Wangfu Chongqie 165

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 165    :   Hugh book; Wang Jun is good, no worries.

Qing Wang cried for a long time and said a lot.
From beginning to end, Jin-Wang just listened, without any words.
He is not a person who will persuade people. It is not too small, and you should understand it.
Jin-Wang left the palace, and just took a picture of the king's shoulder before leaving.
Lanzhu was still not dead. Before leaving from Qing wang, he was taken away by the Emperor Hongjing. At this time, people were sent back, leaving the last breath.
Her clothes have been soaked in blood, making it hard to imagine that a person can flow so much blood.
Jin-Wang looked at her and was trying to kill her. Lanzhu suddenly had a movement. Just like a dead body, it seems that I am not willing to die like this, but also want to do some weakness struggle.
"Don't, don't forget you, you promised, promise me!"
"You seem to care about that child, why didn't you take him away?"
Lan Zhu took a breath and it was very difficult for her to speak at this time. "We are such a person, it is not good for the Family, it is good for him to stay in the king. I am, I am I am lucky, I have received such a task, a task, and I have lived, not, or maybe, may die early..."
Jin-Wang is silent.
Lanzhu pupils slowly spread, and people consciousness began to be unclear: “Don’t forget... you promised me...”
"Is the child the oldest?" Jin-Wang suddenly asked.
Lanzhu pupil suddenly tightened to become the size of the tip of the needle, and spread in disarray.
There was a sound stuck in her throat, but she was destined to make no sound anymore. Her hand was half-lifted in the air, and she passed the rest or the two-time time, and she fell to the ground.
Jin-Wang tightened her eyebrows and looked at her. She said, "Take her first, and don't deal with the body."
Jin-Wang went out of the palace and went directly to the Jin-Wang House. He was going to go to the Qing Family Wangfu, but there was no mood at this time.
Back to the Rongxi Courtyard, Yao-Niang is sitting on the raft and playing with three children.
When I saw Jin-Wang coming back, Yao-Niang was busy.
"How is the Seventh Brother?"
“Fu Huang intends to let him go to the Imperial Tomb.”
After that, Jin-Wang said things in a long way, and Yao-Niang couldn't return to God after listening to it for a long time, including Xiao bao.
Is that Han Ceefei actually impersonating? Why did she not sneak in her life? Immediately, Xiao bao understands that the trajectory of this life is different from that of the previous life. In the last thirty-two years of the reign of Hongjing, Fu Huang became the emperor in the following year. Among the Prince, except for An Wang, Qing Wang, Lu Wang, and Wu Wang, all other people died in Hongjing for thirty-two years.
Without coercion, Han Ceefei naturally could not be forced to flee, and things naturally did not reveal. That is to say, the person who knows the identity of Han Ceefei and who coerces her should be among the other dead Prince.
 Xiao bao subconsciously thought of Yong Wang, and immediately felt that it was not. In the thirty-two years, Yong Wang has made such a big game of chess. How can he have extra thoughts on a small Hann book?
Just as Xiao bao thought about it, Jin-Wang was thinking about it.
He also subconsciously thought of the King of Yong, but he felt that this was not the hand of Yong Wang. Without him, he has been staring at the King of Yong, and if there is any change, he should have received the news.
Who is that?
Is it Lu Wang?
Jin-Wang suddenly said: "Go and bring the map."
When the words were spoken, no one answered, and he remembered that Fu Cheng was sent out by him. But there Yao Niang, she knows Jin Wang There is a map on the side of the library, on a busy person to the study, took over the map.
The map is made of sheepskin, which is made by special techniques and can be kept from weathering for a hundred years without fading.
The background color is pale yellow, and various patterns and symbols are marked on it. Anyway, Yao-Niang does not understand.
She helped Jin-Wang spread the map on the table, and Jin-Wang's eyes were placed in a place in the upper right corner. He looked at the place and looked at the left side near the Goryeo, where he wrote a 'generation' word.
Yes, the seal of the king is near to Han.
Just as Jin-Wang looks at the map, Xiao bao is also watching.
No reason to let the king of Han can not help Han Ceefei a person is bound to have its interests involved, but this one is a big man, or in a few Prince, then in addition to over behalf of the king does not make others think.
Because only the interests of close proximity can make the king of Han not hesitate to expose his own nails buried for a long time.
Generation of king?
The mediocrity, the reticent, the unremarkable generation of the king.
In fact, think about it too, it is also the Zhonggong Di-, it will be very normal. In this game, both An Wang was defeated and the King was killed.
The King of King was not the main one.
The main purpose was about Jin-Wang.
It is estimated that the other party did not expect that Jin-Wang was not awake in this matter because of Sun’s waking. If you move your hands and feet, you can find it in the temper of Hongjing Emperor. Even if Hongjing Emperor does not attack at that time, he will leave an impression of his hands and feet in his heart.
When people are old, their mood will be very different from the past. While Hongjing Emperor guarded a group of sons, he still hoped that the brothers could live in harmony. From the time when the Prince gathered in the capital, Heshou, the words of Hongjing Emperor can be seen.
A deep mind, a deep calculation!
Jin-Wang, who thinks about the joints, has a feeling of cold sweat.
Because among the Prince, if he has never taken care of it, it is probably the most ordinary and uncleful third brother.
Fu Cheng walked in and said: "His Royal Highness, when the old nubi went to the Qing Family, Fuxi had already taken the poison."
Jin-Wang is not surprised by this result. He guessed that there is a shadow of the king behind Ceefei, and he knows that this will be the result. With such a cautious temper, the king will inevitably leave no handle.
"The kid, have you seen it?"
Fu Cheng paused and shook his head.
Yao-Niang was a little unhappy. He asked, "You are playing a riddle. How can I not understand it?"
If you can understand it, it is not a riddle.
"Sheng Geer no ear mole." Jin Wang Tao, Fu-Cheng nodded next.
Yao-Niang is still thinking about what, Xiao bao has already understood. He understood that he was surprised and his mouth could not be closed. Until the month and month asked: " Xiao Baoge, do you want to eat?"
Erbao also happily came up to reach his mouth, he only reacted.
At this time, Erbao had put the little finger into the mouth of the brother, and inside it, Xiao bao was hurt, and suddenly closed his mouth and shocked the two treasures.
It seems to be thinking, my finger? The two treasures made a sigh of relief, and then they slammed.
Then Yao-Niang also refused to be surprised by what was thought of in his mind, and he took the two treasures up.
The two treasures went to the arms of niang, and they grievously licked their faces on Yao-Niang's chest before pointing to Xiao bao.
"Is it true that the two treasures bully you?"
This month the children know where this, just know niang said the brother, you see Andy exposed face embarrassment, oh Erbao immediately laughed, but not see eye teeth.
 Xiao bao two treasures, "small stinky!"
The little stinky knows that this is saying that he is ‘Calling and laughing.
Then Xiao bao was also teased by the stupid brother, and the moon was laughing on the side.
"The two treasure brothers are really stupid, Xiao Baoge is yelling at you."
Yao-Niang put the two treasures back to Xiao bao and asked him out of the air: "That means that Geer is not the child of the Seventh Brother. Who is this child? How do you know that you want Fucheng to see you?" The red dragonfly behind Geer’s ear is what Han Ceefei said himself? How is she so stupid, and this kind of thing comes out?”
Han Ceefei is certainly not stupid, but Jin-Wang is a little bit strange when she listens to her saying that she has some pitiful celebrations.
Then she will stay in the heart, and then see Han Ceefei again remind him to speak.
People will die and their words are good, this sentence is not suitable for this place. But when people are dying, the more she is worried, the more she can't open it.
It stands to reason Han Ceefei should not be such a performance is, the royal family and ordinary different, as long as the royal heirs, even if the child is niang ladies, identity is a very humble person, can not affect the future of knighthood and great wealth.
Just like Qing Wang, Hongjing Emperor really hates him, but the king of the king, the status should be there.
However, Han Ceefei is very anxious.
Just as Jin-Wang knows about Hung Hom, let Fu Cheng take a look at it when he goes to work.
As it turns out, there are many things that only people can't think about, and no one can't do it.
"Don't you check it out? I remember that you said that Xiao bao was taken to see it." Yao-Niang said.
Jin-Wang did not speak, and this should be ignored in Qing wang. Hongjing Emperor Lian Qing Wang is not willing to see, let alone the son of Qing Wang.
"This Hann Ceefei is really daring, and dare to steal people."
Jin-Wang looks at Yao-Niang, speaks and talks, why do eyes wrap around him?
He blinked and Yao-Niang immediately showed a pleasing smile.
At this time, Xiao Shunzi also came in. He was also ordered by Jin-Wang to go to work.
"His Royal Highness, looking for a doctor to see the body, the doctor said that this woman has not had a child."
Yao-Niang has a bright eye and understands the meaning of Xiao shunzi.
As she did, some people have been helping to nurse before and after production, until now there are still a few bright white lines on the belly. Yao-Niang has seen the belly of several women. She is niang, ZHu  shi, her-sister, and the lines that have not been specially maintained are more obvious.
For example, she niang, for decades, there are some light brown markings on the belly. Han Ceefei gave birth to Geer for only a year. If it was produced, it can still see some clues.
"But why is she doing this? Can't she be pregnant?"
Then I only asked Han Ceefei himself, but she was already dead.
As for how Ceefei has been through the sea, Geer from the outside, perhaps this should be in the body of Fuxi. This is probably because Geer is not a biological person. Han Ceefei cares so much, perhaps because it is always because of getting along with feelings, maybe because of something else.
But who knows exactly what?
It’s just that Qing Wang is terrible. If he let him know that his son who has been raised for more than a year is not his own, it will be a big hit. Turning to Yao-Niang, I want to celebrate Wangfei and Zhuzhu, and Geer, and I don’t want to kiss the king. If it’s not for him, the ghosts are fascinated, and there are so many things happening.
Not to mention here, the court quickly gave a rude on the case of imperial examinations.
The clerk of the Ministry of Rites, Xiao Yu, cut his job for the people, and copied the family to make a match. Other people involved in the case have also been disposed of, and there are countless officials who have fallen.
The most striking thing is that in the two of Prince, An Wang was dismissed and returned to the government, and closed the door to think, Qing Wang was sent to guard the imperial tomb.
It seems that the disposal is light, but Wanggqi is guilty of breaking the law and the people. It is just the idea of ​​wishful thinking of the people.
There are 'eight arguments' in the "Dagan Law", that is to say, the eight identities, the government departments have no trial rights, only to the emperor to deal with, and have certain immunity.
The royal family is one of them, and Prince is the emperor of the emperor. In the case of reason, the treatment can be justified.
As for the test, it is a re-examination of the day, but it is also a joy. After all, when people are in trouble, everyone is holding the mentality of breaking the boat, and it is good to get this result.
On the other side of the Xiao family, Xiao 'Laozi, as the lecturer of the Hanlin Academy, knew this thing for a long time, but he always kept celebrating Wangfei. It was not until Qing Wang was sent to guard the emperor's tomb that she knew this.
Qing Fae went to Jin-Wang, and Yao-Niang didn't look at her and told her everything she knew.
After listening to it, Qing Fae was in silence, and it took a long time to reveal a smile that could not be said to be bitter or awkward.
"If you are uncomfortable in your heart, cry, I will not advise you."
Seeing Yao-Niang, the anxiety in Wangfei heart is weak.
"I don't want to cry, I just feel that I am making people. People who have been plaguing themselves for so long are actually fake, and the child is not a biological one.
Then you said, what I have experienced, what is it, what? What?"
Qing Fae smiled, smiled and cried.
She whispered silently for a while before she wiped her face and asked, "What about the child?"
Yao-Niang hesitated a moment: "I listened to my house and said, let the holy man take it away." In fact, Hong Jingdi reaction is not slower than Jin-Wang, and there is a problem with Geer's identity. Geer was taken away by the people in the palace.
As for the whereabouts of Geer, no one cares and no one asks.
Left, but where to go back and forth.
"I want to see him." Qing Wangfei said.
The long-lost couples met again, and there was a feeling that something was wrong.
Qing Fae is okay, but it is a little thinner than before. Qing wang is completely different. However, for more than half a month, he was a little scary. He used to be tall and strong, but he is still tall, but he is skinny and empty under the clothes.
Especially the double eyes, it is actually a white silk. I want to know that Qing Wang is only a little bit this year, but even his hair is white. I don't know what kind of mental journey these days have gone through.
His eyes were filled with grief that was not seen in the end. It was an almost dead black, until he saw Qing Fae appear in front of him, and his eyes saw a little light.
"Are you okay?" Seeing such a King of Qing , Qing Fae heart was stunned, and there was a feeling that he did not dare to go forward.
"I am fine, I am worried."
Qing Fae wants to say that she only knows about it. I don’t know why it is stuck in my throat.
Qing Wang stood up with a shallow smile on his face.
The face is laughing, and there are laughs in the eyes, but these laughs are just floating on the skin, making people feel that a stamp will break.
Wangfei didn't dare to look at him. She suddenly didn't know why she was coming to this place, and her heart was empty.
"In fact, during this time you left, I thought a lot, and I finally couldn't help you. Apologize, let you forgive me, I can't say it. I am leaving, there is no fixed number, what you said before. I promised."
The tone was dull, it seemed to be just saying something very common, and when the phrase 'I promised' to say it, Qing Wang tightened the fist under the sleeve.
Holding his breath, begged to put words in his throat shut, slowly took out a paper folded into four fold from the sleeves.
Qing Wangfei kept his head down, looking at a large palm into his line of sight of them. Suddenly look, blurred vision up at that moment have anything to drop out, she suddenly reached out and took the piece of paper.
"Wang Jun is good, there is no worry in the world."
Qing Wangfei staggering turned and stumbled out walking.
The voice of Qing Wang rang in the back: "Following the soft, if there is a next life, I must be..."
Qing Wang was sent away, just one person, one car.
Shou tombs undoubtedly bitter cold, though it is enough to live comfortably, but not before the return of servants YongCu, sheltered.
Before his departure, only Jin Wang went sent, with Yao Niang and Andy.
Jin Wang is not what to say always hear people, but far nodded to him, celebrate the king of Jin Wang nodded his head, he once again look around, only to be disappointed into the compartment .
The wheel is rotated quickly, the faint sound squeak, slowly ran forward.
On a hillside in the distance, the voice of Xiao Erye came from the carriage.
"Have come, how not to get sent out?"
"I won't go."
"What are you going to do?"
"I want to return to the palace."
"Back to the palace?"
"Although he is a writing of divorcement to me, but outsiders did not know and now he is not, if I do go, can only raise two children in the house, I imagine it is difficult at a later date and it is difficult, and that the palace I stepped on the holding of high low, two children afraid to suffer a lot of pain I prayed Jin . Wang Highness, the palace and asked him to talk, I'll stay with the child care, and so on which day he came back, I would Leave is."
"Anyway, Hugh book in my hands, you can always leave. Brother, you do not worry about me ......." . . .

Chapter 166    :    Xiao  Baojin Palace

In May, the sky began to heat up.
Yao Niang Qing palace from the back, his face a little strange.
Jin Wang also just and Industry under value, just for a wash uniforms, was sitting by the window watching Taikang several books dossier.
This is a look at her face, I knew she was a bad mood.
Andy month obedient and sensible and Jin Wang asked Ann, to hand back the East Room of the hand. Even a child knows that two Yao Niang recently very strange mood, suddenly the rain suddenly dead.
"What happened to this?"
"Nothing." Yao Niang answer.
Hot weather, when she comes back from the hottest afternoon Qing palace, so out of a Rehan. Yao Niang has always been a physical afraid of the heat, a hot heart operation on its hands.
Going to the bath, wearing the freshly washed hair, the ice pot in the second place, cool and pleasant. Yao Niang breath and felt so much more comfortable.
She came to sit down cross-legged on the kang, kang Cicadas standing next to her rubbing his wet hair, except on a few kang put Jin Wang dossier of several books, also arrayed fruit plate. Summer fruit season should be more, for a pattern not eat greasy.
Yao Niang eat a few grapes Purple, before allowing the Cicadas that the "thousands of poems" take look.
Looked a long while, did not look into her eyes to take a look Jin Wang, the look in the eyes of more and more indignant.
These days Yao Niang strange enough, they seem to have any grudges with her who, in fact, the guy who primarily Jin Wang, look at the time Yao Niang is not the case.
Jin Wang waved his hand, Cicadas on the go, Jin Wang dossier put aside, and said: "Come."
Yao Niang did not want to care for him, and went pretending to read.
"Do not let benwang wait for a repetition."
She wanted to violently, but I didn’t know why, but I was embarrassed, and I was for a good night’s rest. Yao Niang so comfort themselves in their hearts, coming along later.
"This is how is it?" Jin Wang pulled her knees to sit down, pull up a hand tease her wet hair.
"It's nothing."
Loaded! Jin Wang did not speak, but the eyes are mean.
Finally, Yao Niang's not performing out, take the initiative to say: "I think this world of women's so unfair to us, obviously he right, you guys are wrong, we are also injured, booing you, go Paipaipigu , leaving a woman caught in a dilemma. you do not know Comin beads asked following the soft, Father where to go. following the soft coax a smile she said, Dad went to the border to fight, I want to cry listening. I was especially soft worth following ......"
Well, Jin Wang to know these things.
Wang Qing imperial tombs ever went, leaving two children, Shaw did not return following the soft niang home, but continues to remain in the Qing palace to take care of two children, Yao Niang Qing palace to go back, it is necessary volatile days.
The key she still loves to go, nothing to go out into the Qing palace to run, as if to celebrate Wangfei a small child, for fear she would lose what wronged. And are particularly vulnerable to indignation, what thing could blame the man who, as a man of Jin Wang do this by a lot of dirty looks.
Look at it not, Yao Niang ramble complain, Jin Wang can only listen.
If he does not want to hear also, in the evening you will find Yao Niang ran to the east wing. Especially now that the two big treasure, will climb will stick people, Jin Wang dare to call Yao Niang back, he dared to hold Yao Niang arm howl.
Howl too earth-shattering, Jin Wang can only Samsam and go.
Today, a large two small, is not to offend. Really Moral Degeneration, Renxinbugu, he is accustomed to!
Jin Wang inexplicable there is a sigh. To keep ears suffer, but also to get a few little cold, he suddenly interrupted:. "By the way, forgot to tell you something, Fu Huang reopened on the study, let all go to the library to study Huangsun more than five years old If you are under ten, you have to go."
Yao Niang stunned for a moment, these things have anything to do with them.
Jin Wang also said: "Fu Huang specifically point to let Andy go."
"Andy just how much?!" She immediately closed Samsam mouth, Andy is small, can also been out of the limelight in front of Hong Jingdi, Now that enlightenment, should also go to the library to study.
"In fact, you teach it fine."
The problem is that Xiao bao has recently been particularly dissatisfied with discipline. When he did not come in the past month, he could concentrate on his work, and he would like to study and write big characters. Small little people children, even the brush to hold on, but also to practice on a few pages of characters every day. Hard to let Yao Niang feel ashamed Khan, however, can only work harder trying to avoid being the son behind.
Can come from the month of the month, Xiao bao is lazy.
With the moon and the moon, playing with the tricks, the book is naturally thrown behind the head.
Jin Wang has not forced him, after his son is still small, and therefore Yao Niang progress before they catch up with Andy.
"Then you said he would be willing?"
This is not nonsense, the king wants to die, and the minister has to die. Emperor lit to let you go to school, that's flattering that fancy, you do not have the qualifications?
To know Hong Jingdi said this time, Wang Yong, a few king, envious eyes were red beads, is brought because let Andy go to school, will have re-opened after the study on the matter.
Of course, children playing shamelessly, and then again a year or tow, is not impossible.
The problem is that this is not the style of Xiao bao.
After a small Bora, and really can not tell refuses to do so, let alone shamelessly.
It can only go up.
After things finished, they led Andy back to the East Room of the month, month and at the moment the mood is not very good.
" Xiao Baoge, you go to the palace to study, then what should I do?"
 Xiao bao is also worried about this matter. He will only return when he goes for a long time, and he will be bored at home.
"Otherwise I told the emperor 'Laozi talk, you have to bring?"
Month did not ask can not do, but nodded his head, revealing a big smile.
In her heart, Xiao Bao Ji is omnipotent.
Little do they know she was all-powerful brother Andy, are worried about how to convince Hong Jingdi.
Later, he thought it would convince Hong Jingdi, it is better to persuade his Father niang. It’s time for him to come and play, and then play tricks, things will definitely happen.
So Andy go first month and the two treasures play, turned himself go and Jin Wang Yao Niang said, Yao Niang disagree reason with him, Jin Wang is sit and watch.
"Niang, if you do not agree, I do not go to school the palace."
For the month, Andy is extremely do anything, seeing verbal Shuifubule, he was lying on the kang hands and feet hurt too much trouble. This move is with the two treasure learned, two treasure every time a Yongzhe Zhao, who candidly admit defeat.
Also Yao Niang is too strong, do not look her usual soft, but also know that such a thing can not be a joke, so they are not promoted.
This is the first time so Andy trouble, Yao Niang ignorant, could not help but see Jin Wang.
Jin Wang sneer: "You played it up!"
Can't get up! Xiao bao also came to the temper, and his hands and feet fell more and more vigorously. He wowed in his mouth, but he was actually dry and had no tears.
Here Jin Wang did not get involved, there came the month to hear the movement, and not the door, cried: "brother Andy, how do you?"
This can be a shame, Xiao bao is also afraid of losing face and specifically let the moon and moon go away, which knows that the trouble is too big, or the other side is attracted.
Andy blushing, turn over and lie on the kang Chouchoudada, which is really tears at the beads.
But not gas, is shame, and it is intentional.
"Niang "
Yao Niang Where have I seen such a son, immediately closed and said: "Ok, niang promise you."
Andy timidly to see Jin Wang, Yao Niang looked down, Jin Wang black face, mouth fast immediately and said: "You Father there, niang it."
She patted her chest to ensure that the two small hands held hands again, and it was her turn to face a big black face.
Yao Niang also know that he promised too fast, can
"Your Highness, you see ......"
Jin Wang did not want to see, that do not want.

Chapter 167    :   What happened to your little master? The young master is beaten, and the little master still tells you!

Next morning, Andy month and dressed neatly, let Yao Niang out the door.
Jin Wang did not go on value today, because he has to send two Andy palace.
Sitting in the carriage all the way into the palace, Jin Wang led the two have not come to the small study, it is renowned for the king led several children walking in the palace trail. Not only to the age of qi Geer, Xi Geer Geer margin less than four years old and less than three years old are coming.
King stopped, and Jin Wang greeting: "Troop."
Jin Wang nodded, and looked at Geer Xi Yu Geer.
The king smiled and said: "This is not to say let Fu Huang Chen Geer into the study, I thought the house was made almost two kid into Japanese Lippi was on the house mortgage watts, wanted to be brought together, but left there Teacher governing, can always be better. "
Jin Wang silent.
Although the king when he said he was in fact the name of any ideas, Jin Wang clear, Andy clearly. Andy know for sure this would happen, yesterday promised to take only month the palace.
"Troop, you also how it brought a baby girl?"
Wait Jin Wang speak, Andy month on holding hands and said: "I talked to one month."
King should laugh, that toddlers toddlers, behaved again evildoer, he is fundamentally a little wanderers. He could not help thinking despite his obstruction of wives, two small non-take with the palace, in the end is not some superfluous
However, this idea did not last long, Wang Yong in to see the goodness Geer, on behalf of the Royal enthalpy Geer, Ann Wang Hao Geer, Lu and Wang Xuan of Geer, the size of these little guys have not aged all came, the king suddenly do not think so.
Emperor Hongjing had just descended from the country. This was a meeting of several ministers. At first sight, this was the case.
The ministers waited and called the king and others.
Lu and most active, up on the said:. "Fu Huang, Er Chen do you see such a home is Xuan Geer, this kid is that you know, Pete lawlessness Er Chen thought, how much can not go wrong anyway, it is better to let sent Shifu discipline to discipline. "
When this statement came out, it attracted people such as Yong Wang and Wu Wang.
Sat on the throne of Hong Jingdi attitude is not significant, glanced below Jin Wang, nodded his month: "What are you?"
Jin Wang did not speak, but added before Andy said: "Emperor 'Laozi, a month and I want to study up on the school."
"She a baby girl ......"
"Baby girl also studying ah, Father always taught at home niang school."
This statement came out, everyone looked over, I did not expect always been indifferent decent Jin Wang also understand this appeal.
Even thick-skinned as iron like Jin Wang, also can not help but shyly. He couldn't help but cough and coughed, and cried, "I don't want to talk nonsense."
Andy is no longer speak, but chubby little face filled with grievances, clearly is a strong threat Darens only condescend.
Sitting on top of Hong Jingdi found that the grandson of expression is very rich, generally like him so much older toddlers, are muddle of childish innocence. He, too, is a small but clever, clever outrageous, but also look at Darens face.
Be smart again, still a little baby. Hongjing Emperor looked at the moon and moon standing next to him, and he sighed in his heart, and then thought about how old Xiao bao was, and thought that if this grandson could really do everything, he would erase the childlike heart, he still I really want to question whether those people were instructed by Darens or the children themselves. In the end, it was relieved, but it was relieved.
Emperor Hongjing smashed some of the foreheads of the rising pain: "If you miss, read it. You know the rules of the study. If you can't suffer, you will get back early."
Lu Wang busy with a smile: ". Fu Huang, certainly will not."
There are a few other families, and his family is like this, how can he stay.
Did not talk much, Jin Wang a few were brought out to own brats, confessed a few words, and ordered the servant optimistic about it. Said Wang Yong had a few really ready to complete a toddlers around with two people, a eunuch, a maid, how enough beck and call.
Andy was around naturally, that is, Cicadas and dark XI.
Could have been his close protection dark ten, ten looks too dark can be rough, it can not play a eunuch, can only be dark eleven.
Jin Wang a few left, Li Germany led the whole was ordered to go on a few small Huangsun study. Den located on the east side of the South dry clean door veranda, Miankuo five, but this is extremely spacious five of five.
When Andy and others to several palace slightly older children already in school on the inside.
Li Germany-wide total Shifu call from the inside out, the Hong Jingdi oral instructions say it again. Hong Jingdi means that open up a place, and a few small Wazi one alone, let a Teacher to teach with.
This total is called Shifu cases, animal husbandry, but the Imperial Academy-shi Du degree, while concurrently the Cabinet Wenhua Dian scholar, can be considered a highly respected and knowledgeable. He led the Hong Jingdi oral instructions, let alone the provision of a eunuch palace, put tables and chairs inside, yet it led to Andy a few high tables errands children into it.
He was not himself, but by alternates to the Imperial Academy-shi Jiang Hong Yu taught this one. .
This flood is very serious. I also know that the professor Xiao huang Sun’s studies can’t be neglected. I have asked about the enlightenment of Xiao bao people. I learned that except for Xiao bao enlightenment, others have not yet enlightened, and they can only smile.
Hong Yu began to teach from the Three Characters. As for Xiao Bao, he taught him the things on the thousands of poems.
At this time the school is very boring, all starting from the endorsement. Teacher read it, along with the following small Huangsun read it over and over again gradually accumulate, and then let the small Huangsun own back. Can be back, familiar, and teach the following.
School for almost half an hour, see below has already been a few small Huangsun sit still, Hung Yu then announced a break.
Each side of the eunuch maids into the inside, the snack is a snack, drink water. Resting for almost a quarter of an hour before I started.
However, compared to the previous seriousness, it is clear that the patience of several small Prince has been running out. One by one, sitting under the buttocks, they have to move from time to time, and they keep looking out.
In fact, I can also think of this younger baby, the greater interest is to play.
The reason may be able to down before, the one just explained to the father, and partly to the initial rise.
Now that the interest is gone, I can’t sit still.
Hung Yu standing on top of looking around, it was only Jin Wang Fu family's small Huang Sun, and the little baby girl is actually quite serious. Before scholar thought and what he says, Hung Yu pretty relieved, knowing the serious professor but Jin Wang Fu Huang Sun's small, but other people are reading to accompany the Crown Prince.
After learning for a while, some people went out to play. Not to play on the downtown, their palace eunuchs how to coax will not only let him out. Went to a, naturally, the next, or even someone Hupenghuanyou. So a total of seven people, plus eight month, now only Andy month, forever the good Geer Palace and on behalf of the Royal enthalpy Geer.
So half an hour to learn, rest a quarter of an hour, until noon meal, before announcing the end of the flood risk.
But small Huangsun can not go home, run out of lunch can rest a half hour, followed by afternoon.
Wait until the afternoon, in addition to Andy and Yong palace of good Geer, everyone else ran out to play. Month did not go, but can sit here every month, more obedient, rather than what to learn.
Shen when more than half of their eviction to go home, because today is the first time Andy palace reading, Yao Niang personally came to pick him up at the palace gates.
"But okay? Has anyone bully you? If someone bullied you, you just niang said, niang tell you Father said."
Andy Hsin Tao, its too much trouble, he might as well with Emperor 'Laozi said.
But certainly will not face such a performance, but obediently say no one bullied, say Shifu good, noon to eat good, not tired, there is nothing like dessert.
This is also something close to Jin Wang at the value of the time, Yao Niang simply let the carriage drove Industry, intends to take Jin Wang to go back to the House.
So which lasted several days, Jin Wang has experienced a treatment is to take over the value of people.
On the way back, Andy seemed nothing instituted Yan Geer, asked how he did not go today.
This topic a bit heavy, Jin Wang do with Andy said, because the Father is not in, so naturally no one to fight this thing, and Hong Jingdi not got the idea, put Yan Geer ignored. Yan Geer also more than four years old, and supposedly can go to the library studying.
Jin Wang saw Yao Niang one, Yao Niang hint nodded, going to celebrate tomorrow on a trip to the palace.
At the same time, several Wangfu almost know the performance of their children in the study today.
The older children don’t mention it, they are already sensible, and naturally know how to restrain themselves. As a small, not study hard, clamor to go out and play, without exception suffer the penalty.
Xuan Geer punished especially the most important, because others in that he cried out with a study Hupenghuanyou play, naturally count on him.
Lu Wang has always been a violent temper, but never a finger to survive Xuan Geer, today a rare move his hand, Xuan Geer small-ass severely hit by two hand. Lu Wangfei if not stopping, and say not to go broke tomorrow on the study, it is estimated Xuan Geer also suffer a few.
The next day, when the Father did not come, that is, each led a small palace large Geer Geer came with a horse and carriage.
Today may not be the same as yesterday, yesterday was the first day, starting today these small Huang Sun, who must catch up before the chenshi to the study.
This is because they do not Huangsun lived in the palace, the road will inevitably delay, as before, Jin Wang these Prince they go to study, are from Yin Shi, Mao-shi before they go on the study, had never been seen all day yet light it.
Xuan Geer today particularly unpleasant, Andy can see it from his face, the other a few are also listless head Da brain.
He was quite curious how, and asked the Xuan Geer sentence.
Xuan Geer could not help her sorrow, rubbing his eyes pumping ride out loud, but stubborn words: "You control how the Xiao Ye Xiao Ye beaten, Xiao Ye even told you say?!"

Chapter 168    :   Brother and brother, Christine, get along and be awkward

Andy puff bared laugh about, month and smiled.
Next few listless head Da brain Geer laughed.
Xuan laughed Geer was angry, and scolded: "! What are you laughing laugh, then laugh Xiao Ye beat you."
He was so tempted to take a ride, so annoyed, he angered his nose. Bright white liquid hung above his lips, his hand casually touch, wanted soared Zouren, unfortunately ass too painful, but added a bit lame.
We want to laugh, he was always good with Xi Geer Coushang appease him, "We do not laugh at you, you certainly Aixun home yesterday, I was."
Then, Xi Geer sadly hangs its head, pathetic.
Mentioning the matter, a few are also similar in appearance, which also have to go to Gu Xuan laughed Geer.
Andy eyes flash, too hard with a little face: "So you also Aixun, I am also ah."
"You Aixun up?" Aixun several small dumpling came up, enthalpy Geer than four other clever little doubt open a pair of Dan Fengyan, "you must have lied, we go back Aixun, father are taking you ...... " 'you take' he did not say it back," anyway, you are lying. "
"Aixun this matter can lie? You show me a Caesar."
Do not look sensible enthalpy Geer than several other, in the end was a child, then naturally not on the incumbent. And yesterday and Andy behave good good Geer, is sit and watch these people.
"So you Aixun, and I will not beat you up. I'm the worst, I said I was in the den Father mischief, beating me, the moment ass still hurt." Xuan rubbed Geer ass road.
Andy make a surprise appearance: "You can murderer Father, my Father is training your ass still hurt me a few words here I do not have cream, usually wrestling hit, rub it It does not hurt anymore.?."
"I niang gave me medicine, is still painful."
"Then I lend you use the ointment."
Said here, there Xuan Geer's personal eunuch small Xizi already came up and said: "Xi Chen gongzi, and I here with medicine it Wangfei Niang said when Niang out every hour to a small gongzi. After rubbing it, you won't need yours."
Geer replied: "If you want more words, Xiao ye won't say it myself!" and asked Xiao bao: "Is this medicine useful? I don't seem to use it for my niang." This young guy is the most I hate that others are more and more embarrassed, as if he does not seem to speak.
"Definitely useful."
"Then you lend me a used, I certainly can not take this ass a little later. I Father too hard, and I was over the palace let me go to school."
poor child. Andy Geer Xuan suddenly found particularly funny, I used to think he is a little bully and rude and unreasonable, and now listen to him one a Xiao ye, lovely appearance never mind.
 Xiao bao reached out to the dark eleven, and the dark eleven, who was dressed as an eunuch, took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to him.
 Xiao Bao Xuan porcelain to Geer.
Xuan Geer Naoliao under his head, as do: "You give me, I can not erase."
Andy helping others: "We can help you."
"Well, I can see this."
Then a few small gangs went to the place to help Geer wipe the medicine. Xiao xizi wanted to be smashed back by Geer. I want to follow the moon, let Yu Yu give it away.
"Guniang, not the past."
This study on the front of the block without shelter, no way Andy Several surrounded by a circle in a corner, help Xuan Geer blocked.
"You're faster, wait a minute Teacher sure to come."
Xuan Geer immediately dragged his pants, exposing a small butt cheeks.
Andy gave him this agile look, scared hop.
"Let's hurry up, honing what."
Several small groups are watching Xiao bao, they will not take medicine for people. Andy This touched on the nose to go to Xuan Geer Cayao, he dug a lump of cream, applied to the buttocks Geer Xuan, Xuan Geer grimace in pain, and want to cry: "My Father Zhenhen ah ......"
 Xiao Gan walked over and saw such a situation: "What are the young Prince doing?"
Several small dumpling panic, urging Xuan Hao Geer Geer, the more the more reminders Xuan Geer could not get the pants, that he would not wear pants, it will only take off.
 Xiao bao had no choice but to help him tie the belt three times and two times. Several talents rushed to the front of the hall and lined up in a row.
"Teacher is good."
In the big dry calendar, the respect of the teacher is the same, even if it is the same as the emperor and grandson. I learned the three-character scriptures yesterday morning, and in the afternoon, the Emperor Hongjing sent a message to teach the little guys the rules. Go with the times, today they do remember, also seems like kind of mold.
 Xiao Gan nodded, and the Hanlin Academy sent people to teach the Prince and grandchildren in turn. It is just the turn of him today.
He took the lead into the hall, with only a few small dumpling filed into the room in the back.
Between walking, Xuan secretly and Andy Geer said: "Your medicine really works, I'll follow hello, and play all with you."
Andy quietly take a look at him a glance, but for not want to be marginalized as a rarity, not afraid month was bullied for no reason, when he patiently coax the little broken child.
The little broken child still did not consciously ask: "Why don't you talk."
Andy can only answer: "go fast, do not let Teacher waited."
Because Xuan Andy Geer and good, Comin back Andy is no longer like yesterday, only he and month to play.
Xuan Geer has two attendant, home of the king two small gongzi, Yu and Xi Geer Geer. Since Andy Geer and Xuan good at, and they are naturally good at Andy. As Hao and John Geer Geer, unlike his Father Ann Geer Hao Wang is a wily, but rather like a silly sweet white doll, obviously larger than Xuan Geer, but most prefer followed Xuan Geer ass.
Geer is still somewhat unwilling, but it is because of coercion Geer said, look down on Xiao Bao, is to look down on Xiao ye. Can only accept the Xiao bao.
For good or a solitary appearance Geer, who do not want to know you. Andy, after all, Darens of Rangzi, may not trouble you do not play with me, I do not play with you means naive, the idea is to call him once, but good Geer simply ignore him.
 Xiao bao is not angry, but Geer is annoyed. He believes that Xiao bao is now under the protection of his wings. He does not give Xiao bao his face, or he does not give him a face.
Then a small baby break the success of a joint Hao Geer couple of kids, put to good Geer isolated.
Noon meal open air, but also a spectacle.
Some tells us to play, and some showed their trouble, obedient as good Geer, enthalpy Geer, also make nubi were fed with rice.
With only a month sitting in Andy's case, Cicadas help the two arranged the meal, they will pick up their silver chopsticks to eat.
Maid previous month and also let them fed, and ever since went Jin Wang Fu, in Andy and Yao guided Niang has been on their own for dinner.
Xuan Geer mouth still stained with a grain of rice, roaring, whistling away, ran like a little whirlwind, small Xizi and the ladies grimaced after him.
He ran over: "What do you eat?"
What can be eaten, the food is the same, Hongjing Emperor personally told the meal sent by the Imperial Diet Room. But Andy is a small box with a side dish, and this is the Jin Wang school.
Side dishes are fried anchovies and pickles, anchovies blown crispy and delicious, pickles kitchenette is special, but the best rice.
"Can you give me a taste?" Never had anything to eat discuss with the people of Xuan Geer, seems a bit embarrassed look.
Andy said: "You eat well, do not run, I will divide you."
"Don't you eat it yourself, Xiao ye will."
Then Xuan Geer small Xizi greet his meal also came to an end, and the other set a chair to sit down. Xiao bao glanced at the jade, and Yu Xi took a small box and smashed it into the Geer dish.
Xuan Geer hand on the last, you'll feel a small silver fish: "delicious!"
Seeing a few over there, ran over.
"Let's sit in one place. I see that Darens eat a table of dishes. Let's make these dishes together, and it's a table too."
In this way, several small dumpling get together, you eat me, I eat you, there are some obviously in front of their own, but also specifically to go before others take their food, gave no conscious of the Father are several rival.
In particular, the small dishes brought by Xiao bao were first cleaned up, and they all said that they were delicious, so Xiao bao Minger also brought them. Can be put around each other eunuchs ladies to worry, a layer of sweat on the forehead.
Finished his meal, and play for a while, went to the afternoon class.
Today, several small guys a lot better than yesterday, it seems to be discipline went home meal, more or less still some action, even if do not mind to learn, and they all sat honestly.
Xuan Geer on a more independent, and finished his meal before he caught a grasshopper in the grass, playing grasshopper lying on the book case. A grasshopper was played by him for more than an hour. After he went to school, he did not play dead.
"Envy it!" Intermission, carrying grasshopper errands, Xuan was Joseph Geer Road.
Next to the Yu Hao Geer Geer and nodded, they quickly bored to death, to see Xuan Geer playing grasshopper next to mention the more envy.
"My family has’servant,’servant come with me tomorrow." Geer Xi said.
The problem is, you dare to bring the kid, go back and not be afraid of beating.
Several positive talk with, someone reported that Hong Jingdi came.
Xuan Geer hurriedly grasshopper into the hands of small Xizi, honestly follow Andy stood in front of them to the good.
"Emperor 'Grandfather well."
Hong Jingdi strode in front of several small dumpling pause the next, before going on long gracefully chair to sit down.
"Emperor 'Grandfather school to test your homework, Comin have learned what?"
 Xiao dry first answer, answered, and Hong Jingdi eleven pumping the contents of the back Huangsun have learned today.
In addition to Andy Geer recite smooth and good, enthalpy Geer back pretty all right, is stumbling. As for other simply back out.
Hong Jingdi Actually, I'm responsible for training them, and said:. "Although knowledge did not learn, but see you Xiongyoudigong, gets along well, Zhenxin even comfort."
This is the boast of?
Hong Jingdi in the end only Andy knows what praise.
Who in the end are older, are interested in the following juniors together in harmony, it probably is Hong Jingdi reopen the moral of the study.
Yao Niang Today went to celebrate palace, she fine cover, meaning that again in the future.
In fact, it is soft on Shaw just kind of following, Shaw 'Laozi dry but the Imperial Academy-shi Jiang Xiao , Huang Sun into the small study studying natural concealed his message.
Unfortunately, Yan Geer old embarrassment, Hong Jingdi said that five years into the study, but can Yan Geer-year-old many-point, if Qing Wang in the House, to beg Hong Jingdi this is simply not a thing, the key is not a man at home, following Sophie Xiao can not let go.
It’s a slap in the face of the daughter-in-law’s talk to the father-in-law, not to mention that Xiao Jirou is no longer a royal person. Although this thing not many people know, but Hong Jingdi there is to know.
Following Sophie Xiao people called to go, she is pondered want to beg Yao Niang, which Yao Niang to seek them out.
"Yaoyao, I really do not know what to say, really thank you."
"Well, you tell me what these do, Yan Geer was a good boy, that is, he wants to learn, is naturally good."
So the next day, Yan Andy Geer it with a total of palace.
Are Huangsun, expect Jin Wang to open a port should not be difficult. So Xiao Yan followed with a soft first Geer and beads to the Jin Wang Fu, to the post and other Jin Wang here, go out, go provisional beads is not happy, he just clamoring to go and brother.
Because she went to see the month, but she also wanted to play and month.
Beads a month and looked, hesitated for Andy said:. "Andy brother, or I stay at home, and I accompany beads Comin play at home."
"I think also become, playing with two children, finally have a partner."
Seeing this, Andy can only be agreed, his heart and several month can not go a few times, even now stick with it, then bigger score still open.
In this way, with Andy Geer Yan palace, month and beads are stay at home.
Is probably no less go back and ask their own children, several small dumpling is a big change today, the most obvious is a good Geer, called yesterday he also looks like a bother to everyone who ignores today do know we snuggle up with a .
Seeing this, Andy somewhat complex, Daren thoughts and attitudes directly affected is the home of the child.
Hongjing Emperor said yesterday that his brother and sister, Christine, was really brother and brother today.
Ever since last spring after the Examination Hall, Hong Jingdi a move warning to others, recently all Prince are very law-abiding. Is also not stupid, have to learn Jin Wang on daily value Dianmao lower value back to the government, nowhere to go, pies in the past is simply great changes appearance.
And just when this head, Hui Wang the Heir to the wedding.
Static objects are de Houfu home girl is home benefits Wangfei niang Zhi nu.
Zhao Wei marriage was relatively rushed. When he heard the news outside, he had already hired him, and the marriage was scheduled to be one month later. As for why it is so urgent, according to the legend, Huifei has been ill, and the medicine is effective.
There is no way, the Heir Zhao Zuo intend joyous save pro niang.
This thing, they have to Zhao Zuo Xiao name, but Shiko Everyone praised its people.
Under this name first, before a woman and two married'd cleared a lot of stigma, even if there are those who criticize secretly ridiculous, also directed Hui Wang went. Lift Hui Wang the Heir is endless regret, straights are being held up as Father's.

Chapter 169    :   Heir is really filial, Yao Su family

Hui Wang Fu, Huang Lei Muk wishful moire Babu bed, lying describe a skinny woman.
If their identity is not highlighted, but also unexpected person who is, once the Crown Princess, the incumbent Wu Hui Wangfei -shi. Wu -shi Although students have not really Allure of color, but also is beautiful, and so is sallow, skinny, thin scary.
the Heir Zhao Zuo stand Taqian, gentle voice said: "Princess Mother, son wedding is after five days, the disease can hope you feel better soon Yan children is a mild temper, good character, is a good filial piety you will be able to ......."
Zuo Zhao said a lot, from what dowry sent to new homes where arrangements at the Wu family over there is going to react, unavoidably overdone. ,
Maid next to see such an enhanced level of Noble Heir, both are different light heads again and again, repeatedly really filial heart Road Noble Heir.
The Maid are moved Hui Wang Fuchu new for the group of Maid, before the ladies said to benefit Wangfei around, both because of the ill temper are replaced.
The Maid had imagination, naturally did not notice lying on the couch benefits Wangfei eyes with horror, but also somewhat distorted facial expressions.
In fact, even if they saw it, they would not think much about it. Wangfei was so strange that the whole person was lying on the couch and could not move even one move. It is also born in the Wangfu, if it is in the ordinary people, the disease is probably dead early. But let them look, Wangfei not many days, that the Heir filial pro-niang, still toss the hub of hi or something.
"The mother is mostly tired, the son will not bother, but also ask the mother to take care, the son is waiting for you to drink this bowl of daughter-in-law tea."
Zuo Zhao Hui Wangfei help tuck tuck the quilt, and told the Maid are few, this leave.
Ji Chuan Hui Wangfei suddenly breath, paralyzed the whole person couch, if you listen carefully you can hear the tiny bones Ga bang sound. This is a long time, it will be caused.
"Niang Niang, you are a hard and fast to recover from it, to help you wipe the sweat of nubi ."
It's that any of several Yatou shift the brush back and forth, Hui Wangfei heart bleak.
Before she was high above the Crown Princess, now it became such a pattern. He died and is said to have died very badly. It is said that this is natural, according to Hui Wang said. When that thing just happened, Hui Wang daily drunk will be adding to the benefits Wangfei fist, that's when these words to say.
Hui Wangfei didn't want to live long ago, but she couldn't live, she said no.
The royal family could not let such a ugly thing, so she spent the first few days safely, and then she became ill one day.
That palace to the sick person, the benefits Wangfei lying on the couch, too, her son also, just outside the door. But the dog nubi spoiled her, and when she poured a bowl of medicine, she could only count the days and days.
Hui Wangfei know they gave birth to pups son, Zhao Zuo playing small clever, but it is chilled heart, nothing like the kind of the Crown Prince. But not before their own, she do not feel anything, and now he feels the benefits Wangfei what is called cold inside the bone.
This is a little bit cold seeped into the bones. She watched his son was drenching, one does not talk, but after a day Chenhundingxing, do not pull the day, or even serve her decoction, and is now the hub of joy for her to marry a wife.
Hui Wangfei cold, really cold well, obviously the dog days of June, but still feel cold.
"Wangfei this is how?" Maid touched benefit Wangfei could not stop trembling body.
"Is it cold?"
"Quick to help Wangfei put on their clothes, and then if there is any Wangfei, Noble Heir will certainly be more sad ......"
"Noble Heir true filial piety it ......"
The sun shone in the semi-transparent pane, and bet on the ground with a circle of light. Huifei could only look at the floating dust floating in the beam.
The day of Zhao marriage was soon arrived, and the marriage was naturally handled in Hui-Wang.
Several palaces have come to the door, and not only the men have come, but the women and children at home have come.
Different Previously, the Yao Niang several Wangfei can obviously feel her warm, just as their own side in general, and even took her hand and said a lot of private savings, let her stupefied of.
She finally celebrate Wangfei solution to the confusion, because Hong Jingdi San Francisco secondary mention of the words Xiongyoudigong, which not only refers to the natural Xiongyoudigong men ah, home of the woman, too, so the palace together several unprecedented harmony .
Large with a small play, do not fight no trouble, all Zuidou sweet, also know as people, and in the past are not Darens advice, never take the initiative to encourage people, now all changed.
Boys are big points in the front yard, and a male baby girl dot is in the backyard, and their mother Princess one. An Wangfei, who went to visit a trip to Hui Wang House, after the back side of tea, one side talking gossip. A few years old, the little baby is not crazy, playing together.
"I'm afraid is the 1st Sao survive many days, right?" Wu Wangfei Road.
"I just looked at it looks, probably not good." Even if it is safe Wangfei, some can not help but sigh.
Some of the women were silent, something happened that day palace, they all know. Expect benefits Wangfei probably not survive, but has not seen the wind, never thought would be a lapse of a year-long happening.
"She looks like this, living is more uncomfortable than death, it is better to die." Lu Wangfei said.
The words are a bit ugly, but it is true.
"Well, I don't want to talk about her. I am happy to say these unhappy things, talk about something else!"
Then the women began to talk about another topic, Yao Niang and Shaw, following a soft on the eyes, the eyes were a little bleak.
At the same time, the front yard Jin Wang et al., There is a harmony.
Including Hui Wang, in the past most likes to say inappropriate words, probably Comin son get married, but also a lot of convergence.
On behalf of Wang always felt Jin Wang look at themselves, quietly looked over a few times, Jin Wang did not see him.
The last time, he could not bear it, and asked: "? Five, you always look at me for even"
Jin-Wang looked at him and blinked.
Jin Wang did not speak, but added Lu Wang says, "the third brother, do you think they seem like Troop stare temper Mo is unusual is Guniang you see more, some over-sensitive??"
This so-called Guniang should be a story, a few brothers know that mentioning these things the furniture laughed.
On behalf of the king: "Well, you will take the third brother to tease."
He shook his head in a smile, as if he was very helpless. He was born with a narrow face, hanging nose and thick lips. Overall, on behalf of the king are the brothers of the appearance of the most honest, law-abiding born with a face. Hong Jingdi not like, unlike Wei the Queen.
Although Hui Wang now too fat to go out of shape, before Hui before Wang did not gain weight, also born too handsome without rival, combines all the advantages of Wei Hong Jingdi and the Queen, it touches on behalf of the king will be born from playing much, brothers simply not like brothers.
The laughter topic naturally turnout in the past, and no one talks about, can kick behalf of the king is always intentionally or unintentionally, to see Jin Wang.
Not to mention those with nothing wedding, such as Yao Niang and Jin Wang back to the Jin Wang Fu, the sky is already dark.
After washing clothes, holding a red silk letter to, "Niang Niang, there Jinju to you a letter."
One is Jinju, Yao Niang took the view when about faith, it really is a letter from the sister.
Before the year of last year, Yao-Niang sent a car to the Jinzhou side, and reported the peace and told the situation. When the escort of the car came back, he also sent a letter to Yao-Niang.
The letter said Yao Hui niang and Chengdu well, several small are also very good, let Yao Niang Do not worry, take over their day.
The contents of this letter and that letter before and nothing different, but more than a few little interesting. I saw Yao-Niang and wanted to laugh and cry, laughing and laughing and tears came out.
She wanted a sister.
Jin Wang one of her pull over, holding:. "If you really want to you a sister, took her to Capital City lived for some time."
Yao Niang wiped his tears: "It is not, in Capital City recently so many things."
"There is nothing to do with them. You shouldn't think that Benwang can't protect a few people?"
"It's still not good, wait until the situation is better."
In Yao Niang heart, Jin Wang combination of the best low-key this time, she sister husband touches are not afraid, that if Lee can come-shi get into what people did not have to give Jin Wang asking for trouble. Besides, she thought sister husband, Lee-shi will come, suddenly lost all interest.
Have to say, this ability can be considered-shi Li, give Yao Niang left so many psychological shadow.
But Yao Niang and Jin Wang speak at the moment, does not know the Yao family now been on the road, there is not only Yao family, and Su family.
Lift this, you wander Yao Niang went in Jinju sent that car in ceremony.
In fact, this thing is Jin Wang arrangements, Yao Niang mouth did not say, but in reality sweet heart many days. For this purpose Jin Wang and harvest many beauty Well, of course, put aside here.
In natural gift is not only to Yao, the Su-Jia home there as Yao Niang niang's home, even if Yao Niang on Su estrangement County-Graduate their hearts, but also as a daughter could not hear not ask, so annual ceremony also home to some of the Su-Jia, but compared to Yao but it is a lot less.
It was precisely this year's ceremony that triggered this incident. 1st-Sao ZHu  shi had already heard some rumors that the younger son had climbed the high branch. But in the end is a baseless rumor, do not count, she also went down to inquire Yao Jiaming overtly or covertly, Suhui niang simply do not want to tell her, so this thing will put down.
Tour of the ritual in the past, even if Yao Niang is already picking up the most humble delivery, things can detract from the palace sent out, how could poor. This is not in the heart of ZHu  shi, but it is on the side of the Yao family.
Yao happened over there not a worry Lee shi,-shi now though Lee has been too frightened to investigate how about her daughter, but does not mean she wants to see Su Yao Niang good, Zhu obvious -shi blood-sucking leeches who is the bar, Su family in his early to add some of its troubles, Li-shi anxious.
So she took Yao Niang to Wangye Zuoqie, very pampered in the palace, it can be cold Wangye her baby, and gave birth to a son Wangye, hype, said Zhu -shi to listen.
ZHu  shi listened, this is still, her little girl is actually developed.
She knew that her little girl was not a simple person, and this was not fulfilled.
Jin Wang, Wang Jinju! Day Master!
Zhu said -shi a home, but also to the Su-Jia stunned the family does not light, even the Su County-Graduate is so sour disdain of the people blocking the A- material, attached to many-day teaching students sit Museum, also always follow God. Zhu and Su Yucheng -shi a total, Mei-mei developed a natural to cultivate brother Sao, they immediately wanted to defect. Can Yao Niang place to go too far, even in the capital, the two hands of the money, do not have too far out the door, how dare not rashly on the road.
So the idea will inevitably move in Su County-Graduate body, they also know their sister to be bad, it certainly can not go two down what is good, if the parents can not come out the same.
Su County-Graduate also sit Museum, where willing to travel far.
I have to say that although Su Yucheng is a lazy person, there is no such thing, but there is also a merit, that is, the mouth slips. He coaxed Su County-Graduate, but the emperor at the foot of the capital, Jin Wang is the son of the emperor. Father you do not always want to give the official Master it, and now the son is the world's largest official Master, there is such a good son, do not be afraid officer? !
No exams Imperial-Graduate, has been the Su the biggest regret County-Graduate hearts, as for that examination, he is unthinkable.
The official is his dream after all, decades studying cold in the end for what, that white people not just to become official.
Su County-Graduate tempted, this would be easier, the family to discuss the consultation, he went to Yao family.
In fact, Yao is looking into that white family could live a lifetime, the farthest place had gone out of the forest Yun County, the capital they want to go I do not know the way.
From last year to this year grind, Wai niang does not agree, Yao is second nature did not dare to promise.
Later, Su County-Graduate angry, let it be her son, daughter-in-law not to use the service since they own the road. LOH niang helpless, these people are also afraid to go, Mei-mei is the kind of soft child can not cope, can only be agreed.
The obvious this is a drama, Lee-shi naturally not far behind.
The last two people together add up to more than a dozen people in the road.
This is naturally a matter of Yao Cheng’s management. He is now the general head of Linyun County, and the county magistrate has to sell a few points. Yao heard that this is a family visit to Capital City Mei-mei shi-zi, the county magistrate he helped open up the joint, so that people follow the Su family inn go.
This station is the place where the official documents and the officials and their families are on the way to eat and stay and change horses. As long as there are documents issued by the government, not only the security of the road is guaranteed, but the food and accommodation are free.
This is particularly slow moves, because Wherever he went, had to wait, therefore Yao Su March two people on the road, not to come in June.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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