RM Maid 330

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        When she was nine months pregnant, Jiang Wanyin felt that she should have a baby. Unexpectedly, the baby in her belly was a chronic one. She was surprised that Jiang Wanyin stayed in her belly for a few days. Until the last day of May, Jiang Wanyin started.

       At the end of May and the beginning of June, when it was the hottest time in Capital City, when thinking of confinement for a month, Jiang Wanyin would not be able to freshen up. Jiang Wanyin gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and let Qinghe prepare water to bathe and wash his hair while the pain was just beginning.

       "Jiji, you want to bathe now?"

       Qinghe glanced at the sun still hanging in the western sky and asked Jiang Wanyin. It's still early before dark, and I don't understand why Jiang Wanyin suddenly wants to take a bath at this time.

       "I feel uncomfortably hot. Go and ask someone to prepare water and I want to bathe."

       Jiang Wanyin gave orders with a cold face. Seeing Jiang Wanyin seemed to be unhappy, how dare Qinghe say more and quickly follow Jiang Wanyin's instructions to prepare water and wait for Jiang Wanyin to take a bath.

       After hurriedly taking a shower, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help it finally.

       "Help me to the delivery room, I'm going to give birth."

       Qinghe took the coat and wanted to serve Jiang Wanyin to put it on. Jiang Wanyin suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand.


       Qinghe was stunned before reacting.

       "Jiji, you are going to give birth?"

       "Come on, come on, Jiji is about to give birth, Jiji is premature..."

       Qinghe and Qinghuan hurriedly carried Jiang Wanyin to the delivery room and yelled. For a time, the servants of Qinmei Courtyard became a mess.

       After all, Qinghe was an old man in the mansion who could live in town. He soon suppressed the panicked servants. According to the previously prepared plan, they ordered one by one, and sent people to inform 4-Fujin to call the government doctor and call the midwife. , Prepare hot water and so on.

       "Jiang Jiji is only more than seven months pregnant right now, why did he give birth prematurely? What is going on?"

       4-Fujin hurried to Qinmeiyuan to scold him.

       After Jiang Wanyin became pregnant, every time he went to the prefectural doctor for consultation, 4-Fujin would call the prefectural doctor to ask him to show his concern for the 4-Master's children.

       In fact, because Jiang Wanyin got pregnant too quickly, she didn’t join the back-house women’s pettiness. Jiang Wanyin was not arrogant and disrespectful to 4-Fujin because of her pregnancy. In addition, Jiang Wanyin almost stayed in Qinmeiyuan after she became pregnant. If it weren't for her pregnancy, she would really have no sense of existence in 4-Banner-Prince; therefore, 4-Fujin would not be annoying to Jiang Wanyin.

       Because since Jiang Wanyin became pregnant, the doctor who gave Jiang Wanyin's pulse has always been the government doctor. 4-Fujin got the news that 4-Master asked the government doctor to tell 4-Fujin. 4-Fujin always thought that Jiang Wanyin was born prematurely in July of pregnancy. This is full-term production.

       In the summer, the days are long and nights are short. Jiang Wanyin entered the delivery room when it was almost dim in the afternoon. Not long after Jiang Wanyin entered the delivery room, the 4-Master returned home and hurried to Qinmeiyuan after learning that Jiang Wanyin was giving birth.

       Although Jiang Wanyin had made enough preparations, she was the first child in this life, and it was still a bit difficult to give birth.

       I don't know if it was because of 4-Master's worry, Jia Yuanchun, Li-Jiji and others were sent away after dark, leaving him and 4-Fujin sitting in Qinmeiyuan. However, after a long time at night, 4-Master asked 4-Fujin to return to the main courtyard as an excuse to let her go back to look after Honghui.

       The baby of Jiang Wanyin was born in the evening until the dawn of the next day. 4-Master who was resting in Jiang Wanyin's bedroom was awakened by the baby's crying, and he saw Su Peisheng come in with joy.

       "Master, Master Jiang is born."

       Su Peisheng confessed joyfully.

       "gave birth?"

       4-Master hurried out and went straight to the delivery room.

       "Is it Aji or Little Jiji?"

       Seeing the midwife 4-Master who happened to be out to announce the good news, I asked immediately.

       "Gongxi Banner-Prince Master, Congratulations Banner-Prince Master, Jiang Jiji gives birth to an Aji in peace, and two Jiji are three powers of dragon and phoenix."

       "How come triplets, aren't they twins with two children?"

       4-Master was stunned when he heard that they were triplets, and the doctor clearly stated that they were twins.

       "Banner-Prince Master is indeed the three little masters of triplets. Jiang Jiji gave birth to one Little Aji and two Little Jiji. Mother and child are safe."

       The midwife said repeatedly with certainty. midwife was also too happy to close her mouth from ear to ear, and she would be rewarded with a big reward for taking this post.

       Listening to the motherzi said repeatedly, 4-Master became excited.

       "Gongxi Banner-Prince Master, Congratulations Banner-Prince Master."

       "Haha, good good."

       Hearing the good news, the always introverted 4-Master burst out with a rare exhilaration.

       "What about the government doctor."

       After the laughter, the 4-Master began to worry about the baby. After all, Jiang Wanyin’s pregnant belly for more than nine months was similar to that of Fujin Li-Jiji and others who were pregnant for more than nine months. It was only slightly larger than a pregnant woman. But 4-Fujin and Li Jiji are both pregnant with one child, and Jiang Wanyin is pregnant with three children. This pregnant belly with three children was about the same size as the one with one child, which made 4-Master worry about the child.

       "Caomin is here."

       The doctor who had also watched Mimei Courtyard all night hurried forward.

       "Go and show Aji Jiji, how is Aji Jiji body?"

       "Yes, Caomin will go now."

       The government doctor entered the house to check the pulse of the three newborn children. 4-Master waited outside the house anxiously. When the doctor came out, the 4-Master immediately asked: "How? How are the three children's health?"

       It's no wonder that 4-Master is so worried, after all, he has not many children after many years of marriage, and neither the child born to Li-Jiji nor Honghui Aji born to 4-Fujin is not healthy. This time Jiang Wanyin had another multiple pregnancy, which made 4-Master worry about her baby.

       A smile appeared on the doctor's face:

       "You can rest assured, Lord Banner-Prince. Although the three little masters have a light birth weight, they are all very healthy."

       The three children have a four-jin sixty-two, one four-jin three-two, and one four-jin two-two, and they are all lighter than five-jin.

       Jiang Wanyin knows medical skills and has supernatural powers. She knew she was pregnant with triplets, so she always insisted on exercising. Otherwise, if it were 4-Fujin, how could she insist on conceiving until full term.

       If she persists for less than full term, if she is born prematurely at seven months, this can't explain the child's month. After all, she was only pregnant for one month in November.

       Although the prefect doctor is good at Qianjin gynecology, his medical skills are not as good as Jiang Wanyin, who has studied medicine for many years. Although he diagnosed that Jiang Wanyin was pregnant with multiple births, he only thought that Jiang Wanyin was pregnant with twins.

       Although the government doctor did not come out, the 4-Master would be happy, and since Jiang Wanyin’s mother and children are all safe, 4-Master didn’t want to blame the government doctor.

       "Healthy is good. Health is good."

       4-Master is very happy.

       Although there are already three children in the house, none of them are very healthy. Now that they have three healthy children at once, how could the 4-Master be unhappy.

       "By the way, how is Jiang-Shi?"

       After confirming the health of the children, the 4-Master finally remembered the forgotten Concubine.

       "Lord Banner-Prince, don’t worry, Jiang Jiji has always been healthy and didn’t hurt his body this time. However, after giving birth to three children, no matter how good his body is, he will lose money. So Jiang Jiji, it’s best to be able to sit in the bimonthly period, otherwise at least forty days."

       The prefect doctor’s advice.

       When I heard it was because Jiang Wanyin was in good health, the 4-Master agreed immediately without even thinking about it.

       "Just as you said, I will tell you later. You can give Jiang-Shi some more prescriptions."

       "Su Pei words are rumored that the grandfather today is very happy to give a month's money to the house, and the Qinmeiyuan doubles the reward. doctor and the midwife are rewarded.."

       4-Master was pleased and gave a big hand to the house.

       Everyone present was happy.

       "Thank you Banner-Prince for the reward."

       "Su Peisheng, go and order someone to prepare the horse, and the Lord will enter the palace to announce the good news."

       This is the royal first birth of a dragon and a phoenix, and it is also a dragon and phoenix triplets. This is a great event for the royal family.

       4-Master hurriedly enters the palace to announce the good news.

       When Fujin at the main courtyard was freshening up, he heard Maid's announcement. Ula Mama came in soon after going out, with a serious expression.

       "Fujin, the one from Qinmeiyuan was born."

       "She was born when she was born, and she is not the first. child and Jiang-Shi are good."

       4-Fujin didn't know that Jiang Wanyin gave birth to dragon and phoenix fetuses, and thought that Jiang Wanyin was the same as them.

       "Mother and children are safe."

       4-Fujin didn't care, but after hearing this, he paused and looked back at Ula Mama and asked: "What did you say Mama? Is the mother and child safe? Didn't Jiang-Shi give birth to one?"

       4-Fujin was shocked.

       "Back to Fujin, Maid from Qinmeiyuan just came to announce the good news. Jiang Jiji gave birth to a Little Aji and two Little Jiji. They are triplets of dragon and phoenix. mother and children are safe."

       "Triplets! Or phoenix?"

       4-Fujin was shocked, and it took a long time to recover.

       "It's no wonder they will be born prematurely. It turns out that there are not one but three pregnant women."

       4-Fujin whispered.

       However, it is precisely because of multiple births, which explains why Jiang Wanyin gave birth prematurely. Although in fact she was not born prematurely, besides Jiang Wanyin and 4-Master, no one in the prefecture doctor knew about it.

       "Li-Shi also ridiculed that Jiang-Shi is blessed. It turns out that they are so lucky."

       4-Fujin was a little lost, his face was a little dull, and his expression was not good.

       With these three children, Jiang-Shi can be considered to have a firm foothold in the 4-Banner-Prince master. From now on, no one dare to look down on her, and no one can take her to anything.

       Jiang Wanyin gave birth to three in one child, but he was hit by 4-Fujin.

       4-Fujin This is fine, 4-Fujin is stable.

       Others were envious and jealous of Jiang Wanyin after learning the news, especially Li-Jiji and Jia Yuanchun.

       Li Jiji was only cursing Jiang Wanyin in jealousy, but Jia Yuanchun in Wangtangyuan was crazy.

       "what did you say?"

       Jia Yuanchun listened to the maid's words and asked frantically, pulling the skirt of the maid's clothes and opening her eyes.

       "Back, back to Shu-Fujin, Jiang-Jiji in Qinmeiyuan gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets, mother and child are safe..."

       The maid was shivering and she was pushed away by Jia Yuanchun when she finished speaking. Jia Yuanchun went crazy and swept everything on the table to the ground.

       "Bastard-person, that bastard-person actually gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets! Why can that bastard-person give birth to dragon and phoenix triplets, God is unfair, god you are unfair, why don't you let that bastard-person die? , Why don't she let her die in childbirth..."

       Why, why is the child not hers? It should be hers, it's all hers.

       Jia Yuanchun was crazy, cursing Jiang Wanyin.

       After entering the palace, she was suppressed by Dee-Consort and couldn’t get close to Kangxi. She couldn’t realize her wish to become Huang fei. She was given to 4-Banner-Prince Master by Dee-Consort, and her maid became 4-Banner just like herself. Prince Prince's Concubine was even more pampered than her to conceive a child before she, and she was not favored in the 4-Banner-Prince mansion, and many other unsatisfactory things, which drove Jia Yuanchun to madness.

       Now Jiang Wanyin gave birth to the child safely, and it was still a dragon and phoenix triplets. Compared with Jiang Wanyin's good fortune, Jia Yuanchun was really beaten crazy.

       She smashed things in the house like crazy, but the women in the backyard were all paying attention to Jiang Wanyin's birth of triplets. Who cares about her unfavorable Shu-Fujin.

        "Your Majesty, 4-Banner-Prince, please see you."

       Kangxi of the Qianqing Palace was criticizing Zhezi, and Liang Jiugong came in to report.

       "Lao-Si? It's not a big dynasty today and nothing is going on. What did he do in the palace so early?"

       Kangxi was puzzled, put aside his pen and said:

       "Call Lao-Si to come in."

       4-Master entered the hall with a reduced expression, but compared with the expression in the future, the joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

       "Son to Huang A-ma, please peace."

       "Get up. What's the matter, entering the palace this morning?"

       Kangxi naturally saw the joy of 4-Master's eyebrows.

       Kangxi, the son of 4-Master, who has been by his side for some time, still knows well. When I see 4-Master, I know that it is not a matter of government affairs. Kangxi tone is easy-going like a father and son talk at home.

       "The son is here to commemorate Huang A-ma, your good news. Early in the morning, Jiji Jiang-Shi gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets at the house of his son, and gave him a son and two daughters.

       4-Master said that the corners of his mouth rose, uncontrollably happy.

       Kangxi was stunned when he heard the words, and reconfirmed somewhat in disbelief.

       "Are you triplets of dragon and phoenix, one son and two daughters?"

       "Yes, Huang A-ma, ."

       Kangxi immediately became very happy when he heard this.

       "Good, good.. This is our Aixinjue Luo family is the first pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses in the Qing imperial family, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, this is God bless the Qing Dynasty.

       If it weren't for the blessing of God, how could Luo-Shi give the dragon and phoenix triplets to Ai Xinjue?


       He doesn't remember that there is a Jiji like Jiang-Shi in his son's house. Concubine Kangxi at Prince's mansion naturally didn't know and didn't care. This time, it was Jiang Wanyin who gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets to have a chance to show up in Kangxi.

       "Back to Huang Aji, Jiang-Shi is Jiji given to his son by Niang last year, and was originally a maid of Yonghe Palace."

       "Lady of Yonghe Palace?"

       Kangxi frowned when he heard of Jiang Wanyin's background.

       "This identity is too low. But I remember that last year Dee-Consort gave you the granddaughter Jia-Shi of the late Duke Rong as Shu-Fujin?"

       Dee-Consort has not mentioned this Jiang-Shi. After all, Jia Yuanchun's identity is not ordinary, so Dee-Consort specifically reported to Kangxi.

       If Jia-Shi gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets, Jia-Shi background would be good. It is a pity that this child was not born to Jia-Shi.

       It's a pity, if the Lao-Si of the dragon and phoenix triplets were born to Crown Princess, it would be fine.

       Talking about the identity of Jiang Wanyin can make Kangxi think of Crown Prince Yinfeng, which shows the weight of Crown Prince in Kangxi heart. Fortunately, 4-Master doesn't know, otherwise, I don't know how sad it is.

       "Jiang-Shi and Jia-Shi were originally court ladies in the Niang palace, and they were given to their son by Dee-Consort together. After Jiang-Shi entered the mansion, the son passed a few times, and she was pregnant without expectation."

       4-Master didn't tell Kangxi about Jiang Wanyin's real life experience.

       Jiang Wanyin confessed to the 4-Master that he had passed away. As Jiang Wanyin had expected, 4-Master had sent someone to investigate secretly. Although it took a long time, some eyebrows have been found, but they have not been confirmed yet. But even so, I can vaguely know that Jiang Wanyin's background is not low.

       However, it is still not finalized, so 4-Master did not mention it.

       "In that case, she is blessed. Jiang-Shi gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets, which is considered a meritorious birth. Jiji status is too low, so you can give her a position. It is also considered expensive by mother and child. ."

       After all, the birth mother of the dragon and phoenix triplets is only Shiqie Jiji, which is not very pleasant.

       "My son also has this intention. My son intends to mention Jiang-Shi as Shu-Fujin."

       4-Master was careful to test, Kangxi frowned upon hearing this.

       "Well, let's Shu-Fujin first."

       "Today, Aixinjueluo's family has added dragon and phoenix triplets. You will go to Ningshou Palace with me to confess the good news to Huang Grandmother."

       The father and son first went to Ningshou Palace to confess the good news to Empress Dowager, and then the 4-Master went to Yonghe Palace alone to confess the good news.

       I stood outside Yonghe Palace and waited for about two quarters of an hour for Dee-Consort to call 4-Master in.

       "Son please greet Niang."

       "Get up. What happened to you entering the palace this morning?"

       Dee-Consort asked with interest.

       I knew Dee-Consort's attitude towards myself, and I was not disappointed when I saw Dee-Consort as 4-Master.

       "The son is here to confess the good news to Niang. This morning, Shu-Fujin Jiang-Shi gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets safely at the residence of the son.

       "Dragon-born triplets?"

       Upon hearing this, Dee-Consort sits up straight and stared at 4-Master for confirmation.

       "Back to Niang, it's the dragon and phoenix triplets. Jiang-Shi added a son and two daughters to his son."

       Lao-Si actually got the dragon and phoenix triplets, but it is a pity that it is not Yinzhen's.

       What Dee-Consort first thought was not to be happy for 4-Master, but to regret that the dragon and phoenix triplets were not owned by their youngest son Yinzhen.

       It can be said that Kangxi and Dee-Consort are exactly the same in terms of Biasity.

       Seeing Dee-Consort did not talk and wandered, 4-Master did not disturb Dee-Consort either.

       Wait for Dee-Consort to come back and ask.

       "You just said who gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets? Is it Li-Shi or Jia-Shi?"

       Dee-Consort asked suddenly, and the 4-Master couldn't help feeling bitter.

       As early as last year, the mansion sent someone to the palace to report the joy. Jiang-Shi pregnancy had been reported to Niang. Niang didn’t know it now, and he just said it was Jiang-Shi; Niang is totally unwilling to do so. Don't worry about his affairs.

       Forget it, Yinzhen, you don't only know now.

       4-Master condensed the last bit of bitterness and said blankly:

       "It's the son's Shu-Fujin Jiang-Shi."

       Jiang Wanyin's Shu-Fujin position has been decided by Kangxi Jinkou Yuyan. Although Jiang Wanyin and 4-Fujin and others do not know it, 4-Master still said in front of Dee-Consort that Jiang-Shi is Shu-Fujin.

       "Jiang-Shi? Shu-Fujin? When did you have a Shu-Fujin surnamed Jiang, why didn't this palace know?"

       "Niang, last November, Fujin entered the palace to confess good news to you. Jiji Jiang-Shi in his son's house is pregnant. This time Jiang-Shi gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets safely, and the son has given her the position. Jiang-Shi Both Li-Shi and Li-Shi are good in fertility, and their son has promoted them as Shu-Fujin."

       4-Master explained.

       Not only did Jiang Wanyin be promoted to Shu-Fujin, but also Li-Jiji was promoted to Shu-Fujin.

       In fact, when 2-Aji was one year old, the 4-Master wanted to give Li Jiji a ban on Side-Fujin, but Dee-Consort disagreed and stopped when this matter was discussed with Dee-Consort. Later, 4-Master learned from 4-Fujin that Dee-Consort had granted the position of Side-Fujin to Jia Yuanchun. This has made 4-Master feel unhappy.

       4-Master explained Dee-Consort and finally remembered it.

       "Jiang-Shi? Is it Jia-Shi maidservant Jiang-Shi?"

       Obviously 4-Master has said that it is his own Shu-Fujin. Dee-Consort also deliberately mentioned Jiang Wanyin's status as a maid. This is deliberately belittling Jiang Wanyin.

       "Niang, Jiang-Shi is now Shu-Fujin of his son."

       4-Master insisted and said again stubbornly.

       Dee-Consort said with a look of disgust after hearing:

       "Then Jiang-Shi was the maidservant of Jia-Shi, and her background was too low. When Prince's Shiqie Jiji is already in grace, she might not be enough to be Shu-Fujin."

       "Before Jiang-Shi entered the mansion, she was the same as Jia-Shi maid in your palace. Now she gave birth to her son the dragon and the phoenix triplets. It is also expensive for the mother and the son. son thinks Shu-Fujin deserves her."

       4-Master said coldly again, still insisting.

       When Dee-Consort heard these words, his face turned blue. In particular, 4-Master deliberately mentioned that they were both court ladies of Yonghe Palace, and especially that Jiang Wanyin was expensive by mother and child, which made Dee-Consort think of himself. Dee-Consort was originally a court lady herself. Later, she gave birth to a 4-Master and she became Dee-Pin with her son. Later she became Dee-Consort. Dee-Consort thinks that 4-Master is talking about her.

       The more Dee-Consort I think about it, the more I feel like this. more I think about it, the more angry it becomes.

       "Lao-Si, didn't you understand what I said? I said Jiang-Shi is your Shiqie Jiji."

       Lao-Si wants to give Jiang-Shi that cheap maidservant, she will definitely fix Jiang-Shi to Jiji.

       Since 14-Aji was given the name Yinzhen, because Yinzhen and Yinzhen have the same pronunciation, Dee-Consort has never been called 4-Master by the name Yinzhen again. They are all called 4-Master Lao-Si; and Yinzhen It is called 14-Aji every time.

       "Niang, when my son just went to the Qing Palace to confess the good news, he had already reported Huang A-ma, and his son Shu-Fujin Jiang-Shi gave birth to his son with dragon and phoenix triplets Huang A-ma. ."

       Seeing that Dee-Consort insisted on suppressing Jiang Wanyin's position, 4-Master was helpless and angry, so he lifted Kangxi to suppress Dee-Consort.

       As 4-Master said, Jiang Wanyin's position has already crossed a clear path in Kangxi, and Dee-Consort cannot be changed.

       Dee-Consort was even more furious when she heard that, she pointed to 4-Master and scolded: "Get out. You get out of Yonghe Palace for this palace."

       Dee-Consort is so disregarding the relationship between mother and child that 4-Master gets rid of it, and 4-Master's face becomes difficult to look.

       "The son retire."

       4-Master got up to salute and flung his sleeves and left.

       "Rebellious son, this rebellious son."

       Dee-Consort was so angry that he almost pouted.

       "Look, there is no Niang in this palace in the eyes of this Nizi, and he is not regarded as his Niang in this palace at all."

       Dee-Consort pointed at the entrance of the temple and said to Li-Mama.

       Dee-Consort said that 4-Master did not regard her as Niang. How did she regard 4-Master as her son. How can a mother treat her son like this.

       However, in terms of character, Dee-Consort and 4-Master are really like mother and child, always paranoid and stubborn.

       After this incident, Dee-Consort's heart is even more biased towards 14-Aji. Originally, there was no 4-Master position in his heart, and now there is only disgust.

       Small bows and red silk were hung on the gate of the 4-Banner-Prince mansion. Soon the Prince clan and Jingli ranked top, and even the people in Capital City knew that the 4-Banner-Prince mansion had added three dragon and phoenix triplets.

       4-Master went to see 4-Fujin when he went out of the palace and returned to the palace. After telling 4-Fujin about the promotion, 4-Fujin announced the promotion of Li Jiji and Jiang Wanyin to Shu-Fujin.

       As soon as the news came out, the remaining Jiji were jealous. Jia Yuanchun, who finally calmed down, heard that Jiang Wanyin had promoted Shu-Fujin and sits on the same level with her, and went crazy again.

       After going crazy, Jia Yuanchun calmed down, and the whole thing changed suddenly, completely different from the gloomy and crazy time before. Jia Yuanchun suddenly became more gentle and dignified, docile and amiable. It's just that the madness in her eyes is even more scary.

       But these Jiang Wanyin don't know yet.

       After all, it was the birth of a child, and it was one night that Jiang Wanyin was so exhausted that he could not hold back and fell asleep.

       It was dusk when Jiang Wanyin woke up again.

       "Shu-Fujin, are you awake?"

       Qing and careful Fu Jiang Wanyin leaned on the soft pillow.

       "Shu-Fujin, would you like to eat something first?"

       When Jiang Wanyin woke up, she didn't hear clearly and called her Shu-Fujin for the first time. When Qinghe called her Shu-Fujin again, she was sober.

       "What did you call me just now?"

       "Nucai called you Shu-Fujin. Nucai Gongxi Shu-Fujin, as Fujin said personally, you will be promoted to Shu-Fujin."

       "I am Shu-Fujin?" Jiang Wanyin was a little dazed in shock.

        "Yes. Not long after Banner-Prince came back from the palace, Fujin sent someone to spread the word, saying that you had merit in giving birth and promoted you to Shu-Fujin. one who was promoted with you was Li-Jiji of Hui Shaoyuan. , Li Jiji also promoted to Shu-Fujin. Nucai Gongxi Shu-Fujin."

       Qinghe explained with a smile, Jiang Wanyin was stunned for a while before he recovered.

       She is now upgraded!

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't believe it.

       It hasn't been a year since she entered the mansion. Her promotion was too fast and smooth, right? Jiang Wanyin couldn't believe it.

       Jiang Wanyin knew her origin. Before she could find out her true life, she was Maid of Rongguo Mansion, Maid of Jia Yuanchun, Maid of Yonghe Palace, Jiji of Lord 4-Banner-Prince, in the backyard of 4-Banner-Prince Mansion. Among the wives Qie, she is the lowest.

       Before she confessed her pregnancy to 4-Master, she had thought that 4-Master might execute her, or remain a maid without a name, or give her the lowest Shiqie Miss position. After knowing that 4-Master would not execute her, in order to get the position, she even confessed her life to the 4-Master, but she did not expect that 4-Master would give her the position of Jiji.

       After getting the position of Jiji, even if he was pregnant and gave birth to a child, Jiang Wanyin never imagined that the 4-Master would give him the position. After all, Li-Jiji had given birth to three, and two of them were Aji. When she entered the mansion, was Li Jiji or Jiji?

       But now she has just given birth to the 4-Master and she is given a position, and she becomes Shu-Fujin.

       Regardless, it is a great thing and good news for her to promote her position.

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't hide his joy and smile.

       "By the way, what about Little Aji and Little Jiji?"

       Jiang Wanyin finally thought of her children. After giving birth to the baby last night, Jiang Wanyin fainted after seeing his children confirm that he had given birth to one and two daughters.

       "They are all in the East Wing. Mama and Maid are taking care of them. people who take care of Little Aji and Little Jiji are all selected by Master. Banner-Prince. Shu-Fujin, don't worry."

       Since Jiang Wanyin gave birth to the dragon and phoenix triplets, the people of Qinghe and Qinmeiyuan have been happy that the smiles on their faces have not faded all day.

       Jiang Wanyin felt relieved when he heard that the child who took care of his children was Gao Wuyong's choice.

       After all, she gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets, but Xiangrui, 4-Master will definitely pay attention.

       "Shu-Fujin is going to see Little Aji and Little Jiji?"

       "Go and ask Mama to take the baby and show me."

       After Qinghe went out for a while, he brought three milk Mama with three children.

       Jiang Wanyin took the children one by one from Madam's arms, pretending to be a little hand touching the child while holding the child, giving the child a pulse, confirming that the three children are healthy, Jiang Wanyin was relieved.

       Perhaps it was because I learned that Jiang Wanyin was awake, and the 4-Master came to see Jiang Wanyin before dark, and the two spoke through the screen.

       "Thanks for your hard work."

       "Master, what you said is a foreign word, I am very grateful to you for the safe birth of the child, and I thank you for the children."

       I am grateful to 4-Master for giving her the chance to give birth, and I am grateful to 4-Master for giving her the name, so that her child can be born in a righteous manner and have a righteous identity.

       4-Master can completely kill her for the sake of extinction, but 4-Master does not.

       For the three children, Jiang Wanyin is really grateful to 4-Master.

       "The three children are all Master's children, and Master should do this, but Master doesn't want to listen to your nonsense anymore."

       Hearing that the 4-Master was beating her, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help laughing.

       "4-Master, thank you."

       In a blink of an eye, the child was born three days ago, and this day is the day when the child is born.

       Although it is difficult to have a child in confinement this summer, the child does not have to worry about being frozen after washing three days.

       Before the child was taken out for the third wash, Jiang Wanyin specially called Qinghe to come and tell her.

       "Qinghe, you personally follow and ask Shang Qinghuan to go together. You two must take care of the three children at a glance. Especially to guard against Jia-Shu-Fujin, don't let her get close to the children."

       No one knows the madness of the Jia family and the Wang family better than her. Jia Yuanchun, a person with the blood of the Jia family and the Wang family, will only be even more crazy. No one could predict what kind of crazy behavior she would make, just as Jiang Wanyin could not have thought that Jia Yuanchun would beat her and insult her every day.

       Jiang Wanyin's very solemn exhortation wanted Qinghe to pay attention. Seeing Jiang Wanyin's serious expression, Qinghe really paid attention to it.

       "Shu-Fujin trust you to rest assured, Nucai will definitely protect Little Aji and Little Jiji, and will never let Jia-Shu-Fujin harm Little Aji and Little Jiji."

       Shu-Fujin is so defensive of Jia-Shu-Fujin, he knows something. Qinghe secretly reminded himself that he must be more careful.

       "Hold the child back to me for a while and let me see the child first."

       "Nucai took it down."

       "Go ahead."

       4-Master got the dragon and phoenix triplets, let Kangxi Longyan Dayue bestow a rich reward, and Empress Dowager also rewarded a lot. Because this was the first dragon and phoenix triplets in the Aixinjueluo family, Kangxi was happy, and the harem Pinfei also gave a lot of rewards.

       This makes Crown Prince and Prince envy and hate, especially the 9-Prince 9-Master and others who are not right with 4-Master.

       However, the 4-Master got the first dragon and phoenix triplets from the Aixinjueluo family. This is the first share of the Aixinjueluo family. Prince wants to see this first share of the dragon and phoenix triplets, so even if the three children are Shu was born, all the older Princes except Crown Prince came, and Di-Fujin Side-Fujin came together.

       4-Banner-Prince House is rare and lively.

       After the baby was taken out, Jiang Wanyin was restless and worried. I hope the children can be picked up soon.

       Jiang Wanyin sent the little eunuch to look at the situation, and the little eunuch would come back from time to time to report.

       Knowing that Junwang and the others are arrogant to watch the children, and those Di-Fujin Side-Fujin are rushing to hug Little-Aji, Jiang Wanyin is not happy but more worried. three children of the dragon and phoenix triplets are still too eye-catching.

       Now that Prince's seizure of the protagonist is not so fierce, Jiang Wanyin can't help but worry that those Prince will be frenzied and poison her Little-Aji when he arrives at Kowloon to seize the protagonist.

       In later generations, although Jiang Wanyin was not very young, but because he studied liberal arts, he couldn't watch few movies and televisions, and he also knew that Kowloon won the maternal progeny during the Kangxi period.

       Thinking about it later, Jiang Wanyin had decided in her heart to protect her child more carefully.

       About the time of Shen, the three children were brought back.

       According to Jiang Wanyin's previous instructions, Qinghe asked Mama to take the baby to Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin took the children one by one and checked the pulse carefully, and only after confirming that no one was caught by the black hand, she asked Mama to take the child back.

       "Go back to the house and change the baby's clothes and swaddle. Qinghuan, you follow."

       So many people in the front hall have embraced children, especially the female relatives, who don't know how many rouge gouaches have been stained, Jiang Wanyin is worried.

       Qing He only reported to Jiang Wanyin about the front hall after Mama took the baby out.

       "Shu-Fujin, I really made you guess. When Mama was holding Little Aji Little Jiji to the front hall, Jia-Shu-Fujin always wanted to squeeze over to see Little Aji Little Jiji, I still want to hug Little-Aji, but Nucai stopped him."

       "I knew she would never be willing."

       Just let Jia Yuanchun give up so easily.

       In the previous life, Jia Yuanchun was able to survive for ten years in the harem to Fengfei, which shows his resilience.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't dare to relax with the three children at all. She saw one child every morning and evening and beat Mama Maid, the child's milk, to be more careful. He repeatedly beat the servants of Qinmei Court, firmly grasping Qinmei Court in his own hands.

       But before Jia Yuanchun started, Kangxi suddenly ordered Empress Dowager to go outside the Great Wall to escape the heat, and ordered Crown Prince, Zhi Junwang and 4-Master and 13-Aji 14-Aji 16-Aji to follow suit. Dee-Consort also accompanied. I heard that Dee-Consort ordered Jia Yuanchun to go with him. 4-Fujin arranged Song Jiji and Wu Jiji to go together.

       4-Fujin, Jiang Wanyin and Li Shu-Fujin cannot go to take care of their children. Zhang-Jiji is sick again, so Wu Jiji and Song Jiji can only be arranged.

       4-Master famous female in the backyard is Fujin, three Shu-Fujin and three Jiji, and seven wives Qie. I went to Shu-Fujin and two Jiji all at once, and three people were missing.

       After 4-Master took Jia Yuanchun and the three of them out of Capital City, 4-Fujin ordered to thank the guests behind closed doors, and the whole Banner-Prince became quiet.

       After Jia Yuanchun left the house, Jiang Wanyin let out a long sigh of relief. Finally, I didn't have to guard Jia Yuanchun's attack on the three children day and night, so I didn't need to worry day and night.

       It's just that the 4-Master is not in the house, Kangxi is not in Capital City, and neither the full moon nor the 100-day banquet for the three children is held, and Jiang Wanyin doesn't care.

       As long as the child can grow up safely, Jiang Wanyin doesn't care whether this will be the full moon and a hundred days.

       However, 4-Fujin felt sorry, and appreciated a lot of things from Jiang Wanyin.

       When Yujia returned to Luang, it was already winter in early October. Jiang Wanyin was already out of confinement. three children were four months old and they were all white and fat.

       4-Fujin led Jiang Wanyin and others 3-Concubine to greet 4-Master at the door, and from a distance, I saw 4-Master riding towards this side. 4-Fujin and Li Jiji were both looking at their necks, 4-Fujin and Li Jiji eyes also issued a strong excited look.

       "Welcome Banner-Prince back home."

       "Get up all."

       After 4-Master got off the horse, the two carriages behind him also stopped. Jia Yuanchun, Wu Jiji and Song Jiji got out of the carriage, and the three of them also stepped forward to salute 4-Fujin.

       The trio of Wu Jiji and Song Jiji were ruddy and not tired, which shows that the trip went well. On the contrary, Jia Yuanchun is much more haggard than when he was in the palace, and the thick powder makeup on his face could not cover the cyan under the eyes. It seems that Jia Yuanchun had a bad time during this trip.

       Seeing Jia Yuanchun's bad time, Jiang Wanyin was happy.

       "Banner-Prince Master, 2-Aji, they all want A-ma. 2-Aji, call Aji soon."

       When Jiang Wanyin looked at Jia Yuanchun and the three of them, Li Shu-Fujin was already holding 2-Aji to fight for favor, and interrupted 4-Fujin talking with Big-Aji Honghui and 4-Master.

       Although Li Shu-Fujin's battle for favor is too obvious, 2-Aji is also the son of 4-Master. For the sake of his son, 4-Master did not care about Li Shu-Fujin. Perhaps Li Shu-Fujin prepared 4 Master does not count.

       "2-Aji has grown up a lot."

       4-Master looked at being held by Li Shu-Fujin 2-Aji Hongyun also felt distressed.

       4-Fujin and Honghui Aji, Li Shu-Fujin and Hong Yun Aji, and 4-Master father and son Jiang Wanyin did not come forward to disturb her, but some people didn't want her to feel better.

       "Big-Aji and 2-Aji are here, why don't you see Little Aji? Why don't Jiang Mei-Mei bring Little Aji and Little Jiji to greet Lord Banner-Prince?"

       Jia Yuanchun suddenly stepped forward and said.

        As soon as Jia Yuanchun's words fell, all eyes suddenly focused on Jiang Wanyin. Li Shu-Fujin looked at Jiang Wanyin with a gloating expression.

       4-Master and 4-Fujin also looked at Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

       "Banner-Prince Lord, it was Qie who prevented Mama from holding Little Aji Little Jiji. Now it's winter. This winter is cold and windy. Qie doesn't know how long it will take to get out early in the morning. Banner Prince, you just came back, and the three children were also Junior Concubine. They were worried that they were caught by the cold wind, so Qie took the initiative and didn't let Mama take the children out."

       "When you return home, Qie will bring three more children to Lord Banner-Prince to please you. Qie is the master without authorization, and Lord Banner-Prince will punish you."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't think she was wrong, but she still respectfully apologized.

       Jia Yuanchun said maliciously that the three children had not come out to welcome the father who had gone out to return home, and wanted to give the three children a reputation for unfilial piety.

       Jiang Wanyin was secretly annoyed by Jia Yuanchun's reluctance, and couldn't help but ridicule Jia Yuanchun's eagerness to wait, and wanted to ruin the reputation of her three children without seeing how old her three children were. 4-Master will never let the three children who are only a few months old wait for him to come back.

       "You came out early in the morning?"

       4-Master said and looked at Hong Yun Aji in Li Shu-Fujin's arms. As expected, his face was not so good. 4-Master couldn't help worrying if the child was frozen.

       "You did a good job, you are not to blame for this."

       Obviously, children are more important in the heart of 4-Master.

       4-Master stretched out his hand to help Jiang Wanyin up, then turned to look at 4-Fujin and said:

       "It's enough for you to have this heart, you know. Don't wait outside the house again in the future."

       4-Master said this. 4-Fujin's expression froze for a while, Jiang Wanyin felt a murmur in her heart. This time she offended 4-Fujin.

       "Go home, don't stand outside and freeze your child for a long time."

       4-Master will go back home after speaking.

       "Yes, Lord Banner-Prince, what you said is, go home. Li-Shi quickly take 2-Aji back home, 2-Aji is still young, don’t freeze 2-Aji."

       Before entering the mansion, 4-Fujin specifically said that there was a suspicion of putting eye drops on Li Shu-Fujin.

       Li Shu-Fujin used to be arrogant and disrespectful of 4-Fujin. If there is a chance, 4-Fujin will return one or two.

       Li Fujin wants to say that 4-Master and 4-Fujin have already brought Honghui Aji into the door. Li Shu-Fujin glared at Jiang Wanyin and Jia Yuanchun, and hugged Hongyun to follow. Jiang Wanyin gave Jia Yuanchun a sarcastic smile, and then walked back home.

       Just before 4-Fujin entered the door, he gave Jia Yuanchun a special look. Jia Yuanchun dealt with her anxiously but didn't know that her words not only offended Jiang Wanyin, but also offended 4-Fujin and Li Shu-Fujin. Of course, Jiang Wanyin's explanation also offended 4-Fujin and Li Shu-Fujin.

       After all, it was 4-Fujin who asked them to come out early in the morning to wait for the 4-Master, and Li Shu-Fujin indeed took Hong Yun and blew outside for a long time. But this was Jiang Wanyin, who Jia Yuanchun mentioned first, had to explain. In the final analysis, Jia Yuanchun provoked this matter, and Jia Yuanchun was the culprit.

       After returning home, the 4-Master stayed in the main courtyard to clean up, and Jiang Wanyin and others were sent back.

       In the evening at the family dinner, Jiang Wanyin and his three children greeted the 4-Master. 4-Master is very satisfied and happy to see the three sons who have been taken care of for nothing.

       "You take good care of the children, I am very happy."

       The three children went out before the full moon, 4-Master, and a few months away, 4-Master was also concerned about the children in the house. Although there is a letter from 4-Fujin saying that the children are very good, but you have to see it with your own eyes before you can rest assured.

       "This is what Qie should do. Thanks to Fujin's care, Qie can take care of the three children with peace of mind."

       Previously offended 4-Fujin, this will take advantage of the opportunity Jiang Wanyin to give credit to 4-Fujin.

       "Thanks for Fujin."

       "Qie is Di-Fujin, these are the duties of Qie."

       It’s hard work for 4-Master, 4-Fujin is very moved.

       After 4-Master met the three children, Jiang Wanyin asked 4-Master to ask Qinghe and Mama to take the three children back.

       After the dust washing feast was over, Jiang Wanyin returned to Qinmeiyuan without staying in the main courtyard.

       4-Master must first stay in the main courtyard when he goes out to return home. This is a respect for 4-Fujin and it also secures 4-Fujin's position in the residence. Of course, it is also the Concubine who beats the backyard. Do not disrespect 4-Fujin.

       Jiang Wanyin never thought of being disrespectful to 4-Fujin, let alone taking the position of Di-Fujin. Not to mention that Daqing did not have a righteous follower Fujin, even her current identity is not enough to be Prince Fujin.

       And she doesn't want to change 4-Master to Fujin, the current 4-Fujin is pretty good.

       4-Master stayed in the main courtyard, Jiang Wanyin went back and made clothes for the three children while digesting.

       Jiang Wanyin has exquisite embroidery skills and can make clothes by herself, and wants her children to wear clothes made by herself.

       After digesting, I looked at the three children before going to bed. Jiang Wanyin only turned off the lights and fell asleep before he could hear the noise outside.

       "Qing Huan went out to see what's going on? Why is it so noisy?"

       Qing Huan came back soon after she went out.

       "Shu-Fujin, it's Li Fujin's Huishaoyuan has an accident. It seems that 2-Aji is sick."

       "2-Aji is sick? Could it be because of a cold during the day."

       If it is really because of this, I'm afraid Li-Shi will hate Fujin to death and will anger her. But watching 2-Aji during the day, although his face is not very good, it does not seem to be cold. After all, Hong Yun is weak and his face has not been rosy.

       "Let's see if Banner-Prince and Fujin have gone to Huishaoyuan."

       After a while, Qinghuan came back and said that 4-Master and 4-Fujin had both gone to Huishaoyuan.

       "Shu-Fujin, don't you go over and take a look?"

       "I have to go to the government doctor to find Tai-yi when I am sick. What can I do in the past? If I go now, I might be misunderstood to watch a joke. I won't bother Li Shu-Fujin's eyes."

       She is not Di-Fujin, she is the Di-Mother of all the children of 4-Master. She has no control over the children of other women in 4-Master, nor is she qualified to control it.

       And if Hongyun really got sick from cold during the day, Li Shu-Fujin might even anger her.

       Or Hong Yun is not really sick, it is Li Shu-Fujin who has another plan. If she goes wrong, wouldn't Li Shu-Fujin's plan be even more hateful.

       So she is best not to go.

       "Okay, let's not worry about Hui Shaoyuan's affairs and go to sleep."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care about Huishaoyuan at all, except for 4-Master and 4-Fujin, no one else went to Huishaoyuan.

       After all, it is not Li-Shi that Aji is sick to give birth.

       Until the next day, Jiang Wanyin went to ask Anshi to find out that Hong Yun was indeed ill last night, but it was not because it was frozen, but because the food he ate during dinner was not digested, and Hong Yun was weak. Stomach trouble also caused fever.

       Last night, this was called the government doctor and invited Tai-yi. It was tossing until midnight. Finally, the 4-Master stayed at Huishaoyuan because of fear of his son.

       When Jiang Wanyin heard that Hong Yun's illness was actually such a reason, she didn't like Li Shu-Fujin very much. A motherzi can't even take pictures of her own children, which shows her carelessness. I don't want to take care of the sick child, but also want to fight for favor. I really don't know what she thinks.

       Looking at the proud Li-Shi opposite, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help saying:

       "That's hard work for Banner-Prince. I just got back to Capital City yesterday, and I was worried about 2-Aji not getting a good rest. Qie is really worried about whether Banner-Prince's body will be tired."

       Jiang Wanyin looked worried.

       4-Fujin was slapped in the face by Li-Shi last night. Can you be happy? Hearing Jiang Wanyin's words, she immediately said:

       "No. This Fujin is also worried about Banner-Prince's body. Banner-Prince is outside for us to shelter us from the wind and rain. Let's take care of Banner-Prince and take care of Banner-Prince. But Mo Tusheng has troubles Banner-Prince. Work hard. Next"

       4-Fujin glanced across the crowd, and finally fell on Li-Shi.

       "Especially Li-Shi and Jiang-Shi, take good care of Aji and Jiji. Don't let Master Banner-Prince worry about the children at home."

       "Yes, Qie will listen to Fujin's teachings to take good care of Little Aji and Little Jiji."

       When Fujin was over, Jiang Wanyin stood up and expressed his stance. Li-Shi also had to stand up and say, but then he gave Jiang Wanyin a stern look.

       After the invitation was over, Jiang Wanyin and others left the main courtyard, and Jia Yuanchun suddenly stopped Jiang Wanyin.

       "Jiang Mei-Mei."


       Jiang Wanyin stopped and looked at Jia Yuanchun.

       "I wonder if Jia-Shu-Fujin called me to stop what happened?"

       "Jiang Mei-Mei why treat me so courteously. If you don't talk about the friendship between the master and servant before you and me, as far as the friendship between our sisters in Yonghe Palace and the friendship between entering the palace together, we should not be so strange. "

       "Jia-Shu-Fujin I don't dare to say that. In terms of speaking, I am two years older than Jia-Shu-Fujin?"

       Jiang Wanyin said and looked at Jia Yuanchun, Jiang Wanyin had a smile on her face.

       But her smile still fell in Jia Yuanchun's eyes at every move, and it was Jiang Wanyin who was mocking her.

       Because Jiang Wanyin's complexion was ruddy and vigorous, but Jia Yuanchun's face was covered with thick powder, and his face was still haggard. At first glance, he looked much older than Jiang Wanyin.

       Jia Yuanchun looked at Jiang Wanyin's face with jealousy and resentment. But Jiang Wanyin doesn't care how she feels.

       "If there is something Jia-Shu-Fujin, please tell me, if it's okay, then I will go back first. I have to go back to take care of the children."

       "Speaking of Jiang Mei-Mei Little Aji and Little Jiji, I haven’t seen it for a few months. It’s a good time today, I want to see Little Aji and Little Jiji, I don’t know Jiang Mei-Mei, but are you willing?"

       Jia Yuanchun suppressed the hatred and said with a smile.

       "Jia-Shu-Fujin want to go to my Little Aji Little Jiji?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Jia Yuanchun with a straight ironic smirk.

       "But I don't want to."

       Jiang Wanyin got up to Jia Yuanchun and said, "Jia Yuanchun, what is your idea, I can't understand your insidious tricks. When I was in Rongguo Mansion, how did Yue Er die? Do you really think I don't know?"

       Yue Er was the four Little Maid who entered the Rongguo Mansion with her back then, but that Maid was not clever enough, she looked beautiful and unconcealed, was jealous of Jia Yuanchun, was used by her good sister Qiuer, and was finally ordered by Wang Fu-ren People will throw the moon into water and die in the twelfth lunar month of winter. This idea came from Jia Yuanchun, deliberately creating the illusion that Yue Er fell into the water and died.

       She was late that year and could not save Yue Er's life.

       "You are so vicious that you can't tolerate Maid who looks more beautiful than yourself. You can think of such a vicious plan to kill people when you are a teenager. How can I know if you want to kill my child? ."

       Knowing what Jia Yuanchun is, Jiang Wanyin doesn't want to get close to her, Jiang Wanyin has long wanted to tear her face with Jia Yuanchun. It's a pity that Jia Yuanchun has a thick-skinned face. He has inherited the cheeks of Jia History, and he can still be treated as if nothing has happened.

       "It's freezing cold, Jia-Shu-Fujin should go back to look at the Tangyuan earlier, lest it freeze. I won't delay you and leave."

       After all, Jiang Wanyin completely ignored the shocked Jia Yuanchun and took Maid back to Qinmeiyuan.

       Jia Yuanchun returned to look at the background of Jiang Wanyin's departure, and gritted his teeth: "Jiang Wanyin, I won't let you go."

        4-Master returned to the mansion, the whole Banner-Prince mansion also became lively, and the wives Qie in the backyard began to fight for favor in various ways, and it was Jiang Wanyin who also began to wait for bed.

       She doesn't need to fight for favor, after all, she has this child. 4-Master, for the sake of the child, she will always be here sooner or later.

       On the first day of 4-Master’s return to the house, Li-Shi cut her off from the main courtyard, but I don’t know if 4-Master beat her. In the next few days, 4-Master stayed in the main courtyard of 4-Fujin. , Stayed here for half a month. In half a month Li-Shi never dared to fight for favor with the child again.

       Half a month later, the 4-Master went to Hui Shaoyuan Li-Shi, stayed at Li-Shi for one night, and then 4-Master stayed in front of the courtyard for two days.

       On the third day 4-Master, in the evening, Su Peisheng’s little apprentice came to Qinmeiyuan to spread a message, saying that 4-Master would come over and let Jiang Wanyin prepare early.

       Jiang Wanyin has not been in the mansion for a long time, and it takes only a year to get a full plan. She spends less time with 4-Master. It can be said that she does not know 4-Master; therefore Jiang Wanyin did not make any special arrangements without authorization.

       4-Master went to the main courtyard to accompany the 4-Fujin mother and son to Qinmeiyuan after having dinner.

       "Is this for kids?"

       Jiang Wanyin undressed 4-Master, and 4-Master asked when she saw the sewing basket on the embroidered pier.

       Before 4-Master came, Jiang Wanyin was doing embroidery while waiting for 4-Master. After hearing Maid report that 4-Master came, she just put the embroidery basket aside.

       "I also have nothing to do, so I just make clothes for the children."

       Serving 4-Master took off his coat, and while Jiang Wanyin was hanging the clothes, 4-Master picked up the half-length clothes in the sewing basket and looked at it.

       "Your embroidery is very exquisite, you use your heart."

       Seeing the exquisite Xiaoyi 4-Master, I am satisfied with Jiang Wanyin's intentions. Because it was a child's coat, Jiang Wanyin did it very delicately.

       "The three children are our own births. I naturally treat them with my heart. Besides, I am already good at embroidering. little clothes have needles, so I pierce your hands carefully."

       4-Master put the clothes down, as if to mention it casually:

       "I heard that Jia-Shi wanted to see the child but was rejected by you? Why?"

       After all, Jiang Wanyin and Jia Yuanchun were originally masters and servants, and Jia Yuanchun was the master and Jiang Wanyin was the servant. Although they have become 4-Master Concubines now and have the same position, this can't change the fact that they used to be masters and servants. Jiang Wanyin is so unavoidable that she feels ungrateful and ungrateful.

       "I don't mean anything else, I'm just worried that she hurt her child. Jia-Shu-Fujin is a little bit paranoid, I'm worried that seeing her child stimulate her."

       "Master, you may not know that when I was in Rongguo Mansion, I was only a second-class Maid. I never served Jia-Shu-Fujin close by. I didn’t know Jia-Shu-Fujin very well. It’s not me, but another Big-Maid holding the :Qin. Jia-Shu-Fujin has another Big-Maid named Qiu Er. After Jia-Shu-Fujin decided to hold the :Qin to accompany her into the palace, Qiu Er refused to accept her. Something prevented her and Baoqin from entering the palace. Jia-Shu-Fujin had no choice but to choose me to accompany her into the palace."

       "Since I entered the palace, I have also tried my best to serve Jia-Shu-Fujin, but Rong Guofu has high expectations for Jia-Shu-Fujin, which makes Jia-Shu-Fujin very stressed. Perhaps it is too much pressure, which makes Jia-Shu Fujin became a little anxious. Lord, you still remember the beating of me on August 16 last year. It's just that Jia-Shu-Fujin beat me badly because I was late to go back."

       "I didn't worry about this. After all, who made me the maidservant of Jia-Shu-Fujin. But now that I have a child, I can't help but care."

       "As soon as I entered the mansion, I had a child. This is a blow to Jia-Shu-Fujin. I worry that when she sees the child, the child will irritate her, making her irritable, losing reason and hurting the child. I'm just in case."

       "I know that I'm not good at doing this, and I know that others will call me ungrateful; but I am a mother, if I can only choose the same, I will only choose to protect my child; therefore, please forgive me for being a selfish mother. "

       Jiang Wanyin said, bowing her knees to salute the 4-Master, with a persistent expression on her face.

       "Master didn't blame you. Get up."

       4-Master reached out to help Jiang Wanyin get up and pulled her to sit next to him. 4-Master is satisfied with Jiang Wanyin's heart to protect the child.

       "You are also doing this for the child, why would the Lord blame you. Since Jia-Shi temperament is exposed, don't let her come to Qinmeiyuan in the future."

       4-Master, this matter must be finalized.

       Jiang Wanyin's mention of being beaten on August 16 reminded 4-Master of not only the unrecognizable incident of Jiang Wanyin being beaten, but also of the incident that Jia Yuanchun had calculated to dislike him on the night of August 15th.

       4-Master was because Dee-Consort forced him not to like Jia Yuanchun, but now I am even more disgusted with Jia Yuanchun when I think of the old things.

       "Thank you."

       "It's getting late, let's settle it."

       After being turned into a red wave overnight, Jiang Wanyin freed herself to make 4-Master very happy. Jiang Wanyin, who has experienced many battles for many years, is also a veteran in love-affairs, and the two are in harmony overnight. 4-Master Jiang Wanyin was grateful to him, and was excited.

       Although 4-Master has a lot of wives, Qie, but 4-Master and Li-Jiji are all spoiled daughters in the family, the earliest Song Jiji, the father is also a petty official in the family, she also grew up spoiled; So although they look healthy, they are mostly delicate and unable to withstand long-term intense exercise, which makes 4-Master never enjoy themselves.

       But Jiang Wanyin was different. Jiang Wanyin had martial arts and was physically strong, so the two of them were very happy in harmony with each other overnight.

       This is the first time that 4-Master and Jiang Wanyin have been with Jiang Wanyin except on the night of August 15.

       Maybe it was because of having fun all night, 4-Master was in a very good mood the next day, and stayed at Jiang Wanyin again that night.

       Every time 4-Master comes to Jiang Wanyin, she will wait for 4-Master with all her heart, creating a warm environment for 4-Master, so that 4-Master will feel comfortable physically and mentally; she will also release excitement-love in sexual intercourse, let 4-Master enjoy herself every time Comfortable.

       The pleasure of sex has made the 4-Master more and more satisfied with Jiang Wanyin. Not only is he beautiful, but also in good health, which is unmatched by other women in the house.

       Because of his satisfaction with Jiang Wanyin, the 4-Master secretly decided to come to Qinmeiyuan more in the future.

       This also makes Jiang Wanyin replace Li-Shi and become the most favored Concubine in the 4-Banner-Prince House. number of times Jiang Wanyin sleeps every month is second only to 4-Fujin.

       Of course, some people will fall out of favor. Jiang Wanyin attends to bed more often, which means that Li-Shi attends to bed less frequently. Li-Shi may not fall out of favor, but it is not as good as before.

       It is also a loss that Li-Shi hates Jiang Wanyin, a beloved one, and every time he sees Jiang Wanyin, he is cynic.

       She didn't know that Jiang Wanyin's face had long been bronze and iron walls, and she didn't care about her cynicism. favor of 4-Master gave Jiang Wanyin confidence, and Jiang Wanyin would also fight back when Li-Shi picks up and complains. However, Jiang Wanyin would not take the initiative to provoke Li-Shi and others.

       Jiang Wanyin never takes the initiative to make trouble, because she knows that the 4-Master likes her to keep her duty.

       In Jiang Wanyin's view, she didn't care about what she said, as long as she was not secretly attacking her and her three children, Jiang Wanyin could not care about it.

       In the Banner-Prince mansion, it is not only Li-Shi who hates Jiang Wanyin, but also Jia Yuanchun, who hates Jiang Wanyin more than Li-Shi.

       4-Master is a person with strong self-control, and he also pays attention to the rain and dew.

       4-Master’s wife does not have many Qie. In a month, 4-Master spends ten days in the front yard, and half a month stays in the main courtyard and Qinmei courtyard respectively. Li-Shi accounted for two or three days in the remaining days. There are also two days for Wu Jiji, the remaining Song Jiji and Zhang Jiji each day, and the rest is Jia Yuanchun and those Shiqie.

       Sometimes the 4-Master did not go to Jia Yuanchun for a whole month.

       Compared with Jiang Wanyin's great pet, Jia Yuanchun can be said to be very pitiful, which makes Jia Yuanchun hate Jiang Wanyin.

       There is nothing else in Rongguo Mansion, some are money. Wang Fu-ren gave Jia Yuanchun cash coupons every once in a while, and Jia Yuanchun gave a lot of cash coupons and bought many people in the mansion.

       At first, Jiang Wanyin's grand pet also made the servants of the Banner-Prince mansion scared and afraid, but money can make ghosts push, and some people are confused by money and bought by Jia Yuanchun and Jia Yuanchun can do business.

       Jia Yuanchun can be said to be the true biography of Jia History and Wang Fu-ren, a cruel heart, vicious mind, will also be harmful to other people's children.

       Just as Jia History killed Jia Daishan’s Shu-son, and his previous life Wang Fu-ren killed Jia Hu, Jia Yuanchun knew that the cruelest thing to a mother was hurting her child, so Jia Yuanchun bought the three of Jiang Wanyin’s A child was murdered.

       It's just that she didn't know that Jiang Wanyin had guarded her a long time ago, but Jiang Wanyin was very tightly protecting the three children. Knowing that Jia Yuanchun had bought Mama and murdered the three children, Jiang Wanyin would do the trick and take personal stolen goods and get it.

       Jia Yuanchun got the true story of Wang Fu-ren, and he used the most vicious way to harm people. Jiang Wanyin gave birth to triplets but only had one son, so Jia Yuanchun first attacked her son.

       "Got her mouth and don't let her kill herself."

       Jiang Wanyin hugged her son, and asked someone to hold down a Mama of her son with a cold face.

       As soon as Jiang Wanyin ordered, the little eunuch pulled a piece of cloth and opened Liu Mama's mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue.

       "Bring her to the yard. Qinghe invites you Banner-Prince to come, and Qinghuan you to invite Fujin. Li Lu, let me ask the doctor to come, and then go to the senior manager and invite Tai-yi to come. "

       Li Lu was the chief eunuch of Jiang Wanyin's Qinmeiyuan.

       "Yes, master."

       The three immediately left Qinmeiyuan. Jiang Wanyin sits on the steps with his son and looked at Liu-Mama who was tied and thrown on the ground. two daughters were also held by Mama and stood behind Jiang Wanyin.

       "Let you serve Huang Sun Aji. That is the grace of the master. You don't know if you dare to murder Little Aji. If you tell me who asked you to murder Little Aji, I will keep you A whole body, let go of your family. This murder of the emperor's grandson is a crime of genocide. If you refuse to pay for it, then you can take this matter with your family to see the king."

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Liu Mama with sharp eyes and said coldly.

       Jiang Wanyin was never a soft-hearted person. Whoever dared to touch her child would die.

       "What happened?"

       Qinmeiyuan is closest to the study room of 4-Master in the front yard, and 4-Master arrives earlier than 4-Fujin.

       4-The Master asked when Liu-Mama was tied to the ground when he entered the Courtyard, Jiang Wanyin came forward holding his son.

       "Master, this Nucai dare to murder our Little-Aji at the instigation of someone, and was stolen by the people of Qie, and he also begs the Lord to make Qie and Little-Aji the master!"


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