Wangfu Chongqie 160

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 160    :   Erbao still small, you do not beat him; Shaw family

That night.
Yao-Niang I don't know why, especially excited.
Excited every time more than ever.
In the past, she was too easy to be ashamed, unless she was at the extreme, she was rarely able to open it. But she is both enthusiastic and active today. Jin-Wang thinks she is extremely greedy, eating more greedy than ever, and making his scalp numb.
Yao-Niang clasped Jin-Wang's neck tightly and said something in a nonsense. As he spoke, he sobbed in a low voice.
She has this problem, she is crying comfortably, crying when she is uncomfortable.
The more she cried, the more Jin-Wang wanted to bully her and bully.
But today's crying is not the same as before.
Her pupil seems to be out of focus, her emotions are particularly excited, she is crying and hard, and when she says, if she has a new love, she will tell her in advance that she must take the initiative to let the position go far. Do not let her go through all that celebrate Wangfei experienced too, or she certainly can not stand.
Jin-Wang was very difficult to listen to. At the same time, her attention was not in this piece. Secondly, she said that she was upside down. He resisted calmly and listened for a while, only to understand, and suddenly knew what she was afraid of.
Thinking of her saying that she had to go far, Jin-Wang got angry and angered.
Go, where are you going?
He slammed her small buttocks and slaps. This shot made him regret it, and he refused to talk to her. After a long while, he fell on her.
And she was still in the tidal wave, he was quiet for a while, remembering what she had said before, and slap her again.
"Where do you want to go?"
After this time, Yao-Niang’s head was clear, and I knew that I had done something stupid before, and I took my heart and said it to Jin-Wang.
Such a shameful thing, she did not want to admit, squatting with her eyes closed and dead.
It’s stupid, stupid, and I’m still sleeping. Jin-Wang snarled in his heart, spurned and spurned, or afraid that he would hurt her, and stretched out the big soft palm in the water to make a simmer, and then turned over and cleaned up.
After finishing the bath, Jin-Wang took a hot puddle in his hand and licked the quilt to clean her up. Yao-Niang, since she was sleeping, she must not be exposed to her shortness. She could only close her eyes and be red like a shrimp. As Jin-Wang did, she ate some of her tofu.
When Jin-Wang went to bed again, she quietly got together.
Jin-Wang snorted and set her up in her arms.
"His Royal Highness." In the quiet, Yao-Niang whispered.
Jin-Wang is humming.
"You definitely won't find someone else right?"
Jin-Wang snorted again.
"Is that still not?" Yao-Niang can't fit, and the voice is bigger.
At this time, I changed Jin-Wang and didn't want to care about her, squinting and sleeping.
"You tell me about you."
Jin-Wang still ignores her.
Yao-Niang is angry, angry and angry, regardless of his own slickness, and wants to leave when he squats: "I am going to sleep with Xiao bao."
The man also turned over from Jin-Wang and was pressed down by his waist.
"If you still have the spirit, let's not sleep tonight."
After that, the two really didn't sleep all night.
Because Jin-Wang doesn't have to go up today, I don't have to go to other places to have a feast, so I got up late.
After Yao-Niang got up, he didn't see Xiao bao and Yueyue, and went to the east. I didn’t even enter the door and heard the laughter of the baby’s baby. When I walked in, I saw that Erbao had already woken up and was sitting on the bed and playing with Xiao bao.
Seriously speaking, it is not that the two treasures are playing with the brother-sister, but that he is too naughty and is provoking Xiao bao and Yueyue.
He didn't do anything else, just sitting there and touching Xiao Bao little bald head from time to time.
The chubby face is very close, full of curiosity, and seems to be studying why the heads of two people are different.
 Xiao bao and Yueyue probably slept relatively late last night, and they still didn't want to get up.
The two treasures squatted and the two moved.
The milk niang next to him couldn’t stop, and he wouldn’t let Erbao get it, and he would make angry voices in his mouth.
Finally, the first month of the month can not restrain the sit up, and look at the small servant to cry and cry, " Xiao Baoge!"
 Xiao Bao bones just sit up, fierce two treasures: "Smell stinky, you lick your month sister to do!"
Erbao didn't understand what the brother said. He thought that the brother was playing with himself, and he smiled to reveal two small rice teeth, and excited ‘Calls.
"I am jealous of you."
Stopped in front of a busy month, the two treasure guard in his arms:. "Erbao still small, you do not beat him."
Where does the second treasure know what the brother-sister is doing, but also when he is playing with him crazy, hiding in the arms of the moon and sending out a burst of excitement and laughter, while laughing and licking Xiao bao, you can give Xiao bao a gas .
Yao-Niang was teased by this picture. He leaned against the door and looked at the three small ones. Or the moon and the moon pointed at Yao-Niang and ‘called.
Although the second treasure is small, you can know that it is niang, and you will see it. As soon as I saw Yao-Niang, I burst into a light. Ah, I rushed straight to the side, so that Yao-Niang had no illusion that she was too young to accompany her second son.
Different from Xiao bao, the two treasures let the milk niang take the most times, and occasionally hold over and feed several times of milk in the daytime. Now the two treasures eat Yao-Niang's milk is also less. Once Yao-Niang has more things in the day, he is too busy to forget, and secondly Jin-Wang is not willing to let her feed.
Yao-Niang came over and hugged the two treasures.
The two treasures were happy, and the words in their mouths seemed to be talking to niang about what they did.
"Small naughty, come to the big brother in the morning sister." Yao-Niang clicked on his nose.
Milk niang said next to it: "2nd-gongzi Woke up in the morning, see Big-gongzi and Guniang did not go to see him, he just wanted to come."
"Have you eaten in the morning?"
"Eat after eating, eating a milk, and eating a bowl of rice paste, 2nd-gongzi appetite is good, a large bowl of rice paste is finished."
“With the brother!” Yao-Niang made a conclusion.
 Xiao bao was reluctant to say: "I didn't follow me." Yao-Niang smiled and said: "I don't want to get up soon. When you come back later, you have to use breakfast." Let Jin-Wang pull down, and practice in the summer and practice in the winter. This is the morning exercise for half an hour.
Here, Yatou has come up, helping Xiao bao and Yueyue dress and washing them. After finishing the collection, Yao-Niang went to the main room with three small ones.
When using breakfast, Xiao bao mentioned the beads: "I don't know the beads sister is better, is there fever?"
Yao-Niang didn't know what the Wangfei niang family was, just take a look at Jin-Wang. In fact, she was more worried, and said to celebrate after all, only one person Wangfei word, she a weak Women Current, if niang does not support the home side, but also at home or niang there is to persuade people not to persuade points and attitude from, What kind of tough means to force Wangfei to celebrate, then it would be bad.
Jin-Wang, how can I not know what Yao-Niang is thinking, saying: " Xiao Jiajia Fengzheng, Xiao Daren is not a corrupt person, 7th-Sao should not have any problems living in the niang family. But If you don't feel relieved, let's explore."
Yao-Niang did not feel at ease, so he let the next person prepare for the ceremony, and sent a person to the Xiao family.
At this time, Xiao fuli, when the beads were in the daytime, did not show anything. It was scared and somewhat sticky, but it was hot in the evening.
Qing Fae disregarded the dissuasion of the next person and spent the night in front of the bead bed.
The heat of the beads finally retreated, and she returned to the house to rest.
I fell asleep and slept, and I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping.
The dreams were all about her and him. After I woke up, the pillows were wet, but my heart was smooth.
After Wangfei finished washing, just sitting down and planning to eat, Xiao Daren took Xiao -Madam, and celebrated Wangfei brother Sao.
In fact, yesterday, Wangfei brought back the two children, Xiao family saw that something might have happened, but Wangfei was not in the mood at the time.
The two children were in a bad situation and could only be left blank. Wangfei niang Xiao -Madam was worried all night last night. He thought of something bad and wiped his tears. Xiao Daren couldn't stand it himself Madam, this didn't come early in the morning.
"Well, what's the matter?" Xiao Daren looked like he was in his fifties, his body was thin and his temperament was refined. I can see that when I was young, I was also a handsome man.
In fact, several children of Xiao family are very good, with the appearance of Father niang, the handsome man, the pretty woman.
Qing Wangfei did not cover, put things probably say it again.
These things had never before celebrate Wangfei and family mentioned, but also no chance, Qing Wang couple has been on fan out, this time finally back to Capital City, Qing Wangfei has always been a good strong temper, where his troubles will say Come out and worry about your parents.
After listening to it, the first thing that started to rise was not Xiao Daren, but Xiao -Madam. She is also a man in her fifties, but she is very young and looks like she is in her early thirties. Born petite and delicate, looks sweet, this looks are the most old age, if you do not say Xiao -Madam's age, I am afraid no one can guess.
"His daughter is angry, niang to help you pack him. Iron egg, take your niang's wearing a cloud gun, niang, then go to the palace to scrape the kid." Xiao -Madam married a civil servant, but However, he was born into a family of military commanders. When he was young, he was a temper and he did not change his age.
The nickname of the iron egg, now more than thirty, when Father's name is Xiao Qian's Xiao -'Laozi, born handsome, a squirrel, a look is accompanied by the appearance and temperament of Xiao Daren. Looking at Xiao -Madam with a blank look, said: "Niang, how many times have you told me, don't call me an iron egg."
"What happened to the iron egg? This is what your grandfather took. This kind of name is only realistic. Otherwise, you think that you can grow up to such a large disease without disaster. You also took a 1st-Imperial-Scholar back. It is this.
The name is good. Niang doesn't yell at you, iron Cattle, you go and take niang's wearing a cloud gun."
Different from Xiao -'Laozi, Erye Xiao kun is the most enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and he ran outside when he was busy. 2nd-Madam Sun-shi did not pull him out.
"Don't give me back! You niang let you go, you go, how big people are, and you don't know what to do!" Xiao Daren angered, Xiao Kun immediately came back.
 Xiao -Madam suddenly vented his momentum and made a look at his left and right. "You can't go, you Father has the most idea, and listening to him is right." She explained to her son-in-law.
 Xiao 'Laozi and Xiao Big-Madam, as well as Erye and 2nd-Madam, all nodded like garlic. In general, the situation of Xiao Jia is that Xiao Daren does not get angry.
The whole family listens to Xiao -Madam. Xiao Daren made a fire. Natural Xiao is the biggest.
However, under normal circumstances, Shaw Darens do not get angry, so most or listen Xiao Madam's.
 Xiao simple population, Xiao Daren life only Xiao Madam a man, and Xiao Madam had three children, Shaw is dry, Xiao -kun and celebrate Wangfei. Qing Fae is the youngest and the only daughter at home. She has been loved by her family since she was a child. "What are you going to do about this?" So, it is still Xiao’s understanding of his daughter. It is also the best time to understand that this should not be a matter of anger, but a matter of brainstorming.
However, Xiao’s family usually has only two people, and the two daughter-in-laws do not mention it. Shaw and Daren brains are sent Shaw 'Laozi, activists with Xiao Madam led Xiao er Ye supplement. As for Qing Fae, she is a compromise.
"The daughter wants to be separated." When the words came out, everyone in the Xiao family was shocked.
Qing Wangfei two Sao want to say something, but unfortunately they have not waited for them to open their mouths, and other people in Xiao jia have expressed their opinions.
"Leave him away!" This is Xiao -Madam.
"Leaving, brother will find you one more!" This is Xiao Erye.
"It is not impossible." This is Xiao Daren.
"Is to see how to act." This is Shaw 'Laozi of.
Two Sao didn't talk at all.
Qing Fae Fae laughed with tears and bowed his eyes and said: "Thank you Father niang, big brother."
"If it's really gone, what about Bead and Geer?" Xiao 'Laozi words came out, and it was cold.
Seeing her daughter's complicated look, Xiao Daren sighed: "Well, you live at home, this year has not passed, and the matter will be discussed later."

Chapter 161    :   It's useless to play the king.

The Xiao family were all in a hurry. Even the breakfast was useless. Simply let Yatou put the breakfast on, and the family sat around for a meal.
After eating, I went to see Geer and Beads before they dispersed.
 Xiao Erye and 2nd-Madam took the residence, 2nd-Madam Sun-shi looked at her husband with some hesitation.
Without her opening, Xiao Erye knew that she wanted to say something. A pair of tigers ‘Called at her: "I will say hello to you in advance, I will be a sister of Joel, she is wronged, that is, I am wronged. You usually My heart is small, I like to compare with 1st-Sao, that is what you and 1st-Sao, I know with my older brother, anyway, will not hurt the feelings between the brothers. Joer now returns to the niang home, nominally It’s a foreigner, but no one can look at her as a foreigner. If you take your set to deal with her and say something in front of her, don’t blame me for turning my face.”
This point 2nd Madam looking awkward, not very happy to Chen Dao: "I think what you put into your brother and usually busy on the outside, and I 1st Sao is nothing else, teeth and tongue still? There are fights, when do you see me quarreling with 1st-Sao. Joel is your sister, naturally my sister, I will definitely treat her well."
"That's best."
In fact, Xiao Erye knew that 1st-Sao couldn't argue with his wife because the men of each other were in charge. When the 2nd-Madam said that the teeth and the tongue were still fighting, the woman’s heart was small, staying under one roof in the day, and inevitably your nose and my eyes.
 Xiao Jia two old hearts are also clear, but I don't know, and Xiao 'Laozi and Xiao Erye both value the brotherhood, and the small contradiction of the woman's family can't affect the relationship between the two.
"You like to filthy me." 2nd-Madam grievances.
Although Xiao Erye is a rough man, he knows how to get along with his husband and wife. He also looks at Father niang's love scene from a young age. Naturally, he knows the truth.
He is the only one of Xiao’s family who doesn’t look like Xiao’s family, but is accompanied by his grandfather and Xiao -Madam’s pro-Father.
The shape is rough, the height is big, the looks are strong, and at first glance it is a tough guy.
The 2nd-Madam is petite and pretty, and looks pretty.
 Xiao er Ye out strong arm, ring the 2nd Madam shoulder, hug her over: "You are our family situation clear, Father disciplined, upright and honest, niang though it is more than dowry, but That is the self of Niang, and we are given to them, not to let us not remember.
The family has so many ancestors uploaded the bottom of the family, and even after the separation, most of them are big brothers. But you can rest assured that the man is interested The Quartet, when you make meritorious deeds and seal your wife, I will not let you suffer."
Men sectional analysis of heart the liver, 2nd Madam care which will also have its own narrow-minded, especially she loved not exactly Er Ye men kept this stock, immediately Xiao er Ye against his chest and said: "Kun brother, I do not I am sensible, and this will not be ignorant. You can rest assured that I must stay at Mei-mei."
"You are right."
The same topic is also repeated in Shaw 'Laozi and Big between Madam.
However, compared to Xiao Erye words and deeds, 'Laozi is obviously a restrained person.
He did not directly point out this matter, but told the arrangement of Yatou Pozi at the end of Liu Yu Xuan, and even from eating and drinking to living and using.
As soon as I heard this, the words in the eyes of Big-Madam were naturally swallowed.
In fact, she does not hold anything against sister is living at home, but the identity of the sister sub, after all, is not the same, Uncle is Prince is Qinwang, and Prince and away, these things have not happened since the big move toward construction.
Especially two children, how come and leave?
From the in-laws to the husband's uncle support, she naturally does not dare to say more. I intend to sum up with Sao, always advising Xiao gu, but who knows 2nd-Madam does not pick up, naturally can't go on. Of course this is a follow-up.
Celebrating the third day of Wangfei return to Niang's home, Qing Wang came.
There is no one to arrange a frame, one person riding a horse.
The news was not sent to Liu Yu Xuan, but first sent to the 1st House and the 2nd House, Xiao Erye has always been an action faction, immediately blocked the King in the concierge, and slammed the meal.
"Though you are a Prince, I wanted to hit you or beat you up!" See Er Ye beat up on, is also playing Regardless Master, two servant lodge are scared away. Xiao Erye shook his fist again, only to hate and hate.
Qing Wang did not fight back, a bit miserable, was beaten and bruised.
He slammed and asked for two brothers: "Second brother, you let me see Jirou."
"Hey, Lao Tzu is not your second brother. How did you promise me in the first place, you forgot? Before you and Joel, I and my eldest brother came to the door and told you specifically, if you can’t do it. If you are really good to her, don't yell at Xiao jia Gunian, how do you answer it?"
He said that he will definitely be good for him, take her as a baby, and only be good to her for a lifetime.
But he didn't do it!
Why didn't you do it? Qing Wang is still a bit embarrassed.
Prince is surrounded by women, and even after he got married, Fu Huang also rewarded him. But he has never touched one, and he only has one in his heart. He can't see others.
He now has only one softness in his heart, but why do you force people to run away and force him to stay away from him?
These two days, Qing Wang has been thinking about this problem. He couldn’t think of it. Hey, he came to Xiao’s family.
He had only one thought, and he asked for forgiveness.
"Second brother, it doesn't matter if you beat me, I just ask you to let me see Jirou."
 Xiao Erye sneered: "Let you see her, let you continue to hurt her? You just have to hold your tall cousin in the past, my Xiao family can still afford a few people."
After that, Xiao Erye pushed him out of the concierge and slammed it on the door.
Qing Wang looked at the closed door in front of him and reached out and rubbed the blood at the corner of his mouth.
He did not dare to stay more, and he knew that his identity was not normal, and he would attract attention. If things go to Fu Huang and bring disaster to Xiao , then he will never be able to recover.
When Qing Wang returned to the government, he locked himself in the study.
On the past two days, he came over in the study, no one, including Han Ceefei.
Han Ceefei came two times and was blocked out of the study. Today, she heard that Qing Wang’s face was wounded and she went to the study room again.
Qing Wang was drunk, and the wine jar was thrown everywhere on the ground. If the next people come in and clean up, they will be taken away by them.
These wine jars are all down for these days, enough to see how much wine the King has drank.
Han Ceefei walked in, the room was dimly lit, and she almost didn't stumble over the wine jar on the ground. Finally stood firm and saw a person falling at the corner of the table.
It is the King of Qing .
The king of the Qing Family looks like a wolverine, with a bruised face and a swollen face, and drunk on the ground, all of which are full of alcohol.
Han Ceefei came to the near and was trying to help him. He knew that Qing Wang still had consciousness and reached out and pushed her away.
Qing Wang opened his eyes and looked at her: "What are you doing, give me out!"
"Cousin, you can't do this, you will break your body. I will help you up, don't lie on the ground."
"You go, get out, get out!"
"Cousin..." Han Ceefei cried out, very pitiful: "If you hate me again, don't want to see me again, don't take your own body as a play. On such a cold day, you are lying on the ground, how can you suffer? Live. I know that I am wrong, I should not lie to you, in fact, I am not intentional, but you have been ignoring me, I am afraid that you forgot me, I am afraid that you will lie to me, will you lie to yourself...
"I did not make a big family, no friends, even a speaker did not ...... every time the palace, I can not speak can not say a word, for fear stirred up a dislike Go various each house, and those Wangfei Madam We seem to smile at me. In fact, there is no such person in my eyes... I know why, because I am a Hann, I am not a big man...
"The same is Ceefei, you see Su Ceefei, On Her Majesty the Queen Niang Niang had to face front, Wangfei also good with her, she mentioned others are envious mentioned ...... I do not, no one. Mentioning me, they are not willing to mention..."
Qing Wang listened, unlike the past, every time he heard these words, he always felt that his heart was touched, but now he is disgusted.
Very disgusted.
I don't want to listen, I can't wait to lick my ears.
"Don't tell me, go out!"
"It's all you, if it's not you, you won't go!" Qing Wang suddenly got emotionally excited, and his mouth snarled: "I shouldn't be soft to you, I should have sent you away." Soft is right, I am a ‘widower, I am a ‘widower, I am always stuck in the past, I should send you away..."
If Han Ceefei was struck by lightning, he never expected that Qing Wang would have moved this kind of mind. She was full of grief and anger, and she couldn’t help but tremble.
However, she still went to Fuqing Wang and wanted to get his forgiveness. Between the two pulls, falling from the arms of Qing Wang. Her eyes flashed, and the ghost made a poor hand to put things into the sleeves.
At this time, there was a footstep, but the general manager Fu Xi came.
He looked at Han Ceefei at the first sight, "Ceefei Niang-Niang, how come you? You look at the next two days, I feel uncomfortable, hey, you don't mess up."
Han Ceefei wants to say something, but Fu Xi has made a look to her, she immediately no longer speaks out.
When I went outside, I heard Qing Wang say to Fuxi: "Don't let her come in again, I don't want to see her..."
Fu Xidao: "Odagi goes to the house, and the old nubi are not optimistic. This will not happen in the future..."
I know that Wangfei has a good time at the niang home, and Yao-Niang is more worried.
Another thing that can be seen in the blink of an eye is that there will be a feast in the Palace of the First Lunar New Year.
Celebrating Wangfei, now and Qing Wang, how can they enter the palace together for dinner. Fortunately, Jin-Wang came back and said that the banquet of the Shangyuan Festival this year is different from the past, but it is the same with the people. It is a time to celebrate Wangfei.
In order to hide his eyes and ears, Yao-Niang decided to invite Wangfei to come out.
There is really something to be said. Qing Fae is not willing to go out, can't rely on Yao-Niang repeatedly asked to invite, can only agree.
On this day, Jin-Wang went to the palace first, and Yao-Niang accompanied Qing Fae in the house.
Qing Fae is coming to Jin-Wang House in advance, not only to celebrate Wangfei, but also to Geer and Zhuzhu.
Seeing the long-lost little friends, Geer and Beads finally showed some smiles. In these few days, Geer and Zhuzhu faces were much less smiling. Qing Fae looked in the eyes, hurting in the heart, avoiding frowning. exhibition.
The attitude of the family in these days is also in her eyes. Naturally, no matter what decision she made, the family would support her and even try her best to help her.
But how can she care about the safety of her family, if she really wants to leave, then the confrontation is the imperial power. Even if it is, will it attract the abandonment? Will she be tired of her father and brother? There are also Geer and beads, which is impossible for her to take away. Ordinary people do not have such a thing, let alone the royal family.
As long as I think of it all, Wangfei has a sense of suffocation that cannot be breathed.
But if she is allowed to go back to the house, she will not be able to do it.
Therefore, Wangfei has been entangled in anxiety for these few days. She really can't think of a good way, just like her father said. After the festival has passed, I can say that one day is one day.
Qing Fae thought that Yao-Niang would ask her some things. She couldn't help but feel relieved when she didn't ask Yao-Niang from start to finish. A few children played in one place and saw the innocence on the children's faces. Qing Fae also gradually forgot the annoyance.
The Rongxi Courtyard is full of lights, big and small, colorful.
Yao-Niang and Qing Wangfei accompanied the children for a while, and told people to take care of several children and clean up.
Emperor Hongjing hosted a banquet at the Wumen Building today and set up a lamp and a light shed in front of the terminal. Other ministers of the princes and nobles, since they did not pull the light shed on the chessboard street every year, stretched all the way to Zhengyangmen.
The night has come, and when you leave the palace, you can feel the infuriating in the air.
Out of the main street where the palace is located, there is a huge towering lighthouse in the archway, which was set by the Jin-Wang government. Looking out from the carriage, the lighthouses and lantern trees of various styles are rowd in front of each other.
There are crowds everywhere, and the car is like a dragon.
The carriage of Jin-Wang House first went to the chessboard street, and saw the five-clawed golden dragon lamp that stood in front of the end door and fluttered.
Yao-Niang hasn't seen such a scene yet, and she just seems to be staying. Qing Fae told her that the annual Shangyuan Festival is the most lively time in Capital City.
The lights are always there every year, but the shapes are different.
Going to the carriage can't go any more, Yao-Niang two people got out of the car and let the guards guard the inside.
In the meantime, it is the restricted area of ​​the people. It is said that it is the same with the people. It is impossible for Hongjing Emperor to integrate into it without any scruples. If an assassin is anything, the country will be shaken and the society will be unstable.
Jin-Wang's lamp shed is located in a relatively high position, facing the light shed where the Emperor Hongjing sits, and Yao-Niang looks at the flowers all the way.
The more you look inside, the better the lights hanging outside the light shed.
The long-awaited Yao-Niang is the first time that the original lantern can play so many tricks.
At the end of the afternoon, the banquet was scattered, and Yao-Niang was there and Jin-Wang was already waiting there. Wei Hong Jingdi and has not been to the Queen, the palace of the Qing shed light on the side, next to Jin Wang House.
It can be seen that the light shed of Qing wangfu was not carefully prepared, and the lantern pattern was normal, and it was afraid that it would fall to the lower level in Prince.
Qing Wang was pale and looked awkward. He ‘called and said: "Jirou..."
Qing Fae took a look at it. Qing Wang seemed to be encouraged. He wanted to step up and walk, but he saw that under the radiance of the stream, Wangfei eyes suddenly cooled down, and the corner of his mouth sneered and turned his head. Don't look at this anymore. He turned his head and saw Han Ceefei being surrounded by several guardian Wei Maid.
He was in a hurry and subconsciously said, "How come you?!"
Han Ceefei grievances: "His Royal Highness, can't you come here? This family has a son-in-law, if it is not the King's House..."
Upon hearing this, Qing Wang felt a pain in his heart and replied: "Who made you come? Who made you come? You didn't say that you didn't like this occasion, you ran out to do something!"
Han Ceefei cried out, and he didn't talk again and again with tears.
Qing Wang immediately wanted people to send Han Ceefei away, but he thought that today's occasions are different, and it will attract attention. He also glanced at Wangfei back and was so frustrated that he didn't go to see Han Ceefei again and sat down on the chair next to him.
Han Ceefei stood there, and the hand under his sleeve couldn't help but touch a hard block in his sleeve.
Over there, Yao-Niang hesitated to glance at Wangfei.
Qing Fae smiled at her and whispered: "I am fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Chapter 162    :   Jin Wang: If you want me, this king can give you

Hong Jingdi silently appeared, until you see the light shed forefront of the emergence of a bright yellow figure of people, Yao Niang was found.
There was a waiter who came and called Jin-Wang, and Qing Wang also left.
Not long after Jin-Wang came back, Qing Wang followed. However, Qing Wang’s face was a bit white, and it was probably what happened.
Jin-Wang said to take Yao-Niang to go to the lamp market, Yao-Niang asked if you are not here. In this case, if Hongjing did not leave, he could not leave when his son was.
After Yao-Niang knew that the dragon body of Hongjing Emperor was somewhat uncomfortable and returned to the palace in advance.
Qing Wangfei with Yao together Niang out, naturally go together. Qing Wangben was standing in the lampshade of his house, and Jin-Wang took the person away and wanted to call it.
"What happened to him? Is it training?" Yao-Niang whispered.
Jin-Wang said: "Fu Huang knows, and reprimanded the seven brothers."
In fact, Jin-Wang is more subtle. In fact, Hongjing Emperor is furious, and I don’t know who gave it. Emperor Hongjing Emperor Zhaoqing Wang Zhijia is not strict, favored concubine off his wife.
This language seems to be simple, but it is quite serious. This kind of thing is a big taboo for ordinary officials, let alone the Prince who sealed the king.
Let Jin-Wang see that Hongjing Emperor must have had any troubles, and will only make such a big fire. Qing Wang is the leader of the pool fish. But this is a fact. Qing Wang did not even have a chance to argue. Apart from swearing under the guise, he could not do anything else.
At that time, all Prince were watching. Qing Wang was very embarrassed.
Jin Wang Fu Huang know to be the seventh of this is over, Fu Huang, although not much of what a father, but always in front of people who stay face to his son. From small to large, Prince also waited for the old seven to not color, said to be a son, often not even a slave.
Therefore, Jin-Wang can understand why Qing Wang will fall on his cousin of the Hann girl. This is probably a kind of empathy similar to a physical injury. This kind of thing can't be persuaded and can't be persuaded. He can only watch him go down and see how he can understand.
Before changing to Jin-Wang, I would like to say a few words to Qing Wang. This time, there was no opening and it remained silent.
After listening to the description of Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang did not dare to say anything except the tongue, because Qing Fae was still behind. She and Jin Wang said two words, then went to celebrate Wangfei around with her peers.
"His Royal Highness said that I would take me to the lamp market, let's go."
Qing Fae shook his head: "I won't go."
Yao-Niang hurriedly said: "It’s rare to have a holiday once a year. I haven’t seen the city’s lights market yet. I’m going to say that it’s time to put fireworks. We usually don’t have two doors, and we take the opportunity to distract ourselves. Besides, Geer and Zhuzhu are still in the palace, when you come back with us to pick her up."
Qing Fae is thinking about how to refuse, suddenly seeing a few people coming here, his eyes are bright: "I am not going to go shopping, I am different from you and my five brothers, you see my brother Sao, they are coming, I am with them, I will not bother you and my fifth brother, and when I go to the palace to pick up Geer and beads."
Yao-Niang also saw the people of Xiao family.
 Xiao Qian and Xiao Kun bowed to Jin-Wang, "Thank you for taking care of your sister."
Jin-Wang's eyes are a bit complicated, but nothing is said, just nodded.
After that, Wangfei and Xiao’s family left, and Yao-Niang went all the way with Jin-Wang.
This lamp is divided into two cities, the inner city and the inner city.
The city is the one that Yao-Niang and Jin-Wang walked through, while the foreign market is outside Dong-Anmen.
There are also lights in the Liulichang and Mishikou.
This entering the city of lights is like falling into a stream of world.
There are all kinds of lights everywhere, row by row, which makes people dizzying.
There are many types of lanterns, such as dragon lights, palace lights, gauze lights, flower blue lights, dragon and phoenix lights, angular lights, tree lights, fireworks lights, mushroom lights, horse lights, etc., which are round, square, cylindrical, and polygonal. , all kinds of.
There are large and small, a wide variety, the largest is a few floors, the main body of the lamp mountain, the smallest is just a big palm.
There are also countless vendors selling snacks, juggling, singing, and stalls selling all kinds of utensils, and there are people everywhere.
Jin-Wang is on the waist of Yao-Niang, and is in a state of holding. In addition to Fu Cheng and Yu Yu, the two men, the dark ten and the dark eleven and several guards, dressed as ordinary people, are hidden in the surrounding.
Along the way, Yao-Niang ate a bowl of Lantern, watched the dragon lantern for a while, and bought the most common jade rabbit lamp in his hand.
The excited face was red.
Jin-Wang looked at him, and he loved him in the heart. He still took her out to play less. However, when Yao-Niang stuffed the unfinished Lantern into his mouth, he chose to refuse.
"It's delicious, why don't you eat it."
Jin-Wang didn't want to care about her. He didn't eat sweets on the first day.
Passing through a stall with bamboo snares, Yao-Niang took half of the Silver Taels and bought thirty bamboo rings. In fact, let Jin-Wang see that the rows of small objects on the ground look good and look very rough, but Yao-Niang has to play, and she can only play with her.
Unfortunately, the craftsmanship is not good, and none of the thirty bamboo rings are set.
Jin-Wang listened to her sigh, oh sigh, and waited for the bamboo ring in her hand to be thrown away. Nothing was covered, and it was a disappointment. Next to Fu Cheng and Yu Yu, they all smiled. Jin-Wang looked helplessly at her staring at the little things on the ground. It seemed to hesitate to buy some bamboo rings.
"Yu Yu, give me half of Silver Taels."
Yu Xi was busy with the silver and went forward to change the bamboo ring.
This time, Yao-Niang was only more cautious, but it was still not covered.
The best one was only a side, not counting.
Why is it not covered?
Yao-Niang stared at the little things and looked at the little things.
The hawkers in the stalls seemed to have a little conscience.
They took a kitten and a porcelain piece from the ground and handed it over: "This wife, send you One."
Yao-Niang thinks that this cat is especially like a flower. It wastes a lot of laps on it. When the boss wants to send her, she immediately smiles and wants to pick it up.
The hawker was dazzled and eager to give the beautiful wife to the stalls. And Yao-Niang's hand has not been extended, it was blocked.
It is Jin-Wang.
Jin-Wang looked at Fu Cheng, and Fu made a squeeze and went forward. He took the porcelain pieces in the hands of the hawkers and put them on the ground. And he reached out to the hawker to make a bamboo ring, and the hawker did not care about Fu Cheng’s failure to give the silver, and he handed over a bamboo ring in a panic.
Fu Cheng took it, and he went to Jin-Wang with respect.
Jin Wang took it, have not seen how he posed, those bamboo lap speeds are not visible to the naked eye fly out, such as Yao Niang bow to see, on both ends of all the stuff straight and set up A bamboo circle. Even the farthest from here, and the most attractive corner of the lantern, also set one.
In fact, many people are attracted by this stall, which is to take a fancy to the lantern.
The lantern was attached with a picture of a stream of fish, because of the bright colors, coupled with the movement of the wind, it turned like a group of squid are rushing in the water, very eye-catching.
If you want to buy a lantern, if you want to buy it, you need ten Silver Taels, and here you can buy a bamboo ring for a few dollars.
If it is in the set? People are inevitably lucky and greedy and cheap, so this small business will be so prosperous.
Unfortunately, this bamboo ring is too small, and the position and shape of the lanterns are too rough. This lamp has never been set. Before Yao-Niang spent more than 20 laps on it, he realized that the facts gave up and set up something else. I didn't expect it to be set by Jin-Wang.
"Your Highness, you are really amazing." After quarging Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang turned his head and directed Fu Cheng and Yu Yu to pack away the things in the set.
"So many, Fucheng can't take it."
After the reminder of Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang realized this cruel fact.
Jin-Wang gestured Fu Cheng to go to mention the Lantern Lantern, and he leaned over to pick up the cat-like ornaments like flowers.
He rested on his fingers and handed it to Yao-Niang: "What do you want Benwang to give you." The meaning of the words is not allowed by others.
Yao-Niang looked at the streamer in his eyes and couldn't help but blush. I didn't expect Jin-Wang to be vinegar.
I watched my lucky tree being taken away. Even if other nobles left, the hawkers felt that the sky had collapsed. But he didn't dare to ‘call, he didn't dare to stop, he didn't ignore it, the Madam called the one as His Royal Highness.
Your Highness, how many of these worlds can be called His Highness? Every year, under the imperial city roots, hawkers naturally know that it is all irritating.
Suddenly, a silver coin fell in front of him, and the hawker raised his eyes and saw a follower who passed by him, and he was very pleased to grab the silver.
The noble person is the noble person, and the shot is generous. He went back to buy a lamp and the business could still be done.
Jin-Wang did not lead Yao-Niang to continue shopping, but came to a three-storey restaurant.
The guests of this restaurant are full of people, and they are full of people. Especially on the second and third floors, the windows are wide open, which is a rare thing.
Yao-Niang saw all the restaurants on the street, all over the place, and the windows upstairs were wide open. If it is summer, it is still winter. But soon she knew what the reason was.
"So many people, will there be a seat?"
"Nature is there."
Sure enough, after Fu Cheng found someone to negotiate, someone led them upstairs.
Just stepping up the stairs, Yao-Niang saw a group of people at the door, it was Xiao family and Qing Fae.
"Jirou, here."
Yao-Niang was so excited that she couldn’t help but ‘Call. Seeing someone around seeing her, she reacted to what she had done and was busy hiding behind Jin-Wang.
Cat courage!
Jin-Wang’s heart is dark, indicating that Fu Cheng is going forward.
Soon Xiao family and Qing Fae came over, Jin-Wang did not say anything, but if the road is not seated together.
Not to mention, there is really no seat, Xiao -'Laozi didn't want to bother Jin-Wang, but they are temporarily planning to come out. Don't say it here, I'm afraid there is no place everywhere. Seeing that the women and children in the family were all looking forward to the face, they ‘called and said that they were bothered.
Jin-Wang nodded, not saying much, leading the way.
Ya is not on the second floor, but on the third floor with the best position.
Others don't know, Xiao -'Laozi, but the third floor of the 'Cinque' is not open to the nobles, and sometimes even the nobles are not necessarily able to come up. At the time of the celebration of the city's carnival in the last Yuan Festival, I booked such a position, and the means and power of Jin-Wang can be seen.
Maybe this cyclamen is Jin-Wang, Xiao -'Laozi flashed such a thought in his mind. As far as he knows, the people behind this cyclamen are very mysterious and powerful, and no one dares to provoke.
Someone soon got tea, fruit, and snack plates, and everyone sat down in the chair.
This elegant room is very large, occupying half of the entire third floor. Women and children sit here, and several men are on the other side, but it is not noisy.
After knowing each other, Yao-Niang greeted Big-Madam 2nd-Madam, and celebrated Wangfei and two children to eat fruits and snacks.
There are so many people today, so the 1st House the 2nd House of Xiao jia only brought out the older children, and the small ones stayed at home, just like Xiao bao.
What the man seemed to say on the other side, Yao-Niang looked far away, and guessed that he was afraid to celebrate Wangfei. Up to now, Yao-Niang is not aware of Jin-Wang’s plan for the Qing wang couple.
Just then, the night sky outside suddenly lit up, followed by a few squeaking, squeaking, and squeaking sounds.
The two children of Xiao’s family immediately jumped up and changed the literary and quiet show, and ‘called: “Father, niang, fireworks!”
Say, just scatter the Yatou son by the window.
Everyone stood up and went to the window.
Heaven and earth seem to be in the bottom of the eye, the dark blue night sky, the high moon, the stars. What is even more embarrassing is the blossoming silver flower in the night sky not far away.
The vocals are soaring, to the extent visible to the naked eye, Yao-Niang sees countless people on the street below.
'——,,', the sound of the fireworks is endless.
At the same time, the night sky began to stage a beautiful picture.
Various colors, various shapes, fireworks, fireballs, silver snakes, and flower-like chrysanthemums are beautiful.
The first batch of fireworks just had the color of dissipating, and a large number of fireworks poured out from the sky, forming a silver and golden waterfall, which is amazingly spectacular. Among them, the fireworks are mixed with all kinds of shapes and colors, which makes people suffocate.
"It's so beautiful!" Yao-Niang said.
A big master of her hand, she could not help herself for a moment, leaning on his chest.
I can't wait for this scene to never go, it is a long time.
Just as everyone was immersed in the beauty of the fireworks, there was a man on the corner of the street looking up at it.
Qing Wang all the way to follow the Xiao family, and countless times want to go forward, but they have taken a step.
He looked up and watched Wangfei beautiful face in the stream, and all kinds of emotions linger in his heart. He did not find that there was a woman standing not far behind him, but the woman was looking at him, his eyes flashed all kinds of emotions, and eventually he was silent.
She took out something from her arms and handed it to the person behind her.
"Give this thing to him."
This person’s eyes flashed a bit of a surprise. "You finally want to open."
She did not speak.
The aftertaste of the Shangyuan Festival has not yet dispersed, and Capital City has been swept by a wave.
In the spring of February, Capital City-China began to gather a large number of Imperial-Graduate students from all over the place, and the inn restaurant houses and even monasteries were full of people.
The capital is very lively, and wherever I go, I can hear people talking about the Spring Festival. Emperor Hongjing was appointed as the chief examiner of the department, and another deputy examiner was the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy.
Both of them are highly respected, presiding over the spring of this subject, no one has argued.
On the 9th, 12th, and 15th of February, the Spring Festival will be held for a total of nine days. As the saying goes, entering a Gongyuan, taking off a layer of skin, can be seen.
However, reading in the cold window for ten years, it became famous in the world. After reading a book for a lifetime, some people even test that the white hair is still not giving up, not just seeking this day.
Therefore, even if there is a raging fire in front of the mountains, there are countless people fighting for fear.
However, all of this has nothing to do with the Jin-Wang House. Jin-Wang still goes to the Ministry of Work as usual every day, and it is time-honored.
In late February, the spring festival ended.
The wave in Capital City can still not be dispersed, even more lively than before. In the March trial, the candidates who gathered in Capital City will wait until they are released, and they will decide whether to leave or stay.
Nowadays, there is nothing more in the spring, what is the subject of this subject, and what is the problem. Naturally, it is widely known. It is inevitable that some people will copy the articles they have made as they are, and prove each other and widely circulated.
There are many candidates from all over the restaurant, and there are many candidates gathered together to talk about the length of the article and discuss various articles.
In fact, after such a long time, who can go to the department and the first one, most of the candidates have a certain number of hearts, even if they can't guess ten to ten, seventy-eight percent are no problem.
But at this time, something went wrong.
And things went around, and in the end, I found out that I was associated with Qing Wang, which was beyond everyone expectations.

Chapter 163    :   Crying the Temple of Literature, Han Yuer is not Han Haner.

In fact, at the beginning of the incident, it was only a candidate who lost his words after drinking. He said that he had already known the subject of this subject, and he would definitely be a subject.
At first, everyone only wants to blow Cattle. After all, if this person has excellent grades, it will only end up in the township test. Generally, such people come to participate in the test, which is the default white test for one year, but it is a long experience, to map the next time.
Such people dare to say that they will definitely go to the department and the first, simply ridiculous!
There were a lot of candidates at the scene, and most of them were drunk. Some people don't believe it, laughing and laughing, this person is blowing Cattle, and there is no less ridicule for him. Some people are suspicious, and some people believe, but the person who believes is ignorant. Regardless of this, on the day of the trial release, this person is really famous on the list, and the tribute is tested.
However, in the examination, the tribute passed the test in April, and it was also a fellow graduate.
The future of this person was already on the nail. On the contrary, there are many well-recognized scholars, and there is no name on the list.
The most ridiculous thing is that the person who tried to be a fellow in this hometown was named as Jieyuan’s list, but the tail of the trailer was the first one, which made people shake their heads and sigh, and the straight road was unfair.
In fact, as early as before and after the Spring Festival, there are a lot of news in the private school.
There is a lot of joints in the examination room. I don’t mention anything about Father, worshipping the door, and even selling the questions privately. Non-ordinary people can't buy them. It’s just that everyone doesn’t believe it. It’s happening again, so there more and more to talk about it more and more privately.
At the same time, another incident occurred. It was a case of a Jiangxiese prose that said that an official had accepted his money but did not take him. This was a big problem.
Hongjing thirty-three years is destined to be an eventful year.
On the second day of March, hundreds of candidates who had tried to pass the exam took the Confucius Temple in Guochengjian Street in Dongcheng.
Asking them what they are doing is naturally crying the Temple of Literature.
There have been few cases of fraud in the history of the dynasties. This imperial examination is related to the lifeline of the imperial court. It is also related to the interests of countless people. It is inevitable that some people will be confused in front of the yellow and white objects.
There was also a case in which the students had cried the Temple of Literature in the former Family, but it was a township test, but it was just a lift. That is the case, the major crimes of imperial examinations have also been implicated, many high-ranking officials have fallen, the daggers of the beheading, the copying of the house.
Today, when he was in office, there was such a horrible scandal. After Hong Jingdi heard the news, Longyan was furious.
It is also that these candidates are too damaging, and they are also ruined.
Cry the Temple of Literature? That is to be recorded in the history books. Only the monarch is stupid, the imperial court has no way, the field is dark, and the students have nowhere to go, only to find Kong Shengren to cry.
For a time, the wind was raging, and the entire capital was covered with clouds. Emperor Hongjing ordered the apricot list to be sealed, and sealed all the test papers of the candidates.
This thorough investigation naturally needs to be checked out from the troubled candidates. One to two pulls up the radish and brings mud, which has implicated countless people coming in.
First and foremost is the chief examiner of the Ministry of Rites, Xiao Yu.
Why is it that he is the first to be the first, because the number of questionable candidates who have been interrogated at present are all set by him.
When I mention this, I will talk about this test system. I also said in the past that some people in the dynasties have had some hands on the imperial examinations, so this precautionary measure is also advancing with the times.
This is the Zhu Mo Juan, the so-called Zhu Mo Juan is the candidate to answer the volume, there will be a special person to collect the name.
The name on the roll is pasted, and the owner of the test is naturally not known to outsiders. Of course, this step is not complete, you need to send it to the , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
This is done to prevent the scoring officer from recognizing the handwriting, or the candidate to make a mark on the test paper to prevent the possibility of fraud.
It seems that the procedures are extremely complicated, and it is already seamless. In fact, as long as there is a heart, there are always loopholes available for drilling. After all, in addition to the two examiners and other examiners, there are countless marking officers in the Gongyuan, as well as numerous countless squadrons, and even the squad, servants and so on.
It is like one of the fraudulent methods detected this time, joint sliver.
After the examiner and the candidate exchange, there is a specific word in the test paper before the candidate enters the scene, mostly a virtual word.
The person who breaks through the checkpoint only passes the note bearing the joint word to the examiner.
The examiner will "receive the record by the article, and never lose one."
Not to mention the other means, only you can't think of it, no one can't.
 Xiao Yu has tried to deny it. After reviewing the file, I found out that the person who was taken by him had a literary and illegible person. Almost without re-examination, you can decide whether this is indeed a civil servant fraud case or a major case led by the examiner.
 Xiao Yu argued that there was no doubt, and he was given a gray face. This person is An Wang.
In fact, this kind of joint sliver is not uncommon in each section of the examination.
The dignitaries want to mention what kind of doorman to bring, and the teacher of the same class will bring this set of late-generation and younger generations, which will be used as a convention. But I know that the truth is too late, and there are only a few that will be tested each time.
This time, there were not many people who found out that Xiao Xiao’s hands were there, but only seven or eight.
The problem is that things are too big, and it is also related to the sale of exam questions, which is considered a large-scale imperial examination.
But this thing Xiao Yu does not admit it, just say no.
Then you can only find the head of An Wang.
At the same time, a doorman named Wang Datong of Anwangfu came to the surface.
According to the investigation, this person is a person who sells questions in private.
The person was taken to interrogate, and five hundred and two sets of questions were sold. He sold more than 50 copies.
Hongjing Emperor Longyan was furious and personally asked An Wang to ask, but An Wang only admitted to handing the note, and did not admit that the lifekeeper sold the test questions.
The big king of Ang is also clearly arguing that it is useless. It is very frank, and it is a customary practice. He is a Qinwang who has not yet relied on the doorman to sell the questions to extract money. But this Wang Datong is indeed the doorman of An Wang, and does not mention this relationship. This Wang Datong also has a daughter, An King's Small Concubine.
Is it true that the female color is wrong, so it will be leaked from the hands of An Wang, so that it is a big mistake? Not to mention the identity of An Wang Qinwang, he is only a small subject in the rites, the exam questions are the most important, it is impossible to pass his hand.
Therefore, it was implicated in countless officials of the Ministry of Rites and did not mention it. At the same time, Wang Datong himself was also robbed of his family and imprisoned.
In the process of copying the house, I copied a thing from Wang Datong’s house, which is why this kind of thing involved the King of Qing .
A letter bearing the seal of the King of Qing .
When Qing Wang was drunk at home, he was taken into the palace.
His errand at Guanglu Temple was insignificant, and he could not have him, so he had not gone to Guanglu Temple for a long time. In the daytime, he was drinking alcohol at home, and occasionally he went to Xiao’s house, but Xiao’s family kept him behind closed doors.
So when he was admitted to the palace, he was still drunk and didn’t know anything. Emperor Hongjing saw the sneer, and ordered him to wake him up. When the wine wakes up, Qing Wang knows what happened.
Suddenly changed color, covered in cold sweat, and eloquently defended himself, and asked to see Hongjing Emperor, but no one would pay attention to him.
At the same time, in the Qing Wangfu, Wangye was taken away by the palace people, and the up and down was awkward and uneasy, so no one found that someone in the house disappeared.
On a deserted path outside the city, a very ordinary carriage was running at this time.
In addition to the coachman on the carriage, only two women were seated.
Han Ceefei was sitting in the carriage, her hands clenched into fists under the sleeves. At this time, she had already lost her jewellery and only wore a simple cotton skirt. If it was not fair, it would be hard to recognize. It’s like the Ceefei of the empty valley.
No one in the car spoke, and the Maid-like woman around her was also nervous.
She said a syllable in the mouth, Han Ceefei looked at her: "I have told you many times, don't say Goryeo, once and twice, if it becomes a habit, how can you say something in front of people?" do?"
This Maid licked his lips and some succumbed: "We are Hanns, everyone knows."
Yes, so what is she thinking about? She has already come out of the house.
“Niang-Niang, let’s go to Tongzhou?”
Han Ceefei nodded.
As soon as I arrived in Tongzhou, I got on the boat and the world was full.
There was always a feeling of crisis in my heart. I felt that I had to go to Tongzhou and stay away from it to be safe.
He must have found out that he had stolen his seal and harmed him, and he hated to die. But we must know that she is also unwilling...
The car ‘Called, in order to hide the eyes and ears, this carriage is just the most common one, it is very uncomfortable to sit up. In recent years, Han Ceefei has been accustomed to the Qing wang, and has long been accustomed to the Jinyi jade food, and forgot to experience the experience before the King.
The carriage was bumped up and down, and Han Ceefei had to hold the window to stabilize the body.
Suddenly the carriage suddenly stopped, and almost did not pull out the two women in the carriage.
"What happened?"
"Niang-Niang, someone stopped..."
Still not finished, it was a burst of fighting, and it was the driver who fought with the other side.
Han Ceefei subconsciously touched a short sword placed on her leg. Her Maid also took out a short knife. Maid went to open the curtain.
The outside situation suddenly fell into the eye, but there were more than a dozen Tsing Yi Hans. Stopped, and they did not notice a trace of the signs, obviously the other party is waiting for the rabbit.
Han Ceefei put on a shocked look, white face: "Who are you, actually stopped our way, here is not far from the capital, there are people passing by, you are not afraid to be discovered? If you The strong man seeks for money, as far as he can say, the little girl pays for it, but please don’t bother me."
No one cares about her, the few big men who ride on the horse just don’t do it, just look at her and laugh.
"Who are you? I am the Ceefei of the palace. This is a simple trip to burn out. I don't want to fall into the eye. You know how to sue the imperial family, let me know and let me go..."
"Okay, Han Ceefei, you don't have to install it."
Han Ceefei suddenly changed color. For a time, his face was very colorful. She scorned and replied: "Tell the master of your family, the things that have been done for me have already been done, let me go quickly, so that the fish will die!"
One of the Tsing Yi Dahan disdainfully said: "The fish is dead and broken, you can't afford to see yourself too much. Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, we are stopping you, there is no plan to leave you alive." He raised his eyebrows and replied: "What to grind, a driver can't solve it!"
The two men who were playing with the coachman immediately speeded up, and immediately the coachman fell into a pool of blood, leaving only unconscious convulsions.
Here, seeing each other hard and hard to eat, Han Ceefei also gave up the fight to be a beast, and that Maid jumped out of the car and battled with a few big Hans, actually thought of trying to win the horse.
This Han Ceefei seems to be a slender figure, but he did not expect to be a martial arts master, and he did not fall into the wind with two big men. A short sword makes it so fascinating, and I don’t know what it’s like to think of her weak King.
A ‘Call rang, and Maid, who was still talking to her, was the soul of the knife.
Han Ceefei came to Dagan from Han, and only this Yatou has been with her, and she is also loyal to her. At this time, I saw the most close people around me, and Han Ceefei burned in five.
But now it’s too late to say anything. If she wants to live, she will only be able to break through. It’s a pity that the other person is a lot of people. She is not an opponent at all, and she quickly falls into the wrong wind.
"His Royal Highness..." A man who looked like a guardian couldn't help himself.
Obviously, I want to live, but my Highness has never been ordered. I will see this one when I see three people. This one is also at stake. This guardian can't avoid more than one mouth.
And just as he was talking, the woman in the field had a knife and blood flowed like a note.
Jin-Wang squinted his eyes, and then he raised his hand and waved.
With the sound of the loss of the profit, the slashing knife to the Ceefei of the Tsing Yi Han Hanton fell to the ground, no sound. In the field, there was a big mess, and the people in Tsing Yi were in a state of protection. But they didn't give them time at all, and there were countless arrows, and there were four or five people who fell to the ground.
Those who are heads know that this is a hard scorpion.
Their usual style is that they can't leave a handle, and they don't have to fight the beasts again.
The active people are on their own, and the injured are smashed to the ground.
More than a dozen rides in the bushes, chasing the people who escaped. Jin-Wang came to the front of Han Ceefei.
"It turned out to be you!" Han Ceefei snorted, and a blood spurted out and wet her chin.
The white face is soft and beautiful, and it immediately looks like a wolf. "I thought you didn't care about him."
"What happened to benwang, others have no right to set aside."
"Also, after all, it is a long-term brotherhood." Han Ceefei laughed again, and more blood flowed out.
"Your purpose, who is the person who killed you?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"You can stay in the palace forever. If it is not different, my people will not chase it out."
In fact, it is also a coincidence. Jin-Wang has been staring at the movement of the Qing Wang House. When the family just came to call him into the palace, he received news that Han Ceefei sneaked away. This was the first person to sneak, and after that incident, Jin-Wang was only sure that he could not get rid of this woman, and he personally brought it out.
I didn't expect to see a big show, but it was also expected.
Han Ceefei smiles, if it is not really no way to go, how could she go this most dangerous move. After she handed in the print, she knew that she must have this day. Only she has been reluctant, always want to be able to drag the day is a day, until Qing Wang was taken away by the palace.
Although Han Ceefei doesn't know what happened, it is not a trivial matter to make such a battle in the palace.
Therefore, Qing Wang’s forefoot was taken away, and her hind legs left. I didn't expect to catch the oriole, and the last one followed a hunter.
"Why should I tell you?"
"You can't say that Benwang is not reluctant. It's just a child born by Goryeo. I don't know where the child is going?"
Han Ceefei suddenly got excited, and a lot of blood sprang from her mouth. "You are mean!"
Despicable? It’s not Jin-Wang, but Han Ceefei has done this for the children.
Jin-Wang's expression is indifferent, but the eyes are saying so.
Han Ceefei pupil tightened, shortness of breath: "You keep me safe, I will tell you."
“Benwang can't guarantee it, because Benwang is now even questioning the blood of the child.”
"Hey Geer is the child of His Highness, who is born, and I was born with hardships in October..."
Then, Jin-Wang heard a story from the Hann Ceefei mouth.
Han Yuer is not Han Haner.

Chapter 164    :   Jin Wang: The woman at home is squatting. Hongjing Emperor: You are really good.

The real Han Yuer is dead, and the pro-niang died in the coup.
The current Han Yuer is just a nail inserted by Gao Li current Wang Xiang Dagan.
When he was beaten from the ancestors of the ancestors, he was convinced of the wall of the grass, and Gao Li bowed to the head of the Dagan. He used the year of Dagan and accepted the seal of Dagan as the subsidiary of Dagan.
But the situation of the land of the project is also very complicated, often there is a coup, and because it is bordered by many countries, these powers are intertwined. However, for this kind of internal affairs, Dagan generally does not care, as long as your small country surrenders to me.
Koryo Wang was not thinking about moving Han and her mother and daughter. I never thought that when my mother was married, when my daughter did not live alone, there would be a blue pearl. So I arranged for Lanzhu to come to Dagan to find a relative, and to establish a firm foot in the side of Qing Wang by the old feelings, it became a matter of course.
Kelly has always used this method a lot, including the tribute to a group of women every few years. Anyone who can stand firm next to a high-powered person will benefit from Goryeo. Although Qing Wang is now just a small Prince, who knows what will happen in the future?
Lanzhu impersonated to come to Dagan and came to Qing wang.
Qing Wang was born tall and handsome, holding power, and praying for the pearls of Lanzhu, and Lanzhu could not help but move. In addition, although she is a nail, but this kind of nail like her is just a trick, she gradually forgot her identity, just indulge in the celebration of Wangfei between the King.
Lan Zhu was sealed by Ceefei and gave birth to Geer. She felt that as long as Qing Wang and Qing Wangfei were centrifuged away from Germany, the future would be her world, which would make her useless and complete the words of the master. But at this time, someone suddenly sent her a letter.
The only words in this letter are that she understands that her master has informed her of her identity.
"I didn't intend to join hands with the other party at first. I only said that I was assisted in the letter, but I didn't let me be ordered by him. But he took my identity and wanted to swear at me. I kept pushing it away until I couldn't get rid of it again..."
"You can tell the old seven about this." I don't know what kind of mentality, Jin-Wang actually said such a sentence.
When I heard this, Lan Zhu was a glimpse, and then smiled: "Do you think I didn't think about it? But I took the name... You don't think he really has anything to me? Actually, I sometimes have it. Pity him, when I was with him, many times he listened to me telling me what niang told me, about his niang... he didn't know that these things were actually compiled by me..."
Lan Zhu smile was very strange. Jin-Wang couldn’t help but look at him.
"...If you let him know that I am deceiving him, I guess the first person who killed me is him...
The man’s mind is sometimes very strange... In fact, not only men, sometimes women are not ......" Lan Zhu demeanor seems to be caught in the memory.
The expression is very complicated, mixed with nostalgia, anger, desolation, and even remembrance, grievances and so on.
"You haven't told BenWangyet, who is the person who contacted you."
Lan Zhu returned and saw Jin-Wang: "I don't know."
When she paused, she said again: "I really don't know, but I know that he is not simple, because Fuxi is his person. He contacted me through Fuxi."
Fuxi was a young man who had been with Qing Wang for more than 20 years.
Jin-Wang is immersed in meditation, apparently thinking about who is the person behind Lanzhu.
On the ground, Lanzhu, more and more blood is coming out of the mouth, and breathing is getting more and more urgent: "I should have said it, you must not forget what you promised me."
"I hope that you can talk to other people again."
After saying this, Jin-Wang made a look at a nearby guard and turned to the horse.
The man immediately took out a pill from his arms, squeezed the wax pill, and stuffed it into the mouth of Lanzhu. He said, "It's cheaper for you. This medicine is hard to find, even if the person who will die can make her more. Live half an hour."
Dry Qing Palace, Hong Jingdi looks gloomy and sits on the throne.
Underneath it stood several Prince headed by Hui-Wang, only Jin-Wang and Qing Wang were absent, and An Wang was pale and squatting on the ground.
"I also hope that Fu Huang Mingjian, some people deliberately planted their children, the children of the ministers did have a life to hand to the Xiao Yu, but it is not daring to go to the people to sell the exam questions."
Emperor Hongjing does not say anything.
Hui-Wang glared at a pair of turbid eyes, and smiled beside him: "Lao-Er, not when the brother said you, you are even tight, it is not impossible to find these brothers to borrow one or two. How to eat so It’s ugly, even the silver of the cat and dog’s generation is collected. It’s not that the brother said you, you are too careless.”
In the past, this kind of long and short An Wang will not fight. But now it is different.
The fraud in the field is a big event. If he is not careful, he is the end of the ban. An Wang looked at Hui-Wang with a grudge: "Big brother, don't say your brother, you haven't done this kind of thing. You don't need me to mention how many people under the Crown Prince were there." All transshipment salts make the division..."
Hui-Wang suddenly changed color and retorted: "You think that everyone else is dirty, you are clean, then..."
Hongjing’s temperament was purple and red, and he said on the top: “Give me shut up, you guys are doing things! You are a brother, you are a son...”
The Emperor Hongjing’s chest was ups and downs, and Li-de was busy picking him up and giving him a sigh of relief, and he was drinking hot tea with him.
The following plops have been smashed, and all of them are asking for the anger of Emperor Hongjing.
The problem is that Hongjing Emperor is able to get angry. He looks at the sons below. I don’t know how many of them are moving in it. Planting, framing, smashing, smashing...
Hongjing Emperor can finally understand that Fu Huang was so kind of eyes when he saw the brothers.
It is because of this situation, so Hongjing Emperor knows that Hui-Wang has made so many mistakes, how many of them are stupid, and how many are being poured by dirty water. And An Wang today, and Qing Wang, how many people have moved in it.
Heaven has no father and son! Heaven has no brothers!
I don't know why, Hongjing's mind flashed such a sentence, and his face was ten years old.
Li-De Quan is still following the chest to Hong Jingdi. He feels the pain in his head and hurts him. He took a few deep breaths to suppress this disgusting feeling, what he was going to say, and suddenly a small eunuch came in and reported that Jin-Wang came.
"Let him come in." Hong Jingdi, waved Li-De Quan's hand, and took the tea next to him. After a while, he has been able to recover calm.
He sat on the throne, high above, and the faces of the sons below seemed to be in front of him, and seemed to be far away.
He saw the uneasiness of An Wang, the anger of Hui-Wang, the silence of the king, the waiting of the king, the gloating of Lu Wang...
A high on the top, overwhelming the sentient beings, he seems to return to the cold and ruthless emperor, not for the fathers of the children and grandchildren.
Jin-Wang came in, his clothes were neat, and there was no clutter. His pace was steady, not ill, but the ash was dyed at the bottom of the boot.
"Where did you go? I told you to go to the palace, your brothers are coming, but you are the slowest."
"There are things in the children." At the same time as Jin-Wang performed the ceremony, he did not say anything. He did not seem to want to explain his thoughts that he would be late.
Emperor Hongjing was not too angry with him, and this old five never cares what he thinks, and will not provoke him to be unhappy. He tightened his lips and was about to say something. Jin-Wang said another thing, "There are things to be told."
"What is it?" Hongjing Emperor asked.
Jin-Wang didn't talk anymore, obviously it was too much to dislike the side, he didn't want to say.
Emperor Hongjing did not stand up, he shook a little, but the next moment he caught Li elbow.
"Hey, come in."
Going to the West Warm Pavilion, Hongjing Emperor sat down on the bright yellow sitting on the south window, and put it in the hand: "Whatever you say."
Jin-Wang is not correct. "I don't know how Fu Huang intends to deal with his second brother. How do he plan to dispose of the seventh brother?"
This is what makes Hongjing Emperor a glimpse. "How do you deal with them, and you still need to say hello to you?"
"The child has one person, this person is..."
Jin-Wang probably said something about Han Ceefei.
After listening to Hong Jingdi, not angering is a sneer: "A woman can play him in a mess, he is really a good son."
This tone is not like saying that his son, but like an outsider, Hongjing Emperor has always had a faint disgust with Qing Wang. Many people do not understand why this is the only reason that Jin-Wang has learned a few reasons.
Jin-Wang is not shocked, and his eyebrows are not lifted: "My parents hope that Fu Huang will be able to show his love for the seven brothers and give him a chance to reflect on his own."
"You pleaded for him like this, but it looks like a scorpion. Isn't he a son?"
Jin-Wang looked up at him, though he said nothing, but the clear eyes were full of insights.
Yes, everyone knows that King Qing was planted.
This happened two days before, but Hongjing Emperor has been pressing, until today, he was ordered to take the King of Qing , and his intentions are self-evident.
Hongjing Emperor is a father, but he is also an emperor.
What is the most feared by the emperor? In addition to death, it is about to lose the throne.
The father is weak, especially so many sons are ambitious, I am afraid that any emperor will be afraid. Emperor Hongjing used the bait to lure him and designed several sons to accept the slashing, leaving the Prince in Capital City and giving them official positions. It seems that I want to see which son has a more sacred phase. In fact, it is not a mental reaction.
Jin-Wang knows the mentality of this kind of person too much, so he decided to have a backhand.
This latter hand is equivalent to killing chickens and monkeys, in order to warn the Prince not to tamper and declare their supreme majesty.
With the Jin-Wang temper grid, he will not know what to say if he understands all of this. But this time it was Qing Wang being involved in it. Although Qing Wang was confused and incompetent, it was his younger brother who had been protecting for many years.
Jin-Wang's clear but bottomless eyes reminded Hongjing Emperor of a person.
A person who makes him dream at midnight and dreams from time to time.
"...Shen-hey, don't forget what she used to be pregnant with dragons. You think she is simply weak, but in reality..."
She said nothing, only looking at him with this kind of look.
In this look, he has a sense of self-defense, and there is a kind of insight she knows everything.
She knows her heart, she knows why she is tempted, she knows the inferiority of the man in his bones, she knows everything, she doesn't care, she doesn't care, she doesn't even care. If you care, it’s only Shen the family can let her care, and he...
The two pairs of eyes overlap and the eyes of Hong Jingdi tremble.
"Hey, he won't be like him." At first the voice was still as usual, and then it was weak and weak: "But it is to keep the mausoleum."
Jin-Wang nodded and said: "If the old seven is divorced, I hope that Fu Huang will not stop."
"Women’s person, what kind of wife?" Immediately, Hongjing Emperor understood and said something that was not a taste: "You really like nosy."
“The woman at home is squatting.”
Hongjing Emperor was mad again. "You can really have a good life! It is not a cover, a Qinwang, let a woman hold her head."
Jin-Wang ignored him, but said: "If there is nothing, the children will retreat."
"Roll, hurry!"
So Jin-Wang rolled.
However, Jin-Wang did not go straight out of the palace, but went to the place where Qing Wang was detained.
Jin-Wang When there was no sound in the palace, Qing Wang curled up in the corner of the room, and a big man buried his head like a child.
"Have you seen her?"
"Five brothers, I am sorry..."
"Son brother, I am sorry, I let you down." Qing Wang held his head and burst into tears. "I am a jerk, I am a fool, I am a white-eyed wolf... I am immersed in self-satisfaction, I am I feel that all the people in the world owe me, everyone is right for me... I hate my own embarrassment and weakness, always thinking that one day when I am strong, I can leave it all. No, not at all, my appearance is strong, but in my heart, I was still crying in the corner with my head..."
At that time, in the dry five, Jin-Wang once again saw Qing Wang. Qing Wang was like he said, holding his head and hiding in the corner to cry, not even crying loudly.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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