Wangfu Chongqie 175

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 175    :   a chicken feather, a big fight

Jin-Wang The house for the two families of Yao and Su is in Dongcheng, located in Xiatangzi Hutong.
This place is close to the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and is close to the Miekou, so it is still bustling. Alleys are civilian homes, two one-and-a-half houses, walls squatting on the wall, each with a spacious yard, furniture inside, etc., and people can be accommodated directly. Each family is also equipped with a Yatou, which is considered to be properly arranged.
ZHu  shi entered the house and looked around in the eyes.
When did she live in such a decent house, although it was not much bigger than the house of Su family before, but what house is Sujia, the house does not say, the furniture in the house is lack of arms and legs.
The house is so tight that it is so bright.
Look at this courtyard of this window, that is the rich family to live.
When East Geer, Ming Geer, and Yuan Geer entered the door, they sang around and ran around the courtyard. Even Su-County-Graduate Wu-shi face can't help but see silky color, and sure enough, good things are everyone favorite.
ZHu  shi Just want to live in this yard in the future and be a wife, Madam, and I can't help but feel excited. But when she saw Yatou running out from inside, her face suddenly pulled down.
"How are you here, who made you here?!"
This Yatou is the bluegrass.
See ZHu  shi is so fierce, the bluegrass is scared is a glimpse, she is bold and timid: "The slave is the Yatou that the king sent to do the chores."
"The family doesn't want you, let the palace change for someone to come!"
When the words came out, let’s not mention the Su family. Even the small housekeeper who was arranged by Fu Cheng to bring Yao and Su family to settle down, I think this ZHu  shi is very unreasonable.
Not only unreasonable, but also very ridiculous.
When the management heard this, the eyebrows moved, but the complexion did not appear.
But people standing here, representing the majesty of the palace, Su Yucheng immediately replied: "You will not talk to niang, shut up without speaking."
"Where I said the wrong thing, that is, the next person arranged by the Wangfu. Can I change one?" Seeing that even the father of Fan has despised himself, ZHu  shi softly said: "Or else change with the Yao family." It’s not a change, isn’t it true that both have sent Yatou?”
I ignored her and ignored the Su-County-Graduate and Su Yucheng: "It's okay, I will leave."
Su Yucheng said that the woman did not understand things and laughed, and sent the manager out of the door before she turned back.
As for the opinion of ZHu  shi, it was naturally ignored by the Su family.
ZHu  shi is not very angry. When I think about it, I just don't believe what the little goblin can do. Besides, she is not without the means to deal with this little goblin, and she is allowed to cry her Father and call niang, and she will not be able to go on her own.
Not to mention these, after settled down, Su-County-Graduate, Su father and son and Yao Cheng went to each other.
Su-County-Graduate and Yao Cheng both went back to the old line, and Jin-Wang greeted him in advance, and there would be nothing to be squeezed out. After two days, I was radiant and made some friends. Can Su Yu achievements are terrible. He is a newcomer into the Five Cities and Soldiers. He has never been in the army before, nor has he studied Wu. As soon as he arrived at the place, he was dragged and drilled. When he heard the name, he was so weak, let alone catch a thief. I am afraid that ordinary people can't take it.
They all followed the military system. Su Yucheng had never eaten bitter before. Where can he stand up to it, he was tossed and cryed. Father ‘called niang, and every day he came back to be a smashed rotten meat. Wu-shi is distressed by his son, but he does not dare to say that he will not be allowed to go. Because she knew that this was her two grandsons, if she did not cherish, she would let her daughter sacrifice.
Su Yucheng can only be replenished on a daily basis, and he will be relieved that he will pass. Su Yucheng also did not want to say what he said before, and then he went back to face, but also strong support.
As for ZHu  shi, she saw that Su Yucheng was tired of this bear-like sample every day, and he thought that he did not have the energy to hook up the little fairy. Plus, there is Yatou in the family, and the three children have Wu-shi looking, and the days are not too comfortable. In the same day, the whole hutong was smashed, and I met some young people. I started the day when I walked the streets and walked the streets.
On this day, Su Yucheng came back from the Five Cities and Soldiers, and was stinky and exhausted.
ZHu  shi is not at home, Ming Geer several children let Wu-shi look, Su-County-Graduate has not come back, Lancao went to burn a large bucket of hot water, mentioning the East Chamber.
" 'Laozi, tired, wash your clothes first. It will take a while before dinner. If you are hungry, there are still maidens left in the kitchen."
Su Yucheng was so tired that he was too busy to stand up and pick up the bucket.
"Working hard."
He came back every day these days, and all the bluegrass helped the busy, ZHu  shi sometimes, sometimes. But ZHu  shi, even if it is, is copying his hand and watching it. Even the mouth is not willing to move, and he is deliberately looking for it from time to time. Thinking of some nonsense of ZHu  shi , , Su Yucheng irritated her heart and wanted to persuade the blue grass two sentences, but I did not know where to mention it.
"Slaves are not hard, this is a matter of nubi . 'Laozi, you wash it first, and the nubi go out first."
Su Yucheng nodded, her eyes complexly watching her slim back disappeared outside the door.
ZHu  shi entered the courtyard door and saw the little goblin coming out of the east wing. She rushed in and rushed in. She hit Su Yucheng’s eyes and couldn’t take back her eyes.
Then I thought about the situation, what else? Do not understand.
She took a vase from her hand and smashed it. In the past, Su Yucheng must be smashed. However, he was hard-working during these days, and he was not practicing fakes.
Turning to look at the broken vase that hit the wall behind me, and then look at ZHu  shi rough and sloppy appearance, Su Yucheng turned a disgusted anger into his heart and said: "What are you doing!"
"What am I doing? I ask you what you are doing, who will let you get along with the little monk alone, what do you want to do?"
Su Yucheng was full of fatigue. "I didn't do anything, but it was Lancao who saw me coming back from the outside and drove me to bathe. Don't you look for things all day long?"
"I am looking for something? What am I looking for? This is still in the daytime, not in the sky, is it because you both wash and wash and go to the bed? I just watched that Yatou was restless and arranged so much work for her all day long. I’m not tired, she still has time to work with you. A little hoof, a little x, with a little goblin face, seduce a man...
ZHu  shi squatted and flew out, rushing into the kitchen and dragging the bluegrass out of it.
Lancao face is full of tears, apparently hearing the words of ZHu  shi.
ZHu  shi slaps and sighs, and beats and swears: "You still have a face crying, what are you crying? I have a small x, owe a man, you just like being crushed by a man, going to the room Old niang has tore you..."
"The nubi didn't, the nubi gave the hot water to 'Laozi..." Lancao hid as she cried and explained.
Wu-shi was in the room and was also shocked. It was shocking to see this scene.
"ZHu  shi, what are you doing, for no reason to beat people... Yucheng..."
However, Su Yucheng rushed out of the room, rescued the bluegrass from ZHu  shi, and slammed ZHu  shi to the ground.
"Are you enough in the end, is it enough?"
ZHu  shi was slammed for a long time, but it was also scared by Su Yucheng. She squatted up and patted her thigh and cried: "I am trouble, what am I going to do? I have three grandchildren for your old Su family. Now you are too fat for me. I am ugly. I said that you are Look at this little goblin! Su Yucheng, you still have no conscience, your conscience is eaten by the dog, your surname Su is not a good person! When you wanted to marry me, it was not like this..."
At the beginning, he blinked. In the home of the Guniang that the matchmaker said, ZHu  shi was so top-notch, so she picked her up and would rather have more than a few Silver Taels's gifts. Unfortunately, what I came back to was a lazy, lazy woman.
Su Yucheng did not bother with ZHu  shi, but every time ZHu  shi was entangled in madness, madness and arrogance, and took it back to Niang to be a killer. Although he is idle, afraid of suffering and suffering, but he does not understand the compassionate parents grandchildren. Father niang is not easy for him to marry a wife, and there are children in the family who want to feed, so he bows every time.
One retreat, the second retreat, used to be ZHu  shi more and more 嚣张跋扈.
Su Yucheng thought, just let it go, who is not like this, can only be regarded as unlucky. I don’t know if I went to the five cities and the soldiers to meet the market, or to see a better person than ZHu  shi, feeling the tenderness and thoughtfulness of a woman, he is increasingly not wanting to endure her, more and more disgusted with her. .
"You are enough! This trick is not bothering you. At that time, the Xue family widow was killed by you and caught up with the people. Now you are so ruined! I tell you ZHu  shi, I am a person.
There are many problems, but I can't do the kind of miscellaneous things. If I look at which woman, I will swear at others, I won't let people follow me with no name, let alone secretly confuse. Besides, I I also know who I am, I have no ability, so you can rest assured..."
At first, Su Yucheng said that he was particularly angry, but he did not know whether he was really tired or what he was, but he was full of helplessness.
ZHu  shi grabbed the words and said, "Who do you want to marry? You look at this little goblin and you just say, you know that you have no ability to be incompetent. I only know if you don’t know how many pounds you have. Heavy!"
The yard was full of ZHu  shi sharp and ridiculous voice.
The three children were scared to hide in the house and dare not come out. Wu-shi stood in front of the main room and cried in his mouth.
Lancao stood by and looked at the tired man who stood there, inexplicably a kind of distressed heart.
Su Yu grew up to be not handsome, but at best he could only be called Sven, but he was tall and thin, and everybody smiled, but he also attracted many Guanian women's eyes. ZHu  shi is because she understands, she will be afraid. If she is afraid, she will be speechless, but her words are too hurtful.
The bluegrass can clearly see Su Yucheng’s eyes hiding pain.
She clearly knew that she should avoid the suspicion, but could not help but explain to Su Yucheng: "Madam You don't want to say 'Laozi, 'Laozi is a good person."
ZHu  shi was angered in the fire, and when she saw the culprit, she could let her go. Immediately after a glimpse from the ground, she took the bluegrass arm and gave her two slaps.
"You are a stupid little slut, dare to seduce the old niang man, I killed you..."
ZHu  shi is a huge body, but the bluegrass is petite, where is her opponent. Without a handful of force, he was beaten a few times, and ZHu  shi was eager to raise his hand, but he was grabbed from behind.
Su Yucheng was in a bad state of anger. He pulled the bluegrass behind him and opened the hand of ZHu  shi: "You have finished it, you have enough!"
"You and this little monk are sloppy and confused, and I am not allowed to make trouble. I tell you Su Yucheng, you can't protect her, you have the ability to look at her at home every day!"
Looking at ZHu  shi wicked face, I went to see the blue-faced face of the bluegrass, but I couldn't let myself cry. Su Yucheng felt something in her mind exploded, and sneered: "I really said it right, I just took a fancy to her and planned to marry her. Not only that, but I also intend to take you off!"
ZHu  shi is full of disbelief. After seeing that Su Yucheng is not a fake look, she has no choice but to say: "Do you dare to take me off? You try, Su Yucheng, I let my father, my niang brothers come. Rotten your Su family."
Su Yucheng sneered: "You try, let you Father, your brother came to Jingcheng from Linyun County, smashed my Su family."
Zhu -shi this response came in the capital is now, not in the forest Yun County, when she was the butcher of the Father, and her brothers were not in a few niang.
She panicked and threatened: "Su Yucheng, you dare to take me off, don't forget that I gave you Su Jiasheng three sons."
See Su Yucheng unmoved face, she cries heard, remembered to Wu -shi: "niang, you come to see your son, he actually said that to break me!"
Wu-shi, standing on the door frame, was tired and shook his hand weakly: "You always have a big idea, don't look for me, I am old, I can't control your business."
Seeing that the door of the main room was closed in front of his own eyes, there was no movement inside.
ZHu  shi panicked in his heart, but he could look back at the pair of dogs and men, but he was weak: "You wait for Su Yucheng, and when Father returns, I will tell Father about this and ask him to be the master."
Dropping this, she hid back to the East Chamber and bolted the door from the inside.
After a temper was sent, Su Yucheng was exhausted at this time.
He was a little embarrassed, and some helplessly smiled at Lancao: "I can't help you, I hurt you. Fangcai, I just don't think about it. I am also anxious, I will take you. I want to take her off. It doesn't matter to you..." In the end, he couldn't say it anymore, and he hurriedly lost a word, don't think too much, and went to the West Chamber, where no one has ever lived.
Lancao looked at his back and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chapter 176    :   If it is a waste, the position of Wang Zhengzheng will not be the daughter of your Xu family.

ZHu  shi said that it is said that Su Yucheng is really moving in the heart, and has never come out of the East Chamber.
Su Yucheng also did move the real thing. After Su-County-Graduate and Yao Chengdu came back, he personally invited them to a place and raised the matter of divorce.
In fact, I don’t need Su Yucheng to go, Yao Cheng and Hui niang have already known.
The Su family is so fierce here, Li-shi of the Yao family next door can't wait to set up a ladder, so Yao Cheng and Hui niang are equal to listening to the live broadcast.
"You really want to take a break from her, what about East Geer?" Hui niang is a woman after all. After knowing that this world woman was taken off, the days will be very difficult, so I still can't help but persuade a few words.
"East Geer, they gave birth, they have nothing to do except to feed her. When the younger sister is at home, the little girl takes the child.
The younger sister is not at home, she is pointing at niang. But she can do the duty of being a wife and mother. I will not move this idea today."
"Not because of the blue grass?"
Su Yucheng startled a little, lost smiles: "LOH niang, how even you toward that thought, I'm just a fit of anger, she blurted deliberately gas sentence your brother can not hack it, do not spoil the good people of Guniang. ”
Hui niang still wants to say something, was interrupted by Yao Cheng: "Since the big brother has given attention, Hugh will take a break. Not my sister's mouth, big, ZHu  shi, that person is not a good, At home, it is the root of the scourge.
The East Geer is still small and grows up and I don’t know how to be affected by her."
The words are said to be like this. Wu-shi just swears and says that he is ugly, and he can’t say anything ugly. Only Su-County-Graduate has not expressed his attitude. It is his attitude. Only the most important.
Su-County-Graduate looks at Su Yucheng. Although he is early and late, he has little leisure and talks with his children. He can also see Su Yucheng's recent changes. Several times, Su-County-Graduate has an impulse of old tears. His old Su family is such a son, he is so fragrant with Su Yucheng, his son is not a weapon, he is more anxious than anyone else.
Now that my son has changed dramatically, Su-County-Graduate is very comforted. In fact, he has long been unable to get used to ZHu  shi, but his son does not say, when the father of the father can be more and more.
"You are not too small, you have to make up your mind to do it, but before you do, you have to think about it."
"Father, I know." Su Yucheng nodded.
This is the biggest change in his life, and this decision is still made by himself. Su Yucheng under the candlelight gives a feeling of reincarnation.
He stood up and said, "I am going to write a book, just send her back to my hometown-" He looked at Yao Cheng with some hesitation. "I don't know what good idea is it?"
Yao Cheng said: "It's not difficult to do.
There are a lot of cars and horses in Capital City.
They don't just pay for delivery. It's okay to give away people, as long as they can afford money."
As for the silver, the Su family has. When they left Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang gave them all the money they had spent in the past few years.
They added up to four or fifty-two.
They said that they would give them a home.
Su Yucheng nodded and thanked him and went to write a book.
Although he couldn't read a book, he could read a few years with Su-County-Graduate when he was a child. It is not too much for him to write a book.
In fact, seriously, the reason why Su Yucheng is idle, the text is not a martial art, a large part of the reason is because Su-County-Graduate had high hopes for him in the early years, and he insisted on reading books for many years. It is a pity that Su Yucheng can't be carved, and he tried several times without even having a child. Su-County-Graduate finally died. But at that time, Su Yucheng was not too young, and missed the best time to learn a craft. Some physical strengths can be done, but Su Yucheng’s shoulders can’t be raised, Wu-shi heartache is sorrowful.浑浑噩噩度日.
Su Yucheng wrote the book, and did not delay, went to the East Chamber.
When I had dinner before, ZHu  shi didn't come out, and naturally no one called him. At this moment, no one was outside, ZHu  shi sneaked into the kitchen to hold a bowl of cold rice, and was eating and gorging.
Hearing the knock on the door, she was busy hiding the bowl to open the door, standing outside the door Su Yucheng.
She grinned: "What? If you ask me this time, I will not forgive you."
It is a pity that she forgot to wipe her mouth, reflecting the light from the house, and the oil on her lips made her add a little ridiculous.
Su Yucheng inexplicably have a sad feeling, I do not know for themselves or for each other, he will be in the hands of Hugh handed over the book: "This is off the book, I will send you the Trustee to return home, I told Father, will from Mei Mei gives you twenty-two of the money, which is enough for you to return home for a few years. As for the future, I hope you can take more care."
Upon hearing this, ZHu  shi was shocked.
Her mouth remained in a position that was not closed, and the entire face was full of shock. She couldn't speak, but she could only say that she could only make a squeaking noise.
Su Yucheng couldn't bear to look again. "You should rest earlier." When he finished, he turned and left.
"Su Yucheng..."
ZHu  shi cries ‘called and it lasted for one night, and the neighbors could not be stabilized.
Until three days later, there were families in the neighborhood who couldn’t stand it anymore.
They ran to knock on the door of Su house and said that if they were still so noisy, they would report to the official. ZHu  shi did not make any more trouble.
The next day, Su-County-Graduate and Su Yucheng both went out with dark circles. Lancao did not dare to stay at the Su family side, but went to the Yao family next door, because ZHu  shi was like crazy, and when she saw her, she went crazy and beat her.
After two days of trouble, seeing the Su family was unmoved, ZHu  shi finally changed the way, but began to play poor. It was only after two days of hysteria that everyone no longer believed that she would repent, and even East Geer had several children hiding from her.
Zhu -shi had three children and no parent, no matter Zhu -shi not only them, sometimes they are not sensible East Geer crying, they will be beaten, but how many children get close to her. ZHu  shi called East Geer three, East Geer is still fine, already sensible, just hiding.
The other two are small are crying for the Grandmother, only to Wu -shi arms drill.
Yao Cheng is looking for a good car, and the price is also good to talk to people. Su Yucheng finally talks with ZHu  shi.
ZHu  shi also knew that there was no way to recover the matter. Besides, she was the most important face. It was already the ultimate, and she did not try to plead, and packed up her plans to return home.
In this way, ZHu  shi took a small bag and left the Su family.
This is probably the biggest reason for this life.
Su Yucheng couldn't get out of it. It was Yao Cheng who personally sent ZHu  shi to the car.
The silver has already been paid, and Yao Cheng has no extra words and ZHu  shi said, just left with a sigh.
ZHu  shi is holding a baggage and sitting on the stone steps.
The people next to the horses are loading goods. Like this kind of people, the people are following the team and the road is very safe.
ZHu  shi was full of grief and indignation, and was full of hatred towards the Su family and even the Yao family.
She hates those who have been eaten by dogs. She will not review it on her own. If she reviews it, she and Su Yucheng will not go to today.
"You are the Madam of the Su family, ZHu  shi?" A black figure suddenly shrouded the light in front of ZHu  shi.
"you are?"
"My family wants to ask Madam Zhu to say something."
Jin-Wang just got out of the door of the Ministry of Industry and saw a familiar face on the corner of the street not far away.
He didn't look much and walked down the street. At this time, when the value of each government department is lower, the chessboard street is very lively, the car is like a stream, and people come and go.
Now Jin-Wang’s hiking value has not caught anyone attention. Even if it meets, the other party just nods, or slaps a hand, knowing that Jin-Wang’s Highness seems to be cold, but it’s not a shelf. Very big people.
The middle-aged man in a blue shirt rushed to catch up with Jin-Wang until the boardwalk.
Jin-Wang stopped and looked at each other.
"Jin-Wang, you still don't know what my grandfather said, how do you think about it? It's been a long time, you still have nothing to say, so my grandfather is very unhappy." People are thin and tall, with long faces, eight-character eyebrows, and a pair of sparkling eyes that look very fine. If you are familiar with the various capitals in Capital City, you know that this person is the deputy general manager of Xu Duke House, Xu Ji.
Today, Xu Ji speaks exceptionally rudely. It is obvious that he has lost patience. This person who loses patience is not the person in front of him, but Xu Duke behind him.
In fact, Xu Duke can bear such a long time, it is already beyond the expectations of Jin-Wang. Before the year of last year, Xu Duke overtook him to take a break from Jin-Wangfei and help Xu Yueru. Jin-Wang has been ignoring these people. I didn't expect the other party to finally find it.
"Benwang thought that I told you very well that it is the meaning of the Holy Spirit. If it is a waste, Benwang is not the daughter of your Xu family."
Xu Ji did not expect that Jin-Wang would not speak. It was so straightforward to say that it was quite a bit embarrassing. However, this wolverine was just a flash, and he lowered his voice and threatened: "Jin-Wang, His Highness, is waiting for the price, or is it a fancy to other people? You are so reluctant to be offended, I am not afraid of offending me. Duke. House."
Jin-Wang looked at him and just smiled coldly. This Xu Ji was also clearly aware that this matter could not be discussed. He arched his hand and said coldly: "This small passage will convey the Master Master, and I will not regret it. ”
Jin-Wang ignored him and bypassed him.
Xu Ji glanced coldly at his back and hurried into an alley and disappeared.
Jin-Wang stepped into the door of the Rongxi Courtyard and wrapped around a fat cat. It was a flower.
The flower hair is fluffy, shiny and watery, and it is already a big cat. It looks round and round like a miniature version of a small leopard. It slammed around Jin-Wang's feet and drilled between his feet. Jin-Wang struggled.
Yao-Niang saw Jin-Wang coming back from the window, but he didn't see him coming in for a long time. When he curiously came out, he saw such a scene and laughed and said: "You continue to wrap him, be careful again. Forbidden. How to punish every time, not long-term memory."
I don’t know if I understood it or not. I didn’t even look at Yao-Niang, and I walked around for two laps before I came to Jin-Wang’s feet.
" Xiao bao has not returned yet?" According to reason, Xiao bao should have returned from the palace.
"Is it holy to keep him talking?"
This is Yao-Niang's guess, but this speculation is not untargeted.
These days, Hongjing Emperor was very concerned about Xiao bao homework, and he was called from time to time to test his school. This is also the kid who will come to the event. After being asked twice by Hong Jingdi, he will not have to ask questions. He will know that he is going to do the Qing Family to find the emperor 'Laozi.
 Xiao Huang Sun said, the following people naturally have to report, this is not the relationship between the two grandchildren. Yao-Niang occasionally remembered, I really didn't know how I was born, but I had a kid who was so smart to come.
She talked to Jin-Wang and walked again and again. A few red silks came in, holding Jin-Wang's home-made clothes, and copper basin hot water, although it was a summer day, the weather was still hot, and all the way back, Jin-Wang was on the forehead. A thin layer of sweat.
Serving Jin-Wang scrubbed and changed clothes, and the two came to sit on the big raft.
Yao-Niang has hesitated: "You said that Xiao bao is so high-profile, will it attract people eyes?"
Jin-Wang raised her eyebrows to see her, but she was not stupid. He grabbed her little soft hand and put it in her hand to play: "Don't worry, Benwang has his own claim."
"I am afraid that I can't prevent it." It can be said that it is the ultimate of Yao-Niang. She has never been too fond of asking about the outside world. It is also Jin-Wang who does not want her to know, she does not ask, but Guan Xiao bao, when niang's heart is always filled with a lot of unnecessary worry.
Jin Wang patted her hand:. "I do not know about you, but is a high-profile and sometimes protect you. Do not underestimate Fu Huang, who would move at this time Andy, who is a blatant provocation, no one would be so stupid."
Yao-Niang is not a face. In her heart, Hongjing Emperor really did not have much wise and martial arts, and he was mainly smarter than the Mao, who was arguing with his son.
The power in his hands was also bigger. Although she did not have a long time to come to Capital City, she has also encountered many things. If Hongjing Emperor really has Jin-Wang saying so wise, how can there be so many things in the palace?
The Crown Prince can be distinguished, not so many times, she does not think that her own treasure can match the weight of the Crown Prince.
Yao-Niang looked around and saw no one around, and whispered his thoughts and Jin-Wang.
Jin-Wang laughs, the reason why he laughs is because the appearance of Yao-Niang looks so cute and sneaky.
The key is that this sneaky sneaky has no use at all. If it is so, it will be able to pass through the eyes and ears of others. It is almost impossible to have a wall that does not leak.
The Rongxi Courtyard seems to be average, and it is not known that the dark is also a layer guard. Even the flies can't fly in, and the people in the courtyard are carefully selected to enter the yard. So eavesdropping on this matter, it really won’t happen here. Even if there is, no one dares to say it outside.
Besides, there are still dark ones.
"You see this happening in Hui-Wang the Heir?"
When I heard this, Yao-Niang stunned.
Jin-Wang pulled her over and tapped on her pink lips, only to look at the darkness: "Fu Huang does everything, has his own ideas and purposes. Don't worry, even if Fu Huang is out The blind man, and the people of Benwang."
Yao-Niang thought for a while, and I didn’t know what to expect. His eyes flashed again and again: "You mean that you are under the treasure... this..."
She is a little panicked. Not a surprise, but a real fluster.
Jin-Wang patted her: "So let you not think too much, how small is Xiao bao, and it’s still early for you to say this. You just need to know that no one will be stupid to deal with us on the bright side. Son, even..." Even if there is, it will never be such a sinister means.
"Even what?"
Jin-Wang blinked, "Nothing."

Chapter 177    :   Whoever is like who, no loss, he did not despise him.

"Imperial 'Laozi, that grandson retire, niang is still at home, if I go back late, niang will be very worried."
Hongjing Emperor waved his hand: "Go."
 Xiao Bao liked to arch the chubby hand, let Li-de all lead out the temple door.
Cicadas and dark eleven after waiting outside, took over from Andy Li German hands full, and Xi Road over, they will go with Andy outside the Palace of Heavenly Purity went dry.
Li-de all returned to the side of Hongjing, and whispered: "Your Majesty, the little eunuch caught by the imperial kitchen has already recruited it. It is the hand of Kangxi who is around him."
Hongjing Emperor sighed, meaning profoundly: "Kang Hao has no interest in Jin-Wang."
This is a fact. Although Kangxi is a squatter, he has also given birth to a princess for many years. He is also an old man in the palace. He has to do with a Prince.
There is no conflict of interest at all.
"This kind of Kangxi and Qian Xianyu are usually intricate and complicated. So, it may be that Qian Xianyu has made Kang Hao start?"
Qian Xianyu gave birth to An Wang. Before An Wang’s accident, it was obvious that several Prince secretly started, and Qian Xianyu anger was normal.
Li-de all just bowed his bow and lost his smile. Did not dare to answer, he did not dare to pick up.
For a long while, Emperor Hongjing just clicked on the knee and said to himself: "There are more women than the ones, and they have to turn around and do everything.
They like it." He paused. "The rod smashed the eunuch, and Kang's position fell."
Li-de all-inclusive.
If you dispose of it like this, you should know that you should know it. If it is really money, it is a warning. If it weren't for her, she would check to see who had framed herself.
However, in view of Li all eyes in the palace for many years, the possibility of Qian Xianyu is extremely low. It’s so easy to make people guess that he coming. Qian Xianyu can’t live in the palace for so many years, and he can safely raise a Prince princess.
With the Hongjing Emperor for a long time, Li-De Quan also knows the style of the king. It is not necessarily a pet, not a pet, and it is not necessarily a penalty.
One year, two years, five years, and ten years can not be seen overnight. Only after a long time can you see what it is. Who did not like Zhu Er, His Majesty Jin especially not as small as the Wang Fu Huang Sun, in addition to over Chen gongzi talented, and a large part is because of the small Huang Sun, who face resemblance.
However, these thoughts were only hovering in Li-de mind, and they were buried in my heart. If you are in this position, you should not think too much about what you should think. You can only think about what you think and think about what you want to do before you can live for a long time.
As for the rest, it is all idle.
At the end of the Qing Palace Gate, Geer is waiting for Xiao bao.
I went to school in the study room, and the Prince and grandsons of other houses left. He Geer usually went out with Xiao bao and went home, so he waited for him.
"Are you waiting?"
Geer silently shook his head: "Hey Geer said that he has to wait for you, but he can't stand it, he ran first."
The two took their respective palace eunuchs and walked outside the gates of the Qing Palace. Just out of the dry door, a little boy like a hot wheel ran here.
When I arrived, I was panting: "I thought about it, I am still waiting for you. I opened the two followers of Yu Geer and Geer Geer. You said that it is good to take me to your house. Don't talk. ”
It’s Geer who came here.
 Xiao bao laughed, but he just mentioned it, and he really remembered it.
"That line, but you can't be too naughty when you go to my house, and there is a younger brother in my family. You are not allowed to bully my family."
Geer Geer impatiently glanced at him. "It’s like saying that Xiao ye seems to bully people every day. Go and go, you see the two followers in my house are coming again."
These two followers naturally refer to Xiao xizi, and the palace Lady named Huahua.
The two men ran out of breath, two bitter faces, don't mention too much pity.
The three men went out together outside the palace, and Xiao xizi and Ruhua could only fight again to stay next to them. It can be expected that they will definitely be punished after returning, but whoever calls Xiao gong is not persuading to listen, not only eating people meals, but also playing in people homes.
 Xiao xizi thought, waiting for the palace gate, he quickly sent people to the government to send letters, he could not control this little living ancestor.
Three small corps were on the carriage of Jin-Wang, which was the first time to take a carriage from someone else house, which surprised Geer for a while. Looking around in the entire carriage, even the small cushion that Xiao bao used to play, he wanted to pick it up and touch it.
Unfortunately, Xiao bao and Geer couldn't get up when they sat on it. He had to come over and fell into the mat and gave a sigh: "It's so soft, I will let me niang give me one after I go back."
Because Xiao bao said that this was what his niang ordered him to do, and this kid would say that. Everything has to be compared with people. Fortunately, Xiao bao is not a real child, otherwise the two have to fight.
When I arrived at Jin-Wang, Xiao Bao stayed with Geer, and he couldn't cope with Geer alone. Geer did not refuse, let the people of Qing wang House go back to pass the message, and he entered the Jin-Wang House together with Xiao bao and Geer.
Now it is not only the Jin-Wang, but also one person must meet, is Xiao bao.
It seems to know when Xiao bao came back and waited on the steps in front of the courtyard early, so Xiao bao one went into the courtyard door and it was posted.
This is not the cry of relatives, but the flowers to see the stranger's hair.
“Hey!” Geer didn’t admit that he was scared. He walked back two steps and then pointed to the flower and asked Xiao bao: “This is your cat, how it looks like a leopard.”
Huahua is a civet cat. It looks like a leopard, but it is not like it. So Xuan Geer soon look out, "it is not a leopard cubs, I have seen the leopard cubs, some time ago someone had presented only to my Father, is not the case.
The cat can be really fat!"
Don't look at Geer's arrogance. In fact, he still dare not approach, standing far away and talking to Xiao bao.
 Xiao Bao couldn't help but laugh, and Geer also smiled in his eyes.
At this time, Yao-Niang greeted the door.
"Listen to people saying that you are back, why don't you go in? Hey Geer is coming, come in quickly, Xiao bao told me several times."
Geer is not the first time to see Yao-Niang, but it is the first time I see each other in this situation. It was his good brother's niang. In the case of such a crisis, Geer was particularly well-behaved. He walked to Yao-Niang and avoided the flowers that he had been staring at him.
He was hesitant to call something, and he heard that Geer called 5th-Aunt, and he followed it.
"5th-Auntie, let's go in." Geer took the initiative to pull Yao-Niang's hand.
Yao-Niang snorted and nodded and said yes, he first took Geer in.
Behind him, Xiao Bao and Geer almost barely bent over. I can see why Geer is doing this, and this little broken child is afraid of spending flowers.
Hey Geer is afraid of cats. For him, who has always been lawless, it can add a little joke.
The three small squads went to the main room to meet Jin-Wang, because Jin-Wang was really a big cold face. He was there, and the children couldn’t play. Xiao Bao led Geer and Geer. Dongxiang.
Geer is light and familiar, and Geer is the first time.
Everything in the small treasure room made him feel novel, and there was no surprise at all. Later, Xiao bao knew from Geer's mouth that Lu Wangfu was very nervous about him. In particular, Lu Wangfei, who used to eat and drink, has a large number of Maid Pozi to follow wherever he goes. It’s very rare to go to the palace with only two people. Just for this matter, Lu Wangfei has no less and less Lu Wang.
So in Geer's view, it's incredible that there is no Maid Pozi around and the dessert fruit is brought up. Everyone goes down. He didn't know that Xiao bao didn't like people around. He could do a lot of work, like this, including no scorpion, so that Yao-Niang and Maid are very confident.
What Geer likes is not what is in the small treasure room, but it is this kind of atmosphere.
Geer feels the same.
Don't look at the two people are still small, in fact, very sensible, who would like to do something, there are people yelling at the side to say no.
As for Xiao xizi, after receiving the message from the side of Luwangfu, it was no longer anxious. He was sitting in the inverted room and let Xiao yan accompany him to drink tea.
Wangye is right. Little gongzi can't do anything in Jin-Wang, and once it happens, it is the responsibility of Jin-Wang. In fact, Geer is much safer in the Jin-Wang house than in the palace. If Jin-Wang can let other children have an accident at home, it will become the biggest laughing stock in Capital City.
When using dinner, Jin-Wang's meal was praised by Geer.
His praise is to eat a particularly large number, than usual to be Maid Pozi chasing Hey, eat a lot of good times.
After eating the dinner, the three small squads continued to return to the room to play, until the Lu Wangfu came to remind people, Geer still do not want to go. Because the sky is already dark, Geer is going to rest in Jin-Wang, not going back, and it is not the first time anyway.
Therefore, Geer has been grinding and reluctant to go, and proposed to stay overnight in Jin-Wang.
 Xiao xizi bitterly said: "Small gongzi, this is not a good thing, Wangfei will not agree."
Geer stood on the raft and crossed his waist: "No matter what, Grandpa is not going."
At this time, if the flower hurriedly walked in from the outside, Geer showed a smile on his face: "Little gongzi, Your Highness will pick you up."
"I'm Father coming?" Geer was half-confident and stunned. He felt that Xiao xizi didn't dare to deceive him with this matter before he sat down and asked the two to wear shoes for him.
"I will go back to my niang and say, I will come tomorrow."
The problem is that he is willing to come. Xiao bao is not willing to accompany him. Originally he planned to go to the palace to pick up the moon.
In the front yard, because King Lu personally came, Jin-Wang, the brother of nature, could not avoid it.
When Lu Wang saw Jin-Wang, he didn't have a good face. A pair of Jin-Wang owed him 100 thousand Silver Taels.
Jin-Wang is not used to his stinking disease, just sitting and drinking tea, too lazy to say more to him.
In the end, Lu Wang first couldn’t help himself, and sneered: "Five brothers, your little scorpion thief is fine, and my family, Geer, is going to be behind the back of your house all day long. Even the family is not willing to return!"
Lu Wang was really unhappy in his heart. A long sentence is hard to say that he is not breathing, but also throwing his voice.
Jin-Wang glanced at him, "Who is the kind?"
This can be blocked by Lu Wang, but who is the kind! If you say that Lu Wang’s most regrettable thing in his life is that he has been a small follower for a few years behind Jin-Wang’s ass.
At that time, he was small, still not sensible, and his rebelliousness was particularly heavy. It was obvious that his mother Chen Hao had already been in vain, so that he could play less with Jin-Wang. What factions are differently hated, he has not heard the heart, and his mouth should be, in fact, what should be.
At that time, Lu Wang especially worshiped Jin-Wang, and the five brothers were not much bigger than him.
The martial arts turned out to be so powerful. So Jin-Wang learned Wu, he also learned Wu, he dreams that one day can defeat Jin-Wang, but always can not win Jin-Wang.
Not only that, Jin-Wang hit his hand and never softened his hand. Every time he beat him to cry, he called niang, but he didn’t remember that his five brothers were short, and they had a relationship with Lao-si.
That's it, he also put the old seven around.
Obviously he is closer to the five brothers!
Especially when I was beaten, I was a little bit painful. When I grew up, he still beat himself. What is his face of 6th-Prince!
So Lu Wang collapsed with Jin-Wang.
Nowadays, because of the words of Jin-Wang, Lu Wang recalled that at the same time, his heart was more resentful. So when Geer came out, he picked up Geer and left, and he left.
Lu Wang decided to take care of Geer in the future and let him stay away from Xiao bao.
The little scorpion is small, the thief is fine, and he can live small, but he can still live the old. I didn’t care about Fu Huang’s recent ‘Calling, I can’t wait to be called every day, Lao-si and Lao Ba eyes are red, and I’m not sure what to do, even tired of his son!
He is going to say a few words, Geer suddenly grabbed his clothes and said with enthusiasm: "Father, I told you, I will come tomorrow. I have discussed with Xiao bao, I will go to school from the palace tomorrow, I I won't go back, stay here at night."
Lu full stomach was smashed back, and he squinted at the little scorpion in front of him.
The little shi-zi is not guilty at all, and he is arrogant and convinced.
Just like he was in the past.
Lu Wang came out to ride a horse. He never used to be a child, so Geer sat in front of him.
The father and son ran forward slowly, followed by four or five guards.
As soon as Lu Wangfu arrived, Lu Wang suddenly stopped and waved.
A guard ran up.
He said a few words to the guards, and the guard nodded after listening, and then went to the Jin-Wang House.
In fact, Lu Wang did not say anything, only a little gossip was passed to his ears.
He can't control his own little sister-in-law, so the little bitch is still safe and sound, so don't be tired of his unique seedlings.
Yes, that's it, he is not kind!
Jin-Wang House, Jin-Wang received a message from Lu Wang, and smiled.
In fact, he already knew this.
However, how much is the sentiment, no loss, he did not despise him that year! . .

Chapter 178    :   Aggressive, why come?

Now the Prince have returned to Capital City and they have been established in Capital City. According to the rules, the maids of the Prince are required to be saved to the Queen.
However, considering the inconvenience of entering the palace, Wei the Queen only set the rules for the first 15 women to enter the palace.
This is the old constitution, Jin Wangfei not, Jin Wang Fu this job has been Yao Niang to do, so we know the next day to the palace, Yao before Niang early on one day rest from the.
After bathing, Yao Niang will be rolled back side of the couch pretending asleep, since Yao Niang hanging fight card, Jin Wang Nature can not be forced, but also to understand her tomorrow to toss a large half-day.
Nothing in the night.
On the next day, Yao-Niang started early in the morning.
The family of three sat together for breakfast, Jin-Wang went to the Ministry of Labor, and Yao-Niang took Xiao bao into the palace. When I walked to Xuanwumen, I met the carriage of Qing wangfu, but it was to celebrate Wangfei with Geer.
The purpose is naturally the same as Yao-Niang.
The two first sent Xiao Bao and Geer to the study room and then to Kunning Palace.
When I arrived, it was still early. Only the two of her daughters came, and in the middle of the hall, Wei the Queen was busy seeing the Sixth House.
This is the practice, and it is also the rule set by the ancestors.
The harem gongs need to come to Kunning Palace every day to ask the Queen. Yao-Niang also knows about this, and he is waiting outside.
Standing in front of the temple for a while, Ann Wangfei, Dai Wangfei, Yong Wangfei and others have arrived.
All the masters, the following nubi did not dare to neglect, but also said that you want Wangfei to go to eat tea first. Since people have come, it’s not a big deal, it’s better than the population. Fortunately, Wei The Queen is also very clear about the situation outside, and has not stayed in these harems for a long time.
Waiting for a fragrant time, Yao-Niang and others saw a fragrant wind rushing in and out, and many women from different colors came out of the temple door.
Most of them are young women, flowers and general appearance, wicker-like body.
There have been many beautiful women in the palace, and Yao-Niang has to be amazed every time he sees it. I can think again that these beautiful young women are waiting for Hong Jingdi, and she is subtle.
To know that Hongjing Emperor is now sixty, it is really a tree of pears and flowers. However, if this kind of big rebellion is not true, Yao-Niang can't say it. I can't even think about it, but it is inevitable that I will meet my heart.
A palace Lady was walked out of the temple door and summoned everyone into it.
The squid sneaked in and gave the Queen a ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial ritual. Most of the embarrassing people who can sit here are the Prince, and some even the pro-Popo of these Wangfei.
The rules of doing this have all been done, and the atmosphere in the temple suddenly changed. Various gossips often said it.
Seriously, Wei the Queen is a very kind person, who is warm and has a small shelf.
These are the observations of Yao-Niang according to this period of time.
Wei and the Queen has always been to be Yao Niang good, presumably to all Wangfei, is a decent daughter, Yao Niang this Ceefei caught in the inside will be very embarrassing. Wei, the Queen, never showed an abnormality. It seems that Yao-Niang is a serious daughter-in-law, not a jealousy.
It makes people feel good.
The temple is bustling, and suddenly there is a palace Lady to report, said Xu Duchess to see.
In general, foreign women want to enter the palace, they need to hand in the brand in advance, to arrange a time to see through the palace, and then did not say that their trade is coming.
Why do you say trade and trade? Because at this time, the Queen is unlikely to arrange to see a foreign woman.
But Xu Duchess after all, not someone else, Duchess is a product of, and a layer of the Queen Wei relatives relationship. Xu Duchess has always been a simple and simple person, and he rarely shows his face in front of people. It is inevitable that something will happen.
Wei and Queen did not delay, so people called Xu Duchess.
Xu Duchess is not like a Duchess in appearance. It looks a little weaker. It seems that the illness is getting better and the face is a little pale. Even if it is obviously coated with fat powder, it still gives people a feeling of being sick.
When Wei Queen saw her, she sighed: "How can you become thin like this?"
I saw Xu Duchess from the last time Wei, Queen, and the birthday of the women on the first day of the year. But only a few months have not seen, Xu Duchess has reduced a lot, clothes are loose, like the wind blows down.
"It’s a sick body, but it’s tired of the Queen Niang-Niang."
Wei the Queen smiled and said something about this, and told him to give it a seat. Xu Duchess be stiff after sitting down below, just open asked: "Xu Madam tour of the palace, but what is it?"
At this time, there are many people in the temple.
There are several high-grade pipa sitting on the left side of the harem.
They are all young, but they are full of charm and grace. On the right is the Wangfei of each palace.
Wei the Queen speaks, these people keep quiet, everyone eyes are placed on the field of Wei the Queen and Xu Duchess.
Everyone saw Xu Duchess squatting in the hands of the scorpion, it seems that the emotions are a little excited, and the thin hands are exposed. Everyone still thought, but this Xu Duchess couldn't stand it anymore. He planned to complain to the Queen and dispose of the house. Whoever thought of Xu Duchess's next words made everyone shocked.
"My son Yanru was fortunate that the Queen Niang-Niang was pity, married under the guise, married to the Zhaoshi royal family, made 5th-Wangfei. After 5th-Prince was sealed Jin-Wang, with Jin- Wang’s temple went out to Capital City and went to Jinju. Although my child was conscientious, I have always been a part of Wangfei duty, but I have never been able to add a half to Jin-Wang. Female, for the royal family to prosper.
"The most serious of the seven outs, except for the unsatisfied parents, is nothing. My daughter-in-law, I have always been in the Yangfei position, and also Niang-Niang and His Majesty, compassionate my life and hardship. I am uneasy in my heart, and my heart is full of my heart and kindness. I can't get rid of this article, and I have decided that I have been wrong for a long time. I have a good name, and I have a strong face. Niang is a gentle and gracious praise. Inside, the government is full of praise and admiration for Wangfei generosity and rewards and punishments. Over the years, Jin-Wang House has never had any embarrassing things, which proves that my child is purely good. Generation."
Xu Duchess suddenly stood up and bowed to the Queen.
Her body is slender and weak, it seems that it is also a long time, but it is an ordinary act, which is actually making her dangerous. But it also makes people understand that she is caused by true nature, so that she lost her attitude.
Xu Duchess was very excited, and everyone could clearly see her hand on the floor shaking, and her voice was shaking.
"But I still did something wrong. She shouldn't start with other Concubine in the house because of her heart. This is ridiculous. In fact, my son Yanru also listened to me as a niang sergeant. big mistake. I'm Alex matter is probably obvious, I do niang this cowardly and incompetent, that also hurt my children. my heart unconvinced, but also worried about her daughter, will go on the words of the mother left the child, and my children I was so anxious that I was not pregnant for many years. I was fascinated by the moment and actually listened to my stupid idea."
What Xu Duchess said was too unexpected, including Yao-Niang, who did not expect that Jin-Wangfei would secretly show himself to the world in the form of production.
She is somewhat confused and confused. She can't quite understand why Xu Duchess made this happen. Is it because Jin-Wangfei was sent to Zhuangzi to take care of her illness and wanted to plead for her daughter, so she took everything on her own. Body?
I don't know why, Yao-Niang has a very bad feeling in his heart. He always feels like something is going to happen, but he can't talk about it.
Over there, Xu Duchess is still crying, but it has already been said that Jin-Wangfei has made a big mistake, causing Jin-Wang to anger and send it to Zhuangzi for illness.
In fact, everyone knows these things, but no one is punctured, and everyone is happy to be stupid. Did not see the impeachment Jin-Wang's small imperial history has fallen into a large mold, which shows that the holy is known, but also acquiescence.
Everyone has been very curious about this matter, the reaction of Xu family, but who knows that there is no reaction at the Xu family, it does not seem to care about their daughter. I thought that this thing would be gone. What people never imagined was that this kind of thing would have opened the top layer of fig leaf in public in this place.
What is Xu Duchess doing this? Is it just to get rid of my daughter and take all the wrong things on myself. It is Jin-Wangfei who knows that it is the murder of the emperor. No matter who she is listening to, she is undoubtedly her, she is a big mistake.
It would be ridiculous to be guilty if you were crying pitifully.
Everyone doubts the purpose of Xu Duchess, but can't think of it, including Yao-Niang. But Xu Duchess not let them wait too long, and soon revealed her true purpose today.
"...and the reason why my son Yanru will provoke Jin-Wang to disregard the disposition of husband and wife, there is another reason, but it is implicated in a secret."
Wei the Queen took the tea from the palace Lady and took a sip. He said: "Madam can't say anything." Let the palace Lady lift Xu Duchess and let her sit and say.
During this period, Yao-Niang's heart pounded and suddenly understood what Xu Duchess wanted to do.
Sure enough, there was almost no room for her to react. After Xu Duchess sat down, the spearhead pointed to Yao-Niang: "The Queen Niang-Niang knows the origin of this woman?"
"I know a little about this palace. I don't know what Madam said is related to Su-Ceefei?"
"Of course there are associated, as well as significantly associated with ......" Xu Duchess side looking at Yao Niang sneer, one side will be Yao Niang had an unmarried mother, entered the palace when the poor with the help of Liu -Mama after Speaking of the Jin-Wang by serving the small County Owner.
She said that she had a voice, and because of her fruit, she really had to believe what she said. With her words, Yao-Niang's face was a little white, and Jiao Jiao couldn't help but tremble.
It doesn't matter to others, it's shame.
The shame of private affairs being exposed, the shame that even the two generations could not bear to look back. That is actually far from Yao-Niang, and she hasn't even thought about her life for a long time. And Xu Duchess's words, but let her recall again.
In particular, almost everyone in the temple eyes are placed on her face, it seems that she is the one who entered the government but was seduce the male niang.  She is now sitting here in a human form, but it is actually just the next three.
Yao Niang forced calm, Xu Madam aggressive: "? I do not know Su Ceefei, the old woman may have put false"
Yao-Niang took a deep breath and didn't speak.
She knows that there must be a cause for everything. Xu Madam can't be so troubled to humiliate her. She certainly has other purposes. Yao-Niang couldn't help but think of Xiao bao, although Jin-Wang originally made an excuse to give a statement outside.
The lie can be a lie after all, and it can be pricked after a serious investigation. However, her unmarried pregnancy and childbirth were not really seamless.
There are not many people who know, but no one knows.
In particular, when she entered the government that year, it was indeed through the hands of Jin-Wangfei. This is enough for people to use.
Sure enough, not what Yao-Niang expected, Xu Duchess proposed that Yao-Niang had been pregnant before giving birth. Including how she entered the government, how to follow Jin-Wang, her son Xiao bao was also admitted to Jin-Wang, how Jin-Wang was arranged, and Jin-Wang suddenly recognized Xiao bao as a parent-child Everything that has been sealed up and down in the government has been said.
Although it is not said that Xiao bao is not the son of Jin-Wang, Jin-Wang is only for a woman to give him a white son, but also tries to confuse the royal lineage, but the meaning is nothing to say.
Trying to confuse the royal lineage? Even if Jin-Wang is Prince, this is a big sin.
"Xu Madam, you can really say what you are saying, you have to know that this kind of thing is not a random joke." Wei the Queen's face, sigh.
Xu Duchess squatted again: "I made a guarantee with my own life. I also asked the Queen Niang-Niang Mingjian. My child Yanru was sent out by His Highness Jin-Wang because he knew the specifics of this matter. Zhuangzi is sick."
Wei the Queen nodded, facing Yao-Niang: "Su-Ceefei, I don't know what you explained?"

Chapter 179    :   Yao Niang's counterattack

With this sentence, everyone eyes are bet on Yao-Niang.
She tightened her hand under the sleeve and took a deep breath: "Xu Duchess said that it is not a fake, but there is also a saying. I did not enter the palace after I was born, but I met again after I entered the government. His Royal Highness. actually when I worked with His Royal Highness there was an affair, received His Highness border emergency message, I forgot placement. Highness left, I found that pregnant pregnant, that time can not find Highness, can only secretly gave birth The child. After the difficulty of raising the child, he will enter the palace to do the errands, so that he will meet with his high-ranking, and hope that the Queen Niang-Niang can understand."
"This matter has been heard by the palace, and Su-Ceefei has suffered a lot." Wei the Queen sighed, and there was a lot of guilt in the voice.
Yao-Niang cried with a face and said: "Xi Niang-Niang is compassionate. When I was young, I didn't understand things and did something wrong. It was also punished..."
Her words were suddenly interrupted, it was Xu Duchess.
"You said that there was private and private? This is just that you are tempted by Jin-Wang, let him speak and explain. You said that Jin-Wang, looking down at you, is not allowed, so that the two are wrong. I missed it until the palace was reunited.
The old woman wanted to ask, a woman who usually does not have two doors at the door, how is she private with Jin-Wang, and a child? You are obviously tainted.
The body, unmarried, and confuse Jin-Wang, and recognize the wild species in his own name."
Then she did not give Yao-Niang a chance to argue. She said to the Queen: "Niang-Niang, the old woman has witnesses, and Niang-Niang is allowed to call."
People were quickly brought up, not only the Liu-Mama who brought Yao-Niang into the government, but also the Wang Aunt who gave birth to Yao-Niang, and a few familiar faces. Yao-Niang recognized it with his heart.
These people are neighbors of Yao Family and Su Family in Linyun County.
These ordinary women seem to have seen so many noble people for the first time.
They are so scared that they don’t dare to carry them. When they come in, they are kneeling softly.
The head of the Kunning Palace, the eunuch of the eunuch, asked the Queen of the Queen to ask questions. He first asked Liu-Mama, and Liu-Mama had nothing to do with how to bring Yao-Niang into the palace.
Next, it was the turn of Wang Aunt, and Wang Aunt was very detailed.
"Yao-Niang of the Su family is a bitter one. Listen to me and say that it is being tainted by a wicked person.
The little woman will get a delivery craft. My Big-Cattle is Yao Bantou. Under his command, Yao Bantou sought out in front of my house... At that time, he told me that I couldn’t be a man before, saying that his sister would like to marry in the future, and only after the child was born and sent someone, she would marry her. ......
Hongrang asked several other people
"I haven't heard that Sujia Yao-Niang gave birth to a child, only know that she is married, and the man is a seller."
"The right one, because the Su family did not have a wedding, I was curious to ask, their family said that they were at the home of the sister."
"There is no wine at the Yao family. I said that I was doing it at the Sujia side... I only saw her man once, a dark-skinned man with a big white teeth."
Hong let nod and said: "Then you look up at this, but can you recognize her?"
A few women followed the gesture of Hong Ling and carefully looked up to see the eyes, when they touched the face of Yao-Niang, they made all kinds of horror.
"This is not the Sujia Yao-Niang!"
"It’s the sister of Yao Bantou, but she just didn’t dare to recognize it.”
Hong asked Wang to the Queen, the Queen nodded, and he asked people to take these women down.
Nearly a thousand people pointed out that all kinds of gaze were thrown at Yao-Niang, there were contempt, there were jokes, there were malicious, and all sorts of things were not listed. This kind of gaze is like a real pressure on Yao-Niang, and it is as heavy as a thousand.
In fact, this is obviously a shame. From the very beginning, it was deliberately humiliating. It seems to be just to prove that what he said is not imaginary, so these people will be so detailed after the presentation. In detail, at the same time as the winners, there are some more rumors that have been heard and heard. I seem to think about nailing Yao-Niang to the fox and confusing the Lord, using dirty means to make himself a lasting shame. .
In this case, the other party has always emphasized Yao-Niang, but it has played down Jin-Wang, which is the cleverness of the other side. It’s a matter of Prince, and one who is carelessly deliberately planted and framed. But Yao-Niang is different. A post-house woman can have any insights, be ashamed and annoyed, and say nothing at all. It can be used as a handle for attack.
It was only during the celebration that Wangfei was full of worry and looked at Yao-Niang. She tried to stand up and help Yao-Niang to speak, and was stopped by Yao-Niang.
Yao-Niang stood up, his chin was slightly covered, his eyes were half-shouldered, but his body was tall and straight, not humble.
"Today Xu Madam entered the palace and cried for justice. I didn't come late, but I chose this time. But when I have some decent in Capital City, I know what the day is, what will there be in Kunning Palace? After Xu Madam arrived, he first praised Wangfei generous tolerance and cried out to reflect on his own mistakes, and then rushed straight into the body. Although he was obsessed with his origins, he only knew a few words, but he also I know why the Spring and Autumn Writings are meant. It is a pity that Xu Madam is a woman."
There is no defamatory statement in this statement, but it is obvious that all this is accused of Xu Madam's deliberate.
It is not deliberate, the person has found so much, from Jinju to Capital City, the road has to be delayed for a month or two, which shows that Xu Madam has already begun preparations.
However, when the plan is deliberately degraded, it is not uncommon for the deliberate must be targeted, and the interests of the people are relative, and it will be ruined and framed. And Xu Madam obviously wants to make this happen, and he will deliberately choose this opportunity, so there is always a trace of what is going on, and this is how it can’t be erased.
Xu Madam's pale face suddenly rose red and seemed to be mad.
But Yao-Niang is not sympathetic to her at all, because the whole thing seems to be ordinary, but in fact it is sinister. It seems to be a private one, and the complaint against her is actually a small treasure, and it is from Jin-Wang.
This is why Yao-Niang said that Xu Duchess used the Spring and Autumn brushstrokes. It seems that there is no language to accuse Jin-Wang, even excusing him. But there is nothing in the whole speech that means that Jin-Wang is incompetent and infatuated by the female color.
A faint incompetent, Prince who confuses the blood of the royal family for the female color, is also a stop in the current end.
If Yao-Niang didn't know about it, maybe she would panic, but she knew it, so she was only ashamed and could only remain calm.
"Xu Madam is so prepared, and he is in a hurry.
These individuals are convinced, who knows how much of this was bought by Xu Madam? So Xu Madam’s accusation, redemption, can’t be recognized. In a sentence, His Highness Jin-Wang is not a melancholy incompetent person. I am not a shameless person. I can't do anything that confuses the blood of the royal family.
"And Xu Madam does not need to be offended for Wangfei, so he will fight for a sigh. Yao-Niang is Concubine, but has always respected Wangfei, your mother and daughter for personal gain, to murder human life, put me and my belly . the expense of the child's life do not know Yao Niang, although the identity of slightly cold, can belly babe is royal blood, Wangfei start murdered Huang Si, sent off to recuperate Chuang Tzu, is considered a light sentence Highness remembered the couple mutual affection Today, you are so upside down black and white, for the sake of personal privacy, deliberately framed, I am very shameful to you!"
Yao-Niang's words were ‘Calling, and Xu Duchess didn't expect the other party to panic, but tried to confuse. She clearly said that the other party was confusing the royal blood, but was caught by the other party in order to wash away the crime of murdering the emperor, and then deliberately attempted to plant it.
But this is a fact. Before she showed her righteousness and grievances, she deliberately exposed her shortness. Now she is caught in a short attack and can’t complain.
“A good tongue is like a spring!” Xu Duchess sneered, saying: “The old woman had expected this day, so there is still someone to testify, and the Queen Niang-Niang is allowed to call.”
The witnesses soon came up, and they were women with bloated individuality.
"This person is Su-Ceefei pro 1st-Sao ZHu  shi. When she was born in Suo-Niang, she knew the best."
"The belly is a wild species in her stomach. I don't know which man I am with. That year..." ZHu  shi said it once in a while, and naturally it added a lot of vinegar. For example, Yao-Niang is small. Hu Meizi, and people hooked up to ignore the point and so on.
Wei the Queen looks at Yao-Niang: "Su-Ceefei ......"
Yao-Niang is still unmoved: "This ZHu  shi has been abandoned by the elder brother a few days ago. She is guilty of three out of the article. She does not follow her parents, and she speaks a lot. I was still in Noble. When Misses, she often abused me. My long-sister couldn't stand it and connected me to my home. At that time, I met with His Highness Jin-Wang, at this time, so she didn't know. If the Queen Niang-Niang has doubts, and can ask people to ask Yao and Su two neighborhoods. As for the previous ones, they also asked Niang-Niang to understand the parents and elders, and the sorrows of the shi-nu that they are not able to cover themselves. ”
She paused and cried, "I said before, I didn't understand the fact that I had made a big mistake. I have been punished. I don't understand why Xu Duchess is so aggressive, repeatedly pokes people wounds, and even finds them. So many people are trying to frame my child Xiao bao is not the blood of the temple. I can't doubt that my child Xiao bao is not the blood of the temple, but someone deliberately wants to confuse the audience and give me a big hat that is not the blood of the royal family.
"My Royal Highness took me to the palace on the same day. It was confirmed by the Holy Spirit. My face is like my Highness. So there are people who are trying to reverse black and white. I don’t know where to put my child’s identity on the place? Xu Duchess thinks St. on the old, confused, can easily be blinded by the color of the people?!"
I have to say that Yao-Niang seems to be a good attitude, but the words are too sharp.
This sentence, a voice, is not concerned about the fact that some people do not have a heart, so from the beginning to the end no one dare to interject, for fear of a careless, they are thrown into the water. At this time, she took the Emperor Hongjing to say things. Who dares to say that she is not talking about it, that is, she is questioning the empathy of Hongjing, who dares to do this?
Even Wei, Queen, dare not!
"You are confusing!" Xu Duchess accused him of blushing.
"Confused and audible should be you, Duchess. Even if you don't pursue it today, my Jin-Wang House will pursue it. People sit at home and come from heaven. But Yao-Niang believes that St. Yingming Shenwu, Jin-Wang, decisive and wise, will never be blinded by the villain!"
Outside the temple door, a group of people quietly stood up.
The head of Hongjing was Emperor Hongjing, who accompanied Wang Wang and Wang Yongwang.
Hongjing Emperor took a look at Jin-Wang, and Jin-Wang looked as usual.
"I didn't expect this little woman to be so sharp." The flattery was so good.
"She has always been timid, and she has been rushed."
It was not forced to rush, and they all forced to cry. When Emperor Hongjing saw the cool colors on the five faces, he knew that it was definitely a distress.
Just as Hongjing Emperor and Jin-Wang spoke, there was a person in the eyes hanging on the side filled with complex colors. In this case, Hongjing Emperor actually had a mood and jokes with Jin-Wang. What is the situation inside? Why is it just a small woman who actually ‘Called for silence, knowing that he could arrange more than one.
What are they doing? !
This person did not know that the entire play was not played according to their prior arrangements. Su Yao-Niang didn’t panic at all, and he was not ashamed to repeat the things of the year, and even refuted them one by one. It’s straightforward to ask someone to deliberately frame it, in order to fight Jin-Wang.
In this case, who dares to intervene?
Where do they know that Yao-Niang is a mother, a life is a matter of life, and what is the face, even if she is dead, she will not let her son Xiao bao be innocent.
The Emperor Hongjing led the way, and the people in the temple stood up and worshipped.
"Talk about it, what the hell is going on." Hongjing Emperor sat down next to the Queen.
Xu Duchess was gasped by Yao-Niang and gasped. Since he couldn’t speak, he was endorsed by Hong Ling.
After listening to it, Hongjing Emperor looked to Xu Duchess: "Xu Madam, is this true? Can there be omissions?"
"It's true, there are no omissions, and I don't want to listen to the words of the villain..."
Emperor Hongjing reached out and interrupted his eyes, and his eyes were a little dark. He glanced at Jin-Wang: "What is your explanation?"
"There is no explanation for the children, but Xiao bao is indeed a child of the child, but also hopes Fu Huang Mingjian."
Hongjing Emperor is naturally a Mingjian, but the problem is how to verify that it is the method of the blood of the Zhaoshi royal family. It has never surfaced. That is one of the important secrets of the Zhaoshi royal family. It is related to the descendants of the descendants. It is impossible for Hongjing Emperor to prove to the outsider whether a grandson is a biological person or not.
Nowadays, Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang and even Hongjing Emperor know that Xiao bao is the blood of Zhaoshi. Only Yao-Niang and Jin-Wang cannot be used as evidence to support this.
They must not be pretending, and Hongjing Emperor cannot say it.
Fortunately, Jin-Wang is not unprepared.
After almost two quarters of an hour, I walked in from outside the temple.
This person is actually Jin-Wangfei.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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