Chongqie Courting Death Daily 455

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     "Don't worry about the whole body, wait until the cut is dusty, the lord is good, and the whole body will not be a headache for this little thing." When Wan-xi said this, she licked her mouth.
     The smile of the split, obviously she had long been planning, just waiting for those in the backyard to vote for the net.
     The so-called human potential is forced out. Today, Hui-Ru, if they dare to give her eye medicine in the face of Yin-Tang, it is not a long-term mentality, it is suppressed for a long time, it is forced to rush, thinking about borrowing The machine broke out, or you want to provoke the incident and take the opportunity to erupt.
     The person who is truly comfortable with the status quo does not show his sense of existence when he jumps up and down. Wan-xi said that he was willing to come when he resumed the morning smear. People who are not willing to come quietly stay in their yard. No comments. It’s a pity that I can’t hear this sentence. If it’s timid, I’m afraid of her revenge, she can’t see it when she stays honest.
     The truth is that these people hearts are all small 9th Prince9th Prince, the only difference is whether you have seized the opportunity to fight or rob.
     "If this is the case, the Lord is relieved. Unfortunately, the Lord always feels that things are not so simple, and the women in the backyard are going to make troubles from time to time. If they think of them, they will have a headache, but because of this, they are disposed of. Let's just say it to the truth. Let them toss themselves for the time being! Now the Imperial Father's movement is quite big, it seems that the body of the Imperial Father is really not good." When Yin-Tang said this, his mood seemed to be a bit stagnation. It seems that for Kangxi, the Imperial Father, he does not care.
     Wan-xi gently turned his head and looked at him.
     The lights in the room were all gone.

     The lowered account kept all the light. In the darkness, I couldn’t see the expression on the other’s face, but I could In the tone of the other party, I feel the mood of the other party at this time. Wan-xi knows that Yin-Tang and others care about Kangxi, so she often subconsciously avoids this problem. After all, she has opinions and can't stop Yin-Tang so that he doesn't care about himself. Ama!
     Even this Ama is the emperor! It is a grandfather! He has taken on too many responsibilities, plus there are too many sons, he is unique to these sons, but these sons are not unique to him, after all, From the beginning, Kangxi heart was partial. Even though they started to face the existence of Yin-Tang for various reasons, they had to say that at this time, he could not see these sons from the perspective of Ama.
     "Master, is this news ok? According to Imperial Father temper, I am afraid that it is not so easy to let people know his physical condition!" Wan-xi said that this is not unfounded, although her time with Kangxi is not More, but from Kangxi actions can be seen his hegemony and conceit.
     "Jao-Jao said it well. Imperial Father did indeed kill this matter. If the father knows the real situation from the mother, he is still guessing." Yin-Tang tried to suppress his emotions. In my mind, I kept thinking about Kangxi appearance in front of people. At that time, he looked like he was not the same. He would find out that he was actually a lot older.
     Wan-xi reached out and held Yin-Tang's hand and shook it hard, trying to calm his emotions. Don't look at Yin-Tang, who always wanted to open it. In fact, Wan-xi knows that he wants Kangxi recognition and care more than anyone else. Unfortunately, Kangxi did not notice this, plus the later Princes.
     The competition between them is getting more and more fierce. He just wants to be warm and a little bit, and he is afraid that there is no such opportunity.
     "Since there are counts in my heart, it should be clearer than what I should do. After all, some people have never given up." Wan-xi finished this sentence and slowly closed his eyes.
     She knows the shortcomings of her work better than anyone else. Don't mention that she is just a Junwang Fu-Jin, that is, she is the Queen, and some things are not something she can interject. What's more, she is not, then all she can do is to appease Yin-Tang's emotions, not to dictate his things.
     Yin-Tang was silent for a long time. When he wanted to speak again, he heard the shallow breathing sound from his side, and he couldn’t help but raise his lips. He tightened her hand and slowly closed. Both eyes.
     After that day, Wan-xi thought that Hui-Ru would soon start, but did not expect them to suddenly stop. In particular, Wei Shi, a few times asked An Du to hide from her, as if she was afraid that she would look for a post, not to make people feel funny.
     Wan-xi looked at the cuts, but didn't take the matter for speculation. Obviously, in her opinion, the previous ones are just the beginning. It is not a matter of course. I really have to care about it. She is afraid that she will never even use it. It’s a trivial matter to talk to them about these trivialities.
     However, these people know that they are afraid. After all, whether it is Yin-Tang or herself, it is impossible to send all the Shiqie in the backyard. Unless he is in the upper position, Yin-Tang himself is not afraid of other people opinions, and can withstand the pressure of Yifei and others. Otherwise, she will only be able to think twice and then, and then I will learn these Shi again and again Concubine What is the duty.
     Once again, I went to Qing yi-Courtyard, and Hui-Ru lowered her head, her eyes fell on her hands, her hands were twisted into twists, and she couldn’t see her loose. Even she thought that she couldn’t feel pain.
     Originally, she wanted to join other Shiqie in the backyard to prove that Wan-xi was arrogant and how to treat them badly, but did not expect that the final result would be that the teacher did not die. . After that day, the woman in the backyard had alienated her from the same place, as if she was a plague, and she had more problems with her eyes.
     This made her have to put down her own plans and re-plan.
     Wan-xi looked at everyone eyes and looked at their surrender. I couldn't help but raise a sense of superiority.
     Then I raised my lips and gently raised my hand to wave, so they all sat. It’s down.
     "In the past, this Fu-jin will not be pursued. You have to take control of your own affairs. Before this, Fu-jin felt that some people were not honest, and this was the time to resume the morning stun. Now, some things are not simple. It can be done by tapping. From today on, please ask for something to come when the first fifteenth comes." Wan-xi didn't have the slightest drag and water, and went straight to the subject.
     Her voice just fell, and the room caused a discussion. Obviously they didn't think that Wan-xi would suddenly change their mind. Several people looked at each other at a time, and they seemed to be waiting for someone to open their mouths. .
     Of course, it is not that they like to live in the morning, but in a calmer life, they want to seize the opportunity to take the lead. No matter how hard they are, they don't want to give up, and the morning stun is an opportunity. Even if you can meet Yin-Tang less often, you can be more hopeful than not to see each other.
     This hope will be shattered, how can make people feel annoyed.
     Wan-xi looked at the change of the crowd, and did not say a word, just staring at them, waiting for them to face reality.
     "Master  said, Mei-mei rules are much worse than in the past. In order to reassure the Lord, this Fu-jin specially invited Mama to help you Mei-mei to familiarize yourself with the rules and look at Mei-mei. Take it seriously. Especially the following commits this point, this Fu-Jin hopes not to appear again, otherwise the Fu-Jin does not know whether the next shot is a direct stick, or throw it into Zhuangzi.” Wan-xi sees the look on their faces. Slowly converge, and then turn to calm, they know that they are not willing in their hearts, and they accept it slowly, but this way she can't let a cut pass. After all, this camel has a straw left to be completely crushed. She can't go halfway.
     Wan-xi eyes smugly squinted at the bottom of us, only this moment, Wei Shi and other people who were incomparably resentful in their hearts did not consciously shrink their necks.
     They want to be in the first place, but the Wan-xi sitting on the top is not a soft persimmon. Before they were eager for success, they forgot her hot and sultry means, and now she said so, many people are forcing the fear in their hearts and faintly began to take the lead.
     "Well, the words Fu-Jin are here. As for the fact that you don't follow it, this Fu-Jin doesn't care. After all, the consequences are that you are not this Fu-Jin." Wan-xi sneered, then waved, indicating They can retire.
     After everyone had left, Wan-xi put down the samovar on his hand, with a slight smile on his face, and got up and went to the study. Since Kangxi body is not good, the result may change. Although she firmly believes that she will eventually sit in that position, there are too many accidents and differences in this world. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, she must be prepared. Even if her point power is simply not enough to compete with any of 8th-Prince or 14th-Prince, she has to guarantee a point, that is, it is not correct, and then corrected in time.
     She does not believe that 8th-Prince will give up, nor will she believe that 14th-Prince will surrender. She believes that the two will stop and just crouch, and secretly they may be planning to start from where to take this.
     There is already a tribute, and in fact the fruit of victory in midair.
     Hate can be annoying!
     Obviously she knows it is wrong, but she can't remind Yin-Tang, and she can't raise her hand to stop the cut.
     Fortunately, in this world, she has family support. Even if it is not the whole family, it has a certain amount of strength and strength. Nothing like the last world, it can only be slaughtered, and there is no ability to struggle.
     It wasn't long before I looked at some books, Ping Mama came over, Wan-xi looked up and saw her handbook, which was remembered, except for the property in the house and the private property of Yin-Tang. She is also responsible for Yin-Tang's various industries called dowry.
     "Ping Mama, haven't I said that? Since these industries have already been handed over to you, Mama will be the master. I believe Mama." Talking to Ping Mama, Wan-xi has always been It won't be the identity of Fu-Jin. It is easy to see that she really respects these Mamas.
     "This can not be done.
     The old nubi Fu-Jin value is already a blessing, if you rely on the old and sell old, it is mad." Ping Mama first went to Wan-xi for a ceremony, then opened his mouth and said.
     Wan-xi sees Ping Mama face-stricken look, not much to say, plus her new thoughts in her heart, taking advantage of this opportunity to re-interpret it, after all, facing the unknown danger, All she can do is prevent it as soon as possible.
     "Mama, I can't say too much about some things, but the situation in Capital City must be visible to Mama, so I have to deal with the Dong people first, and focus on 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince I don’t want to do anything to them, but prevent them from doing what they shouldn’t do.” Wan-xi will make her words so clear, because her heart is clear, there are things she can hold others, but I can't help but Ping Mama from the palace.
     On the situation, Ping Mama, who must have come out of the palace, is more aware that even though she has already handed over the power left by the Empress Dowager to her, she believes that as long as they think, they still have their own way to find out. Even the news she could not hear.
     “What news did Fu-Jin get?” Ping Mama twisted her brows, her face was white, her tone was a bit sad, and she thought that because of the relationship between the industry, she had long been in contact with the outside world. .

     “What news did Fu-Jin get?” Ping Mama twisted her brows, her face was white, her tone was a bit sad, and she thought that because of the relationship between the industry, she had long been in contact with the outside world. .
     When Wan-xi lowered his eyes, his eyes flashed abruptly. When he raised his head, he recovered his calmness. "In the past few days, I learned from the Lord that the body of the Imperial Father is getting worse and worse.
     The Imperial Father is doing a good job, but there are always some clues that will leak out. Everyone 8th-Prince, they know the news, no one knows what they will do! So in order to prevent 10 thousand, I just thought about the layout first."
     Ping Mama brows are tightened even more. She understands the worry of Wan-xi, but she is more worried about Kangxi physical condition. No matter where ZHong-Yong Junwang came from, she knew that the news had come out of the palace door, and she could no longer hold it.
     "The meaning of Fu-Jin, the old nubi understands that the old nubi will arrange this, and they will not delay Fu-Jin's business." Ping Mama face is a little pale, but he still chooses to focus on the overall situation.
     Dong people are all in the same place, and will not disappear because of time, and Ping Mama knows clearly that compared with today's holy, the new emperor will give them a better chance. In today's sacred place, for the sake of sacredness, there is a lot of forbearance, and the older the age, the softer the heart is. Many things can pass, and there is not much to pursue. Qinwang is not the same, it is a person who can't bear the sand in his eyes. Even if the Dong people don't have much contradiction in him, the Dong people are like a wall-like style. Don't write a pen.
     In the future, regardless of the new emperor, Ping Mama knows clearly that it will not reuse the Dong and E people. When it is reused and not reused, it is not just a word. Maybe by the time of Junwang's words, the people of Dong Ezong will suffer and even change their face.
     Anyway, the Dong'e family's family members may not be the righteous people. I think that Dong branch was under the Di branch, but it was not Di-long. To be justified, it is also Di-long, they are Di After all, it can only become a branch. It was only at that time that Dong was unexpectedly favored. With the care of the first emperor, this forced Di-the branch to retreat. Now Dong Dong’s family has aroused the disgust of the new emperor, and it is a matter of course to be suppressed, so she just looks at it. Yes, too eager to Call and make the other party ready.
     "That is the time to ask Mama." Wan-xi nodded, and then talked about his plan, Ping Mama stood by, listened carefully, and occasionally put forward some opinions.
     This is to make Wan-xi plan more perfect.
     Wan-xi looked at Ping Mama face calmly, and the smile on her face became more and more obvious. She knew that the old man who came out of the palace would not be like the Maid who had nothing to do. Panic, unsettled. Wan-xi likes to talk to Ping Mama. Her words are always on the cutting edge, and the words are clear, not confusing, or even confusing.
     “Fu-Jin is heavy.” Ping Mama gave a ceremony to Wan-xi. Although she liked Wan-xi to give this respect, she also knew the measure.
     Some things are mutual, too self-righteous to only let themselves fall into desperation, and she can recognize her identity, especially after going through the time when she arrived at Junwang House.
     Wan-xi didn't say more, and the two sentences made Ping Mama retreat. She knew in her heart what the coffin was hidden under the calm surface.
     Wanyan Fu, Wanyan Wang received a letter from Wan-xi, and after seeing it, his face changed greatly, and then he recruited Qian Ning.
     The father and son entered the study.
     “ Ama, but what is difficult for Mei-mei?” Qian Ning entered the face of Wang Da miserable face, and his heart could not help but groan.
     Don't look at the current Qianning has become a family, there are children and women, but the Wan-xi Mei-mei is still the most special existence for him. In recent years, he has been trying to climb up, just to become Wan Xi reliance, even if this has passed Zheng, the help of Yin-Tang, but he knows clearly that only he is standing tall enough, his Mei-mei status is stable enough.
     "It's not that you met Mei-mei, but we all put things on." Wang Dashen sighed and handed the letter in his hand to him to show his letter.
     Qian Ning took the letter. When I saw it, there was still something unknown. After reading it, I couldn't help but change my face. Even the voice was a little trembling. After all, he is not a small official. He can't go to the main hall. He can't enter the power center.
     The news is not only slower than people, but also true and false. You have to distinguish between true and false by yourself. Now suddenly I find that the situation has reached such an urgent level, and it is inevitably somewhat strange.
     " Ama, if it is not a letter from Mei-mei, we are still in the dark, waiting for the incident, I am afraid that it will be late." Qian Ning looked at Wang Da, his expression looked anxious, and he looked like he could not wait. Get things done in an instant.
     Since Wan-xi personally sent letters, it means that they have to take the lead, and rely on this advantage, not to say that they bite each other, but they can also protect themselves.
     Wang Da frowned, his face looked a little dignified, his eyes drifted to the letter in his son's hand, hesitated a little, nodded in nowhere. No matter how he thinks in his heart, he knows clearly that if Wan-xi falls, they will not have any good end even if they can protect themselves. It is indifferent to him that he was wronged in the past, but he does not care. But he didn't want his son's grandson to go to such a day, let alone the premise of catching his daughter.
     Indulge in a moment, Wang Da looked at the humbleness next to him, and the tone was cautiously said: "Since you mentioned Mei-mei, it must be done well, 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince is the best in the middle of the world. It can be preserved, and the trouble is too big. It is impossible to break the fish, but it will make trouble for others.
     Since you know that it will be troublesome, you must prevent it in advance, prevent the situation from expanding, and be wary that they should not bite if they bite.
     " Ama, if that's the case, then we don't move very much, we have to secretly arrange things one step at a time.
     The son runs first. After all, the four 9th Prince city, there are many shops, behind The forces are intricate, and we can be invincible. In addition to the face of the Wanyan family, it is more to look at Junwangye face." Although Qian Ning can not take responsibility for the entire Wanyan government, In the past, it has made great progress, at least in terms of doing things, it seems more and more comprehensive.
     His voice was falling, and Wang Da eyes unconsciously flashed a sigh of relief. His son had never let him worry about it. If he was just doing nothing, he wouldn’t worry, but he wanted to be the backer of his Mei-mei, and he could only work hard and work hard. After all, he wanted to be Wan Xi backing, this is a royal one!
     In fact, he knew in his heart that if they did well, they would not be able to become a leader of the Wanyan family. At most, they would have more right to speak and participate. Can they let the people in the group use it for them? Still the chips in their hands. If these things are behind no one, they are there, and how dare to come out, the name of Di is not good-looking.
     "Don't be alarmed in the family. We have expanded our power in recent years. It can be said that the scenery is infinite. Di-the face is smiling, but Ama knows that their dissatisfaction has been for a long time, but it is to see you. Mei-mei share of the pet has not been moved.
     This time, if we have not done anything, we will miss the wind, whether they want to be Di-right or not, we can’t say it, we can’t say You will be tired of Mei-mei, so you should be cautious and be careful not to be careless.” Wang Da face reminds his son that these things are on the bright side, but the reminder should be reminded. It is also necessary to beat the beats. After all, if they have a flaw in this matter, there is no chance to repeat it again.
     8th-Prince and 14th-Prince? I really didn't expect to go to this field.
     They haven't given up their hearts.
     This time, even if you don't want to die, I am afraid to take off a layer of skin.
     Wang Da did not say this, because according to his understanding, the current Qi Qinwang, ZHong-Yong Junwang, not to mention the victory, but comparable to the worse 8th-Prince, they are heaven and earth. Don't forget, 10th-Prince and 13th-Prince are still leading the army in the northwest.
     They will end the war without saying a word, but it is not difficult to see from the good news that the strength of the two Princes should not be underestimated, at least Compared with the previous defenders, winning more and losing less, ending the war is only a matter of time.
     It can be said that Qinwang Tianshi people and geography are all occupied, the next thing to look at is God!
     “ Ama assured, the son knows what to do.” Qian Ning’s expression nodded solemnly, then took a gift at Wang Da, and put down the letter in his hand, which turned away from the study.
     Wang Da looked at the back of his son's departure, then looked at the letter on the desk, thought about it, or sat down and wrote a letter to Wan-xi.
     The letter did not mention the matter, but said that he had his own attitude and said that he would definitely handle the matter and let her feel at ease.
     The connection between their father and daughter is straight and secret, but even so, Wang Da is still more open-minded. Every father and daughter communicate, they will not write too clearly, and even use a specific method to disrupt the order of the words. I understand the meaning of the letter that I really want to express. Otherwise, even if the letter is lost, it is just an ordinary greeting, and has nothing to do with the overall situation.
     After Wan-xi received the letter, he knew that Wang Da was proceeding to arrange the matter according to his own intentions, and could not help but sigh deeply.
     This battle of bloody rain has begun, but I don't know how the outcome is. As for herself, she can only strive to survive in the cracks between the two forces, and help Yin-Tang's arm when appropriate.
     Compared with the past, she seems to be more inclined to live faster. It seems that it is only spring, but in a blink of an eye, it is late autumn. As for Kangxi, after moving to Changchun Garden, it has not returned to Capital City for a long time. If you continue to do so, will you not wait for Kangxi sixty, Kangxi will directly succumb to Changchun Garden?
     Wan-xi thinks like this. If he dares not say such a thing, it is already 58 years in Kangxi.
     The time is getting tighter, and she is more and more wanting to change the cut, not just to marry them.
     The victory on the side is also to change her own destiny.
     Kangxi sixty years? She seems to have lost her life at the beginning of the first year of Yongzheng, and she can't cut the time of the month.

     Wan-xi has something in her heart, even if she tries to be as quiet as possible, but the increasingly difficult situation will inevitably make her feel impetuous.
      Hong-min They found that Wan-xi was occasionally absent-minded, and several other children could perfuse the past, but Hong-min and Hong-zhao were hard to perfuse. Since the 2nd Brother were counted in the palace, the 2nd Brother were hurt and re-entered the palace.
     This temperament has converge a lot compared to the past.
     The surface seems to have nothing to change, but there is nothing left to let Hong-chun and Hong-ming suffer.
     They all say that they have a long and wise mind. Hong-min is a kind of exquisite heart, plus the precociousness of the temper, and Yin-Tang teaches by himself. Many things he sees better than many people. It’s just that he knows clearly that compared to his savvy and capable, his mother wants him to be safe and carefree.
     But how can there be such a good thing in this world!
     Not to mention that he was born in the royal family, that is, he was born in a big family. Unless he self-indulgence became a playboy brother, he would not have to work hard to grow up and provoke a heavy burden, or to work hard to earn a brilliant future. After all, no matter what kind of title, what kind of family business, there is only one thing that can be obtained. Others have to think about the scenery, and ultimately they have to rely on themselves.
     "Big Prince, what happened to the mother?" Hong-zhao followed Hong-min, and the two came out from Qing yi-Courtyard.
     The expression on their faces was a little worried, and Hong-zhao In the end, there was no Hong-min that was so calm, so I came out of the door of Qing yi-Courtyard and asked directly.
      Hong-min’s brow was wrinkled slightly. If he guessed it correctly, the amount of the mother’s disappointment would be related to the current situation. It’s just that they are still young, and some things are not enough for them to intervene, but Aunt Niang, they are inevitably not paying attention. "Now, the body of Huang Mafa is getting worse and worse. Remember that we went to ask Ann, the hand of Huang Mafa a few days ago?"
      Hong-zhao nodded lightly and looked at Hong-min: "Well! Huang Mafa can't even hold a single score. It is conceivable that outside rumors are not groundless."
     In fact, Hong-min has long felt that they can be seen from the ages and their younger or older, who are obviously younger or younger.
     They can clearly see with a silky tone and attitude. . Not to mention Hong-hui, that is, their Brother, not to mention the previous mischief, that is, there is no loud voice. When I saw the symptoms of Kangxi, they didn't do anything on the surface, but I knew that this cut was no different.
     Whether Hong-wang or Hong-chun is worthy of it, most of them have changed their enthusiasm from the past. Whenever they meet, they seem to see the plague and avoid far away. It is not difficult to see from here that the general trend is on the side of 4th-Uncle and Ama, but 8th-Uncles may not have the ability to stir up the pool.
     "Then what can we do? I can't just look at my mother's sullen mood!" Hong-zhao is still a child's heart, thinking that the problem is more comprehensive than the same year, but in the end it is still a child, encountering a loved one, will inevitably There is a feeling of panic.
     In the palace, they don’t know much, but there are many people in the palace.
     There will always be some news, and if they enter the palace every day, they can all see a little bit or hear something. Message. Just how to distinguish the usefulness from these news, then look at their own skills, as for others, I am afraid that they have not noticed these children!
     "Of course not! The mother will be like this, it must be worried about Ama, after all, 8th-uncle their power can not be underestimated, really speaking, 4th-uncle and Ama they have to defend their opponents are them and them Those people behind him." Hong-min said these words, the little brows were tightly tightened. Obviously, the royal children, except for the intentional nourishment, all have their own big picture and a certain look, otherwise Even if someone protects, how can they live in peace and stability, and live a good life.
      Hong-zhao turned his head and looked at him. His face was full of doubts.
     This took Di-things. Although he knew a little, he was sporadic. It was not too clear, so he listened to Hong-min. If you do, it will inevitably feel a bit confused. He thought about the news that he knew he knew.
     The people who seemed to be drawn to win the Di-the ranks were not just forbidden or 8th-uncle.
     They think that there are quite a lot of candidates. After all, those uncles-Bo-bo We, who are not looking at the fuel-efficient lamps.
     "Big Prince, you mean Ama, they have to be careful only 8th uncle?" Hong-zhao reached out and scratched his head and asked.
      Hong-min looked at some Hong-zhao who couldn't figure out the situation. He sighed a bit. Don't look at his brother's cleverness. He learned everything quickly, but he was still naive because he was in front. Some more.
     However, innocent has naive benefits.
     The palace is in crisis. Knowing too much is definitely not a good thing for them. Just thinking about Wan-xi absent-mindedness, he feels that he should do something!
     "Okay! This is not the case for us to worry about, we have to do it is not to let 8th uncle they use." Hong-min Although they want to share for Wan-xi, but before he did not think of a way, he is If you don’t act impulsively, you will naturally not let your brother be in danger.
      Hong-zhao seems strange to his behavior like escaping, but as long as they think that they are all straight, they are not afraid of stealing themselves.
     "Big Prince, if you have any idea, remember that you must bring me, otherwise, if you dare to go before the foot, I will dare to find the mother." Hong-zhao See Hong-min, do not express, immediately hit the snake Sticking up, threatened him to come.
      Hong-min didn't expect to have a day that was threatened by his own brother. Although he did have the meaning of opening his own actions, it was not going to go, sometimes it was the situation at the time. Who can guarantee him? Have a chance to intervene. And for Hong-min, Yin-Tang is still very convincing. If Yin-Tang can't solve it, he doesn't think he has this ability.
     "I know, if there is really a place to help, I will not forget you." Hong-min patted his shoulder and looked serious.
      Hong-zhao sees him like this. He knows that he is not perfunctoring himself. He will not continue to turn around on this topic. Instead, he will turn his attention to other places. After all, in the palace, there is a good life, and there are contradictions. Hong-wang is okay, the body is weak, the temper is silent, but it is also good to deal with. On the contrary, Hong-chun is the same, the temper is like a ten-tenth, impulsive, irritable and selfish. It can be said that many small Princes, they Really, few people can match it.
     Thinking of this, Hong-min always feels that this kind of thing is still good to ask Yin-Tang in advance. After all, people who care about them are more cautious than those who regret later.
     Yin-Tang did not think that Hong-min would suddenly come to him for the Wan-xi thing, but Hong-min could find things, Yin-Tang wouldn’t be able to pillow himself if he was too busy. I don’t know anything about the situation of the people. In fact, Yin-Tang discovered a long time ago. As time went by, Wan-xi emotions became more and more irritable.
     The kind of uneasiness seemed to be revealed from the bones, with a hint of guilt and fear. Yin-Tang is very confused!
     He thought that he had propped up a day for her, not to say that elsewhere, at least under this sky, she could do what she wanted to do, as in the past years. But the truth is that things are not as perfect as he thinks, and there are still hidden things that he doesn't know!
     Of course, he can't directly ask Wan-xi for this kind of thing. He can only do it to solve the problems that may exist around her, so that she doesn't have to be counted or faced again and again as before. !
     “ Ama, this thing...”
     "Oh, this thing Ama is in the heart, you should not care too much." Yin-Tang interrupted Hong-min, continued and whispered a few words, so people sent them all go back.
     Before Hong-min came over, Yin-Tang originally wanted to go to Qinwang Prefecture. After all, they collided with them several times in private, and both sides had injuries, but they were prepared earlier than them.
     The loss of is a little bigger. As for  , I dont know if I have other ideas in my heart. I have reached this point, and I still play with the double-minded tricks. It’s also worth the effort, and it’s still hard to get on the table. Everything has been taken as a partner around him.
     But now that he has changed his mind, it is really important to take Di-, but the person he holds on the apex is equally important, and he doesn't think he has been so bad.
     "Lin-Chujiu, go to Qing yi-Courtyard." Yin-Tang voices slightly, loudly telling a sentence, then stepped out.
     Lin-Chujiu followed the Yin-Tang and sighed a deep sigh. He knew that he had something related to Fu-Jin, and other things were not too big.
     When it comes to Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang does not need to open, there is a small Maid at the door to sue the position of Wan-xi. Yin-Tang heard the words and waved his hand and went straight to the study.
     "Master ! But what has forgotten to tell?" Wan-xi heard the movement, and when he looked up, he saw that Yin-Tang, who had already left, suddenly turned back, and could not help but squat and even forgot to salute.
     Yin-Tang waved Ting-Rain. After they went out, they walked to the front of Wan-xi, reached out and picked her up, then sat on the chair herself, and she was held in his arms. As for the rituals, this kind of thing, at this moment, is obviously not within the scope of his concern. "No, I want to tell you something!"
     Wan-xi looked at the strangeness of Yin-Tang, quite a bit overwhelmed. It seems that nothing happened in the past two days. At most, Hui-Ru didn’t give up, and she didn’t have the patience to deal with it. She spent two hours, and now people are still in the house, even if they want to move their hands and feet, it is not a matter of two days.
     "But what is wrong with the whole body? Or is there anything that I have to tell you to do?" Wan-xi didn't touch the mind of Yin-Tang.
     The whole person was sitting on a needle felt.
     The look of coping, but Yin-Tang remembered when she first saw her in Qiankun Palace. At that time, Wan-xi was bright and shining, but it was quite incomparable now, but only one eye firmly locked his eyes. Even Yin-Tang didn’t know why, only that eye. He can't put this woman anymore!
     Yin-Tang gently rubbed his eyes and seemed to be observing the expression on Wan-xi face, as if thinking about how to open her mouth?
     "Master, is there anything on my face?" Wan-xi unconsciously reached out and touched his face, and his face was a little flustered.
     "No, the Lord just remembered the time when he saw the Jao-Jao in Qiankun Palace. It’s been said that it’s been so many years, and I always think that I’m not perfect, but I’m really sincere. But today Hong- min When they talked about the change of Jao-Jao, they found that they didn’t seem to be doing enough. At least they couldn’t let Jiaojia trust the wholeheartedly!” Yin-Tang holds her soft, her brows tight The cellar is in a hurry, the tone is clear and cool, and there is no wave, and the unreasonable people feel uneasy.
     Yin-Tang is so popular, it is natural to let Wan-xi look. However, when she was slightly frustrated with Yin-Tang, she felt nowhere in her heart. Quietly bowed his head, his head was in a mess, it seemed a little confusing, and he was a little scared. Maybe she didn’t even understand why Yin-Tang suddenly noticed this. She thought she was hiding enough but she didn’t think of it. After all, he still showed his feet.
     The most important thing is that she doesn't understand why Yin-Tang doesn't mention anything else, just trusting to say things. She believes that in addition to her own secrets of living, she can be said to rely on him wholeheartedly, but he is just a bloody needle, so that she can no longer escape.
     Thinking of her secret hidden in her heart, she couldn't help but make a nap. She felt strange about such a thing. Can he accept it?

     Looking at the look of Wan-xi, Yin-Tang’s face is not good now. He just wanted to swindle Wan-xi and see if there is anything in her heart. But I don't want to have something that he doesn't know!
     Just what kind of thing actually made her hesitate?
     "What is this?" Ye said that as long as there is a man, no one can move you, what are you afraid of?" Yin-Tang reached out and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at herself.
     Wan-xi paired Yin-Tang's clear eyes, his face flashed a flustered, and then hung down his eyes, quite a kind of dilemma that was forced to escape. She leaned her head slightly and hid Yin-Tang's gaze until she couldn't escape. She chose to look directly at his existence.
     Holding Wan-xi Yin-Tang, obviously very patient, quietly waiting for Wan-xi to open his own mouth, just look at the smile on his face, he knows that he is determined to take her from her mouth.
     The truth has been dug up.
     Wan-xi was silent. She really didn't know how to open her mouth. If she lived for two, she couldn't help herself, let alone tell Yin-Tang. Under a thousand turns, Wan-xi decided to lie, and regarded all the experiences of the previous world as a dream, which plagued her nearly half-life nightmare.
     "Why didn't he have any movement before, but now he suddenly wants to get an answer from his mouth. Isn't he afraid to say that he can't talk about it, how can he deal with it?" Wan-xi leans on him. On the shoulders, the voice was slightly helpless and confused, and I didn't seem to know how to open it.
     Her voice just fell, Yin-Tang couldn't help but laugh out loud. "If you don't really want to say it, you can't do it, but the man who believes in the Lord is trusting."
     Wan-xi heard the words, the tears in his eyes suddenly fell down, and he slammed heavily on the back of Yin-Tang's hand, and it was dripping again and again, as if there was no stop. But he waited patiently, but the emotions in his eyes became more and more dignified with the passage of time. Obviously, he did not think that the Wan-xi thoughts that were so funny on most days were so heavy.
     "So, my grandfather is so happy, will you tell me what you are hiding in your heart?" Wan-xi finally decided to treat all of them as a dream to Yin-Tang. After all, it’s too shocking to relive a world.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi demeanor.
     The expression on his face was slightly dull. His eyes stared at her motionlessly. Obviously, he did not expect that Wan-xi, who was still stubborn, would suddenly Between the mouth.
     Since Wan-xi has already planned to open up, there is no need to continue the stalemate. I relax a little stiff body and lean on Yin-Tang’s arms to talk about what she called a nightmare. Last life.
     Of course, she couldn't tell Yin-Tang that this dream had already existed at the time of the draft. She only said that one day after she entered the government, she had such a nightmare, and she was uneasy, but she didn't know where to say it. From now on, those who counted her in the dream were all prepared to guard against it, and thus avoided a lot of calculations.
     In the entire study, when the voice of Wan-xi fell, and the silence of the room was full, Yin-Tang did not seem to think that the hidden secret in Wan-xi was actually this! Although he does not believe in Buddhism like the 4th Prince, he does not have the same channel as the 8th Prince, but he still has two awes for the gods. Just awe is awe, and before it happens, this fear is far less than the doubt in the heart. But what he didn't think was that this person really had the possibility of dreaming of the last life?
     No, it is not so much a dream of the last life, it is better to say that God is warning. He can hear a few words from the words of Wan-xi, it is easy to see that she still believes in this dream.
     "That's the meaning of Jao-Jao, what happened in the dream?" Inexplicably Yin-Tang had a fascination. He held the hand of Wan-xi and whispered a sentence.
     "No. Some things are like dreams, they happen to be real, but some things have changed. For example, Master, the dreamer is also good for the whole body, but there is no such thing as considerate in reality. I won't notice how the body is being used by Dong-shi, even for life. "When you think of the last generations, Wan-xi also has a grievance in the heart, because the past and present, the difference is too Big, sometimes even she feels unreal.
     Originally, I just wanted to figure out the secret that made Wan-xi uneasy, but I didn't want to pull myself in until the end.
     This is completely accidental injury, but even so, Yin-Tang is quite a bit of a feeling in his heart.
     The person who is held in his hand is actually being treated harshly by himself.
     This result is slightly unacceptable.
     “Resentful?” Yin-Tang asked her soft, tender face and asked softly.
     "What to blame! In fact, it is more to hate the iron for the self in the dream. But the courage to have a little resistance, maybe not fall to that end, after all, in the dream The pets are all over, but they don’t dare to speak out. As for the question of why the whole body becomes more and more impatient, it is because the days of being out of the dream are getting closer and closer.” Wan xi sighed deeply and felt that since he had already spoken, he said everything. As for the future fate, he would go in any direction. In addition to his destiny, he had to see how they made it. Bloody road.
     After Wan-xi finished, Yin-Tang held the big palm of her hands and tightened it tightly, pinching her some pain, but Wan-xi did not say anything, just stayed quietly at him. In the arms.
     "In the dream, who is going to kill you?" Yin-Tang, although able to guess a few points, still wants to get the exact answer from him. Even if it is only a life, he does not allow people who hold his own heart to be forced into this.
     "Dong-shi is the ambassador. In her dreams, she is 9th Fu-Jin, Zhaojia-shi and Willow-shi are the executioners, and the women in the backyard are accomplices. In their words, they are all right.
     The favor of the pet makes them feel flustered, because in addition to being in the body, he seems to have never really put anyone in the heart. It may also be because of this relationship, all for Dong-shi, no, it should be said that for the entire backyard woman Be wary." Wan-xi is not mixed with water. Since she opened her eyes, she did not think about madly revenge, but the world is impermanent, and those who are blinded by interest.
     The eyes of the person, regardless of whether she wants a plain life. Ever since, she was forced to catch the ducks on the shelves, and was forced to harden her heart and sent those who dared to deal with her one by one.
     Since Wan-xi has moved, naturally it will not be difficult for itself because of this incident, and it will not lead to any embarrassing feelings. For those who are innocent, she still has some pity, but for those who deserve to be guilty, Wan-xi is more indifferent than imagined.
     Yin-Tang's face silence, from the Wan-xi words, it is not difficult to hear that her situation is not good, and this dream has her influence on her, otherwise she can not directly face the woman in the backyard Keep a variety of vigilance for him. He didn't understand it before, but now he understands that she is not accustomed to these women, she just wants to save herself and the children's lives.
     “Why don’t you tell the Lord earlier?” Yin-Tang looked at her with some distress.
     When Wan-xi hangs his head, the corner of his mouth can't help but raise a smile. After a moment of indulgence, he said: "While the world is not arrogant, but the facts, this kind of thing is still rarely acceptable, if it is open mouth He said that he was afraid to be scared, not to mention that he was only half Confident at the beginning, until Zhaojia-shi entered the government and shot himself, only to find out that things were biased, but they were also different. At least the enemies in this dream are not unrelated in reality, and even all of them want to be killed. Even if they start with them, there is nothing wrong with them, but what about it? It’s all enemies, it’s damn it.”
     Wan-xi said these words, in addition to trying to dispel Yin-Tang's doubts, but also want to force him to make a choice, after all, the women in the backyard are now honest, and may not be honest in the future, not to mention the fact that these women are not honest, she Why bother to leave room for them, and she made up her mind to let Yin-Tang personally send these women away, she will not let go of any opportunity.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi eyes and saw her tired face. It was quite distressing. He thought that she took care of the backyard very well. After all, he was doing things outside, never worried about the fire in the backyard, but at the moment He can truly feel her hard work.
     The women in the backyard can't afford it any more, but as long as she thinks she will be killed by these women, the brow does not consciously squat, "When is the time in the dream?"
     "The first year of the new emperor, that is, the first year of Emperor Yongzheng, the busy man is busy with the things of the new emperor, it will inevitably be negligent to the backyard, but the dream is just a servant, life and death is not the Dong-shi Fu-Jin In a word. It’s just a bit of a terrible death.” When she thought of the neatness of her last hand when she fell from the knife, Wan-xi couldn’t help but reach out and touch her long, white neck.
     If she didn't think about it, she was still fine, but when she really thought about it, the fear that was forced to die in desperate circumstances was all over the body, and she trembled unconsciously.
     Yin-Tang listened to Wan-xi, originally wanted to ask if this is not 4th Prince, then he noticed that Wan-xi was wrong, reaching out to hold her in her arms and feeling her trembling and fear.
     The guilt and anger in the heart coexist. He succumbed to his own roots and was angry with the viciousness of the women in the backyard. On most days, all of them performed brilliantly in front of him. In private, they were more than black and hearted, and then they thought about the culprit. He wanted to get Dong-shi out of the grave and kill him.
     "Don't think about it, it's all bad, it reminds you of these bad things!" Yin-Tang glared at her, sticking to her ear, whispering, a sentence, no impatience As if as long as you face Wan-xi, he has endless patience.
     In fact, Yin-Tang has inexhaustible patience with Wan-xi. He does not mention the ridiculous and self-willedness of his life. Besides his mother, brother and Yin-Er, who has he been to whom? I used my heart. No, it should be said that the patience of Yin-Tang spent on Wan-xi is more than that of others.
     "No, it's all you can't see through, it's just a nightmare, but it's true, even putting this nightmare on yourself." Wan-xi wants to laugh, but hard The smile that comes out of life is ugly than crying.
     "Don't laugh, don't laugh. In front of you, you don't need to reluctantly greet yourself, including yourself." Yin-Tang patted her back, the voice was light and soft, and each word showed a soothing taste. .

     "Don't laugh, don't laugh. In front of you, you don't need to reluctantly greet yourself, including yourself." Yin-Tang patted her back, the voice was light and soft, and each word showed a soothing taste. .
     Yin-Tang's voice is very gentle, gentler than ever, and gives people a feeling of peace of mind. At least Wan-xi himself calmed down slowly because of his actions. It was only a trace of sorrow that remained in the fundus that proved that her influence on her did not disappear.
     Wan-xi turned his head slightly, buried his face in his arms, and sneaked a few times.
     Yin-Tang did not force her to see her. Some things were not made, but made. Wan-xi will hesitate and he can understand it in general. After all, the women in the backyard are nominally his woman. If she really has no scruples, maybe she will not rest comfortably in his arms today.
     He seems to be a haze. In fact, if he really cares about someone or something, he can spend more than anyone else imagination.
     This is the case with Wan-xi, but now it is surging in the midst of the wind. It is only the calm of the surface.
     The Imperial Father has already made a decision. Even in many things, it will give 4th Prince a lot of pointers. Make 4th Prince a successor's message. However, under such circumstances, he hardly pulled out the 8th Prince and the old 14th-whether he wanted to balance the two forces, to avoid the original Crown Prince who had committed other preparations, anyway, he should be quiet at this time. move.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Tang will inevitably feel sigh. Before that, although he did not think about going to other Shiqie yards, he did not send them away, but at this moment, he moved this kind of mind. But he just has this heart, and now is not the time to deal with this matter!
     Therefore, Yin-Tang promised Wan-xi without opening his mouth, saying that all women in the backyard should be disposed of. He knew in his heart that he could not be the master of these things. Of course, even if the 4th Prince is in the upper position, the 4th Prince or the Niang-Niang in the palace gives him, he must also accept it. However, compared with Kangxi inability to defy, there is room for discussion on this side.
     The previous thing was that he didn't pay attention, so he didn't find it wrong, but now when he looks at it and even explores the idea of ​​Wan-xi, he has been ignored. He was seen in his eyes, even in his heart, just waiting for a dust to settle and settled.
     Thinking of Wan-xi smile when he knew the result, he secretly made up his mind. Anyway, he didn't want to go through the same flowers as before, and the leaves didn't touch.
     After learning the thoughts in Wan-xi, Yin-Tang was more considerate than before, and several children were also warned by him. Several children have always been sensible, knowing Wan-xi In a bad mood, they all tried their best to make her happy.
     Because Yin-Tang and a few children are accompanying, Wan-xi can't completely eliminate the influence of the previous memory on himself, at least not because of this.
     Solving certain things, or solving the impact of certain things, may only require someone attitude or sentence. After that conversation, although Wan-xi indirectly erased some of his true origins, most of the facts she already said, it can be said that this is a good faith lie, it can be said that she is the last to her Protection, but the most important point is that she will not put a heavy servant on herself because of this incident, lest she accidentally miss the foot.
     Now it’s really a real sigh of relief. She doesn’t have to explain or forcibly hide her hatred for a certain negative emotion. She doesn’t have to sneak up on something, not because she guarding Yin-Tang. I don't know how to explain why I am doing this.
     Although most of her enemies are not dead or silent, but Wan-xi knows clearly that as long as there is a conflict of interest, no matter who they are, they will become enemies of each other, and now she is no longer as silly as before. Someone bullied and then returned. Now, as long as she notices that it is not right, she will find a way to confirm it, and once confirmed, she will still color first regardless of the other party's thoughts.
     The more urgent the situation is, the more you can't bow, especially when they have an advantage, even if they are not proud and complacent, they can't bow to people.
     I went back to the house with a squat, and the two of them were behind, and the expressions were not very good-looking. Obviously, there must be awkwardness between the two on this road, otherwise it would not be such an expression. Soon the two entered the study, and the waiters were kept outside the door.
     The two faces face to face, and the whole room was filled with tension.
     Lin Chengshou was outside the study room, and the cold wind and the mixed rain wire made people shudder unconsciously, but the tension in the room made him unable to get a cold sweat. He is not a good servant to comment on anything, but from the point of view of interests, he feels that 14th this is a self-satisfaction, and they are also tired of their eight Baylor House.
     But how can he say this in the words, but since the Eight Lords opened their mouths, it is not allowed to 14th-Ye, then see the needles in this area to benefit. After all, the name of Baylor, Baylor’s name is also very difficult to recover, and then toss down, who knows what will happen in the end? Nowadays, as long as people with long eyes can see it, the heirs of the emperor will be the Di-four sons Qinwang. Don't look at Qinwang, who doesn't have the status of the Crown Prince, but is it that the Crown Prince is better than the Crown Prince!
     It’s not that he wants to grow up with others’ ambitions, but to destroy his own prestige, but he just looking at him, even if he not dull. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to use it. It’s up to you to look at Your Highness, or to turn it around.
     "14th-brother, my last reminder, everyone patience is limited. If you hide your thoughts, don't blame you for kicking you directly." Hey, the tone is cold and firm, and the words are even more warnings in every sentence.
     I was a little annoyed, but I thought about the little 9th Prince9th Prince in his heart.
     The tone could not help but soften. "8th Prince said that if the younger brother did something bad, 8th Prince pointed out directly.
     That is, there is no need to be furious about this."
     The awkward attitude is indeed good, but he does not accept it. He can now say that he is desperate and throws his hand through the last chance. Unfortunately, he thought well, but some people kept dragging his hind legs for his own personal gain.
     "14th-brother, let's not say whispers, your thoughts are clear, but don't treat others as fools." He said, after walking over to the desk, he sat down.
     Standing on the spot, the look on his face was awkward, and apparently he did not expect that he would choose to dismantle his desk directly. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. I couldn't get back to God for a long time. When I returned to God, he looked awkward in his eyes, but it was only an instant.
     "8th Prince, I admit that I have dragged your hind legs in order to preserve my strength, but you should be clear in your heart that the forces in my hands will not play any role. As you said before, the overall situation has been fixed. We have done more than just the shield that was pulled to the front by the Imperial Father. Once he retired, even if they can save their lives, they can't keep their current status. So, you said how I might not leave a path for myself." When I said this, the deputy was taken for granted.
     "After the road! You mean that the Lord should go out and open the way for you! Old 14th-, Ye Yuan wanted to use this opportunity to play 4th Prince by surprise, even if he can't turn things around, let him officially exist. It’s a demonstration to him, telling him that even if he is in the top position, if he wants to act rashly, we are not bullied. But now, I don’t want to indulge you any more!” He stretched his hand and stroked his forehead, with a few words in his tone. It’s obvious that you don’t plan to let theervants hide behind you, or dig the corners.
     People patience is limited. In the past, he also thought about helping the upper class, and then took the opportunity to control him and get the power.
     They can quit the Old 9.
     They seem to have started to become unsuccessful. Even he relied on Di Fu-Jin to follow the magic, and got into the dead end, and finally lost his life. If Yin-Tang is still there, he will definitely not be in this situation today. He regrets that he would have thought about abandoning Yin-Tang. If there was no such time, perhaps this day is not the same.
     "8th Prince is very serious.
     The previous thing was indeed the brother's wrong, but the younger brother will not listen to the 8th Prince in the future?" The eyes flashed a flustered, only a short moment, he Covering his face, the ‘Yuyan is pleased to get together.
     When I saw him in this way, I couldn’t help but feel disheartened. I even felt annoyed that I used to think that he could replace the existence of Yin-Tang. It was ridiculous.
     "Old 14th-, no one will straighten you, Deok is so, the Lord is also like this.
     This person is sly, can be smart, but can not be smart." I don’t look at it, obviously I don’t want to talk to him again. It’s over.
     When I stepped on the first two steps, I couldn't believe it with a trace of my face. He didn't even think of indulging his own embarrassment in the past. He actually said that the splitting of the gang was to break up. Isn't this going to be his life?
     "8th Prince, 8th Prince, good 8th Prince, you will forgive your brother again.
     This time, the younger brother will not sneak into the sneak peek." See you, really, it’s really a moment, you can’t bear it. Just ‘called, it seems that it is really panic.
     It is not so much that he can't live without him. It is better that he can't help him. His own strength is clear to himself. If there is no jingle backing, he will be cleaned up. It is a minute.
     Look at him like this, let him wear his mouth, it is not loose, I want to come to him this time is determined to go another way.
     "14th-brother, let's get together, some things really can't be reluctant. If you think you have doubts, it's better to go to the palace to find Deyang-Niang-Niang. I believe that you can get it through Defei  Niang-Niang. A lot of useful information, even the use of Defei  Niang-Niang to draw 4th Prince again may be." I laughed, this time on the anti-most day gentle and elegant style, tone, and even some mean.
     It’s a shame that I want to pretend to be indifferent. Unfortunately, he can’t swallow this breath at all, and he just put down his body and didn’t let his heart turn back.
     This is already enough fire. Now it’s ridiculed, and it’s still tolerant. Live, open your mouth and let go of the words.
     "8th Prince is really confident, just hope that 8th Prince will not regret it in the future!" Then he hurried away.


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