Family 180

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 180 Making Money 

       In the afternoon, Luo Ming-zhu continued to learn with the musicians, and Yue-Yao took Xiang Wei to the  Mountains to sketch.
       Yue-Yao just saw the white cold in the front yard and was surprised. How did Bai Han still not go. Yue-Yao is very skeptical about whether Ming-zhu is really favored as she imagined, or else the following people are arrogant.
       Bai Han saw Yue-Yao Pi Xiao-wen did not smile: "Lian Miss This is going to go back?" Yesterday's thing Bai Han vaguely knows something. The Jingning Marquis Estate people are very strict with their  Mouths, but Bai Han’s identity is special, and some winds are heard.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "No, I just went outside."
       Bai Han exclaimed: "Heaven? You are a Miss home, just go around, what if you run into a bad guy?" This is still everyone show, that is, the city woman will not be so arrogant in the  Mountains. She must go back to tell her aunt when she goes back.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This doesn't bother you worry. I remember that Ming-zhu told people to send you back. Why are you still here? Does Ming-zhu know this?" Yue-Yao is speechless to the Ming-zhu, People fooled into this point, showing how many idiots are on most days.
       White cold face is a stiff.
       Yue-Yao smiled out of the yard, Bi Shaoye waited at the door with two followers, and went to the  Mountain with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao climbed the  Mountain for a long time, stood in a flat place looking at the opposite  Mountain, and immediately spread the paintings and began to draw.
       Xiang Wei posture of Yue-Yao seems to be like a big painter.
       It wasn't until the sun was about to set, and Yue-Yao finished the painting in his hand. Yue-Yao looked at the opposite  Mountain, then looked at the painting in his hand and nodded his head.
       Xiang Wei is pointing to Tian said:
        "Miss, so beautiful. If you can draw her down, then."
       Yue-Yao looks to the sky.
       The blue sky is filled with large white clouds, which show a flame-like blush in the setting sun.
       Xiang Wei sees Yue-Yao looking at the sky, and Yue-Yao looks like she doesn't dare to go to the front, afraid to interrupt Yue-Yao thinking.
       In a twinkling of an eye, the last glimmer of the sky has also been incorporated into the darkness of the sky, the sky is gradually darkening, and the surrounding  Mountains also show a blue outline. The twilight was thick, and the earth suddenly fell into chaos.
       Yue-Yao gently read a sentence: "Wan Wan has a late voice, and the peaks are silent."
       Xiang Wei listened to Yue-Yao in reading poetry. Fortunately, she didn’t call Yue-Yao just now. This must definitely make her inspiration, and then she would have to lose her temper, and because of this cognition. In the years to come, she never dared to plan her when she painted in Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao walked halfway and turned to Wei to say: "When I wait two more days, I will draw the scenery." She took a lot of time to write.
       I thought about Wei for a while to understand what Yue-Yao said.
       Yue-Yao Upon returning to the yard, Luo Ming-zhu went forward and complained: "What have you been doing? Is it coming back in such a long time?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have been born."
       Luo Ming-zhu strangely said: "Sketch? What is a sketch?" Why she has never heard of such a new term!
       Yue-Yao explained: "It is the scenery."
       Luo Ming-zhu did not understand, she did not want to understand, but Ming-zhu is also very happy, said: "Today, the musician said that if I can do this every day, as long as one month, I can learn a song. You also said that I want one or two years. Only then, I tell you that for up to three months I can use the leaves to blow out a complete song." Luo Ming-zhu just wants to be able to do it in Yue-Yao for two years, it is very proud And more motivated.
       Bai Yi didn't know why Miss would believe Lian-Min. In fact, Bai Yi is also very strange, Yue-Yao knows too many things, although these things are not all well-informed, but Yue-Yao has many things involved.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "When you learn to tell me this sentence is not too late." Yue-Yao seems to imply that Ming-zhu can not persist, it will be abandoned halfway.
       Luo Ming-zhu snorted: "You can rest assured that I can definitely learn within three months." She even yelled at her, hey, she must not let Lian Yue-Yao squat.
       Yue-Yao knows the pearl 'temperament' feeling, so every few days to stimulate the pearl, let her stick to it.
       Half a month later, Ming-zhu learned music with the musician every morning, and practiced a half-hour in the afternoon and evening. When she was bored, she took Yue-Yao with her past books.
       Bai Yi knows Yue-Yao 'temperament' feelings, so it does not limit Ming-zhu to see Yue-Yao book, but I didn't expect the most fascinating pearl of the book on most days. Seeing those travels is a good look. Sometimes I wait for Yue-Yao to come back and discuss one or two.
       Ping-Shi heard the news and was surprised that his  Mouth could plug an egg: "Do you mean it?" Xiao-gu was able to withstand the heart and learn the music, and still insisted for half a month, this is not the sun. Hit the west and come out.
       Coming back to the letter-Pozi said with certainty: "The world Madam, this is absolutely true."
       Ping-Shi  Mouth smirked with a smile, and asked how many people did not do it, even let Yue-Yao do it, this is not a miracle: "How did Lian- Mou do it?"
       -Pozi said that the two of them are on the  Mountain. The matter of quarreling on the  Mountain is to be emphasized. Pozi said: "The son of the world Madam, 3rd Miss has converged since the day. This time has been working hard to learn to play the ‘zither’. Miss has learned very well!"
       Ping-Shi said with a smile: "This child..." It seems that please ask Yue-Yao to be a companion to Ming-zhu.
       At night, Ping-Shi told Luo Wei about these things.
       Luo Wei actually knew about the villa, but he did not reveal it in front of Ping-shi. Luo Yan smiled and said: "She only needs two guards, but she suffers." One of the two guards given by The Marquis Estate  was injured and was eliminated. One was to be driven out of The Marquis Estate , and it was done with Yue-Yao. In comparison, Hou behavior is somewhat subordinate.
       Ping-Shi-think said afterwards: "I will give another gift to her."
       Jingning HouHeir shook his head: "There is no need for heavy gifts. If there is a need to help me in the future, it will be." A lonely woman ran into a bloody relationship that did not go offline sooner or later.
       Ping-Shi nodded and turned to the cloth shop: "At the time, I just thought that Zhuang-Shi was a good business. I didn't expect it to be so hot. Last month I was divided. Nearly three thousand Silver Taels' dividends have been paid, and it will be back in less than three months."
       Jingning HouHeir is not unexpected, said with a smile: "It is said that it has a secret recipe. It is normal to have this secret recipe to make money at the forefront. As long as the secret recipe does not leak, it will always make money." Naturally, exclusive is the most Profitable.
       Ping-Shi naturally knows this, but she is somewhat worried: "Heir, do you say that this secret recipe will be stunned?" Ping-Shi knows that when Zhuang Ruolan finds her on the same day, she has the meaning of borrowing power. This kind of mutually beneficial thing, she is naturally willing to do it. Now the cloth dyed by the Clothroom is so hot, and if it comes to people, she will also come to the surface, and the benefits will naturally come out. But before she came out, she had to give her a voice.
       Jingning Hou Heir said with a smile: "There is nothing to worry about doing business in eight kilograms." The profit of the dyeing cloth workshop is high, but it is necessary to be brazenly occupied, and it depends on whether there is such a foundation. Zhuang-Shi is not a flat-headed person. There is a big relative in the back and a foreigner in Duke. Even if the Jingning waiting room does not come out, there will be no problem.
       Ping-Shi smiles and says no more. The idea of ​​a man is not the same as that of a woman. Ping-Shi knows that Ruolan is not worried about outsiders, but people in Duke. When necessary, she came forward to support Ruolan, so that people in Duke House did not dare to do anything.
       Lu Duke Heir Madam didn't expect a dye workshop to be distributed to nearly a thousand Silver Taels in a month, and I knew that Zhuang Ruolan had a secret recipe on hand.
       Zhuang Ruolan gave her a happy gift. Duke and Duke Madam is her grandfather and grandmother. It is a blood relative. Even if there is no interest, they will not refuse. But the aunt is not the same. Although she has a good relationship with her aunt, it is safer to tie the interests together.
       Other people in Duke House also want to buy shares. Zhuang Ruolan refused all of them. The reason for the refusal was very simple. The shares were already full and could not be vacated.
       2nd Madam of Lu Duke House hates to gnash his teeth. If Zhuang Ruolan was married to her son, it would be equivalent to holding a golden nest, but now it is cheaper than a horse. The unwilling 2nd Madam ran to Duke Madam and chewed a few words and was reprimanded by Duke Madam.
       Heir Madam heard the sneer: "Wolan is the only shi-nu of her mother-in-law, where can she chew her tongue." In the eyes of her mother-in-law, where the daughter-in-law had kissed the shi-nu. Heir Madam is glad that Ruolan is not married to the 2nd House. If Ruolan is married to the 2nd House, where is her good.
       At this time, Yue-huan is not good. Under the pressure of Mo-shi, she finally took out the practice of handmade soap. This time, Mo-shi won't get it to sell, but instead got the biggest rouge shop in Capital City, and sold it in the rouge shop of the capital merchant's money house.
       Because of the lipstick, Yue-huan is also a small name in this line. The shopkeeper heard the handwriting of Yue-huan, and promised to put it in the store for sale. Handmade soap is not as popular as lipstick, but people who buy it say it is easier to use than soap, and there are a lot of repeat customers.
       The Shopkeeper originally wanted to sign a contract with Mo-shi to prepare for a long-term cooperation. As a result, Mo-shi said that she would sell the party and prepare for a hammer sale.
       Although the shopkeeper was surprised, it was a happy event for him. He could make his own recipes and make more profits.
       Mo-shi was more cautious than last time and asked about the prospect of Yue-huan. Ying-huan is also not easy to estimate. After thinking about it, he said: "You can't compare the income of lipstick."
       Mo-shi doesn't really want to sell it, it's good to have a long stream of water. But the problem now is that the things she mortgaged are coming soon. If there is no money, then it is not her. She has to raise money as soon as possible and raise money to redeem things back.
       Mo-shi finally offered a price of 320 thousand. Finally, the two sides bargained and bought the handmade soap formula with 20 thousand Silver Taels.
       This news does not know how to pass it out in the government. Yue-huan got this news with no expression, let alone sell two thousand two, that is, selling 200 thousand two also has nothing to do with her. She couldn't get a penny.
       Yue-huan only sighed, she really did not see such a greedy person, a penny is not missed. Yue-huan really doesn't understand why Su Concubine will still succumb to Mo-shi. Such people are dying of her, but she is not rushing to let her smash the bones.
       Yue Ying listened to Yue-Yao words and slowly alienated the blue.
       The adoption of blue is that Cai Qing said her bad words in front of Yue Ying, and she complained about the adoption of Qing , which made a plan to make the accident out of the leg. Unfortunately, the matter of blue mining was seen by the small Servant below.
       Yue Ying was furious and stunned Mo-shi to drive the blue.
       Mo-shi is now thinking about getting the money together and will mortgage the money shop to the bank and redeem it back. Therefore, Yue Ying is very dissatisfied with the blue in this  Mouth. It is necessary to know that the blue is her.
       Mo-shi looked at the moon and couldn't help but think of the 2,900 Silver Taels who Yue-huan took to her. Yue-huan will be handed over to Old Madam's makeup, and it is not reasonable to pay for the money.
       The evidence is conclusive, and Mo-shi will not be so dismissed. Immediately, Yue-Ying will sell the blue hair, and a second-class Servant will be given a monthly surplus to fill the blue vacancy. If it is not Yue-Ying, and then come back, Mo-shi will definitely have to give a Servant to her.
       Yue Ying is not stupid. With the precedent of adopting blue, she is wary of the new Servant, but relies on two second-class Servant.
       Lian House is the busiest number of Yue-Bing, busy with beauty, busy with Wang Mama to learn all kinds of things, and doing these has only one goal, high marriage.

       Chapter 181 encounter 

       Yue-Yao goes out to write sketches every morning, and reads and writes in the afternoon. Occasionally, he also takes needlework and saves his skills.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao painting every day, the same scenery sometimes Yue-Yao would draw several times, he asked: "Miss, why do you always repeat the same scenery."
       Yue-Yao explained to Wei question with a smile: "The things that stand in the same thing are not the same." The same scenery is different from the different angles. She feels different. It is now capturing this different thing.
       Xiang Wei extracted a painting by Yue-Yao. This painting is a  Mountain peak. The peaks are steep and dangerous. The  Mountains are stacked with strange peaks, and the clouds are winding around the  Mountains like flying. Xiang Wei likes this picture very much: "Miss, give it to me!"
       Yue-Yao looked at her and said: "My paintings don't give people." She has only sent out a painting for Zhuang Ruolan. Luo Ming-zhu painting is not sent, Yue-Yao is going to bring the painting back, and the first word is too level.
       Said to Wei; "Miss is too stingy." A painting is all reluctant.
       Yue-Yao smiled.
       Yue-Yao looked at Ming-zhu reading this day and looked at it with a smile. He asked Bai Yi with a smile: "Do Hou have a collection of books?" Although The Marquis Estate  is a general of the generals, the government should have a rich collection of books for nearly two hundred years. Correct.
       Bai Yi smiled and nodded: "Miss wants to read a book, give me a list." Yue-Yao is here basically not leaving the book, so that his master has been deeply affected, Ming-zhu will not see it again now. The book just wants to sleep.
       Yue-Yao listed a long list, although it is now in late July, but Yue-Yao is not too much to hold back and look back.
       On this day, the musician returned to the capital, and Luo Ming-zhu had nothing to do. The pearl is wrapped around Yue-Yao to go to the  Mountain, leaving her alone in the yard, boring.
       Yue-Yao also followed her, anyway, she could not bother her if she was painting. The group climbed to a  Mountain again, and Yue-Yao found a perfect location. Yue-Yao set up a drawing board under a lush tree to prepare for painting.
       Luo Ming-zhu took the leaves and began to blow.
       Yue-Yao did not expect that this pearl has progressed so fast in the past two months, encouraging: "According to your progress, another month of learning, you can certainly blow out a complete song."
       Ming-zhu listened to the smile: "Yue-Yao, you blow the first song to me, just blow the last blow, I like to listen." Yue-Yao likes to play cheerful songs, it will make people happy. .
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Good."
       Luo Ming-zhu listened to the brighter eyes, and when Yue-Yao blew the song, she ran to Yue-Yao and said, "Yue-Yao, for up to two months, I will be able to blow as good as you."
       Yue-Yao sighed: "As long as you can persist without halfway, you can learn well." Learning things is most afraid of no perseverance, as long as you can continue to do so, you will always learn.
       Luo Ming-zhu felt that Yue-Yao always looked at her and said with disappointment: "When did I quit halfway, I am learning with Master every day now?" Today, it is Master who has something to go back to, she will follow, most days She is very hardworking.
       Bai Yi laughed at the side, and her master was just not irritated when she needed Lian-Mus, otherwise she would be slack.
       Yue-Yao didn't know that she had recruited two of her songs and looked at the two teenagers who came over. Yue-Yao looked up at the sky. In the last life, she wanted to see but she could never see it. In this life, she wanted to be far away, but it was always unfortunate that she encountered this old man.
       Bai Yi looked at Yue-Yao look with some doubts. He said that his fiancé should be ashamed or happy, but she didn't know if it was her own illusion. Yue-Yao didn't seem to like Shen Conghao, every time she saw her. It’s a face of impatience.
       Shen Conghao and his friends are also playing in the upper reaches of the  Mountain. The two people heard the music coming over. They did not want to see Yue-Yao and Luo Ming-zhu.
       Shen Conghao had seen Yue-Yao twice before, but both Yue-Yao were veiled, and he did not see the looks of Yue-Yao. This time I saw Xu-Yu, and I heard the voice of Yue-Yao, confirming the identity of Yue-Yao.
       Shen Conghao was the first to see the true meaning of Yue-Yao, the good features, the pleasant temperament, the only pity is that the skin is a bit black.
       Yue-Yao came out every morning, every day was sunburned, and the skin was a bit dark. Although there is no sun today, but because of the hot Yue-Yao forehead also has fine sweat.
       The teenager next to Shen Conghao looked at him and stared at Yue-Yao. Something was inappropriate. He pushed him carefully, which was rude.
       The Ming-zhu looked ugly and said: "Where is the disciple, Bai Yi, quickly drive people away."
       Bai Yi quickly walked over and whispered to Luo Ming-zhu: "Miss, Shen Gongzi is Yue-Yao fiancé." People look at their fiancee, and it is not too rude to say.
       Luo Ming-zhu sighed coldly: "Even if it is a fiancé, drive people away." Ming-zhu can not know Shen Conghao, but she does not like Shen Conghao, it is rare to have such an opportunity.
       Yue-Yao is very surprised, Shen Conghao is always with Ning Li-xuan, how the Ming-zhu will not know Shen Conghao, this is too strange.
       The teenager next to Shen Conghao quickly said: "Miss, we just came over and listened to the music on the other side, not to intentionally offend the 2nd Miss." This boy really does not know Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu.
       Luo Ming-zhu eyebrows picked a pick: "Who are you?"
       Yue-Yao also read the young boy, wearing a blue-green brocade embroidered gown, jade crown hair, handsome eyebrows, looks not particularly good, but the double scorpion has a calm and wise than ordinary people.
       Yue-Yao looks at this boy and is 13 or 14 years old. However, there are calmness beyond the ordinary people. I am afraid that there are many things to do, and people need to be honed to grow.
       The young man said warmly: "My surname is a cow, called Nu Yang-hui." The boy did not report to his family.
       Yue-Yao Eyebrows, I remember that there are four small talents in the capital, namely Shen Conghao, Nu Yang-hui, Ning Li-xuan, Guan Jingyu.
       Guan Jingxi died early, Ning Li-xuan did not participate in the imperial examination, Shen Conghao and Nu Yang-hui the same test, and this year's imperial examination was very sensation, because the top three are young Lang, the champion Lang Shen from Hao, the list of Nu Yang-hui, explorer Lang Mao Jianbai, both It is under twenty years old.
       Bai Yi asked: "Who is the left yak Daren?"
       Nu Yang-hui said: "It is a father."
       Yue-Yao heard that Nu Yang-hui said that his father had paused for three seconds. Yue-Yao is a very sensitive person. From this subtle difference, she has already heard that the relationship between father and son is probably not very harmonious.
       Shen Conghao saw Yue-Yao. In addition to starting to look at him, he did not look at her second look, and she was disappointed. But it’s hard to run into it, so you have to talk well.
       Shen Conghao looked at the drawing board placed next to him and smiled and asked: "Yue-Yao, are you here to paint?" The reputation of Yue-Yao, as the fiancé Shen Conghao naturally knows.
       Luo Ming-zhu said very unhappy: "Although you are the fiancé of Yue-Yao Mei Mei, this name is not calling, or Lian Miss!" If the law is ritual, Shen Conghao behavior is indeed overstepping. It is.
       Yue-Yao didn't say anything. At this time, not speaking, I actually expressed my approval.
       Shen Conghao is somewhat depressed. He has already seen that Yue-Yao seems to dislike him very much. From the beginning to the present, Yue-Yao not only did not speak, did not look at him.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "Sister Luo, let's go back!" Yue-Yao is really not enthusiastic about Shen Conghao. Anyway, it is necessary to retreat sooner or later, or to have less contact.
       Luo Ming-zhu was the first time she heard Yue-Yao call her sister. She immediately opened her  Mouth and smiled and said: "Okay, Yue-Yao Mei Mei, let's go back." Then I went forward and pulled Yue-Yao men. Behind the Servant-Pozi took things.
       Nu Yang-hui looked at the back of the two people very surprised, the fiancee unfortunately encountered a fiancé is not a shy face, how is this Lian-Mind look so cold? However, Nu Yang-hui is a very measured person. If you know what to say, you should not say anything.
       Shen Conghao said: "Go back!" He has no interest in playing. Shen Conghao really does not understand why Yue-Yao will be so cold to him.
       Nu Yang-hui asked with a good heart: "From Hao Xiong, did you do something that Lian Miss misunderstood. I think she seems to have a lot of opinions on you?" Shen Conghao is very outstanding in terms of appearance. There is no problem in terms of it, it must be a misunderstanding.
       After thinking about it, Shen Conghao shook his head: "No!" After saying it, he said: "Is it misunderstood at the time of Sibaozhai? Can't it?"
       Nu Yang-hui listened to Shen Conghao story in Sibaozhai and shook his head. "This is not a misunderstanding. Lian Miss and Luo-Mind have made a good relationship. Ning Heir is not in a good position. At that time, you also followed Ning Heir, and it will inevitably let Lian Miss thinks a lot." Nu Yang-hui and Shen Conghao have a good relationship, but the relationship with Ning Li-xuan is average.
       Nu Yang-hui has a lot of things, and people are more thorough. He felt that Ning Li-xuan’s friends first looked at each other’s family background, and secondly they learned. Nu Yang-hui feels that people like Ning Li-xuan can't be deeply involved, so he and Ning Li-xuan are completely in love with each other.
       Shen Conghao thought about it and shook his head. She didn't say anything at the time. If this could also anger him, he would be too innocent.
       Nu Yang-hui did not say anything more, and some words were made out of one or two. It would not be appropriate to say too much.
       Luo Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao hand and said happily: "You have to call your sister in the future." How can she force the temptation to let Yue-Yao call her sister, but she did not expect to be in front of outsiders today. Even though she called her sister, Ming-zhu was very excited.
       Yue-Yao laughed in her heart, but she didn't have too much expression on her face. She said faintly: "Look at the mood." In the presence of outsiders, she naturally wants to maintain her image. In private, she definitely does not let Luo Ming-zhu step by step. She can understand Luo Ming-zhu 'temperament', and she has to do something along her.
       Luo Ming-zhu did not understand the look of Yue-Yao. He felt that Yue-Yao was very flat, but she did not have the courage. Last time she just said a few more words, Yue-Yao turned her face with her, and if she said it would have to turn her face.
       Yue-Yao turned to look at Luo Ming-zhu depressed expression and smiled for two months. She also learned about Qi Ming's 'temperament' and Qi-Qi. In fact, Luo Ming-zhu is very good in nature, and his temper is very good. Straight, that is, the temper is very bad, as long as a little correction of this bad temper is still very easy to get along with. During this time, she was supervised by her side, and the bad temper of Ming-zhu has converged a lot.
       After so many things, Yue-Yao actually liked the simple 'temperament' of Luo Ming-zhu. When he was happy, he laughed loudly. If he was unhappy, he would ignore his face. It’s very relaxing with Luo Ming-zhu Yue-Yao, because she doesn’t need to be wary, she can make fun of making friends with Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao looked at Luo Ming-zhu, thinking that if the Ming-zhu can always be like this. Thinking of this, Yue-Yao heart moved, pretending to say: "The last time I saw Shen Conghao in Sibaozhai, the man with him also recognized me as you."
       Luo Ming-zhu asked strangely: "Who? How can I recognize you as such a big difference with you, what is that look." It is too strange, how much ability can make them bother. The looks are different, the height is different, and the two are different.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Maybe I was covered in veil. She couldn't see my appearance, so I thought you were wrong."
       Luo Ming-zhu frowned and said: "Even if you are covered with a veil, you can't admit your mistakes. I am taller than you."
       Yue-Yao continued to say: "Not only that, this person is still inferior, saying what I heard about his whereabouts, he was specially waiting for him in Sibaozhai, and said that let me not bother, I said that he did not look at me. It’s funny, he thinks who he is, and he looks like a dog, but unfortunately the brain is filled with tofu.”
       Yue-Yao pretending not to see Luo Ming-zhu white face, continued: "Shen Conghao can become friends with such a friend, certainly not good. Cough, but also with such people set a dear, think about it. ”
       Luo Ming-zhu did not hear the words behind Yue-Yao, but grabbed the hand of Yue-Yao: "What do you say? He really said that he can't see me?" Luo Ming-zhu automatically put Yue Yao substitutes for himself, Xuan brother does not like himself, this is what Luo Ming-zhu can't accept.
       Yue-Yao snorted and asked with a look: "What are you talking about? Do you know who the brain is not normal?" I understand that the face is stupid.
       Luo Ming-zhu squirmed his lips, but he couldn't tell Yue-Yao that this person is her favorite Xuan brother. Luo Ming-zhu is a very face-to-face person, how to say it at this level.
       Bai Yi looked around but did not speak. She didn't know why Yue-Yao suddenly mentioned Ning Li-xuan, but she knew that Yue-Yao was helping her own master, so when Luo Ming-zhu didn't talk, Bai Yi said on the side: "Miss, you didn't ask last time. I didn't tell you, that person is Ning Duke Noble Heir." Bai Yi also played with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao feels that Bai Yishi is too smart, and laughs: "I also said that Ning Duke Noble Heir is one of the four talented people in Capital City. Such an embroidered pillow can also be called a talented person. This talent is too worthless. ""
       Luo Ming-zhu can't listen any more, and now he yelled at Yue-Yao: "You are not allowed to filthy Xuan brother. You are an embroidered pillow, you have a brain bean curd."
       Yue-Yao face was black, and he called toward Luo Ming-zhu: “You yell at me for an irrelevant person.”
       Luo Ming-zhu was angered by Yue-Yao, and now he does not care about calling: "Xuan brother is not an outsider, you are an outsider, you are an irrelevant outsider."
       Bai Yi thought that Yue-Yao had to go away, but he saw that Yue-Yao was not angry. Instead, he said calmly: "You are right, I am an outsider, I am an irrelevant person." Yue Yao said that he left with Ming-zhu.
       Going back to the house, Luo Ming-zhu went to his house, and Yue-Yao also went back to his house. She is not willing to get used to the bad thing of the Ming-zhu.
       Xu-Yu came over and whispered, "Miss, bathe."
       Yue-Yao swings his hand: "Go out, let me calm down."
       Yue-Yao leaned back in the chair, thinking about whether he was a nosy, even if Ning Li-xuan didn't like Ming-zhu, but the last Ming-zhu still married him. There is The Jingning Marquis Estate and the Empress Dowager  to support the Ming-zhu, and the Ming-zhu will not be too bad in Ning Duke. Yue-Yao can't figure out whether it is right or wrong to intervene in the feelings of Ming-zhu.
       When Wei came in, he saw the color of Yue-Yao face and asked, "What is Miss thinking?"
       Yue-Yao didn't even yell at Wei, saying: "I wonder if I have been busy with me? I don't seem to be involved in this matter."
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Why should Miss manage this business?"
       Yue-Yao muttered: "Yeah, why should I manage such a gossip?" After saying it, "I just heard the outsider saying that the beads like Ning Li-xuan, I think Ning Li-xuan is not worthy of her. I will be busy with nothing. I want Ming-zhu to know that Ning Li-xuan is not a good one."
       Bai Yi persuaded the Ming-zhu for a long time, and Ming-zhu did not come over. At the door of the two, I heard Yue-Yao say that Ning Li-xuan could not match.
       Ming-zhu stayed, she felt that Yue-Yao said the opposite, Xuan brother is talented, gentle and considerate, handsome and handsome; and her rude temper is not good, nothing can be, Qin chess painting and poetry Nothing works, she is not worthy of Xuan brother, why is Yue-Yao saying that Xuan brother can not match her?
       Luo Ming-zhu originally wanted to open his  Mouth and found that he could not speak. Not only that, she can't move anymore.
       Bai Yi shook his head toward the pearl. Bai Yi wanted his master to hear clearly why Lian Miss would say that Ning Li-xuan could not match her.
       Yue-Yao didn't know that Bai Yi and Luo Ming-zhu were at the door, but Xiang Wei knew it. He said to Wei Le: "Is Miss Do not know that Ning Heir is also a Famous talent in the capital, and Ning Noble Heir is good, family is good, temper is good, literary talent is also a first-class one, how can it not match Ming-zhu? "Xiang Wei is deliberately quoting Yue-Yao."
       Yue-Yao disdain: "Will a good man? A man must grow up well, do a good job, and can't be eaten. The temper is good? It is quite good to pretend, no one can see his hypocritical appearance. As for Wencai, I don't boast, he Lian, I can't compare this half-barrel of water, and dare to call it a literary talent. The name of his talent is nothing but a robbery." Yue-Yao will be Ning Li-xuan's nothing.
       I don’t believe in Wei heart, but I have to pretend to be a shameless question: “Even if Ning Heir literary talents are not successful, it’s Noble Heir in Ning Duke house; Ming-zhu Miss is good, but others are nothing, everyone show She will not, the chess and poetry and poetry are not to say, that is, the cooking female red is also a bit of a point, and Lian writes a word like a sly. How does Miss Ning Heir not match Ming-zhu?
       Yue-Yao shook his head slightly: "Ming-zhu has a bad temper, but people are simple, straightforward, and easy with her."
       Xiang Wei was a high-eyed look at Yue-Yao, but Yue-Yao was not as deep as she thought. However, after asking for a long time, Yue-Yao has not answered the key points. Xiang Wei said: "Because of this, you can't say that Ning Heir is not worthy of Ming-zhu."
       Yue-Yao didn't want to explain too much, just said: "I have only seen Ning Li-xuan one side, but he feels very fake to me, such people will wear it, and the people who will wear it are often hypocritical." I have never seen Ning Li-xuan in my life. All the impressions are from the descriptions of Yan Qing lian and Yue-Bing. According to the two people, Ning Li-xuan is a good man who is hard to find on the sky. Yu-Yao is not in the previous life. Think more, but since I saw Ning Li-xuan, I know that what I said is virtual. Why are people who are so poor able to get the praise of so many people? There is only one reason. This person hides his own nature and is perfect in front of him.
       After Luo Ming-zhu was solved by Bai Yi, he rushed to Yue-Yao and said: "You just saw Xuan brother, why do you say Xuan brother is hypocritical?"
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "Are you coming to me to quarrel?" She did not work with Luo Ming-zhu tip to the wheat.
       Luo Ming-zhu looked at the look of Yue-Yao and said with a sigh of relief: "You don't know Xuan's brother. If you are so arbitrarily, you will come to a conclusion." The person you like is said to be useless. Luo Ming-zhu is really angry and angry. angry,
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "How do I say that he is my business, how are you doing it? If it is ok, I am going to bathe." After standing up, he said to himself: "Full body Slimy, uncomfortable."
       Luo Ming-zhu saw Yue-Yao, this cloudy and lighter look became more and more angry, but she did not withdraw from Yue-Yao. The pearl is not good enough, but she is not courageous with Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao temper is worse than her. If she calls twice, it is estimated that she will turn her face on the spot.

       Chapter 183 Harmony 

       Ming-zhu and Yue-Yao are on the bar. Every time I see Yue-Yao, I am cold-faced, as if Yue-Yao owes her a lot of money.
       Yue-Yao was not in the heart, and it was poured out by the pearl. Yue-Yao is worried that he will go out again and run into Shen Conghao, and he will not go out. He spends most of his time in the studio.
       Ming-zhu is discouraged this time, and the attitude of Yue-Yao is even more angry. Seeing Yue-Yao punching in the yard on this day, Ming-zhu hated and said: "What is the boxing of Miss's family? I am not afraid of Shen Conghao and don't want her."
       Bai Yi busy said: "Miss, you know that you don't know what you are talking about?" Through Yue-Yao, Bai Yi really realized that the problem with Ming-zhu was big. There is nothing in the  Mouth of the government, and you can marry people and you must eat big losses.
       Ming-zhu realized that he had said something, and he didn’t dare to speak anymore.
       Yue-Yao remembered that he had not seen the court for two months, so he discussed with Bai Yi: "I want to pick up my brother to play for two days. Is it inconvenient for you to see?"
       Bai Yi feels good. If he can pick up a child, he can ease the contradiction between the two. Don't be like this now, so that the entire yard is at a low pressure, Servant-Pozi has to be careful to walk, afraid to provoke Miss to get angry.
       Yue-Yao let Hua Shaoye go to the court to come over, through the last thing Yue-Yao feels that this Hua Shaoye is not many but good people, put such a steady and motivated person in the side of the court, Yue-Yao can also be assured. This time, let Hua Shaoye go down to the court and just let the two know each other.
       The court is treating Li Fu as the equivalent of Li Han. Compared with Li, the court is more like Li Fu, and it feels like his home. Sometimes the hearing can't help but think, if the sister can come to The Li Estate  to live.
       Li Han knew that Ting Zheng’s thoughts followed Li Madam and asked Yue-Yao to also receive their home. This makes Li Madam laugh and cry. If she can, she is willing to pick up Yue-Yao, and the family is not bad about this pair of chopsticks: "You, this child, how can Lian-jia Miss be placed in our Li family." Ting is a special case, Yue-Yao is Tens of thousands will not go to the Li family.
       Li Han was a bit frustrated, and he also boasted of Haikou.
       Li Madam recruited embroidered mother to give Tingzheng and Li Han a height. Children grow fast, and every season's clothes are re Made.
       Li Madam is busy, I heard Servant said: " Madam, Jingning waiting people want to see." Hua Shaoye is a Li Jing, who is entering the brand of Jingning, not for others. He alone can't be trusted. It is a lot of trouble to directly report the name of The Jingning Marquis Estate .
       Li Madam read the personal letter written by Yue-Yao. After reading the letter, he said to Hua Shaoye: "You will come back tomorrow morning."
       It takes more than two hours from the capital to the summer resort, which will pass at noon. In addition, the child has to go to the  Mountain to live for two days and have to say hello to Master
       The court heard Yue-Yao send someone to pick him up, and looked up at Li Han said:
        "My sister said that I will pick me up to play on the  Mountain. My sister talks and talks, it is not what you said." What is most unpleasant is that Li Han said bad things about his sister.
       Li Han is not happy: "What do you do when you go to class?" He did not want the court to go. He had a companion. It was particularly boring for him to leave him alone.
       Ting is strangely saying: "What do you do? The Master said that he would come back and make up." After that, regardless of Li Han's tangled appearance, he went back to his house to pack things up.
       Li Han suddenly said: "I have to go, I want to go to the  Mountains." Finished running to trouble Madam.
       Li Madam had no choice but to say, "When you come back, I will tell you. If you are jealous, let you go. Good."
       Li Guozhen did not promise to let Li Han follow the  Mountain. Li Guozhen is very generous to the court, and Li Han is very demanding.
       Early the next morning, Li Hanzhen took his head and sent it to the court. The court, who smiled happily, said with a hateful hate: "You guys know that they are going to play, they don't want to think about me. Losing me is so good for you, I will not be good to you in the future."
       Ting is feeling that he seems to be a bit too much, but this will leave the carriage. Ting Zheng thought about it and said: "I told my sister, will you bring me next time?"
       Li Han wants to get into the carriage, but unfortunately there are so many Servant followers, and the carriage will be dragged back. If you don’t go to the  Mountain, you will be beaten. After listening to the words of the court, Li Han said loudly: "Okay, I believe in you this time. If you don’t speak, I will ignore you later."
       Ting Zhengzhong focused on the key: "You can rest assured, I speak."
       Ming-zhu has not spoken to Yue-Yao for two days, and my heart is also panic. She also wants to reconcile with Yue-Yao, but she can't swallow this breath when she thinks that Yue-Yao has approved her Xuan brother.
       The Ming-zhu Wan   , , , , 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 只要 As a result, Yue-Yao didn't care about her, what to do, and she was so angry that she had a blood in her  Mouth.
       When I got up early this morning, Bai Yi said with a smile: "The master, Yue-Yao Miss's younger brother, the Master Master, will arrive at noon. I have already told the cook to add food." Tingzheng came to the  Mountain village and must be with The owner of Ming-zhu said.
       The pearl snorted and did not say anything else.
       The noon is coming. Ting was watching Yue-Yao calling: "Sister." This has not seen her sister for two months.
       Yue-Yao led the court into the yard. Yue-Yao was sun-tanned by the sun, but the skin of the court was white and tender, and the eggs were just peeled off. The two stood together in black and white.
       Ming-zhu looked at the black and white Brother and sisters could not help but smile. Seeing Yue-Yao day and night did not feel much, and now there is a strong contrast that makes it difficult to pay attention.
       Ming-zhu laughed and said: "Yue-Yao, it is a piece of ink with your brother than you!" Although the pearl is also sunning, but no Yue-Yao often runs on the  Mountain, so it does not get dark.
       Yue-Yao is speechless, but Tingzheng is angry. He calls at Luo Ming-zhu: "I don't want to bully my sister." It turned out that her sister was ink, too much.
       Ming-zhu did not know, but went forward to pinch the tender and tender cheeks, and praised: "The skin is so good. Yue-Yao, how is your brother so beautiful!" This child is beautiful, is The most beautiful one of the boys she has ever seen.
       Ting Zheng opened the hand of Ming-zhu and looked at the Ming-zhu with hatred.
       Yue-Yao touched his head and smiled: "Ting Zheng, this is Luo sister, just now, Luo sister is laughing, there is no other meaning."
       Tingzhen instinctively did not believe: "Really?" Looking at this person is not like laughing, is ridiculing his sister.
       Ting was carefully looking at Yue-Yao and found that Yue-Yao really got a lot darker. Ting is busy saying: "Sister, are you suffering on the  Mountain?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "What can you eat? Call Luo sister."
       Ting Zhengxin called reluctantly: "Sister Luo is good."
       Luo Ming-zhu was very happy to hear, and this happiness could not help but pinch the face of Tingzheng. This face is really pinch, this skin Lian Luo Ming-zhu is envious: "Yue-Yao, what skin care did your brother use?"
       Yue-Yao is full of black lines, she has not found that Luo Ming-zhu is also quite stupid, but this silly like she saw for the first time.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to care for her, and she has asked the court to ask a lot of things.
       Luo Ming-zhu was impatient at the side. What is this, not a parent, asking so much to do. Ming-zhu couldn't help but interrupt: "Yue-Yao, please say hello at night, go out with your brother to play!" She is the first time she has seen such a fun kid!
       Yue-Yao looked at the bright-eyed Yue-Yao and shook his head gently. Although the Ming-zhu two days ago did not talk to her cold war, but did not turn her face, this is enough to prove that Ming-zhu feelings for Ning Li-xuan are not as deep as she imagined, at least not to the point where Ning Li-xuan can't.
       Yue-Yao knows the state of being really obsessed with a person, the feeling that can destroy the earth, and people can be scared when they look at it. She felt sad and sad from Luo Ming-zhu, but she didn't feel the pain. Yue-Yao feels that the Ming-zhu can be brought over.
       Yue-Yao took a shot on the shoulder of Tingzheng, facing the Ming-zhu Said: "Well, you take him out to play!" Ming-zhu is essentially a child, and the child is not like to play, but she does not become, she I haven’t had a lot of fun.
       The Ming-zhu smashed the court for a long time, and the court did not give Ming-zhu a good face. Ting Zheng did not like Ming-zhu, feeling that this sister was crazy, laughing without saying anything, inexplicable.
       Ting Zheng once again looked at the sister with a smile on his side, and muttered in his heart or his sister smiled.
       On the  Mountain, nothing fun.
       Ming-zhu also couldn't find interesting things for Ting Zheng. Suddenly remembered one thing and asked: "Ting Zheng, would you ride a horse? Do you want your sister to take you on horseback?"
       Yue-Yao was very surprised: "There is still a horse farm here? Why didn't you hear what you said?" She did not know that there is a horse farm on this  Mountain for two months!
       The pearl swayed his hand and did not care to say: "What to say to you, you don't learn to ride a horse. On such a hot day, I don't want to go riding." The sweat on the ‘Ma’ is very uncomfortable.
       Tingzheng really wanted to go to the racecourse to ride a horse. He whispered to Yue-Yao and said, "Sister, go see it! Li Han brother has learned to ride horses, I will not." He also wants to learn to ride horses, but unfortunately Li Bobo Aunt Li did not let him say that he was still young and waited for two years to let him learn.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Going tomorrow morning, the afternoon is too poisonous." The afternoon was very stuffy. If I went to the racecourse, I would sweat all over the body.
       Ming-zhu reaction to Yue-Yao was unexpected. She thought that Yue-Yao would think that Miss's riding was a rude thing. If she knew that she had gone to the ‘Ma’ early, Ming-zhu felt that she was very unsuccessful.
       After dinner, Yue-Yao let the court meet with Hua Shaoye: "Ting Zheng, this is the guard I asked you for, and you will take him with you when you go out, remember?"
       Ting Zheng always listened to Yue-Yao words, and naturally there was no opinion.
       Hua Shaoye listened to this and took a step forward to give the court a courtesy: "Small I have seen Young Master." I followed this child later.
       Yue-Yao looked at the face of the court, and thought: "Ting Zheng, do you want to martial arts?" She has been worried that the court is too good to protect herself. If the court is learning martial arts, it will protect itself. .
       Ting Zheng sighed: "Learn martial arts?"
       Yue-Yao feels that this idea is so good. Anyway, she did not rely on the court of the Emperor Zhengzheng Guangzong. It is a blessing to be safe. Thinking of this, Ming group said: "Yes, if the court is learning martial arts, it will protect the sister in the future, and then not afraid of others bullying us." Yue-Yao Fudge is still not to mention.
       Tingzheng’s eyes lit up and asked Hua Shaoye: "Really?"
       Hua Shaoye nodded: "It is true." Learned martial arts, not only to keep fit, but also to protect themselves. This little Young Master is so good that it is good to learn martial arts.
       Ting Zheng has nothing to say since then: "Well, I will learn."
       In the evening, Yue-Yao led the court to practice the word in the study, and the pearl also came over. The candlelight in the room pulled the three people figure long and long.
       After an hour, Yue-Yao told the court: "Today, I have been driving for a long time, I didn't sleep at noon, I went to bed early."
       Ting Zheng is seven years old. Although he is a virtual old man, but men and women are seven years old, the court is living in the front yard. Yue-Yao sent Tingzheng to the front yard, and he said that he had returned to the backyard after a long time.
       Ming-zhu came over and whispered, "You are not angry." This is a stalemate every day, she is very uncomfortable, and there is nothing to do with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "I can be so stingy. It's too late, go to sleep."
       Yue-Yao asked Xiang Wei: "Do you say that I practiced well before I go to sleep?" I don't know if I took too much pen, and my shoulders were sore recently. Yue-Yao If you want to practice before going to bed, it may have some effect.
       Xiao-wei smiled: "If you want to practice, you don't have to specify the time at which you can practice."
       Yue-Yao was full of sweat after practicing the work. He shook his head to Wei. This proves that this boxing method is still not skilled. If it is skilled, it will be like this.
       Yue-Yao sat in a chair and took a towel to wipe the sweat, and drizzle gave her a fan. The only way to Wei is to sit on the side and eat this watermelon.
       Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei and laughed, but did not eat with Wei, facing Xu-Yu: "This is hot, you also go to eat a piece of watermelon to eliminate the heat." This time to get along with Yue-Yao I found that Wei is particularly delicious. As long as it is delicious, I like it. The whole food is eaten, and there is a little bit of mastery. Fortunately, Yue-Yao believes that Jingning will not lie to her, or else she must doubt whether Wei is a master.
       Xu-Yu also found out that the person who did not have a servant as a servant, for example, had a delicious meal, and she did not care if Miss did not eat it. Ping Chang Miss does not call her, she is not in the yard to chat with people is not in the room, never take the initiative to do things.
       The rain took another piece of sweet potato and handed it to Yue-Yao. "Miss, you also eat one."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, you can eat!" Yue-Yao, in addition to eating late at night, rarely eat snacks, even if the fruit does not eat.
       Xu-Yu looked at Wei Wei and ate half a watermelon. He kindly reminded: "To sister Wei, this is going to sleep soon. It is not good to eat too much. Leave it for tomorrow!"
       Xiang Wei did not care to wave his hand: "Nothing."
       It’s raining and speechless.
       Yue-Yao returned to the house after bathing, just lie down and climbed up again, and asked Wei Weidao who was still not left in the house: "You said that you still make drugs, is it true?"
       Xiang Wei smiled like a fox, and asked, "What? Miss who wants to be poisoned?"
       Yue-Yao didn't squash with Wei, but although Weibi was not as amiable as Bai Yi, the  Mouth was a bit poor, and of course there was some greed and people enjoyed it, but Yue-Yao still chose to believe her. Yue-Yao said: "My brother has been in The Li Estate  now, but he didn't go out, but he didn't worry. I am worried about what to do when he grows up. You know that my brother looks like it. I am worried that when he grows up, Someone hit his idea. You see, can you help me?" Yue-Yao is a little embarrassed to say such a thing, so it is a mess, there is no logic.
       Xiang Wei has some eyes on Yue-Yao, and a girl in the squatting room thinks that it can be so long-term. She has been exposed to the dark side of this society, and she knows how coveted a child who looks so beautiful. If it is a powerful and powerful nature, it is not a power. In case those people are really shot, the 2nd Brother and sisters only have to accept their fate.
       Xiang Wei smiled happily: "To truly protect your brother's safety from being criticized, you need to find a tough backing. Let me put poison on him to prevent and cure the symptoms."
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "Which is so good to find a  Mountain?" Those who are privileged are eating people and not vomiting bones. They want to find them to be the first to get a layer of skin.
       Wei Wei glanced at Yue-Yao: "You haven't already found a backing for the court? Are you looking for a backing?" Li Jia is not relying on the  Mountain, and Li Guozhen's ability is enough to protect the court.
       Yue-Yao stunned. She only thought that Li Guozhen could protect the court for a while, but he could not keep him forever, especially when he grew up.
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "Li family is a Famous family. Li Guozhen is already a member of the Zhengsanpin. He may enter the cabinet with his own skills. If the court is able to get Li Guozhen's sincerity, the court is worried, but let others I know that Li Guozhen will protect the court."
       Yue-Yao said busyly: "I heard Ting Zheng said that Li Bobo is the same for him and Li Han. I think Li Bobo also cultivated the court as a son."
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "You will go to the Li family to go to this game. You walk very well. Tingzheng is getting along with Li Guozhen and Li Madam. After a long time, he naturally feels emotional, so What you have to do is to let the court stay in the Li family, and let Li Guozhen and Li Madam treat the court as a son, so that several sons of the Li family will also treat the court as a brother. There is no worries about it. There are many good men in the capital, but they are all powerless. As long as the court is protected by the Li family, those people will not play the idea of ​​the court."
       Yue-Yao listened to meditation, and now letting Tingzheng live in The Li Estate , because the young uncle naturally does not say anything, but the court is sure that he will not let the uncle.
       Thinking of this, Yue-Yao eyes flashed with stern light, even if the uncle did not allow her to let the court live in Li Fu. Lian House itself is a wolf's nest, they can sell and they can certainly sell the court. The Li family is the place where the court is, and the court must be in the Li family.
       After a brief visit to Weidun, "Miss, you have to be afraid of worry, you can let the court and the pearl sell and sell, as long as the pearl likes the court, it is also a good thing for the court. Jingcheng dare not give Jingning face There are still not many people."
       Yue-Yao said with gratitude: "Thank you, Xiang Wei." Yue-Yao used to think about things and solve things. Now there is finally a person to discuss, and Yue-Yao is a little more stable.
       To Wei Wei, he turned to smile and said: "It's a silly-Yatou." Before I thought Yue-Yao was deeply thought-out, it was a very thoughtful person. But getting along for so long, Xiang Wei found that Yue-Yao is actually different from what she imagined. Yue-Yao is actually a very simple person, and can sleep and sleep for the things he likes.
       As a daughter, Miss has no temper. It is very good for Servant-Pozi and is a very kind person. Even sometimes I think that Yue-Yao is a little cute. She even wants to use the Servant-Pozi in the yard to pick up the pearl. This shows that the child is a very kind person.
       At that time, she understood it. Yue-Yao tried her best to save herself, instead of thinking that she was a person who likes to count.
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly: "It's too late, go to sleep!" Waiting for Wei to get up Yue-Yao, she found that she ignored a problem: "Xiang Wei, you said Li Bobo can enter the cabinet later, so In the future, Li Bobo may have the opportunity to be the first assistant?"
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Li Guozhen has this potential. But can you enter the cabinet, and sometimes you have to look at the transport." The official situation is changing rapidly, no one can be sure what will happen in the future.
       Yue-Yao is silent.
       The next day, Yue-Yao said with a surprise on the bed: "Today's hand is not sour." It seems that playing a boxing punch before going to bed last night is still very useful, and it will be adhered to every day.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "In the future, you will hit a punch before going to bed every day."
       Yue-Yao just came out to the yard to prepare for the practice and saw Luo Ming-zhu coming out of the house. Yue-Yao is very surprised, this sun is coming out to the west, and the pearl can get up so early.
       Ming-zhu hit a Harbin, Ming-zhu is so early today, Bai Yi said that Tin Zhengtian just got up and endorsed in the yard, and Ming-zhu was still a good place to continue to sleep.
       In fact, the women of this era are getting up very early, but the Ming-zhu is not in this.
       Yue-Yao greeted the Ming-zhu and began to practice. After finishing the work, Ting was led by Bai Yi to use the breakfast.
       Ting Zheng looked at the sweaty Yue-Yao Said: "Sister, what happened to you?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Sister is just practicing."
       Ting was immediately called: "Sister, don't you say that I can learn martial arts? Sister, when can I learn Wu?" My sister is learning Wu, he has to learn.
       Ming-zhu looked at the interaction between the two sisters and was quite interesting. He smiled and said: "If you want to learn martial arts, you must eat first." She is very hungry.
       After using the breakfast, Ming-zhu brought Yue-Yao 2nd Brother to the racecourse.
       The racecourse is not far from the yard, and it is two quarters of an hour. The racecourse is very simple. It is simply surrounded by a circle of wood. There are no horses on the racecourse.
       Ming-zhu smiled: "It's relatively simple here, and next time we take you to the ‘Ma’ farm in Capital City, it is more beautiful than here."
       Yue-Yao thinks of a very important question at this time: "The racecourses are so simple. Is there a horse breeding here?" No horses are here to do anything.
       Bai Yi said with a smile: "Yue-Yao Miss, there are horses here, but they are all big horses, not suitable for beginners."
       Beginners like Yue-Yao and Tingzheng must use a gentle-tempered mare or pony. They can't ride a big horse or they can easily fall. It’s not trivial to fall from the moment.
       Yue-Yao shook his head at the frustrated Ming-zhu. "You can think about things in the future, and we don't have to let us run."
       Ming-zhu is also very wronged, she was prepared to go to the racecourse. I was trying to get angry, but I saw Yue-Yao staring at her, and Ming-zhu didn’t dare to lick Bai Yi.
       Although I couldn't learn to ride a horse, since I came out, Yue-Yao didn't want to go back so quickly. The group went to the  Mountains to see the scenery.
       Ming-zhu looked at Yue-Yao and had been talking to the court. He also quoted allusions from time to time, and his face was very strange. Ming-zhu did not understand what Yue-Yao really thought? She came back several times on this  Mountain. Yue-Yao climbed for more than two months. It didn't make her look tired for so long, and she didn't know what to look at.
       Ming-zhu does not want to accompany Yue-Yao every day to climb the  Mountain. Turning around and whispering to the white saying: "Let the people of the house immediately send two horses."
       The ‘Ma’ has not been sent yet, but the court is calling to go back.
       After staying in the  Mountains for three days, Tingzheng was already very satisfied. She had not been able to stay with her sister for a day. This time it was an exception. Happy: "Sister, I have to go back tomorrow. Otherwise, I can't finish my homework."
       Ming-zhu heard this sentence and was ashamed.
       Yue-Yao touched the head of the court, and her brother was very pleased.
       When Ming-zhu sent the court to the carriage, he did not forget to say: "Wait for the next time, I will definitely prepare the ‘Ma’ for you."
       Three days of getting along, the court did not start to reject the pearl, and now smiled: "Good."
       The Ming-zhu was flashed by the smile of the court, and couldn't help but pinch the face of Tingzheng. This hand feels so good, cough, hate can not touch twice.
       Yue-Yao knows that Ming-zhu is a good color, like Ning Li-xuan is definitely looking at the skin, cough, how she did not find the weakness of Ming-zhu!
       After the court was gone, the Ming-zhu was very surprised that Yue-Yao was no longer out of the scene. Yue-Yao can't say that she doesn't want to run into Shen Conghao. Yue-Yao vaguely said: "Every day, climbing, tired, want to rest for a few days, wait a few days to go."
       Ming-zhu didn't have so much thought, and Yue-Yao said that she thought it was like this. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, the people of The Jingning Marquis Estate came to pick up Ming-zhu, and Ming-zhu did not want to go back.
       Ming-zhu used a variety of reasons to delay back to The Marquis Estate , until September, when Jingan waited Madam's side Mama said: "Miss, the Empress Dowager miss you, let Miss Going to the palace in two days." The Empress Dowager  is under the guise, and the Ming-zhu has no courage to refuse.
       In the evening, I finished the game and the two men were watching the moon in the yard. The pearl looked at Yue-Yao. "When you return to the capital, you will live on our house. We will still be there every day." Ming-zhu wants to pick up Yue Yao went to The Marquis Estate  to live, so she was not alone.
       Yue-Yao listened, but did not want to refuse it: "No, your mother is not good, my character is hard, and if you are a sinner, not only do I become a sinner, but you also have to bear the reputation of filial piety."
       Ming-zhu remembered that she met Yue-Yao as a broom star when she met, and when the next one was red. But soon she turned the anger into the direction: "It must be the roots of the Bai-home people chewing in front of my mother, these ones stir the family fine." Not only Bai Ming-zhu does not like Bai-family, is Jingning waiting Heir does not like Bai-home people, but Bai-shi has always looked at Bai-home. As a child, there is no way, you can't stop seeing your loved ones, and Jingning waits for these trivial things. As long as it is not too much, Jingning waits for the eyes to close.
       Bai Yi said with a smile: "Miss, you can pick up Yue-Yao to accompany you to The Marquis Estate ." Not living in The Marquis Estate , but did not say that you can not go to The Marquis Estate , this is two concepts.
       Ming-zhu stared at Yue-Yao: "I will ask you to come later, you have to come."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile, "Okay, but one month, three or five days, don't ask every day. Don't be lazy when you return to the house. I have to check it out at the time?" It is possible to supervise the progress of Ming-zhu learning in three or five days a month. .
       Ming-zhu snorted: "I know little people."
       Yue-Yao came with only a few parcels and books. When I went back, there were a lot of things, especially the paintings made in these two months were packed with a box and a book with more boxes. Of course, the biggest change is the more living to Wei.

       Chapter 185 does not fit 

       Yue-Yao returned to Lian House and went to see Mo-shi first.
       Mo-shi looked at Yu Wei-Yao, and the face was a little bit worse. "How can I bring people who don't know the details back to the house?" Mo-shi doesn't even want to know this Yatou is definitely Jingning. The people in the waiting room are gone. Mo-shi wanted to make a good deal with The Jingning Marquis Estate , but didn't think that Yue-Yao would bring back a Servant from The Jingning Marquis Estate .
       Yue-Yao sneered at Mo-shi unsightly look, but the face was very calm. She said: "She is proficient in needlework, and I often let her do some small things for me. Ming-zhu sees that I have one less useful person. Look at her and give me my heart. I will give it to my aunt. The aunt and the expenses of the month and the expenses are not on the account, I will bear it myself." So, the money is hard.
       Mo-shi is so angry that she wants to vomit blood. Does she mean this? She just didn't want Yue-Yao to bring back to Jingning's waiting room.
       Mo-shi looked at the calm look of Yue-Yao, and her heart was so bad that this death-Yatou left Lian's house and returned to her for more than two months.
       Mo-shi didn't even want to leave Yue-Yao to send people away. Mo-shi knew very well that it would definitely cause trouble for the Servant. The 3rd Miss of Jingning is not empty. Mo-shi said: "Since you feel good, you should use it! After you have traveled so far, you are tired. Go back to rest first!" She is now bored when she sees Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei finally knows why Yue-Yao is always mad at the red face and can't speak. It turns out that he is here to exercise with people every day.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said to Yue-Yao on the said: "You don't respect the elders!" The big family's daughter Miss Miss loves her reputation, but the person she is following seems to be an exception.
       Yue-Yao said to himself: "If I am a mother, I will definitely respect her. If I respect them now..." Yue-Yao did not say anything behind, but she believed that Wei would understand her.
       After smiling to Wei, he said: "Miss, you said that I am embroidered, how can I embroider things when I am so good? I haven’t moved needles since I was young!"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Sister Bai Yi told me that you have a good needlework." She believes that Bai Yi will not lie to her.
       To Wei Mute  Mouth is speechless, she can say that the friend is not careful, the bottom is given to her.
       Hao Mama was surprised to see Yue-Yao coming back with a Eldest Miss, but Hao Mama had a lot of old things, and the color of surprise on the face flashed.
       Yue-Yao is facing Hao Mama Said: " Mama, Xiangwei is the person who Ming-zhu gave me, and I will pack up the east wing room and give it to Wei." Needlework is good, then you can deal with Mo-shi. No, no need to deal with the people around you.
       Hao Mama looked at Wei Wei without any respect for her, and her eyes were not proud. Some were just indifferent. Hao Mama has a lot of troubles. When she looks at the way of Wei, she listens to Yue-Yao command, and the east wing is usually the master. Only the first-class Servant can only live on the side. Going in the wing. Hao Mama is almost at this time.
       Unlike Hao Mama idea, Hua-li was uneasy when he saw Wei. Since she was injured, Miss has gradually alienated. She began to rely on drizzle. She relied on drizzle. She still ran well. After all, Xu-Yu was also grown up, but now she suddenly came out to Weixi to Lanxiyuan to live alone. In the east wing, Hua-li instinctively felt that her status was threatened.
       Yue-Yao didn't know Hua-li thoughts. She was facing Xu-Yu: "You will take Wei to the east wing. To Wei, the layout of the east wing is not as good as you want, you can re-arrange yourself."
       Xiang Wei went to the east wing with drizzle.
       Yue-Yao said to Hao Mama and Hua-li: "What do you want to do after you want to do something, you don't care about her. If she lets you do something, you will listen to her." Yue-Yao wants to give Wei the greatest freedom.
       Hao Mama has a sudden heart, she said that this is not easy to Miss Wei, it seems that her guess is correct. Hao Mama, because she decided that Weiwei was not a simple person, she was careful about Weidu, but Hua-li did not have this idea.
       Hua-li was stiff when he heard this, and what told him to tell them, they also had to listen, this is Servant or Miss. Hua-li directly asked Yue-Yao: "Miss, she is not the Servant that Luo-Mix gave to Miss? Why did Miss treat her like this?"
       Yue-Yao swept Hua-li and sighed in his heart. I don't know when the Hua-li'temperament' was getting left. She has given Hua-li a lot of opportunities, but unfortunately it is useless. Yue-Yao said faintly: "She is the personal Servant of the Ming-zhu, naturally it is different."
       Hua-li is next to Yue-Yao and knows Yue-Yao 'temperament'. This look represents Miss's anger. Hua-li was in a panic and couldn’t say anything.
       Hao Mama has only sighed. She used to look good, but now it is getting worse. Looking at the appearance of Miss, I am afraid that it is also a must for Hua-li.
       After Hua-li went out, he found an opportunity to find the details of Xu-Yu. Xu-Yu didn't know the details of the bottom of Wei, and he said everything on the  Mountain.
       Hua-li caught the key words: "You mean, Miss Confronted Wei Wei because she was sent by Luo Miss?" If so, she can feel at ease.
       The raindrop nodded: "Well, that's it."
       Hua-li relaxed a little. However, Hua-li did not know that her all-in-one behavior fell into the eyes of Wei, and all of this naturally made Yue-Yao know.
       Xiang Wei said very directly: "This Yatou can't stay." People have selfishness, but when selfishness exceeds the loyalty to the master, this person can no longer use it, otherwise it will cause danger.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "When I found the right opportunity, I sent her out." Yue-Yao wanted to find a good home for Hua-li, and then let her go, but it is not the time. . There is Mo-shi watching from the side, and Hua-li is not safe to release.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "You have a good number in your heart. You can rest assured that I am helping you in Lanxiyuan." With Yue-Yao current situation, the most feared is a ‘Minister’. Dealing with Mo-shi is very simple, and I am afraid that someone will vent her out, it will be defeated.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You have to work hard."
       Wei Wei smiled: "Miss, are you ready to stay in Lian House?" Since you know the danger, you must find a chance to leave.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "I promised the 'Grandmother', unless I had to go to the limit, I could not leave Lian." Yue-Yao knew that this should not be, but she was a promised person. Since it has been promised, it must be done.
       After Yue-Yao finished using the dinner, he called Hao Mama and asked: "Is there any change in the two months?"
       Hao Mama shook his head and said: "Miss, the two months are quiet and quiet." Then he said: "I have to say that there is one thing, 4th Miss developed something called handmade soap, Ma Dam sold the party and said it sold 20 thousand Silver Taels."
       There is not much expression on Yue-Yao face, but my heart is thinking that Yue-huan should be forced to use only one thing to deal with Mo-shi. Yue-Yao thought about the last time the Ying-huan said, "Mo-shi is Lian Eldest Miss and 4th Miss's dowry are swallowed."
       Hao Mama thought about it and said: "Miss, if 1st Madam swallows a Eldest Miss and 4th Miss's dowry, there should be a wind coming out, it's impossible to be so calm." As long as Eldest Miss and 4th Miss are casual When she revealed the news, she should all get the wind.
       Yue-Yao pouting, Yue-huan is automatically offered, as for Ying surplus, it is estimated that it can not escape Mo-shi secret hand.
       Yue-huan wants to hear Yue-Yao come back to the heart, may be the role of the heart, Yue-huan feels that Yue-Yao is at home.
       Hongmei saw the smiling face of Yue-huan: "Miss, what's so happy? Is it because 3rd Miss is back so happy?"
       Yue-huaned a heart, although the Hong-mei was very loyal to her, but Yue-huan did not dare to trust her wholeheartedly. Yue-huan is very certain, there are people behind the Hong-mei, as to whether the person behind the Hong-mei is Su Concubine or Mo-shi is not known.
       Yuehua said with a smile: "Yes, when the three sisters came back, I have a gift." Every time Yue-Yao comes back, they will give them gifts, and Yue-huan is so round.
       Hongmei said with a smile: "Miss, this time 3rd Miss is going to the  Mountain to give people a guest, there will be no gifts."
       The joy of the moon is gone, Yue-huan actually wants to vomit blood, and her acting skills are getting more and more sophisticated. Yue-huan sometimes thinks that if she can return to modern times, she must definitely participate in the entertainment industry, and she can get a performance award.
       The doubts of Yue-huan’s face: “Hongmei, what do you say that the three sisters have to make a good picture with Miss Jing’s Miss? I don’t believe that the third sister will go to the Luo-Home Miss for no reason.”
       Hongmei shook his head: "3rd Miss So smart people, where can the servants guess the idea of ​​3rd Miss." 3rd Miss is not only smart, but also deeply minded. Otherwise, how dare not put Madam in your eyes! However, this Hong-mei is just stuffy in the stomach.
       The disappointment of Yue-huan.
       Wang Mama is suspicious of this-Yatou brought back by Yue-Yao, saying to himself: "3rd Miss is not a reckless person, how can he bring back Jingning people back." Wang Mama felt that there was a problem with Wei identity. The Jingning Marquis Estate could not send a Servant to 3rd Miss for no reason.
       Yue-Bing didn't think too much, Yue-Bing thought it was simple, and it was not a simple Servant, it could go all over the world. Yue-Bing said for the sake of An Wang Mama: "I will know when I meet this person tomorrow."
       Wang Mama shook his head: "Miss, or please Madam sent someone to check the bottom of this Miss." It is very dangerous to have a person who is not knowing the details.
       Yue-Bing nodded: "Okay.
       In the early morning of the next day, Yue-Yao went to the main room and asked Mo-shi for security. Yue-Yao to Mo-shi, please let Mo-shi promise her to go out. She has been away from the capital for more than two months, and now she must go to The Ma House to go to The Li Estate .
       Yue-Yao When I arrived at the main room, there was no one in the house.
       Mo-shi was also very surprised to come to Yue-Yao. When he heard Yue-Yao, he said: "It will be the Double Ninth Festival in two days. After the Chung Yeung Festival, you will not be late to go to The Ma House."
       The cloth shop business in The Ma House has been booming, and few people in Capital City have not known. The cloth shop business is hot and there are some people who blame this secret recipe. However, with the news that Duke House and The Jingning Marquis Estate have shareholdings, no one dares to play the secret idea. These people are not idiots. They have used the method of doing the same to get the secret recipe. It is not cost-effective to offend these two dignitaries.
       Yue-Yao Seeing Mo-shi does not stop her, it is a little surprised. However, she would understand when she thought about it. Mo-shi probably knew that she couldn't stop it, and she just let go.
       Yue-Yao just returned to Lanxiyuan and heard Hua-li come over: "Miss, Eldest Miss, Missi and 4th Miss have come to see you."
       Yue-Bing and Yue Ying are waiting for Yue-Yao in the living room.
       Yue Ying-Bing looked at Yue-Yao appearance and was shocked.
       Yue-huan is very interested to ask: "Three sisters, how do you get so dark?" Yue-huan does not know if he is illusory, she thinks Yue-Yao does not seem to care about people. Miss who does not care for the face, she is very surprised that Yue-Yao is not assured of his appearance.
       The intuition of Yue-huan is accurate, and Yue-Yao does not care much about looks. For Yue-Yao, it is cumbersome to spend the moon, but if it is not in the past, it will not be seen by Zhou Shu. Of course, in the last life, it was forced to go to a desperate situation and not want to live to be disfigured. In this life, Yue-Yao will not draw a knife on his face.
       Hua-li swept Yue-huan. Their family Miss was not a little darker than when they just went out. When they came back, they would not come back to the sun and come back. Is 4th Miss so exaggerated to render? Hua-li instinctively feels that Yue-huan is very annoying, for fear that others do not know that she has a gorgeous face.
       Yue-Bing is also a strange look at Yue-Yao, Miss's face is so important, if she is tanned like this... Well, Yue-Bing smashed the idea.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I often climb the  Mountain to see the scenery in the  Mountains, so the sun is a little dark." What is the sketch is not to say.
       For this explanation, Yue Ying and Yue-Bing expressed understanding and incompetence. Yue-huan is looking at Yue-Yao with amazement, is this third sister still an outdoor sports enthusiast.
       Yue-Ying interjected: "Three Mei Mei, I heard that you invited a embroidered mother, can let three Mei Mei see this embroidered mother must be superior skills?" Yue Ying's embroidery level is the highest among the four people, because Yue-Ying’s leisure time in the past is all on embroidery. She is very interested in hearing Yue-Yao message of embroidering her mother.
       Yue-Yao has never seen the embroidery of Xiang Wei, but Bai Yi said that her embroidery is good, and it is certainly not bad. She said cautiously: "There is no skill in talking about it, but I am more than enough to give pointers."
       Yue Ying was busy asking: "Three Mei Mei, is her level higher than Master Ma?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Mu embroidery is good at Su embroidery, and Xiang Wei is good at Jing embroidery. The embroidery method is different and there is no comparability."
       Yue-Bing said with a smile: "Three Mei Mei, looking for such an excellent embroidered mother can not hide, let her also point to us." Yue-Bing This is a bit accused of Yue-Yao doing things The meaning of reading sisters is inside.
       Yue-Yao Although he always said that he has changed himself, he is essentially a person who is not fluent in his heart and high spirits.
       Yue-Yao listened to the smile on the face and said nothing: "The day she said to Ming-zhu, only pointing me alone can not teach others." Yue-Yao Lian let Xiang Wei come out to see them No thoughts.
       Yue-Bing saw Yue-Yao give her a temper, and she was not happy at the moment. No one dared to smack her face at Lian House, but such a long time of study also allowed Yue-Bing to control his emotions, so he did not speak.
       At this time, Yue-huan has to play again: "Three sisters, I heard people say that this embroidered girl looks very beautiful, can you let us see this embroidered mother."
       Yue-Yao glanced at Yue-huan, and the tone became more and more impatient: "She is not very comfortable, please see her and wait for her next trip!"
       Yue-huan listened to the bow, which revealed her grievances at this time. In fact, Yue-huan sighs in my heart, if she has such a sigh of relief, how good.

       Chapter 186 Money 

       Yue-Bing went back to his yard and said angrily: "I didn't expect 3rd Miss's temper to grow bigger and bigger, and the presence of The Marquis Estate  didn't put people in the eye."
       Wang Mama actually wants to say that 3rd Miss has not put Madam in his eyes, otherwise he will not always follow Madam.
       Su Concubine is also inquiring about Wei, but the news is that Xiang Wei is indeed an embroidered mother. She is embroidered in the house on most days and does not go out.
       Su Concubine didn't believe this and asked, "What does Miss look like? Where is it? Where did you live before? How did you get 3rd Miss eyes?"
       -Pozi said: "It is said that the appearance is average, and it looks very petite. It looks a bit like a Jiang-nan woman. The people at Lanxiyuan said that this is an orphan to Wei Miss. She grew up in a charity hall and lived in the south. Later, when I didn't know what happened, I entered the Jingning Waiting House and was placed on the  Mountain house by the world son, Madam. As for how it was seen by 3rd Miss, this was not found." For the things on the  Mountain, the only knowledge It’s drizzle, but Xu-Yu is a bit harsh, and I can’t ask for a useful message.
       Su Concubine licked his temple and said, “Let people ask for more.” Su Concubine is very sure that there is a problem with Wei. Yue-Yao is not particularly concerned about dressing. On the contrary, Su Concubine never heard Yue. Yao has been careful about eating and wearing. Now I went to the  Mountain village and found an embroidered mother back. This can't be said, and 3rd Miss 'temperament' will not invite a idler in the yard for no reason. Su Concubine is sure that this is not easy for Wei Miss. .
       -Pozi thought about it and said: " concubine, everyone in Lanxiyuan knows that this is a free body." Free body symbolizes that people can leave at any time, and the people of the house can't tell her, nor move her. .
       Su Concubine brows are getting more and more smashed, and it's not good for them to put such a simple person around to 3rd Miss.
       -Pozi suggested: " concubine, or if you want to talk to Madam."
       Su Concubine has some headaches. Madam is eager to redeem his dowry with money. For this reason, she has not let go of the money in the hands of Yue-huan. Can she let go of the money in the hands of 3rd Miss? But the problem now is that Madam can't control 3rd Miss. 3rd Miss is right Madam guards the depth of the body, and now there is a mother to support, if it is ugly, even if 3rd Miss is dead Madam can not get the money.
       Su Concubine thinks that she is exhausted, if Madam is willing to obey her words when she removes 3rd Miss at Old Madam Qi-Qi, nothing is happening now, but at that time Madam Because taking care of the rumors, I missed the best time. Now 3rd Miss has too many advantages, and now it is difficult to get rid of her.
       Su Concubine suddenly has a spirit, she will understand who this is to Wei, afraid that Yue-Yao will find someone to protect her from Jingning, Su Concubine said to herself: "No wonder 3rd Miss will I am willing to be a companion to Luo-Home 3rd Miss. "How can I give the right to Yu-Yao arrogant 'temperament'? Noble Lady is a companion, and it turns out to be Jingning Waiting. 3rd Miss asked for Wei, the purpose was to prevent Madam poisoned her.
       Su Concubine felt that she should immediately say this to Mo-shi, but she went back to the door and immediately returned.
       Su Concubine sensible return, where can she get together Madam said in front of 3rd Miss to find someone to guard her, this is equivalent to directly point out that Madam wants to figure out the money of 3rd Miss. Madam is a very face-to-face person. Even if she is the confidant of Madam, it would not be good to say such a thing directly.
       Su Concubine holds his hand and warns that he can't be anxious now. The best way to do this is to let Madam dismiss the idea of ​​3rd Miss. If it is Madam is really bad for 3rd Miss. And the consequences of putting it into action are unimaginable.
       The fourth day of Yue-Yao return is the Double Ninth Festival.
       On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, Lian House made a double cake. It is very important to make a double-pot cake: the rough-scented cake is marked with some coriander leaves, and the dried fruit is covered with green fruit, jujube, walnut, etc., while the thin flower cake has three layers, each of which has a sandwich. Fine candied dried fruit, apple clams, peach apricots, apricots, black dates and the like; in addition, there are money flower cakes, money cakes are smaller as "money". Last year, I made some cakes for every pastry, but today I am doing all the money in the Lian House.
       Yue-Yao has no appetite when I look at it. I don't have to think about it. It must be Mo-shi command. Money is not Mohi favorite.
       After the Double Ninth Festival, Yue-Yao led Hao Mama to Wei Ma to the Ma Fu. Hua-li sent Yue-Yao to leave, his eyes flashed.
       Hao Mama hasn't seen her granddaughter for two months, and now she is very happy to go to the Ma House with Yue-Yao. This time I prepared a lot of things for my granddaughter and brought them together.
       Yue-Yao went to The Ma House, Zhuang Ruolan came out of the yard and picked up Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan has been doing everything recently. Since she released her rumor that her daughter is Xiao Fuxing, no one said that her daughter’s character is not good. She also scoured the secret recipe of beauty from Ping-Shi, and now Zhuang Ruolan is radiant and radiant.
       Yue-Yao just sat down, Zhuang Ruolan smiled and handed it to Yue-Yao a small wooden box. Yue-Yao opened it and all the tickets in the box were silver tickets.
       Ruolan said with a smile: "In addition to the two-month dividend of 6,300 Silver Taels, the other is the rent for two of your two stores."
       Yue-Yao will not order the silver ticket. When he closes it, he puts the box on the table and says: "The watch, the business of the cloth store is so good, will someone make an idea?" The exclusive business is good, but the idea is good. There are also a lot of people, so it depends on whether Zhuang Ruolan can live.
       Ruolan smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, I earn a lot of money every month compared to the average person, but not much to let the Wang Gong nobles look at the eyes." Zhuang Ruolan said something humility, A shop that can reach tens of thousands of profits is even a jealousy of the royal family. It’s just that Zhuang Ruolan’s backing is hard, and those people don’t dare to move. Do not dare to move on the surface, does not mean that there will be no action in the back. Fortunately, Zhuang Ruolan has been prepared, and the secret is the confidant of her, and the life of this confidant family is in her hands, and she is not afraid to sell her.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "That's good."
       Yue-Yao said that the recipe that will be brought to Zhuang Ruolan.
       Ruolan smiled and picked it up: "Why, what good things are there for the watch?" The secret recipe given by Yue-Yao made her earn a pot full. The most satisfying to Zhuang Ruolan is that Yue-Yao agrees not to enter the public account of Ma. Now all these incomes are counted in her private house, and the money is naturally hard.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "This is a recipe, which I have inadvertently obtained. It is also exclusive. I can see if you can use this restaurant to open a restaurant?"
       With the formula of the dye, Zhuang Ruolan still believes in what Yue-Yao has come up with. Zhuang Ruolan took over and looked carefully. The dishes in this recipe didn’t say that she hadn’t eaten it, or she had never heard of it.
       Zhuang Ruolan wants to ask Yue-Yao where this is coming from, but the words are still swallowed back. Anyway, as long as it is not stealing, it is better. Yue-Yao 'temperament' is not a person who can steal, so this is completely reassuring.
       Ruolan was somewhat embarrassed after reading it. He said: "Yue-Yao, this restaurant has different shops. I have always had this cloth shop, even if I am busy now, I can stand up to those troubles. Yue-Yao, a restaurant involves all aspects, a big thing that will be provoked by bad."
       Zhuang Ruolan disagreed with the opening of the restaurant because the restaurant involved all aspects. There are hard backers behind several Famous restaurants in Capital City. Is it not a matter of finding a job to run with these powerful people? When I just found something, it made her look bad. Her fabric workshop has been very eye-catching, and can no longer open the restaurant, it is tanta Mount to trouble.
       Yue-Yao is a bit disappointed, but she just has this idea and doesn't have to open a restaurant. Yue-Yao said: "The watch, it doesn't work if you don't open the restaurant. It's a waste."
       If Ruo heard Yue-Yao, he smiled and said: "You-Yatou, how could it be useless? Waiting for me to try and confirm that the dishes made according to this recipe are delicious, I will find this. When the recipes are sold, you can definitely sell a sum of money." So many kinds of fresh dishes can definitely sell for a good price.
       Yue-Yao is a little embarrassed and said: "It’s going to be troublesome again."
       If Ruolan didn't feel trouble, Yue-Yao could trust her by not finding her father-in-law and her husband to find her. Ruolan smiled and pulled Yue-Yao to sit next to him and said, "What do you want to do with me? Tell me about 'sister-in-law'. It’s okay in the  Mountains for a few months, is the pearl? Are you bullying you often?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and talked to Ruolan about the things in the  Mountains. She also said that she was vindictive with the pearl. She smiled: "The pearl is often mad at me, but I am afraid that I will not send me down the  Mountain. Temper, vomiting very much." Yue-Yao said it was the beginning.
       Ruolan began to be happy, and after listening to the surprise, he asked: "Do you mean Luo-home 3rd Miss, and then accompany you every day to practice, and still follow the musicians to learn music?" Luo Ming-zhu bad temper As long as I went out to socialize, I didn’t expect to be surrendered by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Well, in fact, Ming-zhu is not as bad as it is spread outside. She is a bit bad temper, and her nature is still pretty good." Yue-Yao said the truth, if Luo Ming-zhu is a bad heart person Yue-Yao does not spend so much thought as a task at most.
       Ruolan smiled: "You-Yatou, my heart is real. But this is also good, you have a friend more in the future." Although Luo Ming-zhu temper is broken, but this world is really hard, got it. Ming-zhu eyes are a good thing for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Whether the second cousin's marriage is scheduled to be at the end of the year or early next year?" It is a good ‘Madam’ who is a good ‘Madam’. It is estimated that it is at the end of the twelfth lunar month.
       Ruo Lan said:
        "It will be at the end of the twelfth lunar month."
       Yue-Yao looks a bit complicated. If Ma Yue marriage is scheduled at the end of the month, Cheng-shi will be back soon. Yue-Yao is very tired of Cheng-shi. There is no Cheng-shi and Ma Linlin's The Ma House is quiet and comfortable. When they come back, The Ma House is a trouble.
       Yue-Yao is thinking about this trouble, I heard Lu Hao come over.
       Yue-Yao heard Servant's report and couldn't help but frown. Why did she come over every time she went to The Ma House Lulu? Where are there so many coincidences? I am afraid that Lu Hao is deliberate.
       Yue-Yao and Lu Hao said hello and stood up and said: “I have to go to the Li family to take a trip. There is something to find Li Aunt."
       When Lu Hao heard Yue-Yao words, she immediately said: "Cousin, I haven't seen my cousin for a long time, and I miss him very much."
       Yue-Yao was a little surprised, and what Lu Haoti is doing. Yue-Yao can't be naive to think that Lu Hao really Miss the court: "The chef is thinking, and the court is doing everything."
       Lu Yan saw Yue-Yao smiled and didn't pick her up. He bit his teeth and said: "Cousin, I want to go to see my cousin with you. How do you see it?"
       Yue-Yao Although I don't know why Lu Yan is so enthusiastic, there is a saying that is good, no matter what is it, and that it is not a good thing to go to see the court.
       Yue-Yao refused: "If the cousin Miss the court, I will come to The Ma House next time and bring Tingzheng together."
       Zhuang Ruolan also felt that Lu request was somewhat inexplicable. Even if Yue-Yao did not refuse, she would not let Lu Hao follow Yue-Yao to Li. Yue-Yao can go to the Li family because the fathers have a good relationship, Yue-Yao has been maintaining this relationship, but Lu Yifei is only a shame for the sake of the family.
       If Ruolan sent Yue-Yao out of the yard, he said two words to Lu Hao and let Lu Hao return to his yard. Ruolan told Cai-yun: "Go and ask her about Servant-Pozi, has Ying-Min recently met something?" Today should not be Lu Yi whim, fearing that something is wrong.
       If Ruo took the recipe that Yue-Yao gave her, she chose two of them to copy it and call the kitchen chef. This cook is a trustworthy person.
       Zhuang Ruolan asked the cook to make two dishes according to the method she gave. Zhuang Ruolan did not distrust the things that Yue-Yao gave, but tried these dishes and knew that the bottom of the time was also arrogant.
       Yue-Yao arrived at Li House and was also warmly received by Li Madam.
       Li Madam looked at Yue-Yao, who was more and more picky. He was very pleased. He asked Yue-Yao about the affairs in Lian, and then asked Luo Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao has always been a good news and not worried about it. The bad things of Lian House are not to be said. She only said a lot about the interesting things on the  Mountain, and she also said something about Luo Ming-zhu. Of course, all that is said is Luo Ming-zhu good words.
       Lee Madam is dubious.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Auntie, what I said is true, Luo sister is actually very good, we get along very well." Cough, Yue-Yao do not know Luo Ming-zhu reputation at this time It has been passed down like it. It seems that it takes a lot of effort to change the impression of everyone on Ming-zhu. But with a good start, the future will definitely be different.
       Li Madam said with a pity: "You know that your child is good to say to your aunt, and you have to suffer from it." Such a sensible child is really distressing.
       Yue-Yao and Li Madam said a conversation, and she said that she wanted Tingzheng to learn Wu. Yue-Yao said: "Auntie, Tingzheng learns martial arts to defend himself, and can also keep fit. ""
       Li Madam is hesitant. According to Li Madam, it is natural not to learn martial arts, but Yue-Yao is the sister of Ting Zhengyi, and she is really sincere, she can not directly refuse. Li Madam thought for a while: "When you come back, Li Bobo, I told him. How do you see it?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and explained: "Auntie, every time I see the court, I am worried. That looks, I would rather he grow ugly." Yue-Yao paused and said: "I want him to learn." Wugong is hoping that he will be able to protect himself in the future. He will not rely on ourselves for everything."
       Yue-Yao said this, his eyes were red, and when he finished speaking, he realized that he had just bowed his head when he said that he had just said something wrong. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves and wiped his tears without tears.
       Li Madam is a glimpse, and then understands the meaning of Yue-Yao. At the moment, my heart was sympathetic, and I took Yuzi-Yao to wipe my tears. I rubbed my tears and said: "You, this child, hides these things in your heart and doesn't tell us. You are worried about yourself. If you talk to your aunt early. Don't worry about being afraid of the day. You can rest assured that the court is growing well and growing up. What kind of people are we afraid of? If anyone has those dirty thoughts, you can't get away with them." This is not a child without roots and no peace, can be slaughtered, and I don’t know how this child would think of it.
       Yue-Yao heard this, tears brushed away, and said, crying, "Auntie, I didn't mean to say it, I just..." Xiang Wei gave Yue-Yao a piece of music that made people listen. The reason, but Yue-Yao looked at Li Madam's face was distressed but could not tell.
       Li Madam Seeing the look of Yue-Yao, it is natural to assume that someone has said something messy in Yue-Yao ear and scared Yue-Yao. Li Madam politely holds Yue-Yao and appease: "Don't worry, there won't be that kind of thing. The court will follow people and will not be kidnapped by the kidnappers. Don't worry." Madam can also understand the fear of Yue-Yao. Just if a younger brother is really doing something, it is equal to the sky.
       Yue-Yao is a spurred tear, but behind it is crying. She has been living with fear and living, and she is very depressed. Today, she can find a vent.
       Li Madam married Yue-Yao for half a day before she stopped crying. Yue-Yao took out his handkerchief and wiped his tears and said with a red face: "Let the aunt laugh, Yue-Yao is rude."
       Yue-Yao crying, but Li Madam became more and more pampered to her. This incident made her see the weakness of Yue-Yao strong.
       Yue-Yao had to wait for Li Guozhen, but when the day was dark, Li Guozhen had not returned yet, and Yue-Yao couldn’t return to Lian.
       Li Guozhen was very busy on the day and was busy late to go home.
       After Li Guozhen came back, Li Madam told him about Yue-Yao. After he finished speaking, he sighed: "I didn't expect this child to be so heavy. So many people have so many things to do." Careful, and those who are thinking and speculating in front of her say those who are not shy. This child is really not easy." Li Madam determined that someone was unwilling to say those mixed words in front of Yue-Yao .
       Li Guozhen thought about the enchanting face of Tingzheng, but also the brow. If the court is placed next to him, he can naturally protect the court, but what if the court is not around him? There are a lot of good men in the capital, especially those who are the best ones. Noble Lady has the right to be more powerful. If these people have the idea of ​​Tingzheng, he is not in the side of Tingzheng. Difficult to do.
       Li Guozhen finally made a decision: "Since Yue-Yao wants Tingzheng to learn Wu, let him learn. Learning martial arts also has more self-defense skills, which is a good thing for the court."
       Li Madam is a woman who is a husband. Her husband made a natural statement and saw her husband's dignified expression. Li Madam smiled and talked about the interesting things about Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu: "Luo-home 3rd Miss's bad temper I have heard about it, but I didn't expect Yue-Yao to be able to make good contact with Luo-jia 3rd Miss, but also let Luo 3rd Miss spleen, it is not easy."
       Li Guozhen’s heart is really a bit regrettable. The child is smart and clever, broad-minded, and thoughtful about everything, but it is a daughter’s body. If Yue-Yao and Tingzheng 'temperament' don't have a good match, then he can also have less fun.
       Yue-Yao heard Li Guozhen letting Ting Zheng Xuewu, and now he is finally open. In the eyes of Yue-Yao, it is better to ask for help than to rely on others. Others can help for a while but can't help for a lifetime, and they have the strongest ability to have their own skills.
       The Jingning Marquis Estate gave a message to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao got the post on the second day. Yue-Yao The first thing to see is the world son Madam Ping-Shi. Ping-Shi is very enthusiastic about Yue-Yao.
       After the return of Ming-zhu, the change is remarkable. At least it will not be as tempered as before, and every day is diligent in learning. These people in Jingning are looking in the eyes. For this reason, Jingning HouHeir said that Yue-Yao is a simple Miss. I have invited so many gentlemen, Lian Education Mama did not let Ming-zhu do it, but let a 10-year Old Miss do it. Can this be done by simple people?
       Yue-Yao heard the greetings from Ping-Shi and said with a smile: "I didn't do anything, mainly because the Ming-zhu sister is very good, but no one has pointed out her shortcomings before, so she doesn't know her. There is a mistake. Now that Ming-zhu sister realizes that she is doing the wrong thing, she will naturally correct it.” Yue-Yao thinks that everyone who is Jingning’s waiting room is too pet-like, and the elders are reluctant to say that she is not To say her, the following people dare to blame her in addition to pleading with Bajie, which also caused the temperamental temperament of the Ming-zhu.
       Ping-shi smiled and said: "Your child is really modest." She has long realized that this little son of Xiao-gu, only has the Empress Dowager  and her father-in-law, where is her turn as 'sister-in Law's to discipline, and even if she mentions, she is not confident that Yue-Yao is doing so well.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Heir Madam, I am telling the truth."
       At this time, there was footsteps outside, and Servant came in and said: "3rd Miss is coming." Yue-Yao heard the voice and knew that it was Ming-zhu.
       Luo Ming-zhu saw Yue-Yao, holding Yue-Yao arm and said happily: "You haven't seen it for a few days, you have a lot of white!" Hao Mama and Hua-li desperately give Yue Yao whitening, and because I returned to Lian House Yue-Yao, I haven't sunburned again. It has been a lot of white for a few days.
       Ping-Shi blame: "Ming-zhu, how do you say it?"
       Ming-zhu turned and said: "'sister-in-law', you don't know when she is on the  Mountain, going to the  Mountain every day, the result is sun-burned like a black carbon, this time the capital is white for a few days. ""
       Yue-Yao did not pick up the words of Ming-zhu, but smiled and asked: "How many days can you insist on practicing words in the past few days?" Yue-Yao, which is a practice song, has not paid much attention to it, insists on it, and does not insist that it does not matter. , just a hobby.
       Ping-Shi heard the smile on Yue-Yao words and couldn't stop it. Yue-Yao looks like a peer, it looks like a Master.
       Ming-zhu is not happy to say: "I know that the little monks, I came back every day for an hour, never broke a day. I am praising me with my brother, and also rewarded a lot of good things for me. Yue Yao, you will pick the two."
       Yue-Yao doesn't want to be a pearl, as long as she insists on practicing words. The pearls are impetuous, and the words can be cultivated, and the daily insistence can always improve the impetuous 'temperament'.
       Yue-Yao has never thought of turning Ming-zhu into a deep-minded person. If a family is so protected, there is no need for Ming-zhu to become such a person. Yue-Yao thinks that it is enough for Ming-zhu to converge on one or two tempers and control their emotions. Some people are so blessed that they are envious.
       Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao away from the courtyard of Ping-Shi, showing off: "I have followed Shifu in the past few days to study hard, do you have to evaluate whether there is progress?" Explain that the progress of the bead is remarkable, but the pearl will listen to the comment of Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao said that she is relieved.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "Blow the song and have to find a good place, let's go to the water pavilion!" Yue-Yao likes the lake loft in The Marquis Estate .
       Ming-zhu quickly led Yue-Yao to the water pavilion. The lotus in the pool almost faded, and there was a huge lotus in the lake.
       Yue-Yao said to Bai Yi: "Catch a few lotuses up, eat the lotus and watch the scenery and listen to your Miss song, that is a kind of enjoyment."
       Ming-zhu patted the palm: "If you like it, let them make lotus porridge, stew lotus root ribs soup." Ming-zhu does not like to eat lotus seeds, the taste is too light, but Yue-Yao likes her can also make fun.
       Yue-Yao looked at the lotus leaf of the lake and smiled: "If you don't get a chicken, no more." Wrap a chicken in a lotus leaf and bake it in the fire. It tastes delicious.
       When Ming-zhu heard Yue-Yao say that she was going to be a chicken, she was very surprised: "Don't you not eat it?" Ming-zhu is a meatless and unhappy master, and almost eats meat. Yue-Yao taste list, Yue-Yao is more vegetarian when it is on the  Mountain, rarely eats oysters, and makes Ming-zhu-Yao a vegetarian.
       Yue-Yao strangely said: "When do I not eat it? Just the taste you eat is heavy, I prefer to eat lighter." Ming-zhu likes to eat braised pork and other dishes that are very heavy and greasy. I am not used to eating.
       Ming-zhu knows that he is a little embarrassed when he made a mistake. He muttered: "You are also true. If you can't get along with my taste, I will say it early. I don't open my  Mouth for two months and I thought you wouldn't eat it!"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Nothing, it is not too late to know."
       Ming-zhu sees the white to tell people to pick up the lotus, and immediately called: "Bai Yi, wait for them for a while, you should pick two."
       Yue-Yao finally had the privilege of seeing Bai Yi martial arts. I saw Bai Yi feet on the ground, and the people flew to the lake, and the feet on the lotus leaves seemed to be a little bit of water. When Ye Yi leaned over and picked up the lotus, Yue-Yao heart jumped to the door of the door.
       Yue-Yao is still in the panic, Bai Yi has already returned to its original position, but holding two huge lotuses in his hands. The ‘zither’ was picked up and ready to peel.
       Ming-zhu knows that Yue-Yao thieves pay attention to it, and poses to the ‘zither’: "Don't let her peel."
       Yue-Yao opened the lotus, while listening to the pearls while eating the lotus seeds, I heard the semi-central asked the side of Wei Wei: "You are more than Bai Yi, who is more powerful?"
       Looking at Wei-Yao, I looked at my eyes and said: "Before I was as good as Bai Yi, but after the injury, it was a far cry from Bai Yi." Seeing Yue-Yao looks calm and does not show disappointment. The color, I don’t know why there is a warmth in her heart.
       Ming-zhu has blown two complete songs.
       Yue-Yao After listening to stand up, Lian praised: "There is a lot of progress. As long as you continue to work hard, you will definitely blow better than me in one year." Yue-Yao is now more and more able to fool the pearl It is.
       Ming-zhu smiled and brows.
       Bai Yi and Xiang Wei looked at each other and both of them had a smile on their eyes.
       The water pavilion was a joy, and the laughter was passed out from time to time. Walking in the distance, a handsome Servant wearing gold and silver heard this pleasant laughter pause for a while, and was trying to avoid disturbing the inside people and found it.
       This Servant went into the water pavilion and bowed to the Ming-zhu: "Miss, Madam said that I want to see Lian Miss."
       The pearl frowned, Bai Han did not say Yue-Yao bad words in front of her mother, this time she gave Yue-Yao the next post her mother is not very happy, how would this think about seeing Yue Yao.
       The pearl is arrogant, but the person is very filial, facing Yue-Yao: "Yue-Yao, you come with me to meet my mother!"
       Yue-Yao is not very happy, Jingning Madam does not like her but wants to see her, absolutely no good. It’s just that this will go to the people site, and I can’t say no to see the master.
       Yue-Yao to the main room, Jingning waiting Madam's layout is very rich, is the most expensive place that Yue-Yao has seen.
       Yue-Yao entered the house, and all the floor tiles were all gold bricks. When I entered the bedroom, I found that the floor was also full of gold bricks, and the room was also beautifully arranged.
       Yue-Yao looked at Jingning waiting in bed Madam, Jingning Madam wore a piece of indigo clothes with a red plaster on his head and a middle of the plaster The huge ruby, the sparkling light of the gem can brighten the eyes. This gem will press down on Jingning, Madam.
       Jingning Marchioness is looking at Yue-Yao from Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao wore a moon-white top embroidered with plum blossoms today, and a long skirt with autumn colors.
       Jingning Marchioness looked at Yue-Yao, seeing Yue-Yao, as a daughter-in-law said it was a calm and pleasing child, not so disgusting Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao stepped forward to Bai-Shi. Yue-Yao efforts in these years have not been in vain. Her etiquette is not to mention the jealousy in Jingning, which is not to the palace.
       Jingning Marchioness Some regrets, this appearance and this rule of etiquette plus good literary talents, was originally a good choice for the daughter to accompany, but unfortunately the eight characters are too hard.
       Jingning Marchioness said softly: "Sit down!"
       Yue-Yao is sitting on a rosewood chair with a leopard leather mat. Yue-Yao is also a person who knows the goods. This leopard skin is soft and flat, with clear markings and bright color. It is the best quality.
       Yue-Yao is very speechless. If you sit on such a mat in winter, it must be very warm and comfortable. The problem is that it is now the day of September; sitting on such a mat can not be sinned.
       Yue-Yao now knows why the pearl temper is so arrogant that it is hard to hear what others have come from. The pearl 'temperament' is definitely derived from Jingning Madam.
       Jingning Marchioness and other Yue-Yao sit down and swing toward the Servant. The Servant immediately took a carved mahogany box from the table and handed it to Yue-Yao. Not to mention what is inside the box, that is, the mahogany box with the quaint pattern is worth a lot of money.
       Yue-Yao didn't pick up, and looked at Jingning waiting Madam.
       Jingning Marchioness nodded to the Servant. The Servant opened the box and placed a set of red gold jewelry.
       Yue-Yao was squinted by this set of red gold jewelry and stood up and said: " Madam, I can't accept such a valuable thing." Yue-Yao is actually very strange. Give her a set of red gold jewelry to do well.
       Ming-zhu looked at the set of red gold jewelry face is not very good-looking, her mother will not send a gift. Sending jewelry should also send jade ornaments or gemstone pearl heads, and send a set of red gold jewelry to do something, making it look like a nouveau riche.
       Jingning Marchioness said with a smile: "What is the merit, this is the aunt's meeting for you."
       Yue-Yao is taken away but it will be collected. In fact, Yue-Yao is not without gold ornaments, but she decided not to wear a complete set of gold ornaments. Miss of the big family will not wear a whole set of gold ornaments when they go out to socialize, otherwise they will be laughed into a nouveau riche.
       Jingning Marchioness and Yue-Yao said less than three sentences, and it was a fierce cough. The outside Servant came over with a bowl of medicine.
       Jingning Hou-The personal Servant around Madam immediately invited Yue-Yao to go out.
       I would have liked Yue-Yao to go out, and the owner’s uncomfortable guests must be avoided. However, the Servant's Yue-Yao is the look of the savage beast to make Yue-Yao gas knot.
       Wei Wei pulled Yue-Yao and whispered: "Miss, we are in the yard, etc." Waiting for Yue-Yao just out of the house, the Servant didn't know how to fall, and fell a dog. .
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei and saw Wei Wei as usual, thinking it was just a coincidence. Yue-Yao did not see the cool color that flashed in the eyes of Wei.
       The Jingning Marquis Estate quickly fell asleep after taking the medicine.
       Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao arm and said: "Yue-Yao, go to my yard!"
       When Ming-zhu returned to her yard, she told Servant to take out the jewelry: "The gold and silver jewelry will not be taken, and the others will be taken out."
       Servant took nine pieces of jewelry, and all the instructions of the Ming-zhu were opened, and the room was radiant.
       Ming-zhu pointed at the jewelry in the scorpion and pointed it to Yue-Yao. "I know that you don't like gold ornaments. You can take these jewelry if you like it!" The jewelry that Ming-zhu brought out is not jade or gem pearls, etc. Both are worth a thousand dollars.
       Yue-Yao raised his  Mouth and smiled and said: "These jewelry are very beautiful, I like it. Ming-zhu, or you will give it to me, are you looking good?"
       Ming-zhu is wide-eyed, isn't it, all? If only one or two jewels of pearls are sure to be delivered without saying anything, they can all send pearls or hesitate. That's her pretty jewel, and she sent it out and it hurts.
       Ming-zhu turned to look at Yue-Yao look of hope, then looked at the jewelry in the scorpion, biting his teeth and said: "You want to give it to you." After a while, facing the house The personal Servant said: "No one can say anything about this matter. If you dare to reveal half a word, don't think about staying with me." Ming-zhu is worried that it is a troublesome thing to be known by her mother.
       Several Servant around the Ming-zhu were so scared that they had been sweating. These jewels were uploaded by The Marquis Estate zu, and the Marquis, Madam, and the son of Miss, and the Empress Dowager . So many things are directly sent to Yue-Yao. If you don't report it, then Madam will not peel them off.
       Several Servant just wanted to stop and be stopped by Bai Yi eyes. Several Servant are also smart people, and if the jewelry is really sent to Bai Yi, it is definitely the first to be held accountable. Bai Yi is not worried, they also wait and see. Bai Yi naturally does not worry. With her understanding of Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao words are definitely a joke. However, Ming-zhu reaction made her very satisfied. With this event, Yue-Yao Miss will be better for Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao was shocked by the great hand of Ming-zhu, and once again asked: "How about these jewelry is worth more than 100 thousand Silver Taels, you are sure to give it to me."
       The pearl is in the hand: "The Master said that it is difficult to chase after the ‘Ma’. If you give it to you, it will be given to you. Bai Yi, pack things up. I will avoid people moving to the carriage of Yue-Yao."
       Yue-Yao stepped forward and held the pearl and said: "I have never seen you so stupid."
       Ming-zhu is not happy, push Yue-Yao and called: "What makes me so stupid? I don't care if you like it, but I don't want to give it to me? I don't want anyone to give it to me. Bai Han always wants me. I didn't give her to Phoenix."
       Yue-Yao smiled more and more brilliantly: "You are not stupid, there is no stupid person." Ten thousand and twenty thousand Silver Taels children said that they give away people, and this world can find more stupid than Ming-zhu. person? Certainly it is gone.
       Ming-zhu fired, angry: "I warn you, you have to say that I am stupid, I will break with you."
       Bai Yi said on the side: "Miss, Lian Miss is joking with you, not really want your jewelry."
       Ming-zhu knows that Yue-Yao said that she is stupid, she saw Yue-Yao smile, and went forward and yelled Yue-Yao tender meat: "You are dead-Yatou, teasing I also said that I am stupid, and that I am really fat."
       Yue-Yao ‘Laughs’ laughed straight.
       Looking at Yue-Yao in a drizzle, I sighed at Wei: "Since Master Madam passed away, I heard Miss smile so comfortable for the first time." Miss used to laugh at people. It’s a kind of etiquette, not really laughing.
       Xiang Wei said a word that can't understand Xu-Yu: "Stupid people have stupid blessings!" Xiang Wei said that it is the pearl, she thinks that the pearl is stupid, but it is a good person.
       Ming-zhu selected the best two-piece jewelry, facing Yue-Yao: "You must take it back." Ming-zhu is still very generous to people who recognize it.
       Yue-Yao Where would I want Ming-zhu jewelry, I said with a smile: "Jewelry is fine, I don't wear jewelry on most days. If you really want to give me something, I will paint the painting I made in Shuige last time. Give it back to me." Yue-Yao wanted to go back to the painting.
       Ming-zhu Qidao said: "Why do you want to take the picture back?" Where is the thing that is sent out, there is no reason to take it back, not so stingy.
       Yue-Yao is very speechless, do I have to say to you? You are automatically cut off. However, Yue-Yao did not say this, and said that Ming-zhu would have to fry. Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I am useful in this painting. If you like it, I will paint a better one for you later. You are not good."
       Ming-zhu did not feel much about the painting. Since Yue-Yao said it was useful, she gave it back to her. Then she waved her hand: "Well, since you are useful, take it back! But painting is one thing, something is It’s another matter. I haven’t given you a gift yet, you must get the two jewels.”
       Yue-Yao finally missed the pearl, and finally looked at an emerald necklace. This jade necklace is made up of 108 jade beads, all of which are the same size, and the necklace is lustrous green. Yue-Yao took the jade necklace and said: "I like this necklace very much, just this one!"
       Ming-zhu thinks that there is too little, so I have to put on a pair of sheep fat jade bracelets. Ming-zhu reason is full: "The last time I 'sister-in-law' sent you a pair of bracelets, I saw you like it very much. You must accept this pair of bracelets, or I am angry."
       Yue-Yao was speechless, and that time was obviously a child. Madam forced the bracelet to her. If she didn't want to show her permission, she didn't want it. She didn't know where the pearl saw her happy.
       Bai Yi said with a smile: "Lian Miss, this is a piece of our Miss, Lian Miss will accept it!" Her master is very generous to the recognized person.
       Yue-Yao did not shirk it any more, letting Xu-Yu close.
       The ‘zither’ and the pipa are relieved, although the things sent out this time are also very expensive, but it is nothing compared to before.
       On the way back, Xiang Wei said to Yue-Yao: "Li Guozhen was promoted to the official position and rose by half a grid." The so-called rise and fall is the same as the grade, but the position is moved, and this position is easy to rise again. level.
       Yue-Yao smiled, and Li Bobo promotion was a good thing.
       Xiang Wei said: "You shouldn't be too happy too much. If I didn't guess wrong, this time I raised Li Guofan's half-level should I have another plan for him?"
       Yue-Yao strangely asked: "It is always a good thing to promote the official." Even if there is another plan, it is promoted.
       Picking up at Wei eyebrows, she still looks at Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao Although he is clever, he doesn't know much about the outside world. He hasn't turned to Yue-Yao with a turn: "Li Guozhen's promotion is not necessarily a good thing for you. If I guess it is correct, this time Li Guozhen's promotion is likely to be Prepare for the next year."
       Yue-Yao smile immediately stiffened on his face and asked: "External release?"
       Xiang Wei did not want to talk to Yue-Yao, but thought about Yue-Yao before worrying about the appearance of Tingzheng: "As for why I guess Li Guofan will be outside, you don't need to know." Others she won't tell Yue-Yao.
       Li Bobo can be promoted to Yue-Yao next year, and he is naturally happy for him. He can think of Li Bobo release of Yue-Yao and he can’t laugh. If Li Bobo is released, Tingzhen is likely to return to Lian-jia. Letting Ting is returning to Lian, Yue-Yao is chilling when he thinks.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Don't worry too much. If Li Guozhen really said that if the parents would have arranged for the court, if Li Guozhen did not arrange for the court to return to Lian, the year passed. Ting Zheng was eight years old, and he also went to the age of going to the school. When he went to the school, he was also returning two or three days a month. There is nothing to worry about."
       Yue-Yao Where is the optimism to Wei, Ting Zheng has only studied for two years, a good school can not test, the bad school Yue-Yao does not want him to enter, this method does not work.
       Yue-Yao is annoying, but she also knows that this is anxious and urgent. Yue-Yao said to Wei: "To Wei, can you tell me what I heard outside? I want to know more about the outside world, otherwise I will take a lot of roads with a black eye."
       To Wei, he said with a smile: "I don't have two doors in this inner courtyard. What can I know?" Seeing Yue-Yao disappointed look and thinking, "Bai Yi is well-informed." If you can go to The Jingning Marquis Estate in the future, I can ask Bai Yi." Xiang Wei, this is Yu-Yao, more to The Jingning Marquis Estate .
       Yue-Yao nodded, and she was prepared, and it was impossible to live. But it is still okay to go back three or four times a month, so it is easy to know the news outside.
       Returning to Lian House, Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao and took out the painting. He asked, "Miss, do you want to burn this picture?" Yue-Yao is often dissatisfied when Wei is on the  Mountain. The paintings burned, and it was a pity to Wei.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "This painting is temporarily reserved."
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao paintings are quite good. It is a pity to burn it, so she has an idea: "Miss, in fact, all of your paintings are very good. It is worth at least a few to sell a painting outside. Ten Silver Taels."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "My kung fu has not arrived home yet, and I will say it after two years." Yue-Yao will wait until Master Yushan's approval. Master Yushan did not say that she would not take her own paintings. Sell. Once approved by Master Yushan, her paintings will not only sell dozens of Silver Taels.
       Shaking his head to Wei, didn’t say anything more.

       Chapter 189 Relics 

       Surprisingly, in the evening of Yue-Yao going to The Jingning Marquis Estate , Madam was uncomfortable and didn't sleep well at night. With this incident, Jingning Madam determined that Yue-Yao was too hard, and she asked Ming-zhu to break off with Yue-Yao.
       Ming-zhu naturally does not agree with her mother's statement, and it is argued that: "Mother, Yue-Yao If it is a real gram, I have lived with her on the  Mountain for more than two months. Why is it so good? These two months do not say Fever, I don’t have Lian bitten by a mosquito on my body. Mother, don’t you listen to Bai Han’s nonsense? That’s a crowbar, no one else.”
       Jingning Marchioness was stunned, but her attitude was very tough. She couldn't see Ming-zhu to see Yue-Yao again. For this reason, she told Ping-Shi to not ask Yue-Yao again.
       Ping-Shi as a daughter-in-law is naturally impossible to violate the words of her mother-in-law. On the face of this, she told Luo Wei at night.
       Luo Yan frowned. "Who is born out of nothing." Her mother's body is weak and often uncomfortable. This will make people feel uncomfortable and blame others. It is too far-fetched.
       Ping-Shi Xin knows that Bai Han is chewing on the tongue at the mother-in-law's side, but she can't say this: "My mother-in-law is uncomfortable and some of her anger is Lian Miss. I think it is still good for Lian-Men. "As a child, you must not be able to disobey your parents."
       Luo Wei did not think more about this: "Mother does not like Lian-jia Miss, if Ming-zhu wants to see her, let her go to The Ma House!"
       Ping-Shi was a little surprised and asked: "What if the Ming-zhu is going to Lian House?" Listening to the world's tone is like not seeing Lian House.
       Luo Xin shook his head and said: "Let the Ming-zhu not go to Lian House."
       Ping-shi does not know why her husband does not want to see Lian-jia, but her husband’s letter is sacred and naturally has no objection.
       Xiang Wei heard this in the afternoon of the next day, and Wei deliberately said this as a joke and said to Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei said to see Yue-Yao face is still faint, some strangely asked: "Do you mind?" It is said that the broom star should not be mad, and Yue-Yao is too calm.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "What's so good? Jingning Madam believes that I am her, that is her business, what to do with me. For a disparate person, I am in a bad mood. This is something that a fool can do, and this thing can prove from the side that Jingning Madam is a person who is very afraid of death and timid." Only those who are afraid of death will mind if they have nothing. .
       Xiang Wei did not expect Yue-Yao to be so open: "In the end, it is a reputation."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "My dream is to become a Famous painter in the world. Then I hope that Ting Zhengping will grow up safely. Later, my ‘Madam’ and children will inherit the incense of our house. Others are not important to me. "Yue-Yao thought that some of the shortcomings of Ming-zhu have made her understand something, and because the two people get along with each other for so long, Yue-Yao hopes that Ming-zhu will be good afterwards, Jingning waiting Madam For Yue-Yao, it is a passerby. Like Bai Han, I am so pleased with Ba-Jing Madam, I hope to get Jingning Madam's help to marry a good family. She is waiting for Jingning Madam has no desire, Jingning Madam does not like what she has.
       Wei Wei couldn't help but say: "You have booked a pro-person. If such a reputation is spread out, Chen's family will definitely not like you. If you don't marry, you won't like it, you don't worry."
       Yue-Yao smiled and didn't answer.
       Xiang Wei looked at the look of Yue-Yao, and then thought about the last time Yue-Yao saw Shen Conghao performance, the flash of light flashed, Wei was shocked by his own thoughts, and lost to Wei: "You won't Tell me that you don't want to marry people for a lifetime, and you should deal with paintings all your life?" Xiang Wei hopes that he thinks more, and how is Yue-Yao still so willing to contribute to his life?
       Yue-Yao has no intention of telling others about her own thoughts. She knows that her thoughts are a bit shocking. Yue-Yao said: "You think too much, I can make paintings when I marry. Shen Conghao is the second son, I marry. In the past, there was no need to take care of the director. Shen Daren and Chen Madam are in good health. After decades of separation, maybe my grandchildren will have it, so there is nothing to worry about."
       Xiang Wei did not believe in Yue-Yao words. Last time she was suspicious because of Yue-Yao attitude towards Shen Conghao indifference. Now it is such an attitude.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to continue to discuss this topic with Wei Wei, but chose a topic that could transfer to Wei Wei thinking: "On Jingning waiting Madam such a 'temperament' son, she and Jingning waiting Really rumored that the average couple is a chorus?" Yue-Yao feels that this rumor is 100% fake. She is worried about the IQ of Madam, such as Madam. Such a person can love her husband and love, and Yue-Yao does not believe it.
       Asked Wei Xiao-Xiao-: "How can I ask?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Jingning Marchioness's taste is really flattering."
       To Wei Le: "I don't want the floor covered with gold bricks. You don't like gold so much? The world can love gold." Xiang Wei also felt that the floor was covered with bricks, but Jingning waited. Madam likes it, there is no way.
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "I also like gold. There is a saying that is good, money is not omnipotent, but there is no money but it can't be done." She still heard it from Yue-huan.
       I smiled at Wei: "Miss also knows!" Money can make ghosts, and people who don't love money have it, but not loving money does not mean not using money.
       Yue-Yao went to the studio after finishing the conversation.
       Yue-Yao didn't draw a picture in the studio, but put all the previous paintings in a bad selection and put them on the brazier.
       Looking at Wei Le, Yue-Yao locked the picture that was taken back yesterday, and smiled. If it wasn't for her  Mouth that was more than yesterday, I was afraid that Yue-Yao would burn this picture.
       After connecting Lian for half a month, Yue-Yao did not receive an invitation from The Jingning Marquis Estate , and Yue-Yao was not in a hurry. What to do as usual.
       On the evening of this evening, a Servant served by Lian Dongfang’s study said: “3rd Miss, Master, please go to the study.”
       Yue-Yao Although I couldn't think of what Lian Dongfang was looking for, she decided that Lian Dong called her absolutely no good thing. Yue-Yao said: "I am going to change a piece of clothes."
       Servant was busy saying: "Miss, Master let Miss go immediately."
       Yue-Yao looked at Servant's eagerness, and the hurried look was afraid of something big. But what can be done to find her?
       Yue-Yao calmed the irritability of his heart and looked at Servant. "I don't need to change clothes for a long time. I don't have to worry about it for a while." After reading the look of the Servant, I entered. bedroom.
       The Servant has an anxious color.
       Yue-Yao went back to the bedroom and sat on the stool thinking about what Lian Dong Fang was looking for in her. After thinking about it for a while, it was not what it was. She stood up and prepared to change clothes, and came in to Wei.
       Yue-Yao saw a flash of thought in the sudden thoughts of Wei Wei, and it was because this thing made Yue-Yao feet soft. If it weren't for Xu-Yu around him, I was afraid that I would fall.
       Yue-Yao secretly said that the danger, such a big thing, how she forgot, the last life is not when Li Bobo was soaring, the uncle and Mo-shi asked her to come out and ask for the box. In the end, I don’t know who passed the rumors. Li Bobo attack by rumors caused his career to be hindered.
       Yue-Yao was frowning, and everything in her life was manipulated by Mo-shi. The uncle didn't participate in it. The rumors she heard later were also told by Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Yao thinks about it very deeply now, and when she thinks about it, she realizes that something is wrong. She only deposited the money in Li Bobo. Even if this incident was carried out, Li Bobo was only helping to keep the property. Where did Li Bobo bear the crime of coveting her money? This stigma is simply untenable, and there must be other things in it.
       Yue-Yao smiles, the last generation is a puppet, what others believe in what they say. She didn't know what was going on in the middle.
       Xu-Yu whispered: "Miss, Haiyan sister is urging. Miss, or change clothes!" Xu-Yu feels that his relationship with 1st Madam is already hot, and he can no longer offend 1st Master.
       Yue-Yao soon came back to God, and for the time being, couldn't figure it out. Only when I saw her lying on Li Bobo could I know the real reason.
       Yue-Yao said to the Wei on the back: "Give me something that I shed tears when I touched it." Finished adding a sentence: "This thing can't be applied to the slap." It is very conspicuous on the handkerchief. It's easy to see.
       Xiang Wei painted a layer of colorless and odorless on the sleeves of Yue-Yao: "If you can't cry when you get there, use your sleeves to cover your face. If you keep your tears, you will fall down." Xiang Wei sees Yue Yao This battle knows that she is also very wary of her own protagonist. I wondered about Wei heart, and it’s normal to watch out for Mo-shi. It’s a bit strange how Lian’s uncle uncle is wary.
       Yue-Yao went to the study and saw the face of Lian Dongfang different from usual. .
       When Lian Dong Fang saw Yue-Yao, he hurriedly asked: "Yao Er, the uncle is now asking you one thing. This matter is related to the life and death of Lian-jia. If Lian-jia is not handled properly, it will kill the family."
       Yue-Yao put on a look of fear and uneasiness, and asked with surprise: "Uncle, what happened?" If it was not ready on the road before, Yue-Yao was worried that he had leaked emotions. .
       Lian Dongfang originally asked Mo-shi to do this, but the relationship between Mo-shi and Yue-Yao is incompatible, so that Mo-shi will only make Yue-Yao feel disliked. Without speaking, it is likely that Yu-Yao will be rebellious. Lian Dongfang has searched the entire Lian House and no one has a close relationship with Yue-Yao. Looking for it, or his own best.
       Lian Dongfang compiled a reason, saying that Lian Dongbo has a very important thing in the hands of Li Guozhen. If he can't get back Lian-jia, he will be destroyed.
       Yue-Yao scared his tears and called, and cried and asked: "Uncle, what is it?" Yue-Yao is sneer in his heart, and Mo-shi used to use such a ridiculous excuse to let her Scared of the six gods, Mo-shi asked what she said, then Mo-shi took her to the Li family, she said to return to the mahogany scorpion according to Mo-shi. However, because she didn't see anything in the scorpion, she always thought that there was a silver ticket in the scorpion. Now it seems that the fear of being inside is not as simple as a silver ticket, and there must be something important.
       Lian Dongfang looked at Yue-Yao because he scared to cry because of these two sentences. He also believed that Yue-Yao really didn't know that there was a box in the hands of Li Guofan. This can also understand that such a big thing, his good brother should not dare to tell Yue-Yao, no matter how Yue-Yao is still a child.

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