RM Maid 270

 Novels      »  【 QW】 Red Mansion Maid    »   


        This day Jiang Wanyin was practicing calligraphy in the house, and Xiao Yu hurried in to report.

       "Concubine, Big-Madam has asked Tai-yi again. It is said that the fetus has moved again."

       Jiang Wanyin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then slowly put down the brush in his hand.

       Xiao Yu was worried when she saw that she hadn't spoken.

       "Concubine, Big-Madam has fetal air again, how can this be good?"

       Every time Big-Madam has a fetal gas, Concubine will suffer a crime. What is even more annoying is that in the past two months, Big-Madam has had fetal air several times, and every time it is good at the end, I don’t know if this fetal air is real or fake.

       "What can I do? I can only suffer now."

       Jiang Wanyin had no joy or sadness on her face. Now her status can only be accepted.

       Sure enough, in the afternoon, Maid Yan Rulai who was next to Big-Madam spread the word that Wang-Liushi asked Jiang Wanyin to copy the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra" a hundred times in three days to pray for her child.

       Jiang Wanyin may not be able to copy the lengthy "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Wish Sutra" even if he does not sleep for three days.

       But Jiang Wanyin didn't have the slightest method, she couldn't resist at all, otherwise Wang-Liushi didn't know what crime she would be charged, so she could only copy Buddhist scriptures day and night.

       Fortunately, she has the habit of copying Buddhist scriptures on most days. There are a lot of various Buddhist scriptures that she has copied for generations in the storage room, and some of them can be collected hundreds of times from the storage room.

       Wang-Liushi had a fetal gas, and the house would be disturbed again. In the past two months, Wang-Liushi have not moved how much fetal gas has returned.

       Jiang Wanyin knew that Wang-Liushi first move was a fake, and the purpose was to frame her. After that, it is hard to tell how many times were true or false, but whether it was true or false, Jiang Wanyin suffered a crime every time Wang-Liushi had a fetal gas.

       Jiang Wanyin suffers here, but Wang-Zhenshi is happy.

       "Madam, everyone has already arranged it, and has been connected to that side."

       "That's good."

       "Sun Mama, you tell our people to agitate there when the time comes, and arrange for our people to do something in the dark when the matter is done, and we must get rid of the evil."

       Wang-Zhenshi said harshly with a murderous intent.

       "Madam, don't worry, it will be done this time. Big-Madam has long been unable to tolerate the Jiang-Shi mother and daughter, and the shot will definitely be more ruthless."

       "Liu-Shi, that idiot often fails to fail, let our people stare, but don't go wrong."

       Wang-Zhenshi can rest assured again.

       "Yes, Madam."

       In Duke's house, 3-Madam. Liu Chen Shi heard that his daughter had fetal gas again, and was worried that she would have trouble sleeping and eating. How can the confidants persuade her not to worry, saying that Wang-Liushi Jiren really can't appease Liu Chen Shi.

       "I'm just a daughter like Yuewei. Now she is suffering in Wang's house. How can I not worry."

       "I harmed Yuewei and asked her to marry the Wang family. poisonous woman Wang-Zhenshi even poisoned her own Erxi, giving Yuewei down-poisoned Yuewei and marrying into the Wang family for many years without giving birth, hurt Yue Wei and I got so many eyes from the Wang family and outsiders."

       "Now that Yuewei has finally gotten pregnant with all kinds of disasters, how could I not worry about it. When I think of Yuewei suffering at Wang's house, my heart hurts like a knife."

       "Madam. It is said that 5-Miss has been pregnant for six months. fetus should have been stable. Now that the fetal gas is so frequent, Tai-yi can't find out anything, maybe some ghost is doing it. ."

       Wang Mama, Liu Chen Shi confidant, hesitated, and whispered to Liu Chen Shi after sending the Maids.

       "Ghost. What do you say? Do you know it?"

       Wang Mama's words immediately caught Liu Chen Shi attention.

       "A few days ago, the old slave went to see the old sister and heard a strange thing about her." Wang Mama said mysteriously.

       "What weird thing is, come and listen."

       "Little-Erxi in the old sister's house next door to the old slave's house always miscarried less than three months after she was pregnant. After a few children were aborted, then Little-Erxi went to the Taoist temple and asked the truth to know that it was her husband's. Yuanpei wife didn’t want her to give birth to her husband’s children, so Little-Erxi always had a miscarriage after pregnancy. Then Little-Erxi husband’s Yuanpei died of dystocia, and became a ghost after death. pregnant woman."

       "The old sister of the old slave also said that it was Didi-Wife Sao of her cousin's Biao-Sao. She was always unstable after pregnancy. Later she learned that it was the Bazike of Sao's first-born daughter. baby in her belly is the reason why she often has an unstable fetus. Later, after the Sao family gave her daughter away, Sao’s fetus was stable and she gave birth to a fat boy the following year."

       "The old slave thinks that the situation of our 5-Miss is very similar to these two. Madam, do you think it is because there are ghosts, or who has defeated our 5-Miss brother? ."

       Liu Chen Shi heard Wang Mama's heart immediately.

       "It must be like this. Some bastard must have overcome Yue Wei."

       Liu Chen Shi has already thought of one.

       Liu Chen Shi asked Wang Mama to find the real Taoist priest Wang Mama said. A few days after Wang Mama said that the man had been found, Liu Chen Shi immediately sent someone to invite the Taoist priest to Capital City, and then she personally brought the Taoist priest to Wang-Liushi to see the picture.

       If Wang-Liushi wants to take Taoist priests to the door, he must first say hello to the master of the Wang family. This is naturally to say hello to the old Mu-Lady Wang of the Liu family, Matron.

       Matron has been worried about Wang-Liushi fetal gas during the past two months, so Liu Chenshi suggested that she agreed.

       When Jiang Wanyin learned the news, Liu Chen Shi had already taken Taoist priests into the mansion.

       Listening to Xiaoyu's report and learned that Liu Chenshi had led Taoist priests to visit Wang-Liushi to see the watch, Jiang Wanyin suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

       In the past two months since Wang-Liushi broke out of pregnancy, if Wang-Liushi has the slightest disturbance, she will suffer a crime, I am afraid this time is no exception.

       Before, because Matron believed in Buddhism, Wang-Liushi punished her to copy the Buddhist scriptures every time; this time Liu Chen Shi invited Taoist priests, Wang-Liushi would not punish her to copy the Tao Te Ching.

       The other masters in the house knew something that even Jiang Wanyin, who had been restrained, knew even earlier.

       Wang-Zhenshi keeps people staring at Wang-Liushi, and Wang-Zhenshi is in a good mood after knowing that Liu Chenshi has come to the door.

       "This is half of the story. Sun Mama, those people have explained it properly."

       "Madam. Don't worry, we have spent a full three thousand taels this time. We promised to do everything beautifully."

       "That's good."

       "Let's go, go to Liu-Shi and see. My motherzi comes to the door, and my in-laws should always meet, or else it will be said that my motherzi treats Erxi harshly."

       She didn't clearly treat Erxi harshly, she just poisoned Erxi.

       Wang-Zhenshi took Sun-Mama to Wang-Liushi. At that time, Matron and Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi in Wang-Liushi house were watching nervously at the half-hundred old Taoist figure.

       "Real person, how? Is something wrong?"

       Matron asked worriedly and anxiously.

       "No, nor these two. characters of these two are precious and can shelter Big-Madam and the children in their womb, not these two."

       The half-hundred old Taoist priest looked like a fairy tale, very serious and serious. His appearance made what he said convinced Matron and Liu Chen Shi and others.

       "That's not true. But the master's horoscopes in the mansion are all here, is it possible that which of the people failed?"

       Wang-Zhenshi just heard this at that time, and after asking the truth, she said:

       "There are so many servants in our mansion, we can't count them all. Moreover, people who don't know their birth date at all, how to calculate this. Besides, it is really necessary to toss so much. Isn't it because the people in the mansion are panicked? , Isn't this mansion in a mess."

       Hearing what Wang-Zhenshi said, Matron and others were not happy. Matron said with a sullen face:

       "For the grandson of the old, no matter how much you toss, it should be."

       At this moment the Taoist priest spoke.

       "You don’t have to count the characters of the underlings. Madam of your house is the master of the underlings, and his life must be more precious than those of the underlings. character of the underlings is low, and the characters are naturally humble and unable to overcome the master. With the big-Madam of the expensive house. He and the child in his womb must be the master of the expensive palace."

       "But the master in the mansion is here."

       Matron was puzzled.

       At this time, Gang Mama by Wang-Liushi suddenly remembered.

       "Matron, there are still two people whose characters are not here."


       "Matron belongs to the Xuchun Tower..." Because there are outsiders in Gang-Mama, I didn't dare to name Jiang-Concubine and Big-Geer.

       The horoscopes of the people in this mansion were disrupted and counted for the Taoist priests, and there were also a lot of horoscopes that were mixed in to guard against the Taoist priests.

       When talking about the Xuchun Tower, all the Taoists present thought of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       Wang-Zhenshi heard Gang-Mama mention Jiang Wanyin's mother and her son, and the corners of his mouth curled up, but soon disappeared.

       Matron frowned when Gang-Mama mentioned Jiang Wanyin's mother and son. At this moment, Liu Chen Shi gave Wang-Liushi a look, and Wang-Liushi immediately called Matron.


       Wang-Liushi called Matron and looked begging when Matron looked at her.

       Matron sighed and then ordered Liu Mama.

       "Go get it."

       At Xuchun Tower, Jiang Wanyin asked Xiaoyu again for the first time.

       "Isn't Yan Ru here today?" Except for the first time that Wang-Liushi had a fetal gas framed her, Liu Mama came in person, and after that, it was Yan Ru who was next to Wang-Liushi who came to spread the word.

       "Not yet, Concubine."

       "Today is so long!" There shouldn't be any big tricks brewing.

       "Concubine, don't guess, it must not be a good thing."

       In the past two months, Jiang Wanyin has been guilty, and Maid beside him also feels distressed for Jiang Wanyin, and is not convinced.

       "I also know that there will be no good things, but I just want to know what the bad things are this time. After all, this time is different from before. This time I have invited a Taoist priest."

       This time, Jiang Wanyin had a bad premonition, and felt uneasy.

       It's just that Wang-Liushi seemed to be tight this time, until Liu Chenshi led the Taoist priest to leave, and Jiang Wanyin didn't get any news that night.

       This made Jiang Wanyin more uneasy.

       It wasn't until the next morning that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son's eight characters overcame the brothers of Big-Madam and Big-Madam.

       After listening to Xiaoyu's report, Jiang Wanyin hadn't recovered from the shock, Liu Mama who was next to Matron came here in person.

       "Mama, but what is Matron's order?"

       Last time Liu-Mama came to pass that she had been banned. This time Liu-Mama came to make Jiang Wanyin's bad premonition stronger.

       "Matron let the old Nubi come to pass the message: Ask Jiang Concubine to take Big-Geer out of the house immediately to Shuixianan to pray for the brothers in the belly of Big-Madam and Big-Madam."

        Matron asked Jiang Wanyin and her son to go out to pray for Wang-Liushi mother and son. For a moment, Jiang Wanyin and her son will not be allowed to stay in the mansion.

       In Xuchun Tower, Jiang Wanyin, dressed in light blue plain clothes with only two silver hairpins on his head, handed a delicate carved wooden box to Xiaoyu.

       "Xiao Yu, you will give this box to Big-Miss after I leave for a while. It is my makeup for her. You told Big-Miss for me that I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with the time she got married. , These things are my little thoughts and worthless, and I hope Big-Miss will not dislike them."

       "In addition, thank you Big-Miss for me. matter between me and Big-Geer makes Big-Miss need not talk too much, just wait to get married with peace of mind."

       "Concubine, can't you really take the Nubis with you?" Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun asked repeatedly with tears.


       "Big-Geer and I are going to pray for Big-Madam and my brother, not to enjoy the blessing. Big-Madam said that we can't take Maid. I can't help it."

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun very much. Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun have been serving her since she came, and have been loyal to her. She also wanted to bring two Maids, but Wang-Liushi explicitly forbid her to bring Maid, she really couldn't bring them.

       Even Wang-Liushi only allowed Jiang Wanyin to bring two plain clothes, and no other clothes and jewelry.

       Matron also defaulted to the Wang-Liushi approach.

       "I don't know when I will come back this time. After I leave, you will go to Big-Miss and ask Big-Miss to take you in, and you will serve Big-Miss with all your heart. Big-Miss will treat you kindly. ."

       The two Maid served her, I'm afraid that after she leaves the house, they will be treated harshly by Wang-Liushi and bullied. two Maids were loyal to her and helped her a lot. She should arrange a place for them.

       In the entire mansion, only Wang Xiuyao is the best place to go. Even if Wang Liu-Shi is dissatisfied, he can't reach out to the sister's yard. Because of her, Wang Xiuyao may not trust the reuse of two Maids, but at least no one treats them harshly.

       Although being framed by a pro-mother sister made Wang Xiuyao cold and grow up quickly, at least the Wang Xiuyao she knows now has a bottom line in her heart, and she is still a kind Miss.

       This time Wang-Liushi forced Jiang Wanyin and her son to go out to pray for blessings. Even Matron compromised. Only Wang Xiuyao spoke for Jiang Wanyin and her son. However, she was just a Miss to be married, and she was still light-hearted when she was in the house. Matron ordered her to leave without saying a word.

       Although Wang Xiuyao didn't help her much, Jiang Wanyin remembered it because of his love.

       "Concubine, don't worry, Nubi will write it down. Nubis will find Big-Miss soon."

       "Jiang Concubine, it's time to go."

       Jiang Wanyin originally wanted to explain a few more words, but Liu Mama has urged it again and again.

       "I got it. It's coming."

       Jiang Wanyin responded and told Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun back: "You go out with me, and you will find Big-Miss immediately after you go out. Remember, avoid some people in the Big-Madam courtyard. You must have this box. Hand it over to Big-Miss."

       "Nubi got it."

       "Wan Rong, let's go."

       Jiang Wanyin hugged Big-Geer from Wan Rong's arms, Wan Rong followed Jiang Wanyin with two burdens, Xiao Yun and Xiao Yu also followed.

       Wang-Liushi originally prevented Jiang Wanyin from taking Maid to serve, but Jiang Wanyin asked Matron, and Matron allowed Jiang Wanyin to bring and serve Big-Geer Maid Wanrong.

       After leaving the courtyard, Jiang Wanyin ordered Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun to find Wang Xiuyao immediately. Outside the courtyard, Liu Mama was already waiting outside the courtyard. She wanted to watch Jiang Wanyin's mother and son go up to the fairy in Shuixian Temple in person.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't give Liu Mama half a look. From when Matron thought that their mother and son were overpowering Wang-Liushi mother and son, and agreed that Wang-Liushi forced them to leave the house, Jiang Wanyin stopped thinking about it.

       Holding his son and taking Wan Rong to the back door. Because of the ugliness of the Wang family, I am afraid that people will know that they treated Concubine Shu-son harshly, and that Wang-Liushi also acted as Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, only letting them go through the back door. Of course, this is also agreed by Matron, otherwise Wang-Liushi would dare to abuse their mother and son in such a fair manner.

       At the back door was parked a simple green bubon carriage. Seeing the groom standing next to the carriage, Jiang Wanyin's face aroused sarcasm. She recognized the coachman as the husband of Gang-Mama next to Wang-Liushi. Wang-Liushi This is to guard her.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't speak all the way, took his son and Wan Rong into the carriage, and glanced at the back door of Wang's house. Wang-Zisheng didn't show up from beginning to end.

       Jiang Wanyin lowered the curtain, and the carriage slowly started to leave.

       Maybe it was because I knew something was wrong, or maybe the atmosphere was depressed. It seems that Big-Geer hasn't made trouble today. After getting on the carriage, she fell asleep in Jiang Wanyin's arms. Jiang Wanyin was in a bad mood and didn't speak all the way.

       The carriage went out of the city, getting more and more stray. Suddenly the carriage stopped, and Jiang Wanyin, who was leaning on the wall of the carriage, closed her eyes and opened her eyes suddenly. Then she quickly tapped the son in her arms twice, holding his son in one hand and Wan Rong in the other hand and rushed out onto the roof of the car.

       Jiang Wanyin carried Wan Rong and landed a few meters away from the carriage. Jiang Wanyin looked at the carriage and saw several people in black on the outside of the carriage. They were all slashing into the carriage. If they were still in the carriage, they would be hacked to death.

       Jiang Wanyin saw this scene with a cold expression on her face and killing intent in her eyes.

       It turned out not to want their mother and son to go out to pray for blessings, but to want their mother and son's life. Wang-Liushi tried their best to force their mother and son to leave the house because they were afraid of killing them outside the house.

       She Called in response to Wan Rong's late response.

       "Concubine .."

       I saw the several blacks rushing towards them with knives after failing to hack.

       "Hold Big-Geer."

       Jiang Wanyin put his son in Wan Rong's arms and greeted the man in black with his bare hands. Although Jiang Wanyin is bare-handed, and although Jiang Wanyin has not been practicing martial arts again in this lifetime, Jiang Wanyin still has a mastery of medicine and poison. When meeting the man in black, Jiang Wanyin took out the poison-medicine from the storage room and sprayed it directly on the man in black, then took the opportunity to take the knife of the man in black who rushed up first, and slashed him with the knife.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't show any mercy when he started, plus the effects of poison-drug, but only one of the black-clothed men in two or three quarters of an hour was left disabled and lingering.

       "Say, who sent you here?"

       Jiang Wanyin pointed at the man in black and asked sharply.

       The man in black did not speak, Jiang Wanyin shook the knife in his hand, and a Call sounded, and the man in black had his hands cut off shoulders.

       "Don't tell me. If you say it, I'll give you a happy one, otherwise, I will make you die."

       When the tip of the knife pointed to the eyes of the man in black, the black cloth was horrified.

       "I, I said, I'm the Duke Mansion..."

       The man in black spoke to Duke's mansion, and Jiang Wanyin's knife flicked across the neck of the man in black, breaking the man in black.

       Duke Mansion, that is Wang-Liushi family.

       Sure enough, Wang-Liushi wanted their mother and son Temper's life. Wang-Liushi mother and daughter have a vicious heart, and Matron is even more ruthless. It's not a day or two for Wang-Liushi to tolerate their mother and son. Matron clearly agreed that Wang-Liushi forced them to leave the house. Their mother and son were abandoned by Matron.

       Wang Family, from now on, my Jiang Wanyin mother and son will make a decision with your Wang Jiaen, and your Wang family has nothing to do with our mother and son.

       Jiang Wanyin turned around and saw Wan Rong standing there stupidly holding Big-Geer, already frightened.

       "Wan Rong, come here, we should go now."

       "Auntie, Concubine..."

       Wan Rong was so frightened that her legs were weak and she couldn't move. After all, Wan Rong is only a teenage Little-Maid. She has seen such a scene in the inner house of a high-level family, and it is not surprising to be scared.

       Jiang Wanyin gently shook his head and walked towards her. Before taking two steps, Jiang Wanyin's complexion suddenly changed and rushed to Wan Rong's side, holding her waist and carrying Wan Rong and his son up and down on the carriage.

       "Hold Big-Geer and sit firmly."

       Jiang Wanyin personally drove the carriage hurried forward, Jiang Wanyin turned around and saw several people in black chasing him behind him.

       The horse in the cart is not a good horse, and it can't run the horse of the man in black, and the man in black soon chased it. Seeing the black man swinging his sword to the left and the right, he slashed at Wan Rong and Big-Geer who were sitting on the open carriage.

       Jiang Wanyin abandoned the rein and jumped up. He threw the knife in his hand and pierced the man in black on the left. He then rushed to the man in black on the right. dagger that was taken out of the storage room was thrown at the chest of the man in black, killing him instantly. man in black, another man in black was also hit by a knife that Jiang Wanyin also issued and waved towards Wan Rong and Big-Geer.

       Jiang Wanyin kicked the dead man in black and fell on the horse back. She quickly took the reins to control the running horse to catch up with the running carriage, and reached out to take Wan Rong and Big-Geer from the carriage. He fished it out and put it in front of him, protecting the two of them in front of him, and then Jiang Wanyin took out a poison needle from the space and turned his head and threw the poison needle out.

       I don't want this group of people in black to have a higher skill than the previous batch. Although a poisonous needle shot many people in black, several people in black escaped the poisonous needle shot by Jiang Wanyin.

       Originally, the owner of the carriage was driven to a remote place by the coachman. After that, Jiang Wanyin was panicked. Now the horses are running more and more deserted. There is no way to go further, and dense woods gradually appear in front of them.

       Jiang Wanyin took Wan Rong and Big-Geer all the way to a gallop, Jiang Wanyin kept poisoning but didn't get rid of the black clothes. Riding to the jungle was already difficult, Jiang Wanyin had to take Wan Rong and Big-Geer to jump off the horse and rush into the jungle.

       It is more difficult to walk in the dense forest, not to mention Jiang Wanyin with Wan Rong and Big-Geer.

       The man in black chased after him, Jiang Wanyin took Wan Rong and Big-Geer to escape the road to find a hiding place.

       Seeing the man in black chasing closer and closer, Jiang Wanyin directly tapped Wan Rong's dumb hole and pushed her into the bush.

       "Hide it, don't move. When I come back to find you."

       After Jiang Wanyin whispered, he flew and rushed in the other direction, attracting the man in black.

       Wan Rong hugged Big-Geer while lying in the bushes, not daring to move. He heard the faint sound of swords fighting from the quiet forest far away.

        After Jiang Wanyin left the house, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun carefully hid before arriving in Wang Xiuyao's courtyard.

       Because Wang Xiuyao was ordered by Matron, she was taken back to her yard by Chun Juan who was beside Matron. Because Wang-Liushi forced Jiang Wanyin's mother and son to go out to pray for blessings, and because of Matron's consent, Wang Xiuyao couldn't figure it out and was upset.

       Kisaragi came in carefully to report.

       "Big-Miss, Jiang Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun around Concubine beg to see you."

       "Why are they here? Tell them to come in."

       Ruyue led Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun in. As soon as the two entered the room, they knelt down and kowtow to Wang Xiuyao. Suddenly giving such a big gift shocked Wang Xiuyao.

       "What are you doing, get up quickly."

       After the two got up, Wang Xiuyao said.

       "Why do you want to see me? If it's Jiang Concubine's business, forgive me for nothing."

       "Big-Miss, it is Concubine and Big-Geer who have left the house."

       "Then what are you still looking for me for?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Xiaoyu Xiaoyun in surprise.

       "Big-Miss, Concubine asked Nubis to come to you. Concubine asked Nubi to give you this box."

       Xiao Yu offered the box out, and Wang Xiuyao asked Ruyue to take it. She asked.

       "What is this?"

       "Concubine said that she didn't know when she would be back when she left the house this time, and she was worried that she would not be able to catch up with Miss's wedding. She specifically confessed that Nubi gave Miss you this box, saying that she was adding makeup to Miss. Concubine don't say this, let Miss you see I know."

       Wang Xiuyao looked at Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun and saw that they looked like they really didn't know, and she turned her head to indicate that Ruyue opened the box.

       This carved wooden box is not small, it has a size of twelve or three inches. When Ruyue opened the box, Wang Xiuyao first saw the two letters on the top.

       Unexpectedly, Jiang Wanyin would write to her, Wang Xiuyao was quite surprised. She picked up the two letters and did not read them immediately. Under the two letters are some delicate jewelry, but not much valuable jewelry. In addition to jewelry, there were two small bottles. One red and one white had no logos, and she didn't know what was in the bottle, so she didn't open it hastily.

       Wang Xiuyao opened the letter after examining everything in the box.

       Wang Xiuyao opened the first letter. In the letter, Jiang Wanyin stated that she did not know if she had a chance to return to the mansion and asked Wang Xiuyao to take in the two Maids, Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun, and other trivial matters. Wang Xiuyao opened the second letter again, and Wang Xiuyao's expression changed drastically at the beginning.

       Seeing Wang Xiuyao's face changed, Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun couldn't help feeling uneasy.

       Wang Xiuyao quickly scanned the letter, and hurriedly folded the letter without looking carefully.


       Seeing that Wang Xiuyao's face changed, Ruyue called Wang Xiuyao immediately after Wang Xiuyao received the letter.

       "From now on, you two will stay in our yard as errands, Wu Mama, take her to settle down."

       After sending Wu Mama to take Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun away, Wang Xiuyao immediately got up and hurried out, and Ruyue hurriedly followed.

       "Big-Miss, where are you going?"

       "I want to see Big-Brother immediately."

       Wang Xiuyao hurried to the Wang-Zisheng courtyard, accidentally watching Gang Mama was walking slowly in the corridor while supporting Wang-Liushi.

       Wang Xiuyao hurried in to Maid to see her salute Wang-Liushi.

       Wang-Liushi obviously didn't expect that Wang Xiuyao would come over, and she stiffened a bit when she heard Maid's request, and then slowly turned around. When she looked at Wang Xiuyao, her complexion was as usual.

       "Big-Mei-Mei, why are you here?"

       "I have seen Sao."

       Wang Xiuyao saluted Wang-Liushi.

       "Big-Mei-Mei, what's the matter?"

       "Sao, you have a fetal gas? But are you better?"

       Wang Xiuyao stared at Wang-Liushi and asked.

       Before Wang-Liushi had frequent fetal gas, Wang Xiuyao was also worried about her and her child.

       For Wang-Liushi and the children in her womb, Jiang Wanyin and her son were even forced out of the house.

       But now Wang Xiuyao sees Wang-Liushi ruddy complexion, and she heard Wang-Liushi laughter when she first came in. Wang-Liushi doesn't seem to have moved her fetus at all. Seeing Wang-Liushi at this time, no matter how stupid Wang Xiuyao is, she knows that Wang-Liushi fetal gas is fake, let alone she is not stupid.

       "I felt better just now. I was bored in the room and then came out to breathe. I didn't think Big-Mei-Mei would come."

       Wang-Liushi said with a smile to Wang Xiuyao, she felt confident about stroking her pregnant belly.

       Wang Xiuyao's eyes flashed when she heard what Wang-Liushi said. She heard what Wang-Liushi meant. Wang-Liushi was saying that after Jiang Wanyin and her son left the house, she immediately felt better. spread of these words confirmed that Jiang Wanyin's mother and her son were restrained from each other.

       Although I understood the meaning of Wang-Liushi in my heart, Wang Xiuyao didn't mean to tear his face with Wang-Liushi. In addition, although Jiang Wanyin and Wang Xiuyao get along well, the friendship is far from enough to make Wang Xiuyao fight against Wang-Liushi for Jiang Wanyin's Concubine.

       However, Wang Xiuyao has opinions and dislikes about Wang-Liushi.

       "I have something to ask Big-Brother, so I won't bother Sao."

       Wang Xiuyao does not want to talk more with Wang-Liushi. However, Wang-Liushi was originally puzzled about her suddenly coming here, and it would be even more curious to hear her going to see Wang-Zisheng. Wang-Liushi called to stop Wang Xiuyao who had already left.

       "Big-Mei-Mei is looking for Big-Master, but what's the matter?"

       "It's nothing, I just want Big-Brother to help me."

       After Wang Xiuyao paused and replied, she hurriedly left.

       After Wang Xiuyao left, the smile on Wang-Liushi face disappeared instantly and his face was pulled down.

       "Big-Madam, Big-Miss What does this mean?"

       Seeing the expressions of Wang-Liushi, Gang Mama immediately said with dissatisfaction.

       "Big-Madam, Big-Miss is coming to Big-Master again for Jiang-Concubine."

       "Who knows."

       Wang-Liushi said angrily, obviously dissatisfied with Wang Xiuyao.

       "Old Nubi have heard that Big-Miss used to go to see Big-Geer in the Xuchun Tower before. Before Matron let Jiang-Concubine go out of the house, Big-Miss also pleaded for Jiang-Concubine."

       Gang Mama said very dissatisfied.

       Wang-Liushi felt even more dissatisfied with Wang Xiuyao, and even more resented Jiang Wanyin.

       "What else? It must be Jiang Qiuyue that bastard-person has used some magic method to win Big-Miss."

       Wang-Liushi said sarcastically. Then she thought of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son who had already left the house, and she couldn't help but feel better.

       "But the bastard and the wicked son have already left the house, and they won't be an eyesore anymore. Don't talk about their mother and son anymore."

       Wang-Liushi looked disgusted.

       "Yes, Big-Madam."

       Wang Xiuyao hurried to the study to meet Wang-Zisheng. Wang-Zisheng was lying on the study couch drinking tea and looking at the script.


       "Yo. Yao Er, why are you here? Come and sit down."

       The study door was open, and Wang Xiuyao entered the room by herself. Wang-Zisheng heard Wang Xiuyao's voice and sits up. He was quite surprised. He called Wang Xiuyao to sit down beside him.

       "Kiritsu, you go outside and guard."

       Wang Xiuyao dispatched Ruyue, and she walked to Wang-Zisheng and sits down by herself. Seeing her serious look, Wang-Zisheng's expression receded.

       "Yao Er, what's the matter with you?"

       Wang Xiuyao looked at Wang-Zisheng and sighed helplessly.

       "Big-Brother, Jiang Concubine took Big-Geer out of the house to Shuixianan, do you know about Big-Brother?"

       "You are here for this."

       Wang-Zisheng, who had originally suppressed his expression and had a serious face, immediately relaxed after hearing Wang Xiuyao's words, with an expression of suspense.

       "Big-Brother, you know!"

       "Big-Brother, you know why you don't stop Sao and Grandmother?"

       Wang Xiuyao couldn't help but question Wang-Zisheng angrily.

       "How can Grandmother's decision be rebutted. Wang-Liushi is still pregnant with a child."

       The expression on Wang-Zisheng's face did not change, but the eyelids drooped to cover the eyes.

       "Big-Brother, Big-Geer is also your son. Big-Geer is your Eldest-son, Big-Brother, don't you even care about your own son?"

       "What about Eldest-son? Blame him for being Shu born, blame him and Jiang-Shi for defeating the child in Liu-Shi and Liu-Shi."

       The tone of Wang-Zisheng's speech was as if they were talking about other people's affairs, as if they had nothing to do with them.

       Of course, he did not care about Jiang Wanyin's mother and son. Before Wang-Liushi was pregnant, he didn't care anymore. Now Wang-Liushi is pregnant. He who is about to have Di-son doesn't care about Jiang Wanyin and her son.

       Wang Xiuyao was shocked by Wang-Zisheng's relentless words.

       "Big-Brother, I don’t know that Big-Brother you are so indifferent and ruthless, and you don’t even care about your own son. Thanks to Jiang Concubine, he still thinks about you and me, leaving you and me. Big-Brother, You are sorry Jiang Concubine and big nephew."

       Wang Xiuyao furiously took out the letter and threw it on Wang-Zisheng and rushed out of the study room angrily.

       Wang-Zisheng still looks indifferent, and Wang Xiuyao is not left.

       After Wang Xiuyao left, Wang-Zisheng picked up the letter and opened it. When he saw what the letter said, his expression also changed drastically. He stepped up from the couch and rushed to the door, and asked the boy guarding outside the door.

       "When did Jiang-Shi leave the house?"

       "Back to Big-Master, Jiang Concubine left the mansion before noon. This will have two hours."

       The young man didn't know, so he just answered truthfully.

       Wang-Zisheng's face instantly paled after hearing this, and he said: "It's late, it's late..."

       Two hours have passed, and Jiang-Shi mother and son have left the city early. Out of the city, I'm afraid that Jiang-Shi mother and son will lose their lives.

       Wang-Zisheng walked back to sit on the couch and watched for a while, then he got up and rushed out. More than a quarter of an hour later, Wang-Zisheng took a few servants out of the house and rode straight out of the city.

       Outside the gate of a small courtyard in the south of the capital, a man knocked rhythmically on the door, and soon the door was opened from the inside, and the man quickly entered the door.

       "Concubine, you can come back, Big-Geer has been looking for you."

       "Wan Rong, you go cook first, I'll go see Big-Geer."

       Speaking of giving Wan Rong the vegetables and meat in his hand, Jiang Wanyin walked into the house.

       No one else lives in this small yard, it is Jiang Wanyin's mother and son and Wan Rong; the man is Jiang Wanyin who is disguised as a man.

       After Jiang Wanyin killed the men in black who were chasing them in the woods that day, Jiang Wanyin did not choose to leave, she took her son and Wan Rong back to the capital. But instead of returning to Wang's house, she rented a small yard in the southern part of the capital and lived there.

       The layout of the capital is rich in the east, rich in the west, and poor in the south, and poor in the north. Most of the poor and poor people live in the south of the city, where fish and dragons are mixed and easy to hide, so Jiang Wanyin chose to rent a house in the south of the city.

       After eating, Jiang Wanyin coaxed his son to take a nap. Wan Rong asked Jiang Wanyin sadly:

       "Concubine, are we really not going back to Wang's house?"

        Early in the morning, Wang-Zisheng was going out in a hurry. Wang Liu-Shi asked him when he saw him.

       "Big-Master, where are you going?"

       "Master has important matters, you can raise your baby at home with peace of mind."

       Wang-Zisheng, who had been sullen, saw Wang-Liushi already bulging pregnant belly, the expression on his face eased a lot.

       After Wang-Zisheng finished speaking, they hurried out with the young man. As soon as Wang-Zisheng left, Wang-Liushi face was pulled down, gloomy and frightened.


       Yan Ru, who was supporting her, called her tremblingly.

       "go back."

       Wang-Liushi said with a cold face, Yan Ru tremblingly helped her back to the house.

       Wang-Liushi already knew that Wang-Zisheng was going to find Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       On the day Jiang Wanyin and her son left the house, Wang-Zisheng guessed after Jiang Wanyin’s letter left and guessed that Jiang Wanyin’s mother and son might be out of the house, so he took someone out of the house to find someone. Naturally, the man was not found. After searching for a long time, only the body of the man in black on the road was found.

       Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were not found, nor the corpse. Wang-Zisheng still had hope in his heart that the mother and son were still alive, but they were searching for several days but no one was seen.

       After searching for a few days and not finding it, Wang-Zisheng didn't want to give up. It's just that he went out of the house to find Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, but Wang-Liushi was unhappy and unhappy.

       What irked Wang-Liushi the most was that all the people she sent out to intercept Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were dead, but Wanyin's mother and son were missing.

       Wang-Liushi wanted Jiang Wanyin's mother and her son to die most, so the news that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were missing did not satisfy her. Wang-Liushi was angry that the people sent out were incompetent, especially seeing Wang-Zisheng insisting on looking for Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, she felt even more angry.

       Matron learned that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were chased and killed, and became ill that day. Wang Xiuyao has been taking care of Matron at Matron these days.

       When Sun-Mama came back from outside the house to see Wang-Zisheng and brought people out of the house, Sun-Mama immediately returned to the main courtyard to report to Wang-Zhenshi.

       "Madam, Big-Master is out of the house again."

       Sun Mama's complexion was not very good, and he looked terrified, but Wang-Zhenshi didn't notice her because he didn't pay attention to her at first.

       "Out of the house again? It seems he hasn't given up yet."

       Wang-Zhenshi frowned, obviously in a bad mood.

       "Is there any news over there? Has anyone found it?"

       Hearing Sun Mama's expression immediately became uneasy.

       "Madam, I haven't found anyone yet."

       "It's been a few days, and I haven't found anyone yet. I can't even handle a woman or child, a bunch of waste!"

       Wang-Zhenshi was furious.

       "Let someone pass a message to Li Jiaizi, my money is not so easy to take, and if you take my money, you have to get things done for me, otherwise I will let him Li Jiaizi not stay in the capital."

       It turned out that it was not just Wang-Liushi who sent people to chase Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, Wang-Zhenshi also sent people to chase Jiang Wanyin's mother and son; therefore, Wanyin's mother and son were hunted down by two waves of people.

       Sun Mama hesitated and did not respond immediately.

       Wang-Zhenshi wrinkled his head and looked back at Sun Mama, with an expression of dissatisfaction on his face.

       "Sun Mama!"

       Wang-Zhenshi turned around and scolded but saw Sun-Mama uneasy.

       "Sun Mama, what is going on?"

       "Madam, Li Jiaozi said that they won't find anyone anymore..."

       "what did you say?"

       Only half of Wang-Zhenshi anger was already glaring at Sun Mama, and Sun Mama trembled and continued.

       "Madam, Li Kaizi said that they would not send people to Jiang Concubine anymore. He also said that we lied to them, saying that the information we said was inaccurate and killing him seven brothers, and that the three we gave Qianliang even gave them seven brothers not enough for the settlement, and said that we would send them another ten thousand tael, otherwise they would tell Lao-Ye and Big-Master about the murder of Jiang-Concubine mother and child. Li Guaizi also said that we should send the money in three days, otherwise they will make things happen..."

       After Sun Mama shivered, Wang-Zhenshi face had changed.

       "How did Li Guaizi know my identity? Didn't I tell you not to let Li Guaizi know your identity!"

       Wang-Zhenshi was also worried and angry.

       "The old slave doesn't know how the old slave knows the identity of the old slave. old Nubi used to pretend to be before they went to see the contact person. They had never known the identity of the old slave before. But today, the Li Kaizi actually Coming in person, I also explained the identity of the old slave."

       "Madam, what shall we do now? If they don't pay, they will definitely tell Lao-Ye them."

       "No, Lao-Ye must not let Lao-Ye know about this."

       She can't bear the charge of murdering Wang's parents and grandchildren, otherwise, wouldn't Teng Er be hurt. No, this must not be let Lao-Ye know about it.

       Regardless of how Wang-Zhenshi panicked, Jiang Wanyin in the southern courtyard answered Wan Rong's words in a cold voice.

       "No return."

       "The royal family wants to kill us. If we go back, wouldn't it mean that we will throw ourselves into the trap."

       "But if you don't go back, where shall we go?"

       Wan Rong was uneasy and afraid.

       Since being sold to Wangfu, Wan Rong has stayed at Wang's house. A weak woman is afraid of displacement.

       "Don't worry, we have our own place to go. You will follow me in the future. As long as I can live for one day, you will live for one day."

       Jiang Wanyin soothes Wanrong.

       After leaving the Wang's house that day, Jiang Wanyin felt that the system no longer held her mother and son in the Wang's house, which meant that they could leave the Wang's house. Now that she can leave, she will never return to Wang's house.

       A few days have passed since I left Wang's house, and a few days have passed since I returned to Capital City to live in the south of the city. In the past few days, she has cleared everything up, and by the way, she has muddled the water in the Wang family and Duke's house.

       The man in black was interrogated that day, and Jiang Wanyin only got news that Wang-Liushi sent someone to chase her down. After returning to the city, she spent money to ask the beggars in the city to help stare at Wang's and Li Duke's mansion. little beggars followed Sun-Mama next to Wang-Zhenshi, and Jiang Wanyin learned about Wang-Zhenshi murder of her.

       The second wave of people who chased their mother and son was the murderer bought by Wang-Zhenshi.

       After learning that Wang-Zhenshi had bought the murderer, Jiang Wanyin did one thing. Jiang Wanyin sent a letter to Bao Li Guaizi, telling Li Guaizi that the buyer's identity was Wang-Zhenshi, and threatened Li Guaizi to ask him to trouble Wang-Zhenshi, otherwise she would take Li Guaizi and the others to collect money and kill the official daughter Report to the government office.

       Not only that, Jiang Wanyin also sent a letter to Wang-Zisheng and Li Duke House 3-Lao-Ye. Jiang Wanyin told Wang-Zisheng that Wang-Zhenshi □□, Wang-Liushi sent people to hunt down their mother and son. Jiang Wanyin also told Liu 3-Lao-Ye about Jiang Qiuyue's identity and what Liu Chen Shi did with Wang-Liushi mother and daughter, and how the mother and daughter sent people to chase Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       Wang-Zisheng and Liu 3-Lao-Ye know what will happen afterwards and what the outcome will be, Jiang Wanyin doesn't care. Since you want to kill their mother and child, you have to pay a price, Wang-Zhenshi, Wang-Liushi and Liu Chen Shi, waiting for her revenge.

       In Duke's house, Liu 3-Lao-Ye hurriedly went straight to Liu Chen Shi yard. At this time, Liu Chen Shi was also troubled by the fact that the people sent out not only failed to kill Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, but also that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were missing.

       "Why is Jiang Qiuyue so hard-working? He can't kill her. You can't even send someone to chase and kill her. It's really like her bastard maid, who came to defeat me and Weier. At the beginning, I She shouldn't have kept her fate."

       Liu Chen Shi said with a cruel heart that he regretted leaving the life of the original owner Jiang Qiuyue Temper. She completely forgot that the reason why she left Jiang Qiuyue, the original owner, was to let Jiang Qiuyue act as cows and horses for their mother and daughter, and stepped Jiang Qiuyue into the mud in order to practice Jiang Qiuyue. I forgot how happy she was when she asked Jiang Qiuyue to be a slave and maidservant Jiang Qiuyue.

       Liu Chen Shi mother and daughter always felt that they were only allowed to humiliate others, but they were not allowed to resist.

       The mother and daughter are both distinguished in the Duke house or in the Wang family. Now they are resisted by a person who looks like ants to them, and they naturally cannot accept it.

       At this time Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi mothers and daughters have the same mind, then Jiang Wanyin must die.

       "Wang Mama, tomorrow you will visit Weier at Wang's house for me, tell Weier to let her rest assured, I will send someone to continue searching for Jiang Qiuyue mother and son, and we will definitely not let her mother and son live in the way of Weier's eyes."

       Liu Chen Shi and his confidant Wang Mama were talking in the back room, but they didn't know Liu 3-Lao-Ye and they were standing outside the screen.

       When Liu 3-Lao-Ye came, Maid wanted to report that Liu 3-Lao-Ye was stopped, because Liu Chen Shi and Wang Mama didn’t know that Liu 3-Lao-Ye came, so they said this and they were called Liu. 3-Lao-Ye It sounds right.

       After the master and servant had finished speaking, Wang Mama got Liu Chen Shi orders to get out of the back room, and suddenly saw Liu 3-Lao-Ye Wang Mama who was standing on the screen with anger and frowned.

       "Old, Lao-Ye."

       Wang Mama knelt to the ground with a guilty conscience and a fright. Liu Chen Shi, who was still in the back room, immediately changed his face when Wang Mama called Lao-Ye, and his whole body was shaking with fear.

       Li Duke's mansion is honorable, it was made based on military merits, so Liu 3-Lao-Ye is now a military attache. Although the official position is not high, he is a military general who has actually been on the battlefield.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye was so strong that Wang Mama knelt on the ground and trembled.

       "You bastard damn it."

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye raised his foot and kicked Wang Mama. Wang Mama was kicked and hit the wall. After Calling, he vomited blood and did not respond.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye kicked the screen and went in, and saw Liu Chen Shi hiding in the Qiangong Babu bed in a panic.

       "Old, Lao-Ye."

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye also frightened Liu Chen Shi face and trembled.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye angrily strode forward and pinched Liu Chen Shi by the neck and lifted Liu Chen Shi up.

       "You poison woman, knowing that Fang Er is pregnant with my flesh and blood, you dare to promise her to someone. You know that Qiuyue is my daughter, but you let her be a slave and a maid. Now you have to kill her. Qiuyue and my grandson, there is a vicious woman like you in the world. Concubine in the backyard talked to me these years, their miscarriage and Shu-son Shu-Daughter's premature death are all your methods, I don't believe it. It is ridiculous that I am with you For decades, the husband and wife did not know that you were such a vicious person. Your hands were soaked with the blood of my heirs, so that I have only one frail son in Cheng'an..."

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye furiously pinched Liu Chen Shi and pinched her hands tighter. Liu Chen Shi felt that she was about to break, and she kept struggling.

       "Old, Lao-Ye, put your hand.. forgive.. ahem.."

       Liu Chen Shi kept struggling to beg for mercy.

       "Lao-Ye, Lao-Ye please forgive Madam, please forgive Madam for your son's sake.."

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye and Liu Chen Shi Eldest-son Liu Chengan asked Erxi to come in staggeringly, and the young couple jumped on their knees to intercede for Liu Chen Shi.

        Liu 3-Lao-Ye looked back at Eldest-son, who was kneeling on the ground and crying out of breath, and was so weak that he was about to die. His anger couldn't come out instantly. Liu 3-Lao-Ye let go of Liu Chen Shi, Liu Chen Shi fell onto the bed and coughed and panted.

       With the help of his wife, Liu Chengan got up and hurriedly walked over to look at Liu Chen Shi.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye turned and left, and was stopped by Liu Chengan after just two steps.


       Liu 3-Lao-Ye paused, he did not turn back to see his wife and children, but said coldly:

       "Chen Shi, you can do it yourself."

       After all, walk out and leave.

       After breathing, Liu Chen Shi cried and cried loudly while holding her son. She didn't know whether she was crying for herself, her husband, or her children, but her cry did not keep her husband.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye, who is over forty years old, has only one son and one daughter under his knees, all of whom are Di-son Di-Daughter by Liu Chen Shi. Di-Eldest-son Liu Chengan has been weak since he was born. Although he barely grew up and married a wife, he has been married for many years and has not had half a child. Di-Eldest-daughter Liu Yuewei is Wang-Liushi married to Wang-Zisheng.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye respected his aunt's wife. Before Liu Chen Shi gave birth, there was nothing in Concubine in the backyard. It's just that Professor Liu Chen Shi, who was weak in Di-son, was injured when he gave birth to Di-Daughter and couldn't regenerate.

       No matter what dynasty, Chinese people have heirs. There is only one sick Di-son. I don’t know if I can feed them. Liu 3-Lao-Ye naturally hopes that they have more children and healthy sons. pro-wife can't regenerate, Liu 3-Lao-Ye took Qie under the leadership of the old Duchess.

       For the children of Liu 3-Lao-Ye, there are also Young Concubine and Shu-son Shu-Daughter, but they did not stand up. pregnancy of Concubine in the backyard is also a miscarriage.

       Liu 3-Lao-Ye respects his pro-wife, because he has been fighting all the year round, and he is ashamed of his pro-wife staying in the capital to honor his old parents. Because of this guilt, Liu 3-Lao-Ye respects and trusts Liu Chen Shi. But he didn't want the respect and trust of his auntie to make her Concubine die tragically under the vicious means of his auntie.

       Originally, Concubine and Liu 3-Lao-Ye cried and complained, but there was no evidence. Although Liu 3-Lao-Ye was suspicious in his heart, he didn't investigate it.

       I didn't know it originally, but now I know it naturally and I can't tolerate it.

       It was Jiang Wanyin who stabbed Liu 3-Lao-Ye.

       Liu Chen Shi killed the original owner Jiang Qiuyue's biological mother Fang Er, and Wang-Liushi killed the original owner Jiang Qiuyue. Now the mother and daughter join forces to kill Jiang Wanyin's mother and son. Jiang Wanyin is so angry that he decides to take revenge.

       Jiang Wanyin asked Ai-Miao to help and used some extraordinary means to learn from Liu Chen Shi confidant Wang Mama about the evil things Liu Chen Shi had done. Because Wang Mama is Liu Chen Shi confidant, going home for Liu Chen Shi gave Jiang Wanyin the opportunity to start.

       Jiang Wanyin sneaked into Wang Mama's house at night to hypnotize Wang Mama with the old method, and learned about the people who had been killed by Liu Chenshi in the past few decades. Jiang Wanyin wrote all these in his letter in detail. Jiang Wanyin prepared the letter to Liu 3-Lao-Ye without error.

       She would not kill Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi directly, it would be too cheap for them. She will only take away what they care about, to make them worse than death.

       When Wang-Zisheng came back from outside the city, Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were already hiding in the city, so he naturally did not find anyone. Wang-Zisheng returned to the house with a cold face, holding an opened envelope in his hand.

       This is the letter Jiang Wanyin just sent to him.

       Wang-Zisheng has already read the letter, which is why he came back with a green face.

       Wang-Zisheng returned to the yard with anger, but after seeing Wang-Liushi with a big belly, Wang-Zisheng resisted the full anger when he looked at the bulging belly of Wang-Liushi.

       He has lost a son and cannot lose another one.

       Although resisting the anger, Wang-Zisheng didn't want to talk to Wang-Liushi, turned his head and left with uncontrollable anger.

       When Wang-Liushi saw Wang-Zisheng came back, they wanted to meet up and ask questions, but they were frightened by Wang-Zisheng's terrifying eyes. Wang-Liushi, who had been unafraid of being pregnant because of his own pregnancy, was so scared that he was pinned there until after Wang-Zisheng left, Wang-Liushi leg collapsed on Gang-Mama's body.

       "Big-Madam, are you okay?"

       "Go back, go back to the house."

       Gang Mama and Yan Ru quickly helped her back to the house.

       "Big-Madam, would you like Tai-yi to show you?"

       Gang-Mama and others worry.

       "No, I'm fine."

       Wang-Liushi knew that she was just scared by Wang-Zisheng, and now she cares more about what is going on with Wang-Zisheng?

       "Yan Ru, you can ask Wang Gui who is next to Big-Master to find out what happened to Big-Master today? Who did you meet? Or what happened?"

       Wang-Liushi sent Yan Ru to inquire about the news. Yan Ru hadn't returned yet, and the person sent by Liu Chen Shi to report the letter came to the house to beg. It was another Mama next to Liu Chen Shi, who came with a letter.

       "What happened?"

       When Wang-Liushi heard that someone from Duke's house was eager to see her, she was also worried.

       "5-Miss, Madam said that Nubi would personally send this letter to you."

       Wang-Liushi took the letter and opened it, and immediately turned pale, afraid and panicked.

       "Go back and tell Madam. I know. Just do what Madam said."

       After typing Mama, Wang-Liushi opened the letter again.

       In the letter, Liu Chen Shi told her that Liu 3-Lao-Ye already knew what the mother and daughter did, and Liu 3-Lao-Ye’s anger and Liu Chen Shi guessed that he was disgusted by Liu 3-Lao-Ye. She also told Wang-Liushi that she would not send anyone to look for Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, and said that she would not take care of it anymore.

       Wang-Liushi was afraid because Liu 3-Lao-Ye knew that she had murdered Shu-Mei and sent someone to chase Shu-Mei.

       In Wang-Liushi eyes, Jiang Wanyin is not her Mei-Mei, but in Liu 3-Lao-Ye's eyes, he doesn't matter which woman gives birth as long as the child is his.

       Wang-Liushi learned that his biological mother Liu Chen Shi was disgusted by 3-Lao-Ye, but worried that Liu 3-Lao-Ye would ignore her.

       Before Wang-Liushi had learned about the matter from Liu 3-Lao-Ye, and the fear of Liu 3-Lao-Ye was relieved, Yan Ru also inquired about the news and returned.

       Yan Ru's face was not so good when she came back.

       "Big-Madam, Nubi inquired."

       "what's going on?"

       "Wang Gui said, when Big-Master returned to the city, he was stopped halfway and gave Big-Master a letter. one who sent the letter said that Jiang Concubine and Big-Geer were hunted down. Big After reading the letter, the Master was furious..."

       Wang-Liushi was terrified when he only heard half of it. After that, she didn't listen to what Yan Ru said.

       After listening to Yan Ru's words, I remembered that Wang-Zisheng had angry and fierce eyes when they saw her. Wang-Liushi knew that Wang-Zisheng must know that she sent someone to chase Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       Panic filled his heart again, and Wang-Liushi, who was pregnant with Liujia, couldn't bear his eyes and passed out.

       Maid Mama in Wang-Liushi house panicked.

       Naturally, Jiang Wanyin didn't know this, but she also knew that her letter was handed over to Liu 3-Lao-Ye and Wang-Zisheng to let them know what a vicious person her wife was.

       Di-son Di-Daughter and Concubine Shu-son Shu-Daughter are always opposites. Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi, as concubine wives, are calculating Concubine Shu-son Shu-Daughter for their children. They cannot be wrong. However, their conspiracy calculations counted on Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin as a victim was right to avenge herself and her children; they just had different positions.

       But that's not what men think.

       Whether it’s a concubine or a concubine, it’s wrong to mutilate their children. No man can accept that the person next to his pillow is a poisonous woman whose hands are covered with blood. same goes for Liu 3-Lao-Ye and Wang-Zisheng. .

       Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi sent people to chase Jiang Wanyin’s mother and son. This matter will be like a thorn in Liu 3-Lao-Ye and Wang-Zisheng’s heart is stuck in the throat, as long as you see Liu Chen Shi and Wang Liushi would want them to start this matter.

       Disgusted by their husbands, Liu Chen Shi and Wang-Liushi will not want to live comfortably in the future.

       As for Wang-Zhenshi, if you have been entangled by the murderous gang of Li Jiaizi, don't think about living a peaceful life.

       It's better to let them be tortured forever without peace of mind than to let them die.

       After sending the letter, Jiang Wanyin didn't care about what happened next. These days, she was busy with household registration and road guidance.

       This is the first time Jiang Wanyin has done this. It took a lot of time and money to find a middleman to buy the household registration and road guide through the hands of Jingzhongya.

       Those Yaren often bought and sold people, and they kept a lot of the household registrations of the people who were bought and sold by them. Jiang Wanyin spent a lot of money through the introduction of an intermediary to get the household registrations of their mother and son and Wanrong.

       On the day of getting the household registration, Jiang Wanyin went home in a very wrong mood.

       "Concubine, what is this?"

       Jiang Wanyin put the household registration and Lu Yin on the table and hugged her son from Wan Rong's arms. Wan Rong was illiterate and had never seen the household register and Lu Yin.

       "This is the household register and guide for the three of us."

       Jiang Wanyin sits down with her son and asked Wan Rong to come and sit down.

       "Come and sit down, I have something to tell you."

       Wan Rong sits down and asked.

       "Concubine, what's the matter?"

       "Wan Rong, don't call me Concubine anymore. Now we have left the Wang family, and I will no longer be Wang-Zisheng's Concubine."

       Since the system allows her to leave the Wang family, the person she will no longer be in the Wang family will no longer be Wang-Zisheng’s Concubine.

       "Not Concubine, what should Nubi call you?"

       Wan Rong is not smart, and can't think of so much.

       "Not only will you no longer need to be Concubine in the future, you no longer need to call yourself Nubi. You and I are both surnamed Jiang, and we will be called sisters in the future. I have completed the household registration, and I will be the eldest sister Jiang Wanyin in the future, and you will be Mei-Mei Jiang Wanrong."

       "I am you Mei-Mei!"

       Wan Rong was shocked by Jiang Wanyin's words and couldn't believe it.

       "Yes, you will be me Mei-Mei from now on, and we will be called sisters from now on."

       Looking at Wan Rong's disbelief, Jiang Wanyin smiled.


       Wan Rong whispered tentatively.

       "Eh. Rong Er will call this from now on."

       "I listen to my sister."

       Jiang Wanrong was very happy.

       No one is born to be a slave servant, and Jiang Wanrong is the same. Wan Rong didn't give birth to Nubi, she was sold into the house. Before, there was no hope and no chance. Now Jiang Wanyin gave the opportunity and hope. shackles in her heart were broken, and she quickly accepted it.

       "I have a sister, I have a sister."

       Jiang Wanyin stood up excitedly and said it several times.

       When she got excited and saw Big-Geer in Jiang Wanyin's arms, she asked.

       "Sister, what about Big-Geer?"


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