Chongqie Courting Death Daily 395

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     "I don't understand? You don't want to understand this palace!" De squinted, his anger was as fast as a cloud, and there was a kind of posture that wanted to break the net.
     The rumored words did not feel uncomfortable as before. On the contrary, the attitude was very calm, and I saw that Defei  had no choice but to tear his appearance, and even the brow did not wrinkle. He is no longer the child who longs for maternal love, and the mother-in-law in his heart is not as sinister and sinister as Defei , but as gentle and considerate as Wan-xi, putting the child in his heart.
     He also has such a mother, but it is a pity that the time is too short.
     "If this is said to make the mother-in-law feel a little more comfortable, then the son can say something." He did not wait for Dess to act, so he directly expressed his meaning. He really has nothing to do with Defei , so whether she is dying or to live, he should not agree if he should not agree.
     When the boy who was willing to pay for the mother's love grew up completely, the woman in front of him was just a stranger who occupied the mother's birth.
     Defei  looked at the soft and hard, and the anger started from the heart, and suddenly stood up, and it was a few claws, and the face was full of scars.   When he returned to God, he wanted to speak. He saw Kangxi standing at the door, but he did not come in. His eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were full of ice.
     Defei  looked at the horror of the face, but wanted to continue, but he felt that his look seemed to be wrong. When she turned to God, she saw Kangxi with Yin-Tang and Yin-Er standing at the door. Defei  was shocked, and then put down his hands and feet and changed to a ceremony. "Chen Chen gave the emperor a request."
     Kangxi looked at Defei . In the past, he was very tolerant of the harem. He didn’t think that his three times in his heart ignited the killings, but he was the most successful De-yi Majesty!" Kangxi Called, and Defei  face first revealed the scared look, and then the calf was soft, and the whole person directly hit the ground.

     Yin-Tang looked at the De-yi who was lying on the ground. I don't know why, he not only did not feel as worried as he used to, but he felt a kind of silky feeling in his heart. However, it was only an instant. At the next moment, he immediately fell down. After all, the De-yi at the moment was still his mother, and there was no reason for the mother to stand on his side.
     Kangxi looked at theervant that was lying on the ground with his head down, his brow wrinkled, and he couldn’t see the shackles of the move. He suddenly took two points of anger and took it again. "The fourth, you get up first.
     There is nothing wrong with you here."
     "But..." I looked at Kangxi with a struggling face, and I couldn't figure out the real intention of Kangxi heart.
     He doesn't feel bad about De-yi but he is worried that Kangxi is testing him. He knows that in the court, he has to think twice about every sentence of Kangxi, even though he seems to just say something, but he doesn't If he dares to say anything, he will listen to what he has to do.
     Yin-Tang next to him looked at it in his eyes. Seeing Kangxi was satisfied and helpless. Going forward, drag him up and pull it to the side, whisper: "4th Prince, Imperial Father obviously has something to say to Defei  Niang-Niang, let's not bother."
     Although Yin-Tang wants to see the unlucky scene of Defei , but when he knows this one time, some things can be more and more, and some things are more unreasonable. Defei  is worse in their eyes. She is also a woman of Imperial Father, the mother of 4th Prince. It is better to avoid a point. Anyway, this time is not bad, and the days will be long!
     "Old 9 is right, fourth, you should be safe!" Kangxi appreciatively looked at Yin-Tang eyes, then waved to them and waved them back.
     Looking at the look of Kangxi face, I confirmed that he wanted to dispose of the De-yi in private, but he did not entangle any more. Together with Yin-Tang and Yin-Er, they took out the Yonghe Palace.
     "9th Prince, 10th Brother, if you are not you today..." At this time, I want to stop talking. For Yin-Tang, they are very grateful. After all, they did not arrive in time, he is afraid now. Not only was the face caught, but the entire face was ruined.
     "4th Prince, don't say more about this kind of thing, we know in my heart, this is not your fault." Yin-Tang interrupted his words, his eyes fell on the scratches on his face, staggered in detail The face, though not deep, is not too shallow. If it is against the scars, I am afraid that there will be some bad remarks. "4th Prince, let’s go to the Royal Courtyard and take you.
     The wounds on my face are not treated properly. Let's think of other ways."
     I thought about my current situation and found that he just wanted to avoid the door and couldn’t do it.
     There were too many things on hand. Even if it wasn’t for the pieces, he needed to go out in person, but some things really didn’t mean letting go. .
     I was thinking that the three men had come out of the gate of the Yonghe Palace, and they met Yu-Xiang, who was Calling at the face and rushing to the side. Looking at the bruises on his face and the wolverines in his body, it is not difficult to imagine what happened to him when they came late but were late!
     After Yu-Xiang walked in, Yan and Yin-Tang did not say much, just patted him on the shoulder and took him to the Royal Courtyard. In this scene, even if Yin-Tang and Yin-Er were not injured, the four people walked together and felt quite a bit like a brother.
     "Old thirteen, halfway through the old 14th-?" Yin-Er with Yu-Xiang's shoulder, a face 'I understand" expression.
     Among the many Brother, the old 13th and the old 14th-have been a good brother. After all, they grew up in Yonghe Palace, and they are quite old. It can be said that the relationship between the two is the best, but later there is no such thing. Mind, and entered a different camp, the brotherhood of the past was slowly placed on the side until it disappeared.
     It is said that even if they are not as close as they used to be, they will not be able to meet each other with a look of glare. However, this person has always been unhappy with him.
     The world is best to follow him up. Otherwise, just like the Yu-Xiang just met, the patience of others is regarded as connivance, and finally others can’t bear it. Punch on his face.
     "4th Prince, I shouldn't have to use the old 14th-" Yu-Xiang looked apologetically and looked at the wounded face, and felt that he had delayed the best time. Hanging on the color.
     "Old thirteen, this is not your business. Lord told you the truth, even if you go, how to do it, because some people have only their own eyes, never consider the difficulties of others, so 4th Prince, as long as she disagrees, she should reach out and reach out, and as far as her elder status is concerned, it will be just a few injured ones!” Yin-Tang smirked his eyes with a funny voice, and his voice was slightly high.
     His voice just fell, and Yin-Er, who was next to him, nodded, and he did not refute it. I think they are quite appreciative of this evaluation.
     For Defei , even if none of them are personally confronted, but because they are all around, so she has done things that they are more clear than others, and because they are clear, they are more disdainful to her. . A person who can even start with his own son, can you ask her what principles and bottom line?
     Yu-Xiang heard that his lips were open and closed, apparently unable to refute. Deok's record is too rich, and her people can climb from the bottom to the current high, and she can see how embarrassing she is. No matter what is the difference between her and Tong-Queen in the past, there is a point that they are still clear, that is, she voluntarily gave up her embarrassment and even harmed her son and her son. In this way, it is no wonder that they have taken the initiative to abandon their mother and child fate.
     At this moment, Yu-Xiang is somewhat regretful and regrets his impulse. What does   mean for De-yi No one knows better than he grew up with Yu-Xiang. But now that he has hurt him, Defei  is not good at him, he will definitely find it. Trouble. With such a thought, he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to hit his own boxing.
     I don’t know the idea of ​​Yu-Xiang. It’s a good brother for many years. Seeing his expression almost understands what he is thinking. He sighs a little. He reaches out and pats his shoulder and says, “Don’t be more. I think that this kind of thing will still happen even if you don't, and now Imperial Father is involved, even if you can't give him a fair, but it will become a hurricane after a long period of time."
     Yin-Tang heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly. Today's things can only be said to be an introduction. If it is a homeopathic situation, it is really certain that the matter will become. After all, the relationship between De-yi and De-yi is like a * I don't know when it will burst. However, this kind of thing is not easy to say in the palace. Yes, Yin-Tang is silent, but I am thinking that maybe I can take the plan first and then make a decision.
     The next day, before Yin-Tang asked them, they heard the news that the De-yi government had been blessing the Empress Dowager for half a year. Just after the sacred sacred, the palace will be a slap in the face.
     The public can't help but send people to explore the original committee. Unfortunately, Kangxi had prepared for it. It was awkward. In addition to the people who knew it beforehand, other inquiring people returned without success. Only the old 14th suffered from actual losses The heart is unwilling and angry.
     But in just a few days, how did this day change?
     If he had a fight with Yu-Xiang yesterday, he would definitely not go out of the palace halfway, so that he missed the opportunity to plead for the mother. To put it bluntly, I blame Yu-Xiang, no, and his good 4th Prince, but where the Yonghe Palace has a relationship with him, there is no unlucky inside or outside.
     No, he can't just look at it like this, even if he can't change the result, at least he can't make them cheap.
     When he saw him coming to look for him, he laughed, and he knew that there was no De-yi help, and he would finally choose to come to him.
     "14th-brother, but what troubles?" He calmly poured a cup of hot tea, and looked forward to him as he sent him.

     "14th-brother, but what troubles?" He calmly poured a cup of hot tea, and looked forward to him as he sent him.
     In the study, the curtains and other people saw it, and they all retreated very gracefully.
     They sat down beside their bodies, their fingers stroking the edge of the samovar, and the whole person showed a violent breath, the expression on the face. It also looks very ugly, as if it can drip ink, and it is black from the inside out.
     "8th Prince knows what his brother is upset about, why bother to ask this question!" Wrinkled his eyebrows, apparently without patience and with the awkward tricks. After all, he is now in a very chaotic mood. If he turns to another, he may not let his words say anything, so he will let him forget the purpose of his own.
     "God is not in ridicule 14th brother, but confirmed 14th . Mind brother, after all, this cooperation is not just able to say the sound, the saying goes, have Brother out afterwards, so in order to After avoiding unnecessary misunderstandings between us, some things are still well understood in advance." He looked calmly and sipped his mouth, and his deputy public and private.
     Taking advantage of this opportunity, you are also at the bottom of the touch. If you can, he naturally wants to hold him in his own hands, instead of letting him dig his own corner when he is inadvertently, and fight against himself.
     "As 8th Prince said this, the younger brother naturally wants to explain the words. My mother-in-law will definitely have problems in closing the palace. If 8th Prince can..." Just said two words, he was beaten. Broken, the face became even more ugly, "8th Prince What does this mean?"
     He took back the hand that had just been lifted and smiled lightly: "It doesn't mean anything, just want to remind 14th-brother, the Imperial Father will not change his mind if he has made a decision. After all, the attitude of Imperial Father is there, not We can change, so let's talk about reality." He only wants to think that Defei  will not intervene or disrupt his plan for a long time, and his face will not help but raise two smiles, even the tone of speech. It is also slightly uplifted, with a hint of pleasure.
     After a burst of silence, Kangxi will is not so easy to change, and he can feel Kangxi indifference to De-yi virtues. First, don’t mention the scorpion, so many shackles, Kangxi does not say that every one goes to see, at least at least It's not bad, but the attitude of Defei  is cold and unusual. I never give it to me, let alone go to Yonghe Palace. If it wasn't for Kangxi attitude toward him, he was afraid that it would have been opened for a long time.
     There is still a safe place to live in front of you and talk to him about conditions.
     And things didn't go as smoothly as he thought. He had already hit the wall just after opening his mouth. What should be said later? Without Dexie at the helm, he lost more than just a source of news.
     "Well, let's not mention this first, let's talk about the younger brother's current plan. If the 8th Prince still doesn't think so, then 8th Prince will be the younger brother who hasn't been here today.
     This is the younger brother's own work." Some excitement, it is obvious that the deed's blessing in the closed court is equivalent to temporarily breaking his arm, so that his original leisurely mood has become urgent.
     Since the intrusion in Tibet, he has been rushing to fight for military power. He has not put his focus on dealing with defamatory and precautions as before, but now he does not want to control anything. I just want to give them a lesson and let them know that he loves Xinjue Luo and is not a good bully.
     The voice of theervant just fell, and the sly eyes flashed involuntarily. He thought that the De-yi government’s closing of the palace would make him arrogant. Now it seems that the experience of this time has really made him grow a lot, but even if he has a bit of skill, he is still too young and emotional. . Persecution is too tight, it will only cause a rebound, and the Xu Tu map may have unexpected effects. After all, he wants not to be his life, but to let him subtly focus on his own mind.
     Don't look at Kangxi attitude toward him in recent years, but without 8th Fu-Jin on the side, the power of theervant is obviously not as good as before, plus some of the work of the wall grass, he also saw a lot of things. He was originally a man of time to judge, may be very stubborn, and even a little dead-hearted, but this does not mean that he is stupid.
     Kangxi attitude is actually very obvious. Even if he has a good attitude towards him, he can realize that Kangxi attitude towards him and his 4th Prince is completely different. In this case, he can't sit still. After all, he has offended too many people before, even Yin-Tang.
     Thinking of this, the look on his face could not help but become two points, but this is only a matter of moments. He has long been used to being cautious and not letting people grasp their own handles.
     "14th-brother said so, if the Lord refuses, it will inevitably appear somewhat sinister. Just 14th-brother should understand that some things are not what we want to do immediately. If you want to succeed, it is Need an opportunity, as for this opportunity, you can only see the meaning of God." The corner of the mouth with a soft smile, whispered.
     His voice was a little low, his tone was steady, but his sorrow was not obvious, and people could not help but follow his wishes.
     He had a precaution from the beginning. Because of this precaution, he was not affected too much, but his heart was slightly shaken. On the surface, however, he still resisted, but he did not take the blasphemy, but his face calmly said: "8th Prince is justified, but things are artificial, and some things will never know the result."
     Looking at his face, his face was stubborn, and his heart was secretly relieved. He was afraid that he would not be embarrassed. As long as he still maintained such a temper, he would surely influence him.
     The only thing that made him feel a little troubled was that he always kept him away from his own defense.
     If he was not afraid of disturbing Kangxi, he had already let the De-yi clean up, but unfortunately, as long as Kangxi was in the sky, he would not move.
     "14th-brother has made up his mind, then 8th Prince will accompany you to take a risk, but 14th-brother has to promise 8th Prince, if things can't be done, can't be too reluctant, after all, come to Japan, not now, there will be opportunities in the future Do it." He looked at him seriously.
     Although I feel that he is not correct in this case, but I think it is because he thinks more about it. In the end, he can only answer the question: "Good."
     The two initially reached an agreement on cooperation.
     Through this incident, they squatted and talked for a while, just waiting for him to leave.
     The mood when I walked was not bad, at least not as irritating as when I came.
     Although there is no absolute thing, you are really making up your mind to give them a lesson.
     This is not just for morality, but for his own name.
     Yes, for his own name, prove that he has never been worse.
     No matter what kind of small abacus is in his heart, he wants to let the scorpion unload his defense and trust him thoroughly, so that he can help him to win the position wholeheartedly.
     A month later, Wan-xi took the triplets to the Empress Dowager. She thought she could let the Empress Dowager nurse her body so that she could survive the next year’s robbery, but she will wait until she sees the Empress Dowager. At that moment, her heart became unusually uncomfortable.
     Compared to the past, the Empress Dowager is really a lot thinner, and the spirit is not as good as it used to be.
     The only thing that makes Wan-xi familiar is probably the kindness of the Empress Dowager. Watching the Empress Dowager force the three little buns to play, Wan-xi only felt sour and had a feeling of crying. For a moment, she even blamed herself for clearly remembering this cut.
     She doesn't want to lose, she really doesn't want to lose such a kindly elder.
     "What's wrong with this? But the Old 9 bullied you?" The Empress Dowager looked up and smiled at the seemingly red-eyed eyes of Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi returned to God, his face was hot, and he could not help but hurriedly said: "No, he didn't bully, but he didn't see the Empress Dowager for too long, and his emotions would be a little excited."
     "It's okay.
     The sorrower is looking forward to seeing you all well." The Empress Dowager How can his body feel nothing at all? She doesn't say that she is worried that the children will worry, but she doesn't want Wan-xi. As keen.
     She can feel the heart of the Empress Dowager, although she still feels uncomfortable, but unconsciously cheers up. Some things she may not be able to change, but she will try her best to stay with the Empress Dowager and win the Empress Dowager.
     The three little buns are just learning to walk. Although some stumbled, they can take a few steps.
     They are just a little unstable. Sometimes they are replaced. But Wan-xi is facing them, no one is afraid.
     They were injured and they were not allowed to go to the ground, so the three little guys were particularly active, forcing the Empress Dowager to laugh.
     When Kangxi came over with a few sons, he saw this scene. Some of the gloomy moods were also quite cheerful when they smiled at them.
     "The son (grandchild) gave the emperor to the emperor (Huang Ma)." Kangxi smashed his sleeve and led several Princes to the Empress Dowager.
     “The daughter-in-law asked Imperial Father.” After Wan-xi went to Kangxi ceremony, he tossed and let the three little buns give him peace. Fortunately, the three little buns learned quite well, but the round body gave him a A kind of ambiguity is the sense of sight.
     Kangxi also felt cute and waved to indicate that they all got up and let Li Dequan hold the triplets to the front. I didn’t recognize my life, and I took his robes and climbed up three small buns. Kangxi heart could not help but emerge a favorite, and the aim of Wan-xi was more satisfied. .
     He has a lot of sons, not to mention grandchildren. In addition to the eldest son of the Crown Prince, few people can get his attention. Later, Hong-hui Hong-min slowly entered his eyes. Now with these three little buns, he found that he could His grandson seems to be the Old 9.

     Wan-xi didn't know the feelings in Kangxi heart. She was waiting next to her, and her eyes were also staring at the three little buns.
     The two daughters were fine, see Kangxi not holding, just holding his legs and playing.
     The regiment is like a competition with Kangxi.
     The little guys don’t give up, the robes that the fleshy little hands are holding, and they push hard, the whole face is red, and they look cute.
     Compared with several other children, the group is more arrogant, but he wants to do whatever he wants, not give up.
     Kangxi looked at the little buns who were struggling with himself, and finally couldn't help but reach out and hold him to his lap.
     This must have been impossible in the past, but now this person is embarrassed, the older he is, the softer his heart, and he feels that he has a relationship with Hong-sheng, and the eyes of the little guy are more and more soft.
     In fact, Kangxi is not just a re-use of . For Hong-hui, they are also very concerned about a few small buns. From time to time, they will also teach a few times. From here, it is not difficult to see Kangxi intentions and plans. It is just that Kangxi himself is not easy to detect his intentions, otherwise he should directly receive people from the palace to raise.
     "Huang Ma Fa." The group held Kangxi finger and softly Called.
     "Huang Ma Fa." The circle that stood in the legs of Kangxi and An An also followed, and three small buns, you sounded like me, like a game, a louder than the other.
     Kangxi looked at his three little buns and laughed loudly.
     This touch, the hug, was not because of his daughter's biasity.
     This point made Wan-xi look very satisfied.
     She doesn't like to go to the palace, except for those who want to count on her in the dark, and the other ways in which people do things in the palace make her quite unhappy. It is obviously a child, but it is divided into three or six 9th Princes, etc., so it is no wonder that there are not many of the royal daughters who can get a good end.
      The Empress Dowager Kangxi, who was so happy to smile, opened her heart with a little comfort. She knew that her illness had caused Kangxi to do a lot of work, and even let Kangxi follow. But this is nothing to do. When I am older, many things are beyond my control.
     "The emperor, the mourner knows that you have lost a lot of weight, pay more attention to it. After all, this body is your own." The Empress Dowager looked at Kangxi and whispered a word.
     “The emperor is relieved and sorrowful.” Kangxi looked at the Empress Dowager, which was not too good.
     The heart was sour. After all, the number of people who care about him as an elder is less and less.
     Wan-xi was on the sidelines, watching the Yin-Tang standing at the bottom of the moment, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised.
     This time, a lot of Princes came along with Kangxi, 3rd-Prince, 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince are all in it, but the expression is not so good-looking. Maybe they didn't even think that they would come across Ningshou Palace.
     They had thought about coming over to ask for an Ann, and left with a few words to go. Now it’s good, so I’m waiting to be there, watching the Imperial Father’s face and teasing her grandson.
     They just have a kind of returning home.
     The impulse of my son.
     Of course, they just think about it. After all, such opportunities are not every day, nor is every grandson able to enter Kangxi eyes.
     I really want to think about it. After all, the triplets really make people happy. Even though he is now hostile to Yin-Tang, he has to admit that he is still envious of Yin-Tang.
     The         .
     Kangxi swept his sons who stood underneath. Although they didn't say much, they took their look into the eye. Have peace of mind, have disappointment, and have their own thoughts.
     After almost an hour, Kangxi refused to retain the Empress Dowager, and left with a slippery son.
     Because the Empress Dowager was free of the stagnation of the morning, those who didn't come to Ningshou Palace, now get the news, I heard that Kangxi went to Ningshou Palace, and all of them are not regretful, obviously they are very good at every opportunity. value.
     This is not, Kangxi Gangren Ningshou Palace came out, all the attention of people unconsciously fell on him, even if you can not pull people into their own palace, halfway encounter, deepen the impression is also there, after all There are too many women in this palace, and it is not easy to change whoever wants to change.
     Yin-Tang and Yan also naturally look at the expression of sly, but neither of them reacts. After all, even if there is no such thing as De-yi they still can’t get along with each other, now or later.
     The moment I made the choices, I couldn’t get any more. What's more, over the years, they have fought for me, but they are not just different choices, but also many lives.
     Wan-xi didn't know this. After taking lunch with her three children in Ningshou Palace, she waited for the Empress Dowager to take a nap. She left the Ningshou Palace with three children and was ready to return home. Who knows when I go to the gate of the palace, I watched Yin-Tang waiting in front of the palace gate, and at that moment, I smiled.
     "Master ." Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang and was very happy to welcome him.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi, who was walking with him to him, and shook his head helplessly. He lifted his foot and slammed up. He took the child in her arms and said: Slowly, I won’t go so soon.”
     Wan-xi smiled and didn't refute. Yingying smiled and could see that Yin-Tang was waiting for her move to make her very happy, even though she was worried about the body of the Empress Dowager, but at this time At the moment she is really happy.
     "Well, let's get on the bus first!" Yin-Tang looked at her happy look, thinking that the old 13th said that women liked the husband to accompany her back to her family, then he found another time to accompany her. Get back and go.
     Next to Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin looked at the two happy people, carefully sending three little Your Highness to them. As for themselves, it is natural to go crowding with other people. Anyway, as long as their own High Highness is happy, they are happy to go back.
     Above the carriage, Wan-xi spoke for a while with Yin-Tang, and also emphasized the body of the Empress Dowager, but they are really powerless. After all, the best doctor in the world is In the palace, the best medicines are also in the palace, and they are both heartless and powerless.
     "Jao-Jao, such a thing can only be done by people, listening to destiny, and forcing it." Yin-Tang looked at the eye-small Wan-xi, the ‘Yuyan was soft and careful, it seems that she did not want her to be sad.
     Yin-Tang's fingers lingered on her face, her fingertips rubbed against her tender skin, and finally stayed at her corner of her eye.
     Wan-xi stretched out his big palm and ten fingers tightly. Wan-xi only felt that the sadness in his heart was slowly calmed down by his comfort. Some things she knows can't be changed, but she still hopes to develop in a good direction. After all, she lives really hard, she is awkward, and those hard-won warmth she wants to try to retain.
     "Yin-Tang." Wan-xi Called, his voice slightly hoarse, different from the name of the past, the first call to his name.
     Yin-Tang's eyes were slightly wide, and her eyes stared at her with gaze. She seemed to have a thousand words to tell her, and she unconsciously softened into a beach. At this time, he not only did not blame her for calling her name, but even thought that she should call him like this.
     He used to think that he was the right man, but now he only thinks that he is more like the name of the Lord. He prefers to hear his name from her mouth. Even if this is not the rule, he will not hesitate.
     "Yes, Jao-Jao should call him like this." Yin-Tang squeezed the soft palm of his hand and said softly.
     Wan-xi heard the words, looked up awkwardly, and looked at his eyes, looking at the seriousness of his eyes, his nose slightly sour, his eyes staying on his face, all over and over, like to He remembered in his heart and joined the bones.
     "Yes, Wan-xi should be called Yin-Tang." She couldn't help but Call when she saw Yin-Tang's face moving.
     The voice of Wan-xi just fell, Yin-Tang smiled and smiled, thinking about taking her into her arms, suddenly heard the sound of 'Oh,' bowing, watching the three pairs of rounds Staring at them with big eyes, it’s like saying ' Amama playing games, taking us to play'. Yin-Tang was seen by the children. When he returned to see Wan-xi, she saw her leaning against the wall of the car. She smiled and looked like a stomachache, and she could not help but raise her hand.
     If this is for a personal change, he will tell the other party to laugh again, but in front of her and the children, he can only smile.
     Wan-xi looked at his face with a look of helplessness, slowly leaning against the past, scorning his thin lips from the angle that the children could not see, whispered: "Master  is so cute, likes it all the time." “
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi, who was very funny, and he was relieved. He knew that Wan-xi had a deep affection for Yu-the Empress Dowager.
     The Empress Dowager was also for Wan-xi. Very caring, but even so, he still hopes that she can have a good time. To Yu-the Empress Dowager, he will send someone to collect some good supplements and herbs. Although he can't say something, he can actually have it in the palace. He still has it in the palace, so he can help in the place where he can help. Others can only say that he is resigned.
     “Jao-Jao is coming to please Master, it’s late.” Yin-Tang’s knuckles are lightly pointed to her white forehead, making it unpleasant.
     "What do you want to do?" Wan-xi brows slightly, and she does not think that she is holding a group, and even holding a small hand of the group to play Yin-Tang.
     "Wait until the evening, you know what you want to do!" Yin-Tang looked at her as she was arrogant, thinking that she might have been so indulgent during this time that she never began to put him in In the eyes, if this is the case, then he has to calculate the general ledger with her, let her understand who is her day!
     Wan-xi listened to Yin-Tang with a hint of hints, and his face was red, and he turned his eyes in a moment of turning his head, and then he did not care about him until he returned to the government.

     Women's careful eyes sometimes do not need a reason, like Wan-xi, the performance on the week is more understanding, when the temper is not soft, even to death, it is not weaker than anyone. It’s just that Wan-xi is not the same as others. She always thinks that she is guilty of her, rather than thinking of herself.
     Some things should be adhered to when they stick to it. If you shouldn't stick to it, you shouldn't be reluctant. But when something shouldn't be kept, occasional retreat will have unexpected gains.
     For example, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang are angry.
     They don't let anything in the carriage.
     They can get off the carriage, but they don't refuse Yin-Tang's help.
     They even deliberately use the angry name to make Yin-Tang times. Hold two daughters. Yin-Tang was not only not angry, but instead followed her everywhere, and Ting-Rain and others did not consciously give her a thumbs up.
     In fact, from this point alone, we can see that Wan-xi is different from the woman in the backyard. She always has the right room to do things, and this room is for others and gives her own, so regardless of Yin-Tang Master , his Brother will only recognize her existence from the bottom of my heart.
     Every day, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang did a good job in the house, but the outside storm was a wave high.
     Regarding the transfer of Tibet into Tibet, Kangxi did not think of it in Prince, but chose to send him to Tibet. For the veteran ministers in the country, it is still expected, it is awkward, and it has not caused any storms.
     The hopes for this great hope are so great that it is too disappointing and cannot be used for several days. cheer up.
     And when you stumble, you will seize the opportunity. Because there is no De-yi provocation, he can easily gain the trust of embarrassment. Even if he is occasionally skeptical, it is not a big problem for him. .
     "14th-brother, this is not the final result. After all, this battle is to win or lose. When is it finished, no one knows. But there is a point we can understand is that Cewang Ah-la The ambitious people like cloth can't easily close their hands, so 14th-brother still has a chance." I caressed the edge of the tea pot, the eyelids lifted lightly, and the eyes swept away from the sullen sigh. Low channel.
     If you are embarrassed, the traveler who walks in the desert meets Wang Qing quan. In a moment, he feels comfortable and there is no more care.
     "8th Prince, this is true!" asked him before he slammed his body.
     The embarrassing emotions are all kinds of ups and downs. As long as they don’t involve interests, they all come quickly and quickly, just like now. He seems to be accustomed to his actions, nodded indifferently, saying that he said that he is right.
     Since you haven’t given up on this step, you can only show that he can only use him. After all, some things are still prepared by both hands. He doesn’t want to lose so much. It is a field.
     "In this case, the 8th Prince means that we have calculated this thing?" Obviously, I am still very entangled in De-Pinzhi.
     The brows were slightly picked, and the bottom of the eyes flashed quickly and disdainfully, but the surface was still gentle and elegant: "Of course not, the counterattack still has to be counterattacked, and it depends on what method to fight back."
     I heard the words and thought deeply. He is impulsive, but it is not without a brain. When he used to deal with them, he used a lot of methods. In the dark, it can be said that it is exhausting, both sides are depleted, but it is not easy to hurt the roots. Can not hurt the roots, just like this, he is not happy in his heart! If it is okay, I also hope that I can think of a way to directly attack the other party. But if it is so easy, they don’t have to play the game for so long.
     "According to 8th Prince, what do we have to do to give them a fatal blow. To be honest, my brother is really less and more impatient with them.
     This time and again, when is the head!" A face is resentful.
     "14th-brother, since I have waited for such a long time, it is not bad for these few days. To be honest, our current strength is indeed better than that of 4th Prince, so if we want to successfully defeat them, we can only do it in secret. "When you listen to this kind of self-sufficiency, your heart is quite helpless. If the other party is so easy to solve, do they still have to worry about it?"
     4th Prince, their power is getting bigger and bigger. He is jealous but unable to change this result. Even in order to change the view of Imperial Father, he secretly counts the sons of 4th Prince. Unfortunately, 4th Prince, they are tightly guarded. His people are so close to each other that things have not progressed.
     Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if there is no accident, the chosen person of Imperial Father is 4th Prince. However, he has been fighting for so many years, how to be willing to let go of it as easily.
     "This is the case, there is nothing that can solve all the methods one by one?"   Some impatiently smashed his hand, and when he stepped out of the door, he inadvertently looked at his eyes and saw that he was unmoved. It is still the look of the light and light, and I can't help but wonder.
     This up-and-coming man is facing this situation that you are fighting for, and you can't stay out of it. How can 8th Prince, who has been in it for a long time, be so calm and unaffected.
     I don't know what you think, or he can't help but laugh.
     The person trapped in the quagmire, how to not know his situation, but he did not have to choose. Struggling hard will only make you sink deeper, slow down your steps, and you may be able to find a different way out in the process of slowly sinking.
     In the blink of an eye, it was fifty-six years in Kangxi.
     The days beginning in the New Year were very stable. No matter how privately, in Wan-xi, this day is still very stable, at least this day from Yin-Tang. Let her clean up and prepare to go outside the plug, it is not difficult to see how good his mood is.
     In July, the weather became hotter and hotter. When Wan-xi thought that they were going to leave the country, there was another news from Tibet.
     The squad Ah-Rab once again invaded Tibet and killed Lazang. Prisoners set up *. Kangxi heard the news, was furious, and sent troops to Tibet. At that moment, Wan-xi determined that this trip outside the country was afraid that it would not be done.
     As Yin-Tang Di Fu-Jin, unlike Dong-shi dedication to the inner court's power, Wan-xi appears to be more flexible. She manages the inner court, but does not let go of any news from the outer court.
     The combination of management methods has saved her a lot of things, and also gave Yin-Tang a lot of inspiration. But the most fundamental change is the memories of Wan-xi mind about the last world.
     Before Wan-xi did not stand firm, he did not determine the mind of Yin-Tang, and from time to time, someone calculated it, but she couldn’t report it at the beginning, but in the later period, she reported her hatred, but Many potential problems have made her feel awkward. She couldn't tell Yin-Tang about this kind of thing. After all, even she felt that she was too horrified to be alive. Even she felt incredible, and how could she easily believe that this kind of thing exists.
     She has never wanted to pursue any other kind of the last generation, but she does not want to lose it easily. After all, the two worlds are human beings, she has to get the heavens to get this cut, so how can she easily let go.
     But over time, the Empress Dowager will die, the emperor will fall ill, and there will be a variety of battles to unfold, even if she no longer worried that Yin-Tang will be targeted by the new emperor, but she knows well, 8th-Prince and others will not give up easily.
     Although she is not clear about the things of the men, she has a point that she knows very well that this battle of Di-, and then go down, is not just a simple ban, but perhaps it will not end in the end.
     Yin-Tang did not notice the anxiety of Wan-xi because of the things in the hall, but Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, who were on the Wan-xi, could feel the change of Wan-xi.
     In the past, Wan-xi was calm and elegant, and he was not too anxious to do things. He not only made her feel comfortable, but also made others happy. Now Wan-xi movements are no different from usual. But it is obvious that she feels that she is not happy and full of heart.
     As a nubi Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin are naturally not qualified to manage Your Highness, but they have been together for a long time. Although they are master servants, they can be in Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, Wan xi is not much different from their family, so Ting-Rain finally did not hold back and made up for it.
     "Fus, you don't have any troubles. If you have one, you can say it to the nubi , or let the nubi do it.
     The nubi will definitely give Fu-Jin the right thing to do, but you don't know."-Rain patted his chest hard, and the big hug looked like an exaggeration, but her thoughts on Wan-xi were worthy of praise.
     Yan-xi, who is close to the eyes on the beauty couch, opened his eyes and looked at Ting-Rain's eyes. Looking at her strong pretense, Wan-xi was slightly sour.
     The eyes are red.
     "Fu... Fu-Jin, is the nubi saying something wrong?" Ting-Rain looked at the way Wan-xi was about to cry, and the calf was soft and fell directly to her.
     When Wan-xi saw it, he couldn't help but sit up and pull Ting-Rain in his right hand, indicating that she got up. "What are you doing, get up!"
     "But it is the nubi who said the wrong words to make Fu-Jin angry..." Ting-Rain sees Wan-xi and does not blame himself, but his heart is a little safe, but he does not dare to stand up.
     "It's not that you said the wrong thing, but this Fu-Jin feels uncomfortable." Wan-xi sighed a little, and she could only hide it in her heart. Maybe she couldn't tell her about this life, maybe one day she I will speak, but all may not be the present.
     Ting-Rain looked at Wan-xi, who was silent, and her heart was full of speculation. She followed Sun-xi every day. She said that Wan-xi was not unclear, but now she still I can’t say why.
     Wan-xi didn't see Ting-Rain's concerns in their eyes, but she really didn't know what to do now. Seeing that the days passed, and the days when the Empress Dowager died, the mood is getting more and more urgent. She wants to change. She wants to keep the old man who gives her sincerity. However, she has exhausted all the methods, and she has sent the delivery, but the result is not what she said.
     Originally, she still thought that many things have changed. Maybe the fate of the Empress Dowager will change, but in July, Cewang Ah-Labu sent her to let her know that some things are not the last, and no one is. I don't know if it will change.
     " Fu-Jin, you really have something to do, nubi can't do it, you can tell Your Highness, Your Highness is so powerful, there will be a way." Ting-Rain watched Wan-xi screw more and more Tight eyebrows, whispered.
     Wan-xi looked at her anxious appearance, reached out and patted her hand back, whispered: "It's useless, this thing can only look at the meaning of heaven. If God is kind, maybe there is a turn." At the time, the tears in the eyes of Wan-xi could no longer help but flow down, because she knew in her heart that the kindness of God is not owned by anyone, so even if she is prepared, the process of waiting is abnormally tormented.
     Ting-Rain didn't understand what she meant, but when she left the room, she felt that it was necessary to tell Your Highness that she couldn't bear to look at it from Fu-Jin. Anxious and sad mood.

     Yin-Tang has been doing a lot of things at hand recently.
     There are a lot of little tricks in the private and private ways. No matter what they are trying to do, it will definitely not be a good thing for them. Counterattack is not mentioned first, and prevention is still needed. .
     As an opponent, Yin-Tang never looks down on anyone, including the embarrassment he doesn't see very well.
     Don't think that honest people just bully, because honest people start fire more than you think; don't think that impulsive temper temper can't do anything, this kind of big event may not work, but drag others into the water, then It’s really a matter of minutes, because they are fearless and they want to hurt people, so it’s really not preventable.
     Fortunately, they are directly against them to start, otherwise they really let them succeed, and I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.
     This time, the Imperial Father will be sent to Tibet again. If this is no longer the case, the follow-up will definitely select individuals from these Princes. According to his thoughts, he originally wanted to let the old 14th take over the matter, thus adjusting his unstable factor far away, lest he should stir up the West pole. After all, his good 8th Prince has always been Only the stitches will be seen.
     They are so noisy, although they will not completely destroy their plans, but they will let them spend a lot of thoughts, so it seems that it is not worth it.
     Moreover, the old ten and the old 13th thought about the likes of Big Prince.
     These Brother and sisters all went to the battlefield, and there was no condition. Since there is an opportunity now, why should he be cheaper, not let the old ten and the old thirteen? Round the dream in my heart.
     Because they had prepared a long time ago, it was awkward, really counted, the old 14th-there is not much advantage for them, even if there is a servant to protect him, you really want to get this position. Nor does it mean that achievements can be achieved.
     "Your Highness, Qing yi-Courtyard came over and said that Fu-Jin has been emotionally anxious recently. Ting-Rain and others asked, but Fu-Jin answered the questions and even shed tears.
     They couldn't handle them and reported the incident. Nubi are here.” Lin-Chujiu lowered his head and his voice was carefully watched.
     Junwang's nubi know, but when it comes to Fu-Jin and a few small Highness, regardless of the size of the matter, the first time to report.
     Yin-Tang took the hand of the brush and then put the brush on the side. Next time, he wiped his hand with a cloth towel on the side, and his face flashed a deep thought, then came out from the desk.
     Then walk out and walk.
     Lin-Chujiu looked at Yin-Tang, who had already reached the door, and patted his face as soon as he passed back to God, and immediately followed.
     Yin-Tang This road came, and the whole picture was Wan-xi tears. He thought about it and didn't want to understand what made her sad.
     The only explanation is that she has been wronged in recent times, and he does not know.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Tang looked ugly, and the eyes unconsciously made a sigh of relief.
     When he rushed to Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi still lay on the beautiful couch as before, his eyes wide open, looking straight at the eaves, his expression looked sad, and she made people I feel very vulnerable.
     Yin-Tang stood at the door, waved at Lin-Chujiu, strode forward, waited in front of her, saw her turn around, and in the opposite direction, he had reached out and held her into his arms. .
     "But is someone bullying you in the palace?" Yin-Tang stared at her eyes, not allowing her to escape and hide.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's overbearing concern, and finally he became excited and calmed down, and the tears of his eyes did not consciously flow down. She was really relaxed and happy on most days, but these days, as the Empress Dowager died, the days of the last world have happened again, and the pressure in her heart is getting bigger and bigger. But there is nowhere to tell. When Ting-Rain asked her, she decided to push all the cuts to God, but she knew very well that this kind of thing was only put down when she put it down, and it was useless to push it to anyone.
     "Ye..." With his hands on his neck, Wan-xi leaned in his arms, his mouth opened, but he couldn't say anything.
     It’s not that she doesn’t want to speak, but she doesn’t know where to start. To put it bluntly, her emotions are sorrowful and have no effect.
     They only make themselves more tired, but they can’t control.
     "What happened? Is it that the mother-in-law is troubled by you, or is the other person talking nonsense in front of you?" Yin-Tang's hands kept lingering on her tender cheeks, her palms rubbing against her face.
     The thumb wiped away the tears on her face and asked softly.
     "No one is bullying, and it is allergic to make yourself a nightmare." When it comes to this, Wan-xi tears are once again coming out. She has comforted herself over and over again, and changed so much in the front, saying Indefinitely, the cut can also change, but there seems to be a force in the darkness that allows all the cuts to return to the route in her memory, which makes her quite fearful.
     "Night dream!" Yin-Tang smirked, and kissed her red lips at the moment of leaning over.
     The voice was soft and with a silky appeasement. "Stupid, whether it is a nightmare or a good dream, it is only Just a dream, when you wake up, all the cuts will pass."
     "But some things are not the case. I woke up, but the nightmare didn't disappear. On the contrary, it became a reality!" Wan-xi voice was slightly trembling, apparently with a crying, and even her teeth were shaking. As a result, the tongue became so stiff that the moment she spoke, the words she spoke gradually became obscure because of her crying relationship.
     Yin-Tang looked at her tearful face, and her face was slightly embarrassed. Obviously, she did not expect that a nightmare would have such a big impact on her.
     The Wan-xi in front of me, the fear of the eyes, the tremble of the body, seems to have not woken up in the so-called nightmare, which makes his mood sour, awkward, and squatting as if nothing has changed, but once it touches Will feel uncomfortable.
     Wan-xi can't say it, she doesn't know what ‘Yuyan to use to express her feelings. When Ting-Rain asked, her emotions were not good, but she could still cope with the past. She could face Yin-Tang. She really had the urge to tell the truth. But this kind of truth makes her say how to export.
     At the moment of bowing his head, the low sobs rang quietly, and at this moment in this quiet environment, there was a echo. She shook with a little sorrowful grievances, and made Yin-Tang's heart become a group, which was extremely uncomfortable.
     "What kind of nightmare is it? Slowly speaking to the grandfather, the Lord will always find a solution." Yin-Tang looked at her face with a look of fear, and her heart was uncomfortable. He lowered his head and held Wan-xi face in his hands.
     The gentle kiss slowly fell, from his forehead to his eyes, down the nose, and finally kissed her soft red lips.
     Different from the hegemonic strength of the past, his kiss is soft and soft at the moment, without any desire
     The taste of hope is simply to calm her emotions.
     Wan-xi hands clasped his neck, and the two men clung to each other, like two people who warmed each other in the winter.
     Many things are really unclear, and Wan-xi, even if he is alive, knows that in this era, there is no such thing as a heterogeneous one, especially her heterogeneity that seems to know the future.
     "Master, if you tell me ten months that the Empress Dowager will fall ill, December will die, do you believe it?" Wan-xi looked up at his eyes, hesitant, but eventually chose the opening .
     Her words may be somewhat unclear, and even a little one-sided, but she is reminding him that she can predict certain things.
     "Besides this, do you foresee what has happened?" Yin-Tang kissed her lips and wiped the tears on her face with her fingers, asking without hesitation.
     Don't look at his surface so calm, but in my heart, it's like a stormy wave. Her words are nothing to listen to, but I can't think too much information. If this happens, then it means they might pass Wan Xi predicts something in advance. Even if the information can't be quoted at all, at least give them a wake-up call for them to take the lead.
     Wan-xi is still trusting Yin-Tang, but her experience is too strange.
     This is a half-truth. "Caiwang Ah-Labu sent Tibet to the beginning. Dreaming, but not in mind, because this kind of prediction is not exactly the same, sometimes there will be changes, so..."
     "So you didn't mention it, didn't you?" Yin-Tang reached her forehead and then spread her arms into her arms.
     Yin-Tang's head was buried in her neck, her hands were on her back, and the two men's bodies were tightly attached to each other.
     There was no gap.
     The two seemed to have a neck-like look. Silk sweet, with a touch of warmth.
     "Yes. I just thought it was a coincidence. After all, many things are not allowed. Otherwise, how can you suffer so many sins. But when you want to ignore this cut, these things are inexplicably This cut is very scary, especially the Empress Dowager, if it is simply sick, it will not be like this, but the Empress Dowager is sick like a sharp knife in the heart, let "In any case, you can't be alone." Wan-xi said, sighing deeply, her hands twitching slightly, nervous and uneasy, trying to come up with these words, from In some respects, it is already a breakthrough.
     "Jao-Jao, no matter whether it is accurate or not, since God has given you this ability to predict, it is tolerance for you. Don't be afraid, don't care too much. If you feel that you can't make up your mind, tell Master, you will help you. Take the idea." Yin-Tang took her hand and sat down in her own arms, letting her sit in her arms and feeling that her mood was slightly stable, which was a relief.
     This kind of thing is too illusory in terms of reason. It can be said that there is a letter, but no letter. Although he couldn't tell the truth inside, he had a long time with him, and more or less influenced by the set of his belief in Buddha. Fortunately, this is a good thing for them.
     The only thing that makes him feel sorry is probably the Empress Dowager.
     Although the Empress Dowager is not as close to him as the 5th Prince, he can still feel the truth, and her old man is very grateful for the goodness of Wan-xi. Now Ting-Wen she has an old man. He may die at the end of this year, and he is not thinking about it. In addition, the impact of this incident, just think about it, I know that it is impossible not to be able to eliminate it in a while.
     Kangxi feelings for the Empress Dowager can still be seen. Although it is not a biological mother and child, it is better than a biological mother. If she goes to death, Kangxi will fall ill again. At that time, she will cause a lot of turmoil. After all, Kangxi age is not Small.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang for a long time, and knows what he is thinking. He can't help but remind him: "Master, these things will not be yours anymore, but since you know these things, It is possible that things will happen, and the dear should be pre-emptive with the 4th Prince, so as not to let them seize the opportunity."


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