RM Maid 110

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        "Gongxi, Lao Fu-ren, you have a grandson, Nubi Gongxi, you."

       "The couple laughed at Gongxi Lin Lao Fu-ren, but didn't want Lin Lao Fu-ren to lose their faces at all."


       "Lao Fu-ren furiously shot the case, scared the couple to kneel on the ground with a splash."

       "Lao Fu-ren calm down."

       "Who made you come? Who gave you the courage to make fun of me with this matter?"

       "Since Lin Jia-Shi married into the Lin family for more than ten years, Lin Jia-Shi has not even conceived an egg. Two years ago, Maid was pregnant in Haier's room. I haven't heard a baby cry in ten years."

       Where is her grandson?

       She hoped that her grandson's eyes were looking for green, but she still didn't look forward to her grandson.

       "This Nucai dare to make a joke about his grandson, Lao Fu-ren is furious."

       Being so scared by Lin Lao Fu-ren, the couple realized that they had misunderstood the fact that they didn't say clearly what they called Lao Fu-ren.

       Yuqin hurriedly explained.

       "Lao Fu-ren, you heard Nubi say that Nubi did not lie to you, what Nubi said is true, and Nubi is not joking. Lao Fu-ren, do you remember Snow Crane."

       "Snow Crane?"

       "A Maid, after more than ten years, Lin Lao Fu-ren really don't remember."

       "Lao Fu-ren is the snow crane of Tongfang Maid before Lao-Ye’s wedding. After Lao-Ye fell in the Tanhua Flower-Scholar, you and Lao-Ye returned to Gusu to worship the ancestors, that’s Lao Ye is the Maid Snow Crane of the release mansion."

       "Although Yuqin said carefully, poor Lao Fu-ren is getting older and never cared about Maid who was in a liberated house. Now I ask Lao Fu-ren that she really has no impression."

       "A Maid that has been released, what do you mention her for?"

       "Lao Fu-ren, it's Xuehe, Xuehe used to be Lao-Ye's Tongfang Maid, Lao-Ye used to like her, have you forgotten?"

       Seeing Lao Fu-ren can't remember, Yuqin is worried.

       "Tongfang Maid, Xuehe..." Lin Lao Fu-ren suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up suddenly.

       "Could you mean that Tongfang Maid she..."

       "Yes. Lao Fu-ren, she is Xuehe."

       "Lao Fu-ren, Nubi and the head of Nubi met Xuehe in the ancestral house, and she took a teenage boy. Nubi was suspicious when she saw it. Nubi and the head of Nubi quietly inquired, and that Xuehe came out empress has always lived in Gusu City, and she gave birth to a son at the end of the year when she left the house.."

       After learning that Xuehe gave birth to a son at the end of the year, she was sure that Xuehe's son must be Lao-Ye's child, so she and her boss came to Yangzhou City to meet Lao Fu-ren.

       It's just that she didn't dare to tell Lao Fu-ren, telling Lao Fu-ren that Xuehe claimed that she was Lin Jiang-Shi, the widow of the Lin-Shi tribe, and the widow. Lao-Ye is still alive, and Xuehe is bold enough to claim to be a widow.

       Isn't this cursing Lao-Ye to die? If this is let Lao Fu-ren know, then it won't make the atmosphere.

       Just like this guess, Yuqin didn't dare to tell Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       It is precisely because Yuqin did not dare to tell Lin Lao Fu-ren about this, that Lin Lao Fu-ren missed the opportunity to recognize her grandson the first time, and let Lin Lao Fu-ren regret it later.

       "No. This is not right."

       Yuqin was well-founded, but Lin Lao Fu-ren finally remembered the events of the year after so many reminders, and she was suspicious.

       "Back when Maid went out, Haier said that he hadn't hired the two Tongfang waiters for several months, and that Maid had a menstrual episode before he went out. doctor didn't say that it was a happy pulse. What happened to her? May be pregnant with a child from Shanghai, this is impossible."

       At that time, just in case, she asked the doctor to pass the pulse of two Maids. How can Xuehe, a Maid, keep the doctor away.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was not dazzled by the word grandson, she was sober.

       Although she is looking forward to having grandchildren, what she is looking forward to is the blood of the Lin family, not the children of others; the blood of the Lin family should not be confused.

       "Lao Fu-ren, it was almost August when Xuehe left the house that year, but Xuehe gave birth at the end of that year. From August to December four or five months, this time is not enough. , Xuehe could not be pregnant with someone else’s child. Counting the days and months, Xuehe must have been pregnant before leaving the house. It should have been pregnant after the Lao-Ye test in March. Nubi remembers Lao after the test. Ye has served Xuehe several times. Nubi remembers that she can't be wrong. Xuehe must be pregnant with Lao-Ye's child."

       Yuqin recalled giving Lin Lao Fu-ren a little bit of analysis, and wanted Lin Lao Fu-ren to believe her.

       The Yuqin and his wife are in a hurry. They want to take this advantage to return to the Lin Mansion as errands.

       "By the way, Maid Green Sleeve, who served Xuehe and Mei Yu back then, is still there, and she can also prove it. Lao Fu-ren You can ask Green Sleeve to ask."

       Jiang Wanyin remembered seeing the Little-Maid green sleeves that served Mei Yu and Jiang Wanyin, the Little-Maid who served them every time after Mei Yu and Jiang Wanyin served Lin Ruhai.

       "Green sleeves?"

       Lin Lao Fu-ren don't remember a Little Maid, but the Yuqin and his wife were sent back to the house of Gusu Shouzu less than a year after Jia Min entered. Naturally, they don't know where the green sleeves went.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren called Mama next to him and asked, it took a long time to find the green sleeves who were already married.

       It turns out that after Jia Min entered the mansion, Maid in Lin Ruhai courtyard was slowly dismissed by her for excuses. After the green sleeves were sent out, they went to Lin-Lao-Fu-ren courtyard to clean Maid after several rounds. Later, she got older. He is the son of Lin Lao Fu-ren, Pozi servant in the yard. Now I am working as a errand in the small kitchen in the yard of Lin Lao Fu-ren, and I have a good life.

       Now that Green Sleeve was called by Lin Lao Fu-ren, and seeing Yuqin there, she was threatened by Lao Fu-ren. She immediately recruited everything.

       Said all the calculations of Mei Yu back then.

       After going to the test from Lin Ruhai, Meiyu gave the original owner Xuehe-the medicine wanted to kill Xuehe, and later changed to avoid-zitang wanted to make Jiang Wanyin pregnant, wanted to see the consequences of Jiang Wanyin’s pregnancy, etc. Up.

       "Sister Yuqin can still remember that on the day Lao-Ye went to Rongguo Mansion to make an appointment, Meiyu invited you to have a drink. Meiyu gave me two Silver-Taels and asked the cook to stew a pot of thick fish. Tang... Meiyu looked disappointed when she came back that day, and she said that Xuehe was lucky and didn't get pregnant..."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't want too many people to know about the snow crane, so Lin Lao Fu-ren sent it out after Green Sleeve finished talking.

       "Before, I only thought that Meiyu was not pleasing to the eyes of Xuehe, but I didn't expect Meiyu to be so vicious and calculating. It turned out that Meiyu was already calculating the snow cave at that time. No wonder Xuehe Chongmeiyu made such a big fire on the boat, afraid It was at that time that Xuehe already knew that Mei Yu had caused her to become pregnant..."

       After listening to Luxiu's words, waiting for Luxiu to leave, Yuqin also recalled the past and sighed.

       "Lao Fu-ren, you may not respond to fish soup when you are pregnant. Nubi does not drink fish soup when you are pregnant."

       "Lao Fu-ren, Mei Yu replaced Xuehe's avoid-zitang. Xuehe must have been pregnant when he left Capital City."

       "By the way, Nubi remembered it. When Xuehe left the house, she said she had a lunar event, but Nubi remembers that Xuehe has not been there since April. Fu-ren, Xuehe must have been pregnant with Lao at the time. Ye’s child. Lao Fu-ren You have to believe in Nubi. Nubi can’t read it wrong. boy with Snow Crane looks exactly like Lao-Ye, it can’t be wrong.”

       Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't believe it at first, but now she has shaken. But it didn't show up immediately.

       "By the way, what about Xuehe? Where are she and the child now? If you ask, you must know about her."

       In fact, Lin Lao Fu-ren already believes half of this matter in my heart, or Lin Lao Fu-ren hopes to be more hopeful.

       "Back to Lao Fu-ren, the Nubis didn’t see Xuehe again. Nubis found out that when the mother and son Xuehe moved a few years ago, Xuehe doesn’t interact with people around, so the neighbors don’t know about them. Nubis didn’t find out where the mother and son moved out. I don’t know if Xuehe mother and son are in Gusu or have left."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was a little disappointed.

       "Fine, you don't need to intervene in this matter anymore. I will investigate this matter. Please keep quiet about this matter. You two will stay in the house for a while, and everything will be discussed after I check it out."

       "If this is true, your reward is indispensable."

       "Many Thanks Lao Fu-ren."

       Although there is no work yet, it is already very happy to leave Yuqin and his wife first.

       Send the two out, Lin Lao Fu-ren and confidant Tian Mama discuss.

       "Dong Lan, do you think this will be true? Does that Snow Crane really have a child who gave birth to Haier?" Lin Lao Fu-ren showed expectation on his face.

       "Dong Lan, it's been eleven years. It has been eleven years since Jia-Shi entered the mansion. I hope that grandson has been looking forward to it for eleven years."

       "Then Jia-Shi has never even conceived an egg, and has a vicious heart. Even the pregnant Tongfang Maid can't tolerate it, I'm afraid that it can't tolerate Shu-son even more."

       "Hai Er Foreign Affairs is shrewd and confused by the family affairs, I was blinded by Jia Min, blindly thinking that Jia Min is good, and even didn't even want his own children for Jia-Shi."

       "Poor Yato, if it weren't for me to let them serve Haier, they wouldn't have been killed by Jia-Shi at a young age. It's all my fault and it hurts the Lin family's blessing."

       The Tongfang Maid that I carried in recent years has disappeared. Maid of the mansion is scared. No one wants or dares to be Lin Ruhai Tongfang Maid. Lin Lao Fu-ren doesn't want to harm people anymore, so No more Tongfang Maid arrangements for Lin Ruhai.

       "There is Lao Fu-ren, your fault, Fu-ren is too cruel."

       Thinking of the young Maid in Jia Min's hands all these years of unknown death, Tian Mama shuddered.

       "Dong Lan, ask Tian Anxi to investigate this matter about Snow Crane. Do not let Jia-Shi know about it."

       Regardless of whether or not this matter, Jia-Shi cannot be known, and if it is, then Jia-Shi cannot be known.

       "What about Lao-Ye?"

       "Let’s hide it first. Yi Ruhai trust in Jia Min, if he knows this, I’m afraid he will tell Jia Min immediately. If Jia Min knows that she used those vicious methods, wouldn’t it be harmful? child."

       "It doesn't matter if Jia Min is allowed to harm the child. If it is, then the Lin family's blessings are not exhausted; if not, then treat it as a blessing. Don't let the innocent child be hurt because of our Lin family."

       "Old slave knows, old slave let Anxi take care of it."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren is guarding Jia Min. I have to say that the motherzi and daughterzi of more than ten years, Lin Lao Fu-ren already knows Jia Min well, so he guards Jia Min.

       It's just that the same motherzi and daughterzi have more than ten years, Lin Lao Fu-ren is not happy with Jia Min, and Jia Min also knows whether he likes Lin Lao Fu-ren. Jia Min thinks Lin Lao Fu-ren is the villain who beat the mandarin duck with Lin Ruhai stick.

       Jia Min also guarded Lin Lao Fu-ren and then carried Tongfang Maid to Lin Ruhai, so people kept staring at Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       The Yuqin couple rushed to see Lin Lao Fu-ren from Gusu and Jia Min quickly learned about it. Although Lao Fu-ren was very guarded, she didn't know what it was for a while, but she kept asking people to stare at it. Sooner or later she would know.

       She wants to see what Lao Fu-ren has.

       Holding Lin Ruhai heart, Jia Min was very confident.

       Jia Min, the main courtyard of the Lin Mansion backyard, looked out the window with sarcasm on his face.

        "After knowing that Lin Ruhai was his biological father, after listening to Jiang Wanyin's analysis, and knowing that it is not practical to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan, Lin Yu rested his mind."

       "After finishing the banquet and resting at home for half a month, Zhen Lao-Ye asked friends to recommend him and personally sent Lin Yu to the famous Ganquan Academy in Yangzhou."

       "Ganquan Academy is one of the most famous academies in Yangzhou. There are many famous scholars in the academy. Jiang Wanyin and Zhen Lao-Ye both hope that Lin Yu can enter Ganquan Academy to receive a better education and make friends with more peers instead of working behind closed doors."

       "Whether it is modern or ancient, if you want to be an official, it is not a person's business. Someone has to support each other and think of help. This requires classmates the same year."

       Jiang Wanyin and Zhen Lao-Ye also worked hard to plan for Lin Yu.

       Lin Yu lived up to expectations and was admitted to Ganquan Academy.

       It's just that you have to go to the accommodation :Academy to study in Ganquan :Academy, and you can only come back once in half a month.

       Even if she was reluctant to part with her son, Jiang Wanyin still gritted her teeth and asked Zhen Lao-Ye to send her son.

       "Lin Yu went to the academy, and Zhen Lao-Ye’s focus was placed on Zhen Yingcheng. When Lin Yu went to the academy, Jiang Wanyin was also a lot more relaxed. When she had nothing to do, she would take Zhen Xi with Zhen Fu-ren. Let me talk about the gossip I heard from outside the city."

       "What are you talking about, it's so lively."

       On this day, Jiang Wanyin entered Zhen Fu-ren’s yard and heard laughter from a distance.

       "Mei-Mei is here, sit down. Serve Mu-Lady with tea."

       Jiang Wanyin took a sip of the tea from Maid.

       "Sao, what are you talking about? I hear laughter all the way."

       "Mei-Mei, you don't know about it yet. Me, I'm listening to them talking about a joke from the capital."

       "Zhen Fu-ren thinks of what the Pozi Erxis are saying, and keeps having fun."

       "The joke that came from the capital? What kind of joke can actually be spread from the far away capital to let you know that it is like this?"

       Jiang Wanyin was curious.

       The Zhen family's population is simple, and Zhen Fu-ren, the mistress of the family, is also very leisurely, and likes to hear people say these gossip rumors to pass the time.

       Seeing that the solar terms are coming up again, worrying about the weather, she has been making new clothes for Lin Yu at home these few days. She doesn't know anything about things outside, but she doesn't know what jokes have come from the capital.

       The jokes that can be spread from the capital to Yangzhou must be extraordinary.

       "It's so funny. I'll let them talk to you."

       Zhen Fu-ren pointed to Erxi who had just spoken, and Erxi immediately said vividly:

       ".. It is said that the brother was born with a jade the size of a bird egg in his mouth. It is said that it is so big..."

       Erxi gestured, Zhen Fu-ren couldn't help but laugh again.

       "Mei-Mei, that brother had such a big jade in his mouth as soon as he was born. Wouldn't you say that brother was born with a big mouth? Hey, it's still such a big mouth. .."

       Zhen Fu-ren was staggered with a smile. After giving birth to Zhen Xi, Zhen Fu-ren has become more and more cheerful, and she often laughs when she is happy, but fortunately, she has not forgotten to consider her image in front of outsiders. But watching her smile happily, she didn't feel better.

       Jiang Wanyin smiled reluctantly, but she really couldn't laugh. Because she knew it was true that Jia Baoyu was born with jade, but she didn't know that the meeting had spread to Jiangnan, and was regarded as a joke.

       I saw Zhen Fu-ren and let Erxi continue.

       ".. I heard that because that brother was born with Baoyu, Master. Old Lady of Rongguo Mansion named him Baoyu. He also said that Baoyu was a man of great good fortune and great blessing. Old Lady still Fearing that Baoyu’s blessing was too great to hold back, let the servants of the Rongguo Mansion write Jia Baoyu’s name on paper, and reward the poor to call Jia Baoyu’s name to share the blessing of Baoyu for blessings. Baoyu flat character..."

       "According to the merchants from the capital, the Rongguo Mansion is really a blessing. Now not only has a brother with Baoyu born, but also a brother named Baoyu who was born on New Year’s Day. Sister Di-Kin. Everyone in the capital knows that the Miss character in Rongguo Mansion is too good to be matched by a royal person to hold back the blessing..."

       Listening to Erxi rhetoric, Jiang Wanyin was stunned.

       It didn't seem like this would be the case. Although Wang Fu-ren did a lot of calculations in her life with Jia Hu, she was suppressed before the incident spread. She didn't even know that this matter could reach Yangzhou.

       "Mei-Mei, you are not ridiculous."

       "From ancient times to the present, it is said that the one who was born with a strange treasure or had a vision at birth was not an emperor. Nowadays, even the royal family has no Prince born with a strange treasure, but Rong Guofu has a brother born with a treasure. This Rongguo Mansion can be more blessed than the royal family."

       "The Rongguo Mansion made a lot of noise about this matter, and I don't know if they are really ambitious or ambitious, whether they are really stupid or fake and smart. If this kind of thing comes in, you are not afraid of being ransacked on the charge of rebellion."

       "Great good fortune, this good fortune is still an emperor with a big mistake?"

       "There is also a Miss's character that has been spread to everyone, and it is said that the royals should match it. Isn't this the idea of playing the royal brightly? When will the royal family be allowed to be picked by others. This Miss will be difficult in the future. Marrying out and having such a natal family, Miss is so unlucky."

       "By the way, the Rongguo Mansion is the Fu-ren of Xunyan Yu History Lin Daren's family of Lin Jia-Shi, Mei-Mei can remember."

       "Sao, I have lived for decades, and I know for the first time that there is such a wonderful thing as Rongguo Mansion. As long as I think about it, I can't help but want to laugh..."

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Zhen Fu-ren who was smiling and happy, she didn't care about Rongguo Mansion, but now she was thinking about another thing in her heart.

       Jia Baoyu is already born, Lin Daiyu should not be far away.

       "Mei-Mei, Mei-Mei what are you thinking?"

       "Nothing. Just thinking that Xir should wake up too, Sao, you pay attention to some images, but don't let our lovely Xir see you so badly."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't want to continue talking about it, so he changed the subject. Sure enough, when I mentioned my daughter Zhen Fu-ren, I forgot what happened before.

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's run, Zhen Fu-ren pretended to say to Jiang Wanyin:

       "Go and talk nonsense. We're a pity, so we won't learn badly."

       "Whether Baoyu and his excellent horoscope sister have any blessings is hard to say, but 2-Fu-ren from Rongguo Mansion is blessed and enviable. They are almost forty, and they have given birth to another one. Son. This is not comparable to ordinary people. It is a pity that this kind of blessing cannot be shared with her sisterzi Lin Fu-ren, so that Lin Fu-ren can have a son and a half."

       After arriving in Yangzhou for so many years, Jia Min is still not pregnant. There is no discussion between the people and the ladies in Yangzhou. reputation of Jia Min, a hen who does not lay eggs, is quite a lot of people in the dark place of Yangzhou City. Especially those officials in Yangzhou City who were not right with Lin Ruhai and the female relatives of wealthy families even mocked Jia Min so much.

       Zhen Fu-ren sympathizes with Jia Min because of this. After all, Jia Min's experience is what she has experienced before, and Lin Ruhai also has a good relationship with Zhen Lao-Ye.

       Before hearing about Baoyu, Jiang Wanyin didn't respond much, but after hearing Zhen Fu-ren's words, Jiang Wanyin almost couldn't help laughing.

       Let Wang Fu-ren give his blessing to Jia Min?

       It’s almost the same for Wang Fu-ren to kill Jia Min.

       Others don't know that, regardless of her life, Wang Fu-ren hates Jia Min to death. How could she give her blessing to Jia Min.

       It's just that only Jiang Wanyin knew about these things, but she couldn't tell why, otherwise she couldn't explain it.

       Because Rongguo Mansion is Jia Min's natal family, Rongguo Mansion had such a joke, and it was discussed in Yangzhou City for several months, and even Jia Min was led to the discussion.

       Sure enough, as Jiang Wanyin had guessed, a few months after Baoyu's birth, the Lin Mansion suddenly heard news that Lin's mistress Lin Fu-ren Lin Jia-Shi was pregnant.

       As soon as the news came out, the entire Yangzhou city was a sensation, and everyone was discussing it.

       Many people suspect that it is true and false. Some people wonder if Jia Min couldn't resist the pressure and wanted to borrow her belly to have a baby, so the news of pregnancy was deliberately spread, but it was actually a fake pregnancy.

       Because of this rumor, many female family members of the officials in Yangzhou City also came to celebrate in person, wanting to see the truth.

       After news broke that it was indeed Lin Fu-ren who was pregnant by herself, the city of Yangzhou began to press Lin Fu-ren as a boy and girl.

       The people in the city of Yangzhou are not too busy, and they gather together after dinner to discuss this matter.

       Some people say that Lin-Fu-ren has been married to the Lin family for more than ten years and has not had a child. It can be seen that it is no good for him to have a girl.

       Some people say that appointing Lin Fu-ren is a blessing. Now that they are blessed, they say that this is not a man.

       The Lin family has done a lot of good deeds in Yangzhou City over the years. Some people say that the Lin family accumulates virtue and does good deeds, and the Bodhisattva blesses them. Lin-Fu-ren will give birth to boys.

       In short, there are different opinions on this matter in Yangzhou City. This Lin family matter has been discussed for months.

       Even at the end of the year, the people's interest in watching the excitement can be dissipated. Almost the entire Yangzhou city is staring at the child in Jia Min's belly.

       Even Zhen Fu-ren was curious and had to discuss with Jiang Wanyin about Jia Minsheng's son or daughter more than once.

       "This child hasn't been born yet, who knows whether it's a boy or a girl? When Lin Fu-ren is born, we won't know."

       "Furthermore, what is the relationship between Lin-Fu-ren having boys and girls and us? Sao, you are thinking about this. It's better to think about the Lantern Festival. You and your brother can agree to take three children out to play. This is the Chinese New Year soon."

       "We don't need to worry about this. Lao-Ye has already booked a private room at the teahouse. On the Lantern Festival, we will go out to watch the lights."

       "Brother is still thoughtful..."

       Aunt Sao and the two were talking, suddenly there was a noise outside.

       "Go out and see, what happened?"

       Jiang Wanyin told Maid that Maid ran out after a while and then came back.

       "Fu-ren, Mu-Lady, a monk and a lame Taoist came to our house. They were sloppy and sloppy. They Called at the door that Lao-Ye should give us Xiaojie to them. Lao-Ye was furious. , Ask someone to chase the monk Taoist, the monk Taoist grabbed Lao-Ye not to let go, trying to grab us Xiaojie."

       "Where is the smelly monk and Taoist priest, who is going to grab my daughter, it's the opposite.."

       Zhen Fu-ren became furious when she heard that someone was about to rob her daughter. He stood up and rushed out.

       Zhen Fu-ren rushed out, and Jiang Wanyin also got up and went out. But she didn't rush out the first time, but first asked the next person to find a black dog's blood and a bucket of pickled things.

       Jiang Wanyin did not face the two directly. She stood outside the door where they could not see, listening to the two to tell Zhen Xi the eight words that changed Zhen Yinglian's fate.

       Jiang Wanyin immediately ordered the subordinates to splash the black dog blood and pickled things on the two of them.

       Vast Master, Miao Miao, a real person, after several lifetimes, had never had a chance to meet before, this time finally met. Now Zhen Xi is her niece, how can she allow others to deceive her.

       Spilled with black dog blood and pickled things, the two were immediately broken the spell, unable to cast the spell to leave, and were ordered by Zhen Lao-Ye to take them down.

       Seeing people from the government arrested the monk and Taoist priest, Jiang Wanyin never came forward to meet the two.

        "These two people are simply demon monks and demons, dare to curse my Xir."

       "Zhen Fu-ren, who has always been good-tempered, yelled at her daughter in spite of her appearance, which shows that she is very angry."

       "Lao-Ye, we can't spare the demon monk, who knows how many people they have harmed?"

       "Brother, Sao is right. Buddhism and Taoism have been fighting for thousands of years. Little-Mei has never heard that Buddhism and Taoism are in harmony. That monk and the lame Taoist monk are together. This is obviously abnormal. Perhaps as Sao said. , That monk Taoist is a demon monk and demon way. I don’t know what demon method they cultivate and how many people have been harmed. We can’t let them go. If they are let go, do you know if they will harm other people again? Accumulate virtue."

       She had seen Fairy Jinghuan, the front feet of the two horses, for a long time, no matter what life they were, the two secret Jinghuan had always disturbed the wind and the rain, disturbing other people's homes.

       "Before Jia Hu's life, because of her butterfly effect, Jia Zhengyifang was separated from the Rongguo Mansion, and finally the three people made Jia Zhengyifang's family ruined. It's just that because there was no direct relationship with her, she didn't. Intervene."

       "But this life is different. Lin family is also the target of these three people. In this life, Lin Ruhai, Lin Ruhai, is her mission. She can't let the three do her thing."

       Now that there is a chance, it is better to clean up the two demon monks and demon ways first.

       "Your aunts, Sao, don't worry, I have already taken Zhao's head, and I will definitely watch the monk's way strictly for interrogation, and will not let them come out to harm others."

       Although Zhen Lao-Ye is angry, they are not as angry as Zhen Fu-ren.

       "That would be great, but..."

       Jiang Wanyin frowned.

       "Little Mei, but what else?"

       "Brother, according to Little-Mei, I'm afraid that the demon monk's demon way is not easy, maybe there is some demon method. Little-Mei is worried that those squad arresters will not look at them and let them escape. Today we Capture them, the demon monk and demon Dao will bear hatred in his heart, and Little-Mei is worried that if they let them escape, they will come to seek revenge."

       "Lao-Ye, how can this be good? If they are really allowed to escape, the demon monk will know how to do it. If they come to seek revenge, we are afraid that we will be invincible, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

       Zhen Fu-ren is worried and anxious about Zhen Xi.

       "You can't kill them, right? Not to mention that we haven't seen them doing anything to kill or arson, even if we know they are harming people, we have no evidence."

       Zhen Lao-Ye heard Jiang Wanyin's words and saw Zhen Fu-ren worried, and he was also worried.

       That demon monk and demon way obviously knows some spells. Although she has good skills in this life, she may not be the opponent of that demon monk and demon way. This time she was able to capture the two of them by surprise. Jiang Wanyin was also really worried. After all, she was still a son. Wouldn't it be worse if the demon monk and demon way attacked her son.

       No, even if they can't be killed, they must be abolished.

       "Brother Head Sao, Little Mei had heard that black dog blood and other things should be used to cure demons, so Little Mei let people prepare those things today. It's just that splashing dog blood can only temporarily destroy them. If you want to destroy their foundation so that they can no longer use it, you have to pour black dog blood into their stomachs. It's better to let the government destroy the foundation of the demon monk and the demon way, without the demon technique, It will also prevent them from coming out to harm others. In this way, there is no need to kill them, which will damage the yin virtue."

       "The Mei-Mei method is feasible. In short, we can't let them come out to harm others, especially to hurt us. Lao-Ye, you go and take care of it."

       "This method was also heard by Little-Mei accidentally. Brother might as well give it a try."

       Zhen Lao-Ye had no better solution for the time being and agreed to Jiang Wanyin's suggestion.

       "Well, I personally go to the Yamen to take care of it."

       Zhen Lao-Ye decided to take care of it personally. After all, this matter involves his daughter, but it is a big deal.

       Not to mention that the Zhen family was furious and worried about these two demon monks and evil ways, but they said about the Lin family.

       Since her pregnancy broke out, Jia Min has enjoyed the Princess Empress-like treatment in Lin's family, not to mention that Lin Ruhai has more pity for her, and the 120 thousand love for the child in her womb, especially Lin Lao Fu-ren It attaches great importance to the child in Jia Min's belly.

       Originally, I had been tracing Jiang Wanyin’s mother and child. After learning the good news of Jia Min’s pregnancy, the tracing was temporarily stopped by Lin Lao Fu-ren, even in order not to disturb the pregnant Jia Min Dusi. Yuqin and his wife who were reporting the letter from Gusu were sent back to the ancestral home of Gusu.

       The investigation was only carried out privately under the instructions of Lin Lao Fu-ren, but there was no major progress. Because after meeting Yuqin at the Lin family’s ancestral house, Jiang Wanyin was worried that her mother and her son would be discovered by the Lin family in advance, so the arrangements were made in advance, so the talent sent by Lin Lao Fu-ren has not been found for so long. News from mother and son.

       Of course, only Lin Lao Fu-ren, her confidants, and Yuqin's couple knew about the tracing of Jiang Wanyin's mother and child. Even Lin Ruhai and Jia Min didn't know the specifics. Jia Min knew that Lin Lao Fu-ren was looking for someone, and kept people staring at him. Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't find anyone, so the person Jia Min sent out to follow was naturally unable to find anything. But Lin Ruhai didn't know anything about it, and was kept secret by his biological mother Erxi.

       In order to prevent Jia Min from discovering it, Lin-Lao-Fu-ren ordered the matter only to find the mother and daughter of her young handkerchief.

       Now that the Yuqin and his wife have been sent back to Gusu's ancestral house again, only Lin Lao Fu-ren and her confidant Tian Mama know about this.

       After Lin Lao Fu-ren decided not to chase someone for the time being, Tian Mama was puzzled. After all, Lin Lao Fu-ren was looking forward to his grandson so much, but now he has some eyebrows but suddenly stopped looking. What does this mean again.

       In private, Tian Mama asked Lin Lao Fu-ren, but Lin Lao Fu-ren said this:

       "I've been looking forward to it for so many years. I finally hoped that Jia-Shi was finally pregnant. Jia-Shi was my grandson. Jia-Shi was so sensitive and thoughtful, it was shocking that she hurt her belly. child is not good. If Haier knows by then, wouldn't he blame me."

       "You have also seen these years, Haier loves Jia-Shi; these days, you have also seen how nervous Haier has been since Jia-Shi became pregnant, then Jia-Shi. Since Jia-Shi entered the house, Haier Just to Jia-Shi, he doesn’t even listen to me; if there is something on my side that Jia-Shi is holding the handle, won’t that Jia-Shi succeed and make me and Haier mother and son separated ."

       Motherzi and daughterzi have fought for many years, because Lin Ruhai is facing Jia Min, but Lin Lao Fu-ren loses more and wins less. Mother's words are not as strong as pillow wind.

       "The grandson of my Lin family is in Jia-Shi womb. Don't mess with her at this time. Let's put pressure on that matter for the time being. I will talk about it when Jia-Shi is born. Anyway, it has been so many years. Not in a hurry."

       Even if Xuehe's son born to Maid is retrieved, it is nothing more than a Shu-son born to Maid. How could this maid be able to match Di-son from Qianjin in Duke's house?

       Besides, after Jia-Shi gave birth to her grandson, she found her grandson back again. Jia-Shi didn't dare to object, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't say these words, but she thought so in her heart.

       After all, Lin Lao Fu-ren valued Jiang Wanyin who was a maidservant from his family background, his grandchildren, and Shu borned grandchildren.

       When there are no grandchildren, the concubine also becomes important; now with the grandchild, the concubine is irrelevant.

       After all, it's all human nature.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren has already decided to pay attention, and Tian Mama just wanted to persuade this meeting and did not say more.

       Jia Minna kept staring at Lin Lao Fu-ren, and suddenly received news after pregnancy, Lin Lao Fu-ren did not continue to move.

       "Got it."

       After listening to the report from the subordinate, Jia Min's sarcasm was unconcealed.

       What the Lao Fu-ren Aristocratic family came from, benevolent and charitable, but this is also the case. After all, it's just selfishness.

       "Fu-ren, then Lao Fu-ren, will you continue to stare?"

       "Why don't you stare. Ask someone to stare at me. As long as Lao Fu-ren does any action, he must report it immediately."

       "Yes, Fu-ren."

       "Okay, go down."

       To send someone out, Jia Min was about to get up, and Mama by his side quickly helped her.

       "Fu-ren, what do you mean Lao Fu-ren is looking for?"

       "Isn't it the daughter of some kind of handkerchief? Huh, I'm afraid it is some shameful idea." Jia Min looked sarcastically, conceited that he could see through Lao Fu-ren's calculations.

       "If that's the case, I'm afraid that Lao Fu-ren is the idea of calling Lao-Ye. I want to give Lao-Ye... Fu-ren. We can't let Lao Fu-ren take people to the mansion. If someone is brought to the mansion and lives in a mansion where you can’t see you with your head down, it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t succeed."

       "It doesn't matter even if you receive it from the mansion. If you want to get the moon first, it depends on whether I agree."

       "Furthermore, you also heard that Lao Fu-ren is not going to find someone anymore. As long as my baby is a brother, Lao Fu-ren will never look for a handkerchief. ." Jia Min stroked the already bulging belly and didn't hide the irony of Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       "Is it the daughter of my sister when I was young? Lao Fu-ren is too affectionate." Mama couldn't bear to sympathize with the mother and daughter who hadn't been found yet.

       "Do you think Lao Fu-ren really wants to take care of her daughters and mothers for her younger sisters? It's just an idea to beat her granddaughter. I want the granddaughter of her younger sisters to be Qie for her son. What kind of son is she? I miss my old love and take care of people."

       "After all, I just saw that I was not pregnant and wanted to borrow the belly of my granddaughter. Now that I am pregnant, she immediately stopped looking for someone. It shows that I didn't really care about the sisterhood when I was young. After all, Lao Fu-ren is nothing more than a lover."

       "Fu-ren, Lao Fu-ren is no longer looking for people, isn't this a good thing for you?"

       "If my baby is a brother, I have to send Di-Sun Lao Fu-ren, maybe I'll stop thinking. But if my baby is a sister, I'm afraid Lao Fu-ren will give birth to thoughts again Up."

       "What can we do then? Or let's find someone first, and then..." first move is better, then Mama compares gestures.

       "Don't worry, wait until my birth. I won't let her succeed."

       If this child is the best son, it doesn't matter if it is not. Since she can give birth, this Lin family can only belong to her child. If anyone wants to be against her, don't blame her for being cruel.

       Jiang Wanyin didn’t know what happened to the Lin family, not to mention that Lin Lao Fu-ren sent someone to find herself, nor did she know that Jia Min was pregnant and prevented her from meeting the Lin family in advance; this would make Lao Ye went to the Yamen in person and came back with bad news.

        "What, escaped?"

       "Jiang Wanyin was shocked when she heard what Zhen Lao-Ye said. So did Zhen Fu-ren, her face started to panic."

       "Why did you escape? Where did you escape? How could you let them escape?"

       "I was late. When I rushed to the Yamen, the two had already escaped. I asked the jailer to find out that the two were covered with pickled things that were too stinky. They begged the jailer to make money for the jailer to get water. They took a bath, and they disappeared shortly after the bath. jailer didn't know how to escape."

       "To escape from the prison, the demon monk and demon way really know how to do it. What can we do? demon monk and demon way will not come to our mansion to seek revenge, right?"

       Zhen Fu-ren is worried and afraid.

       "What if they really come to seek revenge? Let's Xir and Aner..."

       Zhen Fu-ren has completely panicked, but Zhen Lao-Ye is very calm.

       "Fu-ren, don't panic, the demon monk and the demon way are stumbling in our place today. We must also know that we are already on guard. They will not dare to come back in a short time if they want to come."

       "Furthermore, let's arrange more patrols so that the servants of the house can patrol day and night, and they can also prevent one or two. This should be just in case."

       "Zhen Lao-Ye arranged Zhen Fu-ren, Jiang Wanyin also made suggestions."

       "Sao, if you are worried, you might as well take An Er and Xi Er to my house for a temporary stay. It was the demon monk who found it, and I will probably never know that Xi Er is in my house."

       "That's fine, Fu-ren, you will take the child with Little-Mei to live in her house for a few days later, let's see the situation before we talk."

       "After the final agreement, Zhen Fu-ren took two children to live in Jiang Wanyin's house. Because of inconvenience, Zhen Lao-Ye still lives in Zhen's house."

       It’s just that the monk and the other monk were afraid of being arrested for a while, but Jiang Wanyin and Zhen’s family were afraid that they did not show up for a few days. After the New Year’s holiday, Lin Yu came back from the Ganquan Academy and the two families relaxed. , Ready for the New Year.

       After leaving the Zhen Lao-Ye family, Jiang Wanyin, mother and son are left.

       "Yu Er, come sit next to Mother."

       "Mother, what's the matter with you?"

       Lin Yuyiyan sits next to Jiang Wanyin.

       "I haven't seen you in a few months, let my mother take a good look at you."

       Jiang Wanyin looked at her taller, less childish, and her temperament became more fresh and elegant, gentle and elegant; Jiang Wanyin looked at her son with pride in her heart. It's just that Jiang Wanyin was also worried. Lin Yu's face gradually grew a lot longer, and the baby fat on his face had gradually receded, and he looked more and more like Lin Ruhai. Both live in Yangzhou City, and Jiang Wanyin is really worried that Lin Yu will be recognized by the Lin family when they meet the father and son.

       "Mother, what's the matter with you? Why are you looking at your son like this?"

       Lin Yu felt uncomfortable after being stared at by Jiang Wanyin for a long time.

       "I just haven't seen you for a few months, my mother missed you. mother hasn't let you come back for a few months, are you angry with your mother?"

       Feeling lost, Jiang Wanyin smiled and changed the subject.

       "How can a son be angry with his mother. But what happened? Mother, why don't you let your son come back?"

       Although Mother said that it was difficult to travel because of the cold and snowy weather, and worried that he would not let him come back because of the cold on the road, and he did not come back after hearing what Mother said, but there was doubt in his heart.

       "It's not a big deal. Lin Yushi Mansion reported that Lin Fu-ren Jia-Shi is pregnant. Although the news came out only two months ago, as far as the mother knows, Jia-Shi should Seven months pregnant. Mother is worried about your sadness.."

       "Mother, didn't you also say something? This is not a big deal. Lin Fu-ren Youxi has nothing to do with us, my son is not sad."

       Lin Yu smiled at Jiang Wanyin, wanting to show that he didn't care, but Jiang Wanyin was still reluctant to see his smile, and he still cared.

       "By the way, mother, what happened to the foster father's house? How could the foster mother bring An Bei and Xi Mei to live in our house?"

       "It's irritating to talk about it..."

       Jiang Wanyin told her son about the monk.

       Lin Yu was very angry after listening.

       "It is so. Whenever this monk and Taoist can be so bold and dare to come to the door to bully children in broad daylight, it is simply lawless."

       An Er and Xi Er are both his Didi sisters-sisters. He looked at his Big-Didi sister since childhood, and in his heart they are similar to his brothers and sisters. How could he let the monk and Taoist steal them. Lin Yu became more angry the more he thought about it.

       "The monk and Taoist who dare to do evil and bully in this way, bullying young children, should be arrested in order to emulate them."

       "It's also for you to say, your righteous brother sent someone on the spot to arrest them and take them away and put them in a big jail. It's a pity that they were still told to escape."

       "That demon monk and demon way doesn't know what demon method he cultivates. It seems to have some magical powers. It can escape from the prison without knowing it. In the future, if you encounter two people, you must not meet them head-on, let alone face them. "

       Seeing Lin Yu didn't seem to care, Jiang Wanyin was worried that he was dragging him and solemnly reminded him again and again.

       "Yu Er, you have to listen to your mother about this matter. If you really meet that monk and Taoist priest, you will never be head-on with them. Mother, you are the only child. If you are hurt, wouldn't it make your mother worry? If you do, Just in case, what do you ask your mother to do in the future. Listen to what your mother said, don't worry your mother. Yu Er, you promise Mother."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's worried expression, Lin Yu agreed, although he had an idea in his heart.

       "Well, mother, I promise you."

       Jiang Wanyin was relieved after hearing this. She knew that his son always did what he said.

       Jiang Wanyin asked about Lin Yu's life and study in the academy over the past few months. mother and son chatted for a long time before they went to Zhen's house to have dinner with Zhen's family in the evening.

       The two families had a lively year together, and the monk together never appeared, and the two families slowly let go of the matter.

       In the blink of an eye, it was the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month, because last year, the family of the two people took their children out to watch the lanterns, and the children opened the door for fun. An Er and Xi Er, two young children, were always thinking about it. Zhen Lao-Ye also promised to take her son and daughter out to see the lantern. This is not the Lantern Festival, and the family went out before it got dark.

       Zhen Lao-Ye booked a private room at the tea shop along the street a few years ago, and the family went out to watch the lanterns and parade.

       During the lively festivals, there are the most kidnappers on this street. Every year, children are kidnapped, so An Er and Xi Er, who are still young, are held in the arms of their descendants.

       Watching the lanterns and watching the parade is the excitement that children only like. Jiang Wanyin hasn't been interested in it after watching it many times.

       Zhen Fu-ren is not like Jiang Wanyin. Zhen Fu-ren is a real delicate woman. After a long walk, she is exhausted and she urges her to go to the teahouse to rest.

       Jiang Wanyin kept thinking about things in her heart, and urged her to take her children to the teahouse, thinking that staying in the teahouse would be safer than being in the street.

       "Brother, Sao and I are tired. Let's go to the teahouse for a break. At this time, there are more people on the street. Let's take the children and we will not have enough. We should go to the teahouse and watch the watch upstairs. Be safe."

       Although the monk did not appear again, Jiang Wanyin did not forget that Zhen Yinglian was abducted during the Lantern Festival when she was four years old. This year, Zhen was not just four years old.

       Jiang Wanyin was worried about accidents, and feared in the unlikely event, so he urged.

       Zhen Lao-Ye hasn't responded yet, the three children don't do it.

       "Don't go to the teahouse, let's play on the street, the street is so lively."

       An Er was the first to object. Because it is the first child of Zhen Shi and his wife, and a child who has been expecting it for 20 years, Zhen Lao-Ye is also under strict control, but in the end, she is more spoiled by the child.

       The same clever and clever Xiao Zhenxi also yelled softly: "Don't go, don't go."

       Jiang Wanyin bluffed and said:

       "An Er Xi Er is obedient. There are many people on this street and there are many kidnappers, but disobedient children will be abducted by kidnappers."

       "Brother, there are more and more people, let's go quickly."

       Zhen Shi and his wife also felt that Jiang Wanyin was justified, and ignored the two children's noise and took everyone to the teahouse.

       Jiang Wanyin held her son's hand tightly along the way.

       Just seeing the teahouse approaching, suddenly a crowd of people rushed in and squeezed away the people who were together. When the crowd passed by and crowded to the front of the teahouse, Zhen Fu-ren suddenly Called.

       "Xi Er! Where's my Xi Er? Xi Er.."



       Zhen Fu-ren fainted suddenly, but fortunately Zhen Lao-Ye supported her.

       Jiang Wanyin hurriedly saw that there was no figure of Zhen Xi, and even the person holding Zhen Xi was gone.

       Jiang Wanyin immediately remembered the abduction of Zhen Yinglian.

       "Oh, it must have been dissipated by the crowd just now, and I don't know where the crowd was crowded. But it should not be far away. Just leave it to me, Brother Head Sao. You send someone to someone."

       "Fu-ren please Little-Mei."

       Zhen Lao-Ye handed Zhen Fu-ren to Jiang Wanyin, and Lin Yu hurriedly led An Er to protect her, and Zhen Lao-Ye hurried to find someone with her servant.

       It's not that Jiang Wanyin doesn't want to find someone, it's that there are so many people on the street at night, and a woman alone is more dangerous than a child. Those abductors want to abduct not only young children but also women. more beautiful a young woman is, the more dangerous it is to be alone.

       These Zhen Lao-Ye also know that even if Jiang Wanyin wants to go to Zhen Lao-Ye, she will not agree.

       Because there are so many people, it's not easy to squeeze out even if you want to go back. Jiang Wanyin took her two children to support Zhen Fu-ren to the private room reserved by Zhen Lao-Ye. Jiang Wanyin went to the shop second, rewarded a Silver-Taels and asked the shop second to find a couch for Zhen Fu-ren to lie down.

       She quietly took Zhen Fu-ren's pulse, knowing that it was okay for her to pass out because she was too emotional for a while, so Jiang Wanyin was relieved.

       "I want Mother."

       An Er is already sensible. Seeing Zhen Fu-ren fainted, she would feel relieved and cried.

       "An Er, don't be afraid, your mother is fine. Your mother is just tired. Just take a rest."

       Jiang Wanyin quickly comforted An Er.

       Lin Yu was also worried.

       "Mother, is her mother okay?"

       "It should be because I was so emotional that I fainted. Today is the Lantern Festival. I'm afraid I won't be able to hire a doctor. We should wait for your foster father to come back. Let's go back to the house and find a familiar doctor to show your foster mother."

       "Mother, do you think Brother Yi can find Sister Xi?" Lin Yu was worried.

       "I want younger sister." An Er cried again.

       "Don't cry or cry, you Dad will definitely get your sister-sister back."

       After comforting the two children, Jiang Wanyin eagerly sought Ai-Miao.

       "Ai-Miao, help me find Zhen Xi, where is Zhen Xi now?"

        "On the Lantern Festival night, Jiang Wanyin stayed up all night. Zhen Fu-ren fell asleep in the inner room, and Lin Yu took An Er to sleep in the side room, only Jiang Wanyin was sitting in the main hall of Zhen Fu-ren's main courtyard All night."

       "The sky is dimly bright outside, and Zhen Lao-Ye has not returned."

       "Last night Jiang Wanyin asked Ai-Miao to help and found a kidnapper in the city. Ai-Miao discovered that another kidnapper was holding the child in the crowd downstairs. Jiang Wanyin immediately asked someone to grab the kidnapper and take him directly to the Yamen. Reported to the officer."

       "Another excuse has already been asked about the stronghold of the kidnapper in the city from this kid's mouth, and told the officer of the kidnapper's stronghold. Fortunately, the official of Yangzhou City's parents is a good officer, and he sent a government officer overnight to catch people."

       Zhen Lao-Ye was worried that her daughter would also follow, Jiang Wanyin took Zhen Fu-ren and two children back to Zhen's house first. First, Zhen Fu-ren who was unconscious and unconscious was placed, and then someone was asked to ask the doctor. doctor came to Zhen Fu-ren to check the pulse and confirmed that it would not hinder the conditioning prescription.

       After setting up Zhen Fu-ren's affairs, Jiang Wanyin asked her son to take An Er to sleep and sit and wait by herself.

       This sits until dawn.

       Zhen Lao-Ye hasn't come back yet, but Zhen Fu-ren woke up first.

       "When Maid said Zhen Fu-ren was awake, Jiang Wanyin hurried into the inner room."

       "Sao, you are awake. Sao, how do you feel? What's wrong with you?"

       "After the doctor diagnosed the pulse last night, Jiang Wanyin was worried that Zhen Fu-ren woke up halfway and was worried, so she was given a calming soup. Zhen Fu-ren slept until dawn, but she looked very good, but Jiang Wanyin was because of the whole night. His tired face was obviously haggard."

       It's just that Zhen Fu-ren thinks of her lost daughter as soon as she wakes up, no matter how hard she can notice Jiang Wanyin's face.

       "Where is Xir? Did Xir find it?"

       "Don't worry, Sao, you have already caught a kidnapper last night, and also found a kidnapper's stronghold in the city. prefect Daren sent everyone to catch the kidnappers and traffickers overnight. My brother Xinxier has followed. From half to now, It will be dawn, and if I want to come, my brother should also be back."

       Although I heard Jiang Wanyin say this, I didn't see her daughter Zhen Fu-ren worried at all. After getting up, she sent someone to the Yamen to inquire.

       Zhen Lao-Ye didn't come back until almost noon, and also brought Zhen Xi back.

       When Zhen Fu-ren saw Zhen Lao-Ye holding Zhen Xi in her arms, she couldn't cry. Jiang Wanyin was shocked when she saw Zhen Xi was held by Zhen Fu-ren, and she hurried forward.

       "Brother, what's wrong with Xir?"

       Jiang Wanyin reached out and held Zhen Xi little hand to take the opportunity to get her pulse. Jiang Wanyin's question reminded Zhen Fu-ren, Zhen Fu-ren was even more scared to cry, and Zhen Lao-Ye hurriedly calmed down.

       "It's okay, Fu-ren, don't cry anymore. Those kidnappers who kidnapped the kid gave the kid a fan-medicine for fear that the kid would cry and attract attention. doctor who had been invited by the Yamen has seen it. Xi Er is fine, just let her sleep."


       Zhen Fu-ren choked and asked.

       "It's true. Fu-ren, take Xi Er back to your room, it's cold outside."

       Zhen Fu-ren is worried that her daughter will not be able to care about others, but Zhen Lao-Ye is a thoughtful person. After Zhen Fu-ren takes Zhen Xi away, Zhen Lao-Ye salutes Jiang Wanyin.

       Zhen Lao-Ye suddenly bowed, and was so scared that Jiang Wanyin jumped to the side regardless of his appearance, and asked in a panic, "Brother, what are you doing?"

       "The matter of cherishing your son, Sao, is here for my brother. Many Thanks for my brother. Righteous sister, Daen, remembers it for my brother."

       "Brother, what are you talking about. Aren't we brothers and sisters? Aren't we a family? A family shouldn't talk about two things. Sao treats me close, treats Yu Er as my own; Xi Er is me again watching the birth Growing up, shouldn't I do this for me? If my brother said to thank me, didn't he want to share with Little-Mei."

       "Yes, yes, it's for the brother, it's for the brother, it's the wrong thing."

       The brothers and sisters talked for a while. Jiang Wanyin was too exhausted, so they bid farewell to Zhen Lao-Ye. It happened that Lin Yu woke up and helped Jiang Wanyin to go home.

       After this incident, Zhen Xi also survived the abduction. However, after this incident, the two families were very scared. little brothers and sisters were detained at home and refused to give the door, especially Zhen Xi. After that, no matter how she troubled Zhen Shi, the couple would not take her out again. Even An Er has to have Zhen Lao-Ye personally bring Zhen Fu-ren to let him go out.

       It was time for Lin Yu to go out of the academy after the first month of the year, and Jiang Wanyin was worried about the incident. She personally prepared a salute to Lin Yu, and personally sent Lin Yu to the academy.

       Lin Yu is so old, how could he be tired of Mother anymore, and said that Jiang Wanyin would not give it away, but Jiang Wanyin was not at ease.

       "Just let your mother send you there. If you don't personally send you to the academy, your mother will not let it go." Jiang Wanyin also insisted.

       That monk has come to Zhen Lao-Ye's house, and Lin Daiyu should be born. Sooner or later the monk will come to the Lin family. If the monk finds out that she secretly gave birth to a son of the destined Lin family in the original book. , It is hard to guarantee that the monk will not be harmful to Lin Yu, she has to guard against it.

       Jiang Wanyin insisted that Lin Yu couldn't hold back Jiang Wanyin. In order to reassure Mother, Lin Yu agreed to let Jiang Wanyin send him.

       Jiang Wanyin sent him directly to the gate of the academy. Before Lin Yu got out of the carriage, Jiang Wanyin repeatedly urged Lin Yu not to meet the two of them when he met another monk, let alone hold him up until Lin Yu made sure that Jiang Wanyin would let him go. Get off the bus and go to the :Academy.

       After being bored at home for nearly a month, Zhen Xi clamored to go out to play. It happened to be the Hua Dynasty, and the flowers were about to bloom in spring. Zhen Lao-Ye cherished her daughter and agreed to take her to go outing.

       Originally, Zhen Shi and his wife wanted to invite Jiang Wanyin, but although Jiang Wanyin was close to Zhen's family, she was still an outsider. Now that Zhen's family is going for a walk, it is nothing for her to mix in with an outsider. Jiang Wanyin rejected the kindness of Zhen Shi husband and wife, and did not go outing with Zhen Shi family.

       Jiang Wanyin was still worried about her life, that was the birth of Lin Daiyu.

       In previous lives, I heard that Lin-Mei-Mei was born in the Huachao Festival. When he was born, a hundred flowers were blooming in Yangzhou City. Jiang Wanyin also wanted to see if it was true.

       As soon as the flowers bloomed before the festival, Jiang Wanyin asked someone to move a pot of unbloomed flowers to her house. She wanted to know if the flowers would bloom the next day.

       When Jiang Wanyin got up the next day, the unbloomed flowers remained the same. Jiang Wanyin asked people to find out that Jia Min Fangli had started, but he hadn't given birth yet.

       After breakfast, after knowing that the Zhen family had already gone out for an outing, Jiang Wanyin also let people prepare a carriage, took the pot of unbloomed flowers, and went directly to the Xunyan Yushi Mansion.

       Of course Jiang Wanyin was not stupid enough to go to the front yard, she went to the back door.

       She is just bored, thinking about this matter to witness a miracle.

       Jiang Wanyin was sitting in the carriage and staring at the unbloomed flower. Maid who came with her in fright thought she was crazy.

       Just when Maid watched Jiang Wanyin countless times and planned to ask Jiang Wanyin what was going on, she saw the flower that Jiang Wanyin was staring at suddenly budding, and the flower bones bloomed rapidly in the back, with a strong floral fragrance.

       Lin Mei-Mei was born.

       His eyes witnessed the miracle and verified the rumors heard in previous lives, Jiang Wanyin was very happy.

       "This rumor is really true."

       Jiang Wanyin hadn't noticed that Maid beside him was frightened.

       "Husband, Fu-ren...this, this is..."

       "This shouldn't be a monster."

       Then Maid looked at the pot of flowers that had already bloomed with a frightened look.

       "What nonsense? This is just a normal flower pot, where's the monster."

       "But, but..." Maid pointed to the potted flower for a long time. In fact, she wanted to say that she thought it was normal. How can a flower that buds bloom in an instant be normal?

       Jiang Wanyin was so frightened when she saw her Maid, she was annoyed by her carelessness. She forgot that Maid was a pure native. She didn't know that Lin Mei-Mei was born as a flower fairy.

       In order to comfort her Maid, Jiang Wanyin quickly explained.

       "You don't know that. I heard someone in my dream said that the flower fairy was here this morning, so I specially came to hold this potted flower to see if it was true. I didn't expect it to be true, this flower fairy Hundreds of flowers have come to the world to compete to meet the flower fairy. Today, you are blessed. Following Fu-ren, I witnessed the miracle of the flower fairy coming to the world with my own eyes."

       "Flower fairy, miracle?"

       Then Maid was stunned.

       "Of course it's Huaxian, but it's Huachao Festival today, have you forgotten it?"

       "It's all right, you know it, but don't go back and talk nonsense."

       "I see, Fu-ren."

       "I've seen this miracle, it's late, let's go back."

       Jiang Wanyin went to Maid and asked the coachman to set off. Just as he was about to leave, the door beside him suddenly opened. It turned out that Jiang Wanyin's carriage was parked at the back door of Lin's house.

       The person who opened the door scolded immediately when the carriage stopped there.

       "Hey, what are you doing? Who asked you to park here? This is the official residence of Yushi Yushi, do you know? This is not where anyone can park, hurry up and leave.."

       As soon as he said, Jiang Wanyin also asked Maid to urge the driver to leave.

       When he walked out of the alley, Jiang Wanyin secretly Qing that Lin Mansion's servant did not come forward to question.

       However, the tone of that speech made Jiang Wanyin think of a pair of servants of the Jia family with eyes on the top of his head. This arrogant, arrogant, arrogant and arrogant subordinate, I am afraid it is the subordinate brought by Jia Min's dowry.

       In this life, she has the memory of staying in the Lin family for more than ten years. Lin family belongs to the scholarly Aristocratic family. subordinates of the Aristocratic family are just like the master of the Aristocratic family. And the subordinates of the Jia family, like decades of generations, are defiant and deceived.

       Jiang Wanyin returned home, and when he passed the street, he heard people talking about Jia Min giving birth to a daughter.

       The Lin family knew that it was the daughter she had given birth, not the son she expected. Jia Min couldn't bear it and fell asleep after giving birth.

       Although Lin Ruhai, a new father, was disappointed that Jia Minsheng was not his long-awaited heir, but seeing the little delicate little man in Wet-nurse's arms, the heart of the new father was also soft and messed up.

       Lin Ruhai carefully took her daughter from Wet-nurse's arms, expressing joy in her heart.

       "This is my daughter. My daughter has beautiful eyebrows like daisies and delicate jade, and her nickname is Daiyu. Dad's Yuer..."

       Lin Ruhai was very happy as his first father, but Lin Lao Fu-ren was disappointed.

       Seeing that Jia Min gave birth to a daughter, Lin Lao Fu-ren took a look and left, and went back to his yard. Lin Lao Fu-ren immediately angered Jia Min.

       "Hey, it's no luck after all."

       "It's in vain that I spent so much thought on her."

       "God, are you really going to cut my Lin family incense?"

Chapter 95  |   Volume 3: Lin Family's Maid
Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135
Chapter 140
Chapter 145
Chapter 150
Chapter 155

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