Married Di Daughter 225-229

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »   Chapter 225

Note:  Version 1 where noted, names may differ

   In November, Yanjing City made its first snowfall.
   The snow is not big, but the weather is very cold. I heard that the mountains on the east side were covered by snow and the hunters did not dare to go to the mountains. There are also other people who don't hesitate to venture into the mountains for their livelihoods. For nothing else, the lady who sold a white wolfkin to the wealthy family in this season can earn hundreds of silver.
   What people can do for their livelihood is what they can do.
   The palace walls on the outside of the palace are covered with white snow. Although it is not as thick as it was in the winter, it is also beginning to appear. The young eunuchs and the little palace ladies who just entered the door are still very strange. When the snow is being plucked in the yard, they can't help but step on their feet. Sometimes there is no rest, a snowball team is thrown and throwing each other is playing. Quite interesting.
   Older people do not have such a good interest. In winter, people always feel particularly easy, as if everything had lost hope. Looking at these new maidens, she just shook her head and sighed. There are no coming days, people enter the palace every year, and people die every year. Do not see this pure white snow, buried under the land how many unnamed bones. Looking at the magnificent palace, but in reality it is dangerous, for them, about the biggest blessing is to spend a few years in peace, to the smooth release of the palace to the year, get married and have a stable life.
   The voice of the Buddhist scriptures in the Cining Palace has not been frequent in the past. It was just too cold. The Empress Laotai sat in the temple and copied the scriptures for a while. Then she stiffened her hands and feet. The maiden quickly took her stove to pick her up.
   "It's getting old." The queen sighed and said:
   "It's always cold in my hands."
   "Xu is too cold in the temple," Mei Xiang replied:
   "Servant and other people will add a few dragons."
   Her Majesty smiled and did not speak. She just frowned and pressed her heart. Mei Xiang said, “Do you want to take a rest afterwards?”
   "Good," answered the Empress Laotai. Mei Xiangyi replied the Empress Laotai to the temple, and then he walked to the entrance to the temple. Afterwards, the Empress Laotai suddenly said:
   "Mei Xiang, you are guarding the door. Do not let others come in."
   Mei Xiang did not ask why. She just nodded and withdrew. It was only afterwards that the Empress Laotai looked inside.
   On the edge of her bed, she was sitting alone. The man was holding both hands behind her. The legs were curled up on the chair. She used to be delicate and expensive. She was sleeping on the bed and the mattress was the softest. The man sat down and put the bed. It's funny to sit in the sun for most of the time.
   "You don't want to die? You dare to come here," said Her Majesty calmly, trying to cover up the turbulence in her eyes.
   It was a middle-aged man, with a handsome and resolute appearance. He also took a few unconventional and unconventional Yancheng stories. He also heard that he only smiled and disapproved. He said:
   “Luo Jia, long time no see.”
   The Empress Laotai body quivered gently. “Luojia” was her infamy. So many years have passed. When Emperor Xiandi was alive, she never called her like this. It was the man in front of him, whether she was Miss Lin, or It was Crown Price, or the queen, and even became the queen of today. When he called her, she would always be called "Jiaojia."
   This man is acclaimed.
   The prince of Xiajun, the brother of Xiandi, the famous Zhaode general, so broke into the temple of the Empress Laotai and called for such closeness.
   The tranquil look of the Empress Laotai for so many years, there is a crack in this, she even showed some nervousness.
   "Don't worry," said Yin Chamdao. "When I came to see the emperor, when I came to you, no one found out. You have to believe in me. You are still so cautious."
   Aftermath said coldly:
   "After all, a few decades ago, I had already suffered a great misfortune."
   Absolute silence for a while, only said:
   "That has passed."
   “It was not for me,” said the Empress Laotai. “I’ve eaten so many years at the Buddha in order to make up for my sins.”
   "Oh?" said Anchao with a smile:
   "I thought you were praying for me and prayed that I was safe."
   In his words, he said that he was very contemptuous and asked the Empress Laotai to screw her brows. She said, "I don't understand. What are you coming back to do?"
   "Jiao Jia," Yin Cham put a smile. "You are always reluctant to tell the truth. The purpose of my return is not the same as your purpose for so many years."
   The Empress Laotai said:
   "I have no purpose."
   "You should have seen Lee." Yin Cham interrupted her. "He looks like you."
   Her mother's body suddenly shuddered and she calmed from the beginning to the present. At this moment, she suddenly collapsed.
   "Lee and Li, he is—"
   "He is your child." Said the gentle, "I have taught him to teach well for so many years. He is excellent, and he has a soft heart. This is unfavorable," he said. Look, "This is an obstacle to what he will do in the future."
   "You told me what to do about it," sneered too. "Even if he is my— I can't see light. Now that you've married your wife again, you'll have peace of mind for your life."
   "It turned out that you were angry with me because of this incident." Instead, Zhao Zhan laughed like a surprise. If his demeanor falls on the Yin family, Madam Yin's Yan Ze is only afraid to be surprised. He is determined to be rugged, aggressive, but with no tenderness. It was because he used all his tenderness in the person before him.
   “When the first emperor took precautions against me, I had to marry, not only for me, but also for you, for the benefit of Lebanon.” Yin Chamdao said:
   “After that, the emperor dismissed concerns. I did not touch her anymore. "He stared at the eyes of Empress." I never had anyone in my heart."
   The Empress Laotai turned and tried to avoid his gaze, but she turned into a bronze mirror next to her. The woman in the bronze mirror is no longer the appearance of her tenderness and beauty. Many years have passed. Her face is getting old and her hair grows even a few white hair. She is no longer young. Years have never mercilessly devastated the beauty. Among these, women are crueler than men. It is more mature and charming than ever before. Standing beside him, anyone will not feel that they deserve it.
   The palace finally turned her into a strange appearance.
   "I don't want to hear this," said the Empress Laotai. "If you come to reconcile the old, please go out. I've said very clearly that year, and I will not see you again in this life. It seems that you have not taken my words to heart."
   “When the situation was forced by the situation, I planned for twenty years, and it was for the present.” Yin Cham said:
   “Jiu Jia, even if it is the present, you still have me in my heart, is not it? Even if you are willing to me, you can not bear to Li You haven't met him for so many years. He always thought that his biological mother died long ago if I told him his identity—"
   "No!" The Empress Laotai quickly interrupted him. "Don't tell him."
   "You know this is impossible, Roujia." Yin Chamdao said, "He should learn to accept his own destiny. He should also recognize with his biological mother. Don't you want him to call you soon? He is very kind. He is very kind. He Will not hate anyone, he does not feel sorry for you."
   The queen's shoulders rose up.
   She stayed in the palace for so many years and she seemed to have no dispute with the world, but she could firmly keep the position of Empress Laotai. To be precise, when the emperor was at the time, she had always taken the position of the emperor very calmly and everything was done. Impeccable.
   The Empress Laotai is Miss Lin Jia. When she was young, she was the eldest daughter of Fengcheng Bo. The name of Wen Yinxian is well known. At the age of sixteen, the emperor at that time directed the Prince and became Crown Price.
   Once deep into the palace, it was like the sea. From then on, Sao Lang was a passerby. In the heart of the Empress Laotai, there is also a Sao Lang. This Sao Lang is none other than the brother of the half-brother and Prince Xiajun.
   When Lin Roujia went up to the temple to pray on the mountain one day, he met a monk. Just at that time, he was close to him, and he saved Lin Roujia life. Lin Roujia was grateful for dressing the wounded. Two young people gave birth to special emotions. She is tempted by the bravery of bravery, and her awe-inspiring love of her tenderness and gentleness. When Feng Chengbo thought that his daughter’s attack was not well-publicized, he did not have a voice. The Lin family who were present at the time also dealt with them all. No one knows what happened in the past. In the eyes of others, Lin Rujia and Yin Cham are still two people who are irrelevant.
   However, the growth of emotions does not require any environment. Like it or like it, sometimes a glorious glance, long and long, will cause great obsession. Yin Cham originally intended to let Linjia propose marriage, but before she had time, the news of marriage in the palace came.
   Lin Roujia became Crown Price.
   Life is about the same, there will always be such unsatisfactory. Lin Rujia thought, perhaps, that it was an obsession that she could not be successful in this life. She decided to let go of this young acacia and do a good job of Crown Price.
   She did well, the emperor died, the Prince became a new emperor, she became a queen, and even gave birth to the young Prince.
   It was the happiest time after Lin Ruojia entered the palace. Feng Chengbo was very satisfied with Master Lin's arrival in the palace every three to five years to accompany his daughter. Lin Jiarong was proud of Lin Rujia. Her brothers and sisters were given shade, and the emperor, the emperor, because of the reason that he had first obtained the crown prince, was very concerned about this eldest son. On most days, he went to Ci Ning Palace and turned around. This was the surprise for Lin Ruojia.
   The emperor's Three Houses and Six Houses are seventy-two years old. It is impossible to favor only one woman. In particular, being a queen must be wise and generous. But in Lin's heart, she was always a little woman. She could not stand to be left out. Therefore, the concern brought by her son was particularly useful to her.
   Then there were other princes in the palace. Liu Shuzheng gave birth to 2nd Princes and Xia Guirong gave birth to 3rd Princes and new beauty. The emperor favored Liu Shuzheng and appreciated Xia Guizhen. It was also very good for the 2nd Princes and the 3rd Princes. Fortunately, the emperor was taught by the emperor to grow up. The emperor's favorite one is Crown Price.
   After Xia Guiluo gave birth to the 3rd Princes, he soon died and the emperor raised the 3rd Princes under the empress. Lin Ruojia treats the 3rd Princes with anger, but in reality, she is disliked. She is afraid that the child will give birth to something he should not have thought of, and he wants to compete for things with the Prince, so he cannot help but beware everywhere. After all, the Prince was the last thought of Lin Roujia.
   But God took the last thought from Lin Ruojia.
   Prince died at the age of five.
   Lin Ruojia was almost mad. She was on the verge of madness. She was determined to be a good thing for the 3rd Princes. Otherwise, the 2nd Princes would play together in the imperial Courtyard. What happened to Crown Price?
   The emperor comforted her. Lin Rouja wished that the 3rd Princes would die immediately. Then the imperial doctor came and examined the corpses. In addition to the testimony of the imperial concubine, the Prince was congenitally deficient and died of sudden illness. The 3rd Princes are innocent.
   Lin Ruojia is on the brink of collapse. She knows so many people, the imperial doctor will not lie, but this is not the answer she wants. If it weren’t for the 3rd Princes, she wouldn’t have the hateful object she could hold. She would die.
   After Crown Price death, the emperor was very considerate of Lin Roujia. She was obedient to her. However, the patience of the emperor was limited. Lin Mo Jiacheng became gloomy and in the past, the emperor did not like to come to Kuning Palace. The struggle in the palace is most cruel. If you take a step back, you may fall into the abyss. For example, the stepmother of the 2nd prince, Liu Shuyi, was just around the corner.
   If Li Er’s prince is Crown Price, Liu Shuzheng is the stepmother of Crown Price and it will be sooner or later to replace this queen with himself. The Queen was a little flustered. Fengcheng Bo told her not to be afraid. She also had a 3rd Prince. The 3rd Princes are like Xia Guiyu who is dead like a dead man. In any case, a Prince has been lost and it is impossible to lose even the Queen's position.
   Lin Ruojia was enlightened by what he said in his speech. Determined to hold your position, does not make people have a chance. She re-started the moderate princely and raised him as if in a motherly motherhood. The 3rd Princes also really lived up to her expectations and became fierce, and a "mother," seemed very affectionate. It is almost impossible to forget that a few years ago, because of the death of the Prince, the Queen wanted to make him look like he was dead.
   Sometimes Lin Roujia looked at her and Crown Price mother's filial piety. In her heart, she silently mocked her. She only felt that she was just two people. She more and more misses her own dead son, but also heartless to the emperor's ruthlessness.
   At this time, the conquest of triumph appeared.
   Since Lin Rujia became Crown Price, Yin Cham left Yanjing and went to the border. Lin Roujia can only learn about his news from the palace success. But for a long time, she was busy with infighting and compromising and she had to make great changes in her life and she left all these things behind her head. Yin Cham seems to be an illusion that is far away from her and far away. When Lin Ruojia learned that he wanted to come back, he was calm. He thought that after many years, when he was good-bye, he was only about two strangers. Only.
   She did not know whether she had overestimated her determination or underestimated her own sensibility. When she met her with an awkward moment, she suddenly realized that she had not consumed her feelings for the acme of Zambia in the past few thousand days and nights. It is still her appearance in memory, even more fascinating than in the past. It is only that she now has a wife. She knows that the lady in the house is as gentle and good as she used to be. Looking at myself again, Lin Roujia feels that he is completely beyond recognition and can hardly deal with him.
   But she could break into her palace.
   He braved the risk of being found to lose his head, desperate, just like when he first saw him, in order to protect the strange Miss who meet in peace, at the time of injury, bravely, broke into her shrine, and broke into her long-drying heart.
   Yin Cham knew that she could not be reconciled to everything, knew her pain, knew her anger. He used a strong and surging gesture to smooth out the pain and emptiness of her for these years. Feelings out of control, like a Mars will be extinguished, suddenly got firewood, burned dazzling, burning a huge fire.
   No one of them can stop the fire from getting even bigger. Even if they know that the final result is unrelenting, it seems like a tightrope, sinking in danger, but no one wants to stop. It seems worth it to die like this.
   Yin Cham told her that his wife was only because of the name of his parents in the family and he had no feelings. In his heart, after his lifetime, he will only fall in love with a woman, Lin Youjia.
   Lin Roujia was a woman. She pretended to be dignified and virtuous for so many years, or for a man who did not love. At this moment, in front of him, she suddenly felt loved. She was so mad that she didn't care. She even had a son for Yinzhan.
   This son, Yin Cham gave him an identity of the Yin family, and even the lady who had died dying was also the victim of this secret.
   She betrayed her husband and he betrayed his best brother. The two achieved the ultimate joy in their friendship, but pleasure is not eternal.
   In the end, the emperor heard some winds. However, they concealed so good that they could not find any evidence. The emperor sent an order to let Yin Cham go to the clouds.
   When Zhan Zhan went away, he was very smart. He even married a string before he left, and soon after that, the string continued to be pregnant. When he was gone, he was in a hurry and he did not leave Lin Roujia with a word. Lin Ruojia hated it for many years. She thought she was thrown away again, but still can not be reconciled.
   Until the Prince became enthroned and became Emperor Hong Saodi, she became the Empress Laotai, and even daily she hid in the Cining Palace and copied the scriptures. She copied for many years and made her irritated, but when this man and her entangled half-life man ventured into her palace, she sadly discovered that her emotions would still ups and downs for him. The Buddhist scriptures were not used at all. She easily provoked him crazy emotions and was incurable.
   "You have confused me, and I am impressed." She whispered. This sentence, without a gesture of swaying, softens down, just like Lin Ruojia many years ago. She said:
   "What I want to do is naturally done by myself. You come in like this and I don't understand."
   "When I left, I was in a hurry. The emperor ordered his eyeliner up and down the palace. If I bid farewell to you, I will be discovered. I don't want to burden you, Roujia." His gentle way:
   "For so many years, you have suffered."
   Lin Ruojia tears were almost falling. She said, “Don't worry. I'm not suffering. I'm tired.”
   The palace was silent for a while. He said:
   "I think I won't say goodbye to you last time. You may have memorized me. So before leaving now, I must say goodbye to you."
   “Farewell?” The Empress Laotai turned her head and stared at her. Her voice changed. “Where are you going?”
   "I'm going to do one thing, Roujia," Yin Cham stood up and walked to the side of Her Majesty. The Empress Laotai took a step back with no trace, but he held his shoulders down. He looked down at each other and was lining up behind him. Extraordinarily petite. He continued:
   “There was a lot of things in the past and I didn’t handle them cleanly. If you don’t deal with these problems, you and I will be very sad. I’m your man, it’s Li father, these things, It should be done by me."
   The Empress heard a few clues from his words, and she became nervous and nervous. She could no longer be reserved and asked, "What are you doing?"
   "Look," he said, looking at Empress's reaction. She smiled gratifiedly. "You really care about me."
   “The son of Jixiong, now Su Guogong, you saw it.” Yin Cham said:
   “He came to me.”
   Her mother's body suddenly trembled violently for more than 20 years. Over 20 years later, she still felt scared when she heard the name.
   "The person of Ji Duo—" she said:
   "I don't understand. In these years, I wanted to kill him, but," she shook her head. "I can't kill him."
   Even if she is a supernatural power, she is only a woman in a palace. Ji Ji is not an ordinary person and it is not easy to kill him. At least the Queen tried for many years and never succeeded.
   "I didn't really want to kill him," Yin said:
   "But he already knew that his purpose was to kill me. If he didn't kill him, he would hurt Li. Roujia, I can't let this happen. The son of Ji Xiesheng is not like Ji Xiong's brother at all. Ji Xiong is bright and upright and honest and forthright. His son is unscrupulous and has a deep feeling. It is like his mother.”
   The queen's body couldn't help but tremble.
   Yan Hongye, this name, has long been her nightmare. She will not deliberately think of this person, but this person will always come to her mind.
   Her intelligence, her jealousy, her courage, her anger and despair, her curse and her incredible.
   The queen suddenly closed her eyes.
   “Jiao Jia, don’t be afraid. I’m coming back to solve this problem. Ji Ji already planned this thing. From a long time ago, he supported him to become a prince, just to force me back. It’s me. If he does not show up, he will also start from you.” Yin Chamdao:
   “We have no other choice, Ruoya, are you not afraid?”
   He stared at the Empress Laotai.
   On the back of the room, there was a smile on the way. The smile was a little scornful, with a bit of sarcasm, and finally got some shadows from the Empress Laotai. She said:
   “From birth to the present, I have never had any other choice. You asked me. The harm is not afraid. I understood it many years ago. Are you afraid of being useful? You go.” She looked down. “I knew that there would be such a day. Go and kill all of them. The world is yours, I It's yours. If you die, I'll die with you."
   Anger smiled and said:
   "I will not die."
   The Empress Laotai looked at his face and said:
   "Remember what you said."
   Anzhan kissed the Empress Laotai. She stood stiff and waited until her ambition went away. Mei Xiang pushed the door in and saw the queen lingered softly on the chair and looked pale.
   "Taihou Empress." Mei Xiang quickly came to help her, but not to the Empress Laotai side, the Empress Laotai waved her hand, so that she should not be close.
   She grabbed her own heart, and her heart beat quickly.
   She answered that Zhao Zhan is not afraid. How can he be afraid? They are like stubborn mice, dark, despicable, waiting for the opportunity to move. Many years ago, that intoxicating pleasure buried a scourge. This scourge was silent for many years. Now it is time for an explosion.
   No one knows what the result will be.
   Yin Cham left Cining Palace. He walked around for some time. He did not find that when he entered the palace today, he saw the emperor. In fact, he came to see Lin Ruojia. However, he cannot be fair and right now. He cannot cause trouble for Lin Roujia.
   As he circumnavigated the palace corridor to go outside the palace, he met a man on his way to just stop his way.
   This man was dressed in red, embroidered with black butterflies on the edge of the red, silver boots with black boots, and extravagance. He held a folding fan, and in the winter, he did not leave his hand and his eyes were full of spirits, and he stared at Zhan with a smile, saying:
   "Summer prince."
   "Shu Guogong." Yin Cham stopped.
   He looked at Ji Ji, who was a beautiful man who was famous in North Yan, and Ji mother was a beautiful and beautiful woman in the world. Now it seems that Ji Ji is not only x-ually subtle, but also has five facial features. He also inherited the bright and colorful eyes. There is not much to inherit from Ji Yuhan.
   He said:
   "You and your father are really different."
   "But I'm like my mother," smiled Ji Ji. "Yin Lili and his mother are not very similar."
   Yin Cham laughed. "The looks of a person are not as clear as they are."
   “The prince of Xiajun said,” said Jifay’s fluttering road. “The prince of Xiajun knows so much about his father -Mama -Mama. No wonder then that he was a friend.”
   The awkwardness is a bit complicated. He and Ji Yihan are indeed brothers and sisters of the liver and gallbladder. They once sympathized with each other. When they met someone in the brothel, they encountered trouble. Because of the knowledge of Ji Yihan, Yin Cham also helped. Solve a few times around. He and his parents are indeed friends, and they are still true friends. If it wasn't afterwards, Ji Ji should have called him an uncle. He should have called Ji Ji into the world.
   Instead of now, Ji Ji spoke to him in a contemptuous, equal, or even disrespectful tone. Ji Hun was condescending and he had mixed feelings.
   "This is indeed the case," said Anchao with a smile. "If your parents are still alive, it will be very gratifying to see what you are like now."
   "Not everyone has the good fortune of Shiwangzi." Ji Ji smiled.
   As soon as his face changed, the appearance of Yin Lili mother had already passed away, but Ji had to say this— He really knew it.
   Although my heart was ready, I couldn't help but feel guilty when I heard him say it.
   "General Zhaode doesn't need to be nervous." Ji Ji looked at him with an embarrassing tone and said lightly. "It's okay to pay back the debt, pay your debts, and do justice to murder. If you are anyone, one can't run away. Isn't it?"
   His tail blew through the air, and his smile was cruel and cool.
   ------Digression ------
   The 2nd Prince were green and terrible

     Chapter 226 :  Pain      

     Ji-Heng left on his own, leaving Yin Zhan to stand alone. The usual bright smile on his face had disappeared, all that remained was gloom.
     He could hear the murderous horror in Ji-Heng's words, with impatient joy. He suddenly felt a little nervous, not enough time for the nervous, he turned around and left quickly.
     Ji-Heng entered the palace, crossed the promenade, and walked through the main hall. Su Gonggong introduced him to the emperor's imperial study room and retreated outside the door.
     Ji-Heng walked in, and the young emperor sits at the table, which was a thick memorial.
     "Your Majesty," he opened the door to see, "the time has come."
     Emperor Hong Xiao looked up from the memorial and looked at Ji-Heng.
     At first, others thought that Ji-Heng's loyalty to Hong Xiao di was not an excellent choice. While King Emperor was still alive, Emperor Hong Xiao’s power waned and he could be replaced at any time. After the incident of becoming king, many people found out that this emperor who had always been pessimistic about him was a real sleeping lion. Ji-Heng keenly picked the strongest person from the beginning.
     However, in the end, the relationship between such monarchs and ministers is not reliable, and there seems to be some suspicion of mutual use. Moreover, when Emperor Hong Xiao could doubt the rightist, how could he not guard against Ji-Heng?
     But Hong Xiao di himself knew it was not. There is a wonderful relationship between him and Ji-Heng, about being sympathetic to the disease, or being foe to the enemy. Ji-Heng is not only a bargaining chip to Emperor Hong Xiao , but also a reliable courtier. In some ways, Ji-Heng can also be regarded as a trusted friend in his lonely emperor career.
     Maybe this is because Ji-Heng told himself his intention from the beginning, or because Ji-Heng always kept his duty as a courtier. He seemed to act with impunity, but in fact grasped the distance so accurately that Hong Xiao di had no reason to doubt him.
     "You really decided?" Hong Xiao di asked, "I don't want you to take risks."
     "His Majesty, the minister has been planning this for many years. If it were not for the minister to do it, others may not succeed. By then, it would be a failure." Ji-Heng's expression remained unchanged. "
     Emperor Hong Xiao sighed.
     Yes, he knew a long time ago. It is not easy to come to this step. The complete defeat of Cheng Wang and the return of Zhan Zhan are all in their grasp. They carefully planned and came to the end, only to find that the time has passed so many years, and the years are like a shuttle.
     "Ji-Heng, you must come back safely." Emperor Hong Xiao said.
     "Yes," Ji-Heng smiled. "Whether it is for Her Majesty or Ji Family, Chen will ... kill him with his own hands."
     Su Gonggong stood at the door, as if nothing could be heard. His expression remained unchanged, but he sighed in his heart. It is said that before the man is noble, the latter is bound to suffer. The others only saw the proudness of His Majesty and Su Duke, who knows how hard they have been in these years.
     Just don't say it.
     Yin Zhan returned to Yin's house.
     It was still early when he returned from the palace, but everyone in the house thought he was not there, because he locked himself in the study as soon as he returned to the house. Until the night came, when Yin Zhan came out of the study, the people were still startled, Yin-Zhiqing said :  "Father, you are at home, I thought you were out."
     Yin-Zhiqing has also lost weight these days because of the marriage between Ji-Heng and Jiang-Li. However, in the end she was warm and hearty, and she had been trying to get out, at least not immersed in pain.
     Yin Zhan glanced at her. Yin-Zhiqing was startled by Yin Zhan's eyes. Yin Zhan's eyes were extremely cold, as if looking at a stranger. Although Yin-Zhiqing knew that Yin Zhan had always been the most painful brother, but she had never seen her with such eyes, she could not help but take a step back.
     At this time, Yin Zhili came over from the other side and just saw them, and said, "Father, Zhiqing."
     "Brother." Yin-Zhiqing was a little scared and hid behind Yin Zhili. Yin Zhili looked at Yin Zhan strangely. Although Yin Zhan was harsh on Yin Zhili on most days, most of the time, he smiled. Today, he has no smile on his face, which is almost terrible. Already. Yin Zhili also hesitated and heard Yin-Zhiqing whisper behind him :  "What wrong did you do to make your father angry?"
     Yin Zhili was confused, but he did nothing. At this time, Yin Zhan said to Yin Zhili :  "Zili, come with me."
     Yin Zhili had to follow up.
     Yin Zhan took Yin Zhili into his yard and went to the study. He even hurried all the manservants at the entrance of the study to the courtyard door, and told them to guard at the courtyard door. There were only two people, Yin Zhili and Yin Zhan, in the huge courtyard.
     People are accustomed to Yin Zhan saying no 2-temper, not even curious, obediently went to the yard gate to keep the door. However, Yin Zhili was puzzled. I didn't know how important Yin Zhan was to say to him in order to be so thorough.
     As soon as he entered, Yin Zhili asked, "Father, what happened?"
     Yin Zhan just looked at him and said nothing. Yin Zhili has never seen such complex eyes as Yin Zhan. He used to speak directly when he was willing to speak, and did not say what he did not want to say. Today, when he looked at Yin Zhili eyes, he was like a drowning man struggling hard, and he was frightened.
     Yin Zhili was a little disturbed, he asked again :  "Father?"
     After a long time, Yin Zhan said :  "Zi Li, there is one thing I must tell you. Your biological mother is still alive today."
     Yin Zhili eyes widened in surprise, and his words stuttered for a while. He said, "Why, how? Mother wasn't ..." He died when he was born. This is the fact that everyone told him.
     "She is not your biological mother," Yin Zhan Shen said. "Your biological mother is today's Empress Dowager."
     Yin Zhili stepped back, his face suddenly pale, he said :  "Father ... you ..."
     "You are the son of Empress Dowager and me, Li Li." Yin Zhan said.
     In just one sentence, all the causes and effects are instantly clear. You don't have to ask more, you don't have to doubt any more. The expression of Yin Zhan explains everything. After spending so many years with Yin Zhan, Yin Zhili already knew what Yin Zhan's expression was when he told the truth.
     This is the look now.
     "No, impossible ..." Reason knows it is true, but emotionally, Yin Zhili can't accept it. There was only one thought in his mind, he was a private boy! This disgusting charge will accompany him throughout his life!
     But Yin Zhan just looked at him, just like countless times in the past, he taught him, "You know I won't lie to you."
     Yin Zhili suddenly realized.
     It seemed that all of those things that I didn't understand before suddenly understood all of them. For example, his biological mother, why almost no one in the government mentioned her, and asked Yin Zhan, who didn't seem to care. He never voluntarily talked about Yin Zhili biological mother, but Yin Zhan didn't like much of the current Yin Fu-ren. He sometimes feels that there may be a cherished person in his father's heart, but that person has no clue, and now he understands that the person is now Empress Dowager.
     From Yunzhong to Yanjing, from King Cheng to Jiang's family, he didn't understand why Yin Zhan would do this, he would do that, and Yin Zhan never gave him a reason. Now that reason has emerged, so straightforward, but makes Yin Zhili unacceptable.
     "What do you want me to do?" Yin Zhili smirked, "I married Jiang because you have the wolf's ambition! I'm the son of Empress Dowager, so what? Because today's emperor is not Empress Dowager's biological son, Empress Dowager, so I still hope that I will inherit Datong. Do you want to seek to usurp the throne! How dare you do such a thing! I don't have such a mother! "
     A "snap" and a slap of Yin Zhan slammed heavily on Yin Zhili face.
     He groaned :  "I don't allow you to insult her!"
     Yin Zhili Hong retorted with an eye :  "Don't be afraid to say it!"
     "When I met her, she was still Lin-Young-Lady, and Our loved each other, and I was going to come to propose a marriage! The Lin family was greedy for vanity, and she was married to the emperor. When he got her, he Don’t cherish her life in the palace, it’s better to die. If I didn’t show up later, I’m afraid she would die in the palace. Yin Zhili, ”he named Yin Zhili with his surname, as if angry,“ I forced it She, your mother is innocent! She could not have given birth to you, at least that way, she doesn't have to have any handle or danger, but she gave birth to you because she couldn't bear it! You can hate me, you can't hate your mother She didn't say anything to you! Do you understand? "
     The tears of Yin Zhili could not help but shed. The man does not cry easily, but now he really doesn't know how to do it. He can't blame Empress Dowager, because Empress Dowager risked his life, and he can't blame Yin Zhan, because Yin Zhan has raised him for so many years and taught him carefully. Who can he blame? Who can he blame?
     There was a tragic cry in his throat.
     Yin Zhan couldn't bear looking at him. He knew that for Yin Zhili, it was tantamount to destruction. But he knew his son's temper, and he was too soft-hearted to say that he was kind and that he was indecision. Yin Zhili eats soft but not hard, so he can't harden his heart to Empress Dowager.
     Yin Zhan didn't care if Yin Zhili hated himself, he only worried that Yin Zhili would not recognize Lin Rongjia.
     "In your blood, there is royal blood." Yin Zhan said to him shortly and resolutely :  "Listen, next, I'm going to do one thing, this thing is dangerous, maybe I won't come back. If I can’t return, everything for the Yin family will be left to you, and Empress Dowager will be implicated, promise me, and protect your mother. "
     Yin Zhili cried and looked at Yin Zhan, what he realized, and said, "What do you want to do?"
     "It's time to end the grievances in the early years." Yin Zhan said :  "I'm not afraid to accept the results, I just can't let go of your mother and son."
     Yin Zhili shook her head :  "No, you don't do it."
     "There is no way back." Yin Zhan laughed suddenly, his smile was as bright as ever, but there was a paranoid madness in his eyes. He said, "From the time I met your mother, my fate was doomed. No one lives for her, just for her. Zhili, you are the same, your destiny is like this, I will remove the obstacles in front of you, but you must do the rest of the things yourself. You must not fail All the members of the Yin family, as well as my soldiers and horses, will be given to you in the future. "
     He said so solemnly, as if knowing that he would never return. Yin Zhili heart suddenly burst into deep sorrow. But he still shook his head and said, "Don't, no." I don't know if he is resisting the imposed fate or rejecting the unknown future that is not what he wants.
     But at the same time he also understood that many years ago, Yin Zhan began to make preparations. He taught himself how to martial arts, and taught himself how to govern people. Now it seems that this is a plan that has been started for a long time. Perhaps from the time he was born, even when he was in Empress Dowager's belly, Yin Zhan and Empress Dowager had already planned for him. In their eyes, the future is extremely brilliant-sitting on the world.
     "Are you lying to me, right? Father," Yin Zhili said blankly, looking imploringly to Yin Zhan. "I'm not Empress Dowager's son, but you just want me to do what you say, just to lie to me like this? "
     This gentle and beautiful and precious gongzi is the best in everyone eyes. How ever has there been such a humble time. However, Yin Zhan just hardened his heart and said, "I didn't lie to you. The year that Rou Jia was born, Liu Shu-Fae was framed. For self-evident innocence, he went to the wall of Hongshan Temple to think about Buddha, and was there to give birth. about you……"
     Speaking of the past, Yin Zhan seemed to have a picture of the past again. It was really a period of scary steps. To prevent the entire Hongshan Temple from leaking secrets, those trembling days have now passed. But the future seems to be approaching a dead end.
     This may be his fate, and he has no choice.
     Yin Zhili couldn't help shaking. He never had such a helpless time, Yin Zhan said :  "Zi Li, I don't care what you think now, but there is no time. I must tell you the next thing, you must listen ..."
     In the courtyard of Yin Zhan, no sound was heard. In the outside room, Yin-Zhiqing sits next to Yin Fu-ren and asked anxiously :  “Is Yin-Zhiqing in trouble, I just looked at Father’s face and it was really terrible.”
     "No." Yin Fu-ren consoled warmly. "You Father loved Lili since he really made a mistake, and he won't blame him too much."
     Yin-Zhiqing thought so, and felt that Yin Fu-ren said the same thing, so he felt relieved. This is true. Yin Zhan's love for Yin Zhili is obvious to all. They all say that his father has a deep ache for his daughter, especially Yin-Zhiqing is a young daughter, but Yin Zhan can tell the difference between Yin-Zhiqing and Yin Zhili.
     Fortunately, Yin-Zhiqing was used to it from an early age, and Yin Zhili was also very kind to her.
     "But they went in and said that they haven't come out for so long, it's really worrying." Yin-Zhiqing said, "Yin Zhili was sad for a while because of Jiang-2-Young-Lady, this It would be even worse if he was scolded by Father. "
     Yin Fu-ren looked at Yin-Zhiqing and sighed in his heart. They all said that Yin Zhili was sad because of Jiang-Li, but why Yin-Zhiqing? This fool, he has lost a lot of weight and thought about others. It's just like himself, with a beautiful and savvy face, but it's worse than anyone else. She could not help but feel sad.
     After a long, long time, Yin Zhan stepped out of the courtyard. When he came out, his eyes were indifferent and his face was somber that no one dared to come forward. Yin-Zhiqing and Yin Fu-ren did not dare to say anything. He walked out of the courtyard and directly out of the gate of Yin House. It was so late that he didn't know what to do.
     Yin-Zhiqing said to Yin Fu-ren :  "Mother, I'll see Yin Zhili."
     Yin Fu-ren nodded, and Yin-Zhiqing quickly ran to the courtyard of Yin Zhan. There was no one in the courtyard. When Yin-Zhiqing pushed open the door of the study, he did not see Yin Zhili shadow for the first time. She was still wondering why Yin Zhili disappeared as soon as she was about to go out to look in the yard. When she turned her head, her feet stopped.
     Yin Zhili hid behind the door.
     He really "hidden" behind the door, as if he was greatly frightened, and the whole person curled up into a ball, holding his own head. Yin-Zhiqing was startled and ran over, saying :  "Yin Zhili?"
     Yin Zhili looked up, and Yin-Zhiqing couldn't say anything when he wanted to exit.
     She remembered that she had never seen Yin Zhili cry. From childhood to large, Yin Zhili looked like a light and gentle wind, with a calm smile on her face at any time. Even if someone fell off the horse immediately after competing with others, he smiled and comforted his family. Although Yin-Zhiqing felt that Yin Zhili was sometimes too bullied and softened, he was proud of Yin Zhili in his bones. Now this fragile Yin Zhili appeared before him, and Yin-Zhiqing couldn't believe it for a moment.
     She wanted to touch each other, but for a while she didn't know how to start, she had to let go of her voice and asked, "What happened to you? What did your father say to you?"
     The numbness in Yin Zhili eyes surprised her.
     "Hey, Yin Zhili!" Yin-Zhiqing pushed him hard, "You don't scare me!"
     Yin Zhili slowly turned his eyes and looked at Yin-Zhiqing. At this time, he suddenly understood something. No wonder Yin Zhan married the continuation string. Before all kinds of love, after Yin-Zhiqing was born, he began to neglect Yin Fu-ren. The stranger seemed to change his person. In the past, Yin Zhili thought that it was because Yin Zhan was afraid of his heart, thinking that his stepmother and step sister would take away Yin Zhan's favor, so he deliberately did so. Yin Zhili also apologized for Yin Fu-ren's mother and daughter, but also naively thought that this was because his father loved himself enough and put himself first.
     Now think about it, it has become wishful thinking. The reason why Yin Zhan did this was to avoid people eyes and ears, and to marry Xu Xiansheng, just to make the emperor assured that people would not associate him with Lin Roujia. The mother and daughter of the Yin family are simply a pair of victims. Yin Zhili does not know whether to feel sad for the mother and daughter of the Yin family, or to feel sick for the selfish love of Yin Zhan and Lin Roujia.
     Yin-Zhiqing frowned, she really didn't like Yin Zhili look at her, as if she was pitiful. She asked, "What the hell are you doing? What trouble did Father call you like this?"
     She was also very puzzled in her mind that Yin Zhan taught Yin Zhili a bit harder, and Yin Zhili would not make this gesture. Yin Zhili retracted his eyes and stood up. He didn't know if he had been curled up for too long, or for some other reason. He seemed to be unable to exert any energy, almost fell down, or Yin-Zhiqing helped her. .
     After he stood still, he slowly turned his head and looked at Yin-Zhiqing, saying, "Zhiqing, you and your mother, go back to the clouds."
     "What?" Yin-Zhiqing paused, staring at him in disbelief and asking, "Why? What about you and your father? Are you back in the cloud together?"
     "Our may not be able to go back." Yin Zhili smiled at her, but Yin-Zhiqing felt that his smile was more ugly than crying.
     "You and your mother go back to the cloud, the sooner the better, the other things, I'll arrange." After saying this, he stumbled out, regardless of the questioning of Yin-Zhiqing behind.
     In the night of Duke House, in the winter, the flowers are still in bloom, but there is no warmth because of the blooming flowers, but there is a secret whistle.
     At the flowerbed, someone stood with his hands on his shoulders. He stood by a tree, which was still a small tree, and had not yet grown up, and welcomed its winter day. It stood here with a straight back and a somewhat stubborn look, and another person emerged from Ji-Heng's mind.
     He ticked the corner of his mouth and smiled.
     "The flowers are blooming again," Situ said in his side.
     In September, Situ wore a black suit, her body, her hair, and her wrists adorned with bells. She had always been cold, but she looked strange tonight.
     "When I was away, they took care of you," Ji-Heng said.
     "Of course." Situ answered in September. "I will take good care of them. If you can't come back, these flowers will be mine."
     "Situ, what you said is awful." Wen Renyao was dissatisfied. "It's really not Auspicious! Well, there are no contraindications."
     Tonight's Duke House seems a bit more lively than in the past. Lu Yan and Kong Liu are also on the side, but they are not as busy as they used to be, and their expressions are dignified, as if something is going to happen.
     Xiao Hong also seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right. She stood on a tree branch, tilted her head, and held these people. She was very noisy on most days, but she said nothing today, and was very quiet.
     Lu Yandao :  "When is Daren going to leave?"
     "Don't you say hello to Jiang-2-Young-Lady before you leave?" Kong Liu asked hesitantly. "After all, you've booked a kiss now. She your fiancee. This kind of thing is still with She'd better let her know. "
     "No need," Ji-Heng said. "She will worry if she knows it."
     Everyone was silent, no one knew how dangerous this trip was. Between Ji-Heng and Yin Zhan, there is bound to be such a life-and-death contest. They are each other's bait, a risky move, and everyone has a backseat, and everyone wants to be the last canary. No one can rest quietly, but whoever is the final winner in this scene may not be. Ji-Heng has been planning for decades. Why is Yin Zhan?
     Maybe even the difference between them is only the slightest, thanks to God's biasity, who has more luck.
     "I'm ready." Kong Liudao said, "The Yanjing City is well arranged."
     "Okay," Ji-Heng said, "Lu Yan, you stay in Yanjing."
     "Daren," Lu Yan frowned, "This time you go alone, it is extremely dangerous. Now is the crucial time, you must not make a mistake, it is not the best policy to be involved in the risk."
     "Yin Zhan's soldiers and horses stayed all over Beiyan. Yanjing was the most important thing. He left as a bait. There would not be many people around him. I want to lure him out. Of course, he cannot be surrounded by soldiers and horses Heng smiled slightly. "This time, he must be killed."
     As he spoke, he slowly stroked the branch of the little tree in front of him, and then smiled, "He is the same."
     Nothing seems to be known about the flowerbeds in Duke House. In the study room of General Ji Old, the light was on.
     Although he is old and strong and energetic, he breaks early every night, saying that going to bed early and getting up early can help extend his life. For so many years, he did look stronger and younger than his peers. However, it is impossible for the old general to be compared with the young general. For example, the weapon armors in this house are all rusted and covered with dust. Even if he wipes often, he is like a late hero, which is a pity.
     He walked slowly in front of these weapons. He reached out and stroked golden armor, hard armor, mighty spears, fierce swords ... Every time he walked in front of a weapon, he stopped and stopped quietly. For a while, it seemed that he was remembering the past years. There was a look of memories on his face, and in the end, he came to the sword of a party.
     The scabbard of the sword is inlaid with crystal ruby and engraved with complicated patterns, while the sword body is bright and light, thin and slender. When it is pulled out from the scabbard, it is dazzling. Come.
     This is a sword that has been on the battlefield. It is called "Qing Ming". From his beginning to the end of Ji Jihan, Ji-Heng refused to use the sword. He usually only used a fan. General Ji said a lot. Don't let him use such garbled things, but Ji-Heng doesn't listen at all.
     He likes things that take human lives instantly and are elegant and beautiful.
     General Ji Ji took "Qing Ming" off the wall. He walked to the table, found a cloth, and slowly wiped it.
     As the towel was wiped, the sword became brighter and brighter, and there seemed to be an illusion when it was held in the hand. The sword was beating, and it made a sound.
     "Old man," General Ji Ji wiped it with pity, holding it in his hands, as if facing a friend who had been away for many years, or a brother who had been on the battlefield together many years ago, "I am old, you are still so fierce."
     The sword was held in the hands of the old general, and the picture was faintly visible. The young general held the sword, galloped on the battlefield, and was brave and fearless. Then time hurriedly shattered, the thing is the wrong person, the sword is the sword, the person is not an old man.
     He held the sword blankly, and sits for a while. When others saw it, they would be surprised why this old and cheerful old man had such a sad time.
     He wiped the sword, put it back in the scabbard, and rested on the table. The lights were burning quietly, illuminating the eyes of the old general and the tears in his eyes.
     "Hanhan," he murmured, "for more than two decades, our father and son should meet again."

     Chapter 227 :  Extermination      

     Yanjing finally arrived in the winter.
     Snow flakes in the sky changed from salt grains to heavy snow. From the street to the end of the alley, it was covered with thick snow overnight. It was frozen for thousands of miles, snow drifted for thousands of miles, and the world became silvery white. Occasionally the yellow dog was not fastened, and ran across the snow, leaving a deep plum-like footprint.
     Jiang-Li stood in the courtyard, with crystal ice on the eaves, like a bead curtain in the beauty's dormitory in the deep palace. In the early morning, the snow had not stopped. Jiang-Li wore a white cloak, which was almost like snow Color blends into one.
     "It's too cold for Tianer." Tonger got up early in the morning to clear the snow in the yard. The iron bucket placed in the yard became a moraine overnight, standing in the middle of the yard.
     Jiang-Li looked at the horizon, and a worry floated in his heart. In winter, there was nothing left in the flower garden of the Jiang family, and even the gardener was not there. Jiang-Li knew, however, that Zhao Yan went with Ji-Heng to do one thing. Jiang-Li didn't know what it was. Ji-Heng didn't tell Jiang-Li when he left Yanjing City. Instead, Zhao Min reminded Jiang-Li when he left Jiangfu, indicating these days. Not in Jiangfu, Jiang-Li himself pays more attention to safety.
     Ji-Heng didn't tell Jiang-Li, either it was worthless, or it was a matter of great importance, and he didn't want Jiang-Li to worry about it. Although most things in the world may not be worth mentioning to Ji-Heng, this time, Jiang-Li was sensitive to the difference from Zhao Ye look.
     This matter may be more important than she imagined, and more than a dozen days later, Zhao Yan did not appear in Jiangfu, and there was no news of Ji-Heng.
     Jiang-Li always felt a little uneasy. She thought about it and decided to take the initiative to go to Duke House once, at least General Ji Ji is still there. You can ask General Ji Ji, no matter how bad it is, maybe Situ in September or Wen Renyao, Lu Ye can know a little bit.
     "Our go to Duke House." Jiang-Li said.
     Tong Er and Bai Xue didn't understand, thinking that Jiang-Li had something to go to Ji-Heng. Nowadays, Jiang-Li and Ji-Heng are married by their Majesty, and there is nothing wrong with doing so. Yanjing City is not like the previous one. Miss before marrying can't see her husband, so Jiang-Li does nothing wrong. Jiang-Lao-Furen learned that, but said nothing, only let Jiang-Li go early and return early.
     Jiang-Li took a carriage and went to Duke House with Tonger Baixue.
     The streets are full of playful urchins. In winter, the happiest is about children, and they can roll in the snow. The red candied fruit is lined with bright snow in the white snow.
     The lantern in front of Duke house was as gorgeous and bright as ever. When the manservant at the door of the house saw Jiang-Li coming, a big smile appeared on his face. After this was still married, Jiang-Li went to Duke House for the first time, and Duke House knew that Jiang-Li would be Duke Fu-ren in the future. There have been no female protagonists in this house for many years, and if there is one more, it is more unusual to watch more.
     Jiang-Li entered, she didn't need to lead the way, and walked outside the courtyard of Ji-Heng. Sure enough, there was no figure of Ji-Heng inside or outside the courtyard, and there was no figure of Wen Ji and Zhao Yan. Haven't returned to Capital City yet.
     Jiang-Li thought so, and found a manservant at the door of the study, and asked, "Is General Ji Ji in the house now?"
     The manservant shook his head and was about to answer, Jiang-Li heard a familiar voice behind him, "He is missing."
     Jiang-Li turned his head, and Situ came out from behind in September. She also had a bamboo basket in her hand and seemed to be picking flowers in a flowerbed. In winter, she also wore a wolfskin skirt, still dark brown, deerskin boots, plum thorns tied around her waist, clearly delicate and smart eyebrows, but she was not dressed close.
     "September Miss," said Jiang-Li. Situ lived in Duke House all year round in September, because in the flower garden of Duke House, there were materials for her refining. She asked :  "You just said that General Ji is missing "
     "Yes." Situ said in September :  "The second day Ji-Heng left Yanjing, General Ji old was gone. Kong Liu and Lu Yan sent someone to find him, and he hasn't fallen."
     Jiang-Li heart was tight :  "It was being ..."
     "No," Situ said in September. "He took the sword from the study."
     Jiang-Li heart did not relax. Since General Ji Ji took the sword, it can be seen that he left. Why to take a sword, the first thought of ordinary people is about revenge. But General Ji is old, why is this so. Jiang-Li said :  "Miss, in September, do you know what Ji-Heng did this time to leave Yanjing City? What are Lu Daren and Kong Daren not here? Maybe someone who knows gongzi can also know something."
     "I don't know what he is going to do. He didn't tell me. Maybe he told Lu Yan and Kong Liu, but they won't tell you either, because they are not in Duke House now, I don't know where they went. I It's dangerous to know that Ji-Heng is doing something very important. The fewer people you know, the better. "
     Jiang-Li heard that he did not feel dissatisfied with Situ answer in September. She knew that Ji-Heng didn't tell her that she didn't trust her. It was because Ji-Heng valued her so much that she didn't want her to be involved.
     This person ... is always used to doing everything by himself, even if misunderstood.
     Jiang-Li sighed, and she seemed helpless. No one knows about Ji-Heng.
     Situ did not continue to talk to Jiang-Li in September, but instead walked into the flowerbed and began to pick flowers. The flowers in Duke house are still very fresh in winter, but they are different from ordinary flowers. They are strangely shaped, some are flat and long, some look like an animal, and some of them will be even fiddled. Tremble. Jiang-Li couldn't help. She didn't know what flowers Situ was going to pick in September, so she had to look at it. Looking at it, thought of rumors about Duke House.
     She said, "I thought that Ji-Heng was collecting strange flowers in the government because of Aihua. Now it seems that Ji-Heng spends a lot of money in the flower garden to collect so many strange flowers because of September Miss It’s easy to purify the poison. Or these flowers were actually collected by Miss in September, but they borrowed the name of Ji-Heng. "
     Ji-Heng's two hobbies, one is love of flowers, the other is watching movies. But if he really loves flowers, where is he so harsh, and he finds rare poisonous flowers in the world, it is better to say that he collected the raw materials for refining poison in the world. The raw material is obviously useless to Ji-Heng, and he does not make drugs, so it can be seen that it was prepared for Situ in September.
     "No, these are indeed collected by Ji-Heng, but the purpose is indeed for me to make medicine, because he hopes that I can make a strange poison to wake his father up."
     Jiang-Li eyes widened. She heard this for the first time. According to rumors, Ji Jihan returned to his hometown that year and learned that Yu Hongye was dead, and then left Capital City, but never appeared again. Everyone in the world has rumored that he died long ago, but what is meant by Situ in September, is Ji Jihan still alive?
     How is this going?
     "He ... General Jinwu is alive?" Jiang-Li asked.
     "No, he dead." Situ was pulling a blue flower in September. She moved very carefully and dug the soil next to the flower with a small shovel. When picking flowers, she did not hurt the rhizomes.
     "But ... didn't you just say ..." Jiang-Li couldn't understand.
     "Because I didn't make the poison, I failed. Ji-Heng's father didn't wake up, but died because of the poison." Situ September's hand seemed to tremble, though she looked Trying to keep calm, but there is still a slight leak.
     "September Miss," Jiang-Li asked as carefully as possible, "Can you tell me what's going on?"
     Situ turned his head in September, and calmly looked at her. After a while, Situ only lowered his head in September, and continued the movements on the side, saying, "Everyone in the world says Ji-Heng collects flowers in the world, but it’s just because Most of the toxic flowers in the world are bright and dazzling, and strange in shape. Ji-Heng is not looking for strange flowers, but strange poisons. He is looking for poisons just to cure his father's disease. "
     "His father's ... sick?" Jiang-Li whispered, "In the rumor, General Jinwu had lost his track many years ago."
     "Not so. General Ji has been alive and has not disappeared. I don’t know what happened. When I first came to Duke House, General Ji was already in Duke House. For so many years, Ji-Heng I have been by my side and even helped me avoid Mo Lan's pursuit, because in the world, maybe only I can make General Ji wake up. "
     "What happened to General Ji?"
     "He was seriously injured, poisoned, and hopeless. I have tried my best to maintain the spread of the poison. He has been using poison to fight for his life. For so many years, he hasn't woke up. The one in his There is no antidote to poison. Three years ago, the poison had spread to my throat. I couldn’t help it. He continued to live for up to a year. At this time, Ji-Heng's men found a poisonous weed in the desert. Medicine, but I don’t know what the outcome will be. General Ji may take this medicine and may wake up, detoxify it completely, maybe ... it will speed up the spread of toxicity and kill him immediately. "
     "On the one hand, my life is renewed for one year, and on the other hand, I may wake up, I may die, I cannot make this decision for General Ji. The old general gave Ji-Heng the choice, and Ji-Heng decided to let his father Take medicine. "
     Jiang-Li heard this, and couldn't help but clenched tightly. She already knew what the ending was. Situ had just said in September, but she still couldn't help feeling hurt for Ji-Heng at this moment.
     "Our everyone hopes that a miracle will happen. Ji-Heng never believed, and went to worship his mother before giving General Ji medicine. But unfortunately, as Ji-Heng himself said, even if it is The comedy team on the stage and the comedy sings were too fake. No miracle happened. I failed and General Ji died. "
     The snow fell down and swirled, and fell on Situ September. She seemed to be unaware that she didn't wipe off the snowflakes or make an umbrella. Leaving those cold on himself, Jiang-Li even felt that Situ might be snoring in September.
     "It's not your fault," Jiang-Li said softly. "It's not Ji-Heng's fault."
     "Of course I know." Situ did not speak until September, and she said, "But after General Ji died, I still left Yanjing, and did not return until last year."
     Last year, when Ji-Heng asked Situ to treat Xue Huaiyuan in September.
     "I don't like to owe anyone, but after that, I still feel owed to Ji-Heng. If Ji-Heng had asked me to treat Xue Huaiyuan, I would never have been back to Yanjing City in my life. So Once I have the chance to make up, I will try to make up for it. So you asked me why I treat Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao, and I agreed easily, but it was because three years ago I poisoned his father. "
     Jiang-Li couldn't help but say again :  "It's not your fault, Miss, in September, you have tried your best."
     "But the ending is the same. I still have it, and Ji-Heng's mood can be imagined." Situ said in September, "I have never met a person, and focused on doing one thing in my life. From me After meeting Ji-Heng, he built such a flower garden in order to detoxify General Ji. Unfortunately, for so many years, he could only watch the poison spread a little bit every year, and he was helpless. In the end, he kept watching Ji The general died because he made the wrong decision. "
     Jiang-Li was silent, and even imagination, she could guess how desperate Ji-Heng was at that moment.
     Situ, after picking the last flower in September, stood up and said, "This is the answer. In fact, I thought that after his father died, he would tear down the flower garden, but he didn't expect it to remain. Maybe it's to hide people eyes, maybe it's to be prepared. "
     Jiang-Li said, "So, where is General Ji buried?"
     "Don't make a big deal, for fear of discovering clues, and his father's wish before he died, burn his body to ashes and put it in his mother's grave."
     Jiang-Li heard the key point in Situ September speech, saying, "To be afraid of finding clues? Is someone Ji Ji poisoning intentional? Is this person hidden in the dark, still in Capital City?"
     Situ looked to Jiang-Li in September :  "Yes. Since you guessed it, I don't need to say it, but I don't know more about other things. Ji-Heng doesn't fully trust someone People, but maybe you are an exception, but in order to protect you, he won’t tell him much, so the most terrible and ugly side of the truth may only be known to him. "
     Jiang-Li is now, and suddenly understand why Ji-Heng is so temperamental. It is true that he is moody and murderous, but after experiencing such things, there may be more terrible facts. As a teenager, Ji-Heng learned to face the darkness alone, from the darkness If a person comes out, if he wants to protect what he wants to protect, the first thing he must learn is to survive in the dark, and to make him into a person like A Zhao and a straightforward person like Xue Huaiyuan. It is impossible at all Heng's eyes were even naive.
     Jiang-Li couldn't tell what it was like, she just felt as if she was crushed by a rock in her heart, and she couldn't breathe heavily. Each layer of this colorful flower garden is full of bright and romantic currents, each of which is Ji-Heng's expectation since he was young, but unfortunately, the flowers are still flourishing, but the expectations have failed.
     She thought about coming to Duke House that night, Ji-Heng planted trees in the yard. He planted them very slowly, looking at the flowers in the flowerbed, but his eyes were lonely.
     Suddenly she couldn't bear to think again.
     Situ entered the refining pharmacy in a bamboo basket full of flowers in September. But instead of refining the medicine immediately, she set the bamboo basket and walked to the yard again, watching the snow fall out. About the thought of General Ji at the beginning, let her how indifferent and calm she was, but her heart was not full of ups and downs.
     Both Miss, standing in the courtyard, the world is white and blank, each with their own thoughts, but feels that the world is impermanent, the world changes, and the indescribable bitterness.
     After a long time, the snow stopped for a long time, and Xiao Hong woke up in the cage, opened her black bean-like eyes, flew to the eaves, and tilted her head around Jiang-Li-2.
     Jiang-Li said :  "September Miss, I want to go to Yefu to see Mu-Uncle. Would you like to show A Zhao a wound. Last time I promised A Zhao to poison the whip. No, if it's fine, go to A Zhao today. "
     Her heart was strangely dull, and she urgently wanted to use other things to ease the suffocation in her heart, otherwise she would be overwhelmed by this sad emotion, and there would be no other things in her mind for a while. She wants to see A Zhao, his father, Ye Mingyu and Ye Shijie, and let her heart rest for a while.
     She thinks that Situ is also the same in September. If Jiang-Li is no longer, Situ is alone in September, and it is determined that he will not go to the Menye Palace.
     Situ took a nap in September and looked suspiciously at Jiang-Li. When she saw Xue Zhao the last time, she did say that she could purify Xue Zhao whip. However, Jiang-Li remembered that .
     "Miss in September, let's do it together," Jiang-Li said.
     Situ did not refuse in September, she said, "OK."
     The two of them left Duke House, got into the carriage, and walked extremely quickly, as if to escape some kind of emotion. Tong Er and Bai Xue face each other, no one knows what happened, but only feels that the atmosphere between Situ September and Jiang-Li is strange and quiet.
     The carriage was distant and stopped at the gate of Yefu. Jiang-Li and Situ jumped off the carriage together in September, probably because it was too cold, and the manservant at the gate of Yefu was absent. Tonger stepped forward and knocked at the door with the doorknob of Yefu Bronze Lion.
     For a long time no one answered.
     Jiang-Li finds it strange, isn't Ye Mingyu here? However, even if Ye Mingyu is not present, the manservant of Yefu should always stay in the house. Jiang-Li wondered if Ye Mingyu was practicing sword in the house or something. She didn't hear it. She took a few steps forward and just wanted to knock on the door again. Suddenly, her eyes stopped.
     From the gate of Yefu, between the door slits, there was a hint of red. This red was really thin and thin. In addition, the weather was too cold, and the blood was frozen in front of the door. If you don’t take a serious look, you will almost think It's a human illusion.
     Jiang-Li eyes were frozen, and Situ also noticed something wrong in September. He looked forward, frowned, and pushed in without a word.
     As soon as he pushed away, a wind mixed with heavy blood came to his face. Not far from the door, the manservant who saw Jiang-Li always smiled and greeted first fell into a pool of blood, and stretched his hand toward the door as if he wanted to open the door. Then, his life was fixed forever Here it is.
     Tonger ‘Called, Jiang-Li panicked, raised the skirt and ran inside. Along the way, the manservant and guard of the Ye family were all around. These people were killed with one blow, and the wound passed from the chest to the back, which was particularly miserable. Jiang-Li couldn't help but said, "Mu-Uncle! Xue Teacher! Ah Zhao! Cousin Ye! Begonia!"
     Situ followed closely in September, but did not hear anyone reply, Jiang-Li was so shocked that his tears were about to fall, and he almost fainted. Ye Mingyu and Ye Shijie treat her as a loved one. Needless to say, Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan, their family has just been reunited, have they been doomed again, can it be that God is playing them?
     Jiang-Li was going crazy. She searched around and didn't find the body of her loved ones. She didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Then, she heard Situ cry in September :  "Xue Zhao!"
     Jiang-Li jumped in his heart, and ran away without any thought, and saw Situ standing in the courtyard in September, a mess in the courtyard, the bodies of several guards fell to the ground, Xue Zhao wheelchair rolled over On the ground, a whip was cut in half and buried in the snow.
     Situ picked up the whip in September, shaking his hands a bit.
     Yefu was searched inside and out, without their presence. None of the others survived, as if in hell.
     "Miss, what should we do? Let's report to the officer first. It's not safe here. What if those stunners haven't left yet and hurt Miss?" Bai Xue was a little scared.
     Jiang-Li took the whip from Situ September and did not see Xue Zhao body. Her heart gradually calmed down and she was able to think about something. She shook her head. "Those shy people are not here."
     Situ in September and two Maid looked at him.
     "All the descendants of the Ye family are dead. Mu-Uncle and his cousin are missing. If the enemies did it, why bring Xue Teacher and Xue Zhao, and Begonia are also descendants. These people are clearly with me Close relationships. The people behind are afraid that they did not come for them, but for me. "
     Situ asked in September :  "What does this mean?"
     "They didn't kill Xue Teacher Mu-Uncle them, because there are no corpses here. If they die, they can be placed here. The obvious purpose is not to kill people, but to take them away and hide and threaten me."
     "Threat Miss ,?" Tonger asked, "Threat Miss, what? Want Miss, what is it for them?"
     Jiang-Li said :  "Miss, in September, you come here first."
     Situ September and Jiang-Li stepped aside and frowned at Jiang-Li :  "What did you think of?"
     "Some people have to deal with the Jiang family. They don’t have to start with me. I don’t have much effect on the Jiang family. They have to use me to threaten my father for what he does. My father will never compromise. Question, but ... "
     "You said Ji-Heng?" Situ said immediately in September.
     Jiang-Li nodded. "Since you say Ji-Heng is doing a very important thing, it may be the same for the other person. I think their purpose is to threaten me with Yefu temper. Then I will threaten Ji-Heng. "
     "What do you ... do?" Situ asked hesitantly in September.
     Jiang-Li said :  "I think they will soon send me a message and tell me how to do it.

     Chapter 228 :  Threat      

     The descendants of Yefu disappeared, and the disappearance of the master was reported to the official soon. Officials came quickly and found Jiang-Li was shocked at the same time, and offered a gentle condolences to let Jiang-Li go home and wait. The tragedies of these extinctions were bloody in the end, but Jiang-Li did not have much fear except for his intolerable expression.
     She knew that Jiang Yuanbai would also know about it soon, and would let her return home quickly. Jiang-Li was about to say goodbye to Situ in September. Situ suddenly said in September, "I will go back with you."
     Jiang-Li said :  "Miss, September?"
     "Since those people came to you, Zhao Ye is not in Jiangfu now. If the other party wants you to do something, maybe I'll be by your side, and you have at least a person to discuss with." She added :  "I'm going back now There is no one in Duke House, and there is no use for it. "
     Jiang-Li knew that Situ was worried about Xue Zhao in September, and that Situ also had a lot of poison on her body in September, which might come in handy, she said, "Well, come back with me."
     In September, Situ returned to Jiangfu with Jiang-Li. According to Jiang-Li, Situ in September was Maid in Duke government. He combed his hair well, and made Situ come to Jiangfu for two days in September. When I heard it was from Duke Mansion, the people in the Jiang family didn't ask much. Who dares to care for Ji-Heng?
     Jiang-Lao-Furen learned of the Ye family's accident, first called Jiang-Li to ask Wanfengtang, and then told Jiang-Li Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping had intervened in the matter, let Jiang-Li first Don't worry, the good news is that no body was found. These days, Jiang-Li should not go out, Yanjing City is not very peaceful.
     Jiang-Li thought about the Ye family and absentmindedly perfunctory the past. At the end, he returned to Fangfei Court, and Situ was brought back to the house in September to wait. Jiang-Li entered the house and closed the door, leaving only himself and Situ September.
     Situ asked anxiously in September :  "How is it?"
     This Miss has always been a look of condensing. Jiang-Li was the first time she saw her so anxious. If it was normal, she would be happy for Xue Zhao, but at this moment, she can’t be happy because she Like Situ in September.
     Jiang-Li shook his head. "Don't expect officers and soldiers to find out what they are. Since they dare to do this, they are only prepared. People who can't catch the seed and can confront Ji-Heng are not ordinary. People. I just doubt ... "She looked at Situ September," Is the other person Yin family? "
     "I don't know, I don't know what Ji-Heng is going to do, but," Situ answered, "I know Ji-Heng's ultimate enemy is the Yin family. So I think, maybe your guess Is right. "
     Jiang-Li heart did not feel relieved by hearing Situ words in September. She knew that if the other party was Yin Zhan, it would be more difficult to do. Yin Zhan is the biggest enemy of Ji-Heng. The opponent will use himself to threaten Ji-Heng, and Ji-Heng will be in a very disadvantaged position. But if you only want Ji-Heng to ignore Ye so many lives, it is impossible.
     "Now we can only wait for the news from the other party." Jiang-Li said :  "I hope there is another way."
     Situ nodded in September.
     The two of them had tormented this day, and they can almost be said to be living like new years. Jiang-Li kept holding the whistle in her palm. She even tried to blow the whistle, but she didn't respond. It can be seen that Ji-Heng really left Yanjing City with his relatives. If it is not important, Ji-Heng need not take so many people. Jiang-Li has to worry about Ji-Heng while worrying about Ye relatives.
     Tong Er and Bai Xue both saw Jiang-Li anxiety and didn't dare to say anything. In the evening, Situ and Jiang-Li did not sleep in September, and waited until late at night, but nothing happened. Stupid, Jiang-Li closed his eyes. Before closing her eyes, she heard Situ yell in September :  "Who!"
     Jiang-Li opened his eyes suddenly, the lights on the table were exhausted, the room was dark, and he could see nothing. Situ opened a firebox in September, and under the shaking flame, a red-headed dart was nailed to the window, and a letter was pressed under the dart.
     coming! Jiang-Li mind was stunned, and Situ followed closely in September, holding a round wax pill in his hand, thinking that it should be something like poison. Afraid of fraud around her, she stared vigilantly. And Jiang-Li couldn't wait to open the envelope. Before he could see it, he rolled out something from the envelope.
     Jiang-Li and Situ couldn't help looking at the ground in September, Jiang-Li whispered softly.
     It was a pair of human fingers, and Situ bent down in September to pick up that finger, frowning and looking at it, saying, "Woman's finger, do you know?"
     Jiang-Li resisted the panic and looked at the fingers. It was indeed the woman's little finger. She was stunned at first glance, and murmured, "It's Begonia finger ..."
     Begonia had three small red moles on her little finger. Xue Fangfei also laughed that she was special because of the incident. And this bloody finger is still exactly the same position, Jiang-Li could not admit it.
     She settled down, opened the letter to see, read the letter in ten lines, and handed the letter to Situ September.
     The letter said, let Jiang-Li find a way out of the city tonight, and after going out of the city, go east for twenty miles. There is a village, and someone will meet her at the village gate. If Jiang-Li doesn't go, dawn will get Begonia body early in the morning, the next day is Xue Zhao body, and so on, until all people are killed. Jiang-Li should never want to report to the police or take people out of the city to catch people. There is eyeliner in Yanjing City. If Jiang-Li takes people, the five members of the Ye family can die in an instant. The world disappeared.
     The letter on the letter was also bloody, like writing with human blood, and the letter's madness could be seen through the letter.
     After reading the letter in September, Situ hated and said, "Junk!"
     Jiang-Li looked at the fingers on the table, shaking her eyes. This is a problem for Jiang-Li. If she leaves the city, she will definitely become the other party's bargaining chip for Ji-Heng. If she does not leave the city, the other side will be mad and will only vent her anger on Ye family.
     She gritted her teeth. "I'm going out of town!"
     "Jiang-Li!" Situ whispered in September :  "This is the opponent's trick."
     "Our has no other way. In September, can you watch Xue Zhao die?"
     When Situ was speechless in September, the other person cut off Begonia finger, which was a warning. They believed that if Jiang-Li did not do what the letter said, the other party would definitely kill.
     "After all, they are also implicated by me." Jiang-Li replied, "I first think of a way to trade them out for myself. If they use me to coerce Ji-Heng, you tell Ji-Heng not to worry I, follow his plan. "
     "What if they catch you and leave Ye family?"
     "I have wax pills in my mouth. If they can't do it, I will bite the wax pills and commit suicide. I will threaten Ji-Heng. They have to get a living me. The dead I have no use, but they will ignite Ji Heng's anger. They can use the Ye family to coerce me, and I can use myself to coerce them into releasing the Ye family. "
     Situ thinks in September :  "No, I have to go with you."
     Jiang-Li said :  "September ..."
     "Don't forget, someone called me the poisonous Ji, but it wasn't fun. I naturally have my own way. If I could retreat, I would save the Ye family and not catch you, wouldn't it be nice?"
     She was determined, Jiang-Li looked at her for a long time, then nodded, and said, "Okay. But if it's dangerous, you remember to run away first, those people want to keep our temper, but they don't necessarily soften your hands. "She thought that if she was out of town tonight without Situ help in September, she might not be able to play. The other side told her not to report to the officer or bring anyone, but it was not wrong to bring only Situ September a woman.
     Situ took a few bottles of medicine from his body in September, and some hidden devices hidden between his fingers, the wax pills that Jiang-Li wanted. She carefully taught the method used by Jiang-Li, and then stopped.
     When Jiang-Li left, let Situ faint Bai Xue and Tong Er in September, and the drug would not wake up tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise, if the Jiang family finds themselves missing, they are afraid to blame the two Maids. Jiang-Li fainted the two Maids and saved them from being angry.
     To the surprise of Jiang-Li, she thought that Situ did not have martial arts in September. She was afraid that it would take a lot of trouble to get out of the Jiang family. After all, it was not Zhao Yan. But I did not expect that Situ actually went better than Zhao Ye in September, because she directly fainted all the gatekeepers. When Jiang-Li went out through the back door, the time was less than a moment of incense.
     She suddenly felt that the reputation of "Poison Girl" seemed to be good.
     Situ stole a carriage in September, and the two got on the carriage. She also put a mask on Jiang-Li. The mask is thin and fits well on the human face. When she looks in the mirror, Jiang-Li becomes an ordinary woman with a little bit cough.
     Situ hurried in the carriage in September, and she also changed herself easily. She was a girl with a humpback. The guard who watched the city saw that someone was out of the city at night, but it was strange that Situ issued a decrement in September, saying that he had contracted the disease from Fu-ren late at night, and got to the city to find a god doctor. The teenager opened the carriage and saw Jiang-Li on the carriage, because at night, he looked vaguely, and he saw that Jiang-Li was indeed a sick woman, no doubt there was him, and the order was real, so let it go Okay.
     Out of the gate, Jiang-Li was relieved.
     Exit the city gate and go east for twenty miles. It will take about half an hour. Jiang-Li sits in the carriage and did not immediately tear off his face-changing mask, but just carefully recalled the use of those poison concealers taught by Situ in September. In any case, they are now just two women, and it is not a good thing to encounter mountain bandits on the road, not to mention whether they can safely reach the village the other party said.
     Fortunately, this time, the two of them had good luck and did not encounter any robbers along the way. When Jiang-Li and Situ arrived at the door of the village in September, they saw no one.
     Situ frowned in September and asked, "Why is there no one? Are those people afraid to come? Or is the letter false?"
     "It shouldn't be fake," Jiang-Li said. "They may have arrived. The reason why they didn't show up was to see if Our had been cheating. Did they really come alone?"
     Situ heard it in September, calmed down, and then ridiculed :  "It's really cautious."
     "Anyway, Our is here, just wait here quietly. They won't wait long before they show up."
     Situ said in September :  "Okay, I'm outside. What's going on, you better be prepared."
     Jiang-Li nodded and said, because it was dark at night and the outside was dark, even the carriage was dark. I don't know if the village is deserted, there are no human traces, and there are no animal sounds. It sounds quiet and scary. As if between heaven and earth, only Jiang-Li and Situ September were like them. Jiang-Li could clearly hear the sound of her heartbeat, a moment, powerful and calm, but she did not know what might happen next, at least in this matter, they were passive and had no choice. .
     I don't know how long, Jiang-Li only felt that a long time passed, but there was still no sound outside. She asked Situ in September :  "In September, did you find anything wrong?"
     It's so quiet that the other party doesn't have to wait so long if they want to observe.
     The answer to Jiang-Li was quiet, and there was no Situ September's voice outside. Jiang-Li heart "squeaked", and a heart slowly sank. She clenched tightly in her hands full of poison powder, took a deep breath, and opened the carriage curtain.
     Then, she saw big and small fires. In the barren field, I don’t know when it was already full, and Situ, who was sitting in the driver’s position, disappeared in September. The rest were staring at her, with swords around her waist Very conspicuous.
     Jiang-Li jumped out of the carriage, and suddenly someone patted her shoulder behind her, as if she were an old friend. Jiang-Li looked back and felt dark.
     Immediately afterwards, she was put into a sack, resisted, and was thrown back onto the carriage. Someone got into the driver's seat and drove the carriage away.
     Everything returns to silence.
     The second day was sunny.
     The sun shone on the ground covered with white snow, emitting some brilliance, and even the snow was light golden. It was surprisingly cold.
     Mingyue and the breeze came out early in the morning to clear the ice on the ground. After clearing up, the sky was already bright. At this time on most days, Bai Xue and Tong Er also got up early to serve Jiang-Li for breakfast, but today they have not seen them. Mingyue said :  "Sister Bai Xue and Tonger are getting lazy? Why didn't you see anyone now?"
     "Approximately. Last night they were busy for a long time, but I still had to wake them up first, Miss, I had to eat breakfast." Qingfeng also said. They are not in the same place as Tonger Baixue. Tonger Baixue is a close-up Maid of Jiang-Li and usually lives next to Jiang-Li. Qingfeng went knocking on the door, and no one answered for a long time. Mingyue came over and murmured, "Should I have gone out long ago, but I haven't seen anyone yet."
     Qingfeng tried to push the door. She never thought the door was unlocked, and pushed it open. Qingfeng walked in. As soon as she entered the door, she almost tripped over the ground. When you looked closely, you saw Bai Xue and Tong Er. lie on the floor.
     The two Maid were startled, Mingyue squatted down quickly, and ‘called Bai Xue :  "Sister Bai Xue! Sister Bai Xue!"
     Bai Xue didn't respond for a while. Qingfeng thought of something, and hurried to the opposite Jiang-Li boudoir. He knocked on the door first, then entered the door, and saw that the room was empty and there was no one.
     "No, no!" Qingfeng ran towards Wan Fengtang.
     Jiang-Lao-Furen heard the news, and his heart stunned for a moment. Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping sent someone to look for it. This search was remarkable, only to know that the guards who were guarding the back door of Jiangfu last night were fainted. At this moment, they were lying on the ground and crooked to the ground. They have not yet woke up. Bai Xue and Tong Er were also fainted before falling to the ground.
     Jiang-Li is missing.
     Jiang Yuanping immediately thought about the Ye family in Yanjing City yesterday, and said, "Little pear is gone. Is it related to the Ye family's destruction?"
     "I heard that there is another Maid in the 2-Young-Lady's house missing?" Jiang Yuanbai caught Mingyue and asked, "That Maid or Duke Man?"
     "Yes." Mingyue replied cautiously, "Miss, said that September was well combed, and brought September back. This morning, the slave did not see the shadow of September. I wonder if she was with Miss, child."
     With Duke House involved, things are not easy. Especially the guards of Jiangfu, how could the ordinary drugs faint them. But this matter is not trivial, Jiang Yuanping said :  "Brother, let’s ask Duke to ask, what is the identity of Maid in September? Does this matter have anything to do with Duke? The most fearful thing is our ginger We are not involved in anything at home. "
     Jiang Yuanbai face was cold, and he nodded. There was no news that Jiang-Li was missing. The quilt in Jiang-Li room was neatly folded, so I didn't sleep here last night. There were no signs of fighting in the room, and it was impossible for someone to come in and take Jiang-Li away. It looks more like Jiang-Li took the initiative to leave. Coupled with the Maid of Duke House, Jiang Yuanbai always thought things were not that simple.
     Those who went to Duke Mansion soon came back in return. Su Duke Ji-Heng was not in Yanjing City, and General Ji Ji was not in Yanjing City. There was no one in Duke Mansion who could make the decision, and no one could answer Jiang Yuanbai question.
     "Brother, this can be done." Jiang Yuanping said.
     In Jiang Yuanbai heart, an unknown fire suddenly started. Almost at this moment, he can be sure that whether Ye subordinates were killed or Jiang-Li disappearance were indispensable to Duke House. He didn't know why, because Duke House didn't plan to tell him the answer from the beginning.
     "Send someone to find the whereabouts of 2-Young-Lady." Jiang Yuanbai said :  "In any case, you cannot sit still."
     Jiang Yuanping looked at his elder brother and sighed in his heart. Everyone knew that Jiang Yuanbai order might not be fruitful. The role of the Jiang family in this matter is minimal.
     But where exactly is Jiang-Li?
     When Jiang-Li woke up, it was already the next night.
     The first thing she woke up was sinking in her heart, and the wax pill in her mouth was gone. She went to touch her arms again. The secret poison Situ gave to her in September was completely missing. To be exact, her clothes had been changed inside and out, and she had nothing. And it should not be her illusion. Her body was soft and weak, and she had been taken away by the king. Jiang-Li is no stranger. This time, it is exactly the same as last time. She must have been prescribed medicine. .
     The memory of her brain was maintained just before she was completely unconscious. She got out of the carriage and did not see Situ figure in September. But looking at the people in black around the carriage, Jiang-Li knew for a second that he had guessed right, and that the other person was indeed Yin Zhan. People in the army and people in the market are absolutely different. Those were soldiers. It was more than enough to catch her and Situ in September.
     Jiang-Li thought of Situ in September, got out of bed and stood up. There was no one in the room. A lantern was placed on a stool by the bed, and it was faintly lighted. There was no sound outside, but she knew it would never be alone. She wanted to get to the door, only a few steps, and there were sounds of footsteps outside, and the door of the room was opened.
     The other party probably didn't expect Jiang-Li to wake up, both of them were a little stunned. After a while, Jiang-Li said :  "Pingyang Junior County Owner."
     Yin-Zhiqing stood with a food basket in her hand and stood at the door. When she saw Jiang-Li, her expression was a little complicated, but she said nothing and turned to cover the door. She put the food basket on the table and said, " Hungry, I brought you something to eat. "
     Jiang-Li watched as she took out the food in the food basket, but didn't walk over, she just said, "Let's put some medicine in these foods."
     Yin-Zhiqing moved, "Sorry."
     There was a look of guilt on her face, not seeming to be false. Jiang-Li said :  "I really can't eat it." I know that eating will be at the mercy of others. If it's usually the case, then I really want to be the weakness of Ji-Heng.
     "If you don't eat, Our can also make you eat. For example, mixed in water to irrigate you." Speaking here, she also seems to feel a little too much, silent for a while, and said quietly :  "Sorry, I did not mean I want to do this to you. "
     Jiang-Li knows that Yin-Zhiqing is not the mastermind behind the scenes, she does not have that ability. She was eager to ask Situ situation in September, and asked, "Miss, who was with me at the time, where was she now? Do you know if she okay?"
     Yin-Zhiqing's reaction made Jiang-Li heart sink. She looked at Jiang-Li and said, "There is another person? No, when I came here, I only knew you were there."
     Jiang-Li was silent. From Yin-Zhiqing, there seemed to be no useful news. Yin-Zhiqing looked at her and hesitated before she said, "You don't have to worry, your friend ... there should be no Danger."
     "Do you know why I am here?" Jiang-Li asked back.
     Yin-Zhiqing shook his head :  "They said you better stay here."
     Jiang-Li smirked.
     She always has a gentle attitude toward others. This kind of meanness surprised Yin-Zhiqing, staring at Jiang-Li without knowing it. Jiang-Li said :  "It seems you don't know anything. The person who arrested me is Yin Zhan."
     "How come." Yin-Zhiqing frowned. "My Father is not here at all."
     She had a shrewd and beautiful face, but her temperament was so simple, Jiang-Li didn't know why. Yin Zhan himself is by no means an ordinary person, but his pair of children, Yin Zhili, can be regarded as warm and upright, Yin-Zhiqing is too simple and straightforward, and is completely different from Yin Zhan. If he wants to develop his children into a bright and tempered temper, why should he use this unreasonable means, and why am he ambitious? Don't you think these practices are contradictory?
     "Not you Father, who is that? You don't even know where September is, that is Yin Zhili."
     Jiang-Li tone is calm, but rarely with a bit of aggressiveness, Yin-Zhiqing can't stand her attitude, only said :  "Brother may be because Su Duke is unhappy with your marriage. Yes. Maybe he has other considerations, maybe he helping you. "
     "Help me?" Jiang-Li smiled. "Destroy all the men in Our Mu-Uncle house, and take away my Mu-Uncle cousin and Xue father and son, threatening me with five lives. I throw myself in the net, hurt my friends, and swept me away with something from Bao, this seems to be a way to prevent thieves. Pingyang Junior County Owner, I never know what kind of friends and family who hurt others Kindness. "
     Yin-Zhiqing opened her mouth wide, she said, "You, what did you say? Who threatened you? You don't want to keep your mouth open!"
     "Isn't it your good brother?" Jiang-Li said.
     "Our brother is not that kind of person!" Yin-Zhiqing stood up angrily and said, "I thought you were a good person, and I was also the first Jin-Young-Lady of the first family. , I never thought of you but throwing dirty water on people. How can this be true! "Her eyebrows were upright, Xingyan's eyes were round, she was angry and beautiful, but at the moment Jiang-Li had no mood to appreciate.
     It seems that Yin Zhili didn't tell Yin-Zhiqing, Jiang-Li coldly :  "If you don't believe it, you can ask your brother if this is the case. But if he can do such a mean thing, he will lie. do not have much left."
     "You!" Yin-Zhiqing was so angry and turned to leave. Jiang-Li called her and asked, "Pingyang Junior County Owner, this is not Yanjing City."
     Yin-Zhiqing footsteps, still angry, "No!"
     Jiang-Li is more and more certain of one thing. I am afraid that Yin Zhan has already done something, and by means of Yin Zhili, he cannot do such a thing. That man was too indecisive, it was like Yan Zhan's handwriting. On the one hand, Yin Zhan fought with Ji-Heng, and on the other side, he let Yin Zhili walk away, so as to get Ji-Heng ready, and made two preparations.
     But it's really a calculation.
     "Pingyang Junior County Owner, do you know why your father and your brother took me away and placed me under house arrest?"
     Yin-Zhiqing said impatiently :  "I said a long time ago that I don't know, what unpredictable charges you have to make up!"
     "Because Duke."
     When mentioning Ji-Heng's name, Yin-Zhiqing turned her head and stared at Jiang-Li with a burning gaze, she asked, "What did you say?"
     "You also know that Ji-Heng and I have made a marriage, and that will be Duke Fu-ren in the future. Take me, and also take Ji-Heng. With Our temper, you can kill Ji-Heng. Make any demands, even his life. "
     "Joke," Yin-Zhiqing said, "Why does my father want to poke Duke?"
     "Because he is the enemy of Ji-Heng, he is doomed to death."

     Chapter 229 :  Ambush      

     "Because he is the enemy of Ji-Heng, he is doomed to death."
     The air in the room seemed to be frozen, and the candle was crumbling in the lantern, as if it would fall in the next moment, and the lantern was burned together.
     Jiang-Li reached out and held a lantern, Yin-Zhiqing seemed to have responded, and she said, "Do you think I would believe your swear words? Our Yin family has lived in the cloud for many years, so why would he have hatred against Su Duke? Yin Zhili leaving you is his reason, but it's not your reason to slander the Yin family! "
     "What more reason?" Jiang-Li said indifferently :  "The Yin family left Yanjing for the reason. The Yin family did not hurt Ji-Heng, did they not hurt Ji-Heng's family? I'm afraid not. "
     Yin-Zhiqing trembled with anger, and the more anger-free Jiang-Li, the more she seemed unreasonable, trying to justify the Yin family, but she didn't know where to start. The more I looked at Jiang-Li, the more dazzling, somehow she blurted out, "Even if you're telling the truth, it's too high to look at yourself! You say that you can be a threat to Su Duke, how is this possible? I know that Su Duke is ruthless and unloving, and he likes to sit idly by. You are nothing but the Fu-ren that the emperor gave him, the bargaining chip between the high-ranking officials and the family! How could he be in danger for the bargaining chip, so you don’t have to be affectionate. , You can rest assured that he will not be willing to be at your mercy for you, nor will he be worried about your life! "
     "Really?" Jiang-Li smiled instead, her tone was almost soft, saying :  "Pingyang Junior County Owner, what you haven't seen, doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the world. You can't get it No one else can get anything. Ji-Heng himself and the emperor's marriage proposal, even if it is a bargaining chip, I have value, you are not as good as me, otherwise he will marry you with his Majesty. "
     "You ..." Yin-Zhiqing was stunned, and Jiang-Li words banged in her head. Her hidden thoughts were uttered in such a tone by another winner, and she couldn't stay here anymore, and slammed open the door and ran out. Didn't even care if Jiang-Li had anything in the food basket.
     The moment she knocked open the door, Jiang-Li could see clearly, the house was guarded by officers and soldiers on all sides, yes, the officers and men in armor.
     Jiang-Li sits back in the chair and realized that things were worse than she thought. If this matter was led by Yin Zhili, let alone say that he has met with Yin Zhili several times, and no matter what his mind is, this person is somewhat indecisive and somewhat soft-hearted. Jiang-Li can still find an opportunity. However, it seems that Yin Zhili just accepted the incident, and it was Yin Zhan who arranged it. Only Yin Zhan would not hesitate to cut off Begonia little finger to threaten Jiang-Li.
     Yin Zhan arranged everything, Yin Zhili only did things according to Yin Zhan's arrangement. That's why Yin-Zhiqing didn't know anything about this. What Jiang-Li was anxious about was that she didn't see Yin Zhili, so she couldn't learn about Situ September or Ye Mingyu.
     However, one thing is certain, since it is Yin Zhan's arrangement, this road of Yin Zili is the back road of Yin Zhan. If Yin Zhan is now fighting Ji-Heng, it must be not far from here. In order that once the result happened, Yin Zhan could order Yin Zhili to prepare the second plan, which was to threaten Ji-Heng by himself.
     Jiang-Li couldn't help but clenched his fists.
     I knew Ji-Heng was nearby, but I didn't know where Ji-Heng was, and what was happening now. But she can do nothing, the only thing she can hope for is that Yin Zhili can follow the agreement and let Ye Mingyu and others go.
     Otherwise ... she looks at the food basket on the table. The broken pieces are also extremely sharp. It is not easy to live in this world, but it is easy to die.
     This deal, she can't lose everything.
     The snow in Qingzhou was heavy.
     The north of the Changhe River is north and the south of the Changhe River is south. Qingzhou is located on the edge of the Changhe River. Spring is like the southern country, red willows are green, and winter is like the northern country.
     But even in the winter of Xiao se, the Red House was still warm and lively, and it was as if people thought it was still March of Fireworks. The young women wore a thin veil and stepped barefoot on the snow-white carpet. The hands and feet were covered with fine silver bells, each tender and charming. The candle is carved into the shape of a hibiscus flower, which blooms layer by layer as the heart of the candle burns. Red account gold powder, Sheng Geman dance, a treasury hides countless jewels, and also beautiful women who can't buy jewellery.
     There are officials in official uniforms, scholars in white, swordsmen with swords, and gongzi swinging. A night here is just to seek consolation and warmth in winter, noble and cheap, no difference.
     On the second floor, bead curtains isolated each room. The twinkling bead curtains were illuminated by lights, like crystal flowers flying around in the legendary dragon's palace. It's also like the ice hanging on the tree outside in the white ground in winter. I can't help pitying how long it will take, the scenery will disappear, and it will stop.
     The stage is a play.
     In the red building, there has never been a drama team on stage before. There are only women's singing and dancing, and the opera team is the thing that big family members Fu-ren Young-Lady love to see. Everything here is for men. Today's opera classes are naturally also the idea of men, and this guest can let the owner of the red house. Changing your mind, you can see that it's a big deal.
     The acting team on the stage did not sing anything else, it was many Fu-ren Madam, the favorite "Farewell My Concubine". Beauty has said goodbye to heroes, which has been a euphemism since ancient times. People sigh for their heroes, others sigh for the beauty and affection of beauty, others think that the king is defeated, and some people think that everything is just the sadness and joy of others.
     There is a beauty in the hall, there is a beauty on the stage, and there is a beauty in red in the bead curtain. His red robe was like a fire, and it slowly spread down. A black python is embroidered on the hem of the robe, adding a gloom to this bright color. However, his face is very beautiful, even more beautiful than the oil painting on the stage, which is rumored to be full of beauty. A pair of affectionate amber-colored phoenix eyes seemed to be drunk, and the corners of the lips were smiling. Hibiscus pearly light was reflected on the bead curtain, stroking his long eyelashes, the straight bridge of his nose, and falling on his rosy thin lips. He held a magnificent folding fan in his hand, and gently shaken.
     As if to dispel the frivolity and enthusiasm in this room.
     Beside him, there were some other people, all of them Jinjinyudai, as if it were the usual brother Gongzi, but there was no smile on the face, and they all became immovable foils, a total of six people. Sitting around the man in red, it was Zhao Zhao and Wen Ji.
     The color in this bead curtain is more attractive than Miss in the whole red building, but it is blocked by the bead curtain, which isolates the peeping eyes of outsiders. In the tea cup on the table, the fragrance of tea, and the censer on the side, are fragrant.
     People on the stage sang, "Bold venture into the tiger's hole, lead the dragon into the beach. Li Zuoche sees and drives, Big-Wang Chitose!"
     The word "OK" suddenly broke out in the next room! After applauding, a “reward” was passed, and from a room on the second floor, an ingot of gold ingots flew over the head of the opera actor and fell to the front table, where the silver for the teapot was placed. Above the plate. End to end, right in the upper left corner.
     The people in the audience froze, cheered, and looked upstairs.
     Ji-Heng kept playing with the fan and kept his head slightly, as if looking through the bead curtain, to see who was in the next room.
     The actors on the stage did not pay attention to these, and continued to sing. It doesn't matter what the Nobles do, even if someone suddenly comes on stage to assassinate, as long as the person is not dead, they have to finish singing. The children of Liyuan did so, or they annoyed Noble and it was a miserable end.
     Singing on the stage, the person in the bead curtain next door called "OK" nonstop, one after another the gold ingots flew downstairs, and they all fell squarely on the silver plate. , Unbiased, neat and tidy. The applause downstairs became louder. The actors sang even more vigorously, with a whisper, Ai Ai, almost the people who were going to be around, scorching blood and breaking their hearts.
     When he sang, "I'm lonely, I don't need to play more, it's exactly :  Today's Teacher will win, and Ri Xing will break the Han Army." Ji-Heng put away the folding fan in his hand and stood up.
     He opened the curtain and went out.
     The others in the room followed, and they saw the young man in red walking to the next room—the room where the gold ingots were always thrown out.
     That was a table of guests.
     Good wine and dishes on the table, all of which are beef and white wine, are extremely rough. A total of seven people, clothed leather boots, described rough and bold, as if born in the army. The middle-aged man, headed by a tall, handsome man, is tough and rude. He is holding a dagger, cutting off a piece of beef, putting it into his mouth, chewing, and pouring a good wine on his head. This person is not someone else, it is Xia-Junwang, Yin Zhan.
     Ji-Heng and the six Jinyi men behind came in.
     Yin Zhan finished drinking, shook the jar of wine, wiped his mouth, and said with a good voice, and then looked at Ji-Heng, he laughed aloud :  "Su Duke is here too, please!"
     Ji-Heng didn't refuse and sits down leisurely.
     The room was huge and spacious, and the long table, the Yin Zhan people only sits half. It seems that the other half is left for Ji-Heng's people to do it, as if it had long been known that Ji-Heng would come. The two of them sits at the two ends of the long table. Yin Zhan raised the wine jar toward Ji-Heng, Ji-Heng smiled slightly, Wen Ji handed over a jug, and he held his head in one hand and raised his head to pick up the wine. Merry and bright, chic and boundless.
     A toast.
     Ji-Heng's mouth twitched, "Xia-Junwang is a real meal."
     "It hasn't been found by Su Duke." Yin Zhan smiled indifferently. "After the Yangtze River pushes forward the waves!" Then raise the altar :  "Please!"
     The laughter of the woman outside, the ridicule of the man, and the cheering of the spectator, all disappeared in an instant. Except for the guests in the bead curtain, only the actors outside the stage are still singing.
     "When the toad light is cleared, the horns are desolate in the golden wind. I remember how many stars and frosts have passed since I entered the battlefield. He Nian was able to return to his hometown, and the weapon destroyed the sun and the moon." Yu Ji turned, her voice sad and desolate :  "Xi Chu Overlord Under the tent, Yu Ji, a young girl, a young sword and sword; since Big-Wang, who settled in the west, has struggled hard and hard, I don’t know if Japan will be peaceful! "
     "Yu Ji, Yu Ji!" This sentence was spoken in Yin Zhan's mouth, his expression looked as if he remembered something, and drank a glass of wine.
     Ji-Heng looked at him with a smile, and said with a smile :  "Xia-Junwang felt it. I don't know if I thought of Lin Roujia, or my mother, Yu Hongye."
     Yin Zhan froze with the movement of the wine jar. After a moment, he looked at Ji-Heng and laughed aloud :  "Red leaves! Hongye son is really as smart as red leaves."
     Ji-Heng took the jug and poured himself a small glass of wine. He took a sip and smiled :  "Unfortunately no matter how clever, he died in the hands of Xia-Junwang."
     This sentence is not trivial, and all the guests who originally laughed were silent. Whether it is a rough man with sackcloth boots or a brother Gongzi with Jinyiyudai, it seems that he has not heard this sentence. Still should eat, drink, but don't talk.
     The atmosphere at the feast was so quiet and weird, and from the weirdness, another kind of misery was born.
     The drama outside is still being performed, and it is performed directly to Han Xin's ambush. The Eight Hans will hold the banner, and Li Zuoche leads Xiang Yu into the line.
     "Xia-Junwang," Ji-Heng said with a smile :  "Ambush on all sides. Is this play very familiar? Did you think of anything? I need to remind you. Twenty-three years ago, Hongshan Temple, How did you seduce your brother, my father, and hundreds of archers sealed the road with poison on their arrows. People in the world praised General Zhaode for his great husband, and he forgot a word, "No poison, no husband, right?"
     Yin Zhan looked at the young man in front of him. Even if he talked about the tragedy of his father and mother, he could still carelessly smile. That smile gave birth to ferocious cruelty, which almost swallowed people, and seemed to hide evil innocence, so that people would accidentally fall into the trap and never climb again.
     Ji-Heng in front of his eyes suddenly blurred, like Ji Yanhan, the best friend who always slaps his shoulders and laughed, like Yu Hongye, who is bright and hot.
     Twenty-three years ago, Dongxia came to invade, and the young General Jin Wu led his army. Yan Jing's Yu Hongye died of her illness before Ji Jihan returned. No one in the world knows what's hidden in it. All they know is that the subordinates inside and outside Ji house have been replaced. Since then, Ji Yanhan has disappeared, leaving behind Ji-Heng and General Ji.
     No one cares what the truth looks like. Time is like a long river, burying all the bright colors, becoming old and insignificant, sinking to the bottom of the river, and never being mentioned again. But not everyone will forget.
     How did Yu Hongye die?
     Yin Zhan remembered that afternoon when he and Empress Dowager were hanging around in the palace a few decades ago, who could have thought that Yu Hongye appeared at that time. She came out just right, so that the palace people looking out of the wind did not find it. Until now, Yin Zhan still couldn't figure out why, why Yu Hongye appeared at that time.
     But this is the guilty of the harem, the guilty of beheading. Yin Zhan still has a little hesitation, Empress Dowager has made the palace people around him grasp Yu Hongye.
     Yu Hongye gave birth to Ji-Heng less than a year ago, and Yin Zhan couldn't bear to start. The Shu Daughter of the Yu family, although it is only Shu Daughter, is only known by the world. She is gorgeous and beautiful, and is Ji Jihan's beloved woman. It wasn't that it wasn't good, he still remembered that when he accompanied Ji Jihan to find Yu Hongye, he sang a song about wine and knocked on the drink. Then carefree became murderous, how did he start to deal with this Sao.
     Lin Roujia looked at him coldly, "Yin Zhan, do you want to kill me?"
     At that moment, Yin Zhan was excited and suddenly came to understand. He didn't hesitate any more, even letting his subordinates defile Yu Hongye and kill her, and threw it at the door of Ji house in the night. Only in this way, the Ji family would not dare to speak out about an insulted body in order to take care of his face. And his good brother Ji Jihan, he loves Yu Hongye so much, and will not let Yu Hongye be pointed again after his death.
     Everything is like his plan.
     Ji-Heng was playing with the folding fan in his hand. His red clothes were in a banquet. The red sound was stern and his voice was still with a smile. This smile was extremely eerie and bitterly cold. "My mother's body at that time, I have seen it with my own eyes. "
     With a fluttering sentence, Yin Zhan suddenly understood what Ji-Heng meant.
     Can a one-year-old have memory? Can you be sensible? But maybe, I have seen such a scene, Xu is the first time in his life to contact the dark days, this day came too early, so he was trapped in hell, traded with the devil, and re Back to earth.
     Yin Zhan laughed and drank a few sips of wine, and said to Ji-Heng :  "That's really wrong!"
     Everything is as expected by Yin Zhan and Lin Roujia. Yu Hongye is the daughter of a criminal and a Shu Daughter. She was previously degraded into a youth building. Ji Yihan ignored the family to oblige her to marry Yu Hongye, and she had already committed anger. But today Yu Hongye is dead, just like the people in Ji family. After the triumphant Ji Jihan learned that his beloved wife was dead, he had to find justice for his wife and find the true murderer, but he was blocked by all Ji parents.
     They said that such scandals should not be publicized and that the Ji family should not be made a joke for the people of the world. Haven't all the joys of being buried under the serious illness? Does he want everyone in the world to know what happened to Yu Hongye before his death, and his body was not clean? He really answered that sentence.
     Even General Ji Ji came to persuade Ji Jihan not to speak up, so he swallowed this breath.
     Ji Yanhan was furious and vowed to break away from the Ji family and sever ties with the Ji family. After that, he left Ji-Heng beside General Ji, and went to find the true murderer.
     It was really not an easy time.
     Yin Zhan actually didn't want to kill Ji Yunhan. There are countless good men and heroes in the world. He just fell in love with Ji Yunhan. I only hope that one day they can go to the battlefield together and fight against the enemy. They talked about the setting sun in the desert, the meniscus of the snowy mountains, the bloodthirsty wolves, and the swamp covered with poisonous snakes. They had been fighting in the building together, and had been riding horses in the martial arts field. Some people are as white-headed as new, others are as old as ever. Yin Zhan believes that his favorite woman in the world is Lin Roujia, and the man he admires most is Ji Yanhan.
     Brothers are righteous, and their hands and feet intersect, how can he succeed Ji Jihan?
     Yu Ji is singing :  "Since I went to the West Station with Big-Wang, I have been suffering from wind and frost and toil year after year. Hate only hate Wu Dao Qin's life on charcoal, only to cause the common people to suffer.
     Xiang Yu said :  "The gun picked up several generals in the Han camp. How can heroes beware of the burying of ten faces?"
     Ji-Heng smiled slightly, and found a pearl with a big thumb from the sleeve, and the fan waved, and the pearl flew straight out of the tea curtain, and heard a clear sound of "plop", the pearl steadily landed on the first floor On the table, next to a silver plate with gold ingots, was a small bowl of green.
     "Good workmanship!" Yin Zhan applauded.
     "Xia-Junwang's archery," Ji-Heng said quietly :  "It's a must."
     Yin Zhan smiled and said nothing.
     After Yu Hongye died, Ji Yanhan never gave up searching for the true murderer. Even if the Yin family did not agree, even if they left Yin's house, Ji Yanhan would pay revenge for Yu Hongye at all costs.
     At first Yin Zhan didn't take it to heart, but Ji Yanhan was too hurry. The world only said that the generals only knew how to fight, and how Wufu planned. However, I do not know that Ji Hanhan is a heroic general, and a magical military officer. He was never stupid, his brain was flexible, and he gradually found some clues.
     Ji Yanhan was alone not to beware of Yin Zhan. He could not have imagined that his good brother had any reason to kill his wife. He will get the clues and listen to Yin Zhan, who gradually becomes aware of the crisis. Although there is no implication for him and Lin Roujia, for a long time, he must be inseparable from him.
     Yin Zhan himself will stop, but Lin Roujia cannot die, Lin Roujia is pregnant.
     In the palace, because of framing the relationship of pet Fae, Lin Roujia professed to be innocent and took the initiative to go to the wall of Hongshan Temple, thousands of miles away, to think of a buddha. If at this time Ji Yihan discovers the clues, once Yin Zhan and Lin Roujia affairs are exposed, it is not only him and Lin Roujia, but also innocent children. For this unborn child, Yin Zhan reported great expectations. In order to protect Lin Roujia and the child, Yin Zhan could sacrifice everything, including Ji Yunhan.
     He told Ji Minhan that he had found the evidence of the murderer, which was of great importance, but he was at the Red Mountain Temple at the moment and asked Ji Minhan to come. At the Red Mountain Temple, Yin Zhan ambushed hundreds of archers. In order to be foolproof, the arrows were quenched by the poison of Molan and the blood was sealed.
     It was a very cold and cold spring night. Until now, Yin Zhan didn't know it. It was clearly spring day. How could the wind be cold that night, as if to pierce human bones, as if it could be in the next moment of the lake water? Frozen. Ji Yanhan relied on him completely and never fortified. He entered an ambush.
     Just like that "Singer of Guns Picking Up the Han Battalion."
     The play of "Ambush on Ten Sides" was also heard by the soldiers in the account. Everyone knows that you can't sell the famous Overlord, but when you are in it, you don't have to say "winning or losing is a routine thing". There is no second life to make a comeback, victory is victory, defeat is defeat. Yin Zhan watched Ji Jihan break into the ambush, like a trapped beast. He was one hundred opponents, and even though he was outnumbered, he still showed unexpected bravery. Ji Yanhan was very clever. When he found that he was trapped in the middle, he immediately stopped fighting and went to escape.
     Yin Zhan stood high, and shot a vital arrow at the person who was struggling to make an encirclement.
     The arrow shot Ji Jihan's back, Yin Zhan was about to chase, and other voices suddenly sounded everywhere, Yin Zhan had to stop. He must not make his movements too large, otherwise what would happen if someone discovered the strange shape of Hongshan Temple and Lin Roujia? But he was certain that Ji Jihan would not live tonight, and the poison on the arrow was very powerful. Since Ji Jihan was shot, he would definitely die. Therefore, he just secretly sent his men to search for Ji Yuhan's body.
     But Ji Yanhan disappeared.
     For a long time after that, Yin Zhan inquired about where Ji Jihan was. He even tried to try the Ji family's people, but found nothing. Ji Yanhan is like disappearing from the world. Ji-Heng grew up in Duke House. If Ji Yanhan is still alive, he should always come to see Yu Hongye son. but.
     He was about to die somewhere.
     Yin Zhan sighed.
     Then, Lin Roujia gave birth to a son. He swapped Lin Roujia son with his wife son, and killed his Fu-ren. In order to dispel the doubts of the previous emperor, he married his wife and had children, left Yanjing City, moved to Yunzhong, and raised Yin Zhili.
     Many years have passed and life seems to be peaceful. After leaving the familiar environment, they were all strangers, and Yin Zhan himself forgot. For the sake of Lin Roujia, his hands were covered with bloody madness. This is not the same as the bloodshed on the battlefield. On the battlefield he protects the people and protects the land. Now ... he deceives his friends, kills his family and even his son, and betrays his brothers.
     Regret it? It doesn't make any sense. Once this road goes forward, you can't turn back, otherwise he can't protect even the most important things in his life except those he killed.
     Yin Zhan once had a beautiful dream. The stains of the past will never be discovered with the death of Ji Yuhan and Yu Hongye. He can smoothly start his own plan, starting by himself and ending by himself. To Yin Zhili, it was an innocent river.
     But when he returned and saw Ji-Heng's first glance, he knew that this dream was broken, Ji Jihan and Yu Hongye never left. Ji-Heng knows everything. Just as he has been planning in the cloud, Ji-Heng has been dormant in Yanjing. They are evenly matched and they are against each other. Most importantly, Ji-Heng is young and strong, which is good. Time, and he was old.
     He can't be as heroic as he was then, but maybe there is one thing he can do that is even more mean than he was then.
     "Xia-Junwang is actually a very mean person." Ji-Heng laughed and drank a glass of wine. "But for so many years, I have done a lot of mean things. So it doesn't make sense." He stared Looking at Xia-Junwang's eyes, he said slowly :  "Would you like to compare, are you mean, or me mean?"
     Yin Zhan froze.
     The beauty in red said with a smile, Yan Yan could not hide his tone, like Yu Hongye at that time, no, he was more sinister, fierce, and shrewd than Yu Hongye. He sits in front of himself, and debt collection came.
     Debt owed twenty-three years ago.


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