Han Yuxi 1220

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1220   Pity and jade    

       Ling Ruoyun just wants to follow his brother's family, but he did not expect Xu Wu to be so worried, tears brushed down.
       Xiaolian thought about it:
       "Madam, the slain passover, I think the Old Master does not let Madam with a few tables less they live in the house is also considered."
       Ling Ruoyun looked up at Xiaolian Said:
       "what did you say?"
       Xiaolian said:
       "Madam, you are kind, but can you let Madam live in the house for a lifetime?"
       Ling Ruoyun wiped his tears:
       "I just want them to stay in the house for a while, wait for the wind to pass, and let them move out."
       Xiaolian said very straightforwardly:
       "Madam, once they get used to the life in our house, it is difficult to let them move away. Even if they move out, it is not easy to adapt to the outside environment. Instead of this, don't let them live in the first place. In the house."
       Ling Ruoyun twitched and said:
       "The reason I understand, but a few children are so small, there is no man at home to support the door, and living outside will definitely be bullied." She is a poor shi-nu.
       Xiaolian advised:
       “Madam, it’s time to take care of it.” Although it’s a Madam butler, it’s the Old Master. The Old Master didn't want to marry Madam. They lived in, and Madam couldn't bear to change the Old Master's meaning.
       Ling Ruoyun let Xiaolian get in the water, just crying and makeup is spent. Net face, replenished makeup, Ling Ruoyun also calmed down.
       Xiaolian sees Ling Ruoyun sitting on the stool and staring, saying:
       "Madam, don't think about it, it's a lot of things to think about."
       Ling Ruoyun shook his head and said:
       "I was so sad now that I lost my sense of time. Old Master is not afraid of things or people who are reluctant to make money, so his temperament should not stop his younger brother and a few children from entering the house."
       Xiaolian asked:
       "Madam, what do you mean?"
       Ling Ruoyun squeezed the poplar comb tightly and said coldly:
       "Zhao-shi, I am afraid that there is nothing wrong with it."
       Xiaolian does not understand:
       “Madam, what is wrong with Madam?
       After that, Xiaolian looks white:
       “Madam means that Jiu Old Master is related to corruption and bribery?”
       Ling Ruoyun also hopes that this speculation is wrong, but Xu Wu attitude has made her have to think more:
       "Besides this reason, I can't think of other reasons, so Old Master is so strongly opposed to letting their mother and son live in the house for a while."
       Xiaolian thought about it:
       "Madam, then wait for the Old Master to come back and ask."
       Originally this night was Xu Wu shift, but he did not worry that Ling Ruoyun had changed hands with Xu Da Nu. Back home, see Ling Ruoyun's emotional stability, but also relieved a lot.
       Ling Ruoyun directly asked:
       "Old Master, if the source is corrupt and accepting bribes, is it related to Zhao-shi?"
       Her brother is not a person who loves money, but Zhao-shi is very heavy on money.
       Xu Wu had some accidents and nodded under Ling Ruoyun’s gaze:
       "Yes. Six months ago, Ling Ruoyuan tried a lawsuit against the family. Zhao-shi received the filial piety of one of the three hundred Silver Taels. She thought she was secret, but she didn't want it to fall into the eyes of the people..." Ling Ruoyuan was People grasp the handle and can only be controlled by people.
       Ling Ruoyun regretted this when he heard this:
       "I knew that I shouldn't let them go outside."
       Xu Wu views are quite different:
       "If you are not standing right, even if you don't leave it, you will have an accident. The reason why I don't allow Zhao-shi to live in the house is that she is afraid that she lives in the house and affects several children."
       Ling Ruoyun heard this saying:
       "If the Old Master told me earlier, I wouldn't dare let her live in." If the source fell to the field, she would harm her.
       Xu Wu said:
       "In fact, this time, although it was the cause of Zhao-shi, the fundamental problem is still on his own."
       Ling Ruoyun smiled bitterly:
       "It's my fault, I didn't teach him well, and I didn't give him a good ‘Madam’." Zhao-shi, is Ling Ruoyun.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "It's not like saying this. If he has the principle to have the bottom line, he will be surrounded by a woman." It seems that many people say that Wangye is afraid of Wangfei, and that Wangfei is very compliant. In fact, this is a misinformation. In general, Wangye will follow Wangfei, but if it involves principle, Wangye is half-step.
       Ling Ruoyun smiled bitterly:
       "Old Master is right. If you want to blame it, if you don't hold it, just follow the Old Master and ask them to set up a small house, and then give them some money to let them live." Sheng Mien fights rice, Zhao- -shi like this, she is rich and not willing to give. And she has her own home, and she can't avoid her own family for her family.
       Also on this day, Yu-Xi received a letter from Yun-Qing and Kaihao and Jao-Jao. Among them, Qi Hao said a lot of things in the letter, and there are some anecdotes in the army.
       In the evening, You Ji-Er asked:
       "Mother, I heard that they wrote a letter back. Mother, what did you say to your brother in the letter?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Your eldest brother said that the feeling of riding on the grassland and riding on the school ground is completely different." The grassland can be rushed to the horse, and the practice ground can only be circled, naturally different.
       Rui Ji Er feels very sorry:
       "Unfortunately, we can't ride horses on the grassland with our older Brother." The feeling of horses galloping in the wind is definitely cool.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't worry, you are still small, and there are opportunities in the future."
       You Ji-Er asked in confusion:
       "Mother, why didn't you write to us with the big brother? Is it wary in front of the war?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I haven't opened it yet. You only started the army five days ago. When you open the camp, you have to wait for a while!" The Beijiao nest is deep in the grassland, and they are very mobile. If they find it wrong, they can stay overnight. There was no trace of running. This is why everyone is not expecting Yun-Qing to attack Beibei.
       Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, I want to go to the Daxing Temple and ask for the Buddha to bless you."
       You Ji-Er snorted:
       "If the Bodhisattva is really spirited, there will be no dead people in this world." You Ji-Er is deeply influenced by Yu-Xi and does not believe in Buddhism.
       Yu-Xi yelled at You Ji-Er:
       "A-You, you can't believe in Buddhism, but you can't speak out."
       You Ji-Er snorted and didn't say anything.
       Turning the head, Yu-Xi said to Lu-Er:
       "You are very happy with this heart, but now there is a lot of fish in the Daxing Temple. Don't go now."
       Niu Jingyi was sent back to Yucheng for execution, and the cattle family was also sold by the government. Other people involved in the case were also punished. This corruption case is officially over here.
       Nor is it that no one has impeached Han Jianming, but he has not been left in Yu-Xi. Therefore, in addition to letting Han Jianming suffer some criticism, Niu Jingyi case has no other influence.
       It was very late, Han Jianming was busy preparing for a day, and at this time, Han Gao asked for it.
       Han Gao was not alone, but came with his son Han Xiaoyu. As soon as he entered the house, Han Gao took his son and sinned on the ground.
       Han Jianming frowned and said:
       "What happened?"
       Han Gao is one of his most reliant confidants. He is very cautious when he is acting on a regular basis, so he will not be convinced.
       In Han Xiaoyu.
       Han Gao looked at Han Xiaoyu and sighed:
       "Xunzi, don't hurry back to the Old Master."
       In fact, it is not Han Xiaoyu who is actually doing something wrong, but Chang Ji Er. After Chang Ji Er saw Niu Jingyi daughter Niu Qing he, she liked her. Knowing that Niu Qing he was sold to the heart of the music, she could not bear it, and she redeemed her and placed it outside.
       Han Jianming’s face changed slightly and asked:
       "when did it happen?"
       Han Xiaoyu said with a low head:
       "Three days ago, I was redeemed and placed in Zhuzi Lane. Tonight, my grandfather wants to go to Zhuzi Lane to visit Niu Miss. The small one is afraid of accidents and said that he has dispelled the idea of ​​returning to the government." Han Xiaoyu came home when he happened to be Han Gao. Also, he asked a few words when he looked wrong, but he did not expect to ask such a big event.
       Han Jianming’s heart was furious and went to Chang’s yard in person. At this time, Chang Ji Er has not slept, in the study.
       Han Jianming went straight into the study room. I saw Chang Ji Er looking at the statue of a Lady on the table. The woman on the painting is Niu Qing he.
       Han Jianming asked the angry anger in his heart:
       "When are you thinking about this Niu Qing he?"
       When Chang Ji Er saw Han Jianming, his face was white, and he -called:
       "Father..." Han Jianming was very strict with Chang Ji Er, causing Chang Ji Er to be very afraid of him.
       Han Jianming looked at his anger like this and couldn’t control it anymore:
       "You are courageous, even send people to the music house to redeem people, redeemed people still dare to arrange outside." Chang Ji Er this behavior, and set the Outside Mistress no different.
       Chang Ji Er did not expect Han Jianming to know so soon:
       "Father, I just can't bear to let the Miss Miss fall into the dirty place of the music house." From the official family, Miss, to the place where the music is waiting for the next stream, it is better to die.
       Han Jianming sneered:
       "You will pity the cherished jade. But you know that if this thing is known, not only the face of the Han family will be thrown away, but Wangfei will also be criticized." In addition, Chang Ji Er wants to marry a good dear. .
       In fact, Han Jianming's words are somewhat alarmist. Chang Ji Er's purchase of Outside Mistress is not even spread, but it does not involve Yu-Xi.
       Chang Ji Er is not a person who does not know, but he has his own insistence:
       "Father, I can't let her fall into the music house. Otherwise, I can't be safe in my life."
       Han Jianming’s face is very ugly:
       "What kind of person is she? What did she fall into the music house with you?"
       Chang Ji Er looked up at Han Jianming and then lowered his head:
       “The Grandmother told me.”
       Han Jianming did not respond at the moment and asked:
       "What did you say to the Grandmother?"
       Chang Ji Er said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "The Grandmother said that his father took a fancy to Miss's Miss and wanted to hire his son as a ‘Madam’." If not, he would not pay attention to Niu Qing he.
       Han Jianming was very angry and angry when he heard this, but he restrained his emotions and said:
       "Beginning to have this idea, but later found out that the Missian Miss is not suitable for you, I dismissed the idea, but I did not expect that you have been mourning forever." His mother is really getting more and more confused, and the matter is not fixed. Nonsense in front of you, otherwise there will be this time.
       Chang Ji Er hangs his head:
       "I know, the Grandmother told me. But... Father, I just don't want her to stay in the place where there are no other things." From knowing this to the marriage, there is no such thing as a marriage. And he, like this time, like Niu Qing he. However, Chang Ji Er is also very clear that Niu Qing he is now an official servant and has entered the music house. He is not qualified for him.
       Han Jianming said:
       "You have no other thoughts? Then why do you want to go to Zhuzi Lane to see Niu Qing he in the afternoon?"
       Chang Ji Er did not expect Han Xiaoyu to sell him thoroughly:
       "Father, I just want to see how she is doing now?"
       Reason is one thing, and feelings are another.
       Han Jianming said with a blank expression:
       "You let me down too much." As a successor, Chang Ji Er is really unqualified.
       Chang Ji Er lowered his head and did not speak.
       Han Jianming saw his heart blocked and he was so confused that he would give him this Han family with confidence. Give it to him, saying that the Han family will be defeated in less than a decade.
       Thinking of this, Han Jianming felt that the next step should be put on the agenda, and if he married his ‘Madam’, he would be able to give birth to a donkey. In this way, there is one more choice.
       Putting these thoughts down, Han Jianming said:
       "I will solve the problem of Niu Qing he. I will not remember this thing again in the future. During this time, you will also give me An An to stay at home and review your homework." I will settle the marriage of Changgeer as soon as possible. It will be settled down.
       Chang Ji Er is not at ease, but he has no courage to resist Han Jianming:
       Han Jianming, who came out of the courtyard of Chang Ji Er, went to the upper house to find Qiu-shi. At this time, Qiu-shi had not slept.
       Qiu-shi saw Han Jianming and asked:
       "Minger, is there any urgent matter?"
       Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "Nothing. Mother, why are you still not sleeping so late? Does the doctor mean that you want to raise your body?"
       Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
       "I can't sleep too early, but I don't want to read the scriptures!" Qiu-shi needs an hourly verse every night, and she sleeps very well when she finishes the scriptures.
       After saying this, Qiu-shi asked:
       "Minger, are you having something to do with it? What do you say, don't be in your heart."
       Han Jianming said with a deliberate smile:
       "Mother, it is really inconvenient to have no master in the family." Since I am ready to follow, I will tell Qiu-shi sooner or later. But in the future, he is not ready to tell Qiu-shi about the important thing.
       Qiu-shi was surprised and happy, and asked:
       "What kind of Miss did you value?"
       She is hoping that Han Jianming has a cold and knowledgeable person.
       Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "No! But I am so old, as long as the other character is correct in the temper and the temperature can be achieved." No matter how much, he does not pick.
       Qiu-shi doesn't think so, and the temperament of the temper is not bad, otherwise she can't see it:
       "What is this saying? If you want to swear again, it is natural to make a good one." Although his son is older, he is better at being in a high position. Only this point, what kind of daughter-in-law can't get on.
       Han Jianming can argue with Qiu-shi and smiles and says:
       "Okay, listen to my mother." However, he will not look for the conditions of Qiu-shi. Otherwise, looking for three years may not be able to find satisfaction.

       Chapter 1221   Great Mother    

       The endless grassland is like a huge painting spread between the heavens and the earth. It is so pure green and so far green that it cannot be described in words.
       Jao-Jao rides on the big red horse, and does not like to appreciate this beauty:
       "A-Hoa, we have been staying here for three days, and we don't know what it is like?"
       Snoring should not be a slap in the face, she even ordered to rest, for three days, there is no sign of any action.
       Qi Hao felt that Jao-Jao was too anxious, but only three days, which would delay the aircraft. Furthermore, he still trusts Yun-Qing :
       "If you do this, you must have his reasons."
       Jao-Jao -called:
       "There should be reasons to say it? You can say nothing." This is the most dissatisfied place of Jao-Jao. I asked him a few times and asked her to worry.
       Kai Hao looked at Jao-Jao and his words were very sharp:
       "Why do you want to tell you?"
       "Oh..." was smashed, and Jao-Jao quickly said:
       "Don't I even believe in it?"
       Qi Hao said coldly:
       "This is not a question of unbelief, but you are not qualified enough to know about it now." Jao-Jao is just a family of five, and because of her identity, otherwise she is not qualified to see him.
       Not waiting for the opening of Jao-Jao, Kai Hao said:
       "Big sister, I hope you keep in mind that now you are only a family of five in the army, not the 1st County Owner of the Ming Family."
       Jao-Jao heard this and held his fist:
       "I will not always be a thousand households of five products."
       Kai Hao saw Jao-Jao did not understand her words, said directly:
       "Big sister, I mean public is private and private. You can't talk about it publicly or privately. You must obey the rules of the military in the army, and when you return home, you are just the daughter of a mother." Kai Hao thinks that he is a big sister. Too pampered.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "A-Hoa, I don't have public or private."
       Qi Hao is not willing to like Jao-Jao like Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi, saying:
       "Big sister, if you say something ugly, you can have the current achievements by relying on you and your mother." This is actually biased. Jao-Jao can rely on Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing today. But the most important thing is that she dares to fight.
       Jao-Jao face rose red:
       "How do I rely on my mother?"
       Qi Hao does not leave a little affection for Jao-Jao, saying:
       "You feel your own heart and ask yourself, are you not relying on your mother?"
       On the eloquence, ten Jao-Jao are also better than Kaihao.
       Qi Hao sighed and said:
       "Big sister, I said these are for you. I want to be a female general, not as easy as you think. If you don't correct your position, you will never realize your wishes." Not to mention that Jao-Jao is a woman. Even a man who can become a general is rare.
       Jao-Jao and Kaihao have always been very good. After listening to this, I asked:
       "Positive position? What do you mean?"
       Qi Hao said with some helplessness:
       "I just said that in the military you are just a family of five goods, you just have to listen to the order, the other is not what you should ask. And you not only asked but also dissatisfied with the coach's decision, if you It’s just an ordinary general, and it’s not an exaggeration to dismiss.”
       Jao-Jao asked innocently:
       “Is it so serious?”
       Kai Hao asked:
       "Should be handsome, are you serious?"
       As far as Jao-Jao is concerned, Qi Hao really has no confidence in her becoming a female general.
       Jao-Jao touched his nose and said:
       "A-Hoa, I just said a few words, how can I get the coach to centrifuge?"
       I feel that Kaihao is on the line.
       Kai Hao does not want to say more:
       "Big sister, let's go out for a long time, let's go back!" The idea of ​​the two is not in the way of thinking.
       Back in the army, the two heard Yun-Qing convene a high-level general in the barracks camp.
       Jao-Jao didn't want to go inside the camp. After waiting for halfway, he found that Kaihao didn't keep up. He turned and asked:
       "A-Hoa, why don't you go?"
       Qi Hao has been unable to vomit, and the words he just said, the big sister did not listen to a word:
       "Big sister, even if we want to go in, we should send people to go to the night, instead of going so madly. If you let the mother know, you have to train you." Yu-Xi is the most courtesy, and Jao-Jao just now The behavior is very rude.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "I am not in a hurry!"
       Qi Hao didn't want to talk to Jao-Jao anymore, and it didn't help to say it. He went outside the camp and said to Yi Yi:
       "Uncle Uncle, I want to go in with my older sister, would you please all night?"
       Yi Yi is very fond of Qi Hao, not only smart, but the most important thing is that Hao Ji Er respects them very much. For them, respect is more important than any reward:
       "The Wang Heir wait a moment." Then he picked up the curtain and walked in.
       After a while, Yi Yi walked out from the inside and said:
       “Wangye said that the Wang Heir can go in...” After that, Yi Yi paused and said to Jao-Jao:
       “Wangye returns the 1st County Owner to his own camp.” The generals who went with Yun-Qing were Feng Jun, Chu Shuguang, Du-Zheng, and Cui Mo. Jao-Jao was transferred to the army under the jurisdiction of the Fengjun Army, and now he has a thousand troops.
       Jao-Jao heard this and asked:
       "Uncle Uncle, are you going to take action?"
       Yi Yi shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this." Even if he knew, he wouldn't tell Jao-Jao.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Big sister, if you are a military commander, you still have to return to the team!" It is also his big sister, like other generals, unless they have orders, they are honestly staying in the army!
       Jao-Jao oh one channel:
       "Then I went back to the camp, A-Hoa, what happened to you to send me a notice."
       He is sure that there will be nothing to do with him. However, A-Hoa also knows that Jao-Jao is concerned about him, and there is no more nonsense, nodded:
       "You have to protect yourself, don't hurt any more."
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "Reassured, no."
       Qi Hao entered the camp and found that there were more than a dozen generals in the camp. These people, he knows. After greeting, Qi Hao stood next to Yun-Qing . Regardless of what Yun-Qing said, he only listened carefully and did not speak.
       The time of the meeting was compared and it took more than one hour. When the people left, the sky was getting dark.
       Qi Hao sees Yun-Qing and looks down at the map, saying:
       "Hey, eat first! I won't be late after dinner."
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "Let them bring the food in!" After the expedition, Yun-Qing was eating in his own camp.
       After the father and son finished eating, Yun-Qing did not look at the map, but asked Qi Hao:
       "Where did you talk to the army, where can you understand?"
       Yun-Qing This father is still very diligent, and he will do his best to teach Qi Hao. This point is Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing is the opposite. Yu-Xi is about gradual progress. She felt that if there was too much infusion in one time, some of them would taste good.
       Kai Hao said calmly:
       "Oh, many don't understand." He has read several books, but the books are all on paper. The real battle is much more complicated than the military book.
       This time, Yun-Qing does not know where to start.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Hey, after these wars, you will slowly explain it to me!" As his mother said, he is coming to learn this time, listen more and read more, don’t understand, remember in his heart, wait for him to have time and then asked.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Good. After the completion of the game, I will explain it to you slowly." In fact, many of the plans made this time depend on the memory of the dream. However, because of Yu-Xi, he is not prepared to say anything about that dream.
       In the evening, Jao-Jao got a military order, and the army left the next day. At noon the next day, Jao-Jao discovered that 600 thousand soldiers and horses had been divided into two ways. A route led by him, the other is naturally a big army.
       Jao-Jao wanted to ask about Feng Dajun, but he quickly remembered Kaihao words and immediately dismissed the idea.
       Ten days later, Yu-Xi received a frontline battle report, and Yun-Qing fought against the Haq people of Beibei, defeating the Hakkas and capturing the heads of the Hakkas. There are a total of twelve tribes in Beibei, and the strength of these twelve tribes is strong and weak. This Hakka is a relatively strong player among the Beibei.
       Xu Wu got a little excited after getting this news and said:
       "I believe that it will take a long time for Wangye to destroy Beibei." Xu Wu said that he would go to Yun-Qing to play Beibei, and Yu-Xi agreed. Unfortunately, Yun-Qing does not agree. The reason is also very simple. I handed Yu-Xi to the safety of several children. He didn't worry, and when he said this, Xu Wu didn't insist on staying.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The war has just begun, it is too early to say this." Even if Yun-Qing opened the plug-in, it is so good, this is not so easy to win. The fierceness of the Beibei people is not to say that they play.
       Xu Wu has confidence in Yun-Qing .
       After three days, the bad news came back. Feng Dajun had a fight with the Daur people who had been there at Mulei, killing more than 30 thousand people. And Jao-Jao got an arrow in the battle, and he woke up after a day and night. This matter, Feng Dajun knew that this matter could not be stopped. When the military newspaper came back, people told Yu-Xi about it.
       Xu Wu See Yu-Xi face ugly, said:
       "Wangfei Don't worry, the army said in the letter that the County Owner is not in danger." But this time the injury was heavy and it took a while to get it.
       Yu-Xi said with a sigh of relief:
       "A battle has killed and injured more than 30 thousand people, and then I am afraid that it will be a fierce battle."
       Xu Wu is also not self-respecting, and there are many other names in Beibei:
       "The Beibei people are mainly cavalry, and we are very disadvantaged in this respect." They have now had less than 20 thousand cavalry, and this number is also formed by Yun-Qing tightening the belt.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I hope that Wangye can solve this problem." Yun-Qing can annihilate the North in the past, which shows that he has the means to restrain the cavalry. This life must also be able.
       In fact, Yun-Qing did not control the method of the Northern Reclamation. He had been able to destroy Beibei in his last life and was mainly afraid of casualties. You know, there are only 80 thousand soldiers left in the 350 thousand troops after the war. Yun-Qing is not in the face, and has not said this to Yu-Xi.
       It was busy until midnight, and Yu-Xi returned to the backyard. Lying in the tub, Yu-Xi couldn't help but sigh.
       Quan Mama asked strangely:
       "What kind of sigh is good?"
       Yu-Xi is rarely sighed.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Jao-Jao was injured and had an arrow in his back. This time he was hurt more seriously. He woke up after a day and night of coma." Although he promised Jao-Jao to join the army on the same day, he knew that the injury was inevitable. Every time I heard that Jao-Jao was injured, Yu-Xi was both distressed and regretted, and the mood was very complicated.
       Quan Mama was shocked and angry:
       “How can I be so hurt?”
       Coma day and night, it can be imagined that it is more dangerous.
       Yu-Xi shook his head when he heard this:
       "It was my fault. The armor worn by Jao-Jao was too conspicuous, so it was targeted by the archer of Beibei. The archer shot two arrows and one of the arrows was blocked by Hong-duo, otherwise , Jao-Jao can now have two lives to say!"
       Quan Mama asked:
       "Where is the injury? Will there be any sequelae?"
       A few children, the most uneasy is Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Injury in the back, said that the lungs are hurt, but it is not serious. The doctor said that it must be raised well. If it is not raised, it will fall to the root of the disease." If you can raise it, Yu-Xi will not worry.
       Quan Mama Amitabha has one channel:
       "Wangfei, this time the 1st County Owner has raised the wound, don't let her go to the battlefield again." One time more than a dangerous, she is really afraid that when the white hair sent black hair!
       Yu-Xi did not agree, said:
       "Look at what she meant."
       Quan Mama said:
       "On the 1st County Owner temperament, I will definitely not give up. Wangfei, if I say unlucky, there is no eye on the battlefield. If the 1st County Owner is out of trouble, you will regret it."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Even if I regret it, I can't stop it. Otherwise, she won't be happy all her life." It was also a lot of things, and Yu-Xi knew how hard it was to live comfortably. She now has the ability to let her children live comfortably according to their own wishes, how can they be willing to stop!
       Quan Mama said helplessly:
       "I want to say that in fact, the most vertical of Jao-Jao is you." If Yu-Xi really constrains Jao-Jao, Jao-Jao will not develop this temper.
       Yu-Xi did not deny, said:
       "I like to see her happy and energetic every day. If she breaks her wings, then she can't see her arrogant look." Suddenly, Yu-Xi looked into the tub. The whiteness that is braving up:
       "I would rather regret it in the future, and I don't want her to be unhappy for a lifetime." Some people like to live a life, and some people like to live alive and fiercely. And Jao-Jao belongs to the latter. If she is forced to teach her like other women, she will certainly not be happy.
       When Quan Mama heard this, she knew that it would be useless, and she had to say:
       "This time Jao-Jao is coming back, she must let her raise it well. If she is not raised now, she will be guilty if she is old." She can only help Jao-Jao to adjust her body as much as she can.
       Yu-Xi clicked on the head:
       "May again, Mama is tired." It is not a child's play to hurt the lungs, so this time I have to let Quan Mama adjust the body to Jao-Jao.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "This is too tired, I am just moving my mouth. But Jao-Jao has injured the lungs this time. It has not been cured for a year or two." In fact, it hurts the lungs, even if it is no longer raised, it will fall. What she can do is to minimize the damage.
       Yu-Xi has learned medicine by himself. I don't know if internal injuries are the most troublesome:
       "Let her suffer and suffer." The medicated diet for internal injuries is not so delicious. And to eat for two years in a row, for Jao-Jao, who is unwilling to take medicine, it must be a painful suffering.

       Chapter 1222   Cost    

       The sky in the grasslands is always so beautiful, from light blue to sapphire blue, unpredictable, but each color has its own unique flavor. Unfortunately, Hao Ji Er has no heart to appreciate this beauty.
       When Yun-Qing walked out of the camp, he saw Kai Hao, who was staring at the blue sky. Yun-Qing touched the head of Qihao and said:
       "What? Worried about your older sister?"
       Since the news of Jao-Jao injury, Qi Hao has been frowning.
       Qi Hao did not deny, saying:
       "I don't know what the big sister is doing now?"
       My sister-in-law has always been very good. I know that Jao-Jao has been seriously injured and he has been uneasy.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Feng Dajun is not saying in your letter that your older sister is not in danger, what are you still worried about?"
       Kai Hao said:
       "This big sister hurts the lungs, I am worried that there will be sequelae." One accident, it may become a medicine jar in the future.
       Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "Everything has to pay for it. A-Hoa, since your big sister wants to be a female general, it is inevitable that the injury will occur." Since this road has been taken, life and death have been handed over to God.
       Kai Hao could not help but ask:
       "Hey, when you were forced to join the army, why should you let the big sister take the army?"
       If the older sister is a son, the son inherits the father's business. But Big Sister is a daughter. He really doesn't understand why he would agree to let the big sister go to the army.
       Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "Hey, I also hesitated at the beginning. I have talked with your mother seriously about this matter. Your mother said that people live for a lifetime. If you can do what you like and are willing to work for, it is also a kind of happiness." He heard this at the time. Very shocked, and then hesitated, and followed Jao-Jao intention.
       Kai Hao stunned:
       "It turned out to be."
       Yun-Qing took the shoulder of Qihao and said:
       "Don't worry, your older sister won't have anything. When she gets better, she will send her back to Yucheng. When the doctor asks her to take care of her for a while, she will be cured soon." Jao-Jao biggest Capital is young, and even if you are injured at this age, you can recover quickly.
       "Yawn..." two yawns in succession, Jao-Jao squatted on the bed:
       "It must be A Rui and A-You. They are saying that I am ill."
       Qiuhe said with a smile:
       “County Owner said that this is a bit too much. 2nd Young Master and 3rd Young Master. They have always respected the 1st County Owner. Will you say bad things behind you? Again, I will miss you and think about you. What about you!"
       Jao-Jao looked at the grass under the bed and said:
       "This is a bad luck. You said that the bastard aimed at me?"
       After that, Jao-Jao was annoyed:
       "Cough, you know that there are archers in the enemy. I will definitely be careful." She was injured just after the war, and she didn't have anything to do with her. She also wants to watch her -calling and smashing the North, and now she is dreaming.
       When Yin Zhaofeng came in, I heard this:
       "County Owner, you will be blunt, even if you are careful, the archers will still aim at you."
       Yin Zhaofeng let Qiu He go out:
       "I have something to say to the County Owner, you should go out first." He didn't want to say anything, so he didn't want to let the third person hear it.
       It is impossible for Akiko to listen to Yin Zhaofeng, so she looks directly at Jao-Jao. Seeing Joo-Jao nodding, she just went out.
       Yin Zhaofeng pointed to the gray-black armor hanging in the camp and said:
       "In the army, in addition to the generals, no one armor is better than you." The archer must have looked at Jao-Jao armor and thought she was not an ordinary person, which made her a target.
       "You mean that this is the reason for this armor. Does the enemy's archer want to put me to death?"
       Seeing Yin Zhaofeng nod, Jao-Jao felt that the injury was very embarrassing:
       "But the color of this armor is the same as everyone else, mostly gray-black?"
       Jao-Jao grows very fast, and the silver-gray armor can't be worn. The armor has a special meaning, so it is not used to transform, but to stay as a commemoration.
       Yin Zhaofeng said helplessly:
       "The color is the same, but how sharp is the eye of the archer, can you see that your armor is better than other ordinary generals?"
       The armor made of fine iron is not comparable to ordinary armor. This archer is all tempered, and he can't even see such obvious differences.
       Jao-Jao This will not know what mood he is.
       Yin Zhaofeng saw it and said bluntly:
       "In fact, the fundamental problem is not in armor, but in the County Owner yourself. Such armor is not a thousand households that you can wear." Yin Zhaofeng has very few words, but as long as he speaks, the words will be sharp.
       Jao-Jao thinks of Kai Hao and asks:
       "Do you mean that I didn't position myself?"
       Yin Zhaofeng said that he said:
       "Yes. You haven't set your position until now. In the military, you are just a thousand households, not a high-ranking 1st County Owner. If you really want to be a general, you must be like other generals. Gradually accumulate military power to climb up one step at a time, instead of always taking shortcuts." Jao-Jao When he was in contact with other people, this arrogance was unconsciously revealed. I haven’t touched anything before, and Yin Zhaofeng has never said anything.
       Jao-Jao was hurt when he heard this and said:
       "I didn't take shortcuts." She went to today, although she borrowed the light of her mother, but she also paid blood and sweat.
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "I have been from the army for 20 years, and now it is just four products. It seems that I am so lucky. Many people have been in the military for a lifetime and have not been able to climb to my position. If you have not taken shortcuts, you can be in this year. Is it a thousand households of five products? And is it a thousand households with real power?"
       Jao-Jao is irrefutable.
       Yin Zhaofeng said with no mercy:
       "1st County Owner, the shortcut has gone a lot, there is always a price."
       Jao-Jao face was white for a while, and it took a long time to say:
       "Then what do you think I should do?"
       They all said that she was wrong, it must be wrong.
       Yin Zhaofeng shook his head and said:
       "This is what the County Owner thinks." I didn't think about it. Others said that it was useless.
       Qiu Heyu opened the camp and walked in. He still had a bent waist and said to Yin Zhaofeng:
       "Yin Guardian, I have to change the medicine for the 1st County Owner." Three times a day, three times a day, each time you take the medicine is a crucifixion for Jao-Jao.
       Upon hearing this, Jao-Jao look changed:
       "Don't call me the 1st County Owner in the future, I want to call me a thousand Darens."
       Yin Zhaofeng does not think that Jao-Jao can change, but realize that this problem is also an improvement.
       When there were only two people left in the camp, Qiu He asked:
       "County Owner, what did Yin Baowei say to you?"
       Looking at the look of the County Owner, I know that Yin Zhaofeng certainly did not say anything good.
       Yin Zhaofeng is very loyal to Jao-Jao, but also very diligent, but from time to time will stab Jao-Jao, pour cold water on her. Therefore, for Yin Zhaofeng, Qiuhe couldn’t talk about it, but he didn’t like it.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "He said that she already knew about my injury. When I was almost injured, I should go back to the city." The injury was too heavy to get on the battlefield, and it was better not to return to Yucheng earlier. Not only is the doctor better than the military, but the medicine is also complete, and it should be able to make her recover quickly.
       Yun-Qing came to Capital City with the news that the leader of the Hakkas was attacked by Feng Dajun. Yan Wu-shuang frowned and said:
       "The Hucks are so easily destroyed by Yun-Qing . When are the Beibei people so incompetent?"
       The tribal leaders were captured alive and the tribe was killed.
       Meng-nian said:
       "It is also Yun-Qing luck. The Haq people are not strong among the twelve tribes in Beibei." Relatively speaking, Feng Dajun's luck is not good. Because of the attack on the army, it is one of the most powerful tribes in Beibei, the Tak. The ancient scorpion of the Aya, is from the Tuck.
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckles one voice:
       "Yun-Qing 's luck has always been very good." Luck, this kind of thing, envy does not come.
       Meng-nian said:
       "This time the Tak attack made the cloud stunned." Yun-Qing may be lucky, but her daughter's luck is not good.
       After a pause, Meng-nian asked strangely:
       “I don’t know why Yun-Qing didn’t bring Yun Xiao with me?”
       If Yun Xiao follows Yun-Qing , it will not be hurt.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "This is actually a very good understanding. It is impossible for children to really grow up under the wings of their parents."
       Meng-nian said the next point:
       "The emperor, count the days, 3rd Prince should arrive in Tongcheng." Tongcheng is also fighting now, so Meng-nian is somewhat worried.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       “Chou Dashan will protect him. It is much safer in Tongcheng than in Capital City.” After this, Yan Wu-shuang has some flaws:
       "Achi talent is not worse than Yunqihao, but it is impossible to practice martial arts." This is the biggest regret of Yan Wu-shuang. You must know that the Yan family is a family of military lords. But now his heir, but can not martial arts.
       Although he did not establish Achi as the Crown Prince, he has already identified Achi as the heir in the mind of Yan Wu-shuang.
       Meng-nian also thinks this is a great regret:
       "The emperor, 3rd Prince is already very good." 3rd Prince smart and early, no one can compare with his peers. But the unfortunate thing is that he has run into a cloud Qihao.
       Yan Wu-shuang was just a sentimental one. He quickly skipped this topic and announced that the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had come to discuss the political affairs.
       Three days later, Yu-Chen received a letter from Achi. After reading the letter, Yu-Chen’s tears linger, hemp:
       "Tongcheng is always fighting, there is a shortage of supplies, and I don't know if Achi is not used to it?"
       Although it is good for my son, I can’t feel at ease in my heart.
       Gui Mama said:
       “Imperial Consort doesn’t think so much.” People have gone, and worry is useless.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "I don't know what is being sent now?"
       Achi did not bring much things when he left, but Yu-Chen sent people to send a lot of things in the past.
       Gui Mama said:
       "It shouldn't be that fast." 3rd Prince is lightly on the road, and the footsteps are fast. Relatively speaking, the carriage filled with things is much slower.
       As I spoke, I heard that Shi Xiang was yelling outside:
       “Imperial Consort, just got the news that the 1st Princess was hurt.”
       Yu-Chen heard this, she thought that it must be Yu-Xi, and her face was white.
       Gui Mama is relatively calm, and listening to the scent of the scent should be fine. Gui Mama immediately asked:
       "How was the 1st Princess injured?"
       Waiting for the fragrance into the house back to the said:
       "The specific servants are not clear. I only know that the 1st Princess was injured in the training ground and was injured in the arm. Now the 1st Princess has returned to his palace." They are also in the palace of A-Bao, so this is the case. Get the message soon.
       Go immediately to the palace of A-Bao. At this time, the palace Lady is giving medicine to A-Bao. Looking at the bruises on A-Bao arm, Yu-Chen was sore and teared.
       A-Bao is busy and comforting:
       "Mother, don't worry, but it's scary, it will disappear in two days."
       Wiping tears, Yu-Chen said:
       "I will not go to the school to practice martial arts in the future. If you are hurt, you will follow the mother to learn how to take care of the affairs." Needle line female red does not need to learn as A-Bao, but the cooking must be learned.
       A-Bao is not willing to learn anything, she looks at the books and she has a headache:
       "Mother, today is just an accident, I will be careful in the future."
       This time Yu-Chen’s attitude is very strong:
       "Nothing later. Fighting and killing these things is what boys should do. You shouldn't have learned a Miss family. You used to be young, and you are happy with you. But you are all Eldest Miss now, no longer. It’s like a mess.” This time I was hurt in my arm. Who knows what hurts next time? What if the injury falls on the face? That must not be disfigured.
       A-Bao Said:
       "Mother, I have learned martial arts to protect myself, not afraid of being harmed by people." In fact, A-Bao is very envious of Yun Xiao, because she can get support from her parents to fight. And she just didn't agree with the martial arts mother, and she didn't think about it.
       Yu-Chen’s heart is stagnation, but he quickly said:
       "You have Fu Huang and your mother, no one can harm you. A-Bao, mother-in-law is also good for you, the knife is too dangerous to shoot." If it is disfigured, it is hard to find a good ‘Madam’ in the future. .
       A-Bao is not against the temperament, and immediately retorted when he heard this:
       "Mother, Tongcheng is fighting every day, you know that it is dangerous but let the brother go, why?"
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "Your brother is a boy, even if there is danger, some things must be done." Yu-Chen's request for his son and his daughter is completely different.
       A-Bao said very angry:
       "Mother, I can do well with my brother." She doesn't want to play the ‘zither’ cooking daily like Yu-Chen. She feels that life is boring and boring.
       Yu-Chen is not willing to argue with A-Bao, toughly say:
       "I will talk to you Fu Huang about this matter. When you are hurt, you will learn to cook with your mother."
       A-Bao is -calling:
       "I don't learn."
       Yu-Chen this time is ironic, A-Bao has to learn without learning, there is no room for negotiation.
       Back to Zhang Huagong, Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, the 1st Princess is a slut, you will be counterproductive." A-Bao was favored since childhood, so he was somewhat arrogant. But for other -servants, she never looked good, and annoyed her to dare to whip. In the past, Xiang Shuzhen did not pass her whip.
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "I can't wait. If I go on like this, I am afraid she will become the second cloud." In fact, Yu-Chen is really thinking about it, not to mention military literacy, only to say that A-Bao is a flower-embroidered leg with Jao-Jao. It is not a grade.
       Gui Mama no longer persuaded to hear this. Yun Xiao was seriously injured and almost died, or she told Yu-Chen. Han Yu-Xi does not take his daughter's life seriously, but if the 1st Princess has an accident, it is not necessary to have the life of the master.

       Chapter 1223   Bitter Meat Meter    

       The soft light shines through the water red crepe crepe into the huanghuali carved flower bed, reflecting two people who are intertwined.
       After a while, Yu-Chen, who is flushed, looks out:
       "Prepare water." Yu-Chen is a little clean, don't say that this kind of thing must be bathed, that is, how to get a good hand ten times a day. Otherwise, she always feels unclean.
       After bathing, the two were lying on a spacious bed, Yu-Chen said:
       "The emperor, A-Bao is injured in his arm today."
       Yan Wu-shuang really doesn't know about this:
       "Should it be serious?"
       If it is serious, it will definitely pass him.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "The arms are all green, but I haven't broken the skin, or I will definitely stay. I have already told A-Bao, and I will learn how to cook the palace after she is hurt."
       Yan Wu-shuang has been petting A-Bao since childhood, but she still can't know her temperament, saying:
       "A-Bao is definitely not willing."
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "This child is now twelve years old, can't go on like this. What if she learned Yun Xiao?"
       In this world, the first deviant woman is Yu-Xi, and the second is Yun Xiao.
       Yan Wu-shuang said in silence:
       "In fact, if it can be like a cloud, it is also very good, at least live comfortably." In addition to the fight against injury, in other respects, the sky is smooth, without any setbacks, even the marriage is her own initiative. of.
       Yu-Chen paused and said:
       "Yesterday, I heard Gui Mama say that Yun Xiao was seriously injured with Yun-Qing , and he almost lost his life." If A-Bao learned the cloud, she would have to live for twenty years.
       Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "This is true. It is also too cloudy. A thousand households of five products are wearing armor that the generals can wear. The result is being stared by the archers of Beibei." I have to say, Yun Xiao this time. The injury was very embarrassing.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Protected too much, in fact, it is not love." This armor must have been prepared by Yun-Qing or Yu-Xi. It was originally kind, and anyone who could think of the result was blamed.
       This is very true, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Since you know this, you shouldn't bind A-Bao. Since she likes it, she can't let her children learn martial arts because of a little injury."
       "The emperor, I don't object to Xiwu, but I am afraid that she will learn to cloud in the future, and I want to bring troops to fight."
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckles:
       "You don't have to worry, how easy is it for a woman to stand in the military? Again, A-Bao is not that piece of material." If a woman takes a war, it is easy, and Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are not. Will make Yun Xiao climb from the bottom.
       Yu-Chen has a tight heart, Yan Wu-shuang This is not in favor of A-Bao following her studies:
       "The emperor, A-Bao is 12 years old this year, and it is time to learn some tricks."
       Yan Wu-shuang has been a little tired at this time, saying:
       "A-Bao is still small now, and it is not too late to learn after three or five years." Even after five years, it is only fifteen years old, not in a hurry.
       Yu-Chen still wants to speak again, and sees that Yan Wu-shuang has closed his eyes and swallowed it when he finally reached his mouth.
       Tie-Kui heard the news that Yun-Qing had killed the Hakka, and some did not believe it.
       "It took only five days to kill a tribe in Beibei? Is this news fake?"
       North East barbarian with kidnappings are nomads, they have a common same point, that is highly mobile. As long as they get bad news, they will move away in the fastest time. These people live on the grassland, and there is no clearer terrain than them, so it is very difficult to send troops to destroy them, because they are looking for the other side. Once the grain is consumed, they have to withdraw.
       Tong-Ji said:
       "This is the news from the northwest. There should be no mistakes." The war was very strict, and it would be difficult to get in and out. Now that the two sides are in a state of confrontation, as long as they are not banned, they will pass a high tariff.
       Tie-Kui whispered:
       "If this is the case, then Ming Wang may really have annihilated Beibei." If the Northern Dragonfly is destroyed, then they will have no worries, and then they will be able to attack the capital wholeheartedly.
       Tong-Ji nodded and said:
       "Ming Wang can have the reputation of always winning the general. This time he will surely win the game." He followed Tie-Kui, and Tie-Kui secretly turned to Ming Wang, so he also hoped that Ming Wang could enter the capital early. In this way, he does not have to worry about the human head.
       Tie-Kui is going to fight with her own soldiers. How can I not know that fighting is actually burning money:
       "There is no Ming Wangfei, and Ming Wang can no longer play." Yun-Qing can often win the battle, with Yu-Xi half credit.
       Tong-Ji did not know the relationship between Tie-Kui and Yu-Xi, but he did not refute it, just said with a smile:
       "Ming Wang and Ming Wangfei are one and the same, regardless of each other."
       Tie-Kui nodded and asked about the Tong-Ji caravan and the shop. The two talked for a long time.
       After talking about it, Zhong-Shan told Tie-Kui one thing:
       "Old Master, Lu Concubine is uncomfortable, let the doctor!" Lu Concubine is not subject to Tie-Kui, but she gave Tie-Kui two sons after all, and her status in the house is still very high. of.
       Lu Concubine met Tie-Kui and was very happy:
       "Old Master, you are coming." She felt top-heavy in the morning. Lu Concubine still loved her body, so she immediately sent someone to ask the doctor.
       Tie-Kui sees Concubine talking very badly, knowing that she is probably infected with the cold:
       "If you are sick, you should take good care of your illness. If you need anything, talk to Madam."
       Speaking two words of relief, Tie-Kui went out.
       Lu Concubine looked at the back of Tie-Kui, his eyes were a bit blank. I don't know why, the old Master's attitude towards her is getting colder and colder after the next time. Up to now, it may not be possible to see one side for ten days and a half.
       Servant water sounds like a relief:
       “Concubine, Old Master knows that you are too uncomfortable to come to see you, and you still have your heart. Just because you are too busy, so there is not much time to accompany you.”
       Tie-Kui is not good at money. In addition to his ‘Madam’, there is only Con Conbine in the family, and no other woman. But even if there are only two women in the backyard, they still struggle with the black-eyed eyes.
       Lu Concubine smiled bitterly:
       "At the time I thought that Xiao-Shi was not in the house, I could get what I wanted. Now I want to come too naive." She calculated Xiao-Shi, let Old Master put Xiao-Shi Send it to the village Zhuangzi. It is estimated that Old Master later learned the truth, so it became more and more cold to her. Knowing this early, she should have been with Xiao-shi. Anyway, Xiao-Shi can not give birth to a son, and temporarily tolerate her a few points, and her son can also be proud when he inherits his family business.
       At noon this day, Tie-Kui went to a colleague invitation, and the two went to the restaurant to drink. As a result, the restaurant was assassinated and Tie-Kui was stabbed in the assassin.
       Yan Wu-shuang got the news and asked:
       "Is the assassin caught?"
       Encountering assassins in the restaurant, I am afraid that these people have long been staring at Tie-Kui.
       Meng-nian nodded and said:
       "The four assassins, arrested one, died two, and escaped one. The assassin has already confessed, and they assassinated the Iron General to avenge those who are in Pingdingshan."
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a calm face:
       "It seems that the Falcon has recovered its vitality, and now it has run out to make waves." But a group of refugees, who will avenge them. This is only because Tie-Kui killed their people, and the Falcons came back for revenge.
       Meng-nian nodded and said:
       "Before we got the information that the northwest sent two people to come over, it seems to be true." Unfortunately, they did not get the more accurate news. For example, how many people are there, and who are these people, do not know anything about them.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "It seems that the Falcon wants to create chaos in the capital." The last assassination caused the whole city people to be upset, and many people did not dare to go out. This time, the Falcon is again thinking about the replay.
       Meng-nian looks a little dignified:
       "The emperor, we can't sit still and wait!" I have to do something. Otherwise, the taste of such an enemy is really uncomfortable.
       After a pause, the busy year said:
       "The emperor, since the Falcons are assassinated in the capital, we can also emulate their assassination in Yucheng." It is impossible to assassinate Han Yu-Xi, but it is ok to kill a few Han Yu-Xi relying on the minister. .
       Yan Wu-shuang said in silence:
       "Yes, you give me the list and try to make a hit."
       After an hour, Zhang Yuyi returned to the palace and said to Yan Wu-shuang:
       "The emperor, the knife did not stab the key, the iron general is not life-threatening." If the stab is the key, the god is difficult to save, this is also the iron general's life.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "That's good." This time, Yan Wu-shuang did not doubt anything, mainly because Tie-Kui had a very high martial arts. If his martial arts were not incidents, he was afraid that the assassin would not be able to get close to him.
       Because there were more things, Yan Wu-shuang sent Meng-nian instead of him to visit Tie-Kui in Tiefu. Unfortunately, when Meng-nian went, Tie-Kui took a medicine and slept.
       Meng-nian left a lot of herbs, and said with Zhong-Shan:
       "If there is anything you need to be welcome, even if you open your mouth." Tie-Kui is also doing this for the emperor.
       Such a slogan, Zhong-Shan will be taken seriously.
       It will be black, and Tie-Kui will wake up. Looking at the bed and crying his ‘Madam’ with red eyes, Tie-Kui showed a weak smile:
       "Don't worry, I'm fine."
       Xiao-Shi can't cry:
       "Old Master ......" When I got the news, Xiao-Shi was almost scared. Tie-Kui is the day of their mother and daughter. If there is an accident, how can the orphans and widows live?
       Tie-Kui is most afraid of the woman crying, said to Xiao-Shi:
       "I am hungry, you go get me some food." There is something to do, Xiao-Shi does not have to cry all the time.
       After eating, Tie-Kui fell asleep again. Zhong-Shan advised Xiao-Shi to go back to rest, but she did not want to live and die, insisting on staying to take care of Tie-Kui.
       Because of the deliberate concealment of Xiao-shi, Shi Concubine did not know the news of Tie-Kui injury the next morning. For this matter, Lu Concubine immediately became sick and heavier:
       "This slut." Old Master was most in need of relief, Xiao-Shi concealed the news and told him that he was waiting for the Old Master, which did not increase her weight in the Old Master.
       The water sound said:
       "Concubine, you are sick now, Old Master knows that Madam will not blame her for deliberately concealing the news. Concubine, the most important thing at the moment is that you have to get sick quickly."
       Lu Concubine sighed:
       "I am really sick when I am sick!"
       Xiao-Shi took care of Tie-Kui. One day and night, the body was somewhat unbearable and was urged to rest with Zhong-Shan with two daughters.
       There is no one in the house, only Zhong-Shan is with Tie-Kui. Zhong-Shan said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "Old Master, Meng-nian said that behind the assassination is the Falcon. Old Master, what the hell is going on?"
       He knows the bottom, the Falcon is absolutely impossible to assassinate Tie-Kui.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "The thing that kills me is that I let the Falcon do it." This is naturally purposeful.
       Zhong-Shan did not understand, and asked:
       Good end to do what a play.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "In order to let Yan Wu-shuang believe that I have been on the Falcon's blacklist, I was deliberate in the case of injury." The injury was more realistic and the effect was naturally better.
       Zhong-Shan is more and more confused.
       Tie-Kui also did not explain, just said:
       "I have to take good care of my injuries during this time. You should stare at the outside." Although it didn't hurt the key, it wouldn't be good for a month or two. Also take advantage of this time and take a rest.
       Zhong-Shan has the same point.
       Knowing that Tie-Kui was injured, the falcon's face was hard to see. Fortunately, I quickly got the news that there was no danger to life, and the Falcon was relieved.
       The red eagle knows that Tie-Kui is nothing but an annoyance. It took so much effort to lay out the results for a long time but it fell short. I knew that he would personally go out. The Red Eagle said:
       "Boss, if I listened to my suggestion and poisoned the dagger, Tie-Kui would be dead."
       With the black widow in front, the Falcon is no longer willing to tell Tie-Kui identity as the Red Eagle. If you are not afraid of 10 thousand things, you will be afraid of it. The Falcon said:
       "The assassination of Tie-Kui has been put on hold for a while. I just got the news that Meng-nian has changed. We must be careful." He has suffered several losses in this person's hands.
       The Red Eagle was busy asking:
       "What changed?"
       The Falcon shook his head and said:
       "The specific did not find out, but it is not a good thing to think about it." Meng-nian is very careful, their people can only be on the periphery, so they can't get the core message.
       The Red Eagle thought about it:
       "Boss, maybe they want to be unfavorable to Wangfei, we still have to worry about Wangfei!" In this case, the other party's change is for Wangfei, and Wangfei knows that it can also be prepared in advance.
       The Falcon said:
       “I have already written to Wangfei.” As long as you are prepared, Wangfei will not have anything to do.
       The Red Eagle remembered the news he had received a few days ago and said:
       "Boss, Wangfei If this time, Beiyi will be solved, then the next target is the capital."
       The Falcon sighed and said:
       "Even if Wangye can kill the North, this will take another two or three years to attack the capital."
       The Red Eagle thought and said; "We have waited for thirteen years, and it is still two or three years." The important thing is that they finally saw hope.
       The Falcon said:
       "After the war in Beibei, we have to get busy." To attack the capital, the preliminary work must be done well, and the spying of intelligence is their own duty.

       Chapter 1224   Abortion    

       Tie-Kui was attacked by assassins, and many ministers of the court were panicked. They dare not forget the last bloody case, so after Tie-Kui was injured, the ministers went out to take the guards, and they dared not go to the restaurant and other places to talk about things. Of course, there are some people who are not afraid of assassination. Among them, the squatting left-hander, Chen Ran, is not afraid. He has only gone out with four long-term followers.
       Yu Xizhen advised Chen Ran, but Chen Ran did not listen. In desperation, Yu Xiyu can only help the old Taining Hou.
       Old Taining got the news and found him:
       "Ran, now Chen family depends on you, you must not have a mistake. Waiting for the door, or bring some guards!" After the death of the eldest son, Chen's burden fell on Chen Ran.
       Chen Ran said:
       "Oh, no, there are Tang Qiang, they are enough." Four followers, except Ali is his confidant will not martial arts, the other three have martial arts.
       Old Taining Hou said:
       "It's still a little more careful. Last time, those assassins killed a few more ministers."
       Chen Ran was not afraid of it:
       "Hey, Ming Wang is leading the troops to attack Beibei. Ming Wangfei is a smart person. This time will not let those people shake."
       Old Taining Hou thinks that it makes sense, plus Chen Ran insists that he will not take more guards, he will do it:
       "Rather, when Ming Wang solved the problem of Beibei, the next target would be the capital. Of course, we should plan ahead."
       This question has long been thought of:
       "If the capital can't keep the emperor, it will definitely retreat to Liaodong, and then we will retreat to Liaodong with the emperor."
       Old Taining Hou asked:
       "Do you think it is safe to retreat to Liaodong?"
       Certainly impossible. As long as Yun-Qing is restored, it will definitely lead troops to attack Liaodong.
       Chen Ran lowered his eyes and said:
       "Oh, even if it is not safe to retreat to Liaodong, we can only follow, there is no other way." Not to mention that they have long since turned to Yan Wu-shuang, only that he and Han Yu-Xi have set a kiss, Ming Wang could not accommodate him.
       Old Taining Hou understands Chen Ran’s words and asks:
       "Can you regret it?"
       At the beginning of this marriage, Chen Ran insisted on the knot.
       Chen Ran shook his head and said:
       "Do not regret." Do not regret the appointment with Han Yu-Xi, and do not regret the return of the Han Yu-Xi. Because he was sincere and sincere, and the retreat was Han Yu-Xi insisted.
       "No regrets." Chen Ran did not regret, but he regretted it. I knew that Han Yu-Xi had such ability, and I shouldn’t have followed Chen Ran’s intentions. Or, when you know that the Princess of the Core looks at Chen Ran, he will resist the pressure and not retreat. Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world.
       At this time, Yu Xizhen was sitting on the soft couch in the room. She married Chen Ran, which is the words of her parents. Prior to this, Chen Ran decided to kiss her relatives and she knew it. In fact, although there are not many people who have withdrew after they have settled in Capital City, they are not. And she thought that with the Han Yu-Xi far from marrying the northwest, this thing would become a cloud in the past. But she never imagined that the reputation of Han Yu-Xi became louder and louder, and now it has become the most powerful woman in the world, making it difficult for them to think about it.
       Looking at the cherished confidant, he whispered:
       "Madam, what's wrong with you? Still worried about Old Master?"
       Yu Xiyu nodded:
       "Now this world is a mess, and I don't know what will happen in the future?"
       A woman from a big family will pay close attention to the things of the former Family while cooking the house. After all, the changes in the former Family are related to their sympathy.
       Jinxiu is the most trusted person in Xixi, and now he helps Jinxiu take care of the backyard and knows a lot about the outside world. Splendid comfort:
       "Madam, we are worried about not going outside." The rice outside is a price every day. They have a good reputation in Houfu, but it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to live. Many people can't go on, they can only sell children and sell women.
       Yu Xixi smiled and said:
       "I am afraid that the capital can't keep it."
       Splendid jumped, but soon said:
       "Madam, there are more than 400 thousand soldiers and horses in the capital, should they be able to keep it?"
       Yu Xiyu shook his head:
       "Ming Wang used soldiers as gods, and the northwest soldiers are strong and strong, and more than 400 thousand soldiers and horses may not be able to keep the capital."
       Jinxiu was a little confused, asked:
       "Madam, what should I do? The northwestern army is extremely wicked, murder, arson, ‘seduce’, ‘seduce’, ignorance, ignorance, and ruins."
       "The capital can't keep it. When the emperor is sure to retreat to Liaodong." Yu Xizhen did not explain anything. If it is not Han Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing , her brother, Chun Yu, will not die, Yu family will not The defeat is so fast, so I hate Yu-Xi. It’s just that she knows that she doesn’t have the ability to avenge her brother, so this hate is only hidden in my heart.
       Jinxiu said with some concerns:
       "Madam, Liaodong is in the snow and ice for most of the year." They went, afraid that they could not adapt to the climate there.
       Yu Xixi smiled and said:
       "The environment is still bad, the most important thing is that Liaodong is not flat, Tongcheng is fighting all the time." Really retreat to Liaodong, before the time there was a wolf Donghu people, there was a tiger Yu-Qing , it is not flat.
       As he spoke, the Servant, who was waiting outside, called out the Old Master. The conversation between the master and the servant immediately ended.
       Chen Ran entered the house and asked:
       "Why do you know that the Iron General was assassinated? Is it your handwriting?"
       It can be heard from the words, Chen Ran is very dissatisfied with this matter.
       Because of his poor health, Lao Taining Hou has paid little attention to the outside world. This time, if it was not for the deliberate intention, the old Taining Hou still did not know that Tie-Kui was assassinated.
       Yu Xiyu does not deny it, and he said with a red eye:
       "I told people to tell Lao Taiye about this. Old Master, I let you increase the guard. You don't want to, I am worried. Old Master, you have to have three long and two short, what do you want to do with my mother and son? Even for this young and old, you should take care of yourself.” Yu family was defeated, and the grandmothers who had married Yu family were no longer able to support them. It’s okay to have a son without a son, and those who have no sons have a hard time. She is lucky, Chen Ran has never changed her attitude from beginning to end.
       "This time, even if I don't want to have another one." The two have been married for more than ten years, and they have seen some grief in the end:
       "You don't want to listen to the wind or the rain. The rumors outside are not true. Don't worry about me, I know what I have."
       For so many years, the husband and ‘Madam’ also know that it is the limit for the husband to say these words:
       “Old Master must take care of yourself.”
       Chen Ran nodded:
       "You can rest assured that I will take care of myself." For a young man, he can't do anything.
       Speaking of this, Chen Ran remembers one thing:
       "Hebei is not too peaceful, and the grain of Tianzhuang is left one third after it is collected." Chen Jia has more than 6 thousand acres of superior fields in the suburbs of Capital City. This number is also counted among the powers. .
       Yu Xiyu nodded and promised:
       "Old Master, the situation is getting worse and worse, should we also be prepared?"
       Chen Ran said:
       "If you have something, just say it."
       Yu Xiyu said:
       "Old Master, if the capital can't keep it, where is the most likely to retreat?"
       She is not clear about the things in the past, but Chen Ran should be able to guess some.
       Seeing Chen Ran looking at her, Yu Xiyu did not hide what he thought:
       "Old Master, I think this situation is going to go down in the capital. There are ten things that can't be kept. In this case, we should make a plan early, know where the emperor will retreat in the future, and we can also set up production there in advance. We also have places to live, and we won’t be in a hurry."
       Chen Ran was surprised. He didn't expect that he would think so far. After a long time, Chen Ran said:
       “Shengjing, Spring City and Ice City, these three places are possible. According to my speculation, the probability of Spring City is even greater. But I will not be sure which city to choose.” Mainly Shengjing is closer to Capital City. And the ice city is not far from the city.
       Yu Xiyu listened to this statement and measured it, saying:
       "Or, I send people to set up some industries in these three places."
       Chen Ran nodded:
       "Set up a house in each of the three places, don't be too big, enough to live. If you want to buy a field, about 100 acres is enough. If the action is too big, it will definitely attract attention." Others are not afraid, I am afraid that I will be noticed by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yu Xiyu immediately agreed.
       As the left-hander of the cadres, Chen Ran was also very busy. He said that he had gone to the door with a few words.
       A few days later, Yu-Xi received a letter from the Falcon. After reading the letter, Yu-Xi fell into meditation.
       After a long time, Yu-Xi called Xu Wu and said:
       "Let Pan Yingfeng come over to see me immediately."
       In addition to allowing Pan Yingfeng to strengthen the security of the city, Yu-Xi strengthened the investigation of foreign personnel; he also transferred troops to the city to implement 12 hours of patrol. In addition, she also transferred three hundred soldiers into the palace.
       It is impossible for such a big action to want to swear, and people who have gotten the news have speculated whether something has happened.
       Xu Wu directly asked Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, isn't Yan Wu-shuang doing anything?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The Falcons have said that Meng-nian has changed. As for what they want to do, it is still unclear. Wangye is fighting in Beibei, and Yucheng can't make trouble." Even if she is said to be a fuss, she is not willing to wait. Come back to regret.
       Xu Wu didn't think much, I heard this saying:
       "Wangfei, don't let the 2nd Young Masters leave the house during this time." He worried that Meng-nian's change was against A Rui.
       "I won't let them go abroad before the battle in Beibei is over." It's a big surprise, timid, she doesn't dare to take the risk.
       Yu-Xi is a very enlightened mother who said this to the triplets that night and said the reason:
       "When you come back, you will go where you want to go."
       You Ji-Er immediately stated:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that we will stay in the house until we come back." Although it is fun outside, he is not willing to worry about her mother.
       Xuan Ji Er is the most timid, knowing this, even if Yu-Xi doesn't mean he doesn't dare to go out.
       Rui Ji Er said with a fist:
       "Mother, when I learned the kung fu, I was not afraid of the ghost tricks they made." If he had such a good martial arts as a big sister, he would not be afraid to meet the assassin.
       The attitude of the triplets makes Yu-Xi very satisfied.
       A-You asked:
       "Mother, when will the big sister come back?"
       Jao-Jao was seriously injured and the triplets were known.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "You have a wound on your big sister. You shouldn't travel long distances. It is estimated that you will come back with you after the war."
       A Rui said with regret:
       "The big sister also said that this time to kill thousands of hundred Beibei barbarians!"
       A Xuan is busy:
       "Second brother, the most important thing is that the big sister is fine. As for merits, there are opportunities in the future."
       The triplets are good, and Lu-Er is left.
       Lu-Er, after knowing this, was very worried and said:
       "Mother, we will be fine as long as we don't leave the palace, but we can be with the big sister and A-Hoa. They are outside! Especially the big sister, she is still on the way to Fu-Cheng City!"
       Yu-Xi naturally takes this into account:
       "You don't have to worry about your older sister. I have written a letter to Yin Zhaofeng. He will protect your older sister." As long as there is prevention, even if Yan Wu-shuang wants to be disadvantaged, he will not find an opportunity.
       Lu-Er This is a little relieved:
       "Mother, this time the older sister is lucky enough to save her life, but next time it may not be so lucky. Mother, you advise the older sister, let her not go to the battlefield again, it is too dangerous."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It depends on what your older sister meant by herself." See Lu-Er and say, Yu-Xi touched her hair and said:
       "Lu-Er, you have your way, your older sister has her way."
       Lu-Er whispered:
       "I know what I said, but my older sister is always hurt. I am worried."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Not just you, you and Jao-Jao, every time you go out, you are hanging your heart. Can't let them go because of worry."
       Lu-Er lowered his eyes and said:
       "I know the mother." Originally, there was no hope for persuading Yu-Xi, but now it is the expected result.
       The news of the martial law in Yucheng was quickly transmitted to the capital. Meng-nian and Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The emperor, the city is very strict, and our plan can not be implemented."
       Yan Wu-shuang frowned and said:
       "After the sudden martial law in Yucheng, can you find out the reason?"
       See Meng-nian shaking his head, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       “Would it be that our news leaked out?”
       They are now preparing to send people to go to the assassination, and the city is martial law on the other side of the city. This is too coincidental. Yan Wu-shuang never believed in any coincidence, not so much coincidence, it is better to say that Han Yu-Xi got the news.
       Meng-nian said with certainty:
       "Impossible, only a few people know about this plan. In addition, if Han Yu-Xi really got the news, her temperament must be secretly armed, waiting for our people to go to the city and go to the net, not the whole city. Severe martial law, stunned the snake."
       Yan Wu-shuang thinks that Meng-nian's words also make sense:
       "In this case, the assassination is temporarily put down."
       After talking about these things, Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       “How is Tie-Kui now? When did the Imperial Doctor say?”
       Meng-nian Said:
       "Although the Iron General is not in danger, the Imperial Doctor says it will take a while, otherwise it will fall."
       The Imperial Doctor said so, it would be too impersonal if Tie-Kui was injured.

       Chapter 1225   Internal injuries    

       In a corner of the Ming Wangfu Garden, the irises are vying to let go. These irises seem to be a beautiful blue butterfly flying between the green leaves, lingering.
       Lu-Er likes the iris very much and says:
       "Mother, these flowers are beautiful, I want to plant some in the yard." The flowers of these irises are provided by Jin Jinyu. It was just that the corners of the garden were vacant, and Yu Huashang planted them there, but they didn't want them. These irises got Lu-Er's eyes.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This has to say hello to Yu Huashi in advance." Lu-Er favorite is the rose, followed by the peony, but did not expect to even like the iris. However, looking at such a piece of iris, it is really beautiful.
       Lu-Er crouched down and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, the leaves of the iris are very interesting, and they are flat and long with fluff on the sides, and there are serrations on the sides. Also, these flowers are layered like small beans." As for flowers, it is more beautiful. Each flower has three small petals, the lace is dark purple, the middle is lavender, and the middle is a small yellowish flower, very beautiful.
       Without waiting for the Yu-Xi opening, I saw Jing Bai running over. Can run too fast, Jing Bai face is a bit blush:
       "Wangfei, there was a good news in front, and Wangye won another battle."
       Yu-Xi was also happy, but when I looked at Jing Bai, I asked:
       “Wangye is a big victory, and it’s not so exciting for you?”
       Jing Bai said excitedly:
       "Wangfei, this time is different. Wangye defeated Agu and cut his head."
       Lu-Er is not clear about Beibei, mainly because she is not interested in the war. After listening to this, Lu-Er asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, who is this Agu?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Agu is a member of Beibei. You can kill him not only to boost morale, but also to make Beibei people afraid."
       For those who fight and kill, Lu-Er doesn't like it at all. However, Yun-Qing can win, Lu-Er is also happy for him:
       "So, will you be able to annihilate the North soon?"
       The destruction of Beibei means that you can go home.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "This is not allowed. Lu-Er, mother is going to be busy."
       Looking at the back of Yu-Xi, Lu-Er whispered:
       "I hope I can come back soon!" He returned, and she also had time to accompany her. Unlike now, it’s hard to spend a little time with her to see flowers, and the result is an accident.
       When Xu Wu saw Yu-Xi, he said with excitement:
       "Wangfei, Wangye will kill Agu."
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "I already know about this." Xu Wu, who is very calm on most days, is so excited. I can imagine how exciting this news is.
       Xu Wu realized that she was somewhat dysfunctional, but quickly explained:
       “Wangye has vowed to take the head of Agu and * in his lifetime and avenge his dead brother.”
       Yu-Xi asked:
       “Agu was killed by Wangye?”
       This is equivalent to saying that Yun-Qing personally went to the battlefield.
       Xu Wu was too excited to see the change of Yu-Xi look. I immediately thought about it and said:
       "Yes, Wangye personally killed Agu and then cut his head."
       Yu-Xi heard this, his face was blue:
       "Okay, okay, very good." At the beginning, Yun-Qing promised that she would only command the battle at the rear, and would not be involved in the danger, but did not expect that even speaking was not a question.
       Xu Wu only noticed that he was wrong and asked carefully:
       "Wangfei, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"
       Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "As a military coach, he actually went into battle to kill the enemy. If he had a case, this time he would be defeated." This time, he was able to send troops to the north, and he got a huge sum of money. If it is a failure, the next time you send troops, you will not know the Year of the Monkey.
       Xu Wu, I realized that the original Yu-Xi was worried, and said:
       "Wangfei, Wangye has always been acting, he must be sure to kill Agu to play."
       Things have already happened, and more blame will not help. Yu-Xi said:
       "Wangye killed Agu, so the exciting news should let the public know." Knowing that the victory is over, the people can be more at ease.
       Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "it is good."
       This news, under the operation of Xu Wu, spread throughout the city in the fastest time. For a while, the streets and alleys are talking about this.
       Wenwu Baiguan was happy after confirming that the news was true. Even the northern shackles of Akudu were easily killed by Wangye, and Wangye said that it would no longer be empty talk.
       When using dinner, Rui Ji Er met Yu-Xi and asked:
       "Mother, I heard that I had beaten a big victory, and I also killed a member of the Beibei Manzi. Mother, is this true?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "it is true."
       Rui Ji Er said with excitement:
       "Hey, it’s really amazing." Unfortunately, he couldn’t follow, if he could see the invincible side.
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Yeah, there are no more people in this world than you are." Although Xuan Ji Er was timid, he did not hinder his worship of Yun-Qing .
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "A Xuan, this can not be said casually, you must know that there are people outside the heavens."
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, I don't think the third brother made a mistake. He is the most powerful person in the world."
       Rui Ji Er said busy:
       "Yeah! Hey, it’s all invincible."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "If you hear these words, you will be very happy." For a father, being worshipped by his son is absolutely proud of pride.
       When taking a bath, Quan Mama looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, what's wrong with you? It looks like a look of dissatisfaction." Yun-Qing made a big win, and it is reasonable to say that Yu-Xi should be very happy. But she didn't feel a bit of joy from Yu-Xi, which seemed abnormal.
       Yu-Xi leaned on the edge of the tub and said softly:
       "Wangye was injured." The Beibei people were brave and good at fighting. Agueng ranked among the top three among them. The martial arts must be very high. Yun-Qing played against him, and even if he finally won, he must have been injured.
       Quan Mama is a little surprised:
       "Wangye is hurt? Is it impossible? Why haven't I heard?"
       If Wangye is really hurt, they can't be so happy.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "If it is not injured, his letter must be sent back with the battle report. But I only received the report, but did not receive the letter."
       Quan Mama thought about it:
       "This is nothing, don't guess."
       Yu-Xi closed his eyes and sighed:
       "I am not speculating, but ok, but I don't want to have a life-threatening risk." If there is a danger to life, then it will be a mess, and the life of the coach will be dying, which will affect morale.
       Quan Mama still believes in Yu-Xi:
       "Don't worry about it. I don't think there will be any obstacles. Besides, the Wang Heir is there! If there is something, the Wang Heir is so filial, how can you stare at you?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head gently, just because Hao Ji was filial to him and would not tell the truth to himself. Yu-Xi spit a sigh of gas and said:
       "The father and the daughter are not bothering."
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "In fact, there are people who worry about you, but also a kind of happiness." There is no one who can worry about and care, that is the tragedy of life.
       In this case, Yu-Xi has a deep understanding. In the last life, she has no people to worry about and care about. When I think of it, Yu-Xi smiles and says:
       "It's still Mama best comfort."
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Don't think too much, maybe it's just a false alarm!"
       Unfortunately, Yu-Xi is not wrong, Yun-Qing is injured. When he played with Agu, he was hit by a hammer that was heavily weighted by Agu. When the hit, the blood surged, but Yun-Qing supported it, but he killed Agu and vomited blood after returning to the camp, then fainted.
       Hao Ji Er was so scared at the time. After studying the pulse, Dr. Bai said that Yun-Qing was due to a severe blow to the spleen to vomit blood. In these two days, Hao Ji Er has been taking care of himself.
       Looking at the medicine in the hands of Hao Ji Er, Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "Isn't the white doctor saying that it's okay? How do you still need to take medicine?"
       He only felt bad when he smelled the medicine.
       Hao Ji Er said:
       "Hey, Bai Da Fu said that you have hurt your spleen. Now you are looking at nothing, but if you don't have it, you will still have a life-threatening risk." If you raise it well, you can raise it.
       Yun-Qing said with dissatisfaction:
       "These doctors will be alarmist, don't be scared by them."
       See Yun-Qing is not willing to drink medicine, Hao Ji Er said:
       "Hey, my mother still doesn't know the news of your injury. If not, I don't know how to worry!" This is to press Yu-Xi to press Yun-Qing . His words are useless, but the mother is still very deterrent.
       Yun-Qing heard this and finished drinking the medicine as quickly as possible, then said to Hao Ji Er:
       "Hurry up and take a pen and paper, I have to write to your mother and say that I am hurt." But certainly can not say that the spleen is hurt, or Yu-Xi will definitely worry about death.
       Hao Ji was amazed, but soon recovered:
       "Hey, if the mother knows that you are injured, you will be worried." This is why he did not tell Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Stupid boy, how many savvy people can you marry her. This time the letter was not delivered with the newsletter. Your mother must have guessed that he was injured. Instead of letting your mother think about it, it is better to tell directly. she was."
       "That believes me to write!" These two days, the white doctor asked Yun-Qing to rest in bed, not to do strenuous exercise. The things outside are now handed over to Chu Shuguang.
       Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "Your mother-in-law, if it is not a personal letter, she will definitely think that I can't write even the letter, and I am even more worried." Instead of letting Yu-Xi think about it, it is better to write it!
       Qi Hao said with a smile:
       "Hey, it seems like a locust in the mother's stomach." The temperament of the mother is very clear.
       Yun-Qing proudly said:
       "That is. What you want to think about, what you want to know." In fact, Yun-Qing is not like guessing, otherwise Yu-Xi thinks he can really guess five or six points.
       Qi Hao saw that he couldn't help but splash Yun-Qing cold water:
       "Oh, then you must know how the mother will treat you after going back?"
       Needless to say, the mother will definitely be furious.
       "Haha, you can rest assured that your mother will definitely be cold and warm after returning to Yucheng. I am absolutely reluctant to blame the half-sentence." The loser does not lose, not to mention the son.
       At this time, I saw the white doctor opened the curtain and walked in. The white doctor came to give Yun-Qing a follow-up visit.
       After the diagnosis, Dr. Bai said:
       "Recovery is not bad, but it is not appropriate to do strenuous exercise within a year." Commanding snoring is no problem, but it is absolutely impossible to think of a knife and a gun on the battlefield.
       Seeing Yun-Qing doesn't take it easy, Bai Da Fu said:
       "Wangye, the old man is not alarmist. If the spleen is hit again, the gods will be saved."
       Yun-Qing asked half-heartedly:
       “So serious?”
       The white doctor said with no anger:
       "If Wangye doesn't take his temperament as a thing, try it. See if the old man is really true?"
       Kai Hao said:
       "Bai Da Fu, you can rest assured, I will look at me, not let him do strenuous exercise." After the election, Kai Hao asked:
       "White doctor, can I ride a horse?"
       The white doctor said:
       "It's better to be a carriage, riding a horse is too bumpy. But if you must ride a horse, you can only go slowly, can't be fast." Still in the Wangfu, if Wangye did not listen directly to Wangfei.
       After changing a prescription, he also took a lot of precautions from Qi Hao, and the white doctor went out with his medicine box. Although Bai Da Fu is a good doctor of Yun-Qing , but Yun-Qing has nothing to do, he will go to the military camp to help those ordinary soldiers.
       Qi Hao sat at the bed and said:
       "Hey, you have heard the words of the white doctor. You can't force it anymore this time."
       Yun-Qing is still the same sentence:
       "Before I was hurt more than this, but it didn't take another two months to live. So you don't listen to him, it's all scary. I can raise it for ten days and a half." If at home Peace of mind can be considered, but now it is fighting, how can he recover from peace of mind. In addition, he also has to personally remove the * head.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "Hey, how old would you be seriously injured?"
       According to his speculation, it is estimated that it will be twenty years old.
       Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Twenty years old!" At that time, he was stabbed by the northern spear's spear and was in a coma for three days and three nights. Many people think that it will definitely die, even if they come back, they will definitely be abolished. But he only got a month to get out of bed, just two months, and three months back to the original.
       "Hey, you are thirty-eight this year. How can you compare with the age of twenty?"
       The 20-year-old young man is naturally recovering.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "How? You are too old to use it? You can rest assured that you are still not old, but you can kill the wolf with bare hands!"
       Hao Ji Er looked at Yun-Qing and didn't talk.
       Yun-Qing reached out and touched the head of Haogeer, and asked:
       "what happened?"
       I stared at him like this, and I didn’t know what I was thinking!
       Hao Ji Er shook his head:
       "I only know how hard my mother is now." When he encountered such a sly old man, he really did not withdraw, and he lost his mother to surrender the scorpion, otherwise there is still today.
       Even if I don’t know what Hao Ji thought, I know that this is not a good thing.
       Hao Ji Er will naturally not want to say what he wants in his heart. This will make Yun-Qing very faceless.

       Chapter 1226   God of War    

       Hao Ji Er thought about it before he asked:
       "Hey, have you ever thought about it? If you don't listen to the white doctor, then there is a chance. What do you want to do with my 6th Brother?"
       Mother has a wrist, but she is a woman, and there is no prestige in the army. If there is a case, it is a trivial matter that these generals are out of control, and they are afraid that they should have a mentality that they should not have. At that time, the situation of several of their mother and son is very dangerous.
       This is like a basin of cool water, so the Yun-Qing in excitement finally recovered. It was also this time that he killed Agu and made him over-excited.
       After a while, Yun-Qing said:
       "It's awkward's fault, you shouldn't be reluctant." He is no longer the 20-year-old who has no concern. He now has a ‘Madam’ and a son, and can't act on the temper. If he really has a bad pool, who will protect him Yu-Xi and A-Hoa.
       When Qi Hao saw his persuasion finally came into play, he also breathed a sigh of relief.
       "Go to the pen and paper, I want to write to your mother." Looking at Kaihao back, Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I always say that Jao-Jao is like me, but I don't know that A-Hoa temperament is just like you!" Even his words are exactly the same. If it wasn't for Yu-Xi, he would only be a husband and ‘Madam’. I suspect that Qi Hao was listening.
       Yun-Qing can get out of bed after three days. Yun-Qing The news of the injury, it is impossible to hold on to others, but it is impossible to hold on to Chu Shuguang.
       Seeing Yun-Qing , although his face is pale, his spirit is not bad. Chu Shuguang has relaxed himself. God knows that he is worried that he can't eat and sleep in these days, and he is afraid that Yun-Qing has a bad.
       Chu Shuguang said:
       "Wangye, just received a report from the generals, they fought the Mongolian in Huangcaogou." After that, he handed the report to Yun-Qing .
       Qi Hao took the battle report and read it at a speed of one eye and ten lines, then said to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, Uncle Feng defeated the Mongolian people, and the remaining Mongolian soldiers fled in the direction of Uda." Uda is the old nest of the Beibei barbarians.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "Pass me to order, the army is open." After playing such a battle, I took a rest for three days.
       According to the Yun-Qing 's operational plan, it is ready to meet with the Fengding army in the northern nest of Uda. If you want to destroy Beibei, there is no shortcut, you can only fight for strength. This is why he brought 600 thousand soldiers and horses. We must know that the daily consumption of light and grass for 600 thousand soldiers and horses is amazing. These grains are all collected from various places, and the only people who transport the grain are not a decimal.
       Under the propaganda of Falcon and others, Yun-Qing quickly spread the news of Agu killing throughout the capital. Ordinary people are not familiar with Agu, after all, Beibei is too far away from them. But for the civil and military officials, they are impossible to know the Aguqi people.
       Zhong-Shan told Tie-Kui what he heard:
       "I don't know if this news is true or not?"
       He is not skeptical about Yun-Qing 's ability, but feels that Yun-Qing , as a military coach, should not be so impulsive, killing the enemy on the battlefield.
       It can be seen from this that the behavior before Yun-Qing is more outrageous. He only remembers to swear by his brother to kill Agu, but he forgot his responsibility at the time. Of course, this is why Yan Wu-shuang said that Yun-Qing is just a -widower and can never be a qualified politician.
       Tie-Kui thought about it:
       "This kind of thing can't make fakes, it should be true." After that, Tie-Kui looked a lot lighter:
       "Agu was killed by Yun-Qing , and Beibei will definitely panic. Maybe, it will not be long before the battle of Beibei will end." Although the Beibei people are brave and brave, the northwest soldiers are strong and strong, plus Yun-Qing is like a god, and the Beijia people are not high in their geographical advantage.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "If that's the case, then that's fine." He hoped that the war would end earlier. In this way, Ming Wang can also hit the capital early.
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "You don't have to worry. At most, Ming Wang will lead troops to attack the capital. At that time, we will be safe." By that day, he will be able to show his true identity.
       Zhong-Shan felt that Tie-Kui was too optimistic and said:
       "This is also not sure. In case Yan Wu-shuang makes Old Master follow him back to Liaodong, we still have to live a life of fear." Zhong-Shan hopes that Tie-Kui will stay in the city. But this is not sure.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "No. Yan Wu-shuang will definitely leave me to defend the city and will not let me retreat to Liaodong."
       With such a firm tone, Zhong-Shan has some doubts:
       “How is the Old Master so sure?”
       Tie-Kui explained:
       "I was assassinated twice by the Falcons. I almost lost my life last time. Do you think that I will still rely on Ming Wang in this situation? In addition, I killed so many people in Pingdingshan, notoriously, to the Ming Family. Even if I am willing to trust him, I won't want it." This is the key point. Yun-Qing , although killing people, never kills innocent people, let alone kills the flat people. Tie-Kui behavior made Yu-Qing 's taboo. If it wasn't for him that he had already cast Yun-Qing , he would definitely want his life with the Yun-Qing temperament. In this case, he has only one way to stay in Capital City, and that is the end of the battle.
       Zhong-Shan understands this with the following:
       "Old Master, is this why you deliberately hurt yourself?"
       Tie-Kui nodded.
       If the incident did not happen, Zhong-Shan would also object. It’s gone now, and it doesn’t make sense to say more. Zhong-Shan said:
       “Old Master, Yan Wu-shuang really keeps you in Capital City, and will definitely bring Madam and Miss Young Master to Liaodong.” Yan Wu-shuang temperament will definitely take Madam as a hostage. To clamp Tie-Kui.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "We still have time, we can slowly plan." Yan Wu-shuang really retreats to Liaodong, and the people who bring it are certainly not a minority.
       Zhong-Shan felt that it was difficult to do, but there is no better idea at the moment.
       The news of Yu-Chen is also quite familiar. I heard Yan Wu-shuang when I heard this:
       "The emperor, who is this Agu? Yun-Qing killed him and was touted as a god of war?"
       Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "Agu is one of the three famous generals of Beibei. Many of the imperial courts were folded in his hands. It was Yun-Qing , and he almost died in his hands."
       Yu-Chen has some surprises:
       "Why are such powerful people dead in the hands of Yun-Qing ?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "There are also people who have a good old day." Agu is fifty and three this year. Yun-Qing is only thirty-eight. He will be killed by Yun-Qing . It is not an accident. To put it bluntly, the greatest sorrow in the world is that the hero is late.
       If Yan Wu-shuang knows that Yun-Qing has been injured by Agu, he will not say this.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "The emperor said that there are three famous generals in Beibei. Besides this Agu, who are two?"
       Yan Wu-shuang is in a good mood today, and also has the mood to answer the words of Yu-Chen:
       "In addition to Agu, there are * with Guggenhas. But Guggenhas died in the hands of the half-brother because of civil strife. Today, the three famous generals only have *. * is the three princes of Beibei, this year only Forty-one years old." Forty-one years old, it is the age of the young and powerful.
       Yu-Chen asked:
       "Apart from the three of them, can the younger generation have no military skills to be particularly outstanding?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yes, but it can't be compared with Yun-Qing ." * At the age of sixteen, he played on the grassland without any rivals, but his reputation was not good.
       Yu-Chen has some doubts and asks:
       "The emperor, I heard that the Beibei people are particularly ferocious. Why do I feel that Yun-Qing is attacking Beibei very smoothly?"
       Yun-Qing always wins, but it is very smooth. According to her initial thoughts, this embarrassment should be extremely difficult.
       In fact, the three wins that Yun-Qing played, the previous two are still good, and the casualties are not high. But this time with Agu, he lost more than 60 thousand people. Today, he has only 220 thousand horses left. As for the Feng Dajun, it has already damaged 100 thousand people. However, these messages were deliberately ignored and not transmitted.
       Yan Wu-shuang glanced at Yu-Chen and said:
       "Four years ago, there were rumors that Beibei Wang was dying and dying, but he still hasn't died yet. In recent years, several of his sons have been fighting for the throne, and even they have started their hands. This has greatly weakened. The strength of oneself." The foreign enemy is not terrible, the most terrible thing is the Xiao wall.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Their luck has always been good."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Is luck very good? You know, the North King can be dragged on for so long. It is said that he has found a famous doctor. If I didn't guess wrong, this famous doctor should be the hand of Han Yu-Xi." It is also a hero character, but the hero is old and afraid of death.
       "The meaning of the emperor, Yu-Xi deliberately cured the northern king, the purpose is to let the Beibei chaos?"
       If so, then Yu-Xi began to lay out a few years ago.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded and said:
       "Yes, civil strife can weaken the strength of Beibei. And Han Yu-Xi, but it did." Who can think that a doctor can play such a big role.
       The doctor who treated the king of Beibei was a Jiangnan person with high medical skills. Yu-Xi just wanted to give it a try and see if it was useful, but I didn't think it was successful. Of course, the process is very difficult. This is very secret, and there are very few people who know it, Yun-Qing , which was later known.
       "Yu-Xi, it's really amazing!" Yu-Chen said this, it is from the heart. With only one doctor, the inside of the enemy was stirred up and turned upside down, and few people could do it.
       Yan Wu-shuang said something:
       "Now the outside world is rumored that Yun-Qing is the god of war. It should be that Han Yu-Xi is building for Yun-Qing , and that Beibei is destroyed. Her goal is the capital."
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Chen made a shock, but she quickly calmed down:
       "No one can stop it."
       Yan Wu-shuang felt very interesting and asked:
       "You are not afraid?"
       Yu-Chen said calmly:
       "Afraid. But there is the emperor, the courtier is not afraid." This is a flattering.
       In fact, Yu-Chen is not afraid, but she knows in her heart that it is always coming, and it is useless.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and shifted the topic:
       "Achi is very good in Tongcheng, you don't have to worry." This is also a relief for Yu-Chen. Achi was sick because of the lack of water, and fell to Tongcheng in two days. Fortunately, he had a good foundation and he recovered after half a month. Today, he has adapted to the environment there.
       Speaking of Achi, Yu-Chen said:
       "The emperor, I made a few summer clothes for Achi, I want to send people to send." Tongcheng conditions are tough, things are still prepared here.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not refuse, said:
       "With you!" The clothes are ready, but it is a pity if you don't send them. Moreover, even if he objected, Han Yu-Chen would be sent by people.
       In the evening, Yan Wu-shuang did not stay in Zhanghua Palace, but returned to the Qing Palace to rest.
       Seeing Yu-Chen in a daze, Gui Mama sighed and said:
       "Imperial Consort, the emperor told you about Han Yu-Xi?"
       Only Han Yu-Xi will make the master look like this.
       Yu-Chen rehearsed what Yan Wu-shuang said just now, after saying:
       "I have been looking at the three-point land of the rear house, and the Yu-Xi plot is the whole world, and this is the gap between me and her." Their ambitions are different.
       Gui Mama held the hand of Yu-Chen and said:
       "Imperial Consort, not everyone can have the fortune of Han Yu-Xi. So, don't compare with her."
       "I used to think that she was lucky, but I have been thinking about her going to this day. Is it really just luck?"
       After that, Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "She is not luck today, but relies on the efforts of the day after tomorrow. If she is not familiar with her history and military law when she is at home, if the older brother is careful to teach her political affairs, even if Yun-Qing is willing to give her power, she will also control No. "The opportunities are for those who are prepared, and this is not a fake."
       Gui Mama is still the same sentence:
       "Imperial Consort, she is her, you are you, your path is different." In fact, compared to other people, Yu-Chen is happy, and the children are smart and filial, and Yan Wu-shuang also gives her enough decent.
       Yu-Chen said a little embarrassed:
       "My way, I have set the Grandmother from birth." Han Old Madam began to marry her into the royal family in the first place, in order to bring honor to the family. Therefore, her primary school is the chess and calligraphy that can please men and the ability to survive in the back house. Yu-Xi does not need to bear the responsibility of revitalizing the family, so she can do what she wants.
       Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, don't think about it anymore." These things are too much to think about. Thinking more, it will only make you feel bad. After all, there is only one Han Yu-Xi in this world. Compared with such a winner in life, it is purely uncomfortable for yourself.
       "Don't say this. The emperor just promised to let me send something to Achi. I don't know how Achi is there. Is there suffering?"
       After that, Yu-Chen said:
       "Ask the emperor, the emperor said that Achi is all right there." So hard environment, how can it be really good!
       Gui Mama can't help but shift the topic:
       "The emperor can still lie to Imperial Consort. Imperial Consort, since the emperor promised to send things in the past, we will send some things that Prince likes to eat in the past."
       Yu-Chen clicked on the head:
       "it is good."

       Chapter 1227   Kennel    

       The weather is getting hotter. Yu-Rong said while holding a fan fan:
       "So hot, don't know when it will rain?"
       It has been raining for more than half a month, and the weather is very hot. And now the ice is too expensive, not hot enough to accept the point, Yu-Rong will also be reluctant to use ice.
       Hong-Hua is not surely said:
       "It should be faster!"
       Yu-Rong put the fan down and said:
       "If it doesn't rain again, the grain will definitely have to cut production." She is not making money by selling grain now, but she also hopes to leave the capacity of 800 acres of land for one year's consumption in the government. Don't buy extra food.
       Hong-Hua said:
       "When this is going on, the grain will definitely rise again. Madam , or we will store some food!"
       In the afternoon, Yu-Rong invited Master Gao to come over and talk about the situation outside:
       "Sir, I am worried that there will be a big drought. I want to buy some rice noodles and store it with oil and salt." In fact, they have secretly saved a piece of food from the land. This food is enough for her to spend two years with the Jiang Yi--Zheng and Master Gao. It is.
       Master Gao does not object to Yu-Rong purchasing grain, oil and salt, but he thinks the quantity should not be too much:
       "Madam , the amount of grain to buy for a month is almost the same. In July, the grain of Tianzhuang should also be collected." Eight hundred acres of good land, even if the age is not good, ten thousand pounds of food can still be received. There are ten thousand jin of food, and it has been enough for nearly a year.
       Yu-Rong nods:
       "Then I buy more oil and salt and other things." Grain prices have risen, and everything else has risen. Therefore, she is prepared to purchase more of the daily needs.
       Master Gao has no opinion on this.
       Yu-Rong thought about it:
       "Sir, before the rumor that Ming Wang was a god of war, now it is rumored that Ming Wang is killing God. Which one is true and which is false?"
       Master Gao said:
       "Ming Wang is both a god of war and a god of killing." Seeing Yu-Rong with a confused face, Master Gao explained:
       "To say that he is a god of war, because he has not defeated in these years, the real attack is invincible. He is killing God, because the person who died in his hands can be counted." In fact, Yun-Qing It is not without failure. Yunnan has not yet fully accepted it, and because he returned to Yucheng halfway, this defeat is not counted on him.
       Yu-Rong feels that this is a bit lopsided:
       "I haven’t defeated it? I remember that the fourth year of the fourth sister’s marriage to him had a big defeat. It is said that nearly 100 thousand people died.”
       Master Gao explained with a smile:
       "At that time, he was not the main player. This defeat should not be attributed to him. Moreover, if he did not burn the food of the Beibei people, Fu-Cheng City could not keep it. Waiting for him to be Fu- After Cheng City's keeper, he has never lost. "Since being the main player of Fu-Cheng City, he has also played against the Beijiao and has not suffered a big loss.
       Yu-Rong really didn't understand these things in depth:
       "Is that time he can kill Beibei?"
       Master Gao shook his head and said:
       "It is impossible to kill all the Beibei barbarians, but if the rumors outside are true, then Beibei must be hit hard this time. After this war, the north will get decades of peace." Next, Master Gao said:
       "The problem with Beibei has been solved. Then Mingwang and Mingfei have no worries, then they will prepare for attacking the capital?"
       Yu-Rong is not interested in these, saying:
       "Then how long do you think they can get in?"
       Master Gao said:
       "At least two years, up to three years. In fact, if Ming Wang first attacked Beibei, now the capital may not be guaranteed." As for why Yun-Qing wants to play Beibei first, not to play the capital, Master Gao did not study in depth.
       Yu-Rong asked in silence:
       "Sir, you said that after the Ming Wang occupied the capital, will the situation be worse than now?"
       Master Gao shook his head and said:
       "No, Ming Wang and Ming Wangfei are the National lords. When they get the world, the situation will only get better and better."
       Yu-Rong said with a smile:
       "With Master , I don't go anywhere, I just stay in the capital."
       Master Gao is a shrewd person who understands this when he hears this:
       “Is Jiu Old Master talking to his ‘Madam’?”
       Yu-Rong did not deny, said:
       "Acheng also feels that the capital will not be guaranteed and wants to go to Liaodong to set up production. I have been looking for me in the past two days and asked if I want to also set up some industries." Yu-Rong didn't want to go to Liaodong, so he had been hesitating for these two days.
       Master Gao is busy saying:
       "Madam I can't go to Liaodong. With the power of Ming Wang and Ming Feifei, Tianxia is a matter of time. If we follow Liaodong, it will affect the future of the Young Master." Zhengzheng is the material of reading, inheritance in this respect. Jiang Hongjin's talent. He was enlightened by Jiang Wenrui since he was a child, and his foundation was very solid. When the Ming Wang got the world, he would definitely hold an imperial examination. Taking political examinations in politics, the possibility of taking the test is very high. The first batch of scholars who came out of the science test will be reused as long as they do not accidentally.
       After listening to Master Gao, Yu-Rong was shocked. She really didn't know that there was so much attention.
       Master Gao paused and said:
       "Madam I may have a bit of difficulty at the beginning. Just wait for me to contact the 1st Master, and the days will be fine." Again, Jiang Hongfu will not care about the widowed sister-in-law.
       Yu-Rong nodded:
       "I believe Master ." After listening to Master Gao analysis, she made up her mind not to go to Liaodong.
       On the same day, Yu-Rong sent someone to find Han Jiancheng and asked him to meet at a restaurant. When I saw Han Jiancheng, Yu-Rong said her decision:
       "Acheng, the capital is our root. If you go to Liaodong, you have to start from scratch, and the environment is bad. Acheng, Master Gao has a lot of knowledge, and his words are definitely correct. You should consider it!"
       Han Jiancheng is hesitant:
       "Let me think about it again!" Han Jiancheng himself did not want to go to Liaodong, but Lu Yao always said in his ear that he had gone to the benefits of Liaodong. After listening to it, he began to shake.
       Yu-Rong did not persuade more, just said:
       "A Cheng, the industry in your hands, you will sell it conspicuously!" Unobtrusive can be kept, and may be saved in the future.
       Han Jiancheng shook his head and said:
       "Can't sell the price, it's still good to say it, and it's time to get rid of it." Yu-Rong now has only one house left in the hand, and the others are sold. Although the price is not high, there is no loss. And now only the field is good to sell, the house and the shop are not easy to sell, even if someone buys, the price is also very good. No one is a fool. Nowadays this world, after today, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Few people will buy a house shop.
       The Brother and sisters talked about a good conversation and used lunch again. Yu-Rong returned home.
       The capital is not hot enough, and the city is not so good. Yu-Xi is okay, not too afraid of heat, but the triplets and Lu-Er have already used ice.
       Lu-Er finished eating a bowl of chilled sour plum soup and said:
       "Mother, the big sister is so afraid of heat, I don't know if I am used to it in Fu-Cheng City?"
       Every summer, Jao-Jao hates not being able to soak in the ice. Lu-Er, I heard that Fu-Cheng City is much hotter than the city, and she is afraid that Jao-Jao will be guilty there.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I am definitely not used to it, but it is good to let her suffer."
       Lu-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, if you let outsiders hear you, you will think that you are a mother." How can a mother say this?
       Yu-Xi didn't expect Lu-Er to make a joke with her, but this is a good sign. She didn't like to see Lu-Er in her face in front of her:
       "If you are sinned outside, you know that your home is good."
       Lu-Er didn’t want to say it:
       "Mother, when the big sister came back from Guizhou, she said that Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as her own kennel!"
       Yu-Xi heard this and laughed and laughed:
       "When did the palace become a kennel?"
       This is too vulgar, but it is indeed what Jao-Jao will say.
       Lu-Er learned the appearance of Jao-Jao and said with a smile in the arms of Yu-Xi:
       "The big sister is just an analogy. She said that it is better to be outside than at home!" Although Yu-Xi is more frugal than Yun-Qing , she has never been treated with a few children. , all are good.
       When the mother and daughter were talking, they heard Mei-Lan say:
       “Wangfei, Wangye letter is here.” Wangfei has not received a personal letter from Wangye for half a month.
       After reading the letter, Yu-Xi said:
       “Sure enough...” As she expected, Yun-Qing was injured.
       Lu-Er's look at Yu-Xi is not quite right, ask:
       "Mother, what's wrong? Is it wrong in front of the war?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "You are hurt and hurt your arm." Because the words were written and twisted, Yu-Xi believed in Yun-Qing 's rhetoric.
       Lu-Er has a white face:
       "Mother, isn't it a Grand Marshal? How can I get hurt? Could it be an assassin?"
       Lu-Er has always worried that Jao-Jao never worried about Yun-Qing and Kaihao. The reason is that Yun-Qing is not used as a marshal on the battlefield.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "You used to fight with Agu before, that was the injury at that time."
       Thinking of what I just said, Lu-Er asked:
       "Mother, I have a heart to look at you, how do you know?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I have been with you for more than ten years. He has something to do but I am going."
       Lu-Er is very envious and says:
       "Mother, it’s good to have a relationship with you." If she and her husband can do this, then it’s good.
       Yu-Xi, can't see Lu-Er, think carefully, said:
       "You don't have to envy, you can do it in the future."
       On the same day, Yu-Xi rewarded Master Meng Lao. Lu-Er has changed a lot in the past two years. Not only is the temperament cheerful, but also more generous, it is no longer as cautious as before, and this is attributed to Master Meng Lao. Therefore, a good teacher is very important.
       "Oh..." Looking at the blood in his hand, Jao-Jao said depressedly:
       "How do I like mosquitoes like this?"
       The days of Jao-Jao began to be awkward after the emergence of hot mosquitoes.
       Jao-Jao is afraid of heat and is not willing to use mosquito nets. Autumn is a three-day use of wormwood to smoke the house. But because it is too stuffy, Jao-Jao insists on opening doors and windows, and mosquitoes are endless. The physique of Jao-Jao seems to be specially recruiting mosquitoes. He does not bite Qiuhe and Hong-duo and so on, and likes to bite her.
       Qiu He said:
       "County Owner, or I will close the window!" Open the window, how can I not enter the mosquito!
       Jao-Jao swings:
       "I still don't want it. I have to sweat a window when I close the window." Jao-Jao is a fire body, and it can't stand the heat of the day. I used to be able to take a cold bath before I was too hot. Now I can only use my warm water to get hurt.
       Qiu He said:
       "County Owner, go buy some ice cubes! The house is iced, it's not so hot."
       "No, the ice here is too expensive, can't afford it." Fu-Cheng City's ice cubes are more than five times more expensive than the city. Jao-Jao is used to thrift, which is willing.
       Qiuhe said with some helplessness; "County Owner, can't save the province like this!" She also knows that Jao-Jao has a rich private house, otherwise she thinks that Wangfei has abused her!
       Jao-Jao is making up his mind not to buy ice, saying:
       "You make people go to play two barrels of well water in the house." The well water that was just hit is also very cool, and it can be warm in the room.
       Qiu Hegang opened the curtain and saw Yin Zhaofeng mentioning a bucket of ice into the house. Qiu He was a little surprised and asked:
       "Yin Guardian, where is this ice coming?"
       Jao-Jao looked at Yin Zhaofeng and asked:
       "This will not be sent by the high general?"
       Jao-Jao said that the high general refers to Gao Rusong, who stayed behind to keep Fu-Cheng City.
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "No, I bought it myself. County Owner, thrift is a good thing, but you can't lose yourself. If you let Wangfei know, you will definitely feel bad."
       Jao-Jao said:
       “It’s hotter than this in Guizhou last year, and I’ve come over like that.”
       Yin Zhaofeng put the ice bucket in the corner, then turned and said:
       "Last year last year, now you have a wound on your body, you should raise it well." Jao-Jao last year had a hot day to wash three or four times, but now it is not.
       I bought it and I didn’t mean it. Jao-Jao said:
       "How much?"
       Although frugal, Jao-Jao did not let others belong to her habit of spending money.
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "I have set a month with people, three barrels of ice a day, a total of thirty Silver Taels." This is still the price, or more.
       Jao-Jao let Qiuhe take a pair of five or two gold to Yin Zhaofeng:
       "If you buy anything later, you can deduct it directly from inside." Jao-Jao is not without money, it is too much savings.
       Yin Zhaofeng was also unpretentious. He took the gold and put it in his sleeve:
       "There was a good news from the front, and Wangye made another big victory." Unfortunately, he could not follow Wangye. Otherwise, you can see Wangye annihilating the North.
       Yun-Qing won the game and Jao-Jao was happy. I can think of my current situation, Jao-Jao is a bit embarrassing:
       "If I didn't follow Uncle Shu, but followed, I would be fine." Follow me, I can't be hurt if I don't know. In this way, she can also make meritorious deeds.
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "County Owner, this is Wangye order." The military order is like a mountain. Even if the 1st County Owner is the daughter of Wangye, he can only listen and can't object.
       Jao-Jao just said casually, but did not complain about Yun-Qing . After all, he didn't know that he would get hurt. Jao-Jao whispered:
       "The doctor said when can I go home?"
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "The doctor said that he still has to raise a good time." Jao-Jao is suffering from internal injuries and must be raised well. Although it has been raised for two months, it is not suitable for long distances.
       Jao-Jao -called:
       "I don't know how long to raise?"
       She really wants to go home now.

       Chapter 1228   Great victory    

       The day at the end of June, it’s not hot enough. Walking out of the house, a burst of heat wave came. The sun has also become a big stove, and the whole earth seems to be baked.
       Yu-Xi returned to the backyard from the front yard and was too hot. Quan Mama quickly took out the watermelon in the well and gave it to Yu-Xi. It is quite strange to say that Yu-Xi, she does not like and use ice to chill things. In fact, during the hot period, eating some does not hinder the body, but Yu-Xi does not like it.
       After eating two pieces of iced watermelon, Yu-Xi feels refreshed a lot:
       "I don't know how Wangye and A-Hoa are doing now?"
       She just returned to the backyard from the front yard. It was too hot to walk so many steps. The father and son on the grassland still don't know how.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       “Wangye and the Wang Heir, I think it’s okay, but it’s 1st County Owner, I’m afraid that it’s hard to get in Fu-Cheng City.” In the house, Jao-Jao lived in the coolest bamboo garden in the house, and the house was hot. Put two buckets of ice to sleep. Now in Fu-Cheng City, there are no conditions for the palace.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "In the first two days, Yin Zhaofeng wrote to me and said that Jao-Jao wanted to come back. Only the doctor said that he would raise another one. I intend to let her come back with Wangye."
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       “The 1st County Owner must have been uncomfortable in Fu-Cheng City before he wants to go home.” In the impression of Quan Mama, Jao-Jao is a non-negative person.
       "This is just the beginning, and there is still suffering in the future." The female general is not so good, just like her, she can eat a lot of suffering today.
       Quan Mama agrees with the words Yu-Xi and says:
       "This road is really not easy to go." Women, no matter what they do in this world, it is not that easy.
       After lunch, I talked to Quan Mama for a conversation and then lay down. It’s hot again, and I still have to sleep. If not, there is no spirit in the afternoon.
       The Yu-Xi in his sleep felt that someone was shaking himself. When he opened his eyes, he saw Mei-Lan at her bedside. Looking at the excitement of Mei-Lan, Yu-Xi probably knows what happened.
       Mei-Lan said excitedly:
       "Wangfei, the front report came, Wangye defeated Beibei barbarians, and also killed the northern king." Mei-Lan's father died in the hands of the Beijia people, so Yun-Qing now defeated the Beibei people and killed. Beibei Wang, she will be so excited.
       Yu-Xi also smiled on his face, but he was not as excited as Mei-Lan. Yu-Xi said:
       "Get the clothes for me." Already awake, it is impossible to sleep again.
       Just dressed, I heard the messy footsteps outside, and I didn’t need anyone to know Yu-Xi to know that they were triplets.
       Rui Ji Er saw Yu-Xi and grabbed her sleeves and asked:
       "Mother, I just heard that I killed the Northern King. Is this true?"
       The commander began to sing loudly from the gate of the palace. Not to mention the triplets, everyone else in the palace knew this.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It's true. But the mother just got up and didn't look at the good news sent from the front. The specifics are still unclear."
       Rui Ji Er is so excited that his face is red:
       "Mother, when will you come back?"
       He is proud of having such a father.
       The most calm of the triplets is You Ji-Er:
       "The second brother asked this question, and naturally he will come back when he comes back." Actually, You Ji-Er is also very excited, but he is more stable than Rui Ji.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Mother still has something to deal with, you go back to class." Yun-Qing won the victory is a happy event, but there are still many things to deal with after the war, do not know the battle, how many casualties.
       Rui Ji Er heard this and said dryly:
       "Mother, killing the northern ‘King’ will kill the North, this big happy event should be celebrated?"
       He didn't want to go to school, he wanted to steal a day lazy!
       You Ji-Er has a look at Rui Rui, and I’m careful about this.
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "It must be celebrated, but you have to wait until you come back. Now, go to the classroom, don't let Master wait." Fortunately, Xuan Ji Er and You Ji-Er are very fond of learning, they look at Rui Ji It made her save a lot of things. Otherwise, Rui Ji Er is afraid to go to the old road of Jao-Jao.
       Out of the yard, Rui Ji Er whispered:
       "I really admire my eldest brother." Envy Qi Hao can go out with Yun-Qing , watching him domineering when he annihilated Beibei.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "There is no way, who makes us small!" You Ji-Er knows very well why Yun-Qing will send a big brother to Beibei. The so-called martial arts and talents are all excuses. The real reason is that the eldest brother is the eldest son and the heir to the future.
       Xuan Ji Er inserted a weak sentence and said:
       "I think it's good to be small." He didn't want to go to war, it was too dangerous.
       When Yu-Xi arrived at the front yard, it was a joy to see everyone. Xu Da Nu saw Yu-Xi, and he was happy to say:
       "Wangfei, Wangye has wiped out the North." These soldiers from Fu-Cheng City hate the North Barbarian. Because Beibei barbarians ruined their homes and killed their families with their robes.
       Xu Wu walked in from the side door and saw Yu-Xi, also a smile on his face:
       "Wangfei, the newspaper is on the table." In addition to Xu Wu and Xu Da Nu, others can't enter the study.
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded, and entered the house.
       Xu Da Nu touched his head and said:
       "Boss, how can I look at Wangfei and I am not very happy?"
       Xu Wu took the head of Xu Da Nu and smiled:
       "Which eyes do you see Wangfei unhappy? Do you think that Wangfei is as silly as you are?"
       Wangye played such a big victory, how could Wangfei be unhappy. It’s just that Wangfei is more restrained, not like the emotions of them.
       On the table, there are not only the good news in front, but also the letter from Yun-Qing and Qi Hao.
       The newsletter looks at ten lines and finishes at the fastest speed. Yun-Qing wrote that Beibei work is over, and he will soon return to the city. It was Qi Hao. In the letter, Yun-Qing ’s injury was already a lot better, and he wanted to heal well.
       After reading the letter from Hao Ji Er, Yu-Xi raised his brow and said:
       "It was fooled." If only the arm is injured, it will be so long. I am afraid that I will not only have an arm injury, but I will definitely hurt other places. However, because Yun-Qing is not life-threatening, Yu-Xi is not worried.
       Called Xu Wu into the house, Yu-Xi said:
       "Send someone to ask Tan Tuo, Shen Chunting, Yuan Ying to come over." The battle of Beibei is nearing completion, and it is time to prepare for the post-war incident.
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       “Wangfei, is there still a need for martial law in the city?”
       According to Xu Wu, the war in front has already been finished, and there is no need to martial law in the city.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "No need." Even if Yan Wu-shuang wants to destroy, she is not afraid.
       After a post-war incident with Tan Tuo, he negotiated for another afternoon. It was not until the day was dark that it was finished.
       As soon as I left the house, Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, the second Madam came over, and is now waiting in the backyard!" Lu-Shi came half an hour, knowing that Yu-Xi was talking to the minister, she waited patiently in the backyard.
       Seeing a tired Yu-Xi, Lu Xiu felt that it was not a time to come.
       Yu-Xi washed her face and drank a bowl of iced mung beans. Then she sat down and asked:
       "Two, what's the matter?"
       Lu Xiu smiled:
       "I heard that Wangye has won a great victory. Congratulations! Yu-Xi, Wangye will annihilate the North and kill the North King. This kind of merit will surely spread to the ages."
       Yu-Xi heard this, the smile on his face was a bit deeper, but he said very modestly:
       "The death of Beibei is not his own merit." The head work must belong to Yun-Qing .
       After a few words, Yu-Xi asked about the marriage of seven seven:
       "Now the battle of Beibei is over, and the marriage will be settled with Fengjia." This time, the troops went north, and Feng Zhiyi followed. However, he did not follow Kai Hao, but he followed him to the army.
       Lu Xiu said with a smile:
       "If this is the case, the woman is not very good-looking." To be married, it is also a family.
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "This is very true. But I think Feng Madam should come to the door to mention this thing these days." Now the battle of Beibei has already passed, Feng Dajun and Feng Zhiyi are both well, and Feng Madam now has the mood and energy. Talking about marriage.
       Lu Xiu is not worried about this matter, mainly because there is Yu-Xi, and the family does not dare to make things that make the Han family look no face, so it is good to have a strong backer. Lu Xiu said:
       "After the seven-seventh wedding period is set, I should also set the marriage date of Shun Ji Er." Han Jianming has no separation from Han Jianye, so the young and the young are in order. Before the 7th and 7th marriage, it is impossible for Shungeer to marry. ‘Madam’, or else, the face is not very good-looking.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Then you have to be tired again." After a marriage, I have been busy for half a year.
       Lu Xiu said:
       "As long as they can live in peace and beauty in the future, it is worthwhile to be tired." The dowry of the seven seven is already ready, which will save her a lot of things.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Big brother is busy in business, I can't go back to the wedding of Qi-Qi . As for the mother, the two places are separated by a thousand miles, and it is estimated that they will not come back."
       Lu Xiu is not surprised:
       "This is what I said with the Seven Seventh, and I have prepared myself in the seventh and seventh days." As the governor of Jiangnan, Da Bozi could not leave his official business back to the city because of his daughter's marriage.
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "There is no war in Yunnan now. When the Brother are married, they can let the second brother come back." Yunnan is now in a state of glue, and this year it is definitely impossible to use the soldiers again.
       "If the Master Master can come back, that would be great." This is also an unexpected surprise.
       Lu Xiu went back to dinner in the palace.
       Yu-Xi also has no time to accompany Lu-Er and triplets:
       "Mother has a bunch of things to deal with, you go back to your own Courtyard!" The post-war thing is very cumbersome, no three or five months can not finish.
       This evening, Yu-Xi was busy in the middle of the night. When taking a bath, Quan Mama asked:
       “Wangye has won a big victory. Why are you still frowning? Is it that Wangye is hurt again?”
       Yu-Xi is now very maintenance-oriented, and I have to take a medicated bath for two days. Then apply a cream specially prepared by Quan Mama to her face.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “Wangye is good, not injured. It’s just that there is drought in some parts of Shanxi and Henan, and the harvest will definitely be greatly reduced.” The most dislike is the floods that have hit the drought and the bones.
       When Quan Mama was sent to the palace as a child because of the disaster, he immediately asked:
       "is it serious?"
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "It's more serious. Fortunately, the harvest in the south of the Yangtze River is not bad." The rice is harvested in June, and now the rice is almost harvested. She has already got the news that Jiangnan’s harvest this year is more than 10% less than last year. However, relative to Hebei and other places, it is already good.
       Quan Mama couldn't help but say:
       "Fortunately, the battle of Beibei is over."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "If it weren't for the military, the grain would not be so tense." Last year, Jiangnan was in good weather and the harvest was excellent. In other places, the harvest is not bad either.
       Quan Mama heard this:
       "So, have you ever had to cut back on food?"
       "Which is about shrinking clothes." But she is going to worry about the money.
       Quan Mama said:
       "When Wangye comes back, you will throw this stall to him and rest for two days." Let Yun-Qing know the difficulty of not having money, so Yun-Qing will not always think about fighting.
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "Let him handle it, I am afraid that it will be a mess. At this time, this time, the old nest of Beibei will be annihilated. I believe that I should get a lot of spoils. At that time, I can make up some of the loopholes."
       Quan Mama has no hope for this:
       "This Beibei barbaric is so poor that he can have something worthwhile?"
       If they have money, they will not be robbed of the pots and pans of the border town.
       This is also why Quan Mama doesn't understand the market. This pot and pan is sold very expensive in Beibei.
       Yu-Xi didn't think so, said:
       "The royal aristocrats of Beibei, certainly have hidden a lot of good things." Gold and silver treasures, there must be some.
       Kai Hao is almost the same idea as Quan Mama. So when he saw the spoils that were collected, Kai Hao was shocked. The longan-sized cat's eye, the big fist of the Grandmother green, the pigeon blood red, the sapphire, the diamond, and the various pearls, as well as countless gold and silver. These things are going to make people eyes sway.
       The quality of Kaihao is still good, and soon calm down, then asked Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, don't you say that the Beibei people are not eating enough? Why do they have so many treasures?"
       These things, together, are worth a few million.
       Yun-Qing smiled and took the back of Qihao, saying:
       "The poor are just ordinary herders, and the princes and nobles are still jewels. In addition, they can do nothing to kill and rob the looting. These things are accumulated over the years."
       Qi Hao took out the grandmother green of a walnut from one of the boxes and said:
       "Mother likes these green stones most, and takes this for her mother."
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Take all the best gems out there and send them to your mother. What jewelry to make for her own decision." Gold and silver treasures are to be put into storage, in addition to taking out some of the jewellery, the following meritorious deeds, Others will go into the private library of Yu-Xi.
       When Qi Hao heard this, he put the Grandmother green in his hand back into the box.

       Chapter 1229   Drunk Kai    

       The afterglow of the setting sun sways on the dark green grassland, and the evening glow reflects the colorful light, silky, soft, thin, woven into a colorful aura. At the top of the dome, Xiao Lan said that not far away, a brown horse was grazing leisurely, and a brown-grey horse squatting down next to it grazes, everything is so harmonious.
       Yun-Qing looked up at the sunset in the distance, and did not know how to think of that dream. In the dream he killed Beibei and killed all the prisoners. However, he did not have the pleasure of revenge, but his heart was empty. That kind of loneliness is something that no one can understand.
       Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "Hey, I have always heard that the grasslands are beautiful. When I saw them today, it was really rumored to be illusory."
       Seeing that I didn’t get a response for a long time, Hao Ji Er looked up and found that Yun-Qing ’s look was not right.
       After thinking about it, Kai Hao grabbed Yun-Qing and was full of shi-zi’s hand and asked:
       "Hey, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about Uncle Jiangbo?"
       Jiang Bo, who grew up with Yun-Qing since childhood, was killed in the Battle of the Canyon.
       Yun-Qing came back to God, seeing the kind of ambition that Kaihao had with anxiety, and said with a smile:
       "Yeah, I miss you, Uncle Jiangbo." It was just a dream. He was alone in the dream. The annihilation of Beibei was his obsession with his life, so after completing this, his heart would be empty. But now it is different. He has a ‘Madam’ and a son, and his days are happy. The destruction of Beibei is not only a commitment to the Brother, but also a part of his completion of the world.
       Kai Hao relieved Yun-Qing and said:
       "Hey, Uncle Jiang Bo, if they know that you have destroyed Beibei and avenged them, you will be very happy."
       Yun-Qing smiled and nodded and asked Kai Hao a question:
       "Would you like to eat roasted whole lamb? If you want to, I will bake it for you at night."
       Although once in the dream, the dream is not equal to reality. During this time, Yun-Qing tightened his nerves every day. Now that he is beaten, he is also in the mood to do other things.
       Qi Hao said very much to the face:
       "I heard that Uncle Xu said that roasting the whole sheep is a must. Today, I finally have a chance to taste the craftsmanship."
       Yun-Qing , this will be very good, saying:
       "When I go back this time, I will also bake a sheep for your mother to eat."
       Qi Hao Lehe said:
       "A Rui, after they know it, will definitely be crazy." His mother is very focused on health, not eating barbecue things. Baked lamb, when the triplets can let go of the belly.
       Yi Yi came over and interrupted the conversation between the father and the son:
       "Wangye, General Cui is back." Cui Mo took the cavalry and chased the North Prince II who fled to the depths of the grassland. It has been five days now.
       Yun-Qing said to Kaihao:
       "Let's go back!"
       Lu Bai took the two horses over. Yun-Qing said with a gray horse laughing:
       "Let's go back." Yun-Qing 's mount happened to be the father of Qi Hao mount.
       Because Yun-Qing 's body can't do strenuous exercise, the father and son are riding slowly on the horse.
       Cui Mo waited outside the coach's camp and saw Yun-Qing and Qi Hao busy.
       "Wangye, the Wang Heir."
       Yun-Qing got off the horse and swept Cui Mo and asked:
       "Not caught up?"
       If he catches up, Cui Mo will not be depressed, but his face will be full of red light.
       Cui Mo said with a low head:
       "They entered the depths of the grassland. We were unfamiliar with the terrain there, and the grain was not enough, so we came back." He had set up a military order at the beginning, and he must come back with the head of the shit prince. Now I am getting a face.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I didn't catch up without catching up, it's no big deal." Finished, opened the curtain and went in.
       Qi Hao said with a smile:
       "Uncle Cui, I don't blame you, go in!" In fact, Yun-Qing said a few days ago that Cui Mo could not catch up with the two princes. The reason is very simple. They are not familiar with the terrain in the depths of the grasslands. Unless they take the temperament of the cavalry, they will not catch up. And Cui Mo will be a baby for every cavalry, it is impossible to take risks.
       Looking at the dejected Cui Mo, Yun-Qing did not say relief, because it was useless. Yun-Qing just smiled and said:
       "Eat roasted whole lamb at night, you are ready to go!"
       Cui Mo looked up at Yun-Qing and said:
       "Wangye..." He made a military order before, saying that if you can't catch the Ji Ri Le Tu, you will come to see it. This will make Yun-Qing say nothing, but make him feel more and more faceless.
       Yun-Qing laughs:
       "Is it really necessary to cut your head, are you relieved?"
       Cui Mo touched his neck and said:
       "The big man said that it is difficult to chase after the horse, Wangye wants to cut, just cut it!" It is also known that Yun-Qing will not kill him.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Hurry up and pick a few fat sheep, and have a good time at night. As for your head, keep it first, and use it later!"
       After Cui Mo went out, Qi Hao said:
       "Hey, it’s great that you have a relationship with Uncle Cui and Uncle Shu." It doesn't look like a subordinate, it's like a brother.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "They followed me in their teens. They have been getting along with their Brother for years." After that, Yun-Qing sighed:
       "Twenty people, there are four of them left." If everyone else is still alive, how good.
       Qi Hao did not think of a word that he had inadvertently, and even let Yun-Qing feel the heart.
       After two quarters of an hour, Cui Mo made people raise three fat sheep. This time the spoils, in addition to those precious jewels and gold and silver, there are groups of cattle and sheep. Both cattle and sheep are eating things. On the day of the victory, everyone is allowed to open their belly to eat. As for the horses, it is natural to bring them back.
       Yun-Qing saw this and asked Qi Hao:
       “Is there any interest in learning how to slaughter sheep?”
       Qi Hao has been integrated into the life of the military camp, and does not feel that slaughtering cattle and sheep has reduced his identity. Qi Hao said with a smile:
       "Okay! Just study with Cui Shushu." No matter where he is, he can quickly adjust his mentality and position himself. This is why Qi Hao can get everyone favorite.
       Cui Mo haha ​​laughed and said:
       "The Wang Heir is going to learn, then I have to show the magic of my hand."
       At this time, a thunderous sound sounded:
       "As far as your hands are concerned, it’s also a good idea to say great things."
       When Qi Hao saw the arrival, he hurried up and smiled:
       "Uncle Uncle, you are here."
       Feng Dajun smiled and said:
       “I heard that Wangye was preparing to roast the whole sheep at night to see if there was anything I needed to help.”
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "If you don't come, I will send someone to call you. You have also worked hard during this time. Take a rest today." Killing the Beibei people does not mean that it is easy. On the contrary, there are still many follow-up things to deal with. So these days, he and the army were busy, and now Cui Mo is back, they should return to Fu-Cheng City.
       Three-headed sheep, just Yun-Qing with Feng Jun and Cui Mo. And Kai Hao and Feng Zhiyi and Cui Weiqi three people, playing next to each other.
       The three men's tactics are similar, they are first tied to the limbs of the sheep, and then cut to the neck of the sheep with a knife, and use the basin to catch the blood. After the blood is exhausted, cut the sheep's head and start peeling.
       Peeling is the best of Cui Mo. After peeling off, the sheepskin is not damaged and is very complete.
       Cui Mo looked at Feng Yangjun’s sheepskin that pierced several holes and said with pride:
       "Maniac, your craft is far worse than me." When I was in Fu-Cheng City, life was hard. The intact sheepskin can sell more money than the damaged sheepskin. Of course, this is Cui Mo unilateral statement. The real reason is that Cui Mo likes to eat roasted whole lambs. After a long time, he has trained this craft.
       In fact, the worst of the three is Yun-Qing . The sheepskin was made up by him, and this thing was sold, and the money was worthless. However, Feng Dajun did not dare to compare with Yun-Qing , but said with a smile:
       "It didn't happen for a long time, it was a lot of people."
       Yun-Qing didn't feel any embarrassed, he was not good at peeling sheepskin:
       "Easy, take the seasoning." The seasoning on the grassland is definitely not complete.
       After peeling off the sheepskin, it began to clean up the internal organs. Yun-Qing knows that Qi Hao does not eat the internal organs, so the internal organs let Yi Yi take the kitchen and hand it to the cook.
       After washing the treated sheep, take a knife and cut several small mouths in the abdominal cavity of the sheep and the thick inside of the hind legs. Then take the seasoning and salt, and apply it to the small mouth. Then use the iron sign to enter the belly, * face up, the limbs are hung on the leather surface with iron hooks, then brush the soy sauce, and then apply the sesame oil after cooling.
       At this time the fire has been set up. After the three men hung the sheep, they began to ignite. This method is relatively simple, but it is also a test of the foundation.
       Cui Mo said while turning the sheep, laughing:
       “I am good at skinning, Wangye is the best at roasting sheep.” Yun-Qing has the best control.
       Cui Weiqi deliberately dismantled his desk:
       "That will wait for the son to eat Wangye roasted sheep, don't say that my son will not give you face!"
       Cui Mo said:
       "That sheep is not enough for Wangye and the Wang Heir to eat. How can you share it? If you don't eat better, you will go to bed hungry tonight!" This unfilial son, even dare to dislike his craft.
       Qi Hao looked at the sheep on the iron frame and said:
       "Uncle Cui, I can't eat as much as I can." Even if the sheep's head and the sheep's skin and internal organs are removed, there are only twenty pounds of meat. Where are the fathers and sons?
       Cui Mo said:
       "The Wang Heir, Wangye had eaten a whole sheep alone. Now plus you, it's no problem."
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "You still think that when I am young, I am old, I can't eat that much." Yun-Qing did eat a sheep, but the sheep was thin and small, and cleaned up only five or six pounds of meat. Look like. For a young and hungry young man, eating five or six pounds of meat is not a rare thing.
       "I don't feel old, Wangye, how do you feel old?"
       Cui Mo feels that he is still young and strong, and killing a tiger is no problem.
       Feng Dajun is concentrating on roasting sheep next to him.
       Qi Hao sat next to him, listening quietly to the three people, talking to me in a word.
       Suddenly, everyone smelled a bit of burnt smell. Cui Weiqi pointed at the charred sheep and called:
       "Hey, the lamb is burnt."
       Cui Mole said happily:
       "It’s better to burn it." After that, the lamb was removed from the iron frame, and a leg was cut with a knife and placed on a plate and handed to Cui Weiqi.
       Cui Weiqi came over with a bitter face. He really didn't want to eat this charred roast lamb. Taking a bite, it’s hard to eat, but he doesn’t dare to vomit, he can only force himself to swallow.
       Yun-Qing looked at Cui Weiqi bitter look and smiled:
       "Don't eat if you scorch, wait until I eat."
       When Cui Mo heard this, he immediately took the sheep he had baked:
       "Wangye, that's it, then you will give me some food!"
       Cui Weiqi wants to lick his face. There is such a cheeky -servant. It’s really too woody.
       Yun-Qing knew Cui Mo virtue and smiled:
       "You want to eat as much, but you can't eat it."
       After a little quarter of an hour, Yun-Qing 's roast whole lamb is also good. I have to say that Yun-Qing 's craftsmanship is really good. This lamb is roasted golden and bright, giving people an appetite at first glance.
       The sheep was taken off the iron frame, and Yun-Qing asked Feng Dajun:
       "What about you? Do you want to divide it too?"
       Feng Dajun’s mutton is well roasted, but it’s good to sell it without Yun-Qing :
       "No, my sheep is roasting well, can enter." A sheep, which is enough for so many people to eat. It’s rare to get together and eat together. You have to have a good time.
       Yun-Qing This sheep is roasted, the outer meat is brown and crisp, and the internal meat is soft and tender. After taking a sip, Cui Weiqi nodded and praised:
       "It's delicious, it's delicious."
       Feng Dajun smiled and said:
       "There is no mutton without wine, it's not boring." Their drinks are very good, and drinking will not be a problem.
       Lu Bai quickly sent a jar of wine to come over. This wine is a spoils, and quite a lot!
       Everyone is a big bowl of wine, and even Qi Hao has not escaped. Even if he didn't drink spirits, Kai Hao wouldn't say anything like this. If you don’t do that in the military, it’s easy to be tempted.
       "Cough..." The wine was too strong, and after drinking a bite, Hao Ji Er felt that his throat was burning.
       Yun-Qing , while helping Qi Hao to shoot the back, said with a smile:
       "I just started drinking, I have to drink slowly and can't worry." Since Kai Hao is willing to drink, he naturally does not stop.
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "The Wang Heir is all right, it is not enough. Wangye, let the Wang Heir practice well, this can't be done." The amount of alcohol is practiced, no one can drink alcohol by nature.
       Drinking a small bowl of wine, Qi Hao is a little dizzy. Shaking his head, Qi Hao pointed to Cui Mo:
       "Hey, how come there are two Uncle Cui!"
       Looking at the blushing red hair like the fire, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "What two uncle Cui, you are drunk." Only drunk a small bowl of wine was drunk, this amount of wine really can't. When I was ten years old, I was drunk after drinking a large bowl of white wine.
       "Oh, I am drunk!" After finishing Hao Hao, he leaned on Yun-Qing and squinted his eyes.
       Yun-Qing picked up Qi Hao and smiled and said to several people:
       "You eat first, I will send him back to the camp and come back." Although it is summer, the grassland has a strong wind, and it is easy to catch cold if it is not careful.
       Cui Weiqi looked at the back of Yun-Qing and said to himself:
       "The Wang Heir has such awkwardness as Wangye. It’s so happy." Cui Weiqi felt a headache when he fell.
       After Cui Mo finished killing, he said:
       "Bad boy, don't you mean that I am not good to you?"
       Cui Weiqi is not afraid of Cui Mo at all, which is also related to the temper:
       "Hey is good to me, but compared with Wangye, it is still a bit lost."
       Cui Mo is funny and angry:
       "Rolling the dice." Now it’s the same, and you have to indulge yourself.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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