Wangfu Chongqie 150

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 150    :   Yao themselves,  Xiao  Bao study

However, if you dare to talk to the country, it is only two or three prawn, but the minister with a weight is none.
When the words were not mentioned, they were suppressed by the snowstorm in the area of ​​the capital. But it can also be seen that the An Wang family is just like the hot oil, the white foam has already risen, and I don’t know when it will be fried.
These are all outside, and they have nothing to do with Jin-Wang.
After the snow stopped, Jin-Wang began to go to the Ministry of Labor every day. After spending leisure time at home, reading tea and teaching Yao-Niang to practice the words was quite interesting.
Today, Jin Wang teacher's style more and more promising, the next day to come back first thing is to check the value of Yao Niang of Miao Hong.
There are even rules that can't be punished. This punishment may be a few more words, or something else.
At first Yao-Niang, when he said to play, she is not slack and lazy, but it is self-evident that it is not so good to go to school. It is also Yao-Niang, which seems to be two children's niang, but in fact it is less than eighteen, or the heart of a child. Many times, some things are on the rise, and the interest is over. When you turn your head, you will throw it away. It is remembered that you will remember it, and you will inevitably be disturbed by trivial matters.
Especially Jin-Wang is not there, she wants to accompany Xiao bao, but also to accompany the two treasures, several Yatou to talk to her, and the day after the gag. Today I always think about tomorrow, tomorrow or tomorrow, sometimes Jin-Wang and her layout of the big characters did not finish, come back to check more penalties to write a few will also remember the number, the more the more the number, the more hundreds more than.
On this day, Jin-Wang came back, Yao-Niang was playing leaf cards with several Yatou, and Xiao bao sat looking at it.
When he came back, the leaf card couldn't be played naturally. After changing clothes, he asked Yao-Niang to write a few pictures. Yao-Niang didn't dare to speak, Jin-Wang ordered the red silk to look at the big characters written.
The red silk hesitated and went, and took a long time to get a stack of rice paper.
The seemingly thick stack, in fact, only wrote two, and one of them only wrote half of the number, one word to write the half of the radical, it stopped abruptly, apparently what was beaten and forgotten.
Jin-Wang's face suddenly fell cold, and several Yatou were scared to bow their heads. Yao-Niang gave a wink, and the hands on the skirt were placed, and the Yatous slid back.
She smiled brightly, and the lotus step slid over the past, thinking that she would like to smile, and the two thoughts would be awkward. I don’t know how Jin-Wang snorted, cold face went out, not much time. I took the ruler back.
Rongxi Courtyard is quiet in the main room. Several Yatou are outside the door and want to enter and dare to enter.
The neck is standing there, but the ears are erected to listen to the movement inside.
"When you are Benwang, just playing with you? Since you have to learn, you have to be diligent and serious. When you started Benwang to teach you, it is not a joke!"
Since then, Yao-Niang has realized that Jin-Wang is really not kidding with her.
The big characters that are smashed down are all to be written, and the penalty is also to be embarrassed.
Originally, she thought that Jin-Wang was talking to her, but that is to say, playing, the key is that Jin-Wang is too misbehaving as a teacher. He was fined if he was fined. He likes it. Get some fun.
Between the mattresses and the roots of the ears, I always like to let Yao-Niang get some tricks to get the number of characters. Yao-Niang will be serious with him.
Now, when I lifted my trousers and turned my face, Yao-Niang was saddened in my heart, and I could only admit that I was unlucky.
Yao-Niang still remembers how Su-County-Graduate was a child when he was in the library. Some students were disobedient, and they saw Jin-Wang holding a ruler.
Jin-Wang was smirked by her. Did she really think that he took the ruler and wanted to beat her? Immediately thought again, he took the ruler to not play, and used it to do it.
In fact, Jin-Wang was also confused by the attitude of Yao-Niang. Although he was ignorant and cold, he did not reveal the landscape, but he was the most serious in doing things. When I was young, I was studying in the upper school. I was influenced by the Academy students who gave Prince the opportunity to study. I felt that I would not learn if I had to learn.
The reason why Jin-Wang can be both civil and military is precisely related to this.
As for the despicable things that he did, he misled Da-Niang, at this time he completely forgot. Even if he has not forgotten, he will not accept it.
He glanced at her coldly. "You don't have to beat your hands. You have to practice your words." He said that he would not be reluctant.
"Where is that?" The stupid Yao-Niang forgot to talk before he could see the color, and thought that Jin-Wang was moving with her, and asked honestly.
This is invisible to the demonstration with Jin-Wang, I know that you are reluctant to hit me, so we are still playing.
Jin-Wang's eyes moved to the big bang.
"Climb over there."
The more she was surprised, the more Jin-Wang felt like she was going, and her eyes went around.
Yao-Niang reacted subconsciously and shook his head: "No, Xiao bao is!"
"He doesn't understand."
Saying, Father, do you really think I don't understand?
 Xiao bao, who doesn't understand, seems to be attracted by the flowers. He turns his head and flowers and gives you a paw. I give you a paw and play it. Huahua is a clever sly, and Xiao bao is reluctant to show his claws. A pair of small flesh palms and Xiao bao play and play, but he can't scratch him.
On the other hand, Yao-Niang saw that his son could not save his mother, and immediately anxious. No one can ask her, but also forced by Jin-Wang's power, can only go down and down.
The dragon is burning in the house, the warmth is like spring, and the Yao-Niang is thin.
A pair of water-red small clips that fit together, and the wide-legged satin pants of the lotus color, her body is slender and full of anger. It is clearly the niang of two children, but it is not obese at all, except that the chest is bigger than before, the hip is more round than before, and nothing has changed.
At this time, she was squatting down, and it was an amazing arc from the back. Because the hips are round and round, the more they look slim. In fact, Jin-Wang also knows how much Yao-Niang's waist is, and he can hold it.
Today, Yao-Niang didn't wear a skirt. It was also lazy in recent days. No one came to the cold. She liked to wear loose pants in the room. Because of the curvature of the bow, the satin pants fit her curve, and there is a line that is obviously sunken in the middle. In particular, she seems to be a bit embarrassed, but also a little afraid, can not help but tremble, looking against the light like the best water tofu.
Jin-Wang has a dry throat and feels that he is asking for trouble, but he has not forgotten the majesty of his own teacher, his hands are behind him, and he is going forward.
He tried to make himself look normal and said: "I am a beginner, you are not good at self-control, and you are fined two feet. But you are not a first-time offender, but you know it, and add three feet."
Say, he just took the ball.
A bang, obviously not painful, but shocked a few people brows.
Yao-Niang looked back at him and shook his lips. Although he didn't speak, there was nothing in the eyes that 'you still beat me.' This kind of posture, this kind of look, makes Jin-Wang darker, and there are waves of turbulence.
"Benwang is punishing you."
I was convincing her, but also convinced myself, so I listened to the four times, and was anxious and fast. It was all the sound of the beater.
Yao-Niang just wanted to cry, and she didn't wait for her to cry. Jin-Wang asked slyly: "Where did you learn when you were studying?"
The words were too abrupt, and Yao-Niang took a nap and replied honestly: "I have studied "Mongolian Training" and "Three Character Classics", and then Dad would not want to teach me any more. Later, "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters" is my self-study, and I have read some miscellaneous books, which is not counted."
Jin-Wang nodded with a stiff face, and his hands were still behind him: "That is the case, Benwang will teach you from "Youth Learning Qionglin", you come with me."
He turned to go to the study, Yao-Niang naturally forgot to be beaten, climbed up and followed him.
Leaving Xiao bao squinted and looked at the flowers, the flowers snorted at him, and Xiao bao turned up and slid down and followed.
When I got outside the door, I saw a few faces of red silk and looked worriedly at the study. Xiao bao was going to be hugged by Hongfei.
"Little gongzi, you still don't go, your high school Niang-Niang is angry."
The red silk pulled Hongfei a little, and whispered: "It’s just that the Highness is angry, and the little gongzi is going."
Hongfei, this reaction, and let go of Xiao Bao hand.
 Xiao bao quietly pushed the door in with flowers.
In the case, Jin-Wang sat in the book case, and Yao-Niang moved a chair and sat opposite him.
Yao Niang put in front of the book, Jin Wang book in hand, but it is giving Yao Niang explained. It’s the beginning of "Youth Learning Qionglin"
Chaos was first opened, and Qiankun began to lay the foundation.
The qi of the qi was clear and the swaying was the sputum.
Andy Meng had been learned at the beginning of this study, "the young school days", is described as a child learn to read and learn, learn this one, read other books, many allusions natural and dawn, can be described as immature at the beginning of each school Mongolia Children will learn.
Yao-Niang followed the reading very seriously. Xiao bao came to Yao-Niang and didn't talk. He was holding Yao-Niang. Yao-Niang carefully glanced at Jin-Wang from below, and when he saw his eyebrows, he quietly held Xiao bao on his lap.
Just like this, Yao-Niang listens, Xiao bao also listens.
Yao-Niang thought that he was going to make trouble, but I know Xiao bao was very serious, and I still read it in the same way.
When it was later, Jin-Wang’s attention turned to Xiao bao.
He was cold-eyed, but he still read at the speed he had before. Although Yao-Niang has not studied this one, it is literate, so there is no oyster of the first person. Although there is some meaning in the meantime, she still can't understand some places, but it is no problem to read it again.
 Xiao Bao just listened to Jin-Wang and said that in the absence of literacy, with Yao-Niang retelling, and Yao-Niang had a book in front of him, he did not.
Never forget your ears? Wonderful memory?
Apparently, Jin-Wang’s insights and self-control were superior to the average person. He was quiet and read it again before he stopped. He asked Yao-Niang to read the rhyme on the book, and he picked up Xiao bao and said that he was taken out to drink water.
Yao-Niang did not understand the mystery of all this. She was too focused, and at the same time she was afraid of Jin-Wang's cold face. She only went to read the book and did not make a mistake. She did not notice this.
As for Xiao bao linguistics, she didn't put it in her heart. Secondly, he was also playing with him, and he didn't pay attention to what he was reading.
Take Xiao bao to Outside Mistress and sit down, let Yatou get tea, and smash this space. Jin-Wang is on Xiao baodao: "Read the Father to niang and repeat it to Father."
Then Xiao bao re-reported several paragraphs of the genius to Jin-Wang, one word at a time, nothing wrong.
Jin-Wang flashed all kinds of complicated emotions and turned into a kind of silence. He looked at Xiao bao deeply and said indifferently: "It’s good to read. When Father teaches niang, you come together. ""
In fact, in this time, it is just a matter of interest. Jin-Wang thinks a lot. If I can express my emotions in words, it is probably my son is a child prodigy. When Father is really happy, I want to give it all.
The world knows.
At the same time, he always restrained the temper temper and smashed it up.
The higher he climbed, the worse he fell. He didn't know the story of Zhong Yong. At this time, Xiao bao seems to understand and understand. When a young child starts enlightenment, if it is careless, it will easily damage the child's Huigen.
In the end, Jin-Wang chose to wait for it. Even he even thought about whether or not to find a Teacher to teach Xiao bao. Thinking about it and thinking, he decided to come by himself.
At this time, Yao-Niang, who was in the house, didn’t know it. Because of the time, Jin-Wang discovered the talent of Xiao bao, so that Xiao bao was taken by Jin-Wang when he was less than two years old. Enlightened.
The reason why Xiao bao wants to learn is that he wants to be able to change his name to the enchanting sorrow. Jin-Wang wants to teach, it is the heart of the child. So Yao-Niang has a classmate, that is, his son Xiao bao.
At first, I knew that Jin-Wang wanted to enlighten my son. Yao-Niang still felt that it was a little early, but Jin-Wang insisted that Xiao bao also expressed his desire to learn and could only nod.
Later, she discovered that her son had had an unforgettable energy. She was surprised for two days. But this is only the case, because she found that the progress of Xiao bao study was surpassing her.
When she was a niang, how could she be so embarrassed, so she worked harder and harder. Although not to the cantilever Cigu like that, but it is also very hard-working, did not forget to sit living with a book memorized. I dig a pit to give myself a jump of Jin-Wang, and my heart is full of depression, so I won’t mention it here.
Both the mother and the son are busy studying, naturally forgetting that they have promised to go to the town of Duke to be a guest.
It is also too cold, and it is too inconvenient to make a door.
During the period, Yao-Niang remembered this matter and asked Yu Yu to take a small gift specially prepared for the moon and moon, telling the story that the weather was cold and inconvenient, and that he was studying recently.
After Yu Xi came back, he said that Qiao-shi was ill and said that he was an old murderer. He said that when the weather is warmer, he will be treated as a guest with the moon and moon, and will return to Yao-Niang again. A few books.
Because Yu Xi said that Qiao-shi is not serious, that is, some light cough, Yao-Niang did not mind. She plans to wait for a sunny day and go to the town of Duke.
As for Xiao bao, this is what he sent to Xiao yueyue, or he urged him to go. When I heard that Qiao-shi was ill, he was very tight. When he heard that he was only coughing, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
However, he decided to go to Duke House in the town for a few days. As for how to get there, he needs to think of a way.
small theater:
Yao Niang: sad face .jpg you despicable dirty, put on pants betray you!
 Xiao bao: No face.jpg niang You suffer, I don't want to save you, it's a real person.
Flowers: The cat's face with its claws.jpg With a microphone, these individuals can read a book and play so many tricks.
Jin-Wang: A teacher's watch, a serious face.jpg I am calling you for your good.
Passerby A: Are you sure not for anything else?

Chapter 151    :   Transmitting corpse, sealing

Town Duke House, Lanruo Hall.
With a continuous cough of noise, Qiao-shi fell to the pillow behind him.
If the dream is busy, she wants to feed her with her tea. Qiao-shi also wants to drink, and her throat is really itchy. But the water has just been imported, and it is a itch that can't help it. She can't restrain it, and the water is sprayed out.
Several Yatou were busy, wiping their mouths and cleaning up the mess.
As the dream gently patted her back, she complained: "This medicine is not used for anything. If you don't change it, look at it. Lao Madam is also true, but just go to the palace and ask Tai yi, how can I not do it, not to say that people are afraid of being crazy!"
"Beep!" Qiao-shi replied, and coughed twice. He said, "I don't think it's a day or two. Niang said it makes sense. I didn't have to cough a few times and went to the palace. Tai-yi. You thought that you would like to ask Tai-yi to come back.
The Heir is not in the house. He is not in the house of the old man. If you use the brand of niang, you have to go through the Queen of the palace, and you have no trouble. ”
"Okay, like a dream, I have nothing. You are not ignorant of my illness.
There is no such thing as a cough. It is annoying to cough. If you don't take medicine or see a doctor, it will have no effect. It will be good after a while. ”
Qiao-shi said so, as long as the dream can only be heard.
Yatou came up with hot water and a scorpion, and two Big Maid served Qiao-shi, wiping his face and neck. Qiao-shi lay back in the soft pillow, she was pale, slightly with some abnormal flushing, apparently coughing.
There was Yatou to report 6th-Guniang. After a while, Qiao Xiuli was brought in by Yatou and came forward with concern.
"Smoke-sister, are you better?" No one noticed that she was subconsciously looking at a sachet hanging from the bed when she was near the bed.
"I don't know if I am old. Nothing, don't worry." Qiao-shi took a cup of tea and smiled in the soft pillow.
"I also know that smoke sister is old, it will be good after a while, but it will be inevitable to worry. And smoke sister seems to be sick for a long time, but the doctor opened the medicine is useless, do not change the doctor to see Look?"
Qiao-shi shook his hand in disappointment. "No, the medicine that I have been eating, the medicine is quite good..."
As she said, she coughed up again, and the cough couldn’t stop. No matter how dreamy she was, she couldn’t stop her. Suddenly coughed a little, Qiao-shi only gasped and took the puppet with his mouth shut. Everyone didn't pay attention, but Qiao saw a trace of red.
"There is blood!" she was amazed.
Hearing words, like a dream to take a handful of Qiao-shi hand, the jade white scorpion really stained a few traces of blood.
The bright red and red, like the plum blossoms in the snow, does not make people feel beautiful, but inexplicably chills.
The reason for this is that there are all kinds of allusions.
Qiao-shi is accustomed to a coughing old disease root. Please ask the doctor for medicine and eat a lot of medicine. I have never seen the cure. Although Qiao-shi is Di-out, but Qiao Master is not without flaws, there is the SHu  son the Shu Daughter, there are many people who can't help.
For a while, the story of Qiao house was rumored, and Qiao-shi always coughed, and he was criticized.
Because of this, Qiao Big-Madam was angry, killing several people and selling a group of people. Qiao Master was also annoyed, and deliberately invited the most famous doctors in the Jiang-nan area to consult Qiao-shi.
In fact, Qiao-shi is an ordinary cough. This cough can't be said for what reason, nor is it cold or liver fire. It is a time when it is cold. Generally, it is better than no more than one month. After the recovery, Qiao-shi is no different from ordinary people.
In the end, this is why one of the reasons is that Qiao Big-Madam was born in the winter when he was born in Qiao-shi. It may be that the child has just been born with a cold, and there will always be such a painful root. .
It’s not a cure.
Although this rickety is not as disgusting as smallpox, it is also an easy condition, which is why Big-Madam and Big-Master are so cautious.
Qiao-shi is not married yet. If he is really carrying a name that is criticized, he would like to marry in this life, and Qiao family will have no place for her to stand.
This thing is not only Qiao-shi, everyone around her knows, so see a few traces of blood, so as not to be contacted.
The air seems to be stagnation in general, and if the painting is about to cry, it is pulled like a dream from behind.
Qiao-shi didn't care: "Hey, you are scared to do this. I have coughed up and hurt in the past two days. It is almost because the throat has coughed up blood."
"Isn't it a cure? If you don't find a doctor, let's take a look." Qiao Xiuli didn't know if he was in a hurry, or what he said, and he said this kind of jealousy.
If you don't want to listen to it, you are busy: "6th-Guniang What do you say, what is wrong with the disease? In the end of July, Madam's old murderer, Noble Heir invited the Tai in the palace- yi came to see, this long, really TB, then, Tai yi consultation does not come out "?
Qiao Xiuli also realized his own words and whispered and explained: "I also said the wrong words for a while, it is too worried about the smoke-sister. Smoke sister, don't blame me, I really don't take the door."
She was so weeping that she would go to fight her mouth.
Qiao-shi is busy getting people to stop, and go to dreams like this, saying: "Don't think too much, I don't blame you, dreams are also a moment of urgency. You are both good for me, I know, don't cry. . "
"I can't help but smoke sister, I can't talk." Qiao Xiuli took a puff and wiped her tears. After that, she accompanied Qiao-shi to say something, and when she saw her face burnout, she made a speech.
After waiting for someone to walk, the whisper of a dream: "There are such big people, can the mouth still hold the door! This 6th-Guniang is really, will not speak."
"Okay, OK, you are not angry, but it is just a sentence."
"There can be some words to say, some words can't be said, this 6th-Guniang don't know?"
In advance, Qiao-shi couldn't help but frown, but in order not to worry about a few Yatou, she still insisted on the spirit: "You didn't say it before, and asked Tai in July-yi I have seen it, don't think too much."
On the other side, Qiao Xiuli went out of the door of the Lan Ruo Pavilion. She was very silent along the way. From time to time, she took the scorpion and wiped her eyes. It seemed that there was something sad.
I met a Pozi on the road and curiously asked her: "6th-Guniang of Qiao family, what's wrong with you?" Qiao Xiuli came to Lanruo to come frequently, so many Maid Pozi in the back house knew her.
Qiao Xiuli glanced at her and shook her head: "Nothing." But it is still difficult to hide the feeling of depression.
"You Yatou whom this is not a bully, right? Although it is not you let your family the serious masters, in the end is Madam relatives, if not really TIPS Yatou Pozi bully you, absolutely can not hide, our town is Duke Can't tolerate this kind of person."
"If dreams are not intentional..."
Heard, which Pozi immediately to the spirit:? "You mean Madam bully you around like a dream, but her dowry Yatou Madam, but you do not say, that Yatou some really bullying, usually Za Za whistling, I do not know fear She has a face."
When I heard Pozi misunderstanding, Qiao Xiuli seemed to be flustered, and suddenly fell asleep: "If the dream does not bully me, she is also a moment of loss. If I say something that should not be said, she will swear at me. All of me. No, hey, how can I say that smoke-sister..."
"What did you say?"
"Smoke-sister coughed up blood, I said she would not be criticized, let her quickly change the doctor..." Half of the words, Qiao Xiuli also seemed to realize that he had lost his words and was busy. He also explained: "Taiji has only Tai-yi to come to the smoke-sister in July. If it is the disease, it has already been diagnosed, so I said this..."
She only worried about herself, and she did not find the opposite light in the eyes of Pozi, and she was shocked.
When Qiao Beauty left, this Pozi was busy going to the main room.
In the main room, the town of Duchess is leaning on the raft, letting Yatou hit the calf with the beauty.
Pozi, a 50-year-old, square-faced man, hurried in and said something in the ear of Duchess.
Town Duchess was shocked and sat up straight from the squat, almost never fell, or Pozi grabbed her.
"Lao Madam, don't worry. It's just that the next person is coming, this is not a dialectic. It is not true."
After the town Duchess stabilized, she waved her: "What dialectical is it used? I said this Qiao-shi face is dead, and I have to drag my child. I cough and cough in the day. Also cough, cold and cough, a delicate scorpion's delicate phase, is it worse than my older person?"
She was so disgusted and at the same time very dignified: "This matter can not be ignored. Moon Yatou, although I don't hurt her, she is the son of my grandson. This disease is extraordinary, others don't know, don't you know At that time, my Dabo was gone.
The masters didn't have to be close. After Dabo died, how many people lived in his yard?"
With this in mind, Bai-Mama shudders. She is the guesthouse of Duchess in the town. Of course, she knows that it happened in Houfu, Nanning.
I was afraid of being accused, so the Big-Master did not move out, but only sealed the yard. That is to say, everyone is avoiding it.
The next people usually do not play in front of the courtyard.
The Yatou squat in the yard, who died one after another, was not sick, but was waiting for this sinister ghost. He might have been infected when he was, and the next person was immersed in this panic. Unable to jump into the well, some people are crazy and foolish.
In those few years, that place was the ghost of Nanning Houfu. When Big-Master was gone, everyone was relieved. Later, everything in the yard was burned, and the yard was directly rebuilt.
"That's how this thing can do?" All of a sudden, Bai Mama nor the constitution.
If the next person is okay, the big deal is still going out, but it is the Heir Madam.
"You go to invite Dr. Huang and wait for a trip to Lanruo." After thinking about it, Duchess of the town changed his mouth again: "I am still with you, but left but now in her eyes, I am a wicked person, since It’s a wicked person, I’m going to be evil.”
Qiao-shi slept for a while, just woke up and let the Yatou serve the medicine, and the town Duchess came with someone.
She covered her nose with a scorpion, and stood away from the distance: "You have some sickness for this disease. Let me look after you more before I leave. I always do this. I have found one here." The doctor will show you."
Qiao-shi still wanted to stay in the salute, but was dragged. Popo said the doctor brought to her, she was still very happy, because the town Duchess had never given her a good face.
She was always sincere and felt that she was lying on the couch. Popo stood too rude and wanted Yatou to move the chair. It was like Duchess in the town, so she couldn’t help but ‘Call, I don’t know why I remembered Qiao Qiao. That.
Qiao-shi is pale: "Niang, daughter-in-law is not a big problem. In July, the Heir party invited Tai-yi to come over and diagnosed the child.
The prescription was changed. It was not bad. It’s cold when I was a child, I’m fine for two days, I don’t need you...”
Town Duchess interrupted her: "It’s good to have a doctor, so it’s always good to have a doctor."
This is the end of the matter, Qiao-shi can only listen to it.
Maid put down the bill and put a slap on Qiao exposed wrist before someone came from outside and led a 50-year-old woman who was thin and thin.
This person is surnamed Huang, but it is the doctor who gave the town Duchess the peace of mind all the year round.
The medical skill is also famous in Capital City. It is naturally impossible for such a person to supply only one family, so the town of Duke will give him a large amount of silver every year.
The masters of the town of Duke are seriously ill and are watched by him.
Dr. Huang went forward and sat down on the cotton pier next to the couch, raising his hand over Qiao wrist.
He had been diagnosed with the pulse for a long time. Did he change his hand gestures, and then he let go of the half-ring, and let the Yatou people remove the curtain and looked at Qiao-shi face and tongue. Also asked if the hands and feet are hot, dry mouth, dry throat, not easy to sleep, and more words of night sweats.
Different from men and women, it is extremely shocking to be able to perform like this. Dr. Huang asked this question again, and Qiao-shi also said it one by one.
After Huang did not say anything, he went outside.
Town Duchess followed.
See you, don't say Qiao-shi, even a few dreams, Yatou can not help but feel guilty.
Business Closures, See you the Their, We see the Heir, and the yin yin
Duchess, a woman who can understand these illnesses, "Would you only say that she is not?"
Dr. Huang sighed: "The bad thing about this disease is that the party is not easy to diagnose. It is too late after the diagnosis. At this time, you let the old man say one or two.
The old man can't say anything. He can only observe carefully. If it is the Heir Madam still has a sign of hemoptysis, and it is not too late to judge."
"That means it may or may not be?"
Huang Da Fu nodded.
Duchess, the town, couldn't help but clench his hand, and he was condensed and contemplative. Obviously something was struggling. Bai-Mama See this, busy letting Yatou lead Huang Da Fu.
After a long while, I saw Duchess’s heavy, and Bai-Mama asked: “Lao Madam...”
"Go to the moon Yatou, the Lan Ruo Pavilion is temporarily closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."
Bai-Mama was initially shocked and later understood the practice of Duchess.
At this point, it seems that this is indeed a safe move, so as not to misrepresent other people, implicating the whole government.
When the moon was taken away, I cried very badly. Although she is still small, she also feels that something bad happened.
But in the end it was still small, and said that it was to play with the brother, but also let her stop crying. After a group of people have left, the Lan Ruo Pavilion has fallen into a ridiculous situation.
Qiao-shi is strong and calm, but still full of heart.
A few of Yatou hearts were panicked. In the end, they were accompanied by many years of love.
They all comforted Qiao-shi to let her not think too much. She could not have suffered such a disease. In July, Tai-yi came to see if she really had That disease, it should be diagnosed.
There must be someone who said something in the ear of Lao Madam, Lao Madam took the opportunity to find the trouble of Madam. When the Heir is back, nothing will happen.
Qiao-shi also ordered himself to think so, but in the end he couldn’t hold his heart.
Nowadays, the Lan Ruo Pavilion is looking forward to the Heir Sun Hao coming back quickly, but Sun Hao will be able to come back for a while. He was ordered to station in Tongzhou, Daxing, and Wanping, in order to prevent the victims from disturbing the land of the capital.
The victims did not retreat, and the disaster relief was not implemented. He was temporarily unable to return.
At the same time, there were rumors in the government that the Heir Madam had suffered from a criticism, and Lao Madam sealed the Lanruo Pavilion.
There are few people here who are rumored to be rumored, and some people secretly swear by them.
The Tongfang, which was dismissed by Sun Hao in the past, are all from the people of the palace. This large government has the largest number of people, and it is intertwined. If you want to be a grandson, you will die, or die or fall out of favor, and those who have been removed can return.
It was a sigh of enthusiasm for a while, how horrible it was to be horrible, and even the moon and moon that lived in the main courtyard heard some ears.
She doesn't know what the corpse is, and she doesn't know what the sick ghost is. She only knows that niang is ill and she is very ill. She wanted to return to Portland to see if the museum niang, who can Yatou Pozi not let her go, no matter how busy her how to cry, even to seek brother, the Grandmother would not let go.
At this time, the next person came to Jin-Wang House Big-gongzi.
The month and month immediately remembered what Xiao bao had said to her
"You see that I am the emperor, my Father is Wangye, my emperor 'Laozi is the emperor, I will be Wangye in the future. With my protection, no one dares to bully you..."
The moon knows that the emperor and Wangye are both very big people, and she is also called a brother, and my brother will definitely protect her.
definitely is.

Chapter 152    :   Can't think of the name of the chapter (related to Qiao, don't like it)

Even after being bored for a long time in the house, Yao-Niang was also flustered.
So when Xiao bao clamored to find Mei-mei, she agreed. In fact, she has been glaring at Qiao-shi illness. Although she only met Qiao-shi on both sides, she really liked Qiao-shi.
She asked the palace, Mama, to prepare some herbs, and took Xiao bao and Yu Xi to take the carriage to the town of Duke.
It's simple to say, but in fact, the frame is ready, along with the accompanying Maid Pozi, and the government guards, etc., and many chores are cumbersome. This is also the reason why Yao-Niang is not willing to go out recently. It’s a cold day, it’s not a problem, and people are also guilty.
I arrived at the town of Duke, because there was no invitation, so I need to wait for someone to report.
After a short time, several people were welcomed from the inside.
Since Yao-Niang didn't know the people in Duke house, she didn't feel the same. Until the next person led her to the main courtyard where Duchess lived, she had doubts in her heart, but she couldn't think too much. I was greeted by people.
Town Duchess sat in the first place, but did not see Qiao-shi.
Strangely, the emphasis on the etiquette is still there, Yao-Niang salutes the town of Duchess. Duchess is an old man who can afford it, but he is full of smiles. He doesn't have to pay more for Yao-Niang.
After sitting down, Yatou gave tea, and Duchess asked some gossip, mostly concentrated on Xiao bao. In fact, two people who don't know each other sit together, and only say that this topic is the safest and the least likely to offend people.
 Xiao Bao was moved uneasy, and Yao-Niang could see the clue, and he could naturally see it. He now has a variety of bad thoughts in his heart, and he wants to know what happened to the moon, what happened to Qiao-shi.
Here, Yao-Niang also asked why he did not see Qiao-shi, the town Duchess was worried about the color, said: "I was a little bad at this time, the doctor came to see, said yes It’s best not to see the wind, so let her close the door to get sick. Ceefei should know that my son is not in Capital City recently, I am really worried, so I will take the liberty to welcome Ceefei to my yard. I am inconvenienced to show up with you. If she is good, let her go to your house to pay for it."
This is all-encompassing, that is, to point out the reason of the incident, and people will not be born with a blame, and naturally will not be ignorant. But Yao-Niang couldn't help but think of a small detail that she saw at the Lanruo Hall when she came to Duke in the town.
At that time, when it was time for lunch, Qiao-Shi deliberately let Yatou go to the main courtyard to deliver the message, saying that he left Jin Ceefei to use the meal in the Courtyard.
Things are small, but there are clues, only those who are particularly harsh in Popo will let their daughter-in-law use the meal to report one or two.
After Qiao-shi speech, it was revealed that some towns Duchess were not happy with her, but did not say much, Yao-Niang did not ask. But Yao-Niang also knows one thing, that is, the only son of Qiao-shi, Geer, is raised in the yard of Lao Madam.
Yao-Niang doesn't know why she thinks about it. She always thinks that Duchess has made this out and seems to want to cover up.
“Niang.” Xiao bao pulled her clothes, “Mei-mei.”
Yao-Niang immediately remembered that in addition to her want to see Qiao-shi today, another purpose is because Xiao bao thinks about the moon.
Between the thoughts, she smiled and said to Duchess in the town: "Luo Madam said this, but some of them are so sincere and fearful. Since Qiao-Sister is sick, I will not bother her, just look at me. Xiao bao, this is specifically for the month and month. I wonder if the child is now in the month and month?"
Town Duchess nodded, also did not hide:. "Qiao -shi inappropriate posts these days, I'm afraid servant lost a child, carried her to the side to keep a few days Bai Mama, you receive a small gongzi Go and see the moon Yatou."
I heard that the moon was also taken to the main courtyard. Yao-Niang couldn’t sit still and smiled and stood up: "I haven’t seen the child in the month, Bai-Mama, I Go with you, can you see?"
Bai-Mama can say no? Lao Madam did not dare to stop it.
She just wanted to cover up what happened in the house, and she would play it like this, but if I stopped this Su-Ceefei to see the children, I would not know how much unnecessary trouble would be added. She could only secretly gave Bai Mama a wink, Bai Mama received wink, he smiled and welcome to Yao before Niang body:. "This has led Ceefei Laonu go."
Because these days and months are really noisy, Lao Madam is old, and when he listens to the child, he has a headache, so he is now living in a small courtyard on the south side of the main courtyard.
Bai-Mama led Yao-Niang and went to the front of the courtyard. He heard the moon and the moon crying.
She was in a hurry and walked in a few steps. She replied: "How do you cry Gunianang? What do you want to use for you?" He laughed and said to the moon: "Big-Guniang, don't cry. You see the small gongzi of Jin-Wang House to see you, the old nubi will make people prepare more fruit snacks, and you will eat with the small gongzi."
The month did not pay attention to her, and when she saw Xiao bao, she ran over. "Hey, hey."
The little face is full of tears, crying Xiao bao can be distressed, I want to hold her up and comfort, only to find that my short arms and short legs are short, can not hold.
It was Yao-Niang who hugged the moon and the moon. "What happened to the moon? But I want Xiao bao?"
"Oh, I..."
Yao-Niang touched her little face and interrupted her words: "Hey, you know that you want to be a small treasure, so I am going to bring Xiao Baoge to accompany you today. You look cold outside. Are we talking in the house? Is it a long time to ride the carriage, tired and thirsty, let the sip drink first."
The month is a sensible child.
There are many words in my heart that I want to say, or I can hold back.
Bai-Mama also said: "Ceefei Niang-Niang, please come in."
Sitting in the room and sitting down, Yatou took the tea and brought the dessert plate.
Yao-Niang jumped up in his heart, pretending to drink tea, but he thought about what to do.
In the end, she thought about it, or is it really something?
Between the thoughts, her sleeves were smashed, but she saw Yao-Niang drinking tea and sat down. She wanted to be sure that she was not thirsty and tired, and could listen to her.
"Hey, I want to see niang, but they don't let me go."
Bai-Mama has always been there, seeing this busy said: "Guangiang, not letting you go, but afraid of giving you sickness. Waiting for Madam is better, nubi will let you take you?"
"But I want to see niang, I..."
 Xiao bao came over and took her little hand: "Well, don't make trouble, brother takes you to play."
"Hey brother..."
"When we go to play snow, I will pinch the snowman!" He didn't give the moon a month to talk. He took the moon and ran out. Maid Pozi wanted to stop and could only stop.
Yao-Niang immediately stood up and walked out quickly: "This child is also really, such a cold day, what snow to play. It is really lawless, it is all used by His Royal Highness!"
Yao-Niang is chasing after the fire, and the jade and red silk can only keep up.
Going out, Yao-Niang speaks very fast to Yu Yudao: "You let the dark eleven go to see what happened, if it is possible to get Qiao-shi."
Yu Xi nodded and nodded.
Between the talks, the people of the town of Duke were also surrounded. Because the jade is the next person, no one pays attention to her. She retreats to the side. Yao-Niang is pretending to stand on the side and watching Xiao bao play the snow with the moon, and a few words in his mouth are really naughty.
After a while, Yu Xi came to Yao-Niang.
Yao-Niang naturally understands his intentions and raises his voice: "Small treasure is not going to play, how do you promise niang?"
 Xiao bao has been looking for opportunities to talk to the moon, where to care for her. Yao-Niang shook his head helplessly and told Yatou around him: "Hold the small gongzi back to the house and watch it cool." And to Bai-Mama said: "I don't know if there is a house here?"
Bai-Mama was busy and led Yao-Niang to go, and Yu Xi waited for him.
Into the Gongfang room, the leading Yatou was guarding outside, and Yu Xi and Yao-Niang went in.
Yu Xi whispered: "Niang-Niang, Qiao Madam is probably not good, Dark 11 said that he is very sick, and the yard is dead. He listened to your words and deliberately expressed his interest to Qiao Madam, Qiao Madam seems to I didn't want to go out, just saying thank you Madam, saying that she can't live for many days, let you leave her alone."
When I heard this, Yao-Niang was shocked. What can I say to the knowledgeable and gentle Qiao-shi? This is obviously intended to keep the dead will say so.
What happened in the end? Or is her illness so serious that she has no desire to survive?
"What did she say?"
“Qiao Madam said, if you can ask for your help to look after Guniang next month, say Geer has the Grandmother and is a man, how can it be good. Moonian is a daughter’s house, she can’t let it go, if In the afterlife, she has a grassy ring."
"Is this only?"
Yu Xi nodded.
Yao-Niang's hand was loose and tight, and all kinds of thoughts were worn in her mind. It wasn't until the outside heard the voice of Yatou, who was leading the way, and she was flustered and pretended to finish the door and push the door out.
On the other hand, Xiao Bao is anxious, he wants to find an opportunity to talk to the month, but there are people watching.
There is a hunch in his heart that Qiao-shi will definitely have something wrong, otherwise Duchess will not be so cautious.
Time has passed for a long time, and Yao-Niang can't stay in Duke house until he can, and he can only say goodbye.
But Xiao bao is not willing to go, not to say that he has to go home with the moon. No way Yao-Niang can only ask Bai-Mama, but she can bring the moon to Jin-Wang for a few days and say she will take care of her.
Here Xiao bao made a fuss, but he didn't roll on the ground. Bai-Mama went to the town of Duchess.
This made it out of the way, let the town Duchess lose patience, waved an old face and annoyed: "Let them take it away!"
"Lao Madam "
Duchess, of course, knows what Bai-Mama is worried about. She said: "What can a little Yatou know? Besides, I haven’t done anything to pickle. She has this disease. I cover it for her. Well, for her two children, no good people didn't do it, but they fell into the wrong place. Let them take the moon Yatou away, and I will pick it up after two days."
"If Big-Guniang said something, people listened to it-" Bai-Mama hesitated.
"What about listening to it? The scourge is not our grandson's family. One of the seven evils, Su-Ceefei, if she is not afraid of Qiao-shi, she will go around."
Wen Yan, Bai-Mama is no longer discouraged. Originally, this is the best way to cover up. If it can't be covered, there is nothing wrong with Duke.
When I got on the bus, Yao-Niang finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Still waiting for Xiao bao to ask questions, the month and month said: "Hey brother, you can help me save niang, they say niang is a sick ghost, I want to see niang, they don't show me.
The Grandmother doesn't like it. I, those Yatou Pozi don't like me, I don't see niang, I am so scared..."
Yao-Niang snorted and finally understood that Qiao-shi would say those words.
Can you be sick? It was obvious that she had seen Qiao-shi a few days ago, and it didn't look like she was criticized. How long it took for me was like this.
Jin-Wang came back from the Ministry of Industry. Yao-Niang turned around and turned around. He hesitated for a long time and told him about it.
"What do you want to do?"
Yao-Niang hesitated, "I don't know, I think this is definitely not that simple. Qiao-shi is still good for a while, how long will it be like this?"
Jin-Wang did not speak.
Yao Niang ramble, any connection he said: "I tell you, I hope I want more, do not you know that some abuse from Popo daughter, the start before I can be ruthless, who lives in the alley.
There is a little daughter-in-law who, Popo, does her work every day and does not give meals.
The little wife is very pitiful. In addition, I think if Qiao-shi really got the disease, I don’t know if there is any cure, can you let? Liu Lianghua helps me to see? Qiao-shi is a very good person. If the moon is not niang, I..."
Seeing her low mood, Jin-Wang applauded her hand: "Well, you don't think too much, I am going to send a letter to Sun Wei. If it is different, he will naturally solve it. As for other things... He sank, "Don't talk about it."
“Would you have any trouble?” This is the main reason why Yao-Niang hesitated.
Of course it will cause trouble, but since she thinks, it is not trouble.
"You don't care about this, Benwang will do it."
The Lan Ruo Pavilion is as dead as the dark eleven said.
After the court was closed, the next day who could get out of the relationship left. Qiao-shi is a kind temper, and he can't do anything difficult, and he doesn't leave them.
There are dozens of people in Maid Pozi who have been in the Courtyard.
As for Qiao-shi, now only two of them are still dreaming, and even some of Qiao-shi dowry from Jiang-nan are gone, so I won’t go into details here.
There is another person, that is, Qiao Xiuli.
Since she knew that the yard had been sealed, she came to the Lanruo Pavilion and would rather not enter or leave. Just staying with Qiao-shi to help, but in fact did not let her do anything. Qiao-shi has a number of unwillingness to drag people, in addition to waiting for her as a dream, the other will not let Qiao Xiuli touch. At most, she is talking with her, and this time is rare.
The doors and windows are tightly closed, obviously white, but it is like dark.
There was only one light in the room, which was dark and dark.
Qiao Xiuli crying: “Smoke-sister, you should never think too much. You still have Geer and the moon. If you have a case, what should the two children do? It is reasonable to say that when Mei-mei You shouldn't say this, but if you think about it, if you don't have it, he will definitely be jealous again. How many machine fronts are there in this public house? Can it be good for two children later? So you must be good. of……"
Qiao-shi has no strength at all, and he doesn't want to move, but her brain is still turning uncontrollably.
She wants Sun Hao, she can't bear him, she still can't bear two children...
Yes, if she is really dead, Sun Hao will definitely be jealous again. Popo is thinking of giving him a high-gate woman. In these years, although she did not do those pickled things, she also listened to a variety of privacy. Maybe her Geer will be retired, maybe her month will be married to someone who doesn't care. Although she took care of Su-Ceefei, it was a person outside.
No, she can't die, that is, she is going to die. Before she dies, she has to arrange the two children properly.
Her eyes fell on Qiao body.
These days, she can also see that she is a good one. In the past, because of the kindness of the other party, some contempt, but now it has become a gratitude.
"Li-Jie, if I let you take care of my two children, are you willing?"
"Smoke-sister, what are you talking about? What is your intention?" Qiao Xiuli hugged her hand tightly, but she was crying in her heart, came, and finally came, she arranged so much, it cost so much I am thinking about this.
"I am afraid that it will not last many days. If you can promise, I will ask Dad to pass you under his name. I will tell you, let him marry you, I hope you can..."
The rest, in the midst of a bang, disappeared into the air.
Sun Hao rolled in with a cold body. "I don't know who you are, you have dismissed your thoughts for me!"
Qiao Xiuli was like a stunned grasshopper, and he couldn't help himself.
How did the Heir come back?
Didn't wait for Qiao-shi to talk again, and he saw Sun Hao turn around. He was anxious but reverent and arched his hand: "Liu Tai-yi, let me give you a look."
"The Heir is welcome, the old man has not been Tai-yi."
Between the talks, Liu Liang doctor came in.

Chapter 153    :   Current, retribution (two more one)

Sun Hao has been in a busy state since he hit Tongzhou.
The number of people who flocked to Tongzhou was more than expected. Not only was the disaster near the capital, but the nearby Shanxi and Hebei provinces were affected by snowstorms.
These two places are close to the capital of the capital.
The people estimate that they also have a seat in the city. If they come here, they will not be short of food, so they will come when they have no choice.
It stands to reason that this Tongzhou has the name of the granary of the capital, and there is no shortage of food, and it is also indispensable to the capital.
The purpose is to put food and disaster relief, but I don’t know how Hongjing Emperor thought, but there has been no movement.
Local officials are afraid of making a large number of dead victims. It is not a good time to pay a bad deal. Can be more people and less food, coupled with not enough clothing to protect the cold, every day someone came to look for Sun Hao, would like to ask the emperor over there in the end is how to think.
Sun Hao did not know what San Sheng thought, but he did not forget his own errands, and could not let the victims flock to the direction of the capital.
Fortunately, the purpose of the disaster relief soon came down.
The people had food to eat, and there was no need to go to the capital.
The disaster relief work was carried out in an orderly manner, and Sun Wei finally took a break.
The person who can be Jin-Wang came to him.
Sun Hao did not know what happened in Capital City recently. Several Prince were secretly fighting for disaster relief. Otherwise, the purpose of Capital City will not drag on such a day. If the only thing that doesn't move is probably Jin-Wang.
Jin-Wang is not as quiet as it seems. It seems that the people who had been under the border and set off in the battle, and those who dare to squat in the old nest, have lost their strength and are planning to work in the Ministry. Waiting, today I am going to take the house down, and Ming people take people to build the house.
Jin-Wang went to the Courtyard on a daily basis, and Sun Hao had the urge to laugh as long as he thought of the Jin-Wang stories that were circulating outside.
But he can't smile because he thinks that such a person should not be like this.
But what kind of thing is it, Sun Hao can't say it at the moment.
Later, when he remembered it in his spare time, he could understand the practice of Jin-Wang.
The person who lost his power was like a beast without a nucai . Your Majesty has a heart to suppress these sons, and you should be honest.
Everyone knows these things, can you really do it?
Because you never expect others to think about something, you can't move, but you don't know if others will move, others will overtake you, will you lose your chances without unconsciously? But if you take a step, it is likely to be a different distance.
So after the initial silence, everyone is moving, maybe Jin-Wang is moving, but he doesn't know.
With such a thought, Sun Hao naturally could not laugh.
Can Jin-Wang dare to send someone to look for him?
Don't you know that this Tongzhou is now under the eyes of the public. Do you not want to come into contact with him if you don't know how to be smart, so as not to be guilty?
Sun Yiben is a person who does not plan to see Jin-Wang, but he is very eager to know what he is trying to do and what he wants to do.
He met with Jin who sent Wang, before we know what happened in the end.
Sun Hao had only had time to explain with his men, and he went to the capital alone. It took about half a day from Tongzhou to Capital City, and it took him more than an hour to run.
He was stopped in front of the city gate and stopped him as a Jin-Wang.
Sun Hao was very unhappy with this behavior, even if this news was originally passed to him by Jin-Wang, but after seeing Liu Liang, he suddenly lost his temper.
Seriously speaking, Liu Liang’s doctor is the great benefactor of the town’s Duke House. When Duke was in the same life, it was the resurrection of Liu Liang’s doctor.
Liu Liangyi conveyed the words of Jin-Wang and said that he would definitely use Liu Liang.
Thinking of the news from Jin-Wang, Sun Hao was very upset and naturally knew that if it was something, Liu Liang’s role.
Sun Yi did not listen to anyone blocking the Lan Ruo Pavilion. He had heard the words of Qiao Xiuli and Qiao-shi before he entered the door. He naturally heard what Qiao-shi said later.
He witnessed the splitting, and Qiao-shi was weak, but he was just wearing a soft belt. In the end, what made her frustrated, so she lost her desire to survive.
How is she willing? Is she willing to give him up!
Sun Hao did not deny that she wanted to marry Qiao-shi, who was fascinated by the female color for a while. From the moment she saw her, his heart was telling herself that she was the woman he wanted. So he ignored her as a business woman and took her back.
Her heart is small, he let her, she is squeamish, he is used to her. It’s a habit to let go of it. He thinks it’s good. He not a heavy person, so she’ll be her.
What is love in the end, Sun Hao does not understand, but he knows that he likes Qiao-shi.
Even if she really got the disease, the person who got the disease is not without it. It can live for a few more years. Not to mention whether it is still unknown.
On the couch, Qiao-shi cried sobbing and couldn't make a sound. "I am not good, you are going out, you can't give it to you."
Sun Hao stepped forward a few big steps, and Qiao Xiuli was still standing in front of the bed, but he was almost stunned by his momentum. Qiao Xiuli just stood firm, and saw Sun Hao walked over to the bed, grabbed Qiao-shi, and kissed him indiscriminately.
"If it really can be dyed to me, it is already infected."
Sun Hao stood up straight, no longer went to see Qiao-shi, "Liu Tai-yi, trouble you."
Liu Liang doctor did not expect to play a small is a sultry Sun Jia Xiao zi, actually able to play this out. I don't know how to think of the master of the house. I think that Jin-Wang was not for the sake of his children. He was obviously poisonous in his body. He was on the eve of his life, but he was rather pity and cherished. He would rather lose his mind and lose his life.
It’s all crazy!
Liu Liang’s heart was in his heart and came to the bed. As the painting moved Zhang Dunzi over, he sat down and gave Qiao-shi the pulse.
The house was in a state of silence, and everyone heart could not help but be in the eyes of the blind.
On the side of Qiao Xiuli, the corners of her eyes twitched nervously, and she knew clearly that even the best doctor in the world came, and Qiao-shi also returned to heaven. But it is the inexplicable fear. I always feel that the development of this matter has made her unexpected.
She didn't want Qiao-shi to die so early, but Sun Hao suddenly left Capital City and let her see the opportunity. Originally she still thought about how to avoid the Heir, but now there is no such concern.
Things really did what she wanted. Lao Madam’s reaction and the reaction of other people in the house were in her expectation. She only needed to add straw a little bit, no need to smash the king to kill, Qiao-shi I can't do it myself.
I never thought that the Heir would come back at this time, even if it was a day later, it would be this time.
Who is destroying her business?
Lao Madam couldn't have sent someone to send the letter to the Heir.
The rest of the house didn't dare. Recently, there were no outsiders in the house, except for the Su-Ceefei of Jin-Wang. As far as she knows, Su-Ceefei has not seen Qiao-shi.
Liu Liang doctor put down his hand and his face was a little dignified.
He looked back at Sun Hao, and Sun Hao heart could not help but sink, the hand behind him was placed, and the irrelevant people went down.
Including Qiao Xiuli.
She didn't want to leave, but unfortunately Sun Hao made an order, and naturally someone invited her out.
In addition to Sun Wei, Liu Liang, and Qiao-shi, there are only two dreams left in the room.
The reason why they did not let the two Yatou go out, because they are not only the heart of Qiao-shi, but also the only one who stayed with Qiao-shi.
As long as Sun Yi thinks that Qiao-shi is ill, the people in this yard are running out, and there is a kind of anger. But now is not the time to deal with this matter, after waiting for this, he came back one by one.
And Qiao Xiuli accompanied Qiao-shi behavior, and some made Sun Hao unexpected, but as soon as she thought of what she said to Qiao-shi, he felt a resentment and subconsciously excluded her. Outside the trusted person.
"Liu Tai-yi, if you have something to say, please don't cover it, this time is not a cover time." Sun Yan smiled bitterly.
Liu Liangyi indulged a bit and stroked his beard: "If the old man is not diagnosed, your Madam is indeed suffering from a sputum. Looking at his pulse, it will take a long time."
There was a sound from the bed, and it was Qiao-shi who didn’t hit the bed pillar for a while.
Sun Hao reveals the sorrowful color. He first took Qiao-shi to sit down and took a deep breath. He said: "Is there a doctor for this disease?"
In fact, this question is equal to white questioning.
The disease is a terminal illness. Once it is suffering, it can only drag the day and drag it for a day.
The family has more money to cultivate, and can live more days. If you are poor in your family, you will only have to wait for death.
Two Yatou crying and crying, like a dream falling on the ground, lost the murmur: "How could it be a rickety, I Madam would have been good, just cough up, and there are not many days. July Noble Heir side please Tai-yi has seen it, it’s all right, there nothing, how could it be criticized?”
Upon hearing this, Liu Liang’s eyes flashed and asked: “Do you mean that Tai-yi has seen it in July?”
Liu Liang doctor looks different, as dreams think there is any turning point, nodded again and again: "I-Madam has the root of this love cough, but it is not a serious illness. Please have seen countless doctors, say that as long as you pay attention When the seasons are alternating, it is necessary to keep warm when it is cold. How can this ailment get rid of me-Madam's body for no reason."
Sun Hao also said: "Because the scam has this root cause, when the day is still warm, she has coughed for two days. I simply asked Hu Tai-yi in the palace to see it. First, I want to replace it. She cares, and secondly, she wants to see if she can remove the roots."
Liu Liang doctor nodded: "I don't know if the pulse is still there. Can you let the old man observe one or two?"
Tai-yi from Tai-yi Courtyard is an unusual doctor.
The doctor visits the doctor. I have seen it before. However, because Tai-yi is not a general office, it is also afraid to see the doctors in the palace, and it is very strict.
It’s not too much to say to the emperor, and the rules are extremely cumbersome.
The other masters in the palace are also extraordinary.
The Tai-yi of this Tai-yi Courtyard is not only for the people in the palace, but also for some of the honourable ministers, but it must be very face-to-face.
Just as Sun is one of these faces.
Tai-yi has a special treatment for people, that is, every time you need to diagnose the disease, you need to keep the prescriptions for later investigation.
Liu Liangyi just wants to see this case, because when he left the government, Jin-Wang specifically explained it, and Qiao-shi illness may have a clue. Changed to the general doctor, even if it is Tai-yi, it can not be contaminated with such things, they are not contaminated, they just look at the doctor, regardless of their fate, who can be called Jin-Wang, and Liu Liangyi and Sun Jia have This kind of origin.
Sun Hao certainly knows what the pulse case is. "The Tai-yi Courtyard should have it. I am going to go to the Tai-yi Courtyard to find Hu Tai-yi."
The case of Qiao-shi was quickly taken. During this period, Duchess received the news of his son’s return. He also knew that Sun Hao came directly to the Lanruo Pavilion and did not even go to the main courtyard.
She was not very angry, but she was also guilty. She was ordered to call a grandson, and Sun Hao ignored it.
After reading the pulse case, Liu Liangyi also consulted Qiao-shi, and also asked some questions, such as when some diseases were discovered.
Not only asked Qiao-shi, but also asked dreams and picturesque.
Liu Liang doctor also finished reading after listening to it, and there are some numbers in his heart. It is really true that Jin-Wang’s words are harmful to the generation of snakes and rats.
He looked at Sun Yan with a complex look. "Sun Jia Xiao zi, there is a saying that the old man doesn't know what to say?"
"Liu Tai-yi just talks."
"You are very sick with Madam."
As soon as this statement came out, several people in the room looked at him.
"What is this?"
"The old man saw the case of Hu Tai-yi. At that time, Madam did not have a symptom as the Maid said. It is necessary to know that if there is a disease, there must be signs, but the valuable Madam has no sign, she is in the season.
The cough at the time is not likely to turn into a disease of rickets."
“What does Liu Tai-yi mean?”
"The Heir wouldn't think that this disease can be obtained casually? Your Madam is infected."
Sun Hao is not an ordinary person. Naturally, he understands another meaning of Liu Liang’s words.
"Do you mean someone is hurting?" His pupil tightened to the tip of the needle and the fist under the sleeve clenched.
Liu Liang doctor smiled slightly: "If it is someone else, the old man naturally does not know. But the Heir is not a neighbor, let the old man see it."
There is a reason why Liu Liangyi would say this. Qiao-shi does not have two doors to go to the door. It is not the way to go to the palace, but to which house. All the people who come and go are Jinguiren. Which Jingui people will have this kind of pickled disease, naturally it is impossible to be infected with ordinary people. Besides, although this rickety is dangerous, it is also easy to get sick, but it is not dyed twice, and it takes a long time to contact.
Liu Liang was afraid that Sun Hao and others would not understand it. He also talked about it in detail. Sun Hao face immediately gloomy and covered with a storm. It is estimated that he knows who is harming him. He can tear it away at this time. other side.
He looked at the dream of two people, Shen Sheng said: "You guys, who can contact Madam for a long time?"
"It may also be a thing." Liu Liang doctor inserted a sentence.
Like a dream, the warfare said several names.
These Maid are the same as them. Qiao-shi is from the Jiang-nan escort, usually served by Qiao-shi, but if it is the longest contact, it is still Two people.
When Sun Hao said nothing, he ordered people to take people. He took Liu Liang’s medical treatment first.
After Liu Liang was diagnosed, the panic-stricken Yatou was taken away and shut up.
As dreamy and diagnosed, none of these Yatou have this disease.
In fact, as long as it is determined that it is not a person, many questions can be ruled out. No one will carry a victim's object with him unless he is not going to want it.
Then it should only be the latter one, it is something.
Like a dream, rummaging around and looking around, Liu Liangyi actually had a joke and chatted with Sun Yan: "The Heir is probably not aware that the most sinister thing in the world is the heart. Some people are rotten and look for something.
The things that have been used by the people who have dyed the smallpox are placed next to the children, and the children are infected with smallpox inexplicably. Until the child dies, the family is not only lucky when they are their own children... Some of these things can be detected, there are I can't find it. So if you talk about the most sinister people in the world's 360 lines, it is our people who are diagnosed."
Sun Hao had a mood to chat with him at this moment, just sinking his face and not talking.
"This bedroom is the place where Madam has been waiting for many years. If the old man is not wrong, the thing is in the house, just look for the items that you often touch. If you can't find it, leave this room." It will be."
How can I not find it. Sun Hao will dig three feet to find the thing, find out who is behind him, and then smash the other party.
"Right, this lesion is also time-limited. It can't be an old thing. It needs to be replaced every other day. Another Madam disease is something in recent months. It should be sent from outside during this time."
What Liu Liang doctor should say is also a matter of knowing, and the scope of the search is naturally reduced to a very small range. In fact, if you want to check something, it is not difficult. Qiao-shi is not an ordinary person who can be close to me.
The thing that ordinary people send is not easy to receive. Even if it will be collected, it will not be used.
And her close-fitting clothing was smashed, and some people specialized in cleaning and retracting, especially in close-fitting clothing. After washing a few pieces today, it is necessary to take back a few pieces, which are all responsible. After all, the woman’s reputation is as great as it is. If the personal clothing is lost, then something will come out, but it will be ridiculous.
"If this is not found, Sun Xiao zi should be replaced by someone else."
Liu Liang’s doctor did not know where to play the chicken blood. He repeatedly put a knife on Sun’s heart, and Sun’s face was already black. If it wasn't for this man who saved his father that year, he also pointed to him to treat Qiao-shi, and Sun Hao simply wanted to throw him out.
He did not know that Liu Liang was not like this before, and he was also a serious Laotou. It’s been a long time since I was able to fight with Fu, and I was dyed a lot poorer.
The problem is that the words are said to be like this, as dreamy or not found suspicious. Just as Sun Hao planned to order them to find it again, the eyes of the dream fell on a sachet hanging from the bed. She hesitated and pointed out: "Is it it?"
Everyone eyes are looking forward.
"This is 6th-Guniang gave Madam. Madam used to like this mint. When it was normal, it was left in his arms. When he was not feeling well, he sniffed at the tip of his nose. 6th-Guniang gave her her. When Madam was still in the pavilion, 6th-Guniang liked to send it. This time she came to Capital City, saying that she had dried some mint grass and made a sachet for Madam. It was changed about five or six days because it was a long time.
The smell of mint is light. If there is such a pickled thing in this room, the slave is most suspicious of this thing."
The sachet was taken down and wrapped in a plover.
Liu Liang doctor took a piece of pedicure on the nose, and took out a pair of special gloves, brought it in his hand and opened the sachet.
As a dream again: "This thing is sent again and again, we will check it again and again, there is only mint grass inside, there is no such thing."
And Liu Liang’s examination did confirm this, a bag of ordinary mint grass.
Is that the end?
After all, the lesion can't be seen or touched, no one can decide, but at least there is direction.
As for the disease of Qiao-shi, it is not impossible to cure. If it is late, I am afraid that there is no way for Liu Liangyi, but if it is just dyed, he has a 70-80% grasp to cure Qiao-shi.
Sun Hao and Qiao-shi are not grateful, especially Qiao-shi knows that he can not die, she can't describe her excitement.
At this time, the sky was not too early, and Liu Liang’s doctor gave a good speech.
Sun Hao personally sent him out, inexplicably said a sentence: "Help me thank him, I remember him a favor."
This is what he naturally refers to Jin-Wang, and Liu Liang’s doctor can spend so much effort today, and it is said that he is still guilty of Jin-Wang. No matter what you don't need, you can talk about it first.
Qiao Xiuli spent a whole day in his heart and went to the Lanruo Pavilion the next day.
Seems to return to the Heir, so if blue hall exudes a vitality, Maid Pozi seems to have come back, it is so lifeless color never seen before.
It was told that he was led in, and Qiao Xiuli was in a bad mood. Before she had to be notified, she could come in. Later, Qiao-shi was ill and everyone ran. She naturally didn't need to report any more, so she could enter at will. Before returning to today, she became an outsider again.
Qiao Xiuli heart sneered, and he couldn’t help but see Qiao heart as if he was dying. He knew that he had entered Qiao-shi face with a smile.
She suddenly felt in her heart, and she subconsciously asked: "Smoke-sister, what is so happy?"
"Li-Jie, you are here. Do you know that you-the doctor who was invited by my brother-in-law yesterday was a medical doctor. He helped me diagnose it. I didn't really get sick, but the liver was too hot and cold. You said this.
The value is not worthy of being happy? You don't know, I really don't know how to come over these days. I feel that I have one day less, and suddenly I know that I am not sick. It is a misdiagnosis of the doctor. My heart, I can finally get up."
Qiao-shi said, while going to see Qiao beautiful expression.
Qiao Xiuli really stopped, but immediately reacted, that is, she smiled a little reluctantly: "That is a congratulatory smoke-sister, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."
"Think about yesterday, look at today, it really feels like a dream. Right, what do you remember when I said yesterday?"
Qiao Xiuli asked subconsciously: "What?"
Qiao-shi smiled and said: "I don't remember that, forget it, it's my konjac, and I moved that thought. You don't know yesterday your brother-in-law smashed me and said that I did what he did. He said that he would be one of me in this life, and never look for others. Even if there are those shameless women who are useless to him, he will not look in the eyes."
Looking at the smile on Qiao-shi face, Qiao Xiuli heart vomited a pool of blood.
I think Qiao-shi is naked, and what she hates most is Qiao-shi. She is never afraid to show her happiness, as if it is unfortunate.
Why can a good thing in this world be made for one person?
Beautiful appearance, good family life, grew up from a small pet, grew up and a handsome man looks handsome and waiting. After marrying a person, the children are both full, and the husband and wife are married.
Qiao Xiuli felt that her heart was deeply bitten by her, which made her suffer. But in addition to a trace of light in her eyes, she was accompanied by a smile, and she could even say something nice to Qiao-shi.
This kind of forbearance has been done for more than ten years, and she has never been a thing for her. And Qiao Xiuli believes that one day she can grab all the things Qiao-shi has.
"To the smoke-sister, I made a sachet again. Should the old sachet be lost?" Qiao Xiuli pulled out a puff from her arms. Needless to say, it was naturally the sachet she used to do. .
"I just want to tell you this. Li-Jie, I am bothering you." Qiao-shi gestured to pick it up, but it was not like it used to be, or it was hung up immediately, or it was easy to hang on. In the arms, it seems to have forgotten it, and it rests on several.
When Qiao looked at the sachet, she made a remark. She didn't want to stay here for a moment, and she was afraid that she would reveal her clues.
After Qiao beauty, Qiao eyes showed a cool color.
This sachet is not useful, so send it out, and Qiao Beauty must get back one more.
She is now full of anger at Qiao-shi, and she can't wait for her to die now. This is naturally placed on the sachet, so she called out after she went back.
She handed her good sachet to the hair and gave it to her: "Let the person stay close to the body for a few days, don't get dirty, and get it back to me."
The hair has been used to this kind of thing, took over the things, and took a piece of silver from Qiao Xiuli, and hurried away.
From now until now, in fact, the hair knows that Guniang is doing harm to people, whoever has nothing to do will find the person who is ill, put things on the other side, and put the other person's money. I can't care about it. It was Gunian who saved him as a shi-zi. His life was hers.
The hairpin went to the outer city with a light road, and went all the way to the corner.
Even in the capital, there are slums. He walked around the alley and finally came to the front of a broken house.
Before I entered the door, I heard a burst of coughing inside.
The hair pushes the door and walks in. In this kind of place, no one dares to enter the lock without locking the door. It is not too much to say that it is a god.
Into the room, the bed was curled up with a skinny person, this person's face was black and yellow, his eyes were sunken, and he was so thin that he had only one bone left. If there is a doctor who knows the pharmacology, I know that this person is already ill and is weak.
When the hair appeared, the person's eyes burst into a green light, like a wild wolf saw the food.
"Little Master, are you here? Is it a little help? You give me something, silver, cough, I want silver, I want to buy some money to buy the body, I want to eat..."
The hair was covered with a scorpion, and the sac and silver were taken out of his arms and thrown away.
"Old rules, things don't get dirty, I have been looking for you in two days."
This person took things, excitedly nodded, and even looked at them, they put the sachet into their arms, and they held the ingot in their hands and wanted to climb and sit up, but they fell back several times because of their weakness. On the couch.
The hairpin did not look again, turned and went out, just opened the door, but there was a person outside his door who unexpectedly appeared.
Qiao Xiuli let Yatou soak a cup of tea, took the book, and came to the big window under the window.
This habit of reading tea is still learned from her and Qiao-shi.
Holding a book in my hand, I couldn’t see it, and I didn’t know what I was thinking. Suddenly a headache, then a darkness.
When I woke up, I was in a dark room.
The four were faint and dark, and the window was covered with cloth. Only the cloth at the corner was pulled down, revealing a faint white light, which made it possible to see the situation around.
Very quiet.
Because quietness is more and more clever, Qiao Xiuli hears a snoring, and she subconsciously looks over the past.
There is a bed at the corner, and there are piles of bedding that are so dirty that they can't see the original color. Something creeps inside.
Such scenes and pictures make people feel subconscious.
Qiao Xiuli forgot his words and could only see the pile of servants slowly squirming until they sat up alone.
What kind of person is that?
Qiao Xiuli simply couldn't describe it in words, but she subconsciously thought of the son of the family who had been sick in the same alley.
The family was very close to Qiao house, and coughing was heard in the ears all day and night. No one was with his family, and even at the end of the day, the people in the same alley joined together and took the family away.
It is said that the disease is contagious, and this family wants to kill people.
In the end, where the family went, Qiao Xiuli didn't know, but this kind of person was the dirtiest and scary person in her mind. She once looked at the man and was scared to go back and have nightmares for a few nights.
This skinny person showed a twisting curvature that could not be called a smile. "Women, help me up."
Qiao Xiuli was shocked by a spirit. "I am not your wife, who are you?"
"You are my wife, the official Master said, saying that you Yatou is a bad heart, murdering the mother, I will give you to be a daughter-in-law. Not only that, the official Master said that he would spend money to help me. When the doctor sees a doctor, he will send money to me every month. You are not afraid of it, my heart is almost ruined, I want you to give me a son now..."
"If I got this disease, no one would dare to marry me. I am not afraid of your jokes. I am looking for a secret door. People are abandoning me to pickle.
The Madam does not have to think about it. But my old horse is my male, I am I was afraid of breaking the incense, and went to hell to see my ancestors... This official is really the heart of the great compassionate Bodhisattva, and sent me such a beautiful wife. I don’t want to die now, I want a son... ..."
During the speech, this man was forced to come down from the couch and went to Qiao Xiuli.
Qiao Xiuli was so bloodless that he couldn't move. He could only raise his eyes and see the man coming close, and he rushed to himself.
She wants to call, but the voice is in the eyes of the blind.
The man's hand is like a dry stick, black and dry, lined with her white skin, like the dirtiest dirt tainted the pure white snow.
She was scared and shivered, trying to push the man away, but suddenly it was stuffed with something.
"Right, the official said that you Yatou is the heart is higher than the sky, but the life is thinner than paper. Let you be willing to give me a wife, I am afraid it is not easy, so he gave me good things. Eat it, eat You are willing to..."
The man’s hoarse voice is like a ghost in hell.
The entrance to the object was instant, and Qiao Xiuli was so coughing that she didn’t cough up. She was crazy and liked to smack the sick man, but she couldn’t leave him, and she had a strange reaction in her body. .

Chapter 154    :   I only look at  Xiao  Ding Ding of  Xiao  Bao brother; I am asking for something different from her.

Rongxi Courtyard, Dongxiang.
On the big shack of Xiao Bao, the two children were squatting at this time.
They are all chubby little babies.
The little boy has a heart on his head and wears a thin blue cotton trousers.
The girl is holding two little sisters, dressed in cherry pink clothes.
The two are kneeling and playing a cat.
This cat is naturally a flower.
The flower has been drilled under the pillow, but it still can't escape the little palm of the moon.
I think about peas in the month, and she also found that flowers are more lovely than peas.
The little terrier named Pea, stupid and stupid, sleeps besides eating or biting her skirt. You can spend your time not only washing your face with your paws, but also slanting her eyes.
The month felt that this cat was really interesting. After she entered the Rongxi Courtyard, she and the flower bar, and moved it over and hugged the cat's head and pinched its small claws.
Flowers can hate this little girl, and the problem is cold outside, it doesn't go anywhere. On these two days, Jin-Wang gave it a ban. It can only be nested in the East Chamber.
The most important thing is that its little master has been tortured by this little girl. Not only does it matter, sometimes it is an accomplice.
"Do you say that the flower is a little male cat or a little female cat?" asked month.
This is what Hongfei told Xiao bao. He will not recognize the male and female of the cat. Secondly, he has not seen it. Hongfei is the mother, since it is the mother.
The month and month are just the time when curiosity is booming. "How do you know that it is a little female cat, does it have a small tintin?"
The reason why I asked this is that Xiao bao did a stupid thing before. He can pee himself very early, sometimes he is embarrassed to call Yatou, and he goes to the house. That time, he was negligent. He forgot that he had a little follower now. When he was peeing, he came in.
The month and month are not harmful at all. Xiao Ding, who pointed to Xiao bao, asked aloud why he had a Ding Ding but he did not. When Chun Er and Qiu Er heard the movement, they rushed in and took the moon and left.
They explained to her why there were only male dolls and female dolls, and told her that this kind of words could not be said casually.
Since then, she has been curious about this matter. Yatou told her that this kind of thing can't be said everywhere, she secretly told Xiao bao. Say what the Yatou people said to her, and naturally, the words of Xiao Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding, do not mention the mood.
"It is both a female cat and certainly not a small Ding Ding." The two little baby children discussed this problem, and they took the back paw when they didn't have a chance to run. Xiao bao was also a accomplice as the principal offender. He turned over the flowers and pressed them.
The moon and moon studied the appearance of the flowers without Tintin. "It really isn't yeah, only Xiao Baoge has." With Xiao bao for a long time, see Yao-Niang and a few Yatou are Xiao bao, Xiao bao gongzi so called, the moon also abandoned a relative to her It’s a very complicated elder brother, but it’s changed to Xiao Baoge.
Of course only he has!
 Xiao bao nodded. "Only I have it, no one else.
There are months and months. It is wrong to see other people small Tintin. In the future, this can only be said to me, not to others."
This Xiao bao has been repeated many times, and the month and month nodded, and there is an amazing saying: "I only look at Xiao Ding's Xiao Ding Ding."
Obviously this is very weird, Xiao bao still could not help but reveal a twisted smile and nodded.
Outside the house, I watched the two dolls playing together through the window, and Qiao-shi, who was wrapped in the cloak, was finally put down.
She is standing next to her. This is not supposed to come, but Qiao-shi really wants her daughter, just before she left.
Qiao Xiuli finally got the punishment she deserved. Although Qiao-shi didn't know how Sun Hao handled her, she knew Sun Hao means and naturally did not want to do it. Joan and was sent back to Jiang-nan, and Qiao-shi also sent a letter to Qiao Master and Qiao Big-Madam. With Qiao Beauty doing what she had done, Joanne and the end wouldn't be good.
Although revenge can not be implicated in innocent, but the book boy is Qiao Anhe, Qiao Xiuli, a weak female flow can actually do such an incredible and vicious thing, if it is only she alone planned, no one believes, Joan And nature was angered. Even if he is struggling for mercy, no one believes in him.
After solving these two things, the next thing to do is to treat Qiao-shi.
Before Sun Hao went to see Duchess, the town was extremely unpleasant. I don't know what happened. When Sun Hao went back, he said to Qiao-shi, take her to Zhuangzi for some time.
In fact, this is also good, Zhuangzi environment is quiet, it is conducive to raising a disease, and it is also a distracting heart. Before this did not leave, Qiao-shi could not let go of the month and month, and asked Sun Hao to look at her daughter.
Putting the month and month in Jin-Wang is the decision of Qiao-shi. After she went to Zhuangzi, she was mainly treating her disease. She was bound to take care of her daughter, and she would have passed the disease and could not bring her to the moon. She is not at ease in the house, so it is better to put it in Jin-Wang.
"You don't see the moon?" Yao-Niang asked.
Qiao-shi shook her head. She wrapped her thick cloak from head to toe and covered her nose and mouth with a scorpion. People who don’t know are too cold, and everyone who knows understands what is going on.
"I won't see you. You see me like this, letting the moon meet will scare her."
Yao-Niang is faintly stunned. She naturally knew Qiaoxiu Li things dry out, I did not expect that a weak woman can escape by means of so heinous a treatment has been good to her, to her family, a good family sister.
The means are sullen and creepy, making it impossible to prevent. If it is not Liu Liang, I am afraid that no one has thought that she would use such a harmful means.
"You can rest assured that I will help you take care of the moon."
"I believe in you, don't believe that you will not give you the month. Thank you, Yaoyao. If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what I would be like now. I may be dead... you don't know. , then I think I have not survive, even die, I want to live ...... got kind of sick, dragging the child, covered in filth, it is disgusted. if it were not for you, I may be wrong to pay in person, husband The children have been given to others..."
Sun Hao stood there and did not speak. At this time, he interrupted and said: "Okay, don't say it."
"Yeah, don't mention these bad things, after all, it didn't happen. You should take good care of your illness. When you come back, I will help you raise your moon and fat."
Qiao-shi broke into laughter, and she coughed up with a smile. She turned and buried herself in Sun Yu arms. Sun Yan patted her preparations and said goodbye.
Yao-Niang and Jin-Wang sent the two to the back door. From the beginning to the end, Jin-Wang and Sun Hao did not speak.
Sun Hao took Qiao-shi to the carriage and hesitated. He looked back at Jin-Wang: "The spring of February, don't worry."
This is very short, no head and tail, but Jin-Wang is a flash of sight.
During this period, Sun’s carriage was far away, and Liu Liang’s doctor left with him. He took Sun’s care and treated him for Qiao-shi.
"I hope she can come back good." Yao Niang some exclaimed.
Although it is a good doctor Liu said Liu Qicheng grasp, but in the end TB incurable disease, can not cure, who also can not promise success. Qiao-shi is so gentle and innocent, Yao-Niang hopes that she can be good, good people should get good news.
Jin-Wang patted her hand and did not speak.
At the east side, the moon and the moon are against Xiao bao: " Xiao Baoge, I seem to hear the cough of niang."
 Xiao bao glanced at the window and said to the moon: "You must have heard it wrong. I didn't say it to you. Chaucer went to cure the disease. Waiting for the next day, Chaucer will come back. You see. You live in my house, I am playing with you, and there are flowers..."
As he said, he hugged the flowers and forced the small face of the flowers to face the moon. Fortunately, the flower is a cat will not laugh, or he will pull a smile with his hand.
"If you are annoyed with flowers, there are two treasures. Let's go, I will show you two treasures, he must wake up."
When Xiao bao threw down the flowers, he went down and put a hand on the moon.
The moon and moon suddenly refused to think about niang, but also slipped down, and then Chun Er and Qiu Er looked at the small gongzi with the moon Guniang to play the younger brother of the two treasures.
Jin Wang to Yao Niang back Rongxi Courtyard, then fold the body to the front yard.
Sun Hao can talk to someone who doesn't understand, but he understands what it means.
Seriously, maybe everyone wants to be tempted in the spring of February, not just An Wang.
The thoughts of others are different from that of An Wang. An Wang is now in the limelight. It is the time when everyone collects firewood, but this fire is big, good and bad.
The disadvantage is that it is very likely that one person is burnt to death.
This is an opportunity for An Wang and an opportunity for others.
An Wang Pai second act, except for the Crown Prince, is based on him. In the past few years, as the Crown Prince became more and more unsuccessful, An Wang was upright and down, and all of them looked like a kind brother. When he let the Emperor Hongjing reprimand the Crown Prince, he used it for comparison.
In this regard, An Wang has always been guilty of it, claiming that he is a brother, although he is a second brother, he is also a brother to the younger brothers below, and he is older than several other Prince, and he has to make up for it.
As for the outside world, An Wang has always been generous, and Lieutenant Li Xian, who is very good at the middle of the war, has the title of a wise king.
Therefore, this time in the country, some people recommended that Li Anwang be the Crown Prince, and many people were not surprised.
The Crown Prince was abandoned, and the grandson became Hui-Wang the Heir. After all, it was separated by a generation and obviously no longer dominated. Although the king is also from the Central Palace, but he is not good at words, is a low-key, in the Prince, is the most inconspicuous one.
The paper, he is not as good as Yong Wang, on Wu, he is not as good as Jin-Wang. It’s not as good as the emperor’s eight sides, but not as good as the king’s edge.
For the royal family, the golden mean represents mediocrity.
Therefore, the possibility of An Wang’s summit is enormous.
The opportunity for An Wang is great, it means that it is an obstacle to others. Black Teacher has suggested Jin-Wang to make troubles more than once. Although Liu Dachang always likes conspiracy, instead of like Black Teacher, he has to admit it. This is a good opportunity.
Once succeeded, the An Wang Building will be tilted, and the lost mountain will be in front, and the people behind will be able to show it.
Jin-Wang has always been unconventional, and there is no dogma that those gentlemen have done something wrong. For him, the fish in the mud is often done, he is naturally persuaded to have some thoughts, and even the people below have begun to move.
But Sun Hao said such a sentence.
Sun Hao is undoubtedly the confidant of Emperor Hongjing. It is not the confidant that can not sit on the 12th guard of the pro-military army.
What does he mean by saying this? Could it be said that Fu Huang...
Jin-Wang is thinking, Liu Da Teacher, Black Teacher and Li-Mao Tian have arrived.
They took the ceremony first and sat down in the next position. Jin-Wang has already had a care in his heart. At this time, his back is faint and sweaty, and all are shocked.
"On the other side of An Wang, withdraw people."
Jin-Wang is simple, but it is clear.
Black Teacher subconsciously asked: "What about a scorpion?"
Jin-Wang did not cover it, but repeated Sun Song’s words.
Liu Da Teacher looks at the lupin in his hand and slightly hesitates: "Your Highness, you think -"
Jin-Wang nodded.
For a time, the face of Liu Da Teacher changed constantly. It was obvious that there was something in the game. It was obvious that he had a decision soon. He joined Jin-Wang with his hand: "His Royal Decisive, Dazhi."
Black Teacher still can't understand what the two people are playing, but this is his proposal. He must care about one or two.
Explained by Liu Da Teacher: "Don't forget that your Highness is not at this time. If you don't argue, then don't argue."
"But this is not a fight."
"Why don't you fight for it? Is it because you want to fight for something for you? Is it a fight? If you give people a scorpion and stumble, it is not a fight? It is also a struggle, at least in the holy eye. This is the case."
"Well, you are a big black egg, listen to your Highness and Teacher." Li-Maotian interjected.
"Well, what do you say?"
Soon it was close to the year, and the capital was full of excitement.
People walking on the street are smiling, and even the coldest winter can't stop this kind of New Year's joy.
At the same time, all the governments are in a busy state, and even Jin-Wang is no exception. Yao-Niang is busy with the chores of the house, from the things that must be prepared for the New Year, the old yards of the yards, the dust and the new clothes of the people, the annual gifts, etc. .
After a small year, the Jiri Emperor was chosen by the Qin Family, and the seal was sealed by the Holy Seal.
This is not working, and Jin-Wang finally has no need to go to the Ministry of Industry. Although there is nothing in recent days, it is extremely annoying to go to the airport every day.
Yao-Niang is doing the gift of the annual ceremony.
The palace and the palaces and some of the houses that have some friendships have a meaning. Even if it was sent to the library, it would have to be done.
This annual ceremony to send is a luxurious, long after the first child, after the first humble respect for the elderly is not to send junior annual ceremony, that is, Jin Wang Fu in addition to the palace, and the palace ahead of four, The latter are not to be taken care of.
And how to send this year, what to send, but also make Yao-Niang burnt.
The weight is heavy, there is a sense of swaying, the light is sent, and jokes are made. Later, under the guidance of Mama-Mama, Yao-Niang drafted the annual gift list and handed it over to the next person.
I have run the palace and a few palaces, and then I am Ning Duke House and Xu Duke House.
These two homes, Ning Duke, don't need to say that the thicker the better, and the Xu Duke House, Yao-Niang is a bit uncomfortable.
After all, it is the niang home of Jin-Wangfei, which is run by a Ceefei, and it is somewhat out of date. At the same time, Jin-Wangfei, who has been raising illnesses in Zhuangzi, must also face things.
Is there a gift for the past?
In addition, Liu Ceefei niang family, Yangyang Houfu, can't be omitted. I don’t usually think that when I come to this festival, everything comes to me.
It is not easy to take advantage of the idea of ​​Yao-Niang. When Jin-Wang comes, he will be thrown at him. She herself is pretending to be very busy studying, and she does not want to touch her hand.
Jin-Wang, where she didn't know her mind, turned her head to Fucheng and let Fucheng look at it.
A piece of Zhuangzi that is about a hundred miles away from Capital City, unlike the bleak color outside, there are shades of green everywhere.
It is also a unique place in this place.
There are many soup spring eyes nearby, and it is naturally warmer than other places.
A place like this is not an ordinary people to live in. It is only a time away from the capital city.
There are some powers in the home of Capital City, and there are different villages here.
Jin-Wang House has one here, but it is the Bezhuang that is nowadays. Located in the middle of the mountain, the scenery is pleasant, and there is Tangquan in Zhuangzi.
"Wangfei, the house has sent something." Purple smoke rushed from a distance, said to a woman with a foot on the tree.
She wore a satin embroidered and folded flower cloak, and she was dressed very well. She only had a jade on her hairpin. When she heard the voice, she didn't return her head. She cut a slender plum and placed it in the basket next to her feet.
"I have told you many times, don't call me Wangfei."
"You can't call you Wangfei, what is it?"
"Whatever you want, you didn't call me Guniang before, so it's called Gunian."
During the purple smoke period, Ai Ai called Guniang, and then said: "There is something in the house."
"Send it, I don't have to talk to me about this."
Since the fight was sent to this Qing bi Mountain Villa, Jin-Wangfei lived here, and after the initial mourning, she gradually recovered a lot.
She thought about death, but she was too courageous, and she was afraid of pain from a young age. After trying a few times, she could not go to the hand, and she stopped thinking about those things.
In fact, the face of the royal family is still important. Even if she is sent to this mountain, there should be no less. Xu Yanru understands Jin-Wang temper. He is a Master and will not insult people with those embarrassing means. Her business must have passed the Ming Road on the holy side, so no one questioned her disappearance. Xu Yanru also knows in her heart that she will never go back in her life.
In fact, if I can't go back, I will stay here with purple smoke. She doesn't know the next person on Zhuangzi. I can't hear those shreds and words, and I can't see those who are unsightly. Her heart gradually calms down. Xu Yanru even felt that she should have been like this for a long time. Only such a place is her destination.
As for the Jin-Wang House, the Xu Duke House, and even the Su-Yao-Niang and He Wei, what does it have to do with her? If you are far away, you don’t have to think about anything.
Xu Yanru cut two more plums, put the iron scissors into the basket, and bent over to lift the bamboo basket.
Purple smoke wants to pick up, she does not give.
"Right, there is a person in Duke house, and I want to see Gunian." In fact, this is the truth of the purple smoke.
Xu Yanru stunned, did her know even the niang family?
"Who is the person coming?"
"Yes-Mama." Ann-Mama is the manager of Mama near Xu Duchess.
Also on behalf of her niang know?
For a time, Xu Yanru mood was ups and downs, and it turned into a silence for a long time.
"Then I will go see her."
Ann-Mama, when she saw it, Xu Yanru cried and caressed her back, saying that since Guuniang suffered, people have been reduced.
In fact, Xu Yanru is much fatter than before, and his color is much better than before.
Ann-Mama cried for a while and said that Xu Duchess knew that her daughter had been sent to Zhuangzi for sickness.
Duchess knows this, but he still knows from the government, because Xu Duke knows that Xu Yanru has become abandoning the child, and even hangs the number in front of the holy, he thinks about other ideas.
In this case, there is no need to elaborate on the various complications. In short, Xu Duke means that Jin-Wang takes a break from Jin-Wangfei and changes Xu Ceefei to Zhengzheng. Anyway, Xu two daughters are in Jin-Wang It is not impossible to change this one.
I knew it by Duchess somehow, and I cried all night, and it wasn’t going to be safe-Mama was looking for it.
Xu Yanru laughed with a bit of sarcasm: "Is this her, or she, and moved her mind?"
The two of hers refer to Xu Yanru, and the other one refers to Magnolia Madam.
"Wangfei, don't worry about it, if it is really..."
Xu Yanru interrupted her words: "You can rest assured that Wangye will not agree. Even if Wangye takes me off, she will not be able to turn her back."
"You go back to me and say to me, saying that I am very good here, never had a good time. If she suspects that the cats, dogs and cats in the house are too unsightly, I will come over and raise a disease with me. She is not too young.
There is really no need to continue to care about the man."
"An-Mama, you also understand people, do you want me to be like my niang, just for a lifetime?"
Ann-Mama is struck by lightning and looks at Xu Yanru.
She really understands people, and usually does not have less advice, but Madam falls into the pit and does not want to come out. And ultimately was obviously gas block, but still want to help but to mind, lived a lifetime, but also Kukutiti a lifetime, nothing resolved, and have actually also caused the collapse of his own body.
. "Qiurenderen, I ask, and she was not the same as" Xuyan Ru sigh smile, just look to the Security -Mama: "I now live here, do not do anything outside, niang where a lot of pointing An -Mama Take care of it."
When she finished, she turned and went.
small theater:
 Xiao bao: Face, you are not a person, you actually let me see Xiao ding in the moon, I am still so small, so small...
Face: You are still so small, this should be so small, how big you want.
 Xiao bao: 555, 2333...

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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