Chongqie Courting Death Daily 315

 Novels   »  Chongqie Courting Death Daily      »         Chapter 315 : No room left

     Since Wan-xi put aside words, it is impossible to talk about it. Before she sought stability, she wanted to make a good impression on Kangxi and Yifei, but she forgot to take care of this big Junwang House. Stability is not advisable, and Enwei is the most effective means.
     She is indeed her own generosity, but in this majesty, she is afraid to have to think about it. After all, from the point of managing the backyard, she has to say that the last generation of Dong-shi is actually very shocking. At least those women in the backyard don't dare to like her in the face of Hui-Ru.
     On the way back to Qing yi-Courtyard, Ting-Rain complained angrily. If Ting-Bamboo is pulling her sleeves, when Wan-xi hits the slap, she will make a sound. Directly rushed to play Hui-Ru second slap, third slap.
     Wan-xi did not say a word on the way back to Qing yi-Courtyard. Back to the inner room, Wan-xi ordered Ting-Qin to prepare hot water for several children to scrub their faces, and then let people send hot Jiang soup to them to drive the cold. Even so, everyone can feel that Wan-xi is not in a good mood.
     "Auntie, Moya-qi believes in you." Moya-qi looked at Wan-xi, who was caring for himself, and said this sentence for a long time.
     Wan-xi looked at the uneasy Moya-qi, reached out and touched her little head, whispered: "Moya-qi, although the mother is not your biological mother, but you Ama will You are in the name of the mother, then you are the biological daughter of the mother, the mother does not ask you to forget your own mother, but the mother wants you to have something to do not in the heart, but to say it. Can't answer, and you Ama, understand?"
     Wan-xi voice just fell, Moya-qi nodded heavily.
     Everyone thought she didn't understand. In fact, she knew very well that anyone is really good to her, and who is provoking their relationship.
     When night fell, Wan-xi sent several children back to his yard. Originally, he wanted to wait for Yin-Tang to come back and say hello to him, but did not expect Yin-Tang to come back, Wan xi can't do it, just have to recruit Ting-Bamboo, they have to check some recent information. Since it is to be settled, then there is no need to be merciless, and the women in the backyard have long hated her for hating her bones. Even if she is merciful, they will not remember her good, why bother!
     "Hey, Side-Fujin, you see, this Guo Luo Luo Miss is ignoring the brain, and the hurricane is still very good." Ting-Rain sorted out the useful information before the Guo Luo Luo Miss really did a lot.

     Things! She didn't think that Dong-shi was gone. She could challenge Side-Fujin's status only by her daughter, and her mind was not bad!
     Wan-xi glanced subconsciously and found that this Hui-Ru is really enough to toss.
     The backyards are moving, not to mention her, but eighty Master she is blended, showing her In order to turn over, it really took a lot of hard work!
     Wan-xi picked a part, not to look at the women in the backyard, not much, actually can toss a lot. Zhu-shi, Chou-shi These old people, Wei-shi, Liujia-shi, Hui-Ru, and those women who have no points are all jumping up and down, whether they are being jealous or they have other calculations. Wan-xi is no longer able to let them go.
     A few people sorted out the information collected during this time, busy until midnight, and listed a list of intimidating crimes. It was really amazing.
     Ting-Lan, who came over to help, squinted at the eyes and wrote those things on the top. Even if they didn't see them clearly, the few that they saw were enough to make her Call.
     These women can really toss, really think that Side-Fujin does not care about them, is afraid of them, settle accounts tomorrow, when they cry.
     "Side-Fujin, are these people not quite honest on most days? Why aren’t they like those who are sharp-headed, how come they suddenly jump out?" Hearing the snow, he looked at the notes in his hand, and his face was barely revealed. Sigh.
     Wan-xi laughed twice, and there wasn’t much feeling for listening to the snow. It was just faintly said: "I don’t think it’s a slap in the face. Who knows that they are not crouching and waiting for an opportunity, if it’s really not The arrogant heart can't be arbitrarily swayed by people, and they are anxious to express themselves. Really speaking, these people obviously don't put Side-Fujin in their eyes. Since they are not welcome, this Side-Fujin Why give them room for them."
     Her tone was a bit cold, apparently thinking of the last life. At that time, she was very polite enough to bear the pain and share the love that originally belonged to her, but what about these people? How did they treat her, they were directly guilty of her life.
     Listening to the snow and others, taking advantage of Wan-xi unpleasant expression, they made a look at each other, honestly doing things, no longer published. .
     "Side-Fujin, the master came back." Suddenly, a small Maid snorted outside the door, and Wan-xi handed the note in his hand to Ting-Rain next to him and got up and greeted him.
     Yin-Tang walked in with a tired face, looked up and saw Wan-xi, and quickly stepped forward to her, reaching out and holding her soft voice: "Why don't you rest first?"
     "I didn't want to sleep, I have a lot of things to deal with. I have to deal with things and wait for the Lord to come back. Isn't it good?" Wan-xi took his big palm and went to the house. Ting-Qin, they will send the prepared hot water to the clean room.
     After washing, Wan-xi looked at the tired Yin-Tang, and swallowed it when he got to the mouth, and finally did not say anything.
     The next day, when Wan-xi woke up, Yin-Tang had gone up, and the bed around him was cold, and I wanted to come and go for a while. Wan-xi directly let Ting-Rain inform the woman in the backyard to Qing yi-Courtyard. Anyway, there is no Fu-Jin.
     The whole backyard is the biggest Side-Fujin of her, and she is afraid that she will not be able to call them.
     When these people came over, Wan-xi was not in a hurry, and he used the breakfast and sneaked a bit of breakfast, and then re-dressed it before he got up and went to see those people.
     "Side-Fujin, nubi are staring at those people, there is movement, nubi immediately cooperate with you." Ting-Rain said as he walked, his face still eager to try, it seems that she is looking forward to face.
     Wan-xi is full of style, his eyes are slightly picked up, his face is a bit gloomy. She did not speak, but she subconsciously accelerated her pace.
     I haven't entered the flower hall yet, I have already heard the Calling Yan ‘Yuyan and the woman's delicate laughter. I don't know if they are gathering in the garden! It’s so comfortable. Wan-xi slightly converged on the expression on his face, and walked in.
     The people in the flower hall saw her come in, and all of them immediately stopped smiling, pretending to be a deputy.
     Wan-xi slightly raised his eyebrows and secretly thought that these people would still pretend. It’s ridiculous to have a look at the laughter of the wind, but now it’s the appearance of this deputy. With a haircut, Wan-xi walked Ting-Rain's hand and walked straight inside.
     Sitting on the main seat, I found out that this Hui-Ru was a good idea. She knew that she was looking for them today, and she brought the '3rd-Jiji'. She thinks that there is '3rd-Jiji', can she do everything?
     " Side-Fujin please, Side-Fujin auspicious." Zhu-shi and other people see Wan-xi sitting, but also feel that they are not waiting for Ting-Rain, they open their mouths, they will automatically get up, the gesture The standard, let Wan-xi think they had stolen at night.
     Of course, it is impossible for Wan-xi to give them such a small thing at this time.
     This is a bit of a failure to get a tabletop. In addition, she has a large handle in her hand.
     There is no need to decline her identity at this time.
     "Get up!" Wan-xi gently raised his voice, the tone of calm, and the presence of Concubine was quite uneasy.
     They listened to Hui-Ru yesterday, and Wan-xi had the heart to count the general ledger with them. Although they were embarrassed, most of them were confident that their sweeping work was done well. But now I saw Wan-xi with a face, looking at them with yin and measurement, they did not come from a cold sweat. Just for this situation, today I am afraid that I can’t be good.
     "Thank Side-Fujin, ‘Laughs’ ..." Zhu-shi, as an old man, felt that he was a little decent, and he looked up at the moment when he looked up at Wan-xi, and the rest of the words could no longer be said.
     Wan-xi looked at her coldly, and there was a bit of coercion in the light.
     The tone was also a bit bad. It was obviously a bit of a posture. "Zhu-Mei-mei seems to have not finished yet, then Let's finish it! This Side-Fujin is not Di Fu-Jin, but fortunately, I value it, and I am in charge of the backyard. Some people may see that Side-Fujin doesn't care about it, and secretly conveys some unclear words, listening. It seems to be my own idea than this party of Side-Fujin!"
     To put it bluntly, Wan-xi is taking care of their dogs.
     Zhu-shi is only trying to express himself, so as to raise his position. After all, no matter how shameful before, no one can easily obliterate her.
     This time in the backyard, rumors, scorpions, and her provocations and jealousy, although Wan-xi is not sure to catch her handle, can be finely liquidated, it is not without the opportunity to suppress her.
     "Side-Fujin is laughing, why can you say anything? And here is the site of Side-Fujin, Side-Fujin is the one who has the final say." Zhu-shi tone Microsoft, with a few smiles on his face I secretly thought about how to let Wan-xi turn his attention to others.
     I know Wan-xi sneer a few times, his face sweeps just the calm, his face taunts, hate the voice: "Zhu-Mei-mei has a very real saying, that is in this backyard, this Qing yi Courtyard, except for the Master, only this Side-Fujin can be said. As for you, this Side-Fujin can be used regardless of your backstage and qualifications, but if you are in the backyard, you can't blame this Side-Fujin for not allowing her."
     Since Wan-xi made up his mind to calculate the general ledger with these people, it is impossible to leave room for them.
     "Ting-Rain, what are you still doing? Today, this Side-Fujin has made up his mind to rationalize the atmosphere of this backyard, then it is not a mouthful." Wan-xi slammed the voice, the whole Everyone sweeps the beautiful and beautiful appearance of the day, and the temperament is so frightening.

     "Ting-Rain, what are you still doing? Today, this Side-Fujin has made up his mind to rationalize the atmosphere of this backyard, then it is not a mouthful." Wan-xi slammed the voice, the whole Everyone sweeps the beautiful and beautiful appearance of the day, and the temperament is so frightening.
     The voice of Wan-xi just fell, Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin went straight up, took all the notes that were sorted out last night, and started to read down one by one. Every time I read a sentence, I sat down.
     The faces of those Concubines are white. Zhu-shi, who thought he had cleaned himself, and Liujia-shi, who thought he was skilled, couldn't help but regret the intestines.
     I knew that Wan-xi means were so sinister. Before, they shouldn't be smart enough to think that this kind of thing can knock her down, or use rumors to replace her.
     "Side-Fujin, I was wrong. I also asked Side-Fujin to look at the mistakes of     ,         It was Wei Shi who went straight to Liujia-shi. At this time, she lost the beauty of the past, and the whole person fell to the ground and cried for mercy.
     Wan-xi saw it, sneered out, and her eyes looked coldly at Wei Shi, who was looking for mercy, and her eyes were cold and cold. When she died, she still had no intentions with her. What did she think she was afraid of?
     "It seems that you are determined that Fu-Jin does not dare to move you, send someone to take the lead and explore the bottom of this Side-Fujin? Oh! If this is really Side-Fujin, it should be taken care of, not like this now. You count the general ledger. If you dare to make a move on the old age, you should think of a day.
     This Side-Fujin must be looking for the scene." Wan-xi violently put the tea pot in his hand to the side of the case. On, stood up, his eyes coldly swept their eyes, coldly said: "This mouth is not used for eating, but used to spread rumors, then according to the above guilt to the Side-Fujin, Hit the ground."
     "Come on, wait for a few Miss." Ting-Rain sees these women look pale and shivering, it feels ridiculous, this courage, but also dare to arrange Side-Fujin is not, just looking for death.
     Wan-xi looked at the desperately struggling Zhu-shi and so on, and suddenly heard the cry of a child. In the blink of an eye, Wan-xi discovered that she seemed to forget that Hui-Ru also brought '3rd-Jiji' is a shield.
     "Ting-Lan, send '3rd-Jiji' to Moya-qi.
     They go there." Wan-xi waved, listening to the snow and listening directly to the past, Hui-Ru wanted to resist Come, helpless situation is stronger than people, Wan-xi has been prepared here. Whether it is the military Maid or the powerful Pozi, they were specially selected by Gao Mama yesterday, just waiting for these people to open the knife today!
     "Side-Fujin, you can't take away '3rd-Jiji', even if you've done something wrong, but the child is innocent!" Seeing '3rd-Jiji' was taken away, then watched being beaten and slapped Zhu-shi and others, Hui-Ru now regrets that the intestines are green, how she would think that Wan-xi will be replaced!
     Wan-xi is cold and cold, listening to the heart of Hui-Ru, I don’t know if she has no children, and she is specializing in other children!
     "Since you know that your child is innocent, then you are talking to this Side-Fujin, you brought this child to this Side-Fujin this morning, this Qing yi-Courtyard is doing nothing! It is nothing more than trying to escape the punishment by the child. If you really think about the child The matter is to focus on the child, instead of just focusing on the right and wrong, and disregarding the children.” Wan-xi looked at Hui-Ru with a disdainful look and turned to listening to the book. She dragged Hui-Ru out and disposed of it.
     She won't worry about her because of Hui-Ru birth of Yin-Tang, and she believes that Yin-Tang will stand on her side as long as she doesn't move her child, and she is not in her fault. Just fetching the mouths of these women, what a fear.
     Of course, Wan-xi is not the kind of temperamental person, the idea of ​​not being immobile, but she is no longer the poor pity of the last life that has swallowed in her stomach. Now she insists that people do not commit me and I do not commit crimes. If these people are committed in her hands, then it is not blaming her.
     These people are basically hit 30 to 50 slaps, although the look is not particularly heavy, but the hitting is that the human skill is not in quantity. At this point, anyone who stays in the palace or in the backyard knows that as long as people are used, sometimes 30 boards can kill individuals, and sometimes a board can only be hurt by a flesh.
     Obviously, Wan-xi didn't want to stay at this time, so whether it's 30 slaps or 50 slaps, the beautiful and beautiful people, now all look like a slap in the face. When dragged in from the outside, like a dead dog, there is no more grace.
     Wan-xi still sat in the same place, seeing this scene, and did not even move his brow. Since she made up her mind not to disappoint Yin-Tang, she couldn't stop here. Even the woman in the backyard couldn't control her. Why did she let Kangxi and Yifei believe that she could become a Yin-Tang sinner.
     "Don't blame this Side-Fujin for being indifferent. In fact, this Side-Fujin is still merciless. Hey, these three and fifty slaps down, there is no bleeding. From here, you can see that this Side-Fujin is still worried about the decent. And the old feelings of the past. If this Side-Fujin really doesn't care, you are not like this now. Ok, let's go back and raise it! Don't know how to play it all day. As for '3rd-Jiji', stay in Qing yi-Courtyard Waiting for Guolu Luo-shi to raise the wound, this Side-Fujin will let people send back '3rd-Jiji'." Wan-xi waved his hand slightly, his tone was soft, as if he had not seen the wound on their face.
     The whole person looks gentle and abnormal.
     Hui-Ru naturally didn't want to leave '3rd-Jiji', but the moment of opening her mouth, the pain from her face made her dare not violate the order of Wan-xi. She thought that if she opened her mouth again, she was afraid of Wan xi really wants to fight, she can no longer speak.
     Behind Hui-Ru, Zhu-shi and others did not think that Wan-xi said that they started to do it, and that they did not speak at all, and the entire Qing yi-Courtyard people acted according to her orders. Originally, I was looking forward to Wang An to stop this cut or inform Yin-Tang to stop the cut, but they waited and waited until they were dragged in with the dead dog, and they didn’t see a little movement. I understand that Yin-Tang is standing on the side of Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi looked at this scene coldly. She thought she would be soft, but she didn't think that she didn't feel a little bit from beginning to end. Even her heart was mixed with the slightest pleasure. She wanted to compare her feelings. I hope to use the actual action to get back to justice!
     "Well, this account is almost finished.
     This Side-Fujin does not leave you Mei-mei. But this Side-Fujin still hopes that Mei-mei will firmly remember today's cuts, don't repeat the same mistakes, otherwise the next time It’s not just a few slaps.” Wan-xi waved his hand and smiled straight out of the flower hall, not even a silk stay.
     The whole flower hall was as quiet as it was. All the people who were beaten sat on the ground.
     They began to tremble with pain and did not dare to make a small sound. After Wan-xi left, they whispered.
     For a long time, these talents left Qing yi-Courtyard with the support of Maid. After a long period of time, the atmosphere of the entire Junwang House was very quiet and peaceful, just like a son, the whole sky was clear.
     However, Wan-xi move also shocked these people in the true sense, and actually determined his position. In Junwang's house, those who have thoughts, all of them have converged their own thoughts, lest they accidentally angered Wan-xi and lost their own lives.
     When the other government received the news, it did not say that it changed the view of Wan-xi in an instant, but there was a general impression that the Wanyan Side-Fujin, who looked at the soft and weak, was not a good one. People, otherwise they will not be so embarrassed when they get up.
     They can't beat their faces. She chooses to hit other people faces.
     When Yin-Tang returned to China, the whole house had already been blasted. After listening to Wang An’s story, Yin-Tang not only did not ask the people who were beaten, but the opposite was Wan-xi is not angry. At that time, Wang An was very fortunate that he did not have any nostalgia. He really stopped Side-Fujin, and he might be unlucky now.
     Such as Yin Tang to Qing yi Courtyard, the first to be pleasant to the eye three little Miss playing in the yard happy scene, and that alone is the little girl's laughter ringing let Yin Tang heart micro some acid astringent .
     Moya-qi, '3rd-Jiji' are his daughters, no matter what they expected before they came to this world. However, after they were born, he really wanted to be a good Ama, but their mothers did not seem to be willing to cooperate, and they only wanted to compete.
     However, in this Qing yi-Courtyard, he will always see a variety of faces, such as the children's true smile, which is also in the main courtyard of Dong-shi, Guolu Luo-shi Mingyue Xuan What seems to be heard is always the face and voice of the child crying.
     "When you look up to the Lord, please." Wan-xi looked up and saw Yin-Tang standing not far away, and he could not help but feel a cold air, and he bowed to him for a ceremony.
     Yin-Tang heard her voice and couldn’t help but return to her face. She smiled a little on her face and reached out and lifted her up. She said in a joke tone: "I said that when there is no outsider, I don’t need it.
     These rules."
     Wan-xi is preparing to open, then I will see a small Yatou. I will go up to Yin-Tang, and look at a beautiful girl. Wan-xi can’t help but think of her life. She has two daughters. Only this world, except for a Yali-qi, she was born a son. Although this rounded the dream of Yin-Tang, it made Wan-xi regretful.
     It may be because of this regret that she has a natural concern about Moya-qi and '3rd-Jiji'. It seems to be a dream, and it seems to take care of Yin-Tang’s mood. After all, this is her Children, even if they can't do it, can do it equally.
     "Well, they have been playing outside for a while, the weather is weird, let's go into the house!" Wan-xi glared at the small face of the three little Yatou red, and could not help but smile.

     Yin-Tang didn't mention Wan-xi killing Sifang after entering the house. For him, don't say that Wan-xi just hit the backyard, these disobedient women, just kill a few of them, he It will not be too happy for her.
     During this time, he had a lot of things on hand, and the Crown Prince didn't mention it for a while. It was 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince.
     They think that the Crown Prince is being shut down and they will have a chance. I don't know that the Imperial Father's move is also testing and testing the truest ideas of their sons.
     Yin-Tang and Yan have chosen to stand still, and if they are so anxious, they will not follow the heart of Kangxi to recommend the Crown Prince. It's the same now, even if the Crown Prince is shut down, but if he hasn't been abandoned again, they won't be easy to shoot.
     The older he is, the heavier the suspicion, even the rather reusable Yin-Tang is often suspected. If he does not turn his focus to support Wan-xi, he is afraid that he will not It is so stable.
     In the end, it’s always coming, and instead of letting these women make a big mess without knowing it, it’s better to suppress it at the beginning. And Wan-xi move is just right.
     This cut seems to be the result of the women in the backyard. In fact, it saves a lot of things in Yin-Tang.
     Wan-xi didn't know the thoughts in Yin-Tang's heart. After entering the house, she was very busy telling Ting-Rain that they would send hot hot tea. She served Yin-Tang and scrubbed her face. Ting-Rain He is responsible for serving a few small Miss scrubs. After a little grooming, Wan-xi and three small Miss and Yin-Tang sit on the raft, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang hold the samovar in the hands, three small Miss sit in the Next, he said quietly. It can be seen that although '3rd-Jiji' had less contact with Moya-qi and Yali-qi, the blood was thicker than water, and Miss would be mixed in three.
      '3rd-Jiji' is the youngest, most of the time is stayed in the house by the milk Mama, and it is just a holiday in the family.
     The number and time of getting along really is very small. Even if there is a milk Mama who teaches to talk, but the little guy temper is too embarrassing, obviously it is rare to be born, not dare to express the way, but for her serious expression can also make clear what I mean.
     This temper is definitely not good outside, but at home, young is still young, Moya-qi and Yali-qi are very young, so the little guy is very well cared for, and does not let the little Yatou be forgotten in a certain a corner.
     People who are too silent are always easy to ignore. Even a good-looking person, if it is in an ordinary person, will definitely attract attention, but in a crowd of good-looking people, it is easy to be buried. Wan-xi does not want to raise his own children, desperately to step on the children of others. Rather than causing Yin-Tang's embarrassment to them or their resentment against her and her children, it is better to treat them amicably at the beginning and let them help each other.
     "Master, '3rd-Jiji' is not too young, should you also give '3rd-Jiji' a name." Wan-xi smacked a hot tea and felt a hot air.
     The throat was up to the abdomen, and suddenly the coldness of the body disappeared.
     The moment of turning around, I watched the three small Miss playing in a group. Wan-xi suddenly thought of the relationship between '3rd-Jiji' and the age. It seems that there is no name.
     Since the idea is to be treated equally, Wan-xi does not mind getting a little benefit for Little Miss at this time.
     Yin-Tang listened to her saying that she changed her hand to put the tea pot in her hand on the small table, and she thought a little on her face for a long time: "That is called Ning Chu-Kee (Chinese translation Dongzhu)!"
     His daughter should be precious, whether it is Yali-qi or Moya-qi, or Ning Chu-Kee, since he is his child, then he must give them the best cut.
     Wan-xi nodded, and did not express any opinion on the name of Yin-Tang, just reached out and touched the small head of '3rd-Jiji': "Ning Chu-Kee, this is your Ama Get your name for you."
     "Thank you Ama, thank you for your mother." Ning Chu-Kee is young, and many things don't understand. Milk Mama directly teaches her to ask for her mother in order to please Wan-xi.
     Although Wan-xi was a little surprised, he didn't care too much. According to her current status in the government, she also can afford the children in the house to call her a mother. Of course, if Dong-shi is still there, at most, she will add her surname shi in front of her. As for Yin-Tang, I don't care more. In his eyes, Wan-xi is the person who walks with him.
     The children call her a singer.
     "Go and play with the sisters!" Wan-xi appeased a Chu-Kee, looking at her face with red face, excited face, know that this child also wants to be close to Yin-Tang.
     "Uh-huh." Ning Chu-Kee nodded and turned to Yali-qi and climbed in their direction.
     Wan-xi looked at the three children who had a good time, turned to look at Yin-Tang, and asked softly: "When you come over, you want to ask the sin of the trainer?"
     Yin-Tang listened to her face with a resentful expression, and couldn’t help but laugh. She put down her hand and waved her hand. Her face smiled and said: "Master  heard that Jao-Jao is awesome, slinging Sifang. Well! How did you still not open your mouth, and Jao-Jao became guilty of his own heart. Is it hard to be a polite person?"
     Wan-xi saw his face with a sly expression, and could not help but stretch his hand, his face Called: "How can you not have a bottom? It’s a good thing, but you don’t want to stand in the body. "Where?" After all, Wan-xi face shook his arm, and there was a feeling that he didn't promise her to shake straight.
     Yin-Tang looked at her playful and rogue appearance, and she couldn't help but laugh and cry. He believed that it was hard to eat, oil and salt did not enter, and it was not good to please, but he could not help but meet him. Heart, everything is going to be arranged for her to avoid her suffering.
     "Good, of course, the Lord is standing on the side of Jao-Jao. As for those who don't have long eyes, they will fight when they fight.
     There is nothing to be pursued." Yin-Tang's words directly indicate his attitude.
     Those women in the backyard, whether they are in or out, are not what he wants. Without Wan-xi, he would not be as cold as they are now, but he met Wan-xi and fell in love with Wan Xi, then he can only live up to them. But if they are honest enough, no matter how glory and prosperity, he can make it.
     Wan-xi looked at him like a helpless look, the smile of the corner of his mouth became deeper and deeper. Although I know that he will help himself, but to say and do, is completely two concepts.
     "Right, Master, because Guo Luo-shi has a wound on her face, she is afraid that she will scare Chu-Kee, and she wants to leave Ning Chu-Kee in Qing yi-Courtyard. Waiting for her to raise her wounds, she will send Ning Chu-Kee back." Wan-xi looked at Ning Chu-Kee not far away, suddenly remembered that Hui-Ru was Ning Chu-Kee The mother of her mother, she just wanted to suppress her to temporarily leave Ning Chu-Kee in the Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Yin-Tang listened to her and said, she couldn’t help but look up and her face was amazed. He thought that Wan-xi was because Hui-Ru didn't know how to take care of the children.
     This would bring Ning Chu-Kee to Qing yi-Courtyard, but he didn't want to be such a simple reason.
     "No, let Ning Chu-Kee stay in Qing yi-Courtyard." Yin-Tang thought that every time she went to Mingyue Xuan, she had never seen Hui-Ru take care of her children, and she knew that she was completely handing over the children. Milk Mama is in the belt, this situation is not unusual in the royal family, but he can not accept.
     "This..." Wan-xi face looked a little stunned, and it was obvious that she did not expect Yin-Tang to answer this.
     The children of the whole government are raised in her name, which can't be said anyway. Moreover, the mother-in-law of Chu-Kee is not alive. Even if she likes to make waves, she cares less about Chu-Kee, but this is not a big crime. Master, the child is still growing up by his own mother. Guo Luo is too unbearable, she has never abused Chu-Kee, and how can he be sure that Chu-Kee does not want to and Guo Luo-shi It’s up!”
     Wan-xi is very real. She does not want to take the name of dismantling other mothers and daughters. Even in terms of identity, it is not a big deal for her to hold Hui-Ru daughter to her side, but she does not want to do such a thing. . She didn't want to offend Yifei. After all, she didn't look at the Buddha face. Hui-Ru is Yifei Zhi-nu. After all, there is a bit of incense. Second, the children around her are quite a lot.
     The three sons she gave birth, said Moya-qi, in the name of the Di Daughter, was born in her name, this is enough to make people criticize, and then take another step, afraid of those backyard women, I have to sit still.
     "Well, when I first asked Ning Chu-Kee." Yin-Tang waved his hand and apparently did not want to argue with Wan-xi on this matter.
     The warmth of the two men, the other women in the backyard watching the Qing yi-Courtyard did not have any movement, they knew that this crime was sinned. Like Zhu-shi and other family, it is naturally impossible to make trouble. However, Hui-Ru, who was beaten and beaten by her daughter, could not swallow this breath anyway.
     She has done so much more than just wanting to take more chances to accept Yin-Tang, not to mention a flying sky like Wan-xi, at least to give birth to a son, and to have a good future.
     That's it, her Wanyan-shi also does not allow, and even left '3rd-Jiji' in the Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Hey, she is obviously a wolf ambition, she wants to monopolize.
     Hui-Ru violently threw the squat on the face, but because of her too much action, she was hurt by the face, and she was so painful.
     The autumn moon next to it is full of concern, and there is a sneer in my heart. If it is not the identity, she really wants to say "live".
     "Miss, it's okay!"
     "Long eyes won't look at it... oh..." Hui-Ru just groaned, and it hurt so loudly that she hated Wan-xi for a time, and she was not consciously afraid of her.
     Seeing the autumn moon, the eyes flashed a sneer, but the words of the mouth were infinitely provocative. "Miss, it was wrong to be in front of us, Yifei Niang-Niang is not reasonable, but this time, wrong in Wanyan Side-Fujin, that Yifei Niang-Niang can't help Miss you!"

     Seeing the autumn moon, the eyes flashed a sneer, but the words of the mouth were infinitely provocative. "Miss, it was wrong to be in front of us, Yifei Niang-Niang is not reasonable, but this time, wrong in Wanyan Side-Fujin, that Yifei Niang-Niang can't help Miss you!"
     Hui-Ru eyes bright, hands clasped the hands of Qiuyue, and asked with a look: "What do you say? Is it wrong with me? Are you sure that you are not me?"
     If it was not her fault, why did Wanyan-shi dare to beat her so brightly and also took her daughter.
     "Miss, if your fault is making a mistake, but is Side-Fujin not already fined you? That '3rd-Jiji', why should you take it away? Isn't it Ciefang's selfishness?" It’s a clever tongue, and when you talk about it, don’t say Hui-Ru, that is, she has some faith.
     "Yes, you are right.
     This is the fault of her Wanyan-shi. If she is not as greedy as she is, she wants to monopolize it. How can the whole backyard person be targeted at her." Hui Ru is like a drowning man who has helped a life-saving straw, treating it as the only existence of Wan-xi that can be overthrown.
     Qiuyue looked at the gods and gods, and thought about how to deal with Wan-Ru Hui-Ru, and there was a sneer in his eyes.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi guards the younger age of Hong-sheng and Ning Chu-Kee. Both of them have not yet reached the age of entering school. Wan-xi teaches them "Three Character Classics" and so on. Parenting books, let them have an impression first.
     The two little guys Called and followed Wan-xi to read the "Three Character Classics". You sentenced me to a sentence, and there was quite a certain kind of seriousness.
     When Yin-Tang came over for lunch, he looked at the children's health and well-being. At the same time, he was very satisfied. At the same time, he came up with the idea of ​​educating the child to Wan-xi. As for what Hui-Ru thought, he didn't care.
     For women, especially women who use unscrupulous means, it is not worth his pity.
     “Master, what's the situation in the palace? Liangiang Niang-Niang can still hold it?” Wan-xi asked Lin-Tang to pick up the vegetables.
     "It is estimated that these days, listening to the meaning of the doctor, the soup has been fed a little, even if it is not forced into the strong irrigation." Yin-Tang face plainly said the news just to Wan-xi listen.
     If the scorpion in the palace is awkward, as long as it is not a biological mother, as long as the rules are guarded, there is no need to cry. After all, it is not the Queen. As long as there are many things on the face, there is not much to pay attention to. Unless Kangxi mandates, in addition to 8th-Prince, other people mean it.
     Wan-xi heard only a little nod. After all, she asked these things just because she wanted to have a mental preparation. After all, there were dying in the palace, and these younger generations had to show more or less. After the 13th-Prince mother-in-law died, it was not over a hundred days, and 3rd-Prince shaved his head. For this reason, not only was Kangxi smashed, but also directly dropped from Junwang to Baylor. Some things may seem unimportant, but as long as the emperor feels important, it is important.
     "8th-Prince can enter the palace?" Wan-xi feels that 8th-Prince attitude seems to be the key.
     "Well. I have already entered the palace. I am sure that I will not be in trouble with the old 14th in the last few days." After the Crown Prince was shut down, the minds of 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince lived, two People recent movements are constantly changing. In order to ensure that their influence is not affected, Yin-Tang has not spent much of these days.
     Wan-xi raised an eyebrow and thought about the last 8th-Prince. Because of the death of Liangzhu, he was very sick. Even if he could not stand for a long time, he felt a sneer in his heart. It turned out that her deep affection and friendship was so easy to fall apart when it comes to interests.
     "Don't worry, this is just a matter of time." Yin-Tang reached out and patted her hand to appease the road.
     Wan-xi nodded. When she took care of a few children, she couldn't help but say a few words, so that they all pay attention to it, so as not to accidentally behave in the palace.
      Hong-min is also a Small-One, with the teaching of Yin-Tang. Many times he is a person, even if he is bigger than Hong-hui, he is sometimes inevitably led by him. go. Now Wan-xi reminded him that he soon realized that the little friends and the people around them were different. For a time, they couldn’t help but be wary.
     "Emperor, you can rest assured! The son will take care of his younger brother." Hong-min looked at Wan-xi, his face was revealing a precocious puberel that his peers did not have.
     Wan-xi looked at his son's strong face, reached out and touched him with a silky baby's cheek, whispered: "It is best to take care of your brother, but you must pay attention to your own safety. I don't want to see any of you hurt."
     "Well." Hong-min was worried about the Wan-xi, and nodded heavily.
     After Wan-xi arranged all the children and the house, he received a message saying that Yifei called her to enter the palace tomorrow and let her bring some children. Wan-xi heard that the brow was slightly wrinkled.
     The news came too suddenly. She would not be foolish to think that Yifei just wanted to see her and a few children.
     To know that the Empress Dowager said that he missed a few children, the number of Wan-xi taking the children into the palace has gradually increased. Although these days have not entered the palace because of the relationship between things in the government, the time is not long. Yifei thought that she was a little bit tired when she wanted to see her and a few children.
     Even so, Wan-xi knows that she has to take a nap, whether it is good or bad.
     Early the next morning, Wan-xi entered the palace with several children and Yin-Tang. When he arrived at Qiankun Palace, he just caught up with Yifei and asked the Empress Dowager.
     Then a pedestrian rushed to Ningshou Palace.
      The Empress Dowager is very maintenance for Wan-xi, and everyone in the palace is clear. Although they didn't know that Wan-xi was in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, but in front of the Empress Dowager, even if they didn't like Wan-xi, they were very convergent. After all, no one wants to do this little thing. Offended the Empress Dowager.
     However, in the previous two days, ZHong-Yong Junwang House made such a big move, even if it was not related to them, it did not hinder the mother of Prince who could not understand Wan-xi or had a holiday with Yin-Tang.
     Therefore, it is difficult for her to take it.
     Defei  has never had a good face on Wan-xi, and how this contradiction is produced. In fact, Defei  himself is not clear, but when she repeatedly puts her head in Wan-xi, she is not used to it.
     The calculation becomes an endless hatred.
     Wan-xi didn't know about it, but Yifei suddenly called her to the palace before she could think of it. To put it bluntly, the retreat of the backyard was said to be a dispute of their own. Toward the big said that it was a family matter, and then how to pull the Nuang-Niang of the harem. Yes, these people really want to make a fuss about this matter, but it is just a run and satirize her.
     Of course, if Yifei is so guilty about her, it is another matter.
     Yifei is calm, but her heart is really not happy. On the Hui-Ru side, although she has no control, she thinks that Hui-Ru is her Zhi-nu, she I can live in the backyard safely to the end. But the news she got was like a slap in the face of her face.
     It was not unacceptable for Hui-Ru to be beaten in her heart. After all, the timing is sensitive, especially the Crown Prince is suddenly shut down. Any slap in the air may cause countless troubles. But holding the '3rd-Jiji' away makes her feel a little bad. No mother wants her son's backyard to be a singer, even if the other is Di Fu-Jin, not to mention that Wan-xi is not Di Fu-Jin, which makes Yifei feel unhappy.
     However, this time is suitable for accounting. For Yifei who loves face, it is impossible to see other people good dramas, but it is impossible for others to watch the show.
     "To say that this is a prestige, this palace thinks that this Old 9's Side-Fujin is the most powerful. I heard that this Shiqie of the full house has been hit, and this one has only one child Shiqie The daughter gave it away.
     This hand, the palace dare to say the second, can not do the first!" Defei  sitting in a place not far from Yifei, holding a cup of tea in his hand, looks like a casual The sentence has caught the attention of everyone.
     It is not too common for the upper-ranking people to rectify the lower-ranking people. It involves the struggle for pets. It seems that what means are normal, as long as they are not on the bright side. However, when Defei  took the case of Wan-xi backyard Shiqie to the bright side, it would be easy for unsuspecting people to misunderstand the intention of Wan-xi.
     Yifei couldn't help but frown, and looked at Wan-xi eyes with a bit of blame. Instead, sitting on the top of the Empress Dowager calm, it seems that Debusy is just a harmless joke, not worthy of care.
     When he saw it, he coughed and Called. Zhang Zhang’s mouth seemed to want to open again, but he was robbed by Wan-xi. At this time, Wan-xi expression was calm, but his eyes were full of provocation and embarrassment. Niang-Niang still likes to stare at the other backyard of Prince. He has only finished the backyard for the first two days.
     Things have not been done yet. Deyang Niang-Niang knows what is clear, and I want to be a Defei  Niang-Niang didn't spend much time on this, otherwise how could it be so clear, I don't know if Deyang Niang-Niang was on the scene!"
     Wan-xi has a light expression, and the delicate white hands hold the samovar, and the fingers touch the pattern on the edge of the samovar.
     The whole person is revealing a carelessness.
     Everyone looked at each other, but the faces of the first ones were not good, because Wan-xi reminded them of what they had done to their sons when they were Defei  or Defei. For a time, they looked a little unfriendly to Defei ’s eyes.
     The atmosphere in the temple also became quiet, no matter what Wan-xi said, but her words really turned everyone attention to Dexter's body.
     This hand is not beautiful.
     Deborah reacted for a moment, and if it weren't for the Empress Dowager, she would like to point directly at Wan-xi nose. It’s all in the past. Now, isn’t it about finding something? But she forgot that she was the first to start looking for something.
     "This kind of thing is not only known to the local people, this person knows everything, there is nothing to say." Defei  retorted the sentence, looking at Wan-xi eyes with a hint of coldness.
     Unfortunately, there were too many people who had been offended by Dexter last time, and 14th-Prince acting was really unpopular, so that no one was open to help. In this way, it seems that Defei  is somewhat self-talking, and the deputy is imposed on the human body.
     14th-Prince jumped up and down, and acted too sinisterly, let alone the Prince who participated in the Di-, did not participate, and rarely had not eaten his losses. At this moment, they are eager to suffer from ugliness, to vent their hatred, and how they can help Defei  to deal with a younger generation. Don't forget that the Empress Dowager is still watching it!
     "Oh, in this case, you are talking about Dess, you know everything in this mouth, the sorrower does not know, this is not known, but only you know." The Empress Dowager With a sip of tea, she looked at her with dissatisfaction.

     "Oh, in this case, you are talking about Dess, you know everything in this mouth, the sorrower does not know, this is not known, but only you know." The Empress Dowager With a sip of tea, she looked at her with dissatisfaction.
      The Empress Dowager has a light tone, but his face is really dissatisfied. She is not wearing Wan-xi for two days. Although she likes to stab two sentences on the most days, she always has to be measured, but today she brazenly presses Wan-xi. Hit, the posture is not only directly hit Wan-xi face.
     Is that  Wan-xi? No, this is playing her old Pozi face!
     "This..." Defei 's face was white, and although the empress Dowager was secretly in his heart, he was more worried that Kangxi would anger her again because of the Empress Dowager.
     Originally, she just wanted to draw people to talk about it, so as to suppress the 9th-Side-Fujin, and let Yifei ugly, then she will reveal the matter. After all, this kind of thing is really a family matter. It’s okay for her identity to say a few words, and I really have no qualifications. Without thinking, she opened her mouth. Before the Wan-xi and Yifei openings, the Empress Dowager had already wrapped herself up.
     This time, she didn’t know whether she should continue or stop.
     Wan-xi still has a little smile on his face, but his eyes are flowing, and when he looks at Defei , he will unconsciously take a few minutes. She looked at the Empress Dowager with a bit of whispering in her face, and her heart was a little embarrassed, but she still wanted to take things on her own, lest the Empress Dowager really ruin.
     "Defei  Niang-Niang, regardless of whether the matter is right or wrong, it is taught by the Empress Dowager and the mother-in-law, and it will be bothering the troubles of Niang-Niang." Wan-xi squats Eyes, trying to suppress the anger of the heart.
     Although Yifei was dissatisfied with Wan-xi heart, she also agreed with Wan-xi.
     This is the right thing to do with the Empress Dowager and her teaching as Popo. It really doesn't need her to be a nosy.
     "Defei  Mei-mei, when the emperor descended your position, I wanted to remind you that other people family members have their own mother’s help to help the palm of their hand. It is really unnecessary for the irrelevant person to use the name of 'care’. Down the stone." Yifei can not have the worry of Wan-xi, whether it is before or now, she does not think that she wants to be low.
     Defei  was directly shackled, and not only personally, the Empress Dowager, Yifei and Wanyan-shi, in the face of everyone, took turns to beat her face, it was simply deceiving.
     "This palace will also pay attention to the Old 9. After all, this Old 9 backyard seems to be mostly from the old 9th-Side-Fujin, which is not conducive to the rain and dew!" Defei  was so many people In terms of how the heart can be without anger, naturally, the words that are spoken are also angry.
     Wan-xi faintly looked at Defei 's eyes. If she had only hated her hustle and bustle before, then the Wan-xi is now being stirred up.
     "The De-yi Nuang-Niang can disagree with this, and the harem is good, the backyard is worth it, and it is all the hearts of the men. We naturally have to go along the way of the man. Defei  Niang-Niang just now The words are atmospheric, but in others' ears, they seem to complain, complaining that the man should not act according to his own mind, but should act according to someone heart." Wan-xi voice reveals a trace Inadvertently, the expression on his face was still smiling, but when he said it, it was like a sharp knife, and the De-yi almost jumped up.
     "What do you mean by this words!" Defei  pointed fingers at Wan-xi, Calling.
     Wan-xi smirked, and stretched his hand to Shangde, faintly said: "It doesn't make much sense to say this. It's just telling the truth. After all, whether it is in the palace or in the house, it has always been done by the family. Since the Lord of the People, Defei  Niang-Niang has always crossed the party to dominate the lives and deaths of others. Is Defei  Niang-Niang still afraid of people?
     De heart and mind, and Yin-Tang's favorite pet Wan-xi thing, is to disturb Yin-Tang's backyard, let him cope, so that 14th-Prince manufacturing meeting, but Wan Xi is not vegetarian, she will not allow herself to get this cut that is destroyed by others. Don't think that she didn't see Desai saying those things, Yifei eyes flashed a hint of coldness and dissatisfaction. But how can this be done, will she easily destroy this cut?
     In order to achieve her goal, Defei  did whatever she needed, so why should she be polite to her.
     "De-yi in the past, whether you are unreasonable or private calculations, no trouble to the front of the mourner, the mourner does not want to sweep your face. But today, you are not just a flower, you are here. Hey, you are arrogant!” The Empress Dowager didn’t notice the meaning of the De-yi words, but he understood the meaning of the Wan-xi words. At this time, her face was a bit cold, at this moment, she Dissatisfied with Dexie, there is no such thing as a cover.
      The voice of the Empress Dowager just fell, and the Niang-Niang people in the station stood up and sang in unison: "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is forgiving."
     "The anger! You let the mourners get angry!" The Empress Dowager looked ugly and looked at Defei , and his face was very angry.
     In fact, she has no opinion in her life. She has no choice from marrying into the palace. She is not allowed to sit in the Queen's seat and is worried that she will be abolished that day. She does not dare to resent, she can only be old. Be honestly attached to the Empress Dowager to survive. Although she has experienced all kinds of sufferings, she still has to wait for her to be thin, and she still has a peaceful old age.
     But she is a De-yi what is the name of a scorpion? She did not dare to be the emperor's lord, and she was so daring to be the master of the man, it is true that this is true! If she only manages her own son, she is now Calling, afraid that she wants to manage everything. She thinks who she is, the Queen?
     "De-yi you said to the mourner, who are you, the Queen? An old 14th-not enough for you, you have to manage the Old 9, will you still have to manage the emperor? They all act according to what you mean.” The Empress Dowager is getting more and more eager, and the words are naturally getting heavier and heavier.
      The Empress Dowager This is an export, let alone Defei , that is, Tong-Guifei and others, have collapsed. Everyone has a flustered face on his face. Obviously, he did not think that things will develop to this step.
     They thought it was a small event of gloating, and they had trouble, and they laughed and ended. After all, between this, you fight for me, and a higher and lower thing is there every day. It’s really nothing. But now it seems that things are getting bigger and bigger, even if they have a moment to think about it, and wait for the reaction, look at Wan-xi eyes can not help but a little bit of disdain, a little more taboo.
     A younger generation, only a few words will be turned over by Defei , so that we can see the weight of this woman's heart and the means.
     Yifei is not the same. She is very satisfied with the performance of Wan-xi at this time. If Yin-Tang's mind is unchanged and she is going to help her, then only Wan-xi will stand up and let Yin be-Tang has peace of mind.
     Wan-xi converges on the smile on the face, and everyone squats on the ground with respect and respect, looking at the Empress Dowager, she knows that she is doing good deeds, not comforting the Empress Dowager's mood, but the Empress Dowager is even more mad, the mouth is slightly open, Wan-xi said: "The Empress Dowager, regardless of who is right or wrong, all think that something should be worthy of attention That is, the rules in this palace should stand up rather than hang on the lips. Deyang Niang-Niang doesn't understand the rules, and you shouldn't be mad at these little things. In the end, some people can only see the only ones. Benefits, will not take care of others. I shouldn’t have said this kind of thing, but I’m not straightforward, I’m not filthy, this is... the Empress Dowager, please don’t want to be alone. Impulsive, mad at the body."
      The Empress Dowager looked at the worry on Wan-xi face and the guilt in his eyes. He took a sigh of relief and finally forced the fire of his heart to force it down. He swept the eyes coldly and said: "But, Tong-Guifei, sorted out the rules and sent them to Defei , and then picked the two best Mamas to teach her well, let her learn what is the rule, lest she always go so far, lost the emperor Face."
     "Chen Chen obeys." Tong-Guifei looked at the Empress Dowager's face with a bit of tired look, a little bit sore in his heart, but not a little on his face.
     Originally, those who waited for a good show, Defei , planted their heads, and felt happy, but they did not dare to show too much. After all, the Empress Dowager’s anger was not over, and no one dared to let it go. Moreover, they are not sure about the De-Pinzhi disaster. Is there any end?
     "Okay, the grief is tired, and all come back!" The Empress Dowager reached out and waved. In addition to Yifei and Wan-xi, the others left the life neatly under the leadership of Tong-Guifei. Ning Gong.
     Today, the Empress Dowager did not blame Wan-xi, but I still have to ask a few words. Wan-xi didn't want to hide it, and Yifei also needed to explain it, so with this opportunity, Wan-xi said everything all over again. As for the child, her attitude has not changed.
     She never wanted to grab someone else children. She just wanted to give Hui-Ru a lesson. After all, whether she is Side-Fujin or Di Fu-Jin in the future, she has to shake the ghosts and snakes in this backyard, otherwise Yin-Tang is now What will be done will bring disaster to it sooner or later.
     Yifei sat next to him, holding the samovar in his hands, and his palms were cold. He couldn’t feel the heat of the samovar, only full of shame. She thought that Wan-xi was unreasonable, and whoever was fooled from beginning to end was actually herself.
     She only thought about Ningshou Palace and asked Wan-xi to say this. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager left them, otherwise she would indiscriminately hang Wan-xi, and really What is the matter, how can she still have this face to manage.
     Shiqie in the backyard was fined, of course, and Wan-xi was also sensible by the child hitting Hui-Ru, but Hui-Ru distorted the facts, and it seemed a bit distracting and black and white.


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