Wangfu Chongqie 25

Wangfu Chongqie

     Jin-Wang was really angry all day.
     This kind of gas is not only because of Yao-Niang, but also because Fucheng's ignorance and depreciation.
     He is a respectful person of Qinwang, and he needs to let his subordinates stun into the room, not what is it? It was just a dry firewood on the fire that was previously ignited by Yao-Niang!
     He can't bully the little milk niang, so as not to be wise and arrogant, not to be arrogant, not to swallow the mountains and rivers, and naturally to choose to be bullied and not knowing Fucheng.
     Seeing that Fu Cheng was abused, Jin-Wang felt a touch of coolness.
     But he still feels unhappy, because he always flashes the pale face of the little milk niang. Before she went out, the outside movement was naturally taken into the ear by Jin-Wang, and an inexplicable feeling was born.
     She is so courageous that she must be frightened. In fact, he didn't want to do anything, just wanted to see...
     I thought about it and thought that Jin-Wang told people to go to the small courtyard in the early morning.
     Compared to Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang is also a whole day.
     A feeling of not being able to come up, I am afraid that when someone waits for someone to order to pack things away, I am afraid that Jin-Wang will want to anger and punish himself when he goes back.
     There are other things, she also does not understand.
     I didn't sleep for a night, and I woke up the next day. Yao-Niang saw herself in the mirror, and her eyes were faintly blue.
     It is a pity that she never used rouge gouache, and she did not prepare such a thing. I couldn't help but cover it. I could only hang this blue eye to the value.
     Yao-Niang is born white, so it seems that this eye is particularly obvious. Yuyan saw her, she was a little surprised. She learned that she didn't sleep well at night. She couldn't help but sigh again and again. She said that she had never seen it before in the night. How can it not be night now, but she can't sleep at night.
     Yao-Niang stunned, can't answer. Fortunately, Yuyan didn't say anything else, just let the green cock go to the kitchen to get a freshly cooked egg and go to Wuqing for Yao-Niang.
     When the person from Zhaohuitang came, Yao-Niang was half-shouldered and took the egg and rolled it under her eyes. It was said that she was coming from Zhaohuitang, and she was even stunned. When she reacted, she was burnt and hurt, and she was red.
     The egg fell to the ground, and she almost panicked and did not give up the mirror on the stage.
     She just stood up, and Green Lan came in with joy: "Su-Milkmaid, your Highness rewards you."
     Yao-Niang is stunned.
     "I don't want to go out to thank you. Your Highness said that you are waiting for the small County Owner to wait..." Green said, and pulled Yao-Niang out. Yuyan Yucui also looked at her with a smile.
     In the yard, a young eunuch wearing a t-shirt stood there, followed by a small eunuch holding a tray with several hands.
     The entire Jin-Wang House, also known as Jin-Wang, was accompanied by eunuchs, who were brought out from the palace that year.
     This person Yao-Niang also knows that it is Fu Shun's son, Xiao Shunzi, who is also a first-class big man in the Jin-Wang House.
     Yao-Niang gave her a reward, and Xiao shun didn’t stay much, so she took the person away.
     After the people left, the people in the  Little Jao Courtyard were all surrounded by Yang-Niang, not to be obedient, and then went out one after another.
     If the entire Jin-Wang House is the most lavish, it is Jin-Wang. But no one can win the Jin-Wang reward, there is no one that does not make people stunned. In particular, this is the first time Jin-Wang has rewarded people, and it has made people jealous. Even the people in the Spring Pavilion have heard the news.
     The tray was covered with red cloth, and some people wanted to look at it, but they were driven away by the sloppy green waist. Others are familiar with Yao-Niang, squinting and drinking, and there is a paralysis in the courtyard.
     Seeing it like this, Yu Rong said: "Well, it’s all gone, let’s change Su-Milkmaid, please eat fruit and drink.”
     Yao-Niang is not the first day to enter the palace. Naturally, I understand the rules in this house. Generally, if the next person gets the reward of the top, it is necessary to share some of the food that is bought and eaten for everyone. It is also a joy. She naturally nodded her words to Yurong, saying that it was time to change the date and ask everyone to eat fruit and drink, and everyone was scattered.
     Cui-zhu has been standing in the crowd. Her cheeks are thin and her face is stunned. Looking at Yao-Niang, who is surrounded by people, is hateful and jealous. She pinched her hand with her scars and took her teeth away.
     Helping Yao-Niang to return the things to the house, the green dragon and others left, leaving only Yao-Niang alone.
     She stood at the table and hesitated for a moment before she went to pick up the red silk on the tray.
     Jin-Wang is really consistently lavish, a red gold-wrapped bracelet, a pair of red gold heart-shaped earrings, and a red gold scorpion.
     It is bright and shiny, and it is very heavy in your hand.
     Jin-Wang's lavishness is different from that of Hu  Ceefei 鎏金簪子 and jade bracelets that were previously awarded to Yao-Niang.
     This kind of reward, seriously speaking, Yao-Niang has taken it many times, and it has already been familiar, but only this time has made her heart stunned.
     She is not gambling wrong.
     Jin-Wang is indeed a Master.
     Therefore, after she said such words, he could not do anything difficult for the strong man, and even did not even have anger, because Ding is Ding, he is not a mess. Just because I understand the temperament of Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang will daring to say those words yesterday.
     But it is also to understand these, Yao-Niang is even more sour.
     In addition to these jewels, there are clothes in the other two trays, but Yao-Niang did not look at it, and it was pressed to the bottom of the box. She did not have the opportunity to wear them.
     In Zhaohuitang, in the inner study room, Jin-Wang sat behind the book case, and several people sit on the ring chairs on the left and right sides.
     This study is Jin-Wang's daily handling of some private affairs that are not easy to put on the table. It is enough to prove that these people are Jin-Wang.
     They are all the staff of the Jin-Wang House or the doormen, but they are all different, but without exception, they are the ones under the Jin-Wang.
     Yes, it is not Jin-Wang, but Jin-Wang.
     Although the Jin-Wang House is a Jin-Wang House, in the end, the dragon and the snake are mixed, and it is not a piece of iron barrel.
     The Wangfu has a long history division. This long history is set up by the court, which is regarded as the court’s surveillance of the local king. A means. In particular, Jinju is different from other places here. It is close to the sideline fortress. Jin-Wang holds hundreds of thousands of military powers. Without careful investigation, you can know that the imperial court and even the nails everywhere are not put here.
     Because Jin-Wang treats other other Prince, it is also so dry, so this division is very clear.
     The first person on the left sits a man in a robe and a fan. He is unknown, looks like a crane, but his face is very young and he doesn't have to. This person surnamed Liu, who is called Liu Da Teacher, knows that there are very few people who come from it, but he is very appreciative of Jin-Wang, and he is sitting in the first position of the Jin-Wang door.
     He sat next to a black-faced man. If he knew this person well, he knew that he was the commander of the palace government, and he was in charge of Jin-Wang, and he was a member of Jin-Wang. , won its trust.
     Another person has a robe, one with a Confucian shirt, a Confucian shirt with a fierce face, a fierce daring to kill me the whole family, wearing a robe is a brain full of fat, and not shaved, it does not look like a look Deaf people. All in all, among the four of you, only Qiu Zhan looks normal.
     Jin-Wang is working with them.
     Liu Da Teacher fanned the fan in his hand and said: "According to this, Yong Wang is taking off the suspect?"
     Dressing up Sven, but it is a fierce look, known as Black Teacher, has not yet waited for Liu Da Teacher to finish talking, and then interjected: "Even if it is not him, he can't get rid of him."
     Black Teacher snorted and came to Jin-Wang for many years, and did not learn the official language. He said that everyone is a melon.
     Because of his accent, when he first came to Jin-Wang, there were not many jokes. But but in the rest of the month, no one dared to laugh at him, but to see this person will rush to escape. Because this black Teacher is as famous as his name, he is used to making black hands.
     If you say that Liu Da Teacher is a bright and honest way, I like to use a conspiracy.
     Then Black Teacher is doing evil tricks, ghost tricks.
     As for Li-Maotian, who is a robes, he is neutralizing the Liu Da Teacher and the Black Teacher temper. He is doing a moderate, less amazing thing, but it is nothing but a flaw.
     He sat on a circle chair that felt like he was about to be crushed by him. He rubbed his own garlic and nose and said: "It is the Crown Prince who is the most suspected, but..."
     It happened for nearly a year.
     The people under Jin-Wang sneaked out a lot, and almost never turned Yongzhou into the sky. A wave of nails was sent to Yongwangfu, and all the news was all displayed. That thing was not done by Yong Wang, but it was found that the Crown Prince, who was finally in Capital City, was the most suspect.
     The Crown Prince ?
     More than forty years in that year is still the Crown Prince. It was taken over by Hongjing Emperor, and it was named Chu Jun. In fact, there is no such thing as a royal sergeant.
     It's unbelievable, but the news shows that it is indeed the Crown Prince.
     The correct one should be said to be the East Palace. In fact, the greater possibility is that the Emperor Sun, who grabbed all the limes of the Crown Prince, did it.
     But why is he doing this? Want to stir up the battle between Yong Wang and Jin-Wang? This matter is not too big to say that it is not small. For a man, it is really trampled on dignity, but it is really impossible to fight with each other to kill you. I always feel that the Donggong family has a big fee, Zhou, but only done Something so small is not reasonable.
     Li-Maotian expressed doubts.
     After the book, Jin-Wang looked as cold as water and could not see the anger. Just the left hand unconsciously touches the finger on the thumb of the right hand, or occasionally rotates.
     Black Teacher smiled on the face, but the eye wave was a move. He reached out and took a shot on the spine of Li-Mao Tian Man, who was fat, and yelled at the door: "A melon is dripping, you are worried about it." Well, the skull is very Qiao, and people definitely have someone else..."
     Li-Mao Tiandun refused to think about it, and the ears in his ears were all the words that made people listen hard.
     "Everything must have its own meaning, the other party really does not need such a big fee Zhou chapter..."
     "When you are shocked and caught, God is wrong. It’s really a car."
     Even if Li-Maotian is stupid, he realizes that Black Teacher is different. This black egg is not so common without five or six, unless...
     He snorted and finally realized that there were some abnormalities.
     From the beginning to the end, Jin-Wang did not have a series of Donggong, why did he pay a lot of ridiculous things in the Zhou chapter, and expressed dissent. Since Jin-Wang has no objection, this shows that Donggong must do this, but what is the truth?
     Could it be that-
     Li-Maotian didn't think about it anymore. He followed Jin-Wang and he was not too young. He knew that the master's mental strategy was extraordinary.
     These so-called aides are not so much a trick, but rather a trap. After all, there is no perfect person, there is always a place that can't be imagined. As for the general direction, Jin-Wang has never had a flaw.
     Since I know that I can't talk about it anymore, Li-Mao Tian immediately became the black Teacher, and he swears that he is wrong, and that he is arrogant, and he is very unyielding.
     These two living treasures are born with a vision. Once they are not serious, they are very funny.
     Anyway, Liu Da Teacher was shaking his head and laughing. He shook his feather fan and said: "Oh, you have to make a noise or go out, don't interfere with your eyes."
     The two are also unambiguous. After the ceremony of Jin-Wang, you will pull me down, and I will tear your sleeves out. Until I went outside, I could still hear the quarrel between the two.
     After the two went out, Liu Da Teacher made another analysis with Jin-Wang on the matter, focusing on the Crown Prince loss of favor, and the Emperor Sun’s suspicion was replaced.
     In the past two years, Hongjing’s attitude has been quite awkward.
     The Crown Prince is incompetent. It seems that it is not impossible to cross the Crown Prince.
     The problem is that, apart from the Crown Prince, Hong Jingdi can still have several Prince who are not weak in others.
     For example, An Wang, Yong Wang, such as Jin-Wang.
     These Prince can be willing to look at a hairy boy over the self and sit on that position? If it is the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince is the Zhonggong Di-, and the eldest son, indeed deserved.
     Can the grandson? After all, he is a grandson, not the Crown Prince. Even if he is a young genius, he is not enough to serve the public.
     It is estimated that Huang Taisun also knows that these uncles and uncles, I am afraid that they will not look at their own position, they will first be strong.
     The first choice is to deal with Jin-Wang and Yong Wang, the most powerful of the Prince. However, it is a slight means to let the 2nd Prince fight, and he is sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger, his heart is deep and jaw-dropping.
     Then an old question came to the forefront again, why did Huang Taisun do the trick, so surely it would surely provoke Jin-Wang and Yong Wang hostility?
     What is he relying on?
     This is a problem that can't be avoided, but who is Liu Da Teacher, so it is so obvious that this problem does not exist, only the other, but not mentioning it.
     However, at the time of leaving, Liu Da Teacher said to Jin-Wang that Jin-Wang is now missing a small gongzi. It’s not just Jin-Wang’s aftermath, but a big deal. Everyone has more than one son, and Jin-Wang has none. This is his biggest short. board.
     After the Liu Da Teacher walked away, there was silence in the study. Until then, Jin-Wang showed his face cold and cold.
     Suddenly, he tapped the book, and suddenly there was a person in front of him in the blink of an eye.
     A man in a strong outfit with a normal face.
     “Let the people in the capital move, Benwang remembers that the Crown Prince is indulging in beauty and has not stepped into the Crown Princess room for a long time.
     The Crown Princess is worthy of a wolf-like month, alone and empty, lonely and unbearable. Send a man to her, let her enjoy it.
     The emperor Sun seems to be getting married, what is the daughter of Chen’s family? How can he make him so easy and stir up him. Another antidote, from the East Palace emperor Start with your body."
     The man disappeared and the study room resumed a stagnation until Fucheng came in from the outside.
     "His Royal Highness, things have been sent to the  Little Jao Courtyard."
     In fact, this matter is not necessary to return, but it is to reward the next person, and then need to be the master when you are always concerned. But this is not the same between the next person and the next person, especially in the previous case, Fu Cheng naturally has nothing to do.
     Jin-Wang's face is cold and watery. When I heard this, Gujing didn't wave his eyes.
     He suddenly wanted to see the little milk niang, want to see if she can understand her own meaning, no longer have to worry. Especially at this time, he is not in a good mood, and he wants to go out and breathe.
     However, Jin-Wang also realized that it was too obvious, so he looked down at the secret letter on the table and felt that it was almost noon until he took Fucheng to the small courtyard.
     At this time, the Little Jao Courtyard  yard was just called lunch, the following Yatou Pozi went to eat in batches, and the lunch of Yao-Niang and Yuyan was already done. Little County Owner is playing at this moment, Yao-Niang will let Yucui go first, anyway, she is not hungry anymore.
     The little County Owner is playing on the bed. At this time, the baby is very active.
     The weather is hot and there is no ice in the house. Yao-Niang only wears a small apron for the small County Owner. Twisting on the couch, just watching her not falling down.
     Yao-Niang looked at the little County Owner with a smile, and her heart softened. She remembered Xiao bao. Xiao bao is about the size of a small County Owner, and I will definitely turn over now.
     The thoughts are like a flood of water. Yao-Niang is full of sentimental feelings. I can't wait for myself to give birth to a pair of wings. I can fly back to Linyun County and see Xiao bao and sister.
     Yao-Niang was immersed in her thoughts, naturally neglecting the movement behind her, until Jin-Wang came to her, she found out that the house had come.
     She subconsciously looked out the window.
     There was no one in the courtyard. I thought that it was the time for dinner. Pozi, who was the gatekeeper, was lazy. In fact, there are usually no ones coming in the  Little Jao Courtyard, and they are in the Wangfu.
     The following people are relatively loose. Plus Yuyan Yucui and two Yatou are not the kind of people who are harsh, and it is inevitable that someone will sneak into it.
     She bowed her knees and didn't dare to look up.
     Thinking about the reward in the morning, I am not sure what Jin-Wang is doing at this time.
     "Benwang to see the small County Owner." Jin-Wang coughed down, said.
     Yao-Niang nodded busy.
     According to the rules, the master is coming, it is to serve tea. But at this time, there was no one in the small building. Fucheng did not appear to be rare. Yao-Niang was very skeptical that Jin-Wang could see the small County Owner and could only stand there crampedly. thing.
     The room was very quiet, and the eyes of both of them looked like they were on the bed, and they kept turning over and over to the little County Owner who was not thinking about it. In fact, the attention was somewhat scattered.
     Yao-Niang thought and thought, only whispered: "Son, thank you for your reward."
     Jin-Wang snorted and checked, and said: "You wait for the small County Owner to do something, and Benwang should have rewarded you."
     Is this a turn?
     Didn't that happen on that day?
     Yao-Niang can understand the meaning of Jin-Wang. At this time, he has the words of Jin-Wang. He has been hanging in the air without a declining heart, and finally can be put down.
     There was even a little leap, she succeeded, maybe she could safely wait until the little County Owner was a little bigger and went home with the earned money.
     Thinking about this, Yao-Niang couldn't help but look at Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang is long and straight, his back is straight, his hands are behind him, and his face is condensed and looks at the small County Owner. It is clear that the face of Zhang Jun is still like the past, there is almost no extra expression, but because of the softness of the eyes, it softens the edge of the whole face.
     Such Jin-Wang is something that Yao-Niang has never seen before.
     She even faintly envied the innocent milk baby on the bed.
     She thinks that this world is only a small County Owner, in order to let Jin-Wang fade the face of the cold, and wholeheartedly care.
     Jin-Wang thinks this little milk niang is a bit stupid. He has been here for a long time, and the meal is not mentioned.
     There is no cup of tea.
     He is thinking about who her teaching is.
     Then Yao-Niang found out that Jin-Wang’s handsome eyebrows were smashed.
     Jin-Wang Emei is really beautiful.
     Yao-Niang has seen a lot of people frowning, but it is either very fierce, or wrinkled two bags on the forehead, and some even the eye shape will change, wrinkled together.
     But he is the only one, the long eyebrows are smooth, the color is not strong and not light, like the ink paintings covered in smoke and rain.
     The eyebrows don't look too sharp, but the trend is soft. When he frowns, his eyebrows are slightly twisted in a curve. It doesn't look like wrinkles, but it is more appropriate.
     Yao-Niang suddenly remembered a poem, the beauty curled up the bead curtain, sitting deep in the eyebrows, but see the tears wet, I do not know who to hate.
     After thinking about it, she felt that she was too big to reverse, how can she compare Jin-Wang to a woman. I can take it seriously. Jin-Wang looks really good and looks better than a woman.
     Yao-Niang feels that she understands the fact that Jin-Wang is always cold, cold and hard. Because he looked so good, if such a look is seen by outsiders, how can he deter the government up and down, and lead the border to resist the barbarians.
     Just when Yao-Niang's thoughts were scattered, Jin-Wang had already seen it. He certainly found that the little milk niang was peeking at him.
     This kind of eye Jin-Wang is no stranger. Seriously, he has been seen by many people. But there has never been a person, it is such a look.
     No calculations, no ulterior motives, no complicated things, but pure, it seems to be watching him, not Jin-Wang.
     This kind of eyes made Jin-Wang feel awkward for a moment, but he didn't have time to think deeply and was interrupted.
     It turns out that the reason why Fu Chengfang did not come in with Jin-Wang was that he was interested in interest, and the second was to call people.
     Yuyan Yucui fell to the ground after coming in.
     The two of them are also from the palace.
     The rules in the palace are the most rigorous. When I was at the Zhaohui Hall, the rules were roughly the same as in the palace. Can come to the Little Jao Courtyard from the Courtyard, may be used to idle, there will be no one outside the door and the door is not guarded, the temple is down and then know.
     According to Jin-Wang's usual rules, Yuyan and Yucui are inevitably whipped for ten times, but this time he just said that he can't make another mistake, let them get up.
     Yuyan Yucui had a lingering fear and looked at them with some pale faces. Yao-Niang didn't understand why they were afraid of being like this.
     In fact, Yao-Niang is also afraid of Jin-Wang, but she knows that Jin-Wang is not a person who will lose his temper and anger at will.
     Jin-Wang didn't use lunch, Yuyan went down to arrange.
     The kitchen was prepared very quickly, but it was just a sip of tea, and lunch was brought up.
     Lunch was set up in the East and Jin-Wang moved.
     After this time, Yao-Niang is also very hungry, and the milk niang is hungry fast. It is coming, and once it is hungry, it is hungry.
     She thought that Yuyan Yucui was there, someone helped me to watch the small Count Owner, she could go to lunch.
     Then he quietly said to Yucui, intending to leave.
     She thought that her behavior was not noticeable, but in fact everything went to the bottom of her eyes.
     "Since Su-Milkmaid is fine, help with the meal." Fu Chengdao.
     Fu Cheng's hands were copied into the sleeves, and an old god was standing behind Jin-Wang.
     He was wearing a blue-green silk sash, wearing a black silk hat, black-skinned soap boots, and a green bat jade hanging from his waist. Looking at the face is only in his early thirties. In fact, Yao-Niang knows that Fu Cheng has been forty. However, the eunuchs all have fine skin and tender meat, so the face looks young.
     His eyes slanted to the side, and he saw Yao-Niang, who was about to leave the corner.
     In fact, the look of Jin-Wang is also here, but it is relatively less obvious.
     "Since Su-Milkmaid is fine, help with the meal."
     Yao-Niang looked up at Fu Cheng and looked confused.
     Going to see the Jin-Wang sitting at the table, Jin-Wang looked indifferent and did not show any dissent. Since I don't talk, that's the agreement, but there are so many Yatou in the house, how can it be her turn to let her have a milk niang meal?
     "Su-Milkmaid is in this person, but now it is the first one." Fu Cheng smiled.
     Therefore, it is not the same as the master's face-to-face nubi . Fu Cheng seems to have nothing to say in the morning, but whether or not Yao-Niang is rewarded by Jin-Wang, he should do his best. I have to do my best to serve Jin-Wang.
     The first thing is this meal.
     Yuyan and other Yatou did not dare to say anything, and Yao-Niang stood there quite a bit. But in this case, she certainly can't say anything, she can only come to the table.
     The green dragonfly took the basin and let Yao-Niang clean her hands and looked at her with a little bit of worry.
     This kind of food service seems to be simple, but in fact, no one can do it. You need to know the preferences of the master and know how to look.
     The main son wanted to eat this dish, but you caught the dish, not to put it in place. And the master does not speak out to guide you how to do it. Everything is pointing, and you need to be a slave.
     And Jin-Wang is notoriously difficult to serve.
     Jin-Wang's difficult service is his cold face. Once it is not as good as his intentions, the coldness of the cold can freeze people. Of course, all of this is green, they listen to people, and in their capacity, they can't get Jin-Wang to serve with them.
     Several green-faced Yatou eyes looked worriedly at Yao-Niang, thinking that the reward of his Highness would not be followed by it. Appreciation also contained an infinite crisis. A bad one was a disappointing end. .
     However, Yuyan two are still consistently calm, and they can't see the mood on their faces.
     Yao-Niang wiped his hand with a dry scorpion, first took the sleeve up and took it, and took the long-handled silver plaque from the green waist.
     In fact, Yao-Niang is also familiar with the Jin-Wang meal. She has not given him a small meal in her life, and knows how difficult it is for the Lord.
     The key to this person is still a temper, but if you don't agree, you will be cold-faced. In the past, Yao-Niang was not suspected of being rejected by Jin-Wang.
     Although he doesn't say it in his mouth, he doesn't write in his eyes: You can't wait for a meal, what else can you do?
     At that time, in order to be a shame, I also wanted to please Jin-Wang. Yao-Niang had learned it with her heart. Although she didn’t know much about other aspects of Jin-Wang, but about some of his little habits in life, It’s just too clear.
     The dishes on the table are very rich, eight dishes and one soup, each of which is full of color and flavor.
     Yao-Niang only smells this smell, and knows that this is the dish in the kitchen of Zhaohuitang.
     She used to be not greedy, but after eating Jin-Wang several times leftovers, she knew what it means to be delicious on earth. It is impossible for people to swallow their tongues. In the past, Yao-Niang was just a small Concubine. It was a favored concubine. In fact, it was still a big kitchen.
     The food in the big kitchen was not bad, but I always felt that something was missing.
     As for what it is, Yao-Niang can't tell the difference. Anyway, she knows that Jin-Wang's meal is delicious enough.
     The dish is a soup of Wuyisansu, the leek has fried belly, fried chicken with mushrooms, broth of broth, Gongbao hare, casserole, stag deer There is also a three fresh soup.
     May be really hungry, Yao-Niang sees a flood of mouths, and my heart is burning.
     However, she has not forgotten the errands she has to do. See Jin-Wang holding the silver plaque, and then holding the sleeves in one hand, and pinching a few pieces of Jin-Wang with a piece of fried white, and resting it on the porcelain plate in front of him.
     It is probably too familiar with this scene, or it may be hungry. Yao-Niang forgot that he was only a small family member. He did not do anything to serve the people in the palace. It is reasonable to not know how to give food to people.
     She is acting in an orderly manner, and she is very beautiful. That slightly tilted the filigree jade, every move contains a quiet and calm, beautiful as a painting. Even people can easily ignore her dress at this time, but subconsciously feel that this woman is beautiful.
     The most important thing is that her hand is very stable, and there is no hesitation. It seems that she is sure that the dish she is sandwiching Jin-Wang must like to eat.
     Jin-Wang also really likes to eat.
     Unlike other people from the same age, Jin-Wang is not happy. Foraging is also to eat, but vegetarian food is more popular with him. Of course, some people will say that why they are so bright, but they have made so many leeks. This question is somewhat esoteric. Anyway, Yao-Niang also served Jin-Wang for a long time, only to know that there are many strange rules around him.
     Just like these dishes, Jin-Wang doesn't eat much, and maybe eats a few chopsticks every time. His preferences are very jumpy, but just remember one truth and follow his eyes.
     One clip here, one to eat, and the match is very good.
     There are a lot of people who are the first to be blessed, and they are all surprised and surprised.
     The room is very quiet, just like no one else.
     Anyway, Yao-Niang served Jin-Wang twice more than once, and I admire him that he never makes any noise, even chewing.
     Yao-Niang clipped the past dishes, blinking, and blinking, it’s just that people don’t know why.
     Awkwardly, a burst of belly sounds suddenly, because the room is quiet, so it is very loud.
     Yao-Niang's face is red, and I can't wait to find a hole in the seam. She thinks that Jin-Wang is about to smother her out of the instrument. I don't think he even heard anything.
     Jin-Wang ate a few more mouths and put down the silver plaque.
     "The rest of the dishes are for you."
     Jin-Wang didn't name the surname, but everyone eyes looked over in a flash, and Yao-Niang did not think about himself except himself.
     She looked at the table and barely moved the food, thinking puzzledly, Jin-Wang's appetite is not good today?
     Jin-Wang didn't stay for a long time, and left after eating lunch.
     It seems that he came to eat lunch.
     Yao-Niang got a table dish. Because of this unusual dish, she was able to go back to the room to eat, and someone respectfully asked her to bring the leftovers back to the room and set them on the table.
     Sometimes Yao-Niang doesn't understand this kind of rules, but Jin-Wang eats the rest of the dishes. How is it exceptionally different? It is obviously a dish.
     Yao-Niang has never been able to understand this truth in the past. It is also incompetent in this life. Anyway, eating Jin-Wang leftovers is not a double return. Yao-Niang is well-adapted. Even because these dishes are so delicious that they want to swallow their tongues, she used a bowl of rice more than before, and it was a round belly.
     The dishes are still not finished, and there are still a lot left.
     Or, hot at night?
     Yao-Niang thought so quietly, she got the idea of ​​a small Yatou called A-Xia.
     A-Xia is born this year, and it is very cute and smart. When she first entered the office, it was not long before she was in the small kitchen.
     She really likes to talk to Yao-Niang. Although Yao-Niang is not much older than her, it may be a different experience, but there is a feeling of squatting.
     The innocence of A-Xia is undoubtedly a bright scene in the back house of this palace. People can't help but smile when they see it, so Yao-Niang also likes to talk to her.
     This time, Yao-Niang cleaned up the bowl, and A-Xia volunteered. As she packed up the table, she ‘called in her mouth: "I will help Su-Milkmaid with these dishes, and it will not be bad at night. When it's hot, let's go with it and have a meal. ""
     Yao-Niang nodded. "That is bothering you."
     "What troubles, this is what I should do."
     A-Xia is very talented in the stove work. It didn't take long for the small kitchen to get the green eyes of Mo Pozi. From time to time, she would point her to one or two. Nowadays, the small Yatou has been able to make some simple foods. . According to the current form, Mo Pozi accepted her as an apprentice just around the corner.
     "Su-Milkmaid, you don't know, everyone can envy you, saying that you are great, and that your Highness will be rewarded."
     Yao-Niang smiled stunnedly: "Which is so exaggerated, but it is a coincidence that I have to serve my temple, and my Highness has rewarded me."
     "In any case, Su-Milkmaid is a lucky person. You tell me, oh, are you afraid of your Highness? How can I see it all the time, I feel that my Highness is afraid of people, and I dare not look straight."
     Yao-Niang sighed: "In fact, His Royal Highness is a very good person, rewarding and punishing, and compassionate." She did not know how to describe it, only two relatively easy to understand.
     "I really envy Su-Milkmaid. You don't know that they have much to talk about today. But there are two Pozis in the kitchen. It's really ridiculous. I always say sour, and I want to join other people to make Su- Milkmaid this big bleeding.” A-Xia wrinkled his nose with a disgust on his face.
     Yao-Niang is not an accident. In fact, these people are not bad people.
     They just see others getting red eyes and try to get a psychological balance by losing blood. Yao-Niang This time I was going to be generous and ask everyone to have a drink, but I didn’t think there was anything.
     Just thinking about Jin-Wang to appreciate her things, she could not help but sigh in her heart.
     After A-Xia left, Yao-Niang went to the side of the cupboard and pulled out a small cloth bag from the inside.
     In the small cloth bag, she placed her monthly salary, and Hu  Ceefei rewarded her jewelry and silver, and Jin-Wang rewarded her today.
     If it is replaced by the equivalent of silver, there are also a few hundred and two, but the problem is Jin-Wang House, the above is printed with the emblem, can only bring it, take it to sell is a delusion.
     Yao-Niang suddenly raised a’servant in his heart.
     This kind of resentment is not only this time, but also the grievances of the previous life.
     The same is true in the last life, Jin-Wang rewards her something flashy.
     They all look good, they are all worthwhile, and some say that they are worthless even in the city. Unfortunately, these are all registered and not available.
     And her most lacking money is only the monthly money of each month. She dare not ask Jin-Wang to take the money back to post her son, and she can only use the money in the moon. However, she always spends most of her monthly money to reward the next person.
     The amount of money she gets back is actually not much.
     At this time, please have at least ten Silver Taels for drinking. After all, she has won the honor of her Highness. She has got such good things, and her face is too small to be a tongue. But as long as you think of yourself only a total of thirty Silver Taels, this is a dozen or two, there is always a feeling of heart.
     When will she have enough money to go home!
     Yao-Niang sat there and sighed for a while before he took out the Ten Silver Taels from inside. He was about to take the cloth bag and put it in, think about it, and take out five or two.
     Still more to prepare, to avoid getting enough time, you can lose ugly.
     In Zhaohuitang, in the study room, the expressionless dark ten hand stood in front of the book case and said: "Su-Milkmaid used a lot, ate two bowls of rice, ate it and licked it, and she didn't have any remaining dishes. I am willing to throw it, I plan to eat it at night."
     As the secret guard around Jin-Wang, the Dark Ten will inevitably help him to explore something in the dark. In this case, he will choose to report without any personal emotions, because only this can make The master accurately analyzed the meaning.
     So even Yao-Niang ate two bowls of rice, and the rest of the dishes could not be thrown. I also wanted to eat it hot and hot, and I was told by Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang showed a smile and was about to say something. At this time, Fu Cheng came in from the outside.
     Seeing this, Jin-Wang waved his hand, and the dark ten disappeared before Fu Cheng came in.
     "His Royal Highness, there is a person coming to the side of the House of Thoughts."
     Jin-Wang gave him a look.
     Fu Cheng slightly hesitated: "It is the person around Wangfei.
     The road is that the fifteenth day is the Wangfei birthday. Wangfei intends to have a feast in the Siyuan, and he hopes that when he will be able to enjoy his face."
     Once I heard that it was fifteenth day, Jin-Wang couldn’t help but frown.
     In fact, not only Jin-Wang, Fu Cheng seems to have some concerns: "If not, the old nubi are going to give back the words?"
     Indulge in a moment, Jin-Wang shook his head.
     Jin-Wangfei is most disliked by this lively scene. She married Jin-Wang for many years. This is the first time she has proposed to feast to celebrate the birthday, and he should go to it.
     Since Jin-Wang has made a decision, Fu Cheng is naturally not good to say anything.
     The moon star is thin, like the moon in the disc, all the stars are faint.
     The think tank is brightly lit, and there are people coming in and out from time to time.
     Jin-Wangfei has never been a favorite temper. For the feast, it can be blocked and can be avoided. It’s rare that Wangfei said that there will be a banquet here, and that the court is full of joy.
     Since the thinkers are talking, other people, led by Hu  Ceefei, naturally want to come to life.
     They came in the daytime, Jin-Wangfei did not come out personally, just to enjoy the seats, let them eat themselves and then dispersed.
     Tao-Madam They are still okay, accustomed to Wangfei kind of pie, but Hu  Ceefei hates to gnash their teeth, and turns to go to Zhaohuitang. She wants to rob Hu in the middle of the road, so I can give birth to Jin-Wangfei. Unfortunately, the candidate is not a coincidence. Jin-Wang is not in Zhaohuitang, she can't go to the front yard, she can only return with anger. After returning, I asked Cui-zhu for a ventilating. I won't go into details here.
     Jin-Wang came back from the front yard and went directly to the Siyuan.
     From Jin-Wang, I entered the backyard, and all the way, people stopped to report to the Courtyard. When Jin-Wang stepped into the flower hall, he saw the full house of Jinhui. In the middle of the room, there was a large table of eight immortals, filled with all kinds of precious beauty, and Jin-Wangfei has been waiting for a long time.
     Jin-Wangfei is rare and bright, wearing a bright red cluster of roses and short summer , with a haze of silver, silk, Wanfu, satin, twelve long skirts, with a cloud, and a red gold and eight treasures Flying swallows step by step.
     She used to be not happy, and rarely did such dazzling dressing.
     The light eyebrows had this kind of bright color, and it was a little more delicate.
     Seeing such a Jin-Wangfei, Jin-Wang stunned the eyebrows and looked at the ancient well without waves.
     Zhou-Mama is a good face, she said that men are all love, no one likes the woman around the world to be light all day long, not dead Father. How good the red is, how happy it is, and since-Wangfei has a good looks, this is not to let the Highness look at it.
     Unlike Zhou-Mama, Jin-Wangfei, sitting at the table, couldn't help but lick the hand under the sleeves, and there was a touch of forbearance on the surface. Until Zhou-Mama gently pushed her from behind, Jin-Wangfei greeted her and greeted him with Jin-Wang.
     In addition to a table of delicacies, two jugs of wine were placed on the table.
     One pot is Jin-Wang's used ginseng wine, which is held in a white jade pot, and one pot is lychee.
     Litchi wine is a fruit wine.
     The ladies in Capital City are most fond of drinking this kind of wine.
     The price is very high. One pot needs ten silver and is in short supply. At this time, the lychee wine was filled with a crystal clear glass jug, and the amber liquor under the illumination of the palace lamp reflected the mottled colorful light, which was dazzling.
     Jin-Wang flashed an inconspicuous wave of light, knowing that Jin-Wangfei never drank.
     I am very happy today. Jin-Wangfei not only gave Jin-Wang a drink, but also gave herself a cup and took the initiative to toast Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang, how is the eye of the torch, thinking of the letter from Xu Duke house a while ago, the heart of Jin-Wangfei purpose is about a few. See also Zhou-Mama kept on the side to give Jin-Wangfei a wink, and Jin-Wangfei looked mixed with the unwilling smile, Jin-Wang's eyes were colder, and my heart sneered.
     He sipped his glasses and drank, silent, but he was accustomed to the indifference of Jin-Wang. Jin-Wangfei and Zhou-Mama did not seem to see the cool colors in his eyes.
     It’s also something in my heart that neglects it all.
     Zhou-Mama stood on the side and was so anxious that she couldn't wait to push Jin-Wangfei to speak for her.
     When she came to think, what can be done to please his man, the husband and wife are the same, who is the one who bows down.
     Unfortunately, this reason Jin-Wangfei has never been seen, maybe she understands, but does not want to do it.
     It’s just that now she not what she wants to do. Xu Duke letter came over and asked Jin-Wangfei.
     In fact, this is not the first time that Xu Duke has sent a letter to say this. Every year, Jin-Wangfei can push and block. But this time, Xu Duke made a personal statement, saying that Jin-Wangfei would have sent a daughter of Xu family to her if she couldn't give birth to the son of Jin-Wang.
     Not to mention the entanglements in this, let Xu Duke make such things.
     The key is that Xu Duke intends to send people, is Xu ten 3rd-Guniang.
     When you mention this ten 3rd-Guniang, you have to talk about it.
     Xu Duke has a flaw, and he is very fond of it. In the past, Xu Duke did not make some failed concubine to kill his wife. In the end, the origins are different, the troubles are still there, and the face is still scrupulous, so Duchess is still Duchess, but the inside is so sweet and bitter that only I know.
     This is the birth of two sons and daughters by Xu Duke, the daughter of which is the 10rd-Guniang. Ten 3rd-Guniang was born to be very popular with Duke, even Di-Jin-Wangfei was slightly worse. However, Jin-Wangfei is much older than the 10rd-Guniang, and the two have not made any contradictions. However, Jin-Wangfei is extremely disgusted with her children because of her mother’s relationship. It is not a thorn in the flesh.
     Therefore, how can Jin-Wangfei endure the nails in front of her, and the sister-in-law, who has always paid attention to decent, which is a shame for her. After receiving the letter on that day, Jin-Wangfei became angry on the spot, and then Zhou-Mama advised her to be close to Jin-Wang, but she did not reject it as harshly as before.
     Therefore, there will be a feast today.
     She needs a child, even if she doesn't want it.
     The heart was choppy, and Jin-Wangfei on the face smiled softly: "His Royal Highness, drink another cup. My husband and wife have been married for many years. This is the first time I have sat together and toast."
     Jin-Wang did not refuse, and quietly drank a cup, and Jin-Wangfei also covered his face with a sleeve.
     Just eating a banquet and drinking while drinking, the two talked very little, but the wine did not drink less. Under the light, Jin-Wangfei Xiafei cheeks, it is probably drunk, and the words are gradually getting more.
     However, most of them said that Jin-Wang did not say anything.
     Unconsciously, the two men each drank two jugs of wine.
     Jin-Wang The bright scorpion is dyed with a layer of scorpion, like Jiang-nan after the rain, and like a moonlight. Bai Jun’s face was also stained with a touch of Xia, which made him less indifferent and more blurred.
     Such Jin-Wang is undoubtedly beautiful, and people are fascinated. In this world, no one can refuse such a man, especially when he looks at you with his hands, he will always be involuntarily immersed in him. At the bottom of my eyes, forget about my breathing.
     Jin-Wangfei feels that someone behind him gently pokes himself and wakes up. Her eyes were a bit complicated, but the complexity soon disappeared. She evoked a beautiful smile, stood up and leaned over: "His Royal Highness, Your Highness..."
     Jin-Wang didn't answer her, she was drunk, and it seemed to be drunk.
     Jin-Wangfei ‘Called again.
     Fu Cheng blinked and wanted to go up and look at the situation of Jin-Wang. He listened to Zhou-Mama and said: "This is definitely drunk, and Wangfei will take the temple to rest."
     Jin-Wangfei from the good, in the purple smoke to help Jin-Wang, go to the bedroom.
     When he arrived at the front of the bedroom, Zhou-Mama smiled and stopped Fu Cheng. "Now, the Fufu waits to rest, there is Wangfei to serve the Highness, don't worry."
     Zhou-Mama smiled meaningfully. "In this case, Fu is not suitable for serving under His Royal Highness."
     As he said, the purple smoke came out from the inside, closed the door, and sang with Zhou-Mama and took Fucheng to eat tea.
     There are only Jin-Wang and Jin-Wangfei in the bedroom, one lying in bed and the other standing in front of the bed.
     After a while, Jin-Wangfei took the hand under the sleeve and bent halfway to reach out to solve the Jin-Wang clothes. I know that the slender fingers just touched the other's clothes, and the hand was caught.
     Look at the person who caught her, it is Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang has a clear eye, and there is still a drunkenness.
     Jin-Wangfei face suddenly became pale, and she slammed her mouth and strongly held up a smile: "Your Highness must be hot too, and serve you to change clothes."
     Jin-Wang looked at her coldly, and her eyes floated a little.
     Jin-Wangfei didn't see it, and went down to solve his clothes, but he was thrown away by Jin-Wang.
     "You are planning to not even have a face? I really didn't expect that Xu Yanru, who has always been arrogant and feels that the world's men are filthy, will do this kind of thing!"
     Jin-Wang sat up on the couch.
     His hair was a little messy, falling from the corner and hanging a little on his cheek. Under the dim light, a few shadows are projected, and his face is dark and dangerous.
     His voice was clear and he was slightly magnetic. From the thin lips with good shape, the words and words that are revealed are like heavy stones.
     They are thrown in the face of Jin-Wangfei in an unstoppable manner, crushing everything into slag.
     Jin-Wangfei can no longer disguise, and the whole person trembles. She squinted her head halfway, her slender back like a bow that was pulled up, and she stood up straight.
     "Since the Highness is so disgusting, go back and ask." She is still restraining, this is the education brought by the bones, can not learn the hustle and bustle of the city village women.
     In fact, if you can choose, Jin-Wangfei can't wait to rush to tear up Jin-Wang.
     Unfortunately, she can't.
     Jin-Wang snorted. "What? You asked Benwang to come, but now I have changed another face?"
     "What do you want?" Jin-Wangfei slammed his hand and stared at each other with a threatening look. It is a pity that it is guilty and guilty.
     Jin-Wang laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of sarcasm and disdain, with a layer of cold resentment.
     Shou, he stood up and glared at Jin-Wangfei standing in front of him: "Ask Benwang, what do you want? What should you think? Is Xu Duke urging you to give Benwang a son, so you will learn The means of the scorpion in the hall is also welcoming and welcoming the benwang wine. You Xu Yanru is not pure and innocent, do not want benwang to touch you? Benwang will not touch you, let you be alone! How is it now? A hunger and thirst, I can't wait to open my thighs and let Ben Wang be fortunate."
     Jin-Wang's words are mean and vicious, such Jin-Wang is extremely rare, and seems to have a deep hatred with Jin-Wangfei. And he also couldn't seem to see Jin-Wangfei fragile wandering and fragility, and added a heavy hammer.
     "Unfortunately, Benwang is disgusting."
     This sound is light and careless, but it is like the sharpest sword, slamming on the heart of Jin-Wangfei, bloody.
     This is probably the most embarrassing moment in Jin-Wangfei life.
     What decent and dignity have been destroyed.
     In fact, there was another time, but when she just married Jin-Wang, she was still in Capital City.
     Just Jin-Wangfei is not willing to recall everything, because with the arrival of Jinju, that distant memory has become another world thing for her.
     She became calm and comfortable, no longer tangled in the past, in fact, some things are not as difficult as I imagined, just need time to pass away, enough to forget all the unforgettable.
     But Jin-Wang's words are undoubtedly like a barbed sword, cruelly tearing open the wound that has been buried in her heart for a long time.
     The flesh and blood fluttered, the pain did not want to live, all kinds of emotions entangled in the heart of Jin-Wangfei, grew into a towering tree, let her go crazy.
     "You roll! Roll!"
     Her eyes were red, her face was white and scary, and the whole face was distorted, but the voice was restrained. She despised Jin-Wang, with a fierce end of the dead end.
     Seeing such a Jin-Wangfei, Jin-Wang eyes are full of pity.
     Xu Yanru in his memory is not like this. He is proud of being like a phoenix. He is disdainful to anyone, even if he is facing Prince who is high above.
     It is undeniable that it was also Jin-Wang of Prince. When he learned that Xu Huiru would be his own Wangfei, he had some happiness in his heart.
     Not only because of the power behind her, but also because of her.
     Xu Huiru is the most famous talented woman in Capital City. It is the flower of Gaoling.
     There are many young talents in Capital City who want to marry her. Even some of his unmarried brothers are also interested in her. But this beautiful flower is its own. At that time, the young Jin-Wang still had some arrogance among teenagers.
     When others are not available, but they are owned by themselves, they are exceptionally different.
     But when he really brought people back, Jin-Wang discovered that something was not as good as he thought.
     On the wedding night, she didn't want to let him touch, and his eyes were full of disgust and disgust.
     He thought she was afraid, didn't want to force her, and he also had some psychological obstacles, and wanted to give each other a slowly accepted time.
     One thing that can happen afterwards is to completely change Jin-Wang to Jin-Wangfei.
     Not only is it changed, he is even disgusting and hateful.
     He will never forget the picture he saw that day, two female bodies like a locust are intertwined...
     A rush of rushing into the throat, Jin-Wang pulled out a white pan from the sleeve and covered his thin lips. Jin-Wangfei seems to have completely misunderstood the meaning. She thought that Jin-Wang was deliberately trying to stimulate her.
     Because Jin-Wang only said that she was disgusting.
     She is disgusting, she is disgusting...
     She took her own insults!
     She should not move this kind of mind!
     "You roll, get out!" Jin-Wangfei at this time can no longer restrain himself, crying hysterically.
     The movement in the room seemed to be heard by outsiders.
     There was a rush of knocking on the door and a low-pitched voice of purple smoke and Zhou-Mama, but no one would pay attention to them.
     Jin-Wang looked at the wandering woman in front of her, feeling a bit stunned and losing her interest in continuing to retaliate.
     His face was cold, and he hangs another layer of ice cold, and his voice is cold and slag: "Xu Yanru, Benwang, finally tell you once, be your Jin-Wangfei, don't try to challenge Benwang's patience. You Those things that are done, enough benwang to scrap you a few times!"
     Dropping this sentence, Jin-Wang left, leaving Jin-Wangfei to slip into the ground and silently shed tears.
     There was a big mess outside the door, and Zhou-Mama hurried in.
     "Niang-Niang, what's wrong? What's wrong with this?"
     The purple smoke came in behind her. When she heard this, she interrupted: "-Mama, or help Niang-Niang first, what will happen later."
     Zhou-Mama nodded again and again, and together with her, Jin-Wangfei, who fell to the ground, was on the couch.
     Jin-Wang's footsteps are very urgent, almost a wind.
     The top of the moon is high and windy, but it doesn't make people feel cool.
     Fu Cheng followed his back in breathlessness.
     Suddenly, Jin-Wang stopped, and Fu Cheng almost didn't hit his back.
     Jin-Wang went slowly and slowly, and his footsteps were not ill, Fu Cheng sighed low and slowed his footsteps to follow him.
     Between the light and the shadow, Jin-Wang's face is also faint and faint. He feels the fire in his body, and the blue veins on his forehead jumps.
     Fu Cheng finally realized that Jin-Wang was wrong. He called out with concern: "His Royal Highness?"
     Jin-Wang did not care for him.
     The slower the footsteps, the thinning of sweat on his forehead.
     The two soon arrived at Zhaohuitang.
     Seeing that His Royal Highness is back, there are several small eunuchs from the inside.
     Fu Cheng’s voice is rushing: “False people to prepare water.”
     After that, I hurriedly followed Jin-Wang and entered the back room.
     The pool of white marble is about two feet square, and the four corners are built with bronze beasts. At this time, from the mouth of the beast, spit out the water.
     The water is cold and cold.
     The people in the pool are like a fire, burning.
     This is a body that is like a white marble, which is slender and straight, with firm body lines and distinct texture.
     The man has a long hair like ink. At this time, he is cluttered behind him, his narrow eyes are closed, and his face is full of red tides.
     Fu Chengyu is next to the pool: "Your Highness, you can be better. If you don't want to call Liu Liang doctor?"
     Jin-Wang has a low eyebrow and does not answer him.
     The blunt pain, it seems to be exploding, Jin-Wang is no stranger to this feeling. Seriously, this wave will surge up from time to time, and it will be overbearing in peacetime.
     The night of the full moon is very difficult.
     In particular, the monk would have an aphrodisiac for him.
     There should be no problem in the wine, is it incense?
     Jin-Wang has always been cautious, but he never imagined that Xu Yanru would use the same method to achieve his goal.
     When Jincai was thinking about the Courtyard, Jin-Wang found it wrong.
     He has been accustomed to the smell of this poison since he played this poison more than a year ago, but this time it is totally different. Thinking about the appearance of Zhou Pozi before, what else does Jin-Wang still understand?
     He leaned on the edge of the pool and lowered the temperature of the body by the cool texture of the pool. It’s a pity that there is no use at all. In his mind, he began to involuntarily appear a picture...
     All are related to women.
     Whether or not he is disgusted in his heart, these things are mandatory, and they are constantly playing back in his mind.
     Jin-Wang gasped fiercely. He felt that his internal organs were vomiting. He couldn’t hold it down, but he couldn’t spit it out. He could only retching.
     He suddenly felt that he was not enough to start, and the East Palace was damned.
     Huang Taisun, Xu Yanru, Yong Wangfei...
     "His Royal Highness, if you don't get the old slave to find Su-Milkmaid?" See Jin-Wang, the situation is so serious, Fu Cheng disease rushed to the doctor.
     Jin-Wang's ears move, and the mind begins to stage a picture related to the little milk niang, the two holdings of the twinkling, the sleek red cherry...
     Yao-Niang took a break early.
     Now she doesn't have to spend the night, getting up early every day and sleeping early.
     There was some heat in the room. In the confusion, she felt that she was sweating. She climbed up from the couch and scrubbed it with water after the screen.
     The coldness of the cold water made her feel very comfortable, and she returned to the couch again.
     On the couch, there was a bamboo pole, and she only slept in the place where she had been very hot. Yao-Niang simply changed position and it was much more comfortable. She put her face on the bamboo pole, and her eyes have always been like awkwardness from beginning to end.
     She woke up, but her consciousness was not clear.
     I fell asleep again, and inexplicably felt that someone was watching myself.
     Who is watching himself? Yao-Niang thinks. She is in her own room, no one will see herself, so she is dreaming.
     In the dim, some people stand in the shadows of the moonlight, and only a pair of red eyes are conspicuous.
     Jin-Wang swelled in the blood of the person on the couch, and the thin and docile cloth made the body curve underneath.
     The waist is tightened and the hips are lifted.
     He was the first time he saw a woman sleeping at home, and she was able to sleep like this. Undoubtedly this picture makes him feel beautiful, but he doesn't feel like nausea...
     He involuntarily stepped forward and hugged the round...
     Yao-Niang woke up completely, and she wouldn't wake up until she finished.
     After waking up, I felt that I was tightly held by a man. It was a man, his body was hot, hard and hard, and he couldn’t push it.
     Yao-Niang was so scared that he wanted to call someone.
     But she was really too tight, and it was such a posture, she was very difficult to open her mouth. It seemed that I felt that I was awake.
     The man stretched out a finger and touched her mouth. When she just wanted to open her mouth, she was pressed by the other's finger.
     Yao-Niang was frightened and frightened. How could she not think that there would be such a daring thief in the palace, but she also broke into her milk niang room.
     What should she do? If she knew that it was, she would not be as good as Jin-Wang.
     Thinking of Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang suddenly felt that something was wrong. Because the person who pressed her is simply pressed, and there is no other action. Smell the familiar taste of the tip of the nose, and appreciate the familiar fit. Yao-Niang trembled, and subconsciously said: "His Royal Highness?"
     The sound is squeezed out of the eyes of the blind, very small, sound like a mosquito.
     It is easy to penetrate into the other's ears, after all, the two are so close. Almost the body is close to the body, and the other's face is behind the head of Yao-Niang.
     The other party snorted ambiguously, only this sound Yao-Niang heard it, really Jin-Wang.
     Just how did he come to her room, how did he come in? Why is he like this? After that time, he still thieves are not dead, have been staring at themselves?
     I know that this person is Jin-Wang, and Yao-Niang is not so scared, though I am confused.
     She can't say what it feels. It seems that as long as it is Jin-Wang, she seems to be afraid even if she is in a dangerous situation.
     "His Royal Highness, can you come down? We can't do this..."
     "No." A hoarse male voice interrupted her decisively.
     Yao-Niang is still scared. She is not afraid that Jin-Wang is pressing herself, but she is afraid that if Jin-Wang can't restrain herself from doing something for her, she still has to go the old way.
     She doesn't want to be Jin-Wang's jealousy, she still wants to go home...
     "Benwang is very uncomfortable, don't move..."
     Uncomfortable? Yao-Niang refused to think about the other, and she finally realized her situation the other party was very hot, and there was one more hot, which was on her lap...
     Even if the room is very dark, Yao-Niang knows that his face must be very red.
     The feeling was a bang, and it was blown into pieces of a land.
     What does he want to do? What will he do? How could he suddenly be like this...

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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