Han Yuxi 750-759

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 750 Killing Chickens and Monkeys (1)

       The high price of Jiang Hongjin was quickly spread throughout Luoyang City. Yang Duo-ming naturally heard the wind, and immediately brows deep lock.
       Yan-Xi said:
       "There are a lot of people who want money and don't want to die. Big Brother, I think it is not safe here. I have to think of a way out of town."
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Well, I am out of town now. But before I leave the city, I have to make some changes." Just go out, Yan-Xi is caught by the security meeting.
       Two hours, Yang Duo-ming left Luoyang in a carriage. When passing through the city gate, the officers and men looked at Yang Duo-ming's household registration and road guidance.
       These things are no problem.
       The official said:
       "One person ten Silver Taels."
       Yang Duo-ming is not surprised:
       "Official Master, how do you pay for the city?"
       The heart is squatting, these dog things are actually taking the opportunity to collect money.
       The official said impatiently:
       "What do you do? Don't think about going out of town if you don't pay." It's rare to have such a good opportunity, not to make a profit.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I don't have that much money on my body. Can you see if you can less?"
       After that, I escaped from the purse in the sleeve and handed it to the official.
       The official received the money, but his eyes fell on the jade of Yang Duo-ming's waist and said:
       "There is no money, just take this jade to come."
       Yang Duo-ming grabbed the jade at the waist and said:
       "No, this jade is very important to me, can't give it to you." That jade looks good, it should be worth some money.
       The official difference is not so good temperament, said:
       "If you don't give it, when I am rare, you will be a piece of jade." After saying this, the eyes still fell on the jade.
       Yan-Xi, posing as a driver, came back and said, lowering the voice:
       "Young Master, Old Master's illness can't be delayed! If it's late, you may not see the last side of Old Master."
       Yang Duo-ming was entangled in the face. In the end, she was reluctant to give Yu Pei a gift. Instead, she pulled the green bamboo on her head and handed it to the official:
       "This is made with the finest jade, I bought it for eighty Silver Taels."
       When the official heard the driver's words, he took the jade and said:
       "Jadepe." If you don't give it, you won't let it go. Anyway, what is anxious is this cowardly scholar, not him.
       Yang Duo-ming was so angry that he was red, but he was still angry with two points:
       "This is what my fiancee sent me and can't give it to you."
       The official said:
       "I am important to Laozi, or a woman, you measure it yourself!" This officially blatantly accumulates wealth, and no one dares to ‘call at the people who want to leave the city.
       Yang Duo-ming picked up all over the body, but in the end he still gritted his hand to the official jade:
       "Now let us go!"
       At this time, the small leader of the defending city came over and said to the official difference:
       "Return the money to him!" Seeing the official, holding the money, let go, the little leader said:
       "Don't do anything, let people do things and stay on the line." If things are done, sooner or later they should be repaid.
       When the official heard this, he handed the purse to Yang Duo-ming:
       "Hurry and go."
       Yang Duo-ming looked at the carriage with anger and anger. It is a pity that these official differences are a group of goods that can be stripped of your skin without money. He will not sympathize with him if he is sad.
       The official sent up the jade in his hand and said to the little leader:
       "How can this jade be worth two or three hundred Silver Taels!"
       After walking more than 20 miles, Yan-Xi Niutou said to Yang Duo-ming in the carriage:
       "Big brother, you just played like real." Since the beginning of the intelligence, Yang Duo-ming has specialized in learning with people who are good at tolerance. It’s just that for a long time, I only learned a little fur.
       This time, the two of them can pass through smoothly. One of them is that Yang Duo-ming is very real. Secondly, the official is not so worried about what the murderers are, and they want to get more oil. Otherwise, Yang Duo-ming is still easy to be debunked.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "What do you want to do, hurry and go." He is a true character, and nature is no different.
       When Yang Duo-ming suddenly became a family changer, there was no such difficulty in encountering these official differences. It was also Yang Duo-ming's mentality, or else he was forced to die.
       Five days later, Yang Duo-ming and Yan-Xi returned to Yucheng. Back to Yucheng, Yang Duo-ming didn't even return home, and went to Yunfu to tell Yu-Xi about Jiang Hongjin's disfigurement.
       After listening to Yu-Xi, he said silently:
       "There is no need to mention this later." In the last life, she had no bones in her life.
       The chief culprit was Jiang Hongjin, but she was also responsible. She was too weak in her life, not to mention the current ability and state of mind, that is, there is half of Yu-Rong's embarrassment, and she will not fall into such a tragic situation. Now that Jiang Hongjin is not humane and disfigured, it is still a debt owed to her. As for whether Jiang Hongjin is good or bad in the future, she will not pay attention to it anymore.
       Yang Duo-ming is really like this:
       "Wangfei, this time I asked people to spend eight thousand Silver Taels." Also because Jiang Hongjin has a special status, the asking price will be so high.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It took me to spend it! How is the situation in Luoyang?"
       Now that you have a different mind, you have to start planning now.
       Yang Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "It's very bad. From the last winter to the first month, Luoyang City has frozen and starved more than 600 people.
       These news, the government is not reporting." Taiping people, more than ten people died of starvation, That is a big deal.
       Yu-Xi remembered that Yuan-Qing  said that Chenzhou had also killed thousands of people, and his brows were wrinkled.
       Yang Duo-ming thought about it and said that he went out of town:
       "These official differences are actually no different from the bandits." The upper beam is not right, and these officials are so brazen to exploit the past personnel, it is definitely allowed above, and even they are following the same.
       Yu-Xi sighed with a slight sigh:
       "Luoyang City is like this, other places are even more unbearable." Although Luoyang is not the provincial capital of Henan, but the economy is very prosperous, not inferior to the city.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "The situation in the northwest of the previous year was similar to that in Hebei.
       Thanks to Wangye and Wangfei, the people in the northwest have a good day." Yang Duo-ming said this is true.
       Yu-Xi pondered for a moment and said:
       "The situation in the northwest is roughly clarified.
       There will be no big problems in the case of the investigation. But it is the situation of Shaanxi and Henan and Hubei. We know too little. You have also been to Luoyang. Twice, I am familiar with that, I want to send you to Henan, you are willing?"
       Yu-Xi wants Yang Duo-ming to go to Henan to collect intelligence and all aspects of intelligence.
       Yang Duo-ming was first stunned and turned to ecstasy. However, in order to determine the guess in mind, Yang Duo-ming asked:
       "I don't know if Wangfei wants to know what is happening in Henan?"
       Yu-Xi didn’t want to say it:
       "All the circumstances." After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "Green radish is pregnant, stay in Yucheng to accompany her during this time!" Fu Qing luo didn't take long to go to Henan after Yang Duo-ming went to Henan, but she was very bad. Quan Mama medicinal effect is good and it is very famous outside. Fu Qing luo thinks about the child in the stomach and asks for Yu-Xi, which is why Yu-Xi knows that Fu Qing luo is pregnant.
       Yang Duo-ming said with a smile on his face:
       "Wangfei, if I have nothing, I will go back to the government first." The last time the child was gone, leaving both husband and ‘Madam’ with unforgettable pain.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Then go back quickly!" A love  Erxi people who love children can make people feel more at ease.
       After Yang Duo-ming left, Yu-Xi looked down on government affairs. Now in February, I am going to plow in the spring, and many things have to be prepared. In addition, water conservancy projects and road repairs are enough for her to be busy.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing  came back, but his face was not very good-looking.
       Yu-Xi stepped forward and untied his cloak, laughing and saying:
       "What happened, let you have a face?"
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "It's some mess in the army. Don't say it, eat it!" Those things, he didn't want to tell Yu-Xi, saving Yu-Xi from being in a bad mood.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "No matter what will always be solved, there is no need to be angry." If only the military, Yun-Qing  will definitely tell her. Since I don't say it, it is estimated that it is related to her, but Yun-Qing  does not want to say it, Yu-Xi will not ask.
       The next day, Yu-Xi asked Xu Wu:
       “When yesterday, Wangye said something bad in the army, what is it?”
       Xu Wu is responsible for intelligence work, and these things must be known.
       Xu Wu, when I asked Yu-Xi, I didn’t say anything, said:
       “Xiao Yongchang went to Wangye to complain, saying that Han Daren took advantage of Wangfei potential to use power for personal gain and to kill people.”
       Yu-Xi heard the name Xiao Yongchang and thought about it:
       "Is this Xiao Yongchang the ‘Madam’ of Yuan Ying?"
       See Xu Wu nod, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       “Is there any misunderstanding here?”
       Han Jianming is a relatively harmonious person. Under normal circumstances, he will not go to offend people.
       There is Yu-Xi, and no one will not complain about Han Jianming’s embarrassment in public affairs, and this Xiao Yongchang has no intersection with her big brother.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Shao Yongchang is very brave, but his brain is lacking.
       This time his little Concubine cousin committed something and was sentenced by Han Daren for 20 years.
       These two days are ready to be sent to Linzhou for land reclamation.
       That Small Concubine to Xiao Yongchang I blew the pillow wind, and when he checked, he ran to Wangye and called it open. In front of many people, Wangfei was covering the family. "If you have a normal brain, you want to be a small concubine." I have to check things out and say.
       In the former words, Yu-Xi looks as usual. However, after hearing the words from the back, Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "It seems that many people are dissatisfied with my main political heart."
       Xu Wu measured it in his heart; "Wangfei, that Xiao Yongchang is a brainless person, you don't have to care about him.
       Yu-Xi looked up at Xu Wu and said:
       "You have a good relationship with him?"
       See Xu Wu shaking his head, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Since you have nothing to do with him, why are you saying good things to him?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "This is a big problem, not good for Wangfei." In fact, some people in the military have opinions on the Yu-Xi administration, but they have been suppressed by Yun-Qing . If this happens, these people are afraid to attack Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I am right, sitting straight, what are you afraid of? And if I am afraid that those rumors are gone, I can still live there today."
       Xu Wu nodded.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Since this incident is in front of Wangye, let Wangye solve it!" 1148 

       Chapter 751 Killing the Monkey (2)   

       Yu-Xi entered the study room sitting in a chair and picking up the fold, just flipped open the fold and quickly put it down and called Xu Wu into the study :
       "What is the name of Xiao Conchang's cousin? What is the case involved?"
       This thing Yu-Xi originally did not want to intervene, let Yun-Qing  deal with it. (No report) But think about it, this may not be the case that Xiao Yongchang said that she indulged her brother.
       Xu Wu is still very clear about this case:
       "The prisoner is called Kong Yang. He has committed more things.
       This time he also killed people and was told by the son of the deceased."
       In the case of a small case, local officials do not have to report directly. However, the case of a dead person is to be reported.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and said:
       "I remember reviewing a case at the end of last year.
       The prisoner was also called Kong Yang.
       The prisoner was abducted and bullied. It was a bully. It was this case that was forced to be killed."
       Yu-Xi has an impression of this case, and the name of the prisoner is special. Kong Yang, bright and bright. At that time, Yu-Xi also said that such a good name was lost.
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "This is the case.
       This person has done a lot of evil things with Xiao Yongchang's name. In just one year, he has accumulated a lot of money. In March last year, a victim went to the door to complain, I don't know why. Later, Kong Yang made the family of the grievances ruined. With this in front, others would not dare to complain, and they could only pinch their noses when they ate. At the end of last year, Kong Yang wanted to buy a house. I asked a Feng Shui master to watch Feng Shui. As a result, this Feng Shui master said that the house of Zhang’s family is very good, and he will be very prosperous."
       Yu-Xi heard this and thought the case was interesting.
       Xu Wu Said:
       "That is a three-entry house, the location is good, the layout is also very good, two thousand two may not be able to buy it.
       This Kong Yang wants to buy with two hundred Silver Taels, Zhang family is not willing to sell. Kong Yang In order to get the house to be framed by Zhang Jiajia, the family had to agree to take the house-sub-debt.
       The owner of Zhang’s family went to the entrance of Kongyang’s house the night before the move.
       The son of the deceased reported it. Tuen Mun, this case was accepted by Han Daren."
       After listening to Yu-Xi, the look was a little dignified and said:
       "Go to my older brother." This is not an ordinary case and must be dealt with. Otherwise, the relatives of the generals will be arrogant, and the northwest will not be chaotic.
        The people of Wangfu have not yet opened the door, and Han Jianming has come over.
       Han Jianming went to the Wangfu this time because of the affairs of Kongyang. Into the study -, Han Jianming asked:
       "Yu-Xi, do you know about Xiao Yongchang?"
       See Yu-Xi nod, Han Jianming asked:
       "How are you going to deal with this?"
       Yu-Xi is definitely going to make a statement, otherwise it will make other people think more.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The impact of this incident is too bad. It must be dealt with seriously." In addition, Xiao Yongchang dared to run to Yun-Qing  to smear him because he had nothing to do. If it is not severely punished, the following people will certainly be there. In order to prevent this, she decided to kneel down to Xiao Yongchang.
       Han Jianming also means this, but he has some concerns:
       "I am afraid that the handling will be heavy, and the generals in the military will have opinions."
       Yu-Xi is light:
       "This case is re-examined. At that time, several senior generals in the army will come over and listen." It is awkward, and everyone will naturally know when they arrive.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Yu-Xi, isn't this a good thing to do? Although Xiao Yongchang is wrong, but making such a big battle, it will inevitably make other generals think more."
       Yu-Xi looked at Han Jianming and said:
       "Big brother, Kong Yang has done so many evil things, I don't believe that Xiao Yongchang is clean." Kong Yang got so many ill-gotten gains, she did not believe that there would be no filial piety Xiao Yongchang.
       Han Jianming’s look is a stagnation, and Yu-Xi words are clearly meant:
       "Since Xiao Yongchang questioned that I was unfair, I had to find another person to review."
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "The person in charge of the trial, I already have a candidate."
       Han Jianming did not ask who Yu-Xi chose, but said:
       "I will prepare for this, and I will do it within three days."
       Yu-Xi said to Han Jianming in a twilight manner:
       "Because I, let my brother get tired." Han Jianming was also very hard in the investigation, but now she was questioned because of her reasons. Yu-Xi is sorry about this.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "What is this? People are not afraid of shadows, they have to say go with them!" No one can do perfect.
       Back to Han, Han Jianming and Zhao Teacher said:
       "I thought that Yu-Xi would choose to be a good person this time? I didn't expect it..." I didn't expect Yu-Xi to become so strong.
       Zhao Teacher is not surprised, he said:
       "If this is Xiao Yongchang's filth, what is the prestige of Wangfei?"
       I have to admit that Han Yu-Xi is now doing better than before. However, it can be understood that, after all, the identity of Yu-Xi is different now.
       Han Jianming indulged in a moment and asked:
       "You said, this time she will pick who is the chief judge? Is it Tan Tuo or An Zike?"
       Zhao Teacher shook his head and said:
       “Wangfei wants to kill chickens and monkeys this time. Only Wangye can achieve the maximum effect.” Sigu-Nai-Nai must rely on the momentum of Wangye. But this is nothing to be embarrassing, this woman, do not have to rely on men.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "This time, it is my misstep." Kong Yang's case, in fact, he put the water. Kong Yang’s case was implicated in Xiao Yongchang, and Xiao Yongchang was Yuan Ying’s shi-zi. He was afraid that catching Xiao Yongchang would cause a storm, so this matter was vague.
       The words just made by Yu-Xi made him feel a little guilty.
       Zhao Teacher said:
       "It doesn't matter, Xiao Yongchang is not aware of the evils that Kong Yang has done. I don't know who is not guilty, I think Wangfei will not blame."
       Han Jianming sighed, this time Yu-Xi is no blame, or else it will not be understated. Han Jianming said:
       "I shouldn't use the set in Capital City to handle this case." In the capital, no matter what you do, you must measure the gains and losses. But he forgot at the time, this is not in the northwest in the capital.
       Zhao Teacher said:
       "In the future, there are some embarrassing things to tell Wangfei directly. When the province gets it, you are not the same person." Han Jianming’s work is really hard to please. Of course, the most hateful is that Xiao Yongchang, who has already let him go, even dare to make trouble.
       When I was sleeping at night, Yu-Xi stared at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "He Rui, Xiao Yongchang's case, are you ready to dispose?"
       Yun-Qing  is not unexpected that Yu-Xi will know this:
       "I have already lowered his position." Yun-Qing  hurts his ‘Madam’ is right, but he has always acted impartially, and did not cure Xiao Yongchang because Xiao Yongchang said that Yu-Xi is not good. Instead, I checked this matter today and knew that Han Jianming’s trial was fair and he had to cure Xiao Yongchang’s crime.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "If you dispose of it like this, Xiao Yongchang will definitely not be convinced." If Xiao Yongchang is a rational person, it is impossible to go to Yun-Qing  to speak out in front of yesterday, so this matter will not end because Xiao Yongchang demoted.
       Yun-Qing  said Yu-Xi:
       "I will handle this matter well, you don't have to." Letting Xiao Yongchang down is already the limit. If it is handled more heavily, it will not be appropriate. After all, Xiao Yongchang just said a few words that did not listen, and did nothing to hurt Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi heard this and shifted the topic:
       "It’s already in February. It’s been more than three months since Jao-Jao was three years old. It’s too hard to be martial arts.” When Jao-Jao is three years old, he has to follow Huo Changqing. Now, thinking of this, Yu-Xi is a bit reluctant.
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "Before the age of five, I mainly played the foundation. After I was five years old, I started to learn martial arts.
       The real hard work is after the age of five."
       Yu-Xi said with a sigh of relief:
       "This is fine."
       Two days later, the whole city was spread all over, saying that Han Jianming took advantage of Yu-Xi mischief and made a living. Rumors, naturally, the more you pass the more outrageous, the more difficult it is to hear, and finally the Yun-Qing  is involved.
       This thing, Xu Wu did not conceal Yu-Xi, said one by one:
       “Wangfei, Xiao Yongchang ‘called out when drinking in the restaurant. Many people have heard this. But this is something that has been pushed behind the scenes and wants to break the reputation of Wangfei.”
       After saying these words, I looked up at Yu-Xi and saw that the look of Yu-Xi was not a little bit bleak. Xu Wu asked:
       "Wangfei, what do you think about this?"
       Yu-Xi did not answer this question, but instead asked:
       "What did Kong Yang do, Xiao Yongchang knows?"
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this. But Kong Yang and Xiao Yongchang are doing business in partnership. Xiao Yongchang does not care about the business, but only pays dividends. Before the accident, Xiao Yongchang can get two hundred Silver Taels dividends every month." Yongchang did not know the evil things that Kong Yang did. But he got the money, so he can't get rid of it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "No wonder this is so angry, it turned out that the big brother has damaged his interests!" Xiao Yongchang is now a five-product official, and the military ranks of one month are only twenty-two.
       The dividends that Kong Yang gives each month are comparable to his income in a year.
       Xu Wu is actually quite sympathetic to Xiao Yongchang. If Wangye is punished after he has been punished, this matter will pass. But it is going to be dead, and now it makes Wangfei angry to intervene. Wangfei is not Wangye, Xiao Yongchang is going to be bad luck this time.
       In the evening, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  said:
       "Now the outside world is full of enthusiasm, this must be resolved. He Rui, I intend to re-examine this case, and then ask some people to come and listen, right and wrong, I believe that everyone will know."
       Yun-Qing  said in silence:
       "Who are you going to re-examine this case?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I want you to judge, just don't know if you want to?"
       See Yun-Qing  is considering, Yu-Xi continues to say:
       "I have let Xu Wu check. Last year, Xiao Yongchang got more than 2 thousand yuan from Kongyang. What is the difference between Xiao Yongchang and Ji Xuan's subordinates? If the northwestern civil servant generals also learn Xiao Yongchang, then what is the difference between us and Ji Xuan.” This time Yu-Xi must severely punish Xiao Yongchang not for personal grievances, but to use this to warn those generals to be vigilant and not to be dragged by those with ulterior motives. And then I will accompany myself.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "This case is up to me to judge!" Other things have been done, but the trial is a Eldest Miss on the sedan chair, 1148 

       Chapter 752 Killing the Monkey (3)   

       Yuan Ying returned to his home with iron and blue.
       Xiao--Shi looks at his look and knows something:
       "What is the disappointment of the military camp? I want you to pay attention to the body, don't be so desperate." Thanks to Yun-Qing 's medicine, Yuan Ying could not be so fast.
       Yuan Ying said with a cold face:
       “Just got the news, Wangye said that he would review the murder case of Zhang’s family.
       The generals of the military and other four products must go over and listen.” In fact, when Xiao Yongchang was demoted, he warned Xiao Yongchang to stay in the army. Do not regenerate things. At that time, I promised to be good. As a result, I didn’t have a big slogan in the restaurant in two days. When he knew this, he knew it was bad. Sure enough, today I heard that Wangye said that she would re-examine the Zhang family case.
       Xiao--Shi asked:
       “Why should I review the Zhang family case?”
       Xiao--Shi also knows about her brother Yu-Xi. Only Xiao Yongchang was down one level, and she thought that things would pass. Now that the case has been re-examined, this is not a big deal.
       Yuan Ying unveiled his belt and said:
       "Your brother is not saying that Han Jianming is guilty of blasphemy. He also said that Wangfei is sheltering Han Jianming. Wangye is going to give Wangfei a name and personally hear the case. We have already ordered, and we will go to the next day." At that time, he refused to rely on busy business. However, Yun-Qing ’s attitude is very strong, saying that no one can be absent.
       Xiao--Shi doesn't understand much about the outside world, but she also knows that the case was personally tried by Yun-Qing .
       This is not unusual. Xiao--Shi heart could not help but rise up a unease:
       “Wangye revisited the case, why do you still have to go and listen.”
       Yuan Ying shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this, but the case of re-examination is definitely proposed by Wangfei. I told him at the time that he would not let him provoke another thing. If he provokes another thing, he can't keep him. He is good, and he poured two cups of horse urine in the restaurant.
       The words are loud and loud, and the city is full of troubles."
       Xiao--Shi said in a hurry:
       "Children, hey, what do you do now?"
       Couples for several years, Yuan Ying said; "Don't go to Wangfei to ask for love. Zhang's case, he did not know, at most it is to fall again or suffer some flesh." With Yun-Qing  temperament, treat mistakes The subordinates are not degrading or playing a military stick.
       On the day of the case retrial, not only did several generals come to listen, but also several local high-ranking veterans, as well as ordinary people in the periphery. Xiao Yongchang was forced to come to the case on this day.
       The first to come up is Zhang 1st Lang, the son of Zhang’s family. Zhang 1st Lang squatted on the ground and said things with grief, then said:
       "I don't have any other preferences. I just like to play the dominoes with the old man on the corner. I occasionally gamble a few dollars. (No report) The surname of Kong is the game.
       The following chess is a bait, which leads me to owe huge debts and force me. Press the contract to sell the house."
       Kong Yang said next to it:
       "It is obvious that Zhang Laotou owes debts and owes money to the debts. You have no money to take the house the mortgage, he can't think about what it means to be dead."
       Zhang 1st Lang said with tears:
       "I just lost 300 people at the time. Usually, I am playing a big money. I can hardly say a child, Silver Taels, and I owe you three thousand Silver Taels."
       Kong Yang still stalked his neck and ‘called:
       "Who didn't know who was playing the game, Silver Taels, who knows how to play. He knows how to play, what is the relationship between so much debt and me?"
       Zhang 1st Lang was extremely sad and cried:
       "If you didn't buy Dong Da and forced him to be uncle, I wouldn't be fooled." This domino is for four people to play, except one is a stranger, and the other two are Zhang Laohan who know more than 20 people.
       The old friend of the year, it is precisely because of years of old acquaintance, this was taken.
       Yun-Qing  gave a shot to the thunder, and the person who ordered him would be Zhang 1st Lang’s Dong Da and Yu Shu. Han Jianming was tried before the case, and both of them also confessed. At this point, the two are just repeating the last words.
       After reviewing the Zhangjia case, he also examined the case of Kong Yangqiang’s purchase of the pharmaceutical formula passed down from his family. Ten cases have been examined, not to mention Xiao Yongchang, that is, Yuan Ying is somewhat unstable.
       Yun-Qing  gave a shot, and ‘called:
       "With the victim Dou Ying brought up."
       Yuan Ying’s heart was tight. As far as the information he had investigated, there was no victim of the surname of Dou in the case committed by Kong Yang.
       Soon, the guards brought a boy.
       The boy looked at the eleven-year Old, dressed in a coarse cloth, and his body was thin. When the boy went to the court and saw Kong Yang, he rushed up and looked at Kong Yang’s neck and said:
       "I want to kill you, I want to kill you."
       The guards quickly separated the two people. If not, just watching the teenager’s posture would really kill Kong Yang.
       Kong Yang returned to God and saw Dou Ying, a look of horror.
       Yun-Qing  took the gavel and said:
       "What are you wrong with, you can talk to Ben Wang, Ben Wang will be the master for you."
       Dou Ying’s embarrassment was the one who had been sent to the Tuen Mun by the Confucius after the murder.
       The result was that the government did not return him a fair, and finally fell home and died.
       The case of Dou Jia is actually not complicated. Dou Yingtang’s Zeng'
       It is no secret that Doujia has such a set of treasures, and many people know it. However, no matter how much money other people make, Dou Yingjun does not sell. At that time, Dou Ying’s uncle was the known state of Yucheng, and Dou Ying did not dare to grab the people. Later, Yun-Qing  broke the city, and Dou Ying’s uncle ran with his family, and the Dou family lost his shelter. At this time, Kong Yang wanted to get this set of baby to use it as a stepping stone to find a backing.
       Kong Yang is also a very thoughtful person. Don't say that Dou Yingjun is not willing to sell this wine glass. He is willing to sell him and has no money to buy. So he deliberately voted for his good, and became a good friend with Dou Ying.
       Then set the next round and drop the singer's green tea cup.
       Dou Ying’s ‘servants found that things were dropped and immediately went to Kong Yang. Seeing that Kong Yang did not accept the account, he slammed the door. As a result, the lawsuit has been played for more than a month.
       The family has spent most of the time, and it has not been able to cure the sins of Kong Yang.
       The beloved blue and white wine glasses are even more shadowless. Anger and heart attack, Dou Yingzhen immediately fell ill. A few days later, Dou Ying came out to meet the villain, and Dou Yingniang was so humiliated that she was slammed into the wall and died. Dou Yingjun heard this sigh of relief and did not come up, and he died. At the time of the funeral, one did not pay attention, and Mei Mei, the seven-year Old Dou Yingcai, and his three-year Old brother Dou Yu did not know where to go.
       The family of the Dou family is six. After this change, only Dou Ying and his oldest are left.
       After the case of Dou Ying, Kong Yang smashed for a while, when the people around him saw him and wanted to go around. Later, after Han Jianming took over the investigation, because of the unselfish style of iron and iron, Kong Yang had some convergence, and no longer dared to kill people. Zhang’s business is purely an accident.
       Kong Yang ‘called loudly and said that there was no such thing at all. It was Dou Ying who fell into him.
       This made Dou Ying hate to tear him away.
       Yun-Qing  ironed his face and immediately let the guards bring the villains who wanted * Dou Yingniang that day.
       The viciousness immediately admitted that it was Kong Yang’s personal follower who gave him twenty Silver Taels and asked him to do it. In fact, Dou Yingniang was humiliated at the time, and there were no people around. However, in Yucheng, as long as Yu-Xi thinks, there is nothing to win her.
       After Kong Yang’s personal follow-up was brought up, he was very happy to confess. Active confession, but also the pain of the flesh.
       Yun-Qing  asked:
       "Where is the wine glass now?"
       Kong Yang’s entourage shook his head and said:
       "I don't know about this small." In this situation, he did not dare to lie to swindle Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing ’s eyes fell on Kong Yang and said:
       "The wine glass, where is it now?"
       Seeing that Kong Yang gritted his teeth, Yun-Qing  directly gave the guards torture.
       Kong Yang can't hold it, only confessed:
       "My seven-sister knows this, ask me for this blue-and-white wine glass. I can't just give it to her." The seven-sister that Kong Yang said is Xiao Yongchang's Small Concubine hole--shi Shi.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Xiao Yongchang and asked:
       "Have you seen this set of blue and white wine glasses?"
       When Xiao Yongchang heard that Dou Ying said the blue-and-white wine glass, his heart began to falsify, and he knew that the sinus family had a cold sweat because of the death of the blue-and-white wine glass. He used this wine glass in the hole--Shi to drink alcohol. At the time, he also said that the glass was so beautiful and painted.
       Yuan Ying at this time, his face is already dark. See Xiao Yongchang did not move for a long time, cold drink and asked:
       “Wangye asks you, what are you doing?”
       Seeing that Xiao Yongchang has returned to God, Yuan Ying added another sentence:
       "If you have seen it, you will say it directly." If you dare to hide it again, the gods will not be saved.
       Xiao Yongchang was still dare to swear at this time, and immediately nodded:
       "I have seen it. But Kong--Shi said that this is her dowry, and I didn't think much."
       Dou Ying looked at Xiao Yongchang and said with hate:
       "The value of our wine glass is seven or eight thousand Silver Taels. All the homes of Confucius can't afford a cup together. On the same day, I went to the door to sue, and Tuen Mun has already taken you to Kong Yang. It is you, you. Unblocking the relationship will release Kong Yang. It’s all you, if you don’t help you, we will not break the family.”
       This is a fall, let alone Xiao Yongchang, 1148 

       Chapter 753 Killing the Monkey (4)   

       Yun-Qing  sent people to Xiaojia to find this set of exhibits, and then asked Dou Ying:
       "What evidence does you have when he says he manages the government?"
       Dou Ying gnashed his teeth and said:
       "At that time, the government had accepted such a case and accepted Kong Yang. If it wasn't for his help, how could Kong Yang release it?"
       Dou Ying did not have any actual evidence.
       These were the news he was going to hear at the time.
       Yun-Qing  This will not ask whether Xiao Yongchang is true or not. He directly called the trial of the case. Yun-Qing  said coldly:
       "Why is this case going to be closed?"
       In the face of the powerful gas field of Yun-Qing , Ji Tai dared to say anything, in case of getting angry with Yun-Qing , he was not allowed to be killed in the hall. Ji Tai said with a low head:
       "This case is not complicated. It is only halfway through Xiao Daren to find the next official to drink. When drinking, Xiao Daren told me that Kong Yang is his big brother, and asked me to give him a face." To face, naturally, I hope I can put Kong Yangyi.
       The horse is gone.
       Yuan Ying is so angry that he is going to die. However, it is a cousin of Small Concubine. Is it worthy of Xiao Yongchang treating him as a serious scorpion?
       Yun-Qing  asked coldly:
       "Xiao Yongchang, is this matter true?"
       He did not expect that there were so many insiders in this case.
       Xiao Yongchang still dared to deny this matter, nodded and promised:
       "Yes. But I don't know the ins and outs of this. I thought it was just a small dispute, so I asked Ji Daren to open the net." Xiao Wuchang, as Xu Wu said, is a simple mind. Kong--Shi uses the beauty, he forgot his own name, and he will think so much.
       Yun-Qing  looks very ugly and says:
       "If it weren't for you, would Doujia make a family break? If it weren't for you, there would be so many victims who were forced to anger but dare not speak? Now you don't know, what crimes are there?"
       Kong Yang is a villain, and Xiao Yongchang is an accomplice. If he did not escort Kong Yang, Kong Yang could not be so arrogant, so many people would become a famous bully around him.
       Because Xiao Yongchang was involved in this case, he could not stay behind Yuan Ying and went straight to the center of the Courtyard.
       The guards sent soon brought back the family's treasures of Dou Ying's family, and the set of December flower-patterned cups was packed in brocade boxes.
       The guard came in and handed the things to Takamatsu.
       Yun-Qing  said to Gao Song:
       "Put these cups out." In doing so, it is also a way for everyone to open their eyes and see what this thing is going to be forged.
       Takamatsu gently placed the box on the table, gently opened it, and carefully removed the cups one by one.
       The white glazed outer wall of this wine glass is decorated with blue and white. (No notice) The shape is light and beautiful, and the tires are thin and glazed.
       This color is known as the official kiln at a glance, and it is still top grade. Such things are not inferior to tributes.
       Pointing at these cups, Yun-Qing  asked Xiao Yongchang:
       "With such a set of cups, it is the eyes that know what is not the best.
       The family of Confucius is no more than normal. How can it be such a rarity to give a daughter a dowry?"
       For the bottom of the hole--Shi, Yun-Qing  is also known. Hole--Shi'
       Xiao Yongchang is stupid again. At this time, I know that I can’t ‘call again. Otherwise, his end will be very miserable.
       This case has been tried and it has already been tried.
       Therefore, Yun-Qing  was sentenced to the death of the gangster with Kong Yang. As for Xiao Yongchang and Ji Tai, not only did they give up their official duties, but they also went to jail. Xiao Yongchang has to sit for five years, and Ji Tai sits for two years. As for the penalties of other prisoners, there is no change, and they are still executed according to the sentence imposed by Han Jianming.
       Xiao Yongchang heard that he was going to open a five-year drought (in the northwest, jail is equal to land reclamation), and immediately smashed. Waiting for the return of God, Xiao Yongchang wants to ask Yuan Ying for help, but in the eyes of Yuan Ying’s murder, Xiao Yongchang’s words for help are not dare to say.
       Xiao Yongchang was immediately stripped of his official uniform by the guards, and this would not dare to resist, and he was honestly taken to the Courtyard by the guards.
       Dou Ying sees that Kong Yang will also be detained, and rushed forward to grab Kong Yang and ask:
       "Where did you get my brother Mei Mei? Just say, don't say I am dying of you."
       Has been sentenced to death, said that it is also dead and not dead. Kong Yang naturally wouldn’t say it, ‘calling and laughing:
       "You don't want to know where they are in your life?"
       Yun-Qing  looks at the way that Dou Ying is about to collapse, saying:
       "As long as the appearance of your brother Mei Mei is said, Ben-Wang will send people to look for it. As long as they are in the northwest, they will be able to find it." The probability of not being in the northwest is very low. Because Yun-Qing  occupies the northwest, it is necessary to go through the rigorous investigation. It came in and it was not very strict.
       Dou Ying’s tears brushed and fell, while he said,
       “Thank you for Wangye, thank you Wangye.” This half-year experience is like a nightmare for him.
       Yuan Ying’s ‘Madam’, Xiao--Shi, heard Xiao Yongchang’s five-year prison, and almost fainted. Finally, when Yuan Ying came back, Xiao--Shi asked:
       "Old Master, what the hell is going on? Why is Yongchang going to jail?"
       Yuan Ying is annoyed:
       "If he is not troubled, will there be today's business? It is he who is looking for it today." Han Jianming did not go deep into the day, but he even called out.
       Xiao--Shi said with tears:
       "Old Master, it is too late to say this now. Old Master, can't let Yongchang go to jail! If you go to jail, this life will be ruined?"
       Xiao--Shi means that Yuan Ying went to seek Yun-Qing  and let Yun-Qing  put Xiao Yongchang a horse.
       Yuan Ying said with Xiao--Shi:
       "Do you know? I almost got involved in today?"
       Help me to manage and let Xiao Yongchang be comfortable. He does not object. It is absolutely impossible to ask him to ask for love.
       Xiao--Shi is so scared that his face is white:
       "Old Master, this thing can't be beaten with the Old Master gossip, how is it implicated in you?"
       When I heard this, the fire that Yuan Yinggang had just pressed was coming up again. Xiao Yongchang is just a military commander from the five products, and has nothing to do with the place, so let Ji Tai give him face. Yuan Ying said:
       "Ji Tai will give him face because he is my little shi-zi. Fortunately, Ji Tai is a singer. If he is nonsense in the hall, I will have been implicated." Although this matter, Yuan Ying is really one. Nothing to know. But if Ji Tai pulled him in for hundreds of people, even if Wangye found out that he was with his five senses, his reputation was already damaged.
       After that, Yuan Ying added another sentence:
       "Xiang Wei Guo is how to be detained. You should know? Xiang Wei Guo can come back from the beginning, but I don't have this capital." Xiang Wei Guo is younger than him, and he is not hurt, he can go to the battlefield to make military achievements. . However, he can no longer take the troops to fight, and once he falls, he will not be able to get up again.
       It is also unfortunate that the sinister family Dou case occurred in April last year, when Yong-Qing  returned to Fu-Cheng City.
       The size of the business in the city is handled by Yuan Ying. For this reason, Ji Tai only sold Xiao Yongchang a face. If it is like now, Yuan Ying only manages the affairs of the military, and does not stand with local government affairs. Ji Tai may not give this face.
       Xiao--Shi face was white, and Yuan Ying did not say anything if he asked for help.
       Yuan Ying took a sigh of relief and said:
       "You can go under the management and let him eat less bitterness in prison. Others don't care, you can't manage it." Yuan Ying himself has no brother-sister-sister, so he is also very good to Xiao--Shi family. Take care of. However, you must take care of yourself before taking care of you.
       This wind-stricken wave, if he is too long, will definitely attract other people criticism, and even provoke Wangfei dissatisfaction.
       Yuan Ying knew that this thing Yu-Xi intervened, and his shi-zi must definitely suffer big losses. However, I did not expect that Han-shi would directly break the career of his shi-zi and completely ruin him. What is even more frightening is that such a slap in the face can not say a bad sentence. After this incident, Yuan Ying was even more jealous of Yu-Xi.
       Xiao--Shi is very upset, but she is also very important, nodded and said:
       "I know how to do it." I sent more of the past to eat, and the rest of her could do nothing.
       The younger brother is of course important, but her husband is the trust of her and her children. At this point, she still has a clear distinction.
       Yuan Ying sighed and said:
       "After his sentence is over, let him go back to Xinpingcheng!" With such a reputation, it is not a famous name in Yucheng.
       Xiao--Shi has a sad face.
       After listening to the entire process of the Yun-Qing  trial, Han Jianming said:
       "I didn't expect Yu-Xi to find Dou Ying." Kong Yang has been betraying so many evil things for 20 years because it is not directly causing human life, and sin is not dead.
       The things of Dou family are different. Kong Yang’s hands are full of blood from the sinus family. Did not directly kill him to go to wasteland, it is cheaper.
       If Kong Yang knows Han Jianming’s thoughts, he is expected to cry. For Kong Yang, I would rather die than to suffer from that kind of suffering.
       Zhao Teacher laughed and said:
       "Wangfei this time killing chickens and monkeys, the effect will definitely be very good." Xiao Yongchang not only lost his name, but also went to jail.
       This is enough for other people to learn from the officials and constrain their behavior.
       Han Jianming is gratified and has lost:
       “Yu-Xi grew very fast.” Yu-Xi grew so fast that he couldn’t keep up.
       Zhao Teacher has been with Han Jianming for many years, and he still doesn't understand what he thinks when he looks at him:
       "Old Master, Wangfei, such changes have not bad for the Hann family." Yu-Xi Although this time did not come out, but the officials of the city and the generals know that Xiao Yongchang fell to this point because he offended Yu -Xi. Yu-Xi used Lie Wei in this matter to make those who are dissatisfied with her feel jealous and dare not arbitrarily defile her.
       Han Jianming is not stupid. How can he not know that the position of Yu-Xi is stable? The interests of the Han family will be even greater. Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "I want you to analyze the things in the hall with Yu-Xi, you are not very happy!"
       Zhao Teacher said this when he heard this and said:
       "At the time, thinking about analyzing the things in the Courtyard with a female doll was a waste of time." When Han Jianming asked him to teach Yu-Xi, he was not very happy in his heart, but only because of Han Jianming’s face.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Yeah! I also taught her when she wanted to learn. Who can think of this, Yatou can go to today." Thanks to his soft heart, Yu-Xi may not be able to go today.
       The experience of childhood, 1148 

       Chapter 754 Supervision Division (1)   

       After the case was over, Yun-Qing  came faceless and returned to Yunfu. (No notice) Handed Dou Ying to Xu Wu, and Yun-Qing  went directly back to the backyard.
       Jao-Jao is playing in the yard and seeing Yun-Qing  rushing up with his calf. Jao-Jao had mud on his hand, and the Yun-Qing  clothes were also stained.
       Yun-Qing  picked up Jao-Jao, took the dust off her body, and then hugged her to the kitchen washed her hands. After getting clean, Yun-Qing  smiled:
       "Let your mother see it, and hit you again." Every time I saw Jao-Jao dirty like a mud monkey, Yu-Xi had to play Jao-Jao ass.
       Jao-Jao said with a milky voice:
       "Not afraid, Niang does not know." In fact, Yu-Xi played Jao-Jao, but it was like a look, where is willing to force.
       Yun-Qing  likes to talk to Jao-Jao, although he does not understand much when Jao-Jao says it. Yun-Qing  squeezed the nose of Jao-Jao and smiled:
       "Ghosts are strange. Come, let's go to Mei Mei."
       Jao-Jao said, looking up:
       “Mei Mei is lazy, still sleeping, not playing with me.” In this regard, Jao-Jao is very complaining.
       Yun-Qing  touched the head of Jao-Jao and explained patiently:
       "Mei Mei is not lazy, it is too small. When you grow up, you can play with you." Speaking of this Yun-Qing , it was a headache. Jao-Jao began to learn to walk when he was one year old. Lu-Er don't say walking, not even climbing. If Lan Mama and Quan Mama say that Lu-Er is no problem, and the doctor has said that it is ok, he has to get angry.
       As he spoke, he saw the Yu-Xi wearing a royal blue dress in the Courtyard. Yu-Xi got the news to know that Yun-Qing  came back and let go of the matter at hand.
       "Mother..." Jao-Jao reached for Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi walked over and touched the head of Jao-Jao and smiled at Yun-Qing :
       "If Xu Wu said, I don't know if you are back?"
       Yun-Qing  handed Jao-Jao to Zama, and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Into the study say it!" Just now he was a little upset, so he went back directly to the backyard.
       Into the study , Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Yu-Xi, your original idea is correct. It is true that the ombudsman should be established. With the ombudsman, they will be jealous." This time, Kong Yang’s business made Yun-Qing  very shocking, but it was a Courtyard.
       The sister gave Xiao Yongchang a Small Concubine, and Kong Yang dared to be so arrogant. What will happen if you change to a higher official position? Yun-Qing  can't imagine it.
       Because of this, Yun-Qing  really understood the intention of Yu-Xi to establish the ombudsman.
       They have limited energy and cannot control everything. With the ombudsman, it is equivalent to giving them a pair of eyes.
       The following officials did what they should not do, and they can know it at the fastest time and deal with it.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Before Huo Shu said that the establishment of the Supervision Department will allow the following people to centrifuge. Now that the time is ripe, no one will say anything about the establishment of the Supervision Department." The incident with Kong Yang was in front of him, and no one would dare to disagree with the establishment of the Supervision Department.
       This is one of the reasons why Yu-Xi wants to review the case.
       Yun-Qing  sighed and asked:
       "Is anyone chosen?"
       The Ombudsman is responsible for monitoring civil and military officials.
       The errand must be honest and reliable.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       “Meng Fangjun.” Seeing Yun-Qing ’s incomprehensible look, Yu-Xi said:
       "Meng Fangjun is the second-year leader of Guangzong in the twenty-sixth year. Because of his straightforward character, he has offended the dignitary in the capital. He was finally detained as a state from the seven products of Linzhou." The uncle of Meng Fangjun was a student of the old man. In the capital, there are also people who help to mediate. Otherwise, Meng Fangjun is not being shackled, and there is a danger that his life will be dangerous.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "The world is unpredictable, or first check his bottom." I would rather be careful now, and don't make mistakes in the future.
       Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing  with a sullen look and said with a smile:
       "If there are any birds in the woods, don't worry about this." If you worry about Xiao Yongchang, it is too worthless.
       Yun-Qing  hesitated, said:
       "Yu-Xi, do you know if Yuan Ying knows this?"
       Yu-Xi knows the Yun-Qing  temperament, and will not doubt Yuan Ying for no reason, but Yu-Xi still shakes his head and says:
       "Yuan Ying is a smart person. He will not do such a stupid thing. At that time, you took the troops back to Fu-Cheng City. He is in charge of the affairs of the northwest. If he wants to collect money, he only needs to reveal a little bit of wind. Someone holds a lot of money. When I sent it to him, I needed such trouble. So, Yuan Ying is definitely unaware of this."
       Yun-Qing ’s face is hard to say:
       "But Xiao Yongchang sent a lot of things to Yuan Jia." Xiao Yongchang he did not even look at it, he was annoyed by Yuan Ying.
       Yu-Xi grabbed the hand of Yun-Qing  and said with a smile:
       "You think so much. Xiao Yongchang is the younger brother of Yuan Madam. He sends something to Yuan Fu. Yuan Madam will tell Yuan Ying specifically! Then, after the war, you also dont Give them less spoils. Do you think Yuan Ying will break his reputation for the tens of thousands of dollars?"
       The trophies that Yun-Qing  got were piled up in several warehouses. Yuan Ying, one of the confidant generals, must have gotten a lot of good things.
       Yun-Qing  listened to the analysis of Yu-Xi, and my heart was much more comfortable:
       "At this time, Kong Yang, even if Yuan Ying did not know, he also has responsibility."
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Yuan Ying has the responsibility of oversight." In fact, there are some words that Yu-Xi did not say directly. Yuan Ying may not know about these things done by Xiao Yongchang, but Yuan Madam is estimated to know some.
       Yun-Qing  sighed and said:
       "How long it took, I was blinded by money."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It’s so rich, very few people can hold it, so it’s up to you. You often give them a wake-up call, I believe they won’t be so easily caught by money, and it’s not so easy to be used. In the case of Kong Yang, Xiao Yongchang was one that was used. But this can only blame him for not having a brain, and he should be deserved to fall to this end.
       Yun-Qing  sighed and said to Yu-Xi:
       "I have already promised Dou Ying, I will help him find his brother Mei Mei. I have already ordered Xu Wu to do this."
       Yu-Xi thinks things are more comprehensive and says:
       "Duo Ying is just an eleven-year Old boy. After you get his brother Mei Mei back, how do their Brother and sisters live?"
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "I am going to take a sum of money from Kong Yang's stolen goods to the Brother and sisters, and then return the house of the Dou family to them.
       The livelihood should not be awkward."
       Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly. Listening to Yun-Qing , I don’t know that Dou Ying’s younger brother Mei Mei has found:
       "Don't say too much, let's find the two children first! Right, that set of blue and white wine glasses, how are you going to deal with it?"
       Yun-Qing  didn’t want to say it:
       "I have already returned the thing to Dou Ying." This is the thing of the Dou family, naturally it is the original owner.
       Yu-Xi felt a little powerless and said:
       "Don't you hear that you are guilty and guilty." Dou business is a good testimony to this sentence.
       In fact, if the Dou family has treasures, it is not known, and it is natural. Since it is known, it will be normal for people to be jealous. It’s just that they are unlucky enough to encounter such a heartbreaking thing. If you get something, you have to kill it.
       Yun-Qing  hesitated and asked:
       "So what good way do you have?"
       It is really not appropriate for the three children to hold something worth a thousand dollars in their hands.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If Dou Ying is willing, then Yunfu will sell this wine glass out of the house. Use the money to give them some industries, so that they don't have to worry about their future livelihood. But if Dou Ying does not want to, it is not reluctant. "Yu-Xi feels that there is nothing left to earn back." If life is gone, then nothing is gone.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "The glass is very beautiful, I think you will definitely like it."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I don't drink alcohol, what do you want to drink?"
       Let the outsiders know that she also thought of a set of wine glasses. She has never seen anything good, a rare wine glass.
       Speaking of this, Yu-Xi has some regrets about her dowry:
       "In order to prepare a lot of antique calligraphy and paintings, my mother didn't even have the jewels and herbs except for the roads." Those things, but worth hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels! When I think of these things falling into Han Jingyan, Yu-Xi feels so bad.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "I think, he should have hidden these things!" In exchange for him, if it is to be transferred, the valuable objects in the house must be found in a place to hide. Have the opportunity to go back and take it.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "There is also this possibility. But now Duke House lives in Han Jingyan.
       This thing can't be saved or not." Yu-Xi really doesn't want to be cheaper Han Jingyan, but now things are in Duke House, it is easy to get it.
       Yun-Qing  said a very philosophical statement at this time:
       "It's yours that can't run, it's not that you're forced to use it."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The words are like this, but there are a few people who can see through." Those who can see through are all ‘Liang’. Like her laity, even if she has lived for two lifetimes, she can’t see through.
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       "The establishment of the ombudsman, I will talk to Huo Shu at night." I want to come to Xiao Yongchang, and Huo Shu will not object again.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Why wait until the evening, you can go now..."
       The word has not been spoken yet, and the big door of Jao-Jao is ringing outside:
       "Hey, mother, Mei Mei is crying!" Jao-Jao felt that Mei Mei loved to cry and love to sleep, but he was not willing to move. It was not fun at all.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Go out!"
       Into the ear room did not see Lu-Er. Lan Mama explained:
       "2nd Miss is drinking milk in the compartment." Milkmaid feeding is in the compartment.
       Jao-Jao heard this and happily taped Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, I want to drink Nai-Nai." Jao-Jao has been drinking goat's milk since the age of two, drinking habits, drinking every day.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "Well, let's go drink goat milk." Jao-Jao ate a lot, but because it was too good to digest it quickly. It is precisely because of this that Jao-Jao, who is less than three years old, seems to be inseparable from the children of four or five years old.
       When the father and the daughter just got out, Milkmaid took the full-fledged Lu-Er out. Looking at even the snoring Lu-Er, Yu-Xi smiled and took the pip to wipe the milk stains on her lips.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Bring Lu-Er out and go down!" Lu-Er is not moving, but the weather is good, Quan Mama or Lan Mama will walk around with Lu-Er and bask in the sun.
       Yu-Xi kissed Lu-Er, and Lu-Er, who is still breastfeeding, is all milky:
       "This will make the sun too big, go to the party later!" Then, toward Lu-Er:
       "Lu-Er, I’m going to find you-sister-sister, you said yes."
       Lu-Er squinted, 1148 

       Chapter 755 Supervision Division (2)   

       In the evening, Yun-Qing  went to find Huo Changqing and said that he was preparing to set up the ombudsman:
       "The case of Kong Yang is because of the lack of supervision. It is necessary to set up the Supervision Division."
       Huo Changqing did not say that he opposed the establishment of the ombudsman. He was afraid that the following would be more heart-felt. After all, their foundation is still unstable and it is different now. During the year, they have taken control of the Northwest. Now that there is another thing in Kongyang, the people below the establishment of the ombudsman do not dare to disagree:
       "Since you have decided, go ahead and do it!" On the same day he vetoed Han-shi proposal and knew that it was only temporary. Because he knew that Han-shi decided to do one thing, it would not be halfway.
       Yun-Qing  sighed.
       Huo Changqing hesitated, and said the words in her heart to Yun-Qing :
       "Yun-Qing , government affairs can be handed over to Jao-Jao, her mother, military affairs can not let her intervene." Only by controlling the military power, can it be invincible, even when Han-shi has a different mind Not afraid.
       Yun-Qing  frowned and asked:
       "Does Huo Shuo listen to what?"
       Otherwise, why do you think that Yu-Xi wants to control the military power!
       Huo Changqing said:
       "I just worried that once she tried the right to taste, she would no longer let go. Let her get the military power, and you can't restrain her." He admitted that Han-shi performed very well. But the human heart is changeable. In the event that Han-shi changes, and Yun-Qing  can't restrain him, no one knows what will happen.
       Yun-Qing  looks good and says:
       "Huo Shu, you think about it, Yu-Xi is not such a person. And if she really wants military power, I will give it." He is one with Yu-Xi, and his is Yu- Xi. Of course, Yu-Xi is also his.
       Huo Changqing looked up at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Don't say anything too full. What the future will be, no one knows."
       Yun-Qing 's face is more and more difficult to see.
       Huo Changqing said,
       "I just reminded you of how to do it. You have to take your own ideas. Yes, Jao-Jao is three years old in May, and I should teach her martial arts."
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "I know."
       Looking at the back of Yun-Qing , Huo Changqing shook his head. He also didn't want to be a wicked person, but he had to say something. As for Yun-Qing , he didn't listen, that is Yun-Qing .
       After Yun-Qing  went out, he called Xu Wu and asked:
       "Is there anyone in the past two days who said something to Huo Shu?"
       Suddenly talking about these inexplicable words, Yun-Qing  had to be suspicious.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Recently, no one came over to find the righteous father!" Huo Changqing During this time, in addition to going to the Zhuangzi in the suburbs, I saw the training of the children.
       The rest were in the mansion, and there was not much contact with the outsiders.
       See Yun-Qing 's ugly face, Xu Wu asks:
       "Wangye, what's wrong? Is the righteous father not in good health?"
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "No." After returning, he returned to the backyard.
       As soon as I entered the house, I saw that Yu-Xi was telling stories to two children, telling the story of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.
       This is also the sequela of Yu-Xi often reading history books.
       Don't say Lu-Er, who is more than one year old, is that Jao-Jao, who is almost three years old, can't understand what Yu-Xi is saying. However, Yu-Xi is very gentle when it comes to telling stories, like a lullaby. No, the two children fell asleep after less than a quarter of an hour.
       Out of the house, Yun-Qing  said:
       "You are too esoteric in this story. Where can the children understand? To tell, you should also tell simple stories."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Cheng, then, next time you talk, I will come to learn the classics." The two children are so big, even if they are simple stories, they can't understand.
       Yun-Qing  didn't expect that he would be defeated by an army, but he did not fall into the field and smiled:
       "You look at the story I told, Jao-Jao, and I like it." In fact, Yun-Qing  didn't tell the story at all. However, there is no story to collect!
       Yu-Xi laughed and continued this topic again, asking:
       "Does Huo promised?"
       In fact, don't ask, I know that Huo Changqing will agree.
       Thinking of what Huo Changqing said just now, Yun-Qing  is a little uncomfortable. However, he is not prepared to let Yu-Xi know about it:
       "Huo Shu has no reason to agree. Right, Huo Shu said, when Jao-Jao is born, he will teach Jao-Jao martial arts!"
       Yu-Xi has long thought of it, and there is nothing unhappy:
       "Got it."
       After talking about a conversation, Yun-Qing  began to feel awkward. Yun-Qing  whispered in the ear of Yu-Xi:
       "It’s not early, we should sleep too!"
       Yu-Xi gently pressed Yun-Qing 's unruly big hand and said:
       "I haven't bathed yet!" The voice, the unspeakable charm.
       Yun-Qing  knows that Yu-Xi has a lot of requirements. For example, if you don't take a bath, you can't do a husband and ‘Madam’. Yun-Qing  said loudly:
       "Prepare water, I want to bathe with Wangfei." This means that the two have washed together, otherwise, you don't have to say it.
       Yu-Xi face is a bit red, but there is no objection.
       Lan Mama heard the news and told Quan Mama:
       "Mama, Wangfei body has healed, should you give Eldest Miss a second brother to Miss?"
       Quan Mama shook her head and said:
       “Wangfei body needs to be in the best condition for a period of time.
       This way, the child can be healthy.”
       Lan Mama is busy asking:
       "How long does it take?"
       Lan Mama is eager to hope that Yu-Xi will give birth to a child, so that she can be assured.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Less a year, more than two years." This kind of thing, there is no fixed number, just look at the physical situation of Yu-Xi.
       Lan Mama said in front of Quan Mama:
       "I am really worried, what day is there a woman in the house?"
       With the first one, there is a second third.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       “Reassure, Wangye and Wangfei are now loved by love.
       There will be no other people inserted in the three or five years.” As for the three or five years, Quan Mama is not sure.
       Lan Mama said:
       "It is still necessary to give birth to a son earlier."
       Quan Mama said:
       "Even if you have a son, if you are in poor health, not only the child is sinned, but the parents are also bad, so this matter is urgent." With the body of Yu-Xi, pregnancy is not impossible now. But the child born, the body is certainly not as good as Jao-Jao.
       Quan Mama thinks far more than Lan Mama. Lu-Er is a Miss, and the body is poorly cultivated. But if the son born is not in good health, it is endless trouble. Yun-Qing  is now Wangye, and the eldest son is to inherit the title. If the body is not good, how to provoke this burden.
       See Lan Mama for some hesitation, Quan Mama said:
       "You forgot Fu Tianlei ‘Madam’, Chen-shi? She just ignored her own body and was eager to ask for a child. As a result, she not only lost her body but couldn't bear it, and the child did not keep it." Chen-shi actions are really Lost Madam and lost the soldiers.
       Lan Mama remembered Chen-shi and immediately stopped talking.
       Chen-shi can't be born, and Fu Tianlei has no son yet. So when Fu Tianlei was in good health, Yan Jian asked him to think about his son and come back to the 2nd House.
       Fu Tianlei did not agree, said:
       "Hey, I don't want to marry the 2nd House for the time being." Miss in Fu-Cheng City, who is willing to give people a slap, and he can't look at his eyes.
       Yan said with a cold face:
       "You don't want to think about the 2nd House? Don't you want to break the grandchildren?"
       Yan Jian is only a son like Tian Lei, otherwise he will not toss like this.
       Fu Tianlei shook his head:
       "I will talk about it later! I have already sent a letter to Yun-Qing  and told him that my body has healed." After more than a year, I finally got it.
       Speaking of Yun-Qing , the fire of Yan Jian:
       "Do you tell him what is the use of his body? Is he going to let you go to the city? I persuaded you, but you didn't listen.
       The result? Now that he has done something, he throws you aside. In the people who followed Yun-Qing , except for his son, all others were promoted and made a fortune.
       Speaking of this, Fu Tianlei is somewhat ashamed:
       "Yun-Qing  gave me the task of defending the city, but I didn't do anything." When he just started playing, he was poisoned. He didn't have any credit. He had a face to ask for help; and Yun-Qing  gave him He has been very grateful for the elixir.
       He was so angry that he couldn’t understand how he had born such a gluten:
       "Now don't say anything else, I only ask you now, when can you give me a healthy and fat grandson?"
       With his grandson, he must be well educated, and he must not be so obedient like Fu Tianlei.
       Fu Tianlei said:
       "Before the end of next year, I will let you hold your grandson. If you don't do it, then you will want to do it with you."
       Yu Jian did not speak.
       Chen-shi is sick, but she is still in charge of the house. She knew it quickly about the news of the 2nd House, and this time, Chen-shi knew she couldn’t stop it anymore.
       Looking at the sad face of Chen-shi, He Mama comforted:
       "Madam, don't think too much, isn't the general refused?"
       Chen-shi said with no expression:
       "He didn't refuse, but in Fu-Cheng City, he couldn't find him satisfied." How did Chen-shi, a couple of ten years, not know the temperament of Fu Tianlei. Seeing that the guards under Yun-Qing 's hands can be famous, how Fu Tianlei is willing to marry a small family's Miss.
       He Mama sighed and said:
       "Madam, the most important thing for you now is to raise your body early, and the rest will be said." He Mama said that the responsibility for causing such a large part of the present is Chen-shi. If you listened to her at the beginning, don't rush to get pregnant, but first raise your body, and you will not be able to have a son. As long as he gave birth to a son, the general would not be able to marry the 2nd House.
       Chen-shi fell into tears and said:
       "How about raising your body?"
       When the husband and ‘Madam’ came to this point, Chen-shi was also a little disheartened.
       He Mama said without hesitation:
       "Madam must not have such a thought. If Madam has three long and two short, what do you want Eldest Miss to do in the future?"
       It is impossible to say that Lao Taiye is still waiting for his Madam to die, so that the general can continue to retreat.
       This continuation room is related to the 2nd House, but it is a different day.
       Chen-shi grabbed the quilt and said:
       "You are right, in order to lily them, I have to raise my body. Otherwise, my forefoot will die, and the oldest will not let the generals marry." With the mother, there will be a heir.
       Then her daughters will definitely be ruined in the future.
       : Hey, I didn’t bring an umbrella yesterday.
       The result was a drop of soup, and I felt that it was wrong when I came back.
       The second is probably around 10:30.

       Chapter 756 Ninghai (1)   

       Jiang Hongjin spent all his money on his hands and found no useful clues. (No report) Jiang Hongjin hated not being able to kill all the official differences. It was at this time that High Teacher arrived.
       Gao Teacher has been on the road, and has not received any news of Jiang Hongjin's disfigurement. So I saw Jiang Hongjin’s blood-red sarcoma on his right face, and the high Teacher was shocked:
       "2nd Master, 2nd Master What's wrong with this?"
       It’s not that people have been given a bad medicine, but they haven’t heard of disfigurement!
       Jiang Hongjin said with no expression:
       "Being harmed." Thinking that the person who harmed him is still at large, Jiang Hongjin hates to gnash his teeth.
       Gao Teacher knows that the murderer has poisoned Jiang Hongjin again:
       "2nd Master, you can rest assured that I will help you to trace the murderer behind the scenes."
       Jiang Hongjin believes in high Teacher:
       "This is all about uncle." High Teacher has been with him for more than 20 years, and he is better than him in experience or experience.
       Gao Teacher asked Xia Jiang Hongjin:
       “After arriving in Luoyang, what kind of person can the 2nd Master offend?”
       It is definitely a vengeance to be able to get this poisonous hand, so it is not difficult to find.
       Jiang Hongjin shook his head and said:
       "In Luoyang, I have not offended anyone." Luoyang’s numbered officials, even if the political views are not harmonious, have no evil.
       The idea of ​​High Teacher is deeper than that of Jiang Hongjin, asking:
       “2nd Master, it’s not just the wealthy and talented people who can do this.”
       Jiang Hongjin changed his face and asked:
       "What does this mean for Uncle?"
       High Teacher, who is it, what do you still don’t understand when looking at Jiang Hongjin’s appearance? “Which 2nd Master has made a dead end with someone?”
       Jiang Hongjin immediately shook his head:
       The murderer behind the scenes must be someone who has a big enemy with our Jiang family."
       High Teacher sighed a little and said:
       "2nd Master, if you don't tell me clearly, I can't help you find the murderer behind the scenes."
       Jiang Hongjin was silent for a long time before saying:
       "I didn't take long before I came to Luoyang, and I came across a case." Jiang Hongjin is an educator, and he is in charge of civil affairs, that is, special care and resettlement, relief and disaster relief.
       It didn’t take long for Jiang Hongjin to go to Luoyang, and it caused official corruption and disaster relief. At the time, there were three officials involved in the case. One of them was the prefect of the prefect, one was the brother of Tongzhi, and the other had no background in Luoyang.
       The last one who died without background was in prison, and the other two were fine.
       After listening to the high Teacher, I asked:
       "Who is still in the family of the surname?
       Jiang Hongjin shook his head:
       "The surname is from Jizhou, and his ‘Madam’ and children are in Jizhou. After the man committed the crime, the Concubine ran away. Or his servant sent his coffin back to Jizhou." Concubine and the two children who fled Child, it is impossible to avenge that person.
       After a pause, Jiang Hongjin said:
       "Even if the family wants to take revenge, it should not be looking for me.
       This case is not my trial, it is the presidency." He is at most an accomplice.
       Gao Teacher also asked Jiang Hongjin a lot of things, and the results did not get any clues. Gao Teacher said; "Don't you say that there is a portrait of a prisoner? Take it and show it to me." This is the only clue.
       As a result, I looked at the five big three-faced all-night beards on the portrait, and the high Teacher was depressed:
       "This painting is too ordinary, there is nothing special, it is difficult to find it out." This appearance may be conspicuous in Capital City, but it is common in Luoyang. Walking up the street, you can grab a few of them just like the portraits.
       Jiang Hongjin did not say anything, this is already the best one.
       High Teacher said:
       "Don't you say that someone has seen this person? Bring the man down." High Teacher is good at Dan Qing , he wants to paint himself.
       After a day, High Teacher drew the appearance of Yan-Xi.
       The man who saw Yan-Xi looked at this portrait and couldn't help but nod:
       "Like, just like a real person."
       High Teacher Said:
       "There are a few more copies of the paper, posted on the streets, I believe that I can find out the identity of this person."
       This trick is very useful. In less than three days, someone revealed the portrait to the Zhizhou government to receive the reward. People have seen Yan-Xi, and his bottom is also clear:
       "This person's name is Yan Xiaoxi. It was originally a tenant of Maicheng. Later, I couldn't go down the mountain and fall into the grass. It became the confidant of Maicheng's smiling face. Later, Yun-Qing  occupied the northwest, and I was not clear about their whereabouts.
       The person who came to the award was originally the official residence of Maizhou City and was very familiar with the local area. It was also because Yun-Qing  took the troops and he fled to Luoyang with his family.
       Gao Teacher and Jiang Hongjin said:
       "This person should be hiding in the northwest, this is more difficult to do." Different from Luoyang in the northwest, it is not so easy to catch people in the northwest.
       Jiang Hongjin hated and said:
       "Don't say the northwest, it's the end of the earth, I won't let him go." Since he found the trace, he would never let it go.
       Gao Teacher looked down and thought about it, then looked up and said Jiang Hongjin said:
       "‘Laozi will be able to go to Luoyang in half a month. When I go to the city with my grandfather, I will find out the whereabouts of this person. 2nd Master, you should go back to Capital City!" Jiang Hongjin’s face was hurt, or he returned to Capital City for treatment. appropriate.
       Jiang Hongjin wants to personally pull out the people behind the scenes.
       Gao Teacher does not agree with Jiang Hongjin's behavior:
       "2nd Master, the most important thing for you now is to cure the wound on your face.
       The others are secondary." High Teacher has a vague feeling that the masters behind the scenes are not only difficult to find, but also difficult to deal with.
       Under the tough attitude of High Teacher, Jiang Hongjin finally compromised and returned to Capital City in the carriage on the second day. As for Yu-Rong, stay in Luoyang.
       Tie-Kui received a reply from Yu-Xi three days before becoming a relative. With the letter, there are some small-eyed gifts. Of course, it was sent in the name of Tong-Ji.
       Holding the beautiful plum font on the letter, Tie-Kui knows that the letter is the hand of Yu-Xi. Because Yu-Xi will write plum fonts, it is not a rare thing, and people in Capital City who are well-informed know.
       Into the house, Tie-Kui opened the letter. Looking at the beginning of the word 舅舅, Tie-Kui . He will venture to recognize Yu-Xi, not only to restore his identity, but also because Yu-Xi is the only person with a blood relationship with him.
       Looking at the complete letter carefully, a smile appeared on Tie-Kui. In the letter, Yu-Xi only told her about her thoughts about her mother, and also the joy of this sudden emergence. In addition to this, let Tie-Kui protect himself. If Tie-Kui is willing to go to the northwest, she also welcomes both hands, spying on the message, half a word.
       After reading it again, Tie-Kui took the fire and burned the letter.
       The person with Yan Wu-shuang is watching, he has to be careful, and there is a possibility that Xi identity cannot be left.
       Tie-Kui said to Zhong-Shan, who walked into the house:
       "Tonight, our Brother have a good drink." Now in his heart, he has already recognized the Yu-Xi shi-nu.
       Zhong-Shan knows Tie-Kui. For so many years, I was so happy to see him for the first time:
       "Quezi, what makes you happy like this."
       Tie-Kui is really happy today, and I want Zhong-Shan to share this joy with him:
       "You were not confused about my life before? I can tell you today."
       Zhong-Shan heard this and said:
       "You will wait." After saying this, hurry and go out and look outside. Fortunately, there are no people outside at this time, and no one on the roof.
       Tie-Kui laughed, and if he was not sure that there was no one here, how dare he say this. However, the behavior of Zhong-Shan still makes his heart warm.
       Zhong-Shan closed the door and pulled Tie-Kui into the compartment inside. Some complained:
       "You have to be careful with such a big deal!" Tie-Kui can keep squatting and his identity is definitely extraordinary.
       Tie-Kui smiled.
       After Zhong-Shan calmed down, he asked:
       "Quezi, what is your identity?"
       From the fact of Han Jianming, he actually guessed that Tie-Kui should be a Capital City-based person and Han Jianming’s Noble Heir in Duke, so the birth of Tie-Kui is not bad.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "My real name is Ninghai, the tranquility of Ning, the sea of ​​the sea, is the youngest son in the family. I am taking this word for me, I hope I can have the heart of the river..." When it comes to Ning's family, Tie-Kui Some choked.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it!"
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "Ningjia Daren men are all beheaded, and the son-in-law sells. My second-sister will sell all the dowry to clear the relationship, and then I will keep a few zhizi and a son-in-law from my 5th Brother. Unfortunately, the road to Liaodong was finally distributed. I met a bandit." Tie-Kui twins made a lot of friends before, and they also secretly helped. Otherwise, just rely on Ning-shi dowry, where to save so many lives.
       Zhong-Shan lowered his voice and asked:
       "How did you escape?"
       Those who come to live with the bandits are all lucky people.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "When the bandits came, we were resting. At the time I was in the grass and I was in the toilet.
       Those bandits didn't notice me." Tie-Kui is a scholar, and the readers are very particular about it, even if they become prisoners.
       Therefore, he must solve the personal problem to the far side of the road, and the place where the grass cats, this is why the bandits did not find him.
       On the way to Liaodong, Tie-Kui heard that the road was not peaceful. So when he heard the ‘calls and the cry for help, he didn't dare to run out. He could only move his mouth and squatted in the same place. When the culprits left, he walked out of the grass.
       The picture he came out to see has always been his lingering nightmare. All the rest of his loved ones fell into a pool of blood, of which 3rd Sister-in-law was in the same place, and 4th Sister-in-law was still in fruit.
       In fact, many times, the dead are happy, and the surviving talent is the most painful. Tie-Kui has been a nightmare for 20 years. Every time he wakes up from a nightmare, he is a cold sweat. And this pain can not be complained to people, 1148 

       Chapter 757 Ninghai (2)   

       Zhong-Shan was silent and asked:
       "How did you become the son of Iron Uncle?"
       Zhong-Shan has seen Tie-Kui adoptive father, Tiger, which is a very cool man.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "After I buried my family, I went to the nearby town. Because I didn't eat it, I could only beg." He also had a site. He suddenly came out and grabbed those sloppy rice bowls. A group of people killed Tie-Kui, and at this time they met the Hunter Tiger who sold the prey to the town.
       It is just that the only child of Tiehu is gone, and Ninghai and Tie-Kui, the son of Tiehuhu, have two or three similarities. At that time, when I saw Ninghai, Tiehu felt that this was a fate, so I let the name of my son directly, and then Ninghai became Tie-Kui.
       The Tiehu family lived in the mountains, and there were few people who went down the mountain.
       The people under the mountain did not know that Tie-Kui son was gone.
       The iron tiger relies on hunting to make a living, and the tax is very heavy, so even if the iron tiger is a hunting expert, the iron family often eat wild vegetables and wild fruits to feed the hunger.
       It wasn't until Tie-Kui could go hunting in the mountains to get better. In the fifth year of the mountain, Tiehu killed a tiger.
       Tie-Kui was born in a bureaucratic family, where he did not know the value of tiger skin.
       This can only sell one hundred and eighty Silver Taels in the town, and can double the state. Iron Tiger is not a pedantic person. After listening to Tie-Kui, he decided to go to the state to see. When they arrived at the state, the father and son sold the tiger skin for three hundred and sixty-two, which was nearly twice as high as the town.
       With this money, the iron family bought the land under the mountain and bought a few acres of thin fields. At this time, Tie-Kui really appeared in front of everyone.
       Zhong-Shan asked:
       "I remember you told me before, you have nothing to do with Han Jianming? Then why do you want to contact him?"
       Tie-Kui lowered his voice and said:
       "I am not in contact with him, I am in contact with Yu-xi." As an elder, the name of Yu-xi is not awkward.
       Zhong-Shan heard Tie-Kui calling Han-shi name, and his heart jumped:
       "What is your relationship with Han-shi?"
       Even if Tie-Kui can call his name, the relationship must be very close.
       Tie-Kui looks a little sad, saying:
       "My second-sister rushed around and caused dystocia. I went there a month later.
       The child left is Yu-xi." To Ning-shi, Tie-Kui is both grateful and sad.
       Zhong-Shan slugged for a while and said:
       "No wonder you don't dare to say your identity." Even if Han Jianming did not let go, Yan Wu-shuang knew the identity of Tie-Kui and would use this relationship to deal with Han Yu-xi. of.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "Even if I don't recognize each other, I won't deal with Yu-xi." The second sister was because he was dead, how can he deal with the only blood left by the second sister.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "The future contact with the northwest side, let me come!" If it is time to come out by Tie-Kui, it is easy to have an accident.
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "You don't have to worry about this. Yu-xi doesn't mean what I should be." If Yu-xi wants to help him with this relationship, Tie-Kui definitely won't agree. But Yu-xi didn't say anything, but also made him pay attention to safety and made Tie-Kui feel comfortable.
       Zhong-Shan breathed a sigh of relief:
       "This is fine." It should be too dangerous to be inside. It was only at the beginning that he did not dare to persuade. After all, Han-shi was the only relative of Tie-Kui.
       When the two were talking, they heard the outside ‘calling Yu family 1st Master died.
       Hearing that Yu family 1st Master died, Tie-Kui asked calmly:
       "Do you hear any rumors outside?"
       Yu family 1st Master The body was still fine a few days ago, and it was gone for less than ten days. It is said that there is nothing tricky, Tie-Kui does not believe.
       The follower said:
       "Now it is said that it is the poisonous hand of the emperor." As for what I really want, I don't know.
       Tie-Kui waved to let the followers go down.
       Zhong-Shan looks a little dignified and says:
       "Quezi, this is awkward! You said who will be the hand?" In the death of the Old Master, the capital will certainly fall into chaos, that is, who is the fisherman.
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "This can't be guessed.
       The water in the capital is too deep, and even Yan Wu-shuang hasn't played away yet, I'm even worse."
       After saying this, Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "But I think it's very likely that the Old Master will die." Yu family has a lot of dead, Yu family 1st Master and Yu Chun as the Yu family's pillars are also very careful, so the assassination is nothing. use.
       Zhong-Shan can't figure it out, just don't want it. It’s a headache for the emperor and Yan Wu-shuang, and it has nothing to do with them:
       "The only trouble is that after three days, it is your day of getting married. When you encounter such a thing, it is really..." He said two words, he did not say it.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "No problem, anyway, we have not many guests." Except for some of his colleagues, it doesn't matter if other people come or not.
       The death of Yu family 1st Master does not really matter to Tie-Kui. For Chun Yu, this is the burden of the entire Yu family. Unfortunately, he used to be a playboy. Although the two years have changed, the people of the Yu family don't trust him. No, Yu family 1st Master is just sighing, Yu family II Old Master and three Old Master jumped out.
       These two people want to be home for a long time, but they have been suppressed all the time. It’s not easy to deal with Chun Yu now!
       My relatives are dead, and the uncles not only do not want to help him, but they have to fight against him. If you switch to the average person, you will definitely be thundering. Yu Chunxi said that she had wiped her eyes and said:
       "Two uncles, three uncles, everything is waiting for me to fill up Qi-Qi and say." Unlike the people outside, the guess is not the same. Yu Chunxi knows that he really has to go to an emergency.
       Yu family Two Old Master and Yu family Three Old Master are not willing to wait for Qi-Qi, when the day lily is cold. It was when the spring was entangled in wanting to be angry, and the outside called the emperor.
       When the words fell, the son-in-law in the room immediately shunned.
       The emperor stayed in the Yu family for two quarters before returning to the palace, and the arrival of the emperor also made the Yu family two Old Master and the three Old Masters.
       Back to the palace, the emperor went to Kunning Palace. Although there are a few more ‘servants in the palace, the emperor rarely goes to a few palaces. Anything is going to Kunning Palace. It is not to discuss anything with Yu-Chen, he feels comfortable sitting there.
       Yu-Chen served the emperor to sit down and watched the look on his face softly:
       "The emperor is not worried, things will get better soon." Yu-Chen knows very well that this is not the emperor. Because the Yu family 1st Master is dead, it will definitely lead to the turmoil of the Courtyard.
       The emperor said:
       "Yu Chunxi said on the ground that after Qi-Qi is full, he will send Ai Qing 's coffin back to his home to bury him." The son Fu Ling went back to bury Laozi, which is justified.
       The emperor could not refuse, and the emperor would not refuse. Yu family 1st Master is dead, Yu Chun went to Jiangnan, leaving Yu family two Old Master and three Old Master.
       These two people are a little smart, but they don't have much talent.
       Yu-Chen nodded:
       "That's good."
       When the couple used lunch, the ‘zither’ came in from the outside and said:
       "The emperor, the Empress, Tang Ji-yi suddenly fainted in the Royal Garden."
       The emperor heard this and looked at the ‘zither’.
       Yu-Chen stood up and asked:
       “Have you ever been to the Imperial Doctor?”
       Hearing the ‘zither’ said that he had invited the Imperial Doctor, Yu-Chen said to the emperor:
       "The emperor, let's go see Tang Mei Mei together?"
       The emperor put down the chopsticks and stood up and said:
       When the couple arrived at the palace of Tang Ji-yi, they saw a smile on the face of the people in the palace. Yu-Chen knew that this was a happy event.
       Le Imperial Doctor gave the emperor and Yu-Chen a gift and said:
       "The emperor, Pu Yi, this is a pregnancy, there is a month." Hey, you have to take a safety pulse every two days, unless you buy the Imperial Doctor, otherwise it is difficult to survive pregnancy.
       The emperor was obviously very happy and ‘called:
       Before the emperor entered the palace, Cai Gonggong rushed from the outside and said:
       "The emperor, Yunnan sent 800 miles to the military."
       The emperor was not in the mood to see Tang Ji-yi, and he left the palace with Cai Gonggong. It was Yu-Chen, and went into the palace.
       Tang Ji-yi saw Yu-Chen and got up and wanted to salute. Pressed back to the bed by Yu-Chen, laughing:
       "You are a person with a body now, you have to take care of your body."
       Tang Ji-yi has a gentle look on his face:
       "The Empress, I don't know if I was pregnant." The number of times the emperor went to Tang Ji-yi palace was very small, and it was one or two times a month. It is really lucky to be pregnant in this situation.
       Yu-Chen always wanted a child but couldn't bear it. As a result, Tang Ji-yi said something like this.
       This is clearly playing Yu-Chen's face.
       Yu-Chen is not comfortable in the heart, but it is not obvious on the face, laughing and saying:
       "With children, you can't run around, you can't climb trees, you know?"
       No matter what you think in your heart, the face still needs to be made to make mistakes.
       Tang Ji-yi nodded and touched his stomach:
       "For the children in the stomach, I will be careful." Not only can dangerous things like climbing a bed not be done, but also be careful when eating anything. It is lucky to be pregnant, and it is safe to give birth to this child.
       After two sentences, Yu-Chen returned to Kunning Palace.
       Gui Mama said with a cold face:
       "She will pretend? Even Imperial Consort has cheated her." She knew that Tang Ji-yi was inside the ‘Minister’, and it turned out that her idea was correct. Only the Queen did not listen to her, and thought that this Tang Ji-yi was a good one.
       Yu-Chen laughed, this Tang Ji-yi was as innocent as it was, and how could the Tang family send her to the palace. She didn't trust the funeral at all, and naturally she didn't have anything to deceive:
       "The order of the palace, soaring Tang Ji-yi for the sake of 婕妤." Pu Yi is the five products, 婕妤 is the four products, this is a level. When the child is born, he has to rise again, even if it is a princess. Of course, this is based on the strength of the maiden or the love of the emperor. If not, it is not allowed.
       Gui Mama is not feeling well,

       Chapter 758 Jiang Hongfu to (1)   

       In the spring of March, it is the season when everything is germinated and the trees are easy to survive. -..-
       Xu Wu walked into the study and said with Yu-xi:
       "Wangfei, 20 thousand mulberry trees accompanied the 20 sangnon to the Shaoguan." Because there was no mulberry tree planted in the northwest, it is still unknown whether it can be planted, so I dare not plant too much.
       The two thousand plants are also tested. If it is successful, it will enlarge the planting area.
       Yu-xi put down the fold in his hand and said:
       "Send someone to ask Ann to come over." This matter, Yu-xi is going to be handed over to Anzike.
       Xu Wu nodded and said another thing to Yu-xi:
       "Jiang Hongfu has arrived in Luoyang and can reach Yucheng in a maximum of ten days." Although the northwest surrendered to the court, it was all on the surface. In fact, the northwest is completely independent and is not subject to the imperial court. In this case, Jiang Hongfu was sent over, and whatever Ann’s heart is in mind.
       Yu-xi heard this and looked up at Xu Wu and said:
       "Jiang Hongfu is deeply rooted in the relationship with Wangye, so be careful with him. You can't be heavy or light."
       Xu Wu actually dislikes Jiang Hongfu very much. He has nothing to do with the character of Jiang Hongfu. He only instinctively dislikes the people sent by the court. In the eyes of Xu Wu, Jiang Hongfu is the imperial dog of the court, not the cousin of Yun-Qing :
       "Wangfei, this Jiang Hongfu heard that it is very capable. If it is placed in Yucheng, sooner or later, it will come out." Xu Wu means to take this Jiang Hongfu to a remote place, even if he has talent, hey What wave is coming.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "I have a lot of things in this matter. You are going to be a relative soon. In a few days, the things in the house will be handed over to the big cow. You can concentrate on marriage." Xu Wu marriage has always made Yun-Qing  worry, now Xu Wu Being married, it is also a solution to Yun-Qing .
       Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "There are still more than ten days, don't worry." Xu Wu is still very happy about his own family.
       Jiang Hongfu went to Luoyang and stayed for one night. When he just rested, he heard someone ask for it.
       The person who wants to see is the high Teacher.
       Jiang Wenrui devoted all his efforts to this eldest son, and whenever Jiang Hongfu followed the shi-shi, Jiang Wenrui was on his son's side, so the father and son had excellent feelings. . Hearing that he was accompanied by Gao Xian came to live, Jiang Hongfu personally went out to welcome:
       "Uncle, how are you in Luoyang?"
       Gao Teacher said with a wry smile:
       "It's hard to say a word." The northwest is tight inside the outer pine, and it is easy for the high teacher to go to the northwest. It's easy to go in, but it's dangerous to do something inside.
       This is also the reason why High Teacher will wait for Jiang Hongfu here.
       Hearing Gao Teacher said that Jiang Hongjin was disfigured, Jiang Hongfu face was very ugly, saying:
       "If you don't give up the medicine, you still have to ruin it. Who is the second brother who offended?"
       Jiang Hongjin is not inferior to Jiang Hongfu, but because Jiang Hongfu is the eldest son, everything is the first. Coupled with - shi-shi often recited, the feelings of the 2nd Brother are not very good.
       High Teacher shook his head and said:
       "2nd Master has not offended anyone. I am worried that it is a poisonous hand from a person who has a hatred against Jiang."
       Jiang Hongfu did not want to shake his head and said:
       "Impossible. If there is a hatred against the Jiang family, it is also directed at me or me, how can I go to the second brother?"
       High Teacher also thought about this problem and said:
       "It should be 2nd Master's side to get started." Jiang Wenrui is a household book, and it is not easy to deal with him. Jiang Hongfu was very cautious since he was killed by -Shi that year. It is not easy to harm him.
       Jiang Hongfu was silent and asked:
       "What clues have you found?"
       High Teacher nodded:
       "There are already clues.
       The one who bought the gangsters and attacked the 2nd Master was a bandit called Yan Xiaoxi. According to the information we found, this person should be in the northwest now."
       Jiang Hongfu is more intelligent, and he knows what it means in the high Teacher. Jiang Hongfu said:
       "A bandit, what kind of hatred can you have with your second brother? Is there any clue?"
       High Teacher shook his head:
       Jiang Hongfu said:
       "Then go to the northwest with me tomorrow! But without my permission, you can't act rashly." Although Yun-Qing  is his cousin, the two have not seen it for fifteen years, this time he is Such an identity goes northwest and you have to be careful.
       High Teacher nodded:
       "‘Laozi rest assured, I will be careful." After saying this, he asked:
       “Big Master, ‘Mistress and 1st Young Master?”
       Jiang Hongfu now has two sons and one daughter under his knees. He--Shi has a son and a daughter, and one is a --Shi personally born to Servant.
       Jiang Hongfu Said:
       "‘Mistress took the children to stay at home, and I will send people to pick them up after a while." The situation in the northwest is unknown. He is not at ease, so he left his ‘Madam’ and children in Jiangnan.
       High Teacher nodded:
       "fair enough."
       Yu-Qing  came back at night, Yu-xi told her:
       "Jiang Hongfu has arrived in Luoyang. According to the itinerary, it should be able to arrive on the 10th." The reason why Jiang Hongfu went to the northwest this late is because he handed over the matter at hand to the talents who took over.
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "It has been 15 years since I saw it, and I don’t know if Hongfu has changed."
       Yu-xi said:
       "A ten-year Old child is almost stereotyped, and the appearance will not change."
       Yun-Qing  said with some emotions:
       "Time flies so fast, it has been 15 years since I turned my eyes." When he fled from the capital 15 years ago, he could not think of a good day.
       Time really passed quickly, she is now the mother of two children. Yu-xi said:
       "Just got the news, Yu family 1st Master died. Yu Chunxi wants Fuling to return to Jiangnan. He Rui, I have a feeling." The feeling of rain and rain.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "How about the capital, there is not much relationship with us for the time being. Right, the Yi people in Yunnan have turned against.
       The situation is very serious.
       The Yi people will already account for 18 counties in four Yunnan provinces.
       The soldiers were also poisoned and killed. Some people said that he was poisoned by the Miao people."
       Yu-xi said:
       "I think this time the court may send Luboda to rebel!" Although Yu-xi does not like Luboda, he has to admit that this is a member. If Lu Boda was injured and could not fight, I believe that Yun-Qing  did not occupy the city so smoothly.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "If you send Lu Boda, the rebellion in Yunnan should be able to calm down very quickly." The rebellion was often rebelled, but it was all suppressed by Lu Boda.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "It's not that easy. Lu Boda can fight again and lose the hearts of the people. It won't necessarily win. Not only Yunnan, but also the land. Just like the northwest, the tax reduction and exemption for the people will not lead to a rebellion."
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "It's easy to talk about."
       Yu-xi said:
       "It is easy and easy to say. It is difficult and difficult to say. Just look at the meaning of you." If Yun-Qing  will occupy the land, then the people of the land will be better off.
       Yun-Qing  looks a bit, and bluntly shifts the topic:
       "Tian Lei wrote to me and said that he was healed." When the body is healed, it can be worse.
       This is concealing that he wants to come to the city.
       Yu-xi knows that Yun-Qing  doesn't want to talk to her about expanding the territory. She doesn't force Yun-Qing . So I followed his words:
       "If you let him come to the city, what position do you intend to give him?"
       With Fu Tianlei friendship with Yun-Qing , if the position is low, it will not look good.
       The problem is that Fu Tianlei has no merits, and it is not appropriate to give him a high position. Like Yuan Ying and Feng Dajun, they all have the life to change. If Fu Tianlei is like them, Yu-xi feels not fair.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "I have a lot of things in my heart."
       For military affairs, if Yun-Qing  talks to her, Yu-xi will also express his opinion. If Yun-Qing  doesn't listen, she is not reluctant:
       "Fu Tianlei is a good person, but I am worried that he will be there, and sooner or later it will be a bad thing..." Yan Jian wanted to let Fu Tianlei stand on the side of the court. If Fu Tianlei listens to him, he will definitely die a lot. Yu-xi impression of Fu Tianlei is still good, but the impression of Yu Jian is terrible. If he is not a relative of Fu Tianlei, he will die long ago.
       Yun-Qing  knows what Yu-xi means:
       "Fu Tianlei came to Yucheng this time and would not bring home."
       Yu-xi doesn't know how to say Yun-Qing :
       "When he is settled in Yucheng, he will definitely pick up the family. He and Rui, even if they are Brother, they have to make it clear.
       The last thing we don't care about, but if there is another time, I will definitely not I will be merciful again." If Jian Jian dares to move this kind of mind, she must definitely remove it.
       No one likes to be smashed by the back of the person, and Yun-Qing  is also very tired of Jianjian. It’s just that Jian Jian is a relative of Fu Tianlei. If he kills Jian Jian, the 2nd Brother will become enemies. Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "If there is another time, I will not let him any more."
       Speaking of Fu Tianlei, naturally, you can't forget Chen-shi. Yu-xi asked:
       "I heard Xu Wu say that Chen-shi is a lot better. Is she taking the medicine we gave?"
       If you didn't take the medicine they gave, Chen-shi couldn't be so fast.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "I don't know this.
       The medicine has already been given, it belongs to him. How to deal with it has nothing to do with us."
       Yu-xi said:
       "There is not much meat and ganoderma lucidum, only three pounds more. And Rui, no matter who will come to the medicine in the future, I will not give it. I am eating five or six times a month, I have to leave some Lu-Er.
       This may not be enough for the family." Yu-xi gave Qiu-shi a copy before, so she stayed in addition to her own family, she is not ready to give anyone.
       The delivery has been sent, it is impossible to send the second time. Yun-Qing  Said:
       "I have told them that this thing is gone. Yes, when are you going to give Lu-Er to eat this thing? This medicine is a big supplement, and now you can't give it to her, or else the child will suffer. live."
       Yu-xi said with no anger:
       "This is still used by you. If I don't know the size of the person? If the child is not three years old, I will definitely not use it for her." And even if you want to eat Lu-Er, you can't be like She likes to drink directly in the water, and she must drink it in the ingredients.
       Yun-Qing  will specifically say this to Yu-xi, and it is also a matter of thinking about Qigeer. Seeing Yu-xi, he laughed too.

       Chapter 759 Jiang Hongfu to (2)   

       Zi-Su asked for a post.
       Yu-xi met her after the nap and looked at the Zi-Su who had a lot of mellow, and she knew that the days were very comfortable. Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "Why didn't you bring your child?"
       Zi-Su Said:
       "I can't do it, I can't help him alone. When I come to the city next time, I will let him bring the child to Wangfei." Yu-xi has two big Zhuangzi in the suburbs, one is Guo Xun.
       The Zhuangzi stayed is mainly responsible for helping people to find people, and the confidentiality is very high.
       The other is Zhuangzi who is testing the artichokes.
       The Zhuangzi is mainly responsible for supplying vegetables and poultry to Yunfu. Now Guo Xun has been a manager of Zhuangzi. In fact, he is now mainly responsible for training the people below.
       Yu-xi smiled:
       "Jao-Jao is also not scouring. I often tell Wangye that this child must have miscared." If you are a misplaced child, if it is a kid, it is definitely a replica of Yun-Qing .
       Speaking a few words, Zi-Su said:
       "Wangfei, Xin dissolved Miss married, set the date of May 26th." Finished, a wedding invitation from the sleeves handed to Yu-xi.
       When Duan Xinrong was sent to Zhuangzi, Yu-xi wrote two letters to her, but Duan Xinrong did not reply.
       Later, when Yu-xi took the child to live in Zhuangzi, Duan Xinrong also avoided seeing her, but she just sent some clothes and socks. Yu-xi knows that Duan Xinrong does not want to face himself. If there is nowhere to go, Yu-xi guesses that Duan Xinrong may not want to stay on her Zhuangzi.
       In this regard, Yu-xi has no way, only Zi-Su can take care of her. Originally, she was still worried that Duan Xinrong would not marry for a lifetime because of the shadow in her heart! Now that Duan Xinrong wants to marry, Yu-xi is surprised and happy.
       Yu-xi results wedding invitation, asked:
       "What is the person who is happy to marry?"
       Zi-Su said:
       "It is the granary of Cui Mo Cui followers." Granary, the meaning of full grain, the name is very simple. It is only from this name that the parents of the granary hope that he will not eat and drink in the future.
       Yu-xi thought about it and said:
       "Is the little man who is always smiling at Cui Mo?"
       Cui Mo is not willing to pick a follower than himself, and the two followers are shorter than him.
       See Zi-Su nodded and said, Yu-xi asked with great interest:
       "How did he let Xinxin agree?"
       It’s not an easy task to let Xinsong’s mouth promise to marry.
       Zi-Su grinned and said:
       "Wangfei didn't know, this full warehouse saw Zhuangzi Miss on Miss Zhuangzi. I liked it. Although Xinyi Miss has always refused, but the full warehouse has never given up. At the beginning of this year, Xinyi Miss fell, it was full of ruins. Asked the white doctor to go to Zhuangzi to cure. After this, Xin dissolves Miss is a little loose." Mancang see Duan Xin dissolved loose, and immediately asked a few women with good friends to help him to say good things.
       Then I invited Cui Mo Madam to personally come forward to talk about the media. Duan Xin finally thought about it.
       Yu-xi is very happy and said:
       "Easy to get a priceless treasure, it is rare to have a love lover. Manchu can be so happy with Xinxin, I am also relieved." Yu-xi in the second year of Duan Xin dissolved in Zhuangzi, I want to find a home for Duan Xinrong. Can Duan Xin dissolve his heart in the shadow is too deep, do not agree. Yu-xi put this down at the time.
       Zi-Su is also very happy:
       "The only fly in the ointment is that there are too many people in the warehouse.
       There are two in the warehouse sister sister, 2nd Brother and 2nd Brother. Two sisters sisters are married, big brother became a pro at the end of last year, I heard that his brother became a pro They are all full of money." These words, he still knows from his husband's mouth.
       Yu-xi didn't care too much about this, said:
       "As long as a man has to use it, he can earn a family business himself. If it is not, it is Jinshan Yinzi, and it will be defeated." There is something perfect in this world. Just say Yun-Qing , she is particularly worried every time she takes the troops to fight.
       Zi-Su shook his head:
       "When you wait for more, you will have more and more." When the brother wants his brother to take the money, he can get it  Erxi, it can be seen that it is unbearable. If you are not sure, you will have to rely on the full warehouse to make up for it. It will be natural for a while, but in case the younger Brother below are also smashed  Erxi. After approving the big brother, the younger brother below is not psychologically uncomfortable. After a long time, I am sure that there are many contradictions!
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "Don't you say that the parents of the full warehouse are gone? When their Brother are married, they must be separated. Where can the Brother live together for a lifetime? Again, Xinrong-sister-sister is not a good thing. After having her own children, she will definitely consider it for her children." After so many, Duan Xinrong has promised to marry, and I am sure that all aspects have been thought of.
       Zi-Su exclaimed:
       "You can only think like this."
       Mei-Yun said outside the door:
       “Wangfei, Ann people ask for it.” In February, Huo Changqing sent six people to the backyard.
       The four Yu-xi left are Wei Mei-Yun, Jing Bai, half-celery and Pinellia. Jao-Jao and Lu-Er have also left one. In addition, Wangfu bought twelve children from five to four years old to six years old. Quan Mama is so young, it is the best time for this age to be a child. Taught, it is the flank of Jao-Jao and Lu-Er.
       Yu-xi stood up and said:
       "Zi-Su, Purple Zi-Jin is in the front yard. You haven't seen it for a long time, this time you have to talk." If it weren't for her, I would like to talk to Zi-Su.
       An Zike came over this time, and it was the case of planting mulberry back and forth:
       “Wangfei, most of these mulberries have survived.” The place they chose was very suitable for planting mulberry seedlings.
       Yu-xi is very happy and said:
       "Mulberry trees can grow well, we will have more kinds. We will wear our own satin within three years."
       An Zike nodded:
       "Wangfei, we will be able to make our own satin within three years." With their own satin, they will no longer rely on the south side of Jiangnan.
       Back in the backyard, Yu-xi began to pick the gift for Duan Xinrong. However, the gift given to Duan Xinrong was too light and too expensive. Lightly, people feel that she does not pay attention to this former-sister-sister, and the expensive things may not be accepted.
       Yu-xi finally selected some fine fabrics and some gold and silver jewellery, and also selected some things that the parents should use. Together, there are also three large wooden boxes.
       When things are sorted out, they call Xu Wu and say:
       "Xinrong-Sister-Sister will be married in May, and these things will be delivered as soon as possible." It is too far away, otherwise she will definitely add makeup herself.
       Yun-Qing  came back from the outside and saw Yu-xi with a smile on his face. He asked, "What good thing?"
       It is a great joy to make Yu-xi so happy.
       Yu-xi smiled and said that most of the mulberry has survived:
       “Jin Jin sells very well in Capital City. If we can make a good brocade in the future, ah, even if only half is good, I am satisfied.”
       Yun-Qing  thinks that the idea of ​​Yu-xi is too far away. Yu Jin was developed only decades. If they want to have such a good brocade, even if it is only half, it will not be realized in ten years.
       Yu-xi just had this idea, but did not think about going to heaven:
       "Right, in addition to this, there is still a happy event. Xinrong-Sister-Sister is going to be married in May."
       Yun-Qing  asked:
       "She let people send you a wedding invitation?"
       Yu-xi has always been aware of Duan Xin's photo, Yun-Qing .
       Yu-xi picked up the wedding invitation on the table and smiled:
       "Nature is sending me a wedding invitation. If she is such a big thing, how can she not tell me?"
       If Duan Xin dissolves the pro and does not give Yu-xi a wedding invitation, this is to break the meaning of the exchange.
       Yun-Qing 's impression of Duan Xinrong is not good, not only Duan Xinrong used to stay in the building, but also because of her coldness to Yu-xi.
       Yun-Qing  swept the big red wedding invitation in Yun-Qing  and shifted the topic:
       "I just got the news, Hongfu cousin will arrive soon."
       Yu-xi smiled and nodded:
       "I have already let Qu Mama clean up the Qing jiayuan. When the cousin arrives, he can live directly." Although Jiang Hongfu is wary, but Yun-Qing  is so happy, she can not disappoint.
       This is also the difference between Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi. Yun-Qing  people who don't like it are never disguised in front of Yu-xi. Yu-xi, for people who don't like it, is important to Yun-Qing , and she won't show it.
       Yun-Qing  knows that Yu-xi is doing a good job and has not asked:
       "I will not go to the army tomorrow, I will wait for him at home."
       For the arrival of Jiang Hongfu, Yun-Qing  is still very happy. I was very excited to talk to Yu-xi about a lot of funny things in my childhood, talking and thinking, remembering a joke:
       "When I was young, I told Hongfu that I would be a family member in the future! But Hongfu did not agree, saying that if children look at their eyes, they can get married. If the temper is not harmonious, they can't get married."
       Yu-xi heard a word in front of the eyelids, and the latter words let her relax. Fortunately, Jiang Hongjin is rational, not the same as Yun-Qing . Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "This is very true. Marriage events, although the words of the parents are the words of the media, but the premise also has two children who are happy. If they are not happy, such a relative is not harmful to two children."
       This is what Yu-xi said before with Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing  held the hand of Yu-xi and said:
       "At the time, I was only ten years old, but I just said it, I can take it seriously."
       The next morning, Yun-Qing  got up and practiced the sword and practiced for one morning. After using the breakfast, Yun-Qing  picked up a bowl of rice paste and fed Lu-Er.
       Yu-xi was much slower than Yun-Qing .
       The bowl of rice was eaten a little and half, and Yu-xi used up the breakfast. Yu-xi is not ready to wait in the backyard, saying:
       "I went to the front yard to handle something. When the person arrives, I will come back."
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Leave it together and wait!"
       Yu-xi can not rely on Yun-Qing  this time:
       "A lot of things, if you don't cook in the morning, it will accumulate in the evening.
       This front and back yard is just a small quarter of a clock, not very far, it will be a while." If it is an elder, Yu -xi must be waiting in the backyard. Jiang Hongfu is still smaller than Yun-Qing , and there is no need to wait here.
       Yun-Qing  helplessly:
       "okay then!"

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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