Chongqie Courting Death Daily 390

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     "14th Fu-Jin? This is really surprising! Two people who seem to have no communication, but they can match the other side, it seems that we really ignored a lot of things before!" Wan-xi fingers unconsciously Knocking on the table, I quickly thought about the information about this world and the last world about 13th Fu-Jin and 14th Fu-Jin. I thought I would get something, but I didn't want her to break her head and didn't see any involvement between the two!
     In particular, the 14th-Prince is now fighting with the 4th-Prince side, and you can get together from the backyard. She has to say that this fate is really wonderful.
     Of course, this fate is really wonderful or there are other reasons, Wan-xi does not want to pursue, but she does not pursue, does not mean that others can use her to achieve the purpose.
     13th Fu-Jin's intentions, Wan-xi did not want to know, although she knew that she would not blatantly help the 10th Fu-Jin to harm her, but she was determined to be a certain. It’s just that she is not stupid. She knows that there are ghosts that are sent to the door to make people calculate, and the brain is in the water!
     Ting-Qin looked at Wan-xi thoughtful look and asked softly: "Fus, don't you have to inquire about the intention of the next 4th Fu-Jin?"
     "No." Wan-xi shook his head and looked a little helpless.
     "That's the feast..." Ting-Qin watched Wan-xi slowly return to the calm face, looking at her inexplicably.
     "Push it! Knowing that there are ghosts still drilling in it is not stupid? Your home Your Highness can not be kind enough to fulfill the kindness of others!" Wan-xi is not a point of hesitation, let alone push.
     Ting-Qin took a moment, and after a while, I thought that the Wan-xi choice was the best.
     The relationship between her and Shi 3rd Fu-Jin is really the same. It is not to be surprised to go to the face. Secondly, the recent atmosphere in the capital city is quite tense because of the factional battle. Don’t look at the appearance of the calm, actually The dark tide is raging and the waves are constantly flowing. Especially between 4th-Prince and 14th-Prince, it is obviously a knot that cannot be solved. If you step on this drowning, it will cause unnecessary trouble.
     Collapsed post, Ting-Qin consciously turned around, but after leaving the room, consciously passed the message to Lin-Chujiu, after all, Your Highness is in good relationship with 13th-Prince, 13th-Prince House In some cases, it is still necessary to pay attention to it.
     Wan-xi didn't notice this. She looked at the books carefully and found that Yin-Tang sent those people to do things very clearly and the accounts were clearly visible. Wan-xi wanted to make sure that no one was doing fakes. Of course, if someone properly fishes oil, Wan-xi will not be excessively pursued. After all, there is no fish in the water, and she can't ask others to be selfish.
     "Jao-Jao!" The call from Yin-Tang came from outside the door. When Wan-xi turned his head, he had already picked up the curtain and the face was a bit ugly.
     He looked hurried, and it seemed that he should have arrived after the news.
     Wan-xi put down his account book, got up and greeted him, saw the sweat on his forehead, and couldn't help but take out the jinpa and help him wipe the side and whisper: "Master, is there anything to find?" So in a hurry!"
     Ting-Rain and others saw it, and they were very eye-catching and left the room, keeping them outside, in case the two Your Highness had other instructions.
     "Ye heard that 13th-Sao gave you a post?" Yin-Tang stood in the same place, with a low head, so that she could sweat for herself.
     "There is such a thing, but the whole body has already pushed this matter." Wan-xi slightly tilted his head, his eyes stunned at him with a slight sigh, his voice soft, his tone slightly rising, his ranks, etc. His praise is like.
     Yin-Tang looked at her delicate look, not holding her arms and gently rubbing her, her cheeks gently rubbing her neck. Wan-xi smiled slightly, his hands on his arm and his arms, seemingly not satisfied with his movements, still waiting for his answer.
     "Push it, 13th-Sao.
     This is for the maiden, who makes the Wanyan family now famous for someone!" Yin-Tang turned his head and his lips pressed against her. Ears, said that she still bite her earlobe with no earrings.
     His voice was slightly low, and his voice was a little bit ridiculous. He opened his mouth and bite her moment, and seemed to have a smile.
     Wan-xi leaned in his arms and listened to his slightly ridiculous words. He was quite a bit smirked in his heart.
     This Wanyan tree has deep roots and lush foliage. When is the little Yatou on her side? Hold up a piece of the sky. To put it bluntly, it is only the Wanyan family who know how to seize the opportunity, and know how to find a better home for the Miss in the family and also to make better relationships for themselves.
     "I don't dare to say this. I really want to say it.
     They are not because someone is famous, but because of someone behind them." Wan-xi chuckles and then gives the pot back. Yin-Tang.
     "Jao-Jao this mouth is not only sweet and profitable!" Yin-Tang slowly raised his head, holding her cheeks in both hands, scorning her red lips twice, and smirked out.
     Wan-xi eyes were staring at him, because of his words, the smile on Wan-xi face became more and more brilliant. From his words, it is not difficult to hear his maintenance and connivance for her. It seems that no matter what happens, he is so calm. Wan-xi thinks that it is this kind of mentality that will make Yin-Tang go this way more smoothly than the previous world.
     "It’s not just a word that can be good." Wan-xi hands unconsciously grabbed Yin-Tang’s big palm, and his body twisted, like what he thought, whispered: It won't be just because 13th Fu-Jin gave him a post!"
     Yin-Tang took her hand and took her to the side of the raft. He will come over certainly not just because of the posts of 13th Fu-Jin, he still has a lot of things to explain to her.
     The movement in the palace is not small, and the intention of Hui Min has been confirmed. However, it is not as good as the 3rd Prince. It seems that it is not as thorough as it is expressed. I want to let them put down their hopes and have a heart attack. .
     Of course, this is not the most important thing. What matters is that the old 14th-and the De-yi seem to have a tendency to jump over the wall.
     After they made up their minds to break the so-called mother and child status of De-yi and De-yi too many things happened in the middle, so that the plan could not be formed. Although it pays a little bit of gain, it is as insignificant as the result they want. Yes, they have been shot more frequently than before. Dessie didn’t say that he even took a lot of tricks, but he really ate a lot of losses. When he was upset, he gave them a lot of money.
     The woman in the harem can be said to be born to the right, whether it is to fight for power or profit, or for the sake of feelings, the premise is to fight, not to fight how to get ahead, not to fight how to get the cut you want. Deok can be said to be the leader of the harem, from the palace to the scorpion, even if it is reduced to a scorpion, it is also stepping on countless people. Before she was demoted, she attracted the courage of the palace, just because she had two sons, a Qinwang, a Prince, even if her feelings were not good, she could not be indifferent to her life and death, and this was not completely Drop the dust. But this time it was not the same.
     They rushed to and fro, and Kangxi stood by and watched it. Even with 14th-Prince help, the situation could only be worse.
     However, although they have given them opportunities, they may have forced them to look away, such as the backyard of their people, their women and children.
     Although not every woman can become their weakness, but the children will be able to touch their hearts, so whether it is Yin-Tang, or swearing, in dealing with Defei  and the old 14th-, while also waiting To avoid the suffering of people in the house.
     "Master , of course, it's impossible just because of a post." Yin-Tang caressed her soft cheeks, her brow furrowed. "Master , this is worrying about the old 14th-they jumped into the wall."
     This kind of thing is not the first time.
     The old 14th-the heart is hard and pays attention to the interests.
     They are chasing the interception. If he does not have a point, they have to worry about it.
     "I think it might be that Defei  Niang-Niang or 14th-Yang is just spreading the net. After all, the recent situation is quite unfavorable for them.
     They want to change the situation, but they forget it.
     The point is that the bureau is good, and others have to step in, and only enter the game in this life, and that is the game." Wan-xi said this when he said The eyes are silky, and the affection on the face makes Yin-Tang feel charming and warm.
     "This little mouth is like a touch of honey, so that the Lord can't stop." Yin-Tang voice fell, the moment of bowing directly kissed her lips, until both of them could not breathe, this is separated.
     Wan-xi leaned on Yin-Tang's arms and sighed slightly.
     Then he laughed. "Master, 13th Fu-Jin helped 14th Fu-Jin, does the 13th Prince know?"
     Yin-Tang laughed softly. When she loosened her, she put her hands behind her head and said faintly: "The old 13th hearts are naturally clear.
     The reason why I didn't stop the 13-Sao is that I want to come. She took this relationship with the 10th Fu-Jin. After all, this person is hard to come by."
     Everything was cut in their expectation, the only thing that was unexpected to them was that Wan-xi and him were the same, and they never played cards.
     "It turned out to be the case." Wan-xi chuckled, but he thought that even if Qin Wang was enthroned, Yin-Tang and others would have to reuse it. She did not intend to have any connection with the 13- Fu-Jin.
     A person who can count you because of human feelings can calculate the second time, which is not considered a payable person.
     "Don't have anything to do with her, but don't have to be too deep, some things, men can solve it, women don't have to stir up together." Yin-Tang suddenly opened his mouth and said that it just happened to accompany Wan-xi The mind.
     Wan-xi grabbed his palm, ten fingers clasped, the kind of feeling that seems to be able to tie their future together in a sense of always makes Wan-xi feel obsessed, "Hey and the body are raised to a block Now, it is impossible to give up easily. Maybe this time, you can make it better for you, and let the people and others see clearly.
     Those people are worth paying, and those people are not worth paying."

     Yan-Tang, their layout is very meticulous, not only makes Defei  repeatedly counted, even 14th-Prince is also affected, otherwise they do not have to worry about even the humanity of the 10th Fu-Jin family.
     Originally, Defei  can be said to be a winner in life. He has the ability to pamper and have a son.
     This is really eye-catching. If you want to keep your status unchanged, you can say that high-profile and low-key are synchronized. Unfortunately, Defei  realized the previous sentence, but did not understand the next step. Otherwise, it is not impossible to live beyond the Tong-Queen because of her good hand. Unfortunately, she has used the savvy in the first half of life, and the second half of her life is a bit of a slap in the face. Turning against enemies. Now it’s hard to say that it’s the opposite of the knife.
     Today's Yonghe Palace is no longer the scenery of the past. In nominal terms, the two sons are more and more prosperous. She should be more and more beautiful, but the opposite is true.
     The more scenery Qin Qinwang wants, the more she wants to break the connection with her. It’s not unfilial, but it’s not filial. After all, when you meet a biological mother who wants you to die from time to time, it’s better not. As for the 14th-Prince, the surface of the same court is in a state of crisis. It is a pity that he does not realize where the real problem is, but rather the level of competition. It is like a child who has not eaten sugar. Get a cut that belongs to him.
     The more you have a sorrow, the easier it is to walk into a dead end. In the case of others, 14th-Prince did not show such a brainlessness, and even a little shrewd, otherwise he would not let 8th-Prince suffer again and again.
     Yonghe Palace has been a lot of problems recently. At the beginning, Defei  was demoted to her own work, and others were pushing behind her. After that, there were many people who went to her palace. Although Defei  had a lot of things due to the downsizing, it was not appropriate to eat a long and wise man. It may be that Dexter’s expectations for 14th-Prince are too heavy, but if he has a little grade, she will be able to follow it.
     Other tricks to seize the opportunity are not stupid, especially Yifei and others. Now, let's not say that the three are united, at least two people are concentric, so it is more than enough to be a De-yi so there are never more than two De-yi enemies.
     Those who secretly push the waves, kill one batch and another batch, as long as they are profitable, no one will have more chances.
     The time in the Yonghe Palace is full of conditions. It seems that they are all small problems, but it is a lot of trouble.
     For the undercurrent of the harem, Yin-Tang has its own source. In the face of such an opportunity, Yin-Tang is also an instant avatar to dig a small expert, and has dug a lot of pits for Defei . Anyway, she is not allowed to have a When you stop.
     Defei  didn't know this. She was really upset and has made a lot of wrong decisions. Calm down, Defei  wants to calm down and start again. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang does not give her this opportunity, so that the situation worsens and the losses are more and more.
     If this is not the case, Yin-Tang will not want to strengthen the protection of Wan-xi and the children, and will not remind her about the matter. After all, the more this thing, the more pressure they have on them, in order to save themselves or To say that it is resistance, the more means, if there is no defense, it may be that they have succeeded.
     "Jao-Jao, before this matter has been reached, it is not just you, the children pay more attention. After all, no one can guess what the reaction of Defei  is in the face of this result!" Yin-Tang looks at Wan-xi exquisite The face of her face showed a serious look, and the big palm holding her little hand was slightly forced, and said with a deep voice.
     Wan-xi listened to what he said, and turned slightly down, from lying down to lying on the side, the whole person looked at Yin-Tang, after a while, this sighed: "Yes. When it is not lost, it seems to be taken for granted no matter how it is treated. Even in the process of torture, we can still feel happy. But once she thinks that what she can master is out of her palm, it will cause excessive reaction."
     Yin-Tang nodded. To tell the truth, he would like to see a regretful devil than the so-called overreaction.
     It may be that he saw his mother, only the best of Deok, if he is still the same as the previous one, I am afraid that he is looking forward to seeing Defei  continue to metamorphosis, but unfortunately their relationship has changed, from the right To the Brother, the mentality is not the same, and the views are not the same. I used to look cool, but now I really look at it, and every time I have to see it, I feel uncomfortable.
     The so-called Brother are like Brother and sisters, others have cut his hands and feet, if he does not respond, he is still a man!
     "Hey! No matter what reaction she has, she only knows that since she has lost her brother, that man can't make her feel happy." Yin-Tang snorted, as if he was dissatisfied with Defei . With the feelings of confrontation, it is getting deeper and deeper.
     Wan-xi looks at him like this, although his heart is slightly sour, but more is the admiration of his true nature, to know that if a man can really not, she will be a heavy work many times, also It is impossible to revenge and get long-lost happiness as it is now.
     Just because the Yin-Tang temper is too absolute, Wan-xi can get all his trust and favor, because he likes it, he doesn't like it. If not, only by beauty, it is only a moment of freshness.
     Lin-Chujiu and Ting-Rain, they are outside the door, the station in the inner room is closed. Although they can't quite understand what the two High Highness are saying, they can vaguely guess what they are saying. thing. Lin-Chujiu Recently, it was really busy enough. In order to deal with Defei  and 14th-Prince and others, outside the palace, the people in the dark have moved. As the general manager of Yin-Tang, Lin-Chujiu has a lot to manage.
     Ting-Rain is still in progress because of Wan-xi instructions, but she is still very concerned about the situation in the palace. After all, this thing has to be done, Your Highness, her Ting Rain can also be marked with a name, not to be useless.
     "General Manager, what happened to this Yonghe Palace?" Ting-Rain pretend to go to Lin-Chujiu in front of the gossip and whispered.
     "What do you want to ask! With your expression, you know what you are doing at home." Lin-Chujiu Seeing that there was no special movement in the interior, the two Your Highness were still talking and could not help but frown. Scolded.
     Ting-Rain was irritated by him and he was not angry. On the contrary, his face sneered and said: "Now, Lin is not so inhuman.
     The nubi are asking these things. It is also for Fu-Jin. After all, the Empress Dowager is getting sick, Fu-Jin is going to go to the palace to ask what is always going to be on the De-yi know more about it, or have a precaution."
     Lin-Chujiu frowned, and for a long time nodded and nodded: "You can be reasonable!"
     Lin-Chujiu didn't really want to take Ting-Rain. After all, Yin-Tang's thoughts still have some understanding. Just look at Yin-Tang and send it to Wan-xi and several small Your Highness. Dark Guard, you know how your Heart of Your Highness is! And Wan-xi is a good person, and they are very good to them. Lin-Chujiu is really respectful to this woman Your Highness, so Ting-Rain said, he does not hide more, he will Yonghe Palace And the various situations in the palace are simply said.
     "I didn't expect Defei  Niang-Niang to be awkward. In 10 months, I was pregnant, and I was a child. It also helped her to go to today's great hero. She is doing this directly to the life of this son. Hey!” Ting-Rain listened to what Deok’s actions were, and his face was awkward. Is this still human?
     Lin-Chujiu has a look of 'I really don't know', and Calls coldly: "Hey! It’s more than a human life. Defei  wants to put Qinwang on the top and bottom of the hundreds of people, and said The most poisonous woman, this is her, if not her heart is too poisonous, Your Highness, how can they step by step!"
     Ting-Rain Wen Fang, a brow, picks up the plans for Lin-Chujiu. Don't look at these plans to force Defei  to step back, but it's really a big deal. It's not really big.
     The only use is to kill the emperor's feelings for Defei .
     The other is to give people a kind of virtue. No matter what the end is. Sin deserves what it deserves. Really, there is really no Fu-Jin's idea to be decisive. After all, that is the way to cure the problem.
     Speaking of Defei , to treat her is nothing more than to see the emperor's mind, if the emperor wants her to die, no one dares to ask her to live, if the emperor wants to let her live, no one dares to let her die. But once she solved the emperor's counter-scale, it really didn't take them to make the decision of the emperor, and the emperor naturally took her life.
     "General Manager, why do you have to do this. To force Deyang Niang-Niang crazy, simple! She doesn't like to compare with Tong-Queen everywhere? Then start from Tong-Queen! Anyway, the Emperor valued Tong-Queen more than Defei  Niang-Niang, and Ruo Niang-Niang moved Tong-Queen... Cough, Lin, you don't mean, nubi say their own opinions." Ting-Rain glared at Lin-Chujiu more and more serious face, and his heart was faint, and the rest of the idea would not dare to fight again.
     She did have the provocation of Lin-Chujiu development in this respect. After all, the power in this house, even if she knew a nubi she could not know all of it.
     This is really a problem.
     The people in her hands are really not enough. If there is Lin-Chujiu, no, it should be Yin-Tang behind Lin-Chujiu.
     This plan is to be achieved. It is more with less.
     Lin-Chujiu replied on the surface of Ting-Rain, but the words that she said to her heart are really heart-warming. It's just that this kind of thing is not suitable for publicity. After all, Qinwang is too concerned about Tong-Queen, which makes them a little difficult to start. In addition, Your Highness pays attention to this brother's feelings, fearing that it is easy to do it.
     "I will pay more attention to it later.
     The idea of ​​Tong-Queen can be played casually? Don't say that Your Highness and Qi Qin are good Brother, are not good Brother, and you can't say things to those who have passed away. Lin-Chujiu was afraid of Ting-Rain's extra-budget, and couldn't help but knock a few words. Seeing her nodding her face, the look on his face was slowed down.
     Ting-Rain See Lin-Chujiu broken words, it is not easy to stop, can not help but spit out the tongue, and then dare not play this idea. But she didn't know that because she had inadvertently played this little idea, she finally touched the heart of Yin-Tang, making the arrangement of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi inadvertently cooperate with each other, and finally succeeded in giving Defei  I won it.

     In the Yonghe Palace, Defei  sat in the inner room with a sly face, holding a samovar in his hand but not drinking tea.
     The whole person was in a state of dissociation. It seems to be thinking about what it is like just inadvertently distracting, and in fact it is like a kind of numbness caused by excessive suppression.
     The state of Mama Palace, who stayed close to Defei , was not so good.
     The influence from a far point was slightly smaller, but because the atmosphere in the Yonghe Palace was not so good, they also seemed to be a bit wary. After all, Your Highness is in a bad mood, and the unlucky ones will always be the only ones who are nubi .
     Defei  did not know this. At this time, she was full of thoughts on how to counter the people who framed her. To put it bluntly, the reason why her spirit is embarrassed is not because of the blow of others, but because of how it hurts people to think like this.
     She never believed that there was any positive friendship in the palace, including the feelings of Kangxi. It was Kangxi repeated and repeated maintenance that gave her input. After she invested, Kangxi had other ideas. When she followed her mind as before, she felt hurt. It was only because of Kangxi status and identity that she subconsciously did not dare to blame, but she pushed this cut to her head. Perhaps it is really her heart that has always been a big one, so that she and she naturally think that as long as she thinks, she should pay all.
     In the matter of taking Di-, she is unswervingly supporting her, because in her heart, she is her son, and hey, after he has been hugged to Jingren Palace, then It is no longer her son, but the son of Tong-shi.
     I have to say that Defei  is still very capable. In the end, it was a person who has been in this deep palace for decades. Even if she is directly pitted, she is like a small strong man who can’t die, and climbs again and again. Up, this situation makes Yin-Tang's arrangements do not make much difference.
     That is to say, they have spent so much thought, and there is no Kangxi to go to the Jingren Palace to be strong.
     It’s been half a year since the dawn of the day, and the arrival of the new year has brought a new look, but this new weather is relatively different for everyone.
     The teams that fight to fight can be said to have won or lose. What really makes people change is probably that Kangxi attitude is gradually clear, and the other is that his body is not as healthy as before.
     I went straight to the Yonghe Palace, and the expression on my face was not very good. I waited in the hall, met Defei , and did not pay attention to what she was thinking. She complained directly: "Mother, son wants I can't keep going. If we can't think of it anymore, this throne will be taken away by 4th Prince sooner or later."
     He is really impatient. Now that 3rd Prince is sent to the book by Imperial Father, 8th Prince has another support for him.
     This situation should have greatly increased his confidence. Who knows that Imperial Father has raised 4th Prince again, but although he did not raise it, his attitude was so blank that the ministers who had supported him began to hesitate again, and he was really mad at him.
     From the sensible, he knew that he and the 4th Prince were different. He was the biggest reliance of the mother, and his good 4th Prince was the white-eyed wolf who was thinking of returning to his mother. And this white-eyed wolf is always cold-faced, and after all the disputes, it is also in charge of the East, and does not look at who he is.
     Defei  looked at the indignation of his face and put the tea pot in his hand on the table next to him.
     The delicate eyebrows squatted tightly and his face was a little angry.
     For Defei ,   is her counter-scale. If she just offends her, its okay to say that at least it will make people feel happy, but if she is offended, she will not be the same. She will try her best to help him. I will get back all the time, and I will get back 200%. It is true that not every enemy will have such an end, but it is really not a happy thing to be remembered by people like Defei .
     "What happened?" Defei  patted his hand and asked with a sigh of relief.
     "What else can I do? Imperial Father has reused him as always.
     Those who originally supported his son are now somewhat shaken. If 8th Prince changes his mind, the son just wants to compete with him for a win or lose." Here, Yin-Tang couldn't help but clench his fists, slamming the table next to him, and the things underneath, involuntarily jumping up and down, making a harsh collision.
     Defei  looked so heavy that since Kangxi sent the fourth to come, she began to worry that the fourth will occupy the old 14th position. Sure enough, this son who is like a stepping stone has a naive become the roadblock of the old 14th. She counted all kinds of calculations and tried to prevent him. In the end, he still succeeded.
     "This is a matter for the mother to come up with a solution. It is just that the mother-in-law can't insert the hand on the court. But there is a point that you should pay more attention to.
     The frontier is more turbulent. If you can hold the military power, it will be a big boost for you." Don't look at Defei  as a woman from the palace, but sometimes the more people in the bottom house know how to climb up.
     Hearing that she said this, her face flashed a glimmer of light, and then she thought deeply about her face. It seemed that she was very specific in her words. After thinking for a while, he did not hesitate to nod his head and whispered: "The mother-in-law said it makes sense. With the military power, even if the Imperial Father is ultimately optimistic about not being a son, the son can have a fight, not As for anyone trampling."
     After Defei  listened to his words, his face could not help but reveal a silky smile. After taking the right to fight, although she still said everything to her in the past, her opinions were less and less. Unless there is a problem that cannot be solved, the outside world will solve it on its own, no matter how big or small. It is rare to ask her like this, or even accept her opinion.
     However, she has joy and sorrow in her heart. She is happy to help her son, and she is lost. She is no longer as dependent on her as she used to be.
     "14th-, there is a mother, the mother-in-law is not watching you being bullied by others. Even if this is the fourth, the mother-in-law will find a way to let him give you this throne unless he I want to bear the name of rebellion and filial piety." De   wrinkled his brow, she only thought of the old 14th will suffer, she feels distressed, let alone trample on him. As for the embarrassing mood, it is never within her care.
     The gloom in the heart of the heart was swept away by the point and guarantee of De-yi He is in a good mood now, although he now wants to leave directly, but the expectation on the face of Defei , he also talked to Defei  with his temper, after all, suppressing his good 4th Prince, still have to rely on His mother is only OK.
     Defei  sees no meaning of leaving people immediately, and the scorpion shines brightly and is scary.
     Thinking about it, she has a sense of loss. Once upon a time, she wanted to stay with her son for a while, and had to wait and ask for it with this look of hope. It was just a smile on the face of the captain, and she felt that it was worth paying more. She called people and sent tea and snacks. She didn't care about her own tastes, but she was mainly based on her liking. From this point, it is not difficult to see how deeply she cares about his care.
     Well, this is life!
     "My son knows that the mother-in-law is the most painful son, but the Imperial Father is not as good as the son." Seeing 3rd Prince or 8th Prince, at least there is something to do on hand, but the son, the scenery, But there is no real power." He Called at the corner of his mouth, as long as he thought that he was more beautiful than him, the sour water in his heart kept going out.
     Defei  heard the words, the look on his face looked a bit dazed, obviously in this warm time, she was very reluctant to think of her current situation.
     "14th-, some things can be said to be the best. Your Imperial Father now prefers the young palace, and has rarely come to the mother-in-law again. In addition, Yifei has several monks who are united in one, fearing that they are Your Imperial Father said a lot of bad things about the mother, the mother-in-law just wants to defend, and there is nowhere to go." Defei  was silent for a moment before he explained softly.
     The look on her face brought a bit of resentment, and there was a resentment in her tone.
     There are too many women in this harem, but there are only a few pets. She doesn’t know why Kangxi misunderstood her, but she secretly made a lot of means to reverse this situation, but it didn’t play much. Just what it takes.
     Although she still has a killer, she is not willing to use it, but this killer is not willing to use it, because this method is a form of insult to her, and even her means of stepping on the mud, not to a point, she is Will not be used.
     She really hopes that she will never use this, even if she used to rely on this method to get the Defei position!
     I couldn't help but lick my mouth. Obviously, I was not satisfied with Dexter's words. But as a son, he couldn't blame his mother for not competing.
     This is not true.
     "The mother-in-law should not be too angry. When the son is seated in that position, the son will surely let them all kneel at the feet of the mother-in-law." The tone of the embarrassment is very solemn, quite a bit of a sound.
     Defei  raised his hand and held his hand. His expression was quite excited, and he even gave birth to a kind of son who had such a feeling.
     When I saw it, my face was still smiling, but my heart was somewhat blamed for the lack of skill. He knew in his heart how much the difference between a beloved mother-in-law and an unlovable mother-in-law was, but this thing did not work. He was anxious to use it. He could not order his Imperial Father to come to this Yonghe Palace.
     In any case, there is no shortage of beauty in this harem, and you can’t be pampered! As long as he works hard, he will wait until he gets to the position and see who can look down on him.
     Defei  did not know what was in her heart. At this time, she was full of happiness, thinking that she could stay with her son for a while.

     In the fifty-five years of Emperor Kangxi fifty-five years, the Junggar Ministry’s policy, Ah-Rabtan, plagued Tibet. Kangxi was furious, and the hearts of the ministers were embarrassed. Only 14th-Prince was happy.
     Before, there was some movement, but before things were fixed, everyone just waited and watched, but they didn’t want to sue Ah-Rab eventually moved. Now it is preventing this from moving further and the key is to be promoted. Rebellion has become the focus of attention for all.
                  Only he is proud and conceited. If he had not learned the lesson in 1st-Prince, he would not accept this’second'.
     Now that the sacred purpose is not down, I am still thinking about trying to fight hard, whether it is to deepen my influence, or take the opportunity to get military power, and I don’t want to give up.
     Yan and Yin-Tang and others did not have any thoughts. After all, Yin-Tang began to urge Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang to practice riding and shooting. Although there is no explanation, Yin E and Yu-Xiang are not really stupid. At first, the two may not understand why. After that, the mind is more or less clear.
     This is the opportunity for Yin-Tang and Yu to fight for them. Faced with such concern, How can they hand in hand?
     It’s just that they know in their hearts that this is an urgent matter, so even if they look at the hustle and bustle of people who are jumping up and down, they are reluctant to wait and wait for them to tell.
     Yan and Yin-Tang looked at Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, who were very anxious, but who were resistant to the results of the temper, and they were quite comforted. After all, the battlefield is not a child's play. Although Kangxi is not sure that his son will be desperate on the first line, he really wants to integrate or say that he really wants to do something, and it is impossible to hide behind others.
     They do not move, let them Call, and seem to be really wanting to worry about Kangxi on the surface, but a small thought, most of my mind can be guessed clearly. It’s just that this kind of thing is well known to everyone, and there is no need to say something. After all, during the period of Di-, the period is endless, such a clear strategy, whether it is good or not, as long as it is, that is the biggest gain.
     In Qiankun Palace, Yifei looked at the four Wangzis in two rows. When he greeted a few words, he gave them the place directly and let them discuss it.
     Recently, because of the things in Tibet, the emperor is also somewhat anxious.
     The Tongkun Palace that came to her yesterday was also frowned. Yifei said that although she was relieved, she did not mention anything related to Tibet. After all, this harem is not a rule of the government. Don’t think that you can be a good person. You must know that Kangxi is not an emperor. It does not involve imperial government affairs. If you want something, it’s really no problem, but the more you get the line, no matter who you are, No one can tell, this point is not ugly on those who are favored and out of favor.
     Of course, she doesn't cross the line, it doesn't mean that others don't cross the line. She is stunned by Dexter's recent actions. Her son and these Brother are not saying that they are not filial, but that their relationship cannot be carried. On the face, it is awkward, taking advantage of this time, she is very active to give time to them, so that they can discuss the countermeasures.
     To put it bluntly, Yifei also has her own little abacus. She and De fight for most of her life, she can accept anyone to stand on the top of the wind, but can not accept her standing higher than her, so as long as the De-yi can be unlucky, she is willing to help.
     In the inner temple, Yin-Tang and others do not know Yifei careful thoughts, and now they are in the midst of a discussion about bringing troops.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, we really look at the old 14th like this they are jealous?" Yin-Er irritated and licked his own light, some uncomfortable.
     "Old ten, patiently, if you can't stand it, then the Imperial Father really wants to give this to the old 14th-What do you do? Rush up to compete with the Imperial Father?" Yin-Tang frowned A face hated the iron and did not become a steel smashed Yin-Er eyes, saying that he bowed his head before he gave up.
     Yin-Er feels aggrieved in his heart. Isn't he anxious? You said that he insisted on training every day, so they were like the Imperial Father.
     They were all in the sand. Unfortunately, although there were wars, the eyes of these people were mainly focused on Di-this matter, even if he had the heart. Can not mention, in the end can only suppress the inner yearnings and desires in the deepest heart. But now, finally, there is a chance. He wants to take the opportunity to realize his dreams. However, it seems that there is not much chance of winning this situation. He is anxious!
     Yu-Xiang looked at Yin-Er like this, and she felt a sense of empathy. Yin-Er thought he could understand it because he had the same desire in his heart.
     Good man, who doesn’t want to make a contribution and start a career. However, these Princes have to be approved by the Imperial Father to leave the capital, not to mention other things.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, my brother knows that you are good for us, but we really don't want to give up such a good opportunity. We don't want to give up." When Yu-Xiang said this, both hands unconsciously clenched their fists.
     This shows his determination.
     "Yes! 4th Prince, 9th Prince, brother and old 13th are all kinds of ideas. Regardless of success and failure, we all want to try." Yin-Er is really a dream that has been suppressed for many years. .
     Yin-Tang looked at the two younger Brother who prayed for their faces.
     They reached out and took the light of their heads. Under the individual, they had the same strength and never favored. "Confused, do you think that you and 4th Prince are not for the sake of the soldiers! It is afraid of things or fear of trouble. It is not.
     The reason why the 4th Prince and the 4th Prince are not moving, is not afraid that you will not be able to do things, but we know in our hearts that Imperial Father will not send anyone for the time being. In the past, whether it was you or not, the old 14th-that is not in his consideration."
     "Why!" Yin-Er has wide eyes and does not understand.
     Yin-Tang looked at him like this, so angry that he wanted to shoot him again, but looking at his shrinking shoulders, he could not help but sigh: "Why? You think about it, this happened just now, the situation Unknown, Imperial Father must be the first time to recruit, not to use force. In addition, we have been fighting for it, and the Imperial Father could not hand over the military power to any of them at this time. In addition, the country military is quite a lot.
     There aren't just two of them to use, so the previous Imperial Father will definitely not let any of us go, so it won't be appreciated if you jump high, maybe it will be self-defeating."
     "9th Prince, you mean Imperial Father is 14th old jumping up and down, not necessarily trying to find out what we mean." Yu-Xiang turned his head and thought of the key place.
     Looking at Yu-Xiang, who is getting more and more stable, I feel a little comforted. "You don't know about this thing. You should continue to practice the training. Continue to learn the school. When it is time to perform." 4th Prince, you 9th Prince, will only support you, not stop you."
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are looking at each other. Both of them are quite awkward on their faces.
     The 2nd Brother are thinking about them.
     They don’t understand their intentions. It’s really...
     "Oh, a little thing, what a cat tears, this time, read more art, the battlefield is not the other place." Yin-Tang will say this, it is really concerned about their safety.
     As mentioned before, the battlefield does not distinguish between you and me. Even if they are noble, it is impossible to fight on the first line, but if you go up, no one can guarantee that it will go down well. Look at 1st-Prince. And the 5th-Prince injury knows that this is true.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are now convinced that they are not daring to pick up the disease. Naturally, Yin-Tang and Yan said what it is.
     I looked at the honest two people, and my heart was really relieved. He has a lot of things on hand recently. Sometimes he can't take care of them, so he has to remind them a lot of things. In order to avoid the trick.
     The four did not stay in Qiankun Palace for a long time, but they left at half an hour.
     This time was normal, but it fell in the eyes of Defei , but it was like a slap in the face. She is impatient and swaying in front of her, but it does not mean that she would like to see     

     De-yi didn’t think so much. In fact, when he was determined to pass the name of Tong-Queen, he had already put down all his obsession with Defei . Otherwise, according to his temper, it is impossible to calculate her calmly as it is now.
     Some things, when you can't figure out, will only hit the dead end all the way, but you can figure it out all the time. Everywhere is the road, not only the front can pass.
     Just let go, it doesn't mean that Defei  wants to open.
     This is not, it took a long time for Yu to leave from Qiankun Palace. Someone came over to find aervant, saying that it was called by Defei , and he listened.
     The brow was wrinkled. Yin-Tang and others didn’t raise their eyebrows, they were grinning. Obviously, it is clear that Defei  is not good.
     "4th Prince, if you don't want to go, don't go, some things are that you are too shunning her, will let her ask for you." Yin-Tang does not interfere with the way and decision to do things, but encounters this Things will still persuade a few words.
     I know that Yin-Tang cares about himself, but he knows that if he doesn’t go today, tomorrow, Deok will make a storm through the name of unfilial piety, even if Kangxi has stopped, or they have to deal with it, remove The impact, and finally the mess is still they.
     "9th Prince, as a son, some things can't be rejected." The meaning of is very clear. If he does not dispel the relationship, he will have a day to respect the virtues, even the only virtues.
     "Hey-" Yin-Tang snorted, but although he was dissatisfied, he knew that this was justified.
     In the future, I will be on the throne. I will be taken out of the past.
     The name of filial piety is too heavy. If I become an emperor, I will bear the name of filial piety. As a result, the consequences will be disastrous.
     "Okay, but let her say a few words, there will be no other." pacified and said a few words, then took Su Peisheng to the direction of Yonghe Palace.
     Yu-Xiang looked at the back of the deaf, and felt inexplicably worried. Compared with Yin-Tang, he grew up in Yonghe Palace and learned more about the difficulties of Defei . If it is only a few words, Defei  will not send people at all. Obviously, she wants to swear by sovereignty and then give 4th Prince ugly!
     The old demon of Defei  has never stopped!
     "9th Prince, 10th-Brother, I am a little worried about 4th Prince, I want to see it with the past." Yu-Xiang is afraid of Yin-Tang, they feel embarrassed, so after saying this sentence, they immediately turned and chased after the sly Ran.
     Yin-Tang looked at the two people who left after the previous one, and their faces were annoyed. Are they so unreliable? But now it’s useless to go with it. Instead of going to the morals of Jude, it’s better to go to the Imperial Father for emergency. In his opinion, the Imperial Father’s tolerance for Dexter is already in the end, but let him make up his mind to completely dispose of it. Defei , lack of accumulation is not a trivial matter, but it is a taboo that is enough to ignite the deepest buried in Kangxi heart.
     "Old ten, go, let's learn to go back to the old 14th-, to the Imperial Father to complain, although the small things are not enough to completely defeat the De-yi let her suffer bitter, after all, this old witch has always remembered to eat. She doesn't hurt, she doesn't stop, she doesn't know what kind of endline she will end up in the end!" Yin-Tang sneered, dragging Yin-Er to the royal study room.
     "9th Prince, what do you mean by that? You mean that it is useless to find Imperial Father? Then let's find the Imperial Father!" Yin-Er asked aloud as he walked.
     Yin-Tang didn’t say anything. He couldn’t say that the older Father Father was older, the softer the means, and the lack of a younger generation’s style.
     If you can't say it, then you can only look at it with cold eyes, and then use your own methods to solve it. As for why he knows that he can't bring Kangxi to the boat, then of course, how can he disgust the other side, how can he be disliked with him? The old demon is not polite.
     In the Yonghe Palace, a piece of silence, compared to the excitement, now here is always a bit too quiet.
     Defei  just made a decree to invite Qinwang to come. Yonghe Palace was nervous. I want to come to everyone heart and understand that Defei  Qin Zhen will definitely not have any good things.
     They are so nervous and precautionary. Be careful to become cannon fodder. Although the palace people who waited in the Yonghe Palace did not wait for the shackles, but the long-eyed eyes could understand, the De-yi were so badly troubled that she was also a thin day, and her status and influence were going downhill, even with 14th-Prince. I couldn't increase her stack, and Qi Qinwang never had a good time here in Defei . From his current point of view, his status is simply booming and full of hope. Such people do not want to offend, it is awkward, this Yonghe Palace is only not the face of Defei , the palace people are quite respectful and polite.
     When I came over, I could obviously feel the tension in the Yonghe Palace. Especially when he entered the inner hall, the tension became more and more obvious, and even a faint sense of oppression. However, I used to get used to it. After all, he was brought here by Kangxi. He didn't get a good look. Even if it was a smirk, it would cost a price. How sad!
     In the past, he was immersed in his own desires and was unwilling to face the facts. Now he has not woken up and will not repeat the same mistakes.
     "The son asked the mother to ask for peace." Even if he had no respect for Defei , he should have respected the rules, but he should know how to behave. He is the best, and he can't pick the fault.
     Defei  leaned on the beautiful couch, leaning against the cushion on the back, his eyes narrowed, as if he had fallen asleep, and he did not pay attention to it, let him stand like this.
     The fact is that you have long been used to this kind of indifference and neglect. He used to care about it, but now he finds that his mood is calm and there is no anger. He looks like a stranger. As usual, there is no ups and downs.
     Defei  closed his eyes and slept, didn't see the cut, but An Mama, who was next to him, saw the indifference and calmness in his eyes, and she only felt’squeaky' at that moment.
     The heart quickly sank to the bottom of the valley.
     She has been waiting for Defei  for so many years, and naturally she is clear that she can be ashamed to Qinwang in this way. It is just that Qin Wang cares about her. If Qin Wang is no longer concerned about her as she used to, she will hurt the king again. I know that in this harem, the mother is not the only one. Just change your name, even if you are born, you have no right to ask.
     In an instant, An Mama thought of the recent depreciation of the De-yi In the past, this kind of situation was rare. However, in recent years, the power of the De-yi has been greatly reduced, and even the status is not as good as a day. An Mama was in a hurry, but it was a pity that Your Highness didn't listen. She could only watch her as a dead nubi and could do nothing.
     Not everyone is blindly trusting with the De-yi 14th-Prince is omnipotent, a few confidants, how others think An Mama does not know, but she does not really see Defei  and 14th Prince, after all, the two can't even deal with 8th-Prince, let alone the ability to have the backing of Qinwang.
     Defei  did not get the hint of An Mama for a long time, and he was a little angry in his heart, but as long as he thought of the picture that was left out, he could not help but feel better. At about the time of tea, she slowly opened her eyes and looked like a statue of a stone standing in the distance, and her heart subconsciously emerged.
     The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the De-yi who was slightly up and raised slightly took care of the clothes.
     The eyes that turned a circle finally fell on the body, but the first sentence of the opening seemed to contain the hail, and the cold was abnormal. In the future, you should put the mother of this palace directly under your feet!"
     "Why did the mother say this, the son didn't understand?" He looked up at Defei  eyes, his eyes were indifferent and direct, and he did not avoid the move, which made Defei  feel a deep heart in his heart.
     Don't look at Defei  always so eager to ask for it, and don't see that she always doesn't count on it, and asks for more than one. In fact, she can get the inch, the beginning is from the filial piety and tolerance of her, enjoy the accustomed to pay, the De-yi has become a matter of course, even because of being used to it, a little bit If there is a point that is not smooth, then he will feel that he is not in the right place.
     Although he refused many times before, he was difficult to accept, and even furious, but after a little longer, she automatically recovered to the state, and once again began to ask for it.
     "I don't understand? You don't want to understand this palace!" De squinted, his anger was as fast as a cloud, and there was a kind of posture that wanted to break the net.


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