Family 130

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 130 Harmony 

       At the second moment, Yue-Yao got up early to do the morning class.
       Yue-Yao chanting sound naturally woke up Yue-huan, and Yue-huan was surprised: "Is the three sisters chanting?" After I finished, I got up and put on my clothes and went to the main house. I didn't expect it to be stopped by Hua-li. It is.
       The reason for Hua-li is very simple: "4th Miss, Miss can't bother when doing homework. Please ask 4th Miss and my family Miss to finish the homework and go in."
       Yue-huan is a bit strange: "Homework, what homework?"
       Hua-li is very proud to say: "Our Miss is doing homework with the bell every day. Lian Zhaofu Temple Shifu praises us for having perseverance and perseverance. You won't know?" The confusion of the -maid face, Hua-li said: "Don't you miss the Eldest Miss." Hey, this is definitely not said. Their family, Miss, was so religious, and Miss Miss did not say a word at all, too much.
       Yue-huan shook her head. She really didn't listen to anyone who mentioned it. The blue is in the Lian House to promote how Yu-Yao abuses them, and does not mention Yue-Yao doing morning and evening classes every day.
       Yue-huan saw Qiao Lan and Hua-li doing things, facing the Hong-mei two people: "You go to help."
       The blues promoted how Yue-Yao let them do their work, but did not mention the Hua-li and Qiao Lan. Taking blue to do so makes people think that she only works with Cai Qing . If you let people know that Hua-li and Qiao Lan also do heavy work, naturally no one will say anything.
       When using the breakfast, Yue-huan carefully asked: "Three sisters, I also want to do morning classes with you. Can you see?"
       Yue-Yao glanced at Yue-huan: "You will naturally teach you if you have the heart. After learning to follow the temple bells, you can do morning and evening classes." Yue-Yao means she will teach, but will not follow the month. Rings do it together.
       The moon has a happy event: "Thank you for the three sisters." Since I came to the  Mountains, I naturally have to drift with the waves, and the days in the  Mountains are sad, and things can be done.
       After breakfast, Yue-Yao took the book patiently to explain to Yue-huan: "The morning and evening classes are divided into five paragraphs, the first paragraph "Strict Curse". "The Severe Mantra" is mainly about the Buddha disciple Ananda Enchanted by the witch, the Buddha  Mourned this spell to save Ananda. This curse is to protect himself from the temptation of desire.
       Yue-huan heard a dizzy rise, and I couldn’t help thinking that this sister is a god man, absolutely a god man. She looked at these verses hard to read, let alone recited, and Yue-Yao came to her hand. Although it is difficult to understand, Yue-huan is still listening very seriously.
       Yue-Yao is really willing to learn from Yue-huan. It is also very detailed: "After the "Strict Mantra", it is "The Great Compassion Mantra" and "Small Mantra". These two passages are for praying for peace. "Yue-Yao explained the meaning of these two passages with Yue-huan.
       Yue-huan has been nodding, listening too much, afraid that I can't remember, busy writing down with a pen.
       Yue-Yao is recognizing the practice of Yue-huan. She also feels that good memory is not as reliable as a pen. Moreover, she also intends to teach Yue-huan only once, can she insist on seeing if Yue-huan can persist. Yue-Yao does not doubt the understanding of Yue-huan, I am afraid that there is no perseverance in Yue-huan: "After that, I was in the Heart Sutra."
       "Heart Sutra" is the focus of morning classes. ”
       Yue-huan heard "Heart Sutra" and breathed a sigh of relief: "I know this. Color is not empty, empty is not different. Color is empty, empty is color..." After two sentences, the latter is forgotten.
       Yue-Yao took the slogan: "I want to know what I think, and it is the same. The relics are empty and empty. They are not born, they are not clean, they are not clean, they are not added, they are colorless, no Think about it..."
       The moon was reddish, and once again, I was thrown into the ancient times. However, she comforted herself, she is naturally not comparable to Yue-Yao, but as long as she works hard, she can catch up.
       Yue-Yao didn't know what Yue-huan thought, and explained the meaning of "Heart Sutra": "The last paragraph is "Zhuo Buddhism", and finally "Wituo Zan", the top Buddha, the early class ends." After that, the demonstration was given to Yue-huan.
       Although Yue-huan has never seen the appearance of a monk doing morning classes, but looking at Yue-Yao, the action that is perfect, there is a thought in mind, Yue-Yao is not a nun? Thinking of this, Yue-huan itself was shocked. I couldn't help but put my hands together: "There is no Amitabha in the south." She really thought too much, and the extra things could not be thought of again.
       Yue-Yao is very satisfied with the attitude of Yue-huan: "The evening class is the same as the morning class. Remember to wash before the morning class. This is a respect for the Buddha.
       "She cleaned up every day before she started doing morning classes."
       Yue-huan has only been worshipped now: "Three sisters, I am very sincere."
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan in a strange way: "If you sincerely believe in the Buddha, you don't need to tell me specifically. This verse is temporarily reserved for you. When I run out, I will give you another one. I want to copy. The book went. "The copybook is also the daily homework of Yue-Yao.
       Hong-mei entered the house and told the month of Hua-li. Hongmei said:
        "Hua-li said that 3rd Miss chanting the scriptures every day, this is the case every day. From the uphill to the present, it has not been broken. It is very pious."
       The red man listened to the morning verse of the morning and said: "I didn't expect 3rd Miss to study the Buddhist scriptures."
       Hong-mei looked at the red dress: "Don't forget what I was doing before 3rd Miss?" Before 3rd Miss copied the scriptures for more than half a year, the understanding of the scriptures was naturally higher than that of his own. However, Hongmei attitude towards her own Miss is also assured. Don't be like Eldest Miss. After a few days, you will go back.
       However, the book is difficult to understand, and it is difficult to stick to it without perseverance. Yue-huan took a deep breath and took out the hard work of the Academy entrance examination. Seeing a piece of text is not a scripture, Yue-huan understands what is written inside, very surprised.
       The red dress next to the ink strangely asked: "Miss, what happened?"
       Yuehuag said with a smile: "Nothing, the person who is carrying is a little tired, you go to make a cup of tea." The red dress did not doubt her, went out to make tea.
       Yue-huan looked at the things written on the paper. It was written before 4th Miss was born to her possession. Although it is not very detailed, the things inside are also very useful for her. Yue-huan is secretly glad, but the Hong-mei and the red dress do not recognize the word, otherwise it is really troublesome. At the time of lunch, Yue-huan asked: "Three sisters, the scriptures are very difficult. Can you teach me how to do it?"
       Yue-Yao shakes his head, there are shortcuts to this kind of thing. It is difficult to understand the scriptures, unless it is a monk in the temple or a rumored reincarnation of the bodhisattva, no one would like to study the scriptures. Without perseverance, I can’t sit still: “It depends on perseverance and perseverance, and understanding.
       The torus is extremely entangled.
       Yue-Yao doesn't know whether the look of Yue-huan is true or not. She is too lazy to analyze and smiles and says: "There are only five verses in the morning and evening classes. If you feel that you can't really recite it, then forget it."
       Yue-huan shook his head: "I don't know, I must be familiar." In the face of difficulties, retreating is not her 'temperament'. Far from the big house door, Yue-huan began to restore its nature.
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly.
       After using lunch, Yue-Yao went out of the yard, looked up at the sky, the sea of ​​clouds was unpredictable, and the sky was vast and far-reaching, which made people feel open.
       Qiao Lan whispered: "4th Miss is still pious." Better than Missi is not a star and a half, and quiet and not trouble, the two Servant around are also well-behaved.
       Yue-Yao smiled and didn't speak.
       Hao Mama also inserted a sentence: "4th Miss is much stronger than Eldest Miss." Not only smart, but also good-hearted, such people are worthy of making, but they can't make a face in Lian.
       Yue-huan was smashed on the book, and the day was carried in the middle of the night.
       The next morning, Yue-huan made an early class with the bell in the early morning. The door of Yue-huan is big, and the sound of Yue-Yao is over.
       Hua-li is very upset.
       Hao Mama said with a smile: "The sound is loud, it proves that there is no confidence. And you didn't find 4th Miss when you read the scriptures, it's intermittent. Where is our Miss, you can read it without reading. This is the real use of the heart. "This is the gap.
       Hua-li thought it was difficult.
       In a few days, the red dress and the Hong-mei did not have a single word. Although it is a bit tired, it is different from what they say.
       Yue-huan has always heard that the days on the  Mountain are difficult, and now I feel it is very boring. On the  Mountain for three days, she deeply felt the days in this temple. In the past three days, there was nothing to do except the chanting, and the food was extremely poor, and the cake and tea did not. Thirsty, only boiled water.
       Yuehua said to himself: "It’s only a month or so. It’s just a glimpse. If you stay here for a year, you have to be crazy.” Day after day, the boring life really makes her somewhat unbearable. . The only thing to be relieved is that the twelfth lunar month will go back.
       The red dress looked at Hua-li and put a bowl of hot things into the house, when the color below was very ugly. I am chanting this to Yue-huan: "It’s all sisters, 3rd Miss actually eats a single food. It’s a lie to say what 3rd Miss is generous."
       Yue-huan only knows that it was Hao Mama who made a supplement to Yue-Yao. As for the red dress guess, this supplement should be bird's nest.
       After thinking about it, Yue-huan said: "Is this supplement delivered from the house?" Yue-huan also wants to eat some supplements, not her  Mouth, but her roommate in her life is because she ate a lot of good things when she was a child. The base played very well, and there was nothing wrong with the Academy except for a flu in four years. Unlike her, it always hurts that it is uncomfortable and suffers a lot of sin. So she came to this world, always want to eat some good, put the foundation well
       Hongmei shook his head: "The house was only sent for food and there was no supplement. These supplements should be delivered by The Ma House."
       Yue-huan thought about it and said: "Don't say it later." She will ask Yue-Yao to help make money, but she will never go to eat. After making money, she has to make up for it. However, when I think of the situation in Lian, it is not good to have money, and Yue-huan is depressed.
       Hao Mama reminded Yue-Yao: "Miss, do you want to send one more to 4th Miss."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No." Yue-Yao is not a stingy person, but this time it is said to be done. As for the reason, Yue-Yao did not say. Hao Mama did not ask three people.

       Chapter 131 Master 

       Yue-Yao When she went to the scriptures, she told her that after three days, Master Xuan Tian would open a lecture in the temple and she could pass.
       She started to have this idea, but the days on the  Mountain also calmed her down and let the thought go. I did not expect to get such a good suffocation. How to prevent Yue-Yao from being overjoyed. Yue-Yao yelled at the master of the sky: "Thank you for being a master." Yue Yao is very clear, it must be said that the empty master told him in front of Master Xuantian.
       Such as empty smile: "After three days, let auspicious bring you into the hall."
       Hua-li looked at Yue-Yao excited look and was surprised. She has never seen a pistachio like Yue-Yao, and Hua-li asks: "Miss, what good thing?
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li and smiled: "Nothing." Hua-li can't hide words, especially such a big thing can't hide. Yue-Yao didn't want to spread this out for the time being, so he was not prepared to talk to Hua-li. When this matter is over, it is not too late to talk to Hua-li.
       More than Hua-li felt the good mood of Yue-Yao, that is, Yue-huan also felt the good mood of Yue-Yao. Ying-huan directly asked the  Mouth: "Three sisters, is there any good thing?"
       Yue-Yao Although he said that he has a good impression on Yue-huan, he does not trust Yue-huan, nor does he trust the shackles around Yue-huan. Naturally, he will not tell her: "If Master Kong said that my recent understanding of the Buddhist scriptures is There is progress." Yue-Yao also used this reason to smash Hao Mama several people.
       Moon--maid intuition Yue-Yao did not tell her the truth, she sighed slightly, did not expect the third sister to guard her is still so deep.
       Going back to the house, the red dress said: "Miss, when the next 3rd Miss goes to the  Mountain, Miss can follow. 3rd Miss is really a thing, but Miss is too."
       Yue-huan is not a Yue-Ying. A stool says a few words and is tempted: "What are you suspecting?" Yue-huan does not trust the Hong-mei and the red, and it is more reliable than the Hong-mei. However, it is only a comparison of some crucial things, Yue-huan will not let two people know. And now the red saying this sentence is obviously a misleading ingredient in it. Not to mention that her relationship with Yue-Yao is good, even if it is as bad as it is, she can't go. Everyone has a secret, and it is very annoying to want to spy on other people secrets. Moreover, it is very unproductive.
       The red dress looked at the sharp eyes of Yue-huan and didn't dare to say anything.
       Yue-Yao feels that the time of the three days is very long. Master Xuantian is a Famous monk in the world. It is a great blessing to listen to him.
       Three days, finally passed. On this day, Yue-Yao finished the morning class and went to the  Mountain when he ate a little. This time I went up the  Mountain with Qiao-Lan and Hua-li.
       Hua-li looked at Yue-Yao, and he did not fly to the monastery. He was very puzzled: "Miss, what's the matter today?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You will know when you wait for the  Mountain."
       When I arrived at the  Mountain gate, I saw auspicious waiting at the door. Auspicious to Yue-Yao said: "The donor, the noisy people in the hall can not enter." Auspicious means that these two support can not enter the hall when the time.
       Yue-Yao I understand it, but there is a Noble Lady coming over, so except for those who are allowed, others can't go in: "The little master is relieved, I know."
       Hua-li wants to ask, was also picked up by Qiao Lan: "There must be no more inside the temple Noble Lady, we will listen to the little master." When you listen more, you will see less. Ask less to say. Hua-li is somewhat pampered because she is valued by Miss, but she must remind me of this reminder.
       Hua-li stunned, and did not say anything about the good fortune to let them enter the hall. I am waiting in the courtyard next to the main hall.
       When Yue-Yao entered the hall, he found that there were monks in the hall, and there was no such thing as Yue-Yao expected. There was Noble Lady in the hall. Yue-Yao is very strange. He whispered: "Auspicious, why are there no other people?" Yue-Yao remembers that the masters will open the altar and they will all be crowded with people. Those who believe in Dharma on most days will come over. It can be said that the more Famous people come, the more people come. But now the hall is not full.
       Auspicious hands and hands together: "Amitabha, the donor, this time, Master Xuantian is teaching the master of the temple to the teacher, and has not invited other
       Yue-Yao This is why she got it wrong. This is Master Xuantian giving lectures to the monks in the temple, not what she thinks is the opening ceremony. However, Yue-Yao was not disappointed, she did not hold this acquaintance Noble Lady's thoughts, just to listen to Buddhism.
       Yue-Yao just sat down and saw a middle-aged man wearing this blue-brown gown and wearing a square cap. The man looks ordinary, but he has a book atmosphere.
       The man felt that someone was looking at her, and looking up at Yue-Yao was also a surprise. The man asked a monk around him, and when he looked back at Yue-Yao, the man looked very strange.
       Master Xuantian came out and everyone stood up.
       Yue-Yao was the first time in his life to see this Famous master. Xuantian wore this golden servant, his face was round and very kind, with a smile on his face, like a Maitreya Buddha, and it made people feel kind.
       Master Xuantian gave a lecture to the monk for a morning class, and Yue-Yao listened very seriously. It is rumored that Master Xuantian rarely explained the Buddhist scriptures, although this time it was mainly for the monks in the temple, but the opportunity was rare, so Yue-Yao was written in the heart.
       Master Xuantian spoke a verse of an hour. If ordinary people listen to such esoteric things, they have already fallen asleep. Fortunately, people who can come here are selected, and this has not happened.
       Master Xuantian’s reputation is outside, but I am a very gentle person. In the last half of the hour, he asked people who still don’t understand.
       Yue-Yao I wanted to ask questions, but unfortunately I couldn’t take her. Yue-Yao looked at the background of Master Xuantian's departure and felt very sorry. It seems that simplicity is actually a philosophy of life. After you go back, you have to write down all the things you remember.
       Yue-Yao did not rush to leave, but seriously reviewed the scriptures that Master Xuan Tian explained. After Yue-Yao digested what Xuantian master had said, he found that she was auspicious in the hall.
       Auspicious seeing Yue-Yao finally came back to God and smiled and said: "Do you want to leave?"
       Yue-Yao With the auspicious out of the hall, ready to return to the yard. But Auspicious said to her: "The female donor, the Master is waiting for you in the Zen Room, please come with me."
       Yue-Yao A glimpse: "Too Master? Which is Master?" When Yue-Yao knew that it was Master Xuantian, the whole person was blind. She was able to see Master Xuantian alone, is it a dream!
       Auspicious seeing Yue-Yao stay, couldn't help but laugh: "Female donor, please come with me."
       The master room of Master Xuantian is very clean, not only spotless, but also very simple. Except for the bed, there was only a futon, and Lian had no table. Yue-Yao respectfully said: "Master." Faced with the people they look up, it is difficult to be disrespectful.
       Master Xuantian looked at Yue-Yao and watched it for about three minutes. When Yue-Yao sweated his forehead, Master Xuantian merged his hands, and Amitabha said: "Miss is really a person with my Buddha." This look is very strange, but he looks at Yue-Yao but is the right person, but did not think much. Yue-Yao is a little scared, but the master sees that she is two people: "Master..."
       Master Xuantian said with a smile: "Miss asks how it is empty, how to turn to other people obsession. In fact, it is Miss himself who really wants to obey. Yue-Yao stunned: "I? "How could it be her? She has a stubbornness, she is just scared.
       Xuantian is still a Maitreya Buddha face: "There are sentient beings who have dyed the heart with twenty-one. When you look at others, you will be sinful. Don't be good. What is cloud-1^?"
       Yue-Yao should say: "嗔心.恚心心. Sleeping heart knot. Teasing the heart knot. Suspicion is the heart knot. The anger is the heart knot. Avoid the heart knot. Annoyed for the heart knot ^ disease for the heart knot. It is a knot of heart. Innocent heart knot. Innocent heart knot. Magical heart knot. ‘seduce’ for heart knot. Pseudo-heart knot. The slowness is the heart of the knot."
       Xuantian nodded, this little Miss is really transparent to the Buddhist scriptures: "If anyone has this twenty-one person who is dyed with heart, when they look at their people, they will be sinful and not good."
       Yue-Yao sighs slightly, Xuantian said it makes sense, but the problem is that this obsessed person wants to hurt himself, how she resolves. I was suspicious and naturally asked.
       Xuantian said: "All things in the world, there are their own karma, my compassionate compassion, crossing a person and crossing the 10 thousand people are all crossing, but also do not cross. Life, everything, their own rotation, do not cross this red dust, end Seeing what you want to see, with the Buddha, it is just another rotation, another karma."
       Yue-Yao seems to understand, but it seems more confused. Yue-Yao out of the yard is still thinking about the words of Master Xuantian, and finally did not understand the transparency.
       Yue-Yao was preparing to go down the  Mountain, but was stopped by a small donkey on the said: "Is Lian-jia 3rd Miss?" From this incident, it can be seen that Xiao Xiao is waiting for Yue-Yao.
       Hua-li guarded the said: "Which house are you? What is the matter of finding our family Miss." Although the Zhaohua Temple is a Famous temple, the girl is still small and will not provoke rumors, but defense. The heart of the people is indispensable.
       Xiao Yan smiled and said: "I am Master Yushan's entourage. Master Yushan wants to invite 3rd Miss to the past." Xiao Yan said, some curiously looked at Yue-Yao who did not speak on one side. A few years away from Master , there are not many people who invited Master to invite, and it is obvious that this little Miss is a strange existence.
       Master Hua-li is weird: "Who is Master Yushan?"
       Qiao-Lan 's complexion is red, and I don't know what Hua-li is doing with Miss every day: "Master Yushan is a Famous painter in the world. It is good for Master Yushan to see Miss."
       Hua-li is still very strange. Since it is so Famous, why do you meet them Miss? Their Miss's paintings have never been taken out.
       Yue-Yao is also not sure if it is Master Yushan. Yue-Yao looked at the signs ready to send her down the  Mountain: "Auspicious little master, can you go with us?"
       Auspicious nature will not shirk: "Good."
       The cool breeze sleeves on the  Mountain are clear-cut, and the vast and wide temples are full of huge pines and bodhi. The branches and leaves of the trees are luxuriant, and a thick green is very rare.
       Yue-Yao chuckles, the scenery here is really one by one. However, it is no wonder that Master Yushan is a celebrity, naturally he wants to live in the best homes.
       When I got outside the door, Xiao Yan stopped the auspicious and Hua-li three people: "Please ask Miss to go in, my family is waiting for Miss in the yard."
       Yue-Yao saw her in the temple and the defense was dissipated. I don't worry about anything wrong at the moment. From Jianchao to now, there have been no mistakes in Zhaohua Temple for more than 100 years.
       Yue-Yao smelled a faint aroma as soon as he walked in. Looking up at the center of the yard, the middle-aged man who was seen in the hall was making tea. Yue-Yao walked over and respectfully called: "Master Yushan."
       Master Yushan’s bergamot smiled and said: “Sit down.” After finishing the focus on cooking tea.
       Yue-Yao looked at two tea cups with white as jade on the tea table, and then looked at the people who focused on the water. I thought about sitting down on the chair for her.
       A shot of water will dance like a dance, the stove cover will be picked up, and the fragrance will overflow. In the water vapor, Master Yushan’s look is relaxed.
       After a while, Master Yushan raised the teapot and poured it into the cup. Then he called, and the little servant outside came in.
       Master Yushan smiled: "Drinking tea." Master Yushan also became curious about Yue-Yao. The previous paintings have let him know the talent of Yue-Yao painting, but many of the talented people can go to the end but there are very few.
       Master Yushan is very talented, but the woman is not within his cherished range. But this time I saw Yue-Yao in the hall. He was really surprised, so she was born to see Yue-Yao mind.
       Yue-Yao picked up the tea and took a sigh of praise: "Master 's tea is very good." Yue-Yao praise is sincere and true, this tea is full of flavor.
       Master Yushan smiled and did not continue this topic. He was just curious as to why Yue-Yao would go to listen to Master Xuantian’s lectures, and he had a separate meeting with Master Xuantian. He was not prepared to talk about Yue-Yao tea. He would not find Yue with the tea. Yao : "3rd Miss is also good Dharma?" If it is not good, the monks in the Dharma temple will not let her go in and listen. But a nine-year Old child is good Dharma, how to see how weird! This age of Miss should focus on dressing or flower embroidery, how can you like Dharma!
       Yue-Yao did not reply directly: "I can't talk about my preference, but I like to copy the Buddhist scriptures." Yue-Yao This is a big truth.
       Master Yushan smiled and said: "Want to copy the scriptures?" Some people like to copy the scriptures. To know that the scriptures are difficult to understand, children are very annoying.
       Yue-Yao put down the sweet white porcelain cup in his hand: "After my mother died, I could only get calm when I copied the scriptures. Slowly, I like to copy the Buddhist scriptures."
       Master Yushan’s glance, I did not expect this reason.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "It may take a long time to copy and get the law. I copied a lot of verses and remembered a lot. Master Xuantian said that I have a relationship with the Buddha." She is painting There have been good performances on the past, and if Master Yushan thinks that her mastery of Dharma will inevitably make people suspicious. Even if you are not suspected, you will be considered a genius. Yue-Yao is not willing to bear the reputation of genius.
       Master Yushan said with a smile: "The last time your uncle showed me the sea otter painting you made, your painting is very good, the painting is also very aura, it is very difficult to get
       Yue-Yao stood up and gave Master Yushan a ritual: "Master Yushan's teaching, Yue-Yao is grateful." In any case, she can benefit from such a master's point.
       Master Yushan said with a smile: "When I last mentioned in your paintings, did you understand?"
       Yue-Yao hesitated after a moment and said: "Looking at the  Mountains is the  Mountain. The meaning of water is that we see the phenomenon that is actually present in the foreground, but the phenomenon of performance. Looking at the  Mountains is not the  Mountain. The scenery that is presented in front of us needs to understand its innerness more deeply. That is to say, we should look at the essence through phenomena; seeing  Mountains or  Mountains to see water or water means meaning to return to nature."
       Master Yushan slightly decapitated: "You can go to class today, then you tell me, if you use Buddhism to solve, how to solve?"
       Yue-Yao does not have to think about it, directly said: "Use Zen Road to explain: Look at the  Mountains is the  Mountain to see the water is the beginning of the water into the Zen; seeing the  Mountains is not the  Mountains to see the water is not water, that is the realization of Zen; see the  Mountains or Seeing the water in the  Mountains or the water means that the Zen is full of understanding."
       Master Yushan looked at Yue-Yao strangely, and the child’s understanding of Zen Road was so thorough. This is not only a gift in painting: "I have heard that Buddhism is like a cloud, the cloud is on the top, and the clouds on the top of the  Mountain are farther away. The moon is in the middle of the water; the water is drenched into the moon."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "This sentence has been seen in the book."
       Master Yushan couldn't help but nod. "There are many books you read. If you have any doubts in the future, you can ask me." If he thinks that Yue-Yao has talent in painting, he is now Yue Yao understanding was touched. This child has excellent understanding.
       Yue-Yao is overjoyed, how can she miss such a good opportunity? Now ask the questions in my heart one by one. Master Yushan also patiently answered Yueyao.
       The little servants around me didn't dare to bother the two, and after discussing the matter, it was the beginning of Shen Shi. Yue-Yao is very embarrassed to return to God.
       Master Yushan is shaking his head: "No obstacles, it is not too late to go back to lunch."
       Yue-Yao did not deny, such a rare opportunity, she is willing to miss. After the lunch, Master Yushan said: "Your foundation is very solid and has talents in this area. As long as you work hard, you will definitely achieve something in the future. But if you want to be a real big painter, I suggest you not to go. Looking at the paintings of other masters of Linyi, every master must have his own style and characteristics. The paintings of Linyi are easily affected.” Yushan said that because Yue-Yao passed the first two thresholds, it has been Three doors are in front. Now is the key moment. If the paintings of Master Linyi have been affected by this, they will not be able to form their own style. If you don’t have your own style, then the talent is better and the savvy is only second-rate.
       In this case, Master Yushan has seen a lot. Master Yushan does not want Yue-Yao to go astray. After all, Yue-Yao is so small that he has such skill and understanding. If he does not take a detour, he may not have a big deal.
       Yue-Yao was busy nodding: "Thank you, Master ." When she was practicing the word, she told her that the real calligraphers have their own characteristics and styles. Writing and writing are the same.
       Yue-Yao thought for a while, and asked the previous question again: "If Master Kong said that I am not enough to cultivate, Master Xuan Tian said that many things are due to fruitfulness and karma. What do you think? ”
       Master Yushan listened to smile and said: "The Buddha will not save anyone, nor will he save anyone! Buddhism gives guidance and guidance. The key to whether you can reach the end is you, not Buddhism! We respect the Buddha. It's because we've found a conscious path in it, not to help you finish it! Not to make you dependent on it."
       Yue-Yao stunned. She is just confused and wants to see if there is a way to resolve it. She really didn't want to see Zhou Shu again, and she didn't want to go through the rest of her life. It can be said that this has become her demon.
       If Master Yushan thinks that killing is a crime, Tu Wan is a hero. The slaughter of nine million is the male and male. "The person you are obsessed with, if you are not related to you, don't care about him. If it is related to you, avoid it."
       Yue-Yao blurted out: "How can I avoid it?" She was afraid to avoid it.
       Master Yushan smiled and said: "Killing one is for sin, but Tuwan is a hero. It is nine million, which is Xiongzhongxiong." Master Yushan means to avoid this stumbling block.
       Yue-Yao looked down and thought about the same problem.
       Master Yushan seems to have seen the entanglement of Yue-Yao: "If people live in the world, if they want to live happily, they should not be bound by the rules of the world. If you are afraid of the tiger before the wolf, you will never achieve anything." Master Yushan To say so much, in fact, I feel that Yue-Yao is really a good seedling with unlimited potential. Yue-Yao didn't nod and didn't shake his head.

       Chapter 132   

       The  Mountain winds set off a stream of pines, which made people feel good-hearted and gave birth to a charm of tranquility. Yue-Yao was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery at this time, and Yue-Yao brain would be in a mess.
       Hua-li asked out loudly: "Miss, what's wrong with you?" Looking at Miss's brows, Hua-li didn't allow Yue-Yao pulse. Recently Miss is a god, ask nothing.
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li and Qiao Lan, and thought about it. He asked Hua-li and Qiao Lan the same question. Of course, Qiao Lan and Hua-li are not going to bite words. Yue-Yao said what she had experienced in her life, but only mentioned the first half, saying that this woman married this merchant that night knew that the merchant had a ‘Madam’ and a son. I committed suicide: "If you are this woman, how?"
       Hua-li snorted: "If I was this Miss, I was ruined by that man for a lifetime, and I will pull him to death. And I think this Miss is also stupid. If you commit suicide, you should kill this man first. Suicide again!" Hua-li glared at Miss. This is where I heard such a story. The people in this story are too miserable.
       Yue-Yao was shocked by the words of Hua-li. She had committed suicide several times in her life, but never thought about killing Zhou Shu.
       Qiao Lan does not agree with the protagonist 'temperament' in the story: "Miss, in fact, I think the problem is mainly in this Miss, if it is not too fat and weak, it will not fall to that point. Since it is at that point, the so-called good death It’s better to live, because it’s too bad to die like this.”
       Yue-Yao looked at Qiao Lan: "Do you think you should kill the man?"
       Qiao Lan nodded and shook his head: "If there is a way to retaliate, it is already the person's Concubine, if that person died, her days will come to an end. Miss, her husband died. Concubine fate is manipulated. In the hands of the mother, it is better to die than to die. Miss, I don’t know how others do it, but I feel that it’s better to die than to die. If it’s dead, there nothing left, and don’t try to fight for it.” Lan means to hide hatred in my heart and have the opportunity to take revenge. The so-called Master revenge, not too late.
       Yue-Yao muttered: "Is this the case?" The idea of ​​Qiao Lan and Hua-li is the same as that of Master Yushan.
       Qiao Lan sometimes thinks that Yue-Yao thinks the problem is too naive: "Miss, there are a lot of helplessness in this world." Qiao Lan thinks that everyone in this world has their own helplessness. The key to being able to live well is yourself. I am weak, and the people next to me are naturally bullied. If you are strong, others want to bully and bully.
       Yue-Yao turned and looked at Qiao Lan said:
        "If this Miss has a chance to avoid all this, this person is still entangled, what will you do?"
       Hua-li is swearing: "If he is entangled and tries to get something that is not his own, he should be punished."
       After a moment of indulgence, Qiao Lan said: "In fact, how to do it, you still have to look at this Miss's own choice. If she is so weak and incompetent, how about killing this man? Her fate will not change anything."
       Yue-Yao suddenly laughed. How exactly this matter is done depends on himself, not on the opinions of others. Because it is her own life, her own life.
       Yue-Yao figured out, and Zhou Shu, who had become her demon, was also put down by her. Even if Zhou Shu wants to use her means to get herself, she is no longer the confused person in her life. And she is just a mortal, not a saint, she has no murderous heart, Zhou Shu does not come to provoke her, even if Zhou Shuruo uses such means, she must let him bear the consequences of his own planting.
       At this time, in The Yongding Marquis Estate , Guan Jingyi leaned on the chair. I can't read the book and just go under the study. The eyes involuntarily looked at the three-legged, sturdy, sturdy, sturdy, and s Mouldering stove on the table.
       There was a faint smog in the smoker, and the fragrant stove was filled with lily spice. It is easy to let people fall asleep when you smell too much. It is a pity that there is more to ignite, and Guan Jingyi can't sleep.
       Peace came in from the outside and lowered the voice: "Noble Heir, Lian-jia 3rd Miss is still not returning on the  Mountain." Peace is very puzzled by the concern of Noble Heir about Lian-jia 3rd Miss. He only heard that Lian-jia 3rd Miss had already decided to kiss him, and he decided to be Chen's 2nd Son. That Chen's 2nd Son is no less inferior to Noble Heir, no matter how good it looks like, so there is no Lian-jia 3rd Miss admiring their Noble Heir. Peace is very curious what is the thing that makes Noble Heir to this Lian 3rd Miss is so hearty. Unfortunately, Noble Heir's  Mouth is too tight, he can't find any traces. .
       Guan Jingxi sighed slightly, and he was in a hurry. But he couldn't help but he was sick again the other two days. He blew the wind and infected the cold. Tai-yi rhetoric is also static, saying that she is too weak to rest.
       Guan Jingyi was thinking about something, and outside the Servant said that Ning-shi came over.
       Guan Jingyu looked at the little Ning    Mother is hurting himself, how can he hate him and want to harm him!
       Xiao Ning-Shi felt that Guan Jingyi absent-mindedness: “Don’t read the book later, Tai-yi said that you can’t work and need to rest well.”
       Little Ning
       Waiting for the small Ning Guan Jingxi was emotionally reluctant to believe in Yue-Yao words, but reason told him that Lian-jia 3rd Miss did not provoke the motives of their mother and child.
       After Guan Jingyi came back, he went to inquire about Yue-Yao. He knew that Yue-Yao grew up in Jiang-nan since he was a child. He has never seen aunt before returning. If you say that Yue-Yao is provoking their mother-child relationship, it is really impossible to say that there is no need to do this. Moreover, people still have physical evidence in hand. Guan Jingyi originally wanted to wait for Yue-Yao to come back and discuss this matter again, but this illness made him feel that his body has deteriorated again. He has no time to wait.
       Thinking of this, Guan Jingyu called the close-knit Servant Linger around him. Linger is Ning-Shi personal Servant, Guan Jingyi asked her to find out if his mother is really with Lian-jia 2nd Madam is Jinlan sister.
       He got a clear answer that afternoon. Linger is indeed a sister of Jinlan with Ma-shi. They are so good that they can talk without a word, and they often communicate when they are separated. These messages are actually very good to inquire, not only the people who have been married to Ning
       Guan Jingxi was hesitant in his heart and rationally ignored what Yue-Yao said. But in the depths of my heart, I can't stand it: "Go and see, fake will eliminate the worry." But the seeds of doubt fall in the heart of Guan Jingxi, and it is not so easy to eliminate it.
       The things that Guangjingshuo has to do naturally do not fall to the ground in Yongding Marchioness's eyes. Yongding Marchioness Xiao Ning-Shi strangely said: "This is a good question to ask these Chen sesame rotten millet? Go to peace."
       Peace naturally will not reveal what Yue-Yao and Guan Jingwei have seen: " Madam, the young doesn't know why Noble Heir thinks about asking first Madam's business." It’s not just Ning-Shi and Yue-Yao Niang, but also inquire about other things. It’s just that Yue-Yao things are more eye-catching.
       Xiao Ning-Shi took a cold look at peace: "You are a little servant next to Noble Heir. Do you know what? Noble Heir has seen Lian-jia 3rd Miss in the Zhaohua Temple." Ning-Shi knows that Yue-Yao is in the Zhaohua Temple, and then associates with Guan Jingxi. The small Ning I know something, otherwise it won't be so abnormal.
       Peace slaps on his face: " Madam, the little really doesn't know. Madam, I am waiting at Noble Heir. After so many years, although there are many Miss deliberately with us Noble Heir, But there is absolutely no Lian-jia 3rd Miss in Miss."
       Xiao Ning-Shi looks very cold: "The last time Noble Heir in Zhaohua Temple took you outside, I really didn't meet Lian-jia 3rd Miss?"
       The peace of mind was awkward, but the face was not revealed. In the past, peace has also helped Guan Jingyi many concealment, and it is not a bad one. So seeing the small Ning near is not afraid, this is all exercised. In order to be more real, peace is like a bow-and-thinking look; "No. The monks in the Zhaohua Temple were met on that day. Nothing else. But we listened to the monks in the temple and said that 2nd Miss lived under the  Mountain. The two of them chanted for the elders every day, and they didn't fall for a day. Noble Heir heard the sigh and said that the 2nd Miss were really filial."
       Xiao Ning-Shi waited for the peace of mind after the peace walked away: "Are you sure that this servant is a bit of a few minutes?" Noble Heir took a good look at Ning-Shishi-shi Ning-Shi has been suspicious, and other things are gone, but she still remembers Ma-shi, so she is also paying special attention to this matter.
       The small Ning the servant around Shi-shi can't figure it out: "Yeah, it's weird, Noble Heir is good to inquire first-What does Madam do?"
       Xiao Ning-Shi did not say anything. In these years, she was like her own son to Guan Jingwei, but Guan Jingxi always missed her mother. Not how to raise a child is not familiar with it. If she has her own son...
       When I think of a child, Ning shi hates to gnash his teeth. Ning-Shi wants to give her medicine to make her infertile for Guan Jingyi Ning-Shishi-shi, she can not have her own child in this life, which makes her not hate.
       When peace went back, I told Xiao Jingyi what Xiao Ning-Shi asked: "Noble Heir, this is still the end of the matter. If not Madam asks me again. live."
       Guan Jingyu suddenly said: "Why is the mother asking this question?" The mother actually knew so clearly about his movements. What does this mean? This shows that he is under the supervision of his mother all the time. This time, Guan Jingxi was worried.
       Peace does not know why Guan Jingyu said this, but it is clear that this issue is out of date: " Madam cares about you, naturally you have to know what you are doing? Noble Heir, why are you asking this question?" It is not normal for the son to know what his son is doing.
       Guan Jing's brow wrinkled.
       Peace carefully asked: "Young Master, you haven't been right since you came back from the  Mountain. Lian-jia 3rd Miss What did you say to you that you have been uneasy?"
       Guan Jingxi smiled bitterly: "Lian-jia 3rd Miss just said something about my mother's life, and the other did not say anything." It was not Guan Jing's letter but peace, but he promised a conversation between Yue-Yao. Can't let the third person know.
       Where does peace believe in this excuse, only Noble Heir does not want to say that he is not good enough to ask. Cough, this Lian-jia 3rd Miss is also true. What has been said is that Noble Heir has been so uneasy that he has become ill.
       If Yue-Yao knows that peace will push Guan Jing's illness to him, he must be depressed.
       Guan Jingyu cooperated with Tai-yi and his body was lighter. Just happened to meet Ning Shaoming to find him, heard Ning Shaoming said that the Qing feng Book Bureau entered a batch of new goods, Guan Jing said that he would go to the Qing feng Academy to change two good things.
       Guan Jingxi is facing Xiao Ning-Shi: "Mother, my illness is already good, there is no hindrance. It is just these days that I want to go out in the house every day."
       Ning Shaoming immediately assured: "You can rest assured that my aunt will not have something in my cousin." Don't let Guan Jingyi give him a palm, he is afraid that he can't buy good things.
       Xiao Ning-Shi thought about it and said: "Cheng, but come back soon."
       When Guan Jingyi heard this, his face was a bit complicated, but he finally said nothing.

       Chapter 133 Visiting 

       Guan Jingxi is in poor health, so he is riding a carriage instead of riding a horse. Going to the middle of the road, Guan Jingyu said to Ning Shaoming: "Shao Ming, I have something to ask for your help." With the last incident, he did not want the people of The Marquis Estate  to know that he was looking for a doctor. If he wants to get rid of The Marquis Estate , he has to let Ning Shaoming cover him.
       Guan Jingxi and Ning Shaoming are buddies, let alone help hide a little thing, that is, he does not frown when he is on the fire.
       With Ning Shaoming playing the cover, things will naturally be easier. Guan Jingyu went out from another door of the Qing feng Bookstore.
       Guan Jingxi returned to the capital with peace, and asked for a long time before he found the doctor who said that Yue-Yao was sitting in the Bachelor Hall.
       When I arrived at the Herbs Courtyard, the little 21 in the pharmacy heard that he came to see Dr. Li and immediately called to find Dr. Li. It came out of a man who was dressed in a gray smock and was chubby and was about 30 years old. When this person saw Guan Jingyi, he was still stretching, sleepy, and looked like this was just waking up.
       Peace is stunned: "World... Young Master, this is the doctor we have been looking for for a long time?" Is such a doctor also a highly skilled doctor? Peace feels that their Young Master must have been deceived.
       Guan Jingyu is also very strange, which is different from the image of the doctor she has seen before. If it is not Xiao-ji who repeatedly confirms that this is Dr. Li, Guan Jingzhen really thinks that he has encountered a god stick.
       Peace suppressed the voice: "Young Master, have you been deceived?" Tai-yi is not cured, so a person who looks like a doctor can cure the illness of their family Young Master. ? Peace is not a suspicion, it is not at all.
       Guan Jingyi originally wanted people to check out Dr. Li. However, because the small Ning-Shi work made him grow a heart, he gave up to check Dr. Li but came over to find himself. Later, Guan Jingxi was very fortunate to be looking for it directly, instead of sending someone to check it. Because people who did not go to Chahoufu did not know, he was able to see Dr. Li successfully and he was treated.
       Yue-Yao recommended Li Da Fu because Li Da Fu reputation is not obvious now, but later Dr. Li developed a method to treat the plague in the disaster area. It’s just that Dr. Li medical skills are superb, but people are very proud, but the temper is very weird, and the temperament is unconstrained. You can also do whatever you want. You can’t accept it if you are pleasing to the eye. If you are not pleasing to the eye, you will not give it to you. See a doctor. This person did not enter the Tai-yi Courtyard after he became Famous in the world. In order to escape the power of the capital, he did not stay in Lian Baicaotang. He left the capital with a medicine box and could not find anyone.
       Dr. Li looked up and down Guan Jingqi: "They told you no, I was looking for a doctor's prescription for one hundred and two, and the medical expenses were calculated." This behavior is a wealthy gongzi brother, encountering such a It’s too bad for people not to slaughter.
       Peace is frightening, that is, Tai-yi in the Tai-yi Courtyard does not need to pay for a medical examination. This is completely robbery: "You count..."
       Peace swallowed up the words behind Guan Jing's sharp eyes. Guan Jingzhen got the reminder of Yue-Yao. Although she was surprised, she was psychologically prepared. She did not say nonsense directly: "Good." One hundred and two will be one hundred and two. If it can cure his illness, Don't say that one hundred and two is one thousand and two thousand and he is willing to go out.
       Dr. Li thought that Guan Jingyi would be glaring and then go to the sleeves, but he did not expect to speak so well. Dr. Li perception of Guan Jingyu was slightly better. At the moment, Dr. Li pointed to the path of peace: "You go out and here hinders the eyes of my old man."
       Peace is not willing, but Guan Jingxi is saying: "Let's go outside and wait!" Lian 3rd Miss said that this person is bias, and it is really weird. If there is really something that can cure his illness, he will be able to endure it if he is strange.
       After Dr. Li and others walked peacefully, they gave Guan Jing a diagnosis. After looking at the pulse, I looked at Guan Jingxi eyes and it was a little flickering: "Take off the clothes."
       Guan Jingxi called, and I have to take off my clothes when I see a doctor. I have never seen it. Dr. Li said with some impatientness: "It’s not a woman, what are you doing? Let you take it off, where is so much nonsense."
       Guan Jingyi bit his teeth and finally took off his shirt. After he finished, he saw that Dr. Li was not relieved to ask him to take it off. If he still let himself off, be sure to leave.
       Dr. Li looked at Guan Jing's skin, which was whiter than milk, and shook his head. It was really a pampered 1st Young Master. Dr. Li seemed to play like it. He went forward and poked a few places on Guan Jingyi body. After the stamping, he began to touch again. If it wasn’t for Guan Jingyu, he was very serious and did not bring a trace of wretched expression.
       Dr. Li slammed into the position for a long time and fell into thought. The more you want to frown, the tighter you are.
       Guan Jingyu looked at Li look seven times and eight times. What does this mean? Is it that he has a terminal illness saying that he is going to die: “Doctor, what am I doing? Is it very ill?”
       Dr. Li was preparing to write a prescription. He did not look back when he listened to Guan Jingxi, but said coldly: "You are not sick."
       Guan Jingyu called. Nothing is just a poke and what is it? When Guan Xiajing is angry and hate, it is difficult for him to be cheap. Guan Jingyu endured and tolerated, and finally took out a hundred Silver Taels votes from his body: "Doctor, this is your consultation, please confirm." Guan Jingyi intends to pay the consultation and leave.
       Dr. Li is angry with Guan Jingyu, but the quality is good. At least not open, he is a quack. Dr. Li saw that Guan Jingxi was more pleasing to the eye, and his attitude would naturally be better: "Although you are not ill, if you continue this way, you will have to go to Wangye to report it in less than three years."
       Guan Jingyi only came back to God for a long time, stuttering and saying: "Doctor, you are not saying that I am not sick. Why do I still say that I have lived for three years."
       Dr. Li was satisfied with Guan Jingxi performance. He saw that those people jumped up and yelled when they heard bad news, and even threatened to slap him.
       Guan Jingwei tried to calm himself: "Doctor, you just said that I am not sick, and Tai-yi of Tai-yi Courtyard said that I am only physically weak, why I will live for three years." Inconsistency. If it is not a hundred cottages in the capital is also a small name, can also have a certain reputation here, Guan Jingyi definitely thinks that Dr. Li is a god stick. Now he needs a reasonable explanation from Dr. Li.
       Dr. Li listened to disdain: "Tai-yi of Tai-yi Academy?" The words are very disdainful. He knows very well about those Tai-yi. Medical skills are good, but medical ethics are shit in their eyes. For medical practitioners, medical ethics is the most important thing. The medical practitioners do not have medical ethics. Gao Ming's medical skills will only help them.
       When Guan Jingyi heard this, he became more and more calm: "Dr. Li, please tell me why you said that I have lived for three years?"
       Dr. Li sneered: "You don't believe it?"
       Guan Jingqi shook his head. This kind of thing is rather credible because it is not credible. And he is also clear about his body. In the past two years, his body has become worse and worse: "I don't believe it, but the doctor is talking about it. Since it is. I am not sick, why can I live for three years? Dr. Li, no matter if anyone listens to this, they want to know the reason.” Guan Jingxi meaning is obvious. If he can’t say ugly, he doesn’t believe it.
       Dr. Li felt that this little doll was very interesting: "Tai-yi of Tai-yi Courtyard said that you are physically weak and want you to be well nursed?" Tai-yi attitude is not without skill, but he is afraid of responsibility. Sometimes I don't want to cause trouble, and my eyes will only pass. But because of this attitude, I don’t know how many people died.
       Guan Jingyu Lian Lian nodded. He changed several Tai-yis in these years. He said that he is very weak and needs good nursed back to health. So he has been nursed back to health these years.
       Dr. Li said with a smile: "You are not sick, you can make up for the ginseng velvet bird's nest every day. You must know that it is a three-point drug. If you make more money, your body will become weaker. You are sick and sick. In the year, I must meet with Wangye.” When Guan Jingyi came in, he knew that Guan Jingxi body was very weak. The pulse was for the diagnosis. The place where Guan Jingyi poked was acupuncture points, and the touch was also important. Acupoints. These all prove that Guan Jingyu is not sick at all, but his body is very weak.
       Guan Jingyi whole person is stiff, and whoever is said to be so scared. Don't say that Guan Jingyi knows his body very well, and he has some concerns in his heart. .
       Dr. Li words are ridiculous: "I have seen more of this trick."
       Guan Jing’s hand trembled: “Trick?”
       Dr. Li said with a smile: "Since you can sneak a sneak peek at me with a personal message, isn't it already suspected that someone is going to harm you?"
       Guan Jingwei shook his head in earnestness: "No, someone suggested let me come to you and say that you can cure my illness."
       Dr. Li has some accidents. Although he is a little Famous in the capital, he is only limited to ordinary people. He can't enter these eyes, Noble Lady. Who made this gongzi brother secretly open for medical treatment, but Dr. Li apparently did not want to ask who this person is, but he thought it was the luck of Guan Jingxi: "You can come across the instructions and you can come to see me. If you come over to me in the next year, you will have to work with the medicine jar for a lifetime. If you find me in the next two years, it is Hualuo life and you can’t go back to heaven.” In another year, the body’s function was completely destroyed. In the next two years, the internal organs will be eroded. When the gods are difficult to save, they can only take medicine for up to two years.
       Guan Jingqi Huo Di grabbed Dr. Li hand: “You, can you really cure me?” No one wants to die. He is only 11 years old. Life is just beginning, how can he die.
       Dr. Li nodded: "The key to your situation is to find out early. It is very easy to find it early and adjust it in time." After a pause, he said: "Of course, the premise depends on your cooperation. As long as you cooperate with me, I can naturally Good for you. If you don’t cooperate, it’s useless.”
       Guan Jingwei Lian Lian nodded: "I cooperate, I must cooperate."
       Waiting for Guan Jingyu to get Dr. Li usual prescriptions to be dumbfounded. Because it is not a prescription but a recipe, the food listed above is dosed.
       Dr. Li put down the brush: "You use it according to my prescription. Come over and let me squat one month later. Then I will change it again. But you remember that you should never eat ginseng bird's nest again, and those messy. Things can't be eaten." After a pause, he said: "When you drink something, remember to drink black tea and drink it with milk." Milk black tea can promote digestion, but also raise the stomach. Dr. Li also saw this suggestion that Guan Jingqi stomach is not good.
       Guan Jingxi asked sillyly: "Just these?" It is amazing to eat these coarse grains to cure his physical illness.
       Dr. Li took out a booklet: "Single recipes are definitely not good, and you have to lie in bed every day. Look at your sincerity, I will send you something. Every day, you must eat the food listed above." Practice this booklet every day. As long as you stick to it for one year, your body will be good."
       Guan Jingyi looked at the cover of the booklet, which was half-tired. It was ragged outside but it was clean and tidy. Guan Jingxi does not know why, the ghost makes the book open: "This is the martial arts cheats?" Every day, eating coarse grains and practicing martial arts, this is a strange treatment.
       Li Da Fu looked at Guan Jingwei: "This book is one hundred and two. But if you send it back after half a year, I will not accept your money."
       Guan Jingyi immediately took another hundred Silver Taels votes from his body: "Doctor, this is for you." This is actually a kind of human mentality. Tai-yi of Tai-yi changed a lot of times, but changed so many squares, and eventually his body became weaker. I used to climb the  Mountain before, and now he is a little tired when he walks.
       Although Dr. Li method of treatment is weird, there are many folk remedies, and these things are common things. Although he is not completely convinced, he also wants to give it a try.
       Dr. Li nodded: "Look at your good attitude, I will give you a discount next time." I don't want to think, who likes to see the doctor!
       Peace was too impatient to wait outside, and when Guan Jingyi came out and said, "Young Master, what did the doctor say?"
       Guan Jingyu face is tight: "Nothing to say, you ask the people around you to see how they say this Dr. Li?" Guan Jingyi felt that Dr. Li was not reliable, and that he did not believe him. However, if the people around him say that his medical skills are good, then try it anyway.
       To put it bluntly, Guan Jingxi still does not believe in Dr. Li. This is like a cure attitude, but it is like a god stick.
       Peace immediately asked the people nearby, but the person who asked said that although Dr. Li was a bit strange, but the medical skills were one-on-one.
       Peace asked seven or eight people to answer like this. Peace can't help but mutter: "Does this ghost have a skill?" Nor does it blame people for saying that he is a miser, other doctors who are not exactly Qi-Qi. This is very strange for Dr. Li.
       Guan Jingyu sees so many people say that Dr. Li is well-educated and has a lot of heart. If this is the case, then Dr. Li will start doing it, so maybe the body will really get better.
       When Guan Jingyi returned to the Qing feng Book Company, the sky was already dark. Ning Shaoming waited for anxiety and worried about what happened to Guan Jingyu. When I saw Guan Jingyi, he called out, "What the hell are you doing? How come back now? If you don't come, I will inform The Marquis Estate  to find someone." The two grew up together, not Brother. Brother.
       Guan Jingyi wanted to pretend to be a relaxed appearance, and Li Da Fu words plus Yue-Yao said that he was suspicious of Xiao Ning-Shi. However, this is something that cannot be said. Because the small Ning shi is not only his stepmother, but also Ning Shaoming's relatives and mothers, Ning Duke and Xiao Ning-Shi Gejio compatriots. And in the absence of any evidence, it is even more difficult to talk nonsense. Only now, Guan Jingyi can't help but be wary.
       Back to the mansion, Guan Jingyu looked at the small Ning Emotionally speaking, he still does not want to believe that Ning-shi will harm him. He does not believe that his body's asthma is a mother-in-law. But reason tells him that this matter is inconsistent with the aunt. Because Dr. Li did not need to lie to him.
       Xiao Ning-Shi was keenly aware of what Guan Jingzhen had hidden in his heart: "What happened to the children? Is it something that happened outside?"
       Guan Jingyan’s eyelids jumped, but he did not deny it. There was some frustration in his speech: “I’m going back to my mother. I met Master in the Qing feng Bookstore today. I can’t answer many questions. The Master said that I am arrogant.” Nothing will happen.
       Xiao Ning-Shi smiles: "If you are a Master, don't worry too much. You have to pay attention to your body in these two days. The doctor also said that you have to rest and not work, the body is the most important. Don't look at your books for the time being, wait until your health is good." In fact, people like them have nothing to do with learning well. Not to mention that Guan Jingyi is a child, and he is rich and wealthy in his life.
       Guan Jingxi did not accept: "Mother, I will pay attention."
       Xiao Ning-Shi knows that Guan Jing is thinking hard and he is very serious about his studies. So he has no doubts. He just told people to take care of Guan Jingyu seriously.
       At the time of dinner, Guan Jingyi looked at every dish on the table is delicate and meticulous, and there are three times a day tonic, Guan Jingyi did not know why he suddenly laughed. The things on the square opened by Dr. Li are the same as the things he uses every day.
       Hearing the laughter of Guan Jingyu, he was so flustered.
       Guan Jingyi thought for one night. The next morning, I went to find Yongding Marquis: “I want to live on the peach blossoms for a while." Guan Jingyu said that the peach blossoms are the other houses of The Yongding Marquis Estate . There is a hot spring on the Zhuangzi. He also goes to Zhuangzi every winter. The management on the peach blossoms is the old servant of The Marquis Estate . It cannot be bought by Xiao Ning-Shi. It can be used for him.
       Yongding Marquis backyard is beautiful, and there are many children. There are nine sons. However, his son's favorite thing is Guan Jingyu. Guan Jingyu is not only born to his favorite ‘Madam’, but also is talented. He is proud of Yongding Marquis. It’s just that his son is sick and sick, which makes him always worried: “Shuo, how come to Zhuangzi?” Because of his weak body, Guan Jingxi goes to Zhuangzi every spring to make hot springs. It’s just that I went after the year and I came back after the spring. Now I can’t help but make Yongding Marquis wonder.
       Guan Jingyan smiled bitterly: “this sick body has changed a lot. I feel cold when I go out. The peach blossoms are warmer than the capital. I want to go there to avoid the cold."
       Yongding Marquis sighed slightly, his son was weak. This is his most worrying thing: "You want to go. I heard that there is a Famous doctor in Jiang-nan, I am going to send someone to ask him. If I find it, please ask him to treat you. Can cure your disease." Guan Jingyi will doubt Xiao Ning-Shi because of Yue-Yao words, but he is extremely trustworthy to his own biological father. Guan Jingyu grew up in the body of Yongding Marquis and was taught by Yongding Marquis personally. Of course, because of the love of Yongding Marquis, Guan Jingyu status is a rock.
       Yongding Marquis does not like the small Ning shi, Guan Jingyi mother-in-law Ning The small Ning shi is not only inferior to the small Ning shi, but also because of the limited education of the identity, and there is not much Yuyan with the literary and eternal life of Yongding Marquis. The small Ning-Shi status has been the respect of Guan Jingyu since the establishment of the status, and secondly because she has a strong family to rely on.
       Guan Jingyi thought about it and said, “when I went to the street to buy things last time, I was almost bumped. Oh, I want to find two safe people around me." Guan Jingyu, this is in Yongding. Hou wants bodyguards, so someone will save him.
       Yongding Marquis did not expect Guan Jingyi to take the initiative to ask people. It is not that Yongding Marquis neglects the safety of the eldest son, but Guan Jingyu rarely goes out, and does not like many people to follow, usually only with a small donkey. Yongding Marquis request for his son was very refreshing and he promised: “Let Zhang Quan and Zhang Yan be with you, they are both good.” After the meeting, Yongding Marquis asked: “Shuo, do you have anything? ?"
       Guan Jingyan shook his head and said: "Oh, nothing. If it is ok, I am going to go to the villa, can you see it?"
       Although Yongding Marquis had doubts in his heart, he did not refuse his son: "If there is anything, let people send me a letter." I don't know why God is so cruel, the most beloved son is so weak, other sons are good. Unfortunately, the qualifications are too mediocre.
       In fact, it is not that Yongding Marquis other sons are too mediocre, but Guan Jingyi is too intelligent, and his younger brother is slag.
       Peace knows that Guan Jingyi is going to Peach Blossom Village, very surprised: "Noble Heir, why go to the villa?" Peace instinctively suspected that it has something to do with the doctor who went to see yesterday.
       Guan Jingxi looked at peace. After a while, he said: "Dr. Li opened a prescription for me. It is not used in the house. Going to the peach blossoms, it is convenient." The Marquis Estate  looks like flowers. However, the intrigue of the inside did not stop. It’s just because he hurts him, and his mother’s love for him has always been safe. But now I know that he thought that Enron had nothing to do, and now The Marquis Estate  can only trust him. It’s not Guan Jing’s letter, but he awkward, but Li prescription is too strange. Guan Jing’s fear that he doesn’t believe it, and organizes him at that time. Guan Jingzhen believes that these are ordinary foods. According to Dr. Li work on Zhuangzi, if there is any effect after one month, I will give it to him at that time.
       Peaceful and careful said: "Noble Heir, can the crazy doctor know?" The more peace wants, the more I feel that Dr. Li is too weird, not a big test.
       Guan JingXiao smiled and said: "There is nothing to believe. At that time, we did not ask a lot of people. They said that his medical skills are very high. Maybe he will cure my body!"
       Peace is still not safe: "Noble Heir, do you want other doctors to check the doctor's prescription?" He is the person around Noble Heir, the real glory, and the loss. Noble Heir is good for him.
       Guan Jingxi shook his head: "No."
       In the Zhaohua Temple, the red man heard Hua-li saying that Yue-Yao went to listen to Master Xuan Tian’s lectures and was also summoned by Master Xuantian. The red eyes were straight: “Hua-li, this can’t Snoring. "How many people want to see Master Xuantian can't ask for it, 3rd Miss He Dehe can make Xuantian master call.
       Hua-li said with pride: "The masters of the temple know that, and Master Xuantian also said that our Miss has a relationship with the Buddha. It is a man who has great blessings." This sentence is Hua-li plus. Hua-li feels that people know that Master Xuan Tian said that her Miss is blessed, and the bad influences of the past will dissipate.
       The red dress instinctively did not believe it, but Hua-li said that he was convinced that his heart was heavy and heavy. The red dress immediately told the little -maid to Yue-huan: "4th Miss, 3rd Miss to listen to the master's lectures and not take you, too much."
       Yue-huan did not agree, and she did not like these verses. This time it was completely rushing to the ducks. Don't say that Yue-Yao didn't ask her to go, and called it to go to sleep.
       The red dress sees Yue-huan and doesn't care. The current impact of this incident is said to Yue-huan: "If 4th Miss got this good name, the future 'marriage proposal' is also excellent."
       Yue-huan looked at the red dress: "You also know that Master Xuantian will not be able to speak the law easily. The third sister can be invited because she is proficient in the scriptures. I am not able to pass this on the other side and let the three sisters take it." Even if you are entangled, it is estimated that you will not be able to enter the hall. Do you think that your face is too thin and needs to be thicker?" Yue-huan has already prepared for the red dress, this red dress is dark. The earth raised something that I don’t know, obviously it’s a provocation. This kind of person is not enough to make things happen. When I go back, I have to find a reason to send it.
       Hong-yi bowed their heads and dared not say it again.
       Yue-huan let the Hong-yi go out, and the face smiled. She said, how good Yue-Yao will go to the  Mountains to suffer and suffer from sin. It turns out that Old Madam is a blessing, and it is true that she wants Gao to eliminate those rumors. This is also good, Yue-Yao is in a better position for her.
       "Call-Call-" The wind whistling, and the whistling sound of the sound of the earth calling in the  Mountains and forests constantly echoed, such as the beasts in the angry and scary.
       Yue-Yao looked at the window and trembled: "The wind between the  Mountains is really scary." The wind in the capital will be so big.
       Hua-liLian Lian nodded: "This wind is really scary. Miss, I think we will go back earlier!" The first time outside the sound of calling and crying, Hua-li was scared to death, the next day asked The little monk of the temple knew that the wind outside was at all.
       Yue-Yao chuckles: "It’s already at the end of November, and it’s going to go back in the next half month. It’s not bad.” Yue-Yao believes that Uncle and Mo-shi will definitely not let her New Year in the  Mountains.
       As I said, I heard that the mansion came. This time I came to the butler and sent some things, but I still hope that the two will go back.
       Yue-Yao refused to go back: "I will go back later at the end of the year." The days in the  Mountains are very calm. When I return to Lian, I have no birthday.
       Yue-huan wrote a safe new return. As for Yue-Yao, there is nothing left. Lian’s sentence is no.
       Mo-shi heard that Yue-Yao said that he would not be happy to come back at the end of the twelfth lunar month. At the moment, people called Su Concubine: "4th Miss can reply to you."
       Su Concubine shook his head: " Madam, 4th Miss gave me a letter of peace, not saying anything else." Su Concubine knows a lot about the situation on the  Mountain. 3rd Miss doesn't like his daughter, but also lives in his own shop. In the house of Dilong, her daughter lived in the cold room.
       Lu Pozi hesitated aside and said: " Madam, there is one more thing, 3rd Miss's Servant said 3rd Miss went to listen to Master Xuantian's lectures, and was summoned by Master Xuantian alone. It is said that Master Xuantian said that 3rd Miss has a relationship with Buddha, and he is still a big blessing. I don't know if it is true or not? Once this event is published, it will clean up the rumors of the previous 3rd Miss. Because those who believe in Buddhism believe that those who have a relationship with Buddhism are good deeds in their lives, and they are blessed. The old people in the capital are very convinced of this kind of thing.
       This is mainly because Xuantian’s reputation is too loud, and Xuantian is a Famous ‘Liang’ in the world. That is, the Empress Dowager  wants to listen to Master Xuan Tian’s explanation of the scriptures, and he has to make an appointment in advance, and he is going to the Zhaohua Temple to listen to it instead of declaring people to the palace. Other ordinary people want to see Master Xuantian is difficult at one side.
       Mo-shi asked: "Is 4th Miss going with 3rd Miss?"
       -Lu Mama shook his head and said: " Madam, 4th Miss didn't go to listen to Master Xuan Tian's lectures, only 3rd Miss." I don't know how 3rd Miss can use his eyes and eyes to listen to the Buddhist scriptures.
       Mo-shi listened to his face: "Do you say that this is 3rd Miss?" If you know that these things are coming out, she will definitely not let this die-Yatou goes to the  Mountains.
       Lu Pozi thinks that it is not so coincidental, it should be 3rd Miss calculation.
       The day after the people of Lian House sent things, the people of The Ma House also sent things over. Hua-li once again publicized this matter with the people of The Ma House. Such a good thing can't be hidden, so everyone can know that her family is a blessed person.
       Qiao Lan and Hao Mama also heard about Hua-li yesterday, but this kind of thing is a happy event, and I am very happy to hear it. If Rand got the following people, it is very strange: "Can the cousin get the consent of the temple to listen to Master Xuan Tian's lecture?"
       It is a coincidence that Ruolan knows that it happened. It was just that Ruolan went to Duke House some time ago Old Madam, Luke Duke House Old Madam, so I knew about it. It’s just that Master Xuantian is speaking inwardly, and there is no power in the capital. Duke House Old Madam feels sorry for this. Now I heard Yue-Yao go to listen to Master Xuantian's teachings, how to not let her be surprised.
       Sending things to the past-Pozi said: "I was also questioned at the time, but Hua-li Miss said that it was like the empty master to help Miss to say good things. Master Xuantian also broke the table to see Miss, said Xuantian master said Miss has a relationship with Buddha, and he is a big blessing."
       Ruolan suddenly: "There is a relationship with the Buddha?" The monks in the Zhaohua Temple have money to buy differently. It is not like the capital, which makes people express two rich blessings and is really blessed.
       That-Pozi said with a smile: "Yes, Hua-li Miss said that 3rd Miss often went to the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures of the Zhaohua Temple to copy and borrow. It is amazing that 3rd Miss can remember these verses when copying the scriptures. Not only In this way, 3rd Miss can understand Qi-Qi VIII, so if Master Kong feels that Miss is Huigen. Hua-li also said that if 3rd Miss is a woman, I am afraid I will be deprived." Pozi believes in Hua-li, because this kind of thing can't fool people.
       Ruolan smiled and said: "I didn't expect the cousin to go to the temple and even got the Buddha edge. It is worthwhile to eat so many bitterness in the  Mountains." The previous rumors were swept away, which for Yue-Yao It is a good thing.
       Cai-yun has some doubts: "-Young Madam, is this a coincidence?"
       If Ruolan touched his stomach and fell into meditation, coincidence? Can it be too clever? However, it is difficult to calculate the ‘Liang’ of the temple. It is difficult to find that these monks are six clean, not good power, it is difficult to count them.
       Cai-yun also felt that this was not Qiao-Lan : "-Young Madam, if this is not a coincidence, the city of Miss is too deep." If it is not a coincidence, then spread the rumors from the plan. The temples are all calculated by Miss himself, which is terrible. This is a nine-year Old child!
       Ruolan shook his head instinctly: "It should be a coincidence! This kind of thing is not calculated." It is not an easy task to get the approval of the Zhaohua Temple. This requires a good time and a good balance, and Yue-Yao can't be counted as fine.
       Cai-Yun thought for a moment: "-Young Madam, the Outer Cousin Miss can be remembered by copying the scriptures, but also understand the transparency, does the Outer Cousin Miss have an unforgettable ability?"
       Ruolan smiled and said: "Even if you don't forget it, this memory is one-of-a-kind." Ruolan thought about Yue-Yao thing and shook his head: "It's a pity."
       Cai-yun smiled and said: "Miss is a pity that Miss is a woman?"
       Ruolan nodded: "If it is a man, with such talent and mentality, it is possible to go to the road in the future."
       Cai-yun smiled and said: "It’s still a blessing to Chen’s family. I decided to make Miss.
       Zhuang Ruolan shook his head: "Chen's family may not feel blessed. Aunt and his uncle are gone, Chen's 2nd Son is equal to the help of his ‘Madam’, and Yue-Yao is no longer useful. Chen's home Madam is a A shrewd master Madam.Yue-Yao Even if you are married, the days will not be easy."
       Cai-yun smiled and said: "Miss Miss is so smart, and he has to be stunned Master likes it, don't worry."
       Ruolan smiled and didn't talk anymore.
       Ma Chengteng was very happy with this matter, just the second day he took a break. The next day, when I was bright, I went to Zhaohua Temple with Yue to see Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao just finished using lunch, heard Ma Chengteng coming, and happily greeted him: “the  Mountain is so cold, how come you?" Now at the end of November, the  Mountain is big and cold. Yue-Yao wraps himself like a scorpion.
       Ma Chengteng's spirit is very good, and there is such a happy thing, and the laughter is also hearty: "The carriage is warm and can't be frozen. I haven't seen you for so long, see how you are here." Seeing the spirit of the shi-nu is very Well, Ma Chengteng’s fears have also dissipated.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Hua-li, go to the cup of tea." Before the ‘Ma’ gave two cans of tea, just Yue-Yao did not drink tea and only drink boiled water, so it has been kept .
       Hao Mama led the Servant down, leaving the two talking. Miss can succeed Master is so valued and is a blessing to Miss.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect Ma Chengteng to ask about the passage of the scriptures in the past few days. I didn't expect this thing to be spread out so quickly.
       Ma Chengteng carefully asked: "Yue-Yao, can you understand the Buddhist scriptures that Master Xuantian said?" Ma Chengteng wanted to confirm whether Yue-Yao really likes Buddhism.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said the reason.
       Ma Chengteng’s attention was not placed on Master Xuantian: “Yue-Yao, you may not know that Master Yushan is the most proficient in painting except for painting. He is also a Dharma. I really didn’t expect you to have a talent in the Buddhist scriptures, etc. Find an opportunity for you to meet Master Yushan."
       Yue-Yao is very touched. Only those who really love you will always think for you: “I have seen Master Yushan."
       Ma Chengteng was shocked: "Have you seen Master Yushan? When did you see it?"
       Yue-Yao said that Master Yushan’s conversation with Master Yushan said: “Master Yushan told me some Buddhist philosophies and told me not to copy other people paintings. In addition, if I can persist, the future is limitless. "In fact, Yue-Yao has now entered the door. What is lacking is experience and experience."
       Ma Chengteng was overjoyed: "Yue-Yao, Master Yushan said so, you must work hard to keep going, do you know?"
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: “rest assured, I will." Someone has already pointed out the way to her, she naturally will not give up. If I used to want to make more money to protect my future life, then the goal of Yue-Yao is very clear. She wants to become a master painter, a master artist like Master Yushan.
       Yue-Yao did not think about marrying, if she can become a celebrity is also an alternative protection. As long as she became a great painter for the world, Yue-Yao believes that Lian Dongfang and Mo-shi are more scrupulous about her, and dare not be as brazen as she has been in her life.
       Ma Chengteng was very happy, and he had a good conversation with Yue-Yao. Hao Mama said outside: "Miss, the food is ready." The capital is so far away from Zhaohua Temple, oh Master is definitely not eating. Just now, Hao Mama copied a few more dishes for Ma Chengteng.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: “eat first, then use the food to finish."
       After Ma Chengteng used the meal, Yue-huan came over to give him a courtesy. Ma Chengteng’s impression of Lian-jia is not good, and Yue-huan is also faint.
       Ma Chengteng and Yue-Yao said that they had to go down the  Mountain after a conversation. Before leaving, they said: "There is nothing to say to you, and you will be sent tomorrow."
       Yue-Yao laughed: “rest assured, I have everything here. If there is really nothing, I will tell you." The days in the  Mountains are no worse than those in Capital City.
       Ma Chengteng went down the  Mountain after thousands of miles.

       Chapter 135 Heavy Snow 

       There was a snow on the tenth night of the twelfth lunar month. Yue-Yao pushed the door open, and the outside was white, and the tree in the yard was covered with ice.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat worried that this snow is likely to close the  Mountain, and the  Mountain will be on the  Mountain for the New Year. If so, it will save some use.
       After Yue-huan went out, it was also amazement: “it’s snowing."
       Yue-Yao thought of this to Yue-huan: "When a big snow seals the  Mountain, charcoal needs to save some use." Yue-Yao is not worried about the use of food, people from Lian House can use the end of the month The things in The Ma House are also enough for a while. The most troublesome is firewood and charcoal. Not only does the kitchen use firewood, but the earthworm is also very expensive. Charcoal is mainly used by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-huan feels that Yue-Yao precautions are correct, but she feels that the most economical way is that everyone lives together: "Three sisters, or if we are all crowded together. This can save more." I used to go to Academy, and four people slept in a room. The room in Yue-Yao is very big, sleeping seven people is enough.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "I just asked, save some energy and use it until the first month of next year."
       If it’s true, it’s okay to squeeze the crowd, and it’s not yet. Yue-Yao does not think that will take that step. The people of Lian House could not wait for them to die of starvation on the  Mountain. Lian-jia could not afford to lose this face.
       Yue-huan is attached to your disappointment.
       Yue-Yao did a morning break in the morning meal and took Hua-li out with Qiao Lan. Yue-Yao This is the day to go to the  Mountains, snow, the road on the  Mountain is not good. Yue-Yao This time I wore a snow-white fox fur that was sent from The Ma House.
       The red dress muttered to Yue-huan: "Miss, this piece of great value is a few hundred Silver Taels. I didn't expect 3rd Miss to be really rich." There are hundreds of Silver Taels in a single piece of clothes, which is too extravagant.
       The moon circle swept the red dress and called at Yue-Yao: "Three sisters, this is snow outside, the road is very slippery. It is very dangerous to go out now. It is not too late to go to the  Mountains for a few days. ”
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "When the snow is gone, the road is even worse. It is possible to go back in two days, and then take the basic scriptures and copy them in these few days."
       Yue-huan still feels inappropriate: "Three sisters, the road on this  Mountain has been slippery, it is raining again, it is very unsafe." Yue-huan is definitely not a curse Yue-Yao, but this  Mountain road is really not good.
       Yue-Yao heard that Yue-huan is really worried, seeing Hao Mama does not agree with her going up the  Mountain today, laughing and saying: "Listen to you. But the  Mountain does not go, I went outside to see." See this Yue-huan also followed Yee-Yao and shook his head: "It's cold outside, you carry it in the house. I won't go far, just walk around, there won't be anything." The cedar is soft and soft, stepping on it. does not matter. In fact, if it is icy, Yue-Yao will definitely not go out, and it is easy to get out of the road.
       What does Yue-huan say?
       Red felt that their family's Miss skin was too thin. Every time 3rd Miss refuses, they will not speak again. Cough, it’s not good to follow a master who can’t talk and talk too well.
       Yue-Yao is wearing leather boots, stepping on the thin snow and not worrying that the snow will enter the shoes. Yue-Yao went to the road to see the scenery.
       The trees are covered with snow, and the snow bends the branches. The frosty pine trees are all ice-slip, like a silver bar hanging from a tree, which is extraordinarily spectacular. A gust of wind blew, the trees in the  Mountains were blown up, and the snow and ice on the books fell to the ground. The  Mountain wind still does not stop, continue to call and call, ravaged everything in this forest.
       This sharp wind blew on the face, as if it had been cut and knifed by it, and the pain was difficult. Blowing to the body seems to be able to pierce the tight skin, making people feel the cold.
       Yue-Yao package is tight and solid, and it doesn't feel cold. Her current attention is all on the beauty. This is despite her rare opportunity to see. In the past, I was locked in the yard. This opportunity is rare.
       Hua-li did not wear Yue-Yao, the cold and biting wind felt cold on the body, and Hua-li called from time to time: "Miss, go back! It is very windy and it is easy to catch cold." ”
       Yue-Yao saw Hua-li, who had to shrink into a group, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go back!" It seems that the Servant is also exercising much, so it is impossible, it is paper-like. .
       Hua-li originally wanted to help Yue-Yao, and as a result, she stood for a long time and her legs were stiff. I accidentally slipped and fell heavily on the ground.
       Hua-li struggled to get up and felt the painful ass pitifully looking at Yue-Yao: "Miss." Miss Why she didn't change her face, she felt very frustrated!
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Hurry up the snow on your body, be careful when you walk." In fact, the little snow does not affect walking.
       The snow does not cool the snow, and the temperature in the  Mountains is lower than that in the  Mountains. Yue-huan can't sleep cold that night, and the charcoal fire increases from two basins to three pots. Although Yue-huan knows that it is harmful to the human body to absorb too much carbon dioxide, it is too cold, she can't hold it!
       Hongmei saw Yue-huan shrink into a group, suggesting: "Miss, do not ask for 3rd Miss. You will not be so cold when you live with 3rd Miss." The main house has a dragon, even if it is a floor tile It is warm here.
       Yue-huan shook her head and she would not go again. Last time she proposed to be rejected by Yue-Yao, this time she is so embarrassed to mention it! And she thinks that Yue-Yao may not want others to know her secrets, so she does not want to live with her.
       Yue-huan couldn't open, and the Hong-mei looked at Yue-huan and asked Yue-Yao: "3rd Miss, the room is too cold, we can't sleep at night. Ask 3rd Miss and let us live in Miss!"
       Yue-Yao can't see the look on the face: "Is your own idea or your Miss's idea." Yue-Yao knows that Yue-huan is also a proud person, and it is rejected for the first time. The second time. In all likelihood, this Servant made its own claim.
       Hong-mei in front of Yue-Yao: "It means servants."
       Yue-Yao did not punish Hongmei, just let Yue-huan come over: "Four Mei Mei, can you sleep at night?"
       Yue-huan thought she could live, and she resisted last year. However, she underestimated the weather on the  Mountain. She couldn’t stand the fire on the  Mountain at night. "Well, it’s too cold."
       Yue-Yao sighed slightly: "Then go to sleep in my house at night!" I really want to freeze Yue-huan, and it is still her.
       In the evening, Yue-huan has a heart to talk to Yue-Yao, but Yue-Yao is burying his head and copying the scriptures. He has no time to talk to her. Going to the point and practicing the word went to sleep until midnight. When sleeping, Yue-Yao is not willing to sleep with Yue-huan, and the two sleep alone. In the evening, Hua-li and Hongmei were left to watch the night.
       Yue-Yao thought that he would not sleep, but he didn't expect to blink and fell asleep.
       Good night.
       When doing homework in the morning, Yue-huan honestly returned to his house without anyone calling. When I arrived at the wing, I shuddered: "The main house is really warm." In fact, it was cold at night, but there was no Hong-mei they thought so exaggerated. When Yue-Yao asked, she pushed the boat, so that she could have more contact with Yue-Yao.
       Guan Jingyu on the peach blossom village is waiting for the snow to return to the capital from Taohuazhuang. During this time, Guan Jingyi has been dining according to the recipes opened by Dr. Li. According to the album given by Dr. Li, he practiced every day in the morning and evening. In addition, Guan Jingyu insisted on walking every day on Zhuangzi. walk.
       Guan Jingyi used to be riding a sedan chair and never suffered. Now I spend more than half of my time doing physical exercise, and I am really not used to it. It can even be said to be very painful. It is very painful from the body to the body and mind. However, Guan Jingxi is a very persevering person. It is hard to beat her and stick to her teeth.
       After a month passed, Guan Jingyi was delighted to find that his body was light and light. The most obvious tiredness was that he walked on the small half of the day and did not feel tired. The sweat that beats a fist is very comfortable.
       Not to mention Guan Jingyu, it is peace and the discovery of changes in his own master. At the beginning, Guan Jingyi let him go to get the miscellaneous grains. He looked at Noble Heir, who was eating miscellaneous grains every day, and was scared to be Noble Heir. However, under Noble Heir's arrogance, he could not resist.
       Peace is a very intelligent person, Noble Heir is so tossed every day, there must be a reason. I thought about going to the end and blaming Dr. Li. Although peace does not understand how this weird doctor wants to toss his master, peace believes that although the miscellaneous grains are unpalatable, they are not poisonous and undead. When Noble Heir can't stand it, he will correct it. He didn't expect Noble Heir to persist for a month. What's even more unexpected is that Noble Heir's face was bloody this month.
       Although peace did not agree with Dr. Li, I felt that this doctor was too weird. I just saw Noble Heir with a bloody face. He had no more nonsense.
       When Guan Jingxi returned to Yongding Marquis, he went to see Yongding Marquis.
       Yongding Marquis looked at his son's face first and then rejoiced: "Tai-yi said that the hot springs are good for the body. It seems that the words are not empty. I knew you should let you go earlier."
       When Guan Jingxi saw that the method given by Dr. Li was indeed effective, he did not plan to make Yongding Marquis again: “the main reason why his son's body is getting better is not a hot spring. The son went to Taohuazhuang to actually regulate the body. This one The effect of many months is very significant."
       Yongding Marquis is very different: "What is the main reason?"
       Guan Jingxi gave Yongding Marquis the recipe for Li Da Fu, and said that he went to see Dr. Li. Of course, it is the proposal that Yue-Yao gave him: “a friend of mine said that this doctor Li is a little talented and has a lot of research on intractable diseases. Although he mentioned the method is strange, but it is true. Very useful."
       Yongding Marquis looked at the recipe for a long time. After a long time, he said: "Is it really useful?" Yongding Marquis is not a person who suffers from illness and illness. As long as he can cure his son's illness, he does not care what strange method is used.
       Guan Jingyi nodded: "Well, there is a use. I feel that the body is lighter this month. I don't feel tired when I walk halfway." Before Guanjingyu had gone too much, it would be sweating, but now it is not. This is enough to show that he is getting better now.
       Guan Jingxi said that the matter of coarse grains did not say anything about the album. Guan Jingxi knew very well that he did not like the martial arts. For what reason he did not know, but he would not touch the scales. So what is martial arts is still secretly good.
       Guan Jingxi doesn't want to be small Ning-Shi knows that the woman in Houhou backyard knows that his body is getting better. If these people know that they still don't know what to make moths: “I don't want others to know me now. Physical condition."
       Yongding Marquis strangely asked: "Why?" It is a good thing to get better physically. Do not let people know what to do. The son's body has become better and his behavior is unpredictable.
       Guan Jingyu said with a low head for a long time: “wait until I see Dr. Li tomorrow, and wait until Dr. Li gives me a review."
       Yongding Marquis hesitated for a moment and said: "Yes, you don't want to say it, but if you have something difficult, you must tell him, you are such a son." If Yongding Marquis words are heard by other children. I still don't know how chilling.
       Guan Jingxi said with a smile: "Thank you."
       Guan Jing took out the study and went to see the small Ning-shi, Xiao Ning-Shi see Guan Jingyi look is also considered to be the reason for the hot springs.
       The management of Taohua Zhuangzi is the old servant of the government, and it is needless to say that the loyalty to The Marquis Estate . In Guan Jingyi, he was found and asked him to block the news from letting outsiders know that the old man was doing it well. Under the intentional concealment of Guan Jingyi, Xiao Ning-Shi did not know much about Guan Jingyu situation on Zhuangzi. The messages you get are plausible. In fact, it is mainly small Ning     Guan Guanjing. After more than a few years, Guan Jingyi has been obedient and obedient, and the small Ning-shi is also very reassuring.
       Guan Jingxi returned to his yard and thought about calling Zhang Quan, and asked him to inquire about the situation of the other three The Marquis Estate .
       On the second day, Guan Jingyu took Zhang Yan to the Baicaotang. Yongding Marquis is treating Guan Jingyi as his successor, and he still loves this son, so he has a lot of pens. These two guards are one-of-a-kind in The Yongding Marquis Estate . Therefore, letting the family value, it is also very convenient for Guan Jingyi to act.
       Dr. Li gave a lot of color to Guan Jing's diagnosis. The doctor hates the patient's yang and yin, and he does not cooperate with the disease and blames the doctor for not doing his job. Dr. Li temper is strange. When he meets such a person, he is determined not to heal the second time: “Well, it seems that you really listened to me. Very good, this month is good. I will open it for you. After the party, you will use it once a day, and come back for a month later." Guan Jingxi performance made Li Da Fu very satisfied.
       Guan Jingyu Lian Lian nodded: "Working for Dr. Li."
       Dr. Li opened the party and said: "You are in good health. You can eat a supplement in three or five days. Remember, it is three or five days, not every day."
       The peace next to me couldn’t help but say: "Doctor, I didn’t mean that our Young Master supplements have eaten too much, and it is not good to eat supplements. Why are you eating now?"
       Dr. Li took a cold glance at peace and did not answer the words of peace. He only said to Guan Jing: "If the book is not used, it will be returned to the old man."
       Guan Jingyi thinks that the booklet is a good thing: "Dr. Li, I haven't finished the booklet. I will return it to you when I finish school."
       Dr. Li nodded: "Well, I will see the doctor again in a month. One hundred and two medical consultations." It is a fool to slay the big head. With this one hundred and two today, I can go to the Eight Immortals Restaurant to drink the best wine and eat the best. The dish is gone.
       Guan Jingdi will pay one hundred and two medical fees.
       When Dr. Li took the silver ticket, he went back to the back hall and said, "I have to eat good food today, really comfortable."
       Peace is full of black lines, and this is where the doctor is a drunkard. Guan Jingyan said with a smile: "If Dr. Li does not disregard, I ask the doctor to go to Baxian Building.
       Dr. Li looked disliked: "I want you to ask me, I am not jealous. I have money." Then I went out.
       Guan Jingyi looked at Dr. Li back but smiled. There are not many people in this world. Those doctors who don’t like to make a name for themselves are Famous, but this person’s temper is bias, but it’s not welcoming. This doctor Li has a first-class medical skill, but he is very free and easy. He is very envious.
       Guan Jingxi returned to The Marquis Estate  to give Li Dingfu the reopening of the party to Yongding Marquis. Yongding Marquis nodded: "Since it is useful, you will use it according to his method."
       Guan Jingyi nodded: “Dr. Li said that I can have such a good effect with the daily hot springs. I plan to go back to Taohua Zhuangzi tomorrow, and then come back later in the New Year. Hey, I will go after the end of the year. Zhuangzi will stay until April and May."
       As long as it is good for his son's body, Yongding Marquis does not object to anything. Since there is an effect, Yongding Marquis did not think about going to Jiang-nan to visit a Famous doctor. Taking advantage of this doctor's medical skills is also good, there is a chance to see one.
       Guan Jingxi spent two days in The Yongding Marquis Estate  and went to Taohuazhuangzi. The meaning of Xiao Ning-Shi was gone after the end of the year, but was refused by Guan Jingwei: "Mother, I am not on Zhuangzi." Feeling cold. I can't sleep at night here."
       Xiao Ning-Shi still wants to say that Yongding Marquis on one side said coldly: "When you think Zhuangzi is good, let him go. What do you stop him?" Yongding Marquis is not a fool, former son Very respectful of this successor,
       Xiao Ning-Shi looks a stiff, if Yongding Marquis words are serious, I don't think she has any disorientation. Xiao Ning-Shi tried to breathe a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I am also afraid that this kind of back and forth bumps is even worse for my shi-zi."
       Yongding Marquis looked at the small Ning-Shi, and then remembered that his son said that he did not want to let people know that his body was getting better. When the following color: "This is the case. Let's go to Zhuangzi tomorrow." "When I finished talking to Guan Jing, "Go with me to the study."
       When he arrived at the study, Yongding Marquis looked at his son and said, "Do you doubt her?" Although Yongding Marquis spoiled Concubine in the backyard, he never allowed his shi-zi to cross Guanjing. There are good things in the house, the first one to enjoy is Guan Jingyi.
       In the face of his father who cares for himself, Guan Jingqi can't find a reason to deceive. After a long time, Guan Jingyu said with difficulty: "Dr. Li said that my illness is over-represented. If I continue to do this for three years, I will die of Huang Quan. Oh, my body is clear to me, much worse than the money for two years. Dr. Li is not alarmist. If he didn't touch him, he might have lived for three years." It can be said that Dr. Li was alarmist, but now he is afraid of it for a while. If there is no Yue-Yao reminder, then he has only three years of life.
       Yongding Marquis changed his face, but Wang Dinghou, a son with good looks, began to rejoice: “who told you that Dr. Li can cure your illness?" Before his son said a friend, he did not believe that his son’s friend Not much, knowing the good guys, he has a slap in the face. There is another person who is a man in the city, and the person who is in contact with his son is not rich and rich, and he will know the doctor who is in such a market and has no reputation.
       Guan Jingxi bowed his head and he could not tell Yongding Marquis that it was Yue-Yao. This will lead to father's suspicion, he does not want to bring trouble to Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao has saved his life, how can he bring trouble to people.
       When Yongding Marquis looked at his son's expression, he knew that he would not say: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, but you have to thank everyone." The doctor is not Famous, but it has real skills. The person who told his son must not be a general.
       Guan Jingyi focused on the key: “I will."
       After Yongding Marquis and other Guan Jingyi went out, their faces sank. After a long time, I took out a box from the book, and placed a picture inside, which is a beautiful woman.
       Yongding Marquis looked at the beauty in the painting and said: "Yu Niang, I have not protected my shi-zi. You can rest assured that there will be no next time."
       Yue-Yao and Deng Mama guess is correct. The small Ning  Ning Yun got Ma-shi persuasion to change her husband's choice, but Duke did not agree with Ning Yun at this time. For the benefit of the family, you cannot change people.
       Ning Yun knows that she can't fall out with Duke, because his son will rely on Duke in the future. However, she is not willing to eat this mute loss, not only prepared a secret hand. Before dying, Yongding Marquis must be kind to their children.
       Yongding Marquis made an oath in front of Ning Yun. Although the appearance of the small Ning shi is not bad, but with the appearance of the fairy and the temperament of the Ning Yun, there is still a certain awareness. Yongding Marquis is not a person who only pays attention to his appearance. He is extremely demanding and wants to be both versatile. And smashed the small Ning-shi, let him more doubt the dead Ning-Shi. Therefore, the small Ning-shi has never been favored.
       At that time, Duke did not let Ning Yun repent, mainly in Noble Heir of Ning Duke, which is the brother of Xiao Ning-shi. In the cognition of the 2nd Brother and sisters, there is no better marriage than this.
       Xiao Ning    It’s just that Ning-shi doesn’t know that Ning-shi didn’t even think about starting at her parents’ home. Little Ning-Shi has not been in the door for three months, Guan Jingzhen has a fever, and the small Ning However, Xiao Ning-Shi can not think of it is that she will lose her chance to be a mother forever.
       Guan Jingzhen’s decision to let Zhang Quan go to the investigation soon will be answered, because these things are not secrets, as long as the door is a little wide, people can find it.
       Guan Jingyi sorted out the news of Zhang Quan’s investigation and found a problem that made him feel scared. The Jingning Marquis Estate , Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , Luyang The Marquis Estate , Yongding Marquis, the four major hereditary The Marquis Estate , in addition to the other three residences of The Yongding Marquis Estate , have positions in the military and have mastered one authority. However, they did not have a single person in the military.
       At this time, Guan Jingxi finally understood what the meaning of Yong-Yao said in the The Yongding Marquis Estate  self-defeating foundation? Since ancient times, Wenwu is not compatible. Although he is very Famous in the capital, he has only one vain position and no real power. And The Yongding Marquis Estate  from the imperial examination into the official, Wu Congwen is equal to the relationship with the power, but these people are in the position of the six seven products, the family does not have a hand to hold power. In the long run, The Yongding Marquis Estate  will fall.
       Guan Jingyi remembered what Yue-Yao said, and he was very impressed. Lian-jia 3rd Miss's vision is not what most people can do than you. Their family has such a big drawback. The party is not aware of it, but it is known by a little Miss who is only nine years old. It is really shameful.
       Yue-Yao also asked the time when I was a book: "Master, I heard that the plum blossoms of Zhaohua Temple are especially beautiful when they are in full bloom. Master, I don't know if I can watch it?"
       If you shake your head, you can't enter the country.
       Yue-Yao was disappointed: "This time I smashed Shifu." Then he handed out a five hundred and two silver ticket: "Shifu, this is the sesame oil I added to the temple." Yue-Yao knows five hundred The two are nothing at the Zhaohua Temple, but this also represents my heart.
       After Lian was sunny for three days, the snow on the ground was completely degraded. Last time it was a small snow. If it was snowing, there would be no snow on the 10th and 8th. It might not be possible to go back to the New Year.
       Yue-Yao squatting in the room, no one facing Yue-huan said: "I guess I will go back these two days. If you encounter something difficult in the future, I will send someone to tell me the two personal Servant or Deng Mama and Hao Mama, I can't help you with the help. But our relationship, don't let the people around you know for the time being. It's the two Servants around you can't say, they can't stand it." These two Servant are not Mo-shi people or Su Concubine people, not reliable.
       Yue-huan was loose, and she got the phrase Yue-Yao, which made her feel much more relaxed. At least she is not alone. In fact, this month, Yue-huan also thinks a lot: "Three sisters, your suggestion I have considered for a long time, depending on the second sister is indeed the best choice." In addition to relying on Yue-Bing, Yue-huan can not think of a better way . She has a stomach to make money, but she really said that she will not only be suspicious by Su Concubine, but Mo-shi will also eat her bones. It used to be too high-profile, and she must be low-key in the future.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Well, only the second sister is good. If you marry in the future, you can find a good marriage. As for how to do it, look at your own skills."
       Ying-huan smiles: "I will find a way." The heart of Yue-huan is actually awkward, thinking that to get a good friend, she is full of unwillingness, but there is no way.
       Yue Lun only treated Yue-Bing as a boss after she recited it in her heart. It will pass for a few years, or she will not go to the heart.
       Yue-Yao saw the look of Yue-huan: "You don't have to worry, Yue-Bing is very proud and proud, but you don't need to follow her all the way, just like the class. If she is not doing the right thing. You can make some suggestions, which may be better." Yue-Yao said that, because she knows something about Yue-Bing. Yue-Bing This person, although arrogant, is not a self contained person, can still listen to some different suggestions.
       Not expected by Yue-Yao, two days later, people from Lian House took them back.
       Yue-Yao Before the coming down the  Mountain, in order to guard against the housekeeper who asked to pick up the person: "Can you still slip on the road? If it is over two days, then go back." Yue-Yao This is afraid of the road is not stable.
       Managerially said: "Miss assured, the snow on the road is all gone. There will be nothing: "The driver is also an old man with 30 years old, there will be nothing. "The road to the road is smooth, and it is certainly no problem to go back. This road he came back and forth and went back and forth no less than ten miles. Nothing happened this time. This time it will definitely not happen."
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I hope that is as you said. If something is wrong..." Finished, I went back to the house. As for the following words, don't say anything. Anyway, knowing things is fine.
       When I went back, Yue-Yao and Yue-huan were alone. This time it was not Yue-Yao refusal, but the Lian House prepared a car for both of them.
       Yue-Yao looked at the two carriages and didn't think much. On the carriage, Hua-li and Qiao Lan also followed, Hao Mama was sitting in the carriage behind.
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but look at Zhaohua Temple again when he got on the carriage. I don’t know when I will come to Zhaohua Temple next time.
       These three months made her heart calm and incomparably calm. Regardless of the future, at least the chaotic mood has really subsided, and the harvest of these three months has also benefited her.
       Yue-Yao has very few words, and Qiao-Lan is not a person with a lot of words, but Hua-li always talks on the sidelines.
       During this time, Hua-li didn't complain about half a word, but the days on the  Mountain were really stuffy. In addition to working or working, there is no amateur activity. It is also very difficult for Hua-li, who likes to gossip and love to join in the fun. Now I can finally return home, and Hua-li feels that the whole body is loose.
       Yue-Yao chuckled, she knew that Hua-li looked at her own words and deliberately led her to speak. However, Yue-Yao is still very serious, although it is less attached. In all aspects of life, most of the things that can be passed outside are also from real events.
       Yue-huaned his eyes and prepared to sleep. The red whispered: "Miss is a good temper, and it has been bullied by 3rd Miss. This time, go back and say Madam."
       The heart of the moon is stunned. This red dress is really impossible to stay. As for the Hong-mei, it has to be observed. Yue-huan had to sigh, and there was really no one around her who could use it with confidence: "The third sister is very good to me, what is good to say."
       Hong-yi angrily said: "Miss, 3rd Miss is too bully." Red is really not pleasing to the eye 3rd Miss. During this time in the  Mountains, I ate the good things like bird's nest and other big supplements, but 3rd Miss did not leave any residue to my own Miss. Also let Miss live in the cold dead room, if it is not Hong-mei thick face, Miss must be frozen. She is not rare to say about the various deeds of 3rd Miss.
       Yue-huan said coldly: "I didn't suffer any grievances. You don't want to learn from the Servant around the big sister. When you go back to the house, you will break your  Mouth. Nothing is provoked. If it really causes trouble, don't blame me. You are welcome." Although she said that it is not in line with Yue-Yao, she will not be regarded as a servant.
       Red really feels that his own Miss has changed too much. In the past, she said that Miss can also listen to half of it, but now she can't listen to it. This fall also changed the temper.
       Thinking about going back to Yue-huan, I must think of a way to send the Hong-yi out. However, it is necessary to plan well. To fill this vacancy must be someone who believes in it. Just thinking, suddenly heard a call outside.
       Yue-Yao was also thinking about things in the carriage, but did not expect the carriage to suddenly shake. Then she heard the driver yelling. When the coachman’s words fell into the carriage, he turned it over again. Yue-Yao immediately grabbed the board and sat down.
       Yue-Yao was thrown out of the internal organs, she was not intuitive. Yue-Yao killed the board and tried to balance himself. Then he revealed that the carriage saw the carriage crashing toward the  Mountain.
       Now that it is going downhill, the carriage has not only slowed down but has accelerated downhill. Yue-Yao knows that it is really bad, and this is going to happen.
       At this time, the driver also called: "Miss, the car is slippery, this animal is also mad. Miss, I can't control it..." If the car is slippery, it will be said that it will hit the ‘Ma’ again, this will be on the steep slope again. very dangerous.
       Yue-Yao listened to this and sighed. If only the scooter controls the ‘Ma’s, they will be affected by the shock. If it is rushed to the slopes, it will be seriously injured when it is saved.
       Yue-Yao looked at the uncontrolled horse and did not have more time to consider it, pushing the door at the fastest speed.
       As soon as the door opened, the windy wind of the wind cut like a knife on the  Mountain, making a whistling sound. Yue-Yao just opened her  Mouth and the wind poured into her  Mouth.
       Yue-Yao stared at the outside, and there was no relatively flat place in front of the squat. Then he turned his head to face the white-colored Hua-li and Qiao Lan. He said hard: "You will learn from me." Jump down."
       Yue-Yao said with his hands on his head, his body curled into a ball and rolled toward the flat. When I rolled down, Yue-Yao felt that the bones of the whole body were falling apart, and it was no longer a pain.
       Hua-li and Qiao Lan saw Yue-Yao rolling down the car like a ball, Qiao-Lan reacted faster than Hua-li, pushing the dull Hua-li said: "Hurry and jump, then late That's too late."
       Hua-li was scared just now, and did not understand the words of Yue-Yao. This time I heard the words of Qiao Lan jumped from the carriage and jumped.
       The coachman couldn’t control the carriage, and knew that Yue-Yao jumped off the car and jumped from the carriage. The coachman just jumped off the carriage and the ‘Ma’ rushed toward the woods with a carriage.
       A sharp humming sound rang and the carriage was smashed into two sides. The violent impact made Qiao Lan out of the carriage.
       It all happened so quickly, and the rest of the people saw it scattered. Yue-huan reaction is also very fast, cried: "Fast, save people."
       Yue-Yao Because the location is good, the place is muddy and there are no large stones. Plus Yue-Yao jumped up and held his head into a ball, and the body was thick, except for the shock of the whole body, there was no obvious scar on his body.
       Yue-huan got off and rushed to the unconscious Yue-Yao. Hao Mama called: "Miss." At this time, it was not the time to pursue responsibility, but people quickly woke up.
       Yue-huan was very calm: "Hurry up the three sisters to my carriage. The land is cold." Don't get hurt, and the whole thing is burning.
       Hao Mama said in a hurry: "4th Miss, just the carriage slipped, let us Miss take the carriage, I am worried..." Hao Mama worried that she would meet such a thing. If you meet such a thing again, 3rd Miss can't really save.
       Looking at Yue-Yao in Yue-huan, except for the coma, the other is no problem, it should be faint. Looking around the surrounding peaks: "You have to go back and find a doctor for the third sister. If you lift it, you don't know that the third sister is unbearable."
       Hao Mama hesitated: "I am worried that 3rd Miss has been injured." There is no injury on the face, but there is no problem with such a fall.
       Yue-huan also feels that this is reasonable: "Take the carriage." I can't untie the clothes here. When I arrived at the carriage, I just wanted to untie the clothes of Yue-Yao, but I felt that Yue-Yao was a whole person.
       Yue-huan was puzzled and saw Yue-Yao open his eyes. Yue-Yao is actually not in a coma.
       Yue-Yao originally wanted to install more than one time. I didn't think that Yue-huan would have to lick her clothes. I don't know what this wonderful thing thinks. Where can I take off my clothes? Yue-Yao is extremely weak and said: "I am fine, go see Hua-li and Qiao Lan." Although it is faint, but she is really uncomfortable now, the whole body is very painful.
       Hao Mama checked Yue-Yao arms and legs. Seeing Yue-Yao arms and legs were just some bruises, others were fine. Hao Mama sighed: "Buddha bless, Bodhisattva bless."
       Hua-li jumped in a panic, and did not learn to jump like Yue-Yao, so she fainted after jumping, and how to call the person is not awake.
       Yue-Yao is a halo, and Hua-li is a true halo.
       When Qiao-Lan was knocked out of the compartment and slammed into the tree, she passed out. When everyone looked for her, Qiao Lan was bloody and could not look at it.
       Yue-huan immediately said: "Hurry to stop bleeding for her. If it is not only blood, it will be dead." This has been bleeding to the  Mountain to find the doctor, it will also lose too much blood.
       Yue-Yao heard the call of Yue-huan and said quickly: "Hao Mama, there is a red scorpion in the carriage, there is a wound in the scorpion. You should look for it, it should still be in the carriage. To Qiao-Lan to stop bleeding." These are Yue-Yao prepared for the fall and slip on the  Mountain. In the  Mountains, I couldn't help but fall. I didn't expect that the  Mountains were useless to go down the  Mountain.
       Hao Mama immediately told people to look for it, and soon found the medical scorpion. Yue-huan personally gave Qiao Lan to stop bleeding, and then wrapped it with Qiao Lan with a white cloth.
       Yue-huan saw Yue-Yao lying pale in the carriage, a little sad in my heart. However, she still slammed this emotion and whispered: "Sister, isn't it painful?" Speaking of Yue-huan, I admire Yue-Yao, and such an accident happened to react so quickly. Otherwise, you must be seriously injured. Yue-huan thinks that he can't do it.
       Yue-Yao is not willing to talk about her own affairs. Although she promised to help Yue-huan, it is also worth seeing in Yue-huan. But her business does not want Yue-Yao to know too much: "How is Hua-li and Qiao Lan injured?" I only hope that both people are fine.
       Yue-Yao heard that Hua-li was hurt but not life-threatening, but Qiao Lan is still in a coma and has a life-threatening danger. He said: "Hurry back to Capital City and find a doctor."
       This time I went down the  Mountain and met the downhill place. Everyone was careful to take the ‘Ma’ down with the driver.
       Yue-Yao did not say a word until the capital. Yue-Yao does not think that the incident was an accident. She felt that this was a conspiracy and wanted to kill her conspiracy. This life is different from last life, and many things have changed. Mo-shi couldn't help but let her die soon. Because as long as she died, leaving the court is not rounded up by her, the money naturally fell into the hands of Mo-shi.
       Yue-huan felt the coldness of Yue-Yao, thinking that she was worried about Hua-li and Qiao Lan, and whispered to the side: "Don't worry about the third sister. Qiao Lan and Hua-li will definitely Peaceful, don't scare yourself."
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan and did not speak again with his head down.
       Back to Lian House is another burst of chicken and dog jumping.
       Dr. Tang rushed over and was supposed to give Yue-Yao a cure. Yue-Yao said: "Dr. Tang, give me a look at Servant first. She is very hurt, and she hasn't woken up yet."
       After Dr. Tang gave the diagnosis of Diqiao, he immediately opened the prescription: "Give her medicine, but if it is not awake tomorrow morning, you will prepare for her."
       Hua-li didn't take long to wake up, but she was shocked too much. Now the whole body is still hot and hot, and the posture of jumping down is not right for the injured leg, and it hurts the bones. After reading the doctor, Dr. Tang gave her a plaster, hurting the bones for a hundred days, and warned that Hua-li had to rest well. It was not good to lie in bed for three or five months.
       Dr. Tang finally gave Yue-Yao a visit. Dr. Tang said with a sigh of relief: "3rd Miss was only slightly injured and did not hurt the internal organs. But I still need to raise it well. I will open a prescription." In fact, Dr. Tang is very puzzled. Miss's encounter with this has long been scared, and it is as calm as the 3rd Miss. Well, Lian House 3rd Miss is really different and can't be treated with common sense.
       Yue-Yao let Hao Mama give Tang Da Fu a big red envelope. Don’t accept the doctor, this child is not easy. Where can he get this red envelope? The consultation Lian government will pay.
       Yue-Yao looked at the Mo-shi who sent Dr. Tang back, and looked like a frost: "Auntie, this time the ‘Ma’ is not an accident, someone is doing it right away." Yue-Yao said, I want to see it. Look at the reaction of Mo-shi. She wants to know if it is Mo-shi hands and feet. Although she feels that this is naive, after all, even Mo-shi hands and feet can't make her find clues.
       Mo-shi was anxious to hear about Yue-Yao accident, but she was not worried at all, and even looked forward to Yue-Yao. This not only saves a person who is right against himself, but also gets all the money in Yue-Yao hands.
       Mo-shi took a jump: "3rd Miss, you said that someone can harm you with evidence?" Ma Mingming was an accident, who would harm her. Mo-shi didn't immediately think of Yue-Yao suspecting herself, because she really didn't know about it. Yue-Yao flashed a blind eye: "I don't know who hurts me, but I am sure that the ‘Ma’ has been handcuffed. I saw the ‘Ma’ mad before I jumped out of the carriage. The last three days were sunny. The road surface is also clean and there is no ice. How can it slip? If it is unlucky to slip onto the ice, it will not make the ‘Ma’ mad towards the  Mountain. This is obviously someone wants to put me to death. I don't know. How much hatred this person has with me, I hope that I will die. What can I do if I die?"
       Mo-shi heart suddenly shook, and a look of Yue-Yao eyes flashed a hint of jealousy. This Yatou said obviously means something: "3rd Miss, this can not be said indiscriminately, you can be so hate with anyone. 3rd Miss, I know that you are frightened so It’s just nonsense, take a rest, and it will be a few days.”
       Yue-Yao looked at Mo-shi and said coldly: "I was almost killed this time. Who knows what to do next time. Big aunt, you must find out the murderer, otherwise I will not be safe." It is."
       Mo-shi squats at Yue-Yao and bites someone to harm her. He also keeps saying that he wants to find out the murderer. It is a headache. Finally, under the gaze of everyone, I can only appease: "Good, good, good. Aunt will send someone to check." If it is not soothing, I am afraid that this is dead-Yatou will not let her go, even It is really annoying to say that she is behind the scenes. When she comes back, she will find something for her.
       Mo-shi came out of Lanxiyuan and saw that he was caught in a red wrist. He was angry and annoyed: "This-Yatou injury is definitely a fake. If you are injured, you can have such a big hand."
       Lu Pozi whispered: " Madam, I really want to find the murderer."
       Mo-shi annoyed: "What murderer is looking for? This is simply an accident. She was smashed and she was going crazy."
       It’s really an accident to look at Mo-shi look. Yue-Yao sneer, accident, even if it is an accident, she also needs to let people know that this is a carefully planned murder. In this way, she can gain the upper hand and let Mo-shi and the uncle agree to the conditions they have raised.

       Chapter 137 Female Guard 

       The moon looped back to the yard, and her heart had not come back. She was quite shocking at first, but she heard Yue-Yao say that this was someone who intentionally killed her, and Yue-huan was scared.
       Su Concubine also got the news, watching her daughter's face pale and immediately guessed the idea of ​​Yue-huan: "You don't think that 3rd Miss's thing is what did Madam do?" 3rd Miss called like someone It is not good for her. It is not that the main ambassador behind this scene is Madam. The act of 3rd Miss is heartbreaking.
       Yue-huan agrees with Yue-Yao suspicion that the road is not just their carriage. There are no accidents in so many carriages before and after. Why is it that it is difficult to accidentally drive the carriage of Yue-Yao? I thought so in my heart, but I didn’t dare to show it on the surface. Yue-huan is now prepared for Su Concubine. Naturally, it is impossible to say anything: " concubine, I just think that 3rd Miss's suspicion makes sense. This is really weird."
       Su Concubine decided that this was an accident.
       Yue-huan deliberately asked: " concubine, since it is an accident, then why does the third sister say that someone deliberately murdered? Why did the third sister do this." The heart of the -maid is actually clear, even if the accident Yue-Yao will bite It’s not an accident to die, it’s someone who is murdering.
       Su Concubine heard the question of Yue-huan and then smiled and touched the head of Yue-huan: "3rd Miss said that it is natural to have a picture." As for the picture, she didn't know, but she was very sure that 3rd Miss would not The news came out for no reason.
       An ignorant look of Yue-huan: "What can you plot?" After thinking about it, he carefully asked: " concubine, 3rd Miss is plotting Madam? concubine, Madam I have been plotting 3rd Miss's money, and now 3rd Miss is also dealing with Madam." Yuehua actually feels that Yue-Yao behavior is very weird. Yue-Yao If it is revenge, this method is too gentle.
       Su Concubine was shocked and then said very harshly: "4th Miss, then I can't say anything like this in the future."
       Yue-huan bowed its head.
       Su Concubine sees her daughter's grievances and is helpless: "Don't blame Concubine, be careful in the house."
       The Ying-huaned the head.
       Su Concubine thought about it and asked: "4th Miss, what time can you enjoy with 3rd Miss on the  Mountain this time? How is she doing to you?"
       The moon circle stunned and turned to frustration and said: "The three sisters don't like me. I stayed with her for more than a month on the  Mountain. Besides starting to explain the scriptures to me, I ignored me. It seems that I am a flood beast. I don't know if I am really annoying." The red dress and Hongmei should not be kept secret for her. These things are estimated to have leaked out. So it doesn't matter if she says more.
       Su Concubine was disappointed.
       Yue-huan turned and turned, and asked: " concubine, have you not let me not approach 3rd Miss? concubine, you don't know 3rd Miss when you look at people, the eyes are flustered. And 3rd Miss is really very stingy. In the  Mountains, she ate the tonics of the bird's nest every other time, and I can only watch it. The people in the house said that 3rd Miss is generous, but her acting is really stingy. "The moon loop draws a conclusion from Yue-huan event that Yue-Yao wrote to her. The real Yue-huan metric is actually very small and is a careful person. She has to slowly correct the way she used to do things, at least close to the real Yue-huan.
       Su Concubine has some subtle changes in his face, but Yue-huan is not good at observing and not paying attention: "3rd Miss is not really generous. She did this to buy people hearts. But it is a bit too much to do so." 2nd Miss, She is fragrant and spicy, and her daughter doesn't have any soup. It is really uncomfortable.
       Yue-huan sighed slightly: "The three sisters said that those tonics are things that Majia gave to her. It is not good to give it to me. In fact, she is reluctant to give up. The things that Majia gave her are naturally her. What do she want to do? The Ma family will definitely not manage. Cough, forget it, don't say her. Loss I used to want to make a good deal with her, I didn't expect it to be such a person."
       Su Concubine didn't say anything bad about Yue-Yao: "I will talk about it later."
       Yue-huan listened to this heart but it was sinking. If Su Concubine picks up her, Yue-huan is still a bit reassuring, and now it is clear that she has no previous trust in her.
       Yue-Yao is lying in bed thinking about something, Deng Mama is red and swollen: "How is Miss, Miss?" When such a big thing happened, Deng Mama was scared to death.
       Yue-Yao took a pillow and leaned against the bed: " Mama Don't worry, I just suffered a slight injury, nothing." In fact, she is okay to get up now, but she still doesn't want to get up.
       Deng Mama rubbed her tears and said: "Miss, what happened to this accident?"
       Yue-Yao Although it may be a surprise to feel this, but she would not say this: "Well, but now it's okay, Mama don't worry." It is a conspiracy that will only make Deng Mama even more Worried that the other half is not used.
       Deng Mama accompanied Yue-Yao for a good conversation, and Yue-Yao fell asleep. Deng Mama went out and talked to Hao Mama for a long time.
       Yue-Yao woke up and asked about the situation of Hua-li and Qiao Lan. She knew that Hua-li had improved her medication, but Qiao Lan had not woken up yet.
       Hao Mama went out and told Yue-Yao after a trip, the driver said that it was a complete accident: "Miss, it is impossible to get evidence from the coachman."
       Yue-Yao was not surprised by this result. He said to Hao Mama: " Mama, I have one thing you need to do."
       Hao Mama heart skipped a bad sign: "What do Miss want to do?" From this incident she saw the power of 3rd Miss. According to everyone in the squatting cabinet, Miss encountered such a thing long ago, but 3rd Miss was only slightly injured, but the two Servant were stunned and seriously injured. This is not a lucky one, but a person’s decision. If she thought that Yue-Yao could make an opponent with Mo-shi before, now she is sure that Mo-shi is not her opponent in Miss.
       Yue-Yao looks at Hao Mama: " Mama believe this is an accident?"
       Hao Mama suddenly thumped: "Miss suspected that the carriage was doing the hand and foot. But it was indeed the carriage slipping, and the ‘Ma’ suddenly went crazy. I also asked people to find it, which indicates that this is an accident." It was really done by 1st Madam, then they are not all dangerous.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I don't know if the carriage is not slippery, but the ‘Ma’ is suddenly mad but it is what I saw with my own eyes. The carriage can't always make the ‘Ma’ lose its x. It is clear that someone has to put me to death. "When I said this, Yue-Yao face flashed a murderous."
       Hao Mama suddenly throbbed, and 3rd Miss looked very scary. However, Hao Mama quickly returned to calm: "Miss, there is no evidence, Miss said that some people will not be murdered. Miss ......" In fact, Hao Mama also considered an accident. At that time, the carriage was just downhill, and I knew that there would be such a thing.
       Yue-Yao took a look at Hao Mama: "I didn't ask you to check this. This is to check and find out what. If this person wants to put me to death, it will not leave clues. We found out. I hope that you can use the contacts in your hand to help me check if 1st Madam is doing business in secret?"
       Yue-Yao lie in bed and think about things. The lipstick sold by 4th Miss Yue-huan is very good, and it has brought huge profits to Lian House. Then the 'Grandmother' has passed away hundreds of thousands of huge money. There are two kinds of money in Lian House that should be very generous, but Lian House has reduced expenses.
        Old Madam cuts spending as soon as it passes, so many people are cut, Mo-shi is not afraid to give people a handle, and Yue-Yao always feels that there is something in it. Yue-Yao just remembered that at this time, Mo-shi not only cheated on her head's money, but also got her mother's dowry, but such a large a Mount of money did not make the economy in Lian's house improve, and cut expenses. However, one year later, Lian House resumed its previous expenses. She still remembers that Ying case was doubled.
       Combining these things, she is very sure that Mo-shi is doing business now, and is doing big business. It is very likely that this business was a loss when it started, and later earned.
       Hao Mama eyelids jumped and jumped. Miss means that 1st Madam failed to do business. Then he needed silver money to fill the hole with the following murderous hand, Miss, for the money she had on hand: "Miss, 1st Madam does not Will do something like this, Miss..."
       Yue-Yao waved his hand and said: "I just let you check it out, didn't say anything else."
       Hao Mama looked at Yue-Yao Sen's cold expression: "Well, I will pay attention. If 1st Madam is really doing business in private, it will not be revealed."
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Yue-Yao was injured, and Ma was only known on the second day. Zhuang Ruolan has eight months of pregnancy and is inconvenient to visit. If Rand got the news, he immediately told Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng that the two men would go.
       Ma Chengteng got the news and immediately sue for a long time to go to Lian House to visit Yue-Yao. Seeing Yue-Yao, although his face was white, but looking good, this put the hanging heart down: “I heard the news. Your carriage crashed down the cliff and thought you..." Ma Chengteng did not say anything when he was unlucky.
       Yue-Yao cried with Ma Chengteng: “I can't see you any more." Yue-Yao cried awkwardly, and she was actually scared. If it wasn't for the sudden jump, and because she had heard such a thing before she knew that she would curl up and not be seriously injured, she must now lie in bed like Qiao-Lan .
       Hao Mama looked at the 3rd Miss who hadn't wrinkled from the accident until now. In front of the Master, she was crying so sadly, bowed her head, and her heart was upset. She thought more. The calmness expressed by 3rd Miss did not mean that she was not afraid. Instead, she did not want to show weakness in the face of Mo-shi and Servant below. In front of the Master, she was like finding the backbone, so she did not continue to disguise. strong.
       Ma Chengteng did not know how to comfort Yue-Yao. This event scared Yue-Yao, but I can't say that Yue-Yao will not take the carriage in the future.
       Yue-Yao let Hao Mama go out with Lian Servant, and after the room has two people left, Yue-Yao said his suspicion: “I think this time should not be an accident, but someone I want to murder me."
       Ma Chengteng heard Yue-Yao said that she suspected that this accident was not a murder. She looked dark and was black. When he heard Yue-Yao carefully depicting the situation at the time, he also hesitated. Ma Chengteng felt that Mo-shi should not be so mad.
       Yue-Yao naturally sees Ma Chengteng’s hesitation: “this time I am quick to respond. If not, I should be as life-and-death as Qiao Lan."
       Ma Chengteng sighed slightly: "Yue-Yao, there is no evidence." If there is evidence for this, he can let Yue-Yao go to The Ma House to live; but these are all Yue-Yao guesses out of nowhere, plainly saying nothing like this. If it is spread out, it is Yue-Yao who is being criticized.
       Yue-Yao is depressed. If there is evidence that she will move to The Ma House, she will move out and stand on her own. Now I have to protect myself if I can't move out: “just because Mo-shi wants to do whatever it wants without evidence, I don't know when I was killed. So for the first time, there is still the first Second, the third time. Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is a thousand days to prevent thieves."
       Ma Chengteng is in trouble. The last time was at least based on the facts, but this time it was unfounded, and it was suggested that there was some unreasonable taste.
       Yue-Yao grabbed Ma Chengteng’s hand: “I know it’s embarrassing for you. But I’m really scared, hey, I’m really afraid of an accident.”
       Ma Chengteng looked at Yue-Yao, who was crying like a tearful person, and made up his mind: "Don't be afraid, come and think of a way." The children are scared like this, and Lian House can't live.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: “I don't want you to be embarrassed. Hey, I want a personal guard, so if there is any accident, someone will protect me." The female guard is the foundation of Yue-Yao. Purpose, she wants a woman with a kung fu to protect her. Yue-Yao is very afraid of being sold secretly in the past for the rest of his life.
       Although it is not the same as the previous life, but through this matter, Yue-Yao realizes that she is not afraid of 10 thousand. If this happens, there will be no room for change. In this life, she will be ruined. If I waited for a few years to meet Zhou Shu again, then he used some dirty means, and when she arrived, she was called to be indifferent. If there is a female guard with her skills, she can be at ease.
       Ma Chengteng said: "Female guard?" He did not expect Yue-Yao to be so insecure. I want to find someone to protect, but I can imagine what the child had been in the mansion.
       Yue-Yao focuses on the key: "Yes, I want to find a female guard to protect me personally. Hey, I know that female guards are hard to find, but you can only get it if you spend a lot of money. Hey, Yue-Yao beg you. I don’t want to sleep until I think about it, and I can’t sleep at night.” She really didn’t want to be so scared.
       Ma Chengteng looked at Yue-Yao like a frightened bird. When he thought about it, he agreed: "Well, you will find someone. But Yue-Yao, even if you are looking for a female guard, don't let people know. Make arrangements." If you let people know, then it is a right and wrong, and it is not a good thing to be a  Miss .
       Yue-Yao wiped his tears: "Thank you."
       Ma Chengteng also went out in the inner court for half an hour and went out. He had to go back to the poor. However, when I arrived at the front yard, I was invited by Lian Dongfang.
       Ma Chengteng naturally does not say that this is not an accident. It is a poisonous hand under Mo-shi. These words cannot be said indiscriminately because there is no evidence. If there is no evidence, then saying these words is tanta Mount to enmity. If the relationship between the two is too cold, it is Yue-Yao.
       However, between the two talking, Ma Chengteng’s words mean that Lian Dongfang can take care of Yue-Yao. In Ma Chengteng's heart, Mo-shi will calculate Yue-Yao, but Lian Dongfang will not. After all, Lian Dongfang is the pro-uncle of Yue-Yao.
       Lian Dongfang said this thing again and again for Ma Chengteng, and he smiled very reluctantly. He originally wanted to get close to Ma Chengteng. He didn't expect that the incident in the backyard caused a sarcasm. After Ma Chengteng left, Lian Dongfang turned back to the inner court to find Mo-shi. As for what was said, no one knows, but the people in the main courtyard know that after the Master is gone, Madam looks bad.
       Although Mo-shi looks ugly, there is nothing to vent his anger. Lian Dongfang’s meaning to her is obvious. Ma Chengteng is an official from Sanpin. Although he is not in the key department, he has a strong family. Now that he is in Dingyou, he needs the help of Majia in the future, so Lian Dongfang warned Mo-shi not to pick up moths in the backyard.
       In The Ma House, Zhuang Ruolan rested on the chair of the Honorable Noble.
       The cloud came to a plate of cherries, because Tai-yi said that the fruit could not be eaten. If Ruolan ate a dozen, he would distribute the remaining cherries to several Servant around him.
       Cai-Yun came in: "-Young Madam, just Master asked to send some herbs to Lian House." Although Zhuang Ruolan had a big belly, the housekeeping was still being handled by her. Of course, there is nothing in The Ma House. Now things in the house are just a few of Servant's management matters Mama is taking care of it. Zhuang Ruolan just looked around.
       Zhuang Ruolan asked: "Is the Outer Cousin Miss hurt badly?"
       Cai-Yun shook his head: "Fortunately, the Outer Cousin Miss is only a skin injury. But the two Servants around Miss are still in a coma, and the other one is lying for three or five months."
       Ruolan is different: "Is there any inquiries?" It is not Zhuang Ruolan who does not believe it. It is really ridiculous.
       The news that Cai-yun will hear is given to Zhuang Ruolan.
       Zhuang Ruolan listened and smiled and shook his head: "This watch, Miss, is a wonderful man!" This ability to react and deal with accidents is not to be underestimated. However, Yue-Yao is more intelligent for The Ma House, the better thing: "Go to the warehouse to send the best medicine."
       Yue-Yao heard that Qiao Lan woke up, and was busy in Xu-Yu to help the room to see Qiao Lan.
       Qiao Lan wakes up, but his face is white and he can't move in bed. Qiao Lan met Yue-Yao and called: "Miss..." She was relieved to see Miss.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "You have a good body." The doctor said that if you wake up, it means there is no danger to life. Dr. Tang said that he had to wait for at least three or five months to get out of bed, and he had to recover for at least a year or even longer.

       Chapter 138  Dye Squares 

       The wind blew outside and there was a big snow at night.
       Yue-Yao yelled and then bounced off the bed. Out of the night, Hao Mama rushed in and saw Yue-Yao sweaty head. It was obvious that Miss was a nightmare.
       Yue-Yao dreamed of the last life, but also dreamed of Zhou Shu. Yue-Yao has always forced herself not to think about that person, because as long as she remembers that person, she can't control her fear. She is afraid that she will encounter this devil again in her life. When I run into that person, don't say that a female guard is ten female guards. She is not at ease.
       Yue-Yao lay in bed and looked at the top of the bed with the phoenix orchid pattern. The nightmare was not forgotten, but was buried by himself, so it appeared in the dream from time to time.
       Yue-Yao can't sleep, silently chanting is useless. In the end, Yue-Yao can only wear clothes and go to the small Buddhist temple to copy the Buddhist scriptures. She has copied more than one hundred Buddhist scriptures in the  Mountains for more than two months. Most of these verses are understood, and a few of them are not fully understood.
       Yue-Yao copied and understood over and over again, and the brain used with the hand at the same time. There was no time to think about other things. After copying a book, the mood of the chaos calmed down.
       Yue-Yao is thinking about how to go next. This may be an accident. This time she avoided the accident, but what should she do when Mo-shi really kills her? Is it luck every time, not every time with such good luck. And Zhou Shu, Yue-Yao can't help but tremble as soon as she thinks about Zhou Shu.
       To get rid of that person, it is not to talk about it. I can’t rely on my father alone. After all, my uncle is not necessarily the same as my life. If I want to get rid of the situation of my last life, the only way is to protect herself. Not only did the uncle and Mo-shi dare to move her, but also let that person not dare to hit her idea.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time, writing a word on white paper: money.
       After writing, Yue-Yao shook his head again. It was simply looking for abuse with that person. Even if she had more memories of her life, she was only amazed at the ability of that person to make money.
       If you want that person to dare not hit her idea, you must make him jealous. Yue-Yao blinked and let the man not dare to hit her mind with only one way. Yue-Yao rewrote the next two words on the white paper: power.
       No a Mount of money in front of power is useless. Just how can we get power. If she is a man, she can take a test. But she is a woman... Now she is an orphan, where is the power.
       Yue-Yao said to himself: "Go one step at a time. Fortunately, with the opportunity, you can always find a way with your heart. I still have a few years to prepare, don't worry."
       Yue Ying came here alone to ask Yue-Yao forgive Chen concubine, and wanted Chen concubine to return to the Chinese New Year. Yue-Yao doesn't hate Chen concubine, but she doesn't have the interest to help Chen concubine.
       Unexpectedly, Hao Mama looked ugly in the afternoon, facing Yue-Yao: "Miss, 1st Master ordered people to pick up Chen concubine came back. I heard that it was Eldest Miss and Three Young. Master went to 1st Master, it seems that Eldest Miss said Miss forgive Chen concubine, 1st Master agreed." Hao Mama does not think Yue-Yao will say this.
       Yue-Yao snorted: "I really didn't expect Eldest Miss to talk really. She really thought that I was a muddy son. You said that I didn't know about it at all." Since Yue-Ying doesn't care about himself. The reputation, then she has nothing to worry about.
       Hao Mama indulged in a moment. Eldest Miss is really not kind, she wants to be filial and wants Chen concubine to come back. The idea is to ask them to launch the water.
       Yue-Ying heard the wind and wanted to come over and explain to Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao didn't want to see her. He told me, "I said that I was asleep." She is now speechless to the moon, how stupid it will be. Think of this method.
       Yue-Yao took a book and looked in bed, drizzle came in and said: "Miss, Missi and 4th Miss came over."
       Yue-Yao put the book under the servant: "Let them come in!" During this time, Yue-Bing came to visit her from time to time with a Yue-huan, saying that she was relieved. Unfortunately, Yue-Yao doesn't need it. It's better to read the book at this time.
       Yue-Bing was trying to take advantage of Yue-Yao when she was sick and lying down with her, and then slowly make a good relationship, but Yue-Yao has never bought it, and they are also faint, let Yue-Bing I can't stand it anymore.
       Yue Ying came along with Yue-Bing. When he entered the room, he said to Yue-Yao: "Three Mei Mei, I don't know why there is such a rumor about the mansion. Three Mei Mei, it really is not my business. ”
       Yue-Yao asked in amazement: "Big sister, what happened?" She was too lazy to talk about such a bad thing with her monthly income.
       Yue-Ying will be stunned.
       Yue-Bing naturally knows the rumors of the house, seeing Yue-Yao, and thinking about it, I am afraid that the mind of 3rd Mei Mei is deeper than she thought.
       Yue-Yao Because Lian Dongfang said that her expenses were paid by the government, she did not go out alone, so Yue-Yao arbitrarily listed a long list for Mo-shi. The things on the list are mostly supplements, and there are a lot of good herbs. It costs a lot to buy them all. Mo-shi just wants to not buy it, can only bite the teeth and let the purchase office go to the account to report.
       Every year, the shop below and the end of the year will have to pay the bill. Ma-shi dowry shopkeepers sent a message to ask Yue-Yao when to pay, Yue-Yao did not see them on the grounds of illness.
       Hao Mama is a little worried: "Miss, servants bully the Lord." Miss is not accounted for, the following people will inevitably be bully, corruption is affirmation, the most worry is that the Lian shop may be defeated by then.
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly: "Don't worry, you can't escape." The servants bully the Lord, usually the master is incompetent or young and can't be a master. She is not the case. If these Shopkeepers dare to swallow money, she will let them all spit out.
       On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, the court is coming back. Yue-Yao was not aware of the incident, and all the people around him were glaring at him. The court did not know that Yue-Yao carriage had an accident until he returned to Lian.
       Ting Zheng was so angry that his eyes were red, and he asked: "Sister, how can you tell me such a big thing, if you have something, what do you want me to do?" Ting Zheng is more and more sad, he will have such a loved one. What if the older sister has a long and short two to leave him alone? Li family is no better than other people.
       The court was crying so well that he didn't feel sad, and Yue-Yao couldn't help him. Yue-Yao finally reluctantly said: "Ting Zheng, this time my sister is wrong. In the future, no matter what, my sister will not stare at you, something will tell you the first time, OK. Don't cry, cry again can be ugly. ”
       Yue-Yao looked at the tears of the face of tears, I feel very weird. The average child crying so badly can not become a flower cat face, but his family is still looking good!
       Ting was stopped crying, but in view of the bad record before Yue-Yao, Ting Zheng reminded: "Sister, you have to talk. If you have such a thing, don't blame me for not trusting you."
       Yue-Yao laughed, and the child became clever with the spirit of Li Han. The court is often being teased by Li Han in Li Fu, and there are natural countermeasures for a long time. After a long time, it must have been influenced by Li Han.
       In a blink of an eye, it will be in the New Year's Eve Because during the period of filial piety, the Lian House did not have the same year as the previous year. The masters of the house had a reunion dinner together, and they dispersed after eating.
       Yue-Yao first sent the court to Changqing, and then returned to Lanxiyuan. The days of the twelfth lunar month are very cold, but Yue-Yao is good, and the outside is wearing a thick brocade wolf skin, and both hands are placed in the Lian bat long square stove, and the whole body is warm and warm.
       The thin Juan and Xu-Yu alternately carry the lanterns, because the weather is too cold, if one is carrying a lantern, etc., returning to the Lanxi courtyard, it will be abolished. Yue-Yao is not thin to them, and the clothes they give are the best, but such a cold day is also unstoppable.
       Yue-Yao smiled and handed the stove to the delicate Juan who had been picking up the hand: "You are also warming your hands." I don't ask Xiao-juan's opinion directly in her hand, and my hands are stuffed into the sleeves.
       Xiao Juan did not dare to ask. Yue-Yao pointed at the sweat on his forehead and smiled: "I am not cold." She was dressed too warmly, and she walked so many ways, the whole body was warm and harmonious.
       Yue-Yao took a break to go to the bath, and then went to sleep after practicing the words for half an hour. But I couldn't sleep in bed, let the raindrops light a candle to read a book, and watched and fell asleep.
       Yan Juan also knows that Yue-Yao has this habit, did not dare to go up to take the book in Yue-Yao, and even dare not give her a cover quilt or something. Fortunately, in the room of Yue-Yao, the dragon was burned, and I was not worried about the cold.
       On New Year's Eve, it was snowing.
       Ruixue Zhaofeng years, the snow at the beginning of the new year is a good sign for the year. The snow flutters slowly, and with the sound of firecrackers, it gives people a boundless celebration.
       Yue-Yao started playing the five birds in the same way. Now she no longer needs to hide and hide, and fights directly in the backyard. Of course, Yue-Yao can't get close to other people except the Servant.
       After Yue-Yao finished the boxing, he took the towel from the hand of Yan Juan and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He walked back to the room and took a break to start washing.
       After drizzling, I came back and smiled and said: "Miss, you don't know that this water has just poured out, and the blink of an eye is as hard as a stone." This shows that this winter is very cold.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Go and see."
       Xu-Yu pointed to the place where she splashed water: "Miss, it's here!" The place where Xu-Yu pointed, has formed a thick layer of ice.
       Yue-Yao smiled and turned to look at the glass window with thick ice. The room, the tree and the ground were covered with snow. The biting north wind kept blowing and making a sharp call. sound.
       Yue-Yao had used breakfast, dressed warmly and went to the Changqing Academy, and took the court to give Mo-shi a request, and also followed the road for a year. Mo-shi is stingy, this new year's red envelope is indispensable.
       Yue-Yao is not a person who loves to join in the fun. When the number of ceremonies arrives, he leads the court to return to Lanxiyuan. Yue-Yao took the clothes she had given to Tingzheng, doing a navy blue cotton robes, and the collar cuffs were surrounded by white fox fur.
       The court is just wearing it on the body: "Thank you sister." Ting Zheng likes to wear the clothes that Yue-Yao made himself.
       Yue-Yao smiled and took the shoulder of the court, and did not rest on the New Year's Day. Both of them went to the study room to practice the words, and they did not come out of the study until noon.
       Xu-Yu whispered: "Miss, do you want to give Eldest Miss, 2nd Miss and 4th Miss for a year!" Anyway, Miss is separated from them, and has not lived together for many years. According to the suggestion of drizzle, you should go around.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to talk to them and swear: "No."
       Under normal circumstances, the New Year’s greetings should be the second day. However, because Yue-Yao has filial piety, the second day is afraid to collide with other guests, so he will be in the eighth day.
       In the seventh day, Yue-Yao asked Hao Mama to move the shi-zis that stored her mother's letter to the house. After looking for a while, she found some letters that Ning Yun wrote to her mother.
       Yue-Yao will pack the envelope, and when the New Year is ready, please pass the cousin to Guan Jingyu, and it is one thing to complete. If she was only pampered before, she would like to remind Guan Jingyu that after the last incident, Yue-Yao had more ideas. If Guan Jingyi has always been good, in the status of Guan Jingwei, in the future, she will have a chance to help each other. She is equal to having a strong foreign aid. Thinking of this, Yue-Yao looked at the paintings left by Ma-shi, and she really asked her to find a painting with Ma-shi and Ning Yun.
       On the eighth day of the first month, Yue-Yao took the court to go to the Ma House to celebrate the New Year. Yue-Yao looked at Zhuang Ruolan's round belly, it has been eight months now, and two months will be born.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile on his stomach: "There will be two more months to be born, and it will be easy at the time." Relative to those who are not well-intentioned, she is still good, at least she is only three months old. Spit, other times are smooth, the only thing that is not stable is that the stomach is too big, and it is uncomfortable to sleep at night. However, Ma Peng has been accompanied by the side, this is the most intimate thing for Zhuang Ruolan.
       Yue-Yao sat down with a smile.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao. After a few months, Yue-Yao grew a lot higher, and his face was ruddy, even better than he thought: "This has not been seen for a few months, and the cousin has grown a lot." Yeah!" All said that the child is the same every day, only three months without seeing Yue-Yao took a head.
       Yue-Yao can't be clear about her height. She couldn't wear the clothes last winter. She did it all and replied: "Well, this is thanks to the good things that the watch gave me. Eat well, It grows fast." She often exercised and ate well, and it was difficult to grow tall.
       Zhuang Ruolan listened to this statement in his heart, and did not ask for anything in returning things, but he could at least prove that Yue-Yao was in his heart and said: "You, this child, so polite."
       Yue-Yao smiled and did not respond to this, but instead looked at the Servant in the house. Yue-Yao attitude is obvious, but she has a private room to say.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and let everyone back, and the house left a colorful cloud. Cai-yun is her confidant Servant, nothing needs to be concealed.
       Yue-Yao and other rooms left her with Zhuang Ruolan, and said with a smile: “look at the watch, this piece of clothes should be made of color pottery?" Zhuang Ruolan wearing a honey color dress today, use It’s the color of the color.
       Zhuang Ruolan is comfortable and comfortable because he is pregnant. He had to accept the guests before, but now he is a family member and he is more casual.
       Ruolan didn't know why Yue-Yao suddenly said this. He said: "Yes! It's a color. I didn't expect Mei Mei to understand the fabric." If Ruolan had a feeling, Yue-Yao should have something to do with the fabric.
       Yue-Yao wants to talk to Ruolan about the fabric, and said: "I don't know what to watch. I have been to the house for a few days. I am worried about the expenses of the house. I want to remind you that it is just... ...the watch, you don't know that my mother was very worried about the economic situation of the mansion when she was alive. I feel even more when I live in the house." She is a person who has no money concept, and she does not care about the price when she encounters something she likes. In a word, buy. Fortunately, this is a person who has a good family and a good reputation. If it is true, it must be defeated in the same life.
       If Ruoan listened to Yue-Yao, he was very surprised. If he changed to other people, he would definitely think that Yue-Yao didn't know the height of the sky. Lian's housekeeping was also involved, but Zhuang Ruolan felt the sincerity of Yue-Yao. If Yue-Yao is not really a horse, I will never say these words. As a family member of The Ma House, Zhuang Ruolan is clear about the economic situation of The Ma House.
       Although Ruolan manages the internal accounts, but because Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng did not think about glaring at her, Zhuang Ruolan is also familiar with the accounts of the outer court. Because of her understanding of the inside, she was shocked by Zhuang Ruolan. The The Ma House is completely glamorous. In fact, the The Ma House is almost empty. However, the family members of The Ma House do not seem to have this awareness, and still spend money like water.
       Zhuang Ruolan began to work because he was just passing the door. He waited for the housekeeping in the house to be rectified and pregnant, and there was energy in the pregnancy to manage these. Zhuang Ruolan is ready to produce and then discuss this with his husband. Just how, if Ruolan is naturally unable to follow Yue-Yao, this is a face problem. Zhuang Ruolan’s face sank, and asked a pair of unhappy feelings: “What does Mei Mei mean?”
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I don't have any other meaning. I just have an exclusive recipe here. If you can make money, you can fill the loopholes in the mansion. Just don't know how to behave." Willing to do it."
       Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao: "The secret recipe related to fabric?" The fabric was mentioned in front, and now the secret recipe is absolutely related to the fabric.
       Yue-Yao shop said the following: "Yes, it has a relationship with the fabric, this is a dye formula. Should you know the flash satin?"
       Sparkle is also a kind of satin. The reason why it is called "flash" is obtained by using contrasting latitude and longitude. There are two main forms. One is to use the front and back satin weaves, that is, the same number of warp and weft satin patterns are the fronts of the flower fabrics. The second is the latitude and double organization. It has the same latitude and longitude as the latitude and longitude of the latitude and longitude of the satin weft, but it is different from the latitude of the flower weft. The flashy satin of the above two tissues is the meridional tissue, the flower is the weft, and the flower and the ground are flashing. The color effect is different.
       Flash satin is less on the market because of the complexity of his production and the high labor costs. The name of the flashing satin is not as loud as the brocade and the brocade gold brocade, and the price is higher than that of the brocade and the silk. So although there are some on the market, the circulation is not very wide.
       Ruolan nodded. "Know, there are a few such materials here. Mei Mei said that you have a dye house, is it related to flash satin?" Zhuang Ruolan was very surprised. Dyestuffs are very precious, most people can't get them, and the dyes are also divided into the same general, the most dye house, the dyed fabrics are not faded. It’s just that such a recipe is something that is not handed down, and it is not available at all, and Yue-Yao tone is so big that Zhuang Ruolan can express doubt.
       Yue-Yao shakes her head, how can she do this: "I have a dye square in my hand, I can dye all kinds of cloth. And there is a very secret recipe, according to this secret recipe, you can dye and flash satin Comparable to the material."
       If the orchid is a bit strange, the pattern of the satin is artificially embroidered, but it is entirely dependent on the craft. Yue-Yao said so, is it too exaggerated?
       Yue-Yao continued: "It can be compared with flash satin, but it can be comparable to the face, but there is still a big gap in the inside. Even if you can't make a material like flash satin, just follow other The recipe can also make money.” Yue-Yao is very confident about the recipes in her hands. These are the secret recipes she got from Zhou Shu. The dyed fabrics are not easy to fade, and there is a market. As long as things are good, they will not be able to sell, and naturally they will be able to make profits. ”
       Ruolan couldn't help but say: "Is Mei Mei laughing?" There is such a secret recipe, and such a secret recipe is in the hands of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao gave a thin booklet to Ruolan from the sleeve: “this is the formula of the dye. If you don't believe it, you can try it first." As for what to say, reliable. People try to test these nonsense Yue-Yao, she does not say, she believes that Zhuang Ruolan has a few hearts.
       Ruolan’s heart is a little heart-warming, and there is a cloth shop in her dowry. It’s just that this cloth is losing money every year, and Bao-Shi day was specially added to her dowry list for her face. She had thought about selling it for a while. If it was really useful, then it would be...
       Zhuang Ruolan is a rational person, she immediately suppressed the fiery heat of my heart. Zhuang Ruolan did not immediately pick up the book in Yue-Yao hand, but looked at Yue-Yao and asked: "Mei Mei, where did you get this secret recipe?" You have to figure out where the thing came from, Don't make a noise.
       Yue-Yao said after a moment of silence: "The watch is assured, this secret recipe is not stealing or grabbing. The source is right and will not cause any trouble." Yue-Yao naturally cannot tell Ruolan that this recipe is The last generation knows from Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu is the material that was made by this method on the same day, which brought huge profits to Zhou Shu. She was also very novel at the time, and used this method to paint and draw, so I remember it very deeply.
       If Ranlan wants to turn her eyes, she naturally knows that things are not stealing or robbing, that is, Yue-Yao wants to steal and can't grab it. She just wanted to explore the tone of Yue-Yao, but when she saw Yue-Yao look, she couldn't find anything out. She asked, "Is Mei Mei a little sure?" If Yue-Yao is true With this secret recipe, the money will roll.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and smiled. "I don't know. I just remembered it because this secret recipe is very rare. Express your opinion, you can give it a try. If you have any effect, you will know it soon." It doesn't cost much.
       Ruolan grew up beside Duke Madam, and when she was seven years old, Duke Madam asked her to follow the world Madam to learn how to house. Heir Madam has no daughter, she treats her as a daughter, and she is taught by her side.
       After so many years, Zhuang Ruolan is very proficient in the affair, and is a good manager of the stewardship. If Yue-Yao is true, she naturally knows that this is a very profitable way to ask: "Mei Mei, if you really make this kind of material, do you know what it means?"
       Yue-Yao naturally knows, replied: "It means you can make a lot of money."
       If Ruolan is speechless, making big money is normal, and there are also big risks behind making big money. If Ruolan knows it, Yue-Yao is intelligent, but he is not very proficient in the affairs and human affairs. He does not understand anything outside: "Yue-Yao, if it is as you say, it will bring huge profits." Yue-Yao, you are so smart, you should have heard that the husband is innocent and guilty." If this secret is really useful, then it will definitely be shackled by the people, the official of the capital Noble Lady, even if she is Duke The shi-nu of the shi-nu can't hold back the greed of those people.
       Yue-Yao understood it as soon as he heard it: "The meaning of the watch is that someone will marry our secrets in the future? Just like the lipstick made by my cousin, I may not be able to keep it."
       If Ranlan decaprates, teaching a clever child is good, just pass it: "This is the truth. But the formula of your cousin's lipstick has been circulated, and now several shops are selling." The lipstick is difficult and difficult to say. It is easy and easy to say. Even if it is not recorded, other shops can be developed based on the ingredients of lipstick.
       Yue-Yao understands the meaning of Ruolan, and if she has no reliable backstage, she will not be able to keep it. Although the watch is a shi-nu of Duke House, if such a big profit is not given to Duke House, Duke House will also be awkward and say: “this recipe has been given to you, I have no opinion. ”
       If Lan Lan looks at Yue-Yao if he looks at the monster, he is surprised: "Do you know what you are talking about?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I know. If this method is really useful, it will be rewarded in the future. I don't want to give up a lot of money now."
       If Ruolan couldn't understand the heart of Yue-Yao, he asked: "If you know, why don't you?" She saw more of those who turned faceless for money, or the first time I saw this to send money to Others don't want it.
       Yue-Yao didn't turn around: "'sister-in-law', I just said it. I don't know what to do with my big cousin. My mother has been worried that the ‘Ma’ is sitting on the  Mountain. I am so in love with my cousin, I am Just hope to do something for them."
       Ruolan is speechless, okay, is there any use of this method, but at least it shows the heart of Yue-Yao gratitude, which makes Ruolan very useful, saying: "Yue-Yao, if this method is really useful, I am I didn't intend to put it into the public account. I just have a cloth shop. Do you understand what I mean?" Zhuang Ruolan is actually a temptation. To know that entering the public account and not entering the public account is two things, not into the public account is equal to her private wealth.
       Yue-Yao knows why Ruolan is not incorporated into the public account. Everyone has a selfish heart. In addition to the big cousin, the house has two cousins. When the time is divided, in addition to the old house and the sacrifice field, the other property must be half-divided. Zhuang Ruolan’s own dowry shop earned money but fell into the public. After being merged into the public, it was equal to the money she had earned so hard to finally give to Ma Yue, who would not. If you give alms, you can get a good name, and give your husband’s half-brother a big head.
       Yue-Yao seems to have heard the meaning of Ruolan: “I said, Fang Zi gave you. It is yours, you can dispose of it at will."
       Ruolan saw that Yue-Yao was stupid, smiled and nodded: "Good." Now just tell Yue-Yao what this first meaning means. She is still not sure if this recipe is really useful, and if it is useful, then I will make plans. Of course, she will not really use this secret recipe for her own sake, instead of giving Yue-Yao a point.

       Chapter 139 Letter 

       After this incident, Ruolan's attitude towards Yue-Yao is getting better and better. Do not care if this party can make money, but Yue-Yao attitude towards the Ma family. Yue-Yao can see that she really wants Majia.
       Yue-Yao also felt the change of Ruolan's attitude towards her. She was also full of joy for this change. The relationship between people is like this, the interests can be tied for a while, but if you want to live for a long time, you still need to be sincere.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and asked Yue-Yao: "Is there any change in your dowry?" I thought that when she took care of these dowries, she suffered a lot of pain. Yue-Yao took care of these dowries. It won't be very good.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I am in a bad health. I didn't see the shopkeeper and Zhuangtou at the end of the year. I feel that I have to find a suitable opportunity to put out a few shops and then only eat renters. There are shop rents. The income of the field is enough for me to spend the rest of my life with the court, and I don’t need to worry about doing what I don’t like."
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Several shops are not doing well?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "It's not a bad business, I listen to Deng Mama said that several shops are doing well. I am also interested in doing business, and it is troublesome to do business. If it is not good, I will lose money. I think it is still Eat the insurance of the renter. "Doing business is very troublesome, what is the purchase of goods, but also to guard against the shopkeeper slippery, too many messy things. Yue-Yao Just think about it, don't say it. For Yue-Yao, it is better to read the book than to do this.
       If Ranlan stunned, he turned to smile and said: "You think so well, but the shop is not anxious. You tell me, where are you in these shops, waiting for my body, I Give you attention, if you have a good, I will introduce you."
       Yue-Yao told Ruolan about the location of several shops: "The other shops are renting out and renting rents. Only these two shops are doing business. I don't have any business, and I don't have the spirit to fight. Management, renting out is the most trouble-free."
       At this time, Ruolan understood why Yue-Yao didn't want to do business. The rent for the shop was seven or eight thousand, which did not include the field. Even if they grow up in the future, these dowries will be able to eat and drink forever.
       Ruolan was a little surprised at her aunt's dowry. Although she didn't know the specifics, it can be seen from the shop that the dowry of Nagu-Nai is richer than her mother's, which is really big.
       Zhuang Ruolan finally knows why Yue-Yao is so unconcerned about money. People are not bad at all: "I am not in a hurry. You have to know at least that the shop is losing money and winning. Losing. Those who are not restrained by the Shopkeeper are daring." Although Yue-Yao has money, Zhuang Ruolan feels that he can't let Yue-Yao be a big man. If you have this money, you can't give it to the temple. You can also save yourself.
       Yue-Yao didn't worry about it. However, Zhuang Ruolan reminded her that she was grateful: "I listened to the watch."
       The coloHong-yi brought in the hot tea.
       Yue-Yao stood up and smiled and said: “cousin?" She had to hand over the letter to her cousin. I can't give it to you, but Yue-Yao is afraid that she can't help but ask too much. On the contrary, the cousin is very good at speaking.
       Ruolan said with a smile: "Your cousin went to the window home, not coming back so soon."
       Yue-Yao is not saying anything. The two were talking and heard Lu Hao coming over. Yue-Yao stood up and looked at the entrance door Lu Xiao smiled: "The cousin is beautiful today."
       Lu Hao combed the ‘Ma’, inserted a golden step, wore beeswax beads, and fell on the ear to the red gold inlaid purple pendant. It was covered with a golden enamel butterfly with a red enamel, covered with colorful plaits, and a long emerald flower skirt.
       In the past, Lu Yan was not dressed up in general. He always wears gold and silver, and people always feel like a nouveau riche. This time I was dressed up to be radiant. They all said that the three-pointer looks like a seven-point dress, and now Lu Hao is also a little beauty.
       Lu Yu got Yue-Yao words, and he was very happy: "The cousin has won the prize. In fact, the cousin is much more beautiful than me." This is the truth, Lu Yan's appearance is at most medium, and Yue-Yao is a beautiful embryo. Although he has not grown up, he is sure to be a beautiful woman.
       Cai-Yun listened to Lu Yan’s reply and only sighed in my heart. Young Madam During this time, I asked someone to teach Lu Hao, I want to come over, but the effect is not big! It’s just that you have to praise people and you shouldn’t praise them. Lian will not say anything.
       Lu Hao didn't realize that he was not right. He just asked Yue-Yao hand to ask a lot of questions. Yue-Yao pulled his hand away without a trace and smiled and answered some questions of Lu Hao.
       Lu Hao also wanted to invite Yue-Yao to visit her yard, but she was rejected by Yue-Yao. Zhuang Ruolan looked at the cold eyes and found that Yue-Yao didn't like Lu Hao. It is not strange for Zhuang Ruolan. Although Lu Yan is not bad in nature, it is not a flattering one.
       The outside Servant came in and said: "-Young Madam, 1st Young Master is back."
       Yue-Yao smiled on the face, but Lu Hao said with joy: "The big cousin is back!" He said, standing up to the door to meet.
       Yue-Yao just stood up and didn't go over. Yue-Yao inadvertently saw the frown of the colorful clouds, some strange, what does this cloud cloud look like. However, waiting for the incoming Ma Peng, Yue-Yao seems to have some understanding.
       Ma Peng wore a sapphire blue long coat, and under the clothes, he could still see the slightly ups and downs of the smile. Ma Peng did not feel anything about Lu Yan, only maintaining the love on the face. When I saw Yue-Yao, I showed a happy smile and asked: "When did the cousin arrive?"
       Yue-Yao found that Ma Peng seems to have changed a person, not only did not have the previous wood, but people also looked a lot better. Ma Peng’s such big change actually blames two words: self confidence.
       In the past, Ma Peng lived under the pressure of relatives, and because of the intelligence of Ma Yue, he was stupid, so he lacked self confidence. Because it is not self confident, it is especially rare, a vicious circle, so it gives people a kind of person who is very dull. But now it is different. He has a bright future. He is very handy at the Hanlin Academy. He got the last love with his peers. He has a talented and capable ‘Madam’. He wants to be awkward again. He can say that he wants All of them are there. In this way, the whole person naturally let go, and people feel that they have changed a lot and become more confident.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have just arrived. Cousin, red envelope." Finished his hand.
       Ma Peng listened and smiled: "How can you reduce your red envelope and prepare for you early!" Ma Peng took a red envelope from his sleeve and handed it to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao was surprised. She just joked. She didn't expect her cousin to really prepare her red envelope. And this red envelope looks like a bulging, this red envelope is not small.
       Lu Yan did not expect Yue-Yao to ask for the red envelope directly. In the face of everyone in the room, he asked: "Cousin, are you short of money?"
       Lu Hao words made the scene into a strange silence. Zhuang Ruolan only shook his head in the bottom of his heart. Yue-Yao asked the husband to ask for a red envelope. It was obviously a joke. Where is the real lack of money. But Lu Yan can't see it, but also asks such questions in front of everyone, not stupid.
       Yue-Yao seems to have no understanding of Lu Hao words, and he said cheerfully: “Cousin, cousin is an Daren, you should give us a red envelope.” It’s okay to take a red envelope with a lack of money!
       Lu Hao still wanted to talk, but she pulled the sleeves by the Servant around her. Lu Yan looked at the people in the room, and it was no different. Although Lu Hao didn't know what he said wrong, she was not stupid enough to come home. She said with a strong smile: "The cousin said it." In fact, Lu Yi felt that Yue-Yao directly asked Ma Peng to ask for a red envelope. The cousin Ma Peng is willing to give it up. If you don't give it, you can't ask for it directly. It's like asking for money.
       Yue-Yao has not been entangled with Lu Hao, but against Zhuang Ruolan: “I have something to say to my cousin."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not think much, smiled and nodded. Zhuang Ruolan did not think much, because there is nothing to think about.
       Ma Peng led Yue-Yao to the study.
       Lu Yan looked at Ma Peng and Yue-Yao went out in tandem, and she stood as if she was a stranger. Lu Hao is very upset, why is it a cousin, and his cousin’s attitude towards them is a different thing. Lu Hao is really wronged, so I will forget it. I didn’t expect my cousin to be like this. When Ma Linlin was in the past, she was not doing well. After Ma Linlin left, her days were moist, but Yue-Yao made her see the gap.
       Zhuang Ruolan saw Lu Hao eyes and unwilling to frown. In fact, Zhuang Ruolan also felt that Ma Peng was a little thicker, but he thought it was normal. Lu Wei and Yue-Yao can't compare at all. Lu Hao eating and wearing is all Ma, and there is no grateful heart. Yue-Yao has done so many things to the Ma family. The husband’s preference is normal.
       Zhuang Ruolan stood up and said: "I have a sore waist and help me back to the room." Zhuang Ruolan actually means to let Lu Hao leave.
       Lu Hao was taken away by the nearby Servant.
       Yue-Yao As Ma Peng went to the study, he gave the letter and painting together to Ma Peng.
       Ma Peng heard Yue-Yao let her hand over the letter to Guan Jingxi. Before leaving Yue-Yao to explain the reasons for these things, Ma Peng refused: "Cousin, if you let people know that you are privately given to Yongding. Hou Heir wrote a letter, no matter what he wrote, your reputation will be damaged." This is still the character that Ma Peng believes in Yue-Yao, and someone else will definitely say that Yue-Yao is privately accepted.
       I don't blame Ma Peng for thinking so, and I will give it to the younger letters, and this boy is still a Famous talent in the whole city. He can't help but think.
       Yue-Yao quickly explained: "Cousin, these letters are not written by me. It is written by Yun Yun to my mother. Yongding Marquis Heir said that he has no rhyme in his hand. I asked me to give these letters to me. his."
       If Ma Peng looked at the address on the cover as his aunt's name, and now believes in Yue-Yao rhetoric, it is only Ma Peng is very strange: "When did the cousin know Yongding Marquis Heir?" The name of Yongding Marquis Heir is Jingcheng No one knows, but Yongding Marquis Heir is deeply out of the body because of his physical reasons. He does not go out on most days. He does not understand how Yue-Yao will encounter Yongding Marquis Heir.
       Yue-Yao talked about his encounter with Guan Jingxi at Zhaohua Temple. "Yongding Marquis Heir knows that my mother and rhyme are Jinlan sisters, so I specifically said a few words to me. I looked at him too. I miss the rhyme, so I want to give these letters to him. But if I give it to him, it will definitely cause trouble, so I want my cousin to be transferred."
       Ma Peng felt that Yue-Yao was too soft, but Yue-Yao could think that it would be a good thing to transfer him. It is better than letting people personally give these things to Yongding Marquis Heir. He said: "Yue-Yao, I will help you this time, but I can't have another time." It is known that they still can't say that they are privately accepted. Once Miss's reputation is damaged, it is a lifetime.
       Yue-Yao nodded, no more next time.
       Yue-Yao In the carriage, she thought of Lu behavior. She thought it was very strange. She asked: "Deng Mama, is the watchman too good for Lu Hao?" Less silver. Of course, Yue-Yao knows that Ruolan is not a stingy person, but it is a bit more common sense. If something goes wrong, it is definitely a problem.
       Deng Mama shook his head and said: "Miss probably didn't know that Ergu-Nai-Nai went to her dowry village and left the Outer Cousin Miss in the house." I don't know why, Ma-shi went to himself. On the dowry of the Zhuangzi. However, after the departure of Ma-shi, Lu treatment rose linearly.
       Yue-Yao laughed, so it seems that it should be a certain agreement with the aunt. Poor parents in the world, the aunt is a daughter of Lu Hao, and Lu Yi is willing to make compromises. It is a pity that Yue-Yao shook his head, and even if he was worried, it would be difficult to get Lu Yizheng. The temper has been cultivated. It can be seen from today's behavior that it is not a general difficulty to want to be righteous.
       Zhuang Ruolan holds the booklet left by Yue-Yao. The ink on this booklet is still new. Obviously it was just written soon. Zhuang Ruolan thought about letting Cai-yun put the booklet away. This thing can't be moved for the time being, and it won't be late until she finishes producing it.
       Ma Peng also played a blind eye. These things were not directly sent to Guan Jingwei, but people sent these things to a peaceful home. In any case, although peace will be noticed as a small servant of Guan Jingwei, the degree of attention will certainly not be so high.
       The letter was sent to the peace home. Peace has not yet been seen, and things have been taken apart by the mother of peace. The mother of peace did not recognize the word, but she recognized that one of the 2nd Miss in the painting was the former Madam, and she asked her husband to send things to Guan Jingyu.
       Guan Jingyi got a little trembling with the painting and the letter. He waited patiently for so long, and now he finally waited, but when he really faced it, he did not have the courage to open it.
       Peace did not get his mother's reminder, I don't know if these things have nothing to do with Yue-Yao. He thought that this was the letter that Yue-Yao wrote to Guan Jingxi, and the painting was also painted by Yue-Yao to Guan Jingyu. Anxiety about peace, reminded: "Noble Heir, this Lian-jia 3rd Miss has already settled down. How could she communicate with Noble Heir, Noble Heir, you must hold it!" Lian-jia thought before peace 3rd Miss is a good one, and now I am afraid that she is leaving. This is a husband's family, but also let people send things to their own Noble Heir, what is the heart!
       Guan Jingyu looked like a blue-green, and said: "What are you talking about, this is my mother's letter, but also my mother's portrait. If you don't know if you want to talk nonsense again, don't serve me." Although peace is very loyal But this  Mouth is really stinky.
       Peace is heard first Madam's letter and painting, and now the head is retracted. Peace really feels awkward, and where does he know that this is the first Madam's letter and painting. Ok, it’s his fault. If he doesn’t believe in Lian-jia 3rd Miss, he should also believe in his own gongzi.
       Guan Jingyu was angry, and the nervous emotions were also removed a lot. The open letter was viewed one by one according to the date of writing, and the final look was like the bottom of the pot. Her mother did say in the letter that she wanted to change, but unfortunately Duke did not agree. The letter also said that because the small Ning shi reluctant to honor the wealth of The Marquis Estate , so must marry The Marquis Estate . In this letter, Ning Yun reveals a strong helplessness and sadness.
       In the last letter, Guan Jingxi saw her mother saying that everything was arranged properly, so that Ma-shi should not worry. Also said that if she is really in case, I hope that Ma-shi will have the opportunity to take care of her son in the future.
       Guan Jingxi did not know what arrangement her mother had done last time, and he did not want to know. However, it can be seen from these letters that his aunt is not really fond of her and loves her. It should be that her aunt does not have her own children, so she will be good to him.
       Guan Jingyu is now fortunate that he has been with his father since he was a child, so he can grow up safely. If it is raised by the aunt, I am afraid that it will be dead. But this is so, he almost died.
       Guan Jingyu calmed down and immediately went to find Yongding Marquis and said, “I want to go to the peach blossoms tomorrow, wait for the weather to warm up and come back again." After two months of nursed back to health, Guan Jingxi body is already good. Quite a lot. Dr. Li has already said that as long as he follows his method, he can make Guan Jingwei like a normal person for up to half a year.
       Guan Jingyi wanted to wait for the first month to go to Taohuazhuang, but after reading these letters, he instinctively wanted to go to Taohuazhuang and didn't want to face Ning-Shi. And everything on Zhuangzi is what he has said, and what is the situation of The Marquis Estate  is very clear in his heart, and the house is in a mess. His younger brother, Mei Mei, can do more than that. Every year, he has to shed several children and die a few Concubine, but he doesn't care about it. Guan Jingyi can only be thankful that he is the only shi-zi of the present, and if it can not live to the present, it is really a problem.
       Guan Jingyu is also good at calculating. When he comes back in the summer, his body should have been raised. As long as he is in good health, he is not afraid of the dark arrows in the mansion.
       Yue-Yao went to Li Fu after going to Lian House. Yue-Yao is very close to Li Madam, and thanks to Li Bobo and Li Madam, the court is so good, and she is grateful that she has been in her heart.
       Li Madam is also very satisfied with the performance of Yue-Yao, but it is also a bit sad when satisfied. Li Madam, sour Yue-Yao is too sensible,
       Yue-Yao didn't eat dinner at The Li Estate . When the number of ceremonies arrived, he returned to Lian.
       Upon returning to Lanxiyuan, Yue-Yao went to see Hua-li and Qiao Lan. After more than half a month of rehabilitation, Hua-li has restored its former vitality, life can take care of itself, but still can not get out of bed, and Qiao Lan has to be served by people lying in bed, life can not take care of themselves.
       Mo-shi met Yue-Yao and asked her for her in the past. She took the opportunity to say to Yue-Yao: "The two big Servants around you are not used now, and the red orchids around me are steady..."
       Yue-Yao hasn't waited for Mo-shi to interrupt after saying: "Auntie, Hua-li and Qiao-Lan have been recuperating for a while. If I put them out now, I can't bear it. I don't have to be around. The person who waited on the service now let Yan Juan and Xu-Yu come up. I am preparing to temporarily let Yan Juan and Xu-Yu do the Servant, but it does not occupy the quota of Hua-li and Qiao Lan. I don't want to because of them. If the injury left them, it would be too chilling. The doctor also said that as long as the body is raised for half a year, it is not bad, let them raise it in Lanxi Courtyard!" Put Mo The person who is shi is not equal to the wolf coming in, she is not so stupid.
       Mo-shi frowned and asked: "There are too few Servants that you are waiting for now. How about a few people with drizzle?"
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "Auntie, before Peng Chunjia wanted to send their daughter to my yard. At that time, many people in my yard called, now missing people, just pick two from them."
       Mo-shi flashed a cold light, but if it was said, it would still be heard: "There are two less. Your third-class Servant has three fewer places. You have to pick five people to make up. If you don't want to live." Those Servant are picked from the human teeth."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No, Auntie, I already have a candidate." Since Hua-li and Qiao-Lan were injured, Yue-Yao has already considered adding people. Yue-Yao is Mo-shi. People come to Lanxiyuan. The candidate has been chosen, one is Peng Chun’s younger daughter, Cui Er; the other is Ma-shi daughter, Mao Xiao-mei; the other daughter of Mi sister-in-law who used to assist Deng Mama backyard is called Mi. Meter. Both Mao Xiao-mei and Mimi mothers are Ma-shi escort Servant, both of whom are at the Ma dowry village. This is also a long time of observation, the two are more loyal to her mother, otherwise Yue-Yao will not use them.
       Mo-shi wants to oppose and oppose it. Last time her husband has severely warned her to let her be kind to Yue-Yao, saving her unnecessary trouble.
       Yue-Yao got the letter from The Ma House. After reading the letter, he took Hao Mama to the study room and asked: " Mama wants to know the current situation of your children?" If Hao Mama wants to know Yue Yao doesn't mind telling her. But if Hao Mama doesn't want to know, she doesn't say it.
       Hao Mama shook his head and said: "When they said that they didn't recognize me, I didn't have two of them." Hao Mama This is also deeply hurt, but whether the heart is really put down, just Only she knows.
       Yue-Yao didn't let go, if not, she wouldn't hear her say that she was looking for a grandson to come to Hao Mama was excited and incoherent. Just let the children feel too sad, let her down, find the grandson and granddaughter to the side, solve the emptiness and loneliness under the knee, but also a guarantee for the future.
       Yue-Yao naturally didn't say much about Hao Mama recent situation of a pair of children, just told Hao Mama one thing: "The child has already picked it up, and now it is placed on the village of The Ma House, waiting for the next time. When I went to live in The Ma House, I asked them to get people to the The Ma House. When you grandparents, you can reunite."Yue-Yao will not let this child in Lian, in case Mo Shi knows this child, maybe Mo-shi will use this child to clamp Hao Mama.
       Yue-Yao is going to put this child in The Ma House. She will go to The Ma House every year. When she will let Hao Mama get along with this child, Yue-Yao believes that Hao Mama is afraid. Easily betray oneself.
       Hao Mama is a little excited: "Good." This will be Hao Mama is eager to see Yue-Yao go to the ‘Ma’ to live, so that you can see the children.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I have forgotten to tell you, your granddaughter is Xiao-tao. Well, that child... you will know when you see it." Yue-Yao didn't see anyone, but the person who bought him It is said that this child is very poor, and he does not have enough to eat at home every day. When he buys it, he is like a skinny.
        Mama trembled and said, "Miss, kid?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "The letter said that the child had suffered a bit before, but I have told people to take good care of her, don't worry."
       Hao Mama is looking forward to seeing her granddaughter as soon as possible.

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