RM Maid 350

 Novels      »  【 QW】 Red Mansion Maid    »   


        After listening to Jiang Wanyin's report, after hearing about Jiang Wanyin's bizarre life experience, 4-Fujin was stunned, seeing Jiang Wanyin unable to return for a long time.

       After the shock, it is more defensive.

       In the past, although Jiang Wanyin was able to give birth and had to be spoiled, Jiang Wanyin's background was too low. Although 4-Fujin seemed to treat Jiang Wanyin very well, in fact she still looked down on Jiang Wanyin because of Jiang Wanyin's birth. Jiang Wanyin, who felt that he was born humble, would not be able to make waves even if he was spoiled more.

       It is precisely because of this idea that before 4-Fujin would promote Jiang Wanyin and Li-Shi fight, favor Jiang Wanyin between Jiang Wanyin and Li-Shi.

       But now, Jiang Wanyin, who originally thought he was born at a low birth, is the tallest among the wives of 4-Banner-Prince House Qie except 4-Fujin, and she is also the daughter of the co-leader from 3-Grade.

       You must know that 4-Fujin was born tall, but since 4-Fujin A-ma, the maiden brothers of 4-Fujin have no official position above 4-Grade.

       If talking about it now, 4-Fujin's family background is not as good as Jiang Wanyin.

       Before, Jiang Wanyin had children, pets, and no family background, but now Jiang Wanyin has children, pets, and a family background. With Jiang Wanyin’s background and fertility merits, this side-Fujin position cannot escape. Once Jiang Wanyin is named Side-Fujin, the status of Jiang Wanyin and her five children in the 4-Banner-Prince House will rise.

       At the beginning, Li-Shi, who was only born in the Han army banner, made 4-Fujin feel threatened because of his sons and pets. What's more, now the Man Army Elite-Banner is born with sons and pets, and Jiang Wanyin, who is about to become Side-Fujin, is it more Let 4-Fujin feel threatened.

       After knowing Jiang Wanyin's life experience, at this moment, 4-Fujin already regretted suppressing Li-Shi, and regretted that she and 4-Master suggested that Jiang Wanyin should be named Side-Fujin.

       At this time, it is already a certain Jiang-Shi of Side-Fujin, with a son, a pet and a status, even if she is supported by General Li, I am afraid that it will not be able to compete with Jiang-Shi. But apart from Li-Shi, who else in this mansion can compete with Jiang-Shi.

       4-Fujin Looking at Jiang Wanyin, the mood in her eyes is very complicated.

       After Jiang Wanyin finished speaking, she didn't see 4-Fujin talking for a long time, and felt 4-Fujin's eyes staying on her.


       Jiang Wanyin called out 4-Fujin.

       After a long time, her legs were numb.


       Waking up by Jiang Wanyin's voice, 4-Fujin recovered.

       "Now Jiang Mei-Mei you recognize your ancestors and reunite with your relatives. This Fujin wants you to be Gongxi."

       Although 4-Fujin's name for Jiang Wanyin has not changed, but she calls herself Fujin, Jiang Wanyin still feels that 4-Fujin is guarding her.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't want to turn her face with 4-Fujin, otherwise she would not choose to report her confession to 4-Fujin in person and explain to 4-Fujin.

       "Fujin, what Qie says is all from the bottom of your heart, and Qie never meant to do it right with you. Qie has taken your asylum since entering the mansion, and Qie is sincerely grateful to Fujin."

       "This is too early to say."

       4-Fujin obviously doesn't believe Jiang Wanyin's words.


       "Jiang Mei-Mei, get up, Jiang Mei-Mei will be the Side-Fujin on the jade in the future. Don't always kneel down."

       4-Fujin interrupted Jiang Wanyin, after she mentioned Side-Fujin.


       Jiang Wanyin, who didn't know this at all, didn't expect to look up at 4-Fujin in shock.

       "Mei-Mei is now the daughter of the Elite-Banner from the 3-Grade co-leader of the Manchurian Army, and she is also a good son of Banner-Prince. No. 1 Side-Fujin in the 4-Banner-Prince House is not Mei-Mei. ."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's shocked face, 4-Fujin said with a smile, as for what 4-Fujin thinks in his mind, it is impossible to know.

       "This kind of thing is not what Qie said. Everything is up to you and Banner-Prince. No matter what the outcome, Qie is grateful to you and Banner-Prince."

       Jiang Wanyin got up and said.

       Although Jiang Wanyin did not know that 4-Master asked her to seal Side-Fujin for her, but now that 4-Fujin mentioned, Jiang Wanyin knew in her heart that after thinking about it, if there were no accidents, the position of Side-Fujin was in her pocket. Thing out.

       But even thinking of Jiang Wanyin, she didn't show complacency and still respectful.

       Although Jiang Wanyin repeatedly assured 4-Fujin, 4-Fujin obviously did not believe it and did not want to continue this topic.

       "This Fujin is exhausted, you go back first."

       "Yes, Qie retired."

       Jiang Wanyin retired respectfully, leaving only 4-Fujin and her confidant Ula Mama in the house.

       "Mama, I regret it."

       The first sentence of 4-Fujin after Jiang Wanyin left.

       "I knew that, I would rather be Li-Shi than Jiang-Shi."

       Li-Shi is just the daughter of a junior official from 5-Grade of the Han army. Even if she becomes a Side-Fujin, she can't make waves by her family background. Moreover, Li-Shi is older and his appearance is not as good as before, even if he is pampered, he can be pampered for a few more years.

       But Jiang-Shi is different. Jiang-Shi is young, beautiful and still able to give birth, and the missing family background is now made up.

       With Jiang-Shi family background, there are no more Li-Shi.

       4-Fujin regretted it.

       "Mama, why do you think Jiang-Shi has such good luck? All these good things have been taken care of by her."

       Jiang-Shi was originally only the Maid of Jia-Shi, but when he entered the mansion, he was fancyed by the 4-Master and won the position of Jiji: he was pregnant after waiting for two or three times and gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets in one fell swoop. In one fell swoop, several senior seniors in the mansion became Shu-Fujin: Later, he was very favored by Banner-Prince, and then gave birth to twin sons; now Banner-Prince helped Jiang-Shi find relatives, Jiang-Shi also He will soon be able to restore his identity; with Jiang-Shi family background and heir grace, Jiang-Shi will soon become Prince Side-Fujin.

       4-Fujin thought about Jiang Wanyin's four years after entering the mansion, and 4-Fujin couldn't help being jealous of Jiang Wanyin's good luck.

       4-Fujin thought for a while and made a decision before saying:

       "Mama, Li-Shi should be cured after being sick for so long. Go back and ask Tai-yi to treat Li-Shi."

       "Fujin, Nucai looked at Jiang Shu-Fujin respectfully. Doesn't it seem like a fake, why don't you slow down?"

       Compared to Jiang Wanyin, Ula Mama hates Li-Shi. During this period of time, 4-Fujin and Jiang Wanyin had a good relationship, and when Honghui was sick, Wula Mama had personally seen Jiang Wanyin guarding Honghui day and night. Honghui life was saved by Jiang Wanyin. In general, Ula Mama is very good for Jiang Wanyin's senses, and she still has a gratitude in her heart.

       4-Fujin heard the words and looked up at Ula Mama. Ula Mama's heart became tight and didn't say more.

       "It can't be slowed down any more, and Jiang-Shi should become Jiang Jiashi should become 4-Side-Fujin."

       Ula Mama was shocked when she heard the words. meaning of 4-Fujin could not be more obvious. This was to prevent Jiang Wanyin from becoming a Side-Fujin. 4-Fujin This move is obviously a bit ungrateful. 4-Fujin is worried about the threat from Jiang Wanyin, and has forgotten that Jiang Wanyin has saved her life from her mother and son.

       Therefore, no kind of favor is important. Once Jiang Wanyin threatens 4-Fujin's interests, 4-Fujin can forget the life-saving grace and the promise.

       Although 4-Fujin's decision shocked Ula Mama and felt that 4-Fujin shouldn't be, but 4-Fujin is her master, Ula Mama naturally listened to 4-Fujin's arrangement.

       "Then the old slave will go and give orders to ask someone to ask Li Shu-Fujin for Tai-yi tomorrow."

       "Yeah. In addition, the meals and decoctions in Li Huishao's Courtyard should be more elaborate for the servants, so don't make any mistakes."

       4-Fujin said with a look on his face, and Ula Mama immediately understood.

       "Yes, Nucai will give a good account of the servants of the dining room, and will definitely not neglect Li Shu-Fujin."

       It is said that Li-Shi has not recovered for so long, but 4-Fujin has done a lot in the dark. Otherwise, how could Li-Shi small rubella disease last so long and never heal.

       "Okay, Mama, you can arrange it."


       Ula Mama was about to go out 4-Fujin stopped her again.

       "Mama, tomorrow, you go to Hui Shaoyuan to visit Li-Shi, Hong Yun and Big-Jiji and 4-Aji in person for Fujin. Li-Shi, the biological mother, should always be qualified to know."

       "It's Fujin, Nucai obeyed."

       Ula Mama retired, 4-Fujin picked up the tea and tasted it slowly.

       When Jiang Wanyin came out of the main courtyard, it happened that Mama was taking the five-year-old Hong Yun into the main courtyard.

       After returning to Qinmeiyuan, Jiang Wanyin repeatedly pondered 4-Fujin's words and 4-Fujin's expressions and thoughts, and 4-Fujin's reaction always made her feel uneasy.

       She didn't want to try to figure out 4-Fujin maliciously, but she who was once in a high position and was the main room, understands 4-Fujin's mentality well.

       4-Fujin is afraid that she is threatening her.

       It was precisely because of this that Jiang Wanyin was worried and doubted.

       "Qinghe, go and call Li Lu in."

       After Qinghe went out, Li Lu soon came in.

       "Nucai greet the master, what's the command for the master to call Nucai?"

       "I have something to tell you. From now on, you will let people stare at the main courtyard secretly."

       Jiang Wanyin doubted in her heart that she had to be on guard, and she was always cautious.

       "What can the master do?"

       "You don't need to do anything, just stare at the main courtyard, especially Fujin and her confidants. Pay attention to their actions during this period. Just stare at it, don't do anything, let alone Call."

       "Yes. Nucai knows."

       "And Hui Shao Yuan can have our people?"

       She remembered that after she gave birth to twins Aji, Li-Shi calculated her against her two sons, and Jiang Wanyin decided to let someone go to Huishaoyuan to plant nails.

       "Master, yes."

       "People stare at Hui Shao Yuan and stare at Li-Shi."

       "It's the master."

       Li Lu took the order to go out, Jiang Wanyin continued to figure out 4-Fujin's mind.

       At the time, 4-Fujin felt that Li-Shi threatened her, so she praised her and suppressed Li-Shi. 4-Fujin knows what Jiang Wanyin uses in Huishaoyuan.

       Now the situation is the other way around. If she makes 4-Fujin feel threatened, then 4-Fujin will definitely suppress her.

       If 4-Fujin wants to suppress her, it is necessary to promote other Concubine to share her favor, and promote other Concubine to fight her, just like 4-Fujin promoted her to fight with Li-Shi.

       There are a lot of Jiji 4-Masters in this house, but they are all ranked lower than Jiang Wanyin and have no children. If you just want to fight Jiang Wanyin with your pet, I'm afraid you can't fight with children, pets, family background, and will soon become Side-Fujin. Jiang Wanyin.

       The other Jiji can't, so only Li-Shi will be left. Li-Shi and Jiang Wanyin are both Shu-Fujin, and they have children under their knees. Li-Shi family background is not bad. Although there is no pampering now, it is not impossible to get 4-Fujin to promote and regain pampering.

       Furthermore, Li-Shi used to be the Pet Qie of 4-Master and the Pet Qie of the backyard.

       Now that Jiang Wanyin is the new favorite, Li-Shi is the old favorite of 4-Master. After more than ten years of love, there is still a great chance of Li-Shi re-petition.

       Therefore, if 4-Fujin wants to suppress her, he should promote Li-Shi immediately and let Li-Shi re-petition to fight her. At this time, neither Jiang Wanyin nor 4-Fujin knew, 4-Master had asked Gao Wuyong to check Li-Shi and know what Li-Shi had done. Otherwise the two would not think so.

       At this time Jiang Wanyin was standing in the position of 4-Fujin and she wanted to guess so, that's why Jiang Wanyin doubted to guard against 4-Fujin.

       Sure enough, on the second day, Li Lu came to report Hui Shaoyuan's movement.

        At night, knowing that the 4-Master had gone to the main courtyard, Jiang Wanyin packed up and prepared to go to bed earlier, and asked to see Li Lu before lying down.

       "But something happened, just say it."

       "Master, just now, Ula Mama quietly went to Hui Shaoyuan to see Li Shu-Fujin. Because we were afraid of being discovered, our people did not dare to approach. I don’t know what Ula Mama and Li Shu-Fujin said, but only heard Li Shu-Fujin scolded you."

       What else can I say, I'm afraid it's some provocative discord, planted words.

       "What else?"

       4-Fujin must not just provoke Li-Shi.

       "Today Tai-yi came to ask Li Shu-Fujin for pulse. Fujin asked him to do so. Tai-yi gave Li Shu-Fujin a new prescription, saying that Li Shu-Fujin’s condition has improved, and it will be soon I can heal."


       4-Fujin really wanted to promote Li-Shi to suppress her.

       No, you must not make Li-Shi get better, at least not now, at least not before she becomes Side-Fujin. Li-Shi, who stirred the wind and the rain, Temper, was provoked by 4-Fujin again, and there is no guarantee that Li-Shi would do anything crazy.

       After she becomes Side-Fujin, decide whether to let Li-Shi come out.

       "Li Lu, you let Song Jiji and Wu Jiji the nails in the courtyard..."

       Jiang Wanyin instructed Li Lu to deal with Li-Shi. Jiang Wanyin didn't plan to take action personally, she planned to kill with a knife. Of course, I didn't want to kill Li-Shi.

       Jiang Wanyin has always been cautious. 4-Master repeatedly told her to take good care of her children. Jiang Wanyin found that 4-Master paid more attention to the children in the house than before. Of course, Jiang Wanyin had never thought about 4-Master’s children. Hands on.

       Just from the attention that 4-Master paid to the children in the mansion, Jiang Wanyin guessed that 4-Master must have strengthened the surveillance of the backyard of the mansion, especially after the successive accidents in the mansion in the past two years.

       There was such a speculation, so Jiang Wanyin didn't plan to let his own people take the shot.

       Song Jiji and Wu Jiji finally got the child, and because the child was a little favored, how could the two of them be willing to return the child, and Li-Shi still had hatred and resentment with her.

       Especially Wu Jiji, because 4-Aji is still young, Wu Jiji is very attentive to 4-Aji, it will be only two months later, 4-Aji has been very dependent on Wu Jiji, but she heard 4-Aji Calling Wu What about Jiji Niang.

       Wu Jiji, who loves 4-Aji as his own son, how would he be willing to return the child to Li-Shi?

       There are also Song Jiji and Big-Jiji.

       In Li-Shi, grace and power are the most important, and Li-Shi is patriarchal. Because it’s Big-Jiji and daughter, Li-Shi has always been indifferent to Big-Jiji. servants of Huishaoyuan always act according to the master’s will. They are not dedicated to Big-Jiji, even Big-Jiji are already ten years old. I'm still frail and sick.

       Big-Jiji is only one year younger than Song Jiji daughter that year. Seeing Big-Jiji, Song Jiji can’t help but think of his deceased daughter, especially when seeing Big-Jiji, who is weak and sick, and feels pity, and is also very dedicated to Big-Jiji. .

       Big-Jiji is not young anymore, she can tell who treats her well. After Big-Jiji arrived at Song Jiji, not only did he never get sick, but his body gradually plumped up. Big-Jiji and Song Jiji get along very well, and Big-Jiji now calls Song Jiji Song Niang.

       If Wu Jiji and Song Jiji knew that 4-Fujin’s plan would not make 4-Fujin what they wanted, Jiang Wanyin wanted to lend their hands.

       Jiang Wanyin asked Nail to reveal 4-Fujin's plans to Wu Jiji and Song Jiji, and then let people watch how they behaved. She had to make sure that Li-Shi could not come out before she became Side-Fujin.

       Song Jiji is the first woman of 4-Master and the oldest in 4-Banner-Prince. Wu Jiji entered the palace earlier. Before Jiang Wanyin entered the palace, Wu Jiji was the second Pet Qie; the two were on 4-Banner. connections in Prince's Mansion cannot be underestimated, especially when the two join forces.

       No matter what they do, Jiang Wanyin only cares about the result.

       Wu Jiji and Song Jiji joined forces, and Li-Shi did not recover from illness or show up until the Hundred Days Banquet of Jiang Wanyin’s twin Aji. During this period, Wu Jiji and Song Jiji were also better to the two children, and they were restrained from letting the subordinates and the two children mention Li-Shi.

       Before the twins' Hundred Days Banquet, Jiang Wanyin returned to Jiang Jia's mansion to recognize her ancestors, and wanted her biological mother and brothers to go to the 4-Banner-Prince House to attend the twins' Hundred Days Banquet. Of course, it was also to restore the family background and the Jiang-Jiashi surname Shi before closing Side-Fujin.

       In a blink of an eye, Leap April 26, a hundred-day feast for twins.

       4-Master has always been low-key. Although it was twins Aji 100-day banquet, there were no big banquet guests, but Prince and the close family of 4-Fujin's family and Jiang Wanyin's family were invited.

       Jiang Wanyin's confession of relatives was naturally not hidden from Prince's residence.

       Now that Jiang Wanyin is Jiang Jiashi, almost everyone who is concerned about Jiang Wanyin's family background and bizarre background.

       Although her family name was restored to Shi, Jiang Wanyin still did not dare to reveal her appearance without reservation, because she was afraid that others would give her the name of being a vixen and rosy face, so she still modified her face and left her very color behind. Go to three or four points and leave six or seven points.

       Today is a hundred-day banquet for the twins. Jiang Wanyin personally took the children to the main hall.

       "Qie greets Fujin, Little Aji greets Fujin."

       Jiang Wanyin is the first wife, so please send your greetings to 4-Fujin first.

       Jiang Wanyin's good face, with a gentle smile on her face, made 4-Fujin feel dazzling at this time. But 4-Fujin has a reputation and has always been virtuous, so she has a gentle smile on her face.

       "Jiang Mei-Mei is exempt."

       "Thanks Fujin."

       Jiang Wanyin heard a strange voice just as she got up.

       "4-Sao, I said you are too soft-hearted and easy to talk, but Shu-Fujin Concubine is worthy of making your Di-Fujin Mei-Mei."

       Jiang Wanyin followed the sound to look over, and saw that the person speaking was 8-Fujin Guolu Shi.

       Even if you know Jiang Wanyin's family background, because Jiang Wanyin is Concubine, 8-Fujin still looks down on Jiang Wanyin. 8-Fujin mocked Jiang Wanyin as soon as he spoke, but Jiang Wanyin directly pretended not to understand, and still smiled.

       This made 8-Fujin feel like a fist hit the cotton, but Jiang Wanyin was angry at herself when she was out of breath.

       The words of 8-Fujin sounded to embarrass 4-Fujin, but in fact they were inciting discord. How could 4-Fujin follow her way.

       "8-Didi sister don’t want to say Jiang Mei-Mei, Jiang Mei-Mei is gentle and easy-going, and she has always been in harmony with the sisters in the mansion. I also like her. Jiang Mei-Mei, everyone Fujin Side-Fujin are all waiting to see Little-Aji, hurry up and show Little-Aji to Fujin Side-Fujin."

       Jiang Wanyin smiled and ordered.

       In addition to the absence of Crown Princess this time, people from Big-Fujin to 14-Fujin are here, as well as Side-Fujin from Prince Mansion.

       This can be over twenty people.

       Jiang Wanyin is only Shu-Fujin now. If you go to see these Di-Fujin Side-Fujin, you have to salute, but 4-Fujin asks Jiang Wanyin to take the children to see everyone, which is obviously unscrupulous. It's just that 4-Fujin is right to give such orders, and of course the Prince Fujin Side-Fujin really want to meet the twins 2-Aji.

       "This is the twin Aji in your house on 4-Sao, hurry up and show it to Ben Fujin. Ben Fujin hasn't seen the twin Aji yet."

       4-Fujin just ordered, 8-Fujin, who has always been in the limelight and unwilling to be left behind, said it first.

       8-Fujin opened the mouth and Jiang Wanyin walked directly with the child.

       "Qie has seen 8-Fujin."

       8-Fujin did not ask Jiang Wanyin to get up, nor did she let Mama hold the baby to her. Instead, she stared at Jiang Wanyin.

       "You are Jiang-Shi, you look good, no wonder it's likable."

       This is to attract people to like, and naturally it is to like 4-Master. However, 8-Fujin is so good that it is a little unclear about 4-Master, otherwise I am afraid that her reputation of 8-Fujin will not be good. After all, this brother Erxi was in charge of Dabo's house, his reputation is good.

       "Qie is Jiang-Shi, 8-Fujin is absurd."

       Jiang Wanyin seemed to be unable to understand 8-Fujin's contradictory words, and regarded 8-Fujin's words as compliments, and she accepted the expression of 8-Fujin's admiration calmly.


       8-Fujin Unexpectedly, Jiang Wanyin would pretend that he didn't understand and stayed still. 8-Fujin is still a clever person. Although Jiang Wanyin was frustrated by Jiang Wanyin, she quickly calmed down and fought back.

       "As the saying goes, marrying a wife and picking up the best, take concubine, you can afford to look like a face."

       8-Fujin satirizes Jiang Wanyin to serve people.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care, and followed the words of 8-Fujin and directly boasted 4-Fujin.

       "8-Fujin makes sense. Fujin is a rare, virtuous and kind person. Qie heard that Empress Dowager Niang-Niang praised us for the virtues of Fujin. Only if Fujin takes care of us, the 4-Banner-Prince mansion will prosper. 8 Fujin Do you think Fujin is very virtuous."

       Many of the married Prince Aji have children in their house. Even 14-Aji has a son, but only 8-Master, who has been married in 37 years, has been married for eight years, 8-Banner Prince's house has never heard of baby cry. Jiang Wanyin boasted that 4-Fujin virtuous 4-Banner-Prince had prosperous heirs. Isn’t this a satire that 8-Fujin is not virtuous, and even 8-Banner-Prince has no children. Jiang Wanyin's remarks are just a counterattack against 8-Fujin's sentence "Take concubine".

       8-Fujin heard that a bright and beautiful face instantly chilled, looking at Jiang Wanyin angrily, and other Di-Fujin Side-Fujin whispering to watch 8-Fujin jokes.

       Which of the Fujin Side-Fujin present has not been taunted by 8-Fujin, 8-Fujin always shows affection in front of Di-Fujin in the main room, saying that other Fujin can’t let the Concubine in the mansion be overwhelmed by the concubine; they also taunted Prince. Side-Fujin Concubine of the prefecture, just like Jiang Wanyin.

       "What a sharp tooth, Ben Fujin wants..."

       8-Fujin was about to show off, when Su Peisheng came over to the female family.

       "Fujin, the masters want to see the two Little-Ajis, Lord Banner-Prince asked Nucai to bring the two Little-Ajis over."

       "Banner-Prince wants to see Little-Aji, if that's the case, then Little-Aji will go over."

       4-Fujin froze for a while before saying, 4-Fujin was a little disappointed, she still wanted to watch 8-Fujin clean up Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin took the opportunity to stand up and swaddled Little-Aji baby, and told the milk Mama to be careful, and then let the milk Mama go with Su Peisheng holding Little-Aji.

       As soon as Su Peisheng left, Jiang Wanyin went back to stand beside 4-Fujin, completely forgot about 8-Fujin, as if the conflict between her and 8-Fujin had never happened before.

       8-Fujin Seeing Jiang Wanyin's expression like this suddenly became annoyed.

       "You are so bold..."

       8-Fujin only opened his mouth and was interrupted again, but Su Peisheng hurried in this time.

       "Fujin, the imperial decree in the palace has arrived. Banner-Prince, you and Jiang Shu-Fujin are going to accept the decree."

       Hearing the imperial decree, and let Jiang Wanyin take it together, the expression on 4-Fujin's face instantly became uncontrollable, and his face was extremely ugly. It was Ula Mama who reminded 4-Fujin that he recovered his senses and brought Jiang Wanyin to pick up the imperial decree.

       Two purposes together, the first is to canonize 4-Banner-Prince's Shu-Fujin Jiang Jiashi as Side-Fujin. second is to give names to the five children of Jiang-Side-Fujin.

       ".. 3-Aji bestows the name Hongxu, 5-Aji bestows the name Hongmin, six Aji bestows the name Hongjun, 2-Jiji bestows the name Hongzhen, 3-Jiji bestows the name Hongyu.."

       Kangxi not only canonized Jiang Wanyin as Side-Fujin, but also named Jiang Wanyin's five children. You must know that it is the Di-son of Prince who gave the name to the emperor and grandson to have the glory. Now, because Jiang Wanyin's five children are a rare blessing for multiple births, he was given the name by Kangxi.

       The imperial decree has not yet been announced, and the face of 4-Fujin who is lying on it is already extremely ugly.

       "Banner-Prince Master, 4-Fujin, Jiang Jia Side-Fujin will take the order."

        news that Jiang Wanyin had blocked Side-Fujin reached the backyard, and Jia Yuanchun went crazy again.

       "Side-Fujin? Why? Why can a bastard seal Side-Fujin, why? Bastard, bastard..."

       Jia Yuanchun smashed things crazily in the house. servants of Wangtang Yard hid outside and no one dared to enter the house. Even the close-kids who served Jia Yuanchun dared not enter the house.

       Because of Dee-Consort's account of Jia Yuanchun's importance, 4-Fujin did not go to Wangtang Yard to arrange other people to live with Jia Yuanchun, and Wangtang Yard was Jia Yuanchun's master.

       "Ask Sister Qin, Jiji has gone crazy and smashed things again, what should I do now?"

       Little-Maid asked Jia Yuanchun's Big-Maid in fear and asked Qin.

       "Wait first, when Jiji is not angry, I will ask Jiji to get the money. You will take someone to Management to buy a new copy of the stuff."

       Qin asked Maid but had no idea to go to the courtyard, a little eunuch quietly left the courtyard.

       Wenqin has handled this kind of thing very skillfully, after all, Jia Yuanchun smashed things twice in three days. At the beginning, the mansion will be supplemented by Wangtang Court. Later, after 4-Fujin learned that Jia Yuanchun had thrown things for no reason, he ruled that the consumption of Concubine in the mansion each month exceeded the cost of buying it.

       Despite the new rules, Jia Yuanchun still does not throw things less frequently. Who makes Jia Yuanchun rich? Wang Fu-ren sends money to Jia Yuanchun almost every month, and Jia Yuanchun does not need to save flowers.

       Just when Jia Yuanchun smashed something insane, Li-Shi, who was in the Huishaoyuan Courtyard but hadn't improved, learned that Jiang Wanyin had sealed Side-Fujin, and suddenly became angry and spewed blood. Maid Pomegranate, who was scared by Li-Shi, hurriedly asked someone to ask the doctor for Tai-yi.

       When Wu Jiji heard the news, she was holding 4-Aji to enlighten 4-Aji. After learning the news, Wu Jiji lowered her head and kissed 4-Aji on the face.

       In Song Jiji Academy, Song Jiji is teaching Big-Jiji needlework. In the courtyard next to Song Jiji, Jiji Niu Hulu Shi drove Maid out of the house, and the face that was still immature with a baby fat showed unbridled jealousy.

       None of these Jiang Wanyin knew, and received the congratulations from the female family members in the front hall. 4-Fujin asked her to accompany the female family members to deal with them. After the banquet, Jiang Wanyin returned to Qinmeiyuan with exhaustion.

       It was already night when I returned to Qinmeiyuan.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't return to Qinmei Academy alone, but with the 4-Master.

       On this day, the twins had a hundred-day banquet, and Jiang Wanyin’s side-Fujin rejoiced. 4-Master naturally stayed in Jiang Wanyin’s courtyard.

       "Master, you first sober up with a bowl of hangover soup."

       Jiang Wanyin had ordered the small kitchen to cook the wine soup early, and returned to Qinmeiyuan with 4-Master Jiang Wanyin asked to bring the hangover soup to 4-Master to drink. 4-Master, who was jealous of Prince as a factor heir, was naturally filled with a lot of wine.

       In previous years, whether it was a Fuzhong banquet, a banquet held by Prince, or a palace banquet, drinking was indispensable. After Jiang Wanyin set up a small kitchen in Shu-Fujin, Jiang Wanyin personally prepared a recipe for understanding wine soup. hangover soup made by Jiang Wanyin's recipe is naturally different from the hangover soup made by women in other courtyards in the mansion, and the taste and taste are better than those in other courtyards.

       Because of this, if the 4-Master drank too much, he would probably come to Qinmeiyuan to drink hangover soup and stay in Qinmeiyuan.

       See Jiang Wanyin brought the hangover soup 4-Master took it.

       "Master, wake up first, I'll go see the children."

       Before going to bed every night, Jiang Wanyin would go to the child's room to check the pulses of the children one by one to make sure that the children were okay before she was relieved.

       But she is so careful, it is true that she has children and pets too envy and hate.

       "Watch carefully at night. Although the weather is getting hotter, Aji Jiji is not allowed to catch cold. If I know that you are not careful with Aji Jiji, I will not forgive you."

       Jiang Wanyin beat every Mama Maid and little eunuch who took care of his children.

       "Yes, Side-Fujin."

       Those servants are respectful.

       Jiang Wanyin pays attention to and is cautious about the children, and the servants who serve the children dare not be careful.

       "Master, the fragrant soup for bathing is ready."

       When Jiang Wanyin came out of the house, Qinghe was already waiting outside.

       "Got it."

       Jiang Wanyin returned to the main room and saw that 4-Master was still sobering up with his eyes closed.

       "Master, the water is ready, I will wait for you to take a shower."

       Jiang Wanyin lightly wakes up 4-Master said.

       4-Master opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes still drunk.

       "You and Lord wash together..."

       4-Master held Jiang Wanyin’s hand and rubbed the back of Jiang Wanyin’s hand, suggesting that Jiang Wanyin still didn’t understand. Her face blushed with a bang. 4-Master dragged her into her arms, and Jiang Wanyin heard 4-Master’s deep smile sound.

       A blushing and shameful voice came from the bath room, and Su Peisheng and Qinghe kept guarding outside without changing their faces.

       At the main courtyard, 4-Fujin was sitting in a daze in his pajamas, with sadness in his eyes.

       Ula Mama came back from the outside and saw 4-Fujin look blank, with a sad look in her eyes, she couldn't help feeling distressed, and she became angry and resentful towards Jiang Wanyin who made her master sad.


       "what's up?"

       4-Fujin looked up at Ula Mama and asked weakly.

       "There is news from Hui Shaoyuan that Li-Shi vomited blood."

       "For things like Li-Shi, Ben Fujin has already invited Tai-yi to treat her, and ordered someone to take care of her. She is still taking care of her, and she has not recovered from a minor illness until now. It was a waste of money. Fujin time."

       4-Fujin has never recovered from Li-Shi illness and failed to use Li-Shi to provoke Li-Shi.

       "Don't worry about her anymore, let her live and die."

       Now Jiang-Jiashi has become Side-Fujin, the appearance is damaged due to illness and it is already big, Li-Shi is no longer useful.

       Feeling that Li-Shi is useless, 4-Fujin directly abandoned Li-Shi.

       "What about the others, is there any news?"

       She didn't believe it. Jiang-Jiashi went from Maid to Side-Fujin in just four years after entering the mansion. She didn't believe that other women in the mansion were not jealous or hate Jiang-Jiashi.

       "Oh, it is hoped that there will be news from Tangyuan, Jia-Shi smashed the house again."

       "Jia-Shi. Yeah, how did I forget her. Jia-Shi was once the master of Jiang Jiashi."

       Jiang Wanyin was named Side-Fujin. Because it was only Side-Fujin, she didn't have to kowtow to Kangxi, but she still had to enter the palace to kowtow to Empress Dowager and Dee-Consort.

       Jiang Wanyin wore a festive silver-red Side-Fujin dress and went to the main courtyard to ask for peace, and then 4-Fujin took her into the palace. She is Side-Fujin, if she cannot be summoned, she cannot enter the palace alone.

       When Jiang Wanyin arrived at the main Courtyard, all Jiji had arrived except for the sick Li-Shi. Seeing Jiang Wanyin got up to salute Jiang Wanyin and congratulated Jiang Wanyin.

       "Qie Gongxi Side-Fujin. Now you have to seal Side-Fujin. I don’t know when Side-Fujin will have a banquet. Let’s go to the side-Fujin."

       Wu Jiji smiled kindly.

       "Naturally, there is a banquet. I will notify the sisters after I ask Fujin."

       "Then Qie is waiting for Side-Fujin's invitation."

       Ann Jiji also hurriedly agreed.

       "You will definitely be missing."

       Except for Jia Yuanchun and Gaolingzhihua Guo Jiji, other Jiji flatter Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Wanyin.

       4-Fujin Hearing Jiang Wanyin and Jiji talking and laughing through the curtain, their complexion is really not very good.


       Ula Mama helped 4-Fujin to call her, and 4-Fujin cleared up his expression and went out.

       "Fujin here."

       Hearing the sound, Jiang Wanyin looked up and saw 4-Fujin in a red dress. Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

       Although the color difference between silver red and positive red is not great, and they are all red. When 4-Fujin is wearing a red dress, if she is wearing a silver-red dress and enters the palace with 4-Fujin, it is hard to guarantee that she will not be suspected that she wants to compete with 4-Fujin and is suspected of provoking 4-Fujin.

       If it really arouses speculation, she feels that she is arrogant and provoking the main room, and may even relocate to 4-Master, thinking that 4-Master is Pet Qie's wife.

       Jiang Wanyin is going to enter the palace with 4-Fujin today. Every Jiji knows that, seeing 4-Fujin coming out in a red dress, all of you Jiji looked at Jiang Wanyin by appointment. This matter immediately caused Jiji to think deeply, but Jia Yuanchun was the only one who gloated.

       "Greetings to Fujin."

       "Sit down for free."

       "Thanks Fujin."

       Wait for everyone to sit down and listen to 4-Fujin

       "Presumably you all know that Mei-Mei, Yesterday Your Majesty decreed that Jiang Jia Mei-Mei was designated as Side-Fujin. No matter what it used to be, Jiang Jia Mei-Mei will be the Side-Fujin of Banner-Prince in the future. honorable position in the mansion is only below this Fujin and above you. In the future, you must respect Jiang Jia Side-Fujin, and remember the rules of respect and inferiority in the mansion. If you wait for anyone who dares to not follow the rules of the mansion, this Fujin will not be spared. ."

       4-Fujin clearly wants everyone to respect Jiang Wanyin, but deliberately mentions the previous words that force everyone to respect Jiang Wanyin. This is obviously hating Jiang Wanyin.

       "Yes, Qie and others will follow Fujin's teachings."

       "Jiang Jia Mei-Mei."

       "Qie is here."

       Listening to 4-Fujin calling her, Jiang Wanyin got up and saluted respectfully.

       "You will be the Side-Fujin in the mansion from now on. You have to take on the role of Side-Fujin and help this Fujin take care of the sisters in the Banner-Prince Mansion and Harmony Mansion, so that Lord Banner-Prince has no worries outside."

       "Yes, Qie follows Fujin's teachings."


       Jia Yuanchun, who has been ignored by 4-Fujin because of Dee-Consort, was suddenly called by 4-Fujin and didn't react for a while, and got up for a while.

       "Fujin, Qie is here."

       "You and Jiang Jia Side-Fujin came out of Yonghe Palace together. This is fate. No matter what conflicts you have before, it is time to let go of the past conflicts for this rare sister fate. In the future you have to respect Jiang Jia Side-Fujin, get along well."

       4-Fujin seems to be afraid that other people will forget that Jiang Wanyin was once the maid of Yonghe Palace and the Maid of Jia Yuanchun after Jiang Wanyin recognizes his ancestor and returned to his ancestors and became Jiang Jiashi.

       "Yes, Qie obeyed."

       I saw Jia Yuanchun stepping forward to Jiang Wanyin and saluting Jiang Wanyin.

       "In the past, Mei-Mei was wrong. Please Side-Fujin Daren forgive Mei-Mei a lot. Don't let Mei-Mei care."

       Jiang Wanyin was holding a teacup in her hand when Jia Yuanchun stepped forward, her eyes were back and forth between 4-Fujin and Jia Yuanchun. 4 It seems that something happened between Fujin and Jia Yuanchun that she didn't know.

       Jiang Wanyin was thinking about Jia Yuanchun's sudden salute. Jiang Wanyin seemed to be taken aback. She smashed a loose teacup on her leg, splashing tea soup all over.

       Jiang Wanyin quickly got up and pleaded guilty.

       "Qie has lost his dignity, and I hope Fujin will forgive me."

        Because he still had to enter the palace, 4-Fujin couldn't let Jiang Wanyin enter the palace in stained clothes, so he scolded Jiang Wanyin with a few words and let people loose. Please be safe early in the morning, because Jiang Wanyin had to go back to change clothes and left early.

       Jiang Wanyin hurriedly returned to Qinmeiyuan to change into a light blue dress before taking Qinghe to the main courtyard again.

       See 4-Fujin come out before you get to the main courtyard.

       "Come, let's go. It's not early, don't let Niang-Niang wait too long." This is to blame Jiang Wanyin for being late and accusing Jiang Wanyin of neglecting Niang-Niang in the palace.

       4-Fujin glanced at Jiang Wanyin, said a word and walked past Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly followed.

       No one saw the irony flashing across Jiang Wanyin's face.

       It's different because of her background and status, but only a few days ago, 4-Fujin has been so afraid of her.

       Originally because of the goodwill of 4-Fujin before, Jiang Wanyin also thought that as long as 4-Fujin was in one day, she would respect and protect her and Honghui for one day, but now it seems unnecessary.

       What will happen to 4-Fujin and Honghui in the future has nothing to do with her Jiang Wanyin.

       I hope that in the future, Fujin will not regret his fear and suppression of her today.

       4-Fujin took Jiang Wanyin into the palace, first went to Dee-Consort to kowtow, and then followed Dee-Consort to Ningshou Palace to greet Empress Dowager.

       Empress Dowager is young and big, and I don’t like Pin Fei jealousy. Therefore, Pin Fei don’t ask for peace every day.

       Empress Dowager is a kind Matron. It didn't make Jiang Wanyin kowtow to Jiang Wanyin. On the contrary, she knew that Jiang Wanyin was the one who gave birth to dragon and phoenix triplets and twins. He was kind to Jiang Wanyin and praised Jiang Wanyin's blessings.

       After leaving Ningshou Palace, 4-Fujin and Jiang Wanyin followed Dee-Consort to Yonghe Palace. Dee-Consort didn't let 4-Fujin and Jiang Wanyin leave the palace as soon as possible. After returning to Yonghe Palace, Dee-Consort talked to 14-Fujin 14-Side-Fujin, and from time to time they also used the phrase 4-Fujin, just hanging Jiang Wanyin from beginning to end.

       "It's rare that you are all here today, and you will stay in this palace for lunch today."

       "Then Erxi must first thank Niang for the reward. Niang. food in your palace is better than ours. 14-Master is always worried about Erxi today. You can taste Erxi well. Go back and talk to 14-Master about Niang. Delicious food in China."

       14-Fujin talked to Dee-Consort very intimately, making Dee-Consort amused.

       "You, narrower, if you are called the Fourteen Annoyance, I won't keep you next time in this palace."

       "That won't work, Niang, you can't help but love Erxi..."

       "14-Master Daren, how do you care about Erxi in large numbers? Maybe you will let Erxi enter the palace more to accompany you. 14-Master is most filial."

       "Fourteenth kid is a filial child when he was young, unlike others..."

       The motherzi and daughterzi talked and laughed, talking about 14-Master, and from time to time secretly belittled 4-Master, 14-Fujin and watched 4-Fujin proudly from time to time. 4-Fujin Watching 14-Fujin talking to Dee-Consort, she has a decent smile on her face, but her eyes are dull.

       Since 14-Fujin entered the mansion, Dee-Consort and 14-Fujin have been in front of 4-Fujin to discuss the intimate relationship between their motherzi and daughterzi. 14-Fujin is proud that Dee-Consort likes her not to like 4-Fujin, but there is no shortage of running 4-Fujin.

       14-Fujin just gave birth to 14-Master Di-son at the beginning of April, and now it’s a breeze in Dee-Consort.

       When the meals were all ready, Dee-Consort got up, 4-Fujin and 14-Fujin got up to help Dee-Consort by coincidence, but Dee-Consort put her right hand on 14-Fujin and supported her left, and refused without a trace. 4 Fujin helped.

       4-Fujin's expression froze for a moment, but he soon returned to nature.

       This scene was called 14-Side-Fujin Shu Shujue Luo-Shi watched, only to see the irony of Jiang Wanyin and 4-Fujin on his face. Shu Shujue Luo-Shi gave birth to 14-Master's Eldest-son Hongchun. Hongchun was 14-Master's Shu-Eldest-son, but he was also very favored by Dee-Consort, or even 14-Master children. Dee-Consort loves it. In front of Dee-Consort, Shu Shujue Luo-Shi is more important than 4-Fujin and Jiang Wanyin.

       14-Fujin assisted Dee-Consort to sit down, she and 4-Fujin were separated from Dee-Consort, Shu Shujue Luo-Shi sits down on 14-Fujin, Jiang Wanyin was about to sit down on 4-Fujin, 14-Fujin suddenly Stop her.

       "Jiang Jia side blessing..."

       14-Fujin called Jiang Wanyin and couldn’t sit down, but 14-Fujin called her and didn’t talk to her. 14-Fujin turned to Dee-Consort and said:

       "Qie heard that when Shu Shujue Luo-Shi entered the mansion, he was also taught by Niang to learn the rules. Although Jiang Jia Side-Fujin did not enter the mansion with the gift of Side-Fujin, he now has the grace of Your Majesty to seal the side. Fujin. Niang You can’t be partial, you have to teach Jiang Jia the Side-Fujin rules. 4-Sao, don’t you think?"

       Jiang Wanyin glanced at 14-Fujin, 14-Fujin also turned to look at her, Jiang Wanyin saw the contempt in 14-Fujin's eyes. Jiang Wanyin knew what 14-Fujin meant, and wanted Dee-Consort to set the rules for her.

       14-Fujin directs the topic to 4-Fujin. In this case, can you say 4-Fujin? Of course not.

       "14-Didi sister said, Jiang Jiashi, go to Niang to learn the rules."

       4-Fujin turned back and ordered Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin knew that he would never refuse.


       Jiang Wanyin walked to Dee-Consort and saluted: "Please Niang-Niang to teach."

       "Then take care of my palace to eat first."

       "Yes, Niang-Niang."

       Jiang Wanyin took the chopsticks from the palace maid instead of the palace maid to serve Dee-Consort.

       Seeing Dee-Consort's gaze on the spiced ripe mustard, Jiang Wanyin immediately added the spiced ripe mustard to Dee-Consort, but 14-Fujin gave it to Dee-Consort before putting it in the Dee-Consort bowl.

       "Wait. Niang has gotten angry recently. Tai-yi told me not to eat more. This five-spice cooked mustard is a heavy-salt dish. Niang can't eat it today."

       "You don't like to eat this five-spice cooked mustard, this palace specially ordered someone to prepare it for you."

       Dee-Consort said.

       "It's still Niang who loves me the most." 14-Fujin smiled at Dee-Consort and said, turning his head coldly with a sarcasm: "Jiang Jia Side-Fujin, you should take care of Niang. This is a dish that Niang can't eat. Don’t give it to Niang anymore."

       "It's Qie's personal fault. Please also Niang-Niang to forgive me."

       Although Dee-Consort and 14-Fujin did not directly say that Jiang Wanyin was at fault, they both accused Jiang Wanyin of carelessness. Jiang Wanyin had no choice but to plead.

       "Okay, this is the first time you serve the palace, making mistakes is normal. Get up."

       Dee-Consort speaks mildly, very kind, but what he does has nothing to do with kindness. Hearing what the motherzi and daughterzi said, Jiang Wanyin immediately understood that Dee-Consort had deliberately misled her.

       "Thanks Niang-Niang."

       Jiang Wanyin got up and continued to serve Dee-Consort.

       During this period, Dee-Consort misled Jiang Wanyin several times, scolded Jiang Wanyin several times, and accused Jiang Wanyin of being careless in serving.

       After the meal was over, Dee-Consort's face was not so good. Everyone looked at Jiang Wanyin with condemnation, as if accusing Jiang Wanyin of making Dee-Consort unhappy.

       Dee-Consort put down his chopsticks, followed by 4-Fujin and 14-Fujin.

       "Okay, let's withdraw after eating."

       The palace maidens entered and took away the dishes. Jiang Wanyin could only watch the palace maidens take the dishes away hungry and did not dare to stop them. Dee-Consort and others seemed to forget that Jiang Wanyin hadn't eaten yet.

       After the meal, Dee-Consort asked people to order digestion tea, but no snack. Jiang Wanyin, who was already hungry, could only accompany her to drink digestion tea that she didn't want to drink. Picking up the teacup and lifting the lid, Jiang Wanyin found that this cup of digestion tea was too thick. Jiang Wanyin glanced at the 4-Fujin teacup and immediately found that this thick digestion tea was specially prepared for her.

       When Jiang Wanyin picked up the tea and drank the tea, she glanced at the other people through the teacup, and found Dee-Consort and 14-Fujin looking at each other, with sarcasm and pride in their eyes.

       Jiang Wanyin still didn't understand that the previous rules and the current digestion tea were specifically for her.

       Seeing Dee-Consort's scornful expression, Jiang Wanyin's eyes darkened.

       Want to compare her, how can she be willing to let others compare. You started Dee-Consort first, so enjoy her counterattack.

       Dee-Consort left Jiang Wanyin and 4-Fujin in the palace until the gate of the palace was released in the evening before releasing them. Jiang Wanyin, who had been hungry all day, was already weak.

       Back to the Banner-Prince mansion, 4-Fujin did not directly ask Jiang Wanyin to go back, but instead called Jiang Wanyin to the main courtyard to speak. Just talk about things in the palace, accusing Jiang Wanyin of serving Dee-Consort for carelessness, picking at Jiang Wanyin, and talking about it for a long time before letting Jiang Wanyin go back.

       Jiang Wanyin was hungry and told Qing He to help him back to Qinmei Courtyard. Jiang Wanyin couldn't wait to give orders when he just entered the Courtyard.

       "Quickly, get me something to eat, whatever it is, just eat it..."

       Jiang Wanyin asked Qinghe to help her enter the house to change clothes.

       "I'm starving to death today"

       Jiang Wanyin changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom to talk. When she came out, she was shocked when she saw the person sitting.

       "Master, when did you come?"

       Jiang Wanyin walked to the 4-Master and sits down. Seeing the snack just on the table, she was so hungry that she picked up the snack and ate it first without waiting for the 4-Master to answer.

       "Master, I'm so hungry, let's talk about it when I eat first. I'm so hungry, forgive me."

       Although Jiang Wanyin eats fast, his appearance is very elegant.

       "You eat slowly."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's hungry look, the 4-Master was shocked, afraid that she would choke.

       After Jiang Wanyin ate two plates of dim sum, and drank another bowl of hot bird's nest porridge before she was full.

       "What's the matter with you? Didn't you follow Fujin into the palace to please peace?"

       Seeing that Jiang Wanyin was full, the 4-Master asked.

       "It's not about entering the palace to please peace. Fujin and I have just returned to the palace. This palace is different from the palace. It is the first time since I entered the palace that I have been in the palace for such a long time. I am not used to it, and I am afraid."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't tell the 4-Master about Yonghe Palace.

       No matter how deep the contradiction between 4-Master and Dee-Consort is, but the two are mother and son, this cannot be changed. Jiang Wanyin is not so stupid to give Dee-Consort eye drops in front of 4-Master. She just said true or false in one sentence, as for 4-Master, believe it or not.

       Based on Dee-Consort's prejudice against her, she will never be targeted only once. 4-Master will find out sooner or later this time, and 4-Master herself will find it more convincing than her.

       4-Master was in Su Jiang Wanyin Courtyard that night.

       Thinking of 4-Fujin with Dee-Consort for herself, Jiang Wanyin enthusiastically waited for 4-Master, seduced-introduced 4-Master, and made up her mind to let 4-Master fall in love with her during intercourse.

       4-Fujin did the first year of junior high school, so don't blame her for doing the fifteenth.

       The beauty that was only shown in front of 4-Master and the excitement-love that was only released in front of 4-Master made Jiang Wanyin even more favored.

       4-Fujin was also more afraid of Jiang Wanyin, 4-Fujin finally couldn't help pushing Jia Yuanchun out.

       "Master. Fujin called Jia-Jiji to the main courtyard."

       "Nucai asked, Fujin asked the kitchen to prepare the dishes that Banner-Prince likes to eat, and sent someone to the front yard to wait for Banner-Prince."

        "Master, I heard that Jia-Jiji made clothes for 2-Aji..."

       "...Jia-Jiji also made snacks for Big-Aji 2-Aji."

       "Master, Jia-Jiji went to the main courtyard to serve Fujin again early."

       "Master, Fujin is unwell and invited Tai-yi, Jia-Jiji to the main courtyard to attend."

       "Master, Fujin took Jia-Jiji into the palace."

       "Master, just now Fujin asked Jia-Jiji to go to the main courtyard to have a meal, and Lord Banner-Prince was invited by Fujin.."

       In the past ten days, 4-Fujin and Jia Yuanchun's affairs kept spreading to Jiang Wanyin's ears, and up and down in Banner-Prince's mansion. As long as you are not a fool, you can see that 4-Fujin is promoting Jia Yuanchun.

       "Continue to stare, and see where Banner-Prince is staying tonight."

       After hearing the news reported by Li Lu, Jiang Wanyin ordered Li Lu.

       "Master, our people have been watching."

       "That's good."

       Since Jiang Wanyin became Shu-Fujin, there were people in Jiang Wanyin who were willing to use it for Jiang Wanyin without Jiang Wanyin buying the mansion. Especially after Jiang Wanyin became Side-Fujin, there were more people who secretly voted for her in the house, and Jiang Wanyin was not short of people.

       Fortunately, she has been in the mansion for several years and has five children under her knees. She has a good foundation in the 4-Banner-Prince mansion.

       4-Fujin made Jia Yuanchun feel presence in front of 4-Master for ten days, and also brought Jia Yuanchun into the palace. relationship between Jia Yuanchun and Dee-Consort, 4-Fujin obviously wants to use Dee-Consort to press 4-Master. If there is no accident, 4-Master will go to Jia Yuanchun tonight.

       No one knows 4-Master’s aversion to Jia Yuanchun better than Jiang Wanyin, and 4-Fujin forces 4-Master to thank Jia Yuanchun. This is eroding the love between her and 4-Master.

       Now 4-Fujin is like an old bustard forcing 4-Master to sleep in Jia Yuanchun, Concubine. It’s strange that the forced 4-Master can be happy.

       It is precisely because of knowing that I didn't care about 4-Fujin's promotion of Jia Yuanchun's re-petition to Jiang Wanyin. With 4-Master's aversion to Jia Yuanchun, it is impossible for Jia Yuanchun to be favored over her. With the five children under her knee, she will not and cannot fall out of favor.

       But 4-Fujin really couldn't wait, it seemed like someone was forcing her to chase her away.

       It seems that since she recognized her ancestor and returned to her ancestor, 4-Fujin has become anxious, no longer calm and composed. Especially after she got to seal Side-Fujin, 4-Fujin targeted her openly and secretly like crazy.

       She never thought about what to do with 4-Fujin from the beginning to the end. Even if 4-Fujin targeted her, she just prevented her and did not counterattack.

       Before she thought about it, it seemed that 4-Fujin had driven herself crazy.

       If you want to perish, you must first make it crazy.

       4-Fujin is crazy, she is killing herself

       She doesn't need to do anything at all, just guard against 4-Fujin and other calculations, and then sit quietly and watch 4-Fujin polish her relationship with 4-Master, and watch 4-Fujin kill herself.

       Sure enough, as Jiang Wanyin had expected, the 4-Master in the evening indeed went to Wangtang Academy Jia Yuanchun.

       After Li Lu came back, Jiang Wanyin ordered him again.

       "Go, let someone tell Li-Shi about Fujin's promotion of Jia-Shi re-petition."

       4-Fujin gave up Li-Shi, but people kept Li-Shi from it. After so many days, Li-Shi illness was almost healed, and it was time to let Li-Shi know.

       After Jiang Wanyin sealed Side-Fujin, Jiang Wanyin ordered people to let Li-Shi get better.

       Li-Shi will report to Temper. If she knew that 4-Fujin wanted to use her and abandoned her before, she would never let it go.

       The next day I went to the main courtyard to ask for peace. Jiang Wanyin still went out to the main courtyard at the same time as before, and did not deliberately step on it late because she became a Side-Fujin. Although she has decided to change her mind about 4-Fujin, she might as well respect 4-Fujin on the surface.

       When Jiang Wanyin arrived at the main courtyard, several Jiji were there except Jia Yuanchun.

       Several salute Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin never embarrassed them.

       Because it was Jia Yuanchun staying in bed last night, the other Jiji watched Jiang Wanyin's eyes carefully. Jiang Wanyin just pretended not to know, and still joked with them indifferently.

       It was about a quarter of an hour after Jiang Wanyin arrived at the main courtyard before Jia Yuanchun came. Jia Yuanchun was proud of the spring breeze, and the brows were still springy, as if they were afraid that others would not know that she had served in bed last night.

       "Please Announce to Side-Fujin. Today Side-Fujin came here earlier than before."

       Jia Yuanchun stepped on the lotus step and walked gracefully to Jiang Wanyin to salute, speaking with a triumphant smile on his face.

       This is ironic that Jiang Wanyin came earlier than before because she couldn't sleep in the patronage again.

       "Jia-Jiji, you are also from everyone, and now I don’t know the time. Since I entered the mansion, I have always come to please Fujin at this hour. I don’t think today is earlier than before. Could it be the time and time of Jia-Jiji? When I waited differently, I felt it was early."

       Jiang Wanyin sarcastically hooked her mouth. Jiang Wanyin just finished talking about a few Jiji, some of them couldn't help but chuckle.

       Jiang Wanyin came here as usual, and the few Jiji who were sitting naturally knew that Jia Yuanchun had deliberately broken, and now he is being ironic by Jiang Wanyin's counterattack, which is not ridiculous.

       Moreover, Jia Yuanchun, who was originally unfavorable, got 4-Fujin to promote the re-petition, which has already offended several Jiji in the mansion. After all, Jia Yuanchun’s re-petition will definitely share their favors, how could they not hate Jia Yuanchun.

       Wu Jiji mocked and said, "Jia-Jiji is scarcely inlaid with gold, so naturally it is different from ours."

       "Can the hourglass be inlaid with gold?"

       Ann Jiji asked with a look of doubt, this is undoubtedly a knife for Jia Yuanchun.

       "Jia-Jiji family is wealthy. We have limited monthly allowances. You should not envy you with Mei-Mei."

       Song Jiji was sincere and kind to persuade him, and he was really running on Jia Yuanchun.

       Song Jiji is one year older than 4-Master, and his appearance is not as beautiful as Li-Shi Jiji. Song Jiji favor has been weak when Li-Shi Jiji was favored in the early years, and now he has finally won a little more favor because of Big-Jiji. Originally, 4-Master said that he went to Song Jiji last night, but because 4-Fujin praised Jia Yuanchun, it was so strange that Song Jiji didn't hate Jia Yuanchun.

       No one in this mansion knows that Jia Yuanchun is rich, and he spends a thousand taels in the mansion every month. This year's expenses are more than 4-Master's annual salary.

       Jia Yuanchun entered the 4-Banner-Prince mansion but the Hua Niang family's money, but his Concubine was kept by her family. Isn't this slapping 4-Master in the face.

       Song Jiji deserves to be the woman who has been with the 4-Master for the longest time. He dug such a big hole for Jia Yuanchun all at once, but it is a pity that Jia Yuanchun, who is proud of Chunfeng, only treats others as jealous of her and didn't even notice.

       "There is no hourglass inlaid with gold, the sisters laughed. I just saw that Side-Fujin was happy and forgot the time for a while. I also asked Side-Fujin Daren to ask Qie to be careless."

       Jia Yuanchun also pretended to plead guilty, with a smug expression on his face, with a slight apology.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Jia Yuanchun. This Jia Yuanchun was like a poor and old nouveau riche. Suddenly, he couldn't help being overwhelmed. She has fallen out of favor for a long time and sits on the bench for a long time.

       "Jia-Jiji should be careful. If you are so careless when serving Banner-Prince, it will be bad."

       Since you say that you are careless, then I will let you know your carelessness.

       Jiang Wanyin said with heartfelt words of my kind for you.

       Jia Yuanchun was immediately blocked.

       "Many Thanks Side-Fujin's teachings, Qie will definitely serve Banner-Prince with more care in the future."

       Jia Yuanchun said with complacency and sarcasm on her face, as if she was saying that she would be favored in the future, and now she couldn't wait to show off. This is a nouveau riche, and can't wait to show off.

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly felt bored when talking to such a person.

       Such a complacent Jia Yuanchun is not at all like Dee-Consort who had been struggling in the harem for many years in his previous life.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't want to deal with Jia Yuanchun anymore, but he came out on 4-Fujin at this time.

       "What are Jiang Jia Mei-Mei and Jia-Mei-Mei talking about, so happy to say."

       The two of them are obviously at war. 4-Fujin even said that they were happy to talk. 4-Fujin's ability to tell lies is getting better and better.

       "Originally, I was worried that Jiang Jia, Mei-Mei, you and Jia-Mei-Mei might have a rift due to past events, but now I am relieved to see you and Fujin."

       "It's all Fujin, you teach well."

       Jiang Wanyin got up to salute, she also opened her eyes and said nonsense.

       This is to learn 4-Fujin, and it's a shame 4-Fujin.

       "Sit down. As the saying goes, it’s not that a family doesn’t enter the house. sisters enter the 4-Banner-Prince house. family should be in harmony and similarity. You can all get along in harmony, and this Fujin is also Comforted."

       4-Fujin continued to display her Di-Fujin spectrum, pretending to be virtuous, Jiang Wanyin and others naturally followed 4-Fujin's words, 4-Fujin said that they should do everything, at least after they have done it, it will be two different things.

       "Jiang Jia Mei-Mei..."

       "Qie is here."

       With enough scores, 4-Fujin finally named Jiang Wanyin again, and Jiang Wanyin could only get up.

       "Jiang Jia Mei-Mei, Japan Fujin and Jia-Jiji entered the palace yesterday. Niang-Niang also mentioned you to Ben Fujin, saying that he will let Ben Fujin take you into the palace in two days, please peace. If you want to come, Niang-Niang still wants to continue teaching you Rules and etiquette, after all, you were also a member of Yonghe Palace before. If you have improper etiquette, you will even be ashamed of Niang-Niang. Niang-Niang has the heart to teach you that this is the grace of Niang-Niang. This time you can be humbly taught. Don't make Niang-Niang angry again like the last time. But did you remember Jiang Jia Mei-Mei?"

       4-Fujin repeatedly mentioned the last time Jiang Wanyin entered the palace. Obviously Dee-Consort and her and others made things difficult for Jiang Wanyin, but 4-Fujin turned black and white and insisted that Jiang Wanyin made Dee-Consort angry and charged Jiang Wanyin for not being filial to Dee-Consort.

       4-Fujin kept mentioning this matter in the mansion, seeming to want everyone to know that Jiang Wanyin was not filial to Dee-Consort, and wanted to take the charge of unfilial piety.

       His heart and intentions are really vicious. If Jiang Wanyin is accused of unfilial piety, Jiang Wanyin's child is the son of this unfilial person, and naturally he can no longer fight against Honghui.

       4-Fujin's malicious intentions really angered Jiang Wanyin. It's just that it's not time yet, Jiang Wanyin can only endure to explain again and again.

       "What Fujin said, Qie had never served people with food before. Qie was stupid and couldn't do well the first time. It made Dee-Consort Niang-Niang unhappy. This is Qie's fault. Qie I must change it in the future. I hope that Fujin will not dislike Qie's stupidity, and ask Fujin to teach Qie more. Qie's body must be studied seriously."

       As for Dee-Consort wanting to teach her the rules, I am afraid that there is no chance.

       4-Fujin married 4-Master at the age of ten. Before 14-Master married Side-Fujin, it was 4-Fujin who stood and served Dee-Consort. 4-Fujin has served Dee-Consort with dishes for more than ten years. Jiang Wanyin asked 4-Fujin to teach her because he knew this. Of course, when she mentioned this, she poured salt water on 4-Fujin's wound, and 4-Fujin's face suddenly changed.

       She narrowed a smile and taught with a serious face

       "Lord Banner-Prince has told Ben Fujin more than once that Jiang Jia Mei-Mei is smart, and how can Jiang Jia Mei-Mei be stupid. As long as Jiang Jia Mei-Mei is diligent, there is nothing to learn in this world. Jiang Jia Good Mei-Mei you..."

       4-Fujin was talking, the eunuch in the main courtyard hurried in and said in a panic

       "Fujin, it's not good, news comes from the palace..."


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