Family 1

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 1   

       In the Yuan Family, the emperor of Zhengxi was in the 38th year, and the right-hander of the Ministry of Industry, Lian-jia, was in front of the house, and the ‘Ma’s and horses were boiling. People came and went, and they were so busy.
       Lian-jia has had several scholars in the ancestors, and he has also had two champions. One of them is Lian Master's 'Grandfather'. Later, he was a Academy student. Lian Master is the second in the list, and the younger brother is the explorer. Lian-jia Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are now a good story in Capital City.
       Today is Lian-jia Old Madam 60th birthday, everyone is coming to Lian Old Madam. Lian Old Madam wore a red five-blessed shou 袄, dark red six-seat dress, smocked with gold three things, hair combed a trace of chaos, beads -maid green, looks kind and eye-catching, rich and peaceful.
       Lian Old Madam is joking with the guests. From the outside, a red-clad Yatu, walked to Lian Old Madam and said a few words on the side of Lian Old Madam. Lian Old Madam frowned, and it was obviously a bad thing to look at. But soon Lian Old Madam slewing head called at everyone, as if nothing had happened.
       After a while, everyone heard a buzzing sound outside. A Servant hurried into it and said: " Old Madam, not good, there is a crazy woman who holds the Lin Young Master."
       Lian Old Madam snorted. Yatou said Lin Young Master is the son of the Di Daughter Lian Yue-Bing who was married to Luyang. Although Lian month is the successor to the room, the son of the original student has passed away. Today, Lin Shao is the only candidate for the inheritance of The Marquis Estate .
       Lian Old Madam Go immediately to the place where the accident occurred. Others have followed. When they arrived at the destination, everyone saw a woman with a long, scarred face on her face. She was holding a sharp knife and holding the Young Master, and the tip of the knife was on the neck of Lin Young Master. . As long as the knife is hard, Lin Young Master will have no life.
       Lian Yue-Bing called: "Who are you? Why are you holding my child?"
       The woman holding the dagger smiled and said: "Why, Lian Yue-Bing, I don't know me so soon? Really-Noble Lady is busy, how do you say that you have been a sister for ten years."
       Lian Yue-Bing was terrified after being seriously identified: "You, you are Yue-Yao? How is it possible, are you not dead?"
       Lian Old Madam looked at the woman with the knife gloomyly: "Come, give her to me."
       Lian Yue-Yao After listening to Lian Old Madam, the sharp sword pierced the delicate skin of the child. Coldly said: "Whoever dares to come, I will take his life." Lian Yue-Yao is very certain, Mo-shi does not dare to move.
       Lian Yue-Bing took Lian Old Madam's arm and pleaded: "Mother, can't, mother, she will hurt Lin's."
       Lian Old Madam looked at Lian Yue-Yao wickedly. At this time, she really wants people to plug the woman's  Mouth, otherwise she will definitely talk nonsense. However, she is also worried about the grandson of this woman. Liner is the only son of Lu Yanghou. If it is dead, Lian-jia will definitely suffer revenge from Lu Yanghou. It’s really a rat trap.
       Lian Yue-Yao sees the appearance of Lian Old Madam: "Mo-shi, you have it today. Do you know the time to be afraid?"
       Lian Old Madam stares at Lian Yue-Yao. If his eyes can kill, Lian Yue-Yao doesn't know how many times he has died.
       Lian Yue-Bing looked at his son's neck full of blood, and now pleaded: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei, from small to big, I let you like you. Treat you like Mei Mei. Look at you. Don't hurt my child in the past. I beg you."
       Lian Yue-Yao Looking at Lian Yue-Bing: "Mo-shi, did you hear your daughter's cry for me? How did I beg you on the day? But how did you treat me?"
       Lian Old Madam said with a cold face: "Is it right for me, I don't need to take Lian's innocent child. Will you let the child down?" If it is not estimated in the hands of Lian Yue-Yao Lin Brother, Old Madam told the people to kill them now.
       Lian Yue-Yao looked at Lian Old Madam and his face did not move, his face flashed a smile. This smile makes Lian Old Madam cold in the heart: "Do you know innocent? Mo-shi, people are watching the sky. You took all the money from our 2nd House to pave the way for your children. With my marriage, I will exchange your children for a new level. When I have no use value, you will be mad at me and sell it to Haicheng’s merchant Zhou Shuzheng. The outside world claims that I am sick. The poisonous woman's heart, your heart is really poisonous than poisonous."
       When Yue-Yao words fell, there was a buzz on the scene. The 2nd House All the family capital is what this concept is. At that time, the Lian-jia 2nd Master was a tour of the salt history, the real fat deficiency, and the accumulated family capital in any of the years was definitely not a small a Mount. In addition, Lian Dongbo ‘Madam’, Ma-shi, is also the eldest daughter of the Le Houma family. That year was also a red makeup ten miles.
       On the spot, there were still some people eyes looking at Chen's home 1st Madam. Chen's 1st Madam feels the eyes of everyone, and his face is cold: "Miss, you died of illness. We didn't know Chen's family. My uncle is still guarding you..."
       Chen’s 1st Madam’s words just fell, Lian Yue-Yao smiled and said: “Less here is a false impression. You Chen’s 2nd Son got a good fortune. My unfamiliar orphans hindered your family. 2nd Son's Qing yun Road. You Chen's family wants to retreat from this relationship, and they don't want to carry a reputation for betrayal. They want such a vicious strategy. Resentment only complains that I am too stupid, I believe Mo-shi you poison. The woman, who suffered from the grievances, did not complain." Speaking of this, Lian Yue-Yao looked at Chen Madam, with a knife in his eyes: "You Chen's family wants to climb the high ground and abandon me, this lonely woman, I have nothing to say. But you have ruined me in order to achieve my goal. Losing your Chen family still dared to sing the book of Xiangmen, the true and honest house, really shameless to the extreme. If I know what is under the spring, I will regret why I will save this kind of imaginary. A person who is in love."
       Chen's 1st Madam listened to Yue-Yao word with a knife and his face changed. She is not very clear about the matter of returning to her family. But she knows that Lian-jia 2nd Master has indeed saved her father's life, and the grace of life is great. This is also why the Chen family still has a relationship with Lian-jia after Lian Yue-Yao died.
       At this time, Lian-jia 1st Madam Maiden-shi immediately stood up and said: "Miss, what you said is really incredible. Even if Chen wants to retire, it will be a big deal for you." Will you sell it to the merchants? You are the daughter of Lian-jia. Do you know what Lian-jia will bring Lian-jia into?
       Lian Yue-Yao smiled very sadly, and said to Madam, who was present, said: "I don't know what deal Mo-shi has with Zhou Shu. I only know that I was sent by Mo-shi. On the village village, it wasn't long before I married me to Zhou Shu, who is said to have gone to Capital City to take the exam. But Zhou Shu is not a child, he is a sea merchant. I am just a servant bought by Zhou Shu, I know later Self-destructive appearance... This face is cut by my own hands.” After Lian Yue-Yao touched the long scar on his face.
       The presence of Madam looked at the scarred face of the scar, and no one doubted Lian Yue-Yao. If a woman does not despair to the extreme, she will never self-destruct her appearance.
       Maiden-shi felt the eyes of everyone judgment and even contempt, and the legs were soft. The Servant holding her is very clear that Maiden-shi is shaking. Maiden-shi is afraid, I am really scared. If this matter is confirmed, Lian-jia will be finished. At this time, Maiden-shi looked at Lian Old Madam and hoped that Lian Old Madam would turn the tide, otherwise the capital would not be based on Lian-jia.
       Lian Old Madam also showed no emotion on the face. At this time, I looked at Lian Yue-Yao: "When you are finished, put the child down after you finish."
       Lian Yue-Yao at this time, the face returned to calm, watching Lian Old Madam said: "Mo-shi, I will fall into your hands and will be better than death. I don't want to suffer any more. I am tired. Now, I just want to go to Jiuquan to see my mother." After that, the sharp knife tip has already stabbed the child's neck. Just broke the skin just now, but now it is directly pierced.
       Lian Yue-Bing was born with blood on his child's neck. He was born suddenly: "Yue-Yao, I beg you, let my child go. I beg you, let my child go." He is still so small."
       Lian Yue-Yao listened to Lian Yue-Bing's pleading and looked at the sky and muttered: "Mother, you told me that the heart was sinister and asked me to protect myself, but I didn't listen to you. Mother, fell to Today, this position, I don't blame anyone, just blame me for having no eyes. Oh, mother, I miss you very much." After that, Lian Yue-Yao released the child and squatted on the floor.
       This move made everyone around you relieved. Lian Yue-Bing holding the frightened son, tears Lian Lian.
       Lian Old Madam Seeing Lian Yue-Yao released the child and called: "Come, pick her up. Don't let her go crazy here..." Then I thought about dissipating these words. Even if you can't dissipate, you should minimize the damage.
       Lian Old Madam's words have not fallen, everyone sees Lian Yue-Yao knife reverse, plunged into his heart, and pulled hard. In an instant, blood rushes out like a fountain. People fell to the ground.
       Lian-jia 1st Madam Maiden-shi fainted when I saw such a scene. Maiden-shi was not scared to faint, but was fainted by the consequences of this incident.
       Lian Old Madam, who has been calm, saw Lian Yue-Yao falling in a pool of blood, and his heart sank. If Lian Yue-Yao is not dead, she can still think of reducing the damage to a minimum, but Lian Yue-Yao is dead, and there is no way to eliminate these effects. Lian-jia, may face a disaster.
       This incident was spread out at the fastest speed, and the imperial history was played on the wind and the emperor left the fold.
       Not long after, Zuo Yu Li Guozhen, the best friend of Lian Yue-Yao father, was also a memorial to the emperor.
       The emperor still leaves the fold.
       The emperor is this attitude, and the people below naturally speculate on the meaning of the Holy Spirit. No one has ever made a discount. The reason is that everyone has speculation.
       Things are deadlocked.
       On this day, the Duke Heir’s , Madam Luo-Shi, went to the palace to visit the Empress Dowager  aunt. The Empress Dowager  is a very intelligent person, knowing that the emperor is not her own, and certainly not as filial as a son. Therefore, after the emperor ascended the throne, she was only happy in the past. Everything was ignored. The only preference was to listen to some folk stories. To treat the Empress Dowager  like this, the emperor is naturally a filial piety gesture. The mother-child relationship is very harmonious.
       The Empress Dowager  listened to the shi-nu talking about this woman's experience, and now there is a bit of pity for this woman's experience. The Empress Dowager  had this mercy and sighed with the emperor. In addition to the words, it is necessary to move strictly. As a result, everyone involved in the case has their own return.

       Chapter 2 Dream Back 

       Bang, bang... The lightning seems to tear the dark curtains over the sky, and the world is clear.
       Under the lightning and thunder, an old tree in Lian's house was directly split into two halves by this tremor. After the buzzing sound, it fell into the rain.
       The yard not far from the old tree. It is the courtyard of 3rd Miss Lian Yue-Yao in Lian. The sound of the previous lightning and thunder did not wake her up, but it was awakened by the sound of the old trees falling from the yard. The moment the old tree fell to the ground, 3rd Miss opened his eyes.
       Lian Yue-Yao wakes up and looks at the cyan cloth in front of her eyes. Lian Yue-Yao Mumu said: "Where is this?" When the words fell, the thunder and thunder rang in Lian Yue-Yao Ears. Then a white light flashed in the room.
       Lian Yue-Yao was shocked by the thunder. He sat up blankly and his mind was a mess. This is where? Isn't she dead? The sharp dagger has penetrated her body. How can she still live? Moreover, one has arrived, one has arrived...
       At this time she was sitting on a yellow pear wood step bed, a yellow pear flower dressing table at the bedside, and a variety of plain pearls on the dressing table. On the side is a large yellow pear wood cabinet with a soft couch next to the window, and a black and white ink painting screen that blocks the interior and Outside Mistress Lian...
       Lian Yue-Yao eyes wide open, this is not, this is not the house she had just returned to Lian-jia. The yard he had just returned home was the yard where his father lived. Later she moved out. But now, how is it possible, how could she be here.
       Lian Yue-Yao murmured: "Is it a dream? It must be a dream. God asked me to return to the yard of the day, let me come back and take a look."
       When Lian Yue-Yao looked at the room, the footsteps sounded outside. Soon came in with a duck face and a Servant wearing a pair of blue clothes.
       Servant walked to the center of the room to light the lights in the room. The room suddenly lit up. Servant looked at Lian Yue-Yao, who was sitting in a confused position, and asked with concern: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Is it a nightmare?"
       Lian Yue-Yao Wood is staring at this familiar face, this is, Mu-qi. Mu-qi has been dead for more than ten years, and has become a white bone. How can he stand in front of his own eyes? Lian Yue-Yao muttered: "It must be a dream. Or how do you see Mu-qi?" Mu-qi is the playmate that her mother bought for her when she was five years old, and she followed her. She has been loyal to him for more than ten years. Until she was seriously ill, Mu-qi was ordered to be killed by Mo-shi for unwarranted charges, when she watched Mu-qi being killed in front of her. At that time, Mu-qi blood stained her eyes. I did not expect that I would not only return to the old place to revisit, but also see the old man.
       Mu-qi saw the look of her family Miss, as if she had lost her soul. She was very worried: "Miss, don't be afraid. Just a nightmare!"
       Yue-Yao moved a bit.
       Mu-qi thought that Yue-Yao had to do something, but Yue-Yao moved and looked at her still, and no other action.
       Mu-qi was a little worried. He took a hand and wiped his forehead at Lian Yue-Yao. He compared his forehead and said with a low voice. He didn't burn: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"
       Lian Yue-Yao felt the question of Mu-qi, no, she remembered that when she was in the temple, she heard that the ghost had no temperature. Mu-qi hand is warm, why does she feel that Mu-qi body is warm? Impossible, is the rumor wrong, the ghost is also temperature.
       Lian Yue-Yao grabbed Mu-qi hand, it was warm, really warm. Lian Yue-Yao panicked: "Mu-qi, take the mirror and give it to me. Take the mirror and give it to me."
       Mu-qi is a solid eye-Yatou, Yue-Yao tells her what to do, she does what she wants, never wants to ask her why. After listening to Lian Yue-Yao, I immediately took the bronze mirror.
       Yue-Yao looks at the people in the bronze mirror. In the bronze mirror, a small Miss appeared, and a pair of ink-colored scorpions were dull. The small face of the goose egg was only palm-sized and pale.
       Yue-Yao touched her face, she was disfigured at the age of sixteen. There are long, deep scars on both sides of the cheek. But now the cheeks are light and white, and there are any scars.
       Yue-Yao looked at the familiar and strange face and couldn't help but ask: "How old are I?"
       Mu-qi thought that his own Miss suddenly lost his soul: "Miss, you are eight years old this year."
       Yue-Yao murmured, it turned out to be eight years old! Yue-Yao feels that she is dreaming, how can she dream of returning to eight years old, how can she dream back to more than twenty years ago. Is this a dream? No, Mu-qi is hot, not cold.
       Lian Yue-Yao has thought of one thing. It is said that the ghost is not afraid of pain. There is no consciousness in the dream. So he slammed himself. This is exhausted, painful, and very painful. This is not a dream, it is definitely not a dream, and a dream will not be so real.
       Mu-qi saw Yue-Yao in the mirror and saw that he was worried. The moment I covered my  Mouth and deliberately smiled: "All know that Miss will definitely be a beautiful woman when she grows up. But Miss also don't want to see it yourself! It's not enough to give people a joke about Miss!"
       Yue-Yao saw Mu-qi sweet smile and sighed for a while. This is not a dream, this is true. She returned to the age of eight. Lian Yue-Yao put down the mirror: "I'm fine, you go to rest!" She had to think about it, what the hell is going on.
       Lian Yue-Yao has a bad habit, that is, when you sleep, you don't like other people in the house. This is why no one in the house after she woke up. Mu-qi is sleeping in the Outside Mistress. This is still Mu-qi found that something is wrong in the house, come in immediately. Otherwise, Yue-Yao still has to continue to be in a daze.
       Mu-qi whispered: "Miss, I still sleep here." Mu-qi is not worried about seeing Yue-Yao dull appearance.
       Yue-Yao sighed.
       Mu-qi is overjoyed, this is a promise. Although she didn't know why Miss agreed to let her stay with her, Miss missed it. When I thought of it, I quickly moved the quilt from the outside and laid it under the couch.
       Lian Yue-Yao blinked and listened quietly to the sound of the rain outside. Only by listening to the constant voice outside, I can confirm that she is not dreaming, but real existence. It is so okay, Lian Yue-Yao still slowly asked herself in the bottom of her heart, did she really return to the age of eight?
       Lian Yue-Yao Thinking about the things of my life, suddenly my heart was full of sadness. Why, why can't she die? I have committed suicide for more than a dozen times in my life, and I have suffered a lot. The last time I was killed in the face of Mo-shi, I thought I could go to the local government to meet with my mother, but I didn't expect to return to the age of eight. God Master, how do you want to tease me.
       Lian Yue-Yao struggled for a long time, and the heart roared for half a day, and finally unable to roar again. Looking at the green yarn account, Lian Yue-Yao could not help but called: "Mu-qi, Mu-qi?"
       Mu-qi, who slept under the bed, got busy and climbed up: "Miss, is this? Is it thirsty?"
       When he heard Mu-qi, Yue-Yao shook his head and said that he was not thirsty. However, at this time, Lian Yue-Yao was also a little relieved. She remembers that when she was eight years old, she happened to be back to Capital City. She had not been surrounded by Mo-shi. The future can be changed. Thinking of this, Lian Yue-Yao only returned a touch of heating. Once I thought about the good side, the grief and anger gradually subsided. After tidying up my thoughts, I called: "Mu-qi, Mu-qi."
       Mu-qi got up and got up: "Miss, what's wrong?" How do you feel Miss is weird. It seems that tomorrow will be followed by Madam. Ask a doctor to give a look at Miss.
       Lian Yue-Yao said lowly: "I just had a nightmare, some fear, you will light the lamp." With the light, the house is bright. She was not so flustered in her heart. Looking at the house again, she can be more at ease.
       Mu-qi quickly put the lights on. The room was bright.
       Lian Yue-Yao Looking at the green oil lamp, the fire of the big bean flickered and flashed, as if it had to be blown out at any time, but it was still tenaciously lit.
       After a while, Mu-qi got up and dialed the wick. Seeing Yue-Yao or staring at the house. Whispered: "Miss, what's wrong?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "I can't sleep, my heart is not practical." After thinking for a while, he said: "If you talk to me, you will say what happened in the nearest house."
       Let her solve the difficulties in her heart. Two or twenty years ago, she didn’t have any impression of what happened in Lian. Therefore, she must now know about Lian House. In this life, like you can't keep up with your life, you have been copying the scriptures for a long time. If this is not the case, it will not fall into the situation where no one is helping.
       Mu-qi is the big Servant of Lian Yue-Yao. Although it is not going out, things that happen in the mansion are generally known. Miss now wants to know, naturally know what to say.
       Lian Yue-Yao came back to the present and copied the scriptures. She didn’t bother to ask about the things in the house. Mu-qi heard that she wanted to know these things and had no doubts. She whispered what she knew in the house. The things went to Lian Yue-Yao one by one. Speaking in great detail, I said that Lian II Miss Lian Yue-Bing lost a blind man.
       Lian Yue-Yao listened very seriously. I heard 1st Madam Mo-shi. After Lian Yue-Yao lost a scorpion, she dismissed Yue-Yao personal Servant, and sneered at the corner of her  Mouth.
       Mu-qi Speaking of the end, seeing Yue-Yao is not as usual, and talking about these trivial things is impatient. Big courage to persuade: "Miss will not do this again. Miss copying filial piety is the right thing, but Miss also wants to cherish his body. Otherwise Old Madam is more worried. Miss , Old Ma Dam Because of the death of Master, he has been seriously ill, Miss can never let Old Madam feel sad."
       Yue-Yao This is what I remember. After she returned to Capital City, she invited the 'Grandmother' to be safe. At other times, she was copying the filial piety in the house. The result was much more copied, and I didn’t listen to people stunned. Get the 'Grandmother' worried. The 'Grandmother' Because his father passed away, his heart was too sad and his body was not good. After the first half of the year, the 'Grandmother' also went. At that time, people in the mansion said that she was so irritated that the 'Grandmother' was so sad that she would go so fast. The people in the house secretly said that she was not filial.
       Lian Yue-Yao was thinking about the things of the year, and heard a shrill voice outside. "What happened to Miss? The lights in this room are not extinguished for a long time." The words fell, wearing a blue-blue body The woman in her thirties came in.
       Yue-Yao heard the sound of footsteps and followed the footsteps of the incoming. This is her Milkmaid, Valley Mama. Yue-Yao thought of this, the whole body was shocked. Gu Mama, her Milkmaid. As soon as I saw the Gu Mama, those memories like a nightmare immediately emerged. It’s vivid.
       Before the parents had an accident, Lian Yue-Yao lived in a honey pot. Parents loved her only daughter, and the real thing was in her  Mouth. She was afraid that she would fall.
       Lian Yue-Yao has been clever since her childhood, and her father personally enlightened her when she was two years old. She soon discovered that she had the talent to paint, so she began to teach her to paint. The father saw her talented superman in painting. For this reason, when she was three years old, she specially invited Wen Chengxiang, a Famous painter from Jiang-nan, to give her a Master. This school is four years. Master Wen is very sympathetic and tells her that if she persists, she will be able to become a big weapon. She also learned very seriously. It was just that all the changes happened when she was seven years old.
       When she was seven years old, her mother was pregnant. This is a happy event, but unfortunately the happy event has become a nightmare. The mother’s dystocia was gone, and the younger brother did not keep it.
       The mother’s passing has greatly affected her father. Let his father have a serious illness, and he was sick. Unexpectedly, a typhoid took his father away.
       When her parents passed away, her days collapsed. After being taken back to Capital City by the uncle, she arranged for her to live in the courtyard where her father lived, Lanxiyuan.
       She returned to Lian-jia for less than a year, and the 'Grandmother' was hit hard because of her father's passing. At that time, there was even a rumor that she was a nemesis. Let her be uneasy. But the aunt Mo-shi has beaten the people who spread the rumors, and she is also like her own daughter, no, for her biological daughter Lian Yue-Bing.
       Although her parents are gone, there is a mother's care and love, and a handsome and handsome fiancé, her life is not dim. But an inexplicable disaster destroyed everything.
       The 1st House The Shu Daughter Lian said that she was personally granted and she strongly denied it. But in the end, she didn't think of the ancients Mama would stand up and personally confirm that she was personally giving and receiving evidence.
       Her shock at the time was beyond anger. She doesn't understand that Gu Mama is her damn, she has always trusted the Gu Mama, so good. Why do you want to frame her and throw such dirty water on him?
       What is privately accepted is that it is impossible to spread the decision. If it is spread out, Lian-jia face will be thrown away. Therefore, at that time Lian-jia 1st Madam, also known as Mo-shi, declared that she was seriously ill. The facts are also true. She was seriously ill and she was not seriously ill. She was sent to a remote Zhuangzi by Mo-shi.
       Not long after, Su concubine came over and told her that Chen’s family had withdrew because of her reputation. Today Lian-jia is frustrated because of her reputation. She was very eager to go back to the capital to find out the truth, but she was seen and could not go back. Finally, the disease was raised, and Su concubine came over and said to her that the uncle looked at the passing father and chose a test for him to go to the capital.
       After a few days, she was taken to the sedan chair and married in a strange way. She was not without doubt at the time, but she was already a puppet who was pulling the line at the time.
       On the wedding night, she met the groom's official. A twenty-five-year Old man is tall and burly. At that time, she only knew that the man was called Zhou Shu, who was a Haicheng.
       She was not willing to marry at the time, and she did not want to marry him so inexplicably. She wants to know why this is. However, after she entered the house, she also accepted her life. She is married, she is already the ‘Madam’ of Zhou Shu, and then go back and complain that she is innocent. What can be changed, nothing can change.
       She adjusted her mindset, thinking about having a child in the future, and raising the child well, this life will be like this! Those past events are a dream!
       But just as she figured it out, she knew a truth that made her unbelievable. Zhou Shu, who is married to her, is not a move at all, but a trader.
       Shi Nong Industrial and Commercial, she married a trader. In the centuries Old Shuxiangmen, the  Miss of the explorer Lang married a despicable trader. How ridiculous. She wants to go back to Capital City, she wants to go back to Capital City to ask a question. Unfortunately, she can't escape. Zhou Shu took her away from Capital City in the fastest time and said she would take her back to her hometown. On this road, she was thinking about going back to Capital City and asking for it. However, it was taken very seriously by the people below. She could not escape and was embarrassed all day. I don't know how long it took to get to my destination. After I settled down, she realized that she had arrived in Haicheng, a few thousand miles away from the capital.
       When she arrived in Haicheng, she was settled in a beautiful cage. During that time, Zhou Shu was very fond of her and hurt her very much. Zhou Shu is really hurting her from the bones. It can be said that the moon in the sky will never pick the stars.
       Zhou Shu said to her, she was as enchanted as she saw her, and she could not forget each other when she fell into his heart. I thought about it myself, so I took the name. She was cold-eyed at the time. I like to get my hands, even if I don’t hesitate to get a name. Being liked by such people is the biggest tragedy in her life.
       Just when he was disheartened, she was pregnant. Zhou Shu knows that her pregnancy is ecstatic, and she is even more cherished.
       The human heart is long, and for a long time, Zhou Shu is good to her, and the water drops are worn, gradually melting her cold heart. Although she is still cold, but her heart has also been shaken. No matter what, she now has a child, Zhou Shu is the father of her child. For the sake of the child, she also had to compromise. For the sake of the child, she can no longer be so embarrassed.
       But just as she tried to persuade herself to accept Zhou Shu and prepare to be a good mother, she got a truth that made her completely collapse. She did not marry Zhou Shu, but sold it to Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu has a ‘Madam’ and a son. She is only one of Zhou Shu purchases, Concubine. She is prepared to accept her life. She is desperate and desperate.
       Zhou Shu said that he is a flat ‘Madam’. This explanation is really ridiculous. What kind of ‘Madam’, where to come to the ‘Madam’, in addition to the official ‘Madam’ in the official family are all embarrassing. Moreover, he did not enter the main Courtyard to give the main mother, Lian, the seriousness of the shackles. At most, there is an outside Mistress who is a color waiter.
       Zhou Shu favor made Zhou Shu madness in the backyard of the main house. When she is pregnant, it makes the women feel restless. These people, including the main room Madam. In her desperate distraction, she was counted by Zhou Shu woman. The child is counted out.
       She is very sad, but at the same time she feels a relief. No, the born merchants are already very mean, and they have to be the merchants. She does not want her child to bear such a despicable identity. Don't let the child face the eyes of others when he is born. Don't let the child lift his head for the rest of his life. Not to mention that the child can't be called a mother.
       Those women not only counted her children, but also helped her solve the problem. She can no longer be pregnant, and she can no longer be pregnant for Zhou Shuyu. fair enough.
       For this matter, Zhou Shu went crazy to kill the woman in his backyard. Even Lian's main room, Madam, came to ask her. In fact, she still envied them. She wants to die. If she dies, she will not have to suffer any more. If she dies, she will be free. Unfortunately, her Lian death is not dead.
       She really doesn't understand, what good is she? Why Zhou Shu fell in love with her. Why can we get her regardless of life and death? (In ancient times, if the counterfeit counterfeit was seized, it was sentenced to severe punishment). Where does she have to make Zhou Shu crazy? Looking in the mirror, looking at the face of the flowery moon. She thought maybe it was this face. She is going to ruin this face and ruin the face that brought her disaster. Ruined this face, Zhou Shu will let her go.
       She used the golden plaque to cut her face and make a few holes. So a flowery face, a lot of pits, it is a scar of terror. She became a ugly ugly person.
       She thought that no one would be willing to face an ugly one. However, what she did not expect was that she had become an ugly eight-year Old Zhou Shu who still let her go. Even holding his hand and saying: "No matter what you look like, I love you." Later, as he said, even if he became a ugly ugly, Zhou Shu still loves her as before. When she got free, she stayed with her, talked to her, and told her all kinds of things in Tiannanhaibei.
       And she was looking for countless deaths, and Lian disfigured could not let Zhou Shu let her go, and gradually she was numb. If she doesn't want to live, she can't die. She is like a puppet without a soul. She thought, oh, there will always be a day of death.
       The doctor said that he is stagnation and needs to disperse this stagnation, otherwise he will not live longer. It was just that Zhou Shu had to go out to do business. When she got the doctor, she took her out and said that she would let her go.
       Seeking death so many times failed, and after a long time no longer found dead. Not wanting to find death, just looking for an opportunity to fulfill yourself. Don't be saved anymore. It may be a long time, and people around me will relax, including Zhou Shu.
       When she got to the boat, she looked at the fierce river in the waves, and she smiled. She finally found an opportunity. No one can stop her, no one can save her, she can be free. At this moment of falling into the river, she thought that she was really relieved this time.
       It is a pity that God will not let her get rid of it. Even if she jumped into this raging river, she could not drown her. In the end, it was saved. The person who saved her sent her to the ancestral hall. But although the person is alive, it has caused her to lose all her memories.
       Forgetting the dust, it also means forgetting the pain. In the days of the temple, let her put everything down. She wants to be a monk, but the teacher said that she is not in the dust and can't shave. Even so, her days in the temple are also very good. Because she lost her memory, her basic skills have not been lost. By copying the scriptures with a good hand, I used the art of the people to copy the statue of the Bodhisattva. Whether it is a scripture or a Buddha statue, it is something that Madams like. It is a huge income for the temple. With these two skills, the people up and down are good to her. She is also very satisfied.
       If this is the end of her life, it is also her blessing. It is true that God does not marry her wish. Let her see the ancient scent of the coming Mama.
       She was wearing a wealthy look, surrounded by Servant, called Old Lady too old Mama. Her memories of being deliberately dusted, and those unbearable memories are all in my mind.
       Once the memory is opened, she can no longer maintain a stable state of mind. To die, you have to figure out why this is the case. Why is it that she will give her private advice, why is it that Mama wants to betray her, why is it that she is married to a daughter, but she is sold to a merchant.
       She found a way to force the Gu Mama to tell the truth. The truth is so cruel. Mo-shi is good to her, she is like a mother, the purpose is to let her put a stop, Mo-shi real purpose is the 2nd House family.
       Mo-shi determined that he had saved a lot of money, but the money she got from Mo-shi after her parents passed away was far less than she expected. Mo-shi suspects that her mother-in-law has concealed her money. Therefore, she only took her to cover her, and deliberately couldn’t be better for her. Also let her see money as dirt. As a result, the money of the 2nd House all fell into the hands of Mo-shi.
       Fortunately, she has a relationship with Chen, and Chen is also the home of Shuxiangmen. The father had a life-saving grace for the relocation. The career of the relocation was very smooth. Looking at this helpful parent, Mo-shi still had a face for her.
       The change is that her fiancé Shen Conghao is so good. Not only does it look like a talented person, but it is also a good article. It is the first gongzi in Capital City. The woman who has seen him in the capital has no secrets. And Zaifu granddaughter is even more afraid of his dreams. Even disregarding her own reputation, she threatened to marry her fiancé, and she would rather be a monk for the life of the ancient Buddha.
       Zaifu Sujia also valued her fiancé. The Chen family also has a relationship with the Zaifu family. So she became a stumbling block. Chen and Mo-shi secretly reached an agreement and withdrew the door, and Chen gave compensation. This compensation is to promote the grandfather Lian Dongfang, and also promote the marriage of the lobby sister, let the lobby sister give the Luyang The Marquis Estate  as a successor, and become the Luyang waiting Madam.
       She was framed and privately accepted, and it was also Mo-shi idea. She didn't know why Mo-shi had to smash the danger of damaging Lian-jia reputation. She only knows that Mo-shi declared that she was seriously ill after this incident, and it was not long before she died in the eyes of the world.
       Chen’s family let Shen Conghao keep him for a year. A year later, Shen Chongzhong took the champion, and then set the family’s affair. With the support of Sujia, Shen Conghao career is extremely smooth. Just thirty, it is already a three-product official. He said that he is the person most likely to enter the cabinet in the future.
       Whether it is Lian-jia or Chen, everyone is so moist, and she is pushed into hell by these people. She is not reconciled, and she is not willing. She is not as good as she is, and she does not want these people to be better.

       Chapter 4 is crying 

       The house is quiet and quiet, making people feel uneasy. Everyone looked at Lian Yue-Yao and looked at Gu Mama with hatred and anger, and did not know what happened.
       Gu Mama saw the look of Lian Yue-Yao, and did not think much. I thought that Lian Yue-Yao was a nightmare, so Yang asked: "Miss, Miss, what's wrong with you? Is it a nightmare?"
       Yue-Yao was exchanged back to God by the words of Mama Mama, she was a pair of antiquity Mama concern, and there was disgust and hatred in her eyes. I don't know how crazy I was at the time, so I trust her so much. As a result, Lian bone slag was sold.
       Gu Mama sees her own Miss and looks at her eyes very sharply, and her heart is scared to jump out: "What nightmare did Miss have?"
       Lian Yue-Yao saw the Gu Mama reached over and tried to touch her, and my heart was disgusting to the extreme. Side by side cold channel: "Don't touch me."
       Gu Mama hand was empty, and it was a bit embarrassing. Listening to Lian Yue-Yao cold words, he asked with amazement: "Miss, Miss is a nightmare?"
       Yue-Yao also noticed that his current behavior is not appropriate. She heard too much in the ancestral hall that year because she was misbehaved, she was taken as a monster, and she was burned alive. She is like this now, if it is not appropriate, it will be considered as a monster possession, and it will not be good at the end.
       Yue-Yao knows that what is needed now is calm, she has to think calmly. She should not be impatient, and once she is rushed to make a loss of proportion, the consequences are unimaginable.
       Yue-Yao said with a feeling of disgust and anger at the bottom of his heart, "I have no obstacles. Here is Mu-qi to take care of you, go out!"
       Mu-qi was a little surprised. Miss has always been kind and friendly to the ancient Mama. This time, not only is the old Mama roaring, the talk is so cold, and the Lian title has changed. It used to be Mama call, especially kind. This will be Lian Mama is not called. Miss is really a nightmare.
       Gu Mama: "Miss...."
       Yue-Yao is impatient, and the eyes are cold. There is impatientness in the words: "I let you go out, you can't hear." She is so patient, she can't stand the disgusting heart.
       Ancient Mama heard this sentence and turned to face up. Miss hasn’t fallen behind her face since she was young. Gu Mama knows Yue-Yao 'temperament' child. Now, don't give her face, if she is entangled, she will definitely provoke Miss's left x-, and then she will not see her. Gu Mama thought about temporarily retiring, don't bump into Miss. Mu-qi was carefully taken between the two, and then went out in the cold eyes of Lian Yue-Yao.
       Mu-qi covered Yue-Yao with a quilt: "Miss, Mama is also caring for you, aunt..."
       Yue-Yao knows that Mu-qi is sincere and does not want to say anything to him. The moment she interrupted her: "Hua-li?" She has two big Servant around her. One is Mu-qi and the other is Hua-li.
       Both of them were carefully trained by the mother and were her left and right arms. It’s just that Mu-qi is more than enough, and the wit is not enough. It’s a bit of a sad eye. Hua-li is not only calm, but also very intelligent, and the problem is very thorough. Hua-li also told him that Mo-shi was uneasy, but she didn't listen. Both were loyal to her, but a little different, Mu-qi was bought from outside. Hua-li is a family in Lian. Parents are in the house.
       Mu-qi didn't feel embarrassed because Yue-Yao interrupted him. She is not Gu Mama. The moment is still soft: "Miss forgot, Hua-li mother is sick. Miss gave her grace to let her go home to look after her mother. Hua-li today asked her mother's illness is good, Minger will come back."
       Hua-li parents are doing things on Zhuangzi, and it takes a long time to get back and forth. So Lian Yue-Yao simply put her fake. The general parents are sick, as the first-class Servant is away from the master. But this is the grace given by Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao thought that his parents were not around, and that Hua-liLian mothers should not be able to visit.
       Lian Yue-Yao sighed slightly, for more than twenty years, she still remembers these little things. I remember that most of them are in the happy days of Jiang-nan and their parents. Those past events are remembered in the heart, and I don’t want to forget. As for the affairs of Lian House, she deliberately forgotten, and there is no impression.
       Lian Yue-Yao looked at the familiar room, the familiar scene, the young Mu-qi. Finally, I showed a relieved smile. God used to be so cruel to her in her life, so she made a compassion and gave her a chance to relive it again. Let her start again.
       Thinking of this, the heart of Lian Yue-Yao is also set. I read the Buddhist scriptures with my eyes open. After reading the Buddhist scriptures, I quickly fell asleep.
       Mu-qi looked at the sleeping Yue-Yao, a little confused. But I don't think much about it. She is not a person who is willing to think more. Seeing Yue-Yao, I went to sleep, went over and blew the lamp and lay down to the couch.
       Yue-Yao woke up and looked at the window, and the outside was gray, and there was no time in this situation. Yue-Yao looked at the Mu-qi around him and asked, "What time is it now?"
       Mu-qi said with a smile: "Miss, now it's two o'clock (10 o'clock in the morning)." If someone else family sleeps so late, the Servant around must be frowning. Here, Miss's interest rate has strict rules. Never sleep late. However, Lian Yue-Yao is a special situation, Mu-qi is not only worried but also a lot of peace of mind. After Miss's death from Master Madam, I can't sleep every day, even if I fall asleep, it's just a small meeting. As a result, the body is getting weaker and weaker. Now I have slept so well, how can I not let Mu-qi be happy.
       At this time, outside came in a Servant wearing a green dress in the lake, and Servant's round face looked happy.
       Yue-Yao looked at the incoming Servant and didn't slow down. At the moment, the low voice called: "Hua-li?" Do not blame Yue-Yao can't stand. It is really she can't live with Hua-li. Hua-li often persuaded her, but she didn't listen, and finally Hua-li lost her life. Even Lian Hua-li family was also led by Lian.
       When Hua-li came back and heard that she was still asleep, she was a little more relaxed. As soon as I walked in, she saw Yue-Yao a little more than she left, and her head was good. My heart is more happy. This will hear Yue-Yao calling her, and her eyes flashed with a smile: "Miss, it's me, I'm back. Miss's look is a lot better today. If it can be so good every day." Because of Miss's Grace, she can stay at home for five days. For the first time in so many years, I have been with my family for so long. She is very grateful.
       His mother is fine, she also wants to come back to serve Miss. Miss can make her go home to serve the disease is already grace. Mother is so natural that I have to come back quickly. It’s just that she didn’t expect that for a few days, Miss’s temperament turned out to be better. Miss is already figured out.
       Yue-Yao heard this and secretly smiled. When her parents passed Lian to death, she was hit so hard that she relied on copying the scriptures throughout the day to ease the pain. But now it has been more than twenty years now, and there is definitely grief, but it is not as deep as it used to be.
       Yue-Yao suddenly remembered the portrait of the parents who were stored in the study. She has already remembered some of her parents' appearances. Yue-Yao thought of this, immediately went to the study.
       Hua-li and Mu-qi couldn’t stop it.
       Yue-Yao is a person with a little left and a little awkward in the minds of everyone. Can not defy her, must follow her. Otherwise, you have to lose your temper. Previously Master Madam is okay, Madam can guide. No one is teaching now, the temper is getting left.
       Just out of the door, I saw that the Gu Mama was waiting. Ancient Mama sees Yue-Yao wearing only thin clothes. I was annoyed at the moment: "Miss is also true, so don't care..."
       Lian Yue-Yao is avoiding her hand, and the action seems to be Gu Mama is something dirty. Then I didn't look at the ancients Mama, and went straight to the study.
       Gu Mama eyes are overcast. From the middle of the night, Miss didn't want to see her. This morning is like this again.
       Ancient Mama keenly felt that Miss had alienated her. Miss What is wrong with this? Gu Mama glanced at Mu-qi, probably this death-Yatou said something bad about her in front of Miss. Looking at the truth in the past, I did not expect that, like the thief of Hua-li, Yatou, it was uneasy.
       Mu-qi lowered his head.
       Hua-li standing next to it is ridiculed. It seems that Miss wants to understand that Milkmaid is unreliable. Say Hua-li also laments. At the time when Madam was in, Gu Mama was doing his best for Miss. Just Madam doesn't like the ancients Mama has more contact with Miss. Gu Mama did not dare to provoke Madam was bored and did not dare to go half a step. It is Miss that has always been very good for the Gu Mama.
       It’s just that no one thought that the ancient Mama was hooked up with the 1st House. What is the idea of ​​1st Madam, Hua-li has a lot of thoughts. If it is Madam, Gu Mama does not dare to think of other things. After all, Miss became an orphan who relied on the 1st House. Gu Mama dared to abandon his own Miss.
       Yue-Yao entered the study for a long time and finally found a painting. This painting was painted by Lian Yue-Yao and painted in a family of three. A family of three who love each other.
       Yue-Yao looked at the portrait of his parents. Yue-Yao remembers the experience of his life. Lian Yue-Yao Before I fell over the painting, I cried so badly: “mother, daughter miss you very much. Daughter wants you guys..." If her parents didn't die so early, she needed to be guilty.
       Mu-qi and Hua-li, who came in, also covered their faces and cried. The house suddenly became sorrowful. Ancient Mama heard the crying outside. When I walked in, I saw Yue-Yao holding the 2nd Master and 2nd Madam's portrait and crying so well that I wouldn't be sad. It’s just that Yue-Yao doesn’t care about her.
       Hua-li first wiped her tears and walked over to help Yue-Yao up: "Miss can't be like this anymore. If it hurts, Master Madam can't feel at ease under Jiuquan. Miss, you must take care of your body."
       The people finally persuaded Yue-Yao to stop crying. The small Servant outside immediately came over the water. Yue-Yao covered his tears and cleared his face. The clothes on my body were stained with dust because of the shackles on the ground.
       Mu-qi gave Yue-Yao a new, plain blue dress for her. Hua-li helped Yue-Yao to sit in front of the dressing table, combed her with a comb, and split half of her hair to make a hair bun. The rest of the hair was divided into three strands, and the hair was cut into braids. A plain blue scorpion in the same color as the clothes is inserted into the hair. Yue-Yao is still in filial piety, and is not allowed to wear coloHong-yi and jewelry.
       Yue-Yao looked at the ingenuity of Hua-li, another burst of glory. Hua-li is the most effective person around her, but she had an accident in the third year of her return, no more.
       It’s ridiculous to think about it now, what is the accident, I’m afraid that Mo-shi is worried that she will be affected by Hua-li. After all, Hua-li is comforting her, Mo-shi can’t possibly not know. Mo-shi worried that she was guarding her heart. So in addition to Hua-li early, it will be a problem. After that, the Hua-li family will all be sold out. Hua-li is loyal to her, but in the end it is the end of the scene, she is owed.
       Hua-li saw Yue-Yao in a dull manner and asked: "Miss, do you not like this hair style? If you don't like it, I will give Miss another one."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No, this is fine." She is still keeping filial piety, and it is simple. Don't need to be too fancy.

       Chapter 5   

       Yue-Yao is quietly looking at the people in the mirror, pale, eyesless, looking very thin, but also a look of helplessness.
       Yue-Yao thinks that Hua-li is going home, and there may be a lot of things outside. The biggest drawback of being in the inner court is that foreign affairs are not working. Mu-qi knows a little about the inner court and knows nothing about the outside world. Hua-li is a family, and many relatives are in the office. She is much more informed about the news outside.
       Yue-Yao put down the pearls in his hand and asked: "I have been copying the scriptures for the past few months. Nothing else is left. Tell me about it, what's the situation now?" It’s outside.
       Hua-li had some surprises, and today Miss asked how these trivial things happened. In the past, Miss was the most impatient to listen to these. There are doubts in my heart, but I will still know what I said: "Miss, there is nothing else in the outer court. Just 1st Madam released most of the people we brought back from Jiang-nan. Miss, the people who released them are Master Madam added people in Jiang-nan." The reason for 1st Madam is also ready. The mansion does not use so many people now.
       Yue-Yao said after a moment of indulgence: "What time?"
       Hua-li was happy, but I didn't expect Miss to be really upset: "Three months ago. Miss, the ones left are all family members. Miss ......" It is a bit hesitant to say here.
       Yue-Yao looked up and the voice was very gentle: "If you have something to say, you don't need to swallow."
       Hua-li got the approval of Yue-Yao and said: "Miss, the people who Jiang-nan added to the people will be released. But Madam's dowry can no longer let 1st Madam freely let go. The servants worried that these people were sent away by 1st Madam, and Miss would not be available anymore. "The so-called no one is available, not someone who is waiting around, but no one who can be trusted." My own family Madam dowry people, not only use their hands but also rest assured.
       Yue-Yao. I didn't think about it before, now Hua-li reminds me of this, and then compares the later encounters. But as Hua-li thought she was not available at the end. Her mother chose her to be very loyal to her, but later died of death, selling, marrying, leaving for a variety of reasons. In the end, only two people left, one is Mu-qi, Mu-qi has no roots and solid eyes in Lian's house, and it is easy to be shackled; the other is to eat the old Mama.
       Yue-Yao thought of it, secretly scared, Mo-shi really good thoughts. Step by step, she started to deal with her so early, and she thought it was the 'Grandmother' after she had counted it: "Where are my dowry people, where are they now?"
       Hua-li smiled. These are all listened to her parents. Her mother said that she was afraid that 1st Madam wanted to empty Miss and let Miss be available at the time, so she would persuade Miss to have multiple eyes. Unfortunately, she advised many times but Miss could not hear. What worries her is that Miss is not only unprepared, but the most important thing is that Miss is not concerned about these trivial things. Now Miss is willing to ask, said that he has begun to pay attention to the outside, this is a good sign, indicating that Miss opened: "Miss, Madam dowry people are placed on Zhuangzi. Miss, Ma Dam's dowry is in the hands of Old Madam, and these people deeds are also in the hands of Old Madam. The deed is also a trouble in Old Madam. However, Old Madam hurts Miss, and these are not worried.
       Hua-li is reminding her that the dowry, and the following person's body is not in her hands. Things that are not in your hand are not safe. Yue-Yao touched the hand of the silver bracelet and turned to a faint expression: "I know."
       Hua-li. I don't know if I understand the meaning of her words. Cough, not that her family is stupid, can't understand what she meant. On the contrary, her family Miss is very intelligent. It’s just that intelligence is used in the poetry of poetry, calligraphy and painting, and it’s not at all in mind. Previously Master Madam is, naturally, nothing, these things can be learned slowly. But now, if Miss goes on like this, he will suffer big losses in the future.
       Yue-Yao asked Mu-qi to take her money. Take out a dozen of silver from the inside: "Take this and let your mother make up."
       Hua-li squats down: "Miss let the servants go back to look after the mother-in-law is already a great grace. How can I still get the reward of Miss. Miss, now Master Madam is gone, and the money will be saved later. Miss. There is money in hand, and I don’t have to look at the face in the future.” Hua-li is coming out from the bottom, knowing that people need a lot of money. 1st Master can't rely on 1st Madam, only the money at hand is reliable. It is good to have money.
       Yue-Yao heard this, she knew that Hua-li was kind, but she didn't do it. Save some flowers and save Mo-shi from spending time with her children. She is not bad money. The money that her parents left for her, the speed of her spending money, can't be spent in this life: "Let you hold it, there are so many words. Let your mother raise a few more days and raise the body." Ok, your mother is in good health, and you can wait for me with peace of mind."
       Hua-li knows the temperament of Yue-Yao, and said that if he does not accept this kindness again, Miss is annoyed. I received the grace from the silver.
       Hua-li was very happy at this time, she was not happy for this silver, but because of the change of Miss. Miss is extremely intelligent. She used to have no precautions. As long as Miss has taken precautions against people, Miss's intelligence is not afraid of those who have thoughts.
       Yue-Yao looked at Hua-li state of mind slightly sinking. In fact, even if he is alive for a lifetime, in the face of Mo-shi, who has no ambiguity, she does not have enough confidence to deal with it. However, fortunately, she now has preparedness. As long as you are well prepared, I believe that Mo-shi can no longer manipulate his life in the same life.
       Yue-Yao is packed up and goes to the room to visit Old Madam. Mu-qi and Hua-li both advised Yue-Yao to let her rest, and Old Madam had already spoken to let her be in the first fifteenth. In the past, Lian Yue-Yao was indeed the first fifteenth in the past, and he was copying the scriptures at other times. But this time everyone can't persuade Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao insisted that I should go to the house to ask for peace now. One person is like Yue-Ying. They go every day. She doesn’t want to be special now. Second, she also took the opportunity to reappear in front of everyone and let everyone look at her. Change.
       The heavy rain last night, the eaves and the roads were full of water. The middle of the Shiqing Road is higher than the side, so there is no water. However, there was still a pattering rain outside.
       Gu Mama held a blue cloth umbrella in his hand, ready to help Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao said faintly: " Mama is also old, this rainy road is slippery, let Hua-li come to support. Mama will rest in the yard." After yesterday's discomfort, Now Yue-Yao mentality has stabilized a lot. To deal with this person, take it slowly and be anxious.
       I didn’t listen to my mother’s words in the last life, and I ate a big loss. I must remember the words of my mother in this life. What the mother taught her is practical.
       Gu Mama did not dare to say more. Miss is her big milk, and her temper is very well understood. If she talks more now, she will only make Miss more bored with her. Gu Mama was full of unwillingness, but she did not find the reason, she still followed Miss's. Gu Mama handed the blue cloth umbrella to Hua-li: "Take the Miss, don't let Miss drench."
       Hua-li took the umbrella and stared at Miss. What happened to it? On most day, Miss didn't talk about Milkmaid, but everything went along. How can I refute the face of Milkmaid today? But she can't ask. Raise the umbrella with both hands and tilt the umbrella on Yue-Yao side.
       Yue-Yao walked on the Shiqing Road, hands out of the umbrella, let the rain hit the hand, cold and cold, this cold gave her a sense of reality.
       Yue-Yao walked very slowly and remembered the past while walking. After the 'Grandmother' passed away, Mo-shi left the room too far from the Lanxi Park where she lived. Let her move out and live with Lian Yue-Bing. This way she is not alone. She did not agree, thinking that it was the father's yard, she could not bear to leave.
       Mo-shi didn't bother himself for this. He even doubled his love for himself. The food he used to wear was always the best for her. Better than the children of the dear.
       At that time, I was young and ignorant, only knowing joy and gratitude. I also loved Mo-shi as a mother. As for Lian Mu-qi, she often said Mo-shi good words in her ear. Because of this, I finally listened to Mo-shi and moved out of Lanxiyuan to live with Lian Yue-Bing.
       Looking back now, I am really young and ignorant. If one person goes beyond the birth of a child to another child, there are only two situations. One is the kind of repaying kindness, that is the true Master; the other is the picture. And Mo-shi is the second. It was only when she was young and she lost her parents, so she was caught in. Once a person recognizes the dead, he will not turn back without breaking his head.
       In fact, Chen’s family withdrew, and Mo-shi deceived her money. She didn’t hate it. Chen’s family disliked her as an orphan woman. She could not give Shen Conghao the help to retreat. It is understandable. Mo-shi wants to steal the money in her hands, she does not hate. The husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of such crimes. Such a large sum of money is really dazzling. However, Mo-shi shouldn't have to do it, and she shouldn't sell her. Even if she is married, she will not hate it. But Mo-shi can sell her money. Not only sold to merchants, but also sold to give people a slap. Think of her as a thing (妾 is equivalent to a gadget).
       After she knew the truth, she also struggled to avenge her. If she revenge, once this incident is revealed, Lian-jia will be completely finished.
       When he arrived in Capital City, he heard that the uncle Lian Dongfang was already a member of Sanpin. Both cousins ​​have a bright future, Lian Yue-Bing married to Luyang The Marquis Estate  as a Marchioness, enjoying the prosperity of wealth. Lian the Shu Daughter has married a wealthy and affluent Jiang-nan wealthy businessman.
       Their family has been so happy, they have high officials and great glory, and they are enjoying the prosperity of the family, and these are all stepping on her family. Not only that, but also let her suffer. She is not reconciled, she is not reconciled, she is not reconciled.
       Since they can make such a sinister thing, why should she hesitate? At that time, she no longer thought about the consequences of doing so. She must seek justice for herself.
       Yue-Yao smiled, she was fair to herself. But now I want to come, she does not know whether this is right or wrong. It was fair to her to speak, and it was revenge. But for Lian-jia, she is a sinner, an unforgivable sinner.
       The home of Shuxiangmen’s house sells the  Miss shi-nu to the merchant. Once this incident was confirmed, Lian-jia reputation was completely destroyed, and there was no Lian-jia foothold in the capital.
       A hundred years of scholarly door, Lian-jia years of hard work and struggle, the accumulation of many years of acclaim is so ruined in her hands. Fortunately, she did not die. If she really went to the ground, how could she face Lian-jia?
       Hua-li and several of the Servant around him saw Lian Yue-Yao and fell into silence, and the whole body exuded sadness.
       Hua-li was busy asking: "Miss, what happened to you?"
       Yue-Yao was shocked. After returning to God, he shook his head and said, "Nothing. Let's go."
       Hua-li saw the appearance of Yue-Yao, very worried. Miss What's wrong with this, how can I stay in a daze! I have been in a daze from the morning to the present. And not only is it a daze, Miss is still filled with sadness. Just fine yet!
       Cough, Miss This is another reminder Master Madam.
       Lian Yue-Yao walked slowly. From Lanxiyuan to Shangfang, it takes two quarters of an hour. This section of the road is only a small half-hour journey for others. But for Yue-Yao, it seems to have gone through the rest of my life.

       Chapter 6 of the 'Grandmother'   

       After passing the hanging flower door, bypassing the wealthy auspicious screen in front of the door, passing through the hall, a bright and strict courtyard in front of the eyes.
       It is the place to stay in the Songsong, Old Madam. There are a total of five rooms on the upper floor, carved beams and slings, and the two sides of the porch are lined up in the verandah. There are many birds watching in the gallery, and the calling is very clear. Adding a bit of anger to this quiet yard.
       Looking at this magnificent room, Yue-Yao turned out the history of Lian-jia and the current situation.
       Lian-jia was originally an ordinary farmer, and he devoted himself to cultivating a talent, slowly elevating people, and after several generations of cultivation, slowly growing. Later, Lian-jia came out with a champion, who was the emperor. The literati was no more honorable than the emperor, and Lian-jia stood firm in the capital.
       Let Lian-jia climb the top again is Yue-Yao grandfather Lian Cheng. Lian Chengcai learned a lot, young and Famous, and the middle champion, the son of the sky. After the official to one person below the ten thousand people of the Assistant. Finally, I was tired and died, and I was praised by the ruling. The emperor was very sad for this, and personally gave the book to the Lian-jia.
       'Grandfather' was a Famous talent in the past, and later the high school list, but he did not suffer. When the grandfather was in the air, the grandfather lost his umbrella and was counted as a lawsuit by Lian. It was for the hard work of the emperor and the grandfather, but only the official position of 'Grandfather'.
       His father, Lian Dongbo, is as Famous as his name, and he is very talented and handsome. He finally explores high school. If it is not an accident, the career is also bright...
       Mu-qi pushed Yue-Yao, and it was all in the main house. Miss is in a daze.
       Yue-Yao returned to God, and a strong medicinal taste came. Yue-Yao brows slightly, but soon realizes that such behavior is not appropriate, she will be said to be unfilial. I coughed for a moment as a cover.
       Lian Old Madam's close-fitting side Mama, Zheng Mama started the curtain cage and wanted to talk. I haven't opened yet, looking up at Yue-Yao. The  Mournful color on the 3rd Miss surface faded a lot.
       Zheng Mama was also very worried before. Originally, Old Madam was saddened by the 2nd Master's passing. Every time I see the sad and sad 3rd Miss, I feel even worse. See it once, the condition is aggravated once. So every time I see 3rd Miss, Zheng Mama is nervous. Now, squatting, not sad, 3rd Miss is relaxed, "3rd Miss is coming, Old Madam is still thinking about Miss! Miss is coming in."
       Into the main hall, Yue-Yao went to the main house of Old Madam. Yue-Yao walked in and looked at a rosewood embellished stone bed placed in the room. There was also a bed of the same material on the side, and the flowers were opened with rich peony.
       “Miss, Old Madam is calling you?” Mu-qi whispered. Miss has always lost his mind since he woke up. It’s now in the face of Old Madam, and it’s lost again. I don't know what happened to Miss yesterday.
       Yue-Yao looked at Lian Old Madam on the bed. The silver silk is full of sorrow and sorrow. The 'Grandmother' was sorrowful for his father's passing. She knows that the 'Grandmother' is really sad and loves her father.
       Lian Old Madam is calling the "3rd Miss come over. Come to the 'Grandmother'. Let's see the 'Grandmother', isn't it good? Don't be overwhelmed."
       Yue-Yao saw the 'Grandmother' of kindness, and the string that was tight in my heart was finally broken, holding Old Madam crying. Cried in pain and suffocation.
        Old Madam saw Yue-Yao crying so sadly, his eyes flashed with a stern color: "What's wrong? Someone has slowed you down." She still didn't die, she dared to practice her granddaughter.
       Zheng Mama looked at her heart and turned to some doubts. She has been watched in these days, no one dares to slow down 3rd Miss!
       Yue-Yao cried for a long time, and others advised that they could not persuade. After a long time, Yue-Yao wiped his tears: "The 'Grandmother', the granddaughter just worried about the body of the 'Grandmother'. No one bullied me. The 'Grandmother', you must raise your body."
        Old Madam heard a lot from Yue-Yao. Zheng Mama took her big pillow and put it on her back so that Old Madam leaned against it.
        Old Madam leaned on the big pillow and looked at the only blood of the deaf. Although the child still has a bit of a thin and sick state, a bright eye, a red nose and a red lips, the skin is moist and white, and there is no way to show the style of the family.
        Old Madam looks at the look of the little son, and thinks that the younger son of filial piety is like a man today, and his heart is uncomfortable. Tears filled the eyes in an instant.
       Still, Zheng Mama is comforted for a long time, and Yue-Yao also followed the advice: "The 'Grandmother' is true of Yue-Yao. It shouldn't be irritating to the 'Grandmother'. If you know the 'Grandmother' They are sad for them, and they must not feel at ease under Jiuquan. Please also ask the 'Grandmother' to take care of the body."
       Not to mention Zheng Mama, that is Old Madam has some surprises. Since Yue-Yao went to Hualin Temple, the teacher of the temple said that if Yue-Yao is really filial, then copy the full volume to the parents. Yue-Yao listened to this, and copied the scriptures day by day.
        Old Madam Touched Yue-Yao head, once I passed. Regardless of the house, the boss is filial and charitable on the face of the boss, but the heart is poisonous (Jiang is old and spicy). Your child will not be harmed, but Yue-Yao is not sure. She really doesn't trust. Now that the family of the 2nd House is in her hands, Mo-shi does not dare to move. Later, after she was gone, the inner court was Mo-shi covering the sky. Can this child avoid it?
        Old Madam also knows his physical condition and has lived for a few years. It is a year to live more than a year now. She has to make a good plan for this child: "Yue-Yao, you are eight years old this year. I will ask for more education later Mama. Yue-Yao, you will follow the rules together." Old Madam felt that Yue-Yao was a bit sloppy, and the teacher said that copying the filial piety did not say that it must be completed within one year. As long as you are sincere, you can complete it within three years. I just said this to Yue-Yao before, she didn't listen. It’s just that I’m seeing Yue-Yao look differently before, only to say something tentatively.
       Yue-Yao remembers that Lian-jia was asked to raise a parent Mama came over. She was brainstorming at the time of her birth, and she was willing to separate time to follow the rules. Because of the teaching of Mama, who is coming, I don’t care about it. Etiquette has a mother's teaching, no one is picky about the problem, but missed a lot.
        Old Madam Seeing Yue-Yao silence, thinking that Yue-Yao is not willing to: "Yao Er, follow the education Mama learn more things, useful to you. If you get the fate, let them mention you a lot. It is your creation. You can take fewer detours in the future."
       Yue-Yao listened to Old Madam's words, it is even more unbearable. The 'Grandmother' is really fond of her, good for her. These Mama, are generally the people who have gone through the matter. If she accepted the teaching of Mama like this, and accepted it with the outside world, the ending would not be the same.
       Yue-Yao put his mind in his mind and whispered: "The 'Grandmother' rest assured, wait Mama will come and I will learn. But the 'Grandmother' also has to take care of the body. The mother is gone, Yue Yao only has the 'Grandmother'." This is the side of the story Old Madam is another acid.
        Old Madam's personal Servant has a bowl of bird's nest porridge. Yue-Yao took the porridge and did not give it Old Madam. Instead, I tried it myself and felt that the temperature was moderate Old Madam.
        Old Madam After drinking the porridge, Zheng Mama took the book and prepared it for Old Madam. Old Madam Every day, you have to listen to the scriptures, the daily essentials.
       Yue-Yao let Zheng Mama give her the book, she gives Old Madam. She copied a ten-year scripture, and she could recite the scriptures used by women in the inner court. At this time, it is naturally very smooth.
        Old Madam looked at Yue-Yao, some strange. How is this child so proficient in this book? But think about Yue-Yao, who is copying the script every day, and keep listening carefully with his eyes closed.
       Yue-Yao Seeing Old Madam was filled with a dead air and was shocked. People are alive, the most important thing is a sigh of relief, if you do not have this tone. Will quickly languish.
       Lian Old Madam suddenly didn't hear the sound. He opened his eyes and asked, "3rd Miss, what's wrong?" Why didn't you have a sound?
       Yue-Yao returned to the mind: "Nothing, what is the meaning of the scriptures just like." Finish, continue with Old Madam verses.
        Old Madam has some doubts, but sees the calmness of Yue-Yao, and does not continue to ask questions. Instead, continue to listen to the scriptures with your eyes open.
       In the room, Servant-Pozi is on both sides. Yue-Yao sat on the stool and recited the scripture softly, and the soft voice made people feel at ease.
       On the long case, the three-legged gilt-copper-bronze enamel enamel smoked stove was filled with intoxicating incense. Old Madam Listen and listen, his eyes are up.
       Yue-Yao After reading a passage, he said to the blind Old Madam: "the 'Grandmother', Yue-Yao will take care of the body, instead of the mother. 'Grandmother' is filial."
        Old Madam Holding Yue-Yao hand, a smile came out: "Yue-Yao grew up." Although I don't know what changed the child. But it can be changed.
       Yue-Yao also smiled and said: "The 'Grandmother', when the weather is good, I am going outside with the 'Grandmother'. The room is boring. The 'Grandmother' is not good."
        Old Madam converges Yue-Yao look to the heart. This child, what happened in the end. Suddenly it was released.
       Zheng Mama smiled and said: "3rd Miss is really filial. Old Madam, wait for the sun to be good, let 3rd Miss stay with you Old Madam go outside. Save Old Madam You always say that you are bored in the house.” 3rd Miss said these words, Old Madam or one or two will listen to it. And 3rd Miss is no longer as sorrowful as before, and Old Madam has seen his heart relaxed. This is a good thing for them and those who serve around them.

       Chapter 7 Mo shi   

       The two grandparents were talking, and the outside Servant reported that 1st Madam was coming. Yue-Yao was keenly aware of the coldness in the eyes of Old Madam. When the bottom of my heart is different, is it that Old Madam is not harmonious with 1st Madam.
       The curtain opens and Mo-shi comes in from the outside.
       Wen Yan looked at the 1st Madam Mo-shi. Mo-shi dressed in a tassel dress, combed a whole Qi-Qi round plaque, inserted a beeswax drop in the corners, white skin, slightly rich body, round face, kindness, gentle face, giving a person Very kind feeling.
       Yue-Yao looked at Mo-shi in front of him. It seems that she just saw Mo-shi on the high side, wearing a red dress that has a long life. In a blink of an eye, not only is it so young, but also so low-looking in front of the 'Grandmother'.
       1st Madam entered the house and said respectfully: "Please give your mother peace, mother can be better today." Demeanor, movement, all revealing her fears, people can not pick a trace of mistakes.
       Mo-shi sees Old Madam looks to Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao is looking to himself. The complex expression in the eyes is complicated and difficult to distinguish. Mo-shi is also strange in the heart, the current soft voice: "Yue-Yao, what's wrong with you?" How to look at her so well.
       Yue-Yao This is a wake-up call, and I am busy lowering my head to adjust my mood. She didn't dare to go directly to Mo-shi. She was afraid that she would look at Mo-shi with hateful eyes. But now this age, where is the hatred. There is hatred in the eyes, which will inevitably cause them to doubt and cause unnecessary trouble. She had seen people who burned nonsense live and burned.
       Mo-shi seeing Yue-Yao is so abnormal today, it is very suspicious. However, Yue-Yao is sitting next to Old Madam. She is also not good to ask.
        Old Madam is looking at the performance of Yue-Yao just now. There was suspiciousness in my heart, but it was not obvious on the surface: " Mama will come in a few days, and you will clean up the yard. This matter is related to Lian-jia Miss. You have to be in your heart." If Miss is improperly educated, influence Lian-jia reputation.
       Yue Ying is already twelve years old and cannot be delayed. ”
       Yue-Yao met Mo-shi and looked down on the eye, and couldn't help but look at the 'Grandmother' again. Lian Yue-Bing has always said how the 'Grandmother' is blaming Mo-shi. It is also said that the 'Grandmother' supports Chen concubine and the Mo-shi Chamber compete against each other. Until the death, the affairs of the government were firmly held in the palm of the hand by 'Grandfather'. Because of this, Chen concubine did not add any more to Mo-shi. However, the 'Grandmother' died, after three years of filial piety, Chen concubine was pregnant, but the outcome was to die.
       Yue-Yao used to listen to Lian Yue-Bing and thought that the 'Grandmother' was too much. Lift one Concubine suppresses the arrogance of the ‘Madam’. Nothing else. Now it seems that I am afraid that this is not the case.
       Mo-shi looked at Yue-Yao bad condition, and asked: "Yue-Yao, what's wrong with you? Is it physically uncomfortable?"
       This word, I heard Old Madam brows are wrinkled again.
       Yue-Yao respectfully said: "Thank you for your aunt, I am a lot better..."
       Mo-shi went forward and wanted to hold the hands of Yue-Yao, indicating the meaning of relatives. However, Yue-Yao conditional reflection, two steps back. Not only that, but the fear and fear in my heart are revealed. This looks in the eyes of others, Mo-shi is like a flood of beasts.
       Yue-Yao also knows that this situation is very bad, but this is the most real reaction in her heart. In her mind, Mo-shi is a poisonous servant, more poisonous than poisonous servants. Even if she is sensible, she can't restrain her inner fear.
        Old Madam flashed a suspicion in his eyes. What did Mo-shi do to Yue-Yao so that Yue-Yao was so afraid of Mo-shi? Old Madam Because his age is old, his body is clear. So now, the matter of the inner court is only closed. But now, it seems that there are many things in the inner court that she doesn't know. Cough, people are always worried.
       Mo-shi lost his hands and his heart was blank. Yue-Yao used to treat her as a mother, but there was an ancient Mama who helped her to say good things in front of Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao was very close to her. It is so alienated now. But it was only an instant, Mo-shi converges with emotion and smiles: "What happened to your child? How is it strange with Aunt?"
       Yue-Yao also recovered calm in this moment, she did not want to be suspected of evil. But the performance just now is enough to make people suspicious, and no more problems can be solved. Otherwise it will inevitably make people doubt. But let him pretend to be a relative with Mo-shi, she can't do it. The moment is standing stiff.
        Old Madam Seeing the attitude of Yue-Yao, he turned his mind and said to Mo-shi: "You go on!" She had to ask, what happened to the child suddenly?
       Mo-shi listened to Old Madam, and his heart was uncomfortable. Although I have the heart to ask Yue-Yao what is going on. But Old Madam is above, and she has no more questions in her heart. In the backyard, Old Madam, no one can dare to disobey. I can only go out with the Servant at the moment.
        Old Madam strangely asked Yue-Yao: "3rd Miss, what happened?" What happened to the child just now, how could it be scared by Mo-shi.
       Yue-Yao has no head and no snoring. Sometimes, a lie requires ten lies to make up, and her education is not allowed to lie. Not to mention lying to the 'Grandmother' who loves her. Yue-Yao can't do it.
        Old Madam Looking at Yue-Yao look, it is a slight sigh. She would rather Yue-Yao tell her, and don't want this child to hold everything in her heart.
       Yue-Yao accompanied Old Madam said two words: "the 'Grandmother', I went back to copy the scriptures." She didn't want to face Old Madam's doubts.
        Old Madam and other Yue-Yao walked away and told the human: "This child's attitude towards the boss's ‘Madam’ is very strange. Ask the people of Lanxiyuan, what happened to the child in these days?"
       When Yue-Yao walked out the door, the rain stopped. In the summer after the rain, the air is fresh and cool, making people feel comfortable.
       Yue-Yao returned to Lanxi Courtyard and fell into a stagnation.
       Mu-qi and Hua-li did not dare to bother her. Commanded the food that Miss had to use at noon. Yue-Yao The food in the past is specially made. Yue-Yao is used to living in Jiang-nan, still used to the delicate dishes of Jiang-nan, not used to the dishes of the capital. For this reason Old Madam specifically ordered to take extra care of her daily diet.
       Yue-Yao is now reluctant to do this kind of thing that has no benefit but only a bad reputation: "The noon meal is not done separately. I also eat what you eat." She is not so delicate now. For so many years, I have become accustomed to the taste of Capital City, she is no problem.
       Mu-qi and Hua-li looked at each other: "Miss, how is this done. Are you not used to eating?" Can't eat?
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "It is always customary." Two days in a day, you can't always be like this!
       Mu-qi got the look of Hua-li and went out to let the singer talk to the people in the kitchen. Hua-li looked at her own Miss, and her heart was also awkward.
       Yue-Yao did not care about the doubts of the people, and went to the small Buddhist temple to copy the scriptures. Change slowly, little by little. As long as the general direction is correct, the small problem is fine.
       Yue-Yao When copying the scriptures, no one can go in. The Lian-washed Servant is not needed, everything is Yue-Yao.
       At lunch time, I was worried and said: "Miss, 1st Madam is Miss Aunt, but also a master Madam, Miss is what happened today, how can it be..."
       Yue-Yao looks very cold: "I do things with scale, I don't need you to teach." Yue-Yao said this when there was no anger, no disgust, only calm. But this calmness means being unfamiliar. Born is more terrible than anger and anger.
       Gu Mama face changed, Miss how to fall her face. If it was a nightmare last night, then now she is reprimanding her when she is sober. Several Servant around me looked down, and Gu Mama wanted to talk again. Yue-Yao got up and went back to the room.
       Go back to the house and look at the things in the house. Yue-Yao looked at the ink painting hanging on the wall. My thoughts didn't know why, and I drifted back to my life. In the past life, Master Lian Wen said that she has the talent for painting. All her thoughts are spent on calligraphy and art, and all the idleness is above the six arts. The daughter's family's female red, cooking, and housekeeping are all zero.
       Mo-shi deliberately guided her to see the money as a dung, and naturally wouldn't bother with it. Therefore, she is a mess in the aspect of female red cooking. So that she later entered the ancestral hall, the clothes would not be sewn. Later, people who followed the ancestral hall worked hard for a few years, and the craftsmanship seemed to be exactly the same.
       With the experience of the previous life, Yue-Yao is very clear that these things are all useless. Poetry and songs, poetry and calligraphy can not live, the life is about the rice and oil sauce vinegar. What the daughter’s family wants to learn is the female red chef’s butler. This is the foundation of the foothold in the world.
       In the past, she used this to win the reputation of a talented woman. However, the reputation of a talented woman not only brings her hatred to others, but the actual use of other points is not. In this life, she will not eat the loss of her life. She will learn well if she wants to learn something.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and shook his head again. Painting and calligraphy could not be lost. Maybe you still have to rely on these two skills to live in the future.
       Mu-qi and Hua-li met Miss and nodded their heads and shook their heads. They looked at each other and did not say anything. Miss is willing to think about things is always better than copying the scriptures every day. Every time I watched Miss, I didn’t want to copy the scriptures, and I didn’t stop. They were all scared.
       The two are thinking about it.
       Yue-Yao has already recovered from meditation, remembering the things I just watched two Servant: "Who told the old thing about Mama?" If not the two Servant said, ancient Mama can't get the news so quickly. In fact, Yue-Yao guessed that it was Mu-qi. Hua-li will not listen to the Gu Mama instructions.
       Mu-qi stood up: "Miss, Gu Mama asked me, I said."
       Yue-Yao swept Mu-qi and said: "In the future, I have no consent. You don't have to answer any questions." Mu-qi is a solid eye. If she is told, she will implement it. She is now open to let Mu-qi not say, Mu-qi will not say.
       Mu-qi glimpsed, and finally was smashed by Hua-li: "Yes, Miss."
       When Mu-qi came out, he asked Hua-li: "What's wrong with Miss?" Miss is clearly aimed at the Gu Mama. Miss suddenly how to hate the Gu Mama.
       Hua-li shook his head: "How do you say Miss, you do it." Hua-li is actually very helpless to Mu-qi sincerity. Too honest, it is actually stupid.

       Chapter 8 Sisters 

        Old Madam was helped by the nearby Servant and looked at the orchid in the room. My son's favorite is orchid, Clivia.
        Old Madam is indulging in memories. Zheng Mama came over and said Old Madam said: " Old Madam, 3rd Miss had a nightmare last night. The nightmare. Gu Mama said that after 3rd Miss nightmare, she would ignore her. It is."
        Old Madam made a temper: "Why didn't you ask the doctor?" Mo-shi This is what I am managing. The child is ill, has a nightmare, and does not know to ask a doctor.
       Zheng Mama hurriedly said: " Old Madam, Mu-qi recalled that 3rd Miss liked to be in a daze after he got up. It was normal except for the other ones." They stayed in the yard for a long time, if it was inappropriate. They also found out.
        Old Madam Hearing the word of nightmare, he always feels wrong: "This child has not been very close to Mo-shi before, but it is not too horrified. Moreover, this child is much better today. "Since these days, everything is as usual, that is to say, there is not much. But Old Madam always felt a bit guilty.
       Zheng Mama indulged in a moment: " Old Madam, 3rd Miss is good, it proves to relax the heart. This is a good thing. Old Madam, you should be happy."
        Old Madam leaned on the silk pillow: "If it's 3rd Miss can open, I don't worry. Others say that I am so old Old Lady is still holding the right to the house. I don’t think. I think I have more love. If I can live a two-day birthday, why am I working so hard?"
       Zheng Mama said a few words of comfort and said: " Old Madam, I think 3rd Miss is right. Now it is August, the weather is starting to cool down. The limelight is good time Old Madam It’s better to go outside, so it’s better than being in the room.”
        Old Madam didn't answer, but there was no objection.
       Inside the main house, Pozi, who was sitting in the corridor and enjoying the cool gatekeeper, looked at the pedestrians from afar. Pozi stood up immediately and respectfully bowed to the side.
       1st Madam doesn't look at the door-Pozi glances back to his yard, sits down and eats a bowl of chilled sour plum soup, facing the confidant around him-Pozi Lu Mama said: "You say 3rd Miss What's wrong with this? How do I feel weird."
       -Lu Mama nodded: "3rd Miss is really weird. But it was not good in the past few days, I saw it Old Madam was born with Madam. I don't know if it is Old Ma dam said something to 3rd Miss." In addition to this explanation, I really don't know why 3rd Miss has changed so much.
       Mo-shi shook his head: "No. Old Madam Although I don't like me, I will never say that I am not in front of the younger generation. It should be something else. You ask people carefully." This Yatou thinks about copying the scriptures every day and doesn't care about the outside affairs.
       Mo-shi suddenly thought about 3rd Miss looking at her eyes, and 3rd Miss had hatred and even resentment against her. Although the gaze was only a moment, she did capture it. Thinking of this, Mo-shi glimpsed "Let's ask the Gu Mama. What's wrong with 3rd Miss?" That's why Yatou is resentful to her. Do you know anything.
       Yue-Yao used lunch, but also went to the small Buddhist temple to copy Xiao-jing. Now she also needs to copy the scriptures to calm down.
       Yue-Yao copied the scriptures and walked out of the small Buddhist temple. Seeing Yu Lei some hesitation, could not help but ask: "There is something to say directly." It seems that it used to be a little troublesome, and did not put the words of Hua-li in mind. Otherwise, it is impossible to make Hua-li look like this.
       Yu Lei said carefully: "I just heard the little Servant said that she saw the Gu Mama and 1st Madam's accompanying room flowers Mama is talking. Miss morning to 1st Madam is not false, afternoon flowers Mama is looking for the Gu Mama, I am worried..."
       Yue-Yao nodded in his heart, Mu-qi is a solid eye. But Yu Lei is a smart one. Yue-Yao Thinking of Hua-li, my heart is cold. It turned out that M Mama has now hooked up with Mo-shi people: "How long has this been the case?"
       Hua-li sees Miss and does not pursue her Passover, cautiously said: "Not long after returning, the Gu Mama came with the flower Mama." Hua-li also mentioned before, but Miss I don't care. This will be like Miss heard it.
       Yue-Yao is very satisfied. This Yatou, is indeed a very eye-catching. I reminded myself many times in my life, but unfortunately she was too simple at that time. I felt that Hua-li really shouldn’t say bad things about her elders. It was very provocative and reprimanded Hua-li several times. I didn't expect Hua-li to see the clues so early: "I know this. Don't move for a while. It's good to stare." Gu Mama is her mother, and it is not good to make a mistake without a fault. Otherwise it will hinder her reputation.
       Hua-li looked at Yue-Yao in surprise. How many times she had been reminded in the past. But Miss never believes. Unexpectedly, Miss has finally turned.
       After dinner, Yue-Yao continued to copy the scriptures. If you don't want to be suspicious, you have to do what you have done in the past, and the changes need to be subtle, step by step.
       When Yue-Yao came out again, it was already very late. Yue-Yao is facing the Hua-li road around him: "I want to walk." After that, Yue-Yao walked slowly in his Lanxi Garden.
       The night is as cool as water, and a bright moon hangs high in the air. A gauze-like cloud surrounds it. If it is looming, the bright moonlight flows like a wave in the yard.
       Lanxiyuan is an independent courtyard in Lian's house. Because Lanxiyuan was built by the Lian inheritor of the Grandfather, it was used for living in old age, so the location is relatively remote and the picture is quiet.
       The yard is divided into the backyard of the front yard. The front yard is the main room with three rooms and the wing room. The backyard is three main rooms and two buildings. The so-called huts are three small ear-like houses on the side of the main house. The two nine-ridged temples intersect with each other, and the part is called the huts. Huosha is soft in winter and cool in summer. It is most suitable for women living in the middle of the city. Yue-Yao is now living in the backyard of the backyard.
       Yue-Yao looked at the courtyard and muttered: "Fifteen years." At the age of fifteen, he was sold in a hurry until he was thirty. In those fifteen years, the loss of memory is not counted, and the other five years are like hell. Now she is back, returning to where she can only appear in her dreams.
       Yue-Yao stood alone and silently crying at the end of the month. Tears for her five years like hell.
       Hua-li thought that Yue-Yao thought again Master and Madam, and calmly said: "Miss, don't be sad again. Master and Madam To see you always, It will definitely be very sad. Miss, be sure to take care of your body."
       Yue-Yao wiped his tears.
       After Hua-li saw Yue-Yao emotional calm, he whispered: "Miss, servants don't know what to say."
       Yue-Yao looked up and looked pale: "If you have something to say, you can say that you don't need to swallow. Listen, don't listen, be with me."
       Hua-li said: "Miss, the servant is over. Miss lived in Lanxiyuan, always thinking about things, not good for Miss. Miss is not good to see Old Madam, also get provoked Old Madam Sentimental, right Old Madam is in poor health and has a hindrance to Miss's reputation." Hua-li said that it would be better not to live in Lanxi.
       Yue-Yao is a bit strange, and Hua-li is really exquisite. I thought about it. Mo-shi is not a bad idea. Indeed, as Hua-li said, let her live in the Lanxi courtyard, and think of people, she always Miss the passing parents. Looking at the 'Grandmother' with sorrow will also cause the heart injury of the 'Grandmother'. The 'Grandmother' body is not good, and then how sad and sad the body can be. The 'Grandmother' is gone, the only person who can suppress Mo-shi is gone. At that time, Lian-jia is not the world of Mo-shi. Mo-shi mind is really deep.
       Such a deep-hearted person is really bad to deal with!
       The next day, Yue-Yao got up early. Go to the house according to the usual practice Old Madam, please. In my life, I was obsessed with copying the scriptures. I have changed from this place in my life.
       Yue-Yao went to the house and saw her several sisters. Eldest Miss Lian Yue Ying, 2nd Miss Lian Yue-Bing, 4th Miss Lian Yue-huan.
       Lian Yue-Ying wears a blue-breasted blouse with a blue pleated skirt on a white background. Lian Yue-Ying is now only twelve years old. Yue Ying completely inherited the beauty of the mother Chen Concubine, like a Chunhua, such as the autumn month, the body is also like a bud, the Lancome, tall and slender, gently swaying in the wind.
       Lian Yue-Ying's biological mother Chen Concubine used to be the old Madam's personal Servant, because Mo-shi first child is a son, so Old Madam stops people Concubine medicine. Chen concubine is lucky. In the second year of stopping the drug, she gave birth to a Eldest Miss Moon, and in the fourth year she gave birth to Lian Tingyi. Later, Chen concubine died after the 'Grandmother' passed away.
       Yue-Yao remembers that the wedding of the lobby sister was set by the 'Grandmother' when he was alive. Later, the other party passed away without waiting for a marriage. The other party asked the lobby sister to marry the past and keep the son for a lifetime. Uncle and Mo-shi let the lobby sister marry like this for the reputation of Lian-jia. After the moon has passed, he has lived in a archway. I have never returned since I married. Chen concubine Tingyi was accidentally killed without growing up.
       The second Lian Lian Yue-Bing was born by Mo-shi and the only Di Daughter of the 1st House. Lian Yue-Bing is one year older than her and is nine years old this year. This will be wearing a golden silk jellyfish lake thick long scorpion, a goose yellow pleated skirt, a melon face, long eyebrows, white complexion, inheriting all the advantages of Lian Dongfang and Mo-shi. Growing up is also a big beauty.
       Only on the past, Lian Yue-Bing is not bad for her, but she does not say good. Yue-Yao held his fist and told himself that the past life has become a cloud. It is the most important thing to grasp the moment.
       Lian Yue-huan, the third woman in the long room, ranked fourth. This year is also eight years old, three months smaller than Yue-Yao. Raw mother Su Concubine, Su Concubine is Mo-shi personal Servant. Su concubine looks very beautiful, otherwise it won't be picked up by Mo-shi. Lian Yue-Yao inherited the appearance of Su-Shi. .
       Yue-huan wears an emerald green shirt today, and does not speak much. People look at some weak appearance. It is this kind of Lian Yue-huan that was married to the most wealthy merchants in Jiang-nan. Only Lian Yue-huan married in the past is a ‘Madam’, grandmother. And he was sold to merchants. It is said that Lian Yue-huan has been extremely moist in the days of Qianjia. So, what the eyes see is not necessarily true. Weak, just the protective color of Lian's Yue-huan.
       Yue-Yao remembered that he suddenly felt funny in the past. The marriage with The Marquis Estate  is said to be the most expensive. Can be the hall of the book, the door of the door, even with the merchants. Intimate with the merchants, I don’t know how many shorts are born.
       Yue-Yao thought of the marriage of Lian-jia, and suddenly became cheerful. Even without her, Lian-jia can't support much. Lian-jia has lost the arrogance of the scholarly family, the roots are broken, and the decline is a matter of time. Yue-Yao Think of it, the smudge of the heart has disappeared.
       Yue-Yao looked at three women, three fates. This is the manipulation of Mo-shi. In order not to be counted by Mo-shi, she only seeks external forces. As long as the power can shake Mo-shi, Mo-shi can no longer be at her mercy. Not to mention selling to people.

       Chapter 9   

       Yue-Yao looked at the 3rd Miss in front of him, thinking about the 1st House. There are not only 3rd Miss, but also two shi-zis and three shi-zis. The lobby brother Lian Tingli and the second brother Lian Tingyi are the shi-zis, born by Mo-shi. The two have a talented person, and the literary talents are also very good. They have won the praise of the great Confucianism. The two people in the last life are also promising. As for the three outs, one died early, one passed to the 2nd House, and only Lian Tinglun, born in Su concubine, grew up.
       Yue-Yao muttered: "If I have a brother, how good." The 1st House has five sons, and the 2nd House has none of them. Finally, it depends on the 1st House. If she has a brother, how wonderful!
       Hua-li is close to Yue-Yao personal Servant, just as Hua-li ears are also good, and Yue-Yao muttering to her is very clear. After listening to it, my eyes flashed twice.
       Lian Yue-Bing saw the look of Yue-Yao wood, and came over and took Yue-Yao hand. Jiao smiled: "Yue-Yao, what's wrong with you? What stupid?"
       Yue-Yao is immersed in his own thoughts, and he is shocked to see Lian Yue-Bing's face. I tried my best to push Lian Yue-Bing and Yue-Bing fell to the ground.
       Yue-Yao heard Yue-Bing's call, and now I am going back to know that I am too radical. The mind turned and the moment fainted to the ground. If it does not faint, it will be said. How can she explain it clearly?
       The people in the room were shocked, and Lian Old Madam was scared. Zheng Mama quickly ordered the person to be lifted up on the couch, and then called Servant to ask the doctor.
       The doctor is the doctor of Lian-jia. After the pulse, "3rd Miss, this was fainted by a huge shock. Old Madam, 3rd Miss thought too much, lack of energy. Now I am scared, and I am more recuperate. I open the way. Son, let 3rd Miss raise it well. Otherwise, it will fall easily." Miss's family is not good after falling down.
       The doctor is always used by Lian-jia. No one knows more about him in the case of Yue-Yao. So what he said is very authoritative.
       Lian Old Madam Suddenly: "Frightened?" The child was just fine, how was it shocked by Yue-Bing.
       The doctor shook his head, and this 3rd Miss was scared of what he knew. He only knew that he was scared. Open the house and go to see Yue-Bing. Only the palm of the hand rubbed the skin and took some ointment: "Don't touch the cold water. I have to rub the ointment in these few days. Otherwise, the scar will fall." Everyone has a slap in the face, and a little scar is a must.
       Yue-Bing heard this, I was so angry that I lost my tears.
        Old Madam sealed the superior bounty to the doctor. Looking back, I was puzzled: "What the hell is this? How is it frightened?"
       Zheng Mama shook her head and said that she could not understand. Everyone can see clearly the scene. It was incredible that 3rd Miss was shocked when he touched the second Miss.
        Old Madam Although he is well-informed and doubtful, he will not think about his granddaughter being possessed by dirty things. Of course, there are some inadequacies in Lian Yue-Yao, but the behavior is not very special, just a little abnormal: "Let people check it out, what is going on? What did Yue-Yao do that night?" What nightmare?" After the nightmare of that day, the child's behavior was weird.
       Yue-Yao is also trying to escape the crowd. This will lie on the couch and tell yourself to calm down and calm down. But she understands that she still needs time to adjust. Otherwise, this appearance will definitely be used as a demon.
       Yue-Yao feels almost open. Old Madam Watched him wake up and soothe a sigh of relief, wake up, it seems that I have to make up for this child.
       Yue-Yao looked at the moon and Yue-huan at the bedside and said weakly: "Big sister, I was thinking about my mother, I was called Mei Mei, you lost the soul. I also asked the big sister and the second. My sister said, I didn't mean it. I am going to apologize to my second sister now." I was pushed back by Ying income.
       Yue Ying accepted the explanation of Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao copying the scriptures in the Buddhist temple every day, the mind is very simple, this thing everyone knows: "Well, don't think so much, take care of the disease. I will talk to two Mei Mei."
       Yue-Yao is very weak and nodded: "Thank you big sister, four Mei Mei to see me." The pale appearance, people can not bear to see.
       After a few words, two people will leave.
       Yue-Yao lay for a while, just like Old Madam said to go back to Lanxi Courtyard. It only disturbs here the quietness of Old Madam. Old Madam didn't agree, but Yue-Yao insisted. Yue-Yao 'temperament' Everyone knows, and when they pick up, ten cows can't pull back.
        Old Madam thought about it and finally agreed. This child, this temper is like her father, it is so embarrassing.
       Yue-Bing is now in the main courtyard, and is sulking: "Mother, I don't know what happened to 3rd Mei Mei? I just took her. She was yelling at me and I broke my hand. I She was fainted before she was angry. "If this hand falls, you can't ruin her for a lifetime."
       Mo-shi is also puzzling and doesn't know what happened. But this is a natural relief to my daughter: "Don't be angry, just an accident. As a sister, you should be generous, go and see 3rd Miss."
       Yue-Bing is not willing to go to life and death. Mo-shi knows that she is pretending, and she can only go with her.
       Back to Lanxiyuan, Yue-Yao is lying in bed. She wants to marry these days, and to sort out my thoughts, and I can’t do this anymore.
       Before he even planned, Hua-li talked about Yue-Yao self-talk. Hua-li whispered: "Miss, the servant is bold. Although the birth of the Master Master is not very good, but in the end is Miss's younger brother, and Miss's bloodline Lian, Miss should not say such a thing." After all, It is a compartment. How can you compare with your brother!
       Yue-Yao is a bit confused, what is the Master Young Master? What is her brother? Lian Yue-Yao didn't respond. Suddenly, Lian Yue-Yao had big eyes, yes, she also had a younger brother, a younger brother. It was only because the younger brother's biological mother was too despicable, so he was deliberately forgotten. She has forgotten after so many years.
       Her younger brother, who is a younger brother, is a very beautiful official servant. It is also a false positive for the birth of the court. At that time, my father went out to get drunk and had a woman to serve. A woman who comes up to serve will be medicated. I did not expect this woman to be pregnant with the medicine.
       Father refused to want this child. How could he not agree that his eldest son's biological mother is a despicable bureaucrat, which will allow him to behave in the future and let his eldest son establish himself. He absolutely does not allow such things to happen. So he sent someone to give the woman a prescription for the birth of a fetus. But I don't know why, after eating the fetus, the child has not yet fallen.
       The mother said that this is God's will, and God wants this child to come to this world. If you want to get rid of this child, you are afraid that it will hinder your father's blood. So the mother convinced her father and left the child. The stay is left, but the father does not let the woman enter the door. The mother also knows that if this matter is spread out, her father’s reputation is not good. So people were placed in other hospitals.
       Seeing that my father had to be there for a long time, there was no child, and my mother was very worried about it. Finally, privately sent people to Zhuangzi, and when they were born, they were placed on the children raised by Zhuangzi. The person who went back came back like this. If the father has a son, he must let him grow up in Zhuangzi. No matter how the birth of this child is a bad injury. But now it is the father's only son. The mother thought twice and still let people bring him back.
       Although his father didn't want to be in his heart, he was so arrogant when he was in his knees, and he would not accept it anymore. Finally named as positive, the full name Lian Tingzheng.
       The mother wanted to be in her own name but was rejected by her father. Father still wants a blind man. Plus, seeing this child is crazy, not very happy. Finally, the mother will be in the name of a deceased Concubine. The passing concubine is a good family, and the daughter of a white-white family. It is good to remember that the child is in the future.
       When the mother saw him so irritated by his father, he did not recruit him to the yard. It was handed over to another Concubine belt. Let people wait carefully.
       I didn't think that the child had arrived at home for a long time, and the mother found out that she was pregnant. This is a great event for their family.
       In Jiang-nan, because of his father’s disappointment, Yu-Yao had never seen this younger brother. After returning, I don’t know why the 'Grandmother' didn’t care about the court, just let Mo-shi look after it. Mo-shi cleaned up a yard for You concubine and let her take care of Zheng brother.
       Yue-Yao remembers that the 'Grandmother' passed away in the month of the high fever, especially Concubine and the side Pozi Servant neglected. It’s too late to ask the doctor to come to the Courtyard after the discovery.
       She learned that Zheng brother was saddened after a passing, no matter how Zheng brother was the father's only son. However, she did not get along with Zheng brother, her feelings were very weak; she was raised into a high-tempering 'temperament', plus the Gu Mama every day, sitting on her ear, thinking of Zheng brother low-lying identity, She is sad and limited. Also at this juncture, Mo-shi told her that the uncle had agreed to pass a child to his father's name in the future and would not let his father end up with incense.
       With Mo-shi promise, she was saddened by Lian's last point. Looking back now, she did not know what the appearance of this half-brother.
       Lian Yue-Yao smiled, she was stupid, the younger brother was born to be mean, and then stupid and stupid again, that is also the person who is related to her blood, Lian, is the person she deliberately relies on. It can be the same with those who have no blood in the way.
       Yue-Yao grabbed it and let go. This life can no longer be as good as the whole life, regardless of his brother, let his younger brother die at a young age. She must put her brother around and raise it personally. Even if you can't be a big talent, you must ensure that your brother grows up safely. Continue the blood of the servant. Instead of people who have passed the long house. Let them brazenly occupy all the wealth of the 2nd House.
       If Mo-shi really doesn't want to face, anyway, the 2nd House also has some sons, and she can't make a fuss and go out with the 1st House, and then move out.

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