Han Yuxi 740-749

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 740 Waves (plus more votes)   

       The people in Zhangxian County, Zhangzhou, rioted, not only took the granary, but also killed the local county magistrate and the county. Although the riots were quickly settled, the emperor knew that he would send a difference in the future.
       The emperor sent the emperor is Jiang Jing, also the cousin of Yu-Chen. Because Yu-Chen became a queen, Jiang everyone also got the emperor's reuse. It’s not that Yu-Chen doesn’t want to bring up her family’s people, but the few sons of the 3rd House of the Han family.
       They are all helpless, that is, Han Jingyan, and now they are also ministers of the Ministry of Rites, and they are not promoted.
       Jiang After being very capable, I went to Ganzhou and quickly found out the reason. It turned out that it was the county magistrate levy and levy, and all kinds of rigorous taxes and taxes were not mentioned.
       The scorpion tax, as the name suggests, is that everyone has to pay taxes for the scorpion.
       Those servants are no different from the bandits. If they don’t get the tax, they will catch the chickens and take the dogs. If there is nothing, they will take them. By the time of the year, many ordinary people could not go on, so there was a riot.
       The emperor saw this fold and directly ordered the county magistrate and other officials involved to beheaded.
       For the disposal of the emperor, no one else has any objection.
       After 3rd -Chao, Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said to the Yu family 1st Master:
       “There are so many taxes in Jixian County, only copying more than 40 thousand Silver Taels, isn’t it strange to 1st Master?”
       The land boundary of Zhangzhou is rotten from top to bottom. Well, to be exact, the local officials have now become Prince.
       Yu family 1st Master is vigilant and says:
       “What do Yan Duke want to say?”
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "What can I say? I am just a little weird. Since I don't want to say it in 1st Master, then forget it." After that, he stepped out of the palace.
       Yu family 1st Master looked at the back of Yan Wu-shuang and said it was in the middle.
       The most invisible thing was Yan Wu-shuang. When I started, it was very hot, but there was no other change.
       In the harem, the emperor looked angry.
       Yu-Chen knows about Chenzhou and sees why the emperor can't know why. Brought a cup of hot tea to the emperor and said:
       "Drink tea, get rid of gas."
       The emperor did not pick up the tea, just said:
       "Hey, he has a heavy responsibility, is he doing this badly?"
       In the case of Jixian, the emperor could not know that there was a greasy look inside. It is only the officials of the following officials, and Jiang Jing did not propose anything inappropriate.
       There is no reason for the emperor to rectify the state.
       Yu-Chen put the tea on the table of the golden nanmu, sitting next to the emperor, said softly:
       "The emperor, how do you say this?"
       The emperor threw the folds in his sleeves on the table and said:
       "Do you see what is going on yourself?"
       On the other hand, I said that I was affected by the disaster. Not only did I have to pay taxes but also the court gave disaster relief.
       The levy of the next levy, so that the people can not go through the days to cause riots or rebellions.
       Thinking of this, the emperor slaps on the wooden table of Jin Sinan; "all should kill."
       The teacup was so shaken and the tea shook. Yu-Chen was shocked and called the choir:
       "Get the scald medicine soon?"
       The emperor waved his hand and said:
       "No need to make a fuss, not hot." The tea did not touch the emperor's hand.
       Yu-Chen took a look at the fold and carefully looked at it and found that the things written on the fold were stable. Yu-Chen frowned and said:
       "Is the emperor, is the cousin not on the secret?"
       Even if it is Yu-Chen, I know that it is wrong to copy more than 40 thousand yuan from the county magistrate. If the county magistrate only grudges more than 40 thousand yuan of silver, it will not force the people to riot.
       Therefore, there is a problem with the whereabouts of this money, and this is not mentioned at all.
       The emperor said with a cold face:
       "There is no secret fold." If there is a secret fold, he is not so angry. On the day of the appointment of Jiang Jing, it was not only because of Jiang the ability, but also because Jiang the family stood on his side, but did not expect, even made such a result, how to make him not angry.
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "Impossible, it must have been on the secret." Even she knew that the case had an inside story, and Jiang how could not find anything. As for Jiang after checking it but not telling them, Yu-Chen felt that the possibility was very low.
       The emperor changed his face instantly and said:
       "Do you mean that the secret is blocked?"
       It wouldn't be strange if the folds that were directly presented were stopped. After all, this fold has to go through the hands of several people. Only one link has problems, and the folds will not reach the royal case. But this secret fold is directly delivered. If it is intercepted by people, it can be imagined how crazy people are doing this.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "The emperor, this matter can only be known when the cousin returns to Capital City."
       Unfortunately, Jiang Jing will never return to Capital City. Because Jiang was killed by the angry people, Jiang all the followers around him died.
       The news was sent back to Capital City, and Yu-Chen shook his head:
       "How is this possible? How many guards around the cousin, how could they be killed by the mob?"
       Jiang Home 1st Madam Zhao-shi said with tears:
       “The Marquis said that the 2nd Master must have been calculated.” Jiang the Marquis is in poor health, and now the title has been inherited by the eldest son Jiang .
       Yu-Chen was covered with frost, and after a half-sound, she said:
       "No matter who is behind the scenes, I must ask them to pay for the second cousin." Dare to dare to such a poisonous hand, completely do not put the emperor with her in the eyes.
       Zhao-shi came over and said this to Yu-Chen, that is to get a result. Now that Yu-Chen has made a statement, she can also make a difference:
       "The Empress, the ancestors are not in good health, we are all squatting now."
       Yu-Chen nodded:
       "This thing can't be told by the Maternal Grandmother." Jiang The family's ancestors were old and their bodies were always bad.
       Zhao-shi said:
       "Reassured, will not let the ancestors know." If the ancestors knew, and said that Jiang family members have to worry. It’s just that, it’s up to a year and a half, and it’s not going to grow.
       Yu-Chen heard this, rest assured. At the time, Jiang the Marquis was also stunned by Jiang the family's ancestors, but Jiang the Marquis finally came back. Although the body is not good, it is alive back.
       As it turns out, Yu-Chen is too early. Early the next morning, Yu-Chen heard Jiang’s ancestors’ drive to the West.
       Yu-Chen got the news, and it was awkward for a moment. However, Yu-Chen quickly calmed down:
       "what happened?"
       Zhao-shi cried and said:
       "The ancestors knew what happened to the 2nd Master.
       They didn't mention it in one breath.
       They went." The incident happened so suddenly that they were scared when they got the news.
       Yu-Chen pressed the anger of his heart and asked:
       "Who told the Maternal Grandmother about the news that the second cousin was gone?"
       The Maternal Grandmother has been ill, and only the people around him are waiting.
       Zhao-shi said with tears:
       "It is Jiao Xing. It was served by Jiao Xing last night."
       Yu-Chen naturally knows who this Jiao Xing is. Jiao Xing was bought from the outside, because of the cleverness, was placed by Jiang home ancestors. From the lowest level of rough Servant to the personal Servant, Apricot has spent ten years:
       “Who told her to murder the Maternal Grandmother?”
       Zhao-shi shook his head and said:
       "Apricot is dead, and the well is dead." Jiao Xing died, and there is no evidence of death.
       On the same day, Jiang . Zhao-shi is a woman who does not know the depth of the water. Jiang I saw the crisis from it, and then helped the emperor to do things. Jiang everyone in the family had to accompany him, so in order to save Jiang home, Jiang retreat.
       At this time, Yan Wu-shuang took the initiative to stand up and say:
       "The emperor, the minister is willing to go to Pixian to investigate the matter."
       Yu family 1st Master Intuition is not good, stand up and recommend Lin Fengyuan to be the imperial. Lin Fengyuan returned to Capital City after the event was settled, and is now working in the infantry battalion.
       Compared with Yan Wu-shuang, the emperor believes Lin Fengyuan. Immediately, Lin Fengyuan was ordered to admit the situation in Zhangzhou.
       As a result, Lin Fengyuan also had an accident. Lin Fengyuan was ambushed when he returned to Capital City and fell off immediately.
       There is no danger to life, but the legs are folded.
       A big look at the foot of Lin Feng, which is swollen with pig's trotters. It takes a hundred days to get a bone for a hundred days. Ah Da said:
       "When the dog is raised, if I let him know who is the poisonous hand, I want him to die." It was really a black hand on the road.
       Lin Fengyuan said:
       "Three months and three months, anyway, there is something in the military camp with you." He was inserted halfway, and was excluded by the following generals. It took half a year to get the following generals to be obedient. It’s just that Lin Feng’s heart is very uncomfortable, and there are four rebellions outside. But the three military camps on the outskirts of Capital City are not moving, and Lin Feng’s far-fetched is not good. He is going to find a way to work in the military camp!
       Ada felt that Lin Fengyuan’s attitude was very strange and said:
       "General, why are you not angry at all?"
       Lin Fengyuan said with a smile:
       "What's so angry? This hate remembers that there will always be a day for them to come back with the benefits."
       Ada is very puzzled and asks:
       "We haven't found out yet? How do you know who is the poisonous hand?"
       Lin Fengyuan said:
       "It's not Yu family, it's Yan Wu-shuang. I can't escape them." As for the Yu family or Yan Wu-shuang, as long as you continue to check, you can find clues.
       The errands that went to Ganzhou ended up not falling on the head of Yan Wu-shuang, but gave Chen Hao.
       Taining Hou said:
       "Hey, I must be careful this time." He felt that the matter in Ganzhou was not as simple as it was.
       Chen Hao nodded.
       Taining Hou thought for a moment and said:
       "There is something wrong with Chenzhou. I always feel uneasy. Hey, I want your brother to return to Capital City." It took a long time to practice outside, and certainly matured a lot. Returning to Capital City, they can also be their help.
       Chen Hao did not agree, saying:
       "The water in the capital is getting more and more smashed.
       The second brother will definitely get involved in returning to Capital City. Hey, let the second brother stay in the place.
       The second brother is fair and honest, and even if something happens, he will not be implicated in him."
       Taining Hou thought about it and said:
       "This is waiting for you to come back from Zhangzhou." Let's take a look at the situation and decide whether or not to let the younger son return to Capital City.

       Chapter 741 Maiden Chung   

       The emperor handed Chen Hao to the Court Minister. Chen’s family was neutral, but he could know only the people in Taining Houfu. ().
       Yu family 1st Master said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang murders Jiang I want to plant it on our heads, this is to let the emperor deal with us!" Yu family is much stronger than the emperor in the local control, and has been investigated for Jiang after the accident Some clues have arrived. Although there is no clear evidence, Yu Chunxi has been certain that Jiang Jing was killed by Yan Wu-shuang. As for the purpose, Yan Wu-shuang naturally hopes to have the position of imperialism.
       When Yu Chunxi heard this, he asked:
       "Hey, is Lin Feng far from the accident that you sent someone to do?"
       Yan Wu-shuang is unlikely to be poisonous to Lin Feng, at least not for the time being. If he does this, it will be too conspicuous.
       Yu family 1st Master nodded and said:
       "Lin Feng has gone far, and the first one of the emperor suspected Yan Wu-shuang." He made such a move, let the emperor focus on Yan Wu-shuang, don't always stare at their Yu family.
       Yu Chunxi thought deeply and said:
       "Hey, I always feel that this is not a big deal. Even if Jiang died, this errand can't fall to Yan Wu-shuang's head. Yan Wu-shuang can't possibly know this." Emperor to Yan Wu -shuang It’s so taboo, how could he give him real power, so why did Yan Wu-shuang murder Jiang? This is very strange to Yu Chun.
       Yu family 1st Master said:
       "In any case, the things in Ganzhou must be held up. Otherwise, Atractylodes will be thoroughly inspected." Zhangzhou prefect, but his students, no longer loyal to him.
       After Yu Chun’s indulgence, he said:
       "Let's take a look at it for a while!" It can hide the nature and help cover it. If you can't cover it, you can only abandon the car and protect it.
       On the other hand, Tang Bo is also very strange about the behavior of Yan Wu-shuang, saying:
       "It took so much effort, and finally the errand did not fall into our hands." In order to kill Jiang Jing, Yan Wu-shuang has lost a lot of manpower and spent a lot of money.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Who said that I want to be the one who broke the ‘zither’?"
       When he is stupid, he will do this kind of errand with bad labor and labor.
       Tang Bo immediately did not understand, said:
       "Lord, since you don't want to seek this errand, why do you want to kill Jiang Jing? And now Lin Fengyuan's business, the emperor must be counted on our heads." In addition, Lin Fengyuan will certainly think that they are starting to, they will hate they.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not a person who will explain to people:
       "I will know when I get there." His purpose is not a small imperial, his purpose is Yu family. Of course, he was not so kind enough to help the emperor deal with the Yu family. He has his own purpose.
       Looking at Yan Wu-shuang, he is not in a hurry. Tie-Kui is dressed casually and says:
       "I don't know what the Lord thinks in the end. I don't have any real power to stay in this capital. I don't want to go back to Liaodong." This is not the idea of ​​Tie-Kui alone.
       The 150 thousand troops who followed it also have this.
       Chou Dashan is very loyal to Yan Wu-shuang and believes that he has certainly done this for a reason. It’s only a long time, and he has a little drumming in his heart. I don’t know what Yan Wu-shuang is planning. Chou Dashan said with a smile:
       "How? Is it not comfortable here? It is much stronger than in Liaodong." Here is a spicy drink, and the days are not many times stronger than Liaodong.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "The days here are good, good to eat, good to drink, and a lot of money to earn. But I am worried that the soldiers will continue to do this, they will kill their fighting spirit." They later returned to Liaodong, to deal with But Donghu people. If you kill your fighting spirit and slack off your martial arts, it will be a death to go to the battlefield.
       Chou Dashan said:
       "Oh, I am worried." The training intensity in the Liaodong military camp is even greater than that in Liaodong.
       There is no fear that everyone will slack off.
       Tie-Kui will say this for a reason:
       "Big brother, you don't know. Some people in the army have gone to the kiln during the holidays. Every time they come out from the kiln, the legs are soft. It is natural for three or five months. It’s going to be a big deal.” Actually, there is already this sign.
       Those who have gotten the taste of it, the money is not enough to borrow from other people, just staying in the kiln for the two days of holiday.
       Chou Dashan thought about it:
       "I will talk to the Lord about this matter." In fact, many soldiers in Liaodong will go to the kiln during the holidays. Men are all relaxed and relaxed, and they can't collapse too tightly.
       This is completely understandable.
       Therefore, Chou Dashan did not feel that this was too serious. It was not a daily life to play for two days, and it would not be raised after a break.
       Tie-Kui looked up at Chou Dashan and swallowed it again. Since Chou Dashan is not in the heart, he said that no matter how much. Still save some saliva, say less as well.
       Chou Dashan smiled and shifted the topic and said:
       "I heard that you have a Miss, is this true?"
       As a subordinate genus, family problems still need to be understood.
       Tie-Kui nodded and said:
       "I originally planned to wait for the matter to be confirmed and tell the big brother. I didn't expect the big brother to know so soon." He only sent the matchmaker to the Xiao family yesterday, but he did not expect Chou Dashan to know it today.
       Chou Dashan happily took Tie-Kui shoulder and said:
       "What is your kid's vision, who is Miss?"
       Tie-Kui vision is indeed very high. He is interested in the late daughter of Xiao Sha, the youngest daughter of the late imperial court.
       Chou Dashan heard Miss, who is the assistant's family, smiled and said:
       "Your boy's eyes are high, and he wants to marry Miss's family. How? I plan to let your son go to the Imperial Examination in the future?"
       This is completely joke. Chou Dashan thinks that this Xiao-xiaoling must have grown very well, and will make Tie-Kui look at it.
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "Xiao family hasn't given a reply yet, and this may not happen. However, I want to marry a Miss of a scholar. In this way, after the child does not say the test, he will recognize the military newspaper or what it is. "This means that even if the Xiao family does not agree, he will still read Miss's book in the future."
       Tie-Kui is a literary word, but the external statement is that he has a green eye of a show, followed by the word for two years.
       Chou Dashan knows that Tie-Kui likes to read books and smiles and says:
       "Just with my brother, such a talent, Xiao family will definitely agree unless it is blind."
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "If the Xiao family can't see it, it's forgotten.
       The strong twisted melon is not sweet.
       This kind of thing has to pay attention to your love. I am so big in the capital, I believe that I can always find the right one  Erxi.'
       Chou Dashan said with a smile:
       "When this matter is settled, let me know, I will definitely give you a big gift when I am old."
       The conversation between the two soon came to the ears of Yan Wu-shuang. Yan Wu-shuang asked casually:
       "Do he really say that?"
       Although Tie-Kui explanation was not doubtful when he first let go of Han Jianming’s explanation, Yan Wu-shuang did not trust him. To be exact, Yan Wu-shuang is very skeptical, except for Tang Bo, who is not at ease, including Chou Dashan.
       Yan Wu-shuang can live in peace now, not because of his care, but because of his care and attention to the people around him.
       Chou Dashan nodded:
       "Lord, he really said so. And I also sent people to check the Xiao family, the criminal department assistant Xiao Xiao-Zi Zu was born in Anhui, the ancestors were selling cloth, and arrived."
       After listening to Yan Wu-shuang, I asked:
       “It’s not that easy for local officials to transfer to Capital City. How did Xiao-Zi adjust to Capital City?”
       Some people in the middle of the country are good officials, and no one in the middle of the country has to stand. If the station is right, the career is bright. If you are on the wrong team, you don't have to say it.
       Chou Dashan shook his head and said:
       "The time is too long, if it is necessary to find a lot of effort.
       The main official, Xiao-Qibi Tie-Kui is more than 30 years old, the two can not have an intersection. As for the children of Xiao-Zi, never Out of the capital, there is no connection with Tie-Kui. I also sent people to check it out.
       The Xiao Miss of Xiao family not only knows the book, but also looks very good." Chou Dashan means Tie-Kui is Missing people, Miss, not so much.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not only worried about Tie-Kui, but also can not be assured of other generals. It was just that Tie-Kui had just hit him in his hands, causing him to be suspicious. In this regard, Chou Dashan is very helpless. If it is discovered by the following people that they are being watched, it will definitely make everyone chilling, but fortunately, no one has found it yet.
       Looking at Chou Dashan's worried look, Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "But just to be on the safe side, you are suffering from a face and doing something."
       Chou Dashan was relieved and said:
       "It's rare for Tie-Kui to look at a Miss, I want to make him complete." Originally Chou Dashan did not intend to insert such a thing, just as Tie-Kui said that this marriage is still a matter of your love. . But now Chou Dashan has changed his mind, or let Tie-Kui set this Miss! The Xiao family is so clear and clear that it has nothing to do with the family of the capital. If Tie-Kui finds a complicated family next time, when the master can't say what he suspects, or if he decides this Xiao--Shi, he can also be less tossed.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not care to say:
       "This marriage is still a matter of making the other party willing to do it. Tie-Kui is not swearing  Erxi, there is no need to force others." Chou Dashan belongs to the kind of person who puts everything on his face. People can see through it at a glance, and Yan Wu-shuang likes people like this. Like Tie-Kui, this kind of thought is invisible, but it makes Yan Wu-shuang very wary.
       Chou Dashan said:
       "As long as you break into the door, with Tie-Kui ability, I am not afraid of her dying!"
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       “Would you like to bring Sister-in-law Madam to Capital City?”
       Chou Dashan's ‘Madam’ is actually the daughter of his adoptive father.
       Chou Dashan refused if he didn't want to, and said:
       "I can't say that I will go back to Liaodong soon, so I won't let them run back and forth." In the eyes of Chou Dashan, the capital is the Longtan Tiger Cave, and it is in danger to get their ‘Madam’ and children to the capital. His brain is in the water, and he will let his ‘Madam’ and children come.
       Yan Wu-shuang is just a casual question. Seeing that Chou Dashan is not willing, he does not insist:
       "Liaodong, it will not be able to return for a while."
       Chou Dashan's lips moved and eventually did not ask why. Asked is also a white question,

       Chapter 742 Life experience (1)   

       With the intervention of Chou Dashan, the Xiao family quickly agreed to the marriage.
       Tie-Kui action is also very good, immediately invited the official media to the propose marriage. Because the age is not small, the date of the dear is scheduled for February.
       Zhong-Shan arrived at night and handed the book to Tie-Kui, saying:
       "There is a Tong-Ji in it, and the gift is especially heavy. It includes gifts and objects, worth two or three hundred."
       Tie-Kui asks:
       "Do you know who it is?"
       There is an old saying that is good, nothing to be diligent, and no ‘Minister’ is stolen.
       Zhong-Shan shook his head and said:
       "I don't know, or I will send someone to check it out." Sending such a heavy ceremony is definitely a plot.
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "Well, check it out! There is nothing to be wrong with this. I will check it out." If it is a private investigation, who knows that Yan Wu-shuang knows whether he is suspicious or not. Tie-Kui is also very disliked with what Yan Wu-shuang sent to monitor him. Just the arm twisted the thigh, just pretending not to know.
       Zhong-Shan said with a bitter face:
       "You said, when is this a head?"
       Although they did not do anything unspeakable. It can always be monitored like this, and I can’t help it.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "Tough! Let's say it will soon pass." Yan Wu-shuang 'temperament' wants him not to be suspicious of himself, that is impossible, so he must be careful and careful in his future actions.
       The bottom of Tong-Ji is very easy to check, and it will be found after two hours. Zhong-Shan said:
       "This Tong-Ji is the dartmaster of the Xinglong Escort. He went to Capital City two months ago and took a dart. He came back more than a month ago.
       There is nothing suspicious in his identity."
       Tie-Kui heard that he was not in the capital some time ago. He asked, "Where is the dart? Where is the dart?"
       Hearing that Shen is going to go, Tie-Kui has some doubts.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "He sent such a thick ceremony, it must be something to ask for. I think that these two days should be sent to the worship. Do you want to see him when you see it?"
       Tie-Kui thought it was strange, but thought that the other party had sent a gift. Anyway, everyone knows that he is good for money. In this case, he sees each other when he sees the other party. Even if Yan Wu-shuang knows, he has something to say:
       "If you send a note, you will have a time to meet."
       Early in the morning, Zhong-Shan received a note.
       Thinking of Tie-Kui instructions, Zhong-Shan said:
       "My general will not be able to come back at night." No invitation, but if this Tong-Ji has the heart, I will definitely come back at night.
       As Zhong-Shan expected, Tong-Ji really came that night.
       Tie-Kui looked at Tong-Ji and asked:
       "What about me?"
       The reputation of Tong-Ji is not very good. It is also a self-protection method of Tie-Kui. If he does nothing, honest and fair, he is not allowed to be more wary of Yan Wu-shuang. Now he is rich, and more or less can make Yan Wu-shuang less wary.
       Tong-Ji said with a smile:
       "I don't know if I can talk privately?"
       Tie-Kui turned and walked inside, Tong-Ji followed, and Zhong-Shan stood outside, preventing someone from eavesdropping.
       Into the house, Tie-Kui asked:
       "Can you say now, is it something?"
       Such a mysterious, certainly not a good thing.
       Tong-Ji took a letter from his chest and handed it to Tie-Kui, saying:
       "Someone asked me to give this letter to you."
       Xiao Sanzi himself did not dare to come forward.
       Their hands in the capital have been damaged by most of them. If he shows up, he will not be arrested soon. When the little three thought about it, they thought of Tong-Ji. Tong-Ji is a very loyal person, and the words that are spoken are also a slap in the face.
       The younger son had saved his life inadvertently, so the younger son asked Tong-Ji to do this.
       Tie-Kui didn't look at the letter, but instead asked coldly:
       "who are you?"
       He felt that it was wrong. If the guess was good, this letter was written by Han Jianming.
       Tong-Ji said no change in color:
       "I am a dartmaster of the Xinglong Escort, not a person.
       This time, I was also sent by the person."
       Tie-Kui stared at Tong-Ji and saw that he was not afraid of the color. He thought about it:
       "I heard that you sent a dart to Shen Yang before? Are you responsible for sending Liaodong's darts?"
       The darts of the Escort also have a division of labor. If you are familiar with a road and the road, it is basically the way to go.
       Tong-Ji nodded and said:
       "Yes. My mother is a Tieling, I will say the other side." So the one piece, he was walking.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "If you are interested, we can do business together."
       Tong-Ji wants to refuse, but thinks that the darts recently received the darts are getting less and less, and they are not silenced.
       The darts can’t stand it, and you have to find some other livelihoods.
       After a while, Tong-Ji said:
       "I don't know the medicinal herbs, it is easy to be fooled." There are three treasures in the northeast, ginseng velvet velvet skin. But these things are monopolized. If a foreigner is involved, he will not know how to die. In addition, even if he bought it, he did not know the true and false. If you buy fakes, then his family is not enough to toss.
       Tie-Kui said with a smile:
       "I-sister husband is doing medicinal materials business in Anshan." Anshan's brother-in-law is a Langzhong. Later, Tie-Kui established the military as a general, and Anshan-sister-in-law opened a medicinal shop. As long as this medicinal store is operating properly, there is no money.
       Tie-Kui stayed in Capital City for a while and knew about the price of the capital.
       Those in the capital, Noble Lady, are rare ginseng antlers and suede in Liaodong.
       The price is several times over there, and even as high as one or twenty times. Such profiteering has made Tie-Kui heart-warming, but has been suffering from the lack of suitable candidates.
       Tong-Ji has a bright eye, if so, this business is also done:
       "A lot of things in Capital City are also in the Liaodong area." Both sides are upside down. If it is smooth, just take a trip and you can earn a pot.
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "You often go to the darts. It is up to you to be familiar with this piece of goods. It is up to you to sell what goods."
       Tong-Ji often darts, and there are roughly a few things that are tight on both sides. I used to have this heart, but I didn't have this strength. Now that there is this opportunity, it is natural to seize. When I did it, I also found a way for the Brother to come to the money. Tong-Ji said:
       "General Iron, how do you look at this profit?"
       The Brother have settled their accounts, and now they will not have trouble after they have made it clear.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "I am five of you, the rest is for me brother-in-law." See Tong-Ji looking hesitant, Tie-Kui said:
       "I will send some people to you when I arrive, to ensure that there are no mistakes on the road."
       Tong-Ji heard this, no objection.
       After talking about business, Tie-Kui said:
       "Today, you just come over and talk to me about business. No matter who asks, answer this, know?"
       Tong-Ji naturally knows what this means:
       "Iron General assured, I have Tong-Ji mixed Jianghu for so many years, I know very well what to say and can not say. I am talking to the generals today about business." Tong-Ji mixed Jianghu for so many years, how can you not know It is dangerous to do this today. It’s just that he owes a small three-person life, let alone let him send a letter, that is, he can’t refuse it, or else he can’t mix it in Jianghu.
       Zhong-Shan walked in and asked Tie-Kui:
       "Quezi, what did you say to Tong-Ji? Why did you smile when you left?"
       Just look at the other person's face, you know that it is a good thing.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "I asked him to do business with me, he promised." Both make money, and can be well camouflaged, double-edged.
       Zhong-Shan did not expect to talk about business:
       "I thought it was something over there!" There, naturally, it refers to the northwest, and the other party made such a mystery that he could not help but think about it.
       Tie-Kui swept the letter on the table and said, "This is the purpose of today's Tong-Ji!" As long as Tong-Ji is not loose, it is not dangerous.
       Zhong-Shan raised a kind of thought in this way:
       "Why don't you open it and have a look?"
       Yan Wu-shuang's approach is chilling, so Zhong-Shan feels that if he is sincere in the northwest, he can also consider it.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "Let's open it!"
       After Zhong-Shan read it, he said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "This letter was written by Yun-Qing ." Yun-Qing  wrote in the letter what is important on Tie-Kui, hoping to tell, no matter what conditions Tie-Kui puts forward, he promised.
       Tie-Kui received the letter from Zhong-Shan and read it again.
       The letter of this letter is very sharp, and it is known to be written by men at first glance. However, Tie-Kui eyes fell on the lower left corner of the letter, with the seals of Yun-Qing  and Yu Xi.
       Zhong-Shan couldn’t help but say:
       "Quezi, can't promise, it's too dangerous." The meaning of this letter is very obvious, I hope Tie-Kui can give them a message later. Yan Wu-shuang is so strict that if it is caught, it will be life-threatening.
       Tie-Kui did not receive the words Zhong-Shan.
       The next morning, Tie-Kui handed a letter to Zhong-Shan, saying:
       "You go to Tong-Ji and discuss business with him. In addition, let Tong-Ji forward this letter."
       Zhong-Shan thinks this letter is a hot potato, but he still asks:
       "Quezi, can you tell me why I want to help Yun-Qing ?"
       Zhong-Shan knows that Tie-Kui can't be for money, but for what reason, he is not clear.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "You can't tell you for the time being, you will know it later." Telling Zhong-Shan, but it makes him more worried.
       Zhong-Shan said straightforwardly:
       "Quezi, you told me, is it related to your life experience? Otherwise you will not take this kind of danger." Yan Wu-shuang is a sultry person, if you sell Yan Wu-shuang for money, it is not Cost-effective, and Zhong-Shan knows that Tie-Kui is not really good, so the only possibility is related to Tie-Kui life experience.
       Tie-Kui did not deny, but did not nod:
       "Don't ask again later, when the time is right, I will tell you."
       Zhong-Shan heard this and knew that his guess was correct. Zhong-Shan said:
       "I won't ask again later."
       Tie-Kui, when he saw Chou Dashan on this day, asked him about it and invited Chou Dashan to buy shares:
       "As long as there are no mistakes on the road, it is enough for us to spend only a few years to earn money."
       Chou Dashan shook his head and said:
       "This is the stall that you support, and I will not mix it with you." If he shares, he is not competing with Tie-Kui, he can't do it.
       Tie-Kui saw that Chou Dashan insisted on not buying shares, and he did it. Anyway, he remembered that he would have to earn Chou Dashan when he made money. Of course, he specifically told Chou Dashan about this, but it was against Yan Wu-shuang and what kind of moths, when, 1148 

       Chapter 743 Life experience (2)   

       Yu-Chen finished washing and putting on makeup in front of the dressing table.
       Gui Mama walked up to her and whispered:
       "Imperial Consort, Tang Ji-yi has arrived." Tang Ji-yi is the sister-in-law of the Tang War.
       Through the selection, the emperor was enshrined as a five-product funeral.
       Yu-Chen helped the phoenix on the hairpin and said:
       "Let her wait!" This time, a total of three were selected, of which Tang Ji-yi was the most respectful to Yu-Chen. Every morning, I am stunned, and I have not settled down from the palace to the present.
       Yu-Chen can't really feel that she is safe because of Tang Ji-yi respectfulness, but it is a bit of affection.
       There are a few women who can enter the palace, and there is really no desire for it.
       Gui Mama smiled and said:
       “Wangfei, it’s snowing outside. Do you want to wait for people to collect plum water?”
       This is the habit of Yu-Chen. Every time it snows, she will collect plum water and snow, then put it in the hail and use it when making tea.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "If you have used breakfast, go to the Imperial Garden!" She is preparing to bring her own garden to collect plum water.
       This thing, not only she likes it, but also likes the emperor. So, this year she wants to collect as much as possible to save it.
       Tang Ji-yi is still good, but Yu-Chen is also eclipsed by her.
       The beauty of Yu-Chen has become more and more dazzling as time goes by. Tang Ji-yi gave a gift to Yu-Chen and said with a smile:
       "Queen-Sister-Sister, no matter how dressed, it is so beautiful that people can't look straight." Yu-Chen doesn't believe in Tang Ji-yi, but actually Tang Ji-yi really admires Yu-Chen. Looking at Yu-Chen, she couldn't help but wonder why there was such a perfect woman in the world.
       Yu-Chen smiled and said:
       "When I am going to the Imperial Garden, let me go with me!" Although I was wary of Tang Ji-yi, I have not yet reached the point of being a soldier.
       After breakfast, Yu-Chen wore a fox cloak and took a group of palace people to the Imperial Garden. At this time, there was snow outside.
       In the past, the Royal Garden, where flowers bloomed, was silent.
       The pine trees planted on the roadside were covered with snow and surrounded by white.
       Yu Garden has planted dozens of wax plums.
       The blooming plum blossoms are red and white, and the petals are lubricated and transparent, like a crystal with a lot of value. Not blooming those flowers, as the branches shivered slightly, like a shy girl.
       Tang Ji-yi saw his eyes straight, and finally could not help but admire:
       "It's beautiful." Tang Ji-yi is the Shu Daughter, this time because the Tang family is eligible for her alone.
       The emperor chose to watch only the family, and his appearance was second.
       The beautiful woman was there, and Yu-Chen was there.
       When Tang Ji-yi was at her mother's house, because she was the Shu Daughter, the Tang family had no shortage of food and clothing, but there was no more. On most days, she rarely went out, her knowledge was not wide, she was so big, she It was the first time I saw such a beautiful view in the winter.
       Yu-Chen smiled and took the jade pot to start collecting snow water. Tang Ji-yi also learned the example of Yu-Chen, and the Lady she was following did not pay attention. She climbed the tree. As a result, I stepped on the air and fell off the tree.
       The tree is not high, only a little more than a meter. Did not fall, directly stained the clothes.
       Looking at the dirty Tang Ji-yi, Yu-Chen said helplessly:
       "Puiyi go back to the palace to change clothes!" A ‘servant actually climbed the tree himself, and the rules of etiquette were all white.
       In the evening, the emperor went to visit Tang Ji-yi after hearing this. As a result, Tang Ji-yi was ordered to sleep at night.
       Gui Mama cold channel:
       "Sure enough is a good means!" In such a way to attract the attention of the emperor, it is really a small girl.
       Yu-Chen is not feeling well, but did not say anything:
       "Place it!" After saying this, I couldn't help but touch my stomach. It was a few months before the stomach was still a little moving. After watching the Imperial Doctor, the Imperial Doctor said that she is in good health.
       Gui Mama thought that Yu-Chen was angry and didn't dare to speak anymore.
       Different life, Yu-Chen has a leisurely and elegant collection of snow tea, and Yu-Xi is because there is no effort to drink tea at the close of the year.
       Jao-Jao clutched the clothes of Yu-Xi and was unwilling to let go. Since Lu-Er's birthday banquet, Yu-Xi has been busy from morning to night, except for other time when eating.
       Yu-Xi said to Hong-duo:
       "You come to hug her."
       Hong-duo forcibly took Jao-Jao from Yu-Xi arms and got the shock of Jao-Jao deafening cry. Lu-Er heard the cry of Jao-Jao, and he cried.
       I cried Yu-Xi and got a headache. I could only hold Jao-Jao again.
       This Yatou stopped crying, and Lu-Er was still crying.
       Quan Mama shook her head slightly and said:
       "It's almost half a month.
       The children can't see you. Can you stick to you? Take a rest for half a day today!"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No, many people have been resettled because of heavy snow, so they will be placed as soon as possible, or they will have a life-threatening risk. Also, there are a lot of cattle and sheep frozen in the West Sea, and these must be dealt with as soon as possible." Because the horse farm is over there. Out of the situation, Yun-Qing  went to the racecourse a few days ago, and all the government affairs were on the Yu-Xi. In fact, the following disasters are not serious. It is only the first time that Yu-Xi has encountered such a thing. It is life-saving and has no experience, so it is very cautious.
       Quan Mama thought about it:
       "Would you bring your child to the study go?"
       Lu-Er is better, but Jao-Jao is not good! She couldn't stand the tears of this Yatou.
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Well, I took Jao-Jao to the front yard. Lu-Er gave it to Mama." Jao-Jao was too heavy, and Yu-Xi felt so sad when he held such a small meeting.
       Lu-Er cried for a little while and fell asleep.
       Qu Ma walked into the house with a light hand and told Quan Mama about the new year's goods:
       “Mama, the new year is fully purchased.”
       Quan Mama took the list and looked down and handed the order to Qu Mama and said:
       "Wangfei is going to be busy with things outside.
       The inner court is going to be tired of you." One person's energy is limited, and Yu-Xi can no longer manage inside and outside, so the inner court is thrown to Quan Mama and Qu. Mama is gone. Quan Mama is old and has limited energy. She is also in the direction of controlling the big, and the inner courtyard is basically handled by Qu Mama.
       Qu Mama smiled and said:
       "It's not hard. Madam can let me manage the inner court. It is trusting me." I wanted to get out of the quagmire of my hometown and return to the capital. I was very busy, but I didn't know what the road was, every day. Too uneasy. Busy like busy now, but my heart is steady.
       When I saw Xu Wu in the front yard, Yu-Xi gave him Jao-Jao:
       "Take Yao-Jao to find Huo Shu!" Others couldn't stand the cry of Jao-Jao, Huo Changqing could stand it. And especially patient with Jao-Jao and Huo Changqing. Jao-Jao cried, he was embarrassed, and he was not bothered for a long time. For this point, Yu-Xi can only say that this is also the fate of both grandparents and grandchildren!
       After squatting down the temple, Yu-Xi entered the study and took the folds stacked on the desk. She is so hard, and she wants to let the people below live a happy and happy year.
       On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Yun-Qing  came back. As soon as I walked into the study room, it brought a coldness. Fortunately, the Yu-Xi was thick and thick, and it was not cold.
       Yun-Qing  took the big ‘servant full of snowflakes and handed it to Takamatsu, saying:
       "Send back to the backyard." Today's Yun-Qing  has eight big shackles, all made by Yu-Xi. If Yun-Qing  is not stopped, Yu-Xi will have to give him more urgent items.
       Yu-Xi handed the red gold carved handkerchief to Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Warm hand." Only rushed so far, the whole body must be cold and cold.
       Yun-Qing  is really a bit cold, take the small hand stove and hold it in your hand. Looking down at the small hand stove in the hand, the workmanship is not exquisite, or the red gold. Yun-Qing  asked:
       "Where is this coming from?"
       After Yu-Xi became a self-governing government, he was very frugal and could not spend money to build such a thing.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I found it from your private library." Don't say that in Fu-Cheng City, it is not a luxury in the capital Yu-Xi to use Chijin as a small stove.
       This small stove was collected by the Governor's Office. It can be seen that Ji Xuan’s extravagant life.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Where do I come to the private library? Don't you give it to you?"
       All the spoils collected by Yun-Qing  were handed over to Yu-Xi. Yun-Qing  has a lot of things in the private library. It took Yu-Xi half a month to register all the things in the storeroom.
       Yu-Xi has a smile on his face:
       "Give it to me, these things can make the best use of it." All the things inside, can be used out.
       There is also a part, Yu-Xi is also used to give away.
       This will be Yu-Xi saying indifferently. In fact, when Yun-Qing  gave her the key to the private library, Yu-Xi was moved to tears. Yun-Qing  was laughing and laughing at the side.
       Yun-Qing  doesn't care too much. He can't compare with Yu-Xi, but he is not as good as Yu-Xi in some places on government affairs. Of course, each of the two has its own shortcomings, each with its own advantages. Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yu-Xi, I went to Shaoguan." Yun-Qing  went to Shaoguan, mainly to inspect the local defense situation.
       Yu-Xi movements for Yun-Qing  are still very clear. Du-Zheng is a very calm person, and he is still at ease. Yu-Xi is still very reassuring.
       Yun-Qing  looks a little dignified and says:
       "The situation in Henan is very bad. Only this heavy snow, Chizhou has died of starvation and death of more than 1,200 people." Because An Zike suggested attracting people who could not survive in Henan and other places to settle down.
       The idea is good, but the effect that can be implemented is not good. Because Chizhou has a very strict card, only a few thousand people have come to the present.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "There is no way." The northwest is affected by the disaster, and the government will help. In Henan, the government can only manage the exploitation, which is the life and death of the people.
       Yun-Qing  suddenly said:
       "Yu-Xi, you are right." See Yu-Xi confused face, Yun-Qing  said:
       "The people in the northwest are now living in peace and contentment." If they did not take over the northwest, this would definitely be similar to the situation in Henan.
       Yu-Xi has always held Yun-Qing  very high, saying:
       "This is all your credit. Without you, they are still being exploited by Ji Xuan."
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "This is not only my credit, but also..."
       When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by the loud voice of Xu Wu outside:
       “Wangye, Wangfei, Han Daren have something to do with each other.”
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Please come in, please come!"

       Chapter 744 Life experience (3)   

       Han Jianming came over and did have something important. When Xiao Sanzi got a reply from Tie-Kui, he immediately returned from the journey. Two hours before the third son arrived, he found Han Jianming.
       Yun-Qing  took the letter from Han Jianming, took it apart, and wondered:
       "Haining? What does this mean?"
       There are only two words on the white paper, Haining. Well, exactly the two words are glued up, not written.
       Han Jianming thought it was important information, otherwise he would not send it if he got the letter. Looking at the above only Ninghai two words, Han Jianming thought about it:
       “Haining is in the Jiangnan area, is it that Yan Wu-shuang is preparing to go down the river?”
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "Impossible." Liaodong returned to the court, but everyone knows that the real power of Liaodong is Yan Wu-shuang. As for why Yan Wu-shuang stayed in Capital City and did not return to Liaodong, only Yan Wu-shuang knew it. No matter what, Yan Wu-shuang will not leave the 100 thousand troops in the capital and go down the river.
       The emperor is not likely to let Yan Wu-shuang go to Jiangnan in the rich land.
       Han Jianming nodded, he was just a speculation. Obviously, this speculation is not reliable:
       "What does Tie-Kui mean by writing these two words?"
       Yun-Qing  See Yu-xi has not heard anything, looked up and asked:
       "Yu-xi, what do you think this Haining would mean?"
       Yu-xi is good at thinking and speculating.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said it was not clear.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Haining, is it that he hopes that the four seas will not be able to return?"
       Writing this kind of person is really testing IQ!
       Yun-Qing  said with dissatisfaction:
       "This surname is iron, there is no sincerity at all." A thousand miles, send a riddle to guess them, this is not difficult!
       Yu-xi took the letter from Yun-Qing , just as the paper was inverted. Yu-xi looked at the inverted paper and there was a thought in his mind.
       Yun-Qing  See Yu-xi holding the piece of paper and asking:
       "Yu-xi, guess what this means?"
       It is also too familiar to Yu-xi, so he will say so.
       Yu-xi hand was held and released, looking to Han Jianming, asked:
       "Big Brother, I remember that you told me that Tie-Kui was because you knew you, and let you leave the capital. And the big brother didn't have any impression of him, right?"
       See Han Jianming nod, Yu-xi said:
       "According to the information obtained, Tie-Kui has never left Liaodong since growing up in Anshan. When Yan Wu-shuang took the troops to Capital City, you hid, and you were the first time at the gate. Meet. Normally, he can't know you at all."
       Han Jianming said:
       "This is where I can't understand." His memory is not bad. If he knows, he will not forget each other.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yu-xi, what did you guess?"
       Yu-xi looks very complicated. After a while, she said:
       "These two words should be reversed to read!"
       Yun-Qing  made a reverse:
       “Ninghai? Listening is more like a personal name. Tie-Kui has sent his personal name, what is it for?”
       Yu-xi said softly:
       "He Rui, my mother is surnamed Ning. Twenty years ago, my foreign family was involved in a big case, and was later sentenced to exile in Liaodong. Ninghai, if I did not guess wrong, it should be Tie-Kui real name. Ning Hai It is probably my cousin." Yu-xi will guess that Ninghai is his cousin, also based on age. Ninghai is 20 years old and only five years older than her.
       Han Jianming feels that there are many doubts about this speculation, saying:
       "Tie-Kui was only a five-year Old child twenty years ago. After 20 years, he even recognized me at a glance. Isn't this what ordinary people can do?"
       Twenty years ago, he was only seven years old! Although he did not change much when he grew up, it is terrible to recognize such a memory at a glance after 20 years, and such qualifications can never be unknown.
       Yu-xi thought about it:
       "I will know when I ask this girl. I remember that Fang Mama told me that Niang is very close to my mother. She should know a lot about Ningjia."
       Han Jianming nodded and said:
       "Then I will go back and ask my mother now." After that, he hurried out.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yu-xi, this Tie-Kui is definitely Ninghai." It is not Yun-Qing  blindly believes in Yu-xi, but Tie-Kui is the confession general of Chou Dashan, the official residence of the three products . In such a position, unless it is insatiable and has no brain, it will sell Yan Wu-shuang for money. Tie-Kui can be promoted to three products by virtue of his own skills, and tens of thousands of subordinates are well managed. Such people are not only smart but also very versatile. Under normal circumstances, Tie-Kui sees that their people will only get rid of them and then contact them in private. And if Tie-Kui is Ninghai, this makes sense.
       Yu-xi nodded and said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is suspicious. If you let him know that Tie-Kui has a relationship with me, then he had to let go of his big brother..." Here, Yu-xi paused:
       "I think Tie-Kui also wants to restore his identity."
       Yun-Qing  was very interested in the reason why Ningjia was exiled in Liaodong.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "I heard Mama around me saying that my ancestor was a very straight-looking person. I was caught up in the big case when I was trapped. I don't know much about it. But Mama said that Ningjia The family style is very good, and the brother-sister-sisters are harmonious and harmonious. And my mother sold all the dowry to manage the people in order to save the family."
       Yun-Qing  squinted at the shoulder of Yu-xi and said:
       "You have suffered." There is no mother, no silver, and the most important thing is not to be liked by relatives. I can imagine how difficult it is.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "Compared with those who work day and night but still don't wear food and food, my bitterness is nothing." If compared with Yu-Chen, her life would be worse than Huanglian. . But if it is compared with those who are not enough to eat, her days are too happy.
       In fact, Yu-xi in the last life is also unfair. But after experiencing the change, she realized that what she had was already dreamed of by countless people.
       Yun-Qing  is very distressed. Miss Duke smashing out of Miss’s thought that he could eat and wear warmth was very happy. I can imagine how Yu-xi was overlooked when he was young.
       Yu-xi felt that their words were partial, and raised the white paper in their hands and said:
       "I can't write even the ligature, I can only cut it from the book and stick it on the white paper. It can be seen that his situation is not good." Tie-Kui is not afraid to leave a handwriting, so he will use such a method. In fact, the practice of Tie-Kui is also normal. With Yan Wu-shuang 'temperament', the people who help him are still not in the eye. If he knows the true identity of Tie-Kui, he is afraid that Tie-Kui will not be guaranteed.
       Tie-Kui wants to restore his identity, but he can do it under Yan Wu-shuang. If Tie-Kui is not regained his identity, Tie-Kui will venture to contact them.
       As Yu-xi expected, Tie-Kui wants to restore his identity, so it will be so desperate when he fights. I did not expect that when he was about to achieve his goal, because of the reason of Yu-xi, he did not dare to disclose his identity to the public. He is willing to contact Yu-xi, and he is also tempted. If Yu-xi can't satisfy him, selling Yu-xi is not yet, but certainly will not help Yu-xi.
       Yun-Qing  said softly:
       "In the beginning, my mother-in-law sold a dowry. Is it also a person who wants to keep Ningjia? If she knows that there are still people in Ningjia, she will definitely be able to look at it under Jiuquan."
       Yu-xi sighed, and when I was waiting for the opening, I heard the sound of footsteps outside. Yu-xi pushed Yun-Qing .
       Through education, she does not want others to see him like Yun-Qing  relatives.
       Han Jianming walked straight into the thick curtain and said, as soon as he entered the house:
       "I just asked her, my mother said that the youngest brother of Sancha is called Ninghai. Ninghai is the same age as me, and this year is also twenty-seven years old." Tie-Kui said that he was twenty-five years old and he was two years old.
       Yu-xi previous speculation was wrong, Ning Hai is her little sister, not the cousin she guessed:
       “Does the mother say that the qualifications of Ninghai are?”
       This is a question that Yu-xi is more concerned about.
       Han Jianming said:
       “Sancha once said to my mother that Ninghai qualifications are very good. It’s just that Ningda people are worried that Ninghai juniors are famous and will be frustrated, so they have been squatting and have not raised this matter. Know that Ninghai qualifications are good, only A person who is particularly close to the Ning family. "Ningjia is a scholar, and does not like the loyalty of Duke House. If there was no accident on the day, Ning’s family never thought about marrying her daughter to Han Jingyan. Ning-shi After marrying to Duke, the two will also greet each other on holidays.
       There is usually no connection. Qiu-shi knows these things, and it was also the day when Ning-shi chatted with her.
       Having said that, Han Jianming said:
       "Undoubtedly, Tie-Kui is Ninghai. Yu-xi, if this card is used better than a thousand horses!" Tie-Kui is Yan Wu-shuang's confidant general, if he can reveal a little The news, then they have benefited a lot.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "Big brother, things are not that simple. Tie-Kui is in a very difficult situation. If he is revealed, he will be in danger. And from his actions, he is only tempted to send a letter this time, not just I want to recognize my relatives." Sticky Haining is on the paper, not only to avoid the handwriting, but to test her. Otherwise, Tie-Kui would not intentionally reverse his name.
       Han Jianming also calmed down and nodded and said:
       "You are right, Tie-Kui situation is really dangerous." Yan Wu-shuang That is a madman, who can help people who help him. If the person who betrayed him is known to be very miserable by him, it is not unreasonable for Tie-Kui to be cautious.
       Yu-xi said:
       "To reply to Tie-Kui, you must be cautious." This letter can't be too hot or cold. If this degree is not well mastered, this line can be broken.
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       "I don't worry about replying to the letter, I will say it later!" If this year's off, they have so many things, or deal with other things first.
       Yu-xi nodded.
       Pa: I saw how many more rewards were given. -, previously said in June, 1148 

       Chapter 745 Happy Events   

       On the afternoon of the twelfth lunar month, Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi returned to Yunfu for the New Year.
       Since the emergence of pharmaceutical power, Yang Shifu has been transformed into a pharmaceutical worker by the guardian of Yu-Xi. Here, Yun-Qing  also left him a yard alone to let him pharmacy inside.
       Purple Zi-Jin met Yu-Xi and said with pleasure:
       “Wangfei is getting more and more beautiful.” To be exact, Yu-Xi is getting more and more spiritual and more and more powerful.
       Yu-Xi took a serious look at Purple Zi-Jin and said:
       "How do I feel that your temperament is not good? Have you had any physical discomfort recently?"
       Purple Zi-Jin has always been a good body, but this time it is a bit white.
       Yu Zhi grabbed the front of Purple Zi-Jin:
       "Wangfei, you advise her! Some days ago, she was not very comfortable. I asked him to see the doctor. He didn't want to live or die."
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "I didn't listen to your words and saw the military doctor.
       The military doctor said that I am in good health, no problem, is it your fuss?"
       The medic said that she had no problem, and Purple Zi-Jin was reluctant to go outside to see the doctor.
       Yu-Xi frowned and said to the licorice next to her:
       "Go and ask the doctor to come over." The medical doctor Yu-Xi is really trusting, but it is only safe to ask the reliable doctor to look at it.
       For Zi-Xi, Purple Zi-Jin does not dare to disagree.
       After Yu-Xi let the two sit down, he said:
       "I heard Wangye say that you are going to Hanzhong after the year?"
       Purple Zi-Jin is good with Yu Zhi, but he can't stand alone and can only be a deputy.
       Purple Zi-Jin nodded and said:
       "Yes. Stay in the bones of the city and rust, go to Hanzhong and move under the bones!"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       “Wangye means letting you go to Linzhou City. What do you mean?”
       The environment in Linzhou is not only far from the hustle and bustle of Hanzhong, but also close to the Gentiles.
       Purple Zi-Jin shines in both eyes and says:
       "Okay! It's better to go to Linzhou." But there is a barbaric!
       Most people think that the life of the military camp is very monotonous, but Purple Zi-Jin feels that the life of the military camp is colorful. Purple Zi-Jin and Yu-Xi said:
       "Wangfei, you don't know. When I first started, there was a guy named Hutou who saw that I was a woman and couldn't help me. After I had a meal, she was obedient... ..." Purple Zi-Jin's force is very high, and there are really few who can beat her.
       Yu Zhi saw Yu-Xi next to him and he was very helpful. After arriving at the military camp, Purple Zi-Jin became more and more fond of using violence to solve problems. Sometimes he did not obey and used it directly. In the military camp, Yu Zhi has become a representative figure in fear.
       Purple Zi-Jin is excited, licorice walked over and said:
       "Wangfei, He Da Fu came over." Purple Zi-Jin is now out, no matter what his words and manners are, it is no different from men. Fortunately, Purple Zi-Jin is married, or else Purple Zi-Jin is now allowed to marry. It is also a good luck to say that Purple Zi-Jin is met with Yu Zhi who is obedient to him.
       He Da Fu walked into the main hall and asked Yu-Xi after he had a ceremony:
       “Where is Wangfei uncomfortable?”
       Looking at the Yu-Xi red light, it is not like a patient.
       Yu-Xi points to Purple Zi-Jin and says:
       "She is not very comfortable, you give it a look." Purple Zi-Jin can be mixed in the army without being repelled. Her own strength is one aspect. On the other hand, people in the military know that she is Yu. -Xi confidant. If you offend Purple Zi-Jin and annoy Yu-Xi, you can't get it.
       Purple Zi-Jin will stick to the right hand and don't forget to add one sentence:
       "Doctor, I am in good health, no problem." After saying this, he even stunned Yu Zhi. It’s all Yu Zhi bastard fuss, or else it’s not forced to see the doctor by Wangfei.
       He did not seem to hear this, and calmly put his hand on the pulse of Purple Zi-Jin. He is much more savvy.
       The doctor's consultation is to keep quiet. Yu-Xi did not speak, leaning on the Honorable Noble chair.
       After a while, He Da Fu face was not very nice to say to Purple Zi-Jin:
       "You have been pregnant for more than a month."
       "Ah..." Purple Zi-Jin was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth.
       After listening to this, Yu Zhi happily grabbed the arm of He Da Fu and asked:
       “Is it true? I –  Erxi has been pregnant for more than a month?”
       The two have been married for more than two years. He always wanted a child. As a result, Purple Zi-Jin’s stomach has never been heard. Now, finally, I have hoped.
       He was arrested with a pain in his arm, opened the hand of Yu Zhi, and then asked Purple Zi-Jin:
       "Are you often having a stomachache before?"
       While talking, he rubbed his arm. Yu Zhi knew that he had offended the doctor and apologized:
       "Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention."
       He Da Fu ignored ‘Lu Zhi and saw Purple Zi-Jin nodded. He also asked:
       "How can I not know the doctor when I have a stomachache?"
       Purple Zi-Jin is a bit depressed:
       "I saw the doctor, but the doctor said that I am in good health, no problem!"
       He Da Fu face is black:
       "What kind of quack doctors do you see? Even the happy pulse can't be diagnosed?"
       For these people, He Da Fu is deeply hated. Such doctors are definitely discrediting their industry.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "It was a military doctor who was seen in the military. It was seen half a month ago." At that time, the pulse was not obvious, and the military doctor had always treated the man for medical treatment. Although I feel that the Purple Zi-Jin pulse is not quite right, but the Purple Zi-Jin is also alive, the military doctor thinks it's okay.
       When He Da Fu heard this, it is not good to say that the other is a quack. Most of the military doctors are generally in the same way. It is also because the military is too hard, some doctors who are not willing to stay inside, like the white doctor who is willing to give, but there are very few.
       Yu Zhi asked nervously:
       "Doctor, is there anything wrong?"
       He Da Fu tone has eased a lot, but what he said is not at all polite:
       "It’s luck to have this child not falling down now. But if she doesn't raise it, the child can't keep it."
       When Yu Zhi heard this, his face was instantly white:
       "Doctor, please help my child! Please." He hoped for so many years of children, can't just be gone.
       He Da Fu looked toward the Yu-Xi sitting on the top.
       Licorice said softly:
       “Madam is too tired to fall asleep.” After Yun-Qing  came back, Yu-Xi took over the house and prepared for the New Year.
       Purple Zi-Jin touched his stomach and carefully asked Dr. He:
       "Doctor, what can I do to keep my child?"
       Although Purple Zi-Jin doesn't want children, she knows that Yu Zhi wants a child.
       Therefore, she still hopes to keep this child.
       When I heard Purple Zi-Jin, He Da Fu look looked good and said:
       "I will give you a birth-preserving medicine. You should take a few days to see the situation." After a pause, He Da Fu said:
       "If you can stay in the house to protect your baby and let Quan Mama give you some medicated diet, the chances of keeping the child will be even greater." Quan Mama medicated diet is very popular among the doctors.
       Purple Zi-Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said:
       "This is no problem." With her years of love with Quan Mama, Quan Mama will definitely give her a medicated diet.
       He Da Fu immediately went to the prescription and handed it to Purple Zi-Jin. When I left, I said to Licorice:
       "You can't make Wangfei too tired and the body can't stand it."
       Licorice said with a smile:
       "I know, I will tell Wangfei later." Yu-Xi is actually normal, three and a half hours in the evening, two quarters of noon, but also too much to deal with things, she will fall asleep.
       Purple Zi-Jin watched Yu-Xi sleep sweetly, and my heart was very embarrassing, said to the licorice:
       "Give Wangfei a blanket! Or else it will catch cold."
       Licorice shakes its head:
       "If it is a blanket, Wangfei will be awakened." The house burned the dragon and was warm, so even if you didn't cover the blanket, you didn't worry about getting cold.
       Purple Zi-Jin said: "Wangfei is too hard." After that, Purple Zi-Jin lowered his voice and said:
       “Would you like Wangfei?”
       Licorice is crying and laughing, saying:
       “Wangfei will ask for a safe pulse every few days.” And the people who are waiting for the small days of Yu-Xi are very clear, and they may be pregnant when they are normal.
       Purple Zi-Jin is awkward.
       Licorice knew the Purple Zi-Jin temperament and didn't care:
       "You need to raise your child now, and Yang Shifu yard is not suitable for you." Yang Shifu yard is full of medicinal taste, and this pregnant woman is definitely not good.
       This proposal is very much the thought of Purple Zi-Jin. When the yard went in, it was the smell of medicine. It was very uncomfortable, but it was decided by Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi didn't sleep for a long time, and woke up after a quarter of an hour.
       Thinking of falling asleep while staying at the Courtyard, Yu-Xi was a little embarrassed. But the face is still so dignified:
       "How is Purple Zi-Jin, what does He Da Fu say?"
       I heard that Purple Zi-Jin is pregnant and the child is not stable, so his face is ugly. Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Really, I don't know if I have children?"
       Licorice said:
       "It also lost Madam. He said that if it is a few days in the evening, the child will not be able to keep it." The knife of the Purple Zi-Jin is also riding a horse and riding on the horse.
       The child can keep it. Strange!
       Since He Da Fu said that Yu-Xi will not worry as long as he keeps the child.
       "It's also the transportation of this child. Right, where is Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi now? Yang Shifu yard, they are not suitable to live again."
       Licorice smiled and said:
       "He said that if Quan Mama can help Purple Zi-Jin sister-sister to adjust the body, the child will not have problems. Purple Zi-Jin sister sister and Yu brother-in-law went to ask for Quan Mama, the result was Quan Mama A meal, this will not be finished." Not a licorice gloating, just looking at Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi that pitiful, she felt very happy.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I remember that there was a yard next to Yang Shifu, and I packed it up and gave them two people to live!" There are Quan Mama and Lan Mama in Yunfu, and the children of Purple Zi-Jin will definitely be safe. In addition, the Purple Zi-Jin genius, let them live outside the house, Yu-Xi is not at ease.
       Licorice nodded:
       "I will talk to Qu Mama." Yu-Xi said that the yard is not big, only one main room two-room and kitchen with firewood -. However, Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi are only temporarily staying, and will definitely move to the big house outside, 1148.

       Chapter 746 Drunk   

       In the evening, Yu-xi returned to the backyard and heard that licorice said that Quan Mama was picking the herbs.
       Yu-xi went to the pharmacy and looked at the busy Quan Mama and said:
       "Mama, have you considered accepting an apprentice?"
       Quan Mama looked at Yu-xi and said:
       "Are you not my apprentice?"
       Quan Mama is not going to accept the apprentice. Yu-xi is the first apprentice and the last apprentice.
       Yu-xi is embarrassed to say:
       "My disciple is unqualified." She was studying pharmacology with Quan Mama, but it was actually one more skill. She was thinking that if she was naked, she also had a means of seeking a job. At the time, her mind was not pure, so she would not learn more.
       Quan Mama did not leave a face for Yu-xi and said:
       "It's really unqualified. But I didn't expect you to inherit my clothes when I was teaching you." Yu-xi is Miss of Duke House, and it is impossible to do the waiter's work in the future. She was willing to teach at the time, but also to see Yu-xi sincerely.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "That Mama, you choose someone who can inherit your clothes! It is a pity that your ability to do this is not passed down."
       Quan Mama said:
       "It's hard to find a favorite!" Learning pharmacology is not only a gift, but also has patience and perseverance. Such a person is hard to pick one.
       Yu-xi said; "A few children will enter the government after the year. When will you see if you have asked for it?"
       Huo Changqing long ago promised to send a few people to Yu-xi, and then let Yun-Qing  stop.
       The reason why Yun-Qing  refused was very simple. He believed that these children should be trained for a longer period of time, which would make them more comfortable and more secure.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Choose a few people to come in?"
       Speaking of it, the manpower in the backyard of Wangfu is seriously inadequate. She has spoken to Yu-xi several times, but Yu-xi always said that it is lacking. It is also a female host in the backyard only Yu-xi, although the number is small but not much. Otherwise it is not enough.
       Yu-xi said:
       "Six, I stayed four, and Jao-Jao and Lu-Er put one on each side; and next year, there will be another group of people." Huo Changqing chose from the breeze school when he came to the city. More than twenty children.
       The origins of these children are very clear, and they don't worry about getting into the work.
       At Duke, there were more than a dozen Servants around each Miss, and a yard that Pozi sprinkled had more than twenty people. In fact, only one-third of the staff is enough. More, it is completely waste.
       Quan Mama thought about it:
       “How old are these children?”
       When I heard the youngest ten, Quan Mama said:
       "Pick some five or six year old children."
       Yu-xi thinks that the age of five or six is ​​too small:
       "So, let others take care of her, how can we take care of Jao-Jao?"
       Quan Mama glanced at Yu-xi and said:
       "Now I have been tempted to teach two years of rules. At that time, I will not be seven or eight years old. I can not only train them to be loyal to the Wangfu, but also to Jao-Jao as a playmate." This is to train Jao-Jao to train friends.
       The meaning of it.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "It's still Mama thoughtful, and I will let people do it after the year." Since it is a playmate for Jao-Jao, it can be carefully and carefully picked.
       Quan Mama said very dissatisfied:
       "You also have snacks for the two children. To do this again, be careful when the child grows up and blame you." When the jujube is three years old, he will go to learn Kung Fu. After Yu-xi wants to accompany the child, he has no time. It is. After the year, I have to stay with my children.
       Yu-xi said:
       "When I am busy with this, I will accompany them well."
       In the New Year's Eve, Yun-Qing  is a general in the outer court, banqueting four products and four or more generals in Yucheng.
       This meal was arranged by Yu-xi, mainly to let Yun-Qing  communicate with his subordinates.
       New Year's Eve, is a family to eat together. In addition to the Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi couples, Huo Changqing and Yang Shifu, as well as Xu Wu and Yu Zhi, also sat on a large table. As for Purple Zi-Jin, I still have a baby in bed.
       Huo Changqing picked up the wine and said to Yu-xi:
       "Jao-Jao his mother, the northwest only changed in a year, you have made great contributions.
       This cup, I respect you." The change in the army is from Yun-Qing , but the place where the place is thriving It is the credit of Yu-xi. Yu-xi This year's hard work Huo Changqing is in the eye.
       After saying this, kill the wine in the cup.
       Yu-xi took up the fruit wine in his hand and stood up and said:
       "Huo Shu won the prize.
       The northwest can have such a big change, relying on everyone efforts. I am doing this, it is nothing." Finished, drank a third of the wine.
       Yang Shifu said; "Han Yatou, you are too modest. Without you, the people in the northwest have a good day. Come, I will also honor you."
       Yu-xi stood up and said:
       "Yang Shu, this cup is my respect for you.
       The medicine you made, I don't know how many soldiers I helped." After that, he drank another third.
       Xu Wu also stood up and said to Yu-xi:
       "Wangfei, if not you, the soldiers will not have the present day. And those orphans, also Wangfei, they can eat and wear warm and have a few thoughts. Wangfei, I respect you." Finished, one bit dry.
       Yu-xi gave the wine in the cup and dried it, then poured another half a cup and said to everyone:
       "If it wasn't Wangye, I couldn't do so much. Northwest can have today, in fact, the biggest hero is not me, it is Wangye. Wangye, I respect you." Without the support of Yun-Qing , she is just a deep house. Where can women help the people in the northwest?
       Yu-xi said that everyone agrees that without Yu-Qing 's tolerance Yu-xi, it is impossible to govern.
       Therefore, everyone picked up the wine glasses and respected Yun-Qing .
       Because of happiness, Yu-xi did not restrain himself for the first time, and he did what he wanted. I accidentally drank three glasses of fruit wine, and everyone was a little dizzy.
       After eating the New Year's Eve, Yun-Qing  returned to the bedroom with Yu-xi.
       Quan Mama looked at Yu-xi blush like a monkey's butt, saying:
       "Really, she was drunk in this New Year's Eve? Licorice, hurry to take a cup of tea."
       Yun-Qing  explained next:
       "Yu-xi is also happy, so I drank two more cups." The amount of alcohol is too bad. Yun-Qing  drinks two pounds of liquor.
       Licorice came to the hangover. Quan Mama is ready to pick up the Yu-xi, but it is stopped by Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "Let me do it!"
       Quan Mama did not fight with Yun-Qing , only smiled and said:
       “This revamped tea was originally prepared for Wangye, but now it is used by Wangfei.”
       Yun-Qing  raised Yu-xi and fed Yu-xi a cup of tea and said:
       "It's so rare that Yu-xi is so happy. It's fine to drink two more cups." He was so happy to see Yu-xi for the first time. At that time, the joy of Yu-xi could not be described.
       Yu-xi snorted and muttered:
       "I am happy, and Rui, I am very happy..." After paying off, there is nothing more happier than this.
       Quan Mama looked at the look of Yu-xi and didn't keep it. Quan Mama and Yun-Qing  said:
       "You feed her to hang up the tea, and you drink it yourself. After drinking, there will be no headache tomorrow." This is the exclusive recipe of Quan Mama.
       Yu-xi wine is very good. After drunk, there is no ‘calling, and there is no chattering. After drinking the hangover tea, I fall asleep in bed.
       After a while, Quan Mama heard a thick footstep in the house and went out of the Courtyard. She put the sleeping Lu-Er on the small bed and went to the bedroom.
       Looking at the clothes on Yu-xi, Quan Mama asked:
       "Wangfei clothes are changed by Wangye?"
       When she first went out, Yu-xi was not wearing this clothes.
       Licorice nodded:
       "Yes! Wangye wiped her face with Wangfei and changed her clothes.
       Then she went out." When he said this, the licorice was red and red.
       Quan Mama is very pleased to say that:
       "Wangfei hasn't had such a drink before, and it will definitely be uncomfortable after waking up. You are careful to wait." Yun-Qing  used to be good for Yu-xi, but it was not so careful. It seems that Wangfei still obeyed. Her suggestion.
       Licorice nodded and said:
       "it is good."
       Yu Zhi returned to the house and was just abandoned when he was near Purple Zi-Jin. Purple Zi-Jin said to her chest:
       "Don't be close to me, uncomfortable."
       Yu Zhi said with a sigh:
       "How can it be uncomfortable?"
       Purple Zi-Jin is bigger than him. When the two are in the army, they often drink and warm up!
       Lan Mama, who was temporarily deployed to take care of Purple Zi-Jin, said:
       "People who have children, can't smell the wine. You go to take a bath and change clothes." These two, one is not reliable.
       Hearing because of the child, Yu Zhi quickly went out to take a bath, and even in order to eliminate the taste of the mouth, he also ate two pears.
       Lan Mama sees Purple Zi-Jin no longer rejects Yu Zhi approach, saying:
       "What's the matter, you call me!" Lan Mama, this will move to the wing come to live. Yu-xi means waiting for Purple Zi-Jin to sit still and let her go back.
       Purple Zi-Jin touched his stomach and said with Yu Zhi:
       "This child is too late to come. After years, it is impossible to go to Linzhou City." She also wants to go to Linzhou to kill more enemies!
       Yu Zhi said:
       "I think it's time for this child to come!" See Purple Zi-Jin staring at him, Yu Zhi explained:
       "Wangfei didn't say it before. In the past two years, the northwest has to recuperate and there is no war. Just when the child is one year old, you can also kill the enemy on the battlefield."
       Purple Zi-Jin is boring and says:
       "What about the child? Who raises?"
       I don’t want to say that Yu Zhi thought:
       "Give the Master a raise. Anyway, Master is also quite alone. To the Master, it can also add some fun to him." See Purple Zi-Jin, hesitant, Yu Zhi said:
       "You see that Huo Shu does not like Jao-Jao. I believe that Master will be happy to bring us children in the future." Old people, they all like children.
       Purple Zi-Jin shook his head and said:
       “Master wants pharmacy, where is the time to help us bring children?”
       Yang Shifu spent most of his time in the house, and the child gave it to her. Purple Zi-Jin was really not at ease.
       Yu Zhi thinks that Purple Zi-Jin thinks a lot and says:
       "There is nothing to worry about. You see that Wangfei doesn't bring Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, but pays it to Mama and Lan Mama. When we find a good Mama for our children, "It is absolutely impossible for Purple Zi-Jin to give up the dream for the child." It is necessary to let Purple Zi-Jin go to the military camp alone, and Yu Zhi is not at ease.
       Therefore, the best way to do the best is to hand over the children to Master, and they will come back to see the children later.
       Purple Zi-Jin thought about it and said to Yu Zhi:
       "Yu Zhi, after the child is born, don't want another child, okay?"
       Regardless of whether the child is male or female, Purple Zi-Jin does not want to regenerate.
       I don’t want to say that I want to say:
       "A child is too little. You think, when he grows up, there is something, not even a person who helps each other, how miserable." According to Yu Zhi thoughts, how can he get three talents.
       Purple Zi-Jin thought about it:
       "Then give birth to two. No more, just two." Also because I know that Yu Zhi likes children, Purple Zi-Jin is willing to give in, or else, this one.
       Yu Zhi nodded and agreed:
       "Okay, then you have two."

       Chapter 747 Scorpion venom (1)   

       Halfway through the next day, Yu-xi woke up. . Visit: .
       Yu-xi is this point every day, today is no exception, wake up at the point. I remembered yesterday's thing Yu-xi stroked the amount. She was drunk yesterday, it was a shame.
       Going out of bed, Yu-xi asked:
       Licorice said:
       "Wangye stayed up the night last night, this will handle things in the front yard." Licorice felt that marrying people should marry a man like Wangye.
       Yu-xi clicked and said:
       "I have a smell on my body, I have to take a bath." After that, Yu-xi added another sentence:
       "Put some rose petals in it!" The smell of this body smells uncomfortable.
       Yu-xi just finished grooming, Yun-Qing  came back from the front yard.
       Yu-xi looked at Yun-Qing  with bloodshot eyes, and some said with distress:
       "Isn't I still sleeping in another night? Don't take the body seriously when you are young." Yu-xi is busy again, the daily schedule is very fixed, unlike Yun-Qing , when he is busy, he forgets to eat. Sleeping. Quan Mama biggest opinion about Yu-xi is that he cares for everyone and doesn't care about the small family.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "I slept for a little while in the front yard.
       There is nothing to do today, I will wait to make up." If you don't say this, Yu-xi has to marry him again.
       Jao-Jao and Lu-Er both came over. Both children are wearing big red clothes and look particularly festive.
       Yun-Qing  happily holds Jao-Jao and says:
       "My family, Jao-Jao, looks good in this clothes, Yu-xi, do you say that Jao-Jao is like a golden boy who sits down like Guanyin?"
       Yu-xi heard this and almost squirted. What is Guanyin’s golden boy? I don't know if Jao-Jao is a son! However, on the first day of the first month of this year and the beginning of the year, Yu-xi was stunned and did not say it.
       After breakfast, the couple took two children to the front yard to give you Huo Changqing. Huo Changqing gave two children a thick red envelope. Lu-Er is still not sensible, but Jao-Jao is handed over to Yu-xi after receiving the red envelope.
       Yu-xi smiled and kissed him on Jao-Jao face:
       "Jao-Jao is sincere." Jao-Jao This is good, no matter what good things, will give Yu-xi.
       This is especially the favorite of Yu-xi.
       Jao-Jao and Lu-Er turned around in the front yard and harvested countless red envelopes. Back to the backyard, Quan Mama also prepared red envelopes for two children.
       This red envelope for the New Year, Yu-xi will not stop.
       Jao-Jao took the red envelope and handed it to Yu-xi.
       Quan Mama looked and smiled:
       "Jao-Jao is a big sister, and Mei Mei, who is her role model, is definitely not bad." Jao-Jao took his head well, and the children behind him had the same kind of learning, and there would be worse.
       Yu-xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and said with a smile:
       "I hope this Yatou could have been maintained up." Naughty when Yu xi wished he could beat her meal, let them be well-behaved Yu xi not like them.
       From the second day of the first month of the first month, there were Madams from all over the house to visit the New Year, and Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, and harvested countless red envelopes.
       Jao-Jao and Lu-Er have made books.
       These things are counted as their private homes later.
       Yu Yuan-xi took the book of two people and looked over it. He couldn’t help but smile and said Yun-Qing :
       "The two children received more than two thousand red envelopes in the New Year." When she was a child, she would not be happy if she got a gold or two.
       Yun-Qing  does not care to say:
       "Don't you have more than two thousand Silver Taels? What counts?" He will also set up a ten-mile dowry for the two daughters!
       Government affairs were dealt with years ago, and there is also an unwritten rule in the officialdom. As long as it is not a major event, it will be moved to the Lantern Festival. In this way, the above people can also have a happy and happy year. So in the past two months, Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi were both married, but they took a good rest. Of course, this break is only relative to the outside. Yu-xi is still a leisurely person. On most days, it is not to follow Yun-Qing  to accompany the child to embroider, and then read the book. Not only is Yun-Qing  very helpless, but Quan Mama has no way.
       When Yuanxiaoyi passed, Yang Duo-ming went into Yunfu and Yu-xi and smashed one thing:
       "Wangfei, Jiang Hongjin's ‘Madam’ Han-shi is pregnant." Han Yurong was pregnant, and the rumors released before were not broken.
       Yu-xi asked:
       “Are you pregnant or a fake pregnancy?”
       This is too coincidental. Yu-xi suspects that this is a fake.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "It's true, it's been a month." He got the news a few days ago. Just because there was no Lantern Festival at the time, it was impossible to break the New Year’s celebration because of a Jiang Hongjin. .
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "Good luck." If Yurong is not pregnant, Jiang Hongjin will not have his own child in this life. Speaking of it, God is also very fond of Jiang Hongjin.
       Yang Duo-ming said carefully:
       "Wangfei, if you want, I can let this child..." He didn't say anything later, but he believed that Yu-xi understood.
       Yu-xi shook her head. Although she hated Jiang Hongjin, the child was innocent and she was not willing to kill.
       Yang Duo-ming In fact, when I made the suggestion, I knew that I would be opposed by Yu-xi. No way, Wangfei, who is so kind, may be able to slap a child who has not been born, and the result is as he expected.
       Silenced for half a moment, Yu-xi said:
       "Broken his career." So that Jiang Hongjin can't do the official, he doesn't know if he can withstand such a blow.
       Yang Duo-ming hesitated and said:
       "Wangfei, if he breaks Jiang Hongjin's career, he will definitely return to Capital City. When we want to do something, we can't do it. Wangfei, it's still straightforward!" Directly killing people, and then revenge. .
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "Dead, it will be a hundred." She wants Jiang Hongjin to taste what she had experienced. If he killed him directly, it would be too cheap for him.
       Yang Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "Wangfei, Jiang Hongjin was a good student. Even if he broke his career, there is a father of the family's Shangshu, he can still do other things. Wangfei, still let him end! This is no problem." In fact, there is such a The hustle and bustle, even if Jiang Hongjin does nothing, can still enjoy the prosperity of wealth. If there is any deep hatred, it is time to kill each other.
       This is revenge. Not like this, it's so troublesome.
       Yang Duo-ming's experience is different, so the idea is different. He feels that people will have hope as long as they are alive. Just as his parents died in the past and were abandoned by the family, his own bureaucratic gongzi was finally forced to fall into the grass. But he did not give up hope and was always looking for a new way out.
       Therefore, he will have today.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "Just break his official career. You can do it yourself." If Jiang Hongjin died, it would be too cheap for him.
       Yang Duo-ming doesn't know the meaning of Yu-xi. Seeing that Yu-xi can't change his mind, he doesn't say more:
       "Okay, I will do it as soon as possible." This matter has to be concealed. Jiang Hongjin cannot be told that the murderer behind the scenes is Madam, or else there will be big trouble.
       Yu-xi said something to Yang Duo-ming:
       "The ombudsman can't be established for the time being. If you have any ideas, you can ask for it." The ombudsman's duty is to supervise officials and generals in the army. Huo Changqing felt that setting up an ombudsman at this time would allow everyone to centrifuge, so the plan was put on hold.
       Yang Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "No, I think it's quite good now. I am used to it. If I am an official, I can't stand that kind of restraint." Yang Duo-ming is actually doing the job of supervising officials, but he is now in the dark.
       Yu-xi See Yang Duo-ming is sincere and there is no more to say.
       Back home, Yang Duo-ming was thinking about how to solve Jiang Hongjin. Yu-xi only said that Jiang Hongjin’s future was broken. He could do it, but he didn’t have a bottom, so he found Yan-Xi.
       Yan-Xi couldn't help but say:
       "My sorrow, what is the hatred of Wangfei in the end with the surname Jiang?"
       First, give the inhumane secret medicine, and now it is necessary to break the career of others, and killing the father and taking the ‘Madam’’s hatred is no different.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "This is not something we should know. I want to think about how to solve this?"
       Wangfei followed Jiang Hongjin’s hatred and was estimated to be bigger than killing his father.
       Yan-Xi said awkwardly:
       "Is this still not easy to solve? Let this surname Jiang's lack of arms broken, then his career will not be broken? This disability can not be an official."
       Yang Duo-ming has an idea in mind:
       "I still want to solve this problem once and for all." Without a broken arm, he felt that he would still have a problem. Cough, Wangfei is also a woman.
       This woman is soft.
       Once and for all, the law will naturally kill Jiang Hongjin. Yan-Xi shook his head and said:
       “Wangfei just let us break Jiang Hongjin’s career, but we didn’t let us kill him.” See Yang Duo-ming, no sound, Yan-Xi said:
       "Don't look at Wangfei to talk. But if you don't listen to the orders, the consequences will be very serious." The most taboo of the upper class is that the subordinates do not obey the good ideas.
       Yang Duo-ming thought about it and nodded:
       "Then do what you said!" Yan-Xi is right, don't look at Wangfei heart. But that is not to violate her bottom line, if it is the bottom line, it can also be used.
       Jiang Hongjin did not know that the danger was coming. He was not happy enough in the past few days. Originally, it was just to let Yu Rong fake pregnant to help him calm the outside storm, but did not expect that Yu Rong suddenly became uncomfortable after the year. Please see the doctor, it is pregnant. Although only one month, it is enough to make Jiang Hongjin happy. But now that she has calmed down, Jiang Hongjin is beginning to be scared again.
       Yu Rong was lying on the bed. When he heard Jiang Hongjin, the voice was not consciously big:
       "You are crazy, you know what you are talking about? Let me go back to Capital City now, you forgot that the child was not because of long-distance running." If you go back to Capital City now, this child can't keep it.
       Jiang Hongjin said with an angry look:
       "If you can't go back to Capital City, go to Fucheng. You can't stay in Luoyang, it's too dangerous."
       Yu Rong did not agree, said:
       "No, I am not stable now, I can't go anywhere." To Zhengzhou, I also need a carriage for a few days. In case of an accident, she cried without looking. Moreover, Jiang Hongjin got the disease. If it is too late, there will be no more children in the future.
       Jiang Hongjin let Yu Rong leave Luoyang, but also has his reasons:
       "I am afraid that the person who wants to harm me will know that you will be poisoned by your pregnancy.
       That person, but I want to break my grandson." Give him the medicine, wouldn't he want him to break his grandson, so this child is he Try your best to keep it, because this may be his only child.
       Jade 1148 

       Chapter 748 Anti-drug (2)   

       Yu-Rong considered it for a long time, but decided to stay in Luoyang and not go to Fucheng.
       Yu-Rong has such a decision to have her considerations in it:
       "This child is only a month, it is the most unstable time. If you want to go, you have to wait until you have a stable baby." He is now a public book, and even if Jiang Hongjin is not cured, she can’t Departed. Because she is not with 3rd sister, she will not agree.
       Therefore, this child is probably her only child, she can not let him have a little bit of loss.
       Jiang Yujin is very annoyed with Yu-Rong's stubborn opinion.
       Yu-Rong said:
       "As long as we are cautious, the people behind the scenes will not be able to get into the air. When the tires are stable, I will leave Luoyang."
       Jiang Hongjin sees that Yu-Rong is determined not to go, and there is no way:
       "That time you stayed in the inner court, don't go anywhere. If you eat food and other things, you have to let your confidants do it, and don't pass the hands of other people."
       In this regard, Yu-Rong is more cautious than Jiang Hongjin:
       "You can rest assured that during this time, my food is cooked by the cook, and I won't let other people touch it." It was bought in Luoyang, and it was also signed death. Both life and death are in her hands.
       The rebel.
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "I have already written a letter back, I believe that you will send someone soon." To say that, there are too few people around them, or else, it will not make people lose their way.
       Yu-Rong is still somewhat worried:
       "Do you still hire some guards? This is safer." Although I hate Jiang Hongjin, the interests of husband and ‘Madam’ are still the same. At this time, the husband and ‘Madam’ must be one heart, or else they will be squandered.
       Jiang Hongjin is now worried about the people he hires:
       "The prefects have agreed to dial six soldiers for me." Who knows whether the hired person will be bought, or it is safer to adjust a few people from the military. In doing so, it will provoke a voice, but now it is safe, and even if it falls, Jiang Hongjin can’t take it.
       Yang Duo-ming When I arrived in Luoyang, I heard that Jiang Hongjin had a few good guards around me.
       Yan-Xi touched his beard and said:
       "Big brother, those guards have good martial arts. Now, we are in trouble."
       Yang Duo-ming said with a smile:
       "The master did not say the deadline, do not worry." If it is the same as last time, it is still a little troublesome to set the deadline.
       There is no deadline now, and there is no major event in the northwest for the time being. You can plan slowly.
       At the end of the first month, Jiang Wenrui got a letter from Jiang Hongjin. Seeing Jiang Hongjin saying in his letter that he was taken down by a man, Jiang Wenrui hated it:
       "Who is this, is it so poisonous to me?"
       High Teacher asked at the side:
       "Daren, what happened to 2nd Master?"
       Gao Teacher knows that Jiang Wenrui promised Yu Family Old Master to let Jiang Hongfu go to Yucheng, and he has decided to transfer Jiang Hongjin back to Capital City.
       Even the official position has been set, only to wait for the cadres to order.
       Jiang Wenrui did not swear high Teacher, hate to say:
       "Jin Er has been given a sinister medicine. I don't know what people behind the scenes have a deep hatred with our Jiang family?"
       Jiang Hongjin has offended some people in Luoyang for the past six months. But that is because of some contradictions caused by political disagreement, and it is not going to be such a poisonous hand.
       High Teacher is amazed, how can this happen? High Teacher is steady and says:
       "You must find out the person behind the scenes as soon as possible." 2nd Master has no children yet, this is a huge blow to 2nd Master. If the mind is not determined, the heart will be affected.
       Jiang Wenrui said:
       "This thing still has to take a trip." The people behind this scene are so vicious, Jiner is a newly born little boy where is the opponent! And he can't walk away, only to let the high Teacher take a trip.
       High Teacher did not shirk, said:
       "I will go back and explain, and I will leave." High Teacher's life was saved by Jiang Wenrui, so he was very loyal to Jiang Wenrui.
       On this day, Jiang Hongjin was sentenced to drink with his sister Su Tong, and the same ‘calling came to play the singing girl to help. As soon as the singer entered the box, she blessed the two:
       "The servants have seen two masters."
       Su Tong decided to ask Jiang Hongjin what songs he was going to make, and he saw Jiang Hongjin still looking at the singer. Su Tong said with a smile:
       "Jiang Daren, what song do you want to listen to?"
       Before the outside rumors that Jiang Hongjin was not humane, he believed. Because he and Jiang Hongjin were drinking at the house of the prefect, it was too late to stay in the house of the prefects, and Jiang Hongjin pushed the beauty sent by the prefect. Unless it is ‘Lu Xiahui, this man cannot possibly dislike the beauty. Unexpectedly, it was not long before the rumors came out that Han-shi was pregnant. At first he thought it was a fake. It was Jiang Hongjin’s strategy for his own name. Later, he realized that Han-shi was really pregnant.
       Jiang Hongjin returned to God and said:
       "Su Daren, let's go!" The singer's watery eyes seem to be able to drip out the big eyes of the water, so that he can't help but think of the people who are dreaming.
       Su Tong sentenced a song "beautiful tears."
       The song girl Tankou lightly sings, who sings to the hardships of Dongyang thin, but also for the spring, not as good as Furong, a quiet and strong place. At the time of this sentence, she was slightly ambiguous and looked awkward, and looked like Jiang Hongjin with a lot of affection.
       Sitting on the side of the Su Tong sentence, the singer's delicate and feminine look and feel the bones are almost crisp. And Jiang Hongjin looked at the singer's appearance of this style, it was an appetite. He was just a ghost, and he felt that the woman’s eyes were like the people in his heart.
       Jiang Hongjin said with a hand:
       "You go on!" Look again, he can't even eat the wine. Cough, in this world, where are people who look like her?
       Su Tong judged Jiang Hongjin to be a piece of wood, too unventilated. However, in my heart, I can’t show a half-point on the surface:
       "Jiang Daren, come, drink."
       When I poured out the half-bellied wine, Jiang Hongjin walked a little embarrassed when walking out of the restaurant. Changan saw him and went up to help him into the sedan chair.
       Su Tong was also drunk, and he was led back by the next person.
       The place where Jiang Hongjin lived was not far from the restaurant, but the sedan chair was only twelve miles away.
       Going to a corner, a group of gangsters popped up.
       There are more than a dozen of these gangsters, some holding large knives, some holding wooden sticks, and seeing Jiang Hongjin and his party rushed up.
       Changan ‘called:
       "Who are you, dare to go up the streets?"
       They are walking the road, these people are really lawless.
       Hearing the call of Changan, Jiang Hongjin immediately woke up. But before he spoke, he was taken out of the sedan chair.
       Jiang Hongjin looked at the gangster who was holding his neck.
       This bandit was thick and sullen, and his face was fierce. Jiang Hongjin said, according to the fear of holding his heart,:
       “Is there someone hired you to kill me? As long as you let me go, I can pay double the price...”
       When I didn’t finish it, I heard someone ‘calling in the distance:
       "What are you doing..." This is the patrol of the official rushed over.
       Jiang Hongjin felt a hot face when the official's words fell.
       Then I felt a pain in the back of my head and fell to the ground.
       Luoyang Zhifu heard Jiang Hongjin attacked, furious:
       "It's really lawless." Even on the street, he dared to commit a crime, and he still poisoned the imperial court officials.
       This is too lawless.
       Commanded the subordinate, the prefect and his master said:
       "You said that this person in the army has offended someone? Is there such a poisonous hand?"
       The teacher said:
       "Daren, I think the person behind the scenes should have a hatred with Jiang."
       Jiang Hongjin did not offend anyone in Luoyang. It is impossible to bear any life and death.
       The prefect said:
       "Be sure to let the gangsters confess and seize the murderer behind the scenes." Jiang Hongjin’s work in his hands did not know if Jiang Shangshu would anger him! Others don't say that only one law and order is not enough to drink a pot.
       Jiang Hongjin woke up in the early morning of the next day. As soon as he opened his eyes, he remembered yesterday. Jiang Hongjin ‘called:
       "Changan, Chang-An..."
       Parents walked in and said:
       "2nd Master, Chang-An was seriously injured, and I haven't woken up yet. But 2nd Master is relieved, the doctor said that Chang-An has no life danger, and it will be good for a period of time." When he said this, Chang Ming did not dare to look up at Jiang Hongjin. .
       Jiang Hongjin is a keen person, looking at Chang Ming's look, and thinking that his face would not hurt before he passed out last night. Jiang Hongjin touched his face and found a thick layer of things on his face. Jiang Hongjin called:
       "Come on the mirror."
       Chang Ming said with a bitter face; "2nd Master, you should lie down first, and then take a look at this mirror!" 2nd Master hurt his face, and he couldn’t help it.
       Jiang Hongjin pushed the curtain open and grabbed the mirror on the table. Looking at the face with a layer of white gauze, Jiang Hongjin panicked, trying to pull the gauze down to see the wound.
       Chang Ming rushed to grab Jiang Hongjin’s hand and said:
       "2nd Master, can't touch. If you touch it, you may stay." Last night, he actually saw the wound on Jiang Hongjin's face.
       The wound was very deep.
       The doctor said that he would definitely stay, but he couldn't tell the truth. Jiang Hongjin.
       Jiang Hongjin can't understand the meaning of staying. If the face is left behind, he will not be an official again, so Jiang Hongjin did not dare to tear the gauze down.
       Chang Ming said carefully:
       "2nd Master, you go back to bed!"
       Jiang Hongjin’s hand holding the bronze mirror was shaking, trying to keep himself calm and asked:
       "Did the doctor say that the injury on my face will stay?"
       Chang Ming did not dare to take Jiang Hongjin and said:
       "The doctor only said that he can't be angry. He must be careful to raise it. Others didn't say it. But I think if this doctor can't, we will go back to Capital City and ask the Imperial Doctor to see it. 2nd Master, Imperial Doctor is superb and will not stay."
       Jiang Hongjin bit his teeth and asked:
       "Is the gangster caught?"
       As long as the bandits are caught, the people behind the scenes will be able to catch up.
       Chang Ming nodded and said:
       "The three were seized, and the others ran.
       The prefects have ordered that the city search and arrest, I believe that they will be able to catch them all soon."
       Jiang Hongjin said coldly:
       "I want them to die." And the man behind the scenes, he will have to smash the man.

       Chapter 749 Anti-drug (3)   

       The government is really willing to do something, and the efficiency is still very high.
       No, two days later, the streets and alleys were covered with the portrait of Yan-Xi.
       The portraits of the government are not very precise. It is very good to have four or five points, and this portrait is similar to Yan-Xi.
       In the evening, Yan-Xi followed Yang Duo-ming and looked at the portrait on the wall in the moonlight, laughing and saying:
       "Big brother, is this portrait quite similar to me?"
       This time, I have to pay for Jiang Hongjin to be the face of Yan-Xi, which is why he will be wanted.
       Yang Duo-ming looked at the portrait and said:
       "Go back." With this portrait, if Yan-Xi appeared in front of people, it would definitely be caught soon.
       Going back to where I live, Yang Duo-ming said:
       "You have been at home for a while, don't go anywhere, I will deal with things outside."
       Yan-Xi said:
       "Big brother, we left Luoyang City and went back to the northwest." As long as I went back to the northwest, I was afraid of what Luoyang prefect.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Now it is very strict, and it is dangerous to go back to the northwest. Besides, I have to determine the injury of Xia Jianghong."
       Yan-Xi said; "The big brother, you have to pay attention to safety." The smashing of these officials, the people were robbed and killed, and they could not be broken for a year and a half.
       This Jiang Hongjin was attacked and even the city was martial.
       Yang Duo-ming went to the teahouse to drink tea. After sitting for a long time, I heard that the person on the table next to me was whispering about the attack of Jiang Hongjin.
       A man with a thief's eyebrows and a thin skin like a bamboo pole said:
       "Do you know? I heard that Jiang Zhizhou was scratched by a bandit, and the wound went from the forehead to the neck.
       The blood flowed all over the place, and it was terrifying."
       In this case, the Yang Duo-ming sitting next to it is clear.
       A man with a bamboo scorpion man has a black squat at the bottom of his mouth.
       The black man was shocked and said:
       "Where is this Jiang Zhizhou offended someone? Is it disfigured?"
       Zhu Yu said, "Who said it is not! This is disfigured, but can no longer be an official. I heard that this Jiangzhizhou is the youngest son of Shangshu. I don't know how good this is?"
       From this point of view, the news of Zhu Xiong is still very well-informed.
       The black man said:
       "No wonder? It is no wonder that the entire Luoyang City is full of wind and wind. It turns out that this person is the son of the Shangshu Shangshu!"
       The two men snorted for a while.
       The three talents stayed in their mouths until three official squads with big knives came in.
       Yang Duo-ming is wearing a light blue round neck robes today, wrapped in silk with square silk scarf of the same color, and the style is polite. (No report) plus Yang Duo-ming looks like Sven, the official difference is only a glance. Such a weak scholar is not listed among the suspects.
       One of the officials went to a table sitting in the corner, and the table was filled with five big three rough men.
       The official said with a bad voice:
       "Take a trip with us." These people are not good people.
       The person at the table does not buy the account of the official. One of the hot temper, immediately called the birth path:
       "Why do we ask you to take a walk with you? What do you count?"
       Obviously, this group of people is also identifiable.
       The two people sitting next to Yang Duo-ming saw a dispute between the two sides, fearing that they were implicated, and they ran away without paying the tea money. Others saw him and got up and left. Yang Duo-ming, naturally left the restaurant with everyone.
       Yang Duo-ming did not go far, just waiting outside the street. Not much, I saw the official sent a group of people out of the tea house and went to Tuen Mun.
       When people walked away, Yang Duo-ming returned to the restaurant. Take the money from the sleeve and hand it to the Shopkeeper, saying:
       "I didn't give money when I was drinking tea." This means that he is paying for tea.
       In the season of finding money in the shopkeeper, Yang Duo-ming said:
       "The Shopkeeper, what happened to Luoyang City?"
       The Mandarin of Yang Duo-ming said that it would not be suspicious.
       The Shopkeeper listened to a Mandarin message by Yang Duo-ming and asked:
       "Where is the guest officer? I haven't heard such a big thing?"
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I came from Fucheng, I just arrived today." Yang Duo-ming is talking about a Mandarin, and the readers like to speak Mandarin, as if they can show their own uniqueness. So Yang Duo-ming said that he came from Fucheng and would not be suspicious.
       The shopkeeper looked at Yang Duo-ming Sven, and Yang Duo-ming took the initiative to pay for the tea. He immediately said two more words:
       "It is said that the people of Zhizhou Jiang were attacked by gangsters. In order to trace the murderer everywhere, the government was arrested and looked like a gangster.
       They were all caught in Tuen Mun. Seeing that the guest officer is a scholar, I still don’t want to move around, so as not to provoke Right and wrong." Yang Duo-ming is a hundred thousand miles away from Yan-Xi, but he is not worried about being misidentified.
       Yang Duo-ming looked shocked and said:
       "What? This gangster is too bold, even went to Luoyang City to attack the Darens of Zhizhou?"
       The second child of the tea wine came together, and the thief said:
       "Who said no? I heard that the gangsters scratched the face of the Darens of the state." After that, he personally made a gesture from the forehead to the corner of his mouth:
       "I heard that this scar is so long!"
       The Shopkeeper yelled at Xiao Er and said:
       "Be your life, chew your tongue here? Be careful to get out of your mouth." If the second child provokes something wrong, then he has to be implicated.
       Yan-Xi knows that Jiang Hongjin is hurt on his face, and it is from the forehead to the neck. I immediately laughed and laughed:
       "The person who started  Erxi must have been turned away by Xiaobai face, or else it will not scratch other people faces." They just said that Jiang Hongjin broke his arm and broke his leg, but did not say that Jiang Hongjin was disfigured, so Yan -Xi has such a guess.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Whatever the reason, if the rumors outside are true, then our purpose will be reached." Jiang Hongjin disfigured, and it would not be an official.
       Yan-Xi said:
       "After the accident, Jiang Hongjin will definitely return to Capital City. In the future, if he wants to deal with him again, there will be no chance." In Capital City, it is not convenient in Luoyang, and the risk is even greater.
       Yang Duo-ming has an intuition that says:
       "In the future, it is estimated that there is no need to deal with him any more." With Wangfei temperament, it is impossible to spend a lot of human and financial resources to deal with Jiang Hongjin. And if you really want to send them to Capital City, you will definitely alarm Wangye. As far as he knows, Wangfei doesn't seem to want Wangye to know about it.
       Yan-Xi has been pondering a thing these days, but I can’t figure it out:
       "Big Brother, do you say that Wangfei has a deep hatred with this Jiang Hongjin?"
       Yang Duo-ming said with a cold face; "I said that this is the end of the matter, and I won't say it later." He promised Wangfei, and this thing will not let the third person know. If you let Wangfei know that he is leaking, how is it?
       Yan-Xi touched her mouth and said:
       "After returning to the northwest, I promise not to say a word, is it OK?"
       He does not believe that Big Brother is not curious.
       At this time, the state of Zhizhou was covered with dark clouds. Jiang Hongjin stayed in the study because he was disfigured from injury not going out. Yu-Rong was stimulated and moved, and this time he was lying in bed to raise a baby.
       Jiang Hongjin looked at Changming who came in and asked:
       "I haven't caught the gangster yet?"
       Yan-Xi is particularly embarrassed, so he believes that Yan-Xi is definitely behind the scenes.
       Chang Ming shook his head and said:
       "No, but the prefectural Daren has ordered a strict investigation, and the city gate has also been blocked. As long as the person is still in Luoyang City, it will be able to hold it." Luoyang City is so big, if you have the heart to hide, where to find it!
       Jiang Hongjin’s eyes are full of coldness and he said:
       "I haven’t caught the gangster in the past few days. It’s hard to get caught up in the future. If I can provide useful clues, I can get a hundred Silver Taels sub-rewards. If it helps to arrest the prisoners, I There will be five thousand Silver Taels rewards."
       Chang Ming opened his mouth and just wanted to say that the action was too big. I can watch the hate that Jiang Hongjin’s eyes shot, and all those words swallowed back.
       Jiang Hongjin left the study for the first time this day. I went to see Changan first. At this time, Chang-An had woke up. Compared with Jiang Hongjin, Chang-An is going to be much worse. He was beaten up by people, but the doctor said that he did not hurt the key.
       Chang-An looked at the white gauze on Jiang Hongjin's face and ‘called with a sad look:
       "2nd Master, the servant is sorry for you, the servant has not taken care of 2nd Master!"
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "This is not your fault." The biggest problem with this matter is that he thinks that the man will be the same as the last one, but he will only come to the dark, but he did not expect the other party to be daring to buy him and murder him.
       The growth is costly. And he is too expensive.
       Changan burst into tears.
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "Don't think about it, take care of it!" Then he turned and went out. Did not go back to the study but went to the backyard.
       Into the bedroom and looked at the pale Yu-Rong. Jiang Hongjin sat down and held the hands of Yu-Rong:
       "I am hurt, scare you and your child."
       For Jiang Jinjin's warmth, Yu-Rong is somewhat unnatural:
       "I'm fine. It's 2nd Master. What are you going to do about this time?"
       However, because of this fear before, the news of Jiang Hongjin's injury was passed to the backyard. Yu-Rong was a little scared, but he did not move his tires.
       The so-called temperament, but Yu-Rong deliberately made it.
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "I will let the man smash the corpse." In the words, it is the hatred of Haotian. Anyone who is being poisoned by such a person must hate the other side.
       Yu-Rong said:
       "2nd Master, the top priority is the injury on your face.
       This doctor of Luoyang City is definitely not good for the Imperial Doctor. If it is OK, it is still back to Capital City to cure the scar!" Yu-Rong is very worried that Jiang Hongjin’s face will not be an official. It is. If this is the case, there is nothing to go on in the days.
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "I have a measure of this, you take care of yourself!" He just wants to return to the capital, but also to find out behind the scenes. Being hurt like this, even the enemy did not know, what other face he returned to the capital.
       Yu-Rong looked at Jiang Hongjin's back with a look of pain. Obviously, the one after another has changed his mind and he does not know what will happen in the future.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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