Han Yuxi 730-739

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 730 Moving your own feet   

       Xu Wu is a person who speaks and counts, so Yu-Xi is not jealous of Xiao Xiao, he did not tell Yun-Qing . (s. )
       After spending a day, Xu Wu will solve the problem and ask Gao Song:
       "What do you think about solving Miss?"
       Takamatsu is inexplicable:
       "What is it?"
       Yun-Qing  is not a person who pity the jade, but it is not a cold-blooded person. When someone was sick, they sent someone to look at it. Later, Gao Song listened to the subordinates and said that Xiao Xiao face was full of red eyes. It seemed to be seriously ill, and he was sent back to Yunfu. As a result, misunderstandings have arisen.
       Xu Wu smiled:
       "This solution Miss is good and unmarried. If you have the heart, you can send a matchmaker to the propose marriage." Nearly half of the guards around Yun-Qing  are bachelor!
       Gao Song listened to some heartbeat:
       "It's still a way to explore the family's tone. If they agree to invite the matchmakers to come to the door, it's not too late." With Xu Wu and Xu Daniu in the front, Takamatsu doesn't think it's great to see everyone. I don't feel that I can't match it.
       Takamatsu finally invited Bao--Shi to be a Chinese.
       The family's mind is the same as the Sun family, and they want to have a relationship with the people around Yun-Qing .
       This will know that Takamatsu wants to marry her family Miss where she is unwilling.
       This marriage was quickly settled.
       This marriage was settled for two days. Yun-Qing  encountered a bad carriage on the way to the military camp. In this regard, Yun-Qing  ignored it.
       This carriage is broken and is going to die, but two concepts.
       Xu Wu thought it was a small matter, and worried that it would lead to Yu-Xi vinegar, so I didn't tell Yu-Xi about it. As a result, I didn't expect Yun-Qing  to go to the military camp next time, and then I met a very beautiful village girl on the road, and the village girl fainted in front of the Yun-Qing  group.
       After a series of things, Xu Wu had to think more and quickly sent people to check.
       The result of the investigation made Xu Wu laugh and laugh. It turned out that Gao Song’s reason for the settlement of Xiao Xiao relatives was known. So people are moving their minds and want to try their luck. As for the goal of Yun-Qing  or the bodyguards around, it is only those women who pretend to be in a coincidence.
       Preventing accidents and finding yourself, Xu Wu can only tell Yu-Xi about this. After that, Xu Wu added:
       "Madam, there are twelve people around the general who are not married." This means that if Yu-Xi can solve these twelve bachelors, it would be fine.
       Yu-Xi was dark after listening to his face. It was completely moving his own feet. I knew that I didn't say that at the time.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing  came back and entered the study room. I saw Yu-Xi looking down at the fold. As usual, unless Yu-Xi is too fascinating to know that Yu-Xi is coming back, every time he sees him back, he is full of smiles. Where is it like now, I don’t care.
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "Is it really angry?"
       Just now Xu Wu has told him the reason for Yu-Xi being angry.
       Yu-Xi put down the fold in his hand and said with a cold voice:
       "Don't I be angry?"
       Such a big thing, even dare to look at her, it is hateful.
       The Yu-Xi is a round face, and the tambourine looks very cute. As usual, you can't see Yu-Xi. Yun-Qing  couldn't help but tickle the heart, and reached out to pinch Yu-Xi face. When Yu-Xi was about to explode, he said:
       "Don't tell you that you don't want to be angry." Yu-Xi is a favorite, and Yun-Qing  is not willing to let her worry about the lack of things.
       Yu-Xi took the hand of Yun-Qing  and said:
       "You pinch again, your face will be red and swollen." With Quan Mama, Yu-Xi skin is not delicate and white.
       This pinch, can not leave a mark on the face.
       Husband and ‘Madam’'s feelings are now exceptionally harmonious, and they are not as respectful as they used to be. Yun-Qing  heard this, bowed his head and pinched the place:
       "No redness, you don't believe in looking in the mirror." Yu-Xi, it's so cute.
       Yu-Xi glanced at Yun-Qing  angrily and said:
       "Here is the study -, don't move the hand." At night, the toss is no problem.
       The daytime is not the same as the Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing  is not angry, but instead looks at the face of Yu-Xi, and some regrets:
       "Unfortunately, Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are not like you." If it is like Yu-Xi, the round face is definitely very cute.
       Yu-Xi is depressed, saying that the two children she had born in 10 months have not looked like her, and I feel that I am losing money.
       Xu Wu said in a foreign voice:
       "General, Madam, Tan Tuo asked for advice." Tan Tuo now has one-third of the time on the construction site, not in Yucheng. It is also because of this serious and responsible attitude of Tan Tuo, so that the following people do not dare to slack off, the quality of the project is guaranteed and the progress is very fast.
       Yun-Qing  heard this and immediately returned to a blank expression.
       Yu-Xi has been immune to this, and since Quan Mama has tricked the little book and put it into action, Yun-Qing  has no hidden rogue side in front of her. Of course, often teased, Yu-Xi is no longer a dignified and generous woman in front of Yun-Qing , and becomes more and more angry. In this regard, Quan Mama is very pleased.
       Tan Tuo went into the study and after Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  asked, he asked:
       "Madam, the artichokes on Zhuangzi should have been collected? Madam, how many pounds have you received?"
       This is a major event that affects the national economy and the people livelihood. Tan Tuo is very concerned. If he is not going to leave, he will definitely take over the errand.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The two cents earned more than 300 kilograms of artichokes."
       Tan Tuo face is like:
       "It's great to produce 1,560 kilograms per mu." The best wheat fields, even if they hit the wind and rain, are only six or seven hundred pounds.
       This is twice the amount! How can I not let him happy?
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The artichoke seeds are not enough. I have already ordered Tian-Yang to go to Fujian to buy it." According to the production of artichokes, I only need to buy a few thousand pounds of artichokes. After waiting for August next year, you will be able to plant hundreds of thousands of acres.
       Tan Tuo nodded.
       Neg ignored Yun-Qing  asked:
       "Tan Tuo, are you going to come back this time?"
       Tan Tuo is here to give Yu-Xi the progress of the dam.
       The first dam and the canal have been completed at the beginning of the month and have been put into use.
       The second dam is now under construction.
       Yun-Qing 's knowledge of water conservancy is also slightly understood by Yu-Xi. So this will happen, he also listened carefully to the side.
       This talk is half an hour. Yu-Xi said:
       "Tan Daren, now the meal is over, you are staying for a meal!" Staying in Yunfu is not to go to the backyard to eat with Yu-Xi, but to eat in the front yard. To this end, Yu-Xi also specially invited a good chef.
       Tan Tuo refusal:
       "I haven't been home for more than half a month, I have to go home." Tan Qin has been married, and married a subordinate of Tan Tuo called Dong Bicheng.
       That Dong Bicheng is a scholar, three years younger than Tan Qin, and a governor in the governor.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Then don't leave you!" r1148 

       Chapter 731 Ravens Mouth   

       The album Yun-Qing  is the news of Pingxi Wang, and the fourth day of the imperial edict, Yu-Xi will be known.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "The emperor is very big at this time, and he doesn't know what to plot?"
       Han Jianming is also somewhat worried and asks:
       "Yu-Xi, is this sacred slogan not pick up at the time?"
       The benefits of picking up and rejecting the drawbacks of rejection.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It must be picked up.
       The northwest has been fighting for years, and now it is necessary to recuperate." Moreover, water conservancy projects are still under construction. Although the levy was levied, for the sake of progress, Yu-Xi let Yun-Qing  adjust his staff from the army to help.
       These people in the military, each time they adjust 10 thousand people, do ten days, so they are taking turns.
       Upon hearing this, Han Jianming asked:
       "Yu-Xi, are you really planning to stay in the northwest?"
       Although Zhao Teacher said that he didn't have to worry, Han Jianming was not at ease until he got an accurate answer.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Big brother, looking at the dynasties of the dynasties, the first one to raise the flag to rebel is to die the fastest." Although Yun-Qing  is reversed, but Yun-Qing  is killing the name of Ji Xuan, accounting for Great justice. If it is against the court, the righteousness will not stand.
       Han Jianming looked slightly loose and said:
       "What do you mean by waiting for the opportunity?"
       As long as Yu-Xi has this heart, it will be nothing for a few more years.
       Yu-Xi did not answer Han Jianming’s words, but asked:
       "Big brother, the four different surnames of the founding of the king Wang, do you see which one survived?"
       Four different surnames, the king, were all annihilated.
       Therefore, Yun-Qing  was booked as a different surname-king. If there is no other way out, only the part that was destroyed. Even if she and Yun-Qing  can be good, future generations will not have a good life.
       Han Jianming was finally relieved, saying:
       "You have a good deal." As long as Yu-Xi has the heart and the skills of Yun-Qing , the husband and ‘Madam’ can't make a big deal.
       For Han Jianming’s blind self Confidence, Yu-Xi mouth twitches:
       "It is also because you are my big brother, so I don't prejudice. I don't think there is anything about women's politics. But others may not have the idea of ​​you. It's been half a year, and no one with lofty ideals is coming to go." Yu-Xi is really thirsty. But because she is in the northwest, and Yun-Qing 's previous reputation is not good, those who have learned do not seem to be doing things for their husband and ‘Madam’. Until now, no one has been drawn to talent. However, Yu-Xi has already taken a black widow and went to Jiangnan with a wide range of people.
       There are many talents there, hoping to find a few useful ones.
       Han Jianming smiled and said:
       "That's their shortsighted eyes." The question that Yu-Xi said does exist, but I believe that as long as the school is done, the reputation will be played out, and there will be people who are full of scholars coming to the scene.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "hope so!"
       Han Jianming told Yu-Xi about one thing:
       "The people I stayed in Capital City have lost more than half of them now, and I have to find a group of people." Only a few very secretive informants were left, and the others were arrested by the imperial court.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If you can accept the purchase directly, it will be better." The people in the northwest, speaking with the northwestern tone. If it is sent now, it will definitely make people heard.
       Han Jianming means two-pronged approach:
       "It’s still safe for people who train themselves. It’s only a moment to buy it, it’s not entirely reliable.”
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Now, it’s too hard to send people to the northwest.
       The people who are trained will just be able to go out next year. Let’s talk about it later!"
       Han Jianming clicked and said something about Tie-Kui with Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi frowned after listening to it:
       "Big Brother, you just didn't grow up in Anshan since he was a child. Why would he know you?"
       This is strange.
       Han Jianming also thought about this problem before, but I think that I should have no intersection before. However, the question now is whether to pull this person together. "How he knows me is not important. What is important is that he is the confidant of Chou Dashan. If he is wooed, we can also understand the behavior of Yan Wu-shuang." Yan Wu-shuang is very prepared for people, and it is difficult to find a message from his side. It’s hard to see a hole now, naturally you can’t give up.
       Yu-Xi said after a moment of indulging:
       "If you send someone else to contact him, he may not believe it. Since he has seen Ah 3rd , he can let Ah 3rd  go to Capital City to talk to him. Since he knows that his weakness is love, then it is a good solution." I am afraid there is no weakness. Like Yan Wu-shuang, she has not found the weakness of this person until now.
       Han Jianming said with a sigh of relief:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is not the same as the brother-in-law. The brother-in-law is open-minded to the subordinates like a brother, and Yan Wu-shuang is very uncomfortable. In addition to his death loyalty, people like Tie-Kui are against him. Be loyal. Following such a person, the following people will definitely float and want to give themselves a retreat. I feel that if you or your brother-in-law personally give him a promise, you may achieve unexpected results. He felt that the imperial building would be dumped and he was looking for a way out. I believe that people like Tie-Kui are the same.
       Yu-Xi feels that this idea is good, and he is very profitable. After committing the matter, he will help him find a way out. If this Tie-Kui is really uncomfortable under Yan Wu-shuang, he will be tempted:
       "You wrote it to me." After the secret letter was written, she only had to sign her own name and cover it.
       Han Jianming talked about another thing:
       "Yu-Xi, the emperor has to choose the sacred, has already made the sacred decree, from the Miss of more than seven products, as long as the fifteen years old to participate in the selection."
       Speaking of the palace, Yu-Xi asked Song the Empress Dowager:
       "What about the old witch now?"
       Han Jianming looks a little weird and says:
       "Song the Empress Dowager has been raising a disease in the Cining Palace, and even the emperor has died. She has not appeared." How do you see this?
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Song the Empress Dowager is also a Song family, and Yan Wu-shuang is not expected to let her go." Yan Wu-shuang Lian Duan Xin dissolves such an innocent woman who has never let go, how could they let go of their Yan family almost? The dead Song of the Empress Dowager. Yan Wu-shuang's current inaction, but it is in the end, once the opportunity is found, all the people involved in the framed Yan family, he will definitely kill a chicken and dog.
       There is an old saying that is right.
       The person who knows you the most is not your loved one, but your enemy.
       Han Jianming would have hoped that the more chaotic the capital, the better, the Capital City is a mess, they are safe. Aside from official business, Han Jianming talked about private matters:
       "You 1st Sister-in-law has been a lot better these days, thanks to Quan Mama."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “Quan Mama says that 1st Sister-in-law is awful and has to be nursed back to three or five years. And you can’t work hard on most days.”
       Han Jianming frowned and said:
       “Lu-Shi is going to Fu-Cheng City in the spring of next year! Can’t housework be given to the house’Madam’?”
       In the past few days, Lu Xiu was preparing to go to Fu-Cheng City and stopped Yu-Xi.
       The reason for Yu-Xi blocking is also very simple.
       The family, for a long time, did not have a reunion dinner together, Yu-Xi wants to have a reunion year.
       This statement by Yu-Xi was endorsed by Han Jianming and Qiu-shi. Lu Xiu, it is not going to Fu-Cheng City.
       Yu-Xi thinks that Han Jianming is more worried:
       "Let's let Mama eat it." Yunfu housekeeping was handed over to Quan Mama and Qu Mama.
       The days of late November are already a bit cold. Yu-Xi finished the work and took the mink skin and returned to the backyard.
       The wind blew and blew the Yu-Xi hair. Walking into the yard, a few yellow leaves on the jujube tree fell on her head.
       Lu-Er is already big in November, but because of premature birth, I just learned to turn over. Lu-Er is not as good as Jao-Jao, even if she turns over and puts her on the raft, she will not take the initiative to turn it, but lies quietly in bed.
       When I entered the house, Yu-Xi wanted to talk about Lu-Er lying down. Quan Mama hurriedly stopped him and handed Yu Yin-Xi to the Yu-Xi, and said:
       "First warm your hands and hold your child."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "My hand is warm." She is the mother of two children, and this common sense is still unknown.
       Looking at the Yu-Xi, which is very rare with Lu-Er, Quan Mama said:
       "Lu-Er will be married next month, is it right to take the name. Or, let her name Yunliu?"
       Yu-Xi, this time is too busy to forget such a thing. It is mainly a small name that is usually called, even Jao-Jao is the same, the big name has not been called. Plus, I am too busy, I will neglect this matter.
       Quan Mama couldn't help but blame Yu-Xi:
       "You are too careless for your mother, and the child has forgotten such a big name. I always say that I want a bowl of water to level up, so you can do a bowl of water and flat." The feelings are naturally deep.
       Therefore, Quan Mama is very dissatisfied with the behavior of Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi is busy saying:
       "I will definitely give Lu-Er a good name."
       Quan Mama said:
       "Then I am waiting." It means that it is impossible to take a nice name by Yun-Qing .
       Therefore, this burden is placed on the Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing  came back at night and saw Yu-Xi frowning and holding a book to look at it, which looked particularly tangled. Yun-Qing  smiled and asked:
       “What are you doing? Is it so difficult?”
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Lu-Er is one year old, hasn’t got a name yet? I’m thinking, what is the name for her?”
       Yun-Qing  laughs:
       "Time flies so fast, Lu-Er is almost one year old." There have been too many things in this year, and they are more thrilling than the previous two decades.
       Yu-Xi didn't have time to trace, pulled Yun-Qing  and sat down and said:
       “Think about what to name Lu-Er?”
       This name is not only good to hear, but also good.
       As a result, Yun-Qing  can't help but talk about it. No matter which name Yu-Xi chooses, he says it. See Yu-Xi roaring at him, Yun-Qing  said sincerely:
       "Clouds, clouds, clouds, no matter which name is good!" Good and good, meaning good.
       After that, Yun-Qing  added another sentence:
       "Choose one randomly! The other two are also kept, and they will be used later." When the words are exported, Yun-Qing  knows that he has made a mistake and is busy remedying:
       "I like my daughter more than my son."
       Although Yu-Xi is somewhat depressed, I also know that Yun-Qing  is a bit unintentional, and I am not angry with such a sentence:
       "You go to the bath first, I think about it again." These names are not bad, just called this name too much, 1148 

       Chapter 732 Yun Xiao   

       Yun-Qing  After bathing, the name of Lu-Er was also fixed. () Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "Cloud painting, painting of chess and calligraphy? Very good."
       Yu-Xi feels that marrying a man who doesn't read much is also a headache:
       "It's not painting, it's awkward, it describes the woman's quiet and beautiful."
       Yun-Qing  heard that:
       "Call the way, the meaning is good, just take this name." Lu-Er can be a quiet child, take this name and then apt.
       Then, Yun-Qing  said another word to make Yu-Xi quite speechless:
       "Yun Yun, this name is much better than Jao-Jao big name Yun Xiao." In the end is to read the book to name, hey, more elegant name.
       Yu-Xi pulled the quilt and covered them, saying:
       "Sleep." Also said that a bowl of water is flat, just like this, or not relying on it.
       Quan Mama was very satisfied with the name Yu-Xi took:
       "Clouds, this name is very appropriate." Finally, she did something that satisfied her.
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "Mama, forgetting to name Lu-Er is that we are not right, don't you think of me as a maiden?"
       Jao-Jao has Yun-Qing  and Huo Changqing so painful, Lu-Er has Quan Mama and Qu Mama, and she is responsible for her face.
       Quan Mama said:
       "You are not a mother, but one day is busy, and I don't care more about my children. Yu-Xi, what is heavy, you should be clear." She knows that Yu-Xi is doing business, neglecting children. It is not right.
       Yu-Xi is a bit shy, and compared to Jao-Jao, her time with Lu-Er is really too little. Yu-Xi said:
       "Lu-Er washes three and the full moon is not done, December is full, I am going to do it."
       When I heard this, Quan Mama expression eased a lot.
       Yu-Xi stood up with Lu-Er and said to Quan Mama:
       "The emperor has already made an imperial edict, and the Yun-Qing  is Pingxi-King."
       Quan Mama face is a little sinking:
       "Pingxi Wang, Pingding to the northwest? It is really difficult for them. What do you mean by biting words?" After that, I looked at Yu-Xi and asked:
       "What are you planning?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Northwest needs time to cultivate.”
       Quan Mama nodded and said:
       "Your decision is correct. For the time being, it is not appropriate to confront the imperial court. Otherwise, it is you who have suffered." Now is the accumulation of strength and expansion of power.
       Touching Lu-Er's forehead, Quan Mama smiled:
       "The general became the king, and the Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are the County Owners." Of course, the County Owner is not self-appointed, and the court has given the gold book.
       Having said that, Quan Mama changed his face and said:
       "The emperor enshrined the general as the king, will he marry Jao-Jao to the Crown Prince, and come to kiss him?"
       This is really possible.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "We are not dolls, let them be at the mercy?"
       The possibility of giving birth is not great, but the emperor is likely to send people to the northwest to intervene in the northwestern house. However, the northwest is the site of their husband and ‘Madam’, even if they send officials to vacate them, it is not enough.
       Lu-Er's weekly banquet, Yu-Xi has no time to prepare, the specific matter can only be handed over to Qu Mama and Zhang Li Niang.
       Because Yun-Qing  had let go, and said Lu-Er’s banquet was over, so the number of people in the city was good, and all received the invitation. Yu-Xi went to Yucheng, because she was too busy to have a party. Madam Miss of Yucheng is only known for its Yu-Xi, and no one can see anyone.
       Qiu-shi got the news and came over and asked Yu-Xi:
       "You are so busy, Lu-Er's birthday party, who is coming?"
       Yu-Xi sat down with Qiu-shi and said with a smile:
       "Let Qu Mama follow Zhang--Shi, and then look at Quan Mama, there should be no problem."
       Qiu-shi said:
       "How can this be the same? If you don't want to give up, let you 2nd Sister-in-law help you!" For Yu-Xi, northwest, Qiu-shi agrees.
       This woman can hold power and be more secure.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Mother, how can you dislike it! Just 2nd Sister-in-law has to manage dozens of people in Han, but also to take care of the mother and 1st Sister-in-law. It is also very hard. I can't let her like this. Work hard, if you are tired, your second brother will feel bad."
       Qiu-shi has not mentioned anything that Jianye did at the beginning. Jianye did not make a small mistake. It was a big mistake that almost made Yu-Xi a corpse.
       This will be initiated by Yu-Xi, and Qiu-shi holds the hand of Yu-Xi and says:
       "Yu-Xi, your second brother was confused at the beginning, you don't mind it." Qiu-shi knows that Yu-Xi is awkward.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Mother, I didn't remember it." If she remembered this in her heart, the most difficult thing was her brother and mother.
       See Qiu-shi and say, Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Mother, this is over, you don't think too much. I have already sent a letter to Fu-Cheng City. In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, my second brother went to Yucheng." She and Han Jianye are no longer able to return to the past. However, Han Jianye is good to her, she will always remember in her heart.
       Qiu-shi wiped her tears and said:
       "Good boy, let you be wronged." To blame, I blame that she did not teach her son.
       At the beginning of December, the imperial minister of the imperial court arrived in the northwest.
       These people went directly to the entrance to Yunfu and said that the sacred purpose was. Attitude, although not arrogant, but not respectful where to go.
       Xu Wu got the message to enter the study Yu-Xi, said:
       "Madam, the imperial court came to a group of people, and the eunuch headed by him also took the imperial edict. Madam, should the general be called back?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The generals are so busy that they can't get out of the way, let him come back for a long time and waste half a day.
       This holy decree, you will take over instead of the general!"
       Xu Wu was surprised:
       "Madam, don't you pick up the sacred decree?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It is enough to have you to replace it. I am going to give them a face too." Then I want her to bathe and scent, and then pick up the sacred. If so, it is too much to give Zhou Jing face.
       Xu Wu laughed:
       "Madam is domineering." Although they don't want to fight now, the court did not fear to send troops to fight them.
       Therefore, the court wanted to tell them what to do. It was a dream.
       The head of the public, Cui, is also a powerless person, or else he will not be assigned such a errand. After spending a few minutes in Yunfu, no one sent tea and snacks.
       Followed by the voice, said:
       "Grandfather, this Yun-Qing  and Han-shi are too daring to do so." Even so scornful to them, if in the capital, it is absolutely a big disrespect.
       Cui Gonggong swears a voice:
       "You are impatient?"
       Here is the site of Yun-Qing  and Han-shi, provoked these two comets, it is estimated that there is no bones.
       Xu Wu walked slowly to the living room and said to Cui Mama:
       "My family generals are too busy to go, Madam is not well. I am a big old man, I don't know how to pick up the imperial edict, what are the taboos, but also bothering the two fathers."
       Cui Gonggong’s face is black in an instant, but this is not a capital city. He will not dare to be reluctant, or else he will have a murder. Cui Gonggong no expression:
       "Let's take care of it!"
       Xu Wu kneels on the ground, waiting for Cui Gonggong to finish the imperial edict and ‘call three times:
       "Long live the long live." Called, not waiting for what Cui Gonggong said, Xu Wu stood up on his own.
       Cui Gonggong sighed and put his hands on the sacred purpose.
       Then he handed Xu Wu a order from the entourage next to him:
       "This is the appointment letter of the Ministry, and I am also anxious to ask the Darens to give Pingxi Wang."
       Xu Wu handed the sacred decree on hand to Xu Daniu, and then received this order to take a serious look. It said that Ren Jiang Hongfu was the northwestern city of Zhizhou.
       With Yun-Qing  for so many years, Xu Wu can not know that Jiang Hongfu is the cousin of Yun-Qing , and his cousin feelings are very good. Now I have transferred Jiang Hongfu to the northwest, and I definitely have ulterior motives. Xu Wu squinted and said to Cui Gonggong and his entourage:
       "Good to go, don't send."
       Being so scornful, Cui Gong was almost vomiting blood. In order to survive, you can't offend the person in front of you. Cui Gonggong resisted anger and smiled:
       "Farewell." It is good to leave the northwest as early as possible and return to the capital as early as possible.
       The album Yun-Qing  is Pingxi Wang, which is not surprising in the expectation of Yu-Xi. It is the order of the crotch, so that Yu-Xi is thoughtful.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, the general is heavy and righteous, and Jiang Hongfu is the cousin of the general. It is the only relative who has blood relationship. If Jiang Hongfu is loyal to the court, it will be a big problem." With the general's sentiment, initially What is damaging to their interests, when the generals are not blamed for the facts, it is a curse.
       What kind of master is there, what kind of subordinates there are. What is Jiang Hongjin is the only relative of Yun-Qing , is it that Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are all air. Ok, you shouldn’t care about this with the Old Masters. Yu-Xi said:
       "Jiang Hongfu has no blood relationship with the general."
       Xu Wu thought that Yu-Xi didn't know about it and explained:
       "Madam, Jiang Hongfu mother is the general's aunt, Jiang Hongfu and the general is a cousin!"
       Yu-Xi said a word:
       "Jiang Hongfu mother was adopted by Lao Taiye, and the two have no blood relationship." The feelings of blood relationship are not necessarily good, and many who are not related to blood are also very close.
       Therefore, there is no blood, not the most important.
       Xu Wu really doesn't know about this:
       "Although the righteous father and the generals rarely mention the Capital City capital, I know that the generals value Jiang Hongfu as a cousin."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Even if Jiang Hongfu is true to the court and is loyal to the emperor, don't worry, I will handle it well at that time." Jiang Hongfu, but still owes her a life, the grace of dripping water is reported by the spring, not to mention the help of this life.
       Xu Wu was relieved to hear this. In the past few years with Yu-Xi, he has also figured out the Yu-Xi temperament, and can say such a thing, indicating that there is already a solution.
       Speaking of Jiang Hongfu, Xu Wu and Yu-Xi mentioned one thing:
       “Madam, Jiang Hongfu younger brother Jiang Hongjin, is in Luoyang.”
       It’s also worth the time to exercise, and now the Yu-Xi can also be irritated. Yu-Xi asked:
       "What happened? Why didn't you tell me?"
       Xu Wu said:
       “Jiang Hongjin and Han Yu-Rong are Luoyang in July. Madam broke off the relationship with Han, so I didn’t look back.” Xu Wu is worried about Yu-Xi hearing of Han’s family. So there is no overnight.
       Yu-Xi faintly, 1148 

       Chapter 733 Revenge (1)   

       Yun-Qing  got the news that the imperial court enshrined him as Pingxi-King and immediately rushed back to Yunfu. At this time, Yunfu did not make a sign because Yun-Qing  was enshrined as a king. On the contrary, the next person in the house was more cautious than usual.
       Into the study -, Yun-Qing  did not see people rushing, and immediately returned to the backyard. At this time, Yu-Xi is talking with Lu-Er, and the look is really unspeakable gentleness.
       Yu-Xi nodded and pointed to the next room:
       "The court enshrines you in the house for Pingxi the king's sacred decree, you can see it yourself!" Then he spoke to Lu-Er.
       The couple has been more than three years old. Listening to the indifference in the Yu-Xi Yuyan, Yun-Qing  knows that she is not happy:
       "What? You don't like this title?"
       Yu-Xi said quite calmly:
       "I don't like it, but I know that it can't be pushed away. Yes, except for the sacred slogan of Pingxi Wang on the table, and the appointment of Ren Jiang Hongfu, who was sent by the cadres, is the appointment letter of Yucheng Tongzhi." Pingxi Wang, listen The name is much more than the northwest governor. However, it is just a tool to temporarily appease them.
       Yun-Qing  said Yu-Xi:
       "Talk into the house!" Yun-Qing  doesn't know why Yu-Xi is not happy. It has long been known that it should not affect the mood.
       Entering the house, Yun-Qing  said:
       “Is this appointment letter unhappy for you?”
       Rebirth of this matter Yu-Xi is not intended to tell anyone, including Yun-Qing  also includes their own children. Yu-Xi said:
       "If Jiang Hongfu came to murder us, what would you do?"
       With Yun-Qing  temperament, even if Jiang Hongfu did something to harm them, he should not kill Jiang Hongfu, and drive him out of the northwest at most. Of course, Yu-Xi has a way to deal with Jiang Hongfu, but she must first know the attitude of Yun-Qing . In this way, it will not be because Jiang Hongfu affects the marital relationship.
       Yun-Qing  said after a short silence.
       "If it is a disaster to the northwest soldiers and the people, I will want his life." If the subtext, if it does not cause any big trouble, then forget it.
       Seeing the look of Yu-Xi is not very good-looking, Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yu-Xi, Hongfu is my cousin. We haven't seen each other for fifteen years. I am very happy that he can come to the northwest this time."
       Yu-Xi lowered his eyes and looked down at Lu-Er, saying lightly:
       "Before you don't know his details, even if you come to the northwest, you can't let him get in touch with government affairs." Simply put, Jiang Hongfu, the confidant, will be famous in the northwest.
       Yun-Qing  whispered Yu-Xi shoulder and said softly; "Don't think about it, if he really treated the court to deal with us, I wouldn't be merciful. For me, the most important thing is You are with your child."
       Yu-Xi sighed:
       "I have something in the afternoon, you have to deal with the government!" Don't look at only three provinces, but there are really many things. It is also a loss of Han Jianming and An Zike, but she must be tired.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "Then you should rest well."
       In the afternoon, Yu-Xi will pick a few pieces of fabric and take it to the bedroom cut it out. She is going to make a winter coat for Yun-Qing  and her children.
       Lu-Er lay in bed and watched quietly.
       That serious look, let Yu-Xi see some can't help but laugh!
       Yun-Qing  talked about it, called Xu Wu, and asked:
       “Look at what Madam is doing now?”
       When I heard Yu-Xi doing clothes, Yun-Qing  ‘called:
       "What clothes are there, there are enough clothes, they can't be worn." Yun-Qing  felt a little wasted.
       Xu Wu thinks that this is the hatred of the red fruit. Fortunately, he only has to spend another two months, and there is also  Erxi. With  Erxi, nature can also wear  Erxi clothes.
       Cut the material, Yu-Xi looked at the sky and took Lu-Er to go for a walk in the yard. See Lu-Er fell asleep, took the needle thread and started to get clothes.
       Yun-Qing  When I returned to the backyard for dinner, I saw Yu-Xi still sewing, and couldn’t help but say:
       "Let you take a day off, how do you do the dress again?"
       Yu-Xi put down the clothes line in his hand and said:
       "It's also idle when you are idle." If you have something to do, you won't be thinking about it.
       Usually the husband and ‘Madam’ go to bed, if they can't do anything, they will chat and sleep. Today, Yu-Xi went to bed but did not say anything.
       Yun-Qing  squats Yu-Xi from the back and says:
       "Yu-Xi, what do you have to tell me, don't hide in your heart. Let's find a solution together."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "He Rui, I don't know what method the court will use to deal with us this time? I am a little worried."
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "The soldiers will flood the water and flood the soil, don't worry, everything has me!" The northwest is the place where their whole family and Brother have made a living, so they must not tolerate destruction.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Sleep!" She was also a little sleepy.
       I didn't sleep at noon, and I was busy for another day. Yu-Xi fell asleep in bed. Suddenly, Yu-Xi saw himself dressed in a big red embroidered wedding dress, and was helped by the sedan chair.
       As soon as the picture turned, she sat in the happy house full of red and flaming candles.
       The sky gradually darkened, but the groom's official had not come yet. Her hands were uneasily entangled, and her heart became more and more scared and panicked.
       The silence outside was a little scary, but she did not dare to speak or to be called. Just sitting on the hi bed and waiting for it, did not dare to sleep, she was afraid that when she fell asleep, her husband would not like it.
       The night was long and it was very long. She sat alone in the sky. And this is just the beginning of suffering. Every day after that, it is suffering. Gradually, my heart was numb, my tears dried up, and I walked away every day.
       In the end, she saw herself being dragged onto a pile of firewood.
       The firewood was lit, and she was quickly swallowed up by the blazing flame. She ‘called with the last strength before closing her eyes:
       "Jiang Hongjin, I will definitely leave you with no bones and bones."
       Yun-Qing  is a very vigilant person who immediately opened his eyes when he heard a voice. Just hearing the Yu-Xi shaking his body and gnashing his teeth, he said that he was smashing his bones.
       Yun-Qing  understands that Yu-Xi is a nightmare, immediately took the face of Yu-Xi and called:
       “Yu-Xi, Yu-Xi, wake up and wake up.”
       Yu-Xi opened his eyes and looked at Yun-Qing , which was full of hatred.
       Yun-Qing  knows that this is scaring to the nightmare, busy holding Yu-Xi in the tone of Jao-Jao:
       "Don't be afraid, Yu-Xi is just a nightmare, don't be afraid."
       Listening to Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi is also awake. After a while, Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I'm fine, don't worry." She will not want to say anything, and she doesn't want to do anything.
       Holding Yu-Xi cold hand, Yun-Qing  said:
       "Yu-Xi, what the nightmare have you done? Actually, you want to make people frustrated?"
       It’s horrible to say that this nightmare is horrible.
       The truth must not be said. Yu-Xi was silent and asked:
       "I dreamed that Yan Wu-shuang led the troops to attack the northwest. You and Jao-Jao and Lu-Er both died in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang. I am still alive, and the purpose of my life is to take revenge." Yu-Xi now lie, the face is not red, and it is very smooth.
       Yun-Qing  heard this and the body was stiff, then quickly said:
       "Dream is the opposite. Our family will be safe and smooth."
       Yu-Xi tightened Yun-Qing  and said:
       "I also hope that the dream is the opposite. I would rather die, and I hope that you are good with Jao-Jao and Lu-Er."
       Yun-Qing  is busy yelling at Yu-Xi:
       "Nonsense, you are not allowed to have something." If this family does not have Yu-Xi, it is not like a home.
       Looking at Yu-Xi uneasy feelings, in order to let Yu-Xi relax, Yun-Qing  specifically talked about the anecdote that he met when he was a child. And Yu-Xi, in his voice, fell asleep again.
       Touching the face of Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing  said to himself:
       "Reassure, I won't let myself have something, and I won't let you have something to do with the child." He used to think of climbing up to avenge his family, and now he wants to guard Yu-Xi and his children.
       Yu-Xi went to sleep three days before getting up.
       The first sentence to get out of bed is:
       “Is the general going to the army or the front yard?”
       After hearing Yun-Qing  handle things in the front yard, Yu-Xi was not in a hurry to go to the front yard.
       With the sun and no wind, Quan Mama hugged the sun in the yard with Lu-Er. Mama once played with Jao-Jao in the yard.
       Looking at Yu-Xi, Quan Mama frowned and asked:
       "What's wrong, the color is so ugly?"
       Not only is it ugly, there is still a stagnation between the eyebrows.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I had a nightmare last night and I was scared."
       Quan Mama knows Yu-Xi temperament, but she is very courageous and can scare her:
       "What nightmare did you do?"
       Yu-Xi is shaking his head and is not willing to say:
       "Although scary, it is just a dream."
       Quan Mama handed Lu-Er to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Look at them, you won't be afraid anymore." There is a saying that is good for the mother. For the child, the mother can become particularly strong. .
       Lu-Er 眨巴 This eyes look at Yu-Xi, seems to be asking:
       "Mother, what happened to you?"
       I can see that Yu-Xi has a soft heart.
       Only stayed in the yard for less than a quarter of an hour, and some people in the front yard called:
       "Madam, Ann is coming, the general is asking you to go to the study a trip."
       An Zike saw Yu-Xi and said:
       “Wangye, Wangfei, the population of the northwest is sparse. If people who can inspire Henan and Hubei move in, then it will be great.” If he had not dared to have this proposal before, now Yun-Qing  has been enshrined as a king by the court. It can be used for convenience.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Your thoughts are good, but the government will release people?"
       The people in Henan and Hubei and other places have suffered too much, but how can the government of Henan and Hubei be released?
       An Zike said:
       "As long as the level is released, we will give some policies to the people. I believe that the people will definitely come up with their own way." This is the fastest way to increase the population of the northwest.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "I think this method is feasible." Yanzhou City has only accommodated more than 20 thousand people in more than half a year. If the level is cleared, the number will definitely be several times.
       Yu-Xi clicked on the head:
       "You can try it." r1148 

       Chapter 734 Revenge (2)   

       It was very dark and very cold.
       Standing outside the window and looking into the distance, the whole person was overwhelmed by the pressure, closing his eyes and not wanting anything. Can open your eyes, or a gray one, without a half color.
       Quan Mama took a bowl of medicated meal and put it on the table and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Yu-Xi, what happened to you these two days?"
       The faces of Yu-Xi have been very ugly for the past two days, causing people in the mansion to be very careful, and even the usual Jao-Jao is a lot of clever.
       Yu-Xi sat down at the table and took a spoon and ate it slowly. After eating, Yu-Xi said:
       "There was a terrible dream in the last two days. In my dreams, I was ashamed of death." The days of my life are not as good as death.
       Quan Mama was surprised and said:
       "It's just a dream." I didn't expect a dream, it would make Yu-Xi have such a big reaction.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and didn't talk anymore.
       Quan Mama thought for a moment and said:
       "You are not the way to do this, or you should discuss it with the generals!" Although Yun-Qing  was booked as a king, but the people in the house did not call him Wangye, still called him general, Yu-Xi The name of the name has not changed.
       Yu-Xi still shakes his head.
       Yu-Xi was unhappy for two days, and it was not good to eat. Yun-Qing  is useless. He thought about it and found Han Jianming:
       "Yu-Xi is not in a good mood these few days. I want to ask my mother-in-law to come and talk to her and comfort her." He did not worry about this.
       Han Jianming is a bit strange. As far as his understanding of Yu-Xi is concerned, he will only find a way to solve it, instead of tossing himself. Moreover, nothing has happened recently:
       “What happened to Yu-Xi?”
       Yun-Qing  said Yu-Xi nightmare:
       "She is worried that her dreams will come true." He didn't understand, but it was a dream, so why would Yu-Xi be so scared.
       Han Jianming’s face changed, it’s no wonder that Yu-Xi will not be able to eat and sleep:
       "-Sister, Yu-Xi tells you that her nightmare will eventually become true."
       Yun-Qing  is very surprised:
       Han Jianming simply said that Yu-Xi had become a nightmare in the past and said something about it.
       “Jianye originally wanted to go to Liaodong. As a result, Yu-Xi dreamed that she died in Liaodong. I also know that her dream is very effective, so let Jianye come to the northwest.” Yu-Xi in the northwest Yun-Qing  has almost been killed by people; if he arrived in Liaodong, his temper is easily used by people, and he can have a life. So for the nightmare that Yu-Xi is doing now, he is also worried.
       Thinking of this, Han Jianming said:
       "-Sister, let me persuade Yu-Xi!" This matter should not let his mother know, or else his mother has to worry.
       Yun-Qing  thinks this is beyond his imagination:
       "No, I will talk to her." Yu-Xi did not tell him about it.
       Back in the backyard, in the yard was stopped by Quan Mama:
       "General, I have something to tell you." You can't let Yu-Xi think like this.
       Hearing Quan Mama saying that the Yu-Xi nightmare may not be as simple as a nightmare. Yun-Qing  asked:
       "you know too?"
       Quan Mama shook her head and said:
       "I just think that with Madam temperament, if it is just a nightmare, I won't worry about it.
       There are still other things." Yu-Xi has a lot of secrets in his heart, which is why she was very prepared for people since childhood. the reason.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "I know."
       Entering the room and looking at the Yu-Xi sitting in the chair, Yun-Qing  kneels and holds the face of Yu-Xi, and says to Yu-Xi:
       "Yu-Xi, we are husband and ‘Madam’, what are we sharing? Don't put everything in your heart."
       The tears of Yu-Xi suddenly surged out.
       When Yu-Xi was crying, Yun-Qing  took a handkerchief and wiped the tear marks on Yu-Xi face and said:
       "Let's talk! I am there, I can't fall down this day."
       Yu-Xi looked a bit tangled, and after a while it was said:
       "I have done this kind of nightmare several times before. One was that six years ago, I dreamed that the thief had gone to Hanfu to kill and set fire. As a result, the Crown Prince Palace was really robbed by the thief, and the Hann government also became a river.
       The second time is on the way to the northwest. I dreamt of being killed and killed.
       The result..." At that time, the substitute was defeated by the Beibei barbarians.
       Yun-Qing 's face was shocked and asked:
       "Do you have the ability to predict?"
       He is dubious about Han Jianming’s words.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No. But every time I dream about bad things, I will eventually turn into reality. So I am afraid, afraid of you and the children..." Later, she could not say.
       Yun-Qing  just blurted out. If Yu-Xi is really predictable, it will not be killed almost three times.
       Holding a little shivering Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing  whispered:
       "Don't be afraid, the nightmare you made before will not be saved in the end.
       This time it will be the same."
       See Yu-Xi don't talk, Yun-Qing  hugs her and says:
       "We are preparing now, and Yan Wu-shuang really took the troops to attack us, so that he has no return."
       Yu-Xi whispered:
       "He Rui, do you know why Big Brother will come to the Northwest to go to me?"
       Without waiting for Yun-Qing  to answer, Yu-Xi said:
       "Because Big Brother thinks that we can get this world with our ability. He goes to us and wants to make a big future for his children and grandchildren."
       Yun-Qing  The whole person froze. Han Jianming only gave up the capital of the capital for Yu-Xi to abandon his family and go to them. It made people feel incredible, so he also had doubts in his heart, but he did not ask. Today's doubts have finally been answered.
       Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing  has no ambition to win the world:
       "I told my older brother that we didn't think about the world. We only thought about the simple and peaceful days. But my older brother told me that if we didn't try to win the hearts of the world, one day we will not die in the hands of the court or die. In the future, the people of the world will be won."
       Yun-Qing  said softly:
       "With the Northwest as the foundation, it is not so easy to want our lives." Northwest is their home base, and it is so easy to break.
       Yu-Xi sounds very light and says:
       "He Rui, I was the same thought as you at the time. I feel that the northwest is well governed, and the northwest soldiers and the people are with us. We have the capital of the world. But this nightmare lets me know, I think too. Simple."
       Yun-Qing  looked at Yu-Xi and waited for her to continue.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If Yan Wu-shuang has conquered this world, they will certainly not let us go. And Rui, if Yan Wu-shuang pours the power of the whole country to hit the northwest, do you say that we can keep the northwest?"
       Yun-Qing  has changed, and this question does not need to know the answer.
       The northwest can now be safe and sound because the court has become an empty shelf and has lost the ability to control the place. If Yan Wu-shuang is robbed of this world, and the power of the whole country is attacked, and they will have Beibei barbarians behind them, they will lose.
       The nightmare of Yu-Xi will come true at that time.
       Yu-Xi knows how stubborn Yun-Qing  is. If he is reasonable, he can't say that he can't move him.
       Therefore, Yu-Xi can only play such a scene in the slant, let Yun-Qing  think about it.
       After a while, Yun-Qing  also said a word.
       Licorice ‘called outside:
       "General, Madam, the food is ready, can be used." The house was terrible, and there was some worry in the heart of the licorice.
       Yun-Qing  took the hand of Yu-Xi and stood up:
       "Go out to eat first, and the big things have to be finished after dinner." Yun-Qing  never had the idea of ​​winning the world, not only because he did not have this ambition, but also because he asked himself no such thing. But Yu-Xi today had to make him think more.
       Yu-Xi also knows that Yun-Qing  is a dream:
       Yun-Qing  clipped a piece of fish to the Yu-Xi bowl and said:
       "Even if you say that will come true in the future, but we already know, we can be prepared, and it is not so easy for him to succeed. But if you continue this way, your body will be unbearable. You are sick, Who will take care of Jao-Jao and Lu-Er?"
       Jao-Jao wore a bib and sat on the dinner table dedicated to her, eating it like a decent. Hearing his name, he raised his head in a reflexive way:
       "Hey, mother..." On the mouth, it’s all rice, dirty.
       Yun-Qing  can't understand the practice of Yu-Xi. Even if Mama can't feed a wiping mouth, Yu-Xi is not willing. Yun-Qing  said:
       "Zeng Mama, wiped his mouth from Jao-Jao."
          - Zama looked at Yu-Xi and saw Yu-Xi nodded slightly. She leaned over and rubbed her face with Jao-Jao. After wiping it clean, she retreated to the side.
       It was not long before the lunch was used. Yun-Qing  took Jao-Jao little hand and walked slowly in the yard. When I heard Yang Duo-ming, I said to Yu-Xi:
       "You come back soon!" Yun-Qing  felt that Yu-Xi couldn't be idle. If Yu-Xi was busy, he wouldn't always think about that nightmare.
       Yu-Xi clicked.
       Yang Duo-ming got the call of Yu-Xi and came back all night.
       Yu-Xi wants revenge, but she does not have any intersection with Jiang Hongjin in her life. If Yun-Qing  knows that she is dealing with Jiang Hongjin, she can't explain it. If she wants to do this with Yun-Qing , she can only use Yang Duo-ming.
       Yang Duo-ming heard the slight change of Yu-Xi command, but he quickly calmed down:
       "It takes time to find such a secret medicine." I don't know if Madam has such a deep hatred with this Jiang Hongjin, and he has to give the other party no medicine. However, he did not have the courage to ask.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Before this year, we will do this well." More than a month before the New Year, Luoyang is only two or three days away from the city, and this long time is enough for Yang Duo-ming to complete this.
       Time is enough, but Yang Duo-ming has other considerations:
       "This scholar is a good name. If he is bad, his reputation is not guaranteed."
       Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "Do not let the third person know about this matter."
       Yang Duo-ming is not stupid, how can this kind of thing tell others, even if he  Erxi can't say. After all, 1148 

       Chapter 735 Revenge (3)   

       Yang Duo-ming After going out, Yu-Xi stayed alone in the house.
       After a while, Yu-Xi said to himself:
       "You want to be a love, want to be Yu-Chen, like a jade, then I will fulfill you." If Jiang Hongjin died, it would be too cheap for her. In her lifetime, because of Jiang Hongjin’s many white eyes and ridicule, she also wanted Jiang Hongjin to taste it one by one.
       This will solve her hatred.
       Yang Duo-ming went out of Yunfu and didn't immediately go to the doctor to find the secret medicine, but returned to where they left off.
       Fu Qing luo met Yang Duo-ming and asked:
       “Madam tells you what to do in the past?”
       Taking care of this errand Fu Qing luo often cares, and I am afraid that Yu-Xi will let Yang Duo-ming do something dangerous.
       Yang Duo-ming naturally does not tell the truth, but he does not want to lie to Fu Qing luo:
       "This is a secret, no one can tell." After that, he added another sentence:
       "You can rest assured that it is not a dangerous thing. It is just a little trouble." But it is to deal with a common understanding, and certainly there will be no danger to life.
       When you hear that there is no danger to life, Fu Qing luo will no longer ask. However, Fu Qing luo talked about another thing:
       "Yu Ming, Yun-Qing  has been booked as Wang, do not know when my brother will come to the city?"
       Yang Duo-ming changed his face slightly and said:
       "This is not something you and I can decide.
       The general and Madam should have their considerations." Yang Duo-ming didn't want to see Fu Tianlei at all.
       Fu Qing luo is a little sad, said:
       "I haven't seen my brother 1st Sister-in-law for more than two years." Because Yang Duo-ming is engaged in intelligence, Fu Qing luo also knows about Fu Tianlei and Chen-shi. Fu Tianlei is in good health. He only needs to take a rest for a while to heal, and Chen-shi body has improved a lot. However, the husband and ‘Madam’ have now reached the point where there is nothing to say. Fu Qing luo is very worried about this, but she can't walk away.
       Yang Duo-ming Said:
       "There is always a chance to see." Only when Fu Tianlei wanted to kill him, the two could not coexist peacefully, so he hoped that the sooner he met, the better.
       Yu-Xi returned to the backyard, and Yun-Qing  said:
       "He Rui, we can't sit still." I don't want to wait for others to kill the door to destroy their family, only to rise up.
       Yun-Qing  said after a moment of indulgence:
       "In the northwest, this situation is not suitable for soldiers." And to rebel, you have to find a good reason.
       The rebellion without any reason will be defeated.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't say that we don't have this capital right now, the timing is not right. I just think it's time to take precautions, and I will talk about it later."
       Yun-Qing  nodded and said:
       "Good!" If Yu-Xi now says that he wants to reverse the world, Yun-Qing  definitely does not agree. But Yu-Xi just said that it is well prepared, and he naturally cannot refuse.
       Yu-Xi remembered the name of Yun-Qing  and said:
       "The court has sealed you as Pingxi Wang, but I have not registered me as Wangfei. I don't know if I forgot or didn't take me seriously?"
       In the capital, the words are first sealed Wang, and then I will be closed to the room.
       The situation in the northwest is special, and Yu-Xi is in charge of the northwest.
       The court is so dry that Yu-Xi is not satisfied.
       Yun-Qing  is not rare what Pingxi Wang:
       "Don't care about them." Formerly, the court, Yun-Qing  still had a loyalty. Now, this loyalty does not know where to throw it.
       Therefore, the woman's pillow wind is still very powerful.
       After spending three days and spending a hundred dollars, Yang Duo-ming finally got a pill that was colorless and tasteless for men to eat. When the medicine got it, Yang Duo-ming was ready to get up and go to Luoyang.
       Fu Qing luo has to follow along, too, too much value for Yang Duo-ming, no matter where Yang Duo-ming goes, she will follow. Yang Duo-ming is not impatient, but this time it is special. Yang Duo-ming refused and said:
       "I will be back soon, you are waiting for me at home." Jiang Hongjin just knows the state, it should be easy to start.
       Fu Qing luo is not willing to follow suit.
       Yang Duo-ming No way, only can say:
       "You can't mix in with this. Madam means that no one else knows about it."
       Fu Qing luo replied with a cry:
       "I don't even know Yun-Qing ?"
       This is rare, and I think that the husband and ‘Madam’ have nothing to say without saying anything.
       Yang Duo-ming can't tell the truth:
       "Does the general know that I don't know, but I can't tell you. Green radish, this is the rule."
       After a pause, Yang Duo-ming said:
       "And, you must change your mouth in the future. Don't even name your general and Madam with your name. Do you know?"
       Fu Qing luo was reluctant to give up and promised.
       Five days later, Yang Duo-ming arrived in Luoyang. Yan-Xi, who came over a few days, told him about Yang Duo-ming in detail:
       "Jiang Hongjin is the second son of Shang Shu Jiang Wenrui, who is also the younger brother of Jiang Hongfu, who is going to the northwest."
       This Yang Duo-ming knows that Jiang Hongfu and Jiang Hongjin have a relationship with each other. Yang Duo-ming asked:
       "anything else?"
       Yan-Xi looks a little weird; "Jiang Hongfu ‘Madam’, Han Yu-Rong, is Madam's half-family Mei Mei." Yan-Xi did not know what they were going to do. However, when he found out the identity of Han Yu-Rong, he knew that it was related to Yu-Xi. As for the guess of Yan-Xi, I am afraid that Madam and the Hann Yu-Rong are in the shack, and there is hatred.
       Yang Duo-ming was very surprised. I didn't expect Jiang Hongjin's ‘Madam’ to be Mei Mei of Madam. His first reaction was that Yu-Xi and Yu-Rong had hatred. But soon Yang Duo-ming denied this guess. Because Yu-Xi wants him to deal with Jiang Hongjin, not Han Yu-Rong. Because even if Jiang Hongjin really became an eunuch, Han Yu-Rong can also choose to leave.
       Thinking of this, Yang Duo-ming asked:
       “Does Han Yu-Rong have a child?”
       He got the drug of this secret drug very aggressive, and it is very difficult to heal unless he is alive after eating.
       Yan-Xi said:
       "No. I heard that it was originally pregnant, but I was scared on the way to Luoyang, and I lost my baby." Yu-Rong is young, and she does not know how to be pregnant. When I was on the road, I met a bandit. Although I was out of danger, I couldn’t keep this scare.
       After that, Yan-Xi added:
       "Jiang Hongjin is now only a Hann Yu-Rong a woman, and there is no Small Concubine Tongfang." In the capital, Yu-Rong did not arrange Tongfang for Jiang Hongjin, and it would not be even more in Luoyang.
       The Jiang family is a rule-ridden person. Before the eldest son, there must be no eldest son. and
       Yang Duo-ming smiled, no child is better. After eating this medicine, Jiang Hongjin did not want to give birth to a child.
       "Yawn..." Yu-Rong, who was chanted, would have a big sneeze and wiped his nose. Yu-Rong said:
       "I don't know if 3rd sister is talking about me?"
       Yu-Chen became a queen, she Mei Mei is also a great honor.
       Green leaves said with a smile:
       "Definitely yes." Gui Mama is a person who talks and counts, and promised to go through the green grass and cash it. So the green grass did not come to Luoyang with Yu-Rong.
       Because there are Yu-Chen, the Queen-Sister-Sister, and those of Luoyang who are Madam-Nai-Nai, they all want to please her. It is not good to be close to the northwest. Yu-Rong is more comfortable in Luoyang than in the capital.
       Yu-Rong has some regrets:
       "Unfortunately Luoyang is too far away from the capital." It was held here, and Yu-Rong was naturally happy. Luoyang is not safe, not saying that many things can't be bought with money. In the depths of the heart, Yu-Rong still wants to return to Capital City. Of course, the premise is that there are only a few remaining children.
       The green leaves have no eloquence of green grass, and I don’t know how to persuade at the moment.
       The master servant said a long time, sleeping near, and did not see the figure of Jiang Hongjin:
       "Go ask, when will the 2nd Master come over?"
       After a while, Pozi said back and forth:
       "2nd Master said that today is not here, just rest in the front yard." Jiang Hongjin came to Luoyang because it was too hasty, not many people.
       The people who are serving today, except for the confidants, are bought directly in Luoyang. However, Yu-Rong had been in charge of the house before, and the family was well organized.
       When Yu-Rong heard this, he immediately sank his face and said. When I first arrived in Luoyang, Jiang Hongjin was resting in the front yard and basically did not come to the backyard. At that time, Yu-Rong needed to be conditioned because of the small production. Jiang Hongjin did not come to the backyard, and Yu-Rong did not care. But a few days ago, Yu-Rong was well Conditioned and could have children. Jiang Hongjin didn’t want to come to her. Jiang Hongjin came from the backyard, where did she come from? For this matter, the husband and ‘Madam’ have had a few troubles. In the end, there was no way. Yu-Rong even threatened to say that if Jiang Hongjin let her stay alive, she would let Luoyang City know that Jiang Hongjin is an eunuch.
       This is a lot of trouble, Yu-Rong just wants to be a son. With her son, she is not willing to let Jiang Hongjin enter the room. It’s a pity that the previous one was born, or else it’s about to be born. Every time I think about the child who fell, Yu-Rong can't hate it. She was unwilling to follow Luoyang on the same day, and she was stunned by shi-shi. If you don't come to Luoyang, your child will definitely not have something.
       Jiang Hongjin is a very face-to-face person, and he is naturally defeated under such pressure. I promised Yu-Rong, unless there is something, I must go back to the backyard and continue to Yu-Rong to give birth to the eldest son.
       Lying in bed, Yu-Rong couldn't sleep, and simply called the green leaves to talk to her. Yu-Rong said with a bitter face:
       "You said, the same embarrassment, why the encounter is a different day." Not to mention that Yu-Chen is now a queen, it is said that Han Yu-Xi is now Wangfei. Not only that, but both of them have to love their husbands, especially the Hann Yu-Xi is in the northwest. But what about her? No comparison is no problem. In contrast, Yu-Rong feels that he has lived too much.
       Yu-Rong has long since regretted it. She wants to know that Jiang Hongjin is such a good thing to be retired on the same day. Even if he retired, Yu-Rong was a queen, even if he was too old, he couldn’t find a good dear. Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world.
       Green leaves don't know how to comfort Yu-Rong. In fact, I want to say that Yu-Rong is already very good-natured, born in a noble family, and receives the best education. Although the aunt can not compare with the Emperor and Pingxi-Wang, the twenty-one-year Old five-grade official is also a young talent. In Luoyang City, those Madam-Nai-Nai don't know how much they envy their own Nai-Nai!
       Yu-Rong thinks that the green leaves are very boring, or the green grass is good.
       The relatives that Gui Mama introduced can not be rejected, and she can only promise.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Rong asked:
       "Green leaves, you are seventeen years old this year, but what kind of people do you want to marry?"
       The green leaf said busy:
       "-Nai-Nai, I don't marry, I will serve you for the rest of my life." The personal Servant is seventeen years old. It's not too big. It's not too late for a year of propose marriage.
       Yu-Rong shook his head and said:
       "This marriage has been settled early, and I am not worried about any changes!" Once the marriage is settled, there will be no more accidents. Although the green leaves are not as clever as the green grass, they are also very loyal to her. I will set the marriage date early and save me another accident.
       The green leaf looked down and said with a red face:
       "All by -Nai-Nai is the master." Marriage is the master of the master. If you say more, the master will definitely think that she has any personal feelings.
       Yu-Rong is very satisfied with the answer to the green leaf and smiles and says:
       "You can rest assured that I will definitely pick you up." r1148 

       Chapter 736 Revenge (5)   

       The cook of the Zhizhou government is surnamed Huang, and the good food made by one hand. Huang Shifu was originally a well-known restaurant in Luoyang called Xixiangfeng. Jiang Hongjin felt that the dishes he made were very good, so he went to Jiangfu as a chef. Jiang Hongjin’s wages are twice that of the restaurant, and the errands are idle. When his family is in need of money, Huang Shifu has no reason to agree.
       On this day, Huang Shifu  Erxi Lu--Shi went to Jiangfu to find him, and said with tears:
       "Where is the family, what can I do? Aqing was arrested by the gambler." Huang Qing  is the only son of Huang Shifu, who likes to gamble. Originally with Huang Shifu wages, their days in Luoyang City must have been very generous.
       There is such a gambling son, this home is also tired.
       Huang Shifu hurriedly asked:
       "How much did you lose this time?"
       Hearing the 3 thousand Silver Taels, Huang Shifu almost fell to the ground.
       Lu--Shi sees Huang Shifu, no matter what, holding his arm and saying:
       "When you are a family, can you not care? You don't want to, Qing er can live without it?"
       Huang Shifu said with a red eye:
       "Manage? How do you let me manage?"
       Three thousand Silver Taels, selling their family is not worth the money.
       Lu--Shi can't cry, said:
       "We only have such a son. If it is, do you want to watch him go to death? And after 100 years, who will end up for us?"
       Huang Qing  had a slap before  Erxi, but because he couldn't stand the tyranny of Huang Qing , he ran with people, so until now, Huang Qing  has not had a child or a half.
       Huang Shifu has nothing to do but can only go to the gambling house. When the gambling party released the words, if no money could be raised within three days, Huang Qing ’s hands and feet would be cut off.
       Just when the couple frowned, Yang Duo-ming came to the door. Yang Duo-ming's request is very simple, that is, let Huang Shifu find a way to let Jiang Hongjin eat the medicine he gave.
       Huang Shifu is not stupid, he will refuse.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "You can rest assured that this is not a poison to eat undead, but it is to let Jiang Hongjin suffer a crime." Can such a hand on Jiang Hongjin, can see Madam hate this person. Although I don’t know the reason, Yang Duo-ming knows that it’s not a mistake to make Jiang Hongjin worse.
       Seeing Huang Shifu or not agreeing, Yang Duo-ming smiled and said:
       "If you promise, I can let Huang Qing  gamble."
       Huang Shifu asked for a voice:
       "What are you talking about?"
       He has only one such son, how can he let him go to death. Of course, it is also because only such a son, from childhood, from this, he will be able to raise such a lawless temperament.
       Yang Duo-ming said with a smile:
       "Look, you dare to take risks?"
       On the one hand, the son is killed by the gambler, and on the other hand, the son will become a good temptation. Huang Shifu said that it is impossible to be unmoving. However, he still does not believe much:
       "How do I believe in you?"
       If you really let your son learn, he is dead and willing.
       Yang Duo-ming said with a smile:
       "You can give it a try." It's just a ruthless rogue, just let the man pick a hand and make sure he is honest.
       Huang Shifu finally agreed to Yang Ming’s request. However, in case of precautions, he fed the cat for the night of feeding, and waited for a little to see the kitten without any trouble, he will give Jiang Hongjin to eat late at night.
       Jiang Hongjin did not expect that Huang Shifu would be so daring, give him medicine, and happily finished eating a bowl of food and night.
       Just put down the bowl, I saw Pozi and said:
       “2nd Master,-Nai-Nai asks when are you going back to the backyard?”
       Unless it is a small day, Yu-Rong will urge Jiang Hongjin to return to the backyard.
       Jiang Hongfu eyes flashed annoyed and said:
       "There is still something to be dealt with, and I will not return to the backyard today." Being forced to go to bed with a woman is really uncomfortable.
       The next day, when Huang Shifu gave Jiang Hongfu breakfast, he saw Jiang Hongfu face ruddy, and his heart finally put it down. However, Huang Shifu was a guilty conscience. On the same day, he was asked to go back to the filial piety with his old father in the country and made a resignation.
       Although Jiang Hongjin likes the craft of Huang Shifu, he can't stop people from doing filial piety! The most important thing about this scholar is reputation. If it is then spread out, it will definitely be attacked by political opponents.
       When Huang Qing  was sent back, he lost one arm, and the whole person looked like a ghost.
       That kind of fearful look, I can imagine that I was sinned at the gambling house.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ cleaned up the soft, and the room-child also shot at the fastest speed, and then took his son out of Luoyang City. Huang Shifu did something like this, and he dared to go back to his hometown.
       Yan-Xi and Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Boss, this surnamed Huang family went to Anxian. Boss, do you want to destroy?"
       Yang Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "Don't make a kill. If I guess it's right, this yellow name should be ready to go to Shaanxi." Once the incident, it will definitely be smashed by Jiang Hongjin, and went to the northwest. Jiang Hongjin is looking for it. No.
       After speaking, Yang Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "He doesn't make a move. If he stays in Jiangfu, who can know that this is what he did?"
       Yan-Xi asked very curiously:
       "Boss, what do you give to Jiang Hongjin?"
       Jiang Hongjin is not dead, it is definitely not a poison.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "You don't need to know this. Right, I will be here, you will go back to the city, I will go back later!" There are still a lot of things in the city, as long as Jiang Hongjin is determined, he can go back. It is.
       Yan-Xi is no longer questioning, nodding:
       "Well, I will go back later." Although Luoyang is also very prosperous, he prefers Yucheng. Now in Yucheng, there is absolutely no such thing as a powerful official slapping a civilian. Yan-Xi is also a civilian, and was forced to go up the mountain as a gangster, so he was especially hated for those who are deceiving.
       Jiang Hongjin found that his body was not right and he was on the fifth day of taking medicine. I thought it was too exhausting, and I even breathed a sigh of relief for Yu-Rong. It can be like this for three days, and he is anxious.
       Yu-Rong said nothing at all:
       "If you are sick, go to the doctor, what are you doing?"
       In fact, the two round room in the future, Yu-Rong is determined that Jiang Hongjin just does not like her, not not. However, because of Jiang Hongjin's attitude, she was resentful.
       Therefore, every time I speak, I am very eager, and Jiang Hongjin likes a woman like Yu-Chen. She is invisible to the vulgar Yu-Rong, a vicious circle, and the couple are really two. Look disliked.
       Jiang Hongjin glanced at Yu-Rong coldly and turned to the main courtyard.
       Without waiting for Jiang Hongjin to see the doctor, Luoyang City reported that Jiang Hongjin was not humane. He was a true eunuch, and the rumor also said that Jiang Hongjin was the one who was pressured. It is not uncommon for a big family to raise two children, but if it is pressed underneath, it is definitely the object of ridicule.
       Scholars must face, not to mention that people like Jiang Hongjin are more famous, or else he will not be defeated by Yu-Rong.
       When Yu-Rong went out to socialize, he found that everyone look was very wrong. In the past, everyone was flattering and complimenting her.
       This time, Madam-Nai-Nai looked at her as a sympathetic color.
       When I got home, Yu-Rong sent someone to find out what happened. When I knew the rumors outside, Yu-Rong’s face was very angry. Yu-Rong said:
       "I will check it immediately to see who is the ghost." Let her find out, absolutely no one can. No matter how bad her relationship with Jiang Hongjin, they can be integrated with them. Jiang Hongjin lost face, she did not face.
       Although Jiang Hongjin and Yu-Rong have come a long way, their roots in Luoyang are very shallow.
       The relationship in Luoyang City is also complicated. It is impossible to find the people behind the scenes within a day.
       Yu-Rong and Jiang Hongjin are different from ordinary couples.
       There is no jealousy at all. When Jiang Hongjin returned in the evening, Yu-Rong directly told Jiang Hongjin about this:
       "Are you offending someone?"
       The enemies that are underneath are still very big, or else they will not release such vicious rumors.
       Jiang Hongjin is inexplicable and said:
       "What are you talking about?"
       Yu-Rong is very angry:
       "I have nonsense? Now that it has been spread outside, even the streets sweeping the ground know that you are not humane, and are still being crushed by men?"
       After Jiang Hongjin heard the words of Yu-Rong, he looked like:
       "Who is the rumor of spreading? Say, who is it?"
       No matter who he is, he dares to use the means of doing this, he must pay the unbearable price.
       Yu-Rong is annoyed:
       "How do I know? I can't find out if I am going to check it out. But you haven't gotten right now, or you have to find a doctor to come."
       This is the heart of Jiang Hongjin. Jiang Hongjin said coldly:
       "I am very good." It’s just that some people are not very comfortable recently.
       Yu-Rong is usually very fierce, but when she looks at Jiang Hongjin's way of eating people, she doesn't dare to say anything more. In case Jiang Hongjin is crazy, he is still unlucky.
       Jiang Hongjin spent a lot of effort, and soon found two small punks to release the wind. But these two little punks are not in Luoyang City, and the clues are broken here.
       My body knows for itself that Jiang Hongjin is faintly wrong. To let the doctor see, he did not have this face, so he disguised himself and went to find the best doctor in Luoyang City.
       The doctor gave him a little dignity in the face of the pulse. In order to be prudent, the doctor re-diagnosed a pulse. Retracting his hand, the doctor sighed and said:
       “Has gongzi offended someone?”
       Jiang Hongjin looked white and asked:
       "Doctor, what happened?"
       There are only two people in the house and there are no others.
       The doctor did not hide it, and directly said that Jiang Hongjin could not be humane after eating the secret medicine.
       The doctor has some sighs. Under such a poisonous hand, it is definitely an enemy of different days.
       After listening to Jiang Hongjin, he felt that the blood in his body had solidified. Can't be human? How to behave after carrying an inhuman reputation:
       "Doctor, are you mistaken?"
       The doctor shook his head and said:
       "There will be very few such secret drugs." In front of this person who is offended, the coming will be great.
       Half a ring, Jiang Hongjin finally recovered calmly and asked:
       "Doctor, can you cure this disease?"
       Since it is being prescribed, it must be cured.
       The doctor regretted that he could not cure the disease.
       This medicine is actually similar to the remedy. After eating it, the god is difficult to treat.
       Jiang Hongjin did not know how he returned home.

       Chapter 737 Lu-Er Grab the Weekend (1)   

       Lu-Er caught the day, Yunfu is very lively.
       All the people who received the invitations in the city have come over. A lot of Madam also brought their own Miss.
       These Miss, all dressed up and blossomed. One of the Sun's Miss, dressed up is particularly conspicuous.
       The Miss wore a long, gold-silver thread to support a long skirt that was woven into a dark lotus flower, and a white silver fox cloak cloaked outside. Only that cloak is worth a thousand dollars.
       The face is condensed with goose fat, if the lips are sakura, the eyebrows are like mountains, and if the gods are in the autumn, they stand among a group of people.
       Sun family 1st Nai-Nai took daughter to Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei is a thousand years old and thousands of years old." Although the Yu-Xi booked Wangfei gold book did not come down, but now everyone has changed their mouths.
       Yu-Xi Miss smiled at Sun's 1st Nai-Nai:
       "This Miss is very good." Yu-Xi intelligence is very well-informed, knowing that Sun has a special appearance of Miss, named Yulian.
       This Yulian Miss is a fifteen-year Old national beauty, and her literary talent is outstanding. She is very famous in Yucheng.
       Yu-Xi is wearing a royal blue dress today, wearing a stilt, only wearing a point of emerald beads phoenix step.
       This phoenix stepped by the kingfisher's feathers into a phoenix body, with Hong-shan coral beads on both sides, black pearls for the phoenix eyes, and rubies for the bird's mouth. Only this phoenix stepped over, it overshadowed the value of jewelry worn by many people. Of course, Yu-Xi doesn't wear anything but stands there, and no one will ignore her.
       Sun Yulian said in a down-to-earth manner:
       “Thank you for Wangfei Imperial Consort's compliment.” She praised her for being beautiful and she is used to it.
       Yu-Xi smiled, although Sun Yulian was beautiful, but it was far worse than Yu-Chen. It was just a polite word.
       Chang-shi said with a smile:
       "Madam, 2nd Miss? Why didn't you take the second Miss?"
       Chang-shi actually likes Lu-Er, the child Jao-Jao is soft and very lovable.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Wangye took it to the front yard." Lu-Er is one year old, but most of the generals under Yun-Qing  have never seen it. Yun-Qing  will take Lu-Er out. Show off.
       This is not the case. When Feng Dajun, who came back two days ago, saw Lu-Er, he ‘called:
       "General, will Lu-Er be given to my kid?"
       Feng Dajun and others are still used to calling General Yu-Xi. For ten years, it is difficult to change.
       Yuan Ying smiled and said:
       "You are going to pull it down! Your brother is eight years older than Lu-Er. You want your son to eat young grass? General, my brother, only three years older than Lu-Er. Just match it!"
       Du-Zheng is not far behind, ‘calling:
       "My family is only two years older than Lu-Er, that's just right!"
       Feng Dajun is not willing to fall into the wind and said:
       "Hey Brother can't, I will go home when I go home, and I will have a big fat boy next year."
       The words fell, and the audience laughed.
       There is a woman in the family who asks for it. I didn’t realize it in Jao-Jao.
       This will be realized in Lu-Er. Yun-Qing  is both happy and proud, saying:
       "Wangfei said that you can't make a baby kiss, you have to wait for the child to be big to propose marriage." Yu-Xi does not want to set the child's affair early. If the two children do not take advantage of all aspects of the future, they will not find it.
       Feng Dajun is not at all depressed, saying:
       "It's okay, let my kid wait." This is like Lu-Er is already his family.
       Guo Xunxiao said:
       "Your younger son hasn't had a shadow yet? Just talk about it here." Although she has a disability, Guo Xuan now assists Huo Changqing in cultivating talents. It is also an important errand. Guo Xunyi changed the decadence of the past.
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "If the children are willing to do so in the future, we naturally have no objection." Feng Dajun and Du-Zheng and others know who knows the truth. Children are not afraid to be bad for their children when they marry their families, so Yun-Qing  is also very happy. .
       Cui Mozhen said with a mouth:
       "And let the madman get a big bargain."
       Du-Zheng said happily:
       "The general did not say that Lu-Er was a fancy one. He couldn't tell Lu-Er that he had come to see my kid!"
       The front is very lively and the atmosphere behind is very harmonious.
       Sun family 1st Nai-Nai asked strangely:
       “Wangfei Imperial Consort, why didn’t you see Eldest Miss?”
       Because of the parents of Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao has become famous.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Jao-Jao was a little uncomfortable blowing the wind yesterday, and it will be resting in the house." Because it is not a big problem, Yu-Xi is not worried.
       As I spoke, Qu Mama walked over and said:
       "Wangfei, Kyrgyz time has arrived, catching Zhou Li immediately begins, the general invites you to pass."
       Everyone went to the front hall with the Yu-Xi.
       The table was full, and everything that was famous was there.
       Yun-Qing  put Lu-Er next to the bow and arrow, this behavior makes Yu-Xi somewhat speechless. When Jao-Jao grabbed the week, he caught a wooden sword.
       This will be Yun-Qing  and hope that Lu-Er will catch the bow and arrow.
       This is awkward and seems to be very hopeful to train her daughter into a female man.
       Lu-Er sees everyone looking at her, not awkward. Because of the training before, Lu-Er fell on the table and climbed to the front, grabbed a flute in his left hand, and grabbed the ledger in his right hand. Nothing wasted, it’s quick and accurate.
       When everyone saw it, a bunch of auspicious words don’t go out of money.
       Yun-Qing  is also not disappointed. Putting Lu-Er next to the bow and arrow is not that he wants Lu-Er to catch bows and arrows, but is used to it.
       There is one Jao-Jao is enough, he can hope to come again.
       Lu Xiu smiled and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Lu-Er will not only become a talented woman, but also a good manager."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "As long as she can be safe and peaceful in the future, I will be content with it." This week is just to discuss a good celebration, but not true.
       Chang-shi heard the names of the children and said:
       "Wangfei, the child is also one year old, is the name taken?"
       Some people are particularly particular about asking their children to take their names after they are three years old. However, the name of Jao-Jao has already been fixed, and the name of this child is estimated to be fixed.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Set it down, called Yun Xiao. Hey, the meaning is quiet and beautiful." Yu-Xi is also very fond of this name.
       Chang-shi exclaimed:
       "Yun, this name is really nice. In the end, I read the book, and the name is not the same as us." Chang-shi ranked third in the family, so the name is called Sanniang.
       Yun-Qing  picked up Lu-Er and said to Yu-Xi:
       "I will wait until the child is taken back to the backyard." Jao-Jao has grown so big that he has not seen the Brother under his hand mentioning the marriage. Now that Lu-Er is out of the crowd, he has to show up again.
       Therefore, there is such a beautiful, quiet and lovely daughter, too rare to find someone.
       Jao-Jao No one mentions a family for a reason.
       The Jao-Jao temper is too strong and noisy, like a fake boy; the second is also the most important, Jao-Jao looks too much like Yun-Qing , and everyone dares to think about it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "When you have lunch, you can take it back to the backyard! You haven't seen it with your Brother for a long time. Today, let's talk." When the big men meet, it is sure to drink.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and nodded.
       Bao--Shi teased:
       "Wangfei, Wangye is really considerate. If my family is like this to me, I really have to wake up and dream."
       Yuan Ying’s ‘Madam’, Xiao--Shi, also smiled and said:
       "Yes! Wangye is very good for Wangfei. I have to let the person in charge learn from Wangye."
       Chang-shi also said with envy:
       "Wangfei, if the child can have half of Wangye good, I will be content." Feng Dajun is the best of all people. At the time of Fu-Cheng City, there was a ‘servant at home, and there was a good outside.
       Sun 1st Nai-Nai heard that the two people speeches were somewhat cracked. My family’s mouth, the head of the family, and the children were jealous.
       This is too vulgar. Only the people of the city’s family will be called this. However, Sun 1st Nai-Nai doesn't like it anymore, and he doesn't dare to show it. However, because Sun Yulian is still young, she will not be able to conceal her emotions very well. I heard this kind of address with a bit of contempt.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Before, I was still a big old man. Later, I took two days of Jao-Jao. I know that it is not easy to raise a child.
       This is a lot of thoughtfulness."
       Bao--Shi said with a smile:
       "That's also Madam's teaching is very good!" The reinforcer has the skill to think about it, but can't say it.
       The group used lunch in the mansion before returning.
       Lu Xiu stayed and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Yu-Xi, you have to beware of the grandson Miss. When Sun Yulian was in the main hall, she saw that her brother-in-law’s eyes were not quite right." In fact, when Sun Yulian looked at Yun-Qing , it was very concealed, but it was unfortunately The show bumped into it. Lu Xiuhui reminded Yu-Xi that Sun Yulian was young and beautiful.
       There are few of these men who don’t steal.
       Yu-Xi was a little surprised and asked:
       “Sister-in-law sees it with your own eyes?”
       I can't talk about Sun Yulian, but I don't hate it.
       Lu Xiu nodded and said:
       "I saw it unintentionally." If she is not sure, she will not speak. Because once told Yu-Xi, Sun Yulian may have been ruined in this life.
       Yu-Xi, after the last incident, was not nervous, said:
       "Nothing." If it is only admiring the love of Yun-Qing , this is nothing. After all, it is normal for her husband to be so good to be loved by women. If she had to start with someone Miss for such a reason, it would be unreasonable. However, if she dares to make a collusion with her husband, she will not spare.
       Lu Xiu looked at the calm Yu-Xi and felt that he was worried.
       Yun-Qing  is in a high position, and no official has sent him a woman until now. Not the officials below are suddenly becoming tempered, but because they do not have this daring. Yu-Xi controls the northwest. If they send a woman to Yun-Qing , they will be hated by Yu-Xi.
       This is why Sun Jia and his family wanted to marry his daughter to Xu Wu and others, but did not think about sending his own Miss to Yun-Qing . In the hearts of everyone, the Yu-Xi is more powerful than the tigress.
       On the way back to Sun Yulian, she said to her mother:
       "Mother, I didn't expect Pingxi Wang not only to be unconventional, but also so gentle and considerate?"
       Sun Yulian once vowed that she would marry the hero of the world, because she believes that only such a man is worthy of her. Obviously, in the northwest, there are no more men than Pingxi-King.
       Sun 1st Nai-Nai did not think much, and some said with emotion:
       "This Han-shi, I don't know the blessings of my life." Yun-Qing  is the one who wants Han-shi with the respect of Wangye, who is not envious of women!

       Chapter 738 Lu-Er Grab the Weekend (2)   

       Since the troop delivery last year, everyone has not been together for a year.
       Therefore, Yun-Qing  followed Lu-Er’s reason for the birth, so that everyone gathered together and contacted each other.
       The main thing is winter, there is no war. Otherwise, everyone will not be able to leave.
       Everyone is drinking and chatting, it is very smooth. Finally, in addition to Feng Qianjun, such a thousand cups are not drunk, others are dizzy. Yun-Qing  has a good amount of alcohol, but today I was too happy to drink a few more cups than everyone else, and Gao Song helped back to the backyard. Others, except for Cui Mo and other family members who were not in the city of Lucheng Wang Fu, were sent home by the entourage.
       Yu-Xi told Qu Mama:
       “The tea will be given to Cui general.” This hangover tea was made by Quan Mama, which has a good effect on headache, dizziness and other symptoms after drinking.
       After feeding Yun-Qing  a cup of hangover tea, Yu-Xi washed Yu-Qing 's face, climbed onto the bed and massaged Yun-Qing , then gave him a quilt and walked out of the bedroom.
       Quan Mama saw Yu-Xi frown and said:
       "Why don't you rest?"
       Lu-Er Yu-Xi was busy yesterday, and has been busy until now, and it is too tired.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I am not tired."
       Quan Mama doesn't believe it, says:
       "Hurry back to the house to rest down, here I am with Qu Mama, you don't have to worry about it!" Things are no worse than this time.
       Yu-Xi, but Quan Mama can only go back to the house. However, Yu-Xi didn't have a bed, but slept on a soft couch. Yun-Qing  Drinked so much wine, Yu-Xi is not willing to sleep with him.
       This sleep, I slept for half an hour. Woke up, Yu-Xi heard a slight snoring. Yu-Xi chuckled, and Yun-Qing  will have a lot of drinking.
       Yu-Xi saw Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, went to the front yard study room to handle government affairs, and returned to the backyard before dinner to find that Yun-Qing  was still not awake. Did not wake up Yun-Qing , sleep by him. Only in this case, Yun-Qing  will sleep more.
       Cui Mo woke up when he was dinner, and saw a large bowl of lamb dumplings and a few side dishes. Cui Mo said with a smile:
       “When I was in Fu-Cheng City, the most memorable thing was this lamb dumpling. It’s really strange to say it. I can’t eat it in other places.” In fact, this mutton dumpling method Bai Mama is taught to blessing. Shifu of the restaurant. I don't know why, and Shifu taste is a little worse than Bai Mama.
       Xu Wu, how can you not know that Cui Mo envy and hate, smiled and said:
       “It’s not always available in Yunfu.” The front yard has a chef who specializes in cooking. Bai Mama is a special cook for Yu-Xi. Only when you make a mutton dumpling for Yun-Qing , everyone can get this blessing.
       Cui Mo swallowed and ate a dumpling and said:
       "I can eat five or six times a month! I don't want to eat it!"
       After Cui Mo had more than a dozen dumplings, he couldn’t eat it:
       "Let's go, wait until the night is hungry and eat again." Eat too much at noon, and now can't eat much.
       Xu Wu said with a smile: "The general is not letting you stay in the city for the New Year? This time, let you eat enough."
       Cui Mo shook his head and said:
       "I would like to think about it? Can you not drop your mother-in-law and the children to spend the New Year at home? It is most blessed to say that our Brother are a few blessings. I even married Miss's family. I heard that I still look like a fairy." ”
       When he heard the news, Cui Mo was envious, thinking that they were still anxious for Xu Wu! I did not expect this kid to have this blessing.
       Xu Wu swayed and said:
       "What kind of fairy is not celestial, don't listen to them.
       This woman is not all the same, you said yes?"
       Cui Mo smiled and said:
       "Smelly, how can this be the same?"
       Although envious, Cui Mo has nothing to regret. He  Erxi is not as good as he is, but he is very good at him, and he gave birth to a child, and he is content.
       Concealed for a few days, Jiang Hongjin's inhumane things were finally known by Yu-Rong. Yu-Rong is annoyed:
       "What the hell is going on, tell me clearly?"
       A few days ago, I suddenly got such a disease. In the eyes of the world, it is also a disease that cannot be human.
       At this time, Jiang Hongjin hated to smash the people behind the scenes and endured the shame of his heart:
       "I was taken to medicine."
       When I heard this, Yu-Rong was stunned and returned, and Yu-Xi was in a hurry:
       "What have you done to hurt the world?"
       It is normal for Yu-Rong to think like this. If it is not for Jiang Hongjin's hatred, it is impossible to kill such a poisonous hand.
       This is more cruel than killing people directly.
       What made him do something that hurts the world? Jiang Hongjin heard this and hated to slap it, but he knew that it was not angry now. If you annoy Yu-Rong, there isn't even a person who gave him the name. Jiang Hongjin said with a sigh of relief:
       "What do you think I can do to hurt things?"
       I didn't say it in the capital. I had been studying in the academy before I tried it, and then I entered the Hanlin Academy. I went to Luoyang in the Hanlin Academy for half a year. Although he went to Luoyang and said that he did not do good things for meritorious deeds, he did not do anything that hurts the world.
       Yu-Rong has a bad temper, but she is not stupid. After thinking about it, she asked:
       "How did you get medicine?"
       Having said that, Yu-Rong looks at Jiang Hongjin Said:
       “The cook in the front yard automatically left the Luoyang a few days ago. Is it the medicine under the cook?”
       The cook who surnamed Huang went to the front foot, and Jiang Hongjin’s footsteps went wrong. It’s hard to doubt it!
       Jiang Hongjin’s face is also very ugly, saying:
       "I let people go to his hometown, and the people sent back to say that the dog thing has not returned to his hometown." As for Huang Shifu, it is very likely that he went to the northwest, Jiang Hongjin did not say. It doesn't make sense to say it.
       Yu-Rong was anxious and angry, saying:
       "I said this kitchen at the beginning it is a must-have to sign a deed. You said what you said at the time? You said that people don't want to be okay, what happens? If you sign a contract, do you think they are going away? ”
       Yu-Rong also found a cook, and the cook was signed. It is equal to the life of a person in the palm of his hand, and he wants to escape and escape.
       Jiang Hongjin also regrets it, but unfortunately, he has not regretted the medicine now:
       "Well, the doctor said that this disease can be cured, but it takes a while." Jiang Hongjin can't say that he can't cure this disease. Let Yu-Rong know that he won't know how to make trouble!
       Yu-Rong asked with suspicion:
       "What are you talking about?"
       Jiang Hongjin nodded:
       "Nature is true. But the priority is to let everyone eliminate misunderstandings about me."
       Regardless of how bad the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ is, their interests are consistent. Yu-Rong asked:
       "How to eliminate misunderstanding?"
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "After a few days, you said that you are pregnant, so the rumor is naturally not broken." Before Yu-Rong had a single child, everyone who was closer to Yu-Rong knew that now The release of Yu-Rong's pregnancy will definitely not be doubted.
       Yu-Rong hesitated and said:
       "If you can get this disease very quickly, there is nothing. If you can't be good for a while, what if I am pregnant?"
       I can't see it at first, but I can't get up in the stomach, and I won't be smashed at first sight.
       Jiang Hongjin said:
       "When the stomach is big, don't go out and see the guests." If the disease is not good before then, then I will find a way. It is imperative that the matter be rounded up. He is not willing to * live in the compassion of others.
       Yu-Rong hesitated for a moment and finally agreed. Yu-Rong, because of the presence of a queen-sister-sister and Your Grace, even if she is a high-ranking official Madam, she does not swear. So over the past six months, she has offended a lot of people. I know that Jiang Hongjin is not humane. I don’t know how many people are watching his jokes behind the scenes!
       In the late twelfth lunar month, Yang Duo-ming returned to Yucheng.
       Yu-Xi woke up in the afternoon and finished the licorice.
       The licorice went to the Yu-Xi and said softly:
       "Wangfei, Yang Daren is waiting in the front yard." Yang Duo-ming hung up a job, but everything he did was on the bright side, and everyone was roughly counted.
       Yang Duo-ming didn't have much to go when Yu-Xi just slept. However, licorice and others heard that it was not a matter of matter, and did not wake up Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi is clear, this is the result of Luoyang. Yu-Xi said:
       "Take the long red dress."
       In the front yard study Yu-Xi saw Yang Duo-ming. I haven't seen it for a month, and Yang Duo-ming seems to have lost a lot:
       "Is everything done?"
       Yang Duo-ming told Yu-Xi about his work in Luoyang City. In fact, Yang Duo-ming was a little uneasy at the bottom of his heart, because Yu-Xi only let him take medicine, and did not let him spread the rumors that Jiang Hongjin’s reputation was broken.
       This is his good advice.
       Yu-Xi is very satisfied, nodded and said:
       "You are doing very well." Let Jiang Hongjin live in the sympathy and scorn of others and be more resentful than killing him directly.
       Yang Duo-ming knew that he was right, smiled and took out a small beech box from his sleeve and said:
       "This is the birthday gift I gave to Miss."
       Yu-Xi took it with a smile and said:
       "I have a heart." Gifts are not important, and this kind of mind is very good.
       Yang Duo-ming hesitated and said:
       "Madam, although the rumors I released will cause some harm to Jiang Hongjin, but it is not impossible to save." As long as you think of a way, you can round things up.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Cheats others, can't lie to yourself. However, there are more things you should pay attention to." Jiang Hongjin did not touch him in his life, but in the end it was --Shi forced Concubine to conceive. And she was framed against the Concubine poisoning hand to let the other party fall, and was sent to Zhuangzi. But on Zhuangzi, she knew that Concubine was pregnant again. Although Yu-Xi didn't know that Concubine was born with a man or a woman, it is also obvious that Jiang Hongjin did not care about it, but he did not want her to be born.
       With Yu-Xi current mind, I can't even know that Concubine is a self-directed play. As for why Concubine wants to use her children to frame her, Yu-Xi didn't think too much. Because in this life, she can't have another intersection with Concubine.
       Thinking that Jiang Hongjin is not humane, there will be no children in this life, and Yu-Xi has a smile on his face. I don't want to be born and can't live, but there are two concepts. Jiang Hongjin is a man of high arrogance, and such a thing is a huge blow to him. And Yu-Rong is not a person who wants to swallow. If she knows the truth,
       Ps: This chapter is for Tong Tong → Bad Boy (n_n) o-, continue to ask for the next month ticket and recommended ticket.

       Chapter 739 Love   

       Yun-Qing  woke up, dressed and walked to the window, looking at the darkness outside, and asked the licorice that came in from the water:
       "What time is it?"
       Licorice put the copper basin on the shelf and said:
       "The end of time.-..-."
       Unexpectedly, I suddenly slept for more than three hours. Yun-Qing  washes his face and asks:
       "Madam? Is it still in the front yard?"
       Licorice nodded:
       “Madam is still dealing with things in the front yard.” The couple have a good deal of government affairs together, and that is not to delay things.
       For dinner, Bai Mama prepared for Yun-Qing  with millet porridge and two dishes of greens. On the table, I didn’t see anything.
       Yun-Qing  did not ask. Yu-xi pays attention to the way to keep fit, and eats very light at night. However, Yu-xi knows that Yun-Qing  is expensive and does not require Yun-Qing  to eat vegetables at night as she does. But today, drunk, so let him eat plain.
       After dinner, Yun-Qing  went to the front yard.
       Xu Wu met Yun-Qing  and told him one thing:
       "General, Yan-shi and Wei Guo left at the end of last month." Cui Mo did not tell Yun-Qing , or Cui Mo told him when he was having dinner together today.
       Yun-Qing  frowned and said:
       "To the wing to say!" Yun-Qing  has been very busy recently, even if there is Yu-xi sharing most of the government, he is not free, so he has no time to pay attention to Xiang Wei Guo.
       When I arrived at the wing Yun-Qing  asked:
       "what happened?"
       On the same day, Yu-xi said that Yan-shi could not have a hard time with Xiang Wei Guo, and he agreed. However, he did not expect this to be half a year, and Yan-shi could not stand it.
       Xu Wu smiled bitterly:
       “Wei Guo, after being in good health, sold all the family products and took Yan-shi to Xinpingcheng to do business. But he is the material of doing business, and he only lost one day.” Lost, the days have been very difficult. Yan-shi was called Xiang Wei Guo at the time to ask for Cui Mo to help, but Xiang Wei Guo was unwilling to live and die.
       The Brother are so mixed together, he is not Daren, and there is a face to ask for help.
       Yan-shi used to be Miss at home, because her parents were very good at her, so let’s not suffer from it. I didn’t do anything in housework. I married Xiang Wei Guo and I wore Jin Daiyin Servant. Pozi life of serving. Xiang Wei Guo stumbled, not only for three meals, but also for housework, where Yan-shi could stand up and ran back to her family.
       Xiang Wei Guo went to the Yan family to pick up. At the beginning, the Yan family was very polite to him. After all, the Brother Xiang Wei Guo made were very good. Xiang Wei Guo wanted to make a comeback. It was not difficult. Xiang Wei Guo is still so poor. Here, the two of the Yan family  Erxi don't do it, not only sneer at Yan-shi who often returns to her family, but also to Xiang Wei Guo, the eyes are not the nose, not the nose.
       Yan-shi is not a person who can live a hard life. For half a year, seeing Cui Mo and others ignore Xiang Wei Guo and know that Xiang Wei Guo has no possibility of making a comeback. She directly proposed and left with Xiang Wei Guo.
       After Yun-Qing  finished listening, he said with a cold face:
       “Yan-shi said that he agreed with him?”
       What kind of woman is this and what is it? It’s just a matter of direct rest.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Wei Guo disagreed and left, but Yan-shi couldn't find anyone. Later, Yanmu found Wei Guo and didn't know what to say. Wei Guo promised and left." In Fu-Cheng City and new Pingcheng, and the women who have been away are still very marketable, especially the women of good color such as Yan-shi, who are not married.
       Seeing Yun-Qing  look the same, Xu Wu said:
       "Wei Guo was wrong at the beginning, but he has been punished. General, you give him another chance!" Xu Wu and Xiang Wei Guo have only a common feeling, but when they look at each other, he has some I can't bear it.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "What does he do now to make a living?"
       Because of Yun-Qing , Cui Mo did not dare to let Xiang Wei Guo return to the military camp, even if he was an ordinary soldier. Now the Fu-Cheng City soldiers are treated differently than before. Not only are the military squads not owed, but the food is also raised several times.
       Xu Wu lowered his head and said:
       "Do some scatter to make a living. When Cui came to see the city, he went to see him. He said that he would go to the countryside to open up the land when he was in the spring. Wei Guo said that the northwest is now farming and can live." The people of the land can't live. Now, in addition to paying taxes, when you are idle, you have no other burden. Xiang Wei Guo, a big man, can certainly support himself.
       Yun-Qing  heard this and his feelings eased a lot. Fortunately, he did not give up on himself. Otherwise, he was disappointed with Xiang Wei Guo.
       Xu Wu said:
       "General, let Wei Guo return to the military camp! The most lacking thing in the military is to fight, and Wei Guo can come back to contribute to everyone." In the eyes of Han Jianming, Yun-Qing  is strong. In fact, Yun-Qing  is very tight.
       Yun-Qing  did not give a reply, only said:
       "Let Cui Moe tell me personally tomorrow." With Xu Wu mouth, what is going on?
       Xu Wu heard this and knew that Yun-Qing ’s heart was also loose, and said happily:
       "Cheng, I will call Lao Cui now."
       Hearing the study there was a change in the other side, Yun-Qing  waved his hand and said:
       "This will not be too late tomorrow." If you are in a hurry, you will not be so anxious.
       Yu-xi was blinking and saw Yun-Qing  coming in and laughing and saying:
       "I thought you were going to sleep until tomorrow!"
       Yun-Qing  looked at the Yu-xi face with a tired color and said:
       "It’s too late, let’s deal with it tomorrow!” There is nothing urgent about this winter.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "I am going to go back!" Under normal circumstances, Yu-xi usually returned to the backyard when he was halfway through the sea. If there is an emergency, then there is no fixed number.
       Back to the backyard, the first thing is to see Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. Jao-Jao This point has already slept, Lu-Er just finished eating milk.
       Yun-Qing  took a kiss with Lu-Er and smiled and said Yu-xi:
       "You said Lu-Er can talk when?"
       Yu-xi means very speechless:
       "I said that I don't know. When the child comes to the opening, he will naturally open up." The question Yun-Qing  has been asked many times, and Yu-xi does not want to answer any more.
       Yun-Qing  looks at Lun-Er, who is graceful, and smiles:
       "I just want to hear Lu-Er call me a sigh." I don't know what Lu-Er called when he called him.
       Yu-xi can't laugh or cry:
       "I don't know if you thought you were head back?"
       People who are swearing, even expect children to ‘call, rare.
       Yun-Qing  retorted:
       "Where can this be the same!" When Jao-Jao yelled, it was full of gas and the eardrum could be worn; Lu-Er was definitely not the same.
       Yu-xi smiled after knowing the reason:
       "It turns out that you are abandoning Jao-Jao? If you let Jao-Jao know that it is still a little sad?"
       Yun-Qing  didn't dislike Jao-Jao, but he let him realize the pride of having a woman's 100-year Old in Lu-Er.
       Qu Mama walked into the house and lowered her voice and said:
       "Wangye, the medicinal bath is good, you can soak." After eating the wine-Yun-Qing , the medicinal bath is Yu-xi.
       While sleeping, Yun-Qing  talked to Yu-xi about Xiang Wei Guo:
       "I thought I had to do it for a year or two! I didn't think that Yan-shi couldn't hold it for half a year." This way, women who can only be rich and rich can't share difficulties, the sooner they leave, the better.
       The only thing that makes Yun-Qing  uncomfortable is that it is just a break, not a break.
       After listening to Yu-xi, I agree with Xiang Wei Guo approach:
       "One day couples have a hundred days of grace, why bother to make you die and live! It’s better to get together!"
       If Yan-shi puts a green hat on Xiang Wei Guo or runs away with people, Xiang Wei Guo wants to put Yan-shi to death, and Yu-xi has nothing to say. Now Yan-shi just can't live a life of poverty. If this is the case, it will be cruel.
       Seeing Yun-Qing  disapproving, Yu-xi said his point:
       “Yan-shi didn’t do anything that hurts her. She just wanted to live a rich life. On the same day, Xiang Wei Guo took bribes, the cause was Yan-shi, but the fundamental problem was Xiang Wei Guo own. Xiang Wei Guo did not do anything.
       There is no bottom line in the principle, which is very dangerous.” On the same day, she suggested that Yun-Qing  would smash Xiang Wei Guo official position because she felt that Xiang Wei Guo acting had no bottom line.
       Yun-Qing  was silent and said:
       "I want him to return to the military camp." After all, he has been with him for so many years, and if he doesn't care about him, he can't bear it.
       Yu-xi nodded, Xiang Wei Guo fell to this point. If Yun-Qing  is still not loose, the generals below will definitely feel uncomfortable. Yu-xi said:
       "Return to the military camp, you can start with the most ordinary soldiers. With Xiang Wei Guo ability and then Cui Mo and others help, I believe he can climb up very quickly. But and Rui, unless Xiang Wei Guo changed the temper, otherwise He still has to spend a little time in the future." It is not impossible to use, Xiang Wei Guo is still very loyal to Yun-Qing . It’s just that people who are so easy to use things are very dangerous.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "With such a lesson, there will definitely be a change. After he has changed, he will later ask you to give him a check with Quan Mama." Even if Yu-xi looks at people, Quan Mama will not look away.
       There are two people to check, that is absolutely no problem.
       Yu-xi Jiao Jiao said:
       "I have so many things, you still let me take care of the matchmaker, you want to exhaust me? I have never seen such a bad heart  Erxi."
       Yun-Qing 's hand reached into the sensitive place of Yu-xi, softly said:
       "I will hurt you now." After that, bite in the sensitive position of Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi swears, but the snoring is more like a spoiled.
       This time Yun-Qing  didn't know where to learn, and Yu-xi couldn't help but ‘call.
       The licorice that was waiting outside was red-faced.
       After the event, Yu-xi bite Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Say, where did you learn the tricks?"
       Both husband and ‘Madam’ are now more and more harmonious in this matter.
       Yun-Qing  kissed Yu-xi cheek and lowered his voice and said:
       "Then you said, where did you learn the tricks?"
       Yu-xi That is a dignified but 'temperament' child, and suddenly became active in this matter, there must be a reason. When he found the reason, he knew that the root was on Quan Mama.
       Yu-xi Hearing this, I still can't understand it. I hate to drill a hole, but the hole is not there, and the quilt is poured.
       Yun-Qing  finally pulled the quilt apart and said with a smile:
       "There is still so much strength, it seems that I have to work harder."
       Yu-xi wants to resist, but her strength is not enough to look at Yun-Qing .

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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