystacks. "This is actually very simple. You can get it at home tomorrow. Cut the leeks, only the left. A little pile, and then cover it, it will be almost a month. After the weather is hot, I am only half a month away."
       She said that she gave Ning-Er a few precautions and said, "We will earn a few more."
       Ning-Er understands her meaning very well, and regrets to say   :   "It is really simple. We can't always grow our own seeds. Sooner or later, let other people in the village learn."
       "Yeah. Now no matter what method you want to make money, you can't make money for a long time." Chou-Gu said irritably. If there is an intellectual property law, it would be fine, or let everyone pay the technology joining fee.
       But these two things don't work in this place. If you want to monopolize, you can only be strong enough. If you are strong, you won't dare to be jealous. Otherwise, it’s still awkward for everyone to follow and grow. It’s safe to have money together.
       "Right, you can plant it in the yard, just like today's breeding vegetables. We can make more money." Ning-Er proposed.
       "This is just one or two more. It is not convenient to plant in the yard, and it is impossible to get so much mud back. If your yard is big, you can get more." Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, I will do it tomorrow. We will go into the mountains the day after tomorrow. It seems that only hunting is the best." Ning-Er said funnyly.
       Hunting is because everyone does not have this ability, they can only watch them enter the mountain, but what they plant, they really do not predominate, others can easily learn, and if you do not teach everyone, it is easy to be a village People are hostile, and some are not worth the candle. Therefore, he and Chou-Gu decided to make the first method of making a profit, and then taught the villagers the method of planting the yellow.

       Chapter 92     :     Fresh and tender          

       The second time I entered the mountain, the obvious temperature became higher. The original frost has been reduced a lot, and the green on the ground is also thicker. Of course, the animals in the woods are also more active. Therefore, the pheasant wild rabbits they got were much more, and they were slightly fatter.
       This time, they not only brought five pounds of grain, but also each one took a pound of salt, and Chou-Gu also brought a small jar of sauce and a small jar of pickles, plus some vegetable seeds. . She plans to plant some vegetables here first, and later she will have fresh vegetables to eat.
       "It seems that after another ten days and a half, the mountains will be green and the days will be better." Ning-Er said happily. He looked at the five pheasants that had been taken before they arrived at the hut, and they were in a good mood.
       "That is, as long as we get another 500 yuan, and one buys 50 kilograms of grain, our two-month chewing is basically enough." Chou-Gu quickly calculated in the heart, to the front The days are also very confident.
       Spring is here, and after a month or so, there are a lot of wild vegetables. At that time, dig more wild vegetables to eat, not only can improve the life of lack of fresh vegetables, but also reduce the consumption of food. And there are more prey, and the meat they usually eat is enough.
       "Actually, it is not difficult to get five hundred dollars. Selling ten pheasants and ten wild rabbits will exceed this number." Ning-Er also counted, smiled.
       "No, there are ten pheasants and ten rabbits. There are not many at all. Today, you can do enough." Chou-Gu said with confidence.
       "Well, it's really easy. We just have to come to the 3rd and 4th, and earn enough Silver Taels." Ning-Er also laughed. With such a thought, the days are really hopeful.
       Along the way, the pillars and Minger hunt, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er are not idle, they will bundle some thick branches together and pile them on the side of the road, and when they come back, they can take them home by the way. . The purpose of this trip is not only to hunt, but also to play firewood is an important purpose.
       There are not many firewoods in the two homes. If you haven’t reached the spring tillage yet, you have time to enter the mountain and save the fire. Otherwise, the farmer is busy, there is no time to play firewood, and the firewood is not enough to burn.
       Just like what they thought, this time I went into the mountains and the harvest was very good. The pheasant wild rabbits, they brought back eighteen each. It also brought more than 400 kilograms of firewood, plus a half-barrel of fresh fish weighing about ten pounds.
       "Choose some beautiful colors, fat pheasant wild rabbits to sell, and the rest we keep ourselves to eat. Tomorrow, go to the market together, bring the fish to sell, I have to take the yellow to sell." Chou -Gu said.
       "Oh. Go out tomorrow morning. There are so many things to sell, I am afraid I will spend more time at the market," Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu nodded and still took most of the prey to Ning-Er. She only brought five pheasants and four wild rabbits went home. I sent a thintest pheasant to the kitten and thanked him for taking care of the younger brother.
       "Thank you." The kitten took the pheasant and went home very happy.
       Although he is very envious of Chou-Gu, they can get a few pheasants and wild rabbits when they enter a mountain, but he also knows that Chou-Gu will not take him into the mountains, because Chou-Gu is followed. Ning-Er went. Ning-Er This person, in his heart, still in the hearts of the entire Jiang Wucun people, is very powerful, they involuntarily have awe of Ning-Er. In fact, people in Ningjia Village will have this feeling for Ning-Er. Therefore, Ning-Er is still very superior in terms of status.
       Chou-Gu also cleaned up two pheasants and a wild rabbit and left it to his family. The remaining three are just for sale. The Ning-Er family will also keep some of their own food. They said it is good. Only ten pheasants and ten wild rabbits are sold out. Fear too much, can't sell. And too much money at a time, I am afraid to cause some unnecessary trouble.
       Early the next morning, Chou-Gu cut the yellow, divided into small pieces about half a catty, and they all tied the grass. She planned to sell it one by one, not weighing it. Rare things, the price must be set high, the number of people who can afford it is small, it is better to sell some of them, and others are the first to see, they will not do it, they have to buy less and try again. After I have passed, I know that it’s not good to eat.
       In total, she only got five or six pounds of yellow, and she was divided into twenty. She also left a little, and her family and Ning-Er can each have a meal.
       Early in the morning, Chou-Gu three brothers rode their donkeys and rushed out of the village with their prey.
       On the road, I naturally met many people in the village. Everyone looked at them enviously. Some people wanted to know what was in her Shi-zi. Chou-Gu was not afraid of others to see, and showed his prey in a big way. And half a bucket of fresh fish. As for Huang, she has long been hiding.
       "Your 韭黄 can take the name of the individual." Ning-Er proposes, because it is not unusual for others to know that they are also related to leeks.
       "You help think about it, what is your name?" Chou-Gu asked. Let her name, she really is not good.
       "What about the day lily?" Ning-Er thought about it and said the name he wanted.
       Chou-Gu read it twice, and thought it was okay. It was really better than Huang, and I felt that I was taller.
       "It's called a day lily. I'm divided into small ones and I plan to sell twenty dollars," Chou-Gu said.
       “How much is it?” Ning-Er asked.
       "About half a catty, just enough to fry a dish." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Twenty dollars, a little expensive, I don't know if it is good to sell." Ning-Er said with some concern.
       "I am not afraid, a total of twenty-one, I also intend to give Song Dongjia and the big Aunt tavern each one, as long as they can sell more than a dozen. We can not sell it, we can take it back and eat it. Anyway At this moment, I owe food to myself." Chou-Gu said with great confidence. Even if she only sold ten, she would have two hundred dollars, and she was satisfied.
       "You have to think like this." Ning-Er laughed. He also worried that he could not sell, Chou-Gu was anxious. Since Chou-Gu doesn't care, the expensive point is more expensive, just like the taste of this dish is not easy.
       Sure enough, her listing of Huang Yi was amazing. A lot of people gathered around her small stalls and pointed out the tender yellow grassy dishes, all of them were curious.
       "Freshly marketed needles, twenty dollars, very delicious, tender and fragrant." Chou-Gu smiled and introduced to everyone.
       "Twenty dollars, just a little bit, too expensive." Several people took a breath and couldn't believe it.
       "You look for it in the full market, so my family has fresh dishes to sell. Although there are more than 20 yuan, I can't get it with this golden needle. It's worth it." Chou-Gu Lehe I don’t care about the attitude of others at all.
       "No, the so-called things are rare. Twenty dollars, buy and try something fresh. This needle dish is hard to come by, this is a total of so little, the next time you want to eat, you have to wait more than a month. "Ning-Er said to a big Aunt who is obviously a little more advanced."
       That big Aunt listened, so little, not only did not sell tomorrow, but also waited for another month to be there again, immediately tempted, but she is worried that the needles are not good, after all, is the first time to see, even Its practice is not clear.
       "This is very simple, you can stir it with meat, you can also scramble eggs. The needles are very tender, if you are vegetarian, just stir it a little." Chou-Gu said quickly.
       After listening to Chou-Gu, it was true that someone was the first person to eat crabs, and one had Qian-'Laozi had a hand, saying that he would take it back to scrambled eggs, and he was very happy to smash twenty dollars. she was. Twenty dollars, the price is quite expensive, but there is no fresh vegetables at this time, look at the whole market, the front of her family's stalls are the most, because only this kind of tender yellow dishes, the freshest and most attractive.
       The guest walked with the needles, not much longer, the man who had bought the Chou-Gu dish before, flew over and asked for four needles. He said happily   :   "I haven’t seen fresh food for a long time. You have this fresh item. How can you sell it earlier?"
       "This uncle, you don't know, this needle dish is very difficult to grow. It's hard to plant this kind of thing. It's going to be eaten next time, but you have to wait a month later." Chou-Gu explained quickly.
       "Hey, willn't you sell it again in the next few days?"
       "Yeah. Just like that, all brought it." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Oh, it's no wonder expensive. It really is a rarity." The uncle exclaimed. He asked for three pheasants, two wild rabbits, and took half a bucket of fresh fish.
       Under his leadership, the sales of day lily have improved. And the market has begun to spread, the rarity of the day lily.
       This is not, Chou-Gu stalls are more and more predecessors, watching the lively, buying the golden needles, see the needles. Other stall vendors can almost be envious of death.
       Driven by the day lily, the pheasant rabbit also followed the sales. You want one, he wants two, and sells very well. Not much longer, she sold twenty yellow, and the last one left, she received it straight. She is going to take it to Song Dongs family.
       Big Aunt came late, only grabbed a handful of needles, and even the fresh fish was gone. He also asked Chou-Gu, "Will you come?"
       "No, it will take another five days if it doesn't rain." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Oh, for a long time. Next time I will give me a few pounds of fish. Give me some fresh onions and garlic in your vegetable garden." A big Aunt confessed.
       "Well. But the fresh fish is not big, only small fish." Chou-Gu said.
       "Two or three heavy weights can be done, if you can get more than half a catty of squid, it is better." Big Aunt said.
       Chou-Gu nodded and began to collect. There were only two pheasants and three wild rabbits left. The needles were gone, and the strange people were scattered. Her booth was cold, and she didn't want to waste time on five prey.
       Ning-Er came back with a tax of twenty-three dollars and said, "The people who collect the money know us all, and the more they collect."
       In fact, twenty-three dollars are not too much, mainly because they sell expensive things and get more money. But not only did he feel bad for twenty-three money, but Chou-Gu also felt very distressed. This can buy more than a dozen ‘maidens.
       "These don't sell. We went to find a shop to change some food, and we can't see it. If it doesn't work, go to the drugstore and the tavern to ask." Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er nodded and helped her pack things up.
       In a grain shop, Chou-Gu took out 200 yuan, bought 40 pounds of grain, and used a pheasant and a wild rabbit for 11 pounds of food. The price was a bit cheap, but she and Ning -Er feels cost-effective. Because they are going to buy food themselves. And the owner of the grain shop is not happy to change, but it is to see what they just bought.
       Also said   :   "Let's come back to my house to buy food next time."
       "That is, you can talk, we will visit again next time." Chou-Gu smiled. If he refuses to change food, Chou-Gu is planning to go to other places to buy food. Therefore, I only bought 40 pounds in this house.
       The remaining one pheasant and two wild rabbits, they did not change, went directly to the Song Dong family, but saw that someone sent a few chickens. Chou-Gu didn't bother to take the pheasant and the wild rabbit out and put it directly outside. He only took the day lily.
       "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time. Chou-Gu." Song Dongjia saw her, and he also said hello.
       “Hello.” Chou-Gu said quickly.
       "What good things have you brought over." Song Dong asked.
       "This golden needle, the last one left, give you a taste of it."
       "Hey, what kind of dish is this, I haven't seen it before." Song Dongjia took the yellow, very surprised to watch.
       "This is called acupuncture, you can scramble eggs and can also fry meat, very tender and delicious." Chou-Gu quickly explained.
       Song Dongjia carefully licked the yellow to the nose and the sheep and said   :   "This is a bit amaranth."
       "Well, your nose is really spiritual, it is similar to amaranth. However, the day lily is more tender than the leek, and there is no heavy taste of the leek, it is delicious." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er chatted with Song Dong for a little while, just as someone came to Song Dong’s family to talk about things, and the two quickly quit.
       "Hey, go to the bistro," Ning-Er said.
       "Well, I knew that I should leave a place for the tavern." Chou-Gu said with some regrets.
       "It will be fine next time." Ning-Er advised.
       The owner of the tavern, seeing Chou-Gu and Song Dong's family, is very happy Chou-Gu say hello.
       He took the remaining pheasant and two wild rabbits and said, "Let's come over next time, bring me some fresh vegetables. No matter what, every day pickles, cabbage radishes are tired of people."
       Chou-Gu smiled and said embarrassedly   :   "At this time, there is really no fresh food. I will come over to bring you some leeks next time. Can you?" To be honest, I will tell her where to find fresh vegetables.  , in addition to leeks, onions, and garlic, there are no other dishes in the garden.
       "Also. It is the onion and garlic seedlings, but also bring me a hand. It is also good to fry an egg, and you can order some dumplings. It is better than picking up the pickles every day." Dongjia laughed.
       Chou-Gu nodded again and again, and took the money and quickly left.
       When she left the door and walked away, she took a picture of her chest and said, "Hey, I want to leave him a golden needle."
       Ning-Er also felt a little embarrassed. People accepted the last remaining prey of them. In fact, most of them were seen in the friendship. It is not necessary to buy.
       Next, they went to buy forty pounds of food. Then, I went to buy twenty ‘maidens and went home.
       “It’s a good harvest today.” Chou-Gu said with satisfaction. Just for the yellow, I bought four hundred dollars, which is enough for his family to eat food for two months.
       "Well, it's really good." Ning-Er also laughed. Ten pheasants and ten wild rabbits were all sold out. In addition to the one for each grain, they also got 760 yuan, half a bucket of fresh fish and 50 yuan. Three dollars. They still have more than 700 yuan left, and they only spent 400 yuan to buy food, which means they have more than 300 yuan left. The two are evenly divided. For the four hundred dollars of Huang, he certainly won’t want to give Chou-Gu directly.
       Therefore, this time, the two companies not only brought back a few pounds of food, but also saved money. In particular, Chou-Gu immediately saved half or more of the silver.
       "Hey, if there is such a income today, it would be fine." Chou-Gu said, counting the money in his hand.
       Ning-Er said with a funny smile   :   "Don't think so beautiful, if this is the case, we will soon become rich."
       "Also, even if you can save so much money now, as long as you can get the food you eat for a month, and then you have a little more money, I am satisfied." Chou-Gu thought about it and said.
       "Hope." Ning-Er didn't pour cold water again.
       Because according to last year's experience, the time is a little longer, the pheasant wild rabbit is not easy to sell. After all, this year is still a fresh taste. Selling twice will be as unsuccessful as last year. At that time, make more prey, can not sell, you can only eat.
       The author has something to say   :   I prefer to eat leeks compared to scallions and leeks. There is no smell in the yellow.

       Chapter 93     :     Experiment          

       "We will go to the firewood tomorrow. If we don't go into the mountains this time, we will be in the vicinity. We can run back and forth one day. We will save the fire and then go hunting in the mountains." Chou-Gu said to Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er nodded, just sold a lot of prey, and really had to go again later. Going too often, selling too many things, it is worthless.
       "That's it, we will come early tomorrow."
       After returning home, Chou-Gu was rushing to deal with the leeks and onions and garlics in the garden. They had to make them grow faster. In a few days, they would bring them to the market, the tavern, and the big Aunt. In order to make them grow faster, she can only think of ways to increase the temperature. The temperature is high and the dish grows faster.
       Chou-Gu and Minger were busy working on a very simple low-small shed, burning two woodpile in it to ensure that the temperature in the shed increased and the leeks grew faster. Although the shed is small, it burns overnight and there is not much wood used.
       On the morning of the next day, both families took the Bun and went out to play firewood. Chou-Gu, because I got up twice in the evening to add firewood to the dishes in the shed, I didn’t get up early, and I didn’t go far and even yawned.
       "What's the matter with you, didn't you sleep well?" Ning-Er asked with some concern.
       "Get up twice last night, and I really didn't sleep well." Chou-Gu said, rubbing the tears that flowed out because of yawning.
       Ning-Er is only convenient when she is at night, and she did not expect Chou-Gu to implement the plan of warming in advance. However, Chou-Gu has some doubts about the results of his actions.
       Because her shed is too rudimentary, and there are various deficiencies, the warmth is not good. Therefore, she did not seal all the leeks and onion garlic in the warm shed. I still left some of it outside and didn't tell Ning-Er. She is going to do an experiment herself. It is not feasible to see this method.
       They went directly to the orange forest to fight firewood. This place is close to home, and a strong winter wind has also blown off the dry branches of the land. Several people walked together and took the firewood they saw together.
       The orange forest that was plagued by the villagers last year did not regain its vitality. It does not know whether it will take some time, or it has really been killed.
       "Oh, I don't know if these trees will survive. Will this year bear fruit?" Chou-Gu exclaimed. If it is all dead, it will be a big loss.
       "Fortunately, we still have an orange tree." Ning-Er also said with distress.
       Originally such a large orange forest, the people of the two villages, just eat themselves, completely enough, and take out to sell, how many households can also exchange back to one hundred and eighty dollars. Speaking of it, this is the blessing of the two villages. It is a fortune for God. But they did not cherish it. Even the trees were hurting a large part of them. They only looked at their eyes and did not care about continuous profit.
       "That piece of land may not be able to survive. This winter, everyone will definitely come to pick oranges early. There is no place here. It will definitely be found in the ground. The orange forest will be exposed sooner or later." Chou-Gu sighed. ,Say.
       These orange trees are wild, and you can't enjoy it alone, and you won't let others pick it up. Besides, it has been exposed here, can you hide it? Unless the oranges only secretly eat at home, don't take them out. Otherwise, as soon as they are listed, people in the two villages will know that they have found oranges elsewhere.
       "Exposure is also no way, but this winter has to be said to everyone, be sure to protect the orange tree, or you will not have oranges next year," Ning-Er said.
       "How do you say, will they listen?" Chou-Gu asked.
       "Let's just kill some of the orange trees that are still better. They saw that the tree is dead, and they know that they are killing the trees too much, and then they will find other trees. Protected." Ning-Er stunned and said. Only by letting everyone understand this truth will they take the initiative to protect these orange trees, otherwise you will say that it is useless.
       Chou-Gu thought about it and nodded. Don't let them feel bad and regret, where they will recognize their mistakes. Although this method is too awkward. The two men went hand in hand and simply ruined all the orange trees, whether they were alive or dead.
       While doing this work, two people sighed. Such a large orange forest is completely finished. I want to grow such a fruitful orange forest for at least ten years.
       "Oh, don't sigh. Go to chopping wood quickly." Chou-Gu packed his mood and reminded Ning-Er that it was a waste of time. If you don't work harder, you won't get much firewood today.
       The two dispersed and looked around for the dead branches. Chou-Gu also waved the sickle from time to time to cut the weeds that grew thick. These impurities were dry, and the sickle was a handy one, but it was very convenient.
       Cut and cut, a few pheasants squeaked out of the grass and fled quickly. Such a big movement, but it led to the pillars and Minger flew over.
       "Where is the pheasant, which side did you run?" Minger asked Chou-Gu loudly.
       He and the pillars are also chopping wood, but they have not found traces of pheasants.
       "Running early." Chou-Gu said, and went to pick up a lot of weeds, and the large pieces of grass were cut away, revealing two pheasant nests. It turns out that these escaping pheasants are here to settle down.
       "Look, there are pheasant nests here." Ning-Er also came over.
       "You want to get pheasants, and I am going to mow grass like me. Maybe you can find a few pheasant nests now. Unfortunately, there are no eggs in this nest." Chou-Gu regretted.
       "It is estimated that after another month, the pheasant will have to start laying eggs. When it comes time, you will be able to pick up the eggs." Ning-Er laughed. At this time, the pheasant did not eat enough, where can lay eggs, only when they are all fat, naturally can lay eggs.
       Minger and the pillar listened to the words of Chou-Gu, and they really did not lick the branches to mow the grass, hoping to get a few pheasants.
       "Minger, you can't cut, be careful. These grasses are too long." Chou-Gu stopped him and let him continue to lick the branches. And it’s better to get these grasses back without burning them.
       However, the pillars did not cut a few grasses, and they alerted several pheasants. He didn't even have a slingshot, and he cut it directly with a sickle. He didn't expect to cut a pheasant, but he even licked the chicken.
       "Hey, you have used too much strength." Ning-Er said, picking up the pheasant and throwing it into the donkey.
       The pillars didn't bother to fight the firewood again, and they went to hunt with enthusiasm. Seeing Chou-Gu did not object, and secretly kept up with the pillars.
       Chou-Gu only cares about scribbled, Ning-Er quickly confessed   :   "Don't run far, just get two."
       "The two guys, the main task today is to get firewood, they just want to eat." Chou-Gu smiled and shook his head, and no longer care about them.
       "I also succumbed to them for a winter. When they got two or three chickens, I went back and worked." Ning-Er laughed.
       The two worked and chatted, and they had been busy for a long time. The two families had a total of three hundred pounds of firewood. The pheasant had four of them, just one. Chou-Gu directly loaned the donkey to Ning-Er to let them go back to Ningjia.
       "I will come over with the pillars tomorrow and help your family to chop firewood," Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu nodded, and the wood at home could burn for two or three days. I will come back tomorrow.
       After being so busy for three days, the firewood that was obtained in the next two days was given to the Wu family, and only six hundred pounds of firewood were used. The nearby firewood was basically lighted by them. The pheasant wild rabbits have made several more.
       "There is no firewood nearby, or you have to run farther," Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu also remembered the promise of helping Aunt to catch fresh fish.
       "Tomorrow fishing nearby, I am too lazy to go into the mountains." Chou-Gu said to Ning-Er.
       "Oh. I haven't caught the fish for a long time, maybe the fish is bigger and bigger." Ning-Er agreed. They just changed places to play firewood.
       He is too lazy to go into the mountains, not to hunt, just to catch a fish and run it is not worthwhile. It takes less than three days to get into one mountain, and one can't bring too much wood back, because they have to ride the animals. If they go home by walking, they are too tired and take longer.
       They were fishing directly near the Chou-Gu home, in the small ditch of the two small hills. Chou-Gu said that the first fishing was done here. And when there is not enough water in the small pool at the door of the summer, they will come here with water. So this one, she is very familiar.
       "You and the two of them are making fish here, I am going to chop wood." Chou-Gu threw the tool to Ning-Er and left with a sickle. There are few trees nearby, and it is impossible to lick the branches, but there are several thick weeds. She is going to cut some hay grass back and forget it today.
       Ning-Er with Minger and the pillars, the three spent a time, got half a bucket of fresh fish, it is relatively small, the biggest is only three or four heavy, small fish and shrimp.
       "Chou-Gu, no big fish," Ning-Er called.
       Chou-Gu has cut a few bales of grass, came over to rest, and looked at the fish in the bucket. He said, "Small is small, we pick out the big ones and get a three or five pounds." I didn't expect to see how much money the little fish made, but it was because of the big Aunt.
       All her current thoughts are spent on firewood, and the firewood at home is too fast. Just a little shed, it is also very hard to burn. In fact, I didn’t burn much during the day, but after four days and four nights, the consumption of firewood was huge.
       Ning-Er saw such a small warm shed, and smiled and asked   :   "So little, useful?"
       "Of course it's useful, look at these dishes." Chou-Gu gestured to himself for comparison.
       The leeks and garlic in the shed actually grew taller, and were about one centimeter taller and more tender than those growing in the natural environment.
       Although the effect is not obvious, Chou-Gu is still happy, because it proves that her casual small shed is actually effective. You can improve it in the fall, build a big warm shed, and eat fresh vegetables in the winter.
       "Oh, it's really useful. It's not so obvious," Ning-Er said.
       "It’s only four days, it’s a little useful. And my so-called warm shed is very simple. If you get a big shed, the effect will be better.” Chou-Gu said it.
       Ning-Er nodded and agreed to Chou-Gu statement that Chou-Gu could really use the warm shed to grow fresh vegetables, and he would be happy. Don't talk about making money, at least your family doesn't eat fresh food.
       "Just like something, tomorrow morning, let Minger send these dishes to me, you don't go to the market yourself. I can take two pheasants, and I can't sell them. The rest is simply us. I ate it myself," Ning-Er said.
       Anyway, it is a few pounds of fish. This is a combination of leeks and garlic seedlings, but it is only three or four pounds. A few things add up, there is no need to set up a stall to sell. It is even more unnecessary to go to so many people. It is better to let Chou-Gu stay at home for a day.
       "Oh. We will go into the mountains the day after tomorrow. There is nothing good in the vicinity. You still have to go into the mountains and you have to go to the fire without hunting." Chou-Gu said. The wood that I got back these days is mostly grass. Although it can be burned, it doesn't burn at all. I still have to get some branches back.
       "Well. Go to the day after tomorrow." Ning-Er agreed.

       Chapter 94     :     Guessing          

       Ning-Er and the pillar went to the market with a little something, and after handing it over to the big Aunt and the tavern's owner, they went straight home.
       This time, only 80 yuan was returned, and the two ran for a while. It was not worthwhile. However, it took a long time to spend time. When he and the pillars went home, the sun was still hanging high in the sky. On the way back, I actually met the Master. He is busy playing firewood.
       Seeing them, Master said inexplicably   :   "How come back so early."
       "How come you come here to play firewood, so far, not tired?" Ning-Er complained. Originally, he used the Master to fight firewood near the village, and he thought that he ran so far. It is a dozen miles away from the village, and it is still a mountain road. If you hit the firewood, you have to go back. How can you not be tired?
       "Not tired, I don't have a lot of firewood. I only played fifty or sixty pounds of wood a day, tired and tired." Master smiled. He has nothing to do at home, and it is boring not to go out to play with firewood.
       "It’s so tired to go so far. It’s going to go at least two hours at a time. It’s still carrying firewood, not allowed to come next time.” Ning-Er said angrily. He didn't want to get the Master sick for such a little bit of firewood.
       "Okay, good, don't run so far next time." Master laughed with a good temper.
       That is to say, Ning-Er and the pillars are also busy here with the Master. In this place, no one usually comes to firewood. The ground is full of dead branches, and the tall and tall thatched grasses are casually smashed. This is easier to get to firewood than where he and Chou-Gu go. After about an hour, the thatched Master was bundled with four bundles, and the pillars and Ning-Er also smashed the dead branches. Did not spend much effort, but got three or four hundred pounds of firewood.
       "Enough, enough, can burn for a few days. Go back." Ning-Er wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.
       Master and the pillar carefully tied the firewood to the horse back, and gave Ning-Er a little space to let him ride. The pillars of the grandson and the two empty hands slowly walked behind, Ning-Er first went home on the horse.
       When I got home, Ning-Er looked at the little bit of wood left in the firewood room, frowned and said   :   "You can get the firewood in the fall." Otherwise, it will be like this, and every day, I will go to firewood every day.
       The next day, Ning-Er and the pillars went to the Master beforehand. "Don't run so far today. The wood that was brought back yesterday was enough to burn for a few days."
       Master nodded again and again, but he was saying, "When you are gone, I will go again." He is very good, and his physical strength is not bad. Is it difficult to be at home everyday?
       Ning-Er didn't know his thoughts, and said   :   "Turn out the vegetable garden in the back, don't worry, turn it slowly. Chou-Gu has already bred the vegetable seedlings. After ten days and a half, it is estimated that you can grow vegetables. ""
       "Okay, okay. Chou-Gu, this child is running in the front." Master exclaimed.
       "Well, she said that if she grows the vegetable seedlings early, she can eat the food earlier, or she can sell one or two leeks and earn some money." Ning-Er laughed.
       When he mentioned this, he became more and more admired by Chou-Gu, and every household had not started to turn over the ground. She had already raised vegetables. When her vegetable seedlings can be transplanted, the dishes of other people homes are only planted. In the past and the following, the dishes of the Chou-Gu family can be listed at least half a month in advance. The so-called fresh-selling goods, it is a time lag, the dishes in every household's garden are out, these dishes are worthless.
       "It's hard for her, think so far. If we can help her, try to help her a few." Master said. He sighed directly to Chou-Gu. Sometimes, the more capable a child is, the more proof that the parents are incompetent, forcing the child to be self-reliant. The Chou-Gu family is such a typical example. Chou-Gu, a young man, spent a lot of effort to manipulate this home.
       “I know.” Ning-Er blushes, saying that he feels that he has not helped Chou-Gu at all, but Chou-Gu has helped him a lot. In fact, he is taller than Chou-Gu, regardless of his age or knowledge, but the fact is that he is not as good as Chou-Gu.
       "Yeah, I knew that I would fall to the present field. I shouldn’t have read so many books in the first place. It’s better to go to Zhuangzi and follow the people to learn farming." Ning-Er laughed. If you learn the skills of farming, the days are not so bitter.
       Master was silenced by his feelings, and he said for a long time   :   "This day has suffered Young Master."
       "What are you saying, aren't we going to be better? This is another two or three years, maybe I will become a small landlord again. Let's buy a few acres of land and hire two long-term workers later. We can have some comfortable days." Ning-Er comforted him.
       Master just barely smiled and said   :   "The most is. Let's buy more land, be a real Tianshe Weng."
       “Humping”, Ning-Er laughed and said, “You still know Tian She Weng.” The so-called Tian She Weng, who is as young as he is, is only a teenager, at least he has a 40 or 50 years old. Let's go.
       Master used to follow Ning-Er's 'Grandfather. Naturally, I also have some knowledge. I can't understand the meaning of Tian She Weng. See Ning-Er, I am so funny, my face is red, and I reminded me   :   "Go, let's go, don't let Chou-Gu is in a hurry."
       Sure enough, with such a delay, Minger had already looked at the door with his donkey. Seeing them, Minger yelled in the house   :   "Sister, they are coming."
       "Okay, I will come out immediately." Chou-Gu sighed and came out of the house with his throat.
       "The things changed for 80 yuan yesterday." Ning-Er said that he paid the money and handed it to Chou-Gu.
       Chou-Gu only took half of it and said, "Let's hold it."
       "No, it's all your credit." Ning-Er resigns.
       Chou-Gu also knows his temper, and takes away ten more dollars and says, "Okay, these are what you and the pillars deserve."
       Ning-Er took the remaining 30 yuan and smiled   :   "In fact, we are not so short now, have you ever thought about buying two acres of land."
       "I don't want to do it for a while, we can't finish it in the field. Besides, there will be money to buy the field at once, and I am afraid that it will cause trouble." Chou-Gu said. She didn't want to have too many fields. It was enough for a family to eat. Then I went hunting and planted a few dishes. I made a handful of it here. I can save a three-five Silver Taels in one year. At the very least, before the children are young, the family has to keep a low profile.
       Ning-Er nodded and agreed   :   "Your thoughts are right." There is no such worry about Chou-Gu in his family, but he holds ten Silver Taels in his hand and does not dare to spend it. After all, he still has to Take medicine. And usually he does not have more money from Chou-Gu, raising a family of three, no savings, where the silver to buy the field.
       Thinking of this, Ning-Er would like to ask Chou-Gu mother, is there any other person in the Wu family, or is she still owning her family?
       If there are family members and relatives, the Chou-Gu sisters are more likely to rely on others. In particular, the husband and wife are obviously not ordinary villagers, and their relatives should have some identities. If the villagers know that their family has strong relatives, they dare to bully Chou-Gu sisters, I am afraid they can’t wait for high supplies. It’s up.
       Think of it this way, Ning-Er directly asks   :   "Hey, have you ever asked your mother, are there any other relatives in your family? Just three of your children, your mother is no matter what, even if you make more money." I don’t dare to spend it."
       Chou-Gu was stunned by him, and she really didn't think about going to find relatives. As soon as she came to her own independence, the current Wu family is her master of the house, and then find an elder to come out, she will have to be her master.
       Secondly, if you can really find a relative of a high-ranking family, it is certainly impossible for them to live here, to go to a strange place, and be controlled by a stranger. It is very likely that like the Lin Daiyu in the Dream of Red Mansions, they dare not say a word. If you don't dare to go one step further, everything must be cautious. She is not willing to live like this.
       After all, she is not a real 10-year-old Miss. She is an authentic Daren in her core. She has her own thoughts, especially those different from the world. How can she behave when there is a conflict? Moreover, she is still so ugly. It is not easy to establish a foothold in a high-ranking family. The most important thing is that she does not want her marriage to be controlled by others.
       Therefore, she would rather live this way for a while, until her wings are hard, Minger and her younger brother are almost mature, and have a certain social status, and then make plans.
       "Why, your mother didn't say it, or you Father, Niang has no relatives?" Ning-Er asked again, he had previously guessed that the Wu Hunter couple was coming to avoid the disaster, or was driven out by the family, even It may also be elopement. But no matter what, now Wu Hunter is no longer, Chou-Gu, they really need an elder to sit down.
       The most important thing is that through such a half-year contact, he felt that Chou-Gu mother did not seem to have escaped. Because she still maintains the pride and style of Xiao -jie, there is no low-key at all. Don't say that everyone in Jiangwu Village knows her, everyone in Ningjia Village knows that everyone guesses that Chou-Gu mother is a Everyone Xiao -jie.
       Obviously, her identity background is not that much need to be concealed. Therefore, he felt that Chou-Gu could go to a foreign home. He originally wanted to say that he might protect and help Chou-Gu by his own ability, but he actually hit his face again and again. He felt that he was relying on Chou-Gu, how to talk about the ability to help Chou-Gu. Moreover, there are still many names that are not right and wrong, and sometimes they are not good.
       Most importantly, his own identity is also embarrassing, and may even be precarious. He is too close to Chou-Gu and may even bring disaster to Chou-Gu.
       "Let me ask her, I know that she barely talks to us, especially to me, she is very annoying." Chou-Gu said faintly.
       To be honest, she can see that her mother really does not like her, and that kind of dislike is completely invisible. Although her mother is also faint to Ming and Xiao di, and regardless of them. However, her mother's eyes are completely different from seeing her eyes. At least there is no disgust in her eyes. Of course, there is no motherly love. If she really wants to use a word to describe it, she feels that her mother’s feelings for her two sons are completing a task. Even the attitude is negative.
       Chou-Gu said in his heart, "Maybe this mother is like me, waiting for Ming, they grow up slowly." Chou-Gu guessed that Minger can grow up and their mother will leave. .


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