Family 90

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 90 Field 

       Lunch was left in my home, and after lunch, Yue-Yao took the court back. On the way back, Yue-Yao saw the green rice fields on the roadside.
       April is the time when rice grows long: "Stop, I want to go down and see." She had seen rice before, but she didn't see it at close range. May be influenced by the book, Yue-Yao is very serious about these ordinary views, I am afraid of missing something.
       Yue-Yao carefully looked at the shape of the rice, took a pen and paper to describe the shape of the rice, and even painted it. Deng Mama and Hua-li are already commonplace.
       For the first time, Ting Li saw this situation. It was very fresh: "What is 3rd Mei Mei doing?" I have seen painting landscape paintings, but I have never seen rice painting.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I am afraid that when people ask me what the rice looks like, I forgot. I will forget to find it after I write it down."
       The courtesy is speechless, not a serious use of rice, but think about Yue-Yao is not a man and does not use the imperial examination, there is nothing to say about what to do.
       Ting Li said to Yue-Yao: "On the 11th today, I plan to spend more time in Jixian. What does Mei Mei look like?" It is difficult to come to see that Tingli not only wants to be the same age as his family. People get along with each other and want to walk around and get to know more people.
       For the first time, Ting Li went out to study, and began to study and learn from the sensible. Later, the White Deer Academy was under great pressure and never relaxed as it is now.
       Yue-Yao will naturally not object: "Big brother wants to do what he wants, I am fine, don't worry about me." Even if I can't catch up before twenty-six, it doesn't matter, she is not ready to participate in the wedding of her cousin anyway.
       Ting Lie nodded.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "Big brother, what do we do tomorrow? If I can, I want to go outside." Simple is to go to spring.
       The courtesy is a bit embarrassing.
       Yue-Yao has always heard that the grass grows and flies in March, it is a good time. She also went through the spring, this time a rare opportunity, she must go out for a walk.
       Tin Li was very speechless and looked at Yue-Yao, who insisted on going out to move around. Miss’s family couldn’t show up, couldn’t this cousin know.
       Yue-Yao doesn't matter: "Big brother is relieved, I only go to the farm in my home. I will not have anything when I bring some servants." It is certainly not possible to go to other places, but go to your own home. This should not be a problem.
       Ting Li thought about the next said: "There is a farm in the county town that is the property of our family. It can be reached in half a hour by the carriage." Although the country folk style is simple, it still has to be scrupulous.
       Yue-Yao naturally nodded: "Good. Big Brother, can you see Zheng brother when you go out, Zheng brother, rarely go out on most days, let him see more people, when it is growth Knowledge. "The boys are different Miss, the boys should be more in contact with people, so it is good for the court.
       The courtesy was a little embarrassed, but he thought about it and nodded. "Good." Although he doesn't think that the court is having a big break, it is not too big to take people out to know more. After all, the 2nd House has such a male.
       Lian-jia bought this farm in Jixian County near the county town. It was bought by Lian when he was in the world, so the location is very good, there are  Mountains and water.
       Yue-Yao said that it was spring, but in fact it was walking in the  Mountains.
       Ting Zheng raised a lot of questions, and Yue-Yao gave him one by one. Walking in the field, watching the green rice fields, the farmers working in the fields were full of sweat, and the sweat covered their eyes and wiped them to continue to do things: "When the day is dry, the sweat drops down the soil, who Knowing the Chinese food, the grains are hard."
       Ting is nodding: "It is very hard."
       Yue-Yao took a deep breath: "It feels so good." The air is not only with the fragrance of the earth, but also has a reassuring taste. It is no wonder that Tao Lao reclusive  Mountain forest enjoys its own pleasure. In fact, the environment in the depths can make people feel relaxed and comfortable.
       Deng Mama looked around all the rice fields, and the Seto was weeding in the fields, and the  Mountains were in the distance. She really didn't feel that there was something different. However, her family Miss is a little god, she does not know what to do, only to remain silent.
       Yue-Yao walked in the field for a while and climbed up the hill. Stepping on the soft land, Yue-Yao doesn't know why it feels solid. Looking at the scenery below at the top of the hill, I feel very different.
       A gust of wind blew through, slid into the gap of the clothes, gently rubbed on the skin, and the hair was gently stroked by the wind, making people feel refreshed and comfortable. The flowers in the  Mountains and plains were also blown by the wind, and they became the eyes of the sea.
       Yue-Yao looked at these flowers in a crazy way: "There is no such thing as white." These natural beauty is seen in the courtyard.
       Hua-li listened to Yue-Yao and quickly took the pen and paper. Sure enough, Yue-Yao began to paint the scenery on the spot, and finished the poem.
       Deng Mama didn't have the good interest of Yue-Yao, and couldn't help but say: "Miss, the wind is too big or go on. If you blow up, it's not good if you catch cold."
       Yue-Yao didn't have a cold on the day, but Zheng brother was a little uncomfortable. Zheng brother was just a little cold. I asked the doctor to come over and open a prescription. It was good to drink a pot of medicine and sweat.
       Yue-Yao looked at the court lying on the bed, and the little pitiful look shook his head: "Zheng brother, this body is still somewhat empty. It seems that Zheng brother has to drink a bowl of sheep three times a day. Milk." This period of time Yue-Yao drank the goat's milk and found that his body is really better. This goat milk is a good thing and can be promoted.
       Yue-Yao didn't let the court go out with the courtesy, and the courtesy was easy. Waiting for the body to be a good body, Yue-Yao took the court and went out to say: "The body is much more exercised in the future, and a good body is stronger than anything." I would rather exercise a better body when I read less.
       Ting is nodding: "Good."
       Yue-Yao went to the Grange with the court on the day, and Yue-Yao looked at the pastoral scenery and suddenly wanted to paint. Yue-Yao is an action-oriented person who has done it naturally, and now he starts to paint.
       For the first time, Ting Zheng saw Yue-Yao painting, afraid that the speech disturbed Yue-Yao, and there was no snoring, just standing and watching.
       Yue-Yao conceived a picture on rice paper and painted the entire yard at a very fast speed. However, Yue-Yao was directly torn after reading it.
       Tingzheng did not understand: "Sister, why are you so tearing when you paint so well?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "It's not good, it's a style, there is no intention, and it's a good one." Remember that a good painter must have his own uniqueness, and simple paintings must have their own characteristics. There is an artistic conception to be expressed. The paintings she just made have no features and no mood.
       Tingzheng couldn't understand: "Sister, let's stay in the villa for one night!" Tingzheng grew up in a small village and was taken back at the age of three. Although I was young and ignorant at the time, there was a difference in the depths of my heart.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Nature is good. Hao Mama, you have to arrange it. Deng Mama, you send someone to say to the older brother." After a night in his own  Mountain village, it is not finished. Moreover, the villas also have their houses, and it is convenient to stay down.
       In the evening, Yue-Yao led the court to walk in the  Mountains. When I arrived at the  Mountain, Yue-Yao kept watching, and I kept seeing my eyes. It was not until the day was dark, that Yue-Yao was pulled back by Deng Mama.
       Upon returning to the yard, Yue-Yao began to spread the rice paper and took the utensils to start painting. This painting, Yue-Yao draws in the middle of the night, when you put down the brush and look at it, Yue-Yao himself is a little surprised.
       The setting sun sheds the last rays of the sun. The rice fields in the film are painted with a touch of golden yellow. The people who work in the fields are all coming back to the house, the flowers are shrinking, and a group of birds are also homing. Lian's chickens who are eating outside have returned home, and the farmhouses not far away have already emerged.
       Ting is looking at the painting: "Sister, it’s really good to draw." Ting is not knowing the technique, but this painting is like reproducing the scenery just seen.
       Hua-li whispered: "Miss, is this painting still burning? It is a pity that such a good painting burns." Although Hua-li does not understand appreciation, but feels this painting and other before Yue-Yao The painting is different. This painting is very good, so she can't bear it.
       Yue-Yao looked at the picture and couldn't help but smile. At that time, she wanted to express the joy of returning home in the field, and the eagerness of the birds to return home. Now her paintings are very good at expressing what they want to say: "Do not burn." This painting witnessed A big step forward in her paintings. What the book says is that getting out of it will give you a different experience. She only came out a few times and realized such a big feeling. Afterwards, she will have more opportunities to go out and see.
       Ting Li was dissatisfied with Yue-Yao taking the court and arbitrarily staying at the villa. He had heard that Yue-Yao had a big idea, and now he knows that it is not true.
       Yue-Yao did not explain too much: "I have Servant-Pozi around me, and there are four followers, there will be nothing." Where is the home of his own family?
       Ting Li looked at Yue-Yao and didn't say anything more: "Go back later." I still wanted to stay for two days, but I thought that Yue-Yao would like to go around the 'temperament' or go back early. If something really happens, it will be a big problem.
       Yue-Yao is a little pity, she still wants to go out and turn around seems to be impossible. Since the court ceremony decided, her resistance was useless.

       Chapter 91 Samples 

       On the way back to Capital City, I didn’t get any moths out, and because I was familiar with the road, it took only three days to return to Capital City.
       Yue-Yao returned to Capital City on the 18th. On the second day, Yue-Yao sent Deng Mama to the Majiayi, and transferred the gift of Yue-Yao. At the same time, told Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng, the wedding day. She won't go. It’s no problem to go to the banquet of Zhongjinshi. Now, the relationship between the bride and the bride joy, Yue-Yao still wants to be better with her, but I don’t want people to wait for the crime before they even pass the door.
       Ma Chengteng listened to Yue-Yao concerns and did not force him. After the daughter-in-law had passed the door, let Yue-Yao come over not later. Many of their big men would be negligent. After that, they would let their daughter-in-laws take care of them and point them to Yue-Yao. It should not be a problem for the daughter-in-law to grow up in Duke House since childhood.
       Deng Mama turned and went to Lu Pozi for a while. 1st Young Master is a pro, Lu Po ​​is the busiest person, but Deng Mama has no time to talk more.
       Lu Pozi is talking to Deng Mama. He said everything, what he said should not be said. Yue-Yao Suddenly: "-Tongfang is pregnant? When is it?" Yue-Yao The first reaction is not to believe that the news is false.
       Ma Peng is 18 years old this year. The children of the big family will put one at the age of fifteen-Tongfang Servant, but the main room will not give birth to the scorpion. These people are going to eat contraceptive soup. In the past two years, there has been nothing but a good thing. How can I get this kind of thing before I am going to be a relative? If it is a coincidence, Yue-Yao can't believe it. And Lu Mama is a man who is good at calculations, and even if he has a good relationship with Deng Mama, he should not say this intimate thing. There is something weird inside.
       Deng Mama shook his head: "-Lu Mama said that it was Cheng-shi hands and feet in medicine. The two Servant went to the country Zhuangzi after the first month. That-Yatou is also daring, knowing that he is pregnant. I even took a monthly bag to fool people every month, and I wanted to smash it. It was fortunate that I was discovered. Lu Pozi got the news, 舅 Master sent Lian night to deal with it." If it is in The Ma House, early I found it. Because in the country Zhuangzi, it is inevitable to miss.
       Yue-Yao feels wrong when I hear it: "The two Tongfang Servant is Lu Mama gave, right?" If Cheng-shi can inspire Tongfang Where to wait for now, is it too coincidental?
       Deng Mama doesn't think so: "Cheng-shi is doing this just to let the dealer Miss know that the watch Young Master is not in the same relationship with the dealer Miss; but I don't want to think that the bookmaker is the ‘Ma’." Once the incident broke out, it was still the Ma family who lost the problem. If so, the Master had eaten her heart." There is no man who is soft in the future of the family. This time, 舅 Master will definitely send Cheng-shi directly to the ancestral hall.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat curious: "How can you smash Cheng-shi as the relay room on that day? Even if you are not calculated, how is it?" Yue-Yao hates Mo-shi greed and hates Mo-shi viciousness. But one thing can't help but admit that the Mo-shi housekeeper is very good. I haven't had a trace of mistakes in so many years, and people can't pick a trace of mistakes in human relationships. However, Cheng-shi is really a full-fledged idiot. It is a mess for both inside and outside. The birth of a pair of children is also a failure.
       Deng Mama can only sigh: "Cheng-shi was also quite beautiful, and it will be loaded, 舅 Master thought it was a good woman, insisting on it. Old Madam did not agree, but Finally, I can't help you. Master.舅 Master is now regretting it." This time-Tongfang's business has finally made Ma Chengteng feel dead. The reason why Zheng-shi is not allowed to let her know that it is disposed of-Tongfang is because Ma Chengteng wants to finish the wedding with peace and joy. If not, it must have been sent to the ancestral hall.
       Yue-Yao eyes flashed, this thing is afraid of another inside story. She didn't believe that she could do it. Pozi and Cheng-shi haven't been in the wind for more than a decade, but they can still be put together by Cheng-shi. If Cheng-shi has this ability, it will not go to this step today. However, Cheng-shi finally made impatient, and it would be more convenient to send Cheng-shi away after going home. "I think that if you send Cheng-shi to your hometown, you will not be sent to your hometown. Ok.” The home of Ma family is in Zhangzhou, thousands of miles away from the capital, and it takes a few months to go back and forth. If Cheng-shi is sent back to his hometown, Yue-Yao, it would be better, and the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ will naturally fade away.
       Deng Mama took a slap in the palm: "Yes! The old man's uncle Old Madam is the most important thing. If Cheng-shi is given to her, she will not go out of the moth." One day, the Master is also soft-hearted and released, and it is endless trouble.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       On this day, Yue-Yao did not go to the wedding reception. Yue-Bing didn't say anything, and Yue Ying asked Yu-Yao in an unprecedented way: "Today is a good day for three Mei Mei Mei cousins. Why didn't Mei Mei Mei go to the wedding party?" What good things are there in the usual Ma family? Yao is not missing, this time it is rare.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I have filial piety, it is not suitable to attend a wedding banquet, and it is not too late to recognize the family after returning to the door." That is to say, I will go to the Ma family in a few days.
       Next to Yue-Bing, the corner of her  Mouth is twitching. She is now particularly annoyed with Yue-Yao. I will hang the word of filial piety at the same time. I don’t need to declare the whole world. She was really tired when she heard that she said that she was deliberate and deliberately let her know that she was filial.
       Yue Ying did not ask, Yue-huan saw three people talking this time, did not interject, and when the three finished speaking, Yue-huan handed her the same thing.
       Yue-Yao opens and looks like a stick. Unscrew it and see it is a red thing. Yue-Yao strangely asked Yue-huan: "What is this?"
       Yue-Bing said first: "Four Mei Mei said that this is a lipstick, which can be used instead of red paper. Three Mei Mei, have you heard of lipstick?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No." Yue-Yao hasn't used this thing until now. Yue-Yao lips are bright red, and the use of such things is the same as the red paper used by others.
       Yue-huan demonstration is for everyone to see, and it is painted along the contour. After the application, the contours of the lips of Yue-huan are obvious and the color is very clear.
       Yue-Bing took it and tried it. It took a good look at the mirror. When I was busy, I said, "Four Mei Mei, there is no, if there is, give me one." After more than half a year of teaching by Mama May, Yue-Bing also began to converge. If not, she said this to me directly.
       Yue-huan shook his head: "Now, there is no, but you can continue to do it; lipstick is very portable, I believe there will be people who like it. If it is sold, it will definitely make money." Not only make money, but also make big money.
       Yue-huan was finally forced to decide to make money. It was also a coincidence that Su Concubine complained that the red paper had touched the water and could no longer be used. She decided to do a lipstick test. After working, she shared a contract with a beautician. She had a good relationship with her roommate. She learned a lot with her, not only doing lipstick but also making handmade soap. I just didn't think that it was useless in the English major of modern studies. This thing used for recreation is actually useful.
       This thing seems simple, but it also costs the moon. Yue-Yao looked at the thing and wrinkled his brow and said, "What is this thing done? Will it be bad for the body, let the doctor see it first." Yue-Yao means these things are not I have used it, but I have not seen it to the doctor. I used it on my lips and accidentally eat it in my stomach. What if I have poison? This is something that needs to be guarded.
       A Yue-huan, I thought that Yue-Yao said that this product has no fame, people do not believe, to be able to open up the market has to be convincing. Yue-huan did not expect that Yue-Yao said that he would not do business, but he was actually very transparent to the business.
       Yue-Yao If you know what Yue-huan thinks, you will definitely be speechless. She was only kindly reminded of two sentences, and she was considered to have opened the plug. This is actually quite a simple matter. A new thing and it is easy to eat something in your stomach. It must be guaranteed to be accepted.
       Yue-huan wants to do it yourself, then take it out to sell money and ask everyone if they are willing to make up their money. The intention of Yue-huan is to hope that the 4th Miss will make a small shop and start from a young age.
       Yue-Yao, I know that Yue-huan has said so much to them, I want to pull them into the gang: "Thank you for the goodness of the four Mei Mei. Four Mei Mei, if you are short of money, I can lend you, but I am doing it. Business is not interested,"
       Lian, the -maid of the month, shook his head: "No, the third sister is not willing to join." Cough, I still want to take this opportunity to close the distance, I did not expect this cousin not to enter.
       Yue-Yao is not willing to do business, but he often listens to Zhou Shuzhen for several years around Zhou Shu. He also knows what to pay attention to when doing business. Yue-Yao reminds Yue-huan: "If the lipstick is harmless to the body, it will definitely be very popular at the time, and you have to keep it in the formula." The people in the mall are very smart, and the lipstick in Yue-huan is checked by the doctor. No problem, this effect will definitely be hot, and there will definitely be someone who will stare at it.
       Yue-huan finally knows what Yue-Yao just said: "Thank you three sisters, I know." The formula is sure to be preserved. She also feels very fond of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-huan invited Yue-Yao to join, Su Concubine did not say anything. After all, Yue-Bing and Yue Ying were invited. If you leave Yue-Yao, it is not authentic.
       Yue-huan is a bit disappointing. She is eager to have a good relationship with Yue-Yao. This time Yue-Yao went to her hometown. She heard Yue-Yao help a teenager. If she guessed it was true, Yue-Yao would definitely know the identity of this boy, and this boy must shine in the future. With the plug-in person around, even if you can't eat meat, you can drink soup. Unfortunately, no one left Lian soup for her.
       Yue-huan only wants to make good friends with Yue-Yao, but he doesn't want Su Concubine to be so loyal to Mo-shi. Where is Yue-Yao dare to make good friends with her, I can remind you that it is already Yue Yao heart is thick, and too much is definitely not there.
       Yue-Yao didn't pay any attention to the improvement of lipstick in Yue-huan. She always looks at the painting painted in Tianzhuang. She wants to find the feeling of the day, but unfortunately she can't find it.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "It seems that painting is the same as writing poetry. It is necessary to have a scene to blend in and to find the feeling."
       It was the day when Ma Peng became a pro. Deng Mama talked with Yue-Yao about Ma Peng's wedding. The dowry of the Zhuang Miss was lifted by one hundred and twenty-eight. The highest a Mount of folk dowry dowry was one hundred and twenty-eight. The dowry was lifted one hundred and twenty-eight. Although the number of boxes was equal, the box was re-played. It was twice as large as the box that sent the dowry before, that is to say, the dowry was also one hundred and twenty-eight, and the real big hand.
       Deng Mama smiled and said: "Zhuang Miss dowry forty, six paving, four houses; jewelry is also full of Dangdang. Roughly calculated, there are also seven or eighty thousand dowry, which does not include pressure The money at the bottom of the box. Miss, I heard that the Zhuang family’s eldest Miss took the dowry of Madam, and only gave Zhuang 1st Young Master some thoughts."
       Yue-Yao listened to a smile: "The 1st Young Master of the dealer will definitely say that these are his unwillingness." My brother and sister are deeply in love, and as a younger brother, they will certainly not let their sisters bear the reputation of greed.
       Deng Mama Lian Lian nodded: "The 1st Young Master of the dealer said this. Miss, I can see this bride in a few days. Miss and the table Young Madam, you can multi-directional in the future. Table-Young Madam ask." Deng Mama wants Yue-Yao to learn how to make a good dowry with the dealer. Of course, these are just plain; the real meaning is that Zhuang Ruolan has a good relationship. If there is something in the future, Zhuang Ruolan will also be in his own Miss.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: " Mama, people and people are more sincere. When they come to use the mind, no one is a fool, and in the end it must be a sentiment." This statement is so shrewd, If you are utilitarian, you will not really be in touch with her.
       Deng Mama glimpse: "Miss is saying." The clever and capable of Zhuang Miss is well-known in the capital. If you think so, you will definitely find out that it will be self-defeating.
       Deng Mama found that she was not calm before, and she was too quick to do things, which is very bad for Miss.
       Yue-Yao actually discovered Deng Mama. Otherwise, Deng Mama savvy ability will not always want to do something special, such as going to a gambling bet: “ Mama is For me, I know. Mama, you relax your mind, Mo-shi has thoughts and they support them. She doesn't dare." The situation is developing in a good direction, her backing is getting harder and harder. The more you don't fear Mo-shi. Mo-shi has scruples. She doesn't dare to tear her face with herself, otherwise her children's future will have to be delayed.
       Yue-Yao actually thinks that Deng Mama cares about chaos and wants to change it. However, Deng Mama is loyal to her, and she is not good at it.
       Deng Mama himself said: "Miss, I have been watching for more than half a year and found that Hao Mama can still be used. Hao Mama not only keeps the yard well, but also does not say half a word. The right and wrong, and the popularity in the house is also very good."
       Yue-Yao æ„£: " Mama mean?"
       Deng Mama has his own plan: "Miss, since I am the manager of the 4th Young Master Mama, I should take care of the yard of the 4th Young Master. Miss, Hao Mama is better than me to stay in Miss. By the way." She will leave her to calm down, and standing on one side will make the problem more comprehensive, and it will be better to go to the front yard.
       Yue-Yao thought about it: "It's also. Mama is the same with me at the side of Tingzheng. But, Mama, Hao Mama is really credible?" Was betrayed once, Yue-Yao is very worried about being betrayed again.
       Deng Mama nodded: "Miss don't worry, there should be no problem. Besides, her deed is on you, and one person is unconcerned. Mo-shi wants to use her to deal with Miss." People can't catch weaknesses and handles.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and thought it was time to let go. Hao Mama is the 'Grandmother', and the 'Grandmother' is still very good.
       When Zhuang Ruolan returned to the door, The Ma House sent an invitation, please Yue-Yao to recognize the pro on the second day. Yue-Yao is naturally willing to go, Old Madam and Mo-shi have no reason to block.
       Yue-Yao sent people a letter, so that the court is going home to go to the Ma House with her tomorrow. If you want to go to the family, you have to bring your younger brother together. The people in the family still need to get along with each other.
       The court of Tingzheng has been packed up and moved there that night. The court was the evening meal used in Lanxiyuan, and it was written with Yue-Yao for half an hour. Ting Zheng is only six years old this year, but there are not so many rules. Yue-Yao looks late in the sky: "Go back to sleep!"
       Not long after, Yan Juan trotting: "Miss, not good, 3rd Young Master want to play 4th Young Master. Miss go and see."
       Yue-Yao looked so gloomy that the smashing crowbar looked for what the court was doing. Yue-Yao threw a pen and hurried out, seeing the face of the court and his arm were hurt, his face was very gloomy: "Hurry and take medicine."
       Yue-Yao asked the court after he finished the medicine. "What is going on?" In fact, the reason is also very simple. It is that Tingyi is not pleasing to the eye and ridiculed the court. Ting Zheng is no longer the court of the half year ago, he will not wait for bullying, and now he is also rebellious, and the result is a fight.
       Although Ting Bao is afraid of Lian Dongfang, it is just that Lian Dongfang is not in the house. Every time I made a mistake, my aunt would not punish him severely.
       Tingzheng took the hand of Yue-Yao: "Sister, I don't want to fight. But the third brother is too much. She even swears that her sister is ungrateful. Lian can drive away. Also yell at me... sister, I am I only got angry with him."
       Yue-Yao really felt that Tingyi was hopeless, when his brother actually beat his brother. Yue-Yao sighed, and Tingyi was really abolished: "You are only six years old this year. He is already ten years old. Can you beat him? Fortunately, there are Mama Servant and Otaru, if Otherwise, if you lose money, remember to do everything in the future."
       Ting Zhengzhong focused on the head: "Sister, I know." I know that I know, but if I dare to insult my sister, he will fight as well.
       In fact, the two did not fight at all, they were all pulled by people around them. Ting Zheng’s bruises can only be attributed to his being incompetent.
       Mo-shi also came over soon, and Yue-Yao himself was definitely not able to deal with Tingyi. Now it is Mo-shi that can handle Tingyi.
       Yue-Yao heard Mo-shi say that Tingyi was in the ancestral hall and smiled coldly: "No, 3rd Young Master is ten years old this year. Ting Zheng is only six years old this year. He also has to go. Aunt, Lian-jia has Rules, the hands and feet can not be disabled, if it is this heavy, then ousted from the house, and lightly enforce the family law. "If you want to go so cheap, pass the door, there is no door.
       Ting Wei did not expect Yue-Yao to actually want to enforce his family law on him. Now he was full of anger: "I didn't beat him, it was his own fall on the ground."
       Yue-Yao simply ignored the roar of Tingyi: "The big aunt, the state-owned country has a family rule. If the aunt can not decide, I will directly talk to the 'Grandmother'." She naturally knows that the court is not being beaten. The wound on the face and body was also made when it fell to the ground. But without the provocation of Tingyi, how could Ting Zheng fall for no reason. This time she decided not to ruin Tingyi, so that Tingyi could not hesitate to insult their sisters.
       Mo-shi thought about it and said: "3rd Miss, Tingzheng is just a bruise. Why bother to be so unreasonable?" Yue-Yao is a wicked person, she naturally does not stop. But good things still have to be said.
       Yue-Yao will naturally not retreat because of Mo-shi two sentences: "If everyone is like this, the rules of the family written by the grandfather are also equivalent."
       Mo-shi no longer talk nonsense, nodded directly: "If this is the case, then follow the rules of the family. Come, drag the 3rd Young Master down and hit ten sticks."
       Tingyi wants to struggle, but he is struggling. Yue-Yao did not care about her insulting her in the court: "The big aunt, a family of the world, is no different from the hooligans on the street. It is really chilling." Although they are generally fathers. But the aunt also has the responsibility to teach the blind. Yue-Yao This is a direct indication that Mo-shi has not fulfilled his duties.
       Mo-shi didn't expect Yue-Yao to be so unremarkable. When the color below is ugly, "3rd Miss is still optimistic about the 4th Young Master. I have sent someone to ask the doctor."
       Yue-Yao heard this and got up: "That's good." When Yue-Yao went out, he just saw Chen, Concubine, who had rushed over.
       Yue-Yao didn't look at Chen concubine, and he returned to the court of Tingzheng. Yue-Yao touched the head of the court: "You will still return to Lian-jia in the future!" If she can, she does not want to stay in Lian-jia again. Unfortunately, she did not have this condition, and the court is still using this condition to make full use of it.
       Chen concubine watched his son stunned and waited until he knew that Yue-Yao picked up and insisted on using the family law. He hated and said: "3rd Miss is a good heart."
       Yue-Yao stunned the court, and people called Peng Chun. Yue-Yao sat in the Honorable Noble chair in the main hall, holding a sweet white porcelain cup and drinking a faint and tasteless boiled water. After carefully taking a half cup, I looked at Peng Chun: "Actually, I know that you have been with you for many years. I must have saved a lot of savings. However, Lian-jia is not at ease, so you can only continue to be in Lian-jia."
       Peng Chun was shocked: "The servant has no such idea." In fact, if he can, he hopes that he will not be a servant again. Lian is also a servant. He now has money in his hand. If Lian-jia can let his children and grandchildren find a place where no one knows, no one knows the identity of his servant. After three generations, he can also be elected, instead of being like this. Sons and grandchildren must be servants, and the power of life and death is in the hands of others.
       Yue-Yao Once I look at this look, I know that Peng Chun really wants to go out. "Ten years, you stayed in Zheng brother for ten years, and all the things you learned in my father. Teach Zheng brother; wait for ten years Zheng brother to set up a family, I will let your family leave. How do you see?" Peng Chun is now in his early thirties, and he will be 40 years old after ten years. Have time to schedule.
       Peng Chun looked at Yue-Yao, a calm lake like a lake. 3rd Miss can guess his thoughts and use it as a bait. It must be said that 3rd Miss really has a new look. If 3rd Miss is a man, he must swear to follow, but 3rd Miss is a woman.
       Peng Chun finally agreed to Yue-Yao proposal. Of course, Yue-Yao also said that when Zhao Chun didn't want to leave, he could stay. It is to stay and stay. After ten years, Peng Chun is the owner.
       Early on the second day, Yue-Yao was ready to take the court to prepare to go to the Ma family.
       Hua-li couldn't help but said: "Miss, it's a bit rude to go." The bruise on the front of the court has not been scattered. It seems that it is ugly to go to other people homes.
       Yue-Yao has two words: "If you say it well, you can't destroy it." If you are embarrassed, you will lose your life. She doesn't care.
       Zhuang Ruolan got up and brushed, and Servant Cai-yun around him said, "-Laozi said that Miss is coming back today, not a serious case like Miss." Cai-yun disdain Yue-Yao is also a reason.
       Cheng-shi threw the housework to Ruolan on the day of his confession. On the first day of the wedding, he handed over the housework of his house to his own Miss. Cai-yun was black with charcoal. Zhuang Ruolan calmly took over the house of Ma.
       In these three days, Cheng-shi said that he could not get sick. Zhuang Ruolan butler, Ma Linlin is not satisfied with the unhappy, picking her nose and squinting; the small Ma-shi can't shrink, Lu Hao has been afraid of Ma Linlin can only follow Ma Linlin. In fact, Lu Hao did not do anything, but naturally along with Ma Linlin, it is natural to catch the fish.
       It took a lot of things in three days. This makes the Servant around Zhuang Ruolan very angry, this is a new wedding period, I still don't know how to make trouble! Ma Linlin is okay, after all, is a serious aunt, how to recruit people but where is the identity. However, Lu Yan is only a table of Miss, and there is a small Ma-shi and Lu Hao in Ma Fu, and several Servant know.
       Cai-yun is worthless for his own Miss. A tough stepmother, a sly little aunt; another cheeky aunt and cousin, pick and pick and pick the best one. The cousin cousin who is coming now does not know if it is the best.
       Ruolan smiled and said: "There is nothing in this, anyway, idle is also idle." As long as the family has a number of heart, these confused insects in the back house, she will sooner or later come over.
       In fact, Cheng-shi is also good for tossing with aunts and aunts, at least the father-in-law and her husband are in the eye. Ruolan took a piece of open-air and inlaid beads and stone scorpion in the hairpin, and said with a smile: "You-Yatou, you can hear the husband said that Xiao-gu and the Lujia cousin have a good word. But Lian-jia cousin, but I have been saying from yesterday to today that I should take a good look at it. You don’t have to think too much. Lian-jia is a good tutor and will not be as good as a little girl."
       Ruolan heard her husband say a few words, and the husband even told her that she would treat Yue-Yao as a pro-Mei Mei. At that time, she understood that she knew that her husband valued the cousin very much. Fortunately, she knows that this cousin is only nine years old this year, otherwise she would doubt whether there is a story: "Cai-Yun , let you inquire about the Lian-jia cousin's pie in the mansion, what they say."
       Before the marriage, Zhuang Ruolan had a general impression of relatives in The Ma House. I have heard of Lian Yue-Yao, but this I heard that it is only limited to talented women, and the others have not paid much attention to it. How can it be just a cousin in the past? But now the husband is so cautious, she naturally understands this Miss, and then acts against the temper.
       Cai-Yun will tell Ruolan: "Miss, inquire. It is said that not only 1st Young Master hurts Lian-jia, Miss, but also Master is also very loving, and the house will send things to Lian House every month. Miss, I also heard that Aunt-Nai-Nai took care of 1st Young Master before leaving the cabinet and saved the life of 1st Young Master. Later, there were rumors that 1st Young Master also gave a force to Miss. ......" Cai-Yun is heard that Ma Chengteng took Yu-Yao for the first time in Yue-Yao, and went out for a day with Yue-Yao and bought a lot of things. From these events, it can be seen that the family is really hurting the Lian-jia Outer Cousin Miss.
       Ruolan smiled and said: "It seems to be a likable Miss." If it is not likable, it will not let the Master be so loved, and will not let the husband be so solemn and say that this Yue-Yao Ok, I am afraid that I don’t like it. Dealing with smart people is much easier than dealing with people who think they are smart but idiots.
       Ruolan really feels that there are no more stupid people than Cheng-shi. She only heard about the previous incident, but on the second day of her wedding, she was in the face of her father-in-law and her step-child. Playing not only her face, but also the face of her father-in-law and her husband. Losing her husband's respect, and turning her face with her eldest son, it is still her own.
       If Lanben thought that the people under the housekeeping control would have to pay a lot of trouble, at least the martyrdom of the following people. I didn't expect to have the husband's management Mama help, taking over the house and doing it smoothly. Can not help but say that facing such a stupid stepmother, it is much easier than dealing with her stepmother. As for the smug little aunt and the unconscious aunt, Ruolan was not in the eye.
       Yue-Yao let Hua-li go down and buy a pine cake, and the court likes to eat pine cake. Yue-Yao In addition to three meals and nightingales, do not eat snacks, eat up to a little fruit. The main meal of the body is heavy, and eating too much snack is bad for the body.
       A large bag of loose flower cakes, Yue-Yao took two pieces to the court, and the others were given to the followers. Yue-Yao is very generous, and the Servant-Pozi around it benefits.
       Mo-shi heard that Yue-Yao took Ting Zheng to the Ma family as a guest, and his face changed: "This 3rd Miss knows that I don't know what I am doing?" Mo-shi thought that Yue-Yao is not today. Will let the court go to be a guest, only go to yourself. Didn't expect to take the court to go? That looks like the Ma family's people will see what they think, let the Zhuang-Shi who just passed the door think.
       Lu Pozi said: " Madam, 3rd Miss will not ignore the body of Lian, and should not take the initiative to say this." Only hope.
       Ruolan did not deal with the housekeeping after using the breakfast, but spoke with Ma Peng. The two waited for Yue-Yao and the court. After a while, I heard the outside saying: "-Young Madam, the Outer Cousin Miss and the table Young Master came over. It has already arrived at the second door."
       Ruolan smiled and stood up: "Come please."
       Ma Chengteng was sent to the post, and his son was invited to take ten days off. I have been busy for nine days, and I have been on a bad day as usual. Ma Peng invited a half-month marriage leave, but it was a honeymoon period but was killed by his stepmother. The time of the newlyweds was very short, which made Ma Peng feel quite angry.
       Yue-Yao led Zheng brother and gave Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan a ceremony.
       Ruolan looked at the fallen Yue-Yao and nodded his heart. However, it seems a bit strange to see the bruise on the face of the court, but this door is rude.
       Yue-Yao took the initiative to say: "I was accidentally fell on the court yesterday, and my face was a bit green. I would like to thank you for the rudeness." The Ma family solemnly asked their sisters to come over, if the court is not It seems even more rude. Moreover, the appearance of Tingzheng will make people remember, people are sympathetic to the weak, and their younger Brother are now in a weak position and need the sympathy of others.
       When the court heard Yue-Yao words, he said, "Sister, Ming..." In fact, it was true that Tingzheng himself fell. Tingyi did not really beat him. This is very embarrassing.
       Yue-Yao took a shot on the shoulder of Ting Zheng, meaning that he would not say: "Sister knows that you are embarrassed, the next time you walk, pay attention."
       Ting is busy nodding: "Yeah." Don't say that Ruolan knows that there is a flaw in it, that is, he is slow, such as Ma Peng, who knows that there is an insider inside. In fact, there is no need to think more complicated. It is definitely that the court is being wronged by Lian-jia.
       Yue-Yao looked at Ma Peng and said with a smile: "The watch is so beautiful, the big cousin is really blessed."
       Zhuang Ruolan wore a long scorpion with a red embossed stalk of pomegranate, and a slanted scorpion with a rose pink and gold silk skirt. The head was combed with a new moon's hair. Hey, I also inserted a pair of double happiness double wishful red gold stepping, the ruby ​​tassels sway with the action. The figure is slim, the skin is like snow, looks beautiful, and the beauty is revealing a heroic spirit. It is really a beautiful spring, and the god is like a autumn scent.
       Yue-Yao had to sigh that the big cousin was really lucky, and he even married such a beautiful and capable watch. It really took the sentence, stupid people have a fool.
       Ma Peng is wearing a big red dress, and people are extraordinarily spirited. After listening to the praise of Yue-Yao, now Lian Lian nodded: "Yes, yeah..."
       Rao is the person who Zhuang Ruolan is now calm, and he is also made a big red face by Ma Peng’s words. The Servant next to it secretly grinned.
       Yue-Yao, a gift for the family, has already been sent, but this will give Yu-Yao an extra gift. Yue-Yao also wants to have a good relationship with this watch.
       Yue-Yao sent his own gift: "Cousin, watch, this is my little care." Yue-Yao is not a valuable gift, but a pair of screens that I personally embroidered. Embroidered is a pomegranate pattern that symbolizes the good fortune of a hundred sons and grandchildren. In addition, a poem is embroidered on the screen, which is also a congratulation for the newlyweds.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao embroidered seat screen, although it is not comparable to the special embroidered mother, but the needle thread is even and thin, the color is well matched, very good.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I don't know how to embroider."
       Zhuang Ruolan actually guessed that this screen is Yu-Yao own embroidery. The reason is also very simple. If you want to find someone else, you should find the top embroidered mother, not this half-baked craft. Zhuang Ruolan looked at the words on the screen, like plums and not like plums: "Is Mei Mei learning the plum font?" Plum font is the most difficult to learn in all fonts, she did not expect Yue-Yao to embroider this font In the embroidery, it can be said to be very bold and hard to come by.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Study for a few days."
       Ma Peng said with a smile: "Ruolan, my aunt also wrote a plum font."
       Ruolan is somewhat curious: "How long has the cousin learned?" It must have been a big deal.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "Sometimes I accidentally saw that the mother had left a copy of the plum blossom font, and it was almost another year. The embroidery was followed by Master , and it was almost half a year."
       Ma Peng was shocked.
       Ruolan is also very surprised, but she can cover up her emotions very well: "Mei Mei good understanding." One year can actually embroider the plum font, although there is no amazing level, but it can be inferred from this child. The word is definitely excellent. Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao, thinking that the talented woman in the rumor was not blown out.
       Ruolan is very familiar with the upper class of the capital, and there are counts for those talented women. The talented women who come out of the family do not say that they are straw bags, but they often have some boastful ingredients. The four-point talent is not a boastful nine points. The cousin in front of me is a real talented woman.
       Yue-Yao is a subtle smile: "The end is not to be praised like this, just like it."
       If Ruolan didn't think that Yue-Yao was so modest, in fact, it would be a good time to write the plum font in such a short period of time.
       Ma Peng shook his head and smiled: "Mei Mei is not modest, I listen to Lu Mama said that you are very diligent, and when you are not bright every day, you will get up and practice, and you will fall asleep when you are at night."
       Ruolan looked at Ma Peng with surprise: "Is it true that the husband said?"
       Ma Peng smiled: "This is still a fake. My father said that Mei Mei is working hard and may become a master of calligraphy in the future." Mei Mei has perseverance and perseverance. The only thing missing is the guidance of a Famous teacher. Unfortunately, those big Confucians are not willing to accept female students, otherwise Mei Mei will be even better.
       Ruolan is really surprised.
       Yue-Yao quickly said: "The watch does not listen to the cousin exaggerating the words, I will only practice the words when I am free. Usually I have to learn the rules and regulations, where can I practice words from day to night."
       The court is always on the side of the set, this will listen to everyone praise Yue-Yao, eyes flashed and looked at Yue-Yao, very cute.
       Yue-Yao smiled and touched the head of the court: "The most diligent thing to say is our Zheng brother." Both Brother and sisters are very hardworking, but they are not learning the same thing.
       Ma Peng and Yue-Yao are too different in age, and there is nothing to say about men and women. After a few words, I took Zheng brother to the study room.
       Yue-Yao smiled and took a shot on the shoulder of Ting Zheng. Although the cousin’s singer’s fame is derived from fraud, it’s true that the cousin’s big cousin is actually tested on his own. Pointing Zheng brother is more than enough.
       If Ruolan and other husbands left, they asked what Yue-Yao had done at home in the past: "Mei Mei has to learn the rules and learn to be a female, and I am not very busy."
       Through the conversation between her husband and Yue-Yao, Zhuang Ruolan also saw that her husband’s Yue-Yao feelings were really good. This is not unilateral, and Yue-Yao is also very close to her husband. Adding to the behavior of Yue-Yao just now, it is a real show, as she imagined, and also very good.
       Yue-Yao smiled back and said: "Morn Mama rules and manners, go down with Master to learn. In the morning and evening, I will read the book, I will read the book in my spare time, and occasionally paint."
       If Ruolan is a little surprised, this time can be arranged very tightly: "What books do you usually read?" If someone else Ruolan would definitely think of reading poetry, but looking at Yue-Yao intuition is not, this Miss is different from the talented women she knows.
       Yue-Yao 腼腆一笑: "Travel notes, medical skills, agriculture, poetry and other books are all read. I read books only as a pastime, the variety of books I read is very complicated, not limited to one."
       This time Ruolan was surprised: "Do you still read the book on travel?" The outside world is very broad, but the woman is destined to go out in the back of the 4th House. But the heart is outward, and it is not limited to the square yard to prove the heart.
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly: "Just as a pastime."
       Say a conversation, Ruolan said with a smile: "Mei Mei will play chess?" Zhuang Ruolan is a good chess game, the biggest pastime is to play chess.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "It will be a little bit." She will play chess, but only half a bucket of water is not proficient. In those days, she had to study and only abandoned it. It has not been touched for more than ten years.
       Cai-yun took the chess with the Servant.
       Yue-Yao is very slow and very stable. Every time I have to think for a long time. Zhuang Ruolan played chess very simply, thinking about putting the pieces down for a while.
       The final result was expected, and Yue-Yao lost.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "The chess game is better than me." Zou Ruolan is not necessarily better than her, but Zhuang Ruolan has been arrogant and determined to go forward. This is something she can't match.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Is Mei Mei not playing chess for a long time?" Yue-Yao is very slow to play, and there are still some oysters. It should be because many people have not played chess.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "There has been no chess for three years." In fact, it should be said that there has been no chess for more than ten years, and no chess has been played in the temple for ten years.
       Yue-Yao was amazed, she just won Yue-Yao three sons. You must know that Yue-Yao is only nine years old this year. If you haven’t touched chess for three years, that is to say, you have only learned this level for two or three years. It is really a genius.
       Ruolan appreciated the appreciation, but also pointed out the lack of Yue-Yao: "Mei Mei chess is very high, but the chess is too smooth. Sometimes it is too much to lose weight and fall into the next." Aside from other factors, Zhuang Ruolan is very satisfied with the performance of Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao chess is very good, natural character is not bad, but this temper is too soft and soft. If there are parents who are naturally good at having parents, but she is now missing the parents, so the 'temperament' can only be bullied.
       Zhuang Ruolan did not know what attitude Lian-jia the 1st House had towards Yue-Yao, but Ruolan was too aware of the affairs of these inner courts. It’s not that you’re not guilty, you’re not really sincere, you have to rely on yourself if you want to live well.
       Yue-Yao was shocked, her temper was too soft and soft, and she still had a good face and a bunch of shortcomings, all of which needed correction. Yue-Yao is grateful: "I will pay attention to it later."
       The people next to it heard the fog in the clouds. Ruolan was very pleased. I didn't expect this cousin's understanding to be so high. I knew what she meant. .
       The first time I met, I got along very well. Yue-Yao returned to Lian House after lunch, and Yue-Yao did not give gifts when she left. Yue-Yao did not care, she did not care about the gift of God. After a day of contact, she felt that she should have a good relationship with the watch, and she could learn a lot from her in the future.
       Yue-Yao of the previous life studied the knowledge with one heart, and the experience of fighting with others was not at all. Nowadays, it is also at the stage of exploration for fighting with others, and the performance is always a stepmother struggle, and the experience of the house must be very rich and worth learning.
       Cai-yun met her own Miss and didn't send anything. When the watch went, Miss smiled: "This Miss little age is so ugly." Such a person made her feel jealous. It’s too stupid to be annoying, but it’s too clever but it’s scary.
       Ruolan smiled: "It is a very intelligent child. In the future, it is not a hindrance to mention more points." Husband obviously has to look after this cousin, and she has no conflict of interest with Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao Yue Being smart means less trouble in the future. Moreover, she would rather deal with smart people, even if she is a place, she hopes that the other person is a smart person; dealing with stupid people is both physically and mentally tiring.
       Cai-Yun nodded: "This is, Lian-jia Outer Cousin Miss is advancing and retreating, dignified and generous, Lian-jia tutor is really good." This is not a good one and a half.
       Cai-yun has different opinions: "It’s too smart, and it’s a bit more in the future.”
       After a while, Ruolan’s dowry, Mama, came over and slammed on Ruolan’s ear. Ruolan smiled and said: "It's just a small matter, it's not worth making a fuss." It was normal for two people to be familiar with each other.
       The reason why Zhuang Ruolan didn't think much was that Yue-Yao would not have a conflict of interest with her. Husband and the father-in-law love more points and take care of it.
       Yue-Yao went back to the house, first went to see Lian Old Madam. Lian Old Madam is getting worse and worse, and Yue Ying is now waiting for the old Madam besides going to school. Yue-Yao also wants to do more filial piety, and wants to wait at the old Madam in addition to going to school.
       After Deng Mama went to the front yard, Yue-Yao began to rely on Hao Mama. This time, with Deng Mama going to Lian, the main thing is Ma things, Deng Mama knows better. However, the situation at Lanxi Courtyard is now very clear, because Yue-Yao has called Hao Mama from time to time.
       Hao Mama also saw that Miss began to reuse her, and the news of the government was also relayed to Yue-Yao from time to time.
       Yue-Yao stood at the window and looked outside. Outside the court, the veins are swaying, and the breeze blows the bamboo and creaks. The house was very calm recently, but Yue-Yao knew that it was calm before the storm.
       Hao Mama told Yue-Yao a message: "Miss, Old Madam lets 1st Madam find a Eldest Miss. Old Madam means that the marriage is scheduled to be settled earlier. " Old Madam knows that his body is definitely not this year, so I hope to set a marriage to Eldest Miss before I leave, and wait for the Eldest Miss to keep the filial piety." Eldest Miss is 13 years old this year and it is time to settle down. Otherwise, when you finish the filial piety Miss, you are all sixteen years old and it is difficult to 'marriage proposal'.
       Yu-Yao, a marriage of Yue Ying, has a particularly deep memory. When Yue Ying married in the past, he watched the doorstep and never came back after marrying. Yue-Yao doesn't like monthly income, but if she is still in this family, she thinks she should remind me.
       Mo-shi work is very efficient, and the family that will pick it up is told by Old Madam. The vice-president of the Chencha family, who is the experience of the court, is 14 years old this year.
       Yue-Yao listened to her heart and then was the family of the last generation. In the past, Yue-Yao was a slap in the face, but now I can see the shortcomings at a glance. Although the Department of the Advancement of the Court is only a six-product official, the general officials of the courts are afraid to provoke. Chen’s official position is only one level lower than that of the uncle, how can he tell his shi-zi a the Shu Daughter.
       Lian Old Madam is satisfied with this marriage, and the external conditions are good. However, Old Madam is still cautious about marriage, so let's look at people again. Chen Jia is very cooperative. The next day, Chen Madam took his son and gave it to Old Madam.
       Yue-Yao didn't go, she was not interested in this Chen Gongzi, but she wanted to find a reason to persuade Old Madam pushed the marriage, so Yue-Yao let Hao Mama to observe this Chen family Gongzi.
       Hao Mama is a bit weird. I wanted to say that this should not be a matter of concern for Yue-Yao, but the faint look of Yue-Yao will be swallowed up. Miss is a bit cold, and there are definitely some special reasons for doing this.
       Hao Mama has seen it afterwards: "Chen 2nd Son is a talented person, Sven is very polite, and it is said that he is also very good at learning. Old Madam likes it very much." Hao Mama knows it Old Ma The eyes of dam's eyes will be settled as long as they walk through the program.
       Yue-Yao listened to the brow and picked it up. The people in the last generation were gone, and it was definitely not good. It’s strange to see people now, but it’s strange: “ Mama, you have to find out if there is anything wrong with this Chen 2nd Son.”
       Hao Mama strangely said: "Miss, ask Chen what to do?" In fact, she was a bit strange at the beginning, Chen 2nd Son is a blind man, Eldest Miss is the Shu Daughter, the two are not in the right. However, I am relieved to meet people.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: " Mama, I always feel wrong, Mama, let people go outside and inquire!" If you can find out what disease is happening in Chen 2nd Son, Do not use excuses to directly deduct.
       But the people who sent it out were all good words, and there were no problems at all. Yue-Yao is a bit boring, so Chen Er 2nd Son should be a dark disease, if not, it should not be sick before the crown. Yue-Yao doesn't believe that it will be sick if you are good, but now everyone thinks this is a good dear. If she destroys it, she will not get rid of it. Yue-Yao is hesitating, she wants to find out that only with the help of his cousin.
       Although she has helped her cousin, this kind of sentiment cannot be abused. If it is her thing, Yue-Yao believes that there is absolutely no such thing as a cousin, and if it is for a Yue-Ying, he must have an idea with his cousin. And for a monthly surplus that she doesn't deal with, I have to worry about my cousin, is it worth it? Obviously, it is not worth it.
       Yue-Yao couldn't sleep on the bed this day. In her mind, she has been looking back at the time when she was married. It would be like a puppet at the mercy of a person, without a trace of vitality. After the moon was married, he was sent back to Chen’s home by Chen’s family. Later, there was no news.
       Yue-Yao wants to help Yue Ying get rid of this marriage, but she does not know how to help. When the needle is left and right, it is turned over and over in bed. Looking out of the window and staring.
       The bright moonlight came in through the window, looking at such a beautiful moonlight, Yue-Yao couldn't understand why Mo-shi was so vicious, knowing that this marriage would be inappropriate, and if there was a problem, it would ruin the moon for a lifetime, but She is confused and does not tell the 'Grandmother'. Later, Chen’s family wanted to keep their eyes on the moon, and she agreed. The uncle, who was the biological father of Yue-Ying, pushed his daughter into the fire pit for his own reputation. This couple is the same.
       Hua-li whispered: "Miss, what's wrong?"
       Yue-Yao shook her head, she was cautious about this matter. I said that the dream was passed on, and now I have to think about it. Yue-Yao fell asleep in this worry.
       The news of the month was also told to Su Concubine about this marriage: " concubine, Madam looked good for the elder sister."
       Su Concubine looks at her daughter's innocent look: "Chen Daren is the official position of the six products, Chen Family’s eldest has a good name for the show, Chen 2nd Son has learned well, and after two years of examination, people can say a better. The affair, Chen family now set a Eldest Miss, what? You never thought about it." There is no pie in the sky to fall.
       A month's -maid: " concubine, what is that?"
       Su Concubine shook his head: "I don't know. You don't have to worry about this matter, you can't control it. You just need to know that there is no pie in the sky."
       Yue-huan couldn't help but say: " concubine, if this marriage is inappropriate, it should be said to the mother, otherwise it would ruin the older sister for a lifetime." Although she is not familiar with Yue Ying, there are many people on Yue Ying. The problem, but looking at a Miss into the fire pit, she could not bear it.
       Su Concubine stared at Yue-huan: "You can't say more about this, or the fire will burn on us." Madam knows how this thing is not tricky, but she thinks it is with Chen. After the in-laws are good for the Master.
       For the first time, Yue-huan felt deeply that her fate was really in the hands of Mo-shi. They wanted them to live and they would die if they died. How to keep doing this is good. I want to resist. Concubine is a leader of Mo-shi. She can be a daughter and she can do it with Concubine.
       This night, Yue-huan also lost sleep.
       Su Concubine looks a bit complicated when going out.
       On the second day of class, see Yue-Yao and find that Yue-huan always looks at her, and the eyes are extremely complicated. Yue-Yao is weird, what does this mean? Is there a trace of it? Yue-Yao thought about what I did recently, shook my head, and I have been doing well recently, and I have not done anything extraordinary.
       Yue-Yao looked at her and asked her: "Three sisters, what's the matter?"
       Yue-Yao was surprised. He smiled at Yue-Ying and Yue-Bing's strange look. He said with a smile: "I want to ask you how the lipstick is going?"
       Yue-huan did not expect Yue-Yao to cooperate with this: "Is there a thief in the third sister? Come, I will talk to the third sister." She thought about it and thought that the most suitable candidate for the marriage was Yue-Yao. So she wants to talk to Yue-Yao about this.
       The two walked to the corner, and Yue-huan whispered: "Three sisters, I didn't feel right after listening to the big sister's marriage this morning. Chen is not digging the big sister. No matter where you say the big sister and Chen Jia 2nd Son doesn't match, three sisters, should we wake up the 'Grandmother'?"
       Yue-Yao was very surprised. I didn't expect Yue-huan to tell her about it: "There is no substantial evidence. I have to go outside to inquire and I have not heard anything wrong."
       The moon was extremely surprised. I didn't expect Yue-Yao to send someone to check it. It was not easy. Yue-huan always thought that Yue-Yao was very cold-blooded: "Do you think it is wrong?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I don't think it is right either." Where can she say that Chen Family 2nd Son has a dark illness and looks good but may be gone though.
       Yue-huan took a look at Yue-Yao, installed, and continued to install. A reborn woman who is plugged in is sure to know the marriage of Yue Ying. This time, she is pretending to look like nothing. If she didn't realize the guess, this acting can really fool everyone. Cough, but she also knows Yue-Yao 'temperament' son. If you don't follow her, she will turn her face and ignore her: "The 'Grandmother' wants to set a marriage for the big sister, but Chen Jia What is it for?” Yue-huan has been thinking about what Chen Jiatu is yesterday. If it is good for the two interests, I am afraid that there will be problems with Chen Gongzi, and then I will die in the moon.
       Yue-huan is actually thinking about this Chen 2nd Son is not to mention. If not, why are you so hurriedly detained?
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "I don't know." In fact, Chen Jia just wanted to hurry to give his son a door, and later someone would guard his son. Speaking of Chen's family is also disgusting, taking advantage of the illness of their own children, they are doing to harm people.
       Yue-huan originally wanted to set aside words, but Yue-Yao was like a gourd with a saw, and half of the words would not leak out. Yue-huan is very discouraged. The  Mouth of this third sister is too tight. I don’t want to hear any news. Seeing Yue-Bing came over, Yue-huan was busy saying; "Three sisters, my lipstick is improving, it will take a few days to be good, and I will definitely make money later. Three sisters, I still hope that you can vote for one." If you earn, you can count it as our sister's four private money."
       Yue-Yao Thinking about the words of Yue-huan, my heart was soft. No matter what, the thing that can tell her about Ying surplus is that 4th Miss is a good person: "You have to have the doctor carefully check the lipstick to ensure that it has no effect on the body. This will not cause trouble if you sell it."
       Yue-Yao has no intention of using lipstick, but it is undeniable that the lips are more glossy and the whole person is full of brilliance. With this, I will definitely be liked by Miss. So making big money is for sure. It’s just that the red is not much. This is her deep experience in her life. Her last life is still only the reputation of a talented woman. If Yue-huan bears the reputation of a rich woman, it will definitely be a lot of calculations. You know, there are not many people in the world who don't love money.
       Yue-huan listened to Yue-Yao words, and I was stunned by what you said. This is something that modernity has. It is still unpopular to get here.
       Yue-Yao is shaking his head: "I wish Mei Mei more money, I will not join."
       Yue-huan smashed, and the change was too big. She thought that Yue-Yao was heart-warming.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "If you make money, make a lot of money, you can't get your money, and you can't get into my hands. I hope you can handle it cautiously, otherwise one day you will regret it." If Yue-huan has been able to develop so many novelty things for Lian-jia to earn large sums of money, Yue-Yao can be sure that Yue-huan will definitely become a tool for Mo-shi to make money.
       Yue-Yao still doesn't understand why, Mo-shi has an extraordinary love for money. Yue-Yao only heard that businessmen love money, and Mo-shi has been a businessman within three generations, but he has not been so persistent.
       Yue-huan didn't understand: "Repent? What do you regret?" Making money can improve their living conditions and why they regret it.
       Yue-Yao did not explain to her more: "I hope that I think more." Everything is different from the rest of the life, and she will not know what Yue-huan will be. People are different, and fate may be different.
       Yue-huan is speechless, and when you speak, you say it all, so the mystery says that half of what you left to do will be anxious. However, Yue-huan thought of Yue-Yao words but it was a deep sigh. Yue-Yao is a very kind Miss. She has long seen that Yue-Yao doesn't like monthly income, and can even say that she is bored. As for the reason of boredom, she knows, but when she encounters something, she thinks about it. This Miss is really worth making. Cough, unfortunately she is bald and shaved her head, she wants to make friends and ignore it.
       Yue-Yao did not say this to the day Old Madam said, ready to say a few days later. She said this to protect Yue-huan. If it is the same day, it is inevitable that Mo-shi does not doubt Yue-huan. She is not afraid of Mo-shi, but the situation in Yue-huan is different. She does not want to have a deep relationship with Yue-huan, but she does not want to bring her to the disaster.
       Three days later, Yue-Yao went to Old Madam. When I was pleased, I saw that Qiao Huiduan came to the medicine. Yue-Yao took over a spoonful of spoonfuls Old Madam, Yue-Yao is now grabbing the work of Yue-Ying.
       After the medicine was finished, Yue-Yao said softly: "the 'Grandmother', I have something to say to you." He said that he looked at Zheng Mama, meaning that Zheng Mama was not present.
        Old Madam smiled and said: "Nothing, just say something."
       Yue-Yao shook her head and said that she did not believe that Zheng Mama had, and if it was Zheng Mama, she knew what she was saying in Mo-shi. Although this thing made Zheng Mama know that there was nothing, but let such a person beside him Yue-Yao feels comfortable.
       Zheng Mama changed her face, and this 3rd Miss didn't give her a decent.
        Old Madam smiled and let Zheng Mama stay at the door, Old Madam touched Yue-Yao, the white hand: "There is something to tell the 'Grandmother', make it so mysterious " Old Madam saw Zheng Mama foot paused when he said this, and Old Madam flashed a glimpse of his eyes. Zheng Mama is very familiar with Old Madam, and the same Old Madam is also very familiar with Zheng Mama who has served for more than 30 years. Old Madam quickly noticed that Zheng Mama was a little bit wrong.
       Yue-Yao didn't say anything.
       After Zheng Mama went out of the house, Old Madam said softly: "If you have anything, you can talk to the 'Grandmother' now." The child’s behavior is obviously guarding Zheng Mama, see Come here Yatou knows what is going on. Old Madam is gratified and sad. It is gratifying that Yue-Yao has a good ability to know that Zheng Mama has a problem. What is sad is Zheng Mama betrayal.
       Yue-Yao said his doubts: "The older sister could have gotten such a good pro-Yue-Yao is very happy for the big sister, but Hao Mama came back and said in the yard how Chenjiagongzi is good, I I feel a bit wrong.” Yue-Yao had already written the draft in his heart before he came, and he said the doubts one by one Old Madam said.
        Old Madam After listening to it, there was a burst of cold in his eyes. Recently, she is in a bad mood. The conditions of people recommended by Mo-shi are very good in all aspects, and she is also somewhat tempted. However, in order to prevent her, she still saw her. She was very satisfied when she saw the Chen family. No matter how good she was in terms of character, Old Madam also thought it was a good affair. Therefore, I plan to settle it as soon as possible, but I did not expect that it was such a tricky thing. Now she should send someone to seriously inquire about one or two, otherwise it would be a big one-Yatou for a lifetime.
       Chen Jia was transferred back to Capital City three years ago, and Old Madam has not been out for a few years. It is also a good idea to go to some family, and it is the thing of her generation. At other times, it is at home, and Mo-shi comes out to socialize.
        Old Madam patted Yue-Yao hand: "Good boy, you will say these words to the 'Grandmother'." Old Madam believes that not only Yue-Yao alone Seeing the problem, but only Yue-Yao asked these questions with her alone. This child's heart is thick!
       Yue-Yao just didn't want to make Ying surplus repeat the same mistakes. I didn't know it before. Now I know that I still watched the big sister jumping into the fire pit. She will do it well within the limits of her ability.
        Old Madam After Yue-Yao left, let Qiao Hui come in and tell Qiao Hui to do something. Qiao Hui listened to some surprises, and this is almost a matter of going to check.
        Old Madam said tiredly: "Go and do it!"
       Moon Loop returned home and asked Su Concubine: "3rd Miss said that I would use lipstick to make money. Maybe I will regret it one day? concubine, what does 3rd Miss mean?" She thinks Concubine is so smart, I can definitely guess 3rd Miss idea.
       Su Concubine shook his head: " concubine is also guessing. Maybe 3rd Miss is jealous of you and thinks you are smarter than her."
       Su Concubine doesn't know what 3rd Miss means. 3rd Miss means that no matter how much money a daughter makes, the money can't reach her daughter. The daughter will become a profit tool for Madam. But she won't stop, as long as her daughter can add a pair of items to her home Madam has a value for use, she will be kind to her daughter and Lungeer, and will also tell her daughter a good dear, so she will not tell her daughter 3rd. What did Miss say?
       Yue-huan shook his head, and intuition Yue-Yao wouldn’t say anything to fool her. It’s just that there will be a lot of opinions on Yue-Yao in Yue-huan. If there is anything, it’s straightforward to say it clearly.
       Su Concubine puts down the needle on hand and lives on his knees: "4th Miss, don't come back with 3rd Miss in the future, Concubine won't hurt you." She thought that as long as she obeys Madam, the children will There is a good future, but now she thinks 3rd Miss is also a huge hazard, she began to tabern 3rd Miss. I used to say that 3rd Miss is smart and she doesn't feel much, but now she deeply understands the intelligence of 3rd Miss, and she is so scared.
       Yue-Yao feels strange: "The average family first secretly combines the eight characters. After the decision is made, the marriage will be promoted. The elder sister's marriage is not the end of the marriage." Where is the family, the house is known. It’s a thing.
       Hao Mama is also a bit complicated: "Miss, Miss is not suitable for this matter." In fact, Hao Mama also feels that something is wrong, but since both of them are satisfied, they are already going to follow the procedure and say nothing. It is embarrassing.
       Yue-Yao looks a bit complicated.
       Three days later, Qiao Hui made a pass on the edge of Old Madam. In fact, she was shocked when she got the news. That day she also saw this Chen Gongzi, looking very good, but also happy for the Eldest Miss, but did not expect to have a dark disease.
       Qiaohui is a doctor who is looking for a doctor to see Chen. He is a coercive and tempting person. The doctor tells the truth about Chen’s 2nd Son.
        Old Madam squinted and couldn't see what she was thinking. When she woke up, she told Qiaohui another thing.
       Qiao Hui listened to the back and was scared.
       This kind of look can't escape naturally Old Madam's eyes: "You are by my side from the age of six, and I have been in the blink of an eye for fourteen years. How have I been to you these years?"
       Qiao Huizhen is in front of Old Madam: " Old Madam is as good as I am." Qiaohui parents are the family members of the criminals, because she is so sultry, and her teeth are ready to sell. She went to the Courtyard, she knew where the Courtyard was, and got the news to run out.
       At that time, she was determined to hold a death, even if she died, she would not go to the Courtyard. Just happened to come back to the old Old Madam, and looked at the unyielding and ingenuity of the unyielding heart, and bought her. In these years, Qiao Hui was very diligent at the side of Old Madam. Old Madam knows that Qiao Hui is not willing to marry a family member at home. The elderly are very soft at a certain age. Seeing that Qiao Hui has served her for more than ten years, Old Madam is also willing to fulfill this idea of ​​Qiaohui.
       At the end of last year, Old Madam set a marriage for Qiao Hui. The man is a good citizen. He has more than 200 acres of land and is considered a small landlord. There are two sons in the family, and she is the second son to be relative to her. She is two years younger than Qiaohui. Before the appointment, Qiao Hui met the man, and he was very solid, but it was a bit sloppy, but he was very honest. Although more than two hundred acres of land in the eyes of these big Servant can only be just enough to fill their stomachs, but she is still very satisfied, once married is the right woman, after the separation, she will be the master of the house, get rid of the children and grandchildren On the day of servantry, Qiao Hui felt very satisfied.
        Old Madam said softly: "When you get things done, you are ready to marry!"
       Qiaohui lips squirmed a few times, and finally only said: "Thank Old Madam Grace." It is a good thing for her to be married before the old Madam passed away; Know how old Madam will pass. She didn't want to get involved in the waves that could not be seen under the Lian House.
       When Hua-li went out, she happened to run into Zheng Mama. Hua-li played a drum in her heart, but she did not reveal it. She took the initiative to go out with Zheng Mama and then went out.
       Zheng Mama did not find the abnormality of Hua-li and went into the house.
       Qiao Hui looked at Zheng Mama back, and his complexion was a bit complicated. She was on the side of Old Madam at the age of six, and it has been fourteen years now. For the old Madam 'temperament', I also know Qi-Qi. Old Madam is very good for those who are serving around, before serving Old Madam's big Servant as long as Old Madam came out to say goodbye to the pro. If other people don't say it, just say she, this affair is also Old Madam made a decision. She is just a Servant, Old Madam is so good to her. Zheng Mama has served for nearly thirty years at Old Madam, why...
       Qiao Hui quickly retracted his thoughts, and what Old Madam told him to do. Don't think about other things, don't ask more.

       Chapter 95 dowry to hand (1)   

        Old Madam is leaning against the indigo bomb on the pillow, and squinting like asleep. Standing next to the smart and smart like two big Servant.
       Zheng Mama stood in front of Old Madam and could not help but panic. Just now Old Madam said that she had something to ask her, but she didn't ask anything for a long time, and made her go up and down.
       After a long time, I didn’t know how long it was, Old Madam opened his eyes to Zheng Mama and said: “How long?” How long does this mean how long it takes to trust Mo-shi.
       Zheng Mama stunned, thinking that Old Madam was wrong and asked what time was up. Before I opened my  Mouth, I was glanced coldly at Old Madam. The message revealed in the eyes made Zheng Mama leg soft and squatted on the ground. However, because there is still the last hope in my heart, I did not plead guilty.
        Old Madam Seeing Zheng Mama hasn't answered for a long time, said coldly: "How long has it been with Mo-shi?" Zheng-Pozi said that Mo-shi only said that Mo-shi hides. Ok, now I know that it was already hooked up with Mo-shi.
       Zheng Mama almost fainted, and Old Madam naturally grasped the true evidence: " Old Madam, Old Madam," she also I don't want to, but I was forced to get it, and she couldn't help it. Zheng Mama knows Old Madam 'temperament', don't shirk responsibility when things happen, but pray for forgiveness.
        Old Madam didn't have much time to listen to Zheng Mama nonsense: "So many years, I asked you not to be thin? Say, why?" Old Madam sent someone to inquire before I want to know exactly Mama Why betray himself, although he knows the reason, but Old Madam still wants to listen to Zheng himself Mama said it again.
       Zheng Mama knows that she can't hold it, and now the reason comes out. It turns out that Zheng Mama son owes a huge debt to his gambling. If he is not in a limited time, he will be killed. Zheng Mama, how can a son watch him die? I wanted to ask for Old Madam, but I thought that the Old Madam 'temperament' had some retreat. At this time, 1st Madam Mo-shi came out.
       Zheng Mama quickly said: " Old Madam, the old servant did not do anything sorry Old Madam. If it is Old Madam does not believe that the old servants are willing to fight five thunders, After the death, the next eighteen layers of hell will never be super-born."
        Old Madam listened to Zheng Mama. Such a vow made her wish to believe that Zheng Mama said it was true, but it really did not ruin the fact of betraying her.
       Zheng Mama did not do a lot of things for Mo-shi. In the past two years, she really revealed that Mo-shi has only two valuable information: First, 2nd Master seriously ill to write a letter to Old Madam. As for what she wrote in the letter, she didn't know it; the other one was what Yue-Yao said about her mother's dreams.
        Old Madam thought of Yue-Yao looking at Zheng Mama cold eyes, fearing that this child already knew Zheng Mama turned to Mo-shi, but how did Yue-Yao know? This is really a mystery: "I don't think it's hard for you to serve me for so many years. You know how to do it yourself." People are long, and old Madam can understand Zheng Mama. In order to save the son, this must be done, but understanding does not mean acceptance. She will not kill her, and let Zheng Mama be self-defeating.
       Mo-shi This person is doing everything for the purpose. Lian-jia handed it to Mo-shi, she really didn't trust it! Old Madam is worried about Lian-jia future, but she can't move Mo-shi now. Moving Mo-shi is like ruining a pair of grandchildren. Old Madam never felt so Sad.
        Old Madam thinks too much about it. It is really unreasonable to think about her current physical condition.
       Yue-Ying came in and saw the fainting Old Madam called: "Come, come and ask the doctor. The 'Grandmother' fainted again, go to the doctor."
       Dr. Tang sighed deeply: "Do your best, listen to the fate." Now in May, it will soon enter the season, and the elderly are the most difficult to change seasons.
       Yue-Yao does not believe that the 'Grandmother' is dying, and the 'Grandmother' is clearly not available in August. It’s only now in early May that it’s gone: “No, the 'Grandmother’ will not be a problem.” There must be something wrong, how could it be three months ahead of schedule. This is impossible, it is impossible to decide
       Mo-shi was sad, but my heart was relieved, and this old man was finally dead. It’s dead, and no one is pressing on her head when she dies.
        Old Madam There are still unfinished things, and I am willing to go so far. A day and night of fainting Old Madam stayed down.
        Old Madam opened his eyes and looked at the grandchildren in the room, especially when he saw the ceremony and the court, thinking that the previous thing was closed. For the two grandchildren, for the future of Lian-jia, she can't punish Mo-shi, otherwise the grandson's marriage will not be smooth.
       Dr. Tang heard Old Madam woke up, gave Old Madam pulse: " Old Madam, your body must be rested, and you can't work anymore." Live for a while, if you do this work, you really have to prepare for it.
        Old Madam shook his head: "There are still things that are not handled, and you can't help." So many things need to be dealt with, how can she keep quietly.
       Dr. Tang couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly.
        Old Madam recruited Mo-shi: "Qiao Hui has been with me for so long, and I have done my best for me. The marriage has already been set, you choose her a good day, she married the wind and the wind. "Others Old Madam is also prepared to follow their wishes, willing to leave to give a deed, and willing to stay if they are not willing to go."
       Mo-shi has some regrets why Old Madam didn't go now, but she also obviously felt that Old Madam didn't have much time. Hey, it’s been no problem for more than a decade, so she not going to be rebellious now Old Madam, Old Madam, what to do. Going ninety-nine steps, this step is not bad.
       Zheng Mama was ill and was very ill and was moved out.
       Yue-Yao is a bit strange: "Zheng Mama is sick?" She glared at Zheng Mama. Her body has always been very good. I am afraid that something has happened. It’s just that these things are her guesses out of thin air. It’s not good to tell Yue-Yao.
       Hao Mama shook her head and said she didn't know. Hao Mama also served for many years at Old Madam, knowing the temper of Old Madam. If it is not really sick, you must be on the service.
        Old Madam A little better, let people go to the Ma family to send invitations, please come to the Ma family. As for what Old Madam did not say.
       Zhuang Ruolan received a very strange post, but she got the news Lian Old Madam was seriously ill, and there was not much time. Now the children and grandchildren in the house are filial. Lian House is giving them a message at this time. It is definitely impossible to chat.
       In the past, Yue-Yao had something to do, and Ma Chengteng had to go there in person. There is no way. After all, Cheng-shi is unreliable. Now that her daughter-in-law is able to do it, she will be well-received in the inside and outside of the door for less than a month. He is very satisfied. So this matter let Ruolan represent the Ma family. The matter of the inner house is naturally handled by the woman in the house. If the orchid can't handle it, he will come out.
       Ruolan looked at the invitation: "You said this what Mute mystery played by Old Madam."
       Cai-yun shook his head: "Miss, I won't know tomorrow." Guess can't guess, but it is not expected to be a good thing.
       Ruolan smiled: "Yes, I will know tomorrow."
       If Lan Lan just finished the makeup, Ma Peng returned from the front yard. Couples are adjusting their love and love in the wedding, but let the Servant around them feel at ease.
       Cai-yun said softly: "Miss selected Miss is not bad." Although it is not very good, but it hurts. Going home every day will bring some pastries that Miss likes to eat, and I don’t have a look at the maids around me. It’s hard to get behind. Of course, the most difficult thing is that the master of the Cheng family is still sick now. It is Miss himself who has the final say. This day is really proud, not so wrong at the Zhuang.
       Cai-Yun whispered: "When Miss's eyes are missed."
       Zhuang Ruolan went to Lian House on the second day after using the breakfast.
       When I went to the house, I saw Yue-Yao being served in front of the bed Old Madam.
        Old Madam looked at Zhuang Ruolan and smiled and told Qiao Hui: "Go and ask 1st Madam to come over." How could Lassa-jia master, Madam, be present.
       Yue-Yao didn't know Old Madam got the post and invited the Ma family to come over. Now suddenly I saw that the big cousin was suddenly in my heart, and she felt something happened. It turns out that her prediction is correct, and it is true that something happened.
       Mo-shi is coming soon.
        Old Madam smiled in front of Mo-shi: "This time you are coming over, I hope you will come over to be a witness, and there will be no disputes in the future."
       Ruolan stood up and said: "Don't dare, Old Madam has something to do, but please tell me." She is a younger generation, just come over and listen to it. Anything that is difficult or need to sue the father-in-law to reply again. .
       Mo-shi listened to the eyelids jumping and jumping, she had a very bad feeling: "Mother, the doctor said that you have to rest and not work."
        Old Madam swings his hand: "Nothing to do, just deliver something, nothing to pay for."
       Mo-shi has changed a lot.
       Ruolan probably guessed what it was, and it was a good guess to deliver the things that needed Ma testimony. But she is very strange why Old Madam did this, which is not good for Lian-jia 1st Madam.
        Old Madam Seeing Ruolan's faint look in his heart, Xiao Ma smiled, and Ma Jiazheng had such a smart, capable and suffocating daughter-in-law, and later it was 3rd Miss and Zheng brother's trust: "Qiaohui, take things out and give them to 3rd Miss." Old Madam's words fell, and Qiaohui entered the room and took out two red phoenixes to wear peony square scorpions.
       Yue-Yao has now guessed what it is, but he did not dare to reveal it. He looked at the scorpion and whispered: "the 'Grandmother', this is..."
        Old Madam smiled and said: "A scorpion puts your mother's dowry list with the paper of the field shop. You are all good at it. The other big items of the dowry list, as well as the furnishings and other items, are in Lanxiyuan. You Last time I compiled Lanxiyuan, I checked it with the booklet you made." Lanxiyuan's things didn't move, even if it was different from the dowry list.
       Yue-Yao tears in his eyes: "the 'Grandmother' ......" She saw Old Madam fainted, and when she woke up, she was weak and did not say anything about dowry. Yue-Yao is planning to wait for the 'Grandmother' to get her mother's dowry back from the shackles. She really didn't expect the 'Grandmother' to be seriously ill.
        Old Madam said with a smile: "Stupid-Yatou, crying, the 'Grandmother' is good. 3rd Miss, this other scorpion puts the body of those who are married with you. These things should be kept safely." These things are not in the hands of Yue-Yao, they have mastered their lives and deaths Old Madam believes that Yue-Yao can control these people.
       Mo-shi heart is like sinking into the ice water, and it is cool. She never dreamed that Old Madam would give Ma-shi dowry to Yue-Yao. Mo-shi is angry and wants to swear, but on the face is a worry: "Mother, 3rd Miss is only nine years old how to manage the dowry of the second brother and sister." Mo-shi naturally does not say let her Take care of such a dowry, let alone the presence of outsiders, even if no outsiders are present, she will not say.
       Ruolan is very strange why Old Madam wants to do this. However, she did not open her  Mouth. This time, she was only allowed to come and witness. If she did not know her name, she would not speak. In fact, she is also very surprised Lian Old Madam why she did this, she thought that she could get her mother's dowry so small that she lost the Maternal Grandmother, when the Maternal Grandmother sent her to negotiate with her father. The dowry was handed to her. It was almost mad at the 'Grandmother'.
       Ruolan looked at the tearful Yue-Yao deeply, and it was not easy to hold this child in my heart! It is not only for Lian-jia Old Madam to hand over her dowry to her, but it is not only the reason for her to think less trouble, but this is definitely the operation of this cousin. It’s not easy for a nine-year Old child.
       Ruolan has no intention of aiming at the 1st Madam look. When I look at the 1st Madam look, Ruolan guesses what 1st Madam is thinking. This kind of look she had seen in the 'Grandmother'. Ruolan also understands why Yue-Yao wants to get her aunt's dowry. Such a person is very greedy, and when she reaches her hand, it is estimated that it is also a meat buns and dogs.
        Old Madam Looking at Yue-Yao: "3rd Miss, what do you say?" The current initiative is in the hands of Yue-Yao, if Yue-Yao is willing to hand it over Old Madam doesn't say anything. If Yue-Yao doesn't hand it out, she also supports it.
       Yue-Yao is naturally not delivered to Mo-shi: "the 'Grandmother', the aunt, I can learn if I don't understand." After saying this, I am blessed to Ruolanfu:" I heard that when I was eight years old, I started to deal with the affair. After that, Yue-Yao wanted to learn more from the watch." This sentence has actually abandoned Mo-shi, and the suggestion is quite obvious.
       Ruolan said with a smile: "As long as I will decide not to hide privately." As a representative of Yue-Yao, if you don't express your position, you can't say it.
       Lian Old Madam turned to look at Mo-shi, Mo-shi naturally said: "3rd Miss, if you don't understand, even if you come over and ask your aunt."
       The matter was decided in a few words, and the process went smoothly beyond Yue-Yao expectations. Of course, if there is no such thing as Old Madam, she will have a lot of trouble to return to her mother's dowry.
       If it is normal, Yue-Yao will definitely ask Ruolan to sit in the yard, but now the situation is a bit special, Yue-Yao sent Ruolan out of the yard: "Expression, thank you."
       Ruolan said with a smile: "I didn't do anything, thank you. Take care of yourself, and you can lose a lot of weight." Not only did it lose weight, but it was not good.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I will take care of myself."
       Ruolan went back and went back. On the carriage, Cai-yun couldn't help but say: "Lian Old Madam will deliver the dowry of Gu-Nai-Nai to 3rd Miss, and I don't know if 3rd Miss can take Gu-Nai-Nai The dowry is well taken care of."
       Ruolan smiled lightly: "Since cousin dares to return to the dowry, there are counts in the heart." The dowry is hand-to-hand, and it will not be a business to eat and rent. It is better than handing over to the heart of the speculation. As for the following people who don't worry about anything, there is no father-in-law and husband, and there is her expression. This cousin is exquisite. I thought that she had got the dowry of her mother, but she had offended the 'Grandmother' and her stepmother, and now the 'Grandmother' is not waiting for her. Of course, there is no denying that Lian Old Madam is indeed a matter of fact.
       Yue-Yao went back and held Lian Old Madam, crying and crying: "the 'Grandmother', Dr. Tang said that you should not be able to rest in peace. For the granddaughter, you are bothering, and the granddaughter is really filial."
        Old Madam touches Yue-Yao forehead: "Stupid-Yatou, the 'Grandmother' I don't think about who else to consider for you. The 'Grandmother' body is clear, it's not going to work. I can't see you again, you have to take good care of yourself." She is most worried about Yue-Yao and Tingzheng, but she really can't hold it.
       Yue-Yao cried a little off, but was also persuaded by Qiao Hui and Qiao.
       I thought it was the thing in the bag, and the duck that came to the  Mouth was flying. Such a large sum of money was actually handed over to a nine-year Old Yatou, Mo-shi licking his teeth. Mo-shi went back and licked the teapot and teacup on the table: "It’s really old."
       Hua Pozi can only persuade on the side: " Madam eliminates gas and eliminates gas. Madam, we have forbeared for so many years now and we have a foothold, and this matter will be calculated later." It takes a lot of money Pozi said that it is easy to calculate the money in 3rd Miss, but it is a bit of a hassle to find these dowries. As long as there are people in the Ma family, it is necessary to hand over the dowry when 3rd Miss is married, because only the children have the right to distribute the dowry. Others will have to go back even when they are occupied.
       Hua Pozi is shocked that this 3rd Miss is getting more and more savvy, and she is not cheap at hand. Flowers Pozi is even thinking Madam can really count these money.
       Mo-shi sweeps the flowers-Pozi glances: "What do you know?" 3rd Miss is getting more and more savvy, and the things that come to her hand can't be brought back. And once this thing is spread out, it is also a damage to her reputation. Imagine that the mother-in-law died and did not dare to hand over the dowry of her brother-in-law to her custody. The unidentified person must have thought that she wanted to covet these properties. Of course, she wants these things, but it does not undermine the reputation of her own.
       Next to Lu Pozi smiled in the heart. I want the money from 3rd Miss, and I don’t want to be affected. I have such a good thing under the sun.
       Hua Pozi whispered: " Madam, then what do we do next?"
       Mo-shi sat down and thought for a long time and said: "I don't want to do anything for the time being." Now Old Madam is not in good health, and the doctor also said that he has to write a lot of time to write. Month.

       Chapter 96 dowry to hand (2)   

       Yue-Yao returned to Lanxiyuan to open the head of a red phoenix wearing a peony scorpion. The top is the dowry list. Yue-Yao looked at the dowry list is twenty-five, four shops, two properties. However, there are fifty contracts in the scorpion, seven shops, and three houses.
       Yue-Yao Suddenly, people called Deng Mama: "What is going on?" Yue-Yao knows that the 'Grandmother' loves her, but she will never give more. Moreover, the other 30 hectares are still in the south of the Yangtze River. Jiang-nan is the land of fish and rice, and the products are abundant. Many large families in Capital City also purchase land in Jiang-nan. However, good field production is impossible to meet.
       Deng Mama confirmed the guess of Yue-Yao: "Miss, Madam has a good management in the world, and doubled the dowry. If it is not going back to Jiang-nan, it will not open two shops." Closed. But these fields are in Jiang-nan, and it is a bit of a hassle to manage after returning to Miss."
       Yue-Yao looked at the dowry list and did not say anything.
       Deng Mama is worried: "Miss, this Jiang-nan's field is too far to manage, I am worried that the following Zhuangtou play a slippery head. In addition, there are several shops in the capital..." Seco Emperor Far Miss is only nine years old. Where is the child's control, but to say that it is sold and reluctant. It is most appropriate to protect the land from droughts and floods, and it was also a chance to catch up with these good fields at the time. It is not easy to buy them later.
       As for the shop, it is more troublesome. Miss will not do business, Lian will not look at the book, how to manage these several shops.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Don't worry, forgive them for not having the courage." She is a father without a mother, and her aunt is also unreliable, but her cousin is reliable. Those Zhuangtou did not dare to bully this courage. As for the Shopkeeper, Yue-Yao is not worried.
       Of course, Yue-Yao is so emboldened because she now has the deeds of these people on hand, unless they are anony Mou, but they are only waiting for them.
       Another scorpion is full of deeds. Yue-Yao opened and looked at it, except for the relationship between Peng Chun and Lu Eldest Lu 2nd, other Yue-Yao did not let people know. Yue-Yao looked at these deeds and laughed, and with the deeds in hand, he could also rest the heart of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao said after a long sound: " Mama, spread the news out. Let everyone know that I have brought back my mother's dowry. In addition, let Zhao Chun's ‘Madam’ come to see them after breakfast tomorrow. I."Yue-Yao spread the dowry thing out, but also let everyone have a bottom. Calling the widowed women is to tell them that they are in her hands and let them not give birth.
       The 2nd Madam dowry was handed over to the 3rd Miss news and spread to the house as quickly as possible. Everyone is good Old Madam is too petting 3rd Miss, how can a nine-year Old child take such a large a Mount of money to keep it. The savvy people are guessing that 3rd Miss is moving in the middle, otherwise it's good how old Madam can do such a foolish thing.
       Yue Ying got the news Yue-Yao got back her mother's dowry eyes all green. I heard that the dowry of Erqi is extremely rich, and there are one hundred and twenty-eight uplifts. Originally, the mansion was rumored to have a huge a Mount of money on 3rd Miss, and now he has got this big dowry, so he can not get red makeup for ten years.
       Cai Qing whispered: "Miss, it's time to serve Old Madam." Cai Qing looked at the Eldest Miss hand holding the look, my heart sighed slightly, saying that envy and hate is better than saying 3rd Miss will reincarnation, 3rd Miss is reborn in the belly of 2nd Madam. My own life is not good enough to reincarnate in Chen concubine, and I can only suffer.
       Lan-Cha muttered: "3rd Miss is really rich, no wonder the daily bird's nest ginseng does not want to eat like money!" Yue-Yao Lanxiyuan was tightly controlled by Hao Mama, but then tightly Yue-Yao daily The food you eat will still leak out.
       The rumors that the bird's nest ginseng is not worth the money every day are not reliable, but Yue-Yao is really going to make a supplement every three to five. Yue-Yao never felt that this was not the case, not only can she be so good.
       Yue Ying took a deep breath and tried not to make people look different. She must hide her emotions, and if she is seen by the 'Grandmother', she will be unhappy. She can only rely on the 'Grandmother' and can't lose the 'Grandmother'.
       Yue-huan got the message and lamented the accuracy of Su Concubine guess. Before Concubine had this guess, and I didn't expect it to become a reality.
       Su Concubine took the Servant's body tea and drank it halfway down: "It's not a bad thing Concubine is 3rd Miss. It's so easy to get back the 2nd Madam's dowry." Su Concubine originally thought there would be Some twists and turns, but did not expect 3rd Miss so easy to achieve the purpose.
       Su Concubine brows are close, and what's going on in the middle what Madam doesn't know. Otherwise Old Madam will not give 2nd Madam's dowry to 3rd Miss. 3rd Miss looked at it quietly, but he did so much in private, and he did his best to achieve his goal. When 3rd Miss became so powerful, no one would have a good time if he went on like this.
       Su Concubine is too familiar with Madam, and Madam will not give up. Then the big property Madam will definitely find ways to get it. Wait Old Madam is gone, Madam will definitely count 3rd Miss. However, from now on, 3rd Miss is a step by step, and Madam will definitely have all kinds of scruples when it comes to it. It is difficult to find the property.
       Su Concubine looks at Yue-huan that buryes his words, and he is more worried. At that time she must be rolled into it, and it is very likely that her daughter will not be spared. Su Concubine looked at the puzzled Yue-huan and lamented that she wouldn't worry if her daughter had 3rd Miss half.
       Lian Dongfang returned to the main room to change clothes, Mo-shi naturally told the news to Lian Dongfang. Lian Dongfang knew that the news was very pale: "These dowries were originally the 2nd House. The mother did this to prevent some people from saying that we were greedy for the dowry of the two younger sisters. Now it is quite good." Going to the house.
       Mo-shi gas knot, although she has long known that as long as it is Old Madam husband will say good, even Old Madam refers to the deer as a horse husband will never say Old Madam is wrong of. Mo-shi is very upset, why haven't couples have been thinking about themselves for so many years.
       Yue-Yao and Yue Ying saw the Lian Dong Fang, and automatically gave way. Lian Dong Fang stayed on Yue-Yao for three seconds, then walked over to Old Madam and said, "Mom, it’s better today."
       If there is no previous life experience, Yue-Yao will definitely not think about the performance of Lian Dongfang. But now, Yue-Yao feels that Lian Dongfang has been dissatisfied with her eyes. Only the 'Grandmother' is not well expressed here.
        Old Madam waved the two granddaughters down, and when they went out, they told Lian Dongfang what they said today: "Fang Er, the dowry of the second ‘Madam’, I gave it to Yue-Yao, which was also a deliberate decision. Ma Jiayu has a good ‘Madam’, and the Ma family will get better and better in the future. These dowry will be handed over to Yue-Yao. Even if Yue-Yao is defeated in the future, there will be no disputes. If it is handed over to your ‘Madam’, single business. If the Ma family is not good enough, the reputation of Lian-jia will be damaged." Mo-shi hand to her hand must be exploited. If you follow Yue-Yao, the past 'temperament' will naturally not be a problem, but now it is not so foolish. If such a thing happens in the future, Lian is still tired with his son and two grandchildren. In this case, it is not necessary to cut off the source.
       Lian Dongfang nodded: "Mother, I know. You should not work hard for these things in the future. You are told to go on these things, and you can't wait for me to come back to dispose of it." Lian Dongfang also knows that Ma Chengteng is very fond of Yue Yao, plus the younger brother-in-law has a life-saving grace for Ma Peng, the Ma family will not let Yue-Yao suffer a little wrong in Lian House. Once the dowry has become a dispute, Lian-jia must be shameful, and his mother is also good for her.
        Old Madam Seeing his son understands his heart: "Okay, I will give it to you in the future." Old Madam did not mention Mo-shi, Old Madam never in Lian Before talking about Mo-shi bad words, the things that did not happen to Mo-shi were even half a word. But not to mention that the son does not know, many things are in my heart.
       Lian Dongfang has always known that Niang has never liked Mo-shi, and she doesn't like it from the door to the present, so he doesn't even mention Mo-shi in front of Old Madam. For many years, the couple Mo-shi has long been clear about it. Most of the things that Mo-shi did, he also knows, but there is no line in the end. Seeing the two shi-zis also has to protect her.
       Ruolan and other fathers and grandfathers said this after they came back: "The dowry list has not been checked on the spot, father, you see if you want to..." Ruolan thought that there would be no mistakes, but this kind of thing is not 100%. Insurance, the ultimate decision Making power is still the father-in-law.
       Ma Chengteng waved his hand: "No, Lian-jia Old Madam is a reasonable person. Since she gave the dowry to Yue-Yao, she will definitely not leave a message." If not Old Ma The prestige of dam will no longer exist. Ma Chengteng feels that Lian-jia Old Madam has delivered Mei Mei dowry to Yue-Yao, which saves him from asking for unnecessary entanglements.
       Ruolan is very surprised by Ma Chengteng's reaction. Normally, the public official should be surprised to hear that, after all, Yue-Yao is still small, how can he manage such a large dowry. However, Ma Chengteng was not surprised at all, as if he had known this thing for a long time. Zhuang Ruolan turned several turns in his heart.
       Ma Chengteng said with a sigh: "Yue-Yao, this child has a lot of thoughts. After losing both parents, the temper has changed a lot. The people in Lian's house also have their own thoughts. I will often pick her up and live in the future. Later this child you Just bother."
       If Ruolan is naturally Lian Lian, this cousin is a smart and versatile person, and such a person will help her. After saying this, Ruolan said: “my mother-in-law and the second-in-law have become ill today. The doctor said that it is not much hindrance, but it needs to be rested." Ruolan called Ma Chengteng, called Cheng-shi as a mother-in-law, so distinct. Calling Ming Ming eyes, you can know the attitude of Zhuang-Shi. Ma Chengteng was not dissatisfied because he now hates Cheng-shi.
       Ma Chengteng beheaded: "I will dispose of your mother-in-law. As for your little aunt, you look at the disposal." After that, he left, leaving Ruolan and Ma Peng.
       Ruolan listened a lot to his heart. The mother-in-law is troublesome, and the aunt is just a surviving aunt, and she does not worry about what a moth is standing on her feet.
       After Ma Chengteng left, Ma Peng whispered: "Wo Lan, did Lian-jia really return the dowry to Mei Mei?" Ma Peng always felt the smoke bomb, Lian-jia smoke bomb.
       Ruolan smiled and said: "This is still a fake. Although I have not verified the pretending list, if there is any big difference, the Old Madam can't pass." Old Madam says those things Basically placed in Lanxiyuan, there will be no mistakes. And Ruolan also believes that Old Madam will not greet his aunt's money.
       Ma Peng’s speech is very straightforward: “If Ruolan, my aunt has great grace for me. My aunt is not with my uncle. I will leave a cousin now. I will look after my cousin. Ruolan, you will also ask for more. Cousin." Do not say that the aunt saved his life, that is, the aunt gave him the aunt, or else he can get a scholar, where can enter the Hanlin Academy. The aunt was reinvented to him.
       Ruolan smiled and said: "The husband is relieved, I will look after my cousin in the future." This cousin is really interesting, not only let the father-in-law hurt her into the woman, but also the Lian husband.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ said the conversation, and there is a follower: "1st Young Master, Master, please go to the study."
       In the past, when Ma Peng heard that he had let him go to the study room, he was worried. Since entering the Hanlin, Ma Chengteng has been fascinating with him. Going to the study room only pointed out the things that need attention at the time and asked about some errands, and then did not punish him. Even Lian did not say a word.
       After the flight, Yunpeng and other horses couldn't help but said: "This table is really not easy." When she delivered the dowry, she could see it clearly. The Miss on the table was not surprised, but she accepted the scorpion calmly. It shows that this matter is actually in the mind of Miss. Then there was just the Master's reaction also showed that it was known early, that is to say, the Outer Cousin Miss and the Master were angry.
       Ruolan thought of Mo-shi performance and shook his head: "Yue-Yao cousin is not easy. If it is not savvy, the bone residue will be smashed." She just asked the following people to know the dowry of the aunt-Nai-Nai. Very rich, no one is in the hands of money. And looking at Lian-jia 1st Madam looks like a greedy one. Now that the dowry is handed over to Yue-Yao, there will be a lot of disputes. Otherwise, it will not be a good thing for Yu-Yao to marry in order to dowry the Lian-jia.
       Ruolan heard the matter Mama came, and asked about it in a few words. Ruolan used to follow Duke son, Madam, and the affairs in Duke House were very complicated. The things in The Ma House were very easy for Ruolan, and the rules were set and everyone followed the rules.
       Cai-Yun came in and said: "Miss, Lu Mama is coming."
       Ruolan is a little weird Mama came over and said, but still smiled and said: "Please come Mama comes in." I thought Mama came over and had something to return, but did not expect Mama is coming over please Resigned. This is really unexpected for Ruolan.
       It’s a good thing to flash a glimmer of joy on the surface of the cloud.
       -Lu Mama shook his head: "Knowing that 1st Young Madam is distressed, but the old servants are hard and can't move. The Young Master is now smashed-Young Madam, the family is established, the old servant Even if it is now down to the ground, the old Madam has an account."
       Ruolan naturally cannot promise.
       -Lu Mama is really reluctant to resign. 1st Young Madam has been in the house for less than a month, and the Cheng-shi is also well-handed. She is not very good at her side: "-Young Madam, the old servant is really unable to move. Now I only want to spend two days in a leisurely day. Seeking Young Madam is a complete servant!"
       For Lu Mama, please resign, if Ronle sees it. Lu Mama is old and has a hard time protecting her husband. Such people naturally have to be respected. In fact, when she first came, she thought that Lu Mama would lean on the old man, but she didn't think that Lu Mama was a very reasonable person. This period of time has been helping her, but it is also a troublesome thing for the old man who is not an elder and can not be treated as a person.
       Too much respect is not a matter of respect and humility, and being slow to wait will cause the husband to be dissatisfied. Now, Lu Mama really resigned, and Ruolan’s heart is also loose. Please resign to Lu Mama for some money, and then reuse Lu Mama daughter-in-law.
       After Lu Mama left, Cai-yun said with a smile: "Miss, this willow Mama has a look, it is not the old Madam entrusted."
       Ruolan smiled and didn't answer.
       Yue-Yao just used up the breakfast, Hao Mama said: "Miss, Peng Chun's ‘Madam’ and Li 3rd 's ‘Madam’, they came over to Miss, please." These daughter-in-law are all family members. The group of women who came here were not the husbands who were next to the 2nd Master, or they were too close to the 2nd Madam or the inner court. As for what can be used and what can not be used, it is necessary to observe it.
       Yue-Yao did not specifically say anything to them, just met and recognized the face. These are all approved by Deng Mama after the observation period. However, it has to be observed again to reuse it.
       When Peng Chun’s ‘Madam’ was in Jiang-nan, she often had to deal with Deng Mama, and now she also had a relationship with Deng Mama. I want to see Yue-Yao, what do they mean by seeing them, and seeing them without saying anything is really hard to guess. 3rd Miss is getting more and more esoteric.
       Deng Mama smiled and said Yue-Yao original intention: "Miss said that she had never paid attention to the inner court before she was in the art. Now I will see you familiar with it."
       Yue-Yao is not a manager in the last life, except that the first-class Servant and the second-class Servant have no contact. Now, for more than two decades, she will remember the faces of these servants. I don’t know if I’m loyal or not. I can only use this excuse. Fortunately, Yue-Yao was really bent on the art in the Jiang-nan. No matter who is outside, no one knows that using this excuse is not irritating.
       Zhao Chun’s ‘Madam’ concealed and sent her daughter to Yue-Yao to serve. Deng Mama smiled and said: "I asked Miss and asked you again." These families are all evaluated, but Miss said that they have to look again. She is also not good at present.
       Several other women are also loyal.
       When Peng Chun’s ‘Madam’ returned to her place to look at her daughter, if she could, she would not want her daughter to serve the person; but for the servants, they were involuntarily.
       Peng Chun did not tell his ‘Madam’ what Yue-Yao said. Because the future is full of variables, he said it is not safe. It’s not too late to wait until things are actually implemented. If the unsuccessful expectations become disappointing, this huge gap is also uncomfortable.
       Deng Mama recounted the words of Peng Chun's ‘Madam’. Yue-Yao shook his head: "Now the 'Grandmother' is not in good health. I will add a Servant to my side. It will not be used for the time being." Yue-Yao actually thinks that the Servant in Lanxi is sufficient. So many people serve.
       Deng Mama is worried: "Miss, although you have their deeds on hand, but Old Madam, if they pass, these people are reliable." Deng Mama means to be the daughter of these people. It’s safer to put it around.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No need." As long as she has preparedness, her confidant is reliable, and she is not afraid of Mo-shi.

       Chapter 97  Destruction 

        Old Madam's illness was better after the rest, and Yue-Yao heart was relaxed, but thought of the last life Old Madam was in August, and Yue-Yao was worried. However, she does not understand medical skills. She can't do anything to change this ending. She can only secretly pray that she hopes that this life will be different from her life.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time Old Madam said: "the 'Grandmother', I want to temporarily move to live here, so that I can stay with the 'Grandmother' every day."
       Lian Old Madam refused to think about it: "Here your big sister takes care of me, you have to feel good about your body and see what it looks like?" Is it true that you can see it with filial piety? Looking at the moon and the night, she lost a lot of weight, and Yue-Yao is also much thinner. It is Mo-shi and Yue-Bing and Yue-huan. Several people look ruddy and look very good.
       Yue-Yao can't make it Old Madam, can only give up, after going back there is some sullen, she actually wants to do more filial piety.
       Hao Mama knows that Yue-Yao heart is clear: "Miss, if you are like this day Old Madam is anxious, the body can't stand it sooner or later."
       Yue-Yao said with tears: "I am just worried." The 'Grandmother' is only 52 years old this year. It is not too big to say, but it is really sad for me to leave.
       Hao Mama said helplessly: "Miss, you worry is useless." In fact, she also thinks Old Madam can always live so peacefully. No matter what Old Madam can shelter Miss in a day. Old Madam After the walk, the days of 3rd Miss are definitely not as comfortable as they are now.
       Yue-Yao didn't mind, went to the study room to practice the words, only when she was practicing the words, she could keep her calm, and practiced an hour. Yue-Yao hands were a little forget. But when it came out again, Yue-Yao recovered calm.
       Yue-Yao saw the strange-looking Hao Mama said: "Practicing the word, calming the mind, can write a good word." This is actually indirectly telling Hao Mama why she calmed down.
       Hao Mama Lian Lian nodded: "Miss is saying." Miss is so natural, she is already tied to 3rd Miss.
       Day by day, Yue-Yao is also at ease. If God is so, she can't resist it. The only thing she can do is to be more filial in front of the 'Grandmother'.
       After going to school on this day, Hua-li said biasally: "Miss, 4th Miss put her lipstick in the shop, and now it sells very hot. I heard that each sells five Silver Taels, so High prices are still in short supply!"
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly: "It is a material for doing business." No more Yue-Yao did not say.
       Yue-huan was originally prepared to sell some cosmetics such as blush powder lipstick, but this proposal was finally rejected by Mo-shi. Yue-huan had no choice but to find a compromise method, and put the good lipstick on the Yujiu Coat Shop, which has an in-law relationship with Mo. When I said that if I couldn’t sell it for a month, I would have to pay ten Silver Taels. If I sold a lipstick, I would have to pay a profit. This is already very expensive.
       It’s just that people didn’t expect that the twenty lipsticks that were put on the shop were sold for a long time, and the response was very good. In fact, the capital is a place to pursue fashion, and it is no different from modern. The lipstick spreads around the world and many people follow suit, and naturally they can grow bigger and bigger.
       Yue-huan began to bid for the brand price is a sub-Silver Taels, and now see the heat began to raise prices, five Silver Taels sub-, of course, this is the final price. The boss also saw huge profits from it, saying that he had to sign a contract and sign an exclusive contract.
       Yue-huan feels that it is best to do it yourself.
       Mo-shi does not agree, if you do a lot of trouble yourself. Now Old Madam is sick, but they are so hot for doing business, and it is unwilling to smear their name Mo-shi for business. However, Mo-shi also saw the profit brought by it from a small lipstick, and he also had a calculation in his heart.
       Mo-shi is ready to deliver the recipe to Yuji, where she draws the bonus. It’s natural to be grateful for the news, but the two sides have different opinions on the share of the distribution. Mo-shi is also savvy that the other party is not letting go, she put it, anyway, the formula is in her hands, the other party is not willing to compromise, then squatting, to see who can win.
       Looking for Mo-shi in Yue-huan: "Mom, I don't think I should take the formula out for a while. After a while, we will sell the formula again, so that we can get a big profit. If we use the formula to share the shares, 10 thousand If they get the recipe to destroy, we will suffer a lot. If the other party is ruined, the people who love the feathers with Lian-jia will definitely not face the lawsuit with them. When they lose, they are still suffering. is her.
       According to the meaning of Yue-huan, she didn't want to give this book to the shop, and she should give it to the largest rouge shop in Capital City. It is said that the store has a history of 100 years, and such a store is highly reputable and reassuring. In addition, the profits that will be obtained in the future are also large, but Mo-shi has no way to stick to Yue-huan.
       Mo-shi thought about it and then made a decision: "For the time being, let's wait a while to discuss this matter."
       Everyone has a good spirit, and Old Madam is not very good. Mo-shi can also be seen from some places, such as good looks. But as long as the face is too good, everyone will not be harsh.
       Yue-Bing has always been Old Madam bias Old Madam, in addition to following everyone in the Old Madam side of the disease, what should be done at other times.
       As for Yue-huan, I came here for less than a year. I met with Old Madam and I slap a few slaps. I don’t have much feelings to wear sorrow.
       Su Concubine was pleased with her daughter's ability. When she came back to Mo-shi, she returned to her yard, but she went halfway and heard some people talking about Yue-huan.
       The Servant around Su Concubine wanted to stop, Su Concubine shook his head. It’s rare to hear someone praise their daughter. It’s fine for her to listen to it. Although Su Concubine has kept Yue-huan low-key and low-key, everyone likes to listen to others who praise their children, even Servant is no exception.
       But listening to it is not right, one of the Servant strangely asked: "Why did 4th Miss fall so smartly? Lian is so rare. People are stupid, but 4th Miss is more intelligent than 3rd Miss after a fall, which is too strange?" This Servant is also instinctively questioning.
       Another Servant laughed after listening: "If you feel stupid, you should also drop and see if you can become as smart as 4th Miss."
       Servant, who spoke first, shook his head: "Forget it, I am afraid that people will become stupid after falling, and I really feel that 4th Miss is not right. Wrestling will make people fall smart and will not say, how can Lian temper also give a big change I feel like I changed someone."
       In addition, the Servant shook his head: "This is not a strange thing. Forget it, let's not say this. Hurry and do things, if things are not done Mama has to blame." Two Servant went away. .
       Su Concubine personal Servant and others walked and looked at Su Concubine, who was in the air: " concubine, what's wrong with you?"
       Su Concubine was in a sea of ​​turmoil. She had no doubt before, but now she is afraid of it. Since 4th Miss wakes up, in addition to the appearance, the other one does not think of 4th Miss, really like a person.
       Su Concubine breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "I thought about it. I didn't have anything to think of something. But once a person drops the seeds of doubt in his heart, he will always take root when he has the right opportunity. Bloom and bear fruit.
       In the blink of an eye, in July, Yue-Yao mentioned that he would live in the upper house. This time, like the last time, it was rejected by Old Madam: "You, the child, you have filial piety, the 'Grandmother' knows, but you should also cherish the body. The 'Grandmother' is waiting for so many people around, no There will be something."
       Yue-Yao See Old Madam strongly disagrees that he can only give up, but he will stay with him at the time of Old Madam and return to Lanxi Courtyard only at night.
        Old Madam by Yue-Yao, if this does not agree, it will hurt the child's heart. The lipstick thing was originally everyone  Mouth, they are all ready to squat Old Madam.
        Old Madam asked himself: "Qiao Hui, has there been any happy event in the house?" She looked at the second-Yatou and the four-Yatou came over and asked Ann to have a face with joy.
        Old Madam Do not ask, Qiao Hui naturally does not say, Old Madam asked, Qiao Hui can not help but say. Now I will say what happened in the recent house.
       Lipstick is just a business that can earn interest for Old Madam. However, I heard that the city is full of enthusiasm, and the appearance of Old Madam is not very good: "Ist Master knows this?" Business is generally done quietly, where is so public.
       Qiao Hui nodded: "1st Master knows." The house is only until now Old Madam I don't know, this is also afraid Old Madam is worried, and the 1st Master as the head of the family is sure to know . Qiao Hui did not understand why Old Madam asked.
        Old Madam looked at Qiaohui: "There is still a half-month to marry, you embroider your dowry! There is enough snow here." Qiao Hui is following Old Madam After so many years, although I have made a speech to let her scenery marry Lian, the day has also been chosen, but Qiao Hui did not go out, the dowry is also embroidered in the yard, which is also a decent face for Qiao Hui.
       Originally, July was not suitable for marriage. It was very sinful to have a happy event in such a hot weather. But Old Madam wants to marry Qiao Hui before he was born. Of course, on the other hand, it is also the superstition of the elderly, thinking that happy events can bring blessings.
        Old Madam Lying in bed, thinking about what happened just helplessly sighed. Regardless of her lipstick, these things are all things that make money. It is natural to add something to the house, but it should be done in private. Now it is both outside and the house. Their Lian-jia is the home of Shuxiangmen, but now it is a big business, and it has become a joke in the capital. But the son knows that he has not stopped, and there is nothing more to make her sad.
        Old Madam is thinking about it, Qiao Hui walks in and says: " Old Madam, Chen’s people are coming. Chen Jialai is the marriage for Eldest Miss."
       On the same day, the two were discussing marriage, and Old Madam was unconscious for two days. Lian-jia would have no other to say, and the marriage with Chen’s family was put on hold. Now Old Madam develops physically, and Chen Madam naturally comes to the door, thinking about setting the marriage early.
       Mo-shi also wants to set the marriage early, but now she is raised by Old Madam, she can't do it.
        Old Madam knows that Chen Family’s eldest has a dark illness and is very dissatisfied with Chen. But this kind of thing can't be said on the table. If it is said that the other party has a dark illness, it will not be with you. Once this incident is spread out, it is not a marriage but a vengeance. When Chen’s family is shameful, Lian is tired of the moon. After Yue-Ying, it’s hard to say good dear, so the best way is to say two children. The birth of the eight characters does not match.
       Chen Madam knows that Yue-Ying does not match the birth of his second son. It is a bit strange. She also took the characters of two people to match, and it was a perfect match.
        Old Madam said faintly: "I have invited the Gaohuahe character of Zhaohua Temple some time ago. Chen Madam thinks that I am in the  Mouth of the letter?" To be married, both parties must be satisfied, there is a lot of attention. But to reject a marriage, there is an excuse.
       Chen Madam looks at Old Madam cold eyes, thinking about his son's things, my heart suddenly, is it true that his son's business is known by Old Madam, otherwise why is the attitude so bad? . Chen Madam is guilty: "Since the eight characters are not the same, the fate of the two is not enough. Old Madam, you rest well, I will go back first." In any case, with the eight-character disagreement as an excuse, Chen Jia There are also steps down. The two will not make a difference because of marriage.
       It is difficult to find a home with the conditions of their home, but it is still very easy to find a little. Without Lian-jia, there are other homes.
        Old Madam Looking at Chen Madam's background, the look is cloudy. If this is not the case, if it is damaged, it will damage the reputation of Yue-Ying, so that after the moon will not find a good family, Old Madam can not swallow this breath, I don’t know if this Chen family later Miss who is also going to harm anyone.
       Yue Ying knows that she is not worthy of the character of Chen 2nd Son. She had been sneaking over Chen Jiagong on that day and was very satisfied. I didn’t expect that the words were inconsistent, and Yue-Ying’s heart was a little lost. Originally thought that this marriage can be done, but did not expect to fall through.
       Chen concubine heard that such a good relationship had not been completed, and got the wind to say that Yue-Yao was in the middle of the ghost, angry. Originally, Yue-Yao didn't help her send Tingyi to Li house. She had already made her dissatisfied with Yue-Yao. Last time she let her son fight again, her resentment against Yue-Yao was only once. At Mo-shi. When I heard the rumors, it was confirmed that Yue-Yao said something bad in front of Old Madam: "3rd Miss just can't see you."
       Yue Ying whispered retorted: " concubine, how can Mei Mei Mei do this. Again, Mei Mei is talking about Chen's 2nd Son, and how 2nd Son can hate me."
       Chen concubine was blocked by Ying surplus: "I said that she can't see you, is it wrong, if not her, Old Madam definitely hurts you."
       Yue Ying is seeing more and more violent Concubine, she is also very upset. Concubine Since the younger brother is unhealthy and disobedient, the temper is getting older and more violent, and he has long lost the calm. Such a mother, she is very worried.
       Yue Ying returned to the upper house, although she could not see it on the face, but she could feel her frustration. Everyone did not dare to break this thing, after all, it was her reputation.
        Old Madam is also a person. Yue Ying has been waiting for her for so long. Although she is not so fond of Yue-Yao, she also has feelings. Seeing Ying surplus and sullen, after thinking about it, I decided to talk about it with Yue-Ying, letting Yue-Ying know that people are sinister.
        Old Madam said kindly: "Stupid Yatou, the eight characters are just an excuse. Chen's children are not appropriate, so I refused this marriage."
       Yue Ying stayed: "Is not proper, what is wrong?" She originally thought it was a singularity, but she did not expect it to be inappropriate.
        Old Madam also feels unpopular. Since the child has a dark disease, the 'marriage proposal' does not harm people for a lifetime. "You just know that the 'Grandmother' won't hurt you. If it's really good. The 'Grandmother' can't refuse." The specific reason will not tell the moon, only let her know.
       Yue Ying listened to his teeth and trembled. This is a marriage, Madam said. Madam will know that Chen Jiagong is not appropriate, deliberately telling her such a relative, but if so, what should she do in the future: "The 'Grandmother', how could this be?" Madam can Tell him such a relationship, what will happen later? I will be able to go where my relatives will be.
        Old Madam obviously has this concern too: "You can rest assured that I will let you pick a good home for you." Yue-Bing is Mo-shi daughter, I will not be ill, Yue-Yao Ding For the marriage, Su Concubine has no difference in Yue-huan. The only trouble is Yue-Ying. Old Madam strives to set the moon's marriage before she leaves.
        Old Madam When the Lian dong came over and asked her for an appointment, she said these two things. First, we must set up the marriage of Yue-Ying as soon as possible. The family is generally good, as long as the boy is good; the second will send Chen concubine away, and Chen concubine will definitely affect Ying surplus. Chen concubine is gone, can't see people, and many things are forgotten. It is a good thing for Yue-Ying.
       Lian Dong Fang is a dutiful son. For Lian Old Madam, the words have always been one hundred and one hundred. Just for the sake of no reason, Chen concubine was sent away, but it was not appropriate: "Mother, let Chen concubine chanting Buddha for you?" If Chen concubine is now sent away, wait Old Madam If you can't wear filial piety after you leave, it is not good for Yue-Ying and Tingyi.
        Old Madam shook his head: "Let her go to the country for a while."
       Lian Dongfang nodded, but Lian Dongfang had doubts: "Mother, Chen 2nd Son and Yue Ying are really different characters?" Generally speaking, such things are all excuses.
        Old Madam will naturally not take advantage of his son, even if his son does not ask, he will say, "I feel a little embarrassed, send someone to check, find that the child has a dark disease, the doctor said that he is not twenty years old. This also Fortunately, I am going to check it out. If I have decided on this marriage, I will be in a lifetime."
       Lian Dongfang listened to Lian Old Madam. This is an angry anger. Chen’s family wants to lie to him. It’s really deceiving. He is angry: “Chen’s family wants to lie to marriage!” If so, I really pushed my daughter into the fire pit.
        Old Madam shook his head: "It’s also that my body is not comfortable, I don’t pay much attention to it. If I’m in the past, I’m sure I’m not aware of it. Anyway, this is not a good thing anyway. You should pick the moon, this time. Be sure to find someone who knows the roots."
       Lian Dongfang nodded busyly: "Mother, you can rest assured, I will give a good family to the moon." If you don't ask for family, just ask for good, this is better.
       Lian Dongfang returned to the backyard and thundered toward Mo-shi. His mother was not in a good spirit, but Mo-shi did not find these problems. Didn't feel the catty inside? Lian Dongfang instinctively did not believe it, and then there Old Madam did not say Mo-shi bad words, but the sighs were heavily hit in the heart of Lian Dongfang.
       Mo-shi is very wronged: " Master, I know where Chen actually dared to do the following things. Master, Chen family 2nd Son You have also seen, it is really good to see people alone, all aspects of the family also Everything fits." Mo-shi does not know that Chen Family 2nd Son has a dark disease, but she knows very well that this marriage is definitely not appropriate, otherwise the shi-zi will seek the Shu Daughter. Of course, if you can't afford it, you can understand it, but you can learn it well. In this situation, it is definitely awkward to ask for a Shu Daughter. It’s just that Ying surplus is not crawling out of her stomach, let alone she and Chen concubine has never dealt with where she is willing to fuck so much. Mo-shi didn't think that Old Madam was awesome. I noticed that it was not right to find out the root cause.
       Lian Dong did not pay attention to Mo-shi grievances, and immediately went to the supple Su Concubine to rest. Su Concubine, as Mo-shi confidant Servant, naturally helped Mo-shi to say a lot of good things. Su Concubine made Lian Dongfang a lot of anger.
       Early the next morning, Lian Dongfang told the people to send Chen concubine to the village Zhuangzi. As for the marriage of Yue-Ying, it was not fixed in two days. There will be problems in a hurry.
       Chen concubine was sent to the village Zhuangzi. In addition to the old Madam, everyone thought that Su Concubine was behind the scenes Concubine bad words, the Master just listened to Su Concubine. Send Chen concubine away.
       Yue Yingben was in a bad mood because of the marriage. This time Concubine was also inexplicably sent to the village Zhuangzi. When he was in class, he looked at Yue-huan with a knife.
       Yue-huan is innocent, she doesn't know what it is. Recently, she was busy improving her lipstick. She went to the top of the class at other times. She didn't know anything about the outside world. But even if she knew the reason was also nonsense, she concubine had such a big charm to tell her that she would send Chen concubine to Zhuangzi.
       Yue-Bing is watching the play next to him, and when he is appropriate, he will stand up and say two words. Mama teaches that as the Di Daughter, you must know the big picture.
       The only thing that is calm is Yue-Yao. It seems that I haven't seen the dissatisfaction of the moon's eyes. What to do and do nothing to interfere with foreign objects.
       Hua-li is also very curious, premise this thing in Yue-Yao: "To say Su Concubine is really powerful. For so many years, not only 1st Madam believes in him, but Lian Master is also ten years old. The day spoiled her.” Chen concubine gave birth to a pair of children who grew up safely and now thanks to Old Madam; Su Concubine had a pair of them all by herself.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "Chen concubine sent this away, it should have nothing to do with Su Concubine." Uncle Lian Dong Fang is not a soft ear who will listen to women. Yue-Yao If the guess is good, this thing should be the meaning of the 'Grandmother'. It’s just that she is not convenient to say these words.
       Yue-huan was very surprised after knowing the reason: "What does this have to do with me?" It was inexplicable, Chen concubine sent away and blows her beard and blinks.
       Hongmei whispered Yue-huan: "Miss, this thing can't be asked Concubine. Nothing messed up Concubine is not happy."
       Yue-huan thought about it and nodded: "Well, you don't need to mess with things for no reason." Concubine is not happy. These people are also true, they love to call the snake."
       At this time, the Ma family also had a big deal. Ma Chengteng had to send Cheng-shi back to his hometown and let him down and told the people to pass the matter to Zhuang Ruolan.
       Ruolan was very surprised to get this news: "Hurry and find out what happened." This step-up mother has always said that she can't get sick. She actually knows that Cheng-shi is sick, and the real reason is that she is under house arrest. Of course, she was curious as to what Cheng-shi had done to provoke her father's anger and to put her under house arrest. It’s just that Zhuang Ruolan has a sense of doing things. She doesn’t touch her elders. So I didn't ask about it. But now it’s good to send Cheng-shi back to her hometown, which makes her have to ask the reason.
       The follow-up remarks are official: "-Young Madam, it seems that because the old family wrote that the 3rd House Old Madam was seriously ill, Master was originally planning to visit her personally, just Master has been busy with the recent business, so let Madam go."
       Ruolan was surprised for three seconds, and no one believed it. Not to mention a family Old Madam is just sick, even if the elders died, the family will send two confidants Pozi went back to condolences to express his feelings. Sending Cheng-shi in the past is obviously another reason.
       If Lan Lan grinds and thinks that this is an excuse for the father-in-law to send her mother-in-law back to her hometown. If Randy daggers, she will be able to take away Cheng-shi. Although she was not worried about Cheng-shi, she was too impatient to do so in three days. Now Cheng-shi is gone, and there is a little torment, and the days will be quiet.
       Ma Chengteng was very popular and told Cheng-shi that evening to send her back to her hometown the next day. Cheng-shi naturally does not want to: "Don't think that I don't know what abacus you are playing? I tell you, I won't go back to my hometown." Back home, The Ma House is the world of Zhuang-Shi. After a while, she was completely emptied.
       Ma Chengteng said coldly: "Cheng, if you don't go back to your hometown, I will take you off now, and I will send you back to Chengjia tomorrow." Ma Chengteng used to look at Cheng-shi actions in a pair of children. Eyes; because Ma Yuetian is higher than Ma Peng, he has high expectations for Ma Yue, but the higher the expectations, the heavier the disappointment. Ma Yue is fifteen years old this year. Lian's talents have not been tested. In contrast, although Ma Peng did not laugh at his son, this time the scholar is also cheating, but Ma Peng’s 13-year Old show is based on his own efforts. The qualifications of the younger son are not bad, but the mind is completely absent from learning.
       Last time Deng Mama said that Ma Chengteng began to have some doubts and even did not believe it, but when the son went to Hanlin after the scholar, the facts were in front of him. Ma Chengteng had to believe that Deng Mama said that Cheng-shi would defeat the Ma family. . So after the occurrence of Servant's pregnancy, she let people look at Cheng-shi, and changed all the people around Ma Yue. In any case, Ma Chengteng still hopes to bring Ma Yue to come. As a result, he soon discovered that Ma Yue was actually addicted to gambling. Gambling is a gamble of nine gambling, and eleven of them are losing their lives.
       After knowing this, Ma Chengteng was really scared. If there is no Yue-Yao, he secretly shot the help, if Peng Er was really counted on Cheng-shi by Cheng-shi, the person will definitely not be tested. The eldest son was abolished, and the younger son was long gone. At that time, the Ma family was sure to be defeated.
       Incorporating these things, Ma Chengteng has regarded Cheng-shi as a viper and beast. During this time, Cheng-shi did not tell her to send away, and it was not a yard to make a toss in the daughter-in-law's wedding. It has been more than two months now, and the wind is coming down. He naturally wants to send this woman away. The younger son’s favor in Cheng-shi has been abolished, and he can no longer bring a big son.
       Cheng-shi looked at Ma Chengteng as if she had to eat her look, she was afraid, really scared. She married Ma Chengteng for so many years and knew Ma Chengteng very well. Ma Chengteng is a very soft-hearted person. What happened to let his son or daughter ask for grievances, all of which are big things and small things; Ma Chengteng has not said anything to her for so many years. But she also understands that once Ma Chengteng releases his words, it means his patience has reached the top, and he will do it if he says it. At this time, it would be no good to confront him.
       Cheng-shi knows that in the current situation, he can only lower his posture and ask Ma Chengteng not to let her go to her hometown. She didn’t want to go to the hometown for thousands of miles from the capital.
       For the future of the Ma family, for Ma Peng, Ma Chengteng has made up his mind to send Cheng-shi away. If Cheng-shi is not willing to leave, he really decided to quit his ‘Madam’. At least the divorce is only affecting Ma Yue and Ma Linlin, but has no effect on the eldest son. In this case, Cheng-shi lowered his posture and cried tears. "You can use your tears when you are three years old. You want to use your shi-nu to ruin Peng." A good dear, you can't see it, but you can't see it. Tongfang listened to the medicine.-Tongfang is pregnant and wants to break the marriage. I have always given you a decent job for a pair of children, but you are a thief. If you go to your hometown and feel at ease, I will see you in this respect for the two children; but if you don’t want to go to tomorrow, you will take a book and return to your home. You choose two paths. One."
       Cheng-shi listened and yelled: " Master, I didn't, I didn't do anything, it must be Lu Pozi, the servant who planted me, Master, you have to believe me, I really didn't stop Tongfang's medicine-Tongfang is pregnant."
       When a person has lost trust in you, saying nothing will not convince the other party. Cheng-shi is just saying that dryness will not make Ma Chengteng believe.
       If Lanlan is very fast, he will prepare things at the fastest speed. The Servant-Pozi around Cheng-shi has been ordered by Ma Chengteng and began packing at night.
       Ma Linlin knew that she was going to send her mother to her hometown, and she asked for Ma Chengteng not to send her mother to her hometown. In the end, I begged for no reason. "Oh, if you insist on sending your mother back to my hometown, then I will follow my mother to my hometown." Ma Linlin later regretted that the intestines were all blue.
       Ma Chengteng has already determined that Cheng-shi will let them fall, how to change their minds, "Since you want to go to your home with your mother, you will be perfect." Turned to Ma Linlin's Servant-Pozi to pack the luggage for Ma Linlin.
       Ruolan knows that Ma Chengteng’s decision is very speechless: “The younger son is ten years old this year, it’s the time to learn the rules. Now it’s not a wild return to the hometown for three or five years. Yatou, when the little girl’s 'marriage proposal’ is difficult. Although Ruolan doesn't like Ma Linlin, she still can't understand Ma Chengteng's thinking. Even if she is disappointed with her ‘Madam’, don't ruin her daughter and Lian! Cough, there is such a confused Master, no wonder the backyard is a mess! Now Ruolan is only fortunate that Ma Chengteng is not so confused in foreign affairs.
       Ruolan secretly prayed, the husband should not be like a father-in-law. Thinking of the smile here, she will take care of the backyard where there will be such a mess.
       Ma Chengteng’s movements were very fast, and Cheng-shi was sent away from Capital City three days later. In order to prevent it, Ma Chengteng sent his own heart to send away Cheng-shi.
       Ruolan felt very strange about Ma Chengteng's behavior. He couldn't help but ask Ma Peng: "What mistakes did the mother-in-law make?" Although she has not much contact with her father-in-law, she also knows that her father-in-law is not a heart-warming person. The grandfather’s determination to make such a big decision is that Cheng-shi made a big mistake.
       Ma Peng is also confused: "I don't know." Ma Peng really does not know what is going on here! However, if Cheng-shi is gone, no one will toss you a birthday.
       If Ruo Lan just put this down, she heard something that made her angry, and Tongfang Servant was pregnant before she married.
       Ruolan is a very calm person. I think that the previous thing is also guessing that it is because of this incident that the father-in-law sent away her mother-in-law. Although it was said that Tongfang’s child had been defeated, Ruolan’s heart still sighed and waited for Ma Peng to come back and ignored him.
       Ruolan’s heart is so powerful, but she also knows that women can’t be too hard. If it hurts the blessings for this purpose, it will not be worth it.
       Ma Peng was innocent. He repeatedly asked Ruolan why he did not get a reply. In desperation, I can only ask the Servant around Ruolan.
       Cai-yun will say that Tongfang Servant is pregnant. After the talk, I was indignant: "Master, this is too deceiving." I did not expect that they all said that the grandfather is a good character, Miss did not choose the wrong. I didn't expect that almost all the scorpions were bandaged.
       Ma Peng stunned: "How could there be children, impossible." After thinking about it, he went into the bedroom and said to Ruolan, who was cold-faced. "If Ruolan, it is impossible to get pregnant in the early summer and the first willow. I have been with You will not let them close when you decide to kiss. How can they have my child?" Ma Peng is not a lascivious person, and he is satisfied with such a good family. After seeing Ruolan, he was filled with Ruolan. At that time, he was bent on reading a vow to test his ‘Madam’ to give his fiancée a decent wedding. Naturally, he did not mind other places.
       If Ruolan doesn't believe it, they will be married to each other. There will be half a year in between: "Do you really haven't touched them for half a year?"
       Ma Peng is very sure to say: "I really don't, if you don't believe you can ask my little sister. Ruolan, you have to believe me."
       If Ruolan believes in Ma Peng, it is not that she has confidence in Ma Peng, but she believes that no man will be willing to wear a green hat: "Maybe it is wrong." But how can such a mistake be made.
       After Ma Peng went out, Ruolan called Cai-yun: "Go and ask Lu Mama to come over and say that I have something to ask her." The husband did not know this thing, but Lu Mama must know.
       Ruolan did not turn around and directly asked this question exactly what he thought: "-Lu Mama, the Servant around the husband is not pregnant, I don't know, my mother is really dereliction of duty."
       -Lu Mama is a bit stunned, this thing is so secretive, how does Young Madam know: "-Young Madam, this is definitely a misunderstanding, both Servant are not pregnant on Zhuangzi. I don't know who chewed the tongue and fell into the Young Master.-Young Madam must not be on these people." Lu Mama stared at the two Servant, where they would let them in 1st Young Madam is pregnant before crossing the door. This is not to hit her face.
       Ruolan saw Lu Mama look and sneered: "I know everything. Say, what the hell is going on?"
       Willow Mama sees Ruolan's look. After considering it, he said: "-Young Madam knows, first Madam rarely goes."
       -Lu Mama started from the troubles of Ma Peng's childhood, and told these years that Cheng-shi Mingli secretly made a lot of scorpions want to harm Ma Peng. After talking for a long time, I finally said that the garden incident occurred before the township test last year, and then the 1st Young Master decided to kiss, and Cheng-shi began to make the bad "-Young Madam, Madam is encouraging the first Lu to let her no longer I avoided the soup, but I found it." Lu Mama didn't know that Ma Peng hadn't touched two Servant since he was a relative, but the two Servant were not pregnant.
       If Lanlan was in a stagnation, she hoped that Ma Peng did not lie to her. Even if this child is really a husband, it is better than her husband to lie to her. Servant's pregnancy is just unprepared and can be dealt with, but if the husband lie, it is not a character: "So why is this Servant still pregnant?"
       -Lu Mama fundus flashed a twilight: "The Servant is not pregnant. I found a medicine for her to eat. This medicine will make people look like pregnant. I just want to let Master See clearly Madam's vicious intentions, no longer let Madam continue to harm the Young Master."
       If Lanlan breathed a sigh of relief, this would be fine. Servant didn't get pregnant and proved that what the husband said was true: "So it is your idea to send your mother-in-law back to my hometown?" If Ruolan could not believe Lu Mama, the reason is very simple. She does not believe that Lu Pozi has such a large a Mount of energy to convince her father. To know a thing Mama is not in a grade with the master.
       -Lu Mama hesitated after a moment and said: "This is what I said to Master, but it is not me who made this suggestion. It is the Outer Cousin Miss. Master loves the Outer Cousin Miss, and hears the servant is the Outer Cousin Miss. The meaning is nothing."
       Ruolan was very surprised: "You mean this is what Yue-Yao means?"
       -Lu Mama nodded and said: "Yes, it was broken at the beginning Madam's policy is also the Outer Cousin Miss. I am incompatible with Madam Master knows, if it is not the case that Miss comes out to testify Master doesn't believe that Madam would like to figure out the 1st Young Master; at the same time, the Outer Cousin Miss suggested that the Master should not put too much pressure on the Young Master. Master listened to the proposal of the Outer Cousin Miss. Before the exam Master took the Young Master out, for this reason, the Young Master exam was very relaxed and played in the extraordinary." Lu Pozi is serving three meals of Ma Peng, the most understanding of Ma Peng's mental state. .
       Lu Pozi is really grateful to Yue-Yao. If it is not Yue-Yao, I don’t know how Young Master is now? So she told these things Young Madam.
       Ruolan curiously said: "What kind of person is Cheng Lizi?" It is a woman who has curiosity, not to mention a woman who wants her husband.
       -Lu Mama is despised: "It’s very good in the house, but I know that these are disguised. The Cheng family is very vulgar inside. I heard that she had killed several Servant before. Young Ma dam is like mud and clouds." This is also the true heart of Lu Pozi, who is not able to compare the toe of Young Madam.
       It is a woman who likes to be complimented, if Ruolan is Lu Pozi, she said that she is comfortable, naturally no longer entangled in this Cheng Lizi thing, said with a smile: "I know this thing." Yue-Yao It’s no wonder that the father-in-law and her husband loved her so much.
       After Lu Pozi left, Cai-yun whispered: "I didn't expect Miss to intervene in the house of Ma." Cai-yun was worried that Yue-Yao would intervene in The Ma House in the future.
       Ruolan shook his head: "No, this child is a smart person who can't do things that don't conform to the rules. It should be seen before but only to help the husband." In any case, the husband and ‘Madam’, Yue-Yao is good for the husband. I am kind to her, and I will be good to this little cousin in the future.

       Chapter 99 is separated 

       Yue-Yao went to the house from Lanxiyuan on this day and heard that there were two small turns in the corner-Yatou was talking about lipstick. During this time, the lipstick was popular in Capital City.
       The capital is a follower. At the beginning of the month, Yue-huan knew this, so it sent the lipstick to a rouge shop called Yu Ji. Of course, this is the story of the shop and Mo-shi.
       The family members of Yujipu are waiting for half a month and finally are willing to compromise. They are willing to divide into fives. Yue-huan got the news and immediately opposed it. She thought that this was to kill the chicken and take the eggs.
       It's a pity that Mo-shi is moving, it's not Mo-shi eyes, but Old Madam is watching for months. Old Madam Once you have gone, Yue-huan can't continue to do this in the mansion. However, it is not a day or two to start the workshop. The only way to share it with them is to pay dividends directly. The five-fifth division into Mo-shi feels very good.
       Yue-huan wants to convince Mo-shi not to partner with people: "Mother, it is troublesome to start doing it yourself, but as long as the difficulties of the first are overcome, the profits will continue. Mother, if we cooperate with Yuji, we will formulate them to them. At that time, there is no guarantee that they will not let the formula leak out." Yue-huan is not very convinced of the record.
       Mo-shi is very dissatisfied with Yue-huan against himself: "What do you mean?" When is it the turn of the Shu Daughter to question his decision? However, because the lipstick was made by Yue-huan, Mo-shi also endured the passing of Yue-huan.
       The meaning of Yue-huan is naturally done by myself, but thinking about the reasons Su Concubine analyzes with her, and then Mo-shi attitude, she also knows that this idea is difficult to achieve: "Mother, if we don't do our best way, Selling the formula. This thing is small but it is very demanding. It can be divided into ten auctions to get the auction house. This way, neither the sinner nor the one-off can get a big sum of money." Killing chickens and taking eggs is also like selling them at that time. .
       Mo-shi thinks that the fine water flow is the best, but the analysis of Yue-Yao also makes sense. If you remember the recipe, you will have no money. They are very lossy. Mo-shi was hesitating, but Mo Momo came over to find her, and after the Brother and sisters all night, Mo-shi decided to cooperate with Yu Ji. It is often better to make money far.
       On the second day, Mo-shi signed a contract with Yuji, and Mo-shi took 60% to take 40%. On behalf of Mo-shi, Mo Zhen came forward to discuss specific matters with the boss of Yu Ji.
       Originally this was done by Mo-shi, but Mo-shi was not enough, and Lian was even more impossible. With the high level of Lian Dongfang, I would like to discuss these things with the merchants.
       Yue-huan knows that the final result is that Mo-shi has reached an agreement with Yuji to take the formula out and divide it. Yue-huan is sitting in a chair and laughing at the moment: " concubine, my blood is in vain." There are definitely a lot of people who have a lipstick formula. I wanted to do it myself because she can understand it because of various scruples, but now it is due to the in-law relationship. Yu Ji. Killing chickens and getting eggs can at least get a lot of money, but the result is that the last profit is too little.
       Yue-huan didn't think about her all-inclusiveness, and it would be good to get one, but now I don't want to say that one achievement is half-finished.
       Su Concubine doesn't agree with Yue-huan: "4th Miss, if you think of something good or something to do later, don't take out the things at the bottom of the box, and you will stay a few."
       Yue-huan no longer believes Su Concubine words, but she also knows the rebuttal Concubine words are useless, let alone Concubine worried: " concubine, I know." Anyway, researching something new They are all inevitable, and she still has enough reason to avoid lazy before this matter is over.
       For this matter, Old Madam has not commented from beginning to end. Yue-Yao is very shocking. It is also good to be able to divide into long water, but it is guaranteed that the formula will not be lost. If the formula is lost, there will be no profit.
       Yue-Yao thought about Yue-huan and shook his head: "It seems that Yue-huan can make a lot of money for Lian-jia. This is also good, Mo-shi has money at least not staring at the money in her hands. ""
       The movement of Lian Dongfang is very fast, and two of them are selected in less than a month. Old Madam smashed the Yao Lu second son Yao Xiuran. Yao Xiuran is fifteen years old this year. He is two years older than Yue Ying. This year, the boy tried it. Now he is also a scholar.
       The Guanglu Temple book is from the seven-product official position, and the Lian Dongfang is from five products and is four levels higher. Lian Dongfang can match the Shu Daughter to the Yao family's shi-zi. Moreover, Yao Daren's father and Lian Dongfang's sister-in-law are friends with each other. The two have been in the past few years, and they are also known as the roots. This family member is personally mentioned by Lian Dongfang. Old Madam is not at ease with Mo-shi, but he is still at ease with his son. Yue Ying is his own flesh and blood, Old Madam believes that tiger poison is not a child.
        Old Madam Think of the last thing, this time I heard it clearly, but in order to be prudent Old Madam still saw Yao Xiuran.
       Yao Xiuran looks ordinary, only learns ordinary, all aspects are general, the family of Lian Yao family is also general. Yao Xiuran is no better than Chen’s 2nd Son. Old Madam After seeing Yao Xiuran, he nodded immediately.
       It’s normal for Yao Xiuran to be out of color. If Yao Xiuran is a wonderful one, Old Madam doesn’t feel normal. There are always demons in the abnormal situation. Anything that transcends common sense is problematic in all likelihood. Old Madam is hoping to set this affair as soon as possible.
       Yao Madam knows that Lian Old Madam wants to set a parent-in-law for her beloved grandmother as soon as possible, but when she hears Lian Old Madam, she still feels awkward. For the rest of her life, she is now a relative, Lian Miss has not seen her, and her heart is not practical. I have to let her see the Eldest Miss before deciding.
        Old Madam See Yao Madam The more discreet attitude is more heart-wrenching, sending a skillful call to return Yue Ying to make Yao Madam see the moon.
       Yao Madam Seeing the moon's long-term is also beautiful, the rules are also a good one, and the mind is put down.
       Both of these parents are satisfied, and Old Madam is not good physically, and naturally settles at the fastest speed. The speed is naturally saved in many places.
       Fortunately, Chen Concubine is not there, if Chen Concubine is inevitably going to make trouble. Yue-Ying heard that the fiancé did not show up in all aspects. If there was no comparison, it would be inevitable that Chen’s 2nd Son would be lost.
       On February 28th, the day when the sun was burning, Qiaohui was married.
        Old Madam prepared a rich dowry for Qiao Hui, not only giving the silver at the bottom of the pressure box with a few precious jewels, but also giving the peas a peas of 20 acres of superior paddy fields.
       Qiaohui was impressed.
       Yue-Yao also sent a pair of silver enamel gold butterfly hairpins to add makeup, Yue-Yao makeup is the heaviest except for the Old Madam.
       Mo-shi added twenty Silver Taels, knowing that Yue-Yao added a pair of gold plaques and twitched his  Mouth. He added such a heavy dowry to an unrelated Servant. It’s really not a good idea. Mo-shi now just thinks of Yu-Yao huge a Mount of money on hand and Ma-shi rich dowry, the heart is not a taste.
       Yue Ying-Bing Yue-huan has their own makeup, but the number is not much, talk about a heart. This is also because of the special situation of Qiaohui, is the wait Old Madam
       Yue-Yao Since Old Madam is in a coma, accompanied by him every day Old Madam, accompanying Old Madam, speaking to Old Madam, will also be from the book See interesting things Old Madam, try to tease Old Madam is happy, hoping to let Old Madam get through this difficult time.
       Time does not stop, slowly entered August. August is the most scared month for Yue-Yao, because the 'Grandmother' of the last generation went at this time. Yue-Yao really prays for God, and can let the 'Grandmother' survive this disaster.
       Yue-Yao is upset and the weather is hot. Hua-li and Qiao Lan are still confused by the fan.
       Xu-Yu comes to a bowl of mung bean soup, Yue-Yao three times five divided by two finished. In fact, if the ice is more thirsty, but Yue-Yao does not let the ice. As for the reason Yue-Yao did not say.
       Deng Mama came from the front yard and smiled and said to Yue-Yao: "Miss, Ma Jialai said that 1st Young Madam is pregnant, Miss is going to be an aunt soon." After three months of sitting up, the tires will be released. This means that the baby has been full for three months.
       Yue-Yao was very happy when he heard it. He said: "This is a good thing." This new life is about to let Yue-Yao see hope again. Everything can be changed.
       The cousin of the last life did not know what the reason was, and the big cousin did not leave a child when he died. But now it is not the same, the big cousin not only entered the Hanlin Academy, but also married a Famous woman, and immediately want to be defamed. The fate of his cousin has changed, and the fate of the 'Grandmother' will change.
       Imagine that the beautiful reality is cruel, and that night Old Madam was in a coma again. This time it was not because of overwork, but because of the seasonal changes.
       Every season change is the most uncomfortable time for the elderly, and Old Madam wakes up for two days and three nights. Dr. Tang said to everyone: "You are mentally prepared, Old Madam can't support it for a long time."
       When this sentence fell, there was a dark cloud over the house.
        Old Madam wakes up more and more, but looking at the room crying, the current frowns: "Not dead yet, crying, crying, don't cry!"
       The crying in the room went on, and Old Madam was a little tired and waved: "Go all the way! I will not die for a while, watching so many people look dizzy."
       Zhuang Ruolan touched her stomach and her heart was soft. This is her child, the continuation of her life. Ruolan carefully touched his stomach: "Baby, you will come out in seven more months, now you have to be embarrassed!" Since I knew that I had a child, Ruolan spoke to the child every day.
       Cai Yunjin said: "-Young Madam, the Outer Cousin Miss sent someone to give Young Madam asks." This form Miss is naturally Yue-Yao.
       Hao Mama asked Zhuang Ruolan after he said: "Miss was originally prepared to come in person, but Old Madam is not good, so I can't come in person, Miss said please Young Madam Don't be surprised."
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "It won't be strange."
       Waiting for Hao Mama, Ruolan looked at the gift from Yue-Yao and said softly: "There is a heart." The ceremony is not heavy, not refined, but in the mind.
       After a while, Ruolan's milky mother Mama walked in and whispered to Ruolan: "Miss, now the baby is sitting on the stable and should make plans early." Xin Mama means that Ruolan will arrange it soon. Tongfang, the ‘Madam’ is pregnant, the ‘Madam’ must be arranged Tongfang.
       Cai-yun looked coldly at the singer Mama, and said what to do early, what pot does not open the pot, which does not care to let Miss add? This Xin Mama is getting more and more blind.
       Ruolan’s feelings for this nipple are not deep. If Lanlan is three years old, he will take his younger brother to Duke House. The people around him should not take it, including Milkmaid and the personal Servant. It is already nine years after returning to the village. It’s a thing.
       Xin Mama has been careful all these years and never dared to leave in front of Ruolan. Zhuang Ruolan left him not because he missed the old feelings. He had no old feelings about a person who had no impression. Zhuang Ruolan didn't want people to think that she was indifferent, so she was too good to face M Mama.
       Zhuang Ruolan said faintly: "Let Mama has bothered me. I have a lot of things in this matter." No one would be a good-looking person who would persuade him to give his husband a slap.
       In the evening, Zhuang Ruolan and Ma Peng proposed to pick up the early summer. Ma Peng asked strangely: "How do you think of them well? Put them on Zhuangzi."
       Ruolan said with a smile: "I am pregnant now, it is not convenient to serve you, let them come back to serve you." There are old people staring over there, I believe no one will say this thing again. It is. It is better to pick up the old man than to let the husband re-take someone.
       Ma Peng shook his head and said: "You are pregnant now, and raising your body is the most important thing. Don't think about these messes." Ma Peng is not a lascivious person, and it was like a grandmother who had such a good ‘Madam’. Since then, there have been no other people in my eyes.
       Ma Peng is not a person who can speak sweet words, regardless of his actions.
       If Ran sees that Ma Peng did not put two people in his heart, he was relieved, but Zhuang Ruolan did not listen to Ma Peng’s words, but sent someone to Zhuangzi to pick up the early summer. Chu Lu has such a reputation is definitely not able to come back, if Ruolan is looking for a family to marry the first willow, it can be regarded as a merit for the unborn child. As for the early summer, if she is honest and honest, she is not incompetent. If it is not honest, it will not be a trouble to pack one concubine.
        Old Madam calmed down for a few days. When the body was slightly better, he told me to call Lian Dongfang and Mo-shi, and there were several Miss at home. The grandson didn't call one.
       Yue-Yao Listening Old Madam's words are blocked, the 'Grandmother' What is this? It seems to be confessing to the last words. Did the 'Grandmother' already know that the deadline is coming? Yue-Yao was very panicked, and the tears could not stop falling.
        Old Madam didn't let a few Servant and other Servant out of the box, because it wasn't necessary, it wasn't Old Madam didn't have a lot of things; instead, Old Madam was born as a daughter-in-law. It is the most prosperous time of Lian-jia. Later, he was separated into a heavy family capital, and later his son honoured a lot. In recent years, he also accumulated a lot of private money.
        Old Madam said to a few Miss in the room: "How do I know my own bones, so I have a sigh of relief and divide these things." The original son is definitely left. I don't need a point for my son, but Lian Old Madam thinks about Mo-shi behavior, but decides to divide it well, at least she can feel at ease.
       Everyone knows that this is Old Madam wants to divide his own body, everyone is puzzled, shouldn't the split silver be out of the box? Why is there no cage in the house?
       After the old Madam distributes things, everyone knows why they didn't move out of the cage because they don't need it.
       First, Old Madam added makeup to several granddaughters: Yue-Yao and Yue-Bing got 6 thousand silver and four-piece jewellery; Yue-Ying and Yue-huan only got 3 thousand Silver Taels and two jewels. Lian-jia has always been clear, and it is normal to take out twice as much.
       Yue-Bing got so many things and excited a little, but looking at the side of Yue-Yao Lian brows did not move, in contrast, he did not seem to have seen the world. Yue-Bing also converges on the present, and no other action.
       There was some accident in Yue-huan. I didn't expect her to have a share. It was half the size of Yue-Bing Yue-Yao, but now she also knows that the three thousand Silver Taels are not small. Although the 'Grandmother' has always used her as a transparent, it is also a real granddaughter. The heart of the moon is a little moved. With these money, she will not always think about making money in the future. The three thousand Silver Taels are enough for her to use for a few years.
       The only thing that is not correct is Ying surplus. It’s just that so many people are not willing to have any emotions when they are present. Otherwise, she will not be able to get through her first. The only thing that Yue-Ying can do is to lower her head and let her not see her emotions.
        Old Madam said to Lian Dongfang: "Ting is the only blood of the 2nd House. I can't fall to him when the 'Grandmother'. I give the court a ten-day farm, ten thousand Silver Taels. In addition, I will give him the house of Chang-An Hutong." If Lian Dongbo is half-divided in these properties. Only now that Lian Dongbo is gone, the 2nd House has only one son of Tingzheng; and the 1st House has five sons. If it is half-pointed, the 1st House will lose.
       Lian Dongfang said: "The sons are listening to the mother."
        Old Madam nodded, just gave the little head, and the one left is the big head. As for how to divide a few of them in the future, it is a matter for the son. The 1st House will marry her son in the future, she will no longer care about it, and she will not be able to control it. She will then say: "Qiaoru, put these things into their own hands, this is the court of the court." I will give it to Yue-Yao."
       Yue-Yao knows that Old Madam doesn't actually count much. His father’s filial piety every year, plus half of the property of the 2nd House, was a lot of money; in addition, Old Madam had a rich dowry and got the thing of the 'Grandmother', adding up It is a huge sum.
       Compared with the money, the money that their sisters are getting now is only fur.
       Yue-Yao didn't complain, they just left their siblings when they were gone, and they were able to get it. Old Madam took extra care. She didn't have a penny in her life. No matter what, at least the 2nd Brother and sisters are also assigned to 16 thousand Silver Taels and four-piece jewelry.
       The promise that

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