Han Yuxi 1230

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1230   Golden Finger    

       The stars flashed like diamonds under the light, and the bright moonlight was on the grassland, and the world was quiet. A gust of wind blew, and the grasslands fluctuated with the wind.
       Stepping on the moonlight, returning to the Yun-Qing next to the fire, see only the Fengjun and Cui Mo, and asked:
       "What about Zhizhi and Weiqi?"
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "The two children are also sleepy, let them go back." Mainly because he thinks that the two children are there, a lot of words are not convenient to say, so let Zhiyi and Wei Qi go back to the camp to rest.
       Cut a piece of meat with a knife and put it in the silver plate that belongs to him. After eating a few mouthfuls, Yun-Qing couldn’t eat any more, and put down the knife and said with a smile:
       "It's really old, I can't eat much." Today's roast whole sheep, Yun-Qing also eats a pound more.
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "Which can compare with younger now!" His son is about to become a relative, and he is not going to be a grandfather next year. How can he compare with the 20-year-old?
       Cui Mo can not accept the old:
       “How do you feel that you are old? I feel like I am still young!”
       Pointing at the remaining ten kilograms of lamb, Yun-Qing smiled:
       "You are young, then you will finish eating!"
       Cui Mo face instantly became a bitter color.
       At this time, Lu Bai sent a pot of porridge. On the grassland, cattle and sheep are not rare, and rare vegetables are. However, this dish is not made with fresh vegetables but with dried vegetables.
       Yun-Qing drank a bowl and said something awkwardly:
       "When I remember eating porridge, Jiang Bo always yelled and waited for money to eat roasted whole sheep every day. Now with this condition, he is no longer..." Huo Changqing, although he has money in his pocket, he has to feed Many people are also very frugal on most days, and it is estimated that they will be paralyzed once or twice a month. Half-size children are the time to grow up, so at that time they were specially prepared for meat.
       Feng Dajun and Cui Mo remembered the Brother of the past and they were all silent. The more than twenty Brother who died are the pain that they can never make up.
       Yun-Qing will say an idea hidden in the heart:
       "There are so many children in the Kindergarten. I am going to pick some of them from Jiangbo. When we are a hundred years later, some people will burn paper money for them, and they will not become ghosts."
       Cui Mo -called and asked:
       "Wangye, when did you believe this?"
       He remembers that Yun-Qing never believed in this. He also said that when a person dies, the light is extinguished. When he dies, he turns gray. But he did not expect that he now began to believe in reincarnation.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "I want to do something for them." More than half of the dead people, half of them were not found.
       Feng Dajun asked:
       "Wangye, is it because of that dream?"
       Before, Yun-Qing had talked to him about that dream.
       Waiting for Yun-Qing to answer, Cui Mo asked with amazement:
       "Dream? What dream?"
       Cui Mo is unaware of this.
       Feng Dajun said:
       "Wangye had a nightmare before, dreaming that we were all dead, and left him alone." When he heard Yun-Qing talk about this dream, the reaction was the same as Xu Wu, and he was shocked.
       Cui Mo is also a big jump:
       "Ah? When did Wangye actually make such a horrible dream?"
       They are all dead, but they are not terrible.
       Before Yun-Qing was more evasive, it has now been released. However, because I have promised Yu-Xi, I don’t say much about it, so Yun-Qing doesn’t want to say more:
       "It’s all over the past, no need to mention it."
       Cui Mo is not a curious person, but it is too weird:
       "Wangye, will it collide at that time?"
       Feng Dajun smiled and said:
       "I didn't say that I didn't believe these gods? How can this be believed?"
       Cui Mo said:
       "I am not worried about this? Wangye, you dreamed that we are all dead, then what about you?"
       He is more concerned about this issue.
       Yun-Qing omitted all the things in the middle and said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang gave the pit a death. After he died, he gave me a good burial." If a person dies, the scenery is buried, and it is not important to throw it into the grassland to feed the wolf.
       Cui Mo made a chill, and dreamed that they would all die in battle, and even dreamed that they had been killed. The pit is dead, and the enemy still gave him the scenery. There are more strange dreams than this!
       Feng Dajun was calm and asked:
       “Wangye, in your dream, did Yan Wu-shuang finally become a winner?”
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I am not sure whether it is the final winner. When I was killed by him, he was still the regent, and he did not call the emperor."
       Cui Mo said:
       "Dream is the opposite. In the dream, Yan Wu-shuang will kill you, then he will definitely die in your hands. Then we will unload him eight pieces and throw it into the wild to feed the dog." Yan Wu- Shuang has repeatedly killed Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi, and Cui Mo knows.
       This is what Yun-Qing loves to hear.
       Cui Mo finished drinking the wine in the bowl and couldn't help but ask:
       "Wangye, we are all dead, then Wangfei and my daughter-in-law? How are they?"
       When I was young, I was not afraid of death. After I became a ‘Madam’ and children, my heart was more worried. I am afraid that they are, no one cares for the orphans and widows.
       This matter, the army knew that it immediately inserted a sentence:
       "Wangye dream, there is no Wangfei."
       Cui Mo was very surprised. He placed the bowl on the ground and asked:
       "Hey, Wangye dream is not Wangfei? Where is Wangfei going? A big living person can still change the trick."
       Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi is right. At that time, it should not be mentioned with Feng Dajun. Not to mention, there will not be so many questions to answer. Yun-Qing said:
       "Why didn't the Wangfei appear in the dream, I don't know what happened. In the dream, I am Zhao daughter. Later, the Zhao family was dying and died. After that, she didn't marry her ‘Madam’. When she died, she was still a lonely man. One." As for -Lu-Shi, there is no need for Cui Mo to know about it.
       After the announcement, Yun-Qing said to the two:
       "As for your daughter-in-law and children, I will put them all in place. Even if I am dead, they will be able to eat and drink forever."
       Cui Mo opened his mouth and said after a long sound:
       "Wangye, your dream is too evil. How can you dream of being so real, I don't know if you thought you personally experienced it!"
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Because it is too real, people are still confused when they wake up, thinking that they have gone to the yin Family! At that time, Wangfei and Xu Wu were scared enough."
       Cui Mo feels that this is not funny at all:
       "To be replaced by me, it is estimated that you have to faint. It is also said that Xu Wu did not tell me such a big thing."
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "As far as your mouth is concerned, if you let you know, everyone who knows it is not known. I can tell you that this is not a good thing. Don't say it, that is, your ‘Madam’ and children don't mention it." Feng Dajun is not superstitious. However, he felt that the dream of Yun-Qing was very embarrassing, and it is better not to mention it.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "This is not a good thing, you know it." He will tell Feng Dajun and others that they trust them, but they don't want to make this happen to everyone.
       See Yun-Qing , Cui Mo knows what he means:
       "Wangye rest assured that I won't say anything about this." The less evil, the less people know the better.
       Feng Dajun felt that the matter was too dull, and quickly shifted the topic:
       "Speaking of this, we are lucky too, and we can break him so smoothly.
       Their defenses directly end their nest. ”
       Only Yun-Qing knows that it is the blessing of that dream. He remembers everything in his dreams, so he did not remember the marching route. If you do what you have done now, you will naturally be much smoother. This is also the biggest golden finger of Yun-Qing .
       Cui Mo listened to this and said with a smile:
       "At the beginning, I was still a bit guilty, afraid of fraud!" Although I lost a few times, it was much smoother than originally thought. Before the capture of Uda, Cui Mo was worried a lot, afraid of ambush. After all, the fierceness of the Beibei barbarians, they have been taught.
       Yun-Qing did not tell Feng Dajun about the disappearance of Beibei in his dreams. This would naturally not say:
       "We can kill Beibei so smoothly this time, Wangfei is the first." He decided to give this credit to Yu-Xi.
       Cui Mo did not think much, nodded and said:
       "Wangfei is really hard to defend the defense. It is also necessary to get the first job." Those who lead the war, who do not know the grain and other materials are the most important. If the logistics is not done well, then the army will not be able to win.
       Feng Dajun has more eyes than Cui Mo. He thinks that there is something in Yun-Qing :
       "This time we attacked Beibei so smoothly, is it what Wangfei did?"
       Yun-Qing appreciatively glanced at the Fengjun army and said:
       "Don't you say that the doctor was too late?"
       Feng Dajun guarded the West Sea, and the situation in Beibei was naturally clear.
       Feng Dajun immediately reacted:
       “Wangye means that this tour doctor is arranged by Wangfei?”
       He felt very weird at the time. The Northern King was so ill that he was dying. At this time, a doctor who could cure his illness appeared out of thin air. Just did not expect that this person was actually arranged by Wangfei.
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "Wangfei knew that Beibei Wang was in poor health and began to visit famous doctors in the private sector. Later, our people introduced the doctor to the Mandu Latu." Mandu Latu is the prince of the Six Princes, and the Six Princes The weak desire to compete for the throne must be supported by the Northern King. Driven by the interests, he risked the recommendation of the tour doctor to the Northern King.
       People don't want to die, especially those with high weights are more reluctant to die. The Northern King tested the doctor and found that he had the true ability, and then let the doctor visit him.
       Doctors are very good at doctors, otherwise they will not be selected by Yu-Xi. It’s just that Beibei Wang is old enough to have a physiology function. It’s a natural way to die and die, and there no way for a smart doctor. Therefore, the doctor can only control the condition of Beibei Wang to let him live more time, but he can not cure him.
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "Wangfei really deserves to be the first. A doctor is better than a thousand horses." The Northern King is alive and unwilling to delegate power. Several princes want to go up and fight naturally. Infighting is more terrible than foreign enemies. This is also the reason why Beibei has not sent troops to attack Fu-Cheng City and Xihai in large numbers in recent years.
       After Cui Mo was surprised, he touched his head and said, “Wangye, what do you say Wangfei is growing up? He can think of such a method.”
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "Wangfei grew up eating a fairy medicine. So, if you want to learn, you can't learn." Wangfei was conscientious and long-sighted. He knew this long ago, so this time, he didn't feel too surprised.
       Cui Mo also knows that Feng Dajun is joking, deliberately laughing and talking to Yun-Qing :
       "The Wang Heir is so smart with the 2nd Young Masters, and it must have been eaten by the madman. Wangye, there is such a fairy medicine, and some of the kids who want to give me to my family also eat. A pair, let them become smarter." His little sister-in-law, let alone compare with the Wang Heir, is not comparable to the 2nd Young Master.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Do you believe this? Wangfei ability is not born, but learned the day after tomorrow." Yu-Xi was smart when he married him, but he was not as conscientious as he is now. Later learned.
       A gust of wind blew and blew the clothes of everyone. Yun-Qing stood up and said:
       "It’s too late, go back to rest! Tomorrow, we must hurry.” Follow-up, leaving Chu Shuguang alone is enough.
       Cui Mo and Feng Dajun sent Yun-Qing back to the camp, and the two returned. On the road, Cui Mo still feels:
       "Maniac, it's no wonder that Wangye is afraid of Wangfei, and Wangfei is too powerful." The Beibei people were counted by Wangfei, and it was even more important to take Wangye down.
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "How did you say that Wangye face was not right?"
       "Just just forgot, but I dare not say it!" Cui Mo said with a smile:
       "Maniac, in fact, I feel that fear is a good thing! You see, if it is not Wangfei, nor is it a good day like us now?"
       Feng Dajun sighed:
       "Without Wangfei, there would be no us today. I don't deny this. However, Lao Cui, Yu Cong is dead in her hands." As long as he thought of this, Feng Dajun would not be comfortable.
       Cui Mo said in silence:
       "Old Feng, Yu Cong's death is also very sad, but this thing can not blame Wangye and Wangfei. It is his ghosts, for a woman, ‘Madam’ and children are not, but to death, he still bites Wangfei does not let go." Yu Wu said before the death of Xu Cong, Xu Wu has told Cui Mo and Feng Dajun.
       After the election, Cui Mo said:
       "The madman, we can do everything we do. He insists on going to death, and we can't do anything about it."
       Feng Dajun smiled bitterly:
       "I understand the truth, but I can't go through that hurdle in my heart." To be exact, he actually said what Yu Cong had said before he died. He is afraid that Han Yu-Xi will unload and kill in the future, but these words, he is not good to say.
       Cui Mo did not know what Feng Dajun thought, he just said:
       "A lot of people say that Wangfei chicks must be reported. In fact, I think this is a bit biased. I didn't know the truth on that day. I was disrespectful to Wangfei, but Wangfei didn't care about it."
       Feng Dajun Said:
       "Maybe she is not careless, but it is not easy to care about!"
       Cui Mo looked at the army with amazement and said:
       "The madman, just look at the Wang Heir, I don't think that Wangfei is the kind of narrow-minded person." If it is a narrow-minded person, it is impossible to cultivate the excellent son of the Wang Heir.
       After sealing the army for a long time, he said:
       "Maybe you are right, I think more."

       Chapter 1231   See also natural disasters    

       Yun-Qing entered the camp and saw Kai Hao lying in bed and sleeping sweetly.
       Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yun-Qing touched Kai Hao and had some red faces, laughing and saying:
       "On the grassland for such a long time, it didn't turn black at all, and I don't know who it is." Yu-Xi skin is white and delicate, but as long as it is sun-baked, it will turn black. As for him, there is no root. White too. So Hao Ji Er, this dark skin, really does not know who it is.
       Before, he also worried about the son's delicate and fair skin, but this time he brought Haoge out, and he did not see anyone mentioning this, he was relieved. As long as the son has the ability, it is not important that the skin is white or black.
       Yi Yi walked in and stood by Yun-Qing and said softly:
       “Wangye, Wangfei has a letter to deliver.”
       At this time, Hao Ji Er turned over and turned his back to Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing smiled and covered him the blanket and went out.
       After reading the Yu-Xi letter, Yun-Qing looks a little dignified.
       Yi Wei is a bit strange, asks:
       "Wangye, but what happened to Yucheng?"
       If it is not an accident in Yucheng, Yun-Qing can't be like this.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       “No. There have been droughts in many places in Shanxi and Henan, and the harvest has been greatly reduced.” In addition, Hebei has also suffered from drought in the vicinity of Shanxi. Today, thousands of refugees flock to Shanxi. Yu-Xi has ordered that -Lu Yongnan keep the gates and not allow refugees to enter. Not Yu-Xi is worried, but they are temporarily unable to accommodate so many refugees.
       Yi Yi understands why Yun-Qing is so ugly. Once there is a natural disaster, not only does it have no harvest, but the government has to fight the disaster. This is not a small expense. They have just made a big fight, fearing that there is no money in the official library.
       I thought about the next Yi Yi asked: "Wangye, that Jiangnan? Jiangnan's harvest should not be bad?"
       If the Jiangnan harvest is good, there will be food disasters.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Jiangnan has too much rain this year, and it has also reduced production. The harvest is more than 20% less than last year." Fortunately, there was no water pollution like nine years ago. If so, then they don't know where to go to raise food.
       Yi Xiao said:
       "This is really a house leak and even the night rain." Several provinces have been affected, but Jiangnan, which produces grain and land, has reduced production, but it is not unlucky.
       Yun-Qing doesn't think so:
       "It's also lucky. After all, the battle of Beibei is over." If it hasn't started, I am afraid that it will be postponed again.
       I think it is easy to think about it.
       Jao-Jao kneels on the bed and says:
       "I don't know when I came back." Because the injury was deep, although the wound was crusted, just in case, Jao-Jao had to sleep and not dare to lie down.
       In fact, now Jao-Jao can move around, but the outside is too hot, she sweats as she walks. You can't wash more in the cold water bath. It is easy to catch cold when you wash more. It was because of the inattention that the result was infected with the cold, and the vomiting and diarrhea suffered a major crime. Suffering from such a pain, Jao-Jao did not dare to come by x-.
       Qiu Hejia said Jao-Jao:
       "I want to come to Wangye on the way back. County Owner, when Wangye comes back, you can go back to the city together." This is much hotter than the city, and Jao-Jao was sinned during this time. These two months have been thinning a big circle. Wangye met with Wangfei and will definitely feel bad.
       Jao-Jao thought about going home, depressed and said:
       "This time I will go back, I must be ridiculed by Rui Ji Er." Such a good opportunity, unfortunately, because of the injury, nothing has been done, too no face.
       Qiu He said helplessly:
       “The County Owner said this? The County Owner can be safe, and the second Young Master is too happy to be too late. How can you laugh at you?”
       Ok, Jao-Jao admits that she can't pass the heart of her mind:
       "When I came out, I told my mother that I must make a great effort to go back. The result..."
       Qiu He felt that Jao-Jao tangled these things at all.
       “Don't the County Owner think that Wangfei doesn't care about your health and health, just care if you do it?”
       Jao-Jao shook his head:
       "That is not, I am just afraid of the disappointment of the mother." Her mother paved the way for her, but she did not live up to expectations.
       Qiu He did not entangle this topic with Jao-Jao, but shifted the topic:
       "County Owner, do you say that if you are a Master II, do you know if you are injured, will you be in a hurry?"
       In this regard, Jao-Jao is still very confident:
       "He must be very anxious. However, maybe he does not know the news of my injury!" Her mother may not tell Jin Jinyu about this.
       Qiu He said:
       "Even if Wangfei doesn't tell him, can't he ask? If he didn't ask, he could only say that he didn't miss the County Owner, and he didn't care about the County Owner."
       Jao-Jao said:
       "I can feel that he likes me too!" So she was injured, Jin Jinyu must know.
       Qiuhe has been with Jao-Jao for many years, and his face is thicker than the usual Miss. No way, if the skin is not thicker, I can't help it! Qiu He said:
       "County Owner, tell me in front of me, can't say this in front of outsiders. Let outsiders hear it, I think the County Owner is very self-respecting! At that time, it is the face of Wangye and Wangfei!"
       Jao-Jao remembered what Yu-Xi had said to her and said:
       "When are you two hundred and five? Whatever you say to outsiders." Autumn is her heart-felt Servant, which did not take care of it.
       Xia--zhi opened the curtain and entered the house, saying:
       "County Owner, Yin Baowei seeks to see." Yin Zhaofeng will not enter the house.
       Yin Zhaofeng brought good news to Jao-Jao:
       "County Owner, just got the news, Wangye has already departed on the way back to Fu-Cheng City three days ago, and should be able to arrive in about half a month."
       I hope that the stars will look forward to the moon and finally hope. If she doesn't come back, she can't help herself to go back.
       Jao-Jao asked:
       "What did you ask about before?"
       I heard a rumor not long ago and said that she was injured. Jao-Jao can't worry, let Yin Zhaofeng inquire about it and see if this news is true.
       Yin Zhaofeng shook his head and said:
       "I didn't hear the news. County Owner, this should be just a rumor. If Wangye is really hurt, this war can't be so smooth." In order to stabilize the military, even if Wangye is injured, it must be dead. It is.
       See Jao-Jao frowning, Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "County Owner, since there is a message from the front that Wangye is already on the way back, then Wangye is definitely not obstructed. It is really hurt, but it can't be bumped."
       Jao-Jao still does not trust, said:
       "I hope it's okay." Don't look at her mother, but the real pillar of the house is his embarrassment. If there is a poor pool, she is afraid that her mother can't hold it first. Last time she was unconscious, his mother almost didn't hold on.
       Yu-Xi is also busy at this time. From the collection of grain and grass in the south of the Yangtze River to the disaster relief in Shanxi and Henan, and to deal with post-war matters, there is still a pile of government affairs to cook. At this time, Yu-Xi really wants to have twenty-four hours a day.
       On the evening of the meal, Yu-Xi did not appear on the table. You Ji-Er asked Quan Mama with some concern:
       "Mama, what am I doing recently? How can I not go back to the backyard for dinner?"
       In front of the big victory, her mother should be very busy recently.
       Quan Mama Said:
       “The following provinces were affected. Wangfei was busy with disaster relief recently, so I didn’t have time to come back to eat.”
       You Ji-Er asks:
       "Can that mother have a meal?"
       Can't be busy because of business, not eating!
       Quan Mama smiles
       “This 4th Young Master is assured that I have already sent the food to the summer of the summer.” Suddenly, Quan Mama said:
       “Wangfei is not allowed to spend time during this time. Second, Young Master, you have to be obedient and you can’t let Wangfei worry.”
       Rui Ji Er first stated:
       “Mama rest assured, we will listen to Master and Shifu words and will not let my mother worry.”
       Quan Mama praises:
       "It's all good kids."
       Yu-Xi was busy in the middle of the night, dragging her tired body back to the backyard, sitting in a chair, she didn't want to get up.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "The water is ready, go take a bath!" The bath can be relieved, and the Yu-Xi will be able to sleep well.
       When taking a bath, Yu-Xi couldn't help but sigh.
       Quan Mama asked:
       "Good end, what do you sigh?"
       Even when it was tough, Yu-Xi didn't sigh.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Heavenly disasters*, the suffering is the common people." *, refers to the war.
       Quan Mama said:
       "When Wangye calms down the world, the people will no longer have to suffer from the war." As for natural disasters, this is something that manpower cannot change, and there is nothing to say.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "-Lu Yongnan said on the fold that he has gathered tens of thousands of displaced people there. But we can't help ourselves, how can we let them in." If only tens of thousands of displaced people can settle down. The problem is that once this mouth is opened, other displaced people will flock. How can she settle down hundreds of thousands or even millions of refugees? Moreover, they also have nearly a million victims who need help.
       Quan Mama said:
       "It will be fine to settle down the victims under our rule. The victims there are Yan Wu-shuang."
       Yu-Xi smiles a bit:
       "I just want to help them, and now I can't do anything about it." If Yun-Qing didn't go out, or Shanxi and other provinces were not plagued, she still had the resources to resettle some of the victims. But things are all together, she just has this heart and no ability to help.
       Quan Mama persuaded:
       "You don't think too much. They are not the people we ruled. If you have to worry about it, you have to worry about Yan Wu-shuang."
       Yu-Xi still can't know this truth:
       "Just think of the fact that these victims have been displaced and cannot afford to eat, and they can't tell the sadness in their hearts." She has experienced these, so her feelings are particularly deep.
       With so many years of Yu-Xi, how can Quan Mama not know that Yu-Xi is not a compassionate person. For these refugees, Yu-Xi seems to have a special pity.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "There is no way. If you blame, you will blame God for not giving people a living."
       Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
       "In fact, even if it is not affected by disasters, many people in Hebei and Shandong will not be able to eat enough." Yan Wu-shuang is also a good emperor, but he has to raise a million troops. This is a huge Expenditure. Where does the money come from? Nature is coming from the people.
       In fact, Yu-Xi can reduce taxes, exempt from the complicated tax items, and because their husband and ‘Madam’ are good fortune. In the past few years, they have found gold mines and gold mines, and they have received several huge sums. Otherwise, such frequent snoring will definitely bring a heavy burden to the people. Of course, it is not a little bit of trouble. There are so many people killed in the war, and all the dead are young and middle-aged, which is not good for future development.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       “When Wangye calms down the world, Wangfei will let them eat and wear warm clothes and live a happy life.” She thinks that Yu-Xi can do it.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "At that time, this is also my part." In his position, she naturally wants to let the people live a good life.
       Quan Mama looked at the tired Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, you have to cherish your body, don't get tired."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Nothing, this is still not enough for me. Again, it would be nice to wait for Wangye to come back." Yun-Qing is here to solve problems with her.
       Speaking of Yun-Qing , Quan Mama smiled and said:
       “Wangye has destroyed Beibei this time and has stabilized the hearts of the people.” The prestige of Yun-Qing has reached a new height because it has destroyed Beibei. Under the operation of Yu-Xi, the name of Yun-Qing God of War has spread throughout the world.
       Yu-Xi did not show a smile, but instead said:
       "The problem of Beibei has been solved, and now there is still the capital." Attacking the capital is no easier than playing Beibei.
       "Capital City? I thought I was out of Capital City 13 years ago, and I will not go back." Who can think that she can have a day to go back!
       Yu-Xi laughed when he heard this:
       “Mama is like Capital City has been captured by us?”
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "Wangye has even killed the fierce Beibei people, and Yan Wu-shuang naturally goes without saying."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "You can't be complacent because you have won a few big wins. You don't have a goal. The Zhou Qing , who guards Hebei, and the Qing yun, who guards Shandong, are all generals who have made great achievements in Liaodong. There are also many famous generals in the capital. If you want to capture the capital, you must have a bad fight."
       Quan Mama didn't know much about the political affairs. He was even a layman to the military. When he heard this, Quan Mama asked a little strangely:
       “Wangfei has no confidence?”
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It's not without confidence. But Yan Wu-shuang is more difficult than Beibei people. It is definitely a big price to win the capital." With Yan Wu-shuang's mind and ability, if she took the lead It is not necessarily theirs that now have the upper hand.
       Quan Mama knows what Yu-Xi means, and this one will definitely die a lot. Quan Mama said:
       "No matter what you do, you have to pay the price. When you calm down the world, the people will no longer have to suffer from the war. From the big picture, this is a good thing." Which time to change the Family, not blood and tears. Relatively speaking, Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are relatively smooth.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "This year's disaster, it is not appropriate to start the war within three years." The official bank's silver library, her private library will also be hollowed out. No money, this can't be beaten.
       Quan Mama idea is different from Yu-Xi:
       "We have been plagued here, and Yan Wu-shuang has not been there any better. Even, they are more difficult than ours."
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Don't say Hebei and Shandong, I am afraid that the capital will not be peaceful." If you can't live, you will only have a rebellion.

       Chapter 1232   Raising money (1)    

       The midsummer sun is like a big fireball, igniting the earth, seemingly emitting all the heat. The leaves on the roadside trees are all sun-rolled, and several sparrows standing on the trees are also listless.
       Yu-Rong said while shaking the fan:
       "This weather is really a human life!"
       Hong-Hua said:
       "Madam , don't add a basin of ice!" The weather was too hot, and Yu-Rong, who started to thrive, also put a basin of ice in the house.
       Yu-Rong shook his head and said:
       "This ice is so expensive, I still don't want it. You let people go to play two buckets of well water, I wash my face." The weather is getting hotter, the price of ice has tripled, and there is a tendency to continue to rise. .
       There are two wells in the house, one in the front yard and one in the back yard. The well in the front yard is for the people in the government. The well in the backyard is reserved for Yu-Rong and Yi Zheng and Master Gao.
       After washing his face and rubbing his body and changing his clothes, Yu-Rong felt refreshed. The ass was still not hot, and I heard the red tone saying that I came back.
       Yu-Rong met his son and asked:
       "How come today?"
       In politics, I studied with a Master in a private school. That was a bachelor's degree in the Hanlin Academy. There are not many private people, only nine people. It is not only his own learning that he can learn by political power, but also because this Master has been favored by Jiang Wenrui.
       Said by politics:
       "The emigrants made trouble in the West Street. I happened to be injured by a classmate. I was afraid that if something happened again, I would give us a vacation."
       Yu-Rong said:
       "I said before that I let these people go into the city, and sooner or later I have to go into trouble." The fact is as she expected, and something really happened.
       Said by politics:
       "Mother, I am going to find Gao -Laozi." He had to tell Gao -Laozi about this.
       After half an hour, Master Gao came to see Yu-Rong. Seeing Yu-Rong, Master Gao said:
       "Madam I am afraid that the capital will not be flat during this time. People in the house can not go out or try not to go out!"
       Yu-Rong asked unexpectedly:
       “Is it so serious? There are so many officers and men in the city who can't rectify these refugees?”
       Master Gao shook his head and said:
       "Not only the problem of refugees, but now the food is expensive and ordinary people can't afford it. In this case, I am afraid that it will cause trouble again." Last year, there was a rush to grab the grain shop. This year's situation is much more serious than last year.
       Yu-Rong said:
       "Listen to Master ." Suddenly, Yu-Rong said with some heart:
       "Sir, do you want to sell our food?"
       This year, the capital of the capital has also suffered from drought, but it is not serious, and it will probably reduce production by two to three percent. Yu-Rong’s eight hundred acres also received more than 200 thousand kilograms of food. New grain is replaced by old grain, and now the grain store contains the food that was saved last year.
       When Master Gao heard this, he knew that Yu-Rong wanted to make a fortune. He did not object, but said:
       "Madam , according to this trend, the food will definitely rise. If we want to sell food, we have to sell it for a while."
       Yu-Rong said with a smile:
       "That's a time to sell it!" Not to mention the food in the cellar, the food stored in this house is enough for them to eat for three or five months.
       Master Gao said that he said:
       "Madam We can only sell grain to those big grain shops, but we can't sell it ourselves." The price sold to the grain shop must be lower, but it is safe.
       Yu-Rong just wants to make a profit, but dare not take risks:
       "This is what Master Gao arranged." For Master Gao, she is still very reassured.
       Fighting, swindling, and robbing, similar things have emerged in an endless stream, causing the hearts of the entire capital. This incident naturally shocked Yan Wu-shuang.
       The banned army commander Su Shi said:
       "The emperor, it is not appropriate to let the displaced people go to Capital City. Otherwise, similar incidents will only be more." These are the displaced people who come in, he wants to go out. However, Yan Wu-shuang did not speak, and he was not good at it.
       Yan Wu-shuang thought about it and agreed with Su Shi suggestion. In addition, an area was drawn to the north for the residents to live.
       The soldiers of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Shang Shu Gan, can not let the displaced people enter the city, but they can't leave them alone, they must provide food to them, and then they are advised to return home. Otherwise, if so many people are rioting outside, the consequences will be disastrous.
       Yan Wu-shuang said, she said:
       "You are right, the people outside the city really should be resettled."
       The family secretary Shang Shuzheng complained in the heart, the state treasury has no money, and the resettlement of the displaced people is a big expense, do not know where to find money.
       After negotiating this matter, Yan Wu-shuang ordered another order for Tie-Kui to take a shack outside the city to accommodate the victims. In addition, we must resettle these victims and maintain law and order.
       Tie-Kui took this order and his face was black like the bottom of the pot. Yan Wu-shuang, the bastard, actually let him a good second-class general to resettle the displaced.
       The eunuch who passed the purpose of the mission was a bit worried, and even if he did not have to pay, he left the military camp and returned to Capital City.
       When the eunuch returned to the matter, Meng-nian was there. Meng-nian frowned after listening to it:
       "Tie-Kui is too arrogant. The emperor asked him to settle in the displaced. He didn't want to." In the eyes of Meng-nian, the following people should be as loyal to Yan Wu-shuang as him.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I am afraid that because of Pingdingshan, he has concerns." He does not care if Tie-Kui thinks more, as long as he can do the errands.
       Meng-nian snorted and said:
       "Jun wants to die, the court has to die. But the people who let him kill Pingdingshan, even dare to complain. It is no wonder that the emperor did not trust him before."
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "If everyone is like you, I don't have to work hard like this." Suddenly, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Don't say him, how is the situation in the northwest?"
       Meng-nian said:
       "Yun-Qing killed the news of Beibei and returned to Yucheng for two days. Yucheng canceled the martial law. Emperor, will our previous plans be implemented?"
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "No, now this situation is no longer going to provoke Han Yu-Xi." Once the woman is angry, she does not know what to do.
       Meng-nian thought about it:
       "The emperor, Shanxi and Henan, as well as Hubei and other places have also been affected. The emperor, their days are no better than us."
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "You still miss the northwest and the south of the Yangtze River. These two places have a good harvest this year." Compared with him, the Han Yu-Xi is much easier.
       The two are talking about things, and the father-in-law said:
       "The emperor, Honorable Noble. See you."
       Nothing, Yu-Chen will not come to the royal study. Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Please come in Honorable Noble!"
       Yu-Chen was wearing a plain blue palace dress, and it was covered with soft silk yarn. A jasper exquisitely slanted on the head, adorned with fine silver beaded tassels. Even if it is more than 30 years old, still muscles like gelatin, Yan Ruo Kailian. Let people see, can't open their eyes.
       But the beauty of the people will see more, and there will not be too much feeling. Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       “Honorable Noble is coming to the Royal Study Room, what can I do?”
       Yu-Chen said:
       "I heard that the outsiders are not eating enough, and the courtiers want to do their best." Yu-Chen wants to summon the Honorable Noble in the capital to donate to the victims outside.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded. The donation of donations from this son-in-law is definitely limited, but it is possible to use this wind to call Wenwu Baiguan to donate together. Yan Wu-shuang said:
       “Honorable Noble has this heart.
       Very pleased, this will allow Meng-nian to assist you! ”
       Yu-Chen respectfully said:
       "Yes!" This shows that Yan Wu-shuang agreed.
       Out of the royal study, Gui Mama lowered his voice and asked:
       "Imperial Consort, what did the emperor say?"
       If the emperor agrees, it is also a glory and merit to be called by Honorable Noble to call those Madam Miss donations.
       Yu-Chen nodded:
       "The emperor has already agreed."
       Back to Zhang Huagong, Yu-Chen wrote a post and invited Madam Miss, a Capital City official and above, to attend the banquet. She did not hide it, and the post directly stated that the banquet was mainly to raise funds for disaster relief.
       After the post was sent out, Yu-Chen took the account book of the warehouse and then picked a lot of things from it.
       Tie-Kui ‘Madam’, Xiao-shi, also received an invitation. After taking the post, Xiao-Shi went to the front yard and found Tie-Kui:
       "Old Master, how much do you think we donate when we arrive?"
       This is a banquet to raise the disaster, she can't go.
       Tie-Kui doesn't want to go out for a penny, but he also knows that he can't donate:
       "How much is donated by others, and how much we donate."
       Xiao-Shi is a bit embarrassing:
       "Isn't this appropriate?"
       Who doesn't know that their big business caravans and shops are fighting for money, even if it is now, business is booming. If the amount donated is the same as others, it is not to be said to be a miser.
       Tie-Kui is not happy:
       “What is wrong with it? If someone else wants to say it, let them say it.”
       Xiao-Shi is not very good, ask:
       "Old Master, is there something wrong?"
       As a ‘Madam’, how can I not know who my husband is? My husband is not stingy. I don’t have to fund the subordinates who have had poor days on most days. This time it is a bit abnormal.
       Tie-Kui Said:
       Xiao-Shi thought about it and said:
       "Old Master, if we donate one thousand two, how do you look?"
       Like others, this matter is not very easy to grasp.
       Tie-Kui said something:
       "One thousand two is one thousand two, no more."
       Xiao-Shi nodded:
       "it is good."
       At this time, Zhong-Shan is back with something. Xiao-Shi did not intervene outside, and immediately returned to the backyard.
       Zhong-Shan looked at Tie-Kui more and more ugly, said:
       "Old Master, things are already like this, and regeneration gas is useless."
       Tie-Kui cool one channel:
       “Yan Wu-shuang now thinks of new tricks and calls on everyone to donate money to the victims. I am afraid that this time, I will have a big bleeding.” Han Yu-Chen called for donations from everyone but a donkey, how much can the daughter-in-law donate. The goal of Yan Wu-shuang is that the civil and military officials in the country and the merchants in the capital are rich. And his reputation is out, not to donate three or five thousand two is definitely not enough.
       Nor is Tie-Kui cold-blooded unwilling to help these people, but instead of donating this money to Yan Wu-shuang, it is better to send it to the city outside of food. But he just thought about it in his heart, but he didn't have the courage to do it. Otherwise, Yan Wu-shuang is definitely not able to spare him. I didn't wait for Yun-Qing to lead the troops into the capital, fearing that he had been killed by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "Old Master, your attitude will make the emperor know that he will be very upset."
       Tie-Kui said:
       "The last time I killed the Pingdingshan refugees, I was assassinated by the Falcons. This time I let the displaced people settle down. If I am happy, Yan Wu-shuang will be suspicious!" He also knows Yan Wu-shuang too. The nature of this is deliberately dissatisfied. Of course, this time Tie-Kui only needs to vent their psychological grievances and does not need to play.
       Zhong-Shan took the same point and said:
       "Old Master, then if Yan Wu-shuang really wants you to donate, how much do you plan to donate?"
       The industry under their name has a very good annual profit. If you donate less, you will definitely not be able to pass. But if you donate a lot, don't say Tie-Kui, that is, he also feels bad.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "Look at the situation." He didn't want to donate too much, but people had to bow their heads under the roof. Since Yan Wu-shuang made this idea, they don’t donate.
       In addition to Xiao-Shi got the post, Lu Yao and Yu-Rong also received a post. Seeing the donation on the post, Lu Yao didn't want to go. Although Han Jiancheng is not good, there are also two Concubines, each of whom has a daughter. Lu Yao own three sons and one daughter, this family of eight expenses is not a small amount. Plus Lu Yao has to secretly help her family, and she is not loose at hand.
       Lu Yao and Han Jiancheng said:
       "Old Master, if you donate less Honorable Noble, you can't get it. If you donate more, we can't get that much money. Old Master, I still don't want to go!"
       Han Jiancheng said:
       “I can get the grace of Honorable Noble now. Now Honorable Noble is hosting a fundraising banquet. Are you not going to play Honorable Noble face?”
       Han Jiancheng is in the position of Ren Zhengwu, the position of this is not low. It is also for this reason that Han Jiancheng thought about going to Liaodong for production. Set aside production, and there are errands in the body, the days are certainly not bad.
       The reason Lu Yao also understands, but is shy:
       "How much do we donate?"
       Three or five hundred bites will also be donated, but if it is three or five thousand, she really can't take it.
       Han Jiancheng thought about it:
       "In the case of the family, Honorable Noble is also clear. You ask Honorable Noble to see what she means?"
       Lu Yao nodded.
       Yu-Rong can't be Luyao entanglement. She took the post and she was thrown aside. Orphans and widows, the days are too easy, and there are still money to donate.
       After the government knew this, he advised Yu-Rong to donate:
       "Mother, these people are too poor, we can help!"
       Yu-Rong said:
       "A political, now the price is so expensive outside, the food has risen to forty pounds a pound, and the oil and salt have also risen several times. Although there are still some money in the hands of the mother, it is necessary to raise more than 20 people in the house. I don't know how long it will last.” Yu-Rong said that the price of coarse grains is more expensive.
       Suddenly, Yu-Rong said:
       "If the situation is not good, the mother will also cut down the people in the house." In addition to the people who must stay, such as the guards in the house, those who make Pozi and the small Servant are ready to release. The world is not good, and the work of washing the laundry is done by yourself.
       I stayed in politics and said:
       "Mother, didn't get to this point!"
       Yu-Rong said:
       "Everything is going to be the worst plan. If it is late, it will be late. Besides, you are still young, and there are still many places to use the money later." It is a big expense to study for a ‘Madam’, so Yu -Rong now hate to split into two halves of a penny! I am willing to donate.

       Chapter 1233   Raising money (2)    

       Yu-Chen's fundraising banquet, a total of 59,600 Silver Taels, and two boxes of gold and silver jewelry. These jewellery are also estimated to sell for a thousand and two thousand.
       Yu-Chen was so tired that he was soft on the chair and said:
       "It’s not too busy." Seventy-eight thousand and eight hundred Silver Taels, saying that there are not many, saying that there are not many.
       Gui Mama said:
       "The only one who donated the least was Madam Xiao-Shi of the Iron General, and only donated a thousand Silver Taels." Really, she couldn't keep up.
       Yu-Chen has a deep impression on Xiao-Shi:
       "I remember that in addition to donating a thousand Silver Taels, she also donated two sets of jewelry, one of which seems to be the head of the emerald. Only these two sets of jewelry add up to three or four thousand dollars." Xiao- Shi-shi is also bleeding this time, she is not generous, mainly do not want to lose the face of Tie-Kui.
       Gui Mama said:
       "The people in this capital city don't know that Dasheng shops are going to fight for gold in the day! Now, Dasheng's grain shop has to sell 10 thousand tons of grain every day!" Now the grain is a price every day, and the grain business is making a profit. They are required to donate, but they donate one thousand two at the address.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "It's Tie-Kui, not Xiao-Shi."
       Upon hearing this, Gui Mama said:
       "I heard that the emperor asked Tie-Kui to settle the displaced. He was very dissatisfied. Maybe for this reason, he was not willing to donate."
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "The thing in the former Family is not that we can intervene. When the accounts are sorted out, the silver and gold and silver jewellery and the books will be sent to Master Meng." This matter, Yan Wu-shuang has already let Master Meng deal with it, so these raised good The money is also handed over to him.
       On the second day of the Family, all the civil and military officials were all there. Several Shangshu Darens did not wait for Yan Wu-shuang to speak, and all stood up and expressed their willingness to do something for these victims.
       Yan Wu-shuang is very satisfied and praises the noble character of several Shangshu Darens.
       Among the military commanders, Su Shi first stated:
       "The emperor, the minister is also willing to donate 10 thousand Silver Taels."
       With the lead, others have also stood up. Some donate 3 thousand, and some donate 5 thousand. In any case, men's pens are bigger than women.
       Gao Dongdong gently pushed down Tie-Kui, who was lost in thought. He also has a stock in Dasheng shops. He doesn't have much money, and he can get very rich profits every year. This donation must not be less. However, he is not prepared to cross Tie-Kui. Now Tie-Kui doesn't say anything, and he doesn't speak well.
       Tie-Kui turned back to God and then stood up and said:
       "Chen is willing to donate 50 thousand Silver Taels." 50 thousand Silver Taels, is also a big deal.
       Master Gao said that he was willing to donate 30 thousand Silver Taels, and Shen Honghua, the general manager of the Dasheng store, also expressed his willingness to donate 320 thousand.
       Yan Wu-shuang raised more money than Yu-Chen, raising a total of 368 thousand Silver Taels.
       Next, it is the folk fundraising behavior. The real rich are the rich and the merchants.
       The donation in Capital City is so big that it is difficult for Yu-Xi to know. Yu-Xi fell into meditation and said after a while:
       “It’s a good idea to raise money.”
       Yu Zhi said:
       “Wangfei wants to follow Yan Wu-shuang?”
       Yu-Xi listened to this tone is not very correct, asked:
       "What? Don't you think it's okay?"
       Yu Zhi shook his head and said:
       "No, it's a bit awkward." It feels like following Yan Wu-shuang's ass.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "As long as it is good, there is nothing to lose with following the study." The reason why Yu-Xi did not think about donations is also related to the temper. She is committed to relying on herself and not relying on others, so she did not think about it. As for the ministers below, I feel that the government can be able to resettle these people, so no one has mentioned this suggestion.
       As Yan Wu-shuang said, although it was all plagued, the situation on the Yu-Xi side was much better than him. Not only because the harvests in Jiangnan and the northwest are not bad, the most important thing is that most of the people in these places have suffered from surplus food. Although not many, it is no problem to eat food in their hands for two or three months. With food in hand, the government posted a notice at the earliest time that the government would plague the disaster, and the people would certainly not leave their homes. In Henan and Shandong under the rule of Yan Wu-shuang, the people originally ate the ups and downs. The harvest is gone, and in order to survive, it is natural to leave the country.
       Yu Zhi bowed his head:
       "I am narrow."
       Thinking about it, Yu-Xi sent someone to ask Lu Xiu. Seeing Lu Xiu, Yu-Xi said that she wanted to let everyone donate.
       Lu Xiu had experienced such a thing in Capital City before, but did not think there was anything:
       "Wangfei, this is not as good as the 2nd County Owner, I am helping." In fact, Lu Xiu wants to give Lu-Er a chance to show off the limelight. And Lu-Er represents the meaning of Yu-Xi, and there will be more people to buy.
       Yu-Xi, who can't know what Lu Xiu means, smiles and says:
       "Ask Lu-Er, if she doesn't object, I have no opinion." This is a good thing for JS, how can she stop it!
       Lu-Er knows this, naturally one hundred willing. It’s just that she is a little worried. She has also done the work of the government on most days, but she has never done such a big thing:
       "Mother, aunt, I am afraid I can't do well."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "What is not doing well, but it is just holding a banquet, but there is only one more donation project."
       Lu Xiu said:
       “County Owner doesn't have to worry, it will not be difficult to find out when you do it.” As Yu-Xi said, it is actually a banquet.
       Lu-Er asked:
       "Mother, is this fundraising banquet held at the palace?"
       Like Yu-Chen, often hold a banquet in the palace. However, Yu-Xi is very busy, and the Wangfu basically does not hold a banquet.
       Lu-Er is a fundraising banquet. If you go to Han, it will not be very good. Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "The banquet is held at the palace. But I will be very busy these days, but your mother will help you."
       Lu-Er heard Lu Xiu will help her, and now a lot of peace of mind:
       "Good. Niang, the post was sent in the name of the palace?"
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "In the name of the palace."
       Mei-Lan walked in and said:
       "Wangfei, Tan Daren, is waiting outside the study room."
       Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, you are going to be busy!" Lu-Er knows that Yu-Xi has been busy with disaster relief and post-war treatment matters.
       After Yu-Xi talked with Tan Tuo, he called Xu Wu in, and she was ready to let Lu-Er raise money.
       Xu Wu said:
       “Wangfei, are you ready to follow Yan Wu-shuang and are you ready to let officials donate money to help the victims?”
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The officials are all taking Lulu, they have to support a family, not too rich. They are willing to donate is their heart, if it is forced to lose the original intention." Northwestern governor Qing ming, these officials have not much money. Let people donate two money, and whoever is uncomfortable.
       Xu Wu clicked and said:
       "It is this. Wangfei, I think the big head should be placed on the heads of those merchants. These people are the rich owners."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You are right. These businessmen are rich owners. I have already sent letters to my eldest brother, so that he can also help raise money."
       Xu Wu said this with a smile:
       "There are a lot of people there, as long as they are done properly, they should be able to raise one.
       The pen is not small. ”
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "Hope!" The money didn't come, it was too early to say this.
       Yu-Xi was busy in the middle of the night and was too tired to move. He fell asleep on the bed.
       Quan Mama got the news and watched Yu-Xi sleep sweet and couldn't bear to wake her up. Just telling a few Servant to get hot water, she personally helped Yu-Xi wash her face, wipe her hands, and then wipe her hands, then cover her with a quilt, and then go out.
       Jing Bai said:
       "Mama, you advise Wangfei! I will worry that she will be tired when I continue."
       Quan Mama shook her head and said:
       "This thing can't be persuaded, and I can't persuade it." Shaoguan has thousands of lives, she can't open this mouth. Moreover, Yu-Xi is full of pity for these people, she is not helpful.
       Lu-Er's action was still very fast, and the post was sent the next day. In addition to the objects invited by Yu-Chen, the people invited by Lu-Er invited the family members of the top 20 richest people in the city, in addition to the family members of the civil and military officials, and the reputation of the family was outside, naturally.
       邬金宝's ‘Madam’, Xiaofang-Shi, took the post and said it with the -Shi:
       “Mother, 2nd County Owner wants us to donate, how much do we donate?”
       Fang-Shi was sick some time ago, and now it is Xiaofang-Shi.
       Fang-Shi was silent and asked:
       "How much do you think you should donate?"
       In fact, after she heard about the huge amount of money paid by her family, she felt that the attitude of the big brother changed a little.
       Xiaofang-Shi said:
       "Mother, three or five thousand two should be almost!" Although she can make money, but it is also very expensive! Xiaofang-Shi feels that donating three or five thousand is enough. To know the ordinary people in Yucheng, the monthly expenses are only three or five Silver Taels.
       Fang-Shi sighed and said:
       "Our family is a rich family in the city. Now we have to raise money. We only donate three or five thousand. What do you think of others?"
       Xiaofang-Shi did not want to say:
       "Come up and come to your own day, how do you manage others?"
       Fang-Shi said:
       "You are right. It doesn't matter how others look at it. But you thought that there would be no Wangfei knowing what to look at in the future?"
       This is the most important thing.
       Xiaofang-Shi said:
       "Mother, we have already paid millions of dollars. Is it difficult for us to let us go to this family?"
       Fang-Shi looked at Xiaofang-Shi very disappointed, said:
       “Wangfei, even if you send someone to copy a family, how can you?”
       Xiao Fang-Shi face is white, she really did not think about this problem. But soon, Xiaofang-Shi Said:
       "Mother, it shouldn't be. We just don't want to donate, she sent someone to copy the house, which makes the world look like? Besides, the second brother also has a marriage contract with the 1st County Owner!"
       Fang-Shi said:
       "In these years, there are not a few people who have been annihilated by Wangfei. Or are you forgetting your sister-in-law and your brother-in-law's house so quickly?"
       Xiaofang-Shisister-in-law Her family and her brother-in-law are both bureaucrats, and they have all been banned. The Fang family is also implicated in it, and it is also a sneak peek at the in-laws to help mediate, and the Fangjia will save all the family wealth and save it.
       Xiaofang-Shi bowed his head.
       Fang-Shi sighed a bit:
       "I know that you have complaints in your heart, but you have never thought about it. Is it because I am not insured with you? Or are you complaining that we are only planning for Jinyu, but we have not let Jinbao benefit from it?"
       This is the heart of the small square-Shi. Every time I think of so much money, I will pay for the last little uncle, and if they have a husband and ‘Madam’, they will not be able to get a profit.
       I thought so in my heart, but I couldn’t show it on the face, I dare not admit it. Xiaofang-Shi said:
       "Isn't this saying that I am pokeing my heart? Jinbao and Jinyu are the Brother who interrupted the bones and tied the ribs, no matter who is profitable."
       Fang-Shi sighed and said:
       "Whether you believe it or not, Jinyu is the 1st County Owner's own. This marriage is not for Wangfei to make up for the family."
       If Xiaofang-Shi believes, it will not be difficult. Moreover, even the little uncle is really the 1st County Owner. But if you don't have this, donate so much money, Wangfei should make up for it. Now because of this marriage, in addition to the younger uncle will come back to the County Owner in the future, no other benefits are caught.
       Fang-Shi looked at Xiaofang-Shi, and she knew that she didn't put her words on her mind at the moment. I felt very tired at the moment. Waved, Fang-Shi said:
       "You don't have to pay for donations. I will go there in person."
       Xiaofang-Shi is anxious and busy saying:
       "Mother, you are still sick now, how can you go to the party?"
       This time I went to the number one official Madam and Miss. She also wants to attend this banquet and get to know these people.
       Fang-Shi swayed and said:
       "You don't have to say it, I have already decided." See Fang-Shi still want to say, Fang-Shi swayed and said:
       "Go on, I have to rest."
       After Xiaofang-Shi went out, Fang-Shi whispered:
       "Fortunately, Jin Yu set the 1st County Owner." Jin Yu that temper she has been not at ease, so I have been hoping that the eldest son and Chang Hao can follow him. This is why she was willing to let the eldest son squatting. After all, Xiaofang-Shi is also the cousin of Jinyu. She also took care of Jinyu in the blood, but she did not expect that she thought everything was too good.
       He Mama is the confidant of Fang-Shi, how can she not know what she thinks:
       "Madam -Mistress is still young and has a light experience. I don't know the depth of this matter. When she knows it, she won't think so." 2nd Master married the 1st County Owner. As a brother of the dear, the uncle will certainly benefit. . Unfortunately, -Mistress just can't figure this out.
       Fang-Shi shook his head and said:
       "You don't have to quit her. What kind of temper she is. I know very well." I used to go home less frequently, and I saw the good side of Xiaofang-shi, plus my own selfishness and trust in my elder brother. Therefore, I promised this marriage. After I went home, I discovered that Xiaofang-Shi is smart and capable, but she sees her personal interests too seriously.
       Thinking of the Jao-Jao temperament child, Fang-Shi said:
       "Fortunately, the 1st County Owner is very valuable, and Xiao Yan does not dare to put it in front of the 1st County Owner." Mainly she knows that Jao-Jao can support the matter, and Fang Wei can't put a long line in front of her.

       Chapter 1234   Raising money (3)    

       Lu-Er As the organizer of this fundraising, naturally, I have to donate money and materials.
       Yu-Xi looked at the list given by Lu-Er and said with a smile:
       "Do you want to donate two thousand two?"
       In the eyes of Yu-Xi, the son and daughter are the same. So there are as many monthly cases for the six children, all twenty-two per month. Two thousand Silver Taels, Lu-Er, has been in the silver for nearly a decade.
       Lu-Er nodded:
       You Ji-Er is a little surprised to say:
       "Second sister, you donated two thousand two, are you not hollowing out your private house?"
       In addition to their monthly money, they also have a relatively large source of income, which is the New Year’s money.
       Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi will seal a big red envelope in the New Year, and Huo Changqing and Xu Wu will give a lot of money. It is also a considerable amount.
       Lu-Er did not deny it, just said with a smile:
       "I don't have any expenses on most days. Now I can use the money to help the victims. I think it is very good."
       Xuan Ji Er is the most compassionate:
       "Second sister, I don't have as much money as you, donate two hundred and two!" Triplets often go out and like to buy gifts for Yu-Xi, so spend more than Lu-Er.
       The triplets are one, and Rui Ji and You Ji-Er immediately said that they are also willing to donate two hundred Silver Taels.
       After the end of the form, Rui Ji Er asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, how much do you plan to donate?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Mother does not donate."
       Rui Ji looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mom, if you don't donate, do other people know if they will donate in the future?"
       In addition, this is organized by the second sister. It is not difficult to see the mother’s face without donating a second sister’s face.
       Yu-Xi laughed.
       You Ji-Er couldn’t bear to look straight and said:
       "Second brother, even if the mother does not donate, the money will be used on the victims." So his mother donated donations, it is the same.
       "Oh..." Rui Ji Er has been used to being scorned by You Ji-Er, and there is nothing unhappy.
       You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, it’s not trivial to raise money. Do you want to help our second sister?"
       Lu-Er looked at the triplets and said:
       "The 4th Brother have this heart, and the second sister is very happy. But I will handle this matter well. You can learn from the 4th Brother with peace." She would rather be tired than to help the triplets. Such an important thing, if it is stirred up, she cried without looking.
       You Ji-Er can't hear Lu-Er's insincere words! I immediately pouted, but did not say anything.
       After dinner, Yu-Xi left Lu-Er and let the triplets go back to their yard.
       Into the bedroom, Yu-Xi handed a yellow pear to the Lu-Er. The scorpion was not painted, but the sea bream was carved on it, and the clouds were engraved on the side.
       Lu-Er took the dice and asked:
       "Mother, is this the jewelry for me?"
       When I give her jewelry at this time, I always feel that it is not right.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The jewelry is here, but it is not for you."
       Lu-Er opened the scorpion with suspicion and the room suddenly became golden. This scorpion is a set of ruby ​​jewellery, , , step, earrings, bracelets, rings, very complete. Among them, the Fengfeng eagle head and the phoenix tail carvings are vivid, and the ruby ​​on the phoenix mouth has the size of the thumb nail.
       This set of jewelry is very expensive, and the price is definitely not low. However, such a jewel is not a Lu-Er dish. Lu-Er looked at the jewelry in the dice and asked:
       "Mother, not for me, then what do you give it to me?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "When you come out with this set of jewelry for auction, there will be many people competing to buy it."
       Lu-Er doesn't like to wear jewelry that others have worn, so the jewelry that Yu-Xi gave her is not worn by the other, except for the gold shop.
       "Mother, don't just raise money, but also auction things?"
       "Well, there is one more link." This is what she thought of in these two days. Only fundraising, less fun.
       Lu-Er said; "Mom, but we didn't inform them. Besides, is it just too monotonous to auction a set of jewelry?"
       There are only three days left, and the next post is a little hurry.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It's simple, as long as the news is released, they won't have to use it for a long time. If they have the heart to donate, they will send it to the book two days later. But if you are afraid of catching up, you can extend it a few times." Days. In this way, it will not be too busy." If it is enough for Yu-Xi to handle three days.
       Lu-Er hesitated and said:
       "Mother, still postpone a few days!" Three days is too fast, she is afraid of making mistakes. The first time she did such a big thing, she really wanted to do well and refused to make mistakes.
       With the consent of Lu-Er, the day of the fundraising was pushed back five days. Four days to collect the objects donated by the people, and then send the auction items to the book. In this way, everyone has a number of items to be auctioned, and what they want to buy, they will also choose in advance.
       After listening to Yu-Xi, Lu-Er said a little embarrassed:
       "Mother is very thoughtful, compared with my mother, I am far away."
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "How old are you? When you get to the age of your mother, you will definitely be better than your mother."
       See Yu-Xi ready to go to the front yard, Quan Mama said:
       "Wangfei, you should take a break first! Then urgency, not bad for two quarters of an hour." During this time, Yu-Xi was tired and lost a lot.
       Yu-Xi is also a little tired, saying:
       "I will know." Sleeping is too much trouble. It takes a lot of time to dress and undress. I have to wash it after getting up. How to get half an hour under the toss, so Yu-Xi decided to take a nap.
       Before blinking, Yu-Xi and Mei-Lan said:
       "Call me after a quarter of an hour." After that, he leaned on the bed.
       After a quarter of an hour, Mei-Lan wanted to wake up Yu-Xi, but was stopped by Quan Mama. Quan Mama said:
       "If there is something urgent, someone will come all night." No one came, it shows that things are not too urgent, then you can let Yu-Xi sleep well.
       Mei-Lan said:
       "Mama, this won't work, wait for Wangfei to wake up and scold me."
       Playing snakes seven inches, Quan Mama still can't know the weakness of Mei-Lan. Quan Mama said:
       "Just because you were punished, will you disregard Wangfei body?"
       Although Mei-Lan was trained by Quan Mama, she was only loyal to Yu-Xi. If it is something else, she will definitely not listen to Quan Mama. It may be related to the health of Yu-Xi, she has to think more, after a while, Mei-Lan said:
       "Listen to Mama."
       After two quarters of an hour, someone in the front yard came to say that the family minister Shang Shushen asked for help, and Mei-Lan only woke up Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi did not punish Mei-Lan, washed away the cold water face to dispel the sleepiness, and immediately rushed to the front yard.
       In the afternoon, the public, Madam, got the news, knowing that the fundraising day will hold an auction in addition to the donation.
       Ling Ruoyun got Xu Wu words and revealed the news to Feng Madam and Cui Madam. Then he sent a white jade bowl to the palace in the early morning. This white jade bowl is also the spoils of Xu Wu. This bowl is made of a whole piece of Hetian jade, which is worth a lot.
       Donations from Feng Madam and others are also valuable things. At this time, no one will be stingy. Otherwise, you can lose the face of your own man.
       During the four days, Lu-Er received hundreds of pieces.
       Donations are not low in value.
       Lu-Er printed these things in a booklet in a day and sent it to the hands of Madam. Of course, what can be compiled into the booklet is estimated to be more than two thousand.
       When Tong-Shi was in Fu-Cheng City, she did not recognize the word. After Cui Mo development, she found that she was illiterate and inconvenient, and she had a hard time learning to recognize the word. Now, she can also read the letter and book, but not always write.
       After reading this booklet, Tong-shi talks with the manager Pozi Mama:
       "The 2nd County Owner is really capable." There are a total of fifty-four things in this booklet, each with a detailed description and price. Even if you don't look at the real thing, just look at the description and you will know what it is like.
       Money Mama said with a smile:
       "Who is in this city who doesn't know that the 2nd County Owner's housekeeper's red needle line is outstanding." Lu-Er's reputation is excellent in the city. Not only is it unique, but it is also very capable.
       Tong-shi whispered:
       "I just don't know if Weiqi has this blessing."
       Money Mama said with a smile:
       "The uncle is excellent, and it is the accompaniment of the Wang Heir. I think Wangye and Wangfei are sure to be willing." When parents, they want to marry their daughters to people who know the roots. Cui Jia family is simple, Madam is a good-natured child, and it is not a bad thing to marry. Wangye and Wangfei really love the 2nd County Owner and will definitely promise this marriage.
       Tong-shi shook his head and said:
       "This is also not sure. 2nd County Owner is both talented and capable and valuable. I don't know how many people beat her idea. Although Qi Er is not bad, but other families are also very good, Wangfei and County Owner may not be able to see On him." Also because of this worry, Tong-Shi did not dare to give his son a message, and he was afraid that when the marriage was not a son, he would get stuck.
       Money Mama said with a smile:
       "This marriage is destined for the day, Madam does not have to worry." This marriage can not be done, you have to look at the Old Master to give no force.
       A thunderous thunder, the Yu-Xi, who is reviewing the singer, was shocked and beaten.
       Putting down the brush in his hand, Yu-Xi went out. I saw a cloud of dark clouds gathered together in all directions as if I heard the assembly. At this time, the wind was raging, and the banyan tree in the yard was blown up.
       Xu Wu See Yu-Xi standing in the yard and busy saying up:
       "Wangfei, it's going to rain, you can hurry into the house!" If it rains, it is not allowed to get sick. This pile of things can not be separated from Wangfei.
       Yu-Xi went to the hand-cranked corridor and said with a smile:
       "Lu-Er, this will be anxious to get angry!" Today is the fundraising day. Originally, Lu-Er was nervous, and now it is impossible to get angry.
       Xu Wu said:
       "The rain in the summer is coming fast and going fast. But if Wangfei is not at ease, let's take a look at it!" Xu Wu felt that it was not safe for the 2nd County Owner to have such a big child. It’s just that this is what Yu-Xi has promised, and it belongs to the house. He didn’t open the door.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "After waiting for people to come together, I will not be late." Since the fundraising was held in the palace, her hostess must show up, or else she can't say it!
       "Oh..." The heavy rain poured out like a collapsed sky from the sky, and the raindrops connected together like a waterfall. The raindrops of the beans fell on the ground and splashed, and the water was like a small fountain.
       After spending a few minutes outside, Yu-Xi turned back to the study. Recently, the number of folds has nearly doubled, which is one of the reasons why Yu-Xi is busy in the middle of the night.
       The rain stopped after more than a minute. Lu-Er breathed a sigh of relief:
       "It’s good to stop, I am worried that it will be the next day!"
       Lu Xiu said the same words as Xu Wu:
       "The summer rain is coming too fast." In fact, even if it is raining, they are not afraid. They have already prepared for both hands.
       After a while, I heard Pozi come and -called:
       "2nd County Owner, Madam, Xu Madam came over." Ling Ruoyun had already ordered Xu Wu. Because Xu Wu worried that Lu-Er couldn't cope, let Ling Ruoyun come over to help Lu-Er. However, Xu Wu fears are obviously superfluous. With the help of Lu Xiu and Qu Mama, Lu-Er arranged everything in order, even if it rained, there was no accident.
       After half an hour, the invited people were not read. Some Madam brought Miss at home, so the number of people together is nearly one hundred. This number is still in their expectation.
       Lu-Er hosted such a big party for the first time, and it was so important that it was inevitable that there was no bottom.
       Feng Madam These people are so smart that they can see it at a glance. Feng Madam smiled and grabbed Lu-Er's hand and smirked and said:
       "2nd County Owner is really capable. If my family has half of you in the fog, then I don't have to worry about it." Although the Fengjun army is not at home, the big things of the family are determined by Feng Dajun. Feng Dajun wants to let the younger son Lu-Er, this thing Feng Madam knows. She is happy to see this marriage. Because it is the personal condition of the family or Lu-Er, it is not worth picking. However, Feng Madam Chang-shi also has the same worry as Tong-Shi, that is, she is afraid that Yu-Xi and Lu-Er can't keep up with her son.
       Lu-Er was still able to stand up before the outside, and immediately said:
       "Feng Auntie praised, who does not know that Lianwu sister is smart and capable."
       Tong-shi smiled and said:
       "I want to say, or Wangfei will adjust the children. You look at one by one, I think I want to get a home."
       In the laughter of everyone, Lu-Er unconsciously relaxed .
       Not far away, Xiaofang-Shi looked at Lu-Er and talked to the public, Madam, and couldn't help but talk to He Mama around him:
       “The 2nd County Owner knows how to be a dignified and elegant man. The same 1st County Owner is so much worse than the 2nd County Owner?”
       It’s not that Xiaofang-Shi can’t distinguish the occasion, but the gap between Lu-Er and Jao-Jao is too big, and Xiaofang’s-shi is guilty.
       He Mama swept around and found that no one cares about them. He Mama said:
       "-Mistress, here is the palace, you must be cautious." The original Fang-Shi is preparing for himself, but she can't recover from illness. This drags the sick body over and infects others, but it does not enmity. In desperation, only the small square-Shi came. In order to prevent the mistake of Xiaofang-Shi, Fang-Shi let He Mama follow.
       Xiaofang-Shi didn't say anything again.

       Chapter 1235   Raising money (4)    

       The public Madam gathered together in threes and threes, Lu-Er accompanied Feng Madam and others. Lu Xiu has been chatting with the ‘Madam’ of those merchants.
       As I spoke, I walked in from the outside and leaned over and said in Lu-Er’s ear:
       "2nd County Owner, Wangfei is coming."
       Lu-Er immediately stood up when he heard this and smiled and said:
       "My mother is coming." Finished, walked toward the circular arch not far away.
       Feng Madam and so on, all got up.
       Today is the fundraising day, so many guests come, even if they are not dressed up, they can’t face it. This is very rude, so Yu-Xi just changed clothes and came over.
       Lu-Er went to Yu-Xi and laughed at the arm of Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, you are so beautiful today." She has not seen Yu-Xi wearing this color dress, today is the first time.
       Yu-Xi wore a purple embroidered Yunjin wide-sleeve top with a lilac dress. Purple is extravagant, but if you can't hold it up, it will be old-fashioned. However, the Yu-Xi is very aggressive, and the clothes worn on her will only be more distinguished and gorgeous.
       Yu-Xi clicked on Lu-Er's forehead and smiled:
       "The mouth is getting sweeter." Just watching Yu-Xi, this action knows that the mother and daughter are very close.
       After the ceremony, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I don't want to open my body, so let the little girl entertain the public. If there is any scorn, please forgive me." Although Lu Xiu will not make any mistakes, but the guest has to say.
       Feng Madam said with a smile:
       "Wangfei is modest. Just now I told Aqin that the 2nd County Owner is very capable and has a good job in the banquet. If it is replaced by my family lotus, it will not work." The lotus has been fixed, and the dowry is being embroidered at home. So did not bring her out.
       Tong-shi smiled and said:
       “Wangfei, you have time to teach us the experience of teaching children. These children have all done so well. My family’s mouth is chanting in my ear every day, saying that if there are several children, there is the Wang. Heir 2nd Young Master They are half good, he is willing to live for twenty years!"
       Yu-Xi can't smile, and the temperament of Cui Mo really says this:
       "As long as you are not used to children, don't let him suffer from sin. Then please ask Master and Shifu to teach, and you will eventually become talented."
       Yuan Ying’s Madam Xiao-Shi heard this and was full of uncomfortable feeling that Yu-Xi was insinuating her. She would not want her younger son to suffer and suffer, so that the younger son can become a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and play.
       Feng Madam nodded and said:
       "Wangfei said this very much. If you want your child to be a talented person, you must be able to get down." The daughter should be pampered, and the son must be strictly taught. It is also because of this idea, her two sons, Feng Zhisheng and Feng Zhixi are very good.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Yes, if you want to be a child, you have to squat. A-Hoa had blood bubbles in the hands of the vocabulary. I was so distressed that my tears fell. I can feel bad, and I can't say that he should not practice this." ”
       Say a little parenting, and then entered the topic, donations. Yu-Xi immediately said that donating more donations is a piece of mind for everyone, not forcing.
       This is the case, but since the people have come, they will definitely not donate less, otherwise they will lose the face of their husbands.
       The first donation was Feng Madam Chang-shi, and immediately donated 6 thousand, and Tong-Shi and Ling Ruoyun also donated 6 thousand. Feng Dajun and Cui Mo and others have been fighting outside, and there are many spoils. Later, they received a lot of rewards, and they could still get them in six thousand two.
       Donations are going on in full swing, and Jing Bai walks from outside to Yu-Xi and says:
       "Wangfei, Pan Daren has something to do, waiting in the front yard."
       Yu-Xi left the garden with a greeting from everyone, and everyone knows that she is very busy, but she doesn't think there is anything.
       It doesn't take long for donations to be made, and everyone can just say that the donated amount is registered by the book. As for the silver, you can hand it in afterwards.
       After two quarters of an hour, the donation project is over, and the next auction is the highlight.
       On this day's lunch, Yu-Xi is still used in the front yard.
       Xu Wu and other Yu-Xi said after eating:
       "The auction is not over yet, will Wangfei want to go over?"
       He did not expect the auction to take so long.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I will not pass." Since Lu-Er is in charge, it is entirely up to her to be responsible.
       There are many objects in the auction, and it is expected that the morning will not be completed, so the Wangfu is preparing lunch for everyone.
       Lunch is not rich, a table of eight dishes and one soup, and these dishes are very common, and do not use precious ingredients such as abalone. However, because the chef is the big Shifu father of Fu Ji Lou, the taste is still very good.
       Chang-shi and Tong-Shi and others all came out from the hard days, and did not feel that this lunch was simple. In addition, today is a fundraising banquet. However, they saw Lu-Er also eaten with gusto, but it was some accident. It is rumored that the 2nd County Owner is extremely diligent in eating, and can drink a soup to tell a one, two, three, four, five, six. Can be squatting today, but not the same as the rumors.
       After lunch, the auction will continue. The auctions in the morning are of low value, and the auctions are now on the books. What the people most want to see is the set of ruby ​​jewelry described in the booklet. It is reported that this set of jewelry is worth the price, but Wangfei favorite.
       Yu-Xi negotiated with Fu Minglang and called Xu Wu into the house and asked:
       "What time is it?"
       Upon hearing the beginning of the application, Yu-Xi frowned and asked:
       "Why, is the auction still not finished?"
       Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "I just asked, there are only two or three things left, and it will soon be over."
       Yu-Xi snorted and sat down to start the review.
       At this point, the auction will go to the final stage, which is the set of ruby ​​jewelry given by Yu-Xi. When the jewellery came out, it immediately swayed everyone eyes.
       Tong-shi returned to God, laughing and talking to Chang-shi:
       "Sister-in-law, I used to look at the booklet and described it as an overstatement. I will know that I was a dumpling."
       Chang-shi said with a smile:
       “These gems are perfectly cut, and it’s hard to get this craft. Not to mention that the quality of these gems is also top.”
       Ling Ruoyun said with a smile:
       “I talked about this with my Old Master. My Old Master also said that if I like it, I bought it. I think it’s not enough to take out the family.”
       Tong-shi is very convinced that the nod is:
       "Only the biggest ruby ​​is enough to buy a five-in-one house in the city." These years, their homes are thick and thick, and they can afford to bite their teeth. It’s just that this thing can’t be eaten and can’t be used. If you buy it, it’s also the bottom of the box.
       Beautiful and expensive jewelry, no woman does not like it. Although I can't afford it, it doesn't hinder the look.
       Xu Wu opened the curtain and said to Yu-Xi looking up at him:
       “Wangfei, the set of ruby ​​jewels you gave sold for 160 thousand yuan.” But it’s incredible that a set of jewellery sold for 160 thousand Silver Taels.
       Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "Who bought it?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "It is Hu family. The largest pharmacy and gold shop in the city is the home of his family." Hu family is also a well-known rich family in Yucheng, and its reputation is not lower than that of the family.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Hujia will do business, and this gemstone jewelry can be used as a treasure in the town shop of their jewelry shop."
       Xu Wu heard this and said:
       "Wangfei, such expensive jewelry to buy back has to be well received, how can be placed in the shop." Such conspicuous things, if stolen, can not cry.
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "The things in the gold shop are so good to steal. But I also said that it would be Hu business in the shop."
       Xu Wu hesitated and said:
       "Wangfei, Hu family donated 100 thousand Silver Taels in addition to the jewelry bought by 160 thousand yuan." Hu family is really rich and rich.
       "Well, for the most donated, the government will give awards." This matter was not mentioned before Yu-Xi, but it was discussed with several officials, and several officials agreed.
       Xu Wu also means this. If people donate so much money, if they are official, they will not be very good. Donations will be held later, and no one is willing to donate.
       In the evening, Xiao-Shi and Yuan Ying said something about the day, after saying:
       "Old Master, 2nd County Owner is really capable. Not only has she not been in such a big scene, but she has not made any mistakes." She looked at Lu-Er as capable and thought carefully.
       Yuan Ying said with a voice:
       "It's good." 2nd County Owner may be capable, but after all, she is young, she can handle this fundraising mainly by people.
       Seeing that Yuan Ying did not understand what he meant, Xiao-Shi could only say something more straightforward:
       "Old Master, you see my family is about the same age as the 2nd County Owner. If the shi-zi can marry the 2nd County Owner, we won't have to worry about him anymore."
       Yuan Ying sees Xiao-Shi like a neuropathy.
       Xiao-Shi was seen somewhat uncomfortable and said:
       "Old Master, what do you look at me doing? I am also planning for the children. The 2nd County Owner is so capable, and there will be a large dowry in the future, and she will be able to take care of her for the rest of her life."
       Yuan Ying laughed so angry:
       “Yuan Yulian gave the Wang Heir a lack of companionship. How could he win the 2nd County Owner?”
       If Yuan Hao is excellent, he can still fight for it. But this son can't even look at himself. How can Wangye and Wangfei see it? Don't say County Owner, it's like Yuan Hao, it's not his arrogance, don't think about the Di Daughter of the officials of more than four products in the city.
       Others can't look down on the younger son. Even the relatives of Yuan Ying can't see it. Xiao-Shi really feels uncomfortable:
       "Wangye and Wangfei can see even the golden jade. Is my family worse than Jin Jinyu?"
       Yuan Ying said:
       “Jin Jinyu can be associated with the 1st County Owner because he is beautifully looked at by the 1st County Owner, and the family has to pay millions of dollars for the 1st County Owner. As for Yuan Hao, you think 2nd County Owner Can you look at him?"
       Jin Jinyu has no talent, but the parents are good, this is the advantage. Moreover, Jin Jinyu does not have any bad habits, unlike Yuan Zhen, who is a problem from head to toe.
       Xiao-Shi stunned, said:
       “What? Is Jin Yuyu a favorite of the 1st County Owner? Isn’t it true that Wangfei has paid 1st County Owner to Jin Jinyu?”
       Yuan Ying said:
       "Those are rumors. And even if it is true, do you have thousands of money to pay?"
       Xiao-Shi heard this and immediately died down.
       At the beginning of the Hai Family, the summer of the summer came over with Yu-Xi:
       “Wangfei, 2nd County Owner is waiting for you in the backyard. I have waited for half an hour. Mama advised the 2nd County Owner to go to rest, and the 2nd County Owner did not want to wait until Wangfei.”
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head:
       "This child..." took more than a dozen copies of the emergency words back to the backyard.
       Looking at Yu-Xi, Lu-Er -called with a smile:
       "Mother, you are back." Lu-Er was too excited from the end of the auction until now, and has not recovered yet.
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Mama lets you go to rest, you should go to rest, and the auction will not be too late tomorrow."
       Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "Mother, I can't sleep when I go back. It's better to wait for my mother here. Mother, you don't know. Today we raised a total of 135,500 Silver Taels." The least donated, also calculated in thousands. . Mainly Yu-Xi said that no officials should donate again, so everyone did not have the burden, even if they donated a lot of hardships in a few days, they will pass.
       "This uncle Xu has already told the mother. It is very good to raise so much money. Lu-Er, you are doing very well." It is the credit of these merchants and wealthy households that can raise so much money. Like Hu, there are nearly 400 thousand Silver Taels in donations and jewelry.
       Lu-Er shakes his head:
       "I didn't do well, it was the mother's idea. Right, mother, this Hu family donated 100 thousand, and it cost 300 thousand to buy things. Mother, how is their family so rich?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Hu family used to be a medicinal material business. In the past few years, it has involved business such as cloth jewellery.” Although Hu family is a merchant, they often give medicines and medicines. The children of Hu family are not despising, and their reputation in Yucheng is very good. The Hu family was again in a state of trial. When Yun-Qing captured the city, he not only donated all the medicines in stock, but also donated most of the family. Although he lost a lot of money, he got another look at Yun-Qing . In the past few years, under the Yu-Xi efforts, the northwest developed rapidly, and Hu use of this wind has risen again.
       Lu-Er heard this and asked:
       "Mother, are they very rich?"
       No money can be so big.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       “It’s very rich, it’s in the top three in Yucheng.” Because Hu low-key style is very good, Yu-Xi impression of them is also very good.
       Lu-Er remembered his family and asked:
       "What about the family? I heard that the family is also very rich!"
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Hujia, Luojia, and Yijia, these three are the richest families in Yucheng. However, the business of the family is mainly in Jiangnan, which is worse than the other two.” As for the richest man is Hu family or Luo family. This is only known to them, and Yu-Xi is not very clear.
       "It turns out that." In addition to the Hu family, Luo family donated the most.

       Chapter 1236   The heights are not cold    

       With the May 1 update, don't hurry to play after reading it. Remember to vote for the first time. From now on - point 515 fans festival to enjoy double monthly tickets, other activities have to send red envelopes can also see a look!
       The mother and the daughter are talking, and Quan Mama walks in and says:
       "2nd County Owner, it's too late to go back to rest, what's the matter tomorrow?"
       Lu-Er heard that it was already halfway through the sea and immediately stood up and said:
       "Mother, then you have to rest early."
       After Lu-Er left, Yu-Xi went to the study and continued to review the book. It was not until the second moment of the child that Yu-Xi had finished reading the fold. At this time, she was too sleepy to open her eyes.
       Quan Mama is distressed, but still says:
       "The medicinal bath is already good, you can sleep after you have finished!"
       Yu-Xi knows that Mama is good for her, so there is no such thing as Quan Mama.
       Quan Mama wants to massage the Yu-Xi and is blocked by Yu-Xi:
       "Mama, it's too late, let's go to rest! Massage, let Yan Fang come."
       Quan Mama Said:
       "I am old, I feel shallow. Besides, I am not as busy as you are. If you are mentally incompetent, you can always feel good."
       Yu-Xi, but Quan Mama, had to follow her.
       Quan Mama asked the Yu-Xi while pinching his shoulders:
       “When will Wangye arrive?”
       Wangye is back, and Yu-Xi doesn't have to be so busy.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It should be in Fu-Cheng City in these two days!" Returning to Fucheng from Fu-Cheng City, if you followed the army for more than a month, if you only brought a personal guard for more than ten days.
       Quan Mama thought about Jao-Jao in Fu-Cheng City and said:
       "The 1st County Owner was sinned this time. This time, I have to let her take care of her body." Before Jao-Jao was chilled and vomited, they all knew it.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Mama is getting tired again." In fact, all these things can be done, just because she and a few children, Quan Mama has to go out in person.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "If you have something to do, you don't feel that you are eating a meal."
       Yu-Xi laughed:
       "Mama, but no one dares to say that you have a free meal, you can't live without it." In the palace, Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er both respected Quan Mama as an elder. The people below are respectful to Quan Mama, but dare not have any scorn.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "I can't help myself. Right, 2nd County Owner, this is almost 14 now, and the family should be on the agenda." Deliberately speaking, Lu-Er's marriage is not what Quan Mama has, but she is afraid Do not speak Yu-Xi will fall asleep. Such a day, if you fall asleep in the tub, it is easy to get cold.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It's still early, wait until Lu-Er and I will say it later."
       Quan Mama asked:
       “Wangye seems to be interested in giving the 2nd County Owner to Cui Mo eldest son, Cui Weiqi.” If Yun-Qing really has this intention, it will definitely be told by Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "Wangye has this idea, and Weiqi child is also really good. But whether this can be done or not depends on the wishes of the two children." Whether it is Cui Jia or Cui Weiqi himself, Yu-Xi is very satisfied. However, she was not satisfied with her satisfaction. Both Lu-Er and Cui Weiqi were willing to make it.
       Quan Mama doesn't really like to hear this:
       "We have excellent Lu-Er, what else can Cuijia kid have to pick?"
       Only Lu-Er couldn't see Cui Weiqi, but Cui Weiqi couldn't take her home Lu-Er. When people are old, they are especially short-sighted.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Our Lu-Er is excellent, but it can't be enjoyed by everyone! Mama, green radish has their own love." It is the Han Yu-Chen, who can't be liked by everyone.
       This is the reason, but it is uncomfortable to listen. Quan Mama snorted and said:
       "There are good young langs in this city, not alone."
       "Mama, I am just making an analogy. Why are you true?" The older the person is, the more like a child. Mama is not that serious, but the occasional words and deeds make Yu-Xi laugh and cry, just like now. But for an analogy, Mama is still quite up.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "I didn't really be true." Suddenly, Quan Mama asked:
       "Right, Lu-Er said what she wants to marry?"
       Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh when he remembered this:
       "She said that she would like to find someone like her." Not only the 4th Brother of Hao Ji, but Lu-Er also did not worship Yun-Qing . Otherwise, the husband will not refer to Yun-Qing .
       Quan Mama also knows the meaning of Lu-Er, and now there are some concerns:
       "This is not easy to find!" Yun-Qing has many shortcomings, but he is single-minded about Yu-Xi, and even has a good medicine for Yu-Xi. When today, this kind of man is very rare.
       Yu-Xi is not worried, said:
       "With me and Wangye, no matter who Lu-Er marries, she will not be wronged." She can make Jao-Jao live as much as she wants, and certainly will not let Lu-Er go to other families to be wronged.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "This is true." As Lu-Er, no matter who she is married to, she does not dare to let her be wronged.
       Unconsciously, two quarters of an hour passed. I took it out with warm water and Yu-Xi went to bed.
       Sleep well all night.
       Outside the city of Linzhou, many victims die every day. -Lu Yongnan boarded the wall and looked at the shacks of the three or three in the distance. The heart was also uncomfortable. Because the city gates are not open to these victims, they will not be able to enter, and they will die if they wait, so they will be able to leave, and they will not be able to leave.
       Rao is -Lu Yongnan who is used to life and death. He looks at the people who are yellow and thin in the city. But he knows that he can't bear it anymore, and he can't do anything about it. Three or five or even three or five hundred he can help, but so many victims, he can not afford to resettle.
       Li Jun, who followed, endured and endured, and finally said:
       "General, if we don't help them, they will die. General, we want to save them!" Li Jun, formerly known as Li Er Can, is the current husband of Jia Concubine. Because the combat is brave and not afraid of death, it has now been promoted to five products.
       Gu Li replied:
       "When you are a general who doesn't want to save? But we can't help ourselves, how can we save them?"
       Li Jun said:
       "General, we can completely follow the example of nine years ago, recruiting young and strong men into the army, allowing them to bring some of their families into the customs." Because of their suffering, Li Jun would like to help these victims.
       Seeing that -Lu Yongnan did not speak, Li Jun continued:
       "General, Wangye destruction of the North is not a bad credit. But the same attack, we attacked more than 200 thousand horses in the north. We have injured so many people, we must recruit soldiers."
       There are too many young and old in these years, and recruiting 200 thousand people is also a heavy burden. Of course, Li Jun can't say this.
       -Lu Yongnan said:
       "You have some insights."
       Li Jun said:
       "It's all delusional." Mainly because he has personal experience, so the most clear of the pain.
       -Lu Yongnan said:
       "I will write a copy to Wangfei." If Wangfei disagreed, he couldn't help. In fact, even if Wangfei disagrees, it is justifiable. After all, they are now suffering from disasters, and there is still room for them to help them.
       This fold was sent to Yu-Xi as quickly as possible. After watching the fold, Yu-Xi fell into meditation.
       Xu Wu asked:
       “Wangfei, but there is a change in Linzhou City?”
       Linzhou City and Hebei are critical. If you want to go to war, it will be very dangerous.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "-Lu Tienan said that this battle of Beibei has damaged a lot of people. We can recruit those young and middle-aged enlisted from the refugees. This solves the problem of the source of the soldiers and helps some of the displaced people."
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "Wangfei, this time, the Beibei defeated more than 200 thousand soldiers and horses. When Wangye came back, it must be recruited. If you can recruit some people from the refugees, you can alleviate the burden on the people."
       Yu-Xi looked at Xu Wu and didn't speak.
       Xu Wu soon woke up and recruited soldiers from the victims. This method was first proposed by Wangfei. If it is feasible, Wangfei has already implemented it. Xu Wu asked:
       “Wangfei, is there anything wrong?”
       Yu-Xi snorted, no explanation.
       Xu Wu said in silence, said:
       "Wangfei, we were able to save some of the victims after nine years ago. Now our situation is ten times better than nine years ago. Why can't we help them?"
       Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "This is not as simple as you think." Suddenly, Yu-Xi looked at Xu Wu and said:
       "If there is a drought in the north, you have food in your hand, will you help them?"
       Xu Wu didn’t want to say it:
       "No." If there is energy, they will attack them as they are attacked.
       "The reason is the same. These victims are the people under the imperial court. The imperial court will have a life and death battle with us in the future. This situation will help their people. How do you let the following ministers see?"
       At a high level, there are more things to worry about.
       Xu Wu Said:
       "Wangfei, we recruit a part of the soldiers from the emigrants, not to help them freely." He knows that if there is no compensation, many people will oppose it.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If we release the news that we are going to recruit soldiers from the emigrants, then the affected people will flock, and you can think about what the scene is like. It should have been the responsibility of the court, and it is likely to be passed on to us. The imperial court reduced the burden, but they increased the burden.
       For those who live in Yu-Xi, they also want to help them, but she must consider the overall situation. The imperial court could not appease these refugees, and they must uncover rebellion in order to survive. The people rebelled, and the court must be rebellious. In this way, the power of the court will be weakened, and they will be able to do more with less after they attack the capital.
       Xu Wu stayed, he didn't expect so many bends around it:
       "Wangfei, maybe the court can quickly quell these rebellions?"
       Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "Before we attacked the capital, the army of the court could not settle these rebellions."
       Xu Wu finally understood:
       "Wangfei, do you mean that we are secretly supporting these rebels?"
       Yu-Xi did not answer this, just said:
       "Some things know, you don't have to say it." She is ready to provide food and weapons to the rebels.
       Yu-Xi looked at the back of Xu Wu and sighed. The heights are not cold, she is now deeply experienced. If she can help these victims, she will not help until now. Being in this position is no longer right or wrong, but the overall situation.
       At lunch, Xu Wu was eaten at Huo Changqing. Huo Changqing looked at Xu Wu face and asked:
       "What's wrong with you, the soul is not guarding?"
       Xu Wu thought about it, let Ade go out and talk about the conversation with Yu-Xi. After that, Xu Wu bowed his head:
       "When I listened to Wangfei, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart." It wasn't that Ade, but Ade mouth didn't open the door. A lot of things, don't let him know the best.
       Huo Changqing felt inexplicable after listening and asked:
       "What are you upset?"
       Xu Wu said:
       After the words "Wangfei...", he swallowed back.
       Huo Changqing asked:
       "Do you think Jao-Jao has her mother done something wrong?"
       It is because he feels right that he will be so entangled.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "Jao-Jao, her mother did not make a mistake in this matter. On the contrary, I feel that it is doing very well. If we follow the example of recruiting soldiers from the refugees nine years ago, we have expanded the source of the troops, but also helped the court to ease The burden is the most important thing is that the old and the weak women and women can be rebellious, and it is up to these young Darens to rebel." By then they supported the insurgents and weakened the military power of the court. In this way, they will save time when they attack the capital.
       Xu Wu smiled bitterly:
       "I know." Although I can understand it, it can't be accepted for a while.
       Huo Changqing frowned and asked:
       "What the hell are you struggling with? What are those refugees doing with you?"
       Xu Wu said in silence:
       "I just think that Wangfei has changed a lot and it has become a bit scary." Wangfei used to help the martyrs' orphans, and also opened a Kindergarten to help a lot of people. In Xu Wu mind, Yu-Xi is kind and generous, but now it has become particularly cold. Now Wangfei, in order to achieve the goal, will be so many people lives and deaths. Such Wangfei made him feel terrible.
       Knowing what Xu Wu thought, Huo Changqing said:
       "In his position, Jao-Jao must be from the big picture in her position, not by virtue."
       Xu Wu said a little hard:
       "Yifu, you said that Wangfei will, will it really become..."
       Huo Changqing interrupted his words and said coldly:
       "Since you also think that Jao-Jao, her mother has not done anything wrong in this matter, what is nonsense?"
       Xu Wu does not hide his thoughts in front of Huo Changqing:
       "I just have some concerns." He worried that Yu-Xi would become a terrible woman like a monk. Now it is possible to disregard so many people for the sake of their interests. In the future, they may not want to be husbands and children for the sake of power.
       Huo Changqing shook his head and said:
       "Huo Ji has a smallpox, have you forgotten?"
       He had these fears before, but after so many things he dismissed the idea. Maybe Han-shi is really passionate about power, but the most important thing in her mind is the children. Only this point, she can not be the second monk.
       Xu Wu didn’t say anything, then said:
       "I think more."
       Huo Changqing looked at Xu Wu and said:
       "Go home and take a rest in these two days. Let's give it to the big cow in the house!" In this state, it is not appropriate to stay in the palace. If not, let Han-shi see the clue, it is not a good thing in Xu Wu.
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "it is good."

       Chapter 1237   Can't bear (1)    

       There was a rain and the weather was refreshing.
       Li Jun entered the house and asked -Lu Tienan:
       "General, there is no reply on the side of Yucheng." It has been six days, and there is no news at all. This makes Li Jun a little anxious.
       -Lu Tienan knows Li Jun’s past, so he can understand this thing so much about him:
       "No. And if I estimate it well, there will be no echo in the city." If you don't reply, you will reject his offer.
       Li Jun was a little wrong and asked:
       "There will be no echoes."
       -Lu Tienan shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this. Just follow the usual practice. If Wangfei agrees with my suggestion, I should have a reply yesterday." After that, -Lu Tie-nan looked at Li Jun and said:
       "It was Wangfei idea to recruit young people among the migrants that year. Wangfei had to implement this idea long ago, and I don't have to wait for you and me."
       Li Jun asked:
       "I don't understand that Wangfei could help us in the northwest when the disaster was so severe. Now the grain depot has food and is fully capable of helping these victims. Why not want to save it?"
       -Lu Tienan did not understand, and he did not think deeply, just said:
       "Wangfei did her own considerations." They only took action on the march, and the rest did not belong to him. It is also pity that these victims will write the fold. Can Wangfei not reply, he can not write a second fold.
       Seeing Li Jun’s look is a bit frustrating, -Lu Tie-nan said:
       "I am as sorry as you are, but we cannot forget our duties."
       Li Jun said:
       "I know." There is no order above, and he will pity these victims and dare not do anything.
       At this time, Gu Li came in and said with an expressive look:
       "General, it's not good, just got the news, many people outside the city have been infected with the plague."
       In this era, the epidemic has changed.
       Upon hearing this, -Lu Tienan said with some luck:
       "Fortunately, these people have not been allowed to enter the city." The plague spread quickly, as long as one person entered the city, the entire city of Linzhou may not be guaranteed.
       In addition to increasing the strength of the wall, -Lu Tienan immediately wrote a letter to inform Yu-Xi about this situation.
       Two and a half days later, Yu-Xi received -Lu Tienan's fold. After reading the fold, Yu-Xi face is hard to see.
       Just Yu-Xi is talking to Tan Tuo, and taking the look of Yu-Xi Tan Tuo:
       "Wangfei, but what happened in Linzhou City?" Xu Wu said when he sent the fold, and this incident was an urgent victory for Linzhou.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The plague has been caused among the emigrants." Once the plague spreads, it must be countless dead and wounded.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "That must prevent these people from flowing into the territory, otherwise the plague will come in, the consequences will be unimaginable." We must inform the troops stationed near Hebei and Shandong as soon as possible, so that they can keep the gates and prevent the emigrants from entering.
       Yu-Xi nodded, in fact, she did not need her order. As long as the generals and the generals receive news of the plague outside the city of Linzhou, they will step up their alert.
       Because the plague was not under their rule, although some were scared, Tan Tuo was not nervous.
       On this day's dinner, Yu-Xi returned to the backyard to eat. Lu-Er and the triplets were keenly aware that Yu-Xi was not in a good mood.
       You Ji-Er asks:
       "Mother, what's the matter with you?" She was the first time she saw Yu-Xi bitter face, and her intuition was a big deal.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       After the dinner, the triplets and Lu-Er did not leave immediately. You Ji-Er yelled at Yu-Xi and asked:
       "Mother, if you have anything, you will say it, and you will feel uncomfortable in your heart."
       Yu-Xi touched the head of You Ji-Er:
       "It's okay. It's just too much business, and my mother is a little tired."
       You Ji-Er muttered:
       "Mother is also fooling me." The most busy business is tired, but unlike today, the brows are wrinkled. I can imagine that this is very difficult. It’s strange to blame him for being too small to help, and she doesn’t tell him anything. I really hope to grow up quickly so that I can share my mother.
       Lu-Er saw it and asked:
       "Mother, when can I come back?" When you come back, you can share the burden with your mother.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You will estimate Fu-Cheng City. It is not certain when it will return to this mother."
       Xuan Ji Er said next to:
       "The big sister is hurt, it is not suitable to ride a horse. I don't want to come back. I can't come back in a month." It is much slower to ride a horse than to ride a horse.
       Say a conversation, Yu-Xi said:
       "You go back to the yard first, and the mother is tired and wants to rest early." In fact, she is really in a bad mood, and she is not willing to transmit this emotion to several children, so I want to stay alone.
       Out of the main courtyard, Rui Ji Er said:
       "Mother must have met very difficult things." Even the thick Brother of the big leaves are seen, I can imagine that Yu-Xi really did not converge on this time.
       You Ji-Er nodded and said:
       "Second sister, second brother, I am going to write a letter to you, so that you can come back earlier." Niang had something to tell them, because they didn't feel help when they were young. It’s not the same, but what the mother has to do is sure to tell her.
       Lu-Er said:
       "This matter said to -Laozi, please -Laozi to help send the letter." They are not looking for people to send letters, but the speed is not good.
       You Ji-Er wrote a letter and went to find Huo Changqing.
       Huo Changqing already knows about the plague, and this will listen to You Ji-Er's words and naturally know why Yu-Xi is in a bad mood. For the big picture, she can't help these people, but she can't bear it, so she will be entangled.
       After receiving the letter, Huo Changqing said very refreshingly:
       "I will send you a letter to you now."
       Quan Mama brought a cup of warm water into the house and handed it to Yu-Xi, who was in contemplation.
       "What happened after returning from the front yard?"
       Yu-Xi took the water and took a sip on the table next to it, whispering:
       "The people who lived under the city of Linzhou were infected with the plague. It will soon spread on a large scale." Infected with the plague, and lack of medical care, it is basically a dead end.
       Quan Mama moved a small stool and sat next to Yu-Xi and asked:
       "You are uncomfortable because of this."
       Yu-Xi clicked.
       Quan Mama said in silence:
       "If you really can't bear it, then help them." It is not difficult to help these people with the status of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and did not speak.
       When Quan Mama saw it, she knew that it was not as simple as she thought:
       "Don't think about it, it's rare to have nothing to do today, so let's take a break early." This is not the case. Yu-Xi is now in a position where every word and deed must be cautious, not to mention such a big thing.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Mama, I want to soak in the medicated bath." It was still early, she couldn't sleep now.
       Quan Mama nodded and asked Fang to prepare, and she stayed in the room with Yu-Xi:
       "Don't think about it, it doesn't matter if you want to be more. If you blame, you will blame God for being too worried." If these people are not affected, they will not become refugees, nor will there be a plague. Therefore, it is the God Master who does not live for the people, and has nothing to do with Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi shook his head gently and still didn't speak.
       Quan Mama said helplessly:
       You don't want to drill a horn. Many of us have also been affected by the disaster, but because of them, they do not have to leave their homes to become displaced people. To say it, or the court does not act, has nothing to do with you. "The court is incompetent and has nothing to do with them."
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "Mama doesn't have to comfort me. Since I made this decision, I don't think much."
       The high level of "cough" means that you have more responsibility and you can't do whatever you want. If not, she will definitely help those who are displaced.
       Quan Mama thought about moving the topic:
       "Wangfei, I heard that Fengjia and Hanjia have already set the wedding date, it will be set on November 27." These marriages of juniors can also make Yu-Xi easy and relaxed. Tight.
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "The marriage period between Nashun and -Lu Jia Miss can be fixed." Shun Ji Er also has 18 this year. After the year is also 19, it is also a marriage.
       Quan Mama shook his head:
       "I haven't heard of this yet. It may be that the wedding period has not yet been settled. The marriage of Han Family’s eldest Miss, Old Madam and Jiu Old Master should come back."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The distance is too far, this year is a lot of things, big brother has no time to come back. As for the mother, she is not good enough to travel long distances, big brother will not let her back."
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Elders don't come back, will they let the family have any thoughts?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Is there any idea that because the official business can't get away, and I don't deliberately don't come back, the envelope general can understand."
       Quan Mama nodded and said:
       "Ye-shi has been gone for four years, and Jiu Old Master should be continued." If Han Jianming continued to marry his ‘Madam’, then Han Ying’s marriage should be the ‘Madam’ of Houyi.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "do not know."
       "There is no such thing as a hostess in this family. It is impossible to let the 3rd Young Master do their marriage in the future." Quan Maama is also on the matter, and there is no other idea.
       "This matter, I can't take care of it." This kind of thing is very happy, and when it is not good, it will have to blame. Moreover, she has so many things and she has no time to manage Han Jianming's private affairs.
       Yan Fang walked in and said:
       "Wangfei, the medicated bath is already good, you can soak." The medicines are all equipped with Quan Mama, as long as you have a good time.
       Yu-Xi took a shower and then applied balm to his body before he slept. I fell asleep when I went to bed, but today Yu-Xi is lying on the bed and turning to the opposite side, I can't sleep. I didn't sleep until midnight.
       Mei-Lan heard a painful cry in the confusion and immediately climbed out of bed and rushed into the bedroom.
       When you turn on the light, you can see Yu-Xi holding his knees and curling into a ball. This situation has scared Mei-Lan:
       "Wangfei, Wangfei, what's wrong with you?"
       Yu-Xi looked up at the horrified Mei-Lan and said faintly:
       "Nothing, you don't have to worry, it's a nightmare." She dreamed of a scene of being burned to death by a fire. It is also because Yu-Xi is now well-positioned. When it is small, it will take half a day to slow down the gods every time you do this nightmare.
       Mei-Lan was a bit stunned, looking at the sweat of Yu-Xi forehead:
       "Wangfei, what dreams scare you like this" Wangfei has always been Taishan collapsed in front of the face and did not change color, but a dream but scared her face white and sweaty. It can be imagined how terrible this dream is.
       Yu-Xi did not answer this question, just said:
       "Let people prepare water, I want to bathe." She was all wet, slimy, and couldn't sleep without taking a shower.
       Such a sound, naturally awakened Quan Mama. Seeing that Yu-Xi is not very good, ask:
       "what happened"
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "Nothing is a nightmare." This is not a nightmare, something that she experienced in person.
       Every time I dreamt back to the scene, I repeated the feeling that life is not as good as death.
       After wearing clothes, Yu-Xi got up and said:
       "Mama, you are still going back to rest so late, don't get sick." She can still stand the toss when she is young, but Mama is in her sixties and can't be tired.
       Quan Mama can safely go to sleep:
       "You can't sleep when you go back. It's better to talk to you."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No, I'm fine, Mama, go back to sleep." She doesn't want to talk now, just wants to be alone.
       Quan Mama hesitated, nodded:
       "Well, I will go back to rest. If anything, call me."
       Yu-Xi was lying in bed after showering and didn't sleep anymore. Always looking out the window, looking at the dawn. When I got up the next day, I had a big dark circle.
       No more use of eggs, Yu-Xi directly went to the front yard with this dark circle. Xu Wu saw a sly look at Yu-Xi and was shocked:
       "Wangfei, what's wrong with you?" Even if Yun-Qing and -Lu-Shi were sent out, Wangfei didn't go through it.
       Yu-Xi swings his hand and says:
       "People sent Tan Tuo, An Zike, Shen Chunting to come over." Thinking for one night, Yu-Xi finally decided to help the victims.
       Half an hour, summoned twelve ministers to come. When the people arrived, they joined the study room.
       Yu-Xi See Xu Wu ready to retire and say:
       "You also stay and listen."
       Xu Wu was a little surprised, but still nodded:
       "Yes, Wangfei." On most days, he will not stay here. It’s so unusual today, I think there should be something big.
       The people just thought about what happened before, or they wouldn’t bring so many people together. However, I did not expect that Yu-Xi summoned them. It was actually to discuss the rescue of the victims who did not belong to them.
       Tan Tuo has some doubts. In his mind, Yu-Xi has always had a big picture, but this time it has lost some sense. Seeing everyone looking at him, Tan Tuo depressed the doubts in his heart and asked:
       "Wangfei, Hebei and Shandong are the jurisdictions under the jurisdiction of the court. They were also rescued by the court. If we come out to help, we are helping the court to reduce the burden." As a servant, this time naturally took the lead.
       Shen Chunting immediately added a sentence:
       "It is also a burden for ourselves." They themselves have millions of victims who need help, and there is still room to help the victims in Hebei and Shandong.
       The 12 ministers who were called over were all opposed, and none of them agreed.

       Chapter 1238   Can't bear (2)    

       All the ministers opposed the rescue of the victims outside Linzhou City. Yu-Xi stood at the table and did not speak. In the study, suddenly fell into a strange silence.
       The ultimate break of this silence is Xu Wu:
       "Wangfei, I will feel that the Darens are very reasonable. We are very hard to help our victims. We have no spare time to help the victims under the imperial court. I don't know why Wangfei has this decision." Wangfei two days ago. She also said that she also pity the victims, but she can do nothing. Now I have changed my mind and it is definitely what happened.
       When Xu Wu words fell, the 12 ministers Qi-Qi looked at Yu-Xi. In fact, everyone does not understand. If Yu-Xi wants to help these victims, he has long said that he has to wait for today.
       Yu-Xi put his right hand on the table and said:
       "Last night, I had a nightmare"
       Tan Tuo first asked for export:
       "I don't know what dreams Wangfei has done". I have been with Yu-Xi for more than ten years. He has watched Yu-Xi grow up step by step, and how to know that Yu-Xi is not the one who is so emotional. Just before he understands the reasons, he must oppose his position.
       Yu-Xi said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "I dreamed that I was also a member of the refugees. At the beginning, I used wild vegetables for the belly, but the wild vegetables were quickly dug by everyone. When there is nothing to eat, I can only drink water desperately. I couldn't sleep at night, I could only look at the stars in the sky with my stomach, and then wished someone to help us with the stars, let us live through this disaster."
       When I heard the description of Yu-Xi, everyone showed a strange look. Anyone present has had a nightmare, but no one like Yu-Xi can describe the details of the dream.
       After sweeping the crowd, Yu-Xi continued to say:
       "There is nothing to eat, my body is getting weaker. At this time, some people among the victims are infected with the plague. In order to prevent the spread of the plague, as soon as the person infected with the plague is found, it will be carried out and burned."
       Xu Wu is not as good as anyone else. When I heard this, I was busy asking:
       "Who is in the dream, Wangfei is also infected with the plague."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "There was no infection with the plague, but I was hungry and I only had one breath. Those people saved me and saved me from burning with the plague. I begged them not to burn me, but they did not hear it." , throw me into the firewood and burn."
       Upon hearing this, the person Qi-Qi was discolored. This dream is really weird.
       Don't wait for someone to ask, Yu-Xi says:
       "Maybe you think this is just a dream, but I really feel the pain of the heartbreaking fire on the body. Thanks to this dream, I know that it is a taste of the fire burning. In order to make the effect realistic, Yu-Xi not only did not remove the dark circles, but also made Qu Mama give her a makeup, which made her look particularly embarrassed. This is why Xu Wu was scared when she saw her.
       Fu Minglang said:
       "It’s the fact that God is warning the police and wanting Wangfei to help these victims." It’s normal to have a nightmare, but such a strange dream is unusual.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "I thought about it for one night yesterday. I came to the same conclusion as you. It is God who looked at the victims and let me suffer in the dream." If I don't help these victims, maybe I will stop. It’s a nightmare. It’s very likely that it will lower the harsher punishment.”
       When I said this, no one dared to raise an objection. Otherwise, it is to ignore the Yu-Xi temperament.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       “Hebei and Shandong have hundreds of thousands of victims. I don’t have this ability even if I have this heart. But the group of people outside Linzhou City can still help.”
       Shen Chunting said:
       "Wangfei, I am afraid that when other victims get news, they will flock." When the time is saved, it will not be saved. Save, not so much food. Not saving, but also afraid of punishment. At that time, it was a dilemma.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The plague broke out outside the city of Linzhou. The victims in other places got the news that they would not rush there." As for other places, she did not intend to manage it.
       As a household secretary, Shen Chunting controlled the money very tightly:
       "Wangfei, we have nearly a million victims who need to settle down and help, and there is not so much money and food. Chen felt that even if they want to help these victims, there must be a limit."
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "This is natural."
       After talking about the rescue of the victims outside Linzhou City. Yu-Xi left Yuan Ying, the secretary of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the others put it back.
       Out of the palace, Fu Minglang asked Tan Tuo:
       "Daren, you think that Wangfei dream is true or false." The child does not blame and blame God. Fu Minglang believes in Confucianism and instinctively does not believe in the things of ghosts and gods. I can look at the Yu-Xi unbearable look, and he can't believe it. Moreover, Yu-Xi does not need to make these words to lie to them.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "You just need to know that Wangfei is willing to help these victims." True and false are not important. What matters is Wangfei attitude and decision.
       Fu Minglang understood the meaning of Tan Tuo words and immediately nodded his head:
       "I understand."
       Talking to Yuan Ying, it is already close to lunch. Yu-Xi is ready to go back to the backyard to eat, walk out of the study and look up at the blue sky, and spit a sigh.
       The first thing I did when I returned to the backyard was to wash my face. After washing the powder on my face, Yu-Xi felt refreshed a lot.
       Quan Mama looked at the Yu-Xi and looked a lot better.
       "But the problem is solved"
       Yu-Xi handed the face towel to Pinellia and said:
       "Today, I called the ministers and told them that I decided to rescue the victims outside the city of Linzhou." The food is still solved, mainly the medicine. Before the local troops stationed in the army, they stored a lot of medicinal materials, and they could only withdraw some of them from them.
       Many herbs are time-sensitive, and there will be no major wars in the past two years. They will be used first and then added back.
       Quan Mama, what a savvy person, even if he is old, can still be awake:
       "Is the nightmare you made last night related to the victims?" Otherwise, the attitude of Yu-Xi will not turn so fast.
       Yu-Xi did not deny it and nodded.
       "You are soft, hard-faced." She thought that Yu-Xi could really care for the victims, but she did not expect her to overestimate Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I just want to do my part." Before she died, she hoped that someone could help her save her. Unfortunately, no one has appeared to death. Those who are desperate and painful, who have never experienced it, will never realize it. So she wants to do something for these victims and help them. Not to be grateful for them, just to reassure themselves.
       Three days later, -Lu Tienan received a personal letter from Yu-Xi. Seeing that Yu-Xi told him to help the victims outside the city, -Lu Tie-nan was somewhat embarrassed. There is a plague outside the city. If you rescue these people and bring the plague into the city, it is not dangerous for the entire Linzhou city. Can Wangfei, since there is an order, he can't do it. After thinking about it, -Lu Tienan summoned several generals to discuss this matter.
       Li Jun stood up and said:
       "General, I am willing to bring food and drugs out of the city." This trip is actually very dangerous, after all, no one can guarantee that it will not be infected with the plague. But Li Jun still decided to go, not that he is great, but that he wants to do his part for those victims.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "You are willing to bring people to help those victims.
       I don't stop, but some words I have to say first. After you go out, I won't let you back until the plague is resolved. "It’s not that -Lu Yongnan is cold and ruthless, but he wants to think about the more than 100 thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of people in Linzhou.
       Li Jun nodded:
       "General, I understand. General, I just want to go home to meet my ‘Madam’ and children before I leave the city." Before every expedition, he looked down on his ‘Madam’ and children. Although this time it is not to fight, it is more dangerous than fighting.
       -Lu Yongnan said:
       "Yes, but you have to come back quickly, and a lot of things have to be dealt with." He can prepare food and medicine, but he can be selected by Li Jun. And those who follow the city must be willing and cannot be forced.
       Li Jun nodded:
       "I will come back after I have seen them."
       Gu Li did not understand, asked:
       "General, before you said that Wangfei is not prepared to manage the victims outside the city, why do you want us to help them now?" The changes have been too great.
       -Lu Tienan said with the sword in his hand:
       "Wangfei thinks about it, so I can guess what we can do just by order." As for what Wangfei thinks, he doesn't have to think about it.
       Jia Concubine and two children, as well as Shang Dawei and others, all moved to Linzhou City. Knowing that her husband was going to help the victims outside the city, Jia Concubine tears immediately came down:
       "You want to help those victims, I don't stop, but you shouldn't take risks. How do you let me with Xiaer?" Jia Concubine gave Li Junsheng's son, named Li Wenxia. Probably because of the harassment of the body that year, Jia Concubine did not regenerate after Li Wenxia was born.
       Li Jun wiped tears from Jia Concubine and said:
       "Women, don't cry. When we fled, we hope that someone can help us. We are fortunate to have the grace of Wangfei. Now the victims outside the city need help, I can't stand to stand by. My ‘Madam’, you can rest assured, I will I will come back safely. "There is no death in snoring. A small plague can kill his life."
       Jia Concubine knows that this is the end of the matter, and nothing is useful. Give the child to Li Jun and pack up for it.
       Back in the army, -Lu Tienan and Li Jun said:
       "You are literate, you can see the things above." Li Jun’s ability to rise to the garrison of the five products so quickly has a great relationship with his literacy. You know, there are very few literate people in the army. In these years, -Lu Tienan has been guarding Linzhou City and has not followed Yun-Qing to fight. Otherwise, Li Jun’s position may be higher.
       Li Jun took the booklet and read a page with a surprise behind him. He said:
       "General, this thing is so useful." The place where the plague is written must not drink raw water. The place where the patient lives must be cleaned up and disinfected daily with vinegar or spirits. A total of zeros and zeros, a full booklet was written.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "This was sent along with the letter. Wangfei also sent two doctors, and now he is on the road." Grain he took out a part of it.
       Li Jun asked about key issues:
       "General, that medicine?" There is a doctor, if there is no medicine, it is also awkward.
       -Lu Tienan said:
       "This Wangfei letter didn't say anything, but since Wangfei decided to save these people, he would definitely find a way to get the medicine. Now, temporarily remove some of the troops from the army." With the order of Yu-Xi, he is not afraid to take responsibility. .
       Li Jun also went to the army to pick up 300 people. These people are basically born in Hebei or Shandong. Looking at the victims under the city, they are also unbearable and want to do something for them.
       -Lu Tienan did not open the gate, but used a hanging basket to put them down. After the food and medicine, he is also ready to use the hanging basket to put it down.
       The movement on the wall has long been noticed by the hearts of the people. When Li Jun and his party landed, some people greeted them. The comer is a thick and big man, but it looks very smart.
       This person introduced himself to Li Jun as soon as he came up:
       "My name is Ye Jiuyi. I don't know what the military lord calls." This person's eyes are also very interesting. He can see that Li Jun is taking the lead.
       Li Jun said:
       "My name is Li Jun. Are you the person in charge here?" There are tens of thousands of people here. If no one is in charge, they will be in a mess.
       Ye Jiuyu nodded and said:
       "Yes. Li Daren, I don't know what's in these baskets." After finishing the talk, he looked straight into the back of Li Jun's dozens of big baskets, and his eyes were full of expectations.
       Li Jun said:
       "These are all herbs. We have come to help you with the life of Wangfei. If you have any needs, you can tell me, I will forward your request to Wangfei."
       Upon hearing this, Ye Jiuzhen immediately said:
       "What we lack most is food." If you can save the plague, you can save it. There is no way to save it. If you want to live without other plagues, you must have food.
       Li Jun himself was also suffering, nodded:
       "Wangfei has ordered that our generals first send 10 thousand pounds of food to you. These foods will be arranged by the people who will be laid down from the wall." He is preparing to let the people he is watching. If there is no one to organize, then these foods will definitely be robbed.
       Ye Jiuyan excitedly grabbed the person next to him and said:
       "Axun, we waited, we finally waited." They have been here because they heard that Wangfei is a kind and generous person, and believes that Wangfei will help them.
       At the beginning, there are also many people waiting here, wait, wait, wait too long and there is no movement. Many people feel that they have no choice but to give up, but he insisted on staying. And now, finally let him wait.
       Lin Xun is also tearful in his eyes, saying:
       "Yeah, let us wait." As long as Mingfei is willing to help them, their wives and children will be able to survive.
       It is only September now, there are wild vegetables to eat outside. When it is winter, there will be many people who will die and die, and there will not be many people who can survive.

       Chapter 1239   Children Control    

       Ye Jiuyi psychological quality is still good. He quickly calmed down and said to Li Jun, “If you don’t want to give up,” he wants Li Jun to look at the horrors of the people, and then let Li Jun give feedback on these situations. Give Mingfei so that they can get more help.
       Li Jun had a heart to look at the situation of these victims. He immediately said, "You don't have to sit, you take us around."
       This will be afternoon, but there are not many people in these shacks and grass sheds. Ye Jiuyi explained, "They are going to dig wild vegetables. We, people who live by wild vegetables, live to the present." Because there are too many people living, the nearby wild vegetables and leaves are eaten up. If you want to find something to eat again, you must go far away to become a good person.
       Li Jundao "Brother, you don't have to say much. My ancestral home is in Shouyang. The big drought nine years ago made the Tianli granules uncollected. At that time, our old family almost starved to death, thanks to Wangfei, they all survived." As for him When the experience of the bandits was hidden, it was not mentioned.
       Ye Jiuyi is also a sincere person, saying, "We just heard that Wangfei is the reincarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the most compassionate, so I fled here."
       Because Li Jun has the experience of fleeing, it is very topical with Ye Jiuyi.
       "Min Er, Miner, what's wrong with you?" As he spoke, he heard a woman crying.
       When the group walked over, they saw a unkempt woman crying with a child who was thin and like a matchstick. When Li Jun looked over, he saw that the child’s hand had fallen to the ground. Obviously, this child is already dead.
       Ye Jiuyan saw that Li Jun couldn't bear to face it and said softly, "This kind of thing happens every day." Every day in the private sector, people die, and most of the dead are old people and children.
       Li Jun asked "How many people are there now?" These situations must be mastered.
       Ye Jiu-yu said, "There were more than 30 thousand people. There are only 3 thousand people left." Those who walked felt that they were hopeless to leave. There were originally more than a thousand people left, and most of them died. Today there are only more than 3 thousand people left.
       Li Jun asked, "The imperial court will not care about you at all." After he paused, Li Jun went on to say, "We have also experienced drought in our jurisdiction, but the government has quickly promised to blame the disaster. There is no one in our jurisdiction." There are some surplus foods, only the official granary is full, so the food price has been very stable, in this case the people naturally trust the government will not leave their homes. Of course, it is also because the disaster situation in Shanxi is not too serious. If it was the same as nine years ago, the Yu-Xi would have to be one of the first two, and there is still room to rescue Ye Jiuqi and others.
       Ye Jiuyan said with grief and indignation, "They will take care of our lives and deaths. We have suffered so much disaster. They have to go to the village to collect taxes. If there is no food, they will take other things." As long as they are valuable things, these The officers and men did not let go. These officers and men are more vocal than the bandits.
       Li Jun was silent. He was forced to live without being able to survive.
       Lin Xun added that "the dog officials know that some of us have got a plague, and we have blocked the road to the city and will not let us leave." If Yu-Xi did not move, the more than 3 thousand people estimated that there was no Several can survive.
       Li Jun walked for a long time, and although the people he saw were skinny, they were all normal and not infected. Li Jun asked, "Those who are infected with the plague?"
       Ye Jiuyi said, "It has been moved to a place five miles away." In order to avoid spreading, this part of the people was isolated.
       When Li Jun heard this, he immediately said, "These herbs, you should send them to the past." He is not a doctor, he will not visit the patients. Although I am not afraid of death, I am careful to be careful about my ‘Madam’ and children.
       Ye Jiuyi immediately nodded and said, "Good. Li Daren, I don't know when the food can be delivered." I don't see the grain. I promise that he can't feel at ease.
       Li Jun said, "You can rest assured that when I go back, let them put the food down." This time, I will take out 10 thousand jin of food. I have to look at Wangfei afterwards.
       After a round of private circulation, Li Jun handed the booklet he carried with him to Ye Jiuyi. "You should have someone to read. This is the book that Wangfei deliberately asked the doctor to prevent the plague. The things listed above, we are late. Some will be sent." After saying this, Li Jun added a sentence "I will always live under the wall before the plague is resolved." He is also a bridge between the displaced and the Northwest.
       Returning to the city wall, Li Jun said to Gu Li, who was waiting on the front, "put things down."
       Gu Li heard the words and immediately ordered the food and vinegar and other materials to be released.
       This time, -Lu Tienan let the food sent in half, is artichoke, and half is coarse grains. As for the fine-faced fine-faced uniforms, the middle-class generals will not eat, and naturally they have not been able to give these victims. However, it is these foods that are enough for Ye Jiuyi and others to be overjoyed.
       On the night of the day, the displaced people ate the first meal in more than two months.
       Li Jun recorded what he saw and heard, and then sent it back to the city. After -Lu Tienan’s finishing, he sent a quickman to the city.
       Yu-Xi fell into meditation after reading -Lu Yongnan's fold.
       Xu Wu didn't talk. He waited for Yu-Xi to look up and asked him, "Wangfei, how is the disaster outside the city of Linzhou now?"
       Yu-Xi said in silence: "There are some doctors who know the medical skills outside the city of Linzhou. When they found the plague, they took isolation measures. Now there are more than 360 people infected with the plague."
       Xu Wu asked "Wangfei, that General -Lu can say that there are a large number of victims outside the city of Linzhou." There are too many people to help them.
       Yu-Xi Road "more than three thousand people, not too much." This number is less than expected by Yu-Xi. She had thought that she had to have a thousand, but she did not expect more than 3 thousand people. These people, she is completely saved,
       Xu Wu said, "That's good."
       At this time, Xu Da Nu said outside the "Wangfei, the high general of Fu-Cheng City has a discount."
       Seeing that Gao Rusong said in the fold that Yun-Qing has not arrived in Fu-Cheng City, Yu-Xi is worried that "it should be a few days before the trip. How come it is now?"
       Xu Wu said, “Uda is nearly three thousand miles away from Fu-Cheng City. The normal march has to come for a month. If there is anything to delay, the time will be more. It will be normal after a few days.”
       Yu-Xi said, "If only the army is slow and delays, I am afraid that Wangye will relapse." When she said in the city, Yun-Qing will be in her heart, but she will forget her when she goes out. I have to get rid of it.
       Xu Wu said, “Wangfei don’t worry, no one dares to swear if there is something.” The recurrence of the old injury is not a trivial matter. If it is delayed, no one can afford this responsibility.
       Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly. "Hope." Both father and daughter are a virtue. She has no idea what to say.
       Also on the evening of the day, Yun-Qing returned to Fu-Cheng City. As soon as I arrived at the gate of the city, I saw Jao-Jao.
       Yun-Qing is so painful that "you Yatou, how to become so thin" is almost a paper man. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but Jao-Jao is indeed a lot thinner.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said, "I am bitter.
       Hao Ji Er is also frowning. "Big sister, you look like this. If you go back, you don't know how distressed your mother. When you get back home, let Mama give you a good supplement."
       Looking at Hao Ji Er, Jao-Jao seems to find the New World, and he said, "A-Hoa, how did you stay on the grassland for a long time, it didn't turn black anymore, or how white did you do it? Arrived."
       A-Hoa shrugged and said, "I want to tan, cocoa can't do it, it's not black." He didn't want to be so white, and he went out and became the focus. How can it be tanned, and he is not blind.
       Jao-Jao touched his face and said, "It's really unfair. I want to turn white, but it can't be white." Jao-Jao skin is wheat-colored, very healthy complexion.
       In the past, Jao-Jao didn't care whether the skin was black or white or wheat bronze, but it is different now. In front of her sweetheart, she wants to show the best.
       Yun-Qing didn't know the daughter of Jao-Jao, and said with a smile, "Jao-Jao, I think you are so pretty now." He listened to Yu-Xi more than once, saying that Hao Ji was with Jao-Jao If the skin of two people is replaced.
       Hao Ji seven clever and exquisite heart, how can I not know what Jao-Jao thought, immediately said, “Hey, you think it’s useless, you have to be a good master.”
       Jao-Jao is not shy at all. "It’s just that."
       Yun-Qing is full of black lines.
       Hao Ji Er, he said, "Big sister, you have to hold a Miss family." It is also a headache for a sister who is too arrogant. This will, Hao Ji Er finally feels Lu-Er is good.
       Jao-Jao coldly sings "I can hold the thing to eat as a meal." She wants to hold her, and the marriage with Jin Yu can be ruined. Therefore, it is still not good to hold this thing.
       Yun-Qing knows that Jao-Jao is useless for this virtue. He said that it is useless, so he is too lazy to reprimand her. "Okay, what is going on in the city?"
       The first thing after entering the city is to take a bath and wash it from the head to the foot. Yun-Qing , which is not needed for three minutes on most days, has been used for more than a quarter of time to create a new high. As for Hao Ji Er, it takes longer.
       After the shower, I had another sumptuous dinner. After eating enough, Kai Hao asked, "Big sister, is your wound more?" Just wanted to ask outside, but I looked at Jao-Jao, who was very good at spirit. He didn't ask.
       "No, the doctor said that he had to nurse for a year and a half." After the talk, Jao-Jao was depressed. "Oh, I didn't have any merits this time. I knew that it would be nice to follow you." Follow her. Hey, if you can't say it, you will make a great contribution.
       Yun-Qing said, "Who can predict such a thing, you can't guarantee that you will not be injured even if you are under my account."
       Qi Haodao "Big sister, people are fine, there are opportunities after the merits."
       Yun-Qing nodded. "A-Hoa is right. The most important thing is that you are fine. After you have established your career, there is an opportunity." There are still some fights, and there is no chance to make meritorious deeds.
       Jao-Jao also felt sorry. He didn’t tangled with Yun-Qing and Qi Hao words. “Hey, I heard that you are also injured, you hurt.” The arms and legs are very good, no. See which one is hurt.
       Qi Hao did not wait for Yun-Qing to open his mouth and said, "It hurts the spleen, but it is not serious. It will be better to raise some time."
       Jao-Jao said, "Hey, when you return to Yucheng, you will be miserable. Mother knows that you have been hurt by someone, and you will certainly not be able to."
       Yun-Qing glanced at Jao-Jao and said, "What do you say about your child, but what do you want to know, but I don’t know that your mother is a tigress?" Listening to the words.
       Listening to this, Kai Hao is speechless. His mother is more powerful than the tigress in the eyes of outsiders.
       After talking for a long time, Hao Ji Er said, "Hey, big sister, I am sleepy, I want to go to sleep." After more than a month, he was really tired and needed a good rest.
       Jao-Jao Road "A-Hoa, when you have a good rest, you have to tell me what you see and hear on the grassland". Actually, I want him to change the process of Yun-Qing to Beibei. Say.
       This is not difficult, Kaihao nodded. "Good. When the big sister wants to know something, I know everything."
       "And the book bag is lost." Fortunately, Jinyu is not like Kaihao, and he can't move the book bag.
       Sleep well all night.
       The next morning, Gao Rusong handed two letters to Yun-Qing and said, “Wangye, this was received last night.” The two letters were written by Yu-Xi. The main words in the letter are some Officially, finally ask him when he can return home. The other one was written by You Ji-Er, saying that Yu-Xi was tired from the disaster all day and asked him to go home quickly.
       Yun-Qing didn't know about the disasters in several provinces before. I immediately asked Gao Rusong that “the disaster situation in Shanxi and other places is very serious.” Yu-Xi is afraid that he is worried, so he did not tell him about the drought.
       Gao Rusong said, “The exact end will not be clear, but I heard that the government’s disaster relief did not appear in time.” These things are not within his powers, so he did not pay much attention.
       Yun-Qing immediately asked Feng Jun and Cui Mo to come over. He is ready to hand over the follow-up to the two.
       After Feng Dajun and Cui Mo knew the reason, they said in unison, "Wangye rest assured, we will handle the matter here."
       Knowing that Yun-Qing is preparing to return to Yucheng, Qihao is in a hurry and asks, "Hey, what is wrong with Yucheng?"
       Yun-Qing didn’t look at Qi Hao and said, “There is nothing wrong with Yucheng, that is, there is a disaster in Henan and other places. Your mother has been busy for a while and has no time to sleep. A-You wrote and urged him to go back quickly. "This stinky boy knows that he is distressed by Yu-Xi, but he doesn't know how distressed he is."
       Qi Haodao, "Oh, then I will go back with you."
       Yun-Qing refused. "You can't ride your big sister's body. You can go back with her."
       Upon hearing this, Qi Hao immediately said, "Hey, you forgot, the doctor also said that you can't do strenuous exercise. You don't want to go back, but you can't ride a horse."
       Yun-Qing Road "has an urgent need."
       Qi Hao can not give in, said, "Hey, I am also worried about the mother. I can no longer worry about taking the body to joke. If the mother knows, I am afraid that it is not safe to sleep." This is to threaten Yun-Qing with Yu-Xi. .
       In the face of the difficult son, Yun-Qing had no choice but to retreat and promised to go back in the carriage. As for Jao-Jao, naturally I will go back together.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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