Chongqie Courting Death Daily 350

     "The mother is relieved, these are only temporary. 8th Prince has a wild vision in his heart. He refuses to give up easily.
     The son will find a way to help him give up. Anyway, according to his son, the Imperial Father did not mean to let him even if he gave him a chance.
     The upper position, I want to come to a different arrangement, the son thinks that this may be a perfect opportunity, one can get all the opportunities of the 8th Prince."   sighed a deep breath, the eyes of the ambition can not hide .
     His voice just fell, his face flashed a silk calculation, it seems that he thought of a good way, the whole person was immersed in his own world, and he was very proud.
     Defei ’s mouth smirked, and he agreed to nod. Although she was not clear about the things in the hall, she was still aware of the things in the palace. Don't look at the present, she is no longer favored, and the forces in her hands are getting worse because of this successive blows, but no one can look down on a blind man who has been in the palace for decades.
     This is not. After being favored by Kangxi, Defei  is still not to be seen, but the people in the palace do not dare to be free to the people of Yonghe Palace.
     Therefore, in this case, Defei  relies on himself.
     The means have re-trained some forces.
     These people may not have the original people to use, but for the now-seeking De-yi it is a life-saving straw.
     In the palace, there are no scorpions and scorpions, especially the De-yi who have stayed in the palace for many years and have countless enemies. It is necessary to know that in those days when most of the forces have been lost, although Defei  has barely blocked the calculations, he can suffer a lot from the losses, and he is very hurt. Now it is hard to slow down. She naturally wants to regroup and build the past.

     "Since you have a good mind, then you have to arrange it.
     There are not many opportunities for this kind of thing. If you can't do it this time, next time you are afraid that it will be hard to find an opportunity to say nothing.
     This old eight is afraid that it will not give you any chance. Defei  whispered, but he was afraid that another impulsive thing would happen, and then he would suffer.
     Don't look at Defei  face to face with a sturdy look, but she is very clear in her heart, the tender roots are not the opponents of his Brother. But if you want to calculate them, your mouth is easy to say, but your attitude is cautious.
     The most impatient thing is to listen to Defei  words. He promised to be good, but he didn't care. In his opinion, he was no longer the impulsive hair boy. He had his own ideas and means.
     "The mother is relieved, the son will not act impulsively, will look at the opportunity, a hit, after all, 8th Prince is really smart, but also has the ability." The mouth of the mouth reveals a few confident smiles, listening to the words like modesty But there is a madness.
     He was patient with 8th Prince calculations because he needed his support and needed his power. Now he has cultivated a lot of his own power through the hands of 8th Prince. Although the big head is still in the hands of 8th Prince, he is able to mobilize more and more forces. When he is against those who support 8th Prince, 8th Prince is I don't want to suppress him anymore, so the most important thing is to guard against 9th Prince and contain 8th Prince.
     An Mama, who was waiting for them, listened to them and asked about the calculation of the Eight Lords and the 9th PrinceMaster.
     They could not close their mouths subconsciously.
     The forces of the Eight Lords and the 9th Prince are indeed not to be underestimated, but only a thousand days to be a thief, there are thousands of thieves, and the eyes are staring at the Niang-Niang mother and child, as long as they are careless, There are opportunities for them to take advantage of it.
     However, this is to say, from the actual situation, the results seem to be less satisfactory.
     Eight Lords, 9th Prince, are all fine, although it will be a little troublesome to be stared by Niang-Niang and their mother and son, but it is not easy to lose.
     "Is there something true and fearful! Is there a real person who has been planted in the hands of this house for a few years? In the end, it is still a matter of arrogance and temperament. 14th Sometimes this brotherhood is a concern, but Sometimes it is more important for the overall situation. Now the situation is tense, and it is the key moment to win Di-, although the means are very extraordinary, and people suffer losses. If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you will lose interest in the future. Yes.” Defei  didn’t even notice the complicated emotions on An Mama face. All the thoughts were on the body, and the adverbs focused on the appearance of the care, which made people feel uncomfortable.
     "The mother is relieved! In the future, the son will be able to take advantage of the 8th Prince. As for the others, that is to say that there is a debt to the owner. How to settle the account is how to settle the account." Hey, the voice is mixed with a few excitement and trembling, and the pair looks forward to excessive appearance.
     An Mama hung her head and sighed in her heart. Niang-Niang and 14th-I thought it was easy, but I forgot the different times in the past. I want to achieve the desired cut. I am afraid it is difficult.
     In the dry palace, Kangxi looked at the folds sent by the dark guards in the hands, and the face was sinking like water.
     The atmosphere in the temple became suppressed. Li Dequan and other people in the temple couldn’t help but breathe, breathing for fear. Surprised Kangxi.
     Kangxi sat on the dragon chair, and the hand with the eclipse shivered slightly. If he had a thought on the cuddle before, then he would have disappeared.
     This is his son, his heart is very hot, completely disregarding the brotherhood, knowing that he has to take the right of the old eight to be kind, what is the fourth? In these years, whether it is for Defei  or the old 14th-that is all, I will do my best, even if I don't express it, I can do it a little bit, and even many people can't keep him filial. But such a son (brother), Defei  does not cherish, the old 14th do not care, then his Imperial Father is no longer want to ignore, he can not hurt the son's heart.
     "Li Dequan, what is the fourth child doing now?" After Kangxi was silent for a long time, he suddenly asked such a sentence.
     Li Dequan, who was waiting for it, was shocked by Kangxi voice, and then quickly responded. He walked sideways to Kangxi and said: “When you return to the emperor, Qin Wang is just out of the palace.”
     "Exiting the palace?" Kangxi heard the words, could not help but be awkward, apparently a bit surprised at this time into the palace.
     Li Dequan saw Kangxi looking at himself, could not help but squat on the back, whispered: " Qinwang go to Defei  Niang-Niang, please."
     "And then?" Kangxi was keenly aware of the words in Li Dequan's words, and could not help but cold the voice.
     "De-yi Niang-Niang stayed 14th-Prince spoke in the temple, so even the door of Yonghe Palace did not let Qi Qinwang enter, Qinwang said nothing, just took a ceremony outside the palace, the last face walked silently The nubi heard that Qin Wang’s expression was very bad, and it seemed to be really sad.” Li Dequan’s mouth opened and said, but his heart secretly spit out, obviously all sons, but it is a kind of treatment, encountering such a thing. Who can still have little emotion in his heart.
     Kangxi sighed a deep sigh, his heart raging, but the face became more and more calm. Anyone who knows him knows that the more he is angry, the calmer his expression is. If he Calls at the people, maybe this is really over, but if he hides everything, Then it proves that there is no such person in his heart, and even if he is killed, there will be no hesitation. If Defei  is here, it will be a big surprise, because when Kangxi mentions her, she is not as sorrowful or blaming as she used to be.
     The expression is indifferent as if she is talking about an insignificant person.
     In fact, this is also expected. As for the means and speed of Deshun’s death, it’s really not something that people can bear. It’s the beginning of Kangxi experience of rescuing the old feelings and virtues. A lot of credit can't stand the intemperate consumption of her.
     This is not, Kangxi tolerance for her has finally come to an end, and the original idea of ​​retaining her a decent face has disappeared completely.
     As long as I think about the folds I have just seen, Kangxi mouth can’t stop sneer. He will condone and tolerate virtue for his son, but he will also dispose of him directly for his son.
     Even if he has not yet determined which son will inherit the throne, his son can fight and kill, but he does not allow others to practice easily.
     In addition, even if he does not choose the fourth person to be the heir, he will not allow the De-yi to use the name of the so-called mother-in-law to suppress the fourth, and not the emperor is also the sage.
     This is where the real thing is. Needed, not allowed to be forgotten.
     This Family ruled the world with filial piety, but Kangxi knew that this 'filial piety' can be connived in the appropriate range, but more is done for the people of the world. Seeing Kangxi corporal in court, and being kind to loyalty, he is actually overbearing and arrogant. Once he has identified a thing, no one can let him change his mind.
     This is the case now. Kangxi believes that Defei  has broken the old 14th-and that she will become an obstacle to the future of the fourth, and she will not condone her as she used to.
     "Li Dequan, driving Jingren Palace." Silence for a while, Kangxi suddenly said such a sentence.
     Li Dequan was shocked in his heart, and the eyelids in his eyes flashed a little differently.
     The emperor had never been to Jingen Palace for a long time. Although there is still no one to stay in Jingren Palace, but the death of people is like a light, some of the effects will eventually be difficult to resist the day. However, there are obviously exceptions. He thought that the emperor had already forgotten the Jingren Palace. Now it seems that as long as Qinwang is still there, the emperor will not forget Tong-Queen.
     "Hey." Li Dequan took the dust in his hand and smashed it.
     The sharp voice suddenly sounded, and the sound spread far and wide. It seemed to be heard by everyone.
     The people outside the hall heard Li Dequan’s voice and instantly smashed a place. When Kangxi Court Minister disappeared into sight, the people waiting in the Qing Palace got up and did their own things.
     Those who were inserted into it.
     The little eunuchs and the sprinkling palace ladies have been active, and this is considered to be a loyal duty.
     When the news in the harem received news, most of them seemed unusually calm. After all, Kangxi move to read the old feelings was not uncommon. However, a few people moved their minds because of Kangxi move, such as the current Tong-Guifei. For example, the most unsuccessful Tong-Queen scenery, the time, the harem is also a different posture, saying that it is not too human.

     The little movements in the palace will not affect the life of Wan-xi. As soon as Kangxi just returned to Capital City, they were mad at Dezhen. Even if Wan-xi knew it, he only applauded and encouraged Defei  to work hard. Die, try to kill yourself as soon as possible.
     It’s not her viciousness, but the actions of Defei  actions that make it impossible for them to look at her from a personal perspective. As a mother, the biasity is normal. After all, the heart itself is biased, and you can count on it. Just; but let your eldest son break the grandson, take it for granted that other Prince and his ‘Madam and children are the stepping stones. Why? Just because she has become a shi-zi from a palace girl?
     Although Wan-xi is not the kind of teacher of justice, but this matter involves her own temper life and interests, she naturally can not stand by, and it is even more impossible to continue to force people with their smiles.
     This person has a selfish heart, and Wan-xi also has it. For ordinary people, she can feel sympathy and even lend a helping hand, but for the enemy, after she indirectly asked for the life of Dong-shi and 8th Fu-Jin, she knew that no one in this world would be more expensive than others. As long as the method is right, as long as you can succumb to your heart, you may not only save your life, but also those who care about what you want to protect.
     She didn't want to be Yin-Tang's burden, and didn't want to drag him down, so she had to learn to protect herself and her children.
     "Side-Fujin, do you want to go to the yard again?" Ting-Qin looked at Ting-Rain's report and he was in silence, Wan-xi, whispering, breaking the silence of the room.
     Close to production, Wan-xi is not worried about themselves, but they are more worried than anyone else, for fear of something going on in the production process, so whether it is Wan-xi or Qing yi-Courtyard and the items used, it is true. It’s a day-to-day check, the next time it’s meticulous, it’s not leaking, and it’s not giving anyone a chance to start.
     Wan-xi naturally knows that the recent situation is unstable, and there is nothing on the surface. However, when Kangxi returned to Capital City, the original calm water was under constant pressure. Everyone is full of enthusiasm and thinking about ways to discuss Kangxi favor, especially those who have struggled so much. I really want to do everything, and everyone knows everything. Just like Kangxi, I don’t understand everything. I watched this cut happily, and then I praised it today. I would like to praise it tomorrow. It seems fair and thoughtful, but it’s actually pouring oil on the fire, letting a few sons fight with black-bone chickens. Eyes like, can't wait for each other to die.
     For a moment, Wan-xi is fortunate. Fortunately, Yin-Tang has seen it, and I am glad that Yin-Tang has let go. Otherwise, Yin-Tang temper is afraid to be like the last world. But can't find a little benefit.
     "Well. Going out and walking, always so boring in the house, people mood will become extremely dull." Wan-xi opened his mouth, it seems to answer Ting-Qin's words, it seems to be Speak to myself.
     But when she got up, Ting-Qin and Ting-Rain quickly stepped forward, and the two walked away with Wan-xi. It was still very hot before the weather, and suddenly it cooled down.
     The cool breeze blew, and the broken hair of Wan-xi danced with the wind. From a distance, it was a bit more literary, of course, If this era has such a description.
     Gao Mama is getting older, and now Hong-da is big.
     The time spent in the backyard is not as good as usual. Although I can see it every day after school, it is not as good as it used to be. Time Gao Mama feels that she is a lot of light, it may be a good thing to put it on others, but it is really not used to her who has been used to it. Fortunately, Wan-xi is pregnant again, and will soon be born, and she will be able to wait for the new born New Highness.
     "Side-Fujin, you have been away for a while, or you should drink some bird's nest and moisturize your throat. Take a break and continue!" As long as a few small Yourness is not there, all the minds of Gao Mama are placed in Wan-xi body, only the small Your Highness they come back, can let her share snacks.
     Wan-xi knows that Gao Mama is caring for her, from her to her children, even if there are milk Mama and Maid, but there is no more Gao Mama.
     They will not be as comfortable as they are now.
     "Mama, I am good at it. I walked for the little mischief in my stomach." Recently, all kinds of tonics have made Wan-xi tired, and now I feel nausea when I see a tonic, and I don’t have to eat it. pause.
     "It's always good to pay more attention to it. Your Highness is also told, and you can't easily relax." Gao Mama doesn't care about this, she does things to the end, there is little compromise.
     Wan-xi is a twin, although I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, I don’t know if I will regenerate a pair of dragons and babies. Anyway, it has attracted many people attention. If it was in the past, Gao Mama would not insist on this, but Wan-xi is not as good as it used to be, but it is not that she is not serious.
     Seeing that there is nothing to do with spoiling, Wan-xi can only frown and drink the bird's nest. It is said that her belly is bigger than Huai-zhao and Yali-qi, but although her body is rounded up, she can compare her belly but she is thin. Sometimes she can hardly believe how she supports herself. It’s up, and her appearance falls in the eyes of other people. It’s really a battle, and I don’t even dare to touch it.
     What really makes people feel helpless is that they care about Wan-xi, who cares about her body, and cares about fame and fortune, and cares about the benefits she brings.
     Before Wan-xi was considered to be the most blessed showgirl in history because of the three children, even before they said these words, they subconsciously avoided the Niang-Niang in the palace, but they all have their own hearts. Everything is counted. I don't know if her rebirth really changed this cut, or because the Wanyan family's showgirls were treated well and got a chance. Most of them are married well, even if they are not in the main room, they will be valued. Two points. What makes people think that there are some dramas is that these people have no sons, and they have sons.
     This is undoubtedly the first thing for those who look at the children.
     Although this change is a bit dramatic, Wan-xi is still very happy to see it.
     The woman of this era was not easy to survive. It is not easy to live a good life. If she can make some of the sisters who have not lived well because of her relationship, this is a part of her merits.
     It’s just that these merits are good or bad, and Wan-xi is no longer in control. Originally, the stomach was dull, and she didn't care much. After all, she was nearing production. She was pregnant with twins.
     The production was expected in advance, and the pain was often there. So she didn't pay attention. Who knows her belly? The little guy in the room didn't want to wait, just thought of it.
     Gao Mama smiled and took the bowl handed by Wan-xi. I wanted to have a fun joke. Who knows that turning over the head is the face of Wan-xi' brush that becomes pale. Looking at it, I can see that her white forehead is covered with fine sweat.
     "Side-Fujin, what's wrong with this? But where is the discomfort?" Gao Mama bowl of the hand fell to the ground, and the sound of the bowl falling on the ground caught everyone attention and made them notice.
     The abnormality of Wan-xi.
     "Side-Fujin "
     "Fast, help me into the delivery room, I have to be born." Wan-xi hurts the whole person to pick up, but for the safety of herself and her children, she still bears the pain of telling Ting-Rain them. Help yourself into the delivery room.
     The people who waited in the yard listened to Wan-xi, as if a dripping water suddenly fell into the oil pan, and the whole boiled up. At this time, Gao Mama took the lead and took all the things on her body. She directed Ting-Rain.
     They sent Wan-xi into the delivery room that had already been prepared. He went to the letter, and as for the rest of the people, they returned to their own positions without going to God, without the command of Gao Mama.
     Wan-xi produced, the Shiqie in the backyard may not know, but after experiencing so many blows, in addition to secretly cursing Wan-xi, they actually want to do something and it is difficult to do it. Who makes Yin-Tang all in the heart of Wan-xi! Without her troubles, Yin-Tang arranged her cuts a little bit. With these alone, what do women in the backyard compare to her?
     pet? Son? Still power?
     No, they have nothing. Because it is not the same from the starting point, let alone Wan-xi also has a Yin-Tang that she wholeheartedly thinks about her.
     These women’s grievances, Yin-Tang, can’t be controlled. When he received the news, he immediately took the horse and rushed back. Lin-Chujiu They are naturally strategists, followed closely. Many people looked at this scene and secretly guessed that this Wanyan Side-Fujin was about to be born!
     In the palace, when Kangxi and other people received the news, they could not help but pay attention to two points, especially Kangxi. Before that, he promised Yin-Tang, and after Wan-xi gave birth to this baby, he would give up to correct her.
     The reason why I didn't move was that it was just an opportunity. It was a big name.
     The news that Wan-xi was pregnant with twins made Kangxi believe that this is a blessed Yatou.
     "Li Dequan, let people look at it, the old 9th Fu-Jin was born to report." Kangxi waved his hand and directly told him.
     Li Dequan heard the words, but his heart was shocked. Seeing 9th-Side-Fujin, this child has not yet been born.
     The emperor has already called it Fu-Jin directly.
     That means the emperor is ready to follow ZHong-Yong Junwang.
     "Hey." Li Dequan said with a light voice, but he thought that he would pick a safe person to do this. After all, whether it is ZHong-Yong Junwang or 9th Prince side, mouth, what Side-Fujin, that is 9th Fu-Jin It is not that these nubi can easily be offended.
     Kang Xi looked at Li Dequan, who was squatting out of his body.
     The hand with the pen paused, his mouth opened and closed, but no one heard what he said, maybe he said, maybe he said nothing.
      The Empress Dowager and Yifei also sent people to the past. As for other embarrassment, there are cold-eyed, disapproving, waiting to watch the show, and more heart-warming and busy cursing people.
     In the face of interests, it seems easier to see the essence of the individual.

     In Junwang's house, Wan-xi is like a fish from the water.
     The whole person is embarrassed, but still keeps awake and exhales with the instructions of the delivery Mama. On the side, Ting-Rain, Ting-Bamboo and Ting-Qin are staring at the two delivery Mamas, even if they are not the first time for Wan-xi to be delivered, every time When Wan-xi was produced, they were still guarded. After all, it was a matter of life and death.
     This time, Mama was not in front of her eyes. Who can guarantee that they will have no problem. Cautiously, they are naturally more resistant to the point, nothing is best, and at the end, give more rewards to the rewards. If there is something, there is also a precaution to prevent others from succeeding.
     The two birth attendants, Mama, were not the first time they encountered such a situation. Even if they were a little unhappy, they thought that there would be a generous reward afterwards, and the heart would be comfortable, and they would be more careful when they started doing things.
     In fact, not everyone does not buy them, but every time there is such a thing, they have already dealt with those who have come in contact with them.
     This quick move made them understand that their own actions are under the supervision of others, and they dare to move a little bit of thought.
     Then they will be dragged away directly from those who want to confuse them. .
     There are so many things like this, they are good, family members, who dare to act rashly, plus they are the people of Yin-Tang, Yin-Tang is also a good treatment for them, for a time to profit A cut, the uncertainty is the real loss.
     There is Yin-Tang here, and the birth of Mama is also honest, but it is so far apart, Ting-Rain, they don’t know the truth, naturally it’s the defense to continue to prevent, and the defense should not be prevented, anyway. Safety first.
     Wan-xi is lying on the bed in the delivery room.
     The whole person's thoughts are chaotic. At this time, she has a belief that she will give birth to her children safely. Although production is a dangerous and painful thing, she still wants to have a child for Yin-Tang, except for her feelings for him, and because Yin-Tang needs these children. Just think about the fact that Yin-Tang had been cut by the Crown Prince and others because of the children. Wan-xi was cut in the heart.
     The royal family has a general election every three years. Why is it a small election every year? It is not for the sake of the succession of the ancestors. But Wan-xi doesn't like someone who puts a woman around Yin-Tang, and doesn't like the women who go all the way to him. In order to avoid the reasons that might make these women close to him, what she can do is to try to perfect the deficiencies that appear around him, to let those women, and to let the elders who want to give him a woman, can’t find the Cypriots. Reasons.
     But it hurts so much that she feels that her body is going to be torn.
     Sweat and tears have long been indistinguishable. Wan-xi always thinks that there is no regret in this world, and that he wants to live happily, but perfection and coziness are to be exchanged for more efforts and countless adventures.
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin are standing next to each other. Although they are not the first to see Wan-xi production, each production will make them nervous, especially if there seems to be any movement outside.
     The latter did not come back. On the other hand, Gao Mama, who was outside the main event, came in, so that he could guess what happened.
     Production was originally a foot into the ghost gate, even if the Shiqie in the backyard did not dare to do it, but there is still some enchantment outside to hide in the dark, waiting to be shot at any time.
     In such a sensitive period, any existence that may change the situation is worthy of attention. Yin-Tang itself is enough to make people feel jealous, his ability, his aura, and his children are jealous. In this year, no one has a child who has died. He can go to his backyard. If he has a living, he will be able to make a living. He is smart and lively and has to be jealous.
     "Side-Fujin, and then use force, and then use some force, have already seen the head." The birth of Mama felt that Wan-xi strength to hold his hand was getting smaller and smaller, and his heart could not help but be anxious.
     "Ah-" Wan-xi felt the emotional changes in the delivery of Mama, a slight surprise, and realized that his emotions were somewhat wrong, and he took a deep breath. She couldn't give up like this. She managed to get back to life. She managed to make her and her children live a good life. She finally got the heart of Yin-Tang. So she left, how can she be willing. Holding the hand of the birthing Mama again, the desire to survive, the desire to take the child to a better life, has never been stronger.
     Seeing that Wan-xi instantly cheered up, the people in the delivery room also immediately began to cheer up. After a while, the production experience was quite rich, and Wan-xi, who had a strong will to survive, succeeded in giving birth to a male and a young three. Fetus, this not only makes the Yin-Tang waiting outside the house feel strange, but also the people in the delivery room feel very strange.
     This year, the medical conditions were backward, and all of them were hanging their heads.
     This twins, which made everyone feel terrified, now they are washed and wrapped in blue and red three small bags, everyone heart That is really incredible.
     When the child is taken out, whether it is Yin-Tang himself or the Empress Dowager, they sent people to look at three children with red skin and small pets.
     The problem is one after another, until the doctor has After the pulse, it is determined that the child is only a little small, there is no problem, this is to let go of the heart.
     Yin-Tang Although she knows that Wan-xi, their mother, mother, daughter and daughter are all safe and sound, they can see the last eye. He can't feel at ease in any way. No, after sending the Empress Dowager, the people they sent to inquire about the news, Yin-Tang went directly into the delivery room. Gao Mama and others have long been bias, and naturally it is impossible to say anything. Instead, consciously leave space to the couple.
     Wan-xi was so tired that even the eyelids didn't want to be embarrassed, but she just wanted to see Yin-Tang face, want to get his concern, his approval, now see him, obviously want to laugh, But I cried unconsciously.
     “How did you cry?” Yin-Tang sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes.
     "I still think that I will never see my grandfather, but now I see my grandfather and find that I am happy." Wan-xi took the hand of Yin-Tang, and he was not willing to let go.
     Yin-Tang leaned slightly and let her pull her left hand. His right hand helped her to remove the broken hair from her forehead.
     The sound was even more gentle than ever. I am timid, and I have said that I have a good man, and anyone can take you away, even if it is God."
     At this time, Yin-Tang had never been domineering, and his hegemony was revealed from his bones.
     Wan-xi listened to the familiar voice and felt his hegemonic attitude. Not only did he not feel afraid, but he felt very at ease. Originally strong support for her, slowly closed her eyes and entered a dream. It was just this sudden action that scared Yin-Tang and almost didn't let him ‘call. Waiting for the doctor, after the treatment, I learned that she was just too tired to fall asleep, Yin-Tang was relieved to deal with follow-up affairs.
     In the palace, the Empress Dowager, Kangxi, and the news are very happy, what is the most lacking in their royal family, that is, the children, they want to permanently dominate the land, first of all have to expand the population, especially themselves Ethnic group. If not, why should he repeatedly emphasize the importance of the son.
     To say that Kangxi had some thoughts on the Yin-Tang Fuzheng-xi, now he really thinks that Wan-xi is good, dare to rescue, filial and able to raise, and raise a child is also a set, such a woman It was also made by Fu-Jin, and her mother's family was also good. It was not a big deal with the Princes, but it was a good one.
     Kangxi gave a rich reward, and the Empress Dowager was naturally not likely to fall behind, and Yifei, who was in the middle of the crowd, was also very generous, not only giving a generous reward, but even a rare boast. A few words of Wan-xi. It is not difficult to see from this that Yifei attitude towards Wan-xi has gradually evolved toward the good side.
     Yin-Tang From the attitude of Kangxi, it is not difficult to see that his purpose has been reached. In order not to regenerate things, Yin-Tang even looked for Kangxi to discuss the decree before the big feast of two women. After all, regardless of the twins or the triplets, it is Wan-xi opened the precedent, and her identity is not enough, as long as his identity is enough, anyway, he did not want to use the Yue family to achieve any difficult purpose.
     Although Kangxi blamed Yin-Tang for his eagerness, but with his happy appearance, he thought about his granddaughter who was just born, and finally nodded, saying that he would help Wanyan-shi on the day of the third day.
     Yin-Tang did not make much entanglement in his wish, and went to the Qiankun Palace from the Qing Palace. No matter what kind of thoughts Yiyang is, support or opposition, as a son, he still needs to inform this kind of thing. Sound.
     Yifei did not continue to oppose this as before. In fact, when she learned that Kangxi agreed, she already understood Kangxi intentions, and since her son did not intend to be a big person, the identity of Fu-Jin is naturally as common as possible. Too high, I am afraid that it will lead to misunderstandings that are not afraid of the need.
     "Whether, since the emperor has already agreed, then the palace is also a good thing to say.
     This palace only hopes that you can be good, this palace has nothing to ask for." Yifei said this is not to shirk anything, but feel Yin-Tang can be as straight as it is now.
     After staying in the harem for so many years, she knew that Di-this thing was either broken or broken, or the chickens and dogs were ascended to heaven, and the rest remained the same, at least they could save their lives. Before, she felt that Wan-xi could not be matched with Yin-Tang, but as long as Kangxi recognized, she naturally did not have much thought. After all, identity, this thing must be admitted by the emperor, who dares to say that you are not.
     Yin-Tang looked at Yifei well Maintained face. After a long absence, when he wanted to say thank you, he felt that their mother and child didn't need such kindness. In the end, they could only talk about the child to ease this embarrassing atmosphere.
     When Yin-Tang came out of the palace and went back to the palace, the scenery and crowds on the side of the road could not let him stop. He started looking forward to returning home after he had Wan-xi and his children. I want to see her smile and the happy appearance of the children. Even though 4th Prince, Lao Shi and Lao Xi always said that he became Popo Mama, he was happy to have it, and he did not change his meaning, and his insistence was exchanged for his hearted ‘Madam and filial and caring children. It is not what anyone wants to get.
     The royal people are the most intimate, not born, but forced to have a bad feeling.
     If you want to gain power, you have to learn how to control your feelings, how to abandon your feelings, and even abandon those who are important to him.
     Yin-Tang is to understand this point, after he has experienced the betrayal of the betrayal, even if he cherishes the brotherhood between his peers, he still guards his hand in the back, just want to be in him. After God's position, you can have a self-protection ability. After all, they are more aware of the embarrassment of the past than others, and these wolverines are sometimes their reminders.

     Back to the house, Yin-Tang went to the study room and went to Qing yi-Courtyard. When I entered the house, I looked at the son and daughter who were surrounded by a circle. It seems that the new born brother Sao is very popular.
     The little ones are curious. Wan-xi lay on the side, with a gentle smile on his face, quietly watching a few children, talking to them from time to time, the children seem to have many problems, hey, Wan xi didn't care, they answered them patiently and patiently.
     The people in the room saw Yin-Tang coming in, and they bowed to him for a ceremony, then quietly stepped back and left the position to make Yin-Tang pass.
     “What are you talking about?” Yin-Tang strode forward and saw Wan-xi first. Seeing her spirit is still good, then she turned to look at a few children and asked.
     On the smile of Yin-Tang, Hong-min, which is usually used to be accustomed to Yin-Tang, is very troublesome. No, before the speech, a few children took a gift to him first, and then they talked about the views and ideas of the new members of the family.
     “ Ama, my brother and Mei-mei are so small, Yali-qi has come over to see them for a while, but they only care about sleeping, don’t look at us Brother sister.” It really is the most lively Yali-qi, the little Yatou is cheerful and generous, the temper is slightly savvy but the governor, Yin-Tang is very popular on most days.
     Although Moya-qi and Ning Chu-Kee are behind a step, they can at least express their meaning in a big way, which makes Yin-Tang very satisfied. After all, he is helping the 4th Prince to take the position, take this from the Dragon, and it is impossible to let his brother's daughter marry to Mongolia. If his daughter does not go all the way, then at least two of them will arrive. Whether it is Moya-qi or Yali-qi or Ning Chu-Kee, whether he is married to Mongolia or stay in Capital City, he will not want his daughter to be weak and incompetent, stick to the rules, and even bite his teeth. It may be with such an idea, Yin-Tang or Wan-xi, even if I have never talked about this topic, I have raised a few daughters to be lively and generous, optimistic and courageous.
     Yin-Tang touched a few small Yatou little heads and smiled: "My brother Sao is too young to sleep, and when they grow up, you will take them to learn." play."
     "Yan Niang also said this." Three little Yatou nodded, this is a taller stand up, watching people feel uncomfortable.
     Wan-xi, with their words and words, smiled and reached out and pushed the back of Hong-min, then made a look and let them not worry. Hong-min looked bright, and then took the lead with the encouragement of Wan-xi. After a while, several children surrounded Yin-Tang around the three newborns.
     They are very elated, but there are always those who don’t support it. For example, the three little guys who were born may be woken up, or they may be hungry or urinating.
     The little brow wrinkles, 'wow' I cried, and then it was like a contagious, crying especially loudly.
     Wan-xi looked like a scared Yin-Tang, with a smile on his face, then called Mama to them, let them hold a few small to the ear to feed. As for herself, I don’t know if it’s a triplet. She didn’t have much milk this time, so after feeding the three little guys’ milk, the feeding was completely handed over. Milk Mama is gone.
     "They are just hungry, they have nothing to do with you, but when you are time, you should stop." The weather is cool, but Wan-xi still keeps several children in the habit of taking a nap.
     Royal children, seemingly rich, are actually not easy. Before I went to the palace to study, it’s okay, there are a lot of mothers around, there will always be a lot of considerations, and it will inevitably be pampered. Even a strict father like Yin-Tang will consider time because of Wan-xi. Arrangement; can not be completely after entering the palace, Kangxi arrangement does not say children, that is, Darens will feel strenuous, every day (3:00-5:00) will enter the South study, the least article I have to read a hundred and twenty times, one hundred and twenty times, one hundred and twenty times and one hundred and twenty times. Other rules are not to mention. It’s no wonder that these Princes are more talented.
     There is more perseverance than one.
     "Okay, go back to rest! I want to see my brother Sao, want to see my mother, come back after dinner, then Ama will take you for a walk." Yin-Tang looks at the bright children. Snoring a few words.
     Yin-Tang’s voice just fell, and even a few children were disappointed, but they didn’t have a temper. On the contrary, they were obediently rushing to Yin-Tang and Wan-xi, and they retired. .
     "Yes, what good news is there to tell the whole body?" Wan-xi saw the children go out, and couldn't help but stretch the sleeve of Yin-Tang, and looked at him curiously.
     "Why can you see it?" Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi face 'You are something that glares at me', with a few smiles in his eyes, but the face is suspicious, it seems Wan-xi The good news is just her speculation, and he really has nothing to do.
     Wan-xi looked at his expression, his mouth was open and closed, and he began to have some self-doubt. After all, Yin-Tang has very few things to look at her. Many things don't even need her to speak. He said it on his own. Now he has this kind of doubt on his face. Instead, she feels that it is just her illusion. .
     Yin-Tang glared at her, her face was unpredictable, and she almost didn't smile. He originally wanted to tease her to play. Seeing her face disappointed, she couldn’t bear to hide it. She clenched her fists and slammed her lips and said, "I was really amused by you. It is indeed good news. And still belongs to the good news of your Jiaojia?"
     "I?" Wan-xi looked puzzled and glared at the big eyes. For a long time, "What do you want to say? What good news can you have? Is it a reward in the palace?"
     Wan-xi has produced more times, and her feelings with Yin-Tang have become more and more profound. In the past, production did not meet him. Gradually, I don’t know when it started, it has become like this. I want to see you, there is no silk cover.
     Yin-Tang glared at her inexplicable expression on her face. She couldn’t help but slap her knuckles and tap her white forehead. He whispered: “Nothing can be a little higher, like becoming a master. Di Fu-Jin."
     Wan-xi heard the words, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his face flashed a bitter, and then he said with anger: "Yes, I know that I’m joking, you know, no matter how hard you try, you don’t make this decision. It will be oneself."
     She said that this is not to blame him, but to state the facts. In addition, she also wants to show an attitude. Can it be impossible for Fu-Jin to say that she does not care at all? After all, she really does not like the feeling of putting her life into the hands of others. But she also knows in her heart that this kind of thing is hard to come by, and instead of ignoring the people around him for the impossible, it is better to choose to let it go.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words, and the smile on her face converges a lot. He thinks that he has done well enough and rarely causes her to be wronged. Now think about it, it is true, but every time he makes her wronged, it must be life-threatening. Even so, the woman in front of her still believes in him wholeheartedly and even tries to maintain him.
     "A fool! How can you make a joke about this kind of thing? Imperial Father has promised that three children will wash the three banquets tomorrow and help you. After that, you are not lower than anyone, you are my love Xinjue Luo · Yin-Tang Di Fu-Jin." Both hands clasped her slender shoulders, and Yin-Tang was authentic.
     "Really? How come..." Wan-xi was really shocked. It was fun to play Yin-Tang with the idea of ​​correcting her. Even if he didn't say it, she knew that it was really not achieved. easily.
     This rule of the law, the main room to abandon or to die can only be continued as a ‘Madam, even if Side-Fujin can be called a flat ‘Madam from the identity, but the ‘Madam is also awkward, can not be right, unless special circumstances, Otherwise, most men will choose to continue to be new. Of course, the relationship between merchants and civilians is still unknown, but the ancestral royal family and ministers are doing things according to the rules. It can be said that Wan-xi is a precedent that is officially upright. Perhaps because of this, Wan-xi can't believe that Yin-Tang is true.
     "Ye said, no matter what the matter is, I will definitely help you." Yin-Tang smiled and his voice was soft and firm. He wanted to come to such an idea. He never changed, even insisted that the matter was reached. .
     Wan-xi looked up and looked at the Yin-Tang sitting on the edge of the bed. Even after every move, the body would have a painful feeling, but now she wants to hold him tightly and tell her heart. Grateful and satisfied.
     Yin-Tang was holding her neck and smiling, her body leaning forward slightly, her arms covering her body, letting her cry and laugh in her arms. For a while, I whispered: "Don't cry, ‘Laozi listens to Gao Mama.
     They said, crying in the moon is not good for your body. Waiting for the moon, you cry again. Do not say anything."
     Wan-xi listened to Yin-Tang's words, ' ' laughed out loudly, and the small hand clenched his fist to slap his strong chest. Jiao said: "Master , this is what you said, it’s hard to be a master." I can't cry."
     "Of course not, ‘Laozi thinks that the man's charming smile is the most beautiful." Yin-Tang took the slap in the hands of Wan-xi, helped her wipe the tears from her face, and smiled softly.
     Wan-xi nodded and leaned on Yin-Tang's arms. It took a long time to calm down her feelings.
     The good news in Yin-Tang's mouth was not a small influence on her, if she didn't know Yin-Tang will not make fun of this kind of thing, she will think that she is in a dream.
     "Master, I really appreciate you! If it weren't for you, you might not want to think that you have a day to stand on your side so clearly." Wan-xi was so excited that she wanted to come to her. I didn't think I would have a day to get what I wanted.
     "A fool, you are a woman of the Lord, no matter what you want? Lord will let you get what you want." Yin-Tang took the Wan-xi in his arms, and he had a few haze in his eyes, thinking about it.
     Those threats lurking in the dark, he felt that he should indeed decisively destroy all of them, instead of letting them succeed again and again.

     Yin-Tang has a heart for Wan-xi, and he is really happy that he has got two women, so this three-bath feast is not as grand as it used to be.
     To Yin-Tang's current reputation and status, the royal family, the grandmothers, but those who received the post, in addition to really can't come, the other ones are really not dressed, all dressed up to go to the feast, the scene must be It’s so lively to say how lively it is.
     The only thing that is lacking is probably that there is no hostess in the Junwang House. Today, there are 5th Fu-Jin, Ten Fu-Jin and 13th Fu-Jin, to Yu-4th Fu-Jin and Yin-Tang. He did not hide his prejudice against 4th Fu-Jin, and his face was sighed and sighed with a smile.
     The whole scene looked at the strangeness that couldn't be said, but many people think that this is normal. After all, the contradiction between Wan-xi and Wulana-shi has passed, but it is also well known.
     Wulana-shi didn't want to come, but unfortunately many things are not what she said now, and the power given to her is very limited. Her own hands are not much left, even if she can barely maintain her. Qinwang Fu-Jin's decent, but no longer the scenery of the past, this point makes her particularly unwilling, but helpless. Now Yin-Tang dares to embarrass her in the face of her face. Her heart is upset, but how can she take Yin-Tang?
     If she is a sly heart, if Yin-Tang and are just the opposite of life and death, she might save her face, but she doesn’t even take it.
     The respect for her has also been ruined by her, so let's talk about other things.
     Of course, this kind of thing Yin-Tang will not care, Wan-xi, a woman who is confined to the moon, will not care. Although Yin-Tang said that Kangxi would give the sacred decree on the day of the three-day feast, but this sacred decree did not announce for a moment, she could not reveal the known clues for a moment, otherwise it would really make people feel a hat of sacred heart. She is afraid that she will have the opportunity to be a Fu-Jin but she will not enjoy the life of Fu-Jin.
     Originally Wan-xi thought that this three-time banquet was the same as before.
     Those ancestors Fu-Jin or women were only coming to the backyard, but they didn’t want the sacredness to be faster than she thought.
     The three banquets were not official. At the beginning, Li Dequan came over with Kangxi imperial edict.
     The people were still feeling the favor of Yin-Tang, but they didn't want to really benefit from Wan-xi.
     Wulana-shi When I heard the content of the imperial edict, the smile on my face suddenly squirmed, and the eyes flashed a little over the haze, and then quickly adjusted to calm but there was a stubborn Smile. She thought that even if she fell, she failed. At least she could crush Wan-xi in her identity, but this idea did not last long. Kangxi imperial edicts broke her only to be ashamed.
     The veil made her no longer able to hide.
     "9th Prince (9th Prince), Congratulations." Knowing Yin-Tang's mind and other people listened to the imperial edict and could not help but whisper.
     “Thank you.” Yin-Tang glared at them and the smile on his face was obviously a little more happy than just.
     Li Dequan is also a look, and he is still very fond of Yin-Tang. With the reason of Kangxi, the attitude is more enthusiastic, and this point is in the eyes of the people, but it does not cause Less guess.
     Fortunately, because Yin-Tang clearly stated that he did not intend to the throne, these people did not link him to the emperor, but secretly believed that Yin-Tang must be the "Xianwang" cultivated by Kangxi. Kangxi was proud of his brotherhood between Fu and Quan. Even though he had some means to provoke his sons on most days, he still hoped that his sons would be able to give each other a goodwill.
     Of course, this is just Kangxi own thoughts.
     They are the ones who have never argued with each other. Fu Quan and Chang Ning must carefully avoid certain things after he is in the upper position. I am afraid that the more the line will provoke his suspicion, let alone the Princes who have already gambled. Where do you remember that the other party is your own brother, I am afraid that if you think of each other, you will think about it and then go ahead!
     Yin-Tang looked at everyone who was eager to move. Although the three banquets were all women involved, men were at most busy and rarely participated. Yin-Tang is the opposite. From Hong-min to the present, it seems that he has three baptisms for each child. He personally participated.
     "4th Prince, 10th Brother, 13th Brother, the three banquets are about to begin, let's take a look at the three little guys!" Yin-Tang laughed out loud, and it was not difficult to hear his closeness from his words.
     The meaning.
     "Okay, get up." He nodded and took the lead.
     The masters don’t leave, these big Lao-yes can only stay and see the three banquets. Anyway, they haven’t seen them before. When Kangxi got the son, he held a wash in the palace.
     They haven’t seen it, just don’t. Like these Miss, throw things into the bucket.
     Regardless of the minds of the people, this superficial harmony is still very good, and this time I am very curious about the triplets that Yin-Tang got, until the children are taken out. Although the head is small, the crying is not small. When you look at it, you know that it is good. It is not like some people guess, like a kitten, it is definitely not big.
     It is said that the flower sedan chair is lifted by everyone. Now is the time of Yin-Tang scenery. Naturally, no one will say a bad sentence. Even if it is a full-fledged calculation, such as ,  , etc., this time, there is no risk, I want to come to them. It is clear that there is no advantage in winning this time. After all, it is not just a place for Yin-Tang, but also Li Dequan, who represents Kangxi, and the supporters they want to fight for.
     Yin-Tang does not care about this, he knows very well, as long as he is superficially neutral, how can these Brother not mention it privately, on the surface, certainly will not offend him like he did before. . After all, the Di has already been put on the table, and the battle is increasingly intensified. Now, as long as they do not have absolute strength, they are afraid to act rashly.
     "9th Prince, I am taking advantage of the old 14th-this time is very close to you! He will not play any ulterior motives again!" Yu-Xiang stands next to Yin-Tang, sideways The body blocked the gaze of the slap, and looked at Yin-Tang with a smile.
     Yin-Tang raised his brow and looked up at the sly and sly eyes that were talking in the distance. Some things have already caused harm to them, so they are better dressed and can't be erased. After all, this injury is on them, and it is also their pain. It is not the two words that others can understate.
     "Their abacus is really loud, but they have to look at the loyalty that they will not cooperate." Yin-Tang looked at the Yu-Xiang, who looked at the show, and his expression was very proud. In the eyes, it is really domineering.
     Yu-Xiang listened and suddenly felt speechless. I have to say that although Yin-Tang is arrogant, it is also a fact. Compared with these Brother, Yin-Tang is not able to get rid of it now, even if he is just a Junwang, but his strength. But no one is allowed to take a nap.
     "That's true. But 9th Prince, you said the old 14th-they are they too quiet these days, I always think they are brewing a big plot." Touching the smooth chin, Yu-Xiang face thoughtfully tunnel.
     Yu-Xiang followed them to make a difference. Although they did not experience the hardships of the previous life and became mature, but because of the Yin-Tang and the shackles they brought, they also have their own set of things, just There is also a childishness in the heart.
     I was on the sidelines, listening to the words of the two people, dissatisfied with the eyes of the people, turned to look at them, whispered: "No matter what they play, we just have to guard against them, they are planning to do better. Just planning."
     Some things can't be avoided. Don't look at him and try to hide his ambitions. But it is not difficult to see from Kangxi recent initiatives and attitudes. Kangxi attitude toward him is not the same. He said that he has already succeeded. Kangxi eyes, but one thing that can be sure is that he has at least the opportunity to perform.
     "4th Prince, what are you talking about?" Yin-Er, who can't figure out the situation, can't do anything that doesn't attract the attention of others.
     They looked at each other and shook their heads inexplicably. Looking at the people coming to them, it was a tacit agreement to stop the current topic.
     Then Yin-Tang took the initiative to greet everyone to go to the front yard. Before leaving, I watched Ting-Rain.
     They held several children, which was reassuring.
     Wan-xi stayed in the backyard. She couldn't see the excitement and grandeur of the front yard, but Kangxi made a decision to help her. Even if she didn't go to the front yard, she passed to the backyard as quickly as possible. Even if I knew it already, but the moment I was sure, Wan-xi couldn’t help but cry.
     In the past and present, it seems that all the impossibility has become possible, and all the regrets have reached this goal in this world.
     "Nubi congratulations to Fu-Jin." Gao Mama asked Wan-xi with a full house, and the voice was particularly loud.
     "Get up! Everyone will enjoy three months of silver." Wan-xi waved his hand, tears in his eyes, but the smile on his lips was high, which made her feel at this moment.
     "Thank Fu-Jin." Qing yi-Courtyard's next face is full of joy, they never thought that their Your Highness could have such a creation.
     When Gao Mama got up, the little sister outside the door came to report that there was a servant and a woman, and Wan-xi was slightly surprised.
     Then she came back and laughed, then waved her hand. Said: "Go and ask them to come in."
     Before the three baptisms, she was in the position of a Side-Fujin. She could come to the backyard to see her except for her family or who was particularly close. Only those who asked for her, those who were advertised as the main room, could not see her Side-Fujin. See, she has just been decreed to become Fu-Jin, the attitude of these people instantly turned into the current enthusiasm.
     Really real!
     However, reality is a reality.
     This day is still a different kind of thing. It’s just the people who were in front of her. Now she will not only give them the opportunity to put them on the shelf, but also put the so-called shelves higher than them.
     Don't you all like to pose on the shelf? They used to be her identity, but now they are finally on an equal footing. It’s a good idea to count everyone.
     The words generous, kind, and fraternal can’t really be used on her. She is a careful person, not to say that she must report, but it is no longer the fool who is deceived and smiled.
     Some things are not without loss, which means that there is no injury. In view of the last cut of the world, Wan-xi is particularly sensitive to the eyes of others. Although she is arrogant, her manners are even a little bit embarrassing, and Yin-Tang has maintained her everything. Most of the people who suffer from this world are those who are provocative and conspiring. However, the disdain and contempt in the eyes of others still make her feel angry and hurt.
     Since I feel anger and injury, I naturally have to return the anger and the damage I have suffered. Otherwise, those people really think that stepping on others is appropriate, and it is a matter of course to hurt others.
     If she is alive, she still has something to understand.
     In the last world, she accepted her life and passively accepted the cut, including the harm given by others. In this world, she did not accept her life and was more proactive in confronting the unequal treatment.
     Therefore, all the changes in this world have changed. She is no longer Shiqie, who is bullying and has no foundation, she is Side-Fujin who can control her own destiny. No, now she is already Fu-Jin, the real hostess of this house.


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