Chongqie Courting Death Daily 330

 Novels   »  Chongqie Courting Death Daily      »    Chapter 330 : Fighting

     Wan-xi does not know the arrangement of Yin-Tang. Because of Wulana-shi calculations on her family, her mentality has changed a lot. Originally, in addition to the grievances of her last life, she insisted that people do not commit me. I do not commit crimes and the bottom line. Even if there are some minor conflicts, as long as they do not involve life, the behavior is not too excessive, and she is rarely pursued. However, her concession did not earn her respect and gratitude, but instead let some people who do not know the so-called step by step.
     Since the other party does not leave room for her, then why should she leave room for the other party.
     "Being on the plan, you don't have to worry about it, you have to let the other party have no power to fight back." Wan-xi raised his voice and issued orders directly to all management matters.
     This world's Wan-xi is no longer like a timid one in the last world. Everything knows that it only shrinks its neck and never knows resistance. At this time, since she has the pride of the noble woman, and with the momentum of a silky person, even without Yin-Tang around, she is confident that she can shake the few things that are rarely seen.
     "Side-Fujin, so openly deal with Qinwang Fu-Jin, isn't it..." one of the managers asked with some uncertainty.
     Wan-xi flashed a disappointment in his eyes, but his face was not vivid. "This Side-Fujin will naturally not be able to afford this responsibility if you dare to ask you to do it. It will not let you bear this consequence."
     Wan-xi voice was a bit cold, and there was a bit of anger and warning in his tone. It was obviously dissatisfied with the other’s doubts.
     The cold eyes stared straight at the manager until the other party retreated. Wan-xi Only regained his gaze.
     “I’m going to follow Side-Fujin’s instructions.” The governors looked at each other and said nothing, but they knew that Bai Side-Fujin was ready to fight all the industries under Qinwang Fu-Jin.

     The meaning of Wan-xi is so clear that these things naturally do not dare to refute again. After all, they are only the people who do things, and Wan-xi is the real master. Even if she takes this big family business to play with fire, there is no People dare to say a 'no' word, not to mention that she is simply expanding her business by name.
     These people are all arranged by Yin-Tang personally. Without two brushes, how can they pick up the burden? There will be doubts for the interests of Wan-xi. Seeing that Wan-xi was tough, they promised, but they thought about whether to send a message to Your Highness. Who knows that they just opened from Wan-xi, and they met Lin-Chujiu halfway. Your Highness supports Side-Fujin's approach, and these things have no hesitation, and they have raised their sleeves and said they want to do a lot.
     In fact, these people are not unfaithful to Wan-xi, but the existence of Yin-Tang makes them unable to ignore, and even subconsciously wants to seek his opinions. After all, they are all people who come out of Yin-Tang, and will inevitably There is a kind of emotional dependence and an idea to prove your ability. So once I learned that Yin-Tang also means this, they will inevitably want to do a good job.
     When these things are quickly launched, they will not be effective on the day, at least they will relieve the pressure and predicament of Wanyan to some extent.
     Originally, Wulana-shi sudden blows made some of the resurgence of Wang Da and Qian Ning's breath. At the same time, the original feeling of depression was slightly better, but the bad smell of the heart was difficult to discharge.
     “ Ama, it seems that Mei-mei is out.” Qian Ning looked at Wang Da sitting behind the desk and whispered.
     Wang Da face was dignified and nodded, or his ability to do Ama was too small, otherwise it would be possible for her daughter to worry about everything. Wan-xi is now pregnant, although she has a stable baby, but her body is no more than before.
     They don’t want to send a letter to Junwang. Who knows this thing still let her know. However, this is also good, you can slow down, then force back, otherwise even if this is difficult, others will not put their Wanyan home in their eyes.
     This time things are too sudden. As for Wulana-shi, this time they are negligent. If you are more cautious, there may not be such a big loss.
     Thinking of this, Wang Da face is even more ugly. After all, for Wan-xi, he is straightforward and not weaker than his son, not to mention the entire Wanyan family’s current status and scale. My daughter is indispensable, but he can't help Ama, but he can't help.
     "Han Ning! In the end, our power is too weak, this is the existence of others to attack you Mei-mei. In order not to become the burden of your Mei-mei, we have to rise up, let people know, we are you Mei Mei backing, not the weakness of your Mei-mei." Wang Da fist fell heavily on the desk, and the loud noise of ' ' described his determination.
     Qian Ning licked his lips, his face was also very ugly, and even his heart blamed himself for regretting why he didn't use much work. When Mei-mei entered the royal family, he found that he could not be her dependence.
     " Ama, after all, it is the son's fault. If it is not a son, Mei-mei will not eat so much bitterness." With his eyes open, Qian Ning always thinks that his Mei-mei has almost lost his life several times. I can't wait to get a knife to hack people.
     Wang Da listened to his words, his face showed a bit of helpless smile, then reached out and patted his son's shoulder, and said with a strong heart: "Since you know the mistake, you must be shameful and brave, you Mei-mei, and you The shi-zis, although not expected to protect, but you have to work hard to become their dependence, after all, the woman's natal family is strong, in order to maintain status and cut."
     When Wang Da voice just fell, Qian Ning nodded involuntarily. It was rumored that ZHong-Yong Junwang wanted to help him Mei-mei, but he could not do so.
     The fundamental point is that they are not Di branches, and the official position is not big enough. Unless the emperor wants to suppress ZHong-Yong Junwang, it is impossible for him to help him to be Di-.
     The feelings of Qian Ning and Wan-xi are very small. When he is young, he is determined to protect Mei-mei and become a reliance on Mei-mei. But who can think of Mei-mei and this kind of creation? 9th-Prince gave it to me.
     “ Ama, my son will work hard, although I don’t know how long it will take to become Mei-mei, but at least I have to be the burden of Mei-mei.” Qian Ning shook his fist and his face was firm. tunnel.
     Wang Da nodded and felt that there was an actual goal that was more applicable than empty talk. People, you must understand your strength, not just a stubborn and impulsive. His son can think of this, he is still very relieved.
     "You understand it, it's too reluctant. In fact, sometimes it will not only hurt yourself but also hurt others." Wang Da whispered.
     Qian Ning nodded heavily, then took a letter from the next person and handed it over to Wang said:
      " Ama, Mei-mei does not seem to mean what we mean, but this time the family does not seem to I am going to shoot."
     Wang Da looked at the letter in front of him, turned it over slightly, listened to his questioning, and his face could not help but reveal a bit of ironic smile.
     "They certainly don't plan to intervene.
     They want to see if Junwangye really has the heart to help you Mei-mei. After all, this Side-Fujin has no more flavors than Di Fu-Jin. In addition, Qin Wang Fu-Jin suddenly shot, they can't figure out which Intention, naturally hesitate. Humble; ah, if ever, Ama will not care, but now Ama understands that this power, this status is the foundation of the foothold, no matter how we refute, I can't deny that this is to help you Mei-mei." Wang Da lowered his head and concealed the disdain on his face. He did not want to affect his son's judgment on his family's disappointment.
     Qian Ning licked his thin lips, and even if he didn't look at the expression on his Ama face, he could guess the choice in the family. His Mei-mei is only Side-Fujin, while the other is 14th-Prince Di Fu-Jin. Compared with ZHong-Yong Junwang, who has no ambitions, the ambitious 14th-Prince seems to bring more benefits.
     No ambition?
     Qian Ning sneered, if ZHong-Yong Junwang really has no ambition, how could he make a good deal with Qi Qinwang and others. It’s just that inQinwang Fu-Jin’s move at this time really makes people have to think about it, but Wan-xi dares to speak directly to the past, which means that Junwangye doesn’t care about offending Qinwang, or Qinwang’s actions on Qinwang Fu-Jin. Not knowing.
     Worth, as long as he pays more attention, he can always understand the mind of Bai-Mei-mei. After all, this time the story can't end so soon. If Mei-mei doesn't leave a point, it means they don't have to take Qinwang Fu-Jin too seriously. After all, they all hit the door, and then they were polite, only people thought they were Wanyan.
     This time, in the end, it was all Qinwang Fu-Jin provoked it by himself. It was a win or a win. It was a personal experience.
     Wang Da sees his son's face more ugly, and his heart is not good.
     They all said that the trees are big and branching.
     They have a heart, but unfortunately, after all, they have insufficient resources and power.
     Therefore, they can only dispose of themselves and hope that they will not help.
     From the beginning to the end, their Wanyan family can start from the end, relying on the efforts of a pair of children and his own.
     The family has a cold-eyed look and feels that they can add two points of care to them. When they feel unprofitable, they will let them fend for themselves. In doing so, tell them how they can pay for it and sell their lives.
     There is always a day when his daughter stands up high, when their Wanyan family shines, maybe the family is good, and the outsiders will not let them feel this kind of grievance.
     Thinking of this, Wang Da waved to ZHong- Ning, let him come together and let him down, and voiced a few words with him.
     Hun Ning’s face flashed a bit of a look of suspicion. He did not think that his Ama had such a plan, but he was more or less hesitant about the face of his house and Mei-mei.
     After all, they can go to this step today, it is not easy, if it is really just because of their own soft heart, let a cut into a single day, he will certainly regret a lifetime.
     “ Ama, do we really want to do this? This Qinwang should not watch the industry of Fu-Jin being beaten by us!” Qian Ning’s face was a little surprised, more worried. Qinwang's reaction.
     "Since you Mei-mei dare to do it, we still have something terrible. We always look forward to it. Who can really realize that our father and son are your Mei-mei backing." Wang Da words completely dispelled.
     The hesitation of Qian Ning, the look on his face gradually became fixed.

     Wang Dahe and Qian Ning did not want to look at Wan-xi, but compared to the decisive Wang Da, Qian Ning obviously has a hesitation. When Wang Da saw this point, he sent him to inform Wan-xi about it. Rather than telling Wan-xi, it is better to say that Wang Da wants to borrow Wan-xi heart.
     Qian Ning naturally did not know the purpose of this, but obediently took a pair of children to Zhuangzi to visit Yin-Tang and Wan-xi. Yin-Tang has a clear understanding of the purpose of Qian Ning, but he has no choice to intervene. His attitude has been very clear. Except for the life of Wulana-shi, there is nothing to worry about in other aspects. After all, this Qinwang House does not lack Wulana-shi double chopsticks. At most, let her no longer pick up the right and wrong, and then no one will stir the wind and stir the rain.
     Wan-xi was very happy when he saw Qian Ning and his two children. On most days, she rarely had the chance to return to her family. It wasn't Yin-Tang who stopped her from letting go, but the rules were there. If she went back often, others would not pass her and Yin-Tang's feelings of disharmony. In addition, even if the family visits the government, the father and brother are just a few greetings. Only Lao Madam and her mother-in-law can really speak. To Yu-Sao and Zhi-zi Zhi-nu, it is not Wan-xi who does not want to be close, but does not know how to get close.
     To the present position of Wan-xi, in addition to the few in the palace, there are not many people who can make her care. After all, she is a female shi-nu, and most of her can see the son-in-law, and as her status rises, she begins to get used to the pleasing of others, rather than taking the initiative to please others. Unfortunately, her Sao is not the kind of person who is particularly embarrassed. She is still pretty good at acting. She can be extremely cautious when she faces her. Plus, there is not much contact between the two.
     The two sides know very little, many places. It was too late to communicate, and finally Wan-xi and her relationship seemed to be a bit rusty, and the two children rarely met her.
     "Nan Wanyan Qianning has seen Side-Fujin." Qian Ning entered the room, and the hand was preparing for the ceremony, and the arm was already pulled.
     "-Brother is so polite, we are Brother and sisters, there is no way outside, but here Brother is actually making Mei-mei somewhat uncomfortable." Wan-xi looked strangely at the eyes With a pair of children behind him, especially the little Yatou who is only three years old behind him, he is white and fat, and the swaying road is not smooth. He still wants to learn to give her to Qianning.
     The ceremony, seeing Wan-xi softly, the first step directly took people into their arms.
     Qian Ning saw her so happy, her face could not help but show a sly smile, whispered: "The ceremony can not be abolished. It is Sule (meaning smart) and Ha Yi (meaning graceful), this time Come over, let them stay here for a while, or with the little Prince "Jiji" they are familiar with."
     Wan-xi listened to him saying that he couldn’t help but laugh at the side and laughed. "This is the best. As a aunt, I am not familiar with my shi-zi Zhi-nu. Big teeth. Later, when it is convenient, Brother will send Soul and Haj, so that they can also have a relationship with each other, and they can cultivate each other's feelings."
     "Emperor said so." Scratching his head, Qian Ning smiled.
     The Brother and sisters said a meeting, Wan-xi knew that Qianning would not only let her see the two children, so she was intimate with the two little buns, and after giving the meeting, let Ting-Qin led to find Hong-min them.
     These two days, let alone a few guys, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, two Daren are also crazy. If I don’t go up the mountain, I will go down the river. It seems that I have returned to the past.
     This kind of day makes Wan-xi feel obsessed. If there is such a disappointing thing, she will feel more happy.
     Of course, for the study of several children, let alone Yin-Tang, that is, Wan-xi will not be ignored. However, because it was over, it was a lot easier when the class was in the house, but it was still not sloppy. But those children who come over every day, the so-called people are not short-lived, they want to say that they are, Hong-min they are in class, they are hiding outside the house, Wan-xi see, after the heart can not bear, then the teacher, give They started classes alone and didn't learn much, but seriously, they can recognize a few words in the future.
     The Brother and sisters sat together on the raft, separated by a table with a plate of snacks and two cups of tea. Wan-xi reached out to the tea stalk at hand, and the lingering light in the corner of his eye looked at Qian Ning. Seeing that he was not in a hurry or not, he couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied.
     Her brother is not the kind of person who has the talents. He is ordinary and hardworking. Even if he can't be a great person, he can take another step on the basis of the present. In addition, Yin-Tang will help, and the future will not be underestimated. After all, this is not only a courtier, but also a courtier who is like her-Brother. Indispensable.
     She can see her-Brother's progress, and can also see Brother's shortcomings. If there is something in Qianning that makes her feel a headache, it is probably that everything is hesitant, and it is not enough to say it.
     "-Brother, I can basically guess the reason you came this time, but I don't want Brother is to persuade me to stop." Wan-xi slowly raised his head, with a bit of resistance on his face. Look, in the tone is even more rare with a two-point warning.
     When Qian Ning saw her expression, she couldn’t help thinking about it. She thought that Wulana-shi might have done something that they didn’t know to make it difficult for Wan-xi.
     " Mei-mei, Qinwang Fu-Jin, what did you do to you? Originally, she suddenly shot down the business at home. Even if the loss is a little big, it is not unbearable. But the most irritating thing is probably her.
     There is no reason for hostile behavior, because things are too sudden, Ama and I are worried about what other backhands she has. But you, how can you shoot at this time, according to the meaning of Ama, Since they are all right, then do the same with her, don't give her a bit of color, she is afraid to forget that Wanyan is not anyone can bully." Qianning's voice is higher Yang, the look on the face is getting more and more serious, and the dissatisfaction with Wulana-shi is getting deeper and deeper.
     Wan-xi put down the tea pot in his hand, and the palm of his hand pressed down slightly. Seeing Qian Ning’s look of anger, he could not help but say: "She is not without reason, she just can’t understand me. I think There is no place for her, but she has repeatedly dealt with me. It’s just me, but she has put her idea on you.
     This is something I can’t tolerate.”
     Family, children and Yin-Tang are the inverse scales of Wan-xi, and they die. If Wulana-shi was with 8th Fu-Jin before, they would deal with her and make her feel angry, then she is now more than a lesson. She, I hope she has nothing.
     Of course, if she can have her life, she will choose not to hesitate to break her. But Wan-xi knows that it is not yet time, especially when it is time to compete.
     "What does Mei-mei mean to fight her best?" Qian Ning looked stiff, and did not think that Ama guess was not bad. For a time, he thought it was frustrating to understand Mei-mei.
     "Yes, fight her all the best, let her no longer have the strength to make waves." Wan-xi patience with Wulana-shi has long been used up, and her dissatisfaction has also turned into hate under her constant toss, so How she can accommodate her always has no reason to provoke her.
     She doesn't want Wulana-shi temper, not because she can't do it, but because she doesn't want to destroy Yin-Tang's plan because of her own things, but she smashes Wulana-shi dowry, she really There are no points, even if she doesn't care about Qin Wang, she still wants to give something more, so that she can't even squat in the backyard.
     In the last world, because of the solitary struggle, Qin Wang had to woo Mei-mei who was welcoming the young man to Side-Fujin. She had never seen the Chinese shi, but she had heard how Qi Qinwang loved her. She thinks that someone who can make Qinwang a favorite for ten years must have something extraordinary. If she can enter the government, she would like to see if the still arrogant Wulana-shi is still like this.
     There is a lot of energy to deal with her outsider.
     Thinking of this, Wan-xi feels that he can talk about this idea with Yin-Tang. Anyway, it is a woman who is ordered by Qin Wang. It’s good or bad to see Qi Xinwang’s decision. What is the relationship with them? Can only blame him for not holding Wulana-shi, otherwise he will not have such trouble.
     "If Ama is worried about Qinwang, this is completely unnecessary. If this affects the feelings of the Lord and QinQ, I will not shoot, and Wulana-shi is not as important as you think.
     This time, it must have been done by her, Qin Yun. She thought she was secretive. Unfortunately, I didn’t want to follow her heart. So this must be done, and even the trouble that Qinwang had to manage. And I have to watch as we look at her." Wan-xi seems to say that there is a bit of dry mouth, picking up a tea sip from the side, a slightly bitter bitterness of the slightly cold tea, which makes Wan-xi wrinkled his eyes unconsciously.
     Qian Ning looked at her face and looked at her face. She knew that what she said was not empty.
     The worry of a time lingering deep inside could not help but fade away.
     The original nervous mood also eased a lot. As long as Qi Xinwang doesn't shoot, they don't have to worry too much when they start doing things, and they don't have to bear too much burden.
     "If this is the case, then we will not be merciless." Qian Ning is somewhat uncertain.
     "-Brother, the first person to challenge is Qin Wang Fu-Jin, not us, so Brother does not have to bear the burden at all. If we choose to leave our hearts, then Qinwang Fu-Jin will be overwhelmed, and will definitely deal with us again. Instead of giving her a chance, she might as well take her off the dust." Wan-xi looked at Chunning seriously, and he wouldn't give him a soft heart.
     Wan-xi tone is too firm, and it is not difficult to see her changes from here.
     The last life, this world, too many things forced her to lose the extra compassion and weakness. Although she can't claim to be poisonous now, she is not the little pity that she used to bully.
     "But she is Qinwang Fu-Jin after all, if we have done too much, Qinwang will not..." After all, Qianning cares about Qinwang’s attitude. From this point, it is not difficult to see that Qianning is confrontational. value.
      Princes are vying for the front, and they are watching, Calling, and whether they are standing or not, they have their own small abacus. Qian Ning is not the smartest, but definitely the most pragmatic.
     This kind of he has a natural good feeling for theervants that have always been known for doing practical things. Together with the hints of Yin-Tang, Qian Ning is particularly concerned about’servants.
     If there are still many people who have not noticed their ambitions, then there is a Yin-Tang reminder that he is definitely a person who has noticed awkwardness in the early days. As for this time, it is actually very simple, and it will make Qianning hesitate again and again, nothing more than because Wulana-shi has a name like Qin Wang Fu-Jin.
     "-Brother, the most taboo thing for the husband to do is to look after the situation. Don't say Qinwang Fu-Jin, that is, Qinwang, I came to the door. In order to look at the face of the Wanyan family, it should be beaten back, otherwise who will be in the future? Put our Wanyan home in the eye.” Wan-xi frowned and put the tea squat on the table next to it.
     "Mei-mei, don't be angry, I am just..." Qian Ning puts his hand in a hurry, but he doesn't know how to explain his intention.
     "Okay, this matter will be discussed later. It is imperative to suppress the annexation of the Wulana-shi industry.
     There must be no delay." Wan-xi waved his hand and his face was helpless. Look, a deep sigh: "The current situation is already tense. It is said that whether I or Wulana-shi should think that their plans are serious, but Wulana-shi is too self Conscious. Acting completely on their own, even if we don't do it, sooner or later, Qinwang will do it to her-Brother If you are really worried, then pay more attention to the movement of Qinwang and see the Qinwang living in Zhuangzi. Will it be for her?"
     Qian Ning smiled and scratched his head. Obviously, he found that he only looked at the thoughts of Qinwang, but he forgot that the Wanyan family was his foothold.
     Wan-xi sees him like this, and he is not good to say anything more. He only hopes that he can remember this lesson.
     There is nothing wrong with acting cautiously, but being too cautious, not only missed opportunities, but also gives people the impression that they are weak and deceivable.
     The so-called break is broken, things are clearly there is no chance to swing, then you don't have to worry about something more. As long as you seize the opportunity and fight back, it is better to remember the lesson and let people remember that they are weak and deceivable.

     As Wang Da thought, Wan-xi words not only cherished the heart of Qin Ning, but also provoked his determination. If you say that before going to Zhuangzi, there are still some uncertain ideas in Qian Ning's mind, then he is not only hesitant, but he has also raised a hint of war.
     Wulana-shi is Qinwang Fu-Jin is not fake, but she is not pampered. Even when she married, the Ulanara family has not yet fallen, but today is not the same, now the Ulanara family has fallen, and even with Wulana-shi has a great disagreement between the two sides Because of all kinds of contradictions, not to say that they have completely broken their contacts, but they are also inseparable.
     As for the industry of Wulana-shi, if Wan-xi would have been a bit jealous in the past, but after the suppression of Yin-Tang, it is already not as good as the past, if only Wan-xi is on Wulana-shi, maybe it's still a little hard, but with the Wanyan family, I don't say that I beat her in the shortest time, but there is no suspense in winning.
     However, this is not that Wan-xi is looking at Wulana-shi. She thinks that Wulana-shi is not small. After being severely wounded by Yin-Tang, she was placed under house arrest in the backyard. It is possible to let these shops develop and expand in her hands. It can be seen that Wulana-shi is not a woman. She is actually very capable, but these skills are not used on the right track.
     Even if Wan-xi doesn't see Wulana-shi inexplicable style of behavior, she doesn't even see her clever choice when she is smart, but she is who she is, how can she remind her to catch It’s much more useful to catch those virtual names.
     A woman can't even understand the true thoughts of her own pillows. It is still making waves outside. Isn't this what it is to find death?
     Besides this time, no matter how many reasons she has Wulana-shi, it is not the reason why she shot the Wanyan House.
     They all said that there is a debt to the Lord. If she decides that she has offended her, then she should look for her jealousy instead of suffocating her parents. Fortunately, the current Wanyan family is no longer the Wanyan home that has not been valued and has not much strength. After years of development and hard work, even if it cannot be compared with the family, it has also made a place in the capital. Even if they don't have enough content, they can't be stepped on.
     In fact, Wulana-shi, except for the name of Qinwang Fu-Jin, has nothing, and the strength of her family is no match for the wealthy Wanyan family.
     This contrast obviously does not have much effect, but from here you can see the result, that is, Wulana-shi behavior is to die.
     Of course, Wan-xi did not want to instill in his brother the grasp of what he must win. She felt that everything was unexpected, and that diligence was better than negligence.
     In the evening, Yin-Tang and others took Qian Ning to drink, and all three knew about Wulana-shi troubles, but they did not mention it tacitly. However, the Yin-Tang word also revealed some comfort and support. After all, compared to Wulana-shi, the big sisters come close.
     Qian Ning was surrounded by three Princes. I really felt that I was somewhat flattered. I listened to Yin-Tang’s words, and he had a new understanding of the degree of being favored by Mei-mei.
     Due to the relationship of Wulana-shi, Qian Ning did not stay much, and the next day he immediately returned to the capital. Wang Da listened to the news that Qian Ning brought back, and the smile on his face was a little more confident than before. If you want to deal with the Qinmen couple, this is definitely quite difficult, even if the odds are small. After all, Qi Qinwang is quite powerful. In recent years, although it is low-key, it has a rich bottom. Don't see that the limelight is all other Prince, but if there is anything good, it is really no less than him.
     Of course, if you don't count Qinyun, just deal with Qinwang Fu-Jin, things will be much simpler. After all, Qinwang Fu-Jin is no better than Qinwang himself. Her family has not only fallen, but the relationship is bad.
     They are really right, they are still very confident.
     "Since you Mei-mei has made up your mind, then we can't let her down. As you said, Mei-mei said, the faces of Wanyan's family have to be protected themselves, otherwise the four 9th Prince City, Who else puts us in the eye.” Wang Da saw the letter brought back by his son, and he said that he was holding Qian Ning and sat down at the table.
     Their Wanyan family is no matter where they stand in the future. It is feasible to be generous. When it is hard, it can't be weak. When you look down, you can't be tempted. It’s just that his son obviously lacks exercise. Many things haven’t been seen yet. He has to spend a little more thoughts, otherwise he will not be a daughter’s dependence in the future, fearing that it will become her burden.
     "Han Ning! This time Ama let you go to find your Mei-mei intention, you know?" Wang Da calmly, his eyes fixed on him, as if waiting for his answer.
     Qian Ning heard the words, his expression was slight, and he held the tea stalk in front of his hands. After a long time, he came back to God: "Ama, the son may still have a lot of places, but the son will not be like that before. I can't tell the difference between the primary and the secondary and the overall situation. Before the son only thought that he could not sin Qinwang, but he forgot that the Wanyan family was fundamental.
     This is really not the case."
     A shy and humble Channing looked up at Wang Da eyes and saw his face as gratified. He couldn’t help but be embarrassed.
     Wang Da is in a good mood. He wants his son to see his own deficiencies and then change his credentials. It is impossible to pass any difficulties in the future. Moreover, today is just a Qinwang Fu-Jin , if it is Prince Prince in the future, then they are not arbitrarily killed!
     No, they must first correct their attitudes, face their own people, whether they lose or win, let people know that they are not bully, not weak.
     Don't say Qinwang Fu-Jin just regards them as chickens that kill chickens and monkeys.
     They are alone.
     There must be a reason. After all, the emperor has to find a crime. She wants Qinhua Fu-Jin to say that life is going to kill people.
     "You can understand it. Although we don't have a strong family, we shouldn't have any bones. Don't say that she is directed at Mei-mei. Can you let her do it because of my own consideration?" Bullying you Mei-mei is not successful." Wang Da knocked on the table, his voice was full of anger, apparently dissatisfied with what Wulana-shi did.
     "My son is wrong." Qian Ning bowed his head and admits it. At this point, but when it comes to Wan-xi, he has not resigned, and he is full of plans for Wan-xi.
      Qinwang House, Wulana-shi pays close attention to the outside movement, she hands to deal with Wan-xi maiden is not fake, the attitude is tough, the shot is hard and not fake, but and Yin-Tang their The reaction also made her feel like a hundred claws in her heart, and she was not at peace. Even if she knew that the Wanyan family was actively resisting, she could not let her divert her attention.
     And it seems as if you don’t know the whole thing at all. Nothing happens, and you live a quiet life in Zhuangzi. Yin-Tang didn't have much action.
     This kind of move made Wulana-shi even more uneasy. She always felt that they must have something to wait for her. It’s just that she can’t guess, and she can’t find any news of value. In the end, she can only be prepared at all times, so that when they can take the shot, she can respond quickly.
     In fact, since I started to work on the Wanyan family, she didn’t say that she was completely insomnia, but it was difficult to sleep well.
     The first thing to get up every day is , Yin-Tang and Wan xi the message on their side. It is a pity that their performance is not as if they don't know it or they don't care, which makes her heart really suffering.
     On the Wanyan family side, Wang Da and Qian Ning can be said to be concentrated firepower, using the resources that can be used to cut the shops under the name of Wulana-shi, regardless of the size of the business, anyway, as long as they can grab the business they They all robbed and they were suppressed in places where they could be suppressed. It seems that as long as these shops have no way to live, they are worth doing.
     Many people have noticed this point. Most of the people thought that the Wanyan family would eat a ‘mute loss and put this down, but they didn’t want the other party not only to suppress things, but to make them bigger and better. It is.
      ,              W W There are few people who have the idea and impression that the Wanyan family is not bully.
     Under such circumstances, with the addition of Wan-xi, the situation has easily changed. If it was just that the Wanyan family was a little better, then now they are completely crushing the strength of Wulana-shi.
     The continuous loss caused Wulana-shi to no longer pay attention to their reaction. At this time, she put all her energy into the business, and every time she carefully adjusted the plan, but she was used by the other party. For the sake of seeing it, it will bring about a big or small loss.
     The shopkeepers in the shop and her side, Spring Mama, not only advised her to stop at the same time, but Wulana-shi is like a demon, can't listen to anything, just want to follow Wan xi fight for you to die.
     Gradually the shopkeepers are no longer snoring, Spring Mama they are no longer comforting, but they will feel uneasy in their hearts, especially these Shopkeepers, they all rely on the store to live, seeing the shop being suppressed without business, every day I lost a lot of days, and they were burning like a heart, but they could only look at it like this.
     Wang Da took the opportunity to start digging the corner. After all, not all the Shopkeepers are Wulana-shi accompanying rooms. Some of them are coming back. Although there is a signing of a living agreement, it does not bind the other person's freedom of life. Even if it is breach of contract, it is just With some money, it will not cause much impact.
     Wulana-shi, because of this situation, anxious in his heart, but also a layer of bubbles on his mouth, but can not prevent the occurrence of events. She had the intention to turn things around, but she could use the method she used, and it didn't work at all.
     The Wanyan family and Wan-xi came to the fore, which made her suffer a lot. She has the heart to ask for help, but she does not know what reason to use.
     There was no reason to deal with the Wanyan family.
     The last time I invited Wan-xi to pay for the plum, I was so embarrassed that she was cold-faced, even went to Zhuangzi and did not take her Fu-Jin. Now she There is no reason to make a claim against Wan-xi natal family. Even if she is not there, she can hardly guess the reaction after he knows about it.
     No, in the end, Wulana-shi can only send a letter to Wan-xi. I want to use this meeting to smooth out this matter. As for the grudges between them, I will make plans after this matter.
     When Wan-xi received a letter from Wulana-shi, she was lying on the soft couch and listening to Yin-Tang and reading the Xiao Jing.
     This is Wan-xi often heard a book, it seems that pregnant, she heard the most is the "filial piety", followed by the book of the Book of Songs.
     "Your Highness, Side-Fujin, Qinwang Fu-Jin sent a letter indicating that it was for Side-Fujin." Ting-Rain grinned, obviously disdain for Wulana-shi move.
     You said that you all went to the Side-Fujin family, the two sides played hot, and you suddenly sent a letter, and you will know that you want to admit defeat. But who is used to you! If you want to fight, you will not be beaten, but you will stop. Why? Just because you are Qinwang Fu-Jin? Qinwang I still don't know if I have this ability!
     Wan-xi mouth with a smile, a slight scorn in the corner of the eyebrows, then reached out to pick up the letter Ting-Rain handed over, opened and looked, the brow was high, then a burst He laughed and said: "Master, you promised Qinwang to stop the whole body?"
     "No." Yin-Tang put the "filial piety" in his hand to the side, looked up at the look of Wan-xi in the moment of looking up, and smiled helplessly: "4th Prince speaks to speak, he Since the promised master does not intervene in this matter, even if the industry of Wulana-shi is completely annihilated, he will only look coldly and will not help her."
     They all said that if they don't die, they won't die. Wulana-shi has learned so many lessons and can't learn.
     "Since the Lord did not agree, it is because of what I want to give her face." Wan-xi has a slight hand, and the stationery in his hand fell directly on the ground.

     Wan-xi sat up, his hand touched his growing belly, probably because of the relationship between twins, and noticed that the stomach was a lot bigger than before, but Wan-xi, Yin-Tang, even more attention is paid to all aspects.
     In the past, Wan-xi was pregnant. As long as she had a stable stomach, Yin-Tang sometimes couldn’t help but make her, but this time, from the discovery of pregnancy to the present, Yin-Tang did not dare to do anything, even talking softly. Whispering, a deputy is afraid of scaring her look, so that Wan-xi is heart-warming and moving.
     As for Wulana-shi, whether it is Wan-xi or Yin-Tang, she is not a good impression. According to the relationship between Yin-Tang and Yu, Wulana-shi does not say that the attitude is good, at least not hostile, or even licking the knife in the back. But she just did this unexpectedly and chose to do the opposite, and it was hard to make this kind of endless state with Wan-xi.
     No one will unconditionally indulge another person, even a loved one, and it is impossible to ask for the other person without restriction, not to mention Wulana-shi is nothing to them.
     Wan-xi did not even give Wulana-shi a reply, but it seemed that he did not receive the letter at all. Ting-Rain, they naturally won't remind, after all, Wulana-shi actions are quite shameful.
     They say that everyone is born, but they are not as good as their nubi , and they are narrower than the eyes. Imagine, no lesson, she really is a personal thing, everyone has to act according to her ideas.
     Wulana-shi didn't receive a response from Wan-xi for two days. She was anxious and couldn't help but send someone to inquire. When she knew that Wan-xi ignored her, her first reaction was  The tea pot in his hand.
     "There is no reason! Oh, this is the reason! She Wanyan-shi, this is taking Qiao with this Fu-Jin!" Wulana-shi licking her chest, apparently she was really mad, and the whole body trembled slightly.
     "Fu-Jin, don't be angry." Spring Mama held Wulana-shi body and reached for her back.
     Wulana-shi looks pale and white, the whole person seems to be a little breathless, just subconsciously open his mouth, gasping with a big mouth, and scared to practice the sophisticated Spring Mama almost fell If there are no children, they don't want to wait for Wulana-shi, she is afraid that she will fall out.
     "Fu-jin, drink tea first, smooth." Spring Mama adjusted her mind, immediately poured a cup of tea, walked to the front of Wulana-shi, handed the tea to her mouth and fed her. drink.
     Wulana-shi After drinking a cup of tea, the whole person was finally slowed down, but his face was still not good, and even some faintly green. She leaned against the back of the chair and gasped slightly.
     The whole person seemed to be able to ease it, and her face was still scared. Just now, even if it was just an accident, it really made Wulana-shi feel the feeling of death.
     The feeling that it seems to be breathless is so deep that she still has a trace of fear in her heart.
     For a long time, Wulana-shi sat up slowly and looked at Spring Mama, and sighed deeply: "This time, this Fu-jin is too impulsive. If you choose a hit at the time." If you hit it, or go all out, maybe the Wanyan family has no ability to resist at all or the opportunity to unite Wanyan-shi."
     “Fuly, so what should we do?” Spring Mama was calm, but her heart was in a hurry.
     Spring Mama is Wama-Nala-shi milk Mama, and her family is tied to her. She is in the inner court, waiting for Wulana-shi, but her husband and son are helping Wulana-shi Take care of the industry, the head of a Zhuang head, is awkward, Spring Mama knows more about Wulana-shi than others.
     Externally, everyone only wants Wulana-shi. It seems that it only lost a lot of money. In fact, the situation is worse than they think. If this is not the case, it is impossible to compromise Wan-xi with the pride of Wulana-shi. However, she was compromised, but the other party did not accept her feelings.
     This situation is not a jealousy, but a dilemma.
     When Zhuangzi did not say it, he said that most of the shops were unable to make ends meet. Continued, the consumption of Wulana-shi hands is also her emboldened spirit.
     "What to do? What can I do? Her Wanyan-shi just wants to step on the head of this Fu-Jin to stand up for her mother, but this Fu-Jin has to accept it." Wulana-shi Just think of yourself When I bowed to Wan-xi, I couldn't help but clench my fist.
     Spring Mama They looked at such a Wulana-shi, and they didn't dare to talk anymore. After all, no one dared to touch the heart of Wulana-shi at this time.
     Do not look at Wulana-shi is very important to the reputation, for the sake of fame, not to offend Qinwang, cold son, that is, she has also suffered a lot of grievances. If she says that she has a lot of tolerance for her fame, then she may not be able to slap her hand if she encounters a dog jump.
     "Spring Mama, let them turn off the biggest loss shop." After a long time, Wulana-shi, who calmed down, whispered.
     Spring Mama didn't say anything, because she knew that Wulana-shi couldn't afford it. If Wangye shot, there would be a chance of winning, but this thing Fu-Jin is holding Wangye from start to finish, and Wangye seems to be really ignorant. In general, I haven't managed this thing from beginning to end, which makes Spring Mama feel a little worried.
      Fu-Jin's feelings with Wangye are no longer the same as before. Even if 1st-Prince plays a buffer role in the middle, but the number is too much, it is not much useful.
     This point can be seen from the time when the house’Madam is under house arrest, Wulana-shi. His patience with Wulana-shi has reached a critical point.
     The reason why there is no direct shot, Nothing just wants to give others the opportunity to seize the handle and make Hong-hui sad. As for Wulana-shi itself, it no longer has any effect.
     On the other side of Zhuangzi, Wan-xi lived happily through his little days every day according to the arrangement of Yin-Tang. Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang from the same point of view should be the same as Yin-Tang to deal with the size of the capital in the city, but Yu-Xiang is still a tune, as for Yin-Er, that is A child king, after arriving at Zhuangzi, entered the study room with Yin-Tang and they negotiated the number of times. However, Yin-Tang is also good, and Yu-Xiang does not want to force him.
     Although the current situation is not clear, it seems that only 3rd-Prince, 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince are fighting, but in fact, they can feel that there are still forces in the dark to inadvertently disrupt their rhythm. Give them pressure. Kangxi is satisfied with the current situation. He has lost the hope of 1st-Prince and the Crown Prince. He does not want other sons to get rid of it.
     The only way is to let them contain each other, even if he does not even have it now. It’s the son who knows exactly what he doing, but there are only a few candidates, and his mind is roughly counted, but it’s not confirmed.
     It’s just that these things have not affected Wan-xi. Since she is determined to fight the industry of Wulana-shi, she can’t play any part of her life. Besides, Wulana-shi didn’t think about her when she started. Feeling.
     “Side-Fujin, Qinwang Fu-Jin has connected six stores on the other side, and is looking for buyers now, but...” Ting-Rain is talking about it, and a vice-previous person is worried that Wan-xi is angry and makes people laugh. No.
     "But she definitely doesn't want this Side-Fujin to buy right?" Wan-xi laughed and looked at Wulana-shi eyes. After several attempts, she also had a general understanding.
     Ting-Rain smiled slyly and smiled with a hint of tenderness on his face: "Side-Fujin, nubi guess Qinwang Fu-Jin doesn't want to lose too much."
     Wan-xi did not have the temperament of Ting-Rain. After all, when she decided to fight the industry of Wulana-shi, she expected the narrow and careful Wulana-shi to have such a move. . But this is nothing. She doesn't show up. It doesn't mean she can't let others come forward. She is directed at Wulana-shi move to her mother's family. She has to step on her face and let her be proud of her. Not up.
     Although there is no such thing as the name of Qinwang Fu-Jin, Wulana-shi can't be short of money, but Qinwang is an exception.
     The most annoying thing about him is probably the corruption of corrupt officials, no matter what kind of behavior. And walking the back door of the backyard, you have to see if the other party is favored, so Wan-xi will later break the Wulana-shi may get something in his hand.
     When Di Fu-Jin, it is indeed beautiful, but when Di Fu-Jin has no trust of the male owner and the power he has given, Di Fu-Jin is just a false name, and there is no power to manage it.
     "It's not a shame that she decided. She wants to be flat. She is going to let her end in a more tragic way. After all, the mall is like a battlefield, but it is not capable of defending its own industry. It is not worthy of sympathy for others.” Wan-xi said, the tone of the voice inadvertently revealing a pleasant, the surrounding Maid felt her good mood, could not help but laugh.
     Wan-xi didn't stop, but let Ting-Rain get closer and whisper a few words, let her go to talk.
     Ting-Rain listened to Wan-xi instructions, and his brows were tight, not because Wan-xi instructions were not good, but because she couldn't personally participate in it.
     No one would doubt Yin-Tang's intentions for Wan-xi, and no one doubts the power of Yin-Tang, so when Wan-xi uses Yin-Tang to arrange for these people to deal with Wulana When shi, Ting-Rain knows that Wulana-shi will fail. If there is a discrepancy, it is definitely not a problem for Yin-Tang, but Side-Fujin has lost interest in suppressing.
     "Side-Fujin, since the nubi have to go back to Capital City to take a nap, can you also go around the industry of Qinwang Fu-Jin." Ting-Rain is not going to go, seeing Wan-xi look over, can't help but get together, a The face prays for authenticity.
     Wan-xi looked at her like this, it was really dumbfounding.
     The way she plays on Zhuangzi is enough for Ting-Rain to toss, and now she is more tossing than she imagined. But this is also good, in fact, not to mention Ting-Rain, that is, Wan-xi also wants to see how Wulana-shi expression is cracked in the face of failure.
     "Okay! Since you want to go see it, just go and see it!" Wan-xi nodded, waiting for Ting-Rain to turn around, like what he thought, added a sentence: " Remember to look carefully, come back and talk to Ben... everyone listens."
     "..." Ting-Rain turned and looked at Wan-xi eyes, but what could not be said.

     Yin-Tang’s commercial achievements are not objectionable. Even if it is faintly dissatisfied with his behavior of competing with the people, Kangxi has to admit that after the Yin-Tang took over, There are fewer people who say that they are borrowing money from various names.
     Those who have borrowed money from the past have also paid back the money. Although this kind of behavior definitely offends a lot of people, Yin-Tang himself does not have much ambition about that position, so he does not care if he is not guilty.
     Of course, this has nothing to do with Wan-xi counterattack against Wulana-shi, but one thing that can be proved here is that Yin-Tang's commercial ability is destined to be uncultivated and used by people. People, at least in business, are the best.
     At present, the industry of Wulana-shi has already looked like this. It is obviously unable to return to the sky, and Wan-xi is very patient, and there is no meaning of hesitation or hesitation at all, even in the later arrangements. I didn’t have the spare capacity before I came out, and I played it all at this time. Estimating Wulana-shi method of survival is not useful.
     She gave up a few shops that lost her money, and divided the money she had received into several other shops, in order to block the fierce attacks of Wan-xi and Wanyan. It’s just that the other person seems to have no intention of stopping. Even more than before, the means are even more fierce, which makes her hate to gnash her teeth, but has to rush forward.
     She has lost enough, and can no longer lose her own industry. If even these things are lost, she can't imagine what she will use in this backyard.
     pet? She does not; respect? Not much; power? The first two cannot guarantee that this last one can be held in the palm of your hand. For a moment, she began to regret, regretting why she did not remember the lesson, but to provoke Wan-xi.
     It’s a pity that it’s late, not to mention that she is the person around her, but also shrinking her neck and not being able to comfort herself. Loyalty and troubles are two concepts. Who doesn't want to be a punching bag. To Yu Fu-Jin's industries, it doesn't really matter to them.
     They have nothing to do with them. Anyway, Qinwang will not lose their case.
     Wulana-shi is deep in the regrets of the heart. Only she knows that even if others guess the clue, they dare not say it.
     The Di Fu-Jin, who had been in the backyard for so many years, was so embarrassed that the people around her who were waiting for her suddenly reacted. Di Fu-Jin, who seemed to be omnipotent, was just an ordinary person.
     During this time, their days were not good, and the failure was always accompanied by Wulana-shi, which consumed her limited industry. She wanted to stop this cut, but found that she did not have this ability at all, and she could only watch her industry be sold. No matter how hard she tried, how sad she was, she could do everything she could, and she never had any effect.
     This kind of powerlessness made her feel very anxious. She thought about whether she would admit defeat or not.
     It is her own, her self-esteem, her pride that can cut off this idea, and she is not allowed to bow to her. Even if she would lose all the industry.
     When the people arranged by Wan-xi pressed hard and forced her people into the dead, Wulana-shi found that she was just too simple. She thought she could put down these things, but in fact she valued them very much, and even regarded them as their own foothold. Now, when she really wants nothing, she finds that it’s not what she is looking at. What deserves to be concerned, she seems to care about the opportunity to make a comeback.
     In the past, she felt that Li-shi did not have a dowry even if she did Side-Fujin.
     The sense of superiority in her heart was hard to speak. Now, when most of her dowry is destroyed in the same hands twice in this way, I found this to be unbearable.
     Spring Mama and others are on the sidelines, seemingly the same as usual, but in fact they are even cautious in breathing, for fear that Wulana-shi accidentally noticed them. In fact, they are surrounded by Wulana-shi, more or less hands-on, Wulana-shi, this Highness is not good, they are not necessarily good to go, so the heart is empty, I also feel very scared, but I can't express it in the face of Wulana-shi, Your Highness.
     "Spring Mama, is there a few shops in this Fu-Jin?" Wulana-shi, who had been sitting for a night, finally opened his mouth.
     " Fu-Jin..." Spring Mama lips licked, but did not dare to tell the truth.
     Wulana-shi looked at her and seemed to be mentally prepared.
     The tone was indifferent: "Okay, let me be honest."
     "Fujn, there are only four stores with the best business. If you can't think of it anymore, these four stores are afraid that they can't keep it." Spring Mama lowered her head, but she had to feel that she was doing business.
     There are really few people in this world who can get ZHong-Yong Junwang.
     "Yes? If you don't trust the letter and fight back, then pick a way to get both sides to sit down and talk about it." Wulana-shi said this, in the eyes Flashing a smog, I thought it would be forced to a desperate situation.
     Wan-xi didn't know this. She lay on Yin-Tang's lap and was sleepy. When she heard Ting-Rain talking about it, she sat up in the brain. Scared Yin-Tang straight into her hand to protect her.
     "Oh-" Wan-xi noticed that Yin-Tang blamed his eyes, and smirked at the same time. He grabbed his big palm with a small hand and shook it with sorrow.
     The deputy was very happy but had to pretend to be a good man.
     The poor appearance made Yin-Tang laugh involuntarily.
     But when it comes to Wan-xi, no matter how big or small, it is basically Yin-Tang first admit defeat, no way, there is a woman who always touches his heart, he can not be indifferent in any way. What's more, her smile is so beautiful, her eyes are as bright as stars, she can always touch his heart softly, let him unconsciously make another exception for her.
     "You can't do such a dangerous move in the future, don't forget, you are pregnant now." Yin-Tang took her body with helplessness and whispered a warning.
     Wan-xi looked down at her growing belly.
     The doctor asked the doctor to come to the Courtyard for the first two days. She said that she was a twin. She was also a little surprised in her heart. After all, whether she was a royal family or not, she did not have it before. People have twins, and the same is true in the last world. Sometimes Wan-xi wonders if this will be God's compensation for her. After all, for women, life is definitely a trump card to happiness.
     Before the emperor and Niang-Niang were not hesitant or opposed to her being upright, even if the attitude was loose, there was no clear answer.
     This time, Ting-Wen, she was pregnant with twins, not only gave a reward, but also promised that she would find a suitable time for her to give birth to a child.
     What a surprise!
     The original thought that there was no hope, there was a sudden hope of reaching, she did not know whether it was time to be glad or happy. After all, it can't always be good. After all, she doesn't want to give her own destiny to others as she did in the last world. She doesn't want to be a stepping stone because of the so-called Di Fu-Jin.
     Although she still can't control her own destiny, but she can stand on a high point, then she can do more things. In the future, she will not be able to do a lot of things for Yin-Tang, but at the very least she has to work hard to keep up with their pace and do what they can to do for them.
     In the capital, Wulana-shi and Wan-xi and her family's affairs can be described as aroused. Many people take it for granted that Wan-xi and Wanyan will suffer. Someone behind it is wayward. Even if Yin-Tang is not in the forefront of Wan-xi, the people he arranged for Wan-xi are directly sent to find the Wulana-shi. Slap in the face. Looking at the end of Wulana-shi, many people have scruples about Wan-xi and Wanyan.
     As for the and Yin-Tang, some people think that the two have long been picked up in private, but the fact is that the two have long passed the temper, and decided to ignore the matter, let Wan-xi Handle it yourself, no matter what the result.
     Wulana-shi lost the tragic, I don’t know, but I don’t want to control it. When it comes to wisdom, he really can't figure out why Wulana-shi is looking for Wan-xi. If there were 8th Fu-Jin and 9th Fu-Jin beside them before, now, obviously, there are few connections between the two, but it seems that they are not in the same way. It is wrong. It seems that Wulana-shi can’t see I used to be like Wan-xi.

     Whatever the reason, I have no respect and tolerance for Wulana-shi, so when I got the news, his face flashed a mocking look, faintly said: "Don't worry, the words of the Lord. In her case, she was not good enough, so she had enough lessons to learn, and then she took care of the backyard honestly."
     Su Peisheng looked at the colder and heavier, and nodded silently, then turned and went out.
      Fu-Jin, this is self-death, resentful of others, and on the ZHong-Yong Junwang temper, not directly hit the door is already to give Your Highness a face, if Your Highness is playing Fu-jin-Yong Junwang's face for Fu-Jin, then He did not dare to think about the consequences.
     If you say no to death, you won't die. Don't say Your Highness, that is, these nubi don't know why Bai Fu-Jin doesn't want to see Wanyan Side-Fujin, and he has to make troubles three times and five times. Even if he doesn't lose lessons, this is also a lesson. No wonder people are going to pick up their hands. To tell the truth, if you change your personal, you may have to live with Fu-Jin.
     This is the case, look at the final end of Fu-Jin, and then I am afraid that no one will dare to look down on this Side-Fujin which is not Fu-Jin but better than Fu-Jin.
     The same person in the circle, making such a big turmoil, who can pretend what has not happened. As Su Peisheng thinks, the strength of Wan-xi has caused many people to have a jealousy.
     In fact, the rules of this Family are somewhat weak. Don't look at Kangxi attention. In fact, in most people minds, Di Fu-Jin and Side-Fujin are similar.
     The most concerned about this point is the two people who just stand on the opposite side. Others look at it. In the end, it is still strength. As long as they have the strength, whoever manages the other is Di Fu-Jin or Side-Fujin, who can bring them benefits, who they will pursue!


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