Family 120

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       The  Mountains are very quiet, and the wind outside is blowing the window paper.
       Hua-li looked up and said: "The  Mountain wind here is too big?" The glass is installed in the Lian-jia window. There are paste papers and no glass.
       Yue-Yao is facing Hua-li and Qiao Landao who are still doing needlework under the lamp: "Don't do it, the needlework at night is too much to hurt the eyes."
       Hua-li and Jiao Lan have not spoken yet, and suddenly there is a wolverine voice outside. Hua-li was clever and asked with fear: "Miss, what is this called? How is it so scary." Hearing people.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This is a wolverine. Don't be afraid, the surrounding  Mountains are cleaned up, the wolf is far away from us!" She used to hear wolves crying in the  Mountains, Yue-Yao Listening has a familiar feeling.
       Hua-li sees Yue-Yao, but he doesn't move. He reflects on himself and is too timid. Lian's own Miss half of the courage is not!
       Yue-Yao said: "After Hua-li sleeps with me, Qiao-Lan , you will sleep with Mama. You will have a simple chat on the  Mountain." It is very good to have two people in one room.
       Hao Mama and Qiao-Lan have nothing to say, that is, Hua-li is somewhat uncomfortable, and gently said: "Miss, I can sleep with Hao Mama Qiao-Lan ." Squeeze is a little squeezed. But free, sleep with Miss a bed, uncomfortable.
       Yue-Yao waved and said: "The bed is so big, where three people can sleep, don't say so much, wash and sleep!"
       Hua-li thought of Hao Mama words, the minions had to have the role of a minion, and immediately shook his head: "No, I still go to another room to sleep."
       Yue-Yao saw her insist, some headaches, Hua-li this is overkill. Hua-li said busy: "Hao Mama, Qiao-Lan , am I crowded with you?"
       Hao Mama said with a smile: "The  Mountains are cold, and the crowds are warm."
       Yue-Yao is shaking his head: "If you are not used to it, then one person will have a quilt."
       Hao Mama looked at the small bed, this person's quilt is really small! However, Hao Mama did not speak, and Hua-li did not mention any objections.
       Hao Mama went out to draw water with Hua-li, but Hua-li came back soon. Hua-li said very angrily: "Miss, Eldest Miss will use hot water and it will be fine. Anyway, it will be burned for them. But they are too much, and the water in the tank is used only by them. The remaining half of the water is not there.
       "Hua-li is really angry.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Forget it, I will be there today." Yue-Yao can't let Hao Mama pick the water so late, and now wash it with a half-water wash, and sleep. It is.
       Yue-Yao Before going to sleep, I read the Diamond Sutra three times. After Yue-Yao finished lying down, Hua-li said with great adoration: "Miss, you can read the scripture without looking."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "It has been normal to copy so many scriptures."
       Hua-li still thinks her family is amazing.
       Yue-Yao sleeps, Hua-li sleeps outside. Hua-li turned over and couldn't sleep, and she used to be under Miss Bed on her bed. I always feel uncomfortable sleeping with Miss today.
       Hua-li still wants to talk, turn around and see Yue-Yao has fallen asleep. Hua-li smiles, Miss doesn't stop her from twisting? When Miss was scared, she was sleeping with her. Thinking of this, Hua-li is also at ease.
       "Ah..." The shrill calls scared Yue-Yao to bounce off the bed.
       Yue-Yao was busy getting up and asked: "What happened?" Zhaohua Temple is very safe as a royal temple, and it is decided that there will be no such thing as a thief.
       Hao Mama is the fastest, and when he goes out, he looks very weird and says, "Miss, there are mice in the house."
       Yue-Yao asked strangely: "I didn't clean up from the inside out. How can there be mice in the house?" For a long time no one lived. It is not unusual to have a  Mouse in the  Mountain house. It is strange why the house was cleaned up yesterday. Did not find it. As long as I cleaned up yesterday, shutting down the windows, there can be no mice.
       Yue Ying wore a long cotton jacket, and his face was pale and supported by the green. There is a lot of money in the moon, and I am afraid when I think about it. I begged: "Three Mei Mei, can I sleep with you in the future." Although the  Mouse is not in her house, she is afraid of it. She didn't dare to live in that room anymore, as long as she thought of a  Mouse in the house, she trembled.
       Yue-Yao has a heart, and I don’t know if this  Mouse is true or not. Whether it is true or not, she will not promise to live with Yue-Ying, saying: "Big sister, let Hao Mama and Hua-li Qiao-Lan go to help the young people to carefully clean up the house." Yesterday sent There are not many things to come, and it is easy to find out the mice.
       Hua-li is busy saying: "Okay."
       There was some injury in the eyes of Yue-Ying. She was so miserable. The three sisters still didn’t let go. Is it really a sister? Yue-Ying is still very scared, but she is also a self-respecting person. Yue-Yao has clearly despised her and she does not want to live with her. If she insists on it, she will only lose face. She is not so thick
       Yue-Yao can't sleep, and there is nothing to say about Yue-Ying. Let's take a step back: "If the big sister is not sleepy, let me talk to you!" Yue-Yao does not mention Yue-Ying cat bed break.
       Yue Ying wants to talk to Yue-Yao, but unfortunately they have no common topic. Yue-Yao also felt the atmosphere, and took the script to give Yue-Ying, ask 31: "Big sister, do you want to read the scriptures?" Yue-Yao also brought other books, such as medical books, but did not come out.
       The five men finally killed the  Mouse in the house for two quarters of an hour. Hua-li ridiculed the blue said: "You don't see the big  Mouse in the house, you don't know if you are corns." When they cleaned the house, every corner searched, not to mention the  Mouse. There is no one bug; it can be said that such a big  Mouse is actually nestled.
       The blue counterattack said: "The  Mouse is clearly coming in from the window in the middle of the night."
       Qiao Lan looked at the closed window. If the  Mouse was not in the house, it could only be climbed in from the door. Can you sleep at night without closing the window?
       Cai-Qing feels short and short of breath. The Miss house was carefully cleaned up, but in their own house, the two were really tired, so they didn't clean up, put the bed well, and washed and slept. This  Mouse must have been found in the house.
       Hua-li said coldly: "Well, is this  Mouse crawling in from the outside or it is in the house? You have a clear heart. Now the  Mouse has been killed, we are going back."
       The blues quickly stopped and said: "No, the house is so messy, you have to help us clean up."
       Hao Mama frowned a bit, and it was understandable to help the house be sorted out, but the tone was that Hao Mama was not happy. They just came to help, and the blues actually instructed them.
       Hao Mama does not say anything, Qiao-Lan consciously should be handed over to Hua-li. Hua-li also lived up to expectations. At the moment, she said coldly: "We just let us help you to beat the mice, but I didn't say that I would help you clean up the house. Also, I will be polite in the future. I am not a small Servant in your yard. "Hua-li really can't understand the appearance of blue." Although the servant is very delicate in the house, the two positions are quite equal. It is ugly. The 3rd Miss are more expensive than the Eldest Miss, they are even higher than the blue!
       The blue is waiting to be spoken, and it is picked up. Cai-Lan is more eye-catching than blue, and 3rd Miss is more concerned with Servant-Pozi. If it is a quarrel, it is better to have them. In addition, this matter is their own loss, and Qing Cai immediately laughed and said: "You see, in the middle of the night, we must be half a day to clean up, and we must delay the 2nd Miss sleep."
       Hao Mama doesn't like to pick blue, but Qing qing makes sense. He has to answer: "Take the house quickly, don't let Miss wait too.
       There is nothing to say about Hua-li.
       After packing it up, Yue Ying trembled back to the house, lying in bed and turning over and falling asleep, confused to see a flash of black shadow on the window, Yue Ying called: "Cai-Lan, Cai-Qing , Come over, there are mice coming in from outside."
       Cai-Lan and Cai-Qing quickly rushed into the room of Yue-Ying, and when I clicked on the light, I saw that the window was intact and I knew it was a lucrative eye.
       Cai-Qing is more understanding, comforting: "Miss, you sleep, I am watching you." If you let Miss sleep, don't want to sleep.
       It is.
       Yue-Ying looked at the kerosene lamp on the table, and then looked at the greenery waiting at the bedside, and finally dared to sleep.
       Yue-Yao fell asleep after a short walk after the moon went away. Qiao Lan whispered with Hao Mama: "We Miss is so courageous, the  Mouse is not afraid." When she beat the  Mouse, she was scared like what she was, but 3rd Miss listened but Lian didn't wrinkle.
       Hao Mama also feels that her own Miss is very strange. When everyone meets this kind of time, it is not afraid to be surprised, but the performance of 3rd Miss seems to be commonplace. 3rd Miss is very strange since I was a child.
       Hao Mama opened these thoughts and sighed: "Yeah, you have to learn."
       The next day, at 2 o'clock, the bell in the temple sounded. Yue-Yao heard the bell busy getting up from the bed and called in a hurry: "Well, I have to do a morning class..." The bell of this morning class was too deep in the impression of Yue-Yao. So that Yue-Yao thought it was back in the past.
       Hua-li said busyly: "Miss don't worry, it will be late later."
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li, and then looked at the house for a moment, and this was back. Yue-Yao smiled and smiled. I didn't expect to go to the  Mountain for a day, and I fell into the past.
       There is not much water in the kitchen, and Yue-Yao simply started to do morning classes after a simple scrub.
       Hua-li looked at her own devout appearance, and I don’t know if my own Miss is a nun!
       Hao Mama pulled Hua-li, Hua-li made a clever, and then followed Hao Mama with a light hand.
       Yue Ying only felt that he had just squinted his eyes and turned his head and was awakened by the bell. After a while, the yard sounded a small footstep.
       Looking at the window outside the moon, the sky is still gray, how to face it has already been up, which also makes people sleep.
       Picking up the blues, I can't get up from the opposite side. They still depend on the bed. What does it look like? I can go out for a while and come back for a very bias look: "Miss, Hua-li said that 3rd Miss is doing morning classes." I didn't expect 3rd Miss to be so religious, but my own Miss is still in bed, not both. The performance is different.
       Taking Lannunu  Mouth, he said with a smile: “What is the morning of this morning? I’m so confused, I don’t know who to look at in this 3rd Miss?” Yesterday, I was so tired that I couldn’t open my eyes until now.
       Cai Qing busy said: "Let's pick blue, we went to pick the water. The kitchen has no water, and the breakfast is waiting for water." This is what they promised yesterday.
       When the blue face is black, it says, "Where do we pick the water? Why don't you send a rough mess-Pozi come over." If you do a rough job, Pozi will not need them to suffer this crime. Blue is that 3rd Miss is intentional and must be intentional.
       Cai-Lans and pulling the blues out, the small courtyard has two poles. Cai-Qing picks, Cai-Lan is followed by blue.
       Hao Mama left and waited for two people. Yesterday, Hao Mama came to fight the water. The well water was not far from them, and they were less than five minutes away from their yard.
       But this moment has not come back, Hao Mama can only go out to find them. I didn't think I just saw the green picking water when I was out of the yard. I picked the blue and squatted in the back. I walked through it and it was obviously a sprain.
       Hao Mama looked at the water that was not in the bucket, and was helpless. These two are really Miss, not full of hope, but how can this pick a half!
       Yue-Yao did a morning lesson for half an hour. At this time, the sky has already been brightened. Hua-li took the water and brought it back to Yue-Yao.
       When it was done, Qiao Lan came over: "Miss will wait, the breakfast is not ready yet."
       Hua-li swears: "Miss doesn't know, when the blue is used to pick the water, it's awkward. It's good to pick the green, but it can't be picked up every time. Hao Mama can't pick it up. A return to the water." Hao Mama is tall and the water is not big, but it is no problem. It’s just that Hua-li is not happy. It’s obvious that this blue-and-white will be lazy. Otherwise, if you pick a water, you can twist your feet.
       Yue-Yao did not say anything, took the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" in the room to see, no one will have light footsteps outside, no need to know that this is the moon surplus.
       Yue-Yao put the book in the book and stood up to the desk to write a word. Yue Ying came in. Yue Ying looked at Yue-Yao in copying the scriptures and asked with amazement: "Mei Mei is copying the scriptures so early in the morning?" Yue-Ying couldn't help but reflect on whether she was too lazy compared to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao said softly: "After finishing the morning class, I am still idle, so I have to copy the book." It is not idle, but does not want Yue-Ying to see her leisurely reading.
       Ying face is a bit awkward.
       Yue-Yao did not continue to talk about this topic, but talked about her morning class: "Big sister, I asked the little shaman yesterday. The morning class of the temple is from the moment of the second moment to the end of the time; the evening class is When I first arrived in the first two days, I started to do morning classes with the bells of the temple. Do the older sisters follow suit?"
       Some of Ying earnings did not understand, and asked: "What morning class is late?"
       Yue-Yao explained that the morning class evening class is the "five lessons" that monks and nuns must recite. Of course, the essence is to read the Buddhist scriptures.
       Yue Ying understood, replied: "Well, I am with the three Mei Mei in the evening class." Although Yue Ying is delicate, but the attitude is still very correct.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "As long as the master of the monastery is willing, I want to follow them to do my homework." If these masters are not willing, she will do morning and evening classes in the institution. However, Yue-Yao didn't think about it with Yue Ying, and Yue Ying had to do it in his own house.
       Yue Ying feels that this is not good, but I can look at the look of Yue-Yao. I didn’t say anything.
       It is good to have a breakfast at 2 o'clock. Yue-Yao is nothing, Ying face is not good, she will be hungry.
       Yue-Yao and Yue Ying two people each bowl of noodles, each bowl of noodles put two eggs, in addition to put mushrooms and green leaves.
       Yue Ying smelled very fragrant, and took a bite to say: "I didn't expect Hao Mama noodles to be so delicious." To say that there is no more delicious, just that the moon is too hungry, naturally eat anything. Delicious.
       Hao Mama and three Servant eat millet porridge with pickles. The blue was not in the house, and the cat was sent to the house after eating it.
       It’s too ugly to look at the blue. Hao Mama is more attentive to Yue-Yao and Yue-Ying's food. As for porridge, it can be eaten.
       Cai Qing shook his head against the blue: "If you don't eat, you don't have to eat it. If you are hungry, don't complain." Blue has not eaten since last night, and is hungry, can't help it. Eat a small bowl.
       Cai Qing shook his head and went to the opposite side. When he walked in, he saw Hao Mama took Hua-li and Qiao Lan to clean up the dishes. Heqing hesitated for a moment and said: "3rd Miss, the blue feet of the blue, can't do anything." The instinct 3rd Miss is not so good to talk.
       Yue-Yao looked at the moon and saw that the moon did not speak. I couldn’t help but sigh and asked: "When will she be good?"
       Cai Qing shook his head and replied: "I don't know."
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "Since the injury is so heavy, let her rest well, and tomorrow will be the case, let her go back to the government tomorrow."
       Cai Qing saw Ying surplus without opening, anxious, busy: "3rd Miss, the blue foot just sprained his foot, rest for two or three days will be fine. Miss, don't let the blue down the  Mountain."
       Yue-Yao didn't have so much effort to entangle with a Servant, and said in a polite manner: "She came to the  Mountain to serve the big sister. Now she only spits on her feet when she does something, not only can't wait for people to wait, It’s cumbersome to stay in the  Mountains so much, don’t go back early.”
       Cai Qing can only beg for his own Miss Said: "Miss, can't send blue back!" If the blue is sent back because of lameness, the people of the house will doubt that the blue is deliberately lame and not willing to suffer in the  Mountains. Both Miss are on the hill, but she went back. It doesn't prove that the blue is more delicate than Miss, and she still stays in the mansion.
       After thinking about it for a moment, Yue Ying said: "Three Mei Mei, don't wait for tomorrow to come over and let her send a rough mess Pozi comes over."
       If it is really lame, it will not be embarrassing, and Yue-Yao will not be so disliked. Yue-Yao listened to Hao before eating. Mama said that the blue feet were just twisted instead of stomping. This is not a grandmother. It would be nice to twist your eyes and blink. The lameness will hurt the bones. The two situations are completely different. Now it is obvious that the blue is to let the moon convinced her, let the house send the rough-Pozi, so that she does not have to do rough work in the future, this Servant's abacus played very well.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I don't think it is necessary to send a rough mess-Pozi, but also to send the cooks over. This is the best of both worlds." In the end, it is to come to the  Mountains to enjoy the blessings, or to come to the  Mountains to suffer.
       Take a look at the green heart.
       Yue-Ying eyes brightened, although she had not eaten the cook's food, but I heard that the cookman's craftsmanship is quite good. However, Yue-Ying’s self-respect is very strong. Although she has this idea in mind, she is determined not to mention it.
       Yue-Yao asked coldly: "The house is very tense now. Where are the two people living again? Can't you let them play the ground floor? There is no earth dragon here. You can't freeze to the ground while sleeping on the ground."
       Ying surplus looks red, and if she doesn't force the house to fall, she can live. She has now occupied two more rooms, but she is not crowded. Yue-Yao This is ridiculing her.
       Yue-Yao, this will be too lazy to be round, and said unhappy: "If she is so good today, she will go back to the government tomorrow. Oh, yes, big sister, I need to be quiet when I am copying the scriptures, I am not used to it. It’s noisy outside, you will say something to your Servant.” Yue-Yao This is not a deliberate practice, but she does have such a habit, so Lanxi Servant-Pozi walks very quietly.
       Yue Ying said: "Good." Three Mei Mei is really not a face to her.
       The blue has got the news, full of anger. But the situation is better than letting you, she can only compromise, twisting her feet and cleaning the yard, picking a green
       People pick water.
       Ruolan thought about what Ma Peng said yesterday, and people called for the early summer.
       Uneasy in the early summer, she did not expect 1st Young Madam to do so, so she was so entangled in the 1st Young Master. Although 1st Young Madam took it back, she didn't treat herself with the cost of wearing, but the 1st Young Master never got into her own room. Yesterday, she dared to see 1st Young Master. I don't know how 1st Young Madam will punish myself in the early summer.
       Lian's worst result in the early summer was thought of. The only thing I didn't expect was that Zhuang Ruolan would have to marry her. The news was as bright as the early summer. In the early summer, he gave Zhuang Ruolan a maiden and asked: "-Young Madam, beg Young Madam, the servant, who wants to serve 1st Young Master for the rest of his life, ask for less Madam."
       If Lan Lan  Mouth smiled and asked: "So you don't want to go out?" To marry a person, the party is willing, she does not do something to force people.
       Naturally, it is unwilling to go out in the early summer. Even a person like her who has broken her body will certainly not be married to a good family. Maybe she will run for three meals a day. Still not in the house, at least in the house to eat and wear.
       Ruolan did not force her, but said: "When you want to go out, tell me." I am not impatient to deal with the early summer, let her go.
       Cai-Yun thought about it and said: "Miss, didn't you send her out? It is always a disaster to leave such a person around."
       Ruolan chuckled and said: "Let's put it, she will not let her go and let her stay." Ruolan does not believe that Ma Peng can not be jealous of his life, so it is better to leave the backyard in early summer. When Servant was born in the early summer, she couldn't turn any wind and waves out of her hand, and there was a yard in the yard in the early summer, and she would not make irresponsible remarks to her outside.
       Cai-Yun turned to the bottom.

       Chapter 121 contradictions (2)   

       At the beginning of the time, Xiao Shami came to Zheng-Yao with solemnity and said: "The female donor, Master said that men and women are different, can not let us do morning and evening classes, please the donor forgive me."
       This answer is in the expectation of Yue-Yao. If it is a man, there is no problem, but she is a woman, and the Master will definitely not agree. It is impossible for the temple to make an exception for her. Yue-Yao then asks: "Little Master, what about the book of the book, should your master be?" The latter question should not be difficult.
       Xiao Shami nodded: "Shifu said, you can borrow the book for you, but you can't damage it. If it is damaged or less, you won't lend it to you in the future."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Okay, I will take care of it." After a pause, Yue-Yao said: "Little Master, if there is a master in the temple, I want to go and listen, don't know if it is not?"
       Xiao Shami thought about it and said: "There are many people who come to the altar to teach the altar. There are quite a few female donors. If the female donor wants to hear it, there is no hindrance..."
       Yue-Yao is happy, but after waiting for Xiao Shami to finish, he said: "Small Master, if there is a master in the temple, please let me know, I am not familiar with this."
       Xiao Shami said Amitabha and shook his head and said: "The female donor, this master father is a big event in the altar. If there is a female donor, it will be heard. But such a prosperous world is rare once a year, and the female donor is afraid that it will not wait. "Even if you open the altar and talk about the Fa, you have to go to heaven. Whoever does this in the big winter will not be easy to go to the  Mountains."
       Hua-li squatted out of Xiao-sha, and Xiao-sha gave a hint to the temple monks to cut the firewood. They couldn't cut their small arms and calves.
       Xiao Shami took a look at Hua-li and solemnly said: "The female donor, I will go back and talk to the governor." This is not a big deal.
       Yue-Yao is well prepared. If you don't copy the script, you will read the book. If you read the book, you will see it again. It is very pleasant. Yue-Yao is planning to go outside and get familiar with the outside environment in two days.
       Yue Ying came in a hurry, except for packing up some washing clothes and nothing else. Yue Ying did not know what to do in the yard. He wanted to find Yueyao and worried about disturbing Yue-Yao. I want to go out but I am worried. I am not familiar with it outside. If there is something to ask for help, there is no door.
       When Yue Ying came to the  Mountain for a day, I deeply felt the dryness and tastelessness of the  Mountain.
       At the beginning of the day, Xiao Shami sent the twelve scriptures that Yue-Yao wanted. He said: "The female donor, Shifu said that I will get it back on the 5th. Amitabha." Xiao Shami thinks that Shifu is difficult for some strong people, twelve books are five It’s too late to copy.
       Yue-Yao smiled and let Hua-li stuff a small bag for Xiao Sha. After the little shame went out, it turned out to be peanut candy. Xiao Shami grew up in the temple since childhood, and received the last time of gold and silver jewelry, but the receipt of cakes, peanuts and other snacks is still very rare for him.
       The  Mouth of the person is short, the hand is short, and the attitude of Hua-li is very good. Xiao Shami is very impressed with several of their masters and servants. He said: "The female donor is assured that I have said goodbye to the Brother who sent firewood. He promised to fix the firewood and send it again."
       Hua-li smiled and smiled.
       Xiao Shami said while eating sugar: "This female donor is interesting."
       Yue-Yao went to the house of Yue-Ying, smiled and gave the book that Xiao-sha was sent over to Yue-Ying, and said: "Big sister, the master of my temple borrowed twelve books. Master promised me five days. We will copy these scriptures within five days."
       This is not a difficult thing for the monks of Yuhua Temple, but it is a trouble for the average person. It is even more difficult to read the scriptures, so it is very time consuming to copy the scriptures. It is obviously a tormenting errand for the twelve scriptures to be copied within five days.
       Yue-Ying did not think much, and asked for six books directly. She thought it was very simple, half of one person. Yue-Yao feels that Yue Ying has taken more and said: "Big sister, I often copy the scriptures and copy them quickly. You should take one, and then copy it to my side." Yue-Yao This is kind, On the speed of copying the book, Yue Ying is definitely not comparable to her, not to mention that these scriptures are Yue-Yao own list of books, she is familiar with the need to read the scriptures can be written.
       Yue Ying naturally did not agree, and Yue-Yao did not argue with her. Yue-Ying put the book on the table and remembered that he didn't have a pen and ink. He blushes to find Yue-Yao: "Three Mei Mei, I am in a hurry, nothing is taken, can Mei Mei borrow my ink and paper? ""
       Yue-Yao looked at the moonny strangely. When he came to the  Mountain, he ate the Buddha and copied the scriptures. Even Lian didn't bring the ink and paper, and did not know what mood she was holding, how to filial piety? Yue-Yao let Hua-li take the useless ink from the cage to the moon.
       Yue Ying confessed to writing an hour, his arm was sour, and put down his pen and asked Qing Cai: "What is 3rd Miss doing?"
       After picking out the green for a while, he said: "Miss, 3rd Miss is also copying the scriptures." There is some worry in the heart of the green, 3rd Miss is very patient, from yesterday to now, there are no complaints, quietly doing morning lessons borrowing books Copying, I adapted to the life of the temple; then I looked at my own Miss, so many problems occurred in such a short time. Cai Qing is very worried about whether his own Miss can survive these two months? If you can't help it, you can be self-defeating.
       Yue-Yao borrows the twelve books that I am familiar with. It is also purposeful. Let the manager know her integrity and leave a good impression. It is easy to borrow some precious scriptures later; I have the right opportunity to see if I can see the monks in the temple.
       When I used lunch, Yue Ying carefully asked: "Three Mei Mei, how much have you copied? I have copied twelve pages."
       Yue-Yao replied: "Nothing, I don't copy much." This is from the time of Ying income book to the present, less than an hour, copying twelve pages is also quite a lot
       It is.
       Qiao Lan's eyes are a little surprised. If she remembered Miss's copy of the book, there were only a few pages left. This is not a contrast. I don't know if there is a contrast.
       In the afternoon, it was the turn of the blue to twist the feet to pick up the water. When it was time to use the dinner, her shoulders, waist, feet and other parts were all painful. Anyway, the whole body hurts to Yue-Yao and said: "3rd Miss, pick water I can't do this."
       Yue-Yao hand with a dish, as if I didn't hear this, continue to pick up the dish.
       It’s really unbearable to pick blue. If it is another day, she must be exhausted and continue to say: “3rd Miss, I think Hao Mama can pick the water, I can’t pick it. 3rd Miss, I can go to the kitchen to help. ”
       Hao Mama is still busy in the kitchen at this time, if it is here, I will definitely turn my eyes. Hua-li turned his eyes on one side, and the errand of picking water was that they chose it instead of Miss.
       Seeing the blue, Yue-Yao ignores her and can only ask for help. Yue Ying looked at Yue-Yao indifferent look and did not dare to speak. The scene was very quiet.
       Yue-Yao After a while, gently put the chopsticks on the bowl and whispered, "What can you do?" The sound is too light and can only be heard by several people present.
       Looking at the look of Yue-Yao, I had a anger in my heart, and called: "I came to the  Mountain to serve our family Miss, not to do these rough work."
       Yue-Yao chuckles, the smile is full of sarcasm, turning to the moon and saying: "What did the big sister say?"
       The blue has just been seen by the red and swollen shoulders and the blood bubbles on the feet. These greens are also there, but the situation of Cai-Qing is better than that of Cai-Lan. These two are the personal Servant who have married her for many years. She also feels distressed when she looks at her. Yue-Ying whispers: "Three Mei Mei, since Hao Mama can pick the water, let Hao Mama pick it!"
       Hua-li looked at the moonny strangely, then bowed his head and didn't speak. The master did not speak for their Servant.
       Yue-Yao put down the tableware in his hand and smiled and said: "The big sister means to let me manage things Mama has done her work?"
       Yue-Ying was a little embarrassed. Finally, he whispered: "Three Mei Mei, the shoulders of the blue-green scorpion are red and purple, and there are blood bubbles on the feet. They can't eat this bitterness."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The meaning of the big sister, my management Mama personal Servant is a person who can endure hardships. Not only should we wait for our sisters to serve her?" After a pause, he said: "You will not I thought that Mama Servant didn't say anything, they thought they could do it, Hua-li, Qiao Lan, give them two people to see your hands?" The two of them chopped firewood today, and they all had bloody hands, just they No buzz.
       Yue-Ying hesitated for a moment, and finally said to the blue: "You will continue to pick the water tomorrow, it will be good in two days."
       When the blues heard this, they fell to the ground and cried: "Miss, I really can't do it. Miss, you give me a errand!"
       Yue Ying looked at Yue-Yao, and when he saw Yue-Yao, he said nothing but himself: "What do you want to do?"
       Hua-li would like to turn his eyes, feelings, this is your set up, sing together!
       After taking a long time for the blues, Weichai is definitely not going to be chosen. It is lighter to cook, and I replied: "I also studied cooking for two days. I am Hao Mama."
       Yue-Yao did not refuse: "You have to change it, as long as you can do it. If you can't do it, then you will pick up the water."
       After dinner, Yue-Yao went out of the yard and was ready to go outside. The roads here are all paved stone steps, and the flat places are all sand. Yue-Yao soft embroidered shoes are slightly slippery on the sand, which is why it is particularly uncomfortable when Cai-Lan water.
       Yue-Yao walked for about two quarters of an hour on the edge of a stone and looked at the surrounding scenery. The valley was full of kindness, and the 10 months day could not see a trace of Xiao.
       A gust of wind blew, and the trees that were blown all fell, which was comparable to the windy domineering feeling in the capital.
       Yue-Yao saw that Hua-li was a little embarrassed and said: "Go back!" Going on, I am afraid that Hua-li has a cold. This  Mountain lacks medicine and medicine, Yue-Yao thinks that they have no back-up medicine.
       Hua-li pointed to the distance: "Miss, what is the bonfire?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "That is the maple tree. The leaves of the autumn maple trees are so red that they look like a group of flames. Hua-li, the scenery here is beautiful?" Looking at the rolling peaks She feels that her heart is let go.
       Hua-liLian Lian nodded: "Beautiful, Miss, very beautiful." Seeing Yue-Yao wanting to go back, Hua-li is busy saying: "Miss, let's take a look! I am not cold."
       Yue-Yao Seeing that Hua-li is not strong, it will continue to climb up and climb to a flat and open place. Yue-Yao is being picked up by this place, otherwise it is not possible to be square. . Yue-Yao said to himself: "It's very good. I can use the drawing board to pick up the scenery here later."
       Yue-Yao stayed for a while and went back.
       Hua-liYue-Yao When copying the book, Qi Qiao-Lan said a whisper: "Sister Qiao Lan, do you have any food for tomorrow?" It’s better to pick green, and the blue is like Miss. As far as she can make a meal, Hua-li feels very mysterious.
       Yue-Yao copied the book at random and looked at it and began to copy it. It is better to say that it is better to write.
       Hua-liQiao-Lan felt that Yue-Yao was a little faster, but Hao Mama asked directly: "How can Miss write without reading the scriptures? Are you afraid of mistakes?"
       Yue-Yao doesn't explain too much: "I have seen it before."
       Hao Mama opened her  Mouth and asked, "Is Miss can't forget it?" She has always heard that 3rd Miss is smart, but she hasn't heard 3rd Miss never forget it!
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, but it's a lot of understanding and writing, so it's easy to remember other verses." Before she copied so many volumes, it was the best excuse. However, Yue-Yao will look over it occasionally in case he is suspicious.
       Because the scriptures borrowed this time are relatively thin, Yue-Yao has already copied two copies in one day. This is still Yue-Yao watched an hourly book in the afternoon. After dinner, I went out to move around. If I copied from the morning to the evening, I could definitely copy four scriptures.
       Yue-Yao practiced until late at night, and it was a little cold on the  Mountain. Hua-li said with concern: "I don't know if they will send charcoal fire." Now I can't stand it. After two days of cold weather, I must use charcoal fire.
       Qiao Lan did not worry, said: "When you want to mention the matter tomorrow, you will be able to do it." Qiao Lan does not worry that Lian House does not send charcoal, and is afraid that it is not good. The silver frost charcoal that Miss used all the time last year, if you send ordinary charcoal, it is easy to smoke your eyes.
       Yue Ying copied to the middle of the night and the general verses were not copied. Hearing the blue, Yue-Yao fell asleep, and Yue Ying glanced at the book with sorrow. Only after a long time of copying, her arm was about to break. There are still five books, which should be copied within four days. Can she finish reading it? Very mysterious.
       On the second day, Yue-Yao started to do morning classes, Hua-li Qiao-Lan and Hao Mama walked silently, afraid to disturb Yue-Yao.
       Hua-li 嘀咕 嘀咕 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
       Qiao Lan clicked on Hua-li forehead and taught: "When you talk, remember to lock your  Mouth." Some words can't be casually said.
       The next day, I started to change jobs. I only know that the kitchen is not just for cooking, but also for the two Mississ hot waters.
       The blue has never been done in the kitchen, and the green has not been done. The two haven’t fired for a long time, or they have to pick the water Mama came to teach her.
       Hua-li Qiao-Lan came to help Hao Mama yesterday. Today, the two got up early, but they were not able to come out in the yard. They were worried about picking up the green to help them.
       Hao Mama has a good heart and is ready to teach them two people, but they are called back by Hua-li. Yue-Yao knows, said faintly: "Let them suffer frustration, don't intervene." Yue-Yao is not careful, it is really blue-Yatou is daring, and Yue-Ying is also a principle. It will be at the mercy of a Servant.
       Hao Mama will naturally not violate Yue-Yao words, stay in the house and not go out. Cai-Lan left and waiting for the right, no need to guess, but also know that the 3rd Miss are holding people.
       The anger of blue face, but she didn't have the courage to think of Yue-Yao, and she did it honestly. It's a pity that the two are not good at cooking, the boiled noodles are all pasted, and the porridge is all gone. Porridge can barely make up the number, but they are eating a few, but the noodles are not made, so that the 2nd Miss eat such unpalatable noodles, don't kill her, especially 3rd Miss, when I think of blue, I feel worried.
       Yue-Yao did a good job in the morning class and copied the scriptures for most of the time, looking at the sky, this is what time is not yet good morning meal.
       Yue-Yao hasn't opened yet, but Yue Ying went to the kitchen. I have been smoked by the smoke before I even went to the kitchen. Ying face is hard to read, and he asked: "What are you doing?"
       The blue-and-grey head came out of the kitchen and said, "Miss wait, just fine."
       Yue-Yao looked at the noodles in the bowl, his brow wrinkled, and he ate it after eating it. Under normal circumstances, Yue-Yao will not waste food, but this noodle is really difficult to swallow.
       Yue Ying took a bite and spit directly. He was already hungry. Now he eats something so unpalatable. He feels that he is shameful in front of Yue-Yao. He is angry now. He said: "What is this? This is what people eat. Something? Ah?"
       Blue almost cried, whispered: "I have done it again."
       Hua-li said coolly: "One morning, your noodles were redone three times, and three packs of noodles were wasted. There are counts of things sent by the mansion. You are wasting this way. We must be hungry at the end of the month."
       The blue is simply to say: "I didn't do well, Hao Mama did a good job, so let Hao Mama do it."
       Hua-li laughed and said, "Who was yesterday who said that he could not pick the water, and then took the kitchen's work, and it changed in the morning."
       Yue Ying did not want to continue to hungry, and said: "Three Mei Mei, or let Hao Mama cook?"
       Yue-Yao did not object, nodded: "That she still picks water!"
       Where is the blue, I am willing to pick the water, and eagerly said: "Miss, I will definitely be able to cook."
       Yue Ying still wants to talk, Yue-Yao is standing up and said: "You have to make a meal, but you can't waste any more food." Yue-Yao meaning is obvious, and everything given at noon is fixed. It will definitely not be ruined by the blue.
       The head of the green is going to be low on the ground.
       Yue-Yao didn't eat anything in the morning, her stomach was very hungry, but she didn't open her  Mouth, and she didn't let Hao Mama go to the kitchen to cook for her. If she was hungry, she would go hungry together, what would be a small stove, and another meal? I can't eat it if I don't eat it at half a minute. Not to mention she also brought some food, such as candy, red dates, peanuts. These things were originally eaten by Hua-li on the road, and the Servant days around Yue-Yao were excellent, and there were a lot of things.
       Yue-Yao has something to pad the belly, and Yue Ying can't hold it. Yue Ying rummaged through the cabinet and found nothing to eat, staring at the empty stomach. If you take the blue, you will not dare to provoke any more, and honestly go to lunch.
       At the end of the day, I started using lunch.
       Yue-Yao looked at the yellow-yellow burnt rice, no snoring.
       When Yue Ying took a bite, he angered: "You don't do well on most days. Why is it so bad now?" Yue-Ying is wrongly blaming them. In the past, they used blue to go to the kitchen to do things. The ingredients are all The cook is doing well. The blue is just the movement of the  Mouth to direct the cook how to do it, and he did not cook at all. Although the cook is dissatisfied, she will not do as the blues said. If the things are too bad to eat, their reputation kitchen can't stay. Today, it is a blue hand, burning fire, washing rice, cooking, these are her own.
       The blue is also very wronged and said: "Miss, we can't help. I asked Hao Mama, they help, but they don't help." Not just for their own Miss, 3rd Miss is also hungry!
       Hua-li laughed: "Why are we helping you?"
       Yue-Ying looked dissatisfied and couldn't help but yue Yue-Yao had a discussion, softly said: "Three Mei Mei, you let Hao Mama Hua-li do them! Picking their crafts Its not good, and if you go on like this, you’ll be starving.” She really couldn’t stand it.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "If you haven't done anything, it's delicious if you do it twice." Yue-Yao won't take all these things because they're eating blue.
       Yue Ying does not know how to speak. The blue is biting the teeth: "3rd Miss, we can't do the food, but picking vegetables, washing rice, washing the yard, and cleaning the yard, I can do it."
       Cai-Qing and turning his head down and not talking.
       Yue-Ying didn't want to eat such a terrible meal anymore, and at this time she was almost starving to death, saying: "Three Mei Mei, in addition to picking up water, cooking, cooking, other chores, they both made the kitchen, let the kitchen still let Hao Mama, let's go!"
       Yue-Yao did not compete with the moon, and looked at the blue-and-white picking and asked: "In addition to picking up water and cooking wood, what else are you packing?"
       Cai-Qing is not very willing, but Cai-Lan is to quickly pick up the words: "Yes."
       Yue-Yao didn't talk any more nonsense, but said to Yue Ying: "Big sister, this is the last time. If your Servant is calling, you can't do it or you can let them go back. Whatever we have, we don’t mix and match."
       Picking up the heart of the heart, I said that this is the case, they can no longer repent, and then only one can choose one of the two roads.
       Moonny face is ugly, Yue-Yao This is threatening her.
       Yue-Yao also learned about Ying 'temperament' child in the past few days. Yue Ying looked at her, but the premise was not to threaten her interests. Once she threatened her own interests, she would not let her go.
       Hao Mama got Yue-Yao, and then went to the kitchen to cook two bowls of noodles. The moon is three, five and two, and the noodles are eaten. Lian soup is not left. If she didn't maintain this face, she still wanted a bowl. It was really not full.
       Hao Mama is understanding and asks: "Eldest Miss, the kitchen still, I will give you some more?" Seeing Yue Ying no snoring, looking at the side of Yue-Yao said: "Miss, you want Don't add more?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Give me half a bowl!"
       Yue Ying only handed out the bowl, and everyone ate the noodles at noon that day.
       After using the meal, Hua-li looked at the blue said: "These dishes are cleaned up." Anyway, these chores are all wrapped up, and what they say can be honored.
       Take the blue and take the dishes to wash, wash the oil stains full of hands, clean the kitchen after washing the dishes, and then let them sweep the leaves in the yard to pick up the blues and want to do it.
       Qiao Lan said coldly: "There is no one to eat dry rice here." After turning around and returning to the kitchen, he smiled at Hua-li.
       The blue was finally empty, and went to the house to complain to the moon. "Miss, 3rd Miss is too much to put you in the eye. Anyway, you are a sister, don't respect you at all. 3rd Miss at The house is not respectful Madam, not outside the sister."
       Yue Ying shook his head and said: "This is what I am urging to come over." Say dissatisfaction is affirmative, Yue-Yao did not put her in the eye, or else it is impossible for her Servant, but this time this is She is at a loss, she has no such sigh, Yue-Yao argues.
       How did the fire in the blue heart meet such a soft master?

       Chapter 122 Conflict 

       The people of Lian House did not arrive that day.
       Hua-li was a little worried. Hao Mama shook his head. "It should be a delay. If Lian House does not send anything, the reputation of 1st Madam will be gone, so you are worried." "The Shu Daughter went to the  Mountains for the passing Old Madam prayed, 1st Madam did not send things to the  Mountains, and the saliva star drowned the 1st Madam."
       As Hao Mama said, the next day Lian-jia sent something over.
       Looking at the matter, Yue-Yao and Yue Ying quickly explained the reason for the late arrival: "Eldest Miss, 3rd Miss, it was supposed to be sent yesterday. It’s just 5th Young Master fever, coma for a day and night, so Postponed to this day, please also ask Miss 3rd Miss for understanding."
       Hua-li smiled and said: "When the 5th Young Master has a fever, my family Miss is not in the house, otherwise I don't know what hat to buckle on my head." The subtext of this sentence is obvious. Their Miss is not the fault of their Miss in the house.
       3rd Miss's big Servant Hua-li  Mouth is notoriously sharp, and the manager can only behave haha, no answer, this will not be good.
       The management wanted to send things to Hao Mama in their house, but Yue-Yao said: "Everything is sent to the house where they are blue."
       The blues are not dry, and what they say, their house is just like this, they put everything in their house, and when they turn Lian, there is no place.
       Hua-li said happily: "We have four people here, three of you on the other side, and our house has a table, not where you put it in your house?"
       What I want to say about blue, Yue-Yao said to Yue Ying: "I think I will send someone to send things over these two days, so these things can only be placed on your side." Yue Yao subtext is that she can’t put anything on her monthly income!
       Yue Ying did not say anything, but the blue is a small face that is red, and it is amazing! What is it?
       There are a lot of things to be sent this time. There are twelve cages in the light Yue-Yao, all of which are heavy clothes. There are also a few boxes of paper prepared by Deng Mama.
       There is a relatively small a Mount of Yue-Ying, there are only eight cages. These cages are all clothes and jewelry, and there are some daily necessities, personal things.
       It was sent to your room.
       Cai Qing is responsible for receiving, Hua-li counts the logarithm next to it.
       I didn't look good at the number of Hua-li, and asked: "Three stewards, why didn't you send charcoal? Miss had to copy the scriptures at night without charcoal." She had long worried that the people of the mansion would fall, but I didn't expect it to be true. It fell.
       The three things are only responsible for sending things. These things were handed over to him by the purchasing office. They replied: "When I go back, I will tell you Madam, I will send it next time."
       Hua-li knows that even if it is angry, it doesn't work, but thinking about it for half a month before returning to the  Mountains, Miss can bear it!
       Qiao Lan stuffed a purse for the three things: "Is it hard to manage the house, Hua-li she will not speak, but also the housekeeper should not care about her." To give these people some sweetness, they will not say bad things about their own Miss If you don't give sweetness, you don't know what to say.
       Blue is looking at the things piled up in half of the house. The look is very unsightly. The airway: "Isn't these things more to take the  Mouse? How can I sleep after the  Mouse comes out?"  Mouse.
       Qing Qing whispered: "The door on our side of the week should not be opened during the day. When you go out at night, you must close the door so that the  Mouse can't enter."
       Blue hate and said: "3rd Miss is really enough. The Ma family hasn't sent anything yet, so they are ready. Who knows if it will be sent?"
       Cai Qing looked at the blue said: "Don't say it is on the  Mountain, it is in Lian House. The Ma family is also sending things to 3rd Miss every three or five. Are you saying that they will send things over?"
       The blue calling sounds, and after a long time: "If we Miss has such a servant, it would be fine." Although she does not like the overbearing of 3rd Miss, she really feels that the ‘Ma’ is good for 3rd Miss.
       Cai Qing shook his head and said: "What do you want to do with these?"
       Yue-Yao did his homework and saw six dishes in the evening meal, which was very rich. Yue-Yao didn't agree very much, and said: "This time, even if it is necessary, it will save some money next time. We used more of the  Mountain and didn't send things in time. When we got there, we didn't have any food." Lian House sent There are not many things, many vegetables, and a lot of dried vegetables, pickled radishes, beans, and beans.
       Yue-Yao did not care, the days on the  Mountain were like this, and they were very vegetarian. However, in the past few days, Ying surplus has not been able to withstand it. Although it is also a vegetarian in the mansion, it is not a vegetable radish every day. She eats her face. Only this thing, she is not angry with Yue-Yao, because it has nothing to do with Yue-Yao.
       This day is a terrible day for Cai Qing . Taomi cooking and picking vegetables and cooking, not to say, but also to wash clothes, only a day when her white jade hand has changed color.
       The blue-hearted grievances, after Hua-li asked her to help the toilet, finally broke out, calling: "The toilet also wants me to fall, you have no hands and no feet. 9 What are I doing? What do you do?" The blue will automatically ignore the Hua-li .
       Qiao Lan smashed Hua-li: "We have to pour ourselves on the toilet." This dead woman is really on the fire, but the original leader, Hua-li, is not happy.
       Qiao Lan took Hua-li to the outside and said, "Do you think that you don't want to make trouble to Miss? You are uncomfortable!" Hua-li is sharper in the office, but she knows the size, but now There are no points on this  Mountain.
       Hua-li said with dissatisfaction: "I can't understand her a pair of Miss's pies."
       Qiao-Lan looked serious and said: "If you want to train her, you have to have a Eldest Miss training. Can you take it with you? Hua-li, Miss is looking at you, you can't even give Miss trouble." Qiao Lan thinks that Hua-li is Lian is still relatively honest, but I can't take it to the  Mountain.
       Hua-li has been with Qiao-Lan for so long, and she knows that Qiao-Lan is good to her. She seems to be not constrained in the house for a few days.
       It took three days for Yue Ying to copy two books, but it wasn’t that she was lazy, but she was slow to write, and she was not attentive; and there was a big problem in the copybook, and the hand gave it a blood bubble. It hurts when you touch it.
       In the afternoon, I took the blue leaves in the yard and heard the sound of chanting in the room. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. These three days are really the same for the blue. In fact, there aren't many things to do with blue. It's all light to eat rice and rice. The clothes are also their own. Don't say that Hua-li they are Yue-Yao clothes are not allowed. She washes, and on that day, Hua-li just deliberately succumbed to the blue is not really asking her to pour the toilet; and these activities are shared with the green. However, these cumbersome things are really in hell for the enjoyable blue. She wants to cry when she looks at her hand every day. She is really worried that her hands will be abolished. This hand has been carefully maintained for more than ten years. If she is ruined here, how can she be willing?
       I want to go back and I want to go back. Here, there are only a few chores that can’t be done every day; listen to 3rd Miss’s chanting, and then continue to do this.
       Go crazy
       The blue is also learned, and I dare not say Yue-Yao bad words in the face of the moon, because it is useless, Miss will not listen. If you say blue, if you say that you are suffering, Miss will not help her.
       When I saw the blue moon, I rushed to the desk and went up to say: "Miss, Miss can't copy it anymore, and then copy your hand and it will fall. Miss, note Mama once said her daughter's house. One of the hands is very precious. If it is a scorpion, then the Yao family thinks that you are not valued by the master, Madam, and he is doing heavy work at home.
       In fact, Yue Ying is also worried about her heart, but she has been holding back for two days. This will listen to the blue, and finally put down the pen to the room of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is now copying the scriptures.
       Yue-Ying looked at the paper piled up next to him, and asked with amazement: "Mei Mei, are these all you copied?" "No, I look at the paper on the floor several times more than her."
       Yue-Yao was also unpretentious. At the moment, he nodded: "Well, after copying four copies, I immediately copied the fifth one. How much did the sister copy?"
       ? ”
       Yue Ying asked unbelievably: "Is Mei Mei only finished one copy and finished it? Three Mei Mei, these scriptures are not the other, you must have a typo, you can't be sloppy." Yue Ying identified Yue Yao is in full swing.
       This is not to say that Hua-li, that is, Qiao Lan has heard a special response: "Eldest Miss, our family Miss is more devout."
       Yue Ying is too surprised, so I have never spoken.
       Yue-Yao talked and said: "If the big sister doesn't believe that I can see it myself, see if I am perfunctory." The most discerning cousin in the Lian ancestral hall she copied was nothing to say.
       Because the paper is relatively thin, Yue-Yao is placed on the ground after copying one piece and waits for it to dry. After the paper is dry, it is sewn together with the gauge line. The flower buds handed a copy of Yue-Yao to Yue-Ying Said: "Eldest Miss, this is what we Miss copied."
       Where is Ying surplus, I will check it out. I just said it too fast. The weak way: "Three Mei Mei, I just copied the second one."
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Yue Ying-the voice of the talks went on, and said: "The big sister can give me two books, I can cope with it." I gave two copies and two books, and it was enough for the moon. tired.
       After Yue-Ying left, Yue-Yao asked Hao Mama: "What kind of person do you think the eldest sister is 9"
       Hao Mama shook her head and said: "Miss, with the Eldest Miss on the face of the situation, can not be deep." Hao Mama feels that Ying surplus is the kind of person who is particularly selfish, just thinking about himself, this kind of person is Unreliable. It’s just that Hao Mama is not good at directly evaluating the master. She is not Hua-li, and she speaks so directly.
       Yue-Yao thought about asking a question that had been in her heart for a long time: "Hao Mama, do you think that the big sister, Lu Lu is a similar person?"
       Lu Hao was a little cautious in the Ma Fu, always want to please people, but regardless of Cheng-shi or Ma Linlin, or big cousins ​​do not like her. Yue Xiao believes that Lu Hao is just a ignorant person, but he is not a bad-hearted person, but this kind of person is not flattering.
       For Yue Ying, Yue-Yao really don't know how to evaluate the price? She helped Yue-Ying so much, she didn't think she would get a return, just hope that she won't give her a problem after Yue-Ying. I didn't expect to give her a problem when I turned my eyes on the moon. I went to the  Mountain and picked up two Lian three to give her a problem. A face on her nose dared to call in front of her. She was still only a weak look at the side, whether it was really weak or not, Yue-Yao was not interested to pay attention. But as can be seen from today's events, the measure of monthly surplus is very small.
       Yue-Yao is holding a fire in her heart. It is hard to say in front of Hua-liQiao-Lan , but she feels unobstructed to Hao Mama. She said: "I used to think that the big sister just got the identity, and later I also think Chen is Chen concubine provocatively forced her, originally Chen concubine is gone, I still think that I can make a good deal, but I just found out that the older sister seems to be able to let others be better than her." Bao said to her that the person should be inside the outer circle, but she is inside and outside, it is not appropriate. She tried to change and wanted to make a good profit, but today's event made her realize that Yue Ying is not a worthy person.
       Hao Mama didn't give any more comments on this. He said, "Mid, you don't have to think too much. Whether it's Lujiabie Miss or Eldest Miss, how do they have nothing to do with Miss. With Eldest Miss, you can go on the back. Cheng." It is not a sister of a close relative, as long as it is not enough to turn over the face, it is enough.
       Yue-Yao lips squirmed, but did not speak. It is not so much to say that it is not only beneficial to have a good relationship with them, but it has many disadvantages, at least it will add a lot of trouble. She is self-sufficient and can go to trouble.
       Yue-Yao looked at Hao Mama and said: "Then tell me what kind of person the second sister and the four sisters are." In fact, she wants to listen to Hao Mama.
       4th Miss, but if it is not appropriate to ask questions directly, it will cause Hao Mama to be suspicious.
       Hao Mama thought about it and said: "Second Miss is also very smart, just because it is the Di Daughter's arrogance, that is, the temper is still a little bit off; but the note Mama privately taught for so long, it also became 4th Miss used to look at the wood, but in fact, she actually has her own abacus; but after the disaster 4th Miss is savvy, but it falls down. Miss, whether it is 2nd Miss or 4th Miss, Miss They can only maintain their love with them. Second Miss will not say, 1st Madam's daughter-in-law; 4th Miss, Su Concubine is the loyalty of 1st Madam. 3rd Miss is doing at the mansion Very good." Hao Mama meaning is obvious. The 3rd Miss in Lian's house can't be deep, and they can only maintain the love on the face, and they won't be broken.
       Yue Ying raised the pen for a while, and wrote two lines of words and was persuaded by the blue. If you copy it, you will be left behind. The hand of the prince is so expensive, Yue-Yao can not care about her but can't care. In any case, she can't let her hand fall or squat, otherwise she will be laughed when she goes out to enter the house. However, she did not copy her and was worried. Yue-Ying was very annoyed. She knew that she would not care about her face. She should have given the scriptures to Mei Mei. Really die to face the face of sin.
       The blues saw the worry of Yue-Ying and said: "Miss, don't worry, I will deliberately say in front of Hua-li that you have copied blood in your hand and can't hold the pen. I think it is waiting. It’s hard to say anything about 3rd Miss tomorrow."
       The yard only has a big palm, and it will be known when you turn around. The hands that use blue to mutter the moon are all blood bubbles can not hold the pen, Hua-li Qiao-Lan they just do not want to listen is also difficult.
       Hua-li got the double warning of Hao Mama 踉巧, and did not say anything in person. But when I got back to the house, I was disdainful. "Miss Miss's hand is worth the money. Isn't Miss's hand worth it?" Hua-li didn't want to be so desperate for her own, but unfortunately, his own Miss did not listen to what he should do. What I did, I didn’t take what she said at all, and now Miss is a thin servant.
       The Ma family did not come until the fifth day. Majia is not as fast as Lian-jia, but there are a lot of things. There are many varieties of things sent by The Ma House, in addition to rice, flour, glutinous rice, glutinous rice and other staple foods, as well as other kinds of dishes, such as mushrooms, fungus, eggplant, red dates, peanuts and other dry goods; as well as mung beans, red beans, black beans, etc. Kinds of beans; there are also good stored vegetables such as pumpkins and melons.
       In addition to these things, there is still a box cage, and the box cage is temporarily unknown. The things that Majia sent were very comprehensive. Lian-jia did not send the silver frost charcoal horse home, and it was still four. These things are filled with two big cars.
       This time, not only the second housekeeper of the Ma family sent things, but also Ruolan’s close-fitting 丫鬂云云 also came over.
       The colorful clouds let people carry six cages. Inside the first cage is a pack of medicinal herbs, prepared for a headache in the  Mountains, the role of the above is very clear. The second cage is also a pack of one package, Cai-yun did not give Yue-Yao one by one comment: "Miss, there are some supplements here, Miss is in the  Mountains, can not ruin the body."
       Yue-Yao looked at a bag with bird's nest, sea cucumber, winter wormwood, and snow scorpion. These things are too expensive. They said: "The watch is now pregnant, and it is time to make up for it. Where? Can you give me such a good thing? Take it back."
       Cai-yun said with a smile: "-Young Madam knows that Miss is not willing to ask.-Young Madam asked me to bring words to Miss, she can't finish eating these tonics, Miss is to give us Young Madam relieves the burden. "For the first child, even if Mama said they are Miss, Master and 1st Young Master are also very concerned, there is only a lot of tonics; and Duke House I also sent a lot of nourishing things to Zhuang.
       Yue-Yao listened to this and was somewhat worried. He said: "Cai-yun, you said that you have to make up for the children; but don't eat too much, eat too many children when they are too big to produce. "Production is a ghost gate, how many women do not have this common sense desperately make up, the result is overdone, making the fetus too big to die and die." Everything she didn't want to change was restored to its original state.
       Cai-yun staggered for ten seconds and asked: "Where does Miss know from?" Cai-yun also knows that she has heard of it from the doctor and Mama, but 3rd Miss is a Miss in a cabinet. Know this.
       Yue-Yao looked red and said: "I saw it from the book, and now I remember it." This is indeed a flaw.
       Cai-yun didn't think much, but moved Yue-Yao to Zhuang Ruolan's heart and said: "Miss assured, the doctor and a few Mama also said that it is not appropriate to make up too much, but also let Miss walk around the yard every day. Cai-yun also recently realized the benefits of making this choice from his own Miss. Miss is pregnant, except for the small Ma-shi, this disturbing other is smooth. In Duke, it is not a disaster for a child to have a child. It is a bad thing to have a child to stop the dark arrows, and it often happens to climb the bed. Everything was calm and quiet in The Ma House, nothing at all.
       Six boxes, one box of medicinal herbs, one box of cage tonic, two boxes of snow white paper, and two boxes of daily necessities, such as candles, etc., are all used by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao was very touched. These things were carefully prepared. Without intention, I would never think so well. Yue-Yao asked a few people about Cai Yun Ma Chengteng, knowing that everyone would be better. I went back to the study and wrote a letter. The letter expressed gratitude to Zhuang Ruolan. This is definitely a credit for the performance. I will be so careful with the two big men of the big cousin.
       Cai-yun looked at the paper with a piece of paper full of words, and the colorful clouds said: "Is this a copy of Miss's verse?"
       Yue-Yao nodded and said: "Yeah."
       Cai-yun looked at the piece of paper that had not been dried on the table, and the font was beautiful and the writing was dry. Looking at Yu-Yao, who lost a lot of weight, the voice became very light, and said: "-Young Madam said that if there is nothing missing here, I will say that if I don’t come next time, I will manage things. Said Miss can never suffer from it, otherwise Master Young Master Young Madam will be distressed."
       Yue-Yao smiled very openly and said: "I will take care of myself."
       On the way down the  Mountain, Cai-yun took the one she came to-Pozi said to her: "Cai-yun Miss, I listen to the manager around Miss, who said that Miss has been in the temple every morning and evening. Homework, other times are copying the scriptures. If this is true, the girl is really rare."
       Cai-yun nodded: "It's rare." This is not only patient, but also perseverance and perseverance. It’s just that Cai-yun doesn’t know how long Yue-Yao can last.
       Hua-li will look at the registered booklet to Yue-Yao and say: "Miss, Master's home is not only a variety of things, but also a good good East.
       WEAT. ”
       Yue-Yao looked at the room and left a box cage and said: "These things should not be remembered." It doesn't matter if you use it together, but these supplements don't need to be taken out and shared with others. .
       Hua-li naturally applauded.
       The people who watched the blue house looked at the house and moved it to the opposite room. I always heard that Ma Daren loved 3rd Miss, and sent things every three and five times. Now I see that it really hurts 3rd Miss. It’s a bag and a cage. It’s so much.

       Chapter 123 Fuyuan 

       Yue Ying did not come out from Cai-yun into the yard until he left. He heard that Indigo said that Cai-yun had gone, and his face was not good.
       Indigo saw the look of the moon is not very good-looking, and the indigo thought turned to the idea of ​​guessing the moon, and now he is angry: "Miss, 3rd Miss is really not giving you face, how can you let Xing A bench came over and asked Miss to ask for an Ann. Miss, three aunts, but I will put you in the eye."
       The ugly face is getting more and more ugly.
       Yan Qing really felt that the indigo was kicked by the servant. This colorful cloud is the close-fitting hair of Ma 1st Young Madam, which means that Sangu eyes must be respected. Indigo would have thought about letting people come over and give them Miss. She did not say anything about her persuasion. She was very clear about the temper of Yue Ying. This is a bad mood for her own Miss. She said that everything would only make Miss angry.
       Yue Ying is not comfortable, but Hua-li can't understand Ying surplus. He said to Cai-yun: "Sister Cai-yun came over, and Dagu didn't know how to come out to meet. How has this been the cat in the house?" "This is too much to give their family Miss face."
       Hao Mama glanced at the opposite room and bowed her head. She said to Yue-Yao: "Auntie, if the aunt is open, don't give the aunt aunt." Such a person, if you give her something, she will not be grateful, but will feel that it is justified.
       Yue-Yao was amazed, although she didn't understand why Hao Mama would say this, but she listened to Hao Mama suggestion and said, "That's what you mean. But those things. No need to use the temporary position. "What is the supplement or not to use, the difference is too big or bad, you must pay attention to the impact.
       Indigo has waited until after dinner to wait until the opposite room to give them something. Indigo couldn’t help but say to Yan Qing : "I can’t see the six cages of the Xing servant of Ma house. The six cages are all placed in the 3rd Miss room. I think it’s definitely a good thing. ? "
       Yan Qing couldn't help but say: "Even if you put gold and silver treasures in it, what are you doing? What about Miss? How do you always think about these investments?"
       Indigo is somewhat convinced: "The three aunts have got so many good things, and they don't know how to give us a little bit. It's all on the  Mountain!"
       Yan Qing felt that the indigo thinking could not be understood and persuaded: "You also know that The Ma House gave it to Sangu, and 3rd Miss left nothing wrong. We are envious and envious."
       Indigo is a red-eyed, very red-eyed. She heard in the Lian House that the ‘Ma’ often sent a lot of good things to the three aunts. Everything was eaten and worn. She sighed: "If we Miss has such a good one..." Indigo is very annoying to Sangu. But she can't help but admit that 3rd Miss is really very generous, she is very envious of Hua-li with a good master; next to the Xingzhi pearl scorpion on the forehead of Hua-li, looking at Xing Yuanrun's pearl, Xing The pearl scorpion is worth at least thirty or fifty Silver Taels, and that thing is no more than a golden plaque. Unlike their aunts, don’t think about the things that go into the street, don’t even think about it.
       When I was young, I stepped on the dream of indigo: "The Eldest Miss is the great official. If you want to take care of it, you will take care of the second aunt. You will not think about these investments in the future. You will do this again. Hey, with the sisterhood of Sangu, you have received it."
       Indigo didn't care, and 3rd Miss was annoyed that she couldn't manage her.
       At the end of the inch, Yue Ying came over to find Yue-Yao and said: "Three Mei Mei, my hand hurts badly, and the rest of this book can't be copied."
       Yue-Yao originally wanted to say nothing. One night she could copy a book. Just waiting for her to look up, but seeing the eyes of Yue Ying fell on six cages. The cages sent by The Ma House are not the same color as the cages of Lian House, and they can be recognized at a glance.
       Yue-Ying sleek head smiled and said: "Three Mei Mei, Ma Daren really hurts you!" Six boxes are all placed in the room of Yue-Yao, certainly not a normal thing.
       Yue-Yao understands why Hao Mama will let her not give things to the moon, and laughed at the moment: "It's all something that is commonly used."
       Ying face looks awkward.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to talk to Yue-Ying more. Instead, he said, "Big sister, I have to start copying the book now." Fortunately, she copied the scriptures very quickly, and the scriptures were thin, otherwise it would be transcribed one night. I don't know if it is intentional. Thinking of this, Yue-Yao has a heart.
       Yue Ying nodded: "That three Mei Mei, you are busy."
       Yue-Yao said at the moment she turned around: "Big sister, if you copy it again next time, I hope that the older sister can tell me earlier, such a short inch is very fast."
       Yue Ying said that he was losing money and said: "Okay."
       Yue-Yao looked at the cage and pointed at the two Servant roads: "Don't let them know about the things inside." The supplements and herbs Yue-Yao don't want them to know that the supplements don't want to be separated, The Ma House sent them. These supplements are definitely good things. As for the medicinal materials, she decided not to give them a monthly income. The servant had a doctor's prescription, and she could not afford it if she had a problem.
       When Cai-yun returned to The Ma House, he told Zhuang Ruolan what he saw and heard: "-Young Madam, you don't know how loyal the table is. Every morning and evening, the bells of the temple are done early and evening, every day. I am copying the scriptures. I listened to Hua-li and said that Miss can recite the scriptures."
       Ruolan listened and nodded. It was very good. The service was called tired and tired. Instead, he quietly did what he was supposed to do. He asked, "Is Miss also saying something else?"
       Cai-yun relayed the words of Yue-Yao and gave the letter written by Yue-Yao to Ruolan. Ruolan nodded after seeing it: "I will leave this letter to Master."
       Cai-yun should have, and thought about it later: "-Young Madam, the Outer Cousin Miss did not use the main house, said that they lived in the host family can not live. Outer Cousin Miss four people live in two rooms I looked a little crowded."
       Ruolan smiled and said: "The next time you send something, you remember to tell Yue-Yao, let her live in the main house. The main house is paved with a dragon. If it is not in the winter, it will be very cold." The reason why Ruolan said this is because she always forgets a lot of things because she is pregnant.
       Cai-yun replied with a smile: "Okay."
       In the Zhaohua Temple, Yue-Yao heard Xiao Shami coming over and grinning, this child came very early.
       Xiao Shami took over the twelve books that Yue-Yao gave her, and curiously asked: "Women, do you really copy the scripts? Can you fool things?"
       Yue-Yao smirked: "The copying is full, if the little master does not believe that he can go to the house to see, the scriptures are placed in the house."
       In order to verify Yue-Yao words, Xiao Shaiya entered the house with Yue-Yao and opened Yue-Yao copy. The writing was correct and the words were well written. It can also be seen from this that Yue-Yao is carefully copied.
       Xiao Shami is the color: "The female donor, the light copying is not successful, we must remember these verses in the heart is the true devotion to the Buddha." Xiao Shami is not deliberately difficult Yue-Yao, but feels Yue-Yao their heart is not Honest, it seems to be in order to catch up with the task.
       Yue Ying interjected in the side: "Little monk, we have been working hard in such a short inch. How can it be so difficult? Going out..."
       Yue-Yao turned and glanced at the moon, and there was anger in his eyes. Yue-Yao also wanted Xiao-ya in front of his master to say a few words, where will make Yue Ying offended Xiao Sha.
       Yue Ying was scared by this fierce look and did not dare to continue.
       Yue-Yao turned his head and frowned and smiled: "The moment of copying is also silently remembered." Seeing the look of distrust of Xiao Sha, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can test the school and see I am not talking about big words." She wants to drop a Buddha edge in front of Xiao Sha Mi.
       Xiao-sha migratory sorrow for a moment, facing Yue-Yao: “Buddha Shee, snoring, calling, calling, calling, swearing, swearing, swearing...” Shami read this and looked at Yue-Yao. Xing’s meaning was obvious to her.
       Yue-Yao did not hesitate: "Su Shi, Bodhi Night, Bodhi Night, Bodhisattva Night, Bodhisattva Night, Mi Di Night, that , 地利瑟尼辛..."
       Xiao-sha looked at Yue-Yao, and Miss read his fluency and smoothness. He was still very embarrassed to test again.
       After Xiao Hemi was pushed by Hua-li, he returned to God and asked if Yue-Yao understood the meaning of these scriptures.
       Yue-Yao In order not to appear too much, the explanation of the inch was deliberately said to be bumpy, but this also shocked Xiao Sha, the female donor was too savvy, said: "You can rest assured, I will tell Master. Originally, his master wanted him to take a copy of Yue-Yao transcripts. The authors valued whether you really have this sincere heart. It is not something else. Now people will recite and look at what.
       Yue-Yao let Hua-li send a small shame out, with a faint smile on her face. Maybe her purpose of coming to Zhaohua Temple can really be realized and not sure.
       Hua-li also stuffed a small bag of small snacks to Xiao Sha Mi, so that Xiao Sai was a little embarrassed. Hua-li smiled and said: "Hold it, you are growing up, you should eat a little more."
       Yue Ying heard Yue-Yao. The whole man was stupid. After a long time, he asked: "Yue-Yao, how can you recite the scriptures and explain it?" This made her incredible.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Occasionally, I have copied this book several times before, and I naturally understand the meaning inside."
       Chi 15 Mama looked at Yue-Yao and immediately bowed his head. Coincidentally, where is so much coincidence? It seems that Miss said before that she is not familiar with these verses.
       Xiao Shami immediately told this story to his master as if he was empty. Shifu heard this and thought that Xiao-sha was lying. How can there be such a savvy woman? At least if you have never seen a verse, you can not only recite it, but also understand the meaning of the scripture. At least he has no such ability.
       Xiao Shaiyai vowed: "Master, I really voted to lie. This female donor said that it is similar to Master's explanation. Master, if you don't believe you can personally test the school. Master, I think this female donor and I Buddha has a fate, if not, it will not be so powerful." Xiao Sha Mi envious, if he has such awkward understanding, he will not be beaten to Master.
       Shifu is aware that this apprentice is still not qualitative, which is also because of his young age, but this apprentice never swears. The appearance of the little Shami vows made the heart curious. If the true disciple said, then the woman’s understanding is really rare in the world. “Well, Master will see this female donor.”
       Yue-Yao is practicing the word, according to the plum blossom extension, Hua-li walked in and said: "Auntie, Xiao Shami came over."
       Xiao-sha smiled and said: "Miss, my master invited you to go over and said that you want to see the female donor." Xiao-sha smile is pure and clean, making people look very comfortable.
       Yue-Yao jumped in the heart, it seems that he is gambling right, such a good opportunity must be well grasped, replied: "I will go to see your master when I change clothes." If you can get the appreciation of Master Shami, Then she has a good chance to see the stilts of the temple! It is definitely a blessing for her to get the guidance of ‘Liang’.
       Yue-Yao changed into a white dress, and went with the little sand. Hua-li felt too pale, and Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It’s better to wear it on the  Mountain."
       Yue-Yao didn't take Hua-li this time, Hua-li  Mouth was too sloppy, and it would be bad if he didn't annoy the Master in the temple.
       This Hua-li is very hurt, Hao Mama is beside her, and Miss is petting this hair, otherwise this temper is really not good at the house.
       Xiao Shaiya took Yue-Yao to the monastery and looked at Yue-Yao behind him. "The female donor, last time you said that you want to follow us early? My master refused you, because it was because You are a woman's inconvenience; the second is also because you have to go half a inch from the place where you live to the monastery, and the snowy road can't get through.
       Qiao Lan said to Xiao Saimi in the back: "Little Master, my aunt is very sincere. From the second day of coming to the temple, every day, with the bells of the temple, I will do it early and evening. Have fallen! ”
       Xiao-sha looked at Yue-Yao and asked: "Women, is this true?" There are so devout people! It’s his brother-in-law who wants to sleep late every morning and doesn’t want to get up early.
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded: "It's true, I like it very much. The Dharma implies a lot of esoteric things in it, and it has been used for a lifetime."
       Xiao Shaimi immediately said: "I believe. But the female donor can tell me how you copied the script and remembered it?"
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "Intention." Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is copied, but as long as you carefully, she can remember it after three times. Xiao Shami walked and thought about Yue-Yao, and finally solemnly nodded: "Thank you for the female donor, auspicious and taught."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The name of the little master is auspicious? This name is really good." Auspicious and wishful, can you not?
       Xiao Shami opened his mind: "I also think this name is very good, and I like it very much." In fact, the name of auspicious is not a legal name, and auspiciousness is the name of Xiao Sha Mi. The name of the law is taken from the heights of the temple at the time of shaving.
       Yue Ying knew that Yue-Yao was asked by the master of the temple to ask: "What did the teacher of the temple ask 3rd Mei Mei to do in the past?"
       Hua-li was disdainful, but the face did not dare to reveal the slightest. He replied: "The little monk said that because of the relationship between the aunt and the Buddha, her master would like to see my family Miss." As long as the temple has a ‘Liang’ green eye, Miss Xing broomed the star's name in service.
       Yue Ying only thought that she had copied the scriptures, but she thought that Yue-Yao could read the scriptures casually. Yue Ying looked at his red and swollen hands, ‘Laughs’ .
       Indigo dissatisfied and said: "Miss, these ten books are also spent on your mind, and there is your heart and soul here. Why do you go to see the temple ‘Liang’ without taking you? Auntie, can Can't just forget it."
       Yan Qing glanced at the indigo, and then looked at Yue-Ying said:
        "Miss, who came to the temple to pray for the blessings who did not copy the scriptures? This is a vote."
       Yue Ying thinks that Yue-Yao can recite the transcripts at random, and then calls again. This Master wants to see Yue-Yao, afraid of it because of Yue-Yao! Yue Ying did not understand why the good things were all occupied by Yue-Yao alone.
       Xiao Shami advanced to give a brief notice, and then sighed after the news on the said: "Master, I am the first to see such a devout female donor.
       If she looks at Yue-Yao who is standing in front of her quietly, she is just a child, but she reveals the calmness and embarrassment that does not belong to her. Age and face
       As soon as the air fixed his look, he greeted Yue-Yao: "The female donor is well."
       Yue-Yao face as usual with hands folded together: "Master, the disciples are bothered."
       If you look at Yue-Yao familiar movements, you can't help but be surprised: "The female donor..." Such a familiar movement is not practiced overnight. If you don't know, you think it is a peer.
       If the air quickly means his rudeness, he asks: "The donor, I listen to the auspicious, the twelve books you copied have been recorded, is it true?" Yue-Yao smiled: "All It’s a bit exaggerated to write down, and I’ve got an impression. I’ve just asked me what my little teacher asked me.
       Such as empty collar, this female donor is modest, Zhang  Mouth said: "Galodi, Yilu, Mahabodhisha ..."
       Yue-Yao pondered after a moment and said: "Sa Po Sa, Moro Moro, Capricorn, Pregnancy, Lulu Lulu, Dululu, Penalty, Emperor, Capricorn闍耶帝,罗托罗,猁尼尼."
       If you have auspicious words, you are not surprised. Just say: "Can aunt explain me the meaning of this passage?" It is not unusual to recite it. It is rare to explain the meaning of this verse. This is true. Comprehension.
       Yue-Yao has no problem with the back, but it can't be revealed too much. It explains: "Guan Bo Yin Bodhisattva is savage and savage, sorrowful and sorrowful by the stern and vigorous body of law, so that the practice of all beings can be refined. Bodhisattva is more refined in lotus, showing compassion, nectar, and saving all beings from suffering..."
       Yue-Yao responded with a full complement and explained the meaning of 70%. However, this has been shocked by the air, and the perception is really the best he has ever seen.
       If I don’t believe it, I ask: “Was the female donor really touch these verses for the first time?” Some don’t believe it.
       Yue-Yao also didn't want to swear in the squadron, saying: "My parents have been copying the scriptures since they passed away. They have copied more than 500 volumes and they have been copied. It's easy to remember." Yue-Yao actually avoided this problem.
       If he has been in the temple for more than 30 years, he can't know where to remember the verse alone. This must be done with care, with the mind to remember 0, but not to remember alone, the scriptures are difficult to understand, need a certain understanding and talent.
       It’s a pity that Yue-Yao is a woman. If a man can be lobbied into their door, he said: “The female donor is very savvy. The female donor wants to borrow the scriptures and can go to the Tibetan Classics. I have Say it to the governing brother of the Tibetan Classics."
       Yue-Yao was somewhat disappointed, but still grateful: "Thank you Master." But it also made a small request: "Master, if you don't understand the scriptures, can I ask the teacher?"
       If you can't let Yue-Yao do a little early with Xiao 3rd , but telling Yue-Yao alone is still a question.
       After Yue-Yao hesitated, I finally got the courage to say: "Master, I want to take the liberty to ask, there are masters in the temple who can explain the scriptures to you recently. If there is any, I want to listen, it is also round. I have a dream."
       If you look at Yue-Yao, it’s a bit weird to have such a small child’s opening for a lifetime without regrets. As the air smiled and said: "The donor is assured that if there is a master in the temple to teach the Fa, I will tell the donor."
       Being able to speak in the Zhaohua Temple is definitely a high-pitched temple. It is a great fate to listen to the master's teachings. Yue-Yao is very grateful: "Thank you Master.
       If she is satisfied with the performance of Yue-Yao, she said: "It is also Miss sincerely to the Buddha." If there is such savvy and sincerity, he will not open his  Mouth.
       Yue-Yao only borrowed six volumes this time, but this time it was not empty, Yue-Yao did not want to regard it as a task.
       Yue-Yao This copybook is somewhat selfish, but she really likes to copy the scriptures, not to replenish the task. Because she can get real peace in the heart of copying the scriptures.
       After Xiao-Yi and other Yue-Yao walked away, he smiled and asked in a sigh: "Master, is this female donor really savvy? Is it a slang?"
       If you are empty, you should say: "The savvy is excellent."
       When Yue Ying heard Yue-Yao coming back, he was busy asking Yue-Yao which Master had just seen. Zhaohua Temple has three major shackles, Xuantian, Xuan Ming and Xuan Fang. Only three sorghums are deep in the tube, even if they are not official, Noble Lady can't see it. If you can see any of the three sorghums, it is a great blessing.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I saw the Master."
       Yue Ying is not familiar with Master, and it is not a Famous monk who wants to come. Yue Ying threw this thought and saw that the six books in Yue-Yao hand were very difficult to say: “Three Mei Mei, my hand can’t write.”
       Qiao Lan looked at the moon-filled white cloth, which seemed to be afraid that people couldn't figure out that her hand couldn't write. It was so funny. They didn't say anything when they copied nine books. The Eldest Miss copied three books and complained here. I really don't know what Miss Miss thinks.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I can copy it.
       Yue Ying returned to his house and recalled that something was a little uneasy. I couldn't help but ask indigo and indigo: "Is there a ‘Liang’ in the Zhaohua Temple?" The Da Yuan Family now goes up to the Empress Dowager , and the people down to the Pingtou people believe in Buddhism, and the ‘Liang’ can make people swear. Huaji brings the gospel. Yue Ying is naturally convinced that if it is a master, Yue-Yao will go with her next time.
       This is not the superstition of the people of the Great Yuan Family, but the military sects around Taizu sat in the back seat of the Taizu, and they were cut off at the Zhaohua Temple. Later, they got their way at the Zhaohua Temple and sat down.
       Yan Qing sighed slightly: "Miss, I have never heard of it."
       Indigo thinks it should be cautious, in case it is really high-spirited? Said: "Miss, we have been in the inner court and are not familiar with Zhaohua Temple. Maybe this master is a ‘Liang’?" The three high-ranking monks are Famous, but there are other Famous sorghums in the Zhaohua Temple. It’s just the first time that Yue Ying has come, and he has also voted in advance.
       Yue Ying feels very reasonable, that is: "The next time Yue-Yao goes, I will follow."
       Yue-Yao is a person who can't be idle, and people around him can't be idle. Hao Mama and Hua-li Qiao-Lan have done things, and the rest of the time is to do needlework together, because Yue-Yao doesn't like to be noisy when practicing words or reading.
       Yue-Yao is now copying the scriptures to understand, rather than filling up the task as soon as possible, so the six books have spent five days in the inch.
       Yue-Yao was ready to go out and was stopped by Yue Ying.
       Yue Ying also wants to follow, she is looking forward to seeing Gao Song, just thinking that Yue-Yao is so pious that she stays in the house and does nothing, and her heart is a little uneasy.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "The big sister wants to go there and go!" It is not a big deal, and Yue Ying will follow.
       The road on the  Mountain is not flat. Go to the  Mountain and climb the stone steps. Yue-Yao is used to such a road, not too fast or slow. Ying surplus is not enough. It is sweating when climbing up the  Mountain, and the indigo that follows is also the appearance of standing instability.
       Indigo side wiped the sweat and looked at the look of Yue-Yao, and found that Yue-Yao looked at her, and Xing eyes had disgust. Indigo has a sudden heart, but my heart is sneer, how disgusting, and Sangu can not control her.
       Yue-Yao met with Master, and said with a smile: "If Shifu, this is my big sister." If you have more words, Yue-Yao will not say that you will not say anything about provocation or disrespect. People who say bad things behind people have problems with their own character. Yue-Yao is not such a servant.
       If I look at the disappointment of the moon's eyes, I don't like it. Although the monks have been going out in the temple very rarely, people are very simple, but it does not mean that these people are very deceiving. Real monks actually have their own set of rules. Whether you are a weight or a civilian, they all love to make friends with those who love Dharma. If they are utilitarian, they will not like it.
       Of course, the attitude of the sky to the moon is no different from Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao also managed Ying surplus on one side, and now asked a lot of questions. These problems are not only discovered now, but also mixed with problems hidden in my heart.
       Yue Ying looked at Yue-Yao and talked about the Dharma with the monks. She stood there alone and regretted coming.
       Yue-Yao The last question: "Foyun life is bitter, life, old, sick, dead, resentful, love to leave, Wuyin knows, can't ask. Master, if someone wants to stop, can't stop, obsessed Master, how can I turn this person's obsession?"
       If I look at the pain and fear of Yue-Yao eyes, I have doubts in my heart. If you know that Yue-Yao is not talking about yourself: "Amitabha, not so much that others make you suffer, it is better to say that your cultivation is not enough."
       Yue-Yao said lowly: "Is it self-cultivation enough?" Yue-Yao immediately maidens, no, not her problem, it is the same tree problem. It is the same as the tree obsession. Thinking of Zhou Shu obsession, Yue-Yao felt cold.
       Such as empty hands and ten together: "Amitabha."
       The sound of thunder makes Yue-Yao come back. Yue-Yao looks a little white: "Master, bother." This is a question without a solution, because it is not her who is obsessed, she can not solve, such as the empty Master can not solve.
       Yu-Yao, such as Kong, left, thinking of Yue-Yao pale face, thinking for a long time to find his master Xuantian master. If Yue-Yao knows that the empty master is the master of Xuantian, one of the three high-ranking monks of Zhaohua Temple, it is estimated that she will not be so calm.
       Such as the empty and Xuantian recounted the question of Yue-Yao: "Master, the disciples of the disciples are not deep, and also ask Master to guide."
       Xuantian smiled lightly: "Break the world of love, color love, colorless love, ignorance, and scorn. It is like simmering coffins, all of which are known to be exhausted. This is also true. If you do not think about it. Remove all the knots."
       Such as empty mutter: "Don't get rid of all the knots."
       Xuantian smiled and maidened, did not explain: "Is this question really a child?" Why does a child ask such a heavy question.
       As if nodded, "Master, this child is only nine years old."
       Xuantian read a sentence of Amitabha: "You can let Xing a small donor to listen to me after half a month, and you will say something to the abbot brother." Xuantian master set a half-month in Zhaohua Temple. Explain the scriptures. Yue-Yao is also lucky, just happened to run into it.
       The difference between Zhaohua Temple and other temples is that his accommodation is very good. For those who have good comprehension and affinity with Buddha, they will open the door. So the master of Xuanjian heard that Xuantian has nodded. At the moment, I agree to give Yue-Yao a position.
       The air in the autumn is clean and sleek, and the sky is cleaned and cleaned. A gentle breeze blew over, with a fresh breath rushing into the tip of the nose, and taking a breath makes people feel comfortable.
       Yue-Ying walked down and thought about it, and the blue push pushed the moon, reminding: "Miss, 3rd Miss is still on the  Mountain!" They missed the Miss, and 3rd Miss stood still.
       Yue Ying slewing head, see Yue-Yao a few feet away from her, busy calling: "Three Mei Mei, three Mei Mei, where are you doing?"
       Yue-Yao was called back to God, looked around, did not continue to look at the scenery, but followed the moon into the  Mountains. At halfway up the  Mountain, the wind blew, the leaves fell under the wind, and the wind danced in the air... and many fell on Yue-Yao.
       Yue Ying is not so good, her body is not good Yue-Yao, she has already sweated after walking, and now she has suffered such a big wind, and Lian has sneezed a few times.
       Yue-Yao returned to the small courtyard and let Hao Mama cook Jiang soup, which is mainly to prevent colds. Unfortunately, Yue Ying is not willing to drink, refuses to say: "I am fine."
       Yue-Yao is not reluctant, and his body is responsible for himself. When she came back, she felt a bit cold. The body of Yue-Ying was not as good as she would feel nothing. Yue-Yao is not a person who can't go with her. She drank two bowls of brown sugar Jiang, and Qiao Lan also followed two bowls. After they finished drinking, they all came out.
       In the middle of the night, Yue-Yao was awakened by a call. The call is still blue, but the knocking on the door is Cai-Qing , knocking at the door and calling: "3rd Miss, we have a fever. Mississ, we Miss fever."
       Yue-Yao dressed in the past and looked at it. The moon was burnt and flushed. At this time, it was already unconscious. Because of the reason of the court, Yue-Yao knew the physical cooling, and said: "Hao Mama, you immediately go to the water." There is no ice in the  Mountains, no wine, only warm
       The blue is pulling Yue-Yao hand and calling: "3rd Miss, have to hurry to ask the doctor? Miss will burn if you die. 3rd Miss, servants beg you, you can't see death. Now most It is important to ask the doctor."
       Yue-Yao mining blue hand, hate can not add another foot. The moment was full of anger: "But this black light is on fire, where do you want me to go to the doctor? Don't go to help Hao Mama."
       Qing qing was relatively calm and asked: "3rd Miss, what should we do?" I knew that Miss would drink the two bowls of Jiang soup anyway, and drinking Jiang soup would not have happened now.
       The blue end came to the hot water, and I walked too fast and fell to the ground. The copper basin also came out, making the house full of water. Yue-Yao really endured and endured, not pleased: "Hurry and go to play a pot."
       Qiao Lan quickly took the broom and cleaned the water.
       Hot water is coming, and Yue-Yao teaches how to do it. Cai Qing asked some anxiously: "Miss, is this useful? Or do you want to ask the doctor?"
       In the same sentence, the tone of the two people is different, and the results are completely different. Yue-Yao naturally knows to go to the doctor, but the black light outside the bonfire, and the beast, now go dangerous, comforting: "Wait for another hour, it will be bright, when we go to the temple for help, believe in the temple There are people who know medicine."
       The blue is blurted out and debuted: "3rd Miss, why don't you ask for help now?" This has the meaning of questioning in it.
       Yue-Yao said coldly: "Okay, Mama, you took the lantern to her and asked her to go to the  Mountain to find the master in the temple."
       Hao Mama took a lantern and handed it to the blue. She took the blue out of the yard and pointed to the said: "Miss Blue, go to the  Mountain is this road, you go all the way, go At the end is the  Mountain gate. You call it inside, and the master who is watching the door will definitely hear it." Hao Mama used to think that the blue was a bit broken, but she didn't expect the heart to be so dark. This Yatou death urged Miss to send people to the  Mountains for help, but not just want them to go. This black light bonfire, and it is a  Mountain road, there are beasts on the  Mountain, and now it is fierce.
       Hao Mama is a calm person, and she thought of it here coldly and glanced at the blue. It seems that this-Yatou is a Mo-shi person, not only wants to provoke a Eldest Miss contradiction with his own Miss, but also wants his own Miss to bear the reputation of disregarding the sister.
       Outside the black cloth in the winter, the road is invisible, the wind calls like a ghost, the blue is scared and the face is white, and she has not waited for her to start listening to the wolf.
       The blue was scared and the legs fell softly and sat on the ground, and the lanterns fell to the ground. Fortunately, Hao Mama eye is blowing out the fire in the lantern, otherwise the only lantern will burn out.
       Hao Mama looked at the infatuated blue sneer and went back to the kitchen. Hao Mama doesn't worry about Eldest Miss. It's not going to last. The last 4th Young Masters have passed away. There is no reason why Miss is too good.
       go with.
       Cai-Qing according to the method of Yue-Yao, seeing that Ying surplus is not stupid again, I am very impressed by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao will let Hao Mama take Qiao Lan to the temple for help. Yue-Yao Although she doesn't like Yue-Ying, she doesn't want her to have an accident, at least not in the  Mountains.
       The blue is said: "3rd Miss, the temple monk is reliable, let me go back to the government to find Master Madam to find the Eldest Miss Miss Tang." In fact, the blue is to take the opportunity to make the Eldest Miss returned to the government, so she can follow her back.
       Yue-Yao looked at the blue, this Servant's wishful thinking is clear to her heart, please ask the doctor is fake, want to make Ying return to the government is true. As a Servant, as long as she did not leave the temple, she would have to stay, but if she returned to the moon, she would follow it logically.
       Yue-Yao looked at the bedside care, asked: "What do you think of her idea?" Two Servant, one elf is over, one is too honest, two extremes, do not know Ying surplus How to choose the Servant. But these things have nothing to do with her, she will not help people to discipline Servant.
       Cai Qing sighed in his heart, and his own Miss where there is 3rd Miss's exquisite heart. Cai Qing knows that this has been the case, and he wants to use it. He said: "It is decided by Miss." Cai Qing ignored the blue eyes. In fact, if you want to pick up the green, you have to finish the two months in any case, so you can definitely get a good name. Going back now is a joke; unfortunately a lot of things are beyond her control. What she can do is to try to persuade Miss not to go back, as long as Miss makes a decision not to go back, the idea of ​​picking up blue is superfluous.
       Yue-Yao let Hua-li take five Silver Taels to the blue said: "You rent a carriage down the  Mountain, go back soon, the elder sister's condition is not allowed."
       When the blues saw the silver in the eyes, it was really a sleep, and she sent a pillow. She was worried about the toll. The blue picks the joy of holding the bottom of my heart: "Servant, then go down the  Mountain."
       Yue-Yao looked at the appearance of the blue, and a sneer at the corner of his  Mouth, so that a self-serving self-serving eyeless Servant did not know where Yue Ying valued her.
       The monks of the temple knew that Miss under the  Mountain had a high fever and quickly sent a monk who was well versed in medical skills. For the monks, saving lives is a victory for the Seventh-level Float.
       Yue-Yao looked at the monk in front of him and lamented the speed.
       The monk was eager to hear, and finally opened a prescription for the little monk to follow. Temples are also often ill, so the temple has a herb garden, saying: "The high fever caused by the cold, but the treatment is very good, it would be good to take two doses of medicine."
       Yue-Yao took out the medicinal herbs from the box that The Ma House sent. The monk looked at Yue-Yao and then matched it with a dose of medicine. He said: "Only one dose will be made, and the rest will go to the herb garden!" "These herbs are only used to cure a cold, and some are oversized."
       After Yue Ying drank the medicine, she woke up and looked at Yue-Yao who was at the bedside. She was very grateful to say: "Thank you for three Mei Mei." I owe two big people before and after.
       Yue-Yao was very tired. When I saw that the moon was awake, I knew that it was not a big hindrance. I comforted: "Big sister, you should rest well! If you have anything comfortable, let Servant call me, I will go back to the house first." From the middle of the night to the present, Yue-Yao can't hold it anymore.
       Cai Qing busy explained: "Miss, 3rd Miss has been waiting since midnight until now, Miss, 3rd Miss, this is tired."
       The moon looks at the background of Yue-Yao departure, and the eyes are shining.
       Yue-Yao sleeps until the afternoon, wakes up and ate a little and asked: "Is the big sister using the meal?" The main reason is that the monk said that Ying surplus is no big deal, so Yue-Yao has no burden.
       Hao Mama nodded. "When I woke up, I drank a bowl of white rice porridge and used lunch at noon. The Eldest Miss's looks are much better, and it should be fine."
       Yue-Yao went to see the moon after using the meal. When I saw the moon, I was really relieved. I said, "Big sister, your personal Servant, watching the blue, you must go back to the house and ask the doctor to say the monk of the temple. Unreliable, I can't stop her and let her go home. I want to come to the doctor at night."
       Yue-Yao said this, I don't want to take the blue and splash the dirty water on her. Although she did not intend to make good friends with Yue Ying, she was not willing to bear such a reputation. She had to let Yue-Ying know that it was the blue that insisted on going down the  Mountain and had nothing to do with her. As for whether or not to go back, it is not her business. If Yue-Ying can see through, then it will send away the blue. If you can't see it, you can use it again.
       Yue Ying looked at the green and turned to say: "I know three Mei Mei."
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "The big sister has a good rest!" After turning around and leaving, Yue-Yao really felt that there was nothing to say about Ying surplus.
       The blues returned to Lian, and they kept crying from the door to Mo-shi. Seeing Mo-shi, if I saw my mother, I cried and cried: " Madam, Eldest Miss is dying, Madam, beg you to save the Eldest Miss! Madam."
       Mo-shi listened to the blue, and there was no doubt about fraud. In this era, a small typhoid can take away a human life. It is easier to kill people with a lack of medicine and fever.
       Mo-shi hates Chen again concubine doesn't like Yue-Ying and dare not take this reputation. He immediately asked the doctor to go up the  Mountain with the butler and told him: "When the Eldest Miss is better, he will pick it up." Mo-shi fell I don't really want to pick up Ying earnings. There is a Yue-Ying. She also knows the daily trend of Yue-Yao.
       Lian Dongfang frowned and heard the incident: "After sending someone to tell them to take Yu-Yao back." The daughter of her mother took it back, leaving her only  Miss to suffer from suffering in the  Mountains. And the  Mountain is so bitter, it’s enough to stay in the  Mountains for half a month.
       Mo-shi said with a smile: "I have already spoken to the second housekeeper."
       When the sun went down, Yue-Yao saw the butler come with the doctor. When the doctor saw the moon, he knew that he had nothing to do. However, if I climbed back a  Mountain, I still have to diagnose it. I said: "Miss is weak and needs to be nursed back. If it is improperly nursed, it will leave behind." As for what is the doctor
       Did not say.
       Yue Ying listened to this statement and asked: "What is the problem?"
       The doctor touched his little white beard and said: "This is only the worst result. As long as Miss is properly conditioned, there will be nothing."
       Yue Ying was still hesitant to go back. Hearing the doctor's words, he did not hesitate, and now he decided to go back. She has to go back and take care of her body. She is 13 years old this year, and she will marry again in three years. If the body is not well conditioned, it may hinder the child.
       The housekeeper said with Yue-Yao: "3rd Miss, Master Madam is worried that 3rd Miss alone has a headache in the  Mountains, and there is no one around him, so Master, Ma dam means that you want to go back with Eldest Miss."
       Yue-Yao is definitely not willing to go back. It is rare to ask for such an opportunity to stay in the  Mountains for a period of two days and quiet days; and what she wants to do has not yet achieved her goal, and now it is not a failure to go back.
       Yue-Yao insisted on not going back, but the housekeeper couldn't help but said: "If Miss has other requirements, please let me know, I will tell you Master Madam."
       Yue-Yao didn't have any feelings. When they went back to here, they vacated two rooms and could live. They said, "I don't have a rough mess here-Pozi, I hope that the government will send one over." Laundry cooking These flower buds can be done with Qiao-Lan , but it is really impossible to pick up water and firewood.
       Qiao-Lan and Hua-li are tricky, but the firewood sent by the monks is a little smaller than the beginning, but it still needs processing. It is not that the monks do not give face, but the temples use large cauldrons, and the firewood used is also very large. People have already given face to face after processing.
       Yue-Yao sent a Yue-Ying to the carriage before returning.
       Yue-Yao Upon returning to the yard, Hua-li was busy saying: "Miss, now I have two rooms, let me live to the opposite side!" It is not Hua-li who dislikes Yue-Yao, but It’s really uncomfortable to be huddled with Yue-Yao.
       Hao Mama smiled and said: "Miss, let me live to the opposite side! Let Qiao-Lan live with Hua-li." The two Servant are going to watch the night, although they are not far apart, but they have a big night. It is also sinful, and if it is cold, it will be troublesome.
       Moonrise arrives at home in the middle of the night, and the house is not peaceful.
       Mo-shi has guessed that Yue-Yao will not come back, so it is not unexpected to hear that Yue-Yao is not coming back. Hearing that the doctor said that Ying surplus needs to be nursed back to her, she is not embarrassed, and in the face of the doctor, people can buy it.
       In fact, Yue Ying actually drank two doses of medicine, and she had already spent more than half of her life on the  Mountain; only she had something in her heart, so when she returned to Lian, she looked weak. Yue Ying waited until Lian Dongfang came to see her. She pulled Lian Dongfang’s sleeve and cried: “I really want to concubine. Hey, can you let Concubine come back?” Yue Ying feels that she is here, she is Have a backbone. Now Concubine is not there, there is nothing for her Lian discussion.
       Lian Dongfang couldn't promise to let Chen concubine come back because of the crying of Yue-Ying. If the Ma family knew it would be a noisy, he would comfort him and say, "Let's take care of the disease, don't think so much." The study. If the court is asking him, he will consider one or two, and he does not value the daughter Lian Dongfang.
       Yue Ying is very depressed, and everything is ruined.
       The blue is still adding oil and vinegar: "3rd Miss is like iron, Miss high fever is not refundable, please don't ask the doctor. Fortunately, Miss is very blessed, if not, I don't know how."
       Can't listen to it, and refutes one sentence: "Cai-Lan, 3rd Miss is not asking you to ask Gaochun to see the girl. Why didn't you go there?"
       The blue is incredibly looking at the green. Before she said that Qing Qing never talked, today, she asked: "Catch the green, do you accept the benefits of 3rd Miss, or why you will help Talking to 3rd Miss?"
       Qing cai said coldly: "3rd Miss has been guarding the bed while Miss is sick. When it is not bright, let Hao Mama go to the temple for help. Wait until Miss has finished the medicine, 3rd Miss will go back. Sleeping. If it's not 3rd Miss's method, Miss is still not sure. Blue, man can't be so unconscience."
       The blue color is black.
       Yue Ying was a little tired: "Don't make a noise, things are gone, I am fine, this thing does not need to be said."
       What makes Yue-Ying happy is that Tingyi has come to visit her, and she has accompanied her for a good conversation. Although some do not have to be twisted, but it is enough for the moon to rejoice.
       Yue Ying sees his brother sensible, and inevitably confessed to the court: "Ting Hao, you thought that you will pick up the shi-nu back. concubine must have suffered very hard at home. Ting , concubine can only rely on you. Follow me."
       Since Chen concubine left the house, the days of Tingyi were not as good as before. When he listened to Yue-Ying, he naturally replied: "Sister is relieved, I will think."
       After taking the blue and other courtesy, he walked in and smiled at the moon. "Miss don't have to worry about the 3rd Young Master. Nowadays, Master Ding is at home, and he hasn't let the 3rd Young Masters go to school. It's all day. Bring the band around to teach. Now 3rd Young Master is good, Miss doesn't have to worry about it."
       Lian Dongfang now has a time at home, and Tingyi is naturally the focus of attention. Tingyi has been in such a hot time. Ting Hao is no longer willing to read and write, and he can only be honest with the old man who can't wait for the family law.
       Ting Bao is actually very smart. He doesn't forget to learn things, but he can pass it. Lian Dongfang knew that the third son was not a piece of mud but a piece of jade, and he was so happy that he had made up his mind to bring his son to the door. Later, the family also had a boost.
       Yue-Ying is very happy about Tingyi improvement. He said, “Yes, my brother learns step by step, I don’t worry, and I don’t have to pay for so many books.”

       Chapter 125 Suspicion 

       When Lian Dongfang heard that Yue-Yao didn't come back, he directly told the butler to pick a competent rough-Pozi. The  Mountain is bitter and will send things later.
       The time is changed from half a month to ten days.
       Yue-huan was suffocated for a while.
       Su Concubine couldn't figure out what the moon was thinking, and asked: "What are you thinking about 4th Miss?" Before, my daughter always asked herself, but now she rarely asks her again. Su Concubine knows that her daughter is separated from her because of lipstick. She also knows that she is not doing the right thing, but she is also difficult to ride the tiger. For the three of them, she only persuaded her. Having said it a few times, I didn’t expect my daughter to be more and more silent, and I was separated from myself.
       Yue-huan shook his head and said: "I didn't think about anything." Su Concubine touched the forehead of Yue-huan and said softly: "Let's say, things will get sick in your heart."
       "If she guessed it, her daughter should be thinking about 3rd Miss."
       Yue-huan looked at Su Concubine and asked: "I wonder why the three sisters are not coming back?" Yue-huan is actually thinking about Yue-Yao. What happened to the last generation? If it is a hatred of hatred, it should be revenge, not so calm and calm. However, if there is no hatred, it can't be said, because Yue-Yao is very prepared for the people in Lian. 3rd Miss is looking for a family, looking for a Li family, but not looking for someone from Lian House. Now she is also a member of Lian House. With 3rd Miss's current mentality, she is confident that she is difficult to go to heaven.
       Su Concubine was also very surprised and said: "I thought that the first thing I couldn't stand was 3rd Miss." She didn't go to the  Mountains, but she knew that the life of the temple was very hard. How could a 3rd Miss a Eldest Miss Miss? And listening to the butler's meaning, it seems that 3rd Miss is doing very well on the  Mountain, which is really strange.
       Yue-huan feels that Su Concubine is becoming less and less aware of how to communicate. As long as all the bad words of 3rd Miss are coming, she is always prepared. Yue-Yao is very helpless. She just wants to make a good deal. She didn't think about going away with 3rd Miss. People are open and plugged in. After making a good deal with her, she can avoid a lot of risks. Su Concubine said: "I know Concubine, go back to sleep first."
       Yue-huan lie in the bed and looks out through the window to paint a piece of paint outside, and nothing can be seen. She has been wondering what kind of person Yue-Yao is. She really can't see through. Yue-Yao obviously hates 1st Madam, but she has been so calm. She is in the midst of preparing for a powerful blow, or is she really kind to not revenge.
       Yue-huan heard a slight footstep and squinted, and Su Concubine felt that she had pinched the quilt and didn't open her eyes until Su Concubine left the room, and Yue-huan opened her eyes again. Su Concubine loves it very much, but Su Concubine outlook on life and world view is different from her. She should not be subject to people forever, let alone control her destiny in the hands of others, so she will not be reconciled. The only one who can join her is 3rd Miss.
       In The Ma House, Zhuang Ruolan knows that Yue Ying can't stand back to Lian House and smiles gently: "No one can stand the hard days on the  Mountain." Not only the three meals, but also the days are boring, the willpower is not good. People who are used to it are simply unbearable.
       Cai-yun’s face admired: “-Young Madam, the masters in the temple are all appreciative of 3rd Miss, and now 3rd Miss can go to the monastery’s Tibetan Classical Court to write by volume.-Young Madam, 3rd Miss is really rare.” 3rd Miss is also grown up in a thousand pets. I didn’t expect to be able to withstand such hardships and not admire.
       Ruolan couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "It's hard to get. Let the butler send something to Yue-Yao tomorrow, remember to tell Yue-Yao to let her move, the room is too cold."
       Cai-yun smiled and said: "Okay."
       Hao Mama made a bowl of bird's nest porridge for Yue-Yao on the night after Yue-Ying. According to Hao Mama, his own Miss will be tonic from time to time, just like in Lian. If you don't work like this day, your body will lose.
       On the second day, Lian House sent the roughing-Pozi.
       Yue-Yao took a look at that Pozi, tall and tall is a capable job. Originally a rough mess-Pozi just came to do things, but this rough makes-Pozi faces with a charming smile can make people laugh, Mo-shi sent such a person to come over and do not know what it means.
       That rough-Pozi sees Yue-Yao and looks at her and hurries: "Miss is good." Although it is a bit of a bitterness on the  Mountain, but no one knows that 3rd Miss is generous and has been suffering for a few months in the  Mountains. It’s not better than staying in the house for a year!
       Yue-Yao can't face a person who is doing things with a cold face, and immediately smiles and asks: "What is your surname?"
       That-Pozi is busy saying: "The servants are surnamed Xu."
       Yue-Yao Dagger said that he knows: "It’s hard for you in the past few months." Picking up water and chopping wood is an individual effort. During this time, Hao Mama and two donkeys are really tired.
       Xu-Pozi said happily: "It is a blessing to be a servant to work for Miss." Anything is done in the same way as doing things here, and there are more rewards here.
       Yue-Yao waved her to find Hao Mama. The people of Lian-jia have just left, and the people of Ma family have come. There was not much to send this time, and a new quilt was sent, which was especially bright.
       The quilt is navy, very thick. Hao Mama looked at the smile and said: "Miss, this quilt has at least ten pounds, cotton is also new, and the night is covered with warmth." The previous quilt was not bad, but it was not good.
       Yue-Yao quilt was replaced with this navy blue quilt. In addition to these, I also sent a snow white coat.
       Yue-Yao knows the goods, this is the clothes made of the finest snow fox fur, and it is too expensive to mutter the watch. This kind of big hair clothes is worth thousands of Silver Taels.
       In addition, the manager said that Ruolan’s words: “Miss, Young Madam said that Duke house has been greeted, and Miss can move to the main house to live.”
       Yue-Yao is not a pedantic person. She used to think that living in the main house was not good because the owner did not speak. Now people in Duke House have no problem, but it is a fool. In particular, I heard that the main house was covered with a dragon, and the winter was not cold. I decided to move now.
       After sending away people, Yue-Yao and Hao Mama said that they had moved to the house. The three people lived in the small courtyard for such a long time and they entered the main house for the first time.
       The comparison between the main house and the house where they lived was really two days. Huanghuali carved Lotus Arhat bed, there is also a black lacquered gold drawer, yellow rosewood dressing table, huanghuali wood Wuyifeng bronze mirror table. A window of yellow pears was placed in the window, and a jade pen holder, a sapphire relief, a pine pen holder, and the like were placed on the table.
       Yue-Yao took two servants and went to the right room to see. The furnishings on the right side are similar to the left side, except that the wood of the furniture is much worse, it is all sour wood, and there is nothing on the table, bare.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I live here."
       Yue-Yao lived in the main house, Hua-li and Qiao-Lan a house, Hao Mama a house, rough-Pozi a house. The empty room just puts things, and you can pile up some firewood.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect that the court was coming over the next day.
       Yue-Yao heard Hua-li cheerful cry in the house: "Miss, 4th Young Masters have come to see you. Miss, 4th Young Masters are coming."
       Yue-Yao, when he got out of the house, saw the court in the yard. When the court was seeing Yue-Yao, he ran over and said: "Sister, you don't come with me on the  Mountain." The words are full of grievances.
       Yue-Yao touched the forehead of Tingzheng: "My sister is also in a hurry. I will tell you in advance when something happens." The child did not feel a little bit safe, always worried that he would abandon him.
       Ting is really wronged: "Sister, I want to come over when I got the news, but I don't want to let him. The Master said that I have too many homework to take time off, and this time I am on vacation." Master Zhu said that unless it is at home. There are major things, such as the last time that the elders are as important as the last time, and they are not allowed to take time off at other times.
       Yue-Yao smiled and took a look at the back of the court: "Master is right to say this. You can't delay your studies in order to see your sister. Is the court, is the falling lessons coming up?"
       Ting is shaking his head: "Not yet, the Master said that he still has to work hard and can't slack off, so I don't know when I can come to see my sister next time." This is also an opportunity to win.
       Yue-Yao listened to a piece of music: "When the New Year is over, my sister will go back, and by the time you will have a holiday." It will be two months, and it will soon arrive.
       Ting Zheng is obviously not happy.
       Yue-Yao pointed to the forehead of the court: "It’s rare to come to see my sister. It’s ugly to look at my face. Laughing to see my sister, my family is laughing most cute." Yue-Yao squeezed the court The white face is clear and tender, and the court is calling.
       Sister and brother talked for a long time, in fact, it is not a chat, they are saying that Yue-Yao is listening. Ting is talking about all kinds of interesting things in the Li family.
       Yue-Yao Every time she listened to the various things that the court was saying in the Li family, she was especially fortunate to have made such a good friend. Because from the statement of the court, you can feel the love of Li Bobo and Li Auntie and Li Jia to the court, and because of this, the court can grow so well.
       After dinner, Yue-Yao led the court to see the scenery. After arriving at the destination, the court was full of sweat, and Yue-Yao said: "Ting Zheng, you have to exercise in the future, but you can't take two steps to get tired and panting." Yue-Yao squatting with the court Very good, but this body can not only make up, but also be healthy. If you want to be healthy, you have to exercise.
       The two walked the same way, the sister's face was not red and not breathing, but he was terribly tired, and for the first time, the court felt that he still had a big gap with his sister. Ting Zheng always listened to Yue-Yao words and immediately nodded: "Well, go back and start exercising."
       The court was only staying for one night on the  Mountain. The next day, after lunch, Yue-Yao let him go back. Tingzhen reluctantly: "Sister, I will come to see my sister after the next Master holiday."
       Yue-Yao patted the shoulder of Ting Zheng and said, "Okay."
       Yue-Yao move to the house soon returned to Lian.
       It is good to have a typhoid fever. She is mainly nursed back now. It’s not a taste of the moon’s suffocation. If it’s not in a house with a yin, she won’t be cold.
       The blue is enough to bear Yue-Yao in the  Mountains, which can catch the opportunity to say the bad words of Yue-Yao, and he said: "Miss, 3rd Miss must be intentional. Deliberately let Miss live in such a cold room. In the middle, Miss can't stay on the  Mountain. Miss, 3rd Miss is a person who can't be accommodated." The blue is thinking of Yue-Yao habits and hate it; he can't bring a rough-Pozi On the  Mountain, I said that I couldn't live in the main house, but after they came back, 3rd Miss lived in the main house and asked for a roughing-Pozi. If they are arranged this way, they will not have to suffer so much sin.
       Cai Qing feels that the blue is getting worse and worse now, she wants to refute but looks at the look of the moon and does not speak, and then swallows back to the  Mouth. These things still let Miss judge the true and false. The last time she said good things to 3rd Miss, the blue meter was right for herself, and Miss was not very satisfied with himself. If you help 3rd Miss, who knows what will be arranged for her.
       When I saw the blue moon, I didn’t talk, and continued to ignite: "Miss, you think, you went down the  Mountain, now she has a filial name. Girl, don’t you remember the 3rd Young Master? It’s just a sentence. A letter of 3rd Miss is a lot of excuses and unwilling to help, Miss, 3rd Miss did not put Miss in the eyes..." 3rd Miss always picks his nose and raises his eyes, making her not good. She also had to make 3rd Miss not too good.
       Cai Qing really couldn’t listen, and advised: “What’s the matter between Cai-Lan and Miss, where is it that you have to interrupt me? If it’s been – Madam knows, we must be blamed.” The right and wrong, the relationship between the protagonist, the blame is very heavy.
       It’s really a good idea to pick blue. Why do you always count 3rd Miss? 3rd Miss and Eldest Miss are the cousins ​​of the room. Cai-Lan and looking at the blue, the eyes flashed doubts, she found that the blue is not right. It used to be okay, at most, it was occasional hurricane igniting, but since it was on the  Mountain, it began to get wrong.
       There was some sadness in Yue-Ying’s heart, whispered: “Well, you are all going down. I want to calm down.” She really needs to calm down, so I have to think about whether I have to go back to the  Mountains.
       Months thought for a long time, and finally felt that it was good to go back to the  Mountains. When I gave Mo-shi an afternoon in the afternoon, I asked to go back to the  Mountain. "Mother, my illness has passed, I want to go back to the  Mountain tomorrow."
       Mo-shi looked at the moon in his heart and flashed a word, stupid. I really don’t want to go down the  Mountain on the same day. "Don’t go back on the  Mountain, and raise your body at home.
       Yue Ying did not understand, explained: "Mother, my body has been good, go to the  Mountain is no problem." She is in good health, naturally can go back to the  Mountains, why not go?
       Mo-shi never thought that Ying surplus would actually ask each other and said: "No reason? I am afraid that you will fall ill after two days on the  Mountain, and you have to toss.
       "If you pick up someone and come back for three days, you will send it back. What if you have a fever? I really thought that she was deliberate. And then send Ying surplus back to let the Ma family think?" What do people in Duke think?
       After listening to this, the face was red, and I dare not mention it.
       Going back to the yard, Lan Lan asked urgently: "How is Miss still thinking about going back to the  Mountains?" She had to work hard to advise Miss not to go back to the  Mountains. The days on the  Mountain are too bitter, cold and boring, and there are so many living things, and 3rd Miss is also like a demon. If you go back to Cai-Lan Lian, you will have a heart.
       After Mo-shi and other monthly surpluses, I thought about putting Yue-Yao alone on the  Mountain. If not, Yue-Yao went to the  Mountain alone and thought that they would treat Yu-Yao, who had no father and no mother, and told Lian Dongfang that night to let Yue-huan go. " Master, originally I want to let the second Miss go. The second Miss is the sister who went to the  Mountain to take care of 3rd Miss. But the second Miss just happened to have a cough on the two days, and 4th Miss went just fine.
       Lian Dongfang always ignored the housekeeping and let Mo-shi decide.
       Su Concubine words were wrinkled. “Three sisters will not agree to let me go to the  Mountains.” Wherever Yu-Yao sect will let her live on the  Mountain, she is not sure if she is not Can withstand these sufferings.
       Su Concubine looked at her daughter's unhappy face, she knew what abacus Madam played. It’s just that her heart is very complicated and has been tangled.
       Yue-huan feels very strange, asks: " concubine, you didn't always like me to go with 3rd Miss, why don't you say Madam said don't let me go. concubine, what's wrong with you? She was keenly aware that Su Concubine recently felt weird.
       Su Concubine sighed slightly: " Madam is not willing to let Eldest Miss go. Second, Miss is just not comfortable. You are the most suitable person. I don't want to object." 1st Madam Let her daughter go to the temple Nothing else, I want my daughter to have a good relationship with 3rd Miss and then set the story.
       There is an instinct in Yue-huan that tells Su Concubine to hide her things. This is definitely not the reason. Yue-huan bowed his head and converged all his thoughts. He asked a little worried: " concubine, when I went to the  Mountain, 3rd Miss will drive me down?"
       Su Concubine smiled at Yue-huan and smiled and said: "3rd Miss does not agree that it is a 3rd Miss thing, it has nothing to do with you. Madam lets you go, it is not your fault to come back. You do well Preparation, it is estimated that these two days."
       The Ying-huaned his head and waited for Su Concubine to go out, Yue-huan pinched the corner of the quilt. She hopes that what she guessed is wrong.
       Su Concubine servants were very strange about her attitude and asked: " concubine, is it really good to let 4th Miss go to the  Mountains?" She didn't feel good. 4th Miss have always wanted to get close to 3rd Miss. I used to have no chance. Now I have a chance. If 4th Miss is standing at 3rd Miss, it is better.
       Su Concubine said tiredly: "Let her go to the  Mountains for a while."
       Su Concubine is a very sensitive person. She is very upset when she starts her daughter's amnesia, but her daughter's escape is also a happy event; so she lost her memory and she still taught her. Just slowly, she found something wrong. Yue-huan has become smart, not only unforgettable but also a little pass.
       It is a good thing to become intelligent. Her daughter is intelligent, and she deliberately let her daughter pretend. It’s just that she is puzzled. It’s impossible for a person to lose memory to subvert everything. Things that you like to do, things you like, no matter what you change.
       In addition, since the loss of memory, Yue-huan has even taught Ting Lun. The method of teaching is novel and useful, and the progress of Tinglun is accelerated. However, Yue-huan emerged from time to time in the teaching, and she did not hear it. The interpretation of Yue-huan was a guilty conscience, which made her wonder.
       All sorts of things made Su Concubine scared, but it didn't look like her own daughter. It was like changing someone inside.
       Su Concubine has always kept herself from thinking about it, that is her daughter, the daughter born in 10 months. She has been reassuring that her amnesia is also possible. It is a pity that after the development of the export red in Yue-huan, and after taking it out to Yue-Ying and Yue-Bing, they can no longer convince themselves.
       Su Concubine has always decorated Yue-huan, and she is arrogant, but she teaches things that she teaches. She teaches Yue-huan strategy, teaches Yue-huan embroidery, and teaches her all things. But how to make rouge lipstick, she never taught Yue-huan.
       Su Concubine is very contradictory during this time. Although there are many doubtful places, Yue-huan is still the same filial piety, she does not know how to do it. Just Madam wants to let Yue-huan go to the  Mountain to accompany Yue-Yao, of course, she understands that the so-called accompanying is actually monitoring. However, she felt that she had just borrowed this opportunity to send Yue-huan to the  Mountain and let Yue-huan stay in the  Mountains for a while. As long as Yue-huan can stay safely on the  Mountain for a while, she is also practical.
       This is mainly because Yue-huan wakes up and is close to Su Concubine, and also loves Ting Lun, so Su Concubine is hesitant. Doubt, and fear that the suspicion is wrong, and the game is uncertain. If Yue-huan wakes up, she will be indifferent to her, and she does not like Ting Lun. I am afraid that I have already asked the Taoist to come over and give her a practice. Therefore, silly people are also stupid.

       Chapter 126 meets again 

       The public security of Zhaohua Temple is first-class, and the idlers can't enter, let alone the lawless, that is the door can't get in. Yue-Yao with Qiao-Lan or
       The Hua-li road walked around in the vicinity of Hao Mama did not interfere.
       The weather is just right on this day, and the sun is hanging high in the Tianshan  Mountains. Yue-Yao has seen the scriptures have been copied, and is ready to go to the Tibetan Pavilion for a new one.
       The  Mountain road is not easy to go, and the  Mountain wind is also big, but Yue-Yao likes to climb the  Mountain. For the strange preference of Yue-Yao, everyone wonders. Hua-li walked out of breath, seeing Yue-Yao, who was unchanged, Hua-li was depressed: "Miss you go slowly, Miss slowly."
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li, who had sweat on his forehead, and said with a smile: "I have gone very slowly. You don't have to walk, you will feel better if you walk slowly." Even if you walk the  Mountain, there are Exquisite, slow and not slow can save a lot of physical strength.
       Hua-li looks red: "Miss..." Her physical strength is more than Miss, but it is extremely embarrassing.
       I haven't walked to the top of the  Mountain. The handkerchief of Hua-li has been wet: "Miss, I will give it to me in the future. Will I change the book?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No, you don't know what kind of scrolls to look for. If you come, you will be sincere."
       On the hills of 10 months, there are no birds and flowers, and there are no pleasant scenery; but the tranquility and serenity in the temple is also a different kind of beauty. Hua-li looked at the  Mountain where he couldn't see the margin: "Miss, you said that you can see the industry of Zhaohua Temple. Are these true?" Yue-Yao chuckles: "Of course it is true." However, there are a lot of specific historical materials. The things around this temple belong to the Zhaohua Temple. The fields under the  Mountain are also the industries of the temples, but they are rented out and are divided into a part of the food every year.
       Yue-Yao went back from the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures and borrowed it, and did not stay in the temple. On the way back, I met two people.
       Jingjing did not expect to encounter Yue-Yao here: "Lian Miss is well." Guang Jingshuo did not know that Yue-Yao went to the  Mountain to clean up. Of course, I don't know if it is normal, I don't know it is normal. It’s no surprise that a young Master always cares about what Miss is going to do.
       Yue-Yao also had some accidents, with a faint smile on his lips: "Noble Heir is well."
       Guan Jingwei Xiao Yan and his family watched Yang Master’s initiative to speak with others. To know that their Noble Heir 'temperament' is extremely weird, and others don't take the initiative to say hello, he won't talk on his own initiative, especially when he sees Miss. Peace can't help but look at Yue-Yao, seeing Yue-Yao dress, but it eliminates the doubts in my heart.
       Yue-Yao is wearing a white cotton jacket today, a white six-sleeve skirt, a silver plaque on his head, a pearl earring on his ear, and a jade bracelet on his wrist. The whole body is white, this is the clothes that the filial piety will wear.
       Hua-li looked at Guan Jingyi and couldn’t see it.
       Guan Jingyi wears a purple crown, wearing a white bougainvillea with a dark blue jade belt, a white jade plaque between the plaques, and a white cloak on the outside. The white fox fur on the hood flutters in the wind. Exquisite and beautiful facial features, a faint smile in the corner of the  Mouth, people can not help but want to be close.
       Peace whispered: "Noble Heir, Madam is waiting in the main hall." This time, Noble Heir was impatient to entertain those Madam, so he found an excuse.
       Yue-Yao makes a way out: "Noble Heir please."
       Guangjing’s face was a little red, but he said very rudely: “Thank you for Miss.” Guan Jingqi childhood was too small because he was so good that he liked Miss’s, so I don’t know how much it’s cheaper. Because he does not like to let other women get close. However, Yue-Yao feels very kind to him, so it is not exclusive.
       Yue-Yao smiled.
       Jingjing walked past Yue-Yao, and after two steps of imagining, he finally turned and called: "Miss please stay." He remembered Xiao-jing, who was blind and squinted, and always had other Miss. Their family gangzi, when their family gongzi took the initiative to find someone to speak. Although peace has always been very vigilant, it is obvious that the initiative of the Young Master is another matter.
       Yue-Yao turned and smiled: "What is Noble Heir?" She is also very surprised that Guan Jingyu told her what to do, and her guess is that she should not know the relationship of the previous generation.
       Guan Jingxi went to Yue-Yao for a ceremony: "Miss, I remember the last time Miss looked at me with a deep regret. I think I should have read it wrong. What does Miss regret for me? "He didn't want to ask questions, but this time always reminds me of it." These years of love, wonder, envy, and all kinds of eyes have been seen, but no one sees him when he is with a color of regret. That feeling is very bad.
       Yue-Yao, she did have some regrets at the time. If there is no Ma Chengteng, Yue-Yao will definitely say that Guangjing Shuo is wrong, but there is a relationship between the parents of both sides. If you don’t follow this person, Awakened, Yue-Yao can't get through: "Noble Heir want to know?"
       Guan Jingyu nodded: "Yes, I really want to know."
       Yue-Yao gently tapped his head: "Then I said a few words to Noble Heir alone."
       Hearing the face and rising red: "Miss, the lonely man and the widowed woman are not proper to talk privately, Miss ......" If it is not Yue-Yao look is too dull, there is no such obsessive look at Guan Jingxi, peace is definitely not It will be as good as it is now.
       Hua-li also thinks that their family Miss should not talk to this world alone. It’s not a good idea for this lonely man to be whispered alone. But this little swearing is really hateful. Hua-li said with enthusiasm: "What do you mean by this? Is your family Noble Heir asking me about Miss, not my family Miss looking for your Noble Heir? Miss, let's go, save nothing. I just started to feel good about this Noble Heir, but I didn't expect the little sister around me to be this virtue. The servants are so bad, the master is not so good.
       Guangjing blinked a peace and pointed to a place not far away: "You wait there, don't let people come." During this time he always remembered Yue-Yao sorrowful look, he instinctively felt this There is something inside.
       Peace unwillingly called: "Noble Heir..." Under the harsh eyes of the scene, he also had to follow the instructions of Guan Jingxi.
       Yue-Yao also let Hua-li wait aside for a while. Waiting for Hua-li to leave with peace, Guangjing Shuo said: "Miss can now say." Yue-Yao smiled lightly: "Do you know that your mother and my mother are Jinlan sisters?" The so-called Jinlan sisters are equivalent to worship. Sisters, only when they have a deep friendship will become the sisters of Jinlan.
       The scene is a glimpse, she is not sensible when she is pregnant, and the people around her will not tell him about her mother: "Sorry, no one told me."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have never heard of normal. But I will tell you when my mother and your sister come in to the sisters. Otherwise, I will not say these words in my stomach."
       The scene is shining: "Miss please."
       Yue-Yao avoided this topic and said, "Are your mother good to you?"
       Guan Jingxi nodded: "My mother is very kind to me and treats me as my own son. This time I am accompanying my mother to come to the incense." The mother in Guanjing's  Mouth is now Yongding Marquis Ma dam Small Ning shi.
       Yue-Yao From the words of Guan Jingxi, it can be seen that the relationship between the mother and the mother is very good. Yue-Yao is awkward, she doesn't know how to say it.
       Guan Jingyu saw the embarrassed look of Yue-Yao, and did not understand what it was so tangled. Guan Jingyu was only curious before, but now she wants to know more about her mother through Yue-Yao.
       A gust of wind blew, Guan Jingxi couldn't help but hit a servant. But Yue-Yao is not moving, let alone the brows are not wrinkled. Yue-Yao looked at the white background and looked too pale. Others looked at it as a fair skin. Yue-Yao felt that it was a pathological condition: "I see you look a little white, your body is not Not bad?" It's awful, it should be very bad.
       Guang Jingshu looked at Yue-Yao in a wrong way: "How do you know?" Tai-yi did say that he was in poor health, but these were caused by congenital deficiency. Although these years have not been associated with medicine jars, they are sick several times a year.
       Yue-Yao is speechless: "This look can be seen. Dressed so thick, you can be cold and snoring in a gust of wind, so the body..." Speaking here, he shook his head.
       After listening to these words, Guangjing Shuo looked awkward: "The doctor said that I am not enough, so the body is weaker?"
       Yue-Yao is frowning: "Innate deficiency? Impossible, how can you be born with enough birth?" Yue-Yao clearly remembers that Ms Deng said that Guan Jingyi was born in full. Difficult to produce is only a great harm to the mother, and the child will not have any damage as long as it is safely landed.
       Guan Jingxi was a little surprised. He didn't think that Yue-Yao knew this about him: "The doctor said that I am not enough, and because of the evil spirits in the body, I can't break the roots. I can only raise them."
       Yue-Yao really feels rare, but the congenital deficiency is only for the premature baby, and it will be applied to Guan Jingyi. Yue-Yao, but remember that Deng Mama said that when Guan Jingyu landed, he was seven pounds and sixty-two. He was a big fat boy and his body was very good.
       Yue-Yao turned a few turns in the belly, but the face was not half-pointed: "You don't want to know why I know your identity will have a pity?
       Guangjing Shuo nodded quickly.
       Yue-Yao chuckles: "I am sorry because you are Noble Heir of The Yongding Marquis Estate , but it is a weak scholar who can't ask for a hand?"
       I didn’t understand it: “I don’t understand what Miss means.”
       Yue-Yao doesn't seem to see the doubts of Guangjingshuo: "I heard that The Yongding Marquis Estate  Shishu became a wind, and the children of the family have released Wu Xiwen. Is there such a thing? Guan Jingyi said after a long time: "Yes, but this has What is the problem? ”
       Yue-Yao has a faint smile on the face: "Do you think there is any problem?" The current Yongding Marquis is a romantic talent, not only likes to sing with the poetry and literati, but also surrounded by various talents. woman.
       It is said that Yongding Marquis has six beautiful people around him, and everyone is proficient in the same instrument. The people who went to The Yongding Marquis Estate  were proud to hear the six beautiful people playing together.
       This is not wrong in itself. Now the country is in a dormant state. However, the mistake is wrong in the genius of Yongding Marquis, even the future generations of martial arts are not allowed, they are required to enter the official. That is to let the children of Guanjia abandon the military.
       Guangjing Shuo did not understand: "Miss, what is the problem? It is the right way to enter the official from the imperial examination." Guan Jingyu was deeply influenced by Yongding Marquis, and did not think that there was anything wrong with this.
       Yue-Yao looked at Qing song not far away. After a long while, he said: "I remember that the first Yongding Marquis followed the Taizu to fight the world, played hundreds of battles, but never lost one defeat. It was called Chang Sheng General. The Emperor of Taizu also said that he was a blessing." The first Yongding Marquis was a dartmaster who ran a dart. Later, he followed the Taizu Emperor’s Nanzheng battle for more than 30 years. It became the founding hero of the Great Yuan Family. Because of this outstanding military power, it was sealed as the Marquis of the hereditary title.
       Guan Jingyi nodded: "Yes." He became more and more puzzled about what Yue-Yao had to say, and he went to his ancestors.
       Yue-Yao sneaked a smile: "You feel that there is no problem from the text."
       Guan Jingxi really feels no problem.
       Yue-Yao looked up and looked straight at Guan Jingwei: "What do you think is the foundation of The Yongding Marquis Estate ?" Yongding Marquis is the military's meritorious deeds, and the foundation is naturally in the army.
       Guan Jingxi is a wise man. He understands the meaning of Yue-Yao. The foundation of The Yongding Marquis Estate  is in the army. Now all the sons of Yongding Marquis are throwing away their own foundations. But he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. It was the same from Wujinshi and the imperial examination.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Do you also think that the military officer does not have the honor of a civil servant." At the beginning of the founding of the country, the position of the military officer was greater than that of the civil servant. Later, the civil servant gradually became above the military officer. Military officers at the same level must salute the civil servants. However, during the period of Emperor Yingzong, this situation changed.
       The factual reform of the Emperor Yingzong, since then, the position of the military commander alongside the military officer. However, the Emperor Yingzong has passed away for more than 50 years, and the world is still peaceful for more than 50 years. The military official is now in a dormant state. The civil servants are not willing to lose power in their hands and want to restore the glory of the past, so they have been moving all the time.
       The military officers have lived through these good years, and they are willing to be overwhelmed by the civil servants. These years, the court seems to be calm, in fact, the civil servants fight the military officers very well.
       Guan Jingxi immediately shook his head: "No, in my eyes, the status of civil servants and military officers is the same."
       Yue-Yao looked at Guan Jingshuo: "When you fight, do you still feel the same?" Now the civil service officers are equal in status, so they will fight endlessly.
       Yue-Yao looked at the big eyes and smiled and didn't continue to talk. The world has been peaceful for more than 50 years, and it is impossible to continue the peace. The specific Yue-Yao will not say it naturally, because no one believes it.
       Guan Jingxi seems to understand what Yue-Yao regrets, but he is deeply confused. How is this Lian-jia 3rd Miss so wary?
       Yue-Yao whispered: "Noble Heir should be so intelligent, and no one wants to be forever."
       More than a decade later, the barbarian rebellion was overwhelmed by the Emperor Yingzong. The barbarian is a good fighting nation and will be willing to be suppressed. Before, there was no way to be low and small. After more than 60 years of cultivation, I recovered my anger. After the strength recovered, I provoked the war. After the barbarian rebellion, the country of the vassal Da Yuan Family also suffered a rebellion.
       Yue-Yao remembers that there are many newcomers in this war, and there are many old honours, and The Yongding Marquis Estate  is among them. Later, because of the vortex of Yongding Marquis involved in the struggle for storage, he was defeated. After Yue-Yao passed away, the title of The Yongding Marquis Estate  was not returned.
       Guan Jing looked at Yue-Yao. Although he read poetry, he never thought about such a long-term thing. In front of Yue-Yao, he was very embarrassed. Peace wants to call her Noble Heir, but she doesn't dare to go there, and she is very anxious. Madam must have sent someone to find her, but let him call Guan Jingyu, he does not care. Don't look at Noble Heir to speak on most days, but once you open your  Mouth, you won't be allowed to violate the following violations, or you will be severely punished. Peaceful hearts pray that you should never be found by someone who was sent by Madam. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen!
       Hua-li is also anxious, but Yue-Yao is also a one-of-a-temperament, and Hua-li does not dare to go forward. Just looking at the eyes of peace is getting less and less
       Yue-Yao sees Guan Jingyi not answering, thinking that he does not agree: "Since Noble Heir thinks that I am in the  Mouth, then I didn't say anything today.
       Guan Jingxi returned to God and explained: "Miss misunderstood, I was just thinking about Miss. Miss looked long-term, I am very embarrassed." He did not think about this more than ten or twenty years later. But as long as you think about it seriously, what Lian-Mix said is not a worry.
       Guan Jingxuan thought of it here, and his mind flashed a flash: "Miss looked at me at the time and looked at the color of regret. Could it be that we regret that we will abandon Wu from the text?" If so, the Miss is too warm-hearted.
       Yue-Yao will definitely not say that I regret you early: "Well. Noble Heir, there is one more thing because of your housework, I don't know if I should say it." Yue-Yao can't bear to let this happen. A talented teenager has disappeared. Therefore, she decided to tell her opinion about Guan Jingyu. She has done what she can, and as for Guan Jingxin’s letter or not, it has nothing to do with her.
       Guan Jingxi doubts in his heart: "Miss please."
       Yue-Yao sighed for a while and said: "My mother knew that Yun Yun was ready to choose her sister to be your successor. My mother wrote a letter to persuade Yun Yun to say that this is very inappropriate. Later, my mother received a letter from Yun Yun. The letter said that she gave up the decision and she was looking for other Miss. But I don’t know why your aunt has become your successor.” Guan Jingxi mother Called Ning Yun, so Yue-Yao is called rhyme.
       Guan Jing stunned: "Impossible." Guan Jingyu instinctively suspected that the reason is very simple. People inside and outside said that the aunt was chosen by her mother, but now someone told her not. This contradiction is puzzling.
       Yue-Yao hesitated, and now she doesn't know whether to say it. If you tell Guan Jingyu directly that his mother's mind is not wanting to harm him, this is the red-naked provocation of the red, and it is certainly difficult for Guan Jingyi to believe. Others say that a thousand and ten thousand will not believe it. She has experienced such a thing. On that day, Hua-li has always said that Mo-shi is not good at heart. She just doesn't believe it. If you want Guan Jingyi to believe that it is best to let him doubt, then go and trace. Therefore, Yue-Yao deliberately said: "You don't believe it."
       Guan Jingyu looks at Yue-Yao cold attitude and looks very complicated. In the past few years, there were many people in Yongding Marquis who provoked their mother-child relationship, but he never believed. Now Yue-Yao said that he instinctively felt that Yue-Yao didn't have a picture, but Yue-Yao attitude was not like this, and Yue-Yao had nothing to do with Yongding Marquis. Saying these words really makes him unable to understand: "Lian Miss, why are you telling me?"
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly, with a sardonic taste in his smile: "I saw you in the rhyme and my mother is the sister of Jinlan, but I can't help you to suspect that I am provoking your mother-child relationship. ? "
       Guan Jingxi shook his head and said: "Lian Miss, I don't know why Bai Miss said these things to me?" Said Yue-Yao had an attempt to find out why, so he really didn't understand why Yue-Yao I will tell you this.
       Yue-Yao sighed slightly: "Some time ago I sorted out my mother's relics and found several letters in the rhyme written to my mother. I read those letters." Yue-Yao very baby Ma-shi Something, so Ma-shi stuff is very complete. At the end of last year, Yue-Yao asked Servant to sort out the warehouse and found many letters left by Ma-shi. These letters contained letters from Ning Yun to Ma-shi.
       Guan Jingyu is a bit embarrassed. He should not doubt the person in front of him: "Can you give these letters to me?" Guan Jingshuo said these words with a pleading tone.
       Yue-Yao eyebrows flashed: "What do you mean?"
       Guan Jingxi did not explain the reason: "Lian Miss, I ask you to give me these letters from my mother, please?" Guan Jingyi does not know what his mother looks like now, he looks like him again. Grandfather'. And he heard more people say that his mother is a talented woman, but he has never seen a pen and ink of his mother.
       Yue-Yao, I didn’t expect this small Ning-shi to want the rhyme to disappear in The Marquis Estate , but it’s impossible for a big living person to disappear: "The letter is not for you." The problem, but I have to wait for me to return home." Yue-Yao remembers that there is a painting in the storehouse that is her mother's rhyme, and when she finds it, she can also give him.
       Guan Jing’s eyes lit up: “When is Miss going back?”
       Yue-Yao can understand this urgency: "I can't give you the exact time now, I will let people pass the letter to you after I go back." Seeing the eyes of Guan Jingshuo, Yue-Yao went on to say: "I will go back at the end of the month. People will give you something in the first month."
       Guan Jingxi is very grateful: "Thank you, Lian Miss."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Noble Heir, if you really want to thank me, I don't want other people to know that we know, and I don't want anyone to know what I said to you. You should know about your government. Being told by others will cause me a lot of trouble."
       Guan Jingxi swears: "Miss assured, I won't say anything in half a word." People are kind and kind, how can he bring people to hemp?
       Yue-Yao also told Guan Jingyu another good news: "I know that a doctor named Li is very medically skilled. You go to him and he should be able to cure your illness."
       Guan Jing looked at Yue-Yao, Tai-yi said that his illness could not cure the roots, and he could only rest. The ugly point is that he has been a medicine jar for a lifetime. Now he heard Yue-Yao say that a doctor can cure his illness. The first reaction is not a surprise, but a suspicion.
       Yue-Yao suspicion of Guan Jingxi is very unhappy when she is telling lies: "Since you don't believe it, then forget it." He kindly introduced him to paying and didn't believe her.
       Guan Jingyu quickly explained: "Lian Miss, I don't believe you. But I was scared when I heard it. Miss, I have diagnosed several Tai-yis in recent years. They all said that I am The disease can only be raised, and the root can not be cured." His own body is clear, and he feels that his body is getting worse.
       Yue-Yao complexion eased: "This doctor Li is a highly skilled doctor who specializes in incurable diseases and may be cured by him."
       Guan Jingshuo thinks this is the reason: "Lian Miss, where is Dr. Li now?" Everyone wants to have a healthy and healthy body, and he is no exception. Just disappointed too many times, he did not report expectations.
       Yue-Yao will be so sure that Dr. Li can cure Guan Jingshuo illness because this number is Famous after the year and he is regarded as a doctor by the world.
       Yue-Yao told Guan Jingyi that this person is now in the Herbs, specifically the name Yue-Yao, I really don't know, but she also provided the message: "This person is bias, give the official Noble Lady see Medical expenses are too expensive, and you never go to the door to see people. You just need to send someone to inquire and find out. You have to remember that if you really want to cure your illness, you have to go and you can't figure it out. Otherwise he doesn't I will ignore you." After saying it, he said: "If you go to see a doctor, don't let others know! This insurance will not attract attention."
       If other people say that Guan Jingyi is sure to leave, because the last sentence contains a lot of things in it. However, Guan Jingshuo looked at the concern of Yue-Yao eyes and couldn't help but nodded: "You can rest assured that I will be very cautious and will not let them know."
       Yue-Yao said so much, it is nothing more than hoping to help Guan Jingyi to survive the robbery. She really can't bear to let such a talented person die so early.
       Yue-Yao saw Guan Jingyi attitude and sincerely couldn't help but said: "If your body is well-regulated, I think you'd better be a civil and military, and the foundation of The Marquis Estate  can't be broken." As for more than ten years later, Yes-Yao did not say.
       Guan Jingyu looked at Yue-Yao down the  Mountain, until he could not see the back of Yue-Yao, but he did not turn back. He felt that he had just had a dream and heard it was illusory.
       Peace has been calling for a long time, and Madam still doesn't know what it is like: "Noble Heir, we have to hurry back, Madam must have sent people around to find Noble Heir."
       Guan Jingyi heard the word Madam, and unexpectedly thought about Yue-Yao. Turning to stare at the peace said: "Today's business is not allowed to mention a word, Madam, if asked, said that I was greedy for the scenery in the temple."
       Peace never dares to rebel against Guan Jing. For him, Guan Jingyu is the real master, followed by the Marquis Madam: "Noble Heir rest assured, I will not say a word to the outside. Otherwise Let Noble Heir hate me. I dont know what Misss Noble Heir said, making Noble Heir so nervous.
       Peaceful and curious, Hua-li is equally curious, her family Miss is not a good talker. I don't even talk to others for a long time: "Miss, what did you say to this Noble Heir?"
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li: "No one can say anything just now, Qiao-Lan and Hao Mama don't want to say." Yue-Yao didn't want an accident, she helped Guan Jingyu, but I don't want to get into trouble.
       Hua-li looked at Yue-Yao seriously, and immediately nodded: "Miss, we came back with a book, I have never seen anyone."
       Yue-Yao is satisfied with the position. Looking up at the bottom, the steps above the clouds, like the clouds above, the  Mountain breeze, the more people blowing, the feeling of crumbling: "No matter what you do, you need one step at a time."
       Hua-li doesn't understand what Yue-Yao means. Seeing that Yue-Yao did not continue to say it, quickly catch up.
       The house is quiet, and there is a small purple eucalyptus incense burner with a small unicorn guarding the ganoderma lucidum on the table of the first table. The  Mouth of the furnace is filled with fragrant fragrance.
       Yue-Yao copied the scriptures in the room, and Hua-li looked ugly into the saying: "Miss, the house has sent things over, and 4th Miss has come over. The butler says yes Madam is worried that Miss is alone. Lonely and boring on the  Mountain, let 4th Miss come with 3rd Miss."
       Yue-Yao put down the ivory brush in his hand, "Go and see."
       Yue-huan is not intended to come, so the things considered are not comprehensive. She was frozen on the  Mountain, and the  Mountain was much colder than the capital.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-Yao without expression, and my heart was a little sad, but at this time, I couldn’t say a word. I can only respectfully say: "Three sisters." Yue-huan knows Madam With Concubine let her go to the  Mountain to accompany Yue-Yao, she knows it is not good. Yue-huan thought a lot of ways to avoid going to the  Mountains, but unfortunately it was not implemented in the end, or let Su Concubine be sent to the  Mountains.
       Yue-Yao said with no expression: "This is a cold day, four Mei Mei do not need to come to see me. I will go back later." Yue-Yao This is in the hurry.
       Yue-huan did not expect Yue-Yao to give such a face so much, and now he is bowing his head, it is very like a committee. The big Servant Hong-mei around Yue-huan can't look at it. "Miss, Madam is worried that 3rd Miss is alone in the  Mountains, so 4th Miss will come with 3rd Miss."
       Yue-Yao glanced at the Hong-mei and smiled and said: "What is a person alone in the  Mountains? Is this what you said or the aunt? I came to the  Mountain to eat the Buddha, not to swim in the  Mountains. It’s not to enjoy it.” Yue-Yao said this sentence with a cold feeling.
       Hongmei did not expect Yue-Yao to buckle such a big hat, and quickly sneaked down and pleaded guilty: "It is a servant, please Miss forgive me."
       If there is a choice of Yue-huan, I don't want to come here, but this is the matter decided by 1st Madam and Concubine. She can't resist it either. So, even if Yue-Yao doesn't wait for her, she must stay and explain. Said: "Three sisters, my mother also let me come here to pray for the 'Grandmother'."
       Yue-Yao also knows that it is difficult to send Yue-huan to leave, but she does not want to forget this, in front of a group of people said: "If the aunt is really sincere, let the second sister come over, not let you come." Having said that, Yue-Yao deliberately smiled: "Don't tell me, the second sister's cough is still not good." Yue-Yao is to wipe out Mo-shi.
       The people in the yard all bowed their heads.
       Yue-huan is also helpless, her fate is manipulated in the hands of 1st Madam, and if she is not obedient, her end will be very bleak. Yue-huan is not sweet, but also wants to resist, but what scares her is that she does not know how to resist? Concubine never resisted this idea, but she didn't know where to start. She also needs time to think about the future. She is the best opportunity in the temple. She can be quiet and think about the future without being influenced by the outside.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to grind with Yue-huan and directly to the butler: "You brought 4th Miss back! I can't live here. If you want her to stay, you can find accommodation for her." I also have to let people know that she is not muddy, how about what to think.
       The butler did not expect 3rd Miss to be so difficult.
       Yue-Yao went back to the house and said, "Hua-li, you are responsible for counting things, I am going back to practice."
       Yue-Yao just picked up the pen, followed by Yue-huan and said to her: "Three sisters, I want to tell you something."
       Seeing Yue-Yao in Yue-huan, I didn't wrinkle my eyes. I continued to write. I could only breathe a sigh of relief: "Three sisters, I have some private words to tell you, I want to tell you separately."
       Qiao Lan looked at Yue-huan with a bad eye.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan that did not stop, and said: "Qiao Lan, you go out!" Yue-Yao is not worried about the whispers of Yue-huan, Yue-huan has her handle, She has the handle of Yue-huan as well. Furthermore, Yue-Yao really didn't have much worry. Rebirth was nothing but ignorance. However, it is even more convincing to borrow the corpse, and the change around Yue-huan is so big, as long as the windy Yue-huan is released, it will be impossible to eat.
       According to the intention of Yue-Yao, the two of them are best off each other. Unfortunately, Yue-huan obviously does not think so. In this case, Yue-Yao would like to see what Yue-huan wants to do.
       The Ying-huan added, "Let everyone retreat outside the yard." She has a lot of words to ask Yue-Yao this time, these words can not be known to anyone.
       Yue-Yao nodded to Qiao-Lan .
       Qiao Lan looked at Yue-huan and then went out.
       Yue-huan has actually played a lot of prayers for this meeting today, but in the face of the indifferent Yue-Yao, she lost her heart and said: "Three sisters, you also know that I am not the real month. -maid, so I don't turn around. Three sisters, I am not a Family, I am passing through the future."
       Yue-Yao was surprised and surprised: "Future?" In the future, the concept of this Family, Yue-Yao is somewhat confused.
       The month rounded up and said: "Yes, I am passing through the future. In my original world, everyone is equal, technology is developed, and more importantly, the world is monoga Mou."
       Yue-Yao looks at Yue-huan strangely, what is the concept of monogamy.
       Yue-huan thought that Yue-Yao didn't believe it and solemnly said: "I didn't lie to you. The monogamy of the world is protected by law. If you dare to commit crimes, you must go to jail."
       Yue-Yao looks very weird, and then it is a crime. "If it is the original match, it is impossible to swear again." No one in the Yuan Family will marry two wives. Any man has only one ‘Madam’. As for what kind of ‘Madam’, in fact, it is a noble, not a ‘Madam’.
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "Three sisters, you didn't understand what I meant. I said that monogamy is only for husband and ‘Madam’. There is no Small Concubine in us. Everyone can only follow monogamy. If it is against Breaking the law. "Of course, the third -maid of the little three did not say.
       Yue-Yao naturally discovered the loopholes in the words of Yue-huan. He said: "It is natural to be a monogamy, but the husband and ‘Madam’ should be willing to work together. If there is no sincerity, even if there is a law, how do men have? The right has the potential to prevent the law from being shackled, but the same can be used to set up a house. The difference is that one is at home and the other is outside.” Yue-Yao does not think that monogamy is an ideal marriage. Honey swears to say that one person and two people, after the loss of freshness, Small Concubine picks up two Lian three and lifts the door, the vow is useless, the law is useless.
       The moon is wide-eyed, and the three sisters are so exquisite, and this can't escape her eyes. Modernity is monoga Mou, but extramarital affairs are everywhere.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "What does this have to do with you to come to me?" Yue-Yao has little interest in monogamy, because it doesn't matter if she talks to her about the moon.
       Yue-huan smashed a bit, and what I said just now did not have much to do with her to find Yue-Yao. The intention of Yue-huan is to let Yue-Yao envy, and then talk about the alliance. Unfortunately, Yue-Yao did not follow her words.
       Yue-huan knows to go on, and Yue-Yao turns around with her and directly says: "Three sisters, I want to join you, Madam is really greedy, I can't let her be at the mercy."
       Yue-Yao smiled, as if Yue-huan said something ridiculous, asked: "Join hands? What do you want to join me? You are hard to protect yourself and want to join me?"
       Yue-huan did not understand Yue-Yao said that she is difficult to protect herself.
       Yue-Yao sneered: "You are too naive. Do you think Su Concubine really didn't find your biasity? The real Yue-huan is not as smart as you, and a person's amnesia can't make you a child prodigy. 4th Miss from Born at Su Concubine, as a mother, do you think she will not find your strangeness? You must have discovered her daughter's body." Even if it is not 100% sure, Su Concubine must have begun to doubt. Otherwise, Su concubine will not send Yue-huan to the  Mountain.
       Yue-huan is pale: "No, Concubine hurts me."
       Yue-Yao sneered: "If she has not determined that you are a fake, how can you let you reveal the lipstick? You have been to Lian-jia for more than a year, you should know Mo-shi 'temperament 'Love, the woman is greedy and vicious. Su Concubine, who is Mo-shi confidant, may not know that you are suffering from this. Su Concubine has a deep heart, she didn't kill you because you still have value, or else you think why. Can you stand in front of me and talk to me?"
       Yue-huan shook his head: "Impossible."
       Yue-Yao chuckles: "You probably don't know, the backyard of Lian House has died four times in more than ten years Concubine, the children who have flown away will not say it, and five of them died before they were born. The children who died before were all Su Concubine handwriting.” Yue-Yao didn't have Su Concubine because Su Concubine is the knife of Mo-Shi, which is why Su Concubine is so true of Mo-shi. the reason.
       The moon's torus is white: "Impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it." So gentle and concealable Concubine turned out to be a murderous demon, she didn't believe it, she thought it was Yue-Yao In rumors. But thinking about it Concubine told her before Madam did something, she had a sadness in her heart, even if Concubine is not the culprit, it is definitely an accomplice.
       On the moon, she said that she did not believe in Yue-Yao, but in fact she had felt that Su Concubine had changed her attitude towards her. For example, the lipstick incident, she made so much money, she did not take it, she was full of complaints but Concubine did not say anything, but always let her develop something new as soon as possible. In addition, this incident on the  Mountain also revealed many strange things.
       Yue-Yao nodded secretly, but Yue-huan was not completely overwhelmed by Su Concubine: "I believe that you have felt Su Concubine attitude towards you is different. Think about it yourself! If you don't want to know, You only have one dead end."
       After the moon looped for a long time, he looked up at Yue-Yao and said, "Three sisters, last life, you are also very sad. Three sisters, I ask you to tell me.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I don't have to tell you about my business."
       Yuehua looked at Yue-Yao look and realized that he was stupid. Yue-Yao was really miserable in his life. It is very natural for people to guard against it. Where will the last life be revealed? And sad things will not be told to others.
       Yue-huan knows that she can only compromise: "Three sisters, I hope you can let me stay. I need a quiet environment and think about how to go in the future." Tell the truth in front of people like Yue-Yao. Words are the best.
       Yue-huan is really no way to go back to Su Concubine, and there is no way to face the hazy and greedy Mo-shi. She needs to adjust her mindset, and it is sure to be seen by Su Concubine with her current mentality. When it is time, she will be passive.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "I don't want to stay, but you have to tell me who you are?" To be exact, Yue-Yao wants to know what Yue-huan is to last. She didn't think about dealing with Yue-huan, but she had to know the bottom of Yue-huan.
       Yue-Yao said the last thing: "Because I am a girl, my parents abandoned me when I was born. I am an orphanage growing up in an orphanage, just like the current nursery. I rely on After work-study, I was admitted to the Academy. After I graduated from Academy, I was admitted to the civil servant. Well, I was admitted to the Tuen Mun. I was in the process of collecting money and I encountered an accident. I thought I was dead, but I didn’t expect a blink of an eye. I came here. "If she can, she does not expect to come here. The people who think that they are close to each other are actually calculating the calculations in the back, and they are scared. This era is harder and more tiring than she is in modern times. In modern times, she is only rushing for life, and she has always been very satisfied with her spirit. But here not only want to make more money to improve life, but also to guard against being counted.
       Yue-Yao said with amazement: "Women can go to the door to be bad?" The monogamy Yue-Yao just listened and didn't pay attention to it, but the woman could go outside and let Yue-Yao really shock. Arrived.
       They have gone ninety-nine steps, and this step is not bad. Yue-huan and Yue-Yao said that modern men and women are equal, and women can do anything like men. Also said that she grew up from small to big.
       Yue-Yao is very envious of the living environment before Yue-huan, but envy is only a matter of moments, after all, she has not personally experienced. Yue-Yao looks much better than just now: "You want to stay and stay! You have forgotten the previous things. The more you think, the harder you are. You have to remember that now you are Lian-jia 4th Miss, not That orphan. What you should think about now is how to live well in Lian-jia. Mo-shi and Su Concubine are not good to deal with, and now it is not as good as before, but God gave you alive. The opportunity must be cherished."
       Yue-huan did not expect to say so much, Yue-Yao still pushed her out: "Three sisters, I want to form an alliance with you."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "I will not form an alliance with you, I have my way to go, your way to plan your own!" After all, Yue-Yao is still not worried about Yue-huan, Su Concubine is also deep in his mind. , Yue-Yao is not sure whether Yue-huan can hold its own heart. If it is the alliance, when Yue-huan slaps her from behind, it is she is stupid.
       Yue-huan can see that Yue-Yao is wary of her. She does not blame Yue-Yao for being unreasonable. On the contrary, she feels a little uncomfortable. She has long discovered that Yue-Yao is actually a very kind person, but now she is so prepared for people, showing what kind of damage Yue-Yao has suffered before. Yue-huan is therefore a deeper layer of defense for Mo-shi.
       Yue-Yao said: "The house on the left is the house of the Lord. You will not let you live. You live in the wing room with Servant-Pozi. Hao Mama and Qiao-Lan live in the right room. Xu Pozi lives in the sundries. The house is just like this, you squeeze."
       The Ying-huan nodded: "Good." Can stay behind, Yue-huan did not think about comparing with Yue-Yao. Some things don’t need to be compared because it’s not necessary
       Yue-Yao went on to say: "My house is paved with earthworms, very warm. The left and right wing rooms are not paved with dragons. The weather is cold at night, you burn a pot of charcoal fire."
       Yue-huan nodded: "I know." In Lian, her house has no earth dragons. Last winter, it was also relying on charcoal fire and heavy bedding.
       Yue-Yao saw the gloom between the moon and the eyebrows, and comforted: "In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Su Concubine has no exact evidence even if it is suspected. This kind of thing can't be said outside, wait until next year. It will be fine. As for Mo-shi, Mo-shi loves money, and you will be nice to you if you give him money later."
       Yue-huan did not understand the meaning of Yue-Yao, what is called the next year will be number.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Miss will have his own yard when he is ten years old. You will naturally have your own yard when you are ten years old next year. You don't have to live with Su Concubine at that time. If you don't stay together, you can avoid a lot. If you are independent, you just need to respect this Mo-shi and help her make money. But for the future, you better still have to deal with Yue-Bing."
       Yue-huan does not want to go to the bar to please Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Yao laughs at the moon's innocence: "You are different from me, your destiny is in the hands of Mo-shi. If you don't make good friends with Yue-Bing, in case Mo-shi sells you for the benefit. You have been ruined in your life. Dealing with Yue-Bing, waiting for filial piety, you often go out with Yue-Bing, it is an opportunity for you. Of course, I just give you advice, listen Listen to you." Live-Ya-Yao believes that the most important thing is to live well.
       Yue-huan hesitated for a while: "What do you mean, let me find my own marriage?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "You have talents, the only thing that lacks is identity, but the appearance and talents can make up for the difference in identity as long as they are used properly. As long as you are sure to find a good marriage, even Mo-shi Disagree with the uncle will also agree." Yue-Yao said that a good marriage, meaning that men must have a family, is beneficial to the future of Lian Dongfang.
       Yue-Yao is not worried that Yue-huan can't do it. Yue-huan is simple, but it is not stupid. If you are stupid, you can’t finish Academy, you can’t enter the public.
       Yue-huan  Mouth seems to have an egg: "Three quarters, are you letting me privately give it?" She did not think that Yue-Yao was so daring, so she was shocked.
       Yue-Yao looks strange: "The employer is a ‘Madam’, the runner is not awkward, the bad reputation can only be awkward, you don't know Lian, don't you know?" Just listened to Yue-huan so much, Yue-Yao Determining Yue-huan is not the one that will not give people. And Lian House will not allow its own Miss as a servant. Of course, if it is the royal family, it is another matter.
       Yue-huan knows that he thinks too much.
       Yue-Yao didn't say too much: "You can show your talents, but you can't grab the limelight of Yue-Bing. You can grasp this measure yourself."
       Yue-huan really thanked him: "Sister, thank you." Yue-Yao said this to her is also a heartfelt statement. In fact, she took a big risk to Yue-Yao tray today. After all, guessing is one thing, and acknowledging it is another matter. But the result made her very satisfied.
       Yue-Yao also sees that Yue-huan is a good one to tell her so much, and as the watcher said, one more enemy is better than one friend: "I will not marry you, but if you have anything I need my help, I will help you within my ability. Right, you don’t have too much entanglement with me on the bright side, it is harmful to you.” She is going to turn face with Mo-shi, month After the -maid, I want to live under Mo-shi, and naturally I have to draw a line with her.
       The moon is full of joy: "Okay." She has a stomach to make money but the idea is to suffer from no chance. Now Yue-Yao is willing to help her, there is nothing better than this.
       Yue-Yao waved: "You go out, I have to practice."
       Before Yue-huan went out, I brewed my emotions, then wiped my eyes hard. When I walked out the door, my face was ugly, my eyes were red, and I was affected by the committee.
       Hongmei also thought that Yue-Yao insisted that her own Miss should go back: "Miss, it's okay, 3rd Miss can't help it. Madam can't blame you."
       Yue-huan shook his head: "The third sister said that I will stay, but I want to live in the wing room on the left. There is no earth dragon there." When I said this, I was dissatisfied with the committee.
       Yue-Yao also heard Yue-huan in the room and smiled lightly. Maybe she is worried, Yue-huan is good, but it is not stupid.
       Hong-mei and Hong-yi would have been happy to stay, but they were dumbfounded when they entered the house. The house was too simple to compare with their residence. The two of them muttered wondering that Miss couldn’t stand it, and they were worried that they couldn’t stand it.
       Xu-Pozi originally had a separate room, but now she has to live in a utility room where debris is piled up, and her work has doubled due to the arrival of 4th Miss. Xu-Pozi face is so good that it is strange. It’s just that you’ll have to do it again.
       In charge of the matter: "Miss, I will come back every 10 days. I may not be able to send anything until next month." Generally, it will snow when the twelfth lunar month, and the snowy road will not go well. So they have to send a month's worth of things before snowing.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Yue-Yao handed the written letter to the manager: "Take this letter to the Li family and hand it over to the court." The  Mountain is so cold, Yue-Yao makes the court not to come to the  Mountain. Anyway, I will go back next month.
       The dinner on this day is very rich: ebony tofu, hot and sour white radish, god egg, kelp and soy bean soup.
       After running out of dinner, Yue-Yao and Yue-huan said: "No one can be idle here. Let the Hong-mei and red dress follow the work of Hao Mama tomorrow." Because there is Xu-Pozi, pick water and firewood There is also a heavy work such as cleaning that has not been done by Servant, but there are still a lot of trivial things to do, and Yue-Yao can't make Hong-meis and Hong-yi idle.
       After listening to this, Hongmei Hong-yi couldn’t help but think of the words that the blues said in the mansion, and they both became stiff.
       Yue-huan shook his head: "Three sisters, too heavy to live, they can't do it." Yue-huan is not convinced of the color blue, but Yue-Yao said that you should not let two people be close, not close to each other. Just be hostile.
       Yue-Yao frowned: "There is a lot of work to pick up the water and firewood Pozi, they are just doing some cleaning work. Qiao-Lan and Hua-li can do it, why they can't do it."
       The Hong-meis and Hong-yi did not have so many eyes in the blue, but it was too horrible to let the blues go out and let them fear. Just got Yue-Yao, the two are no longer worried.
       The moon circle stood up and explained: "Nature is not."
       Yue-Yao stood up and washed his hands: "You can't stand it now, but don't get sick with your big sister to toss everyone. The monks in the Lian temple can't be quiet." Then he went back to the house.
       This is the eye of the moon, and the third sister is too cooperative.
       Hong-meis and Hong-yi also looked at each other. 3rd Miss This means that the disease of Eldest Miss is his own. No, no!
       Back in the room, Hua-li whispered: "Miss, is the Eldest Miss's illness really a whole thing?" She didn't know why.
       Yue-Yao glanced at Hua-li, and Hua-li was busy shrinking his head and didn't dare to call again. Although Yue Ying was not intentional, she would not have a fever if she drank Jiang soup that day. The responsibility lies with herself. Therefore, she said that it is not entirely a monthly surplus.
       Hua-li whispered: "I don't know if 4th Miss can't live?" She thinks that 4th Miss must go home in less than ten days like Eldest Miss.
       Yue-Yao faintly said: "4th Miss is not the same as Eldest Miss, she can hold it." A child who grew up in a nursery hall can not only survive but also rely on his own strength to complete his studies and enter the public. These are enough to see that Yue-huan is not afraid of hardship. Yue-huan should be unsuccessful, so it will be so simple. It was only in the strange environment of Lian House that I got to the Lian House and got the maternal love that I had never enjoyed in my life, so I fell into confusion. In fact, the intelligence of Yue-huan, as long as it is not smashed by Su Concubine, can live well in Lian.
       In the evening, Yue-Yao let Qiao Lan beside the pen and ink. I was tired of writing, sitting in a chair and smelling Qiao Lan: "I don't have much contact with 4th Miss. Can you tell me about 4th Miss? From the time when she was born." Qiao Lan and Hao Mama knows everything from 4th Miss to the present, but Hao Mama is smart, Qiao Lan is a little more tender, and asking Qiao Lan will not be suspicious. Even if he is suspicious, he will not follow others with the caution of Qiao Lan.
       Although Qiao Lan’s heart was puzzled, Yue-Yao asked why he was so careful, but he told Yue-Yao what he knew. Qiao Lan was in the vicinity of Old Madam. She knew more about Lian House and knew about Yue-huan.

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