RM Maid 130

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        "Yu Er."

       "When Lin Ruhai heard that Lin Yu was back, he immediately raised his spirits."

       "Yu Er, you are back, come and see you Grandmother."

       Lin Ruhai got up and pulled Lin Yu over to the bed, but Lin Yu did not refuse.

       "Lin Yu looked at Lin Lao Fu-ren, who was drowsy on the bed and his face turned blue, and then looked at Lin Ruhai and asked."

       "Shu, Lao Fu-ren What's the matter?"

       Hearing Lin Yu calling herself Shu, Lin Ruhai suddenly had a decision in her heart.

       "Yu Er, when Lao Fu-ren wakes up, can you call Lao Fu-ren a Grandmother?"

       "Lin Ruhai posture was very low, almost begging Lin Yu's attitude. This surprised others and scared Lin Yu. Lin Yu stood up for the first time. He didn't agree and looked at Jiang Wanyin for the first time. Their mother and son discussed this matter, and he has to listen to Jiang Wanyin about this matter."

       "Looking at Lin Lao Fu-ren's appearance is really bad, Jiang Wanyin doesn't care about it at this time, and doesn't want her son to feel guilty about this matter; so when the son looks at her, she clicks nod."

       Lin Ruhai also saw Jiang Wanyin nodding, finally squeezing a reluctant smile on his face.

       "Lin Daren, Lao Fu-ren what's going on? Can I have a look?"

       "After entering the room, Jiang Wanyin didn't come forward immediately. Now he sees his son like Jiang Wanyin and Lin Ruhai."

       "Yes, yes, let my mother show Lao Fu-ren, my mother knows how to heal."

       When Jiang Wanyin said that Lin Yu immediately agreed.

       "Except for Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin in surprise, especially Lin Ruhai. He knew exactly what Jiang Wanyin was from. Jiang Wanyin was originally his Maid, and later became his Tongfang Shiqie. After getting along for more than ten years, he never thought that Maid was such a capable person."

       Jiang Wanyin has gone to the bed to check the pulse of Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin, who was wearing his veil, and felt very complicated.

       No matter what he did, he never thought there would be today. Jiang-Shi has been away from the Lin family for more than ten years. During these ten years, Jiang-Shi not only gave birth to the only male heir of the Lin family, but also raised the child so well. And Jiang-Shi herself not only learned a martial art, she is proficient in both civil and martial arts, but she also knows how to use medicine.

       Such a person, I'm afraid no one would have thought that she was his Maid more than a dozen years ago.

       Looking at Jiang Wanyin's temperament and temperament, it is no worse than his Fu-ren Jia Min.

       Since Lin Ruhai had doubts and doubts in his heart.

       How did Jiang-Shi change from being a Maid to what it is now? Can a person really make such a big change? Even someone with a humble background like Maid.

       Jiang Wanyin gave Lin Lao Fu-ren pulse, surprise flashed in her eyes, her brows frowned quickly, and Lin Yu asked nervously.

       "Mother, how is it?"

       Lin Yu's question awakened Lin Ruhai, who was distracted.

       Jiang Wanyin closed her hand and shook her head.

       "Lao Fu-ren is a very insidious chronic-medicine, and the poisoning-poisoning time is not short; now the poison has penetrated into the bone marrow, and there is no need to recover."

       Jiang Wanyin was astonished. He didn't expect that Lin Lao Fu-ren turned out to be the secret-medicine of the previous dynasty.

       After she became Empress and Empress Dowager in her previous life, she has read the medical manuscripts of Tai-yi Courtyard. medical manuscripts in the Tai-yi Courtyard were not only from the current dynasty but also from the previous dynasty, so Jiang Wanyin knew about this secret-medicine of the previous dynasty.

       It's just that as far as she knew in the previous life, the secret-drug was destroyed by the emperor's order because it was too insidious, and it has been lost; she did not expect to appear in the Lin family in this life.

       However, although Jiang Wanyin knew this secret-medicine of the previous dynasty, Jiang Wanyin didn't say anything about his identity.

       Lin Ruhai and Lin Yu were disappointed by what Jiang Wanyin said, but Doctor Qi looked at Jiang Wanyin in surprise. Jiang Wanyin felt that when he turned his head, he just touched Dr Qi gaze, and Dr Qi quickly turned to look away.

       "Is there really no way?"

       Lin Ruhai still had that extravagant hope in his heart.

       Jiang Wanyin shook his head, and Lin Ruhai shook his eyes when he saw the whole person.

       "This poison will cause people to fall into dreams until their blood is exhausted and die. According to Lao Fu-ren's current situation, Lao Fu-ren should have been in a coma for many days, although the poison was suppressed by the forced injection, But it's just these two days."

       "The poisoned person will not wake up by himself, except for the golden needle prick to wake him up. However, after waking up, it can only last for half to an hour, and the poisoned-poisoned person will consume his blood and die."

       "What Fu-ren said is the same as the old man's diagnosis."

       After Jiang Wanyin said that Doctor Qi interjected, it should be for Lin Ruhai.

       "Lin Daren has something to tell Lao Fu-ren?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked up at Lin Ruhai.

       "Lin-Daren should decide quickly, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be long. This time is uncertain."

       Lin Ruhai was hesitating and difficult.

       Is it to let the biological mother live for two more days like a living dead, or to let the biological mother wake up but only live less than an hour.

       Lin Ruhai was entangled, painful, and difficult to choose.

       Lin Ruhai hesitated for a long time, and Jiang Wanyin said when he saw that it was really difficult for him to decide.

       "The mother always hopes to see her child in the end, even if she can only say a word with her child, she will be satisfied."

       Jiang Wanyin got up and went out after speaking. She didn't plan to inject Lin Lao Fu-ren personally. In her opinion, it could be called Doctor Qi anyway.

       Jiang Wanyin went out to sit in the main hall and waited.

       Lin Ruhai hesitated for a while after Jiang Wanyin went out, and finally decided to wake up Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       Doctor Qi personally punctured Lin Lao Fu-ren with golden needles.

       When Jiang Wanyin saw Doctor Qi and Lin He and others come out, only Lin Ruhai and Lin Yu and his son were left in this room.

       I vaguely heard the voice of talking in the room, especially her son's voice called Grandmother. However, Jiang Wanyin was not interested in what the three generations of her grandparents said. She looked down and pondered what to do next? And the Lin Lao Fu-ren poisoning?

       Just don't wait for her to think more, then a Maid came in.

       "what's up?"

       Lin Lao Fu-ren's confidant Tian Mama asked when Maid came in.

       "Tian Mama, Fu-ren knows..."

       Then Maid paused and glanced at Jiang Wanyin, and his eyes fell on the woman's bun on Jiang Wanyin's head.

       "Fu-ren knows that this Fu-ren is coming, Fu-ren wants to see this Fu-ren."

       "How did Fu-ren know that Jiang Fu-ren came to the mansion, and who told Fu-ren?" Tian Mama frowned and asked.

       Jia Min has been completely trapped-barred by Lin Ruhai in the main courtyard where she lives, and no people in the main courtyard are allowed to enter or leave. Jia Min's companion house and in-laws have been sent to Zhuangzi and imprisoned.

       It can be said that Jia Min has been cut off from the outside world, unless someone specifically tells Jia Min, it is impossible for Jia Min to know.

       Tian Mama is Lin Lao Fu-ren's confidant. Since knowing that Jia Min had poisoned Lin Lao Fu-ren, Tian Mama, the loyal servant, hated Jia Min to death.

       "Nubi doesn't know how Fu-ren knew about it. It was Bi Luo sister who came to the door to send a message and asked Nubi to invite Jiang Fu-ren."

       Bi Luo is Jia Min's Big-Maid.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't know the reason. He didn't know that the poison in Lin Lao Fu-ren was caused by Jia Min, and he didn't know that Jia Min was locked up by Lin Ruhai; therefore, Jiang Wanyin was a little puzzled by the two talking.

       But Lin Lao Fu-ren are all like this. Jia Min didn't show up as Erxi, which is abnormal.

       And Jia Min actually said that he wanted to see her, what was his idea? She wants to see Jia Min in this life again; see if Jia Min in this life is otherwise with that beautiful gentle, versatile, confident and elegant Jia Min in the first life.

       "Your Fu-ren wants to see me?"

       "Yes, Jiang Fu-ren. Fu-ren asked Nubi to invite you over."

       When the Maid saw Jiang Wanyin talking, she seemed to think that Jiang Wanyin had agreed, and her eyes lit up.

       "Your Fu-ren invited me to visit..." Seeing that Maid's eyes were bright, Jiang Wanyin's conversation turned: "It's just that Lao Fu-ren is seriously ill. Why don't you see your Fu-ren come and wait? "

       Her motherzi was seriously ill and she did not wait on her bed. This is a big dishonor.

       "Well, this Nubi doesn't know."

       That Little-Maid is only a teenager, it shouldn't be an important errand, she should not know some things.

       It was Tian Mama's face that changed, but she quickly stabilized.

       "You don't know this Jiang Fu-ren. My Fu-ren is very weak and sickly. Lao-Ye is worried that Fu-ren will be damaged, so Fu-ren doesn't have to come to serve Lao Fu-ren."

       Although Tian Mama hates Jia Min, Jia Min is still the mistress of the Lin family, and although Jiang Wanyin is the biological mother of the only male heir of the Lin family, it is an outsider who does not enter the Lin family. This is an ugly family and cannot be known to outsiders; therefore, Tian Mama Had to hide for Jia Min.

       "is it?"

       Really so?

       But thinking of what she had known before, it was not impossible that Lin Ruhai and Jia Min had a deep affection. It's just that Jia Min is too squeamish, even her motherzi is dying, and she is not afraid of spreading her reputation.

       Such Jia Min Jiang Wanyin is even more curious.

       "Since you come to your mansion, you should visit Fu-ren in your mansion, so I will go and visit Lin Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin got up as he spoke, and Maid had already said cleverly: "Jiang Fu-ren, please come with Nubi."

       It was just that Tian-Mama stopped Jiang Wanyin before he could take a step.

       "Jiang Fu-ren, please wait a moment. When the old slave came out, Lao Fu-ren explained that he had something to tell Jiang Fu-ren. Please don't leave now."

       "Lao Fu-ren also has something to tell me."

       Jiang Wanyin was very surprised.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren should not like her very much, so what can I say to her.

       Jiang Wanyin hesitated.

       Thinking of Lin Lao Fu-ren again, there is not much time. If she goes to Jia Min first and can't come back, that would be great.

       "Well, then I will wait here first."

       Jiang Wanyin said to Little Maid again: "After I have met Lao Fu-ren first, I will follow you to visit Lin Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin sits and waited. After a while, Lin Ruhai came out and asked Jiang Wanyin to enter.

       Lin Ruhai eyes were red, and he had obviously cried. Jiang Wanyin followed him in without saying anything.

       In the room, Lin Lao Fu-ren has not let go of Lin Yu's hand, touching Lin Yu's brain and hands with one hand from time to time.

       "I have seen Lao Fu-ren."

       Entering the room, Jiang Wanyin took off the veil and bowed to Lin Lao Fu-ren before getting up.

       "Child, you are here."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren very kindly recruit Jiang Wanyin over. Perhaps it is the death of a person, this temperament is also gentle, Jiang Wanyin does not refuse to go to the bed and sit down.

       "Child, I want to thank you for the Lin family, thank you for giving birth to such a good child as Yuer."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren expressed his sincere thanks, but Jiang Wanyin felt it unnecessary.

       "Yu Er, he is my son."

       So don't thank me.

       "I know, but I still want to thank you."

       "Child, I know you don't want to be Qie in the house. I shouldn't force you. I apologize to you for this."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren suddenly apologized to Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Wanyin was startled.

       "Lao Fu-ren, please don't say that. I can understand this, and I don't blame you." Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't force her to be for the Lin family, she understood and didn't blame Lin. Lao Fu-ren, she just doesn't want to.

       "Don't blame me, so I can rest assured."

       "My child, I have already told Haier, I recognize you as a niece, Haier will be your Biao-Brother in the future, and if you have Haier as your patron, you mother and son don't have to be afraid of being bullied again."

       "Wait, Lao Fu-ren what do you mean? That's not right!"

       Lin Lao Fu-ren suddenly came to such a sentence without beginning and ending, which made Jiang Wanyin confused. When did she become Lin Lao Fu-ren's niece again and Lin Ruhai Biaomei. Why doesn't she know this. This, what is going on?

       "My child, listen to me. After the child, Haier and Yuer and the Lin family, I will ask you to take good care of Haier and Yuer. Child, you promise me."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren suddenly grabbed Jiang Wanyin's hand and said vigorously, seeming to have exhausted all his strength.

       "Child, promise me, promise me..."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren stared at Jiang Wanyin, frightened Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin quickly agreed to her.

       "Good, good, I promise you, I promise you..."

        "Jiang Wanyin looked at the hand that Lin Lao Fu-ren was holding on top of Lin Ruhai hand. Jiang Wanyin was a little confused. She seemed to be Lin Ruhai Biaomei somehow, and then somehow agreed to Lin Lao Fu-ren take care of Lin Ruhai and the requirements of the Lin family."

       What's wrong with her today? brain is confused.

       "I didn't want to wait for her to come back to think about the stupid things she did, Lin Lao Fu-ren could not hold it, fell into Lin Ruhai arms and swallowed one last breath."


       "Grandmother .."

       Lin Ruhai and Lin Yu, father and son lay on the bed crying bitterly, Jiang Wanyin quickly took the opportunity to withdraw his hand and stood aside.

       "Looking at Lin Ruhai and her son Lin Yu, who were crying sadly, Jiang Wanyin thought for a while and her eyes soon turned red and tears fell. She took out the handkerchief and wiped the tears."

       "After several lifetimes, I was angry and left. Jiang Wanyin felt nothing about the death of someone who had nothing to do with me; what's more, she really has no feelings for Lin Lao Fu-ren, even she has never liked Lin very much. Lao Fu-ren; therefore, since seeing Lin Lao Fu-ren pass away with his own eyes, Jiang Wanyin didn't feel sad either. It's just that if she is indifferent about this matter, then it won't be justified."

       "Soon there were crying from outside the room, and within a short while the news of Lin Lao Fu-ren's passing spread throughout the entire Lin Mansion, and the faces of the people underwent a sad expression. mansion was crying. steward Lin took all the things that were red or a little bit happy in the mansion and put them away, and the mansion was hung up."

       Jia Min, who was detained in the main courtyard, heard crying from outside the courtyard, struggling to ask Bi Luo.

       "What's the matter? Who is crying?"

       Jia Min, lying on the bed, tried to stand up.

       "Fu-ren, Nubi, go out and have a look."

       "Bi Luo ran out, and Jia Min collapsed on the bed."

       "Since Lin Ruhai discovered that she had poisoned-poisoned Lin Lao Fu-ren, Jia Min was denied entry by Lin Ru Customs at the main courtyard. Although Lin Ruhai locked Jia Min, he did not treat her harshly. , Didn’t do anything to her; it’s just that Jia Min was originally a weak body, and Jia Min was a sensitive and thoughtful person, thinking more after being detained; her body changed day by day Weak, and now I can only lie in bed, and I can’t even get out of bed and walk around alone."

       Bi Luo came back soon after going out.

       "Fu-ren, Lao Fu-ren went."

       Bi Luo walked to the bed and said in a low voice, Jia Min, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, with a strong expression in his eyes. Jia Min suddenly burst into laughter.

       "Haha, this old lady is finally dead, she is finally dead."

       Jia Min laughed like crazy, scared Bi Luo, her laughter spread out and scared the people outside the house, but Jia Min didn't care at all.

       "Haha.. You who are not dead are finally you, you are finally in front of me.. You can no longer provoke me and Lao-Ye.. You can no longer stop me and Lao-Ye.."

       Jia Min laughed and hatred flashed in his eyes, pain was not ecstasy...

       In the end, Jia Min hated Lin Lao Fu-ren for giving Lin Ruhai Take concubine and Lin Lao Fu-ren for wanting Lin Yu to recognize his ancestor and want Jiang Wanyin to enter the mansion. Now people are dead, but the hatred in her heart has not disappeared immediately.

       However, Lin Lao Fu-ren, who was a hindrance to Jia Min, finally died, and Jia Min felt refreshed.

       After laughing enough, Jia Min finally remembered that he was Lin Lao Fu-ren Erxi.

       "Bi Luo, give me filial piety, I should give my good Popo filial piety."

       Bi Luo didn't dare to make a difference and quickly fetched filial piety clothes and put them on Jia Min. I don't know if it was because of Lin Lao Fu-ren's death, Jia Min suddenly became very energetic and suddenly felt that his whole person had strength.

       Waiting for Jia Min to change clothes and make up, Bi Luo hesitated for a long time and said carefully:

       "Fu-ren, Lao-Ye told you not to go out, you..."

       "That was before, and now that my motherzi passed away, I should arrange the funeral for Erxi and keep my filial piety before the spirit. Lao-Ye, he couldn't help but let me go out."

       Jia Min said confidently.

       In Yangzhou City, Lin Ruhai official position is not low. Lao-Fu-ren of the Lin Mansion will come to worship Yangzhou City officials and large families after the death. How could it be possible to lose this master mistress by then.

       Jia Min asked Bi Luo to help her out, and then the housekeeper came in from the door.

       "Fu-ren, Lao-Ye, please come over."

       Butler Lin respectfully saluted Jia Min, and Jia Min's eyes flashed with pride.

       She knew she couldn't be wrong.

       Jia Min is indeed smart, and he can indeed figure out Lin Ruhai thoughts. It is no wonder that Jia Min immediately won Lin Ruhai heart after he married into Lin's family, and he has been in love with Lin Ruhai for more than ten years. If it hadn't been for Jiang Wanyin's butterfly appearance, perhaps Jia Min would have been in love with Lin Ruhai until she died, and then left a lot in Lin Ruhai heart. It is a pity that because of the appearance of the butterfly Jiang Wanyin, Jia Min's more than ten-year plan has been wiped out.

       It is not wrong for Jia Min to hate Jiang Wanyin in this way.

       After Lin Lao Fu-ren passed away, when Lin Ruhai eased up and started arranging the funeral of Lin Lao Fu-ren, Jiang Wanyin asked Lin Ruhai to take Lin Yu away.

       "Can't you stay?"

       Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin and said:

       "You are now my Biaomei, and your mother is your Mu-Aunt, and you are not rude to stay. Besides, Yu Er is the mother's only grandson, and he should keep her filial piety."

       "We can't stay just because of Yu Er."

       "Daren, you should know that many people will come to worship at the funeral. If Yuer stays behind and sees you, how can you explain Yuer's identity to others and your Fu-ren. From now on, Yuer will always want Back to Lin’s house, I can’t leave the handle now, let me take Yu Er back."

       Jiang Wanyin reminded Lin Ruhai that the Lin family still has Jia Min who wants the lives of their mother and son.

       "Furthermore, Jia Yu Er can still keep Lao Fu-ren's filial piety. When I wait for the first seven years, I will bring Yu Er home to worship."

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's words, Lin Ruhai was overjoyed, because Jiang Wanyin's words revealed that he was willing to let Lin Yu return to Lin's house. Of course Jiang Wanyin mentioned Jia Min, Lin Ruhai also remembered what Jia Min did, and he also understood that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son could not stay in Lin's house because it was not safe. Lin Ruhai is still afraid that Jia Min will start with Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       In the end, Lin Ruhai still agreed to let Jiang Wanyin and her mother leave.

       After Jiang Wanyin's mother and son left, Lin Ruhai told Steward Lin: "Steward, go and invite Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin's mother and son suddenly returned to Yangzhou. After returning home, Jiang Wanyin sent someone to Zhen's house to say hello, letting Zhen Shi and his wife know that their mother and son had returned. At the same time, Zhen Shi and his wife Lin Lao Fu-ren were told the news that they were inconvenient to come to Zhen's house.

       Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Ruhai are close friends, and when Lin-Lao-Fu-ren passed away, Zhen Lao-Ye also received an obituary, and she has to go to the Lin family to worship.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren In the first seven o'clock, Jiang Wanyin took Lin Yu to the Lin family to worship. On this day, Jiang Wanyin finally met Jia Min in this life.

       Jia Min wanted to see her before, because Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't see it. Today, knowing that she is coming, Jia Min sent someone to invite her over.

       Jiang Wanyin was dressed in moon-white plain clothes, but she didn't hide her beauty. Jia Min couldn't help feeling jealous when she saw Jiang Wanyin from a distance.

       Women are jealous, usually women are jealous of women who are more beautiful than themselves, and Jia Min is the same; especially knowing that Jiang Wanyin was Lin Ruhai woman, Jia Min is even more jealous.

       Jia Min saw Jiang Wanyin, and Jiang Wanyin also saw Jia Min.

       Jiang Wanyin was surprised when she saw Jia Min. Now when she sees Jia Min and the first Jia Min return to her family, the Jia Min she sees is completely two people. After the first Lin family returned to Capital City from Yangzhou, Lin Ruhai was promoted to the head of the household Shangshu. Jia Min was Fu-ren of Shangshu Fu-ren Zheng2-Grade. In addition, Jia Min had two sons and one daughter in the first life. Jia Min's two sons were Imperial-Graduate and County-Graduate, and both passed the exam. At that time, Jia Min was confident and proud, graceful and luxurious, with extraordinary bearing; even though Jia Min was over 40 at the time, he still looked like a young and expensive Fu-ren in his early thirties due to good maintenance.

       But now the whole person is full of gloom, and she feels uncomfortable when she looks at people. And now Jia Min is less than 40 years old but looks like he is over 40, very old. Looking closer, Jiang Wanyin found that Jia Min was scaryly thin, with thick powder on his face that could not hide the oldness on his face, and the blue veins on the exposed hands floating.

       Especially the weird smile that floated on Jia Min's mouth when she saw her, which made Jiang Wanyin shudder. If she was timid, she would definitely be frightened by such Jia Min.

       How could Jia Min in this world be like this? How did she make herself like this.

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly thought of Jia Min childless in this life.

       Yes, the first Rongguo Mansion was the steward of Zhang-Shi and Little Zhang-Shi. Wang Fu-ren was suppressed by Zhang-Shi motherzi and his daughterzi. They had no power at all, and there was no one to use. Wang Fu-ren could not reach out. To Jia Minna. There was no Wang Fu-ren undermined, so Jia Min gave birth to two sons and one daughter in the first life.

       But in this world, Jia Min doesn't know that she has been subjected to Wang Fu-ren's calculations and murder, so she does not have a son in this world.

       In this era of filial piety first, unfilial piety, and no :Step is the greatest, a woman's position in her husband's house and her life are determined by whether a woman has a son or not.

       Adding to the fact that Jia Min is thinking hard and using vicious methods, it is not surprising that he will end up like this.

       "Qie has seen Lin Fu-ren."

       Thinking inside, Jiang Wanyin's expression didn't change at all. Entering the house and bowing her knees to Jia Min was considered a salute. Jiang Wanyin will salute Jia Min. This is also because Jia Min has the imperial order and she does not.

       But Jiang Wanyin just bent her knees slightly and got up, she didn't wait for Jia Min to call out.

       "I don't know what Lin Fu-ren wants to see Qie?"

       "Since it's here, sit down."

       Jia Min said in a posture of the master.

       Jiang Wanyin did not sit down politely with her.

       "Come on, tea."

       "Lin Fu-ren just say anything, I have to go back later."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't look at Jia Min who was posing, his face was indifferent and he didn't give Jia Min a half smile. They are enemies between them, there can be nothing but hatred.

       "Since it's here, why bother to go back."

       "You are Fu-ren, but I've long been like a tale. I was originally curious about what kind of strange woman called me Lao-Ye. Now I can't forget my demeanor and appearance."

       Jia Min stared at Jiang Wanyin, with jealousy in his eyes.

       When Jiang Wanyin heard Jia Min's words, her eyes instantly cooled.

        "Jia Min actually arranged a mockery that she seduced-leaded Lin Ruhai by beauty, this is what she is taking her for."

       "In this era, it is the use of such words to scold the brothel women and Maid Concubine of humble origins. It is extremely insulting. Generally speaking, women with self-cultivation and ethics will not insult people in public at will."

       "Jia Min's remarks were simply scolding her secretly, mocking her Maid origin, and seduce-attract people with beauty."

       "She is Maid and has a good background, but she has long been redeemed and no longer Maid. In order to disguise her former status as a slave, she spent a lot of money to trust someone related to the Yamen before giving birth to Lin Yu. She changed her household registration again. In her household registration, she was a good citizen from beginning to end, otherwise her Yuer would be able to participate in the imperial examination. You must know that the court had a decree that the imperial examination was not allowed within three generations after the release of slave status. "

       "As for her beauty, it is natural. She is proud of her beauty; she has never done anything to seduce Lin Ruhai. Besides, Lin Ruhai is the head of the Lin family, and there are many beautiful people in the Lin family Maid. Meiyu’s beauty is not worse than Jia Min, she doesn’t think Lin Ruhai will be seduce-attracted by her beauty."

       "Back then, she and Mei Yu were both Lin Ruhai Tongfang Maid. Lin Ruhai didn't seem to be confused by their beauty. In the end, he didn't fall in love with Jia Min. Aristocratic family like Lin Ruhai, who was trained by ancient scholars and officials, valued his family background and heirs. Yes, otherwise, I won’t fall for Jia Min, who is less beautiful than Jiang Wanyin and Meiyu."

       "Jia Min is too ignorant of Lin Ruhai, whether he came from a noble background and is separated from the scholarly Aristocratic family."

       Jiang Wanyin moved her eyes to look at Jia Min, with a sarcasm on her lips.

       "Lin Fu-ren, what do you say is Qianjin Xiaojie from Rongguo Mansion? You are the Duke Mansion Qianjin who was raised by Duke and Duchess. How could you say such rude words." Jiang Wanyin was disappointed and then suddenly realized:

       "Oh, it's because I have a bad memory. I am afraid that Rongguo Mansion seems to be a bit of a misnomer now, or it should be said that the first-class general mansion is."

       "Jiang Wanyin stared at Jia Min directly mocking, she was completely afraid of Jia Min's identity, after all, she is not Lin Ruhai "Biaomei" now. Seeing Jia Min's face turned ugly, Jiang Wanyin was happy. Jia Min dared to send someone to chase them down. Although she can't kill Jia Min for revenge, she can always charge some interest."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't give Jia Min a chance to speak as soon as she spoke. She continued to mock Jia Min.

       "That's right, Jia Taijun's upbringing of his children can be regarded as unknown in the capital. After all, like the Rongguo Mansion, he dare not pay attention to the laws of the state and the court, and ignore the laws and regulations of the inheritance system. Foreword, let the second son who is not Xijue steal the main hall of Xijue Eldest-son, stealing from the 5-Grade member Wailang's identity in the main hall built under the title of Duke, dare to despise the law of the country in this way. I can’t find a few of them. With such a big name, Qie is like a thunderous in Jiangnan. Lin Fu-ren-Niang family is really extraordinary."

       "Oh, by the way, there is one thing I haven’t seen Lin Fu-ren for so many years, and I forgot to say goodbye to Lin Fu-ren. I heard that Rongguo Mansion has a brother born with jade, Your brother in Rongguo Mansion is really noble and infinite. Now that the country was founded □ I am afraid that there is no such adventure as Rongguo Mansion. Maybe in a few decades, Lin Fu-ren, you can still be chased. What about Elder Princess, eh?"

       Seeing Jia Min's face pale in fright, Jiang Wanyin felt happy.

       "I don't know if I will be interested in Rongguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion's Hanyu brother."

       "Lingtang and Ling brother's courage really makes Qie admire, no wonder Jia Taijun can bring up such a cruel and cruel woman like Lin Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin said that he pushed down the teacup bomber Maid was resting on her table, and the teacup was splashed directly on Jia Min. Jia Min jumped directly from the hot tea. Jia Min pointed at Jiang Wanyin angrily:


       Jiang Wanyin smirked at Jia Min:

       "Lin Fu-ren, I’m afraid I don’t know, but I have a very good medical skill. This cup of highly poisonous tea is probably going to waste Lin Fu-ren. But it’s good, now It is not a waste to give it back to Lin Fu-ren."

       When Jiang Wanyin exposed the poisoning, Jia Min was ugly and embarrassed even more angry, and his face turned blue.

       "you you.."

       Jiang Wanyin ignored Jia Min and got up and left after speaking.

       Jia Min was so angry that Jiang Wanyin roared out insulting Jiang Wanyin:.

       "Jiang-Shi, you are just giving birth to a wild-species. What are you so proud of? You are just a Maid who waits on people's lowliness. Even if I die, even if it’s a wild-species, don’t even think about it. Enter the Lin family and marry Lin Ruhai. You humble Nubi."

       Hearing Jia Min's roar behind him, Jiang Wanyin stopped and turned back and walked towards Jia Min step by step. Jiang Wanyin released the momentum from her body, and the killing intent in her heart was also released, forcing Jia Min to retreat in fright until she fell into a chair.

       Jiang Wanyin raised her hand to pinch Jia Min's chin, and the undisguised killing intent in his eyes frightened Jia Min, a woman in the house.

       "I thought you were pitiful enough. I didn't want to tell you about these injuries, but you angered me."

       "Jia Min, do you know that you will have the same result as today, it is your own sin."

       "You nonsense."

       Jia Minyan stared at Jiang Wanyin, but Jiang Wanyin did not let go. She continued:

       "Before you got married, if you didn't cultivate your verbal morals or your morals, you were offended by 2-Sao Wang Shi, Wang Fu-ren. After your mother Jia Taijun got the right of stewardship, she gave it to you in Rongguo Mansion for more than ten years. Something has been added to the festival ceremony; that’s why you married into the Lin family for more than ten years and did not have a child. Of course, this is also thanks to your good mother who opened one eye and closed one eye to let Wang Shi go; Wang Shi can persist for more than ten years Give you a boxing gift with something added."

       "So the Lin family hasn't had an heir for so many years. In fact, you, Jia Min, are the cause of the Lin family and Lin-Daren."

       "In these years, you Jia Min mutilated Lin Daren's heir and Shiqie. This is your sin. You are waiting to go to hell to redeem your sins."

       "Although you sent people to chase and kill my son, and you repeatedly sent people to chase and kill our mother and son, I have a vengeance against you, but you can rest assured that I will not kill you. If you die like this, Isn't it cheaper for you."

       "I will tell Lin-Daren what Jia's family has done, and let Lin-Daren know how you Jia Min and Jia's family planned to murder the Lin family's extinct heir. Let Lin-Daren see how vicious this poisonous woman is. You still think about how to face Lin Daren."

       After all, Jiang Wanyin shook off Jia Min's head vigorously.

       "Why? Why is it so?"

       If Jia Min didn't believe it before and thought Jiang Wanyin was talking nonsense, when Jiang Wanyin told her offending Wang Fu-ren, she couldn't help but believe it. Because she did offend Wang Fu-ren when she was not married.

       "Of course it's because your Jia family are greedy and insatiable, and want to let the Lin family extinct their fortune from the Lin family for several generations. You and Jia Zheng really have the same line of Jia History."

       "No, it won't, it won't be like this, it won't be..."

       "This is a fact, you can't deny it. If you don't believe it, please ask the doctor to look at the festivals you have received from Jia's family over the years. I think you haven't used it up yet."

       "Okay, I should tell you what I should tell you, you can check it yourself slowly. Goodbye."

       After Jiang Wanyin said, she turned and left. When she walked to the door, she remembered something and returned, walked to Jia Min, leaned over to Jia Min’s ear, and said, “Actually, there’s one more thing you might not know. I never came and I’m not the Maid of Lin’s family. I’m Lin Ruhai Biaomei.” She never admitted that she was Lin’s Maid.

       After that, she raised her head and burst into a bright smile at Jia Min, and she felt good looking at the bloodless Jia Min.

       Jia Min, Jia Min, she never thought of the key Jia Min, she just stood by and watched. Even if he had made up his mind to return to Lin's house early in the morning, but he had never returned to Lin's house before Jia Min died. It was Jia Min who died by himself and couldn't blame others.

       Jiang Wanyin turned and left. As soon as he walked to the door, Lin Ruhai hurried over. He was relieved when he saw Jiang Wanyin standing at the door intact.

       "Are you OK?"

       "Biao-Brother don't worry, I'm fine, and Biao-Sao treats me very nicely."

       Jiang Wanyin said this to Jia Min on purpose. Seeing Lin Ruhai looking at Jia Min behind her, Jiang Wanyin said again.

       "Unfortunately, Biao-Sao doesn't seem to be in good shape, so I dare not delay."

       "Jia-Shi is indeed in poor health, so you shouldn't bother her. Yu Er is looking for you in front, and I will send you out."

       "Then there will be Biao-Brother."

       After saying that they left together, Jia Min looked at the back of the two, tears running down, she staggered towards the door, leaped on the door frame and Called at Lin Ruhai.

       "Lao-Ye...like the sea..."

       It's a pity that Lin Ruhai only paused when he heard it, and didn't even look back. relationship between him and Jia Min was cut off when Jia Min poisoned-poisoned his mother.

       Lin Ruhai and Jiang Wanyin continued to walk out of the courtyard, but Jiang Wanyin still heard Jia Min's voice clearly.

       "Lao-Ye, I was wrong, I was wrong, Ruhai..."

       Seeing that Lin Ruhai didn't stop, Jia Min yelled and slid down on the ground, crying and regretting. In the end, it was extremely sad, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth and leaned against the door frame.

       Jia Min's Maid hurriedly helped her up, and the courtyard was in chaos. But this has nothing to do with Jiang Wanyin. After reuniting with his son, Jiang Wanyin took his son away from the Lin family and went home.

       What Jiang Wanyin never expected was that Jia Min couldn't stand the blow.

       Two days later, Lin Ruhai took advantage of the darkness to come back again. Jiang Wanyin and Lin Yu were dumbfounded when they saw Lin Ruhai and Lin Daiyu in his arms.

       "Lin Daren, what are you doing?"

       "Jia Min went."

       Jiang Wanyin was shocked by Lin Ruhai sentence without beginning and end.

       "What? How come?" Shouldn't Jia Min live at least until Lin Daiyu was six years old, why did Jia Min go there before Lin Daiyu is three years old. Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       "The house is too messy. Yu Er is still too young. I'm afraid that I won't take care of it well. I want her to live with her brother for a while.

       Lin Ruhai was smart and only said that Lin Daiyu should live with her brother, but Jiang Wanyin was not mentioned.

       Lin Ruhai looked at Lin Yu: "Yu Er, can you take care of your sister for a while?"

       "This, this won't work."

       Jiang Wanyin refused without thinking. Lin Daiyu is a little crying bag, she doesn't like crying children. Not to mention this is the enemy's child.


       Jiang Wanyin just refused, Lin Yu pulled her sleeve and called her.

       Jiang Wanyin raised her head and glanced at Lin Yu. Seeing his son's pleading look, Jiang Wanyin immediately felt relieved.

       "Fine, it's up to you."

       Jiang Wanyin turned and left after speaking.

       At this time, Lin Ruhai said, "If your mother is unwilling, then forget it."

       "You misunderstood your mother, and your mother has already agreed. You will give me your sister-sister."

       Lin Yu stretched out his hand to pick up Lin Daiyu, who was already sleeping in Lin Ruhai arms.

       "Then Yuer will be handed to you."

       "Don't worry, I will take good care of my sister."

       Lin Ruhai patted Lin Yu on the shoulder and turned to leave. Lin Yu looked at Lin Ruhai thin and slightly camel background and couldn't help but feel sad. He suddenly blurted out.


       Lin Ruhai stopped abruptly.

       "What do you call me?"

       Lin Ruhai turned his head to stare at Lin Yu and asked, with an expression of shock that couldn't believe it. Lin Yu smiled at him and continued:

       "Father, you have to take good care of yourself when you return home."

       Hearing clearly again, Lin Ruhai couldn't help tears in his eyes.

       "Hey, Dad knows."

        "Jiang Wanyin was sitting in the room drinking tea with sleeping effects, and looked up from time to time. Seeing Lin Yu coming from a distance, Jiang Wanyin immediately picked up the tea and pretended to taste it seriously."


       "Lin Yu came in with the sleeping Lin Daiyu and stood in front of Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin drank the tea and didn't mean to look up at him at all."


       "Mother, you are looking at your son's face, look at how well-behaved and cute your sister is."

       Lin Yu hugged Lin Daiyu and squatted in front of Jiang Wanyin, letting Jiang Wanyin look.

       "Jiang Wanyin took a look. Lin-Mei girl who was still three years old in Lin Yu's arms looked thin and thin, and her face was a little pale. At first glance, she knew that the child was weak and unhealthy. She didn't look cute. Jiang Wanyin put down the tea cup. Rolled his eyes indecently at his son."

       "She's asleep, of course behaved. She is so thin and small, she is unhealthy at first glance, so cute."

       Jiang Wanyin looked disgusted.

       "Moreover, this child has followed Jia Min's appearance seven to eight points, and raising her in the house, isn't it like seeing Jia Min every day."

       "Although people die like a lamp, the things Jia Min did during his lifetime really made her dislike her."

       "It's just that when my son seems to like his blood sister-sister, Jiang Wanyin hesitates again."

       "Mother, don't you know how to heal? Just take advantage of your sister-young sister's presence here. You can treat your sister-young sister-young sister-young so much that it’s cute.” Lin Yu was pleased. "

       "She is the one you want to take over, you take care of it yourself."

       Jiang Wanyin looked unmoved.

       "Mother, even your son has been taken care of by your mother. How can you take care of others." Not to mention raising children. "

       "Lao Fu-ren and Lin Fu-ren are gone, Lin Daren has to deal with the funeral, and there is no one in the Lin family to take care of Yuermei-sister, even Lin Daren herself is scary thin; Mother, you see that Yu Er sister-sister is so thin, you should be a pitiful Yu Er sister-sister. Mother, if your son knows that you are the most kind, he will beg you."

       "It's okay if I promise you, but I have two conditions."

       "Mother, what conditions do you say, my son promises you."

       Hearing what her son said, Jiang Wanyin said with a sad smile on her face:

       "First, you must not be picky eaters in the future."

       Her son is good at everything, he is a picky eater, neither eats this nor eats that. He doesn't change how Jiang Wanyin corrects, because this Jiang Wanyin has a headache.

       When Lin Yu heard it, the handsome face with the baby fat wrinkled into a bitter face.

       "How? Do you want to regret it? It's still too late for you to regret it. Hurry up and take this Little Yato away."

       Lin Yu glanced at the girl in her arms and nodded cruelly.

       "Well, my son promised not to be picky eaters in the future."

       "Then you still have to remember, speak for words."

       Jiang Wanyin said immediately.

       "The son keeps saying everything." He is a manly man.

       "As expected of my son."

       Jiang Wanyin patted Lin Yu on the shoulder.

       "Mother, what about the second one?"

       "The second one, I can take care of Daiyu and take care of Daiyu's body, but you have to take care of her with me. Daiyu has reached the age of enlightenment, and you have to be responsible for teaching her to read and martial arts, and to learn the :Qin. Chess, poetry and painting."

       The son is not young anymore, he should also learn to take care of others and take care of himself when he grows up, so let Lin Daiyu give him a workout. She knew that Lin Daiyu was the smartest woman in the Red Chamber. Although her son was also smart, she wanted to know which one of her son and Daiyu was smarter.

       Lin Yu Temper is still not stable enough, so it happens that Daiyu is used to polish him Temper, as well as :Qin, chess, poetry and painting, he has to study hard, and there are a few things he can do.

       If Lin Daiyu was really as smart as the book said, it would be possible to give Lin Yu a bit of a blow when studying, so that he could calm down and study hard.

       Lin Yu's face instantly wrinkled into bitter melon when Lin Yu heard Jiang Wanyin's string of :Qin, chess, poetry and paintings. Other things are okay, he really has no talent for :Qin.

       "Why? Don't you agree to the second one? If you don't want to agree, then hurry up and take her away. When it's late, mother should have a rest."

       Jiang Wanyin stood up as he said that he was going to rest. Lin Yu knew that his mother had made up her mind when she saw Jiang Wanyin, and she gritted her teeth as she looked at the girl in her arms.

       "Okay, my son promises you. In the future, my son will teach Mei-Mei how to learn literature, martial arts, qin, chess, calligraphy, poetry and painting." If he can't learn the :Qin, he will learn something else.

       "Son, mother knows you are smart, you will do it."

       Jiang Wanyin patted Lin Yu on the shoulder again and said with a smile. Seeing Jiang Wanyin's expression changed, Lin Yu suddenly felt a toothache, and said motherly. But what he promised himself, even if he was kneeling.

       "The girl-girl will leave it to you."

       Lin Yu put Daiyu in Jiang Wanyin's arms, and then left dejectedly. Jiang Wanyin looked at his son's back and shook his head with a smile.

       Looking down at the little girl in his arms, the child who was almost three years old seemed to be less than when Yuer was one and a half years old, and he didn't know how the Lin family raised the child. Jiang Wanyin took Lin Daiyu's pulse, and when he found the pulse, Jiang Wanyin immediately went to Lin Ruhai and scolded him face to face.

       Such a child would even give her a drug, and he was not afraid of feeding the child a fool; Lin Ruhai was too unreliable.

       In fact, how did Jiang Wanyin know that Lin Daiyu seemed to be a crying child by nature. This time the child not only died of a relative who was not close to her, but also the relative Madam who had been taking care of her since she was born. Knowing things, didn't he kept crying because of sadness, Lin Ruhai couldn't help Lin Daiyu to give medicine.

       Jiang Wanyin took out a pill from the storage room and dissolved it with water, pinched Lin Daiyu's mouth and fed it to her. After a while, I took Lin Daiyu's pulse again and was sure that it was all right. Jiang Wanyin held Lin Daiyu to rest.

       It wasn't that Jiang Wanyin wanted to take care of Lin Daiyu personally, but Lin Daiyu came too suddenly and was given medicine. It would be better to stay by her side and take care of her for one night, lest there be any accidents.

       In the following days, Jiang Wanyin raised a baby with his son.

       Because Lin Yu decided to keep filial piety for Lin Lao Fu-ren, as Lin Yu is not the eldest grandson, so only one year of teaching is enough. It's just that Lin Yu has to keep his filial piety for one year, and he will not be able to keep up with the next year's rural examination.

       But fortunately, Lin Yu was still young and he was not in a hurry. Jiang Wanyin didn't urge him, but let him relax.

       Lin Daiyu is really a clever and well-behaved child, except that she woke up the first day and found that she was scared and crying in a strange place and she was uncomfortable crying occasionally in the first two or three days. Later, under the careful care of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, she rarely cried.

       And because of Lin Yu's cheerful temperament and experience playing with Lin Daiyu to practice martial arts, Lin Daiyu's crying habit of tears in the wind has changed, she has become bolder and her temperament has become cheerful.

       Jiang Wanyin carefully studied Lin Daiyu's physical condition for her to regulate her body, and then slowly recuperated with medicated diet. Coupled with the study of literature and martial arts, Lin Yu became cheerful with a playful temperament, and Lin Daiyu's body gradually became healthy.

       However, two months later, when Lin Ruhai Fuling returned from Gusu to see Lin Daiyu, Lin Daiyu had been raised white and fat by Jiang Wanyin.

       Because of the death of Lao-Fu-ren, although Lin Ruhai was worried about his son, he was only responsible for the important duties and he was the confidant of the saint, so the saint only gave him three months of funeral leave at his discretion to arrange the funeral. After the busy schedule, there are only a few days left in the three-month bereavement leave.

       It is said that Jia Min still took the blessing of Lin Lao Fu-ren this time. If she hadn't gotten together with Lin Lao Fu-ren, her coffin could only be temporarily placed in the temple. Enter the soil immediately for safety.

       After all, the bereaved mother is different from the bereavement. Because the bereavement hinders filial piety, the saint gives Lin Ruhai a three-month bereavement leave; if it is just a bereaved wife, the saint will not give Lin Ruhai funeral leave and let Lin Ruhai send Jia Min’s coffin back to Gusu for funeral leave .

       Once Lin Ruhai returned to Yangzhou City, he came to Jiang Wanyin without even having a rest.

       This day Jiang Wanyin was watching Lin Yu teach Daiyu to play chess in the courtyard pavilion. Daiyu was very clever. Lin Yu teased her while teaching, and Little Yato was also naughty.

       "Oh, our Yu Er is so smart that we know we should play here. Yu Er will play chess so soon, and my brother will not be able to play Yu Er in the future. Yu Er has to let his brother."

       Lin Yu made Daiyu giggle with an exaggerated look on purpose. Dai stretched out her white and fat little hand to take away the chess piece on the chessboard, held it in her careful hand, and smiled at Lin Yu: "I let my brother."

       "We still love my brother Yuer the most, my brother loves Yuer the most..."

       "Yu Er also likes brother..."

       Brother and sister, Jiang Wanyin was speechless. These brothers and sisters will definitely be black-bellied and cheeky in the future. But Jiang Wanyin didn't bother them when he saw that the brothers and sisters were having fun, so he lowered his head and continued the needlework, which was winter clothes made for Daiyu.

       Daiyu is a smart and painful child, and she doesn't know what Lin Ruhai said to her before going to Gusu, she would please her at a young age, and she also learned that Lin Yu was called Niang. sweet and soft voice was called mother. After a few times, Jiang Wanyin finally couldn't hold it, so she responded softly and treated her as a daughter, under her wings.

       Jiang Wanyin's Maid was hurriedly found, and walked to Jiang Wanyin's side and said:

       "Fu-ren, Lin Daren is here."

       This Lin Manor has become accustomed to Lin Ruhai visit. Lin-Daren even raises his daughter in their Fu-ren, it would be normal for Lin-Daren to come to the door.

       "Dad is here. Mother, Yuer wants to see Dad."

        "Jiang Wanyin took the two children to the front yard main hall. Lin Ruhai was already sitting in the room drinking tea. Jiang Wanyin couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw that he was at home as if he were at home."

       "In the past, she had misunderstood this guy. In the past, she always thought this guy was a handsome gentleman, but now she knows that this guy is a black-bellied old fox."

       Obviously both children followed him.

       Since visiting the house more often, this mansion has his own sons, daughters, and his former women. Lin Ruhai is more and more not treating Jiang Wanyin's house as his own.

       "Lin Ruhai saw Jiang Wanyin bring the two children into the door, his eyes were suddenly bright, and he quickly put down the tea cup in his hand."

       Lin Daiyu, who was held by Lin Yu, was immediately surprised when she saw Lin Ruhai.


       "Lin Daiyu stretched out her hand to Lin Ruhai as soon as she saw her father excited. Lin Daiyu moved too fast. She held her tightly in Lin Yu before she fell."

       "Yu Er, don't move, brother let you down. Don't worry, Yu Er, Dad is there, Dad he can't run anymore, he fell carefully."

       "Jiang Wanyin looked back at his son when he heard his son's words. Lin Yu put Lin Daiyu down and got up before he noticed Jiang Wanyin's gaze, and instantly realized what he had just said. Lin Yu looked at Jiang Wanyin's eyes a little uncomfortable, embarrassed, and guilty. Lin Ruhai was also embarrassed. But excited."

       "This is the first time Lin Yu called Dad in front of Jiang Wanyin, and it was also the first time Jiang Wanyin heard Lin Yu call Dad Lin Ruhai. In addition to shock, Jiang Wanyin felt like this, but he didn't feel surprised."

       "Lin Ruhai is a very attractive person. Whether he is a man or a father, Jiang Wanyin has known for a long time that Lin Yu admires Lin Ruhai, otherwise he would not want to recognize Lin Ruhai before."

       Just knowing it was the same thing, Jiang Wanyin felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that he had worked so hard to raise his son to recognize Lin Ruhai without his consent. But it's just a little bit.

       The mother and son looked at each other and didn't say anything, Lin Ruhai also looked at the mother and son, only Lin Daiyu had already ran towards Lin Ruhai and hugged Lin Ruhai leg.

       "Dad, you can come back. My mother said you are away."

       With Lin Daiyu's mother, the embarrassing person instantly changed to Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin looked back at Lin Ruhai subconsciously, and saw Lin Ruhai staring at her. Jiang Wanyin suddenly felt embarrassed.

       Lin Ruhai closed his eyeliner first. He picked up Lin Daiyu and touched the Baotou on Lin Daiyu's head. He gently said, "Your mother is right, Dad is away. But now Dad is back, Yu Er is highly unhappy. ?"

       Lin Yu was also clever, and quickly stepped forward to help Jiang Wanyin.

       "Mother, let's stop standing, my son will help you sit down."

       Jiang Wanyin glared at his son, but didn't scan his face. When Lin Yu saw Jiang Wanyin's look very sly, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help him.

       "Father, have you finished everything?"

       It seemed that after calling Daddy in front of Jiang Wanyin once, Lin Yu had no more scruples, and called Daddy more casually.

       Because Lin Daiyu was still young, they would not say in front of Lin Daiyu about Lin Ruhai helping the coffin back to Gusu.

       "Father is done."

       Lin Ruhai looked at his son very pleased, and his son was pleasing to his eyes no matter what.

       "Then daddy, are you going to pick up the girl-sister back?"

       "Before I was too busy to take care of Yu Er, but now it's time to take her back. You and your mother have worked so hard in the past few months, and you have taken care of Yu Er very well."

       Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin and said gratefully.

       Looking at the white and fat daughter in his arms, since the daughter was born, even if the mother took care of her daughter before her death, she has not been as healthy as she is now. Lin Ruhai is sincerely grateful to Jiang Wanyin.

       Accepting Lin Ruhai gratitude made Jiang Wanyin suddenly uncomfortable, and she said dryly.

       "Yu Er likes his sister very much." Because her son likes her, she took care of Lin Daiyu, not for your gratitude, not for your Lin Ruhai.

       Although Jiang Wanyin did not say clearly, but Tanhua Flower-Scholar Lang is so smart, he naturally heard Jiang Wanyin's unfinished meaning. It's just that Lin Yu, a stupid son with a heartless heart, didn't even think about his mother's words, he said to Lin Ruhai happily:

       "What my mother said is that my son likes my sister-sister very much, dad, please leave the sister-sister. My sister-sister is very clever and cute, and my mother likes my sister-sister very much. My mother has done a lot for the sister-sister Clothes, make cakes for my sister-sister. Isn’t it, Yuer?"

       "Yeah. Dad, look at the beautiful clothes made by my mother." Lin Daiyu said, pulling the light blue skirt embroidered with delicate patterns to show Lin Ruhai. She didn't forget to add another sentence: "The cakes my mother makes are also delicious."

       Hearing that Daiyu turned out to be Jiang Wanyinniang again, Lin Ruhai looked at Daiyu's small face carefully, and Daiyu's expression was very natural, without any grievance. Look at Lin Daiyu's delicate little skirt, which is made of fine fabrics, embroidered with delicate patterns and lovely patterns.

       This made Lin Ruhai think of Jia Min who had passed away. When Jia Min was pregnant, he also made a lot of small clothes for the baby in his belly, but they were all made in the style of a boy. After Daiyu was born, the clothes were not given to Daiyu. Put on. Jia Min has never made a dress for Daiyu for almost three years.

       Even Jiang-Shi, a person who has nothing to do with Yu Er, is willing to make clothes for Yu Er. On the contrary, Yu Er's mother has never made half of Yu Er's clothes.

       Thinking of Lin Ruhai comparing Jia Min and Jiang Wanyin in his heart, he was deeply moved. As a mother, Jia Min is not as good as Jiang-Shi. No wonder even Yu Er likes Jiang-Shi and is willing to call Jiang-Shi-Niang.

       Seeing Lin Ruhai didn't speak, Lin Daiyu took Lin Ruhai finger and said:

       "Dad, Yu Er likes Mother and brother, Dad, let's take mother and brother home together, okay?"

       Daiyu looked up at Lin Ruhai begging.

       Although she lived in Jiang Wanyin for almost three months, Lin Daiyu had always remembered that this was not her home.

       Maybe it’s the change of sincerity. During this period of time, Jiang Wanyin’s mother and son have sincerely taken care of Lin Daiyu, and the precocious little girl really likes Jiang Wanyin’s mother and son.

       It's just that she said that the other three people except her were embarrassed, especially Lin Ruhai and Jiang Wanyin, the awkward relationship between the two.

       Lin Yu glanced at Lin Ruhai and Jiang Wanyin, got up and picked Lin Daiyu from Lin Ruhai arms.

       "Yu Er, my brother asked Tang Shumu to make a cake. This should be done. My brother will take you to eat the cake."

       Speaking of Lin Yu, he left with Lin Daiyu.

       The cake was brought out by Jiang Wanyinsu. Lin Daiyu and Lin Yu have the same dietary preferences as Lin Ruhai likes to eat sweets. When Jiang Wanyin knew that Lin Daiyu liked to eat sweets, he couldn't help but lament the power of Lin Ruhai genes.

       After the brothers and sisters went out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became embarrassing, and Jiang Wanyin was also extremely uncomfortable. Both of them were silent for a long time, and Jiang Wanyin felt so embarrassed that she couldn't sit down anymore.



       The two spoke at the same time, and when they heard each other's voices, they turned their heads to look at each other. They found that after looking at each other, they turned their heads to the other side.

       There was another silence.

       It was too embarrassing. Lin Ruhai spoke before Jiang Wanyin decided whether to speak first.

       "Thanks for your hard work these days. Yu Er has been in poor health since she was born. This is the first time I have seen Yu Er as white and fat, and Yu Er Temper has also become more cheerful."

       "It's all that Yuer took well. Yuer likes Daiyu very much and often takes her to play."

       Listening to Lin Ruhai words, Jiang Wanyin was extremely uncomfortable, how could he feel that Lin Ruhai was talking to his wife like this. Uncomfortable Jiang Wanyin turned the topic to her son.

       "Yu Er is a good boy, filial and sensible. You have taught Yuer well these years. I never dared to think that I would have a child as good as Yu Er. I should thank you."

       He thanked Jiang-Shi from the bottom of his heart. If it weren’t for Jiang-Shi to give birth to Yu Er, the Lin family would break the incense inheritance when he arrived, and that would be the sinner of the Lin family. After death, he would have no face to see the Lin family’s column. Ancestors.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't know the reason, but Lin Ruhai praised her son that she was also proud, but Lin Ruhai made Jiang Wanyin suspicious in the second half of the sentence. Lin Ruhai seemed to attach more importance to Lin Yu than she expected. But doubt belongs to doubt, but it does not prevent Jiang Wanyin from boasting about her child.

       "Yu Er is naturally a good boy."

       Jiang Wanyin asked Lin Ruhai to be stunned after hearing this, and then he laughed.

       "You are also a good mother."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't expect Lin Ruhai to praise her suddenly. When she heard Lin Ruhai praise her, Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Ruhai in surprise.

       For some reason, Jiang Wanyin always felt that Lin Ruhai was weak. Could this be Lin Ruhai being worn by someone? But Jiang Wanyin quickly denied it. If she meets another Ai-Miao who rebirth or travel through, she will definitely remind her.

       "Lin-Daren, just say what you have to say. I am a straightforward person. You don't have to go around with me."

       She was too tired in her previous life, and she wants to live more comfortably and freely in this life.

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's words, Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin again. At this time, he took out a delicate brocade box from his sleeve and pushed it to Jiang Wanyin.

       "This is left by my mother. My mother left a last word when she was alive. Let me give you some things."

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren left to me? What?"

       Jiang Wanyin had already guessed looking at Jin He, but Lin Lao Fu-ren would leave something for her, she was still very surprised.

       "You can tell when you open it."

       Jiang Wanyin glanced at Lin Ruhai, picked up the brocade box and opened it.

       As she had guessed, the brocade box contained a pair of jade bracelets and a piece of jade pendant. jade bracelet was the best gold silk red jade, while the jade pendant was the best suet white jade.

       Jiang Wanyin only took a look and immediately closed the brocade box and pushed it back to Lin Ruhai.

       "This thing is too expensive, I will never accept it; I also ask Lin-Daren to take it back."

       At first glance, this thing knew that it was a family heirloom. How could she be an outsider to accept the Lin family heirloom.

       "This is Xian's last benevolence, Ruhai dare not violate it. Please accept it."

       Not only did Lin Ruhai fail to take the brocade box back, but instead pushed the brocade box to Jiang Wanyin again.


       "Why must I accept it?"

       Why must she accept it? Jiang Wanyin looked suspicious on her face, but she was a little excited in her heart, but she did not dare to show it, not what she guessed.

       Lin Ruhai looked at Jiang Wanyin, watching very intently.

       "Xianci last words confessed, let me hire this thing as the mistress of the Lin family, and marry you Biaomei. This thing is still a treasure of the Lin family for generations, only passed to the Lin family's mistress. This thing was in the hands of Xianci before, Xianci last words passed this thing to you Biaomei, would you like to accept it?"

       Jiang Wanyin was shocked when he heard this. Lin Ruhai meant that the heirloom Lin Lao Fu-ren had not been passed to Jia Min before. But now it has to be passed on to her, so she is not shocked. But this thing was only passed on to the Lin family's mistress, so Lin Ruhai couldn't understand the meaning in his words.

       Suddenly Jiang Wanyin suddenly realized that before he died, Lin Lao Fu-ren had to recognize her as a niece and let Lin Ruhai be her Biao-Brother; since ancient times, it has not been the same between Biao-Brother and Biaomei, Lin Lao Fu-ren This is to raise her identity, if she and Lin Ruhai are considered to be a kiss. Lin Lao Fu-ren is really well-intentioned.

       After more than ten years of waiting, she finally got her wish, but Jiang Wanyin hesitated.

       She also looked at Lin Ruhai and asked.

       "Is this just Lin Lao Fu-ren's last wish?" So what do you think? Are you willing?

       Lin Ruhai thoughts were so deep that she could not see through it; therefore Jiang Wanyin hesitated.

       "Xianci last wish is the meaning of Ruhai." Lin Ruhai said word by word earnestly: "Wan Yin, would you like it?"

Chapter 95  |   Volume 3: Lin Family's Maid
Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135
Chapter 140
Chapter 145
Chapter 150
Chapter 155

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