Han Yuxi 1250

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1250   Fu Minglang assassination    

       There are a lot of porcelain on the table, there are vases, samovars, etc. ←Vertical novels, these porcelains are as white as jade, the fetal bones are fine, the glaze is crystal clear, and various patterns are engraved on it.
       Jao-Jao picked up a bottle and said with a smile:
       "Mother, the glaze of this bottle is as white as a jade, so beautiful."
       "You like it." Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I was afraid that you didn't like it!"
       "Mother, are these porcelains for me?"
       See Yu-Xi nodded Jao-Jao was very surprised, put the bottle back to the original place and asked:
       "Mother, what do you want to do for me with these porcelains? Although these things are pretty, I can't use them!"
       Lu-Er grinned and said:
       "Big sister, these are the dowry that my mother gave you."
       Jao-Jao said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, these porcelains will be collected for me, but I don't want to jewel anything."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Isn't that a stupid question? Whose dowry in Miss's dowry?"
       Big enough to bed, small to needlework, these can be prepared.
       Jao-Jao said busy:
       "Mom, I don't wear jewelry, you just make it a waste of money." The jewelry that Yu-Xi gave her, all in the box, she has never worn it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It's stupid Yatou. It doesn't matter if you don't wear it, but the mother can't help but prepare for you." Yu-Xi is never too thick, Lu-Er has some Jao-Jao. Even if Jao-Jao has never worn those jewellery from small to large, she will not lose her one when she adds jewelry to Lu-Er.
       Jao-Jao is still the same sentence:
       "The money at home is originally tense, why waste money to buy these useless things!"
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "It's hard to be at home, and you can't miss your dowry." Many Miss want their dowry as much as possible, so they can quickly gain a foothold in the husband's family. Jao-Jao is good, not even dowry. This child is really stupid. However, her heart is warm.
       Jao-Jao knows that Yu-Xi will not change his mind, and immediately said:
       "Mother, I remember that there are a lot of gems in the storeroom, pick some directly from inside!"
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
       "In addition to the gems, there are still a lot of jade and beads in the warehouse, you can pick it yourself!" Her private house is very rich, in addition to all kinds of jewelry, there are many valuable antique paintings and other things. However, Jao-Jao did not study these, and she decided to settle it directly.
       "Mother, you can pick things up." Jao-Jao is not interested in jewelry, whether it does not matter, and where is willing to waste time doing this.
       Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly.
       Lu-Er knows that Yu-Xi is very busy recently. She doesn't want Yu-Xi to be too tired. She volunteers:
       "Mother, don't let me pick the big sister!"
       Jao-Jao feels that this idea is excellent and says:
       "Mother, let Lu-Er pick it!" After that, smiled at Lu-Er:
       "Lu-Er, by the way, pick your own one." Lu-Er will be paralyzed next year, and he will be a propose marriage later.
       Lu-Er can't be as thick as Jao-Jao, and immediately blushes:
       "Big sister, what are you talking about! I kindly help, are you still joking me?"
       Jao-Jao didn't feel that he was wrong:
       "Men's big marriage is a big marriage, it's a matter of righteousness. Besides, you will be married next year. After waiting for you, I will definitely give you a porter. Mother, you say yes!"
       Yu-Xi smiles and looks at Lu-Er and says:
       "Your elder sister is right, just pick your one!"
       Lu-Er 跺跺 footpath:
       "Ignore you." Finished, turned and left.
       Jao-Jao looks at the back of Lu-Er and laughs straight:
       "This is so shy." If she is like Lu-Er, how can she settle down with Jin Yu!
       Yu-Xi saw Jao-Jao think at a glance:
       "You think that Miss under the sun is just like you! The other party does not agree to go to the other party's home to ask questions. If you change to another person, you don't send it to your home. You just marry."
       Jao-Jao smiled with the arms of Yu-Xi:
       "How can you marry my mother?"
       Jao-Jao is so comfortable, and is also used by Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       "I tell you, you are very unhappy in this matter, you converge, don't do anything that provokes him to be angry." See Jao-Jao look disregarded, Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "Getting you wrong, he won't beat you, but don't forget that there is Jinyu!" Jao-Jao If it is rebellious and disobedient, Yun-Qing will blame Jin Yu.
       For the behavior of Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi is annoyed, but not angry. She is so hardworking and wants to create better conditions for her children to live comfortably.
       Jao-Jao is busy:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that I will listen to you without angering him." Jin Yu was most afraid of swearing, and saw her licking her legs. If it is to be punished again, I am afraid that I will not dare to come to the palace.
       On this day, Yu-Xi prepared the stone and prepared to return to the backyard. Out of the study, I saw the blue bricks outside, Yu-Xi asked:
       "When is the rain?"
       Mei-Lan handed the cloak to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Half hour, more than a minute." Because the rain was not big, just stopped the ground and wet, Yu-Xi concentrated on reviewing the memorial is not normal.
       Yu-Xi asked while wearing a cloak:
       "Wangye is back?"
       Yun-Qing went to the military yesterday and has not returned yet.
       Mei-Lan shook his head.
       Going halfway, it started to rain again. The thin rain was blown by the wind, and it fell cold on the face.
       "Wangfei, I am going to take the umbrella." See Yu-Xi shaking his head, Mei-Lan is very self-blaming, she should hold an umbrella this day, so Yu-Xi does not need to rain.
       Yu-Xi sees a smile:
       "What is this rain?" She was not so delicate, she was sick with a little rain.
       Back to the main hall, Quan Mama, see Yu-Xi, the hair is wet, and I am busy taking the towel for her.
       Yu-Xi took the towel and said with a smile:
       "Mama, these things let Servant do it, don't grab their work."
       Quan Mama said with a dissatisfied face:
       "All of them are given to them, how can I rest assured?"
       After that, I also took a look at Mei-Lan. If it is changed, she will definitely not let the Yu-Xi rain, Mei-Lan is not careful enough.
       See Mei-Lan bowing his head, Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I don't want her to bring an umbrella, but a few steps." It was mainly rain, otherwise she would wait in the same place.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Don't care for the young, don't care about the body. Now I don't pay attention to the old sickness. I don't have time to regret it." Many people don't pay attention when they are young, and they are so sick and miserable.
       Yu-Xi is busy paying a smile:
       “Mama rest assured, I will pay attention next time.” As I grow older, Quan Mama is getting more and more loved. Sometimes one thing can last for a long time, but Yu-Xi is busy, so the Servant in the main courtyard suffers.
       Quan Mama said with dissatisfaction:
       "Don't be on the mouth, you have to do it." Yu-Xi now does not care about the body. I know that Yu-Xi was not sick in the years when she was in Duke. Unlike now, when I change seasons, I accidentally get cold.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Mama, if I didn't do it, would you still have it?"
       Quan Mama saw that she was very tight, and she had to recite a few words on most days.
       Quan Mama said:
       "I see what it is, I have to pay attention to myself." In fact, Quan Mama also knows that he is a little bit stunned, but Yu-Xi has never been impatient.
       As he spoke, he heard a loud footstep outside. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       “Wangye is back.” Yun-Qing came back from the outside and never wanted. Yu-Xi can only hear the footsteps.
       Yun-Qing opened the colorful thread and plunged the curtain of the peony into the house, see Yu-Xi hair scattered and asked:
       "How do you wash your hair so late?"
       According to Yu-Xi, it is not easy to wash your hair at night. It is said that it is always so old that it will cause headaches, so she is washing her head in the afternoon.
       Quan Mama is looking for a friend:
       "Wangye is going to talk about Wangfei. She just didn't have an umbrella when it rained outside. She came back from the front yard and made her body drench."
       Yun-Qing looked at the bitter Yu-Xi and smiled:
       "I will say her well, now it's not too late, Mama is going to have a meal!" To say who Yu-Xi is most afraid of now, there is no second person except Quan Mama. But Quan Mama is not doing Yo-Xi every time, so Yu-Xi can't refute it.
       Quan Mama still has some respect for Yun-Qing :
       "Well, the old servant will go down." How can Yu-Xi respect her, and Quan Mama will not go to the table to eat. Quan Mama is not going to do this kind of overstepping.
       There are two couples left in the house, Yun-Qing laughs:
       "How can I not pay attention?"
       Yu-Xi is very helpless:
       "But just a few steps, and the rain is not big, Mama just loves to read."
       Yun-Qing laughs:
       "Do you know that Quan Mama will swear that you still don't pay attention?"
       Everyone thoughts are different. In the eyes of Quan Mama, Yu-Xi doesn't have an umbrella to wet the hair, but Yun-Qing feels nothing. Because he is replaced by him, he will not hold an umbrella when he is so rainy.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head, then said:
       "Today, Fujian sent a box of porcelain over there. These porcelains are very beautiful. I intend to be a dowry for Jao-Jao." Fine porcelain is not what you want, but you have to look at luck.
       Yun-Qing naturally has no comments:
       "These things are what you look at." He didn't understand what to marry, and he gave it to Yu-Xi.
       "Jao-Jao, Yatou said today that she should not dowry, this silly Yatou." Think of Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh.
       Yun-Qing is very useful for Jao-Jao:
       "Jao-Jao also hurts us." Although Jao-Jao has something to dissatisfy with him, he does not deny that Jao-Jao is very filial.
       Speaking of Fujian, Yun-Qing thinks of Jiang Hongfu:
       "Yu-Xi, I want to transfer Afu back to Yucheng." Seeing Yu-Xi did not, Yun-Qing said a little embarrassed:
       "Yu-Xi, I will leave my cousin as a relative."
       If you say Yu-Xi, don’t like to listen, he said:
       "What is left is Jiang Hongfu loved one? Is it not that I am a few children?"
       Yun-Qing put Yu-Xi in his arms and said:
       "What stupid thing to say? You and my children are my life, how can Afu compare with you."
       Yu-Xi face is so good:
       "When I have the right place, I will transfer him back." If it wasn't for Jiang Hongfu, the Jiang family would have ceased to exist. On the same day, she specially transferred Jiang Hongfu to Fujian not only for observation, but also for a kind of experience.
       Yun-Qing clicked on the head:
       "Speaking of Jun is also seventeen years old. I haven't seen him for so many years. I don't know if I have changed?"
       Jiang Yijun is the eldest son of Jiang Hongfu who has been in Jiangnan. He used to see Yun-Qing in Jiangnan.
       Yu-Xi is very impressed with Jiang Yijun, because last year’s township test Jiang Yijun was the solution of Suzhou:
       "The following year he will participate in the test, you will be able to see it next year." Jiangjia has a house on the side of the city, Jiang Yijun will definitely come in advance.
       When I heard this, Yun-Qing frowned:
       "Yi Jun's body is not good, how can I participate in the test?"
       Will try three games, each test for three days. These three days can not come out, eat and live in the Gongyuan. Ordinary people can't stand it, and Jiang Hongfu body can be eaten.
       Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "I heard that it has been adjusted, and it is almost the same as a normal person." --shi is very poor, and he still had one child before he was born. After he was pregnant, he was also a disaster. Even if he was careful, Jiang Yijun was still born prematurely. Congenitally deficient, Jiang Yijun's body can be good.
       It is also strange to say that --shi was born after Jiang Jun, but his body gradually got better. Although it is still worse than ordinary people, it is no longer as sick as before.
       Innate deficiency, no matter how well it is better than ordinary people. Yun-Qing thought of this, busy saying:
       "Yu-Xi, to Haoge children, they must pick good health, and they can't do anything." The daughter-in-law's ‘Madam’ is in poor health and is likely to be involved in her grandchildren. Like Yu-Xi, the body of several children is also great.
       "It's still used by you." Good health is the most basic, otherwise it will not be considered at all:
       "Jiang Hongfu -Shi is also forced by the situation, if it is not - who knows what kind of ‘Madam’ will be given to him?"
       In addition to poor health, --shi is not bad, but also very talented.
       Yun-Qing is just a sentiment:
       "Lu-Er will be stunned next year, and when we wait, we will set her marriage with Wei Qi!"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I will talk to Lu-Er at the right time. If Lu-Er agrees, I naturally have no opinion. But if Lu-Er doesn't want to, you will tell Cui Mo personally." She hopes that Lu-Er, like Jao-Jao, can marry someone she likes and who likes her.
       Yun-Qing naturally heard the meaning of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wei Qi child is quite good, Lu-Er will definitely be willing." Mainly Cui Weiqi knows the bottom, he is relieved. Jao-Jao is physically and mentally strong, no matter how to toss him, he is not worried, Lu-Er is different. Lu-Er is weaker and grows up, and can be affected a little.
       Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly and said:
       "Green radish has its own love, you think that good Lu-Er does not necessarily like it." She is so hard to make her children live well. Therefore, the child's will is the first.
       Yun-Qing is still very confident:
       "You didn't mean that Lu-Er wanted to find someone who was single-minded about her? Weiqi completely met her requirements."
       Yu-Xi is not arguing with Yun-Qing because she knows that if Lu-Er is not willing, Yun-Qing will not force Lu-Er:
       "The food should be good, let's go out!"
       As soon as the words fall, I will see Mei-Lan saying:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, Fu Shangshu was stabbed and now life and death."
       Both husband and ‘Madam’ heard this and their faces were very ugly.

       Chapter 1251   Transfer (1)    

       Fu Minglang lived in a three-story house. This house has a white wall and a blue tile. It is small and compact, but this house has no other things except flowers and plants. It is very simple. This will not have time for Yun-Qing to comment on these. Once you enter Fufu, you will go directly to see Fu Minglang.
       As soon as he entered the yard, he saw the followers of Fu Minglang’s servants. Yun-Qing saw the heart immediately sinking down, and it seems that Fu Minglang’s situation is very serious.
       Entering the house, Yun-Qing saw Fu Minglang in a coma, and glanced at the doctor who followed him. He was willing to pay attention, and immediately stepped forward and opened.
       Yun-Qing turned to ask the doctor who gave him a visit:
       "How about Fu Daren?"
       It is also said that Fu Minglang is lucky. When he was injured, he happened to pass the doctor who surnamed Lu, so he stopped the blood in the first time.
       "Injury of the internal organs, although the old man gave him blood in time, but it is still very dangerous." See Yun-Qing face gloomy, the road doctor quickly said:
       "But if Fu Daren can wake up tonight, there will be no danger to his life." As for whether there are other aftereffects, he does not know now.
       Not long after, He Da Fu got up and said the same thing to Yun-Qing as the road doctor. As long as Fu Minglang wakes up tonight, he will not be in danger of life. Otherwise, the situation is unpredictable.
       Yun-Qing left the doctor, and then left the herbs. He left the doctor before he left:
       "What is the situation, immediately yell at me and Wangfei." Fu Minglang was injured, and the security work in Yucheng was not done well. He has an unshirkable responsibility.
       He Da Fu and the road doctor are busy.
       Returning to the palace, Yun-Qing told Yu Ming-Lan about Yu Ming-Xi. After that, Yun-Qing said with a hate:
       "The assassination of Fu Minglang must be the handwriting of Yan Wu-shuang. Yu-Xi, this person does not divide, we will never rest."
       Yu-Xi also wanted to kill Yan Wu-shuang. Unfortunately, this person is very reluctant to do so. He is careful not to talk about it on most days. He is also a guard who does not leave, and it is difficult to kill him.
       "Speaking of it, Fu Daren is also responsible for this stabbing. I got news a few months ago and said that Yan Wu-shuang might send an assassin to Yucheng. Because I didn't move for a long time, I relaxed my vigilance, but I didn't expect it. He was given a hole." Before Yun-Qing didn't come back, Yucheng had been martial law. When Yun-Qing came back, Yu-Xi lifted the martial law.
       In fact, this is also Yu-Xi judgment mistake, she thought that Yan Wu-shuang sent assassination to assassinate her with a few children. Where did you know that Yan Wu-shuang was going to assassinate the following courtiers?
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "How can this blame you? There is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is a thousand days to prevent thieves. Moreover, the person who wants to kill Yan Wu-shuang is not Fu Minglang, but you and me." He wants to kill Yan. Wu-shuang, the same, Yan Wu-shuang also wants to get rid of him and Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi looks cold and cold:
       "One day, we will take his head." To dismantle Yan Wu-shuang, he can solve his hatred.
       Yun-Qing held the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "You can rest assured that this day will not be too far."
       Fast dawn, Fu Fu came to the news that Fu Minglang woke up. Yu-Xi said with a sigh of relief:
       "Wake up, just fine." Although I woke up, Fu Minglang was seriously injured this time. It takes a long time to get up.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing said:
       "Fu Minglang was injured, and the position of Shangshang Shangshu was vacant. Jiang Hongfu also had a deep understanding of the water conservancy, so let him work as a book, how do you feel?"
       Yun-Qing naturally feels good.
       On the second day, officials and people in Yucheng discovered the martial law in the city. Seeing this situation, everyone can still not know that something big has happened.
       Tan Tuo and Fu Minglang have a teacher-in-law relationship, and his news is also very well-informed, and he knew this in the shortest possible time. However, because he was not sure about the situation outside, he did not dare to visit Fufu.
       When I saw Yu-Xi, Tan Tuo asked:
       "Wangfei, Fu Daren was assassinated, is it the eagle dog of the court?"
       In fact, he knew that it was the court's intention, but now it is only confirmed to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi nodded:
       "Yes. The goal of Yan Wu-shuang this time is you. Tan Daren, these days, in addition to traveling, you must take care of your hands and take care." She also did the poisoning. But as long as you are careful not to let the other side get through the loopholes, there will be no problem.
       It’s not easy to go to today, Tan Tuo does not want to hang like this:
       “Wangfei rest assured, I will be careful.” Yan Wu-shuang is very sad now, but Wangye and Wangfei can't help but poison them.
       The control of Yucheng has always been very strict, and these assassins have sneaked in the past few days. This time the assassination of Fu Minglang has been exposed, and it should be reasonable to find it. Can be searched for two days, no clues.
       The head of the banned army is as high as the mountains on the ground, and the head is almost buried on the ground:
       "The subordinates are incompetent, and they have not been able to find these assassins." These assassins are too hidden. They searched for so many days and even the shadows were not found.
       Yu-Xi also felt strange. She got the news that Fu Minglang was assassinated. She ordered the closure of the city gate, and then the city began to martial law. Normally, these people are difficult to fly, but they did not expect that these people disappeared without a trace.
       Yun-Qing heard these people didn't find it, frowned and said:
       “Can these people fly to the sky?”
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "If there is such a thing, what is the meaning of Yan Wu-shuang? These people must have found a hidden place to hide."
       “Hidden place? Where will it be?”
       Although Yucheng is not small, they should find what they should find. This time things are unusual.
       "There must be their people in the city, and the roots of this person in the city should be very deep. Otherwise, it is impossible to reveal a little trace." If you do not find this person, I am afraid that there will be moths in the future.
       Yun-Qing sneer:
       "If Yan Wu-shuang can put this heart on government affairs, the people in Hebei and Shandong will not be so difficult."
       Speaking of the victims, Yu-Xi is a sigh:
       "The weather is getting colder and colder. If you don't get help, these victims will have nothing to do with it." There is not enough food, no clothes to warm up, and how to get through the cold winter.
       "The imperial court is not suffering as a people." Thinking of those days in Fu-Cheng City, Yun-Qing couldn't help but feel:
       "Yu-Xi, fortunately, with you, otherwise it will be possible for me and the soldiers to eat and not to wear warm clothes." The people are not well-off, and the soldiers are not good.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "No, I am not a problem of not being able to eat and not wearing warm clothes." According to the dream of Yun-Qing , no she appeared Yan Wu-shuang but a big winner.
       Thinking of that dream, Yun-Qing nodded:
       "You are right. If you don't have you, I am dead with the army."
       Speaking of this, Yun-Qing has some flaws:
       "Although I am the governor of the northwest, I have nothing to do in government affairs." In fact, in order to feed the soldiers he recruited, he had to increase taxes. His behavior aggravated the burden of the people in the northwest and made the people miserable. Of course, he will not tell Yu-Xi these words.
       It is not unexpected that Yu-Xi is not unexpected. Yun-Qing does not like government affairs, and this has not changed.
       Skip this topic, Yu-Xi said:
       “Let Xu Wu help Gao Rushan, how do you feel?”
       Yun-Qing has been with Yu-Xi for so many years and she still knows her. Yu-Xi specifically mentions this, certainly not just to make Xu Wu help Gao Rushan to find the assassin. Yun-Qing asked:
       "Do you think that Gao Shanshan is not competent for the banned army to lead this position?"
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "This time he has lost his job." Since he has made a mistake, he must be punished. The banned army commanding this position is as high as a mountain.
       “Is Xu Wu doing something wrong?”
       Let Xu Wu take up the post of the banned army and say that it is high, but Yun-Qing knows that Xu Wu is willing to stay in the palace, and this point, Yu-Xi is also clear.
       Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "Xu Wu doesn't agree with my current way of doing things. If he continues to be with me, I am worried that something will happen."
       The things that Yu-Xi did were not wrong from her position, but they lost morality. Xu Wu is only dissatisfied with some of her actions, but who knows what will happen in the long run? To know, Yu Cong began to be a little dissatisfied with her, and did not want to be against her. Later, she was completely enlightened by others. Of course, Xu Wu is not a Yu Cong, not so easy to be used by people. However, Xu Wu has been with her for so many years, and once it has been used by people, it will bring irreparable consequences. And Yu-Xi, absolutely does not allow this kind of uncertainty to appear. Therefore, she wants to transfer Xu Wu away. Far from her, those contradictions naturally dissipated.
       Yun-Qing licked his fingers, after a long sound:
       "Xu Wu is not Yu Cong, it can't be challenged by people." Yu Cong was originally a soft-hearted person. It is not difficult to be provocative. Unlike Xu Wu, he is very principled and strong-willed.
       "I am not afraid of 10 thousand, I am afraid of it." In order to put an end to this, Yu Cong must be transferred from her side.
       See Yun-Qing , silent, Yu-Xi said:
       "He Rui, Xu Wu is with me for ten years. I don't want him to go the old road of Yu Cong." In fact, Yu-Xi also knows that Xu Wu is not Yu Cong, the possibility of betrayal is very low, but She is not willing to let Xu Wu stay with me. After Ye Jiuyi rebellion in Jinju came out, Xu Wu looked at her, and the eyes were all the same. Although Yu-Xi has a clear conscience, but he is looked at like this, his heart is not comfortable.
       It is also that Xu Wu has been with Yu-Xi for so many years and has feelings. If you switch to someone else, the Yu-Xi will not be as simple as it is.
       Yu Cong’s thing is the pain of Yun-Qing ’s heart. Now Yu-Xi says that Yun-Qing will definitely not object.
       Yu-Xi added another sentence:
       "Huo Shu, I will explain to him tomorrow." In fact, today, she no longer has to worry about Huo Changqing's thoughts. It was just that Xu Wu didn't want to leave the palace, and it would be uncomfortable to transfer him to the centrifuge, and only Huo Changqing came forward to make this clear.
       It is also Xu Wu who has been with her for so many years. He hopes that Xu Wu can leave calmly and not be dissatisfied.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I will say this thing."
       Yu-Xi just said that the words are not retreating, the marital relationship is good, and there is no need to do this:
       "This is the most appropriate thing for me to talk to Huo Shu." She is going to transfer Xu Wu, if it is, Yun-Qing is not sincere.
       After listening to the explanation, Yun-Qing nodded:
       "In this case, then you should talk to Huo Shu."
       Huo Changqing is completely different from Quan Mama. As he grows older, he will not only ask about the affairs of Lizhuang, but he will never manage the things of the palace. The other time is to practice, and then raise flowers to tease the birds, and the days are leisurely and comfortable. So although he is now in his 60s, his spirit is excellent.
       Yu-Xi saw Huo Changqing who was full of white hair but was very good. She directly said her intentions, and did not turn around, treating such people, and telling the truth is better.
       After that, Yu-Xi also explained for himself:
       "Huo Shu, if I can, I want to be like the original, I can do everything I can to help those who need help." Who doesn't like being praised by everyone, not being reviled. The problem is that the first thing she wants to consider is the overall situation, and she can't act on her own preferences.
       "In its position, you are doing very well." Like this Yu-Xi using Ye Jiuyi to create chaos in Hebei, Huo Changqing feels good. It consumes the strength of the enemy, and their casualties will be greatly reduced when they are opened.
       Yu-Xi has a loose heart, Huo Changqing can understand her:
       "Huo Shu, Xu Wu needs you to start under the guidance." She did not know when Xu Wu had a dead end.
       Huo Changqing promised very refreshingly:
       "You can rest assured, I will tell him well."
       Xu Wu didn't go home, and dinner was used in Huo Changqing's yard. This* accompanied Huo Changqing to finish the dinner, Xu Wu asked:
       "Yifu, Wangfei, what are you looking for today?"
       The so-called no-fail to go to the Three Treasure Hall, Wangfei to find the righteous father is definitely an important thing.
       "Jao-Jao, her mother came over this time, it is for you." See Xu Wu, but Huo Changqing shook his head helplessly:
       "Jao-Jao, her mother, is to let you take the post of the banned army."
       Xu Wu is busy:
       “Wangfei is letting me assist Gao Rushan to track down the assassin, but I didn’t say that I am qualified for the ban.”
       Huo Changqing asked:
       "You don't want to be the banned leader?"
       Xu Wu knows his attitude.
       Xu Wu sighed, he is used to the life of the palace, and is not willing to change. Moreover, although this ruling army commander has a large authority, the same pressure is also great.
       "This time can not be you." Han Yu-Xi can come to tell him about this, Yun-Qing must agree. For Huo Changqing, Xu Wu never hides. On the Yu-Xi side, the victims outside the city of Linzhou were actually using these people to rebel. After they knew it, they told Huo Changqing.
       Huo Changqing has long seen that Xu Wu is not in the right state, so he also has the idea of ​​letting Xu Wu leave the palace, but he did not find a suitable opportunity. Now, it is good.
       Xu Wu asked inexplicably:
       "Yifu, what does this mean? What can't it be me?"
       Huo Changqing said:
       "Jao-Jao Who is her mother? It is the essence of the human essence, how can your thoughts escape from her eyes. Fortunately, she cares about the love of these years, letting you physically leave. Wangfu."

       Chapter 1252   Transfer (2)    

       Xu Wu was silent, and the house suddenly calmed down.
       After a long time, Xu Wu said:
       "When Wangfei used to be a kind person, but now it has become so terrible. Father, I am really worried..."
       Huo Changqing understands the meaning of Xu Wu. He is worried that the Han Yu-Xi will become the same person as the monk. For the sake of power, even the flesh and blood of the family can poison the hands:
       "What you worry about is that the decision will not happen."
       Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "Yifu, the world is unpredictable." Who can imagine Wangfei, who had the heart of Bodhisattva, can now use those who live to achieve his goals.
       In fact, Xu Wu knows that Yu-Xi is not wrong, but he can't accept it emotionally. Every time I see Yu-Xi, this idea will come to my mind.
       See Huo Changqing looking at himself, Xu Wu said with a hard scalp:
       "It’s too late that day."
       "What do you want? Let Jao-Jao her mother hand over the regime and return to the backyard?"
       Xu Wu knows that Yu-Xi will hand over the regime. First, Yun-Qing will not agree.
       After a long time, Xu Wu said:
       "My father, I know that I may have thought more, but I just can't control it. I am even worried that Yu Cong's words will become a reality." He did not believe that Yu Cong was dying before he could pass the disaster. He started to worry.
       Huo Changqing didn't know how to say it. It took a long time to get affected by Yu Cong. After thinking about it, Huo Changqing said:
       "Don't forget that the military power is in the hands of Yun-Qing . Jao-Jao Although her mother is full of prestige, but if there is no Yun-Qing behind her back, she can't control the overall situation. There is Yun-Qing , What you worry about will not happen at all."
       Suddenly, Huo Changqing said:
       "Jao-Jao, her mother once told Yun-Qing that when A-Hoa can stand alone, she will abdicate and let her live a two-day relaxing day. Yun-Qing is in good health and lives twenty. No problem for the year. With A-Hoa qualifications, it takes only ten years to be alone."
       Xu Wu does not know this:
       "Yifu, is this something Wangye told you?"
       "Well, it is Yun-Qing personally. You don't believe Jao-Jao, she should believe Yun-Qing ." This is why Huo Changqing is so relieved.
       Xu Wu heart has been hanging, and finally put it down.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "Since Jao-Jao and her mother are willing to serve you as the leader of the ban, this is also an opportunity. You can't stay in the palace for the rest of your life." The army and Cui Mo are the two generals who are holding heavy soldiers. Xu Wu is only now. From the three products, they lag far behind them. I don’t think there is anything right now, and the gap is obvious when the world’s arguments are closed.
       Xu Wu did not push back this time:
       "Okay." Wangfei looked through his mind and became guilty. It is not wise to stay in the palace.
       Xu Wu has been engaged in intelligence for so many years, and it is still difficult for him to find someone. After two days, he found the three assassins who had assassinated Fu Minglang.
       What people didn't expect was that the three people were hiding in the secret of the Hu Family's Old Master.
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Hujia? Shouldn't it? If the Hu family is a Yan Wu-shuang person, donations on that day will not be so bold." The main thing is that the Hu family has always done good deeds, and should not be fooled by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Xu Wu respectfully said:
       "This thing Hu family 1st Master is not aware of it, is the Hu Master Old Master. Hu Er Old Master poisoned, in order to survive to harbor these assassins."
       Yu-Xi knows that this Hu Er Old Master is a person who is afraid of death. Otherwise, it is impossible to harbour these assassins. Because it is a crime to sin and a small family. This is also why those people do not poison the Hu family 1st Master, because only those who are afraid of death will ignore the consequences.
       Xu Wu said:
       "This Hu Er Old Master is eating and drinking gambling, but he is not doing anything right. The Old Lady of Hu family is too fond of this little son, and everything goes down to him. These years, Hu Master Old Master is doing a lot of things outside. They are all solved by Hu family 1st Master."
       Yu-Xi sneered at the sound; "Hu Old Lady will die too much." Hu Old Master's behavior has already plagued the entire family.
       Xu Wu hesitated, still said:
       "Wangfei, Hu family 1st Master has greatly assisted our army before, and this time I donated money. Wangfei, you can see if you can open the net." Hu Jia did so many things for them, now because of Hu Jiaji Old Master's misconduct If you kill the Hu family, it will inevitably make people feel chilling.
       If it was before, Yu-Xi wouldn't think too much. But now Xu Wu thinks she is ruthless, and now saying this makes Yu-Xi very uncomfortable. Yu-Xi took a look at Xu Wu and said coldly:
       "You are teaching me to do things?"
       That look seems to be able to see through him. Xu Wu has a glimpse of his heart and is busy with his head:
       "It is a passer-by."
       Yu-Xi eased his look and said:
       "Xu Wu, if people can't see their position, they will easily walk the road. Yu Cong is the best example. I hope that you can take the lead and don't leave his old way." This is already the red fruit. It is warning Xu Wu. But to say this, it is also to look at the sentiment for many years. If it is not disposed, it will be adjusted far away, and it will not be seen as a net, instead of giving Xu Wu a good place to go.
       Xu Wu followed her in Yu-Xi for a number of years and she also knew a little about it. The warnings showed that it had reached the extreme. If he makes another pass, he will not be reluctant.
       The experience of these years is not in vain, Xu Wu squatted on the ground:
       “Wangfei is assured that the judge will not make the mistake of Yu Cong.”
       In fact, there is Huo Changqing watching, Xu Wu is the old road that is impossible to walk. However, Yu-Xi still said one more sentence:
       "Think more about your ‘Madam’ and children. Once you have a bad pool, who do you want them to rely on?"
       Thinking of his ‘Madam’ and children, Xu Wu sinks his heart. After a while, Xu Wu lowered his head and said:
       "Wangfei, Chen knows sin."
       Yu-Xi doesn't want to say more:
       "Don't mention it in the past, and be good in the future." Everyone has their own standards of conduct, and Xu Wu does not agree with her approach. She is not reluctant.
       On this day, Hu family was ransacked. What happened before Hu 1st Master, Yu-Xi left him a pharmacy, and the 1st House was not convicted. As for the 2nd House, it is naturally handled by law.
       For this result, Hu family 1st Master is only fortunate, do not dare to have any complaints and dissatisfaction. To know that these assassins have assassinated the court's ministers, and if they are disposed of by law, their family members will be exiled for thousands of miles without even beheading. It’s just that I’m just copying my family’s money but I’m so small. In addition, there is also a pharmacy, which is well managed. At this time, the benefits of Hu insistence on doing good deeds are revealed. Even if Hu family committed a crime, the doctor and the buddy’s doctor and the buddy did not fear to leave.
       At this point, Hu Old Lady is still forcing Hu Old Master to save the younger son.
       In addition to Hu 1st Master, the other people of the 1st House hate the Hu Master Old Master. If it is not this harm, they will come to this point. Now Old Lady is too much for them to save this evil, how to be willing. However, Bai Shanxiao first, and did not dare to say ugly words, the 1st House squatting in front of Hu Old Lady's bed, asking her to leave a living path for everyone. That's it, Hu Old Lady still insists on Hu Stup Master to save people.
       In the face of the stubborn Hu Old Lady, Madam Hu was finally angry, and bluntly, if she did not condone, the Hu Master Old Master would not fall to the point where she would now beheaded. In short, Hu Er Old Master is going to lose his life when he commits a big crime. It’s all Hu Old Lady is too harmful.
       Madam Hu accusation made Hu Old Lady too angry and then said that it was unfavorable. At this point, the 1st House of Hu family finally calmed down.
       Meng-nian sent more than a dozen assassins to the northwest, but these three were arrested because they could not show up in the city, and others left the northwest with the help of Hu Master Old Master. Because of the delay of a few days, the chase can not catch up.
       As soon as the assassin’s business was resolved, Xu Wu took office. It is not Xu Da Nu who takes over, but Si Bo Nian. It is not that Xu Da Nu is not capable enough, but that he is very impulsive and likes to drink, such a person Yu-Xi can not be assured. Xu Da Nu also knows his shortcomings, and he knows that Speren is better than him, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.
       It’s rare to take a break this day, Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I have been busy a few days ago, and I don't have time to look at what you pick. Just be free today, let's go and see."
       Jao-Jao said that he was not interested and didn't want to go.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This is for you to pick, who are you going to let?"
       Yun-Qing and the 4th Brother of Haogeer didn't want to go, but Jao-Jao was indispensable.
       Jao-Jao is bitter.
       Entering the house, Jao-Jao was shimmered by the jewels placed on the table. Ruby, sapphire, opal and other jewels are placed in the scorpion. These gems, the smallest ones are as big as peanuts.
       Lu-Er smiled and asked:
       "Sister, look like hi or not?"
       Jao-Jao frowned and said:
       “Do these things combine hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels?”
       Every jewel is filled with a full scorpion, and these things add up to a few hundred thousand dollars.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "These are the spoils you have seized, you don't have to pay extra." In fact, many of the things here can't be bought, especially the Grandmother Green, which can be met.
       Upon hearing this, Jao-Jao has another worry:
       "Mother, all gave it to me, what should I do when Lu-Er arrives?"
       She has a slap in the face, and she can also get a spoils, even if she has no dowry. Lu-Er is not the same, if she is not rich in dowry can not be.
       Lu-Er heard this and held Jao-Jao arm and smiled:
       "The big sister rest assured that there are a lot of good things in the mother's storeroom, and I won't miss my one." Everything that Miss's family likes Lu-Er likes, such as beautiful jewelry clothes and all kinds of exquisite embroidery. Relatively speaking, she is not interested in calligraphy and antiques.
       Jao-Jao didn’t believe this and said:
       "Choose so much, how many in the warehouse? Mother, these jewels are still half Lu-Er!"
       Lu-Er is not going to be.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "After two years, you are going to take the troops to attack the capital. If you take down the capital, what good things are there? So, don’t worry about it." In fact, there are still many good things in the warehouse, which is more than enough for Lu-Er. If you say this, you don't want to listen to Jao-Jao.
       Jao-Jao eyes will light up:
       "Mom, are you saying that we will attack the capital in the following year?"
       When she hit the North, she missed the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. When she attacked the capital, she must make a great contribution.
       Yu-Xi said that two years is just a general statement:
       "When you have just finished playing, you have to take a rest for three years." This time, Beibei not only used up the 10 million yuan that the family had offered, but also the silver that was saved in the past two years. Going in, now it’s really a poor one. This kind of going to the situation how to send troops to fight the capital.
       "Lu-Er is now fifteen years old, three years and eighteen years old. When I have to prepare for a dowry, then Lu-Er is not going to be twenty years old to marry?"
       Lu-Er's face appeared flushed, and the hand did not consciously pinch the corner. Big sister is also true, how can we hang married people!
       "You are seventeen after the end of the year, are you ready to marry next year?"
       Yu-Xi is ready to wait for Jao-Jao to marry at the age of 18, and Lu-Er is the same.
       Jao-Jao shook his head and said:
       "Mother, I have to wait until I am in the capital and then I will be married."
       These words can be inconsistent. When she laid the capital, she was twenty years old.
       Lu-Er can't worry about getting married, but she can't help but insert a sentence:
       "Big sister, you are twenty years old after three years. You are not afraid of the time when the second Master Master dislikes you?"
       "You can rest assured that Jin Yu will definitely follow my wishes." See Yu-Xi looking at her like a smile, Jao-Jao said:
       "Mom, have you not said that women should not be too early to get married too early? Too early to become a pro is not good."
       Yu-Xi did not say this, she just said that a woman who is born too early is not good for her health. However, she is too lazy to argue with Jao-Jao:
       "As long as there is no opinion at home, I will follow your wishes." She stayed for two years and she was too happy to be there.
       "I am relieved of this." She is still afraid that Yu-Xi will oppose it and has been thinking about how to open this mouth. This is good, the problem is solved:
       "Lu-Er, I don't know what you like when you say it? With the sister, the sister can help you pay attention."
       Lu-Er is annoyed:
       "Sister, what are you talking about?"
       Even if you want to say it, you have to say privately, how can you speak in a room called Pozi!
       Jao-Jao didn't think there was anything, and the male big married woman was married, what is embarrassing. And it is about lifelong happiness, and it should be more cautious.
       Yu-Xi See Jao-Jao and say, cough one channel:
       "Well, things have been seen, Jao-Jao, if you don't have any opinions, let's go back!"
       Jao-Jao naturally won't have any opinions:
       "Mother, the dowry thing you decide is good, don't ask me anymore."
       The parties did not care about the dowry. Instead, Lu-Er asked with great concern:
       "Mother, is the furniture laid out? When can I send it?"
       "Not good yet, the fastest will be completed next summer." Anyway, Jao-Jao is not so fast to marry, later, also become a slow work!
       Jao-Jao feels very wasteful:
       "Mother, transporting these furniture from Jiangnan to Yucheng, the freight is not a small amount."
       Lu-Er is very speechless.
       At this time, Mei-Lan came in and walked to Yu-Xi and whispered:
       "Wangfei, Yu Daren said that there is something to look back." Since Yu Zhi said something important, it would not be a problem.
       Yu-Xi heard this and hurried to the front yard.

       Chapter 1253   Crusade (1)    

       The Tianyiyuan has now been expanded by three times, the study has been doubled, and many tables and chairs have been added to the study.
       Yu-Xi entered the study and asked Yu Zhi who came in with her:
       "What happened?"
       If it is not an urgent matter, Yu Zhi will not be so hot and burning.
       Yu Zhi whispered:
       "The Falcons came to the news and said that Yan Wu-shuang believed that the people uprisings in several places in Jinzhou were related to Wangfei. He was prepared to issue a document against Wangfei." As the leader of intelligence, Yu Zhi could not know that Ye Jiuzhen was theirs.
       Yan Wu-shuang's intelligence is very well-versed and will know that this is also expected by Yu-Xi:
       “Is Yan Wu-shuang mastering the exact evidence?”
       It must be that the evidence is conclusive, and Yan Wu-shuang will issue a document to attack her.
       Yu Zhi nodded:
       "Yes, the Falcon said that Yan Wu-shuang had found that Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun had received our assistance. In addition, Yan Wu-shuang also had evidence of the supply of food and weapons from the Jinzhou Uprising Army."
       The grain and weapons supplied to the insurgents are not small, and it will be normal for them to be found by Yan Wu-shuang.
       This thing is not secret, she did not expect to be able to live. Yu-Xi said calmly:
       "Check it out!"
       Yu Zhi measured the heart and asked the questions in his heart:
       "Wangfei, why should Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun lead the victims to rebel? Wangfei, I think this is the handle that is ready to be sent to Yan Wu-shuang." According to Yu Zhi, I would like to find a suitable one in Jinju. The candidate then secretly supports it. This will not let Yan Wu-shuang grasp the handle. The supply of food and weapons, because of the secret support, can be completely removed.
       See Yu-Xi did not speak, Yu Zhi bowed his head:
       "Wangfei forgives sins, it is a passer-by."
       Yu Zhi is not a multi-speaker. It is rare to express his opinion this time. Yu-Xi said:
       "Doing this naturally has my considerations."
       After hearing this, Yu Zhi was a little embarrassed. Wangfei is very thoughtful, and he said that Wangfei must have thought about it. But she still chooses to use Ye Jiuyi and others, and there must be reasons for not using them.
       Yu Zhi is her confidant, and she will say that she is also worried about her reputation. Yu-Xi said:
       "The tiger is suffering from such a stupid thing, I decided not to do it." Looking for the right candidate directly in Jinju is not going to be held by Yan Wu-shuang. But after these people have succeeded in the uprising, they will certainly not listen to her again. When they send troops to attack Hebei in the future, these people will definitely become a roadblock. The parents and relatives of Ye Jiuqi and others are in the northwest. Unless they can ignore the life and death of their loved ones, they will not betray her.
       After listening to this explanation, Yu Zhi frowned and said:
       "But in this way, Wangfei reputation will be damaged."
       Yu-Xi is not worried, says:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is our enemy. I can say that he is filthy." Such a thing can not be recognized by death.
       Yu Zhi feels that this can't solve the problem.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Yu Zhi, history is written by the winners. As long as we succeed, these are not things. If you look ahead, then everything can be done." In the dynasties, which of the founding Prince' hands were clean.
       Yu Zhi -called and spoke about another thing:
       “Wangfei, the falcon said that the cheetah’s son is already on the way to the northwest.” Tie-Kui told Yu-Xi a few years ago that he would send Ning Chan to the northwest, when Yu-Xi promised. . So this time Tie-Kui opened, the Falcon did not hesitate to agree.
       Thinking of the current situation of Tie-Kui, Yu-Xi looks dignified. Obviously, Yan Wu-shuang regards Tie-Kui as a knife and a murderous knife, and Tie-Kui has no right to say no.
       "Send someone to pick up Azhan and then send it to Lizhuang." If you rush to receive the palace, it will definitely attract the attention of the people. So I have to let this child stay in Lizhuang for a while, then I will receive it from the palace.
       Yu Zhi said:
       "Yes!" He originally wanted to pick it up in person. After all, the identity of this child is very important. However, Yu-Xi did not open this mouth, he would not mention it.
       It was only when Yun-Black was coming back. When I entered the house, I saw Yu-Xi and frowned. Because I wanted to think too focused, I didn’t even know when he came in.
       After a while, Yu-Xi discovered that Yun-Qing is back:
       "What I was thinking about now."
       Yun-Qing face changes:
       "What happened? Is it discovered by Yan Wu-shuang?"
       Tie-Kui is doing the same for them. It is on the edge of the cliff. It is safe to spend these years, and he is also cautious. Yan Wu-shuang is like a fox, and if you are not careful, you will find it.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "No. But the situation is very bad now, and Yan Wu-shuang regards him as a knife and a murder knife."
       This is not to let the cloud think of that dream. In the dream, Yan Wu-shuang also used him as a knife:
       "Do you mean killing the displaced?"
       Tie-Kui killed nearly 10 thousand people, and the reputation of the executioner has spread throughout the world.
       "Although it is the order to act, but in the end is the person who executed the order to kill, I have never been too good for this." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "Ning's family is the book of Xiangmen, and he is worried that he will bear the reputation of the executioner. The restoration of his identity will ruin the name of the Ning family."
       Yun-Qing strangely:
       "External ancestors are not in addition to 舅舅 no other people?"
       Since no one is gone, he will not be scolded for this.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Hey, I am worried that I can't face my grandfather under the ground."
       Yun-Qing said that he could not understand, but he knew that the literati were particularly particular about these names:
       "That's a way to push this errand. For example, pretend to be sick or rehabilitated with old injuries?"
       Change to him, and do not go to those who are unarmed.
       "Which is so easy? Yan Wu-shuang sent a doctor to the doctor for the last time. If the armor disease is soon to be dismantled, the suspicion of Yan Wu-shuang is even worse." Yan Wu-shuang Will tolerate Tie-Kui escape.
       Yun-Qing asked very incomprehensibly:
       “Yan Wu-shuang doesn’t know what it’s like to be with us. Why do you always worry about it?”
       In these years, Yan Wu-shuang is difficult for Tie-Kui.
       "Thinking people like x- is simple." Tie-Kui is also a deep-hearted person, naturally not to Yan Wu-shuang to see. Adding Yan Wu-shuang's suspicion is very normal for Tie-Kui.
       Yun-Qing frowned:
       "We have to think of ways to help out of trouble." Tie-Kui risked his life to help them, now in trouble, how can they stand by.
       See Yu-Xi, no sound, Yun-Qing knows she has a way:
       "Do you have a way?"
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Unless he is injured, and this must be a serious injury. Only in this way can you unload this tricky errand."
       Yun-Qing knows why Yu-Xi didn't say it at first:
       "This matter makes you choose." If Tie-Kui promised that they would cooperate, if they disagree, they will do it.
       There is no better way, Yu-Xi smiles bitterly:
       "It can only be this way."
       After talking about Tie-Kui, Yu-Xi told Yan Wu-shuang about Yu-Qing :
       “Yan Wu-shuang will definitely cruel us both, and you have to be prepared.”
       Yun-Qing disdains:
       "He will only use these means of no-counter. If the imperial court is effective, we will encourage these people to rebel."
       Seeing Yun-Qing is not in your mind, Yu-Xi is relieved:
       "Hey, let Azhan come to the northwest, and now he is on the way. Azhan's identity is not open to the public. Just as A-You is missing a partner, I will let him follow A-You."
       Yun-Qing has some scruples:
       "A-You is very clever, so that Azhan will definitely find him with his time."
       "I must tell him the truth. A-You have a strict mouth and can keep the secret." Six children, only Rui Ji is a big mouth, and I can't hide anything in my heart.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "Azhan grew up in Capital City. As long as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was a Beijinger. So he had to put it in Lizhuang for a while." Ning Zhan studied well, and also learned some legs and feet, placed next to You Ji-Er. Also very good.
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "This is safe."
       Three days later, the court’s crusade was sent to the northwest. As Yu-Xi expected, Yan Wu-shuang crusade is their husband and ‘Madam’.
       Yu-Xi, the content of the book, knew it, so it was not angry. After reading it, I will go to the side of the book and face it.
       "Please ask Tan Daren to come with An Daren." This is a big event, and it must be discussed with the ministers.
       When An Zike came over, he saw Tan Tuo and Shen Chunting and asked:
       "Tan Daren, Wangfei called us over this time, can you know what it is?"
       Every time Wangfei summons them, it means that something big has happened.
       Tan Tuo shook his head. Apart from the assassination of Fu Minglang, there has been no major event recently.
       Anzi Ke said:
       “Will it be for the victims outside Linzhou?”
       In the cold winter, if they don't help, most of these people may not be able to.
       Shen Chunting denied this guess:
       "At the beginning of the month, I had already sent a thousand sets of cotton trousers and a thousand pieces of feathers." The money was passed from his hand and went to nature.
       Yuan Ying said:
       “Fu Daren was seriously injured and could not be bad in a short time. Wangfei called us over and might want us to recommend the candidates for the Ministry of Industry.”
       This speculation, everyone feels reliable. Both Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are preparing to let Jiang Hongfu take over Fu Minglang, but this has not yet been told by Tan Tuo.
       After everyone arrived, they entered the study together. Yu-Xi handed the crusade to Tan Tuo said:
       "This is the crusade book written by Yan Wu-shuang. You can see it."
       After Tan Tuo finished reading, his face was hard to read:
       "There is such a reason, so it is so filthy Wangye and Wangfei." He knows that Yan Wu-shuang spreads rumors in the capital, saying that the turmoil in Hebei is the handwriting of Yu-Xi. In fact, he also has doubts about this matter, but he knows that even if this kind of thing is done, he can never admit it.
       After Yu-Xi and others read the book, they asked:
       "What do you think should be done?"
       Gu Taining said:
       "Wangfei, Hebei and Shandong turmoil is because the imperial court does not live as an ordinary person, and it is not related to us. Yan Wu-shuang issued this book to blame Wangye and Wangfei for the rebellion in Hebei and Shandong. They think The defeat of Wangye and Wangfei reputation is too sinister.” The people who got the hearts of the people got the world, Wangfei rescue of the victims before won a lot of people support, and Yan Wu-shuang got this out, then what they did before was in vain. It is.
       Everyone has their own opinions.
       Tan Tuo stood up and said:
       "Wangfei, we should treat our people with their own way." Yan Wu-shuang wants to use the turmoil in Hebei to damage the reputation of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi, they naturally can't wait, must Counterattack. If you do not counterattack, although it can not cause substantial harm, but in the history books will certainly leave a heavy stroke.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "The crusade book you wrote and sent it up." Yan Wu-shuang crusade their husband and ‘Madam’, too, they can also attack Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi have also played tricks in the past, but compared to Yan Wu-shuang, they are so clean that they can't be cleaned.
       After negotiating the book, Yu-Xi told several people that he was preparing to appoint Jiang Hongfu as the book of the Ministry of Industry.
       Although Tan Tuo was an accident, he thought that Jiang Hongfu had previously been in charge of a water conservancy and a farmer's book, and the work department was also suitable, so there was no objection.
       Yuan Ying was somewhat disappointed. He originally wanted to recommend the right minister of the Ministry of Industry. He did not expect that Jiang Hongfu had intercepted Hu.
       Yu-Xi left Tan Tuo, and the two of them had finished their proceedings. It was already half past noon. Yu-Xi still has a bunch of folds that have not been reviewed, and ordered Mei-Lan:
       "You go over the food."
       Mei-Lan heard this and said:
       "Wangfei, half-celery just said that 1st County Owner and the Wang Heir are waiting for you in the main house. They have something to do with Wangfei."
       Yu-Xi laughed and walked out of the study and asked for a half-celery:
       “Jao-Jao and A-Hoa, what are they doing?”
       For the movement of several children, Yu-Xi is clear.
       Shaking his head, it is not clear:
       “Wangfei, the Wang Heir and the 1st County Owner. They look very ugly.” It’s a real thing, and it’s not too small.
       When I entered the Courtyard, I saw six children. Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "What is so anxious that you are not waiting in the house?"
       Jao-Jao is the most anxious, and Yu-Xi has asked her:
       "I heard that Yan Wu-shuang is cruel about you, mother, is this true?"
       In the eyes of six children, Yu-Xi is the gentlest and most kind person in the world. So knowing this, they are extremely angry.
       "How do you know?"
       After that, Yu-Xi looked at Kaihao and asked:
       "You told them." In a few children, I was able to get news in such a short period of time. Under the intentional training of Yu-Xi, Qi Hao also has his own staff. Therefore, in addition to confidential matters in the palace, Kai Hao can know the first time.
       Kai Hao did not deny:
       "Mother, is this true?"
       This kind of thing is not made up below.
       All six children know that Yan Wu-shuang has harmed Yu-Xi several times. This person is an enemy they don't wear.
       See Yu-Xi nod, Jao-Jao immediately fried:
       "That bad guy, I am going to Capital City to kill him now." Even dare to filthy her mother is the world's first poison woman.
       Naturally, there is no such thing as a poisonous woman in the book. This is what Kai Hao said, so it is better to understand. In fact, the literati pen is more terrible than the sword. This book cuts Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi as sinners who confuse the world.
       You Ji-Er echoes:
       "Kill him, throw him into the wilderness and feed the dog, let him die without a place to die."

       Chapter 1254   Crusade (2)    

       Xuan Ji Er saw Yu-Xi with a smile on them and asked:
       "Mother, are you not angry?"
       When he first heard this, he was about to explode, but he was a good person.
       Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "What's so angry? And, if the mother is mad, isn't it like Yan Wu-shuang's intention? This kind of stupid thing, the mother will not do it."
       Jao-Jao suddenly realized that he took his own head and said:
       "Mother is right, why didn't I think?"
       The biggest reaction was Jao-Jao. After knowing this, he was clamoring to kill Yan Wu-shuang.
       Qi Hao was also very angry this time, or else he would not say a word when You Ji-Er asked him. The triplets know, and naturally they are not as good as Jao-Jao and Lu-Er.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "Mother, what are you going to do with this?"
       The crusade book says that today's troubled times are all because of the maiden, how can such sin be recognized.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "He can crusade me and tell you, we can crusade him." Yan Wu-shuang did the evil, Xinzhu difficult book.
       Jao-Jao thinks this is too cheap Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Mother, this little man not only sent an assassin to assassinate Fu, but also seriously hurts you and ‘Laughs’ . If he only crusades him, it is too cheap for him. Mother, we sent people to kill him."
       You Ji-Er rolled his eyes:
       "If you can kill him, I still have to wait for you to say that you have done it with your mother." The man has killed them so many times, if they can get rid of it early.
       Jao-Jao frowned and said:
       "Mother, is it because of him repeatedly killing us?"
       She really hates not being able to unload Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yu-Xi looked at the direction of the capital:
       "One day, I will tell you back with you." When he said this, Yu-Xi was very calm.
       Quan Mama came over:
       “Wangfei, the Wang Heir, the food is ready, you can eat.” Yun-Qing went to the Jixian horse farm, and these days are not in the house.
       After dinner, Yu-Xi let several children go back to their yards. She did not rush back to the front yard, but returned to the bedroom and prepared to rest.
       Quan Mama walked up to her and said softly:
       "Yu-Xi, I will give you a shoulder!" Yu-Xi has so much work every day, and it takes a long time to backache. When you are very busy, come back and give her a press. That's why Quan Mama will say that she doesn't care for the real reason.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Let you come in!" Massage is a very laborious task. Quan Mama is over sixty years old, and she can let her do this kind of physical activity.
       Yan Fang is now also serving Yu-Xi personally, which is the purpose of Quan Mama to accept her.
       Yu-Xi See Quan Mama with a tangled color and smiled and asked:
       "Mama, what else can you say in front of me?"
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Wangfei, do you remember Gui Mama?"
       She was favored by Gui Mama that year, and she later agreed to Gui Mama to go to Duke. If not, she did not have the opportunity to teach Yu-Xi.
       Gui Mama is the Duke House with Quan Mama, and she has been in the Han family for more than ten years. How could she forget:
       "I remember Mama, you said Gui Mama thinks that my mind is too deep,
       Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "And Song Mingyue also said that my mind is too deep, and it almost killed me." Speaking of this Yu-Xi, I was puzzled. When she was a child, she was very honest. She just tried to learn things, but she didn’t know why one by one. Hate her, even, want her life.
       Quan Mama will have nothing to avoid here:
       "You are so young and have far more endurance and forbearance than Darens. When they see nature, they feel that you are deeply thinking."
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What about Mama? I also think I am a deep-hearted person?"
       Quan Mama did not hide, said very honestly:
       "At the beginning, I also felt that you were very scheming, but after the contact, I found that I thought more." In fact, many of the behaviors of Yu-Xi were really abnormal, but she never asked.
       Yu-Xi sighed:
       "When I was a child, I tried to learn something. In fact, I wanted to have more foundations. I didn't expect to be a deep-minded person in your eyes." She wanted to learn more things, and she would be able to fall into the field of her life again. Have the skills to survive.
       "I can use what I have learned, not to worry about Wangfei childhood." I thought that the strength of Yu-Xi learning at the beginning was too much to say.
       "Yu-Chen is so talented that she learns from early to late, and my qualifications are far worse than her efforts." In fact, if she does not know that she chooses to choose, the course can't keep up.
       Speaking of Yu-Chen, Quan Mama:
       "The things she learned are all used to please men, and there is no comparability with what you learn."
       "Mama, you still don't know? Yu-Chen can now sell a thousand Silver Taels." Suddenly, Yu-Xi added:
       "Her painting is worth the price, not because of her identity." In fact, the painting of Yu-Xi can sell the price itself, but it has a relationship with her identity, and her paintings are distributed to the market. Very few. Things are rare, so her paintings are fired to thousands of Silver Taels, and there is still no price.
       Quan Mama really didn't know about it.
       Yu-Xi has some exclamations:
       "Han Yu-Chen is very talented, and he is very talented. If he can concentrate on painting, he will definitely become a master painter." Unfortunately, painting for Han Yu-Chen is a matter of self-cultivation and time.
       Quan Mama does not deny the talent of Yu-Chen:
       "Besides the Wang Heir, she is the most talented person I have ever seen. Unfortunately, Old Madam has nothing to do with her." Kai Hao talent is highly savvy, and the most important thing is Wenwu repair.
       At this time, Yan Fang said softly:
       "Wangfei, you lie down, I will press you on the waist."
       Yu-Xi swings his hand and says:
       "No need." At least two quarters of an hour under the massage, she still has a bunch of things to deal with.
       Yan Fang looked at Quan Mama.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Come back early in the evening, let A Fang give you a full body massage after taking a bath."
       "Okay." I thought she was tired before she recovered. It’s not good now, and it’s a backache after a tired day. After taking a medicated bath massage, people will be much lighter.
       Yu-Xi is talking to Tan Tuo, and seeing Yun-Qing walked in with thick felt curtains. When you came in, the eyebrows were still covered with white snowflakes.
       Yu-Xi and other Tantuo left, and only two people left the room to pull down the face:
       "How many times have you told you to cherish your body, you are the wind? When you come back with heavy snow, are you really good? Still when you are twenty?"
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I don't have to worry about the news? Don't be angry, there won't be another time."
       Yu-Xi is mad:
       "Every time I say it is not an example, what is the result? The next time is the same."
       Yun-Qing has been busy transferring the topic:
       "I heard that the book was rushed back. Yu-Xi, what was written on the book?"
       Yan Wu-shuang's masterpiece in Yucheng has promoted the contents of the crusade book, but the government is very strict, and Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi have won the hearts of the people. This has nothing to do with the city. .
       As soon as the words fell, the snow on the top of Yun-Qing fell.
       Yu-Xi said with no anger:
       "Hurry and go back to take a bath and get rid of the coldness of the body. The matter of crusade is going to be said."
       "Okay." After that, Yun-Qing went out. Staying again, Yu-Xi has to be stunned again.
       Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing is impatient to look at these things, and immediately said the general meaning. After that, pick up another article for him:
       "Tan Daren also drafted a crusade against Yan Wu-shuang. Do you want to look at it?"
       Yun-Qing hates the most biting words, so the current folds are basically vernacular. But this time, Yun-Qing patiently read this essay and asked:
       "The state of shackles, the filth of the country, the poisoning of the people, the addition of its ruthlessness, the prevention of mutual protection..."
       Yu-Xi explains:
       "This means that Yan Wu-shuang is doing something like that. It is a disaster for the people and the people to poison people and ghosts. Moreover, the levy of taxes and taxes will make the people miserable, and the four people in Shandong and Hebei will be killed."
       Yun-Qing took the chin and said:
       "This is written by Tan Tuo? It is very good to write." Yan Wu-shuang is not a monk who is incompetent, brutal, and ridiculous.
       "It was Tan Daren who wrote with An Daren." This article is really good, and Yu-Xi is very satisfied.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ made another amendment to this essay. After that, they sent people to send the book to the following provinces, and sent them to Capital City the next morning.
       After five days, the book was in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang. Yan Wu-shuang looked not only not angry, but smiled.
       Meng-nian knows that the content inside is so angry that it is a hateful comparison.
       Yan Wu-shuang laughs:
       "The so-called not to indecent assault. I said Yun-Qing is a murderous demon, saying that Han Yu-Xi is the world's first poisonous woman, they said that I am faint and normal."
       Meng-nian said something uncomfortable:
       "This is not the same. We are telling the truth, Yun-Qing kills people like Ma, Han Yu-Xi is hot and ruthless, but in the past few years, it has been exhausted and worked hard day and night." The result came to such a reputation.
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't care, saying:
       "You are too real." He only asks for innocent things, and does not care about the world. And when the emperor, he asked himself to do his best. But the ship has been broken, leaking everywhere, and he has the ability to pass the sky and can't stop the ship's sinking fate.
       Meng-nian is called Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang transferred the topic:
       "Our people have seriously injured Fu Minglang, what can be changed now in the northwest?"
       Fu Minglang is also a good luck, both hurt the internal organs are not dead.
       I thought that Han Yu-Xi had assassinated several of his powerful subordinates, but now he only seriously injured a Fu Minglang. This is not a problem with the odds, but their strength is not as good as Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi.
       They couldn’t hear about the secrets. Meng-nian shook his head:
       "There is no news for the time being. Emperor, this time we are working on Fu Minglang, will they use the same means to attack us?"
       Han Yu-Xi is the most vocal, and it is very possible to send assassins to assassinate them.
       As I spoke, the outside public said:
       "The emperor, I am an Daren."
       At the beginning of this day, the capital began to be martial law, and because the content of the Yu-Xi crusade book was not spread out in the capital, there were very few people who knew it.
       In the evening, Yu-Chen asked Yan Wu-shuang while massaging:
       "The emperor, is there something wrong?"
       Otherwise, it is impossible for the good end to start martial law again.
       Yan Wu-shuang squinted at the eyes:
       "I am worried that Han Yu-Xi will replay the people who started to me."
       Yu-Chen is lighter:
       "Is it because of the book?"
       The court sent the northwest's crusade book, and everyone knows it.
       "No." Specifically, he did not say much. He doesn't care what Yu-Chen thinks, just don't want to say it.
       Yu-Chen was disappointed and increased his strength. After a while, Yu-Chen asked softly:
       "The emperor, let Achi come back for the New Year?"
       She hasn't seen her son for almost a year, and she wants to panic.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not agree:
       "Large snow in Liaodong, there is no knee in the snow, now even if I go to the letter to let him come back, I can't reach it before."
       Yu-Chen is reluctant to let Achi suffer such a pain:
       "The emperor, let's let Achi come back in spring!"
       Yan Wu-shuang opened his eyes and looked at Yu-Chen. Liaodong had to go to May to snow. After the snowing, there must be a war again. How can this come back at this juncture:
       "After the snowing, I will send A-Bao to Liaodong."
       Yu-Chen's voice suddenly increased:
       "What? Send A-Bao to Liaodong?"
       When the words fell, I was shocked that I was a little out of order. Yu-Chen is busy explaining:
       "The emperor, the conditions in Liaodong are difficult and extremely dangerous. How can A-Bao be a Miss home to get there?"
       Achi goes there to experience, and A-Bao goes there to figure out what is going on.
       "In the past, I can adapt to the environment there earlier." If you don't go now, you have to go through two years.
       Yu-Chen's face changed greatly:
       "Is the situation worsened to this point? Isn't it a matter of years before Yun-Qing wants to hit the capital?"
       How to become so fast.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "The plan can't keep up with the changes. Hebei and Shandong are now in chaos. Yun-Qing is likely to send troops out next year."
       The riots in Hebei and Shandong are almost unstoppable, and this is exactly what Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi want. Once out of control, Yun-Qing will definitely send troops. Therefore, he had to make the worst plan.
       "The emperor, this is the purpose of Yu-Xi planning Shandong and Hebei riots?"
       See Yan Wu-shuang nod, Yu-Chen's mouth squirmed for a long time, only spit out a sentence:
       "What did she think?"
       Han Yu-Xi now makes her feel terrible.
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckled:
       "Is there anything I can't think of? Han Yu-Xi has grown into a good politician." In exchange for the greatest benefit at the least cost, he will definitely do the same.
       Yu-Chen heard this, and took the courage to ask:
       "The emperor appreciates Han Yu-Xi?"
       This question is what she always wanted to ask and dare not ask.
       Yan Wu-shuang sighed and said:
       "There is such an opponent, it is my luck, but also my misfortune." Life without an opponent is lonely. It is also a very frustrating thing to have a total loss to the other side.

       Chapter 1255   Bitter Meat Meter (1)    

       In the evening, in the dark sky, the heavy snow is mixed with the north wind that -calls. After a while, the goose-like snow fell down and quickly spread white.
       Zhong-Shan came back from the outside and saw Asha, knowing that Tie-Kui is back:
       “Where is the Old Master now?”
       “Old Master is in the study.” Tie-Kui comes back from the city every time, and the first thing to go is the study.
       Tie-Kui went to the study room and went into the house. Xi-An shook his fox fur and shook his body. The snow on his clothes fell to the ground.
       Tie-Kui puts the sheep's brush in the hand on the blue and white multicolored clouds pen holder:
       "The matter of reconciliation is handed over to the following people, and it is not necessary to do everything personally." The matter of the firm is that Zhong-Shan is taking care of it, and Tie-Kui has no time to manage it.
       Zhong-Shan is not at ease, if anyone is arrogant, it is easy to be a ghost. However, he did not want to talk to Tie-Kui any more, and said too many times.
       Zhong-Shan told Tie-Kui one thing:
       "The guy who had a new move at the firm just handed me a note with five ugly moments." The note he chewed in his stomach after reading it. Because of this caution, the two did not let Yan Wu-shuang grasp the handle.
       Every time the Falcon wants to see him, he will send a piece of paper with a time and place. This time, only writing time did not write a place, indicating that he would appear in his study at this time. This is a tacit understanding of the two years of dealing with each other.
       "It is certain that there is a unique pattern engraved by the falcon." After all, Zhong-Shan said with some concerns:
       "Old Master, do you have any troubles for you to do?"
       Nothing Falcon will not find them.
       Tie-Kui didn't worry, Yu-Xi promised that he would not let him do anything adventurous and violate his intentions. Even if the Falcon wants him to do anything, he feels that the danger can be completely rejected.
       Zhong-Shan remembered the news he heard outside and said:
       “Old Master, I heard that there are six counties in Hebei that are occupied by the rebels.”
       "Not only Hebei, Shandong, but also five states and counties are occupied by the insurgents." Well, Liaodong is calm, or Yan Wu-shuang can't control the overall situation.
       Zhong-Shan asked with me:
       "Old Master, do you know if Wang will send troops next year?"
       He is eager to call Yun-Qing early so that they can live a comfortable life for two days.
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "No. It is also because the weather is cold now, and after the spring, Zhou Lai and Yan Qing yun will lead the soldiers to personally rebel." Although the rebel army is very large, it will never be with the opponents of Qing yun.
       Zhong-Shan feels that this is the opportunity:
       "When you are carrying out the troops, you can get twice the result with half the effort?"
       The cranes fight and the fishermen benefit.
       Tie-Kui is laughing:
       "They have a plan for their husband and ‘Madam’." On the war, when no one is better than Yun-Qing today, there are few people in this world who are better than Yu-Xi. Therefore, he does not worry about this matter.
       At three o'clock, the Falcon appeared on time in Tie-Kui study. When I saw Tie-Kui, the Falcon said:
       "You look very bad." There was a lot more wrinkles than when I saw it last time, and there were deep dark circles in the corners of the eyes, and people were much thinner.
       In front of the Falcon, Tie-Kui did not hide:
       "Because of the people affairs, I haven't slept well for a while." Killing so many unarmed displaced people, he was very burdened.
       The falcon looks indifferent:
       "I have a special opinion for you this time, just for this matter."
       Tie-Kui had some surprises. He thought about the various possibilities of the Falcons to see him, but he didn't expect it to be because of this.
       The Falcon did not waste time, saying directly:
       "Wangfei said that you want to push this errand, unless it is seriously injured. If you can't get enough, Yan Wu-shuang will have to delegate another person."
       Tie-Kui did not want to agree:
       "Okay." These days he always has a nightmare, and I am afraid that I will not be able to withstand this pressure. I would rather suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, and don't be mentally tortured.
       It is easy to say that Tie-Kui is injured, but it is difficult to operate. First, you can't make Yan Wu-shuang suspicious; secondly, you must grasp the measure, and you won't be able to do it. If you are heavy, you may have a life-threatening risk.
       The Falcon said:
       "You can rest assured that this time I will personally shoot, there will be no leaks." For his own skills, the Falcon has absolute confidence.
       Tie-Kui is not worried about the falcon's skill. It is only from his sneak into the Iron House that he is not found by Yan Wu-shuang's eyes to prove that his martial arts is very high:
       "I was suddenly severely injured by your assassination. Yan Wu-shuang may also be suspicious." He killed so many refugees. Normally, the Falcons should incite the rioters to launch riots instead of spending effort to kill him. Yan Wu-shuang is suspicious and may doubt him.
       The falcon touched the flying eagle ring on his finger:
       "You can rest assured that the target of this assassination is not only one of you." The reasons are all ready-made, and Yan Wu-shuang kills their ministers, and they naturally have to retaliate.
       Tie-Kui, this is assured:
       "To count the time, should Azhan already go to the northwest?"
       The Falcon nodded:
       "It must have arrived now. Iron Master does not have to worry, Wangfei will take care of Young Master."
       "I don't worry." If he is worried, he will not send Azhan to the northwest.
       Two days later, Yan Wu-shuang was in talks with the Yulin army to lead the high-south southeast, and he saw that Gong Gong-gong came in and said that Meng-nian asked for it.
       Meng-nian entered the royal study and reported to him one thing:
       "The emperor, the singer Shang Shuzhen was spurred half an hour ago." The capital has always been not peaceful, the ministers of the country are very careful, and each time they go out, they will bring a lot of guards. While the capital was in martial law during this time, there were officers and soldiers everywhere, so it was only frightened and not injured.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "It seems that Han Yu-Xi is in retaliation." In fact, Yu-Xi did not intend to assassinate the court minister at first, but in order to avoid letting Yan Wu-shuang doubt Tie-Kui, it was so One out.
       Meng-nian also thinks like this:
       "The emperor, the palace has to be guarded."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "You don't have to worry about this." Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi want to kill the most not the minister but him, but it is not so easy to want his life.
       One hour, Tie-Kui was seriously injured and passed to the palace.
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't look good when he heard the news, and he knew that the assassin was still escaping and immediately black face. I sent the Imperial Doctor to Tiefu, and I asked Meng-nian:
       "Tie-Kui has martial arts itself, and there are more than a dozen guards around. How can it be seriously injured?"
       Unexpectedly, a weak scholar was not injured. Tie-Kui was actually injured. How to see why it is wrong.
       Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, the general iron is waiting for the general in the box of the moon building, the guards are waiting downstairs. The assassin dressed as a second, and the iron general lost his defense, plus the assassin martial arts is extremely high, this was poisoned. "The assassin who assassinates Tie-Kui is not at the same level as the assassination of the step-by-step."
       Yan Wu-shuang responded quickly and asked:
       “How do they know that Tie-Kui is on the moon floor?”
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "I have sent people to check." It must be a falcon in Tiefu, and this person's identity in Tiefu is not low, otherwise it is impossible to know the whereabouts of Tie-Kui.
       In the evening, Yan Wu-shuang got the news that Chen Ran was assassinated at home and injured his arm.
       "I didn't expect that even Chen Ran would not let go." It is not that Chen Ran is Yu-Xi former fiance will be merciful, and he is not so naive. It’s just that Chen Ran is now the left-hander of the Ministry of Housing, which is more powerful than his position.
       Meng-nian has some feelings:
       "Yes! How to say that Chen Ran is also her fiancé, even a little old-fashioned." This woman, really cold-blooded to the extreme.
       Yan Wu-shuang felt funny when I heard this:
       "Don't say that it's just a fiancé, that is, her relatives are blocking the road and killing it." Although there is no evidence, Yan Wu-shuang feels that Han Jingdong's death can't be separated from Yu-Xi.
       Meng-nian couldn’t help but hear this:
       "The emperor, as this goes on, Han Yu-Xi will become the second monk."
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head:
       "will not."
       Meng-nian said:
       "This is not necessarily true. This woman is becoming more and more vicious, and she is becoming more and more unscrupulous."
       "Yun-Qing is not Li Zhi." There is no absolute thing, but Yun-Qing can make Han Yu-Xi take power because of their interests. If Han Yu-Xi hurts children in power, even if the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ is good, he certainly can't.
       Meng-nian Said:
       "Yun-Qing is, naturally, there is no such thing. But if Yun-Qing is gone?"
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Even if you say it, it is after they have settled down in the world." It is estimated that twenty or thirty years later, and he can't see it.
       When he was in a coma for an hour, Chen Ran woke up. When he opened his eyes, Chen Ran saw that he was sitting on the bed and his eyes were red and swollen.
       Yu Xi seeing Chen Ran woke up, surprised and happy:
       "Old Master, are you awake?"
       Even if the doctor said that Chen Ran only hurt his arm and was not in danger of life, she was still very scared. If the Old Master has a case, this old old and small, what to do.
       Chen Ran thought about getting up, and the result touched the wound, and the heart-like pain made him sweat.
       Yu Xiyu distressed tears:
       "Old Master, don't move, the doctor said that you can't move these days." The arm was hurt and the waist was twisted.
       Chen Ran said:
       "Is the person who stabbed me caught?"
       Yu Xiyu wiped his tears and said:
       "Old Master, the man committed suicide." Chen Chen injured Chen Ran, this person also knows that he can't escape to commit suicide.
       Chen Ran asked:
       "Is the identity clear?"
       Yu Xi said:
       "Old Master, several ministers have been assassinated today. Old Master, this person must have been sent by Han Yu-Xi." Compared with the life-threatening Tie-Kui, her husband is lucky.
       Chen Ran shook his head:
       "The reason why the person can hurt is not how high his martial arts is, but because I am not prepared. If it is true that Wangfei wants to kill me, it is impossible to send such a person." He did not think that day, thinking that Yu- -Xi will look at his past talents. But the person who assassinated him is obviously not right.
       Yu Xi heart was determined to be Yu-Xi, and there was no buzz when he heard this.
       Chen Ran saw it and immediately said:
       "If this person is really sent by Wangfei, her purpose will only be me, and will not move you with the children. But if the enemy is sent, then you and the children will be very dangerous."
       Yu Xi face changed greatly.
       Chen Ran said:
       "Let Ali go to check, be sure to check the details of this person."
       It’s about an old temperament, and I’m afraid I’m not going to care about it.
       Tie-Kui was still in a coma for two days, not to mention that Xiao-Shi and Zhong-Shan were in a hurry, that is, the Falcon also raised his heart.
       The Falcon asks:
       “Tie-Kui still not awake?”
       The red eagle feels that this is not a big question. Normally, what should be asked is death. How can I wake up? Then contact the Falcons in the two days, the red eagle heart emerged with an idea:
       "Boss, Tie-Kui is our people?"
       At this juncture, the Falcon did not squat again, because he could not hold it:
       "Yes, Tie-Kui is ours."
       The red eagle was very surprised. After a while, he asked:
       "Boss, when did you rebel him? Why didn't I know?"
       Falcon Said:
       "Tie-Kui is a cheetah."
       "What? Tie-Kui is a cheetah?"
       The top executives of their organization know that there is such a person as a cheetah, but whoever he is, he does not even know.
       Seeing the falcon nod, the red eagle is somewhat puzzled:
       "Since he is our person, why do you want to assassinate him?"
       The problem is not only to kill once.
       The Falcon didn’t explain too much, just said:
       "This is a very complicated matter. I can't say a word or two. I will tell you later."
       The Red Eagle did not ask the reason:
       "Boss, how did you attack Tie-Kui?"
       Tie-Kui Although this person is good, but his mind is very deep and very means, such a person is difficult to rebel. He is really curious, how the Falcon did it.
       The falcon looked at the red eagle and said:
       “Tie-Kui is the servant of Wangfei.” After that, add another sentence:
       "Ah? Tie-Kui is a Ning family? As far as I know, Ning's people are all dead." For the life of Yu-Xi, they are all clear.
       Falcon Said:
       "He was lucky enough to be saved, and then he changed his name to change his name." If Tie-Kui did not take the initiative to say it, they could not find it.
       The red eagle suddenly stunned and then praised:
       "Or the Iron General has a vision." I am optimistic about Wangye and Wangfei. You know, their strength is not comparable to Yan Wu-shuang more than ten years ago.
       The Falcon said with some anxiety:
       "How have you not been awake in the past two days? Do you say that there will be an accident?"
       Tie-Kui If something goes wrong, the loss for them can be great.
       The red eagle said with a slap in the face:
       "No. Boss, you should have confidence in yourself."
       The Falcon shook his head and said:
       "I have a measured scale, but General Iron has been seriously injured before. I am worried..." He was worried that something uncontrollable would happen.
       "Boss, there will be no accidents." In order not to let the Falcons think more, the Red Eagle shifted the topic:
       "Boss, Hebei and Shandong are now in chaos, and if Liaodong is chaotic, Yan Wu-shuang will certainly not last long."
       The Falcon shook his head:
       "Liaodong is the old nest of Yan Wu-shuang, and it is also his retreat. Yan Wu-shuang will not allow it to be chaotic."
       The Red Eagle said:
       "One day, Liaodong will fall into our hands." He is very confident about this.
       "It is too early." The capital has not been hit, and Liaodong is a distant matter.

       Chapter 1256   Bitter Meat Meter (2)    

       A ray of sunlight sneaked into the room through the hollow window, and the warmth sprinkled on the ground, reflecting countless rays. [Top [point [small [said, the ground is imitation of a layer of light golden yellow, so that everything in the house looks warm.
       Zhong-Shan also saw Tie-Kui manual, and called:
       "Old Master, Old Master, you wake up." Tie-Kui has been in a coma for four days, and the Imperial Doctor said that he might not wake up if he doesn't wake up.
       Xiao-Shi also woke up when he heard the call, followed by:
       "Old Master, Old Master..." Xiao-Shi is also inseparable for four days, but last night I couldn’t help but squinted.
       Tie-Kui slowly opened his eyes and his lips squirmed.
       Xiao-Shi asked:
       "Old Master, Old Master, what do you say?"
       The voice was too small, she didn't hear it.
       Zhong-Shan was busy inserting a sentence:
       "Old Master, are you hungry?"
       See Tie-Kui eyes smashed twice, and Zhong-Shan said the same:
       "Is that thirsty?"
       Tie-Kui blinked his eyes.
       Zhong-Shan went out with the same time, and soon took a cup of warm water into the house.
       After drinking a glass of water, Tie-Kui asked:
       "I have been sleeping for a few days?"
       The sound is still very small, but this time it is good enough to make people hear clearly.
       Xiao-Shi said:
       "Old Master has been sleeping for four days." Because there was too much crying, Xiao-shi voice was mute.
       Tie-Kui looks at Xiao-Shi:
       "Go back to rest, there is A-Tong here." Although Xiao-shi is his ‘Madam’, Zhong-Shan has a better understanding with him.
       Xiao-Shi is willing to leave:
       "Old Master, I don't go anywhere, just guard you here." Some years ago, because of Lu-Shi, she actually hated Tie-Kui. Later, knowing his identity and doing those things is also a last resort, but there are still complaints in my heart. But this time I watched Tie-Kui hang on the line, she didn't complain any more, just asked God to bless him to keep him safe.
       Looking at Xiao-Shi eyes are bloodshot, Tie-Kui said:
       "The family still depends on you, you can't fall."
       Zhong-Shan also said on the side:
       "Madam, go to rest! Wait for your rest, and take care of the Old Master." Xiao-Shi is still not assured:
       "When the Imperial Doctor has seen it, I will go back to rest." Without a definite answer, she could not rest in the backyard.
       Not much, Zhang Imperial Doctor came over. The Imperial Doctor gave Tie-Kui a diagnosis and examined the wound, saying:
       "The wound is very deep, and you can't move it during this time. You have to raise it."
       After opening the party, he smashed Xiao-shi-Zhong with Zhong-Shan with a few precautions, and he left with a medicine box.
       Back to the palace, Zhang Imperial Doctor immediately went to see Yan Wu-shuang:
       "The emperor, the Iron General has not been a big problem."
       Yan Wu-shuang has got the news and knows that Tie-Kui has woken up:
       "How long does his injury last?"
       This is what Yan Wu-shuang cares about.
       The Imperial Doctor said:
       "It is also fortunate that the Iron General can survive, but it takes a year to recover." This is the most optimistic statement. If it is not well recovered, it may not be good for three or five years.
       Yan Wu-shuang frowned:
       "so serious?"
       He thought that it would be better to have a maximum of half a load, and today's situation is beyond his imagination.
       The Imperial Doctor listens to some chills, but the face is not obvious:
       "The internal injury is the most difficult to cure."
       Waved to let the Imperial Doctor go down, and Yan Wu-shuang called Meng-nian to come over:
       "Who is the person who assassinated Tie-Kui?"
       Since the Black Hawk incident, the people under the Falcons’ opponents have been monitored more closely, and they have not been able to detect the other’s confidential events:
       "According to the speculation of the information, the person who shot this time should be a red eagle." The falcon never personally shot, so they are not aware of the falcon's skill.
       As he spoke, he heard the subordinates returning and said that Yan Shaoqiu was also an assassin. The banned army commanded Gao Dongnan:
       "The emperor, after an autumn, there is an arrow in the back." The Falcon also knows the whereabouts of Yan Shaoqiu, and then ambushes in advance. Otherwise, Yan Shaoqiu is unlikely to be recruited.
       Yan Wu-shuang asked coldly:
       "Put the people around Yan Shaoqiu and torture them. I have to see if he can escape this time." Tie-Kui whereabouts is a long leak around him, and it is the man who is so angry that he is so angry. I have escaped and have not yet caught it.
       One hour, Meng-nian will tell Yan Wu-shuang the result. It was a guard around him that leaked Yan Shaoqiu whereabouts. The guard and a small Concubine of Yan Shaoqiu had a ‘Minister’, and the falcon caught the handle and had to sell for the falcon. However, after he heard that Yan Shaoqiu was stabbed, he committed suicide.
       Yan Wu-shuang rubbed the gemstone ring in his hand and said:
       "First, Tie-Kui, now Yan Shaoqiu, Han Yu-Xi wants to remove all the generals we can bring troops to fight." There are not many generals that can be used in his hands, and one less is a major loss. It was damaged in the hands of several generals in the hands of Han Yu-Xi, and now this woman is repeating itself.
       Meng-nian Said:
       "The emperor, what do we do now?"
       Yan Wu-shuang put his hand on the royal table and said faintly:
       "What can I do? Let them look at the portal. If they don't get lost, they won't have anything to do."
       Meng-nian nodded and talked about another thing:
       "The emperor, just got the news, the assassination of Chen Ran is a person named Wu Yan. This Wu Yan's ‘Madam’ and children died in the hands of Chen Yu, he assassinated Chen Ran for revenge." Equally said that Chen Ran was stabbed It is not what the Falcons do.
       "Know it." Still, the lack of strict portals is not safe at home.
       The Falcon knew that Tie-Kui had nothing to do, and the hanging heart finally fell. If Tie-Kui has a case, he can only die of death.
       The Red Eagle will tell the Falcon about the news:
       "Boss, Tie-Kui has been in a coma for so many days because this injury has caused the old illness, and it is not that you have lost your sense of proportion."
       The Falcon was a little annoyed. Why didn't he think about it at the beginning? If not, he will not be heavy.
       The Red Eagle thought about it:
       "Boss, we sent some medicine in the past, so the iron general's injury is also good." They also have Yang Shifu medicine in their hands, but not much, they are reluctant to use.
       The Falcon looked up and looked out at the blue sky outside and whispered:
       "We can't go to him. We can only wait for the iron general to contact us." Seeing too often, there will always be traces, which is very dangerous for Tie-Kui.
       The Red Eagle still couldn’t help but ask:
       "Boss, why should Tie-Kui be injured?"
       Tie-Kui stayed in the army and could provide them with a lot of convenience.
       The Falcon shook his head:
       "This is what Wangfei means." As for why Wangfei did this, he is not clear. However, he believes that Wangfei will have his purpose.
       Involved in Yu-Xi, the Red Eagle did not ask again.
       On the second day after Tie-Kui woke up, Yan Wu-shuang sent Meng-nian to visit him in the past.
       Meng-nian stayed in Tiefu for a quarter of an hour, leaving some precious herbs and supplements, and went to Yanfu to visit Yan Shaoqiu.
       Thinking of Meng-nian's kindness to him, Tie-Kui said:
       "This time I can take a good rest for a while." Meng-nian is the confidant of Yan Wu-shuang, and he can see Yan Wu-shuang with his own beauty and beauty.
       Zhong-Shan squinted with red eyes:
       "Old Master, you are almost dead." He was afraid to close his eyes in those days, and he was afraid to hear bad news.
       Tie-Kui has a smile on his face:
       "This is not a problem!" He would rather suffer from these flesh and blood, and not *conscience. The bitterness of the flesh has passed, but the mental torture is that he can't sleep.
       This is the end of the matter, and it is not helpful. Zhong-Shan fellow:
       "The Old Master will be safe and healthy, and everything else will be let go!"
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "Can there be news from the Falcon?"
       “Old Master rest assured that the Young Master has reached the northwest safely. The Falcon said that when Young Master adapts to the environment there, Wangfei will take him to the palace.” These are all news from the Falcons.
       Tie-Kui said with a smile:
       "Yu-Xi will teach children very much. I am very relieved that Zhan has gone to the palace." The environment can affect people. The atmosphere of the palace is very strong. Zhan children will benefit greatly.
       Zhong-Shan said with some emotions:
       "Yeah! I heard that Young Madam didn't talk to Wangfei about parenting in the city." It's not a good thing to have one son, but it's hard to have all four sons.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "The heirs are excellent, and they can make the courts better. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them until now." He didn't even know what Yu-Xi looked like.
       Zhong-Shan said with a smile:
       “Old Master is not anxious, this day will come soon.”
       "According to my speculation, Ming Wang should be sent out in the next year." As long as he is another year, he will be free.
       Zhong-Shan did not understand much, and asked:
       "Now Henan and Shandong are so chaotic that the king does not take the opportunity to send troops, but also to wait until the following year. If the Liaodong harvest in the next year, the rebellion between Hebei and Shandong will soon subside." For so long, the variables are also very large. He didn't want to have any variables. Ming Wang got into the capital early, and they could live a good two days.
       Tie-Kui sighed:
       "There are so many troops in the court to raise, and food is also tight in the army." The court has broken from the roots, even if Liaodong's bumper harvest next year can not solve any problems.
       Yu-Xi got the news and said to Yun-Qing :
       "Fortunately, there is no danger, if not, I can't feel at ease in my life." I was not found by Yan Wu-shuang but died in her hands, but I can't regret it. Since I know that Tie-Kui is unconscious, Yu-Xi is also holding my heart and can't eat and sleep.
       "You like to worry, I told you that it was okay." This is all negotiating, how can it be a problem.
       Yu-Xi did not argue with Yun-Qing , and Tie-Kui was fine. She was relieved.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said good news to Yu-Xi:
       "Jun Xuan gave me a message and said that Zhaner would say what we are here. But he speaks with Jingjing, and this needs to be corrected." Tie-Kui had already planned to let Ning Zhan come to the northwest, so two Years ago, people taught him the northwest.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Since you can understand the northwest dialect, you can let Azhan enter the palace after a few years." It doesn't matter if you speak Capital City, and you will not open your mouth in front of outsiders on most days.
       After spending the dinner on this day, Yu-Xi left You Ji-Er in front of everyone and said:
       "Come with me to the study."
       Rui Ji Er asked Yun-Qing strangely:
       "Hey, my mother called A-You to go to the study to do?"
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I asked myself." Since Yu-Xi is not in front of the children, it is that many people do not want to know Ning Zhan's identity.
       Rui Ji Er can't dare to ask. Like Jao-Jao, he is not afraid of Yun-Qing , but he is afraid of Yu-Xi. And he is most afraid of Yu-Xi punishing him to recite the scriptures, which is really terrible.
       Out of the main courtyard, Jao-Jao asked:
       "Are you doing something bad again?"
       I don't blame Jao-Jao for thinking. Every time Yu-Xi called You Ji-Er into the study, it was because he did bad things.
       Rui Ji Er is busy:
       "Big sister, this is really embarrassing. Now we are busy every day, there is still time to do other things." Recently, the triplets got up early to practice, then went to the classroom to study in the morning, and went to practice the martial arts in the afternoon, at night. Do your homework. The timing is very tight, and there is still time to do bad things.
       Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "I can testify this. They are very embarrassed during this time." Not to mention the triplets, that is, Jao-Jao can't put the big sister's spectrum in front of Hao Ji children.
       Rui Ji Er is busy asking:
       "Big Brother, what do you think the mother would let A-You go to the study?"
       Jao-Jao is slamming the door:
       "Since you have not made mistakes, then there is nothing to worry about. Maybe the mother is looking for A-You to talk and talk about the heart!"
       None of the people present at the scene believed that if you want to talk and chat, you must be with everyone, and you will not call A-You alone to the study.
       Lu-Er whispered in a whisper:
       "A Rui, don't worry. If it's A-You're in trouble, then the mother's face is definitely hard to see, not smiling."
       You Ji-Er was called into the study, and I was a little embarrassed in my heart:
       "Mother, what can't be said outside, must you come to the study?"
       Just now he was thinking about whether he had done bad things in the past few days. I don’t think about it when I think about it.
       "It is not appropriate for too many people to know." Rui Ji Er can't hide things, let him know that it is likely to say a leak. Once the news leaks, Tie-Kui will be in danger. As for A-You, acting is very measured, she is not worried.
       A-You want to help Yu-Xi share some things. Now Yu-Xi wants to tell him the secret things, he is very excited:
       "Mother, you said, I must not tell anyone, that is, the big brother does not tell."
       Yu-Xi touched the head of A-You and said:
       "A Rui and A Xuan have a lot of people around me, but there is only one small servant around you. After the year, my mother will add one to you."
       A-You are more intelligent. If you just add a little to him, you can’t take him to the study and say:
       "Mother, who is this person?"
       This kind of mystery is definitely not an ordinary person.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "His name is Azhan. It is the son of your grandfather. You can't bully him when he arrives at the palace. Do you know?"
       A-You is very surprised:
       "Hey? Who?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "His identity is crucial, so I can't tell it for the time being, and you will know it in the future."
       A-You grin, but he knows the Yu-Xi temperament child. Since I don’t say it now, I can’t ask:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that I will treat Azhan as a brother." Although he should be called Axin, he can not reveal his identity now!
       Yu-Xi does not dismantle A-You this thought:
       "I will treat him as a brother from the beginning. A-Hoa and A Rui will definitely be suspicious in their hearts." Tie-Kui is very burly, and Ning Zhan is relatively thin, and he does not look like Tie-Kui, so Yu-Xi is not worried.
       A-You nodded:
       "Mother, you can rest assured, I know how to do it."

       Chapter 1257   Bottom line    

       The cold wind roared "whistling" and flew around the clothes of the 3rd Brother of Rui Ji Er.
       A Xuan couldn't help but close the original fur coat that had been buckled tightly, then put his hand in his pocket and narrow his neck.
       Rui Ji Er looked funny and said:
       "Is it so cold?"
       Rui Ji Er did not wear big wool clothes, only wearing a jujube ancient cloak. However, he only wore a thin cotton jacket, but he was not reluctant, but he really didn't feel cold.
       You Ji-Er glanced at the same Xuan Ji Er:
       "Second brother, he was scared by this weather."
       Xuan Ji Er took a nap and said:
       "Don't say that much, let's go!" He was almost cold, and he had to go back to the house to warm up and warm.
       "As you are, if you go to the military camp, don't you freeze to death?"
       The 3rd Brother' bedrooms are all paved with dragons, but You Ji-Er and Rui Ji are useless, only Xuan Ji Er used.
       Xuan Ji Er took a nose, and the wind blew on his body like a needle, and he was hard to die. Listening to Rui Ji fall like this, Xuan Ji Er couldn’t help but return:
       "Second brother, I didn't think about the military camp in the past. You don't have to worry about me." He didn't have any interest in the military camp.
       Just talking, suddenly there was a gust of wind. Suddenly, a bird fluttered from a tall ChangQing tree and called to the sky, and soon disappeared into the sight of the three.
       You Ji-Er looked at the black shadow in the sky and asked:
       "You said what kind of bird would it be? Is this cold day coming out?"
       Not afraid of being frozen to death outside.
       Rui Ji Er listened to the sound is very harsh, casually said:
       "It seems to be a crow..." In the impression of Rui Ji Er, only the crow will make such an unpleasant sound.
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head:
       "I didn't see it clearly. Brother, A-You, let's go!"
       Still not in the yard, the triplets smelled a scent. Rui Ji Er couldn't help but smell it again, then said:
       “What is delicious about Bai Mama today, is it so incense?”
       A-You is also very curious, saying:
       "I don't know if I go in." After that, the pace was accelerated.
       As soon as I entered the yard, the three saw a fire in the middle of the yard with a sheep hanging on it.
       Rui Ji Er ran over excitedly and said:
       "Hey, are you making roast lambs for us today?"
       Before Hao Ji Er told them about eating roast sheep on the grassland, the triplets also wanted to eat. At that time, Yun-Qing promised that they would give them roast whole lambs when they had time.
       "Is this not nonsense?"
       When I said this, You Ji-Er stared at the roasting sheep, and couldn't help but swallow a saliva.
       Rui Ji Er is the most urgent, said:
       "Almost you can eat it? Let me have a taste." In fact, they have eaten roast lamb outside, but Yun-Qing has not eaten yet.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Not so fast, I have to wait until I can eat." In order not to let the triplets disappoint, Yun-Qing also specially asked the Fufu Restaurant to be a famous Shifu with roast lamb.
       A-You looked at the house and asked:
       "Hey, isn't the mother still coming back?"
       See Yun-Qing nod, A-You said:
       "Hey, then let me go back to the mother!" So how can we be less present when we are so happy!
       Yun-Qing took the shelf and turned the sheep over, then smiled:
       "Your mother knows that she has made a roast sheep and will come back later." Waiting for the meal, Yu-Xi will be back.
       After a while, Jao-Jao came with Qi Hao and Lu-Er. Jao-Jao looked at the oily roast sheep and said happily:
       "You can have a big meal today."
       Lu-Er is more careful, after looking around, I found that Yu-Xi is not:
       "Isn't you still coming back?"
       Jao-Jao took an apple and said while eating:
       "It is estimated that it will take a while!"
       Lu-Er looked at Jao-Jao and couldn't help but frown. She never talked when she ate. But she knew it was useless and didn't have much to say.
       Yun-Qing is preparing to remove the roast sheep from the iron frame and see Yu-Xi coming in:
       "It’s just right to come back and eat it right away.” Yu-Xi will not come back, he will have to let people call.
       Yu-Xi took off the water red plaid brocade tiger skin, and said with a smile:
       "He Rui, your craft is very good, I am a little hungry." The foreign minister is good, still so fragrant, let Yu-Xi stomach sing the empty city.
       Yun-Qing heard this and laughed and said:
       "You can eat right away."
       The 4th Brother wanted to help, and they were rejected by Yun-Qing . A sheep is also over 20 kilograms, and he can't afford it.
       The sheep was placed on the table, and Yun-Qing took a knife and smashed a front leg and told Jing Bai to be next to Yu-Xi:
       "Send this to Lao Taiye to eat." He originally wanted Huo Changqing to come over, but Huo Changqing did not agree.
       See Yun-Qing cut a piece of lamb on a plate and Yu-Xi said to him:
       "Let the children do it themselves." In addition to Lu-Er, the other five are martial arts people, and a lamb is not in the words. As for Lu-Er, I believe Jao-Jao will help.
       Jao-Jao agrees most, and is busy walking to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, let me come!" Do it yourself, you can cut more.
       Yun-Qing put the cut lamb in front of Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
       "You have a taste, look good?"
       "This meat color is bright and buttery. It is sure to eat only the foreign body." After cutting it, put a small piece into the mouth with a knife and nod after eating:
       “Not greasy, tender and delicious, this craft is comparable to Shifu in Fuji Restaurant.”
       Jao-Jao took a bite and nodded after swallowing:
       "Mother is right, this is really good." After that, he said with regret:
       "Unfortunately there is no wine, just have a wine to match."
       Rui Ji Er is busy:
       "Mother, yeah, it’s good to have a wine." Rui Ji Er also likes to drink, but Yu-Xi doesn't let them drink more.
       Yun-Qing did not wait for the Yu-Xi opening, and immediately agreed:
       "Go to the two altar daughters."
       Jao-Jao looked at Yu-Xi with Rui Ji Er. If Yu-Xi does not agree, this wine can not be served on the table.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It's so rare to be so happy, just drink it and drink it!" After that, he told Mei-Lan to take a lychee wine. She and Lu-Er are not drinking spirits, drinking some wine is nothing.
       After the wine was on the table, Xuan’s childhood Ai said:
       "Mother, I also want to drink Litchi." Six children, Jao-Jao drink is the best, followed by Rui Ji Er, Xuan Ji Er's drink is the worst. Of course, Lu-Er is not counted.
       Rui Ji Er heard this saying:
       "A Xuan, fruit wine is for the sake of the ladies, you are not a girl." The words will be bad if they fall, Yu-Xi hates them as much as they say, so he is very careful on most days.
       Yu-Xi frowned, but when she was so happy, she didn't want to disappoint, and took a small drink from the glass.
       Rui Ji Er saw Yu-Xi concentrating on drinking and did not show any dissatisfaction. He immediately took a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, the mother did not hear it, or else she must be embarrassed.
       Thinking of this, Rui Ji Er happily picked up the bowl and drank a big mouth, and the result was caught.
       You Ji-Er tweeted:
       "Second brother, where are you drinking, you are drinking in cattle."
       After the gas came in, Rui Ji said:
       "What do you know? It’s hard to drink a big mouthful of meat, and it’s boring to drink a small mouthful."
       Jao-Jao feels very funny, and A Rui seems to have had such an experience.
       Ah Rui is drinking, looking at Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, I am nine years old now, I haven’t been to the military yet. Hey, wait until next year, take me to the military camp to see if it’s good?”
       He said that he had been buried in his heart before.
       Yun-Qing did not want to agree:
       "Good. After the end of the year, I will take you to the military to experience the life in the army." It is a good thing for the son to go to the army. As a soldier, of course, I hope that children can inherit their own clothes.
       Xuan Ji Er has a bitter color, but he dare not say in front of Yun-Qing that he will not go.
       Yu-Xi shook her head helplessly, and she said it was strange to say that why a few children are so timid! Even Lu-Er is bigger than him.
       This dinner was eaten for half an hour, and Jao-Jao and You Ji-Er both had a big hair, and they walked unsteadily and supported. As for Hao Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er, it is also full of red.
       Drinking such a Yu-Xi can rest assured that they will return to the yard, Yu-Xi told Mei-Lan to clean up the house.
       Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, I brought my eldest sister back to my yard." One more person, the mother can also be more relaxed.
       Yu-Xi specifically said:
       "She drank so much wine, and she will definitely vomit, are you sure to take her back?"
       Lu-Er is the most important thing, she is to make Lu-Er mentally prepared.
       Lu-Er didn't hesitate:
       "Mother, I will take care of my older sister." The house was dirty and it was clean.
       Yu-Xi smiled on his face:
       "That's good, take your big sister away!" If you don't say it, Lu-Er is getting better and better after letting Master Meng teach Lu-Er. So, a good Master is very important.
       Jao-Jao was taken away by Lu-Er, and there are 4th Brother of Hao Ji Er. Yu-Xi is holding You Ji-Er, Yun-Qing holding Rui Ji Er. A-Hoa and Axuan are supported by Servant.
       You Ji-Er grabbed the arm of Yu-Xi and said with a look of confusion:
       "Yeah, how come there are two mothers?"
       This time I took the daughter's red for ten years and I am full of stamina.
       Yu-Xi is laughing and laughing.
       "Hey, this wine is so delicious, I have to drink." Rui Ji said while struggling to go back and continue to drink.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "I am drunk, can't drink any more, want to drink next time?"
       Rui Ji Er said with a strong hand:
       "No, I am not drunk, I can still drink. Hey, I drink a lot, I can drink, you give me another drink!"
       Yun-Qing didn't talk nonsense with Rui Ji, but just buckled his hands and feet and made him unable to move.
       "Wow..." Rui Ji Er struggled, but spit Yun-Qing .
       You Ji-Er shook his head:
       "Mother, I want to hug. Mother, I want to hug..." After that, it sticks to the Yu-Xi like an octopus.
       After the 4th Brother settled down, Yu-Xi had fine sweat on his forehead. Back to the house, Yu-Xi said to Yun-Qing who had already taken a shower:
       "They will not be allowed to drink anymore."
       Yun-Qing immediately said this when he heard this:
       "How can the boy not drink alcohol? Before he drunk a small glass of wine on the grassland, A-Hoa was drunk. The army and Amo also laughed at him like a Miss family!" His son, how can he be stung.
       Yu-Xi is not to let A-Hoa drink:
       "The children are too young, and drinking will hurt the body. After they are fifteen years old, they want to drink, I don't stop." A-Hoa is not good, but it is not Yu-Xi, but not himself, but himself. I don't like drinking. If he wants to drink, he used to stop at Huo Changqing and Yu-Xi couldn't stop it.
       At this time, Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, the water is ready."
       After the shower, Yu-Xi got into the bed in a red-washed blouse. Yu-Xi has suffered a loss in her body these years, so her hands and feet are very cold. When she went to bed, Yun-Qing stopped him.
       In the wide arms of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi squinted and fell asleep.
       Yun-Qing suddenly said:
       "Yu-Xi, I have given the snow wolf a command, let him kill Yan Hengli." Snow wolf is their intelligence leader in Liaodong.
       Yu-Xi sleepiness is gone.
       Yun-Qing touched the Yu-Xi hair like silk, whispered:
       "A-Hoa can't just do that. Yu-Xi, as long as I think of A-Hoa infection with smallpox, I am afraid." The more I care, the more I am afraid of losing. Even if this matter has been more than a year in the past, he still has a lingering fear. If A-Hoa didn't go over, he couldn't imagine what it would be like.
       Yu-Xi is silent, no words.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Yu-Xi, I don't allow Han Yu-Chen to live a good life after killing A-Hoa." Yun-Qing never kills innocent people, and does not poison a child. Unfortunately, Han Yu-Chen crossed his bottom line. Qi Hao is Yun-Qing 's favorite and most anticipated child. He can't bear the pain of losing Qi Hao.
       Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
       "He Rui, Hao Er is also my son." She will not kill Yan Hengli, but Yun-Qing will not stop her.
       Yun-Qing can choose not to tell Yu-Xi, but he promised Yu-Xi and would not hide anything from Yu-Xi.
       When I mentioned Liaodong, the idea that Yu-Xi will be buried in my heart for a long time is said:
       "Hebei and Shandong have been in chaos. If it is in Liaodong, then Yan Wu-shuang can't stabilize the situation." The meaning of this is very obvious. She wants to create chaos in Liaodong.
       Yun-Qing refused if he didn't want to:
       "No, Liaodong is in chaos, and Yan Wu-shuang is certainly unable to stabilize the situation, but it also gives the Donghu people a chance. Yu-Xi, I don't want to repeat the event twenty-eight years ago." With the selfishness of the Song family, Tongcheng fell, and more than 100 thousand soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people died under the iron hoof of the Donghu people. And his parents and two younger Brother were killed in the disaster.
       For so many years, Yu-Xi doesn't know Yun-Qing . Because of this, she has never said anything about it:
       "I'll listen to you."
       Yun-Qing knows what Yu-Xi thinks, she wants to calm down in the world:
       "You can rest assured that I will take Liaodong." Now in the Liaodong to create chaos can be unified in the world, but he does not want to do so.
       Yun-Qing is a general in the bones. The general's duty is to protect the family Wei Guo to let the people live and work in peace. His rebellion against the court was not that he wanted to have the power to be an emperor, but to let the people eat and wear the warm and peaceful days. Now that Yu-Xi proposal runs counter to his beliefs, he naturally won't agree.
       Yu-Xi knows this result. Just now it was just a temptation. See Yun-Qing disagrees with her and says no more:
       "Well, I believe in you. It's too late, let's sleep!"
       Yun-Qing kissed Yu-Xi cheek:
       "it is good."
       I thought it was painful torment, but it turned into a prosperous marriage.
       She wriggled back, and he stepped hard, set up a network around her, and finally captured her.
       In the eyes of the public, he circled her into her arms and whispered in her ear:
       "If you run again, I will give you up now!"
       [This article is sweet and sweet! It is a pet pet! -\\(≧▽≦)\/-]

       Chapter 1258   Cheerful    

       Sun rise. The snow on the branches and on the roof was instantly coated with a colorful light. The heavy white snow gradually became crystal clear by the sun.
       When Kai Hao opened his eyes, he heard the sound of a drip. After sitting up, Qi Hao looked at the sunny outside:
       "What is the sound of the outside answer?"
       I took the clothes and said:
       "It's the sound of snow." The snow melted and fell from the eaves and landed on the blue bricks.
       Qi Hao snorted and looked at the Xuan Ji Er next to him and asked:
       "A Rui and A-You?"
       When this words fell, Xuan Ji Er woke up. Xuan Ji Er asked after a circle:
       "Big brother, what is this?"
       The layout of the wing was changed, so Xuan Ji Er did not recognize it for a while.
       “3rd Young Master, this is the west wing of the main house.” I paused and said:
       “The Wang Heir, 1st Young Master and the second Young Master are sleeping in the back room, they are not awake now.”
       Xuan Ji Er remembered yesterday's business and asked:
       "Hey, what about my mother? Is it still in the house?"
       In fact, Xuan Ji Er only drank a small bowl of wine yesterday, but this wine is too strong.
       Shaking his head again:
       “Wangye went out with Wangfei for breakfast. Wangfei went to the front yard and Wangye went out.” As for where Yun-Qing went, she didn’t know.
       Knowing that this will be the beginning of the afternoon, Xuan Ji Er said while wearing clothes:
       "This wine is really a mistake." Since the sensible things, it is up every day, and today is the latest one.
       Qi Hao said with a smile:
       "It is also a rare pleasure, otherwise the mother will not let us drink." He was also very happy yesterday, and then unwittingly drank too much. Mainly Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are all there, Kaihao has no concerns. If he is outside, he will never drink alcohol. This self-control, Qi Hao is still there.
       At noon Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi did not return to the backyard for lunch, only 2nd Brother to eat together. Because Yu-Xi has already helped them with Master and Shifu, Xu Qi and Xuan Ji Er took the book and looked at it in the house.
       At the end of the application, Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, Rui Ji Er -called and -called:
       "My head hurts..."
       You Ji-Er touched his head and said:
       "Second brother, how do you have a headache?"
       Why didn't he feel it?
       Yan Fang explained next:
       “Drinking too much alcohol can cause headaches. Don’t drink so much more next time.”
       Rui Ji Er felt very wronged, he only drank a bowl of more, he sipped two or three bowls with his eldest sister. In fact, the most drinking last night was Yun-Qing , and I drank three bowls. However, Yun-Qing has a good amount of alcohol and can drink two pounds of white wine.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "You have also been wronged. Wangye spit out all over the body yesterday." Yun-Qing was not so particular, he put him down and went to take a shower. If you spit on Yu-Xi, it is estimated that you will be trained today.
       Rui Brother heard this, he'd be able to drill the hole. He even spit in one body, waiting for him to face it! And with the last night, it is estimated that the mother will not let him drink.
       Xuan Ji Er was busy and comforted him:
       "Second brother, the older sister not only spit the second sister's house last night, but also -called at the middle of the night."
       "Ah... isn’t the big sister’s drink always good? How is it drunk?”
       A-You is not willing to get up in bed, lazily said:
       "The big sister said that she is not drunk in a thousand cups, do you really believe it?"
       Big sister likes to brag, so for Jao-Jao, You Ji-Er will see the situation.
       Qi Rui and Qi-You have been groomed for a long time, and Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are back.
       Kai Hao lowered his head and said with a self-blame:
       "Oh, mother, I am sorry, I was tired of you last night."
       Yu-Xi touched his head and said with a smile:
       "What is this stupid thing to say? What is this?" Kaihao wine is the best, drunk and quiet.
       Yun-Qing took his shoulder and said:
       "How can a boy be so honed? But in the future you have to practice the amount of alcohol, but you can't drink it and get drunk, or else how to get paid in the future?"
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and said helplessly:
       "A-Hoa, don't listen to you, drinking is not a good thing, can you drink or not." In the identity of Qi Hao, what kind of entertainment is needed. Until now, Yun-Qing has often forgotten its current identity.
       Yun-Qing reacted and said that he was not right, and he did not object, but he pinched his nose.
       When Qi Hao saw it, he grinned and said:
       "I listen to my mother." He doesn't like to drink too much. The taste of the wine is too rushing. Second, getting drunk is easy.
       Rui Ji Er is trying to speak, and he hears the voice of Jao-Jao.
       Last night, Jao-Jao was in the Bixiyuan, Yu-Xi knew:
       "Lu-Er, I was tired of you last night." Last night, in the middle of the night, the entire Bixiyuan people did not rest well.
       Jao-Jao heard this and said blushing:
       "Mother, I am not deliberate." Jao-Jao woke up in the afternoon and knew that what he was doing was very unwilling.
       Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "People know what it is like, and they are not allowed to drink at home in the future." Jao-Jao has never been drunk at home before, and he is not drunk in the army. So even Yu-Xi doesn't know that Jao-Jao will be so scary after getting drunk.
       Jao-Jao said pitifully:
       "Mother, I won't be in the future." As for saying that she will not drink or not drunk, she only knows it.
       Yun-Qing is busy with a fight:
       "Well, the food is on, let's eat!" The chief culprit is him. If he does not roast the sheep, there will be no drunkenness.
       After dinner, Yu-Xi left Lu-Er. Rui Ji Er hesitated and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, can we not do homework tonight?"
       It’s rare to relax for a day. He doesn’t want to do his homework at all.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       Out of the yard, Rui Ji Er and Kai Hao and others said:
       "Big Brother, Axuan, A-You, will we come to guess the fist?"
       You Ji-Er is the first to object:
       "Don't play, there is no meaning at all, it's better than archery!"
       Rui Ji Er is also willing to shoot than the archery, but the problem is that it is dark now, less realistic than archery.
       A Xuan said:
       "You can split words or guess riddles." Xuan Ji Er likes to compare more elegant things.
       Rui Ji Er is not willing to do his homework, how can he play the word to guess the riddle. Finally, he asked about Kai Hao comments:
       "Big Brother, what do you think is good to play?"
       Kai Hao looked at Rui Ji Er and said:
       "I still have a lot of homework not done, I have to go back to do my homework." Yu-Xi said that he is resting today, he only restrains himself, and will not force Rui Ji Er to be like him.
       Jao-Jao, who has never said anything, is happy:
       "A Rui, go to my yard, I will accompany you to practice."
       Rui Ji Er is not willing to do it. It is a part of sandbags to practice with Jao-Jao. Every time I was beaten, I couldn’t fight back.
       Jao-Jao Said:
       "I don't want to pull it." It is also a bit regrettable to say it. If it is as good as yesterday, it would be better. Cough, happy time always goes very fast.
       Lu-Er thought that it was the case of Jao-Jao. As Yu-Xi entered the study, he said:
       "Mother, the big sister had a little trouble last night, but she just wanted to become the general of the generals, to be eternal, and nothing else." The secret thing, a word was not revealed.
       "Hey, she is still alive?"
       If it wasn't for her paving the way with Yun-Qing , then Jao-Jao wouldn't say that the temperament is so long, and there are no stable days. But then again, that is, I believe that I can protect my child and become the lawless temperament of Jao-Jao.
       Lu-Er said sincerely:
       "Mother, I think the big sister is so good." Suddenly, Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, it is because you have a support with you, the older sister can live so comfortable." The more you know about the outside world, the more Lu-Er feels that their sisters are very lucky.
       The mother and the daughter said a gossip before they entered the topic:
       "Lu-Er, what you mean is to give you Cui Weiqi, how do you feel?"
       Lu-Er is not Jao-Jao. When I talk about my marriage, my face is red. Holding his head down, Lu-Er whispered:
       "Mother, this is what you are doing with you." The voice was like a mosquito. If the house was very quiet, it could not be heard.
       Yu-Xi holds the hand of Lu-Er:
       "Don't worry, wait until the end of next year, you will be married. Marriage will be waiting for you and you will be settled. You can think about it during this time." Thinking about it is actually giving her the opportunity to get along with Cui Weiqi. Only when you get along, can you know that it is not suitable.
       Lu-Er heard the meaning of Yu-Xi and immediately hesitated:
       "Mother, will this be bad?"
       Marriage is a matter of parentality, and the behavior of her older sister is already very special.
       "Marriage is a big event of a lifetime, and it can't be missed." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "Lu-Er, I hope that you can find a favorite person with your older sister!" She was lucky enough to meet Yun-Qing . How many women can marry and the days are difficult.
       Lu-Er bowed his head and didn't speak.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er:
       "Days are your own, don't care about other people arguments. Again, there is something for you, you don't have to think so much." The only bad thing about Lu-Er is that he thinks too much and his mind is heavy.
       Lu-Er gently tapped his head.
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "If you think that Cui Weiqi is not suitable, tell her, and then I will find you better." Lu-Er is not the same as Jao-Jao, except for some necessary social entertainment, the probability of meeting the favorite man is not big. Very low, still have to help her to see.
       "Good." Lu-Er was the most orthodox education, and she was very concerned about men and women, so she basically did not go to the front yard. Cui Weiqi went to the palace for four years and only met twice in the main court. He is familiar with Cui Weiqi and Lu-Er.
       Lu-Er can hide things in his heart, knowing that if he asks Jao-Jao and Qi Hao, they will definitely be seen by them, so she did not say a word. I will ask Jao-Jao after waiting for the next year, of course, I will not ask directly.
       At the 18th of the twelfth lunar month, the things sent by Jiangnan arrived. Han Jianming is very measured and sent something that is not expensive but very special. There is a small box with paper-cuts of various patterns.
       Mei-Lan took out a cut of a fat doll holding a squid and couldn't help but admire:
       "It's beautiful." The fat doll is holding a squid cracked open and smiling, especially cute.
       These paper-cuts are the favorite of Lu-Er:
       "Mother, how did these cut out?"
       How clever this hand is!
       Yu-Xi doesn't know about this either. Capital City and Yucheng also have the technique of paper-cutting, but the craft is not so good.
       Lu-Er thought about it:
       "Then I will ask Master Meng Lao." Master Meng Lao is old and has a lot of experience, helping Lu-Er people to answer a lot of questions. Therefore, she felt that Master Meng Lao should know this.
       Yu-Xi is laughing:
       "The old Master is well-informed and may have some understanding of this." Paper-cutting is generally done by women. Master Meng’s estimate of a musical temperament has nothing to understand. However, she did not attack the enthusiasm of Lu-Er.
       Mei-Lan walked in:
       “Wangfei, Pozi, next to Madam, came over and asked if Wangfei was empty in the afternoon?”
       Lu-Shi people come over and ask this, indicating that something is wrong.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "Let her come over at the end of the day."
       At the end of the application, Lu-Shi came over on time.
       Seeing Lu-Shi, Yu-Xi is a bit strange. Lu-Shi is dressed in a large red and gold-plated embroidered plaque, combing a peony, with a red phoenix on the bun, and it is very gorgeous.
       Lu-Shi reached out and helped the phoenix on the head and smiled:
       "I just attended the banquet of Yuanfu."
       Yu-Xi asked:
       “Yuan Madam is hosting a banquet, what is it for?”
       Yuan Madam Xiao-Shi likes to be lively, and will have a banquet every three minutes. Yuan Ying is now a book of the Ministry of Military Affairs, with a high degree of weight, and will receive the post.
       Lu-Shi knows that Yu-Xi is busy and will not ask these things:
       “Yuan Jia Er Young Master is fourteen years old, and Yuan Madam is currently watching him for him.”
       Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "That Yuan Madam can have Miss in this time?"
       She also said casually, not really concerned about Yuan Zhen’s marriage.
       Lu-Shi hesitated and said:
       "Yuan Madam seems to have taken a fancy to the Eldest Miss of Anyuan General." General An Yuan is the title of -Lu Yongnan. Her eldest daughter is 13 years old. It is quite appropriate to be with Yuan Hao.
       Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "I really dare to think." If Yuan Hao has the ability to be motivated, this marriage is still possible. But Yuan Yu is not a student, and Xiao-Shi also dares to think about -Lu eldest daughter. You must know that -Lu Yongnan is also a general who holds heavy powers. His official title is not lower than Yuan Ying.
       Lu-Shi said:
       "This is something that everyone knows." Even if Yuan Ying is too strict, Yuan Zhen can't hold back all the people without learning anything. Lu-Shi knows, but there is no Missian in the Han family, so she did not mind.
       Yu-Xi laughed, -Lu Madam is not a confused person and Xiao-Shi wants to fool her is impossible.
       Lu-Shi Said:
       "Wangfei, this time is for Chang Ji Er. Just received a letter from 1st Master, 1st Master asked me to pick the right person?"
       This is expected in the Yu-Xi. The forefoot Han Jianming's things are served, and the rear foot Lu-Shi comes to see, ten have * is for Chang Ji Er:
       "You can choose someone."
       Lu-Shi chose two people, one is Xu Yue eldest daughter Xu Yue, and the other is Lu Fae second daughter Lu Lanlan.
       Yu-Xi thought about it carefully:
       "If I remember correctly, these 2nd Miss looks the same."
       Lu-Shi nodded:
       "The appearance is really average, but it is very capable." The 2nd Miss are not outstanding in appearance, and Xu Yue is still pretty good, and Lu Lanlan is the kind of person who can't find it in the crowd. It’s just that Han Jianming’s request is to be able to follow his family’s life and his appearance is second.
       Yu-Xi frowned, but did not say much:
       "Since you have inquired clearly, write to the big brother!"

       Chapter 1259   Han Jianming's Spring (1)    

       Early morning, with the chill of the night. As soon as I walked out the door, I heard the joyful call from the tree.
       Qiu-shi said with a smile:
       "There is a magpie in the early morning, and it is estimated that there is a happy event."
       Li Mama is busy nodding:
       "It must be."
       As I spoke, a group of sparrows flew in the distance, and all these sparrows fell on the wall.
       If the smoke does not need to be told, I saw that I turned into the house and took a small bag out. The rest of the yard also returned to the house. In the yard, there are three people, Qiu-shi and Li Mama.
       Qiu-shi took the bag and grabbed a broken rice from the inside and sprinkled it in the yard.
       The sparrow on the wall immediately flew down in the yard and ate happily. The magpies in the tree are also included.
       After a little quarter of an hour, the sparrow flew away after eating. As the smoke, it told Pozi to clean.
       A small Servant depresses the sound with another humanity:
       "Sister Axia, these sparrows meet Old Madam, they are their blessings." In the early winter, Qiu-shi saw two sparrows -calling at the wall, and when they felt interesting, they threw some broken maidens to tease them. Who knows The sparrow came again the next day. Qiu-shi has the softest heart and throws food for them. Gradually, more and more sparrows, Qiu-shi also prepared a small pocket of food for them to eat every day. Now it has become a scene in the Courtyard.
       Asya smiled and said:
       "We are also blessed." Asa hasn't seen Old Madam from the Han Family until now, not to mention hitting people.
       After the Buddha, Qiu-shi, like the Bodhisattva, often donates money to the temple, and in the winter, gives the poor people a porridge gift. Others have followed suit and helped many people.
       It didn't take long before I used the breakfast, Qiu-shi was ready to enter the Buddha Courtyard. Li Mama smiled and said:
       "Old Madam, Madam will come to visit this summer." This summer Madam is the Madam of Suzhou New Prefect. Because of the eloquence, I really like Qiu-shi.
       Qiu-shi thought about the following:
       "When I am old, many things are forgotten, and I am fortunate to have you around." Since there are guests, I will not read Buddha today.
       Li Mama is two years older than Qiu-shi, and she will forget some things, but Servant will remind me. In fact, Li Mama should have been resting for a long time, but Qiu-shi couldn't bear to leave, so Li Mama stayed with her.
       At the end of Chen, Summer Madam came over. This time it was not a single person, but also brought a young Miss.
       That Miss saw Qiu-shi and immediately blessed a ceremony:
       "Please give Old Madam peace, and wish Old Madam good luck."
       Pulling the hand of Xiang Zixin, Qiu-shi smiled and said:
       "It's really a good Miss." Finished, looking at the summer Madam face blame:
       "This kind of -Miss is not brought earlier, this is what you are wrong with."
       Summer Madam smiled and said:
       "Old Madam, this is Zixin, my maiden -Miss ." Also know that Qiu-shi intends to follow Han Jianming's success, she deliberately brought her shi-nu. Of course, she was also selected by the carefully selected item Zixin.
       Qiu-shi took the item of Zixin and couldn’t let go, saying:
       "How old is this year?"
       Xiang Zixin said in a generous manner:
       In Jiangnan, this year is not married or a relative, and Qiu-shi is somewhat disappointed.
       Li Mama looked at Qiu-shi look and knew what she thought, and immediately coughed a voice:
       "I don't know what Miss Miss likes, I am going to prepare?"
       Can open on such occasions, the identity is definitely not the same. Xiang Zixin smiled and said:
       "I don't care about this, anything can be done."
       "You don't have to be restrained on Old Madam." After that, Xia Madam smiled at Qiu-shi:
       "This child doesn't like to drink tea. He is drinking boiled water at home on most days. You can give her a cup of boiled water."
       Xiang Zixin is drinking boiled water at home, but she does not like to drink boiled water but not good tea. However, when I heard this, Xiang Zixin’s eyes still flashed a strange look. I don’t understand why Summer Madam wants to say this.
       “Yes? Yu-Xi also likes to drink boiled water, and does not like to drink tea. I didn’t expect Zixin Miss to be the same as Yu-Xi.”
       Xiang Zixin understands the intention of Xia Madam, which is the good feeling of Old Madam:
       "Old Madam, where the little girl dares to compare with Wangfei." In the eyes of many men, Yu-Xi is a chicken, and she is very contemptuous of her. But women are very envious of Yu-Xi. The love of husband and ‘Madam’, the children are smart and cute, and they have the power to be a big winner in life.
       Qiu-shi smiled and said:
       "You don't compare with her. The child is a laborer, and he is very busy every day. I let her rest well, don't be so tired, she doesn't want to live and die. Panic."
       Xia Madam smiled and said:
       "It's also Wangfei ability." The average woman is to let her do and can't do those things.
       Qiu-shi is very interested and has a conversation with Xia Madam. When I knew that the item Zixin was still not allowed, she was moved:
       "The weather is good today, we went to the yard."
       Summer Madam is naturally happy to accompany.
       When Qiu-shi enters the room to change clothes, he turns to Li Mama:
       "You are going to call the 1st Master to the garden."
       As Qiu-shi confidant, how can she not know what Qiu-shi thinks. Li Mama is hesitant:
       "If the 1st Master is busy, there is no time!" If there is something to deal with, Han Jianming will definitely not come.
       Qiu-shi is annoyed:
       "You told him, I took a Miss and let him come over. If he didn't come, I decided directly." There is no hostess in the house. It is not convenient to talk and socialize. The marriage of a child has also been delayed. She is no longer allowed to let Han Jianming drag on.
       Li Mama small channel:
       "This Miss looks good, but we don't know her bottom now, and the trade rushes to make the 1st Master not quite right." The Miss looks good, but the 17-year-old Miss is still not sure. There is a problem.
       Qiu-shi Said:
       "Just-Shi didn't say that it was a filial piety. If you don't set it down, just let him see it." If Han Jianming looks at it, then check the details of the project. If it is not satisfactory, then there is nothing to say.
       Li Mama Said:
       "Old Madam, this is an urgent matter."
       Qiu-shi Said:
       "I can't be in a hurry! You see that Changgeer has not yet decided on the 19-year-old relatives after the end of the year. The following children are also going to talk about the marriage. How can this family have no master?"
       These things can't all make Axiu work hard. Axiu also has several children! Moreover, that does not follow the rules.
       Li Mama sees Qiu-shi, she has decided, and then she is advised to useless.
       In the outside, Xia Madam whispers purple purple:
       "You don't want to be nervous. What kind of things are still going on today?" In the face of Han Jianming, who is so old-fashioned, he will be seen through.
       Xiang Zixin gently nodded:
       "it is good."
       At this time, Han Jianming was discussing with Master Zhao. Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, we no longer supply them with food weapons. I am worried that they will not survive this winter?"
       Due to the crusade of Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Xi suspended the delivery of food and weapons to the insurgents. Some things, the surface is still to be done.
       Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "It’s no problem to survive this winter, I’m afraid they won’t stick to next spring.” Next spring, the court will send troops to rebel. According to the news, Zhou Lai and Yan Qing yun are preparing to personally lead the soldiers to rebel.
       Master Zhao said:
       "I hope they can support it for a few more days." The insurgents will support the day and the court will spend more money. This is a good thing for them.
       The guard said outside:
       “Old Master, Li Mama, next to Old Madam, asks for something to say.”
       After listening to Li Mama, Han Jianming said very helplessly:
       "I will wait until the past." Qiu-shi has been urging him to solve personal problems in recent times, but he is very busy, how can he handle this matter!
       After leaving Li Mama, Han Jianming confessed to Master Zhao and then prepared to go to the back garden.
       Master Zhao touched his long beard and smiled:
       "Old Master, I have to change clothes when I meet someone Miss."
       Han Jianming can't believe Qiu-shi vision. The reason why he promised is that he does not want Qiu-shi to lose his temper. Speaking of Qiu-shi, Han Jianming is actually a headache. It may be because he is too sloppy, causing Qiu-shi to do more and more freely, and sometimes let him struggle.
       Master Zhao said:
       "Even if you don't go to see Miss, it is not appropriate to wear such clothes to meet foreigners." Seeing Han Jianming looking at him, Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, there is no such thing as a master in the house." Qiu-shi is very good, and could have helped the housekeeper, but the Qiu-shi narrator is afraid of messing up.
       Master Zhao has been with Han Jianming for more than 20 years, and he is also watching the changes of Qiu-shi day after day. It can only be said that Qiu-shi is not reliable, but there are children who can be filial and filial.
       Han Jianming finally listened to Master Zhao suggestion and deliberately cleaned up the garden where he went.
       Through the fan-shaped arches, Han Jianming heard Qiu-shi happy laughter. Asya, who led him, explained:
       “Summer Madam can make a funny old Madam every time he comes.”
       Going closer, Han Jianming saw a Miss standing next to Qiu-shi.
       I saw this Miss on the white orchid brocade bristles, and I wore a moon skirt. A blue silky silky cord around the waist is tied to the slim waist, soft and not a grip. The full head of the blue silk rolled up half, and the rest fell behind him, without wearing a cumbersome ring, only a delicate white orchid carved by a white jade. Goose egg face, blue eyebrows, white skin color. On the other hand, it is not only the best in the country, but the charm of the whole body is rare.
       Seeing that someone was watching her, Xiang Zixin could not help but turn around. Seeing the person who looked at her, Xiang Zixin was a glimpse. I saw a man wearing a lilac robes, a piece of ink jade around his waist, and his body was tall and strong.
       At this time, Qiu-shi called a statement, and Xiang Zixin came back to God. Thinking about my own behavior, I immediately lowered my head.
       Han Jianming came over and gave Qiu-shi a gift:
       Qiu-shi points to Xia Madam and Xiang Zixin:
       "This is Madam in Xia Zhifu, this is her shi-nu."
       Xiang Zixin endured a blessing to Han Jianming with a shyness:
       "I have seen Han Daren."
       Han Jianming took another look at Zixin and quickly recovered his gaze. He did not stay on her for a long time. Come over and help Qiu-shi, Han Jianming said:
       "Mother, here is a big wind, let's go back!"
       Qiu-shi aims to achieve, and there is no rejection:
       "You go with me back!"
       After sending Qiu-shi back to the house, Han Jianming went out to the summer Madam aunt and went out.
       Back to the front yard, Han Jianming called Han Hao:
       “Check out the item and the details of this Miss.”
       Han Hao is a little surprised, but still nods:
       "Small, let's go." He knew about Xia Madam's purpose of bringing a Eldest Miss to the mansion, but he didn't expect the Old Master to be on the heart. I want to come, the house will soon have a mother.
       After a quarter of an hour, Xia Madam left the Governor's House with Xiang Zixin.
       On the carriage, Xiang Zixin was very entangled. She would like to know if Han Jianming valued her. If she was fancy and she was willing to marry her, then her family’s situation would change, but she could not ask this.
       Xia Madam was also the first to see Han Jianming, a forty-year-old who was one year older than her husband, but it looked like she was only thirty years old. If you walk with her husband, it is impossible to say that the two generations are too much. No way, the husband of Xia Madam is old.
       Looking at Xiang Zixin, who has been bowing his head, Xia Madam said:
       "You just performed very well."
       Xiang Zixin stirred the hand in her hand and said:
       "Aunt, I am glaring at Han Daren..." She said no after the words.
       Why did she come to Zixin in this time, she was very clear, but she decided to sacrifice herself for her family, but she still had some grievances. This is also normal, a young girl will marry the old man, who will feel wronged. However, I have seen Han Jianming today, and her grievances have vanished. Today, she is worried that Han Jianming will not look at her.
       Xia Madam took the shot of Xiang Zixin and patted it and said:
       "I am looking for things to be done in the sky, this thing depends on the fate." She can see the score next to it, Han Daren saw Zixin twice today. People like Han Jianming showed that they were moving after two readings. However, these are her speculations, naturally will not tell Xiang Zixin.
       Xiang Zixin bowed her head, but the swaying scorpion leaked her anxiety.
       Xia Madam sighed:
       "I still have a fifty-year ginseng there, I will take it to your mother!"
       Zixin’s father’s text was not a martial art and he did not know what to do. However, her mother Wu-Shi had a disease three years ago. There were not many industries that were originally assigned, and this disease will be hollowed out at home. However, the silver has spent a lot of money, but the body of Wu-Shi has not been good. In the past few years, the 3rd House of Wu-Shi has been stretched. Xiang Zixin went to Han's body today, and it was still arranged by Summer Madam.
       Xiang Zixin said with a smile:
       “Thank you aunt.” These relatives in the family are reluctant to leave because of her mother’s illness. Only Mama is willing to look after her.
       Thinking of the situation at home, Xiang Zixin was generally bitter with Huanglian.
       Xia Madam also hopes that Han Jianming can see Zhongxin Zixin, which will not only solve the dilemma of the 3rd House, but also help her husband.

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Han Yuxi

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