RM Maid 340

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        "Ula Mama, what are you doing to stop Li Shu-Fujin, please let Li Shu-Fujin come in."

       When Jiang Wanyin came out, she saw Wula Mama stopping Li-Shi outside the courtyard. Li-Shi was so angry that her face was distorted, and she pointed at Wula Mama angrily.


       When Ula Mama heard Jiang Wanyin's words, she hesitated and did not immediately let Li-Shi in.

       Jiang Wanyin saved Honghui, and Wula now at least believes that Jiang Wanyin will not harm Honghui; but she does not believe in Li-Shi.

       Li-Shi entered the mansion one year earlier than 4-Fujin. She was spoiled for her charming appearance. 4-Fujin was only ten years old when she married 4-Master and was just a child. Before the menarche of 4-Fujin failed to conquer the room with 4-Master, Li-Shi relied on 4-Master to favor and carry 4-Master and did not put 4-Fujin in his eyes, and did not miss 4-Fujin.

       Later, after 4-Fujin Yuanfang was pregnant with Honghui, Li-Shi secretly used a lot of methods to almost cause 4-Fujin miscarriage several times. If it weren't for Honghui, his body would not be so bad. Even when 4-Fujin was giving birth, she secretly bought a midwife, killing 4-Fujin and having dystocia. After giving birth to Honghui, she injured her body and couldn't reproduce.

       Therefore, 4-Fujin and Nucai of Zhengyuan hate Li-Shi to death.

       Now that Honghui is sick again, I don’t know whether Li-Shi is the first to come up to Wula Mama and suspect that Li-Shi is uneasy and wants to harm Honghui; therefore, Wula Mama doesn’t care about offending Li-Shi and stops Li-Shi with death. She was admitted to the Courtyard.

       "Ula Mama, let Li Shu-Fujin in."

       Jiang Wanyin stepped forward to let Ula Mama get away and let Li-Shi in. Li-Shi gave Ula Mama a fierce look. Li-Shi looked at Jiang Wanyin's complexion.

       "Jiang Mei-Mei is so capable, and now you can use Fujin's Nucai. I'm afraid it won't be long before this 4-Banner-Prince mansion should listen to Jiang Mei-Mei."

       Li-Shi made a sarcasm.

       Knowing the identity of Jiang Wanyin, this is absolutely impossible, but it does not prevent Li-Shi from instigating separation.

       This is not what Li-Shi is best at.

       "Sister Li joked. Master 4-Banner-Prince is the master of 4-Banner-Prince. Shouldn’t we listen to Master 4-Banner-Prince? Could it be that sister Li doesn’t want to listen to Master Banner-Prince anymore? ?"

       Li-Shi provocation, Jiang Wanyin, directly stunned and went back. After speaking, he continued to say to Li-Shi like a okay person:

       "Sister Li came right in time, Fujin asked you and me to take charge of the general affairs of Fuzhong. It is also part of you and I to take care of Big-Aji. Big-Aji is seriously ill, Tai-yi also said that life and death are unpredictable, and I have kept it all. Oh my god, just like Sister Li, you come to replace me, so I can rest and rest."

       "Sister Li stays, don't think about me."

       Jiang Wanyin looked like she was about to leave. Seeing Jiang Wanyin's expression changed again, Li-Shi stretched out her hand to grab Jiang Wanyin who passed her by.


       "Jiang Shu-Fujin."

       Wula Mama hurriedly called when Jiang Wanyin had been waiting for a long time.

       Li-Shi quickly wondered whether Jiang-Shi was so anxious to leave, could it be Honghui failure.

       Although she wished that Honghui would die soon, she didn't want to watch Honghui die. If Honghui really fails, she must not stay here. When Ulan Nara Shi comes back and planted him and said that she killed Honghui, then she would give Jiang-Shi a back.

       No, she must not stay here.

       "Since you have taken care of Big-Aji, then you can continue to take care of it. My 4-Aji is still too small to leave me. Maybe this will wake up and find me, I will go back first. Big-Aji Whatever happens, Jiang Mei-Mei will send someone to Huishaoyuan and tell me."

       After Li-Shi finished speaking, they led the next person and hurried away.

       Seeing Li-Shi left like this, Ulla Mama still couldn't react.

       Li-Shi She left so easily.

       Seeing Wula Mama's doubts, Jiang Wanyin explained: "Li-Shi, this is because I am afraid of being angered by Banner-Prince."

       After talking about Jiang Wanyin's thoughts, frowned.

       This time Li-Shi was bluffed back by her. I'm afraid Li-Shi will understand when Honghui illness gets better. According to Li-Shi Temper, I am afraid that something will happen again.

       "Ula Mama, you go to discuss with Gao Wuyong, don’t let Li Shu-Fujin come to the front yard until the Banner-Prince and Fujin come back. I want to take care of Big-Aji and I’m still taking care of my three children. I don't have the energy to deal with her."

       Ula Mama will understand this, and Jiang Wanyin was bluffing Li-Shi just now.

       "Shu-Fujin, don't worry, Nucai will never let Li Shu-Fujin come to the front yard again."

       She did it for Big-Aji. As long as Jiang Shu-Fujin can take good care of Big-Aji, she will be able to stop Li Shu-Fujin even harder.

       There are many cumbersome and cumbersome travellers, so the walking is not fast, and I haven't got outside the wall after these days.

       The guards who sent the letter from Banner-Prince's mansion hurriedly worked day and night, and caught up with the 4-Master and others in the evening the next day.

       When 4-Master heard that Honghui was ill, he hurriedly took the letter and opened it. eyes were dark, and 4-Master almost passed out.

       "Quickly, go and call Fujin back."

       Su Peisheng rushed to find 4-Fujin. 4-Master thought about it and hurried out of the tent. Before leaving, he confessed to the guard guarding the account: "Fujin will be back in a while, let Fujin be ready to return home."

       4-Master went to see Kangxi, and reported to Kangxi that Hongyun was seriously ill.

       It was naturally disappointing to hear such bad news during the Yujiabei tour. Fortunately, in Kangxi heart, grandchildren are still very important.

       "Huang A-ma,, Honghui is seriously ill. Tai-yi said that he is afraid that it will not work. son wants to go back to see the child, and the son begs Huang A-ma, for permission."

       "What are you talking about? Isn't Honghui my grandson? Get up, I will send you back to Capital City."

       "Son Xi Huang A-ma, ."

       4-Master came out of the tent and hurried back. As soon as he got outside the tent, he heard the voice of 4-Fujin.

       "My Huier..."

       The voice of 4-Fujin stopped abruptly, and then came the panic and anxious voice of the maidservant. 4-Master raised the curtain and saw the maid supporting 4-Fujin who had passed out.

       "Banner-Prince Master, Fujin, she passed out."

       "Su Peisheng, go and get people to prepare horses."

       The 4-Master turned around and ordered Su Peisheng to pinch 4-Fujin directly and press 4-Fujin to wake up.

       "Master, Honghui..."

       "Fujin, hurry up and change clothes. Let's return to Capital City immediately."

       4-Master didn't even say a word, 4-Fujin didn't say much when she heard back to Capital City, and asked Jin He to serve her and change her clothes in a hurry.

       The couple rode back to Capital City overnight.

       4-Fujin has been pampered for many years, riding a horse in a hurry, and at night, she couldn't hold it until the next day, but she just gritted her teeth when she thought of her son 4-Fujin. Of course, even so, 4-Fujin was still dragging its feet, and the people in her group had to slow down.

       4-Fujin was worried about his son and gritted his teeth and said to 4-Master:

       "Banner-Prince Master, or you take someone back first, and Qie will catch up afterwards."

       4-Master originally had this meaning, but he was not worried about 4-Fujin. This would be 4-Fujin and he still hesitated.

       4-Fujin saw it too, she was even more anxious.

       "Master, Qie is really worried about Hui Er, Qie is begging you, please go back and see Hui Er first!"

       4-Fujin begs.

       "Master takes the two first and leaves first, and the rest will stay to protect you. Pay attention to your body."

       "Master, you go quickly."

       4-Master asked Su Peisheng to stay, he called two guards, turned on his horse and rushed away.

       In the middle of the night, the door of the 4-Banner-Prince Mansion was knocked, and the 4-Master returned.

       "Where is Big-Aji now?"

       "Big-Aji has the front yard..."

       4-Master asked when he entered the house. After hearing the answer, Honghui was still alive and alive... 4-Master rushed to Honghui courtyard.

       It was late at night, and Jiang Wanyin was still guarding Honghui bed. If she didn't guard, she was worried that Honghui would be killed again, if it was something else. She had to guard it personally, watching Honghui alive to be relieved.

       At least you have to keep Honghui alive, and hand over the alive Honghui to 4-Master and 4-Fujin.

       "Master, you are back."

       Gao Wuyong, who was guarding the door, saw 4-Master immediately greeted him.

       "Where is Honghui, how is Honghui?"

       "Big-Aji situation has stabilized a little bit, and Master Jiang is watching in the house."

       4-Master went directly into the house, entered the inner room, and saw Jiang Wanyin sitting on the embroidered pier next to the bed, resting his head on the table with one hand and nap, holding Honghui hand with the other.

       Ula Mama is also in the house, she wakes up first.

       "Jiang Shu-Fujin, this is worried that Big-Aji will have a fever again."

       4-Master's gaze Ula Mama explained.

       Wula Mama is not a grateful person, Jiang Wanyin is grateful for saving Honghui Wula Mama. This explanation also does not hope that Jiang Wanyin will be misunderstood by the 4-Master. After all, Honghui is already seven years old. At the age when men and women are seven years old, Jiang Wanyin is Honghui Shu-Mother and should be avoided.

       After speaking, Ula Mama stepped forward and called Jiang Wanyin. Of course, she actually woke up as early as 4-Master came to the Courtyard to ask Gao Wuyong, she just pretended to sleep.

       "Banner-Prince Master, you are back."

       Jiang Wanyin let go of Honghui hand and got up.

       "How is Honghui?"

       4-Master sits down on the bed and reached out to touch Honghui head to measure the temperature while asking Jiang Wanyin.

       "I woke up in the evening, Qie asked people to make porridge, Big-Aji drank half a bowl. Tai-yi also drank all the medicine, and the fever is gone tonight. Tai-yi only came at night After checking the pulse, Big-Aji condition has improved. There are some things about Big-Aji condition. Please ask Tai-yi for details. Qie didn't ask Tai-yi and don't know the specific situation."

       Jiang Wanyin diagnosed Honghui poisoning by herself, and did not ask Tai-yi or let Tai-yi tell her.

       This matter involves the palace, the water in the palace is too deep, she, a little Shu-Fujin, dare not take this muddy water.

       4-Master heard the words and looked up at Jiang Wanyin, then turned to look at Gao Wuyong and Wula Mama, both of them nodded to confirm that Jiang Wanyin was telling the truth.

       "Master, Qie is here to watch. Go and find Tai-yi first."

       4-Master got up to find Tai-yi after sitting for a while.

       4-Master hasn't come back from this trip for a long time, Jiang Wanyin waited sleepy and put her head to doze. She guarded Honghui day and night, for days and nights, she was really tired.

       4-The Master saw Jiang Wanyin taking a nap again when he came in, but he didn't wake up Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin guarded Honghui for a few days and nights, and the 4-Master had known from Gao Wuyong and Wula Mama. It was also known that the pill Jiang Wanyin took out of the golden lock saved Honghui life.

       Although Jiang Wanyin had concealed the Tibetan medicine in Jinsuo from him, the medicine had already been taken out to rescue Honghui, and the 4-Master didn't want to pursue it anymore.

       Regardless, Jiang Wanyin's heart for Honghui still makes 4-Master grateful.

        Jiang Wanyin woke up by herself, 4-Master sits next to her and woke her up.


       Jiang Wanyin saw that 4-Master had freshened and changed clothes.

       It's the hottest time in summer. 4-Master rushed back day and night, I don't know how much sweat and dust, I don't know how dirty, it would be too smelly if I didn't freshen up.

       It's just that although 4-Master has cleaned up, but his tired face can't be washed away.

       "Master, Big-Aji condition is stable now. If you go to the retreat first, you must have never rested when you come back day and night. Don't be exhausted. Big-Aji, I'm on guard, no There will be something."

       Jiang Wanyin persuaded 4-Master with a distressed and worried expression.

       She looked tired when she saw 4-Master, but she didn't know that she was the same. dark circles on the eyes of the white face were so scary that I knew it was a long time since I had a good rest.

       4-Master reached out and held Jiang Wanyin's hand: "Thank you for the Honghui matter."

       Thank you for your life-saving grace, thank you for guarding him.

       Thank you for saving the father's son.

       "Master, what do you say, Big-Aji is your Di-Eldest-son, I have a life-saving medicine to watch Big-Aji have an accident. Besides, I don't want to see you sad."

       Jiang Wanyin smiled slightly, with tenderness, 4-Master did not speak and held Jiang Wanyin's hand.

       The two were silent, and after a while Jiang Wanyin persuaded the 4-Master.

       "Master, you'd better rest, it will be bright in a little while."

       "No, I'm here to guard Hui Er. I'm fine at Hui Er's rest meeting. But you, you've been tired after so many days. Now that I'm back, I have a master, so go back and rest."

       4-Master, don't worry about taking a rest, and then you can rest in Honghui.

       It was Jiang Wanyin, because his identity was not suitable for rest here, the 4-Master persuaded Jiang Wanyin to take a rest instead.

       "Master, I..."

       "Listen to the Lord, go and rest."

       4-Master insisted, Jiang Wanyin finally compromised. She was indeed tired. severe lack of sleep made her a little dizzy.

       "That's OK, I'm right next door, if you need it, let me call you."

       After Jiang Wanyin got up, she suddenly felt dizzy and fainted.

       "Wan Yin!"

       Jiang Wanyin passed out and fell backward. Fortunately, the 4-Master pulled her out in time to hold her, and she did not fall to the ground.

       4-The Master picked up Jiang Wanyin and called in again. Let Wula Mama guard Honghui, the 4-Master carried Jiang Wanyin to the yard where the three children were separated, and made Gao Wuyong call Tai-yi to diagnose Jiang Wanyin's pulse.

       "How about Shu-Fujin?"

       Tai-yi asked 4-Master anxiously before confiscating her pulse.

       It was Jiang Wanyin who fell in front of him and frightened the 4-Master.

       I was still talking to him a moment ago, and the good person suddenly fell down, so it's no wonder that he is not scared.

       Tai-yi who took the pulse gave a happy expression to the pulse.

       "Gongxi Banner-Prince Master, Shu-Fujin, this is Ximai. Shu-Fujin has been pregnant for one and a half months."


       4-Master was immediately delighted upon hearing this.

       How could the 4-Master, who has always had a meager heir, think that there are too many children, even if he already has four sons, but this year, he pays more attention to many children, and of course the more sons the better.

       What's more, in the past two years, especially Jiang Wanyin's rescue of Honghui, the 4-Master is very satisfied with Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin is naturally happy to have a 4-Master pregnancy.

       "It doesn't matter if she suddenly fainted, did she hurt the child, did she hurt her body?"

       Looking at Jiang Wanyin 4-Master who was still in a coma, asked worriedly.

       "Shu-Fujin is tired. As far as Nucai knows, Shu-Fujin has been guarding Big-Aji since Big-Aji returned home, and they haven’t had a good rest for the past few days and nights. Now Banner-Prince Lord You are back. When you want to come to Shu-Fujin, you can't hold back and pass out because you relax."

       This Tai-yi is the Tai-yi used by Banner-Prince. Tai-yi was invited by Honghui on the day he returned to the mansion. He has been healed by Honghui at the 4-Banner-Prince mansion. Jiang Wanyin is guarding Honghui and he naturally knows.

       "Fortunately, Shu-Fujin has a good foundation and strong bones. This tiredness is just a puffiness and instability. Let Shu-Fujin get a good night's sleep, and rest for a few days will be fine."

       This Jiang Shu-Fujin's foundation and body bones are really not so good. He has practiced medicine for many years and has not yet reached such a good foundation. No wonder she can give birth to dragon and phoenix triplets.

       If you change to an ordinary person, you can change to 4-Fujin or Li Shu-Fujin of 4-Banner-Prince. If you stay pregnant for so many days, the child may not be able to keep it.

       "Does it really matter? Don't you need to prescribe anti-fetal drugs?"

       "The medicine is three-point poison. Shu-Fujin has a strong body and a good night's sleep and a good rest for a few days to make up for it. anti-fetal medicine is unnecessary."

       Jiang Wanyin was pregnant again. Qinghe and others were very happy to find out, but Jiang Wanyin was still asleep and she didn't even know about her pregnancy.

       Jiang Wanyin herself was afraid that she didn't expect to be pregnant so soon, and she didn't pay much attention.

       Jiang Wanyin slept until the second afternoon.

       4-Fujin didn't come back until about noon. As soon as he came back, he rushed to Honghui room to guard Honghui.

       After Jiang Wanyin woke up, she first learned that she was pregnant, and then learned that 4-Fujin was also back. Knowing that she was pregnant, Jiang Wanyin hadn't even had time to be happy. As soon as she heard that 4-Fujin was back, she immediately let Qinghe and the others reduce the joy on her face.

       The life and death of Big-Aji is still unknown, isn't it that the joyful look at this time is the heart of 4-Fujin, which caused her to waste her previous hard work.

       Fearing that Qinghe and the others would not have enough concentration, Jiang Wanyin woke up without even going to see 4-Fujin, so she packed her three children back to the backyard and went back to her Qinmeiyuan.

       Jiang Wanyin returned to the backyard, and news of the 4-Master and 4-Fujin returning home also spread to the backyard.

       Li-Shi didn't dare to smash things at this time when he got the news, but cursed Jiang Wanyin in a low voice in the room for a long time.

       But these Jiang Wanyin didn't know that after bringing his children back to Qinmeiyuan, Jiang Wanyin stayed in Qinmeiyuan to raise the baby and never went out. outside affairs just asked Qinghe to inquire about the news.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin have been taking care of Honghui in the front yard.

       Until the beginning of August, I heard that Honghui was getting better and could get out of bed and walk around. It's just that the body is weaker than before.

       4-Fujin took Honghui back to the main courtyard, but 4-Fujin devoted himself to taking care of Honghui and didn't let Concubine in the backyard ask for peace.

       Qinghe found out that 4-Master had found someone to detoxify Honghui, and he didn't know who 4-Master had found.

       But these Jiang Wanyin didn't care, this would make her worry about herself.

       By the beginning of August, she had been pregnant for three and a half months and her belly was slightly bulging.

       Jiang Wanyin took the pulse for herself, and she was so sad.

       Before August 15th, on the 14th morning on 4-Fujin, people finally sent a message to Concubine in the backyard to ask for peace.

       Another thing is that in mid-June, Jia Yuanchun and Guo Shian Shi, who were left on the way by 4-Master and 4-Fujin, were also sent back.

       Finally, I went out and was sent back in the middle of the door. Although there was a reason for the incident, this incident also caused Jia Yuanchun and Guo Shi An Shi to be laughed at by others.

       When Jiang Wanyin arrived at the main courtyard, it was neither early nor latest. Several Jiji had arrived, but Li-Shi hadn't come yet.

       Jiang Wanyin helped Qinghe's hand to enter the room, and the Jiji in the room all focused on her pregnant belly. It's just that Jiang Wanyin specially chose a sleeveless jacket with a horse-face skirt in the morning to cover her pregnant belly. Because the month is still small, the pregnant belly is not big, so it is not obvious, and I can see that I am pregnant.

       "Greetings to Jiang Shu-Fujin."

       "Sit down without giving a gift."

       Jiang Wanyin has always done nothing to make things difficult.

       "I heard that Shu-Fujin was happy again. I wanted to say goodbye to Shu-Fujin, but I never saw it, Qie Gongxi Shu-Fujin."

       An Shi first said softly to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Ann Jiji is interested."

       "Jiang Shu-Fujin is really a blessing. I have been pregnant with a second child less than three years after entering the mansion. I am really envious. I don’t know when I will be blessed with Jiang Shu-Fujin. , I know enough."

       Wu Jiji looked at Jiang Wanyin with envy.

       Wu Jiji looks similar to Li-Shi. Before Jiang Wanyin entered the mansion, she was the third favorite in the 4-Banner-Prince mansion. It's just that she was unlucky, and she was inferior to other people's ways, and she has not been pregnant with a child for many years.

       Wu Jiji is different from Li-Shi Waige. Wu Jiji is really gentle and humbly, but not squeamish. 4-Master also likes her.

       "The child also depends on fate, Wu Jiji, your body should also be recuperated. child will come sooner or later."

       Perhaps there is no confidence without children, Song Jiji also said more.

       Zhang Jiji has never talked much, Guo Jiji, the cold beauty of the flower of Gaoling, disdains to talk to others. Only Jia Yuanchun wanted to kill Jiang Wanyin with his eyes as always.

       Stepping on the point, Li-Shi hurried in.

       "Oh, it's really amazing to see Jiang Mei-Mei today. Jiang Mei-Mei You can be regarded as coming out of Qinmeiyuan. I haven't seen Mei-Mei for many days. My sister missed it. I heard that Mei-Mei is pregnant again. My sister is here to express her joy to Mei-Mei. Look at Mei-Mei complexion similar to when she was pregnant with the dragon and phoenix triplets. Could Mei-Mei be pregnant with the dragon and phoenix again."

       Li-Shi walked straight to the first seat on the left when the other Jiji saluted and waved to get Jiji up. She didn't make a flat salute with Jiang Wanyin. She mocked Jiang Wanyin when she saw Jiang Wanyin.

       "It really makes Mei-Mei flatter me if I can make my sister miss it. It makes Mei-Mei curious, when did Sister Li learn to look at pictures. It's better to show Sister Li to the sisters and see when the sisters can help the Banner. Prince has a son and a half daughter. If you really see it, you sisters will definitely be grateful to Sister Li."

       Li-Shi wanted to hate Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin also directly sent back.

       Jiang Wanyin satirized Li-Shi and asked Li-Shi to show other people. Jiang Wanyin deliberately devalued Li-Shi.

       "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of nonsense?"

       "Didn't Sister Li show me the watch?"

       Li-Shi was directly taken back by Jiang Wanyin, and was about to fight back when Jiang Wanyin came out of 4-Fujin.

       Everyone saluted 4-Fujin, Jiang Wanyin asked 4-Fujin first:

       "Fujin, Qie heard that Big-Aji illness is cured, and Qie Gongxi Fujin is already."

       Others also got up Gongxi 4-Fujin, Li-Shi got up reluctantly.

       "Sit down and talk. Honghui is indeed well. This Fujin thanked you for your concern for Honghui. There are two things to say for you to come over today..."

        "The first thing you all know when I think about it is that Jiang Shu-Fujin is happy again. Jiang Shu-Fujin has given birth to a son and two daughters for Banner-Prince, and is now pregnant again, Jiang Shu Fujin has a good job in giving birth to offspring. This Fujin and Banner-Prince have agreed that Jiang Shu-Fujin will receive Side-Fujin just like Li Shu-Fujin in the future."

       4-Fujin looked at Jiang Wanyin with a gentle and kind smile and said that Jiang Wanyin was quite surprised. He didn't expect the first thing to be related to her. But it was a good thing to be raised, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly got up to thank her.

       "Qie thanks Banner-Prince Lord and Fujin for grace."

       "Sit down and talk."

       "Thanks Fujin."

       Jiang Wanyin was suddenly rewarded, and immediately aroused jealousy. This time Li-Shi looked at Jiang Wanyin's gaze more fierce than Jia Yuanchun, and his gaze seemed to sift Jiang Wanyin.

       It's not that Li-Shi is jealous of Jiang Wanyin, she was originally a jealous person.

       Of course, there is one more thing. Li-Shi entered the house to serve 4-Master for ten years, and gave birth to three sons and one daughter for 4-Master. It took ten years to become Shu-Fujin, and at least 4-Aji was born before he was accepted. Examples of Side-Fujin. However, Jiang Wanyin was promoted to Shu-Fujin less than a year after entering the mansion, and now it has only been three or four years before she has taken the side-Fujin case like her. It is strange that Li-Shi does not hate Jiang Wanyin.

       This person is most afraid of comparison. Some people cannot see that others are better than themselves. They feel unfair and jealous when they see that others are better than themselves.

       Li-Shi was originally narrow-minded, and Maid, who had always regarded Jiang Wanyin as the honorable country mansion, despised Jiang Wanyin. Now Jiang Wanyin is on an equal footing with her, how can she stand it.

       Jiang Wanyin just sits down and listened to Li-Shi said indignantly:

       "Jiang Mei-Mei is really a blessing. It's really enviable to have the favor of Banner-Prince and Fujin."

       Li-Shi looked upset and almost pointed to 4-Fujin and said that 4-Fujin was unfair.

       "Why Sister Li envy Mei-Mei? Sister Li, didn't you have the grace of Lord Banner-Prince and Fujin? Didn’t you get the side-Fujin copy early? Why, take the Side-Fujin copy Sister Li Are you still dissatisfied? Could it be Sister Li that you want to be shoulder to shoulder with Fujin?"

       "Jiang-Shi, do you dare to slander me."

       After Jiang Wanyin finished Li-Shi, he stood up and pointed angrily at Jiang Wanyin.

       "When did I say that I want to be shoulder-to-shoulder with Fujin? You made this Jiang-Shi. You don't want to plant me."

       "Fujin, Jiang-Shi said that Qie never thought about it, but Jiang-Shi said it first, I'm afraid Jiang-Shi herself has the desire to be with Fujin."

       Li-Shi, who had been able to force 4-Fujin to force his pet, was not a gas-saving lamp, so he turned Jiang Wanyin's words over to Jiang Wanyin.

       But how could Jiang Wanyin lose to her.

       "Li Shu-Fujin is really articulate and can reverse black and white. I am far behind Li Shu-Fujin."

       Jiang Wanyin got up and mocked Li-Shi before saluting 4-Fujin:

       "Qie is a timid person. Since entering the mansion, Qie has always treated you Fujin with respect and scorn. Qie has no disrespect towards Fujin. I also hope that Fujin will learn from you. Don’t listen to that man’s vicious mind. villain is nonsense."

       Although Jiang Wanyin was talking to Fujin, it was clear that Li-Shi was a villain.

       Only Fujin is the real heroine in this house, and Fujin also has Di-son. royal family does not have Di-Fujin. As long as Ulanala Shi is not dead, she will always be 4-Fujin. After saving Honghui, she was already on the side of 4-Fujin. In that case, she was on the 4-Fujin ship.

       Li-Shi are just the same Shu-Fujin, not to be afraid.

       4-Fujin I wish Jiang Wanyin and Li-Shi had a fight.

       Li-Shi has never been aggrieved since entering the mansion to be spoiled, because she has to spoil the servants in the mansion who do not hold her, and now Jiang Wanyin is calling her a villain. Li-Shi was so angry that she almost poked over and pointed angrily at Jiang Wanyin. .

       "Jiang-Shi, dare you scold me, you..."

       Li-Shi was interrupted by 4-Fujin's anger when he spoke, and 4-Fujin's majestic face swept across the concubine sternly.

       "Okay, don't talk about it, it looks like noisy. Ben Fujin told you more than once that you want sisters to be in harmony. You don't take Ben Fujin's words seriously. Jiang-Shi, you have said so Now, let’s apologize to Li Fujin."

       "Fujin calms down, Qie doesn't dare."

       Jiang Wanyin rushed to plead guilty. After she finished speaking, she turned to Li-Shi and said:

       "Mei-Mei just missed the words, and I hope Li Sister Daren will not have a lot of knowledge about Mei-Mei."

       Jiang Wanyin saw that 4-Fujin wanted to stand up, so he followed the meaning of 4-Fujin. Jiang Wanyin apologized to Li-Shi, so Li-Shi seemed petty and narrow.

       It's okay for Jiang Wanyin not to apologize, and this apology makes Li-Shi feel angry. But Jiang Wanyin apologized to her even if she wanted to scold her again, but she couldn't say it. Anyway, Jiang Wanyin had finished speaking, and Li-Shi couldn't get angry.

       "Okay, stop talking Li-Shi, stop talking Jiang-Shi, just sit down."

       "Li-Shi, since Jiang-Shi has already apologized to you, this matter is over. This Fujin doesn't want to hear anyone mention it again."

       4-Fujin said and swept the crowd with sharp eyes.

       "Yes, Fujin."

       "Now this Fujin will talk about the second thing, which is about the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow..."

       What I said was just how to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival. After finishing talking, 4-Fujin sent a group of Concubine to leave, but Jiang Wanyin stayed.

       "Jiang Mei-Mei, please sit down and serve Jiang Mei-Mei quickly."

       4-Fujin took Jiang Wanyin to Xishao, and asked Jiang Wanyin to sit down and order tea.

       "Many Thanks Fujin."

       "You don't have to thank me. If you want to, I should thank you. Thanks to Mei-Mei for saving my Huier. Mei-Mei, you also saved me."

       4-Fujin took Jiang Wanyin's hand and looked grateful. She really wanted to feel Jiang Wanyin.

       4-Fujin injured her body when Honghui was born. It is impossible to reproduce. Honghui is her only child's only hope. If Honghui is gone, she will be hopeless.

       There is no hope for this person, what is the difference between being alive and dead.

       So Jiang Wanyin saved Honghui almost the same as 4-Fujin.

       "Fujin doesn't have to be polite with Qie. Big-Aji is the Di-Eldest-son of Banner-Prince, and the elder brother of 3-Aji; Big-Aji has been staying with 3-Aji. It’s good. 3-Aji also likes Big-Aji; Qie It's 3-Aji biological mother, how can Qie have the heart to make 3-Aji sad. Besides, Qie can't bear to make Banner-Prince sad."

       "I don't care who you are for, I only know that you saved Hui Er. Our mother and son will remember the grace of saving lives."

       4-Fujin can be praised by Kangxi, virtuous and Shude, 4-Fujin deserves the praise of Kangxi.

       It is said that 4-Fujin can really afford the status of Prince Di-Fujin. Although she is not pure and kind, she can be said to be a kind and kind person, and she has never treated 4-Master's Concubine too harshly. Speaking of which, Jiang Wanyin still admires 4-Fujin.

       Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Jiang Wanyin rescued Honghui.

       "Fujin, you are kind and kind, and Qie is very thankful that you are 4-Fujin. You don’t have to say this gratitude. If you really appreciate Qie, when 3-Aji gets older, you can let Big-Aji teach more 3 Aji, that's enough."

       "Hui Er is the eldest brother, teach Didi that is what it should be, Mei-Mei, don't worry."

       Jiang Wanyin asked Honghui to teach Shou'an, 4-Fujin had no reluctance. Honghui is not in good health and needs a brother to help. So Jiang-Shi is the reason why Honghui teaches 3-Aji.

       Apart from Honghui in the mansion, only Li-Shi and Jiang-Shi have Aji. Li-Shi is at odds with her. Only the son of Jiang-Shi can choose.

       The matter is settled by the two.

       Jiang Wanyin remembered that she had just asked for Anshi and explained to 4-Fujin.

       "Just now in the main hall, Li Shu-Fujin asked Fujin not to believe her. Qie never thought of being disrespectful to you. You are kind, and you are the blessing of sisters in the house for 4-Fujin. Qie looks forward to Fujin for a long time. That's good."

       Jiang Wanyin said sincerely, what she said is true, but 4-Fujin believes it or not she doesn't know.

       The next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Originally Kangxi was not in the palace, Prince didn't need to enter the palace; but because Dee-Consort was in the palace, 4-Master and 4-Fujin still entered the palace early in the morning.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin did not bring their children into the palace. Honghui had an accident in the palace. How could 4-Master be assured of bringing the children into the palace at this time. Although Honghui condition has improved, 4-Master still did not let Honghui enter the palace to study.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin entered the palace to please peace. Jiang Wanyin didn’t know what happened in the palace, but 4-Master and 4-Fujin came back from the palace. According to the servants, neither of them looked very good, but Dee Consort has done it again.

       Although the couple's faces were not so good when they came back from the palace, they brought Honghui to the reunion dinner at night, and the couple were in a good mood.

       After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jiang Wanyin continued to raise her children at home.

       Although Honghui body has slowly recovered, 4-Master has not been outside the Great Wall since returning to Capital City.

       Yujia returned to Capital City at the end of August. This year is the year of the general election. All the show girls who were re-elected to stay in the palace to learn the rules have stayed in the palace for two months.

       With 4-Fujin taking care of her overtly and secretly, Jiang Wanyin's life in the mansion will be more comfortable. Jiang Wanyin concentrates on raising the baby, not competing with the concubine in the back home, nor does it rely on pregnancy to cut people like Li-Shi did when she was pregnant. However, 4-Master still spoils her. In addition to occasionally coming to accompany her and her children to dinner during the day, occasionally 4-Master also stays overnight in her courtyard.

       Jiang Wanyin has forgotten about other things with all her heart in raising her baby.

       After Kangxi returned to the palace, Dee-Consort called 4-Fujin into the palace.

       4-Fujin came back from the palace and ordered people to clean up the yard. When I asked for peace the next day, I learned that the palace was going to give someone to the election. Dee-Consort chose two Jiji for 4-Master.

       I heard that the mansion is about to join newcomers, and the faces of all the Concubine in the mansion are not pretty.

       Only then did Jiang Wanyin remember that this year is already forty-three years. In history, Niu Hulu Shi and Geng Shi entered the mansion this year.

       After the general election, Jiang Wanyin got the news that the two Jiji chosen by Dee-Consort for 4-Master were Niu Hulu Shi and Geng Shi.

       The newcomer wants to enter the mansion. 4-Fujin saw auspicious days, which was scheduled for November.

       At this time, Jiang Wanyin had been pregnant for almost seven months, and her belly was already bulging. Fortunately, she was wearing thick clothes already in the winter.

       The newcomer entered the mansion, but the 4-Master stayed in the 4-Fujin courtyard that day, and went to Niu Hulu Shi on the second day, and went to Geng Shi on the third day.

       By the morning of the fourth morning, Jiang Wanyin finally met the two newcomers.

        "Niu Jiji, Geng Jiji meet Di-Fujin."

       "Qie meets Fujin."

       The two offered tea to 4-Fujin, and 4-Fujin didn’t feel embarrassed. They quickly accepted the tea instruction:

       "Since you have entered the 4-Banner-Prince Master, you must abide by the rules of the 4-Banner-Prince Mansion, harmonize the sisters in the Mansion, and do your best to serve the Banner-Prince Master.."

       "Qie follows Fujin's teachings."

       "Get up and meet the sisters in the house."

       4-Fujin gave Niu Hulu Shi, Geng Shi and Jiang Wanyin after giving the meeting ceremony. two of them saluted Li-Shi before arriving at Jiang Wanyin.

       "Meet Jiang Shu-Fujin."

       "Two Mei-Mei are exempt."

       Jiang Wanyin also asked Qinghe to present a meeting gift to the two. Taking advantage of this Jiang Wanyin looked at the two of them.

       Jiang Wanyin finally met the two most blessed women in the Qing Dynasty across the three dynasties, Niu Hulu Shi and Geng Shi.

       Niu Hulu Shi is still young, only about twelve years old, and it is said that he is still in menarche. 4-Master Because she is Niu Hulu Shi, she stayed in her courtyard first.

       Because of his young age, the baby's fat on his face has not yet subsided; but just looking at the outline of the face, it can be seen that the face will not be bad after being opened, and it must be a beautiful woman.

       Geng Shi is three or four years older than Niu Hulu Shi, which is the fresh and tender age of fifteen or six. Geng Shi is very beautiful, even better than Li-Shi. He is really a beauty.

       I don't know if Dee-Consort has changed sex. Niu Hulu Shi and Geng Shi who were picked this time seem to be honest and honest people.

       But Jiang Wanyin thought again, these two were the real winners of the Yongzheng harem. How can a woman who can win in the harem of the back house be really honest and honest.

       Although the two seemed not threatening now, Jiang Wanyin was already secretly guarding the two in his heart. Of course, as long as they don't do Yao, reach out to Qinmeiyuan and use their brains on her and her children, Jiang Wanyin will not care about them.

       There are two more Jijis in the house. For Jiang Wanyin, there is little change for the time being. After all, she is pregnant and can't wait for the bed.

       In a blink of an eye, it was the end of the year. New Year's Eve 4-Master and 4-Fujin brought Honghui Hongyun and Big-Jiji into the palace. Li Shu-Fujin and Jiang Wanyin were not qualified enough to enter the palace for the New Year. Of course Jiang Wanyin didn't want to enter the palace, not to mention that she was still pregnant, and her three children were still young. How dare she bring them into the palace.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin were not in the house, but the women from the hospitals still gathered together for a New Year’s Eve dinner.

       "Shu-Fujin, 3-Aji and 2-Jiji, 3-Jiji are so cute, they are so cute just looking at them."

       Jiang Wanyin came with three children. two and a half-year-old three little guys are white and fat and very cute. Except for Li-Shi and Jia Yuanchun who secretly hate Jiang Wanyin, Wu Jiji and Song Jiji are all staring at them. Watching with three children, I like it very much.

       "Since you like children, you have to give birth to Mei-Mei as soon as possible. I looked at several Mei-Mei who have looked good lately and have the favor of Banner-Prince. I think there will be good news soon."

       4-Master These days can be considered as rain and dew. Except for the young Niu Hulu Shi and Jia Yuanchun, who can't bear children, the other Jiji have to go to bed, and several of them seem to be full of spring.

       "Then I will borrow Shu-Fujin's auspicious words. If Mei-Mei is pregnant in the future, I must be grateful to Shu-Fujin."

       Wu Jiji smiled gratefully.

       Although Jiang Wanyin is already Shu-Fujin, because she has always been gentle and easy-going, except for Jia Yuanchun and Li-Shi who are not against her, she treats everything else equally.

       Li-Shi snorted after hearing the words:

       "What are you grateful for her for? She can't make you pregnant. You have to be grateful and thank Master Banner-Prince. Can you be pregnant without Banner-Prince?"

       Li-Shi looked sideways and mocked. As soon as these words came out, the tender faces of Wu Jiji An Jiji and Geng Jiji blushed.

       Li-Shi got spoiled because he entered the mansion and gave birth to three sons and one daughter one after another. He has always been arrogant and did not put Jiji in his eyes, but now he can't understand the attitude of other people towards Jiang Wanyin.

       "Li Shu-Fujin you, how can you talk like that!"

       Li-Shi words are too explicit.

       Li-Shi didn't care.

       "I'm telling the truth, there is nothing I can't say. Couldn't you still be pregnant without a Banner-Prince mansion?"

       "Li Shu-Fujin..."

       Li-Shi words made Jiji feel insulted, and they were all angry, and they were about to quarrel.

       At this time, 4-Master and 4-Fujin were not in the mansion. Li-Shi thought that he was the first day in the mansion based on his seniority, and didn't pay attention to Jiang Wanyin. Of course, Jiang Wanyin didn't want to argue with Li-Shi during the New Year.

       "Sisters use it slowly. I am a little tired and the children are sleepy. I will take the children home first."

       After Jiang Wanyin finished speaking, she got up and left with her three children.

       Li-Shi is Shu-Fujin with her, 4-Master and 4-Fujin are not there, she doesn't have to bow to anyone at all.

       Jiang Wanyin took the child to leave, but after she turned around and went out, she didn't find Li-Shi had been looking at the background she was leaving. A strange smile flashed across Li-Shi face.

       In fact, no one saw it, only Niu Hulu Shi saw it. Niu Hulu Shi lowered his head and pretended not to see anything.

       It has been snowing outside. It will be only an hour after the New Year’s Eve dinner. A thick layer of snow has accumulated outside the house, which shows that the snow is heavy.

       Jiang Wanyin let Qinghe walk forward with her arm, and the three milk Mama followed Jiang Wanyin with their three children.

       One section of the way to Qinmeiyuan was to pass the lotus pond. Because of the thick snow on the ground, Jiang Wanyin didn't walk fast. Because Jiang Wanyin's pregnancy was already very large, Qinghe was also very cautious about helping Jiang Wanyin.

       On the way to the lotus pond, Qinghe suddenly slipped, and the whole person fell backwards towards the lotus pond. To make matters worse, in this critical situation, she supported Jiang Wanyin’s hand and subconsciously grasped Jiang Wanyin’s hand and dragged Jiang Wanyin. To her.


       "Shu-Fujin .."


       The Calls rang out one after another, followed by a muffled sound, the sound of someone falling to the ground, Calling again and again.

       Not far behind a group of people, the figure shook and disappeared quickly.

       The New Year's Eve dinner was over, and a group of Concubine went back to each Courtyard.

       Hui Shao Yuan, Li-Shi is drinking tea and looks very good.

       "Master, the man is back."

       Maid pomegranate came in to report, Li-Shi eyes were bright.

       "Quickly, call him in."

       Soon a little eunuch came in, Li-Shi couldn't wait to ask:

       "how is it?"

       The little eunuch had a flattering smile on his face: "The master's affairs are done, and they all fell into a ball, Calling again and again."


       Li-Shi laughed loudly when he heard the words. After the laughter stopped, Li-Shi looked sarcastically: "Jiang-Shi!"

       "Master, if you want to go to Qinmeiyuan now."

       Pomegranate said carefully, Li-Shi glanced at her.

       "What's the rush? I don't know anything. If Qinmei Academy didn't send someone to notify us, we would consider it as ignorant. Anyway, my Huishao Academy and Jiang-Shi Qinmei Academy are also far away, and I keep putting them here. Firecrackers, I heard nothing."

       "Now the most important thing is to get someone to go..."

       Li-Shi ordered pomegranate.

       The Calls were so loud that Jiang Wanyin couldn't hide the fact that Jiang Wanyin fell on the way back to Qinmeiyuan. Soon the women in the backyard knew about Jiang Wanyin's fall.

       Jia Yuanchun laughed happily after learning the news. Niu Hulu Shi was locked in the house by herself. Everyone else was watching. When they learned that Li-Shi had not gone to Qinmeiyuan, several Jiji were afraid to go.

       But after Jia Yuanchun gloated and laughed, he actually went to Qinmeiyuan in Maid.

       Jiang Wanyin and his party have returned to Qinmei Courtyard, and the eunuch Li Lu has also invited the doctor.

       Today is New Year's Day and New Year's Eve, no one dares to invite Tai-yi at this time to disturb the palace.

       Asking Tai-yi to see a doctor this year is not Auspicious. If it is really sick, no one would dare to invite Tai-yi at this time.

       After all, if you invite Tai-yi at this time, if the emperor in the palace is not happy, it would be really a tragedy.

       Li Lu asked Tai-yi to come back and saw Jia Yuanchun's master servant, the light of the lantern was on Jia Yuanchun's face, and the gloating smile on her face was still there.

       Li Lu let the doctor into the Qinmeiyuan, and he stopped Jia Yuanchun outside the Qinmeiyuan.

       "Jia-Jiji, please come back, Lord Banner-Prince told you not to come to Qinmeiyuan. Nucai can't let you in. Please come back."

       Li Lu blocked Jia Yuanchun with what the 4-Master had said. Li Lu is also a confidant of Jiang Wanyin's side. He knows some things Jia Yuanchun has done, and he also knows Jiang Wanyin's defense against Jia Yuanchun.

       "You Nucai!"

       When Li Lu moved out of 4-Master, Jia Yuanchun's face froze and became very ugly.

       "What time is it now? Do you dare to stop my Jiji. My Jiji is the old master of Jiang Shu-Fujin. My Jiji came to visit Jiang Shu-Fujin. Don't know what it is, please let me in Jiji. ."

       Jia Yuanchun was blue with Li Lu's words, Jia Yuanchun's Maid pointed at Li Lu angrily.

       How could it be so easy for Li Lu to be selected by Jiang Wanyin to become the Management eunuch of Qinmeiyuan?

       I saw him coldly and said:

       "Nucai doesn't know the old master. Nucai only knows that Nucai master is Shu-Fujin. No matter what your old master and the new master, Nucai will never let Jia-Jiji you into the yard without the permission of Banner-Prince. Please go back. , Shu-Fujin is still waiting for Nucai to serve."

       After Li Lu finished speaking, he asked the eunuch to stop Jia Yuanchun's master and servant, and closed the courtyard door in front of the master and servant, and kept Jia Yuanchun away.

       Jia Yuanchun was trembling with anger.


       "Jiji, what should I do now?"

       "What should I do? Go back."

       Jia Yuanchun was gloating, and wanted to see Jiang Wanyin's miserable behavior, but didn't want to be stopped outside the door and had to go back in despair.

       The other Jiji who were still on the sidelines knew that Jia Yuanchun was blocked from entering the Courtyard, so they dispelled the intention of coming to Qinmeiyuan.

       As for Li-Shi, I still don’t know.

       Li-Shi Jia Yuanchun was stopped outside the Qinmei Courtyard. This was a pleasure for Li-Shi. Li-Shi satirized Jia Yuanchun with a glee.

       Li-Shi deliberately pretended not to go to Qin Meimei to be the host. In Hui Shao Yuan, she fantasized about the chaos of Qin Mei Yuan and the miserable appearance of Jiang Wanyin's small birth.

       They didn't know, Jiang Wanyin was thankful that they didn't come.

       Soon after Jia Yuanchun left, 4-Master and 4-Fujin returned from the palace.

       As soon as the couple entered the mansion, they learned that Jiang Wanyin had fallen and called a doctor. They thought that Jiang Wanyin had been pregnant for eight months. couple was worried and hurried to Qinmeiyuan.

       "How about Jiang Shu-Fujin?"

       4-Fujin asked as soon as he entered the Courtyard.

        "Hello Banner-Prince, and Fujin."

       When Qinghuan heard the movement, 4-Master and 4-Fujin hurriedly came forward to salute.

       "Get up, how is Shu-Fujin?"

       "Master Nucai just sprained his foot. Doctor Sun has already shown it to the master and said it is not a big deal. Don't worry, Lord Banner-Prince, Fujin,"

       4-Master and 4-Fujin were relieved to hear that Jiang Wanyin was just sprained.

       "Take us to see your master."

       Qing Huan hurriedly invited 4-Master and 4-Fujin into the house and went directly into Jiang Wanyin's bedroom.

       When I entered the room, I saw Jiang Wanyin sitting on the edge of the bed.

       "I heard someone say you fell, Jiang Mei-Mei, are you okay?"

       "Banner-Prince Lord, Fujin, you are here, take a seat."

       Jiang Wanyin hurriedly invited the 4-Master couple to sit down.

       "Qie makes you worry. Qie is okay, just twisted her ankle. Doctor Sun has already seen it. It's okay. You can raise it for a while."

       4-Fujin walked to the bedside and wanted to sit down by the bed, but saw the three children lying on the inside of Jiang Wanyin's bed, with red cheeks and sleeping soundly, 4-Fujin was very surprised.

       "Why are the children here with you? Why didn't you let Mama watch over?"

       "The three children came back with Qie. When the accident happened, the three children were also frightened. Although Dr Sun has prescribed Anshen soup to the three children, Qie is worried that the children will have a fever at night when they are frightened. Children have to be with their biological mothers to feel more secure, so Qie wants to let the three children stay with Qie for one night."

       Jiang Wanyin was promoted to Shu-Fujin after giving birth to the triplets, because it was the dragonborn 4-Master and 4-Fujin, they also meant to take the three children to the Courtyard, but if the three children hadn’t been seen all day Jiang Wanyin cried, and 4-Fujin had no choice but to send the three children back to Qinmeiyuan.

       There have been examples of children who get fever at night after being frightened.

       The three children were still young and could not tolerate the slightest sloppy. Jiang Wanyin was worried that the child would have a fever, so she was relieved when she put the child by her side.

       This child will have a fever at night when he is frightened. There has been such a thing in this palace. 4-Master and 4-Fujin naturally know it. However, this is the first time the couple have heard of the saying that the child has to be around his biological mother to feel more secure.

       But thinking about the child, the 4-Master said:

       "Then let the children stay here."

       "Thank you."


       4-Fujin looked at Jiang Wanyin's pregnant belly with some worry.

       "But Jiang Mei-Mei is now in his body, how can he take care of three children. And what if the child accidentally hits your stomach when he falls asleep?"

       After all, there are a lot of unconscious movements after the child falls asleep, and it is very likely that it will hit Jiang Wanyin's stomach.

       "Many Thanks Fujin cares. Don't worry. three children are always good at sleeping and will not bump into Qie. Besides, Qie also let Qinghe and the milk Mama take turns guarding, nothing will happen."

       4-Fujin really cares about Jiang Wanyin is felt, and smiles gratefully at 4-Fujin.

       "That's good."

       Seeing that Jiang Wanyin insisted on 4-Fujin, she didn't say more about it. 4-Fujin thought for a while and asked about Jiang Wanyin's fall.

       "What's the matter with you falling? Why did you fall properly? How about Maid and the eunuch who served you? What's the point if you can't even protect the master?"

       "Fujin, don't be angry, don't blame them for this. I'm afraid it's Qie who is jealous, and it's up to others.

       Jiang Wanyin gave a reluctant smile. Who would be jealous of her is naturally the woman in the backyard of the Banner-Prince mansion. It must be one of them, it can't be wrong.

       When 4-Master and 4-Fujin heard the words, their expressions became serious and solemn:

       "what is the problem?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Qinghe on the side: "Qinghe, for you, tell Banner-Prince and Fujin what you found."

       "It's the master. Banner-Prince Master, Fujin, the road that the master went back to Qinmeiyuan was sprinkled with beads and greased on the ground that passed Chilian.. master asked Nucai to take a sieve and sift it. snow sifted out the beads from the snow, and when I looked at the lamp, I discovered that the beads were actually transparent ice beads..."

       Qinghe spoke very angry.

       The starter is very clever, because the snow is heavy, and the road surface is covered with snow soon after being greased, and will not be found at all. Even if the oil is condensed, it is still very slippery. People can't stand on the roots. And the beads scattered were not pearl beads or the like, but ice beads.

       The ice bead is a special ice bead condensed with water. It is very hard, and it becomes even harder when it is scattered in the snow. And because the ice beads are transparent, they are hard to find at night in the snow.

       Jiang Wanyin twisted her foot after stepping on the ice beads.

       Originally Qinghe slipped and slipped on the oil, but Qinghe inadvertently pulled Jiang Wanyin's hand and almost brought Jiang Wanyin down. Fortunately, Jiang Wanyin's strength 1st-General Qinghe pulled back, but at that time, Jiang Wanyin stepped on an ice bead, and when she tried hard, her foot also slipped. She twisted her foot to stabilize her body.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin know the whole story and are very angry.

       The house of 4-Banner-Prince was her housekeeper, and she discovered such a nasty and vicious thing. This was simply provoking her Fujin’s prestige in the house of 4-Banner-Prince.

       4-Master looked very ugly, thinking more than 4-Fujin 4-Master, so he was even more angry.

       In his own house, there are people with such malicious methods who want to murder the children. 4-Master does not imagine, if Jiang-Shi falls with such a big belly, what will happen?

       If Jiang-Shi falls, if it falls into the lotus pond, it is likely to be killed and killed. Even if he didn't fall into the lotus pond by luck, if he fell to the ground, Jiang-Shi would be born prematurely. If it falls to the ground, the child in Jiang-Shi abdomen may die because of the fall; it is also possible that Jiang-Shi suffers a dystocia because of the fall and premature delivery, and will die and be killed three times in the end; the best result It may just save Jiang-Shi Temper's life.

       But no matter what the outcome, he will lose two children.

       Four months after Jiang Wanyin was pregnant, the government doctor and Tai-yi gave Jiang Wanyin a pulse. Jiang Wanyin was pregnant with multiple births, most likely twins. Jiang Wanyin couldn't figure out how she was pregnant with another baby. Jiang Wanyin can only guess that it may be related to the original owner's genetic genes.

       And it’s New Year’s Eve today. If I find out that this is not Auspicious, if I call it Huang A-ma, I will keep it from him if I know it. How can we sweep the world without sweeping a house? If Huang-A-ma feels that he can't even manage his own house, how can he reuse him?

       4-Fujin held Jiang Wanyin's hand and promised:

       "Jiang Mei-Mei, you can raise your fetus with peace of mind. Banner-Prince and I will make the decision for this matter, and we will find out and give you an explanation."

       Upon hearing this, Jiang Wanyin took 4-Fujin's hand and begged:

       "Fujin, you and Banner-Prince shouldn’t check it out. It’s New Year’s Eve today. If this kind of thing spreads out and affects our Banner-Prince mansion, it’s okay to Qie."


       "Fujin, Qie beg you. Don't check it. If you check it so that someone will spread the matter out, let other people and the palace know about it. If your Majesty finds out, it will definitely affect the 4-Banner-Prince mansion. Can’t let Your Majesty have a bad opinion of our Banner-Prince House because of Qie. Qie please."

       Although Jiang Wanyin asked people to find out the evidence, he didn't want to investigate this matter deeply. At least it can't be checked now.

       The consequences of this matter 4-Master immediately thought about it, so long enough for Jiang Wanyin to think about it.

       She is the Concubine of 4-Master, and she is one with 4-Master. Everyone is prosperous, and everything is lost. She can't let 4-Master be affected by herself. If that is the case, even if 4-Master now pity her and don't blame her, but after that, if 4-Master's future is affected, can 4-Master not blame her in the future?

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't believe it. Jiang Wanyin thought more and farther.

       Worried about 4-Master's suspiciousness, Jiang Wanyin only said that Banner-Prince did not say Banner-Prince. If so, 4-Master still looked up at Jiang Wanyin.

       When Jiang Wanyin said so, 4-Fujin also thought of it. It is precisely because of this that I sympathize with Jiang Wanyin.

       "Isn't that wronged Mei-Mei you."

       "Qie, the child in the womb and the three children are all fine. This is a great blessing. How can Qie be wronged? Qie is not wronged."

       Jiang Wanyin smiled softly, without any force.

       This matter cannot be investigated now, but there will always be traces of what has been done. If you let her know who killed him in the future, she will repay it twice.

       Moreover, she endured this grievance. She did it for 4-Master and her heirs. 4-Master would definitely pity her because of her grievances, and love her children, she did not lose.

       Jiang Wanyin had no idea how many times he had calculated.

       4-Master is not without feeling.

       "I have wronged you about this, and I will give you an explanation."

       After that, he said to 4-Fujin: "Don't worry about this, the Lord will let Gao Wuyong investigate."

       Someone wanted to murder his heirs, and they had to investigate, but Fujin couldn't do it. As soon as Fujin's people moved, the news could not be kept secret, and it was not good for him to spread it out at this time.

       4-Master has come to a conclusion, 4-Fujin will say more, and Jiang Wanyin will not object.

       After confirming that Jiang Wanyin was okay, 4-Master and 4-Fujin left.

       It was as if it had never happened before, and no one in Tianfu mentioned it the next time. If it weren't for Jiang Wanyin's sprained foot and still raising her, it would really seem like nothing happened.

       But the next day, someone knew that Jiang Wanyin had just twisted her foot, and that Jiang Wanyin and the child were fine, and almost didn't get angry. They were jealous and jealous of Jiang Wanyin.

       Until the first month of the year, the 4-Master did not tell Jiang Wanyin who had acted against her. This made Jiang Wanyin a little disappointed with 4-Master, and she couldn't help making various guesses.

       When 4-Fujin came to see Jiang Wanyin, she hinted that Jiang Wanyin knew that more than one person was doing her wrong.

       After learning one of the real culprits, Jiang Wanyin also understood why the 4-Master didn't tell her. After all, not only her children are the children of 4-Master, but the children of 4-Banner-Prince are all children of 4-Master. 4-Master cannot ignore other children for her.

       And 4-Master is not a person without emotion, 4-Master is still nostalgic.

       After knowing the real culprit, Jiang Wanyin also knew that she could not do anything to that person for the time being, and could only bear it temporarily. Of course she can't do anything now, because she is going to give birth.

       "Qinghe, go and invite Fujin, I'm going to give birth..."


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