Chongqie Courting Death Daily 385

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     In the palace, Wan-xi didn't know that there was such an oolong in the house. She was too rushed when she entered the palace. What clothes were sent afterwards, as for the other people, Ping Mama Prepared for.
      The Empress Dowager is waiting for someone to wait?
     No shortage, not only is there not lacking, on the contrary, how much is there, as long as the people of Ningshou Palace open their mouths, how many people are really there, and how to let these Nanang-Niang go into battle.
     In fact, the reason why Kangxi let these Nanang-Niang come to serve, in some ways, is to let them replace their filial piety. It’s just that Kangxi has forgotten that these women have been pampered for so many years, and still remember how to serve people. Just open your mouth, at most it is to interrupt the rhythm of people. If you have the expression of love, for Ping Mama, it is no different from disaster.
     Fortunately, with the first failure, these people directly confessed their lives, most of them are sitting on the wall, no longer just handing things or letting their daughter-in-law. Wan-xi and 5th Fu-Jin are all there, but Yifei really doesn't want to see her compared to 5th Fu-Jin, which has no sense of existence.
     Wan-xi didn't care about it, but even then she didn't get a good score. On the contrary, Yifei remembered her pen in her heart. I want to come to Yifei.
     The last thing I regret is to give her the opportunity to let her step by step.
     After staying in the palace for three days, Yin-Tang came to Ningshou Palace to see her. It’s not that he doesn’t want to come, but there are quite a few things in these days. Many of Princes are asking for peace outside the temple. He really not running around. He will come in today, or drag the Ping Mama blessing.
     Yin-Tang did not sleep well in these days. Although Wan-xi entered the palace, people who were placed in the palace would help to send back the appropriate news, but this did not make Yin-Tang feel at ease. In his opinion, the palace is much more dangerous than the outside of the palace. Not to mention his unclear mother-in-law, he said that Defei  and others, that is a good blame, this one is full of mind, he does not think that such a good opportunity is in front of them, they are nothing able to do.
     When Wan-xi was replaced by Ping Mama, I was amazed. When I saw Yin-Tang in the temple, I realized the meaning of Ping Mama, and the time when Wan-xi felt mixed. .
     "Master, how come you come, don't you say that you are not allowed to come over?" Although Wan-xi did not go out to Ningshou Palace, but some things in the palace Ping Mama, they did not look at her, and even many times Proactively told her.
     Wan-xi according to Gu the Empress Dowager is the most careful, especially the medicine, no matter how careful others are, it seems that she did not do well. Yes, the matter of feeding medicine has become her exclusive, which also allows others to have a break, but she has to be on call.
     "Master  came over to see you." Yin-Tang looked at her slightly pale face, and could not help but reach out and touch her cheeks, her eyes full of distress, but could not say a 'no' word.
     "You don't have to worry, you are very good here. Ping Mama is also very caring for them. Even the Imperial Father has boasted several times, so he will do his own thing safely, then take our The child took good care of it.” Wan-xi has never seen a few children in the next few days, but she knows that many people are waiting to grab her handle, so she will let Ting the next morning-Rain they want to inform Hong-min them, so that they don't come here easily. If someone looks for them, as long as they are not Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, don't believe anyone, including in the Qiankun Palace. people.
     "Okay." Yin-Tang chuckled and nodded happily, but if he looked closely, he would find a faint anger in his eyes.

     Yes, Yin-Tang is angry at this time.
     He has always hated others to lie to him, but his mother-in-law has repeatedly defrauded his trust. Every time I said that I would take care of Wan-xi, but the fact is that she has failed his trust again and again, and it has been difficult for her again and again. Is this really good for him?
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang so good to talk, plus two people did not see a few days, could not help but go up the first two steps, leaning in his arms and spoiled: "Master, all miss you." ”
     "Master  also wants to seduce you!" whispered her Yin-Tang, and the two kept this position tightly. Even though the two did not speak again, they tacitly took responsibility to themselves.
     They did not complain about their grievances, while the other one thought of asking her to be wronged.
     "There are too many people who are uneasy in the palace, and there is a devil who stares at it. You are careful." Yin-Tang thought of coming to find her, immediately convinced her emotions and began to marry her.
     Wan-xi knows clearly that in fact, these days in the palace seem calm, but in fact it is a dark tide, even if she is directly in the Empress Dowager's bedroom, she still can't stop the calculations of those who care. If it wasn't for Wan-xi to be cautious, it wouldn't be possible to see her today in Yin-Tang.
     "Yes, don't worry! What you know in your mind and body is Hong-min.
     They are also squatting. In addition to Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, no one should believe, even the people in the mother-in-law." Wan-xi would say this in order not to let Yin-Tang misunderstand. After all, Yifei can guarantee that he will not harm Hong-min, but there is no guarantee that there will be no other people in her palace.
     Yin-Tang is not angry. On the contrary, he is cautious in recognizing Wan-xi. "Well. Hong-min has Master, you should not worry too much, and you should take your own safety first. Others don't care about it. In addition, 4th Prince wants to take this opportunity to let the Imperial Father pass him to the name of Tong-Queen, and it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. You must be careful in the palace. If there is anything that can't be solved, let people send messages to the Lord."
     Wan-xi expression is slightly stunned, and it seems to be shocked by the news of Yin-Tang's mouth. After all, there is not so many twists and turns in the last world.
     The real twists and turns are always only Qinwang itself. When he thought about his ascending to the throne, he was almost forced to lift his sword by Defei . Wan-xi thought that if this matter could be achieved, at least it would make Qi Qinwang become more convincing.
     "You don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to worry too much about it.
     The Empress Dowager's condition is getting better and better. I believe that it will take a long time to get out of the palace..." Wan-xi is talking, suddenly listening At the footsteps, she immediately intercepted the topic and gave Yin-Tang a look.
     The two immediately separated and sat down honestly.
     Sure enough, but for a moment, I saw a figure appear at the door of the partial hall. It’s not a other person, it’s Yifei.
     Yin-Tang looked at the appearance of Yifei sin, and his eyes were slightly stunned.
     The moment he got up and the Wan-xi came forward to please, and the rules were fine.
     They all made it impossible to pick it up, but Attitude is more alienated than in the past.
     How Yifei can't see it, but the more she sees it, the more she hates Wan-xi. She doesn't think she is wrong with her mother and son. She only thinks that Wan-xi is provocative.
     This has caused this situation.
     Yin-Tang looked at Yifei reaction, but did not have a spot attack, but let Wan-xi leave. Wan-xi probably also saw that Yifei was unfriendly, so he did not insist that the two bodies would automatically retreat after the ceremony.
     The voice of ' ', Yifei hand patted the table beside him, and looked at Yin-Tang with a look of disappointment: "You are posing with this palace, this palace is doing a cut." It is for you."
     "Was it difficult for Wan-xi to be a son?" Yin-Tang leaned forward slightly, his tone was a bit cold, and even a silky question.
     "You-" Yifei was mad, his chest was ups and downs, and he couldn't help but calm down. Yifei couldn't help pointing to Yin-Tang. "Is this palace not for you or for whom? What kind of Prince have you seen?" I’ve been with a woman just like a woman. Now that she has become Fu-Jin, she shouldn’t know how to occupy you as I used to.”
     Yin-Tang hands unconsciously clenched into a fist, and the look on his face was incomparably confused. How is the woman in this house clear in his heart, who is willing to go to the yard and uses others to say where he wants to go.
     "According to the meaning of the mother, the son is incompetent and incompetent, is a playboy who is confused by the beauty." Yin-Tang looked at her with a sneer.
     Yifei said that she didn't mean this. She just didn't want her son's mind to be on a woman. Whether it is from her heart, it is because Ai Xinjue Luojia can no longer be a kind of love, she really wants his son to be good. Because it is easy for the individual to become the weakness of the individual, such as Defei  and others, looking for the trouble of Wan-xi, why is it because they determined that Wan-xi is Yin-Tang weakness.
     "You are in the heart of the mother-in-law, and the mother is heart-to-heart for you, how can you not understand it?" Yifei face is heartbroken.
     Yin-Tang looked at Yifei dazzling appearance, and smiled bitterly: "Mother-in-law knows the son's current situation, and you are hurting his son again and again with the name of 'good son'.
     The man, the mother-in-law once thought about it, she is not only the son Di Fu-Jin, but also Hong-min their mother, if she lost her, the mother is not in the heart of her son."
     His voice just fell, Yifei couldn't say a word at all. After all, in front of her son, she couldn't conscience to say that her mother was better than her mother.
     Yin-Tang looked at Yifei for a long time and sighed deeply. "Mother, son filial you, Hong-min, they also respect you, but if you have to set Wan-xi to death, then The son can only say that while you lost her, you also lost your son and grandson."
     "You-" Yifei heard his words and decided to bite his teeth and chose to compromise. After all, she couldn't afford this risk, and she didn't want to lose her son and grandson. "Well, mother-in-law is not embarrassed, but mother-in-law will not." Take care of you, look at her and see how she does it!"
     Yin-Tang See Yifei choose to give up, and I can't help but feel a sigh of relief. He really does not want his mother and a beloved woman to become enemies. Although the two cannot live in peace, it is the biggest surprise for him to be able to interfere with each other.
     “Xi Ma.” Yin-Tang bowed respectfully and gave a big gift to Yifei.
     Yifei looked at the Yin-Tang lying on the ground, and his heart was sour and angry, but what is the solution? The son's heart is no longer on her. She can't help but gamble without regard to her son's life and death. Worth, now is not the time to care about such a small matter, thinking about Huimin, she feels that she should be ready to prepare, after all, than the De-yi Wan-xi that thing really does not matter.
     "Okay, get up! Mother has something to discuss with you, let's go back to Qiankun Palace and say it again." Yifei converges on his emotions and whispers to Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang's eyes flashed, and the moment he got up, he helped Yifei hand to go outside the temple.

     After the mother and son returned to Qiankun Palace, Yifei let Qi Mama stay outside the hall. She took Yin-Tang into the inner hall and handed the list to her when she gave her the credit directly to Yin Tang.
     At the beginning, she did not move because of the fact that Hui Min did not make up her mind. At the beginning, Hui Hui Cheng Cheng only gave her a list of half, she had a good heart, not anxious, waiting for her to hand over the other half of the list. After all, it is not her who asks for people. Besides, she really let her take the half-list of her hands to do things. I am afraid that it will not play a big role.
     In fact, Yifei knows that Hyein only pays half of the list because of Kangxi slightly embarrassing attitude. He reuses the fourth, and praises the old eight and the old 14th, which leads to their performance everywhere. If you come to me, it will inevitably lead to conflicts. In the case of winning or losing half of each other, let alone the blunt wisdom of the rescuer, it is inevitable that her heart is a little embarrassing.
     However, the form is gradually becoming clearer. Kangxi reuses the fourth child. Even if he raises the third child, the old eight and the old 14th-and other people from time to time, it is not difficult to see from the things he gave them. He teaches the fourth. Government affairs, training his ability to handle various affairs, and paying the third, the old eight and the old 14th their, seemingly beautiful, but actually can not manage what. It was because of this point that Hyelin made up his mind and handed the remaining half of the list to her.
     Why she did not hand over to the fourth child, in addition to want to sell her personal feelings, but also want to express their own and 1st-Prince position.
     Yifei also understands this. After all, no one who is a mother can watch her son being locked up in that small courtyard. Even if life is worry-free, how can life be better than the outside sunshine.
     "This is the power that 1st-Prince and Hyelin can grasp." Yifei said a faint sentence when he handed the list to Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang looked at the list in his hand, and his brow was slightly picky. He knew the Huishun team. He thought that Hui Min just wanted to find a way for himself. It seems that Hyelin has put all his hopes on him. No, it should be said that 4th Prince is on the body. It seems that there are really many people who are really shrewd in this palace.
     "The mother-in-law determines that 1st-Prince can accept it and then succumb to these Brother?" Yin-Tang's face is funny.
     Of course, this is what he said, not so much. In his view, the high arrogance, and more ambitions will be left in the same situation in this year and again. In addition, if they have the ability to let him out, it means that they are equally capable of turning him back.
     In the face of strong strength, all calculations are useless.
     "I don't accept that I don't see him, but his strength. If he knows the practice, he should understand the general trend. After all, in the heart of the Holy Spirit, he is never the first choice. Maybe he will be a fierce, but never It will be the head of the world.
     The Old 9, this woman in the harem seems to be kept in the cage, but the heart is clearer than anyone else, but the heart is not willing to drive them to fight for contention.
     The boss failed However, this is the end of the game, but Hui Min is smart.
     This point is banned from 1st-Prince, but she has not been angered. On the contrary, she can be seen by Kangxi appease." Yifei said this. It is said that 1st-Prince just stands behind Hui Min, then it must be honest.
     Yin-Tang nodded, and he would ignore it in some cases, but Yifei will definitely face it as soon as he points it out. Besides, the recent 3rd-Prince and Rongzheng's actions are also somewhat different. It seems to be close, but in fact it is directed at the old and the old 14th-they. In this way, they are a passer-by and a low-key move, which has become a general trend.
     "What does it mean to be there?" Yin-Tang This is to confirm the purpose of the honor and 3rd-Prince. After all, in the palace, their eyeliner has no direct contact with the honored Yifei. It's easy to tell what it means.
     "How else? Winning is also smart, otherwise it will not let the third child help the Crown Prince from the beginning, but the Crown Prince does not live up to expectations, and eventually puts himself into a dead end, and the third, a nerd, the wind and snow Cheng, let him take charge of this world, but it is not good.
     The holy is to see this point, only to let him write the book, and Rong Rong also sees this point, knowing that he is not possible, will choose to deal with the old eight They come to win your favor." Involved in the business, Yifei is no longer hiding, and thoroughly analyzes all the news that he knows.
     Yin-Tang's face was sitting thoughtfully, his fingers tapping the table unconsciously, and he was down and down. He didn't think that he had occasionally had such a message with his mother-in-law. Before he thought they knew enough, now it seems that some things are not visible on the surface. Like the harem of the palace, looking at the soft and weak, in fact, the calculation of the heart is not worse than the old foxes in the hall. .
     They used to look too small for them before they gave others so many opportunities to win.
     However, it can be found now, since Rong Hao and Hui Xin have recognized the status quo, then the next thing they have to start to clean up is Deok and others.
     "The things in the palace are to ask the mother to stare first. Although there are signs in the face, it is not too sure. In order to prevent them from biting their mouths, let's not move them for the time being. Huimin Niang-Niang First, the son of Big Prince will take care of it, but it will be on the side of Deang Niang-Niang, mother-in-law, we should move." When Yin-Tang returns to God, the thoughts in his mind are already It’s smooth.
     "Well, this is the way to cooperate with your actions, but there is a hit in the De-yi side. Otherwise, you will have no chance again." Yifei said that this is not an alarmist, but a matter of seeking truth from facts. For so many years, she still has some understanding of the means of Defei .
     Under the pressure of so many people, they still live so hard, it seems that only Defei .
     It was afternoon after Yin-Tang came out of Qiankun Palace. Because of the news that had just been obtained, Yin-Tang did not return directly to the palace after going out of the palace. Instead, he went to his own restaurant and sent a letter to the dark line. If you can get the hidden power of 1st-Prince, it is better than the cheaper than the old quarters. Did you see that the old eight is nearly filthy to Huimin? Is it true filial piety or another picture, not to mention them, Hui Min should have a deep feeling, otherwise she will not turn around and find Yifei directly, said to be honest.
     Also, it is clear that there are their own sons, and when it is the turn of a child to be remembered in the name of the child.
     After receiving the message, I read the letter sent by Yin-Tang.
     The face was very cold. He said that he had done a good job. Now it seems to be ignored. To Yu-Big Prince, he was confident to surrender him. Instead, he was 2nd Prince, the man who had given him a warm but unrecognizable man. He really didn't know what to do with him, maybe he would stay the same. It is the best arrangement for him.
     A few days later, I found a proper reason to check the situation of 1st-Prince and the Crown Prince. I learned that someone was struggling to use the two people and immediately disposed of a batch of people. When the news reached the ears of two people, it produced different effects. 1st-Prince thought that Hyein’s plan played a role, and the Crown Prince only smiled faintly, if he ignored him unconsciously.
     The hand that holds the double fist seems to think so.
     I want to come to the two people is also eager for the world outside this wall, but they know in their hearts that it is almost impossible to step out of here, whether it is Kangxi or the next new prince, I am afraid that I do not want to release two more troubles! When I think of it, the light in the eyes of the two people is dim.
     However, when Kangxi, who was reviewing the memorial in the royal study room, got the news, he could not help but for a long time. When I got back to God, I couldn’t help but sigh deeply. No matter what kind of purpose the fourth child did for this purpose, at least for those sons who couldn’t even ask questions, the emperor’s hand was passed to him, at least to ensure that his sons even If you make a big mistake, you can save your life.
     "Li Dequan, the fourth can come to Yonghe Palace recently?" Kangxi suddenly asked.
     Standing next to Li Dequan listening to Kangxi question, immediately squatting back and said: "Return to the emperor, Qinwang will go to the Yonghe Palace every time you enter the palace, please, before the time, Deyang Niang-Niang has let Qi Qinwang go in The inner temple, just did not know what the request of Defei  Niang-Niang, Qinwang did not agree, and finally came out of the Yonghe Palace with a tea."
     "With tea?" Kangxi looked cold, and as long as he thought of Deok's move in his mind, the anger in his heart would not rise consciously.
     "Yes, it is said that Defei  Niang-Niang was punishing Qinwang for two hours in the name of filial piety. After Qin Zhen left Yonghe Palace, he went... Go..." Li Dequan looked at Kangxi black ink. Some of the faces can’t be said.
     "Where did you go!" Kangxi did not care about this.
     The hand with the pen slammed on the table, and the pen in his hand suddenly broke into two halves, and Li Dequan, who was next to him, instantly fell to the ground.
     "Back to the emperor, Qinwang went to Jingren Palace for more than a few hours, and then went out of the palace. During this time, I went to ask for peace, and I went directly to the palace, and I never went to Yonghe Palace. It was 14th-Prince several times. Blocking Qinwang, accusing him of being unfilial." Li Dequan said that the lower the body.
     "Jingren Palace..." Kangxi whispered a sentence, his face flashed a trace of nostalgia, but then returned to God, but his eyes were full of anger, and even a murderous.
     For Kangxi, Jingen Palace is a forbidden place. It makes him feel that he is buried in his emotions, but it is also a place where he can relax when he feels tired. No matter where he used to live, or the significance of this place to him, only Kangxi could not allow others to live in to see that his feelings about Tong-Queen are still different.
     Now, when his Ting-Wenyin smashed in the past, the reaction was naturally aggrieved by Defei .
     This grievance even made him want to find a cousin (here, Tong-Queen) complained.
     "Li Dequan, swinging Jingren Palace." Kangxi threw away the fold in his hand, and turned a deaf ear to Li Dequan's cry.
     Li Dequan looked at Kangxi tired face and did not dare to say more. He climbed up and led the way.
     Kangxi was black-faced and sat on the dragonfly without saying a word. He looked deep into his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking, but the enthusiasm of the whole body made Li Dequan and others stunned, even breathing was cautious. Wings, fearing that he was convicted.

     When he arrived at Jingren Palace, Li Dequan looked around in a subconscious way. He saw that the flowers and plants were very neat and the place was very clean, and his heart was inexplicably relieved.
     The emperor is in a bad mood now. He is really afraid that those palace people will be lazy and lead to the emperor's anger.
     However, Kangxi did not have the mood to pay attention to whether the flowers and plants in Jingren Palace were well taken care of.
     The inside of the temple was also cleaned. His mood was very complicated. He just wanted to stay quiet for a while. .
     Pushing open the door of the main hall, Kangxi waved his hand and walked alone. Looking up at the moment, looking at the Tong-Queen in the portrait, Kangxi inexplicably felt that he always looked at him in a gentle look as if he had a blame.
     Blame him for not taking care of his son and taking care of their son.
     "Cousin, don't you even understand the painstaking efforts? You said that you should take good care of the fourth child, and think that it is the best arrangement to send him to his mother, and I don't know how to lift it. I’ve tried my best, but I’m really trying my best. After all, this big country can’t live without it.” Kangxi went to the table and reached out to touch the Tong-Queen in the portrait. Her forgiveness, but coincidentally, suddenly there was a gust of wind at this time, blowing the portrait straight back.
     This week, Kangxi won't feel any relationship, but at this time it looks like the anger of Tong-Queen's heart.
     Kangxi outstretched hand was in the air, and he was released after a long time, and the portrait slowly returned to its original position at this time.
     "Cousin, you are also complaining!" When Kangxi said this sentence, his tone was so sad that he didn't know who he was thinking.
     The voice was getting smaller and smaller, so small that he could only hear himself. Say what!
     Outside the door, Li Dequan was at the door, blocking all the gaze of the inquisition, but the whole mind was directly concerned about Kangxi standing in the inner temple, listening to his muttering, and his heart was also sour.
     This is a monarch, looking at the scenery, in fact, there are countless sadness inside, and he is only a nubi even if you look at it, but there is no qualification to persuade him to say a sentence, and finally can only look at it like this.
     Kangxi naturally didn't know this. His mood at this time was like knocking over the cruet. It was difficult to tell what it was. Even for a moment, he was decadent. However, Kangxi was an emperor. It was only a matter of moments to get out of this mood. Only when he looked up again to look at the portrait of Tong-Queen, he made a decision.
     "Cousin, it is still you will raise a child, you are a good boy, although the style of doing things is not smooth, but filial, friendly Brother, even if you can not forge ahead in the future, Shoucheng is completely no problem, not to mention a gang of Brother around him. So you can rest assured that you will not be wronged again. Before you pass this position to him, you will solve all the problems." Kangxi hand is on the case, staring at the person in the portrait. For a long time, it’s like making up your mind, whispering softly.
     His voice is very light, so light that it seems that only himself and the people in this portrait can hear it.
     This day, Kangxi sat in the Jingren Palace for a long time, and the news reached the harem, and it was a wave of turmoil. Compared with the calmness of Sancha, Tong-Guifei is also unpaid, but she can now sit in this position. What she is, she is clear in her heart, so she also lost her complaint while choosing her status.
     The qualifications, so I got this kind of news, she just smiled and didn't talk, swallowed all the pain.
     Compared with Tong-Guifei and Sancha, Defei , who is becoming less and less qualified to be angry with this, has become the most angry person in the palace, and is more excited than the young servants who are favored in the palace. I don’t think about it because I care about Kangxi himself, but I feel that Kangxi heart is still thinking about her death.
     However, this living person is always better than the dead person.
     The death of Tong-Queen has allowed her to be sublimated in Kangxi heart. In contrast, he is dying and dying to consume Kangxi love for her. It is now that she still refuses to face the reality, and she is still a pet, and it doesn't make people feel ridiculous.
     When Wan-xi got the news, she only slightly raised her eyebrows. Before she listened to Yin-Tang, she said that she had to plan for success. Now Ting-Wen Kangxi went to Jingren Palace to miss Tong-Queen, to say this.
     There is no greasy inside, she can't believe it. However, she is the first time she hopes that this kind of cat is more greasy, and it is better to be able to make Desheng angry.
     Of course, she knew in her heart that as long as Desheng had a son, Kangxi could not have her life. At most, she would lower her position, and then she would not follow her example and would pass it to Tong-Queen’s name.
     There is no reliance on it. Just to reach this point, the most crucial point is to let Kangxi
     “Ping Mama, the doctor said that the Empress Dowager is getting better and will wake up soon. Mama should first let people cook a light soup, wait for the Empress Dowager to wake up and use it again.” Wan-xi has something to do. Commanding Ting-Rain, naturally, I have to give up the Ping Mama in the house, but for her reason, I should listen.
     "Fu-Jin is right." Ping Mama didn't doubt Wan-xi intentions. After all, the Empress Dowager waited for Wan-xi these days. She would suspect that everyone would not doubt her.
     When Ping Mama left, Wan-xi called Ting-Rain and whispered: "Can there be a man in Yonghe Palace?"
     Ting-Rain sees the expression of Wan-xi, his eyes are bright, and he feels that he is going to do something with his own Highness. He nodded and said: "There are two, three third-class ladies, a rough."
     Wan-xi heard the words, and her face could not help but raise a smile.
     Then she waved at Ting-Rain, whispered a few words in her ear, and waved her hand after saying: Don't let people discover it, make it secret."
     The nubi obeyed." Ting-Rain responded, and the moment he turned, he walked out in the same position with his feet. Obviously, Ting-Rain, who was brave enough to be daring, was also boldly given by Wan-xi. Scared.
     In the Jingren Palace, destroying the things of Tong-Queen, I feel crazy about how to look at it. Don't say that the Emperor is the one who is not good at Your Highness, but she really thinks this method is good.
     Broken boat!
     Think about the previous High Highness, they said that they have to pass the game, the method is too soft, the emperor for the De-yi is ultimately just a small punishment, not hurting the root. After a while, people still live and dance, and the idea continues to confront them. Ask her to say that Your Highness had asked Fu-Jin about this matter beforehand, and that the De-yi had already finished playing, and they could still bother them as they are now.
     Wan-xi didn't ask these people to get things done in two days. After all, whether it's Defei  or Jingren Palace, it's not so easy to get started, and you have to find the right time, no matter what. Leading the De-yi to shoot or to marry her, they need to be in harmony with others, and this opportunity has to wait, and wait patiently.
     Anyway, Defei  has been proud of it for so many years, and it hasn't been a problem for a few more days. However, it seems that 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince have returned to the cooperation and are intimate. I want to come because Qinwang is frequently reused so that both of them are With a sense of crisis, the two people had been arrogantly entangled in other forces, and they were all together to deal with them.
     The next day, the Empress Dowager woke up under the expectation of everyone, and the royal doctor came over to diagnose the pulse, saying that it was past the pass, and then it would be fine. If this is the case, the people of Ningshou Palace are good, and Wan-xi, they are all really happy.
      The Empress Dowager woke up, and the two days of fishing for two days were suddenly coming out, and Wan-xi was squeezed to the side and not angry. She came to serve the disease just to do her part, and the Empress Dowager is good, who is the credit, and to be honest she doesn't mind.
      The Empress Dowager just woke up, his energy was not good, and when Kangxi came over, after a few words, he waved and said that everyone in the room had retired. Kangxi saw the exhaustion on the face of the Empress Dowager, and no longer stayed, but before he left, he waved very generously to indicate that Prince Fu-Jin, including Wan-xi, had returned.
     Wan-xi is also very happy to see them. After all, they have been in the palace for half a month, and it is inevitable that they are worried about the family. In particular, Wan-xi, in addition to the one-day meeting with Yin-Tang, the two have never seen it, let alone a few children.
     When I returned to the house, Wan-xi went back to the room to wash her hair. When she changed her clothes to see the triplets, she really hugged this and kissed him, as if she was not enough. As for Yin-Tang and Hong-min, they haven't returned yet. She is holding three small ones. I don't know if Yin-Tang is coming back. She is very tired and she falls asleep. It is. Fortunately, the three little guys are not uncomfortable with Wan-xi, but even because they have not seen it for a while, the three little guys miss her very much, so even if she falls asleep, they will not go. Instead, I stayed at the place closest to her and played on my own.
     When Wan-xi woke up, he looked at the three little buns that leaned against his sweet sleep, and his eyes were so soft that he was about to drip out the water. After a kiss, Wan-xi got up and went to groom, and by the way, let them listen to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
     When Yin-Tang returned to China, I heard that Wan-xi was back, and the pace was a little faster than in the past, not to mention that they had not seen Wan-xi Hong-min.
     This is not, a family member meets, that is a pro-fragrance, how come how to kiss the fragrance, I do not know that this family has not met in ten or eight years!
     "Er Niang, son (daughter) miss you!" After so long, I couldn't see it. It was the precocious Hong-min who couldn't help but walk to Wan-xi.
     "Emperor Miss you too!" Wan-xi kissed the faces of his children and waited until Yin-Tang, looking forward to his look, Wan-xi mouth was light, and then his face I kissed you.
     Yin-Tang looked at her with a lot of laughter, the curvature of her mouth was unconsciously deep, and it was because of her kiss that he understood that this is no longer a home, she is here. It is a complete home.

     In the next few days, Yin-Tang was really a step away from Wan-xi, in addition to going up and dealing with some of the affairs at hand. In the daytime, she was accompanied by her children. In the evening, the two of them were lingering. In short, the sweet love was not even comparable to that of a newly Married couple. It is not bad to say that they are honey.
     Wan-xi seems to be tired in the palace, or it may be in the palace day, her nerves are too tight, the body is good, the heart is worth it, it can be said that there is a trace of exhaustion from the inside out. After returning, Yin-Tang and the children are sticking to her. She is too much to miss them.
     They are always relying on them, so that Wan-xi, which used to get up in the past, is now good. open one eyes.
     Yin-Tang will always lick Ting-Rain.
     They don’t yell at Wan-xi. How long does she have to sleep for a long time? As for the Shiqie and Yin-Tang in the backyard, Yin-Tang has not let go. Directly warned, suddenly the entire backyard was submerged in a vinegar sea.
     Wan-xi can not care about this, she can not wait for the women in the backyard to not bother her, but she also knows that this so-called tranquility is only temporary, after all, the newcomer has been in the government for so long, although this period was too There are so many things that I can't respect tea, but now that everything is stable, she is dragging it, and it will inevitably lead to some ridiculous gossip. She can not care about these nonsense, but does not allow these gossips to affect her children.
     Counting the days, it seems that there are still a few days just fifteen, and then she can't miss this rare opportunity to fight the confidence of the women in the backyard. Some things have to be proved by practical actions. After all, nothing is more beautiful than the fact that it is based on the pain of your own enemies.
     "Ting-Rain, go and tell, I will be safe on the fifteenth day." Wan-xi sat at the table, slowly using the breakfast, and his face was careless.
     "Ah! Fu-Jin, Your Highness said that you are still empty, you have to rest more." Ting-Rain can't be patient with the vinegar-looking backyard son-in-law, all like a vinegar tank, every sentence Every word has a hint of sourness, as if the vinegar to be eaten in this life has been eaten all this time.
     She really doesn't understand, can't she live without a man? Her little Maid is no one! Isn't she still alive and even living more and more beautiful?
     To put it bluntly, those women are only thinking about what they can't get.
     They all think that Wan-xi is just a good time to let Yin-Tang look at each other, but forget that the matter itself is Yin-Tang. Based on the will, as long as he is willing, it is true that the woman can be taken to heaven. However, they forgot that Yin-Tang chose Wan-xi from the beginning, not the Wan-xi method has been cut.
     Wan-xi laughed twice, and the corner of his eye swept Ting-Rain's eyes, faintly said: "The rest is a natural rest, but the things that should be done must be done. After all, some people can't help thinking about it. To jump and behave, if Fu-Jin does not give them a chance, then why come to pack them."
     To put it bluntly, Wan-xi said to the woman in the backyard that she did not say hate, but she also complained from her heart. In combination with the grievances of the last world, although she does not want to destroy them, she will not let them live.
     People! You are tossing, she does not want to toss herself, then she can only choose to die.
     Finally, when the morning was over, the hopeful Shiqies were more beautiful than each other, and they were more charming than ever.
     They thought that today, Yin-Tang would be amazing. After all, Wan-xi is a waiter, and the kind of energy is definitely detrimental to the appearance, so they also want to crush Wan-xi back, who makes every Wan-xi appear. Qunfang!
     However, their minds were in vain. When they entered the house and saw Wan-xi sitting in the main position, they all looked forward to a shape.
     They dress up beautifully, and the rouge is better, but it is better than Wan-xi ruddy spirit.
     The bright eyes of the people, not the lips of Zhu, how do they look like they are yellow faces? .
     Life is hopeless!
     This moment, let alone Willow-shi and Tong-shi, is Wei Shi, they also have a feeling of no interest.
     Wan-xi mouth is slightly raised, her eyes are on the Shiqie eyes that are dressed up, and she can't help but feel cold. She knows that these women will not be honest. Dressing up like this is not just trying to show her bad spirits. Put it? It is a pity that her greatest pleasure is to give them a stick when they think they still have the opportunity to let them know the truth.
     Wei-shi and others are like a knife, and they are not happy, but they are clear in their hearts. It is not a wise choice to talk to Wan-xi.
     This point handles Zhaojia-shi and Dong from her. Shi, on their means, they can see that she will report, and her mind is not much bigger than the needle tip. If she dares to make a second appearance in front of her, she must be prepared to die.
     Wan-xi looked at the Concubine who looked a little ugly, and her heart was so happy. Although she was impatient, she was facing the face of these gangsters every day, but occasionally it was good, at least my heart was happy!
     "Although it is a bit late, but today Fu-Jin still has to introduce you to two Mei-mei." Wan-xi voice just fell, and Willow-shi and Tong-shi, who are eager to get approval, stand up immediately. It is.
     Originally this was a very normal move, but the solemn tone of Wan-xi made them feel that she was going to lift the two men. It was time to think of the small groups that brought the two people into the group.
     Thoughts, even because of the acidity of the heart, have aversion and rejection of the two. So that when the misunderstanding occurred later, these people were very united to let Willow-shi suffer a lot.
     At this time, Yin-Tang in the inner room came out, and his appearance made the women present in front of the scene bright, the obsession that was originally suppressed, this again re-burned like a wildfire, and the more burning strong.
     Wan-xi looked at the cuts in his eyes, but he didn't say anything in his mouth, but his heart was so clear that he had confirmed the fact that no one who entered this backyard was innocent, including herself. Because the real innocent will be killed by the living people, such as her. She was not innocent in this world, and she was more or less immersed in the blood of others, but she kept herself and kept the people she cares.
     "Nubi to the Lord, please." Wei-shi and others saw Yin-Tang sitting next to Wan-xi, and when they got up and saluted, the charming look was really beautiful.
     Unfortunately, Yin-Tang didn't look at them at all, and said a faint saying 'Get up,' and turned to look at Wan-xi: "Don't you say that you canceled the morning stun trial? How suddenly recovered again." The idea is how to bring these troubles again?
     "Before Tong-shi and Willow-shi came over to ask Ann, only to find out that this newcomer is going to worship the tea. Before I went to the village, I didn’t have time to go to the palace. I have these things now. Solved, naturally, the newcomer introduced Mei-mei in the backyard.” Wan-xi said that he couldn’t help but Yin-Tang’s eyes, obviously telling him that the so-called trouble is him. I brought it myself.
     Yin-Tang slang, he forgot the things he had to deal with in order to deal with Defei  and others. Looking up at Willow-shi, he was disliked. No matter what kind of woman he likes, like the Willow-shi, even the most basic face is ignored, and the heart only wants to paste it, he certainly does not like it.
     "Okay, since tea, let's get started!" Yin-Tang swept Weilow-shi and looked straight.
     Ting-Rain has been around for a long time. Listening to Yin-Tang said that he immediately waved two small Maids to bring the tea up. It seems that these women are not welcome only by Wan-xi, Qing yi-others in Courtyard are not welcome.
     Wan-xi I don't really like to smell incense in the house. Even if I use that, I only pick the kind of taste.
     The people in Qing yi-Courtyard are used to it. But others are not the same, depending on the current woman's preferences, it is really afraid of not enough fragrance, how can there be any fragrance.
     This is not, every month, please ask for Wan-xi, other people of Qing yi-Courtyard, it is suffering.
     Wan-xi raised his hand on the hairpin on the hairpin, and looked at the Tong-shi and Willow-shi in a row, waiting for them to respect the tea.
     Compared with the rampage of Willow-shi, Tong-shi is obviously familiar with the practice, so when tea, honestly, there is no such thing as a moth, and Wan-xi did not want to be embarrassed in such a small matter. Unfortunately, she is generous, but some people do not appreciate it.
     "Oh!" exclaimed, Willow-shi originally raised tea scorpion fell to the ground.
     Wan-xi brows slightly, his eyes flashed a smile, watching Willow-shi gaze is no different from watching a fool! Don't say that this samovar is taken by her personally. If the hands of the people are not stretched out, she will dare to let go. Is this the eyes of others who are looking at her?
     Wei Shi and others sitting underneath, no accidentally revealing the appearance of a pair of optimistic dramas, I want to come to their hearts are Wan-xi unlucky or out of favor, even if Willow-shi approach is really bad, But this does not prevent them from seeing a good show.
     "Fu-Jin, even if you are dissatisfied with the nubi , you can't ruin the nubi !" Willow-shi looked at Yin-Tang with a sullen look, the soft and weak appearance, and it was really A little bit pitiful.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang and turned to look at Willow-shi. "Is your mind important? Knowing that this Fu-Jin is dissatisfied with you, you should reflect on yourself." There is something wrong with it, instead of crying in front of this Fu-Jin, it seems to have died."
     Wan-xi voice just fell, not only Willow-shi raised his hand to wipe the tears, but Wei Shi and others could not help but squat because the scene was too far from their imagination. It is.
     Shouldn’t there be words in the words? How come you come up, the process is wrong!
     "Did you hear Fu-Jin? I know that Fu-Jin is dissatisfied with you, and I am crying, my family is dead, and I am used to crying all day long, suffocating!" Yin-Tang eyelids flipped, the vice' Fu-Jin said Dedu look at the woman’s face is sour and sour.
     "Ye..." Willow-shi is crying and crying. She was dragged away in the garden before. She also acted improperly and lost her face to the boss, but now what is this!
     I really don’t like it or I’m so disliked!
     Yin-Tang looked at the more sad Willow-shi, only feeling extremely bored, and the impression of Willow-shi, in addition to the previous paste, and more like crying!
     In short, it is not happy, in any case, it is not happy, it will not become a favorite because it is poorly loaded.
     "What is it called! Call the soul! Lin-Chujiu, drag people out to the Lord, and then find two well-regulated Mama to teach a teacher, this virtue, the face is not enough for her to lose." Yin-Tang is completely tired of the existence of Willow-shi. If she didn't enter the house, she might have let her die.
     "Hey!" Lin-Chujiu saw the situation, where dare to watch the drama, immediately called the person to drag Willow-shi out, what is the name of the tea? Ha ha! Your Highness recognizes that you can do it, Your Highness doesn't recognize it, and even if it is given, how many people will recognize it!
     When Willow-shi was dragged out, Yin-Tang was impatient and watched the scenes of these women arrogant and jealous, and waved directly to indicate that they were scattered. I finally saw Yin-Tang's face Shiqie again. Looking at Yin-Tang's face, I was reluctant to go outside.
     The scene was really a step back. But what's more important is that they all remembered Willow-shi pen in her heart. It felt that she was too tempted to make them have no chance to perform.

     Wan-xi is really disgusting by Willow-shi. She originally thought that she would have to think about it to solve her. Now it seems that Willow-shi biggest role is to be a disgusting person besides being used as a gun. .
     She will be so beautiful in the last world, I am afraid that it is just because she just took the lead. When Yin-Tang needs her son most, she has a son who can ensure her future. If not, she is afraid that she is worse than her last life.
     People who don't know what they are doing may just start to suffer a bit. But after that, they don't just suffer, they may lose their temper and don't know why!
     "Yes, this kind of vision is not good, and thousands of choices have made such a thing!" Wan-xi pretended to be a fierce look at Yin-Tang, accusing him of causing trouble.
     Yin-Tang first pick, the whole person leans on the chair, obviously this error is acquiesced, but does not accept this accusation, the ‘Yuyan is ridiculous: "Yes, this kind of goods is better handled, there is a sentence How to say it, if you don't die, you won't die.
     This will kill you. If you don't die, you can only kill yourself. You can do this yourself, and you want to make your own rhythm everywhere. Incomplete, she seems to be a bit uncomfortable with her wonderful performance."
     Lin-Chujiu A few people listened to this, and the face was forbearing, but the shoulders could not help but shake. Not to mention, the description of Yin-Tang is really a bit of a mistake on Willow-shi, and it is appropriate.
     "..." Wan-xi face is arrogant, she really thinks that he makes a good statement, she is speechless.
     Yin-Tang took the silence and the right Wan-xi, and waved his hand gently. He slowly stood up from the chair and stretched his hand to pull Wan-xi from his chair into his arms, softly said:
      "I don't want to deal with these things in the future, I don't have to deal with them. I don't have to raise these people to talk about them. I have to bother to take care of them."
     He has always been a person who cares only about himself. Apart from those who can let him put it in his heart, he is not in the heart of other people lives and deaths, let alone mood.
     "Master  makes sense. After that, I ask you to look at the situation every month. If you are unhappy, let them go directly. If you are happy, you can see the play." Wan-xi The mind is getting smaller and smaller, don't think she hasn't seen the look of other people face glimmering.
     She is not the Virgin, others are watching her jokes, and she is still indifferent to continue to get along with the appearance of a good sister. After all, the group of women is living a good life, and she is too calm. It is clear that the people who have let her die have been worshipped at her feet, but she only cares about the joy, but forgets that the dog can never change.
     "No, I feel that I should let them come to ask for peace every day. After all, this day is getting colder and colder.
     The taste of getting up early should be good. As for seeing and seeing, it is a feeling of being in the whole body." Wan-xi A few words of understatement are not claiming their sovereignty.
     Yin-Tang heard the words, and he laughed. He waved his hand and signaled Lin-Chujiu and others to go out. Waiting until there were only two of them in the room, Yin-Tang took Wan-xi down to the beautiful man's couch next to him, and the big palm licked her waist, so she leaned close to it.
     "If you want to, then do this. Sometimes this sovereignty should be properly expressed, otherwise some people will easily forget their identity." Yin-Tang thinks about the calculations of the women in the backyard, the eyes are dangerous, like Think of what it is like, and said: "Will you don't care about Willow-shi, the Lord will tell Lin-Chujiu to be optimistic, and wait for a while to let her die!"
     Wan-xi is only slightly squinting, the whole person is in the arms of Yin-Tang, and there is no such expression of pity for all beings on the face. On the contrary, it is very calm. "How do you arrange the arrangement?" I can't ask for any of them. Compassion is a good thing for those who need it. It is too wasteful, but it will be condemned."
     What is for anyone Wan-xi is still clear, but the women in the backyard are not worthy. After all, they are separated by a life.
     Yin-Tang's hand patted the back of Wan-xi, and she did not reject her words, even faint support. Regardless of the identity of Wan-xi, if he is standing behind her, the loss should not be her, not to mention that she is still the hostess of the house, and there is no need to worry about other people ideas.
     "Then don't waste, the Lord is delicious and good for these people. It's hard to come back for revenge." Yin-Tang sneered, obviously he is domineering as he can't allow others to commit, whether it is right He is still on Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi nodded subconsciously, and his small face groaned on his sturdy chest, which was quite sleepy. Today, because these people came to ask for security, Wan-xi got up early, although it didn't take much time, but she was used to sleeping in the past three days. For those Shiqie, she can still fight to cope, but after they have been sent away, she will especially want to sleep.
     Yin-Tang looked down at Wan-xi, who was already dreaming of sleep, and laughed. He wanted to tell her about the De-yi plan, so that they could jump to the wall and take her and the children. However, when she saw her eyes and eyes could not open, he could not bear to wake her up.
     Anyway, this thing will be said later, after all, she will not enter the palace in this half-time, when she and a few children around me have to re-arrange and make some adjustments to avoid others. Drilled into the loopholes.
     The recent attitude of Imperial Father is a bit weird. Yin-Tang just thought it was wrong, but now I think I found that Imperial Father seems to be targeting De-yi Is it true that the trip to Jingren Palace directly made Imperial Father change his own beginning and end, and determined to choose 4th Prince?
     "What is the meaning of Imperial Father?" Thinking about it, Yin-Tang also felt that the eyelids were a bit heavy, but in order to comfortably fit the two, he still took the person to the bed.
     Wan-xi felt sleep directly in the afternoon. When she woke up, she found that Yin-Tang was no longer around, and her heart was still a little lost. However, when she turned her head, she saw three small buns with large characters. Wan-xi face is full of gentleness. Although I don't know when the three little buns came over, I don't know when I fell asleep, but it is also a happy thing to wake up to see them.
     At the moment of getting up, Wan-xi kissed each other and went into the clean room. After a little grooming, Ting-Rain moved the books in the past few days. As the hostess of Junwang House, Wan-xi is not nothing to do, even if Yin-Tang arranges people to finish everything, but this last step is still to be done by herself.
     However, Wan-xi has never been the kind of person who likes to go with himself. Especially in this world, she strives for the upstream and also spends a lot of time to accompany Yin-Tang and the children. As for now, even if she has something to do, she still remembers to take care of her own children.
     " Fu-Jin, 13th Fu-Jin sent a post, saying that it was a new pot of orchids, and invited you to enjoy the flowers." Ting-Qin took the post, the voice was slightly depressed, and I thought it was not far away.
     The triplets resting on the bed.
     "13th Fu-Jin?" Wan-xi took the account book slightly, with a little doubt on his face.
     Don't look at 13th-Prince has a good relationship with her family.
     There is a lot of contact between the two houses, but Wan-xi and Shi 3rd Fu-Jin really have nothing to do with each other. Even if they meet at the banquet, they just nod their heads. I greeted him and said that the most silent 5th Fu-Jin and 7th Fu-Jin among Fu-Jin are coming.
     This time, I took the initiative to post, which really surprised her!
     The nubi have inquired about some news. It is said that the 13- Fu-Jin gave Fu-Jin the next post to give the 10th 4th Fu-Jin a line?" Ting-Qin saw Wan-xi face confused, could not help but Report the information that was discovered.
     "14th Fu-Jin? This is really surprising! Two people who seem to have no communication, but they can match the other side, it seems that we really ignored a lot of things before!" Wan-xi fingers unconsciously Knocking on the table, I quickly thought about the information about this world and the last world about 13th Fu-Jin and 14th Fu-Jin. I thought I would get something, but I didn't want her to break her head and didn't see any involvement between the two!


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