Ugly Biography 60

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »    Chapter 60     :     Have a good          

       "I see you dry your throat." Chou-Gu asked Ning-E when he saw it. She is most concerned about this. The dish is not a big one, after all, it was originally planted. She regrets that there was no more than that at the time.
       "It's not as good as the sun. According to you, at least one level is lower," Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu saw that he was carrying more, and his quality was better than his own. He was very surprised to say   :   "You are good, it is much better than me. I am baking, I don't know if people can't accept it."
       Ning-Er also saw what she brought, and she really couldn't compare with his home. He said, "How do you do this?" In his mind, Chou-Gu did everything very well. How, this time, actually did not do well?
       "Hey, don't mention it. You don't know how much money the family will pay for it. I see, we want to sell this fortune is impossible." Chou-Gu said sadly.
       Originally thought that I found a way to make money, but I did not expect that doing anything is not difficult. It seems that it is still necessary to farm honestly. Only when hunting, drying herbs, and farming a few roads together, it is possible to make a small day alive.
       "You still want to make a fortune, I just want to be able to make the days go." Ning-Er laughed.
       “Hey, when will we be the big rich man?” Chou-Gu exclaimed.
       "The rich man should not think about it, but we farm, hunt, pick some herbs, and sell some small things. After a year, we can always save some money. Even if it is rich, it is richer than the villagers." Ning--Er advised.
       "You are right to say this. In fact, as far as our current life is concerned, it is better than most people in the village. At least we have meat every day." Chou-Gu laughs, everything depends on the opening point, such a I think, the days are going to run.
       "Right, right. Do you think that I have recently gained weight?" Ning-Er asked. Recently, he has been self-regulating, eating well in life, and taking medicine to regulate the body. He feels a little stronger than before, and his appetite is better.
       Chou-Gu looked at him carefully and said, "I can't see it when I'm not fat, but it's still a little better. Wouldn't the Dongjia be a famous doctor?"
       "You thought it was so easy to become a god doctor, but his medical skills are really good. And it is good, it is a person worthy of contact," Ning-Er said.
       "So, this herb, we can not lose, do not expect to make a fortune, how much is also a patch, and can also tie up with the East, it is not bad." Chou-Gu heart small disk is playing well. It is a person who is sick, and it is very necessary to know a good doctor.
       Ning-Er laughed at her little look like this calculation and said, "Yes, the herbs you said last time are also seasonal. We can sell some for each season. Every year, Can be some accumulation."
       "Yeah, yeah. Now I can't dry the hazelnuts and wild chrysanthemums. In the spring of next year, I can dig up the summer. In the summer, I can squid the fish and grass, dig the thatched grass, etc. No matter how valuable it is, it is also a lot of income. Together, one year, there will always be one or two Silver Taels.” Chou-Gu is guessing a beautiful dream, as if in the mountains, the fields are all around, waiting for her to discover.
       The two first went to the market to sell vegetables. This time they brought more than twice as many dishes as they did last time.
       The dishes brought by the two families are similar, but the Chou-Gu family brought a few cabbages. Ning-Er's dish is also taken care of, and it looks good. It is only a little worse than Chou-Gu. There is not much difference between them.
       Because of the rain, the variety of vegetables sold in the market is becoming less and less, not to mention the rush of fresh goods, so the two homes are the only bright spots on the market, so there are many customers. And Chou-Gu also raised a little price, and asked for 12 yuan a pound, but it is still very popular.
       There are mainly two big customers, and they have to go more than half. The guests who had been in the last time came here early, and they were spinning around the market. When they saw them, they immediately rushed over and rushed to the basket in front of them and said, "This, this, I have to."
       "Well." Chou-Gu Ma Li gave him a heavy weight, a good account.
       After a while, Zhang-Aunt also came and grabbed a bunch.
       "Why are you not eating this cabbage?" Zhang-Aunt asked.
       "It’s not time, it will take a few days to pack, but now it’s very tender, and I’ve dug a few to sell it,” Chou-Gu explained.
       "Oh, just eat a fresh item." Zhang-Aunt smiled and left the last two cabbages.
       This kind of cabbage, originally Chou-Gu is a kind of preparation for pickling into pickles. She planted it early, the leaves would not be wrapped up, basically spread out long, but the leaves were greener and more chewy. This cabbage pickled pickles is good. Freshly eaten, it is not as sweet as the winter cabbage, so tender and sweet.
       When she was a child, she saw Madam deliberately planting some cabbage early. After the end of autumn, she dug it. After washing, drained the water and took the salt. Pick it up. After a few days, take it out and dry it in half, then take it. Sealed up. When you eat, wash the salt, soak for a while, then chop it, put some fat and stir-fry, or stew it into the fish soup, it is delicious. She prefers the pickled cabbage made by Madam, compared to the big-bottle sour cabbage that the northerners have accumulated.
       It is the radish that Chou-Gu specially planted, not to eat fresh radish, radish and cabbage, it is delicious in winter. She also plans to pickled radishes, and the radish seedlings at this time can also be eaten. But most people don't like to eat. This fresh tender radish seedlings, together with the small radishes, is boiled with water, and the salt is softened, and then dried for a long time. When it is half dry, it can be fried and eaten. It is a seasonal dish of her old farmer's family with porridge.
       "There are some beans here, Zhang-Aunt take a bit back, stew a soup, and cook a bean porridge." Chou-Gu began to sell Ning-Er's beans.
       Zhang-Aunt listened to her saying that it was fun, and asked   :   "How to stew soup?"
       "In fact, you can stew with the pig's feet. I heard that this is the most milking." Chou-Gu whispered close to Zhang-Aunt.
       Zhang-Aunt took a moment and quickly asked   :   "Where did you hear about it?" Her daughter-in-law had just had a baby, and she didn't have much milk, which made her worry.
       "My mother is a younger brother every time, my family has stewed a lot of this for her to eat." Chou-Gu lied without blinking.
       But this dish, really has the role of milk and blood, but also beauty. It is a very common dish, but there are food supplements, basically no taboos. She is going to buy a few pig's feet in the winter and go back to stew the soybeans. Full of collagen, see if you can make your body skin tender.
       "Great. I have these yellow beans." Zhang-Aunt is overjoyed. Then she asked Chou-Gu how to cook this dish. Her family's condition is not too good, but the soybeans and pig's feet are not valuables. The next day, stewed for the daughter-in-law to eat or afford it.
       "It's just stewing together, like stewing chicken soup. The soup can be put down a little, and the salt has to be put a little less. The pig's feet and soy beans are all rotten, and it's fine to eat meat and eat beans and soup." Chou-Gu answer. This dish is actually very simple, but if you want to do well, you have to watch the cooking of Zhang-Aunt.
       "In fact, you can also stew some squid soup to drink." Chou-Gu reminded her. She guessed that the Zhang-Aunt family had a baby doll.
       "Hey, don't mention, where do you see the fresh squid?" Zhang-Aunt said.
       Chou-Gu looked around and really didn't see the fresh fish. In the past, the weather was hot, and everyone also got some small fish to sell. Later, it was worthless, and no one came. It’s cold now, fishing is hard, and no one is coming. Only two or three people who depend on fishing for fish are still selling fish, but the fish they sell have very few fresh squid.
       "I will come back in a few days to see if I can get some fresh squid, it is not too big, do you want it?" Chou-Gu asked.
       On the other side of the forest hut, they fished fish and soup, and there were not many squid. That is still Ning-Er and just took two. However, it is a little small, and the biggest one is only three or four, not even half a catty.
       “How big is it?” Zhang-Aunt asked.
       "Three or four weights." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Well, as long as it is alive, you can raise it, and get some more." Zhang-Aunt agreed. Although it is a little smaller, it is always good to cook soup.
       The dishes they brought were quickly sold out. The Ning-Er family got 257 yuan, and the Chou-Gu family got 238 yuan. The two add up, there are more than two silver, and this income is really good.
       “It’s really good to sell vegetables.” Ning-Er laughed.
       "Well, it is impossible to sell every day." Chou-Gu regretted. I knew that it should be more than one. Selling four to five times a month, you can earn a Silver Taels.
       “It’s not worth the money to sell every day.” Ning-Er reminded her.
       Although there are two big customers today, in fact, there are not many small customers. If you are a catty, he will sell a dozen pounds. But this kind of small customer, most of the time, will not buy it again tomorrow. People just taste a fresh taste. After all, everyone is not rich.
       "Also, I just want to eat a fat man." Chou-Gu smiled.
       In fact, the vegetable garden of her family, except for cabbage radish, is basically not new. Therefore, it is more than next year, and it is impossible to sell every day. Can only say that you can sell more and earn more. In short, it is not good to want to make a fortune.
       Such expensive vegetables, in this small and poor place, there are several that can be eaten every day. Even the pheasant and the wild rabbit are not able to sell every day. Most people would rather take thirty dollars to buy a pheasant, but would not be willing to spend thirty dollars to buy a few eggplant cucumber cabbage. They are just selling a rare commodity and making a small profit. If there is more, you can't sell any money.
       "Let's go, let's go to the drug store." Ning-Er laughed. Perhaps it has been through life and death. He has seen many things very lightly. It doesn't matter if he doesn't make a fortune. He only hopes to survive well, and he will have nothing to worry about.
       Ning-Er’s Shi-zi, the owner said   :   “It’s worse than the last one. It’s only 30 yuan this time.”
       “What about these?” Chou-Gu quickly asked his own point.
       "You are a little worse than this, and there are few, and you are given 15 dollars to count, not to mention." Dongjia laughed.
       "Oh, okay." Chou-Gu is a little disappointed, but his Shi-zi is really not very good, and it is also rare. Fifteen dollars are also money. I can eat a few ‘maidens. When I think about it, Chou-Gu is happy again, and finally there is no fee.
       Ning-Er's Shi-zi has a total of more than three pounds, just enough to make up a hundred dollars. Ning-Er is still very happy. Chou-Gu got fifteen dollars and gave it to Minger and said, "Wait for a few ‘maidens."
       "What good things are there next time?" asked the owner.
       "Where is the good thing? The scorpion can't be sunburned any more, and the wild chrysanthemums are not expected. Honey and group fish can't be met anymore. We can't be too good this winter." Chou-Gu ‘Called Suffering.
       "How is it bad?" The East really followed her words and asked.
       "There is no food at home, this is waiting for money to take medicine." Chou-Gu refers to Ning-Er, said.
       The Dong family smiled dumbly and shook his head. He said, "The body is the capital, it is not good, and everything is empty. So, I want some fresh dishes. I will come over next time, no matter what, give me 10 pounds fresh. The dishes came, two pheasants and two wild rabbits. Right, do you sell firewood?"
       He knows that this group of children is not easy to find a life, and they will find ways to give them a little business. There are also dozens and twenty mouthfuls of their family's helpers. They usually eat and drink, and they need a lot of vegetables and firewood. However, he usually does not care about these small things. But occasionally looking for Chou-Gu, they buy it once, it doesn't matter.
       "Chai, of course, sell it? Our family has good wood, they are all dry, and they are ready when it is hot. Just wait until the weather is cold and sell it." Chou-Gu is busy Say.
       "Yes, next time you give me a thousand pounds of firewood, a thousand pounds of thatch." The owner said.
       "A thousand pounds of thatch? We don't have so many thatch, can't all other weeds work?" Chou-Gu asked quickly, who would save some thatch. It's not a grass that cuts grass at hand, like various kinds of wormwood, and even some low-lying small bushes, thorns and so on.
       "Also. It is the bean pole, and the high pole is also OK." He wants these grasses, mainly wood fire, which is too hot. Some herbs require a warm fire when they are baked.
       "Okay. We can send it in two or three times. We can't pull two animals, one time." Chou-Gu said.
       "Oh. Anyway, how do you get it." The host agreed. He waited for it, but let them make a little money.
       There is a little more income. During the return trip, both families are very happy.

       Chapter 61     :     Loss          

       "Oh, I finally found a sales point for the pheasant wild rabbit. I knew that I should sell it to him a few times before." Chou-Gu said with some regrets.
       She mainly thinks that the drug shop is different from other ones. I am embarrassed to bring pheasants and wild rabbits into the market, and I am afraid that I will annoy the owner, and even their herbs will not be collected.
       "People also look at us poorly, they want it. Where will he go every day, there must be someone in their family who specializes in these things, there is a special way to sell." Ning-Er said.
       "I know. This is the initiative of the owner. Do we have money to make money?" Chou-Gu smiled and said with a playful smile.
       Ning-Er nodded and said, "Oh, of course, I have to sell it. Right, we have two firewood, one half."
       “Firewood is sold to your family. My family’s own burning is not enough,” Chou-Gu said.
       The firewood in her house is basically the ones cut by the pillars. It is impossible for herself to cut such good firewood. Therefore, even if there is a lot of money in the family, she does not dare to sell it, fearing that winter is not enough.
       Ning-Er nodded and said, "Just divide one point, the grass will be sent to your home. Isn't your family still a high mast? Let's get together." He also saw, Chou-Gu Half of the firewood, all kinds of dry grass, thin branches and other things without burning. It seems that there are many, but it doesn't take a long time for a few bundles of wood to burn. The wood in their home is piled up, and there is nothing to do with the Master to cut wood. Sometimes he and the pillar will bring some back, and slowly accumulate.
       One thousand pounds of firewood, one hundred dollars. A thousand pounds of grass, only sixty dollars. Adding up is only one hundred and sixty dollars. However, for many people, this is also an income. Moreover, they do not have to pick up the firewood to sell around, it is the money that the owner gave them to earn.
       In the winter, they also sold this firewood. It’s really not a lot of money. If the owner doesn’t propose to buy firewood, they won’t sell it. They don’t want to grab this business with other villagers.
       "In fact, this host is pretty good." Ning-Er gratefully said.
       The East is not only highly skilled, but also very kind, and the medicines that are opened are as expensive as possible. Ning-Er is more aware of some tonic, and which one does not open a valuable, rare medicine. Not to mention those ginseng raising yong pills, Shiquandabu pills or something, all need ginseng this very expensive medicine.
       If the club is also open like this, let alone a Silver Taels, it is that ten Silver Taels may not be able to catch a drug. If this is the case, in his current situation, he will only be able to do it. Where did he go to find dozens of two, and even the above two silver to take medicine.
       However, he is also very curious about why the owner only opened a pharmacy, part-time practice, rather than practicing medicine? Just relying on the medical skills of the East, if you practice medicine, I am afraid that the business will be better and the fame will be played out. However, he found that the family was rarely given a visit, and the people who came to the drug shop were all taking drugs. He was not even sure if anyone came to see the doctor.
       This is really strange. Moreover, in this place, there are few people living in the poor, there are not many companies doing herbal business, and there are fewer doctors sitting in the Courtyard. It’s really easy for the East to be famous. Ning-Er feels that the owner’s ability to stay here is really buried.
       "This home is really good. Hey, you said that if we send them firewood every day, how much can we earn? Unfortunately, we can't do this business, and occasionally send it, and earn some benefits." Chou-Gu Regrettably said. With their two laborers, this business, they really can't do it.
       "We can't do it, we can't do it. You should know that the farmer's business, the merchants are countless. Once you enter the business, you can't take the civil service. Don't you want Minger to study?" Ning-Er Remind her.
       Chou-Gu lingered for a while, only to understand that this is a feudal society, and people are divided into three or six. The status of businessmen has always been low. In the market, there are three to five, small and small sales of a la carte selling agricultural and sideline products or something, a year down, can not earn a few dollars, not a serious businessman. But the real business is different. Merchants have more money and they will not have too high social status.
       At this moment, she also remembered that some of the novels she saw in the novel would have the Di Daughter of a big business to become the official's Small Concubine, even Wangz Wangye Small Concubine, in order to win the official. , looking for a backstage for your own business. However, these men have given these Small Concubine faces for their financial benefits, or they have taken the money of others, and they have despised others in their hearts. Even the children born are inferior. A lot of housework started here.
       "Oh, it’s so serious." Chou-Gu said dissatisfied. She only saw that she often went to the streets to sell some prey, sell some food, and thought that the status of businessmen in this year is not as low as some dynasties. The management of businessmen is not so strict.
       "Well, so don't think about making big money. We can sell small things every three and a half. It's okay to wait for a few Silver Taels. We still buy a few acres of land. Just planting some fields. Selling vegetables, selling herbs, pheasant or something, can only be a patch. You Father, Niang did not tell you these things before?" Ning-Er puzzled.
       Chou-Gu knows a lot, but even the most basic one will not know. He really felt that her Father, Niang was really too disgusting, why not teach them these things.
       "I know. Anyway, we can't make big money. We work so hard. In one year, in addition to eating and drinking, it is the limit to earn a three or four Silver Taels," Chou-Gu said.
       She has also counted it. Don't look at them now, earning two hundred dollars here, and earning three hundred dollars there, it seems that there are not many. But they still have to eat, drink and wear. After cutting out the expenses of the year, there will be no more money.
       Ning-Er also counted in his heart and said, "Yeah, you can earn three or four, you have to rely on everything to be good, and the family has to be ill without disaster, and don't spend any money." When he ate a few doses of medicine, he had to spend one or two of the silver flowers to go out, let alone save three or four, I am afraid that even the rice can not be eaten.
       "Hey, I don't know what to do with this. I can't buy an acre of land in a year." Chou-Gu said with some frustration.
       "It’s different next year. We don’t have a field? As long as it’s not a disaster year, you can always get two or three months of rations.” Ning-Er comforted her. After a few months of rations, you can save some money.
       "You think it's easy to farm. It's more tiring than we are going to pick up the scorpion. It doesn't have to be much." Chou-Gu said with no anger.
       It is in modern times that she has never seen a family in the countryside relying on farming to develop, and that there are hundreds of thousands of acres. Ordinary rural people, there are a few acres of land, but it can only beat the daily expenses of a family. If you encounter a child who has to pay thousands of thousands of books, or if you have a serious illness, you will get tens of thousands of yuan. The family that had enough food and clothing to save some money in a year immediately became abject poverty.
       Therefore, she has seen many rural people, especially the elderly, who are seriously ill and generally wait for death. It is the old man who lives in the village, because the old man who committed suicide is not a two. Some people are less than sixty. Because they have no money to cure, they have been dragging for two or three years, and even died in half a year. Even younger middle-aged people are seriously ill, and they can only wait to die. This piece of medical care is really a pain forever.
       "You have to think like this. If you have three acres of land, if you collect three hundred grains. How long can your family eat for four? How many households in your village, three hundred pounds of food is eaten for half a year?" Ning-Er In order to solve her, speak the data directly.
       If the harvest is good, Chou-Gu three-acre field can collect three hundred pounds, and there is no need to pay taxes. It is enough for their family of four to eat for several months. A lot of poor people, I am afraid that I will eat so much in a year, so most of them have to go hungry, do not dare to eat like them, and eat three meals a day.
       Except them, in the village, they did not eat three meals. People are two meals, and when they are not working, they do not eat dry food. On the porridge, the porridge of the next meal, when the green and yellow are not picked up, there is still a lot of wild vegetables to go in, and even some people have not even eaten this. At the end of the year, they are half-starved.
       For example, the kitten family, this is how it came before. Half a year in a year of starvation, the other half can only eat porridge.
       "Oh, we are only counting the harvest, but we don't count the amount of labor. It is not easy to plant three acres of land. How much can we do with these few mouths?" Chou-Gu thought that he would have to plant three next year. The acre land is launched. There is no labor in the family, and relying on her alone, it is impossible to finish the exhaustion.
       Ning-Er counted and found that his family could not match the Chou-Gu home. Chou-Gu has three acres of half-field, he only has two acres. The harvest is definitely more than the Chou-Gu family, but when it comes to eating, their family has more food than the Chou-Gu family. However, when they come to work, their family will have an advantage.
       The pillar is a strong labor force. Master and he add up, you can always count one. But Chou-Gu, Chou-Gu and Minger are not necessarily comparable to him and Master.
       "Not afraid. We have fewer homes, and we are together with the land of your family to help you grow together. Usually I also have a cheaper share of your home. This kind of strength work, some people in our family, just It’s still yours.” Ning-Er immediately said. When he thought of selling the prey for the vast majority of his own money, he used it to take medicine, and his heart was very unwilling to go. He has also been looking for opportunities to return to Chou-Gu.
       "Well, I will thank you first. You don't say anything about human feelings, it seems like you owe a lot to my family. We even help each other." Chou-Gu said seriously. She doesn't actually think that she is a big bargain for Ning-Er, after all, it is a pillar hunting every time. If it were not for the pillars and Ning-Er, her family’s life would be even harder.
       "Well, let's help each other," Ning-Er laughed.
       He didn't even think of Chou-Gu as an outsider. In fact, the two of them are now relying on each other. You can't live without me, and I can't live without you. But sometimes, I am afraid that Chou-Gu will abandon him, because the money he earns now basically has to be left for him to take medicine.
       He didn't want to be the burden of Chou-Gu himself, he always had to find a way to solve her problems. And his body is to raise the disease, and it is not as strong as the pillar. He knows his body very well, and the East has said it. He can't be healthy like ordinary people. He is a good body, can have a normal life, and he is not good at raising it. He is afraid of being a short-lived ghost.

       Chapter 62     :     Savings          

       The next day, the Ning-Er column and Chou-Gu Ming went into the mountain again. This time there were three purposes, fishing, hunting, and looking at the last time the scorpion stayed in the hut.
       "I don't know which dice are useful?" Ning-Er asked with some concern.
       "It doesn't work if it's useless. Anyway, you can change a hundred or eighty dollars at most." Chou-Gu did not care. This year, she has not counted on the scorpions and wild chrysanthemums to make money.
       Ning-Er is going to be laughed at by her big tone. Yesterday, she still has no money. Today, one hundred and eighty dollars still don’t look good.
       "You don't think it's easy to fish. There are so many big squid."
       "I know, I have to try it. Otherwise, what can I do? Just let us get some fish and bring it back to eat. It is impossible to come back to fishing in the winter." Chou-Gu said in disapproval. She felt that there was a lot of fish over there, and it was almost impossible to get a few pounds of squid. It shouldn't be difficult.
       "Well, I really want to eat fish. It's all time to eat meat," Ning-Er said.
       "If you can get a few pounds of big fish, you can do it." Chou-Gu expected. There is meat every day, and I really want to eat some fish. But because they are too busy, they are too lazy to catch these small fish, and to clean up a big fish, but for a little while, it takes a lot of time to clean up the two pounds of small fish. Where are they coming to work?
       "I am afraid that I will not get a big fish this year." Ning-Er regrets. It is the easiest to get big fish only when it is flooded in summer.
       After arriving at the forest house, Ning-Er couldn't wait to pick up a few dice and looked carefully. He said, "Chou-Gu, in fact, these are still necessary."
       Chou-Gu has also seen it, the scorpion is indeed not bad, but it is not as dry as before, and the water is relatively more.
       "Continue to continue, it may be the reason for the cold weather. When we go back, we can clean up, it is estimated." Chou-Gu nodded and said. They have to stay here for one night, they have to cook for cooking, and the temperature in the house is high. It is estimated that the moisture of the scorpion will disappear quickly.
       "Well, hope can be useful, even if I change fifty or sixty dollars, I am satisfied." Ning-Er sighed.
       After putting things down, everyone hurried to fish. The weather is cold, the daytime is significantly shorter than the evening, and the time to work outside is less.
       In order to attract the fish, Chou-Gu also brought a little food. They threw the little scorpion into the water, then threw the food down, and they saw the hordes of small fish swimming for food.
       After a while, Ning-Er, the pillars and Chou-Gu quickly lifted the little scorpion.
       "Look at me." The pillar ‘called. He was so strong that he threw too far and had a lot of fish to be hit. After he poured it out, he was big and small and lived in the basin.
       "Put out the big ones, and the squid will be kept in the bucket. Others, like this one, are also kept in another bucket. We will kill it directly after a while, pick it up and bring it back." Chou- Gu pointed to a few half-sized fish and confessed to everyone.
       The weather is getting colder, and there are fewer opportunities to fish in the future. These small fish, which are mixed with seven or eight, are left behind and can be eaten slowly after pickling. The big fish is not expected.
       "Well. We have to leave more. In the future, the number of times we can come is less and less." Ning-Er also said. He is now like a hamster. He wants to save more things, and he is afraid that winter is not enough.
       The four people were busy pulling the fish several times, but they only got more than a dozen squid. The biggest one was less than half a catty for the four or two, and the small ones were two or two. They all stayed.
       "If there are not many fish here, no one will come to fish, I am afraid that even two pounds of squid can not get it." Ning-Er exclaimed.
       "Well, it took so much effort, I want to sell a high price for squid." Chou-Gu said helplessly, this kind of method can be much harder than her estimate, and it is not worthwhile.
       The weather is cold, the fishing work is not easy, and it is easy to wet the clothes and shoes. Only a moment later, their sleeves and shoes were stained with water.
       "Come on, it won't be good to wait for a while." Ning-Er said, and took another trip.
       When you look it up, you only have three squid, but other fish and shrimp are not bad. Actually, I got two and a half pounds of squid, which is a big fish.
       Then they changed a few places to fish along the stream, and finally they got together a small half-barrel squid. Instead, I left the fish for my own family and got more than ten kilograms.
       "Okay, don't do it. Let's pack these up first. It's not too early." Chou-Gu greeted everyone to stop, except for the squid, other fish, small points directly killed, marinated stand up. The bigger ones are also raised in the bucket, and they will be taken home first.
       Ning-Er quickly put things in the air and said   :   "The pillars will go to pick up some firewood and give birth to a pile of fire. Let's first roast and then clean up the fish." Several people shoes are basically wet. He is the weakest body, soaked in cold water, afraid of freezing and getting sick.
       The fire was born, everyone sat together, baking wet shoes, watching the wet shoes sprouting white smoke, the pillars laughed hahaha.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er shook their heads at the same time, and only the pillars were the most carefree.
       For the killing of small fish, only Ning-Er and Chou-Gu will do it, and Minger will take the pillar to hunt.
       "You can't go far, just nearby. Do you know? Run away, it will be dark after a while, you will not come back, you may encounter a wolf." Chou-Gu Seriously Ming .
       "Minger, you must be obedient, don't run around with the pillars." Ning-Er also confessed.
       "I know, we won't run far." Minger promised, and took the pillar and walked away. They were the first to go out hunting alone.
       “Can they get the pheasant?” Chou-Gu cleaned up the fish and asked some questions.
       "I can definitely, I don't know how much I can get?" Ning-Er answered. As long as the pillars see the small animals such as the pheasant wild rabbits, they don’t have to think about it, they will kill them directly.
       The two men gathered fish on the side of the fire and chatted about the work of the sky. They didn't feel cold. When they both packed up a bunch of small fish, Ming and Pillars ran back happily.
       "Sister, look, we got three pheasants." Minger said excitedly.
       "Well, it's not bad. Come over and help us pack things up and get ready to go back." Chou-Gu smiled.
       Several people carried the fish barrels and walked to the hut. Obviously, the squid in the bucket is not enough, and you have to continue to fish some tomorrow.
       The dinner was very simple, Chou-Gu cooked a large pot of fish soup, and the pillars and Minger were also naughty and licked a few to be grilled. In the end, it was baked into a group of burnt black.
       "To be baked, it's good to bake." Chou-Gu told them. She doesn't stop them from playing, little kids, there is always something to play with.
       Some of Ming’s disliked throwing their own grilled fish, but the pillars don’t care, throwing them into their mouths and chewing them, even swallowing the bones together. He also ate with relish, and baked several times.
       "You are not as good as grilled shrimp." Chou-Gu said that she thought the shrimp would be better baked, and the shrimp column would be eaten as a whole, just to make up the calcium.
       Minger immediately took the pillars and chose the shrimps to roast. Under the guidance of the pillars, even Minger also ate a few small shrimps.
       After dinner, the pillars are going to play wild rabbits as usual, and Chou-Gu is still taking him out. Ning-Er and Minger are busy in the house.
       The mountains in the night winded up, the temperature dropped, and it was much colder than the daytime. Chou-Gu didn't dare to stay outside, and the pillars only got five wild rabbits and came back. The wild rabbits and pheasants at this time are extremely fat. They are just like Chou-Gu. They must hurry up and try to eat their own fat when winter comes.
       The next day, the four people got up early, caught a few scorpion fish, and made up about six pounds of squid before they closed their hands.
       "Salmon is not good, it is easy for us to eat the fish ourselves." Chou-Gu said.
       Today, yesterday, they have saved a lot of fish for their own home. The fish that are kept in the bucket are as heavy as a pound, and the small ones are three or five. They are pickled small fish and they also get half a bucket.
       “Do these live fish go out and sell with the squid?” Ning-Er asked.
       So many fish, who are alive and kicking, can be raised for a long time. Although he still eats at home, but he eats all of it, he always feels a little waste. And it is very important for both of them to increase their income.
       "Yeah. We can also bring these to sell, the squid itself is specially made for Zhang-Aunt." Chou-Gu took a picture of her head, she was confused. The little fish that everyone used to sell, are not big enough. Let's take it first, maybe you can still sell a good price.
       Three days later, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu each prepared more than three hundred kilograms of firewood. In addition, two pheasants, two wild rabbits, plus ten pounds of fresh vegetables. The main dishes are cabbage and radish, plus one or two pounds of green pepper. These are to be sent to the drug store. Responsible by Ning-Er and Pillar . Ning-Er also brought him two pounds of scorpions baked.
       Eggplant, cucumber, etc., just as Chou-Gu expected, will no longer be the result. A lot of flowers have fallen because of the wind and rain. The weather is cold, and they are unlikely to bloom again. Therefore, their hopes of selling one or two more will also be lost.
       Chou-Gu and Minger took the other things to the market to sell.
       They brought more things, three pheasants, six wild rabbits, fifty pounds of cabbage radish, two barrels of fresh fish.
       It may be because the weather is cold and there is a shortage of vegetables to sell. Today, the flow of people on the market is nearly 20% less than in the past.
       "Chou-Gu is coming." Some familiar vendors are greeting her.
       "Well, how many people are there today?" Chou-Gu asked in surprise.
       “There is nothing to sell, it’s even less in the winter.” Someone told her.
       "You, this cabbage radish, can sell more and sell it. When other people are listed, they will not sell." There are good people to mention her. It is the season to sell cabbage radish. When it is full of streets, although there are many people to buy, the price is really low.
       "Well, the cabbage in the early morning has actually planted so much. I don't want to sell it when I want to sell more." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Today, she and Ning-Er have dug more dishes, and this is the case. The cabbage radish in the garden has been dug up for more than half. At first she was just holding a try and thought that these dishes were so good.
       The bucket of squid Chou-Gu was placed directly behind him, not sold out, waiting for Zhang Da Aunt to take it. She poured another bucket of fish out and placed it in the small bowl in front of her to attract customers.
       "You little Miss, it's interesting. Everyone sells fish, you don't sell it. Others don't sell it, you sell it again." Several familiar stall vendors said they envied.
       "Oh, yesterday I went to Zhang Da Aunt to get the squid, the squid was not easy to get, and it was brought to the fish that had been mixed up." Chou-Gu laughed. If everyone is going to sell, can they still sell the money? She is selling this scarce goods, otherwise how to make money.
       In fact, there are two or three households selling fish in the vegetable market. I don’t know how to do it. Today, there are no stalls. Chou-Gu fish has become the only one on the market. No wonder other people are envious.
       As I said, there were customers coming to the door. When I saw a good fish, the man immediately stopped and said that he wanted the biggest two.
       "Yes, the big 15 yuan is a pound, the small is a little cheaper." Chou-Gu Zhangkou raised the price. This time she did not ask people to buy all, or half of it. This is not like selling a small fish last time, nor is it afraid that others will pick it up.
       The customer did not bargain, bought the fish, and asked for two pounds of radish and a cabbage.
       The rest of the fish, Chou-Gu is divided into two, the big sells 13 yuan a pound, the small sells 10 yuan a pound.
       After a while, Zhang-Aunt really came.
       "Hey, you finally came. Have you brought me a squid?" She has been looking for Chou-Gu at the market every day for a few days. The daughter-in-law of the house drank two days of pig's feet and stewed soy beans, and they couldn't drink anymore. She is too greasy, and then Zhang Da Aunt stewed light and salty, there is a thick layer of oil floating on it, the taste is not really good.
       "Take it, take a look." Chou-Gu took the bucket of squid behind him.
       Zhang-Aunt looked at it and said, "These are too small, I don't want it. I will give you more money for the big one." She picked up almost three or more fish. The rest of the fish are about two or two.
       Zhang-Aunt took the big one away, almost four pounds, she gave a hundred dollars directly, and did not say the price to Chou-Gu. The little fish left, some people have all, and gave thirty dollars. People also want to cook for the mother to drink, so good to milk. Now that the weather is cold, these fish can be eaten slowly. Just two times more, others are willing to.
       Zhang-Aunt also said, "Chou-Gu, you will get me some more in a few days. This is not enough."
       "I try to do it. It’s hard to get squid. It’s hard to get it. It took us two days to do this." Chou-Gu didn’t dare to say anything, it’s really a few pounds of squid. easily. This is because there is no one to fish at that place, and there are many fish. Otherwise, they rely on them to take the scorpion fish, so rough to get the law, can you get the fish?
       Cabbage radish, still ten dollars a pound, although today is very popular, but Chou-Gu also knows that the next time she waits, I am afraid that someone will sell cabbage radish, it is estimated that the price has to be lowered.
       When she came this morning, she saw that many cabbages and radishes in Jiangwu Village grew up, which was not big enough to sell. But there are always people who plant a few days earlier, and after another three or five days, I am afraid that they will be sold.
       Zhang-Aunt asked for a pheasant and a wild rabbit. After selling other dishes, the remaining pheasants and wild rabbits, Chou-Gu went directly to the tavern. Because it is an old customer, Chou-Gu also left a cabbage, white to the East.
       "Hey, today is so generous." Dongjia smiled and accepted the cabbage, and his family just eats.
       “Thank you for taking care of our business.” Chou-Gu laughed.
       "Hey, that big man didn't come?" The owner asked the pillar.
       "Come on, they went to another delivery." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Oh. Your business is not bad." The Dong family quickly cut a small packet of pig scalp meat to Minger and said   :   "Take it with the big man. Not much, each person eats two pieces to taste."
       "What a hello." Chou-Gu quickly resigned.
       "Hold it, I can't afford it any more. Just like that, the big man doesn't like to eat it. Just give it to him." The owner laughed.
       He remembered his brother, and he was the same as the pillar, but he died early because no one took care of him.
       Chou-Gu is not good to resign, so I have to prepare for the next time, and then send some food to him. Anyway, after the cabbage radish is cheap, once brought him a little, people do not have to buy, she is just a handy person.
       Today's income is still very good. I bought six hundred dollars for the dish, and the pheasant rabbits add up to four hundred and forty. The fish also sold more than 200 yuan. The scorpion fruit is exactly what Ning-Er thinks, only sold for fifty dollars. Firewood is not a money, you have to put a thousand pounds together, and settle together.
       Ning-Er and Chou-Gu counted the money in their hands. In addition to Ning-Er, the medicine took one or two, and there are still a surplus of three hundred and seventy.
       "Oh, there is finally a savings today." Ning-Er said happily. And this remainder is quite large, just beyond his estimate.
       "Well, these three hundred dollars, we simply buy food." Chou-Gu proposed.
       She brought so many things out today, and the people in the village must guess how much money she sold? So she buys some food, and others will think that it is not a big deal. Because it sells more, it is still replaced by food. Only when the autumn harvest is not much, every household has food, unlike the Chou-Gu family, there is no land, and they have to buy food.
       "Okay. You bought all the food and went home. We don't want it," Ning-Er said. Because the big heads have given him medicine, so he can't ask for these foods anymore.
       Chou-Gu did not push with him, but went directly to buy 60 kilograms of food, and divided 20 pounds to Ning-Er. For the rest of the money, she bought fifteen hoes and Ning-Er points, and left a hundred dollars to take home.
       After a trip, the money earned was not spent, and the money was left and the food was bought. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er felt very happy.
       "I finally got a turn over." Chou-Gu excitedly grabbed a dozen of money to the pillars, which is a big hero.
       The pillar wants, but does not dare to ask, can only look at Ning-Er.
       Ning-Er smiled and said, "Hold it, buy it for you next time." He was a little embarrassed. He actually forgot to give the pillar a little money, even if he didn't use it, but people also made money.  .
       "Okay." The pillar immediately smiled and accepted the money, and carefully installed it.
       Chou-Gu then gave Minger ten dollars. They have always been busy with work, especially the pillars. Every time they do the most work, Chou-Gu feels that they should give them a little money to hold them, when they have their own private money, no matter whether they spend or not, this is also A reward.
       Sure enough, Minger is also very happy, and like the pillars, the money is also collected.
       "Oh, if you come again, you can have more money than you have today. Our good days are just around the corner." Ning-Er is also very excited.
       "You said that our luck is not very good. Every time we come to sell fish, no one is robbing us of business." Chou-Gu said happily.
       "It's really true. However, it is estimated that if you come back, you can't sell so many fish. Others must have to find ways to get more fish to sell," Ning-Er said.
       And this time it sold a lot of money, except that the fish was an unexpected harvest, but also because the drug shop owner had vegetables and pheasant wild rabbits. Both of these incomes are half of their income today. If you don't have these two things, today you won't have enough money to take medicine.
       "Yes, so next time we come, we will only bring squid, other fish, we will keep eating ourselves," Chou-Gu said. Anyway, my family is also going to eat, and it will not be sold, why bother to waste energy.
       “But if we lose the income of the fish and the income of the vegetables, we are afraid that we can't make much money,” Ning-Er added.
       Chou-Gu was poured out by his words, and it took a long time to say   :   "You can't make me happy. According to what you said, next time, we can get two Three hundred dollars is not bad."
       "Yeah, so, do we have to think of another way to make money," Ning-Er said.
       They have to say that luck is good. It is true that during this time, they also made a lot of money. If it is just eating, it is really enough. However, Ning-Er must take medicine, and this cost is huge for them.
       However, their good fortune, always can't stay more, and after every time they make a fortune, there is always no next time.
       Chou-Gu thought for a long time, the boring Bara had a few hairs and said, "I really can't help it." She has already thought a lot of ways, but no matter which one, it is basically a hammer business, there are There is no second time. She is really a bit skeptical. God is not playing with her, making her look like, Tang Yan and his apprentices are going to learn from the West, and they have to go through 1981 difficulties to succeed.
       Ning-Er looked at her like this, and she was very self-blaming. He always used to be smart, but he was here, and he actually wanted to rely on others. It is really annoying to him.
       The original warm atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Even the bright children and pillars who just got the money didn't dare to smile again.
       The four people were silent all the way. When they broke up, Ning-Er eased and said, "Okay, don't think so much. Our days are much better. Now I don't want to eat anything, I am afraid of what. What?"
       He has made up his mind in his heart. If he can't, he will take out the remaining five Silver Taels and spend it. I have to get the body done right now.
       "Would you like to catch fish tomorrow?" Chou-Gu asked. Chou-Gu was a bit bad when he thought that he could only get two or three hundred dollars. In fact, this is not the case. Two or three hundred dollars are already very much for many people.
       "Of course, go, even if you can only sell a hundred dollars, you have to go. Otherwise, maybe a few days, one hundred dollars can not be earned. You did not find it seems to be cold again today?" If it rains again, this fall is over.” Ning-Er tightened his robes and said.
       "Well, you are right. We can't do it a few times. Hey, take advantage of the last chance, you can earn a little bit." Chou-Gu knows his situation very well and quickly recollects it.

       Chapter 63     :     Harvest          

       When I got home, the pillars gave him the money, and the Master asked with amazement   :   "How do you still have money on the pillars?"
       “Too much money is sold today, Chou-Gu gave him and Minger a lot of money, saying that they also worked hard and they should be rewarded,” Ning-Er explained.
       "I have, there are also Ming children." The pillar said, compared to the arm, made a very strong and strong expression. This is the action of Chou-Gu, which is often used by Ming to play with the pillars.
       "Right, the pillars are very capable." Ning-Er laughed.
       "The pillars still have to make money." The pillar said happily. Because he spent more time with Minger, and Chou-Gu was consciously or unintentionally teaching, he was more ignorant of the pillars, and he said that he was getting more and more slippery. The whole person seems to be more flexible.
       "Haha, good, good." Master was very happy, took the money and put it away, but secretly wiped a tear.
       He has always been afraid that everyone will dislike the pillars. Although Ning-Er is very good for Pillar , it has not changed since it was small. But now the days are too difficult, the pillars eat much more, and they don't look at people faces. They want to eat and eat. If they don't eat enough, they will sometimes make trouble.
       He is really scared, and the pillars will become the burden of Ning-Er in the future. So the last time Ning-Er let Pillar  go to the Chou-Gu home alone, he also agreed. He is more eager than anyone else, and the pillars can be somewhat independent.
       Otherwise, when he dies, this responsibility is all on Ning-Er, and Ning-Er is now a person who can't take care of himself. As long as he thinks about these things, he can't even sleep. I only hope that I will live long and long, and I can always look after Ning-Er and the pillars.
       Master took the food and said   :   "I still bought food today."
       "Well, I have bought some food for the rest of the day." In fact, it was mainly because I took the medicine yesterday. I don’t have to take the medicine today, I feel that the money is extra.
       "What is the most valuable thing?" Master asked, Ning-Er, the things they brought, he knows, except that the food is fresh, other things are not counted, how can you still have the money to buy food.
       "Two barrels of fish bought more than two hundred dollars, and the vegetables sold for six hundred dollars." Ning-Er answered.
       "Hey, what did the food sell for six hundred dollars?" Master was shocked. He knows that vegetables are not worth the money. It is the former Ningfu. Every day, it is just spending more than one or two dollars to buy vegetables, and it is two baskets to buy.
       "Ten money and a pound. The whole market has a dish for our family. Chou-Gu has ordered 10 yuan a pound, and it is very popular." Ning-Er laughed. He also admire Chou-Gu, who is bold and sells a dish at a high price.
       "We will have more variety next year, just by selling this dish, we will not eat it." Master said.
       "Next year, we can only sell it. Everyone has seen it this year. Will people still learn next year?" Ning-Er said. This has been told by Chou-Gu, and the people in Jiang Wucun have already said this. He can think of it, next year, I am afraid that the food of other families will be listed before him and the Chou-Gu family.
       When I thought of selling a dish next year, the Master immediately pulled his face and said something angry   :   "Every time you get something good to sell, others will follow the course. How can this be good?"
       "There is no way to do this. People in a village, everyone is watching. Chou-Gu can't do anything, she is not like us." Ning-Er sighed. Chou-Gu Get something to sell, you have to go to the village, and everyone can see it. When people ask, can she not say it? Unless she doesn't want to live in Jiang Wucun.
       Instead, Ningjia lived alone in the village, and every time he got something, Ningjiacun people rarely saw it. People in Ningjia Village don't dare to be too difficult to live in, and don't dare to pull Chou-Gu directly like Jiang Wucun. If you don't tell, you can't.
       In fact, they are only a little better than Chou-Gu. Sometimes, Ning-Er has to let the Master send the pheasant wild rabbit to the village head's house, and the family home to go away from the relationship. Otherwise, you often go hunting and buy prey. The people in the village will also know that it will make people feel unhappy when they don't come out.
       "Chou-Gu, they are not easy." Master shook his head with pity.
       In contrast to Chou-Gu sister, he feels that Ning's family is still better. There is a big man with a pillar. Although he eats a lot, as long as someone takes him to work, he earns more. As long as you want the pillar to be a useful person, the Master is in a good mood.
       "Is it going to the mountain tomorrow?"
       "If you want, you can go for a trip. The day is getting colder." Ning-Er answered. Even if there are not many things, even Chai will cut a few hundred pounds back. After selling a thousand pounds, the baking scorpion burned a lot, and he was afraid that the winter home would not be enough.
       "Yes. I have to go and cut some firewood back." Master nodded. He didn't have time to spare it. He didn't do anything to cut wood, but it was consumed very quickly. The woodpile at home suddenly disappeared. There is a big gap.
       "Where are you going to cut wood, don't be too tired." Ning-Er asked. He knows that the Master can't just play at home, do some work and do some work.
       However, there is a public Cattle car in Ningjia Village. When the time to sell firewood, the village will organize it. Every household will sell some firewood, and use the Cattle car to drag it to the market. A car can pull a few hundred pounds. . Going every day, every month, every household can get thirty or fifty dollars to make up for life.
       Therefore, the places near the village that can be cut to firewood are all people in Ningjia Village. Everyone wants to get more at home. He was afraid that the Master and the people would rush to these places to chop firewood, causing dissatisfaction.
       "I won't catch firewood with the people in the village. I am going to cut it in the distance." Master seemed to know what he thought, and said quickly.
       "That's good. Just put it down and put it there. When we come back and ride on horseback, don't come back." Ning-Er added another sentence.
       "Well. I know." Master nodded. The horse can lick a few hundred pounds at a time. He can return fifty or sixty kilograms on his own, and he is too tired to work. Why bother?
       When Chou-Gu walked into the village, there were a lot of people looking around and saw her carrying a bag of food. "The dish sold a lot of money and bought so much food." Someone asked.
       "Well, there is no food at home, and all the money sold today is bought." Chou-Gu answered.
       She didn't dare to take it out, she placed it directly under the scorpion and covered it with something. Although buying a steamed bun is more expensive than buying a face, she also thought about making her own food and cooking. But she doesn't know how to make a Bun, and there is no yeast in this place. Although she knows that there is an old face, but where to get it? Unless you find a shop to buy a little, you may not necessarily sell it to her. If you want to be a ‘maiden, you can only let it go first.
       Sure enough, when she heard the money she was selling vegetables, she changed it to food. Then she thought of her own grain jar. The food she loaded was much more than the bag of Chou-Gu. Some people were not so envious.
       Some people want to ask the bottom of the question how much Chou-Gu sold, Chou-Gu rushed to the scorpion and said   :   "I still have to go home to cook."
       At this point, every household in Jiangwu Village has already eaten, and only Chou-Gu has to have dinner at home.
       When I got home, the younger brother was already hungry and panicked. When I saw Chou-Gu, I said, "I want to eat steamed buns."
       "I am going to heat up the steamed bun." Chou-Gu quickly went to the fire to cook. It’s not good to eat cold steamed buns this day.
       The hot steamed buns are still quite fast. The fire in the stove comes together. The pot is hot. Two slices of steamed bread are put into the pot, and a little water is added. It takes less than five minutes to heat up.
       Minger and Chou-Gu took one each, and the rest of the younger brothers ate with his mother in the bowl.
       Chou-Gu cooked very quickly, a pot of rice in a pot, and a pheasant radish soup in a pot. After half an hour, the family began to eat dinner.
       Minger licked the chicken, and vaguely clipped a piece of chicken leg into the Chou-Gu bowl and said, "Sister, you are seven meat."
       Chou-Gu smiled and accepted the piece of meat, but turned out a few pieces of good meat and let the younger brother eat it. Now there is no shortage of meat to eat, and the family does not say that the meat is eaten, but it has never broken the meat. However, every time the two younger brothers eat meat, they are like hungry wolves, so she does not dare to eat meat, only dare to eat the stewed meat.
       She thought that this is their sense of security in the subconscious. Because I feel that there is no competent Father in the family, it is easy to hungry, so if you have a delicious meal, you will eat it desperately, and you will have to go hungry if you are afraid of the next meal. In fact, she thinks about her own performance, and she wants to squat at home, she is reluctant to eat, she can't bear to spend it, she has a few dollars to hide it, and her family is scattered around with food. All of this shows that she also lacks a sense of security.
       "Hey, when can you be bright and upright, don't hesitate that." Chou-Gu sighed.
       She understands that this form of self is precisely because there is no dependence, no trust, and someone who can help. She is so powerful that she doesn't need the help of others, she can't do it now. The age is so small, the body is so high, and many things can't be done.
       Besides, this is ancient, not as easy to find as a modern work. In modern society, everyone feels that this is not the case, just change it there. As long as you are diligent, you will not worry about starvation.
       Watching the two younger brothers are concentrating on the chicken, Chou-Gu sad from the heart, when is this day a head? This pessimistic emotion affected her and made her sleep well.
       The next day, Ning-Er saw her languid look and was surprised to ask   :   "Chou-Gu, didn't sleep well. Is it uncomfortable? Or, take a day at home today."
       Chou-Gu yawned and waved his hand and said, "No. I am very good. I just didn't sleep well. I thought of something last night and I was sleepy."
       Ning-Er looked at her with pity, and said   :   "You are still a child, carrying the burden of a family, no wonder it will be much more."
       At this time, he became more and more hateful of his incompetence. I can't let my family live a good life, and I can't give Chou-Gu help. Even, he did not even have a healthy and strong body. If there were no pillars and grandsons around him, he was afraid that he would soon become a pile of bones. Thinking about it, Ning-Er’s mood is also heavy.
       All the way, everyone was silent. On the edge of the ear they were hunting, Ning-Er suddenly remembered the wild oranges they had discovered.
       "Hey, Chou-Gu, let's pick some wild oranges. It's time to mature. If you don't pick it, you're afraid to rot."
       Chou-Gu took a moment to remember, and quickly said   :   "Go, look at the past."
       I haven't come over for a while, and the road they opened out is almost overwhelmed. The roadside is still piled around, the firewood they cut down.
       Chou-Gu said   :   "Come back tomorrow, take all the firewood back home."
       "Well, these are afraid of not much less," Ning-Er said.
       "Sister, is there something there?" Minger suddenly yelled at the trap they had dug.
       Both Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were excited, and a few ran over to see.
       "Haha, haha, that's great." Chou-Gu ‘called with joy.
       There was actually another wild boar in the trap. But it should have been falling for a day or two, the injury is serious, it is dying, and there is no strength to struggle.
       Ning-Er was so excited that she didn't know what to say. She was worried that this trip would not have much to gain. This God sent them a wild boar. This wild boar is bigger than the last one, about a hundred pounds.
       After the pillar and Chou-Gu went down and got it, they couldn’t take care of it and went straight home.

       Chapter 64     :     Selling light          

       The next day, Chou-Gu took Ming and younger brothers and sold them with some dishes and wild boars on the Ning-Er pillar.
       Last night, the Master had killed the wild boar, and the weather was cold and the meat would be bad. Remove your head, limbs, and add a little meat at home. The wild boar that was sold out was about seventy pounds.
       When I arrived at the market town in the morning, Chou-Gu directly let Ning-Er and the pillars bring two pieces of meat, which were connected to the ribs, and sent them to the pharmacy and the tavern.
       The rest is about fifty pounds. She took her two younger brothers to the market to sell.
       "Hey, Chou-Gu, I got a good thing today." The people said enviously.
       "Well, it's hard to be lucky. I hunted a wild boar yesterday." Chou-Gu smiled.
       She quickly yelled out   :   "Fresh wild pork, cheap and fresh wild pork."
       “How much is a pound?” someone soon asked.
       Pork is a more expensive dish. Usually people can only cut half a catty and go back to eat, so when they hear that she said it is cheap, they will come over.
       “Ten money and one pound. At least one pound is sold.” Chou-Gu answered.
       Meat is definitely cheaper to sell, and wild boar is always cheaper than domestic pork, because the pork is tenderer and fatter. At this time, people are not like modern people, they are more willing to buy pork. Most people still want to buy fat meat, but it is just a little more oil.
       "Where is it cheap, the lean meat of pork is also a thousand dollars a pound." Some people talked about the price.
       "How is that, there are several people who like to buy pure lean meat. I can only sell this wild pork with thin belt and not split it." Chou-Gu answered.
       "Hey, you are cheaper, we will buy some." Someone called.
       Chou-Gu thought about it and put on a very distressed look and said   :   "One less money. Nine dollars a pound, can't be cheaper. It's not easy for us to get wild boar. If we don't get it, we have to be It hurts. This is a change of life."
       She said that some people can't bear to pay the price. Someone immediately took the money and cut a pound of meat and left. Someone took the lead and someone immediately followed. The person who buys the front can naturally choose where to cut the knife. After all, there must be a place where the fat is a little bit thinner.
       You are a pound, he is a pound, and he sold ten pounds in a while. At the same time, some people are still buying cabbage radish, so busy Chou-Gu can't wait to grow four hands. Fortunately, Minger can still help collect money on the side, otherwise she is really busy.
       Zhang-Aunt is generally late. See a large group of people around Chou-Gu, hurriedly squeezed over, also bought three pounds of meat three pounds of cabbage, five pounds of radish gone.
       "You didn't get the fish today?"
       "No, I will go get it tomorrow, I don't know how much I can get, you can also look at other fish." Chou-Gu sneaked a reply.
       "Okay." Zhang-Aunt said, I have seen it in other homes, but the squid that those people got is smaller than that of Chou-Gu, and she didn't get it fresh. Even if there are two big ones occasionally, people are still selling them at a price. It made her very uncomfortable and would rather wait for Chou-Gu to bring it.
       After the wild boar was sold, the rest must be a little bit worse, and some people bargained. "Twenty dollars to buy three pounds."
       Chou-Gu quickly said   :   "No, no. It's too cheap. It's not easy for us to get a wild boar. It's hard to fight."
       "Twenty-five yuan three pounds." Another person added five yuan on the basis of twenty money.
       Chou-Gu bit his teeth and said, "Okay, twenty-five dollars can not be cheaper."
       However, it is cheaper than two dollars, and some people always feel that they are taking advantage of it. And to buy three pounds of customers, Chou-Gu also sent a small onion. So, several people bought three pounds of meat.
       When Ning-Er and the pillars came over, Chou-Gu began to take over.
       "Hey, it’s selling very fast." Ning-Er said with delight.
       "Well, I lowered the price afterwards." Chou-Gu answered, while letting Minger pay taxes.
       As a result, the tax collectors forced them to pay 20 yuan, which made Chou-Gu a good pain. Twenty dollars, you can buy ten ‘maidens.
       But people watched her sell wild boar and cabbage radish here, the price is not bad, but also sell fast, definitely have to collect more taxes. Therefore, although she wants to pay a price, there is no way.
       "Twenty dollars, too much." Chou-Gu read all the way.
       "Well, don't think so much, let's sell more money today, go buy more food and bring it back. Think about it again, let's not bring something directly to the door, but this is not paid." If people know it, maybe they have to come to us to collect some more money." Ning-Er advised.
       Chou-Gu was said by him, but he laughed. She did not expect some of her unintentional behaviors, but actually had the effect of tax evasion.
       "No, it's just a little bit of something, let's say, we don't do it every day. Will they ask us to make up, or even pay more?" Chou-Gu asked with some concern.
       "No, we are also taking advantage of it. Just get the market and sell it before we collect it. Besides, we are not coming every day, who is staring at us all day. Right, how did you make Father? Ning-Er said.
       Chou-Gu shook his head and said, "Where I know, he didn't bring us out to sell things. And many times, he went straight to sell prey and went home."
       This is the truth, she did not find the impression that Wu Hunter came home with a lot of prey in her memory. She also asked Ming, and Ming said that she had never seen it. This also shows that Wu Hunter is actually a very cautious person. If a large number of prey is brought back and seen by the villagers, it will always be jealous. Therefore, most of the time, he will go out overnight and sell the food for change.
       Only the pheasant wild rabbit, he will bring some back to the village, sometimes half-send in the village, and even send one directly to the villagers to make good relations with everyone. It is because he did this, Chou-Gu did not know at all, did Wu Hunter have ever found wild boars and other large prey?
       Ning-Er was surprised to open his mouth, but he still didn't say anything. He thinks Wu Hunter is very mysterious and very motivated. Otherwise, he can't live a family alone, and he can see that Wu Hunter earns a lot of money because the life of Wu family is very good. Eat and wear at least.
       Chou-Gu The clothes worn by a family are very good in the village. Unlike a kitten, there is no such thing as a decent clothing. The patch is patched, not a short sleeve, or a short leg, and most of the time it is barefoot. In fact, whether it is Jiang Wucun or Ningjia Village, there are not many people like this. And everyone basically wears coarse cloth.
       The people in the Chou-Gu family are dressed neatly, even if they are wearing fine cotton cloth, just a few children, there will be one or two pieces of fine cotton cloth. Another point is that Chou-Gu 3rd sisters will not play barefoot and will wear shoes in the summer. The people in the village, especially the children and men, basically do not wear shoes in the summer.
       Although Chou-Gu did not say it before him, he can also guess that half of the money earned by Wu Hunter is probably spent on his wife. Otherwise, he can't just save a dozen or two pieces of silver, but also in the forest house. I am afraid it will slowly accumulate.
       Looking at his musing look, Chou-Gu asked   :   "What do you want?"
       Ning-Er came back and said, "I am thinking about what kind of person you are."
       "I think he is a big fool." Chou-Gu words blurted out.
       Ning-Er looked at her in surprise and asked, "Why do you say this?"
       After Chou-Gu said this, he was very embarrassed. After all, this is his own Father. How can I say this? The ancients paid attention to filial piety, and the younger generation did not criticize the elders.
       "You see, he must be hunting than we are, and it should not be less than us. But when you look at my house, there is no one acre. You say where his money is going. If you save flowers like us, we Where the home may be as poor as it is now. At least there must be three or five acres of land." Chou-Gu argued.
       "But you have also left ten Silver Taels for Father. Have you bought three acres of land?" Ning-Er asked.
       "You..." Chou-Gu is poor, and I don't know what to say. It is true that her Father can also take the ten Silver Taels and buy two or three acres of land. But the ten Silver Taels, she estimated that his father is going to let Minger go to school. Because she remembers that Father wants her son to go to school, but she doesn't buy the field.
       In any case, with the ability of Wu Hunter, it is impossible to save only ten Silver Taels, and have not bought an acre. Either, his money is spent on the daughter-in-law, buying clothes to buy jewelry to buy rouge gouache, buying books and so on, these are the big expenses of the family. Oh, yes, her mother still has to eat white rice.
       So she said that Father is a fool, if she goes to her mother's expenses, no, in fact, only half of the savings, they can at least afford three or five acres of land. Maybe she thinks she is young and capable, and she doesn't care about buying a farm. But I never thought that one day, he went, how should this child live? Not stupid, is it stupid?
       But these words can only be thought of in my heart, can not say. Because the people in Jiang Wucun are not sure how their family lived, how much money did they spend in a year? It should be said that everyone does not feel that their family has more money. Their mother's life, outsiders can not know more, it is estimated that Jiang Madam is the most clear, but she only saw a part.
       Ning-Er thought about it and said, "Do you mean that Father is deliberately pretending to be poor?"
       Chou-Gu stunned and looked at him inexplicably.
       Ning-Er said   :   "Maybe because it is a foreigner, your mother is such a person. He dare not set the field and make his life very hot. I am afraid that outsiders will be embarrassed, and it will lead to something." In fact, he said, maybe Wu hunters are afraid that they will attract the attention of the people. He has to live a low-key life and slowly drown in these small villages.
       Chou-Gu thinks that he is so young and beautiful, and his temperamental mother-in-law can't help but nod. This is indeed a reason. However, there is no silver in the family, but it can’t be said. Then low-key, you hide the silver at home, can outsiders know? However, she has been looking through the home for countless times and has not found a Silver Taels.
       Not long ago, she found out a small string of money that she had hidden in her own, more than 30. She estimated that it was the lucky money that Wu Hunter gave her for the New Year and slowly accumulated. The original body was very carefully hidden in the small dark grid under the sewing basket. In addition to the money string, there are two pairs of small silver earrings. It is estimated that this is the only valuable object of the original.
       If it weren't for the spring flower to let her find the broken clothes to go to the whole shoe, she couldn't find the little dark space.
       She estimates that Minger and the younger brother also have a little money, and they are not sure. Maybe they are young and can't keep it. Jiang Wucun will also have a vendor to sell some small snacks, needles and other things. Children will take things to change their mouths. Minger and the younger brother may have taken the money out to buy something to eat before.
       Seeing Chou-Gu eyes floating, a sense of restlessness, Ning-Er quickly advised   :   "You don't think too much, now the days can pass, slowly will be good."
       Chou-Gu returned from his own thoughts and smiled and said, "Yes. I don't want to use more, or work hard. The days can always pass."


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