Married Di Daughter 145-149

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »       Chapter 145  : Begonia

      "Cheng Wang Li Bin know he not willing to confuse Li Bin, Li Bin and fools.."
      Jiang-Li couldn't hide the shock on his face for a while.
      She knew that Li Bin season family favorite was Hong Xiaodi, but actually already enjoying the cool shade expect Li Bin and Cheng Wang has been collusion. Perhaps not on the emotional entanglements, just as Li Bin to find an escape route of their own future. This is the royal secrets behind, at least now this position, Jiang Li inquire about any case less than a relationship here head. If not Ji Heng say, Jiang Li can not imagine how this went.
      "But ... just because Ji family wanted to send someone into the palace, Lijun colluded with Cheng-Wang?" Jiang-Li asked : "This is not reasonable, after all, Lilian is the emperor's favorite Pinfei, and for Cheng -Wang, she does not cling to their how important Cheng Wang, better to please the emperor, who is the season home Miss, into the palace, a means of Li bin, really to master in her hand, or to suppress or to obstruct always want another way to solve. why take the risk? "
      "That's your idea." Ji-Heng looked at her meaningfully.
      Jiang Li Paused, said : "Maybe."
      "Childless men, ending in the palace of only one person is to be replaced sooner or later." Ji Heng pale and said : "Li Bin is a wise man, see this earlier Moreover, Li Bin in the eye. , the emperor's position, not sitting safe. "
      Jiang Li was taken aback : "But the season had not been home stand Cheng Wang that side ah!"
      "Season home timid," Ji Heng smiled, "Even if you want to stand in line, you will follow up jiangjia a station as though Li Bin Bin, home for the season, it is still just a married daughter, impact. Yan Lin season overall not official way timid, both ways, openly revolt Cheng Wang, he is not so bold son "Ji Heng lips Alice, Min cup of tea, not only to continue tight not slow said : "but his daughter is not the same, much bolder than his."
      "Li Bin out of the season at home instead invest Cheng Wang," Jiang Li said : "If Cheng Wang wins, the season at home against the scourge can, if things brought to light, season home will be affected."
      "Things are not so easily brought to light," Ji Heng said : "Ji Yan Lin no accident, just a Pinfei, will not arouses suspicion."
      Jiang Li suddenly thought of something, suddenly realized, said : "No wonder, no wonder the original case goes to Xue, Cheng Wang so quickly know the contents of which I am afraid when I would guess palace has Cheng Wang should be within. , but I did not think this person is thought ...... Li bin. "
      To see Ye Shijie goes to the secret fold, must be very close to the people around Hong Xiaodi, Jiang Li even thought about Chamberlain, but never doubt to Li Bin body. After all, Li Yan was endeared by the emperor, and she would not betray the emperor. Jiang Li moment to listen Ji Heng tells the truth, the hearts of emotion, but I do not know that people are fickle emotion, or feeling himself inferior to Li Bin take precautions ahead of time to find a good posterior.
      "However, the emperor knew this, why not attack Li Bin it?" Jiang Li asked. Either a monarch who know their own women coveted the throne and who has colluded fear that can not stand. If certain to endure, in addition to extraordinary willpower praised the people outside had to have a reason.
      But how to see, Jiang Li could not find a reason, perhaps Hong Xiaodi do not know this? Or merely suspected, did not verify.
      Ji Heng did not answer Jiang Li words, just look at her smiling, and did not mean for her doubts, she seems to want to want to understand.
      Jiang Li thought for a moment, hesitated and asked : "? His Majesty wants to attack Cheng Wang of the"
      Ji-Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, and soon, as usual, he casually asked, "How do you say?"
      "If His Majesty sooner or later have to deal with Cheng Wang, gotta find a good reason .Cheng Wang Although cunning, but actually doing things without a trace, except Yong Ning other than Princess despotic, did not leave behind the handle in the private sector. is to deal with, yet could not find a pretext, hastily launched, perhaps by Cheng Wang blamed keep Li bin, maybe one day Cheng Wang and His Majesty's confrontation time, it can become 'evidence' to make clean up Cheng Wang became a matter of course. "
      Ji Heng smiled : "These are also Jiang Yuanbai taught you?"
      Jiang Li surprised a moment, hanging eye : "hearsay."
      His smile was even more playful : "What you hear is more understandable than those in it."
      Jiang Li sigh, her father was a minister of works, large caliber of the people, though they hide from the edge, but under small monasteries, she is better than seeking Chang Miss, can see farther. Fortunately, Jiang Yuanbai also North Han veterans, normally there is anything can get Jiang Yuanbai block a block, if Jiang Yuanbai just common people, her these unreasonable, it is not clear in any case the.
      Ji-Heng's words simply defaulted her thoughts.
      This is somewhat contrary to Jiang Li surprise, Hong Xiaodi actually be able to do for the future are even humiliation in front of the patient, so it seems, in the past to favor Li Bin, the fear is how many of them have put on a show of shadow. This emperor, Cheng Wang really rivals? Or that the mantis stalks the cicada, oriole bird is Hong Xiaodi?
      "Your Majesty intends to Cheng Wang hands of it?" Jiang Li tense asked : "In this case, ginger and how to handle?"
      "Not to Cheng Wang hands, and so is the Cheng Wang hands"
      Jiang Li doubts : "Cheng Wang can not wait now?"
      "Can not wait?" Ji Heng asked, "Why are not fully confident, plan and then move?"
      Jiang Li laugh loudly, this time, she did not hide his sarcasm again, without hesitation : "I would think, probably not intimate knowledge of Cheng Wang, it is His Majesty."
      That always seemed a potential weak Hong Xiaodi, in Cheng Wang at any time even against the backdrop of the imperial body lose this position, and now it seems, is not necessarily true potential weak. But secretly waiting, waiting for an opportunity, winning Cheng Wang, for all to see, and now the Northern Yan who is in the world.
      "Cheng Wang's behind me there." Ji Heng reminder.
      "Her Majesty is also behind you," Jiang-Li replied.
      "Then who do you think I'm on?" Ji-Heng asked with interest.
      Jiang Li Mo a silent, shook his head : "I do not know, I just know that I will stand on this side of Duke."
      "You're lying." The young man leisurely opening.
      "I don't." Jiang-Li eyes were firm.
      Girl's voice was not heavy, and even called gentle, but is this gentle insistence, people always give birth to a lone brave tragic, people can not help on the soft heart of a length.
      Ji Heng eyes flickered : "If I'm interested in that position do?"
      "I will stand on this side of Duke." Jiang Li Road.
      Ji Heng was silent, his mouth smile faded and his eyes became sharp up gradually, almost provoking. Jiang Li did not give way, stubborn persisted.
      A long while, Ji Heng looked away, scoff loudly : "flatter!"
      Jiang Li heart, slightly relieved.
      Although Ji Heng Chodo to be a balance, up to now still do not know for what. Can Jiang Li also glimpses, Ji Heng position of the emperor, not much interest. Although he looks like a gorgeous complex things, but things are not tactful circuitous, even regarded as rude. If you want emperor this position, they can use a more simple way, rather than twisting so were sagging, in the end he did not know what to do.
      But why he did these things today is still a mystery. Jiang Li could not help but think of his mother Yu Hongye and Kingo general, life is also very mysterious. Maybe what he has to do has something to do with his parents, but these are too private for Jiang-Li to explore.
      Perhaps not explore is the best.
      Ji Heng in the future they will explode when it comes to the emperor Cheng Wang's time, also did not have much emotion. Visible For that matter, he is not about to intervene, and perhaps this is one scene he had expected. If before Ji Heng three forces necessary to maintain a stable state, and now it shows that he is ready towards the situation of the balance is broken.
      What is the reason?
      "I want to ask you today, that is, Li Bin do?" Ji Heng, then the Jiang Li thoughts pull back.
      She quickly said : "there is something else, I really do not understand the original Ji Shuran truth of his death, whole ginger family are not allowed to rumor but the matter is still spread out, everyone suspected I did. , but not what I was. my father also sent to investigate, not found any clues, I would like to ask Duke, Zhao Ke help identify the possibility of allowing some, how news is leaked? "
      "I see you whistle blowing very familiar," Ji Heng deliberately teased her like : "You want to tell Zhao Ke do things, but to say it wants, why ask me?"
      Jiang-Li was a little bit surprised. She blew her whistle a little more frequently the other day. She used Zhao Ye to use it a little bit, saying, "After all, Zhao Ye is from Duke Mansion. The master and son are also Duke. Begging him to do something. after Duke to grant. "
      Ji-Heng smiled slightly : "Yes." After a pause, he said, "Is it bad?"
      Jiang Li surprised a moment : "What's wrong?"
      "Ji Shuran before in the past to expose people, for you are a good thing." Ji Heng sit and wait and said : "You do not have to bear the infamy"
      "It appears so, but I think people make the matter, not only for my outlet so. Now everyone suspected I did, ginger into disrepute, if the matter is directed at my father to come, I am afraid that is not good. this means that someone in the government and outsiders jiangjia collaborated damage jiangjia reputation. Duke know, traitor difficult to prevent. "
      "You suspected to be directed at Jiang Yuanbai"
      "To be precise, I suspect that I can't get in touch with Cheng-Wang." Jiang-Li sighed. "After all, the Jiang family and the right-handed Li family were at odds with each other. Now Cheng-Wang is because of the Xue family case. eyeing me. "
      Ji-Heng Looked at the girl in front of her, she seemed very distressed, her brows frowned two points, but the corners of her lips were still relaxed. It was thought that it was a dilemma in front of her. Solve, she has this confidence.
      "Let go check it," Ji Heng raised an eyebrow and said : "I am here, who can take away your life."
      Jiang Li startled agitated moment, smiled and said : "Many Thanks."
      From time out of Duke House, famous person away also Jiehuaxianfo, let Jiang Li took a whole box snacks, both Ji Heng made it myself.
      Jiang Li did not see Ji Heng's face and wanted the other's face is not very good. About dignified Duke will actually wash their hands to make soup, doing quite well, and if it got out, and then Li Bin and Cheng Wang collusion regarding transferred out as a major event happens. So Jiang Li decided to let things rot in the stomach today, no one said. After all, she Fuji will not, can not, as a general divination famous person away to their dates of death.
      But this winter solstice day, but not, as is so think before her, deserted before. First met Ezhao, went leaves the government, at Duke House also busy for a while. So back to the ginger family, a sudden Jiang Li are somewhat accustomed to such a cold atmosphere.
      This winter spate of trouble, but also out of a few human lives, recently Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping two brothers Chodo also busy with malicious from colleagues, so busy, how will the rise of the mind over the winter solstice. The palace and the usual no different, Jiang Li there is no more trouble, after coming back straight back Fangfei Court.
      Go back, Tonger the box from a government with a good dessert Duke put up, Jiang Li looked at, which is either eating a jewelry class, want to come on Tonger will lock locked treasure.
      Bai Xue actually followed Tonger to join in the excitement, and said, "This dessert is so precious that you must not use it to accompany it with your usual tea. You have to use good tea."
      "Duke house tea is what kind of tea it?" Tonger deliberately lowering his voice, do not let others hear from Miss, and Duke House to go near.
      Jiang-Li said, "It's the tea from the emperor."
      The thought that this sentence will be able to dispel two Yatou mad, did not expect snow straight face asked : "What do we have to find ways to ask Lao ye little to discuss other end, Lao ye shall also Share a little. "
      It makes Jiang-Li cry and laugh.
      It was a mess, Mingyue walked in from the outside and smiled, "Snow, here is your letter."
      Snow one, very happy, snow does not come from home frequently, sometimes two or three months to wait until one. They did not literate family, to have to go Chuang Tzu wrote tens of miles beyond, looking for Teacher brush and ink to do it. Home and poor, each write a letter, to have a bunch of copper, so it is a treasure.
      These days, the snow also with Jiang Li recognized more, happily took the letter to go hide in a corner watching. Tonger looking at the back of the snow, said : "This time however she pleased, and even told me that a few days ago, almost the year, and have not received a letter from home, for fear that the family regarded her daughter to forget this moment can be considered. put a heart, home thunk. "
      Jiang Li smiled, happy that the people around her whom naturally pleased.
      After a child, snow-reading the letter back, Jiang Li to see her smile, the way it should be all right at home, Tonger joked : "how so pleased with picking up money like?."
      "Our Sao resources to supplement my two zhi zi." Snow laughed : "This is a happy event mile."
      "Indeed happy event" Jiang Li Wenyan also happy, said : "When will my child get some money, you take back to your home Trustee, as hi ceremony."
      Snow busy waved and said : "No, Miss, normally very care of the nubi , besides the family now has enough to eat and drink."
      "This is my intention. If you refuse, you can't justify it." Jiang-Li insisted.
      . "Miss, tours, he took chanting" Tonger also advised : "As long as the future remember Miss, the good, Miss, he plays on the line."
      Snow thought, think about them again if the decline but seemed Bushihaodai, you ashamed of smiles : "Slaves for Columbia Sao Thank you Miss, mind" suddenly thought of something, and said : "Yes, Miss, last nubi asked the home may have a Begonia Miss called, nubi of the family has been asked, the letter also wrote, there is news. "
      Jiang Li Yi Zheng, suddenly stood up : "What did you say?"
      Tonger snow and she was shocked, did not expect Jiang Li have such a great response, the snow quickly realized, this is called Begonia Miss, news of Jiang it should be very important for Li, anyway letter some are homemade, nothing can not be looked at, they put in the hands of the letter and handed Jiang Li : "in the letter read, Miss, look at it."
      Jiang Li can not wait to see unfold letter, Tonger standing next to her, sharp-eyed saw Jiang Li even some hands trembling, Tonger strange mind, a floating stationery, Jiang Li Nabu Wen how?
      Jiang-Li is hard to hide his excitement. As she Xue Fangfei time, because the calculation is Yongning, under house arrest in Fuchu, saddled with infamy, the matter may be vaguely aware of a conspiracy. Then her two personal Maid Shen mother was looking for a pretext to death, Jiang Li did not even have time to stop, to the time the corpse has only one. The remaining two, were Jiang Li to theft charges, secretly "rush" out of the government to go.
      Shen mother know when the message back to question her, she would not hilarious opening, just say yes Maid took her own money and ran. Shen mother helpless, only official ‘Official , but Guanci searched around and did not find traces of two Maid, they can only give up.
      At that time Xue Fangfei did not think, just think to Shen habits, no matter in which there is no conspiracy, since they found themselves doing the "scandal", is bound to attack their own side of the Maid. These are the Maid follow their own childhood growing up, as close as sisters, can not revive the dead, alive but might have gained a lifeline. As long as azalea and begonia escape, and that they not hurt them in the future may have the opportunity, can then seek before the incident.
      Who knows this difference is forever.
      Snow began to see at first glance, looks like the snow though does not look good, but the strength she can recognize simple words, the most important thing is Zaohua from her village, which is home Begonia, Jiang Li on Wye I thought the luck of the, if the audio from the snow come here Begonia, is a good thing for her.
      But Jiang-Li knew that this might be too small. Although Shen family did not know where Begonia hometown, but not necessarily Wing Ning Princess does not check out with the means. If Yong Ning-Princess also knew about this, and sent a few people to investigate, Begonia and Cuckoo are two weak women. Although the world is big, it is difficult to hide.
      Would have been very slim hope, but now suddenly got news, telling her that hope may be realistic. Jiang Li hearts of joy just as did know Xue Huai yuan is still alive in general, has been difficult to hide his face.
      She quickly read the letter, Yimushihang, I watched, his eyes are sunk down.
      A good thing is always accompanied by bad snow family said in the letter, let them find out before the snow, the next village Zaohua Simi shop, people do have a daughter named Begonia. Just that family Father, Niang would have died, and now only two teenagers, heard their sister, is called the Miss Begonia, many years ago just like Guan Young Lady doing a Maid.
      A few months ago, Date village came a Miss,, I do not know what was the name, and I do not know what is the relationship that two teenagers, lived in the juvenile home. Snow home occasionally and once after, I heard that two teenagers who call Miss, called’sister', then guess let's find out before the snow is not Begonia.
      However, according to the snow Jiang Li told a family member described, who Begonia Miss, tall, thin, scrub, look very good students, the new-comer Miss, is not. Although it is tall and thin, its appearance is extremely ugly, especially with two long knife marks on the cheek, and the flesh is turned out, which is terrible. End of the letter, Father snow is still strange, to say if the scar on his face Miss, can do Guan Young Lady's Maid, that snow can do big guan Er Young Lady of personal Maid, is not surprising.
      Jiang Li almost could not grasp the hands of stationery, she set a fixed mind, in turn read the letter twice, especially the part about Begonia, carefully read several times, the hearts of more and more determined, who in all likelihood Begonia.
      But how did Begonia look like this? Where did the cuckoo go? Snow Father mentioned in the letter Zaohua village came a strange Miss,, just one person, not two. And when she was let Begonia and cuckoo escape together, azalea helpless, can not go somewhere else, and certainly Begonia together. Begonia but now only one person, do not cuckoo ...... Jiang Li did not dare to go down, especially in the face of Begonia that is doomed, but she could not help but cranky. Both Yatou could there was a murderous scheme? Or something bad happened on the way out? Grew more and more difficult to let go, Jiang Li face eyesore.
      Tonger and snow are rarely seen Jiang Li such a look, invariably looked on the other side, are confused. In particular Tonger, and she was almost Jiang Li grew up with, Jiang Li what she knows. But she never knew that there was a Maid called Begonia, and she didn't know what relationship Begonia had with Jiang-Li. It even made Miss's emotions affect her, and she was even more curious about this unmasked Begonia.
      Jiang Li said : "Snow, you go get ready, I went to the government leaves a trip."
      "? Ah" Snow surprised a moment, cautioned : "Miss,, today you have been to the House leaves, leaves you just came back from the government."
      Jiang-Li just returned to my mind. Yes, she has been to Yefu today. Although she has spent most of her time in Duke, in the eyes of the Jiang family, Jiang-Li went to Ye in the morning. House, the evening before I came back. This child will have to go out leaves government, how are justified.
      Jiang Li pressed by nausea, which she was anxious and confused, they said : "That leaves tomorrow morning to go to the government." She had to get people to go Zaohua village as soon as possible, the Begonia received the capital to swallow. The one she did not know what the situation Begonia, Zaohua village may not be safe to stay, if she can find traces of Begonia, Yong Ning Princess certainly can. And secondly, if Shen Yurong and Yongning Darenery revealed, when Xue Fangfei Darenery case story behind the truth, to testify Shen Yurong and Yong Ning Princess murderous conspiracy to destroy heir, Begonia is very Important witness.
      So anyway, she must come back to pick Begonia. After much deliberation, she no available person, only to borrow a leaf home in Chia. Ye Mingyu, after all, plenty of Jianghu brothers, as long as people pick Begonia Ye Mingyu, it should be no problem.
      "Miss,, are you all right?" Snow asked cautiously.
      "Nothing." Jiang Li forced her with a smile, "Snow, to this letter, I burn it for you."
      Snow nodded : "But, Miss, disposal," although she did not know that letter thing how important, but see Jiang Li look, message about who Begonia Miss, is presumably not a simple matter Since he is not clear, let Jiang Li to handle.
      Jiang Li went to the fire and threw the letter into it, personally renowned flames climb, the stationery swallowed nothing left, this gently relieved.
      She again sits down at the desk.
      It was about the shock that had just passed, but now it calmed down, and realized that he was not thinking properly.
      Ye Mingyu course is Jianghu people, but because of their relationship, I'm afraid Yong Ning Princess of people staring at leaves the government, what happened once Yeming Yu, Yong Ning Princess will definitely send trailing, like this, they will be exposed Begonia The presence. Moreover, if Ye Mingyu to go Zaohua village, the government leaves it unattended Xue Huai yuan, if Yongning secretly to obstruct, Xue Huai yuan encounter hostility also hard to say. If Ye Mingyu didn't go to Zaohua Village in person, Jiang-Li couldn't believe it.
      The most important thing is, of course, Ye Mingyu martial arts, but on Yongning got the killer, the outcome is difficult to say, if a lose-lose, Ye Mingyu therefore had a slip, Jiang Li will regret. She is really loved the Mu Uncle, I hope Ye Mingyu has been able to healthy and well.
      It's not good to find Ye Mingyu, who is better?
      Jiang-Li was hesitating when his fingertips touched the porcelain whistle in his sleeve.
      Yes, she has Zhao Ke. Although Zhao Ke, only one person, but a person Zhao Ke Duke House today, Ji Heng also speak with her, let her enjoy the whistle to the. If Ye Mingyu likely can not cope Wing Ning Princess killer, then, for the Duke of government people, the situation is quite different. Jiang-Li is pretty sure that once Duke’s people wouldn’t let the matter leak out, the second time it’s really leaked. The confrontation on the road would make Yongning’s men and women unable to deal with the Duke’s people.
      After much deliberation, it is the best choice to find Zhao Ye to do this, or to find Zhao Ye, and let Zhao Ye go to a trusted person to do this.
      The only bad thing about it is, Ji Heng know exist Begonia, hearts would certainly have doubts her relationship with Begonia, Begonia to investigate why, and she always found Xue Fangfei countless ties.
      But things can not cover everything, in the future things in the future to say, eyes, she must find Begonia.
      Jiang-Li blew his whistle.

      Zhao Yan came very quickly.
      I did not realize about is not late into the night, Jiang Li blew the whistle on, he'd still be doing something else, who was also outside with snow and grass residue. At the window, said : ". 2 Young Lady"
      "Zhao Ke, there are things I want to please you to do." Jiang Li looked at him.
      Zhao Ke could not help but surprised a moment, Jiang Li has always been dictating to him, have put on a well-deserved, righteous appearance. Zhao Ke also resigned from the heart of a reluctant start, and later also numb. Darens have got to make him obey is just, what can he say?
      But today's ginger 2 Young Lady, his tone almost been sincere in this. Her expression than they were a natural, but is a bit anxious, as well as pray.
      Although Duke House out of them as hard as iron heart, but seeing Jiang when Li eyes, Zhao Ke heart or sigh, no wonder so ruthless Darens who will be repeated on ginger 2 Young Lady condone When this Young-Lady's look of praying appeared, it would make life illusion, as long as she refused her, it would be a sinful sin.
      "Your excellency gave orders, 2 Young Lady requirements under just do it." Zhao Ke dull answer. No matter how heart wanted, he could not show it.
      "My Maid snow, Zaohua home in the village. You can not go ...... or you can go to Find people Zaohua village, for me to pick up a man named Miss Begonia, swallow back the capital?"
      Zhao Ke puzzled look to Jiang Li. Zaohua village in what areas? He never went to such a strange place to perform the task, and Jiang Li requirement is incredible, pick up a Miss,? He is not the driver! Now Ginger 2 Young Lady driver also together even let him do it? But Duke House May silver does not increase!
      "This is ...... subordinate to ask your excellency." Zhao Ke Road.
      Jiang-Li, of course, she knew that she would definitely tell Ji-Heng about it. In fact, everything she asked Zhao to do would end up in Ji-Heng’s ear, after all- Heng Zhao Ke is the master. But this time, things Begonia once Ji known Heng, to man's wisdom, not necessarily what will not find clues.
      At least she and Xue is not without contact on the surface, perhaps deep roots in this matter, Ji Heng is already know of.
      There are no more lice and no itching, and no worry about debts. At this time, Jiang-Li gave birth to a courage to break the jar. She said, "It's random."
      Zhao Ke was another surprise, ginger 2 Young Now that Lady would not let other people do it, but let Duke House who do, must be a very confidential matter. Do not fear Ji Heng know that Darens do, and ginger 2 Young Lady has come to the point where so familiar, and so on, are ginger 2 Young Lady has become Daren men? There is no need to conceal anything between the subordinates and the master.
      Jiang Li did not know the hearts of the guards before have so many tricks, she only said : "No matter how you tell your family master, but once you master family consent, we urge you in the shortest possible time to her back in this way, you may encounter enemies to kill, maybe not small battle each other, pray that everything carefully and be sure to protect the safety of Begonia. "
      She said solemnly, she did not get down to business when Zhao Ke also felt Jiang Li nervous, he realized it for Jiang Li is probably a very important thing, not the moment dare to be underestimated, sidewalk : "under the know, this evening to announce his honor, return tomorrow morning ginger 2 Young Lady."
      Jiang-Li nodded.
      Zhao Ke disappeared out the window, snow and Tonger I do not know what is happening, just trying to keep a good lookout of doors and windows, Young Lady yard appeared a strange man, spread out to the accident.
      Jiang Li close the windows, and shut it snow outside the window, a heart beat fast.
      If all goes well, if Zhao Ye can leave, soon, at most a dozen days later, she can see Begonia.
      Her previous life sister.
      In Duke house, Wenji soon got the news from Zhao Yan and told Ji-Heng without any word.
      Lu Ji is Ji Heng's study, and Ji Heng discuss things, heard it said : "how ginger 2 Young Lady did not mention this in the daytime, at night go back and have actually blew the whistle? "
      "It is said that I got the letter at night and decided it temporarily." Wenji replied.
      "Begonia ......" Ji Heng sitting in a chair, and scarlet robes, the dark lights lit up the gold Paojiao, like CLS overflow move, he refers to ride on the stationery, and seems to gently tapping the unconscious, after a moment and said : "Zhao Ke stay in Chia, Wenji, you pick a few people, village people Zaohua trip"
      Wenji kicked away.
      After Wenji leave, ask the ask beard Lu Ji, Qi said : "This Begonia and ginger 2 Young Lady What does it matter if the Tongxiang whatever the outcome still in Xiangyang, Xiangyang also leaves home, hard pull, then ginger 2 -Young Lady Tongxiang and can be related, but Zaohua village ...... it really is a correlation. "
      Besides listening to the name, Lu Ji searching around in my head, had ever heard, presumably on a small farm town. And Jiang Li so solemnly request, will certainly not be so simple. All in all, the last time in Tongxiang, too, that flower lovers floor of branches looks and Jiang Li unrelated, but Jiang Li Chiung-chih's message is relying only learned of Xue Huai yuan situation.
      She always seems to know something others do not know a thing, in that case, this is Jiang Li Begonia mind, and perhaps also about something important.
      . "And others to know" Ji Heng casual road, suddenly remembered something, asked : "Cheng Wang has happened there yet?"
      "The recent interviews these days frequently courtier, spy to report to discuss the issue of conspiracy. Just inside is divided into two factions, one emperor to abdicate advocates, the advocates slowly charts. Momentary stalemate."
      "How long stalemate can not." Ji Heng chuckled, "so he did not have the patience."
      "After the event of the year, next year, no amount of up to one year, Cheng Wang uprising, whether Darens intervene ......" Lu Ji asked. He asked also not clear, in fact, follow Ji Heng long time, but sometimes Ji Heng mind what to think, the next layout, Lu Ji see also vague.
      "No, he can not win." Young men playing idle hands folding, folding opened a joint Chinese, Traditional Chinese Han peony in full bloom layers, reflecting his deep face more brilliant. He pondering smile : "little Prince waiting for so many years, waiting for that day."
      "I do so on that day." He looked out the window, the window is dark ink, could hear the wind whistling sounded, his amber eyes is also reflected in the dark of the night, and perhaps his dark mood Mouzhong down.
      His voice is still gentle, but in the tenderness, there is a deep-seated coldness.
      "Such as a snake out of its hole."
      The second day, got the message Zhao Ke Jiang Li, finally relieved. Ji Heng promised to send someone to pick up for her Begonia.
      A sleepless night last night over and over again, to today, finally have a sense of remove the burden of. Jiang Li stone table in front of the yard and sits down and watched LEISURE two small Maid snow.
      She realized that since went Tongxiang trip, she and Ji Heng's relationship, it becomes a non-state enemy not a friend. He kept to his own temper life, so Jiang Li in the face of his, without much worry. Now think about it, a lot of things, are asked Ji Heng helping hand extended, will be completed so smoothly.
      Whether the issue is Jiang Yue Ye, Xue Huai yuan issue or, Chongxu long road and now Begonia, each one has Ji Heng in which to intervene. Nothing original play, they just have to start to finish with her body in the drama, Jiang Li is not a hard-hearted person, on the contrary, Xue Huai yuan childhood taught her to repay the debt. Ji did everything Heng, she saw this lukewarm attitude, just want to protect themselves, after all, and now the situation is too complicated, and Ji Heng is not simple.
      Owed a favor, it must be also. She did not know being in their own modest, and was able to help Ji Heng what it is. But thinking of the future Ji Heng and if really there are difficulties, she certainly will not be hidden. This is life and her temper in Ji Heng hand has nothing to do, but simply thanks.
      If Yongning and Shen Yurong be punished, in addition to Xue Huai outside the yuan, she really does not have any regrets.
      Jiang palace, Jiang Li relaxing at the same time, there is not a person how easy it is to people in the building Yao Guang Jiang Yuyao.
      Since Ji Shuran's death, Jiang Yuyao of life, just as naturally fell from underground. Chia servant is not to mention both ways, but Ji Shuran do those things, the day the whole palace servant all know that, Ji Shuran daughter, naturally there will be no good face. Although normally do not have to neglect etiquette, but Jiang Yuyao several times clearly saw they looked at his eyes with full of profound meaning. She knew what that look was, and that looked down, contempt.
      Jiang Yuyao gas going crazy, she like the old days of the onset of a few wayward dislike servant, he was Jiang Lao Furen and Jiang Yuanbai stern rebuke. Former Jiang Yuyao arrogant willful, only when it is innocent younger daughter at home, now with Ji Shuran lesson, everyone will be too Jiang Yuyao move with Ji combined with the vicious nature of mind Shuran. If Jiang Yuyao also learned Ji Shuran of vicious disposition, and that her these moves, it is not just the wayward.
      This Jiang Yuyao, but it is Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Lao Furen because Ji relationship Shuran no longer love her, and she even rejected. Everyone up and down Jiangfu looked down on her. In fact, let alone her, even Jiang-Lao-Furen no longer spoiled Jiang Bingji, and became severer-Zi can't the root length crooked, Ji shi is the best example.
      Under such circumstances, Jiang Yuyao like years.
      She gave written to the home season, Ji Yan Lin to make people want to take her back home season. Since jiangjia not wait to see her, help her natural home season. May delay did not reply, Jiang Yuyao suspect is believed to be Lao Furen stopped. She can not do anything outside everywhere baseless rumor, rumors that she is not Jiang Yuanbai daughter is Ji Shuran and Liu Wencai bastard. Piles of pieces made Jiang-Yuyao almost choke.
      At this time, she even envied Jiang Yu'e, who was doing Qieshi for Zhou Yanbang in Ningyuanhoufu. Even if you are Qiesh, you can marry your sweetheart. Zhou Yanbang is so gentle, will understand their own, will comfort himself. Thought of this, Jiang Yuyao could not help but hate on Jiang Li, if we had not Jiang Li and Jiang Yue conspiracy, how is Jiang Yue seize their own marriage, and that has always been his own! Jiang Li snatched his favor in Chia, and killed his mother, but also to Jiang Yue dove over the magpie nest, she damn!
      Looking at Jiang-Yuyao face changed, Maid beside Jiang-Yuyao was also a little scared. These days the aftermath of changes, Jiang Yuyao temper the situation also became pale, frequently beaten servant, although Lao Furen and Big Lao ye ordered her, but in your own yard, Jiang Yuyao still can Feel free to punish people.
      "I'm going out." Are doing things carefully Maid suddenly saw Jiang Yuyao rose from his chair and say such a sentence.
      "Young Lady, now the government in going out ...... not easy." Yinhua cautioned.
      Especially Jiang Yuyao, is grounded before. Because of outside about Jiang Yuyao and Ji Shuran rumors of what have said, if Jiang Yuyao out, will inevitably lead to tongue storm. Untouchables also hide under the covers, jiangjia let Jiang Yuyao am not going to go out, stay in Fuchu.
      But Jiang Yuyao eyes, jiangjia do so, simply because Ji Shuran thing with her anger.
      "Stay in this house again, I don't know if I have any life." Jiang-Yuyao smirked, and said, "Now everyone doesn't put me in my eyes, where do you remember I am from Jiang's family 3- Young Lady longer stay in the palace, I will be like the year of Hu Concubine, forgotten, in the future become a waste "!
      Jinhua moved her lips. In fact, she thinks it's only temporary now. As long as Jiang-Yuyao is a little bit better, Lao-ye will still love this daughter. After so many years kept in the side, would not say no feelings no feelings, and Lao ye soft-hearted, long after these days, Jiang Yuyao like a baby or a desperate measure, will soon return to the old days .
      But she didn't dare to say that, Jiang-Yuyao already had her own idea, and said everything for nothing. Maybe also touched Jiang Yuyao of pain, so she simply asked : "? Young Lady House to figure out what"
      "Nature is the season at home." Jiang Yuyao frowned, "Today my letter have been stopped, 'Grandfather they do not know what I suffer in jiangjia I just escaped from the government, go home season, then again. never come back is always a little better than jiangjia season home also poor, Our Mu-aunt is the palace of Niang Niang, there are Mu-aunt as I sits Lord, who did not dare to bully my hands still. here suffer any gas! "
      Golden and Silver Flower looked at each other, Jiang Yuyao is Ji Shuran spoiled things for the outside do not know all, always thought the world of people always want to spin around her. Little do they know out of this thing, and now even the season at home did not dare to Teng Chia door, how to make Jiang Yuyao season has been to stay at home.
      "Young Lady or wait a few days, the past few days the palace porter is too strict, and fear is not found opportunity." Golden urged.
      "Before long is the year, New Year's house always buy, there are many things to do, that time is my chance." She coldly looked at his two Maid : "Do not you two give birth to other thoughts, your life away still in my hands, if the matter had been unsuccessful vent the secret ...... "she Mouzhong fleeting Yinhen, actually, and Ji Shuran exactly the same.
      Maid two hearts could not help but shiver and hurriedly kneel table loyalty, nothing is sure anymore.
      After the winter solstice, less than a month later, the year is closed.
      Even six months since, ginger too many things happened, even out of life, Jiang Yuanbai brothers' career is not how successful, will be outside jiangjia gossip as a joke, but this year still has to go.
      The palace and down, unknowingly getting busy again. Late Phoenix Hall of pearls and jade to several times, asked Jiang Li when the shop to pick out jewelry jewelry. Jiang Li no particular fondness for jewelry, visited once and then not want to go. Jiang Lao Furen and again people ask the Court to tailor to Fangfei Jiang Li cut clothes do new clothes, Jiang Li know this is to compensate her.
      When it comes to cutting clothes, and once, Jiang during this period Lao Furen take her to dinner, a dinner of official concern. Jiang Li in her dress out new leaves home Tao watermarks do, when it caused a public woman Furen your attention, have pulled her to ask where to buy cloth. Jiang Li Xiangyang will grasp the chance to name leaves home, shortly after this, Yeming Yu Xiangyang received a letter, saying that now leaves home Tao watermarks in short supply, many of the capital's clothing shop Yan have to set material. Leaves home textile mills these days is almost day and night rush job.
      Listen Ye Mingyu talk about it when, Jiang Li mind was very pleased. Anyway, the Ye family's ancient satin has not fallen, and the water pattern has risen, the Ye family's difficulties have been passed. Ye Lao Furen body gradually well up, everything into good. Even Xue Huai yuan in the diagnosis and treatment of Stuart in September, but also the spirit of the day Bibi day, and now it is able to recognize people, call out the person's name.
      This New Year, does not seem hard to get, like many things can be solved, not what predicament.
      On the fifteenth day after the winter solstice, Begonia returned.
      Zhao Ke stood Jiang Li window and said : "Now the people at Duke palace, I am afraid noticeable in Chia, leaves the door someone stalking, 2 Young Lady wanted to see Begonia, Darens say , the government can go to Duke. "
      Jiang-Li : "... I'm afraid it will be noticeable."
      "No harm, Darens say, 2 Young Lady want to go, go late at night, no one was found." Zhao Ke said simply, heard Jiang Li is a burst of headache.
      "How can I get out late at night?" Jiang-Li asked, hoping that the people in front of him could consider some realistic issues. She is a home Grand Secretary of the Young Lady, how to go out late at night, or go to Duke House. Unless she generally has to dodge Ye Mingyu, also masked, with no fixed tracks, so much the better.
      "This 2-Young-Lady rest assured, everything is arranged by subordinates." Zhao Yan said very confidently.
      Jiang Li Zhao Ke carefully looked for a moment, looking a bit embarrassed Zhao Ke both bowed his head before deciding not to tell jokes in front of the guards, really propose such a solution. She still wanted to struggle a bit, asked : "?. There are other ways you can not in fact be met in a restaurant on the street."
      "2 Young Lady looking for people who do not quite trust others, even now, we have to be vigilant," Zhao Ke replied, "If not we overpowered her, she would run away."
      "You overpowered her?" Jiang Li surprised, "Did not you tell her, looking for her people and not hurt her, it was to help her?"
      "Sayed that." Zhao Yan shrugged. "But she doesn't believe it."
      Jiang Li heart sank gradually, so Begonia alert others refused to believe anything, we can see is really out of trouble, at least suffered what will be so. To this day, she can't care about anything else. The urgent thing is to see Begonia first, soothe her, and find out what happened after she and Cuckoo ran out after her death.
      Jiang-Li said, "Okay, I'm going to Duke House tonight. I don't know if Duke is convenient?"
      Zhao Ke looked surprised, so quickly agreed? He also thought that ginger 2 Young Lady would agree to struggle for a moment, after all, a young Young Lady strange man to the sites, or late at night, who are struggling to change
      Click it. But it’s not right to think about it. After all, the Daren is Su Duke. Which woman in the entire Beiyan does not like Su Duke, it is true. In case what might happen, Jiang 2-Young-Lady is not lost, and even earns. a wave.
      To think so, Zhao Ke surprised eyes flash faded clean, clear understanding of his face, and said : "Well, under which Hui Bing Darens."
      Jiang-Li Nodding.
      Zhao Ke left, Jiang Li saw him leave, did not close the window, just looking out the white one, I do not know my heart is happy or sad.
      The good thing is that Begonia is still there, and now we will see the old man at first glance. Sad that things have changed, people have changed, Begonia did not recognize her, she could not rush to recognize and Begonia. Each other have undergone a huge blow, then no longer the carefree girl.
      Tonger stand on Jiang Li side, whispered : "Miss, tonight to go to Duke House it?"
      Jiang Li look to Tonger, she said : "I went to Duke House, with Ji Heng go close, or how do you see that?" She looked at the snow : "How do you feel?"
      This is her first time such a serious talk with two Maid, and snow is for Tonger, Jiang Li has done, many times they do not understand why. Even from an early age and Jiang Li grew up with Tonger, also Jiang Li inexplicably came out of many people associated with a loss.
      Tonger stammered and said : "?? What, what kind of how Miss, not the nubi were not right," her eyes were red, as if the next moment will cry out like.
      Jiang Li surprised a moment, but rather is Tonger confused dumbfounding, stretched out his hand over the windows shut, LEISURE guarding the door on the outside, she sits down, sighed, and said to the chair : "I think you could not see out , and with me these days, my side is not peaceful, even dangerous and I do, might offend Capital City Yan dignitaries, perhaps itself have no guarantee "paused, she said : ".. you are my side closest to the people, I do not want to deceive you, and can only tell you, I have to do something in the future, perhaps even more shock than up late at night to go Duke House, can be said to be a trivial matter. in this way, can you accept it? "
      Bai Xue thought for a while, and asked Zheng Zheng : "What if you don't accept it?"
      Tonger quickly twitch sleeves snow, but the snow was unmoved, she has always been such a Zhichang Zi, have speculated that one or two that two, appears to be really confused Jiang Li answers.
      "If they do not accept that I can not stay around, not only because of fear of endangering you, and because you were not much help." Jiang Li said, very calm, but her calm, but did not let feel unwell or selfish, anti-children think she said is sincere truth, she said : "I hope the people around could help them, even if only some small favor, after all, in the future to face much is at stake, and I do not want now lost as to what ...... I can repay you, "she thought, said : ".. money property, of course, not a problem, but the important thing, I would really be you. "
      The most rare thing in the world is sincerity.
      Tonger bite Yaochun, all with a tearful voice, stepped forward and said : "Miss,, no matter what you want to do, nubi are brought up to follow you, if you do not nubi , nubi have nowhere to go. Miss, the future is dangerous, Tonger homes of this life will be the Savior son, this is the master and servant of the road ...... nubi will always follow you! "
      Jiang Li had a chance to speak, the snow also heard : "The nubi also." She Zuiben talkative, if not many, but two words to say sonorous, it is determined to be able to hear them.
      Jiang Li looked at two Yatou, distressed and moved some hearts glow. Begonia incident reminded her that because of what she did was dangerous, she would affect the people around her at any time. In the case without the knowledge of people around, just like Xue year Fangfei, or be forever Ning Princess seize the opportunity to harm the Xue Zhao and Xue Huai yuan. Tonger and Bai Xue couldn't understand why she did it, but they had to know what they were facing.
      If they can not afford the consequences of this, you should leave as early as possible, not to get involved whirlpool of right and wrong.
      And they both chose to stay.
      "Miss,, no matter what you face, you will never be a man." Snow Road.
      Jiang Li smiled : "Yes." She has two Maid loyal, but also love leaves home, Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Lao Furen though selfish, in the end her feel guilty. Today belongs to Xue traces Fangfei been wiped out, but belong to Jiang Li, is to come back again was 11.
      And Tonger Snow said something, finally to appease the Tonger down. Next, Jiang Li did not do anything, just as usual in general, take a look at the writing and write in the yard, or drink tea and listen Maid who chat, concentrate on the waiting darkness fell.
      At night, the capital of four Yan never hear loud voices, even the wind a little time, Jiang Li yard of a weak light still burning lights, the Maid to urge a few times when, the yard, the lights went out, the owner should be asleep.
      But in fact, Jiang Li did not fall asleep, she sits at the desk, the sky is no moon, only thick clouds, the only bright fire is a lantern hanging from a tree in the yard. Lantern light on the ground, the snow reflected the bright white, everything is quiet and silent, the whole jiangjia no longer sound.
      I don't know how long, when Jiang-Li was about to snooze, there was a sudden noise outside the window.
      Someone tapped the window.
      Jiang Li Yi Zheng, Zhao Ke think should be here, subconsciously went to pull the windows, are also not wanted to come to the side view, so Jiang Li crossed the desk opened the window and saw that a change my life face.
      Ji Heng came.

      Great winter snow, night, the snow becomes heavy snow, so all meet and meet again, have a busy schedule of one kind 风雪夜归人.
      But among the dusty servants, there are some wonderful and beautiful scenes.
      Young girl stuck half of the body, a moment of stunned surface condensation, due to surprise and look cute. And the young man in red smiled with a fan handle against the window, raised his eyes unhurriedly, his eyes were amorous.
      And pure and eclectic, and unexpectedly, like opera in the arrangements.
      Silence, the youth broke this silence, his lips Yang, asked : "? Silly"
      Jiang-Li looked back and said, "Why is Duke here?"
      "? You're not going to Duke House tonight it" Ji Heng with a chuckle : "I'll pick you up."
      Jiang-Li : "..."
      "I'll pick you" words, this should be very gentle, with her unlimited tempting, but is said to come out the front of this man, there is a chilling unnatural. Jiang-Li said, "Duke doesn't have to be so troublesome. Actually, let Zhao Yan come, or I can go by myself."
      "Oh." He said, "I'm here."
      People have come, do not let him leave. Jiang Li sighed, stood up, Ji Heng reached out to catch her arm and said : "jump off."
      Jiang Li stepped on a foot stool, and then stepped on the table, leaning Ji Heng arms, jumped down from the window. Windows is not high, but still somewhat shaky jump when she subconsciously gripped Ji Heng Paojiao.
      Etc. Jiang Li after the firm had just react, ah? Why jumping through the window, she can open the door to go out is not it?
      They looked at Ji Heng, heart silent sigh, again with a run.
      Ji Heng looked with great interest Jiang Li, said : "You would really appropriate body."
      To the night because of travel, Jiang Li can not wear too complex, the woman's skirt is too long, she did not take even a cloak, wearing only allow snow to prepare a plain white jacket, gray pants pants , pedal black boots, long hair and all the high beam in the back, men's dress.
      But despite being dressed by men, in the snow, under the light of lanterns, the facial features are becoming gentler and clearer, and there is a kind of indescribability.
      "Many Thanks Duke praise." Jiang Li replied, she asked : "How can we go?"
      "Back door." Ji Heng answer.
      "? Back door" Jiang Li Yi Zheng : "What's the back door?"
      It turns out that for the internal government of ginger, Ji Heng than her this ginger 2 Young Lady to be more familiar with. Bypassing several most days at all unusual garden, actually really have a back door. What people did not encounter along the way, though that Ji Heng sure in advance on the people sent away the servant everything possible, but too simple, let Jiang Li an illusion, as if the whole house ginger is papered in general, casually anyone can come in. If Ginger House at night was looted, Jiang Li probably would not be too surprised.
      After all, the night guards are no gatekeepers ah!
      Ji Heng with Jiang Li, almost from the back door honest.
      In the snow outside the back door, a black soft car was parked. In front of the soft car, Zhao Yan stood, and there were four drivers, who saw Jiang-Li-2 coming out, and came over to lift the car curtain. open.
      Jiang Li hesitated, different sedan and wagon, ride a car with two men and women, in the end a bit ambiguous.
      Yet here she is still hesitant, Ji Heng deliberately touches on the car, waited for a long time, see Jiang Li does not move, asked : "? It does not come up."
      This man said clear sky, full of relaxed, as if everything she wanted and more generally, Jiang Li can not help but wonder if he had been too fuss, but far from the road, do not take the chair walking in the street, the event was never Ning Princess of people recognize them, fear will cause you trouble, immediately only a bite, go up.
      Zhao Yan ordered the bearer to get up.
      Sedan as its master general Magnificent, which even hot tea and snacks in the winter, can be considered difficult to enjoy. But in any case, this is a person to do sedan chair, so even large then, Jiang Li and Ji the distance between Heng, also does not pull very open.
      It is almost close.
      Ji Heng handed Jiang Li a cup of tea, tea or soft, Jiang Li took a sip cold disperse a lot. She looked at the snack on the little table, and suddenly said, "Is this done by Duke?"
      That moment, Jiang Li Keyiqueding, Ji Heng action paused, his hand tea spilled out.
      People outside sedan chair to go very stable, Duke bearers about government are carefully screened, nor do I feel a little bumpy. Therefore, never be bumpy because of the chair and spilled tea, because her words.
      Ji Heng put down the cup, pulled out a white Sibo, slowly wiping the hands of tea, and finally, only to see Jiang Li : "not."
      Jiang-Li : "..."
      Not is not, can not say so murderous, only Ji Heng up. Jiang Li suddenly understood why outsiders to rumors Ji Heng moody, he already moody.
      "Begonia is what you people?" Ji Heng suddenly asked.
      This Buddist diverge too fast, Jiang Li moment did not react, just listen Ji Heng said : "You're so nervous to search for traces of her hesitate to me for help, I'm afraid glimpse your secret, it seems very important to you. "
      "It's really important." Jiang-Li smiled. "Also, I never thought about hiding Duke."
      "Don't say it nice, you are the most cunning." Ji-Heng smiled indifferently, and said, "You know this woman named Begonia, just like you already knew Qiong Zhi of Xihualou, Tongxiang Xue Huai-yuan. "
      "I know." Jiang-Li said : "She is the one who can help me bring down Ning-Princess."
      "What I never understood was," Ji-Heng whispered, "Why do you want to put Yongning to death?"
      "Duke only saw that I was going to put Yong Ning-Princess to death, but I couldn't see Yong Ning-Princess repeatedly poisoning me." Jiang-Li smiled lightly. "Only the state official set the fire on fire and people were not allowed to light up It's not fair. "
      When she said the word "unfair", although she could suppress her emotions, she could still hear a trace of anger. She really felt unfair.
      Ji-Heng held her head and looked at her, and said, "You are the first daughter, not the people."
      "Is Shou Fu Qianjin privileged?" Jiang-Li asked, "But in my opinion, maybe it's worthless to Yongning or a higher person."
      Seeing that she is the daughter of a small official, Yongning can bully Xue Shi at will. But at the beginning, she was a bigger Jin-Young-Lady, and as long as she blocked the way of Yongning, her status was not as high as Yongning, and Yongning could still do whatever she wanted. This is the truth of this world today. The people are oppressed by the little officials, the little officials are oppressed by the big officials, the big officials are afraid of the king and the nobles, and the Prince and the nobles bow their heads to the king.
      Every layer is exploited, and the bottom is blood and tears. Shoufu doesn’t suffer from human suffering and cannot understand it. Xue-Fangfei, who is a common people, has personally taught him how to feel bullied by power.
      "You seem to be angry." There was a smiling voice in his ear. Jiang-Li only realized that Ji-Heng had sits upright before he knew it, so he was not very wide in the sedan chair, Ji-Heng The distance from her has been exhausted. In her ears, she seemed to feel the warm breath exhaled by Ji-Heng.
      Itchy, with an inexplicable enthusiasm, let the instant suffocation in her heart dissipate a lot.
      Jiang-Li deliberately stepped back a bit, never thinking that he had reached the edge, and his head almost reached the car beam. Thanks to Ji-Heng's eye disease, his hand was stretched out behind her brain, so Jiang-Li back brain touched, It's Ji-Heng's palm.
      His hands were cold all year round, wearing red clothes like fire, but as thin as ice.
      Jiang-Li froze, thank you softly.
      Ji-Heng withdrew his hand and said lazily : "You don't have to be so hostile to the official family, Jiang-Yuanbai is the first assistant. What you said has put you on the opposite side of the official family. Little guy," he did not know A goodwill or malicious reminder, "It will be exposed."
      Will be exposed.
      What will be exposed? Jiang-Li was a little nervous for a moment, and would reveal that she is not Jiang 2-Young-Lady? Although there are many mysteries in her body and many incredible in the eyes of others, as long as she doesn't say it, no one will think of another soul hidden in Jiang-Li shell.
      But that is for ordinary people, if it is for Ji-Heng ... Jiang-Li looks up at each other.
      The young man's eyes were deep, with a smile. His phoenix was narrow and raised, and the color was a little heavier, so he became more and more able to outline a beautiful shape. His nose was tall and his lips were bright red, like a glass of poisonous wine with mystery. You can't get a glimpse of his heart, but you feel like he caught in his eyes and his heart is secret.
      He is too dangerous, sober, too sane, and too easy to sink.
      He is not an ordinary person. If it is him, he may find the secret in her body. Jiang-Li had no reason to think.
      Jiang-Li was silent. She didn't know what to say. Every sentence she said could become a clue for Ji-Heng. If she said more and made more mistakes, she could not help saying it.
      However, Ji-Heng didn't continue to question her, as if a little tired, she supported her head with her hands, leaned on the side of the sedan chair, and closed her eyes.
      In the narrow sedan chair, the two were close to each other, and they were silent, they could hear the wind whispering outside the sedan chair, and the boots of the bearer stepped in the snow, making a chirping sound, making it cold and quiet In the night, a little bit more lively.
      With thoughts, I don't know how long it took before the sedan stopped and Zhao Yan's voice rang out : "Duke, here it is."
      Ji-Heng, who had been closing her eyes, opened her eyes, opened the car curtain, went down first, and waited for Jiang-Li to come down.
      Duke House at night is not as bright as it looks in the daytime, under the dim lights, it looks a bit unreal. People who have been trekking in the mountains for a long time saw a Xianyu Palace Temple, and looked at the handsome young people who did not resemble mortals, and thought that they had reached the strange weird lair.
      Jiang-Li came down, the door of Duke House opened, and she entered with Ji-Heng.
      General Ji Lao has fallen asleep, because he did not see his shadow. If General Ji Lao was there, it would not be so quiet. He would drag Jiang-Li and ask her why she came here at night. What exactly is the relationship with Ji-Heng.
      Walking all the way to the inner courtyard of Duke House, there was a room outside the room, Wenji was waiting, and saw a few of them, saying : "Master."
      "People are inside." Ji-Heng looked at her : "Are you going in now?"
      Jiang-Li nodded and walked in. Wenji said : "Ginger 2-Young-Lady, this Miss Haitang, doesn't trust her very much. If you go in alone, I'm afraid she will hurt you. Let the guard ..."
      "No need." Jiang-Li smiled and rejected his kindness. "I'll go in and talk to her, she won't hurt me."
      Wenji looked at Ji-Heng and saw that Ji-Heng didn't show disapproval, so he opened his body and made it easier for Jiang-Li to push in the door.
      Jiang-Li hesitated, turned to Ji-Heng, was about to speak, Ji-Heng smiled, and said, "I know, I'll wait at the gate of the courtyard, I won't eavesdrop on your’secret' "He bit the word" secret "slightly.
      Jiang-Li laughed : "Many Thanks Duke is considerate."
      Ji-Heng and his guards retreated to the yard, and Jiang-Li took a deep breath, and plucked up the courage to open the door.
      Covering the door, Jiang-Li looked into the room. There was a lamp on the table in the room, and there was a person sitting at the table. She was leaning back against the wall, as if this would give her a little peace of mind. The back was thin and tall, and when he saw the back, Jiang-Li tears almost fell. This back made her familiar and mixed her feelings, she could not recognize it, this is Begonia.
      Begonia heard someone coming, and quickly turned around, staring at Jiang-Li with vigilance. With a veil on her face, only a pair of eyes appeared, but the look in the eyes was strange. In the past, Begonia was gentle and calm. She had to make suggestions on everything, but it was most intimate and secure. Today, Begonia can't see the past tenderness in her eyes. She is like an injured animal, staring at her guard people.
      This gaze broke Jiang-Li heart.
      But Jiang-Li just raised a mild smile and sits down across from Begonia. As she did these moves, Begonia avoided her, clinging to the wall, not saying a word.
      "You are Begonia." Jiang-Li smiled. "I asked someone to hear from you and brought you back from Zaohua Village."
      Begonia still looked at her with the eyes of a stranger. In fact, Jiang-Li is indeed a stranger who has not been masked to Begonia. Begonia said, "What is your purpose?"
      On hearing that, Jiang-Li froze for a moment, and the wrong color floated on his face.
      Begonia voice, soft and soft, is very nice. People still joked and said that Begonia had been following him for a long time, and his voice was like Jiang-Li. But now, her throat is husky and terrible as if it had been beaten by fire.
      "Your throat ... what happened?" Jiang-Li asked.
      Begonia stared at her without saying a word.
      For Begonia, it is not normal for a strange woman to ask her throat or to be so concerned.
      "Your purpose." Begonia asked again.
      "I'm the Jiang family 2-Young-Lady Jiang-Li, and today the daughter of Jiang-Yuanbai, the first assistant." Jiang-Li tried to keep his voice as soft as possible, but also made his expression look soft and kind. "I am entrusted to investigate Xue Young-Lady Xue-Fangfei case," she said.
      "Young-Lady ..." Begonia stunned, and then excited, she asked, "What happened to Young-Lady ?!"
      Jiang-Li frowned : "Don't you know?"
      "I don't know!" Begonia asked eagerly. "What's wrong with her?"
      When Begonia and Cuckoo left Shen's house, Xue-Fangfei was not dead yet, but was placed under house arrest because of the ugly affair. Xue-Fangfei kicked her and Cuckoo because one day Xue-Fangfei suspected that the two Maid had stolen property, expelled them from the government, and prevented them from returning to Capital City forever.
      At the time, Begonia and Cuckoo were deeply grieved, but Xue-Fangfei had never been so severe. The friendship between master and servant was destroyed once, and Begonia felt sad. But after they left Yanjing City, a long time later, Begonia gradually calmed down, and also wanted to understand that Xue-Fangfei was to protect them. If she and Cuckoo stay in Shenfu, she will be attacked by her mother sooner or later.
      Since Young-Lady wants them to live well, Begonia and Cuckoo can only endure sorrow and linger. Now hearing Jiang-Li suddenly speaking of Xue-Fangfei, Begonia heart suddenly had an ominous hunch.
      Jiang-Li looked at her and said, "She dead."
      Begonia stunned, almost sitting still, and fell to the ground. Jiang-Li reached out and helped her, Begonia looked at her, but her expression was still murky, and she asked, "Why ... would it? She was fine when I left ..."
      "Xue-Fangfei found that he had lost face with him, and soon became seriously ill. He finally died of serious illness and went away." He paused, Jiang-Li said : "It looks like this."
      "What do you mean?" Begonia immediately grasped what Jiang-Li said.
      "Meaning, Xue-Fangfei death was not an accident, nor was she seriously ill. She died because she was killed. Just like when she had an affair with someone, she was also framed. "
      Begonia looked at Jiang-Li, her expression gradually changed, as if guarding, but also as excited, she asked : "How do you know that she was framed for her personal communication?"
      "It doesn't matter how I know, but you should know that you are the close Maid of Xue-Fangfei. Whether Xue-Fangfei had any personal communication with others at that time, you know best." Jiang-Li said.
      Begonia clutched the tea cup on the table tightly : "She didn't communicate with anyone."
      Jiang-Li looked at her : "I know."
      "Why did you come to me," Begonia asked, "why did you say that to me? What good would it do for you, if you want my life, just take it, I don't care, if you want to use you I came to achieve the goal of not telling people, and I advise you to dispel this idea as soon as possible, I will do nothing. "
      Jiang-Li didn't answer, just looked at Begonia and smiled.
      After a while, Begonia asked nervously, "What are you doing?"
      Jiang-Li shook his head : "I just sigh, Xue-Fangfei is so nice to have you, Maid. No wonder she tried to send you and the cuckoo in the same effort."
      Begonia yelled : "You know?" Her voice suddenly trembled, "In the past ... she deliberately expelled us from her house, did she never injustice us?"
      This matter, although Haitang later guessed it was possible, but she could not let it go. Now Xue-Fangfei is dead, this question will never be answered, but speaking from Jiang-Li mouth, she suddenly has a glimmer of hope, as if only in this way can she be successful.
      "Yes." Jiang-Li looked at her calmly. "She knew that she would be in danger everywhere in the Shen family, and she was more likely to lose the temper of both of you. Only if you were kicked out of the house, Only if you tell the truth, you will not leave, but you will have to die with her. It would be more ruthless to let you die, leave Yanjing City completely, and save your life. "
      Begonia listened, not long after, a line of tears suddenly fell. She murmured : "I know ... I always know."
      "But," Jiang-Li asked the question he wanted to ask. "I don't know you were a Maid at the time, but a cuckoo. Why are you alone now? Are you parting ways? Or do you have other plans? "
      Begonia lowered her head and said, "Dead."
      Jiang-Li heart tightened, as if held by his hands, he just felt breathless. Although I had thought of this possibility long ago, when I really heard Begonia mouth say, I still couldn't accept it.
      The excitement that accompany her left them one by one, as if nothing was left.
      "How did she ... die?" Jiang-Li voice choked a little.
      But because Begonia was so sad at the moment, she didn't find anything strange about her. She was just tired, as if she had exhausted her strength : "Soon after we escaped from Yanjing City, we suddenly noticed that the government was posting our announcements saying that we had stolen silver from our host and wanted to arrest us. I caught it. I wanted to help and asked Guan-Lao-ye to tell them that the cuckoo was innocent, but that night ... by the time I found the cuckoo, she had been strangled and left on the mass grave. "
      Jiang-Li heart is unstoppable.
      “I don’t know if it’s a government man. Since it’s a government man’s apprehension, why is the case directly punished without trial. It’s a sentence, why not be announced. If it’s not a government man, why is the government affixed everywhere? Wanted. I don’t understand, but I also know that all this can't be avoided. I saw them even ambush near the mass grave post, about waiting for me to throw myself into the net to collect the cuckoo body to arrest me , So I didn’t collect the corpse for the cuckoo. "When it came to this, Begonia hands were shaking, about to this day, I can't forgive myself for what I did.
      "I ruined my face, escaped the government search and fled back to my hometown," Begonia said.
      "your face……"
      Begonia asked, "Do you want to see?"
      Jiang-Li nodded.
      Begonia grinned and reached out to lift the veil.
      Jiang-Li breathing almost stopped for a moment, but I saw that the original white and pretty face had two deep knife marks from the eyes to the chin. It was scary and terrible. The wound was scarred, but not only It makes people feel better, but it is even more shocking.
      What makes a flowery woman willing to self-destruct to such an extent? Since then, he can only hide his face and walk around the world.
      Begonia has been staring at Jiang-Li eyes. Her face and everywhere she sees nothing but disgust and fear. She has been used to it. It was these undressed men who came to pick her up, and it was quite unnatural to see her appearance. She thought Jiang-Li was the same as those people.
      But Jiang-Li did not.
      Jiang-Li just looked at Begonia deeply, her eyes were full of sadness and guilt, distress and regret, but the only thing she didn't have was fear and avoidance. She even stretched out her hand to touch the scar.
      Begonia suddenly took a step back, put on the veil again, and remained silent for a while before she said, "You see."
      Jiang-Li is also silent. At first glance, it is not a happy reunion. They have bumpy experiences with each other and make people lament the absurdity of fate.
      "I want to ask, why don't you hesitate to deface yourself, to do so in order to survive?" Jiang-Li asked.
      "I don't know." Begonia gaze was blank for a moment, "At first I thought the government's wanted order was issued by Young-Lady. But I thought it was not. I hope to survive, and I will see Young Lady, ask what is going on, why do we say that we steal property, maybe Young-Lady is to save our lives, then we should not just give up our lives casually, but try to live on. "
      She said : "We knew from an early age that we live for Young-Lady."
      Jiang-Li closed her eyes.
      Actually Xue Huai-yuan never wanted Xue descendants to dedicate everything to his son and should have his own life. Jiang-Li is also known as a sister to Begonia azalea, but there is about such a loyal servant in the world, and her life is tied to another person.
      It's heavy, it's heavy.
      "I don't know that Young-Lady is dead ..." Haitang murmured, "I'm still thinking, maybe I can see Young-Lady again ..."
      "Xue-Fangfei can't possibly come alive," Jiang-Li reconsidered, and looked at her again. "Not only that, Xue-Zhao died, Xue Huai-yuan went crazy. The whole Xue Jiayi Door, nothing now. "
      Begonia looked at her blankly and shook her head : "No ..."
      "Begonia, listen, this is not an accident or retribution. This is a conspiracy, a living conspiracy. Someone killed the Xue family. I am Jiang 2-Young-Lady, and I am entrusted by others. Help the Xue family reconcile and clean up the stigma of Xue-Fangfei, and find evidence that she was killed. ”Jiang-Li stared at Begonia’s eyes,“ This is not only because of Xue-Fangfei, but also for you Why is Cuckoo, for all the innocent and tragic deaths in this conspiracy. Do you want to watch the murderer go free? "
      "Why do I believe you?" Begonia asked. She is a wise Miss, determined to be decisive, and now hit by the truth, she can still insist on her reason.
      "If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't do everything possible to bring you to Yanjing City. You can also go and see the crazy Xue Huai-yuan, and you will know if what I said is false." Jiang-Li said : "You are Xue-Fangfei next to Maid, and you are with her every day. At least you know who you should suspect. At the time, Xue-Fangfei had been intimate with someone, framed by someone, who was most suspicious, what did you do? Someone questioned? "
      Begonia stared at Jiang-Li. After a while, her eyes sank and she uttered a few words.
      "Xiao Deyin."
      "Also, everyone in the Shen family."

      "Xiao Deyin, and everyone in the Shen family," Begonia said.
      The light was faint, maybe the wick was too long, and there was a slight breeze outside, which made the flames flutter, and it seemed to go out for a moment. Jiang-Li settled down, picked up the silver scissors on one side, and cut the wick short. The flame was stabilized, and the figure in the room no longer wobbled.
      "Why do you say that?" Jiang-Li asked.
      Begonia didn't answer, just looked at Jiang-Li and asked, "Can I trust you?"
      Begonia is calm, sane, and decisive Miss, otherwise she would not have cruelly ruined her face at first to avoid hunting by officers and men. But now that she can ask this sentence, it shows that the world is big and she doesn't know who she can trust anymore. She must find a reason to rely on to keep her alive.
      Jiang-Li feels sour, seeing begonia is like seeing oneself. She said softly : "You can believe me, I, like you, want the truth in the day and night, and hope that Xue-Fangfei can be innocent again."
      Begonia seemed to be touched by the trueness in her eyes. After a long time, she slowly said, "On that day, Xiao Deyin came at Shen-Furen's birthday party. She and Young-Lady are friends and often stay together. Biqin. In the afternoon, Xiao Deyin had been drinking with Furen. Furen was pregnant and not good at drinking, so he only said that he would drink a little, but Xiao Deyin was angry and had to finish a drink with Furen. "
      "I feel a little weird. Xiao Teacher has always been very gentle and considerate. He never does anything so important, especially to Young-Lady. But Young-Lady doesn’t think there is anything, I am a slave and naturally Can't blame Xiao Deyin. "
      "Later, Young-Lady was drunk, and I was going to help Young-Lady back to the room. Xiao Deyin's Maid haunted me and said that I could not find the way to the kitchen. I wanted some sober soup. When I came back from the kitchen, Young -Lady is gone, saying that Xiao Teacher House Young-Lady has returned to the room. "
      "And then, Xiao Deyin came back alone. It was said that Young-Lady was resting in the room. It didn't take long before someone discovered that there was a man in Young-Lady's room.
      Begonia said here, resentfully : "We are with Young-Lady day and night, and naturally know that Young-Lady is innocent and can never communicate with others. But the evidence is conclusive, I later thought Come and think, in this matter, Xiao Deyin's action was really unnatural. I wanted to search for some evidence to determine that this was framed by Xiao Deyin. Before I could do it well, Young-Lady drove me and Cuckoo out. " She smiled bitterly : "But even if I tell Young-Lady about this, Young-Lady may not be convinced. After all, Xiao Deyin has no reason to harm Young-Lady. She is not well-known, gentle, and Young-Lady and She has always been good and has no grudges, and I have no reason to do so. "
      Jiang-Li shook his head gently : "Unpredictable, everything can be a reason."
      "Do you believe me?" Begonia startled.
      "I believe." Jiang-Li answered. She certainly believed that in the days when she could not leave Shenfu while lying in the Courtyard bed, she had recalled the details of that day countless times. The more you think about it, the more suspicious Xiao Deyin is. As for why Xiao Deyin did this, she thought hard and couldn’t find the answer in the previous life. After the six arts check in this life, she has already grasped the signs.
      Nothing more than jealousy.
      Jealousy is ugly, especially when Xiao Deyin is pretending to be innocent fireworks, but no one is allowed to surpass her. She puts her ambition and selfishness under a generous and graceful appearance, which is the most disgusting.
      Jiang-Li paused and continued : "So, what do you mean by everyone in the Shen family?"
      Begonia looked around and suddenly smirked : "Don't you think it's strange? Young-Lady's relationship with people came out. Young-Lady has been clearly defending, but none of the Shen family would listen to Young-Lady. This kind of thing is not a good reputation for the Shen family, but the Shen family has not been thoroughly investigated, and even seems to be impatient to convict Young-Lady. Especially his aunt. "
      Jiang-Li heart jumped fiercely : "Shen-Yurong? What happened to him?"
      Hearing Jiang-Li first name to Shen-Yurong, Begonia was a little surprised, but quickly put this doubt out of her mind, she said : "Before getting married, my aunt took care of Young-Lady. After getting married, I, Young-Lady, followed him to Yanjing City. I ’m not familiar with life, Shen-Furen and Young-Lady are hard to serve, we Young-Lady will also give everything, secretly I do not know how much grievances. My aunt always talks It was regretful, but it never changed anything. I would rather apologize to Young-Lady than to accuse Shen-Furen and Shen-Young-Lady a little bit. That's it, "she hated : " Young Lady has an accident. He is the husband of Young-Lady, so he should trust Young-Lady without reservation. What did he do? He didn't say anything, and blamed Young-Lady Lady's meat! "
      "People think that he did not leave Young-Lady, nor punished Young-Lady, that is his affectionate expression, ridiculous," Begonia spoke faster and faster, as if to accumulate all the accumulated anger As if vented, she said : "It's not like this at all. We Young-Lady had nothing wrong, and lost a child in vain, but never saw what he did. The appearance of love is profound, Who doesn't know that he had a heart! "
      The last sentence came out, Jiang-Li was shocked in her heart, she asked slowly : "What do you mean by biasity?"
      Begonia seemed to understand what he said, and closed his mouth tightly, his expression flustered for a moment.
      Jiang-Li didn't give her a chance to silence, she said, "Did you find out, Shen-Yurong and Yong Ning-Princess have a private relationship?"
      "How do you know?" Begonia stood up suddenly, her voice hard to be surprised.
      Jiang-Li knew it. She patted Begonia hand. "You sit down first and say slowly."
      Begonia sits down again, looking at Jiang-Li eyes full of defense and doubt. She asked again : "How do you know?"
      "After Xue-Fangfei death, I was entrusted to investigate the matter thoroughly, and found out that there is an unspeakable relationship between Shen-Yurong and Yong Ning-Princess. Even because of this, the Xue family suddenly broke out. Suffering will cause Xue-Fangfei to die and the crime of amnesty will be added. "
      "You ... you mean," Begonia was horrified. "Ying Ning-Princess did it? She wanted to join the Shen family, so it hurt my Young-Lady and the entire Xue family!"
      Jiang-Li Nodding.
      "Poison woman!"
      "Now you can tell me, why did you say that you knew that Shen-Yurong had a different heart, maybe you already discovered that Shen-Yurong and Yong Ning-Princess were together?" Jiang-Li asked. When the previous life knew that the two were in a private relationship, Jiang-Li was sick and dying. But I didn't know that Maid was already aware of it.
      "I'm not sure," Begonia calmed down for a while, and slowly remembered, "At that time, Young-Lady had just been pregnant, and my aunt also hit 1st-Imperial-Scholar, and the house was full of joy. .I accompanied Young-Lady to raise a baby every day. One day I bought it outside the house. I saw a chariot parked in front of a tea house, which was used by my aunt on most days. I thought maybe my aunt I used tea in it and was about to leave. I saw my uncle and a young woman coming out one after the other. "
      "I once accompanied Young-Lady to a banquet and I saw this woman. I knew it was Mei-mei of Cheng-Wang. Yong Ning-Princess. There is no place for my aunt, Yong Ning-Princess's eyes. But I am not quite right. I know that the eyes of a woman who admires a person, and the eyes of Yong Ning-Princess are clearly full of admiration for her aunt. "
      "But I dare not tell Young-Lady about this. Once Young-Lady is raising her baby, don't worry about these things. If you have a flat breath, that is the top priority. The second thing is only my side. After all, what I saw at the time, my aunt didn’t do anything special to Yong Ning-Princess, but Yong Ning-Princess seemed to have unilateral affection for her.
      "I thought it was a trivial matter. My uncle already has our Young-Lady as Furen, and it's impossible for Princess to be Qishi with others. Then Ning-Princess is helpless even if he has thoughts on his uncle. But somehow, I I always couldn't let it go, and I found out later that whenever there are some important banquets and where my aunt is, there must be Yong Ning-Princess. I don’t know if I am more attentive, but I actually have some complaints of."
      "If Ye really doesn't want Yong Ning-Princess to be entangled, she may be more awful or cold, and teach Yong Ning-Princess to retreat from difficulties. Ke Yong Ning-Princess is so relentless, it must be Ye Her attitude is not cruel enough. "Begonia breathed out a sigh of relief, as if still thinking of these things still feel depressed, she said : " I Young-Lady is soft-hearted and always considerate to my aunt, just tell her about this She will most likely pretend to be ignorant. And she can do nothing with her body. "
      "Who knows what happened ..."
      Jiang-Li After hearing Begonia words, I didn't know what it was like. She hadn't expected that something had happened early in her life. But because she behaved too much in favor of Shen-Yurong, and too inscrutable, Begonia was skeptical and did not dare to speak out, only to hurt her, which caused a big mistake.
      "I knew that Yong Ning-Princess had hidden trouble, and my aunt brought the wolf into the room. I should have told Young-Lady about Yong Ning-Princess earlier! Let Young-Lady be careful not to leave Young-Lady unguarded. Under the words of Yong Ning-Princess! "
      "You are wrong." Jiang-Li said faintly : "Even if you told you Young-Lady earlier, Yong Ning-Princess had an admiration for Shen-Yurong, she could not avoid this ending. Because, She can watch out for Ning-Princess, but she can't watch out for the pillow. "
      Begonia frowned : "What does this mean?"
      "Xue-Fangfei did not die in the hands of Yong Ning-Princess, she died in the hands of Yong Ning-Princess and Shen-Yurong. Shen-Yurong knew that Yong Ning-Princess would send his wife A poisonous hand, but he stood idly by, so Xue-Fangfei couldn't survive. When her husband and an outsider joined forces, she couldn't resist with her heart. "
      She knew her predecessor, she was too softhearted, she believed too much in Shen-Yurong, she didn't understand the harshness and complexity of the human heart. If she hadn't died once, how could she have seen it thoroughly, and how to keep Jiang-Li now awake and cold.
      "I don't know ... I don't know ..." Haitang murmured : "After Young-Lady's accident, I thought despicably. Perhaps my aunt would take this opportunity to take a break from Young-Lady and marry Yong Ning Princess. This is a round they did, the purpose is to let Yong Ning-Princess marry into the Shen family smoothly. But my aunt didn't want to leave the idea of ​​Young-Lady, I thought I thought too much. Although Young-Lady is suffering day by day, I think that for so many years of husband and wife, my grandfather will always be soft-hearted. As long as this knot is untied and I find an opportunity to find out the matter, it may not be good.
      "I didn't expect that he kept off Young-Lady, but he wanted to kill Young-Lady." Haitang's voice just dropped, and he suddenly looked up at Jiang-Li, his tone was intense, as if he had to ask for an answer Come, she said, "Why did he do this? Why was he so cruel? If it was just for Yong Ning-Princess to marry Shen's family and leave Young-Lady off, then why would he want to kill everything and want Young- Lady's life! "
      "Because Yong Ning-Princess likes it." In contrast, Jiang-Li tone and expression were much calmer, she said : "Xue-Fangfei is alive and will become a thorn in Yong Ning-Princess's heart. It reminds Shen-Yurong once belonged to Xue-Fangfei. For Ning-Princess, who possesses a strong desire for possession, this is an unforgivable sin. Furthermore, if Xue-Fangfei is alive, he will always be stalking. In the case of the husband, if it is found that the incident was framed, it will inevitably lead to twists and turns. In order to get a hundred, in order to get rid of the nails and thorns in the eyes, Xue-Fangfei will certainly die.
      "And Shen-Yurong, it's even simpler. When he chooses to sit back and start, he must show obedience to any decision made by Yong-Princess. He is not qualified to object, perhaps because he simply I don't want to oppose it. "
      The truth is cruel, and the husband and wife can even face each other like this. Begonia looked at Jiang-Li. This strange girl had a milder temperature and calmer than her own, but for some reason, in her expression, Begonia noticed a little familiarity.
      As if she had seen it somewhere, it also made it difficult for her to have a bad feeling. Begonia found out that in the face of Jiang 2-Young-Lady, she unknowingly said everything she knew, and she told herself to take precautions, but in the face of Jiang-Li, And involuntary trust.
      Maybe it has been too hard for her to flee in the past year. One person bears such pressure, and suddenly another person appears, gently holding her hand, telling her to share, and their purpose is the same, she will involuntarily want to rely on the past, want to trust, Want to seek an alliance. Unwilling to believe whether purpose and use are hidden in it.
      Jiang-Li said, "I thought that you and Cuckoo were suddenly wanted by the government. It was also Yong Ning-Princess. She made good friends with Jing Zhaoyin. It was easy to buy the government to do these things and use the reputation of the government. Convicting and killing you, but wiping away the trace, shows that it is not a decent job. "
      "She is ... too vicious!" Begonia gritted her teeth.
      "You Young-Lady released the two of you at the beginning, only to watch out for the sinking mother, but never thought that the level of Ning-Princess, the azalea that lost her life in vain, was thoughtless." Jiang Li sighed, she really blamed herself. If she thought about it a little deeper, maybe these two Maids wouldn't have to suffer this bad luck.
      "Jiang 2-Young-Lady, this is wrong. I Young-Lady did not treat us anything wrong, even if the dangerous skills are so low, I still want to protect us. We are only nubi , Ben Born for the Lord, He Dehe can give the Lord such protection. If you blame it, blame the pair of Darenerers and ‘Miss for such murderous actions. If the sky has eyes, you must teach them to go to eighteen hells. ! "
      "Why pray to the heaven?" Jiang-Li said lightly : "If the heaven has eyes, it won't cause such tragedies to happen. It is better to rely on yourself."
      Begonia looked at her and asked in confusion : "Jiang 2-Young-Lady. Although I don't know who you are entrusted with, I would like to ask you a round. You are trying to help our Young-Lady to resolve the injustice. ?"
      "Yes," Jiang-Li replied.
      Begonia looked at her for a while, then suddenly got up and knelt down, rubbing her two heads toward Jiang-Li, and said, "Begonia is a slave and has no body. There is nothing to repay Miss, if Miss, can help me Young-Lady seeks justice, Miss, whatever price Begonia can pay! "
      Xue-Fangfei is dead. It stands to reason that Begonia is free. She is no longer a slave to anyone and can live the life she wants. But she stayed for the Xue family.
      Jiang-Li helped her up, she said : "I won't want you to pay any price, you just need to live well. As long as you live, there is the evidence of Shen-Yurong and Yong Ning-Princess, As long as you are there, the day when the truth is revealed, you will be a witness. "She laughed : " I will do everything I can to protect you from letting them find you and let you live in peace. Only one day, wait One day the Xue family's case will reappear, and you will get what you want. "
      In a few words, the begonia spoke tears. She has lived in the dark for so long that she doesn't expect what the light looks like. Knowing that she can't touch it, she can't touch the light, she simply doesn't want to. Now a man suddenly appeared, telling her that darkness was about to end, and walking, you could see the sky.
      There was a ray of light in grief, like a drowning man holding a life-saving straw, but he was unwilling to let go.
      Jiang-Li spoke with Begonia for a while, and asked her and Cuckoo carefully what happened along the way to avoid officers and men. Haitang also learned from Jiang-Li mouth that Xue Huai-yuan was released from prison and was rescued, expressing surprise. She evaded officers and soldiers in Zaohua Village, not knowing that the Xue family had such a change. Jiang-Li promised her to wait a few days to take her to Ye house and see Xue Huai-yuan in person.
      It wasn't until the oil in the lamp ran out that Jiang-Li was out of the house. Duke sent several people to serve Begonia. She was always prepared for others, and easily nervous, so it was easy for her to rest for a while.
      By the stone table in the yard, Ji-Heng was sitting quietly, and Wenji was holding an umbrella behind him, blocking the rising snowflakes.
      When Jiang-Li came out, Ji-Heng asked Wenji to hold an umbrella next to Jiang-Li.
      Snowflakes fell on his red robes, adorned with Huacai, and he said, "Did you finish?"
      "That's it."
      Ji-Heng raised an eyebrow and said, "You don't look very interested."
      Jiang-Li smiled reluctantly. Anyone who knew about it would not be interested. She moved her lips, hesitated, and said nothing. When Ji-Heng saw this, he just smiled and said, "You can ask me, you can just say it directly, you don't have to vomit."
      "September Miss, ..." Jiang-Li said, "Can you invite Miss September to come and look at the injuries on Begonia face? I know this is hard for some strong men. The scars are deep, but I still hope for September Miss , Can take a look for her, even if it can make the scars fade. "
      In order to avoid hunting by officers and men, Begonia did not hesitate to destroy herself, but she was originally a beautiful and cute Miss. Nowadays, people look like ghosts or ghosts, even if Begonia doesn't say it himself, Jiang-Li can feel her inner loss. Situ in September is both a divine doctor and may have some of his own methods.
      "Yes," Ji-Heng said, "I will let her come tomorrow."
      "Many Thanks." Jiang-Li pursed his lips. "These days, thanks to Duke, Jiang-Li is grateful. I don't know if there can be anything to repay your kindness, I ... but I really Thank you Duke, sincerely. "
      "It's the cheapest sincerely, I'm not rare." Ji-Heng looked at her with a smile, "It would be better for you to sing this drama to the full, and don't let me take pains in it."
      Jiang-Li smiled and said, "I will try my best."
      "What did you hear from her?" Ji-Heng asked.
      Jiang-Li thought about it and didn't hide it : "How did Yongning and Shen-Yurong frame Xue-Fangfei for personal communication with others?"
      Ji-Heng's eyes flashed a little surprise, and it seemed that she did not expect such a straightforward answer. After thinking about it, she asked, "What are you going to do?"
      "Shun Teng touches melon." Jiang-Li said : "In this frame, there is another figure, which is today's Guang Wentang's ‘Guqin art teacher Xiao Deyin. Listening to the meaning of Begonia, in the birth of Shen's mother, Xiao Deyin may have Xue-Fangfei The person who prescribed the medicine. As long as I find Xiao Deyin and convict Xiao Deyin, either let Xiao Deyin bite out Yong Ning-Princess, or let Yong Ning be in trouble and make his own mistake. "
      Ji-Heng nodded : "That's a good idea. But Yongning can't handle it so well."
      "I know, but against Yongning, it was also a force to fight Cheng-Wang. I can also help Duke." Jiang-Li smiled.
      "Help me?" Ji-Heng seemed to hear something funny, he said, "Why should I hit Cheng-Wang?"
      "Of course you are not fighting Cheng-Wang. You don’t have to. You want the balance between the North and Central forces. You have already done it before. Now you want to break down this situation. The final result is Cheng-Wang. Victory, Cheng-Wang will naturally become a victim. As for Your Majesty, this war that you can win with smaller losses is also what you would like to see. ”Jiang-Li smiled : “ As long as you want to achieve Purpose, I am willing to help if I can help. But unfortunately, people can only say a little bit, and can only do a little bit. "She sighed with regret.
      Wenji and Zhao Yan accidentally twitched.
      There are very few people in the world who can guess Ji-Heng's mind, just guessing it, and probably dare not say it so plainly. How many people in the world can tolerate those who guess their own minds to live in the world? So there are so many people who are confused and confused, Jiang-Li never hides his shrewdness. Is this fearless or naive?
      Ji-Heng put away a smile and looked at Jiang-Li quietly. He is the second-best beauty in the world, and when he looks at you deeply, he is unconscious. However, his eyes were very cold and cold, like a snowy night in winter, without a trace of warmth.
      After a while, he whispered, "You know everything."
      Jiang-Li doesn't speak.
      "A-Li, you are sincere to me." He raised his lips, his voice slouched, "You hold yourself and the plate, in order to reassure me?"
      "Replace your heart with your heart." Jiang-Li corrected his statement. She couldn't help it, she had to rely on the strength of Ji-Heng, even more important than the power of the Jiang family. But she has nothing to repay Ji-Heng, and Ji-Heng doesn't need her to repay. She can only get a little bit of news from the situation that she has seen today, and tell this news to Ji- Heng listen.
      Tell Ji-Heng : Look, I have no heart, I am toward you, so we are allies.
      Ji-Heng said : "I accept your sincerity. As for what you can repay me, let's finish the thing before me."
      He did not refuse.
      Jiang-Li laughed : "OK."
      After Jiang-Li left Duke House, Zhao Yan also left. Begonia stayed in Duke House. After all, Begonia identity is too sensitive. Even if she self-destructs her appearance, she is still the safest in Duke House in order to be foolproof. After all, Yongning's people didn't dare to come to Duke House to watch.
      Ji-Heng didn't return to the house, still sitting in the yard, the snow seemed a lot smaller, and Wenji didn't hold an umbrella anymore. In the vast white, only the bright colors are compelling, and the red is abrupt.
      He was still sitting as if he didn't feel cold. Snowflake also kissed on the eyelashes, leaving a little furry white, but it made him look more charming.
      The cunning girl volunteered, but he felt confused. Yeah, Jiang-Li couldn't repay him anything. If it was only for the purpose of seeing the opera at first, to see if this cannibal flower was put into the flower garden of Yanjing City, what would be left after the slaughter. Until now, he has paid more than just the mentality required to watch a play.
      Is he a person who gives nothing in return? No, there is no benefit, he will not spend a bit more energy.
      What is the reason why he did this? This is not a particularly exciting show that requires people to watch. If you miss it, you will regret it. Even in some ways, he has nothing to do with his life, but he unknowingly puts so much into it that he often pays attention to it unconsciously.
      Do too much.
      Ji-Heng frowned slightly.
      The beauty frowning is a very beautiful thing, especially in this beautiful woman's amber eyes, there is a little puzzling doubt, and she is naive and seeks an unknown answer.
      Is it possible that the reward for doing such a thing is a verbal "true heart"?
      Sincerity is just useless waste. It can only exist for a period of time, just like the flowers of spring. It only opens for a short time and will not last forever. Once time passes, it will decline rapidly and become unsightly and unpleasant. Rotten into mud, no trace of existence can be found.
      He doesn't need sincerity, nor does he need a partner.
      He wants nothing from the world.
      In the next few days, after finding the whereabouts of Begonia, Jiang-Li calmed down.
      As she said to Ji-Heng, there is a living witness in the world, except for Begonia, Xiao Deyin counts as one. However, how to let Xiao Deyin tell the truth is also a troublesome matter. How did Xiao Deyin prescribe medicine for himself, or how Xiao Deyin reached an agreement with Yong Ning-Princess, it is unknown. It’s not just Xiao Deyin’s own idea that I want to come. If there is no Yong Ning-Princess behind her back, Xiao Deyin would not dare to fiddle in Shenfu for a while—she is a person who pays attention to her reputation. Its reputation is no longer guaranteed.
      She had to start with Xiao Deyin.
      I woke up in the morning without snow, but it was foggy. Mingyue came in from the outside and smiled, "Miss, Lao-Furen, the pearl sister by her side just came, and said that in two days, the tailor's new clothes would be ready, and asked Miss if there was anything else she wanted. Jewelry, you can go to the jewelry building to get a pair. "
      Jiang-Li laughed : "It's not necessary anymore, many things have been sent in these days."
      Maybe now she is the most guilty Young-Lady in Jiangfu big room. For a while, there was nothing missing, and everyone came to care about her. Even when Lu Shi of the 2nd House sees her, she will let her sit in the yard and have some snacks. It's about thinking that Jiang-Li knocked Ji-Shuran, who was her most inconspicuous, anyway, and helped her. Isn’t Jiang’s stewardship right now in Lushi’s hands?
      Jiang-Li doesn't have any bad feelings about the 2nd House, and she is also polite, but she is more vigilant about the 3rd House. Today, Jiang Yuanxing and Yang-shi-2 people both show indifference to the 2nd House, Jiang Yuanxing is more and more silent, Jiang Yuyan has not seen it a few times. Jiang-Li counts. Once the year has passed, that is, it won't be long before Shen-Ruyun should marry to Ningyuanhoufu. In other words, Jiang Yu'e good days may be over.
      Regardless of how Jiang Yu'e and Zhou Yanbang are now, whether it's like glue or lacquer or respect like ice, Shen-Ruyun will never allow a Jiang Yu'e to be inserted in the middle. He will definitely try his best to torture Jiang Yu'e, and Jiang Yu'e is not a fuel-saving lamp. In terms of flattering, he is better than Shen-Ruyun.
      The wicked have their own grinds, and want to come to Ningyuan Houfu House, and then they will have a long time to live in trouble.
      Taking the robe, Jiang-Li glanced at himself in the mirror and felt satisfied, and said, "Let's go."
      Mingyue asked curiously, "Miss, did you go out so early?"
      Jiang-Li laughed : "Go and see Mu-Uncle."
      Knowing that Jiang-Li and Ye Mingyu Mu-Uncle had a good relationship, Maids knew it. Jiang—Li was going to Yefu every three minutes, but the Jiang family was not blocked by anyone now. Although Ji-Shuran's scandal spread, somehow, Ye-Zhener's actual cause of death was not known. Therefore, the Ye family does not even know that Ye-Zhener's death is otherwise strange. It is probably that I feel sorry for the Ye family. Jiang-Yuanbai sometimes tells Jiang-Li that it is unprecedented. If the Ye family has anything, Ye Shijie can help him if he needs anything.
      It should be to compensate the Ye family, so Jiang-Li and the Ye family walked more frequently, but they were more justified.
      Jiang-Li went out. The carriage reached the gate of Yefu. The manservant at the door saw the carriage of Jiang's house. Without a word, he opened the door and welcomed him with a smile : "My young-Lady is here!" "
      Really like his family, Jiang-Li also felt very kind. Today is the day when Situ gave a consultation to Xue Huai-yuan in September, and also the day when Begonia came to see Xue Huai-yuan. Before that, Jiang-Li had promised Begonia to let her see Xue Huai-yuan. After talking to Ji-Heng, the day is set for today.
      Ye Mingyu returned from punching just after sweating. Seeing Jiang-Li, he said, "Ali, you have boiled bone soup in the kitchen. Do you want to drink it?"
      "I've used rice, Mu-Uncle." Jiang-Li glanced around and asked, "Did cousin Ye not face down?"
      "No," Ye Mingyu scratched his head. "He was very busy, and only came back tonight. Miss, here in September, is going to see Xue Xianyu. You should also come to Xue Xianyu."
      "By the way, it's a special gift to Mu-Uncle." Jiang-Li smiled, and Bai Xue was directing Yefu manservant to remove the goods from the carriage.
      "Annual ceremony?" Ye Mingyu froze.
      "I was sent by my father and the Grandmother," Jiang-Li explained.
      Ye Mingyu snorted, and in the early years, the two were like strangers. Nowadays, I think of the New Year's gift, which is really puzzling. However, people do not smile at people, they take the initiative to give gifts, nor can they kick their noses on their faces. Besides, the gifts are still Jiang-Li, their Shi-nu. Ye Mingyu said stiffly : "Okay, thank you Father and Lao-Furen instead of me. After a few days, I bought the annual gift and sent it back to Jiangfu."
      Jiang-Li knew Ye Mingyu feelings for the Jiang family, and laughed and turned his head away. The two went to Xue Huai-yuan's yard.
      Xue Huai-yuan is sitting in the yard, wearing a thick animal hide, reading a book. The animal hide is the tiger skin that Ye Mingyu hunted when he was hunting. He just put Xue Huai-yuan on his body, and Jiang-Li felt cried and laughed. Xue Huai-yuan Such a Master is very ridiculous to wear such aggressive clothes. Ye Mingyu also felt very good : "This tiger's skin is very warm! The skin of the king of beasts can be worn on the body, which can also strengthen the body and get the bravery of the beast king. You see, is Xue Xianyu body better How about one day? "
      Seeing that his interest was soaring, Jiang-Li was not easy to disappoint, and could only respond to his words. Seeing Xue Huai-yuan's book look, his eyes were sad again, "Doesn't he still understand?"
      "I don’t understand, I just stare at that page in a day. If it wasn't for my attention, I'd be afraid he really thought he was reading and would have recovered his mind." Said and sighed : "The scholar is a scholar, even if he loses his intelligence And I also know that holding books is very strong. "
      Jiang-Li Looking at Xue Huai-yuan's figure, except for the animal hide that is very incompatible with Xue Huai-yuan, Xue Huai-yuan's shadow now almost coincides with the shadow of the past stand up. Jiang-Li seemed to see his former father, so he sits in the yard with a book and watched it intently. When she called her father, the father turned his head and asked her with a smile, "What's wrong, A-Li?"
      The past and present meet again, but she and her father are no longer the same as before.
      While silent, Asun suddenly came over and said, "Lao-ye, Young-Lady, Miss, in September, here."
      Ye Mingyu laughed : "It just happened that you can meet up."
      Situ came soon in September. This time she was not alone. There was a woman wearing a veil beside her. Ye Mingyu was strange for a moment. Seeing that the woman did not look like Maid, she asked : "This The position is ... "
      "Slave was a slave of the Xue family," Haitang said. "Later, he married Young-Lady and separated from Young-Lady for various reasons. Hearing that Lao-ye was at the house, the slave came to see Lao ye. "
      "Xue Maid?" Ye Mingyu froze, looking at Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li nodded to him, and Ye Mingyu said nothing. He is not as familiar with Xue family as Jiang-Li is familiar with Xue family. Since Jiang-Li thinks it is okay, it is naturally okay.
      Ye Mingyu glanced at Situ September, and looked at Jiang-Li, and he understood the truth very well : "You guys, I'm going to drink soup outside."
      Jiang-Li smiled and nodded, and Ye Mingyu left the yard.
      Situ took the silver needle out of the wooden box in September. Begonia had already reached Xue Huai-yuan. Xue Huai-yuan was "reading" the book, and suddenly felt that someone had approached him, suddenly raised his head, looked Begonia.
      Begonia eyes circle red : "Lao-ye!"
      Xue Huai-yuan just looked at her curiously and curiously, but said nothing. Begonia tears didn't stop, and she burst out. She already learned from Xue descendants in Duke House what happened to Xue Huai-yuan, including how Xue Huai-yuan was tortured by Feng Yutang. If it was not Jiang-Li, Xue Huai-yuan would be afraid He was killed by Feng Yutang in Tongxiang.
      However, in just a few years, the original Qingliu Xue family was gone. A good family, dead dead, crazy, and Begonia heart suddenly gave birth to a huge tragedy. She couldn't help it, -cries- crying.
      Jiang-Li sighed and walked to the side of Begonia. Xue Huai-yuan recognized Jiang-Li and saw Jiang-Li appear. He immediately approached with a smile. Jiang-Li laughed : "Xue County," he took Begonia hand again, took a handkerchief from his arms and put it into Begonia hand, and said quietly : "Don't cry, wipe it."
      Begonia put up with it again and again, finally holding back the cry, took Jiang-Li papa to wipe the tears, and said to Jiang-Li : "Thank you Jiang 2-Young-Lady."
      "You see, this is what Xue Xianchen looks like now. Miss, he has been consulting him in September. Maybe one day he can recover his mind, maybe ..." She didn't say anything. Everyone knows it.
      Begonia choked and said, "I'm just too uncomfortable. I see Lao-ye suffer, I'm very uncomfortable. If Young-Lady and Young Master are still there, I see this scene, I don't know how much my heart is suffering. Now Young-Lady and Young Master has gone, but she doesn't know if it's a good thing. "She laughed at herself and said," Why aren't there any good people? "
      "Because of the justice in the world, for the time being, it is still the justice of the bad people." Jiang-Li voice was gentle, as if to alleviate all the pain in the heart, she said unhurriedly : "It's all right, you see, at least Xue County I am still alive. At the beginning, Xue Xianxian was almost killed. As long as I live, there is hope, and everything will be fine. You have to believe, I think, you Young-Lady and Young Master think so too "
      Begonia nodded.
      In September, Situ saw that the two of them had spoken almost the same, and did not delay time. Immediately came to give Xue Huai-yuan a needle, Xue Huai-yuan has become accustomed to every few days, but it is not as resistant as it was at the beginning, obediently let Situ to play with.
      Situ talked to Jiang-Li while applying a needle in September. Jiang-Li asked, “Miss, in September, is Xue Xianzhen better than before?”
      "This is the case," Situ said in September. "He has now begun to consciously do things that he used to do, such as reading books. Although he doesn't really read books, his actions have shown that the memory in his body is slowly being used. Awakening. This is a long process, but as long as there is such a sign, he will remember more little by little until he remembers who he is, the missing memory and the intellect, and he can be retrieved. "
      Jiang-Li and Begonia were overjoyed.
      As long as Xue Huai-yuan still has hope of getting better, someday Jiang-Li will recognize him. But ... glanced at Begonia on one side, Jiang-Li thought about it and asked, "Miss, in September, may there be a wound on Begonia face, but is there a way to heal?"
      "I asked her, and she said no." Situ said in September.
      Jiang-Li wonders : "Why not?"
      Begonia expression faded, and she said, "Ginger 2-Young-Lady doesn't have to bother with me. The scar on my face is so serious that it must not be good, and at least it will dilute the scar. Hope is disappointed afterwards, and it is better not to hold out hope at the beginning. Besides, "she smiled slightly." My only wish now is that Xue Xianyu will be better, and that I will avenge my young-Lady. The appearance for me Is useless. "
      Although Begonia said lightly, Jiang-Li heard the chant in her tone. Counting it out, Begonia is just getting married at this age. Although people feelings are not in the skin, this appearance will make Begonia a lot more difficult in the future. It will also make her bear many pains that should not be taken.
      "Miss in September is a divine doctor," Jiang-Li said : "You haven't tried it, why give it up? When Xue Xianzhen was just rescued, everyone thought he couldn't live much longer, but you see Now, it’s not a little better. Compared to Xue County, you have a much greater hope of healing the scars on your face. "
      Begonia looked at Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li soft and firm voice, making people involuntarily want to believe her and believe that he can be better.
      "I'm not a divine doctor. I said long ago that I'm not good at saving people. What I'm good at is making drugs." Situ said after finishing the last needle in September, without raising his head : "But the injury on her face It's not all in no way. I have a way to get her back to what she was before. "
      When Jiang-Li heard this, he immediately asked, "Is this true?"
      Begonia eyes also light up. Miss, who in the world doesn't love beauty? In particular, the sudden changes in the original beauty have become unsightly, and that is to do everything possible, and also want to return to the good old days.
      "I never tell lies." Situ looked at Haitang in September, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face. Although she was sweet, her attitude was always slightly cold. When she laughed, she always hid It's subtle, as if hiding some bad thoughts. She said, "It's just my method, not the ordinary doctor's method."
      Jiang-Li asked, "What is it?"
      "I'm good at making poisons. The wounds on her face can be attacked with poisons. Molan has a poison spider. When it bites, the saliva that he spit can heal the trauma and restore the skin to its original appearance. This poison spider It's very hard to find, and I have rarely seen one in ten years. I happened to have one. "
      Let poison spiders make people poisonous, it sounds really creepy. But Stuart was afraid that it was not enough in September, and continued : "When this poisonous spider bites people, it hurts and hurts. As for how much pain, about a hundred needles pierce you at the same time, not only It hurts, and itches. It’s so strange. You can’t grab it with your hands. Otherwise, it’s a shortfall. Not only is it not good, but it also makes the skin ulcerate and die. "She said here, showing a proud look on her face," Desperate Lan-the royal family supports this kind of spider, if the female family members have accidentally ruined their appearance, they can restore their appearance with poisonous spiders. It just hurts Under the itch, very few people can really restore their looks in the end. Most of them died because they couldn't bear the pain in the middle.
      In Situ remarks in September, Jiang-Li had to wonder if this Miss was deliberately scaring Begonia, but looking at her look, he didn't want to be joking.
      Situ looked at Haitang in September and asked, "What, did you think about it?"
      Behind the veil, Jiang-Li could feel the paleness of Begonia suddenly, but she was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay."
      Situ eyes flashed in September : "Aren't you afraid? The process is very painful. If you don't hold back, you may die. You heard that you will also rehabilitate your young-Lady. In order to restore your appearance, you are willing to bet Let me die, can I keep my life to testify for you Young-Lady? "
      Jiang-Li said in his heart that Situ remarks in September were too piercing. This is undoubtedly making Begonia heart even more sad. However, Begonia was not silenced by Situ words in September, but frankly said : "No, it is because I want to redress Young-Lady. If I can cure my scars, I can restore my appearance, In this way, others will recognize that I am indeed the Maid of the Xue family. Otherwise, even if the Young-Lady case reappears one day, when I come out to testify, my appearance will be ruined, maybe they will not Acknowledge my identity and say that I am a fake Xue Maid. In this way, no one will believe what I say. "
      Situ looked at Begonia in September and snorted softly, unable to tell what he looked.
      "And," Begonia smiled, "I will hold back. Since I can hold back the pain of losing my face, I can now restore my face, what is the pain? I can bear it. Only in September, Miss, "She asked," Can I really completely return to what I was before? "
      Situ said in September : "Of course, my poisonous spider, the entire North Yan is rare to find the second one. If you can bear it, you will be able to restore the former look within one month."
      "So," Begonia deeply thanked, "Many Thanks-Miss, September."
      "Don't thank me," Situ gathered up the wooden box and walked out in September, leaving a sentence, "Let's say it after you endure it!"
      The remaining Jiang-Li in the courtyard said to Begonia in anxiety : "You ... really want to?"
      "Thinking about it, Jiang 2-Young-Lady," Begonia smiled. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm telling the truth. I can bear the pain of scratching my face with a knife. It’s really nothing. Besides, after I restore my appearance, not only will people no longer say that I am not Begonia, but is it also a good thing for me? Jiang 2-Young-Lady also said before I hope that I can restore my appearance and even encourage me to heal, but now he is hesitant. "
      "That's ..." She didn't know that the risk of restoring her looks was so great that it could even endanger her life.
      "It's okay." Begonia looked at Xue Huai-yuan sitting in the yard. "I believe God will not keep my eyes closed, Lao-ye can bear it, I can also bear it, really."
      Jiang-Li looked at her for a long time and finally nodded : "Okay, you must ... be careful."
      After returning from Yefu, Jiang-Li looked a little unhappy.
      Bai Xue and Tonger both saw it, and they didn't dare to disturb her. Jiang-Li was mixed in the house thinking about what happened in Yefu during the day.
      The good news is that Xue Huai-yuan has gradually improved, and Begonia may recover its appearance. The worry is that in the process of restoring its appearance, Begonia may lose its life. This makes Jiang-Li feel a little uneasy. Begonia lived through a lot of hard work, and it was because she managed to get to the current field. In any case, Jiang-Li wants her to be alive. If this happened because of himself, Jiang-Li would really feel guilty for a lifetime.
      Speaking of, Begonia will be so decisive, because it is crazy to want to reconcile Xue-Fangfei, and make Yong Ning look like a big day, and himself and the people around him will be separated and crazy because of Yong Ning. Never forgive.
      She must be punished.
      At this time in Princess House, it was a light.
      Princess House in winter is still warm as spring. There are fruits and vegetables on the table that are not the products of this season. Such expensive things can only be used in Princess House. It is the agarwood burning on the table, which is also extremely luxurious.
      Yong Ning-Princess leaned recliningly on the collapse, wearing a long wire skirt under the lights, flashing a small light. This is a beauty that she can only enjoy. Now in Yanjing City, there is a "water pattern" out of nowhere. It is expensive without her skein. Ordinary rich people can afford it, but it is better than her skein. It was sparkling and amazing.
      The things she used to love can only be enjoyed by one person alone, so she is unwilling to wear low-quality water patterns with her merchants in Yanjing City, but the former strands are not as eye-catching as before. Her heart was also depressed.
      Only Shen-Yurong can make her feel better.
      "Shen Lang." She called, leaning her head lightly on the shoulder of Shen-Yurong, with a full-featured little daughter. Anyone who knows her well on most days will be taken aback when they see this. Yong Ning-Princess will also have such a tender and watery appearance.
      Shen-Yurong caressed her long hair and looked at the beating fire in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.
      Ning-Princess is a little bit upset. Since Xue Huai-yuan's case came to Yanjing City, at the court meeting, the bastard of Jiang-Li even dared to involve her. Although it was later proved to be fake, Ren Yun Yi Yun, she did not dare to go too close with Shen-Yurong.
      Rather, it was Shen-Yurong who told her personally to keep the distance for a while and not be caught by the handle as before.
      Yong Ning-Princess was both angry and wronged. Before that, Shen-Yurong had clearly agreed to her, and she would be allowed to do her Fu-ma, even Liu Tai Fae. If it weren't for the Tongxiang case, they would already have a marriage contract, and maybe they have already become husband and wife.
      Why bother to hide like you are now!
      Yong Ning-Princess, the more she thought about it, the less she felt, she leaned sideways in the arms of Shen-Yurong and said, "Shen Lang, when will you marry me?"
      Shen-Yurong stroked her long hair for a moment, and then said gently : "Isn't it? These days, for the time being. For the time being, the Tongxiang case has just passed, and it will inevitably come to pass."
      "But that has proved to be false! Besides, no one dares to talk about me behind the scenes!" Yong Ning-Princess said impatiently.
      Her patience is really running out, and every time she is about to succeed, something will happen halfway, disrupting the matter, and no matter how good her patience, it will soon be smoothed out.
      Shen-Yurong looked at her without speaking.
      Yong Ning-Princess was looked at by his faint eyes, with some guilty conscience. Although Jiang-Li said at the court meeting, behind Feng Yutang is Yong Ning-Princess, which is basically nonsense. But Yong Ning-Princess knew that she had done those things. She tortured Xue Huai-yuan, killed Xue-Zhao, framed Xue-Fangfei, and she did it all. Shen-Yurong also knows that she can't be straightforward.
      But she was unwilling.
      Xue Huai-yuan in the Tongxiang case involved Xue-Fangfei and involved her again. As long as she and Shen-Yurong walk together in the future, people will inevitably think of this, they will think of Xue-Fangfei death, Xue Huai-yuan's imprisonment and the relationship between her, it is easy to think That's why she wants to do this.
      This is an unavoidable fact, as long as she is married to Shen-Yurong, she will definitely encounter this. But she couldn't help marrying Shen-Yurong.
      For Yong Ning-Princess, the arguments of others are not important. She can even find someone in private, drive out those who are talking behind her, or pull their tongues and teach them to stop talking. She has always been like this. No one can stop her from doing what she wants.
      But Shen-Yurong can't, Shen-Yurong cannot tolerate other people arguments and doubts. His official career must also be clear and flawless, let alone a possible crime.
      This is the contradiction between her and Shen-Yurong. To resolve this contradiction, one of them must compromise with the other. Ning-Princess was reluctant to compromise Shen-Yurong because she didn't want to wait so long. But Shen-Yurong is also very stubborn. He cannot compromise himself now.
      In the end, Yong Ning-Princess looked away, stretched out her arms, and wrapped her neck around Shen-Yurong. She said, "Okay, I know. You don't have to look at me with a frown, slowly, slowly Hold on, I'll wait for you. You can't break your word. "
      Shen-Yurong smiled and shaved her nose, as if she was very fond of it, but there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes.
      Therefore, he naturally didn't see the woman in her arms, the smile wasn't really sullen, but she had another kind of thought, which was constantly taking root.
      That is, each has a child.


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