Married Di Daughter 185-189

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »  Chapter 185 :  Divorce         

     Time passed quickly. On the days of Yongning-Princess and Shen Yurong's execution, Jiang-Li had eaten early and had to go out. Jiang Yuanbai learned that she was also going to watch the sentence, and she stopped talking, and finally said, "It's terrible, don't go and watch."
     "Nothing, I don't watch the sentence, just stand outside and look at it." Jiang-Li smiled, "Also angry for Sanmei."
     Jiang Yuanbai was even more guilty. He didn't plan to see the sentence. I wonder if it was because of Yongning-Princess. Hong Xiao di felt guilty for him and called him frequently these days. The talks between the monarchs and the ministers had some shadows of frankness in the past.
     However, whether this is an emperor's heart surgery or not, Jiang Yuanbai himself cannot say clearly. A companion is like a tiger, he doesn't dare to be sloppy, he has to do whatever he has to do, he will not relax his vigilance because of Emperor Hong Xiao’s sudden approach, and let his mistakes go.
     However, Jiang Youyao was mad. The original creator was sentenced today and he did not go to see it, but Jiang-Li, who had always been embarrassed by Jiang Youyao, could not see Jiang Yuanbai complex feelings.
     Fortunately, Jiang-Li did not discuss with him much on this matter. After saying goodbye to Jiang Yuanbai, he went out. Jiang-Li knows that today Ye Mingyu they will also take Xue Huaiyuan to watch the sentence, but Jiang-Li did not tell them that they would also see it.
     She hasn't figured out how to face Xue Huaiyuan for the time being. The next time she sees Xue Huaiyuan, Jiang-Li intends to tell the truth and tell Xue Huaiyuan that she is Xue Fangfei. She knew that Xue Huaiyuan's sudden acceptance would definitely be difficult, so she had to think about a mild remark, but she couldn't see Xue Huaiyuan until she thought about it. She was also afraid that she would speak directly when she was excited, and that she would scare Xue Huaiyuan, and that Xue Huaiyuan would not believe at all, but she was thinking about it for the past few days.
     Bai Xue and Tong Er helped Jiang-Li get on the carriage.
     There are fewer people walking on the streets of Yanjing City today. It was originally that many people ran to the execution ground to see the excitement. One was the 1st-Imperial-Scholar Lang who was proud of the spring breeze, the young and promising Zhongshu Shelang, the other was the Mei-mei who became the king, the serious Jinzhiyuye. But they have committed such heinous crimes. People always like to watch lively, and they want to see these two pay a price.
     When Jiang-Li carriage was driving outside the execution ground, it was no longer accessible, and the people and the bustling carriages blocked the road. Bai Xue and Tong Er had to use silver to open the road. The people took the silver and naturally talked, and gave way, so that the carriage stopped a little further, and at least two people on the execution platform could be seen.
     Yongning-Princess and Shen Yurong are dressed in dirty prison uniforms, their hair is disheveled, and they are no longer exquisitely refined, just like other death row prisoners. What's more, they are worse than other death row prisoners. The indignation-filled people had been carrying baskets of vegetables spontaneously, throwing eggs on their heads and throwing leaves, very embarrassed.
     About Shen Yurong himself did not expect that he would have such a day.
     Jiang-Li thought that Yongning-Princess should still maintain her flamboyant nature and yell at her even after she got here. But she didn't even have a word today, she held her head and couldn't even see her expression. But Shen Yurong was gentle, or numbly facing everything in front of her. His eyes roamed the crowd as if looking for someone.
     Knowing he couldn't see himself, Jiang-Li took a step back and hid behind Bai Xue. She suddenly felt funny again. When Xue Fangfei was killed by Yongning-Princess, Shen Yurong was outside the door and saw it with her own eyes, but stood by and watched her fate to Huangquan. Now that Shen Yurong is dying, she becomes a bystander and takes Shen Yurong on her final journey.
     What is happening in the world is really a strange reincarnation.
     Suddenly, there was a woman's wailing cry, and occasionally mixed with abusive sounds, Jiang-Li followed the sound and saw a familiar figure, Shen mother.
     Mother Shen cried in front of the execution platform, ‘calling "My Son", and yelled at Yongning-Princess. Jiang-Li heard her scolding clearly. Shen's mother scolded Shen Yurong, who had a promising future, but was burdened by the adulteress Yongning-Princess. Even Xue Fangfei and Shen's mother came up and said that she only said how kind and virtuous the original daughter-zi Xue Fangfei was, and was considerate, but was killed by Yongning-Princess with vicious means, and planted on Shen Yurong.
     The pain of Shen's mother is not fake, because she has only one son, Shen Yurong, and she tortures Shen Yurong, and the hope of the whole family rests on Shen Yurong. And Shen Yurong didn't live up to expectations. He really became a high-ranking official, but he did not expect anyone to lose his horse and stumble, and he followed suit. Shen's mother is accustomed to shirk all responsibilities on others. Since Yongning-Princess is useless, she naturally blame all this on Yongning-Princess.
     Jiang-Li laughed in his heart. At this moment, Shen’s mother was spoiling regardless of the cause. Due to various reasons, Cheng Wang and Liu Tai-Fae failed to save Yongning-Princess, but it did not mean that they really did not care about Yongning Princess. Yongning-Princess fell to the current field, and for Liu Tai-Fae and Cheng Wang, it was precisely because of Shen Yurong. Without Shen Yurong, later events would not have happened at all. Shen's mother angered Yongning-Princess, and Liu Tai-Fae also angered Shen's family. Shen Yurong is dead, and Shen mother's wild scolding will naturally annoy Liu Tai-Fae.
     I am afraid that after the execution, Shen's mother will not be able to live long. Liu Tai-Fae was already angry with Shen Yurong, how could she allow an ordinary woman to insult her only daughter.
     If Shen Yurong still has her own mother in her heart, she should speak at this time to remind her mother a sentence or two. Shen Mu words may not be heard by others, but Shen Yurong's words must be heard more or less.
     But Shen Yurong didn't, he was just blank, hopeless, persistent searching in the crowd over and over again. His gaze was so obvious that many people felt it and looked at each other, thinking that he was the one who had sought the robbery and was waiting for the rescue.
     But no, nothing. Without rescuers, Shen Yurong's expectations did not appear.
     Until the moment when time comes.
     The executioner stood behind Shen Yurong, and his hand fell from the knife. The silver light flashed, dripping, and a line of blood sprayed on the ground. The round head rolled down, covered with mud, and could not tell anything.
     Yongning-Princess beside Shen Yurong ‘Called, as if she finally understood the fear, and ‘Called "don't", but before she finished, the sword of death followed.
     The crowd cheered for a moment, as if it had achieved a great achievement.
     Jiang-Li looked down, turned blankly and walked away, and everything was over.
     No matter how appalling the "1st-Imperial-Scholar Killing Wife" case is, with the execution of Yongning-Princess and Shen Yurong, everything seems to be over.
     There will still be some people talking about this in the tea house restaurant on the street, boasting about the innocence and pity of Xue Fangfei brother and sister, but the number of people talking is gradually getting smaller.
     The good guys get the chance to get their grievances, and the bad guys put down the law. This seems to be a happy ending. In the spring, everything started to get busy again. Farmers were busy planting seeds. Children started to go to school and knew new words. Everything was flourishing.
     Jiang-Li day also passed in a day by day calm. After this matter is resolved, she sometimes does not know what she should do. Just like looking for Chang-Young-Lady, embroider, write and write at home, and live peacefully and satisfactorily. When one day there is a door-to-door relationship, they will put on their wedding dresses and marry, and raise children for her husband Housework seems to be the end of her second life.
     But Jiang-Li did not want to do that. When she became Xue Fangfei, she had already done these things once, exhausting all her energy and life, and she really did not have the courage to do it again. Moreover, Jiang-Li also contradicted the marriage. Young-Lady, the first assistant's family, is likely to be married by Jiang Yuanbai to a young talent who hasn't seen a few faces, but it sounds good on the surface. She knew Shen Yurong at the time, and thought she knew Shen Yurong very well, only to realize that she had never understood him, let alone someone who hadn't approached it a few times.
     But she can't refuse this fate. She is now the Young-Lady of the Jiang family, the first daughter of Qian Jin, no matter how willful, in the matter of marriage, I'm afraid I can't make it.
     Jiang-Li still often goes to Ye house, Xue Huaiyuan still lives in Ye house, although he said several times that he wants to return to Xiangyang, Tongxiang. But Ye Shijie tried his best to retain him. On the one hand, from Xue Huaiyuan, Ye Shijie could get a lot of suggestions for being an official, which would greatly benefit his future career. Secondly, Cheng Wang was afraid that he would still hate Xue Huaiyuan, and let Xue When Huaiyuan went out alone, it would be dangerous.
     Ye Mingyu promised Xue Huaiyuan. When he returned to Xiangyang at the end of the year, he would definitely bring Xue Huaiyuan with him. As for this year, let Xue Huaiyuan live in the Ye family in Yanjing City. Xue Huaiyuan believes that the Ye family has great affection for Xue Jiaping's reaction, so it is not easy to evade it, so it should be accepted.
     This relieved Jiang-Li.
     She often went to Ye house to see Ye Mingyu on the surface, but she wanted to spend more time with Xue Huaiyuan. Xue Huaiyuan became calm and gentle after this case. He is no longer like the sometimes severe and sometimes loving father, just like an ordinary old man. He didn't get upset. He usually read and wrote at Ye house. He had a very leisurely life, and it didn't seem that he was desperate because of Xue misery.
     But Jiang-Li knows it, and really sad, he won't say it on his mouth. She talked with Xue Huaiyuan several times. The phrase "I am Xue Fangfei" has come to my lips, but I can't say it.
     She also has fear and uneasiness. What if she said that Xue Huaiyuan would not believe it? She couldn't bear the scene of being denied by her father.
     At that moment, she unexpectedly missed Ji-Heng. It would be best if Xue Huaiyuan, like Ji-Heng, was also convinced of the strange and disturbing things, or that he was convinced of what she said.
     Ji-Heng ...... Jiang-Li looks down, and it is imminent for King Cheng to lift things. These days, Ji-Heng should have a lot of work to do. But since that day he knew her identity, they had no contact. Not to mention that she and Ji-Heng, even Zhao Yan, disappeared from the Jiang family. Jiang-Li is not good at asking a gardener so as not to attract attention, but Zhao Yan did not appear again.
     This may be the evidence that Ji-Heng wanted to draw a line with her, Jiang-Li thought, and could not help but laughed again. This man was really ruthless. When he helped, he seemed to be a good friend. Walking the roads is like being clean and neat even if you have a little connection.
     But that's fine.
     Thinking about it, Tonger walked in from the outside and said, "Miss, you have just come back from the house and heard something."
     "What is it?" Jiang-Li asked.
     "Ning Yuanhou Heir divorced his wife!"
     "Zhou Yanbang divorced his wife? Shen Ruyun?" Jiang-Li froze, "Why?"
     "It must have happened because of the Shen family." Tonger said with a big grin :  "When Ning Yuanhou Heir married Shen-Young-Lady, it was not because Shen-Young-Lady's brother was Zhongshu Shelang. Would you like to give an explanation to the Shen family? Now Shen Yurong has been cut off, and the Shen family is nothing, of course Shen-Young-Lady is of no use. If Heir Fu-ren is still sitting, Ning Yuan Houfu will definitely Laughed. Ning Yuan Houfu people are so selfish, of course they will quickly divorce their wives. "
     Tong Er was so anxious about Jiang-Li that Ningyuan Houfu regretted his marriage at that time. Speaking of Ningyuan Houfu, he was also extremely diligent. Jiang-Li smiled :  "You're right."
     The people of Ningyuan Houfu are afraid that they are still dreaming that Zhou Yanbang can restore his career. In this way, he just kicked Shen Ruyun and sought the daughter of a high-ranking family member. Jiang-Li thought that Zhou Yanbang would take a break so quickly. If Jiang Yue was not mixed in, she would not believe it. Jiang Yue must take advantage of this opportunity to continue to stir up the wind, so that Shen Ruyun can fall down so quickly.
     "After that?" Jiang-Li asked. "How is Shen Ruyun?"
     Tong Er shook his head :  "The 1st-Imperial-Scholar Mansion is gone. I heard that Shen Ruyun found Shen's mother, their two women, and went to the Fu-Noble family they had made a friend to ask for help ... But Miss, you You know, the Shen family is full of evil. Who dare to help him? They can't avoid it. They touched their noses and they don't know where they are now! "
     Jiang-Li smiled slightly :  "So it is." Shen Ruyun and his mother were ruined by their own greed. To say that if you see it back then, or you simply let Shen Yurong climb up one step at a time. Although it is a bit slower, it still has a lot. Unlike now, it's worse than being impoverished overnight. Everyone yells like a mouse crossing the street.
     This is retribution.
     I don't want to think about it again, Jiang-Li said :  "Forget it, the future of Ningyuan Houfu will have nothing to do with Our."
     The rest of Jiang Yue was proud of Houfu in Ningyuan, or frustrated, it was all far away from her.
     Her own affairs are still not clear.

     Chapter 186 :  Lies         

     In Cheng Wang's Mansion, in recent days, people have been careful in doing things, for fear that if they are not careful, they will catch the irritable master.
     Many people have been seated in the hall. They are courtiers of the Yanjing court. They are about to discuss important matters. The king sits in the head position, next to him, next to the left hand side, is Li Zhongnan.
     "Everyone," Cheng Wang said, "I'm afraid that our days must be advanced."
     In these days, Emperor Hong Xiao didn't know if he knew his intentions and aimed everywhere. Cheng Wang was annoyed in his heart, he had the determination to raise things in advance, and in addition to the matter of Yongning-Princess, he poured a handful of oil on it, which made her angry. I can't wait to break into the palace now, drag Hong Xiao di from that position, and trample on his feet.
     You know, during this time, because of Yongning-Princess, he suffered much ridicule and discussion. Although those people did not dare to say anything in person, they almost pierced his spine in the back. Cheng Wang cherishes his fame. He hopes that one day when he sits in that position, he will be innocent and unscrupulous. It seems impossible now, so why not worry about it and let go.
     Cheng Wang looked at Li Zhongnan next to him and asked, "What do you think the right man thinks?"
     Li Zhongnan smiled and said, "It's all about your Highness."
     Cheng Wang was a little unhappy, Li Zhongnan was clearly perfunctory. He knew that Li Zhongnan was because he had a suspicion about Yongning-Princess at the time, and he is still not very happy. Although Cheng Cheng has already paid his sins, he doesn't take it for granted. You must know that he is the king and Li Zhongnan is only a courtier. Now it is Li Zhongnan who he is holding, and he treats Li Zhongnan well. But if Li Zhongnan doesn't know how to promote, he doesn't mind giving Li Zhongnan a good look.
     Of course not now, but when he sits high and holds power.
     Li Zhongnan was laughing on his face, and his heart was in awe. Li Xian likes to raise a boy in the house, but he has lost all his reputation. His two sons, his youngest son, Li Zhi, were incompetent. In addition to his special hobby, his eldest son had a good reputation. In the future, he will succeed himself and become the pillar of the Wang Li family. However, because of the trouble of Yongning-Princess, Li Xian will become the stain of the Li family in the future. Now they have to be careful about the Li family's ups and downs, they can't be seen as the carriage of the Li family, so they don't need to be pointed at the back. Li Xian even lost his official position and made a good career, so it was ruined.
     If these are only made by Yongning-Princess, Li Zhongnan at most complains that Cheng Wang did not control Mei-mei well. Li Zhongnan as the nest is that Yongning-Princess marrying the Li family with the seed of Shen Yurong, and Cheng Wang said that he didn't know about the pregnancy of Yongning-Princess. How could it be? Obviously I want the Li family to be that unlucky person, and somehow raise a son for someone else. When I think of it, Li Zhongnan is furious. What does King Cheng think of his Li family? Be a fool!
     It is true that now King Cheng is the master and they are courtiers and cannot do anything to King Cheng. But this breath couldn't swallow any more, like a fishbone stuck in his throat. Li Zhongnan made a decision in his heart, and this time the king's move, the Li family will not stop at it because the Li family depends on the king. But it's not impossible to move around. You have to let Cheng understand that he is not restless. If there is no Li family, his position as a king is afraid that he is not as secure as Hong Xiao di.
     If the king is afraid of their Li family, they must respect him!
     Cheng turned around and asked other courtiers to discuss important matters with them. He deliberately or unconsciously neglected Li Zhongnan, as if he intentionally gave Li Zhongnan a piece of advice.
     Li Zhongnan disagreed, smirk in his heart, advice? He will return it to Cheng soon.
     In the palace of Yanjing City, spring flowers bloom a lot.
     In this winter season, all the withered trees and trees can't wait to grow up. The palace always seems to be the first place to be lively. The flowers in the flowerbeds bloom earlier than other places. It is to decorate itself more beautiful than the flowers. I just hope that the king will pass by from here, and he will inadvertently glance at these lively fragrances.
     There are beauties in the palace every year and new people every year. Everyone expects the emperor's pet, but it never lasts long. It's like there is no shortage of bright tender flowers in the flower garden, but the flower picker doesn't pick every flower. The picked flowers can still be carefully served in a vase to decorate a summer day. No one appreciates the flowers left in the flower garden. In the autumn, they will still wither together.
     Shao Guang is like a dream, his face is perishable, and flowers and people are the same.
     Emperor Hong Xiao is chanting with Empress Dowager in Cining Palace.
     During Empress Dowager's recitation, Emperor Hong Xiao just sits aside and opened the scriptures. Compared with Empress Dowager's piety, Emperor Hong Xiao seems much more dissatisfied. But in this scene, Empress Dowager, who chants the Bible with her eyes closed, does not see it. Her focused, single-minded chanting, as if nothing in the world is more important than the one in front of her. And such days, day after day, year after year, it seems that she has been like this since Emperor Xiao Xiao ascended the throne.
     She does not intervene in political affairs, nor does she walk in the palace like Liu Tai-Fae, almost making people forget that there is such an Empress Dowager. I heard that she was also the same when she was young. Wen Wanxianshu, never jealous of the harem with others, instead raised her child who was not her own, and watched him become emperor. Without Empress Dowager, Emperor Hong Xiao of the year could not have been left by the ambitious Liu Tai-Fae mother and son.
     However, to say how close Hong Xiao di and Empress Dowager are, it is not obvious. It is nothing more than apparent peace.
     With Empress Dowager chanting the scripture for a while, Emperor Hong Xiao walked out of Cining Palace. He did not return to the Royal Study, and last night saw the discounts of the night. He went to the early morning this morning, and slept less than a few hours in total. He had to go back to the dormitory to rest before walking to the entrance of the dormitory. Su Gonggong greeted him and said, "Your Majesty, Liyang Niang-Niang is here."
     Li Yan came out from behind the door. Among the many beauties in the palace, she seemed to be the most indifferent. Even if there are many beauties in the spring, those young, full-bodied beauties decorate the entire palace beautifully. The former beauties are more like enemies and dress themselves more and more. But for Li Yan, it never seemed to make a difference. She wouldn't feel dangerous, and she wouldn't be afraid that the emperor would fall in love with other beauties. She just did her own thing gently, just like now, standing at the door and smiling at Emperor Hong Xiao  :  "Chenqie made some snacks, used Your new acacia honey this year, how about your Majesty? "
     No one can refuse such a gentle request, Hong Xiao di chuckled, "OK."
     His tight face was relieved at this time.
     Li Yan smiled and helped Hong Xiao di to the table, which was filled with delicate snacks and hot tea. Li Yan's fingertips still seemed to have the sweet smell of honey. She is different from other beauties. Although the pastries sent by other beauties are made by themselves, they are clean and clean, and Kordan is bright and complete. It makes people wonder that they are looking around and pointing at the others. But Li Yan made the pastry herself. It is said that others can't make her taste.
     She is a caring person.
     Emperor Hong Xiao smiled and picked up a piece of cake and put it in his mouth. Li Xuan brought a cup of hot tea in time. Hong Xiao di took a sip of tea after eating and sighed, "You still have a heart."
     "The emperor is busy with business, and Chenqie can only do that," Li said with a smile.
     Emperor Hong Xiao also laughed :  "Speaking, I heard from my mother yesterday that the beauty in the new palace this year has your cousin, why don't you tell me? Let me take pictures?"
     Li Yan's smile was slightly stiff. Although the emperor's face still had a smile on her face, she felt very disturbed.
     She had no children. The people in the Ji family always prayed to God to worship her and let her take all kinds of weird medicines. She was expecting to conceive a child and sit firmly in her harem. But after a long time, her stomach didn't move, and Ji family gradually became disappointed and hit her idea elsewhere.
     The Ji family never rested to send another beauty to the palace, winning the king's favor. Li Yan knows what they mean, she wants to help herself, take care of that beauty, and help that young beauty win the favor of the emperor. She blocked the knife and gun for her, and made a plan, and finally became an abandoned child. She was squeezed out of the last drop of blood and sacrificed for Ji family.
     On what basis? Radisson must not. She managed to achieve where she is today. In particular, the other party did nothing, and by virtue of being young and beautiful, it was easy to have everything. It was too unfair!
     So Li did nothing, she pretended not to know the cousin sent by Ji family, and even Li refused to meet with Ji family. She was angry with Ji family and gradually grew hatred. Even after Jiang Youyao accident, Li Yan didn't want to ask, she didn't want to run for Ji family again. Of course, she also knows that the nature of Ji family will not avenge Jiang Youyao.
     Li Yan's heart went back and forth a thousand times, but a sad smile appeared on her face, she lowered her head, and suddenly knelt down, saying, "Chenqie convicted."
     She eyebrows turned softly, her voice was piercing, her pitiful appearance made people feel pity. Emperor Hong Xiao took a moment's notice, took her hand to her side, and smiled, "You are afraid that You will spoil others.
     "Your Majesty can have many beauties around her, and Chenqie is just a trivial one. When Her Majesty loves other beauties, Chenqie can do nothing. The only thing Chenqie can do is to hope to keep Her Majesty's favor for a long time, Chenqie knows This is an overstatement, please be punished. "
     She was sad and pathetic, everything was just because of love. Who would be indifferent to a man who loves her so much and tells her love?
     "I won't leave you." Hong Xiao di laughed. "As long as you don't betray you, I won't abandon you."
     Lei Yi jumped in her heart, and faintly felt that there was something profound in Hong Xiao di words. But the hug of this man beside her was so warm and so indulgent, that her doubts gradually disappeared.
     No, Hong Xiao di will not know. She is very secretive. No one will know.
     At the same time, she smirked in her heart. She didn't expect any emperor's favor. There was no child. The emperor's favor was only temporary. One day, she would be replaced by a younger and more beautiful woman. She would be the one in the harem. The angry woman, those decaying flowers, became a bunch of fresh mud in the spring.
     She will come to the end, at any cost, without sacrificing anyone.
     There was a hint of ruthlessness in Li Yan's eyes.

     Chapter 187 :  Something Happened         

     Spring rain in the day came to night, and finally stopped.
     Jiangfu Lane has been very calm recently and nothing seems to have happened. Jiang Youyao was found. Although crazy, it was quiet. Lao-Furen kept Jiang Yuanbai by her side, and couldn't get busy every day. The two brothers Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping were busy in politics and returned late.
     3rd House, Yang-shi took a few new cloths and said, "Yuyan, come here."
     Jiang Yuyan came out from behind the door, she held a lamp, and there was a dim light in the room. The two pieces of cloth in Yang-shi hands are gorgeous, Yang-shi held the cloth and made a double gesture on Jiang Yuyan's body, and said, "You can make two new clothes."
     "Mother, I can't wear it ..." Jiang Yuyan winced. She looks plain and wears plain clothes. She doesn't like to wear these gorgeous clothes, because the clothes will make her looks more ordinary. But Yang-shi didn't seem to know this, and always wanted to wear all her delicate and grand clothes and jewelry to her.
     "Nothing can't be worn." Yang-shi glared at her, "What do you look like wearing all day long? In a few days, I'll take you out to a banquet, and look better when I wear it, You are too old to say pro. Those Madam who see you look good will always look at you more, don’t you want to marry a good husband? "
     Jiang Yuyan Nonuo, did not answer. She didn't dare to argue what Yang-shi said, she had to listen. But Jiang Yuyan also understands that, unlike Jiang-Li, she has a Father who is the first assistant, and is not even as good-looking as Jiang Yue. From her birth and appearance, there is nothing to be proud of throughout her body. Can't marry a Ruyi Langjun.
     "Mother, where did this flower cloth come from?" Jiang Yuyan asked.
     "It was sent by your sister." Yang-shi said :  "Your sister is in Houfu, Ningyuan. There are a lot of fabrics. Pick two and send them over to make clothes for you. Your sister still thinks about you. You learn more for your sister. "
     Jiang-Yuanxing walked in from the outside. As soon as he came in, he heard Yang-shi counting Jiang Yuyan. Yang-shi has a hot personality, Jiang Yue temper is like Xiao Yang-shi, but Jiang Yuyan is as ‘mute as Jiang-Yuanxing. Therefore, Yang-shi always couldn't get used to Jiang Yuyan and asked Jiang Yuyan to learn Jiang Yue well. But how can temper be easily changed?
     "Don't talk about Yuyan," Jiang-Yuanxing couldn't help but said, "I have nothing to say."
     When Yang-shi saw Jiang-Yuanxing coming back, he told Jiang Yuyan :  "You go back to the room to rest first, and I have something to say with you from Father."
     Jiang Yuyan nodded, turned around and walked out of the room with a lamp. Jiang-Yuanxing sits on the stool and asked, "What's the matter?"
     "Yue letter came today." Yang-shi found a letter from the drawer and handed it to Jiang-Yuanxing, saying :  "It is said that Zhou Yanbang has divorced his wife."
     "Divorce?" Jiang-Yuanxing first frowned, then nodded :  "Shen's family had an accident, and Ningyuan Houfu naturally divorced his wife."
     "Yu meaning in the letter is that although Ning Yuan Houfu is good, Zhou Yanbang cannot enter the career path, and the daughter of a high-ranking family member is afraid that he will not easily marry the Zhou family. In this way, she has the hope to become Heir Fu-ren "Said Yang-shi.
     "Heir Fu-ren?" Jiang-Yuanxing asked, "How is that possible?"
     "How impossible?" Seeing Jiang-Yuanxing's letter, he denied it, Yang-shi felt uncomfortable. She said :  "You talk, Yue learns the appearance from the point of view, is not worse than those Guan-Young-Lady. Why can't you do Heir Fu-ren? Listen to Yue, now Zhou Yanbang treats her well, It can be seen that the relationship is very good, and the difference is the difference. "
     This remarked the pain of Jiang-Yuanxing. Jiang-Yuanxing said, "So? How can I change my background? Although Our is at Jiang's house, it is not Big-Fang-2nd House!"
     "You forgot." Yang-shi shoved him. "Relying on the Jiang family, there is nothing, but now you are the right-handed person. The right-handed person is the king again, and Our is the substitute. The king is desperate. If he pleases Cheng Wang, it is a beautiful thing to add you to the ranks, but it is not yet possible to capture, but our daughter is naturally extraordinary. Ning Yuan Houfu dare to neglect, as long as you can be happy Yes, rush to help Yue as the main room! "
     "It's easy for you to say, what can Our do? The original thing was just an accident." Jiang-Yuanxing said, "Right right now ignores Our at all!"
     Regarding Ji Shuran, 3rd House told the right-handed person, and got a lot of money from the right-handed person. The right man also promised that if there is any news in the future, he can tell him that he will pay a generous reward. At that time, Jiang-Yuanxing and Yang-shi had tasted the sweetness and thought that it was going to be transferred. However, apart from Ji Shuran, they did not get any secrets from the Jiang family, and naturally they could not tell the right. The right phase gradually ignored them, after all, it was useless.
     "My husband, you really don't have a head." Yang-shi whispered closely :  "Don't even think about how Yongning-Princess landed in today's fields. If it weren't for our 2-Young Lady was nosy and rescued Xue Huaiyuan in Tongxiang, Xue Huaiyuan would not restore his mind, and sued Yongning-Princess and Shen Yurong. It can be said that without Jiang-Li, Yongning-Princess would not die. Yongning -Princess who hates it most, it must be Jiang-Li! "
     Jiang-Yuanxing's eyes grew deeper :  "You mean ..."
     "Yongning-Princess is Cheng Mei Mei-mei. Cheng Wang is going to avenge Yongning-Princess. Although we don’t know what secrets the Jiang family has, Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping are savvy like foxes. A little handle. But Jiang-Li is just a little Miss, no matter how powerful it is, it won’t change the world. If Cheng Wang wants to move Jiang-Li, we just need to tell Cheng Wang, when Jiang-Li will After that, when it’s time to go out and even help arrange a little, naturally it will become. "
     "By then, we have made great achievements, and Cheng is happy in your heart. You are so proud of your career. Yue is still worried that you can't help her as his wife?"
     Jiang-3rd House intends to use himself as a vote for Cheng Wang, which Jiang-Li did not know. Life is rare and quiet. Although it is only temporary quiet, it is always precious.
     By the time the peach blossoms of Yanjing City are successively opened, the weather is already warm enough to be considered a "warm spring" season. Grass long warblers fly, red willows and greens, spring rain at night, the next day is bright sunlight.
     Tomorrow is the birthday of Jiang-Li, or, in other words, the birthday of Xue Fangfei. Jiang-Li has already told Ye Mingyu in advance that he will go to Ye house tomorrow. Said to be a guest, Jiang-Li wanted to take this opportunity to spend his birthday with Xue Huaiyuan. She knew that Xue Huaiyuan would never forget that this day was Aju birthday. He also showed up with Xue Huaiyuan to show his identity.
     She always wanted to make it clear to Xue Huaiyuan that she was Xue Fangfei, whether or not Xue Huaiyuan believed it. If Xue Huaiyuan believes, then their father and daughter have another reason and dependence to live in this world, even if it is for each other, there is still hope.
     So early the next morning, Jiang-Li got up early to dress up.
     Jiang-Li picked the colors and jewelry that Xue Fangfei loved to wear in the past, which made Tonger and Bai Xue wonder. However, I feel that Jiang-Li looks very good, so I only think that Jiang-Li wants to change the way of dressing. After Jiang—Li and Jiang's concierge explained, they got into the carriage and went to Ye.
     The sunshine outside is just right. I heard that the peach blossoms in the mountains near the past few days are blooming. Many people go to the mountains to see the peach blossoms, and in the meantime go to the temple for marriage. Spring is always a very gentle season, and I always feel that doing anything and making any expectations in this season will have a happy return.
     Jiang-Li sits in the carriage, listening to the bustling crowd on the street outside the carriage. I don’t know if she was nervous because she was about to be honest with Xue Huaiyuan, or for some other reason, she has been distracted since last night. Ning, the eyelids kept jumping, always thinking that something would happen. She tried her best to comfort herself, thinking that she was worried that Xue Huaiyuan would not recognize him, and reminded herself over and over again that nothing was going on, but it was a trivial matter that would happen sooner or later. And as long as you say it well, your father will believe in you.
     The Jiang and Ye families had traveled thousands of times, not to mention the coachmen, and even Jiang-Li had long been familiar with it, but today, they felt extremely long.
     "Miss, is it a bit hot?" Tonger took out the parchment and wiped the sweat that had gradually oozed from the forehead for Jiang-Li.
     "How did you sweat?" Bai Xue asked, "Will it be cold?"
     When Tonger heard it, she was also nervous :  "No, why don't you find a doctor in the Courtyard?"
     Jiang-Li shook her head :  "No need, I'm just a bit hot." As soon as she said this, her heart jumped suddenly, and for some reason she became more nervous.
     There wasn't much time to say anything. There was a sudden ‘Call from the outside. The carriage suddenly crooked to the side. Tonger and Bai Xue were caught off guard and fell into the back of the carriage. Tonger said, "What's going on?"
     Jiang-Li grasped the edge of the window, but it wasn't as crooked as Tonger and Bai Xue, but the driver's voice sounded outside :  "2-Young-Lady, something went wrong in front of it, so many people can't get through! "
     Jiang-Li lifted the carriage curtain, and you can see the outside, and you see that many people are running in panic, and the carriage like Jiang-Li is running rampant. As soon as the driver finishes this sentence, the horses in front of it As if stimulated by something, ran wild. But because of the crowd's obstruction, they couldn't run away at all.
     "What's going on? Why so many people?" Bai Xue was startled.
     Immediately afterwards, the crowd ‘called "Kill!".
     As if in order to reconcile, then, one after another, "killers" rang, mixed with people ‘Calling, crying, cursing, messing up, teaching people to have ears blocked, hands and feet soft, Jiang-Li heart also jumped fast.
     "What the hell happened?" Tonger asked fluently, but no one could answer her.

     Chapter 188 :  Walking         

     Vaguely seen in the crowd were people wearing sackcloth clothes, and ordinary people walked around quickly, but with a bright long knife in their hands. The people panicked and ran away, making the crowd more crowded. The cry of the child, the sound of people being tripped and cursed, the sound of the killer cutting the skin with a knife.
     "Oh my God!" Tonger blushed :  "Someone killed!"
     "Don't be afraid," Jiang-Li calmly said, "The city garrison is nearby, and they will hurry up when they hear the movement." As soon as the words fell, their own carriages stopped, and never moved again. At the same time, a ‘Call came from the driver.
     Tonger shuddered, but reached out to protect Jiang-Li behind him, Bai Xue said, "Miss, we can't stay in the carriage, the carriage in the house is too conspicuous, let's avoid ..."
     The carriage curtain was suddenly lifted, and a strange middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of him. Tong Er ‘Called, pushed Jiang-Li off the carriage, and greeted himself. The knife fluttered at once, Jiang-Li only saw Tong Er's arm move forward, a line of blood color blurred her eyes. Bai Xue was tall and stuck in the door, saying, "Miss, run first! Go and hide!"
     The man's eyes flickered. When Jiang-Li looked at the man with the machete, Jiang-Li suddenly understood that this man was coming at her! She glanced at Bai Xue and Tong Er who were still in the carriage, and the man really left Bai Xue and Tong Er and came to her side. Jiang-Li gritted his teeth and turned to run into the crowd.
     There were ghosts and wolves everywhere in the crowd, and the ground was covered with blood in a mess, almost like hell on earth.
     The city garrison arrived soon, but at the moment of a pillar of incense, those people immediately lost the machete and quickly got out. Because they were wearing ordinary people clothes, it was difficult to tell clearly. At this moment, there were people everywhere. At this moment, these city defense forces took them helplessly and watched them disappear into the crowd. It was so easy to catch a murderer before he could just subdue him. Before he could be escorted for questioning, the man suddenly gritted his teeth and spilt a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. He slowly fell down and lost his breath.
     It was the dead who had hidden the poison in Yaguan. Once caught, they killed themselves by biting the wax pills, and no one could tell their truth.
     "What's going on?" The head of the city defense army was furious :  "No one can catch them! As these people are dead, how can they harm ordinary people for no reason!"
     The men around him asked :  "Is it Xirong ..."
     "Impossible! The Xirong people were originally driven by General Jinwu into the deep desert, but now they can’t have a climate. Why did they come to the Yanjing City! And the people also said, it seems that these people are the Beiyan people. If the Xirong people, You can see how it can easily get mixed in the crowd! "
     "Anyway, Daren, it's important to appease the people first," the man said.
     There were crying everywhere. Those ordinary people walked the streets well today, even the street vendors, and the idlers drinking tea in the tea house. Somehow there was such a group of people hacking. After a while, I don't know how many lives were lost. Many others were separated from their loved ones in the chaos. A mother with disheveled hair lost a shoe in front of her, but she couldn't care less, crying and crying for the child's name.
     Tong Er fell to the side of the carriage, and the moment the assassin rushed into the carriage, Tong Er blocked his sword swinging towards Jiang-Li with his arm. At this moment, the wound was still bleeding, and Bai Xue ripped off her skirt corner and bandaged her. a bit. Tonger has passed out with pain. Bai Xue put Tonger in a safer place for a while, and the people in the city guards looked around, so there would be no mistakes, but she still remembered Jiang-Li in her heart, I don’t know Jiang-Li. where.
     The city garrison has already stood here, and the people who were not injured immediately went home immediately, and the injured were also taken to a nearby Courtyard. Only those who have lost loved ones or separated from their loved ones remain in place. But people are a lot less than they were at first, at least at first glance it doesn't seem to be clear who is who.
     As Bai Xue walked, she looked around. She didn't dare to call out Jiang-Li name, so she had to yell, "Miss ,! Miss ,!"
     People like her are not in the minority, so her ‘calling is not the most prominent. But with such a short street, if Jiang-Li escaped, it would be impossible to leave here, and Bai Xue voice would be heard. Moreover, Jiang's carriage is still in place. Although the driver is dead, Jiang-Li will find it as soon as he sees the carriage.
     But ... no, there is no answer from Jiang-Li.
     Bai Xue didn't give up, he called again and again, and now, except for the families of those who died, almost no one. They were separated from their loved ones and found their loved ones. Bai Xue appearance attracted the attention of officers and soldiers. A small guard asked Bai Xue :  "Miss, who are you looking for?"
     "I'm Young-Lady ..." Bai Xue anxiously said, "She ... she was just in the crowd and Our was lost. Brother, can you help me find it?"
     The little soldier said :  "This street has been searched, and all the missing people have been found. You mean, haven't you found Young-Lady? Young-Lady in your government ..."
     "Have you searched it all?" Bai Xue heart was cold, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.
     Early in the morning, Ye Mingyu started to keep the kitchen ladies in the house busy.
     Since yesterday, the buyers have begun to wonder what to do today. Every time Jiang-Li comes, Ye Mingyu always wants to find and bring the best things to Jiang-Li. Although there are no women up and down in Yefu, there is still a need for a cook. The appetite is a matter of life. Besides, they taught him to come to Yanjing City and take good care of zhi-zi.
     And they are not bad at home.
     The table is already full of a variety of dishes, I don’t know, I thought that Lao-Furen birthday party, so rich. Ye Shijie also returned to the house, Begonia helped Xue Huaiyuan walk out.
     Ye Shijie asked, "Jiang-Li hasn't come yet?"
     Ashun shook his head :  "The other side of the porter is guarding, but hasn't moved yet."
     "Strange," Ye Mingyu said, "Ali Yatou is the most punctual on most days, and I'm afraid that Our waited for her. Why did she delay so long today? Wait again, the food is cold."
     "Isn't something wrong?" Ye Shijie frowned.
     "Well," Ye Mingyu knocked on his head. "Are you talking about cousin like that? Besides, what is this place, Yan Jingcheng, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, your cousin is the Big-Young-Lady of the Jiang family again? What else can happen? It's impossible to be abducted and run by the sky? "
     "Yanjing City also has bandits." Begonia couldn't help it.
     "What bandit, our family is the biggest bandit, who dare to stab our? This is not what the gang is doing? Who dares to stab our, that is to move the earth on the head of the old man, I ordered Lao-San, all Jianghu brothers We can all help me ... "
     "Okay," Ye Shijie couldn't listen, interrupted him, and asked, "Would you like to ask someone to go to Jiang's house to ask if there is something that Jiang-Li has been delayed and can't come."
     Ye Mingyu heard that, and his expression was tense, "It's possible that there was a mess in the house of Jiang's family. Isn't it that Ali was bullied at Jiang's house again? Why don't I go and take a look."
     He just finished saying this, and Asun squatting at the door suddenly went back and said, "Lao-ye, the Jiang family is here!"
     It is talking about "Jiang Family" instead of "Jiang-2-Young-Lady". The people at the table were all stunned, which meant that Jiang-Li really couldn't come, was there something wrong?
     Asun took the ginger's manservant into the house, and the manservant seemed to be rushing, and there was dust on his clothes, like a few wrestles on the road, his face full of sweat, and he opened his mouth when he saw someone :  Ye-3-Lao-ye, Our Young-Lady, something is wrong, can’t come! "
     "What happened?" Several people in the room were startled, and Xue Huaiyuan frowned.
     "What happened?" Ye Mingyu said harshly, "Jiang Yuanbai bullied her again?"
     Ye Mingyu is Jianghu in the end. When he faced Jiang-Li, he smiled, and when facing other people, the banditry was revealed layer by layer. The scar on his face looked scary.
     The manservant shook his head again and again :  "No, no. It's 2-Young-Lady. This morning, he came to Yefu by horse-drawn carriage. On the road, he encountered a bandit killing. The Young-Lady people were lost in chaos. Lao-ye is crazy now, looking for officers and men to search the entire Yanjing city! "
     "What!" Ye Shijie stood up.
     "What gangster killings?" Xue Huaiyuan asked.
     The manservant said :  "The small ones are not very clear. I heard that half an hour ago, on the road not far away, a group of people suddenly appeared, and the group dressed in ordinary people clothes and ‘called in the crowd. Killed and killed more than a dozen people. It was easy to catch a murderer and swallow poison. The little listener said that those people were dead, but they did not know what they were doing. "
     Xue Huaiyuan asked again, "How many people are missing like Jiang-Miss?"
     Manservant's face was ugly :  "It's only Our Young-Lady."
     As soon as this word came out, several people in the room looked different. Ye Mingyu hurriedly pulled out the knife in the waist and scolded :  "Mother! Yali, Ali, won't be taken away!"
     "No." The person who spoke was Xue Huaiyuan. Several people in the room looked at him. Xue Huaiyuan said in a deep voice :  "These people are dead, and they must have come for a purpose. But it was hurt when I heard people say that Ordinary people, if it’s to disturb people hearts, they can wear more scary clothes, cause more casualties, and then die by themselves. But they have to mix with ordinary people, which is to facilitate escape. It’s to achieve the purpose. From the beginning to the end, only Jiang-Miss, who was missing, showed that their goal was Jiang-Miss, and they came for Jiang-Miss. The dozen dead people were just for the sake of taking away Jiang-Miss, and in the guise of sacrifice. "
     Xue Huaiyuan's voice was very mild, neither ill nor slow, but what he said was frightening. Ye Mingyu frowned :  "Isn't it? A Li is Jiang Yuanbai daughter. Who would dare to confront Jiang Yuanbai intentionally in Yanjing City?"
     Ye Shijie said, "Xue Teacher is right."
     "Jiang-Miss, is it really dangerous? Who will do it?" Begonia couldn't help asking.
     "In Yanjing City, there are very few people who dare to do anything to the Jiang family. In fact, it was very simple to guess. There are ten *, not Liu Tai-Fae, but he is the king. Of course, there may be a right phase, but the right phase does not make sense. For Jiang-Li, a Miss, so Liu Tai-Fae and Cheng Wang are the most suspicious. ”Ye Shijie said.
     Xue Huaiyuan nodded :  "Yes."
     "Cheng Wang and Liu Tai-Fae? Is there any evidence to find them directly?" Ye Mingyu couldn't wait.
     "This is just our guess, Ye-Lao-ye." Xue Huaiyuan said :  "The most important thing now is to find the whereabouts of Jiang-Miss, not revenge. The Jiang family has a large force in Yanjing City, in order to ensure security , They will definitely find a way to send Jiang-Miss out of the city. I think we should carefully question the past people at the gate. "
     Ye Mingyu carried the knife on his back :  "I'll call my brothers!"
     "I'll go out and see." Ye Shijie said, "I've known a few people over there, and I'll talk to them. Xue Teacher please stay in the house, and once you get any news, please ask Xue Teacher to sit in town." Ye Shijie Explain.
     "Okay," Xue Huaiyuan replied, "please be careful."

     Chapter 189 :  Help         

     In Jiangfu, it was a mess at the moment.
     Tonger was sent back to the house, and the assassin's knife was really shocking. The doctor came to re-bandage her, wrote the prescription, and the kitchen was decoction.
     Jiang Yuanbai had gone out to seek officials and thoroughly inspected the entire Yanjing City. Jiang-Lao-Furen got the news and passed out. Lu-shi was busy caring for Jiang-Lao-Furen. Jiang Jingrui and Jiang Jingyou were also ordered to leave the house. The entire Yanjing city was heartbroken, and the murderer who suddenly ran out and slashed randomly seemed like a conspiracy. Hearing that the emperor knew about this, he became furious and ordered his officials to detect the whereabouts of the killer.
     At this time, no one cared about Shirayuki.
     Bai Xue was standing in front of Tonger's bed. She was helpless and didn't know what she could do. After sending Tonger back to the government, Bai Xue was not reconciled, ran to the street again, and walked over and over again and again, and even found all the shops along the street, but all returned without success.
     She was sure that she had indeed lost Jiang-Li, and she was terribly blameful. Jiang-Li was surprised when many people left Bai Xue around. Bai Xue didn't look good, and she couldn't speak, but she had great strength and thought that strong strength could protect Jiang-Li, but Bai Xue found that when danger came, she not only did not protect Jiang-Li, but Even the small Tonger can't compare, at least Tonger also helped Jiang-Li block a sword.
     She should have been running with Jiang-Li at that time. If the assassin followed, she would help Jiang-Li block the knife, which is better than Jiang-Li who does not know where to go now.
     She thought about it, the man in the bed moved, and Tonger woke up slowly.
     She woke up suddenly, her face pale, and she seemed to be hurting her hand, biting her lip. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes and saw Bai Xue was, "Miss, what? Miss, are you all right?"
     Shirayuki was speechless. She really didn't know how to say that she lost her Young-Lady? Still alive or dead?
     "Why don't you talk?" Tonger saw that she didn't speak, and was anxious, and asked, "Miss, is it okay?" It was about talking too much, pulling the wound, Tonger made a "hissing" sound and pumped backwards. Air-conditioned sound.
     Bai Xue quickly said, "The doctor said, your wound is not good, and you need to rest for a few days. Don't get excited."
     "Hurry up and tell me, Miss, have you been injured?" Tonger still asked.
     Shirayuki shook her head and whispered, "I don't know ... Miss, it's gone."
     Tong Er stunned :  "What's Miss, gone?"
     "After you blocked Miss, the assassin had to come over. I pushed Miss out of the carriage and let her run away quickly. Miss, ran into the crowd ... Then the city guard came and the assassins ran away. .I searched for a long time on the spot, but did not find the shadow of Miss ... Lao-ye knows, someone has been sent to find the whereabouts of Miss. "
     "How can you let Miss run alone!" Tonger angered.
     Bai Xue pursed her lips :  "I'm sorry ..."
     Seeing her self-blame, Tonger felt softened, knowing that Bai Xue heart was afraid and uncomfortable at the moment, she said, "Forget it, I don't blame you on this matter. If you don't push Miss, get off Sooner or later, the assassin will pounce on and kill Miss, "thinking of Tonger when he had a chance before," Lao-ye sent someone to find those assassins, and to find the whereabouts of Miss, they will surely find it. Yanjing City After all, it's so big ... "She seemed to comfort herself, but also to comfort Bai Xue, and Xu Xu said a lot.
     But in fact, they both thought about it. Jiang Youyao suddenly disappeared. Jiang Yuanbai sent someone to find it, but he couldn't find it. Finally, it was easily found in Yongning-Princess's private cell, but only one eye remained.
     Yongning-Princess's private prison is gone, but who can guarantee that there are so many people in Yanjing City that no one else secretly sets up a private prison in the government? If Jiang-Li was also imprisoned in a private cell ... they couldn't imagine it.
     "It's okay." Tonger whispered, "Miss, the good luck of the heavens will inevitably lead to bad luck."
     On the other side of Jiangfuli, in the 3rd House, Yang-shi and Jiang-Yuanxing also got the news.
     After sending Jiang Yuyan out of the door, Yang-shi and Jiang-Yuanxing returned to the room. Yang-shi whispered :  "Your Highness Cheng's hand?"
     Jiang-Yuanxing said, "I don't know."
     After Yang-shi learned in advance about Jiang-Li going out that day, he thought to the right. She knows that Li Zhongnan and Cheng have been a little bit unhappy recently, and they told Li Zhi to tell him. Unexpectedly, Jiang-Li disappeared today when he went out. Yang-shi didn't believe it was a coincidence. It was clear that the king had got the news before he started.
     "Since the success of King Cheng, we can now be regarded as King Wang's wish. Compared with the right hand, King Cheng is more generous in his shots. Fu Jun, I see you next, I am afraid that I will fly Huang Tengda, let the big room and 2nd House also Nowhere can I reach. "
     Jiang-Yuanxing is not as happy as Yang-shi, but looks a little irritable, perfunctory.
     Yang-shi saw that his heart was absent-minded and dissatisfied, and said, "What the hell do you look like? Why, soft-hearted? Or scared? I'm all doing it for you!"
     "After all, she is Zhi-nu of Our, and she is a little Miss," said Jiang-Yuanxing.
     "Your daughter is also a little Miss ,!" Yang-shi sternly said, "Even if you feel bad about Jiang-Li, you have to think about Yue and feel for Qieshi! And Yu Yan, Yu Yan also look for People, do you want her to be Qieshi like Yue, or to marry a poor County-Graduate at all? In order to make ends meet, she will have to live a hard life in her husband's house! "
     Jiang-Yuanxing stopped talking.
     Yang-shi watched him look downcast, he stopped talking, and finally slowed his voice, and said, "You know, I do all this for our good. The Jiang family and Our are not the same, Our only On their own."
     Jiang-Yuanxing sighed :  "I know."
     From day to night, the entire city of Yanjing is heartbroken and everyone is at risk. No one knows when the ferocious assassins will come out, and there are almost no pedestrians on the street, except for the officers and men who are thrown in search of Jiang-2-Young-Lady.
     Jiang Yuanbai returned to the house, his expression was very tired, his eyes were red, he didn't know if he was tired or anxious. Jiang-Lao-Furen easily woke up and asked Jiang-Li to find it, Jiang Yuanbai also shook his head.
     Mingyue and Qingfeng got the news and immediately returned to Fangfei Court. Bai Xue, who was standing in front of Tonger's window, couldn't say a word.
     Tong Er could not help crying immediately, she said, "Miss, what should I do? Miss, never separated from me. Those people who carry Miss, will certainly not make Miss, better. It's all my fault, if I was more cautious at that time, Miss, I would not lose it. "
     "Don't blame you, blame me." Bai Xue also choked.
     Mingyue and Qingfeng both lamented, and everyone in Fangfei Court was down. When Jiang-Li was on most days, everyone seemed to have a backbone. Although she didn't like to say a lot, she didn't have Jiang-Li Fangfei Garden, and she was unfamiliar.
     "You said, Miss, would you be afraid now?" Tong Erzhen said.
     "No," Bai Xue replied, "Miss, very brave."
     Tonger was about to speak, and his eyes suddenly fell on the windowsill. There was a white porcelain whistle. Tong Er knew that every time Jiang-Li whistled, that baby-faced guard would appear. Then one day, Jiang-Li put the whistle in front of the window and said that it would not be used in the future.
     Tonger thought, about the guard was no longer at Jiang's house, after all, he hadn't seen the guard's person for a long time. But looking at this whistle, Tonger suddenly remembered something, Zhao Yan was from Duke House.
     She grabbed Shirayuki sleeve with her right hand and leaned closer :  "Snowy, go to Duke House, ask Duke to find Miss,"
     Bai Xue was surprised.
     "Someone Lao-ye couldn't find, Su Duke found it all at once. Listening to Miss, he said that 3-Young-Lady was also found by him. There is something that others can't do, Su Duke must have a way." Tong The tone of the child calmed down rarely.
     Shirayuki :  "But Su Duke may not help Miss, and Miss, doesn't know about it."
     "Look, Miss, trust Su Duke," Tonger said, "Since Our returned to Yanjing City, I understand that Miss, never trusts anyone easily, but Su Duke is an exception. Miss, believe her, I believe Miss, believer. "


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