Han Yuxi 790-799

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 790 Ji Qie 姬妾   

       Tie-Kui went to the house of Chou Dashan and happened to see two women.
       Tie-Kui is not a good woman, but seeing these two beautiful women is still awkward.
       The two women look exactly the same and wear the same clothes.
       This is not the most peculiar.
       The most peculiar thing is that the woman on the left is as gentle as water, and the eyes are as clear as the crystal immersed in the water; the woman on the right is charming and touching, and the eyes seem to be able to smash the soul. Like the appearance, the temperament is the opposite, standing together gives a strong visual impact.
       Chou Dashan waved the two women down and smiled at Tie-Kui:
       "Unfortunately this is the Lord, or I will definitely give it to you."
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "I can't afford this kind of beauty. I can't cope with the three of my family. I can't eat two more." Tie-Kui also has two skeletons.
       The two ones are Yan Wu-shuang. One of the rewards was sent by Chou Dashan.
       Chou Dashan patted Tie-Kui shoulder and laughed:
       "You should have a good time in this physique." In fact, Tie-Kui is not short, with a height of one meter and seven or eight. But the height of Chou Dashan is one meter eighty-six, and it is thick and strong, but Tie-Kui can't compare.
       Tie-Kui took the right moments:
       "It’s better than the general!" Chou Dashan is really good, and often let the two women serve at the same time. Of course, these words are what Chou Dashan said. As for whether or not to brag, Ann is only known to Chou Dashan.
       This flattering is very good, and Chou Dashan is refreshing from the inside out. Man, in that respect, it is definitely something to be boastful.
       Tie-Kui See Chou Dashan in a good mood, could not help but ask:
       "General, are you two beautiful people ready to give to the emperor?"
       Zhou Jing is fifteen years old and was a boy before the throne. After the throne, there were two people waiting on the scene. Now, the Ministry of Rites is choosing a queen for him.
       The Queen of Zhou Jing is not a good choice. He knows that he is a jealousy.
       Those who have great powers, no one will be willing to marry the Di Daughter who is well-educated.
       Chou Dashan smiled and said:
       "There is no weak crown in the emperor, what should I do for him? I am going to give it to Wangye." Chou Dashan did not actually put Zhou Jing in his eyes. In his mind, there is only one true master, and that is Yan Wu-shuang.
       Tie-Kui was very surprised and asked:
       “Woulye will want it?”
       Tie-Kui is the confidant of Chou Dashan, so I know more than others. For example, Yan Wu-shuang and Han Yu-Chen have only the name of a husband and ‘Madam’ but no husband and ‘Madam’.
       Chou Dashan Said:
       "Wangye is also a man! How can you not see such a beautiful couple? I want to say that this woman is so beautiful that she will not wait for men to be white.
       "Yu Yu-Chen is indeed the first beauty in the world, but what is the use? It is always cold and ice-like, and Wangye is not touched. When she is a fairy, Wangye is used to her. Changed to him, early treatment to obey the post.
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "What the general said is. But where is the beauty, where did the general search?"
       Tie-Kui took over the house after the takeover of Tie-Kui. Since you want to live under the eyes of Yan Wu-shuang, you certainly can't seem too different. However, Tie-Kui also insists that the two sisters must not have children before the ‘Madam’ has given birth to the eldest son.
       Chou Dashan said with a smile:
       "I bought it at a big price." The best of such things can be met.
       On the same day, Tie-Kui returned home and heard a very bad news. Yan Wu-shuang sent the 妾--Shi was pregnant, it has been more than a month.
       Tie-Kui is black, his ‘Madam’ Xiao--Shi has not moved yet, and this land--Shi is pregnant:
       "what happened?"
       He had already ordered that the two ‘servants should take the scorpion soup after each incident, and now it is definitely a flaw.
       Xiao--Shi is also very angry, said:
       "Every time I have let them take the soup." Lu--Shi is now pregnant, not drinking or falling down, or the medicine is dumped. I have to say that Lu-Shi is also a powerful character.
       Tie-Kui is silent:
       "Since I can drink my medicine, it is also God's will." He is now twenty-seven. If he orders to remove the child of Shi-Shi, he will definitely provoke Yan Wu Shuang's suspicion, in order to be safe, this child must stay.
       Xiao--Shi has a white face and says:
       "I know." Although Xiao--Shi had already guessed that Tie-Kui would leave this child, I could still hear it in my heart.
       See Tie-Kui and leave without going back. Xiao--Shi is wronged.
       Zhong-Shan sees Tie-Kui in a bad mood and said:
       "No matter what, this is your bones, you should be happy." Even if you are not feeling well, you should be happy outside.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "What's so happy? Don't say Lu--Shi, this child can't ask, just say two Xiao--Shi, even if both of them are in control, can they manage their children?"
       Tie-Kui is deeply influenced by the people who read the books and are especially young and orderly. So this time, Tie-Kui was very disappointed with her. He made a speech and told Xiao--Shi that Tie-Kui concubine could not be pregnant before he could have the eldest son, but she still let Lu-Shi become pregnant. Explosive land--Shi pregnancy did not want to solve this problem, but throw the problem to him.
       Zhong-Shan comforts:
       "Madam is still young, and he is still in the depths of the year. Where is the battle over the land--Shi, a trained woman."
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "Rang Pozi is not too difficult to watch as they will avoid eating." This is not a conspiracy. To put it bluntly, it is Xiao--Shi too light enemy is too negligent.
       This time, I hope she can get a lesson!
       The two beautiful women Chou Dashan found were sent to Yan-Yangfu on the same day. Yan Wu-shuang saw these two beautiful women and smiled:
       "Dashan is also bothering." If the shoulder is cut into the waist, if the muscles are condensed, if the muscles are condensed, if you are fascinating, you will be considered the best.
       Waiting for two beautiful people to go down, Tang Bo said:
       “If Wangye likes it, let them wait for you at night!”
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded:
       "Good." Yan Wu-shuang is not a female color, but it does not mean that he is not close to a female color. Not close to the female color, it is only good for the eunuch or Longyang.
       This incident was passed to Gui Mama early in the morning. Gui Mama was a little worried, but looking at the quiet Yu-Chen, she couldn't say anything.
       After Yu-Chen finished reading, he got up and asked Gui Mama:
       "You look so ugly, but what's the matter?"
       Gui Mama said:
       "Someone sent a pair yesterday sister sister flowers to Wangye, Wangye has already taken them to the house -." Although I have not seen these two women, Gui Mama is very worried.
       Thinking of Yu-Chen's attitude, Gui Mama sighed. When they reached this point, they insisted that they would not let Yan-Wang close, and that a man could not stand it for a long time. But this thing can't be persuaded. It's hard to see Yu-Chen's face.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "He married his ‘Madam’, Nayong, and has nothing to do with us." She did not regard Yan Wu-shuang as her husband, nor did she want to stay in Yan-Wang for a lifetime, so what did Yan Wu-shuang say to him? Don't care.
       Gui Mama sighed and said nothing.
       Soon, Jui-You Pozi sent breakfast. Because Yu-Chen was very cold to Yan Wu-shuang, annoyed Tang Bo. So during this time, the living conditions of Yu-Chen and Gui Mama plummeted. For example, the recent breakfast, only white rice porridge with vegetarian buns, even no side dishes, like the Yu-Chen's breakfast, full of a table.
       Today's breakfast has changed. Looking at the things on the table, Gui Mama blushes and asks for the Pozi dish to deliver the dishes:
       "Do you dare to bring these things to Imperial Consort?"
       The porridge is full of turbid color, and it is a bad rice bran.
       Then there is the black face nest, and at first glance, there is no appetite.
       Yu-Chen didn't say anything, took the nest and ate it. Although it was unpalatable, Yu-Chen frowned and frowned.
       Gui Mama tears fell and said:
       "Imperial Consort, you will lower this head!" If you continue this way, you can't even eat the nest and the rice porridge.
       Yu-Chen bites the tooth:
       "You can't eat dead." This is too early. Because I ate this moldy Chen Mi, I pulled up my stomach that day.
       Tang Bo heard this and said:
       "It’s just that eating the wrong thing and pulling the belly is not a big deal." Because of the lack of Yu-Chen, Dr. Tang Bolian did not give it.
       Let Tang Bo not think that it was that Yu-Chen launched a high fever that night, and that Yu-Chen was too expensive, and could not stand the toss.
       Tang Bo reported the matter to Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "I have already invited her to the doctor. Wangye, this Han-shi, what is your idea? If you like it, you will receive the house don't let her die all day. If you don't like to go directly to the temple. Go, let her die." This will, Tang Bo is not sure what Yan Wu-shuang thinks.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It’s not a problem in her house."
       Tang Bo was silent and said:
       "Wangfei, you should marry your ‘Madam’ and children." Family inheritance, still need to rely on the blind.
       The two outside, after all, are just blind.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head:
       "Don't say it later, I won't marry my ‘Madam’." For whatever reason, he did not say.
       Tang Bo is now more and more ignorant of Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Why is Wangye not married?"
       I am willing to marry the Shiqie but I don’t want to marry my ‘Madam’. I don’t know what to think.
       In the face of the increasingly embarrassing Tang Bo, Yan Wu-shuang feels that he is almost impatient:
       "I don't want to worry about it, why are there so many?"
       Tang Bo saw Yan Wu-shuang angry and didn't dare to ‘call again.
       At this time, Meng-nian hurried in and said to Yan Wu-shuang:
       “Wangye, our people found the trail of Zhou-Yan.”
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Immediately arrested. I will hand it over to Zhou Jing for disposal." The inconvenient to do will leave anonymity, he is now thrown to Zhou Jing.
       Meng-nian went on immediately.
       Also on the same day, Yan Wu-shuang got the news that Yu-xi would open the exam in the northwest. Yan Wu-shuang kept the note in his hand on the table and said:
       "This woman, my heart is really big." Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi now do not agree with the Emperor Zhou Jing. So for the order of the court, the husband and ‘Madam’ simply did not care, 1148 

       Chapter 791 Beauty   

       Three days later, Yan Wu-shuang got the news and Zhou-Yan caught it.
       Meng-nian looked at Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Wangye, Zhou Yu and the former empress did not die in the words of the sorrow. However, we can not trace the whereabouts." Yu Xi Yuyan went to Lingshan, died at the end of the twelfth lunar month. Because it is the New Year, the loss is very simple.
       Yan Wu-shuang dislikes Zhou Xuan and the Song family. He has no concern about the Yuyan.
       Therefore, the death of the cherished Yuyan did not attract his attention.
       Yan Wu-shuang flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes:
       "Tell the past, if you can't trace the whereabouts of Zhou Wei, let them come to see."
       Meng-nian nodded:
       "Yes." The hatred of the self Masters to Zhou Xuan is no longer clearer than the years around them.
       Yan Wu-shuang went to the backyard and looked at the Yu-Chen who was eating the Buddha. He said:
       "Do you know that this is a matter of sorrow?"
       Looking at Yu-Chen's awkward look, Yan Wu-shuang knew she didn't know:
       "Not only did the sacred Yuyan die, but Zhou Hao did not die. On the same day, Zhou Jing’s alliance with me should be the intention of that week. I don’t think you know about it.” Yan Wu-shuang was in a bad mood, he thought he was revengeful.
       The result was actually put together by the enemy. Fortunately, he started quickly, or else the Liaodong Army was infiltrated by Zhou Jing, and it was him who died in the dead.
       Yu-Chen clenched the beads and suddenly trembled.
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckles:
       "I always thought that Zhou Jing really loves you, but now it is just like this." These royals, the most fun, even he cheated. I have to say that he is still too small to see these people.
       Yu-Chen’s heart is in the fire, saying:
       "These are secret things, I don't need to know." When Zhou Jing handed the Crown Prince Zhou Yi to Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Chen was actually suspicious. With Zhou Jing temperament, you should not betray your own pro-zhizi. Again, the child is not right. It’s just that Yu-Chen buried all the doubts in my heart, no one knows.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and suddenly asked Yu-Chen a question:
       "Han Yu-Xi married a Yun-Qing  with all her heart and heart? Are you envious of her?"
       Yu-Chen said:
       "She has her life, I live my days, nothing to envy." Everyone has the fate of everyone, some things, envy and envy.
       Yan Wu-shuang said something awkwardly:
       "Actually, I am envious of Yun-Qing . I even let him smash Han Yu-Xi." Such a woman was actually stunned by Yun-Qing , and she had to say Yun-Qing  had luck. Very good, at least better than him.
       Yu-Chen remembered what Yan Wu-shuang had asked her before, and there was an incredible thought in her heart:
       "You look at Yu-Xi?"
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "You have nothing to be said about it." He has never seen Han Yu-Xi, how could he see her. Well, this is not true. In fact, he is very interested in Han Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Chen's face is red, ‘calling:
       "You are shameless." Even the ‘Madam’ of a woman, there are more shameless people than this!
       Yan Wu-shuang’s smile on his face did not fade, saying:
       "I will come over tonight, you wash me and wait for me." A very embarrassing statement, can be said from Yan Wu-shuang's mouth, but it is so calm.
       After saying this, Yan Wu-shuang looked at the beads in the hands of Yu-Chen and said:
       "These things are all thrown at me."
       Back to the front yard, Yan Wu-shuang and Meng-nian said:
       "You said what Yun-Qing  has gone, and let him get on the Hann Yu-Xi?"
       Yan Wu-shuang doesn't look like Yun-Qing . In Yan Wu-shuang's eyes, Yun-Qing  is a foolish idiot. When you kill the enemy and take the military power of Bolai, you can't make a smooth promotion. Because the reputation is out, I was brought to the attention of the Song family, and I have to be secret to him. Later, the Qin Family had always harmed him. As a result, Yun-Qing  had been retreating to the Qin Family because of the grace of Qin Yuanshuai. It is also his life, otherwise the grave is already full of grass.
       Meng-nian didn't think much, said:
       “Han-shi is ambitious, and it is not necessarily a good thing to marry such a woman?”
       Meng-nian is also a big man, can't stand being caught by a woman on the head.
       Yan Wu-shuang looked up at the sky and said:
       "Your thoughts are very narrow." But not narrow, what about women? As long as you have the ability, you can still use it. And if there is no Han-shi to assist him, Yun-Qing  will not be able to go today.
       Meng-nian is silent.
       Yan Wu-shuang suddenly laughed and said:
       "Do you know? Just now Han Ceefei said that I saw Hann Yu-Xi?"
       Han Yu-Chen in addition to * in the brain, there is nothing else to think about.
       Meng-nian is the confidant of Yan Wu-shuang. He has been with him for many years and still knows about Yan Wu-shuang temperament.
       “Wangye appreciates Pingxi Wangfei!” It’s absolutely impossible to say it. I have never seen Han Yu-Xi in my home Wangye, how can I see her.
       The reason why the Hann Yu-Xi is so concerned is that she is regarded as an opponent. It is also a lucky thing to make his family Wangye an opponent.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I heard that Han Yu-Xi is very blessed with Zhu Yu Yu Run. I don't know if it is true?"
       If you want Yu-Xi to hear that you are being evaluated by people, it is estimated that it will be sprayed.
       Meng-nian said:
       "According to our news, Han-shi is very beautiful." If you only have a pearl, you can hold Yun-Qing  in your hand.
       Knowing the idea of ​​Meng-nian, Yan Wu-shuang is scornful:
       "Han-shi can eat Yun-Qing , not relying on the face, it is here." Finished, pointed to the head. It means relying on the brain, not on the face.
       Meng-nian said:
       "If Han-shi is ugly, it would be useless to be smart." The face is the foundation. If the ugly woman let the man back away, Han Yu-Xi is smart and white.
       In fact, the news that was discovered was different. It is said that Yu-Xi is very beautiful, and it is said that Yu-Xi is very general, and there is a saying that Yu-Xi is a blessing.
       Yan Wu-shuang is a smile, saying:
       "You said, is there really a man who can still sit in the face of a peerless beauty?"
       In this regard, Yan Wu-shuang is very interested and would like to try it out.
       Meng-nian immediately learned the idea of ​​Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Wangye, the beauty is not useful for Pingxi Wang." Nor is it not used, and ultimately ended in failure.
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckles:
       "The beauty plan is not useless, it is not useful. If it is used well, it is worth more than a thousand horses." If Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-Xi turn against each other, the northwest will not break.
       Therefore, to solve the enemy, it must be disintegrated from the inside.
       Meng-nian nodded:
       "Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-Xi, if it is against the enemy, it is a good deal. Just, it is very difficult." The husband and ‘Madam’ are both good at making a good job, and it is terrible. Once it's a suspicion, it's a good deal. It’s not that it’s just hard to just let the two get up.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "This is not anxious." The northwest thing can be settled in the end. I will deal with the problem at hand.
       In the evening, Yan Wu-shuang brought Yu-Chen to the yard where he lived. Into the bedroom looking at the face of the flushing only with a gauze Yu-Chen, even Yan Wu-shuang with strong self Control, the throat can not help but roll.
       On the second morning, Gui Mama burst into tears with Yu-Chen, who was pale:
       "Imperial Consort, cry out when you feel bad in your heart!" Cried, and my heart felt better.
       Yu-Chen said softly:
       "Prepare water, I want to bathe."
       After washing it twice, Yu-Chen used breakfast and then went to bed.
       This process, no more words. Gui Mama is worried that Yu-Chen will not want to open, and stay at her side.
       After living in Yunfu for nearly a month, Fu Tianlei house was finally packed up, ready to move with the family.
       Chen-shi came and resigned with Yu-Xi. During this time, Yu-Xi used the highest specifications for their hospitality. It was Chen-shi who asked Yu-Xi to let Quan Mama help her pick her body, and Yu-Xi did not refuse. Of course, Quan Mama just puts the medicine according to the doctor's words, and then gives the medicine to Chen-shi to let her fry.
       This process will not take much time. Otherwise, Quan Mama will not agree.
       Chen-shi said with gratitude:
       "Through this time, I would like to thank Wangfei for taking care of it. If it weren't for Wangfei, I guess I have to lie in bed now!" Now Chen-shi can also walk a small circle in the garden.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "General Fu is the friend of my family Wangye.
       This is nothing." This means that she is looking at Fu Tianlei share, otherwise she will not care how Chen-shi is.
       Chen-shi looks stiff.
       Didn't wait for the two to say a few words, Mei-Yun came over and reported:
       "Wangfei, Tan Daren and An Daren wait in the outer court."
       Yu-Xi got up and said to Chen-shi:
       "Sorry, I will go to the next thing." For Chen-shi, she is not willing to talk politely. Otherwise, Chen-shi will definitely climb up with a pole. I have no patience with Chen-shi and Yu-Xi.
       After Fu Jia moved to his house, Chen-shi sent an invitation to Fu Qing luo. Unfortunately, Fu Qing luo refused on the grounds of safety.
       Chen-shi looks very ugly and says:
       "I don't know what Han-shi said to Qing luo?"
       I remember that Qing lu was still fine when she first came to see her, but she would not come to see her again. Later, Chen-shi heard that Fu Qing luo went to see Han-shi after seeing her.
       He Mama said:
       "Madam, you have to keep your body in good health. Others, let's talk about it after the illness is good." Chen-shi How about Fu Qing luo, He Mama is clear.
       Chen-shi shook his head:
       "No, I can't let Qing lu misunderstand me. When I settle down, I have to go see her." She can't let Qing luo get away from her.
       He Mama advised:
       "Madam, the general has not forgiven the Gu-Nai-Nai yet, and he did not recognize the marriage. If you go to the Yang family, the general will be unhappy."
       Chen-shi said:
       "General temperament, you don't know it? The most loved the green radish. Now I don't understand that the green radish is still his tone. After this tone is gone, the brother-sister can be reconciled." I have been sleeping with the bed for so many years, but I still don’t know the temperament of Fu Tianlei.
       He Mama Said:
       "To see Gu-Nai-Nai, you must first say something to the general!" Although He Mama didn't know what Yu-Xi said with Fu Qing luo, but from the performance of Fu Qing luo, Gu-Sister In-law wants to be as good as ever, hard.

       Chapter 792 Change   

       Zhou-Yan grabbed back to Capital City, and Zhou Jing did not execute him, but left him in the palace.
       This news was quickly spread throughout the capital.
       Meng-nian was so angry that she said:
       "Wangye, Zhou Jing can't stay." If you don't have a good wing, you dare to violate the meaning of Wangye. You can't kill them if you have a good wing.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not angry, said:
       "It's fine, see what he wants to do!" If Zhou Jing really wants to be against him, he shouldn't choose it at this time. What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, he still wants to have a good look.
       Soon, there were eunuchs coming to Yan Wu-shuang to go to the palace.
       Zhou Jing met Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "I was physically injured. I can't have any children in this life, so I want to leave Zhou-Yan." Instead of consulting Yan Wu-shuang, I would like to inform Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang was a little surprised, he couldn't have a son, and he really didn't know.
       However, I was amazed, but the face was not half-pointed. Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "You are the emperor now, you can do whatever you want, no one can stop it." The face is smiling, but there is no trace of temperature in the eyes.
       Zhou Jing is not angry, he said:
       "Yes? Do you really put my emperor in your eyes? Or do you really have my father-king and the Grandmother in mind?"
       If Yan Wu-shuang is really good to him, it will make him suffer so much.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not speak.
       Zhou Jing said straight away:
       "Yan Wu-shuang, in fact, you push me up but I want to be a servant. Your real purpose is actually to push down Zhou-shi. If you kill the royal family, I am right?"
       Since I knew that my body was hurt, I couldn’t have a child in the future, and Zhou Jing couldn’t stand it anymore. Anyway, Zhou Jing is just a fifteen-year Old boy.
       Yan Wu-shuang raised an eyebrow and said:
       "What about it? No, how?"
       He really didn't really care about Zhou Jing. Every time he saw Zhou Jing, he remembered the tragic family.
       Zhou Jing said with a look of anger,
       "I know I can't handle you, but I won't let you sit in this position safely." Zhou Jing has hate in his heart, but he has been suppressed all the time. Now his grievances have been deliberately hooked up.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head:
       "How much is your father-king is a person who is intelligent and forbearing, but he did not expect to have such an idiot like you." Only three months later, he was provoked.
       No one knows that Yan Wu-shuang is really not interested in the throne.
       This is also the case, since Zhou Jing's accession to the throne, he did not let other people close to Zhou Jing. As a result, he was very disappointed.
       Zhou Jing Yang Yang:
       "One of the most wrong things about my father-king is that I shouldn't hand you over to you." In these years, Yan Wu-shuang didn't let him study, and he didn't teach him strategy. He didn't let him touch the big things. . Only teach him to kill, kill, and kill.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "If you didn't have me, you died early." After a pause, Yan Wu-shuang stopped talking to Zhou Jing and said:
       "Say? What do you want?"
       Zhou Jing said:
       "I want to establish Zhou-Yan for the Crown Prince."
       Yan Wu-shuang took a deep look at Zhou Jing and then smiled and said:
       "As you wish." Since the opportunity will not be grasped, then let him go!
       Zhou Jing looked at Yan Wu-shuang's back and clasped his hands. In fact, Zhou Jing hated Yan Wu-shuang since he knew his identity. He knew that he was the pride of the sky, but he had to endure the inhuman temper.

       Chapter 793 The Queen Mother (1)   

       Zhou Jing wanted to establish Zhou-Yan as the emperor's brother, and spread it throughout the capital.
       Even the pawn and the pawn, I know.
       Lin Fengyuan is now a book for the military, and Yan Wu-shuang is also very valued to him, so he has a lot of rights. With this news, Lin Fengyuan frowned and said:
       "The emperor was only fifteen years old this year, and he would even set up Zhou-Yan as the emperor?"
       I always feel that this is not a big deal.
       Gu Ji said:
       "Now it is rumored that the emperor knew that he could not have a son after he was physically damaged, so he had to establish Zhou-Yan as the Crown Prince."
       Lin Fengyuan thinks this rumor is very funny:
       “Zhou Jing is only fifteen years old, and even his ‘Madam’ is not jealous. How do you know that you can’t have any more children?”
       Although Zhou Jing is already a woman, she has not officially married her ‘Madam’.
       Gu Ji did not agree with this statement and said:
       "There is no wind. And Zhou Jing is not a fool. He should have diagnosed it himself by the Imperial Doctor."
       Lin Fengyuan turned to look at Gu Jiu and said:
       "Change to you, when you are fifteen, you are told that you can't have a son in the future. What do you do?"
       Gu Jiu did not want to say:
       "Daren, I already have a woman." So, this assumption is not true.
       After that, I also looked at Lin Fengyuan in a vague way. It seems to be saying that the boss has already married his ‘Madam’, but there are still no children!
       Lin Fengyuan’s mouth was pumped and he decided not to compare with Gu Jiu:
       "Being told that the body can't have children, normal people are sure to seek medical treatment. And even if you really can't have children, you will only die and let others know." Zhou Jing Li Zhou-Yan This cousin is Huangtai Brother, isn’t he calling people in the world? He can’t have children.
       This behavior is very weird.
       Gu Ji said:
       "Who knows what he is thinking?"
       Zhou Jing's temper is very tyrannical. It has only been more than three months since he was enthroned. He is more than a dozen people. Although it is said that there is no pro-government, everyone knows that this person is definitely a tyrant.
       Lin Feng said:
       "The strange thing is that Yan Wu-shuang would agree? I don't know what conspiracy he has." It is also Yan Wu-shuang's old-fashioned image is too deep in people home, causing conspiracy regardless of what he does.
       Gu Ji shook his head and said that it was not clear:
       "Yan-Wang is thinking about something, we can't guess it. But Zhou Jing is taught by Yan Wu-shuang, and he should know what Zhou Jing is thinking."
       Tie-Kui didn't care about Zhou-Yan being a royal Lady. At this time, the headache was Yan Wu-shuang, which had nothing to do with him. But this Tie-Kui is not calm. Because Chou Dashan accidentally said that he missed his mouth, he said that Yan Wu-shuang wanted to use the beauty of Yun-Qing  with Tie-Kui. It is also because of trust Tie-Kui, plus he knows that Tie-Kui has a tight mouth, so some things will not be squatting.
       Tie-Kui was shocked, but he said very calmly:
       "Yun-Qing  is very affectionate to Han-shi.
       The average woman can't provoke the feelings of their husband and ‘Madam’." I have to say that Yan Wu-shuang is very sinister, but if successful, it can be worth thousands of troops. horse.
       Chou Dashan said cheerfully:
       "There are no cats in the world who are not stealing. Yun-Qing  is a man, and you will not dislike beauty. In addition, Han-shi has not yet had a Yun-Qing  son, and he wants Yun-Qing  for his son. Will be guilty." The only trouble is that this candidate has to be innocent and not suspicious, but also has enough mental means to protect himself, otherwise it will be destroyed by Han-shi.
       The image of Yu-Xi ‘Madam’ and venom is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "It’s also true. But I heard that Han-shi is very good. Generally, women can’t move Yun-Qing ?”
       Yu-Xi has the Yun-Qing  support that everything is now. If Yun-Qing  has an outside heart, Yu-Xi can be in jeopardy.
       Chou Dashan shook his head and said:
       "Beauty is not a problem.
       The only trouble is not knowing what kind of Yun-Qing  likes?"
       Not only does it look good, it has to be able to impress Yun-Qing .
       Tie-Kui turned his mind and deliberately said in a pitiful tone:
       "Unfortunately, Han Yu-Chen is already a person of Wangye, or else she will be sent to the northwest . In the face of such a peerless beauty, Yun-Qing  will certainly not hold it." After that, add another sentence:
       "And it’s a good story to pass the emperor."
       Chou Dashan was not happy when he heard this, and said:
       "You can't say this afterwards. If you let Wangye hear you will be severely punished." Han Yu-Chen is now a woman from Wangye, taking Han Yu-Chen out of the matter, it is disrespectful to Wangye. .
       Tie-Kui is busy:
       "I also said casually."
       The two talked for a long time, until the evening Tie-Kui still did not leave. Tie-Kui deliberately said something difficult:
       "General, let me borrow a night?"
       Chou Dashan is happy to hear this:
       "Why, with you  Erxi quarreled?"
       Only when I quarrel with  Erxi, I don't want to go home.
       Tie-Kui said very annoyed:
       "Cough, since the land--Shi is pregnant, the family does not stop. It is tired and half dead outside, and they have to listen to them crying and crying, and the suffocation is dead." Tie-Kui previous shortcoming was greed, now I want to add The inner house is restless.
       Chou Dashan laughed and patted Tie-Kui shoulder:
       "It’s not a problem to hide. Women, that is, they can’t be too used to.
       They dare to hang out and hang out, and they will shun them for a while.” This is Chou Dashan’s experience.
       The hottest, Tie-Kui still couldn’t stay in the house for the night, but returned to Tiefu with a gloomy face. As soon as I entered the house, I saw a Servant looking at him with anxiety.
       "Old Master- , Concubine is not feeling well, Old Master, let's go see it!" This time because Tie-Kui showed the importance of the children in the belly--Shi belly--shi -shi didn't stop for a moment, even Xiao--Shi gave her a three-pointer.
       Tie-Kui said with a cold face:
       "If you are uncomfortable, please ask the doctor. I am not a doctor." After that, I went to the study room.
       That little Servant is dumbfounded.
       Five days later, Yu-Xi received a painting from Tie-Kui. Yun-Qing  looked at the painting for a long time, said depressed:
       "Send a beautiful figure, what is the mute mystery?"
       Something to say, always get a riddle to make people guess, very tired.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I think it should be telling me that Yan Wu-shuang may want to use beauty for you, let me be careful." On the face, I was more vigilant. I was able to send such a painting to Yan, indicating that Yan Wu-shuang has already taken action.
       Yun-Qing  looked at the picture again and thought that Yu-Xi made a lot of sense and couldn't help but laugh:
       "You have never seen it, why is it so tacit?"
       Yu-Xi tilted Yun-Qing  and said:
       "This is easy to guess." Women are naturally keen, and Yu-Xi is a leader. In addition to this painting, it was sent by Tie-Kui. In addition to the beauty, Yu-Xi can't think of anything else.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang can't do anything about it? Is it necessary to use beauty for me?"
       I don't know if the beauty is useless to him.
       Yu-Xi will not beat or test the stupidity of Yun-Qing  now:
       “Yan Wu-shuang likes to be beautiful, and thinks that the man in the world is like him.” Quan Mama is not married, but the theoretical knowledge is very rich. She taught Yu-Xi that it would be a good thing for a man to let go of his body, and that he would be happy, and then hold the person high, and the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ would be harmonious. Over the past year, Yu-Xi has done a good job. No matter what the outside person said about her strength, Yun-Qing  never felt it.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "It’s also true. Since Yan Wu-shuang likes you 3rd sister, why not marry her as a ‘Madam’, but instead want him to be right?"
       Yu-Xi is very unspeakable to Yan Wu-shuang, saying:
       "It is estimated that you want to marry the daughter of the innocent body, Miss Kiss!"
       Yun-Qing  did not pick up the words of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi frowned:
       "I don't know why Yan Wu-shuang promised to establish Zhou-Yan as the emperor?"
       Zhou-Yan was established as the emperor, and Yu-Chen became the mother of Zhou-Yan but became his Ceefei.
       This is a shameful shame for Zhou-Yan. Later, Zhou-Yan grew up and certainly will not let Yan Wu-shuang. Of course, Yu-Xi also knows that Zhou-Yan will be gone without waiting for Darenhood. It can be done by Yan Wu-shuang, but it still makes Yu-Xi a bit overwhelming. She always thought that she was not afraid of the gossip outside, but it was really incomparable with Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Maybe he really loves you 3rd sister, so he will set up Zhou-Yan as the emperor."
       Yu-Xi snorted and said:
       "My 3rd sister is very beautiful, and Yan Wu-shuang is not surprised to see her. But if she loves her, it is impossible to decide. If she really loves her, she will not be able to return to her." To be a person, you have to be the same as Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing  is most afraid of discussing the things of men and women with Yu-Xi. When I accidentally, I will burn the upper body:
       "Listen to Tan Tuo, the results of this child test are not ideal." The three provinces started the test together, and only 567 children passed the test.
       This is only the first game. I don't know if I can still have one tenth of the time after the second game.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "The northwest is sparsely populated, and it is not as popular as the northwest.
       The children's test can have more than 300 people, and it's not bad." In fact, the requirements are lowered, otherwise these numbers are gone.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "The imperial court has preferential treatment for the scholars.
       The scholars can exempt the tax of 20 acres of land, and raise 200 people and 1 thousand yuan.
       These rules can be cancelled." The northwest falls in the hands of Yun-Qing , and all the welfare of the scholars are No more. For example, the twins, the former court will give living expenses to the deaf students every month, after Yun-Qing  occupied the northwest, there is no more.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Can't cancel, if you cancel, who will go to the expedition. But the number of tax-free fields can be reduced appropriately."
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       "The scholarship is five acres, 50 acres of people, two hundred acres of scholars. And the shop has to pay taxes, can not be less than the tax of merchants."
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "The front can be done according to what you said! The latter is not yet available." The decree is not just an empty mouth, but especially when it comes to taxation, it is more cautious.
       After the husband and ‘Madam’ finished talking, Jao-Jao also returned from the front yard. In the first half of the month, Jao-Jao passed the life is not dead! But now I am used to it, and Jao-Jao is happy. I am willing to come back every time I have to go to the meal. Up to now, Yu-Xi feels that Jao-Jao, Yatou, is a natural fit for martial arts.
       Ps: I only know today, the number of words I added later, there is no display on the other side of the book city. /(tot)/-, did not know before June, 1148 

       Chapter 794 The Emperor (2)   

       Yan Wu-shuang came back from the palace and said something to Meng-nian:
       "The emperor gave Zhou-Yan a nickname called Abu.
       "If it wasn't for the first two days, Meng-nian told him that the dog that was killed by Zhou Jing was called Abu. I really don't think much about such a nickname, Yan Wu-shuang.
       “Is this what it means to be Zhou-Yan as a pet?”
       If not, why would you take such a nickname.
       Yan Wu-shuang also had this idea, but did not say it.
       Meng-nian deliberately said:
       "Wangye, or replace Zhou Jing, let Zhou-Yan go on! Zhou-Yan is just a yellow mouth child, even if you want to make trouble, it will take more than ten years." Zhou-Yan full The virtual age is only five years old, waiting for his pro-government, twelve years later.
       Yan Wu-shuang said in one sentence:
       "Zhou-Yan and I have the murder of the father." Zhou Jing and Zhou-Yan, in fact, there is no difference.
       Meng-nian sighed and said:
       "In fact, no matter who is in the upper position, it is not good for us, unless it is Wangye, you are your own superior." Only Yan Wu-shuang became the emperor himself, which fundamentally solved the problem.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "The time has not arrived." He was really not interested in the chair, but at this point there is no way out, he can only climb up, because once he retreats, it means death. His life is also hard to get back, and he can be thrown into the hands of others.
       In the evening, Yu-Chen sent Gui Mama to Yan Wu-shuang to use the evening meal.
       This is the first time Yu-Chen Jin Yan-Wang has put down his body. Purpose, it goes without saying.
       Yan Wu-shuang also gave a face and went to the yard of Yu-Chen at night. Before using the meal, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "What is said beforehand." In fact, Yan Wu-shuang knows what Yu-Chen is asking, but he wants to see his son.
       Yu-Chen saw it and no longer turned around, saying:
       "I haven't seen you for more than three months. I want to go to the palace to see him and ask Wangye to be perfect."
       Yan Wu-shuang also did not refuse, which is only a small matter for him:
       "As long as you will wait for me, I will naturally meet your requirements."
       Yu-Chen lowered his head and said after a long sound:
       "Okay." Before the couple had been real, now I can only feel the feelings. Furthermore, Yu-Chen really missed his son. Before her son was hidden, she always worried that her son would be caught and lost her life. Now her son is not in the heart of the palace.
       Yan Wu-shuang's physical strength is unmatched by Zhou Jing. When Yu-Chen woke up on the second day, he could not walk.
       Gui Mama watched Yu-Chen's body was blue and purple and wiped a tear. In the past, my own master had suffered such a crime:
       "Imperial Consort, the water is ready, let's make a bubble!" Now, the master and the servant have returned to their previous standards of living.
       In the afternoon, Yu-Chen entered the palace and saw Zhou-Yan Yu-Chen rushed up to hold him in his arms.
       "Hey, my shi-zi."
       The royal child is early, and Zhou-Yan is five years old and already sensible. And Yu-Chen remarried, the people around him have already told him. Zhou-Yan has resentment against Yu-Chen, but he faces the mother who hurts him like Zhurubao. He can't say anything that is vicious. Just struggling to push Yu-Chen away and ‘calling:
       "You go, I don't want to see you." The days of hiding in Tibet are not good. In the past few months, Zhou-Yan has suffered too much. When he was arrested, he was also very scared.
       How could Yu-Chen let go, this is her only concern, the only thought:
       "Hey, my mother is sorry for you, and the mother should go with you." Follow Zhou-Yan, even if something really happened, it will die, not as much suffering as it is now.
       Gui Mama crouched on the floor and cried and said:
       "His Crown Prince, these days, Imperial Consort is worried about your safety, the tea is not fragrant, and people are not. If you say this, isn't it the heart of Imperial Consort?"
       Yu-Chen has lost a lot of these days, and now it is really light as a swallow.
       Yu-Chen touched Zhou-Yan's face and said with tears:
       "Hey, I know that you hate the mother, I am sorry for you Fu Huang. Niang also wants to see you Fu Huang, but the mother can not worry about you. If the mother is gone, what should I do if I leave you alone? ”
       Zhou-Yan was also very wronged and immediately cried.
       The mother and son were together and cried for a long time. Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, we don't have much time, you have to talk to your Highness!" Before dark, they had to go back to the palace.
       Yu-Chen wiped her tears and hugged Zhou-Yan to sit on the couch and touched Zhou-Yan's thin face and asked:
       "Hey, can these days be fine?"
       Zhou-Yan is Yu-Chen with a big hand and a deep feeling. Even if there are other people who provoke the mother-child relationship, but because the mother and son are not separated for a long time, the effect is not significant. Of course, Yu-Chen's skinny appearance is one of the reasons why Zhou-Yan is soft.
       Zhou-Yan shook his head:
       "Not good." Being chased, where can I live well. In order to hurry, I haven’t squatted after eating. Even in order to avoid the pursuit, you have to hide in the mountains. You can't make a fire in the mountains, you can only eat raw food when you hit the prey.
       The first time I ate the living thing, he vomited when he ate.
       Yu-Chen's tears almost came again, but she resisted. I immediately said a lot to Zhou-Yan, these things are the first to say. She used to think that Zhou-Yan was still young, and she was not worried about her protection. But now, I can say how much. Even if it is awkward, she will not retain it.
       Said Yu-Chen, the son of the sand is mute:
       "Hey, if you encounter something difficult in the palace in the future, you send someone to tell the mother." For the son, she must change the current situation.
       Zhou-Yan is only a child who is under five years old.
       The escape life of these days also makes him feel uneasy. Now Yu-Chen has been soothed and has a lot of heart, and immediately nodded to:
       "Okay." After that, he took the hand of Yu-Chen and said:
       "Mother, when will you come to see me next time?"
       Yu-Chen touched the head of Zhou-Yan and said:
       "Mother will come to see you in a few days."
       Back Wang Fu, Yu-Chen and Gui Mama said:
       "Mama, I can't have any more children." Yan-Wang Fuli, the woman who served Yan Wu-shuang did not take the word-avoiding medicine, Yu-Chen is no exception. Yu-Chen doesn't want Yan Wu-shuang's child, she has enough children.
       Gui Mama knows what Yu-Chen thinks and says:
       “Imperial Consort, it’s hard to find a cure.” It’s not that hard, it’s very difficult. Even if you get the medicine, you can't eat it in the palace. Nowadays, several Pozi in the yard, they are still not in the cage, as long as there is a change will be discovered. In addition, Gui Mama actually wants Yu-Chen to give Yan Wu-shuang a child. With the child Yu-Chen in the Wang Fu is a firm foothold. Otherwise, after a few years of ageing, the days in the palace will not be easy. She is a half-bone buried in the soil and has lived for a few years. Yu-Chen is still young, and the road ahead is still very long. She does not want Yu-Chen to be miserable for the rest of her life.
       Gui Mama thinks this because she thinks that Zhou Jing and Zhou-Yan are long-lasting. Yan Wu-shuang is not a kind-hearted person, he will not be a long-time man.
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "Things are artificial. And, I am not going to be now."
       Gui Mama sighed and said:
       "Imperial Consort, you must take care of your body." This time is too thin to be disfigured, and then I will not know how long it will last.
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "I will take care of myself." For the sake of her son, she must also take care of herself.
       These days, Yu-Chen, but now for the son, she must cheer up.
       In the northwest, Qiu-shi and Yu-Xi also talked about Yu-Chen:
       "I heard your older brother say that Yu-Chen's son was found by Yan Wu-shuang, and was also enshrined as the emperor?"
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Is this really true?"
       Qiu-shi said:
       "Yu-Chen is also a bitter life." But it is not a hardship. It was originally the queen of the motherland, but now it is forced to be a Shiqie.
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "This world is not easy." If you don't have enough power to protect yourself, you have to be the fish on the board.
       This is also the main reason why she wanted Yun-Qing  to rebel.
       Thanks to her original ruin, otherwise there is a peaceful day. If you exaggerate the words, without their husband and ‘Madam’, the people in the northwest will not have a good day.
       Qiu-shi couldn't help but think of the lost Conconbine and the children, and immediately the eyes were red:
       "Yeah! It's not easy. If your big brother didn't bring a family to the northwest, he still knows what it is like?"
       Not only are the Concubine Miss children gone, they may also be dead.
       The hypothetical thing, Yu-Xi never thinks, because it doesn't make any sense.
       Qiu-shi exclaimed:
       "If Yu-Chen is not such a look, it may not be necessary." Think of it, Old Madam has always been proud of Yu-Chen's appearance, and Yu-Chen has a lot of pets. . If Shi Old Madam is still alive, knowing the current situation of Yu-Chen, I don't know how it will be.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Blessings and blessings are interdependent. If Yu-Chen does not have the appearance of a city, it may not live now." She could not help Yu-Chen, not to mention that their people could not reach Yu-Chen. Even if she can get Yu-Chen, she won't do it. For Yu-Chen, let the following people go to risk and not say that she can't do it, that is, Yun-Qing  will not agree. Moreover, even if it is in contact, it is useless, and Yu-Chen cannot be saved.
       Qiu-shi remembered the source of these things and couldn’t help but say:
       "It’s all the Song of the Empress Dowager and the Song family!"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The biggest scourge of the Tongcheng Incident is not Song the Empress Dowager and the Song family, not Zhou Xuan, but the Emperor Guangzong. If he is Ming Jun, there will be no such thing as the Tongcheng Incident." The chief culprit of the Tongcheng Incident was the Emperor Guangzong. If he is not greedy for beauty, he will not let Song Jiaji have the opportunity to play such a poisonous hand. I have to say that Yu-Xi is now more and more rational, and the problem is more thorough.
       Qiu-shi thought about it and nodded:
       "What you said is. If the Emperor Guangzong is Mingjun, not only the Yan family will not be destroyed, but the world can also be a Master." Unfortunately, Guangzong is a faint prince, which leads to a large squad, and the authority is in power.
       Yu-Xi looks calm and says:
       "There are reasons for it. Yan family was destroyed by Guangzong, and now Yan Wu-shuang is revengeful.
       There is nothing wrong with it." After Zhou Jing’s death, the royal family was almost cooked by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Qiu-shi frowned and said:
       "No matter what, you can't kill innocent people." There are countless people who die in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yu-Xi is not like discussing this with Qiu-shi, just as she said to her brother Han Jianming, there is no way to understand the despair and sorrow. And she has a deep understanding. Of course, there is also a difference. Yan Wu-shuang is the hatred of the genocide, and she is just a personal hatred.
       Therefore, the pain of Yan Wu-shuang is ten times or even 100 times more painful than her.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "If everyone can be like the mother, do good deeds, then the world is wonderful." How can the world like her mother, how much!

       Chapter 795 Jealous   

       In the days of July, the sun is like a fire.
       There is no cloud in the air, and there is no wind. A few steps away, it makes people hot.
       In the backyard, Licorice gave Yu-Xi a cup of sour plum juice that was placed in the well water. After drinking a small bowl, Yu-Xi put it down:
       "This day, it is really hot." But not hot, from the front yard to the backyard, such a road, let her sweat.
       Into the ear room , Yu-Xi looked around the corner, frowning and asked Quan Mama:
       "How come ice is not used today?"
       In Yunfu, there is a lot of ice hidden in winter. Apart from the people in Yunfu, there is no problem supporting Han.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Lu-Er is a little hot, I dare not use her ice." After being afraid of using ice, the condition worsened.
       Yu-Xi was shocked and walked over to touch Lu-Er's forehead.
       The body temperature was indeed somewhat high. Taking care of two children, Yu-Xi is not panicked. If this situation is taken care of, it does not need to see the doctor.
       But in the ear room no ice, some stuffy. Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Let Lu-Er move to the blue gauze!" The breeze is cool. Also Lu-Er is still too small to dare to move anywhere. Otherwise, let her live in the yard by the lake, but it is warm in winter and cool in summer. Have
       Quan Mama also has this idea:
       "I will move in the afternoon." The house is cool and the child can suffer less sin.
       At lunch time, Yu-Xi and Lu-Er were eaten by two people. Yun-Qing  went to the racecourse and will not be able to come back in a few days.
       After lunch, Quan Mama asked Yu-Xi:
       "I heard that this year's harvest is better than last year. Is it true?"
       Last year's harvest was very good.
       This year is better than last year. It shows that God is looking after, and Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  are well managed.
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
       "It's true.
       This year's harvest is more than 40% more than last year." Not that the yield per mu has increased, but that it has opened a lot of land last year, so the harvest has increased so much more than last year. However, it is also luck. It has not been a disaster in the past two years, otherwise it is certainly not such a good harvest.
       The bumper harvest of grain and the price reduction of grain merchants have led to a quarter of this year’s food prices being less than last year. Yu-Xi got the news and was furious. Not only did the people get caught, but the food homes were also copied.
       Yu-Xi has always been relatively gentle in his administration.
       This Thunder method has shocked many people. Let the people involved in this time also have some panic.
       On this day, Han received several bets. Ye-shi was afraid of getting into trouble, and all of them gave back. On this day, I received another note from the family. After the post was put down, Ye-shi asked the manager Lu Mama:
       "What is the situation outside now?"
          - Lu Mama said:
       “Wangfei ordered that the two grain merchants who were headed would be beheaded and executed three days later. In addition, the government also posted an announcement to determine the price of food.” The government set a reasonable price for food, even if it is not sold to grain merchants. Sold to the government.
       The common people don't have to worry about the food in their hands is worthless.
       Ye-shi told Lu Mama to return the family, and then went to the backyard and told Qiu-shi about it.
       Qiu-shi went to the northwest and didn't go out to socialize, but she would go to Huaye Temple to worship Buddha every 15th.
       There are many people who go to Huaye Temple to worship Buddha. For a long time, Qiu-shi also made a few like-minded people who liked Buddhism. Among them, the solution home Old Madam is one.
       After listening to Qiu-shi, I read:
       "Amitabha." These years, the Buddha, makes Qiu-shi more compassionate and compassionate.
       Ye-shi said:
       "Mother, Yu Xi kill two grain merchants but also to deter people below." The reason why tell Qiu shi this thing is fear solution Old Madam to intercede when looking for home-in-law.
       The mother-in-law softly agreed, so it is not good to end.
       Qiu-shi sighed and said:
       “The grain is hurting the people, Yu-Xi is to protect the interests of the farmers, and will be such a heavy hand.” It is also a matter of cooking for so many years, this point still does not understand.
       Ye-shi was relieved to hear this and said:
       "Solving the old Madam's maiden Zhizi, this time also participated in it. Now it is caught by the government and is in prison."
       Qiu-shi looked at Ye-shi and said:
       "Outside of thing, where I was able to intervene." Just to mention a good job zhizi Old Lady too, is her pro zhizi she would not intercede. If it is a chores, she can say two sentences. What's outside, how can she wipe her hands?
       On the day when the two grain merchants were beheaded, Yun-Qing  came back. In fact, he had already got the news when he was in Jixian. However, this is the decision of Yu-Xi. He only supports and will oppose it.
       Back home, Yun-Qing  washes his feet from the head, washes his hair and then shaves his beard before he goes to see Lu-Er. No way, the little daughter is so clean, if he doesn't clean it, he won't touch him.
       Lu-Er didn't talk, but I was very happy to see Yun-Qing , which I haven't seen for a few days. Specific performance, take the initiative to open his hands and ask for help.
       Yun-Qing  picked up Lu-Er and touched the face of Lu-Er and asked:
       “How is Lu-Er lighter?”
       When you are at home, Yun-Qing  will hold Lu-Er every day, and you will know if you are heavy or light.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "These days are too hot, and the second Miss has no appetite." Simply put, Lu-Er is a bitter summer.
       These days, Quan Mama and Bai Mama are racking their brains to eat for Lu-Er. Unfortunately, even if it is delicious, Lu-Er is lacking in interest. Well, Lu-Er can eat fruit puree. Otherwise, it will definitely be thinner than it is now.
       Yu-Xi was ready to go back to the backyard during lunch time, only to know that Yun-Qing  is back.
       Yun-Qing  looks at the Yu-Xi face and asks:
       "What's wrong? Who else has committed something?"
       For those who are restless, Yun-Qing  is only one word, killing.
       The killing is much more, and the person is naturally afraid. Some are afraid, they will be honest.
       Yu-Xi glanced at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "I won't tell me when I come back." If she didn't want to go back to the backyard for lunch, she still didn't know that Yun-Qing  was back.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "In any case, you have to come back for lunch, and it’s not too bad." He deliberately refused to let Xu Wu tell Yu-Xi, because Yu-Xi knew that he was coming back. Serving him, he didn't want Yu-Xi to be so hard.
       Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "If I don't go back to the backyard for lunch, don't you know that you are back? This time, if there is another time, I can't live." Actually, this is not a big deal, but Yu-Xi would not want to let it. Yun-Qing  develops this habit.
       Yun-Qing  laughed and said, "Yes, I will tell you the next time I come back." After that, Yun-Qing  eyes fell on Lu-Er:
       “Lu-Er has lost a lot.”
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "When the weather is cool in September, the child will be able to raise it back." There is no way for the summer.
       Yun-Qing  thinks of one thing and says:
       "Before you said that Jao-Jao is not willing to read and write?"
       Speaking of this, Yu-Xi is a gas:
       "Now the weather is hot, I am worried that her body can not stand, so I discussed with Huo Shu, let her martial arts in the morning, read and write in the afternoon." Huo Changqing is promised, but Jao-Jao has a moth. I only learned one afternoon, and I didn’t come back to live in the front yard the next day.
       Yun-Qing  couldn't help but laugh. In fact, Yun-Qing  feels that it is a bit too difficult for a three-year Old child to read and write big characters, and it is too early. Although the Yu-Xi requirements are not strict, just write the words you learned ten times a day, but Jao-Jao is not willing to learn. For Jao-Jao, Xi Wu is more relaxed than reading and writing.
       Yu-Xi is annoyed:
       "Do you still laugh? Do you blame you? If it weren't for you, how could Jao-Jao not like to read?"
       Yun-Qing  said innocently:
       "What does this matter have to do with me? Isn't it that I told her not to learn?"
       It’s unreasonable to say.
       Yu-Xi said with no anger:
       "Huo Shudu said, you have not loved to study since you were young. Jao-Jao must have followed you." Fortunately, she did not think that she would make Jao-Jao a talented woman, otherwise she would vomit blood.
       Having said that, Yu-Xi is a bit stagnation. Her advantage, Jao-Jao, did not inherit at all.
       The shortcomings of Yun-Qing , Jao-Jao, were all inherited.
       Yun-Qing  is not angry, but he said cheerfully:
       "My kind, of course, like me." In that Yuyan, it is unspeakable pride.
       Yu-Xi Shantou, ignore Yun-Qing .
       After lunch, Yun-Qing  talked to Yu-Xi about the business:
       "Yu-Xi, I want to expand the racecourse." The expansion of the racecourse is to expand the breeding.
       Yu-Xi didn’t want to say it:
       Yun-Qing  asked inexplicably:
       Before, because I had no experience, I didn’t have much, and I only had more than 2 thousand horses in the county.
       There is a vast pasture and plenty of water, and there is no problem raising 10 thousand horses.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "There is no money, and I think the number of horses is enough now." There are more than 2 thousand horses in the county, and there are more than 4 thousand horses in the two pastures in the West Sea.
       There are already more than 4 thousand horses on Fu-Cheng City. Together, there are more than 10 thousand horses. Yu-Xi feels enough.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "Not enough, at least doubled to be barely enough." Yun-Qing  wants to build a strong cavalry.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If you have money, you are raising three or five thousand horses. I have no objection." Unfortunately, there is no money, and everything is awkward.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "When you don't make more than two million yuan of money, take out a part of it." Yu-Xi wrote to tell him.
       Yu-Xi said with no anger:
       "Our current expenditures are mainly based on the money and gold mines that were previously checked. Now I don't plan for the rain and save some of my family's foundations. When the gold mining is finished, the military squad will not be able to make it." In fact, Yu-Xi opposed the expansion of the racecourse.
       The real reason is not lack of money.
       The real reason, Yu-Xi can't tell Yun-Qing , can only use the lack of money to talk about things.
       Yun-Qing  frowned:
       "There is no problem in that gold mine for three years. In three years, our caravans and other industries can also have an entry."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "That's the time when the caravan earned the money to raise the horse." The caravan formed last year because it is still unfamiliar with the route and is still at the stage of exploration.
       This half year, 1148 

       Chapter 796 Granary   

       Harvested wheat in July and harvested grain in September.
       The harvest of millet is not as good as wheat, but it is still very gratifying compared with previous years.
       Because of the killing of a few profiteers, the government has set a minimum food price, and now the price of food in the northwest is still very stable.
       Looking at the place to send the fold, Yu-Xi also showed a rare smile on his face. All kinds of grain were collected, and more than half of the official granaries were full.
       Xu Wu asked:
       “Wangfei, will you still go to Jiangnan to buy food this year?”
       In the past two years, a large number of foods have been purchased from Jiangnan and Taiyuan. Because the road is far, and now the road is not flat, the cost of purchasing food is actually very large.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "I want to buy it." The government is not storing enough food, and the natural disasters* can't be maintained for a year.
       Xu Wu said:
       “Wangfei, Jiangnan’s food price is 20% higher than last year’s.” Jiangnan’s two years have been fairly smooth, and there have been no major natural disasters*. However, there are rebellions from time to time in Hubei and Henan, and many people have died in these years, and the land is ruined.
       These places have no food and have to be purchased from outside, resulting in higher food prices every year.
       Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       “Food prices have to be purchased higher than last year, and they are still buying more.”
       Xu Wu didn't understand much, and asked:
       "We have a good grain harvest this year, and there will be more food in the next year when the artichokes are fully promoted. Why do we have to go to Jiangnan to buy so much food?"
       The food they purchased was not from Henan but from Hubei.
       People who have been hungry like to keep food, and Yu-Xi is no exception. I always feel that there is no food in my hand, and my heart is very flustered and not practical. It is just that I can’t say it. Yu-Xi Said:
       “Can you guarantee that the weather will be as good as this year next year?”
       Xu Wu shook his head, no one can guarantee this kind of thing.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "This is not the case. If it is a natural disaster, it will be twice or even several times more than now to buy food." If you encounter a rebellion, you will be robbed if you buy food.
       In the evening, Yu-Xi talked to Yun-Qing  about this:
       "I want to put another one million yuan of grain this year." In addition to food, other things like beans brown sugar have to be stored.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Yu-Xi and asked in confusion:
       "Our harvest this year is very good, there is no need to buy so much food? Besides, we still have artichokes." This year's harvest of artichokes is very good, plus Tian-Yang bought more than 40 thousand kilograms of seeds, this year It can be planted in large areas.
       Yu-Xi said:
       “A Silver Taels can buy three stone foods four years ago. Now, one Silver Taels can't buy two stone foods. Once there is a natural disaster, there is money to buy food. Our grain warehouse has a lot of food, but it can only be maintained. By April and May next year." When the turmoil, a Silver Taels can only buy a few pounds of food and can't even buy it.
       Yu-Xi likes to save more food. As a person with a pillow, Yunqing, how can I not know. For Yu-Xi, Xiao-Qing  feels very interesting.
       Yun-Qing  smiled:
       "So I like to keep food, I don't know if you think you are hungry?"
       Yu-Xi is the daughter of Duke daughter, and even if he is not a child, Han Jingyan's likes, can't go hungry. In addition, she also has the care of the 1st House.
       Yu-Xi has a heartbeat, but the face is not obvious:
       "I still don't listen to you saying that because of the natural disasters, you have stalked the roots of the grass because of the lack of food? We have food in our hands, there is a natural disaster, and the soldiers do not have to suffer any more."
       Yun-Qing  is not an objection, it is a joke, but the answer of Yu-Xi makes him very satisfied:
       "With so much food, the granary can't be stored."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       “He Rui, these foods are purchased and not placed in the official granary.” Yu-Xi is ready to store these food secrets.
       Yun-Qing  is a bit strange, asks:
       "Do you mean hiding these foods? Why are you hiding these foods?"
       Now in the northwest, they are the masters of their own affairs.
       There is absolutely no need to hide them when they buy food. Unless Yu-Xi has other ideas.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It’s not hidden. I don’t want the spies of the court to know where we are hiding grain. I hope that in the next two years, it will not be as good as it is now. Now save more food, and there will be more stability in the northwest. "As long as there is food, the northwest can always be too flat."
       Yun-Qing  sighed and asked:
       "Have you dreamed of something bad?"
       It would be normal to think so. It was a very gratifying thing to have collected so much food. As a result, Yu-Xi now says about natural disasters and has to think about Yun-Qing .
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "No, just have this feeling."
       Yun-Qing  thought for a moment, nodded:
       "The matter of the granary is handed over to me." When the defense was discovered, it was built by the army in a secret place, so that the spy wanted to inquire and could not find out.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It's better to build more." The more food there is, the more stable her heart will be when the natural disaster strikes.
       Yun-Qing  teasing:
       “Ten granaries are enough?”
       See Yu-Xi shaking his head, saying that at least twenty will be built, and Yun-Qing  will laugh.
       The construction of the granary, Yun-Qing  did not only hand over to a person, but issued a secret order to the generals of the garrison, allowing them to build more granaries in the station. It is also Yu-Xi who knows where the storage of military food is secret and good, so I specifically told Yun-Qing  about this.
       Yuan Ying-Qin heard that Yun-Qing  said that he had to build a few military granaries. He was puzzled and asked Yun-Qing :
       “Wangye, what do you do with so many granaries? Is there any disaster?”
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       “Madam said that the harvest of the year may not be good now, buy more food, there is a natural disaster, and we have no food in our hands.”
       Yuan Ying had some doubts about Yun-Qing  and said:
       “How does Wangfei know that the harvest next year will be bad?”
       Can Wangfei still have the ability to predict and have the ability to predict.
       Yun-Qing  can't say that Yu-Xi relies on intuition, because it's too playful:
       "She also listened to the old farmer below. I don't think it is reliable, but she feels that it is safe to save some food."
       Yuan Ying did not agree with Yun-Qing :
       "Thanks to Madam's cautiousness. Otherwise, last year ours couldn't be as smooth as it was." If it wasn't for Yu-Xi that they bought so much food the year before, they wouldn't be as smooth as they did. .
       They are all suffering from being hungry. For the sake of saving more food, Yuan Ying is in favor of both hands.
       Yun-Qing  laughs:
       "She decided this, but it was very much what you meant."
       Yuan Ying did not think much, said:
       "The days of tightening the belts of the pants, I don't want to go any longer." In fact, like Yuan Ying's current position, even if there is a natural disaster, they can't hungry.
       There is no food, and all the people who are hungry are the following soldiers and ordinary people.
       In late 10 months, candidates passed to Yucheng. Since Yu-Xi made a statement, there is an inn in Yucheng that is specially designed to receive these candidates. It is free to live and eat in it, and you can live until the results.
       In the first game, only more than 500 people were admitted; the second township test was only a small number of people, only 98 people. However, it is not easy to pass the second game.
       Yu-Xi will give Yu-Qing  the title of the proposed exam.
       This exam is the same as the one held by the court. It is divided into three sessions, three days each.
       The first is the four books and five classics, the second is the question, and the third is history.
       Yun-Qing  took over and took a hard look. After reading it, Yun-Qing  said to Yu-Xi:
       "This matter is handed over to you for full treatment." The four books and five classics were all forced to learn by Teacher, and history has never seen anything. If you let him go to the paper, the head will hurt.
       Yu-Xi also knows the weakness of Yun-Qing , so this thing is not expected to come to him:
       "If you don't have any opinions, then you will set it." Yu-Xi Although he has read a lot of books, he has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but he has no knowledge of the scientific research. So this time mainly relies on Han Jianming and Tan Tuo. Although Han Jianming did not participate in the scientific research, he contacted this piece. Tan Tuo is a person who has experienced scientific research.
       Yun-Qing  certainly has no opinion.
       Yu-Xi puts the subject of the exam on the table and says:
       “Jao-Jao is not a thing to hide in the front yard every day.” In order not to read and write, Jao-Jao simply stayed in the front yard and did not come back. Both Huo Changqing and Yun-Qing  felt that Jao-Jao was still young. It was not too late to read and write in two years, so they all guarded Jao-Jao and let Jao-Jao live in the front yard.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "The child is still young. You let her read and read. If she learns, she will forget it soon. It will not be too late to let her study after two years." Yun-Qing  was also a five-year Old student. of.
       In fact, Jao-Jao is only three and a half years old, and only five years old in the second year. At the age of five, I started reading and writing, just right.
       This attitude of Jao-Jao makes Yu-Xi realize that reading and learning can never be pushed back. I don’t insist on it now, and I’ve been unable to manage it for two years.
       Yu-Xi said this without saying anything:
       "It seems that I seem to abuse her more." Yu-Xi is not very demanding on Jao-Jao. It is to let Jao-Jao recognize three or five words every day, then write ten words for each word, and recite a small paragraph of "Three Character Classics". Unfortunately, the simple and easy course in the eyes of Yu-Xi is a heavy task for Jao-Jao.
       Yun-Qing  said helplessly:
       "Children don't like it, and it doesn't matter if you force it.
       The more you force, the less she is willing to learn." He was deeply impressed by the pain of being forced to study, so he felt that it was not good to use this method.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If you don't force her to learn, then the words will not be recognized." See Yun-Qing , but also speak, Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Other things can be discussed, and there is nothing to talk about." From the Yun-Qing  temperament, Jao-Jao is estimated to be a blind eye.
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       “I am going to hire a Teacher to teach Jao-Jao, and I don’t need to learn too long, just one hour a day.”
       Yun-Qing  frowned, but he also knew that the Yu-Xi decision could not change:
       "Don't ask those old scholars.
       Those old scholars are all eclipsed. If you ask such a person to give Yao-Jao a Teacher, it is estimated that Jao-Jao is even more reluctant to learn." The opening is the one, he listens. I am bored, let alone Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi is not an unreasonable person, but this time the hard-line approach was also forced by Jao-Jao.
       This child does not force, Yu-Xi nods:
       "The candidate of Teacher, I will be cautious." r1148 

       Chapter 797 Talent (1)   

       The Capital City City test is tens of thousands of people, and the momentum is very large. (.) Every time you try, the capital is very lively. However, the examinations held in Yucheng this time, because the number of people is too small, the level of attention is high, but also because of the small number of people, there is no such thing as cheating.
       The nine days passed quickly, and the next step was to review the papers. In November, there were not too many things. Yu-Xi threw the government affairs to Yun-Qing  and followed Tan Tuo and Han Jianming to read the papers. I have not touched this before.
       This whole participation is also an accumulation of experience. It is.
       For half a day, Yu-Xi flipped through more than half of the papers. I haven't found anything in the world, and most of the papers have made Yu-Xi unsatisfied.
       Yu-Xi threw a test paper back on the table and slammed the temple, saying with Han Jianming:
       "Big Brother, I think if a woman can also take a scientific test, I can't say that I can still give the Hann family a comeback!" These levels are not as good as her!
       Han Jianming said very seriously:
       "I have always been a pity that you are a daughter. If you are a man, the Hann family will definitely be able to restore the glory of the past." It is not allowed to go further and become a hegemon. Unfortunately, Yu-Xi is a daughter, and Yun-Qing  is cheaper.
       Yu-Xi heard the gloom in the heart, and said cheerfully:
       "Big brother is getting more and more stunned now." She just said that she just wanted to relax, not really feel that she has the talent. It is also a small number of scholars in the northwest. If it is in the south of the country where the style of literature is popular, it is not enough for her to learn the bottom.
       Tan Tuo is a very stable person.
       The Brother and sisters laughed that he did not participate and went on to review. I frowned after seeing a test paper, but he still looked very seriously. After reading it, I handed it to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, I think this answer is very good, you take a look."
       Yu-Xi took a look, looked at the words above and twisted, and browed and said:
       “The words are written like this, how did the first two rounds pass?”
       There is a saying that is good, words are like others.
       The words are written like this, and it is obvious that people are not embarrassed.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "The word is not very good, but the answer is very good, very insightful, Wangfei carefully read the Houmen doctor's hand cowardly cond;
       . "There are not many papers, and Tan Tuo will take it seriously. If not, I will have lost one side."
       Yu-Xi knows Tan Tuo, and it makes sure that he is good. Yu-Xi took a hard look and looked at it. After reading it, she said:
       "It's very simple." There is no gorgeous rhetoric, no high talk, and very simple writing.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "I think this candidate should be a poor boy." It is estimated that because the family is poor, the word is written so badly. You must know that good words are also made up of money. Not to mention pen and ink is a big expense, that is, the copybook is not affordable for the average person.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "I always said that I can't take people by appearance. I didn't expect to make such a mistake again." If Tan Tuo is careful, he will miss such a talent.
       Han Jianming did not agree with the view of Yu-Xi.
       This person is estimated to be a bit talented, but it will not be particularly outstanding. Now let Tan Tuo pick it out, but it is just a tall one. Han Jianming said:
       "Yu-Xi, if you follow the original requirements, you have to have more than half of them." Han Jianming's intention is to relax the requirements and pick a few more. Otherwise, I worked hard to get three exams, and I picked up a few people who used them.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Put it all without meeting the requirements."
       As a result, only 18 people passed the exam. Among the eighteen people, Yucheng took up ten, and other places only eight.
       This number is much less than expected, and Yu-Xi thought about how half of it should be.
       Yun-Qing  heard only 18 people and said:
       "Is this too little?"
       Eighteen, not enough to stuff the teeth.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It's very rare, but this talent is expensive, not too much." According to the requirements of Yu-Xi, after the second round of examinations, it is estimated that more than 90 are gone.
       Yun-Qing  said with some exclamation:
       "Northwest is a bitter cold, rice is not enough, there is still money to study. Jiangnan is a rich land, so there are more scholars, but also talent." Ordinary people, if you want to be a scholar, you need the whole family together For.
       The cost is too big, you can't read the book, and there are fewer talents.
       Yu-Xi can't do anything about it. Before Yu-Xi wanted to establish a school in every state and county, in fact, unless it is like Fu-Cheng City, it provides free accommodation for students to study, otherwise they will not be able to recruit students. Recruiting students, it is also a child of a wealthy family.
       This, contrary to the original intention of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Wait for another three years, we have schools in various states and counties, and those with talents have opportunities to learn.”
       Yun-Qing  knows why Yu-Xi has to say that it will take three years. One of them is that their money is tight. Now every minute has to be spent on the cutting edge. After three years, they are also well-off, and they have money to build a school. After two or three years, the days of the people are definitely better than now. When the days are good, they will take the initiative to send the children to read and read.
       Yu-Xi remembered that Jao-Jao was unwilling to study and couldn’t help but say:
       "There are no opportunities for people to want to read and write, but Jao-Jao is not blessed in the blessing."
       When she said this, Yu-Xi remembered her experience of studying. Speaking of the year, it was really a bitter tear!
       Yun-Qing  is crying and laughing, saying:
       "How come to Jao-Jao again? Jao-Jao is still small, don't give her so much pressure.
       The more stress, the more she doesn't want to learn, and after two years of sensibility, she won't be like this again. It is."
       Yu-Xi This will have a talk*:
       “When I was young, I asked Song Governess to teach us to read and read. Because Song Governess has a high vision, I only want to teach us three months. After three months, she only taught me 3rd sister. At that time, I really wanted to I ordered the song, so I went to ask for Song Governess. But Song Governess was too bad for me and refused."
       Yun-Qing  stunned and said:
       "This Song Mingyue actually disliked your qualifications? Is she blind?"
       Yu-Xi If the qualification is not good, there is no qualified person in this world. Compared with Yu-Xi, he can throw the water and go to the top of the four pearls.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It’s not her eyes, it’s my 3rd sister’s qualifications. My 3rd sister will learn something and learn. And the same thing, I have to learn three or four times.
       There is a 3rd sister, this jade is in front, It’s normal for Song Governess to look down on me.” It’s not that she poor quality, but Yu-Chen is too enchanting.
       Yun-Qing  disdains:
       “A person is a talented person, not a qualification.” Although Yu-Chen has the best reputation of the world’s first beauty and the first talented woman, Yun-Qing  feels that Yu-Xi is much better than Yu-Chen. Go.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The words are not like this. My 3rd sister is proficient in ‘zither’ chess and paintings, etc.
       These things can not be learned by anyone.
       The ones I have learned have only learned a little fur, and I am not comparable to my 3rd sister."
       The Yun-Qing  idea is different from the Yu-Xi and says:
       "‘zither’ chess and painting can't be eaten as a meal, even if it is proficient, what is the use?"
       Yun-Qing  is a practical person who is not interested in those ‘zither’ paintings.
       Yu-Xi doesn't argue with Yun-Qing , but some sighs:
       "At the time, Song Governess didn't want to teach me. I was kneeling in front of her. I didn't ask her to be a disciple. I just wanted to be a listener. Unfortunately, even this asked her not to agree. She said that my qualifications are too bad. It will drag the 3rd sister's hind legs. Normally, this teacher usually likes hard-working students. But this Song Mingyue was the opposite. She didn't like her from the beginning, and even wanted to put her to death in the end. Until now, Yu-Xi can't figure out why.
       Of course, I have to say that Song Mingyue is very foresighted. Because Yu-Xi finally rebelled, and became a thief.
       Yun-Qing  really doesn't know that Yu-Xi will have such a sad experience. Yu-Xi is not a poor child, she is the Duke House Miss, is a nobleman, even for reading and a female Teacher kneeling. Yun-Qing  feels so sad when I think of that picture:
       "Did you not learn from Song Mingyue for three years? How did she finally promise you?"
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "It was 3rd sister and Song Governess, and Song Governess promised me to listen. It was a blessing to the 3rd sister." After that, Yu-Xi was sighing again. "Unfortunately, she is now in the situation." It’s tough, I can’t help her.”
       Yun-Qing  said coldly:
       "What kind of blessings, if the elders are willing to come forward, Song Mingyue will not even agree to your request?"
       To put it bluntly, it is because the elders of the Han family did not care about Yu-Xi, and regarded her as nothing, which led Song Mingyue to look down on Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi See Yun-Qing , angry, busy:
       "Don't say this.
       There are ten days to get the final round of exams, and you have to be with me."
       Yun-Qing  is not willing to get around this topic and asks:
       "Yu-Xi, apart from this, have you been wronged before? Tell me?"
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "Can there be any grievances? Eat well and wear warm clothes, and read books. I am already very happy with the average family. I have a feeling today. I didn't want to tell Yun-Qing  about the grievances, and She did not feel any grievances.
       Yun-Qing  said with Yu-Xi:
       "In the future, let no one bully you. If anyone dares to bully you, I want her to die." When I said this, the words were full of embarrassment.
       Yu-Xi gently took the back of Yun-Qing  and smiled:
       "I have you support me, no one dares to bully me?"
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "In fact, no matter whether a boy or a girl needs to study, reading a book will make a good decision. I didn't want to make Jao-Jao a talented woman, but she must not be a simple-minded person."
       Yun-Qing  laughed and said:
       "In the future, you will teach Jao-Jao. I will stop intervening again. Is that okay?"
       No longer agree, Yu-Xi is expected to talk to her every day.
       Yu-Xi took the initiative to kiss Yun-Qing , which is a reward. Now Yu-Xi, 1148 

       Chapter 798 Talent (2)   

       The final round of examinations was published by Yu-Xi, invigiled by Yun-Qing , and Han Jianming and Tan Tuo assisted in the invigilation. Yu-Xi topic is simple and simple, and it is difficult and difficult to say.
       Han Jianming got the title and turned to smile and shook his head. He said to Tan Tuo next to him:
       "My 4th sister, what are the questions that dare to come out?"
       The topic of Yu-Xi is to let the candidates take the view of the woman. In fact, Yu-Xi just wants to know the thoughts of these candidates about her administration.
       Tan Tuo thinks a little far, and Yu-Xi is the one who cultivates his own. Against Han Jianming, Tan Tuo said a plausible statement:
       "Wangfei, think far-reaching!" If the following candidates do not agree with the women's administration, they will certainly not be reused by Yu-Xi. According to the Yu-Xi temperament child, if she does not like her songs, she will not get a good ranking.
       Therefore, this article is not easy to get out.
       On the evening of the exam, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  read the paper together. Yun-Qing  pointed to a test paper named Zong Siyuan candidate:
       "Yu-Xi, can you write this word?"
       Yun-Qing  always felt that his words were not good, but the word of this person was comparable to him. Yun-Qing  felt that his words were quite well written.
       Yu-Xi looked at it and said:
       "This person is called Zong Siyuan, a person from Yaoxian. His father was a scholar of Guangzong for thirty-five years. He died of illness six years ago.
       This person has a talented name since he was a child. He was admitted to the show at the age of thirteen. However, when preparing to participate in the township test, The accident was seriously injured, and the body was raised a year ago, but the right hand could not write the word." Zong Siyuan's right hand is not moving, but hurts the muscles without strength.
       In the northwest, there are actually a lot of talented people. However, because Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi know that most of these talents are paid for by the exams, and they are not really practical, so these people Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi do not recognize, before The benefits were all cancelled.
       This time, the Yu-Xi did not stop this part of the reference. However, there are only a handful of passes. And Zong Siyuan, it is one.
       Yun-Qing  looked at this exam paper and said incredibly:
       "The right hand is broken. Does this mean the left handwritten for his test paper?"
       If you write it with the left hand, the word is so ugly, but you can understand it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It is also his luck." Zong Siyuan's right hand was abolished and belonged to the disabled. Disabled people are not eligible to take the exam.
       The county magistrate of Yao County is just the uncle of Zong Siyuan, so he also has the opportunity to participate in the children's test.
       Zong Siyuan had already participated in the children's test. In addition, he has not ruined his studies in recent years. Apart from the ugly words, this test is not difficult for him. Later, when I was trying in the township, I was reading Fu Minglang. Fu Minglang is a person of love, and Zong Siyuan happens to belong to a class of talented people, so even if the words are written ugly, Fu Minglang let him pass.
       Because I know that this test paper is handwritten by the left, Yun-Qing  is really looking at the complete volume. After reading it, Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "This person can use it." Can make Yun-Qing  say that it can be used, it can be seen that it is indeed talented.
       Yu-Xi took it over and looked at it. After reading it, his face showed a smile.
       The topic of Yu-Xi is the view of women's administration.
       This article by Zong Siyuan is about the great changes in the past two years in the northwest, and the changes have brought benefits to the people. Finally, I wrote a sentence that it is okay for a man to be a woman.
       The most important thing is to let the people eat and wear warmth.
       In the eighteen copies of the questionnaire, there was a special talk about the woman’s administration. Another person thinks that the woman's administration is endless. For this reason, this person also enumerated Lu Wei administration and almost let ‘Lu Jiazi grandson die and change.
       Yu-Xi read this answer sheet and said with a smile:
       "How can he not write about Lu after he will smash Madam to cut Darenhood? If you dare to write, I admire him." This test paper clearly refers to mulberry, and the timid is quite big. Yu-Xi is not angry, since she has been arguing against her. If you care, you are already mad.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Remove his qualifications!" This person's own eyes are narrow and narrow, so that such people are not worth using.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Cancel the qualifications and put them directly on the last one!" Although Yu-Xi does not care, it does not matter such people. However, Yu-Xi feels that no matter what he does, he has to follow the rules and cannot rely on his own preferences.
       The result came out, the first one was ‘Lu Dongfeng, Lanzhou Cityman; the second one was Du Mutao, the former governor of Du Xingguo, the eldest son of the governor; the third was the dismissal of the family. Zong Siyuan was ranked tenth by Yu-Xi. Although Zong Siyuan's answer sheet has been liked by Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi, the word is really ugly, and it doesn't look good if it is in front.
       Seeing the first name, Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "Dongfeng? This name is interesting, is it because they have a west wind and a northerly wind?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile, said: "The Songs of the South.
       The Nine Songs.
       The Mountain Ghosts" has a Dongfeng floating spirits, and the spirits of the spirits are forgotten.
       The name of Dongfeng should be from this."
       Yun-Qing , one channel:
       "There are so many ways!" There is a knowledgeable and immersed in the slag at any time  Erxi, also needs a strong heart to bear the ability, or else inadvertently inferior.
       After the results came out, Yun-Qing  summoned them. As for the Yu-Xi, there is no appearance. After seeing these people, they gave them directly to the official position and let them go to work.
       The eighteen people, the highest official is ‘Lu Yao, the seven-country magistrate, the worst is the last one, only got a governor from eight products. Zong Siyuan was ordered to judge from the state of Qipin.
       Yu-Xi found a copybook and sent Han Jianming to Zong Siyuan.
       Zong Siyuan held the copybook that Yu-Xi rewarded him, and squatted on the ground with three heads, excitedly said:
       "The next minister thanked Wangye and Wangfei Imperial Consort for their reward." He did not expect that he could get the value of Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi.
       In fact, Zong Siyuan’s coming to the city to test is a matter of courage. He knows how bad the words he wrote with his left hand, and the first level of normal scientific research can't pass. But now, it is the end. Even if he only got a tenth place, he was extremely grateful. Because Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi gave him a chance to show his ambitions.
       Han Jianming said:
       “Wangye and Wangfei like your article very much. If you didn’t hurt your right hand, it’s not so good, the first one will order you. But Wangye and Wangfei also said that ranking is not the most important, the most important thing is to go to the place. Do the real thing.” Yu-Xi gave Zong Siyuan this copybook, which is ‘Lu Gong’s extension. Sending this copybook also has its special significance, because ‘Lu Gongquan is from Yaoxian, and Zongsiyuan is a place.
       Zong Siyuan nodded heavily and said:
       "The next minister will not disappoint the love of Wangye and Wangfei Imperial Consort."
       Han Jianming handed a word to Zong Siyuan, which read the four characters of Tian Dao rewards, Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "This is Wangfei extra reward for you."
       Zong Siyuan took the word with both hands and his mood was very embarrassing. Because he didn't know why he would write such a word to him.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "This word is written by Wangfei with the left hand. Wangfei rewards you with this word to tell you that as long as you practice hard, the words you will write in the future will definitely not be worse than it."
       Zong Siyuan looked at the four characters of this dragon and phoenix dance, some unbelievable:
       “The Darens say that these four characters are handwritten by Wangfei Imperial Consort left?”
       Is Wangfei Imperial Consort a left-hander?
       Han Jianming nodded:
       “Wangfei can write with both hands and hands, but it is rarely used.
       This time it is also to motivate you to use this word.”
       Zong Siyuan is very touched.
       Han Jianming looked at Zong Siyuan's hate and couldn't give Yu-Xi a liver-like look. He felt that the Yu-Xi method of recruiting people was very good.
       After the completion of the scientific examination, it entered December. Yu-Xi looks at Lu-Er, the look of the face:
       "Mama, this Yatou is two years old in a few days. You said when will she talk?"
       Mama said without hesitation:
       "When she wants to talk, she said it." Mama is so calm, Lu-Er sounds no problem, and second, Lu-Er is slower than others. Talking later than other children is also expected.
       Yu-Xi said to Lu-Er in her arms:
       "For you and your sister-sister-sister, my mother's hair is almost white." One is not willing to study, and one is still unwilling to speak. Yu-Xi has to sigh, no wonder the old saying that children are debt.
       Quan Mama said this when he heard this:
       "Don't worry, you are teaching her to talk during this time! I believe I will be able to call you soon."
       Yu-Xi said with a bitter face:
       "Why can you not worry?"
       Quan Mama said helplessly:
       "You are not in a hurry." Anxious is useless, Lu-Er does not speak, they are also forced.
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "Where are these two? If you regenerate a few, if you are like them, you can't kill me!" If the children behind are followed by two Yatou, Yu-Xi feels that they will be short-lived.
       Quan Mama laughed:
       "What do you say? Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are very good, and the children of other people can't match it! I want to say, you are all worried. As long as the big face is good, others don't Too demanding."
       After a pause, Quan Mama said:
       "Your body is no longer a problem, when are you going to have children?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Wait for the end of the year!" Recently, it was the scientific examination and the winter affairs. It was too busy to turn around, so Yu-Xi did not dare to have children.
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "If you want to have children again after the end of the year."
       Yu-Xi talked to Quan Mama about the appointment of Jao-Jao to the teacher:
       "Mama, what kind of Teacher do you want to give to Jao-Jao?"
       Quan Mama also has no good candidates, saying:
       "The average Teacher can't keep Jao-Jao." In this mischievous temperament, the Teacher can't stand it.
       Yu-Xi clicked on Lu-Er's nose and said:
       "You can't learn from you later sister sister, do you know?"
       Two daughters, two extremes. Yu-Xi thought more than once, if the two children can neutralize this, she does not know how much less can be exercised.
       Quan Mama saw it and shook her head helplessly. Pingxi Wangfei, who is prestigious in front of outsiders, is only a normal woman who loves to worry about returning to the backyard.

       Chapter 799 Opening   

       Lu-Er was born two years old, and Jao-Jao also had a half-day holiday to accompany Mei Mei for a birthday.
       Back in the backyard, Jao-Jao went to the kitchen first looking for Yu-Xi. Seeing Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao stood straight, and some ‘called:
       "Mother." Recently, in order to avoid Yu-Xi forced her to read and read, she lives in the front yard. Seeing Yu-Xi now, I feel a little timid in my heart.
       Jao-Jao didn't come back in the front yard. Yu-Xi made Bai Mama no longer eat food for Jao-Jao, and let Jao-Jao eat Huo Changqing in the front yard. However, because the standing piles and punches are physical activities, the amount of Jao-Jao meal has not decreased but has increased. Although it is a taste of food.
       Yu-Xi looks at the mischievous Jao-Jao, Yang Xi, a soft heart, softly said:
       "Go and play with Mei Mei!" She didn't want to be a strict mother, but her husband couldn't rely on his own singer's face. When she saw her daughter like this, she felt bad in her heart.
       Jao-Jao sees Yu-Xi no longer urges him to read and write, but he speaks very softly, and immediately sings:
       "Well, I will go here." As long as she is not allowed to study and write, she can do it.
       After a while, Yu-Xi put the small biscuits into the house.
       These small biscuits are made out of the same life, Yu-Xi does not eat such pastries, but Jao-Jao and Lu-Er like to eat. As soon as I entered the house, I saw Jao-Jao talking to Lu-Er! Well, it is exactly that Jao-Jao is talking, and Lu-Er is listening carefully.
       Yu-Xi put the biscuit on the table and walked up and smiled and asked:
       “What are you talking about with Mei Mei?”
       Because the case of reading Jao-Jao has always avoided Yu-Xi, neither the mother nor the daughter talked well.
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "Mother, I told Mei Mei to wait for things on Zhuangzi. Niang, Zhuangzi can be fun, not only cattle and dogs, but also trees and birds." Huo Changqing goes to Guo Xun every month. Zhuangzi took a trip and took Jao-Jao every time he went, so Jao-Jao is very familiar with the things on Zhuangzi.
       After that, Jao-Jao added another sentence:
       "I told Mei Mei that I will bring her a few bird eggs back when I go to Zhuangzi next time." In fact, Jao-Jao is now able to climb the tree and ostrich nest. But it was watching the children on Zhuangzi do this, she was blind.
       Yu-Xi, the tree, the bird's nest, this is what Miss's family should do! Well, she should treat Jao-Jao as her son, because Jao-Jao was raised by Huo Changqing as a son.
       Looking at the look of Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao said carefully:
       "Mother, what happened to you?"
       Jao-Jao is not afraid of Yun-Qing , not afraid of Huo Changqing, afraid of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi converges on the temper and touches the head of Jao-Jao softly:
       "The tree is so tall, what do you do if you climb up and fall down?"
       Jao-Jao is a straight climber. See Yu-Xi. When he is not angry, he immediately rushes to hold Yu-Xi and says loudly:
       "Mother, no, the little monkeys didn't fall down the tree, I certainly won't fall."
       Yu-Xi is now regretting the death of the original Huo Changqing. It is a pity that it is not necessary to repent now. Yu-Xi took a piece of biscuit and handed it to Jao-Jao, saying:
       "I have to wait for you to come back for lunch, you should eat this biscuit mat." Jao-Jao is very smart, but unfortunately this smart is all played on it.
       Jao-Jao is very happy, when you pick it up, put it in your mouth:
       "It's delicious." After that, the eyes fell on the biscuits on the plate. Without Yu-Xi speech, she didn't dare to take it.
       Yu-Xi looked at Jao-Jao bright smile and sighed and said:
       "If you eat delicious, you can eat more, but you can't eat too much. You will have to eat later!" Maybe she is too harsh on Jao-Jao. After all, the child is only four years old!
       Near noon, Yun-Qing  came back. Yu-Xi did not complain, took his big cock and put it on the chair and asked:
       "How is it so late today?"
       Their mothers are waiting for Yun-Qing  to use lunch together.
       Jao-Jao saw Yun-Qing  and ‘called at his thigh:
       "Oh." As soon as this words fell, there was a small voice trailing behind it:
       Yu-Xi responded quickly, turned and picked up Lu-Er sitting on the bed, ecstatically said:
       "Lu-Er, are you talking?"
       Yun-Qing  also sat down at the bed with Jao-Jao and said with a smile:
       "Come on, Lu-Er, let me hear it again." Lu-Er can talk Yun-Qing  is very happy, but not as excited as Yu-Xi.
       Lu-Er didn't understand Yun-Qing 's words, staring at Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi with big eyes, as if I didn't know what they were saying.
       Yun-Qing  saw this and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Is it wrong just now?"
       Yun-Qing  suspects that the sound I just heard is my own illusion.
       Yu-Xi thought about it, watching Jao-Jao say:
       "You are like you just ‘calling out loud." I don't know if this will happen. .
       Jao-Jao is not very awkward except for reading this book. If you get Yu-Xi, you will yell at Yun-Qing  immediately:
       Lu-Er looked up and looked at Yun-Qing  and also called:
       "Hey." Jao-Jao That is the big trick, Lu-Er is not the same as Jao-Jao.
       The sound is very small, Jao-Jao is soft and special.
       Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief and was busy with Lu-Er:
       "Come on, Lu-Er, called Niang, Niang..." Unfortunately, Lu-Er did not give face, not willing to call.
       Jao-Jao, a clever child, immediately ‘called at Yu-Xi:
       "Mother." The voice was so loud that it hurt the ear.
       Lu-Er lived up to expectations, followed by a cry:
       Yu-Xi doesn't care if Lu-Er is inaccurate, and Lu-Er is so excited that he is red:
       "I finally spoke up." These days, Yu-Xi is really rushing out of the white hair for Lu-Er. Now that the child is open, she is finally relieved.
       Yun-Qing , I don’t know what Yu-Xi thinks, holding Yu-Xi and laughing:
       "Let you not think about it, you just don't listen." They all said that Lu-Er is fine, but Yu-Xi is always hung up during this time, and he is afraid that the child will not speak.
       The mind was removed, and Yu-Xi ate a small bowl of rice at noon.
       After dinner, the family of four was in the house. Yun-Qing  talks to Yu-Xi about why he came back late today:
       "Feng Dajun told me today that the caves on the Maro Mountain, the caves are dry and ventilated, is a good place to store grain." Before the closure of the army also stored 50 thousand stone food in the Maro Mountain.
       Yu-Xi looked at Jao-Jao and said:
       "This will be said later!" In the face of the child, Yu-Xi does not want to say business.
       Waiting for Jao-Jao to take a nap, Lu-Er also fell asleep. Yu-Xi said:
       "The children are still young, and they don't know what can be said and can't be said. If you accidentally reveal the secret, it will cause a lot of trouble."
       Yun-Qing  thinks that Yu-Xi concerns are right, and immediately nodded:
       "Well, I won’t say these things in front of my child again next time."
       Yu-Xi asked:
       “Those caves are ventilated and dry, and the grain is good.
       The grain can be placed in the cave, and it will be eaten by rats and other things.” The mouse breeds fast, and if it is not prepared, the loss will be great.
       Yun-Qing  Listening to this, you know that Yu-Xi agrees:
       "This is not a problem." Military grain storage also needs to consider the problem of rodents. In this regard, they have a solution.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Since you have a solution, it is okay to put food on the Maro Mountain." When the grain collected in Lanzhou was collected, it could be stored in the Maro Mountain.
       Looking at Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing  asked:
       "Yu-Xi, are you aware of it?"
       The Maro Mountain is very large, and there are many caves. It is not a problem to hide one or two million stone foods, but the Yu-Xi does not think that the place is big, which is a problem.
       Yu-Xi stayed silent and said:
       "I didn't feel anything, but my heart was upset." She knew that there would be floods in three years, and the Yellow River broke the bank and caused people in the south of the Yangtze River to be unhappy. As for the situation in the northwest, she is not clear. However, what is certain is that the northwest will certainly be affected, but I don’t know how big the impact is.
       Speaking of it, I can only blame her for not thinking about the outside world in her life.
       Therefore, there is no clue now, and only more food can be saved to prevent it from happening.
       Yun-Qing  looks dignified and asks:
       “Is it uneasy?”
       What makes Yu-Xi uneasy is that something big has happened.
       See Yu-Xi nod, Yun-Qing  is busy saying:
       "You don't leave the house during this time. If you want to go to the mother-in-law, please ask your mother-in-law to come over!" Yun-Qing  thinks that Yu-Xi suddenly feels uneasy, maybe life is dangerous.
       Yu-Xi saw it and didn't know how to explain it.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Be careful to get the ship forever, we have to prepare food, but we must also pay attention to safety." Yunfu is heavily guarded. As long as Yu-Xi does not go out, there will be no accident in the house.
       Yu-Xi is moved, and Yun-Qing  is so nervous that she values ​​her and her children. Yu-Xi took the hand of Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Then you have to pay attention to safety." Recently, the assassin did not appear. But this does not mean that the assassin will not be there.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You can rest assured that I will take care of myself." Thanks to the experience of previous assassinations, Yun-Qing  is very alert to this kind of thing.
       In the afternoon, Yu-Xi did not go to the front yard, holding Lu-Er to teach her to speak:
       "Mother, come, Lu-Er, call a mother to listen to me."
       Lu-Er was impatient, and he ‘called:
       "Wolf..." The ‘calling is so smooth, and the mother is always wrong. Yu-Xi is very heart-wrenching.
       Yu-Xi said with patience:
       "Not a wolf, a mother. Come, call another, mother." This child, if you don't teach her, it is estimated that you will not speak. For the laziness of Lu-Er, Yu-Xi is nothing.
       After teaching it for a few times, Lu-Er finally told her a mother. After the call, he played another delicate Harbin, saying that he wanted to sleep.
       Yu-Xi is not willing to let her sleep, but also wants to teach Lu-Er to speak, but Lu-Er is obviously not interested in learning, and taught for a long time without opening. Yu-Xi feels that fortunately, she has good patience, or else she has to be killed by two children.
       Lan Mama smiled and said:
       "2nd Miss studies have been learning for so long, and they are definitely tired. It will be fine for her to sleep. It is not too late to wake her up with dinner."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Don't let her sleep, go to sleep at night and can't sleep." Lu-Er can't sleep, and it's Lan Mama and Quan Mama.
       Mei-Yun said that he said:
       "Wangfei, we used to read the words in the academy, and all of them followed the words written by Wangfei. Maybe, with the big characters teaching Miss, the second Miss will be interested."
       Yu-Xi eyes lit up and went out without waiting for Lan Mama opening. In the blink of an eye, Yu-Xi folded back, but there was a painting on his hand.
       Yu-Xi pointed to the tiger and said:
       "Lu-Er, look, what is this? This is a tiger?"
       A colorful tiger, painted vividly, as true.
       This would be to teach Lu-Er to speak, not to teach her to read. So using this colorful painting will make her more interested.
       Lu-Er is very interested and wants to reach out, but Yu-Xi does not give it. Yu-Xi once again read:
       "Come, follow the mother. Tiger, this is a tiger..."
       "Ah..." Lu-Er is not very accurate, but it has already made Yu-Xi very happy.
       This means that this method is useful.

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