Chongqie Courting Death Daily 480

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     "Ming Niang is relieved! Even if the daughter is taking care of himself for you, like this accident, there will be no more in the future." When Wan-xi said this, the eyes flashed cold and looked even more. It is a bit of a fierceness. It is not just Yin-Tang who wants to come to this time, but also Wan-xi himself.
     In the past, Wan-xi always felt that if this person is honest, moving and not moving is just a formal problem. However, after this incident, she clearly knew that since she had become an enemy, she should not have any thoughts of staying in the mercy, because it would only bring more danger to herself or her family.
     "You have a number in your heart, and the mother is not thinking about it. Some things are always outsiders. If you don't know what you are, you can only rely on guessing.
     This is not a guess. You can only think about it yourself." But if you have any decision, if you want to say something, you will send a message to your mother." Qijia-shi looked at the daughter who was as happy as a flower, and slowly turned into a woman who is desperately fighting for survival.
     The sadness of that moment is not the mother's, it is absolutely impossible to understand.
     But this world is like a woman. She obeys her fate and teaches her daughter like this. But at this moment, after seeing her daughter have experienced too many things, she begins to feel that the obedience may be earlier.
     The land has her daughter's life!

     Perhaps this is the difference between people. It is impossible for fate to make people days look like a child. Her daughter is not as good as her, and she has a good Popo and her husband. Her cut is like a battlefield, she can only be strong, she can only guard the one she wants to protect, because she is not jealous, she has to raise her hands and offer her own cut, including her life. .
     "In the past, the amount of mother always thought of all things to endure, but now the mother can understand that some things can not be tolerated, especially in your situation." Qijia-shi deeply sighed, in this Inscribed, she overthrew the one that taught her Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi looks slightly, but can't say a word. In fact, she had abandoned the set she had taught her from the first day of the new life, but she had never taken it to the table. Now she heard her mother take the initiative to talk about this, but she did not know how to react.
     She couldn't tell her that she had died on a forbearance word in her last life, and it was even more impossible to tell her the mother.
     This road came, her heart was getting harder and harder, facing the enemy, from the beginning, irrelevant. To stick to their own principles, to block the calculations of those haze, and now to realize the danger, they take the initiative to extend their claws to protect themselves and their children, and even choose to eliminate those dangers if the danger is not germinated.
     "Yan Niang was also good for me. After all, most women came here." The difference is as good as luck or bad luck, and Wan-xi own luck is actually good, but the situation has changed, but she has not Can seize the opportunity, this has the tragedy of the last world. Fortunately in this world, nothing is different, she is no longer the little pity that the person is bullying. Now she is guarding her own heart, hiding her claws, as if a female warrior is tightly guarding her own happiness, and then letting others easily take her away.
     Qijia-shi See Wan-xi expression is quiet, without the slightest resentment, my heart is even more embarrassing. But she can't do much for her. "You know what you want, and take care of yourself."
     Wan-xi nodded and shifted the topic. She felt that these heavy topics were not suitable for them, and some things did not matter to her family.
     They can do everything, she should not blame, complaining that she did not figure out what she had in the last life, and that this world's own consciousness is too late.
     The mother and the daughter said a long time, although they are just a few homely, they have narrowed the distance in the invisible. After all, after the Wan-xi draft, their mothers and daughters rarely talked as deep as they do now, because time is not enough, plus some avoidance, some words can only be in the heart, and this time, because of this Wan-xi guidance, mother and daughter can be considered abandoning some stereotypes, and truly achieved a heart.
     At dinner, Wan-xi left Qijia-shi to use the meal, Yin-Tang did not come, Hong-min they all wanted. Because Wan-xi directly strengthens the feelings of the children and the family, so they get along well with each other, even the '1st Jiji' they are also very respectful to Qijia-shi, so the family is surrounded by It is also very lively.
     Shortly after Wan-xi sent away Qijia-shi, Yin-Tang came back and looked at the expression on his face. It was obvious that he had already returned. No one came up to use dinner, but also wanted to make Qijia-shi More comfortable.
     “Is the mood better?” Yin-Tang sat down to Wan-xi and sat down with a smile on his face.
     The expression on his face was obviously with the help of a stock.
     "The feeling of being in the whole body is very good, especially now, it is better to have a grandfather to accompany him." Wan-xi reached out and grabbed his big palm, ten fingers clasped, leaving no gaps.
     The moment of bowing, the smile on her face is sweet, obviously understands his heart.
     Yin-Tang glared at his own witty Wan-xi, as if he had returned to the past, his charm should be held in his hand, but some people just can't see clearly, always thinking about tossing . He used to endure because he didn't want the 4th Prince great cause to be destroyed by his own impulses. Now, when the dust is settled, he still has a lot of scruples, and he can't help him. Imperial Father Is it necessary to change the heirs?
     Ah! Some things can be seen clearly, and it is not a big deal. Kangxi sees the great cause more than anyone else, otherwise how can these Brother become the pieces in his hands.
     Is it the time? Is it inevitable? Still helpless?
     It may have taken up a point, but at the root of it, Kangxi selfishness has taken up more. To put it bluntly, this is not an empty talk of the royal family. It may be that the facts do not allow him to refute the relationship. Slowly, his mentality will change, and he will not think of Kangxi approval as he did before.
     Yin-Tang held her soft little hand and her mood was obviously good. "Oh! Is it happy to have a grandfather? Isn't that other things unnecessary?"
     Wan-xi heard that some are unknown.
     Therefore, Yin-Tang is mostly aware of everything she does. Only a few of her have not deliberately paid attention to it, not because of anything else, but because it is not necessary. She is trusting Yin-Tang, because the relationship between them is different from people, and with more understanding of the world, Wan-xi feels that trust is a tacit understanding between them. In fact, at this point they did a very good job. Yin-Tang never questioned her, and even if she was careful, she slowly opened her heart under his favor.
     She always fears that she will repeat the same mistakes, but the fact tells her that things are artificial. If she just shrinks herself into her own circle, she will lose more, such as Yin-Tang's love, children, and now. Status and so on. Fortunately, after she experienced life and death, she saw a lot of things, her heart was harder, and her heart was harder. Naturally, she was better able to start with the enemy, and some things did go to the time of processing.
     "No need, because I always believe that my father will protect my body." The trust and confidence on Wan-xi face can't be put out, but from the heart, it is obvious from here.
     The trust in Yin-Tang is revealed from the heart, not on the surface.
     Yin-Tang looked at the silky smile on Wan-xi face, and her eyes were full of favors. Obviously, she was not disliked with her actions. On the contrary, she enjoyed it, even with words. With a hint of pampering, "Ye charming is getting smarter! But I want to know what you think in your heart, and how you plan to repay you!"
     Wan-xi looks at the look of Yin-Tang, and I know what it is. If she had not promised before, but now her body is already good, the first two days of the royal doctor also came to the Courtyard for safe pulse, except for some lack of blood, there are no other problems. However, she just didn't want to be so easy to follow him. It can be said that her little claws are not only bright to the enemy, but also to him, that is also the time to brighten, otherwise how can he often say that she is dead!
     Winting his eyes, Wan-xi blinked at Yin-Tang and frowned. He couldn’t help but reach out to his neck and asked, "What kind of reward does that want?"
     Yin-Tang messed up Wan-xi on his sturdy chest, his eyes jerked dangerously, and he was ready to go. Wan-xi is on the dangerous eyes of Yin-Tang, which reminds me that this man is really following her in other aspects, but he is overbearing in the aspect of x-ual intercourse, and has no discussion! The more she resists, the more she suffers. I think that the last time I lost my temper and was cleaned from the inside out, I couldn't help but regret it.
     "Master, I know that I am wrong, or let us discuss something else first!" Wan-xi slightly charmingly held Yin-Tang's face for a few times, and it looks like a chicken. Like a meter, it’s anxious.
     Yin-Tang took the person up and strode to the inner room. "Ye Jao-Jao is more and more naive!"
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, a serious face, and mourned in her heart. She even began to regret having done this with Yin-Tang in this respect. No, I didn't kill others, but instead put myself in.
     The night is as bright as water, and the Qing yuan courtyard in the middle of the night is quiet everywhere. Here is the place where Wan-xi arranged for several sons. It should be a child's yard, let alone Hong-min or the eldest son. It’s just that Wan-xi is different from ordinary people in the way of education for several children. Plus, the feelings of several of their Brother and sisters are very good. In order to facilitate the care, Wan-xi has to divide the boys and Miss into two yards. It’s not too far apart. It’s acting on most days, feelings are more intimate, and it can prevent someone from secretly provoking.
     Moya-qi was well cared for by the people arranged by Wan-xi, and Hong-min's feelings were also good. Plus, Wan-xi did not conceal her relationship with her life. Although she regretted that she was not Wan-xi biological daughter, but can accept the current cut. Moreover, Wan-xi has always been very relaxed about the cultivation of Miss. Not all of them are taught to be pungent, but they are also lively and cheerful. It’s just that there was always someone who secretly provoked it. Moya-qi was very serious about people defenses. When I heard someone talking outside in my sleep, I couldn’t help but wake up from my dreams, but I didn’t say anything, but calm down, wait.
     The main action.
     " '1st Jiji' , '1st Jiji'." The slightly soft female voice rang in the ear of Moya-qi, but the voice was not the one who was waiting around her on most days. Moya-qi has a very strong heartbeat, but she has resisted not opening her eyes, but she has slightly turned over.
     The people who came in did not turn on the lights.
     The action was through the silk moonlight outside the window, so the action was not smooth. From time to time, there was a humming sound coming from the room. Moya-qi sneaked open eyes. Looking forward, from her point of view, I can see the back of the woman who came in.
     Seeing her look seems very busy, and some of the ornaments in the room are picked up by her from time to time. It seems to be gongs and drums, but it is difficult to see from her point of view, which makes her uneasy.
     Think about the teachings of Wan-xi and Mama on most days, Moya-qi feels that as a long sister, what should I do? After all, this situation does not happen only in her, and if there is anything, she can inform her mother in time to avoid hurting herself and her brother Sao!

     Seeing her look seems very busy, and some of the ornaments in the room are picked up by her from time to time. It seems to be gongs and drums, but it is difficult to see from her point of view, which makes her uneasy.
     Think about the teachings of Wan-xi and Mama on most days, Moya-qi feels that as a long sister, what should I do? After all, this situation does not happen only in her, and if there is anything, she can inform her mother in time to avoid hurting herself and her brother Sao!
     Just thinking, Moya-qi noticed that the woman seemed to turn back and looked at herself. She couldn't help but close her eyes and continue to sleep. When she got the right time, she continued to stare at each other and remembered where she had moved her hands and feet.
     Finally, the woman seemed to be finished, and she was coming to her side. She closed her eyes and felt that when someone approached, she could not help but hold her breath. When she felt that her quilt moved slightly, there was no movement. When she opened her eyes again, the palace Lady had already left. At this time, Moya-qi did not dare to call people, but just unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.
     Outside the house, Maid came over to change the class soon. I checked the situation of Moya-qi and saw that she was still asleep and didn't bother, but what she didn't think of was the moment she turned, but the child who should have slept was squatting. Two big eyes, quietly squatting until the dawn.
     After dawn, after Moya-qi was groomed, it was always an absent-minded appearance, and Mama Maid, who was attracted to her side, was concerned. But because of yesterday's incident, she couldn't believe other people easily. After all, the Mamas were taught, and she had already reached the age of discerning right and wrong. Even though she couldn't fully understand some things, who is Who can be trusted should be prepared, she is still clear.
     Because Wan-xi did not ask for their relationship in the morning, several children could sleep for a while in the morning. When the class was finished in the evening, they went to Qing yi-Courtyard for a meal. Of course, this is not a hard requirement. If there is anything, you can stay in your own room for meals. Only a few children like to gather in Qing yi-Courtyard. Moya-qi is no exception, but she is just a Children who have things can tolerate a certain time, but they can't stand it for too long.
     "Big sister, what's wrong with you? From the morning, it's a straight-hearted one. Is it a nubi who waits for it?" It's hard to get to the evening, a few children gathered together, ready to go to Qing yi-Courtyard, don't say it during this period. Keen Hong-min, they are a straightforward and careless Yali-qi also feel that her is not right.
     "Nothing? I didn't sleep well last night. I should have a good sleep earlier today." Moya-qi looked at Hong-min.
     Their expressions on the face were calm, but the brows were wrinkled and the tone was with a hint of silk. Tight, but in general still performed well.
      Hong-min clearly noticed that she had something to look at them, but he did not ask at this time, but wanted to wait until they arrived at Qing yi-Courtyard to see her performance. If she didn't want to speak, then he would Only after mentioning the amount of the mother, I asked to check the yard of Moya-qi to see if someone had hit her on her mind.
     Said, a pedestrian went to Qing yi-Courtyard, Ting-Qin, they saw a few people and greeted them, then took them to the interior. Wan-xi leaned against the soft pillow and sat on the raft. Obviously, the madness of last night made her rest for a whole day, and she also read Yin-Tang all day. I saw a few children now, only I feel that my old face is hot.
      Hong-min, they don't know about it, they see Wan-xi. After the ceremony, they have gotten up and said what happened today.
     They are half-large children, and they are very attached to the mother. . Wan-xi sat up and looked at the children's innocent smiles, and felt that it was worthwhile to do more. Only when the children grew up, even the Mamas asked when they arranged for Hong-min to wait in the room. Wan-xi thought about it and eventually planned to postpone another two years. After all, in recent years. Not particularly stable, the troubles in the house have not been solved, and even she is particularly fond of her relationship with Yin-Tang. She also hopes that her children can find their own people instead of being surrounded by them. Some thoughtful people.
     A few children make up a pile, you say yours, I said mine, Wan-xi is no one is cold. Just turning around and noticeing the appearance of Moya-qi, I couldn't help but smile, then waved Ting-Qin to bring out the waiters in the house.
     "Well, sit down! Moya-qi, come over the mother." Wan-xi stretched out his hand to Moya-qi, and saw her come over, could not help but pull her to sit beside him.
     Moya-qi walked to Wan-xi and saw her reach out and couldn't help but put her hand into her palm. For Wan-xi, Moya-qi is still very attached, but this is still somewhat mindful that she is not her biological daughter. However, at this time, Wan-xi took the initiative to get close, and she couldn't help but let go of the messy thoughts in her heart and directly rushed up.
     Wan-xi is not the kind of person who can do anything for the sake of interest. Besides, '1st Jiji', '3rd-Jiji', she has been raised for so many years, that is, cats, dogs and cats also have feelings, not to mention Still two children.
     "Auntie is holding you aside and talking, but what happened? If it is in the hands of Brother, it’s hard to say, then privately said to the mother, the incident must not be hidden in the heart, suffered Don't endure grievances, this daughter's family has to learn to protect themselves, understand?" For the children around, Wan-xi really does the same, and when educating a few Miss, it is also very hard. Try not to let them go the way of her past life.
     "Emperor, there are other people who have been in my house in the middle of the night." Moya-qi looked up at Wan-xi, her voice was a bit low, but her mouth was clear, and she only used one sentence to express her own meaning. Expressed it.
     Wan-xi cares about them is not Darenerated, even if they are sometimes scrupulous because they are not born, but she should not have fallen. Because some people have provoked the relationship between Moya-qi and Ning Chu-Kee, Wan-xi told them that after their own life, they not only chanted in their ears, but also the people around them often recited. . Ask for evidence, don't rush to make a decision, and don't trust the words of strangers.
     Although the Moya-qi was still small at the time, but the time was long, whether it was her, other people, and those who were subtly remembered these words, and they were not willing to relax. Moya-qi naturally also keeps in mind, last night that Maid, she saw several times, determined that she did not meet at Qing yi-Courtyard and Qing fengyuan, will be in the heart, even after coming to Qing yi-Courtyard, the first The time choice tells Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi had a strange face. When she heard her say this, her face sank. A few children were raised by her personally, and the people around her were specially selected by her and Yin-Tang. If they don't really have problems, they will not open their mouths. So Moya-qi, Wan-xi no doubt, even her heart knows her time of rest, some people really take themselves too seriously.
     "Moya-qi, you are doing very well. If you encounter such a thing, you should not hide it and let things get better." If you have any problems, you can't solve them, you and me. Ama.” Wan-xi patted Moya-qi, a little cold hand, whispering and appreciating, but also praised her a few words, it is also encouraged to children to encounter problems, do not make a claim, so as not to suffer losses Suffering.
     Wan-xi accompanied several children to eat and waited until Yin-Tang came back. She said this to him, and Yin-Tang's face changed instantly. He stood up from the chair and the atmosphere of his body became gloomy. Obviously he felt that this should not happen. After all, after Wan-xi wakes up, he can do a lot of things in the dark. In addition to the shock, more is to kill the chickens and monkeys, but he does not want his men’s mercy to let these people converge. Instead, he reaches out to his children. Come, it’s really daring.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang and Wan-xi licked a few children, and then let Yali-qi three of them live by whispering excuses, as for the problem in Moya-qi room, Check it out tomorrow and make a decision.
     Not that they are afraid, but they don’t want to prematurely Call.
     The entire Breezy Garden was selected by Wan-xi and Yin-Tang. Even if there were replacements, it was passed through Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin, and these two people, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang is convinced that what kind of experience this person is, it seems to be intriguing.
     After several children went back, Wan-xi called Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin, and they talked about things in detail. Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin heard the words, and their faces instantly White, just want to ask for sin, let Wan-xi stop.
     "Call you to come, not to let you ask for sin, but to let you find out the ins and outs of things. Whether it is the Qing fengyuan or Moyuntang, no matter how many people are mixed in, they have to find out for the Lord." When Yin-Tang said this, his tone was cold and his face was extremely ugly. Obviously, he was not allowed to make a big deal.
     Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin see Yin-Tang, and they don’t dare to have any thoughts.
     They all ‘called: "Yes."
     Wan-xi looked at the Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin eyes who walked quickly, turned to look at the Yin-Tang next to him, and whispered, "Is there a candidate in the heart?"
     "Almost. Only those who can start in this backyard are the people in this backyard. Even if they want to start, they can't use such a roundabout way." When Yin-Tang said this, he couldn't help but laugh, obviously it was before him.
     The heart is soft and ridiculous.
     Because of Wan-xi almost desperate relationship, he has endured the limit of the woman in the backyard.
     The reason why he did not shoot is not an excuse. Originally, he still thought about arranging them well. Now it seems that their minds can be big, afraid that they will not see his arrangement.
     "The meaning of that man is..." Wan-xi big, bright eyes looked straight at Yin-Tang, and his eyes were full of trust.
     "Of course, it’s a net! But anyone who wants to shoot for you or your son’s children must have a sense of death.” Yin-Tang’s eyes flashed a cold light, and the trust in Wan-xi was obviously used. But the patience of the women in the backyard is really being polished.
     Wan-xi looked at the appearance of Yin-Tang, knowing that she had planned for a long time, and it was about to be seen. Although the process was a bit twisty, the result was still gratifying. Whoever makes death is also a technical skill. If you don't have technology, you don't want to learn to die. Otherwise, you will die not someone else, but yourself.

     The next day, I used the breakfast and sent Yin-Tang. Wan-xi took the Ting-Rain and others to the Qing fengyuan. Last night, they let Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin go to the aftermath. It is not just to look at it, but to investigate suspicious objects one by one. After all, no one can guarantee that the people they choose will be loyal.
     Before using the breakfast, Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Qin had already reported the results to Wan-xi and Yin-Tang. Yin-Tang had something to do, and the matter was handed over to Wan-xi processing. May be afraid that Wan-xi can't hate the relationship, Yin-Tang also specially assigned Wang An to help.
     Rather than assisting, it is better to cooperate with Wan-xi actions. If Wan-xi can't get it, Wang An will handle it. Of course, the premise of this treatment is that Yin-Tang is naturally explained.
     When they arrived at the Qing fengyuan, Moya-qi had already waited outside with them. When they saw Wan-xi, they all naturally raised a smile. From here, it is not difficult to see that they are Wan-xi feelings are still very deep.
     Wan-xi stepped forward and looked at a few children to salute. He couldn't help but raise his hand and face Moya-qi.
     They said, "Go, go to your house with your mother!"
     When Wan-xi said this, the tone was calm and listened, but it was found to be mixed with coldness.
     Into the Qing fengyuan, Wan-xi showed his eyes to Ting-Rain, and Ting-Rain began to command the people who used it. Although the general situation of Wan-xi has already been understood, but the people who are married and planted and blamed for the two points, she is to arrest and defend. After all, this woman in the backyard has a history, even if Yin-Tang doesn't care, but she doesn't want him to carry an unnecessary black pot for it.
     Moya-qi house was locked last night, just waiting for them to check the contents of the house to see if there is any problem. As for the person who touched the Moya-qi room in the middle of the night, it was locked, even if it was not precise, but it could not run.
     To be honest, Wan-xi slept late all night last night, and unconsciously sighed in his heart, feeling that he was too soft, and that people would be more and more arrogant. If this is not found this time, Wan-xi can imagine what kind of reputation she will carry after Moya-qi accident, what kind of embarrassment Yin-Tang will have, and finally '3rd-Jiji' No matter how good or bad, I can't stay with her anymore. As for Hong-min, her reputation is broken, and how many of her children may not be affected at all.
     It is not difficult to see from this that this person's intentional poison, even if she did not intend to take her life, but ruined her roots.
     It’s hard to wait until dawn, send away Yin-Tang, who cares her again, Wan-xi, which is called Ting-Lan and Ping Mama, which plays the Qing fengyuan. Regarding drugs, other people may not be able to Total trust, but Ting-Lan and Ping Mama ability she absolutely believes.
     Ting-Lan and Ping Mama have long been instructed by Wan-xi, and they have not thought that this ZHong-Yong Junwang House has such a courage to dare to reach several small Highness. go with. However, they are very surprised, but they are clear in their hearts that if Wan-xi can pull out both of them, it will prove that she will not pick up the matter as much as before and then gently put it down.
     Wan-xi with Moya-qi They stood in the yard outside the house, Ting-Rain, they purposely moved a few chairs and let them sit down. Ting-Lan and Ping Mama got into the house and began to look at the things in the house for problems. In particular, Moya-qi said a few places, they did not dare to neglect, it is meticulous. Careful and meticulous, not to mention every thing in the house, that is, the corners of the house, they have also looked at it.
     Wan-xi sat in the yard, waiting for Ting-Lan and Ping Mama to check all the children's houses all over, and looked at the two people ugly faces, her delicate brow could not help but gently provoke Then the voice was cold and clear: "Let's talk! What are the problems?"
     Ting-Lan and Ping Mama are looking at each other. Ping Mama has made two steps forward. He whispered: "When you return to Fu-Jin, you can find four problems in the house of '1st Jiji'.
     Things, from the point of view of place and location, are placed at different times, but it is only a long time apart.
     This old nubi is unknown."
     "That's good, take this Fu-Jin and look at it.
     Those people have secretly played some tricks in the end." Wan-xi stood up and walked two steps forward, stopped again, and looked back at the sitting. Moya-qi They said: "Let's come over and see, there are some things you can use, but you must know."
     Wan-xi really wants his children to be innocent and pure, but this is only limited to childhood.
     The more you grow up, the more you have to face reality. Otherwise, you can only become a stepping stone and a victim of others.
     This is definitely not what Wan-xi wants to see.
     Therefore, she would rather break the fortress that she built for them, and would not regret repenting of their inaction after they have suffered.
     Moya-qi is a little bigger.
     The mama bean, Mama, not only teaches the rules, but also tells them the secrets of the backyard, but it is not as intuitive as it is now. Now that Wan-xi wants to take them in the past, she still points, and several other Mei-meis are a bit timid.
     "How did the palace Lady find out? Who is helping her in the Qing fengyuan? Have they checked it out?" Wan-xi walked in front, slowly lowered his voice and asked Ting-Rain, the more she asked her face.
     The more ugly the expression is, the more the defense is still not able to prevent it, which makes her inner anger of repressed anger again, and the more it burns.
     "Asked out, it was a small Maid waiting in the outer court. Not long after entering the government, the third-class Maid with the Qing feng Institute was a fellow countryman.
     The relationship between the two was not bad. She borrowed her homesickness to find the Maid, and then somehow stayed in the Qing fengyuan night. Suu.
     The nubi felt strange when they heard it. Maid, who had just entered the government, found a fellow of the Qing fengyuan. He knew that there were many people in the same place in the entire Junwang House. She was also in the outer court. Not looking for, but looking for the '1st Jiji' of their yard, but also took the opportunity to start the '1st Jiji', there must be some instigation behind.
     The nubi feels awkward, the independent Maid in the outer court suddenly started on the '1st Jiji', say no Tired, no one believes, so the nubi let the little Maid get caught, and the people she has recently contacted are also controlled." Ting-Rain's voice is also a little low, obviously without Wan Before xi instructions, she was not prepared to let others hear these words.
     After the last Wan-xi accident in the palace, the house was reorganized. I thought that with the beat of Your Highness, those people should become honest. I didn't expect these people to be honest, just waiting for the hole. Just like now, everyone is paying attention to the action of Yin-Tang, but I did not expect that when this kind of external to the outside world, there was someone who took the opportunity to make trouble and disturbed everyone.
     Wan-xi walked into the house, and Ting-Lan and Ping Mama went straight to the place where they found the problem with Wan-xi.
     The first thing I went to was the place where Moya-qi did not mention the problem. It is a rack of treasures, with a lot of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi giving Moya-qi things. Everything is not worth mentioning, but it is also exquisite and unparalleled. blessing. Someone started from here, no less than knives in their hearts.
     "What do you mean by saying that someone has moved their hands and feet underneath?" Wan-xi frowned and his eyes became cold.
     Ting-Lan and Ping Mama stood by, and their faces were not good.
     They were all around Wan-xi, and naturally knew how much she valued several children. In particular, the identity of '1st Jiji' and '3rd-Jiji' is still somewhat sensitive. If you are a person who has been immersed in the harem or backyard, you can figure out what kind of idea the other person is thinking.
     Time, not only the face of Wan-xi is ugly, but even their faces are not so good.
     "Let's say! There are some problems with this. What did Maid do that night?" Biting his teeth, Wan-xi stared coldly at the things on Duobao, and he was haunting the whole body. A little cold.
     Moya-qi They followed Wan-xi and listened to Wan-xi and Ting-Lan's conversations, and their faces became pale. Especially Moya-qi, she couldn't help but tremble. She didn't understand why someone was going to target her, obviously she didn't do anything! Is this what Mama calls the interest, no matter what is wrong or not, as long as it is profitable, regardless of the life and death of others.
     "The above-mentioned rosewood screen has been wiped out by people who have made the body weak. In the long run, it is fearful that life expectancy will be hindered.
     The other is the jade bottle with flowers inserted.
     The jade bottle is no problem.
     The problem is the flower in the jade bottle.
     There are a few branches of Jiazhu-Tao. If you don't look at it, you can't tell the difference. In the end, '1st Jiji' said that there is nothing wrong with it. Only the incense burner is stuffed for a short time to make people fall. Drugs." When Ping Mama said this, his eyebrows were tight, and the first few were chronic, or complementary, but in the end it was life-threatening.
     From this, I can think of how urgent the other party wants to cause '1st Jiji' to die. Every time I think of the death of '1st Jiji', it will affect Wan-xi, Ping Mama brow will not be able to wrinkle tighter, face The look on it grew more and more gloomy.
     For her, Wan-xi is her Your Highness, even if she is loyal because of the Empress Dowager, but this point is worth her life to maintain her cut, but some people want to ruin her, this Tell her how to accept it!
     “Short time? How short? Is it a few months or a few days?” Wan-xi looked at the expression of Ping Mama, and then looked at Moya-qi, who had already Called in the arms of Mama, and was very sad. It's even colder.
     Ping Mama returned to God and took a ceremony at Wan-xi, and then did not evade the tunnel: "Half months to months, people will be exhausted. From here, it is not difficult to see that the other party is very anxious. I want the life of '1st Jiji'! It may be that there are plans that have to be completed in a short period of time, so I am so anxious that I am exposed."
     Wan-xi nodded, letting people take these things away, and then went to other children's rooms with Ting-Lan and Ping Mama. Compared to Moya-qi, several other Miss have each identified some minor problems, but they are all expected. As for Hong-min, they may have Yin-Tang gave them a secret relationship early, but there is no problem.
     This makes Wan-xi feel helpless and wants Yin-Tang to give a few The Miss also arranged two secret guards, not to mention others, just to be safe.
     "Emperor, how can these people do this?" Moya-qi crying eyes and red eyes look really pity.
     "The world is all good, and the world is full of benefits. As long as there are benefits, sometimes life is not a problem, so the mother will be jealous of you again, the heart of the victim can not be, prevent people The heart is indispensable. You will have to contact these things sooner or later. If you are harmed by others, you don’t know why. It’s better to let you understand the ugliness of human nature too early.” Wan-xi reached out and touched the head of Moya-qi.
     The eyes swept their eyes and they were not too big, Yali-qi, they were very serious.

     "The world is all good, and the world is full of benefits. As long as there are benefits, sometimes life is not a problem, so the mother will be jealous of you again, the heart of the victim can not be, prevent people The heart is indispensable. You will have to contact these things sooner or later. If you are harmed by others, you don’t know why. It’s better to let you understand the ugliness of human nature too early.” Wan-xi reached out and touched the head of Moya-qi.
     The eyes swept their eyes and they were not too big, Yali-qi, they were very serious.
     Wan-xi thought that those people would do it, but did not think that they would use such means on several children.
     The poison of the heart is rare. If Moya-qi does not find it himself, if they find the problem, it is too late.
     Now think about it, she suddenly feels that she is too kind to these people to let them jump out again and again, this time, no matter who, no matter what the reason, as long as it is detected, that is absolutely It’s a dead end.
     Moya-qi listened to her words, the whole person unconsciously shakes the next, obviously did not think that the backyard Yin private is so cruel. I want her life, not for anything else, just to frame the mother, this kind of thing is really unimaginable, but the reality makes her have to face the cruelty of this real world for her. .
     Moya-qi felt more and more flustered, but when she heard Wan-xi, she felt a little peace of mind. In fact, apart from those who secretly provoked, even the people of her ancestors never said Wan-xi good words. Every time I open my mouth, I must devalue Wan-xi. I think she does everything. Do not have ulterior motives. However, she has the feeling that Wan-xi is no different from her and Yali-qi, and she is wrongly reprimanded. She praised it even, and even looked for Mama.
     They taught some backyards and private, not to mention all aspects, but nothing. Picky.
     She once wondered if Wan-xi really saw her as her biological daughter, but the fact is that Wan-xi did everything for her, even when she asked her mother. Did not conceal, even personally told her some things about her mother. She said that her biological mother is loving her, but Moya-qi has the ability to distinguish, and has also overheard others talking about her mother, without exception, no good words, her mother can hate this.
     This is definitely not good for people, but Wan-xi did not devalue her.
     This point alone made her feel grateful.
     "Em, this time, Moya-qi will not be self-willed, and will definitely learn." Moya-qi emotions have not fully recovered, but she still knows good or bad.
     "You understand. Miss are not as good as boys. In many places, although they depend on their fathers and Brother, they still have to rely on themselves. If they only know what they are, they will indulge in bullying. People start to pick up another point. It’s like this time, you can do it in the backyard, whether you have any outside forces, or you can still be in this backyard, so in the end, it’s the amount of the face that is too much for them. It will give them the illusion that they can escape no matter what they do.” Wan-xi at this moment abandoned the inner heart and couldn’t bear it. He completely set his position and also the woman in the backyard. Successfully placed in the position of the enemy.
     Moya-qi When they listened to Wan-xi, what else did not understand, and the moment of nodding, the mentality of several Miss also changed dramatically at this moment. So that after marrying in Mongolia in the future, not only did they not be angry with themselves, but they also helped other sisters to turn things over, making Yongzheng’s thunder, and when they dealt with a group of people, they also beat the Mongolian aristocrats. Of course, these are all words, and for the time being, they are not.
     "What's wrong?" Just when Wan-xi was ready to take Ting-Lan and they went to Moyuntang, they saw Ting-Qin's face faintly coming in. Wan-xi saw a few anxious flashes in her eyes, could not help but walk a few steps forward, whispered a sentence.
     Ting-Qin looked at the nearby Wan-xi, and the tone was a bit stiff: "There was someone who ran back and said that the Maid who had stolen the '1st Jiji' room was dead.
     This person was already in control. In the firewood room, when the general manager went to the trial, he found that the person had been poisoned and died, and the body still had a little temperature. It was not long before he died!"
     In the final analysis, this is still their responsibility. It is clear that people have been given control. As long as they follow this clue, they will definitely find out the black hands behind the scenes, but it is because of their great intention that the other party is poisoned.
     This is equal to the fact that this line is broken in half!
     Wan-xi gently picked up his eyebrows. Obviously, he did not expect that the other party was not only cautious but also had such a great ability to break through Ting-Qin and their encirclement would poison people. If the other person thinks that a Maid has died, this thing can pass, she can only say that the other person thinks too beautiful. Originally, she felt that as long as Yin-Tang’s heart was on her, the women in the backyard did not have to kill all the time, but now it’s not the same.
     Their actions have increasingly strengthened her determination to eradicate this backyard woman.
     However, she wants to marry. She thinks that it is not the enemy of the last world that should put the other horse, but she forgot that the woman who entered the backyard is already her enemy.
     Their fate has long been doomed, not because they died, that is, they want her to die, instead of letting them die again, Wan-xi feels that she is killing these people.
     Thinking of this, Wan-xi couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows, his face showing a bit of irritability and exhaustion. She knew that in addition to the women in the backyard, they had to deal with 8th-Prince and the ambitions behind him.
     Packing up the Qing fengyuan, Wan-xi will not replace everyone in the Qing fengyuan, but she will be replaced as long as she is slightly wrong. After all, she can take risks, but she can't take risks with her children's safety.
     When Yin-Tang learned that someone wanted to use the life of '1st Jiji' to frame Wan-xi, his face suddenly changed. He rubbed his fists and slammed the table, and the things on the table were unconsciously scattered by his movements. Because of too much effort, the fingers are white, blue muscles
     Dew, the look on his face is even more ugly.
     "Globe! It’s the grandfather who gave them their faces too much, and they will make them more and more excessive. Such a sinister means, it should be a thousand knives." Yin-Tang said with a grin.
     I didn’t think that Yin-Tang’s backyard would happen like this, but listening to Yin-Tang’s meaning, it seems that it’s not just the women in the backyard, but also the temple.
     The dispute prompted this to happen. On the surface, it is said that the disaster is not as good as the family, but in fact, the backyard is also closely connected with the temple.
     "9th Prince, can you help 4th Prince?" The voice of the low voice came, and the words were full of worry and concern.
     Yin-Tang returned to God, only to think that he was not in his own study, but in the study room. Slightly converged on the look of anger on his face, Yin-Tang's expression was a bit stiff and said: "This matter has not been ascertained, or you should not trouble 4th Prince first, and you will find out if you have to cut it. If your brother needs help, set a certain Not to be polite with 4th Prince."
     I didn't want to force Yin-Tang. He cares that he is only a brother who cares about his brother. He doesn't want to intervene in his backyard, so Yin-Tang doesn't want him to be reluctant. "Okay! I really need to remember that I have to open my mouth."
     "Well." Yin-Tang nodded and then got up and said goodbye.
     Lin-Chujiu immediately followed the Yin-Tang and looked at the murderousness of Yin-Tang, which was completely hidden. He was so scared that he could not even dare to come out. It’s been a long time since the outside and outside have been cleaned up, and even the vicious means are used. It’s no wonder that Your Highness is not willing to give up.
     Yin-Tang When she returned to Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi was watching the problematic things quietly. She actually spent a lot of time trying to check these things and judge those people. After all, Moya Qi If something really happened, it’s okay to stop it properly. If it’s too late to stop, the consequences may be more serious than she thought. Not to mention herself and her children, she said that Yin-Tang should be in a dilemma.
     "It's okay! Everyone has heard about it. It seems that things are more complicated than what I want.
     This person is more dirty than the one who wants to be." Yin-Tang looks at the face-thinking Wan xi, slowly walked over and looked at the worry on her face, very distressed.
     Wan-xi returned to God and saw Yin-Tang standing beside him. He couldn’t help but throw him into his arms. His face was buried in his chest and he said with a sigh: "This thing has come suddenly and looks It’s very inevitable. Fortunately, Moya-qi is alert enough. If you wait until you find it, it’s too late, and it’s Moya-qi, or the next cut, you’ll feel Nothing."
     This thing Yin-Tang has generally understood, I heard that the small Maid has been poisoned, the brow can not help but wrinkle more tightly, the expression on the face is also a bit harsh, obviously someone can cross the house It is an inevitable shock for the forces to poison people to him, who thinks he has mastered the master.
     Can easily kill in the backyard, this time is the Maid, the next time is it directly aimed at his male master?
     "Master, do you say that this thing is caused by people in the backyard, or are they out of the crowd?" Wan-xi whispered, although there was some speculation in the words, but in the end it was combined. What I have asked about the actual situation is not without aim.
     "The people in the backyard must have hands-on, not to talk about the nesting. It is also a cooperative effort. Otherwise, the forces in their hands can't do this step, and the master heard that some people started to use it, but the effect is slow. It’s still not working. As for whether they have combined with the people outside, they will have a good look at it, and they will find out, never let go!” Yin-Tang coldly, face again There is no hesitation in the past. Obviously this matter is not just a trouble for him, it is still a wake-up call.
     Wan-xi listened to his words. First, he was a sly. He turned his head and turned to his pair of eyes that were full of anger. He could not help but nod his head and raised a bit of helpless and self-blaming smile: "This matter It’s a big deal, and it’s quite involved. If it’s really used by the people, it’s not just Moya-qi and the whole body. It’s hard to escape the blame. Although the things of the Courtyard are rarely involved, they know 4th. Prince and his status seem to be stable, but they can't stand such a big wave, so..." For the rest, Wan-xi doesn't say he should understand.
     The more calm the day, the more turbulent the waves are hidden. Kangxi suspiciousness and ignorance will be reflected unreservedly as long as it involves power.
     This point is well known to everyone, so as long as you don’t sit in that position, Every cut is equal to unknown.
     Yin-Tang heard the words, could not help but tighten the thin lips, his eyes looked awkward and far away, obviously he heard the words of Wan-xi.
     "No matter how much involved, no matter who is behind this, dare to make waves in the old house, the Lord has to let him (her) know what is regret.
     This matter, you pay more attention to it, as for hiding in the dark. People, the Lord will make people check. After all, there are only so many people in the backyard, whoever has a shot, who has not shot, can check it." Yin-Tang bowed to kiss Wan-xi white forehead, speech band With a silky appeasement and yin, he wanted to come to this moment and he was going to clean the backyard thoroughly.

     Perceived the determination of Yin-Tang, Wan-xi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she did not know why Yin-Tang suddenly made up her mind, it was a good thing for her to solve the problem once and for all. Whether the woman in the backyard is honest or not honest, and involves too much, it will eventually become a contradiction between them.
     Although they are nominally Yin-Tang women, for Wan-xi, these people symbolize danger. After all, these women themselves are not honest, plus the family behind them, but whoever has the opportunity and is profitable, who can guarantee that they will not squat in the backyard to compete.
     Although this matter has not yet been clarified, but Wan-xi knows clearly that if this matter is not handled properly, it may come to the end, and this Di is about to be a foregone conclusion, but because of this It’s a tragedy if someone is hit by a target!
     After sending Yin-Tang in the morning, Wan-xi was thinking about it. She sat on her knees, dragging her hands with one hand, her eyes narrow and her eyes looked a bit of a focal length.
     When Ting-Rain stepped in, he saw Wan-xi look and couldn't help but lighten his footsteps. However, when approaching, the strength of the foot was slightly increased to remind Wan-xi of her existence. Wan-xi looked up at Ting-Rain and saw the sorrow on her face, knowing that the investigation was not going well.
     Also, if this matter is easily detected, she will not have a headache.
     " Fu-Jin, the nubi checked the bottom of the Maid. As Fu-Jin said, it was wiped clean.
     Those who had had close contact with her, and the general manager of the king had tortured them and grabbed them from their confession. A few fish who missed the net, from their confessions, pulled out many people in succession. From the Guolu Luo-shi to Wei Shi and others, it seems that everyone has been involved with this incident. Relationship." Ting-Rain said with a helpless face, and now she can't tell the truth that those things are true, and those things are fake. Behind the scenes, the black hand must hide it, just singularity, giving people a feeling of being unable to start.
     Wan-xi brows slightly wrinkled, I feel that this is more complicated than she thought. Originally, she suspected that this was not something that could be achieved in the evening, but that she had planned it well, otherwise it would be Yin-Tang’s strong cleaning of the backyard, and more piles and eyeliners should be cleaned up. It’s almost the same, but now there are so many people who have suddenly made so many things to do. It’s obvious that the depth of the crouching, planning for a long time, is not a long-term preparation, how can we do this step.
     "Following the investigation, the more people involved, the more urgent we are, the more relaxed the other party will be.
     The more action there is, the more the horses will be exposed.
     There must be someone lying in these people, but this time will be half-time. It's hard to tell, so keep on staring, keep on reviewing, don't let go of any details.” Wan-xi thought for a moment, and then it was cold, Ting-Rain.
     These women in the backyard don't have much power. Even if they are united, it is impossible to do this step, so there must be others planning behind the scenes.
     There may be no way for outsiders to meet her for a while, but the people in this backyard, as long as she pushes people to a certain level, are not afraid that they will not lead out the people outside.
     Ting-Rain got the command of Wan-xi and immediately retreated. She came here to discuss the idea of ​​Wan-xi, as long as Wan-xi is their backing, not to mention those who are Shiqie in the backyard, the Shiqie in the backyard, they also Can directly start, after all, they have to do not only to the Di Daughter, but also want to frame Fu-Jin himself!
     In fact, people in the courtyards of this backyard have a relationship with the little Maid. It is not a fellow countryman. It is not right when they are not in the government. If you look at it, the little Maid can go to the government without any effort. It’s just that the Tongfang Maid who have long since fallen out of favor actually put in their feet. It seems that there are many people who don’t give up!
     After seeing the outside of the house, the little Maid had to check all the cuts before entering the government. No matter what origins she came from, I arranged it in from the inside, and before I was close with anyone, it can be said that as long as there is a connection with it.
     They can't let go, because sometimes they look big and small, and maybe they ignore the most important ones.
     "Ting-Rain, just a little Maid couldn't help but say that it was a few nights before she saw the little Maid in the middle of the night and had a contact with Mingyue Xuan's autumn month!" Ting-Qin saw Ting-Rain came over and waved her directly, then told her the new news.
     Ting-Rain heard the words and couldn't help but pick an eyebrow.
     This Mingyue Xuan seems to be the site of Guo Luo Luo Miss. Some time ago, Fu-Jin said that she was not honest before she was injured. Now it seems that there is a sign at the time, but it is not yet waiting. Fu-Jin's hands-on investigations have gone wrong. With such a thought, Ting-Rain unconsciously began to conspiracy. Will it be a ring of this plan if Fu-Jin is injured from the beginning?
     "What are you thinking about? The face is so ugly?" Ting-Qin looked at Ting-Rain like this, and couldn't help but blink, apparently being scared by Ting-Rain.
     "I wonder if someone will make a big deal, whether it is Fu-Jin or not, '1st Jiji' is calculated this time, it is a ring, if not the '1st Jiji' accident, it will I won't wait until the incident, I will never have a chance to turn over!" Ting-Rain looked up at Ting-Qin, his face looked very ugly, his hands unconsciously clenched into fists, the whole body even There is a trembling.
     When she heard her, Ting-Qin had a stabbing hand. Obviously, she didn't think that Ting-Rain's words were untargeted. After careful analysis, there is still a certain truth. Of course, it may be that they think too much and put everything together in a row.
     "We still don't care about this. After determining the situation in the house, I will control who is behind the scenes. I want to be locked soon. After all, Your Highness and Fu-Jin can't easily stop." Ting Qin's face patted Ting-Rain's hand seriously, indicating that she should not scare herself. When things are clear, I will make plans to avoid unnecessary troubles.
     Ting-Rain thought about it and thought that Ting-Qin's words made sense. She only thought that her guess was irrelevant, and she couldn't help but be thrilled. After all, according to the Yin-Tang temper, this kind of thing happened, and it was her ancestors who did not make her half-dead.
     "You are right, I am too rash.
     This is not a trivial matter, it is good to be cautious." Ting-Rain looked at her, but did not say thank you, but The expression on her face directly expressed her gratitude.
     Guolu Luo-shi here was regarded as a breakthrough, not only the people around her, but also her own moves and all were included in the investigation.
     The more Ting-Rain is, the more he thinks that Wan-xi is right.
     The action of such a big move, even if it is in the outside, it must first grasp the inside. Obviously, Guolu Luo-shi looks better than before. Clever, but only smarter than before, not superb, and forced to tighten, it is hard not to show the horse.
     Although no one has paid much attention to her before this, after Wan-xi was injured, Yin-Tang had some arrangements for the women in the backyard, and it was because of these arrangements that they saved a lot of things for them. However, it has also caught a lot of clues.
     Later, when Ting-Rain took over the news from Wang An, he couldn't help but sneer, and ironically looked at Ting-Qin, who said: "You see, we Guo Luo Luo thinks it is Yifei. Niang-Niang's Zhi-nu is the '3rd-Jiji', she can do whatever she wants. But she forgot that Your Highness is really making a fire, but no matter who she is, after all, she is important again. I have had Fu-Jin and a few small Your Highness."
     It’s not that they don’t look like Guo Luo-shi·Hui-Ru, but this one is too serious about himself. From entering the government, it seems that he always can’t tell what is reality, and what he wants is impossible. of. In this case, they can only be sick when the other party's brain.
     After Wan-xi listened to Ting-Rain's report, his face could not help but flash a bit of haze. She always thought that '1st Jiji' had no family, and she had to leave a few thoughts on '3rd-Jiji'. Now she is not asking her to give others a way, but some people always want to go to the dead end. .
     "Guo Luo-shi personally can't do it, just don't know what kind of benefits that the black hand promised to the backyard in the end, and let the few people who are not in the same week have to deal with this. Fu-Jin? But even if this is the case, other people can't let go. Since they all reach out and don't cut off their claws, don't let their films 'hearts' too much." Wan-xi speaks at this time.
     There is no room left, and the murder between words is not hidden. Obviously, it is not only Yin-Tang that is determined to clean up these people, but Wan-xi is also the same.
     This does not blame Wan-xi will be worried, this time and again, let her have more patience, but also they have been cleaned up. Especially this time, others will ruin her and her children, how can she be merciful to these people.
     “Fu-Jin means to get all these people out!” Ting-Rain asked indefinitely.
     "Nature is to have a net to play, it is difficult to give them the opportunity to come back again. Do not think that a solid face is really honest, some people play pigs and eat tigers can be better than anyone.
     Think about this time, if Not '1st Jiji' is alert, this Fu-Jin is afraid to be planted in their hands." Wan-xi Lu Mei is upside down, his mouth is smiling with a few smiles, but the words are very cold.
     Wan-xi is really angry, she is a good-hearted person, but others are thinking about her temper life, she can be happy. Especially Hui-Ru, so many things, looking at the '3rd-Jiji', she did not care about her, but she was more than once, this time, had to Said that she was very scared.
     Such a woman is simply a fight against death. Not determined to deal with her, she will enter your territory again and again, whether it can hurt, at least she succeeded in disgusting you.
     Ting-Rain stood by and looked at Wan-xi face, and did not bother, waiting quietly, waiting for her to order.
     "Ting-Rain, come over, this Fu-Jin has something to tell you to do! Remember, how do you want to do it yourself! In the past, this Fu-jin was too indulgent to these people, so that this day is too good. All of them have given birth to something that shouldn’t have been. In this case, what treatment is it, no treatment, no waste of rice, but also a big heart." Wan-xi returned to God Come, there is a murderous anger in the eyes, and the words that are spoken are like ordinary complaints, but for the pampered backyard son-in-law, it is no less than a blue sky.


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