RM Maid 275

 Novels      »  【 QW】 Red Mansion Maid    »   


        "Big-Geer is my son, and he will naturally be my son in the future. I named Big-Geer, Hongfei, Liu Hongfei."

       "What? Last name Liu."

       Wan Rong couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard the name of Big-Geer.

       "Sister, you gave Big-Geer the surname Liu, isn't Big-Geer the surname Wang?"

       This surname can be changed at will.

       Thinking of Wang's Jiang Wanyin's expression, she instantly became indifferent.

       "Since Matron and Wang-Zisheng abandon our mother and son and send our mother and son out of the house, Big-Geer and I are no longer in the royal family, and my son is no longer surnamed Wang. What's more, our mother was sent by Wang-Liushi Wang Zhen Shi People chase and kill, in the hearts of the royal family, our mother and son are already dead, so naturally my son doesn't need to be named Wang anymore."

       Since their mother and son left the Wang family, they have no relationship with the Wang family anymore. She would never let her son be named Wang.

       "But, even if you don't have the surname Wang, you should follow your surname Jiang. Why should you have the surname Liu?"

       The surname Liu is too inexplicable.

       Jiang Wanyin smiled when he heard the words, and didn't mean to hide Wan Rong.

       "You don’t know some things. My surname is not Jiang but Liu. In fact, I am not Maid of Wang-Liushi but Shu-Mei of Wang-Liushi half mother. Big-Madam’ biological mother Chen Shi killed my biological mother. I took advantage of my ignorance when I was young and raised me as a Maid to their mother and daughter as a slave and maidservant.

       Her surname Jiang Wanyin is Jiang, but the original owner Jiang Qiuyue is Liu-Shi.

       Jiang Qiuyue’s son, Liu, is not wrong.

       "Why? This, this.. Don't the people in Duke's house know? How could they allow it.."

       "Matron also knows about this. But for the sake of the reputation of the Wang family and the Duke mansion, Matron did not hide it for Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi. Why do you think Matron allowed me to move to the Xuchun Tower, but I was afraid that I would do something Shake out and place me under her nose to guard me."

       Matron may have the meaning of protecting Big-Geer, but monitoring her is also one of its meanings.

       "How did you know, sister?"

       Jiang Wanyin lowered his head and touched his son's little head.

       "It's Gang-Mama who is next to Wang-Liushi inadvertently and let me hear it."

       "My biological mother and Gang-Mama used to be Liu Chen Shi dowry Maid, because my biological mother was regarded as Qie by Liu 3-Lao-Ye for her beauty, and she was very spoiled. However, Liu Chen Shi was jealous for this, and took advantage of it. Liu 3-Lao-Ye went away, Liu Chen Shi forced to ration my biological mother who was pregnant at the time to the servants. My biological mother died after giving birth to me, and I was taken by Liu Chen Shi into the mansion to raise Nubi. When I was a child, I always thought that I am the daughter of a servant and I am very grateful for Liu Chen Shi nurturing grace. When Liu 3-Lao-Ye returned to the house, my biological mother had already passed away. Naturally Liu Chen Shi would not let him know so he did not know my life experience."

       "If it weren't for Gang-Mama's leak, I'm afraid I would never know that I was Wang-Liushi Shu-Mei, the daughter of Liu 3-Lao-Ye, and the daughter of the Liu family in Duke Mansion."

       "Although my father didn't know that I was her daughter, I knew my surname was Liu. My son can't take his father's surname as Wang, so naturally he should take my surname as Shi and Liu."

       The original owner Jiang Qiuyue has always regretted that he could not recognize his biological father and could not be named Liu. Now she gave their son the surname Liu, which is all Jiang Qiuyue's last wish.

       "In that case, why doesn't my sister restore her surname Shi and Liu?"

       His surname is Liu, but his surname is Jiang instead of Liu Gaai, and his son is surnamed Wang, but his surname is Liu. Wan Rong's brain was not smart enough to understand.

       "Naturally, it is to have a statement that some people can accept. My surname is Jiang and Fei Er is Liu. From now on we will claim that I am a widow Liu Jiang-Shi and Fei Er is my posthumous child. So our sisters have a baby. It won’t be criticized."

       It's not that the son can't follow her surname Jiang, but she doesn't want to change her surname. If her son follows her surname Jiang, it will inevitably be criticized in the future, it is better to let her son be named Liu.

       It is said that it is a lot of money, and a posthumous child is better than an illegitimate child. Jiang Wanyin does not want his son to be called an illegitimate child.

       Wan Rong looked strange when she heard Jiang Wanyin's words. Big-Master is not dead, her sister actually claims to be a widow.

       Although seeing Wan Rong's weird expression, Jiang Wanyin wanted to investigate. Jiang Wanyin carefully taught her son to pronounce his name until his son remembered his name.

       Although she had obtained the household registration and road guide, Jiang Wanyin did not leave the capital immediately, and of course she did not want to stay in the capital.

       There are many powerful and powerful people in the capital, and a piece of brick in the world can kill Wangye. Staying in the capital is not the best choice. Moreover, she and Wan Rong are so outstanding that they will inevitably attract people's attention and cause disasters over time.

       Therefore Jiang Wanyin never thought of staying in Capital City.

       In addition to wanting revenge for not leaving Capital City immediately, it is not suitable to travel far because it is already winter when the household register and the road guide are obtained.

       In order not to attract people's attention and cause trouble, Jiang Wanyin keeps going out dressed as men. After it snowed in winter, Jiang Wanyin was busy going in and out every day, and went out to buy every day. It took more than ten days to collect three people's food and vegetables and eggs for the winter.

       After that, Jiang Wanyin made up his mind not to go out, staying at home for a winter, and when the snow started to melt, he left the capital.

       Before the winter, Wang Xiuyao got married.

       On the day of Wang Xiuyao's marriage, Jiang Wanyin hid in the crowd watching Wang Xiuyao being carried on the sedan chair by Wang-Zisheng, married with ten miles of red makeup, and went away in the sedan chair with the sound of firecrackers.

       Seeing Wang Xiuyao got married safely, Jiang Wanyin was relieved.

       She told Wang Xiuyao that she had already told her, and she had paid off the favor she owed.

       Jiang Wanyin quietly left before the crowd had dispersed.

       Before Wang Xiuyao got married, something happened to Jiang Wanyin's mood in the Wang family.

       Her enemy, Wang-Liushi, was born prematurely when she was seven months pregnant, and the baby was not saved. Wang-Liushi himself could not regenerate because of his injury.

       Jiang Wanyin secretly inquired about the news and learned that Wang-Liushi gave birth to a son who had died, and only said that Wang-Liushi was heartbroken. Wang-Liushi was sad, but Jiang Wanyin felt happy.

       She also inquired that Wang-Zhenshi did this, and that Wang-Zhenshi caused Wang-Liushi to give birth prematurely and was taken by Matron and Wang-Zisheng.

       I heard that Wang-Zhenshi was taken away from the housekeeping rights and was banned.

       The housekeeping power is in the hands of Matron, which is why Wang Xiuyao can marry with Shili Hongzhuang, because Matron and Wang-Zisheng put most of the betrothal gifts from the Xue family into Wang Xiuyao's dowry. As for the rest is left to Wang-Zisheng, there is nothing about Wang-Ziteng and Wang Xiulin.

       This is because after Wang-Zisheng was miscarried by Wang-Zhenshi, Wang-Zisheng revealed that Wang-Zhenshi was not the birth mother of Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao.

       It turns out that Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao were born by Tang-Shi, the original wife of Wang Lao-Ye. When Wang Lao-Ye worked in Jinling, Wang Lao-Ye hooked up with Wang-Zhenshi when Tang-Shi was pregnant with Wang Xiuyao. Wang-Zhenshi conceived a child before she was married. Whether Wang Lao-Ye was calculated or voluntary, Wang Lao-Ye had to hire Wang-Zhenshi as his wife.

       Because the Zhen family came out of Fengsheng Fu-ren, the Wang family did not dare to hit the Zhen family in the face.

       Wang-Zhenshi revealed her existence to Tang-Shi when Tang-Shi was pregnant and was about to give birth. This caused Tang-Shi to give birth to Wang Xiuyao and was ordered to death by Wang Lao-Ye.

       Wang-Zhenshi entered the Wang's house with a pregnant belly after Tang-Shi died. Wang Lao-Ye erased the presence of Yuan’s wife Tang-Shi, and recorded Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao under Wang-Zhenshi, Wang Zhenshi became his original wife.

       This is why Wang-Ziteng is only three or four months younger than Wang Xiuyao. It's just that Wang Lao-Ye and Wang-Zhenshi counted Wang-Ziteng one year younger in order to hide.

       After Wang-Zhenshi entered the Wang family, they could not tolerate Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao who Tang-Shi left. Matron kept his grandchildren by his side in order to protect his grandchildren.

       Tang-Shi dowry was dealt with by the Wang family. Wang family didn’t know much about it. Apart from the Wang-Zhenshi couple, there were only Sun Mama and Matron by Wang-Zhenshi and Liu by Matron. Mama knows.

       Since that day, Jiang Wanyin overheard the words of Wang-Zhenshi and Sun-Mama, and after learning that Wang-Zisheng is not Wang-Zhenshi, Jiang Wanyin personally checked the matter. Only then did I know that Wang Lao-Ye and Wang-Zhenshi had done the detrimental deeds, and that Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao were not from Wang-Zhenshi.

       Knowing that Jiang Wanyin's ministry knows the reason why the original work and the three Wang-Zhenshi mothers and sons of Wang-Zhenshi have no mercy against Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao.

       Jiang Wanyin didn’t plan to pass Wang-Zisheng and Wang Xiuyao to know these things, but Wang-Liushi forced her to leave the house, and Wang-Liushi and Wang-Zhenshi wanted to kill both of them, mother and son. Jiang Wanyin kept doing things to Wang. Zisheng knows.

       After leaving Wang’s house, Jiang Wanyin sent a letter to Wang-Zisheng not only to tell Wang-Zisheng Wang-Liushi and Wang-Zhenshi to kill their mother and son, but also to tell Wang-Zisheng Wang-Zhenshi to cut off his sons and grandchildren and tell Wang Zisheng Wang-Zhenshi is not his and Wang Xiuyao's biological mother, but their mother-killing enemy.

       After Jiang Wanyin stabbed Wang-Zisheng about the matter, Wang-Zisheng asked Matron, but Matron refused to let Wang-Zisheng reveal the matter. However, Matron did not expect that Wang-Zhenshi would kill Wang-Liushi so quickly, causing Wang-Liushi premature child to die, and Wang-Liushi was also injured by Wang-Zhenshi so that they could not be raised again.

       After Wang-Zisheng found out that it was Wang-Zhenshi work, it broke out completely. Wang-Zhenshi couple murdered their biological mother Tang-Shi.

       Wang-Zisheng originally wanted to sue the official, but was held down by Matron and Wang Lao-Ye. In the end, Wang-Zhenshi was seized and banned, and the Wang family also pressed the ugly family.

       After Wang-Zhenshi was banned, Wang-Zisheng hacked Wang-Zhenshi private library and regained his mother’s wedding and the bride price given by the Xue family when Wang Xiuyao was hired.

       Wang Xiuyao is married with a ten-mile red makeup. After Wang Xiuyao got married, Wang-Zisheng took Wang-Liushi and Matron and his biological mother's dowry and most of the Wang family's wealth left the capital and returned to Jinling.

       Wang Lao-Ye originally wanted to stop, but was blocked by Wang-Zisheng's fear of being poisoned by him and Wang-Zhenshi, so Wang-Zisheng could only leave.

       After this incident, the Wang family's father and son brothers turned against each other. After Wang-Zisheng took away most of his wealth, life became tight. And Wang-Zhenshi had to deal with the extortion of Li Guaizi and others, life was extremely difficult.

       Jiang Wanyin felt at ease when the Wang family had a bad life.

       The three cats spent a peaceful year at home, and when the snow melted in the spring, Jiang Wanyin left the capital with his son and Wan Rong.

        "Sister, we have reached the gate of the city, we will be out of the city soon."

       When the carriage came to the gate of the city, it suddenly stopped. Hearing an outside voice yelling to give way, Wan Rong gently lifted up a gap in the curtain of the car and looked out and found that he had reached the gate of the city and said to Jiang Wanyin. At this time, a group of people from outside the city gate entered the city with horses. After the two horses ran past, a carriage followed.

       The running horses and the swift carriage brushed shoulders with the carriage in which Jiang Wanyin was riding, and the gust of wind blew the curtains of the carriage in which Jiang Wanyin and the others were riding. Jiang Wanyin just raised his head and faced the four eyes in the carriage passing by. , Also facing Wan Rong who was looking outward.

       So scared, Jiang Wanyin suddenly stretched out his hand to take a picture of the curtain that was caught in Wan Rong's hand by the wind.

       "Hurry up and hide it, don't look out, it's not good to ask someone to see you."

       Jiang Wanyin lightly scolded Wan Rong. pair of deep eyes just scared her.

       She didn't expect Wan Rong to look out while she was talking to her son Hongfei.

       Jiang Wanyin said that Wan Rong also had a reason.

       The two sisters have outstanding looks, and if they are seen, I am afraid they will be coveted and cause trouble. Jiang Wanyin now only hopes to leave the capital safely, but he doesn't want to cause trouble here.

       "Didn't I tell you, why are you not obedient."

       Before going out, Jiang Wanyin had told Wan Rong not to show her face at will and not to let outsiders see her face.

       It's really because the two women with a child are weak in the eyes of outsiders and are easily bullied. Moreover, the two sisters have outstanding looks, and they are easy to be jealous and coveted. If they are seen by outsiders, they don't know what kind of trouble they will face.

       "Drink! I was scared to death, my sister really scared me to death just now."

       Wan Rong patted her chest with afterthought.

       "Now I know I'm afraid."

       "I was wrong, sister, don't be angry, I will listen to you, I will never dare anymore."

       She was really frightened, the man's eyes were terrible.

       Wan Rong quickly admitted her mistake and assured Jiang Wanyin that she would be obedient.

       "You have to do what you say."

       Jiang Wanyin glared at Wan Rong, who was not afraid of Jiang Wanyin grinning at her.

       Since the two became known as sisters, Jiang Wanyin has no longer regarded Wan Rong as a Nubi, but sincerely regarded Wan Rong as Mei-Mei. He carefully taught her to read and read, behave, butlers, etc. What women should learn in this era, Jiang Wanyin All taught Wan Rong a little bit.

       In the past few months, the two of them have treated each other as sisters. In addition, they have opened their eyes and gained insights. Wan Rong's personality has become more lively and courageous. Now it is not that even Jiang Wanyin is not afraid, unless Jiang Wanyin is angry to scare her.

       "Second aunt is not good."

       Hong Fei, who was sitting in Jiang Wanyin's arms, suddenly said to Wan Rong that those peach blossom eyes that were exactly the same as Jiang Wanyin's eyes widened. Although Jiang Wanyin and Wan Rong are similar in appearance, they are different. biggest difference is that Jiang Wanyin has peach blossom eyes while Wan Rong has almond eyes.

       "Bad Feier, speak ill of auntie."

       Wan Rong reached out and rubbed Hongfei head, and Jiang Wanyin patted it open.

       "Fei speaks so well, your second aunt is not good, and Fei Er can't follow her from her mother."

       Jiang Wanyin had trouble smoothing her son's hair, which was rubbed by Wan Rong.

       "Fei Er, listen to what my mother said."

       Hong Fei leaned against Jiang Wanyin's arms and spoke seriously, with a well-behaved look. Xiaojia is almost two years old, and his words have slipped a lot.

       "You are not good, you are mischievous and hide the cake in the quilt. mouse will bite you."

       Wan Rong's child childishly exposes the embarrassment that Hongfei has done, and reaches out to catch Hongfei chubby feet, Girl pretends to be a mouse biting Hongfei.

       Hong Fei is not always so behaved. He has a lively and mischievous temperament. In the past few months, he has made a lot of jokes. He was also behaved when Jiang Wanyin was there.

       However, although the little guy was small, he knew that he was embarrassed, and he immediately quit when Wan Rong exposed his embarrassment. Hong Fei Chuan pointed his finger at Wan Rong and glared at her:

       "The second aunt is bad, the second aunt is not good, the second aunt steals my cakes."

       "What are your cakes? My sister bought them, and they have my share, but not all of them are yours."

       "You eat more. I eat less. Keep mine."

       "Who told you to eat slowly."

       Half-year-old Miss was arguing with a one or two-year-old child in the car. Jiang Wanyin didn't care about it, and she looked at herself happy because of the quarrel between her aunt and nephew.

       The carriage left the city and headed west, gradually moving away from the capital.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't plan to go to the south of the Yangtze River, nor did she plan to go north. She had already noticed to go northwest.

       The three of Jiang Wanyin did not walk alone, but walked together with the dart board, naturally for safety.

       In order not to show up, Jiang Wanyin also bought a family of four people surnamed Li. From the slavetrader, I learned that the four members of the Li family were originally subordinates of a large family, and they were sold out by the master because of a mistake.

       Jiang Wanyin didn’t want to buy from the Li family. After all, there are many slavetraders for her to choose from. However, after careful observation and inquiry, she knew that the four members of the Li family were honest people. It was because they were planted to carry the pot for others. Jiang Wanyin bought their family.

       The Li family of four are a couple with a teenage Little Shu and a 15-year-old son. man's name is Li Jiang, his wife is Liu-Shi, his son is Huzi, and Little-Shu is Li He.

       Although the northwest border has not been peaceful, when Jiang Wanyin and his party left Capital City, there were only minor frictions and no large-scale war, so Jiang Wanyin and his party arrived at the border safely.

       Two months after leaving Capital City, Jiang Wanyin and his party settled in the northwest border.

       In a blink of an eye, a year later, Jiang Wanyin's family is considered to be firmly established on the border.

       At dusk in the winter, every family in the border city has closed their doors, winter snow is falling outside, and no one is walking on the street.

       Suddenly, there were horrified voices from the quiet street. I saw a few soldiers rushing from the side of the street carrying a single frame. On the single frame were lying people who were dying and could not see their appearance. group went straight to the door of another somewhat outdated Courtyard in the street before stopping.

       "Money knocked on the door quickly."

       The man in the lead was a soldier who gave orders, and saw a man with blood stains coming up to pat the door.

       "Doctor, Doctor Jiang, Jiang Niangzi..."

       In the inner courtyard of the house, three Jiang Wanyin's family were eating hot pot around the stove, and Li Jiang's family was eating hot pot around another stove. Suddenly, they heard the door clacking.

       "Li He, go out and see who is here."

       "Eh, yes, Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin told Li He, and Li He hurriedly got up and went out.

       Li He went out and opened the latch. door was suddenly pushed in from the outside. Fortunately, Li He reacted quickly and jumped back and was not hit by the door panel.

       "Who are you? What are you doing?"

       The door was pushed open, and a group of soldiers rushed in. Before they could see clearly, only a group of people came in and Li He Called in fright.

       "Li He, you Fu-ren, quickly call Doctor Jiang out to save people."

       "Brother Qian Meng."

       The visitor was an acquaintance. When he called Li He's name, Li He recognized it.

       "Hurry up, it's important to save people."

       "Hey, I'm going now."

       Li He rushed back to the backyard, and soon Jiang Wanyin came with Li He and Li Jiang.

       The border is dusty, and the women on the border are all wrapped in headscarves. Jiang Wanyin also goes to the village to follow the customs. She was wrapped in a blue headscarf, the rest of which was used as a veil to hide the beauty of Lotus, and only those peach blossom eyes were exposed.

       Jiang Wanyin smelled a bloody smell before she came out, so she asked when she came out.

       "Where is the wounded?"

       "Here, Doctor Jiang, save our general."

       While speaking, Jiang Wanyin saw the person being carried on the single frame. Jiang Wanyin immediately stepped forward to get the pulse of the injured, and then ordered:

       "Hurry up and bring people up to the table inside. Li Jiang Li He lit the candles, hot water came, wine, and my scalpel..."

       Jiang Wanyin immediately ordered to go down, and all the candles in the room were lit.

       Jiang Wanyin brought scissors to cut the clothes on the wounded, disinfected the wounded, and used a scalpel to clean up the arrow stones and broken branches on the wounded, and then suture the wounds. Jiang Wanyin also asked the Li Jiang brothers to change the wounded into clean medical clothes.

       This is the first time that Jiang Wanyin has received a severely injured person this year. Fortunately, the injury suffered by the injured was not fatal and did not cost the injured Temper. However, the injured suffered too much blood loss and his physical condition was very serious. bad. Furthermore, although the operation was successful, the ancient conditions were so simple that it was impossible to sterilize the infection; therefore, the wounded were still in danger, and Jiang Wanyin could only disinfect the wounded with strong alcohol.

       But this time, Jiang Wanyin wanted something that could be disinfected, and decided to try it back.

       "Doctor, how is the general?"

       Jiang Wanyin took his hand and came out from the door, and a group of men came over.

       "Arrows and gravel have been taken out, but this Daren has too many wounds and he has lost too much blood. Now he has not passed the dangerous period, but there is a risk of infection. You must observe for two days."

       Jiang Wanyin replied with a clean hand, and then turned to tell Li Jiang.

       "Li Jiang, ask Liu-Shi to get some sugar and boil it."

       "Jiang Fu-ren, you must save our general. general was injured because of our Suzhou city." Qian Meng and Jiang Wanyin's family were acquaintances, and he asked Jiang Wanyin.

       "General?" Jiang Wanyin didn't pay attention just now. After hearing this, he knew that the injured person's identity was not low.

       "Wounded, we join General Mu."

       As the official position of General Kezheng 3-Grade, he should have his own mansion in the border town. There should be no shortage of doctors. How could he be sent to her.

       "Your General Mu's residence and your barracks should have doctors and military doctors. How can you send people to me?"

       "General Mu Shen was injured too badly, and the doctors and military doctors in the mansion were helpless, and we had nothing to do. Qian Meng mentioned that your medical skills are brilliant... and asked the doctor to save us."

       "I can only say it is doing my best, and then it depends on whether Mu Shen will have strong perseverance."

       "The general led his troops to repel the Huns who were preparing to attack the criminal side. They were only injured when the Huns counterattacked to protect us. Doctor, please save our general."

       Jiang Wanyin remembered that the news he had heard before noon was the news of the Huns invading, but after he came, he heard that he was repelled. It turned out that the wounded inside repelled the Huns.

       Thinking that it was General Mu inside who led the people to protect the border town, Jiang Wanyin was also grateful and respected.

       This is the hero who protects them, and she should save him.

       "Don't worry, I will try my best."

        "Doctor Jiang, we have to go on duty to patrol the side and not stay to take care of the general. general will leave it to you. Please!"

       The general who sent General Mu here solemnly entrusted Jiang Wanyin.

       "Please rest assured, General Mu was injured for the sake of Dajing and Sucheng. He is the hero of our Dajing. As a doctor, I should take care of the wounded. I will try my best to treat General Mu."

       "General Yang, we should go now."

       The soldiers reminded that General Yang once again paid a courtesy to Jiang Wanyin and left with his group of soldiers.

       "Close the door."

       After Jiang Wanyin ordered the door to be closed, he went to the cubicle to check the pulse of General Namu. It only took a while, and the pulse phase only improved slightly. Closed, Jiang Wanyin looked at General Mu lying on the operating table.

       Although General Mu has been official to Zhengzheng 3-Grade, he still looks very old, 27 or 8 years old. His appearance is very valiant and handsome, but it's a pity that a scar from under his right eye to his right chin on his handsome face ruined his original handsome face.

       From the scar, Jiang Wanyin could tell that the wound on his face should have been caused by a spear, and that the scar would be scary if the wound was not healed in time. This wound should have been left on the battlefield, and the scars should have been wounded four years ago.

       After coming to the border, Jiang Wanyin understood that four years ago, Dajing and the Huns fought a war that lasted nearly a year.

       The wound on General Mu's face should be the wound he suffered on the battlefield four years ago.

       Four years ago, General Mu was supposed to be a handsome young man in his early twenties, but he was disfigured because of the war.

       Now that he was seriously injured in order to repel the Huns, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but respect the unconscious general. This is a real hero.

       After thinking about it, Jiang Wanyin took out a porcelain bottle from the storage room, poured a pill from the bottle and fed it to General Mu to eat.

       This pill was a life-saving pill made by the ancient prescription of the genius doctor Hua Tuo with the medicinal materials she had accumulated for several generations. medicinal materials that have been saved for several generations have only produced less than twenty pills, and each one used is as painful as cutting her heart and liver.

       I hope this general is worth her rescue.

       This medicine is rare, and its effect is naturally leveraged. After the pills were fed, Jiang Wanyin gave General Mu his pulse again, and the pulse phase had gradually improved.

       "Fu-ren, the sugar water and medicine are ready."

       Liu-Shi came in with sugar water and medicine.

       "Give me the medicine first."

       Jiang Wanyin took the medicine and lifted General Mu's head, pinched his hand to make him open his mouth, and then fed the medicine to him.

       Jiang Wanyin knew this method now. people around her didn't have this talent, and Jiang Wanyin hadn't learned it after teaching them. Especially Wan Rong, Jiang Wanyin taught her the most diligence, but her mind is really ignorant.

       After taking the medicine, Jiang Wanyin added some salt to the sugar water and fed it to General Mu to drink it.

       "Fu-ren, if you are tired, let my mouth guard you back to rest."

       Because there was no stranger, Jiang Wanyin had already taken off the face towel. majestic beauty under the candlelight was stained with exhaustion. Seeing her exhaustion, Liu-Shi persuaded her to rest.

       "Not today. This General Mu was injured and lost too much blood. I feared that the fever would get worse at night. I have to guard it personally to prevent any accidents. soldiers of the border town entrusted General Mu to me. I can't Let the soldiers down, not let Dajing lose a brave general."

       Jiang Wanyin refused to go back to the inner courtyard to rest. She was saved by General Mu.

       This simple compartment is not a good place to recuperate. Jiang Wanyin asked the Li Jiang brothers to carry General Mu to the only ward in the backyard.

       After placing General Mu on the Courtyard bed, the Li Jiang brothers left, only Jiang Wanyin and Liu-Shi remained in the house. Liu-Shi then advised Jiang Wanyin to take a rest.

       "Fu-ren, although General Mu is unconscious, he is a man. Is it wrong for you to stay and take care of him? This is a hindrance to your reputation."

       "I'm still a doctor. From the moment I decided to open the clinic, I didn't care about this. After more than a year, I have seen countless patients and wounded, including a lot of men. I've seen it. Now it's too late to say fame."

       It is not easy to work in the northwest. Jiang Wanyin chose to open a medical clinic instead of doing business. Although the border has not fought in recent years, there have been constant frictions. soldiers in Dajing are often injured. It is easier to survive on the border than to open a medical clinic than to do business.

       Moreover, Jiang Wanyin has studied medicine for many years, and this hand-medical technique is now just in handy.

       "But it's not good to let people know."

       "No one says how this outsider would know. Besides, who would dare to criticize me in front of me in this city."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard this, he glanced up at Liu-Shi, and Liu-Shi was taken aback.

       At first, she frightened Li Jiang's family with martial arts. On the way to the northwest, she also used martial arts to frighten her companions. After arriving in the border town, she opened a medical clinic and no one came to make trouble, but Jiang Wanyin was beaten away.

       She used her martial arts and brutal means to deter the evildoers in this city.

       The border is more open than the capital and other places, even if Jiang Wanyin is in the name of a widow, no one looks down on Jiang Wanyin. There is constant friction on the border, it is normal for dead people, and it is normal for women to become widows.

       Besides, because of Jiang Wanyin's brilliant medical skills, many people have been cured and saved at the border this year. people and soldiers in this city respect Jiang Wanyin, and they did not despise her just because she is a woman or a widow.

       Coupled with her martial arts shock, no one in this city dared to criticize her face to face, after all, who can guarantee that she will never be hurt or sick. It is unwise to offend a doctor who is skilled in medicine.

       As for the backlash, she didn't care if she didn't listen.

       Liu-Shi couldn't persuade him, so he didn't persuade him again, but Jiang Wanyin asked Liu-Shi to stay with her to guard Mu.

       At night, General Mu really had a fever. Jiang Wanyin hurriedly mobilized for treatment. master and servant were busy until the dawn of the day before General Mu had a fever. Both of them were exhausted and almost collapsed.

       "Fu-ren, it's almost dawn, you should go to rest for a while. If you are exhausted, who comes to see the patient?"

       Thinking that the fever has gone, there should be nothing in a short time, Jiang Wanyin is indeed tired, thinking that she should take a rest.

       "Go and ask Li Jiang to come and guard."

       After Li Jiang came over, Jiang Wanyin told him again.

       "You keep guard and call me as soon as something happens."

       "Knowing Fu-ren, go and rest soon."

       Jiang Wanyin went to rest after repeated instructions.

       General Namu was seriously injured, and he had not woken up after lying in Jiang Wanyin for two days. soldiers who defended the city took turns to ask to see General Mu every day. General Mu had not been awake but made the soldiers worried and anxious.

       General Mu is the military commander with the highest official position in Sucheng. It can be said that he is the backbone of the soldiers on the border. Now that the backbone has fallen, the soldiers on the border are in a downturn and the morale of the soldiers is depressed. It would be extremely disadvantageous if the Huns invaded at this time.

       General Yang, who sent General Mu to seek medical treatment that night, came to see General Mu. General Yang was a guerrilla general from the 4-Grade military attaché. General Yang also brought news that it seemed that Daren sent a new general to temporarily replace General Mu.

       "General, you have to wake up quickly, the soldiers are waiting for you. Your subordinates will guard the barracks for you, so that no one will take your credit. General, you will wake up soon."

       Jiang Wanyin stood outside the house listening to General Yang talking to General Mu.

       Hearing what General Yang said, Jiang Wanyin understood that General Yang was afraid that the new general would seize General Mu's military power and merit. This seizure of military merit has occurred no matter when it was in any dynasty or in any generation. It is even more normal to seize military power. After all, there are many saints Prince, and even the court has many military powers. If a general of Prince's faction takes the opportunity to take the military power from General Mu, it is entirely possible.

       Although Jiang Wanyin respects General Mu as a hero, she has no intention of intervening in the court's power struggle. She doesn't care about who the new general is or who is from Prince, and what the purpose is. These have nothing to do with her. .

       Jiang Wanyin thought so, but didn't know that this new general was related to her, because the arrival of that general caused her a lot of trouble and changed her original plan and affected her life.

       After hearing that General Yang finished speaking, Jiang Wanyin knocked on the door.

       "General Yang, it's time for General Mu to take medicine."

       Soon General Yang opened the door and Jiang Wanyin led Liu-Shi into the house with the medicine.

       "Doctor Jiang, when will our general wake up?"

       "It's hard to say. But General Mu's injury has recovered very well. If there are no accidents in this situation, he should wake up in these two days."

       The human body is also capable of self-recovery, and a severely injured person falls asleep without life-threatening, mostly because the body is recovering by itself. Jiang Wanyin gave General Mu daily to know General Mu's physical condition and knew that his injury was improving.

       Jiang Wanyin talked until he reached out to the bed to get General Mu's pulse, and then asked Liu-Shi to pass the medicine to her, then General Yang suddenly said:

       "Doctor Jiang, let me feed this medicine to the general."

       Jiang Wanyin looked up at him when he heard the words and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to feed General Yang. General Mu is not awake and can't drink the medicine by himself. If you want to feed him and drink the medicine, there are special methods. I'm afraid General Yang you won't. "

       Jiang Wanyin said that he lifted General Mu's head and pressed the acupuncture points to make the sleeping General Mu open his mouth, and then took the medicine Liu-Shi handed over to General Mu and drank it in one go.

       Then General Yang did not stay in the Courtyard as much, and the soldiers came to inform the new general that he was coming back to meet him.

       General Yang left in a hurry. After a while, Li He, who was watching the store on the front, came in and said that the new general had entered the city. Jiang Wanyin was also curious about who the new general was, and went out to see.

       It's just that she came out late. When she came out, the general had already rode past. Jiang Wanyin only saw him from behind.

       The general was followed by two carriages. Seeing a Maid sitting on the cowl, Jiang Wanyin knew that the carriage should be the wife of the new general.

       Bringing the female family to the border town, this general might not have been dragging his family and planning to stay in Sucheng.

       Jiang Wanyin looked up at the flag on the carriage, and was stunned when he saw the words on the flag.

        group of people has gone far. Jiang Wanyin was still standing at the door and staring blankly. Liu-Shi reminded her when she saw this.

       "Fu-ren, everyone has gone away, let's go back to the house. It's still snowing outside, it's weirdly cold."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't say anything in his heart, so after returning to the house, Jiang Wanyin told Li Jiang.

       "Go and find out where and who the general came from."

       "It's Fu-ren, the younger one will go."

       After Li Jiang went out, Jiang Wanyin was still a little unsure. Seeing her looks like this makes Liu-Shi and Wan Rong, who is leading Hongfei out of the inner courtyard, very worried.

       "Liu-Shi, sister, what's the matter?"

       "Back to 2-Miss, Nubi doesn't know."

       Liu-Shi was also worried, but she did not know what was going on.

       Hongfei saw that his mother had already rushed towards Jiang Wanyin.


       Hongfei rushed to hold Jiang Wanyin's calf and awakened Jiang Wanyin who was thinking. Jiang Wanyin picked up Hongfei and kissed his fat little cheek. During these two days, Jiang Wanyin didn't have time to take the children personally, so she asked Wan Rong to help them.

       "Feier has done his homework."

       "It's done. Mother, Feier wants to practice sword."

       Hongfei kissed Jiang Wanyin's face across the veil, acting like a baby.

       "Sister, what did you think about? I don't think you look very good."

       Wan Rong also walked to Jiang Wanyin and sits down, her face also wearing a veil. This was requested by Jiang Wanyin, and she was not allowed to see outsiders with real tolerance. Wan Rong is beautiful, the people on the border are fierce, and they are all weak women. She looks like this on this border, and she is afraid of causing trouble. No matter where she is, she is easily coveted.

       "It's nothing, just a few small things."

       This matter has nothing to do with Wan Rong, Jiang Wanyin didn't want to say more. Because of the worry in his heart, Jiang Wanyin had forgotten that Wan Rong was five or six points similar to her, which made Wan Rong's appearance be seen in the future.

       Revealed what she wanted to hide.

       "Liu-Shi, you and Li He are watching the door in front." Jiang Wanyin confessed and stood up holding his son: "Go, mother takes you baby to practice sword."

       "Let's go, practice sword and go."

       Hongfei is very happy.

       Jiang Wanyin carried her son to the backyard, and Wan Rong was busy following.

       Perhaps it is genetic inheritance, Liu Hongfei is born like martial arts but not literature.

       Especially after arriving at the border, soldiers often brought swords and swords. little guy also begged Jiang Wanyin for a small sword. Jiang Wanyin gave him a small wooden sword. little guy took his small sword every day. meeting.

       Maybe he really likes it, but the little guy always plays with his little sword persistently.

       Jiang Wanyin kept his little sword. Jiang Wanyin was worried that the little guy would calm down and read and read, so he pressed him to read and asked him to finish his homework before he could play the little sword.

       Seeing that his son really liked it, Jiang Wanyin had made up his mind to teach him martial arts when he was older. It's just that the little guy is still young, Jiang Wanyin only taught him a simple trick, and even such a little guy is always playing with swords and tricks every day.

       Because it was snowing, Jiang Wanyin asked Hongfei to play a small sword in the corridor. Jiang Wanyin stood by and instructed him. Wan Rong had gone back to the house for embroidering because he was not interested in maneuvering, and said that it was about to give Hongfei to Hongfei. Make new clothes.

       "Mother, is that right?"

       Playing tricks taught by Jiang Wanyin aside, Xiaojia will stop and look up at Jiang Wanyin, a pair of peach blossom eyes that are exactly the same as Jiang Wanyin's. little guy is almost four years old and he has grown a lot taller.

       "It's a good practice, it's just that you have to be harder when you use this trick, and it's a bit higher."

       After Jiang Wanyin picked up her big wooden sword and made gestures, she squatted down to explain to her son carefully.

       "Son understands, thank Mother."

       Hongfei kissed Jiang Wanyin again, because the veil on Jiang Wanyin's face in the inner courtyard had been removed.

       "What's your kindness with your mother, and show it to Mother while you practice."

       Jiang Wanyin touched her son's little head.

       "Yes, Mother."

       Hongfei took the small sword and danced again.

       The mother and son danced attentively, while the other watched attentively. They didn't realize that this scene had been seen by others.

       In the ward, General Mu was already awake. He woke up and saw that he was in an unfamiliar place and immediately became vigilant. He suddenly heard the noise outside. He reluctantly got up and pushed open the window to look out. He happened to see Jiang Wanyin who was showing Hong Feibi a trick.

       After the mother and son got close, he saw Hongfei practicing sword.

       Seeing the unfamiliar Jiang Wanyin mother and son, General Mu was puzzled and guessed where he was, but he was interested in watching Hongfei practicing his sword. Maybe it was because he watched too long and focused too much, and made Jiang Wanyin, who had always been vigilant, aware of his five senses and six keen senses.

       Feeling being stared at, Jiang Wanyin looked at it vigilantly and quickly. When he turned his head and hit General Mu's eyes, the face of the country and the city fell into General Mu's eyes without any cover, making him look at it completely.

       General Mu guarded the border all the year round, and even the women he had met, let alone those beautiful women like Jiang Wanyin, were stunned for a while.

       "General Mu."

       Meeting General Mu's eyes, Jiang Wanyin found that he was staring at her with stunned eyes, and then she remembered to put on the veil quickly.

       "Hong Fei, go to your second aunt after training, and ask your second aunt to find Li Shumu to boil water for you to bathe."

       "Mother, are you busy again?"

       Hongfei stopped and asked.

       "Yes, mother is going to be busy. Good, obedient."

       Jiang Wanyin touched her son's head and said.

       "I see, mother."

       After confessing his son, Jiang Wanyin turned and went to the ward. Seeing Jiang Wanyin walking towards him, Mu Jiang came back to his senses and sits back on the bed.

       Soon I saw Jiang Wanyin walking in.

       "General Mu, you are awake..."

       The sound like a Jade-Pendant falling on a jade plate sounded crisply, causing General Mu to lose his senses. He didn't even listen to what Jiang Wanyin said. Seeing that there was no response, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but stretch out his hand and wave in front of him.

       "General Mu."

       "Ah, oh. Who are you? Where am I?"

       After returning to his senses, General Mu looked at Jiang Wanyin warily.

       "General Mu, this is the unnamed medical center. I am the doctor of this medical center. General Yang, your subordinate, sent you to me for treatment."

       Seeing General Mu's vigilance, Jiang Wanyin secretly admired him, as he deserved to be a famous warrior on the border, and was not confused by seeing the beauty.

       Jiang Wanyin also explained. General Mu was relieved after hearing the words, but the vigilance in his eyes did not completely fade, Jiang Wanyin didn't care. battle generals should be vigilant now.

       "It turned out to be Doctor Jiang. This general has heard of your name, Doctor Jiang."

       "Aren't you afraid of me?"

       Seeing that Jiang Wanyin saw that he was not frightened, General Mu suddenly felt inexplicable emotions, and he said to Jiang Wanyin's eyes.

       Those glorious beautiful eyes were disappointing, and General Mu's eyes on Jiang Wanyin quickly moved away.

       General Mu was stationed in Sucheng, and Jiang Wanyin opened a medical clinic in Sucheng. Over the past two years, Jiang Wanyin's brilliant medical skills have made her famous in Sucheng, and General Mu has naturally heard about it. But he only knew that the doctor of the unknown medical clinic was a woman doctor or a widow, but he didn't know that this woman doctor was still a stunning beauty.

       Not only did he not know that, except for Li Jiang's family, the entire Sucheng people didn't know that Doctor Jiang, who was highly skilled in medicine, was a beautiful woman.

       A smile flashed in Jiang Wanyin's eyes when General Mu removed his eyes, a smug smile.

       "The general is the hero of Dajing. I and other people respect the general, so how can I be afraid of the general."

       "General Lao reached out and I gave the general a pulse."

       When General Mu heard the words, he stretched out his hand to Jiang Wanyin, and his slender, soft, white fingers were placed on his wrist, and a slight coolness came. General Mu quietly glanced sideways, his face was rather uncomfortable. Jiang Wanyin focused on examining the pulse without observing his expression.

       "General Mu, how are you feeling now? Is the wound still painful? Is it dizzy? Is there any discomfort in other places?"

       Jiang Wanyin asked while taking her pulse.

       Or seeing her seriously, General Mu also answered after thinking about it seriously.

       "I feel dizzy, the wound feels painful and itchy, and I feel weak."

       "The dizziness and fatigue are all due to the general, you have lost too much blood after the injury, and the blood in your body is insufficient. general's wounds are deep, almost critical, and now the wounds are recovering, they will be a little bit injured and itchy. This is normal. Yes. I will order the next person to cook medicated food for you in a while, and hope that the general will follow the doctor's advice."

       "Doctor Jiang, how is my injury? I don't know when I will heal?"

       General Mu asked anxiously.

       "You Dao hurts the muscles and bones for a hundred days. General, you are extremely injured. It is best to stay still for half a year, or at least three or four months."

       "No. This is definitely not possible. Huns are staring at the border town, how can I still have the heart to calm down. No, I have to go back to the barracks to have a look. weather is getting colder and colder, I'm afraid the Huns will invade, kill, and looting again, so I hurried back. Arrange for deployment."

       When Jiang Wanyin said that he had been resting for half a year, Mu Jiang::::'s face changed, and he immediately disagreed. He suddenly stood up and was about to leave, but Jiang Wanyin could not let him go, stretched out his hand to block the shock, and General Mu, who was brave and weak in the past, was shaken and sits back on the bed.

       "Bold, what are you doing?"

       Sit back on the bed, General Mu's face changed drastically, and he scolded Jiang Wanyin with anger.

       "General Yang personally confessed that he wanted me to heal your injury. Now that you are seriously injured, I can't let you go."

       "General, you need to know that your serious injury almost killed your Temper, and it also hurt the root cause. If you don't take care of your care this time, you will leave a hidden injury, which will affect your life. You'd better be at ease. Retreat."

       Despite being scolded, Jiang Wanyin was not angry, and said calmly.

       "You, you..." General Mu pointed at Jiang Wanyin, furious: "I tell you, I have to go back and deploy border defenses to prevent the Huns from invading. You block me to obstruct the military from obstructing military affairs. I will definitely take you against it. If the Huns took the opportunity to invade and attack the city of Su, what you committed was the great crime of the Jiu Clan. If you don't want to be ransacked and destroyed, you can quickly let me go."

       Although General Namu was seriously injured, his aura was still there, and when he was angry, his body rushed towards Jiang Wanyin. He thought it would shock Jiang Wanyin, but she was wrong. Jiang Wanyin is a person who has been reborn for many generations, and his hands are also stained with human blood. He has also been in a high position. How can he be afraid of him.

       "After the border defense is deployed, you don't have to worry about General Mu. A new general came to Sucheng this morning. I'm afraid that the border defense is already deployed. General Mu, you still feel relieved."

       "What are you talking about? What new general?"

       General Mu frowned when he heard this.

       "I heard that it is a new general sent by General Daren." Jiang Wanyin told General Mu what he had heard from General Yang.

       "Who is the new general?"

        "Final General Yang Lan leads all the soldiers to welcome General Liu."

       General Yang Lanyang led a number of soldiers outside the palace to greet the new generals.

       "General Yang, please."

       "Business matters, let's talk in the house."

       "General Liu, please."

       Then General Liu didn't bother to speak, he just talked about official business. A group of people entered the mansion and immediately discussed the military situation on the border.

       After General Liu learned the details, he immediately deployed the border defense.

       After all agreed deployment, General Liu asked about General Mu.

       "How is General Mu's injury? But he is recovering in the mansion? I also asked General Yang to lead the way and order this general to visit General Mu."

       This General Liu is only a general from 3-Grade, although it is only half a grade, it is indeed an official rank below General Mu, so he said goodbye. When General Daren learned that General Mu was seriously injured, he transferred this General Liu to temporarily replace General Mu.

       "General Mu is not in the residence, General Mu is treating in Rucheng Chinese Medicine Museum, and has not yet woken up."

       "I haven't woken up yet. That general should go to visit even more. Please also General Yang to lead the way."

       "General Liu, please."

       When the two came out of the house, they saw the soldiers hurried over and saluted General Yang.

       "General Yang, Wuxin Medical Center has sent someone to see you."

       "Call in."

       As soon as it heard that the Courtyard was coming, General Yang immediately asked someone to call, and he hurriedly followed, and General Liu followed.

       "Sir, see General Daren."

       The person here is Li Jiang.

       "Why did Doctor Jiang send you? Is it the general's injury? Tell me quickly."

       General Yang grabbed Li Jiang and asked.

       "Back to General Daren, General Mu woke up and said that he was going back to the General Mansion. Fu-ren asked me to send you to pick up people."

       "Have you sent to see Yang Lan? Why haven't you seen Yang Lan for so long."

       "I have sent someone to go. It's not two quarters of an hour. Why are you in a hurry."

       General Mu was anxious and impatiently reminded again and again, Jiang Wanyin said angrily that she was annoyed by him. If it wasn't for fear that he would rush out with the injury and the injury would get worse, she wouldn't be here to stop and listen to him.

       This General Mu is a stubborn cow, and he has to go back without listening to anything. How can he persuade him to stay quiet, and even say that he will not take medicine if he is not allowed to go. Jiang Wanyin was so angry that he was very angry. Can't wait to beat him, but she can't beat this person or dare not beat him. Being so annoyed, Jiang Wanyin asked Li Jiang to find General Yang and asked him to quickly pick him up.

       Anyway, this person has already been rescued, and she doesn't want to care about whether to continue to nurse or not. Before she was kind enough to feed the dog. This person's short life and longevity have nothing to do with her, and they don't care about it.

       "General Mu, you should drink the medicine first."

       Liu-Shi came in again with the medicine, and Jiang Wanyin persuaded again.

       "No. This general waits for Yang Lan to drink."

       General Na Mu stopped drinking, and Jiang Wanyin's anger rushed up again.

       "This is already the third bowl. You know that it is not easy to get the medicine here. It takes so many people to get the medicine for this bowl. Some people even pay their lives to collect the medicine. You are not only a waste of medicine, but also a waste of collecting medicine. Pharmacist Temper lives."

       "Could it be that you think you are a general and you can waste my medicine at will, and you can waste other efforts at will."

       Jiang Wanyin glared at General Mu with her hands on her hips and scolded her. It didn't matter whether the opponent was a general or not, Jiang Wanyin was not afraid of him.

       "You are seriously injured and have to take the medicine on time. If the injury gets worse and you pass out, it will be useless for you to go back. You can take this medicine without taking it."

       Jiang Wanyin spoke quickly and shot General Mu's body like lightning. General Mu is a fierce general on the battlefield. Naturally, he is strong in martial arts. If he is normal, he may be able to prevent Jiang Wanyin from shooting, but now he is seriously injured and weak, no matter how fast he can't be faster than Jiang Wanyin's hands.

       Jiang Wanyin directly tapped General Mu’s acupoint and fixed him, then took the medicine bowl and broke General Mu’s mouth and poured the medicine directly into him. He lifted General Mu’s chin together, and General Mu gurgled the medicine. I swallowed it all.

       Jiang Wanyin put down the medicine bowl to unlock General Mu's acupoint.

       "You, you are bold. How dare you offend this general!"

       Being restrained by a woman and being forced to do so, General Mu not only felt offended but also felt that his dignity was provoked. He was furious.

       Faced with General Mu's anger, Jiang Wanyin remained unchanged.

       "This Fu-ren is for the general to consider for the people in Sucheng. General, you don't care about your body. If the general is in poor health, how can you lead the soldiers in battle? If you can't lead the soldiers in battle, it is like defending the border to protect the people in Sucheng. General, Your body is not yours alone. You can't be willful in order to suppress the people of the city and get to the border of the great scenery."

       "You, you shrew."

       General Mu was frustrated by Jiang Wanyin's words and couldn't get up and down. He pointed at Jiang Wanyin and scolded a shrew. Jiang Wanyin glanced at him coldly.

       "General, your life was saved by my bastard. General, you treated your salvation like that. This is regarded as grace and revenge."

       Jiang Wanyin's peach blossom outside the veil looked at General Mu with a sarcastic look. Hearing Jiang Wanyin's words, Jiang Wanyin felt embarrassed and uncomfortable.


       Seeing that he stopped talking, Jiang Wanyin snorted and turned and left.


       General Namu waited for Jiang Wanyin to leave before whispering, "What a rude shrew, it's unreasonable."

       "If General Yang comes in a while, you tell him, hurry up and take the person away. I don't care about this person in the future. If this person is injured again in the future, he can send it to me again. If you ask me, just say I am not here. ."

       Jiang Wanyin confessed to Liu-Shi and turned and left.

       After a while, Li Jiang led General Yang and General Liu to see General Mu. Jiang Wanyin didn't know and didn't want to care about what the group said. After a few people were talking about it, General Yang asked Jiang Wanyin.

       "Dr Jiang, please ask Dr Jiang to come and see the general's pulse. What kind of prescription and medicine should be used for the general's injuries, and what kind of medicine should he pay attention to? Please tell Dr Jiang."

       "General Yang, our Fu-ren is not here. Fu-ren explained before, let you quickly get General Mu back. We Fu-ren said, she doesn't care about General Mu, let you not send General Mu in the future We send it here, Fu-ren cannot cure General Mu’s injuries and illnesses."

       Liu-Shi conveyed Jiang Wanyin's words with trepidation. Several of them were generals. Jiang Wanyin was not afraid, but Liu-Shi was just a subordinate or a woman, and was frightened and trembling by the evil spirits on them.

       "Bold, how do you speak?"

       General Liu was angry when he heard this, and General Mu hurriedly stopped.

       "Don't blame them, this general is wrong. Go, let's go home."

       Only when he calmed down, General Mu knew that there was something wrong with him.

       General Mu spoke, and General Yang hurriedly called for someone to carry General Chan Mu, and the group left. When he left, Li He brought a large packet of medicine to General Yang.

       "This is the medicine that our Fu-ren confessed to General Mu. Let General Mu drink the medicine on time."

       Li He specially Gao Qiang took the medicine on time, and General Mu touched his nose in embarrassment. I had a fight before and listened to the words left by Jiang Fu-ren. I thought that Jiang Fu-ren really didn't care about his injury, but I didn't expect that he would be prescribed medicine for him. General Mu. Suddenly I feel that I am a little cautious to save your belly.

       "Fu-ren, General Mu and they have already left."

       After General Mu and others had left, Liu-Shi went to report to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Just leave. It's too early today, let Li Jiang close the door."

       "Yes, Fu-ren."

       After Liu-Shi left, Jiang Wanyin continued to tell stories to her son.

       The season of autumn and winter is the calmest time on the border. Huns on the Geyin steppe only know that they are grazing and do not know how to cultivate and weave, so they lack food and clothing. Therefore, they will come to the Dajing to rob and plunder every time in the autumn and winter, often committing crimes.

       Although there is no large-scale fighting, small-scale wars are indispensable. In this war, there are injuries and illnesses. wounded and sick soldiers come to seek medical treatment. Jiang Wanyin is too busy every day. Jiang Wanyin had to close the door for a rest all the time.

       The New Year's Eve dinner was made by Jiang Wanyin himself, and Jiang Wanyin from Li Jiang's family also sent them back to celebrate the new year on their own.

       Jiang Wanyin's cooking skills are naturally first-class. After rebirth, she is of course Fu-ren, the mistress of high-ranking households, and Fu-ren, of a wealthy emperor's merchant, as a Pet fei Empress Dowager. These identities have allowed her to obtain countless wealth and knowledge and book secrets that ordinary people cannot get. In each life, she spends a lot of time to feel that she has turned her knowledge and craft into her own.

       It is rare for Jiang Wanyin to cook once, and Wan Rong and Hongfei eat their mouths full of oil.

       "Sister, the meal you cooked is delicious, much better than the one made by Liu-Shi and me. I have more."

       Wan Rong put more of her favorite dishes into her own bowl. What she likes is also what Hongfei likes to eat. No, the two of them have tried again.

       "Second aunt, save me some."

       "Isn't there still on the plate."

       "That's it. Auntie, you are Miss's family. Are you afraid of gaining weight if you eat so much?"

       "I'm not afraid. Didn't your mother say that, I'm still growing, I have to eat more. You should also eat more so that you can grow up quickly."

       "You have finished eating, what shall I eat, save me some."

       The two rushed to eat, although there were only three people, it was very lively.

       Early the next morning, Li Jiang's family came to kowtow to celebrate the New Year, and Jiang Wanyin gave a red envelope. After Li Jiang's family went out, Wan Rong also took Hongfei to give Jiang Wanyin a New Year greeting.

       "This year's, take it."

       Jiang Wanyin took out two red envelopes to the two, and the aunt and nephew were very happy.

       "Mother, hug."

       Hongfei took the red envelope and stretched out his hand for Jiang Wanyin to hold him. Jiang Wanyin held him in his arms, and Wan Rong sits down beside Jiang Wanyin. aunt and nephew unwrapped the red envelope and looked happy.

       "Rong Er, you'll be sixteen after the New Year, and you're at your age. When the first month comes out, I will ask the matchmaker to show you, what do you want? What do you want?"

       Women in the fifteenth and sixteenth age should get married. Although Jiang Wanyin felt that Wan Rong was still young, he did not dare to keep her. People say it is awesome, she dare not do it knowingly.

       When Wan Rong heard Jiang Wanyin mention the marriage, she was stunned, holding the red envelope and not opening it. She looked at Jiang Wanyin carefully and said:

       "Sister, I don't want to marry, I want to stay with you, I think it's good to stay with you."

       Jiang Wanyin immediately denied this.

       "No. You have to marry."


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