RM Maid 250

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        "Mama, I always think something is wrong with Jiang Qiuyue, do you think?"

       Wang-Liushi thought about it and asked her Wet-nurse Gang Mama without thinking about it.

       Gang Mama was also Liu Chen Shi dowry Maid and was granted to Liu’s servant Ding. When Liu Chen Shi gave birth to Wang-Liushi, Gang-Mama also happened to have just given birth to a son, so he was chosen as the Wet-nurse of Wang-Liushi.

       "Nubi has also noticed these days. Qiu Concubine seems to have a lot of courage. Not only did she dare to speak to Big-Madam you directly, but Nubi also saw her running Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao."

       Gang-Mama has been staring at Jiang Wanyin since Jiang Wanyin became pregnant.

       "The two bastardes, relying on the gift of Madam, won't put me as Big-Madam in their eyes, and dare to chew the roots behind their backs. One day I will clean them up."

       Wang-Liushi hated Jiang Wanyin because of her life experience, but she hated the other three Tongfang too. other three Tongfang Maid are different from Jiang Wanyin. They are given by the elders, and even Wang-Liushi cannot dispose of them at will.

       "The three of them are just Tongfang Nubi. You can't make the waves, Big-Madam, you don't have to worry about them. Now the most important thing is Qiu Concubine. She is seven months pregnant, and two or three months later. It's time to give birth, how do you organize Big-Madam, but you have an idea?"

       Gang Mama didn't pay attention to the other three Tongfang Maid.

       In the early years, when she was serving by 3-Madam, 3-Lao-Ye was not Young Tongfang Maid, but now she is still alive, and she has become Miss's Wet-nurse; but the beautiful Tongfang Maid back then, long ago A pile of loess.

       Fang Er, the most beautiful of Maid, has been dead for more than ten years.

       So Gang Mama didn't pay attention to Tongfang Maid at all.

       Now Mama is afraid of Jiang Wanyin, who was promoted to Concubine because of her pregnancy. She is so afraid because she has been useless against Jiang Wanyin repeatedly, and the child in Jiang Wanyin's belly is still there.

       "Mama, I want to keep Jiang Qiuyue's child first."

       Wang-Liushi hesitated and said.

       "Big-Madam, you can't be soft..."

       Gang Mama immediately objected when she heard what Wang-Liushi said. She was interrupted by Wang-Liushi before she finished speaking.

       "Mama, you heard about it first."

       "Mama, I have been married to Big-Master for almost four years. In the past few years, Big-Master has been alone but I have not been pregnant. I am worried about the future..."

       "Big-Madam, you will have children when you are young."

       "But that's the future. Now that I haven't done anything for many years, Matron doesn't want to protect me anymore, Madam sees me not pleasing to my eyes again, Mama, my life is difficult." Wang-Liushi said, tears came down.

       "If I had a child on my knees, whether it's a man or a woman, Madam wouldn't be arrogant to me. And Matron, Matron would not be disappointed."

       She has not been pregnant so far, and the other three Tongfang Maid have not moved, and now she can only count on Jiang Qiuyue's baby.

       This woman lacks confidence in her husband's house without a child, and suffers all the grievances. same goes for Wang-Liushi who was born in Duke's house.

       "Big-Madam, you want to raise Qiu Concubine's child."

       Regarding Wang-Liushi situation in the Wang family, Gang-Mama knows more clearly, but she still disagrees with Wang-Liushi adoption of Jiang Wanyin's child.

       "Although I hate Jiang Qiuyue, it is impossible to deny that I and her are still related by blood. Rather than adopting other people's children, I would have adopted Jiang Qiuyue. And the other three have not moved so far, I am afraid it is not lucky."

       Wang-Liushi blamed the other three Tongfang Maid for not being pregnant, but completely forgot to move their hands and feet.

       "Then Big-Madam have you decided?"

       "This is still a few months away from production, or Big-Madam you will think about it."

       Gang Mama still doesn't give up.

       Other Gang Mama have other selfish intentions, but Wang-Liushi don't know.

       "I'll think about it again. But it's only two or three months away. You should prepare for the Mama that should be prepared. No matter how I decide then, do it cleanly."

       "Nubi knows, don't worry about Big-Madam."

       I didn't even know that Jiang Wanyin, who was calculated by the Wang-Liushi master and servant, was eating snacks and listening to Xiaoyun's talk about the mansion.

       Because he is the only person in the house who is pregnant, Matron is looking forward to his great-grandchildren, so Wang-Liushi did not treat Jiang Wanyin harshly, except that some unclean things were sent to Jiang Wanyin from time to time, everything else was fine.

       But Jiang Wanyin was not afraid of the unclean things, and those things couldn't escape her eyes.

       The house was very quiet today. Jiang Wanyin asked Xiao Yu to inquire, and Xiao Yu returned to report soon.

       "Concubine, Lao-Ye Madam took 2-Master and 2-Miss to Rongguo Mansion as a guest."

       "Lao-Ye Madam only take 2-Master and 2-Miss? What about Big-Master, Big-Madam and Big-Miss?"

       "Matron took Big-Master Big-Madam and Big-Miss to take care of Duke's house."

       This is two divisions.

       She remembered that at this time Matron Jia Lu Shi of Rongguo Mansion was still there, but Wang Matron did not go to Rongguo Mansion. Moreover, as the nephew of Li Guofu, Wang Lao-Ye did not go to Duke House but went to Rong Guofu.

       These two mothers and sons are really hard to understand.

       It is said that the royal family should first go to Duke Mansion before going to Rong Guo Mansion. Could it be because Rong Guo Mansion Jia Daishan is in charge, and Duke Mansion has fallen.

       After thinking about it, this is really possible.

       This Wang family is the most snob, but Wang Lao-Ye is entirely possible.

       "Concubine, Matron, neither of them are in the house, I'm afraid Xiang Miss and the others are coming to trouble again, or you should rest first and avoid them first."

       Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun were very worried.

       Before Xiang Lian Liang Qiao two Tongfang Maid often came to bully Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin calculated that Matron's Mama bumped into it for a while, the two were fined for half a month. After the two came out, they didn't dare to bully Jiang Wanyin at will, but the two of them also learned to be fine, and each time they came to trouble Jiang Wanyin when Matron was not in the house.

       "Xiaoyu, it's only morning, and it's not an hour before I wake up."

       Before waking up, he rested again and said who would believe it.

       "But if it's Xiang Miss, they will come again..."

       "Come here, left is just to make them play tricks, I just ignore them."

       Sure enough, Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao arrived soon.

       "Yo, I'm still eating."

       As soon as Xiang Lian entered the room and saw Jiang Wanyin eating a snack leisurely, and then saw Jiang Wanyin's stomach, she couldn't help but feel dazzling. Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun rushed in to block Jiang Wanyin and protect Jiang Wanyin.

       The two came uninvited, and entered the house by themselves, even Xiaoyu Xiaoyun didn't stop him.

       Seeing the two, Jiang Wanyin immediately lowered his head, holding half of the unfinished snack in his hand and did not continue eating.

       "Why don't you talk? Could it be that you look down on us and deliberately ignore us."

       "Xiang Lian, people just don't want to pay attention to us, but now they are Concubine, how can they like us Tongfang Maid Nubi."

       "You're right, they are pregnant with Big-Master's son, and with their great-grandchildren in the house. What kind of characters are we, people won't condescend to take care of us."

       "Don't pretend, you are just a big-Madam foot-washing handmaid. Become a Concubine and think you are so noble."

       Xiang Lian's evil remarks satirized Jiang Wanyin.

       Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao are the second-class Maid in the Wang-Zhenshi yard. Naturally, they look down on Jiang Wanyin, the former Wang-Liushi foot washing maid.

       After knowing that Qiuyue was his Shu-Mei, Wang-Liushi saw Qiuyue not pleasing to his eyes. So after Liu Chenshi gave Qiuyue to Wang-Liushi, Wang-Liushi asked Qiuyue to wash her feet in order to insult Qiuyue. Until Wang-Liushi married into the Wang family, Wang-Liushi still asked Qiuyue to wash her feet.

       This is also the reason why Qiuyue is becoming more and more inferior. This is also the reason why Qiuyue is not favored even though he is beautiful after Wang-Liushi promoted Qiuyue to Tongfang Maid. After all, when a man thinks of his own woman washing other women's feet, he is afraid that he can't even put his mouth down.

       After receiving Qiuyue's memory, Jiang Wanyin decided to confront Wang-Liushi in his heart, which is one of the reasons.

       This matter was repeatedly used by Xiang Lian to humiliate her, which made Jiang Wanyin feel more hatred.

       She has not been so humble enough to wash others' feet. Although she was not the person who really washed Wang-Liushi feet, she inherited Qiuyue's memory and Jiang Wanyin also felt ashamed.

       Jiang Wanyin kept her head down, and she did not look up regardless of what the two of them said. Seeing that Jiang Wanyin didn't resist, the two of Xiang Lian talked more and more vigorously.

       "Do you think Big-Madam will let you give birth safely?"

       "Big-Madam didn't get rid of your child just because he wanted to stay with the mother."

       "You won't live long."

       The two of Xiang Lian threatened Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin was so frightened that she cried softly and wiped her tears.

       When Xiang Lian Liang Qiao saw Jiang Wanyin crying, their moods suddenly became happy.

       The two people left after saying a lot of bad things.

       After the two of them went out, Jiang Wanyin raised her head, her face was very calm, her eyes were still clear, there was no way she had cried.

       "Xiao Yu pours me a glass of water."

       Jiang Wanyin took the water poured by Drizzle and drank the baby pills taken out of the storage room by drinking the water to cover up.

       Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao would cause the pregnant woman to abort the incense, and they came for the child in her abdomen.

       Jiang Wanyin had a plan in mind.

       Time flies, March is the birthday of Jia Lu Shi in Rongguo Mansion Matron. As one of the four major families in Jinling, the royal family and Jia family are old relatives, so all the masters of the Wang family are sent to Rongguo Mansion to celebrate the birthday of Jia-Old Lady. .

       "Concubine, Matron, they are already out."

       As soon as Matron and others left the house, Xiao Yu, who went to inquire about the news, immediately returned to report.

       "Got it. Is Xiaoyun ready?"

       "Concubine, don't worry, Nubi is ready."

       "That's good. I hope the silver sprinkled is not white."

       Wang-Liushi let the Maid who came to serve Jiang Wanyin to be the Maid who had no influence in the mansion. Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun are not born in the family, they are Maid bought outside Wang's family. two were very young when they entered the mansion, and both of them suffered a lot. They did not live better until after serving Jiang Wanyin, so the two were very loyal to Jiang Wanyin.

       The two Maids were also clever, and with Jiang Wanyin's silver support, they helped Jiang Wanyin win many people.

       "Concubine, don't worry, they dare not."

       "Concubine, Xiang Miss, they are here again."

       "Really on time."

       Just when Matron and others left the house, Xiang Lian and the others came again. But this time Jiang Wanyin was wrong. Not only Xiang Lian and Xiang Lian were here, but Suyun, who had always been disdainful of Xiang Lian Liang Qiao, also came.

        Hearing the footsteps of three people, Jiang Wanyin looked up and saw Suyun Jiang Wanyin paused and then lowered his eyelids.

       Why is Suyun this woman here today!

       Jiang Wanyin muttered to herself in her heart.

       Compared with Wang-Zhenshi arrogant and arrogant and arrogant Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao given by Wang-Zhenshi, Suyun, who has always given the impression of quiet and gentle temperament, made Jiang Wanyin afraid of pregnancy.

       This Suyun rarely came to her, and he hardly felt sorry for her, but Jiang Wanyin did not have a good impression of Suyun.

       This Suyun was given by Matron. Although Tongfang Maid has a low status, she is the most favored woman in the backyard of Wang-Zisheng. This Suyun is definitely not a simple woman.

       She had just waited for Wang-Zisheng and within half a month, Wang-Zisheng could personally mention the person who wanted to take her as a Concubine. If it weren’t for Wang-Liushi because she and Xiang Lian Liang Qiao were given by the elders, it would be wrong to only carry one person as Concubine. If one child carries three or four Concubine, it will inevitably make people feel that Wang-Zisheng is greedy and obsessed female-color is detrimental to the reputation of Wang-Zisheng, and Suyun is afraid that she became Concubine long before Jiang Wanyin carried Concubine.

       Later, because Suyun did not become a Concubine, Wang won because of guilt in his heart and loved Suyun more.

       Living in the same yard, Jiang Wanyin knew that Xiang Lian Liang Qiao came to her to trouble and humiliate her, and Suyun, this woman, was often instigated behind her back.

       After several months of development, Jiang Wanyin was not the original owner Qiuyue who had no one to use, so she knew that Suyun secretly instigated the two of Xiang Lian Liang Qiao.

       Today the master in the palace is not there, she expected Ding Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao to come but didn't expect Su Yun to come too, I was afraid that Su Yun would be uneasy and kind.

       Seeing that Jiang Wanyin lowered his eyelids and said nothing but looked at them, Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao were immediately annoyed. Although they do this every time they come to Jiang Wanyin, they still use this as an excuse to trouble Jiang Wanyin every time.

       "Nubi sends greetings to Jiang Concubine."

       Not Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao were in trouble, Suyun suddenly stepped forward and approached Jiang Wanyin to ask for peace.

       A strange fragrance came, and Jiang Wanyin's face suddenly changed. Jiang Wanyin immediately covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and quickly stuffed a few pills from the storage room with the handkerchief with the other hand, but her face turned pale quickly.

       Suyun asked An Jiang Wanyin not to cry but also disliked covering her nose. This was an insult.

       So when Jiang Wanyin was covering his nose, Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao pulled Suyun up, while the other yelled at Jiang Wanyin.

       "Well, Jiang Qiuyue, you shamelessly face you, you really treat yourself as a person..."

       Jiang Wanyin took the medicine, and when she looked up, she saw Suyun's weak face and hurt. Jiang Wanyin didn't know that Suyun was acting.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't listen carefully to Liang Qiao's insults at all. Her face was already terribly pale, and her skirt had started to wet. Liang Qiao's sharp insults pierced her ears. Jiang Wanyin thought about it and didn't want to grab a few teacups on the table and smash them at the three.

       Jiang Wanyin was not a woman with weak hands without the strength of a chicken. three cups were smashed at the acupuncture points on the three of them.

       The three obviously didn't expect Jiang Wanyin to do this, especially Liang Qiao who insulted Jiang Wanyin suddenly changed her voice when she saw Jiang Wanyin scolding while holding the cup. It was just that Jiang Wanyin's attack was fierce and merciless, and he didn't give the three of them a chance to escape, but in an instant they were knocked to the ground by Jiang Wanyin.


       Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun, who were also Calling in fright, were trembling when they saw the three being stunned.

       "Xiao Yu, you immediately find something to tie the three of them to me. Xiao Yun, go and make arrangements. I am going to give birth."

       Jiang Wanyin's hand on the table was already pale, her face was pale and she resisted her command.


       The two of them were stunned when they heard Jiang Wanyin's words.

       "What are you still trying to do, don't hurry up."

       "Concubine, are you going to give birth?"

       Xiaoyun asked. two stared at Jiang Wanyin's feet and saw that the ground was already wet.

       "Hurry up."

       Jiang Wanyin endured the pain and urged again and again.

       The two rushed out this time.

       After the two Maid left, Jiang Wanyin resisted the pain and walked to Suyun's side. Suyun not only wants to kill her child but also wants her life. Sure enough, she came out of Matron's courtyard, she was indeed the most favored woman in Wang-Zisheng's backyard. If she didn't do anything, she wanted to kill her.

       If it weren't for her who had changed the core medical skills, if it were the original owner or someone else who could not heal, I'm afraid that he would not even know how he died when he was killed.

       I'm afraid this bastard would never think that Jiang Qiuyue's body had changed the core long ago.

       Jiang Wanyin will never show mercy to anyone who wants to kill herself and her children.

       Jiang Wanyin stared at Suyun who was stunned to the ground with hatred and fierceness in her eyes. Enduring the pain, Jiang Wanyin knelt down beside Suyun and stretched out his hand to get Suyun's pulse. What surprised Jiang Wanyin was that Suyun was very healthy but was not pregnant.

       I can’t wait to kill her and the child in her womb before she is pregnant.. No, Suyun’s health shows that she will be pregnant sooner or later, and she will give birth in half a month, Suyun This is to remove obstacles for her future children in advance.

       Sure enough, he was a scheming and vicious person.

       Jiang Wanyin has always had grudges and grievances. If you dare to harm her and her children, you have to pay the price. I also thought of Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao's repeated attempts to harm her child before. A woman who can kill even an unborn child is not worthy of being a mother. Jiang Wanyin immediately took out the golden needles from the storage room and quickly pierced them in the abdomen of the three.

       Looking at Suyun again, Jiang Wanyin decided to avenge herself.

       Jiang Wanyin took out several poisons-drugs that were the most poisonous but would not kill people immediately, broke Suyun's mouth and stuffed them in.

       After thinking about it, I took out the abortion-causing medicine from the storage room and sprinkled it on the three of them, covering their noses and mouths, focusing on their handkerchiefs.

       After finishing all this quickly, Jiang Wanyin leaned up and sits back. Soon Xiao Yu came in with the rope.

       "Concubine, you, Nubi will help you to the delivery room first, Xiaoyun should be ready..."

       "No, you tie up the three of them first, tighten them, and don't let them run. Block their mouths."

       These three women who have harmed her must not let them run away, and she is not at ease if she does not watch Xiao Yu tie her up.

       Jiang Wanyin felt the pain getting denser and stronger, she was already sweating with pain.

       The incense on Suyun's body is extremely poisonous to pregnant women, the most insidious poison.

       Jiang Wanyin followed Suyun's way. Although she took the medicine immediately, the baby in her abdomen had to be delivered prematurely because of the effect of the medicine.

       Thinking that Suyun caused her child to be born half a month earlier, Jiang Wanyin hated Suyun.

       The poison amplifies the pain nerves, and Jiang Wanyin's labor pain is dozens of times more painful than every birth in previous lifetimes.

       The more Jiang Wanyin wanted to faint, but she knew she couldn't faint. Once she lost consciousness, she and the child in her belly would be in danger. She can't let the child in her womb have an accident, she can't just die like this.

       Suyun dared to harm her and her child. Waiting for her to give birth to the child safely, if it were not for Suyun to experience the great pain she had experienced, it would be hard to dispel her hatred.

       "Hurry up, hurry up, call Xiaoyun, hurry up..."

       Feeling the pain of tearing and the feeling of falling, Jiang Wanyin knew that the oxytocin she had just taken had taken effect and the baby was about to come out.

       "Xiaoyun, hurry up, Concubine is about to give birth..."

       Hearing Jiang Wanyin's urging, Xiao Yu yelled at the outside and hurriedly tied up the three people. But she used a lot of effort, and even more ruthlessly, she pumped three people's shoes and blocked three people's socks. Human mouth.

       Xiao Yun rushed in and Xiao Yu carried Jiang Wanyin, who was already untenable, to the delivery room.

       "Let people look at them."

       Before leaving, Jiang Wanyin didn't forget to explain.

       In Rongguo Mansion, the female relatives of the royal family were all speaking with Old Lady Jun Jia Lu Shi of Rongguo Mansion in Rongqing Hall. Wang Matron and Jia Lu Shi were chatting about the past, Jia History also took Wang-Zhenshi to talk, and his eyes fell on the Wang Xiuyao sister beside Wang-Zhenshi from time to time.

       Sisters Wang Xiuyao and Wang Xiulin are both old enough to negotiate marriage.

       "The two Little Misses in your family are really lovely. They make me like them so much. I can't wait for the Miss in my family to make me take good care of her."

       Jia History took Wang-Zhenshi hand, and euphemistically revealed that he wanted to marry the Wang family.

       Jia History's Eldest-son Jia She has been engaged. Jia History is for the second son Jia Zhengxiang who was raised by her side. This means that Wang-Zhenshi naturally heard it.

       Compared with the Rongguo Mansion, which is in full swing, the Wang family is inferior to the Jia family. Even if the daughter of the Wang family is married to the second son of the Rongguo Mansion, it is high. If Wang-Zhenshi listens to Jia History, it is a pleasant surprise and then satisfaction. Nevertheless.

       "I have two daughters like these, both of them are like pearls and treasures. I can’t wait for more than one to love them together. Sister Shi is willing to hurt these two Yato more. That is their blessing. Our Yaoer is too calm tempered. It’s a little bit, but Lin Er has a sweet temper and a sweet mouth. Lao-Ye love her so much. Which one Sister Shi fancy will just stay with you to talk."

       The two sisters are about the same age as Jia Zheng, and both Wang Xiuyao and Wang Xiulin are suitable. Wang-Zhenshi euphemistically expressed their willingness to get married, but they also hinted that Jia History, she and Wang Lao-Ye, love their little daughter Wang Xiulin more.

       The meaning of Wang-Zhenshi couldn't be more obvious, that is, I hope Jia History can see Wang Xiulin.

       In Wang-Zhenshi opinion, Rongguo Mansion is an in-law relationship, so Wang-Zhenshi hopes that Wang Xiulin can marry into Rongguo Mansion.

       Wang Xiuyao couldn't understand the meaning of Wang-Zhenshi words purely in her mind, but Wang Xiulin, who had a scheming city mansion, did. Listening to what Wang-Zhenshi and Jia History said, Wang Xiulin's eyes were bright. Obviously she was looking forward to getting married with Rongguo Mansion.

       Wang Xiuyao didn't hear what Wang-Zhenshi meant, but Wang-Liushi did. So she was too anxious, and she was afraid that Wang-Zhenshi would get such a good marriage to Wang Xiulin. Wang Xiuyao is closer to Wang-Zisheng, and Wang-Liushi most hopes to marry into Rongguo Mansion, it is Wang Xiuyao and not Wang Xiulin. It's just that this meeting didn't have her to say, Wang-Liushi was anxious and secretly reminded Wang Xiuyao that Wang Xiulin happened to see it. , Wang Xiulin glanced at Wang-Liushi, her eyes unpredictable.

       On that day, the family members of the Wang family were in a good mood when they came out of Rongguo Mansion, even the Wang Lao-Ye father and son were in a good mood.

       The family had just got off the sedan chair and entered the gate of the mansion when they returned to the house. light rain guarding the gate saw several people rushing past.

       "Nubi gave Matron, Lao-Ye Madam, and Big-Master Big-Madam to congratulate him. Nubi Concubine has been safely produced..."

        "What are you talking about? Autumn Concubine was born?"

       Others have not responded yet, Wang Liu-Shi has already exclaimed.

       "Didn't the doctor say that there will be half a month to give birth? Why do you give birth now?"

       Wang-Liushi asked with eyes wide open, her face full of shock and disbelief.

       Apparently the news that Jiang Wanyin had given birth shocked her. More importantly, Jiang Wanyin had already disrupted her plan for safe delivery, so Wang-Liushi was flustered and unwilling.

       Not only Wang-Liushi complexion changed, Wang-Zhenshi and Wang Xiulin's mother and daughter heard that Jiang Wanyin had given birth safely, and their complexion also became gloomy for a moment, especially Wang-Zhenshi. But there are people who are happy, even ecstatic.

       "Give birth? Is it a boy or a girl?"

       "Big-Brother, you are a father, and I am a Gugu too."

       While Wang-Liushi asked Xiaoyu, Wang Matron and Wang Xiuyao almost spoke in unison with Wang-Liushi.

       Xiao Yu glanced at Wang-Liushi, then at Wang Matron and then stepped forward to reply.

       "Back to Matron, our Concubine gave birth to a brother..."

       "It's a brother!"

       Xiao Yu was interrupted by Matron's surprise exclaim before he finished speaking.

       "Quickly, I see my great-grandson, help me to see my great-grandson."

       Wang Matron urged his Maid, then Maid hurriedly helped Wang Matron to the Wang-Zisheng yard, and everything else followed.

       Wang Lao-Ye was also happy to have his grandson, and Wang-Zisheng, who was a new father, was even more silly. It was not until Wang Xiuyao urged him to keep up.

       "Big-Brother, you are stupid, hurry up, let's go see my nephew."

       Wang Xiuyao pushed Wang-Zisheng a hand, and dragged Wang-Zisheng's arm to follow Matron.

       Because the masters of the mansion are not in the mansion, Wang's subordinates are used to stepping low and holding high. Although Jiang Wanyin is pregnant with Wang-Zisheng's children, he is not favored. Wang's subordinates don't pay attention to Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin has only been here for a few months, and because of identity restrictions and the previous hiding of his identity, there are not many people that Jiang Wanyin has attracted in the past few months.

       This time Jiang Wanyin was calculated to give birth suddenly, and few people in this mansion could use it. Except for her two Maid Xiaoyu Xiaoyun, there were only a few people who could use it. Because I didn't find a midwife, and didn't dare to use the midwife that Wang-Liushi had mentioned, Jiang Wanyin almost gave birth to the baby by himself.

       Fortunately, she has many years of experience in childbirth, so that she can give birth safely.

       Because she remembered that there was still something to deal with, Jiang Wanyin did not take a break immediately after giving birth. After swallowing a few pills, she took care of the arrangements and forced Wang Matron and others to come back.

       "Concubine, Matron, they are back."

       When Xiaoyun saw Matron and others coming over, he immediately went back to the house and informed Jiang Wanyin.

       "For a while, Matron must see your brother, and for a while you hold it yourself."

       This child has been born for a long time, and Jiang Wanyin has fed him twice. Because the child was born prematurely and had not yet prepared for Wet-nurse, it was the child that Jiang Wanyin personally fed. However, Jiang Wanyin didn't feed the baby before letting Xiaoyun hug the baby out.

       "Concubine, don't worry, Nubi will always look at your brother."

       Xiaoyun knew that Jiang Wanyin was a worried child.

       Xiaoyun is Jiang Wanyin's Maid, and Jiang Wanyin's mother and son are both prosperous and prosperous. It's because Xiaoyun will work hard to protect Jiang Wanyin's child.

       "Also, if Matron asks me about my premature birth, you will come to see the three of Suyun and Matron. I will tell Matron what I have suddenly started. It will be said that I am pregnant and the three of them are the main cause for me. Will call the shots."

       Wang Matron is the winner of the house fight in the backyard of the Wang family. No matter how the internal house means can hide her, even if you want to come to Wang Matron, you can guess it.

       Although Suyun was given by Matron, compared with his great-grandchildren, he knew which one was heavier and heavier when he wanted to come to Matron.

       Besides, this matter is not only Suyun alone, but also Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao. If the faceless motherzi and daughterzi have no face, no one can say who is not.

       Sure enough, as Jiang Wanyin expected, Matron immediately asked to see his great-grandson after he arrived, and Jiang Wanyin asked Xiaoyun to carry the child out.

       After about two quarters of an hour, the child woke up from hunger and started crying. After Jiang Wanyin heard the crying, Xiao Yu returned with her baby. Jiang Wanyin took the baby and fed the baby quickly.

       "What did Matron say? And how did Madam and Big-Madam react?"

       Jiang Wanyin asked Xiao Yu while feeding the baby. Jiang Wanyin had previously explained that Xiao Yu was asked to pay attention to Wang Matron and others' reactions after they learned that she had given birth to the baby safely.

       "Learning that you gave birth to Concubine, Matron is happy, so I immediately came to see him. And Big-Miss was also very happy, yelling at her to be Gugu. But Madam and 2-Miss didn't seem very happy. , Nubi noticed that her face suddenly sank when she heard you gave birth to your brothers Madam and 2-Miss. She was also shocked when she heard Nubi say you gave birth to her. Lao-Ye and Big-Master are very Happy, 2-Master has no response..."

       Xiao Yu told Jiang Wanyin carefully, and Jiang Wanyin was startled when she heard Wang Xiuyao was very happy.

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't help thinking of the life of Maid who married Wang Xiuyao.

       In her memory, before Matron's death, Wang Xiuyao was innocent and innocent. Perhaps she has always been so innocent to the point of silly in the original work. Only that life was blackened because she exposed Wang Fu-ren's plot to murder her, Wang Xiuyao. Although she and Wang Xiuyao have had grievances for decades, but Wang Xiuyao's last taste still made Jiang Wanyin feel good about her.

       Jiang Wanyin still likes Wang Xiuyao who is innocent and innocent now.

       Of course, if Wang Xiuyao has a good relationship with Wang-Zisheng, if Wang Xiuyao has a good life, he will not forget Wang-Zisheng. She is the Concubine of Wang-Zisheng, and she can live well if Wang-Zisheng is well.

       In addition, Jiang Wanyin thought of someone, that is, Jiang Wanyin was reborn as Wang Xiuyao's rebirth of the original owner of the body Jiang Ruhua in the life of Maid.

       Thinking about his age, Jiang Ruhua should have been serving Wang Xiuyao now. Big-Maid next to Wang Xiuyao now has the Ruyue and Ruyan of the year.

       Thinking of Jiang Ruhua's life experience, Jiang Wanyin had another plan in her heart.

       "Suyun and the others three things, can anyone ask?"

       "Big-Madam asked Concubine about the reason for your premature birth. When Nubi came back with her brother, Xiaoyun was reporting to Matron."

       "I know about it."

       Jiang Wanyin went through the matter again, told Xiao Yu what he thought of it just in case, and sent her out.

       After his son was full, Jiang Wanyin put his son on the inside of the bed and fell asleep with him.

       However, Xiaoyun reported to Matron one by one about the reasons for Jiang Wanyin's premature birth and the suspected Suyun three people's harm to Jiang Wanyin. Matron, as expected by Jiang Wanyin, immediately thought of the three methods.

       Matron immediately ordered someone to call the doctor.

       However, when Xiaoyun said that Suyun harmed Jiang Wanyin, Wang-Zisheng immediately got up to protect Suyun.

       "Impossible, Suyun can never harm Jiang-Shi. Suyun is the most kind, but she also made a lot of clothes for the children, and told me that it was overdue and hoped that I would have an offspring. Why is she so kind? It may harm Jiang-Shi and my child. It must not be Suyun. By the way, it must be Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao. They both liked to bully Jiang-Shi before."

       Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao bullied the original owner and Jiang Wanyin. After a long time, Wang-Zisheng wouldn't be ignorant. It's just that the original owner and the current Jiang Wanyin are not the women Wang-Zisheng loves, so they don't care at all.

       But now Xiaoyun said that Suyun harmed Jiang Wanyin, because he loved Suyun, so he didn't believe Xiaoyun's words to protect Suyun regardless.

       As soon as Wang-Zisheng's words came out, Wang Matron squinted his eyes, Wang-Liushi eyes widened, and the anger and jealousy that could not be hidden in his eyes, Wang-Zhenshi almost turned back in anger.

       Wang-Zisheng didn't know at all, he angered the three women by ignoring Suyun's words, and cut Suyun's life.

       "Whether it is or not will be known after the doctor comes to check."

       Matron said coldly, and after finishing speaking, he told Big-Maid next to him: "Chunjuan, you take someone to search Suyun's three rooms, and search me carefully."

       "Yes, Matron."

       The three Suyun who had been tied up for a whole day were also brought in. Because they were gagged, Suyun squeaked when he saw Wang-Zisheng, and his eyes were pitiful with tears in his eyes. He looked at Wang-Zisheng with an aggrieved appearance, praying.

       When Wang-Zisheng saw Suyun's embarrassed appearance and prayed for his pitiful appearance, Wang-Zisheng felt distressed immediately.

       "Grandmother, isn't this matter still undecided? How about untie Suyun's rope first."

       This cheap maid's good means won her grandson's heart and asked her grandson to intercede for her without saying anything. If this goes on, wouldn't the cheap maid control her grandson?

       Wang-Zisheng feels distressed and intercedes, Wang Matron's cloudy eyes suddenly reveals murderous intent, as do Wang-Liushi and Wang-Zhenshi.

       "What's the rush? Wait until the doctor has seen it. If it is really her, wouldn't it be necessary to tie it again when it is released."

       Matron, who always spoiled his grandchildren, directly refused Wang-Zisheng's request.

       Wang-Zisheng was shocked when Grandmother, who had always been responsive to him, refused him.

       He didn't know Wang Matron's decision.

       Suyun's eyes panicked when he heard that the doctor was coming. Suyun squeaked eagerly, looking at Wang-Zisheng pleadingly with beautiful eyes. Wang-Zisheng couldn't stop her, and she wanted to let her go. Unfortunately, Wang-Zisheng didn't dare to violate Matron's words.

       Soon, the doctor was hired. When the doctor checked Suyun, Suyun's face was instantly pale as snow.

       The doctor inspected the three of them, and indeed found abortion-fetal drugs on them, especially Suyun also found life-threatening poisons-drugs,

       Suyun collapsed on the ground when the doctor said that there was poison-drug on her body.

       However, Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao were shocked when they heard the doctor's words, and watched Wang-Zhenshi keep squeaking and knelt on the ground.

       At this time, Maid Chunjuan, who was ordered to search for the room of the three people, also brought a lot of things, which were all bad things after the doctor's inspection.

       Wang-Zisheng were also shocked, these things were completely beyond his expectation. After all, Wang-Zisheng is only a teenager who has not yet reached the double ten. It was his first experience of this kind of thing, and it was a shock.

       "Now that there are stolen goods and gains, what else can you three say?

       Matron stared at the three with sharp eyes.

       "Dare to plot against my royal family's heirs, such a Nucai, my royal family will never tolerate..."

       Matron said, and Wang-Zisheng stood up suddenly.

       "Matron, Suyun she..."

        Wang Sheng wanted to intercede for Suyun, Wang Matron stared at him when Wang-Zisheng was talking, and Wang Sheng couldn't speak. Wang Matron looked at Wang-Zisheng disappointedly.

       "Sheng Er, is your son not as important as this Maid in your heart? This Maid almost killed your son, are you still interceding for her?"

       The doctor had given Jiang Wanyin's pulse and confirmed that Jiang Wanyin was born prematurely after taking Chinese medicine. Knowing this, Wang Matron couldn't tolerate Suyun and the three Maid who had killed Wang's children.

       She can ignore the women's struggle in the backyard, but she will never allow them to hurt her great-grandchildren.

       This woman, when her identity changes, her thoughts change.

       "Grandmother .."

       Wang-Zisheng gave a shuddering call to Grandmother, but finally did not say the words of pleading.

       "But let Grandmother call the shots."

       After Wang-Zisheng finished speaking, they turned their heads away from Suyun's pleading expression.

       Wang-Zisheng stopped interceding, so Wang Matron was not too disappointed.

       Wang Matron looked down at Suyun and scolded angrily:

       "Suyun, I think you are honest and kind, so you let you serve Sheng Er. I didn't expect that you have always pretended to be kind and deceived me. You are a guilty conspiracy and dare to murder my Wang family's heir. Wang family can't tolerate you like this. Nucai. Today, my king’s family has a great-grandson. I think that for my great-grandson’s sake, I will spare the three of you by accumulating a blessing for my great-grandson, and the three of you will go with the tooth."

       When the Suyun trio heard Matron's words to sell them, their faces were full of horror. They were gagged and speechless. They could only keep shaking their heads and begging for mercy.

       Except for Wang-Zisheng, no one is reluctant.

       After Matron made a decision, she suddenly turned to look at Wang-Zhenshi and asked.

       "What does Madam feel like doing this?"

       "Matron handled it properly."

       It is not a pity that the two Maid who succeeded less than failed, and lost Wang-Zhenshi. There is not much Nucai Maid in this house.

       As for Wang-Liushi, she was only happy when she heard that Wang Matron wanted to sell three Tongfang Maid. There are three missing women who rob her husband, especially Pet Qie, who is still her husband. How could Wang Liu-Shi be unhappy?

       "Then it's settled."

       Matron asked Suyun to take out the three. Of course, the servants of the Wang family found the acquaintances of the tooth, and gave the three people Suyun who had dumb medicine to the tooth to take away. As for where the tooth will take them, and how they will end up in the future, there is no question. Concerned.

       When Jiang Wanyin woke up to breastfeed the child, she was surprised to learn about Matron's treatment of Suyun's trio from Xiaoyun.

       She wanted Matron to deal with the three of Suyun well, but she didn't expect Matron to sell them directly.

       She originally thought that Suyun was a gift from Matron, and Xiang Lian Liangqiao was a gift from Wang-Zhenshi, and she and her children were fine. Matron and Wang-Zhenshi at most only banned three people or played boards. After that, the three of them continued to serve Wang-Zisheng.

       It is precisely because of this conjecture that she will attack the three of them.

       Jiang Wanyin did not expect Matron to be so decisive.

       But it was a good thing for Jiang Wanyin to get rid of the three people who had enemies with Suyun.

       No one likes to live in the face of an enemy who has bullied him every day

       Wang-Liushi is the happiest person who has been sold.

       "These three obsessive bastardes-people finally disappeared."

       Wang-Liushi talked with Gang-Mama in a very good mood.

       "It's just a pity. Lucky for Qiu Concubine, it will be the mother and the child."

       Gang Mama looked sad, and it was obvious that he wanted to wait for Jiang Wanyin's mother and son to have an accident.

       Listening to Gang-Mama mentioning Jiang Wanyin, Wang-Liushi expression darkened again. Especially thinking that Jiang Wanyin gave birth to a son, Wang-Liushi mood immediately got worse.

       "It's all these three useless bastardes-people. successes are not enough and the failures are more than failures, so my painstaking plans are all in vain."

       If she were in the house, she would be able to remove these four eye-catching slut with one stone.

       Those three sluts really did not succeed or failed. If they save Jiang Qiuyue and the child in her womb, she might still be willing to protect them.

       And Jiang Qiuyue, that idiot is so lucky, he can still give birth to a child safely after learning the Tao.

       Suddenly Wang-Liushi paused after thinking of something, she looked up at Gang Mama and said:

       "Mama, it's such a coincidence that you said this? It's really Suyun and the others who calculated Jiang Qiuyue, who is the bastard? Jiang Qiuyue, who is really lucky? Give birth to a child safely?"

       "Big-Madam, what do you mean... Do you suspect that Jiang Qiuyue calculated all this?"

       Gang Mama was surprised when she heard that, obviously she hadn't thought about it that way.

       "Mama, don't you think it is suspicious? How can Jiang Qiuyue have such good luck? It may be her calculation with one stone."

       "Impossible. Big-Madam, the doctor found abortion-fetal drugs in Suyun and the three of them, and searched their house and found something bad. doctor also confirmed that Jiang Qiuyue was born prematurely because of Chinese medicine. Yes. Jiang Qiuyue can't do it himself-herself."

       Although Jiang Qiuyue Temper has changed a lot, he is still cowardly and cowardly. Xiang Lian and Liang Qiao have always bullied her. If Jiang Qiuyue had such a method, how could he endure it until now.

       Gang Mama does not believe in Wang-Liushi suspicion.

       Gang Mama This morning, Wang-Liushi hesitated.

       "Could it be that Jiang Qiuyue will do it?"

       "If Jiang Qiuyue is really going to do it, then this Jiang Qiuyue will not be easy. Big-Madam, Jiang Qiuyue, we need to take a long time to discuss it."

       "It's a long-term plan." Wang-Liushi agreed with Gang-Mama's opinion.

       "Mama, you can check what happened that day, I want to know if it was Jiang Qiuyue's calculation."

       Wang-Liushi still doubt Jiang Wanyin.

       "Big-Madam, don't worry, Nubi will check it out."

       "Big-Madam, have you decided to adopt your brother?"

       Before Wang-Liushi wanted to stay with his mother and raise Jiang Wanyin's child, Gang Mama was always thinking about this.

       "If you really want to adopt your brother, you have to go to Matron as soon as possible and tell Matron clearly."

       "It's not in a hurry, wait until Mama, you can check it out."

       If it is Jiang Qiuyue's calculation, she will consider the matter of raising Jiang Qiuyue's child.

       Jiang Qiuyue has now given birth to his brother safely, and this child is still the eldest grandson in the house. Jiang Qiuyue is expensive for her mother. As long as Jiang Qiuyue doesn’t make a big mistake, she doesn’t deal with Jiang Wanyin Qiuyue at will. After all, Matron and Madam are both staring at her It.

       If Jiang Qiuyue really had such a plan, she would never adopt Jiang Qiuyue's child. If she really adopts Jiang Qiuyue's child, who knows whether Jiang Qiuyue will count her too.

       Although the matter has not been checked and confirmed, Wang-Liushi has already begun to fear Jiang Wanyin.

       I don't know if Wang-Zisheng angered Jiang Wanyin and her son because of Suyun. Wang-Zisheng never came to see Jiang Wanyin or the child.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care if Wang-Zisheng didn't come to see him, but Wang-Zisheng ignored his son so much, which made Jiang Wanyin dissatisfied. Originally, Jiang Wanyin had no feelings for Wang-Zisheng, but now Jiang Wanyin has directly regarded Wang-Zisheng as a stranger.

       Although Jiang Wanyin's son was Shu born, he was the great-grandson of the Wang family. Wang Matron personally decided to give Jiang Wanyin's son a lively baptism.

       Because Wang-Liushi did not decide whether to adopt Jiang Wanyin's son, Jiang Wanyin continued to confinement with his son after the baptism.

       Although Jiang Wanyin's plan was not satisfactory, the lack of three Tongfang Maid in the backyard made Wang-Liushi very happy.

       However, she didn't feel happy for long. Just a few days after the child baptism, Wang Matron and Wang-Zhenshi both called Wang-Liushi over, and when Wang-Liushi came back, they brought back two beautiful Maids. two beautiful Maids are Wang Matron and Tongfang Maid newly given to Wang-Zisheng by Wang-Zhenshi.

       Two beautiful Maids, one named Bihe and the other Yuchan. Bihe was given by Matron and Yuchan was given by Wang-Zhenshi.

       Matron and Wang-Zhenshi are on the back again, and the fighting between the two seems to have never stopped.

       Wang-Liushi went to the Tongfang Maid with a cold face and brought back two beautiful Tongfang Maid. How could she be happy.

       Jiang Wanyin also learned of this from Xiaoyu Xiaoyun, but Jiang Wanyin didn't care.

       Jiang Wanyin has no feelings for Wang-Zisheng now, so she doesn't care how Young Tongfang Maid is for Wang-Zisheng. As long as they don't provoke her, she doesn't care.

       Jiang Wanyin's current worries about how can he keep the child by his side instead of being carried away by Matron or Wang-Zhenshi or Wang-Liushi.

       When she was pregnant, Wang-Zhenshi and Wang-Liushi both attacked her, and they both wanted to harm her son. How could Jiang Wanyin want them to raise their own son.

       As for Matron, it is said that Matron is looking forward to great-grandchildren so much. It is said that it is the best child to raise a child in Matron; it is just that Matron will be able to protect her son when he is older.

       Jiang Wanyin wanted to go back, but decided to keep the child by his side, or temporarily send it to Matron to wait for the child to come back later.

       During the confinement period, Jiang Wanyin carefully planned.

       After thinking about it, Jiang Wanyin finally decided to let Matron know her life experience. It is more important to let Matron know that Wang-Liushi and Wang-Zhenshi cannot tolerate her son.

       Jiang Wanyin carefully arranged calculations, and finally when Matron came to see her brother again, the design let Matron learn from Gang Mama that Jiang Wanyin was a matter of Wang-Liushi half-parent Shu-Mei. I also learned that Wang-Liushi wanted to get rid of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       Matron almost died out of anger after learning about it.

       Even if Jiang Wanyin was Shu born, but that was also the daughter of her nephew, and her granddaughter. Ke Ye's nephew, Erxi, raised her niece as Nucai, and let her niece be a Nubi to serve another. If this kind of thing is spread out to care about the Duke and Liu family, wouldn't it be a joke in Capital City to care about the Duke and Liu family.

       Jiang Wanyin knew that Matron was angry, and felt relieved.

       She is holding the child in her arms, and Matron should not treat her for the sake of this child. If she hadn't been such a child, maybe Matron would treat her as a trouble.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't know how and what Matron did afterwards, but the day after she was out of confinement, Matron sent someone to tell Jiang Wanyin to take her son to see her.

       Jiang Wanyin guessed Matron's thoughts in his heart, while thinking about his plans, holding the child and following Maid Chunjuan to Matron's yard.

       "Concubine, please come in, Matron wants you in."

       "There is Miss Lao Chunjuan."

       After the announcement, Jiang Wanyin followed Maid Chunjuan into the house with her baby.

       Matron was sitting in the house, except for the two Maid beside him, Matron alone.

       Jiang Wanyin hugged the child and knelt forward and bowed.

       "Nubi wishes to Matron. Big-Geer wishes to Matron."

       After Jiang Wanyin asked for peace, she said to her son, she knelt down with her eyes down. Matron didn't wake Jiang Wanyin immediately, she looked at Jiang Wanyin's face. It took a long time before Matron spoke:

       "Do you know why I called you over?"

        "Nubi doesn't know, please also Matron to make it clear."

       Jiang Wanyin hugged the child in his arms tightly, with an expression of trepidation, and his voice was very small and soft, completely timid and cowardly.

       Although Jiang Wanyin intended to change her image, she did not intend to change it immediately. After all, this is a step-by-step process; if it changes all at once, it will definitely lead to doubts.

       Matron looked at Jiang Wanyin's trembling and scared appearance, and sighed lightly. This child is innocent, and this is the sin of Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi. Matron didn't anger Jiang Wanyin because of Jiang Wanyin's life experience, because Matron felt that Jiang Wanyin had never known it.

       "Get up. Help Jiang Concubine to sit down."

       Chunjuan helped Jiang Wanyin to get up and sit down. Jiang Wanyin still looked uneasy and did not speak.

       Matron waved his hand to let the Maids go with them, leaving Jiang Wanyin and Matron in the room.

       "Jiang Concubine."

       "Nubi is here, Matron, please tell me."

       Matron was called Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin answered nervously.

       "Do you know anything about your parents?"

       Upon hearing Matron's question, Jiang Wanyin looked up at Matron in surprise. Seeing Matron staring at her, Jiang Wanyin lowered her eyelids and whispered:

       "Back to Matron, Nubi has never met Mother, nor Dad of Nubi. Nubi doesn't know what kind of person his parents are. But, but..."

       "But Wang Mama, who is next to 3-Madam, told Nubi. Wang Mama said that Nubi Mother is Maid next to 3-Madam, and 3-Madam was the leader of Nubi Mother and gave Nubi Dad to Nubi Dad. After Nubi-Niang produced Nubi, it collapsed. It's dead. Nubi father dislikes Nubi as a girl who is unwilling to raise Nubi. It is 3-Madam. It is the kindness to see the relationship between the master and servant of Nubi Mother in the past and let Nubi be taken into the mansion to raise it. Wang Mama said 3-Madam to Nubi With the grace of life-saving and nurturing, let Nubi take good care of Big-Madam to repay the kindness of 3-Madam..."

       Chen Shi, what kind of kindness does that jealousy have to you. It was Chen Shi that the jealous woman killed your biological mother, it was Chen Shi that made you know that your biological father could not recognize your biological father, and it was Chen Shi who raised you as a Nucai who was a Shu borned Miss in Duke's house. It was Chen Shi daughter. You... Chen Shi is not gratitude or hatred for you.

       After listening to Jiang Wanyin's remarks, Matron immediately knew Liu Chen Shi thoughts and hated Liu Chen Shi in his heart. Chen Shi, this scumbag, dares to raise the blood of the Liu family as Nucai, which is really damning.

       After learning about Jiang Wanyin’s life experience from Gang-Mama, Matron immediately sent someone back to Liu’s house to check the incident, and it was confirmed that Jiang Wanyin was indeed from Duke House 3-Lao-Ye Liu Jie and Maid Fang Er. Shu-Daughter.

       I also found out Jiang Wanyin’s life in Liu’s house and after Wang-Liushi married to the Wang’s house, especially knowing that Wang-Liushi knew that Jiang Wanyin was her Mei-Mei and let her Mei-Mei be her foot-washing servant, Matron thought I immediately became disgusted with Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi mother and daughter.

       Thinking of the four years since Wang-Liushi married into Wang’s family, Wang-Liushi failed to give birth to her grandson Wang-Zisheng and gave birth to a half-daughter. He wanted to get rid of the child who killed Jiang Wanyin. Matron's great-grandson, Matron is extremely dissatisfied with Wang-Liushi, and his heart is also biased towards Jiang Wanyin, who has given birth to her great-grandson.

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's extremely beautiful face, Matron thought about the possibility, and she became even more angry at what Liu Chenshi did.

       In her opinion, Jiang Wanyin's beautiful appearance is a kind of capital for the Duke and Liu family, and it can bring benefits to the Duke and Liu family. With Jiang Wanyin's beauty, whether it's going to the palace draft or sent to Prince's residence, it can bring opportunities to Li Duke's and Liu's.

       Whether it is entering the palace or Prince's mansion, it can bring benefits to the Duke's and the Liu's family, but it can give the Duke's and the Liu's opportunities to manage the Duke's and the Liu's.

       It was Chen Shi, the jealous woman, who ruined the opportunity for the rise of the Duke House and the Liu Family.

       If the Duke family and the Liu family have risen, the Liu family has the power to rely on Wang-Zhenshi, who is eight poles away from Zhenfei in the palace, how dare she not put her motherzi in his eyes.

       The more I think about Matron, the more I hate Liu Chen Shi in my heart.

       But this is the end of the matter. Even if Matron hates Liu Chen Shi, it is useless, and time cannot be reversed. Right now is the most important thing.

       Matron knew very well that Jiang Wanyin’s identity must not be exposed whether he was managing the Duke and Liu family or the Wang family; otherwise, not only would it be a joke to bother the Duke family and the Liu family, but the marriage between the Wang family and the Liu family would become a vengeance.

       Thinking of so many things, Matron's face grew more angry.

       Seeing anger on Matron's face, Jiang Wanyin immediately got up anxiously and eagerly explained.

       "Although Nubi does not know why Big-Madam dislikes Nubi, Nubi has always served Big-Madam with all his heart. Nubi did not disrespect Big-Madam, and Nubi did not make a mistake."

       Jiang Wanyin was completely afraid of Matron's punishment of her.

       "I didn't say you made a mistake. You sit down first."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's appearance, Matron told Jiang Wanyin to sit down.

       "Yes, Matron."

       Jiang Wanyin sits down in fear.

       Matron looked at Jiang Wanyin's cowardly and cowardly look, and thought of deliberately raising the Liu family's daughter into this look, Liu Chen Shi, and was very angry.

       In fact, Matron's cowering look like Jiang Wanyin couldn't be appreciated, it's just that people experienced more things when they were older, and the eagerness to compete as a young man is now more relaxed. Thinking about Jiang Wanyin's temperament was specially developed by Liu Chen Shi, Matron sympathized with not dislike Jiang Wanyin, and of course he didn't like it much.

       Matron knows that Jiang Wanyin doesn't know his life experience. No, it should be said that Matron didn't know that Jiang Wanyin already knew the life experience of her body, she always thought that Jiang Wanyin did not know. Although sympathizing with Jiang Wanyin, Matron didn't want Jiang Wanyin to know about this; after all, if Jiang Wanyin revealed this matter, the Liu family would lose face.

       Just looking at Jiang Wanyin's face, Matron frowned again.

       Jiang Wanyin's physical appearance now follows his biological mother, and she is undoubtedly extremely beautiful. However, although this appearance has followed his biological mother, his facial features have followed the Liu family. Liu family has a pair of beautiful peach eyes, which Jiang Wanyin has inherited in her body now.

       However, Wang-Liushi also inherited the peach blossom eyes from Liujia 3-Lao-Ye Liujie like Jiang Wanyin. If you only look at the eyes, Jiang Wanyin and Wang-Liushi are almost the same.

       Jiang Wanyin has seen Wang-Liushi, and naturally knows how he resembles Wang-Liushi, so I came to see Matron today. Jiang Wanyin changed her hair style specially and combed the bangs left by the original owner that almost covered her eyes, revealing her smooth and fullness His forehead and those watery peach eyes are very beautiful.

       Even people who don't know will doubt the relationship between them when they see Jiang Wanyin and Wang-Liushi similar facial features. This is the cause of Matron's distress.

       Seeing Matron staring at her without speaking, Jiang Wanyin asked nervously and cautiously:

       "Matron, do you have anything else to tell Nubi..."

       After listening to Jiang Wanyin's words, Matron suddenly raised her eyes to see her interrupting her and said:

       "In the future, you will stop calling yourself Nubi. I have let someone take your deed and sell your membership. Now you are a concubine with a good record of success. You will call yourself Qie in the future."

       They are all the blood of the Liu family, and Matron is panicked here when the daughter of the Liu family calls herself Nubi.

       My dislike for Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi mother and daughter deepened.

       When Jiang Wanyin heard Matron's words, her eyes widened instantly, and her cowardly eyes showed surprise.

       "Matron, what you said is true?"

       Jiang Wanyin asked eagerly.

       "The old body can also coax you. It is naturally true."

       "Nubi, oh no, Qie thanks Matron for grace."

       Jiang Wanyin was very happy. Jiang Wanyin was really happy.

       Since rebirth, slavery is also one of the things Jiang Wanyin has been thinking about.

       Knowing the identity of the original owner Jiang Qiuyue, Jiang Wanyin knew that it would be impossible for Wang-Liushi to release her.

       Wang-Liushi biological mother Liu Chen Shi bothered to carry the original lord Jiang Qiuyue into the mansion and hand over to the subordinates to raise him. Jiang Qiuyue became a subordinate of Duke Mansion. Jiang Qiuyue was raised to be cowardly and cowardly, and then Jiang Qiuyue was given to him. Wang-Liushi put Maid.

       And Wang-Liushi went too far. Knowing that Jiang Qiuyue was her half-parent Mei-Mei, she not only made things difficult to humiliate Jiang Qiuyue, but also asked Jiang Qiuyue to wash her feet and step Jiang Qiuyue into the mud.

       Knowing that Wang-Zisheng also knew that Jiang Qiuyue was her foot washing maid, she also asked Jiang Qiuyue to wait for Wang-Zisheng, so she knew that Wang-Zisheng would not like Jiang Qiuyue.

       After Jiang Qiuyue became pregnant, Wang-Liushi repeatedly attacked Jiang Qiuyue and wanted Jiang Qiuyue Temper's life.

       Many things have explained that Wang-Liushi hates Jiang Qiuyue and can’t wait to step Jiang Qiuyue in the mud. How could she let Jiang Qiuyue go.

       In the past, it was impossible for Wang-Liushi to release Jiang Qiuyue from the original owner Jiang Qiuyue. Now she Jiang Wanyin became Jiang Qiuyue, and she gave birth to her son safely, it is even more unlikely that Wang-Liushi would release her from her nationality.

       Wang-Liushi I'm afraid that she would be a slave for the rest of her life, and her son will carry his birth status as a maid.

       She was worrying about how to sell her slavery, but she didn't expect Matron to solve it for her. This is really a surprise.

       Jiang Wanyin was grateful to Matron in her heart.

       "You are still holding your baby, sit down and talk, don't scare the baby."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin got up and saluted the child again, Matron worried that the child in Jiang Wanyin's arms slowed down and said.

       "Yes. Thanks Matron."

       Jiang Wanyin is still respectful.

       "You added a son to the Wang family and gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Wang family. This is a great hero to the Wang family. I will reward you today. What do you want?"

       "What you want. Is everything okay?"

       When Jiang Wanyin heard the words, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Matron expectantly.

       Hearing Jiang Wanyin's question, Matron frowned, fearing that Jiang Wanyin was insatiable.

       "What do you want? Tell me and I will listen. If you can reward me, reward you."

       "Matron, Qie has something to ask of you. I don’t know that Big-Madam and Big-Master don’t like Qie, and Big-Master doesn’t want to see Qie. Qie really doesn’t want to leave Big-Master’s eyes behind. Big-Master doesn’t like it, but asks for Matron..."


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