Han Yuxi 1240

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1240   Rebellion (1)    

       Hebei, Yan Wu-shuang sent a temper, and then ordered that Zhou Lai and Qing Qing yun rebellion, and sent a chase to thoroughly investigate the plague of the disaster.
       After negotiating with the ministers, Yan Wu-shuang looked tired. There are still many things that need to be dealt with, and they can't be handled without being handed down. They can only sit back on the chair with patience and continue to read the fold. When this emperor is completely guilty, there is a happy half before.
       After reviewing the fold on the prefecture of Shizhou, I saw that the plague broke out in Dongxiang Town. Yan Wu-shuang smashed the temple, and called Meng-nian to ask, "The plague broke out on the stone island. You can know this."
       Meng-nian nodded, "Know."
       Yan Wu-shuang asked; "Why didn't you tell me?" Such a big thing, he did not know when he was an emperor. The prefecture of Shizhou is concealed, but Meng-nian is not concealed.
       Meng-nian did not defend, but squatted on the ground, "seeking the emperor to punish." Mainly because he felt that there was no difference between saying and not saying, the court could not help those people, and said that it was also the burden of increasing Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang looked at Meng-nian and shook his head and smiled. "Dongxiang Town is close to Linzhou City. The plague broke out. If Han Yu-Xi came forward to help these people, you know that after the disaster, this matter spread. Kai, Han Yu-Xi easily won the support of the people of Hebei." When Yun-Qing sent troops to attack the capital, the people of Hebei will definitely turn their backs.
       Meng-nian hesitated and said, "Shanxi and other places have also caused disasters. Han Yu-Xi should have no spare capacity to help these victims. Besides, even if she wants the following ministers to oppose it."
       When I heard this, Yan Wu-shuang couldn't help but smile. "Why, in your eyes, Han Yu-Xi is a sly act and you have to listen to the minister." As long as Han Yu-Xi has this heart, no one is under the minister. Can stop it. The only Yun-Qing that can be blocked is also outside the plug. Furthermore, with the Yun-Qing temperament, it is not allowed to support the Han Yu-Xi.
       The prefect of Shizhou concealed the news of the plague in Dongxiang Town, and Meng-nian only knew it two days ago.
       Meng-nian hesitated, but said the words of the bottom of the heart "the emperor, now the most important thing is to calm the rebellion between Hebei and Shandong." The implication is that the plague in Dongxiang Town is not the most important thing.
       Yan Wu-shuang was silent, and finally did not say anything. He waved Meng-nian down. He has the heart to alleviate these victims, but he is powerless.
       It didn't take long for Meng-nian to go back and "returned to the emperor. As you expected, Han Yu-Xi sent food to the victims." He did not expect that Han Yu-Xi really came out to help the victims.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not surprised. He said, “Han Yu-Xi has always been good at buying people hearts, how to miss such a good opportunity.”
       Meng-nian has a comfortable face. "Before Han Yu-Xi has not acted, I thought it was too much for me." He thought that Han Yu-Xi would not come to help these victims.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said, "This is not your fault. It is also because our finances are tight and tight, and unlike the Yu-Xi, there is money and food." As for the medicinal materials, they can’t even supply the army. The extra is used by the victims. To put it bluntly, they are still not as strong as Han Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing .
       Meng-nian said with some concern that "the emperor, if it goes on like this, maybe not for three years, Yun-Qing will lead the troops to attack the capital."
       Yan Wu-shuang said calmly, "There is no escape."
       Yu-Xi has been busy from morning to night during this time, and even has no time to eat. Yan Wu-shuang is similar to her, and she is too tired every day. However, Yu-Xi is not tired, but Yan Wu-shuang has some regrets. Yan Wu-shuang felt that it was not the time to be the emperor for a sigh of relief. When the emperor had only to deal with the unfinished business, there was no point at all, and he was too tired to get a bunch of nicknames.
       On the evening of the day, Yan Wu-shuang stayed at Zhanghua Palace. Looking at the tired Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Chen stepped forward and gave him a massage.
       According to the road, "The emperor should also pay attention to the body, don't be tired."
       Yan Wu-shuang squinted and said, "There are too many things, and they can't be dealt with at all." The harassment of Donghu people, the disaster situation and rebellion in Hebei and Shandong, the rising food prices and the huge military expenditures that have not yet been settled. These things made him one big and two big.
       Yu-Chen said, "The emperor, I heard that there is a rebellion between Shandong and Hebei. Before we did not raise more than one million yuan for disaster relief, why the people will still rebel."
       Yan Wu-shuang said, "The majority of these disaster relief funds have been corrupted by local officials."
       Yu-Chen annoyed, "These money are the life-saving money of the victims. How can they dare to be greedy?" Yu-Chen now believes in Buddha and believes in causality.
       Yan Wu-shuang said faintly, "If everyone thinks the same way as you, there is not so much."
       Yu-Chen gave a hand, then took the initiative to ask, "I heard that Anhui, Hubei and other places have also been affected by the disaster. I don't know what is going on there."
       Yan Wu-shuang opened his eyes and said, "Han Yu-Xi was in a timely disaster, so there was no residents there, and there was no rebellion." Yu-Xi was very strict, and there was no household registration to leave the state. That is, the county town is not allowed to give up. In this case, how can there be refugees? Of course, it is mainly the government's disaster relief in a timely manner, and the people who can survive will not leave their homes.
       Yu-Chen said, “Yu-Xi is really amazing.” There are very few women who can manage the world so well. This requires not only a smart mind, but also a superb wrist and ability.
       Yan Wu-shuang um, "One attack on the city, a solid defense, this couple is also a perfect match." Beibei has been active in the northwest for more than a hundred years, the court has not been able to annihilate them several times. However, Yun-Qing sent troops this time, but it was to kill Beibei in one fell swoop. Although he has always looked down on Yun-Qing and thinks he is a -widower, this time Yun-Qing has ruined him and he is very admired.
       Of course, Yan Wu-shuang never admits that he actually has some envy that Yun-Qing can build such a bad work. This kind of credit is enough to be known forever.
       Yu-Chen smiled, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of the eye. "Yes, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are really a match. I am a little envious."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said, "You envy what envy their husband and ‘Madam’, or envy them will get this world." Yan Wu-shuang is not jealous. For example, he knows that the capital can't keep up sooner or later, and he is not angry when he hears similar words.
       Yu-Chen looks stiff, but she has adapted to Yan Wu-shuang's change and quickly adjusted to "enjoy Yun-Qing 's single-mindedness to Yu-Xi, and envy them to get this half." No one is restricted."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and didn't talk anymore. Because of her wholehearted relaxation, Yan Wu-shuang soon slept.
       Yu-Chen put a blanket on him and walked out with a light hand. There was no one in the house, but the grandfather was kept outside the door.
       Gui Mama saw Yu-Chen frowning and whispered, "The Emperor fell asleep." See Yu-Chen nodded, Gui Mama said, "The emperor has only slept for more than two hours a day, and he doesn't care too much about his body." Not young, it is not good to maintain the body. If you are tired, how can it be good.
       Yu-Chen said, "There are too many messy things outside, and the emperor wants to rest." Mainly Yan Wu-shuang likes to be personally involved, so he is more tired than Yu-Xi.
       Gui Mama thinks outside
       The face of the incident is awkward. "This is another drought and a rebellion. When can it be peaceful?" The world is not peaceful, she is not safe.
       Yu-Chen has just stood up for Yan Wu-shuang's massage, which will make his legs sour. After sitting down, Yu-Chen said, "I am afraid that it will not be long before the capital will fall into the hands of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi." At that time she will follow the retreat to Liaodong. She has been in Capital City since birth, and she went to Liaodong and did not know if she could adapt to the climate there.
       Gui Mama face changed "Is not Yun-Qing is ready to attack the capital"
       Yu-Chen shook his head. "Now, but it's fast." According to the current situation, it is estimated that Yun-Qing will bring troops to fight next year.
       It was also on this day that the Falcons got the news that Yu-Xi rescued the victims.
       The red eagle patted the hand and said, "We must preach the publicity so that the people in the capital know that Wangye and Wangfei are the best in the world, and they can bring them good days."
       The Falcon has no objection. This matter really has to be well publicized. "You can do this, let the more people know the better." Now the city is in a mess, and the news will spread more people.
       In the fastest time, Yu-Xi rescued the victims of Hebei and spread throughout the capital. Unfortunately, many people are skeptical about this news, mainly because the propaganda of Yan Wu-shuang was too popular. I want them to believe that Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are good people, but it is not difficult.
       Zhong-Shan told the news to Tie-Kui "Old Master, do you say this news is true?"
       Tie-Kui didn't want to nod and said, "It must be true. There is no need to do this kind of thing." If it is fake, it will soon be poked.
       Zhong-Shan is very puzzled. He asked, "Why does Wangfei do this because it is also a disaster?" Or that there are many foods in the northwest, so many people can help the opponents.
       Tie-Kui can't figure out why Yu-Xi wants to do this. He doesn't bother to think about it. He just said, "Yu-Xi is definitely the reason for her."
       Zhong-Shan is no longer entangled in this topic, saying "Old Master, we have not saved much food, only more than 200 thousand jins." Outside the disaster and rebellion, food a price. In order to sell higher prices, many food shops will close the store and pick up the food. Although Dasheng Grain Shop has raised prices every day, it has always started to do business.
       Under the jurisdiction of Yu-Xi, after the drought, the grain shop did not sell the grain, no matter who killed it directly and then copied it. Under such a shock, no one dares to commit crimes. Before Yan Wu-shuang was not using Thunder, but the effect was minimal. The reason is that there are four rebellious rebellions in Hebei and Shandong. Those grain merchants foresee that food prices will be higher and higher, and they are willing to take the risk of decapitation in pursuit of greater interests.
       Tie-Kui face is not very good-looking. He asked, "Isn't you receiving food?" Dasheng Grain Shop opened the grain every day. In a certain extent, it actually calmed the fear of some people and curbed the huge price of food. rise. If they have no food to sell, it is estimated that food prices will skyrocket.
       Zhong-Shan shook his head and said, "The people who have food are holding this time and are not willing to sell." There are a large number of good fields in the big family, and these people have saved a lot of food. You can see that the price of food outside is rising. At this time, unless you are stupid, people with normal brains will grip the food.
       Tie-Kui said in silence, "If you receive the food, you will continue to sell it. If you can't receive it, you will close it."
       Zhong-Shan hesitated and said, "Old Master, we should also keep some food for us to meet the needs of the time." The food in their house is only enough for half a year. No matter what the next year, no one knows.
       Tie-Kui thought about it, "That would leave 100 thousand pounds of food, and everything else would be sold."
       After two days, Dasheng Grain Shop closed. As the largest food store in Capital City closed, as Tie-Kui expected, it caused a lot of people to panic, and on this day, food prices rose by 40%.
       The news quickly reached the ears of Master Gao. Master Gao found Yu-Rong Road. "Madam Dasheng Food Shop has no food to sell. It is closed today. My ‘Madam’, this time we went to the door and said that we should sell food, we can definitely talk about a good price."
       Yu-Rong hesitated and said, “When it comes to winter, the food will definitely be more expensive. Why don’t we wait until then to sell it?” Although the price of grain is not low now, but now it is definitely worth selling, Yu-Rong is not very willing.
       Master Gao said, "Madam , the grain in the granary must have been noticed by the people. Now there are thieves everywhere. If it is going to be more chaotic in the winter, it will be difficult to keep the food."
       Yu-Rong has changed.
       Master Gao continued to say, "Madam We used old grain for new food. If we don't handle the old grain quickly, then when the food goes out and is taken care of, we will know that we still have food. At the time, it can be dangerous." These are all potential dangers.
       Yu-Rong’s face is white, and compared with the life of the mother and the son, the money is not so important. “It’s no danger to sell these old foods to the big grain shop.”
       Master Gao nodded. “The reputation of Dasheng Commercial Bank is very good. They will not disclose the news of customers.” There are many shops under Dasheng Commercial Bank, and the grain shop is just one of them. Integrity-based, not bullying, this is why Dasheng Commercial Bank can quickly stand in the capital and quickly grow bigger.
       Yu-Rong said, "Well, sell the food to them. Right, don't change the food again."
       Master Gao said, “If the situation can't be improved, it will be unclear whether there will be a harvest next year.” If the outsiders are constantly gangsters, they may not be able to grow food next year. Even if they grow up, they may not have a harvest.
       Yu-Rong bitterly said, "I don't know when this day is a head." Although she has some money on hand, she is so chaotic, she is not at ease.
       Master Gao said, "Madam , Anhui and other places have also been plagued by disasters, but because the government has been plagued by disasters, there are no evictions and no bandits. When the Ming Prince get the world, the troubled world will end, and we will be able to live a peaceful life."
       Yu-Rong whispers "Hope"

       Chapter 1241   Rebellion (2)    

       Under the help of the Northwest Army, the emigrants under the Linzhou City do not have to go hungry for the time being. However, people have a sense of crisis, and Ye Jiuyi and Li Jun made a request, hoping to bring everyone into the northwest.
       -Lu Tienan got the news and refused if he didn't want to. The reason is also very simple. He did not get an order, and naturally he could not let them in.
       Gu Li was very dissatisfied and said:
       "These people are really insatiable. They sent food and medicine to them. Now they want to go into the city and bring in the plague." He is not without compassion, but Li Jun and others are not allowed to come back from the city, not to mention Said to let these refugees into the city.
       In this regard, -Lu Yongnan can understand. The so-called relying on people is worse than relying on oneself. If you can enter the city and find something in the city, you can live. It may not be outside the city, and no one knows when the rescue will be gone. It’s going to be winter, and these people are naturally anxious. -Lu Tienan said:
       "They also want to find a way to live."
       Gu Li said:
       "What do you do now? Will you return this to Wangfei? If Wangfei agrees to let them enter the city," Yu-Xi was a kind-hearted person in Gu Li mind. After this incident, it was more certain.
       If there is no plague among the displaced people, perhaps Wangfei will let these people enter the city. But now, he is not worried. -Lu Tienan said:
       "Wangfei won't be jokes with more than 100 thousand soldiers in Linzhou City and hundreds of thousands of people temperament."
       Gu Li clicked on the head:
       Six days later, -Lu Tienan received a personal letter from Yu-Xi. Only Yu-Xi will write a letter if it is confidential.
       Seeing -Lu Tie-nan’s face is not quite right, Gu Li heart is suddenly:
       "Wangfei agreed to let these people go to the city to go to the generals. This is not enough. Let these people enter the city. If they bring in the plague, we can be in danger with the people in the city."
       -Lu Tie-han looked at Gu Li and said:
       "You can rest assured that Wangfei did not let the consent of these migrants into the city."
       Gu Li took a breath and just scared him. To know that his ‘Madam’ and children can let these refugees enter the city in Linzhou City, his ‘Madam’ and children can be dangerous.
       After calming down, Gu Li asked:
       "General, it’s not a matter of the people, what is it that makes you so embarrassed"
       -Lu Tienan did not say anything more, just said:
       "Let Li Jun return to the city at night, I have something to explain."
       "Ah" Gu Li asked after the difference:
       "General, is not to say that Li Jun will not return to the city before the plague is resolved?" At that time, he was afraid that Li Jun would bring the plague into the city.
       -Lu Tie pinched the letter of Yu-Xi and said:
       "This is a moment." Li Jun stayed outside for so long, and should be very familiar with the situation of those who lived. Wangfei explained that Li Jun was the best.
       Upon seeing it, Gu Li knew that it was a confidential incident and he did not ask again.
       Li Jun did not come into contact with patients infected with the plague, so he did not have a psychological burden when he returned to the city. However, because of -Lu Tie-nan’s words, he also had a sigh in front of -Lu Tie-nan’s heart. -Lu Tienan is a great master. If there is nothing important, he will not let himself come back.
       -Lu Tienan did not turn around and saw Li Jun directly said:
       "Before you mentioned in the letter a person named Ye Jiuyi, said that this person took the other people to take care of all the people. You told me about this person." So many people in the private sector, if there is no management, long ago A mess of porridge.
       Li Jun did not think much, and immediately said the details of Ye Jiuyu:
       "Ye Jiuyi is a native of Jinzhou. The family originally had a wealth of thousands of acres of land. This person is very cool, good and good, and made a lot of friends. Because he is not a student, so he gave him a job at the Guardian. An errand."
       -Lu Tienan is a bit surprised, asks:
       "Since his family is so rich, how can he escape to this side?" The general escape is to eat the poor people who have not been able to go down, and the rich people like Ye Jiuyi are not among them. Unless, what is a big deal.
       Li Jun said:
       "Ye Jiuyi offended the head of the Weifang, and was framed by human life. Ye Jia saved his life by consuming his money. In order to avoid further persecution, their family returned to their hometown. If they think, they will encounter drought. "The family is running out of money and encountering the drought, but there is nothing to escape."
       -Lu Tie-nan asked:
       "Knowing what it is, he spoke and heard Mei-Lan walk into the house:
       "Wangfei, General -Lu has a discount." Because Yu-Xi deliberately swears, if there is -Lu Yongnan's fold, he will immediately return.
       Yu-Xi patted You Ji-Er and said with a smile:
       "I have something to deal with, and you are going back to write your homework."
       You Ji-Er is not entangled, stand up and say:
       "Mother, you have to rest early and don't get it again in the middle of the night."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Okay." As for whether it can be done, it depends on whether there is any urgent matter to deal with.
       Just this day, in addition to -Lu Tienan's fold is more important, the rest are some chores, Yu-Xi will leave nothing behind. However, when taking a medicated bath, Yu-Xi fell into meditation.
       Quan Mama looked at the Yu-Xi and didn't say anything, saving the trouble of Yu-Xi.
       The time for the medicated bath was still early, and Yu-Xi squatted on the bamboo couch to let her make a full body massage. Because I was too comfortable, I almost fell asleep. The reason why I didn't sleep was that Quan Mama was afraid that she would be cold and would not let her sleep on the bamboo couch.
       After getting up, Yu-Xi didn't sleep too much. He simply went into the study and stayed in the study for nearly an hour.
       The next day, Yu-Xi called Yuan Ying to let him transfer some of the weapons to Linzhou City. After the instructions were over, Yu-Xi added another sentence:
       "This must be kept secret, don't let unrelated people know."
       Yuan Ying was a little surprised and asked:
       "Why" Although the weapons of Yu-Xi are generally of average quality, even if other generals know that they will not compete. However, there was no war in Linzhou City, and it was puzzling to send weapons indefinitely.
       Yu-Xi did not explain to him, just said:
       "You just do it." Let Hebei and the Shandong people rebel. The less people know about this, the better. After all, this is not a glorious thing, even if it is discovered later, it must be denied.
       Yuan Ying did not ask again, but bowed his head with respect and respect:
       "I will arrange it." He is not the confidant of Han Yu-Xi, and many things Yu-Xi will not tell him that he has been used to it for so many years.
       If you change to the previous, Yuan Ying will certainly have complaints. Since Yu-Xi has killed Yu Cong, and Yun-Qing not only blames but protects her, Yuan Ying is no longer afraid of Yu-Xi. Yu Cong followed Yun-Qing for more than 20 years and fell behind. He was not as good as Yu Cong, and he provoked the Han Yu-Xi to be worse than Yu Cong.
       Yu-Xi is very satisfied with Yuan Ying's attitude. Yuan Ying's ability is good, that is, she is thinking too much, but she is in control. If she can't control it, she definitely won't.
       The weapon can be provided by the city, but there is no way to eat the grain, so this thing can only work Han Jianming. Speaking of it, Han Jianming, the governor of Jiangnan, is also very tired. Yu-Xi gave it to him.
       For Han Jianming, Yu-Xi has nothing to hide, and told him his intentions.
       Han Jianming took the letter of Yu-Xi and saw a smile on his face. Unlike other people, he not only did not feel that Yu-Xi was mean and shameless, but he was very pleased. Before Yu-Xi rescued the victims, he had doubts and decided that Yu-Xi had no plans.
       And the truth is as much as he thinks. Inciting the victims to rebel and consuming the military power of the court, which is not harmful to them. The problem now is that you have to think of a good way to transport the food out. After all, this can't be placed on the table.
       At noon that day, Tian-Yang came over to ask.
       Han Jianming smiled and said:
       “Come on.” Tian-Yang is a person who has been cultivated by Yu-Xi and is more loyal to Yu-Xi. Now he is looking for himself, and he is sure to get the command of Yu-Xi.
       The vast business is mainly in Jiangnan, and Tian-Yang's current business is spread across provinces, and as long as it is a profitable industry, he has involved. All the money earned went into the private library of Yu-Xi. Of course, making money is only one of them. Another purpose is to inquire about the news and monitor local officials.
       The two talked in the study for nearly half a day, until the day was dark, and Tian-Yang left.
       Han Jianming sent away Tian-Yang and was in a good mood. If this is done, then attacking the capital will be more effective.
       When Han Gao saw it, he knew that Tian-Yang had brought good news, otherwise Old Master could not be so happy. As for what it is, Han Jianming does not say that he did not ask.
       Han Gao said:
       “Old Master, Old Madam just sent someone to ask when you used to eat.” Qiu-shi is used to eating with his son. As long as Han Jianming is in the house, he will wait until he can’t say it. His. The older he is, the more dependent Qiu-shi is on his son.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Going right now."

       Chapter 1242   长子    

       With today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point of 55 fans, everyone has a ticket, vote to send the starting currency, beg everyone to support appreciation
       Dinner four dishes and one soup, mutton mutton, steamed squid, vegetarian croquettes, jade tofu, lean meat abalone soup. Cat flutter tart "blank" > "tart" blank">xiaoo The fastest and most complete free to Han Jianming's status, and Qiu-shi two people eat four dishes and one soup is relatively simple. But there is Yu-Xi Yun-Qing is very frugal, and the following officials naturally dare not cross them. Han Jianming is no exception.
       Both mother and child used dinner, Qiu-shi smiled and asked:
       "Whether you look at the joy of your face, is there anything good?"
       Han Jianming smiled and nodded:
       “Wangye is already on the way back. This time the Beibei was destroyed and the military of the Northwest Army was raised.”
       Qiu-shi doesn't care much about national events, but the question is still to ask:
       "Whether it is time to attack the capital," and so on, the city will be able to return to Capital City.
       Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "Now many places have been devastated, and there is no way to send troops in a short time." Han Jianming also wants to return to Capital City. When he rushed out of the year, he not only lost his family's property, but also was expelled from the clan by the Han family. When Yun-Qing hit the capital, he could return to Capital City with great glory.
       Qiu-shi sighed and said:
       "I hope that the world can be peaceful as soon as possible." The world is too peaceful, it will not always die.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "Come on." After laying down the capital, the overall situation was settled.
       Qiu-shi said with some regrets:
       "The last time I asked Yu-Xi to help you pay attention to see if there is a suitable candidate in Yucheng. Unfortunately, Yu-Xi said that she is too busy and has no time." Also know that Han Jianming listened to Yu-Xi. Qiu-shi wants to help Yu-Xi. Of course, the good vision of Yu-Xi is also an important reason.
       Han Jianming never looked at the letters that Qiu-shi and Yu-Xi exchanged, and heard this and laughed. Han Jianming measured the heart and said:
       "Mother, aren't you messing up? Wangfei is very busy every day. Why do you still bother with these trivial things? This is my chores, and it is not suitable for Wangfei." Some words are not good. Because of the toss of Ye-shi, Yun-Qing did not like Yu-Xi to intervene in the chores of Han.
       Qiu-shi is not happy, Yang said:
       "What is trivial matter? Is it a trifle to continue your slogan? There is no master in this house. Look at what it looks like."
       Han Jianming has a headache and said:
       "Mother, I am not refusing to continue, but I have never picked a satisfactory candidate." It is also the shadow of Ye-shi to Han Jianming, if another daughter-in-law is the same as Ye-shi or Not as good as Ye-shi, it is better than not. For this reason, it has not been picked up for a long time to pick a satisfactory candidate.
       Qiu-shi Said:
       "You have to pick it up so much, the daylily is cold." Qiu-shi wants to hold a banquet for Han Jianming in the first two months. Han Jianming said that it is not good to have a party outside the disaster-stricken government. Qiu- -shi can only give up.
       Han Jianming's face is helpless.
       Qiu-shi felt that this matter could not be delayed any more, and immediately cold face:
       "If you can't choose someone this year, don't blame me for breaking up."
       Han Jianming did not believe Qiu-shi vision and said:
       "This year is too much. So, I will solve this problem before June next year, how do you see it?"
       Qiu-shi Said:
       "This is what you said, not because I forced you. Also, Chang Ji Er’s work has to be grasped, and it can’t be dragged any more. I don’t know if the monkey year is over, and when your father and son solve the problem, the mother also Just peace of mind."
       Han Jianming said:
       "Chang Ji Er's marriage, I am also considering." He originally wanted Chang Ji Er to follow the text, and wanted to give him a Miss of the civil servant's family. He could have hesitated because of the things of the cattle family.
       After talking about Han Jianming and Chang Ji Er, Qiu-shi talked about the marriage of Qi-Qi:
       "The marriage of Qi-Qi th is scheduled for November. We can't go back. The wedding banquet elders are not around like what they don't know if they will be ignorant." Qi-Qi is the first of Qiu-shi. The grandchildren, she is also growing up, this feeling is also very different. Before Qiu-shi wanted to go back to the city to host the wedding, or Han Jianming tried to oppose it, she just did not give up.
       Han Jianming also feels that some of them are sorry for their daughters. It is a pity that they are not married when they marry such a big thing. Han Jianming said:
       "There are too many things, I can't get away from it, and the envelopes will be considerate."
       Qiu-shi Said:
       "Minger, you said that you can let the Wang Heir give the seven-seven marriage, and there is light on the seven-seven face."
       Han Jianming’s thoughts on Qiu-shi are a headache:
       "Mother, there are Brother in Qi-Qi, how can we not get the Wang Heir to marry. Mother, I have already written to Wangfei, please send her Qi-Qi ." Let Yu-Xi send Qi-Qi  out. It’s better than letting Qi Hao send Qi-Qi  out.
       Qiu-shi nodded and said:
       "Speaking of it, we can't go back, and we don't know if the child will be sad."
       Sadness is definitely there. After all, marriage is the most important thing in life, and the closest people are not around.
       Han Jianming said:
       "This is also a no-brainer." He also wants to go back, but he can't walk now if he is too busy. And as far as his current position is concerned, there is no Yu-Xi approval, and he can't leave.
       As I spoke, I saw Han Hao talking about something. Qiu-shi Said:
       "Busy your go"
       Out of the main house, Han Jianming asked:
       "What happened?" If anyone asks for it, Han Hao will explain it directly.
       Han Hao face is embarrassing.
       Han Jianming did not ask again. He always went back to his yard and asked:
       "What happened?"
       Han Hao said with a low head:
       "Old Master, the 2nd Master's yard, Yingxiang Miss has been pregnant, it has been more than two months." Yingxiang is Chang Ji Er's personal Servant. Chang Ji Er has not married his ‘Madam’. Servant is not a good thing.
       Han Jianming’s face was ugly and asked:
       "This thing can be confirmed." The personal Servant of the big family is not included in the house. As long as they like it, they can be promoted to Concubine after they have become a parent. Can make a child, but it is a big taboo.
       Han Hao nodded and said:
       "It's already fixed. But there are very few people who know this. Old Master, this is my negligence, please ask the Old Master."
       Han Jianming said with a hand; "This can't blame you." Although Han Hao is in charge of the size of the government, he can't manage the things in the Young Master's yard. This matter, we must blame Chang Ji Er.
       The first thing about the Niu family Miss, now makes a big Servant pregnancy, Han Jianming heart fire:
       "Put the Servant and then send the people out." The Servant is also a ruler, and I don't know if people like them can't have the eldest son. Knowing that it cannot be done, such a scourge cannot be left.
       Although Han Jianming did not punish him, Han Hao still felt that he had lost his job:
       "Yes, Old Master."
       "Go and call the obstacle." The outside world is enough for him to be busy. Now I have to help deal with such a bad thing. Han Jianming’s mood can be imagined.
       After a while, Chang Ji Er entered the study and waited for Han Jianming to reprimand him:
       "Hey, please enlighten you, let Yingxiang give birth to your child." With his temperament, I know that this will definitely not leave this child.
       He thought that Chang Ji Er didn't know, that is, Servant was thinking, I didn't expect
       Chang Ji Er turned out to be an insider. Han Jianming immediately got angry and violent, and grabbed the platform at hand and smashed the past, roaring:
       "You can't know what you are talking about."
       The platform was directly on the forehead of Chang Ji Er, and Chang’s forehead was bleeding. Chang Ji Er couldn’t care for the pain and pleaded:
       "Oh, that child is my bones, I can't watch him, it's gone."
       Han Jianming can’t wait to die Changge:
       "Your book has been read in the dog's stomach. I don't know if the eldest son is the root of the chaotic family." If the family is not sure, there will be an eldest son, even if there is some power in his family, there will be no one who is willing to The daughter married him. With the ability of Chang Ji Er, if there is no help from the ‘Madam’, how can he hold the family business after a hundred years?
       Chang Ji Er’s heart is a bit sad, although he is the eldest son of the Han family, but who does not know that his mother is a Concubine, but it is recorded in the name of the aunt, only to get the identity of a blind man. Because of this, he wants to leave this child. Chang Ji Er said:
       "Hey, he is also your grandson, you give him a way to live."
       Han Jianming’s cold voice:
       "This child is determined not to stay. To blame, he blames him for having a greedy mother and a brain that is not awake." His son is a few, and he does not marry his grandson.
       At this time, Han Hao said:
       “Old Master, Old Madam, please come to the main house. Old Master, the welcoming thing Old Madam already knows.”
       Han Jianming looked at Chang Ji Er, his eyes were full of coldness:
       "This is something that even if you know the Grandmother, you can't change anything." He is a filial Qiu-shi, and it can involve principled problems. Even if Qiu-shi comes forward, he will not give in. When he was wrong once, he decided not to make another second mistake.
       Seeing Chang Ji Er still wants to ask for more, Han Jianming said:
       "If you dare to say that you left this child, you will take the Servant out of the Han family. I Han Jianming does not lack a son." After the cattle and Yingxiang, he knew that Changge was unbearable.
       Chang Ji Er was scared, and he dared to ask for help. He was nothing from the Han family.
       When I arrived at the upper house, Han Jianming saw a woman in pink clothes when she entered the house. Staring at the woman, Han Jianming asked:
       "You are welcoming incense." He is so busy every day. Although he has seen four large Servant faces such as Yingxiang, he is not clear about these people.
       Qiu-shi turned the beads in his hand and said with a look of sadness:
       "Minger, in the end is a life, leave this child."
       Yingxiang did not dare to look up, just crying and pleading:
       "Seeking 1st Master." Pozi came to the yard when he was filling the medicine. If it wasn’t for Chang Ji arrest, she must have already had abortion pills.
       Chang Ji Er went to ask for sin and ask Qi Xiang-shi for Ying Xiang. Han Jianming's filial piety is notorious. Chang Ji Er believes that as long as Qiu-shi comes out, this child will be able to keep it.
       When Han Jianming heard this, he knew that he had not admit his mistake, and immediately -called to the outside with a cold face:
       "Come on, drag people out and kill them."
       The words Qi-Qi in the house are discolored, and the incense is even more scary. It was only when two Pozis came in and grabbed his arm outside, and she reacted:
       "1st Master is forgiving, and asking for 1st Master."
       Qiu-shi is also busy saying:
       "Minger, you can't make killings." After that, he turned his head and yelled at two Pozis.
       The two Pozi did not let go of the incense, but looked at Han Jianming. Old Madam is to be respected, but the head of the family is 1st Master. Offended Old Madam was reprimanded for a maximum of two sentences, which caused the 1st Master to be unhappy.
       Han Jianming said unchanged:
       "Put her mouth and drag it out to kill him."
       Qiu-shi was annoyed and -called:
       "Minger, I said that I can't kill, don't you even listen to me?"
       Han Jianming was really reluctant to follow Qiu-shi and said with a blank expression:
       "Mother, everything else is good to discuss, this kind of thing can not be tolerated."
       Yingxiang is now regretted, and I knew that I had just had abortion pills. This is just that the child is gone, but now I have to get myself into it. Yingxiang cried and said:
       “Old Madam, Old Madam Help”
       When Li Mama saw it, she rushed forward and plugged her mouth with the scent, not letting her -call again. This home is dominated by the 1st Master, and since he decided to ask for the incense, Old Madam can't stop it. Can't be blamed for a welcoming scent, Old Madam and 1st Master.
       Qiu-shi See Li Mama behavior, almost fainted:
       "Even if you want to be right with me"
       Li Mama said:
       "Old Madam, did you forget the things of Rong Concubine? If you let Yingxiang give birth to this child, how can the future grandmother behave?" Rong Concubine was pregnant before Qiu-shi, still pregnant with a baby. It was still Old Madam's shot that made her fall.
       These things are too long, and Li Mama does not remind Qiu-shi to forget.
       Thinking of the past, Qiu-shi was silent, and then said to Han Jianming:
       "In the end it is a life, give her medicine and then send it out."
       Han Jianming promised very refreshed this time:
       "Okay." Sometimes living is more painful than death.
       Han Hao personally brought people to Yingxiang to administer the medicine, and then assigned her to a 30-year-old man who was too poor to marry his ‘Madam’. As for how to welcome the incense, no one knows.
       Because Qiu-shi, who is welcoming incense, didn't eat the rice that day, and has been chanting in the Buddhist temple. As for Chang Ji Er, he was directly shut down by Han Jianming.
       Han Jianming was very annoyed and said to Master Zhao:
       "There is no brain." Although there is no face in this matter, it is not a secret. Master Zhao knows it. Mainly Han Jianming does not want to get sick, want to find someone to talk about it.
       Master Zhao has been with Han Jianming for so many years, and he is also looking at Changge grown up:
       "Old Master, inside the male and female hostess, there is no hostess in the house." In the city of Lucheng, Lu Xiu will properly manage the inside and outside. But in Jiangnan, there is no such thing as a righteous person, and it is inevitable that there will be some chaos. Plus Qiu-shi is such a Bodhisattva, and the long-term Servant minds will be great.
       After this incident, Han Jianming also felt that he should be married. This way, you don't have to worry about the outside, you have to do all sorts of things in the house.
       Han Jianming said with a voice:
       "I originally wanted to give him a marriage in the south of the Yangtze River. Now it seems that it is safer to look back in the city." There is no big future for this soft x-, or choose a powerful one. The ‘Madam’ who can support things is more secure.
       Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, 2nd Master is the principal of the future of the Han family. His marriage is still cautious. If you can, please ask Wangfei to take the palm of your hand." The recognition of Wangfei is definitely not bad.
       Han Jianming sighed and said:
       "First let the younger brother and sister help each other, then please Wangfei palms." If Ruohua is the eldest son, he will not be bothered. Therefore, it is no evil for three generations to marry a ‘Madam’.
       It will be 55 soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 55 red envelope list. By May 5th, the red envelope rain can give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better

       Chapter 1243   Training    

       With today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point of 55 fans, everyone has a ticket, vote to send the starting currency, beg everyone to support appreciation
       After an autumn rain, the weather was cool. Cat flutter tart "blank">"tart"blank">xiaoo update the fastest and most free
       Yu-Xi used dinner with Lu-Er and triplets to walk in the yard. Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, the eldest sister can't sleep well in Fu-Cheng City because of the bitter summer, and I don't know what it is like now." Lu-Er still mourns Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "When she comes back, let Quan Mama give her a make up and it should be raised soon."
       Speaking of this, Rui Ji Er is depressed:
       "Mother, this is twenty days old. How do you marry the big brother? They haven't gotten home yet." He was a little anxious.
       You Ji-Er is not in a hurry and says:
       "I didn't tell you, I have a wound with my big sister, so I have to take a carriage." In the carriage, where is the horse riding fast?
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "That's almost there." It's too slow, and it's all turtles.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It should be just a few days. How is A Rui, I miss you?"
       Rui Ji Er nodded:
       "Thinking, not only want to be jealous, but also want to have a big brother and a big sister. I don't know if my older brother has changed." I have been separated for half a year. Can you not?
       Yu-Xi thought that Jao-Jao complained that Kaihao was not black, and smiled:
       “A-Hoa has not changed except for the long heights.”
       The Yun-Qing and the Qihao three who were chanted have already arrived at the door. Qi Hao looked at his door and had a cheerful smile on his face. Turning around and seeing Jao-Jao jumping from the carriage, Kai Hao said with great help:
       "Big sister, don't you say that you can't do strenuous exercise? If you are an emotional doctor, you should be the wind."
       On this road, this sentence Qi Hao did not know how many times he had recited it, and he heard that Jao-Jao ears had to start scorpion. Jao-Jao is depressed:
       "A-Hoa, can you stop talking?" The carriage was not high above the ground, and it was strenuous.
       Qi Hao nodded and said:
       "Well, I won't say it later."
       Jao-Jao looked at Qi Hao with some confidence:
       "You really don't say it." Today, the sun is coming out to the west.
       Qi Hao showed a bright smile:
       "There is a mother who is in charge of you, but I still need to say it." With Yun-Qing , Kai Hao is now more cheerful than before.
       Jao-Jao heard this and suddenly suffered a bitter face. Mother must have to train her again, and the training is not afraid, just do not know how to punish her. However, turning to look at Yun-Qing from the carriage, Jao-Jao is in a good mood. There are flaws in the front, even if you want to be punished, it should not be very heavy.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "I still don't go to the government, what do you do at the door?" After walking through the big steps, he is now eager to see Yu-Xi.
       Hao Ji Er and Jao-Jao are busy keeping up.
       Yu-Xi is standing still and suddenly stops. You Ji-Er took her hand and first felt her abnormality and asked:
       "Mother, why don't you go away, are you tired?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You told them to come back."
       Lu-Er and the triplets heard this and immediately looked behind them. They did not find Yun-Qing and Qi Hao. Rui Ji Er asked with a puzzled look:
       "Mother, what?"
       Yu-Xi turned and pointed to the place where the corner was not far away:
       "That, this is not the case."
       As if it were a juggling act, the words of Yu-Xi fell, Lu-Er and the triplets saw Yun-Qing and Kaihao and Jao-Jao.
       Rui Ji Er said with a look of worship:
       "Mother, how do you know that you are coming back? Can you predict?" No one wanted, and the mother knew that she was coming back.
       You Ji-Er turned a blank eye, and the second brother was really stupid:
       "Mother must have heard the footsteps of the -servants, and this is judged to be back." It can only be said that the mother's ears are better than theirs.
       Yu-Xi has long discovered that You Ji-Er is very keen. In this respect, Rui Ji Er can't compare with Xuan Ji Er. For example, the people he has met have been remembered even if they have only seen it once. Some things on most days, he only knows a few can guess a rough.
       Yu-Xi specifically talked to Master Du and Master Pang about this. Both gentlemen think that this is a gift, if it is cultivated for lifelong benefits. In this respect, Master Du has experience, so Yu-Xi will hand over this important responsibility to Master Du.
       Xuan Ji Er asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, is that the case?"
       Seeing Yu-Xi nod, Lu-Er couldn’t help but wonder:
       "A-You, how did you know that she had told you before?"
       You Ji-Er shook his head and said:
       "Guess" mother will not tell him about these things.
       Yun-Qing has already walked in front of everyone. When I heard this, I asked:
       "Guess what?"
       Jao-Jao rushed to hold Yu-Xi and said:
       Rui Ji Er is not to be outdone, holding Yun-Qing happily cried:
       "Hey, you are finally back, you can die." Four sons, Hao Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er are more restrained, You Ji-Er is more proud, only Rui Ji Er's personality is very enthusiastic.
       Yun-Qing touched the back of the head of Rui Ji, with a smile on his face:
       "Hey, I miss you too."
       Yu-Xi gently patted Jao-Jao back and said:
       "Do not go back to the backyard to bathe and wash, how come to the garden." The taste of this body, I do not know that I did not take a bath for a few days.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Go back to the backyard and listen to Quan Mama saying that you are in the garden with Aru, so come over."
       Back to the main courtyard, Yu-Xi said to Jao-Jao:
       "Into the house, let the mother see your injury." Yun-Qing 's injury is lighter than Jao-Jao, so look at Jao-Jao first.
       The smile on Jao-Jao face suddenly solidified, and turned to look at Yun-Qing with a bitter look.
       Yun-Qing shrugged his shoulders and said that he could help, and he was likely to be trained, and he dared to plead with Jao-Jao.
       Entering the house, Jao-Jao said while taking off his clothes:
       "Mother, in fact, it sounds scary, in fact, nothing."
       The wound on the back is actually not big, only the thumb is big, but it has a thick layer of enamel.
       Yu-Xi reached out and touched the back of Jao-Jao and said softly:
       "There are not a few meats on the body, and they are all skinny."
       Listening to the voice of Yu-Xi is not quite right, Jao-Jao turned his head and saw Yu-Xi eyes are red. Jao-Jao hurryed:
       "Mother, I am so thin because I am injured because Fu-Cheng City is too hot to eat well. I am going home now, and I will be able to get fat after two or three months." She would rather be trained. I don’t want to see her mother crying.
       Yu-Xi pharyngeal said:
       "That time is well nursed. You are still young, you can't fall into the root of the disease."
       Jao-Jao is busy nodding:
       "Mother, you can rest assured, I will listen to the doctor and Mama."
       Mei-Lan said outside:
       “Wangfei, 1st County Owner, the water is ready.”
       The first thing to go home is to wash your feet from the head.
       Jao-Jao took a shower, and Yu-Xi didn't follow. She still has to go to see the injury of Yun-Qing , the father and the daughter, and she will not let her rest assured.
       Looking at the bath tub full of rose petals, Jao-Jao stepped into the foot and said:
       "It’s been a long time without a bath. It’s really comfortable.”
       Qiu He said to her while she was backing:
       "It's also time to catch up, or Quan Mama will let the County Owner take a bath."
       Jao-Jao face
       Abandoned and said:
       "You don't want to take a medicated bath, but a medicinal taste." After eating the medicine for more than four months, Jao-Jao couldn't smell the medicine. He smelled and vomited.
       Qiu He smiled and said:
       "I don't like to have bubbles too."
       Jao-Jao is very fortunate at this time:
       “Mama medicated diet has no medicinal taste.” Not only is it medicinal, it is also delicious.
       It turns out that Jao-Jao thinks so good. She has eaten a few times before, and it is nourishing the body, and the taste is naturally good. Now it's conditioning the body, how the taste of this medicinal diet may be the same as before.
       On the other side, Yu-Xi gently pressed the part of Yun-Qing spleen, see Yun-Qing look unchanged, asked:
       "Does it hurt?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "It’s not told you in the letter, it’s already good, why don’t you believe it?” It’s actually a bit painful, but it’s within tolerance.
       Yu-Xi ignored her and poked it hard. As a result, Yun-Qing 's face was not quite right. Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "It's not that I'm good already, what's going on now?"
       Yun-Qing deliberately pretends to look like a helpless look:
       "You are so hard, even if you are not hurt, it hurts."
       Yu-Xi is very angry and says:
       "What did you say before you left Yucheng? You said that you wouldn't take risks and only command the battle at the rear. As a result, you didn't have a way to do it before, but why do you still have to do such a dangerous thing now?" The more angry Yu-Xi is, the louder the voice is:
       "Have you ever thought about it, once you have three long and two short, how do you let me live with the children or that you have not put my life and death on the heart?" Just now, I will endure the tears that have fallen, this will be brushed off. .
       Yun-Qing Like Jao-Jao, the most feared is that Yu-Xi cried:
       "I am wrong, don't cry, no more in the future."
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi crying became more and more fierce:
       "Do you know how those people come over and fear that you will have a life-threatening danger and you can't sleep every day." If you don't worry, you have to pretend to be nothing.
       Yun-Qing holds Yu-Xi Said:
       "It’s all my fault. If you want to fight, you must be angry. Don’t be angry, you are angry and hurt yourself.”
       Yu-Xi is so angry that it is Yun-Qing back, of course, soft and not a little effort:
       "It’s hard to live a two-day birthday, and you’re noisy moths. I’m going to be tossed by your father and daughter sooner or later.”
       Yun-Qing said busy:
       "No, no more. I promise, this is the last time, and there will be no next time."
       For the promise of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi still believes. Yu-Xi shed tears and said:
       "Well, I will trust you again. If not, don't want to take the troops again in the future."
       Mei-Lan heard the Yu-Xi crying outside and was immediately anxious. But she also knows that Yu-Xi doesn't like Servant to get to Wangye, let alone bathe.
       Thinking about it, Mei-Lan went to find Quan Mama:
       "Mama, Wangfei is crying badly inside."
       Quan Mama first glimpsed and said:
       "Wangfei is bitter in heart, it is a good thing to cry." Don't look at Yu-Xi in front of everyone. In fact, many times are strong. Only in front of Yun-Qing will she show the fragile side.
       Mei-Lan asked wonderingly:
       "Mama is saying that Wangfei is suffering." She didn't doubt Quan Mama words, but felt that she didn't even notice this and felt very derelict.
       Quan Mama knows Mei-Lan's loyalty to Yu-Xi and does not hesitate to advise:
       "Wangye and 1st County Owner are both injured. There is nothing wrong with Wangfei. I can't worry about it. Otherwise, it won't be so much thinner during this time. Because of her identity, this kind of suffering can only be hidden in the outside world. In my heart." She has been giving Yu-Xi a lot of body, if it is just busy, Yu-Xi will not be thin, mainly because of bad appetite.
       Mei-Lan said a little embarrassed:
       "Mama, I haven't found it." Yu-Xi The appetite was not good during this time, but Yu-Xi said that it was a bitter summer and busy business, she also believed.
       Quan Mama did not blame Mei-Lan, saying:
       "You are still young, and you don't think it's normal. You learn it with your heart." Knowing that Mei-Lan is not ready to marry Yu-Xi, Quan Mama is ready to train her.
       Yu-Xi cried a bit and wanted to push Yun-Qing away after she had vented her negative emotions.
       Yun-Qing buckled Yu-Xi slender waist, and kept his hands in front of him:
       "Wash with me." For half a year, if you don't care about being too dirty, he wants to do Yu-Xi now.
       Yu-Xi blushes and points to the water in the bathtub that does not know what color:
       "You want me to be as stinky as you are"
       Yun-Qing kissed Yu-Xi and smiled:
       "Let them change the water."
       Yu-Xi didn’t make trouble with him, while pushing Yun-Qing , he said:
       "The children are still waiting outside, and they have washed and went out to eat."
       Upon hearing this, Yun-Qing let go of Yu-Xi and said:
       "That night." After dinner, several children were sent back to their yard.
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and said:
       "Before you are hurt, don't even think about it." Then stand up and walk out.
       Looking at the back of Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "This can be forbidden by you." Others said that he is not allowed to do this.
       Going back to the bedroom, Yu-Xi changed clothes and went out. At this time, the triplets have been waiting impatiently. Rui Ji Er said:
       "Mother, how do you take a shower and wash it for so long?" It took only a few minutes to take a bath, but it was almost a quarter of an hour.
       You Ji-Er said cheerfully:
       "Second brother, I have never heard of eating and bathing. These are not reminders."
       Rui Ji Er shook his head:
       "I haven't heard of it, this is the first time I heard it."
       Lu-Er asked with a look of concern:
       "Mother, the big sister is so thin that she is a paper man. Mother, should I let the doctor come over to see the big sister?" She was worried when she saw Jao-Jao. But everyone would be very happy, she did not say this disappointing.
       "Well, Lu-Er, you are right." Yu-Xi immediately asked people to come to He. Still let the doctor see it, she can rest assured.
       After taking a shower, Jao-Jao saw the doctor in the room. Jao-Jao said helplessly:
       "Mom, I didn't tell you anything."
       Lu-Er does not wait for the Yu-Xi opening, says:
       "Big sister, let the doctor give you a look at you like this, I am not at ease with my mother."
       You Ji-Er said loudly:
       "Big sister, is there anything you don't have to say, you have to listen to the doctor."
       Therefore, the four younger Brother, she does not like You Ji-Er, it makes sense. She always likes to fight against her.
       Unwilling, Yu-Xi stared at him, and Jao-Jao had to give in.
       He Da Fu gave Jao-Jao the pulse and said:
       “County Owner is hurting and must be raised well, otherwise it will fall into sequelae. I will open a nursery.”
       Jao-Jao asked:
       "How long will it take to raise?" Bai Da Fu said that it takes at least two years to raise.
       He Da Fu rhetoric is similar to that of Dr. Bai, which makes Jao-Jao very disappointed.
       As for Yun-Qing , He Da Fu only asked him not to do strenuous exercise and did not open the way. It can be seen that the internal injuries of Yun-Qing are not serious.
       : Hey, every night, I have to get up three or four times and I can’t sleep enough. I can only guarantee that I will continue to do more. Another explanation, no request in June
       Tickets, that are automatically generated by the system.
       It will be 55 soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 55 red envelope list. By May 5th, the red envelope rain can give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better

       Chapter 1244   Couples    

       Night, so quiet and serene. Yu-Xi mood at this time is also like the night.
       Quan Mama handed a piece of ice wrapped in the ice to the Yu-Xi who was taking a bath:
       "Apply, or the eyes will be red and swollen tomorrow."
       Yu-Xi opened his eyes and took the quilt at the corner of his eye. The cool cold made Yu-Xi unable to help frown.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "Wangye is back, you don't have to be so busy anymore."
       Well, Yu-Xi said:
       "There are still many things to deal with." But when Yun-Qing comes back, she really won't be so tired anymore.
       Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "This time Wangye has extinguished the unsuccessful merits of Beibei. The history books will be remembered. I have to wait for this to have a celebration party for Wangye." Before the victory, Yu-Xi was busy dealing with There was no celebration feast after the war, but this time it was different.
       When Quan Mama heard this, her eyes lit up and asked:
       "Will the history book remember your credit?"
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "This is not clear, it should be!" She does not care about this. However, Yun-Qing has been infamous for the rest of his life. It is also a good thing to turn over and win the name in this life.
       Applying ice to the eyes, Mei-Lan took the hot eggs and continued to apply. The eyes are applied and the bath is finished.
       When getting up and dressed, Yu-Xi asked:
       "How come you got such a coat?"
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "You can definitely look good in this dress." After that, take the clothes from the hanger and put it on the Yu-Xi:
       "Hurry up and put on the house, otherwise it will catch cold."
       Yu-Xi reluctantly put on this dress.
       Yun-Qing heard the footsteps and put down the book in his hand and said:
       "How is it so long?"
       He waited to fall asleep.
       Looking up, the whole person was stunned. I saw Yu-Xi wearing a pale pink coat with a very low lead, and a slender jade neck reveals a white jade.
       Yu-Xi See Yun-Qing 's eyes straight on her chest, the old face is red:
       "Look at what you see, hurry to sleep." The words fell, and the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared.
       When I took a bath, I cared for the child, and he endured it. If he can bear it now, then he is not a man. When Yu-Xi is near the bed, Yun-Qing rolls her up under her body. While blocking the mouth of Yu-Xi, he tore the blouse that made him almost spurt blood.
       Small wins and new marriages, not to mention the couples have been separated for more than half a year. Faced with a wolf-like Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi can't resist it and can only passively withstand it. I have been tossing until midnight, and there is no sound in the room.
       Quan Mama had expected this situation, so she let Mei-Lan go to rest, she came to the night. When the room finally disappeared, Quan Mama said to herself:
       "It seems that Wangye has nothing to do with it." If there is a problem with the body, how can it be such a dragon horse spirit.
       On the second day, the three-year-old Yu-Xi woke up, and when I opened my eyes, I felt my body slim. It’s ridiculous to think that Yu-Xi was really shameful and annoyed last night.
       Yun-Qing has long woke up, but he didn't get up. When I saw Yu-Xi wake up, I smiled and said:
       "Is there enough sleep?"
       Yu-Xi is angry:
       "Get up." When he got up, he found himself without anything. On the look of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi retracted back into the quilt.
       Yun-Qing looked at the blushing Yu-Xi and laughed. He said that the red fruit of Yu-Xi was in his arms:
       "We are husband and ‘Madam’, what are you so shy about?"
       Du Laofu old ‘Madam’, Yu-Xi is still shy.
       Yu-Xi smashed Yun-Qing and said:
       "Don't make a fuss, get up quickly." Yu-Xi has long known that she is ashamed of her performance, and Yun-Qing is getting stronger. But sometimes, she just can't control it.
       Yun-Qing said loudly to the outside:
       "Prepare water."
       Yun-Qing wants to take a bath with Yu-Xi and is rejected by Yu-Xi. Even if it is ridiculous at night, she is not willing to seduce in the daytime. And more recently, it has been delayed for a long time, and it will be gone for a whole day.
       After breakfast, the couple went to the front yard. At this time, Tan Tuo and An Zike and other ministers all came.
       Yun-Qing Seeing this situation is a little dignified, ask:
       "What happened?"
       Everyone gathered here to wait, and it must be something big.
       Yu-Xi laughs without saying.
       Tan Tuo said with a smile:
       "Chen and I heard that Wangye came back, and I came to see you." It was also Yun-Qing who did not come back with the army, otherwise they would not come to the palace to meet, but lined up to meet outside the city.
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "If something happens, I will call you." I thought that something went wrong. It was just to come and see him, which made him startled.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It's hot outside, let's go into the house!" The study has all been opened, very spacious, and can accommodate dozens of people.
       After just saying a few off-topics, I turned to the right business. This time, the main point of discussion is the post-war issues. This time, the troops have lost more than 200 thousand people. The light pension is a huge amount, and the wounded must be properly placed. In addition to the loss of so many soldiers and horses, the next year is definitely to recruit.
       These things can be settled in one or two sentences. The process is very cumbersome. There is no final conclusion when it comes to noon. Yu-Xi left a few Darens to use lunch at the palace and then continued to discuss.
       After negotiating these things into a general charter, it is already the end of the application. Shen Chunting also wants to return to the latest progress of the disaster relief, and sees Yun-Qing swinging his hand:
       "This matter will be discussed tomorrow." This Shen Chunting is really blind, I didn't see the fatigue of Yu-Xi face!
       Yun-Qing made a statement and Shen Chunting did not dare to insist.
       After everyone left, Yun-Qing said to Yu-Xi:
       "Go back and rest!"
       Yu-Xi refers to the thick stack of folds on the table:
       "How to rest? Can you not approve one today?"
       Yun-Qing said:
       "First let go, wait for me to deal with it." No wonder You Ji-Er wrote to remind him to come back, so many things, can not be tired!
       Yu-Xi did not agree, shaking his head:
       "You have been away for more than half a year, and you don't understand a lot of things."
       Yun-Qing is not so good to speak:
       "Then you go to rest first, we will deal with them in the evening." See Yu-Xi still shaking his head, Yun-Qing :
       "If you don't listen to me, I will take you back to the backyard now. I am not scaring you, if you don't believe it, try it."
       Yu-Xi is both angry and funny:
       "I don't know if you are a bandit!" Yun-Qing was unreasonable when he was unreasonable. At this time, she didn't dare to face it.
       Yu-Xi didn't go back to the backyard and fell asleep in the back room. The inner room has been re-arranged, with a bed and a dressing table.
       Yun-Qing did not idle, and called Tan Tuo to ask what happened in the recent period. He knows the general situation, and now I mainly want to know more about it.
       Tan Tuo told the Yun-Qing in detail, and even the nightmare that Yu-Xi said did not miss.
       Yun-Qing called Mei-Lan and asked:
       “Wangfei had a nightmare some time ago?”
       Mei-Lan nodded:
       "Yes. I don't know what a nightmare. Wangfei curled up in a group, her face was green, and her forehead was all sweat." Thinking of Wangfei appearance at the time, she still has more than enough heart.
       I am embarrassed!
       Yu-Xi heard footsteps and woke up from his sleep. As soon as you open your eyes, you can see Yun-Qing .
       "What happened outside?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "Nothing happened. Yu-Xi, have you had that nightmare again?"
       Before Yu-Xi mentioned it to him, he felt that it was just a dream, and he did not care. Since he had done that weird dream, his thoughts have changed.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It’s just a dream. How can you be so nervous?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "Yu-Xi, you tell me the truth, do you really feel the taste of life?"
       It’s so painful to be burned alive by fire. He thinks that he is distressed here.
       Yu-Xi didn't want to talk about this topic, smiled and said:
       "It’s all that goes on, it doesn’t make sense." Suddenly, Yu-Xi went to:
       "Have you just reviewed the book?"
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "No, I just called Tan Daren and asked him what happened in the recent period." For the Yu-Xi rescued the victims of the imperial court, he only agreed and would not oppose it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I want to know what to ask me, why bother Tan Tan!" When she fell, she heard Yun-Qing -calling.
       Yun-Qing is a little embarrassed, said after a dry cough:
       "Diet, eat after dinner."
       Yu-Xi blame:
       "If you want to wait for me to eat, you should first eat a pastry pad." Like a child. Or, it is not as good as a child. Qi Hao can never worry about him, not to mention her chanting.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ did not return to the backyard and used dinner directly in the front yard. Yun-Qing said:
       "Let's go outside and go!" He knew that Yu-Xi had to take a walk for a long time.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Into the study, I have something to tell you." She is preparing to secretly help the rebels in Henan and Shandong. This matter was not mentioned before with Yun-Qing . It is not to look at him, but to believe that there is no way to make it clear.
       Yun-Qing listened to the intention of Yu-Xi and frowned.
       Yu-Xi knows the Yun-Qing temperament child. This person is the most decent, and may not see the means she has made. Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "If you feel bad, then forget it." She didn't care what others said she saw her, but she didn't want to be a vicious woman in the mind of Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing returned to God and said:
       "I feel very good. Hebei and Shandong are not stable, and Yan Wu-shuang will not have much energy to calculate us."
       Yu-Xi wonders:
       "What did you think about?"
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "It is not enough for them to provide food and weapons to them. Yan Qing yun and Zhou Yan are both veterans of the battlefield. As long as they send troops, they will soon be able to annihilate these people." These people rebellion is entirely based on a gas, how can they follow? The regular army is in the same breath.
       The marching warfare in this area Yun-Qing is an expert. Yu-Xi naturally listens to him:
       "What do you think should be done?"
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "In addition to food and weapons, we must secretly send them a few people who are arrogant and scheming. At that time, there is no need to directly engage them, and only by taking medicine and using geographical advantages, they can stir up their peace."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You are good at the war, you have to deal with it!"
       Yun-Qing wants to nod and think:
       "it is good."
       Yu-Xi took a deep breath and said:
       "I thought you would disagree on it just now!" It is mainly that Yun-Qing likes to be bright and upright, and does not like to use tricks. This also makes Yu-Xi have no bottom.
       Yun-Qing knows why Yu-Xi says so, and immediately smiles:
       "Eat a lot of losses, if you still have the same, it is stupid." He is too straight in the dream, the result is calculated that the bone residue is not left. However, fortunately, he is unconcerned in the dream, and he can only be blamed for being stupid. In real life, he has his ‘Madam’ and children to protect, so it must be changed.
       Yu-Xi holds Yun-Qing and said softly:
       "I am very happy." How stubborn Yun-Qing is, she can't be clear. The change now is also for her and her children to be this home.
       "This is what I should do." Protecting his ‘Madam’ and children was originally a responsibility as a husband.
       After Yun-Qing came back, some people helped to share, and Yu-Xi was much easier than before.
       Jao-Jao found an opportunity to talk to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I want to go out for a trip." Yu-Xi ordered her to settle down in the government, and she did not agree with Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi took a look at Jao-Jao and said:
       "Want to see Jin Jinyu?"
       The last three months of closure was still effective. Now, her words, Jao-Jao can't dare to sin again.
       "Yeah! I haven't seen him for more than half a year. I almost forget what he looks like. Mother, let me go to see him! I will come back when I see you." Anyway, in front of Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao I have never had a face without skin.
       Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly and said:
       "I will let Jinyu send some flowers to the palace tomorrow. I will let Mei-Lan accompany you to see him." Although I have already decided to kiss, I still have to avoid it. Meeting under the supervision of everyone will not do anything extraordinary.
       "Mother, don't bother Mei-Lan sister, there is autumn lotus!" If Mei-Lan is in, she can't talk to Jin Jinyu.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "If you don't want to, then don't see it." This Yatou has always been doing whatever he wants, no matter who knows what will happen.
       The last time, let Jao-Jao still have a lingering fear. This will dare to reverse the meaning of Yu-Xi, busy saying:
       "Well, how can you not?"
       Yu-Xi hates iron and says:
       "Miss should hold some things, or else they will be taken lightly." It is also a headache to raise such a daughter who doesn't know what to hold.
       Jao-Jao didn’t think so, and nodded on the face:
       "Yes, I listen to my mother." If you don't listen, you have to be embarrassed.
       In the evening, Yu-Xi said this to Yun-Qing . After that, Yu-Xi said with a worried face:
       "The rush is not a sale. The child is too worried about Jin Jinyu." She was afraid that Jao-Jao would pay too much and would be injured when she did not receive a reciprocal response.
       Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "If it is Jin Jinyu who dares to be sorry for Jao-Jao, let's find another good for Jao-Jao."
       This idea is too avant-garde. However, the idea of ​​Yu-Xi has always been ahead of the game and did not feel anything wrong:
       "I am afraid that the silly Yatou will not be willing to do it at the time." This thing, once caught in it, is difficult to come out.
       Yun-Qing is not worried, saying:
       "With Jao-Jao temperament, if Jin Jinyu really did something that he was sorry for, when she didn't have to come out, she would take a break from Jin Yuyu."
       Yu-Xi did not say frustration, just said:
       "Hope is what I think!"

       Chapter 1245   Leaf 9    

       In the autumn wind of the rustling, the yellow leaves of the trees have fallen down in vain. In the fields, on the roadside, on the mountains, no matter what the plants are basically withered.
       Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun were very anxious and couldn't help but find Li Jun. Li Jun asked:
       "Li Daren, don't know when will we be allowed to enter the city?"
       In these few days, he has to find Li Jun ten times a day. Fortunately, Li Jun had the same experience to understand his feelings and was not impatient.
       Li Jun shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this." In fact, he knows that -Lu Tienan did not let Ye Jiuyi and other victims enter the city. The reason why he did not say is that he does not want to see the desperate look of everyone.
       Ye Jiuyan is also very anxious and said:
       "Li Daren, now it is in the autumn, there is nothing in the wild to dig and eat." There are not many foods sent from the city, and only the wild vegetables can only be mixed for six or seven minutes. Now the wild vegetables can't be dug, and there is not much left in the food. In this case, everyone is naturally more and more panicked.
       Lin Xun added:
       "Now the weather is getting colder and colder, and everyone is physically unbearable." Entering Linzhou City is their only hope.
       Li Jun is still the same sentence:
       "I will relay your words to our generals."
       Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun returned to the wooden shed where they lived. Lin Xun said with some concerns:
       "Kuro, I don't know how they will let us go to the city."
       Ye Jiu-yu had expected it and said:
       "Our plague on our side has been controlled, but it has not been resolved. In this case, how can General -Lu be willing to let us into the city?"
       That is to say, but there is still hope in the bottom of my heart.
       Lin Xun said:
       "How can it be if you can't enter the city this winter?"
       Even if they will give them food, they can be as hot as they are.
       Ye Jiuyu said:
       "I don't want to count on entering the city, but I think they should give us some cotton trousers and other supplies."
       Lin Xun smiled bitterly:
       "I also believe that they will send us the winter supplies. But after the winter, next year? What to do next year? They can't always give us food and drink."
       Ye Jiuyu said in silence:
       "Let's talk about it next year!" He has no better way.
       Lin Xun said:
       "The imperial court does not care about our lives and deaths. Only when we enter Linzhou City can we have a way to live." No matter what the price, he will enter the city.
       Ye Jiuqi did not know this truth. However, Linzhou City is what they want to enter.
       In the middle of the night, Li Jun came to find Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun and said:
       "Our generals want to see you."
       Ye Jiuyan flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, and asked no questions about what it was:
       "it is good."
       The two passed the hanging basket on the tower. Looking at the soldiers on the city floor, Ye Jiuzhen and Lin Xun were envious. Although these people are very ordinary soldiers, they can eat and wear warm, unlike they are precarious.
       When they got down the tower, they got on the carriage and walked for more than a minute before stopping. Then the two followed Li Jun into a house, which was a three-step, one-step, ten-step whistle. If you don't have to ask, you know that this heavily guarded yard is definitely the residence of General -Lu.
       The house is lit with kerosene lamps, and the lights will bring -Lu Tienan's figure to the old. Ye Jiuyu and Lin Xun entered the house and held a fist in the hands of -Lu Tiehan:
       "I have seen General -Lu."
       -Lu Tie-nan saw that the two men did not shrink and shrink the family, and their hearts nodded secretly. -Lu Tienan said:
       "I have always heard Li Jun mention the names of the two heroes. I have long wanted to see you, but I have been delaying things."
       Ye Jiuyu looked at -Lu Tienan’s attitude and his heart was slightly loose:
       "General -Lu has a reputation. We are a hero. Only Wangye and the generals can match the hero."
       -Lu Tienan laughed and said:
       "I can't say this, how can I compare with Wangye?"
       Ye Jiuqi is busy:
       "I whispered, and I would like to ask General -Lu for forgiveness." He still had extravagant thoughts, but he did not want to screw up the meeting.
       -Lu Tienan said with a hand:
       "I am also a big old man. If you have anything to say, don't be cautious."
       When they just sat down, they saw one person carrying a pot of buns and the back of them holding a pot of hot water.
       Looking at the hot steamed buns, Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. From the disaster to the present, they do not know what the buns are.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "These are the mutton buns made by the cook. The taste is still very authentic." After that, he took a steamed buns from inside and took a big sip.
       Gu Li put the buns between the two, and then retreated to -Lu Tienan's side.
       Ye Jiuyi and Lin Xun looked at each other, then they hurriedly reached for the buns to eat. Darens have big fists and they eat eight to eat.
       Ye Jiuyi drank a glass of water after eating, and then said to -Lu Tie-nan:
       "General -Lu, can we take away the remaining buns?"
       Although the days are better now, -Lu Tienan never forgot the hard years in Fu-Cheng City. -Lu Tie-nan said with a smile:
       "Do you want to take it home to your ‘Madam’ and children?"
       Ye Jiuyi is not too embarrassed:
       "I want to let my mother and children have a taste, they have not been exposed for half a year."
       -Lu Tienan nodded:
       "You will take it away later!"
       Lin Xun was worried about his ‘Madam’ and children at home, and asked:
       "General -Lu, I don't know when I can let us into the city."
       -Lu Tie-nan took a look at Lin Xun, and this person was a little unsettled. However, if you think about the situation outside, you can understand it. -Lu Tienan said:
       "There is no whisper in front of the Ming people. We Wangfei will help me to help you, but I am determined not to let you into the city. I believe that you also know why."
       Lin Xun said:
       "General -Lu, only a small part of the plague, the rest of the people are normal, even if entering the city without hindrance."
       -Lu Tie-man’s eyes are a bit sharp:
       "I am responsible for the temperament of hundreds of thousands of people in the city of Linzhou."
       Lin Xun was anxious and said:
       "General -Lu, this is about to enter the winter. If they can't enter the city, they will freeze to death. General -Lu, you can't see death." They all put the hope of living on Ming Wangfei and -Lu Tienan.
       Gu Li is a cold voice:
       "You should say this to the court and Yan Wu-shuang. You have been plagued and you are the responsibility and obligation of the court and Yan Wu-shuang. If it is not Wangfei, we can't help but no one can blame half a word. "These people are really insatiable."
       Ye Jiu-yu sees Lin Xun and wants to say it again. He is afraid that he will be busy with Lin Xun and will not let him say it.
       Lin Xun was red-eyed and said:
       "Jiulang, if you can't enter the city, not only my ‘Madam’ and two children are likely to live, but my uncle and aunt can't help them." The boy was not scornful, but he was not sad. He did his best to let his parents and his ‘Madam’ and children live to the present, but for so long, their bodies are already weak, and it is difficult to survive this winter. Moreover, even if this winter is over, can it be next year? Where are they going next year?
       Ye Jiu look is awkward.
       Lin Xun looked at -Lu Tienan and said:
       "General -Lu, can't be accommodating and let the elderly and children enter the city?"
       -Lu Tienan shook his head and said:
       "You only had more than 3 thousand people last month, but how many people are outside the city? Once the elderly and children are brought into the city, there will be more influx of people. We have not had much food, and we cannot help so many people. After the news that they sent food to Ye Jiuyan, a lot of victims came over. The plague is terrible, but it is better than starving to death.
       Ye Jiuyi heart trembles, which means that food may not be available anymore:
       "General -Lu, if there is no food, there will be only one dead road for the victims of nearly 10 thousand people outside the city."
       -Lu Tienan smiled bitterly:
       "It's not that I don't help, but we can't do anything about it. You should have heard that this year we have been devastated in several places. The food for you is all from our mouth."
       Lin Xun heard this and squatted on the ground:
       "General -Lu, please give us a way to live."
       -Lu Yongnan did not say anything.
       Ye Jiuqi had to ask:
       "General -Lu, this time you called me and Axun to come over and don't know what to do?"
       Nothing, -Lu Tienan will definitely not call them.
       Originally, Ye Jiuyi wanted -Lu Tie-nan to come up first, and then bargained, but did not expect Lin Xun to be too anxious and disrupted his plan.
       -Lu Tienan looked at Ye Jiuyan with appreciation and said:
       "There is one thing for you to do. If you promise me, I can let your family enter the city. Even I can guarantee that they will be well-fed."
       Lin Xun said:
       "As long as I can do it, I will go to the fire and the fire." For the parents and his ‘Madam’ and children, he wants him to live this life.
       -Lu Tienan said his request.
       Ye Jiuran, he couldn't think of -Lu Tienan actually wanting him to go back to Jinzhou to rebel. Since the ancient rebels, nine out of ten will die. After a long time, Ye Jiuyi came back and asked:
       “Is this what Wangfei means?”
       -Lu Tienan is just a military commander, and it is impossible to think of such a sinister method.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "It doesn't matter who you mean. What matters is you willing?"
       -Lu Yongnan thinks that this method is quite good, and it can consume the strength of the court without sending troops.
       Lin Xun did not wait for Ye Jiuqi to answer, eager to say:
       "I want, we are willing. Those dog officers, I have long wanted to kill them." If these officials did not act, they would fall into the field.
       Lin Xun saw -Lu Tie-nan not picking up his words, just looking at Ye Jiu-yi. He immediately grabbed Ye Jiuqi arm and asked:
       "Kiuro, what are you still hesitating? Quickly promise!" I promised, but I can earn a living path for my family. If I refuse, I will only have one dead end.
       Ye Jiuyi did not pay attention to Lin Xun, but asked -Lu Tienan:
       "Can you place our family small, that other people?"
       -Lu Tienan did not lie to Ye Jiu, saying:
       "We will help them and provide them with winter supplies. Others, we can't do anything about it."
       Gu Li added a sentence:
       "In order to save them, we also tightened our belts. For this, Wangfei has won a lot of people complaints."
       Ye Jiuyan is silent and does not speak.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "If you don't want to, we are not reluctant." The twisted melon is not sweet. If it is not willing, even if Ye Jiuyu has the ability to withstand it, it can't be used.
       Ye Jiuyi is not unwilling, but he has concerns:
       "If we are dead, what should I do with them?"
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "You can rest assured that even if you have an accident, we will follow them." Suddenly, -Lu Tie-nan said:
       "The children left by the soldiers who died in the war, they all got a good look at the Buddha. Nowadays, many of them have grown up." These things are not confidential, and they have been heard by a little informed.
       Ye Jiuyi nodded:
       "Well, I promise you."
       The worst thing is to die in Jinju, but parents and children can live. If they are lucky enough to survive, they will be able to give their families a better life after making a contribution.
       "You can pick some helpers when you go back, but don't exceed twenty." The number is more conspicuous, as long as you have to use twenty.
       Ye Jiuyan asked:
       "Then their family should also be able to enter the city?"
       -Lu Tie-nan nodded and settled these people homes so that they would be relieved. -Lu Tie-nan said:
       "You have to settle the outside things before you go. The details will be discussed next time."
       Since it was decided, Ye Jiuyi did not twist and pinch:
       "Good." In the troubled times, there is no way to live without fighting.
       Gu Li said:
       "This is not a sigh of relief. In contrast, Lin Xun is worse."
       -Lu Tienan thinks that he is talking nonsense. If Lin Xun is more powerful than Ye Jiuyi, can it be Ye Jiuyi?
       Yun-Qing learned about Ye Jiuyi life and disposition, and said to Yu-Xi:
       "This person can use it, just don't know if he will fight?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "He used to be just an ordinary soldier. Shouldn't you know how to fight?"
       Yun-Qing knocked on the table and said:
       "If this person knows how to fight, I don't have to send someone extra to go." See Yu-Xi, and Yu-Qing said:
       "I don't want to give people a handle." Ye Jiulang was originally a Jinzhou person, and his rebellion can cover the past well. If they sent people, they showed signs.
       Yu-Xi doesn't care what outsiders think, saying:
       "He Rui, the winner is the defeat of the king." If they are defeated, the winners will certainly arrange them to be evil. If they win, such a thing can't go down in history.
       After saying this, Yu-Xi gently shook his head and said:
       "In fact, they are Ye Jiu, and Yan Wu-shuang can quickly find out that they are sent out by us." Yan Wu-shuang is well-informed, and these things simply cannot go.
       Yun-Qing is silent:
       "I will consider it carefully."
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
       "If you are not in a hurry, you can choose slowly." After a while, those flat people did not eat, and if they could not survive, they must be rebellious.
       Mei-Lan came over a dish of yellow orange orange persimmon and said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, this is just the one who just sent it. I just tasted one and it tastes good." The fruit that was sent to Yu-Xi was carefully selected.
       Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing and said with a smile:
       "I haven't eaten the persimmon cake for a long time, let Fang Shifu make some persimmon cake." Fang Shifu is the pastry Shifu that Yun-Qing found for Yu-Xi. Since the arrival of Shifu, the number of Yu-Xi eating cakes has increased significantly.
       Yun-Qing peeled off a meal and nodded after eating:
       "Well, it's really good." Sweet and delicious, it is the taste that Yun-Qing likes.
       Yu-Xi One has not eaten Yun-Qing has eaten four, is preparing to take the fifth one blocked by Yu-Xi:
       "This thing is not easy to digest, you can't eat it any more." Yun-Qing didn't know the temperance when he came across something he liked. It was useless to say a lot, which made Yu-Xi very helpless.
       Yun-Qing had to put down the persimmon in his hand.

       Chapter 1246   Celebration Banquet    

       The husband and ‘Madam’ finished eating the persimmon, and the summer and the half of the parsley took the water into the house.
       Net hand, Yu-Xi asked Yun-Qing :
       "When will the generals and General Cui come back?"
       Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Get the end of the month! What can be done?"
       Nothing, Yu-Xi will not ask them.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I want to hold a celebration feast to celebrate the destruction of Beibei."
       Yun-Qing refused:
       “Now the financial situation is tense, what do you spend on this money?”
       How to get a big banquet, how many thousands of Silver Taels, this is relatively simple.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It’s rare to have such a big happy event, how can it be quiet? This banquet is not a must."
       Yun-Qing felt that it was unnecessary, but Yu-Xi attitude was firm and he did not want to disappoint. He immediately nodded and agreed:
       "I wrote to the army and let them come back before the banquet." The follow-up work in the army was almost handled, and the rest of the matter could be handed over to Gao Rusong and Chu Shuguang.
       Yu-Xi takes out a black dress from the closet and says to Yun-Qing :
       "Come and try it, don't fit the place, let them change." Yun-Qing is much thinner than half a year ago. This dress is made according to the height of the body six months ago, and it is now significantly wider.
       When the clothes were shaken off, I saw two four-clawed golden dragons embroidered on the chest of the clothes, and the gold thread and the clouds were embroidered at the cuffs. Under the light, it shines brightly.
       Yun-Qing looked at the clothes and frowned and said:
       “Is this clothes too luxurious?”
       Yu-Xi said:
       "This is for you to wear at the banquet." It doesn't matter if it's plain, but it's just that the occasion can't be worn casually. This has something to do with the education of Yu-Xi. No matter what, it can't be lost.
       Yun-Qing didn't like such luxurious clothes, but it was carefully prepared by Yu-Xi. Plus, it was already wasted and wasted, and it was barely agreed.
       When Yun-Qing puts on clothes, Yu-Xi smiles and says:
       "Sure enough, people rely on clothes to rely on gold." Yun-Qing is not only rich, but also very powerful.
       Yun-Qing touched the material and said:
       "Do you have a few hundred clothes like this?"
       Also Yu-Xi is willing, he can not afford to spend so much money on clothes.
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "I see Jao-Jao, the temperament of the Tuen Mun, completely like you." This clothes are made of Yunjin, plus the gold silk and embroidered, enough for ordinary people to spend ten years. However, she will not speak to Yun-Qing .
       Except for his work in Jin Jinyu, Jao-Jao is really similar in other respects. Yun-Qing Said:
       "She is my kind, not like who I am."
       Yu-Xi laughed and said carefully:
       “The waist and sleeves are a bit wider and have to be smaller.”
       After the trial, Yun-Qing took off the clothes. I was very careful when I took off my clothes, as if I was afraid of breaking it.
       Yu-Xi was a little funny, but didn't say anything.
       Yun-Qing handed the clothes to Yu-Xi and asked:
       "What about you? Also wear it for me?"
       Yu-Xi clothes are definitely better than his clothes.
       Yu-Xi said while folding the clothes:
       “My clothes will take a few days to get better.” Yu-Xi clothes are more cumbersome and take longer and naturally longer.
       Yun-Qing has some regrets.
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "I am going to be at the end of this month, what do you think?"
       Specifically, on which day, you have to check the yellow calendar.
       Yun-Qing has no objection:
       "Tell me after the date is set, I am writing to the army and Cui Mo."
       Finally, the celebration feast was scheduled for 10 months 27. This time, the celebration feast Yu-Xi personally handled it. Thinking of Jao-Jao going to marry in two years, Yu-Xi let her study with her.
       This banquet is a civil and military official. It is different from the process of visiting the official Madam.
       With an invitation still on the side, Jao-Jao touched his head and said:
       "Mom, I have a terrible headache, you let me go back!" She was impatient to deal with these things, feeling that it was a waste of time. She would rather go to sleep than do it.
       Lu-Er said; "Big sister, waiting for you to be your own master, you must be a banquet. You don't learn now, what should you do when you are having a banquet? Can't you rely on the people below?"
       If you don't understand anything, the people below will be slippery.
       Jao-Jao leaned back in the chair and said with his hand:
       "I will say it later, my mother, I have a bit of pain, I want to go back to rest!"
       Yu-Xi put down the brush and smiled and said:
       "If you let you go to see Jin Jinyu now, will you have a headache?"
       Jao-Jao said bitterly,
       "Mom, then when did you let me go to see Jinyu?"
       Last time in the garden, I said a few words to Jin Yu.
       Yu-Xi started the water, drank a small cup, and put the cup down and said:
       "Performed well, let you meet after the banquet is over." If you don't perform well, then don't think about it.
       Jao-Jao said helplessly:
       "All listen to my mother!"
       Lu-Er smiled and grinned, and only the mother could manage her sister.
       The invitations have been drawn up, and the banquet process and the gold and silver utensils and ornaments used during the meal are arranged. Even the location must be arranged and not mistaken. These things are very cumbersome. Fortunately, Yun-Qing can help with some of the government affairs, and Yu-Xi can spend half a day doing these things.
       Yun-Qing See Yu-Xi, not to be idle, said:
       "Just this time, don't hold any celebrations in the future." Not only is it a waste of money, but it also toss people.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "it is good."
       Yu-Xi is negotiating with Qu Mama about the banquet, and I heard Mei-Lan say that the second Madam came over.
       Lu Xiu came over this time for Han Jianming to let him choose a ‘Madam’ for Chang Ji Er.
       Yu-Xi See Lu Xiu face, let Lu-Er and Jao-Jao go down and ask:
       "Two, what is the embarrassing thing?"
       Lu Xiu said with a bitter face:
       "I received a letter from 1st Master yesterday. He asked me to give Chang Ji Er a marriage in Yucheng. Wangfei, Chang Ji Er is the eldest son of the Han family, and later he will inherit the family business. How to make the good 1st Master? I am giving Miss Changer a look at Miss?"
       If the marriage is fixed, let her help the family to get married, and the tired point will be recognized. She can choose her future grandmother, and she dare not take over. If you look at it and you are not thankful, you will have to complain about it for a lifetime.
       Yu-Xi has some surprises:
       "Let's? Show me." It is not like the big brother's acting style to entrust Chang Ji Er's marriage to the second.
       After reading the letter Yu-Xi, I was sure that one thing, Chang Ji Er was definitely doing something unsafe in Jiangnan, so Han Jianming wanted to give him a good way to make a good home.
       Thinking about it, Yu-Xi said:
       "Big brother opened his mouth, you will help him to meet according to his requirements. Pick the person who meets the requirements of the big brother, I will let people carefully explore the bottom. Which one is finally set, or the big brother has to take his own ideas." The candidate for Han’s second grandmother finally got Han Jianming’s decision, and others could not do it for him. As Lu Xiu fears, everyone has chosen well. If you don't choose well, you have to complain.
       Lu Xiu sees Yu-Xi as saying, I can only nod my heart. She now hopes that Han Jianming will hurry to find a ‘Madam’, so that she can ignore the 1st House.
       After leaving Lu Xiu, Yu-Xi called Yu Zhi to ask:
       "Is Chang Ji Er doing something?"
       Yu Zhi is in charge of intelligence work. If Chang Ji Er’s affairs are too big, he should know.
       Yu Zhi said the Niu Jia Miss and Ying Xiang:
       "Han Daren is very angry. He shut up Han 2nd Master and hasn't released it yet." Because this is just Han Jianming's chores, Yu-Xi didn't ask him if he didn't ask.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It's no wonder that I want to find a good ‘Madam’ for Chang Ji Er." How can Chang's son be able to support the family business of the Han family, and find a powerful ‘Madam’ to help one or two.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing specifically asked:
       "I heard that Lu-Shi came to you when you were looking for you, but what's the problem?"
       Yu-Xi said the matter of Chang Ji Er, and sighed after saying:
       "If he is not the eldest son of the 1st House, his heart is not a big problem, but he is the eldest son of the family."
       Yun-Qing said:
       "If you are not suitable, don't let him inherit the family business."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Chang Ji Er is the eldest son, who does not inherit the family business to inherit?"
       This is a matter of rules, no rules, no rules, and everything must be done in accordance with the rules.
       Yun-Qing thinks that Hua Ji Er is very good, and his temperament is stable, and he can fully inherit the family business of Han. However, looking at the look of Yu-Xi, he did not want to say what he wanted to say:
       "This is something that big brother should worry about." It is not their son, too lazy to pay for this god.
       When I paused, Yun-Qing asked:
       "How is the banquet prepared? The army and Cui Mo should be able to arrive in these two days."
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "All are ready." This is the first time in the past 13 years that the palace has held such a formal grand banquet. The people of these Prince are busy. Qu Mama even wants to divide one person into two.
       Feng Dajun and Cui Mo returned to Yucheng, and the family did not return directly to the palace to see Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi looked at the two people servants, laughing very euphemistically:
       "The two generals have worked hard."
       Feng Dajun shook his head:
       "Wangfei is hard to defend the rear." If there is no Yu-Xi stable, this time it is not so smooth.
       After saying two words, Yu-Xi said to Yun-Qing :
       "You talk, I'm going to let the kitchen prepare the dishes, and today you have a good drink."
       Seeing Feng Dajun and Cui Mo refused, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Don't refuse. On most day, Wangfei won't let me drink alcohol. I can borrow a light from you today."
       Yu-Xi blame:
       "What about nonsense? Really, it seems like I am a tigress."
       Cui Mo did not say anything, but his heart was in the abdomen, Wangfei, you are more terrible than the tigress.
       Yun-Qing is in a good mood, laughing and saying:
       “It’s all from family, nothing to say.”
       When I said this, Feng Dajun and Cui Mo did not refuse:
       "Respect is not as good as life."
       When Yu-Xi left the study, Cui Mo asked with amazement:
       “Wangye, Wangfei has a panacea, how long is it younger?”
       His ‘Madam’ is six years older than Wangfei. If she is standing with Wangfei, she does not know that she is two generations.
       Feng Dajun is very helpless. This guy is really unobtrusive. This can also be asked.
       Yun-Qing didn't feel anything abrupt. On the contrary, Yu-Xi was praised young and he was very happy. According to Yu-Xi, she looks young because she is very happy, and the woman who is bored and bitter looks old. Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "If there is a miracle medicine, I will wait for you to ask, I have eaten it early."
       Cui Mo took a look at Yun-Qing and said with a sincere attitude:
       I don't know why, when I heard this, Yun-Qing was stuffy.
       Soon, it was the day of the celebration feast. The celebration banquet is relatively high-profile, and officials of more than four products in the city can participate.
       If it is in the capital, such a big celebration feast is usually held at night, in the main hall of the palace. In the evening, the lights in the palace are full of colorful lights, and then with the flags, very beautiful. However, the Yu-Xi celebration feast is placed during the day, which not only saves costs but also makes it easier.
       Mei-Lan enters the house and returns to the said:
       “Wangfei, the guests are all there.” The important people are naturally the last to arrive.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ took the 4th Brother of Hao Ji to the main hall and went to the entrance Xu Wu -called:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, the Wang Heir..." is not Yu-Xi without Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, but the two are not willing to come.
       The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs in the main hall heard this and all stood up.
       Feng Dajun looked up and looked at it for three seconds, realizing that his performance was not big enough to immediately bow his head.
       Yun-Qing is wearing a black robes embroidered with black claws and black dragons. The waist is tied with the same color gold spider tape. A black hair is fixed with a set of rhodium crowns. Standing on it, it makes people feel high. Not climbing.
       Yu-Xi wore a golden brooch embroidered with peony, a band of exquisite jade belts, a ‘Liang’, a red-gold ruby ​​spot on the head, and a ruby ​​earring on the ear.
       Yu-Xi wearing on most days is relatively simple, and today's dresses are so rich and gorgeous, which makes everyone feel surprised.
       After the two of them sat down, they led the crowd to give the Yun-Qing couple and Kai Hao a big gift.
       Yun-Qing is not very used to such an occasion, but still waved and said:
       "All the Darens are up!"
       The crowd -called again and then got up.
       Yun-Qing sat down and said to everyone:
       "It’s rare for everyone to get together today, and don’t be restrained. Those red tapes are also saved. Just like everyone else, talk, talk and eat.”
       Qi Hao and the triplets were also participating in such a grand banquet for the first time. Several people were straight and straight, and they looked serious. Even if Yun-Qing said that a call, it did not let them have the slightest change.
       Yun-Qing ’s opening remarks are finished, and I look at Yu-Xi:
       "It's your turn."
       Yu-Xi gave a look to the nearby Mei-Lan. Mei-Lan said:
       "On the wine."
       The servants standing behind the public officials heard this and went to the front to give alcohol to the Darens.
       Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing signaled that the husband and ‘Madam’ stood up. Yu-Xi raised the glass and said:
       "I don't want to say much, I just hope that the next celebration party with everyone will be in the Golden Temple." This statement does not hide the ambition of Yu-Xi.
       After the civil servant had finished drinking the wine in his hand, Qi-Qi -called on the ground:
       "Wangye is a thousand years old and thousands of years old, Wangfei is a thousand years old and thousands of years old." The sound is so loud that it hurts people ears.
       Qi Hao saw that Rui Ji Er had finished drinking the wine and whispered:
       "Don't drink so urgent, you will get drunk."
       Rui Ji Er whispered:
       "Big brother can rest assured, no." This wine he can drink seven or eight cups, not so easy to get drunk.

       Chapter 1247   False Alarm 1      

       The golden autumn 10 months is the season when the chrysanthemums bloom. In the apex novel, the Imperial Garden is full of colorful chrysanthemums, purple, yellow, pink, yellow with red, red with purple, and the most rare is green.
       Yu-Chen stood beside this chrysanthemum and looked fascinated. After a while, Yu-Chen said to Shi Xiang:
       "Go, give me the drawing board." She hasn't had an animated pen for a long time, and it's rare to have a good day, and several Servant haven't stopped.
       Place the drawing board, spread the rice paper, and the paint is ready. Yu-Chen is brewing, and this is the beginning of painting.
       Yu - Chen had a habit of playing the ‘zither’ or painting time and do not like to bother people, so serve the people retreated to the corner, only helped paternity incense handed stuff on the side.
       A gust of wind blew, and the leaves on the tree next to it fell with the wind. A few leaves fell on the rice paper and stained with the paint on the rice paper. If it is someone else, take the leaves and fix them. But Yu-Chen can not tolerate a bit, when the paper will be torn.
       Shi Xiang feels a pity, but she does not dare to persuade. You know, the paintings of Imperial Consort outside have been sold to a thousand Silver Taels, and there is still no price.
       See Yu-Chen clean up the drawing board, and I’m busy asking:
       "Imperial Consort, don't you paint?"
       Yu-Chen sighed, put the brush aside and said:
       "Don't draw." A good picture was destroyed, and no mood was drawn.
       On the way back, I saw a woman dressed in snow-blue clothes coming over. When I saw Yu-Chen, the woman blessed a gift and said:
       "I have seen Honorable Noble."
       Li Xiuyuan is six years younger than Yu-Chen, but the whole person looks awkward and not too angry.
       Yu-Chen smiled and said:
       "Li Xiuyuan does not have to be polite." Li Xiuyuan is the mother of 7th Prince, but 7th Prince had a sickness in the previous year. After that, Li Xiuyuan had been praying for his son's chanting, and basically did not come out on most days.
       Li Xiuyuan shunned to the side and gave Yu-Chen a way.
       Yu-Chen did not hurry to go, but said with a look:
       "The weather is good in the future, you should go out and move around. Don't be bored in the house, it's not good for your health." Without conflict of interest, Yu-Chen doesn't mind releasing goodwill to Li Xiuyuan.
       Li Xiuyuan said respectfully:
       “Thank you Nuang Niang for your concern.” She didn’t want to be close to Yu-Chen.
       Yu-Chen did not say more:
       "That's Li Xiuyuan, you have to go shopping, and there is still something to go back to this palace."
       Li Xiuyuan blessed a ceremony:
       "Congratulation to Imperial Consort."
       Back to Zhang Huagong, Yu-Chen sighed. Gui Mama asked:
       "What is the sigh of good end?"
       Yu-Chen said:
       "I just saw Li Xiuyuan, and I feel a little touched in my heart." The woman in the harem will grow old soon if she does not expect it.
       For other women of Yan Wu-shuang, Gui Mama is very prepared, even if this Li Xiuyuan has always been honest, she is not at ease. Therefore, she is not willing to talk about Li Xiuyuan:
       "Imperial Consort, 3rd Prince wrote, just sent the emperor to send it."
       Yu-Chen’s attention was shifted and said:
       "Come on!" Achi letter is rare, one month.
       Achi only said that he was very good in the letter, so that Yu-Chen should not miss, no more.
       Yu-Chen put down the letter and said to himself:
       "The child does not know how to write more." Hope the stars look forward to the moon, and finally hoped for this letter, and only a few words.
       Gui Mama smiled and said:
       "The next time I reminded 3rd Prince, let him write more about Tongcheng."
       Yu-Chen shook his head:
       "This child has the same x- as the emperor." Not everyone who likes to talk.
       The sky is getting darker, the moon is hanging in the air, and Yan Wu-shuang is not seen. Yu-Chen sat at the dressing table after the shower, took the jade face peach cream she personally prepared. The soy-sized peach cream, which was poured from the bottle, was opened in the hand and just ready to be applied to the face, and the hand was stopped.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Take the box of rose cream, take it and throw it away." After that, Yu-Chen wiped the peach paste on his hand with a sap.
       The waiter was a little surprised and asked:
       “Imperial Consort, is there any problem with this cream?”
       Yu-Chen shook his head:
       “No problem, it’s not a big taste.” Yu-Chen, the skin care product, reached the point where it was nitpicking. As long as it is slightly wrong, she will give up.
       The waiter was not willing to throw it away, but the box of cream that Yu-Chen had given before had not been used up, so she gave the box of cream to the snowman who had been handed over to her. As a result, there was no accident in two days.
       Looking at the snow covered with rash on the face, Yu-Chen asked:
       "What's wrong with this? What is not clean?"
       "Servants use the same things as others, and they use the same things as usual." Shi Xue got up in the morning and scared the waiter who lived with her. When she looked in the mirror and saw her face in this way, she immediately fainted.
       The Imperial Doctor came over soon, and after the diagnosis of Shi Xuexiang, he said the same thing as Yu-Chen:
       "Miss, this is something that is not clean."
       Gui Mama said:
       "If you think about it carefully, have you used something different from the usual two days?"
       Just want to say no, suddenly remembered the box of Yu-Chen's face cream, Shi Xue immediately face again:
       "The rouge gouache I used was the same as usual, except for the cream." After the meal, Shi Xue said with a chill:
       "It's a noodle cream that Imperial Consort doesn't use. Sister Sister is not willing to throw it away and leave it for me."
       Yu-Chen made a chill, the original purpose was her. Fortunately, she is useless, otherwise she is disfigured.
       Gui Mama flashed a slap in the eye and asked:
       "Where is the cream?"
       Shi Xiang lived in the same room as Shi Xue, and when he heard this, he quickly took the cream.
       Gui Mama took the cream and immediately asked the Imperial Doctor to check it out.
       Yu-Chen muttered to himself:
       "Yu-Xi, how are you so embarrassed?"
       Except for Yu-Xi, others don't have this means.
       How important is the woman's appearance, and her ability to have her current status is also dependent on this face. If she is disfigured, even if the emperor does not abandon her in A-Bao Achi, she will be left out.
       Gui Mama looked at Yu-Chen's face and was so scared that she sat on the chair and said:
       "Imperial Consort, fortunately, I didn't use that cream." This is also God bless.
       Soon, Yu-Chen calmed down from the anger and frowned and said:
       "This jade face peach paste is only a scent of the scent and the snow." If it is the hands and feet of the scent, she will not be stupid for the snow.
       Gui Mama said quietly:
       "People in the palace can't get in." Yu-Chen's food used was very strict with Gui Mama, especially after knowing that Yu-Xi was going to harm her.
       The Imperial Doctor is coming soon.
       Knowing the truth of the matter, the Imperial Doctor is even less willing to take it lightly. Pick up the cream and start checking it carefully. I can check for a long time and found no problems.
       Gui Mama doesn't believe that this cream is fine:
       "Peng Imperial Doctor, you should check it again." The head oil pollen used by Shi Xue was taken from the palace. It has been used for more than half a month and there is nothing wrong with it. Noodle cream.
       Peng Imperial Doctor said with certainty:
       "There is no problem with this box of cream." After that, Peng Imperial Doctor asked Yu-Chen:
       “Imperial Consort, I don’t know why you would abandon it without this cream?”
       Yu-Chen said:
       “I feel that the taste of this cream is a bit strong.” Yan Wu-shuang does not like the special rich flavor, so the Yu-Chen-made facial cream rouge is only a little fragrant.
       Peng Imperial Doctor smelled it and didn't feel very rich. Peng Imperial Doctor measured the heart, and then said:
       "Imperial Consort, maybe this Miss's physique does not apply peach cream."
       Yu-Chen asked:
       "you sure?"
       Peng Imperial Doctor only confirmed one thing, that is, this box of noodles is no problem.
       Gui Mama thought about it, and found a little palace girl, let her apply this cream. The result has passed for a long time, and the little palace girl has nothing at all. At this meeting, everyone is convinced that the cream is no problem, but Shi Xue is allergic to this cream.
       In the palace, people who can't keep their appearances are not correct. After the snow allergies, they stayed in the house and can only go out.
       Yu-Chen and Gui Mama said:
       "Arrange the snow." Servant, who has been waiting for this kind of service, knows that there are too many things for the owner. Generally, it will not be released. It must be properly arranged. If it is used by someone with a heart, it may bring disaster.
       This matter is not explained by Yu-Chen, and Gui Mama will handle it properly.
       Yu-Chen leaned back in the chair and touched the gold finger on the nail and said lightly:
       "I thought it was the hand under Yu-Xi!"
       Gui Mama also thought so at first, but this would not be the case with Yu-Chen:
       "Imperial Consort, Han Yu-Xi is not so eye-catching, can buy people who are close to you."
       "Can you avoid it now, but what about the future?"
       Even if you return to Liaodong, you are not insured.
       Having said that, Yu-Chen said with his chest:
       "Mama, I regret it. If I don't start with Yun Qihao, I will see that I have grown up in the future, and Yu-Xi won't let me go with A-Bao Achi in the future." But she The shot not only cut off the past friendship, but also made a hateful relationship with Yu-Xi.
       Things have been done, and regrets are useless. Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, the emperor hit Han Yu-Xi almost one corpse and two lives, and later he died several times in the hands of the emperor. Han Yu-Xi will report temperament, she is determined not to let go of the emperor The Princess Prince."
       Yu-Chen is silent.
       Yu-Xi words at the celebration party soon spread to Capital City. After Yan Wu-shuang knew it, the face was ugly:
       "Han Yu-Xi This is declaring war with me!" The next celebration feast will be in the Golden Temple, which is clearly provoking him.
       Meng-nian said in silence:
       "The emperor, we should block this news."
       Yan Wu-shuang swept Meng-nian and said:
       "Do you think this news can be blocked?"
       Although the Falcon did not make a big move during this time, but the small movements continued, like this news, he did not spread.
       Meng-nian is somewhat wronged and said:
       "The emperor, can't always go on like this, it's too passive." I felt like they were led by Han Yu-Xi.
       After the election, Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, the assassination plan we have drawn up can now be implemented." Last time because of the martial law in Yucheng, it was halfway.
       Yan Wu-shuang thought and nodded and agreed:
       "Yes." He was not good this year, and he did not want to let Han Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing have a good year.
       As expected by Yan Wu-shuang, the Falcon spread the words of Yu-Xi at the celebration feast. Moreover, it is also addicted to the fact that Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are preparing to send troops to the capital next year.
       The court had done a lot of propaganda before, saying that the Northwest Army was fierce and brutal, and the people were afraid and hated for them. Now the Falcons released the news, and the people who were otherwise uneasy were even more afraid. In the past two days, there have been many incidents of looting and looting in Capital City. The ban was dispatched and the troublemakers were killed. Can be killed and sneak out, even if it is patrolling twelve hours a day, there are still similar things happening in some relatively remote places. This is true in the city, not to mention outside the city.
       Yan Wu-shuang heard that the refugees had killed two officers and men and immediately gave Tie-Kui an order. Those who killed the officers and men will be beheaded. In addition, anyone who dares to make troubles will kill innocent people. Under this iron-blooded wrist, the migrants outside the city were temporarily settled down.
       Tie-Kui dragged her tired body back to the house and leaned on the chair and didn't want to move.
       Zhong-Shan has some unbearable feelings and said:
       "Old Master, go to bed and sleep!!"
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "When you wait for the palace and Yan Wu-shuang to return to the city outside." Tie-Kui is worried about the people outside the city.
       Zhong-Shan asked:
       "Old Master, hasn't the city been stabilized?"
       He was worried about the incident at the time, but it was solved very quickly.
       Tie-Kui said with anxiety, saying:
       "The stability of the present is only the surface. It is already 10 months, and the weather is getting colder. If the displaced people outside the city are not properly placed, it will definitely cause more riots."
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "Old Master, there are more than 60 thousand refugees outside the city. Can the court settle them?"
       There were more than 100 thousand refugees at most outside the city, but some were placed in other places by the government. Even if there are only more than 60 thousand people, it is not easy to ensure that they will survive this winter safely.
       Tie-Kui is not good at thinking about this:
       "There is no money in the national treasury, and it is impossible to properly resettle these emigrants. When there is a riot, I have to go to rebellion." Killing these unarmed emigrants, the nickname of the executioner is still second, mainly conscience.
       Zhong-Shan said with hesitation:
       "Old Master, don't you get sick?"
       Yan Wu-shuang now completely uses his home Old Master as a knife.
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "Once it is dismantled, it will cause Yan Wu-shuang's suspicion. I only hope that Ming Wang will quickly bring the troops to fight." The days are more difficult than before.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "Ming Wangfei has spared no effort to help the victims of Hebei, and the situation on the other side is much better than the court."
       Tie-Kui said:
       "The situation on the Yu-Xi side is definitely better than this. Just this year, I just sent troops to Beibei. I will definitely not send troops to attack the capital next year."
       Zhong-Shan fellow:
       "Then we have to wait for two years." In two years, they can still survive.
       Tie-Kui said tiredly:
       "Yeah!" Unfortunately, in the past two years, I am afraid that it is extremely difficult.
       Zhong-Shan thought about it:
       "Old Master, now Hebei and Shandong are in rebellion, or you will ask for a rebellion, maybe Yan Wu-shuang will agree."
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "He won't agree." And Tie-Kui feels that killing the rebels is no different from killing these people. The rebel forces in the local area are actually the flat-headed people who raised their flags against the imperial court.

       Chapter 1248   77 Married    

       November 27, should marry.
       After using the breakfast, Yu-Xi took Jao-Jao and Lu-Er to the Han family. Lu Xiu wanted to let Yu-Xi give the seven-seven people a blessing, but they were rejected by Yu-Xi. The whole blessed person has both parents and the husband and ‘Madam’ love the children and the whole woman, and she has no mother's favorite since she was a child. When this is a blessing, it is not appropriate. See Yu-Xi disagree, Lu Xiu can only ask Lu Biyuan's ‘Madam’ Mao Shi-shi to be this full blessing.
       Hanfu is full of red lanterns, and some trees are also tied with colored silk, a joy.
       Jao-Jao said with a frowning look:
       "Mother, is it too wasteful?"
       It is normal to hang red lanterns, but it is a waste of this colored silk.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This color silk is not only used once, put it away, and you can use it when you go to the cousin."
       Lu-Er remembered what Qu Mama had said and said:
       "Mother, I heard that the big family in Capital City will marry a ‘Madam’ and marry a woman. It is very luxurious. If the cousin’s wedding banquet is in the capital, is it luxurious?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "If you put it in the capital, you can only count it as a general. When you married the three mothers, it was called luxury. Not only the whole house was covered with red lanterns, but the trees were also full of flowers made of brocade silk. The flowers that make up this house are beautiful."
       Jao-Jao immediately said:
       "Mom, how much does it cost?"
       Feeling good waste.
       Lu-Er asked:
       "Mother, is the dowry of the three aunts a lot?"
       In fact, Lu-Er knows that Yu-Chen is married with red makeup. She specifically asked, and she wanted to let Yao-Jao know by the mouth of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Two hundred and forty-eight lifts. Antique calligraphy and painting gold and silverware, Tiancai shop, together with two or three hundred thousand Silver Taels!" The reason why I remember this is because she was envious.
       Jao-Jao was surprised that there were so many dowry:
       "Mom, what about you? Do you have so much?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "You have a lot of dowry for the three aunts. One is that her mother has a rich dowry. Han has not moved these things, and she has been dowry for her. Second, she is married to the royal family. The dowry of the mother is actually quite rich, but the capital. Too far from Fu-Cheng City, plus the fact that the road was not too flat and did not dare to bring more things, only with a satin quilt when marrying."
       Jao-Jao has heard of this:
       "Mother, I heard that Xu Shushu said that on the way to Fu-Cheng City, you were bandit, and everything was robbed by the bandits."
       Lu-Er grows his mouth:
       "Is it all robbed? Is the wedding phoenix crown also taken away?"
       Lu-Er really didn't know about it.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "It’s a trivial matter to meet the bandits. The most dangerous thing is that it was almost caught by the Beibei people. Those Beibei people hate you, and in order to avenge him, they are ambushing halfway and trying to catch the mother. Fortunately, I am afraid that there will be more accidents. I was looking for a personal replacement, and I followed Yang Shifu path." It is not easy to think about it that year!
       Jao-Jao has a voice:
       "And this one? Uncle Xu did not talk to me!"
       Lu-Er asked nervously:
       "Mother, then what? How about that substitute?"
       Yu-Xi sighed:
       "That was replaced by the Beibei people, and later she was killed in front of you." Because of this, she was scared to escape marriage. However, except for her and Purple Zi-Jin, others don't know.
       Lu-Er is fortunate to say:
       "Fortunately, my mother is smart." If not, there would be no more of them.
       Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       "Lu-Er, this can be said wrong, the mother has always been very smart. Our 6th Brother can be so smart can be the mother's credit." After that, also deliberately added:
       "If it is like a -servant, it will be miserable." ”
       Yu-Xi can't smile:
       "You must have heard you when you hear this."
       She is now a Eldest Miss, how can she even start with her. Don't talk about it, now it won't be embarrassed anymore. Jao-Jao said Yang Yangtou:
       "I am not afraid of it! For my mother, don't prepare so many dowries when I am married. It is enough to give three or five thousand Silver Taels."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You can really save money for your mother." The daughter's voice is also good.
       Jiangnan's craftsmanship is good, Yu-Xi lets Tian-Yang buy good wood in Jiangnan, and asks craftsmen to play furniture. Other things are also being added, just not telling Jao-Jao.
       The three people soon arrived at the mortuary of the seven seven. At this time, the seventy-seven squatters came and went, and they were very lively.
       When I entered the house, the people inside saw Yu-Xi all down the court. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       “You don’t have to be polite.” It’s also a bit unaccustomed to start squatting for her. However, after a long time, I am used to it.
       After saying this, Yu-Xi walked over and personally helped Qi-Qi. At this time, Qi-Qi had already got a good makeup, but she didn't wear a wedding dress.
       Xi Niang quickly took the wedding dress and put it on the seven seven.
       The big red wedding dress reflects the peach-like appearance, and the gleaming brilliance flashes between the eyes.
       Yu-Xi looked and said:
       "My family is like a fairy, but it is cheaper."
       Seven seven red faces, said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "My aunt praised it." That look, can't tell the charming.
       Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       "Cousin, wait for Feng Zhi to see you, you must not turn your eyes." Jao-Jao has a good relationship with Qi Hao, and he has many contacts with Feng Zhiyi, and they are familiar with each other.
       Seven seven was shy and bowed his head.
       According to the custom, the new bride must also hang the mirror on her chest, and she must have a bag on her shoulder and a silver on her arm. These are the processes that Fu-Cheng City must follow, and Feng Madam wants to follow their rules. This is not a big deal, just follow the custom of Fu-Cheng City.
       Everything was worn, and Xi Niang took the cover. Yu-Xi reached out and put the hijab in his hand. He turned to ask Qi-Qi :
       “Have you ever eaten? If you haven’t eaten, you have to eat something first?”
       Being a bride is also a very tiring thing.
       Seven seven fine channels:
       "I am not hungry." When it was not bright, it rose. Until now, I didn't drink any water, let alone eat it.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Will there be some tossing, can't you eat anything?"
       When he finished, he told people to send snacks.
       Not long after, there was a dish of Hong-duo cake on the Servant side. These pastries are only the size of the fingers, which will still be hot. Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Which is enough to eat these, go to the next bowl of dumplings!" Noodles are inconvenient, and the dumplings are better.
       Xi Niang hesitated, but thought about his duties or whispered:
       "Wangfei, eating dumplings will make up the makeup."
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "It's still early, it will take a while to get back on makeup." Big deal, let Feng Zhiyi wait.
       After saying this, Yu-Xi is moving towards seven seven:
       "When you eat dumplings, don't drink soup." Drinking soup is going to be in the toilet, which is not easy to handle.
       Seven seven gently nodded.
       Feng Zhiyi was wearing a red dress to pick up the bride. After entering the hi room to see Yu-Xi, Feng Zhi was busy giving Yu-Xi a ceremony for the younger generation.
       After Yu-Xi received the ceremony, she smiled and said:
       "Zhi, I will hand over the seventy-seven to you. If you want to treat her well in the future, you can't let her be wronged."
       Feng Zhi said:
       “Wangfei rest assured, I will definitely treat A Ying well, and she will never let her suffer a little bit of grievance.”
       Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       "Feng Zhiwei, I warn you, if you dare to be bad for my cousin, then I will find you looking for your teeth!"
       Feng Zhiyi was not dealing with Jao-Jao on the first day. How can she not know her temperament, she immediately said with a smile:
       "1st County Owner rest assured, I will not give you this opportunity." He has seen Qi-Qi  times, no matter whether it is the temperament or the ability to be satisfied. Moreover, this daughter-in-law is not too late to go home, and she will be willing to be wronged.
       The anxiety of the seven seven-seven hearings subsided.
       Lu Xiu smiled:
       "Well, when Kyrgyzstan arrives, the ceremony is over." With the statement of Yu-Xi and 1st County Owner, I believe that not only Feng Zhiyi, but also other people in the family will be treated well. This is also the purpose of Han Jianming and Qiu-shi to let Yu-Xi marry.
       The bride sent the door and the guests also said goodbye. Yu-Xi returned with Lu-Er and Jao-Jao.
       Lu Xiu sent away the last guest, very embarrassed:
       "This heart is empty." Although she was not born to her, she also saw her grow up. In the past two years, she has taught her housekeepers. Marrying out now, it’s not easy to see you later.
       Spring Mama understands this feeling, thinking that when her daughter married and looked at the empty yard, tears could not help but fall. Relatively speaking, Lu Xiu is still good, after all, she is just a mother-in-law. Spring Mama smiled and said:
       "When the next year's grandfather kisses, and then gives Madam a big fat grandson, the house can be lively again."
       Lu Xiu smiled and nodded:
       "Yes!" It is still a good son. I have a daughter who is going to marry someone else house. I also worry that my daughter is not doing well at my husband's house. The birth of a son is not the same, it is to add a population to the family.
       Spring Mama sees Lu Xiu show, and she breathes a sigh of relief:
       "When the grandfather stunned, Madam could be relaxed for two days."
       Thinking of Han Jianming entrusting her, Lu Xiu had a headache:
       "Where can I get it loose? I have to wait for the Changgeer to kiss me, and I will deliver everything in the house to be really relaxed." I really want to kiss Chang's son, and she has to marry her second son's marriage. In short, it is the heart that can't be finished.
       After the talk, Lu Xiu could not help but swear:
       "You said that the good 1st Master wants to choose a powerful ‘Madam’ who can do it for Chang Ji Er?"
       The mother-in-law said before that she would like to choose a gentle and virtuous gift for Chang Ji Er. This change is too big, so she is somewhat uncomfortable.
       Spring Mama whispered:
       "In fact, the 2nd Master temperament child, give him a good ‘Madam’ who can do it!"
       Thinking of Chang Ji Er's temper, Lu Xiu has nothing to say.
       Back to the palace, Yu-Xi went directly to the front yard. Jao-Jao and Lu-Er returned to the backyard.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "The big cousin's wedding dress is so beautiful, I will wear such a wedding dress in the future."
       Upon hearing this, Lu-Er deliberately smiled and said, "Big sister, the big cousin's wedding dress is embroidered by herself. Big sister, when are you going to embroider the wedding dress?"
       "Oh... this is handed over to the embroidered mother in the house." Let her embroider the wedding dress, she must not have her life.
       Lu-Er smiled and said:
       "Big sister, I heard that this woman is married to wear her own embroidered wedding dress, and then she will be able to live and be beautiful."
       Jao-Jao sneered and said:
       "When she was married, she did not wear her own embroidered wedding dress. Doesn’t she love her love? This can't be happy, but not in the wedding dress, but in the person."
       Lu-Er agrees with this and nods:
       "The big sister said it makes sense. However, I still want to wear my own wedding dress. Marrying is a big event for a lifetime, I don't want to have any regrets."
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "You embroidered well, of course, you have done better, I will forget." Even the block is not well embroidered, but also embroidered wedding dress! Waiting for her to embroider the wedding dress, it is estimated that she will not marry in this life.
       Lu-Er thought about it:
       "Big sister, just said that you asked the mother to prepare four or five thousand dowries for Silver Taels? Are you true?"
       Four or five thousand Silver Taels are enough for use, and the monthly expenses of the palace are not limited to this number.
       Jao-Jao, um, one channel:
       "I have saved some money myself, and I have a lot of money. In the future, Jinyu can also get a family business from the family. The family is so difficult, but it can save."
       Lu-Er heard this and his face was tangled.
       When Yu-Xi returned to the front yard, Xu Wu reported to her about something:
       "Wangfei, who received the general of -Lu before the two quarters of an hour, is now on the desk." Since he has not managed the intelligence network, his news has not been well-informed. However, with Yu-Xi for so long, he vaguely guessed that Yu-Xi would be an important matter for -Lu Tienan. If it is only a migrant outside the city of Linzhou, it is impossible for such frequent communication.
       Yu-Xi opens the fold, and a letter is enclosed in the fold. This letter was written by Ye Jiuyong.
       Looking at the fold and the letter, Yu-Xi fell into meditation. In the Jinju, where Ye Jiuqi arrived more than 20 days ago, this time he mainly talked about the situation in Jinju, which is very detailed.
       Xu Wu saw it and withdrew. Just arrived at the door, I saw Yun-Qing wearing a blue robes.
       Yun-Qing asked:
       "Wangfei is inside?"
       Qi-Qi  were married, Hao Ji Er went with the triplets, only Yun-Qing did not go.
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       “Wangye, Wangfei looked very dignified after seeing the squad sent by General -Lu.”
       Yun-Qing knows what it is, and when he walks into the house, he sees Yu-Xi holding a letter and thinking about it. He did not interrupt the idea of ​​Yu-Xi and stood by and waited.
       When Yu-Xi woke up to see Yun-Qing , he asked:
       "When did you come back?"
       Yun-Qing went to the military camp outside the city, and she thought she would come back in the afternoon.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I am coming back for a while, seeing that you are thinking of things and not calling you. Is -Lu Yongnan asking you something difficult?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and handed Ye Jiuyi letter to Yun-Qing , saying:
       “Jinju had a riot last month, but it was quickly suppressed by officers and men.”
       This is expected by Yun-Qing :
       "I said before that it is very easy to trigger riots, but it is difficult to form a large scale." Zhou Yan had more than 300 thousand soldiers and horses in his hands, and the riots caused by several people could easily calm down.
       Yu-Xi does not agree with Yun-Qing :
       "He Rui, the water is easy to carry the boat can also overturn the boat. Lost the hearts of the people, even if the army is tough, it is just a long delay."
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Not only that, the soldiers in the army are all civilian children, and it is actually unwilling to let them go to rebel against these people."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "He Rui, did the candidate pick it up? If you pick it up, let him go to Jinju." The court is more rebellious, but the people will still be rebelled if they can't survive. Because the rebellion may still have a way to live, otherwise it will only die.
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "Take it, but people are still in Fu-Cheng City. It will take another two or three days. Yu-Xi, do you want to see him?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "If you deal with this, I will not intervene." She didn't know much about the war, and there was nothing to say when she saw it. Why waste this time!

       Chapter 1249   Self blame    

       Four places in Dingzhou, Jinju, Yizhou and Jingzhou rioted on the same day. The riots are different from the usual ones. After occupying various state governments, they killed officials and robbed wealthy households, and then took out some of the food and other materials they had come out to help the victims. Soon, the rebels of this uprising quickly expanded.
       Zhou was frustrated with the news and felt that it was not right. He sent a confidant to the soldiers to go to the rebellion, while the 800-year-old rushed to send the news back to Capital City.
       Yan Wu-shuang also felt that it was not right when he received the news. He said with a calm face:
       "If it was not agreed in advance, it would not be possible to rebel on the same day." The four places were rioting together, and it was obviously organized and planned.
       Meng-nian heard the meaning of Yan Wu-shuang:
       "The emperor, the head of the person knows how to distribute the food grain and other items that are robbed to the victims and buy the people hearts. Things are more complicated than we think." This rebellion is very different from the usual.
       Yan Wu-shuang fell into meditation, and after a long time, he said to Meng-nian:
       "Week said in the fold that there are many weapons and other weapons in the hands of these rebels. These weapons are not worse than those in the military. If I guessed it well, this rebellion should be planned by Han Yu-Xi." Why did the uprising be suppressed so quickly? First, there was no plan to act with anger, and secondly, there was no good weapon. In this case, how to fight the regular army.
       Meng-nian thinks that it is true, immediately caught fire in the eyes, said:
       "It’s so despicable that the people are rebelling."
       Yan Wu-shuang did not expect Han Yu-Xi to come here before:
       "Using the rebels to consume our military power, this idea is very good." The Yun-Qing temperament will not do such a thing. This idea is 100% Han-Xi thinks.
       In this regard, Yan Wu-shuang feels that there is nothing to blame, many things are not right or wrong, only the outcome. If you change to him, there is no such opportunity.
       Meng-nian changed his face and said:
       "The emperor, if so, then Shandong will not be too peaceful."
       If Yu-Xi hears this, she must be scornful, even if she is not consistent with Hebei and Shandong. Just before Ye Jiuqi uprising, there were rebellions in two other places in Hebei, but the scale was relatively small.
       Yan Wu-shuang nod:
       "Han Yu-Xi is playing the strength of our army, Shandong is certainly not too flat."
       Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, we can't let Han Yu-Xi plan succeed."
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't answer this, even if he knew that Han Yu-Xi plan could not stop:
       "I will let Zhou Lai and Qing Qing yun pay close attention to the movements in the northwest and not give them the opportunity to support the rebels." If they are not allowed to supply grain and weapons, this group of rebels should not be able to support it for a long time.
       Meng-nian has a voice:
       "The emperor, we have to inform the world of what Yu-Xi has done. Let the people know how Han Yu-Xi is despicable." This woman is really doing nothing. Compared to Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Xi is already very mild.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Doing these things privately, Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi must deny it. We must find evidence, and then justify the attack on Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi."
       Meng-nian said:
       "This is easy to handle, I am going to check. Since I have done it, I will be able to find evidence." This is not a secret, even if Han Yu-Xi wants to know what to do.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded.
       After the day was over, Yan Wu-shuang went to Zhang Huagong. Because of the lateness, Yu-Chen has already got into bed.
       Looking at Yan Wu-shuang, who is tired, Yu-Chen is very distressed, but does not say anything extra, it is useless.
       When I heard Yu-Chen telling people to stay up all night, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You don't have to worry about it. If you have something to eat, you will come up." Even if it is simple, it will take half an hour to do it well.
       After a while, Gui Mama came to a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest porridge. This was originally Yu-Chen's nightingale, but Yu-Chen didn't eat it.
       After drinking the bird's nest, Yan Wu-shuang was lying in bed and massaged by Yu-Chen. After a while, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I remember you said that Han Yu-Xi is very kind, even the ants are reluctant to step on."
       Yu-Chen handed a meal, then um, a voice:
       "Yes. When she was young, she saw that the ants had to go around and said that these ants were also a life. She could not deprive these ants of their lives." This is not made by Yu-Chen, but it happened. After Yu-Xi was revived, he was awed by life, and even the ants did not dare to step on.
       Yan Wu-shuang 嗤笑一音:
       "Power can really make a person completely change."
       Yu-Chen didn't feel right when he heard this, asked:
       "Imperial, is there anything wrong?"
       Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "The rebellion in Hebei has killed thousands of people."
       Yu-Chen asked:
       "The emperor means that the rebellion in Hebei was planned by Yu-Xi?"
       See Yan Wu-shuang nod, Yu-Chen Said:
       "She is no longer the one in my memory." Today's Han Yu-Xi is judged as a child.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It is estimated that Yun-Qing will bring troops into the capital in the following year." When he said this, Yan Wu-shuang looked calm. For him, the capital can be kept by the code, and it doesn't matter if it can't be kept.
       Yu-Chen’s heart trembled and said:
       "The emperor, is there any way?"
       See Yan Wu-shuang, no sound, Yu-Chen whispered:
       "The emperor, waiting for Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi to stabilize the country, will certainly send troops to attack Liaodong." Once Liaodong was attacked, their mother and child will have a life threat.
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "How? Fear?"
       Yu-Chen said a word:
       "Afraid." Suddenly, Yu-Chen hung down:
       "I have been sinned in my life, but I have also enjoyed a blessing. There is nothing to regret. Just Achi and A-Bao are still young, and life has not yet begun."
       Yan Wu-shuang was surprised. I didn't expect Han Yu-Chen to be so frank about him. Laughter, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You can rest assured that even if Liaodong can't keep it, I will keep A-Bao and Achi."
       Yu-Chen said gently:
       "I believe in the emperor." I don't believe it, because she has no other way.
       Yan Wu-shuang closed his eyes and didn't talk anymore.
       After serving Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Chen got out of bed:
       "Prepare water, I want to bathe."
       It is not an easy task to give Yan Wu-shuang a massage. She just had a sweat.
       Gui Mama said:
       “The water is ready, and Imperial Consort can go to the bath now.” Every time Yu-Chen massages Yan Wu-shuang, it is already a habit.
       Waving to let Shi Xiang and others go out, Gui Mama just squatted and asked Yu-Chen back and asked:
       "Imperial Consort, is it the emperor who brought you Han Yu-Xi?"
       Yu-Chen sighed and said:
       "The emperor said that the rebellion in Hebei was planned by Yu-Xi. The purpose is to consume the military power of the court, and then attack the capital in the future to get twice the result with half the effort."
       Gui Mama said:
       "Han Yu-Xi is really all-in-one, and I want to get it so badly."
       "It doesn't matter if it's ruined, it's useful." After that, Yu-Chen said something awkwardly:
       "The winners are defeated, and Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi have gotten this world. These things will naturally be erased." History books are written for the winners.
       Gui Mama face changed, but it quickly calmed down:
       “Imperial Consort, Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are not so easy to think of this world.”
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "The emperor said that the most years after, Yun-Qing will bring troops into the capital. Seeing the attitude of the emperor, he is not sure to hold the capital." Even if it is not sure to hold, Yan Wu-shuang did not intend to defend the capital.
       See Gui Mama face is not good, Yu-Chen said:
       "The emperor said that even if Liaodong could not keep it, he would save A-Bao and Achi."
       Gui Mama frowned and asked:
       "What about Imperial Consort?"
       Yu-Chen said:
       "I naturally want to advance and retreat with the emperor." Yan Wu-shuang is born, she is born; Yan Wu-shuang If there is a case, she naturally follows.
       There are no other people in the clean room, and Gui Mama has no scruples:
       "Imperial Consort, leaving 3rd Prince and 1st Prince, how can you be assured?"
       Not to mention Yu-Chen, she can't feel at ease.
       "I believe in the emperor." See Gui Mama and say, Yu-Chen said:
       "Mama, no need to say, I have decided." Selfishness, timidity, she really did not want to worry about the days of fear.
       This words quickly spread to Meng-nian ears. Because Yu-Chen is remarried, Meng-nian did not get Yu-Chen before, and she felt that she was afraid of death. But now, he has changed the Han Yu-Chen.
       Yan Wu-shuang knew this and saw Meng-nian change to Han Yu-Chen, laughing and saying:
       "Whoever says beautiful things."
       Meng-nian glimpsed and said:
       "The emperor does not believe in Honorable Noble?"
       If you believe, you won't say this.
       Yan Wu-shuang does not believe in Han Yu-Chen. If she really has this power, she will die long ago, and she can still live to the present. However, he did not succumb to Yu-Chen, and the ants were still stealing, let alone people! There are opportunities for life, who is willing to die.
       Meng-nian frowned.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not willing to continue this topic, saying:
       "Just got the news, this riot in Hebei is organized by Ye Jiuyi."
       Meng-nian feels that the name Ye Jiuyi is somewhat familiar.
       Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Ye Jiuyi is the leader of the migrants outside the city of Linzhou. These people have received the help of Han Yu-Xi, and they must have died in her heart. Such people are in jeopardy, and you are going to remove him."
       "I will tell you to wait." After all, Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, since the details of Ye Jiu-yu have been identified, should we promote this matter."
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It’s not enough to just preach. I am going to prepare a letter to the northwest."
       "A letter?"
       Meng-nian did not understand.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Falcon is not to promote Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi is the king of the world, I will let the world see the true face of the couple." In order to win this world, Han Yu-Xi no matter what means Not too much. I can think of such a thing and still have a good reputation. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?
       One night of hard work, the rebellion in Hebei is Ming Wang and Ming Wangfei planning this news spread throughout the capital. The people of Pingtou heard the most words of this news, but after those literati heard this, they clashed with Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi.
       Zhong-Shan got the news brows. If this is true, then this means is too much to do.
       Tie-Kui has no idea about this:
       "If the imperial court smashed the disaster, Yu-Xi could not encourage them to rebel." It was said that it was still incompetent and the court gave Yu-Xi a chance.
       Zhong-Shan fellow:
       "I heard that this rebellion in Hebei has killed and injured tens of thousands of people, and I don't know if it is true or not."
       Tie-Kui came to this and knew that Zhong-Shan was also affected by the rumors outside:
       "The people can't live, and sooner or later they have to rebel. But the scale of ordinary people rebellion is not so big, and the court can quickly suppress it."
       Zhong-Shan is the same as stunned.
       “Old Master means that the rebellion in Hebei is really planned by Mingfei?”
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "It can only be said that this rebellion has something to do with Yu-Xi." Seeing Zhong-Shan with the same doubt, Tie-Kui said:
       "I got a message before I came back. The rebel army has lost more than 10 thousand people. If there are no people in the rebel army who are good at using soldiers, they can't do it."
       Zhong-Shan is always convinced by Tie-Kui. Since he said so, there should be nothing wrong with it. Zhong-Shan asked:
       “Old Master doesn’t think that Wangfei is doing a lot of work?”
       Tie-Kui looked at Zhong-Shan and said:
       "I just said that even if there is no Yu-Xi involved, Hebei and Shandong will not be peaceful." Yu-Xi intervened, but it made the situation more chaotic. However, since Yu-Xi and Yan Wu-shuang are enemies, this is understandable.
       "This has nothing to do with us." After saying this, Tie-Kui shifted the topic:
       "Old clock, I want to send Azhan to the northwest." Azhan is the son of Xiao-Shi, except for their husband and ‘Madam’, only Zhong-Shan knows.
       Zhong-Shan is a little surprised:
       “Send to Northwest? Old Master, are you going to hand over 3rd Young Master to Ming Wangfei?”
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "The situation is getting more and more serious now. I don't know what to expect in the future." In fact, after Azhan was born, he wanted to send it to the northwest, but the child was too small to be surprised. Now that the child is older, there is no such worry.
       Zhong-Shan has a heart:
       "Old Master, isn't Yan Wu-shuang discovering anything?"
       It should not be possible, they are extremely cautious in these years.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "No. It is also a defense to send Azhan to the northwest." He has to leave a root for the Ning family.
       "No, there will be nothing in the event, Old Master, you will be able to live a long life." After so many years, I have come over, and in two years I will be in the first place. If there is an accident at this time, then the old innocence is not long-sighted.
       Tie-Kui smiled bitterly:
       "I have so many blood innocent people on my hands, how can I live a long life?"
       Zhong-Shan immediately said:
       "Old Master, this is not your intention, you are also obeying orders." He knows that Old Master has been upset because of the people who live.
       Sighed, Tie-Kui said:
       "Even if you are obeying orders, these people are dead in my hands."
       Zhong-Shan fellow:
       "Old Master, these people can't live even if you don't follow the rules." Tie-Kui doesn't follow the sacred purpose. There is no benefit in getting rid of himself. Yan Wu-shuang will still appoint others to kill these people.
       Tie-Kui did not reduce the embarrassment of the heart because of the same words of Zhong-Shan. Yan Wu-shuang is the mastermind, and he is an accomplice.

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Han Yuxi

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