Chongqie Courting Death Daily 365

     "As long as the Lord does not despise the whole body, he will not think much about it. Even if the mother-in-law does not agree with the body, it does not matter. After all, it is not the mother-in-law who is accompanied by a whitehead, but the Lord."
     Yin-Tang had a few horror on his face. He thought that it was necessary to let him go after the Wan-xi temper, but he did not expect the Wan-xi at this moment to be so understanding.
     There was a slight smile on her face, and there was no anger in her face.
     The whole person calmly made him somewhat suspicious that it was not his mother-in-law, but an irrelevant person. Such thoughts made his brow wrinkled. Obviously he hoped that Yifei and Wan-xi could coexist peacefully. After all, he was his biological mother, and he was the favorite woman in his life.
     Yin-Tang bowed her head and looked directly at Wan-xi. She seemed to want to see something from her face. Who knows that she just raised her head at this time to look at him. Wan-xi is not only calm on the face, but also in her eyes, it is difficult to see a trace of anger, see her looking at him with a smile, he did not know what to say!
     In any case, it is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law is difficult to deal with. He did not agree with it before and felt that Wan-xi and Yifei get along very well. But now he understands that if you want to get along well, there must be a straightforward retreat. If so, he would rather keep them at the right distance.
     Yin-Tang's gaze fell on her blushing lips, although the rouge on it had fallen almost, but it did not detract from her exquisiteness, but added a silky feminine. Slowly down the head, scorn her lips, whispered: "The mother's side, the surface is along, the other does not have to grieve, as for the new Courtyard's Willow-shi and others, first find a yard Go in, as for how long she can live, or if she is a lot more exciting, just see what people behind her do."
     Wan-xi heard the words, his brows were slightly picked, his face was a bit strange, and he did not expect Yin-Tang to say these words. He couldn’t help but whispered: "Don’t you feel that you are rude? You must know that it is the mother-in-law of the Lord. If you are sensible, you should take care of it, no matter what grievances you have."
     Wan-xi cares about the identity of Yifei from beginning to end, to Yu-Willow-shi and others, knowing that Yin-Tang has no meaning, but also hard to set on him, she is a stupid.
     "Master  doesn't need your sensible things. He said that people who can bully you in this world can only bully you, even if you are a mother-in-law, you can't bully you, so you are doing well today, and you are very satisfied." Yin Tang lowered his head and his chin rested on her shoulder.
     The look on his face remained the same, and the overbearing revealed in the words made people feel at ease.

     Wan-xi laughed twice, and there was still a stiff body to relax completely.
     The whole person leaned in his arms, and with no bones, the voice of his voice became soft. I felt moved when I heard it, but it was because of the Master’s grievances. So, after all, the grievances were given by the Lord, which is different from the bully.
     "This is a mistake, but the idea of ​​the mother is not the idea of ​​the Lord. You have Hong-min.
     They are enough. Even if you want a child, it can only be born to you. I really thought it was a mother.
     The child can be born." Her voice just fell, Yin-Tang's brows slammed tightly, and the dawn of the eyes gradually became deeper, but the tone of the speech unexpectedly did not contain anger. When it comes to children, the voice is slightly cold.
     Yin-Tang feels disgusting when he thinks that Yifei wants to tie him to a woman like Willow-shi. When is his taste so low? Not to mention Wan-xi, I said that this woman in the backyard, this one, looks like a person can not compare. Willow-shi really looks good, but compared to the Yin-Tang backyard woman, don't say the top three, that is, the top five are not listed, so talk about others.
     The more I think Yin-Tang's face is more gloomy, the posture is quite a bit like the appearance of the rain, the anger is very angry, not waiting for Wan-xi to open, he casually said: "The mother-in-law does not need Going to control, after all, you are the hostess of this Junwang House. As for those who have contributed to it, the Lord will not let go!"
     Wan-xi twisted and found a more comfortable posture in his arms. Yifei is no good, Yin-Tang, the son said, she is a daughter-in-law, but she can’t say it anyway. Even if she really wants to say it, she will not be stupid in the face of Yin-Tang. Besides, Yifei psychology is too common. Many women have it, just a relationship between light and heavy. It’s just that she personally wants Yifei to pay more attention to the 5th-Prince backyard. Don’t always go with her.
     "In this case, when the master starts, don't be merciful. After all, it is too light.
     The other party is not long-term memory. If it is played too heavy, it will be destroyed directly." Wan-xi chuckles.
     The sound, not only did not stop, but also poured a pot of oil on the anger of Yin-Tang.
     Who is not innocent in this world, who does not grieve, does not dare to resist only one taste, then it can only be stepped into the mud, such as her. Of course, this world is different from her last life. She let her own weakness and incompetence die completely with her own life, so she is arrogant in this world, she is jealous, she is sullen, and she dares to be with anyone who dares to count her. Bright knife.
     "Indeed, some people have lived for too long.
     The Lord wants their lives, but these few people can't easily die, which makes the innocent sadness in the heart." Yin-Tang snorted, obviously For this so-called flesh and blood family, he really feels tired.
     The more backward, the fiercer battle between them, the past temperament has disappeared in successive battles, and the rest may be resentful because of the battle.
     "Master, there are some things that we can't control. In the end, at most, it's about keeping their lives on this flesh and blood." Wan-xi whispered, but she knew better, and she was so wrong. Living alive, according to these Princes arrogant temper, it is not really dead.
     But Wan-xi is not willing!
     She does not want these people who are always taken for granted. After calculating themselves and others, they will naturally enjoy the so-called success. She also wants these people to fall into the altar and want them to feel the helplessness of their destiny.
     Life can not be autonomous, death can not be independent, such feelings are very painful, it is like a servant tightly tied to the body, the more struggling, the more tight it is, the more painful this person, the same as her. Even if she came out this time, it does not mean that there is a chance to be sent to the door. She still does not know how to grasp and fight back.
     "A life!" Sighed, and wanted to take Di-the cruel Yin-Tang was also clear.
     Don't look at the appearance of their deputy in the dragon and phoenix, but it really needs to fail. It really is that the phoenix that falls to the ground is not as good as the chicken. Take a look at 1st-Prince, then look at the Crown Prince. Whoever is not in the past, who is not good, but now, they are all in a small courtyard, eating and waiting to die.
     This is the biggest harm to those of them who have a lot of heart and soul.
     Hyelin is better than Yifei.
     This point Yin-Tang is very clear, but it is not easy to take care of, but privately care for 1st-Prince, as for the Crown Prince, as long as their Imperial Father is still No one can materially buckle him.
     "You don't care about this matter. I think it will take a few days for Willow-shi to enter the government.
     The mother-in-law's intention is not known, but the Lord will not let you be wronged again." Yin-Tang The tone is cold, but the arms of Wan-xi are very gentle.
     Wan-xi did not attach to him, but transferred the topic to several children. Since Yifei was involved in several relationships with her children, she was not prepared to let Yifei contact her children. Indulging in the past is because Yifei is an elder and has a goodwill and love for them. Now, once the meaning of the change has changed, she does not want her children to be unnecessarily hurt by this connivance.
     "Master, if you reduce the number of times you let Hong-min go to see the mother, will you be angry?" Wan-xi looked at him and asked.
     "Why? Just because the mother-in-law said something in the palace today?" Yin-Tang's voice is still peaceful, and the tone is even more shocking, but the doubts contained in the latter sentence prove that he is not a point. care.
     Wan-xi stunned his head, his hand on his neck, his face twitched twice on his face, and then said: "There are reasons for this, but more is a kind of prevention. How is the mother's heart? It doesn't matter that I want to be in the whole body, but her attitude towards Hong-min is very important. I don't want to go deep into who influenced the mother-in-law, but at this time the mother-in-law's heart is very dangerous. In fact, it is not a big deal, but if the mother wants to fight through the child, it will be an indescribable disaster." Her voice is getting higher and higher, her attitude is more distinct, her position is firm enough, and even more Express your determination to Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang heard that he hadn’t talked for a long time, but the next moment he buried his face in the neck of Wan-xi and licked it gently.
     This is a kind of silent comfort, just like the people who feel hurt each other. Warm up at a time.
     "Don't worry! You can say your own thoughts in a big way, and you will definitely not force you to do what you don't want to do.
     The mother-in-law's move today is also in the eyes, just a momentary mistake. But no one can guarantee that the people around the mother-in-law will change their practices because of her attitude.
     The Lord can't let these people ruin the children of the Lord." Yin-Tang's firm voice is ringing in her ears, talking The hot air spewed out on her auricle with a hint of numbness.
     Wan-xi smiled a little, his body involuntarily drilled into his arms, his eyes slightly sour. She thought that he would want to balance her relationship with Yifei, but eventually she managed to make herself and her children through her own efforts.
     "However, this matter can not be rushed, wait a few days to find a head, let's go to Zhuangzi for a while." Yin-Tang saw her not talking, thinking she was in a dilemma, could not help but suggest.
     Wan-xi nodded, and the voice was slightly trembling. "Really? In fact, there is still a trace of fear in the body and mind. After all, it is necessary to guard against the mother-in-law, and things to be prevented have not yet occurred. As a person, you will definitely feel that you are in a big fight, but you really don’t want to wait until the children are hurt and then regret why they didn’t pay much attention to it.”
     When Wan-xi said these words, her expression was quite serious. No one could understand the pain of losing her children. She really didn't want to make her and Yifei a real enemy for a moment of negligence. Even if the hands-on person is not Yifei, her intention is not the same, but if she really loses her child, who cares if she is intentional or not.
     The most sad person is not someone else. It must be the man around her. One side is a biological mother, and the other side is a ‘Madam and children. How to choose is hurt for him. She does not want to go to this step.
     As her voice fell, the look on Yin-Tang's face became more and more ugly, and he took advantage of Wan-xi hands and unconsciously tightened it.
     "I believe that Master, the Lord will not let this worst happen, the mother-in-law will always have a way to convince her." Yin-Tang's voice is as gentle as possible, with a silky appeasement, but also With a lingering haze.

     "I believe that Master, the Lord will not let this worst happen, the mother-in-law will always have a way to convince her."
     Wan-xi listened to him saying that the smile on his face could not help but deepen. Just make sure that he is on her side, no matter what Yifei thinks, what others are calculating, it is not a thing for her.
     Yin-Tang glared at her like this, gently lowering her voice and telling her what she intended. Occasionally, Wan-xi will give some advice and perfect his way. After the two men discussed the matter, the decision was almost down.
     The two men reluctantly sighed with a smile on their faces.
     They were not the kind of people who couldn’t fight back, and they didn’t pay back. Even in the last world, Wan-xi was silent at most, and certainly would not stop him. It can only be said that Wan-xi is not really a bone. Good old man, she still has her own pursuit from a certain degree.
     "Your Highness, Fu-Jin, Hong-min Prince, they came over!" The voice of Lin-Chujiu suddenly came from outside the door. Yin-Tang came back and looked around the window, only to find that the sky was getting darker. It’s coming down late in the evening.
     Yin-Tang responded with a voice, holding Wan-xi hand and sitting on the raft. After a while, Hong-min touched the younger brother Sao and entered the house, followed by three still The little baby girl who was held in the arms of Mama.
     This slippery look is not like a lack of children, and every look is healthy and healthy, compared to other Prince backyards, I don’t know how much, but Yifei seems to be awkward, just take the son to say things, not People who know it think that Yin-Tang is rare!
     "Son (daughter) asks Ama, please give it to the mother." Hong-min took the lead, and a group of small buns came in and made a good deed.
     "Get up!" Yin-Tang looked at him and was very pleased to speak.
     For the children, Yin-Tang is still very satisfied.
     The royal family is very valued for the children. Otherwise, why the general elections continue to send people to the backyards of the Prince House sects, not for the children. It is a pity that the plan is very good.
     The royal family and the sons of the ancestral hall are not very strong.
     There are few such as Kangxi, and there are fewer such as Yin-Tang. Instead, they are born with a lot of death. In such an atmosphere, like the Wan-xi twins and twins can be raised, it is really rare, no wonder that outsiders want to pass her blessing. In this era of low medical standards, it is like a twin crib, and a peace, this is not a blessing or something!
     Of course, these are not what they say, they are all others think.
     The little buns don't know this. When the rules are over, it is the time of indulgence. Taking advantage of this one is rushing over, not to the chest, to hold the thighs, to perform their duties, and quite rhythmically.
      Hong-min is the eldest son. He is older than other Sao and heirs recognized and cultivated by Yin-Tang. Although he is still immature, he is also a bit savvy and keen on Yin-Tang. Seeing that Sao was turning around Ama, he couldn't help but sit in front of Wan-xi in front of the ground. His eyes fell on Wan-xi, which was different from the bright eyes of the past. His eyes were heavy.
     Everyone thinks that he is still a child, but in fact Hong-min is more mature than these people think, but the attachment to Wan-xi disappears because of the increase in age. On the contrary, he knows how to maintain Wan xi this amount of mother.
     "What kind of troubles is there for the mother?" Hong-min looked at the three younger Brother Sao, who were put on the coffin, and reached out and covered them, and asked softly.
     Wan-xi heard the words, looked at Hong-min eyes with a strange look, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, whispering: "How can Hong-min think so!"
     “ Ama said that the smile on the face of the mother is the most beautiful, and the son thinks so, but now the eyes of the mother are red, obviously what happened is causing the mother to be unhappy.” Hong-min I thought that someone was calculating Wan-xi, which made her sad, and his face could not help but become a bit gloomy.
     "Little fool, the maiden has you Ama protects how to feel wronged, the maiden is just happy that Ama can take the maiden and you all go to Zhuangzi. It really has a long time. Time has never been seen, and I don’t know how your little friends are doing.” Wan-xi smiled and reached out and touched Hong-min with a baby fat face and looked at his reddish ears.
     The smile on my face could not help but deepen.
     She is a mother, she will take care of her children to be wary of danger, but will not say right and wrong in front of her children, especially the elders of her, but her filial piety for Hong-min is still very useful.
     "Really? My son actually wants to go. Hong-hui Brother also asked her son when he can go to Zhuangzi again.
     The son is not sure. He still wants to find an opportunity to ask Ama, but he did not expect Ah Ma and the maiden have already decided." Hong-min's face was surprised, and the original precocious face showed a little childishness. It looked like his current age and was full of vigor.
     Wan-xi looked at him like this, but he didn't hold back and laughed directly. Hong-min See Wan-xi smile, although a little shy, but more happy. Looking at An An, he could not help but reach out and hold the little guy into his arms, using Mei-mei small flesh to block his shy face.
     Wan-xi took his son like this, not much to say, turned to look at Yin-Tang, who had a group with his son and daughter, and the air seemed to be involuntarily filled with a happy taste.
     After playing for a while, Ting-Rain came in and said that the dinner was ready, Wan-xi let them put it out directly, and then let Ting-Qin send some water to come in and scrub their father and son. A little clean up, a family went out to prepare for dinner.
     Compared with the former desertedness, as long as they have a family to eat together, they are always full of tables, very lively. And listening to the snow, they will always give full play to their own level at this time, make a good table full of big tables, let them have a happy meal.
     Yin-Tang looked at the delicate and delicious dishes on the table, made an action in advance in front of the chopsticks, and then several small horses immediately held up with chopsticks. After all, when they are long, if they don't think that Wan-xi thinks that it is too early to go to the palace in the morning, they will always prepare a rich breakfast for them.
     They are afraid that it is difficult to read and wait until the end of early reading. Didn’t you see other people being so hungry?
     Every time I think of it, Hong-min will be very proud to say that they have a good mother.
     The more people envy and hate, the more happy they are, but their mothers!
     Wan-xi didn't know this, but she didn't know that her son had given her a lot of advertisements. I know that in the study room, the little Prince and Prince Hahazhu mentioned the most homework, but Wan xi will give Hong-min every day what they are ready to eat.
     This is not something that these people can't afford, but at that time in the morning, they are all hungry and dizzy, can get two snacks, what kind of taste is broken, it is delicious, let alone Wan-xi listen The snacks prepared by snow are really delicious, even if they are not as refined as the imperial kitchen, but the taste is also unique.
     According to the rules of other people homes, it is definitely not a matter of eating, but at Wan-xi, the dinner table is the best time for their family to contact each other, so no matter what, this time is definitely right. . Of course, in the palace or in other places outside, there is something to say, that is, you have to come back.
     “ Ama, the mother said that you want to take them to live on Zhuangzi. Is this true?” Hong-zhao said with excitement after talking with Hong-min.
     Yin-Tang looked up and saw her son and daughter staring at themselves with a twinkling eyes.
     The face was funny and said: "Well, take you to Zhuangzi for some time."
     The situation today is calm and calm, and the waves are turbulent. Even 4th Prince is not completely violent
     Dew, the battle between 3rd Prince, 8th Prince and 14th also spread to them, and even according to their ideas, these people have to be stirred in, whether they are willing or not.
     In the case of such a thing, it is not their business, but the Imperial Father does not seem to think so. It seems that it is being rushed, and it seems to be against them. Recently, they have unloaded many of their authority. Although Yin-Tang doesn't care about this, Kangxi approach is inevitably chilling, so it is not a bad thing to go out to avoid this time. Didn't you see that 4th Prince has the same plan? This is his first step.
     "The Hong-hui Brother, Hong- Sheng-Brother and Soul are they all up?" Hong-zhao likes to be lively, so when it comes to going to Zhuangzi, I can't wait for the good children to get up.
     “Yes.” Yin-Tang nodded and turned to speak with Wan-xi, let her send a letter to her family tomorrow, and let Qianning send the two children.
      Hong-min See Yin-Tang promised, could not help but think of a few small uncles in the palace, thinking about their envious and longing eyes when they mentioned Zhuangzi, and finally opened their mouths, " Ah May, can a few little uncles get up too?"
     Yin-Tang's expression was awkward, apparently did not expect Hong-min to mention the few Brother. In fact, compared to the Daren Prince who is busy with Di-, the title and power are the focus of their attention.
     Those Brother who have not yet grown up can remember who is who is good, who is free. With a few Brother and Brother, I want to know that these people, maybe the children are older than their younger Brother.
     "Can't you?" Hong-min bowed his head in disappointment.
     Yin-Tang doesn't like to see Wan-xi or his child's face with such disappointing expression. He likes the cheerful appearance, especially Wan-xi, for her smile, he doesn't say Everything is cut, but it is also different.
     " Ama is not clear, this thing will be said after Ama has shown you the Royal Mafa." Two coughs, Yin-Tang finally could not bear the disappointment of his son.
      Hong-min's disappointing expression on his face disappeared, and he was replaced by a full worship.
     Wan-xi didn't say much, just staring at Yin-Tang how to make his son happy as a father.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang naturally could not go to other people yards or study rooms. After the two of them had bathed, they lay flat on the bed and were covered with a bed.
     They originally wanted to talk quietly. Who knows Wan-xi lay down? Uncomfortable, after a few Yin-Tang, I got out of the fire.
     When the time is red, the account is over.

     In the early morning of the next day, when Wan-xi woke up, it was still early, Yin-Tang had not yet got up, and her whole person was in his arms, and she moved a little, and her body came with a sore feeling for her.
     The brow is slightly wrinkled.
     These days, all the intimacy, Yin-Tang's move before the sweep of the gentle, with the past no wild, on the bed is simply a beast, as if she had known a fake Yin-Tang.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang is breathing smoothly, still in a deep sleep, Wan-xi wants to sleep, but what is the painful feeling that comes from the body, it doesn’t make people sleep, I want to know her. I really want to sleep, and my skill is very deep.
     Can't sleep, and don't want to bother him to sleep, but she can only find something to do, in order to transfer her attention. Slightly turned over, the hand inadvertently touched Yin-Tang's hand, Wan-xi fingers couldn't help but slowly go to his hand. After being released to his palm, the fingers were slightly forced, then one had to The ground hand grips, forming a ten-finger interlocking appearance, and my heart inexplicably gives birth to a silk satisfaction.
     "I don't sleep early in the morning, but I blame the Lord for not working hard last night!" Yin-Tang's slightly magnetic sound faintly rang in her ear, faint, but with a bit of enchanting taste.
     Wan-xi had a small face and wanted to twist and found that she had just held his hand and wanted to take a hand. Yin-Tang quickly took her hand back and looked like it was not allowed. .
     "Is this kind of slick tongue? I have a backache here, I don't want to answer this question." Wan-xi sound soft, with a hint of tenderness, but the originally struggling body slowly relaxed.
     Yin-Tang heard the words and laughed loudly. No man would be happy because he conquered his own woman. Yin-Tang was also the same. Compared with the outside of Fengcheng, Wan-xi praise is obviously more satisfying to him.
     "Well, don't answer, ‘Laozi Jao-Jao wants to say something." Yin-Tang heads together to her side, the two meet, head in hand, tightly entangled in one, look at it Go, it’s so good to be like a person.
     Wan-xi glared at Yin-Tang's face and couldn't stop smiling. Although he was annoyed, he hoped that his face would keep this kind of smile. With the age and physical condition of Kangxi, the battle for Di has become more and more fierce. Whether it is participating in it or clearly indicating that it does not participate, it seems to be involuntarily at this moment.
     Yin-Tang, as a supporter of , can't be alone in any way. Kangxi himself is too embarrassed about Yan’s attitude. From his actions on the responsibilities of the squad, he should be very serious, and he may be the heir recognized by his heart, but he is 14th old The attitude is also somewhat unreasonable. It feels like finding a spare tire for your safety and preventing things from getting out of control.
     Wan-xi does not understand the political situation, but also knows that the 14th-Prince of this world is more savvy than the last world, blindly arrogant and impulsive, doing things to lose the courage of the world, and eagerly Like a woman, I only know how to care. And such a person can't match 3rd-Prince and 8th-Prince, but Kangxi looks at it differently. So, the meaning of this is intriguing.
     Yin-Tang has helped him to plan from the decision support. Even the silver is sponsored in a cooperative way, instead of paying like a supporter, not letting him have a snack. Perhaps it is to learn from the lessons of support before, Yin-Tang does not directly give money, and no longer do everything personally, he helps the idea, and helps to earn money, but no longer put credit in his own hands. on.
     Wan-xi looked only gratified, but every time he looked at his hard look and his face with less and less smile, his heart was very distressed, but even so, she couldn’t help anything, only when he felt When you are tired, give him a cup of tea or make him happy.
     "Hungry, but now there is no strength, so Master, you carry it all over." Wan-xi reached out and took another Yin-Tang's neck, spoiledly demanding.
     Yin-Tang took a break and then chuckled again and asked, "Are you sure you want to hold the past?"
     "Why not? Don't you want to hold your body and still want to hold others?" Wan-xi stunned him, took his hand, rubbed his neck with his hands, his feet wrapped around his solid waist, and he served as a deputy. How can you not let go?
     Yin-Tang has seen Wan-xi, a rogue. When she has a small temper, he is not only worried, but may also be injured, but now they look like this, if they go out, they must not take the group of nubi outside. Give a scare jump.
     "Master  does not hold others, but he feels that Jao-Jao should change clothes with the Lord first." Yin-Tang knocked her white forehead with a funny smile, her eyes fell on her slightly open placket, and the smile on her lips could not help but deepen. It is.
     Sure enough, the most beautiful scenery when looking down.
     Wan-xi followed his gaze and saw his open clothes. Although he felt ashamed, he did not want to admit defeat easily.
     The two men had been entangled for a long time and eventually ended up with Yin-Tang.
     After Ting-Rain had set up their breakfast, although they didn't hear the movement inside the room, they didn't dare to look inside.
     They just arranged the breakfast under Yin-Tang's instructions to prepare two Your Highness. Get it yourself.
     The rich breakfast of the fruit can really make people feel good, at least Wan-xi is very happy to taste the food. Yin-Tang sat beside her and looked at her cheerful look, and her mouth could not help but rise a lot.
     After using the breakfast, Wan-xi sent Yin-Tang, Wan-xi and Ting-Bamboo returned to Wanyan House, while Ting-Rain was looking for Wang An. Qinwang House sent a message, after all, Wan-xi and 4th Fu-Jin are the capital of the discord, and instead of looking at the door, it is better to go directly to find Qinwang.
     Fortunately, whether it is Wanyan House or Qinwang House, it is very accustomed to Wan-xi to take the children to Zhuangzi every other time. It’s just that some people are doomed to be unhappy, but Wan-xi doesn’t care, because when she meets her, she feels happy and happy. If she feels unhappy, she will be unhappy.
     Wanyan House got the news, and rushed to clean up and sent the two children in the past, and the Qiinwang House was not in the government because of Qin Wang, so I could only wait for the reply.
     In the palace, after 3rd-Aunt, Yan and Yin-Tang were summoned to the royal study by Kangxi.
     Recently, there are many things outside the palace. Even if he is given the heavy responsibility of Kangxi, he is only a personal person. Many things can't be taken care of. Plus, there are 3rd-Prince and others who do the stalking, Yin-Tang them.
     The help is also essential.
     In the past two years, Kangxi has been very vaguely examining the embarrassment. He is very satisfied with his performance but is not very vocal, but no one knows that he has made a decision in his heart.
     The reason why he has not expressed his attitude is that there are naturally Your own considerations. As I mentioned before, Dexi actions made Kangxi cold, and even moved to remember the mind of Tong-Queen, but he did not find a chance.
     Of course, they don't know Kangxi thoughts. Several people are still secretly laying out, and they are preparing to force Defei  to make mistakes.
     This is why Yin-Tang will tolerate the reason why they have intervened in the draft.
     When the father and the son discussed the political affairs and prepared to retire, Yin-Tang suddenly mentioned that he would bring a few younger Brother to live on Zhuangzi for some time. Kangxi words were very surprised. It’s not that he thinks more, but these The Daren children have rarely been associated with these underage sons.
     This suddenly came together. He was a bit curious when he was an old man.
     "How come suddenly think of taking them to Zhuangzi?" Kang Xi put down the pen in his hand, and put his hands together on the royal case.
     "This is not what the son thinks.
     The sons of the sons are bigger than them. How can they say a piece? This is what Hong-min asked. It is said that a few little guys are very concerned about him. My son thinks and thinks too. It’s not a big deal, but I’ve got a lot of people anyway, so I’m thinking about asking for an Imperial Father.” Yin-Tang arched his hand, his voice was sloppy, and it’s not straightforward, but it’s very real.
     Kangxi heard the words and couldn't help but laugh out. He said that this Old 9 had this leisurely feeling, and it turned out to be Hong-min's idea. In any case, the younger sons are not old enough, and the status of the mother is low. In the future, there will be such a development. Yin-Tang, these, Brother’s care, can now have more contact, at least in the future. Guarantee.
     "You kid, they are younger than your younger brother. If you can bring them, you will bring them. If you are a brother, you will not be able to pay for it." Kangxi laughed at Yin-Tang and agreed directly.
     He stood next to him and listened to Yin-Tang, he knew what he meant. Although he did not say anything, but his heart is still grateful, after all, Kangxi emphasis on him is indeed pushing him to the top of the wind, he can not be low-key, then the people around him must not take the lead, otherwise they will let People see through, and he still has what to accomplish his ambition.
     "In this case, then Hong-hui they also entrusted to 9th Prince brother." He suddenly came out.
     "4th Prince, you have learned badly." Yin-Tang made a strange face and pointed at the martyrdom.
     Kangxi glared at Yin-Tang's unbelievable appearance, and laughed at him, saying that it was rare to see him suffer. Yin-Tang sees Kangxi happy, and he will recognize the jokes. After all, he started to count them in Hong-hui, and the resignation is too fake.
     The father and the son said a few laughs, and Yin-Tang retired. After all, Kangxi had a lot of things on hand, and the discount on the royal case had to be approved for a long time.
     They were really not procrastinating.
     This is not, the two talents go, the little Prince mothers in the palace got the news, except for the initial surprise, then several people took part in helping the son to pack things, because they knew clearly, they could talk to Yin-Tang is in a relationship. In the future, it will not be said that Junwang, Qinwang, Baylor and Duke are always there.

     From the Imperial Study Room, Yin-Tang was separated from the , and on the way to the Qiankun Palace, Yin-Tang specially asked Lin-Chujiu to send people to inform the young Prince of the mother's departure time. He can go with his younger Brother, but he won't be a group of little guys like the old mother. After all, he is a man who has less children than Wan-xi.
     If you really want to summarize Yin-Tang in one sentence, then it is a wayward way.
     However, it is self-willed, but Yin-Tang has always taken care of relationships and loyalty. Apart from hostile relations, there are few who do not like him.
     The mothers of the little Prince of the harem received news and were grateful to Yin-Tang.
     These people were born in a weak position. Together with Kangxi age, his mind was rarely on them, and he usually enjoyed something. Awkwardness does not guarantee their lives, nor can they guarantee that their children will have a good future. It’s hard to catch the Yin-Tang line now, they all want to call their son back and boast a few words.
     Who said that Xiao yan has no great ambitions. Well, although their ambitions are not big, they still hope that their sons can live a better life. After all, this room is not a wealthy family, but also has that decline, and is finally kicked. People who are out of the circle, and they do not want their son to be one of them.
     Yin-Tang doesn't know that he is afraid of having a lot of good feelings when he is afraid of trouble, but he doesn't know that this good feeling also helped him at the crucial time, let them help to develop the way to Tong-Queen.
     The plan was successfully completed. Of course, this is already a matter of words.
     Yifei saw Yin-Tang coming over, deliberately squinting, and wanting to come to Yin-Tang directly with Wan-xi left the situation or angered Yifei. It’s just that Yifei didn’t want to smother the gas on him, otherwise it’s not just a face, but a direct opening.
     Yin-Tang strode to Yifei and took a gift. Instead of waiting for her to Call, she immediately got up and sat down next to Yifei, one-handedly opening the lid of the tea pot in front and staring at the pale green tea.
     The nose smells lightly with the faint tea, which is his favorite dragon well after the rain.
     "My son doesn't know why the mother-in-law will directly reject Wan-xi, but some sons still have to say that this is the best choice for the mother-in-law and the son." Yin-Tang's voice is light. Light and faint, without any negative emotions, simply state the facts.
     Yifei heard that the hand holding the samovar was unconsciously tightened, and the expression on her face changed instantly.
     The tone was even more unbelievable. She did not think that she would be the proudest son. Tell her these words.
     "You mean, you don't want it for her even the mother of the palace." The samovar was slammed on the table by Yifei. Because of the excessive force, the tea splashed out and even wet her clothes. sleeve.
     However, Yin-Tang was not moved. Even the eyelids were not smashed.
     The tone was indifferent: "What about the mother who wants her son? Abandoned Wan-xi, left Hong-min, and then Other women have some sons?"
     Yifei looked slightly stunned, and Yin-Tang, who had forcibly demolished Taiji, could not help but feel a bit embarrassed. "There is no such thing in this palace.
     This palace only hopes that you can get the rain and dew, and you will be able to stretch your hair." Two times, it seems that even she herself feels that this reason is too thin.
     Yin-Tang smiled and his face was slightly intolerant. He wanted to come to him and he was very helpless. He is not the kind of filial piety, but he is not the kind of unfilial person, but he is a person who sticks to his own principles. After all, Wan-xi and his child are his weaknesses. He cannot be Yifei own mother. Because of her inexplicable emotions, she placed them in Wan-xi. If not, he will not sit here now to listen to Yifei sophistry.
     "The mother-in-law once said this to Imperial Father, but my son remembered that the mother-in-law never said this to Imperial Father." Yin-Tang looked at Yifei angry look, faint.
     "You-" Yifei also thought that Yin-Tang would react like this. She thought she was the most important person of her son, but the fact told her that her son seemed to care more about Wanyan-shi.
     The palace is not the main palace. What is the qualification to say these words, but it is Wanyan-shi. Since it is Fu-Jin, there should be a Fu-Jin look. If you can't learn from the old 4th Fu-Jin, you will go to the Deoks Palace in person. Seeking De-yi as a person, Wanyan-shi is good, and he does not open his mouth.
     The palace has just set a person, and she will find her.
     This is whether she is playing the face of the palace or she is naturally incompetent."
     Panting, Yifei didn't want to say this ugly, but when she realized that she was no longer the most important person of her son, she suddenly felt a little bit sad, and she couldn't restrain her inner anger, so wait until she reacted.
     The words are already finished.
     Yin-Tang smirked, the slender fingers tapped on the table, and the narrow corner of his eyes flashed a chill. He didn't think there was any 4th Fu-Jin inside. But it can be easily heard from Yifei words, and it will be mentioned that she is not a rising moment, but a feeling that comes after contact.
     "The mother-in-law had thought about a possibility. It wasn't that Wan-xi was a natural person who couldn't help others. It was because the son had no feelings for those women. He even felt sick when he saw more eyes. How did the mother want to let her son start?" Yin-Tang sneered, and the words were ironic.
     "How can it be!"
     "Nothing is impossible! The son can only be Wan-xi can not lose his son, but the son can not be without her. In addition, the son said that only she can live is not empty talk, those women do not matter, no matter how much. Yin-Tang pushed the tea pot in front of him, and the tea pot fell on the table.
     The tea went down the table, and the drip was dripping on the human heart.
     Yin-Tang did not continue to say it, because Yifei had entered the dead end at this time, unless she figured it out, otherwise it would be a waste of water.
     Yifei looked at the little son who had left and left, and his heart was full of anger.
     The so-called concern was chaotic. If she didn't care too much about Yin-Tang, it would not be possible to be incited by the words of 4th Fu-Jin and Defei . It is a pity that Yifei at this time is not just too concerned about Yin-Tang. She has a kind of panic and sorrow in her heart. All kinds of emotions are mixed up, which makes her particularly suitable for Wan-xi. Yin-Tang walked between women as before.
     Qi Mama, who is outside the door, will have a panoramic view. She can't say that Yifei is wrong, but Yifei move is indeed beyond her expectations. After a little hesitation, I heard the sound of falling from the house. Qi Mama didn't dare to hesitate any more. He quickly walked in and stopped Yifei from continuing to pick things up.
     "Niang-Niang, Niang-Niang... Why are you suffering this! When the time is broken, Junwang should be worried." Qi Mama took Yifei to the chair next to him and looked up. Going and watching the wolves on the ground, you can see that Yifei anger is not small. Just not waiting for Qi Mama to open his mouth, listen to Yifei voice, and Call with anger: "Worry? The Old 9 has already let Wanyan-shi feel lost, he only blames this palace now. It’s hard to Wanyan-shi, but I don’t think about the pains of this palace.”
     Hard work? What pains? But I just can't figure out why my son grew up and why would it belong to another woman? Of course, Qi Mama will say this in front of Yifei.
     "Niang-Niang, some nubi don't know whether to talk or not." Qi Mama looked up at her and hesitated.
     "There is nothing to say, what to do!" Yifei looked at Qi Mama hesitant look, and looked a little impatient.
      Qi Mama is hesitating about what she doesn't know, but she knows that Qi Mama has been with her for so many years. Even if she doesn't speak well, it certainly won't hurt her heart, so she often shows up in front of her. It is the truest self.
     In the palace, not only Yifei, in fact, many people who are in front of people are not necessarily the most authentic ones.
     They can only show that Kangxi likes it, not the truest one. Such people will feel tired, and privately let them show their true feelings, but there are not many.
     After all, what masks, sometimes worn for a long time, is true or false, they can not distinguish themselves.
      Qi Mama saw Yifei calm down and could not help but whispered: "Niang-Niang, I have no need to look at you with 9th Fu-Jin, 9th Fu-Jin, Junwangye, if they really have contradictions, Only gave others the opportunity to sneak in."
     The anger on Yifei face is stiff on his face, and he can become a fool of four. He can never be an idiot. Yifei is certainly not stupid. On the contrary, she is very savvy. If she is not, she will not be able to remain favored in the case of most of the four.
     "Is it awkward?" Repeatedly chewing on this sentence, after a long time, Yifei suddenly shot on the table, cold channel: "It should not be at this time with the Old 9 is not happy. No matter this palace again Dissatisfied with Wanyan-shi, that is only a problem between the palace and the Old 9, should not be used by others."
     “Mama is right.” That’s what it is, but Yifei heart is not only exceptionally remembered by Defei  and 4th Fu-Jin. If the contradiction between her and De-Pinzhi is an inextricable knot, then 4th Fu-Jin, which had to be valued by Yifei, was completely blacklisted by her, even after the banquet in the palace, Yifei was Don't shun the 4th Fu-Jin's face on the banquet.
      Qi Mama looked at Yifei, who tried to calm her mood. She couldn’t help but secretly sighed. She was afraid that Yifei couldn’t turn around. When she saw it, she knew that Defei  and 4th Fu-Jin would say that the words were obviously for 9th Fu-Jin. It is useful, she can guess a few points even if she is not clear. After all, the women in the harem and backyard, except those who are honest and honest, will take the initiative to make trouble, and must be a picture. Defei  and 4th Fu-Jin are obviously pictures.
     "Niang-Niang can think so. After all, this time, the outside is very competitive.
     The burden on Junwangye is also heavy. A few days ago, the old nubi also heard that 12th-Prince was involved in 8th-Prince and 14th Prince battle went. At this time, Defei  Niang-Niang and 4th Fu-Jin suddenly picked the 9th Fu-Jin thorn, which is afraid of what we don't know." Qi Mama whispered.
     "Mama said it well.
     The palace almost forgot that the woman who had stayed in the harem was not simple. Deok, 4th Fu-Jin, this time it really took the palace as a gun." Yifei, who came from God, sneered twice. When he got up, the angry Yifei who had faded away was more savvy. With a little activity, he understood the cause and effect of this matter.
     “Niang-Niang means...”
     "There is no meaning in this palace.
     The only thing the palace can do now is wait until the appropriate opportunity to go back and let them know that this palace is not what they want to use." Yifei body was full of enthusiasm, and she wanted to come to understand that she temporarily put down the complex emotions in her heart and changed her mind to the outside world.

     Because of the good reputation of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi, the two people called for to go to Zhuangzi, not to be notified, that Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who had not been notified, also automatically picked up.
     "9th Prince, you are getting more and more unsophisticated. You are boring in the house. You have to go to Zhuangzi without any sound. You can easily do this without Brother." Yin-Er enters Yin Tang's study was directly sprayed, and it seems that the resentment is quite deep.
     "Yes! 9th Prince, these four 9th Prince City really does not mean anything. It is indeed a good idea to go to Zhuangzi.
     There are people in the mountains and water.
     The key is that the little ones are very interesting.
     The younger brother is looking forward to you again. Proposal in the past, who knows wait and wait, is not seeing the movement. Now it is good, finally there is movement, 9th Prince, you have forgotten your brother." Yu-Xiang followed Yin-Er, an opening that said It is more sensational than Yin-Er.
     Yin-Tang put down the pen in his hand, and when he looked up, his brow was slightly picked, and his face didn’t care. "You don't call you, don't you come?"
     “ ——” was won by Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang. It’s a good look at what it’s like to say nothing.
     Yin-Tang is a bit different from the two people. When he went to Zhuangzi to miss them, it is easy to have no Brother.
     The Brother are like the pits of them. It is better than nothing.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang couldn't touch the mind of Yin-Tang.
     They thought that they really angered Yin-Tang.
     They were too busy to pay for it. Yin-Tang looked at them like this.
     This thing may be there externally, but internally, these two are afraid of forgetting these two words.
     "Okay, get the news, what to prepare for yourself, you can declare in advance, this time the Lord is mainly to accompany you 9th-Sao, so the children will be handed over to you." Yin-Tang took Enough Qiao, not much to say, directly shabu-shabu.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang heard the words, the pupils were big, and the face was unbelievable. When is this? They don't know how shameless they have become since 9th Prince.
     “9th Prince, I heard that a few Brother are going to go?” Yin-Er has some caution.
     "Yes! There are also a lot of zhi-zi Zhi-nu." Yu-Xiang is not the first to fight this, it is very active with Yin-Er.
     Yin-Tang, no matter what they think, opened his mouth and said: "Then you go or not, responsible or not responsible."
     Looking at the eye, seeing that there is no room for change, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are very sorry that they are going to come together. If they are honestly following, they should not take such a big responsibility. . Now, a large group of small radish heads are behind them, and they know it well. If they don’t understand it, they have to work hard. When they are afraid, they have to spend a lot of thoughts.
     They blamed Yin-Tang and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits, but they didn't want to let them go into the pit. It was really a good day, and the retribution was not good!
     Yin-Tang looked at the look of the two men, and they flashed a glimmer of light in their eyes. He is so easy to be calculated. Everyone wants to benefit from him, if he wants to give it, and the close person hangs him in a joke. It doesn't matter if you don't hurt it, but it's not appropriate.
     The ground still has to show its own strength, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang just hit the Yin-Tang's muzzle. So, they are not bad luck who is unlucky.
     After Yin-Tang gave the two men a task, let them pick up Hong-hui, and set off the day after tomorrow. Originally this was a very normal thing, but the Yin-Ers had heard the disdain from the Yin-Tang mouth.
     This kind of sentiment will certainly not be directed at the children of Hong-Er and Hong-hui. For a glance, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang naturally transferred this sentiment to Wulana-shi.
     It is said that after the 4th Brother played the alliance, whether they are themselves or their family, it is really good from top to bottom and from everywhere. Even if there is a contradiction, people are just the flowers of the mouth.
     They are not inexplicably like Wulana-shi, and they are in a state of hatred. If they are beaten, they will not be convinced.
     They always feel that they will make a moth.
     However, these are not major events. As for the temper of Yin-Tang, they believe that the person who suffers may not be him. To Yu-9th-Sao, as long as there is 9th Prince protection, the unlucky one must be someone else.
     Two days later, Yin-Tang came out of the house with his ‘Madam and children, and looked at a bunch of small buns.
     The named ones were not named, and the Yin-Tang couldn’t help but black.
     The face, and even the 4th Prince he had known before, is a fake 4th Prince.
     This is to take him to bring a few Brother, and I want to send my son, this two or three, a lot!
     Wan-xi looked at the black-faced Yin-Tang, could not help but ' ' laughed out, "A sheep is catching, two sheep are put, just bring it!"
     For the purpose of Qinwang, Wan-xi can probably guess a few. After all, it is his son. It is impossible for Hong-hui and Hong-sheng to have a good relationship with these uncles.
     The rest is just a face-to-face. unfair. However, most of this relationship is about temperament and timidity. If you don't want to talk about it, you can get together. If you don't pay, you will be stuck together.
     There are few words to say.
     Yin-Tang took Wan-xi hand and walked to the carriage. He first took Wan-xi on the carriage, then looked at Yin-Er, and they followed the carriage. As for the children sitting in the prepared carriage, they did not get together in a carriage as before.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang They saw Yin-Tang.
     They got on the carriage, didn't delay, and guarded the group of Brother Zhi-zi carriage, and told the waiters to look at them. Originally, both of them were ready to take the carriage. I thought about it and felt uneasy.
     The last two people mourned, and they got out of the carriage and rode on both sides, all the way.
     Yin-Tang sat in the carriage and listened to the movement outside. It was unmoved. She reached for the Wan-xi with a cup of tea and pushed the dessert in front of her.
     This looks like it seems that I am not ready to take care of Yin-Er.
     Since they take the initiative to add people, the responsibility is naturally for them to bear. After all, Yin-Tang will think about going to Zhuangzi this time, mainly to accompany Wan-xi, but before, there is nothing but Wan-xi is pregnant, every time.
     They are not very happy, and they are cheaper than the Yin-Er people in the past. In the past, Yin-Tang was a temporary one, but he didn't think about it.
     The timing, the weather, and the effects of their departure were all taken care of. Looking at the smile on her face, Yin-Tang only felt that her decision was really good.
     Zhuangzi has already received news from Junwang House. Zhuangzi not only cleaned up, but even the children who studied in Zhuangzi came out. When Wan-xi got out of the car, he looked at it and saw that the people inside had changed a lot.
     The heart was sour, but he understood that this was the arrangement of fate. All they could do was set a step for them. Let their lives live better.
     Don't mention the prosperous world, let alone the so-called power. In fact, for the ordinary people, it is better to fill the stomach than anything else, and Wan-xi is really concerned about this to get such a real conclusion.
     Compared with the complexity of Wan-xi, the hearts of men and children are bigger, and they look so busy.
     Yin-Tang didn't say much, didn't say anything, and took Wan-xi hand and went to Zhuangzi. When Zhuangtou sees it, he immediately greets people. Your Highness is coming over, but it’s not good enough. Is it because you want to give opportunities to others?
     The royal family, the minister of civil and military, who can still have a few Zhuangzi, especially Yin-Tang, was not seen by Kangxi in the early stage, he did not lack Zhuangzi at hand, what kind of things he wanted, as long as there was silver, he could give He covered it.
     The more Zhuangzi, the more boring Yin-Tang is, and even the feeling of regret. Until later, he was re-used by Kangxi. Kangxi gave this Zhuangzi and two other Zhuangzis, and there was Wan-xi relationship.
     This Kangxi first gave Zhuangzi as if they had to come.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang See Yin-Tang. No matter what, the two men looked at each other bitterly, and they regretted why they had to join in the fun. It is said that they lived on their own village for two days, but it was not as interesting as it was.
     "10th-Brother, I am taking advantage of the 9th Prince.
     The more the Zhuangzi is, the better, and the 9th Prince will not come to himself later." Yu-Xiang This is really jealous!
     Yu-Xiang did not attract Kangxi dissatisfaction because of the timely release of Yin-Tang on the Crown Prince. On the contrary, he was still favored by Kangxi. It’s just that this pet is not so simple because of the relationship between Di-, and there is no chance for Yu-Xiang to prove himself. Although Yin-Tang has made money, this is completely with Kangxi. It means two things.
     Yes, look at Yin-Tang, a beautiful and beautiful Zhuangzi. It’s really a bit jealous and sad!
     "Okay! To say this garden, 9th Prince, this is the best choice.
     There are people in the mountains and waters. I want to play and how to play. Others, even if there are hot springs, this person can’t make a straight bubble in the water. It’s never been there.” Yin-Er thought that he would follow the wind to repair those hot springs, so he liked it in the backyard, otherwise his silver was really thrown into the water.
     "That's it." Yu-Xiang just finished, a few little Princes next to him came over and asked him what he asked. He didn't have time to finish with Yin-Er. I can only rush to bring these small buns to arrange their accommodation.
     Fortunately, Yin-Tang has expanded a lot of yards, otherwise it will not be enough to add so many people this time.
     This is not Prince Long Sun, not to mention a personal yard, personal room! Besides, those Mama, Maid and the guards, even if they are all arranged, they must have a place to live. Before I put it, it really won't work, but now I can still have two waves. Otherwise, how can a small Zhuangzi make Yu-Xiang so jealous, this place can now be called a royal garden.
     When these things were handled well, it was almost at night. Yin-Tang looked at the two younger Brother who were cumbersome. It was a bit of a distress and even a gloating face.
     This expression shows that Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang bite their teeth and call him that he has no Brother to love. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang is not moving at all, and in a few words, the two people have nothing to say, so that they use the night. At the time of the meal, the two still had a black face.
     Wan-xi looked at the three people like a big boy and smiled, but didn't say anything, because in Wan-xi, everyone is happy, others are not suitable at this time. .


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